HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Raleigh CORPUD NRWWTP Permit (WQ0001730) Book #2 Vol. # 9[Fwd: Status of Raleigh's variance] l of 1 Subject: [Fwd: Status of Raleigh's variance l From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:36:12 -0500 To: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan,Clark@ncmail.net> FYI about the Raleigh CORPUD variance request . david hance x. 587 Subject: Status of Raleigh's variance . , From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmermau@ncmail.n~t> Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2007 15:03:05 :-.0500 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@-n.cmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmaiLnet>, CC: Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmaiLnet>, David Hance <David.Hance@nc:;mail.net>:; ,, I hope someone has kept you in;.;t:,he loop concerning Raleigh. Here is the lat,e;St -_ Raleigh has requested, and Coleen. has agreed, to defer a decision on the s-ariance·,:, until after our receipt of new .:information from them sometime in mid January. -Once received we will review it and,·,per Colei?n,_ hold another public hearing. Sine,!= .i,t likely will be an addendum to the current application my guess is we will s. .. till., consider input from the previous, hearing and any new input concerning the fut,_'t(re. hearing. I had asked David to c:::ompile all the comments received to date and,;o:rgan;ize them according to content, to make it easier for Rick Bolich anq I, as well::i:is _you,- to review and consider. I haven-'t r~ceived them that I know of so I will check with David concerning a timeframe. A draft letter is being prepareo. for Coleen's signature concerning the defer:r.;a:1.Y, which should go out this week, from what I am led to believe. Each of you .have •.been copied so let Rick or I know if you do not get a copy. Let me know if any,other questions and have a nice holiday. Jay S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section . . · Content-Type: message/rfc822 Status of Raleigb'.Si varlfince . Content-Encoding: 7bit 12/18/2007 9:37 1 November 30, 2007 Mayor Thomas A. Bayliss City of New Bern P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, N.C. 28563-1129 (!]itg fJf Cfl.aleigh !North Garollna Re: City of Raleigh Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Dear Mayor Bayliss: The City is in receipt of your October 23rd letter to Mr. David Hance of the N.C. l;>ivision of Water Quality (DWQ) regarding the City of Raleigh's pending request to the N.C. Environmental Management Commission (EMC) for approval of a variance from the ISA NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards. Thank you for copying Mayor Meeker with your letter. I am sorry that there was not an opportunity provided for Raleigh staff to discuss the City's request to the EMC with you prior to you submitting this letter, since from our review of your letter it is clear that you do not fully understand the City's purpose and reasoning for making such a request to the EMC. The City of Raleigh submitted the variance request to DWQ on December 1, 2005 as a conditional requirement of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) subsequently approved by DWQ on July 19, 2006. The CAP was issued at the City's request to DWQ in order to address exceedances of the nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) standard for groundwater of 10 parts per million (i.e. the standard for drinking water) that has ocurred at portions of the compliance boundary around the perimeter of the City's biosolids land application farm fields located adjacentto the NRWWTP. The EMC' s rules require permitted parties like the City to use active remediation measures to correct exceedances of groundwater standards at the compliance boundary of their facilities. However, the rules also allow for a variance from the rules _where strict compliance would not be economically reasonable and is not necessary to protect public health. The City's CAP includes the installation of 40 wells for the extraction and treatment of contaminated groundwater in the portion of the site closest to residential development. The wells have already been installed and the City will begin pumping water from these wells into the NRWWTP process for de-nitrification in January, 2008. Once these active remediation facilities have been completed, the City will have expended a total $1. 7 million in their design and construction. In order to strictly comply with the EMC rules without the City pursuing the variance, similar wells would have to be installed around much of the property boundary at an estimated cost of approximately $80 million. DWQ and the State Toxicologist have agreed that there is no public health risk present that would be addressed by such an extensive groundwater removal, collection and treatment system; therefore, they support a variance that would relieve the City from this requirement. While it is true that there is nitrogen making its way to the Neuse River from the plant site, the remedial system strictly required by the rules would do virtually nothing to address that problem. Therefore, installing the remediation system required by the rules would therefore be a tremendous waste of public money. To address the nitrogen problem, which does not involve a violation of groundwater standards or a variance from those standards, the City and DWQ agreed that the City should be required to count estimated nitrogen loadings from the site towards its wastewater discharge limit for nitrogen. In this manner, the total nitrogen loadings from the plant site -both from the effluent discharge pipe and from the fields -will never be allowed to exceed the City's permitted nitrogen loading limit. This is both a fair and effective way to address the problem. The City has committed to exploring other ways to reduce nitrogen loading from the plant site and has for the past couple of years been cooperating with, promoting and funding research by hydrologists at DWQ, U.S. Geological Survey and N.C. State University to determine the most appropriate technology to achieve this goal. However, I want to reiterate that the remediation system that would be required without a variance is not one of those options because it is designed to address a different issue (nitrate nitrogen exceedances at the compliance boundary), not nitrogen loading to the Neuse River. Given the City of New Bern's location on the river, I certainly understand and appreciate you concerns about nitrogen in any form being discharge to the Neuse River. However, I assure you that the City of Raleigh has an equal and even greater concern for water quality in the Neuse River, especially for nutrients, since the impounded Neuse River in the form of Falls Lake is the City's current sole source of drinking water and the re- created river immediately downstream of Palls Lake Dam is a source of passive and active recreation and respite for thousand's of our City's citizens as the river travels through Raleigh's jurisdiction. From the outset of the determination that the Neuse River was a nutrient sensitive water body in the mid-1980's Raleigh has been the leader and the benchmark for removal nutrients from the Neuse River, starting with the installation of phosphorus removal treatment process three (3) years prior to the regulatory requirement at the NRWWTP. Raleigh also played key role in encouraging the Legislature to pass the so called "phosphate detergent ban" during this timeframe. As to nitrogen issue in the Neuse Estuary that came forward as a result of fish kills in the New Bern area in the summer of 1995, Raleigh has set the standard not just locally, but regionally and I dare say nationally for installation and operation of nitrogen removal facilities at the NRWWTP. As I'm sure you recall, the so called ''Neuse Nitrogen Rules" took effect in 1998 and NPDES permitted facilities such as the City's NRWWTP and the New Bern WWTP were granted 5 years to install nitrogen removal facilities, so that they would comply with total nitrogen discharge limits in calendar year 2003. Unlike many NPDES permitted facilities such as New Bern's, Raleigh immediately proceeded and spent approximately $15 million dollars in a two (2) phased major capital project of adding additional nitrogen removal treatment process at the NRWWTP and began reducing its nitrogen discharge in 1998, gaining compliance with its permit limits four (4) full years in advance of the DWO requirement. Since 1998 Raleigh has removed a conservative estimated total of more than 5,500,000 pounds of Total Nitrogen more than it was required to remove by DWQ as shown on the attached graph, with steady reductions from the previous year in every year but one. This trend will occur again this year in 2007, with the City discharging less than 300,000 pounds of Total Nitrogen. Because of this previous investment and record of nitrogen removal performance at the NRWWTP, DWQ approved the CAP with the condition that the City continue to discharge nitrogen at levels below the combined total of the plant treatment process plus the annual modeled loading from the CSA that is estimated to be transported to the Neuse River from the groundwater at the biosolids land application fields. The City retained an engineering consultant to conduct an independent Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) and prepare a CAP, both documents for DWQ review and approval. The CSA concluded through hydraulic modeling of groundwater from the farm fields that some NO3-N was leaving the plant site and was being discharged to the Neuse River. The groundwater hydraulic modeling in the CSA indicates that over the next thirty (30) years, a total of2,400,000 pounds or an annual average of 80,000 pounds per year. As you can see, Raleigh has already removed more than twice this total amount ofNO3-N and more than three times the estimated average annual loading. Both the City's consultants and DWQ staff believe installation of active remediation across the entire site in the form of additional groundwater wells, a collection system and denitrification of the groundwater in the NRWWTP is impractical both in terms of removing p.itrate nitrogen from groundwater as well the cost of such an extensive system, especially in light of what Raleigh has done and continues to do in nitrogen removal from the NRWWTP effluent being discharged from the Neuse River. In addition to its unparalleled nitrogen removal performance, Raleigh was the local government catalyst in first establishing and now continuing and enhancing a water quality monitoring network along the Lower Neuse River Basin from Falls Lake to below Havelock to insure through regular, frequent field sampling and laboratory analysis a means to measure long term water quality trends. The analytical results from this monitoring program indicate that the contribution of nitrogen to the Neuse River from the nitrate nitrogen leaving the City's biosolids application farm fields through groundwater is negligible on an annual basis. We certainly recognize and appreciate the contributions and investment New Bern has made to protect the Neuse River as well cited in your letter and look forward to continuing the partnership between the two Cities through the Neuse River Compliance Association and the Lower Neuse River Basin Association. If you have any questions regarding the information in this letter, please contact me at (919)-890-3070 or H. Dale Crisp, Raleigh's Public Utilities Director, (919)-857-4540. Also, I encourage you to talk with the DWQ ~taffregarding the information I have included about why Raleigh has requested the variance and why they support the variance and have recommended its approval by the EMC. Sincerely, 9,~~ J. Russell Allen City Manager Cc: Mayor and City Council Members City Attorney Associate City Attorney -McLawhorn Public Utilities Director Public Affairs Director Reuse Superintendent ~astewater Treatment Superintendent V1: WQ-Hance, Zimmerman and Sullins Steve Levitas November 30, 2007 Mayor Thomas A. Bayliss City of New Bern P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, N.C. 28563-1129 <Jity €Jf CJ:la,leigh !!Horth &rohna. Re: City of Raleigh Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) Dear Mayor Bayliss: The City is in receipt of your October 23rd letter to Mr. David Hance of the N.C. I)ivision of Water Quality (DWQ) regarding the City of Raleigh's pending request to the N.C. Environmental Management Commission (EMC) for approval of a variance from the I SA NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards. Thank you for copying Mayor Meeker with your letter. I am sorry that there was not an opportunity provided for Raleigh staff to discuss the City's request to the EMC with you prior to you submitting this letter, since from our review of your letter it is clear that you do not fully understand the City's purpose and reasoning for making such a request to the EMC. The City of Raleigh submitted the variance request to DWQ on December 1, 2005 as a conditional requirement of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) subsequently approved by DWQ on July 19, 2006. The CAP was issued at the City's request to DWQ in order to address exceedances of the nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) standard for groundwater of 10 parts per million (i.e. the standard for drinking water) that has ocurred at portions of the compliance boundary around the perimeter of the City's biosolids land application farm fields located adjacent to the NRWWTP. The EMC's rules requfrepennitted parties like the -City to use active remediation measures to correct exceedances of groundwater standards at the compliance boundary of their facilities. However, the rules also allow for a variance from the rules _where strict compliance would not be economically reasonable and is not necessary to protect public health. · The City's CAP includes the installation of 40 wells for the extraction and treatment of contaminated groundwater in the portion of the site closest to residential development. The wells have already been installed and the City will begin pumping water from these wells into the NRWWTP process for de-nitrification in January, 2008. Once these active remediation facilities have been completed, the City will have expended a total $1. 7 million in their design and construction. In order to strictly comply with the EMC rules without the City pursuing the variance, similar wells would have to be installed around much of the property boundary at an estimated cost of approximately $80 million. DWQ and the State Toxicologist have agreed that there is no public health risk present that would be addressed by such an extensive groundwater removal, collection and treatment system; therefore, they support a variance that would relieve the City from this requirement. While it is true that there is nitrogen making its way to the Neuse River from the plant site, the remedial system strictly required by the rules would do virtually nothing to address that problem. Therefore, installing the remediation system required by the rules would therefore be atremendous waste of public money. To address the nitrogen problem, which does not involve a violation of groundwater standards or a variance from those standards, the City and DWQ agreed that the City should be required to count estimated nitrogen loadings from the site towards its wastewater discharge limit for nitrogen. In this manner, the total nitrogen loadings from the plant site -both from the effluent discharge pipe and from the fields -will never be allowed to exceed the City's permitted nitrogen loading limit. This is both a fair and effective way to address the problem. The City has committed to exploring other ways to reduce nitrogen loading from the plant site and has for the past couple of years been cooperating with, promoting and funding research by hydrologists at DWQ, U.S. Geological 'Survey and N.C. State University to determine the most appropriate technology to achieve this goal. However, I want to reiterate that the remediation system that would be required without a variance is not one of those options because it is designed to address a different issue (nitrate nitrogen exceedances at the compliance boundary), not nitrogen loading to the Neuse River. Given the City of New Bern's location on the river, I certainly understand and appreciate you concerns about nitrogen in any form being discharge to the Neuse River. However, I assure you that the City of Raleigh has an equal and even greater concern for water quality in the Neuse River, especially for nutrients, since the impounded Neuse River in the form of Falls Lake is the City's current sole source of drinking water and the re- created river immediately downstream of Falls Lake Dam is a source of passive and active recreation and respite for thousand's of our City's citizens as the river travels through Raleigh's jurisdiction. From the outset of the determination that the Neuse River was a nutrient sensitive water body in the mid-1980's Raleigh has been the leader and the benchmark for removal nutrients from the Neuse River, starting with the installation of phosphorus removal treatment process three (3) years prior to the regulatory requirement at the NRWWTP. Raleigh also played key role in encouraging the Legislature to pass the so called "phosphate detergent ban" during this timeframe. As to nitrogen issue in the Neuse Estuary that came forward as a result of fish kills in the New Bern area in the summer of 1995, Raleigh has set the standard not just locally, but regionally and I dare say nationally for installation and operation of nitrogen removal facilities at the NRWWTP. As I'm sure you recall, the so called ''Neuse Nitrogen Rules" took effect in 1998 and NPDES permitted facilities such as the City's NRWWTP and the New Bern WWTP were granted 5 years to install nitrogen removal facilities, so that they would comply with total nitrogen discharge limits in calendar year 2003. Unlike many NPDES permitted facilities such as New Bern's, Raleigh immediately proceeded and spent approximately $15 million dollars in a two (2) phased major capital project of adding additional nitrogen removal treatment process at the NRWWTP and began reducing its nitrogen discharge in 1998, gaining compliance with its permit limits four (4) full years in advance of the DWO requirement. Since 1998 Raleigh has removed a conservative estimated total of more than 5,500,000 pounds of Total Nitrogen more than it was required to remove by DWQ as shown on the attached graph, with steady reductions from the previous year in every year but one. This trend will occur again this year in 2007, with the City discharging less than 300,000 pounds of Total Nitrogen. Because of this previous investment and record of nitrogen removal performance at the NRWWTP, DWQ approved the CAP with the condition that the City continue to discharge nitrogen at levels below the combined total of the plant treatment process plus the annual ;modeled loading from the CSA that is estimated to be transported to the Neuse River from the groundwater at the biosolids land application fields. The City retained an engineering consultant to conduct an independent Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) and prepare a CAP, both documents forDWQ review and approval. The CSA concluded through hydraulic modeling of groundwater from the farm fields that some NO3-N was leaving the plant site and was being discharged to the Neuse River. The groundwater hydraulic modeling in the CSA indicates that over the next thirty (30) years, a total of 2,400,000 pounds or an annual average of 80,000 pounds per year. As you can see, Raleigh has already removed more than twice this total amount of NO3-N and more than three times the estimated average annual loading. Both the City's consultants and DWQ staff believe installation of active remediation across the entire site in the form of additional groundwater wells, a collection system and denitrification of the groundwater in the NRWWTP is impractical both in terms ofremoving nitrate nitrogen from groundwater as well the cost of such an extensive system, especially in light of what Raleigh has done and continues to do in nitrogen removal from the NRWWTP effluent being discharged from the Neuse River. In addition to its unparalleled nitrogen removal performance, Raleigh was the local government catalyst in first establishing and now continuing and enhancing a water quality monitoring network along the Lower Neuse River Basin from Falls Lake to below Havelock to insure through regular, frequent field sampling and laboratory analysis a means to measure long term water quality trends. The analytical results from this _ monitoring program indicate that the contribution of nitrogen to the Neuse River from the nitrate nitrogen leaving the City's biosolids application farm fields through groundwater is negligible on an annual basis. We certainly recognize and appreciate the contributions and investment New Bern has made to protect the Neuse River as well cited in your letter and look forward to continuing the partnership between the two Cities through the Neuse River Compliance Association and the Lower Neuse River Basin Association. If you have any questions regarding the information in this letter, please contact me at (919)-890-3070 or H. Dale Crisp, Raleigh's Public Utilities Director, (919)-857-4540. Also, I encourage you to talk with the DWQ staff regarding the information I have included about why Raleigh has requested the variance and why they support the variance and have recommended its approval by the EMC. Sincerely, 9,~~ J. Russell Allen City Manager Cc: Mayor and City Council Members City Attorney Associate City Attorney -McLawhorn Public Utilities Director Public Affairs Director Reuse Superintendent ~tewater Treatment Superintendent 0_:_JWQ-Hance, Zimmerman and Sullins Steve Levitas C ORPUD Written Comments: Comprehensive set 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Written Comments: Comprehensive set From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 16:30:51 -0500 To: "Bachl, Carolyn" <CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com> Per our conversation today ; I have a complete set of written comments together . They will be in a envelope with your name on it for you or your co-worker to pickup on Wednesday, Nov .. 21st. They will be in my chair in Room 625aa across from the copier machine. I will be back after Thanksgiving Holiday. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 11/20/2007 4:311 !: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion '\ >f2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion From: "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:20:34-0500 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Chuck Wakild <Chuck.Waki.ld@ncmail.net> David & Others, The Division is involved in ongoing discussions with the City about its plans to address the concerns at this site. It is highly unlikely that the variance will go on the agenda for the January EMC meeting. I would not worry about the "tight time frame", and would not move forward with your proposed series of meetings until you hear back from me, Chuck, or Coleen. Thanks, Ted David Hance wrote: To Hearin g Officers, RRO Staff and other DWQ manag ement: Attached is a recent proposed Draft Schedule of what we would need to do to get the CORPUD Variance request to the EMC for the January 10, 2008 Meeting. This is in word. As you know - we have received all the comments up to November 5th, which was the deadline. Please note that there are question marks in spots in the table I am sending you. One has to do with when the next hearing officers meeting should be held. The other has to do with comments regarding the Edge of Auburn housing development. This company is developing a public water supply well and is doing subsurface evaluations to determine if a variance granted for the CORPUD may affect this operation. The comment that you received from Hunton and Williams (Craig Bromby) indicated that this work could take some time. Do we need to discuss this? Note also that the EMC Staff at DWQ 9th floor has established a "hard deadline" of December 12, 2007 for all agenda items with descriptions. In addition, attachments will now need to be in PDF format. This places us under a very tight time frame in getting this variance to the EMC for January 2008. It has been some time since the hearing officers and staffs have met on this variance. When should we have a meeting? I would be glad to make the arrangements. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 11/20/2007 10:48 A M !: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFJ' Schedule with Discussion >f 2 Ted L. Bush, Jr., Chief Aquifer Protection Section DENR Division of Water Quality 11/20/2007 10:48 AM :: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion (Ja ... of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion (Jay's time) From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:42:21 -0500 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Not a peep. Thanks. David Hance wrote: KS, Jay Zimmerman will not be back until Monday, August 28th and this is the same for Jeff Manning. I think it is vital that Jay Zimmerman be at the meeting from a technical standpoint. In the meantime --I will check on room availability in case we can do this. Have you heard from Andrew Pitner? david hance 733-5083 X. 587 *************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available on the afternoon of November 29 and the afternoon of December 4. Many of us will be at the DWQ supervisors' meeting on December 5. I have no other commitments that day. If we want to have some short meetings and/or conference calls on other days, it's possible I could squeeze them in. Thanks. David Hance wrote: To Hearing Officers RRO Staff and other DW Q management: Attached is a recent proposed Draft Schedule of what we would need to do to get the CORPUD Variance request to the EMC for the January 10, 2008 Meeting. This is in word. As you know -we have received all the comments up to November 5th, which was the deadline. Please note that there are question marks in spots in the table I am sending you. One has to do with when the next hearing officers meeting should be held. The other has to do with comments regarding the Edge of Auburn housing development. This company is developing a public water supply well and is doing subsurface evaluations to determine if a variance granted for the CORPUD may affect this operation. The comment that you received from Hunton and Williams (Craig Bromby) indicated that this work could take 11/19/2007 4:42 PM :: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion (Ja ... ... >f 2 some time. Do we need to discuss this? Note also that the EMC Staff at DWQ 9th floor has established a "hard deadline" of December 12, 2007 for all agenda items with descriptions. fu addition, attachments will now need to be in PDF format. This places us under a very tight time frame in getting this variance to the EMC for January 2008. It has been some time since the hearing officers and staffs have met on this variance. When should we have a meeting? I would be glad to make the arrangements. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 11/19/2007 4:42 PM :: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion (Ja ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion (Jay's time) From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:41:27 -0500 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> KS, Jay Zimmerman will not be back until Monday, August 28th and this is the same for Jeff Manning. I think it is vital that Jay Zimmerman be at the meeting from a technical standpoint. In the meantime --I will check on room availability in case we can do this. Have you heard from Andrew Pitner? david hance 733-5083 X. 587 *************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available on the afternoon of November 29 and the afternoon of December 4. Many of us will be at the DWQ supervisors' meeting on December 5. I have no other commitments that day. If we want to have some short meetings and/or conference calls on other days , it's possible I could squeeze them in. Thanks. David Hance wrote: To Hearing Officers, RRO Staff and other DWQ management: Attached is a recent proposed Draft Schedule of what we would need to do to get the CORPUD Variance request to the EMC for the January 10, 2008 Meeting. This is in word. As you know -we have re-ceived all the comments up to November 5th, which was the deadline. Please note that there are question marks in spots in the table I am sending you. One has to do with when the next hearing officers meeting should be held. The other has to do with comments regarding the Edge of Auburn housing development. This company is developing a public water supply well and is doing subsurface evaluations to determine if a variance granted for the CORPUD may affect this operation. The comment that you received from Hunton and Williams (Craig Bromby) indicated that this work could take some time. Do we need to discuss this? Note also that the EMC Staff at DWQ 9th floor has established a "hard deadline" of December 12, 2007 for all agenda items with descriptions . In addition, attachments will now need to be in PDF format. This places us under a very tight time frame in getting this variance to the EMC for January 2008. 11/19/2007 4:41 PM ~= CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion (Ja ... of2 It has been some time since the hearing officers and staffs have met on this variance. When should we have a meeting? I would be glad to make the arrangements. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 11/19/2007 4:41 P M te: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion f 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion From: Jeff.Manning@ncmail.net Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:26:04 -0500 To: David.Hance@ncmail.net The following is an automated response to your message generated on behalf of Jeff .Manning@ncmail .net I am out of the office until Nov 26th, 2007. Contact information for other unit staff is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/csu/swccontact.html If you need to speak with a live person immediately, please call (919) 733-5083, and press 0 for assistance. Thank you . · 11/19/2007 4:26 PM te: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion ·1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion From: JA Y.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:26:04 -0500 To: David.Hance@ncmail.net The following is an automated response to your message generated on behalf of JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncrnail .net Sorry I missed your message. I will be out of the office from Nov. 19 -23 and will respond to your message upon my return. For immediate assistance, contact the Aquifer Protection Section@ 919-791-4200 and ask for Keith Larick . 11/19/2007 4:26 PM :ORPUD Variance: A new DRAFT Schedule with Discussion , 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: A new DRAFf Schedule with Discussion From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 16:25:26 -0500 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> To Hearing Officers, RRO Staff and other DWQ management: Attached is a recent proposed Draft Schedule of what we would need to do to get the CORPUD Variance request to the EMC for the January 10, 2008 Meeting. This is in word. As you know -we have received all the comments up to November 5th, which was the deadline. Please note that there are question marks in spots in the table I am sending you. One has to do with when the next hearing officers meeting should be held. The other has to do with comments regarding the Edge of Auburn housing development. This company is developing a public water supply well and is doing subsurface evaluations to determine .if a variance granted for the CORPUD may affect this operation. The comment that you received from Hunton and Williams (Craig Bromby) indicated that this work could take some time. Do we need to discuss this? Note also that the EMC Staff at DWQ 9th floor has established a "hard deadline" of December 12, 2007 for all agenda items with descriptions. In addition, attachments will now need to be in PDF format. This places us under a very tight time frame in getting this variance to the EMC for January 2008. It has been some time since the hearing officers and staffs have met on this variance. When should we have a meeting? I would be glad to make the arrangements. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 Content-Type: . application/msword ' 3rdEd-variancetableSchedule.doc Content-Encoding: base64 11/19/2007 4:25 PM momic Impact Analysis for the 2L Groundwater Quality Standard £.. fl Subject: Economic Impact Analysis for the 2L Groundwater Quality Standard for Arsenic: Good contact needed on pump and treat cleanup and effectiveness From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 16:57:48 -0500 To: "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Linda Culpepper <linda.culpepper@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra. watts@ncmail.net> As you know I have been working on the economic impact analysis for the proposed revision to the Groundwater Standard for Arsenic. The budget people got back to us with some comments. One of the the things they need is some additional information on the cleanup process. There of course has been a lot of changes in both Divisions since the reorganization. I would like to know who on your various staffs is a good person to speak to on these matters. Could you give me a name and contact information? Anyone in the central office? Regional Offices? I would greatly appreciate that. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 11/16/2007 5:00 PM momic Impact Analysis : Revision of Arsenic Groundwater Standar... fl Subject: Economic Impact Analysis: Revision of Arsenic Groundwater Standard in 2L / Information on health and 'benefits' From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 16:38:57 -0500 To: Connie Brower <connie.brower@ncmail.net> Connie: A couple of weeks back, Jeff and I were at a meeting with the OSBM staff and DENR Budget Office staff on the Economic Impact Analysis for the change that we are working on for Arsenic. One of the comments related to benefits of the rule. They want to have some statement discussing health effects of the rule with a focus on different concentration levels and health effects. They more specifically want to know the cancer risk and non-cancer effects risk by lowering the standard from 50 ppb to 0 .02 ppb. Question: Do you have an readily available information, such as a table or something, that we could use in that Benefits Portion of the economic analysis for the arsenic rule? I think at one point last year, Bailey had asked for a table and you provided it to him but my memory is sketchy since I was not directly involved in the request. Please note ... and a gain I say ... Please note .... I am not asking for a full blow research pro ject with justifications and such. What we need is something fast and di ny to meet the new State Budget Manual Requirements for economic anal ysis . If you have questions -contact me at 733-5083 x. 587 David Hance DWQ-Planning Env Spec 11/16/2 007 5 :01 PM '.ORPUD Variance: Status of a hearing officers meeting Subject: CORPUD Variance: Status of a hearing officers meeting From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:10:08 -0500 To: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> It has been discussed back and forth but no date has been set . Andrew ~itner has been on vacation. david hance 11/15/2007 10:10 AM ~e: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Second Extension of the Comment Period for the variance From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16: 14:33 -0500 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." .... <ted.bush@ncmail.net> I am not aware that we have extended the comment period for any issue more. than once. David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, RRO Staff, and DWQ-PIO: * As you know on October 3, 2007 the Director of DWQ, Ms Coleen Sullins, extended the comment period for the City of Raleigh Variance to November 5, 2007, which is today. After that extension was made by the Director, an attorney named Torn Worth representing "The Edge of Auburn" requested an_ additional extension_ for even more time to comment. I have not heard of any additional comment extension beyond the one specified in the press release dated on October 3, 2007. /*Question: Have any of you heard of a SECOND COMMENT extension being granted.for this Variance?*/ If no extension has been granted, the Comment Period for this variance request remain as it was established by the Director on October 3rd. _*_If this is the case, the Division will accept written public comments on the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Variance Request via letter, fax, or email up until 12 Midnight tonight November 5, 2007. * David Hance Env. Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 ' 1 11/6/2007 3:33 PM R.e: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Second Extension of the Comment Period for the variance From: David Hance <l)avid.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 17:14:28 -0500 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Jay, You are correct. The hearing officers and the Director must decide on this! david hance 733-5083 X. 587 Jay Zimmerman wrote: I believe I sent a response that, in effect, indicated I did not see any reason to extend the comment period any longer. I do not recall any additional extension and I think it is up to the hearing officers and the Director to decide the merits of any request. Jay susan massengale wrote: I am not aware that we have extended the comment period for any issue more than once. David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, RRO Staff, and DWQ-PIO: * As you know on October 3, 2007 the Director of DWQ, Ms Coleen Sullins, extended the comment period for the City of Raleigh Variance to November 5, 2007, which is today . After that extension was made by the Director, an attorney named Tom Worth representing "The Edge of Auburn" requested an_ additional extension_ for even more time to comment. I have not heard of any additional comment extension beyond the one specified in the press release dated on October 3, 2007. /*Question: Have any of you heard of a SECOND COMMENT extension being granted for this Variance?*/ If no extension has been granted, the Comment Period for this variance request remain as it was established by the Director on October 3rd. _*_If this is the case, the Division will accept written public comments on the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Variance Request via letter, fax, or email up until 12 Midnight tonight November 5, 2007. * David Hance Env. Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 '1 11/5/2007 5:15 PM ~: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Second Extension of the Comment Period for the variance From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16:48:16 -0500 To: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> I believe I sent a response that, in effect, indicated I did not see any reason to extend the comment period any longer . I do not recall any additional extension and I think it is up to the hearing officers and the Director to decide the merits of any request. Jay susan massengale wrote: I am not aware that we have extended the comment period for any issue more than once. David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, RRO Staff, and DWQ-PIO: * As you know on October 3, 2007 the Director of DWQ, Ms Coleen Sullins, extended the comment period for the City of Raleigh Variance to November 5, 2007, which is today. After that extension was made by the Director, an attorney named Tom Worth representing "The Edge of Auburn" requested an_ additional extension_ for even more time to comment. I have not heard of any additional comment extension beyond the one specified in the press release dated on October 3, 2007. /*Question: Have any of you heard of a SECOND COMMENT extension being granted for this Variance?*/ If no extension has been granted, the Comment Period for this variance request remain as it was established by the Director on October 3rd. _*_If this is the case, the Division will accept written public comments on the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Variance Request via letter, fax, or email up until 12 Midnight tonight November 5, 2007. * David Hance Env. Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 11/5/2007 5:14 PM '.e: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Second Extension of the Comment Period for the variance From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16:14:33 -0500 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> T am not aware that we have extended the comment period for any issue more than once. David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, RRO Staff, and DWQ-PIO: * As you know on October 3, 2007 the Director of DWQ, Ms Coleen Sullins, extended the comment period for the City of Raleigh Variance to November 5, 2007, which is today. After that extension was made by the Director, an attorney named Tom Worth representing "The Edge of Auburn" requested an_ additional extension_ for even more time to comment. I have not heard of any additional comment extension beyond the one specified in the press release dated on October 3, 2007. /*Question: Have any of you heard of a SECOND COMMENT extension being granted for this Variance?*/ If no extension has been granted, the Comment Period for this variance request remain as it was established by the Director on October 3rd. _*_If this is the case, the Division will accept written public comments on the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department Variance Request via letter, fax, or email up until 12 Midnight tonight November 5, 2007. * David Hance Env. Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 f 1 11/5/2007 4:19 PM :ORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Seco ... fl Subject: CORPUD Variance: Discussion of the Tom Worth request for a Second Extension of the Comment Period for the variance From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 16:09:22 -0500 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Susan.Massengale@ncmail.net CC: "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> Hearing Officers , RRO Staff, and DWO-PIO: As you know on October 3, 2007 the Director of DWQ, Ms Coleen Sullins, .extended the comment period for the City of Raleigh Variance to November 5, 2007, which is today. After that extension was made by the Director, an attorney named Tom Worth representing "The Edge of Auburn" requested an additional extension for even more time to comment. I have not heard of any additional comment extension beyond the one specified in the press release dated on October 3, 2007. Question: Have any of you heard of a SECOND COMMENT extension being granted for this Variance? If no extension has been granted , the Comment Period for this variance request remain as it was established b y the Director on October 3rd. If this is the case, the Division will accept written public comments on the City of Ralei gh Public Utilities Department Variance Re quest via letter, fax , or email u p until 12 Midnight tonight November 5 , 2007. David Hance Env. Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 11/5/2007 4:09 PM e: CORPUD 2L Variance Request: schedules Df2 Subject: Re: CORPUD 2L Variance Request: schedules From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 15:52:42 -0500 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> You will recall from previous meetings that I have kept up with a scheduled for this variance and will be going over it to see if revisions are needed. David Hance 733-5083 X. 587 Jay Zimmerman wrote: Thanks David. Rick and I have already read most of the comments and prepared draft responses concerning some of them. I will wait to finish our responses until we receive the summary from you, afterwhich Rick and I can go through them more efficiently and provide input to Andrew and Kathy. I also spoke to Ted a couple of weeks ago concerning a meeting to discuss the comments with upper management. He agreed that it would be a good idea and that we should wait until we were nearly complete with our review. Also, will you provide a timeline that Rick and I should be aware of for the purpose of making sure we submit deliverables on time. My understanding is this will go to the EMC in January, correct? Thoughts please. Jay David Hance wrote: Hello Jav and other staff: I can go over the comments from the CORPUD Variance Request and get them into categories. Once the comment period closes tonight I will get on this. Note I will also be working on the Arsenic Economic Impact Analysis again since we have some responses and proposed changes from our Budget Office and Office of State Budget and Management. The is another major project of mine in addition to routine work. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 ******************************************************************************************* Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I spoke to Ted Bush recently concerning the volume of comments we have been receiving. Rick and I have started to wade through them, but I was thinking there has to be a better way for us to address the concerns, starting with putting them in categories. Would you be willing to organize the comments in such a way to allow Rick and I to provide technical feedback to Kathy and Andrew? What I am asking is if you would be willing to sort the letters into groups (e.g.-lump the form letters together so that we can 11/5/2007 3:53 PM '.e: CORPUD 2L Variance Request: schedules '2 look at one example of each, note the number of similar letters and provide a comment). Some of the letters are unique and will require an individual response, but a majority of them can probably be placed into groups . Let me know if this is something you can assist with or if you have some other thoughts. Thanks, jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearin g Officers and RRO staff: Here are some more electronic comments received this week and are attached in a Word Document. David Hance Env Spec DWQ/Planning 733-5083 X. 587 11/5/2007 3 :53 PM ORPUD 2L Variance Request: Dealing with Comments recieved Subject: CORPUD 2L Variance Request: Dealing with Comments recieved From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2007 13:57:38 -0500 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> CC: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Hello Jav and other staff: I can go over the comments from the CORPUD Variance Request and get them into categories. Once the comment period closes tonight I will get on this. Note I will also be working on the Arsenic Economic Impact Analysis again since we have some responses and proposed changes from our Budget Office and Office of State Budget and Management. The is another major project of mine in addition to routine work. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 ******************************************************************************************* Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I spoke to Ted Bush recently concerning the volume of comments we have been receiving. Rick and I have started to wade through them, but I was thinking there has to be a better way for us to address the concerns, starting with putting them in categories. Would you be willing to organize the comments in such a way to allow Rick and I to provide technical feedback to Kathy and Andrew? What I am asking is if you would be willing to sort the letters into groups (e.g.-lump the form letters together so that we can look at one example of each, note the number of similar letters and provide a comment). Some of the letters are unique and will require an individual response, but a majority of them can probably be placed into groups. Let me know if this is something you can assist with or if you have some other thoughts. Thanks, jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers and RRO staff: Here are some more electronic comments received this week and are attached in a Word Document. David Hance Env Spec DWQ/Planning 11/5/2007 1:58 PM CORPUD 2L Variance Request: Dealing with Comments recieved I 733-5083 x. 587 2of2 11/5/2007 L :58 e: CORPUD Variance: Emailed "E-comments" from this week Jf 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Emailed "E-comments" from this week From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2007 13:28:03 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> David, I spoke to Ted Bush recently concerning the volume of comments we have been receiving. Rick and I have started to wade through them, but I was thinking there has to be a better way for us to address the concerns, starting with putting them in categories. Would you be willing to organize the comments in such a way to allow Rick and I to provide technical feedback to Kathy and Andrew? What I am asking is if you would be willing to sort the letters into groups (e.g.-lump the form letters together so that we can look at one example of each, note the number of similar letters and provide a comment). Some of the letters are unique and will require an individual response, but a majority of them can probably be placed into groups. Let me know if this is something you can assist with or if you have some other thoughts. Thanks, jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearin e: Officers and RRO staff: Here are some more electronic comments received this week and are attached in a Word Document. David Hance Env Spec DWQ/Planning 733-5083 X. 587 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/ Aquifer Protection Section 11/5/2007 1 :57 P M 3 '.ORPUD Variance: Emailed "E-comments" from this week f 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Emailed "E-comments" from this week From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 16:10:06 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> Hello Hearing Officers and RRO staff: Here are some more electronic comments received this week and are attached in a Word Document. David Hance Env Spec DWQ/Planning 733-5083 X. 587 Corpud-DailySummaryofEcomments-1027-1101.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 11/1/2007 4:10 PM ,f 1 From: "Bach!, Carolyn" <CBachl@kilpatrickstockton.com> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 11:15:50 -0400 To: "David Hance" <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David, I got your message and just wanted to confirm what I have received. I got email messages from you on 10/23, 10/25, and 10/26 with email comments and a fax on 10/25 with written comments. Thanks, Carolyn D' KIJ..PA11UCK ~ STOCKTON LLP Carolyn A. Bachl Kilpatrick Stockton LLP Suite400 3737 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27612 t 9194201702 f 919 510 6169 Confidentiality Notice: This communication constitutes an electronic communication within the meaning of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 2510, and its disclosure is strictly limited to the recipient intended by the sender of this message. This transmission, and any attachments, may contain confidential attorney-client privileged information and attorney work product. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Please contact us immediately by return e-mail or at 919 420 1700, and destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. ***DISCLAIMER*** Treasury Department Circular 230 Disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the Treasury Department, we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein ... 10/30/2007 6:15 PM .ty of Raleigh Variance request: Attached public notice and contact Subject: City of Raleigh Variance request: Attached public notice and contact From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:41:12 -0400 To: jasonphilipps@gmail.com CC: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net Sir, Here is the public notice that went out for this variance request which gives a very good summary of what it is about. It is in word. Also, the contact on technical matters related to this variance is Mr. Jay Zimmerman in the DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section -Raleigh Regional Office and his number is 919/791-4200. As we discussed over the phone -public comments on this variance are to go to me by the extended deadline of November 5, 2007. David Hance Environmental Specialist DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone: 919-733-5083 x. 587 :Fax: 919-715-5637 . signatureversion-VersionpublicNotice-CORPUDVariance.doc • Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 10/31/2007 11:41 AM e: CORPUD Variance: Contact you discussed in email Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Contact you discussed in email From: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 18:34:24 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Thanks, David. David Hance wrote: I have met Sue Dayton. She came by and listened to the public hearing tapes a while back. david hance **************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: I was curious to see where the new standard language in the comments came from. htt p:/ !forums .enctoday .com/index.cfm ?page=to pic&to piclD= 15508 is at least one of the sources. David Hance wrote: Here attached are the email or "e-comments" from Oct. 22nd through Oct. 26th in word. I will be sending a copy on to Carolyn Bachl at Kilpatrick Stockton to keep them informed as we have discussed. david hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 10/30/2007 6:36 PM wd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update) f5 Subject: [Fwd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncrnail.net> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:56:29 -0500 To: Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncrnail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncrnail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncrnail.net>, Jeff Manning <j eff.rnanning@ncrnail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncrnail.net> FYI - I'm on the NRF mailing list. Interesting ..... rb Subject: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:44:39 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com> UPDATE: Lower Neuse Riverkeeper Larry Baldwin has been working with the town of New Bern and Craven County Commissioners to oppose Raleigh's plan to do nothing about a serious ground water pollution problem that is leaching over 120,000 lbs a year of nitrogen from polluted sewage sludge fields into the Neuse River. Meanwhile Upper Neuse Riverkeeper, Dean Naujoks has been working attorney's representing Raleigh to with draw the City's variance request and develop a plan that would essentially offset this pollution impact to the Neuse River and satisfy down stream concerns. While we sincerely hope this issue can be resolved, it is important for you to take one minute of your time to let the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) and Raleigh City officials know that Raleigh must be required to clean up the largest source of ground water pollution ever documented in North Carolina (PLEASE TAKE ACTION BELOW). Thanks to everyone, who has taken action on this issue. To date, the EMC has received more than 200 emails/letters from citizens opposing Raleigh's variance request. More than 1800 emails have collectively been sent to the EMC and Raleigh City Council Members opposing this plan. Please take a brief moment to let them know you oppose this variance request. ACTION ALERT City of Raleigh Seeks Variance to Avoid Cleanup of Sludge-Contaminated Gro.undwater Please oppose the proposed variance. If approved, the variance would impact the Neuse River and set a very bad precedent for future ground water contamination problems Tell Raleigh City Officials that you oppose the variance by clicking on the link provided below -it'll only take one minute of your time. BACK GROUND: The City of Raleigh does not want to clean up nitrogen 10/29/2007 2: 11 PM rd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] f5 contamination in the Neuse River that is leaching from Raleigh's sewage sludge fields (READ TODAY'S N&O ARTICLE BELOW). As a result of decades of over-application of sewage sludge from the City's Neuse River sewage treatment plant, the city contaminated over 1,000 acres of land/groundwater adjacent to the Neuse River. Problems at Raleigh's sewage plant were first revealed in 2002 when sewage plant employees contacted Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Dean Naujoks, citing numerous violations at the plant. Investigations by both state and federal officials eventually revealed more than a dozen violations at the plant, which has cost the city millions in plant upgrades . Marc Fender, the sewage plant superintendent was also fired as a result of the problems at the troubled plant. The most significant environmental damage occurred from excessive sludge application. Contaminated ground water was first detected at the plant in 1986. As early as 1990, state officials repeatedly warned Raleigh about unsafe levels of coliform bacteria, nitrates and metals in the groundwater in fields near the wastewater plant, even suggesting the city purchase additional land for sludge application. Old farm ponds at the sewage plant were intentionally drained and filled with sludge without obtaining a state permit. Raleigh Public Utilities actually suspended research being conducted by Charles Welby, a geologist at North Carolina State University, who was investigating whether nitrates suspected to be in the wastewater plant sludge were having an adverse effect on groundwater. 1996, Charles Welby released his study indicating contaminants from the wastewater plant are getting into local groundwater. The City now says the problem was due to "miscalculations" in the sludge application rates; application rates of sludge were reported to be at least double or triple what they should have been. The state finally required the city to stop land-applying sludge in 2002 after several private wells in the area were contaminated with nitrates. The wells have since been abandoned and the City of Raleigh now provides drinking water to those residents with abandoned wells, but more than 120,000 lbs of nitrogen per year (for the .next 30 years) continues to leach into the Neuse River. This is an extraordinary amount of nitrogen. It contributes more nitrogen per year to the Neuse River than the town of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Clayton, Johnson County, Wake Forest and Zebulon combined. It would set a very dangerous precedent to simply allow a variance for such an egregious ground water pollution problem when the state's own groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation (do nothing by letting nitrogen levels naturally fall over time to correct the problem) rather than treat polluted groundwater before it leaves the compliance boundary. Polluted groundwater from the plant will actually leave the site and travel more than 200 miles down river, impacting the Neuse Estuary which has suffered terribly from pollution problems . The Neuse River was recently listed as one of the Nation's Top Ten Most Endangered Rivers due.to on-going pollution problems in the river. Please tell EMC and Raleigh City Officials that this variance request must be denied and that the city should be required to offset this source of ground water pollution to the Neuse River. Click here htt ://ncconservationnetworkl.org /campaign/ralei hvariance to send a message! For additional questions or for a complete compliance history at the Raleigh sewage treatment plant please contact Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper with Neuse River Foundation at dean@att.net 10/29/2007 2:11 PM :.wd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] f5 Thank you for taking action today! Please read the article below http://www.newsobserver.com/news/wake/ralei g h/story/723119 .html RALEIGH WANTS CLEANUP WAIVER Faces $80 million bill in sewage mess Wade Rawlins, Staff Writer Pollution from treated sewage would leak for decades into the Neuse River under a plan the city of Raleigh wants the state to approve. Raleigh officials are asking for a waiver from state rules that would require an $80 million cleanup of widespread groundwater contamination around its Neuse River sewage-treatment plant. The city argues essentially that time and nature will eventually scrub the fields and groundwater of pollutants. For years, workers at the plant spread too much treated waste sludge on farm fields around the plant, despite warnings from the state. The city was eventually fined and ordered to develop a cleanup plan. Now, the groundwater beneath more than 1,100 acres of fields is contaminated with high levels of nitrates, which can harm humans and trigger fish kills downstream near the coast. Since the problem came to a head in 2002, the state suspended the city's permit to spread more sludge on the fields. The city has spent more than $40 million improving the operation of the plant and has turned a higher proportion of the plant's sludge into fertilizer and compost. Some treated waste is trucked to Duplin and Sampson counties and spread on farms there. But city officials say ringing the entire site in southeastern Wake County with hundreds of wells to collect and treat the groundwater would cause a financial hardship, costing nearly $80 million. Instead, city leaders propose to spend about $8 million to build 40 recovery wells. That would clean up 20 acres nearest housing subdivisions close to the plant. The city wants natural degradation to gradually clean up the areas where monitoring wells show the highest concentrations of nitrogen amounts up to 18 times the maximum allowed under state law. Some of those fields border the Neuse River. City officials say the approach poses no risk to public health because nearby residents have been hooked to municipal water and the contamination will be monitored. High levels of nitrates in drinking water can be toxic to infants, who have undeveloped digestive systems that can't break down the pollutants. As a result, oxygen levels fall in the blood, leading to a condition known as blue baby syndrome. "There is no public health impact for spending tens of millions of dollars on a remediation system," said Steve Levitas, a lawyer representing the city. But some residents near the spray fields say the city is skirting state environmental standards. "They were issued a permit, and along with that permit came a lot of rules and regulations about how they should conduct their business," said Phillip Douglas, a retired electronics engineer who lives near the plant. "One of the rules prohibits natural attenuation, which means letting nature clean up your mess. When they messed up and found out how much money it's going to cost to clean it up, they want a variance." Douglas, who opposes the city's plan, said state regulators should be the guardians of the state's water quality and should not take cost into account. 10/29/2007 2: 11 PM Fwd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update.em} i Content-Type: message/rfc822 !Content-Encoding: 7bit 10/29/2007 2: 11 PM r1 article from The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) 1 Subject: An article from The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) From: "Billy T." <cc1527@cocentral.com> Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 01:24:23 UT To: david.hance@ncmail.net ,From Staff Reports Comment period on water extended Residents will have more time to weigh in on the city's request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations at a pollution site near its wastewater treatment plant. From Staff Reports Residents will have more time to weigh in on the city's request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations at a pollution site near its wastewater treatment plant. Please make Raleigh be responsible for cleaning their mess and be a good neighbor to Johnston County! For the complete story ... htt p://www.newsobserver.com/news/wake/raleigh /story /7253 61.html Copyright The News & Observer Publishing Co., Raleigh, NC www.newsobserver.com This article should not be printed or distributed for anything except personal use. Feedback is welcome at http ://www.newsobserver.com/member center/help/coritact/. 10/29/2007 2:14 PM ORPUD Variance Request: Email comments for this week Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Email comments for this week From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 18:57:36 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Here attached are the email or "e-comments" from Oct. 22nd through Oct. 26th in word. I will be sending a copy on to Carolyn Bachl at Kilpatrick Stockton to keep them informed as we have discussed . david hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 .. . : Content-Type: application/msword I Corpud-DadySummaryofEcomments-1022-1026.doc: . · j Content-Encodmg: base64 10/26/2007 6:57 PM encToday.com -Forums Page 4 of 4 Content may not be reproduced without written permission from FENC CommL http://forums.enctoday.com/index .cfm ?page=topic&topiclD= 15508 10/29/2007 newsobserver.com I Comment period on water extended Page 1 of2 ~ News & Observer I newsobserver.com I Comment period on water extended Raleigh Counties: • • • .. • Topics: • • • • • • Columnists: • • • • • Wake County Briefs: Published: Oct 04, 2007 12:30 AM Modified: Oct 04, 2007 03:04 AM Comment period on water extended From Staff Reports RALEIGH -Residents will have more time to weigh in on the city's request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations at a pollution site near its wastewater treatment plant. The public comment period has been extended to Nov. 5. Raleigh wants a waiver from state environmental rules that would allow it to let nitrogen contamination diminish naturally over time. http://www.newsobserver.com/news/wake/raleigh/story/725361.html 10/28/2007 newsobserver.com I Comment period on water extended Page 2 of2 The city contaminated 1,100 acres near its Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant when it sprayed treated wastewater on fields. Permit conditions and state groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation as a cleanup. method. Those who wish to submit comments or inspect the variance request should: * Write to: David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 * Or call (919) 733-5083, ext. 587; * Or send e-mail to david.hance@ncmail.net. