HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000454_COMPLIANCE_20131119STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. C-s o O'v `mil DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ ANNUAL REPORT ❑� APPLICATION m/COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ YYYYMMDD RECEIVED NOV 2 6 2013 Town of Stallings MAYOR Lynda M. Paxton MAYOR PRO TEMPORF Rced Esarove Div of Land Resources TOWN COUNCIL, Wyatt Dunn Paul Frost INTERIM TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steele Harry Stokes 1N E-RIM 'TOWN CL.L RK Erinn Nichols Fred Weber Lynell Hillhouse November 19, 2013 Tracy E. Davis, PE, CMP North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting Unit 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 RE: Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES Permit NCS000454 Dear Mr. Davis: In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDFS) Permit Number NCS000454 issued for the Town of Stallings, enclosed please find a signed certification statement (in duplicate) in support of the Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report. In addition, attached is a 2013 TMDL Annual report (in duplicate) for the Town of Stallings as required by Section 1-1 of our permit. The Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report for the seventh year of permit coverage (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013) was finalized on November 19, 2013 using the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources web -based reporting gateway located at: http:t/bims.enr.state.ne_us:7001/swm ogin.do. Please contact me at (704) 737-3623, if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, rYl. Mehdi-Jafari "MY' Namin, P.F. Town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator Attachments: Certification (in duplicate) 2013 "TMDL Annual Report Gateway to Umoi? County 315 Stallings Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8557 • xvww.stallingsnc.org Town of Stallings G�tCW.41 y r MAYOR J Lynda M. Paxton G ` •,y�°0 CoJr� MAYOR PRO"1•EMI'ORi; r *AV n «au �� Reed Esarove TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul frost INTERIM TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steelc Harry Stokes INTERIM TOWN CLERK Erinn Nichols Fred Weber Lynell I lillhouse Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the hest of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Erinn Nichols Town of Stallings Interim Town Manager Date Gateway to Union County 315 Stallings Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8557 • %vNv%v,stallin('sitc.oI-g tcwTown of Stallings r Gaa aif MAYOR d Lynda M. Paxton ?�°n C004° MAYOR PRO TEMPORE �r Prrrrtk;' (teed Esarove "TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul frost INTERIM 'TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steele Flarry Stokes INTERIM TOWN CLERK Erinn Nichols Fred Weber Lvnell Hillhouse Phase Il Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCSOOO454 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of tines and imprisonment for knowing violations. f - 4-r n Nichols Date Town of Stallings Interim Town Manager Gateway to Union County 315 Sialtings Road • Stallings • NC • 2810d - 704-821-8557 • www.stallingsnc.org Town of Stallings 2013 Annual TMDL Report TOWN OF TA LLINGS NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 19, 2013 Table of Contents Section1.0 Introduction. ................ I ..................................... " ..................................................... I 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed..................................................................I Section 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed..........................................................................2 2.1 Utility Crossing and Outfall Inspections.................................................................2 2.2 Septic System Evaluations.......................................................................................2 2.3 Stream Walks...........................................................................................................3 Section 3.0 BMPs in `I'MDL Watersheds Without WLAs.........................................................4 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program .........................................................................................4 3.2 Stream Walks.......................................................................................... Section 4.0 Summary of Future BMPs.......................................................................................5 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed...........................................................................................5 4.2 TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs.........................................................................5 Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form Appendix B: Summary of Septic System Evaluations " I[1N'N of STALL1NGs 1111 TMDL Annual'FMDL Report Section 1.0 Introduction The Town of Stallings Phase 11 Permit (NCS000454) specifies that the Town of Stallings will produce an annual report that describes the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to comply with the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) requirements of stream segments that are subject to an approved "rMDL with storm water waste load allocations (WLAs) and those stream segments required to develop'I'MDLs with no specified WLAs. Table I below shows the applicable stream segments as listed in the 2012 North Carolina 303(d) Integrated Report. Table 1: TMDL Stream Segments Within the Town of Stallings Receiving Stream 'I'MDL Reason Use Integrated Waste Load Stream Name Segment Parameter for Rating Category Report Allocations (Assessment Category Assigned Unit Goose Creek 13-17-18a Fecal No criteria Recreation I(t) Yes coliform exceeded Goose Creek 13-17-18b Fecal Standard Recreation 4(t) Yes coliform Violation North Fork 13-17-20-1 Turbidity Standard Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Violation Life South Fork 13-17-20-2a Fish Fair/Poor Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Community Rating Life /Benthos Notes: 1(t) - Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter 4(t) - Parameter assessment is impaired and there is an approved TM DL for the parameter 5 - Waters for which TMDLs are required Only those listed stream segments that are contained within the jurisdictional boundary of the Town of Stallings are included on Table 1 above. The main objective of the Annual TMDL Report is to describe the BMPs implemented by the Town of Stallings to reduce non -point source pollutant loading to streams subject to an approved TMDL to the maximum extent practicable. 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed On August 10, 2006, the Town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek 'rMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Report STALL.INGS p Nllmilc. iW)LINq this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. The Town of Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian Trail to implement the requirements of this Program. During FY10-I 1, the North Carolina 2010 303d List was finalized. In this list, the Use Category for AU Number 13-17-18a (Goose Creek from source to SR 1524) was changed from 4t (standard violation) to 1 t (no criteria exceeded) for fecal coliform bacteria. Category It is described as "Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter". Subsequent to the release of the list a meeting was held with NC DENR staff and the decision was made to allow the suspension of the WQRP for areas of the watershed upstream of SR1524, which includes a portion of Stallings (Figure 1). Goose Creek Watershed Water {duality Recovery Program Status w Legend } — wunr u--w 0 90 ] 3 4,.,m. Figure I: Map Showing Goose Creek WQRP Status Seetion 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed 2.1 Utility Crossings and Outfall Inspections During the reporting period, the Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification of outfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. "These activities were conducted as part of stream walks. During FYI 2-13, no pollution issues were observed with utility crossings or outfall inspections. 2.2 Septic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of fecal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the Town of Stallings identified and inspected residential sanitary septic systems (individual wastewater treatment systems) within the Goose Creek watershed in order to verify 2 0STAL.1Nfr'N�11�ol; S 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Report NORH I CAROLINA that known systems were functioning as designed. Any systems identified as non -compliant, or in need of repair, have the potential to contribute untreated sanitary wastewater to surface waters, thereby increasing fecal coliform loading within the watershed. The Town of Stallings partnered with the Union County Health Department (the department with permitting authority over septic systems) to conduct inspections of all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed. To date, 74 households within the Goose Creek watershed were identified that had active septic systems. Each of the identified properties was visited by an inspection team, but only 63 were actually inspected. Three (3) of the identified properties were vacant at the time of inspection. Because the properties were vacant, the septic systems were not in use at the time of the inspection. An adequate inspection of the system could not be conducted and the overall compliance status could not be verified. However, no surficial problems were reported at these locations that would indicate the likelihood of a previous or recent problem with the systems. Eight (8) additional properties with active septic systems were not inspected because the property owners would not allow the inspection teams to access to their property for the specified purpose of inspection. The remaining 63 properties within the Goose Creek Watershed that had active septic systems were inspected between June 26, 2012 and July 17, 2012. For each inspection conducted, a checklist form was completed by the inspection team which recorded the date, location and the condition of the system inspected. Additional notes were also recorded to capture any significant or unusual circumstances. Out of the 63 active septic systems inspected, there were a number of minor issues identified. These issues included three (3) malfunctioning alarms, two (2) structures erected within the designated drain fields, and four (4) miscellaneous issues ranging from a failing electrical switch to overgrown vegetation in the drain field. Each of these issues was addressed with the respective property owners and repairs were requested to correct the identified deficiencies. Only on (1) of the systems inspected had significant issues that warranted a Notice of Violation for non-compliance. The system had apparently malfunctioned at some time in the past and the property owners had taken measures to bypass the failed system. Efforts made by the property owners to bypass the system included illegal wiring, re-routing of house drains and the installation of a bypass pump. The property owner was issued a Notice of Violation. An example of the inspection form used to collect septic system information is included in Appendix A. The inspection data collected on these forms is summarized in Appendix B. 2.3 Stream Walks During FYI 2-13, The Town of Stallings walked one third (1/3`d) of all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. Fecal coliform Sfnu'N c �l° TALLINCS 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Report NOR1'11 CAAUTANA ... . .— - ., , ..,,.. _ _. _. . ... . sampling was conducted in conjunction with stream walks only when it was necessary for the identification of fecal sources. During the FY12-13 stream walks, the following activities were conducted within the Goose Creek Watershed: • A total of 3.5 miles of streams were walked; • A total of 28 storm water outfalls were inspected; • The entire storm drain system was inspected including inlets, pipe outlets, and manholes; • No potential pollution issues were identified; • No new infrastructure issues were identified. Section 3.0 BMPs in TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs For watersheds that have a TMDL without a specific WLA, the "Down of Stallings implemented tailored strategies to enhance water quality recovery. 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program During the reporting period, the Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification of outfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. During FY 12-13, no pollution issues were observed with utility crossings or outfall inspections. 3.2 Stream Walks During FY12-13, The Town of Stallings performed stream walks in one-third (1/3`d) of the TMDL watersheds within the Town of Stallings. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. During the FY12-13 stream walks, the following activities were conducted within the TMDL Watersheds (excluding Goose Creek): • A total of 4.3 miles of streams were walked; • A total of 30 storm water outfalls were inspected; • The entire storm drain system was inspected including inlets, pipe outlets, and manholes; • No potential pollution issues were identified; • No new infrastructure issues were identified. The Town of Stallings will continue implementing stream walks as described in the Storm Water Management Program Plan within these TMDL watersheds. 4 IDS.I UN'h' Ul� •LA.L L.[.N C S 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Report NORHICAROUNA Section 4.0 Summary of Future BMPs 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed During FYI2-13, the Town of Stallings continued to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts include: • Continue to partner with Mecklenburg County and the Towns of Mint 1-1111 and Indian Trail to implement the Goose Creek WQRP. • Identify and inspect septic systems within the Goose Creek Watershed by partnering with the Union County Health Department in order to identify and correct deficiencies and failing systems. • Continue stream walks within the Town of Stallings (including Goose Creek) to identify and eliminate potential pollution sources. • The Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria as primary pollutants of concern. Each of these BMPs will be re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing fecal coliform loads to Goose Creek and re -initiated on a continuing basis as determined necessary. Based on the results from the FYI 2-13 activities, the Town of Stallings recommends continual implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. The Town of Stallings recommends walking streams within the Town (including the Goose Creek Watershed) each fiscal year as necessary. The results of these BMPs will be included in future annual reports. 4.2 TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs "The "Town of Stallings will continue to implement enhanced strategies and measures within these watersheds including: • Enhancing Public Education efforts by targeting turbidity and fecal coliform as the main pollutants of concern. The "Down of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue the focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria through implementation of structural BMPs. In addition, Stallings post -construction ordinance requires additional storm water detention and peak control above that required by the state minimum standards which helps protect stream habitat by minimizing stream bank erosion caused by large volume flows. • Enhancing detection of illicit discharges by having staff continue performing stream walks to proactively look for illicit discharges and connections that can further degrade stream water quality and habitat. Gs InN'N [lF TAoS 2112 TMDL Annuai TMDL Report N01MI CAROLINA Continuing to actively inspect storm water infrastructure to identify possible issues within the system that could cause increased turbidity and degraded habitat. "These measures will be continually evaluated for effectiveness and will be adjusted as needed to reduce pollutants in these watersheds. 2 Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI ❑a ❑b ❑c El El El ❑g System Description: (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: Land Records) System Age: Years ❑ Actual Inspection Information: (If no permit record is available use built date year from ❑ Estimated Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes ❑ No Owner present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Drain field probed: ❑ Yes ❑ No System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes ❑ No System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes ❑ No surface water body: System located <50 ft. from ❑ Yes ❑ No stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes ❑ No Irrigation on drain field: ❑ Yes ❑ No Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes ❑ No General comments/observations: # photos taken: Dye Pack Left: ❑ Yes ❑ No Signature: Checklist: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form before leaving the site 3. Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain field/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings. Summary- of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit I Ace jActlEst Omer Present Failure Observed \O�` 6/26/2012 07033062 1600E DEEPWOOD PLACE II NA 30+ E Y N, NT 6/26/2012 07033060 16010 DEEPR'OOD PLACE IIIB NA NA E Y N`T N 6/26/2012 07033059 16116 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033058 16200 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033057 16208 DEEPAVOOD PLACE IVB LPP 28+ E N N N 6/26/2012 07033056 16212 DEEPCVOOD PLACE IVA LPP MOUND NA NTA Y N N 6/26/2012 07033044 5000 SHAFTWOOD DR. II CONVENTIONAL 30+ IE N I NET N 6/26/2012 07033044A 5008 SHAFTWOOD DR. II CONVENTIONAL 30+ JE Y N N 6/26/2012 07033043A 5108 SHAFTAVOOD DR Vacant Property 6/26/2012 07033039 5116 SHAFT -WOOD DR NA CONVENTIONAL NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 107033064 5117 DEEPWOOD PLACE II CONVENTIONAL 30-= E Y N N 6/26/2012 107057009G 5825 STEVETTS MILL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1996 NA E N N N 6/2612012 07057009H 5901 STEVENS MILL RD. MIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1992 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 07057009B 5912 STEVENS MILL RD, IIC NA 1978 NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057009J 5913 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1991 NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057641 6000 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1952 NA E Y N N 6126/2012 07057640 6008 STEVEN G MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1992 NA NTA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057639 6016 STEXT-N`TS MILL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA IOTA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057642 6024 STEVENS MILL. RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1983 NA INA I Y I N N 6/26/2012 07033007 7611 STEVENS MILL. RD. 1996 Owmr did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 0703300SA 7612 STEVENS MILL RD. 1977 O-wner did not allov,- inspection 6/26/2012 0703 3007E 7640 STEVENIS MILL RD. 1995 O\rner did not alloy inspection 6/26/2012 07033010A 7700 STEVENTS MILL RD. 1980 Ovvirr did not alto j*inspection 6/26/2012 07033010 7716 STEV'EN'S MILL RD. 1963 Ovmcr did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008 7724 STEVENS MILL RD. O-vner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033007A 7S02 STEVENTS MILL, RD. 1986 Owner did not allon- ins ection 7/10/2012 0703303S 15004 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 20 E NET N N 7/10/2012 07033036 115808 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC GRAVITY 30+ E N N N 7/10/2012 0703 3037 15816 DEEPW-001) PLACE IIC SHALLOW CON ENTMONAL 30+ E Y N N Page Iof3 Summary of Goose Creel: Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit Age I Act/Est 10;vner Present Failure Observed NO�r 7/10/2012 07033004 15908 DEEPlVOOD PLACE IIA SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- - E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033067 16009 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30' E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033068 16113 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E NT NT N 7/10/2012 07033069 16201 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/10/2012 07033055 16224 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 30- E N NT N 7/10/2012 07033054 16300 DEEP`%VOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1987 25 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033070 16301 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 1972 40 A Y N N 7/10/2012 0703 3053 16308 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033071 16401 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/10/2012 07033072 16415 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 307 E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033050 16416 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1989 23 IA IY I N N 7/10/2012 07033005 14923 LAWYERS RD. CKNmer did not allow inspec.