HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100310 Ver 1_Mitigation Information_20141008�Vni!y �ciV?5 �CI�cF� �cvernnr Site ��� N[DENR �fortt� Carafina Qepartment of �nviranmeRt and I�atural Res4urces ��visivn of W�[er �ual[�y eg���'�'"_'' �}_,,�ifirts � � � '-� � ��If�C:i4C � May 5, 2�1U ���� # � �'� {� Johnston Cotinty ����_��� �. U�; NCDWQ Pruj ect Na. 2Q 1003 Z 0 ns� F��� f�,.i�--s;: _� •-�i �_ __,_. Egress Road at Talecris Corp. � State Project No. 59002 °�,,�•� ---- •-" ,.. .- •-- --.� CC]hs 7 i -- -- --- -- • �`� _ -, __ __�_ �__ S�AFF�.�___._�_ °., _., _,___.�.r-.—___•- APPRUVAL oi' 40T WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATID]V and NECISE SUFFER AUTHURIZATI�N, with ADDITIdNAL C�NDITIONS Mr. Bv6by Lewis, P.E., Di�ision Engineer NCDDT, Division 4 P� Box � 165 Wilson, NC Z7895-31b5 Dear Mr. Lewis: Yoa ha�e vur appro�al, in accordance with fhe conditions listed below, for the fvllowing impacts for the gurpose of �anstruction of an egress road at Ta�ecris Corp. in 7ohnston Counry: Site 1 Stream Permanent Fill i� Pere� 70 � in tl�e Nease Re�er Basin Temporary Ympact to Perennial Stresm (�ine9r ft) 3� � ToEal � 7p I 30 Total Stream Impact far Projeet: 1[1D linear feet. I WeElsud Im acts in the Neuse Ri�er gasin Permanent F�li {ac� Total Wetland ] D.OG •'�•-- ' D.U6 Total O.OG Total Wetland Impaet for Project: U.UG arres. Neuse Ri arian B Zone 1 mi►�us = Zone 1 Zone 1 Buffer Impact Wetiands Buffers {not Mitigation {sq ft} in Zone 1 wetlands} Required (sq ft) [sc� ft� {usiag 3:1 rat'to) 1 � 7092 F 0 j 7092 � NIA 2 21 0 2l � fi3 Tat$1 Stream Impac[ 140 IQO O.Ob m acts 2ane 2 minus = Zone 2 Impart Wetlunds Buffers (sq Ft) in Zone 2 {not (sq ft) wetlands] 4542 j 0 � 4542 136U D 136U Totals � 71I3 + Q � 7113 I 63 5902 I * nla = Perpendicutar road crossing irnpact allowahle; no mitigation required. Tota! Buffer Impact for Proje�t: 13,015 square feet. Transportaleon Pemiitting lina t554 h4af! 5ervrce �enier. Rale�a�, Nflrift Ca�ofina 2; �99-7�G ? ocalian: 2327 ��aGtree 5lvd , Ra!esgh. NeAr Ca�niina 2TS�4 Phone 919-7�3-T,'Bo�.FRx.9t?-�3's-o893 In{er�+ei' li{+.p %%h[v enrs�a�2 nr, u�'���wGl4'�n�s An �ai�3i �J::PUrtur:r:r . ..�i .. . -�-a .r:r• =.�:i�.:y� U I 59U2 �2V �rE�i':'Qii SeCref�ry Zone 2 Buffer Mitigation Required (�sing I.5:1 ratio] NIA 2Q40 204Q NorthCarolinti ���t�lr�I��� The project shall be constructed in ac�ordance witlz your apptication dated tecei�ed Apri] 29, 2UZ�. Afier re�iewing yvur applicatian, we na�e decided that these impacts are �o�ered hy General Water Quaiity Certiftcation Numi�er 3820. lfiis certificafion corresponds to !he Nationwide Pern�it I4 issued by the Carps of Engineers. 'I'his appro�al is also valld for the Neuse Riparian Buffer Rutes [ 15A NCAC 2B.0233}. In addition, you shauld acquire any other lfederal, slate or ]ocal pem�its before you proceed with your project incZuding (but nvt Iimited to} Sedunent and Erasion Contral, Nnn-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This appra�al wi11 expire with the accorr�anying 4Q4 pem�it. This approval is �+alid solely far the purpose and desig� described in your apAlicaEion (unless modified below). Should your projeci change, you must notify the NCDWQ and submit a new apgli�ation. If the properry is sold, the new owner must be gi�en a copy of this CertiFcatian and appro�al letter, and is thereby responsibie for cvmplying with al] the conditions. IF total wetland �Ils for this project (now or in the future} exceed one acre, or of total irr�acis to streams (now or in the future) exceed I50 iinear �'eet, campensatory miligation may be required as desrribed in 15A NCAC 2H .050b (h} {6j and (7). Additiorial buffer impacts may require compensatory mitigatian as described in f SA NCAC 02B.0242. For this appro�af ta remain �alid, yoti must adhere to the conditions listed in the atfached certiFcation and any addiiional �onditzons listed below. Conditians oF CertiCcation: 1. Compensacoiy rnitigstian for impacts to 21 square feet af protected riparian bufFers in Zone l and I3fi0 square feet of pratected riparian �uffers in Zone 2 shall be requued. In accordance with 15A NCAC 02B.Q242[g}, riparian �egetation reesiablishinent shal] include a minimum pFat least 2 nati�e hardwooc! tree species planfed at a density sufficient to pro�ide 320 trees per a�re at rnaturity. All on-site mitigation sites shall be protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement or through NCDOT fee siu�ple acquisition and recorded in the NCDQT Natt�zal En�ironment Unit mitigaEion geodatabase. 2. The pern-�iitee shail manitor the buffer n-utigation site. Monitaring shaIl consist of �isuaI re�iew with photo goints fnr channel stability and �egetation survi�al. An annuaI repart s�all he subriutted to NCDWQ for a geriod vf 3 years showing monitoring results, survi�al ratel success oFlree and �egetation establis�unent, and that diffuse flaw through the riparian buF#'er has heen maintained. The Fust annual repor! shaI] be submitted wittein one year of fina2 planting. Failure to a�hie�e a hufFex density oF320 �-ees per a�re af'ter 3 years will require tiie annud2 report to prouIde appropriate remedial actions to be implemented and a schedule for implemencation. Appro�al of the final annual report, and a forma! "close out" of the mitigation site by NCDWQ is required. 3. UnIess otherwise appro�ed in tltis certification, placement of cul�erts and other structures in vpen waters and srreams sha11 be pZaced belaw the ele�ation of t3ie streambed by one iaot For all cul�erts with a dxameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 per�ent of the culvert diameter far cutverts ha�ing a diameter Iess than 48 inches, to allow lvw flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of cul�erts and other structures inc�uding temporary erosion control measures shal) not be conducted in a manner fhat may result in dis-equilibrium of wetlands or sireambeds ar banks, adjacent to or upstream and dowin stream of the abo�e structures. `1'lze applicant is required ta prv�ide e�idence tttat the equilibriiun is heing maintained ifrequested in wziting by NCDWQ. Ifthis condation is unable ta be met due to bedroek or other limiting feateires encauntered during constru�tion, please contact NCDWQ for guidance on how ta proeeed and ta deterinine whether or not a pern3it modification wi11 be required. 4. Riprap shall not be placed in� the acti�e thalweg channe� or pIaced in the streamhea in a manner that pre�ludes aquatic Zife passage. Bioengineering bouIders or structures should he pzoper�y designed, sized and �ns#alled. 5. For any streams being irnpacted due to site dewatering acri�ities, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction contours and re�egetated with appropriate nati�e species. 6. All stormwaEer nuiofF shall be dire�ted as sheet�ow through stream buf�ers at nvnerosive �e2acities, unless otherwise appro�ed by this certif cation. 7. Al! riparian buffers impa�ted by the placement of temporary fill nr �leanng a�tivities shaIl be restored to the preronstru�tion contours and re�egetated. Maintained buf%rs shail be pem�anently re�egetated with nvn-woody species by the end of tf�e growing season foltowing �ompletian oFcvnsiruction. For the purpose of fhis condition, mainrained buffer areas are defined as areas within rize �-ansportation corridor that will he subje�t to regu�ar NCDOT tnaintenan�e acfi�ities including mvwing. The area with nvn-maintained huffers shall be permanently re�egetaTed with nali�e woody species before the nexi growing season Fallowing completion of �onstruction. 