HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000431_APPLICATION_20030310STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. C� Q U LJ /v DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ /ANNUAL REPORT Td�APPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE YYYYMMDD State of North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Water Quality OFFIC USE ONLY Date Rec'd cn - w - 03 Fee Paid Permit Number �tsoc�cs.t3 I NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES Stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small M54 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report ( SWU 168) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity City of Conover Seeking Permit Coverage b. Ownership Status (federal, Local state or local c. Type of Public Entity (city, City town, county, prison, school, etc. d. Federal Standard Industrial SIC 91 _ 97 Classification Code e. County(s) Catawba f. Jurisdictional Area (square 14.8 square miles (City and ETJ) miles g. Population Permanent 6604 Seasonal (if available h. Ten-year Growth Rate 2.2 i. Located on Indian Lands? No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area s uare miles 14.8 Square Miles b. River Basin(s) Upper and Lower Catawba c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 10 d. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 53.73 • Commercial 13.48 • Industrial 31.10 • Open Space 1.69�— Total = 100% e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached ap lication re ort? No U :,' MAR 1 U 2003 Page i SWU-26-1-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program YES c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program YES d. CAMA Land Use Plan No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with No a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit ❑Yes ❑ No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: , e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ❑ No ' erm ittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of our permit obligations? No b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • dame of Entity • Element they will implement • Contact Person • Contact Address • Contact Telephone Number c. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? Yes ❑ No VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. Page 2 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. lam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of tines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature f1k &11� Name Mr. L. B. (Rick) Beasley vp Title City Manager Street Address 101 1" St. East PO Box P.O. Box 549 City Conover State North Carolina Zip 28613 Telephone (828)464-1191 Fax (828)465-5177 E-Mail RickB@ci.conover.nc.us VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION fProvide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Mr. Jimmy Clark b. Title Public Works Director c. Street Address 939 4"' St SW d. PO Box P.O. Box 549 e. City Conover f. State North Carolina g. Zip 28613 h. Telephone Number (828)464-4808 i. Fax Number (828)464-5299 j. E-Mail Address JimmyC@ci.conover.ne.us ci.conover.nc.us C�trrs,n�t<er Page 3 5WU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Program N/A b. UIC program under SDWA N/A c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge #NCo024252 — Conover N.E. Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit Number #NC0024279 — Conover S.E. Wastewater Treatment Plant d. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program N/A f. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) N/A reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the Marine Protection Research and N/A Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under section 404 of CWA N/A X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Summarized information provided, actual plans in development. Page 4 SWU-264-103102 City of Conover Comprehensive Stormwater Mann ement Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served Pg. 3 1.2. Growth Rate Pg. 3 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas Pg. 3 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System Pg. 3 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates Pg. 4 1.6. Estimate Methodology Pg. 4 1.7. TMDL Identification Pg. 4 2. RECEIVING STREAMS Pg. 4 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs Pg. 4 3.2. State programs Pg. 5 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List Pg. 5 4.2. Organizational Chart Pg. 6 4.3. Signing Official Pg. 7 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative Pg. 7 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5.1. Co-Permittees Pg. 7 5.2. Legal Agreements Pg. 7 5.3. Responsible Parties Pg. 7 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1. Name of Entity Pg. 7 6.2. Measure Implemented Pg. 7 6.3. Contact Information Pg. 7 6.4. Legal Agreements Pg. 7 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts Pg. 8 7.2, Public Involvement and Participation Pg. 10 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Pg. 12 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Pg. 16 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment Pg. 18 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Pg. 21 Appendix Pg. 23 Indian Springs Sub -Division Drainage Map Conover Downtown Drainage Map Public Meeting Notice and Resolution 2 1. Storm Sewer System Information 1.1 Population: -Permanent: 6604 -Basis of Population statistic: 2000 Census -Seasonal: -Method used to create seasonal estimates: 1.2 Growth Rate: 2.2 1.3 Jurisdictional Area: 14.8 square miles (City Limits + ET.7) MS4 Service Area: Same 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System The City of Conover storm water system includes drainage infrastructure such as inlets, basins, manholes, pipes, culverts, bridges, ditches, and swales. These structures contain and move storm water that naturally gravitates to privately owned storm water systems and receiving streams of the State. The