#ion 7/10/2012 07033023 15601 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1971 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033012 15623 LAWYERS RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1968 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033021 15700 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 1997 NA NA Y NT N 7/10/20U2 07033025 15709 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC CONVENTIONAL 1973 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033022 15712 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 2002 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033024 15717 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1979 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 070330.18 15812 LAWYERS RD. IIIB PUMP TO 2.5% REDUCTIO\T 2002 NA NTA N N N 7/10/2012 07057638 6100 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057617 6108 STEVENS MULL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONV)TTTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057636 6116 STEVE\TS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA N N N 7/1012012 07057635 6124 STEVENS MILL RD, IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057634 6132 STEVENS MULL RD. IVA LPP IM NTA NA Y Y Y 7/1012012 07057632 6208 STEVENS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1993 NA NA N NTA N 7/1012012 07057631 6216 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVE DONAL, 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057630 6224 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1990 NA NA NeT N N 7/120MI2 07033029 5525 GOLD CREST DR. 1113 CONVENTIONAL 30— E N N N" 7/17/2012 0703 3046 4208 GOLD CREST DR. IVA LPP NA NA N`T \T N Page 2 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address I Class Description Yr Permit I Age lActiEst Owner Present Failure Observed NOV 7/17/2012 07033045 5009 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033043 5109 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E Y N TT 7/17/2012 07033015 5112 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30— E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033016 51 16 GOLD CREST DR. ITC COi\"%,TI 7IONAL 30-� E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033041 5117 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30- E Y N N 71L /2012 07033017 5208 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTION;AL 30+ E N Nil N 7/17/2012 07033018 5216 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENMONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033034 5233 GOLD CREST DR. 1IC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033033 5235 GOLD CREST DR. II1B PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 11 A Y N N 7/17/2012 07033019 5300 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONITEN"IIONAL 30T E N N N 7/17/2012 07033032 5401 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CON ENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033026 5500 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONTAL 30— E Y N N 7/17/2012 5516 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N Nil 7/17/2012 5517 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033028 5524 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CON"ENTIONTAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 1 5850 GOLD CREST DR. 111C I CONVENTIONAL 30+ IE IY N IN Pale 3 of 3 Town of Stallings MAYOR Lynda M. Paxton co° MAYOR PRO TEMPORE n, Recd Esarove 'GOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul Frost INTERIM TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steele Harry Stokes INTERIM TOWN CLERK Erinn Nichols Fred Weber Lynell Hillhouse November 19, 2013 Tracy E. Davis, PE, CMP North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting Unit 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 RE: Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES Permit NCS000454 Dear Mr. Davis: In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Number NCS000454 issued for the Town of Stallings, enclosed please find a signed certification statement (in duplicate) in support of the Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report. In addition, attached is a 2013 TMDL Annual report (in duplicate) for the Town of Stallings as required by Section H of our permit. The Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report for the seventh year of permit coverage (October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013) was finalized on November 19, 2013 using the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources web -based reporting gateway located at: http:/Ib im s.enr.state. nc. us:7001 /swmpaflogin,do. Please contact me at (704) 737-3623, if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Mehdi-Jafari "MF' Namin, P.E. "town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator Attachments: Certification (in duplicate) 2013 TMDL Annual Report Gateway to Union Counti% 315 Stallings Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8557 • www.stallingsnc,org at Town of Stallings to 3 i MAYOR - 6 Lynda M. Paxton G � � MAYOR PRO TEMPORE ti Reed Esarove TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul Frost INTERIM TOWN MANAGER Shatana Steele Harry Stokes INITRIM TOWN CLERK Erinn Nichols Fred Weber Lynell I[illhouse Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Erinn Nichols Town of Stallings Interim Town Manager Date Gateway to Union County 315 Stallings Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821.8 57 • www.siallin�0snc.o1-g GU� Town of Stallings �- MAYOR Lynda M. Parton G � r+ co��., MAYOR PRO TEMPORE liccd E'sarovc TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul frost INTERIM •TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steele Marry Stokes INTERIMTOWN CLl?,RK EHrin Nichols Fred Weber Lynch Hillhouse Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 [ certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage tite system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Erinn Nichols 'Town of Stallings Interim Town Manager Date Gatevva.y to Union County 315 Stallings Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8557 • ww►v.stallingsnc.org Town of Stallings 2013 Annual TMDL Report Ga1�o*+•ir/TOWN O1 TALLINGS NORTH CAROLINA M� Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 19, 2013 Table of Contents Section1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................I 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed.................................................................. I Section 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed..........................................................................2 2.1 Utility Crossing and Outfall Inspections.................................................................2 2.2 Septic System Evaluations.......................................................................................2 2.3 Stream Walks.............................................................. ...........3 Section 3.0 BMPs in TMDI, Watersheds Without WLAs.........................................................4 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program.........................................................................................4 3.2 Stream Walks ....................................................... Section 4.0 Summary of Future BMPs.......................................................................................5 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed...........................................................................................5 4.2 'I'MDL, Watersheds Without WI-As.........................................................................5 Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form Appendix B: Summary of Septic System Evaluations 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Re ort STALLINGS p Section 1.0 Introduction The Town of Stallings Phase II Permit (NCS000454) specifies that the Town of'Stallings will produce an annual report that describes the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to comply with the 'Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) requirements of stream segments that are subject to an approved TMDL with storm water waste load allocations (WLAs) and those stream segments required to develop TMDLs with no specified WLAs. "fable I below shows the applicable stream segments as listed in the 2012 North Carolina 303(d) Integrated Report. Table l: TMDL Stream Segments Within the Town of Stallings Receiving Stream TMDL Reason Use Integrated Waste Load Stream Name Segment Parameter for Rating Category Report Allocations (Assessment Category Assigned Unit Goose Creek 13-17-18a Fecal No criteria Recreation 1(t) Yes coliform exceeded Goose Creek 13-17-18b Fecal Standard Recreation 4(t) Yes coliform Violation North Fork 13-17-20-1 Turbidity Standard Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Violation Life South Fork 13-17-20-2a Fish Fair/Poor Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Community Rating Life /Benthos Notes: I(t) - Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter 4(t) - Parameter assessment is impaired and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter 5 - Waters for which TMDLs are required Only those listed stream segments that are contained within the jurisdictional boundary of' the Town of Stallings are included on Table 1 above. The main objective of the Annual 'TMDL Report is to describe the BMI's implemented by the Town of Stallings to reduce non -point source pollutant loading to streams subject to an approved TMDL to the maximum extent practicable. 1.1 Background of'Goose Creek Watershed On August 10, 2006, the 'Town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a 'I-MDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of ,.�... I OWN OF�" STALLINGs 2012 TIVIDL Annual TMDL Report this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. The Town of Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian "Frail to implement the requirements of this Program. During FY10-1 1, the North Carolina 2010 303d List was finalized. In this list, the Use Category for AU Number 13-17-18a (Goose Creek from source to SR 1524) was changed from 4t (standard violation) to It (no criteria exceeded) for fecal coliform bacteria. Category It is described as "Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter". Subsequent to the release of the list a meeting was held with NC DENR staff and the decision was made to allow the suspension of the WQRP for areas of the watershed upstream of SR1524, which includes a portion of Stallings (Figure 1). Goose Creek Watershed Water Quality Recovery Program Status lYibn C.ury I� Mi.0 11 Lun n r- Legend r' WOAP nIpHpn<• C � .� Pew.wna.a 0 03 1 1 i MNO Figure t: Map Showing Goose Creek WQRP Status Section 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed 2.1 Utility Crossings and Outfall Inspections During the reporting period, the Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification of outfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. These activities were conducted as part ofstream walks. During FYI 2-13, no pollution issues were observed with utility crossings or outfall inspections. 2.2 Septic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of fecal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the Town of Stallings identified and inspected residential sanitary septic systems (individual wastewater treatment systems) within the Goose Creek watershed in order to verify 2 I!)N'N ill' 2012 't'MDL Annual TMDL Report TALLINGS n NoR'M CARMINR that known systems were functioning as designed. Any systems identified as non -compliant, or in need of repair, have the potential to contribute untreated sanitary wastewater to surface waters, thereby increasing fecal coliform loading within the watershed. The Town of Stallings partnered with the Union County Health Department (the department with permitting authority over septic systems) to conduct inspections of all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed. To date, 74 households within the Goose Creek watershed were identified that had active septic systems. Each of the identified properties was visited by an inspection team, but only 63 were actually inspected. Three (3) of the identified properties were vacant at the time of inspection. Because the properties were vacant, the septic systems were not in use at the time ofthe inspection. An adequate inspection of the system could not be conducted and the overall compliance status could not be verified. However, no surficial problems were reported at these locations that would indicate the likelihood of a previous or recent problem with the systems. Eight (8) additional properties with active septic systems were not inspected because the property owners would not allow the inspection teams to access to their property for the specified purpose of inspection. The remaining 63 properties within the Goose Creek Watershed that had active septic systems were inspected between June 26, 2012 and July 17, 2012. For each inspection conducted, a checklist form was completed by the inspection team which recorded the date, location and the condition of the system inspected. Additional notes were also recorded to capture any significant or unusual circumstances. Out of the 63 active septic systems inspected, there were a number of minor issues identified. These issues included three (3) malfunctioning alarms, two (2) structures erected within the designated drain fields, and four (4) miscellaneous issues ranging from a failing electrical switch to overgrown vegetation in the drain field. Each of these issues was addressed with the respective property owners and repairs were requested to correct the identified deficiencies. Only on (1) of the systems inspected had significant issues that warranted a Notice of� Violation for non-compliance. The system had apparently malfunctioned at some time in the past and the property owners had taken measures to bypass the failed system. Efforts made by the property owners to bypass the system included illegal wiring, re-routing of house drains and the installation of a bypass pump. The property owner was issued a Notice of Violation. An example of the inspection form used to collect septic system information is included in Appendix A. The inspection data collected on these forms is summarized in Appendix B. 2.3 Stream Walks During FY12-13, The `town of Stallings walked one third (1/3"d) of all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified from storm water outfal Is, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. Fecal coliform 3 S(1'1N'N UI: TALL.INGS 2012 TMDL Annual'I'MDL Report NORHICARO UNA ... sampling was conducted in conjunction with stream walks only when it was necessary for the identification of fecal sources. During the FYI 2-13 stream walks, the following activities were conducted within the Goose Creek Watershed: • A total of3.5 miles of streams were walked; • A total of 28 storm water outfalls were inspected; • The entire storm drain system was inspected including inlets, pipe outlets, and manholes, • No potential pollution issues were identified; • No new infrastructure issues were identified. Section 3.0 BMPs in TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs For watersheds that have a TMDL without a specific WLA, the Town of Stallings implemented tailored strategies to enhance water duality recovery. 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program During the reporting period, the Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification of outfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. During FY 12-13, no pollution issues were observed with utility crossings or outfall inspections. 3.2 Stream Walks During FY12-13, The Town of Stallings performed stream walks in one-third (1/3`d) of the TMDL watersheds within the Town of'Stallings. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified From storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. During the FY12-13 stream walks, the following activities were conducted within the TMDL Watersheds (excluding Goose Creek): • A total of 4.3 miles of streams were walked; • A total of 30 storm water outfalls were inspected; • The entire storm drain system was inspected including inlets, pipe outlets, and manholes; • No potential pollution issues were identified; • No new infrastructure issues were identified. The Town of Stallings will continue implementing stream walks as described in the Storm Water Management Program Plan within these TMDL watersheds. 4 1o"'N` l 2012 TMDL Annual TMDL Report STALLINGS NORM CAROLINn Section 4.0 Summary of Future BMN 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed During FY12-13, the Town of Stallings continued to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts include: • Continue to partner with Mecklenburg County and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian Trail to implement the Goose Creek WQRP. • Identify and inspect septic systems within the Goose Creek Watershed by partnering with the Union County Health Department in order to identify and correct deficiencies and failing systems. • Continue stream walks within the Town of Stallings (including Goose Creek) to identify and eliminate potential pollution sources. • The Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria as primary pollutants of concern. Each of these BMPs will be re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing fecal coliform loads to Goose Creek and re -initiated on a continuing basis as determined necessary. Based on the results from the FYI 2-13 activities, the Town of Stallings recommends continual implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. The Town of Stallings recommends walking streams within the Town (including the Goose Creek Watershed) each fiscal year as necessary. The results of these BMPs will be included in future annual reports. 4.2 TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs The Town of Stallings will continue to implement enhanced strategies and measures within these watersheds including: Enhancing Public Education efforts by targeting turbidity and fecal coliform as the main pollutants of concern. • The Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue the focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria through implementation of structural BMPs. In addition, Stallings post -construction ordinance requires additional storm water detention and peak control above that required by the state minimum standards which helps protect stream habitat by minimizing stream bank erosion caused by large volume flows. • Enhancing detection of illicit discharges by having staffcontinue performing stream walks to proactively look for illicit discharges and connections that can further degrade stream water quality and habitat. 5 I OWN of ' 2012 TIM, Annual TM Report STALLINCS • Continuing to actively inspect storm water infrastructure to identify possible issues within the system that could cause increased turbidity and degraded habitat. These measures will be continually evaluated for effectiveness and will be adjusted as needed to reduce pollutants in these watersheds. 