HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000422_Black Mountain Master Annual Self Assessment Template_20220608NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT MASTER Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 6 5 2.B.2. Did Black Mountain submit a self-audit of any stormwater program components not audited by EPA or NCDEQ? 7 5 2.B.3. Did Black Mountain submit a stormwater permit renewal application at least 180 days prior to permit expiration? 8 5 2.B.3. If so, what was the date the permit renewal application submittal was received by DEQ? 15 5 3.B.4.Did Black Mountain implement funding mechanism(s)? 20 5 4.B.2.Did Black Mountain maintain the stormwater web site? 24 5 4.B.3.Number of stormwater web page hits? 33 5 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 34 5 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 40 5 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 45 5 6.B.5.Did Black Mountain post about fecal coliform to social media? 51 5 7.B.3. Did Black Mountain implement two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 56 5 8.B.2. Did Black Mountain evaluate stormwater feedback survey and update as needed? 60 5 8.B.3. Did Black Mountain report stormwater survey findings to Town Council and Staff? 66 5 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 80 5 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 81 5 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 82 5 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 89 5 14.B.1.Did Black Mountain add new outfalls, inlets or pipes to the MS4 map? 93 5 14.B.2. Did Black Mountain update attributes information for inlets, outfalls and/or pipes? 98 5 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 109 5 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain inspect at least one group of major outfalls (at least 20%)? 110 5 16.B.2.Total number of outfall inspections performed? 115 5 17.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain and implement the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discharges and illegal dumping? 119 5 18.B.1. Did Black Mountain have an annual evaluation meeting with IDDE program staff? 123 5 18.B.2. Did Black Mountain review IDDE reports and identification of “repeat offenders” and or “hot spots” areas? 136 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges identified 137 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges verified 138 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges resolved 139 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges enforcement actions 148 5 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 149 5 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 154 5 23.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain legal authority to require construction site operators to control waste? 163 5 24.B.1. Did Black Mountain distribute the construction waste management fact sheet with all issued building permits? 164 5 24.B.1.Number of construction waste management fact sheets distributed? 185 5 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 186 5 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 187 5 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 188 5 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 189 5 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 194 5 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? Page 1 of 12 NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT MASTER 199 5 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 204 5 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? 209 5 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 219 5 29.B.2. Did Black Mountain distribute a brochure on septic maintenance to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 220 5 29.B.2. Number of brochures on septic maintenance distributed to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 241 5 30.B.5. Did Black Mountain review/update the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 242 5 30.B.5. Number of modifications to the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 250 5 31.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual facility inspections for all town owned facilities? 251 5 31.B.2.Number of annual facility inspections performed for town owned facilities? 260 5 33.B.3.Did Black Mountain provide annual spill response training to staff? 261 5 33.B.3.Number of staff trained in spill response? 265 5 33.B.4.Did Black Mountain replace / update spill kits? 275 5 34.B.3. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 276 5 34.B.3. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 284 5 35.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP, including inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 285 5 35.B.2. Number of routine MS4 inspections performed in accordance with the SOP? 294 5 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 295 5 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 305 5 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 306 5 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 315 5 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 316 5 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 325 5 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 326 5 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 334 5 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 344 5 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 345 5 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? Page 2 of 12 NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN 2022 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 1 1 1 Did Black Mountain submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to February 28? 9 1 3.B.1.Did Black Mountain complete fiscal analysis and determine gap? 10 1 3.B.2.Did Black Mountain determine available mechanism and funding options? 11 1 3.B.3.Did Black Mountain select funding mechanism(s)? 16 1 4.B.1.Did Black Mountain redesign/improve existing stormwater web site? 25 1 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 26 1 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 35 1 5.B.2. Did Black Mountain train responsible staff in general stormwater knowledge and how to direct the caller to the correct party? 36 1 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 41 1 6.B.1.Did Black Mountain post about illicit discharges to social media? 46 1 7.B.1. Did Black Mountain review education and outreach program options and enact MOU with RiverLink? 47 1 7.B.2. Did Black Mountain select two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 52 1 8.B.1. Did Black Mountain create a stormwater feedback survey and post to stormwater website? 