City has (10) ten receiving streams throughout our area that direct waters to the Catawba River Basin. open channels make up the majority of the City and Privately owned systems throughout Conover. City Crews provide maintenance to the City System by the following methods: • Open Channel / Ditch -line Maintenance - Operation includes cleaning, clearing and restoration of open ditch -lines within the City right of ways. Providing riprap stabilization and seed/grass measures are commonly used to correct, minimize and control erosion issues in these areas. • Drainage Pipe Maintenance - City Staff provides pipe installation for property owners desiring to pipe areas within the public right of ways. Other related work may include; catch -basin construction, catch -basin and pipe cleaning, catch -basin and pipe repair, erosion control measures and spill hazard response. • Sweeping - The City provides curb -sweeping service for removal of trash, litter and other debris. Additionally, they may respond to emergency situations possibly involving hazardous substances. • Flushing - The City provides flushing service to the downtown curbed streets and other areas on an as needed basis. • Litter / Dead Animal Collection - This activity includes the removal of trash, debris and dead animals from City maintained streets, parking lots and walkways. • Leaf Collection - The City has (2) two options for leaf collection services for it's residents. Citizens may bag their leaves in clear bags or rake loose leaves to the curb or ditch -line boundaries to receive vacuum service. Residents are asked to keep ditch -lines free of leaves at all times. The city employs (3) Full -Time positions for system maintenance. The system is inspected yearly for maintenance problems and cleaned following rain events. 3 1.5 Land Use Composition Estimates Residential: 53.73 % Commercial: 13.48 % Industrial: 31.10 % Open Space: 1.69 % Total: 100% 1.6 Estimate Methodology Land Use Percentages were calculated based on the zoning information maintained by the Planning and CIS Departments. By grouping the various zoning districts within the City of Conover into 4 main categories, using ArcInfo software and calculating the total area of each category, percentages were calculated by dividing each category by the total area of Conover. 1.7 TMDL Identification NONE 2. Receiving, Streams Upper and Lower Catawba River Basins Receiving Stream Name Stream Segment Water Quality Classification Use Support Rating ]Issues Water Quality Lyle Creek 11-76-(0.5) C Fully Supported None Lyle Creek 11-76-(3.5) WS-IV Fully Supported None Mull Creek 11-76-4 WS-IV Fully Supported None McLin Creek 11-76-5-(0.3) C Fully Supported None Long Creek 11-76-5-1 WS-IV Fully Supported None Cline Creek 11-129-5-2 C Fully Supported None Conover Branch 11-129-5-2-1 C Fully Supported None Hildebran Creek 11-129-5-3 C Fully Supported None Miller Branch 11-129-5-1 C Fully Supported None Clark Creek 11-129-5- (0.3) C Fully Supported None 3. Existing Water puaiity Programs 3.1 Local Programs The City of Conover currently implements a local water quality program that includes a Water Supply watershed Protection Program, a delegated Erosion and Sediment Control and Land Use Plan. The City has developed a Water Supply Watershed Protection District (WSP District) and incorporated its definition and requirements into the Code of Ordinances. The purpose of the district is to regulate the development and land use density in order to limit water supply a] watershed exposure to non -point source discharge and pollution. This effort is a proactive approach, rather than a reactive, to assure a clean, safe and healthy water supply. The City has delegated Erosion and Sediment Control by requiring development over 1 acre to present evidence that a sediment control plan has been submitted to and results received from the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Land Quality Section. The City of Conover Planning Department has created and maintains a Land Use Plan that regulates land use throughout the city, through the use of various zoning districts and guides high impact growth away from sensitive areas. 3.2 State Programs NCDENR Erosion and Sediment Control 4. Permitting Information 4.1 Responsible Party Contact List Public Education: Christopher Niver Jimmy Clark Assistant Planner Public Works Director 828-464-1191 828-464-4808 chris.niver@ci.conover.nc.us JimmyC@ci.conover.nc.us Public Involvement: Keith Crafton Jimmy Clark Street Supervisor Public Works Director 828-464-4808 828-464-4808 KeithC@ci..conover.nc.us JimmyC@ci.conover.nc.us Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Keith Crafton Jimmy Clark Street Supervisor Public Works Director 828-464-4808 828-464-4808 KeithC@ci.conover.nc.us Jimm C@ci.conover.nc.us Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls Keith Crafton Jimmy Clark Street Supervisor Public Works Director 828-464-4808 828-464-4808 KeithC@ci.conover.nc.us JimmyC@ci.conover.nc.us Post Construction Site Management Keith Crafton Jimmy Clark Street Supervisor Public Works Director 828-464-4808 828-464-4808 KeithC@ci.conover.nc.us JimmXC@ci.conover.nc.us Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Keith Crafton Jimmy Clark Street Supervisor Public Works Director 828-464-4808 828-464-4808 KeithC@ci.conover.nc.us JimmyC@ci.conover.nc.us k, 4.2 Organizational Chart City Clerld Finance Drector Fire Chief Personnel Dr. Personnel Clkl �I I Finance Supervisor Dep City Clerk Customer Service Clerk Accounting Clerk Ulilifp Clerk lI Utility Clerk I UzensoSTConover City Council Tk City Manager ! Planning D1reclDf 11n5petior Planning Assislanl 1 InspectorlEngineer CIS Coordinator i 1 Engineers �5 ValJnleers i Police Chief I Pubic Works Drector 1 Captain (I Records Clerk) I Assistant Director 0 Secretary) 1 Technica Assistant 2 Lieutenants 4 5ergean 5 2 Patice Spepaksls 4 Fleet 2 Reserve E ', Maintenance Sergeants T [' 14 Officers 10 WalerNtikty 2 Reserve Officers 11 10 9 Street 9 Sanitation T 4 Grounds! 