6 Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑a El System Description: ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI El El ❑e ❑f ❑g (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: (If no permit record is available use built date year from Land Records) System Age: Years ❑ Actual ❑ Estimated Inspection Information: Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes ❑ No Owner present: ❑ Yes ❑ No Drain field probed: ❑ Yes ❑ No System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes ❑ No Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes ❑ No System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes ❑ No surface water body: System located <50 ft. from ❑ Yes ❑ No stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes ❑ No Irrigation on drain field: ❑ Yes ❑ No Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes ❑ No General comments/observations: # photos taken: Dye Pack Left: ❑ Yes ❑ No Signature: Checklist: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form before leaving the site I Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain field/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings. Summary of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address I Class Description Yr Peru Age Act/Est On ner I Present Failure lObserv-ed NOV 6/26/2012 07033062 16008 DEEMN 00D PLACE 11 NA 30-: E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033060 16010 DEEPNVOOD PLACE I11B NA \TA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033059 16116 DE£PWOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033058 16200 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033057 116208 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVB LPP 28+ E N N N 6/26/2012 07033056 16212 DE£nVOOD PLACE IVA LPP MOUND NA NA Y N I T 6/26/2012 07033044 5000 SHAFTIVOOD DR. II CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 6/26/2012 07033044A 5008 SHAFT -WOOD DR 11 CONVEN770ATAL 30+ E IY N N 6126/2012 07033043A 5108 SHAFTWOOD DR. Vacant Property 6/26/2012 07033039 5116 SHAFTWOOD DR. NA CONVENTIONAL NA E Y NT NT 6/26/2012 07033064 5117 DEEPWOOD PLACE 11 CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057009E 5825 STEWNS MILT. RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1996 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 07057009H 5901 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA E N 'N' IN' 6/26/2012 07057009B 5912 STEVEATS MILL RD. IIC NA 197E NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057009J 5913 STEWNS ARLL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1991 NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057641 6000 STEVE.ATS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENY1ONAI_. 1982 \TA E Y N NT 6/26/2012 07057640 6008 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA IOTA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057639 6016 STEVTNIS MULL RD, IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1991 NA N`TA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057642 6024 STEVEN'S MULL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1983 NA I NA Y N N 6/26/2012 0703 3007 7611 STE'VENS MILL RD. 1996 Ovmer did wt allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008A 7612 STEVTNS MILL RD. 1977 Owner did nest allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033007E 7640 STEVENS MILL RD. 1993 O..iner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033010A 7700 STEVENS MILL RD. 1980 Ovirr did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033010 7716 STEVE ''S MILL RD. 1963 O%%1w did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008 7724 STEVENS MILL RD. Ouiner did not allm;, inspection 6/26/2012 07033007A 7802 STEVEATS NOLL RD. 1986 O\viier did not alloy-.• inspection 7/10/2012 07033038 15004 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 20 E N N N 7/10/2012 07033036 15808 DEEPWOOD PLACE 11C GRAVITY 30+ E N N NT 7/10/2012 07033037 15816 DEEPCVOOD PLACE TUC SHALLOW CONZ'ENTiONAL• 30+ E Y N N Page 1 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit Age ]Act/]Est On ner Present Failure Observed I-NOV" 7/10/2012 07033064 15908 DEEPX','OOD PLACE IIA SHALLOW CONVYTTIONAL 30- E ly N N`T 7/10/2012 07033067 16009 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONTAL 30-' E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033068 16113 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30— E N N 7/10/2012 07033069 16201 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW COI�'Y''EN MONAL 30-! E N N N 7110/2012 07033055 16224 DEEPWOOD PLACE 11113 PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/10/2012 07033054 16300 DEEMVOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1987 25 A Y N N 7/10/2012 070330 70 16301 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVEN nONTAL 1972 40 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033053 16308 DEEPWOOD PLACE 11G SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30' E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033071 16401 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CO'-N,\T�'TiONAL 30 E N N \7 7/10/2012 07033072 16415 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVEN ONAL 30-� E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033050 16416 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1989 23 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033005 14823 LAWYERS RD. 0%,mer did not allow inspection 7/10/2012 07033023 15601 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1971 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033012 15623 LAWYERS RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1968 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033021 15700 ILNIOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NIA 1997 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033025 15709 K'NOLLWOOD PLACE 11C CONVENTIONAL 1973 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033022 15712 kN'OLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 2002 NA NA Y N N, 7/10/2012 07033024 15717 KNOLI,WOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVEIN'TIONAL 1979 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033048 15812 LAWYERS RD. 1II13 PUMP TO 2.5% REDUCTION 2002 NA NA N N N T 7/10/2012 07057638 6100 STEVENS RIILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057637 6108 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVEYnONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2)012 07057636 6116 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CON'\'E-ITIONAL. 1981 NA NA N N' N 7/10/2012 07057635 6124 STEVENS MILL RD. I1C MODIFIED CONi'EI`'TIONAL. 1981 NA NA Y N R' 7/10/2012 07057634 6132 STE.VENTS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1982 NTA NA Y Y Y 7/10/2012 07057632 6208 STEVENS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1993 NA NIA N -NA N' 7/10/2012 07057631 6216 STEVENS MILL RD. I1C MODIFIED CON'VENTIONAL 1991 NA NA Y A' N 7/10/2012 07057630 6224 STEVENTS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1980 NA NA N N N 7/12/2012 07033029 5525 GOLD CREST DR. JIB CON`VENTION'AL. 30— E N N N 7/17/2012 07033046 4208 GOLD CREST DR. IVA LPP NA ?`'A N N N Page 2 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic Scstem Evaluations Date Parcel Address I Class Description Yr Permit Age IAct/Tsr Owner Present Failure Observed INON, 7/17/2012 07033045 5009 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENMONAL 30+ E N NIT N 7117/2012 07033043 5109 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033015 5112 GOLD CREST DR. I1C CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033016 5 1) 6 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033041 5117 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033017 5208 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CQXN;ENTTONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033018 5216 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N NT 7/17/2012 07033034 5233 GOLD CRUST DR. IIC CONVE'TMONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033033 5235 GOLD CREST DR. IIIB PMIP TO CONVENTIONAL I I A Y N N 7/17/2012 07033019 5300 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033032 5401 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTTIONTAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033026 5500 GOLD CREST DR. lIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N NT 7/17/2012 5516 GOLD CREST DR. lIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 5517 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033028 5524 GOLD CREST DR. IIC COWE"ONAL 30+ E Y N N 7/17/2012 1 15850 GOLD CREST DR. 11C CCNVE-N-D Al, 30= 1 E Y NT NT Page 3af3 W14.P Town of Stallings W .' MAYOR Lynda M. Paxton G ` ry�otr Coo* MAYOR PRO TF-MPORE Reed F:sarove TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul From TOWN MANAGER Shawna Steele I larry Stokes `TOWN CI,F;RK Brian W. Matthews Fred Weber Erinn E. Nichols November 30, 2012 Ms, Coleen Sullins, P.E., Director North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stornnvater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RE: Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES Permit NCS000454 Dear Ms. Sullins: In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NI)DES) Permit Number NCS000454 issued for the Town of Stallings, enclosed please find a signed certification statement (in duplicate) in support of the Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report. In addition, attached is a 2012 TMDL Annual report (in duplicate) for the Town of Stallings as required by Section 1-1 of our permit. The Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report for the sixth year of permit coverage (October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012) was finalized on November 29, 2012 using the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources web -based reporting gateway located at: http://bims.enr,state. nc.us: 7001/swmpa/10 giE n.do. Please contact me at (704) 737-3623, if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Wl. Mehdi-Jaftri "MJ" Namin, P.E. Town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator Attachments: Certification (in duplicate) Goose Creek `I'MDI., Annual Report Addendum Gatewco, to Union Com?l.v 315 Stallin—,s Road • Stallin<ys • NC, • '28[04 a 704-821-8557 • www.siallingsnc.or-, Town of Stallings Ggfewa tltlto �' MAYOR Lynda M. PaNt0JI 4,07 toJr MAYOR PRO'TEMPORE Reed Esarove TOWN COUNCIL, Wvatt Drain Paul Frost TOWN MANAGER Sharma Steele Harry Stokes CON'N CLERK Brian W. Ma1111C%vs Frcd Weher Erinn 17. Nichols Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPUES No. NCS000454 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared tinder my direction or supervision in accordance with a systern designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the inllormation, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including; the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Brian W. Mattliews Oat Town ol'Stallings Town Manager Gaieiva-v to Union Cor n*v 115 Stallings Road • S(allimus • N(' • 2810-1 • 704-821-V57 �,t���a,titallingsnc.nrg Town of Stallings Galewa �o f• MAYOR Lynda M. Parton G � ►t Coo° MAYORl'RO"I'I:R"II'OIZG Itccd Esarovc TOWN COUNCIL Wyatt Dunn Paul Prom "TOWN MANAGER shawn"t Steele Barry Stokes Brian W. Matthews Fred Weber Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 TOWN CLERK Erinn E. Nichols I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualilied personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate. and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Brian W. Matthews Date "Town of Stallings Town Manager 17 Stallings, Koad • Stallinos 9 N� • 28I04 • 704-821-8557 < Nv\ �.st.rllin�snc.r�rg Town of Stallings 2012 Annual TMDL Report TOWN OF S TALLINGS ;'oh Cac NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 29, 2012 Table of Contents Section 1.0 Introduction .............................................. 1.1 Background of.'Goose Creek Watershed.. Section 2.0 BMi's in Goose Creek Watershed..........................................................................2 2.1 Utility Crossing and Outfall Inspections.................................................................2 2.2 Septic System Evaluations.......................................................................................2 2.3 Stream Walks...........................................................................................................3 Section 3.0 BMPs in 'I'MDL Watersheds Without WI -As .........................................................4 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program .........................................................................................4 3.2 Stream Walks...........................................................................................................4 Section 4.0 Summary of Future 13MPs....................................................................................... 4 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed...........................................................................................4 4.2 fMDI. Watersheds Without WLAs.........................................................................5 Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form Appendix 13: Summary of Septic System Evaluations Appendix C: 2012 Goose Creek 'I'MDL Stream Walk Report '"�"• SlClOWN of: of: TA L L l N G S 2012 Annual TMDL Report NORHI CAROLIN,1 Section 1.0 Introduction The Town of Stallings Phase II Permit (NCS000454) specifies that the Town of Stallings will produce an annual report that describes the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to comply with the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) requirements of stream segments that are subject to an approved TMDL with storm water waste load allocations (WI -As) and those stream segments required to develop TMDLs with no specified WLAs. Table 1 below shows the applicable stream segments as listed in the 2012 North Carolina 303(d) h-ttegrated Report. Table 1: TMDL Stream Segments Within the'rown of Stallings Receiving Stream TMDL Reason Use Integrated Waste Load Stream Name Segment Parameter for Rating Category Report Allocations (Assessment Category Assigned Unit) Goose Creek 13-17-18a Fecal No criteria Recreation I (t) Yes coIifortn exceeded Goose Creek 13-17-18b Fecal Standard Recreation 4(t) Yes colifortn Violation North Fork 13-17-20-1 Turbidity Standard Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Violation Life South Fork 13-17-20-2a Fish Pair/Poor Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Community Rating Life /Benthos Notes: 1(t) - Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved 'I'M DI, for the parameter 4(t) - Parameter assessment is impaired and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter 5 - Waters for which "fMULs are required Only those listed stream segments that are contained within the jurisdictional boundary of the Town of Stallings are included on 'fable I above. The main objective ofthe Annual TMDL Report is to describe the BMPs implemented by the Town of Stallings to reduce non -point source pollutant loading to streams subject to an approved TMDL to the maximum extent practicable. 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed On August 10, 2006, the Town of'Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDI., Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of ..: STOWN (01' TALLINGS 2012 Annual'i'Mi)L Report NORIIr ��AM ANA this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation ofthis Plan began in November 2009. The Town ol'Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian Trail to implement the requirements of tills Program. During FY10-11, the North Carolina 2010 303d List was finalized. In this list, the Use Category for AU Number 13-17-18a (Goose Creek from source to SR 1524) was changed from 4t (standard violation) to It (no criteria exceeded) for fecal coliform bacteria. Category It is described as "Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter". Subsequent to the release of the list a meeting was held with NC DENR staff and the decision was made to allow the suspension of the WQRP for areas of the watershed upstream of SR1524, which includes a portion of Stallings (Figure 1). Goose Creek Watershed Water Quality Recovery Program Status 1 . ! legend _ -- _ . u, � YVQFP nil n [4.• VVCFP &.WWd O44Yq� 6 05 1 Figure 1: Map Showing Goose Creek WQRP Status .Section 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed 2.1 Utility Crossings and Qutfall Inspections During the reporting period, the "Town of Stallings continued to implement the ']'own's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification of outfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. 2.2 Septic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of fecal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the "]'own of Stallings identified and inspected residential sanitary septic systems (individual wastewater treatment systems) within the Goose Creek watershed in order to verify that known systems were functioning as designed. Any systems identified as non -compliant, or 061 ,. STALLINGS 2012 Annual'I'MI)l. Report V NORTH CAROLINA . in need of repair, have the potential to contribute untreated sanitary wastewater to surface waters, thereby increasing fecal coliform loading within the watershed. The Town of Stallings partnered with the Union County Flealth Department (the department with permitting authority over septic systems) to conduct inspections of -all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed To date, 74 households within the Goose Creek watershed were identified that had active septic systems. Each of the identified properties was visited by an inspection team, but only 63 were actually inspected. Three (3) of the identified properties were vacant at the time of inspection. Because the properties were vacant, the septic systems were not in use at the time of the inspection. An adequate inspection of the system could not be conducted and the overall compliance status could not be verified. However, no surficial problems were reported at these locations that would indicate the likelihood of a previous or recent problem with the systems. Eight (8) additional properties with active septic systems were not inspected because the property owners would not allow the inspection teams to access to their property For the specified purpose of inspection. The remaining 63 properties within the Goose Creek Watershed that had active septic systems were inspected between June 26, 2012 and July 17, 2012. For each inspection conducted, a checklist form was completed by the inspection team which recorded the date, location and the condition of the system inspected. Additional notes were also recorded to capture any significant or unusual circumstances. Out of the 63 active septic systems inspected, there were a number of minor issues identified. These issues included three (3) malfunctioning alarms, two (2) structures erected within the designated drain fields, and four (4) miscellaneous issues ranging from a failing electrical switch to overgrown vegetation in the drain field. Each of these issues was addressed with the ' respective property owners and repairs were requested to correct the identified deficiencies. Only on (1) of the systems inspected had significant issues that warranted a Notice of Violation for non-compliance. The system had apparently malfunctioned at some time in the past and the property owners had taken measures to bypass the failed system. Efforts made by the property owners to bypass the system included illegal wiring, re-routing of house drains and the installation of a bypass pump. The property owner was issued a Notice of Violation. An example of the inspection form used to collect septic system information is included in Appendix A. The inspection data collected on these forms is summarized in Appendix 13. 2.3 Stream Walks During FY 1 1-12, The ']'own of' .Stallings began a program of walking all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed and within the 'Town of' Stallings. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate ail pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. Fecal coliform sampling was conducted in conjunction with stream walks only when it was necessary for the identification of fecal sources. 