HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201096 Ver 1_Buffer Mitigation Plan for PN_20220822BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN August 2022 FIRESTONE MITIGATION BANK PARCEL Catawba County, NC DWR Project Number 2020-1096v1 Catawba River Basin HUC 03050101 PREPARED BY: w WILDLANDS EN0INEERIN6 Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone: (704) 332-7754 Fax: (704) 332-3306 WILDLANDS ENGINVEERING August 18, 2022 Katie Merritt Nutrient Offset & Buffer Banking Coordinator North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27620 RE: DWR Draft Buffer Mitigation Plan Comments Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel (DWR # 2020-1096v1) Catawba County, NC Dear Ms. Merritt: Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (Wildlands) has reviewed the Division of Water Resources (DWR) comments dated June 1, 2022 for the Draft Buffer Mitigation Plan for the Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel. The DWR comments are listed below in bold, while Wildlands' responses are noted in italic lettering. 1. Project Number is 2020-1096(v1) Report has been updated. 2. There is a reference to Nutrient Offset here in the Table of Contents. There are also other references to Nutrient Offsets in the Buffer Plan. Remove all references to nutrient offset since it's not relevant for this buffer only plan. All references to Nutrient Offsets have been removed from the document. 3. References to MBI should be UMBI since this is an Umbrella Bank Site. All references to MBI have been changed to UMBI throughout the document. 4. References to BPDP should be Buffer Mitigation Plan since this is a combo project and this plan is an Appendix to the stream plan. All references to BPDP have been changed to Buffer Mitigation Plan throughout the document. 5. Correct MBI to UMBI and BPDP to Buffer Plan throughout the document. Requested edit has been made. 6. Add that the DWR ID# for the Stream site is 2020-1095. The DWR ID 2020-1096 has been added. 7. Did Wildlands apply the non-standard buffer width tool toward their stream mitigation credits? If yes, explain and provide a supporting figure. Riparian buffers meet the required minimum of 50 feet for stream mitigation projects, except where areas are limited due to existing utility easements. These areas exceed the 5% threshold allowed by the NCIRT mitigation guidance and subsequently, proposed credits were adjusted using the issued Wilmington District Stream Buffer Credit Calculator. As a result, credits are being requested within the 50 feet from top of bank only. Results and mapping are included in the Appendix. 8. Explain how the crossings will be installed such that cattle won't have access to the streams and adjacent riparian areas. Crossings #2 and 3 on Figure 7 are external and will be constructed as culvert crossings, which will prevent cattle access to the streams. All other crossings shown on Figure 7, will be internal Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 WILDLANDS EIIGINJEERIh1G crossings with gates. Cattle will be permitted to cross in these areas under supervision, per the approved conservation easement language. 9. There is a BMP on UT3 and UT2. Include a relevant reference from the Stream Plan where this BMP is discussed in more detail, or provide that level of detail here in this Plan since the BMP is being proposed within an area generating buffer mitigation credits. DWR cannot ensure the BMPs meet compliance for buffer mitigation rule without this additional information included in this Buffer Plan. If these BMPs intend to be more like vernal pools that are not going to be planted, then those areas will need to be removed from the Total Creditable Area column in the Project Credit Table with a specific row dedicated to the square footage of these BMPs. Two stormwater BMPs are proposed for the stream project, as depicted on Figure 7. BMP 1 will be established within the conservation easement in the eroded ephemeral channel upstream of UT2. The main objective of this BMP is to stabilize the eroded channel and to aid in the treatment of adjacent runoff. A step pool storm conveyance (SPSC) will be constructed to address the eroded ephemeral channel and to transition from a proposed culvert outlet to UT2. BMP 2 will also be established within the conservation easement and will stabilize the transition from upland areas to the valley bottom. A SPSC will be constructed upstream of UT3 to address the eroded ephemeral channel and treat agricultural runoff. The BMP areas have been included in the stream channel calculations. No buffer mitigation credits are being requested in these areas. 10. Is fescue going to be treated during parcel preparation? Explain why or why not. If being treated, explain how. Please see Section 4.1. Fescue will be sprayed prior to planting to reduce competition with the newly planted trees. 11. As seen on other sites planted in pasture areas, compacted soils are likely present throughout the entire area where riparian restoration activities are being performed due to the historical use of the land as pasture. DWR recommends site wide ripping, not just selected ripping, for this reason such that planted stems have lower risk of mortality associated with soil compaction. Please see Section 4.1. All compacted areas, including pastures, will be ripped prior to planting. 12. Are there any vernal pools being proposed within Riparian Areas? There are not any vernal pools being proposed within the project area. 13. Add a note that all activities associated with generating riparian buffer credit will occur at the same time as the stream mitigation activities and not before. If this is not the intent, explain. Please see Section 4.2. Language has been added to clarify that buffer mitigation activities will occur concurrently with the stream mitigation activities. 14. Indicate min and max widths of riparian restoration/enhancement/preservation. It appears some widths are less than 30' as well. Any areas less than 30' in width are shown as no credit on Figures 7 - 9 and not included in the credit totals. 15. Smooth alder is proposed as a Preferred Alternate Substitution species for Buffer Planting areas in Appendix E. Smooth Alder is not an appropriate species to plan site wide on buffer mitigation sites since they are known for adding nutrients to the soil. Our buffer protection rules are focused on limiting/removing nutrients to surface waters including the soils of riparian zones. Remove smooth Alder from the Planting plan as a preferred substitute. Smooth alder has been removed from the planting plan as a preferred substitute. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 WILDLANDS EIIGINEERING 16. Adjust performance standards to include trees and shrubs. Rule allows shrubs to be included in the 260 stems/acre and is cited as "the final performance standard shall include a minimum of four native hardwood tree and native shrub species." The requested language has been added to clarify the final performance standard. 17. Citation of rule should be (o)(6) The correction has been made. 18. Add the fence boundary to one of the supporting Figures and then reference that figure here. Cattle exclusion will be achieved either via removal of cattle from the site entirely or by the installation of'fencing as shown on Figures 7 and 9. If cattle is removed and fencing is not installed on the site, then no credit will be requested in the cattle exclusion areas shown on Figure 7. 19. Citation of rule should be (o)(4) for the preservation of streams for crediting on this site. The correction has been made. 20. Explain the 25% cap on preservation credits and which streams Wildlands is submitting under (o)(4). The 25% cap on preservation credits information has been added to Section 4.4 of the report. 21. Remove references to Nutrient Offset from this Plan. All references to nutrient offset credits have been removed from the Plan. 22. Where the Plan says "planted trees" correct to "planted trees and shrubs" Correction has been made. 23. Adjust performance standards to include trees and shrubs. Correction has been made to include trees and shrubs. 24. If any of these veg plots will be shared with the 404/401 stream bank please acknowledge that in this section. All of the veg plots shown on Figure 9 will be shared with the 404/401 stream bank. 25. Add the following to this monitoring sections: "A visual assessment of the cattle exclusion areas within the conservation easement will also be performed each year to confirm: Fencing is in good condition throughout the site No Cattle access within the conservation easement area No encroachment has occurred Diffuse flow is being maintained in the conservation easement area; and There has not been any cutting, clearing, filling, grading, or similar activities that would negatively affect the functioning of the buffer. Requested language has been added. 26. Add clarity that these credits will be derived from riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams. Requested language added to Section 7.0. 27. Add a note about how the credits comply with the 25% cap for Preservation. Also add a note that none of the riparian buffer credits generated on this site are convertible or transferrable to nutrient offset credits. Requested language added to Section 7.0. 28. The title for this table should not include SAW # but instead a DWR ID#. It should be titled "Firestone Buffer Mitigation Bank Project Credits" Requested edit has been made to the table title. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 ‘k, WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 29. This area is less than the required minimum width at only 18' and should be denoted as a "no credit area" Correction has been made to figure and credit totals for any areas less than 30'. 30. See Figure 9 and address same comments here on this figure. Corrections have been made to Figures 7, 8 and 9. 