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NC0000272_DEQ DWM IHSB Lead Site Doc_20230728
INTERNATIONALO PAPER JANIE T SMITH 6400 POPLAR AVENUE REMEDIATION PROGRAM MANAGER MEMPHIS,TN 38197 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH&SAFETY T 850 798 0698 JANIE.SMITH@IPAPER.COM July 28, 2023 Mr. David Ramey Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management, Superfund Section, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 RE: Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling, April 2023 Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton, North Carolina Dear Mr. Ramey: Please find attached the April 2023 Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling Report for the Pactiv Evergreen Site in Canton, NC. Please note that I am taking over the International Paper project manager role, previously held by Tom Richardson, for this site. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to call Laurel Lunsford with AECOM at (678) 923-4016 or me at (850) 798-0698. Sincerely, Janie T. Smith cc: Tom Richardson, IP Laurel Lunsford, AECOM Attachment �Com AECOM 8642343000 tel 10 Patewood Drive 864 234 306969 fax Bldg.6,Suite 500 Greenville,South Carolina 29615 www.aecom.com July 28, 2023 Environment, Health, & Safety, International Paper ATTN: Janie Smith, Remediation Program Manager 6400 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38197 Subject: Semi-Annual Groundwater Sampling, April 2023 Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton, North Carolina Dear Ms. Smith: The data from the April 2023 semi-annual sampling event are presented in this report. This is the 30th semi- annual sampling event(February 2007 through April 2023). SAMPLE LOCATIONS AND ANALYTICAL METHODS Figure 1 illustrates the site layout and monitoring well locations. Water-level measurements were collected from the wells prior to the initiation of sampling activities and are presented in Table 1.A total of 26 monitoring points were sampled including: • 17 piezometers[PZ-1 through PZ-9, PZ-11 through PZ-14R, PZ-17, PZ-18, PZ-20, and PZ-21 (Note: PZ-10, PZ-15, and PZ-19 have previously been abandoned, and PZ-16 was not sampled due to the presence of oil in the well; • Two bedrock monitoring wells [BR-1 and BR-3 (Note: BR-2 is covered by heavy equipment and not accessible)]; and • Seven groundwater recovery wells [RW-1 through RW-7]. The piezometers were purged and sampled using disposable polyethylene-bailers. The two bedrock wells were first purged via submersible pump and then sampled by disposable polyethylene-bailer. Where possible, three well volumes of water were removed prior to sampling; however, if a piezometer or well went dry before three well volumes were removed, the well was sampled when it recovered sufficiently. The recovery wells were sampled using HydraSleeveTM sampling devices due to their large diameter and their locations between the railroad tracks and the Pigeon River levee where purge water is difficult to manage. This device allows wells to be sampled without purging and is proven to yield equivalent results. The HydraSleeveTM was placed in the middle of the screen zone of the wells at least 24 hours before the samples were collected. When the HydraSleeveTM is installed, the check valve opens to allow water to enter. When the flexible sleeve is full, the check valve closes and the sampler can be recovered without entry of stagnant water from the well casing. Once withdrawn, the sample is decanted into the proper sample containers. This procedure has been used to collect groundwater from the recovery wells since 2007 and was used again during the April 2023 sampling event. Ms. Janie Smith April 2023 Groundwater Sampling Report— Canton Site July 28, 2023 Page 2 of 5 For monitoring wells sampled by conventional means, field parameters were measured after purging each well volume, and/or prior to sample collection. For recovery wells sampled using the HydraSleeveTM, field parameters were measured if sufficient volume was available after sample collection. Field parameters were measured using a water quality meter (YSI Pro Plus). The parameters measured included pH, specific conductance, water temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). Turbidity was measured using a separate meter. The groundwater samples were sent to Analytical Environmental Services, Inc., a North Carolina certified laboratory, located in Atlanta, Georgia for analysis. Samples were analyzed for inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) metals (chromium and nickel) by Method SW 6010D, platinum-cobalt color by Method SM 2120B, and total dissolved solids (TDS) by Method SM 2540C. In addition, two field duplicate samples and one matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD)sample were collected for quality assurance purposes. GROUNDWATER GRADIENTS Groundwater elevations are presented in Table 1. Figure 2 presents a contour map of the April 2023 calculated groundwater elevation surface. In general, groundwater flow is toward the Pigeon River. However, beneath the mill the flow directions are more complex with a high area at well PZ-13 and semi-radial flow out from this high. Groundwater elevations (excluding the bedrock aquifer well) ranged from 2,569.55 ft above mean sea level (MSL)at well RW-1 to 2,582.90 ft above MSL at well PZ-21. Overall, groundwater elevations were on average 0.40 feet lower than those from the February 2022 event and 0.04 ft lower than August 2022. Hydraulic gradients were calculated up gradient and down gradient of the plant area. Near the Pigeon River in the central portion of the site, the April 2023 gradient was 0.031 in the area of wells PZ-1 and PZ-13 which is similar to August 2022 (0.029). Near the Pigeon River in the south-central portion of the site, the gradient was 0.016 in the area of RW-6 and PZ-20 which is similar to August 2022 (0.021). Upgradient of the mill, the hydraulic gradient was 0.018 in the area of PZ-9 and PZ-21 which is similar to August 2022 (0.019). Based on a hydraulic conductivity value of 0.3 feet per day(ft/day)and an effective porosity of 0.35(reported during previous studies), the groundwater velocity in the area of the river ranges between 5.0 feet per year(ft/year) and 9.7 ft/year and upgradient of the plant the groundwater velocity was approximately 5.6 ft/year in April 2023. GROUND WATER QUALITY Water-quality data from April 2023, including field water quality measurements, are presented in Table 2. Table 3 presents the historical and current groundwater quality data. Table 4 provides a list of data flags used on Tables 2 and 3 and their meaning used to qualify the data. Field sampling logs and analytical laboratory reports from the April 2023 sampling event are included in Attachments A and B, respectively. IP Canton Sampling Report April 2023 7-28-2023.docx A-COM Ms. Janie Smith April 2023 Groundwater Sampling Report— Canton Site July 28, 2023 Page 3 of 5 Color Figure 3 presents a contour map of color concentrations. Several locations had notable decreases when compared to the August 2022 results. • PZ-1 (750 color units [CU] in April 2023 compared to 1,200 CU in August 2022); • PZ-2 (15,000 CU in April 2023 compared to 35,000 CU in August 2020 [last time sampled]); • PZ-3 (350 CU in April 2023 compared to 2,500 CU in August 2022); • PZ-6 (600 CU in April 2023 compared to 900 CU in August 2022); • PZ-8 (150 CU in April 2023 compared to 300 CU in August 2022); • PZ-18 (20 CU in April 2023 compared to 60 CU in August 2022); • RW-5 (8,000 CU in April 2023 compared to 10,000 CU in August 2022); • RW-6 (10 CU in April 2023 compared to 20 CU in August 2022); and • BR-3 (500 CU in April 2023 compared to 550 CU in August 2022). Several locations had notable increases in color concentration when compared to the August 2022 results. • PZ-4 (8,750 CU in April 2023 compared to 6,000 CU in August 2022); • PZ-7 (30,000 CU in April 2023 compared to 25,000 CU in August 2022); • PZ-11 (7,500 CU in April 2023 compared to 5,000 CU in August 2022); • PZ-12 (7,500 CU in April 2023 compared to 4,000 CU in August 2022); • PZ-13 (400 CU in April 2023 compared to 250 CU in August 2022); • PZ-14 (70 CU in April 2023 compared to 40 CU in August 2022); • PZ-20 (300 CU in April 2023 compared to 175 CU in August 2022); • RW-1 (300 CU in April 2023 compared to 50 CU in August 2022); • RW-2 (3,500 CU in April 2023 compared to 35 CU in August 2022); • RW-3 (350 CU in April 2023 compared to 55 CU in August 2022); • RW-4 (60 CU in April 2023 compared to 30 CU in August 2022); and • BR-1 (175 CU in April 2023 compared to 110 CU in August 2022). Wells PZ-5, PZ-9, PZ-17, PZ-21, and RW-7 continue to have color values below the NC 2L groundwater standard. Over the period of record, the highest initial (1995/1997)concentrations of color were in the areas of well PZ- 1 (35,100 CU in 1997) and well RW-1 (17,090 CU in 1995). Since February 2007, the highest concentration continues to be at well PZ-7 (90,000 CU in August 2020). pH The April 2023 pH values are summarized in Table 2 and illustrated on Figure 4. The pH distribution outside of the EPA Secondary Drinking Water standard range(6.5 to 8.5 standard units[SU])follows a similar pattern as the color distribution. The pH values (excluding the bedrock aquifer wells) ranged from 6.31 SU at well IP Canton Sampling Report April 2023 7-28-2023.docx A-COM Ms. Janie Smith April 2023 Groundwater Sampling Report— Canton Site July 28, 2023 Page 4 of 5 PZ-17 to 11.50 SU at well RW-5. In general, areas where pH values are above the standard range (higher than 8.5 SU), color concentrations are greater than 500 CU. ORP The ORP measurements have been included on Figures 3 and 4 for comparison to color and pH values. In general, the ORP values were lower (more negative) within the color plume. The lowest ORP value was measured at well RW-5(-345.6 millivolts[mV])corresponding to a high color concentration (8,000 CU)during the April 2023 sampling event. In locations where pH was higher than 8.5 SU, ORP measurements were generally lower(more negative). This is an indication that there is a potential for anaerobic biodegradation. Chromium Figure 5 illustrates the distribution of chromium in groundwater. Chromium has previously been interpreted as being leached from the soil by the high pH. During the April 2023 sampling event, chromium was detected above the NC 2L groundwater quality standard(0.01 milligrams per liter[mg/L])at the following well locations: • BR-1 —0.338 mg/L; • PZ-1 —0.013 mg/L; • PZ-2—0.029 mg/L; • PZ-4—0.207 mg/L; • PZ-7—0.363 mg/L; • PZ-11 —0.136 mg/L; • PZ-12—0.129 mg/L; • PZ-14R—0.022 mg/L; • RW-2—0.023 mg/L; • RW-4—0.016 mg/L; and • RW-5—0.175 mg/L. The remaining locations had chromium concentrations below the NC 2L groundwater quality standard or were not detected at or above the reporting limit (non-detect values). Nickel Figure 6 illustrates the nickel distribution in groundwater. Nickel has also previously been interpreted as being leached from the soil by the high pH. Nickel was detected above the NC 2L groundwater quality standard (0.1 mg/L) at five locations: • BR-1 —0.108 mg/L; • PZ-2—0.212 mg/L; • PZ-4—0.397 mg/L; IP Canton Sampling Report April 2023 7-28-2023.docx A-COM Ms. Janie Smith April 2023 Groundwater Sampling Report— Canton Site July 28, 2023 Page 5 of 5 • PZ-7—0.152 mg/L; and • RW-5—9.4 mg/L. All other locations had nickel concentrations below the NC 2L groundwater quality standard or were not detected at or above the reporting limit (non-detect values). TDS Figure 7 illustrates the distribution of TDS in groundwater. TDS was identified in the Corrective Action Plan as a chemical of concern. TDS concentrations (excluding the bedrock aquifer wells) ranged from 259 mg/L at well PZ-18 to 62,700 mg/L at well RW-5. The NC 2L groundwater quality standard for TDS is 500 mg/L. The distribution of TDS concentrations above 1,000 mg/L generally corresponds to color concentrations above 500 CU. In general, samples had TDS values within their historical range of concentrations. SUMMARY Except for the wells which had color concentrations with notable increases, the remaining well locations had color concentrations that decreased or were similar to the August 2022 color concentrations. High pH values continue to follow the plume pattern of color concentrations above 500 CU, as do the TDS concentrations. Well BR-2 was covered by heavy equipment or construction material and could not be sampled. Well PZ-16 was not sampled due to the presence of a dense oil layer over the water table. Semi-annual groundwater sampling will continue with the next sampling event scheduled for August 2023. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Yours sincerely, AECOM Technical Services, Inc. Laurel Lunsford, CHMM Mark Hartford, PG Project Manager Project Hydrogeologist 678.923.4016 864.423.0243 laurel.lunsford(cDaecom.com mark.hartford(cDaecom.com c: Mr. David Ramey, Hydrogeologist, NCDEQ DWM IHSB— Mooresville Regional Office Mr. Tom Richardson, Remediation Program Manager, IP IP Canton Sampling Report April 2023 7-28-2023.docx A-COM FIGURES N ' o 0 0 � � R -1 0 4R ❑ Champion Dr, 0 1 Pz- o\ O O O O-2 R-2 O O O®O P CPZ-1 00 0 O PZ-21 I\o 000 00 �. O o ° � O PZ- 30 0 � ° R - 0 PZ-3 d o o °D O o ❑ o o 0 o 0 0 � °❑� 0 RO 000 o o.® o °® o O ❑ o-400 0 0 O°°O O �� o RW- ❑ o 1 o o 0- DO P -11 o O ❑� O o ° O o° 18 O P- 2 v DO OO o 00 0 n ❑ PZ- I I g0 0 Scale(feet) C:3 Z-17 ❑ 0 200 400 Legend RW-4 Well Location O Figure 1 �==Icom Well Locations Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton, North Carolina PZ-5 N � C 2575.16 J O O �O0 � O R -1 O N PZ-14R ❑ Champion Dr, 5 9.5 BR-1*—NM 2572. 2563.19 p O P O W-2 NM d �� PZ 257 4 O 4 8 �® \ PZ-1 �2 8.68 00 �_ 2 71.2 to o PZ-21 0 71 89 25 C �0 �, 2582.90 rn PZ-8 P - 00 O 2578.44 OU R -3 0 UO o 0 o 2569.88 PC ° 7 d o° 2573. 0 D o o° Oo o O ° O 0 R OO ❑ o°°o ,® 0 O Pz- o o ° Oo 258.87. RW- 0 . �O o �� C °� 2573 1-i ) P -11 o O C O O� ° 00 257T 18 OO P- 2 v 576.56 O 0 O o 2574.07 2S> OO Legend 6 PZ-3 Well Location o 25 4. 0 2673.49 Groundwater Elevation(ft msl) Groundwater Elevation Contours P !J (ft msl) N Scale(feet) Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction Z-17 O 0 200 400 Notes: ft msl-feet mean sea level NM-Not Measured 1. Groundwater levels collected on April 3,2023. 2. Bedrock wells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because they are in a different aquifer unit.The groundwater elevation for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 1. Figure 2 3.WeII BR-2 was not measured because they were covered by debris. Groundwater Elevation Map 4.Well PZ-14R is not included in the groundwater elevation contours because the new installed replacementwell has not been surveyed. Aprl 12t)23 5.Well PZ-16 is not included in the groundwater elevation contours because �J there was a significant amount of oil atthe surface that altered the true JAEPactiv Evergreen Site watertable. Canton, North Carolina N ' o 0 i sr '0° O — RW-1 0 PZ_6 '� Cham i PZ-14R / MP ion pf• 300 BR-14"70 600/ - 17 �+ qJ �. PZ-� 30,000 / BR-2 /iBR-3 W�-2 NS�c IPZ-2 50 3 ry CPZ-1 15,000-53.2 f PZ_g A oO 750 o ND o PZ�21 18. o ND PZ 8� 1 5. 1501 O � PZ-13 O RWC-3 400� o 350 PZO-3 I \ Color 350 (Plat-Cob Units) 11 RW 4 10,000 _,0� �! �� P 4 A e Pz-2o� f o 05Z --�,., C1 8,750 5,000 �' 3000 - �y r RW-5 1,000 lc) / 8,000 P�1 ! vs c 500 CO V� 7,500 100 RW-6 10 \ o� o PZ-18 O O 50 -187.4"ll, 4-12 -20 4.1 0 0 15 \. Sp 7,500 DO Legend RW_7 PZ--17 Well Location C C ND 15 Color Concentration(Plat-Cob Units) -39— \PZ 169.4 ORP(mV) \,C Scale feet Color Contours Z-17 1 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction 0 0 200 400 Note: mV-millivolts NS-Not Sampled 1.North Carolina 2L Groundwater Standard is 15 Color Units. 2.Bedrock wells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because these are in a different aquifer unit.The result for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 2. Figure 3 3.ORP measurements were collected during groundwater sampling. 4.BR-2 was not sampled becauseitwas notaccessible. Contour Map of Color 5. was no pled because it contained significant amount of oil and was unable A ri 12023 unable to be samamp p led. 6.Samples were collected from April 4-5,2023. PactivEvergreen Site 7.The method detection limit(5 color units)was used to contour non-detect values. JAECOM Canton, North Carolina N � O O 0 � I R -1 O 7 94 B 1® 4R � / Ohampion Dr. 8.01 g0 .1 PZ- .13 -27.5 O O O BR-3 O D O RWO-2 g2 C PZ-2t 8.66 66 NS Z-1 \ 11.177-53.2 00 0 .0 8' 2 ° -21 18. ° 6.46 .0 1. 5.' O Z-8 0 0 1 0 O � P O � O -9 .0 O R 7. O o° 6.7 PZ-3 4.0 -23.6 8 o 0 O 7 PH(SU) 35. Doo oS� O 11.0 o 00 R O 0 ao o 10.0 0 7.67 P 75 6 PZ-2 X 0 9.0 Op 11. s.5 Od� O -252. -205.9 0 o. \�RW-5 0 . o I c �) 6.5 0;5 11.50{ _ Q� 'A PZ-11 O O 6.0 0^ O �o 5.0 -143.7 RW-6 o O a.o 944 \ 18 O 187. 8.27 O O O 3.0 _ PZPZ 1 9.6 - 7 0 o z.o 8.5 Legend RW-7 PZ-12 Well Location 7.16 C -39.3`,, 9.38 pH(SU) PZ\ -159.3 ORP(mV) 3 Scale(feet) pH Contours 10 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction 0 8:31 0 200 400 Notes: mV-Millivolts NS-Not Sampled SU-Standard Units 1.Samples collected April 4-5,2023. Figure 4 2.Bedrockwells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because these are in a different aquifer unit.The result for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 2. Contour Map of pH 3. RP measurements were collected during groundwater sampling. April 2023 4.BR-2 was not sampled because it was not accessible. PBCtIV Evergreen Site 5.PZ-16 was not sampled because the well contained oil andwasunableto besampled. AE COM Canton, North Carolina 6.pH:EPA Secondary Drinking Water Standard range of 6.5 to 8.5 SU. N ' o 0 00 0 � � J !O R °0 -14 Champion Dr. 0:01 BR,-1 .00 \ O O 1 PZ- °\ O o:� RO9R-2 O -2 NS C Q/.009 0'023 CPZ-1 00 O O.Of ° "PZ-21 0. o 000 ° ND O o 0 0 00 PZ- o O ° RC O 00 O O 0.00 PZ-3 d o00 o �D O o a o° 0.01 0 ° o o O RC 00 0 0°•o o Chromium 0.016 (mg/L) O 0° 0 00 o (RW- \ O o °O _ o_ 00 1.00 P -1 1 0 O Rw- 0O o II 0.10 N �718 OO P O ND O O O 0 0.1 00 0.01 RW _- Legend V ND o PZ-7 Well Location O o 0 Chromium Concentration P_ 01 (mg/L) N Scale(feet) Chromium Contours(mg/L) PZ-17 1 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction O ND 0 200 400 Notes: NS-Not Sampled mg/L-milligrams per liter. 1.Samples collected April 4-5,2023. 2.North Carolina 2L Ground Water Standard is 0.01 mg/L. 3.Bedrock wells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because these are in a Figure 5 different aquifer unit.The result for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 2. =COM Contour Map Of ChrOnllUnl 4.The detection limit led b 2 crusemg/L)i was used for contouring non-detect values. April 2023 5.BR-2 was not sampled because it was not accessible. PBCtIV Evergreen Site 6.PZ-16 was not sampled because the well contained oil and was unable to be sampled. Canton, North Carolina N ' o 0 0 0 � � D J !O o � \ R -1 0 PZ-14R ❑ Champion Dr. 0. 19 BR-1®0.05` ND �\ 0.108 0 47 O O 1 PZ- 0. O O O 13R-2 BR-3 0 O 0 -2 NS C 1 PZ-2t 0.033 C CPZ ° -1 , 0.212 O o 0.022 \�- 0 COP-1 0.1 ° 0.008 ° 0 0 0 0 00 PZ- O R o-3 O 0 O �O o O 0.026 PZ-3 d o O o °D O � o o o ° a o o � R 0 ❑ 0. o ° o 0.0 PZ-40° ® O 0 PZ-20 C Nickel C 0.397 ° (mg/L) 0.017'--/ -o. 11'RW-5 O 0 4° C 0 9.4 OQ � P 2 O11 � 0° 05�0 0 0 R O-6 o 00 O O 0.054 ) T 18 OO P- 2 v 0.007 O O o 0.047 00 0.1 — Legend 0. 1 0 PZ-12 Well Location PZ- 0 0.0261 Nickel Concentration(mg/L) N Scale(feet) Nickel Contours(mg/L) Z-17 1 Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction 0 200 400 Notes: NS-Not Sampled mg/L-milligrams per liter. 1.Samples collected April 4-5,2023. 2.North Carolina 2L Ground Water Standard is 0.1 mg/L. 3.Bedrock wells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because these are in a Figure 6 different aquifer unit. The result for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 2. =COM Contour Map Of Nickel 4.The detection limit led b 6 crusemg/L)i was used for contouring non-detect values. Apri12023 Evergreen 5.BR-2 was not sampled because it was not accessible. PBCtIV Evergreen Site 6.PZ-16 was not sampled because the well contained oil and was unable to be sampled. Canton, North Carolina N 1 I � � O O 00 0 � I R -1 °0 PZ-6 C harppion Dr. 14 B 1 549 �PZ- °O 010 O .2 BR-3 ®O RWO-2 NS C PZ-2 12,500 O CP710 ,670 /PZ- o O / 42 ° �P 1 0 � ° 430 O o O 0 o PZ-13 00 O O R a� O 985 O 00 ° ° 2,03 PZZ-3 o° 1'0 °D O ° 0 Oo ` o 0CR 0 R O 00 0 o°°// o 0 Ul Al -a°° ® o PZ-2 TDS � v9�.