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material may not be published, broadcast or redistributed in any manner. © Copyright 2007, The News & Observer Publishing Company A subsidiary of The McClatchy Company http://www.newsobserver.com/news/wake/raleigh/story/725361.html 10/28/2007 ._i 1Vd: Raleigh Gro,:nd Water Pollution Update] f5 Subject: [Fwd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:17:30 -0500 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, DAVID HANCE <DA VID.HANCE@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> FYI Subject: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:44:39 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com> UPDATE: Lower Neuse Riverkeeper Larry Baldwin has been working with the town of New Bern and Craven County Commissioners to oppose Raleigh's plan to do nothing about a serious ground water pollution problem that is leaching over 120,000 lbs a year of nitrogen from polluted sewage sludge fields into the Neuse River. Meanwhile Upper Neuse Riverkeeper, Dean Naujoks has been working attorney's representing Raleigh to with draw the City's variance request and develop a plan that would essentially offset this pollution impact to the Neuse River and satisfy down stream concerns. While we sincerely hope this issue can be resolved, it is important for you to take one minute of your time to let the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) and Raleigh City officials know that Raleigh must be required to clean up the largest source of ground water pollution ever documented in North Carolina (PLEASE TAKE ACTION BELOW). Thanks to everyone, who has taken action on this issue. To date, the EMC has received more than 200 emails/letters from citizens opposing Raleigh's variance request. More than 1800 emails have collectively been sent to the EMC and Raleigh City Council Members opposing this plan. Please take a brief moment to let them know you oppose this variance request. ACTION ALERT City of Raleigh Seeks Variance to Avoid Cleanup of Sludge-Contaminated Groundwater Please oppose the proposed variance. If approved, the variance would impact the Neuse River and set a very bad precedent for future ground water contamination problems Tell Raleigh City Officials that you oppose the variance by clicking on the link provided below -it'll only take one minute of your time. htt p ://ncconservationnetworkl.org /camp ai g n/raleig hvariance BACK GROUND: The City of Raleigh does not want to clean up nitrogen contamination in the Neuse River that is leaching from Raleigh's sewage sludge fields (READ TODAY'S N&O ARTICLE BELOW). As a result of decades of over-application of sewage sludge from the City's Neuse I 10/29/2007 2:07 PM [Fwd: Raleigh Ground Water Pollution Update] 2 of5 River sewage treatment plant, the city contaminated over 1,000 acres of land/groundwater adjacent to the Neuse River. Problems at Raleigh's sewage plant were first revealed in 2002 when sewage plant employees contacted Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Dean Naujoks, citing numerous violations at the plant. Investigations by both state and federal officials eventually revealed more than a dozen violations at the plant, which has cost the city millions in plant upgrades. Marc Fender, the sewage plant superintendent was also fired as a result of the problems at the troubled plant. The most significant environmental damage occurred from excessive sludge application. Contaminated ground water was first detected at the plant in 1986. As early as 1990, state officials repeatedly warned Raleigh about unsafe levels of coliform bacteria, nitrates and metals in the groundwater in fields near the wastewater plant, even suggesting the city purchase additional land for sludge application. Old farm ponds at the sewage plant were intentionally drained and filled with sludge without obtaining a state permit. Raleigh Public Utilities actually suspended research being conducted by Charles Welby, a geologist at North Carolina State University, who was investigating whether nitrates suspected to be in the wastewater plant sludge were having an adverse effect on groundwater. 1996, Charles Welby released his study indicating contaminants from the wastewater plant are getting into local groundwater. The City now says the problem was due to "miscalculations" in the sludge application rates; application rates of sludge were reported to be at least double or triple what they should have been. The state finally required the city to stop land-applying sludge in 2002 after several private wells in the area were contaminated with nitrates. The wells have since been abandoned and the City of Raleigh now provides drinking water to those residents with abandoned wells, but more than 120,000 lbs of nitrogen per year (for the next 30 years) continues to leach into the Neuse River. This is an extraordinary amount of nitrogen. It contributes more nitrogen per year to the Neuse River than the town of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Clayton, Johnson County, Wake Forest and Zebulon combined. It would set a very dangerous precedent to simply allow a variance for such an egregious ground water pollution problem when the state's own groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation (do nothing by letting nitrogen levels naturally fall over time to correct the problem) rather than treat polluted groundwater before it leaves the compliance boundary. Polluted groundwater from the plant will actually leave the site and travel more than 200 miles down river, impacting the Neuse Estuary which has suffered terribly from pollution problems. The Neuse River was recently listed as one of the Nation's Top Ten Most Endangered Rivers due to on-going pollution problems in the river. Please tell EMC and Raleigh City Officials that this variance request must be denied and that the city should be required to offset this source of ground water pollution to the Neuse River . Click here http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campai g n/raleig hvariance to send a message! For additional questions or for a complete compliance history at the Raleigh sewage treatment plant please contact Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper with Neuse River Foundation at dean@att.net Thank you for taking action today! Please read the article below http://www.newsobserver.com/news/wake/raleigh/story/723119.html 10/29/2007 2:07 p- wd: Raleig)i Ground Water Pollution Update] f5 RALEIGH WANTS CLEANUP WAIVER Faces $80 million bill in sewage mess Wade Rawlins, Staff Writer Pollution from treated sewage would leak for decades into the Neuse River under a plan the city of Raleigh wants the state to approve. Raleigh officials are asking for a waiver from state rules that would require an $80 million cleanup of widespread groundwater contamination around its Neuse River sewage-treatment plant. The city argues essentially that time and nature will eventually scrub the fields and groundwater of pollutants. For years, workers at the plant spread too much treated waste sludge on farm fields around the plant, despite warnings from the state. The city was eventually fined and ordered ·to develop a cleanup plan. Now, the groundwater beneath more than 1,100 acres of fields is contaminated with high levels of nitrates, which can harm humans and trigger fish kills downstream near the coast. Since the problem came to a head in 2002, the state suspended the city's permit to spread more sludge on the fields. The city has spent more than $40 million improving the operation of the plant and has turned a higher proportion of the plant's sludge into fertilizer and compost. Some treated waste is trucked to Duplin and Sampson counties and spread on farms there. But city officials say ringing the entire site in southeastern Wake County with hundreds of wells to collect and treat the groundwater would cause a financial hardship, costing nearly $80 million. Instead, city leaders propose to spend about $8 million to build 40 recovery wells. That would clean up 20 acres nearest housing subdivisions close to the plant. The city wants natural degradation to gradually clean up the areas where monitoring wells show the highest concentrations of nitrogen amounts up to 18 times the maximum allowed under state law. Some of those fields border the Neuse River. City officials say the approach poses no risk to public health because nearby residents have been hooked to municipal water and the contamination will be monitored. High levels of nitrates in drinking water can be toxic to infants, who have undeveloped digestive systems that can't break down the pollutants. As a result, oxygen levels fall in the blood, leading to a condition known as blue baby syndrome. "There is no public health impact for spending tens of millions of dollars on a remediation system," said Steve Levitas, a lawyer representing the city. But some residents near the spray fields say the city is skirting state environmental standards. "They were issued a permit, and along with that permit came a lot of rules and regulations about how they should conduct their business," said Phillip Douglas, a retired electronics engineer who lives near the plant. "One of the rules prohibits natural attenuation, which means letting nature clean up your mess. When they messed up and found out how much money it's going to cost to clean it up, they want a variance." Douglas, who opposes the city's plan, said state regulators should be the guardians of the state's water quality and should not take cost into account. The state Division of Water Quality is taking public comments through Oct. 5 on the city's request for the waiver from state rules. The state Environmental Management Commission, a 19-member panel appointed 10/29/2007 2:07 PM ivd: Raleig_.h Ground Water Pollution Update] f5 10/29/2007 2:07 PM ~= CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... ,f2 .,_ Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public comments we are recieving _.,. on this request From: "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:01:49 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <de bra. watts@ncmail.net> David, Sounds to me like a good way to handle the comments. Ted David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers, RRO staff and other interested D\-VO Staff: There has been some discussion by email about the manner in which we should deal with public comments and being able to place them in some kind of order that is clear, concise and gives staff and hearing officers a means of addressing these -without going blind in the process! See the attached document. This document was developed by Kim Colson and the DWQ-APS staff when the 2T Non Discharge Rules were under rulemaking and the document was part of packet that went to the EMC, back when they reviewed the rules for adoption. Note the table provides a listing of the issues and resolution of the issues brought up during those 2004 hearings. Note also that if you click on the numbers --it will take you to a written comment listing that is within this document and is cross referenced throughout. I think it would be relatively easy to adapt this table for purposes of dealing with all the comments we have received for this variance request and keep everyone on the same page. Agree? Disagree? Objections to it's use? Any responses? Please let me know what you think about this. David Hance DWQ-Planning Env Spec. 733-5083 X. 587 10/26/2007 5:07 PM ~: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... ) >f2 Ted L. Bush, Jr., Chief Aquifer Protection Section DENR Division of Water Quality 10/26/2007 5:07 PM ~= CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public comments we are recieving on this request From: "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:01:49 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <de bra. watts@ncmail.net> David, Sounds to me like a good way to handle the comments. Ted David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers, RRO staff and other interested DWO Staff: There has been some discussion by email about the manner in which we should deal with public comments and being able to place them in some kind of order that is clear, concise and gives staff and hearing officers a means of addressing these -without going blind in the process! See the attached document. This document was developed by Kim Colson and the DWQ-APS staff when the 2T Non Discharge Rules were under rulemaking and the document was part of packet that went to the EMC, back when they reviewed the rules for adoption. Note the table provides a listing of the issues and resolution of the issues brought up during those 2004 hearings. Note also that if you click on the numbers --it will take you to a written comment listing that is within this document and is cross referenced throughout. I think it would be relatively easy to adapt this table for purposes of dealing with all the comments we have received for this variance request and keep everyone on the same page. Agree? Disagree? Objections to it's use? Any responses? Please let me know what you think about this. David Hance DWQ-Planning Env Spec. 733-5083 X. 587 I 0/26/2007 5 :06 P M ~: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... Ted L. Bush, Jr., Chief Aquifer Protection Section DENR Division of Water Quality 10/26/2007 5 :06 PM ty of Raleigh Variance Request-Question about the Corrective Act... Jf2 Subject: City of Raleigh Variance Request -Question about the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) associated with this. From: David Hance <l)avid.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:41:18 -0400 To: "Moir, Kent" <kmoir@BrwnCald.com> Sir, The City has submitted a CAP and we have it here in my office. I you decide to see the variance - I can let you look over the CAP as well. Before they can go forward with the CAP, they must get a variance. They are separate processes. Variances are covered under 15A NCAC 2L .0113 and CAPs are under 15A NCAC 2L .0106. If you have questions about this email contact me at 733-5083 x. 587 David Hance, Env Spec DWQ-Planning Moir, Kent wrote: Mr. Hance, Thank you for your response. I may take you up on your offer to come in a review the variance request. I will check with you for a date and time if we determine a review is necessary. Do you know if the City of Raleigh has published their corrective action plan for the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant nitrogen contamination? Or is it part of the variance request? Thank you, Kent Moir Kent L. Moir Marketing Coordinator Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel : (919) 424-1447 Fax: (919) 233-0144 Email: kmoir@brwncald.com From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:35 PM To: Moir, Kent Subject: Re: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) -------Response Mr. Moir, We do not have this in electronic form and as of yet ---do not have scanning capabilities. If you wish to come in and look at the variance request -please let me know of the day and time that would work for you. I will be out of the office on October 24th. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 ********************************************************************************* * 10/23/2007 5 :53 PM ity of Raleigh Variance Request -Question about the Corrective Act... Moir, Kent wrote: Mr. Hance, In reference to the media alert dated October 3, 2007, entitled "Public Comment Period for Raleigh Variance Request Extended to Nov. 5," I am requesting a copy of the referenced variance request for inspection. Is there a PDF or MS Word file available that you could e-mail me? I am also interested in obtaining a copy of the City of Raleigh's corrective action plan (CAP) for nitrates that have migrated offsite from the Neuse River WWTP, if available. Thank you for your time. Best, Kent Moir Kent L. Moir Marketing Coordinator Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: (919) 424-1447 Fax: (919) 233-0144 Email: kmoir@brwncald.com 10/23/2007 5:53 PM )RPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public commen ... of I Subject: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public comments we are recieving on this request From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 16:54:47 -0400 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, TED BUSH <TED.BUSH@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> Hello Hearin g Officers. RRO staff and other interested DWO Staff: There has been some discussion by email about the manner in which we should deal with public comments and being able to place them in some kind of order that is clear, concise and gives staff and hearing officers a means of addressing these -without going blind in the process! See the attached document. This document was developed by Kim Colson and the DWQ-APS staff when the 2T Non Discharge Rules were under rulemaking and the document was part of packet that went to the EMC, back when they reviewed the rules for adoption. Note the table provides a listing of the issues and resolution of the issues brought up during those 2004 hearings. Note also that if you click on the numbers --it will take you to a written comment listing that is within this document and is cross referenced throughout. I think it would be relatively easy to adapt this table for purposes of dealing with all the comments we have received for this variance request and keep everyone on the same page. Agree? Disagree? Objections to it's use? Any responses? Please let me know what you think about this. David Hance DWQ-Planning Env Spec. 733-5083 X. 587 I Content-Type: application/msword Attachment 2-2trulehearing-Template.doci oo.· 64 · Content-Enc mg: base ····-·······-·-·········-·---- 10/26/2007 4:54 PM e: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... 2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Finding a way to deal with all the public comments we are recieving on this request From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11 :50:07 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeffmanning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, TED BUSH <TED.BUSH@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <de bra. watts@ncmail.net> David, If you think it would be "relatively easy to adapt," I agree that this format would be very helpful. Thanks! -Kathy David Hance wrote: Hello Hearin g Officers , RRO staff and other interested DWQ Staff: There has been some discussion by email about the manner in which we should deal with public comments and being able to place them in some kind of order that is clear, concise and gives staff and hearing officers a means of addressing these -without going blind in the process! See the attached document. This document was developed by Kim Colson and the DWQ-APS staff when the 2T Non Discharge Rules were under rulemaking and the document was part of packet that went to the EMC, back when they reviewed the rules for adoption. Note the table provides a listing of the issues and resolution of the issues brought up during those 2004 hearings. Note also that if you click on the numbers --it will take you to a written comment listing that is within this document and is cross referenced throughout. I think it would be relatively easy to adapt this table for purposes of dealing with all the comments we have received for this variance request and keep everyone on the same page. Agree? Disagree? Objections to it's use? Any responses? Please let me know what you think about this. David Hance DWQ-Planning Env Spec. 733-5083 x. 587 10/29/2007 4:43 PM Re: CORPUD Variance : Finding a way to deal with all the public co ... 2 of2 Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 10/29/2007 4:43 :ORPUD Variance: FYI on the schedule for the EMC Meeting for Ja ... ,f 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: FYI on the schedule for the EMC Meeting for January 2008 From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncrnail.net> Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 14:48:38 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> You will recall some discussion about when to hold a meeting on the City of Raleigh Variance. One of the questions related to the EMC Schedule for January 2008. Staff at the DWQ -Administration got back to me and said that it will be available "within the next two weeks". As soon as I know something, I will get this to you. David Hance Env Spec DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 10/25/2007 2:48 PM 3: fax number correct? of2 Subject: RE: fax number correct? From: <SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:16:42 -0400 \To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> ·- Sorry David ... the fax# is 5719604 ... my bad ... please try again ... Stephen Smith -----Original Message----- From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 6:32 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: fax number correct? Sir, I have sent you a fax twice today but it is not going through. is the fax number correct? david hance 733-5083 x, 587 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (· ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com wrote: David ... will you please fax me that list? Stephen Smith fax# 5711893 ... I am here in Raleigh ... Thanks for your help ... SS *From:* David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] *Sent:* Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:29 PM *To:* Smith, Steve *Subject:* Re: Question--reply about mailing list Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy -I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c) (9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff . David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? 10/23/2007 9:55 AM ~: fax number correct? :,f2 I Stephen Smith Scott & Stringfellow, Inc . is a wholly-owned non-bank subsidiary of BB&T Corporation. THE SECURITIES SOLD, OFFERED OR RECOMMENDED BY SCOTT & STRINGFELLOW, INC. ARE NOT A DEPOSIT, NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT GUARANTEED BY THE BANK, NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY AND MAY GO DOWN IN VALUE. 10/23/2007 9 :55 A M RE: Question--reply about mailing list Subject: RE: Question--reply about mailing list From: <SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:09:42 -0400 To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Thanks David ... l got your fax ... sorry for the confusion. Stephen Smith From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:29 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy - I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(c)(9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/23/2007 1 :48 PM KATHY L CARROLL 8500 OLD BAUCOM ROAD RALEIGH NC 26610 LESTER L PHILLIPS 2700 BALLOT ROAD CLAYTONNC 27520 PAULJGIL 2700 EMMETT CREST COURT CLAYTON NC 27520 JOHN R BAUCOM 4400 AUBURN CHURCH ROAD GARNER NC 27529 ~ortly filarolina ~£neral !um.emhlg ~UU5l? nf ~l?nfatiftl?5 ~tail? ~plmnrl? lfiluilmns ~aleisll 27601-1096 REPRESENTATIVE ALICE GRAHAM UNDERHILL 3RD DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: 16 W. JONES STREET, ROOM 1206 RALEIGH, NC 27601-1096 Tl!:LEPHONE: (919) 733-5853 (919) 833-0606 FAX EMAIL: aliceu@ncleg.net HOME ADDRESS: 3910 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD NEW BERN, NC 28562 PHONE: (252) 633-2270 (252) 637-0539 FAX October 16, 2007 Mr. David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 276-99-1617 AGRICULTURE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEES : SUBCOMMITTEE ON GENERAL GOVERNMENT, CHAIR ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, VICE-CHAIR HOMELAND SECURITY, MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAI RS JUDICIARY III TRA.NSPORTATION Re: City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (Permit #WQ0001730) Dear Mr. Hance: I am writing in reference to the variance application by the City of Raleigh seeking to pursue a natural attenuation corrective action plan (CAP) under the 15A NCAC 2L ( Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to ► the Ground waters of North Carolina) for nitrates that have migrated offsite from its Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP). I am requesting that this application be denied. In the best of situations, the continued release of nutrients into the Neuse River plays havoc with the water quality and the natural resources dependent on a healthy river. The drought that Eastern North Carolina is facing is having significant impact on the health of the river and will exponentially increase the impact of this release of nitrates into the River. The ability of the river and its natural res©urces to recuperate may reach far into the future . Beyond the damage done to the water quality and other natural resources will b_e the economic impact to the people of Eastern North Carolina. ihe health of-tne Neuse River has a significant impact on jobs and the economy in . Eastern North Carolina. I recognize and understand the tough choices that the City of Raleigh must make, but passing their responsibility on to others who live furt~er down river is not an acceptable choice . Yours truly, ~4-~~ Rep. Alice G. Underhill AGU/rtnp CC: Charles Meeker, Mayor of Raleigh David McCracken, President of Neuse River Foundation =-:: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant ... Subject: RE: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) -------Response From: "Moir, Kent" <kmoir@BrwnCald.com> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:55:40 -0400 To: "David Hance" <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Mr. Hance, Thank you for your response. I may take you up on your offer to come in a review the variance request. I will check with you for a date and time if we determine a review is necessary. Do you know if the City of Raleigh has published their corrective action plan for the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant nitrogen contamination? Or is it part of the variance request? Thank you, Kent Moir Kent L. Moir Marketing Coordinator Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: (919) 424-1447 Fax: (919) 233-0144 Email: kmoir@brwncald.com From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:35 PM To: Moir, Kent Subject: Re: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) -------Response Mr. Moir, We do not have this in electronic form and as of yet ---do not have scanning capabilities. If you wish to come in and look at the variance request -please let me know of the day and time that would work for you. I will be out of the office on October 24th. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 ************************************************************************************* Moir, Kent wrote: Mr. Hance, In reference to the media alert dated October 3, 2007, entitled "Public Comment Period for Raleigh Variance Request Extended to Nov. 5," I am requesting a copy of the referenced variance request for inspection. Is there a PDF or MS Word file available that you could e-mail me? I am also interested in obtaining a copy of the City of Raleigh's corrective action plan (CAP) for nitrates that have migrated offsite from the Neuse River WWTP, if available. Thank you for your time. Best, 10/23/2007 5:50 PM RE: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant ... 2 of2 Kent Moir Kent L. Moir Marketing Coordinator Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: ( 919) 424-144 7 Fax: (919) 233-0144 Email: kmoir@brwncald.com 10/23/2007 5:50 'ity of Raleigh Variance : Information you requested on 10/22/07 ,f 1 Subject: City of Raleigh Variance: Information you requested on 10/22/07 From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 17:49:52 -0400 To: Dean Naujoks <dean.nrf@worldnet.att.net> Sir, I got your phone call to me and then I spoke with you receptionist on the phone. The person to send public comments to is me, David Hance, and here is the address to submit comments as follows: David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 733-5083 (ext. 587); Fax: (919) 715-5637 E-Mail Address: David.Hance@ncmail.net This was also noted at the public hearing. The hearing officers are Andrew Pitner at the DWQ-APS -Mooresville Regional Office and Kathy Stecker at the DWQ-Planning Section/ Modeling-TMDL unit. David Hance Env Specialist 10/23/2007 5:53 PM !: CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting Please send me dates and times when we can have a meeting. Those management persons who wish to participate can also give your times and dates to me as well. I/possible, I would greatly appreciate receiving a response from you on or before 9 AM on Thursday, October 25, 2007. Once I have tha(from the principals involved including RRO staff and hearing officers, I will set up a meeting room for us. David Hance DWQ-Env Spec 919-733-5083 X. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 10/22/2007 3 :00 PM )RPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting Jf2 Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncrnail.net> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 14:54:53 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncrnail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <de bra. watts@ncmail.net> CC: "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Hello Hearin g Officers and DWO Staff involved in this pro iect: A while back Kathy Stecker suggested that we have another hearing officers' meeting within the next few weeks. As you know, as a result from action by our Director our new comment deadline is November 5, 2007 and that is corning upon us quickly. We need to talk about where we are at with comments and our hearing officers report. In order to hold a meeting we need dates and times from the participants to the determine when we should have our meeting/conference call in Raleigh. (If Andrew Pitner cannot attend the meeting -we can do a conference call for him since he is in Mooresville). Here is David Rance's availability (and periods that are out) between October 23rd and November 9th in the table below: I The Week of Dates and times When I can meet : October 22nd : Friday, 1 -October 26th i October 26, 2007 I October 29th i Open all :. November i week as far :I 2nd i as I know :: November 5th ! Open all !! . November ! week as far ii 9th i as I know Dates and times that are OUT for me l\.1ost of this week does not look good for me. Monday is out of course. I am out all day on Wednesday, 10/24/07 on personal matters. I have a meeting on a morning or afternoon sometime this week but I do not know when as of yet. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday. Not applicable Not applicable Please send me dates and times when we can have a meeting. Those management persons who wish to participate can also give your times and dates to me as well. If possible, I would greatly appreciate receiving a response from you on or before 9 AM on Thursday, October 25, 2007. Once I have that from the principals involved including RRO staff and hearing officers, I will set up a meeting room for us. 10/22/2007 2:55 P M CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting 2 of2 David Hance DWQ-Env Spec 919-733-5083 X. 587 10/22/2007 2:55 :: CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting >f2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 15: 13 :35 -0400 - To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> Kathy, I agree with you but I think the date will depend upon when we need to have a completed product to Coleen, taking into account time you and Andrew need to make heads or tails out of the comments. Rick and I have reviewed most of them, but have not really compiled them into concise responses for you and Andrew to consider (Rick, isn't that true?). I do not think it should take too long. In some cases the hearing officers compile the comments and assoc. responses, so let me know if you and Andrew would rather do this. I had also suggested a meeting via email to Ted on Oct. 16th with management, to discuss "where do we go from here?" and to make sure the recommendations from Rick and I are consistent with the APS/DWQ position (if not we need to know that too). I have not gotten any response to my earlier request for a mtg. I suggest you may wish to talk to Alan and see if he has any insight or would suggest for you to talk to Coleen ( I can go if you need me). Please advise. Jay Kathy Stecker wrote: Andrew will be out until November 13. I'd personally like to wait to meet until after the comment period closes. What do others think? I had proposed November 29 to Andrew. Is that too late, too close to when we'd liave to file documents with the clerk? David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers and DWO Staff involved in this pro ject: A while back Kathy Stecker suggested that we have another hearing officers' meeting within the next few weeks. As you know, as a result from action by our Director our new comment deadline is November 5, 2007 and that is coming upon us quickly. We need to talk about where we are at with comments and our hearing officers report. In order to hold a meeting we need dates and times from the participants to the determine when we should have our meeting/conference call in Raleigh. (If Andrew Pitner cannot attend the meeting -we can do a conference call for him since he is in Mooresville). Here is David Hance's availability (and periods that are out) between October 23rd and 10/22/2007 3:23 PM !: CORPUD Variance Request: Scheduling a Hearing Officers Meeting November 9th in the table below: ..... ... .. The Week of Dates and Dates and times that are OUT for me .... times When ,I can meet October 22nd J?riday, Most of this week does not look good for me. Monday is -October October 26, out of course. I am out all day on Wednesday, 10/24/07 on 26th 2007 personal matters. I have a meeting on a morning or afternoon sometime this week but I do not know when as of yet. Maybe Tuesday or Thursday. October 29th :.Open all ii Not applicable -November I week as far 2nd ! as I know November Open all Not applicable 5th -week as far November 9th as I know Please send me dates and times when we can have a meeting. Those management persons who wish to participate can also give your times and dates to me as well. If possible, I would greatly appreciate receiving a response from you on or before 9 AM on Thursday, October 25, 2007. Once I have that from the principals involved including RRO staff and hearing officers, I will set up a meeting room for us. David Hance DWQ-Env Spec 919-733-5083 X. 587 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 10/22/2007 3:23 PM !: CORPUD Variance: Status of "Thomas Worth Request" for an Ad ... Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Status of "Thomas Worth Request" for an Additional Comment extension w/ Questions From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:24:24-0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> David: There hasn't been a reason given to justify extending the comment period again. Unless there are unusual and extenuating circumstances, the commenter should be able to get comments in during the comment period that has already been extended by 30 days in order for the hearing officers to be able to consider his comments. Jeff David Hance wrote: _*Hello Hearing Officers:*_ As you know some time ago -Thomas Worth -an attorney for the "Edge of Auburn" ----requested additional time for comments beyond the extension already given of November 5th by the Director of DWQ. There has been some staff discussion on this via email, but I have not heard or seen any correspondence suggesting if this request was sent forward to Coleen Sullins for action. Question# 1 : Has this request gone forward and when? Question# 2: Has the Director issued a response yet? David Hance DWQ Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 10/22/2007 10:42 AM w (!, <C o_ > _J y w w 3: w y <r, 3:_ w :r: t- (Y) (Y) N N I co lD lD I (Tl ..... (Tl ..... ~ l.D ..... Raleigh wa~1ts sludge to take care of itself Request opposed by officials down river. f~asibl-e ." · ' 'lhc:' dty i11sleall. w211ls to install a litnitecl number of groundwater extraction wells. BY uTmA Mo'\CK SunoN al a cosl of $9 million and allow · ·•m.1lura·1 aUe11uationff t,o , take care of the nilrt>gen. , l{:i ·lcigh offidals lio1,e lime "Basita!ly, Ute Y3tiance that will I.lice care of shLC!ge f1·om rls Haleigh has proposed is to do N t-usc River vraslewa.ler (real-nothing t() dean thls up,., said mer.if J>larit i..arry I3aldwi11, 1..o·wer Neuse 11•e plan( is respunstblt> Cur Riverkeepe,'. l,ll!'KJ a.crC's of g-roi.mdw.alt>r . Officials iw-Craven County ornfami.natiun cau~·<l f)y over-and Nl~W Bern,· tbe lucat..icm ol .iwlying sli.1dge. Sludge, wbkh. Baldwin's of□ce, pla11 lo-send rs i.prayed on farm Iields, is R a lel!cr to the Environmental Jefl•ovl'r !'lt>licl 1>rudt1cecl dm5nl{ M:a11asi;eme11LCon11nission, ask- 111'!.' waler ~ml sewage lreaL-ing them n~t lo grant Haleigh's ment process, variance request . A"'I rt fC'mt'lt uf the cu11.bnni11:1-Tw(.'n.(y.five percent of lh~ tiuu, t~0,000 poum.ls. or nitro-120,000 1iiutmcls of 11ilrnge11 gen will seep into !lie Ne'lls-e from Ral~h's treal.me,nt plant l~iv~revet·y year fortl:i~:~e,cl:tt!" ~ll·mak,.~1~~ way:ul t:f~e!Neus-e }'cars. ' J ,_ ' .. ..-..,Rin~r·•·~st:ujjf-y ,-in New Dern, 111e. slate Division of Waler Baldwiu sitld, ;~, {~t · · Quality r-eituires Raleigh lo ·. "lt's 11otjuslan issue S:11ecific dean llp fhe contamination, but t-0 Raldgh, bl!t It ls some.tlun8' how 1l w.m _do so is the sabject that has an effect iill the -'Way · ohl,e bale. dc1w11 ti1,e riv-er,~ he said.' . A Oral option requires inst.all-·· While Baldwlrt said jt is 1rue i11g 4 2:6 wells, forming .a. hydrau-the nUrog en, Will nafuia.Uy de- lie b-furier that wtQu(d red11ce crease b\'er tiint;he said it will gr<1u11rlwater discharge. With a take 40 years:or more to do so. 1irke lag of $80 millioil over 30 "For Uiem to ~t•a free ·pass years, Ralejgb officials deemed and not clean iiriy of it up is just that option "economically not untbiukable/ B-illdwin said . · TJ. Lynch, lhe was~waler lrcat meor pl.ult supetint,endent, saicJ in January ti1e dly reduced its nilrngcn discharges by 50 l)erc-ent, a hove ti 1e 30 percen\ ll1e -sfBle requir~s. Lynch said the reduction~ are c1ue to beltoer I.mining for em11foyce.s 1111d con- llaually l,,.,.eak;ng the process lo get better numbers . Public: ~omcnenl-on Raleigh's vaiiru1ce requesl has been ex- le11ded until Nov. 5. . . . 1·. 'll1ose whc, wish to submit' conunents or inspect tlJe·lrati-·· a11re req_ue.c;\, should write to . David . Hance, DENR-DWQ , PL11111i11g Sediion, 1611 Mall Su vke Center, Rale!gb, NC,, 276~1617~ call 733-5003. ert 587, or c-mal! davi"1.luinc-e@nc,, · mail.net · · · · · , ? EXHIBIT3 TABLE 1 -JOHNSTON COUNTY PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO VARIANCE PARCELS Number 0~.R -u -ADDRESS .. CITY $,TAT'i ZII~ 1 WAY OF LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 2100 HARMONY COURT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 2 WAUGH, DONALD & WAUGH, JEAN 2610 RIDGE CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8809 3 BOLEN, HOWARD & BOLEN, MELISSA 2016 RIDGE CT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 4 JOHNSON, ROYS & CHARLOTTE M 2008 RIDGE CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8809 5 FLEMING, JANET LYNN 2004 FOREST DR CLAYTON NC 27520-8811 6 AVIE CO 1000 CCC DR CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 7 MORRIS, SONDRA & GARY 2016 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 8 ETTRIDGE, JAMES F & JUDITH L 2020 ELIZABETH COURT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 9 STRICKER, RALPH & SONDRA 2024 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8818 10 STAMEY, ROBERT & JODIE 2000 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8818 11 JENKINS, GARY L & JANET H 2012 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 12 STRICKER, WILLIAM MICHAEL 2004 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 13 JOHNSON, TONY LEE & MARTHA P 2008 ELIZABETH CT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 14 PRIVETTE, WILLIS E & JANICE 1925 OLD US 70 W CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 15 EVANS, BRUCE L & CAROLYN M 2004 PINEBARK LANE CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 16 WILLIAMS, DONALD K & VIRGINIA 2013 VALLEY CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8804 17 JEWELL, GARY A & RHONDA 2003 PINEBARK LN CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 18 CAUGHMAN, CE & REBECCA 2009 VALLEY COURT CLAYTON NC 27520-8804 19 MUNT, HERBERT F Ill 2017 VALLEY COURT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 20 SHREVE, JAMES DANIEL & MITSY 2000 PINE BARK LN CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 21 SMITH, SANDY M & MATTHEW 2007 PINEBARK LANE CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 22 GRANT, LONNIE G & PATTIE M 2021 VALLEY COURT CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 23 RUSSELL, TRAVIS E & DEBRA 121 PEBBLE DRIVE CLAYTON NC 27520-8042 24 CARROLL, LARRY W JR 125 PEBBLE DRIVE CLAYTON NC 27520-8042 25 JOHNSON, MALCOM DEWITT & CAROL POBOX966 CLAYTON NC 27520-0966 26 BOONE, CAROL BEARD 422 BISCAYNE DRIVE WILMINGTON NC 28411-0000 27 HORNE,SARAHBEARD 214 TARPON CT NAGS HEAD NC 27959-0000 28 BENSON, IRENE P 2501 OLD US 70 W CLAYTON NC 27520-6520 29 BENSON, IRENE LF EST &STEVEN 2501 OLD US 70 WEST CLAYTON NC 27520-6520 30 BENSON, IRENE P 2501 OLD US 70 W CLAYTON NC 27520-6520 31 BENSON, IRENE P 2501 OLD US 70 W CLAYTON NC 27520-6520 32 STATE OF NC C/O STATE PROPERTY 116 W JONES STREET RALEIGH NC 27603-0000 33 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 116 W JONES STREET RALEIGH NC 27603-0000 34 JONES, CHRISTOPHER & ANITA 2025 ELAINE DR CLAYTON NC 27520-8212 35 BELVIN , JUDITH W & LARRY E 321 EMAINST CLAYTON NC 27520-2463 36 JOHNSON, CLARENCE & WIFE 201 MEADOW RUN KNIGHTDALE NC 27520-2463 37 JOHNSON, DAVID IRA & MARNIE 5009 COVERED BRIDGE RD CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 38 PARKER, DONALD A 300S PINE ST BENSON NC 27504-0000 39 PARKER, DONALD A 300S PINE ST BENSON NC 27504-0000 40 JAMES M GILBERT INC PO BOX236 CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 41 JAMES M GILBERT INC PO BOX236 CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 42 JAMES M GILBERT INC POBOX236 CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 43 JAMES M GILBERT INC P OBOX236 CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 44 JAMES M GILBERT INC P OBOX236 CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 45 NA NA NA NA NA NOTES: NA: Parcel owner information not available on Wa ke County Geographic Informati on System #ll051632v2 EXHIBIT3 TABLE 2 -WAKE COUNTY PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO VARIANCE PARCELS Number ,0,Ql'Jli;B .. ADDRESS · Cu<T STATE ZIP 46 FRANKLIN, PATRICIA A 3435 DEER TRACE LN CLAYTON NC 27520-5931 47 AUTON, SUSAN M & JERRY L 3524 BALLOT RD CLAYTON NC 27520-9301 48 DOUGLAS, PHIWP N & BARBARA S 413 HARDWOOD RIDGE CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8603 49 DONATI, BRIAN C & DEBORAH M 1316 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 50 DEBOCK, RICHARD M & JOANNE 1320 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 51 WHITE, DENNIS C & RUTH H 1324 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 52 TERRY, AMANDA & RYAN GROULX 1109 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 53 LEBING, WYTOLD R & CAROLBARBOUR, SWADE E JR 1304 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 54 NA NA NA NA NA 55 CARROLL, KATHY LYNN B500 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9266 56 DEBNAM, CATHERINE 5717 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8529 57 SEAWELL, VIRGINIA D 5529 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8526 58 TANKARD, ANNE M MCINNES, CORNELIA, STEWART C MCINNES 8419 KALB RD RICHMOND VA 23229-4133 59 BAUCOM, JOHN R JR & MARIE A 4400 AUBURN CHURCH RD GARNER NC 27529-8765 60 OKAMOTO, ERIC B & JUDITH F 1113PINETRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 61 HEDRICK, ROBERT A & PATRICIA 0 4704 STILLER ST RALEIGH NC 27609-5640 62 EDGE OF AUBURN LLC PO BOX19808 RALEIGH NC 27619-9808 63 HINZ, KYLE D & KAREN K 3401 DEER RACE LA CLAYTON NC 27520--0000 64 BEAVERS, RICHARD W & SHARON ROSE 654 CORBETT RD CLAYTON NC 27520-8452 65 NORTH CAROLINA STATE OFC/O STATE PROPERTY OFFICE 116 W JONES ST RALEIGH NC 27603-1300 66 BROADWELL. BOBBY H & PAMELA S 1328 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 67 HUNTER, TERI FULK TRUSTEE 1340 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 68 BAKER. LULA ANNE BAKER, TIMOTHY JOEL 3345 STONEY CREEK DR CLAYTON NC 27520-5958 69 SARROCCO, NICHOLAS A & EUGENIA S 7820 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9252 70 BRUFF, MICHAELS & KIMBERLY B 1312 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 71 GAZDA, SHANE GAZDA. MARGERY CARNEY 2704 EMMETT CREST CT CLAYTON NC 27520-9322 72 ADAMS. JIMMY C & TONDRA E 8428 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9264 73 GARRETT, DARYL J & RAMONA C 7027 FARMDALE RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9732 74 LEHOCKY, RICHARD D & BETTY A 1336 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 75 GIL. PAUL J & DARCY A 2708 EMMETT CREST CT CLAYTON NC 27520-9322 76 MCLEAN, ROBERTS & JOHNNIE F 1333 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9345 77 SLAVIN, JAMES A & MARYE 1205 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9361 78 DEBNAM, SHIRLEY H 5700 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8528 79 MCCLUNG DOUGLAS E & AMY E 420 HARDWOOD RIDGE CT CLAYTON NC 27520-8603 80 BARBOUR, SWADE E JR HEIRS 326 LOMBAR ST CLAYTON NC 27520-0000 81 MALARKEY, WIWAM J & CECELIA GALE 1325 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9345 82 DEBNAM, RETHA M, DEBNAM, CHRISTOPHER HENRY W DEBNAM 1501 CHURCHILL DOWNS DR WAXHAW NC 27173-6610 83 PHILLIPS, LESTER L PHILLIPS, REBECCA 2700 BALLOT RD CLAYTON NC 27520-9304 84 WOO, HEA K & CHUN I 3425 DEER TRACE LN CLAYTON NC 27520-5931 85 BALL. DOUGLAS 1027 HWY 70 W SUITE 225 GARNER NC 27529--0000 86 TALTON, MARGARET B 2728 BRANCH RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9214 87 MCKINNON, SWANOLA DEBNAM 5708 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8528 88 D'ALLAIRD, DANIEL & EMMA 2436 NEUSEHILL LN RALEIGH NC 27610-9102 89 MORGAN, ELIZABETH B POBOX4721 CHAPEL HILL NC 27515-4721 90 LON G B RAN CH FARM LLC 2400 BRANCH RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9208 91 BAUC OM, JULIAN & MARLENE 3021 HIO<ORYTREE PL RALEIGH NC 27610-8539 92 HAW LEY. WILLIAM J & ROBERTA L 2 709 EMMETT CREST CT CLAYTON NC 27520-9322 93 DUI IN, PHYLLIS DE6NAM 2916 OLD MILBURNIE RD R_l,LEIGH NC 27604-9655 94 OA.U GHERTY, GLADYS YOUNGDANIEL HOLLAND 572 BOGGS RANCH RD GRAHAM NC 27253--0000 95 BAUCOM. W ILLIA M BYRD POBOX248 CLAYTON NC 27528-024e 96 BAUCOM, CLIFT ON P 3005 HICKORY TREE PL RALEIGH NC 27610-8539 97 MIESCH. JOHN F & UNOA. T 3420 E GARNER RD CLAYTON NC 27520-9307 96 DA.NIELS. EARL & JOELINE Y 5717 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8529 99 ROBERTSON-JETHRO, ETHEL BARBOUR 1009 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9358 100 BIDDIX, THOMAS L & DEBORAH W 1117 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 101 CHAMPION, ROBERT & MONA 2700 EMMETT CREST CT CLAYTON NC 27520-9322 102 MARRINER, LOUIS & FRANCES OWENS 1125 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 103 QUINN, POLLY S PO BOX 132 HINESBURG VT 05461--0132 104 MCCARDLE, VAN R & CHERYL M 1105 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 105 FREEMAN DANNA F 1101 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9360 106 BAUCOM JULIAN M 3021 HICKORY TREE PL RALEIGH NC 27610-8539 107 PRICE, RALPH L & BEVERLY W 1201 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9361 106 MCKINNON SWANOLA DEBNAM 5708 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8528 109 REED, CHARLES E 7020 FARMDALE RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9732 110 NORTH CAROLINA STATE OFC/O STATE PROPERTY OFFICE 116 W JONES ST RALEIGH NC 27603-1300 111 KELLY, JOSEPH A & JOAN B 1332 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 112 BELL, IAN & ELMA C 1308 PINE TRL CLAYTON NC 27520-9324 113 JONES, CHRISTOPHER & ANITA A 2025 ELAINE DR CLAYTON NC 27520-8212 114 PBR GROUP LLC RTE 2 2400 BRANCH RD RALEIGH NC 27610--0000 115 PERKINS, MARVIN CLAUDE & SUSAN J 6200 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9643 116 RHODES, WILLIAM T & GWYN K 3751 E GARNER RD CLAYTON NC 27520-6541 118 GILBERT JENNIFER P 273C BLUE POND RD CLAYTON NC 27520-7493 NOTES: NA: Parcel owner information not available on Wake County Geographic Information System #9051632"2 EXHIBIT3 TABLE 3 • WAKE COUNTY VARIANCE PARCELS AND CITY OF RALEIGH PROPERTY Numbe r OWNER AD DRESS CITY STATE ZIP 119 NC STATE OF C/O PROPERTY CONTROL OFFICE 9001 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699-9001 120 DUNN, PHYLLIS DEBNAM 2916 OLD MILBURNIE RD RALEIGH NC 27604-9655 121 ADAMS, PAUL M HEIRS C/0 WANDA S ADAMS EXECUTRIX 8404 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9264 122 ADAMS , DAL TON HICKMAN ADAMS, GEORGIA M COOPER 8401 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9265 123 NICHOLSON, CHEYNEY A POBOX33065 RALEIGH NC 27636-3065 124 RALEIGH CITY OF POBOX590 RALEIGH NC 27602-0590 125 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO ATTN W H KEITH CX1G PO BOX 14042 ST PETERSBURG FL 33733-4042 126 WHEELER, PAMELA ANN WHEELER, BRIAN KEITH 6029 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-8534 127 NA NA NA NA NA 128 RALEIGH CITY OF PO BOX590 RALEIGH NC 27602-0590 129 COWING, BETTY B 8100 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9258 130 MATERIAL RECOVERY LLC 421 RALEIGH VIEW RD RALEIGH NC 27610-4623 131 HOPKINS, JOHN H 2293 ST ANDING ROCK RD CAMDENTON MO 65020-4626 132 BAUCOM, JOHN R JR 4400 AUBURN CHURCH RD GARNER NC 27529-8765 133 HINTON, JAMES E 333 LAFAYETTE AVE APT 121 BROOKLYN NY 11238-1337 134 BAUCOM, WILLIAM B & ANN R PO BOX248 CLAYTON NC 27528-0248 135 DUNN, PHYLLIS DEBNAM 2916 OLD MILBURNIE RD RALEIGH NC 27604-9655 136 RALEIGH CITY OF 222 W HARGETT ST RALEIGH NC 27601-1316 137 TIPPETTS CHAPEL ORIGINAL RR 1 KNIGHTDALE NC 27545-9801 138 DANIELS, EARL & JOELINE Y 5717 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-B529 139 NORTH CAROLINA ST A TE OF C/0 DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION 116 W JONES ST RALEIGH NC 27603-1300 140 NC STATE OF 1321 MAIL SERVICE CTR RALEIGH NC 27699-1321 141 RALEIGH CITY OF 222 W HARGETT ST RALEIGH NC 27601-1316 142 RALEIGH CITY OF POBOX590 RALEIGH NC 27602-0590 143 ADAMS, JERRY WAYNE ADAMS, BRENDA DIANNE 8513 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9267 144 HASH, DAVID W & LINDA B 6216 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9643 145 BROWN, SHERRY ADAMS & STEPHEN DALE 135 RIDGE WAY LN CLAYTON NC 27520-B084 146 NA NA NA NA NA 147 BROWN, SYBLE B 8529 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9267 148 FRISON, BRENDA J 8549 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9267 149 NA NA NA NA NA 150 HASH, DAVID W & LINDA B 6216 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9643 151 YOUNG, EVELYN C 8537 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9267 152 RHODES, WILLIAM T & GWYN K 3751 E GARNER RD CLAYTON NC 27520-6541 153 ADAMS, BRENDA DIANNE D M ADAMS JR 8513 OLD BAUCOM RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9267 154 NA NA NA NA NA 155 OSBORN, ARNOLD L JR 6208 MIAL PLANTATION RD RALEIGH NC 27610-9643 NOTES: NA: Parcel owner information not available on Wake County Geographic Information System #9051632v2 E: ,Question--reply about mailing list ,f 1 Subject: RE: Question--reply about mailing list From: <SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:24:25 -0400 To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David ... will you please fax me that list? Stephen Smith fax# 5711893 ... 1 am here in Raleigh ... Thanks for your help ... SS From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:29 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy -I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0l 13(c)(9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0l 13(e) when we give notice to the public . Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X . 587 SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/22/2007 4: 17 P M >-2 w w 3: w y ~I w I I- CT) CT) N N I LO LD LD I (J7 .... (J7 .... (SJ LO .... Ral e igh wa1Jts slu d.g e t o take c are of itself Reqlle5t opposed by offi~ials down river. feasible _H • ·, 'lhi:-c.:iiy i11sleatl .. wa.11ls to i11slall a limilecl number of groun(!wakr extraction wells. BY L'ITm·A MAcK Su·noN al a cosl of $9 mil~on md allow · "m1tural allenualion" to , lake care of tlte nil:rbgeh . , Haleigh offk:ials ho1,e lime "llasita!ly, the v:uilMlce that wiil lake rnre tJf sludge frnm 1Ls Haleigh has proposed is to do Nt>usc River waslewale.-lreat-nothing lo dea[l thls upt1 said men( J~larit 1.arry l3aluwil1, Lower 1'le11Se 11}e plan[ is respuns.i:ble fur Riverk~r. l.{)(KJ acrrs of gro1Jndw.al1:r . Officials iw-Crave11 County omtmninat..ion caus-·<l. boy--u,1Je1·-and NL~W Bern,· tl1e loc~Uc:m ol :ip11lying sludge . Sludge, whkh Baldwin's oHice, p\ari lo-send i!'i !.prayed on farm 1ields, is r1 a lell«:>r to the Euvironmenlal kft•1ver solid I ►roducecl dudti!a{ M:iimi.s~emenLCom1nission, as1t- 11it· wa:le.-~ml sewage lreaL-1ng them uol to grantl{;ilciRh's rnent process. variru1ce rectuest . I\."{ a l"C'~df uf tl1e o:m(.m1i1m-Twicn.(y.five percent of the · TJ . Lynch, lhe wastewlller tn:at me1)I plruLI superintendent, sak) in Janua,-y tite dly reduced ils 1iilrogcn disd1arges by 50 IJerc-eRt, ahovc lhe 30 percent !he -stale reqllires. Lynell said the red1..1ciiom1 ;a~ aue lo better lr.li.ning for em1ifoyc~ and con. Li aually l ""'ealt~ ng the process to get better numbers. Pul:iUc c:ommenl {)[l Raleigh ' S; vaiiauce. reqt1est has been ex- le11ded until Nov. 5. , . : 1 ·. 'll1ose who wish to submit . comments or inspect tbe ·\lati-' a,ic:e request, should write to . D11.vid . Hance, DENR-DWQ , Plrn 111i11g S~dlon, 1611 Mail Ser vice Center, Raleigh, NC,-: 276~1617~ call 733-5003. ext 587, or ~mai! t.lavi'll.hanc~no · mail.net · · · · , ? liou, t,:!O,Ul.tO pouml~ or 11i(rn-12:U,UUO polmcls of 11llrngei1 gen wj]l seep into the Ne'll&e from Ral~h's treatme,nt plant m vr.-1· cvct·y yeRr for the ·next air 'Will orru!lt!~Jij way-l!J t:iJ~'Neuse }1l'tll"S. . ',) t, 'l . i, ..;River '•·~~lilf-f .-_,in f:"~W Berri, 1l1e. slate Division of Waler Baldwiu said. '.7:-, {!,:;( · . Qualily r-e1lu1res Raleigh .to ·. "lt's not)usl an issue s11eclfk dean tcp U,e contamination, but to Rakigb, bl!t It js something how it will do so is the subject lhat hais ar1 effect' all fue . Way of die ha.lie. . dc1w11 :th-e riv-eri1 he said.• . A firat option requires install• While Baldwi.rt said it is !rue ing 42:6 wells, forml!Jg .a. hydrnu-the nHrogen /Mil nafuial.ly de- tic barrier lhat would recface crease over fune,i he said it will gfounclwaler clisdm,ge. WiU1 a take 40 year.;:ormore to do so. 11rice lag o[ $80 millioil over 30 "For Uiem to Wattta' free ·pass yearn, Rale5gl, officials deemed and not clean i!riy ofit up is just that optio11 "economically not un.thi11kable," Baldwin said . )RPUD Variance Request:----Written Comments sent today to He ... Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: ----Written Comments sent today to Hearing Officers From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:29:03 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> Hello, I have sent out written comments out to the hearing officers and DWQ/ APS -RRO staff working on this request. Andrew Pitner has his set faxed to him. Jay, Rick and Kathy got their's hand delivered. Debra Watts got a copy faxed since she is keeping up on this stuff for the DWQ-APS Central Office. Look for the packet with the attached note. David Hance 919-733-5083 X. 587 Notewrittencommts-corpudasofl0-19.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 10/19/2007 5 :29 P M ORPUD Variance: Status of "Thomas Worth Request" for an Addit. .. of I Subject: CORPUD Variance: Status of "Thomas Worth Request" for an Additional Comment extension w/ Questions From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 18:33:52 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> Hello Hearing Officers: As you know some time ago -Thomas Worth -an attorney for the "Edge of Auburn"----requested additional time for comments beyond the extension already given of November 5th by the Director of DWQ. There has been some staff discussion on this via email, but I have not heard or seen any correspondence suggesting if this request was sent forward to Coleen Sullins for action. Question# 1 : Has this request gone forward and when? Question# 2: Has the Director issued a response yet? David Hance DWQ Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 10/19/2007 6 :34 PM ~: Question--reply about mailing list of2 Subject: RE: Question--reply about mailing list From: <SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:13:16 -0400 To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Thanks David. I already have the notice. I am most interested in obtaing the list of property owner who received this notice. Thanks for your help. Stephen Smith From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 3: 10 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list Since you have so much interest in this here is as copy of that notice that went out to the public. I will get to your request later today or on Monday. david hance 733-5083 X. 587 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((1 SSmith@ScottStrin gfellow.com wrote: David ... will you please fax me that list? Stephen Smith fax# 5711893 ... 1 am here in Raleigh ... Thanks for your help ... SS From: David Hance (mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:29 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy - I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c)(9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. David Hance 10/19/2007 3:25 PM RE: Question--reply about mailing list 2of2 DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 SSmith@ScottString fe llow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/19/2007 3:25 E: Question--reply about mailing list Subject: RE: Question--reply about mailing list From: <SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com> Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2007 14:24:25 -0400 To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David ... will you please fax me that list? Stephen Smith fax# 5711893 ... 1 am here in Raleigh ... Thanks for your help ... SS From: David Hance [mailto:David.Hance@ncmail.net] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:29 PM To: Smith, Steve Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy - I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0l 13(c)(9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0l 13(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 SSmith@ScottStringfellow .corn wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/19/2007 3:04 PM ~e: request for a copy of the variance request for the city ofraleigh -( ... of2 Subject: Re: request for a copy of the variance request for the city of raleigh -(Response) From: LaToya Sutton <latoya@wakeweekly.com> Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2007 10:04:34 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Great. Thanks. LaToya Sutton The Wake Weekly Phone: 556-3182 Fax: 556-2233 latoya@wakeweekly.com On Oct 8, 2007, at 9:58 AM, David Hance wrote: I have October 11, 2007 @ 9 AM marked on my calendar. David Hance DWQ-Planning LaToya Sutton wrote:Mr. Hance, Could I come look at those materials Thursday morning? Would around 9 a.m. be good for you? Thanks, LaToya Sutton The Wake Weekly Phone: 556-3182 Fax: 556-2233 latoya@wakeweekly.com On Oct 5, 2007, at 12:57 PM, David Hance wrote: I was out of the office for a couple of days on personal leave and on some training. The variance request consists of several binders and reports. If you wish to examine these, please arrange a time with me so that you can come to our office and do this next week. I am located at 512 North Salisbury Street in the Archdale Building on the 6th Floor in Room 625aa. My week is fairly open. I know I will have someone looking at the materials on Monday. Note that there was a press release sent out on Oct. 3rd extending the comment period for this variance 30 days and this is attached. If you have questions on the variance, the best contact to start with is Susan 10/8/2007 10:04 Alvl Re: request for a copy of the variance request for the city of raleigh -( ... 2 of2 Massengale in Public Information at the DWQ Administration Office. David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 <Raleigh V arianceExtend.doc> Part 1.1 Content-Type: text/enriched Content-Encoding: quoted-printable 10/8/2007 10:04 , :: [Fwd: Re : Question--reply about mailing list] ----response Jf2 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Question--reply about mailing list] ----response From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:35:22 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Our "EMC Smith" ---is Stephen T. Smith of McMillan Smith and Plyer - A Raleigh law firm. That other Smith is with what appears to be a financial agency of some sort. I will talk to Lois Thomas on this on Friday to confirm. david hance ****************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: Is this the EMC Board member Stephen Smith? Maybe not - I guess it's a pretty common name ... David Hance wrote: FYI-A request I got today! david hance ********************************************************************************* * Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:28:46 -0400 To: SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com To: SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com Mr. Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy - I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(c)(9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. 10/18/2007 5 :47 PM :!: [Fwd: Re: Question--reply about mailing list] ----response of2 David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/18/2007 5:47 PM :: [Fwd: Re: Question--reply about mailing list] Jf 1 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Question--reply about mailing list] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:40:17 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Interesting. Scott & Stringfellow is an investment firm. http://www.scottstringfellow.com/ss//bb&t-personalized-banking-services.asp David Hance wrote: FYI-A request I got today! david hance ***************************************************************************************** Subject: Re: Question--reply about mailing list From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:28:46 -0400 To: SSmith@ScottStringfellow.com To: SSmith@ScottStringfellow .com Mr . Smith: We have the materials here in our office. You can come by and look at them if you are in the Raleigh area. Just set up a date and time for this. If you want a faxed copy - I can do that too. Just let me know what manner you want the information processed. Note that list used is submitted by the petitioner pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c) (9) and the Division of Water Quality staff uses this list to provide direct mail notice to the public. We also apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(e) when we give notice to the public. Note that any person who wants a notice submitted can also get that upon making a request of staff. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 SSmith@ScottStrinfellow.com wrote: David, How and where can I get a list of the property owners who received State notification regarding the City of Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Facility? Stephen Smith 10/18/2007 3:42 PM e: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant( ... ofl Subject: Re: Variance Request -Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) -------Response From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:34:40 -0400 To: "Moir, Kent" <kmoir@BrwnCald.com> Mr. Moir, We do not have this in electronic form and as of yet ---do not have scanning capabilities. If you wish to come in and look at the variance request -please let me know of the day and time that would work for you. I will be out of the office on October 24th. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 ********************************************************************************************** Moir, Kent wrote: Mr. Hance, In reference to the media alert dated October 3, 2007, entitled "Public Comment Period forRaleigh Variance Request Extended to Nov. 5," I am requesting a copy of the referenced variance request for inspection. Is there a PDF or MS Word file available that you could e-mail me? I am also interested in obtaining a copy of the City of Raleigh's corrective action plan (CAP) for nitrates that have migrated offsite from the Neuse River WWTP, if available. . Thank you for your time. Best, Kent Moir Kent L. Moir Marketing Coordinator Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: (919) 424-1447 Fax: (919) 233-0144 Email: kmoir@brwncald.com 10/18/2007 3:35 PM edule a meeting? fl Subject: schedule a meeting? From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:12:56 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> I know that a lot can happen between now and the January EMC meeting, but my calendar is filling up fast, and I wondered if we should go ahead and schedule a tentative meeting sometime after the comment period ends. Andrew, will you be in Raleigh anytime in November? Could we schedule part of a day to meet with staff and part for the two of us to "deliberate"? Also, can we formulate questions in advance so that appropriate staff will be invited to the meeting to answer them? I'm sure Jay and Rick would be there, but I think I have questions that they can't answer . Thanks! -Kathy Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 10/18/2007 10:15 AM e: CORPUD Variance: 'Preceptions' discussion/my 2 cents Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: 'Preceptions' discussion/my 2 cents From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:31:11 -0400 To: Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> CC: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Chuck Wakild <Chuck.Wakild@ncmail.net>, Coleen Sullins <Coleen.Sullins@ncmail.net> Ted, The following was sent by Rick and responded to by David. I agree with David although like Rick, I have some concerns regarding the nature of the comments and our role in responding to them and/or providing input for the hearing officers consideration. The nature of the responses and Rick's and my thoughts to them, raises significant Section and Divisional policy issues that I think it important to discuss. Do you think it would be appropriate and desirable to discuss some of the comments, and Rick's and my thoughts with you and other members of management, prior to us finalizing our recommendations to the hearing officers? If so, I would like to include as many people as you think appropriate, in particular Chuck and Coleen. As you know Coleen has expressed a lot of interest in this site through the past 5 years and the variance request as of late. I am not sure if we should include Andrew and Kathy at this point, but I'll let you and other management make that call. Please advise and we can set it up through Linda Jones. Jay David Hance wrote: Rick, I believe this is a hearing officer's responsibility to discuss this with the DWQ Director. dh ***************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: Folks; I'm deeply concerned about the overwhelming number of public comments that we've received regarding the proposed City of Raleigh variance that refer to the variance as a "clean-up waiver". I don't know whose responsibility it is to try to correct this misconception -is it the DWQ or the City of Raleigh? The biggest problem is that (i think) it will be almost impossible to correct this public misconception, and that this will lead to prejudice when it comes to the evaluation of the variance and the DWQ's responsibilities. How would we handle a situation where there is such a large discrepancy between technical merit and public perception? This puts the Division in a very tough situation, in my opinion, and staff can only do so much to help change these misconceptions. And are we even obligated to try to do so? This may appear as a bit of a rant, but i do think it would be a good idea to discuss the current situation with Division management to make sure that we are all in agreement with our respective roles and responsibilities. If there is consensus that such a meeting would be appropriate, i don't know if the hearing officers would/should be included. Any thoughts from you all on this? rb susan massengale wrote: Just so you know, I told the reporter that, should the variance be granted as is, the amount of nitrogen entering the Neuse from the groundwater would be subtracted from the city's permitted allocation and that the amount would be 120,000 lbs/ year for the first year and would decrease over a 30-40 year time frame. I don't 10/16/2007 10:18 A M Re: CORPUD Variance: 'Preceptions' discussion/my 2 cents 2 of2 think that the sentence, "If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years." means that the expectation is that they can put more than their permitted allocation. In context with the sentence that preceeds it, ("Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse."), I think she was expressing that it would be legally within their alloted amount if they added the 120,000 lbs. She did miss the concept that the added amount is per year. I, no doubt, will get another opportunity to discuss this with her before this issue is done . Susan S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/ Aquifer Protection Section 10/16/2007 10: J 8 )RPUD Variance: 'Preceptions' discussion/my 2 cents Jf 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: 'Preceptions' discussion/my 2 cents From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 16:15:01 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> CC: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Rick, I believe this is a hearing officer's responsibility to discuss this with the DWQ Director. dh ***************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: Folks; I'm deeply concerned about the overwhelming number of public comments that we've received regarding the proposed City of Raleigh variance that refer to the variance as a "clean-up waiver". I don't know whose responsibility it is to try to c·orrect this misconception -is it the DWQ or the City of Raleigh? The biggest problem is that (i think) it will be almost impossible to correct this public misconception, and that this will lead to prejudice when it comes to the evaluation of the variance and the DWQ's responsibilities. How would we handle a situation where there is such a large discrepancy between technical merit and public perception? This puts the Division in a very tough situation, in my opinion, and staff can only do so much to help change these misconceptions. And are we even obligated to try to do so? This may appear as a bit of a rant, but i do think it would be a good idea to discuss the current situation with Division management to make sure that we are all in agreement with our respective roles and responsibilities. If there is consensus that such a meeting would be appropriate, i don't know if the hearing officers would/should be included. Any thoughts from you all on this? rb susan massengale wrote: Just so you know, I told the reporter that, should the variance be granted as is , the amount of nitrogen entering the Neuse from the groundwater would be subtracted from the city's permitted allocation and that the amount would be 120,000 lbs/ year for the first year and would decrease over a 30-40 year time frame. I don't think that the sentence, "If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years." means that the expectation is that they can put more than their permitted allocation. In context with the sentence that preceeds it, ("Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse."), I think she was expressing that it would be legally within their alloted amount if they added the 120,000 lbs. She did miss the concept that the added amount is per year. I, no doubt, will get another opportunity to discuss this with her before this issue is done . Susan 10/15/2007 4 :18 PM ~: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify of 3 Subject: Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify Fron'i: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:03:46-0500 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncrnail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> Just so you know, I told the reporter that, should the variance be granted as is, the amount of nitrogen entering the Neuse from the groundwater would be subtracted from the city's permitted allocation and that the amount would be 120,000 lbs/ year for the first year and would decrease over a 30-40 year time frame . I don't think that the sentence, "If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years." means that the expectation is that they can put more than their permitted allocation. In context with the sentence that preceeds it, ("Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse."), I think she was expressing that it would be legally within their alloted amount if they added the 120,000 lbs. She did miss the concept that the added amount is per year. I, no doubt, will get another opportunity to discuss this with her before this issue is done. Susan Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, The article has a number of inaccuracies, which in my experience isn't all that unusual. You are correct in that we are not measuring a gaseous form of notrogen and the 120,000 lb.contribution of nitrate-nitrogen via the groundwater is credited towards their permit allocation, and not being added to what is already in their permit. The article also suggests Raleigh is putting" ... another 120,000 pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years." It is actually about 120,000 lbs./yr, decreasing at a rate of about 3,000 lbs./yr .. I'll copy Susan, but she has a pretty good handle on the situation. I don't know that we need to correct the newspaper . Jay David Hance wrote: *_Hello Rick, Jay and the Hearing Officers: * I have read over this Sun Journal Article and I saw something in the 7th paragraph. It would appear that the article has not provided the full facts of the matter with respect to the nitrates in groundwater and the changes to the NPDES permit -as I understand it. From the way the article reads, it looks like Raleigh is being _given additional capacity above the 676,617 pounds of Nitrate by 120,000 more pounds. As I understand it, the NPDES discharge is being mathematically backed off by 120,000 pounds of nitrate to compensate from the groundwater discharge. The article also refers to nitrogen as a "gas". I don't believe we are talking about the gaseous form of Nitrogen here (i.e. nitrate). If I have got it wrong let me know ---but I think these are inaccuracies that our Public Information Officer needs to be aware of in case she gets calls on it or maybe address at the DWQ sees fit. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 ******************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: fyi Subject: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River 10/15/2007 2:49 PM Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify 2 of3 From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:19:52 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com> To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com> "New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewage sludge before it gets into Neuse River" Nikie Mayo Sun Journal October 11, 2007 -8:24PM New Bern officials are preparing a letter that will ask the state to make Raleigh clean up sludge from a sewage plant before it seeps into the Neuse River. "We're not necessarily going to ask the Division of Water Quality to go out and hang them by their toes, but we do intend to get across the message that Raleigh should not be allowed to get away with putting nitrogen into the Neuse," said Danny Meadows, New Bern's acting city manager. Meadows is filling in for Bill Hartman, who is out of town this week. Under the conditions of a state-issued permit, Raleigh is allowed to pump "biosolid" -sludge that is the byproduct of wastewater treatment -onto some fields it owns. But over the years, the city pumped more than its share of sludge onto some fields and now the groundwater around the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is contaminated. Raleigh is asking the division to let nature take care of cleaning up the overflow. "Raleigh miscalculated," division spokeswoman Susan Massengale said Thursday. Because of those miscalculations, there are "hot spots" where contamination near the plant is 18 times what is allowed by law, she said. That contamination was not discovered until it began to affect drinking water in some Raleigh households, according to Massengale. "This is all on Wake County property, but it's adjacent to the Neuse. The worry is about nitrogen percolating there," she said. "But this is a very complicated, layered issue." Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse. That limit is based on the services Raleigh provides for itself and for surrounding towns. If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years. About a quarter of that gas will make its way to New Bern, according to Larry Baldwin, the riverkeeper for the lower Neuse. Without a waiver, Raleigh is responsible for cleanup, according to division regulations. "The contamination of groundwater is the result of something that happened during a permitted activity. For that permitted activity, Raleigh was given their bounds and they didn't execute the permit," Massengale said. There should be consequences for that failure, Baldwin said during an interview this week. 'Everybody needs to realize that what happens in Raleigh does not stay in Raleigh," he said. Meadows said New Bern has done its part to protect the Neuse and expects the same of its Wake County counterparts. .1 I 10/15/2007 2:49 ~: omething in the New Bern ew paper and need lo c larify ) of 3 "We've upgraded our sanitary practices to do what we can," he said. "We"ve stepped up to the plate and they should, too. The tone of our letter will stress the importance of protecting the river, not only for the city of New Bern, but in the interest of the entire state." The division is taking comments on Raleigh's request until Nov. 5. The state Environmental Management Commission will hear the request that month, but will delay acting on it until January. TAKE ACTION: Please tell the state that Raleigh needs to clean up it polluted ground water rather than allow it to go into the Neuse River . Please click on link below. It will take one minute of your time. Thanks, Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation. http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Neuse River Foundation" group. To post to this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/neuse-river-foundation?hl=en 10/15/2007 2:49 PM :: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify Subject: Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify "froin: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:46:57 -0400 To: J?avid Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Susan Massengale <Susan.Massengale@ncmail.net> David, The article has a number of inaccuracies, which in my experience isn't all that unusual. You are correct in that we are not measuring a gaseous form of notrogen and the 120,000 lb.contribution of nitrate-nitrogen via the groundwater is credited towards their permit allocation, and not being added to what is already in their permit. The article also suggests Raleigh is putting " ... another 120,000 pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years." It is actually about 120,000 lbs./yr, decreasing at a rate of about 3,000 lbs./yr .. I'll copy Susan, but she has a pretty good handle on the situation. I don't know that we need to correct the newspaper. Jay David Hance wrote: Hello Rick, Jav and the Hearing Officers: I have read over this Sun Journal Article and I saw something in the 7th paragraph. It would appear that the article has not provided the full facts of the matter with respect to the nitrates in groundwater and the changes to the NPDES permit -as I understand it. From the way the article reads, it looks like Raleigh is being given additional capacity above the 676,617 pounds of Nitrate by 120,000 more pounds. As I understand it, the NPDES discharge is being mathematically backed off by 120,000 pounds of nitrate to compensate from the groundwater discharge. The article also refers to nitrogen as a "gas". I don't believe we are talking about the gaseous form of Nitrogen here (i.e. nitrate). If I have got it wrong let me know ---but I think these are inaccuracies that our Public Information Officer needs to be aware of in case she gets calls on it or maybe address at the DWQ sees fit. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 ********************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: fyi Subject: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:19:52 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ 1moglegrou ps.com> To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ goo.elegrou ps.com> 10/15/2007 2:50 P M Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify 2 of3 "New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewage sludge before it gets into Neuse River" Nikie Mayo Sun Journal October 11, 2007 -8:24PM New Bern officials are preparing a letter that will ask the state to make Raleigh clean up sludge from a sewage plant before it seeps into the Neuse River. "We're not necessarily going to ask the Division of Water Quality to go out and hang them by their toes, but we do intend to get across the message that Raleigh should not be allowed to get away with putting nitrogen into the Neuse," said Danny Meadows, New Bern's acting city manager. Meadows is filling in for Bill Hartman, who is out of town this week. Under the conditions of a state-issued permit, Raleigh is allowed to pump "biosolid" -sludge that is the byproduct of wastewater treatment -onto some fields it owns. But over the years, the city pumped more than its share of sludge onto some fields and now the groundwater around the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is contaminated. Raleigh is asking the division to let nature take care of cleaning up the overflow. "Raleigh miscalculated," division spokeswoman Susan Massengale said Thursday . Because of those miscalculations, there are "hot spots" where contamination near the plant is 18 times what is allowed by law, she said. That contamination was not discovered until it began to affect drinking water in some Raleigh households, according to Massengale . "This is all on Wake County property, but it's adjacent to the Neuse . The worry is about nitrogen percolating there," she said. "But this is a very complicated, layered issue." Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse. That limit is based on the services Raleigh provides for itself and for surrounding towns. If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years. About a quarter of that gas will make its way to New Bern, according to Larry Baldwin, the riverkeeper for the lower Neuse. Without a waiver, Raleigh is responsible for cleanup, according to division regulations . 'The contamination of groundwater is the result of something that happened during a permitted activity. For that permitted activity, Raleigh was given their bounds and they didn't execute the permit," Massengale said. There should be consequences for that failure, Baldwin said during an interview this week. "Everybody needs to r e alize that what happens in Raleigh does not stay in Raleigh," he said. Meadows said New Bern has done its part to protect the Neuse and expects the same of its Wake County counterparts. "We've upgraded our sanitary pra cti ce s t o d o what we can," he said . 11 We 've stepped up to the plate and they should, too. The tone of our letter will stress the importance of protecting the river, not only for the city of New Bern, but in the interest of the entire state ." The division is taking comments on Raleigh's request until Nov. 5. The state Environmental Management Commission will hear the request that month, but will delay acting on it until January. TAKE ACTION: Please tell the state that Raleigh needs to clean up it 10/15/2007 2:5 0 !: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify of3 polluted ground water rather than allow it to go into the Neuse River. Please click on link below. It will take one minute of your time . Thanks, Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation. 'http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 'Neuse River Foundation" group. To post to this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/neuse-river-foundation?hl=en S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Ja .Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 10/15/2007 2:50 P M e: Somethini, in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify Subject: Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify From: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 13:07:43 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Good observation, David. Thanks. David Hance wrote: Hello Ric k, Ja y and the Hearing Officers: I have read over this Sun Journal Article and I saw something in the 7th paragraph. It would appear that the article has not provided the full facts of the matter with respect to the nitrates in groundwater and the changes to the NPDES permit -as I understand it. From the way the article reads, it looks like Raleigh is being given additional capacity above the 676,617 pounds of Nitrate by 120,000 more pounds. As I understand it, the NPDES discharge is being mathematically backed off by 120,000 pounds of nitrate to compensate from the groundwater discharge. The article also refers to nitrogen as a "gas". I don't believe we are talking about the gaseous form of Nitrogen here (i.e. nitrate). If I have got it wrong let me know ---but I think these are inaccuracies that our Public Information Officer needs to be aware of in case she gets calls on it or maybe address at the DWQ sees fit. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 ********************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: fyi Subject: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:19:52 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ googlel!ro u p s.com> To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ goo~legrou ps.com> "New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewage sludge before it gets into Neuse River" Nikie Mayo Sun Journal October 11, 2007 -8:24PM New Bern officials are preparing a letter that will ask the state to make Raleigh clean up sludge from a sewage plant before it seeps into the Neuse River. "We're not necessarily going to ask the Division of Water Quality to go out and hang them by their toes, but we do intend to get across the message that Raleigh should not be allowed to get away with putting 10/15/2007 1:14 P M Re: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify 2 of3 nitrogen into the Neuse," said Danny Meadows, New Bern's acting city manager. Meadows is filling in for Bill Hartman, who is out of town this week. Under the conditions of a state-issued permit, Raleigh is allowed to pump "biosolid" -sludge that is the byproduct of wastewater treatment -onto some fields it owns. But over the years, the city pumped more than its share of sludge onto some fields and now the groundwater around the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is contaminated. Raleigh is asking the division to let nature take care of cleaning up the overflow. "Raleigh miscalculated,• division spokeswoman Susan Massengale said Thursday. Because of those miscalculations, there are "hot spots" where contamination near the plant is 18 times what is allowed by law, she said. That contamination was not discovered until it began to affect drinking water in some Raleigh households, according to Massengale. "This is all on Wake County property, but it's adjacent to the Neuse. The worry is about nitrogen percolating there," she said. "But this is a very complicated, layered issue." Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse. That limit is based on the services Raleigh provides for itself and for surrounding towns. If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years. About a quarter of that gas will make its way to New Bern, according to Larry Baldwin, the riverkeeper for the lower Neuse. Without a waiver, Raleigh is responsible for cleanup, according to division regulations. "The contamination of groundwater is the result of something that happened during a permitted activity. For that permitted activity, Raleigh was given their bounds and they didn't execute the permit," Massengale said. There should be consequences for that failure, Baldwin said during an interview this week. "Everybody needs to realize that what happens in Raleigh does not stay in Raleigh," he said. Meadows said New Bern has done its part to protect the Neuse and expects the same of its Wake County counterparts. "We've upgraded our sanitary practices to do what we can," he said. "We've stepped up to the plate and they should, too. The tone of our letter will stress the importance of protecting the river, not only for the city of New Bern, but in the interest of the entire state." The division is taking comments on Raleigh's request until Nov. 5. The state Environmental Management Commission will hear the request that month, but will delay acting on it until January. TAKE ACTION: Please tell the state that Raleigh needs to clean up it polluted ground water rather than allow it to go into the Neuse River. Please click on link below. It will take one minute of your time. Thanks, Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation. http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Neuse River Foundation" group. To post to this group, s end email to neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups .com 10/15/2007 1:14 :: Somethini in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify ::if3 T5 unsubscribe from this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/neuse-river-foundation?hl=en 10/15/2007 1:14 PM >mething in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify ., ) of3 Subject: Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:14:20 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Hello Rick, Jay and the Hearing Officers: I have read over this Sun Journal Article and I saw something in the 7th paragraph. It would appear that the article has not provided the full facts of the matter with respect to the nitrates in groundwater and the changes to the NPDES permit -as I understand it. >From the way the article reads, it looks like Raleigh is being given additional capacity above the 676,617 pounds of Nitrate by 120,000 more pounds. As I understand it, the NPDES discharge is being mathematically backed off by 120,000 pounds of nitrate to compensate from the groundwater discharge. The article also refers to nitrogen as a "gas". I don't believe we are talking about the gaseous form of Nitrogen here (i.e. nitrate). If I have got it wrong let me know ---but I think these are inaccuracies that our Public Information Officer needs to be aware of in case she gets calls on it or maybe address at the DWQ sees fit. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 ********************************************************************************************** Rick Bolich wrote: fyi Subject: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08: 19:52 -0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ googlegroups.com> To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@ goog legrou ps.com> "New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewage sludge before it gets into Neuse River" Nikie Mayo Sun Journal October 11, 2007 -8:24PM New Bern officials are preparing a letter that will ask the state to make Raleigh clean up sludge from a sewage plant before it seeps into the Neuse River. "We're not necessarily going to ask the Division of Water Quality to go out and hang them by their toes, but we do intend to get across the message that Raleigh should not be allowed to get away with putting nitrogen into the Neuse," said Danny Meadows, New Bern's acting city manager. Meadows is filling in for Bill Hartman, who is out of town this week. 10/15/2007 12:14 P M Something in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify 2 of3 Under the conditions of a state-issued permit, Raleigh is allowed to pump "biosolid" -sludge that is the byproduct of wastewater treatment -onto some fields it owns. But over the years, the city pumped more than its share of sludge onto some fields and now the groundwater around the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is contaminated. Raleigh is asking the division to let nature take care of cleaning up the overflow. "Raleigh miscalculated," division spokeswoman Susan Massengale said Thursday. Because of those miscalculations, there are "hot spots" where contamination near the plant is 18 times what is allowed by law, she said. That contamination was not discovered until it began to affect drinking water in some Raleigh households, according to Massengale. "This is all on Wake County property, but it's adjacent to the Neuse. The worry is about nitrogen percolating there," she said. "But this is a very complicated, layered issue." Raleigh contends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse. That limit is based on the services Raleigh provides for itself and for surrounding towns. If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years. About a quarter of that gas will make its way to New Bern, according to Larry Baldwin, the riverkeeper for the lower Neuse. Without a waiver, Raleigh is responsible for cleanup, according to division regulations. "The contamination of groundwater is the result of something that happened during a permitted activity. For that permitted activity, Raleigh was given their bounds and they didn't execute the permit," Massengale said. There should be consequences for that failure, Baldwin said during an interview this week. "Everybody needs to realize that what happens in Raleigh does not stay in Raleigh," he said. Meadows said New Bern has done its part to protect the Neuse and expects the same of its Wake County counterparts. "We've upgraded our sanitary practices to do what we can," he said. "We've stepped up to the plate and they should, too. The tone of our letter will stress the importance of protecting the river, not only for the city of New Bern, but in the interest of the entire state." The division is taking comments on Raleigh's request until Nov. 5. The state Environmental Management Commission will hear the request that month, but will delay acting on it until January. TAKE ACTION: Please tell the state that Raleigh needs to clean up it polluted ground water rather than allow it to go into the Neuse River . Please click on link below. It will take one minute of your time . Thanks, Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation . http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Neuse River Foundation" group. To post to this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com 10/15/2007 12: 14 Jmething in the New Bern Newspaper and need to clarify >f 3 For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/neuse-river-foundation?hl=en 10/15/2007 12 :14 PM 'wd: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge ... Subject: [Fwd: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:31:22 -0400 To: JAY ZIMMERMAN <JA Y.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> fyi Subject: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River From: Neuse River Foundation <dean.nrf@att.net> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:19:52-0700 To: Neuse River Foundation <neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com> "New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewage sludge before it gets into Neuse River" Nikie Mayo Sun Journal October 11, 2007 -8:24PM ·New Bern officials are preparing a letter that will ask the state to make Raleigh clean up sludge from a sewage plant before it seeps into the Neuse River. "We're not necessarily going to ask the Division of Water Quality to go out and hang them by their toes, but we do intend to get across the message that Raleigh should not be allowed to get away with putting nitrogen into the Neuse," said Danny Meadows, New Bern's acting city manager. Meadows is filling in for Bill Hartman, who is out of town this week. Under the conditions of a state-issued permit, Raleigh is allowed to pump "biosolid" -sludge that is the byproduct of wastewater treatment -onto some fields it owns. But over the years, the city pumped more than its share of sludge onto some fields and now the groundwater around the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is contaminated. Raleigh is asking the division to let nature take care of cleaning up the overflow. "Raleigh miscalculated," division spokeswoman Susan Massengale said Thursday. Because of those miscalculations, there are "hot spots" where contamination near the plant is 18 times what is allowed by law, she said. That contamination was not discovered until it began to affect drinking water in some Raleigh households, according to Massengale. "This is all on Wake County property, but it's adjacent to the Neuse. The worry is about nitrogen percolating there," she said. "But this is a very complicated ]avered j ssve ·11 ~ntends that it should be granted a cleanup waiver because it has not come close to reaching its allowed limit of 676,417 pounds of nitrogen for the Neuse. That limit is based on the services Raleigh provides for itself and for surrounding towns. If the variance is granted, the city can legally put another 120,000 pounds of pounds of nitrogen in the river during the next 40 years. About a quarter of that gas will make its way to New Bern, according to Larry Baldwin, the riverkeeper for the lower Neuse. Jf 2 Without a waiver, Raleigh is responsible for cleanup, according to division regulations. "The contamination of groundwater is the result of something that happened during a permitted activity. For that permitted activity, Raleigh was given their bounds and they didn't execute the permit," Massengale said. There should be consequences for that failure, Baldwin said during an interview this week. "Everybody needs to realize that what happens in Raleigh does not stay in Raleigh," he said. Meadows said New Bern has done its part to protect the Neuse and expects the same of its Wake County counterparts. "We've upgraded our sanitary practices to do what we can," he said. "We've stepped up to the plate and they should, too. The tone of our letter will stress the importance of protecting the river, not only for the city of New Bern, but in the interest of the entire state." 10/15/2007 11 :44 AM [Fwd: New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge ... 2 of2 The division is taking comments on Raleigh"s request until Nov. 5. The state Environmental Management Commission will hear the request that month, but will delay acting on it until January. TAKE ACTION: Please tell the state that Raleigh needs to clean up it polluted ground water rather than allow it to go into the Neuse River. Please click on link below. It will take one minute of your time. Thanks, Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation. http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Neuse River Foundation" group. To post to this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send email to neuse-river-foundation-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/neuse-river-foundation?hl=en Content-Type: message/rfc822 ;New Bern wants state to make Raleigh clean up sewagesludge before it gets into Neuse River.em) Content-Encoding: 7bit 10/15/2007 11 :4 4 !: CORPUD Variance Request: Media Contact and possible story Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance Request: Media Contact and possible story From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:57:10 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> thanks David David Hance wrote: This is an FYI for the hearin 2: officers, RRO staff, and other interested staff: Today, Latoya Sutton of the "Wake Weekly" newspaper came by and examined the proposed CORPUD variance and other materials. I referred her to Jay Zimmerman at the RRO for discussions on the technical issues related to this request. I also gave her my business card. She seemed very appreciative of the help she got from the Planning Section. I requested that the article that appears in that paper be sent to me. I wanted get this to you in case any more contacts are made by this news organization. david hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 10/11/2007 2:08 P M e: City of Raleigh Variance: one more thing of 1 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Variance: one more thing From: LaToya Sutton <latoya@wakeweekly.com> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:01:48 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Ok. That's no problem. Thanks for your help this morning. Have a good day . LaToya Sutton The Wake Weekly Phone: 556-3182 Fax: 556-2233 latoya@wakeweekly.com On Oct 11, 2007, at 12:58 PM, David Hance wrote: Ms. Sutton, If your paper produces an article or some other publication from this, I would certainly like to have a copy of it. I keep these for the hearing officers and staff. You can email it to me here or fax it to 919-715-5637 . David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 10/11/2007 1 :04 P M ty of Raleigh Variance: one more thing ) Jf 1 Subject: City of Raleigh Variance: one more thing From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:58:06 -0400 To: LaToya Sutton <latoya@wakeweekly.com> Ms. Sutton, If your paper produces an article or some other publication from this, I would certainly like to have a copy of it. I keep these for the hearing officers and staff. You can email it to me here or fax it to 919-715-5637. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 10/11/2007 12 :58 PM ORPUD Variance Request: Media Contact and possible story of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Media Contact and possible story From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:33:08 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Susan.Massengale@ncmail.net, Linda Jones <linda.jones@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> This is an FYI for the hearin g officers, RRO staff, and other interested staff: Today, Latoya Sutton of the "Wake Weekly" newspaper came by and examined the proposed CORPUD variance and other materials. I referred her to Jay Zimmerman at the RRO for discussions on the technical issues related to this request. I also gave her my business card. She seemed very appreciative of the help she got from the Planning Section. I requested that the article that appears in that paper be sent to me. I wanted get this to you in case any more contacts are made by this news organization. david hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 10/11/2007 1 :33 PM ,sitor from the News Media At DWQ Planning 6th Floor this Thursd ... Jf 1 Subject: Visitor from the News Media At DWQ Planning 6th Floor this Thursday on Oct. 11th From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncrnail.net> Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 16:46: 13 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net> Hello staff: This is a message to 6th Floor Planning people. Latoya Sutton of the "Wake Weekly" wants to look at the CORPUD Variance request at 9 AM on Thursday, October 11th. I intend to set her up at the desk next to Jeff's office, unless there is some need for her to go somewhere else. I wanted to let you all know this. David Hance DWQ-Planning x. 587 10/10/2007 4:46 PM e: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comm ... of 3 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comment beyond November 5, 2007 & some perspective From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 10:51:10 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> You and Andrew could/should run it by Ted and ultimately Coleen. I have already offered my thoughts and can discuss them further if needed. We are not necessarily obligated to extend the comment period merely becasue it was requested, as it always is ..... Jay Kathy Stecker wrote: It sounds as if they already have a comment. Who is supposed to ask the Director to respond to the request? Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I agree. I see no reason to extend the comment period at this point. Rick and I have already looked at his client's property, which is locted almost 1/2 mile from the nearest CORPUD field and separated by 2 or 3 streams. We don't percieve the CORPUD site will pose a risk. While at the public hearing, someone representing the company indicated they had approached Raleigh about sewer and water and were turned down. He indicated to me they would not have concerns if Raleigh connected them, and anything I could do to persuade Raleigh to get them water and sewer would be appreciated. It appears to me they are trying to leverage water and sewer. If they are concerned about nitrates they should go ahead and install monitor wells, as the area has been extensively cultivated in some areas. I would not be surprised if nitrates show up given the land use in the area, but given what we know about the sites hydrogeology it would not be from CORPUD. They have -20 monitor wells within -I mile of the northeastern most edge of the Edge of Auburn property and only 2 of them, located -3,300 feet away have reported nitrate> 10 ppm. jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers and other interested staff: One of our commenters for the CORPUD variance is requesting a further extension of the time frame for public comment beyond November 5th. Mr. Thomas C. Worth represents Edge of Auburn, LLC. To give the hearing officers and staff some perspective I will review what outreach has been done by the DWQ Staff thus far. Note that comment period began with the mailing of notices to adjacent property owners, interested third parties, local public officials, health officials, state staffs, and city staff as required per ISA NCAC 2L .0113. This happened between July 30, 2007 and August 1, 2007. Publication of the public notice occurred in the newspaper N & 0 on August 4th. Oral comments were accepted at the September 5, 2007 hearing as well written comments. This attorney's client "Edge of Auburn, LLC" was mailed a notice of the hearing from this office between July 30th and August 1st. This company was on the listing of adjacent property owners and area property owners provided by the CORPUD in the variance request and that is why there was direct contact from our Division. The Email from the attorney shows that he was aware of the public hearing before the hearing occurred (August 21st). This person made oral comment at the public hearing-and in fact --his attorney has sent us comments already. This email only 10/11/2007 12:58 P M :: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comm ... DWQ-Planning Section Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Susan Massengale Date: Oct. 3, 2007 Phone: (919) 733-7015 ext. 227 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR RALEIGH VARIANCE REQUEST EXTENDED TO NOV. 5 RALEIGH -State officials collecting public comment on a city of Raleigh request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations have extended the comment period to Nov. 5. Raleigh has requested that the Environmental Management Commission approve a variance request to allow the city to pursue a natural attenuation corrective action plan for nitrogen contamination in groundwater that is migrating off site from the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Permit conditions· and state groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation as a clean-up method on permitted wastewater treatment land disposal sites, even though natural attenuation with groundwater containment may be appropriate based on information contained within the request and technical review by state Division of Water Quality staff. Therefore, a variance is being sought to the groundwater regulations. Natural attenuation is an available clean.:.up option for use on sites contaminated by unpermitted discharges, such as leaking underground storage tanks. Those who wish to submit comments or inspect the variance request, should write: David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617; call (919) 733-5083 ext. 587 or e-mail david.hance@ncmail.net. ### S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net>. Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 10/11/2007 12:58 P M :: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comm ... • ::,f3 . \ Subj~ct: Re: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comment beyond November 5, 2007 & some perspective From: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 18:49:01 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Kathy and Andrew, Ted and I discussed this after a another meeting with Coleen and Chuck today. I asked about protocol regarding the role of the hearing officers versus upper management in making decisions like time extensions. Coleen says there is nothing formal, but that it would be ideal for the hearing officer(s) and her to confer before a decision is made. I would say she feels that the director has the ultimate authority in a situation where there was a difference of opinion, but it was her desire to make sure the hearing officers had a role in such a decision. Based on our discussion, I think you should feel free to contact her as needed to fulfill your hearing officer obligations. While I agree with Jay that it may be appropriate to confer with section chiefs and technical staff first, depending on the matter at hand, you should feel free to develop your opinions and discuss with Coleen as needed. Ted, do you agree? Alan Jay Zimmerman wrote: You and Andrew could/should run it by Ted and ultimately Coleen. I have already offered my thoughts and can discuss them further if needed. We are not necessarily obligated to extend the comment period merely becasue it was requested, as it always is · ..... Jay Kathy Stecker wrote: It sounds as if they already have a comment. Who is supposed to ask the Director to respond to the request? Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I agree. I see no reason to extend the comment period at this point. Rick and I have already looked at his client's property, which is locted almost 1/2 mile from the nearest CORPUD field and separated by 2 or 3 streams. We don't percieve the CORPUD site will pose a risk. While at the public hearing, someone representing the company indicated they had approached Raleigh about sewer and water and were turned down. He indicated to me they would not have concerns if Raleigh connected them, and anything I could do to persuade Raleigh to get them water and sewer would be appreciated. It appears to me they are trying to leverage water and sewer. If they are concerned about nitrates they should go ahead and install monitor wells, as the area has been extensively cultivated in some areas. I would not be surprised if nitrates show up given the land use in the area, but given what we know about the sites hydrogeology it would not be from CORPUD. They have -20 monitor wells within -1 mile of the northeastern most edge of the Edge of Auburn property and only 2 of them, located -3,300 feet away have reported nitrate > 10 ppm. jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers and other interested staff: One of our commenters for the CORPUD variance is requesting a further extension of the time frame for public comment beyond November 5th. 10/9/2007 6:52 PM :: CORPUD Variance: A NEW request for even more time to comm ... t gabrielle@embarg mail.com Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 2:25 PM Subject: City of Raleigh Variance Request -October 3rd Press Release / Public Comment Extension! Hello to those interested in the pro posed 2L Groundwater Variance for the City of Ralei gh ; Attached is an official press release NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources informing you that the comment period has been extended for the variance. It is in a word file. If you cannot open it, I have the text of this below the line. David Hance Environmental Specialist DWQ-Planning Section Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Release: IMMEDIAIB Contact: Susan Massengale Date: Oct. 3, 2007 Phone: (919) 733-7015 ext. 227 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR RALEIGH VARIANCE REQUEST EXIBNDED TO NOV. 5 RALEIGH -State officials collecting public comment on a city of Raleigh request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations have extended the comment period to Nov. 5. Raleigh has requested that the Environmental Management Commission approve a variance request to allow the city to pursue a natural attenuation corrective action plan for nitrogen contamination in groundwater that is migrating offsite from the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Permit conditions and state groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation as a clean-up method on permitted wastewater treatment land disposal sites, even though natural attenuation with groundwater containment may be appropriate based on information contained within the request and technical review by state Division of Water Quality staff. Therefore, a variance is being sought to the groundwater regulations. Natural attenuation is an available clean-up option for use on sites contaminated by unpermitted discharges, such as leaking underground storage tanks. Those who wish to submit comments or inspect the variance request, should write: David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617; call (919) 733-5083 ext. 587 or e-mail david. h ance@ncmail.net. ### 10/9/2007 6:52 PM mtact information for public comment of I Subject: Contact information for public comment From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:20:59 -0500 To: mtessnear@freedomenc.com CC: DAVID HANCE <DA VID.HANCE@ncmail.net> Hello Mr. Tessnear, I wanted to make sure you, and your readers, have contact information for those who wish to comment on Raleigh's variance request to the Environmental Management Commission .. Those who wish to comment can: snail mail written comments to David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 or e-mail: david.hance@ncmail.net or, call: (919) 733-5083 extension 587 If you would like to discuss the issue, please give me a call. My number is: (919) 733-7015 ext.227. Susan Massengale Public Information Office NC Division of Water Quality 10/11/2007 12:59 PM :: New Bern article on Raleigh variance Subject: Re: New Bern article on Raleigh variance From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:01:42 -0500 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan. Clark@ncmail.net> I'll give the reporter a call and make sure he has contact info for David. We did send that to the media as part of the extension announcement but I will reinforce it. Kathy Stecker wrote: I've not gotten caught up on my email, so pardon me if this has already made the rounds. You'll see in the comments that people are asking for contact information. Should someone contact the newspaper and give them that if we haven't already? The story was also picked up by the Myrtle Beach newspaper . http://www.newbernsj.com/news/raleigh 36878 article.html/neuse bern.html 10/11/2007 12:59 PM our request for review of the Proposed Variance for the City of Rale ... of 1 Subject: Your request for review of the Proposed Variance for the City of Raleigh Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:55:28 -0400 To: penny sparacino <pennysparacino@gmail.com> Dear Ms. Sparacino, You may come to our office at 512 North Salisbury Street in downtown Raleigh (Archdale Building) to view it. Call me at 919-733-5083 x.587 or email me to set up a time that you can look this material over . I am in the office all week. I have no meetings planned this week -so far. My schedule appears to be fairly open. Please contact me and let me know what times work for you. I will set aside an area for you to examine the request . David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section penny sparacino wrote: Mr. Hence, thanks for replying to my comment re:natural attenuation for the city of Raleigh. I would like to examine the variance request and the original permit/regulation How do I go about doing that. Penny Sparacino 10/8/2007 10:35 AM ~: request for a copy of the variance request for the city of raleigh -( ... of 1 Subject: Re: request for a copy of the variance request for the city of raleigh -(Response) From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 09:58:23 -0400 To: LaToya Sutton <latoya@wakeweekly.com> I have October 11, 2007@ 9 AM marked on my calendar. David Hance DWQ-Planning LaToya Sutton wrote: Mr. Hance, Could I come look at those materials Thursday morning? Would around 9 a.m. be good for you? Thanks, LaToya Sutton The Wake Weekly Phone: 556-3182 Fax: 556-2233 lato va@wakeweekl v.com On Oct 5, 2007, at 12:57 PM, David Hance wrote: Ms. Sutton, I was out of the office for a couple of days on personal leave and on some training. The variance request consists of several binders and reports. If you wish to examine these, please arrange a time with me so that you can come to our office and do this next week. I am located at 512 North Salisbury Street in the Archdale Building on the 6th Floor in Room 625aa. My week is fairly open. I know I will have someone looking at the materials on Monday. Note that there was a press release sent out on Oct. 3rd extending the comment period for this variance 30 days and this is attached. If you have questions on the variance, the best contact to start with is Susan Massengale in Public Information at the DWQ Administration Office. David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x . 587 <Raleigh V arianceExtend.doc> 10/8/2007 10:35 AM !: New Bern article on Raleigh variance---Comment on Article of 1 Subject: Re: New Bern article on Raleigh variance---Comment on Article From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:34:54 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> I believe that the contact for public comments needs to be provided. I looked at the article and they gave my name but no contact email or fax. This information needs to go to the paper. I will speak Susan on this if she is going to handle this or wants me to do it. Any media contacts can go to Susan as they normally do. david hance 733-5083 x. 587 ******************************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: I've not gotten caught up on my email, so pardon me if this has already made the rounds. You'll see in the comments that people are asking for contact information . Should someone contact the newspaper and give them that if we haven't already? The story was also picked up by the Myrtle Beach newspaper. http://www.newbernsj.com/news/raleigh 36878 article.html/neuse bern.html 10/8/2007 10:35 A M ew Bern article on Raleigh variance of 1 Subject: New Bern article on Raleigh variance From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2007 10:20:22 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan. Clark@ncmail.net> I"ve not gotten caught up on my email, so pardon me if this has already made the rounds. You"ll see in the comments that people are asking for contact information . Should someone contact the newspaper and give them that if we haven't already? The story was also picked up by the Myrtle Beach newspaper. http://www.newbernsj.com/news/raleigh 36878 Kathy Stecker <Kathy .Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ article.html/neuse bern.html 10/8/2007 10:31 AJvl Raleigh plant could contaminate the Neuse in New Bern Page 1 of 1 Raleigh plant could contaminate the Neuse in New Bern B Matt Tessnear October 5, 2007 -9:41PM Sewage will pollute the Neuse River in New Bern for more than 30 years if the state allows Raleigh to bypass cleanup of a wastewater treatment plant, a local environmentalist said Friday. The state Environmental Management Commission has asked the city of Raleigh to clean up groundwater contamination at its Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. The cleanup would cost the city about $80 million, said Larry Baldwin, the lower Neuse Riverkeeper. City officials asked the state for a waiver to avoid the cleanup. Officials say time and nature will take care of the problems at the plant, which is located in southeastern Wake County. But Baldwin says time will only allow the sewage to damage the Neuse River in the New Bern area. Baldwin's job is to work for clean water in the Neuse and Trent rivers and their tributaries. If the sewage at the Raleigh plant is not cleaned up, an estimated 120,000 pounds of nitrogen would get into the Neuse River in the next 30 to 40 years, said Baldwin. "About 25 percent of that, or 30,000 pounds, would make its way down to New Bern," he said. "What this means is that our water quality would be severely damaged here. Nitrogen is one of the most potent contributors to fish kills, which is already a problem in our area. Nitrogen also contributes to the growth of algae, which can harm the health of people." David Hance, an official with the state Division of Water Quality, said the city of Raleigh petitioned for the variance in September. He said the variance went to a public hearing Sept. 5 for oral comments. Hance is taking public comments through Nov. 5 on Raleigh's waver request. Baldwin said people in New Bern should write letters to the state to show officials they understand the effects the groundwater contamination would have on New Bern. "What happens in Raleigh doesn't stay in Raleigh," he said. "It comes on down stream. We have to work on the whole river system to clean it up. This could have devastating effects if the problem is not taken care of at the source." The state Environmental Management Commission will hear Raleigh's request in November. Hance said the Commission, which meets every other month, will discuss action on the variance in January. http://www.newbernsj.com/common/printer/view. php?db=nbsj&id=36878 10/8/2007 : CORPUD variance: Request by the law firm representing the City ... f2 Subject: Re: CORPUD variance: Request by the law firm representing the City of Raleigh (Kilpatrick Stockton) (reply 1 from Hance) From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 13:48:34 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Thanks for the info David. In terms of our extension of the comment period and likely J anuary EMC appearance, what are the new deadlines/important dates for completing the r eport with proper review/signatures/EMC notification/etc? BTW, I'll be back from my vacation after the comment period is over. I'm leaving 10/26 and returning on 11/13 . Andrew David Hance wrote: Andrew, I h ave•still have some more digests to get to you. I was out on Wednesday on leave helping my family and was on Training on Thursday. At this point, I am trying to make sure all of our commenters know of the extension of c o mments to November 5th that was in the press release that went out on October 3rd . That is my Friday Assignment! As for written comments, these are tricking in so far. I think email seems to the the preference to communicate since I am getting allot of these. I will make copies of the written comments and get them to you -most like a fed ex. The other staff including Kathy will get these hand delivered. I am expecting a rush of comments today. Next week -I think we will get a better idea of what we have and I can draft up something like I did after the hearing. I have spoken with Alan Clark. We can assume that we will miss the November 2007 EMC meeting since our comment period has been extended and the mailing date for the EMC packet is October 22nd. The earliest this can go to is the January 2008 EMC meeting. david hance *************************************************************************************** Andrew Pitner wrote: I'm fine with you sharing the comments with Raleigh in whatever method is convenient & practical for you. For our needs, I've seen all of the digests & a few stray emails that arrived from different directions, but have not seen any of the faxes or snail-mailed ones. Will you either be making copies or scanning those in? I'm also hoping that, as these things come in, you've got some method for collecting them so that they will neatly fit as a complete attachment to the final report . Andrew David Hance wrote: As you may know, I have been away from the office for a couple of days. I got a phone call from Carolyn Bachl who works for Steve Levitas . They want copies of the comments we received on this variance both written, fax, and emails. We respect to comments, I think we should accommodate them but only after the materials requested have been sent to the hearing officers and staff. I can email them the same "digests" of emails you have been getting. I can also get written comments to them in as timely a manner as possible though US Mail (or fax if its a few pages). Otherwise, they come by and pick it up since they are local. So far I have 202 email comments and I am getting a trickle of faxes and US Mail. What do you think? 10/5/2007 I :59 PM Re: CORPUD variance: Request by the law firm representing the City ... 2 of2 david hance 919-733-5083 x/ 587 Andrew Pitner, P .G . -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 10/5/2007 1 :59 P : Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Release f2 Subject: Re: Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Release From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 13:49:22 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmennan@ncmail.net>, DAVID HANCE <DA VID.HANCE@ncmail.net>, Chuck W akild <Chuck.Wakild@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Hi Kathy; Granting the variance would allow for the nitrate beyond the compliance boundary to naturally attenuate, and the City's groundwater transport model predicted that the (precipitation-normalized} flux to the Neuse River should have peaked last year under this scenario. So the groundwater flux of nitrate should be gradually decreasing over time now, even if the City does nothing. The City has installed a series of extraction wells in one portion of the site where there are potential future receptors (private residences). The groundwater extracted from this system will be pumped into the headworks of the treatment plant, which will remove some of the nitrogen before the effluent is discharged to the river at the NPDES outfall. The installation and operation of a groundwater extraction system along the entire perimeter of the site, which would be required if the variance is not granted, would also send the extracted groundwater into the wastewater treatment plant where nitrate reduction would occur before the effluent is discharged into the river. So requiring Raleigh to "clean up" the groundwater in this way before it would normally discharge directly into the river should result in lower net N levels in the river . Jay and i recognize that it would be practically impossible to design a groundwater extraction system along the compliance boundary that would prevent all of the contaminated groundwater from getting into the Neuse river, but even a "minimally-designed" groundwater extraction system should result in a net decrease in N to the river. This is based on the assumption that the extracted groundwater would have higher nitrate levels than the current average NPDES outfall levels, which i think is a safe assumption. · I may have misunderstood an earlier question from you that may have indicated that there would be no net N decrease in the river if the City were denied the variance and had to install extraction wells along the boundaries of all of the land application fields. rb Kathy Stecker wrote: Just curious -would it be worthwhile for someone to try to correct the apparently widespread misconception that allowing the variance will cause N levels in the Neuse to increase? Probably 99.9% of the _dozens of comments we've gotten so far have assumed that requiring Raleigh to "clean up" would result in lower N levels in the river. It's kind of a shame that people aren't commenting on the right thing, but they're lacking important information that might cause them to comment differently ... susan massengale wrote: This went out this afternoon Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 10/5/2007 1:59 PM Re: Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Release 2 of2 Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Susan Massengale Date: Oct. 3, 2007 Phone: (919) 733-7015 ext . 227 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR RALEIGH VARIANCE REQUEST EXTENDED TO NOV. 5 RALEIGH -State officials collecting public comment on a city of Raleigh request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations have extended the comment period to Nov. 5. Raleigh has requested that the Environmental Management Commission approve a variance request to allow the city to pursue a natural attenuation corrective action plan for nitrogen contamination in groundwater that is migrating offsite from the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Permit conditions and state groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation as a clean-up method on permitted wastewater treatment land disposal sites, even though natural attenuation with groundwater containment may be appropriate based on information contained within the request and technical review by state Division of Water Quality staff. Therefore, a variance is being sought to the groundwater regulations. Natural attenuation is an available clean-up option for use on sites contaminated by unpermitted discharges, such as leaking underground storage tanks. Those who wish to submit comments or inspect the variance request, should write: David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617; call (919) 733-5083 ext. 587 or e-mail david.hance@ncmail.net. ### 10/5/2007 1 :59 PI\ )RPUD Variance: Heads-up-Contact with a reporter in New Bern, NC Jf I Subject: CORPUD Variance: Heads-up-Contact with a reporter in New Bern, NC From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 11:02:35 -0400 To: Susan Massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> I got a call this morning from Matt Tessmear (252-635-5637) of the New Bern Sun Journal. What prompted his call was a call from the local Neuse River Keeper. Mr. Tessmear began asking me a number of open ended questions about " .. city's perspective on the variance from DWQ". I referred him to our PIO -Susan Massengale. I also told him that if he wanted to discuss Raleigh's perspective on the variance, contact Dale Crisp with the City of Raleigh. If he wanted to talk about the technical merits of this variance request he could speak to Jay Zimmerman at the RRO and I gave him Jay's number. He wanted to know that if there was enough negative public response about this that would that end any discussion of a variance for the City of Raleigh and keep it from going to the EMC. I said I do not have any information on that matter and the comment period has not ended and the final recommendation will come from the hearing officers. That is when I seg-wayed into a discussion of the process for this variance and I explained to him that it is found in rule 15A NCAC 2L .0113. I said that the comment period has been extended one month to November 5th and that the earliest the EMC could see this variance request would most likely be the January 2008 EMC meeting. He was already aware of the extension of the comment period. Note that he may contact you Susan and Jay because he is working on a deadline. david hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 10/5/2007 I 1:15 AM .e: Raleigh Variance Extension --Response and question of 1 Subject: Re: Raleigh Variance Extension --Response and question From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 18:02:16-0400 To: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Susan, I don't see it here. Did you attach it? I will check the PI Web on Friday when I get in. Also, I do not have the variance request electronically. It consists of many reports. I have it in my office at Room 625aa. If you wish to look at it, please contact me and I will arrange a time for viewing. Fyi-Ryke Longest of Duke University School of Law came by on Tuesday and looked it over. He made comments to us on Oct. 3rd via email. david hance 733-5083 x/ 587 ********************************************************************** susan massengale wrote: Hello David, I am attaching a word copy of the release. It is also at the Public Information Web site under both Press Releases and Hot Topics . Do you have the variance request electronically? I would like a copy in any case. Thanks, Susan 10/4/2007 6:03 PM ~: Corpud Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Re ... of2 Subject: Re: Corpud Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Release -Comment to hearing officers and staff From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2007 16:50:29 -0500 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Kathy and I spoke about this and she is going to find some additional information. I will be happy to help in any way I can. David Hance wrote: _Hearing Officers and Technical Staff: I have observed that trend that Kathy eludes to as well. The variance does call from some level of treatment to prevent downgraident migration from the fields where over application occurred. The RRO Staff powerpoint does go into that . This is something to handle in the staff response to the comments we get and I believe when this gets to the EMC. In the mean time, maybe Susan Massengale as our DWQ PIO can massage some language when questions arise for to help the hearing officers with the report? Just a thought. david hance 733-5083 x.587 **************************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: Just curious -would it be worthwhile for someone to try to correct the apparently widespread misconception that allowing the variance will cause N levels in the Neuse to increase? Probably 99.9% of the dozens of comments we"ve gotten so far have assumed that requiring Raleigh to "clean up" would result in lower N levels in the river. It's kind of a shame that people aren't commenting on the right thing, but they're lacking important information that might cause them to comment differently ... susan massengale wrote: This went out this afternoon Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr ., Secretary N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Release: IMMEDIATE Contact: Susan Massengale Date: Oct. 3, 2007 Phone: (919) 733-7015 ext. 227 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD FOR RALEIGH VARIANCE REQUEST EXTENDED TO NOV. 5 RALEIGH -State officials collecting public comment on a city of Raleigh request for a variance from groundwater protection regulations have extended the comment period to Nov. 5. Raleigh has requested that the Environmental Management Commission approve a variance request to allow the city to pursue a natural attenuation corrective action plan for nitrogen contamination ~n groundwater that is migrating offsite from the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant. Permit conditions and state groundwater rules prohibit natural attenuation as a clean-up method on permitted wastewater treatment land disposal sites, even though natural attenuation with 10/4/2007 5 :58 PM Re: Corpud Raleigh Variance Request Comment Period Extension Re ... 