4.3 Signing Official "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signature: I. Name: Mr. L. B. (Rick) Beasley 2. Title: City Manager 3. Street Address: 101 1st Street East 4. PO Box: P.O. Box 549 5. City: Conover 6. State: N.C. 7. Zip: 28613 8. Telephone: 828-464-1191 9. E-Mail: RickB@ci.conover.nc.us 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative Not Applicable 5. Co -Permitting Infomiation Not Applicable 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity Not Applicable 7 7. Storniwater Management Prograni Plan 7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.1.1. SMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Responsible Party/Position 1 Mailers, Brochures, Develop mailer for insert in X X X X X Assistant Planner Posters utility bills and implement. Target homeowners and businesses with messages about how they can reduce pollution picked up by stormwater. Track number of homes and businesses reached by mailer and report annually. 2 Develop Web Site Develop Web Site. Target X X Assistant Planner/GIS message about the Department importance of clean water and how stormwater gets polluted. Give tips on reducing pollution. Identify target audience and track the number of web hits. Report annually. 3 Festivals and Local Participate in Public Works X X X X X Assistant Planner Fairs Day annually by displaying posters and other stormwater information at a booth and report annually on event and message provided. Provide message on the importance of clean water and on specific activities that can be carried out to help reduce stormwater pollution, 4 Library Handouts Develop materials for X X X Assistant Planner distribution in local library. Focus message on overall stormwater quality activities that can be addressed in the home. Track number of materials produced and distributed annually and report. 5 Hotline Establish hotline for X X X X X Assistant Planner communication with public. Track number and types of issues as well as disposition of call. Report annually on data collected and issues addressed. 6 Stormwater Drain Continue program. with the X X X X X Assistant Planner Stenciling help of the Boy Scouts, stenciling stormwater drains to make the public aware of the outflow of storm water. 7.1.2. Target Audience The City of Conover will target all members of the community with respect to Public Education. Households, farmers, businesses and industry, gas station owners and gardeners are just a few of the citizen groups targeted. Every member of the community has been targeted for education, because only with citizen participation, can we reduce or remove pollution from the stormwater system. 7.1.3 Target Pollutant Sources Specific pollutants being targeted by Conover's program include, soils & silts, trash, bacteria, yard waste and grease / oils that may intentionally or inadvertently be discharged into the system. These pollutants are common among storm water systems located within Urban and Suburban areas and are impacted by construction site development. Such pollutants may be reduced or eliminated by following proper principles in the disposal, transportation, use and containment of the components. 7.1.4 Outreach Program For (3) three years Conover has provided Public Education through these efforts: • Storm Water Drain Stenciling (with Boy Scouts)' • Development and distribution of Educational handouts to residents • Display of posters and Storm water information at two City functions. Public Works Day (May) and Community Workshop (March) We plan to continue those practices and expand efforts by the utilization of our web site, offering additional educational programs to local schools / civic organizations and working with developers and Contractors to develop and implement procedures to address construction run-off. 7.1..5 Decision Process The City of Conover feels that the practices currently used and those proposed blend well with our Community efforts to keep the public informed on all issues. Efforts such as these have been very successful for our community. Expanding on current practices will help keep the cost of the program down for our residents. Public Education for developmental/construction run-off will be targeted as program goal. 7.1.6 Evaluation The Public Education Program will be evaluated every year by referencing the suggested BMP's and reporting any activity in the annual report to the State. By tracking the number of publications produced, and comparing the amount of information provided to the public through mailers, brochures and web hits, a count of citizens reached can be calculated. A written record of calls to the hotline created will also provide a quantifiable number of citizens educated in proper stormwater management. 9 7.2 Public Involvement and Participation 7.2.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Responsible Party/Position 1 Storm Water Incorporate Storm Water X X X X X Public Works Educational educational meetings into the Meetings local Community Watch programs. Provide basic information, brochures and Hotline number to residents. Report activity in annual report. 2 Stenciling Program Utilize stenciling program to X X X X Public Works involve students, parents and residents in Storm Water activities. Provide this activity in each area of the City and seek involvement by Public Notices 3 Neighborhood Clean Form voluntary neighborhood X X X Public Works Up Groups clean up groups and target 50% participation. Train citizens to identify possible pollution sources and practical ways to clean up ditches and drains. Report activity in annual report. 4 "Adopt a Storm Develop and implement a X X Public Works Drain" program program in which individuals and groups would assist the City in keeping drains free of debris and assist in monitoring private waterways. Report activity in annual report 7.2.2 Target Audience The City of Conover will again target all members of the community with respect to Public Involvement. Homeowner associations, neighborhood groups, and local businesses and industries are just a few of the groups targeted. Every member of the community has been targeted for involvement, because only with citizen participation, can we reduce or remove pollution from the stormwater system. 