HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000454_APPLICATION_20100815STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. i V CS O 0 v �� DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ �NNUALREPORT. p/APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE O OTHER DOC DATE ❑ � I 0 U 0 IS YYYYMMDD E • • 0 Town of Stallings to i� y ppi MAYOR Lynda M. Paxton O , b Y ! r� MAYOR PRO TEMPORI c0V sy Wyatt Dunn TOWN COUNCIL TOWN MANAGIiR Reed Esarove Paul E'rost Renee Hartis 'Thelma Privette TOWN CLEEZK Brian W, Matthews Harry Stokes Erinn 1 . Nichols August 15, 2010 Mr. Bradley Bennett NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Storm Water and General Permits Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Phase II Storm Water Permit Renewal Application Town of Stallings NPDES Permit NCS000454 Dear Mr. Bennett: Please accept for submittal the enclosed NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit Application package for renewal of Permit # NCS000454. This submittal package includes: • Small MS4 Permit Application Form (SWU-264-103102) • Storm Water Management Program Report (3 copies) • Storm Water Management Program Plan (3 copies) If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call M.1 Namin, "Town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator, at 704-737-3623. Sincerely, Brian Matthews Town Manager 'town of Stallings C Enclosures Gateivai, t0 Union Comm, 315 Stallings (load • Stallin-s • NC • 28104 • 704-821-1i557 • �v�v�v.st;tllin��snc.org •0 State of North Carolina OFFIC USE ONLY Department of Environment & Natural Resources Date Rec'd Division of Water Quality Fee Paid . Permit Number NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM • E This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small MS4 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-168) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Stallings b. Ownership Status (federal, state or local Local c. Type of Public Entity (city, town, county, prison, school, etc. Town d. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code SIC 91 - 97 e. County(s) Union f. Jurisdictional Area (square miles 7.3 square miles g. Population Permanent 12,345 (source:2009 Annual Report) Seasonal (if available) Not available h. Ten-year Growth Rate 21 % annually from 2000 to 2009 (source: US Census Bureau) i. Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes X No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 7.3 (estimated) b. River Basin(s) Catawba and Yadkin -Pee Dee c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 8 d. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 70 • Commercial 15 • Industrial 10 • Open Space 5 Total = 100 e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? X Yes ❑ No SWU-264-103102 Page 1 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application 0 0 49 III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ❑ Yes X No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program ❑ Yes X No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ❑ Yes X No d. CAMA Land Use Plan [:]Yes X No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with ❑Yes X No a permitted Phase I enti ? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit Yes X No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the enti : e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ❑ No rmittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of X Yes ❑ No our permit obligations? b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing - North Carolina Division of Land Resources (NCDLR) • Name of Entity - North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ), and - Mecklenburg Courtly Water Quality Program MCW P NCDLR - Construction site runoff controls NCDWQ - Site Specific Water Quality Management Plan for the • Element they will implement Goose Creek Watershed (SSMP) MCWOP — TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for Goose Creek NCDLR - Zahid Khan • Contact Person NCDWQ — Mike Randall MCW P -- Rusty Rozzelle NCDLR - 610 E. Center Ave., Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 • Contact Address NCDWQ — 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, NC 27604 MCW P — 700 N Tryon St. Suite 205 Charlotte NC 28202 NCDLR - 704-663-1699 • Contact Telephone Number NCDWQ — 919-807-6374 MCW P — 704-336-5449 c. Are legal agreements in place X Yes ❑ No (NCDLR has legal authority to implement this to establish responsibilities? program per NC GS 113A-54 without a legal agreement, NCDWQ has the legal authority to implement this program under 15A NCAC 0213.0601, and the Town of Stallings has a contract with MCWQP) SWU-264-103102 Page 2 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) . The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. C I • a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a .system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature -A ' r Name Brian Matthews Title Town Manager - Town of Stallings Street Address 315 Stallings Road PO Box 4030 city Stallings State North Carolina Zip 28106 Telephone (704) 821-0314 Fax (704) 821-6841 E-Mail bmatthews(&admin.stallingsnc.or4 VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Mehdi Jafari "MJ" Namin b. Title Town of Stallings Town Engineer / Storm Water Administrator c. Street Address 315 Stallings Road d. PO Box 4030 e. City Stallings 5WU-264-103102 Page 3 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application L� e f. State North Carolina g. Zip 28106 h. Telephone Number (704) 737-3623 i. Fax Number (704) 821-6841 j. E-Mail Address pemjnamin@yahoo.com IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste N/A Management Program N/A b. UIC Program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N/A Permit Number d. Prevention of Significant N/A Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for N/A Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under N/A section 404 of CWA X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. TABLE OF CONTENTS SWU-264-103102 Page 4 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application • 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served 1.2. Growth Rate 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1.6. Estimate Methodology 1.7. TMDL Identification 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs 3.2. State programs 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 4.2. Organizational Chart 4.3. Signing Official 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5.1. Co-Permittees 5.2. Legal Agreements • 5.3. Responsible Parties 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements • STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Page 5 SWU-264-103102 2010 Storm Water Management Program Report TOWN OF TALLINGS NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings Prepared for: NPDES Phase 11 Storm Water Permit (NCS000454) Renewal Application August 15, 2010 9 Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary......................................................................................................................... I Section 1.0 Storm Sewer SystemInformation ............................................................................2 1.1 Population Served....................................................................................................2 1.2 Growth Rate.............................................................................................................2 1.3 Jurisdiction and MS4 Service Areas........................................................................2 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System........................................................................................2 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates ...................................... 1.6 TMDL Identification------------------.---.........-•-------•--•----••..----•---..................3 Section 2.0 Receiving Streams..................................................................................................5 Section 3.0 Existing Water Quality Programs............................................................................7 3.1 Local Programs........................................................................................................7 3.1.1 Post -Construction Storm Water Program ................................................................7 3.1.2 Illicit Discharge Storm Water Program...................................................................8 3.1.3 TMDL for Goose Creek Watershed.........................................................................8 3.2 State Programs....................•---•..----•-......----------...------------.•--•--•---•-•---.-------•-..... ...9 Section 4.0 Permitting Information...........................................................................................10 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List..............................................................................10 ® 4.2 Organization Chart ................... 4.3 Signing Official......................................................................................................11 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative............................................................................I I Section 5.0 Co -Permitting Information....................................................................................12 Section 6.0 Reliance on Other Government Entity..................................................................13 6.1 Name of Entity.......................................................................................................13 6.2 Element to be Implemented...................................................................................13 6.3 Contact Information for Responsible Party...........................................................13 6.4 Legal Agreement....................................................................................................14 Section 7.0 Storm Water Management Program Plan ..............................................................15 List of Tables: Table 1-1: Population and Growth Rate....................................................................................2 Table 1-2: Percentage of Land Uses by Type...........................................................................3 Table 2-1: Catawba River Basin...............................................................•--..........----................5 Table 2-2: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin...................................................................................5 List of Figures: Figure 4-1: Organization Chart .................... M .7 C7 • List of Appendices: Appendix A. Storm Water Management Program Plan Acronyms Used In This Report: BMP: Best Management Practice ETJ: Extra Territorial Jurisdiction MS4: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NCAC: North Carolina Administrative Code NCDENR: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NC DWQ: North Carolina Division of Water Quality NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System S WAC: Storm Water Advisory Committee SWMP: Storm Water Management Program TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load TSS: Total Suspended Solids on 4 SIOWN OF 2D 10 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program g NMI'I[ CARuI.INA Executive Summary The Town of Stallings is seeking to renew the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase 1I Storm Water Permit (Permit Number NCS000454) issued on October 1, 2005 for Regulated Public Entities pursuant to 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2H .0126. The Town of Stallings is a federally -designated small municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) and is required to have a Phase 1I Permit. This document provides the comprehensive Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Report required by Section X of the NPDES Storm Water Permit Application Form SWU-264 and was prepared in accordance with Form SWU-268. This document contains information regarding the storm sewer systems and receiving streams for the Town of Stallings. This document also provides Phase 1I permit information as well as a description of the proposed SWMP Plan to be implemented by the Town of Stallings for the second five-year NPDES permit term. The overall objective of the SWMP is to protect water quality by reducing the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable through the effective implementation of the six (6) minimum requirements stipulated in 15A NCAC 2H .0126. as described below: 1. Public Education and Outreach Program — A program has been developed and will continue to be implemented to inform citizens of the impacts of storm water pollution on water bodies. 2. Public Involvement and Participation Program — A program has been developed and will continue to be implemented to involve citizens in proactive measures to improve water quality through community participation. 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program — A program has been developed and will continue to be implemented to identify and eliminate illicit discharges to surface waters. This program will include a storm sewer system mapping component to identify storm water outfalls, drainage areas, and specify the names and locations of all waters within the Town of Stallings. 4. Construction Site Program — The Town of Stallings will continue to rely on the North Carolina Division of Land Resources (NCDLR) to implement this element of the Phase 1I permit and will continue to work closely with NCDLR in detecting and reporting potential sediment and erosion control violations. 5. Post -Construction Program — A program has been developed and will continue to be implemented to address post -construction storm water runoff from new development and re- development that cumulatively disturb greater than one acre. The Town of Stallings adopted a Post -Construction ordinance effective October], 2007, 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program — A program has been developed and will continue to be implemented for municipal operations owned /operated by the Town of Stallings to reduce the discharge of storm water pollutants from these facilities to the maximum extent practicable including staff training, and periodic facility inspections. The Town of Stallings will ensure the execution of the aforementioned six (6) program measures by implementing a Storm Water Management Program Plan (see Appendix A). L� i �M 01 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program rr��►�n OF am TALLINGS NORHICAROUNA Section 1.0 Storm Sewer System Information 1.1 Population Served This Phase 1I SWMP Report covers the jurisdictional areas, including incorporated areas and extra territorial jurisdictions (ETJs), for the Town of Stallings. Table 1-1 provides the population and growth rate. Table 1-1: Population and Growth Rate 2000 Population 2009 Po ulation Estimated Annual Percent Change 1189 9,212 21 Source: 2000 Decennial Census data The data in Table 1-1 was obtained by the U.S. Census Bureau blocks contained within the Town of Stallings. 1.2 Growth Rate The population growth rate represented as an "Estimated Annual Percent Change" for the • incorporated area and ETJ of Town of Stallings is 21% annually. This growth rate was calculated using the percent change between the 2000 and 2009 population totals from the U.S. Census Bureau, annualized by dividing this percent change by nine (9) years. 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas The jurisdictional and MS4 service areas covered by this SWMP Report include the 7.3-square mile area of the Town of Stallings. 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System The existing MS4 systems serving the Town of Stallings are composed of open ditches and/or pipes depending on land development conditions. An estimated 7.3 square miles of area within the Town of Stallings contains storm water infrastructure where storm water is conveyed by sheet flow to open ditches or to pipe systems before discharging to streams. Mapping of the storm water conveyance system inlets and outlets was performed during the first 5-year permit term. A total of 23 outlets have been mapped and are included in Town of Stallings Storm Water Drainage System Map. Additional inlets and outlets will be added to the map system using land development as -built surveys and field observations during routine service requests. Maintenance and improvements to the MS4 systems are funded by storm water fees collected within the Town of Stallings. Maintenance activities consist primarily of removing blockages and preventing erosion. Other repairs include replacing damaged inlet and outlet structures, piped sections, and improving roadway ditches/shoulders. 2 "''=y TOWN of .�„ ` STALLING S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program 0 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates The percentage of the MS4 service areas under residential, commercial, industrial and open space land uses is provided in Table 1-2. Table 1-2: Pereenta a of Land Uses by Type Land Use Percent of Land Residential 70 Commercial 15 Industrial 10 Open Space 5 Source: 2009 Annual Report 1.6 TMDL Identification Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act requires States to identify and establish a priority ranking for waterbodies that do not meet applicable water quality standards (303(d) list), establish total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for the pollutants causing impairment of these e waterbodies, and submit the list of impaired waters and TMDLs to the U.S. EPA. The TMDL process establishes the allowable loadings of pollutants or other quantifiable parameters for a waterbody based on the relationship between pollution sources and in -stream water quality conditions. The TMDL is used by States to establish water quality based controls to reduce pollutants from point and non -point sources and restore and maintain the quality of the water resources in compliance with applicable standards. In addition to the 303(d) list, the federal Clean Water Act requires States to submit a report describing how well waterbodies support designated uses (e.g., swimming, aquatic life support, water supply), as well as likely causes and potential sources of impairment. For this report, the North Carolina Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2008 303(d) List, 2004 Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, and 2008 Yadkin -Pee Dee River Management Plan) was used to identify the use support ratings of the waterbodies in the Town of Stallings as well as those waterbodies not meeting applicable water quality standards and requiring TMDL development. This information is summarized in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 for the Catawba River Basin and the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin, respectively. These Tables include streams located within the Town of Stallings as well as those streams not located within the Town of Stallings but receive storm water discharge from the Town of Stallings. Two (2) stream sections located within the Town of Stallings and three (3) streams that receive storm water discharge from the Town of Stallings (via unnamed tributaries) are identified on the 303(d) list as impaired and not meeting established water quality standards. 0 O I OWN OF STALLING S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program NOR III CARi)LINA .�... _ .. _.r -..... ".: ,.c., h..an ..... • A list of the 303(d) listed watersheds is below: • • • Goose Creek watershed • South Fork Crooked Creek watershed • Unnamed Tributary to Sixmile Creek watershed • Unnamed Tributary to Duck Creek watershed • Unnamed Tributary to South Fork Crooked Creek The causes of impairment include combinations of fecal coliform bacteria and/or biological impairment. Of these, only one stream section is identified as requiring TMDL development for impairment caused by fecal coliform bacteria: the Goose Creek watershed located in the Yadkin —Pee Dee River Basin. Goose Creek is assigned a high priority for TMDL development. The Town of Stallings in cooperation with the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) began the development of a TMDL for Goose Creek in January 2003. The TMDL for Goose Creek was approved by NCDENR on July 8, 2005 and is currently being implemented through a Water Quality Recovery Program Plan submitted to NCDENR. 