3 ••=••• STOWN Orr TALLINCS 2012 AnflUal'INDL Report N R n1 CAROLINA As a result of the stream walks, the following issues were reported: One illicit discharge was discovered and corrected; • Several dry weather flows were observed, evaluated, and found not to be illicit discharges; • Seventeen (17) storm water infrastructure issues (damaged pipes, sink holes, etc.) were identified that could cause excess sediment loading to Goose Creek and tributaries to Goose Creek. These issues were reported for follow-up and corrective action. A full copy of the Goose Creek TMDL Stream Walk report is included as Appendix C. Section 3.0 BMPs in TMDL Wtrtersheds Withottt WLAs For watersheds that have a TMDL without a specific WLA, the Town of Stallings implemented tailored strategies to enhance water quality recovery. 3.1 Illicit Dischame 1'ro ,r� am During; the reporting period, the Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program, which includes the identification oroutfalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. 3.2 Stream Walks During; FYI 1-12, The Town of Stallings performed stream walks in the TMDL watersheds within the Town of'Stallings. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. The Town of Stallings will continue implementing stream walks as described in the Storm Water Management Program Plan within these TMDL watersheds. Section 4.0 Suninurry of Future BMP.ti 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed [hiring FYI 1-12, the Town of Stallings continued to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading; to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts included: 4 •'='�• f i rU'ti fif S TA L L I N C S 2012 Annual 'I'M DL Report • Continued partnering with Mecklenburg County and the "]'owns of Mint Hill and Indian "frail to implement the Goose Creek WQRP. • Identified and inspected septic systems within the Goose Creek Watershed by partnering with the Union County Health Department in order to identify and correct deficiencies and failing systems. • Walking streams within the Town of Stallings (including Goose Creek) to identify and eliminate potential pollution sources. • The Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue locus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria as primary pollutants of concern. Each of tliese BMPs will be re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing fecal coliform loads to Goose Creek and re -initiated on a continuing basis as determined necessary. Based on the results from the FYI 1-12 activities, the Town of Stallings recommends continual implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. The "Town of Stallings recommends walking 1 /3 the length of streams within the Town (including the Goose Creek Watershed) each fiscal year. In this manner; each mile of streams within the town will be assessed every three years at a 1111n1n1Ui11. Tic Town of Stallings also recommends conducting follow-up septic system inspections within the Goose Creek Watershed on a 5-year cycle to ensure that existing systems are maintained and functioning properly. The results of these BMPs will be included in future annual reports. 4.2 TMDL, Watersheds Without WLAs The Town of Stallings will continue to implement enhanced strategies and measures within these watersheds including: Enhancing Public Education efforts by targeting turbidity and fecal coliform as the main Pollutants of concern. The Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue the focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria through implementation of structural BMPs. In addition, Stallings post -construction ordinance requires additional storm water detention and peak control above that required by the state minimum standards which helps protect stream habitat by minimizing stream bank erosion caused by large volume flows. Enhancing detection of illicit discharges by having staffcontinue performing stream walks to proactively look for illicit discharges and connections that can further degrade stream water quality and habitat. Continuing to actively inspect storm water infrastructure to identify possible issues within the system that could cause increased turbidity and degraded habitat. These measures will be continually evaluated for effectiveness and will be adjusted as needed to reduce pollutants in these watersheds. 5 Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI El ❑b ❑c El ❑e El El System Description: (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: Land Records) (If no permit record is available use built date year from System Age: Years ❑ Actual ❑ Estimated Inspection Information: Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes Owner present: ❑ Yes Drain field probed: ❑ Yes System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes surface water body: System located <SO ft. from ❑ Yes stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes Irrigation on drain field: ❑ Yes Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes General comments/observations: # photos taken: Checklist: ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Dye Pack Left: ❑ Yes ❑ No Signature: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form before leaving the site 3. Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain field/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings. Summary of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Descri tip Yr Permit lAge Act/Est Owner Present IFailure Obsers•ed NOV 6/26/2012 07033062 16008 DEEPWOOD PLACE II NA 30- E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033060 16010 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIIB NA INA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033059 16116 DEEPN%�00D PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033058 16200 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033057 16208 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVB LPP 28� E N N N 6/26/2012 07033056 16212 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IVA LPP MOUND NA NA Y N N 6/26/2012 07033044 5000 SHAFTNVOOD DR. ll CONVEN'TIONAL 30 E N N N 6/26/2012 107033044A 5008 SHAF nVOOD DR. II C0N- T ENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033043A 5108 SHAFTNVOOD DR. Vacant Property 6/26/2012 07033039 5116 SHAFTNVOOD DR. NA CONVENTIONAL NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033064 5117 DEEPWOOD PLACE II CONVENTIONAL 30- E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057009E 5825 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1996 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 07057009H 5901 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 07057009B 5912 STEVENS MULL RD. 11C NA 1978 NA E IY N N 6/26/2012 07057009d 5913 STEVEN,S MULL RD. IIIB PL'I D TO COWENTIONAL 1991 NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057641 6000 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENYIONAL 1982 NA E Y \ ti 6/26/2012 07057640 6008 STEVENS MILL RD. 11C MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA NA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057639 6016 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 1981 INA NA Y N N 6/2612012 07057642 6024 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1983 NA NA Y IN N 6/2612012 07033007 7611 STEVENS MILT. RD. 1996 Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008A 7612 STEVENS MILL RD. 1977 Owner did not allot~, inspection 6/26/2012 07033007E 7640 STEVENS MILL RD. 1995 Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033010A 7700 STEVENS MILD. RD. 1980 Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033010 7716 STEVENS MILT. RD. 1963 Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008 7724 STEVENS MILL RD. Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033007A 7802 STEVENS MILD. RD. 1986 1 Owner did not allow ins ection 7/10/2012 07033038 15004 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 20 E N \ N 7/10/2012 07033036 15808 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC. GRAVITY 30� E N N N 7/10/2012 07033037 15816 DEEPWV001) PLACE IIC SHALLOW CON'VEN iIONAL 30 IE Y N N Page 1 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic Svstem Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit lAge Act/Est Owner I Present Failure 10bsem-ed I NOV 7/10/2012 07033064 15908 DEEPWVOOD PLACE IIA SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033067 16009 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033068 16113 DEEPWVOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/10/2012 07033069 16201 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/10/2012 07033055 16224 DEEPkVOOD PLACE IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 30- IE N N N 7/10/2012 07033054 16300 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1987 25 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033070 16301 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CO\1'ENTIONAL 1972 40 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033053 16308 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E Y N 7/10/2012 07033071 16401 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- E I N N N 7/10/2012 0703307-1 16415 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30- 1 E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033050 16416 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1989 23 JA IY IN N 7/10/2012 07033005 14823 LAWYERS RD, Owner did not allow ins ecdon 7/10/2012 07033023 15601 I{NOLLWOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1971 NA NA ly N N 7/10/2012 07033012 15623 LAWYERS RD, IIC MODIFIED CON%, ENIIONAL 1968 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033021 15700 ILNOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 1987 NA NA Y N N 7/1012012 07033025 15709 K\OLL%N'OOD PLACE IIC CONVENTIONAL 1973 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033022 15712 I NOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 2002 NA INA Y N N 7/10/2012 07033024 15717 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1979 NA NA IY N N 7/10/2011 0703304E 15812 LAWYERS RD. IIIB PUMP TO 25% REDUCTION 2002 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07057638 6100 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONN'EN-IIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2011 07057637 610S STEVENS MILL RD. IIC- MODIFIED CON E\TIIONAL 1981 INA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057636 6116 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC J MODIFIED CONNENTIONAL 1981 NA NA N N \_ 7/10/2012 07057635 6124 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CON" ENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057634 6131 STEVENS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1982 NA NA Y Y Y 7/10/2012 07057632 6208 STEVENS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1993 NA NA N NA N 7/10/2012 07057631 6216 STEV'EN-'S MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057630 6224 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CON VEN7IONAL 19fi0 NA NA N N N 7/1211012 07033029 5525 GOLD CREST DR. IIB CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 107033046 14208 GOLD CREST DR. IVA LPP \TA NA N IN pN Page 2 of 3 Summary- of Goose Creel: Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit lAge Act/Est Omer Present Failure Observed I -NON" 7/17/1012 07033045 5009 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 130= E N N N 7/17/2012 07033043 5109 GOLD CREST DR. 11C CONVENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033015 5112 GOLD CREST DR. 11C CONVENTIONAL 30= E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033016 5116 GOLD CREST DR. 11C CONVENTIONAL 30= E Y N N` 7/17/2012 07033041 5117 GOLD CREST DR. 11C ICONVENTIONAL 30= E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033017 5208 GOLD CREST DR. TIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N` 7/17/2012 07033018 5216 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E N N N 7/17/2012 07033034 5233 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 07033033 5135 GOLD CREST DR. I11B PUMP TO CONTVENIIONAL 11 A Y N N 7/17/2012 07033019 5300 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/17/2012 07033032 5401 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30- E N N N 7/17/2012 07033026 3500 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONIVENTIONAL 30= E Y N N 7/17/2012 5516 GOLD CREST DR IIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 5517 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/17/2012 07033028 5524 GOLD CREST DR. ITC CONVENTIONAL 1 130 . E Y N N 7/17/2012 15850 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30+ E Y N N Page 3 of 3 Goose Creek TMDL Stream Walk Report STALLINGS Prepared by. Town of Stallings Prepared for. - Goose Creek TIODL Water Quality Recovery Report (NPDES #NCS000454) June 27. 2012 Tahle of Contents Section1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................I................I Section2.0 1'1-irpose..................................................................................................................... Section3.0 Methodology....................................................................................................... Section 4.0 Summary of Findings .................... 4.1 Illicit Discharges......................................................................................................2 4.2 Storm Water Infrastructure Mapping ...................................................... ....2 4.3 Storm Water Conveyance System Inspection.........................................................2 ,TABLES "fable 1: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data FIGURES Figure l : Stallings Outfall Map of Goose Creek Watershed Sh ip'1\'111� TALLINCS CiQOse Creek TM DI. Stream Walk Report NORnICAROLIVA 1.0 Introduction From November 9, 2011 to February 1, 2012, Don Ceccarelli, P.L. and Jeff Price walked approximately 9.0 stream miles within the town limits of. Stallings, during baseilow cpnditions. The stream miles walked were all located in the Goose Creek watershed downstream of Stevens Mill Road as shown on the Union County GIS stream coverage. The subject area was bounded on the west by 1-485 and on the east by Mill Grove Road. The mileage walked Was bounded to the north and the south by the town boundary, but included streams that drained the Lmerald Lake Country Club Golf Course and a small portion ol'the Steven's Mill Subdivision. 2.0 Purpose The stream walks were primarily performed to liiltill the requirements of'the Goose Creek Water Quality Recovery Plan for locating; and reducing the fecal coliform loading in the Goose Creek Watershed as required by the Goose Creek `total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for fecal coliform. In addition, these stream walks fulfill other elements ol'the'lown of Stallings Storm Water Management Program Plan required by the Town's Phase II NPDLS permit (Permit # NCS000395) such as: • Updating; storm water outfall maps, • Maintenance of'storm water conveyance systems, • Detection of'dry weather flows, and • Detection and elimination of illicit discharges and connections, Stream walks serve not only to meet permit conditions, but more importantly help the Town of' Stallings reduce polluted run-off from entering streams. 3.0 Methodology Stream walks were conducted during baseilow conditions. For the purposes ol� this report, basellow conditions are defined as less than 0.10 inches of�precipitation occurring in a 24-11our day during; the previous 72-hour period. The last observed rainfall event prior to the November 9, 2011 stream walk occurred from November 3-4, 2011, at which time 1.00 inch of�rainfall was recorded. The next rainfall event occurred on November 10, 201 I, however only 0.03 inches of rainfall were recorded. All precipitation data reported here was taken from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) real -tinge network website; raingage 4350857080383245, CIZN-67 "Thompson Rd. Mint 1-I111, NC. "Phis appears to be the closest active USGS raingage to the project area. During; the stream walks, staff looked for dry weather flows, discoloration, sewer fungus, suspended solids, oily sheen, dead organisms in or around the stream and other indicators typically associated with pollution discharges. ']'his included any odors typically associated with 'I�)H'� CAI° "0 STALLI NCS �`Oose Greek TMDL Stream Walk Report _...: VUR'I II (AROLINA ..:...-. ... ..... . . -- - - - .. - sewage, petroleum or chemical pollution. Any unusual or atypical conditions were traced upstream to identify potential sources, and the sources were noted if identified. During the stream walks, each component ofthe storm water infrastructure (feature) encountered was geo-located, inspected and photographed. Geographic locations were determined using a Geographic Positioning System (GPS) enabled camera (Cannon Powershot SX230 I -IS) where possible. When no GPS was available, features were located using traditional mapping techniques and coordinates were determined from Google Maps. For each feature encountered, the following information was collected: feature ID (assigned), Latitude/Longitude (decimal degrees), feature type (ditch, culvert, pipe, tributary), feature material (earthen, corrugated plastic, corrugated metal, concrete, RCP, PVC, black iron), diameter (inches), shape (circular, channel, flared), dry weather Clow present (yes; no}, outfall condition (good, lair, poor); stream bank location facing downstream (right, left), suspected source and any comments. 4.0 Summary of Findings 4.1 _Illicit Discharges One l-eature was identified as a suspected leaking sewer aerial (Item 9 orl Table 1), and one illicit discharge (discharge of used oil and gollycourse chemicals) was identified at Lmcrald Lake Country Club Golf Course (Item 26 on "fable 1). Both ofthese were reported to the "Town of Stallings for follow-up investigation and resolution in accordance with the Town of Stallings Illicit Discharge Detection and I-limination program. 4.2 Storm Water Infrastructure Mar)mnu There were 168 features inspected and cataloged; including one sewer line aerial (black iron pipe), 58 culverts, 40 ditches, 65 pipes, three pond weirs, and one tributary. Dry weather flows were present at 24 features during the stream walk. Each of these dry weather flows was evaluated and/or traced to a source. Based upon the evaluation, none of the dry weather flows were from suspected pollution sources. The location of the storm water infrastructure is shown on Figure 1. 4.3 Storm Water Conveyance System Inspection During the stream walking activities, there were several potential infrastructure issues identified with the storm water conveyance system: • three corroded or damaged storm water pipes, • six pipes with partial blockage due to sediment or debris, • one cracked concrete headwall, • one sewer lateral acting as a debris dam, • one exposed sewer lateral due to erosion, • three pipe joint separations,and • two areas where sink holes were forming near storm drain pipes These storm water infrastructure issues were reported to the Town of Stallings maintenance stall for prioritization and follow-up. Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 1 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 39 channel right 35.136810 -80.607890 no Rood cross channel log energy dissipator (natural) 2 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 32 channel left 35.136755 -80.607863 no good from dammed wetland area — natural 3 1 1/09/1 l ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.135958 -80.607979 no fair some erosion 4 11/09/11 culvert CMP 30 circular left 35.135707 -80.608486 no good 4408 Derbyshire Ln 5 l 1/09/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.135734 -80.607929 no good not on field ma 6 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 12 circular in -stream 35.136244 -80.609911 n/a good 3-barreled culvert on Em Lake golf course V 7 11/09/11 culvert RCP 40 circular left 35.136171 -80.61 1849 no good upstream from pond 8 11/09/11 culvert RCP 30 circular right 35.136143 -80.61 1874 no good some sediment buildup 9 11/09/11 lateral BLKIRON 10 circular crossing 35.139292 -80.606542 n/a fair possible leaking aerial from right bank 10 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 14 circular left 35.139414 -80.606906 yes good very low flow 11 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35.139403 -80.607197 n/a good 12 11/09/11 culvert RCP 20 circular left 35.138985 -80.608348 no food 13 1 1/09/11 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.139023 -80.608448 n/a poor Flagstick Dr. - appears to be collapsing at the joint 14 1 1/09/1 1 ditch GRASS 48 channel right 35.139568 -80.609463 no good Par 3 Ern Lake 15 1 1/09/1 1 culvert RCP 24 circular in -stream 35.141213 -80.610651 n/a good Par 5 pump house has underground leak — irrigation 16 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular right 35.140890 -80.611658 no good 17 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 36 circular right 35.142665 -80.615578 yes good low flow 18 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35,143086 -80.616598 n/a poor crushed 19 11/09/11 culvert RCP 24 circular right 1 35.145319 -80.617933 no poor partially buried with sediment 20 1 1/09/1 1 culvert RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.145341 -80.617890 n/a good cracked head wall 21 11/09/11 i e HDPE 12 circular right 35.143654 -80.612805 no good cart path Mitchell Lake 22 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 20 channel right 35.143593 -80.613631 no good cart path Mitchell Lake 23 l 1/09/1 1 i e RCP 32 circular left 35.146311 -80.605205 no good start of channel 24 11/09/11 pipe HDPE 24 circular right 35.146384 -80.604848 no good start of channel Page l of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 25 1 1/09/1 1 culvert CMP 18 circular right 35.146397 -80.604785 no goad under Union Rd. 26 11/09/11 culvert CMP 24 circular in -stream 35.145257 -80.604470 n/a good under Union Rd. - bright green in color 27 1 1/09/1 1 ditch CONCRETE 24 channel left 35.130305 -80,623555 no good sewer later acting as debris dam 28 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.130557 -80.623373 no good 29 11/09/11 culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130698 -80.623271 n/a good end ofundeveloped cul-de-sac 30 11/09/11 culvert CMP 42 circular in -stream 35.130948 -80.622960 n/a good Edgefeld Ct. 31 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 18 channel right 35.132202 -80.622584 no ood trash dump — old appliances 32 11/09/11 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.138275 -80.618275 n/a 2ood Lawvers Rd. 33 11/09/11 culvert RCP 24 circular right 35. 1402 17 -80.62031 1 ves Good under Lawvers Rd. 34 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 30 channel right 35.141285 -80.621487 ves good white house backyard across from gas station 35 11/09/11 pipe PVC 12 circular right 35.142047 -80.621586 no good back of new construction — optometrists office 36 1 1109/11 culvert RCP 42 circular in -stream 35.143028 -80.623156 n/a good 2 culverts, concrete head wall - Millwright Ln. next to lift station 37 11/09/11 ditch RIPRAP 24 channel left 35.143531 -80.623768 no good 38 11/09/11 culvert RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.144742 -80.625202 n/a good across Steven's Mill at end of walk /beg of reach 39 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.129096 -80.630620 no good downstream Steven's Mill towards Lake Dr 40 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 48 channel left 35.127534 -80,629553 no good 41 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 48 channel left 35.126551 -W627761 no good 42 11/09/11 pipe PVC 8 circular left 35.126428 -80.624318 no fair mudded in 43 1 t/09/1 1 ditch GRASS 30 channel right 35.127815 -80.624510 1 no good right bank of main channel 44 1 1/09/1 1 ditch CONCRETE 24 channel right 35.129158 -80.624360 no poor right bank of main channel — downstream Lake Dr. - eroded exposed sewer lateral 45 1 1/12/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 120 channel right 35.125713 -80,608439 no good upstream Mill Grove at waterfall 46 11/12/11 culvert RCP 24 circular left 35,126038 -80.603834 ves good upstream from waterfall [;at 1/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126353 -80.604096 1 no good upstream side of fence at posted property Page 2 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 48 l l/12/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 36 —Shape channel left 35.126429 -80.604343 no ood multiple fingers /braided 49 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 48 channel right 35.126514 -80.605698 no good two channels 50 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126579 -80,605983 no good at home where we talked to neighbor 51 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 60 channel left 35.126473 -80.606249 no good 52 11/12/11 culvert CMP 52 circular left 35,127695 -80.607383 no poor 16009 Deepwoods PI — bottom rusted out 53 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 40 channel left 35.127774 -80.607396 no good braided above — no pipe 54 1 1/1211 1 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126900 -80.608977 no I good Garden / deer feeder 55 1 1/12/1 1 trib channel left 35.126933 -80.609635 yes good not on map 56 1 1/12/1 1 culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35,126038 -80.613049 n/a_poor rusted out — crosses Goldcrest. Rusted out bottom, blown out downstream, headcut eroding 57 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.123232 -80.614813 no ood 58 1 1112/1 l pipe PVC 8 circular left 35.123501 -80.620630 yes good Country Woods WWTP 59 1 1/12/1 l ditch EARTHEN 60 channel left 35.123564 -80.620746 no no pipe, ditch at end of cul-de-sac 60 1 1112/1 l ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.124840 -80.621881 no no pipe on Hawthorne at Quince 61 11/12/11 pipe HDPE 18 circular left 35.125994 -80.623.008 no good 1525 Hawthorne Rd. 62 1/16/12 culvert CMP 15 circular left 35.131169 -80.631416 no poor 63 1 1/16/12 culvert PVC 10 circular right 35.130857 -80.632597 no good 64 1/16/12 pipe CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130829 -80.632544 yes good 2 x 36" pipes 65 1/16/12 pipe CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130360 -80.633874 yes good 2 x 36" pipes; other end of 964 66 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular right 35.130315 -80.633908 no Pood 67 1/16112 culvert I CMP 29x43 oblong in -stream 35.130128 -80.634281 n/a fair crushed circular culvert 68 I/16112 culvert CMP 27x43 oblong in -stream 35.129794 -80.634452 n/a fair pipe corroded 69 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 14 circular left 35.129073 -80.634944 no I good 70 1/16/12 pipe HDPE l4 circular right 35.129128 -80,634933 no good 71 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 circular in -stream 3 5.129 179 -80.634911 n/a good 72 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 - circular in -stream 35.128771 -80.635044 n/a good other end of #71 73 1/16/12 ditch GRASS 24 channel right 35.128551 -80.635150 no good Page 3 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 74 1/16112 culvert HDPE 19 circular in -stream 35.127487 -80.636507 n/a good 75 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 9 channel left 35.127199 -80.636865 no good 76 1/16/12 culvert CMP 32 circular in -stream 35.127135 -80.637055 n/a fair 77 1/16112 pipe PVC 4 circular right 35.126353 -80.637944 yes good 78 1/16/12 culvert PVC 10 circular right 35.126181 -80,638138 yes good 79 1/16/12 culvert RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.1261 15 -80.638368 n/a good 26 u str side. 27 dnstr side 80 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 18 circular right 35.125007 -80.639398 no I fair partially blocked 81 1/16/12 culvert CMP 30 circular in -stream 35.124921 -80.639884 n/a good 82 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 12 1 channel left 35.124916 -80.639982 no good 83 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.124739 -80.640543 no good 84 1/16/12 culvert CMP 34 circular in -stream 35.124479 -80.640661 n/a good 85 1/16/12 p,pe RCP 15 circular left 35.123686 -80.641955 no good 86 1/16/12 pipe RCP 15 circular right 35.123563 -80.641871 no fair pariially blocked; trees 87 1/16/12 pipe RCP 46 circular in -stream 35.123635 -80,641907 no fair 21" of sediment: needs cleaning 88 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.132106 -80.632364 yes good 89 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.132825 -80,632337 no good 90 1/16/12 weir CONCRETE 360 flat in -stream 35.132891 -80.632782 ves good 30 ft. weir 91 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 12 circular right 35.132143 -80.634287 no fair 92 1/16/12 culvert CMP 103 circular in -stream 35.131826 -80.635144 n/a good 93 1/16/12 weir CONCRETE 432 flat in -stream 35.131631 -80.635406 ves fair 36 ft. weir 94 1/16112 culvert CMP 30x40 I oblong in -stream 35.132606 -80.636948 n/a fair unmarked trib to the left 95 1/16/12 culvert CMP 38 circular in -stream 35.134295 -80.638156 n/a good 96 1/16/12 ipe RCP 16 circular right 35.134231 -80.638762 no good 97 1/16/12 ipe RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.134774 -80.639134 no good 98 1/16/12 culvert CMP 107 circular in -stream 35.131215 -80.637988 n/a good 99 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 circular in -stream 35.130986 -80.639043 n/a fair pipe separation; 2x69" culverts 100 1/16/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 35.131023 -80.638989 -es good 101 1/25/12 culvert RCP 48 circular in -stream 35.132755 -80.645455 n/a good 2x48" culverts: minor crack in concrete headwall Page 4 of 7 Table I: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data ID. Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Comment 102 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.133196 -80.644840 ves Egg' across countv line into Mecklenbur103 1/25/12 culvert HDPE I5 circular in -stream 35.132801 -80,644597 n/a cart path undercut and cracked 104 1/25/12 culvert CMP 27A2 oblong in -stream 35.132768 -80.644349 n/a fair Trib to left at par 3 pond 105 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 30 circular in -stream 35.133391 -80.644172 no good 6042 Arborgolo Ln. 106 1/25/12 pipe RCP 16 circular right 35. 13 1766 -80.642852 no good barking weenie dogs 107 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular right 35.131848 -80,641599 no good 108 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 24 circular left 35. 132 151 -80.640730 no good 109 1/25/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.132579 -80.640572 no good 110 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35,131845 -80,640433 n/a good 111 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.131070 -80.639710 n/a poor other side of 9110; pipe separated underground, cracked headwall 112 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular right 35.130888 -80,639454 no good 113 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.130866 -80.639425 n/a good 202" culverts 114 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 14 channel right 35.130544 -80,640247 no good 115 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular right 35.129612 -80.641686 no good 116 1/25/12 culvert RCP 53 circular in -stream 35.129648 -80.641755. n/a good 117 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.129731 -80.641707 no good 118 1/25/12 p1pe HDPE 15 circular left 35.128429 -80.642431 ves good 119 1/25112 pipe HDPE 24 circular right 35.128046 -80.642459 ves good no follow up needed 120 1/25/12 i e HDPE 15 circular left 35.127310 -80.642909 ves good no follow up needed 121 1/25/12 pipe I HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35.126885 -80,643072 no good end of channel; no need to follow u 122 1/25/12 pipe HDPE. 15 circular left 35,129490 -80.642764 no good 123 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.129306 -80.643055 no flood Overgrown with yellow flowering plant. Roof drain PVC pipe there as well 124 1/25/12 pipe BLKIRON 12 circular in -stream 3 5.1289 12 -80.643547 no good 125 1/25/12 s illwav CONCRETE 240 channel right 35.128897 -W643515 ves -ood no follow up needed 126 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 18 circular left 35-130000 -80.645115 no good 127 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.127647 -80.645456 1 ves I good no follow up needed Pa-e5of7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventon° / Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 128 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 40 circular left 35,127041 -80.646039 no mood submerged pipe in pond 129 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 30 circular left 35.126401 -80.645715 no good 130 1/25/12 i e HDPE 30 circular in -stream 35,126431 -80.645664 no good 2x30" pipes; end of channel, upper end of pond 131 1/25/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.132782 -80.631524 no fair 6" sediment buildup 132 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.133325 -80.632048 no good 133 1 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 30 circular right 1 35.134522 -80.633091 yes fair heavv vegetation, needs to be cleared 134 1/25/12 i e RCP 24 circular left 35.134626 -80.633712 yes good no follow up needed 135 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.135360 -80.631986 no good 136 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.135648 -80.631375 n/a good 137 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.135805 -80.630591 n/a good other end of 9136 138 1125112 pipe RCP 15 circular lei 35.136358 -80.629829 no good 139 1/25/12 culvert jCMP 72 circular in -stream 35,136313 -80.629858 n/a I good 140 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.136990 -80.629229 no fair eroding head cut 141 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 33,137358 -80.628678 no good 142 1/25/12 culvert CMP 48 circular in -stream 35.137358 -80.628686 n/a good 143 1/25/12 Pipe RCP 18 circular left 35.138015 -80.627988 no good 144 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 30 channel left 35.138277 -80.627700 no good Barbara Fest - vard/stream cleanup 145 1/25/12 i e RCP 18 circular right 35.138694 -80.627362 no good 146 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 35.138949 -80.627346 no good 147 1/25112 culvert RCP 48 circular in -stream 35.138973 -80.627324 n/a good 148 1/25/12 i e RCP 15 circular left 35.139447 -80.627095 no poor holding 13" water. Needs cleaning and regrading 149 1/25/12 pipe I RCP 15 circular right 35,139950 -80.627194 yes good 150 1/25/12 culvert RCP 40 circular in -stream 35.139970 -80.627135 n/a good Hunley Ridge Rd., cracked headwall 151 1/25/12 pipe RCP 30 circular in -stream 35.l40726 -80.626879 no good next rd crossing 152 2/1/12 i e RCP 20 circular left 35.136642 -80.63134 no good upstream is a lawnmower and a trike 153 2/1/1? I pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.137335 -80.632943 no fair filling in -par 3 golf course fairway Page 6 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data 1D Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape RIL Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 154 2I1112 i e PVC 4 circular left 35,138175 -80.63273 no good sand trap I green under drains 155 2/1/12 pipe PVC 4 circular left 35.138118 -80.632719 no good sand trap / green under drains 156 2/1/12 culvert RCP 20 circular left 35.138647 -80,632637 yes good 157 2/I/12 culvert PVC 4 circular right 35.138388 -80.634214 no good 4" PVC connected to 10" culvert on cart path 158 2/I/12 i e RCP 43 circular in -stream 35.140443 -80.633856 no good upstream end of trib, map marked incorrect) 159 2/1/12 culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.138936 -80,633176 n/a poor_partially blocked - needs cleaning 160 1 211112 pipe RCP 16 1 circular right 35.139004 -80.633048 no I rood from Green Ashe Lane 161 2/1/12 p1pe RCP 20 circular in -stream 35.138875 -80,632492 no good connects to 156 162 211112 pipe I RCP 16 circular right 35.139759 -80.631 178 no -,00d bunch grass 163 2/1/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.139951 -80.630565 no good 164 2/l/12 pipe RCP 41 circular in -stream 35.141426 -80.63001 no good minor crack in headwall 165 2/l/12 pipe RCP 36 circular in -stream 35.142689 -80,629805 no good minor crack in headwall - other end of 164 166 2/l/12 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.142728 -80.629814 1 no good upper end trib by fence 167 2/l/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.143622 -80.629696 yes I good significant flow 168 2/l/12 pipe RCP 30 circular right 35.143668 -80.629738 no good 1200 Mtn. Laurel Page 7 of 7 rA•_,�3� S fir` ; - r i ` ' �wYC t• `y' ', rs ' n`-tcq " t 4 i �� � 1F• .5- '�'' � 4f .. � C�fy }" L �' � ' � � .. �. ' ' ;-s.� �;p-� nor Cs �4: i , � r � �! 7 �. �� � a ��� �7yYJ1�. t7y: Y� r.• 1 "`\ iF� ♦ 4 - ! •r ;. \ f t y � s�'Z rii,y s 4� i ��" n •.� • :' � /. •? �f ' . 5, 4'' ++} ': sa• �• r} t. _,+� r 71;': `* T •ors {"� - ��' � s.,• �' j,S fyi.fs f'��,.. +� �V % l�"d_ y'4 F+� f g T .1 r s. 'L,rt -�' 'y'+r+ � .y �—' J � • •'s. _ail • •_ i- � 4 .- � �.�!' ,Jt � 7,(r' ��lL.. �u!`-�74 - 1: - +iP', � �. +�,{y.�• 14 - , Jl � � .'�� '� - ., �I:t .h ;��•�� F ��;��a; �y. �� .t 45`la •7.� • j F � ' �; _ ',,,4 ; �<T w ;+ ai����. 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Z.. �,il '�. -f' '.fit •f _�r .-�Q 1t'sA r�1i-`:.t -F {T ' .�1+"t�,i II � 11 r� r �� f1111111 r'• ° 1,p''7 TOWN OF STALLINGS 9on Co,c NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 29, 2012 Table of Contents Section1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................I 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed .......... ........................................................ I Section 2.0 BMPs in Goose Creek Watershed....................................................................11....2 2.1 Utility Crossing; and Outfall Inspections.................................................................2 2.2 Septic System I]valuations.......................................................................................2 2.3 Stream Walks............................................................................................................3 Section 3.0 BMPs in TMDL Watersheds Without WI,As.........................................................4 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program.........................................................................................4 3.2 Stream Walks...........................................................................................................4 Section 4.0 Summary of Future BMPs......................................... 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed...........................................................................................4 4.2 TMDL Watersheds Without WLAs.........................................................................5 Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form Appendix B: Summary of Septic System Evaluations Appendix C: 2012 Goose Creek TMDI. Stream Walk Report rIMN (IF 2012 Al "I'MM, Report ' STALLINGS nnua'' NOR III CAROLINA .- , Section 1.0 Introduction The "Town of Stallings Phase 11 Permit (NCS000454) specifies that the Town of Stallings will produce an annual report that describes the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to comply with the Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) requirements of stream segments that are subject to an approved TMDL with storm water waste load allocations (WLAs) and those stream segments required to develop TMDI-s with no specified WLAs. "Table I below shows the applicable stream segments as listed in the 2012 North Carolina 303(d) Integrated Report. Table 1: TMDL Stream Segments Within the Town of Stallings Receiving Stream TMDL Reason Use Integrated Waste Load Stream Name Segment Parameter for Rating Category Report Allocations (Assessment Category Assigned Unit) Goose Creek 13-17-18a Fecal No criteria Recreation 1(t) Yes coliform exceeded Goose Creek 13-17-18b Fecal Standard Recreation 4(t) Yes coliform Violation North Fork 13-17-20-1 Turbidity Standard Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Violation Life South Fork 13-17-20-2a Fish Fair/Poor Aquatic 5 No Crooked Creek Community Rating Life /Benthos Notes: I (t) - Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TM Df, for the parameter 4(t) - Parameter assessment is impaired and there is an approved TMDL, for the parameter 5 - Waters for which TMDLs are required Only those listed stream segments that are contained within the jurisdictional boundary of the Town of Stallings are included on Table 1 above. The main objective of the Annual "TMDL Report is to describe the BMPs implemented by the Town of Stallings to reduce non -point source pollutant loading to streams subject to all approved TMDL to the maximum extent practicable. 