HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000454_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240624 Table 1: Permit Year 1 Compliance Summary
Program Administration
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
2.1.1 1.Annual self-assessment.Provide a documented analysis to 1.Prepare and analyze the budget that Adequate/ Adequate.The stormwater utility fees
confirm that the program is adequately funded and staffed. includes the necessary staff and materials Inadequate generate over$500,000 revenue annually.
to achieve each component of the program. Budget for Fiscal Year(FY)23-24 was
sufficient to achieve compliance with Permit
Year 1 goals.Prepared detailed budget for FY
24-25/Permit Year 2 to ensure continued
2.1.2 1.Annual Self-Assessment.Evaluate the performance and 1.Prepare,conduct,and document an Yes/No Yes.Internal audit conducted by consultant
effectiveness of the program components at least annually. annual evaluation of the program in February 2024,and recommended actions
Results shall be used to modify the program components as components. to achieve compliance will be completed by
necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. end of Permit Year 1(July 31,2024).
2.2.2 Ensure written procedures for the minimum control measures, 1.Create and establish all required written Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
in accordance with 40 CFR§122.34(b),are established and procedures. Manual.
updated as needed.
Minimum Control Measure 1: Public Education and Outreach _
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric I Status
3.2 1.Partnership with Regional Stormwater Partnership(RSPC)of Request to remove and replace.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
the Carolinas.
2.Town Sponsored Event or Festival.The Town will distribute 1.Develop or identify one informational Yes/No Yes.Handout developed internally.
information on stormwater during at least one Town sponsored handout for distribution at the event that
event such as Stallings Fest. covers litter,nutrients,and nonpoint source
pollution(including car
2.Train municipal staff to man a stormwater Report the number of staff One.Booth was manned by the MS4
booth during the event and distribute the members trained. Administrator.
abovementioned flyers as well as
information about leaky septic systems,
illicit discharges/improper
disposal of waste.
3.Man a booth at the one event/festival Report the chosen event Stallings Fest.4 handouts distributed.
chosen and document the number of and number of handouts
handouts distributed. distributed at event.
3.Social Media Campaign.The Town's existing Facebook 1.Post about keeping Yes/No&Date of Post Yes.Will post and document prior to end of
account will be used to reach the residential target audience yard waste and litter out of storm drains, Permit Year 1.
and share information related to stormwater issues,with a reducing fertilizer runoff,car washing,illicit
minimum of one post per year. discharge/dumping,and stopping vehicle
2.1.7,3.2.3, 1.Stormwater Page on Town Website.The web page will provide 1.Establish the stormwater web page Yes/No Yes
3.6.5(c) information on the Town's stormwater program,including the 2.Maintain the webpage-update any Yes/No Yes
permit,SWMP,applicable ordinances,and annual reports.The broken links,upload new educational
web page will also include a stormwater issue reporting material,upload most recent SWMP.
mechanism,educational materials developed by the Town,and
links to additional stormwater educational resources.
2.Stormwater Hotline.A hotline will be maintained for citizens 1.Establish and maintain hotline phone Yes/No Yes
to ask stormwater questions and report issues number and responsible party.
2.Train a responsible party to answer Yes/No Yes
stormwater reporting mechanisms.
3.Maintain stormwater hotline and Yes/No Yes
responsible party.
Minimum Control Measure 2: Public Involvement and Participation
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
3.3.1 1.Stormwater Advisory Committee.Town staff will bring 1.Minimum twice a year,including agenda Yes/No Yes.
stormwater issues before the Stormwater and Infrastructure items for Town staff to report on stormwater
Committee to receive citizen input and factor stormwater into concerns and receive input from the
development decisions. committee.
3.3.2 1.AnnualTown-Wide Cleanup Event.As part of the annual 1.Identify public areas that could be Yes/No Yes
Town-wide clean-up event,organize volunteers to pick up trash cleaned by volunteers.
or clean litter from public areas with potential to pollute 2.Coordinate clean-up of public areas. Number of participants 6 participants.6 trash bags filled.
stormwater. and amount of trash bags
Minimum Control Measure 3:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
3.4.1 1.Addition of Major Outfalls to MS4 Map.The MS4 map will be 1.Add a layer identifying major outfalls to Number of major outfalls 67 major outfalls.Schedule for
completed through GIS analysis of existing data.Major outfalls the map and number. identified Implementation of this goal is Permit 2 but
will be identified and numbered,and flow directions and we propose revising to Permit Year 1.See
receiving waters will be added. Table 2 and revised SWMP.