4 • rOWN OF 2O 10 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program STALLINGS Nrnrnr CARD LINn MYRNMix x_ Section 2.0 Receiving Streams Tables 2-1 and 2-2 provide receiving stream information by jurisdiction for the Catawba and Yadkin -Pee Dee basins respectively. The information for the development of these tables was obtained from North Carolina 303(d) List — 2008, North Carolina's Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan (September 2002) and North Carolina's Yadkin — Pee Dee River Basin flan (2008). Table 2-1: Catawba River Basin. Receiving Stream Segment Water Use Support WQ 303(d) List Stream Name (Assessment Unit) Quality Rating Issues (2008) Classifica- tion West Fork 11-138-1 C Supporting None NA Twelve Mile Creek Unnamed I I-138-3 C Impaired Stormwater Ecological / Tributary to runoff/storm Biological Sixmile Creek sewers, Integrity, construction, FishCom (5) and a riculture Unnamed 11-138-2-2-1 C Supporting None NA Tributary to Davis Mine Creek Table 2-2: Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Receiving Stream Segment WQ Use Support WQ 303(d) List Stream Name Index # Classifica- Rating Issues (2008) lion (Assessment Calegory) North Fork 13-17-20-1 C Impaired Stormwater NA Crooked Creek runoff, Organic enrichment, turbidity, fecal coliform, habitat degradation, and low DO Paddle Branch 13-17-18-2 C Not Rated NA (* Note: a NA (* Note: a tributary to tributary to Goose Creek) Goose Creek Goose Creek 13-17-18a and b C Impaired Animals, Failing Fecal Coliform Septic Systems, (4a) MS4 NPDES, W WTP NPDES • • Os. IOWN"r 2010 Tf Stallin s ram TALLINGS own of Storm Water Management Program Receiving Stream Segment WQ Use Support WQ 303(d) List Stream (Same Index # Classitica- Rating Issues (2008) tlon (Assessment Category) Goose Creek 13-17-18b C Impaired Stormwater Ecological/ runoff/storm Biological sewers, Integrity, construction, and Benthos (5) agriculture Unnamed 13-17-18-3 C Impaired Stormwater Ecological/ Tributary to Duck runoff/storm Biological Creek sewers, Integrity, construction, and Benthos (5) agriculture Unnamed 13-17-20-2(a) C Impaired Stormwater Ecological / Tributary to 13-17-20-2(b) runoff/storm Biological South Fork sewers, Integrity, Crooked Creek construction, FishCom (5) and agriculture Integrated Report Category 4a Category 4a: TMDLs have been completed and approved by EPA. Not yet meeting standards. 5 Category 5: Waters for which TMDLs are required. Source: North Carolina's Basinwide Information Management System, 2008 303(d) Report, Basin Management Plans for Yadkin River (2008) and Catawba River (2004) --x N SR)WN ()F TA LL I N C S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program NORMCAROLINA Section 3.0 Existing Water Quality Programs 3.1 Local Programs The Town of Stallings has several water quality -related programs administered locally. Each of these programs is listed and described below: 3.1.1 Post -Construction Storm Water Program The purpose of this program is to protect, maintain and enhance the public health, safety, environment and general welfare by establishing minimum requirements and procedures to control the adverse effects of increased post -construction storm water runoff and non -point source pollution associated with new development and redevelopment. It has been determined that proper management of construction -related and post -construction storm water runoff will minimize damage to public and private property and infrastructure, safeguard the public health, safety, and general welfare, and protect water and aquatic resources. This program uses the following specific means to meet its purpose: (1) Establishing decision -making processes for development to protect the integrity of watersheds and preserve the health of water resources; • (2) Minimizing changes to the pre -development hydrologic response for new development and redevelopment in their post -construction state in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance for the applicable design storm in order to reduce flooding, stream bank erosion, and non -point and point source pollution, as well as to maintain the integrity of stream channels, aquatic habitats and healthy stream temperatures; • (3) Establishing minimum post -construction storm water management standards and design criteria for the regulation and control of storm water runoff quantity and quality; (4) Establishing design and review criteria for the construction, function, and use of structural storm water best management practices (BMPs) that may be used to meet the minimum post - development storm water management standards; (5) Encouraging the use of better management and site design practices, such as the use of vegetated conveyances for storm water and preservation of greenspace, buffers and other conservation areas to the maximum extent practicable; (6) Establishing provisions for the long-term responsibility for and maintenance of structural and non-structural storm water BMPs to ensure that they continue to function as designed, are maintained appropriately, and pose minimum risk to public safety; and 7 SfO4PN OF TA L L I N G S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program NOR'fII CAROLINA • (7) Establishing administrative procedures for the submission, review, approval and disapproval of storm water management plans, for the inspection of approved projects, and to assure appropriate long-term maintenance. On October 1, 2007, the Town of Stallings adopted a Post -Construction Storm Water Ordinance approved by NCDWQ to ensure protection of water quality after construction activities are complete for development and redevelopment projects that disturb 1 acre or greater of land. The Post -Construction ordinances contain three main provisions to protect water quality including: • structural water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) with long term maintenance agreements and inspection requirements, • stream buffers, and • structural volume and peak control BMPs with long term maintenance agreements and inspection requirements. 3.1.2 Illicit Discharge Storm Water Program The purpose of this ordinance is to protect water quality and to provide for the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Town of Stallings, North Carolina through the regulation of non-stormwater discharges to the stormwater drainage system to the maximum extent practicable as required by federal and state law. This program establishes methods for controlling the introduction of pollutants into the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) in order to O comply with requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. This article is supplemental to and in no way replaces regulations administered by the State of North Carolina or federal government. The objectives of this program are: (1) To regulate the contribution of pollutants to the MS4; (2) To prohibit illicit connections and illicit discharges to the MS4; and (3) To establish legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance, monitoring, enforcement and penalty procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance. On June 14, 2010, the Town of Stallings adopted an Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance to ensure enforcement of the Illicit Discharge Storm Water Program. 3.1.3 TMDL Water Quality RecoverProgram for Goose Creek The Town of Stallings Phase 11 Permit specifies that within two (2) years of receiving notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that a Phase II jurisdiction is subject to a TMDL for a certain stream segment, the Town of Stallings will establish a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for that stream segment. On August 10, 2006, the Town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division "�"• f(7N'N OF STALL 1 N G S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program N0RTli CAR01.1Nn ..rx�... ....._..._:� nn _..� •.��.:. ,ra,.,x.. a...., .., . -I 111 1 .. ,. • of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. • The Town of Stallings will continue working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program to implement the requirements of this Program. 3.2 State Programs The State currently implements the following water quality -related programs within the Town of Stallings: • Sediment and Erosion Control_ProQram: The North Carolina Division of Land Resources, Land Quality Section out of the Mooresville Regional Office currently administers and implements its Sediment and Erosion Control Program within the Town of Stallings. • Site Specific Water Oualitv Manauement Plan for the Goose Creek Watershed (SSMP): The North Carolina Division of Water Quality administers the Site Specific Water Quality Management Plan for the Goose Creek Watershed (SSMP) under 15A NCAC 0213.0600. The purpose of the SSMP is to protect and recover the federally -endangered Carolina heelsplitter (lasmigona decorata) which has been found in the Goose Creek watershed (a portion of which is located within Mint Hill and Matthews). E S[OWN OF TALLING S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program NS)ICI'HCAROLINA - .._ 4 ..,,_. .. .._, • Section 4.0 Permitting Information 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List The contact information for the position responsible for the overall implementation of the SWMP including the coordination of all program activities is provided below. Name: Mehdi Jafari "M.J." Namin Position: Town of Stallings Storm Water Administrator Mailing Address: 315 Stallings Road, PO Box 4030, Stallings, NC 28106 Telephone & Fax: (704) 737-3623 (Phone) & (704) 821-6841 (Fax) Email: pemjnamin@yahoo.com 4.2 Organizational Chart Town of Stallings staff will perform the activities necessary to fulfill the Phase 11 Storm Water Permit requirements. The Storm Water Administrator will be responsible for coordinating SWMP activities, including ensuring that all permit requirements are fulfilled and may contract with subcontractors for assistance in completing permit activities An organizational chart is provided in Figure 4-1. • Figure 4-1: Organizational Chart Town Manage Brian Matthews Storm Water Administrator M.J. Nam in Town .Planner Lynne Hair 0 10 GISIZoning Administrator Shannon Martel 0 0 0 S1'U W N UN' TALLINGS NORTIi c:AROUNn 4.3 Signing Official 2010 "Gown of Stallings Storm Water Management Program The signing official for this Phase II Application and SWMP Report for the Town of Stallings is Brian Matthews, Town Manager for the Town of Stallings. 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative Mr. Matthews is not delegating permit application responsibility. • "A_ 4 1,\J TA L L 1 N G S 20 10 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program 0 SFOWN OF NORI'11 CAROLENA Section 5.0 Co -Permitting Information The Town of Stallings is not co -permitting with any other Phase 1 or Phase 11 MS4 jurisdiction. 12 •-••IanvN OF ' S TA L L I N G S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm Water Management Program • Section 6. Q Reliance on Other Government Entity The Town of Stallings will rely on other government entities as specified in the following sections. 6.1 Name of the Entities • NCDENR-DLR - The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Land Resources— Mooresville Regional Office • NCDENR-DW - The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality— Central Office • MCW P - Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services, Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program 6.2 Element to be Implemented • NCDENR-DLR - Construction Site Run-off Controls • • NCDENR-DWQ - Site Specific Water Quality Management Plan for the Goose Creek Watershed (SSMP) • • MCWQP — TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for Goose Creek 6.3 Contact Information for ResponsiblePartx • NCDENR-DLR: Zahid Khan North Carolina Division of Land Resources — Mooresville Regional Office 610 E. Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 • NCDENR-DWQ Mike Randall North Carolina Division of Water Quality — Central Office 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: 919-807-6374 13 IOWNIOF E" STALLING S 2010 Town of Stallings Storm water Management Program S, MCWQP: Rusty Rozzelle Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program 700 N. Tryon Street, Suite 205 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: 704-336-5449 11 • 6.4 Legal Ap-reement NCDENR-DLR - North Carolina Division of Land Resources has the authority to implement this program per North Carolina General Statute 113A-54. No legal agreement with State Agency is required. • NCDENR-DWQ —North Carolina Division of Water Qualtiy has the authority to implement this program per North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 0213.0601 • MCW P — The Town of Stallings has entered into an annual agreement with Charlotte - Mecklenburg Storm Water Services, Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program. The agreement specifies services to be provided and responsibilities of both parties. 14 OWN OF 20own oStorm Water Management ram Pro STALLINGS 10 Tf Stallingsg NORI11 CARO LINA • Section 7.0 Storm Water Management Program Plan • The complete Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Plan is included in Appendix A. The format of the SWMP Plan adheres to the section titles included in NCDWQ form SWU-268- 091009. Since the SWMP Plan is a living document that is reviewed by Town of Stallings annually, the SWMP Plan is included as a stand-alone document; therefore, the chapter numbers have been changed. For example, Section "7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts" has been changed to Section "l .I Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts." Subsequent Section numbers have similar changes in the SWMP Plan. 15 SIWAN o 2010'rown of Stallings Storm Water Management Program TALLINGS N1}R111 CAROLINA 777y • Appendix A Storm Water Management Program Plan • n U Storm Water Management Program Plan Permit No. NCS000454 (Revised August 15, 2010) TOWN OF -� TALLINGS ���1 CPVC NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: Town of Stallings 315 Stallings Road Stallings, NC 28106 Prepared for: NPDES Phase H Storm Water Permit (1VCS000454) Renewal Application August 15, 20.10 OTable of Contents Section1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................I Section 1.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts.......................................2 1.1.1 Target Pollutants and Pollution Sources..................................................................2 1.1.2 Target Audience...................................................................................................3 1.1.3 Outreach Program....................................................................................................4 1.1.4 Evaluation................................................................................................................4 Section 1.2 Public Involvement and Participation......................................................................5 1.2.1 Target Audience.......................................................................................................5 1.2.2 Evaluation............................................................. ..6 Section 1.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination............................................................7 1.3.1 Storm Sewer System Map................................................................... 1.3.2 Regulatory Mechanism............................................................................................8 1.3.3 Enforcement.............................................................................................................8 1.3.4 Detection and Elimination.......................................................................................8 1.3.5 Locating Priority Areas ................. 1.3.6 Procedures for Tracing the Source of an Illicit Discharge.......................................9 1.3.7 Procedure for Removing the Source of the Illicit Discharge.................................10 1.3.8 isIllicit Procedures for Evaluation of the Plan to Detect & Eliminate Discharges....................................................................................................10 1.3.9 Incidental Non -Storm Water Discharges...............................................................10 1.3.10 Non -Storm Water Discharges................................................................................11 1.3.11 Outreach.................................................................................................................11 1.3.12 Evaluation....................................................... ................ ....................................... I 1 Section 1.4 Construction Site Water Runoff Control...............................................................12 Section 1.5 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Re- Development..........................................................................................................13 1.5.1 Regulatory Mechanism .............................................. ......13 1.5.2 Operation and Maintenance...................................................................................14 1.5.3 Requirements for Non -Structural BMPs................................................................14 1.5.4 Requirements for Structural BMPs........................................................................15 1.5.5 Green Infrastructure Practices................................................................................15 1.5.6 Evaluation.............................................................................. ......16 Section 1.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations...................17 1.6.1 Affected Operations.................................................................... .....................17 1.6.2 Training..................................................................................................................18 1.6.3 Maintenance and Inspections................................................................................18 1.6.4 Vehicular Operations............................................................................................19 • 1.6.5 Waste Disposal ....................... ...............................................................................19 0 E/ • C 1.6.6 Evaluation.................................................................. .......19 Section 1.7 Special Interest Waters..........................................................................................20 1.7.1 Waters Subject to TMDLs................................. .......20 ............................................. 1.7.2 Waters Supportive of Threatened and Endangered Aquatic Animal Species ........ 20 List of Tables: Table 1: BMP Summary Table for the Public Education and Outreach Program .......................2 Table 2: Targeted Pollutants and Pollution Sources for the Public Education Program .............3 Table 3: BMP Summary Table for the Public Involvement and Participation Program .............5 Table 4: BMP Summary Table for the Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Program ....... 7 Table 5: BMP Summary Table for the Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Program........................................................................................................................ 12 Table 6: BMP Summary Table for the Post -Construction Storm Water Management Program........................................................................................................................13 Table 7: BMP Summary Table for the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program ....17 Apycndices• Appendix A: BMP Summary Table Acronyms Used In This Document: BMP: Best Management Practice MOA: Memorandum of Agreement MS4: Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NCAC: North Carolina Administrative Code NCDENR: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DLR : Division of Land Quality DWQ : Division of Water Quality NPDES: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System SWAC: Storm Water Advisory Committee SWMP: Storm Water Management Program TMDL: Total Maximum Daily Load TSS: Total Suspended Solids I WWN OF j\J TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan NORM CAROUNA Section 1.0 Introduction to Storm Water Management Program Plan The goals of this Storm Water Management Program Plan (hereinafter referred to as the SWMP Plan) are to designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the Town of Stallings to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. Appendix A provides a summary of all these BMPs. The SWMP Plan is a living document; therefore development, modification, and implementation of this Plan will be ongoing throughout the second five (5) year permit term for NPDES Permit NCS000454. Significant changes to the SWMP Plan will be submitted to NCDWQ, as appropriate. • s ' �''• IUu'N OF S TALL 1 N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan Section 1.