31. On the hard copy of the Buffer Mitigation Plan, these two dots are represented as one star. Does this imply there is more than 1 BMP in this area? The two proposed BMPs are step pool storm conveyances (SPSC). The BMPs should have been represented by a single star for each. The final report figure has been updated to correctly reflect this. 32. Provide a fence boundary on this map. Proposed fence boundary has been added to Figures 7 and 9. The final BPDP has been uploaded to the Laserfiche system. Please contact me at 704-560-2997 if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Andrea S. Eckardt Ecological Assessment Team Leader aeckardt@wildlandseng.com Wildlands Engineering, Inc. • phone 704-332-7754 • fax 704-332-3306 • 1430 S. Mint Street, # 104 • Charlotte, NC 28203 BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Catawba River Basin TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Project Introduction 1 1.1 Parcel Description 1 2.0 Mitigation Project Summary 2 2.1 Project Goals 2 2.2 Existing Parcel Conditions 2 2.3 Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation 3 2.4 Watershed Characterization 4 2.5 Soils 4 2.6 Existing Vegetative Communities 5 2.7 Threatened and Endangered Species 5 2.8 Cultural Resources 5 2.9 FEMA Floodplain Compliance 6 2.10 Parcel Location, Parcel Constraints, and Access 6 2.11 Other Environmental Conditions 6 3.0 Site Protection Instrument 7 4.0 Mitigation Work Plan 7 4.1 Parcel Preparation 7 4.2 Riparian Area Restoration Activities 7 4.3 Riparian Area Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion Activities 9 4.4 Riparian Area Preservation Activities 9 4.5 NCDWR As -Built Evaluation 9 5.0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan 9 5.1 Monitoring Protocol 9 5.2 Parcel Maintenance 10 5.3 Easement Boundaries 10 6.0 Financial Assurance and Long -Term Management 10 6.1 Financial Assurances 10 6.2 Long-term Management 11 7.0 Project Credit Potential 11 8.0 Credit Release Schedule 13 9.0 References 13 Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page i August 2022 Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Ecological and Water Quality Goals Buffer Project Attributes Project Features Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use Project Soil Types and Descriptions Listed Threatened and Endangered Species, Catawba County Summary of Site Easement Crossings and Breaks Site Protection Instrument Selected Tree Species Firestone Mitigation Bank - Project Credits Firestone - Total Area of Buffer Mitigation Credit Release Schedule for Riparian Buffer Credits Vicinity Map Service Area Map Site Map USGS Topographic Map Watershed Map NRCS 1974 Soil Survey Map Buffer Credits Map Riparian Buffer Zones Map Monitoring Components Map Current Land Use Photographs Historical Aerials On Site Determination of Applicability to Catawba Riparian Buffer Rules Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation Letter Regulatory Correspondence Firestone Mitigation Site Planting Plans NCIRT Stream Buffer Credit Calculator Results and Mapping Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan Page ii August 2022 HUC 03050101 BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Catawba River Basin Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC 1.0 Project Introduction The Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel ("Parcel") is proposed under the terms and conditions of the proposed Double Rock and Firestone Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument ("UMBI"), made and entered into by Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC acting as Bank Sponsor ("Sponsor") and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("NCDEQ") Division of Water Resources ("NCDWR"). The Parcel shall be planned and designed according to the UMBI and the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 which became effective November 1, 2015. The Buffer Mitigation Plan has also been designed in concurrence with the Wildlands Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank, Firestone Mitigation Site (SAW #2020-01534, DWR ID#2020-1096) The Parcel is located in Catawba County approximately five miles northeast of the City of Conover, NC (Figure 1). Directions are included on Figure 1. The Parcel creates a protected riparian area from top of bank out to 100 feet along four unnamed tributaries (Firestone Tributary, UT1-UT3). The primary purpose of the project is to provide stream and riparian buffer mitigation credits to compensate for unavoidable impacts in the Catawba River Basin 03050101 Hydrologic Unit Code ("HUC") (Figure 2). The Parcel is located within the Catawba River Basin HUC 03050101130010 (Elk Shoals Creek) and NCDWR Subbasin 03-08-32. 1.1 Parcel Description The Parcel is being proposed to provide riparian buffer mitigation through riparian restoration, riparian enhancement via cattle exclusion, and riparian preservation. The Parcel is comprised of four parcels that are maintained as an active cattle farm. See the Appendix A for photographs of the current site conditions. The Catawba 01 Basin, as described in the NCDEQ RBRP (September 2010) and the NCDWR Plan (July 2018) watershed planning documents, is mostly forested (62%) with significant areas of agriculture (17%) and developed land (16%). The NCDWR Plan notes that the basin has stable benthic communities, but lack habitat, which prevents reestablishment of sensitive benthic communities and notes the need for agricultural BMPs in the watershed. Additionally, the NCDWR Plan notes the Lyle Creek watershed being critical for protection due to its contribution to the chain of lakes on the Catawba and their cumulative downstream effect. The Parcel is located within the Lyle Creek TLW and is defined in the RBRP as Water Supply IV Waters, which are used as a source of drinking water, culinary, or food processing. The riparian buffer mitigation project will directly and indirectly address stressors identified in the watershed planning documents by excluding livestock, creating stable stream banks, and restoring a forest in agriculturally maintained buffer areas. These actions will reduce fecal, nutrient, and sediment inputs to Lyle Creek and the Catawba River, as well as reconnect instream and terrestrial habitats on the site. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 1 August 2022 2.0 Mitigation Project Summary 2.1 Project Goals The major goals of the proposed buffer mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Catawba River Basin by restoring the riparian area to create a functional riparian corridor. Specific enhancements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below in Table 1. Table 1: Ecological and Water Quality Goals Goals Objectives Decrease nutrient levels. Nutrient input will be decreased by filtering runoff from the agricultural fields through restored native vegetation. The offsite nutrient input will also be absorbed onsite by filtering flood flows through restored floodplain areas, where flood flows can disperse through native vegetation. Decrease sediment input. Sediment from offsite sources will be captured by deposition on restored floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow overland flow velocities. Reduce fecal coliform inputs. Fecal coliform input will be reduced by restricting cattle from the project streams. Decrease water temperature and increase dissolved oxygen concentrations. Planted riparian trees will shade the project features as they mature, reducing thermal pollution. Create appropriate terrestrial habitat. Riparian areas will be restored by treating invasive vegetation and planting native vegetation. Permanently protect the project Parcel from harmful uses. A conservation easement will be recorded on the Parcel. 2.2 Existing Parcel Conditions The proposed buffer mitigation project includes approximately 15.9 acres of cattle pasture and forested land on Firestone Tributary and three unnamed tributaries (UT1, UT2, and UT3). The Parcel easement boundary will extend from top of bank to no more than 100 feet. (Figure 7). Firestone Trib Reach 1 enters the project as a perennial stream from a culvert under River Bend Road and flows south. A sewer line and associated right of way crosses the upstream project extent before following the existing stream within the right floodplain. The stream flows through a narrow -forested buffer and a residential lawn, but then transitions into a thin wooded buffer, active livestock pasture, and partial cattle access to the streams. UT1 begins near the northwest corner of the project area and is incised with a lack of floodplain connectivity. The stream starts in a dense golden bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea) thicket, but most of the reach is a narrow, forested buffer until it reaches the sewer and culvert Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 2 August 2022 crossing before its confluence with Firestone Trib. UT2 originates onsite within a headwater seep wetland and drains from the southwestern portion of the site. A narrow forested riparian corridor exists along the majority of the reach and there is a lot of farm debris (primarily tires) along much of the banks and bed. UT3 begins as a headwater spring seep within the eastern portion of the site. The upper extent of the reach has a relatively intact forested floodplain on the left bank with a narrow, forested corridor on the right bank. The forested riparian buffer becomes less intact and narrower within the downstream extent. A review of historic aerials from 1950 to 2016 shows that the adjacent floodplains of the site have been in agricultural production since at least 1976 with relatively little change in the stream configuration. This consistency in land use within the project watershed indicates that watershed processes affecting hydrology, sediment supply, and nutrient and pollutant delivery have not varied widely over time. Additionally, the bank is located in a rural watershed where the dominant land uses are agriculture, forest, and silviculture. The land is zoned for low -density residential purposes, therefore, watershed processes and stressors from outside the project limits are likely to remain consistent throughout the implementation, monitoring, and closeout of this project. Table 2: Buffer Project Attributes Project Name Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Hydrologic Unit Code 03050101140010 River Basin Catawba River Basin Geographic Location (Lat, Long) 35.76608 -81.16744 Site Protection Instrument (DB, PG) To be recorded Total Credits 443,597.106 buffer mitigation credits Types of Credits Riparian Buffer Buffer Mitigation Plan Date August 2022 Initial Planting Date February 2023 Baseline Report Date April 2023 MY1 Report Date December 2023 MY2 Report Date December 2024 MY3 Report Date December 2025 MY4 Report Date December 2026 MY5 Report Date December 2027 2.3 Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation On October 14, 2021, NCDWR assessed the stream origins. The official Stream Origin Determination Letter was issued by NCDWR on October 15, 2021. NCDWR performed an onsite visit of the project area to determine viability for buffer mitigation on December 7, 2021 and issued a site viability letter on January 5, 2022. All four features assessed were deemed viable by NCDWR to generate buffer mitigation. There have been no changes to land use in the project area since NCDWR's 2021 site visit. A copy of both the "On -Site Stream Origin Determination for Applicability to Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules" and the "Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation" letters from NCDWR are included in Appendix C. A summary is included in Table 3. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 3 August 2022 Table 3: Project Features Feature Name Classification Buffer Credit Viable Firestone Stream Yes UT1 Stream Yes UT2 Stream Yes UT3 Stream Yes 2.4 Watershed Characterization The site is in the Catawba 01 Basin, the DWR subbasin 03-08-32, and the 03050101140010 14-digit Hydrologic Unit (HU). The Catawba 01 Basin, as described in the NCDEQ RBRP (September 2010) and the NCDWR Plan (July 2018) watershed planning documents, is mostly forested (62%) with significant areas of agriculture (17%) and developed land (16%). The Catawba 01 Basin, as described in NCDEQ RBRP as amended in July 2018, lists broad restoration goals including restoration of nutrient and sediment impaired waters (including tributary streams) of the Catawba River mainstem lakes (water supply reservoirs), protection of riparian buffers and aquatic habitat within the headwater reaches of asset -rich watersheds of the upper Catawba River basin, and increased implantation of agricultural BMPs within heavily agricultural sub -watersheds of TLWs. The site topography, as indicated on the Millersville USGS 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle, shows a gentle sloped valley of Firestone Trib with the associated tributaries showing moderately steep sloped valleys (Figure 4). Drainage areas for the project reaches (Figure 5) were delineated using 2-foot contour intervals derived from the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program's 2017 Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Land uses draining to the project reaches are primarily a mix of active crop and hay fields, woodlands, development, and some herbaceous cover. The watershed areas and current land use are summarized in Table 4, below. Table 4: Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use Reach Name Mitigation Area (acres) Watershed Area (acres) Land Use Firestone Trib, UT1, UT2, UT3 15.9 547 66% Cultivated crops and hay, 16% Forested, 13% Developed, 5% grassland/herbaceous 2.5 Soils The proposed Parcel is mapped by the Catawba County Soil Survey. Project area soils are described below in Table 5. All project features are all depicted as streams on the 1974 NRCS Soil Survey provided in Figure 6. Table 5: Project Soil Types and Descriptions Soil Name Description HsD2 Hiwassee loam 10 slopes, eroded 15% Hiwassee soils formed in old alluvium or in residuum from mixed acidic and basic rocks on the lower parts of steeper slopes. It is well drained. Infiltration is moderately slow, and runoff is rapid. Permeability is moderate. Cw - Chewacla loam Chewacla soils formed in recent alluvium on floodplains and are somewhat poorly drained. They are flooded very frequently, but for brief periods. Permeability is moderate. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel HUC 03050101 Page 4 Buffer Mitigation Plan August 2022 Soil Name Description PeE - Pacolet soils - 10-25% slopes The Pacolet soils formed in residuum and acidic rock in the uplands. Permeability is moderate. CnE3 Cecil clay loam 10-25% slopes, severely eroded Cecil clay loam formed from residuum from acidic rock. It is well -drained and is found on the lower parts of slopes on uplands. Infiltration is moderately slow, and runoff is rapid. Permeability is moderate. Source: Catawba County Soil Survey, 1975, USDA-NRCS, https://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE MANUSCRIPTS/north_carolina/catawbaNC1975/map7.pdf https://www.nres.usda.gov/Internet/FSE MANUSCRIPTS/north_carolina/catawbaNC1975/mapl2.pdf 2.6 Existing Vegetative Communities Existing vegetation within the Parcel typically alternates between a narrow (20-50') tree canopy buffer, and farm pasture. Cattle have access to parts of the streams and adjacent buffer. The dominant tree species within the canopy include green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), black cherry (Prunus serotina), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), red maple (Acer rubrum), American holly (Ilexopaca), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), and black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), with lower numbers of Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana), red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), black walnut (Juglans nigra), hickory (Carya spp.), and American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana). UT2 had a few black willow (Salix nigra) and hazel alder (Alnus serrulata). The understory is thick with elderberry (Sambucus nigra), privet (Ligustrum sinense), spicebush (Lindera benzoin), blackberry (Rubus argutus), and greenbrier (Smilax glauca). The canopy of the right bank of the upstream section of UT1 is dominated by bamboo (likely Phyllostachys edulis). Fescue (Festuca spp.) and orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) dominate the pasture. 2.7 Threatened and Endangered Species Wildlands searched the USFWS and NHP databases for federally listed threatened and endangered plant and animal species in Catawba County, NC. Currently, there are five species federally listed for this specific county (Table 6). A pedestrian survey was conducted on June 15, 2020. Suitable habitat was found for all four species, but no individuals of any of the federally listed species were found. Wildlands concludes the project may affect but is not likely to adversely affect the bog turtle, the Schweinitz's sunflower, and the dwarf -flowered heartleaf. No determination was required for the northern long- eared bat, and no Eagle Act permit is required. The Species Conclusion Table is included in Appendix D. Table 16: Listed Threatened and Endangered Species in Catawba County, NC Species Federal Status Common Name Scientific Name Bog Turtle Glyptemys muhlenbergii Threatened (Similarity of Appearance) Northern Long-eared Bat Myotis septentrionalis Threatened Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Schweinitz's Sunflower Helianthus schweinitzii Endangered Dwarf -flowered Heartleaf Hexastylis naniflora Threatened 2.8 Cultural Resources The site is located within 5 miles of two sites listed on the National Register with the State Historic Preservation Office. These include a 19th century farmhouse, known as the Rock Barn Farm, which is located approximately 1.5 miles south of the site and Bunker Hill Covered Bridge which dates to 1895 and is located approximately 4 miles southeast of the site. The NHP Managed Areas reference three aFirestone Mitigation Bank Parcel HUC 03050101 Page 5 Buffer Mitigation Plan August 2022 Catawba County Open Space Easements, one NC Clean Water Management Trust Fund Easement, and one NC Division of Mitigation Services Conservation Easement within 5 miles of the site. According to the research and based on the response from SHPO, no historic resources or natural heritage areas will be affected by this project. All regulatory communication is in Appendix D. 2.9 FEMA Floodplain Compliance Firestone Trib is referred to as Lyle Creek Tributary and is represented on the Catawba County Flood Maps 3710375300J and 3710375400J. Lyle Creek Tributary is mapped in a Zone AE SFHA within the project limits. The northern half of the project is located within a Zone X area of minimal flood hazard. Hydraulic modeling for Lyle Creek Tributary will be obtained from the NC Floodplain Mapping Program. A no -rise permit will be pursued. If a no -rise condition is not attainable, then a CLOMR will be prepared. Wildlands' engineers have successfully navigated the CLOMR process for several similar projects. A LOMR will be completed if required after construction using as -built survey data. 2.10 Parcel Location, Parcel Constraints, and Access The major constraint for the site is the existing sanitary sewer easement which parallels the right bank of Firestone Trib and crosses UT1 and UT2. The existing sanitary line is not entirely located within the recorded sanitary sewer easement. The conservation easement is designed to exclude the sanitary sewer easement and the additional areas where the sewer line is located outside the sanitary sewer easement. An overhead utility easement is also present on the downstream extent of Firestone Reach 2. Figure 3 shows the existing easements on the site. Five crossings are proposed on the site for farm road access and/or utility corridors (Figure 7). Crossings for farm road access have been placed to coincide with existing utility corridors where possible to avoid unnecessary breaks in the riparian buffers. The crossings are summarized and numbered below in Table 5. Crossings 3 and 4 will be external crossings and constructed as culvert crossings, which will prevent cattle access to the streams. All other crossings shown on Figure 7, will be internal crossings with gates. Cattle will be permitted to cross only in these areas, per the conservation easement language. Table 2 Summary of Site Easement Crossings and Breaks No. Width (ft) Location Internal or External Crossing Type 1 40 Firestone Reach 2 Internal Ford 2 128 Firestone Reach 2 Internal Utility Easement 3 50 UT1 External Culvert Utility Easement 4 45 UT2 External Culvert Utility Easement 5 40 UT3 Internal Culvert There are three structures that will need to be removed from the conservation easement as part of the project. Two storage buildings on the lower left floodplain of UT1 and one shelter at the headwaters of UT3. The landowners have agreed to have the sheds and shelter relocated prior to or during construction. The entire easement can be accessed for construction, monitoring, and long-term stewardship from Gemstone Street, Opal Street, and/or River Bend Road. 2.11 Other Environmental Conditions An EDR Radius Map Report with Geocheck was ordered for the Parcel through Environmental Data Resources, Inc. on June 18, 2020. Neither the target property nor the adjacent properties were listed in aFirestone Mitigation Bank Parcel HUC 03050101 Buffer Mitigation Plan Page 6 August 2022 any of the Federal, State, or Tribal environmental databases searched by EDR. There were no known or potentially hazardous waste sites identified within or immediately adjacent to the project area. The Executive Summary of the EDR report is included in Appendix D. 3.0 Site Protection Instrument The land required for construction, management, and stewardship of this mitigation project includes portions of the parcels listed in Table 8. This area totals 15.9 acres. The deed book and page number listed are for the agreements on an option to purchase a conservation easement. A conservation easement will be recorded on the parcels and includes streams being restored along with their corresponding riparian buffers. Table 8 Site Protection Instrument Landowner PIN County Site Protection Instrument Deed Book and Page Number Acreage to be Protected Jason D. Little and Alice I. Little 375307793993 Catawba Conservation Easement DB: 03554 PG:0320- 0328 13.50 David L. Little and Robin Gantt Little 375307698109 1.20 Fredrick A. Crump and Barbara Crump 375419606662 0.81 375419609576 0.41 4.0 Mitigation Work Plan The project will restore agriculturally impacted land along Firestone Trib, UT1, UT2, and UT3 on the Parcel to a protected riparian corridor, improving the ecological function of the area. Figure 7 illustrates the conceptual design for the Parcel. Figure 8 further depicts the riparian buffer zones for the Parcel. 