2 of2 groundwater containment may be appropriate based on information contained within the request and technical review by state Division of Water Quality staff. Therefore, a variance is being sought to the groundwater regulations . Natural attenuation is an available clean-up option for use on sites contaminated by unpermitted discharges, such as leaking underground storage tanks . Those who wish to submit comments or inspect the variance request, should write: David Hance, DENR-DWQ Planning Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617; call (919) 733-5083 ext. 587 or e-mail david.hance@ncmail.net. ### 10/4/2007 5:5 8 !: please tell me if you did NOT receive a forwarded voice message-... of 1 Subject: Re: please tell me if you did NOT receive a forwarded voice message--reply & question From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 19:37:16-0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Kathy, I did come into the office real late to pick up something and I checked emails. dh do not think I did get that voice mail . I got a call tram Charles Futterman, an attorney. Was that the person's name·? will be on training at Capital Blvd on Thursday -al l day. ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( C ( ( ( C (( ( ( ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( (IC ( ( (( C ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( 11 C (CC C ( ( (( ( ( I I I I (( I I ( I ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (( ( ( ( ( C ( Kathy Stecker wrote: I I got: one voice message from a commenter . I didn't listen to it and tried to forward it to you. I don't think I was successful. Thanks. 10/3/2007 8 :06 PM Take Action: City of Raleigh Neuse Pollution Clean-up groundwater contamination ever recorded in North Carolina and should not be dismissed without action. Page 2 of 2 City:* I hope that DENR will reject Raleigh's request for a variance. [ Raleigh should either treat their ground water pollution on site lr-S_ta_te_:_* __ _ or offset it through other means like buffer or wetland --Choose a st a restoration (or through storm water retrofits). ZIP:* I (Edit Letter Below) I recognize that it may cost the City a great deal to clean up after itself. I want the City of Raleigh to meet our moral and legal obligations to clean up this pollution -not simply to let it leach downstream for other communities to deal with. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your address] http://ncconservationnetworkl.org/campaign/raleighvariance E L ~conv10" _J Public Alerts: Sign up now tc periodic email current enviro1 issues and ho"' make a differe p- FREE Action . * Required Fie Send Tois 10/3/2007 b floor staff -Second Visitor on October 2nd Subject: 6th floor staff -Second Visitor on October 2nd From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:23:48 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net> FYI Another visitor has arrived at 3:20 PM . Mr. Ryke Longst of Duke University School Of Law is reviewing the materials for the City of Raleigh Variance request. He is at the desk next to Jeff Manning's office. david hance 10/2/2007 4:04 PM :aff on 6th Floor -Note about visitors Jf 1 Subject: Staff on 6th Floor -Note about visitors From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 14:33:43 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net> FYI to DWO Plannin g Staff on 6th Floor, We have some visitors today from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (BREDL). They are Sue Dayton and David (?) They are in Room 625T (D. Hill's old office). They are here to listen to the tape recording of the City of Raleigh Variance Hearing for the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant that was held September 5th. They should be here until the close of business today or they may leave earlier than that. They know that I am the contact for this. david hance 733-5083 X. 587 10/2/2007 2:34 PM [Fwd: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver] 2 of3 "There is no public health impact for spending tens of millions of dollars on a remediation system," said Steve Levitas, a lawyer representing the city. But some residents near the spray fields say the city is skirting state environmental standards. "They were issued a permit, and along with that permit came a lot of rules and regulations about how they should conduct their business," said Phillip Douglas, a re~ired electronics engineer who lives near the plant. "One of the rules prohibits natural attenuation, which means letting nature clean up your mess. When they messed up and found out how much money it's going to cost to clean it up, they want a variance." Douglas, who opposes the city's plan, said state regulators should be the guardians of the state"s water quality and should not take cost into account. The state Division of Water Quality is taking public comments through Oct. 5 on the city's request for the waiver from state rules. The state Environmental Management Commission, a 19-member panel appointed by the governor and legislative leaders, is expected to hear Raleigh's request in November. *City's rationale* Raleigh contends its plan would keep it below its limit for nitrogen discharge into the .river. It has sharply reduced its nitrogen discharges in the past decade, so it has unused discharge capacity. Jay Zimmerman, regional supervisor for the state's aquifer protection section, said the city"s approach has technical merit because of the practical complications of trying to remove groundwater from the overall site. "The way I have explained it is if they were discharging 500,000 pounds of nitrogen into the river, whether or not it was the right thing for the river, they would be in compliance with their permit," Zimmerman said. "We're not saying it's the best choice." He said the city had not considered another alternative --to clean up the most contaminated areas in addition to the areas near subdivisions. Dean Naujoks, the Upper Neuse Riverkeeper, an environmental advocate, said state environmental regulators should not give the city a waiver because the pollution will harm the river. "Raleigh's groundwater pollution contributes more nitrogen per year to the Neuse River than the towns of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Clayton, Wake Forest and Zebulon combined," Naujoks said, noting that Johnston County could be added in, too, and Raleigh would still be the leading nitrogen polluter. "The bottom line is they should be required to offset their nitrogen pollution that is entering the river from contaminated groundwater." In addition to being harmful to infants, nitrogen causes excessive algae growth, which can rob the water of oxygen as it dies and cause fish kills, hampering sport and commercial fishing. The Neuse has shown stress downstream from too much nitrogen-rich treated sewage and fertilizer runoff from farms. Since massive fish kills in the 1990s, which led to the Neuse's being classified as sensitive to nitrogen, state environmental officials have tried to reduce the amount of nitrogen entering the river from sewage-treatment plants and farming by 30 percent. The city of Raleigh has sharply reduced its nitrogen discharge into the river. "We don't like to have any more nitrogen in the Neuse than we can help," said Walter B. Hartman Jr., city manager of New Bern, which is near the stretch of the river where fish kills have historically occurred. "We're not throwing stones. We just need to take a close look at it --make sure there is not a better way." 10/2/2007 4:06 PM [Fwd: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver] 1 of3 Suoject: [Fwd: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver] From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:44:58 -0400 To: "david.hance" <david.hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <kathy.stecker@ncmail.net> fyi -in case you haven't seen this already. Subject: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver From: susan massengale <susan.massengale@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:39: 15 -0500 To: DWQ Clips <DENR.DWQ_Clips.DWQ@ncmail.net> From the Raleigh News and Observer Raleigh wants cleanup waiver Faces $80 million bill in sewage mess Wade Rawlins, Staff Writer Pollution from treated sewage would leak for decades into the Neuse River under a plan the city of Raleigh wants the state to approve. Raleigh officials are asking for a waiver from state rules that would require an $80 million cleanup of widespread groundwater contamination around its Neuse River sewage-treatment plant. The city argues essentially that time and nature will eventually scrub the fields and groundwater of pollutants. For years, workers at the plant spread too much treated waste sludge on farm fields around the plant, despite warnings from the state. The city was eventually fined and ordered to develop a cleanup plan. Now, the groundwater beneath more than 1,100 acres of fields is contaminated with high levels of nitrates, which can harm humans and trigger fish kills downstream near the coast. Since the problem came to a head in 2002, the state suspended the city's permit to spread more sludge on the fields. The city has spent more than $40 million improving the operation of the plant and has turned a higher proportion of the plant's sludge into fertilizer and compost. Some treated waste is trucked to Duplin and Sampson counties and spread on farms there. But city officials say ringing the entire site in southeastern Wake County with hundreds of wells to collect and treat the groundwater would cause a financial hardship, costing nearly $80 million. Instead, city leaders propose to spend about $8 million to build 40 recovery wells. That would clean up 20 acres nearest housing subdivisions close to the plant. The city wants natural degradation to gradually clean up the areas where monitoring wells show the highest concentrations of nitrogen --amounts up to 18 times the maximum allowed under state law. Some of those fields border the Neuse River. City officials say the approach poses no risk to public health because nearby residents have been hooked to municipal water and the contamination will be monitored. High levels of nitrates in drinking water can be toxic to infants, who have undeveloped digestive systems that can't break down the pollutants. As a result, oxygen levels fall in the blood, leading to a condition known as blue baby syndrome. 10/2/2007 4:06 PM [Fwd: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver] 2 of3 "There is no public health impact for spending tens of millions of dollars on a remediation system," said Steve Levitas, a lawyer representing the city . But some residents near the spray fields say the city is skirting state environmental standards. "They were issued a permit, and along with that permit came a lot of rules and regulations about how they should conduct their business," said Phillip Douglas, a retired electronics engineer who lives near the plant. "One of the rules prohibits natural attenuation, which means letting nature clean up your mess. When they messed up and found out how much money it's going to cost to clean it up, they want a variance." Douglas, who opposes the city's plan, said state regulators should be the guardians of the state's water quality and should not take cost into account. The state Division of Water Quality is taking public comments through Oct. 5 on the city"s request for the waiver from state rules. The state Environmental Management Commission, a 19-member panel appointed by the governor and legislative leaders, is expected to hear Raleigh's request in November . *City's rationale* Raleigh contends its plan would keep it below its limit for nitrogen discharge into the river. It has sharply reduced its nitrogen discharges in the past decade, so it has unused discharge capacity. Jay Zimmerman, regional supervisor for the state's aquifer protection section, said the city's approach has technical merit because of the practical complications of trying to remove groundwater from the overall site. "The way I have explained it is if they were discharging 500,000 pounds of nitrogen into the river, whether or not it was the right thing for the river, they would be in compliance with their permit," Zimmerman said. "We're not saying it's the best choice." He said the city had not considered another alternative --to clean up the most contaminated areas in addition to the areas near subdivisions. Dean Naujoks, the Upper Neuse Riverkeeper, an environmental advocate, said state environmental regulators should not give the city a waiver because the pollution will harm the river. "Raleigh's groundwater pollution contributes more nitrogen per year to the Neuse River than the towns of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Clayton, Wake Forest and Zebulon combined," Naujoks said, noting that Johnston County could be added in, too, and Raleigh would still be the leading nitrogen polluter. "The bottom line is they should be required to offset their nitrogen pollution that is entering the river from contaminated groundwater." In addition to being harmful to infants, nitrogen causes excessive algae growth, which can rob the water of oxygen as it dies and cause fish kills, hampering sport and commercial fishing. The Neuse has shown stress downstream from too much nitrogen-rich treated sewage and fertilizer runoff from farms. Since massive fish kills in the 1990s, which led to the Neuse's being classified as sensitive to nitrogen, state environmental officials have tried to reduce the amount of nitrogen entering the river from sewage-treatment plants and farming by 30 percent. The city of Raleigh has sharply reduced its nitrogen discharge into the river. "We don't like to have any more nitrogen in the Neuse than we can help," said Walter B. Hartman Jr., city manager of New Bern, which is near the stretch of the river where fish kills have historically occurred. "We're not throwing stones. We just need to take a close look at it --make sure there is not a better way." 10/2/2007 4:06 PM [Fwd: Raleigh wants cleanup waiver] Content-Type: message/rfc822 ' Raleigh wants cleanup waiver Content-Encoding: 7bit 3 of3 10/2/2007 4:06 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Raleigh variance request From: LaToya Sutton <latoya@wakeweekly.com> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 14:20:03 -0400 To: david.hance@ncmail.net Mr. Hance, How can I get a copy of the city of Raleigh's variance request? Is it something you can e-mail to me? Thanks, LaToya Sutton The Wake Weekly Phone: 556-3182 Fax: 556-2233 latoya@wakeweekly.com 10/5/2007 12:57 PM 09114/07-Jav and rick res ponses DRAFT Summary of Oral Comments Made at the September 5, 2007 Public Hearing and Written Comment Submitted by the Public Variance Request from Corrective Action Requirements For the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) DWQ Permit WQ000l 730 A. Comments made at the September 5, 2007 Public Hearing in Ralei gh , NC with Responses: Commenter # 1: My organization, the Neuse River Foundation, represents 3,000 members in the Neuse River Basin. We work to protect water quality in the Upper Neuse River Basin and we have been actively involved in addressing issues surrounding this plant since 2002. He said that in 2003 the Neuse River Foundation challenged permit limits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for the City of Raleigh. He said that at that based on conversations I had at that time with the attorney representing the City of Raleigh, Mr. Steven Levitas who is in the audience, there was an agreement met regarding this permit. The agreement was to leave an opener in the permit that Raleigh would work to offset nitrogen going into the river via groundwater pollution. In 2003, the Neuse River Foundation requested a 'no net increase' for nitrogen from the plant. Our organization understood that the City of Raleigh agreed to this and the state needs to hold the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) and officials responsible for their promise. I hope that the city admits to the fact the there was an agreement in 2003 on this matter in their comments. In entering that agreement, our membership was quite generous to the city in giving them other alternatives than pump and treat cleanup since we acknowledge that it can be extremely expensive. We approached the issue with the view of finding useful and cost effective alternatives. The Neuse River Foundation . had discussed changes in effluent limitations since the city is not even coming close to reducing concentrations of nitrogen even with plant upgrades . We acknowledge that they are within their NPDES permit limits but that reduction from this engineered solution will not come close to offsetting nitrogen impacts in the river from the contribution of nitrate from groundwater as a result of compliance problems. Our organization has recommended buffers and wetlands mitigation, which are feasible actions for City of Raleigh and they should be required to do this. Note the Jordan Lake Rules and their impacts on the City of Durham ( and, potentially the Falls Lake Rules), would require stormwater retrofits. I do not understand why the City of Raleigh is not being required to take such actions under this variance since there are plenty of paths for the City of Raleigh to mitigate nitrate impacts to the river. I cannot believe the scale of this problem. We are talking about 120,000 pounds of Nitrogen per year being allowed to decrease over time over the next 30 to 40 years. When factored together this allowance provides more nitrogen to the river than the towns of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Johnston County, Wake Forest, and Zebulon combined and the state is going to just waive this requirement for them to mitigate this problem. This is the largest source 1 09/14/07-Ja l' and rick responses DRAFT of groundwater contamination the state has ever identified -over 1000 acres! The track record of natural attenuation has very limited success. Note that in areas where mitigation is occurring is occurring in Raleigh, the land areas are relatively small compared to what is making its way to the river. It is a very dangerous precedent for the state to just allow this to occur without any real mitigation. If you waive this requirement I don't see how the state could get any party to conduct mitigation. I support the states recommendation concerning considering the groundwater contribution of nitrate into the river to the NPDES individual permit and the NRCS Permit. I also support the current physical upgrades the plant has already done. I want to remind that state that there has been a history of non-compliance at the CORPUD that Neuse River Foundation has identified dating back to 1986 and we contend with staff that the over application of biosolids was not the result of a 'miscalculation'. This is documented in the states files and is shown in a written comment from our organization titled "Profile of a Polluter" and is being submitted this evening. In 1999, DWQ staff urged the city to purchase more land for sludge application due to relatively high concentrations of nitrates, metals, fecal coliforms and other pollutants. In 2002 the state finally issued its first fines, which is nearly 20 years after it was suspected that biosolids were impacting the river from 1986 studies. There have also been other egregious and well-documented on-site violations as well. One must consider the fact that the nitrogen from this site has not only traveled beyond the compliance boundary and affected private wells it is also traveling well beyond that into the lower Neuse River and the Pamlico Sound. In 2007, the Neuse River was listed as one of the top ten endangered rivers. The Neuse Basinwide Plan just released this year and the Neuse Basin Oversight Committee for the Agricultural Rules have both indicated that our state is not meeting the mandatory 30 percent nitrogen reduction goals for the estuary and some university work indicates North Carolina is meeting only single digit reductions at best. Until the City of Raleigh develops a plan to offset this added nitrogen from groundwater with buffers, wetlands, stormwater controls or other means, it is inconceivable that the state would consider a variance of this kind and this request should be denied. It is inconceivable that the state would specify that the city be allowed to just monitor the nitrate under this variance. I believe that granting this variance is a violation of the state's own rules and am very disappointed that this request has gotten this far (Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601). Response: The Division acknowledges that the compliance history of the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant has been less than ideal in the past. The Division's responsibility for the variance application is to consider its technical merit for corrective action to reduce nitrate levels bevond the permitted compliance boundarv. Natural attenuation is a viable method of corrective action for the reduction of nitrate. and we are recommending that the amount of nitrate that enters the Neuse River is to be deducted from CORPUD's NPDES permit. Since the amount of nitrate for CORPUD's NPDES permit is determined by the Neuse Consortium in consideration of the total nitrate loads of the Upper Neuse River, the Division believes the current NP DES nitrate limit to be protective of the environment. The combination of nitrate from groundwater discharge and treatment plant outfall discharge 2 09114/07-Ja v and rick responses DRAFT will not be allowed to exceed the NPDES permit limit. The Division is not aware of the s p ecific details concerning conversations or a greements between the Neuse River Foundation and the City of Raleigh that involve additional reductions in p ermitted nitrate discharges from the wastewater treatment plant. The Division would su pport further reductions in the total nitrate flux from the treatment plant as a condition of the variance if the Ci tv ·ofRaleigh and the Neuse River Foundation have a greed to this. Commenter # 2: I represent a land development called the "Edge of Auburn, LLC" and in particular, Parcel Number 131 as identified on some of the maps submitted by the CORPUD. This parcel is to the west of the site. Our concern is that we are in the process of preparing an application for a subdivision with Wake County on this land. In this subdivision we intend to have on-site wastewater and, possibly, a community public water supply well system that will with approximately 130,000 gallons of water per day .. Our site is just to the west of this tract of land. There is no way to know with certainty that these nitrates cannot get into the same water- bearing aquifer that our proposed development will be using. Even though the permitted operations are downgradient from our site, the cone of depression of this water well could end up drawing nitrates into the water supply well that we are considering for our development. The cone of depression can reach as significant distance away from our property (Russell Briggs, Engineer, Edge of Auburn -LCC, 2805 Tobermory Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606). Response: The eastern most edge of the referenced Parcel No 131 is located greater than 2600 feet from the nearest monitor well (MW -50) rep orting a concentration of Nitrate in excess of the allowable standard. MW-50 re ported 27.75 parts per million (pp m ) of Nitrate in the July 2005 anal yti cal data. This parcel is also se parated b y several surface water features (streams) and is located to po graphically. and presumably h ydraulicall y, u pgradient of the land a pp lication fields used b y the City of Ralei gh. While the Division agr ees •there is no wa y to know for certainty whether or not the Nitrates associated with the City of Ralei gh activities would imp act a community well installed for the pro posed subdivision, the presence of the surface water features should act as a hydraulic barrier and p revent mi grations of Nitrate onto the sub ject parcel. Additionally, the distance between the p arcel and the nearest field should further preclude the possibility of Nitrate imp acts. However, in consideration of the concern ex pressed , the Aq uifer Protection Section staff will recommend the installation of an additional monitor well(s ) and the monitorin g of a sufficient number of monitor wells and surface waters to evaluate the p otential for future imp acts. Commenter# 3: I want note for the record that our firm and the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) has been working to address groundwater problems and issues at this site for five years with the Neuse River Foundation. It appears we have a misunderstanding about Mr. Naujoks concept of what constitutes an "offset" versus the city's idea. The variance 3 09114/07-Ja v .and rick res ponses DRAFT specifies that the concept of the offset will charge the groundwater contribution against the City of Raleigh's allowable discharge under its NPDES Permit for its wastewater treatment plant is the same as it was when we proposed this to the Division of Water Quality five years ago. During the last five years, there has been a substantial reduction in the city's point source loading which far exceeds the amount of the calculated loading via nitrate _ from groundwater. We will continue discussions with Mr. Naujoks to see if we can clarify that issue. I am sorry he is disappointed in the proposal (Steven Levitas, Kilpatrick Stockton, 3737 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612). Response: As this is directed directl y to Mr. Nau joks , the Division has no res ponse to this comment. Commenter# 4: Natural attenuation means to me that '"we made a big mess and we want nature to clean it up". That can only happen over 30 to 40 years and that contamination will reside in the groundwater and the surface water in the area of this wastewater treatment plant. The Division of Water Quality should be concerned only with water quality not cost. When the City of Raleigh accepted this permit to operate this plant they also accepted the rules and regulations of the state of North Carolina. Now that there is a problem they want a variance to get around those rules and regulations. That is not right! (Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520). Response: The Division is concerned about the qualit y of the waters of the State. However , b y rule the Division is also re quired to consider amon g other thin gs , the extent of an y violations , the threat to human health or safety, the potential for adverse imp acts to the environment, the use of best available technolo gy as well as the time and costs estimated to achieve restoration of the gr oundwater quali ty . Natural attenuation is a viable alternative app roach provided the Division considers the above and is an available option for non-permitted activities , such as the accidental release of petroleum , solvents or even nitrate based fertilizer. We a eree that the City of Ralei gh must abide b y the rules and re gulations app licable to a permitted facilit y. Because the y are permitted the y are not currentl y allowed to pursue a plan prop osin g natural attenuation without a vanance. 4 09/14/07-Ja v and rick res ponses DRAFT B. Written Comments and Res ponses Submitted before October 5 , 2007: Written Comment # 1: We oppose this variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) and believe the groundwater problems need to be corrected immediately. We have two wells on our property that are our sole source of drinking water and we are within 100 yards of wells that have already been contaminated. We are afraid that our wells may have been contaminated as well. We think your information in the public notice about "no active wells in the impacted area" is incorrect. (Edward Moody, Tippett's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520, (919-553-7037)-Received on August 27, 2007). Response: -Ti pp ett's Chapel is located at a distance gr eater than 100 yards and is estimated, based upon a review of available ma ps. to be located approximatel y 1000 feet to the South of the nearest wells known to be contaminated. The chapel is located to pogra phically and hydraulically upgradient of the nearest known extent of nitrate contaminated groundwater and is sep arated from the Cit y of Ralei gh land app lication fields b y Beddingfield Creek. The Public Water Su pp lv Section was contacted and confirmed the well at Tipp ett's Chapel is monitored annuall y for Nitrates. The last results reported for Nitrates were well below the States Groundwater Qualit y Standard of 10 pp m. Staff of the Aquifer Protection Section does not believe the well located at Tipp ett's Chapel is at risk of impact associated with the Cit y of Ralei gh 's activities gi ven the distance and the h ydraulic barrier associated with Beddingfield Creek. However. in consideration of the concern ex pressed , the Aquifer Protection Section staff will recommend the installation the monitoring of a sufficient number of monitor wells and surface waters to evaluate the potential for future impacts. Written Comment# 2: When the City of Raleigh accepted the permit to operate this plant they also accepted the rules and regulations of the state that go with the permit. The fact that the CORPUD has submitted a justification for natural attenuation should have not any weight. The only beneficiary of this is the city and that information came from them and those in their employ. fustead of trying to find ways around regulations they should be made to cleanup using existing rules. I want these questions answered: a. How long has the contamination condition existed? b. Why hasn't full public disclosure been made? c. Why is this variance application even being considered? d. Will there be a fine levied against the city for creating this condition? (Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 - Received on August 29, 2007). 5 09/14/07-Jav and rick responses DRAFT Response: See response to the verbal comment submitted bv Mr. Douglas (commenter #4 above). In addition. the Division has a statutory obligation to consider applications for variance provided the applications meet the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 2L .0113. In the opinion of the Division, the CORPUD has met these requirements in their completed application. The Division believes that the variance application has technical merit. In response to your specific questions: a) We do not know the exact Jength of time that groundwater contamination has existed at this facility. Presumably, nitrates exceeding the groundwater quality standard of 10 parts per million could have existed since the time that residuals were first applied, but this would not necessarily have been a violation of the permit. Groundwater quality is permitted to may exceed state standards directly underneath permitted fields, but it is not allowed to travel bevond the established compliance boundaries. b) The Division believes that the COPRUD has satisfied their statutory obligations for disclosure and notification under the current groundwater quality rules. c) This variance application is being considered because the Division has a statutory obligation to accept and process variance applications that conform to the requirements of ISA NCAC 2L.0113. Although we would prefer a corrective aetion system that did not reauire a Yariance, the CORPUD has met its regulatory obligations for the variance and the Division believes that the varianee application is technically Yiable. d) The CORPUD haswas been fined$ 73,936.85 on June 21, 2002 for over-application of biosolidsBiosolids in excess of permitted limits. Written Comment # 3: In response to the variance request the Neuse River Foundation is submitting to the Division of Water Quality a document from the Neuse River Foundation and it is titled ''Profile of a Polluter". This document is a chronological history of compliance problems, distortions by officials, untrue claims, neglect, poor maintenance, construction problems, and lack of environmental stewardship at the CORPUD Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) and the EM Johnson Water Treatment Plant. Twelve years after plant construction of the NRWWTP and 10 years after plant administrators began spraying sludge on farm fields, city officials were being warned that nitrates from the spraying was leading into the groundwater. We have documented significant releases and spills into Neuse River leading to some of the largest fines in the state. We have documented here the chronology of groundwater quality problems that have impacted private wells and resulted in the need to abandon those wells and place people on city water. We believe 6 09/14/07-Ja v and rick res p onses DRAFT management problems still exist and that extraordinary steps must be taken to prevent the current disregard of environmental laws from continuing. Our organization also submits a document dated June 30, 2003 that we had requested to go into the permit record but never appeared there. It is titled "Raleigh Waste Water Treatment Plant NC00290033". In this document the Neuse River Foundation is requesting a "no net increase" of nitrogen from entering the Neuse River. We also request that the city go beyond its 49 % reduction to offset contaminated groundwater in the Neuse River. We feel the city should be required to incorporate the findings for the groundwater study and develop a comprehensive river management plan by calculating the loading estimates entering the river and working to offset estimated nitrogen loading. The findings of the groundwater report should be used to determine the total nutrient-loading going into the Neuse River from the contaminated groundwater as well as their effluent. Raleigh is a Nutrient Trading Coalition Member. The state needs to revisit its participation in this coalition. The bottom line is nutrients entering the river from contaminated groundwater are the product of waste treatment and mishandling of wastewater operations and the state has the authority to act on this. (Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 -Received on September 5, 2007). Response: The Division acknowled ges that there have been compliance problems at the Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant in the past. We are not aware of any current compliance problems at this facilit y (other than the contaminated groundwater migrating beyond the permitted compliance boundary) that would preclude their eligibilit y to appl y for a variance. The Division has evaluated the variance a pp lication as req uired under current re gu lations and has detennined that the variance application is comp lete and that it_ l-"!.<.!S technical merit. CORPUD has develo ped a comprehensive site assessment to detem1ine the extent of the groundwater contamination and constructed a groundwater contaminant trans port model as a tool to predict the future nitrate flux from groundwater into the Neuse River. The future nitrate flux from groundwater will be deducted from the current NPDES outfall dischar!!e permit for nitro gen, and the plant must maintain the total amount of nitro gen dischar !c!ecl into the river from gr oundwater and the effluent outfall below the permitted levels. The Neuse River Nutrient Trading Coalition sets the permitted levels for nitro gen entering the river from the Citv of Ralei gh 's wastewater treatment plant. The Division is not aware of any cu1Tent problems with the total nitro gen loads from Coalition members that would result in substantial harm to the environment. Ifth.e l'teuse River Foundation has information that the total nitrogen flux from the Raleigh 'NastBYNater treatment plant is harmful to the environment, the Division ,vill consider this ,vhen establishing the permitted nitrogen levels for CORPUD and other members of the Coalition. 7 DRAFT Agenda (9/27 /07) Agenda for the October 1, 2007 -Hearing Officers Meeting on the City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD) (1) Information you received from The Planning Section to work from on Oral and Written Comments: (2) Written comments we expect to receive by the end of Comment period on October 5th : a) City of Raleigh Scheduled to get this to us on October 3rd ' b) Dale Naujoks and the river keeper group; c) Dr. Bill Showers comments; d) Ryke Longst Request to review the variance request; e) Any more contacts? (3) Where we are at on reviewing and responding to public comments received thus far: a) Comments on hand as of this meeting; b) Writing the Hearing Officers Report and recommendations; c) Steve Levitas Meeting? What does he want? Any more discussion with the Division? (4) Responding to River Keepers Comments that we have on hand: a) Ted Bush email forwarded about the EMC Groundwater Committee and the Commission meetim?:; b) The variance will NOT GO BACK TO THE EMC Groundwater Committee; c) The variance will go to the full EMC; draftAgendaforCORPUDHearingO-meetingOctoberlst 1 DRAFT Agenda (9/27/07) (5) EMC Materials for the variance for Mailing by the Division of Water Quality Administration: a) Agenda item that has RRO staff comments; b) Hearing officers responses and hearing officers report; c) Need this to Lois Thomas by October 10th to stay on Director's schedule for the November EMC Meeting. d) "Staying on" depends on what we get from the public on October 5th ---(or "the tail that wags the dog"); e) Approaching the Director if a delay is needed beyond the November 2007 EMC Meeting. (6) November 2007 EMC Meeting and the Variance Request; a) Phone Discussions with C. Bacyl about CORPUD or City of Raleigh making a presentation -Not a good idea! b) Having CORPUD and consultants present for Q and A by the EMC members ; c) Andrew Pitner Not here Kathy Stecker will make the HO presentation; d) What should be our focus and how much presentation is appropriate for an EMC meeting? i. Rick's presentation or a Thumbnail Version of Ricks Presentation? (7) Any other related matters? draftAgendaforCORPUDHearingO-meetingOctoberlst 2 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:27:10-0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Rick, if your office is where I think it is, morning would be convenient. You're sort of on my way in (if I go a different way). Would it work for you if I met you at your office and we went on from there? I could be there around 8:30 or earlier . Thanks! Rick Bolich wrote: Kathy; I am free most of Wednesday as of today. I'd be happy to take you to the site either in the morning or afternoon. Just let me know when you'd prefer and i'll contact the guys at the vi'WTP to let them know . rb Kathy Stecker wrote: The only day I am available for several hours is Wednesday, 10/3 (anytime). The other days are all chopped up, but I might be able to squeeze it in if Wednesday doesn't work. Thanks! -Kathy \. Kathy Stecker <Kath y.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/27/2007 2:52 PM Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:55:53 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Kathy; I am free most of Wednesday as of today. I'd be happy to take you to the site either in the morning or afternoon . Just let me know when you'd prefer and i'll contact the guys at the WWTP to let them know. rb Kathy Stecker wrote : The only day I am available for several hours is Wednesday, 10/3 (anytime). The other days are all chopped up, but I might be able to squeeze it in if Wednesday doesn't work. Thanks! -Kathy 1 of 1 9/27/2007 2:52 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:49: 17 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> CC: "Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net" <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> The only day I other days are doesn't work. -Kathy am available for several hours is Wednesday, 10/3 (anytime). The all chopped up, but I might be able to squeeze it in if Wednesday Thanks! Jay Zimmerman wrote: Either Rick or I could arrange it with Tim Woody. Let us know dates you are not available between now and the 5th Jay Kathy Stecker wrote: Jay, Rick, Will we have time for that tour? Sorry I missed the first one. I think it would be helpful to be able to picture the site from firsthand observation. Any days better than others for you? Thanks! -Kathy Jay Zimmerman wrote: I would also add that since the nitrate is not homogeneuosly distributed throughout the groundwater system, any extraction system will likely be pumping a lot of "clean" water and I would be surprised if the concentration of nitrate in the inffluent was above our limit of 10 ppm. The main purpose for a system as proposed would be to creat a hydraulic barrier between the pollutant source and something at risk -e.g. the river. Not to mention, wells would have to be installed along a portion of the various creeks, so that nitrate didn't move into them and "short-circuit" the extraction wells. Typically you would design a system to remove as much of the mass of the contaminant (nitrate) in addition to controlling where it may discharge. In an ideal situation we would want extraction wells around the perimeter of the site (460+) and at various locations withn the interior, where high concentrations of nitrate have been adequately defined (hasn"t been done due to the size of the site). I agree with Rick"s summation. Jay Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net wrote: Hi Kathy; It is my understanding that the "full groundwater extraction option", as outlined in CORPUD's revised CAP, would send the extracted groundwater back into the WWTP headworks to be treated along with all of the other influent wastewater. The treated groundwater would then be discharged via the NPDES outfall and would have to meet their permit limits, which are based on the Consortium allocation for nitrogen. So if i understand your question correctly, there would be not net change to the total river load of N that way except that, theoretically, the groundwater flux contribution would be near zero. In reality, it would be impossible to intercept all of the groundwater before it enters the river using 9/27/2007 2:53 PM 2 of2 extraction wells . rb Kathy Stecker <Kath v .Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/27/2007 2:53 PM 1 of 1 Subject: EMC Groundwater Committee: September 2007 Minutes-CORPUD Portion for review From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 19:49:23 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net Hello Jay and Rick, Attached in word is a section of the minutes from the last EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting on September 12th. You recall you gave a heads up about the variance request from CORPUD. What I need is your input into this since we are going to be sending this to the Groundwater Committee in the packet for the next meeting and this is scheduled to go out to them on 9/22/07. Please review and get changes back to me. I f possible, I would like to g et your responses and chang es on or befo re 4:30 PM on Tuesda y. October 2 , 2007. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 DraftVersionSept2007Minutes-J ay& Rick-CORPud.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 9/26/2007 7:49 PM , DRAFf 9/26/07 DRAFT IV. Information Agenda Item # 4: Update on the Variance Application from the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department for Natural Attenuation Corrective Action at Biosolids Land Application Fields a. Description: Mr. Jay Zimmerman of Division of Water Quality (DWQ) -Aquifer Protection Section provided the EMC Groundwater Committee with an introduction to the staff responsible for working on this variance request. He is the DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section Regional Supervisor in the Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) and said that this variance was being brought the Groundwater Committee to provide them with the status of this request, the technical presentation, and the plan to bring this to the EMC for final action at the November 8, 2007 Commission meeting. Mr. Zimmerman stated the staff Hydrogeologist who conducted the technical review for this variance request would make the presentation before the EMC Groundwater Committee. He stated that Mr. Bolich and himself would be available to discuss questions the members may have on this informational item. Mr. Bolich provided the Groundwater Committee with a power point presentation of this variance request. He said that the variance is requested from the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) for its Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. M. Bolich stated that this site is approximately 1,466 acres and is located in the southeast comer of Raleigh, North Carolina near the Johnston County line. Mr. Bolich stated that the Division received this request on December 1, 2005 and discussions ensued between Division staff and the utility concerning information needed to complete the variance application. As a result of this, a comprehensive site assessment was required. He said that a corrective action plan has been submitted which specifies extraction of groundwater in a limited area of the site and natural attenuation has been submitted by the CORPUD. In order to get this corrective action plan approved a variance must be granted by the Environmental Management Commission pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0113. Public hearing was held on September 5, 2007 and the hearing officers are Kathy Stecker and Andrew Pitner. Mr. Bolich stated that the comment period for written comment ori this variance request ends on October 5, 2007. He said that the city has historically land applied biosolids residuals at various fields since the 1980s. Over-application of biosolids resulted from a miscalculation of plant available nitrogen failing to take into account "carry over" of nitrates. This resulted in exceedences of the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate at 10 milligrams per liter in 15A NCAC 2L .0202 in groundwater monitoring wells and in private water supply wells outside the facility's compliance boundary. Mr. Bolich stated that at the request of DWQ, land application operations ceased and wells that impacted by nitrates were abandoned or used for irrigation and impacted water users were placed on public water supply by the City of Raleigh. He said that the CORPUD is responsible for cleanup of nitrate that has migrated outside permitted compliance boundary. Properties surrounding this site consist of residential properties, farmland, commercial, and state owned forestland. Mr. Bolich said that the variance request is from state requirements in 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) which prohibit a facility from using natural attenuation as a method of corrective action for contamination that extends beyond a compliance boundary. The current rules do not allow for corrective action that relies on natural remediation and attenuation since it bas a permit. He said that non-permitted facilities are allowed to use natural remediation and attenuation assuming DraftVersionSept2007Minutes-Jay& Rick-CORPud 1 DRAFT 9/26/07 DRAFT they can meet the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k). This variance would allow for the CORPUD to apply the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k). Mr. Bolich stated that the variance request also specifies active treatment of nitrate in groundwater via a groundwater extraction and treatment system in the area where water supply wells were impacted. Mr. Bolich said that the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) has submitted technical information that meets the criteria of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c). He stated that nitrates will break down under natural conditions over time and a human health risk assessment was prepared to support the variance application and this indicates no impacts to human health by allowing natural attenuation. He said that the North Carolina Division of Public Health has reviewed the risk assessment methodology for this variance and agrees that it is protective of health on the conditions that additional monitoring wells, sampling, and monitoring be conducted at the site are made part of the variance. Mr. Bolich stated that the alternative for CORPUD would be extensive corrective action at this site under 15A NCAC 2L .0106 using best available technology. Application of best available technology at this facility would require groundwater extraction and treatment along with the injection of substances that would promote the degradation of nitrate in the subsurface. He said that the utility has submitted information demonstrating that to implement corrective action would require the installation of 426 extraction wells at a cost upwards of $ 80 Million dollars. Groundwater extraction might dry up groundwater recharge waters that feed surface streams and result in a degradation of aquatic habitat. Mr. Bolich said that direct injection of chemical compounds might have undesirable side effects on groundwater and surface water quality. The DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section Raleigh Regional Office (RRO) staff believes that approval of this variance needs to have the following conditions: o The amount of nitrate migrating into the Neuse River vial groundwater discharge will be deducted from the CORPUDs National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) outfall limit. This permit limit will account for nitrate discharging into surface waters from the groundwater as well as nitrate from the discharge pipe such that the total allowable discharge of this substance is unchanged. The current NPDES permit accounts for this nitrate flux into the surface waters. Tables and graphs were shown to the EMC Groundwater Committee in the powerpoint presentation discussing modeling conducted by the permittee to support this variance; o The amount of nitrate entering the river should be monitored and deducted from the NPDES outfall permit limits and these should include provisions for independent third party monitoring of the actual river nitrate levels to verify the performance of the model and that the decreases in accordance with model predictions; and o The variance should incorporate the recommendations of the Division of Public Health for additional groundwater monitoring. Draft VersionSept2007Minutes-J ay & Rick-CORPud 2 DRAFT 9/26/07 DRAFT b. Comments made on the Variance A pp lication from the City of Raleigh: Mr. Cecich wanted to know more details about well owners who were impacted by nitrates from biosolids residuals management at the CORPUD Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Zimmerman said there were a number of private wells impacted but there were no public water supply wells impacted by the migration of nitrate beyond the compliance boundaries from the two fields that were impacted. He stated that since 2002, the drinking water supplies for those persons with wells impacted by biosolids management at this site are on public water from the City of Raleigh and the wells were abandoned or used for irrigation. These persons will have water supplied by the city for 20 years without expense. Mr. Ellis asked about residual application rates stating that it would appear the city lost 120 pounds of per acre off a 1,000 plus acre site. Mr. Zimmerman noted that the cause of the groundwater incident was not through the permitted allowance of nitrate in the permit but was due to an over application of nitrate. He said that the over application resulted from a calculation error in a spreadsheet that was used by the CORPUD to calculate the amount of nitrate applied per acre. Mr. Zimmerman said that the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) applied two to three times the amount of plant available nitrogen above the limit to those affected fields onsite. Due to the mathematical error and carry over of nitrate into the groundwater, this substance :was discovered in monitoring wells at the compliance boundary near the affected fields, and later in private wells. Mr. Zimmerman said that the amount of nitrate getting into the river is an;estimate based on a groundwater model and staff believes that this model may be over estimating the amount of nitrate. Mr. Ellis asked if the facility was fined by DWQ and the amount of that fine. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the city was assessed penalties on the order of approximately $ 70,000 to $ 75,000 range. Mr. Zimmerman stated that during the initial investigations the CORPUD contended with staff that the nitrate issues at the site were due to past agricultural issues on former farmland it either leased or purchased as the plant grew. Once the Division and the CORPUD discovered the over-application issue, this was linked to the exceedences of nitrate in water wells and discharges into Neuse River tributaries. In addition, during the 1990s the Division's priorities, staff, and resources were placed on the underground storage tank program, until this work was reorganized in 1997 to the Division of Waste Management. Mr. Ellis wanted to know if the facility would be used for land farming of biosolids in the·Juture and Mr. Zimmerman responded that the Division has currently banned land application at this facility. He added that they are using fertilizers to grow crops at this facility. Mr. Ellis noted some news reports in the early 1990s that there was hay produced by some sites, which resulted in nitrate poisoning in cattle. Mr. Zimmerman. Mr. Harrell asked if the Division has taken steps to prevent this from happening again at this and other permitted facilities. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the recent 2004 reorganization refocused the Division of Water Qualities efforts on groundwater compliance and permitting at permitted operations. He noted that the city did cooperate with staff in that when questions arose they reviewed their calculations and found no problems. However, the historic inputs into their formula for determine land application rates was flawed to the extent that it caused an over application of nitrates for a period of several years. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the occurrence of nitrate in groundwater and surface streams was the result of this significant exceedence of the nitrate application rates in the spreadsheet and not from the appropriate permitted application rates. He also stated that the Division is prohibited from monitoring or regulating application rates at agricultural operations. Over time the city acquired adjacent properties including farmland that had previous applications of nitrate for fertilizing crops. Mr. Zimmerman said that there was no site specific baseline groundwater data for staff to determine if the nitrates found at DraftVersionSept2007Minutes-Jay& Rick-CORPud 3 DRAFT 9/26/07 DRAFT the site were from these applications, the CORPUD-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant, or other general sources of nitrate (i.e. stormwater or septic systems). Mr. Ellis noted that the soil science department at NC State University has a wealth of information on nitrate inputs into croplands and he found it difficult to believe that the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) did not rely on that information to make sure their permitted biosolids operation was in compliance with the permit and state rules. He said that in the next few months, the Committee members are scheduled to see presentations on biosolids residuals management practices at animal waste facilities and the extensive site-specific management practices that farmers must meet. Mr. Martin noted that he would like to know the full nature of the calculation error made that led to the groundwater exceedences. He stated that it might be appropriate for representatives from the City of Raleigh to come to the EMC Groundwater Committee meeting to answer questions the members might have. Mayor Moss asked about the source of the information that the CORPUD submitted to specify a serious financial hardship under 15A NCAC 2L .0113(6) and 15A NCAC 2L .0113(7). He specifically wanted to know more details about the 80 Million dollar figure for corrective action using best available technology to address this site. Mr. Zimmerman said that the figure is an estimate from the city and represents the use of the typical best available technology, which is pump and treat. He added that this figure is based on the use of 426 pumping wells at the perimeter of the facility. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the Division staff is uncertain as to the effectiveness of using that many wells to treat nitrate at such a large parcel of land and prevent nitrate. He said that in order to get effective treatment, wells might need to be installed within the facility, which would increase cost significantly. Mr. Zimmerman noted that the city is discharging nitrate in groundwater and in its NPDES permit at a rate considerably below its allowed discharge rate in total pounds of nitrogen per year. To put this in perspective, if there was no groundwater discharge, the city would be allowed to discharge nitrogen to approximately 640,000 pounds per year at its permitted outfall if the flow coming into the plant allowed them to do this. He said that making the change in the NPDES Permit to account for the flow of nitrate in groundwater reduced this ceiling by approximately 120,000 pounds per year to a level of approximately 440,000 pounds per year. Mr. Ellis added that there appears to be an excessive amount of excess capacity in the NPDES permit for this facility. Mr. Ellis and Mr. Brewer noted that this is excess capacity that the plant is not even using as of yet but could use as the city grew and that the reduction of that poses no penalty to the city. Mr. Ellis said that it is plausible that if an accident were to occur with respect to nitrate discharges, the city may have enough excess capacity to avoid a Notice of Violation. Mayor Moss noted that the Town of Creedmoor does not have the same excess capacity for discharges. Wastewater goes from this town and is treated by the City of Butner, which has limited development. Mr. Harrell asked would granting a variance request preclude the Division from pursing additional actions if the variance or the corrective action plan submitted by the facility did not satisfactorily control nitrates in groundwater or surface waters. Mr. Zimmerman stated that the variance allows for a corrective action plan using natural attenuation. The Division has proposed that groundwater and surface water be monitored to determine the effectiveness of the plan and other actions, as necessary, may be taken if the monitoring does not show the nitrate reductions over time that the model predicted. Mr. Martin asked if the Neuse River was meeting the 30 percent nitrate reductions as required by the Commission's Neuse River Nutrient Management Strategy. Mr. Alan Clark stated that the upper Neuse River is showing reductions but this is not occurring in the lower Neuse River and estuary waters. Mr. Martin also asked the Division staff to make sure any nitrate credits that the city is getting for reductions in the Neuse River are not Draft VersionSept2007Minutes-J ay & Rick-CORPud 4 DRAFT 9/26/07 DRAFf being "double counted" for this activity under the variance. There were no additional comments expressed by the Committee members or staff to this information item. Draft VersionSept2007Minutes-J ay & Rick-CORPud 5 ----· L-··-· ------o--· -------------o.J ---.; --c-.; -----c~-- 1 of2 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Raleigh Variance Meeting]----my reply and opinion From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:22:32 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> I agree, sounds like ya'll need to meet on Monday . David Hance wrote: _Jay, Rick, Hearing officers, and other DWQ Staff: Here is my opinion that I am sharing with our DWQ Staff ---only. I saw in Jay's email that he indicated having a hearing officers meeting on October 1st was an option as in "if needed". I have been operating on the view that we will be having a Hearing Officers Meeting in the afternoon on October 1st. I believe this Hearing Officers meeting and staff meeting is needed for everyone to catch up on where we are at with the review of comments, the variance, and discussions we have been having with each other. There has been some email traffic on certain items but I think we need to get on the same page. This new wrinkle from Steve Levitas also gives me a sense that we need to talk some more --and I agree -it would be good to know Steve's concerns prior to meeting with him so we can be prepared. In fact, Andrew Pitner indicated that he would be coming to Raleigh that day. David Hance 919-733-5083 x. 587 ********************************************************·*********************************** Jay Zimmerman wrote: Chuck, The only deadline we are working against, of which I am aware, is the one imposed by Coleen to get this before the EMC in November, which necessitates a quick turn around for the hearing officers to get their recommendations to her by Oct 12th for signature. Also, the hearing record is open through Oct. 5th. The hearing officers, Rick Bolich, David Hance and myself have scheduled a time to meet (only if needed) on Oct. 1st from 1-3 in the 14th FCR, to discuss any last minute issues. David Hance or Alan Clark may be aware of other deadlines so I have copied them. If managment wished to meet to discuss, with or without Steve, I can meet prior to that time, Tuesday after -11:00, Thurs. or Friday. I believe we have a DWQ supervisor's mtg on the 3rd at 10:00. Has Steve provided any indication regarding his concerns? Jay Chuck Wakild wrote: Jay, I should have copied you on the earlier email. Is there any regulatory deadlines or time frames we are working against on the variance? Subject: Raleigh Variance Meeting From: Chuck Wakild <Chuck.Wakild@ncmail .net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:12:32 -0400 To: Coleen Sullins <coleen.sullins@ncmail.net> To: Coleen Sullins <coleen.sullins@ncmail.net> 9/26/2007 5:23 PM Ke: L rwu: K,11e1gn v anance 1v1eenngJ----my rep1y anu oprmon 2 of2 CC: Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Steve Levitus representing the City of Raleigh wants to meet with us next week to discuss the variance issues and the paths forward from here. He is suggesting both legal and technical issues be discussed. He is available Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and will be checking the availability of others for the City. I have left a message with Cathy Cooper about our need to lawyer up but do not know who (if anyone) has been working for us from DOJ. Can we meet early next week? Do we need or want to meet that quickly? 9/26/2007 5:23 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Raleigh Variance Meeting] From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:57:25 -0400 To: Chuck Wakild <Chuck.Wakild@ncmail.net> CC: Mike Templeton <Mike.Templeton@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net>, Paul Rawls <Paul.Rawls@ncmail.net>, Rick Shiver <Rick.Shiver@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Chuck, The only deadline we are working against, of which I am aware, is the one imposed by Coleen to get this before the EMC in November, which necessitates a quick turn around for the hearing officers to get their recommendations to her by Oct 12th for signature. Also, the hearing record is open through Oct. 5th. The hearing officers, Rick Bolich, David Hance and myself have scheduled a time to meet ( only if needed) on Oct. 1st from 1-3 in the 14th FCR, to discuss any last minute issues. David Hance or Alan Clark may be aware of other deadlines so I have copied them. If managment wished to meet to discuss, with or without Steve, I can meet prior to that time, Tuesday after -11 :00, Thurs. or Friday. I believe we have a DWQ supervisor's mtg on the 3rd at 10:00. Has Steve provided any indication regarding his concerns? Jay Chuck W akild wrote: Jay, I should have copied you on the earlier email. Is there any regulatory deadlines or time frames we are working against on the variance? Subject: Raleigh Variance Meeting From: Chuck Wakild <Chuck.Wakild@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:12:32 -0400 To: Coleen Sullins <coleen.sullins@ncmail.net> To: Coleen Sullins <coleen.sullins@ncmail.net> CC: Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Steve Levitus representing the City of Raleigh wants to meet with us next week to discuss the variance issues and the paths forward from here. He is suggesting both legal and technical issues be discussed. He is available Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and will be checking the availability of others for the City. I have left a message with Cathy Cooper about our need to lawyer up but do not know who (if anyone) has been working for us from DOJ. Can we meet early next week? Do we need or want to meet that quickly? 9/26/2007 4:58 PM 2 of2 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 9/26/2007 4:58 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Meeting with Hearing Officers on October 1st in the afternoon -Will you attend or teleconference? From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:50:34 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David, Barring unforeseen circumstances, I'm pretty sure that I'm coming to Raleigh on Monday 10/1 for our meeting at 1 pm. I'll also be in Raleigh 10/3 for the DWQ supervisor's meeting, though I probably won't have much time on 10/3 to discuss CORPUD unless it's fairly quick . Andrew David Hance wrote: Andrew, Your last email on this indicated that you were coming to Raleigh on this. Is that so? If you need to teleconference please call me at 919-733-5083 x. 587 david hance DWQ-Planning Andrew Pitner, P.G. -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 9/26/2007 3:16 PM "-..,,\...J..1.'-.1.. ULJ v a.J..lCLll\.,\., • .lV..l.\.,\JL.l.J . .1.5 VV.I.LI..I. ..1...1.\.IUJ..l..l..l,O \...J.l..l..l.\.,1\.,1.l.,;) V.1..1. '-J\.11,VVV.1. .l.,;)I, .ll.l. OU 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Meeting with Hearing Officers on October 1st in the afternoon-Will you attend or teleconference? From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:19:59 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Andrew, Your last email on this indicated that you were coming to Raleigh on this. Is that so? If you need to teleconference please call me at 919-733-5083 x. 587 david hance DWQ-Planning 9/26/2007 2:20 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Kathy's comments about the proposed agenda and a comment from me From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 _Sep 2007 11:37:02 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Hello hearing officers and staff: My email was down for a day and I am finally back up! Anyway, I read these comments from Kathy. I am still going over the tape from the September 2007 meeting tape. Some of the Committee members spoke that if corrective action with pumping is conducted rather than a variance, there may be loading issues with respect to water volumes that could impact flow in the plant (i.e. groundwater treatment flow plus existing flow from treatment operations). This could have an operational impact on the plant by adding more fluid volume -an outcome of not granting a variance. david hance 733-5083 X. 587 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~ Kathy Stecker wrote: A few suggested revisions from me. And a question: If Raleigh pumped all the groundwater instead of getting a variance, would the water go to the WWTP? Then be treated to meet the old/current (higher) permit limits? So no net change that way either? Thanks! -Kathy Jay Zimmerman wrote: Here are my suggested edits along with Rick's, which I understand he has already sent to each of you. Feel free to comment J David, We are working on the technical responses. Jay David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, As you know, the deadlines to get items before the EMC are coming upon us and are next week. The agenda title is due October 9th and the materials are due on October 10th. See the attached document in word. To facilitate getting us on the agenda for the November 8, 2007 EMC meeting, attached is a draft of the 9/26/2007 11 :44 AM .l'\..Ci. vviu--U.LJ V i:1J.J.WJ.