� O C o (mg/L) O° 1,200 1 000 o. RW-5 O o ° 0 0 C 62,700 00 1E+05 PZC O 0 �~ 3,380, 0 10000 O o 0 055 0 0 1000 PZ-12 v 259 00 O 0 0 0 6,110 soo -7 Legend � - - O Q 40� � PZ�13 Well Location Pz- O 843 TDS Concentration(mg/L) N Scale(feet) TDS Contours(mg/L) Z-17 P Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction 0 0 200 400 Notes: NS-Not Sampled mg/L-milligrams per liter. TDS-Total Dissolved Solids 1.Samples collected April 4-5,2023. Figure 7 2.Bedrock wells BR-1 and BR-3 were not included in contouring because these are in a different aquifer unit. The result for the bedrock wells can be found in Table 2. Contour Flap of TDS 3.BR-2 was not sampled because it was not accessible. April 2023 4.PZ-16 was not sampled because the well contained oil and was unable to beJAECOM Pactiv Evergreen Site Sampled. 5.TDS:North Carolina 2L Ground Water Standard is 500 mg/L. Canton, North Carolina TABLES Table 1 Historical Ground Water Elevations Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Top of Total Top of Bottom of Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Casing Well Total Well Screen Screen Top of Bottom of Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Northing Easting Elevation Depth Depth Elev Depth Depth Screen Elev Screen Elev (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) Sample ID (it) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft) (ft msl) (ft msl) 10/04/95 1/14/97 05/05/97 03/19/02 09/07/05 2126107 08127107 06111108 12115108 BRA 672421.31 856573.20 2582.73 100 2482.73 70 100 2512.73 2482.73 2544.66 2564.71 2558.93 2564.21 2564.63 2563.58 2563.48 2564.47 2564.31 BR-2 672237.64 856490.14 2583.42 103 2480.42 93 103 2490.42 2480.42 NM 2481.52 2481.81 2485.14 NM 2488.13 2483.39 2482.34 2481.91 BR-3 672239.98 856755.52 2584.67 56 2528.67 36 56 2548.67 2528.67 2571.85 2571.57 2571.43 2571.19 2572.29 2571.52 2570.05 2570.98 2572.28 PZ-1 672209.15 856493.91 2583.38 22.5 2560.88 7.5 22.5 2575.88 2560.88 2568.93 NM NM 2568.70 2570.05 2569.33 2568.93 2569.28 2568.80 PZ-2 672226.71 856753.35 2584.63 20 2564.63 10 20 2574.63 2564.63 2577.94 2577.82 2578.16 2578.19 2577.91 2578.53 2577.98 2578.13 2577.54 PZ-3 671950.96 856599.12 2582.53 23.4 2559.13 8 23 2574.53 2559.53 2572.14 2571.85 2571.89 2572.06 2573.01 2572.54 2572.47 2572.50 2572.22 PZ-4 671757.76 857052.53 2581.62 24 2557.62 9 24 2572.62 2557.62 2573.12 2577.10 2572.32 2576.26 2574.59 2576.07 2575.41 2576.60 NM PZ-5 672767.77 856517.40 2584.29 19 2565.29 9 19 2575.29 2565.29 2572.74 2573.41 2574.53 2571.03 2574.57 2572.32 2571.56 2572.21 2572.05 PZ-6 672450.45 856720.63 2581.2 27 2554.20 17 27 2564.20 2554.20 2571.04 2571.37 2572.72 2571.32 2572.94 2573.53 2571.82 2572.27 2571.80 PZ-7 672327.41 857257.71 2583.54 26 2557.54 11 26 2572.54 2557.54 2578.94 2579.30 2579.14 2578.22 2579.59 2578.84 2578.43 2578.89 2578.99 PZ-8 672067.83 857256.45 2582 24 2558.00 8.5 23.8 2573.50 2558.20 2577.05 2576.75 2576.87 2576.66 2577.02 2573.04 2577.08 2577.12 2576.82 PZ-9 672178.33 857412.95 2582.48 26 2556.48 10 25 2572.48 2557.48 2576.91 2577.08 2577.39 2576.69 2576.77 2575.78 2576.86 2576.91 2576.80 PZ-11 671570.29 857252.06 2581.25 24 2557.25 9 24 2572.25 2557.25 2576.54 2576.95 2577.27 2576.76 2576.58 2576.80 2576.50 2576.33 2576.18 PZ-12 671390.25 856995.59 2582.48 26 2556.48 9 24 2573.48 2558.48 2575.84 2575.80 2576.11 2575.11 2574.2 2574.44 2573.93 2574.04 2573.90 PZ-13 672015.82 856790.36 2585.18 24.4 2560.78 8.5 23.5 2576.68 2561.68 2576.59 2577.30 2577.48 2579.03 2578.57 2579.14 2578.99 2579.07 2579.47 PZ-14 672422.13 856579.47 2582.66 20 2562.66 10 20 2572.66 2562.66 2569.19 2569.29 2570.67 2569.01 2570.33 2569.90 2569.18 2569.57 2569.17 PZ-15 672577.13 856676.57 2581.16 24 2557.16 9 24 2572.16 2557.16 2572.95 2573.48 2575.06 2572.59 2575.15 2573.94 2573.15 NM 2573.20 PZ-16 671187.21 856952.07 2583.2 25 2558.20 6 21 2577.20 2562.20 2575.29 2575.31 2575.46 2574.96 2573.54 2574.20 2573.61 2573.75 2574.31 PZ-17 671115.43 857193.39 2585.2 19 2566.20 4 19 2581.20 2566.20 2576.11 2577.00 2577.45 2574.65 2574.33 2573.96 2573.37 2573.56 2573.95 PZ-18 671438.82 857457.85 2581.87 19.8 2562.07 4.8 19.8 2577.07 2562.07 2577.17 2577.67 2577.15 2575.65 2575.9 2575.70 2575.52 2575.64 2575.44 PZ-20 671738.64 856957.13 2581.67 19.44 2562.23 NS NS NS NS NM NM NM NM 2578.68 2578.90 2577.83 2578.08 2578.70 PZ-21 672152.98 857706.24 2587.53 14.94 2572.59 NS NS NS NS NM NM NM NM 2582.41 2581.45 2580.94 2581.30 2580.98 RW-1 672458.74 856380.64 2582.54 40 2542.54 20 40 2562.54 2542.54 2551.10 2554.09 2548.24 2569.69 NM 2576.46 2568.80 2569.16 2569.25 RW-2 672219.68 856380.29 2581.61 49 2532.61 9 49 2572.61 2532.61 2568.45 2551.66 2540.91 2567.67 NM 2569.08 2568.96 2569.23 2569.06 RW-3 671985.00 856427.98 2580.96 49 2531.96 9 49 2571.96 2531.96 2569.35 2552.28 2539.88 2569.71 NM 2567.38 2568.78 2568.68 2569.51 RW-4 671807.39 856524.08 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2571.43 2571.42 2566.78 2570.50 NM 2570.44 2571.18 2571.24 2572.09 RW-5 671642.98 856636.53 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2571.33 2543.56 2541.55 2572.40 NM 2567.46 2572.53 2572.43 2572.46 RW-6 671478.65 856764.52 2582.54 30.5 2552.04 10.5 30.5 2572.04 2552.04 2571.53 2564.99 2563.99 2571.90 NM 2571.69 2571.66 2571.66 2571.84 RW-7 671284.91 856896.34 2583.25 40 2543.25 10 40 2573.25 2543.25 2574.80 2572.70 2574.26 2575.20 NM 2574.07 2573.88 2573.65 2574.24 Top of Total Top of Bottom of Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Casing Well Total Well Screen Screen Top of Bottom of Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Northing Easting Elevation Depth Depth Elev Depth Depth Screen Elev Screen Elev (ft msl) (ft 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2572.04 2572.88 2573.01 PZ-4 671757.76 857052.53 2581.62 24 2557.62 9 24 2572.62 2557.62 2577.02 2575.07 2576.85 2577.13 2576.51 2577.14 2575.61 2575.97 2575.86 PZ-5 672767.77 856517.40 2584.29 19 2565.29 9 19 2575.29 2565.29 2573.17 2574.81 2574.67 2574.33 2573.96 2573.34 2573.75 2574.55 2575.08 PZ-6 672450.45 856720.63 2581.2 27 2554.20 17 27 2564.20 2554.20 2572.46 2573.05 2573.39 2572.90 2573.21 2572.71 2572.82 2573.44 2572.11 PZ-7 672327.41 857257.71 2583.54 26 2557.54 11 26 2572.54 2557.54 2579.26 2579.77 2581.06 2581.14 2579.42 2579.14 2579.34 2579.83 2579.80 PZ-8 672067.83 857256.45 2582 24 2558.00 8.5 23.8 2573.50 2558.20 2577.20 2577.22 2577.32 2577.11 2577.55 2577.66 2577.41 2577.80 2577.65 PZ-9 672178.33 857412.95 2582.48 26 2556.48 10 25 2572.48 2557.48 2577.46 2577.52 2577.75 2577.70 2577.35 2577.39 2577.04 2577.60 2577.57 PZ-11 671570.29 857252.06 2581.25 24 2557.25 9 24 2572.25 2557.25 2576.74 2576.90 2576.61 2576.62 2576.53 2576.48 2576.73 2577.22 2577.71 PZ-12 671390.25 856995.59 2582.48 26 2556.48 9 24 2573.48 2558.48 2574.65 2575.43 2573.80 2574.15 2573.78 2573.97 2573.83 2574.98 2575.93 PZ-13 672015.82 856790.36 2585.18 24.4 2560.78 8.5 23.5 2576.68 2561.68 2578.62 2579.80 2580.05 2580.30 2580.04 2579.58 2579.71 2580.35 2580.37 PZ-14 672422.13 856579.47 2582.66 20 2562.66 10 20 2572.66 2562.66 2570.11 2570.34 2570.05 2569.91 2570.08 2569.89 2569.79 2570.37 2570.85 PZ-15 672577.13 856676.57 2581.16 24 2557.16 9 24 2572.16 2557.16 2574.24 2574.88 2575.03 2574.84 2574.83 2574.34 2574.71 2575.11 2575.50 PZ-16 671187.21 856952.07 2583.2 25 2558.20 6 21 2577.20 2562.20 2575.00 2575.26 2574.27 2574.27 2573.81 2574.26 2574.37 2574.35 2574.97 PZ-17 671115.43 857193.39 2585.2 19 2566.20 4 19 2581.20 2566.20 2574.82 2575.10 2573.93 2573.97 2573.55 2574.16 2574.28 2575.03 2575.27 PZ-18 671438.82 857457.85 2581.87 19.8 2562.07 4.8 19.8 2577.07 2562.07 2575.73 2575.80 2575.58 2575.68 2575.75 2575.90 2576.02 2576.22 2576.36 PZ-20 671738.64 856957.13 2581.67 19.44 2562.23 NS NS NS NS 2578.48 2578.86 2579.09 2579.69 2579.29 2579.40 2578.19 2579.94 2579.79 PZ-21 672152.98 857706.24 2587.53 14.94 2572.59 NS NS NS NS 2581.94 2582.41 2582.35 2582.01 2581.38 2582.00 2581.93 2582.26 2583.05 RW-1 672458.74 856380.64 2582.54 40 2542.54 20 40 2562.54 2542.54 2569.75 2570.05 2569.60 2569.54 2569.64 2569.76 2569.56 2570.24 2570.43 RW-2 672219.68 856380.29 2581.61 49 2532.61 9 49 2572.61 2532.61 2569.94 2570.29 2569.70 2569.60 2569.83 2569.71 2569.60 2570.26 2570.75 RW-3 671985.00 856427.98 2580.96 49 2531.96 9 49 2571.96 2531.96 2570.14 2570.53 2569.58 2569.21 2569.38 2569.61 2569.61 2570.26 2570.32 RW-4 671807.39 856524.08 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2572.03 2572.46 2571.44 2571.34 NM NM NM 2572.23 2572.77 RW-5 671642.98 856636.53 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2573.33 2573.49 2572.83 2572.85 2572.63 NM NM 2573.39 2573.33 RW-6 671478.65 856764.52 2582.54 30.5 2552.04 10.5 30.5 2572.04 2552.04 2572.61 2572.74 2574.93 2572.71 2572.10 2572.52 2572.24 2572.85 2572.79 RW-7 671284.91 856896.34 2583.25 40 2543.25 10 40 2573.25 2543.25 2574.63 2574.87 2574.14 2573.76 2573.77 2574.13 1 2574.07 2574.61 2574.89 Table 1-IP Canton GW Elev Historic_Apri12023_RevOl.xlsx Page 1 of 3 Table 1 Historical Ground Water Elevations Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Top of Total Top of Bottom of Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Casing Well Total Well Screen Screen Top of Bottom of Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation Northing Easting Elevation Depth Depth Elev Depth Depth Screen Elev Screen Elev (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) (ft msl) Sample ID (ft) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft) (ft msl) (ft msl) 01/20/2014 07/14/2014 01/5/2015 06/29/2015 01/11/2016 07/18/2016 01/16/2017 07/17/2017 01/24/2018 BR-1 672421.31 856573.20 2582.73 100 2482.73 70 100 2512.73 2482.73 2565.80 2564.88 2564.75 2564.56 2566.50 2564.45 2564.44 2565.55 2564.30 BR-2 672237.64 856490.14 2583.42 103 2480.42 93 103 2490.42 2480.42 2481.92 2482.17 2481.51 2482.09 2481.78 2481.57 2481.53 2481.59 2481.98 BR-3 672239.98 856755.52 2584.67 56 2528.67 36 56 2548.67 2528.67 NM NM NM 2572.37 NM NM NM NM NM PZ-1 672209.15 856493.91 2583.38 22.5 2560.88 7.5 22.5 2575.88 2560.88 2569.75 2569.34 2569.15 2569.45 2570.67 2569.06 2568.61 2569.81 2570.16 PZ-2 672226.71 856753.35 2584.63 20 2564.63 10 20 2574.63 2564.63 NM NM NM 2578.16 NM NM NM NM NM PZ-3 671950.96 856599.12 2582.53 23.4 2559.13 8 23 2574.53 2559.53 2572.99 2572.64 2571.40 2572.82 2573.42 2572.43 2572.80 2573.09 2573.99 PZ-4 671757.76 857052.53 2581.62 24 2557.62 9 24 2572.62 2557.62 2577.60 2576.79 2576.49 2576.88 2576.91 2577.07 2577.24 2577.02 2577.09 PZ-5 672767.77 856517.40 2584.29 19 2565.29 9 19 2575.29 2565.29 2574.18 2573.02 2572.04 2572.15 2574.27 2572.31 2571.38 2572.71 2573.19 PZ-6 672450.45 856720.63 2581.2 27 2554.20 17 27 2564.20 2554.20 2573.25 2572.68 2572.00 2572.51 2574.00 2570.78 2571.88 2573.16 2573.47 PZ-7 672327.41 857257.71 2583.54 26 2557.54 11 26 2572.54 2557.54 2579.85 2579.56 2579.44 2579.25 2580.01 2579.50 2579.51 2579.79 2580.11 PZ-8 672067.83 857256.45 2582 24 2558.00 8.5 23.8 2573.50 2558.20 2577.98 2577.75 2578.38 2577.51 2577.68 2577.62 2577.71 2578.15 2578.17 PZ-9 672178.33 857412.95 2582.48 26 2556.48 10 25 2572.48 2557.48 2577.64 2577.39 2577.65 2577.46 2577.55 2577.28 2577.33 2577.56 2577.66 PZ-11 671570.29 857252.06 2581.25 24 2557.25 9 24 2572.25 2557.25 2577.28 2577.35 2576.59 2577.41 2577.17 2577.39 2576.99 NM NM PZ-12 671390.25 856995.59 2582.48 26 2556.48 9 24 2573.48 2558.48 2575.11 2574.39 2574.68 2574.78 2575.61 2574.85 2574.59 2575.06 2575.26 PZ-13 672015.82 856790.36 2585.18 24.4 2560.78 8.5 23.5 2576.68 2561.68 2580.50 2579.61 2579.66 2579.88 2580.10 2579.84 2580.01 2580.00 2580.30 PZ-14 672422.13 856579.47 2582.66 20 2562.66 10 20 2572.66 2562.66 2570.07 2569.63 2569.38 2569.55 2570.76 2569.28 2568.77 2569.83 2570.09 PZ-15 672577.13 856676.57 2581.16 24 2557.16 9 24 2572.16 2557.16 2574.85 2574.34 2573.49 2573.66 Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned Abandoned PZ-16 671187.21 856952.07 2583.2 25 2558.20 6 21 2577.20 2562.20 2574.22 2573.92 2574.21 2573.98 2574.94 2573.78 2573.73 2574.18 2574.64 PZ-17 671115.43 857193.39 2585.2 19 2566.20 4 19 2581.20 2566.20 2574.66 2573.95 2574.18 2573.96 2575.09 2573.88 2573.65 2574.06 2574.48 PZ-18 671438.82 857457.85 2581.87 19.8 2562.07 4.8 19.8 2577.07 2562.07 2576.24 2576.13 2575.98 2576.10 2576.35 2576.19 2575.97 2576.46 2576.25 PZ-20 671738.64 856957.13 2581.67 19.44 2562.23 NS NS NS NS 2579.96 2578.39 2579.74 2578.98 2579.64 2578.80 2579.25 2578.98 2580.06 PZ-21 672152.98 857706.24 2587.53 14.94 2572.59 NS NS NS NS 2582.28 2581.94 2582.38 2581.61 2582.65 2581.87 2581.83 2581.93 2582.13 RW-1 672458.74 856380.64 2582.54 40 2542.54 20 40 2562.54 2542.54 2569.89 2569.39 2569.44 2569.36 2570.54 2569.21 2568.90 2569.69 2569.98 RW-2 672219.68 856380.29 2581.61 49 2532.61 9 49 2572.61 2532.61 2569.94 2569.35 2569.36 2569.38 2570.80 2569.07 2568.66 2569.79 2570.22 RW-3 671985.00 856427.98 2580.96 49 2531.96 9 49 2571.96 2531.96 2569.83 2568.78 2569.46 2569.04 2570.43 2568.72 2568.59 2569.58 2570.19 RW-4 671807.39 856524.08 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2571.64 2571.14 2572.21 2571.08 2572.05 2571.92 2570.76 2571.34 2572.24 RW-5 671642.98 856636.53 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2573.12 2572.61 2572.68 2572.65 2573.37 2572.36 2572.57 2572.69 2573.34 RW-6 671478.65 856764.52 2582.54 30.5 2552.04 10.5 30.5 2572.04 2552.04 2572.42 2571.72 2571.87 2571.70 2572.89 2571.59 2571.83 2571.89 2573.77 RW-7 1 671284.91 1 856896.34 1 2583.25 1 40 1 2543.25 1 10 1 40 1 2573.25 1 2543.25 2574.45 1 2573.80 1 2574.47 2573.87 1 2574.69 1 2573.77 1 2573.76 2573.91 2574.67 Top of Total Top of Bottom of Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater 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2570.57 2569.86 2570.01 2570.86 PZ-2 672226.71 856753.35 2584.63 20 2564.63 10 20 2574.63 2564.63 NM NM NM NM 2578.63 NM NM NM NM PZ-3 671950.96 856599.12 2582.53 23.4 2559.13 8 23 2574.53 2559.53 2573.49 2573.83 2573.55 2573.90 2573.57 2573.70 NM 2573.36 2573.32 PZ-4 671757.76 857052.53 2581.62 24 2557.62 9 24 2572.62 2557.62 2576.58 2577.05 2576.74 2578.26 2577.70 2577.21 2573.28 2577.49 2576.16 PZ-5 672767.77 856517.40 2584.29 19 2565.29 9 19 2575.29 2565.29 2574.26 2575.28 2574.57 2575.49 2574.97 2575.19 2574.95 2574.54 2575.10 PZ-6 672450.45 856720.63 2581.2 27 2554.20 17 27 2564.20 2554.20 2573.72 2572.43 2571.90 2573.98 2574.02 2572.26 2572.00 2571.62 2574.20 PZ-7 672327.41 857257.71 2583.54 26 2557.54 11 26 2572.54 2557.54 2580.11 2580.62 2580.16 2580.68 2581.94 2580.61 NM 2579.89 2579.71 PZ-8 672067.83 857256.45 2582 24 2558.00 8.5 23.8 2573.50 2558.20 2578.13 2578.45 2578.31 2578.72 2578.65 2578.64 2578.44 2578.38 2578.30 PZ-9 672178.33 857412.95 2582.48 26 2556.48 10 25 2572.48 2557.48 2577.69 2577.93 2577.87 2578.27 2577.96 2578.02 2577.73 2577.75 2577.51 PZ-11 671570.29 857252.06 2581.25 24 2557.25 9 24 2572.25 2557.25 2578.13 2578.03 2577.80 2578.30 2577.97 2577.93 2577.50 2577.40 2577.90 PZ-12 671390.25 856995.59 2582.48 26 2556.48 9 24 2573.48 2558.48 2575.36 2575.88 2575.38 2576.36 2575.76 2575.86 2575.46 2575.40 2575.65 PZ-13 672015.82 856790.36 2585.18 24.4 2560.78 8.5 23.5 2576.68 2561.68 2580.63 2580.49 2580.24 2579.81 2580.30 2579.68 2579.63 2579.53 2580.11 PZ-14/PZ-14R 672422.13 856579.47 2582.66 20 2562.66 10 20 2572.66 2562.66 2570.08 2570.71 2570.14 2570.60 2570.38 NA NA NA NA PZ-16 671187.21 856952.07 2583.2 25 2558.20 6 21 2577.20 2562.20 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA PZ-17 671115.43 857193.39 2585.2 19 2566.20 4 19 2581.20 2566.20 2574.46 2575.21 2574.52 2576.05 2574.80 2575.56 2574.22 2574.72 2574.85 PZ-18 671438.82 857457.85 2581.87 19.8 2562.07 4.8 19.8 2577.07 2562.07 2576.69 2576.49 2576.40 2576.65 2576.56 2576.58 2576.43 2576.40 2576.69 PZ-20 671738.64 856957.13 2581.67 19.44 2562.23 NS NS NS NS 2579.25 2580.17 2578.79 2579.95 2578.95 2580.25 2579.59 2579.47 2579.32 PZ-21 672152.98 857706.24 2587.53 14.94 2572.59 NS NS NS NS 2582.10 2582.83 2582.44 2583.49 2582.63 2582.76 2582.29 2582.23 2582.71 RW-1 672458.74 856380.64 2582.54 40 2542.54 20 40 2562.54 2542.54 2569.79 2570.37 2569.86 NM 2570.04 2570.21 2569.74 2570.14 2569.94 RW-2 672219.68 856380.29 2581.61 49 2532.61 9 49 2572.61 2532.61 2570.06 2570.84 2570.07 NM 2570.28 2570.49 2569.61 2570.03 2571.49 RW-3 671985.00 856427.98 2580.96 49 2531.96 9 49 2571.96 2531.96 2569.58 2570.41 2569.56 NM 2569.85 2570.86 2569.13 2569.68 2570.64 RW-4 671807.39 856524.08 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2571.57 2572.18 2571.71 NM 2572.90 2572.09 2571.47 2571.71 2581.07 RW-5 671642.98 856636.53 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2572.98 2573.61 2573.08 NM 2573.46 2573.28 2572.90 2573.31 2574.11 RW-6 671478.65 856764.52 2582.54 30.5 2552.04 10.5 30.5 2572.04 2552.04 2571.97 2572.76 2572.03 2573.44 2572.61 2573.76 2571.84 2573.00 2572.88 RW-7 671284.91 856896.34 2583.25 40 2543.25 10 40 2573.25 2543.25 2574.00 2574.82 2574.07 2575.88 2574.28 2574.90 2573.22j 2574.40 2574.38 Table 1-IP Canton GW Elev Historic_Apri12023_RevOl.xlsx Page 2 of 3 Table 1 Historical Ground Water Elevations Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Top of Total Top of Bottom of Groundwater Casing Well Total Well Screen Screen Top of Bottom of Elevation Northing Easting Elevation Depth Depth Elev Depth Depth Screen Elev Screen Elev (ft msl) Sample ID (it) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft msl) (ft) (ft) (ft msl) (ft msl) 04/3/2023 BRA 672421.31 856573.20 2582.73 100 2482.73 70 100 2512.73 2482.73 2563.19 BR-2 672237.64 856490.14 2583.42 103 2480.42 93 103 2490.42 2480.42 NM BR-3 672239.98 856755.52 2584.67 56 2528.67 36 56 2548.67 2528.67 2574.48 PZ-1 672209.15 856493.91 2583.38 22.5 2560.88 7.5 22.5 2575.88 2560.88 2571.89 PZ-2 672226.71 856753.35 2584.63 20 2564.63 10 20 2574.63 2564.63 2578.68 PZ-3 671950.96 856599.12 2582.53 23.4 2559.13 8 23 2574.53 2559.53 2573.40 PZ-4 671757.76 857052.53 2581.62 24 2557.62 9 24 2572.62 2557.62 2577.34 PZ-5 672767.77 856517.40 2584.29 19 2565.29 9 19 2575.29 2565.29 2575.16 PZ-6 672450.45 856720.63 2581.2 27 2554.20 17 27 2564.20 2554.20 2572.85 PZ-7 672327.41 857257.71 2583.54 26 2557.54 11 26 2572.54 2557.54 2580.18 PZ-8 672067.83 857256.45 2582 24 2558.00 8.5 23.8 2573.50 2558.20 2578.44 PZ-9 672178.33 857412.95 2582.48 26 2556.48 10 25 2572.48 2557.48 2577.56 PZ-11 671570.29 857252.06 2581.25 24 2557.25 9 24 2572.25 2557.25 2577.62 PZ-12 671390.25 856995.59 2582.48 26 2556.48 9 24 2573.48 2558.48 2574.07 PZ-13 672015.82 856790.36 2585.18 24.4 2560.78 8.5 23.5 2576.68 2561.68 2580.51 PZ-14/PZ-14R 672422.13 856579.47 2582.66 20 2562.66 10 20 2572.66 2562.66 NA PZ-16 671187.21 856952.07 2583.2 25 2558.20 6 21 2577.20 2562.20 NA PZ-17 671115.43 857193.39 2585.2 19 2566.20 4 19 2581.20 2566.20 2574.21 PZ-18 671438.82 857457.85 2581.87 19.8 2562.07 4.8 19.8 2577.07 2562.07 2576.56 PZ-20 671738.64 856957.13 2581.67 19.44 2562.23 NS NS NS NS 2578.86 PZ-21 672152.98 857706.24 2587.53 14.94 2572.59 NS NS NS NS 2582.90 RW-1 672458.74 856380.64 2582.54 40 2542.54 20 40 2562.54 2542.54 2569.55 RW-2 672219.68 856380.29 2581.61 49 2532.61 9 49 2572.61 2532.61 2571.23 RW-3 671985.00 856427.98 2580.96 49 2531.96 9 49 2571.96 2531.96 2569.88 RW-4 671807.39 856524.08 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2571.90 RW-5 671642.98 856636.53 2581.46 49 2532.46 9 49 2572.46 2532.46 2573.65 RW-6 671478.65 856764.52 2582.54 30.5 2552.04 10.5 30.5 2572.04 2552.04 2575.03 RW-7 1 671284.91 1 856896.34 1 2583.25 1 40 1 2543.25 1 10 1 40 1 2573.25 1 2543.25 1 2574.16 Notes: ft-feet 1.All measurements collected from top of casing. msl-mean sea level 2.Well PZ-10,PZ-15,and PZ-19 have been abandoned. NM-Not Measured 3.Well PZ-14 was abandoned and replaced by PZ-14R in 2021 by Evergreen Packaging Inc.,and has not been surveyed NS-Not Surveyed NA:Not Available: There was a significant amount of oil at the surface of PZ-16. Table 1-IP Canton GW Elev Historic_Apri12023_RevO1.xlsx Page 3 of 3 Table 2 Summary of Analytical Results-April 2023 Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Sample ID North Carolina BRA BR-3 PZ-1 PZ-2 PZ-3 PZ-4 PZ-5 Lab Sample ID 2L Groundwater 2304303-001 2304303-002 2304303-013 