8. Pursuant io NCACISA 25.0233{6), sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone 1❑f any Neuse Buffer without prior appro�al by NCDWQ. At this time, NCDWQ has ap�ro�ed no sedunent and erosion conlrol de�ices in Zone I, outside vf the appro�ved prvject impa�ts, anywhere on tk�is project. Mvreo�er, sediment and erosion �ontroI de�ices shalZ be allowed in Zone 2 of the buffers pror�ided that Zone 1 is not �orr�romised and that discharge is released as diFFuse flow. 9. IFconcrete is used auring �onsfru�tion, a dry work area shall be maintained to pre�ent direct contact between cvrzng �oncrete and stream water. Waier that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete sha1� nnt he discharged to surfa�e waters due to t�e potential for eie�ated pH and pvssible aquatic life and �sh kills. I0. During the �onstructian vFthe proje�t, no staging of eqniprneztt ofany kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protecte� riparian 6uffers. t i. The dimension, pattern and prafzIe of fhe stream abo�e and 6elow the crossing shall not he madi�ed. Disturbed floodpZains and streams shall be restored to natural geomorphic cvndirions. I2. The use of rip-rap abo�e the Nozmal Htgh Water Mark sIza2I be minimized, ,o,qy rip_rap placed for strearri stahilizatian shal] be placed in stream channeIs in such a mannez that it does nof impede aquatic life passage. 13. The Perxruttee shal] ensure that the �nal design drawings adhere to the pemsit and to the pern2it drawings submitted far approval. 14. A21 work in or adja�ent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Apprn�ed BMP measures from the most current �ersion of NCDQT Construction and Maintenance Acti�ities manual such as sar�dbags, rflck hem�s, cofferdams and other diversion sh-uctures sha71 be used to pre�ent exca�ation in f�owing water. 15. Heavy equipment shal] hc operated frorq the banks rather than in the stream �hannet in order to minimize sedimenf.ation and reduce tJxe intrvductivn of other poliutants into tlxe stream 2 b. A21 mechani2ed equipment aperatea near svrface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to pre�ent �ontamination of stream waters frvzn Fuels, lubricanls, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. 17. No rock, sand or ather materials sha1Z be dredged from the stream channel excegt where authorized 6y this certi�catian. 1 S. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washiug vut hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent tv surface waters is prohibited. 19. The pemuttee and its authori�ed agents shall canduct its a�ti�ities in a manner cvnsistent with State water quality sta�zdards {inc�uding any requirennents resulting £rom corr�lian�e with §3Q3(d) af the Clea�z Water Act} and any other ap�ropriate requirements of State and Federal law. if NCDWQ deferm2nes that su�h standards or laws aze not being met [incIuding the failure to sustain a designated or achie�ed use) or that State vr federal law is being �iolated, or that lFurther condztions are necessary to assvre cvmpliance, NCI�WQ may ree�aluate ana modify this certificativn. 24. All fill slopes lacated in jurisdictionai wetlands shall be placed at slopes nv flatter than 3:1, un�ess otherwise authorized by this certifecation.. 21. A copy of fhis Water Quality Certification sha11 be maintained on the �onstru�tion site at atI times. In addirion, the Water Quality Certif�ation and alI subse4uen! modifi�ations, if any, shall be z'naintained with the Di�ision Engineer and the on-site projeci mar►ager. 22. The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the cons�uction carridaz appro�ed by this authorizativn shall be cIearly marked by highly visible fen�ing privr to any land disturbing acti�ities. Impacts tv areas within the Fen�ing are prohibited unless otherwise authoriaed by this �ertifcatioz�. 23. The issuance of this �ertification does nat exempt the Permittee from compZying with any and alt statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by olher go�emment agencies {i.e. loeal, state, and federal) ha�ing jurisdicrion, including but not liznited to applicable huffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil erusinn and sedimentarion cvntrol requirements, eE�. z4. The Perznittee shaI] repoz-t ar�y �ioIations of this certifcation !v the Dz�ision of Water QuaIity within 24 hours of disco�ery. 25. Upon completion of the proje�t (including any impa�ls at associated i�orrow or waste sites}, the NCDOT �i�ision E�gineer shall comp�ete and return the enclosed "Cerri�cation of Cvmp]elion Form" to notify NCDWQ when a�l wark inc�iided in the 46� Certif�ation has been cozr�Ieted. 26. Nati�e ripaz�an �egetation (i.e_, trees and shrubs nati�e tn your geographi� region} must be reestablished wifhin the construction limits of tI�e praject by the end of the growing season fo3tawing completion nf �onstru�tion. 27. There shaIl be no exca�vation fram, oz waste disposa� into, jurisdictionaI wetlands vr waters associated with this pem�it withoui appropriate modification. ShouZd was#e or hozrow sites, or ac�ess roads to waste or borrow sites, be located in wetlands or streams, cornpensatory mitigatian wi11 be required since tkaal is a direct irnpact from road �onstr�ction arti�ities. 28. Erosion and seaiment control practices must be in fult compliance with afl speci�cations governing the pzoger design, insta]�ation and nperation and maintenan�e oF such Besl Management Praciices in vrder to protect surface waters standards: a- The erosian and sediment eon�ol measures Far the project must �e designed, instalZed, vperate� an� n�aintained in ac�ordan�e with the most recent version of the Norrh Curolina Secfiment and Etosion C'ontt-o! Planni�rg and L]esfgn �lanual. �. The design, anstallation, operation, and maintenance of the seaiment and erosion �ontrvl measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, fhe reqt�irements specified in the most recent versinn of the Nosth Caralarra ,Sediment And Erosion Corrtro2 Manual. The devices sha21 be maintained vn aIl construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or ieased borrow pits assaciated with the project. c. For harrow pi! sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must be designed, installed, operated, ana maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Mamcal. d. The reclamation measures and i�g�emenqtion �ust coangly with the reclamation in ac�ordance with the requirements of the 5edimentation Pollutian Conlrol Act. 29• 5ediment and erosion cvnirol measures shall nof be placed zn wet2ands or waters unless otlzerwise appro�ed hy this Certi�cation. If yau do not accept any of the cvnditions of this certification, you �ay ask for an adjpdicatory hearing. You must act within b0 days of the date that you recei�e this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition that conforms ta Chapter 150B ofthe North Carolina Genera2 Statutes to the affice oFAdministrati�e Hearzngs, 67I4 Mail Servi�e Center, Ra]eigh, N.C. 27699. This �ertificarion and its conditions aze fnal and binding wiless you ask for a hearing. This ietter completes the re�iew of the Di�ision of Water Qva�rty under Section 4D1 of the Clean Wa#er Act. If you ha�e any questions, please contact Rob Ridings at 9 t9-733-9817. SincereZy, �� � �oleen H. Sullins Director C�: Chad Coggins, Division 4 En�ironmental OfFicer