61 1 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain identify volunteer opportunites for citizens? 62 1 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 67 1 12.B.1. Did Black Mountain identify public areas that could be cleaned by volunteers? 68 1 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 69 1 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 70 1 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 83 1 13.B.1.Did Black Mountain distinguish major outfalls in current GIS layer? 94 1 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 99 1 15.B.1. Did Black Mountain review ordinances and update revisions needed to maintain IDDE legal authority? 100 1 16.B.1.Did Black Mountain hire a stormwater tech? 101 1 16.B.2. Did Black Mountain train stormwater tech on outfall inspections and investigations? 111 1 17.B.1. Did Black Mountain revise the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discarges and illegal dumping? 140 1 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 141 1 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 150 1 23.B.1. Did Black Mountain review existing ordinance and make revisions as needed to require construction site operators to control waste? 155 1 24.B.1.Did Black Mountain create a construction waste management fact sheet? 156 1 24.B.2. Did Black Mountain post the construction waste management fact sheet to the stormwater web page? 165 1 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 166 1 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 167 1 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 168 1 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 169 1 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 190 1 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? 195 1 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 200 1 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? 205 1 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 210 1 29.B.1.Did Black Mountain review existing pet waste ordinance? 211 1 29.B.2.Did Black Mountain update the existing pet waste ordinance? 212 1 29.B.1. Did Black Mountain implement a social media post regarding septic system maintenance? 224 1 30.B.1. Did Black Mountain create an inventory list of existing town-owned facilities? 225 1 30.B.1.Number of existing town-owned facilities on inventory list? 226 1 30.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform initial inspections of town-owned facilities with potential to generate polluted runoff or requiring spill response procedures and classify facilities as having high or low potential for stormwater pollution? 227 1 30.B.2.Number of town-owned facility inspections performed 228 1 30.B.2.Number of low stormwater pollution potential facilities identified? 229 1 30.B.2.Number of high stormwater pollution potential facilities identified? NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN 2022 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 230 1 30.B.3. Did Black Mountain determine which town-owned facilities require NPDES industrial permit coverage? 231 1 30.B.3. Number of town-owned facilities requiring industrial stormwater permit coverage? 232 1 30.B.3. Did Black Mountain submit NOI(s) for town-owned facilities that require NPDES industrial permit coverage? 233 1 30.B.4. Did Black Mountain determine which town-owned facilities require an SPCC Plan? 234 1 30.B.4.Number of town-owned facilities that require an SPCC Plan? 243 1 31.B.1. Did Black Mountain established a SOP for town facility inspections, including a schedule, reporting documentation and tracking system? 252 1 33.B.1. Did Black Mountain create an inventory list of town facilities that store hazardous materials? 253 1 33.B.2.Did Black Mountain review spill procedures for applicable locations? 266 1 34.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop a general stormwater education and training plan for pollution prevention for town employees? 267 1 34.B.2. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 268 1 34.B.2. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 277 1 35.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP that includes proactive inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 286 1 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 287 1 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 297 1 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 298 1 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 307 1 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 308 1 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 317 1 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 318 1 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 327 1 38.B.1.Did Black Mountain create a pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 328 1 38.B.2.Did Black Mountain train staff on the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 329 1 38.B.2.Number of staff trained on the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 330 1 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 335 1 39.B.3. Did Black Mountain develop inspection forms for town facilities with industrial stormwater permits? 336 1 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 337 1 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 346 1 39.B.5. Did Black Mountain establish an NPDES industrial permit tracking mechanism to document town owned facilities with inspection schedules and expiration dates of permits? 347 1 40.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inspection checklist for vehicle and equipment cleaning and maintenance facilities? 348 1 40.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform quarterly inspections of vehicle and equipment facilities using the checklist and notify site manager of any corrective actions needed? 349 1 40.B.2.Number of town vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities inspected? 358 1 40.B.3. Did Black Mountain perform re-inspections of any vehicle and equipment maintenance facility that required corrective action? 359 1 40.B.3. Number of re-inspections of vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities that required corrective action? 368 1 41.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop a street sweeping SOP, including a regular schedule to reduce pollutants from town owned and maintained streets and public facilities such as parks and parking lots? 369 1 41.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the street sweeping SOP, including a regular schedule to reduce pollutants from town owned and maintained streets and public facilities such as parks and parking lots? 370 1 41.B.2.Number of street miles swept? 371 1 42.