2304524-002 2304303-014 2304303-007 2304524-004 Date Collected Quality Standards 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/05/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/05/23 Metals by Method 6010D(mg/L) Chromium 0.01 0.338 0.009 J// 0.013 0.029 < 0.01 0.207 < 0.01 Nickel 0.1 0.108 0.033 0.022 0.212 < 0.02 0.397 < 0.02 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)by Method SM 2540C(mg/L) Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1 500 20900 12500 1710 8670 1050 17000 Color by Method SM 2120B(Color Units) Color 15 175 500 750 15000 350 8750 < 5 Field Parameters pH(SU) 6.5-8.5 6.61 8.66 8.55 11.17 7.80 11.17 6.75 Specific Conductance(mS/cm) NS 40.67 25.90 2.40 10.99 1.61 22.44 0.65 Water Temperature(°C) NS 16.9 18.6 17.8 13.0 23.7 18.6 15.2 Turbidity(NTUs) NS 16.58 11.85 18.13 0.0 31.06 0.21 6.32 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) NS 0.99 0.37 0.57 0.14 1.12 0.17 4.38 JOxygen Reduction Potential mV NS 10.0 -53.2 27.6 -185 35.0 -252 103.6 Sample ID North Carolina PZ-6 PZ-7 PZ-8 PZ-9 PZ-11 PZ-12 PZ-13 Lab Sample ID 2L Groundwater 2304303-006 2304303-005 2304303-010 2304303-011 2304303-009 2304524-003 2304303-012 Date Collected Quality Standards 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/05/23 04/04/23 Metals by Method 6010D(mg/L) Chromium 0.01 J// 0.363 0.004 J// 0.004 J// 0.136 0.129 0.007 J// Nickel 1 0.1 < 0.02 0.152 < 0.02 < 0.02 0.051 0.047 0.048 Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)by Method SM 2540C(mg/L) Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1 500 111IF-5-49---T 7010 433 422 3380 6110 985 Color by Method SM 2120B(Color Units) Color 15 600 30000 150 < 5 7500 7500 400 Field Parameters pH(SU) 6.5-8.5 8.01 9.13 10.02 7.13 10.22 9.11 7.42 Specific Conductance(mS/cm) NS 0.97 6.18 0.76 0.63 2.95 8.27 1.36 Water Temperature(°C) NS 15.2 15.9 19.1 23.8 17.2 19.0 18.3 Turbidity(NTUs) NS 15.32 0.0 37.74 38.32 11.70 0.0 19.70 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) NS 1.07 0.33 0.53 1.64 0.14 0.17 1.38 Oxygen Reduction Potential(mV NS -58.1 -27.5 -91.0 18.9 -144 -131 34.0 Page 1 of 2 Table 2 Summary of Analytical Results-April 2023 Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Sample ID North Carolina PZ-14R PZ-17 PZ-18 PZ-20 PZ-20-A PZ-21 RW-1 Lab Sample ID 2L Groundwater 2304524-001 2304524-006 2304303-008 2304303-003 2304303-004 230,4524-005 2304524-007 Date Collected Quality Standards 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/04/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 Metals by Method 6010D(mg/L) Chromium 0.01 0.022 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.005 J// 0.005 J// < 0.01 0.01 Nickel 0.1 0.05 0.012 J// 0.007=J// 0.017 J// 0.01 J// 0.008 J// 0.019 J// Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)by Method SM 2540C(mg/L) Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1 500 487 293 259 1200 1280 430 314 Color by Method SM 2120B(Color Units) Color 15 70 < 5 20 300 /J/A 600 /J/A < 5 300 Field Parameters pH(SU) 6.5-8.5 6.90 6.31 8.27 9.29 9.29 6.46 7.94 Specific Conductance(mS/cm) NS 0.67 0.484 0.68 1.44 1.44 0.70 0.315 Water Temperature(°C) NS 13.6 16.6 20.8 16.6 16.6 14.4 20.0 Turbidity(NTUs) NS 241.0 44.83 13.89 9.02 9.02 4.34 17.05 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) NS 0.86 1.21 0.18 1.35 1.35 5.62 3.90 Oxygen Reduction Potential(mV NS 78.3 114.2 -204 -206 -206 115.4 39.1 Sample ID North Carolina RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 RW-5-A RW-6 RW-7 Lab Sample ID 2L Groundwater 2304524-008 2304524-009 2304524-010 2304524-011 2304524-012 2304524-013 2304524-014 Date Collected Quality Standards 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 04/05/23 Metals by Method 6010D(mg/L) Chromium 0.01 0.02 0.006 Jll 0.01 0.175 /J/A 0.237 /J/A < 0.01 < 0.01 Nickel 1 0.1 1 N 0.032 0 0.026 0.03 9.4 10.8 0.054 0.012 J// Total Dissolved Solids(TDS)by Method SM 2540C(mg/L) Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1 500 895 2030 275 62700 48200 555 402 Color by Method SM 2120B(Color Units) Color 15 3500 350 60 8000 /J/A 4500 /J/A 10 < 5 Field Parameters pH(SU) 6.5-8.5 6.66 6.70 7.67 11.50 11.50 9.44 7.16 Specific Conductance(mS/cm) NS 1.06 2.40 0.431 27.13 27.13 1.20 0.67 Water Temperature(°C) NS 19.4 21.3 22.0 22.0 22.0 20.8 20.5 Turbidity(NTUs) NS 37.47 83.04 201.0 87.89 87.89 91.97 13.26 Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) NS 1.56 1.39 1.54 0.04 0.04 1.88 2.54 ,Oxygen Reduction Potential(mVj NS 1 -5.0 1 -23.6 -75.6 1 -346 -346 -187 -39.3 Notes: -A-Indicates a field duplicate sample. Bold font and shading indicate the analyte was detected. Bold outline indicates the concentration exceeds the North Carolina 2L Groundwater Quality Standard(April 2013). pH criteria based off of background well pH values and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations from the EPA 2006 Drinking Water Standards. NS-No Standard See Table 4 for explanation of data qualifiers. Page 2 of 2 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration BR-1 March 21,2002 220 <0.005 <0.04 60,000 5.92 September 7,2005 180 <0.005 <0.04 NA 6.06 February 27,2007 200 0.27 0.078 52,000 6.10 August 28,2007 150 0.078 0.12 53,000 6.07 June 11,2008 150 0.013 <0.04 43,000 6.11 December 16,2008 150 <0.5 <4 42,000 6.06 June 2,2009 200 0.006 <0.04 52,000 6.01 December 15,2009 180 <0.025 <0.2 51,000 6.16 June 2,2010 150 <0.005 0.054 54,000 6.11 January 18,2011 150 <0.005 <0.04 44,000 6.17 July 17,2011 120 0.016 0.05 46,000 6.21 January 10,2012 120 0.013 0.044 45,000 6.19 July 24,2012 50 0.026 0.049 46,000 6.21 January 29,2013 120 0.012 0.044 46,000 6.16 July 23,2013 350 0.0049 0.03 42,000 6.16 January 20,2014 120 <0.025 <0.2 42,000 6.02 July 15,2014 150 0.056 0.049 38,000 6.42 January 6,2015 120 0.02 0.038 J 36,000 6.28 June 29,2015 140 0.022 0.033 J 40,000 6.22 January 11,2016 175 0.0111 0.0217 31,700 6.04 July 18,2016 150 0.0043 J 0.0181 J 34,300 6.36 January 17,2017 175 0.0085 J 0.022 37,000 6.27 July 18,2017 175 0.0077 J 0.0221 33,300 6.29 January 24,2018 200 0.0068 J 0.019 J 42,000 6.21 July 24,2018 250 0.0066 J 0.0258 40,800 6.36 January 29,2019 225 0.0155 0.0376 39,700 6.38 July 23,2019 80 0.0103 0.0246 33,500 6.46 February 12,2020 100 0.0049 J 0.0225 40,200 6.34 August 19,2020 150 0.167 0.04 27,700 6.43 February 16,2021 150 0.065 0.049 32,300 6.45 August 10,2021 110 0.0156 0.034 24,700 6.57 February 15,2022 200 0.044 0.06 27,100 6.60 August 9,2022 110 0.0245 0.0667 11,400 6.56 April 4,2023 175 0.338 0.108 20,900 6.61 BR-2 February 28,2007 120 0.0058 <0.04 2,000 7.66 Well covered August 28,2007 50 0.021 <0.04 2,100 7.43 by construction June 12,2008 50 0.048 <0.04 1,900 7.39 materials December 15,2009 130 0.033 <0.04 2,100 7.12 beginning in July 25,2012 50 0.034 0.013 1,900 6.87 2019. July 24,2013 40 0.08 0.03 2,100 6.89 January 21,2014 Insufficient Volume to Sample 7.13 July 15,2014 Insufficient Volume to Sample 7.14 January 7,2015 Considered Dry July 1,2015 Insufficient Volume to Sample 6.95 January 13,2016 Insufficient Volume to Sample 7.13 July 19,2016 Insufficient Volume to Sample 7.20 January 17,2017 Insufficient Volume to Sample July 18,2017 Insufficient Volume to Sample January 24,2018 Insufficient Volume to Sample July 25,2018 15 0.00911 0.0162 J 2,020 6.67 BR-3 March 21,2002 120 <0.005 <0.04 26,006 8.85 Well covered September 7,2005 110 <0.005 <0.04 NA 8.61 by a storage February 28,2007 180 <0.005 0.011 24,000 8.45 unit from 2011 August 28,2007 120 <0.01 <0.08 23,000 8.49 to 2015. June 11,2008 120 <0.005 <0.04 21,000 7.90 Well covered December 16,2008 150 <0.5 <4 23,000 7.85 by heavy June 2,2009 160 <0.005 <0.04 23,000 7.86 equipment December 15,2009 300 <0.025 <0.2 22,000 8.08 2016 to 2020. June 2,2010 700 <0.005 <0.04 24,000 8.08 January 18,2011 300 <0.005 <0.04 21,000 7.98 June 29,2015 250 0.0028 J 0.012 J 21,000 8.15 February 16,2021 400 0.0038 J 0.0358 19,600 7.99 August 10,2021 650 0.005 J 0.027 23,600 8.21 February 15,2022 650 0.006 J 0.026 18,700 7.90 August 9,2022 550 0.0046 J 0.0691 23,700 8.38 April 4,2023 500 0.009 J 0.033 12,500 8.66 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 1 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-1 1995 9,590 0.08 NA NA 9.7 1997 35,100 0.1 NA NA 9.8 March 26,2002 1,200 0.02 <0.04 1,900 7.96 September 8,2005 300 <0.005 <0.04 NA 7.15 February 28,2007 250 0.0052 0.0025 2,000 9.10 August 28,2007 250 0.007 <0.04 2,300 9.28 June 12,2008 450 <0.005 <0.04 2,000 8.85 December 16,2008 1,200 <0.5 <4 2,300 9.14 June 2,2009 500 <0.005 <0.04 1,900 9.37 December 15,2009 180 <0.005 <0.04 1,400 8.77 June 2,2010 400 <0.005 <0.04 2,000 9.21 January 18,2011 500 <0.005 <0.04 2,500 9.50 July 20,2011 70 <0.005 <0.04 2,300 7.28 January 10,2012 750 0.0059 0.018 J 2,700 9.65 July 24,2012 600 0.0066 0.016 2,600 9.46 January 29,2013 750 0.0047 0.012 2,300 9.90 July 24,2013 70 <0.005 <0.04 2,500 9.39 January 21,2014 500 0.0025 <0.04 2,600 9.46 July 15,2014 300 <0.005 <0.04 2,400 9.66 January 6,2015 2,000 0.0096 J 0.022 J 2,900 9.75 June 30,2015 300 0.0023 J 0.0083 J 2,400 9.23 January 11,2016 5,000 0.003 J 0.0132 J 1,710 9.49 July 19,2016 2,000 0.014 0.0348 3,090 9.91 January 17,2017 1,250 0.0148 0.0514 2,580 10.03 July 18,2017 1,250 0.0096 J 0.0292 2,360 9.16 January 24,2018 1,750 0.0129 0.0311 1,980 9.35 July 24,2018 1,500 0.0033 J 0.0374 2,010 9.38 January 29,2019 3,000 0.0178 0.0597 2,570 9.48 July 23,2019 2,500 0.0261 0.0536 2,550 9.27 February 13,2020 400 0.0238 0.0428 2,730 9.03 August 20,2020 10,000 0.0262 0.0638 4,890 9.14 February 16,2021 2,000 0.0176 0.0557 2,070 9.13 August 10,2021 3,250 0.0200 0.031 2,520 9.54 February 15,2022 6,500 0.0380 0.053 3,010 9.75 August 10,2022 1,200 0.0102 0.0258 2,010 9.30 April 4,2023 750 0.0130 0.022 1,710 8.55 PZ-2 1995 15,700 0.15 NA NA 13.10 Well covered 1997 18,700 0.17 NA NA 12.60 by a storage March 26,2002 7,500 0.12 0.31 9,300 12.42 unit from 2011 September 7,2005 28,000 0.11 0.42 NA 11.41 to 2015. February 28,2007 30,000 0.086 0.32 12,000 12.23 Well covered August 28,2007 16,000 0.095 0.37 12,000 12.31 by heavy June 11,2008 28,000 0.082 0.27 12,000 12.19 equipment December 16,2008 18,000 <0.5 <4 12,000 12.12 2016 to 2019 June 2,2009 16,000 0.087 0.27 11,000 12.27 and again December 15,2009 16,000 0.079 0.24 11,000 12.13 beginning in June 2,2010 10,000 0.045 0.18 10,000 12.28 2021. January 18,2011 14,000 <0.1 <0.8 9,900 12.03 June 29,2015 10,000 0.039 0.18 10,000 11.81 August 19,2020 35,000 0.0316 0.166 9,470 11.31 April 4,2023 15,000 0.029 0.212 8,670 11.17 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 2 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-3 1995 6,055 0.12 NA NA 11.80 1997 4,080 0.43 NA NA 9.40 March 26,2002 2,200 0.02 <0.04 830 9.33 September 8,2005 1,200 0.016 <0.04 NA 8.00 February 28,2007 1,000 0.019 <0.04 810 8.32 August 30,2007 1,100 0.016 <0.04 870 9.06 June 12,2008 250 0.015 <0.04 830 8.69 December 18,2008 1,500 0.013 <0.04 740 8.64 June 3,2009 1,500 0.01 <0.04 750 9.23 December 17,2009 880 0.0073 <0.04 640 9.08 June 3,2010 3,200 0.007 <0.04 760 9.12 January 19,2011 500 0.017 <0.04 710 8.37 July 20,2011 520 0.014 <0.04 770 8.64 January 11,2012 1,300 0.016 <0.04 1,000 9.32 July 25,2012 1,600 0.019 <0.04 760 9.47 January 30,2013 2,300 0.017 <0.04 850 9.28 July 24,2013 1,000 0.01 <0.04 860 8.53 January 22,2014 1,500 0.016 <0.04 830 9.00 July 16,2014 1,300 0.0064 <0.04 940 9.47 January 7,2015 1,000 0.007 <0.04 880 9.00 July 1,2015 700 0.007 <0.04 730 9.33 January 13,2016 875 0.0098 J 0.0056 J 1,030 9.45 July 20,2016 1,000 0.0072 J <0.02 7,450 9.88 January 18,2017 750 0.0058 J <0.02 748 9.56 July 19,2017 600 0.0037 J <0.02 772 9.28 January 24,2018 500 0.0035 J <0.02 906 9.35 July 25,2018 700 <0.01 <0.02 1,030 9.37 January 30,2019 500 0.0077 J <0.02 831 9.44 July 24,2019 750 <0.01 0.0038 J 1,010 8.13 February 13,2020 6000 0.0033 J 0.0118 J 897 8.43 August 20,2020 500 <0.01 0.016 J 798 8.73 February 17,2021 450 0.0071 J 0.0102 J 849 9.41 February 16,2022 1,200 0.005 J 0.007 J 1,240 9.62 August 10,2022 2,500 0.0126 0.0074 J 1,500 9.58 April 4,2023 350 <0.01 <0.02 1,050 7.80 PZ-4 1995 14,320 0.22 NA NA 10.80 1997 13,400 0.34 NA NA 11.90 March 26,2002 10,000 0.2 0.26 24,000 12.34 September 8,2005 9,000 0.12 0.17 NA 10.90 February 28,2007 12,000 0.15 0.24 25,000 12.12 August 29,2007 8,000 0.12 0.19 24,000 12.08 June 13,2008 7,000 0.12 0.18 24,000 11.99 June 2,2009 4,000 0.11 <0.04 37,000 12.22 December 17,2009 7,000 0.092 <0.04 23,000 12.19 June 3,2010 4,000 0.06 0.097 24,000 11.98 January 19,2011 7,000 <0.1 <0.8 20,000 12.07 July 19,2011 7,000 <0.25**(0.11) <2**(0.5) 25,000 12.14 January 11,2012 650 <0.005 0.1 24,000 12.13 July 25,2012 2,000 0.1 0.13 25,000 11.91 January 29,2013 5,000 0.11 0.15 27,000 12.14 July 24,2013 5,000 0.12 0.18 33,000 11.99 January 20,2014 4,000 0.12 0.15 26,000 12.10 July 15,2014 6,000 0.086 0.095 24,000 12.07 January 5,2015 6,000 0.11 0.16 26,000 12.13 June 29,2015 6,000 0.13 0.13 26,000 12.13 January 11,2016 7,000 0.117 0.151 22,500 12.11 July 18,2016 12,500 0.116 <0.02 40,500 12.09 January 17,2017 7,500 0.114 0.0072 J 18,100 12.17 July 18,2017 8,000 0.102 0.872 20,700 12.14 January 24,2018 7,000 0.105 0.0328 22,300 12.11 July 24,2018 7,000 0.124 0.168 23,600 12.06 January 29,2019 7,000 0.121 1.11 20,800 12.19 July 23,2019 8,000 0.113 0.72 21,100 12.02 February 12,2020 10,000 0.206 0.837 22,900 12.03 Auguut 19,2020 20,000 0.118 0.0554 15,100 11.86 February 16,2021 10,000 0.196 0.689 22,400 11.98 August 10,2021 6,000 0.158 0.153 24,900 12.24 February 15,2022 9,000 0.101 0.118 18,600 11.46 August 9,2022 6,000 0.179 0.783 24,300 11.67 April 4,2023 8,750 0.207 0.397 17,000 11.17 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 3 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-5 1995 11 <0.01 NA NA 6.50 1997 13 0.28 NA NA 6.50 March 21,2002 5 <0.005 <0.04 930 6.46 September 7,2005 <5 <0.005 <0.04 NA 6.51 February 28,2007 10 <0.005 <0.04 400 6.18 August 30,2007 <5 <0.005 <0.04 450 6.31 June 11,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 430 6.14 December 18,2008 <5 <0.005 <0.04 410 6.03 June 3,2009 <5 <0.005 <0.04 440 5.95 December 16,2009 5 <0.005 <0.04 410 6.20 June 3,2010 10 <0.005 <0.04 550 6.21 January 19,2011 <5 <0.005 <0.04 550 6.02 July 20,2011 5 <0.005 <0.04 530 4.49 January 11,2012 5 <0.005 <0.04 540 6.06 July 25,2012 <5 <0.005 <0.04 500 5.48 January 30,2013 <5 <0.005 <0.04 500 6.05 July 24,2013 35 <0.005 <0.04 530 5.99 January 22,2014 15 <0.005 <0.04 450 6.18 July 16,2014 10 <0.005 <0.04 580 6.02 January 7,2015 10 <0.005 <0.04 520 5.96 July 1,2015 <5 <0.005 0.0029 J 500 5.82 January 13,2016 5 0.005 J 0.0036 J 717 6.30 July 20,2016 5 0.0006 J <0.02 417 5.92 January 18,2017 5 <0.01 <0.02 203 5.85 July 19,2017 5 <0.01 <0.02 124 5.82 January 24,2018 5 <0.01 <0.02 301 5.83 July 25,2018 5 <0.01 0.004 J 476 5.56 January 30,2019 25 <0.01 <0.02 476 6.22 July 24,2019 5 <0.01 0.0041 J 542 6.11 February 13,2020 10 <0.01 0.0128 J 526 6.19 August 20,2020 5 <0.01 0.0151 512 6.10 February 17,2021 5 <0.01 0.0044 J 476 6.24 August 11,2021 <5 0.005 J 0.006 J 503 6.19 Februrary 16,2022 5 <0.01 0.008 J 456 6.15 August 10,2022 <5 <0.01 <0.02 481 6.17 April 5,2023 <5 <0.01 <0.02 410 6.75 PZ-6 1995 2,235 0.12 NA NA 7.80 1997 175 <0.02 NA NA 6.70 March 21,2002 1,500 0.01 <0.04 830 6.90 September 7,2005 620 0.0081 <0.04 NA 6.55 March 1,2007 2,500 0.019 <0.04 690 7.65 August 29,2007 700 0.0074 <0.04 610 7.03 June 12,2008 3,200 0.020 <0.04 990 8.02 December 18,2008 3,000 0.02 <0.04 840 7.84 June 2,2009 3,500 0.022 <0.04 960 8.10 December 17,2009 2,500 0.013 <0.04 660 7.92 June 2,2010 2,500 0.014 <0.04 800 7.69 January 18,2011 700 0.0059 <0.04 710 7.77 July 19,2011 700 <0.01 <0.08 770 7.02 January 10,2012 5,000 0.019 <0.04 1,000 8.01 July 24,2012 3,000 0.033 <0.04 1,100 7.98 January 29,2013 18,000 0.076 0.012 1,900 8.38 July 24,2013 7,000 0.04 <0.04 1,500 8.13 January 20,2014 5,000 0.035 <0.04 1,300 7.91 July 15,2014 8,000 0.04 <0.04 1,500 7.94 January 5,2015 15,000 0.083 0.015 J 1,900 8.03 June 29,2015 20,000 0.093 0.016 J 2,100 8.27 January 11,2016 15,000 0.0691 0.0086 J 2,250 8.66 July 18,2016 7,500 0.0472 0.0144 J 1,220 7.89 January 17,2017 10,000 0.0663 0.0232 1,520 8.17 July 18,2017 6,000 0.0482 <0.02 1,350 7.92 January 24,2018 7,000 0.0294 <0.02 1,410 7.51 July 24,2018 5,000 0.0327 0.0233 1,180 6.52 January 29,2019 4,000 0.0221 0.0266 997 7.94 July 23,2019 2,500 0.0217 0.0082 837 7.00 February 12,2020 2,000 0.0174 J <0.1 834 7.34 August 19,2020 20,000 0.0174 0.0229 807 7.09 February 16,2021 1,200 0.0123 0.0226 689 7.06 August 10,2021 875 0.009 J 0.014 J 670 7.33 February 15,2022 800 0.009 J 0.006 J 635 7.05 August 9,2022 900 0.0081 J 0.0231 642 6.91 April 4,2023 600 0.007 J <0.02 549 8.01 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 4 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-7 1995 2,270 0.2 NA NA 8.80 1997 36 <0.02 NA NA 6.60 March 22,2002 100 <0.005 <0.04 880 6.50 September 8,2005 3,800 0.068 0.063 NA 11.22 February 28,2007 100,000 0.66 1.3 50,000 13.34 August 29,2007 55,000 0.52 1.2 51,000 13.62 June 12,2008 100,000 0.62 1.4 38,000 13.33 December 17,2008 60,000 0.38 1.0 47,000 13.37 June 3,2009 50,000 0.72 1.7 44,000 13.47 December 16,2009 48,000 0.66 1.3 39,000 13.36 June 2,2010 48,000 0.5 0.751 23,000 12.98 January 18,2011 4,000 4 5.6 27,000 12.88 July 19,2011 75,000 1.3 <2**(0.5) 36,000 12.89 January 10,2012 48,000 1.1 1.3 33,000 12.78 July 24,2012 63,000 0.83 0.96 33,000 12.57 January 30,2013 NA 0.86 1.1 33,000 12.66 July 24,2013 35,000 0.92 1.1 29,000 12.21 January 21,2014 60,000 0.29 0.32 29,000 12.19 July 16,2014 60,000 1.3 1.5 28,000 11.89 January 6,2015 1,000,000 1.0 1.4 26,000 11.15 June 30,2015 72,000 0.88 1.1 24,000 10.67 January 12,2016 90,000 0.82 0.868 21,800 10.66 July 19,2016 100,000 0.95 0.643 21,600 10.41 January 17,2017 62,500 0.21 0.181 16,500 10.30 July 18,2017 56,000 0.67 0.412 13,100 9.94 January 24,2018 40,000 0.485 0.32 13,100 9.70 July 24,2018 21,000 0.175 0.123 13,900 9.55 January 29,2019 75,000 0.778 0.521 12,400 9.65 July 23,2019 20,000 0.496 0.275 9,470 9.47 February 12,2020 43,800 0.518 0.268 9,700 9.39 August 19,2020 90,000 0.443 0.2 9,450 9.21 February 16,2021 37,500 0.469 0.273 8,580 9.17 August 10,2021 27,500 0.353 0.169 7,040 9.34 February 15,2022 35,000 0.387 0.183 8,380 9.12 August 9,2022 25,000 0.339 0.191 7,300 9.25 April 4,2023 30,000 0.363 0.152 7,010 9.13 PZ-8 1995 798 0.01 NA NA 9.50 1997 530 0.68 NA NA 9.60 March 21,2002 350 0.0088 <0.04 4,200 9.32 September 7,2005 600 0.0086 <0.04 NA 9.11 February 27,2007 150 0.0035 <0.04 3,600 9.26 August 29,2007 150 <0.005 <0.04 1,700 9.32 June 12,2008 150 <0.005 <0.04 2,800 9.33 December 16,2008 350 <0.005 <0.04 3,000 9.45 June 2,2009 80 <0.005 <0.04 2,700 9.38 December 15,2009 300 0.0068 <0.04 2,900 9.47 June 2,2010 150 <0.005 <0.04 3,800 9.56 January 18,2011 250 <0.005 <0.04 5,800 9.56 July 19,2011 140 <0.005 <0.04 3,700 9.83 January 11,2012 750 0.009 <0.04 4,500 9.69 July 24,2012 3,000 0.016 0.011 4,200 9.64 January 29,2013 2,000 0.022 0.03 2,200 10.20 July 23,2013 3,000 0.04 0.02 3,200 10.22 January 20,2014 6,000 0.095 0.048 3,300 10.29 July 15,2014 8,000 0.041 0.027 4,100 10.11 January 5,2015 700 0.012 0.012 J 710 10.73 June 30,2015 1,500 0.019 0.014 J 2,100 10.26 January 12,2016 3,500 0.0596 0.0221 3,140 10.00 July 19,2016 3,000 0.0346 0.0173 J 3,350 9.80 January 17,2017 3,000 0.0417 0.0232 4,440 9.94 July 18,2017 2,000 0.015 0.0129 J 2,380 10.17 January 24,2018 7,000 0.0957 0.0494 4,140 10.06 July 24,2018 7,000 0.0927 0.0612 4,750 10.13 January 29,2019 9,000 0.0834 0.0596 3,650 10.09 July 23,2019 3,000 0.0583 0.0336 3,130 10.05 February 12,2020 3,500 0.0464 J 0.0236 J 2,420 10.01 August 19,2020 1,000 0.0129 0.0274 898 10.22 February 16,2021 625 0.0117 0.0291 760 10.34 August 10,2021 300 0.0081 J 0.0207 498 10.54 February 15,2022 150 0.008 J 0.011 J 450 10.20 August 9,2022 300 0.0092 J 0.0271 607 10.13 April 4,2023 150 0.004 J <0.02 433 10.02 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 5 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-9 1995 3 0.02 NA NA 6.50 1997 106 0.13 NA NA 6.30 March 22,2002 180 0.005 <0.04 350 6.48 September 7,2005 1,000 <0.005 <0.04 NA 5.58 February 27,2007 180 0.013 0.011 560 9.66 August 29,2007 <5 <0.005 <0.04 470 5.63 June 13,2008 15 <0.005 <0.04 500 5.70 December 18,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 520 5.76 June 2,2009 15 <0.005 <0.04 460 