4.1 Parcel Preparation Much of the land within 200 feet from top of bank of the project features has been cleared and maintained for active cattle pastures. Areas slated for riparian restoration that are not impacted by the construction of the stream mitigation project will require little site preparation including select herbicide treatments or limited mechanical clearing to removed undesirable underbrush, invasive species, and fescue (Festuca spp.). Other areas of the easement will be graded in accordance with the IRT approved stream mitigation plan. Any haul roads or other areas of compacted soil including areas compacted by cattle within the easement boundary will be ripped prior to planting. The specifics of the stream restoration project including the grading plan, are included in the Firestone Stream Mitigation Plan. A 401 permit will be required for all stream restoration work and will be obtained before any work in the waters begins. 4.2 Riparian Area Restoration Activities Riparian area restoration will involve planting appropriate native tree and shrub species along the riparian corridor. Vegetation management and herbicide applications may be needed over the first few years of tree establishment in the riparian restoration areas to prevent undesirable species from out - Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 7 August 2022 competing planted native vegetation. Tree species planted across the riparian areas of the Parcel will include a mixture of the species listed in the Firestone Mitigation Site Planting Tables, located in Appendix D. The primary species will include the species listed in Table 9. All activities associated with generating riparian buffer credit will occur at the same time as the stream mitigation activities and not before. Table 9 Selected Tree Species Species Common Name Density Forest Strata Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 15% Canopy Betula nigra River Birch 10% Canopy Diospyros virginiana Persimmon 10% Canopy Quercus phellos Willow Oak 10% Canopy Viburnum prunifolium Blackhaw Viburnum 5% Shrub Cornus florida Flowering Dogwood 5% Sub -Canopy Acer negundo Boxelder 5% Sub -Canopy Celtis Iaevigata Sugarberry 5% Canopy Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 5% Canopy Ulmus rubra Slippery Elm 10% Canopy Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 5% Canopy Morus rubra Red Mulberry 5% Sub -Canopy Euonymus americanus Strawberry Bush 5% Sub -Canopy Lindera benzoin Spicebush 5% Shrub Trees and shrubs will be spaced at 6'X12' upon planting, which is equivalent to a stem density of 521 stems per acre and is sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in the Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 of 260 planted trees and shrubs per acre at the end of five years. Stems will be well mixed prior to planting to ensure diversity of bare root species across the Parcel. Due to the nature of random mixing, some stems of the same species might be planted together in some areas. No one species will be greater than 50% of the established stems. The final performance standard shall include a minimum of four native hardwood tree and native shrub species. A regionally appropriate seed mix, included in Appendix D, will also be applied to provide temporary and permanent ground cover for soil stabilization and reduction of sediment loss during rain events in areas without existing herbaceous cover. The proposed planting area includes both the areas identified as buffer restoration on Figure 7. Planting is scheduled for February 2023. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 8 August 2022 4.3 Riparian Area Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion Activities For enhancement areas under NCAC 02B .0295(o)(6), cattle exclusion, planting isn't anticipated to be needed except where required in the stream mitigation plan. Cattle exclusion will be achieved via installation of fencing as shown on Figures 7 and 9. If cattle is removed from the site and fencing is not installed, preservation credit will be requested in the area identified as cattle exclusion in Figure 7. A seed mix as identified in Appendix D will be applied where livestock have created bare soils and sufficient sunlight is available to support the species in the seed mix. 4.4 Riparian Area Preservation Activities There will be no parcel preparation work done in the riparian preservation areas under 15A NCAC 02B .0295(o)(4) except as required in the stream mitigation plan. The area of preservation credit within the buffer mitigation site is less than 25% of the total area of buffer mitigation, as shown in Table 8. The preservation area will be protected in perpetuity under a conservation easement. 4.5 NCDWR As -Built Evaluation Within 30 calendar days after completing the establishment of the buffer mitigation areas, the Sponsor will submit written notification to NCDWR documenting that all buffer mitigation activities have been completed. Failure to submit written notification within 30 days may result in a modified credit release schedule or a delay in the issuance of credit releases. 5.0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan 5.1 Monitoring Protocol Vegetation monitoring plots will be installed and evaluated within the riparian restoration areas to measure the survival of the planted trees and shrubs. The plots will be randomly placed throughout the planted riparian areas and are within the credited buffer areas. A total of 8 plots (6 permanent and 2 mobile) will be established within restoration areas and will be randomly placed such that the plots are representative of the buffer mitigation credit areas (Figure 9). The size of individual quadrants will be 100 square meters. All 8 vegetation plots will be shared with the 404/401 stream bank. Vegetation assessments will be conducted and follow the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (2008). A reference photo will be taken from the southwestern corner of each of the 8 plots. Overview photos will be taken each monitoring year and provided in the annual reports. All planted stems will be marked with flagging tape and recorded. The first annual monitoring activities will commence at the end of the first growing season, at least five months after planting has been completed and no earlier than the fall season. Species composition, height, and survival rates will be evaluated on an annual basis by plot. The total number of volunteer woody stems will also be documented and reported. The measure of vegetative success for the Parcel will be the survival of at least four native hardwood tree species, where no one species is greater than 50% of the established planted stems, and an established density of at least 260 planted trees and shrubs per acre at the end of the fifth year of monitoring. Appropriate and desirable native volunteer species may be included in the Parcel's density to meet the performance standards with written NCDWR approval. A visual assessment of the cattle exclusion areas within the conservation easement will also be performed each year to confirm: • Existing fencing is in good condition throughout the site; • No cattle access within the conservation easement area; Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 9 August 2022 • No encroachment has occurred; • Diffuse flow is being maintained in the conservation easement area; and • There has not been any cutting, clearing, filling, grading, or similar activities that would negatively affect the functioning of the buffer. The Sponsor shall submit the annual monitoring report to NCDWR by December 315t of each year for five consecutive years and will follow the terms and conditions of the UMBI. 5.2 Parcel Maintenance If the Parcel or a specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve the success criteria outlined in Section 5.1, adaptive measures will be developed and/or appropriate remedial actions will be implemented. Maintenance will be performed to correct any identified problems on the Parcel that have a high likelihood of affecting project success. Such items include, but are not limited to, fire, flooding, drought, or insects that cause excess tree mortality. Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work schedule and updated monitoring criteria. A rigorous herbicide schedule may need to be implemented in the first few years of tree establishment in the restoration areas to prevent establishment of invasive species that may out -compete the planted native vegetation. The only herbicides used on the Parcel will be aquatic approved herbicides that will be applied in accordance with North Carolina Department of Agriculture rules and regulations. The easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities. Easement boundary conditions as well as any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports to NCDWR. 5.3 Easement Boundaries Easement boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the Parcel and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by marker, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement prior to the NCDWR onsite As -Built evaluation for Task 2 credit release. Boundary markers that have been disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. Contact information for the conservation easement holder will be included on easement markers. 6.0 Financial Assurance and Long -Term Management 6.1 Financial Assurances Following approval of the Firestone Parcel Development Package, the Sponsor shall provide a Performance Bond from a surety that is rated no less than an "A-" as rated by A.M. Best. The Performance Bond amount shall be 100% of the estimated cost for implementation of the project as described in the Buffer Mitigation Plan, but not less than $150,000.00. In lieu of posting the performance bond, the Sponsor may elect to construct the project prior to the first credit release. In that case no performance bond will be necessary. After completion of the restoration/construction, a separate Performance/Maintenance Bond will be secured for 100% of the estimated cost to implement the monitoring and maintenance plan but not less than $100,000.00. The Performance/Maintenance Bond shall apply at the inception of the monitoring period for a term of one year and be extended annually for a minimum of five years. Upon NCDWR approval, this may be lowered each year based on the adjusted cost to complete the monitoring. Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed at least annually to cover the next years monitoring period, with confirmation of renewal provided to NCDWR with each annual monitoring report when aFirestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 10 August 2022 applicable. NCDWR reserves the right to alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted without proof of bond renewals when applicable. 6.2 Long-term Management The Parcel will remain in private ownership, protected in its entirety by Unique Places to Save, an approved NCDWR long term stewardship, and will be managed under the terms detailed in an approved NCDWR conservation easement. The long-term manager will be responsible for periodic inspection of the Parcel to ensure that the restrictions documented in the recorded easement are upheld in perpetuity. No remaining credits will be released for Monitoring Year 4 until the conservation easement has been assigned to an approved land trust or stewardship. 