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop a leaf collection SOP, including periodic collection of leaves from residential and public areas to reduce pollutants and clogging of storm system inlets? 372 1 42.B.1.Total volume of leaves collected (tons)? 373 1 43.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop a SOP specific to public safety response to vehicle accidents and spills? 374 1 43.B.2. Did Black Mountain provide public education on stormwater website about stopping vehicle leaks? 375 1 44.B.1.Did Black Mountain identify areas with litter issues? 376 1 44.B.2. Did Black Mountain annually post two times on social media about litter prevention? NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 2 2 1 Did Black Mountain submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to February 28? 12 2 3.B.4.Did Black Mountain implement funding mechanism(s)? 17 2 4.B.2.Did Black Mountain maintain the stormwater web site? 21 2 4.B.3.Number of stormwater web page hits? 27 2 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 28 2 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 37 2 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 42 2 6.B.2.Did Black Mountain post about car washing to social media? 48 2 7.B.3. Did Black Mountain implement two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 53 2 8.B.2. Did Black Mountain evaluate stormwater feedback survey and update as needed? 57 2 8.B.3. Did Black Mountain report stormwater survey findings to Town Council and Staff? 63 2 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 71 2 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 72 2 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 73 2 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 84 2 13.B.2. Did Black Mountain ground truth location and condition of major outfalls and update attributes? 86 2 14.B.1.Did Black Mountain add new outfalls, inlets or pipes to the MS4 map? 90 2 14.B.2. Did Black Mountain update attributes information for inlets, outfalls and/or pipes? 92 2 14.B.2. Did Black Mountain update attributes information for inlets, outfalls and/or pipes? 95 2 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 102 2 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain split major outfalls into five groups (or fewer if possible) so that each group is inspected at least once per permit cycle? 103 2 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain inspect at least one group of major outfalls (at least 20%)? 104 2 16.B.2.Total number of outfall inspections performed? 112 2 17.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain and implement the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discharges and illegal dumping? 116 2 18.B.1. Did Black Mountain have an annual evaluation meeting with IDDE program staff? 120 2 18.B.2. Did Black Mountain review IDDE reports and identification of “repeat offenders” and or “hot spots” areas? 124 2 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges identified 125 2 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges verified 126 2 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges resolved 127 2 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges enforcement actions 142 2 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 143 2 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 151 2 23.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain legal authority to require construction site operators to control waste? 157 2 24.B.1. Did Black Mountain distribute the construction waste management fact sheet with all issued building permits? 158 2 24.B.1.Number of construction waste management fact sheets distributed? 170 2 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 171 2 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 172 2 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 173 2 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 174 2 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? Page 5 of 12 NCS000422_BLACK MOUNTAIN 2023 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 191 2 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? 196 2 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 201 2 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? 206 2 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 213 2 29.B.2. Did Black Mountain distribute a brochure on septic maintenance to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 214 2 29.B.2. Number of brochures on septic maintenance distributed to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 235 2 30.B.5. Did Black Mountain review/update the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 236 2 30.B.5. Number of modifications to the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 244 2 31.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual facility inspections for all town owned facilities? 245 2 31.B.2.Number of annual facility inspections performed for town owned facilities? 254 2 33.B.3.Did Black Mountain provide annual spill response training to staff? 255 2 33.B.3.Number of staff trained in spill response? 262 2 33.B.4.Did Black Mountain replace / update spill kits? 269 2 34.B.3. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 270 2 34.B.3. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 278 2 35.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP, including inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 279 2 35.B.2. Number of routine MS4 inspections performed in accordance with the SOP? 288 2 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 289 2 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 296 2 35.B.4. Did Black Mountain develop an inspection and maintenance tracking system to be used in accordance with the SOP and to identify “hot spot” locations for system maintenance? 299 2 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 300 2 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 309 2 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 310 2 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 319 2 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 320 2 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 331 2 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 338 2 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 339 2 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 350 2 40.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform quarterly inspections of vehicle and equipment facilities using the checklist and notify site manager of any corrective actions needed? 351 2 40.B.2.Number of town vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities inspected? 360 2 40.B.3. Did Black Mountain perform re-inspections of any vehicle and equipment maintenance facility that required corrective action? 