7.2.3 Participation Program During six City held informational functions Staff supplied information regarding Storm Water and the six program components. Comments were made most commonly regarding types of contamination, sources of contamination and possible J financial impacts to citizens. A Public Hearing was also held on March 3rd, 2003 �t .1td� to receive citizen comments regarding the application phase of the project. tr � During program development we will continue to promote public involvement and utilize public comments as a component of our strategy. I I f (a) tr6jip"%w1MIO (6) volvn�r tcf 2 2_ {c) C.Q � 7.2.4. Decision Process The City of Conover is going to develop the public involvement and participation program using several of the BMP's suggested. We plan to incorporate Storm Water educational meetings into the local Community Watch Programs and provide basic information, brochures and hot line number to residents. We plan to utilize the stenciling program to involve students, parents and residents in Storm Water activities and provide this activity in each area of the City and seek involvement by public notices. We plan to form voluntary Neighborhood Clean-up Groups and target 50% participation. And finally plan to develop and implement a "Adopt a Storm Drain" program for the City encouraging individuals and groups to keep drains free of debris and assist in monitoring private waterways. This facet of the program will be coordinated and performed by City Staff members, Street Supervisor - Keith Crafton and Public works Director - Jimmy Clark. 7.2.5 Evaluation The success of this measure will be evaluated by reporting annually to the state the number of meetings held, stormdrains stenciled, Neighborhood clean up groups established and storm drains adopted on a year-to-year basis. aT )Fv. )P1oj1fRr),L JJ L ---------------------- `r-Od C�) Tr- 9 -- {�� 6:/a (�v t I f 2 i 3) �� S � l7 3 7.3 Illicit Discharge and Elimination 7.3.1. BMP 'fable BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Responsible Position 1 Develop ordinance or Develop ordinance and X X X X Assistant Planner amend existing ordinance to have it adopted by the include illicit detection, right elected officials by the end of entry, prohibition of of year 2. Note date of certain discharges, adoption and have copy of enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, spills, ordinance in annual report and willful illicit connections. file. 2 Develop system map The City of Conover has X X X X X GIS Department showing outfalls and the begun working on the receiving bodies of water. Mapping System. The map Complete one quarter of will note outfails and receiving the community each year, bodies of water for each updating any system outfall. Report annually on changes within the progress. already mapped areas, as they occur. 3 Develop fact sheets for Prepare fact sheets and distribute to X X X Assistant Planner public education program Library and Eire Department for public on illicit connections and distribution. Place at City Hall information spill management. Place booth. Complete by end of year 3 and in public library and provide samples in annual report. Note provide to Fire date completed and number of copies placed for distribution. Department for distribution to industry. 4 Train employees on how Provide materials to all X X X Public Works to inspect for illicit employees in organization on connections and establish illicit connections and how to a tracking system for recognize one. Complete by managing reported end of year 3 and note date problems. distributed. Summarize in annual report. 5 Utilize hotline setup under Maintain log of hotline calls X X X X X Assistant Planner Public Involvement and disposition. Note the program for public numbers that are related to reporting of illicit illicit connections. Setup in connections. year 1 and report annually. 6 Establish database to Complete database X X X Code Enforcement Officer track all activities for development in year 3, inspections and follow-up Report annually on number of enforcement activities. inspections and findings. 7 Identify responsible party Establish standard operating X X X Code Enforcement Officer in organization to manage Procedures in year 3 and follow-up and report on enforcement actions enforcement actions. in each annual report. 12 7.3.2. Storm Sewer Map The City has begun the development of a storm sewer system map identifying the system outfalls, City infrastructure/system, Private system and State system. Elements shown include catch basins, curb inlets, pipes, culverts, swales and ditches that collect water and eventually discharge into local streams and surface waters. The map is comprised of a digital GIS base map with infrastructure provided by CPS technology. Parcel and topographical data are also supplied to provide a map that can be used to identify locations of drainage ways and outfalls within the City of Conover. The Map is to be kept current by using (in house) GPS equipment to capture new infrastructure points and provide a database of each point for use in maintenance and inspection practices. Our GIS Mapping is also linked to our citywide work order system, which give us the ability to schedule and track activities needed and performed along the system. As a provision of our Regional GIS Consortium arrangement, the county updates quarterly the GIS base mapping layers. The Map is to be kept current through coordination of the Public Works Department and GIS Department. Storm -water mapping will be available on the City computer network. Conover Staff members will provide hard copy maps upon request and a copy will be available for Public inspection at the Public Works Facility located at 939 4" Street Southwest. 