7.0 Project Credit Potential Of the 15.9 acres protected under the conservation easement, approximately 9.5 acres are proposed for riparian restoration, 1.3 acres are proposed for Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion, and 0.6 acres are proposed for preservation; an additional 4.6 acres will be used for crossing and will not receive credits. The area of preservation credit within the buffer mitigation site is less than 25% of the total area of buffer mitigation, as shown in Table 10. The mitigation credit calculations were derived from Wildlands' conceptual design for maximum ecological uplift. The management objectives, mitigation type, and proposed amount of buffer mitigation are presented in Tables 10 and 11 below. There will be one credit ledger for the project: Riparian Buffer Credits. None of the riparian buffer credits on the Parcel are convertible or transferrable to nutrient offset credits. The buffer mitigation credits will be derived from riparian areas adjacent to mitigated streams. Riparian buffers meet the required minimum of 50 feet for stream mitigation projects, except where areas are limited due to existing utility easements. These areas exceed the 5% threshold allowed by the NCIRT mitigation guidance and subsequently, proposed credits were adjusted using the issued Wilmington District Stream Buffer Credit Calculator. As a result, credits are being requested within 50 feet from the top of bank only. Results and mapping are included in Appendix F. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel Buffer Mitigation Plan HUC 03050101 Page 11 August 2022 Table 10: Firestone Buffer Mitigation Bank Project Credits, DWR ID # 2020-1096v1 Catawba Buffer Project Area N Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) P Credit Conversion Ratio (ft2/pound) N/A N/A Credit Type Location Subject? (enter NO if ephemeral or ditch) Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min -Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (sf) Total (Creditable) Area of Buffer Mitigation (sf) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Convertible to Riparian Buffer? Riparian Buffer Credits Convertible to Nutrient Offset? Delivered Nutrient Offset: N (Ibs) Buffer Rural No I / P Restoration 0-50 Firestone Trib, UT1, UT2, UT3 408,700 408,700 1 100% 1.00000 Yes 408,700.000 No -- Buffer Rural No I / P Restoration 20-29 FirestoneUT3 Trib, 3,234 3,234 1 75% 1.33333 Yes 2,425.506 No -- Buffer Rural No I / P Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion 0-50 Firestone Trib 54,534 54,534 2 100% 2.00000 Yes 27,267.000 No -- Totals (ft2): Total Buffer (ft2): Total Nutrient Offset (ft2): 466,468 466,468 438,392.506 0.000 466,468 466,468 0 N/A Preservation Credits Total Ephemeral Area (ft2) for Credit: Total Eligible Ephemeral Area (ft2): Total Eligible for Preservation (ft2): 0 0 123,123 0.0% 155,489 4.2% Ephemeral Reaches as % TABM Preservation as % TABM Credit Type Location Subject? Feature Type Mitigation Activity Min -Max Buffer Width (ft) Feature Name Total Area (sf) Total (Creditable) Area for Buffer Mitigation (ft2) Initial Credit Ratio (x:1) % Full Credit Final Credit Ratio (x:1) Riparian Buffer Credits Rural No I / P 0-50 UT1 26,023 26,023 5 100% 5.00000 5,204.600 Preservation Area Subtotals (ft2): Table 11: Firestone - Total Area of Buffer Mitigation TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Restoration: 411,934 411,125.506 Enhancement: 54,534 27,267.000 Preservation: 26,023 5,204.600 Total Riparian Buffer: 492,491 443,597.106 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION Mitigation Totals Square Feet Credits Nutrient Offset: Nitrogen: 0 0.000 Phosphorus: 0.000 26,023 26,023 Upon submittal of the appropriate documentation by the Sponsor and subsequent approval by NCDWR, the mitigation credits associated with the Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel will be released as described in the UMBI. Firestone Mitigation Bank Parcel HUC 03050101 Buffer Mitigation Plan Page 12 August 2022 8.0 Credit Release Schedule Upon submittal of the appropriate documentation by the Sponsor, and subsequent approval by DWR, the mitigation credits associated with the Firestone Parcel will be released as described in Table 12. Table 12.0 - Credit Release Schedule for Riparian Buffer Credits _ Credit Available % Credit for Sale Release (Restoration and (Cattle Task Project Milestone Preservation) Exclusion) 1 Instrument and Buffer Mitigation Plan Approved by DWR, Draft Stream Mitigation Plan Approved by the IRT, Conservation Easement Recorded*, and Financial Assurance Posted 20 No cattle exclusion credits released All Riparian Earthwork & Mitigation Activities, Planting and Installation of Monitoring Devices 2 completed, easement boundaries adequately marked, all applicable permits obtained, stream mitigation activities completed & a site visit performed by DWR 20 40 Monitoring Financial Assurance Posted and 3 10 10 Approval of As -Built Report 4 Monitoring Report #1: Approved by the DWR** 10 10 & financial assurance renewed 5 Monitoring Report #2: Approved by the DWR** & financial assurance renewed 10 10 6 Monitoring Report #3: Approved by the DWR** 10 10 & financial assurance renewed Item B (I) of Section X in this Instrument has 7 been completed and approved by DWR 5 5 No remaining credits will be released until Task 7 has been satisfied, assigning the conversation easement to an approved land trust or long-term steward. Monitoring Report #4: Approved by the DWR** 8 & financial assurance renewed 5 5 Monitoring Report #5: Approved by the DWR** 10 9 and final site visit by DWR has been conducted 10 Total 100% 100% 9.0 References Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 2011. Web Soil Survey of Catawba County. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Upper Catawba River Basin Plan 2009 (Amended July 2018). https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed_Planning/Catawba_River_Basin/20 18_Upper_Catawba_RBRP.pdf North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). 2011. Surface Water Classifications. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2010. 2010 Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities Plan (RBRP). https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation%20Services/Watershed_Planning/Neuse_River_Basin/FINAL %20RBRP%20Neuse%202010_%2020111207%2000RRECTED.pdf North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS), 2009. Mineral Resources. http://www.geology.enr.state.nc.us/Mineral%20resources/mineralresources.html North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP), 2019. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Database, Catawba County, NC. https://ncnhde.natureserve.org United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2016. Federal Public Notice: Notification of Issuance of Guidance for Compensatory Stream and Wetland Mitigation Conducted for Wilmington District. October 24, 2016. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 2006. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Catawba County, North Carolina. https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/ United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 2018. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern and Candidate Species, Catawba County, NC. https://ecos.fws.gov/ipac/ Figures St•Stephers cow 6,y °me r072 Ft kr Cm r.,fe 49hi,7 •t .� 8fv t: g .._ �9,, 207 hR�i-4, 4 . r yF. �'4 9 aj.,h 1st c. ,r a _ r 1r Sfd G 13:t At. br crz# fi, ti • - c c.l ' coo l:r:na ev 50tl'736' * Project Location - Conservation Easement tpWILDLANDS ENGINEERING Valley HEN Mall Conover I41h Sl SN' -_ = r-0nover f37vd YV - k ,E6 p G pa 4 ij 3eltiemYTe Ai,yAeRtl �a z 2 •. 3 VI MI�: N ewtor 0 0.75 1.5 Miles 1 1 1 1 20th `. Corn vrr Blvd E 44, Directions: From Hickory, take 1-40 East. Take exit 132 and turn left onto NC-16 North. In 3.3 miles turn right onto Gemstone Street. Go to the end of the road and the project is on the left. Figure 1 Vicinity Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC „imp, II. H. ?HI I, J „„ 1 4 a .— •�•!i e 1 jr,.r, .....•.1 •f1 .i II. / 17 L• ,Iilf •.f • .i i . I` N Ii.l I.I ��IIiI ii • • f.t,,.V`,T •ri1.r..^• —..— I.N xJr,NI—..—..—..—..1—..—..—..—... �..—.. 4 .1IrA —y—••-.-..-..-••-••-••-... le"." .,�=•nmdye �WILDLANDS ENGINEERING ! e M6un 6n sta.. fir. 903 k 774 ,r 0 5 10 Miles 1 1 1 1 L-_1 County Boundaries Service Area - HUC 03050101 14 Digit HUC - 03050101140010 Municipalities * Project Location 1 7pna Grove .Ii II. � ••` I II: iI III'/• M•1•. �. I I . II n. L 41 Figure 2 Service Area Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC WILD LANDS ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 0 125 250 Feet l i i i l 11 Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Proposed Internal Crossings Proposed External Crossings Overhead Utility Easement Sanitary Sewer Easement Project Streams Non -Project Stream Utility Line Topographic Contours (2') Figure 3 Site Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC Millersville USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Quadrangle ►' WILD LANDS ENGINEERING 0 250 500 Feet I i i i I I 0 Proposed Conservation Easement Figure 4 USGS Topographic Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC Firestone Trib Reach 1 368 ac UT1 65 ac Proposed Conservation Easement Q Firestone Trib Watershed Subwatersheds Project Streams Non -Project Streams Topographic Contours (20') QQ Reach Breaks IOW? WILDLANDS ENGINEERING • • • • • • 0 175 350 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 Firestone Trib 547 ac 0 0.25 0.5 Miles I 1 1 1 1 ,Y • ' •T UT3 33 ac • • Firestone Trib Reach 2 547 ac Figure 5 Watershed Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC 1975 NRCS Soil Survey of Catawba County - Sheets 7 & 12 fit IP‘kip WILDLAN DS ENGINEERING 0 250 500 Feet 1 I I I 1 Proposed Conservation Easement Figure 6 1975 NRCS Soil Survey Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC egvp WILDLAN DS ENGINEERING 0 125 250 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Overhead Utility Easement Sewer Easement Proposed Internal Crossings Proposed External Crossings Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits Riparian Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion for Buffer Credits Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credits No Credit Proposed Stream Alignments Non -Project Stream Utility Line Fence Line Topographic Contours (2') BMP Figure 7 Buffer Credits Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC 0401411,/ WILDLAN DS ENGINEERING 0 125 250 Feet 1 1 1 1 1 11 Project Location Proposed Conservation Easement Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits Riparian Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion for Buffer Credits Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credits No Credit Overhead Utility Easement Sewer Easement Propsoed Internal Crossings ® Proposed External Crossings Buffer Zones 30' from Top of Bank 50' from Top of Bank Proposed Stream Alignments Non -Project Stream Utility Line Topographic Contours (2') Figure 8 Riparian Buffer Zones Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 