Tvm Steffens, U5 Arniy Corps oF Engineers, Washington Field Offi�e Tra�is Wilson, NC Wildlife Resour�es Cammission Jasfln Elliott, NCDOT Roadside En�ironmenlal Unit File Copy NCDWQ Project Na.: _ County• Applicant: � Pro�ject Name: llate o� Issuance of 4Ux Water Qualitv CertiGcatinn: ` Certircate of Connpletio� L]pon �ompletivn of al! work appro�ed within the 40I Water Quality Certification or appIi�able Suffex Rules, and any subsequent madifications, t�e applicant is required to �eturn this certificate to the 44l Transpartation Permitting Unic, North Carolina Divisiv�x of Water (�uality, 1b50 Mail Ser�i�e Center, Raleigh, NC, 27fi99-1b5�. This form Ii73y }�e Ietiuned to NCDWQ by the applieant, the appIicant's atithozized agent, or the praject engineer. It is not necessary to send certifica[es from all of these. Applfca►at's Certifacation I� —_ , , hereby state that, tv the best vi my abilities, due care and dilzgence was used in the observat�on of the cozistructinn such that the constrtiction was obse�ed to be huiIt withir� substantial compliance and intent of the 4U1 Water Quality Certi�ca#ion and Buffer Rules, the appro�ed plans and spe�ifzcations, and vther suppoxting materials. 5ignature: Date: Agent's Ce►tifrcatfora I� , hereby state that, to the best of my a6ilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the �onstruction suclz t�at the construction was ohserved to be built w�thzn substantial compliance and intent of the 4D 1 Water Quality Cerrification and Euifer Rules, the approved �lans and specifications, azad other supporting materials. 5ignature: Date: Engineer's Cerdificrrtiora Paxtial Fina� I, , as a duly registered ProFessional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authvrxzed to o6ser►�e (periodically, weekly, full time} the construction of ti�e praject,far the �ernuttee hereby state that, to the besf of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in #he o�Oservation oFthe construction such that the const�ru�Eion was obsen�ed to be built within snbstantial complian�e and intent of the 40I Water Quality Certi�i�ation and Euffer Rules, the appro�ved plans and specif cations, and otlie�r supporting rrxaterials. Signature � � IZegistr-ation No. pate V�later C�ual��y Cert�fication N°. 38�� GEN�RAL CERT�FICATIDN FQR FRQJEGTS El.IGIBLE FOR �.5. a��►rv r.naa� nF Water Qua�ity Certification Numher 382Q is issved in conformity with the requiremenls of Section 40'I, Public Laws 92-5QQ and 95-21 i of fhe Unifed States and subject io ihe Norih Carnli�a Divisian afi Wa#er Qualiiy ��WQ) Regufations in � 5A NCAC 2H, Section .05D� and � 5A NCAC 26 .fl200 for the disc�arge af fill materia! ta waters and adjaceni wetland areas or to wetla�d areas ihaf are naf a pari af #he surFace tribufary system to interstate wa�ers ar �a�iga�le waters of t�e Uriifec! States {as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A�B) [14} oF fhe Carps of �ngineers regulatians {Naiionwide Permit No. 94 and Regional General Permit '1982Qa03'I} ar�d for t�e Riparian Area Proisctian Rules �Suffer Rules} in 15A NCAC 2B .D200. The StaEe af North Caralina certifies if�a# the speoifred category of actfvity wilf not �iolate appficable porfior�s of 5ections 3D�, 3Q2, 303, 306 and 307 of the Puhlic Laws 92-50Q and 95-2'€T if r.onducfed in accordance with fhe conditions hereinafter set farih. Any proposed fiif ar madificatian of vuetlands andlnr wa#ers, including streams, under tF�is General Ceriificafion requires applicatian to, and written appro�al From the �ivisian of Water Qualiky [�he "Division"J ex�ept far fhe single far�niiy Iot exemption descriE�ed below. ApplicaEian and written appro�al is not required for construction of a driveway to a singEe 'family lat as forig as fhe driveway invol�es less than 25 feei of temporary andlor permanenf stream c�annel impacts, including any �n-stream stahiliaation needed for #he crossing. This acli�ity must meet aft of the Cnnditians of Gertification listec! he�ow. IF any of these Cvnditions car��ot be met, or if the acti►►ity is associated wiih or in response to a Noti�e of ViQfatian fram the Di�ision of Water Qua�iiy ar the NC Di�isivn of Land I�esourc�s, then written appro►►al from the �i�ision is reyuired. In accardance wiih Nnrth Carolina General Statule 5eation 143-2i 5.3D(ej, writfen approval far a 401 Waier Quali#y Genera! Certification rr�ust include the apprapriate Fee. !f a praject also requires a CAMA Permit, vne payment to both agencies shail be su�mifted and will be the higher of the two fees. Canditions vf Cer�ificalion: 1. Na lmpacts Beyand ihose A�f�arized in the Writter� Approva� or Beyond the Threshold for Use of fhis Certification No waste, spoil, solids, or irl! of any ki�d sl�all nccur in wetlands, waters, or ripariar. ar�as �eyand the footprint of the impac#s a�thorized in the written appro�al or f�eyond #he thresholds for use of ti�is Certificaiion, including incirfenfa] impa�ts. All cans�ruction acfivities, including 4he design, instafla�on, operafion, and maintenance of sedimeni and erosion contra� Best Management Pracfi�es, shalf be performed so that no violations af state water qualiiy stanclards, staiutes, or rules occur. 2. Slandard Erosion and 5ediment Control Practices Frosion and sediment control practices must be in full com�liance with all specifications governing the {�roper design, installaiion and operafian and maintenanc� aF such Best Management Practices: Water Qoaiity Cerlificatirni No. 382U Water C,�uality Certificativn N°. 382� a. �esign, instaflaEian, operalion, and maintenance af the sediment and erosion control measures must be sucF� ihat they equal, or exceed, the requirements s�ecified in the most recent �ersian of the IVor[h Caralina Sediment and E�asian Confro� Marr�aL The de�ices shall he mainfained on a�l construction sikes, harrow sites, ancf waste pile �spoil] proje�ts, including contractor-owned or leased �orrow pits associated witF� !he ��oject. b. For barrow pit siles, Ehe erasian and sediment cvntrol measures musf 6e designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the mnst recent version oF the North Carolirra 5urface Mi�ing Manual. c. F2e�lamation measures and impEementation must comply with ihe reclamalior� in accordance with the requiremenks af the 5edimentafion Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 'i 979 . d. Sufficient maferials required for sta�ilizalion andlor repair oi erasior� control measures and siarmwafer routing and treatment shall 6e or� site at a!I times, except for puhlicly funded linear transpnrfafian projects when materials can be aocessed offsite in a timely manner. e. If fi�e praject occurs in waters or watersheds classified as Primary Nursery Areas [PNA's}, "frout (Tr}, 5A, W5-I, WS-II, High �uality [NQWy, or Qutsianding Resource {pRW} waters, then the sediment and erasion controE requirements cantained within Design 5[andards in Serrsifive Watersheds {15A NCAC 04B .0124y supercede all ather sediment and erosion contral requirements. 3. Na 5ediment and Ernsion Contra� Measures in Wetlands or Waters Sedimeni and erosion cantrol measures should nat be placed in wetlands ar waters outside af t�e permitted impact areas withauE prior appraval by the Division. If placement af se�iment and erosion control de�ices ir� wetlaRds and waters is Una�Qidanle, design and plar.ement of temporary erosinn contraf ineasures shall not be conducted in a manner fhat may result in dis-equilibrium nf wetEands or siream beds or banks, adjacenf to ar upsiream and dawn stream of the aba�e structures. All sedimenf and eros9an control devices shall he removed and the natural grade restored witf�in lwv {2} monihs of the dale lhaf ihe Division of Land Resources or locally delegated program has released Ehe project. 