7.3.3. Regulatory Mechanism The City does have regulations in our Code of ordinances (Chapter 12 - Nuisances and Chapter 11 - Garbage, Trash and Weeds) that prohibits the disposal of any solid waste, trash, tree limbs or other material that may contaminate or block the drainage way. An ordinance meeting the following objectives will be developed, adopted and implemented by the City of Conover. • To regulate the contribution of pollutants to the municipal separate storm sewer (MS4) by storm water discharges by any user. • To prohibit Illicit Connections and Discharges to the municipal separate storm sewer system. • To establish legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance and monitoring procedures necessary to ensure compliance with this ordinance. The ordinance proposed will comply with requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit process. 7.3.4. Enforcement Actions The proposed ordinance will also identify the appropriate enforcement actions to be taken whenever illicit connections are discovered. Such enforcement shall consider the severity of the action and negative impacts to the water body or watercourse. Notice of Violations may include; • Monitoring, analysis and reporting • Elimination of discharges / connections • Abatement or remediation of pollution or contamination • Payment of fine or remediation cost • Implementation of control measures and / or BMPs 13 7.3.5. Detection and Elimination The City will develop a plan to detect and address illicit (non- storm water) discharges including illegal dumping into the system (MS4). The plan will be designed to meet the following criteria. • Locate problem areas - Methods may include public complaint, visual inspections and sampling • Find the source - Methods may include dye test / smoke test, upstream tracing or septic system and commercial / industrial building inspections. • Remove / Correct Illicit Connections - Once the source is identified, the offending discharger will be notified to correct the problem. Working with and educating first offenders will be a common course of action when applicable. • Documentation of actions - Documentation will be performed to illustrate that progress is being made to eliminate illicit connections and discharges. information may include number of outfalls screened, complaints screened and corrected, number of discharges detected and / or eliminated and number / type of tests performed. 7.3.6. Non-Stormwater Discharges 1. Water line flushing: 2. Landscape irrigation: 3. Diverted stream flows: 4. Rising ground waters: 5. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as 6. Uncontaminated pumped ground water: 7. Discharges from potable water sources: 8. Foundation drains: 9. Air conditioning condensation: 10. Irrigation water: 11. Springs: 12. Water from crawl space pumps: 13. Footing drains: 14. Lawn watering: 15. Individual residential car washing: 16. Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands: 17. Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges: 18. Street wash water: Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable defined at 40 CFR §35.2005(20)) Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable 7.3.7. Occasional Incidental Non-Stormwater Discharges None identified. 7.3.8. Outreach City of Conover Staff is involved in both the P is Education and outreach efforts now and as proposed in sections T & 11 Those efforts will include educational information regarding ways to detect and eliminate illicit discharges. The efforts will include initiating a volunteer recycling program for oil and promoting the use of the County's household hazardous waste program. 14 7.3.9. Decision Process The approach being utilized takes into consideration existing programs that can be tailored to also address the Storm water need. Using Staff currently involved in inspection of wastewater sewers and performing the GPS of new infrastructure will broaden our Staff awareness and involvement in Storm water activities. BMPs and Goals were considered based upon our ability to initiate and gain benefit from those actions. 7.3.10. Evaluation The measurable goals and BMPs reflect the needs and characteristics of the City and its system, such measures will gauge permit compliance and more importantly program effectiveness. The measurable goals and BMPs that address requirements and intent of the control measure are shown in the BMP Table. This facet of the program will be coordinated and performed by Conover Staff, City Attorney, and City Council. Staff members responsible include; Street Supervisor - Keith Crafton, Asst. Planner - Chris Niver and Public Works Director - Jimmy Clark. a ' - A7 I � S 5 60) 7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff 7.4.1 BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Responsible Position Development and implementation of the Stormwater Management Develop the organizational Plan which will include 1 plan, including enforcement requirements for X X X X X Public Works and inspection strategies to managing construction manage construction sites. site runoff. Provide procedures in annual report when implemented Track program activity. Develop and Implement Provide procedures in X X Assistant Planner 1 2 Inspection Program annual report when X X Code Enforcement implemented. Officer Comply with developed ordinance and provide Establish training program education to developers, for site operators on contractors, and private 3 program strategy and on parties concerning the use and maintenance of proper X X X Public Works their responsibilities for Best Management Practices. site management. Provide number of target audience reached in annual report. Create method for public }hotline to provide method reporting by end of year 1. 