1.1 Background of Goose Creek Watershed On August 10, 2006, the Town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal cohlorni TMDL, for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of' Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of "'=''• I( MIN Or�...: STA r NGS 2012 Annual "1'MD], Report this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began In November 2009. The 'Town of Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian `frail to implement the requirements of this Program. During FYI 0-1 1, the North Carolina 2010 303d List was finalized. In this list, the Use Category for AU Number 13-17-18a (Goose Creek from Goose Creek Watershed Water Quality Recovery Program Status source to SR 1524) was changed From 4t (standard violation) to It (no criteria exceeded) for fecal coliform bacteria. Category It is described as "Parameter is supporting uses in the AU and there is an approved TMDL for the parameter". Subsequent to the release ol�the list a meeting was held with NC DENR staff and the decision was made to allow the suspension of the WQRP for areas of the watershed upstream of'SR1524, which includes it portion of Stallings (Figure 1). i- 0 05 Figure I: Map Showing Goose Creek WQRP Status Section 2.0 BMP.s in Goose Creek Watershed 2.1 Utility CrossinLs and Outfall Inspections Legend — V{QRF"Ia"p{... Y+CPP &...+. YWn Tr.. `� StaYnp. IM.M.AvpC0.nt. - M.e HiY © C YIYiN.hea During the reporting period, the "Town of Stallings continued to implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and I-limination program, which includes the identification of outlalls, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation ofany dry weather flows. 2.2 ' Scptic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of fecal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the Town of'Stallings identified and inspected residential sanitary septic systems (individual wastewater treatment systems) within the Goose Creek watershed in order to verify that known systems were functioning as designed. Any systems identified as non -compliant, or 2 �,,' ��x N[sS 2011 AnnkmI TMU Report TALLI .-": I l W 1 U r1 i:ARoJANA .. in need ofrepair, have the potential to contribute untreated sanitary wastewater to surface waters, thereby increasing fecal coliform loading within the watershed. The '[own of Stallings partnered with the Union County Health Department (the department with permitting; authority over septic systems) to conduct inspections of all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed To date, 74 households within the Goose Creek watershed were identified that had active septic systems. L.ach ofthe identified properties was visited by an inspection team, but only 63 were actually inspected. Three (3) of the identified properties were vacant at the time of inspection. I3ecause the properties were vacant, the septic systems were not in use at the time of the inspection. An adequate inspection of the system could not be conducted and the overall compliance status could not be verified. However, no surficial problems were reported at these locations that would indicate the likelihood of�a previous or recent problem with the systems. Eight (8) additional properties with active septic systems were not inspected because the property owners would not allow the inspection teams to access to their property for the specified purpose of' inspection. The remaining 63 properties within the Goose Creek Watershed that had active septic systems were inspected between .tune 26, 2012 and July 17, 2012. For each inspection conducted, a checklist form was completed by the inspection team which recorded the date, location and the condition of the system inspected. Additional notes were also recorded to capture any significant or unusual circumstances. Out of the 63 active septic systems inspected, there were a number of minor issues identified. These issues included three (3) malfunctioning alarms, two (2) structures erected within the designated drain fields, and tour (4) miscellaneous issues ranging from a failing electrical switch to overgrown vegetation in the drain field. Mach of these issues was addressed with the respective properly owners and repairs were requested to correct the identified deficiencies. Only on (I) of the systems inspected had significant issues that warranted a Notice of Violation for non-compliance. The system had apparently malfunctioned at some time in the past and the property owners had taken measures to bypass the failed system. Efforts made by the properly owners to bypass the system included illegal wiring, re-routing of house drains and the installation of a bypass pump. The property owner was issued a Notice of Violation. An example of -the inspection form used to collect septic system information is included in Appendix A. The inspection data collected on these fonns is summarized in Appendix B. 2.3 Stream Walks During I' Y I 1-12, The Town of Stallings began a program of walking all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed and within the Town of'Stallings. The purpose of these walks was to identify and eliminate all pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infrastructure failures. Fecal coliform sampling was conducted in conjunction with stream walks only when it was necessary for the identification of fecal sources. 3 'OrYlq'N OF STALLINGS 2012 Am1Ua1TMDL Report As it result of the stream walks, the following; issues were reported: •. One illicit discharge was discovered and corrected; • Several dry weather flows were observed, evaluated, and found not to be illicit discharges; • Seventeen (17) storm water infrastructure issues (damaged pipes, sink holes, etc.) were identified that could cause excess sediment loading to Goose Creek and tributaries to Goose Creek. Thesc issues were reported for follow-up and corrective action. A full copy of the Goose Creek TMDL Stream Walk report is included as Appendix C. Section 3.0 BMPs irr TMDL Wrrtersherls Without WLAs For watersheds that have a `TMD11 without a specific WLA, the Town of Stallings implemented tailored strategies to enhance water quality recovery. 3.1 Illicit Discharge Program During the reporting period, the Town ol-'Stalling� continued to Implement the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and I. Irmrnation program, which Includes the identification of ol.1tf2111S, visual inspection of utility crossings and evaluation of any dry weather flows. 3.2 Stream Walks During; FYI 1-12, The "Town of'Stallings performed stream walks in the TMDL waterslicds within the Town ol'Stalling;s. The purpose of*these walks was to identify and eliminate all Pollution sources identified from storm water outfalls, creek crossings and infraslrUCtUre tailures. The Town of Stallings will continue implementing; stream walks as described in the Storm Water Management Program Plan within these TMDI., watersheds. Section 4.0 Sunrnrtary of Future BMPs 4.1 Goose Creek Watershed During; FYI 1-12, the "Town of'Stallings continued to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading; to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts included: 4 •'-'•rrrwn i�r STALLINGS 1 Ml�l. Report2012 Annual �...= NOHIli CAROLINA • Continued partnering with Mecklenburg County and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian "frail to implement the Goose Creek WQRP. • Identified and inspected septic systems within the Goose Creek Watershed by partnering with the Union County Health Department in order to identify and correct deliciencies and failing; systems. • Walking; streams within the Town of Stallings (including Goose Creek) to identify and eliminate potential pollution sources. • The "Town of Stallings post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue focus of reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria as primary pollutants of concern. Each of these BM1 s will be re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing focal coliform loads to Goose Creek and re -initiated on a continuing basis as determined necessary. Based on the results from the F Y 1 1- 12 activities, the "Town of� Stal lings recommends c011tinual implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. The Town of Stallings recommends walking; 113 the length of streams within the Town (including the Goose Creek Watershed) each fiscal year. In this manner, each mile of streams within the town will be assessed every three years at a minimum. The Town of Stallings also recommends conducting follow-up septic system inspections within the Goose Creek Watershed on a 5-year cycle to ensure that existing systems are maintained and functioning properly. The results of these BMPs will be included in future annual reports. 4.2 TMD11 Watersheds Without WLAs Tlie Town of Stallings will continue to implement enhanced strategies and measures within these watersheds including: • Enhancing Public lsducation efforts by targeting turbidity and fecal coliform as the main pollutants of concern. • The Town ol'Stalling;s post -construction ordinance will be implemented to continue the focus of' reducing turbidity and fecal coliform bacteria through implementation of structural BMPs. In addition, Stallings post -construction ordinance requires additional storm water detention and peak control above that required by the state minimum standards which helps protect stream habitat by minimizing stream bank erosion caused by large volume flows. • Enhancing; detection of illicit discharges by having staffcontinue performing; stream walks to proactively look for illicit discharges and connections that can further degrade stream water quality and habitat. • Continuing to actively inspect storm water infrastructure to identify possible issues within the system that could cause increased turbidity and degraded habitat. Thew measures will be continually evaluated for effectiveness and will be adjusted as needed.to reduce pollutants in these watersheds. Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI ❑a ❑b ❑c ❑d ❑e Of ' ❑g System Description: (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: Land Records) (If no permit record is available use built date year from System Age: Years ❑ Actual ❑ Estimated Inspection Information: Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes Owner present: ❑ Yes Drain field probed: ❑ Yes System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes surface water body: System located <50 ft. from ❑ Yes stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes Irrigation on drain Feld: ❑ Yes Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes General comments/observations: # photos taken: Checklist: ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No Dye Pack Left: ❑ Yes ❑ No Signature: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form before leaving the site 3. Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain field/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings. Summao- of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date I Parcel Address I Class IDescriptim Yr Permit Age Act/Est Owner Present Failure Observed I NON' 6/16/2012 07033062 1600E DEEPWOOD PLACE II NA 30� E Y N N 6/1612012 07033060 16010 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIIB NA \1A E Y N N 6/2612012 07033059 16116 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIB CONVENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 6/26/2012 0703305E 16200 DEEPWOOD PLACE I113 CONVENTIONAL 30= E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033057 16208 DEEPIVOOD PLACE IVB LPP 28= E N N N 6/26/2012 07033056 16212 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP MOU1iD INA NA Y \' N 6/26/2012 07033044 5000 SHAFTWOOD DR. II CONVENTIONAL 30= E 'N 6/26/2012 07033044A 5008 SHAFT\VOOD DR. II CONVENTIONAL 1301 E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033043A 5108 SHAFTNVOOD DR, lVacant Pro ei ° 6/16/2011 07033039 5116 SHAMVOOD DR NA CONVENTIONAL NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 07033064 5117 DEEPWOOD PLACE II CONVENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 6/26/2012 07057009E 5525 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUS TO CONVENTIONAL 1996 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 107057009H 5901 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVEN 'ZONAL 1982 NA E N N N 6/26/2012 07057009E 5912 STE%'E\S MILL RD. IIC NA 1975 1 NA E ly N NN 6/26/2011 07057009J 5913 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUS TO CONVENTIONAL 1991 NA E Y N N 6/26/2012 0705 7641 6000 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA E Y N 6/26/2012 07057640 1600S STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1982 NA NA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057639 6016 STEVENS MILL RD. IIIB PUS TO CONAL 19SI NA NA Y N N 6/26/2012 07057642 6024 STE\ENS MILL RD. IIC IMODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 19S3 INA I NA ly N N 6/16/2012 07033007 7611 STEVENS MILL RD, 1996 O«•ner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008A 7612 STEVENS MILL RD. 1977 Owner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033007E 7640 STEVENS MILL RD. 1995 0%vner did not allot, inspection 6/26/2012 07033010A 7700 STEVENS MILL RD. 1950 0%vner did not allow inspection 6/2612012 07033010 7716 STEVENS MILL RD. 1963 1 O«•ner did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033008 7724 STEVEN'S MILL RD. Ovmer did not allow inspection 6/26/2012 07033007A 7802 STEVENS MILL RD. 1986 Ov--ner did not ailo%y Inspection 7/10/2012 07033038 15004 DEEPWOOD PLACE iIIB PUS TO C0NVEN' IONTAL 20 E N N N 7/10/2012 07033036 15508 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC GRAVITY 30* E Ni N N 7/10/2012 107033037 15816 DEEPWVOOD PLACE I1C ISHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30* E Y N N Page 1 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic SYstern Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit Age Act/Est Owner Present Failure Observed I NOV' 7/10/2012 iO7O33064 15908 DEEP%VOOD PLACE IIA SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30q E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033067 16009 DEEPWOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CON"VENTIONAL 30� E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033068 16113 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/10/2012 07033069 16201 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/10/2012 07033055 16224 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIIB PU-Iv1P TO CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/10/2012 07033054 16300 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1987 25 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033070 16301 DEEP\VOOD PLACE IIC. SHALLOW CON TINTTIONAL 1972 40 A Y N N 7/10/2012 07033053 16308 DEEPNVOOD PLACE IIC SHALLOW CONTVENTIONAL 30- E Y N N 7/10/2012 07033071 16401 DEEPWVOODPLACE IIC SHALLOW CONT'EENTIONAL 30� IE N N N 7/10/2012 07033072 16413 DEE PWOOD PLA C E IIC SHALL0WC0NATN`T1ONAL 13,01 E IY N N 7/10/2012 07033050 16416 DEEPWOOD PLACE IVA LPP 1989 23 A IY N N 7/10/2012 07033005 14823 LAWYERS RD. Owner did not allow inspection 7/10/2012 07033023 15601 KNOLLNVOOD PLACE IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1971 NA NA IY N N 7/10/2012 07033012 15623 LAWYERS RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1968 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07033021 15700 IC\TOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 1987 NA NA Y N N 7/1012012 07033025 15709 ICNOLLWVOOD PLACE IIC CONVENTIONAL 1973 NA NA NT N. N 7/10/2012 07033022 15712 iCNOLLWOOD PLACE IVA NA 2002 NA NA Y N N 7/1012012 07033024 15717 KNOLLWOOD PLACE IIC IMODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1979 NA NA Y N N 7/1012012 0703304S 15812 LAWYERS RD. IIIB PUNT TO 25% REDUCTION 2002 NA NA N' N N 7/10/2012 07057638 6100 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENiTIONTAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057637 610S STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057636 6116 STEVENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA N N N 7/10/2012 07057635 6124 STEV-ENS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057634 6132 STEVENS MILL RD. IVA LPP 1982 NA NA Y Y Y 7/10/2012 07057632 620S STEVEN'S MILL RD, IVA LPP 1993 NA NA N NA N 7/10/2012 07057631 6216 STEVEN'S MILL RD, IIC MODIFIED CO'N' EN'n0NAL 1981 NA NA Y N N 7/10/2012 07057630 6224 STEVENI TS MILL RD. IIC MODIFIED CONVENTIONAL 1980 NA NA N N N 7/12/2012 07033029 55 25 GOLD CREST DR. IIB CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 0703304fi 4208 GOLD CREST DR. 1 'A LPP NA NA N \ N Page 2 of 3 Summary of Goose Creek Septic System Evaluations Date Parcel Address Class Description Yr Permit Age Act/Est Owner Present Failure Observed NON" 7/17/2012 07033045 5009 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CO`1'ENTIONAL 30+ E \ \ N 7/17/2012 07033043 5109 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30� E Y 7/17/201-1 07033015 5113 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 304- E Y N N 7/17/2012 07033016 5116 GOLD CREST DR. 11C CO\1-EtiTI0 NN AL 30= E Y 7/17/2012 07033041 5117 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CO\1-ENTIO\iAL 130= E IY 7/17/2012 07033017 5208 GOLD CREST DR. I1C C.ONIVEN,TIONAL 30= E N \ N 7/17/2012 07033018 5216 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CO\IN,ENTIONAL 30* E N N N 7117/2012 07033034 5233 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/17/2012 07033033 5235 GOLD CREST DR. IIIB PUMP TO CONVENTIONAL 11 A Y N N 7117/ �01 2 07033019 5300 GOLD CREST DR. 1IC CWTVENTION, AL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 07033032 5401 GOLD CREST DR. IIC COtiT'ENTIONAL 30� E N N N 7/17/2012 07033026 5500 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CO\A'ENTIONAL 30* E. Y N \' 7117/201 _' 5516 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E N N N 7/17/2012 5517 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CO,VVENTIONAL 30= E \ IN N 7/17/201 2 07033028 5524 GOLD CREST DR. iIC CONVENTIONAL 30= E Y IN N 7/17/2012 15850 GOLD CREST DR. IIC CONVENTIONAL E Y N N Page 3 of 3 Goose Creek TMDL Stream Walk Report �_: STALLINGS Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: Goose Creek TMDL Water Quality Recovery Report (NPDES #NCS000454) June 27, 2012 Table of Contents Section1.0 Introduction ................ ............... ...... ......................................................................... I Section 2.0 Purpose. Section3.0 Methodology............................................................................................................ Section 4.0 Summary of' Findings...............................................................................................2 4.1 Illicit Discharges......................................................................................................2 4.2 Storm Water Infrastructure Mapping.......................................................................2 4.3 Storm Water Conveyance System Inspection.........................................................2 TABLES Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data FIGURES Figure 1: Stallings 41.1tfall Map of -Goose Creek Watershed ItiN tiE' '� STALLINCS Goose Creek TMDL,Stream Walk Report ...: NOR'I I CAROLINA 1.0 Introduction From November 9, 2011 to February 1, 2012, Don Ceccarelli, P.E— and .Jeff Pricc walked approximately 9.0 stream miles within the town limits of Stallings, during baseflow conditions. The stream miles walked were all located in the Goose Creek watershed downstream of Stevens Mill Road as shown on the Union County GIS stream coverage. The subject area was bounded on the west by 1-485 and on the east by Mill Grove Road. The mileage walked was bounded to the north and the south by the town boundary, but included streams that drained the Emerald Lake Country Club Golf Course and a small portion of'the Steven's Mill Subdivision. 2.0 Purpose The stream walks were primarily performed to fulfill the requirements of the Goose Creek Water Quality Recovery Plan for locating and reducing the fecal coliform loading in the Goose Creek Watershed as required by the Goose Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for fecal colilorm. In addition, these stream walks I'ulfill other elements of -the Town of' Stallings Storm Water Managcnient Program Plan required by the Town's Phase 11 NJ'DE-S permit (Permit # NCS000395) such as: • Updating storm water outfall maps, • Maintenance of storm water conveyance systems, • Detection of dry weather flows, and • Detection and elimination of'illicit discharges and connections, Stream walks serve not only to meet permit conditions, but more importantly help the Town of Stallings reduce polluted run-off from entering streams. 