HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000431_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240228 NCS000431_CONOVER 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Reporting Line Year BMP Measurable Goal Reporting Comments No. (Jan 1- Ref. Metric Dec 31) Did Conover submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to 2 2 1 February 28? YES 11 2 3.B.2. Did Conover develop and distribute illicit discharge fliers? YES 12 2 3.B.2. Number of illicit discharge fliers distributed? 75 Been in contact with GIS,Public Did Conover have an annual Stormwater Advisory Board meeting? Works,Planning Team about 21 2 4.B.1. PARTIAL Stormwater 22 2 4.B.1. Number of Stormwater Advisory Board meeting attendees? Hickory Stem Trek(300 people,130 Did Conover have a booth at a community event to disperse stormwater handouts);Merry Maiden Downtown outreach materials/awareness through the use of interactive educational (75 people 40 handouts);Need to games and activities? work on doing events at Library& 32 2 4.8.2. YES Parks 33 2 4.B.2. Number of community events with a stormwater outreach booth? 2 34 2 4.B.2. Number of stormwater booth interactions? 75 Did Conover staff provide in class instruction and/or storm water educational activities to students that attend Newton-Conover Middle 48 2 5.13.1. School? NO 49 2 5.13.1. Number of students present at these classes/activities? 58 2 5.13.2. Did Conover conduct stormwater related workshops with teachers? NO 59 2 5.8.2. Number of teachers attending stormwater related workshops? Did Conover distribute printed materials through events,school presentations,display for public acquisition in Government buildings and Government Buildings,Events,Web- 68 2 6.6.2. on the WPCOG website? PARTIAL Site Did Conover provide one presentation about one of the six NPDES 74 2 7 B 1 Minimum Control Measures at each annual Water Quality Conference? YES 75 2 7.6.1. Number of annual Water Quality Conference attendees? 113 Did Conover evaluate following target pollutants:litter,sediment,gray water,fats,oils,grease,animal operations,underground storage tanks, super fund sites,chemicals,illicit discharges,illegal dumping and 84 2 8.8.1. improper disposal of waste? PARTIAL 85 2 8.8.1. Were SWMP revisions needed to address target pollutants or audiences? NO Did Conover evaluate the following target audiences:residents, businesses,schools,construction activity,commercial,farms,industrial, 94 2 8.8.2. development community,general public and municipal employees? PARTIAL 95 2 8.6.2. Were SWMP revisions needed to address target audiences? NO 103 2 10.B.1. Did Conover update and maintain a stormwater web page? YES WPCOG(connected with town)will 109 2 10.B.2. Was annual self-assessment uploaded to the stormwater website? NO add updates Were new/current educational materials added to the stormwater 110 2 10.8.2. website? NO 118 2 10.8.3. Number of hits/contacts made to stormwater web site? 123 Did Conover provide education during the enforcement process for illicit 124 2 11.8.3. discharges,illegal dumping,and improper disposal of waste? YES 125 2 11.8.3. Number of citizen interactions during enforcement? 0 No IDDE Issues 137 2 12.B.2. Did Conover maintain a current stormwater hotline? YES 138 2 12.6.3. Did Conover document stormwater hotline calls? YES Did Conover train stormwater hotline staff in general stormwater Staff Up to Date on Trainings.Have awareness,complaint call protocols and appropriate contacts for referral Powerpoint available for Public 139 2 12.8.4. and typical stormwater issues? YES Works to Show&Re-educate Staff 140 2 12.8.5. Number of stormwater hotline calls received? 0 Not any reported Did Conover establish/maintain an online form for public input and 156 2 14.13.1. stormwater reporting? YES Did Conover use the online form for public input and stormwater 157 2 14.8.2. reporting to track responses,inputs,issues,and concerns? YES 158 2 14.8.2. Number of online form stormwater submittals? 0 Did Conover promote public involvement and participation related to Connected with Hickory Area,People 170 2 15.8.1. stormwater programs,events,and projects on social media? PARTIAL from Conover attend Hickory Events 171 2 15.B.1. Total number of social media stormwater posts? 0 Did Conover participate in quarterly Water Resource Committee meetings,which are open to the public,for discussion of water quality 180 2 16.B.1. issues within the region? YES 181 2 16.B.1. Number of attendees at Water Resource Committee meetings? 32 Did Conover provide an annual survey open to feedback for a total of 4 Survey on the WPCOG Website,link is 190 2 17.8.1. weeks for public input on the stormwater program? PARTIAL in Conover Stormwater Page 191 2 17.13.1. Number of stormwater program feedback surveys completed? 0 Did Conover hold stream cleanup efforts by engaging groups to conduct Partnered with Catawba Riversweep 202 2 18.8.1. stream cleanup activities in appropriate areas? YES Cleanup 203 2 18.8.1. Number of stream cleanup events held? 1 204 2 18.13.1. Number of stream cleanup participants? 