361 2 40.B.3. Number of re-inspections of vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities that required corrective action? 377 2 44.B.2. Did Black Mountain annually post two times on social media about litter prevention? Page 6 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 3 3 1 Did Black Mountain submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to February 28? 13 3 3.B.4.Did Black Mountain implement funding mechanism(s)? 18 3 4.B.2.Did Black Mountain maintain the stormwater web site? 22 3 4.B.3.Number of stormwater web page hits? 29 3 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 30 3 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 38 3 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 43 3 6.B.3.Did Black Mountain post about fertilizer runoff to social media? 49 3 7.B.3. Did Black Mountain implement two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 54 3 8.B.2. Did Black Mountain evaluate stormwater feedback survey and update as needed? 58 3 8.B.3. Did Black Mountain report stormwater survey findings to Town Council and Staff? 64 3 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 74 3 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 75 3 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 76 3 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 85 3 13.B.3. Did Black Mountain add receiving waters and flow direction to the MS4 map? 87 3 14.B.1.Did Black Mountain add new outfalls, inlets or pipes to the MS4 map? 91 3 14.B.2. Did Black Mountain update attributes information for inlets, outfalls and/or pipes? 96 3 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 105 3 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain inspect at least one group of major outfalls (at least 20%)? 106 3 16.B.2.Total number of outfall inspections performed? 113 3 17.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain and implement the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discharges and illegal dumping? 117 3 18.B.1. Did Black Mountain have an annual evaluation meeting with IDDE program staff? 121 3 18.B.2. Did Black Mountain review IDDE reports and identification of “repeat offenders” and or “hot spots” areas? 128 3 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges identified 129 3 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges verified 130 3 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges resolved 131 3 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges enforcement actions 144 3 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 145 3 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 152 3 23.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain legal authority to require construction site operators to control waste? 159 3 24.B.1. Did Black Mountain distribute the construction waste management fact sheet with all issued building permits? 160 3 24.B.1.Number of construction waste management fact sheets distributed? 175 3 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 176 3 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 177 3 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 178 3 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 179 3 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 192 3 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? 197 3 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 202 3 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? Page 7 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2024 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 207 3 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 215 3 29.B.2. Did Black Mountain distribute a brochure on septic maintenance to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 216 3 29.B.2. Number of brochures on septic maintenance distributed to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 221 3 29.B.3. Did Black Mountain post information about septic maintenance on the stormwater website? 237 3 30.B.5. Did Black Mountain review/update the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 238 3 30.B.5. Number of modifications to the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 246 3 31.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual facility inspections for all town owned facilities? 247 3 31.B.2.Number of annual facility inspections performed for town owned facilities? 256 3 33.B.3.Did Black Mountain provide annual spill response training to staff? 257 3 33.B.3.Number of staff trained in spill response? 263 3 33.B.4.Did Black Mountain replace / update spill kits? 271 3 34.B.3. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 272 3 34.B.3. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 280 3 35.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP, including inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 281 3 35.B.2. Number of routine MS4 inspections performed in accordance with the SOP? 290 3 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 291 3 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 301 3 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 302 3 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 311 3 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 312 3 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 321 3 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 322 3 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 332 3 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 340 3 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 341 3 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 352 3 40.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform quarterly inspections of vehicle and equipment facilities using the checklist and notify site manager of any corrective actions needed? 353 3 40.B.2.Number of town vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities inspected? 362 3 40.B.3. Did Black Mountain perform re-inspections of any vehicle and equipment maintenance facility that required corrective action? 363 3 40.B.3. Number of re-inspections of vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities that required corrective action? 378 3 44.B.2. Did Black Mountain annually post two times on social media about litter prevention? 381 3 44.B.3.Did Black Mountain organize a roadway litter clean up event? Page 8 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2025 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 4 4 1 Did Black Mountain submit the Annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to February 28? 5 4 2.B.1. Did Black Mountain participate in an NPDES MS4 Permit Compliance Audit, as scheduled and performed by EPA or NCDEQ? 14 4 3.B.4.Did Black Mountain implement funding mechanism(s)? 