4 for public to report Track number and type of X X X X X Public Works concerns about sediment complaints and disposition and erosion issues. of each. Summarize in annual re ort. Implement and document Establish procedure for plan review procedures 5 plan review of construction and track activity. Report X X X X Public Works site management plans. activity annually in permit report to the state. Describe documentation Document all inspections, procedures and 6 enforcement actions and summarize in annual X X X X Public Works public reports. report to State. Develop Site BMP Manual Develop BMP Manual at to include various time of program strategies needed to implementation address local construction 7 site conditions in coordination with State X X X X Public Works General Permit for Construction Sites and State Sediment and Erosion Control Program. 16 7.4.2. Regulatory Mechanism The City of Conover proposes to use the State Program to comply with this Storm Water Phase II minimum measure. Use of this program will provide these basic control objectives that will protect public and private properties from damage by land disturbing activities. + Identify Critical Areas • Limit Exposed Areas • Limit Time of Exposure • Control Surface Water • Control Sedimentation • Manage Storm Water Runoff By meeting these objectives, pollutants commonly discharged from construction sites will also be reduced. City Contact Person: Jimmy A. Clark City of Conover - Public Works Dir. State Contact Person: Steve Allred NC - DEM Mooresville Regional Office Methods approved and recommended by the State DEN will be used to control sediment and erosion within our Community. Commonly used controls such as Vegetative Practices, Detention / Retention Practices and Infiltration Devices will be recommended for use by persons involved in land disturbing activities. 7.4.3. Plan Review The City currently has a Site Plan Review procedure that is required for new and redevelopment activities. The current procedure does not require controls nor enforce regulations currently imposed by The State. Staff is currently receiving and reviewing (24) Site Plans per year from area.Developers. Measures imposed to reduce amounts of storm water and pollutants will include. • Land Use Planning Strategies • Retention of vegetated natural buffers • Construction of Detention / Retention Basins • Check Dam Construction • Erosion Barriers • And other BMPs that that have a positive impact on water quality Such procedures will be developed and implemented to coincide with our existing Site Plan Review Process and State Sedimentation Control Requirements as major program element. 7.4.4. Enforcement Enforcement actions will be developed to address Storm Water related issues. Such actions will be consistent with existing code enforcement actions taken by the City. Those actions are consistent with North Carolina General Statutes that govern Local Governments. 17 7.4.5. Inspections City Staff currently inspects new and redevelopment sites that involve new public utilities and roadways. This practice will be broadened to include the inspection of Construction Site Runoff Controls. Such inspections will ensure that the proper BMPs are in place, properly installed, properly maintained and performing as intended. All such inspections will be recorded and kept with project files to document project compliance or non-compliance with the State and City requirements. During inspections, staff will work with developers by providing additional guidance, educational assistance, issuing warnings for corrective actions and accessing penalties if appropriate. The City will advise the Regional DEM of non -conformances to regulation where applicable. 7.4.6. Public Information As referenced in the public education section of the permit, the City gains public comment in many forms both currently and proposed. The information gained will be used to assist with tracking problem areas and maintaining enforcement. Such involvement is crucial to the success of the program to meet established goals. 7.4.7. Decision Process Although the program piggy backs State erosion and sedimentation control procedures, we have proposed in house measures to accent that program and provide additional actions to control construction activities. With both agencies working toward compliance with the requirements and procedures we can collectively meet program goals and objectives_ 7.4.8 Evaluation The measurable goals and BMPs reflect the needs and characteristics of the City and its system. The measurable goals and BMPs that address requirements and intent of the control measure are shown in the BMP Table. This facet of the program will be coordinated and performed by City Staff members, Street Supervisor - Keith Crafton and Public Works Director - Jimmy Clark. 7.5 Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.5.1. City of Conover's existing development policy requires site drainage to be addressed as a part of the development plan. Practices are consistent with State policy and practices. Post construction control measures will be designed and implemented considering site characteristics, developmental use and established removal rates. Measures will be consistent guidelines established by NCDENR as published in the April 1999 manual. IN �G��o►�raavn,7—�o1uG �, � }� y�r� ria; f r� 6rnP� I 1 1 1 I pp SSuf2nca anVT .rp t sA 7.5.8. BMP Table BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Responsible Position 1 Update existing ordinance to Initiate the development of X X X X Assistant Planner 1 Public include now strategies to standards and practices Works address both structural and for post -construction non-structural water quality controls for water quality in controls. Include enforcement strategies as year 1 and implement in appropriate as well as Year 2. Report on number requirements for long-term of structural controls maintenance. implemented annually to state. 