\.,Ci -.n...aui.y i::) \...UJ.J.llJ.J.CiJ.J.Li::> i:1UUUI. WV }J.lU_l}U.)VU ai:;(;aJ.u ••• 2 of2 agenda item with a title, explanation and recommendation shown. I wanted staff and the hearing officers to look this over. It is based on Rick Bolich's powerpoint presentation from the last EMC Groundwater Committee meeting and materials that appeared in the public notice and is "short and sweet". If vou have an y chang es to this or additions, please send them to me b y the end of the week (Sept. 28th). Otherwise, it will go forward as is. This agenda item will serve as a short-brief for the hearing officers report and attachments that are to be developed upon completion of the work for this variance request. ALSO-Thank you Rick for the powerpoint you sent me. I tried to print this out but I had some trouble getting the slides to show. Can you help me with this? David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 9/26/2007 11 :44 AM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:28:39 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmennan@ncmail.net> CC: "Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net" <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Jay, Rick, Will we have time for helpful to be able to than others for you? -Kathy Jay Zimmerman wrote: that tour? Sorry I missed the first one. I think it would be picture the site from firsthand observation. Any days better Thanks! I would also add that since the nitrate is not homogeneuosly distributed throughout the groundwater system, any extraction system will likely be pumping a lot of "clean" water and I would be surprised if the concentration of nitrate in the inffluent was above our limit of 10 ppm. The main purpose for a system as proposed would be to creat a hydraulic barrier between the pollutant source and something at risk -e.g. the river. Not to mention, wells would have to be installed along a portion of the various creeks, so that nitrate didn't move into them and "short-circuit" the extraction wells. Typically you would design a system to remove as much of the mass of the contaminant {nitrate) in addition to controlling where it may discharge. In an ideal situation we would want extraction wells around the perimeter of the site (460+) and at various locations withn the interior, where high concentrations of nitrate have been adequately defined {hasn't been done due to the size of the site). I agree with Rick's summation. Jay Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net wrote: Hi Kathy; It is my understanding that the "full groundwater extraction option", as outlined in CORPUD's revised CAP, would send the extracted groundwater back into the WWTP headworks to be treated along with all of the other influent wastewater. The treated groundwater would then be discharged via the NPDES outfall and would have to meet their permit limits, which are based on the Consortium allocation for nitrogen. So if i understand your question correctly, there would be not net change to the total river load of N that way except that, theoretically, the groundwater flux contribution would be near, zero. In reality, it would be impossible to intercept all of the groundwater before it enters the river using extraction wells. rb Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/26/2007 11 :46 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Kathy's comments about the proposed agenda and a comment from me From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:37:02 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Hello hearing officers and staff: My email was down for a day and I am finally back up! Anyway, I read these comments from Kathy. I am still going over the tape from the September 2007 meeting tape. Some of the Committee members spoke that if corrective action with pumping is conducted rather than a variance, there inay be loading issues with respect to water volumes that could impact flow in the plant (i.e. groundwater treatment flow plus existing flow from treatment operations). This could have an operational impact on the plant by adding more fluid volume -an outcome of not granting a variance. davidhance 733-5083 X. 587 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&~ Kathy Stecker wrote: A few suggested revisions from me. And a question: If Raleigh pumped all the groundwater instead of getting a variance, would the water go to the WWTP? Then be treated to meet the old/current (higher) permit limits? So no net change that way either? Thanks! -Kathy Jay Zimmerman wrote: Here are my suggested edits along with Rick's, which I understand he has already sent to each of you. Feel free to comment J David, We are working on the technical responses. Jay David Hance. wrote: Jay and Rick, As you know, the deadlines to get items before the EMC are coming upon us and are next week. The agenda title is due October 9th apd the materials are due on October 10th. See the attached document in word. To facilitate getting us on the agenda for the November 8, 2007 EMC meeting, attached is a draft of the 9/26/2007 11 :37 AM .l.'\..V. V\J.1.'-L" u.1..1 v a.J.J.W.l\.,c, -.n...alJ..ly;:,, \..lu.u.11.uvu1,.::, auvu1. u.u;; p.1vpv;:,,c,u aeiv.uu ... 2 of2 agenda item with a title, explanation and recommendation shown. I wanted staff and the hearing officers to look this over . It is based on Rick Bolich's powerpoint presentation from the last EMC Groundwater Committee meeting and materials that appeared in the public notice and is "short and sweet". If you have any changes to this or additions , p lease send them to me b v the end of the week (Sept. 28th ). Otherwise, it will go forward as is. This agenda item will serve as a short-brief for the hearing officers report and attachments that are to be developed upon completion of the work for this variance request. ALSO-Thank you Rick for the powerpoint you sent me. I tried to print this out but I had some trouble getting the slides to show. Can you help me with this? David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 9/26/2007 11 :37 AM .-.---------. -------------0 --------------- 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: "Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net" <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:46:35 -0400 (EDT) To: <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hi Kathy; It is my understanding that the "full groundwater extraction option", as outlined in CORPUD's revised CAP, would send the extracted groundwater back into the WWTP headworks to be treated along with all of the other influent wastewater. The treated groundwater would then be discharged via the NPDES outfall and would have to meet their permit limits, which are based on the Consortium allocation for nitrogen. So if i understand your question correctly, there would be not net change to the total river load of N that way except that, theoretically, the groundwater flux contribution would be near zero. In reality, it would be impossible to intercept all of the groundwater before it enters the river using extraction wells . rb 9/26/2007 11 :45 AM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRa:ft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:38:01 -0400 To: "Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net" <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Thanks, Rick. That was exactly what I was looking for. Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net wrote: Hi Kathy; It is my understanding that the "full groundwater extraction option", as outlined in CORPUD's revised CAP, would send the extracted groundwater back into the WWTP headworks to be treated along with all of the other influent wastewater. The treated groundwater would then be discharged via the NPDES outfall and would have to meet their permit limits, which are based on the Consortium allocation for nitrogen. So if i understand your question correctly, there would be not net change to the total river load of N that way except that, theoretically, the groundwater flux contribution would be near zero. In reality, it would be impossible to intercept all of the groundwater before it enters the river using extraction wells. rb Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/26/2007 11 :46 AM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11 :09:36 -0400 To: Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net CC: "Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net" <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> I would also add that since the nitrate is not homogeneuosly distributed throughout the groundwater system, any extraction system will likely be pumping a lot of "clean" water and I would be surprised if the concentration of nitrate in the inffluent was above our limit of 10 ppm. The main purpose for a system as proposed would be to creat a hydraulic barrier between the pollutant source and something at risk -e.g. the river. Not to mention, wells would have to be installed along a portion of the various creeks, so that nitrate didn't move into them and "short-circuit" the extraction wells. Typically you would design a system to remove as much of the mass of the contaminant {nitrate) in addition to controlling where it may discharge. In an ideal situation we would want extraction wells around the perimeter of the site (460+) and at various locations withn the interior, where high concentrations of nitrate have been adequately defined (hasn't been done due to the size of the site). I agree with Rick's summation. Jay Rick.Bolich@ncrnail.net wrote: Hi Kathy; It is my understanding that the "full groundwater extraction option", as outlined in CORPUD's revised CAP, would send the extracted groundwater back into the WWTP headworks to be treated along with all of the other influent wastewater. The treated groundwater would then be discharged via the NPDES outfall and would have to meet their permit limits, which are based on the Consortium allocation for nitrogen. So if i understand your question correctly, there would be not net change to the total river load of N that way except that, theoretically, the groundwater flux contribution would be near zero. In reality, it would be impossible to intercept all of the groundwater before it enters the river using extraction wells. rb S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Ja v.Zimmerman@ncmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 9/26/2007 11 :46 AM David Hance Pagei 9/25/2007 Information Sheet on the Public Hearing for the City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD) for DWQ Permit Number WQ0001730 (Information as of9/25/07) ATTENDEES (Total Number of DWO Staff -16): Division of Water Quality Andrew Pitner Kathy Stecker David Hance Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Recorder Jay Zimmerman Raleigh Regional Office -Aquifer Protection Section Supervisor Rick Bolich Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Staff (Technical Staff for the Variance Request) Other Division of Water Quality Staff in attendance: Heather Boyette Amy Keyworth Keith Larick Hannah Stallings Nikki Remington Elizabeth Kountis PUBLIC (Total Number of persons -26 ): Four persons made comments at the hearing Nora Deamer Ted Bush Debra Watts Kevin Bowden Michael Cunningham 1. Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 2. Steven Levitas, Kilpatrick Stockton, 3737 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612 3. Russell Briggs, Engineer, Edge of Auburn -LCC, 2805 Tobermory Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606 4. Phillip Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 David Hance Page ii 9/25/2007 WRITTEN COMMENT As of 9/25/07 we have the followimr written comments: 1. Edward Moody, Tippett's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520, (919-553-7037) -Received on August 27, 2007. 2. Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 -Received on August 29, 2007. 3. Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 -Received on October 5, 2007 at the public hearing. ADDITIONAL WRITTEN COMMENTS THAT ARE ANTICIPATED BEFORE OCTOBER 5, 2007:. We anticipate receiving comments from Steve Levitas of Kilpatrick Stockton, who is representing the City of Raleigh. We also anticipate getting comments from Dr. Bill Showers at NCSU. Also, Dean Naujoks has indicated that he and others in his organization will be sending written comments. ii 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRaft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 (rEply) From: David Hance <l)avid.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 16:39:58 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Rick. Thanks for getting back to me on this so soon! david hance ***********************************************************8 Rick Bolich wrote: David; Thanks for sending this . I've made some edit suggestions on the attached document that i hope you will consider. Thanks; rb David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, As you know, the deadlines to get items before the EMC are coming upon us and are next week. The agenda title is due October 9th and the materials are due on October 10th. /*See the attached document in word*/. To facilitate getting us on the agenda for the November 8, 2007 EMC meeting, attached is a draft of the agenda item with a title, explanation and recommendation shown. I wanted staff and the hearing officers to look this over. It is based on Rick Bolich's powerpoint presentation from the last EMC Groundwater Committee meeting and materials that appeared in the public notice and is "short and sweet". *_If you have any changes to this or additions, please send them to me by the end of the week (Sept. 28th)._* Otherwise, it will go forward as is. This agenda item will serve as a short-brief for the hearing officers report and attachments that are to be developed upon completion of the work for this variance request. *ALSO-* Thank you Rick for the powerpoint you sent me. I tried to print this out but I had some trouble getting the slides to show. Can you help me with this? David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 9/24/2007 4:51 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -DRa:ft Agenda Item for the EMC Meeting in November "07 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 17:30:09 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> A few suggested revisions from me. And a question: If Raleigh pumped all the groundwater instead of getting a variance, would the water go to the WWTP? Then be treated to meet the old/current (higher) permit limits? So no net change that way either? Thanks! -Kathy Jay Zimmerman wrote: Here are my suggested edits along with Rick's, which I understand he has already sent to each of you. Feel free to comment J David, We are working on the technical responses. Jay David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, As you know, the deadlines to get items before the EMC are coming upon us and are next week. The agenda title is due October 9th and the materials are due on October 10th. See the attached document in word. To facilitate getting us on the agenda for the November 8, 2007 EMC meeting, attached is a draft of the agenda item with a title, explanation and recommendation shown. I wanted staff and the hearing officers to look this over. It is based on Rick Bolich's powerpoint presentation from the last EMC Groundwater Committee meeting and materials that appeared in the public notice and is "short and sweet". If you have an v chan g es to this or additions, please send them to me b y the end of the week (Se pt. 28th). Otherwise, it will go forward as is. ~ This agenda item will serve as a short-brief for the hearing officers report and attachments that are to be developed upon completion of the work for this variance request. ALSO-Thank you Rick for the powerpoint you sent me. I tried to print this out but I had some 9/26/2007 11 :37 AM ..I..'-""'• ...._,,'-J..l.."-.J.. '--..1.J..J 'I' U...L..Lu...L..L""'""' -.J..J..l..'-.LI...I.. .. .,/._ 15...,.1._..1..~LL ..1..11, ..... ..L..L..L ..1..V..1.. .. ..L..L ..... .L..J.l..'l'...I....._,, ..1.. .. ..1.. ............ ..L..LE;, •••• trouble getting the slides to show. Can you help me with this? 2 of2 David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kathy .Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ DRAFT-November07-corpudvarianceAI-rb.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 9/26/2007 11:37 AM DRAFT -9/24/07 ACTION ITEM FROM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY: Request to Approve the Natural Attenuation Variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department -Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (DWQ Permit WQ0001730) Explanation: On December 1, 2005 the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) proposed requested a variance to groundwater dea0up remediation requirements for its Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant at 8500 Battle Bridge Road in Raleigh, North Carolina to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). This plant is located in the southeast comer of Raleigh and consists of 1,466 acres. Pursuant to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113, technical reviews conducted by the DWQ Aquifer Protection Section (APS) -Raleigh Regional Office and all supporting information for this variance request were completed on January 29, 2007. Since the earlv 1980'si the CORPUD began land applying residual biosolids at various fields located at this site. Over:;:-application of biosolids resulted from a miscalculation of plant available nitrogen failing to account for "carry over" of nitrates. This resulted in exceedences of the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate under 15A NCAC 2L .0202 in groundwater monitorin g and private wells outside of the facilit v's--t'fle compliance boundary. Land application operations ceased at this facility in 2002 at the request of the DWQ--APS Raleigh Regional Office. Wells that were impacted by nitrates were abandoned or used for irrigation and impacted water users were placed on public water supply from the City of Raleigh. The CORPUD is responsible for cleanup of nitrate that has migrated outside the permitted compliance boundary. Properties surrounding this site consist of residential properties, farmland, commercial, and state owned forestland. This variance request is from state requirements in 15A NCAC 2L .0106 that prohibit a permitted facility from using natural attenuation for contamination beyond a compliance boundary. A variance would let CORPUD comply with 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k), which would allow for active remediation in one area of the site and would allow the nitrates beyond compliance boundary in the remainiIH! areas of the site to naturally attenuate. Additional off site migration of nitrate from the affected field:; would be mitigated through the installation of a limited number of grmmdv,ater extraction wells. Short-term extraction of groundwater combined with natural remedial processes or attenuation in the subsurface will result in control and break down of nitrate over time. Long- term monitoring of other land application fields will be conducted over the remaining areas of the site where exceedences of the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate have occurred at or beyond the compliance boundary. Monitoring of both groundwater and surface water will continue until the CORPUD achieves compliance with the rules. The variance, if granted by the Commission, will not change the required standard for nitrate of 10 milligrams per liter that the facility must meet under its permit obligation. In addition, the amount of nitrate migrating into the Neuse River via groundwater discharge will be deducted from the City of Raleigh Public Utility Department's (CORPUD's) National Pollutant Elimination System (NPDES) Outfall Limit. This will account for nitrate from groundwater discharging into surface waters as well as nitrate from the discharge pipe such that the total allowable discharge of this substance is unchanged. The Division of Water Quality believes that this variance has technical merit and is protective of health and the environment. The North Carolina Division of Public Health has reviewed the proposed variance and finds it acceptable on the condition that additional monitoring wells and sampling are made part of the variance. 1 DRAFT -9/24/07 Pursuant to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2L .0113, a public hearing was held in Raleigh on September 5, 2007 and the hearing officers are Kathy Stecker and Andrew Pitner. Twenty-six persons attended the hearing and four persons made verbal comments. The public notice for the hearing was sent to persons noted in 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(e) and the final date to receive written comments was October 5, 2007. This deadline was noted at the public hearing as well. Recommendation: The hearing officers recommend that the Environmental Management Commission vote to approve this variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department pursuant to the conditions outlined in the hearing officers' report and attachments. 11 Lrwu: .l\.t:: n1v11.., llt:IlllS lUI l~UV. Olil IDLgJ-1..,VlU'UU vananct: -r1t:as ... 2of3 Alan, You're right. David, Please note the EMC due dates. Thanks, Jeff Alan Clark wrote: Jeff, we're also still currently on track to bring the Raleigh CORPUD variance to the EMC in November. Alan jeff manning wrote: There are slim pickings for the EMC in November. But I'm not complaining as the Nov. 8th EMC meeting is early in the month, and therefore these due dates are early pretty early in October, as follows: * Oct 9th -Agenda Item Title due to me and Lois. * Oct 10th -Agenda Item Description and Attachments due to Lois. I currently have the following DWQ items: * Declaratory Ruling on a Water Supply Ordinance Implementation Issue for the Town of Southern Pines ( on both WQC and EMC)(Julie Ventaloro). * Request to Proceed to Temporary Rulemaking for Rules Regulating Impacts to Waters that are not Regulated by the USACE ( on both WQC and EMC)(Tom Reeder). If you have any other items to add to the EMC's agenda, please let me know. Thanks, Jeff Ted L. Bush, Jr., Chief 9/24/2007 11 :58 AM I 3 of3 Aquifer Protection Section DENR Division of Water Quality Re: EMC items for Nov. 8th mtg Content-Type: message/rfc822j. '---·-···-· _ __ ·---"'== ~ontent-Encoding: 7bit ·---------·---·····-·····-·-·---------- 9/24/2007 11 :58 AM ........ '-"...l'-L _.,_, .......... -.a..a.--. .,.. ,., ....... --i------ 1 of2 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Your 2 questions From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:44:35 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Kathy, The answer to your first question is the DWQ Planning Section gets the items together for the EMC agenda and interacts with technical staffs on groundwater matters. Once agenda is set the material goes to the clerk for the EMC (Lois Thomas) at DWQ-Administration who assembles the packets for the Chairman to approve and then sends them out to the members. As for your second question, the Attorney General's Office representative for the AGO is Frank Crawley. Jf you think it is appro priate I could contact him and inform him of the contact b y the city . This would just be an FYI and no sp ecific action re quested on his part. David Hance DWQ Planning 919-733-5083 X. 587 ****************************************************************************************** Kathy Stecker wrote: Does the Commission and/or Committee have a clerk that sets the agenda? Wouldn't Raleigh have to contact them to get on the agenda? Also, should our attorney(s) be aware that we are being contacted by Raleigh's attorneys? Who are our attorneys anyway? Thanks for the update! -Kathy David Hance wrote: Hello, I just got off the phone with this lady who works at the firm which represents the City of Raleigh in this variance. I want you all to know that they requested to be placed on the agenda for the EMC Groundwater Committee (GWC) and EMC to speak. I discussed this with her and I think I convinced her that this would be highly inappropriate. I spoke to Jeff Manning afterwards and he agreed. The EMC will be exercising their quasi-judicial role with respect to this variance and the hearing officers should be conducting the work of presenting the variance and their recommendations when this gets to the EMC GWCand EMC. I did tell Carolyn that the City of Raleigh should be at the EMC GWC and EMC meetings and be prepared to answer questions in case the either of the Chairman call upon them to speak. That is appropriate. 9/21/2007 10 :45 AM 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Phone Conversation with Kilpatrick Stockton Staff member Carolyn Bacyl / Appropriate involvement at the EMC meetings From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10: 19:07 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Hello, I just got off the phone with this lady who works at the firm which represents the City of Raleigh in this variance. I want you all to know that they requested to be placed on the agenda for the EMC Groundwater Committee (GWC) and EMC to speak. I discussed this with her and I think I convinced her that this would be highly inappropriate. I spoke to Jeff Manning afterwards and he agreed. The EMC will be exercising their quasi-judicial role with respect to this variance and the hearing officers should be conducting the work of presenting the variance and their recommendations when this gets to the EMC GWC and EMC. I did tell Carolyn that the City of Raleigh should be at the EMC GWC and EMC meetings and be prepared to answer questions in case the either of the Chairman call upon them to speak. That is appropriate. In addition, Carolyn requested a copy of the comments that we have received thus far from the persons who have submitted written comments . These will be sent to her today by US Mail. She also got an update about our activities with respect to this variance and that we are reviewing comments leading to the development of the hearing officers report and recommendations to the EMC GWC and EMC in November 2007. david hance 919-733-5083 X 587 9/21/2007 10:19 AM 1 of I Subject: CORPUD Variance: Status of Technical Responses to Comments and the hearing officers report. From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 17:07:59 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Hello, I am contacting you in case I get some questions at Planning about the status of this project. You will recall that I sent you copies of the Comment summary that I wrote up along with the names contact information for the persons who submitted comments. You will also recall from our last meeting on this that the RRO was going to provide the hearing officers with responses on this so we could finalize work and get the hearing officers report completed. Question: How is everything coming along so far? David Hance DWQ Planning 919-733-5083 x. 587 9/20/2007 5:08 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance Request -my opinion & an FYI note From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 14:34:58 -0400 To: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> CC: J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> This is just my opinion Kathy. It is true that they are not comments but they are "concerns" of one of our hearing officers. You will recall from the end of the hearing officers speech that this is a consideration in making recommendations to the EMC GWC and the full Commission. What we could do is send a copy on to Jay and Rick and to Andrew via a fax. I can fax that from here to get everyone looking at it. Come down to my office at Room 625aa, if you want me to send it. Remember we have scheduled a meeting on October 1st regarding this variance in case we need to discuss items that concern us. I think this is something you may want to talk over with Andrew too during the next 2 weeks. FYI Note: Carolyn Bachl of Kilpatrick Stockton (Attorney for the City of Raleigh) stopped by today, reviewed the tape of the EMC GWC meeting and made some notes. David Hance 733-5083 X. 587 ************************************************************************************ Kathy Stecker wrote: I wrote down questions and comments from the Groundwater Committee meeting last Wednesday. I know they're not "public" comments, but is there a way to discuss or address them as we prepare everything else? Or is this something Andrew and I need to talk abqut? Thanks! -Kathy 9/17/2007 3:37 PM 3 August, 1996 John Kiviniemi, then the wastewater plant superintendent, writes to DWQ and essentially admits that sludge is probably oozing into the water table. Kiviniemi says "certain monitoring well locations suggest impacts associated with nitrate-nitrogen." Se ptember 1996 During Hurricane Fran and afterward between 50 and 80 million gallons of raw human sewage pours into Walnut Creek when power to a lift station on Barwell Road is lost for days. About 95 percent of the city's sewage flows to the station, where it is lifted 40 feet to flow down to the wastewater plant. Raleigh installed an emergency generator after the hurricane, but there was none there before. October 1996-September 1997 . On Oct. 17, 1996, residents near the water treatment plant report the unnamed creek running through the plant and their backyards is bright red and has been for at least eight hours. The creek empties into Falls Lake. Daniel Rowe with Wake County's Environmental Health Division speaks to Jerry Keene, a water plant supervisor. Keene says a valve from a drying bed was cracked open to allow potassium permanganate, referred to as Cairox, a chemical used in the manufacture of water, to trickle into the creek. Rowe says the stream is "bright red." The following day, Keene tells Rowe there had been at least 100,000 gallons of the chemical in the drying bed and the release had been going on since Oct. 14, when some tanks were flushed. "It was standard operating procedure that when the drying bed was full of chemicals, they opened the valve and let them trickle out into the creek," Frank LeBron, then a certified operator at the plant, says. The Wake County lab analyzed samples and determined about 753 pounds of the Cairox had been released in the four days. "Given this concentration," Kenneth Schuster, regional supervisor for DWQ, writes to Benton On Nov. 8, ''there would have been 2,377 pounds of potassium permanganate released to the receiving stream if 100,000 gallons of solution had been discharged. These concentrations are extremely lethal to aquatic life according to the most recent toxicity studies." Schuster says plant personnel "had knowin gly discha rg ed" the chemical. According to former water plant operators, Benton's policy was no NOVs (notice of violation), with the practical effect that any violations of state or federal laws or regulations at the water plant were covered up and not reported, reported as less than what really happened or blamed on the intentional or unintentional actions of low-level personnel. On Nov. 25, 1996, Benton replies, saying ''the actions of the water plant staff unintentionally resulted" in the water being "discolored." He also says there was no release "until approximately 11:00 a.m. on October 17th." Benton also writes: ''No water quality standard was exceeded as a result of this occurrence. There was no fish kill nor damage to other aquatic life." John Garland, water plant superintendent, writes to DWQ on Oct. 31 saying there had been only a "temporary pink discoloration" in the creek. Crisp argues in a letter to DWQ that there had been no violation of the permit or water quality standards. Crisp says, "The city was permitted to discharge KMnO4 via NPDES permit No. NC0082376." DWO strongly disagrees, sayi ng "No provision in the permit allows the City to discharge leftover chemicals used in the process of drinking water." DWO found nine se parate violations of state and federal statutes and rules in this incident. Benton claims the city did not release more than 100 pounds of Cairox. 4 LeBron says he estimated the spilled between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds of dry c:rystal Cairox while filling a holding tank. He and others shoveled up what they could into five or 10 55-gallon drums and then flushed the ground with water, draining the mix into the drying bed. He did not know where the filled drums went. It is Sept. 23, 1997, before Schuster sends a memo to Bob Sledge, the point source compliance enforcement unit supervisor, recommending a civil penalty of $474 and saying "many violations of the permit occurred, as well as contraventions of water quality standards." That was the end of the matter. There was only minimal enforcement action taken and no civil penalty assessed. Feb.14,1997 DWQ gives Raleigh the authority to dump dry waste on its fields. Dec. 15, 1997 The water treatment plant receives an NOV because a 55-gallon oil drum leaked petroleum into the stream running through the plant and discharging into Falls Lake above the city's water intake structure. The catch basin valve, which should have been "closed to contain spills ... had been opened to release storm water." DWQ raises concerns that the outfalls should "only be used during cases of emergency" and that any oil or chemical should be "routed to the wastewater treatment area" rather than discharged into the stream. No fines were issued. January, 1998 At the start of the year, Benton hires Marc Fender as superintendent for the Neuse River wastewater plant. Seven days after Fender takes over, on Jan. 27 and 28, the plant bypasses final treatment and releases 42 million gallons of partly treated sewage into the Neuse. Feb.5.1998 Crisp requests the state give the city retroactive "relief' from interim BOD (biological oxygen demand), effective for the entire month of Janua:ry. It would essentially authorize any bypass that occurred -including the 42-million bypass at the end of Janua:ry-without incurring a NOV. Crisp says the Neuse has "significant assimilative capacity to handle such a discharge. Feb.6,1998 Dave Goodrich, NPDES unit supervisor, denies the request for the interim limit. The state issues NOVs for "the bypasses incidents" -two bypasses actually occurred -and a 400,000- gallon sewage spill into Walnut Creek. The state tells Benton the violations are considered illegal discharges to surface waters and the city could face penalties ofup to $10,000 a day for each violation. The state also raises concerns that the city could have taken actions "to prevent the situation from occurring" and suggests "further research should be conducted by the city in determining the cause of the incident" and preventing the "possibility of this event to occur again." The city blames the second bypass on operator error, but the state says the "event could have been averted." Fender would later admit to multiple bypasses occurring over the next four years, all of which went unreported. Feb.23.1998 Benton writes to DWQ saying that "the plant had run for 18 years without any violations of state and federal environmental limits ... we expect to operate the plant for another 18 years without the notice of a violation." No fines are issued for the bypasses at the wastewater plant or the spill into Walnut Creek. 6 Summer2000 There are two methanol spills of about 1,000 gallons each at the wastewater plant, spills that are either not reported or improperly reported to the state. They come to light during state and federal investigations in 2002. Oct. 31 , 2000 DWQ renews permit WQ000l 730, valid through Sept. 30, 2005, for Raleigh's wastewater plant to spray sludge on fields. However, DWQ "respectfully" issues a second advisory saying the city should buy more land. The permit says the plant has an allowance of 7,000 dry tons of waste that can be sprayed on the fields for aerobic breakdown. December 2000 Benton retires as city manager, soon to take up an appointed post as chief deputy secretary in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Russell Allen is selected as the new city manager. 2001 The state fines Raleigh $42,000 for 42 violations of its permit, all for spraying excessive sludge on its fields. These fines were higher than those in 2000 because the city had not responded to DWQ's request that the city purchase more land for sludge spraying or sell more dry sludge as fertilizer. December 2001 City officials say it was worker error that caused a spill of 75,000 gallons of sludge into a holding pond. City officials at first reported the amount of the spill was only 15,000. The true figure of 75,000 is revealed only after state investigators visit the plant. .Jan. 20-24, 2002 An undetermined amount of partially treated sludge -variously reported at 5, 41.3, 54 or even 97 million gallons -is dumped into the Neuse River from the wastewater plant during this five-day period. Fender, the plant's director, reports the spills by telephone but does not follow the state's requirement of reporting the bypass within five days. Also, Fender reports the size of the spill at 5 million gallons. This was a time of heavy rain -about 3.8 inches between Jan. 19 and 24 -and the plant had about 25 percent more stored sludge than usual because it could not spray on the fields. The bypass does not become public knowledge for six months, until the investigations in 2002. May 9 ,2002 Fender suspends 20-year employee James 0. Rogers indefinitely without pay after Rogers protests to Fender about the health hazard posed to school children who were allowed to tour an area of the plant he believed to be contaminated. May 2002 After his suspension, Rogers calls Dean Naujoks, the Upper Neuse Riverkeeper with the Neuse River Foundation, and reports multiple violations at the wastewater plant. Rodgers and Naujoks call upon the SBI and the EPA's special environmental crimes unit who, in turn, contact state environmental agencies . Rogers tells these authorities of many problems at the wastewater plant, most notably toxic chemicals which include PCBs, arsenic, formaldehyde, mercury, rat poison and herbicides. The agencies discover -in addition to unreported effluent violations -that plant employees buried eight cases of rat poison in a field near the plant in 1994. 7 June 1, 2002 The city begins its own inquiry into events at the Neuse River plant on May 31, still without knowing about the January bypasses. State environmental agencies, the SBI and the Neuse River Foundation are reported to be probing allegations of possible chemical contamination and a possible illegal landfill. Crisp says the multiple violations "were an honest mistake." He is also quoted, in a paraphrase, as saying the city could have done more to avoid the events. June2,2002 Neuse River plant officials finally admit to the January sludge bypass and estimate the spill at no more than 5 million gallons. Ernie Seneca, the DWQ spokesman, says that the city bas increased its spraying of the plant's solid waste to two to three times acceptable levels during the past couple of years. Allen says he intends to run an independent audit of the wastewater plant. June 4 , 2002 Raleigh City Council agrees to investigate employee claims of violations of environmental and worker safety protection. June 7 ,2002 Seneca says the state suspected problems of sewage sludge disposal at the Neuse plant as early as 1990. Nothing was done by the state at that time, he says, because the state was concentrating its effort on cleaning up leaking underground storage tanks. After that duty was transferred to another office, DWQ began to examine the sludge issue more closely. The problem of Raleigh's sludge bas become one of the most serious cases of groundwater contamination in the state, Seneca says. June 10 , 2002 About 1,000 gallons of methanol is spilled at the wastewater plant but either not reported or improperly reported. This spill and two others in the summer of 2000 are made public in a News & Observer article on June 19 . June 10 , 2002 An inspector with the Division of Waste Management, part of DENR, finds the city had been improperly disposing of solid waste, much from city utility projects, at the wastewater plant. Spokesman Chrystal Bartlett says in July that the city would face fines of up to $5,000 a day if the soil, abandoned equipment, wood and refuse are not cleaned up within a month. June 12 , 2002 Raleigh officials issue new figures saying the original 5-million-gallon number for the January bypasses was grossly underestimated. The figure is adjusted to 41.3 million gallons of partially treated sludge that went into the Neuse. Fender says, "It went through the entire process . . . the water had been cleaned, but some of the microorganisms got out." 8 Fender and Crisp, in a joint statement, say they thought they had reported the problem accurately and correctly. "That's our standard operating procedure ... call it in when it occurs and report it in the monthly report." However, workers who were interviewed by Naujoks say the bypasses and others like it consisted of a thick black sludge that "looked like chocolate pudding being discharged into the river." June 18, 2002 Mayor Charles Meeker sets a deadline of July 2 for more information from Allen and city attorney Thomas McCormick. DWQ holds an unannounced inspection of the wastewater plant, after which Seneca comments that the plant holds a lot of dry sludge. June 19. 2002 Craven County commissioners vote unanimously to send a resolution to the county's state delegation, the City of Raleigh and DWQ "requesting an investigation of the recent sewer spill to the fullest extent and the imposition of the maximum fme permissible by law for this violation of the state's water standards." Former City Manager, Dempsey Benton said he didn't personally brief his successor, Russell Allen, about the concerns about the plant and left that issue to be handled by the public utilities department. Russell Allen and city council members said they were not aware of the problems or knew about the state's concerns until articles appeared in the News and Observer. June 20, 2002 The state fines Raleigh $72,500, mostly for supersaturating fields near the Neuse plant with sludge. It is the highest fine in the state's history for improperly disposing of sludge and the third highest for water quality violations. The state Department of Agriculture is probing the handling of rat poison, the state Department of Labor is looking into plant workers' claims of safety problems and the SBI is interviewing workers to determine whether there are grounds for a criminal investigation. June 26, 2002 An article in the N&O compares the land available to Cary's wastewater treatment plant to Raleigh's. Raleigh's plant processes significantly higher flows of wastewater. Cary owns 2,900 acres for land application of sludge while the much larger Raleigh plant owns 1,100 acres. June 28, 2002 Raleigh begins testing private wells near the wastewater plant on Mial Plantation, Old Baucom and Brown Fields roads. High concentrations of nitrates have been connected to the potentially fatal blue-baby syndrome. Crisp and Fender say they planned to test the wells but the city has been busy the past six months testing the groundwater under land it owns. An N&O article says wastewater plant employees were not given proper safety information, important protective equipment was missing and employees were forced to work under hazardous conditions, including that employees "were sprayed with sludge." The city offers plant employees free voluntary medical screenings at Duke Medical Center and given until July 17 to make an appointment at the city's expense. 9 June 30, 2002 In an N&O article, the owner of a hog slaughterhouse admits illegally dumping wastewater from the slaughterhouse floor and employee bathrooms into the Neuse River for more than 10 years. The dumping illustrates the problem DENR bas in enforcing environmental laws. July 1, 2002 EPA begins an inquiry into conditions at the wastewater plant, an inquiry headed by environmental engineer Mike Hom from the regional office in Atlanta. Julv 3 , 2002 The state Department of Labor fines Raleigh $14,700 for 18 health and safety violations at the Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment plant. Sixteen of the violations were deemed serious offenses. They include "failing to warn workers about on-the-job hazards, failing to place proper railing on ladderways, exposing workers to formaldehyde and a methanol byproduct solution and improperly weatherproofing equipment." "In our mind, we thought any of these violations could lead to serious injury or fatality," Juan Santos, a spokesman for the labor department, says. July 4 , 2002 An article in The Wake Weekly says Raleigh's E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant is nearing its capacity. During 2001, the plant did not deliver water to Cary, a contract customer, on four separate occasions because it did not have the water to send. In 2000 the city asked for and received permission to increase the plant's production from the capacity it was built for, 76 mgd, to 86 mgd to meet demand. Operators said that to produce 72 mgd for customers, the plant has to operate part of the day at a rate of 86 mgd because there is not enough storage. The city has between 30 and 40 million gallons of capacity in its storage tanks. To operate at the higher capacity, the plant pushed water through its filters faster than the state usually allows, which can lead to particles and contaminants remaining in the water. The article also said the water plant had high turnover for operators, leading to inadequate staffmg and untrained operators who make mistakes. One former employee said no certified operator in the state would apply there because of the administration. July 12, 2002 Crisp and Fender acknowledge an additional 20 million gallons of partially treated sewage spilled into the Neuse River during late January. The acknowledgement brings the total the city claims was released to 62.25 million gallons. McCormick says, according to his probe, the spill was most likely about 97 million gallons. July 16, 2002 Raleigh City Council approves $690,000 to renovate the wastewater plant and approves paying nearly $74,000 in state fines. The plant improvements include hiring consultants about modem sludge disposal, new insulated storage ponds and a drying plant to make the wet sludge into dried fertilizer. 10 July 18, 2002 Environmental Investigations of Durham, hired by the state to investigate the wastewater plant, releases its underground mercury test results. One sample found 0.257 parts per million in land under or near the plant, 17 times the amount allowed by state law to protect groundwater. The second sample found a mercury level of 1.06 ppm, 67 times accepted state levels. July 22, 2002 Crisp sends an e-mail to the city attorney, city manager, assistant city manager, a DENR official, the wastewater plant superintendent and others. In the message, Crisp adjusts the amount of partially treated sludge released in late January from 62.25 million gallons to 54.04 million gallons. Aug. 1, 2002 Naujoks sends letter to members of the Raleigh City Council questioning the reduction of the January sludge release from 62 -or maybe 97 -million gallons to 54 million gallons. His letter also questions the variations in statements about the SCADA equipment used to measure flows and indicate bypasses at the wastewater plant. A service report by Instrumentation Services Inc. showed the equipment had always functioned correctly. Fender, however, said there was no reason to trust the data when the equipment showed bypasses for four continuous days because it had not been correctly calibrated for over a year. On July 15, 2002, Arcadis, unlike Instrumentation Services, found the equipment was not accurately calibrated. Aug. 2, 2002 This issue of the N&O includes a letter from Meeker saying: 1) There will be "no more landfilling" at the plant. 2) Henceforth, there must be constant and continual dialogue among the city manager, city council, regulatory authorities and the public. 3) The city is attempting to acquire more land near the plant for sludge application. 4) The city has hired an environmental lawyer to expedite matters. 5) The council is asked to approve an independent consultant to review all aspects of the operation and management of the wastewater plant. Meeker also says he wants the city manager to tell the council "how the wastewater plant got offtrack." Aug. 2, 2002 An N&O article says the wastewater plant exceeded the allowed amount of phosphorus in the treated water it released into the Neuse during May, June and part of July. Phosphorus contributes to algae blooms in the lower Neuse and has been regulated since May 1993 to 2 parts per million for a three-month average. The plant's averages were 1. 7 ppm in April, 2.03 in May and 2.56 in June - a three-month average of 2.1 ppm -while from July 1 through 17 the average was 2.03 ppm. Seneca at DWQ said the three-month average would have to reach 2.4 ppm to trigger enforcement. July and August 2002 Preliminary tests reveal arsenic and mercury contamination where sludge was used to fill in at least one pond at the wastewater plant. Crisp and Allen downplay the information while Meeker and council members wonder why they did not receive the information sooner. Crisp admits to intentionally dumping soil contaminated with gasoline and diesel fuel near an old storage barn. The soil was removed from a leaking underground storage tank more than five years ago. 11 "I've known about it the whole time that it has been down there, but it's one of those things," Crisp said. "It wasn't a priority and, as time passed, we didn't proceed with removing it. It's easy to focus on something else." Au g. 3-Sept. 5, 2002 Three hypochlorite spills are reported at the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant, the only chemical spills reported at the plant in three years. The reports were made after The Wake Weekly began writing articles about the plant's operation. Aug. 6 , 2002 The Raleigh City Council unanimously approves purchasing 100 acres for sludge disposal at the wastewater plant. The cost is $1.3 million, bringing the total Raleigh has spent on the plant to $2 million plus. The purchase brings Raleigh's total land application acreage to 1,200, still less than half what Cary's wastewater plant, has available. Au g. 8, 2002 In an interview with the N&O, Dempsey Benton (former Raleigh City Manger and now Deputy Secretary at DENR) says Crisp was essentially at fault for the sludge problems because of a failure to implement a long-term sludge management plan. Benton said that during a 1999 planning retreat he questioned why Crisp and the public utilities staff had not offered long-term strategi es for dealing with sludge. Benton also stated; ''I agonized over how this occurred; that's the reality of it. It removes the value of everything good that we've done there." Au g. 23 , 2002 Seven private wells near the wastewater plant are found to be unsafe due to a high nitrate content in the water. Au g. 23 , 2002 Naujoks and David Wojnowski, coordinator for N.C. Stream Watch, sample the water in the stream running through the water treatment plant on Falls of Neuse Road. Downstream of the plant's discharge, the biological assessment found only one aquatic worm. Six feet upstream of the plant's discharge, an abundance of aquatic species were found. The assessment clearly shows, Wojnowski said, that something is being discharged. into the stream, which flows directly into Falls Lake, which is ''rendering the water injurious to aquatic life. He recommends Raleigh take steps to improve the effluent because the city is "killing all the aquatic life" in the stream. The water plant's NPDES permit says that toxic substances shall not render waters injurious to aquatic life or wildlife, recreational activities, public health, or impair the water for any designated uses." Au g. 27, 2002 A state biologist samples the unnamed stream at the water treatment plant and finds some aquatic life below the plant's discharge point but no caddisflies or mayflies, species very sensitive to pollution. Biologist Kathy Herring said there should have been a healthy community of aquatic insects but finds none below the discharge point. Seneca, who accompanied Herring and Naujoks, says the suspect may be chlorine or that and something else. DWQ is testing a black material that coats rocks on the creek bottom. Frank Eagles of Rolesville, an avid fisherman, says Honeycutt Bay, where the unnamed stream enters Falls Lake, is "kinda like the Dead Sea. No fish, or at least size and numbers are way off." Crisp has already sent a letter to DWQ saying the city is planning a dechlorination system for the water plant. 12 Aug;. 29, 2002 Tests are made public which show six private wells near the sludge-spraying fields have high nitrate levels, making the water unsafe to drink and potentially causing a fatal condition for infants. Allen says that "faulty septic tanks, farm ponds or lawn fertilizer" could have caused the high nitrate levels. Sept. 6 , 2002 A bypass of about 15,000 gallons of partly treated wastewater goes into the Neuse River from the wastewater treatment plant. Allen, who had demanded no more bypasses, suspends Fender without pay. Sept. 17, 2002 Fender resigns from his post. The Raleigh City Council approves $250,000 to hire an engineering consultant to investigate polluted groundwater under the wastewater plant and its surrounding farmland. Sept. 23 , 2002 Wake Forest nearly turns off the Raleigh tap because the water coming into town from Raleigh for several days had tested lower for chlorine than state regulations allow. George Rogers, superintendent of the town's water resources, says he had told his operators to be prepared to shut down the water main from Raleigh if the chlorine was not at least 2 ppm. State law requires water systems to maintain a chlorine level of between 2 and 4 ppm throughout the distribution system. This would not have been the first time Wake Forest refused to purchase Raleigh water because of quality problems, Rogers says. In a separate interview, former operator LeBron said chlorine levels in the Raleigh system can vary widely and have been so high in some areas near the plant that infants would have been at risk if the water was used in their formula. Se pt. 26, 2002 WRAL-TV airs an investigative report by Cullen Browder in which Seneca says the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant is being investigated because of the impacts the plant is having on aquatic life in the stream, possible unpermitted sludge disposal into the stream and conducting uncertified alum tests for almost three years. State officials, the report says, have also raised concerns about recent chemical spills and operational issues. Se pt. 26, 2002 Crisp tells the N&O that Raleigh conducted "its own tests on water it release(d) into the creek, and preliminary results found that (the water was) not toxic." Oct. 3 , 2002 Alan W. Klimek, DWQ director, sends a letter to residents near the wastewater plant saying the state would hold a public meeting if Raleigh asks to add more land to spray sludge. The council's decision to purchase 100 acres had alarmed some neighbors. October-November, 2002 The city's Aquatic Toxicity Reports for sampling in the stream at the water plant done during these months show chlorine levels at 0.40 mg/I, 0.53 mg/I and 0.66 mg/1. Mortality rates for aquatic life are extremely high at these levels. 13 In November, there was a kill-off rate of 100 percent for Ceriodaphina (water fleas) with only 24 percent of the effluent in the mixture. Dec. 4 , 2002 9 million gallons of raw human sewage spills into Walnut Creek and the Neuse River during the ice storm after an emergency generator at the Barwell Road lift station fails to start the afternoon before the storm. A contractor can not repair the generator immediately and city crews have difficulty hooking up a rented generator. Meanwhile, sewage gushes so strongly for six hours that it erodes part of a driveway. In 2002, 15,548,427 gallons of raw sewage reached Wake County's surface waters, twice as much as any other coun ty in the state, with the greatest majority of the sewag e coming from Raleig h. Dec. 16, 2002 Naujoks sends a report to Meeker and the council members on the status of the Neuse River Foundation's investigation into the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant. The report includes documentation of the impacts to aquatic life in the stream through the plant, pictures of sludge discharged into the stream and Falls Lake and a toxicology report from DWQ showing the "black precipitate covering the rocks" in the stream matches the chemical composition of sludge. Naujoks also expressed concern about the quality of Raleigh's public drinking water. Based on the plant's own records, water quality com plaints had risen 1008% from 1998 through 2001-287 complaints in 1998, 1476 in 1999, 1854 in 2000 and 2895 in 2001. Allen and Crisp say only "minor exceedances" of the permit occurred and deny sludge has ever been discharged into the stream. Jan.6,2003 About 126,000 gallons of sludge spills from a storage tank at the Neuse River plant but is caught in a pond before reaching the river. Once again, employee error is blamed for the spill. By the end of January, Granville Farms Inc., the contractor, has only been able to haul away just over a quarter of the 10 million gallons of sludge in the four storage tanks at the plant. Jan.7,2003 The City Council votes to build a waterline for people whose wells were contaminated by sludge sprayed on fields. This waterline, costing $270,000, will serve those people who previously used four private wells. A $250,000 report shows the sludge the city sprayed on fields fouled private wells and contaminated groundwater. Earlier, Allen and Crisp blamed other factors for the contamination. Jan.9.2003 Raleigh officials release their next steps in addressing the problems at the wastewater plant. Acting on a $200,000 study by CH2MHil..L begun last August, the city plans to follow the short-term, five-year plan which includes emptying and inspecting the storage tanks and creating a system to record the amount of sludge sprayed on city-owned fields. CH2MHILL also recommended a 20-year management plan. In the final chapter of the CH2MHILL report, two experts say the city should begin immediately to improve maintenance, worker safety and sludge management. "The plant and program have gone through a period of, let's say, benign neglect," Gordon Garner, recently retired as director of the Louisville/Jefferson County Municipal Sewer District in Kentucky, said. "It obviously hasn't had the resources put into it that it really needs to have." The experts found that workers had given up asking the utility department management for enough money to maintain equipment. That equipment now needs to be replaced. 14 The plant is in "crisis mode" in its handling of sludge. The expert team recommends spending $189.1 million at the plant in the next 10 years. Jan.10,2003 T.J. Lynch, formerly chief of operations and maintenance at Cary's South Water Reclamation Facility, is selected to run Raleigh's wastewater plant. Former plant head Fender resigned last fall. Feb.5,2003 Ten more wells tainted with nitrates are found, bringing the total to 16 wells polluted by the city's wastewater plant and its spraying of sludge on nearby fields. Residents in the area are drinking bottled water provided by the city. February 2003 A letter-writing campaign by conservation groups -Neuse River Foundation. N.C. Conservation Council, Clean Water for N.C., N.C. Wildlife Federation, N.C. Action Network and Friends of Falls Lake -and residents urges the city council to reform Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Some writers particularly target Crisp, the utility director. Naujoks, who has asked for changes in the public utility department for months, said that if the city manager is not going to take action, it is important for the council to set standards and expectations the department is supposed to meet. Feb.17,2003 Allen requests $709,000 for chemicals, repairs and equipment as the first step in fixing the wastewater plant. This brings the cost of f'Ixing the plant and its associated problems to $3 million plus. Those costs will increase to tens of millions as the city replaces outdated and poorly maintained equipment. Feb.18.2003 Residents near Raleigh's wastewater plant with contaminated wells say they should not have to pay for city water. They also told the city council they had complained for years about odors from the plant. Naujoks calls on council members to make Crisp and the public utilities department accountable for the plant's problems. The council goes into closed session to discuss criticism of Crisp, but no action is taken. Feb.19,2003 In a letter to Crisp, EPA regulators say Raleigh may have violated the Clean Water Act by filling in a pond at the wastewater plant with sludge tainted with arsenic and mercury and mixed with scrap metal, concrete, machine parts and asphalt. The pond is within 1,000 feet of the Neuse River, and groundwater rushed into some of the test pits. The city could face rmes of up to $25,000 per day per violation and also court orders to repair any damages. EPA further said Raleigh had not sent them reports for five years for areas called monofills, places filled with sludge. The city was supposed to test the areas for some metals, methane gas and groundwater quality. Feb.25,2003 An N&O article says Raleigh failed to test Rolesville's water for trihalomethanes during 2002, the year the city took ownership of the town's water and sewer systems. The city must notify the 1,000 residents of the laps. 15 Toe same article says the state Department of Labor cited Raleigh the week before for two "non-serious" violations at the wastewater plant for not property training employees to use respirators and for taking too long to give them safety information about Raleigh Plus, a fertiliz.er the city produces from its sludge. March 4, 2003 The N&O reports the cost of fixing the wastewater plant could rise to $4 million. That would not apparently include any of the costs of increasing the plant capacity from its original and current 60 mgd to 7 5 mgd to meet the city's increased demand for wastewater treatment. March 14 , 2003 The city offers free water for 20 years to four homeowners whose wells were contaminated by the city's sludge. Others with the same contaminated wells are still waiting for the city's decision. June2003 The City Council approves a budget and Capital Improvements Program which will spend at least $431.2 million on water and wastewater projects over the next 10 years. That $431.2 million does not include the $100 million Crisp says it will cost if the state requires the city to remove metals like cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium from its sludge. The city plans to pay for the improvements through bond issues paid for by user rates~ which are to rise through the 10-year period. Roughly $3 million has been spent on fines, sludge removal, repairs and consulting fees just this past year alone, as well as and additional $1.3 million land purchase for sludge application (at top dollar prices). In FY 2003-04, the city has a $15 million construction budget for fixing problems at the plant. As a result, Raleigh taxpayers are now expected to see a drastic increase in sewer rates over the next four years. According to Raleigh's Department of Administrative Services, sewer rates are projected to increase 9% for fiscal year (FY) 2004, 9% FY 05, 9% FY06 and 9% FY 07-a projected ( over) 40% increase in sewer rates over the next four years. In fiscal 2003-2004, an average household would pay a bill of $52.66 every other month. With the planned rate increases throu gh 2012 , that bimonthly bill would rise to $77.26-a 46% increase. About $55.4 million over the next 10 years re presents maintenance and re pair at the wastewater plant for problems found durin2: the past year. Most of the problems contributing to these projected increases could have been avoided. Julv 16 , 2003 An article in The Wake Forest Gazette highlights extremely high turnover rate at Raleigh's E.M Johnson Water Treatment Plant. One-third of the operators at the water plant have been replaced since the start of the year. A full staff is 15 operators. The city was advertising for three operators this week, and Superintendent John Garland said he had hired two or "possibly" three operators this year. Only thre.e of the plant's operators had been there longer than three years. Garland said there were six people with A water quality licenses which are required to operate a water plant. Those six include himself, three supervisors, an operator and a lab technician. In contrast, there are seven people on the 12-man Town of Wake Forest staff with A licenses and those seven also hold the highest licenses, Grade IV, for operating wastewater facilities. Au g. 4, 2003 The N&O reports state and city officials do not agree about the amount of contaminants Raleigh needs to remove from the wastewater it releases. Crisp says it will cost $100 million to upgrade the wastewater plant to remove cadmium, chromium, lead and selenium. The metals may come from industries in the city which are required to have an effective pretreatment program to remove metals, a program the city is supposed to monitor under its NPDES permit. The state also wants to test the water released at the water treatment plant for metals and other contaminants. 