5.68 December 17,2009 5 <0.005 <0.04 400 5.76 June 2,2010 50 <0.005 <0.04 470 5.67 January 18,2011 75 0.054 0.072 430 5.83 July 19,2011 10 <0.005 <0.04 430 5.92 January 10,2012 <5 <0.005 <0.04 460 5.82 July 24,2012 <5 <0.005 <0.04 350 5.73 January 29,2013 15 <0.005 <0.04 520 5.79 July 24,2013 75 0.0021 <0.04 560 5.69 January 20,2014 20 <0.005 <0.04 390 5.43 July 15,2014 5 <0.005 <0.04 530 5.76 January 5,2015 20 <0.005 <0.04 440 5.79 June 29,2015 15 0.00098 J <0.04 470 5.69 January 13,2016 15 0.005 J 0.0017 J 378 5.66 July 20,2016 5 0.0017 J <0.02 385 5.74 January 18,2017 15 0.0009 J <0.02 468 5.76 July 18,2017 25 <0.01 <0.02 550 5.68 January 24,2018 <5 <0.01 <0.02 418 5.72 July 24,2018 10 <0.01 0.0184 J 530 5.85 January 29,2019 <5 <0.01 0.0192 J 608 5.99 July 23,2019 10 <0.01 <0.02 421 5.91 February 12,2020 15 <0.01 0.0175 J 520 5.90 August 19,2020 15 <0.01 0.0164 J 477 5.95 February 16,2021 <5 <0.01 0.0161 J 447 5.92 August 10,2021 <5 <0.01 0.013 J 523 5.91 February 15,2022 <5 <0.01 0.008 J 451 5.96 August 9,2022 5 <0.01 0.0275 498 5.84 April 4,2023 <5 0.004 J <0.02 422 7.13 PZ-11 1995 5,800 0.1 NA NA 8.00 1997 4,400 0.18 NA NA 7.10 March 22,2002 10,000 0.26 0.1 5,900 10.26 September 8,2005 5,000 0.17 <0.04 5,000 9.09 February 27,2007 6,000 0.2 0.038 3,800 9.32 August 29,2007 8,000 0.15 <0.04 3,400 9.26 June 11,2008 5,500 0.12 <0.04 1,300 9.06 December 17,2008 130 <0.005 <0.04 360 8.90 June 3,2009 7,500 0.12 <0.04 3,000 9.15 December 16,2009 45 0.18 <0.04 4,100 9.68 June 3,2010 8,000 0.15 0.041 4,800 9.63 January 19,2011 7,000 0.2 <0.8 5,100 9.66 July 19,2011 6,500 0.17 <0.4**(0.1) 4,300 9.59 January 11,2012 250 0.1 0.12 3,600 9.38 July 25,2012 6,000 0.11 <0.04 3,200 9.17 January 29,2013 3,500 0.079 <0.04 3,100 8.98 July 24,2013 3,000 0.05 <0.04 2,500 8.72 January 20,2014 3,000 0.058 <0.04 2,400 8.54 July 15,2014 2,500 0.044 <0.04 2,200 8.35 January 5,2015 4,500 0.096 <0.04 2,700 8.82 June 30,2015 3,000 0.059 0.0098 J 2,300 9.12 January 11,2016 600 0.105 0.0117 J 2,740 9.37 July 18,2016 3,500 0.0675 0.0196 J 2,450 9.17 January 17,2017 4,500 0.0672 0.0255 2,450 9.13 July 18,2017 Unable to sample,Well Head damaged due to construction January 24,2018 Unable to sample due to sedimentation July 24,2018 3,500 0.0766 0.0442 1,830 7.28 January 29,2019 3,000 0.0804 0.0636 2,020 7.52 July 23,2019 3,000 0.0502 0.0359 1,550 7.39 February 13,2020 5,000 0.0649 0.0361 1,950 7.35 Auguut 19,2020 2,000 0.0385 0.0347 1,450 7.09 February 16,2021 2,250 0.0472 0.0353 1,400 7.23 August 10,2021 1,750 0.0400 0.0240 1,400 7.31 February 15,2022 6,500 0.0880 0.013 J 2,070 7.13 August 9,2022 5,000 0.0750 0.0306 1,900 7.36 April 4,2023 7,500 0.1360 0.0510 3,380 10.22 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 6 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-12 1995 1,915 0.44 NA NA 8.30 1997 2,100 0.41 NA NA 8.90 March 26,2002 1,200 0.04 <0.04 4,000 7.24 September 8,2005 2,500 0.066 <0.04 NA 8.74 February 27,2007 3,000 0.14 0.04 3,200 10.39 August 30,2007 5,000 0.14 0.049 4,100 10.28 June 12,2008 7,500 0.21 0.093 6,100 9.98 December 16,2008 10,000 <0.5 <4 5,500 10.39 June 2,2009 12,000 0.34 0.15 39,000 10.55 December 15,2009 6,000 0.14 0.044 4,100 10.76 June 3,2010 750 <0.005 <0.04 1,300 10.13 January 19,2011 3,500 0.014 <0.04 1,200 10.02 July 20,2011 520 0.03 <0.04 1,200 8.05 January 10,2012 1,000 0.035 <0.04 1,100 10.14 July 24,2012 1,000 0.045 0.01 1,200 9.89 January 29,2013 1,000 0.026 <0.04 1,000 10.15 July 23,2013 300 0.02 <0.04 1,100 9.05 January 21,2014 500 0.018 <0.04 880 8.93 July 15,2014 600 0.019 <0.04 1,000 9.70 January 6,2015 500 0.029 <0.04 1,000 10.17 July 1,2015 1,300 0.034 0.0063 J 1,400 10.08 January 13,2016 1,000 0.0326 0.0093 J 3,810 9.80 July 20,2016 2,000 0.04 0.019 J 6,650 9.34 January 18,2017 3,500 0.0811 0.0192 J 6,690 9.49 July 19,2017 5,000 0.0851 0.0357 7,240 9.42 January 24,2018 6,000 0.116 0.0234 789 9.42 July 25,2018 6,000 0.0842 0.0263 7,240 9.41 January 30,2019 7,000 0.112 0.0261 6,630 9.38 July 24,2019 7,000 0.0983 0.0271 7,820 9.41 February 13,2020 7,000 0.0195 0.0086 J 5,900 9.25 August 20,2020 350 0.0055 J <0.02 1,170 9.13 February 17,2021 5,000 0.0983 0.0369 5,550 9.18 August 11,2021 6,500 0.037 0.013 J 5,940 9.42 February 16,2022 6,000 0.109 0.018 J 6,030 9.20 August 10,2022 4,000 0.0543 0.0217 5,450 9.36 April 5,2023 7,500 0.129 0.047 6,110 9.11 PZ-13 1995 130 0.03 NA NA 7.10 1997 122 0.15 NA NA 7.30 March 22,2002 100 <0.005 0.56 2,400 7.00 September 8,2005 50 <0.005 0.78 NA 6.44 February 28,2007 120 <0.005 0.76 1,200 6.97 August 29,2007 120 <0.005 0.34 1,200 6.94 June 13,2008 50 <0.005 0.15 1,300 7.04 December 18,2008 150 <0.005 0.083 1,200 7.21 June 3,2009 90 <0.005 0.27 1,100 6.98 December 17,2009 180 <0.005 0.099 1,100 7.18 June 3,2010 50 <0.005 0.49 870 6.95 January 19,2011 <5 <0.005 0.18 1,300 7.11 January 11,2012 60 0.003 J 0.04 400 7.35 July 25,2012 45 <0.005 0.16 1,100 7.15 January 29,2013 180 0.0038 0.17 1,100 7.30 July 24,2013 25 <0.005 0.17 640 7.21 January 21,2014 100 0.0039 0.24 730 7.32 July 16,2014 50 <0.005 0.18 850 7.34 January 7,2015 350 0.0048 J 0.19 980 7.36 June 30,2015 230 0.0031 J 0.22 890 7.22 January 12,2016 150 0.0024 J 0.235 855 7.12 July 19,2016 150 0.0029 J 0.165 955 7.36 January 17,2017 300 0.0052 J 0.138 1,010 7.44 July 18,2017 250 0.0029 J 0.143 898 7.42 January 24,2018 175 <0.01 0.168 983 7.27 July 24,2018 300 <0.01 0.127 738 7.29 January 29,2019 450 0.0032 J 0.152 843 7.42 July 24,2019 30 <0.01 0.0758 882 7.36 February 12,2020 250 <0.01 0.0997 938 7.41 Auguut 19,2020 35 <0.01 0.0384 830 7.12 February 16,2021 200 0.0042 J 0.114 988 7.28 August 10,2021 225 0.004 J 0.052 1,070 7.45 February 15,2022 225 0.004 J 0.098 1,190 7.36 August 9,2022 250 0.0047 J 0.0917 1,180 7.52 April 4,2023 400 0.007 J 0.048 985 7.42 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 7 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-14 1995 787 0.02 NA NA 8.90 PZ-14R 1997 15 0.15 NA NA 6.70 March 21,2002 750 <0.005 <0.04 3,000 6.41 September 7,2005 500 <0.005 <0.04 NA 7.06 February 27,2007 300 0.0046 <0.04 740 6.93 August 28,2007 35 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 6.73 June 11,2008 100 0.0063 <0.04 1,300 6.86 December 16,2008 1,500 <0.5 <4 1,200 6.98 June 2,2009 500 0.006 <0.04 1,000 6.90 December 15,2009 400 <0.005 <0.04 820 6.90 PZ-14 June 2,2010 250 <0.005 <0.04 990 6.88 was re- January 18,2011 200 <0.005 <0.04 670 7.09 placed in July 19,2011 140 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 6.20 2021 by January 10,2012 50 <0.005 <0.04 2,200 7.10 PZ-14R July 24,2012 15 <0.005 <0.04 570 6.67 January 29,2013 150 <0.005 <0.04 670 6.71 July 23,2013 350 <0.005 <0.04 850 6.40 January 20,2014 25 <0.005 <0.04 850 6.51 July 15,2014 100 <0.005 <0.04 940 6.38 January 5,2015 50 0.0072 0.011 J 1,100 6.60 June 29,2015 100 0.0040 J 0.0067 J 1,300 6.14 January 11,2016 350 0.0007 J <0.02 2,050 6.31 July 18,2016 225 0.0015 J 0.0091 J 2,650 6.76 January 17,2017 15 0.0026 J 0.0106 J 1,270 6.64 July 18,2017 800 0.0031 J <0.02 948 6.38 January 24,2018 625 <0.01 <0.02 1,520 6.09 July 24,2018 700 <0.01 0.0115 J 1,260 6.34 January 29,2019 10 <0.01 0.0106 J 1,840 6.34 July 23,2019 20 <0.01 0.0119 J 1,170 6.49 February 12,2020 625 0.0048 J 0.0103 J 1,030 6.57 Augsut 19,2020 65 <0.01 0.0128 1,240 6.55 February 15,2022 Not sampled due to a strong asoline odor in the well August 9,2022 40 <0.01 0.0113 276 6.85 April 5,2023 70 0.022 0.05 487 6.90 PZ-15 1995 15 0.03 NA NA 6.90 1997 104 0.15 NA NA 6.20 March 21,2002 400 <0.005 <0.04 880 6.87 September 7,2005 10 <0.005 <0.04 NA 5.75 March 1,2007 15 <0.005 <0.04 450 6.89 August 29,2007 80 <0.005 <0.04 620 6.65 June 12,2008 15 <0.005 <0.04 570 6.72 December 16,2008 200 <0.5 <4 580 6.54 June 2,2009 400 <0.005 <0.04 580 6.63 December 15,2009 200 <0.005 <0.04 450 6.45 June 2,2010 40 <0.005 <0.04 170 5.62 January 18,2011 5 <0.005 <0.04 260 5.86 July 19,2011 50 <0.005 <0.04 430 4.79 January 10,2012 120 <0.005 <0.004 540 6.57 July 24,2012 20 <0.005 <0.04 440 6.82 January 30,2013 180 <0.005 <0.04 550 6.63 July 24,2013 35 <0.005 <0.04 430 6.15 January 21,2014 35 <0.005 <0.04 450 6.56 July 15,2014 150 <0.005 <0.04 490 6.80 January 6,2015 200 <0.005 <0.04 500 6.94 June 30,2015 500 <0.005 <0.04 490 6.68 August 31,2015 Abandoned Due to Construction Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 8 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-16 1997 10 0.39 NA NA 6.20 Well unable to March 26,2002 100 <0.005 <0.04 300 5.87 be sampled September 8,2005 <5 <0.005 <0.04 NA 5.86 beginning in February 27,2007 50 0.0029 <0.04 220 6.15 2018 due to oil August 30,2007 <5 <0.005 <0.04 250 6.01 in the well. June 12,2008 20 <0.005 <0.04 260 6.05 December 16,2008 10 <0.5 <4 220 5.86 June 2,2009 <5 <0.005 <0.04 400 5.91 December 15,2009 5 <0.005 <0.04 310 6.09 June 2,2010 10 <0.005 <0.04 210 5.96 January 19,2011 <5 <0.005 <0.04 370 6.18 July 20,2011 10 <0.005 <0.04 260 3.34 January 10,2012 5 <0.005 <0.04 350 6.06 July 24,2012 5 <0.005 <0.04 220 5.95 January 30,2013 15 <0.005 <0.04 320 6.11 July 23,2013 20 <0.005 <0.04 240 6.07 January 22,2014 40 0.0068 <0.04 310 6.13 July 16,2014 10 <0.005 <0.04 370 6.36 January 6,2015 10 <0.005 <0.04 350 6.19 June 30,2015 15 0.00082 J <0.04 390 6.23 January 12,2016 10 <0.01 0.0028 J 122 6.14 July 19,2016 15 <0.01 0.0089 J 372 6.36 January 17,2017 5 0.0022 J 0.0139 J 420 6.13 July 18,2017 25 <0.01 <0.02 386 6.26 January 24,2018 20 <0.01 <0.02 384 6.37 PZ-17 1997 3 <0.02 NA NA 6.30 March 26,2002 200 <0.005 <0.04 160 6.10 September 8,2005 55 <0.005 <0.04 NA 5.50 March 1,2007 25 0.0024 <0.04 290 6.45 August 30,2007 20 <0.005 <0.04 300 5.86 June 12,2008 25 <0.005 <0.04 270 5.97 December 17,2008 10 <0.005 <0.04 320 5.84 June 2,2009 20 <0.005 <0.04 250 5.90 December 16,2009 15 <0.005 <0.04 260 5.96 June 3,2010 15 <0.005 <0.04 330 5.92 January 19,2011 <5 <0.005 <0.04 300 6.02 July 20,2011 20 <0.005 <0.04 330 2.77 January 10,2012 5 <0.005 <0.04 350 5.92 July 24,2012 5 <0.005 <0.04 240 5.96 January 29,2013 10 <0.005 <0.04 250 5.88 July 24,2013 5 <0.005 <0.04 290 5.79 January 21,2014 10 <0.005 <0.04 260 5.99 July 16,2014 10 <0.005 <0.04 280 5.97 January 6,2015 10 <0.005 <0.04 340 6.10 June 30,2015 5 0.0011 J <0.04 320 5.93 January 12,2016 10 0.0006 J <0.02 1,060 5.93 July 19,2016 5 <0.01 0.003 213 5.93 January 18,2017 25 0.0007 J <0.02 345 6.03 July 19,2017 10 <0.01 0.0064 J 343 5.71 January 24,2018 10 <0.01 <0.02 375 5.89 July 25,2018 10 <0.01 0.0078 J 246 6.05 January 30,2019 15 <0.01 0.0134 J 331 6.17 July 23,2019 5 <0.01 <0.02 169 5.99 February 13,2020 15 <0.01 0.0178 J 113 5.94 August 20,2020 10 <0.01 0.016 J 141 6.09 February 17,2021 <5 <0.01 0.0148 J 232 6.03 August 11,2021 <5 0.004 J 0.0014 J 152 6.09 February 16,2022 <5 <0.01 0.009 J 291 6.06 August 10,2022 <5 <0.01 <0.02 122 5.94 April 5,2023 <5 <0.01 0.012 J 293 6.31 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data-Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.Asx Page 9 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-18 1997 56 <0.02 NA NA 6.50 March 26,2002 250 <0.005 <0.04 170 6.75 September 8,2005 55 <0.005 <0.04 NA 6.08 March 1,2007 100 0.0029 <0.04 190 6.47 August 30,2007 20 <0.005 <0.04 220 6.35 June 12,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 120 6.48 December 17,2008 120 <0.005 <0.04 120 6.28 June 3,2009 60 <0.005 <0.04 170 6.36 December 16,2009 45 <0.005 <0.04 130 6.49 June 3,2010 75 <0.005 <0.04 230 6.33 January 19,2011 300 <0.005 <0.04 210 6.44 July 19,2011 130 <0.005 <0.04 250 6.32 January 11,2012 40 <0.005 <0.04 840 6.39 July 25,2012 25 <0.005 <0.04 320 6.29 January 30,2013 350 <0.005 <0.04 210 6.38 July 24,2013 70 <0.005 <0.04 280 6.34 January 22,2014 160 <0.005 <0.04 160 6.42 July 16,2014 35 <0.005 <0.04 260 6.41 January 7,2015 35 <0.005 <0.04 290 6.36 July 1,2015 20 0.0016 J <0.04 240 6.34 January 12,2016 80 0.0004 J <0.02 164 6.26 July 18,2016 5 0.0009 J 0.0112 J 457 6.44 January 17,2017 15 0.0008 J 0.016 J 225 6.41 July 18,2017 400 <0.01 <0.02 254 6.40 January 24,2018 200 <0.01 <0.02 200 6.27 July 24,2018 300 <0.01 0.0167 J 332 6.33 January 29,2019 10 <0.01 0.0224 683 6.47 July 23,2019 30 <0.01 0.024 190 6.38 February 13,2020 15 <0.01 0.0146 J 203 6.33 August 19,2020 100 <0.01 0.0214 230 6.28 February 16,2021 125 <0.01 0.018 J 210 6.35 August 10,2021 30 <0.01 0.013 J 234 6.44 February 15,2022 15 <0.01 0.009 J 231 6.45 August 9,2022 60 <0.01 0.0256 268 6.38 April 4,2023 20 <0.01 0.007 J 259 8.27 PZ-20 March 22,2002 45 <0.055 0.25 2,000 6.25 September 7,2005 250 0.0068 0.04 NA 7.66 February 27,2007 200 <0.005 <0.04 1,300 7.15 August 29,2007 60 <0.005 <0.04 1,300 6.84 June 11,2008 180 <0.005 <0.04 8,900 6.99 December 16,2008 90 <0.005 <0.04 1,700 7.08 June 3,2009 50 <0.005 <0.04 1,300 6.91 December 15,2009 300 <0.005 <0.04 1,900 7.64 June 3,2010 75 <0.005 <0.04 1,600 7.30 January 19,2011 45 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 7.37 July 19,2011 60 <0.005 <0.04 1,100 7.62 January 10,2012 140 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 7.71 July 24,2012 35 <0.005 <0.04 990 7.61 January 29,2013 200 <0.005 <0.04 1,000 7.44 July 23,2013 45 <0.005 <0.04 860 7.26 January 21,2014 20 <0.005 0.017 1,000 7.39 July 15,2014 45 <0.005 <0.04 910 7.61 January 6,2015 45 <0.005 <0.04 590 7.68 June 30,2015 70 0.0014 J <0.04 690 7.55 January 12,2016 20 0.0009 J 0.0063 J 774 7.50 July 19,2016 20 <0.01 0.0182 J 691 7.47 January 17,2017 45 0.0016 J 0.0121 J 691 7.76 July 18,2017 30 <0.01 <0.02 793 7.55 January 24,2018 45 <0.01 <0.02 727 8.24 July 24,2018 450 0.0032 J 0.0278 757 8.70 January 29,2019 140 0.0036 J 0.03 198 9.22 July 23,2019 100 0.0038 J 0.0085 J 627 9.07 February 12,2020 250 <0.01 0.0315 998 9.26 August 19,2020 300 0.0063 J 0.0378 557 9.33 February 16,2021 90 <0.01 0.0296 606 9.28 August 10,2021 55 <0.01 0.0158 J 530 9.12 February 15,2022 125 0.005 J 0.011 J 860 9.66 August 9,2022 175 0.0036 J 0.0352 826 8.90 April 4,2023 300/J/A 0.005 J 0.017 J 1,200 9.29 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 10 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration PZ-21 March 19,2002 300 <0.005 <0.04 400 6.26 September 7,2005 5 <0.005 <0.04 NA 5.69 February 28,2007 15 <0.005 <0.04 430 6.19 August 29,2007 <5 <0.005 <0.04 520 6.03 June 13,2008 10 <0.005 <0.04 690 6.18 December 18,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 500 6.12 June 3,2009 5 0.005 <0.04 550 6.03 December 17,2009 20 <0.005 <0.04 300 6.11 June 2,2010 10 <0.005 <0.04 4,200 5.54 January 18,2011 20 <0.005 <0.04 1,500 5.67 July 20,2011 10 <0.005 <0.04 2,400 5.25 January 10,2012 <5 <0.005 <0.04 920 5.99 July 24,2012 <5 <0.005 <0.04 760 6.20 January 30,2013 10 <0.005 <0.04 440 6.39 July 24,2013 10 <0.005 <0.04 270 6.16 January 22,2014 5 <0.005 <0.04 340 6.67 July 16,2014 20 <0.005 <0.04 1,400 6.23 January 6,2015 10 <0.005 <0.04 630 6.42 June 30,2015 10 0.0017 J <0.04 1,000 6.04 January 12,2016 10 <0.01 <0.02 688 6.29 July 19,2016 10 0.003 J 0.0046 J 440 6.31 January 17,2017 5 0.0018 J 0.0077 J 515 6.49 July 18,2017 15 <0.01 <0.02 540 6.08 January 24,2018 5 <0.01 <0.02 470 5.90 July 24,2018 10 <0.01 0.0067 J 461 5.88 January 29,2019 10 <0.01 0.0106 J 460 6.44 July 23,2019 5 <0.01 0.0122 J 482 6.12 February 12,2020 5 <0.01 0.0049 J 488 6.31 August 19,2020 5 <0.01 0.0118 J 485 6.13 February 16,2021 <5 <0.01 0.0079 J 441 6.26 August 11,2021 <5 <0.01 0.009 J 496 6.23 February 16,2022 <5 <0.01 0.007 J 475 6.25 August 9,2022 5 <0.01 <0.02 495 6.13 April 5,2023 <5 <0.01 0.008 J 430 6.46 RW-1 1995 17,090 0.05 NA NA 12.30 1997 14,250 0.47 NA NA 11.70 March 19,2002 6,000 0.03 0.18 4,300 9.90 September 7,2005 110 <0.005 NA NA 7.41 February 28,2007 2,000 0.022 0.016 1,600 7.33 August 28,2007 45 0.0073 <0.04 1,700 8.30 June 11,2008 1,000 0.022 <0.04 1,200 8.31 December 17,2008 2,000 0.0096 <0.04 760 9.62 June 3,2009 3,000 0.031 <0.04 1,600 9.71 December 16,2009 2,000 0.0097 <0.04 710 9.62 June 3,2010 2,500 0.0073 <0.04 2,200 9.39 January 19,2011 350 0.0075 <0.04 890 8.98 July 20,2011 260 0.0051 <0.04 810 7.52 January 11,2012 600 0.0095 <0.04 690 8.71 July 25,2012 90 0.0025 <0.04 430 7.71 January 30,2013 45 0.0069 <0.04 270 7.25 July 24,2013 130 0.01 <0.04 380 7.14 January 22,2014 80 0.0078 <0.04 240 7.04 July 16,2014 300 <0.005 <0.04 520 7.33 January 7,2015 120 0.0062 <0.04 240 7.86 July 1,2015 600 0.01 0.0082 J 680 8.49 January 13,2016 700 0.0086 J 0.0058 J 154 7.70 July 20,2016 1,500 0.0077 J 0.0065 J 1,290 9.33 January 18,2017 1,500 0.013 0.0095 J 1,750 9.51 July 19,2017 1,500 0.0145 0.0161 J 1,340 9.20 January 25,2018 2,000 0.0111 0.0102 J 1,060 9.52 July 25,2018 1,500 <0.01 0.015 J 853 9.06 January 30,2019 900 0.0075 J 0.0115 J 375 9.17 July 24,2019 150 <0.01 0.0071 J 265 7.54 February 11,2020 Covered with Gravel. August 20,2020 1,250 0.0331 0.076 194 7.63 February 17,2021 200 0.0208 0.0313 273 7.77 August 11,2021 90 0.02 0.022 165 7.25 February 16,2022 350 0.007 J 0.014 J 431 8.52 August 10,2022 50 0.0134 0.0203 145 7.41 April 5,2023 300 0.01 0.019 J 314 7.94 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data-Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.Asx Page 11 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration RW-2 1995 1,085 0.01 NA NA 8.00 1997 2,305 0.36 NA NA 7.60 March 19,2002 2,000 0.02 <0.04 1,200 6.91 February 28,2007 350 0.0077 0.02 1,200 6.59 August 28,2007 50 0.011 <0.04 1,200 7.15 June 11,2008 90 0.014 <0.04 2,900 6.85 December 17,2008 300 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 6.99 June 3,2009 200 0.012 <0.04 1,000 6.09 December 16,2009 60 0.0094 0.05 640 4.28 June 3,2010 1,300 <0.005 <0.04 1,100 6.41 January 19,2011 3,500 0.013 <0.04 1,100 6.78 July 20,2011 140 0.0072 <0.04 1,000 6.53 January 11,2012 330 0.006 0.012 680 5.93 July 25,2012 450 0.0042 0.013 810 6.42 January 30,2013 25 <0.005 0.01 480 5.64 July 24,2013 15 0.0038 0.01 440 5.52 January 22,2014 15 0.0037 0.015 340 5.64 July 16,2014 300 0.0071 <0.04 1,100 6.73 January 7,2015 130 0.0053 <0.04 870 6.83 July 1,2015 100 0.0062 <0.04 950 6.71 January 13,2016 350 0.001 J 0.0095 J 156 5.72 July 20,2016 50 0.0032 J <0.02 1,900 6.66 January 18,2017 1,500 0.0056 J 0.0099 J 1,680 6.72 July 19,2017 1,600 0.0043 J 0.0111 J 1,430 6.70 January 25,2018 600 <0.01 <0.02 705 7.28 July 25,2018 1,250 <0.01 0.0183 J 701 5.89 January 30,2019 600 0.0068 J 0.026 335 6.39 July 24,2019 225 0.0043 J 0.0077 J 565 5.96 February 11,2020 Covered with Gravel. August 20,2020 100 <0.01 0.0543 328 5.71 February 17,2021 750 0.0132 0.027 1,270 6.67 August 11,2021 1,800 0.018 0.016 J 1,780 6.98 February 16,2022 125 0.011 0.028 695 6.47 August 10,2022 35 <0.01 <0.02 359 5.34 April 5,2023 3,500 0.023 0.032 895 6.66 RW-3 1995 238 <0.01 NA NA 6.80 1997 450 0.19 NA NA 7.60 March 19,2002 1,200 0.01 <0.04 1,300 7.26 February 28,2007 500 0.013 0.023 550 6.96 August 28,2007 300 0.0088 <0.04 800 7.13 June 11,2008 30 0.005 <0.04 850 6.90 December 17,2008 250 0.0062 <0.04 900 6.61 June 3,2009 400 0.01 <0.04 1,100 6.43 December 16,2009 200 0.0058 <0.04 1,100 6.34 June 3,2010 750 <0.005 <0.04 920 6.44 January 19,2011 1,500 0.0063 <0.04 980 6.49 July 20,2011 130 <0.005 <0.04 1,100 6.59 January 11,2012 250 0.0088 0.023 1,000 5.99 July 25,2012 350 0.0035 <0.04 750 6.50 January 30,2013 40 <0.005 0.012 1,200 6.46 July 24,2013 30 0.0029 <0.04 910 6.64 January 22,2014 200 <0.005 <0.04 590 6.29 July 16,2014 150 0.0021 <0.04 830 6.57 January 7,2015 200 0.014 <0.04 980 7.01 July 1,2015 20 0.0045 J <0.04 830 6.48 January 13,2016 350 0.0017 J 0.0089 J 580 6.15 July 20,2016 70 0.0092 J <0.02 1,650 6.91 January 18,2017 1,750 0.0161 0.0041 J 1,770 7.08 July 19,2017 500 0.0055 J 0.0143 J 796 6.20 January 25,2018 400 <0.01 <0.02 626 6.47 July 25,2018 375 0.0691 0.0847 758 6.35 January 30,2019 500 0.006 J 0.0322 699 6.42 July 24,2019 225 0.0047 J 0.0156 J 774 6.59 February 11,2020 Covered with Gravel. August 20,2020 50 0.008 J 0.043 568 6.37 February 17,2021 50 <0.01 0.027 2,420 6.42 August 11,2021 275 0.01 J 0.016 J 2,190 6.86 February 16,2022 225 0.004 J 0.026 1,630 6.70 August 10,2022 55 0.0161 0.0204 1,820 6.20 April 5,2023 350 0.006 J 0.026 2,030 6.70 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 12 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration RW-4 1995 1,385 0.09 NA NA 12.20 1997 4,240 0.11 NA NA 10.70 March 20,2002 4,500 0.12 0.11 3,300 10.24 February 28,2007 2,500 0.1 0.035 1,800 NA August 28,2007 3,500 0.1 0.041 1,800 9.95 June 11,2008 3,000 0.086 <0.04 3,600 10.36 December 17,2008 1,000 