2 Evaluate the potential for In year 3, initiate X X X Public Works enhancing structures owned evaluation of current by the City to add water stormwater control quality controls. Implement structures owned by the enhancements as City and determine if appropriate. structures can be retrofitted for water quality controls. Report annually on evaluation and potential for retrofits. 3 Implement long-term In year 4, adopt ordinance X X Public Works maintenance program for amendment that requires on -site controls. the long-term maintenance of structural controls for new and redevelopment projects. In annual report, identify year of adoption, controls and procedures to be followed. 4 Review plan review In annual report, provide X Public Works process to ensure that description for protocol for appropriate reviews and Plan review and report on inspections during effectiveness. construction occur for water quality controls established in development ordinance 5 Master Plan watersheds Based on ordinance, in year 4 X X, Assistant Planner/ Public for water quality controls. institute inspection program Works Amend existing Master for structural controls for Plans that address water evaluation of maintenance quantity controls to add practices. Keep record of quality controls where number of inspections and results. Report annually on appropriate. program and actions taken. 19 7.5.9. Non -Structural BMP's The City will promote Prevention Measures (non-structural BMPs) as our first line of defense against runoff problems. Proper planning and zoning, which guides high impact growth away from sensitive areas, will be considered to protect water quality. Site based controls that include buffer strips, riparian zone preservation and designation of open space are also common practices that will be used. 7.5.10. Structural BMP's Sites requiring additional protection will be required to use Control Measures (structural BMPs) to address runoff negative impacts. Those BMPs may include the following: Storage and Detention Controls - These practices will both control storm water volume and settle out particulates for pollutant removal. Infiltration Practices - These practices may include basins, trenches, dry wells and porous pavements that are designed to facilitate the percolation of runoff through the soil to the groundwater. Vegetative Practices - These practices include grassy swales, filter strips, rain gardens and artificial wetlands that will enhance pollutant removal. 7.5.11 Regulatory Mechanism The Storm Water ordinance will provide the regulatory mechanism to address post construction runoff controls. 7.5.12 Operation and Maintenance The ordinance will require long-term maintenance to be provided by the site Developer / owner as a condition to the developmental permit. Established regulatory provisions within the ordinance will also regulate this condition. New sub division development, which requires contractual arrangements for open space, will be required to designate permanent maintenance responsibility to either the primary Developer, property owner or representative association. Such designation will be a condition to the Developmental contract. 7.5.13. Decision Process The City's plan of action includes measures that utilizes City / State requirements for site runoff controls. Those controls are to be incorporated / modified as permanent measures where possible and feasible. Non-structural measures will be our first approach when reviewing new developmental plans. Priority areas include large commercial and industrial sites with potential for substantial negative impacts. 7.5.14. Measurable Goals The measurable goals and BMPs reflect the needs and characteristics of the City and its system. The measurable goals and BMPs that address requirements and intent of the control measure are shown in the BMP Table. This facet of the program will be coordinated and performed by City Staff members, Street Supervisor - Keith Crafton and Public Works Director - Jimmy Clark. 20 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good housekeeping for Municipal Operations 7.6.1. BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals Yr 1 JYr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 1 Yr 51 Responsible Position In year 1, inventory Complete an inventory of facilities owned by the facilities that will be City and prioritize them 1 evaluated through an for an environmental X X X X X Public Works environmental audit to determine potential audit. Report on number pollution contributions. and type of facilities that will be audited. Begin in year 2 to educate all employees on Develop training materials clean water issues and on pollution prevention for on workplace public facilities. Educate all responsibilities to reduce 2 employees annually on the or eliminate pollutants X X X X Public Works need for controls to protect stormwater from exposure from stormwater. Report to pollutants. annually on number of employees trained and subjects covered. Beginning in year 2, provide training to all employees that maintain Provide training to the drainage system with employees that maintain a focus on floatables, grit, the drainage system with sediment and disposal of 3focus on disposal of pollutants removed from X X X X Public Works floatables, grit, sediment the drainage system. and other pollutants Report annually on removed from the system. number of employees trained and subjects covered. Begin annual inspection in Annually inspect vehicle year 1 and document washing and fueling findings and actions taken to operations to ensure that address any problems 4 they are in good working identified. Report on findings X X X X X Public Works order and that they in annual permit report. minimize exposure of stormwater to chemicals fuels and other liquids. Initiate inspection of storage facilities in year 2 and Inspect all materials establish priorities for storage facilities to addressing issues identified, 5 determine priority for Address corrective activity in next year unless high hazard X X X X Public Works reducing exposure to was identified. Report on storm water. number and type of sites inspected and actions taken in each annual report. �wQ rt¢'f io Pra�obPd BM PS 21 . )InS��Err 7.6.2 Affected Operations Conover Public Works Facility - Vehicle Maintenance Facility 7.6.3. Training The City of Conover will develop a training program to educate all employees on clean water issues and on workplace responsibilities to reduce or eliminate pollutants from stormwater. 