7 Volunteers that joined the sweep 205 2 18.6.1. Number of trash bags filled by stream cleanup participants? 150 lbs Did Conover provide all materials for stream cleanup activities(i.e. 219 2 18.B.2. gloves,trash bags,and trash pickers)? YES Based off of aerial images&other documentation,will be updated as 226 2 19.B.1. Total number of identified major outfalls? 340 inspections&SW Mapping occur Did Conover map at least 20%of unmapped areas each year until all 231 2 19.8.2. areas are included in the MS4 map? YES In Progress Did Conover add flow directions to the MS4 map as other components 236 2 19.13.3. are being mapped/created? YES Did Conover add new infrastructure to the MS4 map as new construction 241 2 19.8.4. occurs,updated on an annual basis? YES 246 2 20.8.2. Did Conover review/update the existing IDDE ordinance? YES Did Conover train staff on the processes defined in the IDDE Plan and 254 2 2111.2. what is required by the IDDE ordinance? YES Number of staff trained on the processes defined in the IDDE Plan and 255 2 21.B.2. what is required by the IDDE ordinance? 8 262 2 21.6.3. Did Conover implement/enforce the IDDE Plan and IDDE Ordinance? YES Did Conover locate/idenitfy priority outfalls near high pollution risk There are no high pollution risk areas 267 2 22.8.1. areas? PARTIAL identified currently Did Conover perform regular dry weather(no rain in previous 72 hours) outfall inspections of at least one section(20%)to proactively identify 272 2 23.8.2. illicit discharges and illicit connections? PARTIAL 276 2 23.8.2. Number of dry weather outfall inspections performed? Number of potential illicit discharges identified during dry weather 277 2 23.8.2. outfall inspections? 0 There are no high priority areas. Conover's new construction sites are Did Conover inspect priority areas likely to have illicit discharges on a being monitired by staff(Public 286 2 25.13.1. semi-annual basis? PARTIAL Works&WPCOG) 287 2 25.8.1. Number of illicit discharges identified in priority areas? 0 295 2 25.6.3. Did Conover evaluate/assess/update annually the IDDE plan/program? PARTIAL No Updates Needed at this time Did Conover track illicit discharge/connection and illegal dumping 301 2 26.8.2. reports/investigations utilizing the IDDE layer on top of the MS4 map? YES 306 2 26.8.2. Number of verified IDDE issues? 0 311 2 26.8.3. Number of IDDE enforcement actions issued? 0 316 2 26.8.3. Number of IDDE enforcement actions resolved? 0 Did Conover establish and maintain a list of chronic violators,as 322 2 26.8.4. applicable,and updated on a semi-annual basis? PARTIAL No Chronic Violators 323 2 26.8.4. Number of chronic violators identified? 0 331 2 31.13.2. Did Conover evaluate IDDE response time? YES 336 2 34.8.4. Did Conover maintain a construction waste management ordinance? YES Page 1 of 2 NCS000431_CONOVER 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 342 2 34.B.5. Did Conover enforce the construction waste management ordinance? YES 343 2 34.B.5. Number of construction waste enforcement actions? 0 Did Conover track the number of low-density and high-density plan 355 2 35 reviews performed? YES 356 2 35 If so,how many low density project reviews were performed? 0 357 2 35 If so,how many high density project reviews were performed? 0 358 2 35 If so,how many low density project reviews were approved? 0 359 2 35 If so,how many high density project reviews were approved? 0 Did Conover maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs,including SCM type or low-density acreage,location, 376 2 35 last inspection date and type of enforcement action(if any)? YES How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were 381 2 35 performed? 7 386 2 35 How many low-density inspections were performed? 0 391 2 35 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 0 Did Conover review procedures and submittal documents annually to 397 2 38.B.1. determine if items need to be added or modified? YES Did Conover ensure that each project has an approved O&M Agreement 403 2 39.6.1. and O&M Plan prior to CO? PARTIAL Projects in Progress of Approval 404 2 39.B.1. Number of permitted projects with O&M plans that received their CO? 0 Did a qualified City representative perform an SCM inspection on all 414 2 41.B.1. project SCMs to ensure compliance? PARTIAL 415 2 41.B.1. Number of pre-CO SCM inspections completed? 0 416 2 41.B.1. Number of pre-CO SCM re-inspections completed? 0 428 2 41.B.2. Did Conover inspect all SCMs annually? YES 429 2 41.B.2. Number of annual SCM inspections completed? 7 437 2 41.B.2. Number of failed SCM inspections? 0 Number of qualified licensed professional SCM inspections completed 443 2 41.B.3. with documentation received? 444 2 41.B.3. Number of SCMs under annual inspection enforcement.? 7 Did Conover provide educational material to the general public about low density developments:during the issuance of zoning permits,distributed 455 2 42.B.3. through mailings,posted on social media,and handed out at events? YES 456 2 42.B.3. Number of low density educational materials distributed? 