2.Add flow directions to the map. Yes/No Yes
3.Add receiving waters to the map. Yes/No Yes
2.Continuous Updates to MS4 Map.The MS4 map will be 1.When new conveyances and outfalls are Yes/No Yes.1 Project has been closed out this
continuously updated for completeness. located or constructed add them to the year and added to the system
3.4.2 1.Maintain Legal Authority.Review existing ordinance to 1.Review ordinance and update if revision Report if a revision No revision required.Town Ordinance
maintain the legal authority to prohibit,detect,and eliminate is required to maintain legal authority. is required and if a Chapter 53 applies.
illicit connections and discharges,illegal dumping and spills revision is made
into the MS4,including enforcement procedures and actions.
Update ordinance if required.
3.4.3 1.Outfall Inspections.Perform regular dry weather(no rain in 1.Train inspections staff to perform dry Yes/No Yes.Training materials will be included in
previous 72 hours)outfall inspections to proactively identify weather outfall inspections and illicit MS4 Administrative Manual and procedures
illicit discharges and illicit connections. discharge investigations. will be learned by MS4 Administrator and
Engineering staff prior to end of Permit Year
2.Create schedule for performing dry Provide Schedule of Yes.Scheduled to perform 25%of
weather outfall inspection. Outfall Inspections inspections each year Permit Years 2-5.
(number per year) Schedule will be included in MS4
Administrative Manual.
3.Perform dry weather outfall inspections in Number of inspections Yes.Will perform inspection of 25%of
accordance with inspection schedule. outfalls each year Permit Years 2-5.
2.Illicit Discharge Identification procedure. Maintain a 1.Revise the IDDE program from the Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
standard operating procedure(SOP)for investigation of previous SWMP to develop a SOP for Manual.
potential illicit discharges,illicit connections,and illegal investigating potential illicit discharges and
dumping. connections.
2.Maintain a written IDDE program. Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
3.4.4 1.Database Tracking System.A tracking system for observed 1.Develop a"Potential Illicit Discharge Yes/No Yes.Link to form included on Town's
IDDE violations and follow-on actions will be developed and Report"form to include observed illicit stormwater website.
implemented to identify"hot-spot"areas,chronic violators,and discharge indicators,date,location,and
recurring issues contacts made.
2.Develop a tracking spreadsheet to collect Yes/No Yes.Reports received from online form are
data from"Potential Illicit Discharge Report" saved in a spreadsheet.Tracking SOP will be
as well as the results of the investigation, included in MS4 Administrative Manual.
any follow-up,date of closure,and
enforcement actions
3.4.5 1.Staff Training.Develop a program to educate Town staff of 1.Identify or develop staff training program Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
indicators of potential illicit discharges/connections and illegal for public works employees. Manual.
dumping and the appropriate avenues through which to report
suspected illicit discharge.
3.4.6 1.Stormwater Hotline.A hotline will be maintained for citizens 1.Establish and maintain hotline phone Yes/No Yes.Hotline posted on Town Stormwater
to ask stormwater questions number and responsible party. page.MS4 Administrator and Engineering
and report issues staff are responsible.
2.Train a responsible party to answer Yes/No Yes.SOP will be included in MS4
stormwater reporting mechanisms. Administrative Manual and MS4
Administrator and Engineering staff will learn
procedures prior to end of Permit Year 1.
3.Maintain stormwater hotline and Yes/No Yes.Hotline posted on Town Stormwater
responsible party. page.MS4 Administrator and Engineering
staff are responsible.
Minimum Control Measure 4:Construction Site Runoff Control
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
3.5.6 2.Stormwater Hotline.A hotline will be maintained for citizens 1.Establish and maintain hotline phone Yes/No Yes.Hotline posted on Town Stormwater
to ask stormwater questions and report issues number and responsible party. page.MS4 Administrator and Engineering
staff are responsible.
2.Train a responsible party to answer Yes/No Yes.SOP will be included in MS4
stormwater reporting mechanisms. Administrative Manual and MS4
Administrator and Engineering staff will learn
procedures prior to end of Permit Year 1.
3.Maintain stormwater hotline and Yes/No Yes.Hotline posted on Town Stormwater
responsible party. page.MS4 Administrator and Engineering
staff are responsible.