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts The Town of Stallings has developed and implemented a public education program to distribute educational materials to the community and conduct outreach activities focused on the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce these impacts and protect water quality conditions. The following Sections explain the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to meet these requirements, audience and pollution sources that will be targeted, outreach strategy, decision process and measures of success. Table 1 provides information concerning the Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented to fulfill the Public Education and Outreach Program requirements. Table 1: BMP Summary Table for the Public Education and Outreach Program. ID# BMP Measurable Goals Schedule (yrs) Responsible 1 2 1 3 1 4 g Description Position PE- I Develop and Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water Maintain a and update as appropriate. Select a target Administrator Public group for outreach emphasis on an annual Education basis. Outreach Program PE-2 Develop & Maintain the Storm Water webpage X X X X X Storm Water Maintain an located at http://www.stallin gs� nc.org to Administrator Informational include information about water quality, Website storm water handouts, ways to minimize pollution, and who to contact for reporting pollution roblems/concerns. PE-3 Develop Public Develop educational brochures and storm X X X X X Storm Water Educational water pollution prevention awareness Administrator Materials information for distribution at special events, public library, and municipal buildin s. PE4 Distribute Distribute public educational materials to X X X X X Storm Water Public schools, libraries, municipal buildings, Administrator Educational and special events. Materials Once a year, perform mailings to a selected targeted group. Develop & post storm water articles on the website once per year. 1.1.1 Tar et Pollutants and Pollution Sources Table 2 provides the specific pollution sources targeted for addressing as part of the public education program as well as a description as to why the sources are important for protecting . water quality in the Town of Stallings. 2 rI ' S TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan NI-IRlll CAROLIN'A _.:�;. ...,.: ... ,..,. �-. .. .�.,. .,,.. Table 2: Tar geted Pollutants and Pollution Sources for the Public Education Program. Targeted Pollutant Potential Pollution Source Issue Fecal Coliform Septic Systems, Sanitary The Goose Creek Watershed has been listed as impaired due to Sewer Overflows, Pet fecal coliform by the State. A fecal coliform TMDL Recovery Waste, Agriculture/ Program is being implemented in this watershed to reduce fecal Farming coliform loads. Turbidity (Total Land Improper erosion control at land development sites can result in Suspended Develop ment/Construction the discharge of sediment to surface waters resulting in elevated Solids) Activities, Built -Upon turbidity levels. This is particularly a problem in the rapidly Areas developing watersheds located in the Phase II jurisdictions. The increase in built -upon area causes increased storm water runoff that increases TSS concentrations in streams. 1.1.2 Target Audience The target audiences for the public education program include those entities that will have significant positive and/or negative impacts on water quality conditions. The audiences selected are listed below along with an explanation as to why they are being targeted for educational outreach: • General Public: The general public has been selected as a target for the educational program due to the significant negative impacts they can have on water quality conditions including dumping oil and other wastes into storm drains, improper disposal of household hazardous wastes, improper disposal of yard wastes along creek banks and improper application of pesticides and herbicides on lawns. • Commercial and Industrial: Commercial and Industrial facilities have been targeted for the educational program due to the significant negative impacts they can have on water quality by improperly handling and disposing of wastes, making illicit connections to the storm drain system and practicing poor housekeeping at their facilities. Developers 1 Construction Contractors: Developers and Construction Contractors will be targeted due to the significant impact that they have on buffer preservation and proper erosion control at construction sites, both of which help reduce by TSS concentrations in streams by implementation of proper erosion control techniques and preservation of stream buffers to treat runoff. • Significant Minority and Disadvantaged Communities: The Town of Stallings will target these groups for additional education as appropriate. v Sl'c)wN ()F TA L U N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan NORM I CARNANA , i M1.. .,R •. 'er,^_ry r , ..6:i.. r • 1.1.3 Outreach Program The outreach strategy for the Town of Stallings may include the following mechanisms: Printed Brochures and Newsletters: This outreach mechanism will be used to target specific pollution sources associated with the general public, industrial/commercial facilities and institutions including lawn care practices, handling of used oil and other automotive wastes, golf course maintenance practices, housekeeping techniques, etc. Brochures will be distributed during responses to citizen requests for service, inspections and at event displays. This information will be distributed at special event displays and when responding to citizen requests for service. Biannually (twice a year) an article will be published in the Town newsletter to provide information concerning Phase II Program activities and specific measures for protecting water quality. The newsletter will be distributed by mail to targeted groups and haiided out at event displays as well as posted on web pages. • Newspaper Ads_ Newspaper ads may be utilized to inform the public of upcoming water quality events/ training and to provide news and information regarding general water quality issues. • • Web Pages: Web pages will be maintained to reach all the target audiences including the general public and industrial, commercial and institutional entities. • • Educational Presentations: Educational presentations may be provided as necessary to the general public, schools, businesses and industrial facilities. These presentations will focus on the efforts necessary to protect water quality and will also promote the participation in volunteer activities. 1.1.4 Evaluation The measurable goals for each BMP are described in Table 1. Other measures of success for the public education program include the following: Documentation of Storm Water Program Activities — As a baseline measurable goal, staff will document completion of BMP activities annually that demonstrate successful fulfillment of BMPs associated with this program element. Adjustments to the BMPs will be made based upon the evaluation results, as appropriate. 4 9 r-7 u N nlwn OF STALL 1 N GS Storm Water Management Program Plan Section 1.2 Public Involvement and Participation The Town of Stallings has developed and implemented a Public Involvement and Participation Program to provide opportunities for the public to participate in Phase 11 program development and implementation. The following Sections explain the BMPs implemented to meet this requirement, target audience, explanation of the public participation program, decision process and measures of success. Table 3 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the Public Involvement and Participation Program requirements. Table 3: BMP Summary Table for the Public Involvement and Participation Program. # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule rs Responsible 1 2 1 3 4 5 Description Position PI-1 Develop and Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water Maintain a and update as appropriate. Administrator Public Involvement Program PI-2 Conduct At a minimum of once annually, a public X X X X X Storm Water Phase II meeting will be held before the Storm Administrator Public Water Advisory Committee (SWAG) to Meeting provide information regarding activities performed to comply with Phase 11 requirements and to receive comments from the general public. PI-3 Organize a Conduct an annual volunteer event which X X X X X Storm Water Volunteer could involve stream clean-up, park clean- Administrator Community up, and/or storm drain marking. Involvement Event P14 Establish a A Storm Water Advisory Committee X X X X X Storm Water Citizens (SWAG) has been established and conducts Administrator Advisory monthly meetings on water quality issues Panel and promotion of citizen participation. 1.2.1 Target Audience The target audience for the Public Involvement and Participation Program includes all age, ethnic and economic groups in the Town of Stallings. Volunteer opportunities will be made available to all stakeholder groups, including commercial and industrial facilities, environmental groups, homeowners' associations, civic groups, educational organizations, and interested citizens. • • • esfl)WN OF TALLINCS N[ )R H I CARIN.INn 1.2.2 Evaluation m•• . r. u M , Storm Water Management Program an The measurable goals for each BMP are described in Table 3. Other measures of success for the public involvement and participation program will include: • Documentation of Storm Water Program Activities — As a baseline measurable goal, staff will document completion of Work Plan program activities annually that demonstrate successful fulfillment of BMPs associated with this program element. Number of Volunteer Events — A minimum of one volunteer event annually is the desired target for a successful Public Involvement and Participation Program. 0 • 0 SI'mk'h of TALLINGS y('NIIIi',,I{')I,�n Storm Water Management Program Plan - I. -� `- e Rmm Section 1.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination The Town of Stallings has developed, implemented and enforced a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges (as defined in 40 CFR 122.26(b)(2)). The following Sections explain the BMPs implemented to meet this requirement. Table 4 provides information concerning the BMPs implemented to fulfill the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program requirements. Table 4: BMP Summary Table for the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program. BMP I Measurable Coals Schedule rs Responsible 1 2 13 4 S Description Position ID -I Develop and Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water Maintain a and update as appropriate. Administrator Public Involvement Program ID-2 Establish An Illicit Discharge ordinance has been X X X X X Storm Water and Maintain developed during the first permit term and Administrator Legal will continue to be enforced during the Authority second permit term. 1D-3 Update An initial Storm Sewer Base Map including X X X X X Storm Water Storm Sewer outfalls, drainage areas and receiving Administrator Base Map streams was developed during the first permit term. The storm sewer systems serving the Town of Stallings will be updated using land development plans and field observations. ID4 Implement Inspect identified outfalls on an annual X X X X X Storm Water Illicit basis for presence of dry weather flows and Administrator Discharge use established procedures (including visual Detection observations, dye testing, in -line video, Procedures and/or sampling, as appropriate) to identify priority areas, trace sources of dry weather flows, and eliminate sources of flows. ID-5 Conduct Train municipal staff annually on the X X X X X Storm Water Employee identification, detection, and elimination of Administrator Cross- illicit discharges. Training ID-6 Provide Information on hazards associated with X X X X X Storm Water Public illegal discharges and improper disposal of Administrator Education waste will be included in public outreach materials as part of the Public Education and Outreach Program. ID-7 Establish A Water Pollution Hotline was established X X X X X Storm Water and Maintain during the first permit term and publicized Administrator a Public on the 'Town of Stallings website to enable Reporting citizens to report illicit discharges. A Mechanism tracking system will be used to document information concerning pollution calls and response actions taken. 7 S[OWN OF TALL 1 N G S storm Water Management Program Plan • 1.3.1 Storm Sewer System Map The Town of Stallings has completed a storm sewer base map. This map shows the locations of outfalls, drainage areas, and receiving waters. As part of this mapping program, the Town of Stallings identified dry weather flows to the storm sewer system and initiated the measures necessary to investigate and eliminate pollution sources. The Town of Stallings will ensure that the storm sewer maps are updated through enforcement of the Post -Construction ordinance (adopted by the Town of Stallings on October 1, 2007) and through field surveys. The ordinances require new developments to submit plans and drawings to the Town of Stallings containing the locations of newly installed storm sewer infrastructure. In addition, the Town of Stallings may conduct periodic field surveys of areas of new construction to update storm sewer coverage. 1.3.2 RegulatorMechanism In June 2010, the Town of Stallings adopted an "Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance" that prohibits illicit discharges, illicit connections and improper disposal to surface waters and storm sewers as authorized by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 160A-174. Copies of the above ordinance are available on the following website: httpa/www.stallingsnc.org by selecting "Stormwater", then by selecting "Stormwater Illicit Discharge Ordinance". 1.3.3 Enforcement Enforcement procedures are contained with Section 15 of the Illicit Discharge Storm Water ordinance. These procedures include guidelines on when to issue a Warning Notice, and/or a Notice of Violation. The procedures also provide guidance on the assessment of penalties including financial penalties, compensatory actions, suspensions, cease and desist orders. All appeals to the ordinances will be heard by the Stallings Board of Adjustments. 1.3.4 Detection and Elimination An effective illicit discharge detection and elimination plan is essential to the success of the Phase II Program. The Town of Stallings will rely on the following techniques for -the development of their Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program: • Public Involvement — Public reporting is one of the best tools for detecting illicit discharges. As part of the Public Education Program, The Town of Stallings will focus on informing residents of what to look for in the detection of illicit discharges and the proper reporting process. When the Town of Stallings receives a report from the public . of a potential water quality problem staff respond to implement the actions necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources. 8 s es.14' fUNI)PTA L L I N C S Storm Water Management Program Plan N@RHI CARf1 ANA ,_.. ..n,.. ,_ • Outfall Inspections — The Town of Stallings performs annual outfall inspections to investigate the presence of dry weather flows and illicit discharges. • Staff Training and Involvement — Selected staff will be trained on the identification, detection, and elimination of illicit discharges and connections. As part of performing work in the communities, these staff will be better able to help identify and eliminate pollution sources. Detailed procedures for locating and responding to illicit discharges and connections are described in the sections below. 1.3.5 Locating- Priority Areas The Town of Stallings relies heavily on reports from the public and staff to assist in locating priority areas for additional focus. Businesses, Areas, or Outfalls with repeated reports of pollution problems will be targeted during the permit term for additional follow-up. The public and staff will be educated on detecting pollution using: • Visual observation — Discoloration of water or banks, presence of foam, presence of dry • weather flows, floating liquid or solids, presence of dead fish or dead macroinvertibrates can all be signs of potential pollution. • Odor — Unusual odors (septic, chemical, petroleum, etc.) can be signs of potential pollution. All reports of potential pollution will be addressed by the Town of Stallings. 1.3.6 Procedures for Tracking the Source of an Illicit Discharge Once a priority area is identified, standardized follow up field screening activities are performed to identify and eliminate pollution sources, including illicit discharges. These procedures will be used, as appropriate, to track the source of an illicit discharge or connection. • A thorough assessment of the physical appearance and odor of the illicit discharge; • A drainage system survey of the upstream drainage area (businesses, operations, etc.) and/or pipes to determine the source of discharge; The use of dye tests or in -line video camera tracing to detect the source of the illicit discharge or connection; and/or Analytical or bacteriological testing to determine the nature of the discharge. E • ruWry of Storm Water Management Program Plan C)S.TALLINGS NnKnicnisni.JNn Once the source of the discharge or connection is discovered, staff work with the source owner to remove the source as described below. 1.3.7 Procedures for Removing the Source of the Illicit Discharge Once the source of a pollution problem is detected, the party responsible for the discharge will be immediately identified and a verbal and/or written notice issued for violation of Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance. Immediate discontinuation of the discharge, corrective action, and a compliance schedule will be required by the notice. If the responsible party fails to make corrective action within the required schedule, the Town of Stallings may issue fines and/or take necessary measures to restore compliance as described in the Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance. 1.3.8 Procedures for Evaluation of the Plan to Detect and Eliminate Illicit Discharges The BMPs described in Table 4 above will be evaluated annually to determine the overall effectiveness of the plan. If proven ineffective, the plan will be re-evaluated and changed as necessary. • 1.3.9 Incidental Non -Storm Water Discharges The following incidental non -storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) are not considered as significant contributors of pollutants and will not be regulated by Storm Water Pollution Control Ordinances developed by the Town of Stallings: • Water line flushing, except super -chlorinated water line flushing; • Diverted stream flows; • Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration; • Uncontaminated, pumped groundwater; • Rising ground waters; • Discharges from uncontaminated potable water sources; • Collected infiltrated storm water from foundation drains or footing drains; • Air conditioning condensate from residential or commercial units that is unmixed with water from a cooling tower, emissions scrubber, emissions filter, or any other source of pollutant; • Uncontaminated springs; • Uncontaminated, collected groundwater and infiltrated storm water from basement or • crawl space pumps; A discharge or flow from individual residential car washing; • • A discharge or flow from a riparian habitat or wetland; 10 MWN R `') S TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan N(1R'HI CAROLINA • • Lawn watering, or landscape irrigation; • Dechlorinated swimming pool discharge and dechlorinated filter backwash (water or filter backwash sitting for 72 hours without chemical treatment is considered dechlorinated), • Street wash water only when unmodified potable water is used; • Flows from emergency fire and rescue operations other than those resulting from negligence on the part of the person who owned or controlled the pollutant; • NPDES permitted discharges authorized by the EPA or NCDENR; • Dye testing, using suitable dyes for verifying cross -connections, tracing plumbing lines, determining now direction or rate and for similar purposes, provided that verbal notification by non -governmental entities is provided to the Town of Stallings prior to testing; and • Removal of storm water system blockages with unmodified potable water. 1.3.10 Non -Storm Water Discharges All non -storm water discharges not listed in Section 1.3.8 are considered significant contributors of pollutants and are prohibited by the Storm Water Pollution Control Ordinances unless they are permitted as an allowable discharge under a State issued permit. 1.3.11 Outreach As part of the Public Outreach Program described in Section 1.1, the Town of Stallings will inform public employees, businesses, industries and the general public of illicit discharges and improper waste disposal and how they threaten the environment. Cross training of municipal employees also includes techniques for detecting illicit discharges. 1.3.12 Evaluation The measurable goals for each BMP are described in Table 4. Other measures of success for the illicit discharge detection and elimination program include the following: • Documentation of Storm Water Program Activities — As a baseline measurable goal, staff will document completion of Work Plan program activities annually that demonstrate successful fulfillment of BMPs associated with this program element. All activities will be documented on an annual basis. • Enforce the Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance: The Illicit Discharge Storm Water Ordinance was adopted in June 2010. The enforcement of this ordinance is an ongoing process. The measurable goal for this BMP is the quick and efficient correction of water quality violations, which is tracked in regular reports. 