3.0 Methodology Stream walks were conducted during baseflow conditions. For the purposes ol�this report, baseflow conditions are defined as less than 0.10 inches of precipitation occurring in a 24-11our day during the previous 72-11our period. The last observed rainfall event prior to the November 9, 2011 stream walk occurred from November 3-4, 2011 , at which time 1.00 inch of rainfall was recorded. The next rainfall event occurred on November 10, 2011, however only 0.03 inches of' rainfall were recorded. All precipitation data reported here was taken from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) real-time network website; raingage #350857080383245, CRN-67 "Thompson Rd. Mint Mill, NC. This appears to be the closest active USGS raingage to the project area. During the stream walks, staff looked for dry weather flows, discoloration, sewer fungus, suspended solids, oily sheen, dead organisms in or around the stream and other indicators typically associated with pollution discharges. This included any odors typically associated with r rr,u°N 6r Goose Creek TMDL Stream Walk Report >rj�,_ STALLINCS sewage, petroleum or chemical pollution. Any unusual or atypical conditions were traced Upstream to identify potential sources, and the sources were noted if identified. During the stream walks, each component of the storm water infrastructure (feature) encountered was geo-located, inspected and photographed. Geographic locations were determined using a Geographic Positioning System (GPS) enabled camera (Cannon Powershot SX230 I -IS) where possible. When no GPS was available, features were located using traditional mapping techniques and coordinates were determined from Google Maps. For each feature encountered, the following information was collected: feature ID (assigned), Latitude/Longitude (decimal degrees), feature type (ditch, culvert, pipe, tributary), feature material (earthen, corrugated plastic, corrugated metal, concrete, RCI', PVC, black iron), diameter (inches), shape (circular, channel, flared), dry weather flow present (yes, no), outfall condition (good, fair, poor), stream bank location facing downstream (right, left), suspected source and any comments. 4.0 Summary of Findings 4.1 Illicit Discharges One feature was identified as a suspected leaking sewer aerial (Item 9 on `table 1), and one illicit discharge (discharge of used oil and golf course chemicals) was identified at Emerald Lake. Country Club Gol l' Course (Item 26 on `fable 1). Both of these were reported to the ']'own of Stallings f-or follow-up investigation and resolution in accordance Willi the "town of'Stallings Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program. 4.2 Storm Water Infrastructure ManIling "There were 168 features inspected and cataloged; including one sewer line aerial (black iron pipe), 58 culverts, 40 ditches, 65 pipes, three pond weirs, and one tributary. Dry weather flows were present at 24 Features during the stream walk. Each of these dry weather flows was evaluated and/or traced to a source. Based upon the evaluation, none of the dry weather flows were from suspected pollution sources. The location of the storm water infrastructure is shown on Figure 1. 4.3 Storm Water Conveyance System Inspection During the stream walking activities, there were several potential infrastructure issues identified with the storm water conveyance system: • three corroded or damaged storm water pipes, • six pipes with partial blockage clue to sediment or debris, • one cracked concrete headwall, • one sewer lateral acting as a debris dam, • one exposed sewer lateral due to erosion, • three pipe joint separations, and • two areas where sink holes were forming near storm drain pipes These storm water infrastructure issues were reported to the Town of Stallings maintenance staff for prioritization and follow-up. Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Comment 1 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 39 channel right 35.136810 -80.607890 no EE�ood cross channel log energy dissipator (natural} 2 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 32 channel left 35.136755 -80.607863 no good from dammed wetland area — natural 3 1 1/09/1 l ditch EARTHEN 24 channel ri ht 35.135958 -80.607979 no fair some erosion 4 1 1/09/1 l culvert CMP 30 circular left 35.135707 -80.608486 no good 1 4408 Derbyshire Ln 5 l 1/09/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.135734 -80.607929 no good not on field ma 6 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 12 circular in -stream 35.136244 -80.609911 n/a good 3-barreled culvert on Ern Lake golf course 7 11/09/11 culvert I RCP 40 1 circular left 35.136171 -80.611849 no good u stream from pond 8 1 l/0911 1 culvert RCP 30 circular right 35.136143 -80.61 1874 no good some sediment buildup 9 11/09/11 lateral BLKIRON 10 circular crossing g 35.139292 -80.606542 n/a fair possible leaking aerial from right bank 10 l 1/09/1 1 culvert HDPE 14 circular left 35.1394114 -80.606906 ves good very low flow 11 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35.139403 -80.607197 n/a good 12 I1/09/11 culvert RCP 20 circular left 35.138985 -80.608348 no good 13 11/09/11 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35,139023 -80.608448 n/a poor Fla -stick Dr. - appears to be I collapsing at the joint 14 11/09/11 ditch GRASS 48 channel right 35.139568 -80.609463 no good Par 3 Em Lake 15 11/09/1 I culvert RCP 24 circular in -stream 35.141213 -80.610651 n/a good Par 5 pump house has underground leak —irrigation 16 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular right 35.140890 -80.611658 no Qood 17 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 36 circular right 35.142665 -80.615578 ves good low flow 18 11/09/11 culvert HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35.143086 -80.616598 n/a poor crushed 19 11/09/11 culvert RCP 24 circular right 35.145319 -80,617933 no poor partially buried with sediment 20 11/09/11 culvert RCP 28 circular in -stream 35,145341 -80.617890 n/a good cracked head wall 21 11/09/11 pipe HDPE 12 circular right 35.143654 -80,612805 no good cart path Mitchell Lake 22 l 1/09/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 20 channel right 35,143593 -80.613631 no good cart path Mitchell Lake 23 11/09/11 pipe RCP 32 circular left 35.146311 -80.605205 good start of channel 24 1 1/09/1 1 pipe HDPE 24 circular right 35.146384 -80,604848 P'no good start of channel Page 1 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory, / Inspection Data 1D Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 25 1 1/09/1 l culvert CMP 18 circular right 35,146397 -80.604785 no good under Union Rd. 26 11/09/11 culvert CMP 24 circular in -stream 35.145257 -80.604470 n/a good under Union Rd. - bright green in color V V 27 l 1/09/1 l ditch CONCRETE 24 channel left 35.130305 -80.623555 no good sewer later acting as debris dam 28 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.130557 -80.623373 no good 29 1 1/09/1 l culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130698 -80.62327, n/a good end of undeveloped cul-de-sac 30 1 1/09/1 l culvert CMP 42 circular in -stream 35.130948 -80.622960 n/a good Edgefield Ct. 31 1 1/09/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 18 channel right 35.132202 -80.622584 no good trash dump — old appliances 32 11/09/11 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35,138275 -80.618275 n/a good Lawyers Rd. 33 11/09/11 culvert RCP 24 circular right 35.140217 -80.620311 yes good under Lawyers Rd. 34 1 1/09/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 30 channel right 35.141285 -80.621487 yes good white house backyard across from gas station 35 1 1/09/1 1 pipe PVC 12 circular right 35.142047 -80.621386 no good back of new construction — optometrists office 36 1 1/09/1 1 culvert RCP 42 circular in -stream 35.143028 -80.623156 n/a good 2 culverts, concrete head wall - Millwright Ln. next to lift station 37 11/09/11 ditch RIPRAP 24 channel left 35.143531 -80.623768 no good 38 1 1/09/1 1 culvert RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.144742 -80,625202 n/a_good across Steven's Mill at end of walk / beg of reach 39 1 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35,129096 -80.630620 no good downstream Steven's Mill towards Lake Dr 40 11/09/11 ditch EARTHEN 48 channel left 35.127534 -80.629553 no ood 41 11/09/11 ditch lEARTHEN 48 channel left 35.126551 -80.627761 no I good 42 11/09/11 pipe PVC 8 circular left 35,126428 -80.624318 no fair mudded in 43 1 1/09/1 1 ditch GRASS 30 channel right 35.127815 -80,624510 no good right bank of main channel 44 1 1/09/1 1 ditch CONCRETE 24 channel right 35.129158 -80.624360 no poor right bank of main channel — downstream Lake Dr. - eroded exposed sewer lateral 45 1 1/12/1 1. ditch EARTHEN 120 channel right 35.125713 -80.608439 no good upstream Mill Grove at waterfall 46 1 1/12/11 culvert RCP 24 circular left 35.126038 -80.603834 yes good upstream from waterfall 47 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126353 -80.604096 no good upstream side of fence at posted property Page 2 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk lnventon, / Inspection Data 1D Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude i Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 48 1 1/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.126429 -80.604343 no Good multiple fingers / braided 49 1 1/12/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 48 channel right 35.126514 -80.605698 no good two channels 50 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126579 -80.605983 no good at home where we talked to neighbor 51 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 60 channel left 35.126473 -80.606249 no good 52 1 l/12/11 culvert CMP 52 circular left 35.127695 -80.607383 no poor 16009 Deepwoods PI — bottom rusted out 53 11/12/1 l ditch EARTHEN 40 channel left 35.127774 -80.607396 no good braided above — no pipe 54 1 1/12/1 l ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.126900 -80.608977 no I hood Garden / deer feeder 55 11/12/1 1 trib channel left 35.126933 -80.609635 yes good not on ma 56 11/12/11 culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35,126038 -80.613049 n/a poor rusted out — crosses Goldcrest. Rusted out bottom, blown out downstream. headcut eroding 57 11/12/11 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.123232 -80.614813 no Good 58 11/12/11 pipe PVC 8 circular left 35.123501 -80.620630 yes good Country Woods WWTP 59 11/12/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 60 channel left 35.123564 -80.620746 no no pipe, ditch at end of cul-de-sac 60 1 1/12/1 1 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.124840 -80.621881 no I no pipe on Hawthorne at Quince 61 11/12/1 l pipe HDPE 18 circular left 35.125994 -80.623008 no Good 1525 Hawthorne Rd. 62 1/16/12 culvert CMP 15 circular left 35.131169 -80,631416 no poor 63 1/16/12 culvert I PVC 10 circular right 35.130857 -80.632597 no Good 64 1/16/12 pipe CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130829 -80.632544 ves good 2 x 36" pipes 65 1/16/12 pipe CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.130360 -80.633874 ves Good 1 2 x 36" pipes: other end ofH64 66 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 15 1 circular right 35.130315 -80.633908 no Good 67 1116112 culvert CMP 29x43 oblong in -stream 35.130128 -80.634281 n/a fair crushed circular culvert 68 1/16/12 culvert CMP 27x43 oblong in -stream 35.129794 -80.634452 n/a fair pipe corroded 69 1/16/12 i e HDPE 14 circular left 35.129073 -80.634944 no good 70 1/16/12 pie HDPE 14 circular right 35.129128 -80,634933 no t good 71 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 circular in -stream 35.129179 -80.63491, n/a good 72 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 circular in -stream 35.128771 -80.635044 n/a Good other end of,47I 73 1/16/12 ditch GRASS 24 channel right 35.128551 -80.635150 1 no good Noe 3of7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data 1D Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 74 I/16/12 culvert HDPE 19 circular in -stream 35.127487 -80.636507 n/a good 75 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 9 channel left 35.127199 -80.636865 no good 76 1/16/12 culvert CMP 32 circular in -stream 35,127135 -80.637055 n/a fair 77 1/16/12 pipe PVC 4 circular right 35.126353 -80.637944 yes good 78 I/16/12 culvert PVC 10 circular right 35.126181 -80.638138 es good 79 1/16/12 culvert I RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.1261 15 -80.638368 n/a good 26 u str side. 27 dnstr side 80 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 18 circular right 35.125007 -80.639398 no fair partially blocked 81 1/16112 culvert CMP 30 circular in -stream 35.124921 -80.639884 n/a good 82 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.124916 -80.639982 no good 83 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 12 channel left 35.124739 -80.640543 no good 84 1/16/12 culvert CMP 34 circular in -stream 35.124479 -80.640661 n/a flood 85 1/16/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 35.123686 -80.641955 no good 86 1/16/12 i e RCP 15 circular right 35.123563 -80,641871 no fair I partiallyblocked; trees 87 1/16/12 i e RCP 46 circular in -stream 35.123635 -80.641907 no fair 21" of sediment; needs cleaning 88 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.132106 -80.632364 yes good 89 1/16/12 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.132825 -80.632337 no good 90 1/16/12 weir CONCRETE 360 flat in -stream 35.132891 1 -80.632782 yes good 30 ft. weir 91 1/16/12 pipe HDPE 12 circular right 35,132143 -80.634287 no fair 92 1/16/12 culvert CMP 103 circular in -stream 35.131826 -80.635144 n/a good 93 1/16/12 weir CONCRETE 432 flat in -stream 35.131631 -80,635406 yes fair 36 ft. weir 94 1/16112 culvert I CMP 30x40 oblong in -stream 35.132606 -80.636948 n/a fair unmarked trib to the left 95 1/16/12 culvert CMP 38 circular in -stream 35.134295 -80.638156 n/a good 96 1/16/12 pipe RCP 16 circular right 35.134231 -80.638762 no good 97 1/16/12 pipe RCP 28 circular in -stream 35.134774 -80,639134 no good 98 1/16/12 culvert I CMP 107 circular in -stream 35.131215 -80.637988 n/a good 99 1/16/12 culvert CMP 69 circular in -stream 35.130986 -80.639043 n/a fair pipe separation: 2x69" culverts 100 1/16/12 1 e RCP 15 circular left 35. 13 1023 -80.638989 yes good 101 1/25/12 culvert RCP 48 circular in -stream 35.132755 -80.645455 n/a good 2x48" culverts; minor crack in concrete headwall Page 4 of 7 Table 1: Stream `'Falk Inventory 1 Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 102 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.133196 -80.644840 yes good across county, line into Mecklenburg 103 1/25/12 culvert HDPE 15 circular in -stream 35,132801 -80.644597 n/a poor cart path undercut and cracked 104 1/25/12 culvert CMP 27s42 oblong in -stream 35.132768 -80.644349 n/a fair Trib to left at par 3 pond 105 1/25/12 pipe i HDPE 30 circular in -stream 35,133391 -80.644172 no good 1 6042 Arborgolo Ln. 106 1/25/12 pipe RCP 16 circular right 35.131766 -80.642852 no good barking weenie dogs 107 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular right 35.131848 -80.641599 no good 108 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 24 circular left 35. 132 15 1 -80.640730 no good 109 1/25/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.132579 -80.640572 no good 110 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.131845 -80.640433 n/a good Ill 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.131070 -80.639710 n/a poor other side of u 110. pipe separated underground. cracked headwall 112 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 1 circular right 35.130888 -80.639454 no good 113 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.130866 -80.639425 n/a good 202" culverts 114 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 14 channel right 35.130544 -80.640247 no good 115 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular right 35.129612 -80.641686 no good 116 1/25/12 culvert RCP 53 circular in -stream 35,129648 -80.641755 n/a good 117 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 1 15 circular left 35.129731 -80.641707 no good 118 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.128429 -80.642431 yes good 119 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 24 circular right 35.128046 -80.642459 yes good no follow up needed 120 1 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.12731Q1 -80.642909 yes good 32 no follow up needed 121 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 24 circular in -stream 35.126885 -80.643072 no good end of channel; no need to follow u 122 1/25/12 pipe I HDPE 15 circular left 35.129490 -80.642764 no good 123 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 15 circular left 35.129306 -80.643055 no good Overgrown with vellow flowering plant. Roof drain PVC pipe there as well 124 1/25/12 pipe BLKIRON 12 circular in -stream 35.128912 -80.643547 no good 125 1/25/12 s illwav CONCRETE 240 channel right 35.128897 -80.643515 yes good no follow up needed 126 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 18 circular left 35.130000 -80.645115 no good 127 1/25/12 pipe_ HDPE 15 circular left 35.127647 -80.645456 ves good no follow up needed Page 5 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory 1 Inspection Data 1D Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 128 1/25/12 eipe HDPE 40 circular left 35.127041 -W646039 no good submerged pipe in pond 129 1/25/12 pipe HDPE 30 circular left 3 5. 126401 -80.645715 no eood 130 1/25/13 pipe HDPE 30 circular in -stream 35.126431 -80.645664 no good 2x30" pipes: end of channel, upper I end of pond 131 U25/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35,132782 -80.631524 no fair 6" sediment buildup 132 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.133325 -80,632048 no good 133 1/25/12 2i e HDPE 30 circular right 35.134522 -80.633091 yes fair heavy vegetation, needs to be cleared 134 1/25/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.134626 -80.633712 yes good no follow up needed 135 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.135360 -80.631986 no good 136 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.135648 -80.631375 n/a good 137 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.135805 -80.630591 n/a good other end of#136 138 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 35.136358 -80.629829 no good 139 1/25/12 culvert CMP 72 circular in -stream 35.136313 -80.629858 n/a good 140 1/25/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel right 35.136990 -80.629229 no fair eroding head cut 141 1/25/12 pipe RCP 15 circular left 35.137358 -80.628678 no good 142 1/25/12 culvert CMP 48 circular in -stream 35.137358 -80.628686 n/a good 143 1/25/12 pipe RCP 18 circular Ieft 35,138015 -80,627988 no good 144 1/25/12 ditcl EARTHEN 30 channel left 35.138277 -80.627700 no good Barbara Fest - yard/stream cleanu 145 1/25/12 i RCP l8 circular right 35.138694 -80,627362 no good 146 U25/12 i RCP 15 circular left 35.138949 -80,627346 no ood 147 U25/12 culRCP 48 circular in -stream 35.138973 -80.627324 n/a good 148 1/25/12 pie RCP 15 1 circular left 35.139447 -80.627095 no poor holding 13" water. Needs cleaning and re -grading 149 1/25/12 pie RCP 15 circular right 35,139950 -80.627194 yes good 150 1/25/12 culvert RCP 40 circular in -stream 35.139970 -80.627135 n/a good Hunley Ride Rd., cracked headwall 151 1/25/12 pipe RCP 30 circular in -stream 35.140726 -80.626879 no good next rd crossing 152 211I12 pie RCP 20 circular left 35. i 36642 -80.63134 no good upstream is a lawnmower and a trike 153 2l1l 12 pipe HDPE i 15 7circular I left 35. 137335. -80.632943 no fair filling in - par 3 golf course fair+vav Page 6 of 7 Table 1: Stream Walk Inventory / Inspection Data ID Date Feature Material Diameter (in) Shape R/L Bank (DS) Latitude Longitude Flow Cond. Comment 154 2/1/12 pipe PVC 4 circular left 35.138175 -80.63273 no_good sand trap / green under drains 155 2/l/12 pipe PVC 4 circular left 35.138118 -80.632719 no good sand trap / green under drains 156 2/1/12 culvert RCP 20 circular left 35.138647 -80.632637 yes good 157 2/1/12 culvert PVC 4 circular right 35.138388 -80.634214 no good 4" PVC connected to 10" culvert on cart 2ath 158 2/1/12 pipe RCP 43 circular in -stream 35.140443 -80.633856 no good upstream end of trib, map marked incorrectly 159 2/1/12 culvert CMP 36 circular in -stream 35.138936 -80.633176 n!a poor partially blocked - needs cleaning 160 2/1/12 pipe RCP 16 circular right 35.139004 -80.633048 no good from Green Ashe Lane 161 2/1/12 pipe RCP 20 circular in -stream 35.138875 -80.632492 no good connects to 156 162 2/1/12 pipe RCP 16 circular right 35.139759 -80.631 178 no good bunch grass 163 2/1/12 pipe RCP 24 circular left 35.139951 -80.630565 no good 164 2/1/12 pipe RCP 41 circular in -stream 35.141426 -80.63001 no good minor crack in headwall 165 2/1/12 pipe RCP 36 circular in -stream 35.142689 -W629805 no good minor crack in headwall - other end of 164 166 2/1/12 ditch EARTHEN 36 channel left 35.142728 -80_629814 no good up er end trib by fence 167 2/1/12 ditch EARTHEN 24 channel left 35.143622 -80.629696 yes good significant flow 168 2/1/12 pie RCP 30 circular right 35.143668 -80.629738 no good 1200 Mtn. 