16 Au g.8.2003 Naujoks sends a formal letter of complaint to EPA alleging numerous worker safety violations, Clean Water Act and Resource Conservation Recovery Act violations and other illegal activities that were intentionally unreported. The letter alleges that former city manager Benton knew about these problems and that current city manager Allen has refused to investigate allegations linking Crisp and other upper utility managers to fraudulent activities. Naujoks recommended a federal criminal investigation. Au g. 14 , 2003 An article in The Wake Weekly reviews Raleigh's 2002 discharge monitoring reports and finds the city would have violated possible new required levels for lead, selenium and cyanide six times. Crisp responds that DWQ is faulty in its methodology which allows for unusual events. Crisp also downplays recent criticism of (both) the Raleigh Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant and the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant. "There certainly have been some problems, but when you balance that with the (record) of the over all facility, we've done an outstanding job," Crisp said. "This plant is better than any in North Carolina or in the Southeastern United States." BIBLIOGRAPHY The News & Observer: • June 1, 2002, Hall, "Raleigh waste-plant violations cited" • June 4, 2002, Shiffer and Hall, "Sludge spills into Neuse" • June 5, 2002, Shiffer and Hall, "Council to probe wastewater plant" • June 8, 2002, Shiffer and Hall, "Belated attention to sludge" • June 13, 2002, Hall, "City's sewage report probed" • June 19, 2002, Kakissis and Hall, "Benton stays out of plant probe" • June 19, 2002, Kakissis, "City seeks answers on sludge" • June 22, 2002, Kakissis and Hall, "City slapped with sewage fines" • June 26, 2002, Hall and Kakissis, "Plenty of sludge to budge" • June 29, 2002, Hall, "Raleigh to test wells, workers" • June 30, 2002, Smith, ''N.C. polluters have the edge" • July 2, 2002, Hall, "EPA probing sludge problem" • July 4, 2002, Kakissis, "State fines water plant" • July 8, 2002, Hall, "Wastewater plant neighbors fret about safety" • July 9, 2002, Kakissis, "Raleigh plant draws citation" • July 10, 2002, Hall, "Capital's waste land" • July 11, 2002, Kakissis, "Hey, Raleigh! Keep it clean" 1o July 12, 2002, Hall, "Plant marked by varied past" • July 13, 2002, Hall, "Larger sludge spill acknowledged" • July 16, 2002, Hall, "Council may pay to fix plant" • July 17, 2002, Hall, "Council approves sludge disposal" • July 19, 2002, Hall, "Wake plant test results mixed • July 23, 2002, Kakissis and Hall, "Sewage-plant woes focus spotlight on Raleigh brass" 17 • July 25, 2002, Hall, "Raleigh pays state $73,936" • Aug. 2, 2002, Hall, ''More woes for plant" • Aug. 2, 2002, Hall, "Council considers outside review of plant'' • Aug. 2, 2002, Meeker letter to the editor • Aug. 3, 2002, Hall, "Tests at plant find arsenic, mercury" • Aug. 7, 2002, Kakissis, "Sludge gets new spot" • Aug. 8, 2002, Kakissis, "Ex-official says plan lacking for sludge" • Aug. 11, 2002, Hall, "He blew the whistle" • Aug. 23, 2002, Hall, ''Nitrate levels too high in wells" • Aug. 30, 2002, Hall, "Water found tainted" • Sept. 7, 2002, Hall, "Treatment plant chief suspended" • Sept. 18, 2002, Hall, "Sewage plant director resigns" • Sept. 27, 2002, Hall, "Water plant to cut chlorine" • Oct. 4, 2002, Hall, "State to hold hearing on sewage plant" • Dec. 11, 2002, Hall, "9 million gallons of sewage in spill" • Dec. 12, 2002, Hall, "City weighs waterline near plant'' • Dec. 21, 2002, Bonner, "Sewage spills reported" • Jan. 8, 2003, Hall, "Council OKs water pipeline" • Jan. 10, 2003, Hall, "City outlines steps t fix sewage plant • Jan. 11, 2003, Hall, "Raleigh gets new guardian of wastewater" • Jan. 23, 2003, Hall, "Plant woes might raise utility bills" • Jan. 14, 2003, Hall, "Workers' lapse cited in spill" • Feb. 5, 2003, Hall, "Raleigh finds tainted wells" • Feb. 6, 2003, Hall, "Raleigh tackles wastewater woes" • Feb. 8, 2003, Hall, "Experts fault plant upkeep" • Feb. 14, 2003, Hall, "Letter campaign targets plant'' • Feb. 18, 2003, Hall, "Fixing plant could increase rates" • Feb. 19, 2003, Hall, "Residents confront officials over plant" • Feb. 25, 2003, Hall, "Raleigh skips Rolesville water test" • Feb. 27, 2003, Hall, "EPA looks at possible violations" • March 4, 2003, Hall, "Sewage plant bill is $4 million" • March 15, 2003, Hall, "Water, wait may be costly" • July 16, 2003, Hall, "Raleigh OKs contracts for ailing treatment plant" • Aug. 4, 2003, Hall, "Water testing price is issue" The Wake Weekly: • July 4, 2002, Pelosi, "Raleigh water plant nearing its capacity" • Aug. 8, 2002, Pelosi, "Plant officials deny sludge was released" • Aug. 15, 2002, Pelosi, "The water plant creek ran red, but the state never fined Raleigh" • Sept. 26, 2002, Pelosi, "Poor water quality nearly halts Raleigh's flow into Wake Forest" • Oct. 3, 2002, Pelosi, "Chlorine killing stream" • Aug. 14, 2003, Meadows, "Raleigh water scrutinized" The Wake Forest Gazette: • July 16, 2003, Pelosi, "High operator turnover troubles Raleigh's water plant'' • Aug. 6, 2003, Pelosi, "Raleigh planning its 'its largest public investment' in utility system" 18 Documents from DWQ and Raleigh Regional Water Quality Section: • Nov. 1, 1996 • April 29, 1997 • Permit WQ0O0l 730 • Dec. 15, 1997 • Feb. 5, 1998 • Feb. 6, 1998 • May 14, 1998 • Permit NC002903 • May 27, 1998 • File 02-0 I 0, Findings and decision and assessment of civil penalties Report from state Sen. Charlie Albertson to General Assembly 2003 New Bern Sun-Journal: • June 21, 2002, Book, "Raleigh's sewage is now city's problem" S ummary for Profile o f a Polluter 19 This is the 27-year history of Raleigh's Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant and the corruption, fraud, misuse of public trust and funds which have characterized its management since shoddy construction materials were substituted in its construction. Twelve years after the plant began operations and 10 years after plant administrators began spraying the plant's sludge on farm fields, city officials were being warned that nitrates from the spraying was leaking into the groundwater. Then and later the official city position was to deny, stonewall and refuse to follow any recommendation from the state's Division of Water Quality. Former City Manager Dempsey Benton, who now holds an even higher position of trust in the state's Department of Environment and Natural Resources, had a policy for the city's public utility department -no Notices of Violation. From interviews and from the evidence of the years, it is clear Benton and Dale Crisp, who he appointed to head the utility department, sought to avoid notices of violation of state and federal regulations by failing to report and underreporting any spills, bypasses or other mishaps. The same ethic -or lack of it -can be seen in the records of the E.M. Johnson Water Treatment Plant. This chronology demonstrates how Benton and Crisp and the employees under them lied, distorted the record, made untrue claims and tried by every trick to avoid blame for lack of maintenance of equipment, lack of proper care for employees and their health and lack of any kind of regard for the city's and the state's land and water and the health and welfare of the people in it. Lack of stewardship led to the first fouling of the Neuse River's waters in 1978 and that same lack of stewardship by the current administration led to the January 2002 bypasses into the Neuse. City Attorney Thomas McCormick undertook a private investigation and concluded those bypasses totaled 97 million gallons. Crisp has said the bypasses were anywhere from 5 million to 62 million gallons. The ethical, moral and legal lapses are not only demonstrated by Benton and Crisp. They extend to current City Manager Russell Allen, Mayor Charles Meeker and the members of the City Council who have not held Crisp to account for the endemic problems. The State of North Carolina also bas grossly failed to live up to its mandate to protect the water and land of this state and the health and welfare of its residents. Again and again the state has failed to force the city to meet the letter of the law. 20 Outside experts have said the Neuse River plant is in crisis mode. We believe the entire utility deparbnent is in crisis mode and extraordinary steps must be taken to prevent the current disregard for environmental laws from continuing. Dean Naujoks Upper Neuse Riverkeeper Neuse River Foundation Raleigh Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0029033 0, 0~ ..... .......) I don't think I have to go into much detail about the environmental problems at Raleigh's Waste Water Treatment Plant because it has been so publicized. But let me just say that it is appalling that the conditions at this facility ever got this bad. The state knew about the ground water problems along time ago. I can only hope the state has learned a lesson from this, because the supposed "A" student, turned out to be a poor example of how to run a public utility. Unfortunately, the state does not have to pay for this mistake, nor does Dale Crisp or Dempsey Benton; it is the Raleigh taxpayers who have the pick up the tab. For several years now, this facility has been leaching nitrates and coliform bacteria from contaminated ground water into the Neuse River and various tributaries that flow directly into the Neuse and unfortunately, will continue to do so for many years to come. This is based on the cities own ground water report. Neuse River Foundation had Pete Dressen, President of Piedmont Geologic, a certified geologist, review the report to confirm this information. It is undisputed. Unfortunately, the cities final ground water report will not be finished until June. We would like to put an opener in the permit, so that we can come back and address the issue of nitrates entering the Neuse River. The city has stated that they are open to this idea and are willing to offset nitrate pollution entering the river from contaminated groundwater, by over-compensating for it in the WWTP's effluent. We have consensus on this the last time I checked. Where we disagree is the percentages. Neuse River Foundation is requesting a "no net increase" of nitrogen from entering the Neuse River. This plant has been living a lie for several years. In fact one of the major reasons Mr. Crisp still has his job if because he and the city manger ran around convincing every Council Member that they have been good stewards to the river by achieving a 49% reduction in nitrogen. However, since a long-term sludge management plan was never developed, the 49% reduction of nitrogen entering the river is a serious misrepresentation of what has really been occurring out at this facility. Instead of adequately addressing nitrate pollution, Public Utilities' shortsighted decisions have simply allowed the true cost of dealing with excess pollution from nitrates and sludge to be passed along in the form of contaminated groundwater. This problem has come full circle; nitrates are reentering the Neuse River. And since the area of contamination is so great, efforts to remediate or remove contaminated soil is virtually impossible. Our request is that the city be required to go beyond the 49% reduction to offset the contaminated ground water entering the Neuse River. It is the only way to adequately off set the nitrates that are entering into the river. I think this is the very least the City can do, considering it still does not make up for the nitrates that have steadily been entering the Neuse River for several years now, let alone the contamination they have caused to the ground water. To be honest with you, I think the city is getting off light. If the state does not require a "no net increase" in nitrogen, than all the city has to do is lower percentage of nitrogen they are currently reducing from their eflluent. They would still be beyond the state requirement and could justify that they are reducing nitrates by overcompensating for it in their eflluent. NRF feels the city should be required to incorporate the findings of the groundwater study and develop a comprehensive river management plan, by calculating the loading estimates of nitrogen entering the river and working to offset estimated nitrogen loading. This will not be easy; it probably will never be an exact science. But if this facility is to live up to its promise of being an environmental steward to the Neuse River and a good neighbor to those living down stream, the city should work to achieve a goal of "no net increase of nitrogen." This can only be achieved through compensatory mitigation, which I described above (possibly other ways, purchase of buffers etc.). The findings of the ground water report should be used to determine the total nutrient- loading going into the Neuse River from the contaminated ground water as well as their eflluent. Raleigh is currently a Nutrient Trading Coalition Member. The state needs to revisit Raleigh's participation in the Nutrient Trading Coalition. It defeats the purpose of this coalition if nitrates from the polluted ground water are not reflected in Raleigh's overall nutrient loading. The bottom line is that the nitrates entering the river (from contaminated ground water) are a product of waste treatment and the mishandling of wastewater operations. The state has the authority to make this facility address the problems they created and I hope the state uses that authority. DeL\!'J }\\Au,i rJfs- \.) p 9efl---r;J Q_ J.3'~ ¥-t J r)).ltepetL N .e u S L, ¥, J e,.i]____ -~ 0 .0 ~ A-1, O /0 09/14/07 DRAFT Summary of Oral Comments Made at the September 5, 2007 Public Hearing and Written Comment Submitted by the Public Variance Request from Corrective Action Requirements For the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) DWQ Permit WQ000l 730 A. Comments made at the Se ptember 5 , 2007 Public Hearing in Ralei gh , NC with Res ponses: Commenter# 1: My organization, the Neuse River Foundation, represents 3,000 members in the Neuse River Basin. We work to protect water quality in the Upper Neuse River Basin and we have been actively involved in addressing issues surrounding this plant since 2002. He said that in 2003 the Neuse River Foundation challenged permit limits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for the City of Raleigh. He said that at that based on conversations I had at that time with the attorney representing the City of Raleigh, Mr. Steven Levitas who is in the audience, there was an agreement met regarding this permit. The agreement was to leave an opener in the permit that Raleigh would work to offset nitrogen going into the river via groundwater pollution. In 2003, the Neuse River Foundation requested a 'no net increase' for nitrogen from the plant. Our organization understood that the City of Raleigh agreed to this and the state needs to hold the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) and officials responsible for their promise. I hope that the city admits to the fact the there was an agreement in 2003 on this matter in their comments. In entering that agreement, our membership was quite generous to the city in giving them other alternatives than pump and treat cleanup since we acknowledge that it can be extremely expensive. We approached the issue with the view of finding useful and cost effective alternatives. The Neuse River Foundation had discussed changes in effluent limitations since the city is not even coming close to reducing concentrations of nitrogen even with plant upgrades. We acknowledge that they are within their NPDES permit limits but that reduction from this engineered solution will not come close to offsetting nitrogen impacts in the river from the contribution of nitrate from groundwater as a result of compliance problems. Our organization has recommended buffers and wetlands mitigation, which are feasible actions for City of Raleigh and they should be required to do this. Note the Jordan Lake Rules and their impacts on the City. of Durham (and potentially the Falls Lake Rules), would require stormwater retrofits. I do not understand why the City of Raleigh is not being required to take such actions under this variance since there are plenty of paths for the City of Raleigh to mitigate nitrate impacts to the river. I cannot believe the scale of this problem. We are talking about 120,000 pounds of Nitrogen per year being allowed to decrease over time over the next 30 to 40 years. When factored together this allowance provides more nitrogen to the river than the towns of Apex, Benson, Butner, Cary, Johnston County, Wake Forest, and Zebulon combined and the state is going to just waive this requirement for them to mitigate this problem. This is the largest source 1 09/14/07 DRAFT of groundwater contamination the state has ever identified -over 1000 acres! The track record of natural attenuation has very limited success. Note that in areas where mitigation is occurring is occurring in Raleigh, the land areas are relatively small compared to what is making its way to the river. It is a very dangerous precedent for the state to just allow this to occur without any real mitigation. If you waive this requirement I don't see how the state could get any party to conduct mitigation. I support the states recommendation concerning considering the groundwater contribution of nitrate into the river to the NPDES individual permit and the NRCS Permit. I also support the current physical upgrades the plant has already done. I want to remind that state that there has been a history of non-compliance at the CORPUD that Neuse River Foundation has identified dating back to 1986 and we contend with staff that the over application of biosolids was not the result of a 'miscalculation'. This is documented in the states files and is shown in a written comment from our organization titled "Profile of a Polluter" and is being submitted this evening. In 1999, DWQ staff urged the city to purchase more land for sludge application due to relatively high concentrations of nitrates, metals, fecal coliforms and other pollutants. In 2002 the state finally issued its first fines, which is nearly 20 years after it was suspected that biosolids were impacting the river from 1986 studies. There have also been other egregious and well-documented on-site violations as well. One must consider the fact that the nitrogen from this site has not only traveled beyond the compliance boundary and affected private wells it is also traveling well beyond that into the lower Neuse River and the Pamlico Sound. In 2007, the Neuse River was listed as one of the top ten endangered rivers. The Neuse Basinwide Plan just released this year and the Neuse Basin Oversight Committee for the Agricultural Rules have both indicated that our state is not meeting the mandatory 30 percent nitrogen reduction goals for the estuary and some university work indicates North Carolina is meeting only single digit reductions at best. Until the City of Raleigh develops a plan to offset this added nitrogen from groundwater with buffers, wetlands, stormwater controls or other means, it is inconceivable that the state would consider a variance of this kind and this request should be denied. It is inconceivable that the state would specify that the city be allowed to just monitor the nitrate under this variance. I believe that granting this variance is a violation of the state's own rules and am very disappointed that this request has gotten this far (Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601). Response: 2 09/14/07 DRAFT Commenter # 2: I represent a land development called the "Edge of Auburn, LLC" and in particular, Parcel Number 131 as identified on some of the maps submitted by the CORPUD. This parcel is to the west of the site. Our concern is that we are in the process of preparing an application for a subdivision with Wake County on this land. In this subdivision we intend to have on-site wastewater and, possibly, a community public water supply well system that will with approximately 130,000 gallons of water per day. Our site is just to the west of this tract of land. There is no way to know with certainty that these Iritrates cannot get into the same water- bearing aquifer that our proposed development will be using. Even though the permitted operations are downgradient from our site, the cone of_depression of this water well could end up drawing nitrates into the water supply well that we are considering for our development. The cone of depression can reach as significant distance away from our property (Russell Briggs, Engineer, Edge of Auburn -LCC, 2805_ Tobermory Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606). Response: Commenter# 3: I want note for the record that our firm and the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) has been working to address groundwater problems and issues at this site for five years with the Neuse River Foundation. It appears we have a misunderstanding about Mr. Naujoks concept of what constitutes an "offset" versus the city's idea. The variance specifies that the concept of the offset will charge the groundwater contribution against the City of Raleigh's allowable dischar ge under its NPDES Permit for its wastewater treatment plant is the same as it was when we proposed this to the Division of Water Quality five years ago . During the last five years, there has been a substantial reduction in the city's point source loading which far exceeds the amount of the calculated loading via nitrate from groundwater. We will continue discussions with Mr. Naujoks to see if we can clarify that issue. I am sorry he is disappointed in the proposal (Steven Levitas, Kilpatrick Stockton, 3737 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612). 3 09/14/07 DRAFT Response: Commenter# 4: Natural attenuation means to me that "we made a big mess and we want nature to clean it up". That can only happen over 30 to 40 years and that contamination will reside in the groundwater and the surface water in the area of this wastewater treatment plant. The Division of Water Quality should be concerned only with water quality not cost. When the City of Raleigh accepted this permit to operate this plant they also accepted the rules and regulations of the state of North Carolina. Now that there is a problem they want a variance to get around those rules and regulations. That is not right! (Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520). Response: B. Written Comments and Res ponses Submitted before October 5, 2007: Written Comment # 1: We oppose this variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) and believe the groundwater problems need to be corrected immediately. We have two wells on our property that are our sole source of drinking water and we are within 100 yards of wells that have already been contaminated. We are afraid that our wells may have been contaminated as well. We think your information in the public notice about "no active wells in the impacted area" is incorrect. (Edward Moody, Tippett's Chapel Free 4 09/14/07 DRAFT Will Baptist Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520, (919-553-7037)-Received on August 27, 2007). Response: Written Comment# 2: When the City of Raleigh accepted the permit to operate this plant they also accepted the rules and regulations of the state that go with the permit. The fact that the CORPUD has submitted a justification for natural attenuation should have not any weight. The only beneficiary of this is the city and that information came from them and those in their employ. Instead of trying to find ways around regulations they should be made to cleanup using existing rules. I want these questions answered: a. How long has the contamination condition existed? b. Why hasn't full public disclosure been made? c. Why is this variance application even being considered? d. Will there be a fine levied against the city for creating this condition? (Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 - Received on August 29, 2007). Response: Written Comment # 3: In response to the variance request the Neuse River Foundation is submitting to the Division of Water Quality a document from the Neuse River Foundation and it is titled "Profile of a Polluter". This document is a chronological history of compliance problems, distortions by officials, untrue claims, neglect, poor maintenance, construction 5 09/14/07 DRA FT problems, and lack of environmental stewardship at the CORPUD Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) and the EM Johnson Water Treatment Plant. Twelve years after plant construction of the NRWWTP and 10 years after plant administrators began spraying sludge on farm fields, city officials were being warned that nitrates from the spraying was leading into the groundwater. We have documented significant releases and spills into Neuse River leading to some of the largest fines in the state. We have documented here the chronology of groundwater quality problems that have impacted private wells and resulted in the need to abandon those wells and place people on city water. We believe management problems still exist and that extraordinary steps must be taken to prevent the current disregard of environmental laws from continuing. Our organization also submits a document dated June 30, 2003 that we had requested to go into the permit record but never appeared there. It is titled "Ralei Eili Waste Water Treatment Plant NC00290033". In this document the Neuse River Foundation is requesting a "no net increase" of nitrogen from entering the Neuse River. We also request that the city go beyond its 49 % reduction to offset contaminated groundwater in the Neuse River. We feel the city should be required to incorporate the findings for the groundwater study and develop a comprehensive river management plan by calculating the loading estimates entering the river and working to offset estimated nitrogen loading. The findings of the groundwater report should be used to determine the total nutrient-loading going into the Neuse River from the contaminated groundwater as wel1 as their effluent. Raleigh is a Nutrient Trading Coalition Member. The state needs to revisit its participation in this coalition. The bottom line is nutrients entering the river from contaminated groundwater are the product of waste treatment and mishandling of wastewater operations and the state has the authority to act on this. (Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 -Received on September 5, 2007). Response: 6 '-"..._,..l..'I...L '-.1..1...J' • _,._.1.~..1.. .. n,,"-' ..1..'-"-''1""-'0lo, .L•..L.._.lo'-"..l.Ll,l,.L.o.:J ]'-'""" .1..1"-'"-'~ .LI.V.L..L...l .L..L..L."-' 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Materials you need from me From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 20:16:50 -0400 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> Hello hearing officers and RRO Staff: Attached in word or two documents promised to you at the September 12th meeting. One of them is a listing of persons who attended the public hearing. It also includes all those who have submitted comments to us as of today. We are expecting more written comments from Dale Naujoks, Steven Levitas, and Dr. Showers. The other document is a summary of oral comments from the hearing and also includes a summary of the written comment we have as of today. Responses have been left blank so the RRO staff can recommend some technical responses to the hearing officers and any other things they want to send over ---as agreed. In conducting your work on this, the hearing officers should consider me their staff with respect to this. If anyone spots a correction or remembers something that is not included -call or email me. I will be in all next week. david hance 919-733-5083 1 Content-Type: CORPUDVariance-DraftCommentSummary.doc: J Content-Encoding: base64 application/msword Content-Type: application/msword : CORPUDvariance-listingofbearingandwrittencommenters.doc I Content-Encoding: base64 9/14/2007 8:16 PM DRAFT Public Hearing Attendance List and Written Comment Inventory 9/14/07 City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) Variance to Corrective Action Requirements under 15A NCAC 2L .0106/or Nitrate under Permit Number WQ0001730 at the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant Members of the Public who Registered Attendance at the September S, 2007 Public Hearin g : 1. Jerry Adams, 510 West Park Drive, Clayton, NC 27520 2. Carolyn Bachl, Attorney, Kilpatrick Stockton, 3737 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 400, Raleigh, NC 27612 3. Carl Bailey, 1205 Ligerly Lane, Cary, NC 27511 4. Clifton P. Baucom, Homeowner, 3005 Hickory Tree Place, Raleigh, NC 27610 5. William B. Baucom, Landowner, 7920 Old Baucom Road, Raleigh, NC 27610 6. Chad Blackmon, Engineer, Blackmon Engineering, 410 Aversboro Road, Garner, NC 27529 7. Russell Briggs, Engineer, Edge of Auburn -LCC, 2805 Tobermory Lane, Raleigh, NC 27606 8. Steven Brown, Tippett's Chapel FWB Church, 510 West Park Street/ 8517 Old Baucom Road, Clayton, NC 27520 9. Herbert Cash, Tippett's Chapel FWB Church, 16750 Buffaloe Road, Wendell, NC 27591 10. H. Dale Crisp, City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 11. Phillip Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 12. John Fountain, Professor, NC State University, Box 8208, Raleigh, NC 27693 13. Marti Gibson, Environmental Coordinator, City of Raleigh, PO Box 590, Raleigh NC 27602 14. Steven Levitas, Kilpatrick Stockton, 3737 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612 15. T. J. Lynch, WWTP Superintendent, City of Raleigh, PO Box 590, Raleigh NC, 27602 16. Ryke Longst, 1001 West South Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 17. Robert McLean, 1333 Pine Trial, Clayton, NC 27520 18. Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 19. Lee Ross, 2823 Shotwell Road, Raleigh, NC, 27610 20. Bill Showers, Professor, NCSU, Department MEAS, Raleigh, NC 27695 1 DRAFT 9/14/07 21. C. Stephen Smith, Landowner, Edge of Auburn -LCC, 3204 Brennan Drive, Raleigh, NC 27613 22. Les Strickland, Tippett's Chapel FWB Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520 23. James R, Strickland, Tippett's Chapel FWB Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520 24. Dr. Peter Thibodeau, ENSR, 7041 Old Wake Forest Road, Suite 103, Raleigh, NC 27616 25. Tim Woody, Rouse Superintendent, City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department, PO Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 26. Tom Worth, Jr., Attorney, Property Owners in Area, PO Box 1799, Raleigh, NC 27602 Division of Water Quality Staff in Attendance: 1. 2. 3. Andrew Pitner - Kathy Stecker - David Hance - Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Recorder 4. Jay Zimmerman -Raleigh Regional Office -Aquifer Protection Section Supervisor Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section 5. Rick Bolich - Staff (Technical Staff for the Variance Request) 6. Other Division of Water Quality Staff that attended the public hearin g: Heather Boyette Amy Keyworth Keith Larick Hannah Stallings Nikki Remington Elizabeth Kountis Nora Deamer Ted Bush Debra Watts Written Comment Received prior to October 5 , 2007: Kevin Bowden Michael Cunningham 1. Edward Moody, Tippett's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, 2530 Shotwell Road, Clayton, NC 27520, (919-553-7037) -Received on August 27, 2007. 2. Phillip N. Douglas, 413 Hardwood Ridge Court, Clayton, NC 27520 -Received on August 29, 2007. 3. Dean Naujoks, Upper Neuse River Keeper, Neuse River Foundation, 112 South Blount Street, Raleigh, NC 27601 -Received on October 5, 2007 at the public hearing; Additional comments received on 4. 2 DRAFT 9/13/07 Report & Checklist on Sep tember 12th Post Hearin g Meeting with the Hearing Officers: 1) 2) Information item for the EMC Groundwater Committee at the September 12, 2007 Meeting Presented f121 Done by RRO staff) Resp onding to written and oral comments: a. David Hance will get a listing of commenters and a "comment summary'' of verbal comments and written comments received thus far to the hearing officers by close of business on Friday, September 14 th • b. Regional Staff for the variance (Jay Zimmerman and Rich Bolich) will develop draft technical responses to comments, make recommendation on appropriate actions, and make recommendations regarding which comments are outside the scope of a variance request. c. Comments "outside the scope" are those comments not directly related to the variance request or cannot be imposed upon the property owned by CORPUD. d. If actions are taken by the City of Raleigh that may improve surface water quality, groundwater quality, or management practices at the facility the hearing officers may voice support for that with management and to the Commission if the action(s) have merit. e. The Hearing Officers (Kathy Stecker and Andrew Pitner) will review the comments, suggested staff responses, provide feedback to regional staff and incorporate final draft responses into the comment summary for management. Both regional staff and hearing officers will confer on this as we go with what comments we have. 3) Completing Hearing Officers Report: a. David Hance will send any written comments received this far to the hearing officers (Ill Done)' b. Andrew Pitner will send skeleton-nized version of the hearing officers report to the hearing officers, RRO staff, and David Hance (121 Dorie) c. David Hance will send an email to prompt staff and interested management about a possible second meeting of the hearing officers and staff, as we get closer to the date when the comment period closes. This is to iron out any final details for comment responses and the hearing officers report (Iii Done) CORPUD Variance Request -Permit Number WQ000l 730 DRAFT 9/13/07 d. David Hance will send Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and others copies of ( previous hearing officers reports for examination to determine if the format may be appropriate (Ill Dorie) e. Hearing officers will draft up a report based on what we discussed, attach any needed materials, and sign the report. Once it is ready, it will go on to David Hance to get this to the Division for concurrence prior to the DWQ EMC Submittal dates for the November 2007 EMC GWC and EMC Meetings . 4) Gettin g DWO Director's involvement: a. There is a very quick turn around time in our schedule to get the Director to sign- off on the variance due to the EMC submittal schedule for the November 2007 meeting. b. As of September 12 th Coleen's schedule for October 8th through October 11 th was open. c. The hearing officers & RRO staff think she should be briefed on the variance leading up to the October 5th close of public comment date. d. Management to approach Coleen very soon to see if she wants to be briefed. Alan Clark was suggested as the contact. Ted Bush would be kept informed of what happened with this contact. 5) In case we get si gnificant comments from the public on October 5th : a. Kathy, Andrew and Jay will meet with the Director if the volume or types of comments may upset the schedule to get the variance request to the EMC GWC in November 2007. CORPUD Variance Request-Permit Number WQ000l 730 ( ( DRAFT 9/13/07 Re port & Checklist on September 12 th Post Hearin g Meetin g with the Hearing Officers: 1) Information item for the EMC Groundwater Committee at the September 12, 2007 Meeting Presented (Ill Done by RRO staff) 2) Responding to written and oral comments: 3) a. David Hance will get a listing of commenters and a "comment summary" of verbal comments and written comments received thus far to the hearing officers by close of business on Fridav, September 14th • b. Regional Staff for the variance (Jay Zimmerman and Rich Bolich) will develop draft technical responses to comments, make recommendation on appropriate actions, and make recommendations regarding which comments are outside the scope of a variance request. c. Comments "outside the scope" are those comments not directly related to the variance request or cannot be imposed upon the property owned by CORPUD. d. If actions are taken by the City of Raleigh that may improve surface water quality, groundwater quality, or management practices at the facility the hearing officers may voice support for that with management and to the Commission if the action(s) have merit. e. The Hearing Officers (Kathy Stecker and Andrew Pitner) will review the comments, suggested staff responses, provide feedback to regional staff and incorporate final draft responses into the comment summary for management. Both regional staff and hearing officers will confer on this as we go with what comments we have. Completing Hearing Officers Report: a. David Hance will send any written comments received this far to the hearing officers (Ill Done) b. Andrew Pitner will send skeleton-nized version of the hearing officers report to the hearing officers, RRO staff, and David Hance (Iii Done) c. David Hance will send an email to prompt staff and interested management about a possible second meeting of the hearing officers and staff, as we get closer to the date when the comment period closes. This is to iron out any final details for comment responses and the hearing officers report (Iii Done) CORPUD Variance Request-Permit Number WQ0001730 DRAFT 4) 5) 9/13/07 d. David Hance will send Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and others copies of previous hearing officers reports for examination to determine if the format may be appropriate (fiZJ Done) e. Hearing officers will draft up a report based on what we discussed, attach any needed materials, and sign the report. Once it is ready, it will go on to David Hance to get this to the Division for concurrence prior to the DWQ EMC Submittal dates for the November 2007 EMC GWC and EMC Meetings . Gettin g DWO Director's involvement: a . There is a very quick tum around time in our schedule to get the Director to sign- off on the variance due to the EMC submittal schedule for the November 2007 meeting. b. As of September 12th Coleen's schedule for October 8th through October 11 th was open. c. The hearing officers & RRO staff think she should be briefed on the variance leading up to the October 5th close of public comment date. d. Management to approach Coleen very soon to see if she wants to be briefed. Alan Clark was suggested as the contact. Ted Bush would be kept informed of what happened with this contact. In case we get si gn ificant comments from the public on October 5 th : a. Kathy, Andrew and Jay will meet with the Director if the volume or types of comments may upset the schedule to get the variance request to the EMC GWC in November 2007. CORPUD Variance Request -Permit Number WQOOOI 730 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Schedule for the next Hearing Officer's Meeting. From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 15:17:08 -0400 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> Hello Hearin g Officers, RRO Staff and mana gement: The hearing officers and staff for the 2L variance request for City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department have sent me their available dates for meeting. I have looked over this information you have sent. The meetin g will be held as follows: Date: Monday, October 1, 2007 Time: 1 PM to 3 PM Place: Archdale Building, 14th Floor -Conference Room# 3 I have scheduled the room for us with DENR Administrative staff up on the 14th Floor. Note that Alan Clark has informed me that he can attend. This meeting will be to review the work we have done so far on the variance, any new comments that come in. As noted beforehand, we will hold this meeting contingent upon the need to do so. If you have questions -call me. David Hance, Env. Spec., DWQ-Planning 919733-5083 X. 587 9/14/2007 3:17 PM 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Packets dropped off today-comments From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 13:46:24 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Hello, I went by the RRO today and hand delivered you copies of some comments. The materials you have are as follows: 1. Comments from a private citizen -Phillip N. Douglas to the request received August 29th. 2. Written comments submitted by Dale Naujoks (Upper Neuse River Keeper) at the September 5th hearing: This included his "Profile of a Polluter" and a two page document hand dated 6/30/2003. Mr. Naujoks said to me at the hearing that the 6/30/2003 document was submitted to DWQ staff to be incorporated into comments about the permit but was left out of the record. The hearing officers should have these. The problem with the mail may be because our regular secretary has been out on surgical leave and we are fending for ourselves. david hance 919-733-5083 X, 587 9/14/2007 1:46 PM Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:15:21 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Hi David; Right now i am available any of the days that you listed. rb David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers:_* The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: * September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. * October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. * October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day. */If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007 . /* If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 x. 587 1 of 1 9/14/2007 10:15 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 11:07:03 -0400 To: "david.hance" <david.hance@ncmail.net> David - Don't wait on my availability to set up the meeting . Go ahead and set it up with all the other's availability and then I will attend. Thanks, Jeff Andrew Pitner wrote: My availability is also inserted into the list below (AHP-}. When I'm limited in the afternoons for a physical meeting, a conference call could go later (-4p} if I'm at the MRO. Andrew Alan Clark wrote: David, see may availability in red for the dates that Kathy is available. Alan Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available Sept. 24-26 all day afternoon all three days (AHP-24ok; 25-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30; 26-ok} Sept. 27 p.m. OK (AHP-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30} Sept. 28 a.m. OK (AHP-ok) Oct. 1 all day OK (AHP-ok) Oct. 2 p.m. OK (AHP-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30) Oct. 4 all day OK (AHP-can't meet, open all day on 10/5) -Kathy David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers:_* The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and 9/14/2007 11 :29 AM other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: * September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. * October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. * October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day. */If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. /* If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 x. 587 2 of2 9/14/2007 11:29 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 16:50:59 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> I am available: Sept. 24th, 26th and 28th Oct 1,2,4 and 5th Jay David Hance wrote: Hearin g Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWO Managers: The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates . (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: • September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. • October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. • October 4th and October 5th ----Available all day each day. If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM 011 Monday, October 17, 2007. If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. 9/13 /2007 5:07 PM 2 of2 * October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. * October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day. */If po.ssible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. /* If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 x. 587 Andrew Pitner, P.G . -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail .net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 9/14/2007 1:54 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:02:52 -0400 To: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net:>-, Debra Watts <de bra. watts@ncmail.net> My availability is also inserted into the list below (ARP-}. When I'm limited in the afternoons for a physical meeting, a conference call could go later (-4p) if I'm at the MRO. Andrew Alan Clark wrote: David, see may availability in red for the dates that Kathy is available. Alan Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available Sept. 24-26 all day afternoon all three days (ARP-24ok; 25-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30; 26-ok} Sept. 27 p.m. OK (AHP-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30) Sept. 28 a.m. OK (AHP-ok} Oct. 1 all day OK (AHP-ok) Oct. 2 p.m. OK (AHP-can't-be in Raleigh later than 2:30) Oct. 4 all day OK (ARP-can't meet, open all day on 10/5) -Kathy David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers:_* The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations cif the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: * September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. 9/14/2007 1:54 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Variance Request and proper address to send written comments From: wjshower@ncsu.edu Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:10:19 -0400 (EDT) To: "David Hance" <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Hi David, Thanks for your email. I am in South Africa this week and will return to NC next week. I will send you a summary next week if that is ok? Thanks for considering my input . Best regards, Bill Showers Dr . Showers, You will recall that you attended the public hearing for the variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department last week on October 5th . You said to me after the meeting you would be forwarding written comments to me before the close of the comment period. I found later that 2 of the 100 or so business cards that I had at the public hearing were outdated. So as to make sure your comments come to me on time ... Please send them to the following address: *David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617* If you need to contact me -call 733-5083 x. 587. David Hance Env. Spec. 9/14/2007 10:15 AM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: to answer Your Question From: jeff manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 15:42:49 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Thanks, David. David Hance wrote: The division of labor was worked out at the hearing officers meeting we had on the 12th of September. I am going to get comment summary of what we have right now to them and a listing of people who have expressed comments. Jay and Rick will look at the summary of oral comments and written comments we have on hand and make recommendations to the hearing officers. The hearing officers are working out the format of the hearing officers report. Andrew Pitner has already submitted a rough draft of a hearing officers report with some gaps that we need to fill. We anticipate getting more comment in the.next couple of weeks. They can use me as they need me to get this work ready. david hance x/ 587 *********************************************************************************** jeff manning wrote: David - Are you compiling the HO report for the Hearing Officers? Jeff David Hance wrote: * H ello Hearing Officers, RRO Staff and management:_ * The hearing officers and staff for the 2L variance request for City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department have sent me their available dates for meeting. I have looked over this information you have sent. * The meeting will be held as follows: * *Date: Monday, October 1, 2007 Time: 1 PM to 3 PM* *Place: Archdale Building, 14th Floor -Conference Room# 3* I have scheduled the room for us with DENR Administrative staff up on the 14th Floor. Note that Alan Clark has informed me that he can attend. This meeting will be to review the work we have done so far on the variance, any new comments that come in. As noted beforehand, we will hold this meeting contingent upon the need to do so. If you have questions -call me. David Hance, Env. Spec., DWQ-Planning 919733-5083 x. 587 9/14/2007 3:42 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next l].earing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:02:52 -0400 To: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jef£manning@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> My availability is also inserted into the list below (AHP-}. When I'm limited in the afternoons for a physical meeting, a conference call could go later (-4p} if I'm at the MRO. Andrew Alan Clark wrote: David, see may availability in red for the dates that Kathy is available. Alan Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available Sept. 24-26 all day afternoon all three days (AHP-24ok; 2s~can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30; 26-ok} Sept. 27 p.m. OK (AHP-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30} Sept. 28 a.m. OK (AHP-ok) Oct. 1 all day OK (AHP-ok} Oct. 2 p.m. OK (AHP-can't be in Raleigh later than 2:30} Oct. 4 all day OK (AHP-can't meet, open all day on 10/5) -Kathy David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers:_* The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out} The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM} for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: * September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. 9/14/2007 10:14 AM 2 of2 * October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. * October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day . */If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. /* If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come . Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 x . 587 Andrew Pitner, P.G. -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail .n e t Division of Water Qual ity -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Off i ce (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663 -1699 Direct Phone : (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 9/14/2007 10 :14 AM Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:15:21 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Hi David; Right now i am available any of the days that you listed. rb David Hance wrote: *_Hearing Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers:~* The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: * September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. * October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day . * October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day . */If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. /* If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend . David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 x. 587 1 of 1 9/14/2007 10:14 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUDVariance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 17:21:02 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> David, see may availability in red for the dates that Kathy is available. Alan Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available Sept. 24-26 all day afternoon all three days Sept. 27 p.m. OK Sept. 28 a.m. OK Oct. 1 all day OK Oct. 2 p.m. OK Oct. 4 all day OK -Kathy David Hance wrote: Hearin g Officers , Raleigh Re gional Office Staff, and DWQ Mana gers: The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result ofthis. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to GOmments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. 9/13/2007 5:24 PM 2 of2 Here are the dates that I , David Hance, am available: • September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. • October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. • October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day. lfpossible,please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 X. 587 9/13/2007 5:24 PM .&."'-'-'• _,..._, ... '-A ......,....., .,. __... ... _ ....... __ _ _ _._... __ _.... ........ t:,, --....... _ ....... ...._ __ ....... o -.-. .... --............. --........ 0··· 1 of2 ,., Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 17:21:02 -'0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> David, see may availability in red for the dates that Kathy is available. Alan Kathy Stecker wrote: I am available Sept. 24-26 all day afternoon all three days Sept. 27 p.m. OK Sept. 28 a.m. OK Oct. 1 all day OK Oct. 2 p.m. OK Oct. 4 all day OK -Kathy David Hance wrote: Hearin g Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Mana gers: The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed'. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. 9/14/2007 1:55 PM 2 of2 Here are the dates that I , David Hance, am available: • September 24th through 28th -----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. • October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. • October 4th and October 5th----Available all day each day. If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 X. 587 9/14/2007 1:55 PM 1 of 1 ·*Subject: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:31:46 -0400 To: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> Hearin g Officers, Raleigh Regional Office Staff, and DWQ Managers: The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff Here are the dates that I , David Hance, am available: • September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. • October 1st and October 2nd---Available all day each day. • October 4th and October 5th ----Available all day each day. If possible, please get hack to me 011 or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 X. 587 9/13 /2007 3 :32 PM Ke: L;UK.t'UU vanance -.:scneounng me nexi neanng mncers meenng ... 2 of2 If possible, please get back to me on or before 1 PM on Monday, October 17, 2007. If management wishes to participate or just sit in on a meeting you are welcome to come. Again, I would need your availability if you would want to attend. David Hance DWQ-Planning 919-733=5083 X. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kath y.Stecker@n cmail.net> ' Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/13/2007 5:08 PM -----· ------· -------------o --------------o ---------------o··· 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance -Scheduling the next hearing officers meeting-in case we need it From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:38:13 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, J ay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> I am available Sept. 24-26 all day Sept. 27 p.m. Sept. 28 a.m. Oct. 1 all day Oct. 2 p.m. Oct. 4 all day -Kathy David Hance wrote: Hearin g Officers , Raleigh Re gional Office Staff, and DWO Managers: The hearing officers and RRO staff will recall yesterday's Post-Hearing Meeting on the variance for the City of Raleigh. At that meeting, we decided to look into scheduling another meeting to address the hearing officers report, public comments and any other matters that come forth as a result of this. The meeting would be held if it is deemed needed. It was also felt that we need to schedule the next hearing officers meeting as close as possible to the date that the comment period for the variance ends .... which is October 5, 2007 .. As a recall -we had picked out the last week of September 2007 and the first week of October 2007 as a time frame to look at meeting dates. (Note that October 3rd is a supervisors meeting and that date should be considered out) The hearing officers and RRO staff are requested to provide a listing of the days and times (AM or PM) for which you can participate in a "tentative" meeting for the Hearing Officers and staff on this Variance Request. The necessity for actually having this meeting will be based on comments received, the need to iron out any responses to comments, and other considerations of the hearing officers and staff. Here are the dates that I, David Hance, am available: • September 24th through 28th-----I am available every day that week-I have nothing scheduled. • October 1st and October 2nd ---Available all day each day. • October 4th and October 5th ----Available all day each day. 9/13/2007 5:08 PM I of I Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Hearing Officers Meeting is set up for Wed. Sept. 12th at the Archdale Building (14th Floor) From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:41:58 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David, I'll be in my office at 704-235-2180 . Andrew David Hance wrote: Hi Everyone involved in the CORPUD variance, As you will know from lasts weeks email, your availability for a post hearing meeting with the hearing officers was requested. The hearing officers and technical staff that have worked on this variance request have provided information to me and we can set a date for this meeting. *_The meeting will be held as follows: * *Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Time: 9:30 AM to 12 Noon Place: Archdale Building, 14th Floor -Conference Room# 3* Andrew Pitner will be participating via conference call from the Mooresville Regional Office. The staff located in Raleigh will be attending the meeting. I will be in that room early that morning to get us all set up for the conference call with Andrew. * Note to Andrew: Could you provide me with the "call in" number that you will be at? *We will be getting our "game plan" together as to how to proceed on public comments that we have so far -bot~ written and those from the hearing and our schedule. If you have additional questions -Please feel free to contact me at 919-733-5083 x. 587. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 Andrew Pitner, P.G. -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 . 9/11/2007 10:20 AM 1 ofl Subject: Re: EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting: CORPUDVariance -Information sheet for staff presentation From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:28:39 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> That's helpful, David. Thanks for putting that together. rb David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, Attached in word is something to assist in the EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting . A little information sheet about the public hearing for the staff presenting the Informational Item# 4 about the CORPUD Hearing that was held on September 5th. It is useful as reference in developing your talk and in answering any questions you might get from the EMC GWC. I took this from the materials I have here. You will recall from the Deputy Director's Pre-Meeting that we want to keep it simple this time and not get too detailed since the EMC GWC and full Commission is scheduled to take action on this in November 2007. If you know of anything different than what is shown -get a hold of me . Hope this helps, David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 9/11/2007 3:35 PM .a..'-"'• '--".._,..a.,..... '-'.., • WJ..Ll,l..&.L...,..,, ......... --..-. ........ 0 ---------·-----o ----· --r -- 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Hearing Officers Meeting is set up for Wed. Sept. 12th at the Archdale Building (14th Floor) From: "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:23:58 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net> David, I do not plan to attend this meeting. lfl need to become involved or follow-up in some way, I will do so at a later time. Ted David Hance wrote: Hi Everyone involved in the CORPUD variance, As you will know from lasts weeks email, your availability for a post hearing meeting with the hearing officers was requested. The hearing officers and technical staff that have worked on this variance request have provided inforniation to me and we can set a date for this meeting. The meetin g will be held as follows: Date: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Time: 9:30 AM to 12 Noon Place: Archdale Building, 14th Floor -Conference Room# 3 Andrew Pitner will be participating via conference call from the Mooresville Regional Office. The staff located in Raleigh will be attending the meeting. I will be in that room early that morning to get us all set up for the conference call with Andrew. Note to Andrew: Could vou provide me with the "call in" number that ou will be at? We will be getting our "game plan" together as to how to proceed on public comments that we have so far -both written and those from the hearing and our schedule. If you have additional questions -Please feel free to contact me at 919-733-5083 x. 587. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 9/11/2007 2 :03 PM ~MC Grouadwater Committee Meeting: CORPUD Variance / Your q ... Subject: EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting: CORPUD Variance / Your question and Powerpoint From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11 :41 :20 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Jay, Here are m y thoughts below: 1. Your Questions: Here is my opinion. A powerpoint would communicate better than copies in that if the committee members have paper in front of them, they may pay more attention to that than what you are saying. They will not be taking action on this variance on September 12th. This presentation is to prepare them for the issue later. I believe that the key points in the presentation should be: a. What the variance is about and why it is needed, b. The summary of how the hearing went, and; c. What we are doing to address comments and make ready to bring this to the November EMC Groundwater Committee and Commission meetings. (Or more simply put: Where we have been, where we are now at, and where we are going). We are having a meeting with the hearing officers on Wed. September 12th at 9:30 AM. It may be good to share your comments there to get their feedback to help fine tune what you say. 2. Powerpoint: It sounds like you will need a projector. Question: Do you have one at the RRO you ca11 use? If not, I can get one from our stash at DWQ Planning. Please let me know as early as possible today•· if you will need one from us so I can check it out! David Hance 733-5083 X. 587 ******************************************************************************************~ Jay Zimmerman wrote: I assume we can make a brief Power Point presentation, correct? Or should we plan on handing out copies of the slides and just going through them? Or both? J David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, Attached in word is something to assist in the EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting. A little information sheet about the public hearing for the staff presenting the Informational Item # 4 about the CORPUD Hearing that was held on September 5th. It is useful as reference in developing your talk and in answering any questions you might get from the EMC GWC. I took this from the materials I have here . You will recall from the Deputy Director's Pre-Meeting that we want to keep it simple this time and not get too detailed since the EMC GWC and full Commission is scheduled to take action on this in EMC Gr~dwater Committee Meeting: CORPUD Variance / Your q ... November 2007. If you know of anything different than what is shown -get a hold of me. Hope this helps, David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 DRAFT 9/13/07 Report & Checklist on September 12th Post Hearing Meetin g with the Hearin g Officers: 1) Information item for the EMC Groundwater Committee at the Se ptember 12 . 2007 Meeting Presented (Ill Done by RRO staff) 2) Res ponding to written and oral comments: 3) a. David Hance will get a listing of commenters and a "comment summary'' of verbal comments and written comments received thus far to the hearing officers by close of business on Friday, September 14th • b. Regional Staff for the variance (Jay Zimmerman and Rich Bolich) will develop draft technical responses to comments, make recommendation on appropriate actions, and make recommendations regarding which comments are outside the scope of a variance request. c. Comments "outside the scope" are those comments not directly related to the variance request or cannot be imposed upon the property owned by CORPUD. d. If actions are taken by the City of Raleigh that may improve surface water quality, groundwater quality, or management practices at the facility the hearing officers may voice support for that with management and to the Commission if the action( s) have merit. e. The Hearing Officers (Kathy Stecker and Andrew Pitner) will review the comments, suggested staff responses, provide feedback to regional staff and incorporate final draft responses into the comment summary for management. Both regional staff and hearing officers will confer on this as we go with what comments we have. Completing Hearing Officers R ep ort: a. David Hance will send any written comments received this far to the hearing officers (Ill Done) b. Andrew Pitner will send skeleton-nized version of the hearing officers report to the hearing officers, RRO staff, and David Hance {Ill Done) c. David Hance will send an email to prompt staff and interested management about a possible second meeting of the hearing officers and staff, as we get closer to the date when the comment period closes. This is to iron out any final details for comment responses and the hearing officers report (Ill Done) CORPUD Variance Request-Permit Number WQOOOl 730 DRAFT 9/13/07 d. David Hance will send Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and others copies of previous hearing officers reports for examination to determine if the format may be appropriate (Ill Done) e. Hearing officers will draft up a report based on what we discussed, attach any needed materials, and sign the report. Once it is ready, it will go on to David Hance to get this to the Division for concurrence prior to the DWQ EMC Submittal dates for the November 2007 EMC GWC and EMC Meetings. 4) Gettin g DWO Director's involvement: 5) a. There is a very quick tum around time in our schedule to get the Director to sign- off on the variance due to the EMC submittal schedule for the November 2007 meeting. b. As of September 12th Coleen's schedule for October 8th through October 11 th was open. c. The hearing officers & RRO staff think she should be briefed on the variance leading up to the October 5th close of public comment date. d. Management to approach Coleen very soon to see if she wants to be briefed. Alan Clark was suggested as the contact. Ted Bush would be kept informed of what happened with this contact. In case we get si gnificant comments from the public on October 5th : a. Kathy, Andrew and Jay will meet with the Director if the volume or types of comments may upset the schedule to get the variance request to the EMC GWC in November 2007. CORPUD Variance Request-Permit Number WQ000l 730 \ '.,lV.lL-\J!UWlUWi:I.LCil VUUil!llLL.c;c; .LV.lVCiLlll!,• VV.L'-.C UL' Y aJ..lQ.il\.,i;; I .L UW I.fa.• ~ject: EMC Groundwarer Committee Meeting: CORPUD Variance/ Your question and Powerpoint From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11 :41 :20 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Jay, Here are m y thoug hts below: 1. Your Questions: Here is my opinion. A powerpoint would communicate better than copies in that if the committee members have paper in front of them, they may pay more attention to that than what you are saying. They will not be taking action on this variance on September 12th. This presentation is to prepare them for the issue later. I believe that the key points in the presentation should be: a. What the variance is about and why it is needed, b. The summary of how the hearing went, and; c. What we are doing to address comments and make ready to bring this to the November EMC Groundwater Committee and Commission meetings. (Or more simply put: Where we have been, where we are now at, and where we are going). We are having a meeting with the hearing officers on Wed. September 12th at 9:30 AM. It may be good to share your comments there to get their feedback to help fine tune what you say. 2. Powerpoint: It sounds like you will need a projector. Question: Do you have one at the RRO you ca11 use? If not, I can get one from our stash at DWQ Planning. Please let me know as early as possible today•· if you will need one from us so I can check it out! David Hance 733-5083 X. 587 ******************************************************************************************~ Jay Zimmerman wrote: I assume we can make a brief Power Point presentation, correct? Or should we plan on handing out copies of the slides and just going through them? Or both? -J David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, Attached in word is something to assist in the EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting. A little information sheet about the public hearing for the staff presenting the Informational Item # 4 about the CORPUD Hearing that was held on September 5th. It is useful as reference in developing your talk and in answering any questions you might get from the EMC GWC. I took this from the materials I have here. You will recall from the Deputy Director's Pre-Meeting that we want to keep it simple this time and not get too detaile~ since the EMC GWC and full Commission is scheduled to take action on this in 9/11/2007 11:41 AM .J.'