0 • is S10 AIN OF TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan Section 1.4 Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control The Town of Stallings relies on the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Land Resources (NCDENR-DLR) to implement the Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Program. Table 5 provides information concerning the BMPs that will be implemented by the Town of Stallings to assist NCDENR in implementing the Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Program requirements. Table 5: BMA Summary Table for the Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control Program. BMP Measurable Coals Schedule rs Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Description Position CS -I Implement a Implement a public outreach program to X X X X X Storm Water Public inform public employees, businesses, Administrator Outreach construction site operators, industries and Program the general public to report observed erosion and sedimentation problems to NCDEN R-DLR. CS-2 Maintain a Maintain a subdivision plan review process X X X X X Storm Water Plan Review that requires submittal of an erosion control Administrator Process plan to NCDENR-DLR 12 TOWNOFOSTA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan N0k'1'11 CAROLINn ;m.. ® Section 1.5 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Re -Development • The Town of Stallings developed and implemented a program to manage post -construction storm water discharges from development and re -development projects. The goal of this program is to ensure that adequate controls are in place to minimize negative water quality impacts from post - construction storm water discharges through the use of a combination of structural and non- structural best management practices (BMPs). A Post -Construction Storm Water Ordinance was developed and adopted October 1, 2007. This ordinance addresses storm water runoff from new development and re -development projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale. The program includes the development and implementation of long term operation and maintenance practices for BMPs. The following Sections explain the BMPs implemented to meet this requirement. Table 6 provides information concerning the BMPs to be implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Post -Construction Storm Water Management Program. Table 6: BMP Summary Table for the Post -Construction Storm Water Management Program. BMP Schedule rs Responsible Position # Description Measurable Coals 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 PC-1 Implement Implement a program to minimize negative X X X X X Storm Water and Maintain water quality impacts associated with storm Administrator a Post-Const. water runoff from new development and Storm Water redevelopment. Perform an annual review Management of the program and update as appropriate. Program PC-2 Implement Require Maintenance Agreements to be X X X X X Storm Water BMP recorded to ensure long-term maintenance Administrator Inspection of structural BMPs. Require annual and inspections by a Registered Professional Maintenance Engineer to ensure that BMPs are Strategies maintained and performing in accordance with approved plans andspecifications. PC-3 Implement a Control the sources of fecal coliforrn X X X X X Storm Water Program to bacteria to the maximum extent practicable. Administrator Control the Implement an oversight program to ensure Sources of proper operation and maintenance of on -site Fecal wastewater treatment systems for domestic Coliform wastewater, Coordinate this program with Bacteria the local health de artment. 1.5.1 Regulatory Mechanism A Post -Construction Storm Water Ordinance was developed and adopted October 1, 2007. This ordinance met or exceeded the minimum requirements for the control of post -construction storm is water runoff specified in North Carolina Session Law 2006-246 and Phase II Storm Water 13 0s, TA L U N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan • Permit requirements. The ordinance includes sections to address structural BMP design (by referencing the Charlotte -Mecklenburg BMP Design Manual), plan submittal, review and approval review procedures, long-term BMP Maintenance, BMP Inspection, storm water treatment and control standards, stream buffers, violations, and enforcement procedures The Storm Water Administrator is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the post -construction ordinances for the Town of Stallings. All appeals and variances are heard by the Stallings Board of Adjustments. 1.5.2 Operation and Maintenance The Town of Stallings uses the following criteria to ensure long-term operation and maintenance of all structural BMPs required by the Post -Construction Storm Water Program: 1. Maintenance and access easements must be established and recorded for all BMPs except those installed for public facilities. 2. The location and dimensions of all BMPs as well as associated maintenance and access easements must be included on the final plat for the project recorded at the Union County Register of Deeds Office. 3. The location and dimensions of all buffers and other green infrastructure must be included on the final plat recorded with the Union County Register of Deeds Office. 4. As -built plans are required that show the final design specifications for all structural BMPs and the field location, size, depth, and planted vegetation associated with the BMP as installed, as well as the location of tree plantings. The designer of the storm water management measures and plans must certify, under seal, that the as -built storm water measures, controls, and devices are in compliance with the approved storm water management plans and designs and with the requirements of the post -construction ordinance. 5. A BMP Operation and Maintenance Agreement must be completed and recorded at the Union County Register of Deeds Office for all structural BMPs. 6. All structural BMPs must be inspected by a qualified registered N.C. professional engineer at a minimum of annually. • 1.5.3 Requirements for Non -Structural BMPs The Town of Stallings Post -Construction ordinance includes preservation of stream buffers as a non-structural BMP. Buffer widths range from 30-foot vegetated buffers (along any stream shown on a USGS map or an NRCS map) up to 200-foot undisturbed buffers along streams with floodplains in the Goose Creek watershed. These buffers are required to be shown on development and construction plans, as -built surveys, and recorded plats to ensure protection and long-term preservation. 14 STOWN OF TA LLl NGS storm Water Management Program Plan NOR I'll CAROLINA r .�,, - • 1.5.4 Requirements for Structural BMPs • The post -construction ordinance contains requirements for the installation of structural BMPs to control and treat storm water runoff to meet specific volume, peak and water quality requirements when a built -upon area threshold is reached. Structural BMPs allowed for use (pending design review and approval by the Storm Water Administrator) within the Town of Stallings include: • Bioretention Gardens • Wet Ponds • Dry Detention Ponds • Grass Channel • Enhanced Grass Swale • Treatment Wetlands • Infiltration Trench • Filter Strip 1 Wooded Buffer Strip • Green Roofs • Permeable Pavement Systems • Proprietary BMPs Design standards for each of these BMPs are included in the Design Manual. To ensure long- term operation and maintenance, structural BMPs are subject to the criteria contained in Section 1.5.2. 1.5.5 Green Infrastructure Practices The post -construction ordinance contains requirements for the establishment of the following green infrastructure: Vegetated conveyances must be used to transport storm water to the maximum extent practicable. • Permeable pavement systems are allowed to be used as a structural BMP to help manage storm water runoff. • Green roofs are allowed to be used as a structural BMP to help manage storm water runoff. • Stream buffers ranging in width from 30 feet to 200 feet depending on the watershed area and jurisdiction. 15 ..... RAIN OF STALL 1 N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan • Practices are in place to ensure the long term maintenance of green infrastructure, including recording the infrastructure on final plats at the Union County Register of Deeds Office and performing periodic inspections. 0 1.5.6 Evaluation The measurable goals for each BMP are described in Table 6. Other measures of success for the post -construction storm water runoff control program include the following: • Documentation_ of Storm Water Program Activities: As a baseline measurable goal, staff will document completion of activities annually that demonstrate successful fulfillment of BMPs associated with this program element. • Structural and Non Structural BMP Evaluations: Annual inspection reports submitted for structural BMPs will be carefully reviewed to ensure their ongoing effectiveness. The Town of Stallings may also periodically inspect buffers and other post -construction ordinance requirements to ensure their long term effectiveness. The Town of Stallings will also evaluate the effectiveness of BMP Operation and Maintenance Agreements at ensuring the proper operation of BMPs. Wei SfU41'N OF TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan NORHI CAROLINA * Y r Section 1.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations The Town of Stallings has developed and implemented an operation and maintenance program that includes a training component with the ultimate goal of reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. The following Sections explain the BMPs to be implemented to meet this requirement. Table 7 provides information concerning the BMPs to be implemented to fulfill the requirements of the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. Table 7: BMP Summary Table for the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekee in ,, Program. # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule rs Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Description Position PP -I Develop and Develop and Maintain an Operation and X X X X X Storm Water Maintain an Maintenance Program for Municipal Operations Administrator Operation with the goal of reducing pollutant runoff. and Perform an annual review of the program and Maintenance update as appropriate. Pro gram PP-2 Maintain Update the inventory of all municipal operations X X X X X Storm Water and Update owned or operated by the Town of Stallings for Administrator the their potential to generate polluted storm water Inventory of runoff and the need for additional pollution Municipal control measures. Update this inventory as Operations necessary during the second five (5) year permit term. PP-3 Conduct Conduct annual inspections of all facilities X X X X X Storm Water Inspections associated with Phase 11 municipal operations. Administrator of Municipal Identify potential pollution sources and work Operations with each facility to ensure that these sources are eliminated. Written guidance materials developed in PP-1 will be distributed & explained during these inspections as needed. PP4 Implement Implement an annual pollution prevention X X X X X Storm Water Employee training program for employees that engage in Administrator Training activities that have the potential to negatively Program impact water quality. 1.6.1 Affected Operation During the first permit term, the Torun of Stallings began developing an inventory of municipal properties owned and/or operated by the Town of Stallings for the purpose of identifying those properties that have the potential to negatively impact water quality for inclusion in the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Program. There were no properties identified during the first permit term that have significant potential to pollute storm water. In addition, no Town -owned properties had individual NPDES permits for industrial activity. As activities, operations, and ® ownership changes at these facilities, the Town of Stallings will continue to evaluate municipal properties. 17 • !'UN'N (11: STALLINGS Storm Water .Management Program Plan yn!(n! cnlux.lNn 1.6.2 Training The Town of Stallings will conduct an annual training seminar for municipal employees, as appropriate for their operations. The goal of this training seminar will be to inform employees of the actions necessary to reduce the discharge of pollution and protect water quality. A combination of the following topics may be included in the seminar: 1. Overview of general water quality conditions in the Town of Stallings and reasons for protecting water quality. 2. Description of common pollutants, their sources and water quality impacts. 3. Description of the actions that each facility and/or operation should take to reduce discharges of pollutants with an emphasis on good housekeeping. 4. Description of effective spill prevention measures that should be employed at each facility and/or operation. 5. Discussion of typical pollution sources at municipal operations and the specific action that should be taken to minimize pollution and protect water quality. 6. Review of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and/or Spill Response Plan, if applicable. 7. Explanation of the consequences of failing to control pollutants at facilities and/or operations. • 1.6.3 Maintenance and inspections If such time as the Town of Stallings owns or operates municipal facilities that have significant potential to pollute storm water, staff will conduct annual inspections of all such facilities. These inspections will include the following: 1. Thorough assessment of facility operations, maintenance activities, maintenance schedules and long term inspection procedures. Pollution sources will be identified and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 2. Evaluation of waste disposal methods and documentation to ensure compliance with existing regulations and minimization of all potential pollution sources. 3. Visual evaluation of storm water conveyance systems, storm water control structures, outfalls, water quality conditions downstream of the facility and identification and minimization of -pollution sources to the maximum extent practicable. 4. Evaluation of housekeeping practices that will be revised as necessary to minimize potential pollution sources to the maximum extent practicable. 5. Completion of a written report documenting findings and listing actions taken to minimize pollution sources and protect water quality to the maximum extent practicable. Follow up inspections will be conducted as necessary to ensure the minimization of all potential pollution sources to the maximum extent practicable and documentation of corrective actions. The supervisor of each facility will be contacted and provided with a copy of the written report. 18 rc�u�h OF STALLINCS Storm Water Management Program Plan NOK'TII CAKOLINA • 1.6.4 Vehicular Operations is • The Town of Stallings does not own or operate any fleet maintenance operations, storage yards, industrial parking lots, or waste transfer stations. 1.6.5 Waste Disposal The Town of Stallings does not own or operate any waste disposal operations. Third -Party contractors are used to remove accumulated sediment, dredged spoil, and other debris and are required to dispose of the wastes in accordance with local laws. 1.6.6 Evaluation The measurable goals for each BMP are described in Table 7. Other measures of success for the pollution prevention/good housekeeping program include the following: • Documentation of Storm Water Program Activities: As a baseline measurable goal, staff will document completion of Work Plan program activities annually that demonstrate successful fulfillment of BMPs associated with this program element. m iSCc)w�N OF TALL 1 N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan Section 1.7 Special Interest Waters For the purposes of this document, the waters of the Town of Stallings that are subject to total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) and special requirements relating to the protection of threatened and endangered aquatic animal species are considered special interest waters and will be addressed as described in the following Sections. 1.7.1 Waters Subiect to TMDLs Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, referred to as the 303(d) list, is submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for review. The 303(d) process requires that a TMDL be developed for each of the waters appearing on the 303(d) list. The Town of Stallings Phase II Permit specifies that within two (2) years of receiving notification from the N.C. Division of Water Quality that a Phase II jurisdiction is subject to a TMDL for a certain stream segment, the Town of Stallings will establish a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program for that stream segment. On August 10, 2006, the Town of Stallings received written notification from the N.C. Division iof Water Quality that it is subject to the approved fecal coliform TMDL for Goose Creek. The Town of Stallings (working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program) subsequently completed a TMDL Water Quality Recovery Program Plan for the Goose Creek TMDL, which was submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on July 9, 2008 for compliance with the above described permit requirement. Implementation of the Plan began in July 2008. Input received from the Advisory Group formed to facilitate the implementation of this Plan resulted in revisions that were subsequently submitted to the N.C. Division of Water Quality on November 13, 2009. Implementation of this Plan began in November 2009. The Town of Stallings will continue working cooperatively with Mecklenburg County Water Quality Program to implement the requirements of this Program. 1.7.2 Waters Supportive of Threatened and Endan ered Aquatic Animal Species Certain waters provide habitat for aquatic animal species that are listed as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries Service under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531-1544 and subsequent modifications. Maintenance and recovery of the water quality conditions required to sustain and recover federally -listed threatened and endangered aquatic animal species contributes to the support and maintenance of a balanced and indigenous community of aquatic organisms and thereby protects the biological integrity of the waters. The Town of Stallings Phase II Permit specifies that IS jurisdictions will incorporate into their Storm Water Management Program Plan site specific 20 • • = TOWN OF t�'�?t S TA L L I N G S Storm Water Management Program Plan storm water management requirements for streams supporting federally -listed threatened and endangered aquatic animal species as required by site -specific management plans and schedules developed by the N.C. Division of Water Quality under provisions of 15A NCAC 2B .0110. The N.C. Division of Water Quality developed a site -specific management plan for protection of the Carolina heelsplitter in Goose Creek under 15A NCAC 02B .0601, 15A NCAC 02B .0602, 15A NCAC 02B .0603, 15A NCAC 02B .0604, and 15A NCAC 02B .0605 effective January 1, 2009. The buffer requirements for the plan were developed under 15A NCAC 02B .0606, 15A NCAC 02B .0607, 15A NCAC 0213.0608, and 15A NCAC 02B .0609 effective February 1, 2009. The Town of Stallings relies on NCDENR-DWQ to implement the requirements of the site - specific management plan. 21 C] C� J 11 Os. TALLINGs g Program Plan n�nirrl(cnknl.livn torm Water Management ,, .. .:: ;,...., , .: �... .,. . � . � ...:, •..: Appendix A BMP Summary Table 1% STOWN OF TA LL I N G S APPENDIX A BMP Summary Table NORTH CAR01.1NA # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule Vrs Responsible Phone # Fax # Email I 12 13 1 4 1 5 Description 1 Position Address Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Im acts PE-1 Develop and Maintain a Public Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Education Outreach Program and update as appropriate. Select a target Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com group for outreach emphasis on an annual basis. PE-2 Develop & Maintain an Informational Maintain the Storm Water webpage X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Website located at http://wN�,",.stallin_snc.org to Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com include information about water quality, storm water handouts, ways to minimize pollution, and who to contact for reporting ollutionproblems/concerns. PE-3 Develop Public Educational Materials Develop educational brochures and storm X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ water pollution prevention awareness Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com information for distribution at special events, public library, and municipal buildings. PE4 Distribute Public Educational Distribute public educational materials to X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Materials schools, libraries, municipal buildings, Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com and special events. Once a year, perform mailings to a selected targeted group. Develop & post storm water articles on the website once per year. Public Involvement and Partici ation PI -I Develop and Maintain a Public Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Involvement Pro am and update as appropriate. Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com Pl-2 Conduct Phase II Public Meeting At a minimum of once annually, a public X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ meeting will be held before the Storm Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com Water Advisory Committee (SWAC) to provide information regarding activities performed to comply with Phase 11 requirements and to receive comments from the general public. P491 0 0 • •"='•• S ro�t•N of TAL LI NG S APPENDIX A BMP Summary Table NORTH CAROLI\A # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule vrs Responsible Phone # Fax # Email 1 2 13 14 5 Description Position Address PI-3 Organize a Volunteer Community Conduct an annual volunteer event which X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Involvement Event could involve stream clean-up, park Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com clean-up, and/or storm drain marking. PI-4 Establish a Citizens Advisory Panel A Storm Water Advisory Committee X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ (SWAG) has been established and Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com conducts monthly meetings on water quality issues and promotion of citizen participation. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination ID -I Develop and Maintain a Public Perform an annual review of the program X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Involvement Program and update as appropriate. Administrator 3623 6841yahoo.com ID-2 Establish and Maintain Legal An Illicit Discharge ordinance has been X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Authority developed during the first permit term Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com and will continue to be enforced during the second permit term. ID-3 Update Storm Sewer Base Map An initial Storm Sewer Base Map X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ including outfalls, drainage areas and Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com receiving streams was developed during the first permit term. The storm sewer systems serving the Town of Stallings will be updated using land development tans and field observations. ID-4 Implement Illicit Discharge Detection Inspect identified outfalls on an annual X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Procedures basis for presence of dry weather flows Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com and use established procedures (including visual observations, dye testing, in -line video, and/or sampling, as appropriate) to identify priority areas, trace sources of dry weather flows, and eliminate sources of flows. ID-5 Conduct Employee Cross -Training Train municipal staff annually on the X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ identification, detection, and elimination Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com of illicit discharges. 24 • •'='•• Towx or' STALLINGS APPENDIX BMP Summary Table NORTH CAROLINA _.. _ # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule yrs Responsible phone # Fax # Email l 2 3 1 4 5 Description Position Address ID-6 Provide Public Education Information on hazards associated with X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ illegal discharges and improper disposal Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com of waste will be included in public outreach materials as part of the Public Education and Outreach Program. ID-7 Establish and Maintain a Public A Water Pollution Hotline was X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Reporting Mechanism established during the first permit term Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com and publicized on the Town of Stallings website to enable citizens to report illicit discharges. A tracking system will be used to document information concerning pollution calls and response actions taken. Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control CS-1 Implement a Public Outreach Program Implement a public outreach program to X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ inform public employees, businesses, Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com construction site operators, industries and the general public to report observed erosion and sedimentation problems to NCDENR-DLR. CS-2 Maintain a Plan Review Process Maintain a subdivision plan review X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ process that requires submittal of an Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com erosion control plan to NCDENR-DLR Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Develo ment[Re-Develo ment PC-1 Implement and Maintain a Post-Const. Implement a program to minimize X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Storm Water Management Program negative water quality impacts associated Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com with storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment. Perform an annual review of the program and update as appropriate. PC-2 Implement BMP Inspection and Require Maintenance Agreements to be X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Maintenance Strategies recorded to ensure long-term maintenance Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com of structural BMPs. Require annual inspections by a Registered Professional Engineer to ensure that BMPs are maintained and performing in accordance with approved plans andspecifications. 25 0 0 0 TOWN OF E. STALLINGS APPENDIX BMPSummary Table NORTH CAROLINA # BMP Measurable Goals Schedule yrs Responsible Phone # Fax # Email l 2 3 14 5 Description Position Address PC-3 Implement a Program to Control the Control the sources of fecal coliform X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Sources of Fecal Coliform Bacteria bacteria to the maximum extent Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com practicable. Implement an oversight program to ensure proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater. Coordinate this program with the local health department. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal O erations PP-1 Develop and Maintain an Operation Develop and Maintain an Operation and X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ and Maintenance Program Maintenance Program for Municipal Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com Operations with the goal of reducing pollutant runoff. Perform an annual review of the program and update as appropriate. PP-2 Maintain and Update the Inventory of Update the inventory of all municipal X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Municipal Operations operations owned or operated by the Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com Town of Stallings for their potential to generate polluted storm water runoff and the need for additional pollution control measures. Update this inventory as necessary during the second five (5) year permit term. PP-3 Conduct Inspections of Municipal Conduct annual inspections of all X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Operations facilities associated with Phase I1 Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com municipal operations. Identify potential pollution sources and work with each facility to ensure that these sources are eliminated. Written guidance materials developed in PP -I will be distributed & explained during these inspections as needed. PP4 Implement Employee Training Implement an annual pollution prevention X X X X X Storm Water (704) 737- (704) 821- pemjnamin@ Program training program for employees that Administrator 3623 6841 yahoo.com engage in activities that have the potential to neptively impact water quality. 26 Notice; I spoke with Aisha Lau, Wednesday March 26, 2003 and was told the town could submit our application without the support rating for our receiving streams. I tried exhaustingly to search your website and with no avail could I find the support rating for any of our receiving streams. Brian Matthews Town Manager Stallings f P G7A, r�5 e0, State of North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality OFFIC USE ONLY Date Rec'd 03 - z a - 61 Fee Paid -4,; , a a Permit Number *+c.s ooc�sr NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES sormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small M54 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Storm water Management Program Report WU 168) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submitt plete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Stallings Q b. Ownership Status (federal, state or local) Public `tir iy so�,grF c. Type of Public Entity (city, town, county, prison, school, etc. Town B�GgI, d. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code SIC 91 - 97 e. County(s) Union f. Jurisdictional Area (square miles 6.3 g. Population Permanent 8140 Seasonal (if available) h. Ten-year Growth Rate 14.95% i. Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes ®No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 6.3 b. River Basin(s) Catawba & Yadkin Pee -Dee c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 4 d. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 70% • Commercial 1596 • Industrial 10% • Open Space 591a Total = 100% e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? ❑ Yes ® No M NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application go III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ❑ Yes ® No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program ❑ Yes ® No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ❑ Yes ® No d. CAMA Land Use Plan ❑ Yes ® No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with ❑ Yes ® No a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit El Yes ®No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ® No erm ittees? X V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS S(If more than one, attach additional sheets) t� a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of ® Yes ❑ No our permit obligations? b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • Name of Entity NC DENR • Element they will Sediment & Erosion Control implement • Contact Person Matt Heller • Contact Address 919 N. Main St Mooresville NC 28115 • Contact Telephone Number 704-663-1699 c. Are legal agreements in place El Yes ®Na to establish responsibilities? VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application u 0 VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature Name Lucy Drake Title Mayor Street Address PO Box 4060 City Stallings State NC Zip 28106 Telephone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 E-Mail mayorlucy@aol.com VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Brian Matthews b. Title Town manager c. Street Address d. PO Box 4030 e. City Stallings f. State NC g. Zip 28106 h. Telephone Number 704-821-8557 L Fax Number 704-821-6841 j. E-Mail Address bamtthews@alltel.net NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS iList permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste N/A Management Program N/A b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N/A Permit Number d. Prevention of Significant N/A Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for N/A Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under N/A section 404 of CWA X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. 0 V American FactFinder Page 1 of 3 t r L KV ':s4 ,t,x American FactFind�ti Main I Search I Feedback I FAQs I Glossary i He Quick Tables Basic Facts DP-1._Profile of General Demooraphic Characteristics: 200.0 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File (SF 1) 100_Percent Data Geographic Area: Stallings town, North Carolina NOTE: For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see httpalfactfinde[.censu_s.gov/hom_elen/datanotes/expsfl u.htm. ub'ect Numbe Percent Total population 3,189 100. SEX AND AGE Male 1,567 49.1 Female 1,622 50. Under 5 years 268 8. 5 to 9 years 25 8.1 10 to 14 years 207 6. 15 to 19 years 182 5. 20 to 24 years 142 4. 25 to 34 years 629 19. 35 to 44 years 568 17.81 5 to 54 years 378 11. to 59 ears 16 5.1 0 to 64 ears 12 3. 155 5 to 74 ears 16 5. 75 to 84 years 87 2. 5 years and over 14 0. Median age ears 33. X 18 years and over 2,338 73. Male 1,135 35. Female 1,203 37. 21 years and over 2,251 70. 2 years and over 337 10. 5 years and over 270 8. Male 108 3. Female 162 5.1 RACE One race 3,161 99.1 White 2,821 88.51 Black or African American 248 7.81 American Indian and Alaska Native 25 0, Asian 11 0. Asian Indian 01 0.01 Chinese 0.01 Filipino 0,01 Japanese 0.01 Korean 0A Vietnamese 8 0. Other Asian 0,01 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0. Native Hawaiian 0. Guamanian or Chamorro 0, Samoan 0. Other Pacific Islander 2 D. Some other race 5 1. Two or more races 28 0. Race alone or in combination with one or more other races = http://factfinder.cens.../_fang=en_vt_naine=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DPl_geo_id=1G000US37G4420.httn 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 2of3 4 Subject Number Percent bite 2,846 89.2 Black or African American 255 8. merican Indian and Alaska Native 39 1.2 sian 15 0. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 3 0.1 Some other race 61 1. HISPANIC OR LATWO AND RACE Total population 3,189 100. His anic or Latino of any race 117 3. Mexican 94 2. Puerto Rican 4 0.1 Cuban 2 0.1 Other Hispanic or Latino 17 0. Not Hispanic or Latino 3,072 96. White alone 2,760 86. RELATIONSHIP Total population 3,189 100. In households 3,1891 100. Householder 1,18 37. Spouse 757 23. Child 970 30. Own child under 18 years 773 24.2 Other relatives 159 5. Under 18 years 65 2. Nonrelatives 123 3. Unmarried partner 57 1. uarters 0. tutionalized o ulation 0. rNNoninstitutionalizedo ulation 0. EHOLDS BY TYPE Total households 1,180 100.0 Family households families 931 78. With own children under 18 ears 435 36. Married -couple family 757 64.2 With own children under 18 years 343 29.1 Female householder, no husband present 124 10. With own children under 18 years 63 5. Nonfamily households 249 21.1 Householder living alone 196 16. Householder 65 years and over 63 5. Households with individuals under 18 years 476 40, Households with individuals 65 years and over 202 17.1 Average household size 2.7 X Average family size 3.0 X HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units 1,222 100. Occu ied housing units 1.180 96. Vacant housinq units 42 3. For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 2 0. Homeowner vacancy rate(percent) 2.5 X Rental vacancy rate(percent) 1. X OUSING TENURE Occupied housingunits 1,180 100. caner -occupied housin units iverage 97 82.2 enter -occupied housingunits 21 17. household size of owner -occupied unit 2.6 X [Average household size of renter -occupied unit 2.88 X http://factfinder.cens.../_tang=en_vt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DP1_geo_id=16000US3764420.htm 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 1 of 2 American FactFindv ii— Main I Search I Feedback I FAQs I Glossary I He Quick Tables Beslc Facts DP-1. General Population and Housing Characteristics:. 1990 Data Set: 1990 Summary Tape File 1 (STF 1)-100 Percent data Geographic Area: Stallings town, North Carolina NOTE: For information on confidentiality, nonsampling error, and definitions, see http.://factfinder.cen.sus,govlhomele.nldata.noteslexpstf190 htm. Subject Number Total population 2,13 EX Male 1,07 Female 1,05 GE Under 5 years 1431 5 to 17 years 39 18 to 20 years 11 21 to 24 years 1201 25 to 44 years 68 45 to 54 ears 29 55 to 59 ears 12 60 to 64 oars 8 65 to 74 years 11 75 to 84 years 51 85 years and over Under 18 years 53 65 years and over 17 HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE Total households 74 Family households families 617 Married -couple families 52 Other family, male householder 22 Other family, female householder 72 Nonfamily households 12 Householder living alone 10 Householder 65 years and over 3 Persons living in households 2,13 Persons per household 2.$ GROUP QUARTERS Persons living in group quarters Institutionalized eersons Other persons in group quarters RACE AND HISPANIC ORIGIN White 1,857 Black 23 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 3 Asian or Pacific Islander 1 Otherrace Hispanic origin of any race i4 Total housing units 77 http:llfa.../Basicl�"actsTable?_Iang=en&_vt_name=DEC_1990_STF1_DP1&_geo_id=1G000US37240 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 2 of 2 ub'ect Number OCCUPANCY AND TENURE Occupied housing units 74 Owner occupied 59 Renter occupied 14 Vacant housing units 3 For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 1 Homeowner vacancy rate 0. Rental vacancy rate 9. Persons per owner -occupied unit 2.8 Persons per renter -occupied unit 2.9 Units with over 1 person per room 2 UNITS IN STRUCTURE 1-unit detached 692 1-unit attached 1 2 to 4 units 1 5 to 9 units 10 or more units 1 Mobile home, trailer, or other 61 VALUE Specified owner-occu ied housing units 52 Less than $50,000 13 $50,000 to $99,999 33 $100,000 to $149,999 3 $150,000 to $199,999 11 $200,000 to $299,999 $300,000 or more 2 Median dollars 62,20 CONTRACT RENT Specified renter -occupied housing units paying cash rent 13 Less than $250 1 $250 to $499 991 $500 to $749 1 $750 to $999 1 $1,000 or more Median dollars 33 RACE AND HISPANIC ORIGIN OF HOUSEHOLDER Occupied housing units 74 White 67 Black 5 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 11 Asian or Pacific Islander 1 Otherrace 1 Hispanic origin of any race 2 (X) Not applicable Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Tape File 1 (100% Data) Matrices P1, P3, P5, P6, P8, P11, P15, P16, P23, H1, H2, H3, H5, H8, H10, H18A, H21, H23, H23B, H32, H32B, H41. 0 http://fa... /BasicFactsTable?_tang=en&_vt name=DEC_1990_STF1_DP1&_geo_id=16000US37240 3/27/2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS I . STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION I I. I. Population Served 1 1.2. Growth Rate 1 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates l 1.6. Estimate Methodology 2 1.7. TMDL Identification 2 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 2 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3 3.1. Local Programs 3 3.2. State programs 3 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 3 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 3-4 4.2. Organizational Chart 5 4.3. Signing Official 5 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5 5.1. Co-Permittees 5 5.2. Legal Agreements 5 5.3. Responsible Parties 5 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 5 6.1. Name of Entity 5 6.2. Measure Implemented 5 6.3. Contact Information 5 6.4. Legal Agreements 6 7. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 6 T I . Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water impacts 6-8 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 8-9 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 9-13 7.4. Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control 13-14 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in 14-1 New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 18 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1 Population Served The permanent population for the Town of Stallings is approximately 8,140 persons. It is the opinion of the Town of Stallings that there is no reported seasonal population to which could be added to the overall population. The town used the website of the United States Census Bureau as well as Factfinder.com to establish as basis for our population estimates. 1.2 Growth Rate The population growth rate for the Town of Stallings was based on the relative change between the US Census population in 1990 and 2000. The reported population in 1990 was 2,132 and 3,189 in 2000. This represents a 14.95% increase over ten (10) years, with an annual rate 1.495%. 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: 40 The current jurisdictional and MS4 service areas for the Town of Stallings are 6.3 f square miles. 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System: The town currently uses pipes and open channels to control the flow of water during a storm. However, the coverage of pipes and open channels are not found throughout the town. The current system of pipes and channels does perform at an adequate rate but may be negotiated'during a large outfall event. Maintenance is performed as needed for pipes and open channels found within the town limits. Per Stallings Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Land Development Standards all streets constructed by private developers must have curb and gutter storm water systems, and / structural BMPs to handle storm water runoff for developments that create over 20,000 square feet of impervious areas are required. 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates: ` Residential 70% Commercial 15% Industrial 10% Open Space 5% C� • 1.6 Estimate Methodology: The methodology used to determine the percentages of land uses in the town was to examine the 2002 taxes by parcel and divide the property classifications into the aforementioned. We then looked to our current land use map and conducted a count of parcels that were residential, commercial, industrial and open space. Given the estimated numbers we calculated each classification as a percentage of the overall count. 1.7 TMDL Identification: The Town of Stallings does not currently discharge into a controlled body of water or receiving stream as defined by the EPA and/or DENR. 2. RECEIVING STREAMS Receiving Stream Water Quality Use Support Water Quality Stream Name Segment Classification Ratin 7 Issues West Fork 11-138-1 C N/R Twelvemile Creek Goose Creek 13-17-18 C N/R North Fork 13-17-20-1 C N/R Crooked Creek South Fork 13-17-20-2 C N/R Crooked Creek 2 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1 Local Programs: The town currently does not participate in any local water quality Ix programs. 