0 125 250 Feet I I I I rein — Project Location L _; Proposed Conservation Easement Sewer Easement Overhead Utility Easement Proposed Internal Crossings ® Proposed External Crossings Existing Wetlands Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits Riparian Enhancement via Cattle Exclusion for Buffer Credits Riparian Preservation for Buffer Credits No Credit Permanent Vegetation Plots C7 Mobile Vegetation Plots Proposed Stream Alignments Non -Project Stream O Utility Line X — Fence Line Topographic Contours (2') r BMP Figure 9 Monitoring Components Map Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC Appendix A CURRENT LAND USE PHOTOGRAPHS Firestone Tributary (5/27/2022) Firestone Tributary (5/27/2022) UT1 (5/27/2022) UT1 (5/27/2022) UT2 (5/27/2022) UT2 (5/27/2022) UT3 (5/27/2022) UT3 (5/27/2022) Appendix B i Firestone Mitigation Site 5104 River Bend Rd Claremont, NC 28610 Inquiry Number: 6096973.5 June 18, 2020 e EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package CEDRR 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com EDR Aerial Photo Decade Package 06/18/20 Site Name: Client Name: Firestone Mitigation Site 5104 River Bend Rd Claremont, NC 28610 EDR Inquiry # 6096973.5 Wildlands Eng, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street Charlotte, NC 28203 Contact: Kirsten Gimbert CEDR Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR) Aerial Photo Decade Package is a screening tool designed to assist environmental professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. EDR's professional researchers provide digitally reproduced historical aerial photographs, and when available, provide one photo per decade. Search Results: Year Scale Details Source 2016 1"=500' Flight Year: 2016 USDA/NAIP 2012 1"=500' Flight Year: 2012 USDA/NAIP 2009 1"=500' Flight Year: 2009 USDA/NAIP 2006 1"=500' Flight Year: 2006 USDA/NAIP 1993 1"=500' Acquisition Date: January 30, 1993 USGS/DOQQ 1984 1"=500' Flight Date: February 02, 1984 USGS 1976 1"=500' Flight Date: February 12, 1976 USGS 1964 1"=500' Flight Date: September 17, 1964 USGS 1961 1"=500' Flight Date: August 29, 1961 USGS 1956 1"=500' Flight Date: March 23, 1956 USDA 1950 1"=500' Flight Date: November 14, 1950 USGS When delivered electronically by EDR, the aerial photo images included with this report are for ONE TIME USE ONLY. Further reproduction of these aerial photo images is prohibited without permission from EDR. For more information contact your EDR Account Executive. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2020 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 6096973 - 5 page 2 ditt-we• # c w 416,, 41, INOLPRY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 2016 g1111, •JV N DR )105`ii 4E1 iti...hatullei 00.4, • A .1-- 4 r INQUIRY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 2012 4 • • 6rE DR KiraTA377:1raliata.-- le4. " 4 -uuti.'54:•4411f4A.Aset,...:;: .ie, ur-vNienaavicanick .0 #NQU1RY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 2009 N r 'r dicarairescdtav N82 ,. 7 4 , fNOURY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 1993 g1111, •J‘J,J 1 t IV, .•• • -.41P".."111111,111=1.11a r, T-JIIIMEINIMWS7116156 t r * • INQL) RY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 1984 500' t • r N dil al 1 Illf R 4 L I• s I , .4 ai 1 '' I II ' .s. 'Si mil "L. 400 4 i., .. . .. • 1, • - f !.: 5 1. v INQUIRY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 1976 Nr • eEOR• 4' #NQU4RY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 1964 = Cr iNQU4RY #: 6096973.5 YEAR: 1956 N�t Appendix C ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director Andrea Eckardt Wildlands Engineering Inc. aeckardt@wildlandseng.com Subject: Project Name: Address: Location: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality October 15, 2021 Project 20-1096 Catawba County Determination for Applicability to the Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0614 Firestone Mitigation Site Gemstone Street, Claremont, Catawba County Lat., Long: 35.464355, -81.167805 Dear Ms. Eckardt: On October 14, 2021, staff of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an on -site review of features located on the Firestone Bank Parcel at the request of Wildlands Engineering Inc. to determine the applicability of features on the site to the Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule. The enclosed map(s) depict the feature(s) evaluated and this information is also summarized in the table below. Streams were evaluated for subjectivity to the Catawba Riparian Buffer Rule. Streams that are considered "Subject" have been located on the most recently published NRCS Soil Survey of Catawba County and/or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic (at 1:24,000 scale) map(s), have been located on the ground at the site, and possess characteristics that qualify them to be at least intermittent streams. Features that are considered "Not Subject" have been determined to not be at least intermittent, not present on the property, or not depicted on the required maps. This determination only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules within the proposed easement and does not approve any activity within buffers or within waters of the state. There may be other streams or features located on the property that appear or do not appear on the maps referenced above. Any of the features on the site may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and subject to the Clean Water Act. The following table addresses the features observed and rated during the DWR site visit. D_E NCRDN CAIapLiNA appa,pnenl of Fnrirenmenyi OUNIry North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Feature ID Feature Stream type, ditch, swale, wetland, other Subject to Buffer Rules Start @ Stop @ Depicted on Soil Survey Depicted on USGS Topo UTI Stream na 35.766/81.170 FS Trib Yes No UT2 Stream na 35.763/81.170 FS Trib Yes No UT3 stream na 35.765/81.164 FS Trib Yes No FS Trib Stream Main channel na Prior to site boundary Beyond site boundary Yes Yes This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute this determination made by the DWR may request an appeal determination by the Director of Water Resources. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter to the Director in writing. If sending via U.S. Postal Service: Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 If sending via delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Paul Wojoski - DWR 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch Supervisor 512 N Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 This determination is final and binding as detailed above unless an appeal is requested within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this letter. If you have any additional questions or require additional information, please contact Alan Johnson at alan.johnson@ncdenr.gove or 704-235-2200. This determination is subject to review as provided in G.S. 150B. Sincerely, 1- DocuSigned by: / 4*#t .aw H P.44 cz fo r F161FB69A2D84A3... W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office, DEQ Attachments: Site Map with labels cc: Katie Merritt, 401/Buffer Permitting Branch, email D_E Naan+caaOUNn newtrbentot vI,nmenai Wally North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 D_E NORTH CAROLINA nemrtrbent or FnrimnmenaI Wally North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality j Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8771 E687-FCBE-4B7E-A5A4-11 F93AEE9C8D ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH 5. BISER Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality January 5, 2022 Andrea Eckardt Wildlands Engineering, Inc (via electronic mail: aeckardt@wildlandseng.com ) Re: Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation — Firestone Site Near 35.7625194, -81.1695799 in Clairmont, NC Catawba Watershed Catawba County Dear Ms. Eckardt, On October 18, 2021, Katie Merritt, with the Division of Water Resources (DWR), received a request from you on behalf of Wildlands Engineering, Inc (Wildlands) for a site visit near the above - referenced site in the Catawba Watershed. The site visit was to determine the potential for riparian buffer mitigation within a proposed conservation easement boundary, which is more accurately depicted in the attached map labeled "Figure 8-Concept Map Firestone" (Figure 8") prepared by Wildlands. The proposed easement boundary in Figure 8, includes all riparian areas intended to be proposed as part of the mitigation site. This site is also being proposed as a stream mitigation site and therefore stream bank instability or presence of erosional rills within riparian areas were not addressed. On December 7, 2021, Ms. Merritt performed a site assessment of the subject site. Staff with Wildlands were also present. Ms. Merritt's evaluation of the features onsite and their associated mitigation determination for the riparian areas are provided in the table below. This evaluation was made from Top of Bank (TOB) and landward 200' from each feature for buffer mitigation pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (effective November 1, 2015). Feature Classification 1Subiect Riparian Land uses Buffer 'Nutrient 4'5Mitigation Type Determination w/in onsite to Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset riparian areas (0-200') Viable Viable at Rule 2,249.36 lbs-N/acre UT1 Stream No Mostly non -forested pasture grazed by cattle. A narrow fringe is present along the left banks (see Figure 8) 2Yes N/A Non -forested pasture - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(3) Narrow Forested Fringe — Preservation Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(4) D_EQ) gnreer.Hdmanmrar North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8771 E687-FCBE-4B7E-A5A4-11 F93AEE9C8D Firestone Site Wildlands January 5, 2022 Feature Classification 1Subiect Riparian Land uses Buffer 3Nutrient 4,5Mitigation Type Determination w/in onsite to Buffer adjacent to Feature Credit Offset riparian areas (0-200') Viable Viable at Rule 2,249.36 lbs-N/acre UT2 Stream No non -forested pasture grazed by cattle. Yes N/A Non -forested pasture - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(3) Firestone Stream No Mostly non -forested pasture grazed by cattle. Some areas of forested pasture downstream (see Figure 8). A sewer easement and overhead utility easement are present. 2•7Yes N/A Non -forested pasture - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(3) Forested Pasture — Enhancement Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) UT3 Streams No Mostly non -forested pasture grazed by cattle. Some areas of forested pasture downstream (see Figure 8) 2•7Yes N/A Non -forested pasture - Restoration Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(3) Forested Pasture — Enhancement Site per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(6) 'Subjectivity calls for the features were determined by DWR in correspondence dated October 15, 2021 (DWR# - 2020-1096) using the 1:24,000 scale quadrangle topographic map prepared by USGS and the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the NRCS . 