0.0095 <0.04 880 NR June 3,2009 350 0.026 <0.04 940 8.12 December 16,2009 150 0.0066 <0.04 640 8.06 June 3,2010 2,000 0.019 <0.04 1,100 8.85 January 19,2011 2,300 0.038 <0.04 1,400 9.74 January 30,2013 2,000 0.012 <0.04 1,600 10.10 July 24,2013 180 0.01 0.01 1,100 10.18 January 22,2014 150 0.0078 <0.04 570 8.18 July 16,2014 450 0.018 <0.04 1,100 7.90 January 7,2015 800 0.025 0.018 J 1,100 9.74 July 1,2015 500 0.0065 0.0051 J 940 9.44 January 13,2016 250 0.0028 J 0.0035 J 505 7.84 July 20,2016 875 0.0102 0.0033 J 984 9.69 January 18,2017 1,500 0.0252 0.0042 J 1,400 9.37 July 19,2017 350 0.0065 J 0.0074 J 695 8.97 January 25,2018 450 0.0117 0.0048 J 794 9.26 July 25,2018 375 <0.01 0.0154 J 564 7.85 January 30,2019 150 0.0035 J 0.0179 J 422 7.35 July 23,2019 149 0.0068 J 0.0198 J 739 8.40 February 11,2020 Covered with Gravel. August 20,2020 200 0.0178 0.0471 284 8.67 February 17,2021 300 0.0171 0.0466 522 9.31 August 11,2021 225 0.011 0.0262 558 9.76 February 16,2022 110 0.005 J <0.02 274 9.56 August 10,2022 30 <0.01 0.0081 J 163 10.93 April 5,2023 60 0.016 0.03 275 7.67 RW-5 1995 3,045 0.05 NA NA 12.70 1997 8,360 0.43 NA NA 12.60 March 20,2002 4,000 0.14 0.26 70,000 12.43 February 28,2007 9,000 0.6 0.98 110,000 12.40 August 28,2007 8,000 NA NA 150,000 12.19 June 11,2008 10,000 0.51 <0.20 150,000 12.28 December 17,2008 12,000 <2.5 <20 100,000 NR June 3,2009 9,000 0.062 <0.04 160,000 12.40 December 16,2009 6,000 0.042 0.089 82,000 12.47 June 3,2010 5,000 <0.25 <2.0 160,000 12.28 January 19,2011 7,000 <0.5 <4 170,000 12.65 July 20,2011 13,000 <1.3**(0.53) <10**(2.5) 170,000 12.30 January 30,2013 NA 0.29 0.46 180,000 12.51 July 24,2013 10,000 0.58 1.8 230,000 12.15 January 22,2014 10,000 0.23 <2(0.5) 160,000 12.57 July 16,2014 10,000 0.20 <0.04 160,000 11.74 January 7,2015 18,000 0.13 0.25 160,000 12.78 July 1,2015 10,000 0.48 0.24 150,000 12.52 January 13,2016 12,500 0.0769 0.117 150,000 12.60 July 20,2016 15,000 0.0545 0.248 163,000 12.38 January 18,2017 9,000 0.175 J 0.799 J 104,000 12.61 July 19,2017 8,000 0.2940 5.8 154,000 12.58 January 25,2018 7,000 0.328 <1(0.235) 156,000 12.55 July 25,2018 20,000 0.321 2.05 173,000 12.41 January 30,2019 14,000 0.917 5.05 154,000 12.44 July 24,2019 10,000 <5 <10 950,000 J 12.46 February 11,2020 Covered with Gravel. August 20,2020 20,000 0.25 25.8 147,000 12.37 February 17,2021 14000/J/A 0.0752/J/AP 1.67/J/AP 148,000 12.02 August 11,2021 13000/J/A 0.08 0.169 200,000 12.57 February 16,2022 11,000 0.29 J/A 7.84 100,000 11.63 August 10,2022 10,000 0.174 4.76 193,000 11.77 January 10,2023 8,750 0.392 9.2 NA 11.61 April 5,2023 8000/J/A 0.175/J/A 9.4 62,700 11.50 Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.xlsx Page 13 of 14 Table 3 Historical and Current Groundwater Analytical Results Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton,North Carolina Parameters Color Chromium 1 Nickel TDS pH NC 2L Groundwater Standard 15 Plat-Cob Units 0.01 mg/L 1 0.1 mg/L 500 mg/L 6.5-8.5 SU Well ID Sample Date Concentration RW-6 1997 1,910 0.061 NA NA 12.30 March 20,2002 4,500 0.11 0.13 43,000 12.86 February 28,2007 4,500 0.11 0.23 23,000 12.30 August 28,2007 350 <0.005 <0.04 900 10.56 June 11,2008 1,800 0.01 <0.04 7,100 12.26 December 17,2008 4,000 0.078 0.11 16,000 12.37 June 3,2009 3,000 0.036 <0.04 19,000 12.22 December 16,2009 4,000 0.096 0.2 18,000 12.51 June 3,2010 2,000 0.011 <0.04 13,000 11.95 January 19,2011 2,500 <0.1 <0.8 21,000 12.39 July 20,2011 30 <0.005 <0.04 1,600 8.69 January 11,2012 100 0.012 0.02 1,700 9.25 July 25,2012 20 <0.005 <0.04 1,800 7.54 January 30,2013 1,000 0.031 0.039 4,400 10.84 July 24,2013 700 0.03 0.06 4,900 11.15 January 22,2014 350 <0.005 <0.04 3,900 10.15 July 16,2014 2,500 0.0028 <0.04 9,400 9.27 January7,2015 3,500 0.083 0.13 14,000 12.55 July 1,2015 2,000 0.033 0.041 12,000 12.14 January 13,2016 1,500 0.0382 0.0663 15,200 11.49 July 20,2016 2,500 0.0085 <0.02 9,210 10.12 January 18,2017 2,000 0.0047 J <0.02 7,170 9.53 July 19,2017 100 <0.01 0.0472 2,110 9.75 January 25,2018 1,000 0.0108 0.0072 J 4,580 10.65 July 25,2018 3,500 0.0039 J 0.127 7,240 10.33 January 30,2019 3,000 0.109 0.363 9,880 11.56 July 24,2019 350 <0.01 0.0315 2,250 9.37 February 13,2020 3,500 0.0583 0.395 11,500 12.29 August 20,2020 30 <0.01 0.0647 286 9.68 February 17,2021 10 <0.01 0.0604 542 7.56 August 11,2021 110 0.004 J 0.03 602 9.59 February 16,2022 15 <0.01 0.052 612 9.11 August 10,2022 20 0.0048 J 0.0212 336 6.85 January 10,2023 125 0.0118 0.0604 NA 8.89 April 5,2023 10 <0.01 0.054 555 9.44 RW-7 1997 4 0.03 NA NA 6.40 March 20,2002 15 0.01 <0.04 1,100 5.89 February 28,2007 35 0.019 <0.04 390 5.69 August 28,2007 <5 <0.005 <0.04 380 8.55 June 11,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 610 6.61 December 17,2008 5 <0.005 <0.04 320 7.13 June 3,2009 15 <0.005 <0.04 670 6.85 December 16,2009 25 <0.005 <0.04 780 6.33 June 3,2010 300 <0.005 <0.04 640 5.93 January 19,2011 300 <0.005 <0.04 690 6.23 July 20,2011 70 <0.005 <0.04 650 5.84 January 11,2012 100 0.004 <0.04 700 5.98 July 25,2012 250 0.0027 <0.04 770 5.89 January 30,2013 10 <0.005 <0.04 1,100 5.98 July 24,2013 35 <0.005 <0.04 1,000 6.12 January 22,2014 5 <0.005 <0.04 1,200 8.15 July 16,2014 5 <0.005 <0.04 1,500 7.22 January 7,2015 10 <0.005 <0.04 1,400 6.57 July 1,2015 5 0.0042 J 0.0042 J 1,500 6.36 January 13,2016 70 0.0011 <0.02 1,060 7.74 July 20,2016 5 0.0023 J <0.02 1,230 5.98 January 18,2017 70 0.0017 J <0.02 1,120 6.40 July 19,2017 175 0.0029 J 0.0128 J 1,250 6.42 January 25,2018 5 <0.01 <0.02 1,260 7.45 July 25,2018 300 <0.01 0.0106 J 1,140 6.69 January 30,2019 250 <0.01 0.0168 J 1,010 7.61 July 24,2019 15 0.0033 J 0.0123 J 826 6.42 February 13,2020 10 <0.01 0.01911 338 8.78 August 20,2020 10 <0.01 0.0317 467 6.62 February 17,2021 5 <0.01 0.0142 J 473 6.51 August 11,2021 <5 0.004 J 0.007 J 409 6.14 February 16,2022 15 <0.001 0.013 J 374 6.61 August 10,2022 5 <0.01 <0.02 186 6.07 April 5,2023 <5 <0.01 0.012 J 402 7.16 Notes: NA-Not Analyzed. SU-Standard Units TDS-Total Dissolved Solids mg/L-milligrams per liter Bolded font indicates the analyte was detected above the North Carolina 2L Ground Water Standard. pH criteria based off of background well pH values and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations from the EPA 2006 Drinking Water Standards. "The reporting limit exceeds the screening criteria. See the individual Data Assessment Reports for July 2011 for further explanation. Method detection limits are in parentheses. See Table 4 for explanation of data qualifiers. Table 3-IP Canton Historical Data-Aug 2022(1)_AT_ML.Asx Page 14 of 14 Table 4 Summary of Added Data Qualifiers—April 2023 Pactiv Evergreen Site Canton, North Carolina Modifier Description < Indicates not detected at the reporting limit indicated. 11/1, Separates the laboratory added data qualifiers from the validation data qualifiers. The laboratory added data qualifiers precede the first "P. The result qualifiers follow the first "P, and the analysis qualifiers follow the second "P. The result qualifiers are a product of the data validation process, and the analysis qualifier defines the type of QC excursion. Laboratory Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description J Estimated value detected below the reporting limit. Result Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description J The analyte was positively identified. The quantitation is an estimation. Analysis Data Qualifiers Qualifier Description A The relative percent difference between the primary and field duplicate samples exceeded the established criteria. Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT A FIELD SAMPLING LOGS -Page of AECOM Daily Activity Log Client: IP -LR.G.— Project Name: Field Personnel: (a d,,:2! i L- / Project Manager: Date: 3 �2 Project Number: Daily Objective: QQ -25 S &� y oarLC4, �S JdZak S� O� m Ogpz <\G. °dam �i��i:. �V�l Q✓ r1 nS �'C y Mr,a.(� r,(1 44 /-/DI)yP� C�Uel reLn 1 drs� <5 AAe Sol /c,. Cr C-eft,On-roIR�P todG�a�e, sa rY�fo . 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MP07i- I�)/ S,�f Cr I,_IM-k, 19'-� M LC2Zpin) PZ- d ni 1:,u- end 4m-+D ers Ex- ipw +L-r,, t,�u, r� I g,Tl re n„ 07 ss P-117,,.1 p 7 tW 7,4 1, 1 , I o kg I /0 qai L2 52mA1,P D 6g 1 , Dr-�P 7, S 40 Saw�IQ 06Zs- Sep 1 Pz-/I• l3ce11 , nrti (2 b. S400 r,11 a4-c-4o 2m--rlz, oRSn o, Ir-Z—P,. bnj 3 1 Vol , /V,11 11)1—J:u s-P-4/1-LML.r y) Ia I1, �4 S-2L, �/t p�tQ nL,�uP or PZ-`1. BOU 3 k)rI( vol5, h/AI L-A lnu, -.O -r-e r-1 r,n Iak— le, 9c1�s Sc1 L�P or "1, D q. yacal. w.11 r�l�n.. 1,(Lr 1,) so, ok. b9 Pz-I. / "( 3 w,-d l J I S. wi 11 r r+ \,r l ot♦=c.r- h sa#-Rjf. In cps Se�- vn P7-I�. Soch, mz) iLt-r n r�5, t Iw r s( o�lnf'.�L✓Jt y�- f3ot'I I�-�,�in wo l tAnJ l�.e i,✓, /D 2-0 50r„n „/) Pz-2- 82."j. 2�24(�) S aril, 14/11l son2p f 1025 Pz-'!> no IDnb&✓ Lytld-r I&LE `. (you4,f u11- 1)LAA11"• " Q lqa 1. po,JI -<ot . 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C- of daj4 ' ASCOM Daily Activity Log -Page I of I Client: I P fie--- Project Name: 'Gfle-ffamersvft /P ta,,4, Field Personnel: 1+, &, 6grLl�, TUS,6h g„uI-r Project Manager: ss L, Sid Date: L/ /S-/zs Project Number: 607o,s I Daily Objective:�9^/sa,.2e, Mw, ,.sao, ho,k., W h 4ay-asret&,0 07oo 146 14, S6 de Pac'- hakA to huu D 7 I S" flrn 0.-7 S;ke / Meek uJ/ C-!2,grt, Cal,1ar,,[e Ys I gt-M,�rnTPw 0-730 up or PZ- S. 8a:f, 7Jrr, Z /0), �)a/ , 2z�c n� la J�er Sarn Pl e 07 v'ols� Eljf_rV-,, /afcr 081s-- Sk� UD 0,1 PZ- B«, I 3 we../l tools. )ak(- A;, scxmgk- D PS3c- co((eGf Sarn�l2 P y-/y 12 0?,S7-:- lko, Soe 2/ PZ`IZ-O✓ , 9`'PZ`10-XIS p (#w-(a on MS�Msh� 0 900 car l 14Q nn -A,41 d P!4s of a l i WV1[s wh,"),e kV0.1�t4 {w we.115 -ln Selfle,. [,Q3 D CON J- -,an+14 PZ-5- 10VU Gollet� so�rnMc PZ-2l 1pso cm([e�,( sa��c Pz-17 //Do lunr4 i t�la�j- lid Sg,viPhr h .rl ��loa_ ec (� 123y . 12--y0 CoUekt- �,xY,,,DIe QA)- I of-kr hlUc �l /dprra I ih AIaU lZS.� Co(le& Sow,ptc Qw-2 /3lU cm[lec�- ��,r�IP fLw-� /yZS I`ly() a(! i2h Aoa=te.d 6tj r^ d-o"ilI_ Deaow4- 5,I-e )z2 Poe-t- /�D0 L.nnlorn„�,G�d. (VrAA�.ra�w,012,/=ei c,ll su.,.dre celltl,I'-2�. 1��o v E . DAILY INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION CHECK SHEET Instrument # S73 Manufacturer ys I Model/Serial# prr, P/,,s Instrument # 37 31 Date/Time W l3/ Z 3 Parameter Initial reading Calibrated to Lot/Batch Exp Date Comments Calibrated pH: 4 39S t� ov 76093 Sq /0 /ZO pH: 7 7` C7 'l, -1607-S o 9 /ZD pH: 10 78o92yg 9lw oz Conductivity I Z ORP 8 I!5 SS 9/u0 DO 6•U! Instrument # Date/Time g I q j Z� 0-7yD Parameter Initial reading Calibrated to Lot/Batch Exp Date Comments Calibrated pH: 4 •�`b Lf ,D(� 76093�59 /0 /20 pH: 7 7 �g 7. v Z pH: 10 IU.II 1D.0S- 7Po92�>� 9/rt7 Conductivity 1278 ORP Z28. Z37, '�;' -7 rgs 9/Zo DO / V-7 ?-7 Comments M,cr-o rPw 51N 2aOWSOV , rwb"dui WL � cal � O.OVNTIJ (10E-21/642, ekpaa-z�N, /0NFUu of-Vlachexposf-- /000r\m) (iol-7-110", rxPyd--?:) y q DAILY INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION CHECK SHEET Instrument # S73 Manufacturer ys I Model/Serial# pn, p/,,s Instrument # 37 3 1 Date/Time W l 5 lZ3 7 i s Parameter Initial reading Calibrated to Lot/Batch Exp Date Comments Calibrated pH: 4 �' 9) Lj' Ov 78?0 13 59 10 /zo pH: 7 7, d 3 7. 0 L - 6D97-,.(, 9 /to pH: 10 790 Z� Vto Conductivity /Z s l27 7,bI o2y 1, `//to ORP ZZS. a 2S7. `/ 78IlrSs 9/w DO 16- I9 L1. Z6 Instrument # Date/Time Parameter Initial reading Calibrated to Lot/Batch Exp Date Comments Calibrated pH: 4 pH: 7 pH: 10 Conductivity ORP DO Comments M,cry TPw 5/N 20070soz[, rwb cal 0.02 NTV (to(-Zl(d`l Z, t)<�acl z3 i /0 V\Tu CW-21l0/q,GkP ocf-n),cf/000 NM 00-7410", C.P OC�-z3) y /s AEWM PAGE OF 6.2 WATER LEVEL DATA SUMMARY FPRO,lEr.T-. International Pa er JaeRUMSER. ( a1°R3l-1 CATION: Canton, NC DATE: v� IENT: MEASURED aY: OMVEY DATUM' if 6 CEASURING DEVICE: Electronic Water Level Indicator �, B u[t WEu TIME MEASURLMG POINT DEPTH Screen IiWB£R 1MiY4yI Commem Description EI+vaUon(Fn (p OTOC Length PZ-1 1/9-0 N, q9 PZ-2 ; S. 5 - PZ-3 C ,is o I,+-4 r- w a 'r PZ-4 A tves<I- I,i -v#%r,, b�rrr-� bol PZ-5 ,�•� q. c3 PZ-6 I o S 3 s M- bhu 1. ) PZ-7 SD j, 3 Ca PZ--8 5(, PZ-9 Z •�2 PZ-11 ?,s5' S 3 6� �xa�r� 5Er,? PZ-12 Lt i. PZ-13 PZ-14 1 �•a� b lid 1 .'so s� ��. I PZ-15 Abandoned PZ-16 — v 3 k E PZ-17 0 °r k,-,-(-O�< PZ-1 e PZ-20 3 S! PZ-21 a 5 q. 3 RW-1 ;:n3 RW-2 RW-3 , r /1, RW4 2.S-i" Ryy.5 7 g 2-H drasleeves-Duplicate AECOM PAGE 2 OF Z WATER LEVEL DATA SUMMARY PROJECT- Intemationai Pa er Jae NUMSER: (1 d 13 1`1 LOCAnON. Canton,NC DATE: 7 13 CLIENT! MEASURED BY: SURVEY DATUMi MEASURING DEVICE, Electronic Water Level Indlrator WELL TIME MEASURING POINT DEPTH TO Screed co►rmRTs NUMBER {Mm"I DosrApdon "v000n In WATER{FT) Length RW-6 r3v ] RW-7 [��L BRA 9,S� BR-2 BR-3 4 n r r K t S S S o d a 2 r x e z x m i z z ¢ a L w m 4 � 'u I w uj x . 0. w w I.0 � [a►7 t � rn � f} � C' _ uj T _ m O E 3 Gi rm � m � rn � t � n � Lf a a � n E � Q x g Is z LD C - r d m z L p w ri tui 3 rf m m L4 m $ LL N E y 0 SAOr - N a a p a. a " I � u x y T u s 3 a ? cr c ❑ Y t- r73 a o a w E z n a i o c Ifi o W r�o _ ? w m N a 3 c ri c+� r Isv� ❑ o o $ a 6 - v a a a � l _ 1 � z J x s ur L7 � Y I I ra 0. rn >n h � { _ ui s r i vs o L LU w ro C c` Lc tv Ck G m To a ¢ a a v C N N L.7 c C ep m - D rn w L LL 0 $ o o v »+ 9 ui iLL. w m N 5 I w r� a rn L ry [lJ O d CL m fy 11 p n3 1 LIJ Ir I'7 I! ff I C �ayl •- � � K � a Q l� O $i E (S(�,� y dray � a .� p❑� FF Q_ � -. 4 Cn O ° UJ U m W 6 U m 2 m a *yjIL3 E o Cd r E CL c� E am g v t ' 3i n 3 r o (n 0 v a o 4 � ❑ x 2 � Q JJ � � � n V' sn e CL w LLu w15 v T T Y n a _ M w m S° C N mLn in in J a` Y ti w LL a p Qo J r y a w S ffi d n1 c v sv r m Inm 0� LLUp IA h fi j to LU e e 6 2 Nor N w W CCGppI C x p m tr 7 7 J r p�p C Cpp C C Q 0. l - z x L1 � � m Q 2 tp w IS J n I cn N xI4 c o' s < d sQn LLI N a d m E r•�s40 N p� N m �c � E � � �/j � in m ei a e, o r a v � i6 �6 9 G1 U Ll U r2 Y Lr1 N J b T l] } x fa � r = � a $ 48 S m aiq s o — L o FLUto Is U o 3 m e 14cn a � p r fl �` • Q 1.1 m d"O'llt"Ll7r, 0 m ony - f [�} C 'k " ti kn d k a a O n w t5 yLU LU a o 'alY ❑ r $ E w 8 m , e� p ra ucn° � Cl / � I � § u § I § x ] 9 S [ j lz 2 z o � En � w § § § I 2 ; § � � \ 1 � rla 6 ! 0 N E k 2 7 \ 7 , E e ; 2 § \ k \ § $ { \ / \ CE o r f ) k \ k 2 k § 7 o I « a u G cp LL a � � � - y $ 2 « § ! \ R � � 1, § § � k ¥m \ \ ® ƒ 2 7 — � \ / © % \ « & � i 2 § $ ¢ § i 7 . $ 2 .3 ^ £ ( - £ _ 2 \ , ■� � f � k { | � � � � � � � ) � ' \ R k k } § k ] 0 J 7 3 a ] 3 § ) 6 0 } I n Z I YlI U ! 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AES April 12,2023 Laurel Lunsford AECOM Environment 10 Patewood Drive Greenville SC 29615 RE: International Paper,Canton NC Dear Laurel Lunsford: Order No: 2304303 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc.received 14 samples on April 5,2023 9:45 am for the analyses presented in following report. "No problems were encountered during the analyses except as noted in the Case Narrative or by qualifiers in the report or QC Summary.Additionally,all results for the associated Quality Control samples were within EPA and/or AES established limits. AES'certifications are as follows: -NELAP/Florida State Laboratory ID E87582 for analysis of Non-Potable Water,Solid&Chemical Materials, Air&Emissions for Organics,and Drinking Water Microbiology&Metals,effective 07/01/22-06/30/23. -North Carolina Certification number 562 for analysis of Surface Water,Groundwater,Effluent,effective until 12/31/23. -South Carolina Environmental Laboratory Certification number 98016003 effective until 6/30/23. These results relate only to the items tested as received. This report may only be reproduced in full and with written permission from the laboratory. If you have any questions regarding these test results,please feel free to call. Sincerely, -F� Ioana Pacurar Project Manager 3080 Presi4ential Drive • Atlanta, Georgia 30340 - Tel: 770.457.8177 • Fax: 770-457-5188 •Toll 1~xti�e,800.972.4889 www.aesatlanta.com Page 1 of 32 �2 30Lf3c _ Tlagc n� AXO 11roaetu Number: 6D&9992.34)4- Chain of Custody and Analytical Request t mill!O'Custudy Number413: 775 1 17 LIMS N01111hcr: Project Name J Location: International Paper, Canton NC Sample Analysis Requested Quality Assurance Samples Client Name: International Paper `� a Collected by, Fr' ` liape Cochran Project Manager: Laurel Lun#sford See nxnis {1T f_rFMMENTS C—kr I17 Com {i.. � T SunpleIr] uilcCnlIyyjr' flmcCalicdcdfMililu3 y SornpicInforninnon (dd-rnivmyyyyl {hu mm} O 0' ! ?i]2 I'L2 Ph ti{ 01.,QR has 48 hour HOLD TIME J a 2— I Yl ez- 9 -� ZJ -7 t Cumody Tneden Prkr co Ratipr by Isbanrery Unplr Drllve"Veirlisl L■buralory Ilcrslpt RchrwraahedUy{Signed) s1 Time Received by(ogned) bare Time Del weicd DIM LlyloLAh Sbippcf xxxx rtiO3 1. melhudOfShipmrnl FED EX AnhiliN 2.- 2. nimnlynic,i Lub Anal icsl Env, Ser I.ocnnon AtiRnta GA 3. 3. Lab Rear icnr t DLIk�'I.OS. 7rmc r. y I J ChwnarCSrsiadyFlmnbcr Jarecellec�cd cusiudynunihcr{rg G1-19-2�01.01} 537�SIueMrnr rrr++jref r++nrwl�prigerf frumr Nlwd f'f1r' Page 2 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Project: International Paper,Canton NC Case Narrative Lab ID: 2304303 Sample Receiving Non-conformance: Samples PZ-7 and PZ-4 for Metals analysis as received did not meet specified pH range for the requested test methods of <2. Lab attempted to adjust pH at receipt using the maximum allowable amount of preservative;however,the required pH was not obtained.The laboratory proceeded per project history. Page 3 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: BR-1 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:20:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-001 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL ReportingUnits BatchID DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 20900 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 PH 6.89 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 175 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513093 5 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.338 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:43 EO Nickel 0.108 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:43 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 4 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: BR-3 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:35:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-002 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 12500 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.79 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 500 125 125 Pt-Co R513093 25 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0088 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:46 EO Nickel 0.0326 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:46 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 5 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-20 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:55:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-003 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1200 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.99 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 300 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0050 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:49 EO Nickel 0.0167 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/12/202315:47 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 6 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-20-A Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:55:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-004 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1280 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.27 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 600 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0053 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:52 EO Nickel 0.0104 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:52 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 7 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-7 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:10:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-005 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 7010 100 100 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.04 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 30000 5000 5000 Pt-Co R513093 1000 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.363 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:55 EO Nickel 0.152 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:55 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 8 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-6 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:20:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-006 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 549 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.16 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 600 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0067 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:58 EO Nickel BRL 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:58 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 9 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-4 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:25:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-007 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 17000 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 11.6 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 8750 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513093 250 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.207 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:01 EO Nickel 0.397 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/12/202315:50 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 10 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-18 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:30:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-008 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 259 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.13 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 20.