19 4 4.B.2.Did Black Mountain maintain the stormwater web site? 23 4 4.B.3.Number of stormwater web page hits? 31 4 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 32 4 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 39 4 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 44 4 6.B.4. Did Black Mountain post about residential stormwater management techniques to social media? 50 4 7.B.3. Did Black Mountain implement two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 55 4 8.B.2. Did Black Mountain evaluate stormwater feedback survey and update as needed? 59 4 8.B.3. Did Black Mountain report stormwater survey findings to Town Council and Staff? 65 4 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 77 4 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 78 4 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 79 4 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 88 4 14.B.1.Did Black Mountain add new outfalls, inlets or pipes to the MS4 map? 97 4 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 107 4 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain inspect at least one group of major outfalls (at least 20%)? 108 4 16.B.2.Total number of outfall inspections performed? 114 4 17.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain and implement the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discharges and illegal dumping? 118 4 18.B.1. Did Black Mountain have an annual evaluation meeting with IDDE program staff? 122 4 18.B.2. Did Black Mountain review IDDE reports and identification of “repeat offenders” and or “hot spots” areas? 132 4 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges identified 133 4 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges verified 134 4 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges resolved 135 4 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges enforcement actions 146 4 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 147 4 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 153 4 23.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain legal authority to require construction site operators to control waste? 161 4 24.B.1. Did Black Mountain distribute the construction waste management fact sheet with all issued building permits? 162 4 24.B.1.Number of construction waste management fact sheets distributed? 180 4 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 181 4 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 182 4 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 183 4 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 184 4 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 193 4 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? 198 4 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 203 4 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? 208 4 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? Page 9 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2025 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 217 4 29.B.2. Did Black Mountain distribute a brochure on septic maintenance to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 218 4 29.B.2. Number of brochures on septic maintenance distributed to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 222 4 29.B.4. Did Black Mountain train stormwater hotline staff to answer questions/direct calls related to septic concerns? 223 4 29.B.4. Number of stormwater hotline staff trained to answer questions/direct calls related to septic concerns? 239 4 30.B.5. Did Black Mountain review/update the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 240 4 30.B.5. Number of modifications to the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 248 4 31.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual facility inspections for all town owned facilities? 249 4 31.B.2.Number of annual facility inspections performed for town owned facilities? 258 4 33.B.3.Did Black Mountain provide annual spill response training to staff? 259 4 33.B.3.Number of staff trained in spill response? 264 4 33.B.4.Did Black Mountain replace / update spill kits? 273 4 34.B.3. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 274 4 34.B.3. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 282 4 35.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP, including inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 283 4 35.B.2. Number of routine MS4 inspections performed in accordance with the SOP? 292 4 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 293 4 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 303 4 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 304 4 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 313 4 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 314 4 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 323 4 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 324 4 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 333 4 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 342 4 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 343 4 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 354 4 40.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform quarterly inspections of vehicle and equipment facilities using the checklist and notify site manager of any corrective actions needed? 355 4 40.B.2.Number of town vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities inspected? 364 4 40.B.3. Did Black Mountain perform re-inspections of any vehicle and equipment maintenance facility that required corrective action? 365 4 40.B.3. Number of re-inspections of vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities that required corrective action? 379 4 44.B.2. Did Black Mountain annually post two times on social media about litter prevention? 382 4 44.B.4. Did Black Mountain add at least five trash and recycling receptacles to high litter areas? 383 4 44.B.4.Number of trash and recycling receptacles added to high litter areas? Page 10 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2026 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT Line No. Reporting Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) BMP Ref.Measurable Goal Reporting Metric Comments 6 5 2.B.2. Did Black Mountain submit a self-audit of any stormwater program components not audited by EPA or NCDEQ? 7 5 2.B.3. Did Black Mountain submit a stormwater permit renewal application at least 180 days prior to permit expiration? 8 5 2.B.3. If so, what was the date the permit renewal application submittal was received by DEQ? 15 5 3.B.4.Did Black Mountain implement funding mechanism(s)? 20 5 4.B.2.Did Black Mountain maintain the stormwater web site? 24 5 4.B.3.Number of stormwater web page hits? 33 5 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain update/maintain existing hotline? 