2The area of preservation credit within a buffer mitigation site shall comprise of no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(5) and 15A NCAC 0295 (o)(4). Site cannot be a Preservation Only site to comply with this rule. 3NC Division of Water Resources - Methodology and Calculations for determining Nutrient Reductions associated with Riparian Buffer Establishment. Credits are calculated differently in the Jordan Lake Watershed. Phosphorus may be calculated separately. 4 Determinations made for this Site are determined based on the proposal provided in maps and figures submitted with the request. 5 All features proposed for buffer mitigation or nutrient offset, must have a planted conservation easement established that includes the tops of channel banks when being measured perpendicular and landward from the banks, even if no credit is viable within that riparian area. Easement breaks that disconnect the continuity of riparian restoration/enhancement/preservation result in no credit viable beyond the break. 6The area of the mitigation site on ephemeral channels shall comprise no more than 25 percent (25%) of the total area of buffer mitigation per 15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(7). 7The area described as an Enhancement Site was assessed and determined to comply with all of 15A NCAC 02B .0295(o)(6). Cattle exclusion fencing is required to be installed around the mitigation area to get buffer credit under this part of the rule. Determinations provided in the table above were made using a proposed easement boundary showing proposed mitigation areas shown in Figure 8. The map representing the proposal for the site is attached to this letter and initialed by Ms. Merritt on January 5, 2022. All sewer easements located on the property will be located outside of the conservation easement boundary as depicted in Figure 8. Substantial changes to the proposed easement boundary as well as any site constraints identified in this letter, could affect the Site's potential to generate buffer mitigation for credits. This letter does not constitute an approval of this Site to generate buffer and nutrient offset credits. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0295, a mitigation proposal and a mitigation plan shall be submitted to DWR for written approval prior to conducting any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters for buffer mitigation credit. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 02B .0703, a proposal regarding a proposed nutrient load -reducing measure for nutrient offset credit shall be submitted to DWR for approval prior to any mitigation activities in riparian areas and/or surface waters. Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8771 E687-FCBE-4B7E-A5A4-11 F93AEE9C8D Firestone Site Wildlands January 5, 2022 All vegetative plantings, performance criteria and other mitigation requirements for riparian restoration, enhancement and preservation must follow the requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0295 to be eligible for buffer and/or nutrient offset mitigation credits. For any areas depicted as not being viable for nutrient offset credit above, one could propose a different measure, along with supporting calculations and sufficient detail to support estimates of load reduction, for review by the DWR to determine viability for nutrient offset in accordance with 15A NCAC 02B .0703. This viability assessment will expire on January 5, 2024 or upon approval of a mitigation plan by the DWR, whichever comes first. This letter should be provided in any nutrient offset, buffer, stream or wetland mitigation plan for this Site. Please contact Katie Merritt at (919) 707-3637 if you have any questions regarding this correspondence. PW/kym Attachments: Figure 8: Concept Design Map cc: File Copy (Katie Merritt) Erin Davis (IRT, DWR) Sincerely, cDocuSSiignee�d/by: 2R W01O ' 949D91 BA53EF4E0... Paul Wojoski, Supervisor 401 and Buffer Permitting Branch Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 8771 E687-FCBE-4B7E-A5A4-11 F93AEE9C8D Proposed BMP 1 Culvert Crossing Internal Crossing For New Culvert And Sewer Easement Internal Crossing With New Gated Ford Firestone Trib Internal Crossing For Utility Easement with New Gated Ford peo Proposed BMP 2 Internal Crossing With New Culvert • Parcels Project Location Easement Proposed Internal Crossing Sanitary Sewer Easement Overhead Utility Easement Existing Wetlands Proposed Stream Restoration Proposed Stream Enhancement II Proposed Stormwater BMP No Credit Non -Project Streams Topographic Contours (2') Reach Break kicr* WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 0 250 500 Feet Figure 8 Concept Design Map with Topo Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Appendix D Species Conclusions Table Project Name: Firestone Mitigation Site Date: 09/02/2020 Species / Resource Name Conclusion ESA Section 7 / Eagle Act Determination Notes / Documentation Bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) Suitable habitat present, species not present May affect, not likely to adversely affect, not subject to Section 7 consultation due to similarity of appearance. Field Survey conducted on September 2, 2020 determined suitable habitat was found to exist. However, no individual species were found to exist on the site. No critical habitat has been designated by USFWS for this species. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within the proposed project area. Schweinitz's Sunflower (Helianthus schweinitzii) Suitable habitat present, species not present May affect, not likely to adversely affect Field Survey conducted on September 2, 2020 (during the blooming season of the plant) determined suitable habitat was found to exist. However, no individual species were found to exist on the site. No critical habitat has been designated by USFWS for this species. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within the proposed project area. Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Suitable habitat present, species not present 4(d) Rule Streamlined Consultation form was utilized for this project. Field Survey conducted on September 2, 2020 determined suitable habitat was found to exist, but no individuals were observed. No critical habitat has been designated by USFWS for this species. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within the proposed project area. Dwarf -flowered heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora) Suitable habitat present, species not present May affect, not likely to adversely affect Field Surveys conducted on September 2, 2020 and March 2021 determined suitable habitat was found to exist. However, no Hexastylis naniflora species were found to exist on the site. No critical habitat has been designated by USFWS for this species. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within the proposed project area. Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) Unlikely to disturb nesting bald eagles No Eagle Act Permit Required Field Survey conducted on September 2, 2020 determined no bald eagles were present or nesting on the site. The closest, large body of water is 3 mi. from the site. Per NCNHP data explorer, no known element occurrences exist within the proposed project area. Critical Habitat No critical habitat present Acknowledgement: I agree that the above information about my proposed project is true. I used all of the provided resources to make an informed decision about impacts in the immediate and surrounding areas. Jeffrey S Turner / Environmental Scientist Signature /Title 01/05/2022 Date cwY.9 D3e CHEROKEE NATION® P.Q. Box 948 • Tahlequah, OK 74465-0948 918-453-5000 • www.chcrakcc.org November 30, 2020 Steve Kichefski United States Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 Re: SAW-2020-01532, Wildlands Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Mr. Steve Kichefski: Office of the Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. Principal Chief Bryan Warner Deputy Principal Chief The Cherokee Nation (Nation) is in receipt of your correspondence about SAW-2020-01532, and appreciates the opportunity to provide comment upon this project. Please allow this letter to serve as the Nation's interest in acting as a consulting party to this proposed project. The Nation maintains databases and records of cultural, historic, and pre -historic resources in this area. Our Historic Preservation Office reviewed this project, cross referenced the project's legal description against our information, and found no instances where this project intersects or adjoins such resources. Thus, the Nation does not foresee this project imparting impacts to Cherokee cultural resources at this time. However, the Nation requests that the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) halt all project activities immediately and re -contact our Offices for further consultation if items of cultural significance are discovered during the course of this project. Additionally, the Nation requests that USACE conduct appropriate inquiries with other pertinent Tribal and Historic Preservation Offices regarding historic and prehistoric resources not included in the Nation's databases or records. If you require additional information or have any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Wado, Elizabeth Toombs, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Cherokee Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office elizabeth-toombs@cherokee.org 918.453.5389 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary D. Reid Wilson March 25, 2021 Steve Kichefski U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District - Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Suite 208 Asheville, NC 28801 Steven.L.Kichefski@usace.army.mil Re: Double Rock mitigation site, 35.8629, -81.0967, & Firestone mitigation site, 35.7637, -81.1661 Alexander County, ER 21-0644 Dear Mr. Kichefski: Thank you for your email of March 4, 2021, regarding the above -referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the submittal and offer the following comments. We have conducted a review of the project and are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project. Therefore, we have no comment on the project as proposed. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill -Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. ncerel k„r Ramona Bartos, Deputy {j State Historic Preservation Officer Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 814-6570/814-6898 Appendix E 1 Streambank Planting Zone - Firestone Trib LiveStokes Species Common Name Indio. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Salix nigra Black Willow 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5"cal. Canopy OBL 50% Corpus amomum Silky Dogwood 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub FACW 15% Salix sericea Silky Willow 6-8ft 0.5,1.5"cal. Shrub OBL 25% Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub FAC 10% 100% Herbaceous Plugs Juncuseffucus Common Rush 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb FACW 40% Carexlurida Lurid Sedge 3-sft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb OBL 10% Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb FACW 10% Carexlupulina Hop Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb OBL 10% Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb OBL 15% Carex vulpinoidea Fox Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb OBL 15% 100% Streambank Planting Zone - UT1, UT2, UT3 Live Stakes Species Common Name India. Spacing Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Corpus amomum Silky Dogwood 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub FACW 30% Salix sericea Silky Willow 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub OBL 50% Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 6-8ft 0.5"-1.5"cal. Shrub FAC 20% 100% Herbaceous Plugs Juncus effucus Common Rush 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb FACW 25% Carexlurida Lurid Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb OBL 15% Scirpus cyperinus Woolgrass 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb FACW 20% Carexlupulina Hop Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0"plug Herb OBL 20% Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 3-5ft 1.0"-2.0" plug Herb OBL 20% 100% Temporary Seeding Pure Live Seed Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (Ibs/acre) Aug 15- May 1 Avena sativa Winter Oats Herb 30 Aug 15- May 1 Secale cereale Rye Grain Herb 110 May 1- Aug 15 Urochloa ramosa Browntop Millet Herb 50 All Year Trifolium incarnatum Crimson Clover Herb 5 All Year Trifolium repens White Ladino Clover Herb 5 Note: To be applied on all disturbed areas. Pasture Seeding Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (Ibs/acre) Percentage All year Festuca arundinacea Tall Fescue Herb 40 44% All Year Dactyl's glomerate Orchardgrass Herb 40 44% All Year Trifolium pretense Medium Red Clover Herb 5 6% All Year Trifolium repens White Ladino Cover Herb 5 6% 100% Note: To be applied on all disturbed areas outside of easement. Buffer Planting Zone Bare Root Species Common Name India. Spacing Caliper Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status %of Stems Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FACW 15% Betula nigra River Birch 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FACW 10% Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon 6-120 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FAC 10% Quercus phellos Willow Oak 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FAC 10% Viburnumprunifolium* Blackhaw Viburnum 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Shrub FACU 5% Cornusflorida* Flowering Dogwood 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Subcanopy FACU 5% Acer negundo Boxelder 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FAC 5% Celtis laevigata Sugarberry 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FACW 5% Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum 6-120 o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FAC 5% Ulmus rubra Slippery Elm 6-12ft o.25"-1.0" Canopy FAC 10% Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak 6-12ft o.25"-1.o" Canopy FACU 5% Morus rubra Red Mulberry 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Subcanopy FACU 5% Euonymus americanus* Strawberry Bush 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Shrub FAC 5% Lindero benzoin* Spicebush 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Shrub FAC 5% 100% Preferred Alternate Species Bare Root Species Common Name Indiv. Spacing Caliper Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status Quercuslyrata Overcup Oak 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy OBL Quercus alba White Oak 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FACU Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 6-12ft o.zs"-1.o" Canopy FACW Quercus nigra Water Oak 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FAC Oxydendron arboreum* Sourwood 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Subcanopy UPL Sambucus canadensis* Elderberry 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Subcanopy FACW Celtis occidentalis Hackberry 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FACU Corpus amomum Silky Dogwood 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Subcanopy FACW Ulmus americana American Elm 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Canopy FACW *Species not included in average tree height calculations Permanent Riparian Seeding Pure Live Seed (20lbs/acre) Approved Dates Species Name Common Name Stratum Wetland Indicator Status Ibs/acre All -Year Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestein Herb FACU 3.0 All -Year Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan Herb FACU 1.0 All -Year Carex vulpinoidea Fox Sedge Herb OBL 1.0 All -Year Panicum clandestinum Deertongue Herb FAC 3.0 All -Year Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye Herb FACW 3.0 All -Year Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass Herb FACU 1.5 All -Year Coreopsis lanceolate Lanceleaf coreopsis Herb FACU 1.5 All -Year Bidens aristosa Bur -marigold Herb FACW 0.5 All -Year Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem Herb FAC 1.0 All -Year Heliopsis helianthoides Oxeye Sunflower Herb FACU 2.0 All -Year Coreopsis tinctoria Plains Coreopsis Herb FAC 0.0 All -Year Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot Herb FACU 0.5 All -Year Vernonia gigantea Giant Ironweed Herb FAC 0.0 All -Year Zizia ourea Golden Alexanders Herb FAC 0.5 All -Near Panicum virgotum Swtichgrass Herb FAC 1.5 Note: To be applied on all distu bed areas within easement and internal crossings. Buffer Planting Zone - Powerline ROW Bore Root Species Common Name India. Spacing Caliper Size Stratum Wetland Indicator Status % of Stems Viburnumprunifolium* Blackhaw Viburnum 6-12ft o.25"-1.0" Shrub FACU 25% Sambucus canadensis* Elderberry 6-12ft 025"-1.0" Subcanopy FACW 25% Euonymus amerlcanus* Strawberry Bush 6-12ft 0.25"-1.0" Shrub FAC 25% Lindero benzoin* Spicebush 6-12ft o.zs"-I.o" Shrub FAC 25% 100% it x" iy Project Engineer: g. G 5 Cr)r Y SHEET 3.3 OU fit.? ou o‘) i�1���W�Are!...- r{ ■ GEMSTONE ST . �g • 4k • VIVA rA ;ffIrAwN t A lam IW r&Y&P1. q AAA 4/01+A ‘Altff VA *VA64 'AA 7140 1 WV ' 14RA tt V AT k ', , „„,..,, „ , .........m_...„,„,,..,-,, A 4 \ Ar vA yikw mr i ,11 11{{��� NA vA 1� yy.., i i ;IT; .fel #4 pfAV;i / ' i AA* A A r), E �,11 .o►Ne /0 0 OU \ SHEET 3.4 °u 00 ado OV %`vSHEET 3.6 a�° 0// o o// �/ ... _, an V O OV o' V 0) —RIvRu ;OlL nii R/w RIVERBEND RD 0 I 7 ' 0 .;\.lf r \ ?*-114 +�/41_______„0 .0 a°V / °o/o°/ago°JOU— O�OUEOUE ooVE/\�oo0V�/-?4,.. o�/e/oUjoy /� oV 0s.E/ OV(\ SHEET 3.5 °u o' 100' (HORIZONTAL) 200' ago_ OUE—. 300' LO Project Engineer: 0 3 N Y 1 N 0' 40' 80' 120' I I I I I 1 (HORIZONTAL) 111�18. �111111hk1``,z. 1111�11� \i1i�i:�� 1.� fr 1111111111�����1�1i1`11i111111;1'�1`\r,.. 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G Appendix F Site Name: USAGE Action ID: NCDWR Project Number: Sponsor: Number of Exempt Terminal Stream Ends': County: Minimum Required Buffer Width': Mitigation Type Restoration (1:1) Enhancement I(1.5:1) Enhancement II (2.5:1) Preservation (5:1) Other (7.5:1) Other (10:1) Custom Ratio 1 Custom Ratio 2 Custom Ratio 3 Custom Ratio 4 Custom Ratio 5 Totals Buffer Zones Max Possible Buffer (square feet)' Ideal Buffer (square feet)° Actual Buffer (square feet)' Zone Multiplier Buffer Credit Equivalent Percent of Ideal Buffer Credit Adjustment Total Baseline Credit 4846.60 Wilmington District Stream Buffer Credit Calculator Firestone Mitigation Site SAW-2020-01534 2020-1096 vl Wildlands Holdings VI, LLC 3 Catawba 50 Mitigation Ratio Multiplier' 1 1.5 2.5 5 7.5 10 Creditable Stream Include in Buffer Length° Calculations 4721 Yes 314 Yes 5035.00 Baseline Stream Credit Buffered Stream Credit From Buffered Length Streams 4721.00 4721.00 4721.00 125.60 4846.60 314.00 125.60 5035.00 4846.60 Buffer Width Zone (feet from Ordinary High Water Mark) less than 15 feet >15 to 20 feet >20 to 25 feet >25 to 30 feet >30 to 35 feet >35 to 40 feet >40 to 45 feet >45 to 50 feet >50 to 75 feet >75 to 100 feet >100 to 125 feet >125 to 150 feet 152109.75 51174.25 51409.75 51645.25 51880.75 52116.25 52351.75 52587.25 266468.75 272356.25 278243.75 284131.25 159208.04 52771.31 52607.44 52224.47 52056.95 51905.61 51754.10 51629.62 255997.66 253062.19 253069.11 253577.96 147376.77 48134.37 47492.88 46608.51 46099.42 45612.54 45122.77 44644.66 105986.57 6635.62 50% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 7% 5% 4% 4% 2423.30 484.66 484.66 484.66 242.33 242.33 242.33 242.33 339.26 242.33 193.86 193.86 93% 92% 91% 90% 90% 89% 89% 88% 41% 3% 0% 0% -172.59 -39.11 -42.67 -46.69 -24.53 -25.69 -26.88 -28.14 140.46 6.35 0.00 0.00 Credit Loss in Required Credit Gain for Net Change in Buffer Additional Buffer Credit from Buffers -406.31 146.81 -259.49 Total Credit 4587.11 'Number of terminal stream ends, including all points where streams enter or exit parcel boundaries. This does not include internal crossings. The District/NCIRT must approve the number of allowable/exempt terminal ends. 'Minimum standard buffer width measured from the top of bank (50 feet in piedmont and coastal plain counties or 30 feet in mountain counties) 'Use the Custom Ratio fields to enter non-standard ratios, which are equal to the number of feet in the feet -to -credit mitigation ratio (e.g., for a perservation ratio of 8 feet to 1 credit, the multiplier would be 8). °Equal to the number of feet of stream in each Mitigation Type. If stream reaches are not creditable, they should be excluded from this measurement, even if they fall within the easement. 'This amount is the maximum buffer area possible based on the linear footage of stream length if channel were perfectly straight with full buffer width and no internal crossings. This number is not used in calculations, but is provided as a reference. 'Maximum potential size (in square feet) of each buffer zone measured around all creditable stream reaches, calculated using GIS, including areas outside of the easement. The inner zone (0-15') should be measured from the top of the OHWM or the edge of the average stream width if OHWM is not known. Non -creditable stream reaches within the easement should be removed prior to calculating this area wtih GIS. 'Square feet in each buffer zone, as measured by GIS, excluding non -forested areas, all other credit type (e.g., wetland, nutrient offset, buffer), easement exceptions, open water, areas failing to meet the vegetation performance standard, etc. Additional credit is given to 150 feet in buffer width, so areas within the easement that are more than 150 feet from creditable streams should not be included in this measurement. Non -creditable stream reaches within the easement should be removed prior to calculating this area wtih GIS. WILDLANDS ENGINEERING 0 250 500 Feet Internal Crossing (Ineligible Areas Exluded From Calculations) External Crossing (Ineligible Areas Exluded From Calculations) Buffer Analysis Catawba Umbrella Mitigation Bank Firestone Mitigation Site Catawba River Basin (03050101) Catawba County, NC