3.2 State Programs: Construction projects that occur within the town limits are governed in accordance with the provisions of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and conducted through the Mooresville office. The town does not participate in any other state water quality programs. 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List: Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Town Manager & Town Clerk Town Manager -Brian Matthews y Town Clerk -Marie K. Garris r Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallin sg nc.org Town Manager & Town Clerk Town Manager -Brian Matthews Town Clerk -Marie K. Garris Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallin sg_nc.org Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews " Engineer- MJ Namin ✓ Phone 704-821-8557 3 C� CI 0 Construction Site Runoff Control Fax 704-821-6841 www. stall ingsnc. org Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews Engineer- MJ Namin ✓ Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www. stall ingsnc.or6, Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews Engineer- MJ Namin Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www. stall in sng c.org Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Town Manager Town Manager -Brian Matthews Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallin sg nC,org 4 0 P 4.2 Organizational Chart Planner Town Hall Planning Department Contract Engineer 4.3 Signing Official 4.4 Duly Authorized Representation NIA S. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) Not Applicable Town Manager Town Clerk 6. RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE PERMIT OBLIGATIONS 6.1 Name: North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 6.2 Element to be Implemented: Sediment and Erosion Control 6.3 Contact Information for Responsible Party: Name: Matt Heller Address: 919 N. Main St. Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 5 6.4 Is a legal agreement in place to establish the relationship and responsibilities of both parties? No 7. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 7.1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON STORM WATER IMPACTS 7.1.1 BMP Summary Table Garbage Bill Include Storm water information X X X X X Town Insert with quarterly garbage bills. Manager & "Track the number of inserts Town Clerk along with response from public .Brochures & Brochures and fact sheets will X X X X X Town Fact Sheets be placed in all schools, town Manager & hall, public library and fire Town Clerk • departments. Town Develop and maintain a Storm X X X X X Town Website water micro site as part of the Manager & existing Town's website. There Town Clerk will be a FAQ section to try an address common questions and concerns the public may have, as well as a comment/complaint section to allow interaction and public involvement. Public A public meeting will be held to X X X X X Town Meeting educate the public ofthe rules Manager & and regulations that accompany "Town Clerk storm water controls. Educational Elementary, Middle, and High X X X X X Town Programs School informational packets Manager & for all will be distributed to all schools Town Clerk schools to introduce participation programs they may partake in and the difference their efforts ran mn1rP • 6 • 0 7.1.2 Target Audience: The target audiences for the garbage inserts are primarily all residents within the town limits and receiving garbage and recycling services. The brochures and fact sheets have a target audience of any persons which frequent the library, fire departments, town hall and schools. The web site is targeting residential and commercial persons within the town and those persons/businesses wishing to locate within the town and gain a more in-depth understanding of storm water. The Public Meeting is targeted to gain the majority of the residences and business within the town to have the opportunity to listen and have their concerns addressed by the proper officials. School -aged children are the target for all in -school education programs. However, it is the goal of the programs to encourage interaction between children and their parents through education. 7.1.3 Target Pollution Sources: Pollutant sources targeted with the garbage insert are those which produce trash, chemicals and waste oils, fecal coli form and sediment and erosion control. The fact sheets and brochures will encompass all pollutant sources; trash, car washing, disposal of household chemicals and oils, and lawn care products. Septic systems shall be address as a target pollutant source for all BMPs mentioned above. 7.1.4 Outreach Program: The public will be informed at least 25 days prior to the public meeting and participation in open discussion will be strongly encouraged. The school programs shall include Adopt -A -Stream, Adopt-A-Greenway/Trail, and stenciling of storm drains and will be made available to all residents of the town for extended outreach participation. The garbage insert will present general information as well as good housekeeping measures that can be performed on a household level. The micro site within the town's website will give contact information in addition to any documents related to storm water. It is the goal of the town that through the aforementioned BMPs that 80% of the general public within the town will gain access to storm water information. 7.1.5 Decision Process: The town decided to use the aforementioned methods because it presents the most efficient and effective educational outreach. Furthermore, the town chose the goals to which they felt would gain the broadest audience while allowing for interaction between the town officials and the general public. The responsible parties for implementing BMPs 1-5 are the Town Clerk and the Town Manager within the Planning Department. The Town Clerk works closely with all public facilities within the town and is the most visible link between the public and town officials. The Town Manager will provide the pertinent storm water information to be found in the fact sheets, mailers, brochures and web sites. It 7 • will be through the communication and cooperative efforts of the Town Clerk and the Town Manager that the school educational programs will be developed and implemented. 7.1.6 Evaluation: The town plans to evaluate the program based on public feedback. Internally the town manager, planning director and town clerk will conduct an annual meeting to discuss if the BMPs are effective and meeting their said goals. Should any changes be necessary, DWQ will be notified annually. 7.2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION 7.2.1 BMP Summary Table Adopt -A- Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Stream actively maintain Manager & streams and stream Town Clerk banks while educating to the benefits of doing such activities. Stenciling of Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Storm Drains personally take an Manager & active role and stencil Town Clerk storm drains to discourage dumping. Adopt -A- Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Greenway/Trail actively maintain the Manager & buffers trails and Town Clerk greenways offer to adjoining streams and waterways. Education of benefits to such efforts will be made available. 7.2.2 Target Audience: The target audience for all BMPs mentioned above is for the entire town. 7.2.3. Participation Program: • Adopt -A -Stream: 8 • Will allow persons to become involved at a level that they are comfortable with as well as giving the flexibility of participation. Storm Drain Stenciling: Allows a more hands on approach but on a smaller, less intense participation demand than the Adopt -A -Stream and Adopt-A-Greenway programs. Adopt-A-Greenway/Trail: Will allow persons to become involved at a level that they are comfortable with as well as giving the flexibility of participation. 7.2.4 Decision Process: The town chose the aforementioned participation programs because it allows the residents to choose their level of involvement and to what extent they wish to participate. All the programs will allow the participants to perform their duties without conflicting with their personal schedule while achieving the overall goals of the programs. The programs are proven and effective in neighboring municipalities and the town feels as though there will be much support among the civic organizations, homeowner's association, local businesses, schools and individuals. The education for the benefits of such programs and their affect on storm water will be included for schools, libraries and town hall through the brochures and website. The stenciling program is aimed more toward informing the public that you should think twice before pouring, washing, dumping or adding anything to our storm drains. The Adopt -A Trail and Adopt -A -Stream programs are programs the state currently supports and it is the intention of the town to utilize the current educational materials and implementation strategies available. 7.2.5 Evaluation: Evaluation of the programs will come from the feedback of the community as well as walking; the streams and trails/greenways found within the town. Stenciling of the storm drains will be inspected on an annual basis and maintenance done as necessary. A section will be included on the town's website to allow for comments and suggestions regarding the programs. The degree of pride our residents display in our town will be evident through their participation in maintaining the necessary natural controls for storm water. 7.3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION 7.3.1 BMP Summary Table 9 • Responsible Develop an A Storm water ordinance X X X Town Illicit will be developed to Manager & Discharge address a comprehensive Engineer Ordinance range of illicit discharges, as well as informing of enforcement and penalties. Develop a Map will be prepared X X X X X Town Storm Sewer that will illustrate Manager System Map outfalls, receiving streams and existing storm management systems Inform Develop and implement X X X X X Town employees and a program to inform the Manager the public of public of the hazards the hazards associated with illicit associated discharges. with illicit discharges Train Along with Good X X X Town necessary Housekeeping meetings, Manager & employees to the pertinent staff will be Engineer identify and taught methods for inspect for identifying illicit illicit discharges, illegal discharges connections and the steps necessary to rectify the situation. � E 7.3.2 Storm Sewer System Map: The town has contracted with a private firm to generate an electronic map as well as a paper copy which will be stored and maintained by the planning staff at town hall. The map shall include at minimum; location of outfalls and their receiving streams, as well as existing storm water detentions and storm drains. The map will be delineated into quadrants in order to provide a basis for which annual inspections can be performed. 7.3.3 Regulatory Mechanism: Years 3 through 5 will have the town developing and implementing a comprehensive storm water ordinance. The ordinance will make H provisions for definition, deterrents of illicit of illicit non -storm water discharge, inspection of such discharge and elimination of such discharge through enforcement and penalties. 7.3.4 Enforcement: The ordinance will make provisions for enforcement strategies to be taken for illicit discharge violations. The strategies may include fines and civil penalties. The process shall first involve notification to the property owner allowing ample time to rectify the illicit discharge and concluding with issuance of notice of violations and fines. 7.3.5 Detection and Elimination: The town's suggested approach to detect and eliminate illicit discharges and connections will begin with a primary evaluation of the current system. Given our storm sewer map will be divided into quadrants, this will allow for ease of inspections while maintaining a methodical and organized approach to detection. Upon detection of illicit discharge or connection, the property owner will be notified or the necessary steps required remediating the situation. However, the town does not currently have the staff to perform the inspections effectively. It is the goal of the town to either hire inspection staff or contract services through an outside consultant. Procedures for locating Priority Areas: The division of the storm sewer map will be used to perform field inspections of more aging systems within the town and will be denoted on the map. Moreover, on -site inspections shall be conducted in conjunction with the annual Fire Departments Hazardous Materials inspections. Our town is divided into more than one fire district. Procedures for Tracing the Source: The town will train employees on illegal discharge and connection identification. Given our limited staff and available resources tracing the source of illicit discharge and connections will come from public comments/complaints and random on -site inspections. Procedures for Removing the Source: Once an illicit discharge or connection has been discovered, documentation of such violation will begin. The property owner will be notified of the violation and the steps necessary to remedy the violation. In case of fecal coli form discharge, the Union County Health Department shall be notified immediately. Procedures for Evaluation of Plan: The number of violations reported will be documented and the number of those violations remedied will be documented. A percentage will be determined of violations in comparison to remediations. 0 0 n LJ 7.3.6 Non -Storm water Discharges i Water line flushing Allowable Landscape irrigation Allowable Diverted stream flows Allowable i Rising ground waters Allowable Uncontaminated ground water infiltration Allowable Uncontaminated pumped ground water Allowable Discharges from potable water sources Allowable Foundation drains Allowable i Air conditioning condensation Allowable Irrigation water Allowable Springs Allowable ➢ Water from crawl space pumps Allowable Footing drains Allowable ➢ Lawn watering Allowable i Individual residential car washing Allowable Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Allowable Dechlorinated swimming poll discharges Allowable Street wash water Allowable 7.3.7 Other Incidental Non -Storm Water Discharges Fundraising car washes will be allowed but in limited numbers and suitable places shall be defined. Furthermore, commercial irrigation systems shall be allowed but must utilize organic fertilizers and pesticides whenever possible. 7.3.8 Outreach: It is the main goal of the town to inform all residents of the hazards associated with illicit discharges and connections. This will be achieved through the previously discussed educational and involvement program. 7.3.9 Decision Process: The program for illicit discharge detection and elimination was chosen as being the most effective and cost efficient for the town_ Through mapping, development of an ordinance and training of employees, the town hopes to establish a base for,which the detection and elimination can fo I to w. 7.3.10 EVAluation; The town plans to perform internal evaluations using violations, remediations, public i feedbacl� �nd input as means for success or failure of the chosen BMFs. Should q&as be found to produce less than desirable 12 results, then changes will be made accordingly and DWQ notified immediately or any and all changes. 7.4 CONSTRUCTION SITE STORM WATER RUNOFF CONTROL The town will continue to rely on the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program and Division of Water Quality general storm water permit, in addition to the North Carolina General Construction Permit for its construction activities. 7.4.1 BMP Summary Table: Pre- A pre -construction X X X X X Town Construction meeting will be Manager & Meeting conducted through the Town Clerk planning department to educate developers and • builders of current storm water requirements. 7.4.2 Regulatory Mechanism: A pre -construction meeting will be mandatory for all builders and developers to complete annually. The meeting will inform builder and developers of current storm water regulations, requirements, enforcement and penalties that shall ensue for violations. Each builder and developer shall sign a document to be drawn up by the town's attorney stating that each builder/developer was made aware of any and all storm water regulations and intends to comply with all. The recorded document will be kept with the Town Clerk and the Planning Department. 7.4.3 Plan Reviews: All plans will be reviewed by the planner as well as the contract engineer. All comments shall be returned to the builder/developer for amendments to be made accordingly before resubmittal. 7.4.4 Enforcement: Enforcement shall come through random inspections to be performed by either contract consultants or future hired staff. Penalties shall range from fines levied, injunction of permits and civil penalties. The town has not determined the exac .n"sures penalties will take on. 13 • 7.4.5 Inspections: Random inspections shall be performed by either contract consultants or future hired stag A report of their findings shall be documented and maintained with the planning department. 0 7.4.6 Public Information: A notification letter will be mailed out to all builders and developers on record with the planning department as of the previous two years. The letter will state the nature of the meeting, date, time, place and need for participation in order to receive future building permits. 7.4.7 Decision Process: The town felt as though this BMP was the most direct and effective measure to ensure communication of current storm water regulation and requirements. The planning staff will educate builders/developers not only on the rule and regulations but educate them on the reason for the importance of understanding storm water. It is only through education can the town hope to achieve its goal of reducing and improving the quality of storm water. 7.4.8 Evaluation: Evaluation of the program will come from a survey that the builders/developers will complete upon finishing the meeting. Furthermore, success of the BMP will be determined by the number of violations conducted by those persons who participated in the pre -construction meeting. 7.5 POST -CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT Program Requirements: At a minimum you must: Develop, implement, and adopt by ordinance a post -construction storm water managements program to address post -construction runoff from new development and redevelopment. This shall include redevelopments projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, as well as projects less than one acre that are a part of a larger common plan of development or sale, that discharge into the MS4 or into an interconnected MS4. Develop and implement strategies which include a combination or structural and/or non-structural best management practices appropriate for your community; Begin program implementation by March 10, 2008; ✓ The program shall require all projects that meet the appropriate size limitations to apply for a locally issued permit under one of the following parameters: 14 • Low Density Projects: Projects shall be permitted as low density if the project meets the following conditions: 1. No more than 2 dwelling units per acre or 24 % built -upon area (BUA) for all residential and non-residential development; 2. Storm water runoff from the development shall be transported from the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable 3. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters 4. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. The changes in deed restriction and protective covenants will supercede all existing restrictions and covenants. • High Density Projects: Projects exceeding the low density threshold shall implement storm water control measures that: 1. Control and treat the difference in storm water runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre and post development conditions for the one year 24 hour storm, but no more than 120 hours. 2. All structural storm water treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program shall be designed to have an 85% S average annual removal fro Total Suspended Solids (TSS). 3. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all I* perennial and intermittent surface waters. 4. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. The changes in deed restrictions and protective covenants will supercede all existing restrictions and covenants. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance by the owner of BMPs. The program shall include requirements that the owner of a permitted structural BMP, submit annually to the local program, a maintenance inspection report on each structural BMP. The inspection shall be completed by a qualified professional; and A program shall be developed to control, to the maximum extent practicable, the sources of fecal coli form. 15 • 7.5.1 BMP S Examine existing development ordinance and make provisions for development/redevelopment into Storm water Develop, promote and implement storm water permitting program • Develop and implement long-term maintenance program from structural BM Ps 0 Table ;1 vitiate the development of standards and practices for the Phase 11 post - construction storm water management program. - Develop storm water permitting program and plan review process in years 3-4. Educate the /development community on the requirements of the program throughout years Implementation shall occur in March 2008. In year 3, begin developing a program that requires the yearly inspection and certification of on -site structural BMPs. By year 4-5 implementation of such program will begin as well as documentation of completed insDections X X X X X X X X X X X Town Manager Town Manager Town Manager & Engineer 16 0 Septic system oversight program Establish a program to inform developer/builders and the public regarding proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater, in conjunction with the Union County Health X X Town Manager & Engineer 7.5.2 Non-structural BMPs Landscape and buffer regulations are required for all new development and redevelopment. i Greenway planning is currently underway as well as trail planning. Alternative detention systems are encouraged, final approval of system must come from town's contract engineer. 7.5.3 Structural BMPs Current development standards state those developments which exceed 20,000 square feet of impervious area to control the pre -development runoff discharge from the 2 year and 10 year design storm events. Alternative detention systems are encouraged, final approval of system must come from town's contract engineer. 7.5.4 Regulatory Mechanism The goal ofthe town is to develop its storm water ordinance post - construction development controls will address the required elements of the North Carolina temporary rules. Site design regulations and BMPs will be concluded from those defined in the North Carolina model ordinance to be developed for Phase 11 communities. 7.5.5 Operation and Maintenance It is the town's intent that all maintenance and inspections of structural BMI's be the responsibility of the developer/builder/resident/homeowner's association, whichever applies. A designated staff person for the town will be . responsible for obtaining annual maintenance inspection reports from qualified 17 professionals. The aforementioned staff person will then report the number of' inspections, notifications and corrective actions completed in the annual report. 7.5.6 Decision Process It is the goal of the town to meet the minimum program requirements by March 2008. Cooperative strategies between the town and the Union County Health Department will need to be developed to effectively address the matter of' containing fecal coli form bacteria. 7.5.7 Evaluation Internal review of the program shall be conducted annually and changes made accordingly. Any and all changes will be reported to DWQ immediately. 7.6 POLLUTION PREVENTION & GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES Program Requirements: Implement a pollution prevention and good housekeeping program for municipal operations that addresses operation and maintenance, including a training component, to prevent or reduce pollutant runoff from those sources. 0 The town does not own, operate or maintain any municipal operations. 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table Develop and In year 3 develop and X X X Planner implement implement a program to training educate town employees programs for on clean water issues, town storm water pollution employees. prevention and proper disposal of materials. 7.6.2. Decision Process Given that the town does not own, operate or maintain any operations, education of town employees is the only viable option the town can submit to comply with the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping measure. 7.6.3 Evaluation The town will evaluate the educational program of town employees is through effective measures taken personally by each employee. 18 i State of North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality OFFIC USE ONLY Date Rec'd Fee Paid Permit Number NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDESSmall M54 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-768) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity Town of Stallings Seeking Permit Coverage b. Ownership Status (federal, Public state or local c. Type of Public Entity (city, Town town, county, prison, school, etc. d. Federal Standard Industrial SIC 91 - 97 Classification Code e. County(s) Union f. Jurisdictional Area (square 6.3 miles g. Population Permanent 8140 Seasonal (if available) h. Ten-year Growth Rate 14.95% i. Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes ®No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 6.3 b. River Basin(s) Catawba & Yadkin Pee -Dee c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 4 d. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 70% • Commercial 1591b • Industrial 10% • Open Space 5% Total = 100% e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? ❑ Yes ® No NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application • III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ❑ Yes ® No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program ❑ Yes ® No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ❑ Yes ® No d. CAMA Land Use Plan ❑ Yes ® No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with El Yes ® No a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit ❑ Yes ® No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ® No rm ittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS l0 (If more than one, attach additional sheets) .a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of ® Yes ❑ No our permit obligations? b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing Name of Entity NC DENR • Element they will Sediment & Erosion Control implement • Contact Person Matt Heller Contact Address 919 N. Main St Mooresville NC 28115 • Contact Telephone Number 704-663-1699 c. Are legal agreements in place ❑Yes ®Na to establish res onsibilities? VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application . VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT C� i Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature Name Lucy Drake Title Mayor Street Address PO Box 4060 City Stallings State NC Zip 28106 Telephone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 E-Mail mayorlucy@aol.com VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Brian Matthews b. Title Town manager c. Street Address d. PO Box 4030 e. City Stallings f. State NC g. Zip 28106 h. Telephone Number 704-821-8557 L Fax Number 704-821-6841 j. E-Mail Address bamtthews@alltel.net NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste N/A Management Program N/A b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N/A Permit Number d. Prevention of Significant N/A Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for N/A Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under N/A section 404 of CWA X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. American FactFinder Page 1 of 3 I- L • . American FactFind "i- Main I Search i Feedback 1 FAQs i Glossary i He Quick Tables Bastc Facts DP-1. Profile of General_De_mographic Characteristics: 2000 Data Set: Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data Geographic Area: Stallings town, North Carolina NOTE: For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see httpaifactiinder.census.gov/home/e_nldatanoteslexpsfl.u.,htm. Subject Number Percent Total population 3,189 100.0 SEX AND AGE Male 1,567 49.1 Female 1,622 50. Under 5 years 268 8. 5 to 9 ears 257 8.1 10 to 14 years 207 6.51 15 to 19 years 182 5. 20 to 24 years 142 4. 5 to 34 years 629 19. 35 to as years 568 17. 5 to 54 years 378 11. 55 to 59 years 164 5.1 0 to 64 years 124 3,9 5 to 74 years 169 5.3 5 to 84 years 87 2. ears and over 14 0. Median age ears 33. X 18 years and over 2,338 73. Male 1,135 35. Female 1,203 37. 1 years and over 2,251 70. 2 years and over 337 10. 5 years and over 270 8. Male 108 3. Female 162 5.1 RACE One race 3,161 99.1 White 2.821 88. Black or African American 2481 7.81 American Indian and Alaska Native 251 0.81 Asian 11 0.31 Asian Indian 01 0. Chinese A 0. Filipino 01 0. Japanese 01 0. Korean 31, 0.1 Vietnamese 8 0. Other Asian 0. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0. Native Hawaiian 0. Guamanian or Chamorro 0. Samoan 0. Other Pacific Islander 2 0. Some other race 56 1. wo or more races 28 0. Race alone or in combination with one or more other races hapa/factfinder.cens.../_fang=en_vt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DP1_geo_id=16000US3764420.htm 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 2 of 3 5ub'ect Numbe Percen hite 2,84E 89.2 Black or African American 25 $. merican Indian and Alaska Native 39 1.2 sian 1 0. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander I0.1 Some other race 61 1. HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE Total population 3,189 100. Hispanic or Latino of any race 117 3. Mexican 9 2. Puerto Rican 4 0.1 Cuban 0.1 Other Hispanic or Latino t 0. Not Hispanic or Latino 3,072 96.3 White alone 2,760 86. RELATIONSHIP Total population 3,189 100.0 In households 3,189 100,01 Householder 1,180 37.01 Spouse 757 23.71 Child 970 30.41 Own child under 18 years 773 24.2 Other relatives 159 5,01 Under 18 years 65 2.01 Nonrelatives 123 3.91 Unmarried partner 571 1,81 In group quarters 0. Institutionalized population 0. Noninstitutionalized population 0. OUSEHOLDS BY TYPE Total households 1,180 100.0 Family households families 931 78. With own children under 18 years 435 36. Married -couple family 75. 64.2 With own children under 18 years 343 29.1 Female householder, no husband eresent 124 10. With own children under 18 years 63 5. Nonfamily households 249 21.1 Householder living alone 196 16. Householder 65 years and over 63 5. Households with individuals under 18 years 476 40. Households with individuals 65 years and over 202 17.1 Average household size 2.7 X Average family size 3.0 X HOUSING OCCUPANCY Total housing units 1,222 100.0 Occupied housing units 1,180 96. Vacant housing units 42 3. For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 2 0.2 Homeowner vacant rate(percent) 2. X Rental vacant rate orcent 1.9 X HOUSING TENURE Occupied housing units 1,180 100. wner-occupied housing units 970 82.2 Renter -occupied housing units 210 17. vera a household size of owner -occupied unit 2.66 X vera a household size of renter -occupied unit 2.88 X http://factfinder.cens... /_tang=en_vt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_DP1_geo_id=16000US3764420.htni 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 1 of 2 14 Quick Tables Baslc Facts DP-1. General Population and Housing Characteristics: 1990. Data Set: 1990 Summary Tape File 1 (STF 1) - 100-Perc-entdata Geographic Area: Stallings town, North Carolina NOTE: For information on confidentiality, nonsampling error, and definitions, see httpa/factfind_er.census.govthomelenldatanotes/expstfl9Q.htm. American iFactFindq�� Main I Search I Feedback I FAQs I Glossary I He Subject Number Total population 2,13 SEX Male 1,07 Female 1,05 GE Under 5 years 1431 5 to 17 years 39 18 to 20 years 11 21 to 24 years 12 25 to 44 years 68 45 to 54 years 29 55 to 59 years 12 60 to 64 years 8 65 to 74 years 11 84 ears 51 ears and overer r8575o 18 ears 53 ears and over 17 HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE Total households 744 Family households families 61 Married -couple families 52 Other family, male householder 2 Other family, female householder 72 Nonfamily households 12 Householder living alone 10 Householder 65 years and over 3 Persons living in households 2,13 Persons per household 2.8 GROUP QUARTERS Persons living in group quarters Institutionalized persons Other persons in group quarters RACE AND HISPANIC ORIGIN White 1,85 Black 23 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 3 Asian or Pacific Islander 1 Other race Hispanic origin of any race 1 Total housing units 778 hupWi7a... /BasicFacts"liable?_fang=en&_vt_name=DEC_199GSTFI_DPI&_geo_id=16000US37240 3/27/2003 American FactFinder Page 2 of 2 NumbeY Vubject AND TENURE ousin units 74occu ied 59occupied 14 Vacant housing units 3 For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 1 Homeowner vacancy rate 0. Rental vacancy rate 9. Persons per owner -occupied unit 2.8 Persons per renter -occupied unit 2.9 Units with over 1 person per room 2 UNITS IN STRUCTURE 1-unit detached 692 1-unit attached 1 2 to 4 units 1 5 to 9 units 10 or more units 1 Mobile home, trailer, or other 61 VALUE Specified owner -occupied housing units 52 Less than $50,000 13 $50.000 to $99.999 338 $100,000 to $149,999 3 $150,000 to $199,999 11 $200,000 to $299,999 $300,000 or more 2 Median dollars 62,20 CONTRACT RENT Specified renter -occupied housing units paying cash rent 130 Less than $250 1 $250 to $499 9 $500 to $749 13 $750 to $999 1 $1,000 or more Median dollars 33 RACE AND HISPANIC ORIGIN OF HOUSEHOLDER Occupied housing units 74 White 67 Black 5 American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut 11 Asian or Pacific Islander 1 Other race 1 Hispanic origin of any race 2 (X) Not applicable Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Tape File 1 (100% Data) Matrices P1, P3, P5, P6, P8, P11, P15, P16, P23, H1, H2, H3, H5, H8, H10, H18A, H21, H23, H23B, H32, H3213, H41. • http.Hfa.../13asieFacts7'able?_lang=en&_vt_name=DEC_1990_STF1_DP1&_geo_id=16000US37240 3/27/2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1 1.1. Population Served 1 1.2. Growth Rate 1 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1 1.6. Estimate Methodology 2 1.7. TMDL Identification 2 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 2 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3 3.1. Local Programs 3 3.2. State programs 3 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 3 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 3-4 4.2. Organizational Chart 5 4.3. Signing Official 5 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5 5.1 _ Co-Permittees 5 5.2. Legal Agreements 5 5.3. Responsible Parties 5 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 5 6.1. Name of Entity 5 6.2. Measure Implemented 5 6.3, Contact Information 5 6.4. Legal Agreements 6 7. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 6 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 6-8 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 8-9 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 9-13 7.4. Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control 13-14 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in 14-1 New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 18 • I. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1 Population Served The permanent population for the Town of Stallings is approximately 8,140 persons. It is the opinion of the Town of Stallings that there is no reported seasonal population to which could be added to the overall population. The town used the website of the United States Census Bureau as well as Factfinder.com to establish as basis for our population estimates. 1.2 Growth Rate The population growth rate for the Town of Stallings was based on the relative change between the US Census population in 1990 and 2000. The reported population in 1990 was 2,132 and 3,189 in 2000. This represents a 14.95% increase over ten (10) years, with an annual rate 1.495%. 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: The current jurisdictional and MS4 service areas for the Town of Stallings are 6.3 square miles. 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System: The town currently uses pipes and open channels to control the pow of water during a storm. However, the coverage of pipes and open channels are not found throughout the town. The current system of pipes and channels does perform at an adequate rate but may be negotiated during a large outfalI event. Maintenance is performed as needed for pipes and open channels found within the town limits. Per Stallings Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and Land Development Standards all streets constructed by private developers must have curb and gutter storm water systems, and structural BMPs to handle storm water runoff for developments that create over 20,000 square feet of impervious areas are required. 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates: Residential 70% I* Commercial 15% Industrial 10% Open Space 5% 1.6 Estimate Methodology: The methodology used to determine the percentages of land uses in the town was to examine the 2002 taxes by parcel and divide the property classifications into the aforementioned. We then looked to our current land use map and conducted a count of parcels that were residential, commercial, industrial and open space. Given the estimated numbers we calculated each classification as a percentage of the overall count. 1.7 TMDL Identification: The Town of Stallings does not currently discharge into a controlled body of water or receiving stream as defined by the EPA and/or DENR. 2. RECEIVING STREAMS Receiving Stream Water Quality Use Support Water Quality Stream Name Segment Classification Rating Issues West Fork 11-138-1 C NIR Twelvemile Creek Goose Creek 13-17-18 C N/R North Fork 13-17-20-1 C NIR Crooked Creek South Fork 13-17-20-2 C NIR Crooked Creek 2 0 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS I I Local Programs: The town currently does not participate in any local water quality programs. 3.2 State Programs: Construction projects that occur within the town limits are governed in accordance with the provisions of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and conducted through the Mooresville office. The town does not participate in any other state water quality programs. 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List: Public Education and Outreach Public Involvement and Participation Town Manager & Town Clerk Town Manager -Brian Matthews Town Clerk -Marie K. Garris Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stall in rs nc.org Town Manager & Town Clerk Town Manager -Brian Matthews Town Clerk -Marie K. Garris Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallingsnc.org Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews Engineer- MJ Namin Phone 704-821-8557 3 • E Construction Site Runoff Control Fax 704-821-6841 www,stallin sag Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews Engineer- MJ Namin Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallin sg nc.org Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Town Manager & Contract Engineer Town Manager -Brian Matthews Engineer- MJ Namin Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallingsnc.org Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Town Manager Town Manager -Brian Matthews Phone 704-821-8557 Fax 704-821-6841 www.stallingsne.ofg 2 0 4.2 Organizational Chart Planning Department Town Hall Town Manager Planner Contract Engineer I I Town Clerk S 4.3 Signing Official 4.4 Duly Authorized Representation NIA L] 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) Not Applicable 5. RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE PERMIT OBLIGATIONS 6.1 Name: North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 6.2 Element to be Implemented: Sediment and Erosion Control 6.3 Contact Information for Responsible Party: Name: Matt Heller Address: 919 N. Main St. Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone. 704-663-1699 5 • 6.4 Is a legal agreement in place to establish the relationship and responsibilities of both parties? No 7. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PLAN 7.1 PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON STORM WATER IMPACTS 7.1.1 BMP Summary Table Garbage Bill Include Storm water information X X X X X Town Insert with quarterly garbage bills. Manager & Track the number of inserts Town Clerk along with response from public Brochures & Brochures and fact sheets will X X X X X Town Fact Sheets be placed in all schools, town Manager & hall, public library and fire Town Clerk departments. Town Develop and maintain a Storm X X X X X Town Website water micro site as part of the Manager & existing Town's website. There Town Clerk will be a FAQ section to try an address common questions and concerns the public may have, as well as a comment/complaint section to allow interaction and public involvement. Public A public meeting will be held to X X X X X Town Meeting educate the public of the rules Manager & and regulations that accompany Town Clerk storm water controls. Educational Elementary, Middle, and High X X X X X Town Programs School informational packets Manager & for all will be distributed to all schools Town Clerk schools to introduce participation programs they may partake in and the difference their efforts can make. r 1 u on a 7.1.2 Target Audience: The target audiences for the garbage inserts are primarily all residents within the town limits and receiving garbage and recycling services. The brochures and fact sheets have a target audience of any persons which frequent the library, Fire departments, town hall and schools. The web site is targeting residential and commercial persons within the town and those persons/businesses wishing to locate within the town and gain a more in-depth understanding of' storm water. The Public Meeting is targeted to gain the majority of the residences and business within the town to have the opportunity to listen and have their concerns addressed by the proper officials. School -aged children are the target for all in -school education programs. However, it is the goal of the programs to encourage interaction between children and their parents through education. 