3.5.5 1.Establish and Maintain Legal Authority Request to revise.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
Minimum Control Measure 5: Post-Construction Site Runoff Control
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
3.6.S(a), 1.Standard reporting.Implement standardized tracking, 1.Track number of low density and high- Number of plan 6 high density
3.6.S(b), documentation,inspections and reporting mechanisms to density plan reviews performed. reviews performed for low 1 low density
4.1.3 compile appropriate data for the annual self-assessment density.
process. Data shall be provided for each Post-Construction/ 2.Track number of low density and high- Number of plan 2 high density
Qualifying Alternative Program being implemented as listed in density plans approved. approvals issued for low 1 low density
Tables 18 and 19. density and high density.
3.Maintain a current inventory of low Summary of number 0 SCMs constructed
density projects and constructed SCMs and type of SCMs added 2.63 low density acres
including SCM type or low density acreage, to the inventory;and
location and last inspection date. number and acreage of
low density projects
4.Track number of SCM inspections Number of SCM None.Scheduled to conduct 25%of SCM
performed. inspections. inspections each year Permit Years 2-5.
5.Track number of low density inspections Number of low density N/A.No low density developments within
performed. inspections. MS4 area.
6.Track number and type of enforcement Number and type of None.Scheduled to conduct 25%of SCM
actions taken. enforcement actions inspections each year Permit Years 2-5.No
taken. reports received of violations this year.
Minimum Control Measure 6:Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping ,
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Status
3.7.1 1.Inventory of Municipal Facilities.Develop and maintain an up- 1.Compile list of existing Town-owned Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
to-date inventory of municipal facilities with potential to facilities Manual.
generate polluted runoff.
3.7.2 1.Spill Response Procedures.Maintain spill response 1.Review general spill response Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
procedures and continue training of appropriate staff. procedures. Manual.
3.7.3 29.MS4 System Inspections and Maintenance.Develop and 1.Develop a standard operating procedure Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
identify procedures and appropriate responsible parties to that includes proactive inspection Manual.Schedule for Implementation of this
perform and/or facilitate routine MS4 System inspections and schedules,standard documentation, goal is Permit 2 but we propose revising to
determine appropriate methods for maintenance and/or staff/party responsibilities,and proper Permit Year 1.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
remediation. maintenance training.
3.7.4 30.Inventory of Municipal Structural SCMs.Development and 1.Create an inventory of existing Town- Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
maintenance of an inventory of municipally owned structural owned SCMs with information including Manual.
SCMs. type,year built,date of last inspection,and
maintenance actions.
31.SCM Inspections and Maintenance.Performance and 1.Locate Town-owned SCMs and add them Yes/No Yes
documentation of regular inspection and maintenance of to the MS4 Map with
municipally owned structural SCMs.Addition of municipally type of SCM indicated
owned SCMs to MS4 map. 2.Update the map when new Town-owned Yes/No/#of new SCMs N/A.No new municipal SCMs.
SCMs are constructed
3.Inspect each device using SCM Yes/No Yes.SCM inspections to be conducted and
inspection form documented prior to end of Permit Year 1.
3.7.5 32.Pesticide,Herbicide,Fertilizer Applicator Training.Training of 1.Develop or identify pollution prevention Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
Town staff who apply landscape chemicals in order to minimize and chemical use,storage and handling Manual.Schedule for Implementation of this
water quality impacts from pesticides,herbicides,and training program. goal is Permit 2 but we propose revising to
fertilizers. Permit Year 1.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
3.7.6 33.Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Facility 1.Develop an inspection checklist. Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
Inspection.Routine inspections as part of Manual.Schedule for Implementation of this
general facility inspections to ensure proper procedures to goal is Permit 2 but we propose revising to
minimize water quality impacts from vehicle and equipment Permit Year 1.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
cleaning and maintenance are followed.
3.7.7 34.Street Sweeping.Street sweeping following a regular 1.Develop a standard operating procedure, Yes/No Yes.Will be included in MS4 Administrative
schedule in order to reduce pollutants from Town owned and including a schedule Manual.
maintained streets. and plan to document.
2.Perform street sweeping on 50%of Town- Yes/No Yes.100%of Town-maintained streets were
maintained streets. swept.Schedule for Implementation of this
goal is Permit 2 but we propose revising to
Permit Year 1.See Table 2 and revised SWMP.
Table 2: Proposed SWMP Revisions
Program Administration
No revisions proposed
Minimum Control Measure 1: Public Education and Outreach
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Schedule Reporting Metric
3.2 1.Partnership with RSPC.The Town will engage with the Request to remove BMP and associated goals and replace with below.