4. Constructinn 5tormwater Permit NCGfl'fflOaD Upvn the approval of an ErosiQn and Sedirrtentatian Cor�trd Pian iss�ed hy lf�e Division of Land Resour�es (DLR] or a OLR delegated facal erosion and sedimenta#ion con[ro1 pragram, an NPOES General stormwater permit (NCG010004} administered by fhe Division 9s automatically issued lo the praje�t. This General Permit aflows stormwater ta be discharged during land d9sturhing construction acti�ilies as sfi�ulated by conditions in lne permit. tf your projeof is covered t�y this permit [applicable tQ consEruction proje�is tha# disfur6 one �1 } or mare acres], full compliance with permit condilions in�luding the sedimentation conirol plan, self-manitnring, record keeping and reporting requirements are required. A ca�y of f�is permit and monitoring report forrris may be found at h[� llh2a. enr. staie.nc. usls�IForms Docr�rr�ents. htm. The EVarth Carolina Deparifnent oF Transportafion [iJC�OTy shall be Tequired ia be in fufl campfiance with the conditinns relatecf to construction aotNifies wiLhin !he most recent �ersion nF their indi�icfual NPDES {NCS�0�250} slorinwater permi[. Water Quality Certifi�ation No. 3826 Water C,�uality Ce�tifi�afion N°. 382a 5. Work in the �ry All vuark i� or adjacent ta stream waters shafl be �anduc#ed in a�ry work area. Approved best management praciioes from the most �urrent �ersion aF the tVG Sediment and Erasion Control Manual, or the IdC QOT Canstrucfion and Maintenance Acti�ities Man�al, such as sandbags, rack herms, oofferdams, and other dEversion strucEures shall be used to minimize excavation in flQwing water. �xceptio�s to fhis candilinn require submiftal fo, and ap�ro�al hy, ihe Division of Wafer �uality. 6. Canstructin� Moratariums and Coordinaiion lf acti�itiss must occur c�uri�g periods of high biological activi#y [i.e. sea turtle or hird nesting}, fhen biological monitnring may he required at fne request of other stale or federal agencies and �oordirtafed with these activities. This oondition can he waived through wriften ooncurrence on a case-by-case f�asis upon reasonabfe tustificatiot�. All moraioriums on construction activifies estahlishe� by the NC Wildlife Resources Commissi�n (WRC], US Fish and Wildlife Ser�ice [U5FW5}, NC Division oF Marine Fisheries ��MF), or NafiQnal Marine Fisheries 5ervice [NMFS) to lessen impacfs vr+ frvut, anadromous fish, larvallposf-larva� �shes and crustaceans, ur other aquaiic species of �oncern shalf he implsmenied. This cancfition can he waived f�rough writlen concurrence on a case-by-case basis upan reasanable justifcation. Work within the twenty-five {25} designateti trout counties or identifiec! stafe or federal endangered or ihreafened s�ecies ha�itat shali be caordiRa#ed ►vith the apprap�iate W RC, L1SFW5, NM�S, andlor �MF persnnnel. 7. Riparia� Area protecfion �8uffer} Rules Activities Iacated in the protected 50 foat wide riparian areas (whether jurisdictiana! wet�ands or nai), with�in the Neuse, Tar-Ramlico, Catawba, Ra�dfeman, and .�ordan [or any ather basin with �ufFer rulesy, shall �� IimitecE to "uses" identified wifhin and �onsfructed in accordance w"rkh 15A NCAG 2B .0233, .D259, .Q250, .0243, and .D2E7, and shall be lacated, designed, consfru�ted, and mainEained ta ha�e minimal disturbance to profect waler quality ta the maximum extent pra�ti�ab�e t�rough the use of best management practices. All �uffer rule requirements, including diFFuse flow r�uirements, must be met. 8. Water Supply Watershed Buffers The i0fl-foot wide vegetative buffer j�igh-density deveiopment} or the 3�-foat wide vegetati�e bufFer [Iow density de�elopment} sfiall be maintained adjacent to all perennial waters except for a[lawances as provided in the Water Supply llUatershecf Protecfion Rules �15A IVCAC 2B .D2'i2 fhrough .D295]. 9. If oancrete is used during the construction, then a dry work area should be maintaine� lo pre�ent direct conta�t between curing concrete and strearn water. Water fhat inadvertenfiy contacts uncured cancre#e should not be discharged to surtace walers due to !�e poteniiaf For eleva'ied pM and possihle aquatic lifelfish ki�ls. 10. Campensafory Mifigation ]n accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .fl506 {h}, campensatory mitigaiion may be requirecf ior losses of 150 linear feet or mare ot streams tintermitient and pere�niafy andlar one (� ) acre or more af weflands. For linear, put�lic iransportation projec#s, impacts equal ta nr ex�eeding 15� linear feet per slream may require mitigalian. Water QuaIity Certifi�ation Nv. 382� Water Quaf ity Certif ca#i�n N°. 382� Buffer mitigation may �e required for any project with Buffer I�ules in ef�ect at the time of applicatian for buffer impacts resulting from acti�ities classified as "Allowai�le with Mitigation" wiEhin ihe Buffer Ruies or require a varia�ce underthe B�fFer Rules. A det�rmination flf bufFer, weiland and sfream mi#igafion requirements shall be made by the Division for any application to use this Certifi�afion. aesign and monitoring pratocols shall follow the US Army Corps af Engineers Wilmington District 5tr�am MrfigaFron Guidefir�es {April 2flfl3), ar its subsequent u�dafes. Compensatory mitigafian plans shalf 6e s�bmitted fnr written Division apprnval as required in those protocols. A�terna6vely, the Di�ision will accept payment info an in-lieu fee pragram or credit p�r�hase from a mitigatian bank. Finally, the mitigation plan must be implemented andlnr canslructed hefore any permanent buifding or structure an site �s occupied. In the case of �ublic road projects, t�e mitigatifln plan must be implemenied hefore ti�e raad is opened fo the puhlic whene�er pra�tical or at the ear!iesl reasonable time during the �onstre�ctian af the project. Proof of paymer�t ta an in- lieu Fee program or mi#igation bank musf be provided ta the Division to satisfy this req�irement. 11. For all a�tivities requiri�g re-alignment of slreams, a stream relocativn plan must be included for written Di�isian appro�al. Relocated stream designs shaulcf include the same dimensions, patlerns antf prn#iles as the existing ohar�ne� [or a stahle reference reach �f the existing channel is unskabley, to the maximum extent practicaf. The new �hannel should he �anstr�cted in the dry and water shall nat he turned into #he new �hannef until the hanks are slabilizec#. Vegefation used far permanent bank stahilization shall be �imited to nati�e woady spe�ies, and sE�oufd include esta6lishment of a 3a-faoE wide waoded and ar� adjacent 20-foot wide �egetated huFFer on both sides af th� relar,ated �hannel to the maximum exient practical. A lranstiiona! phase incorporating appropriate erosion oonlrol matfing materials and seedling estat�lishment is allowa�le. Rip-rap, A-Jacks, concrele, gabians or other hard s�ructures may be allawed if it is necessary ia maintain the physi�al iniegrity oF khe stream, howe�er, ihe a�plicant rnust pra�ide written justification and any calculations used to delermine the extent of rip-rap coverage. Please note that if the stream relocation is cQnducted as a stream restoration as deFined in the US Army Carps of EngiReers Wilmington ❑istrict, April 20D3 5tream Mrtigafron Guidelines, the restored lengfh can be used as compensatnry mitigafion for the impacts resulting fram the relocation. 