7.6.4. Maintenance and Inspections The Plan being developed for the NPDES facility will outline maintenance measures and define responsibilities to carry out those measures as required by the Phase II rule. City Staff properly trained and familiar with Storm Water requirements and goals will perform such procedures. 7.6.5. Vehicular operations The Facility Plan will include additional measures to reduce or eliminate the possible pollutant runoff from the facility grounds. Measures may include: confinement walls, retention barriers, infiltration trenches and settling basins where applicable. 7.6.6. Waste Disposal waste is discarded at the County operated Public Landfill 7.6.7. Flood Management Projects We propose to coordinate with Local Flood Control Managers to identify and address environmental impacts from such projects. 7.6.8. Existing Ordinance 7.6.9. Other Evaluations 7.6.10. Decision Process In developing this Facility Plan every effort is being made to remove outside storage of materials that potentially could contaminate storm water runoff within the site. Wash down efforts are being confined to areas accommodated by sanitary sewer service. Spill prevention Plans are also being revised where needed and employees trained to address emergency and non - emergency situations. 7.6.11. Evaluation The measurable goals and BMPs reflect the needs and characteristics of the City and its system. The measurable goals and BMPs that address requirements and intent of the control measure are shown in the BMP Table. This facet of the program will be coordinated and performed by City Staff members, Street Supervisor - Keith Crafton and Public Works Director - Jimmy Clark. 22 LY E j EEJ ID c5? 4Y \,N, %i Dinlat E9 91 0 CON 0 CONOVER 0 DOT PVT V Ej1� 0 STATE UNK ,u ON Drainage VCON � CONOVER 00,' PVT DOT -,OTHER /V Dstream =i o Dvault LI 0 D valve ` 1 \� `ti + ! 1�1 l�.. d — ., t i •� - .,n; � � 1 �\ 1 o Dscupper x Dretbasn Dpipefit Douttall 'E9 LJ) -V Dnode D m etrst Dmanhote o Dliftsta o Djuncbox Dlnfbasn o Dendtrmt o Dclnout Dicasing A/Contairs.shp Parcels.shp _1 ; % "��;'_ _ 11;= _--- �` _ ` ,, Ili ti 1r Indian !: J ; �; JI ��I, , �:, �� ==� ��� \ I�� ,� �;, �, t , Springs -Sub-Division Drainage 13 71 s Dinlet CON I CONOVER -X •# DOT P� 0 PVT 0 STATE 0 UNK 2K Drainage IV CON OVER CON �VDOT MOTHER PVT Dstream Dvault _ _ `%' / f �� 1 �, V 0 Dvalve o Dscupper o Dretbasn Dpipefit Doutfall o Dnode Dmetrst W Lo 114r1hole 0 D Insta 4'A Djuncbox 0 Dinfbasn I -K 47, -kc Dendtrmt Dc1nout IV Dcasing Contours.shp E= Parcels.shp > 4—! Conover Downtown -- -- --- Drainage Ad o�oF w A r�R�� c THE CITY OF CONOVER LLOYD B. BEASLEY, JR., CITY MANAGER P.O. BOX 549 CONOVER, NC 28613-0549 Lloyd B. Beasley, Jr.: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr„ Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality 1 1 /6/2002 Subject: NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Program In 1990 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Phase I stormwater program was promulgated under the Clean Water Act. Phase I relies on National Pollutant discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit coverage to address stormwater runoff from: (1) "medium" and "large" municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) generally serving populations of 100,000 or greater, (2) construction activity disturbing 5 acres of land or greater, and (3) ten categories of industrial activity. The NPDES Stormwater Phase II Final Rule was promulgated in December 1999 and is the next step in EPA's effort to preserve, protect, and improve the Nation's water resources from polluted storm water runoff. The Phase II program expands the Phase I program by requiring additional operators of MS4s in urbanized areas and operators of small construction sites, through the use of NPDES permits, to implement programs and practices to control Stormwater runoff. Phase II is intended to further reduce adverse impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat by instituting the use of controls on the unregulated sources of Stormwater discharges that have the greatest likelihood of causing continued environmental degradation. The NPDES Stormwater Phase iI Final Rule requires nationwide coverage of all operators of small MS4s that are located within the boundaries of a Bureau of the Census defined "urbanized area" based on the latest decennial Census. We are writing to you to remind you that the City of Conover has been identified as being located within a census designated urbanized area in both the 1990 and 2000 decennial census. As a regulated community, you are required to develop a Stormwater management program and apply for stormwater permit coverage, if you own and operate a small MS4 or file a certification that the City of Conover does not own or operate a small MS4. The deadline for submitting your application package or non -ownership certification is March 10, 2003. Application and certification documents, as well as additional information on the NPDES stormwater program, are available for download at our web site. Our web address is http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.htm1. You may also contact us for hard copies of the documents. If you have any questions about this letter, please feel free to contact me (919-733-5083, ext.525) or Darren England (919-733-5083, ext. 545) Sincerely, Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit cc: Central Files Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files Mooresville Regional Office e�A NCDENR N. C. Division o1 Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1.800-623-7748