RSPC to develop Education and Outreach Initiatives that
will be administered by RSPC.Initiatives will focus on
residential,commercial,and school audiences within the
MS4 area. _
1.Targeted Education Efforts.The Town will identify 1.Identify and execute one stormwater educational Annually,starting in Record of initiative execution
and conduct one education and outreach initiative for initiative with Stallings public schools each permit year. Permit Year 2 and quantified impact(For
each of the following audiences within the MS4 area: Examples may include manning booth or handing out fliers example,number of materials
residential,commercial,and school. at annual Stallings Elementary STEM event or installing distributed)
elementary-level educational signs at park facilities.
2.Identify and execute one educational initiative targeted at Annually,starting in Record of initiative execution
commercial audiences,including strategic local Permit Year 2 and quantified impact(For
advertisements,newsletter post,or fliers. example,number of materials
3.Identify and execute one educational initiative targeted at Annually,starting in Record of initiative execution
residential audiences,including strategic local Permit Year 2 and quantified impact(For
advertisements,newsletter post,or fliers. example,number of materials
Minimum Control Measure 2: Public Outreach and Involvement
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Schedule Reporting Metric
3.3.1 1.Stormwater and Infrastructure Committee.Town 1.Minimum twice a year,including agenda items for Town staff Semi-Annually 1.Yes/No
staff will bring stormwater issues before the Stormwater to report on stormwater concerns and receive input from 2.Record of meeting agendas
and Infrastructure Committee to receive citizen input the committee.
and factor stormwater into development decisions.
Minimum Control Measure 3:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Schedule Reporting Metric
3.4.1 1.Addition of Major Outfalls to MS4 Map.The MS4 map 1.Add a layer identifying major outfalls to the map and number. Permit Year 1 Number of major outfalls
will be completed through GIS analysis of existing data. identified
Major outfalls will be identified and numbered,and flow
directions and receiving waters will be added.
Minimum Control Measure 4:Construction Site Runoff Control
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Schedule Reporting Metric
3.5.5 1.Establish and Maintain Legal Authority.Develop and Request to revise to below.Legal authority is established and maintained through existing Town Ordinances 53.10 and 51.42
implement an ordinance to require construction site which states projects requiring NC Construction General Permit(CGP)must comply with requirements.Section F of the CGP
operators to control waste. includes requirements for handling waste listed in the MS4 permit section 3.5.5.Relevant Town ordinances are included in our
1.Establish and Maintain Legal Authority.Regularly 1.Review ordinance to ensure legal authority is maintained. 1.Annually Yes/No
review ordinance to ensure legal authority is
Minimum Control Measure 5: Post-Construction Site Runoff Control
No revisions proposed
Minimum Control Measure 6: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
Permit Ref. BMP Measurable Goal Schedule Reporting Metric
3.7.3 30.Staff Training.Develop or identify a staff 1.Develop or identify appropriate training program. Permit Year 1 Yes/No
training program for general stormwater pollution
prevention and provide to public works
department employees.
31.MS4 System Inspections and Maintenance.Develop 1.Develop a standard operating procedure that includes Permit Year 1 Yes/No
and identify procedures and appropriate responsible proactive inspection schedules,standard documentation,
parties to perform and/or facilitate routine MS4 System staff/party responsibilities,and proper maintenance training.
inspections and determine appropriate methods for
maintenance and/or remediation.
3.7.5 34.Pesticide,Herbicide,Fertilizer Applicator Training. 1.Develop or identify pollution prevention and chemical use, Permit Year 1 Yes/No
Training of Town staff who apply landscape chemicals in storage and handling training program.
order to minimize water quality impacts from pesticides, 2.Provide staff training in pollution prevention and chemical use, Permit year 2 and new Yes/No/#(New)Staff Trained
herbicides,and fertilizers. storage and handlingtraining hires
3.7.6 35.Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance 1.Develop an inspection checklist. Permit Year 1 Yes/No
Facility Inspection.Routine inspections as part of
general facility inspections to ensure proper procedures
to minimize water quality impacts from vehicle and
equipment cleaning and maintenance are followed.
3.7.7 36.Street Sweeping.Street sweeping following a regular 1.Develop a standard operating procedure,including a schedule Permit Year 1 Yes/No
schedule in order to reduce pollutants from Town owned and plan to document.
and maintained streets. 2.Perform street sweeping on 50%of Town-maintained streets. Annually,beginning in Yes/No
Permit Year 1