'I2. 5tormwafer Management Plan Requiremenis A. Linear pubfic lranspartafion prajects will he required to treaf starmwater runoff to ihe Maximurn �xEent f'racticable in accor�dance witn fhe practices described in the NCDOT Best Management Practices (BMP} Manuaf. B. Af1 other projects shall comply with the requiremenls set forth beiaw. In addition, fhe a�plicants shsll follaw the procedures explained in lhe �ersion of Protocal ior S[nrmwater Managemenf P�an {SMP}.4pprova! and lmp�ementation that is ir� place on the date nf lhe submittal of lhe SMP. i. Praject Density: Prajec#s with SIUIPs that require 409 Dversightl Express Unit appra�af shall be classified as either Low or �ligh Qensity accarding fo the �riteria descrihed below. a. Law �ensity: A development shall be r.tinsidered Law Density if AL.L of the foflowing cr9#eria are shown to have been met. The o�erall site plan, excluding ponds, Eakes, ri�ers [as specified in North Caro[ina's Schedufe of Classi�cabonsJ and saltwaier wetlands Water Quality Certi�cation Na. 382D Water Quaf i#y Certification N°. 38�0 {SWL.], must contain less than 24°/o impervious sur€ace area cansidering doth curreni and future deve[aprnent. 2. AA stormwater fram fhe entire site must be transpnrted primarily �ia �egeEated cnnveyances designed ir� accordance with the tnosE recenf versian of the NC O1NQ Stormwater BMP Manual. 3. The praject must nat inclu�e a stormwater colleGban system {sucf� as piped canveyances} as defined in i 5A NCAC 2B .02�2[60}. 4. If a por�ian of project has a density equaf to ar greater than 24°k, then the highe� density area musf be located in an upland area and away from surface waters and drainageways fo the maxEmum extent pra�ticable. b. High Density: Projects fhat do not meet all of the Low bensity criteria descrii�ed above ars considered ta be Nigh �ensity, requiring the installation of appropriate BMPs as described 4�elow. All stnrmwater runofF fram the site must he freated by 6MPs tl�at are designed, at a mrnimum, to rema�e 85 percent of Tatal Sus�ended SolidS [T5S]. �. Prolecfts locafed in watersheds fhat d�ain direcUy to waters containing fhe fa[lowing supplemental classifications shall rneet these additional requirements: Wafer C?ua�riy Supplemenfa� Sfarmwafer 91G�P Requirsmenf ClassifrcatiQr+ �343�d} Praject-speci�c conditions may f7e added by the �ivision to #arget the cause af the water ualit im airmeni. N5W A minimum of 30 peroent tatal phospharus and 3� percent tatal nitrogen remaval, ar ather appficable Rutrient reduction goal for the watershe� as codified in the15A N�AC 2B .02D0 n.rles. Trout (Tr} A minimum of 30 percent tatal phospharus and 3Q percent tntal nitrogen removaf; BMPs should also �e designed to minimize thermal a[lutian. 3. All BMPs m�st be designed in ac�Qrdan�e with the version of the IVC Division af Wafer Quafify Sformwafer Hesf Management Practices Manual that is in �lace an the date of t�e submittal of the SMP. Use of stomnwater SMPs other than those listed in the Manual may be approved on a nass-by-case bas�s if ihe applicant can demanstrate tha# these BM�s provide equivalent ar higher pallutant removal and water quality prafe�tian. ii. Vegetat�d Setback: I n areas that are not suhject to a state Riparian Area Protectiun Rule, a 30-foot wide vegetated setha�k must be maintained adjacent ta streams, ri�ei's ancf tidal watets as speci�ed hebw. a. The width of fhe setl�ack shal� he m�asured �orizontaily from: Water �uality Certification No. 382d Water Qua�ity Cer�ificativn N°. 38�0 The normal pool e�evation of impounded structures, 2. "fhe streambank of sfrQams ar�d rivers, and 3. T�e mean high walerline af tidaf waters, perper�dicular to s�oreline. b. 7'he �egeiated set6ack may be cleared or graded, but must �e planted with and maintained in grass or vlher appropriate plant cover. � c, The DWC� may, on a case-by-�ase hasis, grar�l a minor variance from tl�e �egetafed setf�ack �equirements pursuant fo the procedures set forit� in 15A NCAC �26 .�233(9}�b}. d. Vegetaked setbacks and flte�s rBquired by state ru�es o� local gavernments may 6e met can�urrently with this requiremeni and may contain coaslal, isalated ar 4[?4 jurisdictional weklands. iii. Sturmwater Fio►nring to Streams and Wetlands: 5iormwater conveyances t�at discharge to streams and wetlands must discharge at a�on-erasive velaciEy prior to enter+ng fhe stream or wetland during the peak flow From the ten-year starm. i�. Projects Be�ow Written Authar�xation Thresholds: Projects that are he[ow written autharization thresholds must comply with the versior� of Protaco! for 5tormwater Managerraenf Plan {SMP) Ravisw arrd Rpprova! that is in pEace on the date of the certificafion for fhe project. �. phased ProjecEs: The QWQ will aliow SMPs to he phased on a case-hy-case �asis, uvith a fnaf SMP required'far the cur�ent phase and a canceptual SMP for lhe Future phase{s}. IF the current phase meets the Low Qensity criteria, bui f�t�re phase{sy da not meet the Law Density criteria, then the entire praject shall 6e c�nsidered to �e High Densify. 13. lf this Water Quality Certification is used to access building sites, all lais owned hy the applicant must be 6uildable without addifionaf f�11. For road construction purposes, this General Water C�ualify Ger#ifrcaiian shall only be ufiiized from natural high g�o�nd to natural high ground. 14. Placement oF Cu�verts and �ther Structures in Waters and Weflands The applicatior� must include consiructian p�ans uvith cross-seclional details in arder to indicate that the �urrenk sta�ilily of f�e stream will 6e maintained ar enhanced �i.e., nat result in head �uts}. Culverts required For this prolect shall be designed and installed in such a manner that ths ariginal stream profiles are not altered and allow for aquatic iife movemenl during �ow ftows. �xisting sfream dimensio�s {includi�g the crvss se�tion dimensions, paitern, and langitudinal praFile} musE �e maintained above and below 1oca6ons of �ach oul�ert. P�acement of culveris a�d o't�er struc#ures in waters, streams, and wetlands must be placed be�uw t�e elevaiian of lhe s�reamhed hy one foot for all culv�rts with a diameter greater than 48 inc�ses, and 20 percent of the cu�vert diameter for culveris having a diameter less than ar equal to 48 inehes, tv allow low ilow passage of wafer and aquatic life unless atherwise juslified and appro�ed by t�e �ivision Water Qualiry Certifi�ation Nn. 3820 fi Wate�- Quality Certification N°. 382D being �iolated, ar thaf further condiiions are neoessary ta assure rompliance, then t�e Di�isifln may ree�aluate an�f modify this General Water Quality Certificafion. Non-compliance wiih or �iolatipn of the canditions herein set forth hy a specific fiA projecf may resulf in revocativn of this Certifcaiion far the prnject a�d may alsv result in criminal andlar civil penalties. The �ire�tnr of the North Caro�ina Dir►ision of WaEer Quality may require submission aF a forma! appf icaiion far Individual Certificafian ior any pro�ect in this category of ��tivity , if it is determined that the project is likely to have a signiticant ad�erse effect upan water cuality i��fuding sfate or federally listed endangered or threatened aquafic species ar degrade fhe waEers sa that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precludad. Pubfic hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applicaEions prior tn a Certifrcation deaisian if deemed in the public's hest interest by the Directar of the Horti� Garalina Oi�ision of Wa#er Quality. �ffective date: Rpril 6, �01 D ❑IViSI�N �� WAT�R QUALITY By lee� H. Sull s Director HistaryNo[e: Water Gtuality Certification [WQC) Number 382Q issued April 6, 201� repla�es W�C Numher 37p4 issued IVavember 1, 2D07, WQC IVumher 3627 issued March 2U07, WQC Number 3404 issued March 2�03, WQC Number 3375 issued March 18, 2002, WQC EVumber 3289 issued June '!, 2�00, WQC Num6er 3'Ip3 issued on February'f 1, 1997, WQC Numher 2732 issued May 9, 1992, WQC Number 2668 issued January 2�, 19g2, and 1NQC Number 21TT issued Nvvemher 5, 9987. 