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513093 1 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:23 EO Nickel 0.0065 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 20:23 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 11 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-11 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:40:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-009 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 3380 40 40 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 10.2 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 7500 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513093 250 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.136 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:04 EO Nickel 0.0514 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:04 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 12 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-8 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:50:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-010 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 433 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 04/06/2023 14:45 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.96 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 150 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513093 5 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0041 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:07 EO Nickel BRL 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:07 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 13 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-9 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:00:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-011 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 422 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.14 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color BRL 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513093 1 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0037 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:10 EO Nickel BRL 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:10 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 14 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-13 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:10:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-012 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 985 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.71 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 400 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0073 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:18 EO Nickel 0.0477 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:18 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 15 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-1 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:20:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-013 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1710 20 20 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.47 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 750 125 125 Pt-Co R513093 25 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0133 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:21 EO Nickel 0.0216 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:21 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 16 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-3 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:25:00 PM Lab ID: 2304303-014 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1050 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.90 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 04/06/2023 11:00 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 350 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 04/06/202311:55 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:24 EO Nickel BRL 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 04/07/2023 21:24 EO Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 17 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio Limit n Client Sample ID: BR-1 Lab ID: 2304303-001 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:20:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 20900 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.89 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 175 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513093 5 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.338 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.108 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: BR-3 Lab ID: 2304303-002 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:35:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 12500 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.79 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 500 125 125 Pt-Co R513093 25 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0088 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0326 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-20 Lab ID: 2304303-003 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:55:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1200 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.99 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 300 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0050 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0167 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-20-A Lab ID: 2304303-004 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 12:55:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1280 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.27 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 600 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0053 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0104 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Page 18 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Limit Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio n Client Sample ID: PZ-7 Lab ID: 2304303-005 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 7010 100 100 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.04 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 30000 5000 5000 Pt-Co R513093 1000 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.363 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.152 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-6 Lab ID: 2304303-006 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:20:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 549 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.16 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 600 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0067 1 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-4 Lab ID: 2304303-007 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:25:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 17000 1000 1000 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM450011+13-2011 pH 11.6 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 8750 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513093 250 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.207 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.397 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-18 Lab ID: 2304303-008 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:30:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 259 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.13 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 20.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513093 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Nickel 0.0065 1 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-11 Lab ID: 2304303-009 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:40:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Page 19 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio LimitClient Sample ID: PZ-1 l Lab ID: 2304303-009 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:40:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 3380 40 40 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 10.2 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 7500 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513093 250 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.136 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0514 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-8 Lab ID: 2304303-010 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 1:50:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 433 10 10 mg/L 354042 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.96 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 150 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513093 5 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0041 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-9 Lab ID: 2304303-011 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:00:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 422 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.14 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0037 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-13 Lab ID: 2304303-012 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 985 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.71 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 400 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0073 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0477 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-1 Lab ID: 2304303-013 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:20:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1710 20 20 ,ng/L 354095 1 Page 20 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio LimitClient Sample ID: PZ-1 Lab ID: 2304303-013 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:20:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.47 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 750 125 125 Pt-Co R513093 25 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0133 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354040 1 Nickel 0.0216 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354040 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-3 Lab ID: 2304303-014 Collection Date: 4/4/2023 2:25:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1050 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+13-2011 pH 7.90 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513067 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 350 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513093 10 Qualifiers: * value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated(value above quantitation range) BRL Below reporting limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded Narr See case narrative N Analyte not NELAC certified F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 21 of 32 ANAIYI[CAL Clear Save as ExvixdxMErrrnr AE$ SERVICES,INC. SAMPLE/COOLER RECEIPT CHECKLIST 1. Client Name: AECOM Environment AES Work Order Number: 2304303 2. Carrier: FedEx 0 UPS❑ USPS❑ Client❑ Courier❑ Othei Yes No N/A Details Comments 3. Shipping container/cooler received in good condition? • damaged ❑ leaking ❑ other❑ 4. Custody seals present on shipping container? • 5. Custody seals intact on shipping container? • 6. Temperature blanks present? • Cooler temperature(s)within limits of 0-6°C?[See item 13 and 14 for O O ® Cooling initiated for recently collected samples/ice 7' temperature recordings.] 1present ❑ 8. Chain of Custody(COC)present? • 9. Chain of Custody signed,dated,and timed when relinquished and received?to 10. Sampler name and/or signature on COC?11. Were all samples received within holding time?12. TAT marked on the COC? I If no TAT indicated,proceeded with standard TAT per Terms&Conditions. ❑ 13. Cooler 1 Temperature 1.1 °C Cooler 2 Temperature °C Cooler 3 Temperature °C Cooler 4 Temperature °C 14. Cooler 5 Temperature °C Cooler 6 Temperature °C Cooler 7 Temperature °C Cooler 8 Temperature °C 15. Comments: I certify that I have completed sections 1-15(dated initials). MJ 4/5/23 Yes No N/A Details Comments 16. Were sample containers intact upon receipt? • 17. Custody seals present on sample containers? 0 • 18. Custody seals intact on sample containers? 0Q • 19. Do sample container labels match the COC? O O O incomplete info El illegible ❑ no label ❑ other ❑ 20. Are analyses requested indicated on the COC? • samples received but not listed on COC 21. Were all of the samples listed on the COC received? O O © ❑ samples listed on COC not received ❑ 22. Was the sample collection date/time noted? • 23. Did we receive sufficient sample volume for indicated analyses? • ## 24. Were samples received in appropriate containers? • 25. Were VOA samples received without headspace(<1/4"bubble)? =1 0 26. Were trip blanks submitted? • listed on COC ❑ not listed on COC ❑ 27. Comments: This section only applies to samples where pH can be I certify that I have completed sections 16-27(dated initials). MJ 4/5/23 checked at Sample Receipt. Yes No N/A Details Comments 28. Have containers needing chemical preservation been checked?* • 29. Containers meet preservation guidelines? • 30. Was pH adjusted at Sample Receipt? • Note:Certain analyses require chemical preservation but must be checked in the laboratory and not upon Sample Receipt such as Coliforms,VOCs and Oil&Grease/TPH. This also excludes metals by EPA 200.7,200.8 and 245.1 which will be verified between 16 and 24 hours after preservation. I certify that I have completed sections 28-30(dated initials). MJ 4/5/23 Checklist 7.9.20 Rev 3 Page 22 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Project Name: International Paper, Canton NC Dates Report Lab Order: 2304303 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 2304303-001A BR-1 4/4/2023 12:20:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-001 B BR-1 4/4/2023 12:20:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-001 B BR-1 4/4/2023 12:20:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-001 B BR-1 4/4/2023 12:20:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-002A BR-3 4/4/2023 12:35:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-002B BR-3 4/4/2023 12:35:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-002B BR-3 4/4/2023 12:35:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-002B BR-3 4/4/2023 12:35:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-003A PZ-20 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-003A PZ-20 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/12/2023 2304303-003B PZ-20 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-003B PZ-20 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-003B PZ-20 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-004A PZ-20-A 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-004B PZ-20-A 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-004B PZ-20-A 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-004B PZ-20-A 4/4/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-005A PZ-7 4/4/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-005B PZ-7 4/4/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-005B PZ-7 4/4/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-005B PZ-7 4/4/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-006A PZ-6 4/4/2023 1:20:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-006B PZ-6 4/4/2023 1:20:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-006B PZ-6 4/4/2023 1:20:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-006B PZ-6 4/4/2023 1:20:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-007A PZ-4 4/4/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-007A PZ-4 4/4/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/12/2023 2304303-007B PZ-4 4/4/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-007B PZ-4 4/4/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 Page 23 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Project Name: International Paper, Canton NC Dates Report Lab Order: 2304303 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 2304303-007B PZ-4 4/4/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-008A PZ-18 4/4/2023 1:30:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-008B PZ-18 4/4/2023 1:30:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-008B PZ-18 4/4/2023 1:30:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-008B PZ-18 4/4/2023 1:30:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-009A PZ-11 4/4/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-009B PZ-11 4/4/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-009B PZ-11 4/4/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-009B PZ-11 4/4/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-010A PZ-8 4/4/2023 1:50:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-010B PZ-8 4/4/2023 1:50:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-010B PZ-8 4/4/2023 1:50:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-010B PZ-8 4/4/2023 1:50:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/6/2023 2:45:OOPM 04/06/2023 2304303-011A PZ-9 4/4/2023 2:00:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-011 B PZ-9 4/4/2023 2:00:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-011B PZ-9 4/4/2023 2:00:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-011B PZ-9 4/4/2023 2:00:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-012A PZ-13 4/4/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-012B PZ-13 4/4/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-012B PZ-13 4/4/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-012B PZ-13 4/4/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-013A PZ-1 4/4/2023 2:20:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-013B PZ-1 4/4/2023 2:20:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-013B PZ-1 4/4/2023 2:20:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-013B PZ-1 4/4/2023 2:20:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-014A PZ-3 4/4/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/6/2023 12:45:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304303-014B PZ-3 4/4/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/06/2023 2304303-014B PZ-3 4/4/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/06/2023 2304303-014B PZ-3 4/4/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 Page 24 of 32 AES,Inc. 3W Presbdential Dr. Atlanta,GA 30340 