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C- #i ...a Ste,',N �>r �+.- -111�5. li'L .,yam'': -. hi ` f 'j ` •'-._�� i�-: ,'°�t,,�yir�� ��� c�� 1 '��ti�>. ..�1'�'�y``. ,�•.�r'rS.° �. r. �•r �A�� -y��.� �,���� �- �� t .* 3 � .{� `�`-.� Gr�'-�..^c+�r,,�,�-�j��'.�i+-.`•c.��-� �r�iii, t�s'' ,�� r,,..�ts � �'� 6,r�� �1 p w b!}r* � •� ..�. ,;r,, � �, ` ,y_� '�•.,z� _.�;;.�- �'',�� !'Y• ?� '�r`���."� r 3f .i�';' r� i+r. �•�. �- ,{ ,s- '�'� h�.{'�'',� ,y, 'r 5 -�a' � i + '' x b' X _ " 4 "� • 1142 ���,i` �""'1' T i',.� "'t d � $ ' ;! r '✓ ��2. `*. �rrt`';t o Town of Stallings � �a1ew�k�ry to.A&� J :. if t0 MAYOR • • Lynda M. 1'axIon G `a, ,-Iasi Co`'r,� MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Wyatt Dunn TOWN COUNCIL Reed Isarove Paul Prose TOWN MANAGER Rcnec Harris Thelma Privette Brian W. Matthews Ilarry Stokcs November 30, 2010 Ms. Coleen Sullins, 1'.E., Director North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1 G 17 RE: Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES Permit NCS000454 Dear Ms. Sullins: TOWN CLERK Erinn 1?. Nichols In accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Number NCS000454 issued Ior the Town ol'Stallings, enclosed please find a signed certification statement (in duplicate) in support of the Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report. In addition, attached is an addendum to the Goose Creek 'fMDL annual report containing additional information for the Town of Stallings. The Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report for the fifth year of permit coverage (October I, 2009 to September 30, 2010) was finalized on November 30, 2010 using the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources web -based reporting gateway located at: http://bims.enr.state.lie. us:7001 /swmpa/login.do. Please contact me at (704) 737-3623, if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Mehdi-Jafari "MP Namin zz t7� Town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator Co a Attachments: Certification (in duplicate) � G Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum sj r CrCl1Cway to Union CouniV 315 Stallings Road • Slallinos • NC • 2910.1 • 70I-821-S557 • �rw�v.stallingsnc.c�rg 5 C$'L oR Town of Stallings !f to J' r MAYOR Lynda M. Paxton G j r �!on COO MAYOR PRO TFMPORE 41 on Wyatt Dunn TOWN COUNCIL Reed Fsarove Paul Frost "TOWN MANAGER Renee Thirtis 'Thelma Private Brian W. Mauhews E Earn' Stokes Phase 1111 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 TOWN CLERK Erinn E. Nichols certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. 14-. /r 3b G Brian W. Matthews Date Town of Stallings Town Manager Goieway to Union County 35 Stalliw-s Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8557 • w),vw.siallingsn4.ur� Town of Stallings MAYOR Lynda M.I'axton MAYOR PRO TEMPORE Wyatt Dunn TOWN COUNCIL. Reed Esarove Paul Frost TOWN MANAGER Rence Ilartis Thelma 1'rivette TOWN CIXRK Brian W. Matthews Harry Stokes Erinn E. Nichols Phase 11 Storm Water Management Program Assessment Report Certification NPDES No. NCS000454 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. rian W. Matthews Date Town of Stallings Town Manager Galetivo.); to Union Counit% ; I � SIallini-s Road • Stallings • NC • 28104 • 704-821-8�57 • wN\-.stallinOsttc.c�rg Town of Stallings Goose Creek TMDL Report Addendum TOWN OF TALLINGS NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 30, 2010 Table of Contents Section 1.0 Introduction ............................................ 1.1 Background ............................................ 1.2 Purpose ................................................... Section 2.0 BMP Implementation ............................. 2.1 Utility Crossing and Outfall Inspections 2.2 Septic System Evaluations ..................... 2.3 Stream Walks ......................................... Section 3.0 Summary of Future BMPs ..................... Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form .............................................2 ..............................................2 ..............................................2 ..............................................3 .............................................. 3 GsTOWN 6F TA L L I N GS Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum Section 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background The Town of Stallings Phase II Permit specifics that within two (2) years of'reeeiving notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that a Phase I jurisdiction is subjccl to a "TMDL for a certain stream segment, the Town of Stallings will establish a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for that stream segment. On August 10, 2006, the "Town of'Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The "Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklcnburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TM DI., which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation ofthe Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009, Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. The Town of Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian Trail to implement the requirements of this Program. L2 Purpose The purpose of the Goose Creek Water Quality Recovery Program (WQRI') is to achieve and maintain compliance with the Water Quality Recovery Program for the Goose Creek Watershed for Fecal Coliform Bacteria. The WQRP requires an annual report be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) documenting activities completed in progress towards meeting the TMDL requirements. The Towns of Mint Hill, Indian Trail, and Stallings have worked cooperatively on the development and implementation of the WQRP. The WQRP annual report was submitted by the Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program to NCDWQ on July 21, 2010 and updated on September 30, 2010. This report addendum documents additional activities for FY09-10 performed in the Town of Stallings from October I, 2009 to Scptember 30, 2010 (not included in the updated annual report) in response to comments during the annual Advisory Group meeting held on September 15, 2010. Gs.TALLINGS Goose Creek TM DL Annual Report Addendum NORI IICAROI.INA ...:...<. -: :- ..».....-.. .:........:..:..... ..,-. :,-.,.. Section 2.0 BMP Implementation In addition to the Best Management Practice (13M1") updates already reported in the WQRP annual report submitted to NCDWQ in July 2010, the following sections highlight other BMPs being implemented by the Town of Stallings. 2.1 Utility Crossings and Outfall Inspections During the reporting period, the "Town of Stallings re -inspected previously identified utility crossings and storm sewer system outfalls to identify potential sources of pollution including impacts from fecal coliforrn. A total of 14 outfalls and six (6) utility crossings were inspected during the month of September 2010. There were no identified issues with any of the utility crossings. However. two (2) storm water outfalls were observed to have dry weather flow greater than 72 hours after a rain event. Within the next 30 days, the Town of Stallings will evaluate the two (2) outfalls that contained dry weather flow to determine the source of non -storm water flow and follow procedures contained within the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program to eliminate the discharge. 2.2 Septic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of kcal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the Town of Stallings began identifying households within the Goose Creek watershed that use septic systems as a means to dispose of sanitary wastewater. Based upon results from septic systems in the Town of Mint Hill, septic systems can contribute to fecal coliform load if failing or in need of repair. As a first step in evaluating septic systems, the Town of Stallings must identify which properties utilize septic systems to dispose of sanitary wastewater. To date, the 'Town of Stallings identified one neighborhood, the Golden Acres Subdivision that uses septic systems. A total of 51 households within this subdivision use septic systems. `The `Town of Stallings will continue to investigate additional properties that utilize septic systems. The Town of Stalling is in the process of partnering with the Union County Health Department (the department with permitting authority over septic systems) to perform inspections of all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed to determine if the systems are failing and thus could be a source of fecal coliform. An example inspection form that could be used to collect septic system information is provided as Appendix A. The actual form used will be coordinated with Union County Health Department. 2 SIMIN O Goose Creek TMDt,Annual Report Addendum TALLINCS" 2.3 Stream Walks During FYI OTT I1, The Town of Stallings will begin a program ofwalking all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed within the Town of Stallings on a three-year (3-yr) rotation period. The purpose ofthese walks will be to identify and eliminate all pollution sources. If warranted, fecal coliform sampling may also be performed during these walks. Section 3.0 Summary of Future BMPs Beginning FY 10-1 1, the "Town of Stallings will continue to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts will include: • Continue partnering with Mecklenburg County and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian "frail in implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. • Follow-up on identified dry weather flows. • Continue evaluation of septic systems by coordinating inspections with the Union County Health Department to identify and correct any failing systems. • Performing stream walks to identify and potential pollution sources. Each of these BMPs will continually be measured and re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing fecal coliform loads to Goose Creek. IOWN' )F OSTA i LUNGS Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum ,QoRHICAROLINA Appendix A Example Septic System Inspection Form a STALL 1 N GS Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI ❑a ❑b El El ❑e ❑f ❑g System Description: (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: (If no permit record is available use built date year from Land Records) System Age: Years ❑ Actual ❑ Estimated Inspection Information: Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes Owner present: ❑ Yes Drain field probed: ❑ Yes System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes surface water body: System located <50 ft. from ❑ Yes stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes Irrigation on drain field: ❑ Yes Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes General comments/observations: ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No # photos taken: Dye Pack Left: ❑ Yes ❑ No Signature: TON? A! ES TA L L 1 N C S Goose Creek TM DL Annual Report Addendum Checklist: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form -before leaving the site 3. Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain fleld/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings. { Q a Addendum rya`,"'•, 1_OWN OF �= pp SAP {Nk&to LI GS NORTH CAROLANA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Annual Reporting Requirement November 30, 2010 Table of Contents Section1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................I 1.1 Background..............................................................................................................1 1.2 Purpose.....................................................................................................................I Section 2.0 BMP Implementation..............................................................................................2 2.1 Utility Crossing and Outfall Inspections..................................................................2 2.2 Septic System Evaluations.......................................................................................2 2.3 Stream Walks...........................................................................................................3 Section 3.0 Summary of Future BMPs.......................................................................................3 Appendix A: Example Septic System Inspection Form S[OWN of Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum TALLINGS p '*tilt III CARE SE_f\.l .,..._ _. .. ,,.u., .,. .. .,w ,. .. -.... ?.. y,. ., _.,. _..,,... ., ..�.... Section 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background The Town of'Stallings Phase II Permit specifics that within two (2) years of receiving notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that a Phase 11 jurisdiction is subject to a TMDL for a certain stream segment, the Town of Stallings will establish a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for that stream segment. On August 10, 2006, the `town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. The Town of Stallings has continued working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program and the Towns of Mint }-till and Indian Trail to implement the requirements of this Program. 1.2 Purpose The purpose ofthe Goose Creek Water Quality Recovery Program (WQRP) is to achieve and maintain compliance with the Water Quality Recovery Program for the Goose Creek Watershed for Fecal Coliform Bacteria. The WQRP requires an annual report be submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) documenting activities completed in progress towards meeting the TMDL requirements. The "Towns of Mint Hill, Indian Trail, and Stallings have worked cooperatively on the development and implementation of the WQRP. The WQRP annual report was submitted by the Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program to NCDWQ on July 21, 2010 and updated on September 30, 2010. This report addendum documents additional activities for FY09-10 performed in the "Town of Stallings from October I, 2009 to September 30, 2010 (not included in the updated annual report) in response to comments during the annual Advisory Group meeting held on September 15, 2010. TuA4 Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum Os TALL�NGS P NORF I VARO YNA _ ..,ice ..............._ ,. Section 2.0 BMP Implementation In addition to the Best Management Practice (BMP) updates already reported in the WQR13 annual report submitted to NCDWQ in July 2010, the following sections highlight other BMPs being implemented by the Town of Stallings. 2.1 Utility Crossings and Outfall Inspections During the reporting period, the Town of Stallings re -inspected previously identified utility crossings and storm sewer system outfalls to identify potential sources of pollution including impacts from fecal coliform. A total of 14 outfalls and six (6) utility crossings were inspected during the month of September 2010. There were no identified issues with any of the utility crossings. However, two (2) storm water outfalls were observed to have dry weather flow greater than 72 hours after a rain event. Within the next 30 days, the Town of Stallings will evaluate the two (2) outfalls that contained dry weather flow to determine the source of non -storm water flow and follow procedures contained within the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination program to eliminate the discharge. 2.2 S_cptic System Evaluations To help identify and eliminate possible sources of fecal coliform within the Goose Creek Watershed, the Town of Stallings began identifying households within the Goose Creek watershed that use septic systems as a means to dispose of sanitary wastewater. Based upon results from septic systems in the Town of Mint Hill, septic systems can contribute to fecal coliform load if failing or in need of repair. As a first step in evaluating septic systems, the Town of Stallings must identify which properties utilize septic systems to dispose of sanitary wastewater. To date, the Town of Stallings identified one neighborhood, the Golden Acres Subdivision that uses septic systems. A total of 51 households within this subdivision use septic systems. The Town of Stallings will continue to investigate additional properties that utilize septic systems. The Town of Stalling is in the process of partnering with the Union County Health Department (the department with permitting authority over septic systems) to perform inspections of all identified septic systems in the Goose Creek watershed to determine if the systems are failing and thus could be a source of fecal coliform. An example inspection form that could be used to collect septic system information is provided as Appendix A. The actual form used will be coordinated with Union County Health Department. 2 TA LLf NGS CD sGoose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum 2.3 Stream Walks During FY l0-1 I, The Town of Stallings will begin a program of walking all streams in the Goose Creek Watershed within the Town of Stallings on a three-year (3-yr) rotation period. The purpose of these walks will be to identify and eliminate all pollution sources. If warranted, fecal coliform sampling may also be performed during these walks. Section 3.0 Summary of Future BMPs Beginning hY10-1 I, the Town of Stallings will continue to expand on efforts to reduce fecal coliform loading to Goose Creek. Specifically, these efforts will include: Continue partnering with Mecklenburg County and the Towns of Mint Hill and Indian Trail in implementation of the Goose Creek WQRP. • Follow-up on identified dry weather flows. • Continue evaluation of septic systems by coordinating inspections with the Union County Health Department to identify and correct any failing systems. • Performing stream walks to identify and potential pollution sources. Each of these BMPs will continually be measured and re-evaluated annually for effectiveness at reducing fecal coliform loads to Goose Creek. IE�W\nv ►J"1'.A1,L1 NGS Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum �.: tiEik-1lI l':\ItEI[.It:1_ Appendix A Example Septic System Inspection Form Z' STALLINGS Goose Creek TMDL Annual Report Addendum 'k..i NoRM CAN{1LINA .T. ....,Y. » ,.., , . v _ .«. ,, ..,....« ... ......,_ ..... Example Septic System Inspection Form Inspection Date: Inspection Completed By: Site Parcel Id #: Site Address: GWS File #: Watershed: Catchment Id: Septic System Information: System Classification: ❑ II ❑ III ❑ IV ❑ V ❑ VI ❑a ❑b ❑c ❑d ❑e ❑f ❑g System Description: (Ex: pump to 25% reduction) Year Operation Permit Issued: (If no permit record is available use built date year from Land Records) System Age: Years ❑ Actual ❑ Estimated Inspection Information: Comments Site accessible for inspection: ❑ Yes Owner present: ❑ Yes Drain field probed: ❑ Yes System malfunction observed: ❑ Yes Notice of Violation required: ❑ Yes System located <200 ft. from ❑ Yes surface water body: System located <50 ft. from ❑ Yes stormwater BMP or diversion: Trees/vegetation in drain field: ❑ Yes Irrigation on drain field: ❑ Yes Well(s) located on property: ❑ Yes General comments/observations: ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No # photos taken: Dye Pack Left: 0 Yes ❑ No Signature: "='� lf�tt'A�tF Z'. S TA L L� N �iS Dose CreekTMDL Annual Report Addendum Checklist: 1. Perform file review for inspection site in the office (system type, age, location, etc.) 2. Conduct field inspection & complete inspection form before leaving the site I Take photos (2 minimum) of the drain field/tank(s) area from multiple locations 4. Leave project brochure & literature on door 5. Submit inspection form and photographs to the Town of Stallings. *All scanned files and related photos should be submitted to the Town of Stallings.