7'his WQC is rescinded when lne C�rps oF Engineers re-auti�orizes Nationwide Permit 14 or Regi4nal General Permit'i98200039 ar when deemed appropriate by the Dire�tar of the Division of Water Qualify. Water Quality Certification No. 382� � � � i� � GENERAL CERTIFIGATfaN FOR PRDJECiS Ei.1G18LE F�R 11.5. ARMY CQRPS DF V1later [�ua�E#y Certifica#ion N°. 37�4 Water Quality Certification iVumher 37fl4 is issued in �onfarmity with fhe requirements of SectEan 4a1, Publi� Lavus 92-50D and 95-217 of the Un�ted 5tates and suhje�t ta the North Carolina (]i�ision of Water Quality {pWQ} Regulatians in 15A N�A� 2H, Sectian .050D and 15A NCAC 2B .�2�� for the discharge af f�l! material to waters and adja�ent wetland areas ar ta wetland areas that are not a part vf the sur#ace tributary system to interstate waters ar na�igabie waters of 'the Llnited States {as descrihed in 33 CFR 33a Appendix A(B} �i4y af the Corps of Engineers regulatians �Nationwide Permit No, 14 and Regionai General Permit 19824D031} aad for the Riparian Area Protectidn Rules �6uffer Rules] in 15A NCAC 2B .02D0. The 5tate af Narth Carolina r,er6fies that the specified category of acti�ity wil! nvt vivlate applicable po�tians of 5ections 3d1, 302, 3Q3, 306 and 307 of the Pu61ic Laws 92-5q0 ar�d 95-217 iF conducted in accardance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Any prapased fil! or modi�ication oF wetla�ds andlar waters, ir��luding streams, under this Generaf Certification requ9res appEicatEan ta, and written appro�al From the Divisiun af Water Quality �the "Divisian"} �xcept far the singfe family lat exem�tion described below. Appli�ation and wrik�en appro�al is nai required for constructian QF a driveway tQ a single farrsily 1vt as ]ong as the drtveway invnlves less than �5 fee� af tempvrary andlor permanent stream channel impa�ts, inclucfing any in-siream s#abilizatian needed for the crossing. This activity must meet aA of the Conditians of CerE9fication listed below. 1f any af these Conditions cannot be met, ar if the activity is assaciated with ar in r�ponse ta a Natice of V�olatian frorr� the �i►►isian of Water �uality or i�e NC Dryisivn af Land Resvuroces, then wrttten approval from the Di►rision is required. 1n accordance with iVorth Carafina Genera4 5tatute 5ection 743-215.317[ej, written approval far a 4�1 Water Gluality General �ertif�cation musf inc[ude the appropriate fee. If a projecf alsa requires a GAMA Permit, ane payment ta bofh agen�ies shall be submitted and vyril! 6e the higner of the two fees. Canditians af Certif�catian: 1. iVo lmpacts Beyand those Author�zed in tne Writte� Approval or Beyond the Thresi�ofd for L1se of tt+is CertiFication Pfo w�ste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind sha�l oc�ur in wetlands, waters, or ripariaR areas beyand the foatprint of 6he impa�ts autharized in t�e written apprvva! or beyond the thresholds for use Qf this Certif�catian, in�luding in�identa� impacts. All �onstr�ctian activities, including the design, instalfabon> operation, and maintenance of sediment and erosion controf Best Management Practir.es, shall be performed so that na violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules oc�ur. 2. Standard Erosion and Sediment Control P�'aciices Erosion a�d sediment control practices must be in full cnmplianQe with a�l specifications gvveming the prvper desigr�, installatian an� operation and maintenanoe of such 8est Management Practices: Water Qualiry Certi�cation Nu. 37a4 Water Quality Certificafion N°. 3704 a. Design, installation, o�reration, arrd maintenance of the sediment and erasion control measures must be such that they eq�af, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent �ersivn of the Narth Carolina Sedlment and Erosia►r Canira! Manual. The devices shafl be maintained on all construction sifes, borrouv sites, and waste pile �spoil) projects, including cantrac��r-Qwned or leased borrow pits assaciated with the prajecf. b. For borrow pit sites, the erosivn and sediment cantrol rr�easures rnust �e desig�ed, insialled, a�erate�, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version af th� NQrth Caralina Surfa�e Mirring ManuaJ. c. Reclamatian measures and impfementai�on must comply with fhe reclamation in a�cordanoe with the requirements of fhe 5edimentation Pollubon Control Act ancf the Mining Act of 19i9. d. 5uffi�ient materials required far s�bifization andlar repair of erosion contral measures and stormwafer routing and treatmenf shall �e an site st all times, except for publicfy funded linear transporiation projects wfier� rrtaterials �an be accessed offsite in a timely manner. e. if the praject accurs in waters Qr watersheds classified as Primary iVursery Areas �PNA's], Trout (Tr], SA, WS-I, WS-II, Nig� Quality [HQV11], or Dutstanding Resaurce [DRV1f} waters, then the sediment and erosion control requirerrter�ts cantained within Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds {15A NCAC 04B .a�2�Fj supercede afl ather sediment and erosion oantrol requiremenfs. 3. Na Sediment and Erasivn Cenfral Measures in Wetlands ar Waters 5ediment and erosion contro� measures sha�Ed not be placed ir� wetiands or waters autside of the permitted impact areas without prior approiral by the Division. If plaflement of sediment and erosion control devices in ►nretlands and waters is unavaidable, design and �iacement of temporary ernsion cn�troi measures shall not be oonducted in a manner that may result in dis-equilibrium af wetlands ar stream [�eds or banks, adjacent to or upstrearn and down stream afi the ak�ave structures. Al! sediment and erasion control devi��s shall �e removed and tle� natural grade restared vuithin tuvo (�} months vf the date that the �ivisian of Land Resources or locally defegated prvgram has released the projeck �. Co�str�ction 5tarmwater Perm�t NCGfl'[4QQfl llpon the approval of an Eros�on and Sedimentatian Gantrol Plan issued by the Qivisian af Land Resources �OLR} or a DLR delegaied local erosion and sedimentation contral program, an NPDES General stormwater permit �NCGQ10aa0} administered by the a9visian is autamafically issued ta the project. '�his Ge�erai Permit allows stormwater to be discharged dunng fand disturbing consfructivn activiiies as stipulated by can�itions in the permit. EF your project is covered by this permit [applicable tv constructian projects that clisturb ane �1] or more acres], full [�ompliance with permit canditions incfuding the sedimentaban control pfan, self-man�toring, recard keeping and reparting requirements are required. A copy of this permit and moni6aring report forrns may be faund at hff :IIh2o, enr. sfafe.rrc. us/su/Forms Documents. hfm. The Nvrth Caroli�a �epartmen# of �ransportatian [NCaDTj shall �e required to be i� ful! complianre wilh tne conditions related tv vanstruction acti�ilies wifhin the most recent �ersion 06 their individual NRDES �NC500D25a} starmwater permi�. Water Quality Certifcarion No. 37U4 V1later Quality Cer#Efication N°. 