7.1.3 Target Pollution Sources: Pollutant sources targeted with the garbage insert are those which produce trash, chemicals and waste oils, fecal coli form and sediment and erosion control. The fact sheets and brochures will encompass all pollutant sources; trash, car washing, disposal of household chemicals and oils, and lawn care products. Septic systems shall be address as a target pollutant source for all BMPs mentioned above. 7.1.4 Outreach Program: The public will be informed at least 25 days prior to the public meeting and participation in open discussion will be strongly encouraged. The school programs shall include Adopt -A -Stream, Adopt-A-Greenway/Trail, and stenciling of storm drains and will be made available to all residents of the town for extended outreach participation. The garbage insert will present general information as well as good housekeeping measures that can be performed on a household level. The micro site within the town's website will give contact information in addition to any documents related to storm water. It is the goal of' the town that through the aforementioned BMPs that 84% of the general public within the town will gain access to storm water information. 7.1.5 Decision Process: The town decided to use the aforementioned methods because it presents the most efficient and effective educational outreach. Furthermore, the town chose the goals to which they felt would gain the broadest audience while allowing for interaction between the town officials and the general public. The responsible parties for implementing BMPs 1-5 are the Town Clerk and the Town Manager within the Planning Department. The Town Clerk works closely with all public facilities within the town and is the most visible link between the public and town officials. The Town Manager will provide the pertinent storm water • information to be found in the fact sheets, mailers, brochures and web sites. It 7 • will be through the communication and cooperative efforts of the Town Clerk and the Town Manager that the school educational programs will be developed and implemented. 0 7.1.6 Evaluation: The town plans to evaluate the program based on public feedback. Internally the town manager, planning director and town clerk will conduct an annual meeting to discuss if the BMPs are effective and meeting their said goals. Should any changes be necessary, DWQ will be notified annually. 7.2 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION 7.2.1 BMP Summary Table Adapt -A- Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Stream actively maintain Manager & streams and stream Town Clerk banks while educating to the benefits of doing such activities. Stenciling of Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Storm Drains personally take an Manager & active role and stencil Town Clerk storm drains to discourage dumping. Adopt -A- Allowing persons to X X X X X Town Greenway/Trail actively maintain the Manager & buffers trails and Town Clerk greenways offer to adjoining streams and waterways. Education of benefits to such c3orts will be made available. 7.2.2 Target Audience: The target audience for all BMPs mentioned above is for the entire town. 7.2.3. Participation Program: Ado pt-A- Stream: 8 • Will allow persons to become involved at a level that they are comfortable with as well as giving the flexibility of participation. Storm Drain Stenciling: Allows a more hands on approach but on a smaller, less intense participation demand than the Adopt -A -Stream and Adopt-A-Greenway programs. Ado pt-A- G reenway/Trail: Will allow persons to become involved at a level that they are comfortable with as well as giving the flexibility of participation. 7.2.4 Decision Process: The town chose the aforementioned participation programs because it allows the residents to choose their level of involvement and to what extent they wish to participate. All the programs will allow the participants to perform their duties without conflicting with their personal schedule while achieving the overall goals of the programs. The programs are proven and effective in neighboring municipalities and the town feels as though there will be much support among the civic organizations, homeowner's association, local businesses, schools and individuals. The education for the benefits of such programs and their affect on storm water will be included for schools, libraries and town hall Is through the brochures and website. The stenciling program is aimed more toward informing the public that you should think twice before pouring, washing, dumping or adding anything to our storm drains. The Adopt -A Trail and Adopt -A -Stream programs are programs the state currently supports and it is the intention of the town to utilize the current educational materials and implementation strategies available. 7.2.5 Evaluation: Evaluation of the programs will come from the feedback of the community as well as walking the streams and trails/greenways found within the town. Stenciling of the storm drains will be inspected on an annual basis and maintenance done as necessary. A section will be included on the town's website to allow for comments and suggestions regarding the programs. The degree of pride our residents display in our town will be evident through their participation in maintaining the necessary natural controls for storm water. 7.3 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION 7.3.1 BMP Summary Table 11 6 Party Develop an A Storm water ordinance X X X Town Illicit will be developed to Manager & Discharge address a comprehensive Engineer Ordinance range of illicit discharges, as well as informing of enforcement and penalties. Develop a Map will be prepared X X X X X Town Storm Sewer that will illustrate Manager System Map outfalls, receiving streams and existing storm management systems Inform Develop and implement X X X X X Town employees and a program to inform the Manager the public of public of the hazards the hazards associated with illicit associated discharges. with illicit . discharges Train Along with Good X X X Town necessary Housekeeping meetings, Manager & employees to the pertinent staff will be Engineer identify and taught methods for inspect for identifying illicit illicit discharges, illegal discharges connections and the steps necessary to rectify the situation. 7.3.2 Storm Sewer System Map: The town has contracted with a private firm to generate an electronic map as well as a paper copy which will be stored and maintained by the planning staff at town hall. The map shall include at minimum; location of outfalls and their receiving streams, as well as existing storm water detentions and storm drains. The map will be delineated into quadrants in order to provide a basis for which annual inspections can be performed. 7.3.3 Regulatory Mechanism: Years 3 through 5 will have the town developing and implementing a Scomprehensive storm water ordinance. The ordinance will make H provisions for definition, deterrents of illicit of illicit non -storm water discharge, inspection of such discharge and elimination of such discharge through enforcement and penalties. 7.3.4 Enforcement: The ordinance will make provisions for enforcement strategies to be taken for illicit discharge violations. The strategies may include fines and civil penalties. The process shall first involve notification to the property owner allowing ample time to rectify the illicit discharge and concluding with issuance of notice of violations and fines. 7.3.5 Detection and Elimination: The town's suggested approach to detect and eliminate illicit discharges and connections will begin with a primary evaluation of the current system. Given our storm sewer map will be divided into quadrants, this will allow for ease of inspections while maintaining a methodical and organized approach to detection. Upon detection of illicit discharge or connection, the property owner will be notified or the necessary steps required remediating the situation. However, the town does not currently have the staff to perform the inspections effectively. It is the goal of the town to either hire inspection staff or contract services through an outside consultant. Procedures for locating Priority Areas: The division of the storm sewer map will be used to perform field inspections of more aging systems within the town and will be denoted on the map. Moreover, on -site inspections shall be conducted in conjunction with the annual Fire Departments Hazardous Materials inspections. Our town is divided into more than one fire district. Procedures for Tracing the Source: The town will train employees on illegal discharge and connection identification. Given our limited staff and available resources tracing the source of illicit discharge and connections will come from public comments/complaints and random on -site inspections. Procedures for Removing the Source: Once an illicit discharge or connection has been discovered, documentation of such violation will begin. The property owner will be notified of the violation and the steps necessary to remedy the violation. in case of fecal coli form discharge, the Union County Health Department shall be notified immediately. Procedures for Evaluation of Plan: The number of violations reported will be documented and the number of those violations remedied will be documented. A percentage will be determined of violations in comparison to • remediations. 0 7.3.6 Non -Storm water Discharges ➢ Water line flushing Allowable ➢ Landscape irrigation Allowable ➢ Diverted stream flows Allowable ➢ Rising ground waters Allowable ➢ Uncontaminated ground water infiltration Allowable ➢ Uncontaminated pumped ground water Allowable ➢ Discharges from potable water sources Allowable ➢ Foundation drains Allowable ➢ Air conditioning condensation Allowable ➢ Irrigation water Allowable ➢ Springs Allowable ➢ Water from crawl space pumps Allowable ➢ Footing drains Allowable ➢ Lawn watering Allowable ➢ Individual residential car washing Allowable ➢ Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Allowable ➢ Dechlorinated swimming poll discharges Allowable :- Street wash water Allowable 7.3.7 Other Incidental Non -Storm Water Discharges Fundraising car washes will be allowed but in limited numbers and suitable places shall be defined. Furthermore, commercial irrigation systems shall be allowed but must utilize organic fertilizers and pesticides whenever possible. i 7.3.8 Outreach: It is the main goal of the town to inform all residents of the hazards associated with illicit discharges and connections. This will be achieved through the previously discussed educational and involvement programs. 7.3.9 Decision Process: The program for illicit discharge detection and elimination was chosen as being the most effective and cost efficient for the town. Through mapping, development of an ordinance and training of employees, the town hopes to establish a base for which the detection and elimination can follow. 7.3.10 Evaluation: The town plans to perform internal evaluations using violations, remediations, public feedback and input as means for success or failure of the chosen BMPs. Should areas be found to produce less than desirable 12 results, then changes will be made accordingly and DWQ notified immediately or any and all changes. 7.4 CONSTRUCTION SITE STORM WATER RUNOFF CONTROL The town will continue to rely on the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Sediment and Erosion Control Program and Division of Water Quality general storm water permit, in addition to the North Carolina General Construction Permit for its construction activities. 7.4.1 BMP Summary Table: Pre- A pre -construction X X X X X Town Construction meeting will be Manager & Meeting conducted through the Town Clerk planning department to educate developers and . builders of current storm water requirements. 7.4.2 Regulatory Mechanism: A pre -construction meeting will be mandatory for all builders and developers to complete annually. The meeting will inform builder and developers of current storm water regulations, requirements, enforcement and penalties that shall ensue for violations. Each builder and developer shall sign a document to be drawn up by the town's attorney stating that each builder/developer was made aware of any and all storm water regulations and intends to comply with all. The recorded document will be kept with the Town Clerk and the Planning Department. 7.4.3 Plan Reviews: All plans will be reviewed by the planner as well as the contract engineer. All comments shall be returned to the builder/developer for amendments to be made accordingly before resubmittal. 7.4.4 Enforcement: Enforcement shall come through random inspections to be performed by either contract consultants or future hired staff. Penalties shall range from fines levied, injunction of permits and civil penalties. The town has not determined the exact measures penalties will take on. 13 7.4.5 inspections: Random inspections shall be performed by either contract consultants or future hired staff. A report of their findings shall be documented and maintained with the planning department. 7.4.6 Public Information: A notification letter will be mailed out to all builders and developers on record with the planning department as of the previous two years. The letter will state the nature of the meeting, date, time, place and need for participation in order to receive future building permits. 7.4.7 Decision Process: The town felt as though this BMP was the most direct and effective measure to ensure communication of current storm water regulation and requirements. The planning staff will educate builders/developers not only on the rule and regulations but educate them on the reason for the importance of understanding storm water. It is only through education can the town hope to achieve its goal of reducing and improving the quality of storm water. 7.4.8 Evaluation: . Evaluation of the program will come from a survey that the builders/developers will complete upon finishing the meeting. Furthermore, success of the BMP will be determined by the number of violations conducted by those persons who participated in the pre -construction meeting. 7.5 POST -CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 1N NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT Program Requirements: At a minimum you must: ➢ Develop, implement, and adopt by ordinance a post -construction storm water managements program to address post -construction runoff from new development and redevelopment. This shall include redevelopments projects that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, as well as projects less than one acre that are a part of a larger common plan of development or sale, that discharge into the MS4 or into an interconnected MS4. Develop and implement strategies which include a combination or structural and/or non-structural best management practices appropriate for your community; Begin program implementation by March 10, 2008; The program shall require all projects that meet the appropriate size limitations to apply for a locally issued permit under one of the following parameters: 14 • + Low Density Projects: Projects shall be permitted as low density if the project meets the following conditions: 1. No more than 2 dwelling units per acre or 24 % built -upon area (BUA) for all residential and non-residential development; 2. Storm water runoff from the development shall be transported from the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable 3. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters 4. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. The changes in deed restriction and protective covenants will supercede all existing restrictions and covenants. • High Density Projects: Projects exceeding the low density threshold shall implement storm water control measures that: 1. Control and treat the difference in storm water runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre and post development conditions for the one year 24 hour storm, but no more than 120 hours. 2. All structural storm water treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program shall be designed to have an 85% average annual removal fro Total Suspended Solids (TSS). 3. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial and intermittent surface waters. 4. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the development consistent with the approved project plans. The changes in deed restrictions and protective covenants will supercede all existing restrictions and covenants. Ensure adequate long-term operation and maintenance by the owner of BMPs. The program shall include requirements that the owner of a permitted structural BMP, submit annually to the local program, a maintenance inspection report on each structural BMP. The inspection shall be completed by a qualified professional; and A program shall be developed to control, to the maximum extent practicable, the sources of fecal coil form. 15 U Examine existing development ordinance and make provisions for develop men tlredevelopment into Storm water Develop, promote and implement storm water permitting program Develop and implement long-term maintenance program from structural BM Ps • Initiate the development of standards and practices for the Phase 11 post - construction storm water management program. Develop storm water permitting program and plan review process in years 3-4. Educate the development community on the requirements of the program throughout years 1-5. Implementation shall occur in March 2008. In year 3, begin developing a program that requires the yearly inspection and certification of on -site structural BMPs. By year 4-5 implementation of such program will begin as well as documentation of completed inspections X X X X X X X X Town Manager Town Manager Town Manager & Engineer Septic system oversight Establish a X X Town V program program to inform Manager & developer/builders Engineer and the public regarding proper operation and maintenance of on -site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater, in conjunction with the Union County Health 7.5.2 Non-structural BMPs Landscape and buffer regulations are required for all new development and redevelopment. Greenway planning is currently underway as well as trail planning. ➢ Alternative detention systems are encouraged, final approval of system must come from town's contract engineer. 7.5.3 Structural BMPs Current development standards state those developments which exceed 20,000 square feet of impervious area to control the pre -development runoff discharge from the 2 year and 10 year design storm events. Alternative detention systems are encouraged, final approval of system must come from town's contract engineer. 7.5.4 Regulatory Mechanism The goal of the town is to develop its storm water ordinance post - construction development controls will address the required elements of the North Carolina temporary rules. Site design regulations and BMPs will be concluded from those defined in the North Carolina model ordinance to be developed for Phase lI communities. 7.5.5 Operation and Maintenance It is the town's intent that all maintenance and inspections of structural BMPs be the responsibility of the developer/builder/resident/homeowner's association, whichever applies. A designated staff person for the town will be responsible for obtaining annual maintenance inspection reports from qualified 17 professionals. The aforementioned staff person will then report the number of inspections, notifications and corrective actions completed in the annual report. 7.5.6 Decision Process It is the goal of the town to meet the minimum program requirements by March 2008. Cooperative strategies between the town and the Union County Health Department will need to be developed to effectively address the matter of containing fecal coli form bacteria. 7.5.7 Evaluation Internal review of the program shall be conducted annually and changes made accordingly. Any and all changes will be reported to DWQ immediately. 7.6 POLLUTION PREVENTION & GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES Program Requirements: Implement a pollution prevention and good housekeeping program for municipal operations that addresses operation and maintenance, including a training component, to prevent or reduce pollutant runoff from those sources. 40 The town does not own, operate or maintain any municipal operations. 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table Develop and In year 3 develop and X X X Planner implement implement a program to training educate town employees programs for on clean water issues, town storm water pollution employees. prevention and proper disposal of materials. 1 1 7.6.2. Decision Process Given that the town does not own, operate or maintain any operations, education of town employees is the only viable option the town can submit to comply with the Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping measure. 7.6.3 Evaluation The town will evaluate the educational program of town employees through effective measures taken personally by each employee. 18