34 5 5.B.1.Did Black Mountain assign a staff person to check hotline calls? 40 5 5.B.3. Did Black Mountain promote the hotline in materials developed for the stormwater program and on stormwater website? 45 5 6.B.5.Did Black Mountain post about fecal coliform to social media? 51 5 7.B.3. Did Black Mountain implement two education / outreach programs to focus on residential and construction audiences? 56 5 8.B.2. Did Black Mountain evaluate stormwater feedback survey and update as needed? 60 5 8.B.3. Did Black Mountain report stormwater survey findings to Town Council and Staff? 66 5 11.B.1.Did Black Mountain promote volunteer opportunites for citizens? 80 5 12.B.2. Did Black Mountain coordinate semi-annual volunteer litter cleanup of public areas? 81 5 12.B.2.Number of volunteers participating in semi-annual litter clean up events? 82 5 12.B.2.Number of trash bags filled during semi-annual litter clean up events? 89 5 14.B.1.Did Black Mountain add new outfalls, inlets or pipes to the MS4 map? 93 5 14.B.2. Did Black Mountain update attributes information for inlets, outfalls and/or pipes? 98 5 14.B.2.Total number of mapped major outfalls 109 5 16.B.3. Did Black Mountain inspect at least one group of major outfalls (at least 20%)? 110 5 16.B.2.Total number of outfall inspections performed? 115 5 17.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain and implement the IDDE plan for investigations of illicit discharges and illegal dumping? 119 5 18.B.1. Did Black Mountain have an annual evaluation meeting with IDDE program staff? 123 5 18.B.2. Did Black Mountain review IDDE reports and identification of “repeat offenders” and or “hot spots” areas? 136 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges identified 137 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges verified 138 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges resolved 139 5 18.B.2.Number of potential illicit discharges enforcement actions 148 5 21.B.1. Did Black Mountain train municipal staff on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 149 5 21.B.1. Number of municipal staff trained on proper handling of construction site runoff control complaints? 154 5 23.B.2. Did Black Mountain maintain legal authority to require construction site operators to control waste? 163 5 24.B.1. Did Black Mountain distribute the construction waste management fact sheet with all issued building permits? 164 5 24.B.1.Number of construction waste management fact sheets distributed? 185 5 25 Did Black Mountain track the number of low-density and high-density plan reviews performed? 186 5 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were performed? 187 5 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were performed? 188 5 25 If so, how many low density project reviews were approved? 189 5 25 If so, how many high density project reviews were approved? 194 5 25 Did Black Mountain maintain a current inventory of low-density projects and constructed SCMs, including SCM type or low-density acreage, location, last inspection date and type of enforcement action (if any)? Page 11 of 12 NCS000422 BLACK MOUNTAIN 2026 ANNUAL SELF ASSESSMENT 199 5 25 How many high density non-municipally owned SCM inspections were performed? 204 5 25 How many low-density inspections were performed? 209 5 25 How many post-construction enforcement actions were issued? 219 5 29.B.2. Did Black Mountain distribute a brochure on septic maintenance to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 220 5 29.B.2. Number of brochures on septic maintenance distributed to new construction that cannot connect to public sewer? 241 5 30.B.5. Did Black Mountain review/update the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 242 5 30.B.5. Number of modifications to the inventory of town-owned facilities with stormwater pollution potential to include new/closed/modified facilities? 250 5 31.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual facility inspections for all town owned facilities? 251 5 31.B.2.Number of annual facility inspections performed for town owned facilities? 260 5 33.B.3.Did Black Mountain provide annual spill response training to staff? 261 5 33.B.3.Number of staff trained in spill response? 265 5 33.B.4.Did Black Mountain replace / update spill kits? 275 5 34.B.3. Did Black Mountain provide general stormwater education and training for pollution prevention to at least 20 town employees? 276 5 34.B.3. Number of employees trained on general stormwater education and pollution prevention? 284 5 35.B.2. Did Black Mountain implement the MS4 Inspection and Maintenance SOP, including inspection schedules, standard documentation, staff responsibilities, and proper maintenance training? 285 5 35.B.2. Number of routine MS4 inspections performed in accordance with the SOP? 294 5 35.B.3. Did Black Mountain verify, document, and prioritize MS4 maintenance activities identified by inspections or citizen reports? 295 5 35.B.3.Number of MS4 maintenance activities performed? 305 5 36.B.1. Did Black Mountain develop an inventory of town-owned/operated SCMs, including the location and type of SCM? 306 5 36.B.1.Number of town-owned / operated SCMs in the inventory? 315 5 36.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs? 316 5 36.B.2.Number of annual inspections of town owned / operated SCMs performed? 325 5 37.B.1. Did Black Mountain review staff files to ensure that pesticide and herbicide certifications and training requirements are current? 326 5 37.B.1.Number of staff with herbicide / pesticide certifications? 334 5 38.B.3.Did Black Mountain implement the pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer SOP? 344 5 39.B.4. Did Black Mountain inspect town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 345 5 39.B.4. Number of inspections performed for town facilities with an industrial stormwater permit? 356 5 40.B.2. Did Black Mountain perform quarterly inspections of vehicle and equipment facilities using the checklist and notify site manager of any corrective actions needed? 357 5 40.B.2.Number of town vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities inspected? 366 5 40.B.3. Did Black Mountain perform re-inspections of any vehicle and equipment maintenance facility that required corrective action? 367 5 40.B.3. Number of re-inspections of vehicle and equipment maintenance facilities that required corrective action? 380 5 44.B.2. Did Black Mountain annually post two times on social media about litter prevention? 384 5 44.B.4. Did Black Mountain add at least five trash and recycling receptacles to high litter areas? 385 5 44.B.4.Number of trash and recycling receptacles added to high litter areas? Page 12 of 12