3704 5. Work in the Ory A!I wvrk in ar adjacent to stream waters shaf{ be �nnducted in a dry worlc area. Approved best management pra�tir.es fr'am the most current version of the NC Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, �r the !VC DDT Canstrucfion and Maintenance Activities Manual, sUch as sandbags, rock herrns, cofFerdams, and ather di�ersion structures shall be used to minimize excava#io� in flowing water. Facr,eptions fQ this candition req�ire su�mittal to, and approval by, the Division of Water Quality. 6. Co�struction Moratoriums ar�d Coordination If activities must oc�ur during periods of high biological activity �i.e. sea turtle or hird nesting}, then biologi�al ma�itoring may be required a# the request of othsr state or federa! agencies and coordinated with these activities. This cqn�ition �an be wai�ed through written concurreRce an a cas�by-case hasis upon reasonable justification. Al! moratoriGms on constructfon acti�ities established by the NC Wildfife Resources �ommission [WRC}, iJS Fish and Wildlife Service {U5FW5}, NC Qivision of Marine Fisher�es {DMF), nr National Marine Fisheries 5ervice [I�MFS} ta lessen impacts on trout, anadrflmou5 f�sh, Iarv�Upost-larva! fishes and crustaveans, or vther aquatic species of �oncem s�aH be impfemented. This cor�dition can be waive� throug� written con�urrence nn a case-by-case basis upon rveasonable justification. Wnrk within the twenty-five ��5} designated traui oourtties ar identified state ar �ederal endangered or threatened species habitat shall be coor'dinated with the appropriate WFiC, L15FWS, MMFS, andlor DMF persannel. 7. Riparian Area Pi-otectfon (Buffer} Rules Rctivities iacated in the protecied 50-foot wide riparian areas twhether jurisdictional wetlands or not), within the Neuse, Tar-Pamlico, Catawba, or Randleman [or any ather �asin with buffer ru6esy, shall be limited ta "uses" identi�ied within and constructed in accardance with 15A HCAC 2B .��33, .0259, .Q25� �nd .4243, and shal{ be lacated, designed, constructed, and maintained to have mir�imaf distur6ance #n protect water guality ta the maxim�m extent practicable through the use of best managsment �ractioes. All butfer rule requirements, in�fuding diffuse flow requirements, must he met. 8. Water Supply Watershed SuFfers The 1 gD-foot wide r►egefative buffer (high-density development) or the 30.foot wide �ege#ative buffer (law density de�elopment} shall he maintained adjacent ta all perennial waters except far allowanc:es as provided in the Water 5upply Watershed Pra4ectian Rules �15A PdCAC 26 .0212 thraugh A245]. 9. lf concrete is used during the constnacfian, then a dry work area shau�d be snaintained to prevent direct contact hetween cvring �ancrete and stream water. Water that inad�e�tently cantacts uncured cancrete should not be discharged to surfa�e waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic I"rfe�sh kiils. 7�. Compensatory Mitigat�Qn In acoordance wil#z 15A PlCAC 2H .fl506 [h}, corripensatory mitigation may I�e requiret! for Ivsses of �}50 linear feet nr more vf streams andlor ane t1) acre or more of wetRands. For linear, public transportation prajects, impa�ts equal to ar exceeding '15D �inear feet per siream may require mit�gatian. Water Quality Certifioation No. 3704 V1later C�uality CertifEcativn N°. 37Q4 ln watefsheds class�ed as: ❑RW, H[�W, Tr, WS-I, anri W5-II, compensatory stream mittgation may be required at a 1:1 rat�o far not enly perennial but also intermittent stream impa�ts equal ta or exceeding 95D feet, unless the project is a linear, publicly-fundecf transpartatinn project, whi�h has a 15a-faat per-stream impact allawance. Buffer mitigation may be requir�d for any projevt with Buffer Rules in e'fFe�t at the lnme of application for buff�r impa�ts resu�dng from activities c[assified as "Allowable with Mitigatio�" within the BufFer Rules ar require a variance uncier the SufFer Rules. A deterrninatian of buffer, wetland and stream mitigatian r�equirements shalf be made hy the ❑ivision for any a}�plica6ors to use this Certification. I3esign anci monitoring pratoco[s s�all iollow the U5 Army Carps of Engineers Wilmington ❑istrict 5tream Mi�igafian Gurde�ines [April 2Qfl3}, or its subsequent updates. Campensat�ry mitigatian plans shal! be submitted for wriiften D�vision ap�reval as required in thos� protocols. Alternatively, the Division will acce�t payment into an in-lis� fee pmgram or eredik p�rchase fram a mitigation 6an�c. Finally, the mitigation plan m�st be implemented andlor conskructed hefvre any permanent building or structUre on site is occupied. ln the case af public road prajects, the miligation plan must be implemenfed before the rQad is Qpened tn the pUblic whenever pra�tical or at ihe earliest reasonable time durin� the construciion af the proje�t. Prvof of payment to an in- lieu Fee program or midgaf�on bank must be provided to the Divisian tv satisTy this requirement. 11. For af I activi�es requiring �e-alignme�t of streams, a stream relacativn pfan must be inci�ded for written Division approvai. Relocated stream designs shQuld include the same dimensivns, patterns and profiles as the existing channel {or a stable reference reach if the existing char�nef is unstable}, to the maximum extent practical. ihe new channei should � constructed in the dry and wa#er shall �ot be turned into the new channel untif the banks are stabifized. Vegetatign used For permanent bank stabifization shall be limi6ed to r�ative waody species, and shaulcf inalude esha5lishment af a 30-foot wide woocled and an adjacent 20-foot wide vegefated buffer on bvth sides of the relocated channel to the maximum extent practical. A transitional phase incarporating appropriate ernsi�n contro� matting materials and �dl9ng estahlis�ment is allowabla. Rip-rap, A-.lacks, ovncrete, gabians or ather hard structures may l� allowed if if is necessary ta maintain the physicaf integrity af the stream, however, UZe applicant rrtust provide written justifir,ati�n and any calcu�atians used fo determine the extent of rip-rap co�erage. Please nvt� that if the stream relacation is conducted as a stream restaration as defined in the US Army Corps of Engir►eers Wilmington Qistrict, April 20D3 St►ear►� Mitigation Guidelrnes, the restored length can be used as compensatory mitigation fer the impacts resulting from #he re�ocation. 12. Sformwater Management P[an Requirements A. For appiicants other than the North Carolina E?epartment aF Transportation, a 5tormwater Management Plan in a�vordance with the version of Stormwater Ma�agement Plan (SMP] Requirernenis far Applicanfs other ihan fhe North Carolina Depart�nent of TransAortation pasted an the D�vision web site at the time of appli�atian shall be provided for any project fhat meets both of the follawi�g two r.riteria: i. Requires �is 401 Water Qua[ity Certification, [regardless of whether written authorizativn is required by the Di�isionj, AND Water �ualiry Certi�ication No. 3764 4 Vllater QuaE�ty Certi�icativn N°. 