Sample pH Adjustment Sheet Samp!e Amount Added pH pH pH as Preservative Trme AES Sample ID Volume Test{s}Requested Department Preservative Loth �mL� Required Rec. Required mLflf NaOH Add after Initiais Date (military) Acid Pellets 2304303-ODIA 250 6010 S&R <2 5 HNO3 {� 0.5 4 MJ 415/2023 �ifoc Notes: 2 3 04 3 03-00 5A 250 6010 5&R <2 7 HNO3 r 14y •— lZ 0.5 5 Mi 4/5/2023 lt{Oa7 motes: 2304303-007A 250 6010 S&R <2 12 HNO3 0.5 10 MJ 415/2023 Notes: 2304303-MA 25D 6010 5&R <2 a HNO3 , �g��2 0.5 5 NiJ 4/5/2023 T-fo ft(� Notes: 2304303-013A 250 6010 S&R <2 8 HNO3 0.5 6 MJ 4/5/2023 Notes: 2304303-014A 250 6010 5&R <2 8 HNO3 O.5 6 MJ 4/5/2023 ! Notes: CLAS-003 Page 1 of 1 Page 25 of 32 AES,Inc. 3080 Presidential Dr. Atlanta,GA 30340 Sample ply Adjustment Sheet Sample Amount Added pH pH pH as Preservative Time AE55ample ID Volume Test(s)Requested Cepartment Preservative LoO after Initials Date Required Rec. Required mLof hFaOH {Milikary} (mL) Add Acid Pellets �oZA _4 0 6 0!0 Is Il O3 3d . - 1 s ! YI6I, Notes- V D 1,403 Z, D 4010 Aek6 G z 6 MA10 3,1-2ilk 1, 5` ' I SA Vlbll 8 9• � ' Notes: q /� bolo I C I L.L HIV03 � ;�+C 7� 1- � 6S�¢ Notes: 001 Notes: -0114 Motes: Notes: QAS-003 Page i o1 1 Page 26 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304303 BatchID: 354040 Sample ID: MB-354040 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513208 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354040 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081701 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium BRL 0.0100 Nickel BRL 0.0200 Sample ID: LCS-354040 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513208 SampleType: LCS TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354040 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081702 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 1.003 0.0100 1.000 100 80 120 Nickel 1.001 0.0200 1.000 100 80 120 Sample ID: 2304303-008AMS Client ID: PZ-18 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513208 SampleType: MS TestCode: METALS,TOTAL SW6010D BatchID: 354040 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081704 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 0.9522 0.0100 1.000 95.2 75 125 Nickel 0.9405 0.0200 1.000 0.006470 93.4 75 125 Sample ID: 2304303-008AMSD Client ID: PZ-18 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513208 SampleType: MSD TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354040 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081705 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 0.9133 0.0100 1.000 91.3 75 125 0.9522 4.17 20 Nickel 0.8997 0.0200 1.000 0.006470 89.3 75 125 0.9405 4.44 20 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 27 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304303 BatchID: 354042 Sample ID: MB-354042 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513009 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 BatchID: 354042 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12079128 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) BRL 10 Sample ID: LCS-354042 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513009 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354042 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12079129 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 2916 40 3000 97.2 78.33 117.67 Sample ID: 2304303-005BDUP Client ID: PZ-7 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/06/2023 Run No: 513009 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 BatchID: 354042 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12079132 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 7110 100 7010 1.42 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 28 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304303 BatchID: 354095 Sample ID: MB-354095 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081888 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) BRL 10 Sample ID: LCS-354095 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081889 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 3096 40 3000 103 78.33 117.67 Sample ID: 2304303-01IBDUP Client ID: PZ-9 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081891 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 421.0 10 422.0 0.237 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 29 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304303 BatchID: R513067 Sample ID: LCS-R513067 Client ID: Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513067 SampleType: LCS TestCode: pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513067 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12078378 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Rd Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 7.030 0.0100 7.000 100 90 110 Sample ID: 2304303-001BDUP Client ID: BR-1 Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513067 SampleType: DUP TestCode: pH for color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513067 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12078380 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 6.870 0.0100 6.890 0.291 10 Sample ID: 2304303-01IBDUP Client ID: PZ-9 Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513067 SampleType: DUP TestCode: pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513067 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12078608 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 6.150 0.0100 6.140 0.163 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 30 of 32 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 12-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304303 BatchID: R513093 Sample ID: MB-R513093 Client ID: Units: Pt-Co Prep Date: Run No: 513093 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Color by SM212OB-2011 BatchID: R513093 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12078803 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Rd Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Color BRL 5.00 Sample ID: 2304303-001BDUP Client ID: BR-1 Units: Pt-Co Prep Date: Run No: 513093 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Color by SM212OB-2011 BatchID: R513093 Analysis Date: 04/06/2023 Seq No: 12078805 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Color 175.0 25.0 175.0 0 20 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 31 of 32 End of Report Page 32 of 32 ANALYTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. AES April 14,2023 Laurel Lunsford AECOM Environment 10 Patewood Drive Greenville SC 29615 RE: International Paper,Canton NC Dear Laurel Lunsford: Order No: 2304524 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc.received 14 samples on April 6,2023 9:45 am for the analyses presented in following report. "No problems were encountered during the analyses except as noted in the Case Narrative or by qualifiers in the report or QC Summary.Additionally,all results for the associated Quality Control samples were within EPA and/or AES established limits. AES'certifications are as follows: -NELAP/Florida State Laboratory ID E87582 for analysis of Non-Potable Water,Solid&Chemical Materials, Air&Emissions for Organics,and Drinking Water Microbiology&Metals,effective 07/01/22-06/30/23. -North Carolina Certification number 562 for analysis of Surface Water,Groundwater,Effluent,effective until 12/31/23. -South Carolina Environmental Laboratory Certification number 98016003 effective until 6/30/23. These results relate only to the items tested as received. This report may only be reproduced in full and with written permission from the laboratory. If you have any questions regarding these test results,please feel free to call. Sincerely, -F� Ioana Pacurar Project Manager 3080 Presi4ential Drive • Atlanta, Georgia 30340 - Tel: 770.457.8177 • Fax: 770-457-5188 •Toll 1~xti�e,800.972.4889 www.aesatlanta.com Page 1 of 31 G3o ' Page r Project Number: �� --61j680ta2tt� Chain of Custody and Analytical Request ozinorCustodyNumber"h: c C 13 F LIMS Number: Project Name I Location: International Paper, Canton NC Sample Analysis Requested Quality A-istsrance Samples Client Name: Intemational Paper o a Collected by: Randy Morgan Hope Cochran Project manager: Laurel Lunpford yy � COM�i]=7JTS Cool«IP see C 1 6 t`+ Y ° smpk It) [Date Calkercd TemeColkocd{MJaury} m Ssonple Inft>rsuWon `_2 Ln O Idd-mmmyyyy h ibb men) ° U Q35 Ph i OLOR has 48 hour HOLD TIME 2- 2 A (-Wc3 0 8 ff 1-7 ✓ ,1 2-W 7 5- Z�ix SIl �Z b1D } ► - `I S Z 109'6 V / W - o" ps f zb2,3 { 3 o / I / 77 C*m%dy Trawarm Prior is Roceipe by I.Abantary Seim Pk aet}rery Oetakitt Lebortttory Reedpe Rdingwshad BY(Siyred) Dare Tyne It=mved by(t•Nwd) Dete Tme Delivered Dmucly Le Lib shipped ?(xxx I - — _- - Z,?I I Method of5hipment FEE}EX AtrbLUX 2. 2• Arwlyucal lab Analytical En . 5er Location Atlanta GA 3. 3. Lib Rect writ lti Date TI Tle l)CYeu of Cwrody N.br dxe cdk=d+ciurndy number felt 0I-1.9.1414-01l 32743 p.ry d n+wr*+f fr,yre7/+xi Iltunfa Y�Y' Page 2 of 31 73°14�� 1-4 Page Pmtecl Number: AZCQM Clain of Custody and Analytical Request OwirnofCuslodyNumbv111: LIMS Number Project Name I Location: International Paper, Canton NC Sample Analysis Requested Quality Assurance Samptes Client Name: International Paper C> LJ N Collected by: Randy Morgan Hope Cochran Project Manager: Laurel Lungsford 7- sn COMPAF-I S Cooky16 S«cam. 7 ry U a Srnpk la Date Culkcw rime C911eded( Mdiuvy V a. m )impk Infemown `^ V? O Idd mmrn YY571 (hh mm) 3 Vf V c, o Q a r vv_. Li 7tZ: f ph P OLDR has 48 hour HOLD TIME 1 14 , I 1 1 1 Cwtady Tnmrm Pdor w Re eipl by Ubaratery Sampk Drtinery netaib f Ubaraiary Rereipil Relmq USbw I3Y(S uedl Tune Recnved by[ul�dl Pepe Time DcIwimed Dtreetly to tab Shipped J xxx — ' __ 23 1 McthodofSNpmmt FED ESL Airbillp i 2 _ 2. Analytical Lab Analytical Env, er 0011of1 Atlanta GA 3. Lab Reti nt "� 1 Ewe I Chain uFCuvody•-mnber dxr eWkcud cuoady mun6er fe�-01-14-20d1•Ut) S?i IS odgmr fnvJrc+i r+mrr�!frreyre�Jrwen fltenJ{.ik Page 3 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-14R Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:35:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-001 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL ReportingUnits BatchID DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 487 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 PH 7.84 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 08:25 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 70.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0216 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:31 TA Nickel 0.0500 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:31 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 4 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-2 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:45:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-002 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 8670 100 100 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 11.2 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 08:28 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 15000 2500 2500 Pt-Co R513313 500 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0288 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:34 TA Nickel 0.212 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:34 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 5 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ- 12 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:55:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-003 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 6110 100 100 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.08 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 08:29 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 7500 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513313 250 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.129 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:15 TA Nickel 0.0472 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:15 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 6 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-5 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:30:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-004 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 410 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 04/07/2023 12:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.64 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 08:31 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color BRL 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:37 TA Nickel BRL 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:37 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 7 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-21 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:40:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-005 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 430 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.67 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:13 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color BRL 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:40 TA Nickel 0.0075 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:40 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 8 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: PZ-17 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:50:00 AM Lab ID: 2304524-006 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 293 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.48 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:15 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color BRL 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:49 TA Nickel 0.0117 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:49 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 9 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-1 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 12:40:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-007 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 314 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.78 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:17 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 300 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513313 5 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0104 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:52 TA Nickel 0.0193 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:52 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 10 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-2 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 12:55:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-008 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 895 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.26 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:21 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 3500 250 250 Pt-Co R513313 50 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0233 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:55 TA Nickel 0.0324 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:55 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 11 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-3 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:10:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-009 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 2030 20 20 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.14 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:25 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 350 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513313 10 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0063 J 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:58 TA Nickel 0.0255 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202313:58 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 12 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-4 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:25:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-010 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 275 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.12 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:27 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 60.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0163 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:02 TA Nickel 0.0302 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:02 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 13 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-5 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:40:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-011 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 62700 1000 1000 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 12.1 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:31 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 8000 1000 1000 Pt-Co R513313 200 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.175 0.0166 0.0500 ml;/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:14 TA Nickel 9.40 0.0259 0.100 mS/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:14 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 14 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-5-A Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:40:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-012 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 48200 1000 1000 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 12.1 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:39 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 4500 500 500 Pt-Co R513313 100 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.237 0.0166 0.0500 ml;/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:17 TA Nickel 10.8 0.0259 0.100 mS/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:17 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 15 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-6 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 2:10:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-013 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 555 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.71 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:53 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 10.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:05 TA Nickel 0.0541 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:05 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 16 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Client Sample ID: RW-7 Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Collection Date: 4/5/2023 2:25:00 PM Lab ID: 2304524-014 Matrix: Aqueous Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchlD DF Date Analyzed Analyst Limit Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 402 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 04/10/2023 15:15 NN pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.74 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 04/07/2023 09:55 SK Color by SM212OB-2011 Color BRL 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 04/07/2023 08:30 SK METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium BRL 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:08 TA Nickel 0.0119 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 04/11/202314:08 TA Qualifiers: ' Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated value above quantitation range BRL Not detected at MDL S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified > Greater than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method Narr See case narrative Page 17 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio Limit n Client Sample ID: PZ-14R Lab ID: 2304524-001 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:35:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 487 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.84 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 70.