HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000247_WinstonSalem Audit NOC_20221006ROY COOPER Garet"nor ELIZABETH S. BI ER BRIAN WR N Direcor NORTH CAROUNA Environmental Quality October 6, 2022 CERTIFIED MAIL 7019 1120 0002 0066 3347 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED City of Winston Salem Attn: Keith Huff, Stormwater Manager Stormwater Division PO Box 2511 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Subject: NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE City of Winston-Salem NPDES MS4 Permit No. NCS000247 Forsyth County Dear Mr. Huff: On June 14, 2022, staff from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) conducted a compliance audit of subject National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit For your reference, a copy of the MS4 Program Audit Report issued by DEQ is enclosed with this notice. In accordance with Part VI of the permit and DEQ policy, a new 5-year MS4 permit will be issued in response to the audit. As such, the Town is required to complete the following actions: (1) Respond in writing within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of this notice to acknowledge these requirements and the intent to comply. (2) Submit documentation for review and comment within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days from the date of receipt of this letter: a. Develop a Draft Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) which details specific actions, measurable goals, and implementation timelines to bring the stormwater management program into compliance with NPDES MS4 requirements over the new 5-year permit term. The SWMP must address all known compliance deficiencies including, at a minimum, any items detailed in the DEQ MS4 Program Audit Report and the City self -audit. (3) Submit an NPDES MS4 permit application within thirty (30) days of receiving written DEQ concurrence that the submitted Draft SWMP documents a compliant stormwater management program. A new 5-year NPDES MS4 permit will be public noticed along with the submitted SWMP. (4) Respond to public comments on the Draft SWMP and submit a Final SWMP for DEQ approval and final permit issuance. The final DEQ-approved SWMP shall become an enforceable component of the NPDES MS4 permit Norlh Carolnaf) pat tm, i of D1v"k;un f Ew git Mir,, if e,d LaiiJ R( sources 'tateigh Regiona Of€,cc 7028tar€a 1 yr „c e Ccnit�r . 3&09;. rreu Drtve O1R.703.Y?t3C3 Required documentation shall be submitted via e-mail to or to: DEQ-DEMLR Stormwater Program Attn: Paul Clark 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 ff Iffic C'11— to mcct the rcquircmcnts and for subrrM.-s a signiflcantly ncncompHarft Draft SWMP, DEQrna,yproceed with enforcement. As is stated in Part V, Section A.A(c) of'the permit: [In der state la "i, a daity civil pen alty oft ot more tha n twen I.y five the usan d dollars ($2,5, 000) per" violation maji be assessed cc gainst any person who violates orfaiis to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requireinery.ts ofa permit [North Carolina General Statute, 143-21,5,6AI. Please note, that corn.pHam',,e with the requi I reme= ofthis NOD andlor issuance oftivif or criminalpenalries levied h,y DEQ does clot pret,,Iude the EPAftoai cariying out its, own eppjbrcement case against the perinittee. Thank.,you for your, attent'don to this matter. Should you have any questions, ppease c:mtact me at (91.9) 707 �3642 or pauI.c!arkqPncLIenu.zoxf. Sincerely, /Z/ Paul Clark Water Supply Watershed Protection Coordinator Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Encposwwes: DEQ MS4 Permit CoinpHance Aiadit Report CC!! Andy Aflen, Assistant Stormwater, Director Isaiatilteed@iicdenr.gov, DEMLR MS4 Program Coordinator DEMLIR NPDES MS4 Pe,,rrnit Laserfiche Fille