3l'a4 ii. Contains ane or mare drainage areas that are anticipated to ha�e impervious 5ur#ace cover Qf equal ta vr greater than 2d per�ent. When drair�age areas are of�cuit to delineate ar when a packet of high density exists wifhin a drainage area, fhe ai�ision shall use best professiona! judgmentt4 apply the 5MP requirement as appropriate. Use of this CeRification to construct a private driveway to one single-family residenfiaf lat wilE nat trigger the storrrtwater management plan requirement. B. Far the North Carnlina �epartmenk of Transportation, compliance with MCD�T's Indi�idual NP�ES permit NC5000254 shalE serve to satisfy this canditian. 13. If this Water Quality Gertification is u�d #o a�cess building s�tes, afi lots owned by ttie applicant must be buildahle without additional fil. Far Toad canstruc#ion purposes, this General Water Qua�ity Certifica�on shafl only he utili�ed frorrE natura! high ground to naturaf high ground. 74. Plac�ment af Culverts and ather Structures in Waters and Wetlands '�he application musf include �onstructian pl�ns witF� cross-sectianal details in order to indicate that the current stability of fhe stream will be �aintair�ed ar enhanced [i.e., nvt result in head cuts}. Culverts req�ired for this }�rQjeck shall be designed a�d installed in su�h a manner that the original stream profiles are nat aftered and allow fvr aquatic life moveme�t during law ftows. ExisGng stream dimensiQ�s {including khe cross sectian dimensions, pattern, and lor�gitudinal �raiife) must be maintained ahove and beiow iocations of each cuh►ert. Placement of cufverts and ather struetures in waters, streams, and wetlands must be placed beiow the el�vation of the stceambed 6y ane faot for al! cul�erts with a diameter greater than 48 in�hes, and 2D percent of the culv2rt diameter for culverts having a diameter less than or equal to 48 inches, to allnw low flow passage af water and aquatic fife unless otherwise justified and approved by the Division It�s#allation of culve�ts in wetlands must ensure conbn�ity of water mo►�ement and be designed ta adequately aocommodate high wafer or flaod conditians. Additionally, when rQadways, causer�vays �r ather filf prvjects are constructed across FEMA-designated floodways or wetlands, openings such as culverts ar bridges must be provided to maintain the natural hydralvgy oF the system as v►rell as prevenf oonsfriction oF the �oodway tt�at may result i� destabifization af streams or rwetlands. Rny rip rap required far narmai pipe burial and stabilization shall b� buried su�h that fhe Qriginai stream elevation is restared and mainfained. The estal�lishment of native, woady vege#ation and other soft stream bank stabilization techniques must be used where practicabEe instead of rip-rap or ather hank hardening methods. '[5. Additi�nal sife-specifc conditions may be added ta the written aAproval in order ta ensure r.amplia�ce with all appli�able water quality and effluent standards. '!E. !f an envirnnmental dacument is required under the Nationa! or State Environrrrental Policy Act (�l�PA or SEPAj, then this General Certifi�ation is nnt vafi� until a Finding of No Significant fmpact [F�NSI} or Record af �ecision (ROa} is issued Gy the State Cfearirsghause. Water Quatity CertiFication No. 3744 Water C�ua�ity Ceriification N°. 37�4 17. Deed nofi%ca�vns ar similar mechanisrns shall be placed on aN reta+ned jurtsdictiona! wetla�ds, waters and protecti�e buffers in order ta assure �omplianoe for fuiure wetland, water and huffer impact. �hese mechanisms shall he put in plaoe at tFre time of recor�fing af the property, or of individUal Iots, whiche�er is appropriate. A sample deed notificatiun car� be downRoaded irflm the 40i1Wetlands Unit web site at ht�:llh2o.enr.state.nc.uslncwetlands. The text ot the sam�le deed notificat�on may � modified as appropriate to suit to a specific praje�t. 18. Certificate of Completian When i[vritten authorization is required for use of this certification, upo� campletion af a!I permitted impacls included witt�ir� the appraval and any s�bsequent modifica�vns, the applicant shall be required to retum t�e certificate of cample#ion attached ta the approval. One copy of the certifi�ate shall be sent to ths �WQ CentralOfF�ce in Raleigh at 155Q Mail Service Center, Raleigh, �VC, 27699-1fi5�. 19, Th9s General Cer#i�catior� shall expire three �3) years from the date nf issua�ce of ti�e written approval from the Division or on the same day as the expiratian da#e oF tt�e carresponding Nationwide Permit 34 ar Regional General �errnit '�982UDD31. Irz aocordance with �er�erai Stat�te 136-44.7B, certifications issued to the NCa�T shall expire only upon expira�ion of the federal 444 Permit. The conditions in eifect on the date of issuan�e af Certificat"son for a sp�ci�c preject sha41 remain in efFect For the Hfe af �he project, regardless of the sxpiratiar� date of this Certification. lf the cnnstruction process for appro�ed a�tivities wi�l overiap the expiration and renewaf date af the correspond+ng 4D� Permit and the Corps a�fnws for continued use af the 404 Rermit, ther� the G�nera! Cert�i5cation shali also remain in efFect without requiring re-applicadon and re-approval to use this �ert;�icatian for fhe specific impa�ts already appro�ed. 20. The applicantlpermittee and their authorized agents shall cor�duct al! activities in a rrranner consistenf with 5tate water qualify standards �inciuding any requirements resulting from campliance with §3Q3[dj Qt the Ciean Water Actj, and any other appropriate requirements af State and Fsderaf �aw. If the Division determines that s�ch standards ar faws are not being met, including failure to svstain a designated or achieved use, or that State or Federal faw is heing v9olated, or that Further �onditions are necessary to assure complianoe, then ihe Division may reevaluate and mod3fy this Generai Water Qualiiy Cert'Ef'i�ati4n. Non-complianoe with or violatian of the conditions herein set forth hy a specific fill projeck r►'iay result in revocation of thFs Certificatian for the project and may alsa result in criminal ar�dlor ci�i! penalties. The Director of the Plorth Caroiina Di�ision of Water [�uality may require submission of a formal ap�lication far Individual Certification for any pTofect in this category of acti�ity , if it is determined that t�e project is likeiy tn nave a sigrsificant adverse effect upan water yuality including state or ferlerally listed endangered nr threatened aquatic species or degrade the waters sa that existing �ses ai the we#land or dawnstream vuaters are pre�fuded. �ublic hearings may he held for specifrc a�piications vr group of applications prior tv a Certification decision iF deemed in the {�u�lic's besf interest by the Directvr of the Narth Caralina Q�visian of Water Qualiry. Water Quality Certi�catian No. 37(}� Water Quali#y CertificatEon N°. 37Q4 EFf�tive date: No�ember '�, 2047 �IVISIDN QF WATER QEIALITY By C � Coleen H. Sullins Directar Hrs[ory Note: Water Qualfty Certification Numher 37Q4 replaces Water Quality Certification Number 2'f 77 issued on Novemher 5, 198T; Water Quality Cer�ficatian Numher �fiG� issued on January 27, 1992, Water Quality Certifrcation Numher 2732 fssued an May 1, '1992; Water �uafity Certification Number 3103 issued on February 1 T, 7997; Water Q�ality Certi�ication Number 3�89 issued on J[ane 1, 2a00; Water Quality Certifi[�tion Number 3375 issued March �i8, 20�2, Water Quality Cert'rf'icatiun Number 34D4 issued March 2d�3 and Water Quality Certifi�ation Number 3fi27 issued March 20�7. This V1IQC is rescinded when the Corps of E�gineers re-authorizes Nationwide Permit ']4 or Regional Genera! Permit 9982pD03'!or when deemed appropriate by the Director of the Di�ision af Water Quality. Water Quaiiry Certi�catian No. 3744