50 Did Conover provide educational material to developers about high 457 2 43.B.2. density development? PARTIAL 458 2 43.B.2. Number of high density informational materials distributed? 50 Did Conover establish/maintain links to all ordinances,manuals,policies, 472 2 43.B.3. checklists,design standards,and/or other materials on the website? YES Did Conover develop/distribute educational materials on the impacts of 479 2 44.B.2. unmaintained wastewater systems have on water quality? YES 480 2 44.B.2. Number of wastewater educational materials distributed? 490 2 45.B.3. Did Conover implement facility O&M plans? PARTIAL In Progress 495 2 46.B.2. Did Conover maintain a current municipal facility inventory? YES Did Conover perform annual facility inspections for high stormwater 503 2 46.B.3. pollution potential facilities? YES Did Conover perform once per permit term inspections for low potential 504 2 46.8.3. facilities? PARTIAL In Progress Number of annual facility inspections for high stormwater pollution Public Works,Water Treatment Plant, 505 2 46.B.3. potential facilities performed? 6 Fire Stations(3),Police Station Number of once per permit term inspections for low potential facilities Parking Lots,Parks,City Hall, 506 2 46.6.3. performed? 15 Cemetary,Other 520 2 47.B.1. Did Conover review/maintain/update spill response procedures? YES 526 2 47.B.3. Number of non0eportable spills? 0 527 2 47.B.3. Number of spills reported to DEQ? 0 Did Conover provide staff and contractor training on illicit discharges, pollution prevention,outreach,how to respond to IDDE or post construction issues,spill prevention and response procedures,municipal facility requirements,construction runoff,Post construction ordinance Initial Training occurred last year, and procedures,pesticide and fertilizer management,IDDE Plan PowerPoint is accessible for new staff procedures and requirements,IDDE ordinance,and good housekeeping and to refresh for the Public Works 536 2 49.B.1. procedures? YES Team Number trained on illicit discharges,pollution prevention,outreach,how to respond to IDDE or post construction issues,spill prevention and response procedures,municipal facility requirements,construction runoff,Post construction ordinance and procedures,pesticide and fertilizer management,IDDE Plan procedures and requirements,IDDE 537 2 49.B.1. ordinance,and good housekeeping procedures? 8 Did Conover inspect the MS4 infrastructure(pipes,major outfalls, 547 2 50.B.1. stormwater conveyances,and basins)to ensure functionality? YES 548 2 50.B.1. Number of MS4 inspections performed? 200 Catchbasins 549 2 50.B.1. Number of MS4 issues identified during MS4 inspections? 11 560 2 51.B.2. Number of MS4 maintenance activities performd? 11 Did Conover develop and maintain SCM Operation and Maintenance 566 2 52.B.2. Plans for each municipally-owned SCM? YES 567 2 52.6.2. Number of municipal SCMs? 9 576 2 53.B.2. Did Conover maintain a current inventory of municipally owned SCMs? YES 581 2 53.8.3. Number of municipal SCMs inspections performed? 9 587 2 53.6.4. Number ofmunicipal SCM issues identified/recorded? 0 588 2 53.B.4. Number of municipal SCM corrective actions/repairs taken? 0 Did Conover maintain copies of current licenses/certifications of all staff 597 2 55.8.1. and contractors who use landscaping chemicals? YES 598 2 55.8.1. Number of certified applicator municipal personnel? 8 Did Conover ensure all municipal light vehicles,City emergency vehicles, and equipment are using thewash method written in their facilities O&M 606 2 56.B.2. plan? YES Did Conover perform street/curb and gutter sweeping weekly to reduce 614 2 58.B.1. road pollutants in runoff? PARTIAL 615 2 58.8.1. Total lane miles swept? 50 Did Conover empty City owned trash receptacles twice a week,or on an 623 2 59.B.1. as needed basis? YES Did Conover host its annual"litter sweep day"to both collect litter and 629 2 59.8.2. encourage public participation? YES 630 2 59.6.2. Number of litter sweep event participants? 12 200 lbs of trash collected Did Conover collect leaves with vacuum-style equipment from October 15 639 2 60.B.1. through January 15,with each street collected twice during this period? YES 640 2 60.B.1. Volume of leave collected(cubic yards)? 2,200 Did Conover train first responders for minimizing,collecting and 649 2 61.B.1. disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? PARTIAL Town of Conover utilitizes Catawba Number of first responders trained for minimizing,collecting and County and other municipal response 650 2 61.B.1. disposing of fluids and other vehicular pollutants following an accident? teams Did Conover equip first responder vehicles with spill kits and material 658 2 61.B.2. containment tools.? YES Did Conover include information about vehicle leaks in distributed 663 2 61.8.3. materials and other educational resources? YES Did Conover perform Illicit Discharge enforcement for significant vehicle 669 2 61.B.4. leaks from parked cars? YES There were no vehicle leaks Number of Illicit Discharge enforcement for significant vehicle leaks from 670 2 61.B.4. parked cars? 0 Page 2 of 2