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0216 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0500 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-2 Lab ID: 2304524-002 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:45:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 8670 100 100 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 11.2 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 15000 2500 2500 Pt-Co R513313 500 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0288 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.212 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: PZ- 12 Lab ID: 2304524-003 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 8:55:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 6110 100 100 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 9.08 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 7500 1250 1250 Pt-Co R513313 250 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.129 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0472 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-5 Lab ID: 2304524-004 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:30:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 410 10 10 mg/L 354095 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.64 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-21 Lab ID: 2304524-005 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:40:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 430 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 Page 18 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL ReportiLimitng Units BatchID Dilution Client Sample ID: PZ-21 Lab ID: 2304524-005 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:40:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.67 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Nickel 0.0075 1 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: PZ-17 Lab ID: 2304524-006 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 10:50:00 AM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 293 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.48 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Nickel 0.0117 1 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-1 Lab ID: 2304524-007 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 12:40:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 314 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.78 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 300 25.0 25.0 Pt-Co R513313 5 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0104 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0193 1 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-2 Lab ID: 2304524-008 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 12:55:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 895 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.26 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 3500 250 250 Pt-Co R513313 50 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0233 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0324 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-3 Lab ID: 2304524-009 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 2030 20 20 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.14 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 350 50.0 50.0 Pt-Co R513313 10 Page 19 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio LimitClient Sample ID: RW-3 Lab ID: 2304524-009 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0063 1 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0255 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-4 Lab ID: 2304524-010 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:25:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 275 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 8.12 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 60.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 METALS,TOTAL SW601OD (SW3010A) Chromium 0.0163 0.0033 0.0100 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 0.0302 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-5 Lab ID: 2304524-011 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:40:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 62700 1000 1000 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 12.1 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 8000 1000 1000 Pt-Co R513313 200 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.175 0.0166 0.0500 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 9.40 0.0259 0.100 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-5-A Lab ID: 2304524-012 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 1:40:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 48200 1000 1000 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 12.1 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 4500 500 500 Pt-Co R513313 100 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Chromium 0.237 0.0166 0.0500 mg/L 354067 1 Nickel 10.8 0.0259 0.100 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-6 Lab ID: 2304524-013 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 2:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 555 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 7.71 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 Page 20 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 SUMMARY OF ANALYTES DETECTED Analyses Result Qual MDL Reporting Units BatchID Dilutio LimitClient Sample ID: RW-6 Lab ID: 2304524-013 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 2:10:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Color by SM212OB-2011 Color 10.0 5.00 5.00 Pt-Co R513313 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Nickel 0.0541 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Client Sample ID: RW-7 Lab ID: 2304524-014 Collection Date: 4/5/2023 2:25:00 PM Matrix: Aqueous Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 402 10 10 mg/L 354182 1 pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 pH 6.74 0.0100 0.0100 pH Units R513300 1 METALS,TOTAL SW6010D (SW3010A) Nickel 0.0119 J 0.0052 0.0200 mg/L 354067 1 Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level E Estimated(value above quantitation range) BRL Below reporting limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded Narr See case narrative N Analyte not NELAC certified F Analyzed in the lab which is a deviation from the method B Analyte detected in the associated method blank < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 21 of 31 ANAIYI[CAL Clear Save as ExvixdxMErrr.AE$ SERVICES,INC. SAMPLE/COOLER RECEIPT CHECKLIST 1. Client Name: AECOM AES Work Order Number: 2304524 2. Carrier: FedEx 0 UPS❑ USPS❑ Client❑ Courier❑ Othei Yes No N/A Details Comments 3. Shipping container/cooler received in good condition? • damaged ❑ leaking ❑ other❑ 4. Custody seals present on shipping container? • 5. Custody seals intact on shipping container? • 6. Temperature blanks present? • Cooler temperature(s)within limits of 0-6°C?[See item 13 and 14 for O O ® Cooling initiated for recently collected samples/ice 7' temperature recordings.] 1present ❑ 8. Chain of Custody(COC)present? • 9. Chain of Custody signed,dated,and timed when relinquished and received?to. 10. Sampler name and/or signature on COC?11. Were all samples received within holding time?12. TAT marked on the COC? If no TAT indicated,proceeded with standard TAT per Terms&Conditions. ❑ 13. Cooler 1 Temperature 3.7 °C Cooler 2 Temperature °C Cooler 3 Temperature °C Cooler 4 Temperature °C 14. Cooler 5 Temperature °C Cooler 6 Temperature °C Cooler 7 Temperature °C Cooler 8 Temperature °C 15. Comments: I certify that I have completed sections 1-15(dated initials). AS 4/6/23 Yes No N/A Details Comments 16. Were sample containers intact upon receipt? • 17. Custody seals present on sample containers? 0 • 18. Custody seals intact on sample containers? 0Q • 19. Do sample container labels match the COC? O O O incomplete info El illegible ❑ no label ❑ other ❑ 20. Are analyses requested indicated on the COC? • samples received but not listed on COC 21. Were all of the samples listed on the COC received? O O © ❑ samples listed on COC not received ❑ 22. Was the sample collection date/time noted? • 23. Did we receive sufficient sample volume for indicated analyses? • ## 24. Were samples received in appropriate containers? • 25. Were VOA samples received without headspace(<1/4"bubble)? =1 0 26. Were trip blanks submitted? • listed on COC ❑ not listed on COC ❑ 27. Comments: This section only applies to samples where pH can be I certify that I have completed sections 16-27(dated initials). AS 4/6/23 checked at Sample Receipt. Yes No N/A Details Comments 28. Have containers needing chemical preservation been checked?* • 29. Containers meet preservation guidelines? • 30. Was pH adjusted at Sample Receipt? 010 1 • Note:Certain analyses require chemical preservation but must be checked in the laboratory and not upon Sample Receipt such as Coliforms,VOCs and Oil&Grease/TPH. This also excludes metals by EPA 200.7,200.8 and 245.1 which will be verified between 16 and 24 hours after preservation. I certify that I have completed sections 28-30(dated initials). AS 4/6/23 Checklist 7.9.20 Rev 3 Page 22 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Project Name: International Paper, Canton NC Dates Report Lab Order: 2304524 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 2304524-001A PZ-14R 4/5/2023 8:35:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-001A PZ-14R 4/5/2023 8:35:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-001A PZ-14R 4/5/2023 8:35:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304524-001B PZ-14R 4/5/2023 8:35:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-002A PZ-2 4/5/2023 8:45:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-002A PZ-2 4/5/2023 8:45:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-002A PZ-2 4/5/2023 8:45:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304524-002B PZ-2 4/5/2023 8:45:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-003A PZ-12 4/5/2023 8:55:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-003A PZ-12 4/5/2023 8:55:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-003A PZ-12 4/5/2023 8:55:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304524-003B PZ-12 4/5/2023 8:55:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-004A PZ-5 4/5/2023 10:30:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-004A PZ-5 4/5/2023 10:30:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-004A PZ-5 4/5/2023 10:30:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/7/2023 12:15:OOPM 04/07/2023 2304524-004B PZ-5 4/5/2023 10:30:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-005A PZ-21 4/5/2023 10:40:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-005A PZ-21 4/5/2023 10:40:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-005A PZ-21 4/5/2023 10:40:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-005B PZ-21 4/5/2023 10:40:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-006A PZ-17 4/5/2023 10:50:OOAM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-006A PZ-17 4/5/2023 10:50:OOAM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-006A PZ-17 4/5/2023 10:50:OOAM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-006B PZ-17 4/5/2023 10:50:OOAM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-007A RW-1 4/5/2023 12:40:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-007A RW-1 4/5/2023 12:40:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-007A RW-1 4/5/2023 12:40:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-007B RW-1 4/5/2023 12:40:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-OO8A RW-2 4/5/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 Page 23 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment Project Name: International Paper, Canton NC Dates Report Lab Order: 2304524 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Collection Date Matrix Test Name TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 2304524-OO8A RW-2 4/5/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-008A RW-2 4/5/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-008B RW-2 4/5/2023 12:55:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-009A RW-3 4/5/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-009A RW-3 4/5/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-009A RW-3 4/5/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-009B RW-3 4/5/2023 1:10:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-010A RW-4 4/5/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-010A RW-4 4/5/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-010A RW-4 4/5/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-010B RW-4 4/5/2023 1:25:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-011A RW-5 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-011A RW-5 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-011A RW-5 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-011B RW-5 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-012A RW-5-A 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-012A RW-5-A 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-012A RW-5-A 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-012B RW-5-A 4/5/2023 1:40:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-013A RW-6 4/5/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-013A RW-6 4/5/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-013A RW-6 4/5/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-013B RW-6 4/5/2023 2:10:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 2304524-014A RW-7 4/5/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous Color by SM2120 B 04/07/2023 2304524-014A RW-7 4/5/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous pH for Color Analysis 04/07/2023 2304524-014A RW-7 4/5/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous Residue, Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C 4/10/2023 3:15:OOPM 04/10/2023 2304524-014B RW-7 4/5/2023 2:25:OOPM Aqueous TOTAL METALS BY ICP 4/10/2023 9:11:OOAM 04/11/2023 Page 24 of 31 AES.Inc. 3W Presidential Dr_ Atlanta,GA 30W Sample pH Adjustment Sheet Amount Added PH Time Sample pH PH as Preservative after Initials Date AE5 Sample ID Volume Test(s)Requested Department Preservative Loth mL of NaOH (Military} Required Rec. Required Add_ (mL) Acid Pellets NOte3: Q ( na I'►r►C re(,i-clrcMerti O, r ♦4,t fY�Gti {mu►Vr CAI'►''+Cu►rl QCJ • L4.;CL5 60/0 6 010 f kc I 4z 6 HP03 3.2• // -0038 Notes_ � 0.1 o�v � x s0 6 010 I fe laA 4 z 6 //VOA 3. z r 5I# I�I,� : Notes: ' p 13 0YS1 y s-0 60/0 1-164A 4z 1 HOB QY't) , n e r&uyr WN,ee\ C, Y` e 1fjC"i N;uY1� CcVK►(7uY C.�C!` L"C.LS Notes; 52 arn 6Of a 1e r1s .Z f fl4 3 r2 z . S l.Z 5A !6 �G Y.'U Yv,ee V-Q'1�%.txrev-ert e muw1 c�iN►tJ rti + [ Ci' i.}sGS Notes: Page 1 of 1 OAS-003 Page 25 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304524 BatchID: 354067 Sample ID: MB-354067 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513417 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354067 Analysis Date: 04/11/2023 Seq No: 12086961 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium BRL 0.0100 Nickel BRL 0.0200 Sample ID: LCS-354067 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513417 SampleType: LCS TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354067 Analysis Date: 04/11/2023 Seq No: 12086964 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 1.057 0.0100 1.000 106 80 120 Nickel 1.057 0.0200 1.000 106 80 120 Sample ID: 2304524-003BMS Client ID: PZ-12 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513417 SampleType: MS TestCode: METALS,TOTAL SW6010D BatchID: 354067 Analysis Date: 04/11/2023 Seq No: 12086966 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 1.011 0.0100 1.000 0.1288 88.2 75 125 Nickel 0.9107 0.0200 1.000 0.04723 86.4 75 125 Sample ID: 2304524-003BMSD Client ID: PZ-12 Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513417 SampleType: MSD TestCode: METALS,TOTAL Sw6010D BatchID: 354067 Analysis Date: 04/11/2023 Seq No: 12086968 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Chromium 1.020 0.0100 1.000 0.1288 89.1 75 125 1.011 0.871 20 Nickel 0.9186 0.0200 1.000 0.04723 87.1 75 125 0.9107 0.864 20 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 26 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304524 BatchID: 354095 Sample ID: MB-354095 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081888 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) BRL 10 Sample ID: LCS-354095 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081889 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 3096 40 3000 103 78.33 117.67 Sample ID: 2304303-01IBDUP Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/07/2023 Run No: 513010 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354095 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12081891 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 421.0 10 422.0 0.237 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 27 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304524 BatchID: 354182 Sample ID: MB-354182 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513342 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM2540C-2015 BatchID: 354182 Analysis Date: 04/10/2023 Seq No: 12085226 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) BRL 10 Sample ID: LCS-354182 Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513342 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354182 Analysis Date: 04/10/2023 Seq No: 12085227 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 2912 40 3000 97.1 78.33 117.67 Sample ID: 2304545-OOlDDUP Client ID: Units: mg/L Prep Date: 04/10/2023 Run No: 513342 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Residue,Dissolved(TDS)by SM254OC-2015 BatchID: 354182 Analysis Date: 04/10/2023 Seq No: 12085230 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Residue,Dissolved(TDS) 1472 20 1484 0.812 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 28 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304524 BatchID: R513300 Sample ID: LCS-R513300 Client ID: Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513300 SampleType: LCS TestCode: pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513300 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12084419 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Rd Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 7.023 0.0100 7.000 100 90 110 Sample ID: 2304524-001ADUP Client ID: PZ-14R Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513300 SampleType: DUP TestCode: pH for color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513300 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12084425 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 7.880 0.0100 7.840 0.509 10 Sample ID: 2304524-01IADUP Client ID: RW-5 Units: pH Units Prep Date: Run No: 513300 SampleType: DUP TestCode: pH for Color Analysis by SM4500H+B-2011 BatchID: R513300 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12084459 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual pH 12.00 0.0100 12.07 0.523 10 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 29 of 31 Analytical Environmental Services,Inc Date: 14-Apr-23 Client: AECOM Environment ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Project Name International Paper,Canton NC Workorder: 2304524 BatchID: R513313 Sample ID: MB-R513313 Client ID: Units: Pt-Co Prep Date: Run No: 513313 SampleType: MBLK TestCode: Color by SM2120B-2011 BatchID: R513313 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12084506 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Rd Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Color BRL 5.00 Sample ID: 2304524-001ADUP Client ID: PZ-14R Units: Pt-Co Prep Date: Run No: 513313 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Color by SM2120B-2011 BatchID: R513313 Analysis Date: 04/07/2023 Seq No: 12084510 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qual Color 70.00 5.00 70.00 0 20 Qualifiers: > Greater than Result value < Less than Result value B Analyte detected in the associated method blank BRL Below reporting limit E Estimated(value above quantitation range) H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit N Analyte not NELAC certified R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Page 30 of 31 End of Report Page 31 of 31