-.\,.,. ~'-J.l."-..1. U.J.J V UJ..LU,.LLV,._,. ~'-'1,11,.1...1..l,5 U. '-Su..L.LI.V .I. .Ll,I..LI. IA-'E:,VIJ....l.""'.L "'-' Ll,~'U,..1.VOO 11..&.U,.,, •• 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Getting a "Game Plan" together to address the staff work load to complete DWQ Work on the 2L Variance Request From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 08:25:31 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> David, I am available any day with the exception of the 12th at this point. If everyone can make it, it may be a good idea to meet prior to the GW Committee meeting, then attend it to see if we can get a preliminary read concerning the committee's response. Jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers, Technical Staff, Management, and other interested staff: There have been discussions up here in the Archdale Building as to how to proceed with the work load for the City of Raleigh Variance Request in light of what we have received so far from the Public Notice & Public Hearing. The Director believes that based on what we have received thus far, we can move this variance to the Environmental Management Commission at the November 2007 meeting. It is believed by management at the Planning Section that the best way to proceed is to schedule either a meeting or a conference call as soon as possible on this variance to discuss responsibilities, "division oflabor", submittal dates for deliverable items, and the process to accomplish our staff work on this in light of the tight time frames we are working under. Therefore, you are requested to provide the date and times that you can be either at a meeting here in Raleigh or a conference call between Tuesday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 18th. Please send that information to me via email. If you have questions contact me. Note that I, David Hance, am available as follows: • September 11th, 14th, 17th, and 18th: All day • September 12th: From 9 AM to 1 :30 PM and from 4 PM to 5 PM or later. • September 13th: Anytime after 10 AM. Note also that the EMC Groundwater Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, Sept~mber 12, 2007 between 2 PM and 4 PM. If the hearing officers and technical staff can be here at the Archdale '1 Building either earlier in the day or after 4 PM, we may be able to hold that meeting/conference call 9/10/2007 9:50 AM Ke: CUKPUV vanance: uettmg a "uame t'lan" togetner to aaoress me ... 2 of2 that day since staff will be present at the Groundwater Committee meeting . In addition, note the attachment dated today that I have sent you here. This attached document is a 'Proposed Schedule' of activities that I have worked up. This schedule is for discussion purposes only at this point and would be a something for us to examine prior to meeting. It is critical that Jay Zimmerman, Rick Bolich, Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and Myself attend this meeting. Certainly having other staff including managements' perspectives would be helpful as well If possible, please let me know your availability for a meeting/conference call As Soo,i As Possible. David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Jay.Zimmerman@n cmail.net> Environmetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/ Aquifer Protection Section 9/10/2007 9 :50 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Getting a "Gatne Plan" together to address the staff work load to complete DWQ Work on the 2L Variance Request From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 15:07:58 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> . CC: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@nc~ail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <j eff.manning@ncmail.net> I can be available on the 12th (all day, before and/or after the Committee meeting time). If you need other dates, please let me know. Thanks . -Kathy Andrew Pitner wrote: Hi Folks, I'd prefer to participate via conference call and I'm available at the following times: 9/11 -open before 10:30a and after lp 9/12 -open until -3:15p 9/13 -open until -4:00p 9/14 -open all day 9/17 & 18 -not available either day Andrew Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I am available any day with the exception of the 12th at this point. If everyone can make it, it may be a good idea to meet prior to the GW Committee meeting, then attend it to see if we can get a preliminary read concerning the committee's response. Jay David Hance wrote: _Hello Hearing Officers, Technical Staff, Management, and other interested staff: There have been discussions up here in the Archdale Building as to how to proceed with the work load for the City of Raleigh Variance Request in light of what we have received so far from the Public Notice & Public Hearing. The Director believes that based on what we have received thus far, we can move this var iance to the Environmental Management Commission at the November 2007 meeting . It is believed by management at the Planning Section that the best way to proceed isto schedule either a meeting or a conference call as soon as possible on this variance to discuss responsibilities, "division of labor", submittal dates for deliverable items, and the process to .accomplish our staff work on this in light of the tight time frames we are working under . *_Therefore, you are requested to provide the date and times that you can be either at a meeting here in Raleigh or a conference call between Tuesday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 18th. * Please send that information to me via email. If you have questions contact me. Note that I, David Hance, am available as follows: * September 11th, 14th, 17th, and 18th: All day ..? 9/10/2007 3 .. 0-t; * September 12th: From 9 AM to 1:30 PM and from 4 PM to 5 PM or later. * September 13th: Anytime after 10 AM. Note also that the EMC Groundwater Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 between 2 PM and 4 PM. If the hearing officers and technical staff can be here at the Archdale-Building either earlier in the day or after 4 PM, we may be able to hold that meeting/conference call that day since staff will be present at the Groundwater Committee meeting. In addition, note the attachment dated today that I have sent you here. This attached document is a 'Proposed Schedule' of activities that I have worked up. This schedule is for discussion purposes only at this point and would be a something for us to examine prior to meeting. It is critical that Jay Zimmerman, Rick Bolich, Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and Myself attend this meeting. Certainly having other staff including managements' perspectives would be helpful as well */If possible, please let me know your availability for a meeting/conference call As Soon As Possible. I* David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kathy .Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 9/10/2007 3:30 PM Ke: CV.Kt'UU vanance: vemng a ·vame .nan-· wgemer w auaress me ... 1 of2 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Getting a "Grune Plan" together to address the staff work load to complete DWQ Work on the 2L Variance Request From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 09:06:00 -0400 To: JayZimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr.11 <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <alan.clark@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Hi Folks, I'd prefer to participate via conference call and I'm available at the following times: 9/11 -open before 10:30a and after lp 9/12 -open until -3:lSp 9/13 -open until -4:00p 9/14 -open all day 9/17 & 18 -not available either day Andrew Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, I am available any day with the exception of the 12th at this point. If everyone can make it, it may be a good idea to meet prior to the GW Committee meeting, then attend it to see if we can get a preliminary read concerning the committee's response. Jay David Hance wrote: Hello Hearing Officers, Technical Staff, Management, and other interested staff; There have been discussions up here in the Archdale Building as to how to proceed with the work load for the City .of Raleigh Variance Request in light of what we have received so far from the Public Notice & Public Hearing._ The Director believes that based on what we have received thus far, we can move this variance to the Environmental Management Commission at the November 2007 meeting. It is believed by management at the Planning Section that the best way to proceed is to schedule either a meeting or a conference call as soon as possible on this variance to discuss responsibilities, "division of labor", submittal dates. for deliverable items, and the process to accomplish our staff work on this in light of the tight time frames we are working under. * Therefore, you are requested to provide the date and times that you can be either at a meeting here in Raleigh or a conference call between Tuesday, September 11th and Tuesday, September 18th. * Please send that information to me via email. If you have questions contact me. Note that I, David Hance, am available as follows: * September 11th, 14th, 17th, and 18th: All day * September 12th: From 9 AM to 1:30 PM and from 4 PM to 5 PM or later. * September 13th: Anytime after 10 AM. Note also that the EMC Groundwater Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 between 2 PM and 4 PM. If the hearing officers and 9/10/2007 9:51 AM Ke: CU.Kl'UlJ vanance: Uettmg a "Uame .t'lan" together to address the ... 2 of2 technical staff can be here at the Archdale Building either earlier in the day or after 4 PM, we may be able to hold that meeting/conference call that day since staff will be present at the Groundwater Committee meeting. In addition, note the attachment dated today that I have sent you here. This attached document is a 'Proposed Schedule' of activities that I have worked up . This schedule is for discussion purposes only at this point and would be a something for us to examine prior to meeting. It is critical that Jay Zimmerman, Rick Bolich, Kathy Stecker, Andrew Pitner and Myself attend this meeting. Certainly having other staff including managements' perspectives would be helpful as well */If possible, please let me know your availability for a meeting/conference call As Soon As Possible. /* David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Sectton 919-733-5083 x. 587 Andrew Pitner, P. G. -Andrew. J::>it:_:rier@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 9/10/2007 9:51 AM J. \.lf,U.J. Ul.U.,O David Hance Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 2 of 2 9/10/2007 9:52 AM I DRAFT -September 7, 2007 Proposed Schedule for Work Load on the City of Raleigh CORPUD Variance Request DATE ACTIVITY DONE Staff sends memorandum to the Division of Public Health DONE DWQ APS Regional Office Discussions with DPH staff on the variance. DONE DONE Staff gets hearing location and date set up DONE Staff gets public notice and Director's memorandum written up for management review. DONE Send materials up for the Director's review for completeness per 15A NCAC 2L .0l 13(d). DONE DWQ Planning Gets Rudo's responses back from him. Get the Director's review for completeness per 15A NCAC 2L DONE .0l 13(d). The Director must sign the ,2ublic notice -to go forward with this. DONE Get the notice filed with the newspaper legal ads -prefer publishing date of August 5, 2007. This has to go through Budget. DONE Mail out to Adjacent Property Owners. Public Hearing held in the evening at 7 PM in the Ground Floor DONE Hearing Room to receive oral and written comments. Comment (September 5, 2007) Period Begins. DONE Written Comments submitted at hearing sent on to hearing (September 7, 2007) officers. Email sent to Hearing Officers and Technical Staff about a September 7, 2007 "Post-Hearing Meeting" t o di cuss workflow and staff responsibilities. This email proposes a conference call or meetin~ between Sep tember 11 th and September 18th. EMC Groundwater Committee Information Item on the September 12, 2007 CORPUD Variance at the 9/12/07 EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting (Jay and Rick). DWQ Planning Staff gets Oral Comments frf:)m the hearing & September 14, 2007 Written Comments summarized and sent on to hearing officers and technical staff. DWQ Planning Staff gets the Address List of Public Hearing September 14, 2007 participants completed and emailed to hearing officers and technical staff. For discussion with the Hearing Officers and Staff 1 DRAFT -September 7, 2007 Prop osed Schedule for the Work Load on the City of Raleigh CORPUD Variance Re q uest (Continued) DATE ACTIVITY Sep tember 21, 2007 All comments addressed and technical res ponses comp leted. September 26, 2007 Responses to comments completed and documented as an attachment to the report. September 28, 2007 Tentative Final Hearing Officers' report completed by hearing officers with management a pproval. October 3, 2007 Technical Meeting of Hearing Officers and DWQ-APS staff to iron out last minute details (N ecessa rv·?) October 5, 2007 Comment Period ENDS. *October 6th through October ih Any final work on Written Comments conducted over the (This is a weekend) weekend. Discuss any final written comments received on October 5, October 8, 2007 in the AM 2007 with the hearing officers and technical staff (if (morning) necessary). /(there are no signifi cant concerns raised in the comment. then oroceed throu 2h the rest o f this schedule. * October 8, 2007 in the PM Groundwater Committee Packet with Hearing Officers (afternoon) Report to the Director for concurrence to the go to the Groundwater Committee for the November 7, 2007 Meeting. * • October 9, 2007 Director gives concurrence to the hearing officer recommendations and rep ort (ONE DAY). • October 9, 2007 CORPUD Variance Agenda Item Titles Due to the DWQ- Administration (Lois Thomas) • October 10, 2007 Full Agenda Items Due with attachments including the hearing officer's report and comments (Lois Thomas). October 10, 2007 All EMC Groundwater Committee Paperwork is completed. October 22, 2007 DWQ Planning Sends out EMC Groundwater Committee Packet with Variance req uest members. October 22, 2007 Division Administration sends out the EMC Packet. •November 7, 2007 EMC Groundwater Committee Approval. (30 Day Waiver Not Deemed Needed by DWQ Director) •November 8, 2007 Full EMC A pproval November 12, 2007 Letter is Written and Sent Informing die Applicant of (1) Approval and Conditions for a Variance or, (2) Denial by the Commission. Final Day for the applicant to file a Contested Case if the January 7, 2008 Commission's Decision of Unacceptable (60 Days from Decision Made at the Commission meeti1111:) For discussion with the Hearing Officers and Staff 2 DRAFT -September 7, 2007 * -Events that must happen or completing work on the variance request will be delayed. • -Filing dates for the EMC Groundwater Committee meeting are identical to Commission deadlines unless DWQ-Planning Section grants an extension. • -An EMC Groundwater Committee meeting and EMC meeting must happen in November 2007 or final action on the variance request will be delayed. The scheduled meetings that follow are in March 2008, May 2008, and July 2008 . For discussion with the Hearing Officers and Staff 3 1 of 1 Subject: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th From: David Hance <l)avid.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 16:55:31 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the he;rring officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: Here are their names: Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver(?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. Jay --I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to vou and Rick. We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than nonnal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). We will need a 'doorman' to let peo ple into the building before the hearin g. Volunteers? If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but ----there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? It can't hurt and the more the merrier:) Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 8/30/2007 6:12 PM CO.KPU!J vanance Kequest: mrormauon suorrmLt:u oy wt: \.,HY vi .&.<11. •• 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Information submitted by the City of Raleigh at the hearing two nights back (FYI) From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 15:41:58 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <j eff.manning@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Hello Hearing Officers, After the hearing was over, Carolyn Bachl, the Attorney's Office representing the City of Raleigh on this Variance Request, forwarded to me an updated packet of information for the variance request. The main things they told me are updated maps and figures for the site. It looks like I have three copie$ of it. What I will do is keep one here for staff. I will send the other two on to the hearing officers for reference and discussion. Andrew will get his through the Courier mail. Kathy will get hers dropped off at her office . David Hance . DWQ Planning 919-733-5083 X 587 RP· r;i--,, of Raleigh Groundwater 2L Variance Hearing Tonight on Sept 5th: Staff attending ... 1 of2 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Groundwater 2L Variance Hearing Tonight on Sept 5th: Staff attending & participating From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:23 :23 -0400 To: Nora Deamer <nora.deamer@ncmail.net> CC: Jay.Zirnmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan. Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Nora, I hope this helps. We had the Division of Water Quality Pre-Meeting for the September 2007 EMC Groundwater Committee this morning . The plan is to have this go to the EMC Groundwater Committee and EMC in November 2007. Coleen was at the meeting and wants staff to push for the November 2007 meeting. Unless something really unusual occurs, such as as different written comment received by October 5th than what was presented at the hearing last night, it should be assumed that we will be on schedule for November 2007 . David Hance 919-733-5083 x. 587 ************************************************************************************ Nora Deamer wrote: Hi David, I think things went very well last night . I expected to hear from many more folks. I'm updating the information in the basin plan about the variance. Do you have a feel for when this issue will make it before the EMC for consideration? Thanks Nora David Hance wrote: Hello all, Here is the listing of people attending the public hearing for the 2L Variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) variance request for the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment System: _*Hearing Officers:* Andrew Pitner (DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section (APS) -Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker (DWQ-Planning Section) 9/6/2007 10:24 A ~e: City of Raleigh C-·water 2L Variance Hearing Tonight on Sept 5th: Staff attending ... of2 *_Raleigh Regional Office Staff:_* Jay Zimmerman (DWQ-APS RRO Supervisor) Rick Bolich (DWQ-APS hydrogeologist who serves as technical staff for variance) *_DWQ Staff Assisting with the setup, registrations, and the public hearing this evening: * Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings (depending on how long her contract with the real estate agent goes) Nora Deamer Elizabeth Kountis Amy Keyworth Nikki Remington Keith Larick (Raleigh Regional Office and will be observing the hearing) * DWQ Aquifer Protection Section Staff -Central Office: * No word yet on who will be attending and/or helping with-this hea r ing. In addition, Jay Zimmerman has informed me that the consultants for the City or Raleigh will be arriving early at 6:30 PM to help in the setup for the variance hearing. *Question: Anyone else in either the DWQ/Planning Section or the DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section want to join in tonight's event?* Again, we will be meeting at the Ground Floor Hearing Room in the Archdale Building at 6:30 PM and the hearing will begin at 7:00 PM . David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 9/6/2007 10:24 AM 1 of2 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Groundwater 2L Variance Hearing Tonight on Sept 5th: Staff attending & participating From: Nora Deamer <nora.deamer@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 10:52:58 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Thanks David, I didn't expect it to be so quick. Nora David Hance wrote: Nora, I hope this helps . We had the Division of Water Quality Pre-Meeting for the September 2007 EMC Groundwater Committee this morning. The plan is to have this go to the EMC Groundwater Committee and EMC in November 2007. Coleen was at the meeting and wants staff to push for the November 2007 meeting. Unless something really unusual occurs, such as as different written comment received by October 5th than what was presented at the hearing las t night, it should be assumed that we will be on schedule for November 2007. David Hance 919-733-5083 x. 587 *********************************************************************************** Nora Deamer wrote: Hi David, I think things went very well last night. I expected to hear f r om many more folks. I'm updating the information in the basin plan about the variance . Do you have a feel for when this issue will make it before the EMC for consideration? Thanks Nora David Hance wrote: Hello all, Here is the listing of people attending the public hearing for the 2L Variance for the City of Raleigh Public Utilities Department (CORPUD) variance request for the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment System: *Hearing Officers:* Andrew Pitner (DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section (APS) -Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker (DWQ-Planning Section) * Raleigh Regional Office Staff: * Jay Zimmerman (DWQ-APS RRO Supervisor) Rick Bolich (DWQ-APS hydrogeologist who serves as technical staff for variance) * DWQ Staff Assisting with the setup, registrations, and the public hearing this evening :_* 9/6/2007 12:27 PM 2 of2 Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings (depending on how long her contract with the real estate agent goes) Nora Deamer Elizabeth Kountis Amy Keyworth Nikki Remington Keith Larick (Raleigh Regional Office and will be observing the hearing) * DWQ Aquifer Protection Section Staff -Central Office: * No word yet on who will be attending and/or helping withthis hearing. In addition, Jay Zimmerman has informed me that the consultants for the City or Raleigh will be arriving early at 6:30 PM to help in the setup for the variance hearing. *Question: Anyone else in either the DWQ/Planning Section or the DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section want to join in tonight's event?* Again, we will be meeting at the Ground Floor Hearing Room in the Archdale Building at 6:30 PM and the hearing will begin at 7:00 PM. David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-5083 x. 587 9/6/2007 12:27 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Final Hearing officers speech (attached) From: ''Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net" <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 17 :30: 17 -0400 (EDT) To: <David.Hance@ncmail.net> David, thanks. Did you accept all changes? I printed out what I had before I left work today (accepting all changes). I don't think I'll be able to print again till Wednesday afternoon. Just wanted to make sure I have the right version. -Kathy 9/4/2007 2:06 PM 1 of2 Subject: staff help and thanks From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:39:58 -0400 To: Amy Keyworth <Amy.Keyworth@ncmail.net> I will have plenty of innocuous things to choose from : ) I will put you down. Please come at 6:30 PM. davidhance &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Amy Keyworth wrote: David, I told Rick that I'd come, but, this being my first, I didn't realize you were the organizer. (Your earlier message went so far to the back of my brain it may not see daylight again). Anyway, it's on my calendar. What time do you need us there? I'd like to help with something innocuous, like registration, since this is my first ever hearing. Thanks, Amy David Hance wrote: Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: Here are thei r names: Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver(?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. Jay --I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to y ou and Rick. We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). We will need a 'doorman' to let peo ple into the building before the hearing. Volunteers? 8/31/2007 12:44 PM 2 of2 If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but ----there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. Any one else want to volunteer a Wednesday evenin g? It can't hurt and the more the merrier:) Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 8/31/2007 12:44 PM 1 of2 Subject: Variance hearing and thanks From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:41:23 -0400 To: Nikki Remington <Nikki.Remington@NCMail.net> Nikki, Please show up at 6:30 PM and I will fill you in then. Thank you very much! david hance &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Nikki Remington wrote: Hi David, I've decided to attend the hearing Wed night so if you need any additional help I will be available. Just let me know what you need me to do. Nikki David Hance wrote: Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: * Here are their names: * Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver (?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APB Central Office. *Jay-*-_ I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to you and Rick. _We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). We will need a 'doorman' to let people into the building before the hearing. *Volunteers? * If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some'. */For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. /* * _Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening·? more the merrier *It can't hurt and the Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help . David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 8/31/2007 12:44 PM . ---------- --·---o -----··--I 733-5083 x. 587 2 of2 8/31/2007 12:44 PM Subject: Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th]] From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:41:59-0400 To; Keith Larick <keith.larick@ncmail.net> Ok -thanks!dh If you can come at 6:30 PM that would be good! dh Keith Larick wrote: David, I'm planning on attending, so that makes one more from RRO . ·Thanks, Keith Subject: [Fwd: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th] From: Rick Bolich <r i ck.bolich®ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 07:59:29 -0400 To: Jimmie Greer <j immie.greer@ncmail.net>, Keith Larick <Keith .Larick@ncmail.net>, Joseph Gyamfi <Josep h.Gy amfi@ncmail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Ed Owen <Ed.Owen@ncmail.net>, Jane Bernard <Jane.Bernard@ncmail.net>, Eric Rice <eric.rice@ncmail.net>, Rich Hayes <richarc:r:--d-.-hayes@ncmail.net>, Martin Richmond <martin.richmond@ncmail.net>, Buster Towell <buster.towell@ncmail.net> To: Jimmie Greer< immie. reer@ncmail.net>, Keith Larick <Keith.Larick@ncmail.net>, Joseph Gyamfi <Jose p h.Gy amfi@ncmail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Ed Owen <Ed.Owen@ncmail.net>, Jane Bernard ~ne.Bernard@ncmail.net>, Eric Rice~ric.rice@ncmail.net>, Rich Hayes <richard._~...:_~ayes@ncmail.net>, Martin Richmond <martin.richmond@ncmail.net>, Buster Towell <buster .towell@ncmail.net> Subject: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 16:55:31 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.p ls.dwg @ncmail .net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr ." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Jay .Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr. ls.dw@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr ." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Jay .Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich 1 of 2 8/31/2007 12:44 PM 2 of2 <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: * Here are their names: * Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver (?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. *Jay-*-_ I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to you and Rick. _We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). We will need a 'doorman' to let people into the building before the hearing. *Volunteers? * If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. */For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. I* *_Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? the merrier *It can't hurt and the more Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 8/31/2007 12:44 PM 1 of2 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:42:54 -0400 To: Heather Patt <Heather.Patt@ncmail.net> You are right --it was Nora. Thank You! david hance ********************************************************* Heather Patt wrote: HI David, I don't remember saying I would help out, but if you really need me to I can, maybe it was Nora you were thinking about ... pending her Jury duty outcome. At this point I'm not planning on attending as I have info to prepare for EMC pre-meeting the following day. thanks, Heather Patt David Hance wrote: Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: * Here are their names: * Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver(?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. *Jay-*-_ I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to you and Rick. _We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police {SCP). We will need 'a 'doorman' to let people into the building before the hearing. *Volunteers? * If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but there is always that possibility since it is an emotional .issue for some. */For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. /* *_Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? more the merrier *It can't hurt and the Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 8/31/2007 12:43 PM 2 of2 8/3 1/2007 12:43 PM 1 of3 Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]]]] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:40:46 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Pleai;i,e see the attached message sent to the City of Raleigh's consultant regarding the Tippett's Chapel message and similar requests/concerns. We have not received a response from the City's consultant yet. rb Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]]] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:00:20 -0400 To: "Thibodeau, Peter" <pthibodeau@ensr.aecom.com> CC: Dale Crisp <Dale.Crisp@ci.raleigh.nc.us>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JA Y.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net> Hey Pete; Please see the attached forwarded message from the pastor at Tippett's Chapel on Shotwell Road. He claims that the church's water supply wells are within 100 yards of contaminated wells that were replaced with Raleigh city water. I do not believe that is accurate, but i wanted to check with you before we prepare any type of response. This issue has come up several times; that is, people who claim that their well may be contaminated by the City due to their location. It would be very helpful to us at the upcoming public hearing if we could display a figure showing the location of all homes that have been tested by the City, those homes with elevated Nitrate in their well, and the location of the water supply line. Perhaps color coding would help identify these residences and their water supply status. I'm in the process of preparing a presentation for the upcoming public hearing for the variance. My presentation will be a brief description of the site, the history of the problem, and recommendations from the Division regarding the variance. In addition to the figure requested above, we would like to have electronic and paper copies of the following figures from the Revised Corrective Action Plan: Figure 1-2 "Proposed Remediation Plan and Variance Areas" Figure 1-3 "Nitrate Analytical Results" Figure 2-1 "Conceptual Layout of Extraction Wells ...... " (electronic version only for this figure} We believe it may be helpful to have the requested hard copy figures mounted on a presentation media for display at the public hearing . Please call or email me if you have any questions or comments. Thanks; rb 8/30/2007 10:09 AM 2 of3 Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]] From: Jay Zimmerman <j ay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:53:23 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> fyi Subject: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo] From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:42:01 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> A comment concerning the variance request. dh Subject: Notice of variance memo From: Eddie Moody <elmoody@mindspring.com> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:21:08 -0400 (GMT-04:00) To: david.hance@ncmail.net August 27, 2007 David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Permit Number WQ0001730 Dear Mr. Hance: We have received your memo regarding the variance application for cleanup at the city of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Your memo indicates that there are no active wells in the impacted area. We have two wells on our property that are our sole source of drinking water. We are concerned about the water quality of our wells because they are within 100 yards of wells that have been contaminated and placed on public water systems. We are afraid that our wells may have been contaminated as well. We oppose any variances or exceptions for the city of Raleigh to fail to comply with all water regulations. We believe that the ground water problem needs to be corrected immediately. Sincerely, Edward Moody Pastor Tippett's Chapel 8/30/2007 10:09 AM .._,....., ............ ._,......, • _ ... ....._ ... _._, ........................... --.... ......... 0 -...... ____ -r----,---------✓ 1 of-1 Subject: CORPUD Variance: Final Hearing officers speech (attached) From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 14:52:37 -0400 To: kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> CC: J ay.Zimmennan@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> Hi Kathy and Andrew: I have taken your changes and placed them into the Hearing Officers' speech for the September 5th hearing. Please read and be familiar with this. In the mean time, I have been lining up staff to assist in this public hearing and it would appear that I am getting good response. Have a nice day offl d~vid hance 733-5083 X. 587 ..-----====== Fin-corpudSpeech WQ000l 730.doc Content-Type: applic~tion/msword11 Content-Encoding: base64 · 8/31/2007 2 :53 PM .... ---~J"""''"'"'--... .... -_..__._r ....... r .............. ------------0' ·· -:i---·--- 1 of2 Subject: Projector and Laptop for CORPUD Hearing/w question From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:37:27 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Robin.Markham@ncmail.net, Linda Chavis <Linda.Chavis@ncmail.net> Rick, I have Projector# 3 checked out from Planning for September 5th. Q. Are you going to bring your own laptop? Just in case --I checked out Laptop # 1 from Planning. davidhance 733=5083 X. 587 !&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Rick Bolich wrote: Hi David; I'm going to need a powerpoint projector for my presentation. Is there one available in planning that i could borrow? Thanks; rb David Hance wrote: Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: * Here are their names: * -- Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver(?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. *Jay-*-_ I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to you and Rick._ We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and 8/31/2007 12:44 PM rIUJC~lUI i:lllU Laptop lUl vV.1\..r ULJ IlCc:lUU~ w y_uc;:suuu 2 of2 there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP)._ We will need a 'doorman' to let people into the building before the hearing. *Volunteers? * _If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but ----there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. */For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. I* *_Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? _ *It can't hurt and the more the merrier : ) Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 8/31/2007 12:44 PM Final Version (08/31/07) Public Hearing-Variance Request September 5, 2007 Variance to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) and 15A NCAC 2L .0106(j) City of Raleigh Public Utility Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP)@ 8500 Battle Bridge Road, Wake County, North Carolina (Permit Number WQOOOJ730) HEARING LOCATED AT: City of Raleigh Archdale Building -Ground Floor Hearing Room 512 North Salisbury Street -(at 7:00 PM) HEARING OFFICER'S SPEECH HEARING OFFICERS: Andrew Pitner, Division of Water Quality, Regional Groundwater Supervisor (Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker, Division of Water Quality, Planning Section - Modeling and TMDL Unit Supervisor HEARING OFFICER KATIIY STECKER: GOOD EVENING, I CALL THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER. MY NAME IS KA THY STECKER AND I AM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -MODELING/TMDL UNIT SUPERVISOR. TO MY (right or left) IS MR. ANDREW PITNER. HE IS THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL AQUIFER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR IN THE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE. WE HA VE BEEN DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICERS FOR THIS EVENING'S HEARING. 1 Final Version (08/31/07) THIS HEARING IS BEING HELD PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 150B,21.2. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL STATUTES, A PUBLIC NOTICE OF THIS HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH 15A NCAC 2L .0113 OF THE GROUNDWATER RULES AND GENERAL NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN IN THE LOCAL PAPER. NOTICES WERE ALSO DISTRIBUTED TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, WELL OWNERS, AND PROPERTY HOLDERS WITHIN AND NEAR THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED VARIAN CE. THE VARIAN CE IS DESCRIBED IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND COPIES ARE BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO PERSONS ATTENDING THIS HEARING TONIGHT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS HEARING IS TO OBTAIN PUBLIC COMMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSIDERATION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT'S-NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN RALEIGH, NC. THIS PUBLIC UTILITY IS REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM RULES CONTAINED IN 15A NCAC 2L GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS FOR THE PROPERTY 2 Final Version (08/31/07) LOCATED AT 8500 BA TILE BRIDGE ROAD. AT THIS POINT, I WILL TURN THE HEARING OVER TO MY CO,HEARING OFFICER, MR. ANDREW PITNER TO BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HA VE LED UP TO THIS VARIANCE REQUEST AND PUBLIC HEARING AND THE PROCEDURES RELATED TO THIS VARIANCE. HEARING OFFICER ANDREW PITNER: THANK YOU KA THY. THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT OR CORPUD OWNS AND OPERATES THE NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT. THIS PLANT IS AUTHORIZED UNDER PERMIT TO LAND APPLY WASTEWATER RESIDUALS (ALSO KNOWN AS BIOSOLIDS) ON NUMEROUS FIELDS WITHIN ITS PERMITTED COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE APPLIED BIOSOLIDS ARE USED AS FERTILIZER FOR AGRICULTURAL CROPS NOT MEANT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. DUE TO THE OVER APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS IN TWO FIELDS (THA TIS, FIELDS 50 AND 500), NITRATE EXCEEDENCES IN GROUNDWATER HA VE OCCURRED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR THIS FACILITY. THIS GROUNDWATER IS DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE RIAVERUNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0107, COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES ARE ESTABLISHED FOR PERMITTED FACILITIES THAT DISPOSE OF WASTES, INCLUDING APPLICATION 3 Final Version (08/31/07) OF BIOSOLIDS, AND RESULTING SUBSTANCES IN GROUNDWATER ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE BEYOND THOSE BOUNDARIES. PURSUANT TO A NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE, THAT REQUIRES ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF THE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION, THE UTILITY REQUESTED THE VARIANCE FOR THIS PROPERTY. A VARIANCE ADOPTED UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0113 WILL ALLOW THE CORPUD TO PURSUE A NATURAL A TTENTUATION CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (CAP) UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k), WHICH CANNOT BE DONE UNLESS A VARIAN CE IS GRANTED. UNDER THE STATE'S RULES, PERMITTED FACILITIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURSUE A CAP THAT PROPOSES NATURAL REMEDIATION OR LIMITED CORRECTIVE ACTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT FACILITIES WITH UNPERMITTED DISCHARGES ARE ALLOWED TO PURSUE THIS KIND OF CORRECTIVE ACTION. IF GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION, THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (CORPUD) WILL FORGO ACTIVE REMEDIATION AND TREATMENT OF A PORTION OF GROUNDWATER CONTAINING NITRATE THAT HAS MIGRATED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE VARIANCE IS REQUESTED FOR THIRTY,FIVE PARCELS OF LAND THAT HA VE BEEN USED BY THE CORPUD AS LAND APPLICATION FIELDS AT THE NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. 4 Final Version (08/31/07) 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) WOULD INVOLVE ADJACENT PROPERTIES WHERE GROUNDWATER IS NOT BEING USED AS A WATER SUPPLY AND WHERE DISCHARGES OF GROUNDWATER IMPACTED BY NITRATES WILL MIGRATE TO ADJACENT SURFACE WATERS.· THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PROPOSED BY THE FACILITY IS INTENDED TO RESULT IN GROUNDWATER CONTAINMENT AND TREATMENT ADJACENT TO THE TWO IMPACTED FIELDS WHERE GROUNDWATER HAS MIGRATED OFF-SITE AND RESULT IN CONTROLLING ADDITIONAL OFF SITE MIGRATION. LONG-TERM MONITORING WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THE OTHER LAND APPLICATION FIELDS OVER THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE EXCEEDENCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARD FOR NITRATE HAVE OCCURRED. IN ADDITION, THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM OR NPDES PERMIT FOR THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN MODIFIED SUCH THAT NITRATE DISCHARGING FROM GROUNDWATER INTO THE SURFACE WATERS WILL BE CONSIDERED ALONG WITH NITRATE COMING OUT OF THE DISCHARGE PIPE SUCH THAT THE PERMITTED TOTAL ALLOWABLE NITRATE DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE RIVER IS UNCHANGED. THE VARIANCE WILL NOT CHANGE THE GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS THAT THE CORPUD MUST MEET FOR NITRATE AT THE FACILITY. WHILE THE VARIANCE REQUEST IS UNDER CONSIDERATION, THE 5 Final Version (08/31/07) DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY HAS SUSPENDED THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS FROM WASTEWATER TREATMENT AT THE FIELDS DISCUSSED IN THE VARIANCE REQUEST. THIS HEARING WILL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE RULES AND STATUTES. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION AND HEARING ARE LOCATED IN THIS BUILDING AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. A WRITTEN RECORD OF THIS HEARING WILL BE PREPARED WHICH WILL INCLUDE ALL THE RELEVANT COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, AND DISCUSSIONS. FOR THIS REASON, THE HEARING IS BEING TAPE-RECORDED. WRITTEN COMMENTS RECEIVED THROUGH OCTOBER 5, 2007 WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE RE CORD. BASED ON THESE PUBLIC COMMENTS AND ON ANALYSIS BY THE DIVISION STAFF, WE, THE HEARING OFFICERS, WILL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. IN MAKING THE FINAL DECISION, THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CONSIDERS THE WRITTEN RECORD, THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF DIVISION STAFF, ·· AND THE CONCERNS OF ITS MEMBERS. THE COMMISSION MUST ALSO CONSIDER WHETHER THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH RULES 6 Final Version (08/31/07) PERTAINING TO THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. IF THE APPLICANT DECIDES THAT THE COMMISSION'S DECISION IS UNACCEPTABLE, A PETITION MAY BE FILED CONTESTING THAT DECISION. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT RECEIVE THAT PETITION WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ITS DECISION ON THE VARIANCE, THAT RULING WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. AT THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE (names of local and state officials) AND THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS HEARING. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO RECOGNIZE THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (DWQ central office and DWQ regional office personnel). MR. RICH BOLICH (staff speaker,) OF THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION WILL NOW SUMMARIZE THE PROPOSED VARIANCE WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING. STAFF SPEAKER: (staff speaker summarizes variance request). HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: THANK YOU. WE WILL NOW ACCEPT PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. WE WOULD LIKE 7 Final Version (08/31/07) TO REQUEST THAT EVERYONE FILL OUT A REGISTRATION FORM. AFTER ALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS HA VE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE COMMENT; WE WILL ALLOW ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS AS TIME PERMITS. WHEN YOUR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE COME UP TO THE MICROPHONE AND STA TE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND ANY AFFILIATION. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO MA TIERS THAT ARE RELEVANT TO THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THIS VARIAN CE. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE A SEP ARA TE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. IF YOUR COMMENTS ARE LONGER THAN THREE MINUTES, WE REQUEST THAT THEY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. THE HEARING OFFICERS MAY QUESTION SPEAKERS IF THE NEED SHOULD ARISE IN ORDER TO CLARIFY COMMENTS THAT ARE MADE. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STAFF WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS AFTER THE COMMENT PORTION OF THE HEARING TONIGHT. I WOULD NOW LIKE TO CALL [first speaker]. [speakers ... ] ( the hearing officer, referring to THE REGISTRATION CARDS, calls each speaker to the microphone in turn) 8 Final Version (08/31/07) HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: THANK YOU [last speaker]. ARE THERE I ANYMORE COMMENTS? SINCE THERE ARE NO MORE COMMENTS, I DECLARE THE HEARING CLOSED. THE HEARING RECORD WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 12:00 MIDNIGHT ON OCTOBER 5, 2007. ANYONE WISHING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY DO SO UNTIL THAT DA TE. AFTER WHICH TIME, THE COMMENTS WILL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD AND WE SHALLMAKERECOMMENDATIONSTOTHEENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT COMMISSION. WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO DAVID HANCE AT THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY , PLANNING SECTION. THE ADDRESS WRITTEN COMMENTS NEED TO BE SENT TO IS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND IS AS FOLLOWS: David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 A FACSIMILE COPY OF WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE SENT TO MR. HANCE BY DIALING (919) 715,5637. HIS TELEPHONE NUMBER IS (919) 733,5083 (extension 587). COMMENTS MAY ALSO BE SENT TO MR. HANCE VIA £,MAIL BY CONTACTING HIS INTERNET MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE, WHICH IS David.Hance@ncmail.net. MR. HANCE'S BUSINESS CARDS SHOWS THIS INFORMATION AND ARE LOCATED AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE. 9 Final Version (08/31/07) IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE COMMISSION TO ALWAYS ACT IN THE BEST POSSIBLE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC. THEREFORE, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IS A VERY IMPORT ANT PART OF THE RULE~MAKING PROCESS. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THE HEARING AND OFFERING YOUR COMMENTS. 10 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Fax I just sent you on public participation From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug200713:51:57-0400 To: Andrew Pitner<andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> yes! dh Andrew Pitner wrote: Hey David, I didn't actually get a copy of it from Kathy. Can you also fax or email one this way. Thanks, Andrew David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, I just sent you a 2 page fax on public participation. Did you get it? Kathy Stecker, one of the hearing officer for the CORPUD Variance hearing, gave this to me and to Andrew Pitner at the end of the meeting we had on this variance on the 10th floor last week. *It is just FYI.* It looks like a very good tool to help staff think about public participation and how to tailor what we do at public hearings ... and afterwards. Note that Kathy has significant work experience on these matter when she worked for the State of South Carolina and I think she is a good person to rely on for assistance. Have a Nice Holiday Weekend, David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 8/31/2007 2:54 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: CORPUD Variance: Fax !just sent you on public participation From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13 :51: 17 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Hey David, I didn't actually get a copy of it from Kathy . Can you also fax or email one this way. Thanks, Andrew David Hance wrote: Jay and Rick, I just sent you a 2 page fax on public participation. Did you get it? Kathy Stecker, one of the hearing officer for the CORPUD Variance hearing, gave this to me and to Andrew Pitner at the end of the meeting we had on this variance on the 10th floor last week. *It is just FYI.* It looks like a very good tool to help staff think about public participation and how to tailor what we do at public hearings ... and afterwards . Note that Kathy has significant work experience on these matter when she worked for the State of South Carolina and I think she is a good person to rely on for assistance. Have a Nice Holiday Weekend, David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 5_87 Andrew Pitner, P.G. -Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality -Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 8/31/2007 2:54 PM 1 of 1 Subject: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 16:55:31 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: Here are their names: Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver(?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. Jay --I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to vou and Rick. We are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). We will need a 'doorman' to let peo ple into the building before the hearing . Volunteers? If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but ----there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM 01i September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. Anvone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? It can't hurt and the more the merrier:) Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 8/30/2007 4:55 PM 1 of 1 Subject: leave September 4-5 From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 09:30:26 -0400 To: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, "DENR.TMDL.DWQ" <DENR.TMDL.DWQ@ncmail.net> Alan, I will be on vacation next Tuesday and Wednesday. I *WILL* BE BACK IN TIME FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY EVENING. (That was for David and Andrew.) I'm going to the beach in Maryland with my mother and brother and various other relatives and family friends. I will be pretty much incommunicado. If someone really really needs to get in touch, my cell phone number is 995-3975. (Exception: Anyone with AT&T/Cingular cell phone service is welcome to call me anytime because it's free.) I might check email but can't promise I'll have access unless someone gives me a laptop to take with me. I will be in the office all day today, and until about 1:30 Friday. -Kathy Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 8/30/2007 10:08 AM Jorth Carolina Department of :nvironment and Natural Resources 1:i: 06 1-E; -@3}7 016H26507019 $00.33~ tivision of Water Quality• Planning Branch 617 Mail Service Center ~ 9 _ 16 . laleigh , Nonh Garolina 276 \i17 i .~ a '\,, .i . .l ~ -ii\~~ ·= .RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED ~ a UH• ~:! A. ii: ·~ GJ iii Ill :c 08/15/2007 Mailed From 27607 US POSTAGE \5·· \ \ .. ··•· ... STEPHEN & SHERRY BROWN 137 RIDGE WAY LN CLAYTON, NC 27520-8084 :N'%X=%'E · ¾76 -~C -.1 ....... --C& OG/~i4/0'7 .RETURN TO .SENDER NO SUCH NUMBER . UNABLE: ·To ,-OR\JARO :18:1799 *:l.:l.48.-·07.579-:l. ?---~9 ,ll-1 ,l,h1f rlm 11ll1Jl,111JHli ll lli111'11n1h ill 1 of 1 Subject: Re: City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD): Update on staff assistance during the public hearing on September 5th From: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:01:37 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> I can make it that night. David Hance wrote: Hello all: So far I have the following commitments from the DWQ Planning Section Staff to help the hearing officers and me with this variance hearing for Wed, September 5th: *_Here are their names: * Heather Boyette Rich Gannon Hannah Stallings Heather Patt (?) Elizabeth Kountis (?) Adrienne Weaver (?-pending discussion with family) I have not received any emails/or phone calls from DWQ-APS staffs from the RRO, RRO Surface Water Program, or the APS Central Office. *Jay-*-_ I think we do need one additional person from the RRO in addition to you and Rick. _we are getting some written comment before the hearing in opposition to the variance and some phone calls and there could be better than normal interest. I also spoke with Captain Franklin at the State Capital Police (SCP). _We will need a 'doorman' to let people into the building before the hearing. *Volunteers? *_If we have any troublesome persons at the public hearing -SCP will be on call and we can reach them at 733-4646. I don't think we will but there is always that possibility since it is an emotional issue for some. */For those of you helping out or considering helping out, please be at the Archdale Building Ground Floor Hearing Room at 6:30 PM on September 5th. The hearing will start at 7:00 PM but the public does tend to arrive early for things like this. /* *_Anyone else want to volunteer a Wednesday evening? the merrier *It can't hurt and the more Call me if you have questions or know of other persons willing to help. David Hance, DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 x. 587 8/30/2007 5 :29 PM L'-"-'• L..L YY'-£• .L ,v ..... ...,v V.L 1' ...... ,,. .............. "" .............. ,,. ........... J 1 nf 1 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo] From: Jay Zimmerman <;jay.zimmennan@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:32:18 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> CC: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, kathy sleeker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Andrew et all, I do not believe it was sampled by Johnston County or our office. I checked with the PWSS this morning, regarding sample results. The well is a transient non-community well and must be analyzed for nitrate annually. The results from 5/16/06 report 2.38 ppm nitrate. Also, when I looked at the church location on Google Earth, the driveway entrance is > 1000 ft. from the creek, which lies to the North. I would estimate their well to be 1200+ ft. from, and upgradient of, the nearest well impacted by the Cities activities. we have received a number of requests, from people 1/2· mile away, wanting their well sampled because they believe they may have a problem (for which they believe Raleigh is responsible). This isn't a surprise as these situations generally create quite a stir. All wells located in close proximity to the application fields were sampled repeatedly, including wells located adjacent to those reporting Nitrate. At this point we have no plans to sample additional wells and I have been referring callers to the local county health departments. In the event they find nitrates in their water, I have asked for the owner to contact our office for appropriate followup. I have also tried to educate people concerning other sources of nitrate, such as fertilizers and septic tanks, each of which are likely used by them as well as their neighbors. Let me know if any questions. Andrew Pitner wrote:- Thanks for the info David. This location appears to be to the west of the main area of concern: htt p : //map s .g o og le. com/map s?f-u &hl=en&;3eocode=&9 =2530+Shotwell+Rd, +2_7.§1._9&.sll1:35. 66693 -8-0. 46935&.ss n=O .109895 0. 237579&ie-UTFB&ll-35. 693343. -78. _J. and, I would expect that that this well serving a church should be registered as a public water supply, which would likely require testing for nitrates. Jay -has this well been sampled and/or data from PWSS been reviewed? Andrew David Hance wrote: A comment concerning the variance request. dh SUbject: Notice of variance memo From: Eddie Moody <elmoodv@mindsp rinq .com> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:21:08 -0400 (GMT-04:00) To: david.ha.YJ.ce@ncmail.net TO: david. hance@ncmail . net August 27, 2007 David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Permit Number WQ000l 730 Dear Mr. Hance: we have received your memo regarding the variance application for cleanup at the city of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Your memo indicates that there are no active wells in the impacted area. we have cwo wells on our property that are our sole source of drinking water. we are concerned about the water quality of our wells because they are within 100 yards of wells that have been c:ontaminated and placed on public water systems. we are afraid that our wells may have been contaminated as well. We oppose any variances or exceptions for the city of Raleigh to fail to comply with all water regulations. We believe that the ground water problem needs to be corrected immediately. Sincerely, Edward Moody Pastor Tippett' s Chapel 2530 Shotwell Road Clayton, NC 27520 919-553-7037 ti ppettsfwb§learthlink. net www. Ti ppettsCha p el. com S. Jay Zimmerman, L.G. <Ja v.Zimmerman@n cmail.net> Environrnetal Regional Supervisor/ Raleigh Regional Office DWQ/Aquifer Protection Section 8/30/2007 10:08 AM I of3 Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]]]] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:40:46-0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JA Y.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net> Please see the attached message sent to the City of Raleigh's consultant regarding the Tippett's Chapel message and similar requests/concerns. We have not received a response from the City's consultant yet. rb Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]]] From: Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:00:20 -0400 To: "Thibodeau, Peter" <pthibodeau@ensr.aecom.com> CC: Dale Crisp <Dale.Crisp@ci.raleigh.nc.us>, JAY ZIMMERMAN <JAY.ZIMMERMAN@ncmail.net> Hey Pete; Please see the attached forwarded message from the pastor at Tippett's Chapel on Shotwell Road. He claims that the church's water supply wells are within 100 yards of contaminated wells that were replaced with Raleigh city water. I do not believe that is accurate, but i wanted to check with you before we prepare any type of response. This issue has come up several times; that is, people who claim that their well may be contaminated by the City due to their location. It would be very helpful to us at the upcoming public hearing if we could display a figure showing the location of all homes that have been tested by the City, those homes with elevated Nitrate in their well, and the location of the water supply line. Perhaps color coding would help identify these residences and their water supply status. I'm in the process of preparing a presentation for the upcoming public hearing for the variance. My presentation will be a brief description of the site, the history of the problem, and recommendations from the Division regarding the variance. In addition to the figure requested above, we would like to have electronic and paper copies of the following figures from the Revised Corrective Action Plan: Figure 1-2 "Proposed Remediation Plan and Variance Areas" Figure 1-3 "Nitrate Analytical Results" Figure 2-1 "Conceptual Layout of Extraction Wells ...... " {electronic version only for this figure) We believe it may be helpful to have the requested hard copy figures mounted on a presentation media for display at the public hearing. Please call or email me if you have any questions or comments . Thanks; rb 8/30/2007 I 0:09 AM L-·•-• L-••-• L-••-• L ... ••-• ..,,..., ..... _ _. ........ ,....,_,. ____ ...... _. ............ JJJJ 2 of3 Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo]] From: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:53:23 -0400 To: Rick Bolich <Rick.Bolich@ncmail.net> fyi Subject: [Fwd: Notice of variance memo] From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:42:01 -0400 To: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr." <ted.bush@ncmail.net> A comment concerning the variance request . dh Subject: Notice of variance memo From: Eddie Moody <elmoody@mindspring.com> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:21 :08 -0400 (GMT-04:00) To: david.hance@ncmail.net August 27, 2007 David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Permit Number WQ0001730 Dear Mr. Hance: We have received your memo regarding the variance application for cleanup at the city of Raleigh Public Utilities Department. Your memo indicates that there are no active wells in the impacted area. We have two wells on our property that are our sole source of drinking water. We are concerned about the water quality of our wells because they are within 100 yards of wells that have been contaminated and placed on public water systems. We are afraid that our wells may have been contaminated as well. We oppose any variances or exceptions for the city of Raleigh to fail to comply with all water regulations. We believe that the ground water problem needs to be corrected immediately. Sincerely, Edward Moody Pastor Tippett's Chapel 8/30/2007 10:09 AM 1 of 1 Subject: Re: FYI .... Courier Mail that will go out on Wednesday: EMC Groundwater Committee Meeting packet for September 12th From: Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:23:27 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> CC: Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net I plan to attend just to see how it goes . David Hance wrote: Andrew, Since RRO will be g1.v1.ng the EMC Groundwater Committee an "information only" update on the City of Raleigh variance request, a copy of the EMC GWC packet has been sent to you by courier. Kathy Stecker has also been given a copy of the EMC GWC packet and Jay Zimmerman got his hand delivered this afternoon. Note that I am only sending this to you 'FYI' since you are a hearing officer for the variance and have an interest in it. I have _not_ received any request from management that you come from Mooresville to be at this meeting. You are certainly welcome to ait in. See the attached Agenda for that meeting under Informational Item# 4. There are other items on this agenda that may be of interest to you as well . David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 Kathy Stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> Modeling and TMDL Unit NCDWQ 8/28/2007 5:47 PM I of2 Subject: Re: some more informaiton on the variance hearing From: Elizabeth Kountis <Elizabeth.Kountis@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:18:45 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Ok. Let me check with my husband that he can take care of the kids that night, and then get back with you. David Hance wrote: Hello again: The hearing will be held as follows: Raleigh September 5, 2007 7 PM Archdale Building Ground floor Hearing Room It will ,probably go to 9 PM but it is a local issue of interest so it may even go to 10 PM (just in case). David Hance 733-5083 X. 587 ******************************************************************* Elizabeth Kountis wrote: Oops, just read your message that the hearing will be in the Archdale Grd Floor room. However, if you could still let me know the time frame you need help in for that evening, that would be great. Elizabeth Kountis wrote: I can probably help. Where is the hearing? And from what time to what time do you need help? David Hance wrote: _Hello Planning Staff: We are having a public hearing on a variance to groundwater rules for the City of Raleigh-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Planning Section -CSU will need some help with registrations fort.he hearing and room s-etup for the hearing. The hearing will begin in r.he evening at 7 PM. We have the room at 6 PM so we c an prepare in advance. *Question: Can any of you assist me with this that evening? * Please send an email reply. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 8/27/2007 I 0:28 AM 2 of2 8/27/2007 I 0:28 AM -North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality• Planning Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED WILLIAM BYRD BAUCOM PO BOX 248 "~- CLAYTON NC 27528-0'.ZlJS Nl:X:Z:E 276 CE 1. "' CIJ vi 4U :c RETURN TO SEHCER $00.33~ 08/03/2007 - Mailed From 27607 US POSTAGE 08 08./ :18./ 07 NOT OEL~VERABLE AS AOORESSEC UNA.Ell..E TO FORWARD ec ·: 2;,ggg:1&:1799 ~~seo-ooe73-;1e-2:1 l,, I, ll,,, I, ll 1,_l, l11l 1h1111 I 1;1 I,,,, ,111,,, 11,I ,., I, I, II 11111 1 ofl Subject: Re: Assistance requested with a Public Hearing: 2L Variance Request Hearing on Wednesday Evening---Wed. September 5, 2007 From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:52:33 -0400 To: Jay Zimmerman <jay.zimmerman@ncmail.net> I have 2 yes and one maybe. I might be good to have one more from Raleigh if U can swing it! dh &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Jay Zimmerman wrote: David, Do you need any extra help from our staff? Rick and I are planning to be there but wasn't sure if you needed extra help. Please advise. J David Hance wrote: Hello Planning Staff: We are having a public hearing on a variance to groundwater rules for the City of Raleigh-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Planning Section -CSU will need some help with registrations for the hearing and room setup for the hearing. The hearing will begin in the evening at 7 PM. We have the room at 6 PM so we can prepare in advance. Question: Can any of you assist me with this that evening? Please send an email reply. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 8/27/2007 9:59 AM 1 of 1 - - -_.L ____ - - ' Subject: Assistance requested with a Public Hearing: 2L Variance Request Hearing on Wednesday Evening---Wed. September 5, 2007 From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 14:14:45 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net> CC: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hello Planning Staff: We are having a public hearing on a variance to groundwater rules for the City of Raleigh-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Planning Section -CSU will need some help with registrations for the hearing and room setup for the hearing. The hearing will begin in the evening at 7 PM. We have the room at 6 PM so we can prepare in advance. Question: Can any of you assist me with this that evening? Please send an email reply. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 X. 587 8/24/2007 2:15 PM ------------------:i.-------··-----------------o---. --------------,1------·- 1 of 1 • Subject: Re: Assistance requested with a Public Hearing: 2L Variance Request Hearing on Wednesday Evening---Wed. September 5, 2007 From: Hannah Stallings <Hannah.Stallings@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 14:18:21 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> i '11 help David Hance wrote: yes Hannah Stallings wrote: is it here? David Hance wrote: Hello Planning Staff: We are having a public hearing on a variance to groundwater rules for the City of Raleigh-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Planning Section -CSU will need some help with registrations for the hearing and room setup for the hearing. The hearing will begin in the evening at 7 PM. We have the room at 6 PM so we can prepare in advance . *Question: Can any of you assist me with this that evening? * Please send an email reply . David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 Hannah Stallings NCDENR-Division of Water Quality Planning Section SEPA Coordinator 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh,NC 27604 v: (919) 733-5083 ext. 555 f: (919) 715-5637 8/24/2007 2:18 PM -----· --------------i .. •---•·------------a• --T ---------i.----••• . Subject: Re: Assistance requested with a Public Hearing: 2L Variance Request Hearing on Wednesday Evening---Wed. September 5, 2007 From: Hannah Stallings <Hannah.Stallings@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 14:18:21 -0400 To: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> i' 11 help David Hance wrote: yes Hannah Stallings wrote: is it here? David Hance wrote: Hello Planning Staff: We are having a public hearing on a variance to groundwater rules for the City of Raleigh-Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant. Planning Section -CSU will need some help with registrations for the hearing and room setup for the hearing. The hearing will begin in the evening at 7 PM. We have the room at 6 PM so we can prepare in advance . *Question: Can any of you assist me with this that evening? * Please send an email reply. David Hance DWQ-Planning Section 919-733-5083 x. 587 Hannah Stallings NCDENR-Division of Water Quality Planning Section SEPA Coordinator 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh,NC 27604 v: (919) 733-5083 ext. 555 f: (919) 715-5637 1 of 1 8/24/2007 2:20 PM 1 of 1 Subject: Addendum to my last email about the 2L Variance Hearing on September 5th From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2007 14:20:26 -0400 To: Planning Section -DWQ <denr.pls.dwq@ncmail.net> Hello again: The hearing will be held as follows: Raleigh September 5, 2007 7 PM Archdale Building Ground floor Hearing Room David Hance 733-5083 x. 587 8/24/2007 2:21 PM .treatment land disposal operations at its NRWWTP where discharges of groundwater impacted by nitrates will migrate into adjacent surface waters, or onto adjacent properties where the groundwater is not going to be used for a water supply. In areas near the facility, where the future use of the groundwater will be for a potable supply, the CORPUD has implemented an active treatment system designed to more rapidly remove the nitrate from the groundwater. Residents in this area have been connected to municipal water by CORPUD in the interim. The CORPUD believes that groundwaters downgradient from the facility are exceeding the current standard but can be attenuated and restored by passive natural processes in the subsurface. If granted by the Environmental Management Commission, the variance will require implementation of corrective action under ISA NCAC 2L. 0106(k) and will lead to changes in the permit that will allow for downgradient plume containment and long term monitoring of nitrate in lieu of a full scale cleanup as specified under ISA NCAC 2L .0106(j). The proposed variance request will not change the required standard for nitrate of 10 milligrams per liter that the facility must meet under its permit obligations. It must be noted that the cleanup requirements for nitrate outside the compliance boundaries are in this variance request and no other substance monitored at this facility is under consideration. Supporting Materials: The supporting information for this variance request is contained in two reports titled as follows: • "Corrective Action Variance Application, City of Raleigh, Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina, December 1, 2005" and will be referred to in this letter as the "December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application" and is also referred to as the variance request; • "City of Raleigh, Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina, Revised Corrective Action Plan, ENSR International, December 2005" and will be referred to in this letter as "December 2005 Revised Corrective-Action Plan" or "RCAP." Reasons that a Variance Will not Endanger Public Health and Safety: The Division of Water Quality requests that the Division of Public Health evaluate the attached information to support the risk assessment for this proposed variance. Relevant portions of the reports discussed above are included with this request. In order to meet the requirements in 15A NCAC 2L .0113, the utility submitted the following supporting information to demonstrate that the variance will not endanger public health and safety for the following reasons: 1. The permitted operations at this facility (Permit Number WQ0O0l 730) have been conducted since 1976 and the CORPUD will be overseeing permitted land application operations and the conditions related to this variance request until the facility is no longer in use, which is not likely occur for decades to come. The current estimated life of the CORPUD Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant is 30 years. 2. The utility has fully delineated which properties are included in this variance request. The thirty-five parcels of land included within this request are listed in Table # 6 of the 2 \ "December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application" with parcel sizes and land uses discussed. These properties are shown in Figure # 2 of the variance request. 3. The CORPUD has determined the direction and rate of groundwater flow that would be affected by granting a variance. Page 1-4 and Page 1-5 of the "December 2005 Revised Corrective Action Plan" shows that groundwater is generally moving in the direction of the Neuse River and its tributaries around the site. Page 4 of the request states that the movement of groundwater through soils and subsurface materials as the site is approximately a rate of "1.3 square feet per day", which is a relatively low rate of movement for this hydro geologic setting. 4. The CORPUD investigated groundwater analytical results from monitoring wells on-site and these are discussed on Page # 4 and Page # 6 of the variance request. Monitoring well data for nitrate is shown in Table# 3 for Test Wells (TW) from March 2003 to July 2005. Results from Monitoring Wells (MW) are found in Table # 4 for nitrate from late 2002 through the spring of 2004. These tables demonstrate that wells around Fields 50 and 500 consistently have concentrations of nitrate above the Groundwater Quality Standard of 10 milligrams per liter. It is these land application fields that the CORPUD believes have caused significant impacts to downgradient properties outside of compliance boundaries. Analysis of groundwater samples from various fields shows exceedences of the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate at sixteen fields (Fields 6, 12, 18, 19, 41, 47, 50, 60, 61, 62, 63, 74, 100, 201, 500 and 503 which are located near the compliance boundary. Four onsite monitoring wells and a former water supply well (PW-22) have exceedences of the nitrate standard. The utility believes that off-site nitrate impacts to groundwater associated with biosolids in the vicinity of Old Baucom Road and Mial Plantation Road does not ex,tend east of Shotwell Road and Mial Plantation Road. (See Table # 3 and Table # 4 of the December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application and Figure 3 from the December 2005 Revised Corrective Action Plan). 5. Table# 1 of the titled "December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application" shows private well sampling around this facility. The utility has investigated the off-site impacts to area drinking water wells to meet the criteria of 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c)(4). There are no downgradient water wells that are known to be in use for drinking water supply at this time. All of these properties are now on the City of Raleigh's public water supply system. Starting in 2002, the CORPUD conducted sampling of private water supply wells located adjacent to the facility. Of the thirty-six water supply wells initially sampled, seven showed concentrations of nitrate above the Groundwater Quality Standard of 10 milligrams per liter in 15A NCAC 2L .0202. As a result of the initial sampling effort and to evaluate water use in light of proposing a variance, the utility expanded its monitoring to forty-five properties and sampled wells on a quarterly basis. There are thirty-nine properties that were served by thirty-eight water supply wells, of which thirty-seven have been permanently abandoned in accordance with the state's rules and all of these properties have been connected to the City of Raleigh Public Water Supply System. The owner of the one property where the well has not been abandoned is on city water but refused the offer to have the well abandoned. Analytical data from the monitoring wells located across Beddingfield Creek indicates that 3 migration of nitrate-impacted groundwater under the stream is not likely occurring. (See Page 5 and Page 6 of the December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application for a more detailed discussion and Figure 3 of the request). 6. The utility has conducted further analysis of nitrate concentrations from this site to support its findings that the variance will not endanger human health. Exhibit # 2 of the "December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application" shows that the utility has conducted a risk analysis of the impacts of nitrate to neighboring properties. A discussion of this risk assessment work begins on Page # 8 of the request and continues onto Page # 9 of the request. The CORPUD examined various pathways of exposure using the most sensitive human receptors to determine the most conservative risk pathway. The exposure pathways analyzed included a young child exposed to nitrate from water used in a swimming pool, a child and a teenager wading in surface water near the facility, and the use of groundwater containing nitrate as a source of irrigation supply. Data analysis of these pathways did not indicate an unacceptable risk of exposure to the nitrates from the facility. The only pathway for which risk analysis showed a possible impact was consumption of groundwater. However, there are no property owners in the vicinity of the CORPUD Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant that are using groundwater as a source of drinking water where nitrate exceeds or is predicted to exceed the Groundwater Quality Standard in 15A NCAC 2L .0202 (103). It must be noted that the city will continue to monitor nitrate levels as required by permit for as long as nitrate concentrations in groundwater are above the 10 milligrams per liter standard to ensure protection of public health and the environment. 7. The CORPUD has submitted information demonstrating that land application of residuals from the wastewater treatment process on existing fields that are in use will continue to be an effective means of addressing these permitted activities. Page # 6 and Table # 2 of the request discusses land application of nitrate and soils at this facility. The utility has conducted analytical soil sampling to determine the soil profile for nitrate at the time this variance was requested. The utility took samples from Field 3 (northwest), Field 100 (west) and Field 500 (southeast) and found that nitrates are accumulating in a zone between 4 feet and 8 feet below the ground surface. The implication of this is that nitrates from the permitted operations are accumulating through mechanisms such as infiltration via slow water movement through the soil and anion exchange. In addition, Page 7 notes that the site assessment work by ENSR International considered Plant Available Nitrogen or PAN in 2003 and was submitted by the CORPUD to support this variance request. The study concluded that the nitrogen applied to these field was "adequate to excessive" for crop production and will support plant life. 8. Table# 5 of the variance request provides surface water analytical results from November 2002 through September 2005. These locations are mapped out on Figure 1 in this variance. The direction of groundwater flow through this portion of the facility is toward a tributary of the Neuse River identified in the variance request as Beddingfield Creek. This water body is classified as Class C NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Water). There is no nitrate surface water standard for this class of surface water. This body of water empties into the Neuse River, which is classified as Water Supply V Nutrient Sensitive Water (NSW) and the surface water 4 standard for Water Supply V NSW is 10 milligrams per liter. Nitrate levels in nearby surface water suggests that groundwater discharges to streams and tributaries of the Neuse River, however, Beddingfield Creek and the Neuse River did not exceed the 15A NCAC 2B Surface Water Standard of 10 milligrams per liter. A discussion of surface water sampling and the implications of results found are located on Page # 6, Page # 8 and Page # 9 of the variance request. 9. The CORPUD has also investigated the potential for euthrophication of the Neuse River as a result of granting the variance request. Under certain ambient conditions, additional nitrate in a surface water body may result in the occurrence of algal blooms that can deteriorate water quality. Based on the data contained in the variance request, CORPUD has agreed that as a condition for approval of the variance it will account for this potential impact. The utility has indicated that it will accept a specification in its wastewater discharge permit to account for the excess amount of nitrogen estimated to enter the Neuse River from groundwater discharge. Where the Groundwater Quality Standard in 15A NCAC 2L .0202 is exceeded for nitrate, the CORPUD will be required to count toward its annually-reported amount of discharged nitrogen not only the amount actually discharged by its NRWWTP, but also the amount of nitrate associated with the groundwater discharge to the Neuse and its tributaries once the variance is granted. The annual amount of nitrate that computer modeling predicts will be discharged to the Neuse River via groundwater as a result of violations of the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate, will be used as the basis for this determination subject to actual field measurements and groundwater monitoring. The goal of this effort will be that CORPUDs wastewater treatment and disposal operations never contribute more nitrogen to the Neuse River than what is currently allocated under its NPDES discharge permit. The potential for euthrophication is discussed on Page# 12 and Page# 13 of the variance request. 10. The utility has provided a listing of property owners, well owners, and former well owners affected by this variance request as required under 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(c)(9). Figure# 2 lists the properties and ownership of them around the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP). Exhibit# 3 of the request also shows which parcels of land are in Wake County, Johnson County and those that are owned by the State of North Carolina. Variance Alternatives: In proposing this variance request, the CORPUD has proposed two alternatives to addressing nitrate migration outside of its existing compliance boundary and these are as follows: Alternative # 1 -Corrective Action Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L: Groundwater Extraction and Enhanced Denitrification along the Compliance Boundary with Discharge to the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant: This alternative would involve the construction of 426 extraction wells installed along portions of the compliance boundary where the Groundwater Quality Standard for nitrate has been exceeded or is anticipated to be exceeded. Enhanced denitrification involves the injection (pressure or gravity feed) of 5 biodegradable carbon electron donor, such as com syrup or sodium lactate via injection wells to create in-situ anaerobic zones to denitrify nitrate enriched plumes of groundwater beyond the compliance boundary. The goal of using this method would be to stimulate the growth of microbes that would use the nitrate as groundwater passes through these zones from the land application fields. Alternative # 2 -A Variance Under 15A NCAC 2L .0113 that will Result in Groundwater Containment in Fields 50 and 500, Discharge to North Raleigh Waste Water Treatment Plant or land application and Long-Term Monitoring of Other Areas: Based on the best available information, nitrate exceedences have occurred beyond the compliance boundary for this facility near Fields 50 and 500. This alternative is directed at controlling additional offsite migration of nitrate into impacted areas through installation of a limited number of groundwater extraction wells. If this alternative is applied short-term extraction of groundwater combined with natural remedial processes or attenuation and degradation in the subsurface will control and break down nitrate over time. Long-term monitoring will be conducted over the remaining areas of the site where exceedences of the nitrate Groundwater Quality Standard have occurred at or beyond the compliance boundary under permit. Comparing the Effects of Alternative # 1 and Alternative # 2 the Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP): The following table was developed from the information submitted by the CORPUD in variance request and shows a comparison of the effect of using either Alternative # 1 or Alternative # 2 for as follows: EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVE# 1: ALTERNATIVE# 2: IMPLEMENTATION Corrective Action involving A Variance with Groundwater Groundwater Extraction Plume Containment and Long- with Enhanced Term Monitoring Denitrification Number of New Wells 426 pumping wells around the 22 new groundwater extraction Constructed entire facility wells installed downgradient from (Including the construction Field 500 of 195 new injection wells under 15A NCAC 2C .0200) Additional Groundwater 128 wells 39 wells Monitoring (20 monitoring wells, 20 (10 monitoring wells and 29 (Sampling conducted three times injection wells, and 88 extraction wells) per year for the life of the recovery wells) project) 6 EFFECT OF ALTERNATIVE # 1: ALTERNATIVE# 2: IMPLEMENTATION Corrective Action involving A Variance with Groundwater (Continued) Groundwater Extraction Plume Containment and Long- with Enhanced Term Monitoring Denitrification Surface Water Sampling 10 locations 2 locations (Sampling conducted three times per year for the life of the p rQject) Potential Reduction of stream High None base flow into the Neuse River Estimated Costs $ 79 Million Dollars $ 9 Million Dollars (Over the estimated 30 year life Qf the facility) If a variance is not granted, the utility will be required to address nitrate levels outside compliance boundaries at this site by using Alternative # 1 in the table, which CORPUD believes is the Best Available Technology (BAT) per 15A NCAC 2L .0106(j). If Alternative # 1 is applied to its Neuse River Wastewater Treatment Plant, the bulk of this cost would be in the form of capital costs over a period of the first three years of the project and represents " .... approximately 30 to 90 percent of its total capital budget in the next few years. " Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2L .0113(c)(6) and (7), the applicant has submitted information in this variance request to support the finding that the cost of applying BAT to this site is a "serious financial hardship" on CORPUD without an equal or greater public benefit. The permittee does not believe that any public benefit can be gained through the implementation of a Corrective Action Plan relying on active remedial technology to cleanup groundwaters outside of permitted boundaries for a majority of the site. A variance would allow concentration of nitrate to remain at levels near the 15A NCAC 2L .0202 and allow the processes of natural degradation and attenuation to act upon residual concentrations at this site. For a more detailed discussion of the economics of both alternatives, of the implementation of corrective action Alternative # 1, and a variance under Alternative # 2 with application of 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k), see Page 9 through Page 14 of the "December 1, 2005 Corrective Action Variance Application." Request Review and Comment b y July 27, 2007: Please review the attached report and provide David Hance in the DWQ-Planning Section with a recommendation regarding the risk assessment of this variance request. Mr. Hance may be contacted at 733-5083 (ext. 587) and he is in the Archdale Building Room 625. If you would like to meet with Aquifer Protection Section staff to further discuss the variance request, particularly regarding technical aspects of the variance, please contact Mr. Hance to arrange such a meeting. If possible, the Planning Section would like to receive your recommended response by Friday, July 27, 2007. If you need my assistance please call me at extension 570. Per the requirements of ISA NCAC 2L .0113, variance requests must receive final action by the Environmental Management 7 Commission. Upon receiving your recommendation, this information will be incorporated into the variance request packet and be forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality for review pursuant to title 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(d). If the Director deems the information to support this variance request complete, DWQ will proceed to public notice and hearing under 15A NCAC 2L .Ol 13(e) of the rule. ATTACHMENTS cc: Jeff Manning Ted Bush Debra Watts Jay Zimmerman (Raleigh Regional Office -Aquifer Protection Section Supervisor) Rick Bolich David Hance Dr. Ken Rudo 8 Dr. Ken Rudo Variance Request, City of Raleigh, NC Technical Evaluation July 25, 2007 impacted or have the potential to be impacted in the future, were connected tQ, Raleigh municipal water and their former wells have been abandoned. The source for Raleigh municipal water is Falls Lake, which is not threatened by the groundwater contamination from the CORPUD land application fields. On July 24, 2007, you and I conducted a site inspection to familiarize you with the area surrounding the CORPUD facility including the location of nearby residents, locations of former application fields in relation to these homes, area topography and discharge features. Private water supply wells not connected to municipal water and that are adjacent to the area covered by the proposed variance are located up gradient from and/or across one or more perennial drainage features. As such, it is extremely unlikely that they would become impacted by groundwater contamination from the current CORPUD biosolids application fields. Staff from the APS-RRO have reviewed the variance application and supporting documentation and have concluded that the proposed variance is appropriate, technically feasible, and protective of human health and the environment. The RRO supports this variance on the condition that the estimated flux of nitrate into the Neuse River, via groundwater discharge, is offset by deducting the equivalent amount of nitrate from the NRWWTP's permitted effluent outfall. The RRO supports continuing research and monitoring at the site to improve the accuracy of determining the groundwater nitrate flux into the river in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed variance and the corrective action system. In order to address concerns that you have expressed regarding the potential for contamination to migrate across the hydro logic barriers in the southeastern portion of the site, the RRO would support additional limited groundwater monitoring in these areas including the installation of additional monitor wells, surface water sampling points and a limited number of residential wells. cc: Coleen Sullins -DWQ Director Ted Bush -APS Section Chief Alan Clark-DWQ Planning Section Chief DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL Public Hearing-Variance Request September 5, 2007 Variance to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) and 15A NCAC 2L .0106(j) 08/22/07 City of Raleigh Public Utility Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP)@ 8500 Battle Bridge Road, Wake County, North Carolina (Permit Number WQ000J730) HEARING LOCATED AT: City of Raleigh Archdale Building -Ground Floor Hearing Room 512 North Salisbury Street -(at 7:00 PM) HEARING OFFICER'S SPEECH HEARING OFFICERS: Andrew Pitner, Division of Water Quality, Regional Groundwater Supervisor (Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker, Division of Water Quality, Planning Section - Modeling and TMDL Unit Supervisor HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: GOOD EVENING, I WOULD LIKE TO CALL THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER. MY NAME IS KA THY STECKER AND I AM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -MODELING/fMDL UNIT SUPERVISOR. TO MY (right or left) IS MR. ANDREW PITNER. HE IS THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL GROUNDWATER SUPERVISOR IN THE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE. WE HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICERS FOR THIS EVENING'S HEARING. 1 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 THIS HEARING IS BEING HELD PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 150B~21.2. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL STATUTES, A PUBLIC NOTICE OF THIS HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH 15A NCAC ZL .0113 OF THE GROUNDWATER RULES AND GENERAL NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN IN THE LOCAL PAPER. NOTICES WERE ALSO DISTRIBUTED TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, WELL OWNERS, AND PROPERTY HOLDERS WITHIN AND NEAR THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. THE VARIAN CE IS DESCRIBED IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND COPIES ARE BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO PERSONS ATTENDING THIS HEARING TONIGHT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS HEARING IS TO OBTAIN PUBLIC COMMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSIDERATION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT'S-NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN RALEIGH, NC. THIS PUBLIC UTILITY IS REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM RULES CONTAINED IN 15A NCAC ZL GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS FOR THE PROPERTY 2 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL LOCATED AT 8500 BATTLE BRIDGE ROAD. 08/22/07 AT THIS POINT, I WOULD LIKE TO TURN THE HEARING OVER TO MY co~ HEARING OFFICER, MR. ANDREW PITNER TO BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HAVE LED UP TO THIS VARIANCE REQUEST AND PUBLIC HEARING AND THE PROCEDURES RELATED TO THIS VARIANCE. HEARING OFFICER ANDREW PITNER: THANK YOU KATHY. THE CITY OF RALEIGHPUBLICUTILITYDEPARTMENTORCORPUDOWNSANDOPERATESA THE NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT. THIS PLANT IS AUTHORIZED UNDER PERMIT TO LAND APPLYWASTEWATERRESIDUAI.S VIA LANDFARMING ON NUMEROUS FIELDS WITHIN ITS PERMITTED COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. DUE TO THE OVER APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS IN TWO FIELDS (THAT IS, FIELDS 50 AND 500), NITRATE EXCEEDENCES HAVE OCCURRED BEYOND COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR THIS FACILITY. UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0107, COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES ARE ESTABLISHED FOR PERMITTED FACILITIES THAT DISPOSE OF WASTES, INCLUDING LANDFARMING ACTIVITIES, AND SUBSTANCES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE BEYOND ·· THOSE BOUNDARIES. PURSUANT TO A NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE, THE 3 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 UTILITY REQUESTED THE VARIANCE FOR THIS PROPERTY. A VARIANCE ADOPTED UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0113 WILL ALLOW THE CORPUD TO PURSUE A NATURAL A TTENTUATION CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (CAP) UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (k), WHICH CANNOT BE DONE UNLESS A VARIANCE IS GRANTED. UNDER THE STATE'S RULES, PERMITTED FACILITIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURSUE A CAP THAT PROPOSES NATURAL REMEDIATION OR LIMITED CORRECTIVE ACTION. IF GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION, THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (CORPUD) WILL FORGO ACTIVE REMEDIATION AND TREATMENT OF GROUNDWATERCONTAINING NITRATE THAT HAS MIGRATED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. VARIANCE IS REQUESTED FOR THIRTY-FIVE PARCELS OF LAND THAT HAVE BEEN USED BY THE CORPUD AS LAND APPLICATION FIELDS AT THE NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) WOULD BE APPLIED TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES WHERE GROUNDWATER IS NOT BEING USED AS A WATER SUPPLY AND WHERE DISCHARGES OF GROUNDWATER IMPACTED BY NITRATES WILL MIGRATE TO ADJACENT SURFACE WATERS. THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PROPOSED BY THE FACILITY IS INTENDED TO RESULT IN GROUNDWATER CONTAINMENT AND TREATMENT ADJACENTTOTHETWO 4 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 IMPACTED FIELDS WHERE GROUNDWATER HAS MIGRATED OFF,SITE AND RESULT IN CONTROLLING ADDITIONAL OFF SITE MIGRATION. LONG,TERM MONITORING WILL BE APPLIED TO THE OTHER LAND APPLICATION FIELDS OVER THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE EXCEEDENCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARD FOR NITRATE HA VE OCCURRED. IN ADDITION, THE NATIONAL POLLITT ANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM OR NPDES PERMIT FOR THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN MODIFIED SUCH THAT NITRATE DISCHARGING INTO THE SURFACE WATERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS WELL AS NITRATE COMING OUT OF THE DISCHARGE PIPE SUCH THAT THE TOTAL ALLOW ABLE NITRATE DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE IS UNCHANGED. THE VARIAN CE WILL NOT CHANGE THE GROUNDWATER AND SURF ACE WATER STANDARDS THAT THE CORPUD MUST MEET FOR NITRATE AT THE FACILITY. WHILE THE VARIANCE REQUEST IS UNDER CONSIDERATION, THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY HAS SUSPENDED THE APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS FROMWATERWATER TREATMENT AT THIS FACILITY . THIS HEARING WILL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE RULES AND STATUTES. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION AND HEARING ARE LOCATED IN THIS BUILDING AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. 5 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 A WRITTEN RECORD OF THIS HEARING WILL BE PREPARED WHICH WILL INCLUDE ALL THE RELEVANT COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, AND DISCUSSIONS. FOR THIS REASON, THE HEARING IS BEING TAPE~RECORDED. WRITTEN COMMENTS RECEIVED THROUGH OCTOBER 5, 2007 WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE RECORD. BASED ON THESE PUBLIC COMMENTS AND ON ANALYSIS BY THE DIVISION STAFF, WE WILL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. IN MAKING THE FINAL DECISION, THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CONSIDERS THE WRITTEN RECORD, THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF DIVISION STAFF, AND THE CONCERNS OF ITS MEMBERS. THE COMMISSION MUST ALSO CONSIDER WHETHER THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH RULES PERTAINING TO THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. IF THE APPLICANT DECIDES THAT THE COMMISSION'S DECISION IS UNACCEPTABLE, A PETITION MAY BE FILED CONTESTING THAT DECISION. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT RECEIVE THAT PETITION WITHIN 60 DAYS OF IT DECISION ON THE VARIAN CE, THAT RULING WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. AT THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE (names of local and state officials) AND THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS HEARING. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO 6 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 RECOGNIZE THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM THE DNISION OF WATER QUALITY (DWQ central office and DWQ regional office personnel). MR. RICH BOLICH (staff speaker,) OF THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION WILL NOW SUMMARIZE THE PROPOSED VARIANCE WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING. STAFF SPEAKER: (staff speaker swnmarizes variance request). HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: THANK YOU. WE WILL NOW ACCEPT PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED VARIAN CE. I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THAT EVERYONE FILL OUT A REGISTRATION FORM. AFTER ALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS HA VE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE COMMENT; I WILL ALLOW ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS AS TIME PERMITS. WHEN YOUR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE COME UP TO THE MICROPHONE AND STATE YOUR NAME AND AFFILIATION. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO MA TIERS THAT ARE RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THIS VARIANCE. IF YOUR COMMENTS ARE LONGER THAN THREE MINUTES, I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THAT THEY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO QUESTION SPEAKERS IF THE NEED SHOULD ARISE. 7 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STAFF WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS IF NECESSARY. I WOULD NOW LIKE TO CALL [first speaker]. [speakers .•• ] ( the hearing officer, referring to THE REGISTRATION CARDS, calls each speaker to the microphone in turn) HEARING OFFICER KA THY STECKER: THANK YOU [last speaker]. ARE THERE ANY MORE COMMENTS? SINCE THERE ARE NO MORE COMMENTS, I DECLARE THE HEARING CLOSED. THE HEARING RECORD WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 12:00PM (MIDNIGHT) ON OCTOBER 5, 2007. ANYONE WISHING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY DO SO UNTIL THAT DATE. AFTER WHICH TIME, THE COMMENTS WILL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD AND WE SHALL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO DAVID HANCE AT THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY~ PLANNING SECTION. THE ADDRESS WRITTEN COMMENTS NEED TO BE SENT TO IS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND IS AS FOLLOWS: David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 8 DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 A FACSIMILE COPY OF WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE SENT TO MR HANCE BY DIALING (919) 715,5637. HIS TELEPHONE NUMBER IN RALEIGH IS (919) 733,5083 (extension587). COMMENTSMAYALSOBESENTTOMR.HANCE VIA £,MAIL BY CONTACTING HIS INTERNET MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE, WHICH IS David.Hance@ncmail.net. MR. HANCE'S BUSINESS CARDS SHOWS THIS INFORMATION AND ARE LOCATED AT THE PLACE YOU REGISTERED FOR THIS HEARING. IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE COMMISSION TO ALWAYS ACT IN THE BEST POSSIBLE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC. THEREFORE, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IS A VERY IMPORT ANT PART OF THE RULE,MAKING PROCESS. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THE HEARING AND OFFERING YOUR COMMENTS. 9 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD Variance Request: Draft Hearing Officers speech for your review and comment From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 13:30:04 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net>, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net> CC: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, "Ted L. Bush, Jr."<ted.bush@ncmail.net> Hello Hearin g Officers: Attached is the draft hearing officers speech for the September 5, 2007 CORPUD variance hearing. I am also sending this to the RRO APS Supervisor (Jay Zimmerman) and Rick Bolich since they are the technical staff and their presentation will need to be "dovetailed" into this. Please bring this with you for discussion on Thursday, August 23rd at the hearing officers meeting in Raleigh. David Hance, Env. Spec. DWQ-Planning 733-5083 X. 587 corpudSpeech WQOOOl 730.doc Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 8/22/2007 1:30 PM l KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL Public Hearing-Variance Request September 5, 2007 Variance to ISA NCAC 2L .0106(k) and 15A NCAC 2L .01066) oa,22101 I City of Raleigh Public Utility Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) @8500 Battle Bridge Road, Wake County, North Carolina (Permit Number WQ000J 730) HEARING LOCATED AT: City of Raleigh Archdale Building -Ground Floor Hearing Room 512 North Salisbury Street -(at 7:00 PM) HEARING OFFICER'S SPEECH HEARING OFFICERS: Andrew Pitner, Division of Water Quality, Regional Groundwater Supervisor (Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker, Division of Water Quality, Planning Section - Modeling and TMDL Unit Supervisor HEARING OFFICER KA THY STECKER: GOOD EVENING, I WOULD LIKE TO CALL THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER. MY NAME IS KA THY STECKER AND I AM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -MODELING/fMDL UNIT SUPERVISOR TO MY (right or left) IS MR. ANDREW PITNER. HE IS THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL GRGUNDWATERA OUIFER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR IN THE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE. WE HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICERS FOR THIS EVENING'S HEARING. 1 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa,22107 I THIS HEARING IS BEING HELD PURSUANT.TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE lS0B,21.2. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL STATUTES, A PUBLIC NOTICE OF THIS HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH 15A NCAC 2L .0113 OF THE GROUNDWATER RULES AND GENERAL NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN IN THE LOCAL PAPER. NOTICES WERE ALSO DISTRIBUTED TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, WELL OWNERS, AND PROPERTY HOLDERS WITHIN AND NEAR THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED VARIAN CE. THE VARIAN CE IS DESCRIBED IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND COPIES ARE BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO PERSONS ATTENDING THIS HEARING TONIGHT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS HEARING IS TO OBTAIN PUBLIC COMMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSIDERATION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT'S-NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN RALEIGH, NC. THIS PUBLIC UTILITY IS REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM RULES CONTAINED IN 15A NCAC 2L GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS FOR THE PROPERTY 2 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa,22101 I LOCATED AT 8500 BA TILE BRIDGE ROAD. AT THIS POINT, I ~'OULD LIKE TOWILL TURN THE HEARING OVER TO I MY CO-HEARING OFFICER, MR. ANDREW PITNER TO BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HA VE LED UP TO THIS VARIANCE REQUEST AND PUBLIC HEARING_. AND THE PROCEDURES RELATED TO THIS VARIANCE. HEARING OFFICER ANDREW PITNER: THANK YOU KATHY. THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT OR CORPUD OWNS AND OPERATES A I THE NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT. THIS PLANT IS AUTHORIZED UNDER PERMIT TO LAND APPLY WASTEWATER RESIDUALS (ALSO KNOWN AS BIOSOLIDS ) VIA LANDFARMING ON NUMEROUS FIELDS WITHIN ITS PERMITTED COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE APPLIED BIOSOLIDS ARE USED AS FERTILIZER FOR AGRICULTURAL CROPS NOT MEANT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. DUE TO THE OVERAPPLICATION OF RESIDUALS IN TWO FIELDS (THA T IS, FIELDS 50 AND 500), NITRATE EXCEEDENCES IN GROUNDWATER HA VE OCCURRED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR THIS FACILITY. THIS GROUNDWATER IS DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE RIVER. UNDER ISA NCAC 2L .0107, COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES ARE ESTABLISHED FOR PERMITTED FACILITIES THAT DISPOSE OF WASTES, 3 KS -& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 INCLUDING LAf-JDFARMING ACTIVITIESAPPLICATION OF BIOSOLIDS, AND RESULTING SUBSTANCES IN GROUNDWATER ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE BEYOND THOSE BOUNDARIES. PURSUANT TO A NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE, THAT RE Q UIRES ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF THE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION , THE UTILITY REQUESTED THE VARIANCE FOR THIS PROPERTY. A VARIANCE ADOPTED UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0113 WILL ALLOW THE CORPUD TO PURSUE A NATURAL A TTENTUA TION CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (CAP) UNDER 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k), WHICH CANNOT BE DONE UNLESS A VARIANCE IS GRANTED. UNDER THE STATE'S RULES, PERMITTED FACILITIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURSUE A CAPTHA T PROPOSES NATURAL REMEDIATION OR LIMITED CORRECTIVE ACTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT FACILITIES WITH UNPERMITfED DISCHARGES ARE ALLOWED TO PURSUE THIS KIND OF CORRECTIVE ACTION. IF GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION, THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (CORPUD) WILL FORGO ACTIVE REMEDIATION AND TREATMENT OF A PORTION OF GROUNDWATER I CONTAINING NITRATE THAT HAS MIGRATED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE VARIA.NCE IS REQUESTED FOR THIRTY,FIVE PARCELS OF LAND THAT HAVE BEEN USED BY THE CORPUD AS LAND APPLICATION 4 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa122101 I FIELDS AT THE NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) WOULD BE APPLIED TOINVOLVE ADJACENT I PROPERTIES WHERE GROUNDWATER IS NOT BEING USED AS A WATER SUPPLY AND WHERE DISCHARGES OF GROUNDWATER IMPACTED BY NITRATES WILL MIGRATE TO ADJACENT SURFACE WATERS. THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PROPOSED BY THE FACILITY IS INTENDED TO RESULT IN GROUNDWATER CONTAINMENT AND TREATMENT ADJACENT TO THE TWO IMPACTED FIELDS WHERE GROUNDWATER HAS MIGRATED OFF, SITE AND RESULT IN CONTROLLING ADDITIONAL OFF SITE MIGRATION. LONG,TERM MONITORING WILL BE APPLIED TOREO UIRED FOR THE OTHER I LAND APPLICATION FIELDS OVER THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE EXCEEDENCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARD FOR NITRATE HAVE OCCURRED. IN ADDITION, THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM OR NPDES PERMIT FOR THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN MODIFIEDSUCHTHATNITRATEDISCHARGINGFROMGROUNDWATERINTO THE SURFACE WATERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS WELL ASJ\LONG WITH NITRATE COMING OUT OF THE DISCHARGE PIPE SUCH THAT THE PERMITTED TOTAL ALLOWABLE NITRATE DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE RIVER ·IS UNCHANGED. THE VARIANCE WILL NOT CHANGE THE GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WA TER O UALITY STANDARDS THAT THE CORPUD MUST MEET FOR I 5 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa,22101 I NITRATE AT THE FACILITY. WHILE THE VARIANCE REQUEST IS UNDER CONSIDERATION, THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY HAS SUSPENDED THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS FROM ~'ATERWATER WASTEWATER TREATMENT AT THE FIELDS LOCATED AD )ACENT TO THIS FACILITY. THIS HEARING WILL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE RULES AND STATUTES. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION AND HEARING ARE LOCATED IN THIS BUILDING AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. A WRITTEN RECORD OF THIS HEARING WILL BE PREPARED WHICH WILL INCLUDE ALL THE RELEVANT COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, AND DISCUSSIONS. FOR THIS REASON, THE HEARING IS BEING TAPE~RECORDED. WRITTEN COMMENTSRECEIVEDTHROUGHOCTOBER5,2007WILLALSOBEINCLUDED IN THE RECORD. BASED ON THESE PUBLIC COMMENTS AND ON ANALYSIS BY THE DIVISION STAFF, WE, THE HEARING OFFICERS , WILL MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. IN MAKING THE FINAL DECISION, THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CONSIDERS THE WRITTEN RECORD, THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF DIVISION STAFF, AND THE CONCERNS OF ITS MEMBERS. THE COMMISSION MUST ALSO 6 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 CONSIDER WHETHER THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH RULES PERTAINING TO THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. IF THE APPLICANT DECIDES . THAT THE COMMISSION'S DECISION IS UNACCEPTABLE, A PETITION MAY BE FILED CONTESTING THAT DECISION. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT RECEIVE THAT PETITION WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ITS. DECISION ON THE VARIANCE, THAT RULING WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. AT THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE (names of local and state officials) AND THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS HEARING. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO RECOGNIZE THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (DWQ central office and DWQ regional office personnel). MR. RICH BOLICH (staff speaker,) OF THE DIVISION OF w ATER QUALITY - AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION WILL NOW SUMMARIZE THE PROPOSED VARIAN CE WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING. STAFF SPEAKER: (staff speaker summarizes variance request). HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: THANK YOU. WE WILL NOW I 7 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 ACCEPT PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. -IWE WOULD LIKE TOREQUESTTHATEVERYONEFILLOUT A REGISTRATION FORM. AFTERALL REGISTERED SPEAKERS HA VE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE COMMENT; I WE WILL ALLOW ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS AS TIME PERMITS. WHEN YOUR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE COME UP TO THE MICROPHONE AND STATE YOUR NAME . ADDRESS AND ANY AFFILIATION. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO MA TIERS THAT ARE R£LATIVE RELEVANT TO THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THIS VARIANCE. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE A SEPARATE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS FOR THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. IF YOUR COMMENTS ARE LONGER THAN THREE MINUTES, I--WE ~'OULD LIKE TO REQUEST THAT THEY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. ITHE HEARING OFFICERS-_R£SERVE THE R1GHT TO MAY QUESTION SPEAKERS IF THE NEED SHOULD ARISE IN ORDER TO CLARIFY COMMENTS THAT ARE MADE. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STAFF WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS IF NECESSARY/\FTER THE COMMENT PORTION OF THE HEARING TONIGHT. I WOULD NOW LIKE TO CALL [first speaker]. [speakers ... ] ( the hearing officer, referring to THE REGISTRATION CARDS, calls each speaker to the microphone 8 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa122101 I in turn) HEARING OFFICER KA THY STECKER: THANK YOU [last speaker]. ARE THERE ANY MORE COMMENTS? SINCE THERE ARE NO MORE COMMENTS, I DECLARE THE HEARING CLOSED. THE HEARING RECORD WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 12:00 PM-tMIDNIGHTt ON OCTOBER 5, 2007. ANYONE WISHING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY DO SO UNTIL THAT DATE. AFTER WHICH TIME, THE COMMENTS WILL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD AND WE SHALLMAKERECOMMENDATIONSTOTHEENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT COMMISSION. WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BEADDRESSEDTO DA YID HANCE AT THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, PLANNING SECTION. THE ADDRESS WRITTEN COMMENTS NEED TO BE SENT TO IS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND IS AS FOLLOWS: David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 A FACSIMILE COPY OF WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE SENT TO MR. HANCE BY DIALING (919) 715,5637. HIS TELEPHONE NUMBER IN RALEIGH IS (919) 733,5083 (extension587). COMMENTSMAYALSOBESENTTOMR.HANCE VIA £,MAIL BY CONTACTING HIS INTERNET MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN IN 9 KS-& AP DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 THE PUBLIC NOTICE, WHICH IS David.Hance@ncmail.net. MR. HANCE'S BUSINESS CARDS SHOWS THIS INFORMATION AND ARE LOCATED AT THE PLACE YOU REGISTERED FOR THIS HEARINGREGISTRA TION TABLE. IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE COMMISSION TO ALWAYS ACT IN THE BEST POSSIBLE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC. THEREFORE, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IS AVERY IMPORTANT PART OF THE RULE~MAKING PROCESS. I-WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THE HEARING AND OFFERING YOUR COMMENTS. 10 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL Public Hearing-Variance Request September 5, 2007 Variance to 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) and 15A NCAC 2L .0106(j) os122101 I City of Raleigh Public Utility Department (CORPUD) Neuse River Waste Water Treatment Plant (NRWWTP) @8500 Battle Bridge Road, Wake County, North Carolina (Permit Number WQ000J 730) HEARING LOCATED AT: City of Raleigh Archdale Building -Ground Floor Hearing Room 512 North Salisbury Street -(at 7:00 PM) HEARING OFFICER'S SPEECH HEARING OFFICERS: Andrew Pitner, Division ofWater Quality, Regional Groundwater Supervisor (Mooresville Regional Office) Kathy Stecker, Division of Water Quality, Planning Section - Modeling and TMDL Unit Supervisor HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: GOOD EVENING, I WOULD LIKE TO CALL THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO ORDER. MY NAME IS KA THY STECKER AND I AM THE DNISION OF WATER QUALITY -MODELING/fMDL UNIT SUPERVISOR. TO MY (right or left) IS MR. ANDREW PITNER. HE IS THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY REGIONAL GRDUND\X'ATER AQUIFER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR IN THE MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE. Wt HAVE BEEN DESIGNATED HEARING OFFICERS FOR THIS EVENING'S HEARING. 1 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL oa122101 I THIS HEARING IS BEING HELD PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 150B~21.2. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GENERAL STATUTES, A PUBLIC NOTICE OF THIS HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN CONFORMITY WITH 15A NCAC 2L .0113 OF THE GROUNDWATER RULES AND GENERAL NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN IN THE LOCAL PAPER. NOTICES WERE ALSO DISTRIBUTED TO THE PUBLIC AT LARGE, LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, WELL OWNERS, AND PROPERTY HOLDERS WITHIN AND NEAR THE AREA OF THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. THE VARIANCE IS DESCRIBED IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND COPIES ARE BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO PERSONS ATTENDING THIS HEARING TONIGHT. THE PURPOSE OF THIS HEARING IS TO OBTAIN PUBLIC COMMENT AND PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSIDERATION OF THE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILI1Y DEPARTMENT'S-NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN RALEIGH, NC. THIS PUBLIC .UTILITY IS REQUESTING VARIANCE FROM RULES CONTAINED IN 15A NCAC 2L GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS FOR THE PROPER1Y 2 A HP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL LOCATED AT 8500 BATTLE BRIDGE ROAD. os,22101 I AT THIS POINT, I WOULD LIKE TO TURN THE HEARING OVER TO MY co~ HEARING OFFICER, MR. ANDREW PITNER TO BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT HA VE LED UP TO THIS VARIANCE REQUEST AND PUBLIC HEARING AND THE PROCEDURES RELATED TO THIS VARIANCE. HEARING OFFICER ANDREW PITNER: THANK YOU KATHY. THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT OR CORPUD OWNS AND OPERA TES A THE NEUSE RIVER WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT. THIS PLANT IS AUTHORIZED UNDER PERMIT TO LAND APPLY WASTEWATER RESIDUALS (ALSO KNOWN AS BIOSOLIDS ) VIA U\NDFARMING ON NUMEROUS FIELDS WITHIN ITS PERMITTED COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE APPLIED BIOSOLIDS ARE USED AS FERTILIZER FOR AGRICULTURAL CROPS NOT MEANT F0]1 HUMAN CONSUMPTION. DUE TO THE OVER APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS IN TWO FIELDS (THAT IS, FIELDS 50 AND 500), NITRATE EXCEEDENCES IN GROUNDWATER HA VE OCCURRED BEYOND COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FOR THIS FACILITY. UNDER 15A NCAC 2L.0107, COMPLIANCE BOUNDARIES ARE ESTABLISHED FOR PERMITTED FACILITIES THAT DISPOSE OF WASTES, INCLUDING LANDFl\.RMING ACTIVITIESAPPLICATION OF BIOSOLIDS, AND 3 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 RESULTING SUBSTANCES IN GROUNDWATER ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MIGRATE BEYOND THOSE BOUNDARIES. PURSUANT TO A NOTICE OF VIOLATION ISSUED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -RALEIGH REGIONAL OFFICE, THAT RE Q UIRES ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF THE GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION , THE UTILITY REQUESTED THE VARIANCE FOR THIS PROPERTY. A VARIANCE ADOPTED UNDER ISA NCAC 2L .0113 WILL ALLOW THE CORPUD TO PURSUE A NATURAL ATTENTUATION CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN (CAP) UNDER ISA NCAC 2L .0106(k), WHICH CANNOT BE DONE UNLESS A VARIANCE IS GRANTED. UNDER THE STATE'S RULES, PERMITTED FACILITIES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PURSUE A CAP THAT PROPOSES NATURAL REMEDIATION OR LIMITED CORRECTIVE ACTION. PLEASE NOTE THAT FACILITIES WITH UNPERMITTED DISCHARGES ARE ALLOWED TO PURSUE THIS KIND OF CORRECTIVE ACTION. IF GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION, THE CITY OF RALEIGH PUBLIC UTILITIES DEPARTMENT (CORPUD) WILL FORGO ACTIVE REMEDIATION AND TREATMENT OF A PORTION OF GROUNDWATER I CONTAINING NITRATE THAT HAS MIGRATED BEYOND THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY. THE VARIANCE IS REQUESTED FOR THIRTY-FIVE PARCELS OF· 1 LAND THAT HAVE BEEN USED BY THE CORPUD AS LAND APPLICATION ,~ FIELDS AT THE NEUSE RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. 4 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL -~ 08/22/07 15A NCAC 2L .0106(k) WOULD BE APPLIED TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES WHERE GROUNDWATER IS NOT BEING USED AS A WATER SUPPLY AND WHERE DISCHARGES OF GROUNDWATER IMPACTED BY NITRATES WILL MIGRATE TO ADJACENT SURFACE WATERS. THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN PROPOSED BY THE FACILITY IS INTENDED TO RESULT IN GROUNDWATER CONTAINMENT AND TREATMENT ADJACENT TO THE TWO IMPACTED FIELDS WHERE GROUNDWATER HAS MIGRATED OFF,SITE AND RESULT IN CONTROLLING ADDITIONAL OFF SITE MIGRATION. LONG,TERM MONITORING WILL BE APPLIED TO THE OTHER LAND APPLICATION FIELDS OVER THE REMAINING AREAS OF THE SITE WHERE EXCEEDENCES OF THE GROUNDWATER STANDARD FORNITRA TE HA VE OCCURRED. IN ADDITION, THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM OR NPDES PERMIT FOR THIS FACILITY HAS BEEN MODIFIED SUCH THAT NITRATE DISCHARGING FROM GROUNDWATER INTO THE SURFACE WATERS WILL BE CONSIDERED l\S \'::'ELL ,'\£,ALONG WITH NITRATE COMING OUT OF THE DISCHARGE PIPE SUCH THAT THE PERMITTED TOTAL ALLOW ABLE NITRATE DISCHARGING INTO THE NEUSE RIVER IS UNCHANGED. THE VARIANCE WILL NOT CHANGE THE GROUNDWATER AND SURFACE WATER STANDARDS THAT THE CORPUD MUST MEET FOR NITRATE AT THE FACILITY. WHILE THE VARIANCE REQUEST IS UNDER CONSIDERATION, THE DIVISION OF WATER 5 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 QUALITY HAS SUSPENDED THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS FROM WATERWATER WASTEWATER TREATMENT AT THE FIELDS LOCATED AD !ACENT TO THIS FACILITI. THIS HEARING WILL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE RULES AND STATUTES. ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPLICATION AND HEARING ARE LOCATED IN THIS BUILDING AND ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. A WRITTEN RECORD OF THIS HEARING WILL BE PREPARED WHICH WILL INCLUDE ALL THE RELEVANT COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, AND DISCUSSIONS. FOR THIS REASON, THE HEARING IS BEING TAPE~RECORDED. WRITTEN COMMENTS RECEIVED THROUGH OCTOBERS, 2007 WILL ALSO BE INCLUDED IN THE RECORD. BASED ON THESE PUBLIC COMMENTS AND ON ANALYSIS BY THE DIVISION STAFF, WE , THE HEARING OFFICERS , WILL MAKE A I RECOMMENDATION TO THE ENVIRONMENT &MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. IN MAKING THE FINAL DECISION, THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CONSIDERS THE WRITTEN RECORD, THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEARING OFFICERS, THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF DIVISION STAFF, AND THE CONCERNS OF ITS MEMBERS. THE COMMISSION MUST ALSO CONSIDER WHETHER THE APPLICANT HAS COMPLIED WITH RULES 6 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL PERTAINING TO THE REQUESTED VARIANCE. os122107 I IF THE APPLICANT DECIDES THAT THE COMMISSION'S DECISION IS UNACCEPTABLE, A PETITION MAY BE FILED CONTESTING THAT DECISION. IF THE COMMISSION DOES NOT RECEIVE THAT PETITION WITHIN 60 DAYS OF IT DECISION ON THE VARIANCE, THAT RULING WILL BE FINAL AND BINDING. AT THIS TIME I WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE (names of local and state officials) AND THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THIS HEARING. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO RECOGNIZE THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FROM THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY (DWQ central office and DWQ regional office personnel). MR. RICH BOLICH (staff speaker,) OF THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION WILL NOW SUMMARIZE THE PROPOSED VARIANCE WHICH IS THE SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING. STAFF SPEAKER: (staff speaker summarizes variance request). HEARING OFFICER KATHY STECKER: THANK YOU. ·WE WILL NOW ACCEPT PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. -IWE WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST THAT EVERYONE FILL OUT A REGISTRATION FORM. AFTER ALL 7 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 REGISTERED SPEAKERS HAVE HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE COMMENT; I WE WILL ALLOW ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS AS TIME PERMITS. WHEN YOUR NAME IS CALLED, PLEASE COME UP TO THE MICROPHONE AND STA TE YOUR NAME , ADDRESS AND ANY AFFILIATION. ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO MA TIERS THAT ARE R£b6tTIVE RELEVANT TO THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF THIS VARIANCE. IF YOUR COMMENTS ARE LONGER THAN THREE MINUTES, I-WE WOUW LIKE TO REQUEST THAT THEY BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING. ITHE HEARING OFFICERS-_RESERVE THE RIGHT TO QUESTION SPEAKERS IF THE NEED SHOULD ARISE IN ORDER TO CLARIFY COMMENTS THAT ARE MADE. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STAFF WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER I YOUR QUESTIONS IF NECESSARY. I WOULD NOW LIKE TO CALL [first speaker]. [speakers ... ] ( the hearing officer, referring to THE REGISTRATION CARDS, calls each speaker to the microphone in turn) HEARING OFFICER KA THY STECKER: THANK YOU [last speaker]. ARE THERE I' ANY MORE COMMENTS? SINCE THERE ARE NO MORE COMMENTS, I DECLARE THE HEARING CLOSED. THE HEARING RECORD WILL REMAIN OPEN UNTIL 8 A HP-edi,ts ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 12:00 PM (MIDNIGHT) ON OCTOBER 5, 2007. ANYONE WISHING TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY DO SO UNTIL THAT DATE. AFTER WHICH TIME, THE COMMENTS WILL BE MADE PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD AND WE SHALL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION. WRITTEN COMMENTS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO DAVID HANCE AT THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -PLANNING SECTION. THE ADDRESS WRITTEN COMMENTS NEED TO BE SENT TO IS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE AND IS AS FOLLOWS: David Hance DENR-DWQ-Planning Section 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 A FACSIMILE COPY OF WRITTEN COMMENTS MAY BE SENT TO MR. HANCE BY DIALING (919) 715-5637. HIS TELEPHONE NUMBER IN RALEIGH IS (919) 733-5083 (extension 587). COMMENTS MAY ALSO BE SENT TO MR. HANCE VIA E-MAIL BY CONTACTING HIS INTERNET MAILING ADDRESS SHOWN IN THE PUBLIC NOTICE, WHICH IS David.Hance@ncmail.net. MR. HANCE'S BUSINESS CARDS SHOWS THIS INFORMATION AND ARE LOCATED AT THE PL'\CE YOU REGISTER£D FOR THIS HEARINGREGISTRA TION TABLE. IT IS THE DESIRE OF THE COMMISSION TO ALWAYS ACT IN THE BEST 9 AHP-edits ... DRAFT FOR HEARING OFFICER'S APPROVAL 08/22/07 POSSIBLE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC. THEREFORE, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF THE RULE~MAKING PROCESS. I-WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING THE HEARING AND OFFERING YOUR COMMENTS. 10 1 of 1 Subject: Reminder/Hearing Officers Meeting for the City of Raleigh (CORPUD) 2L Variance Request - On Thursday Afternoon (read on please) From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:33:12 -0400 To: Jay.Zimmerman@ncmail.net, Rick Bolich <rick.bolich@ncmail.net>, kathy stecker <Kathy.Stecker@ncmail.net>, Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net>, Alan Clark <Alan.Clark@ncmail.net>, Ted Bush <Ted.Bush@ncmail.net>, Debra Watts <debra.watts@ncmail.net>, Andrew Pitner <Andrew.Pitner@ncmail.net> Hello Hearing Officers and Other interested staff: A reminder about tomorrow's meeting in Raleigh. The Hearing Officers meeting for this Variance is as follows: Raleigh Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ 1:30 PM Archdale Building (512 North Salisbury Street) 10th Floor Conference Room (Room 1042A-2) in the NC Forest Resources Offices We will be discussing the upcoming hearing on September 5th and other related things. I have attached a draft agenda for that meetin g. If you have some additions you would like to make - please get them to me .•••..•• today. If will be in the office all day. See you on Thursday afternoon! David Hance Env Spec DWQ-Planning Section 733-5083 X. 587 AgendaforCORPUDHearingO-meetingAug23rd.doc Content-Type: application/msword i Content-Encoding: base64 8/22/2007 11:33 AM DRAFf AGENDA FOR HEARING OFFICERS' MEETING Agenda for the August 23rd Hearing Officers Meeting on the City of Raleigh Variance Request (CORPUD) (1) Questions about the Variance Process in Rule .0113; (2) Public Contacts as a result of the public notice that went to property owners and the newspaper per the rule; a. Any contacts from media? (3) Recommendations from the Division of Public Health on the risk assessment -Is this complete? (4) Do we have everything we need from the CORPUD before the hearing? (3) The Hearin g on Sep tember 5th : (a) DRAFT Hearing Officers Speech (b) DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section staff presentation; ( c) How to deal with the public that may attend; ( d) Any technical issues related to the request. (4) Post hearing Activities including EMC Groundwater Committee and EMC. 1 1 of 1 Subject: CORPUD variance request: Kathy Stecker's hearing officer's designation memorandum? From: David Hance <David.Hance@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:51:25 -0400 To: Jeff Manning <jeff.manning@ncmail.net> Jeff, I left this in your chair on Monday, August 9th and I have not heard from you yet. Q. Does this look good? Is it ready to go to Alan Clark for Signature? David Hance DWQ-Planning 733-508.3 X. 587 8/16/2007 12:51 PM http://view.atdmt.com/VON/iview/whtp7vos0160000074von/direct/01&645702512?click= ... 8/14/2007 Dr. Ken Rudo Variance Request, City of Raleigh, NC Technical Evaluation July 25, 2007 impacted or have the potential to be impacted in the future, were connected tQ, Raleigh municipal water and their former wells have been abandoned. The source for Raleigh municipal water is Falls Lake, which is not threatened by the groundwater contamination from the CORPUD land application fields. On July 24, 2007, you and I conducted a site inspection to familiarize you with the area surrounding the CORPUD facility including the location of nearby residents, locations of former application fields in relation to these homes, area topography and discharge features. Private water supply wells not connected to municipal water and that are adjacent to the area covered by the proposed variance are located up gradient from and/or across one or more perennial drainage features. As such, it is extremely unlikely that they would become impacted by groundwater contamination from the current CORPUD biosolids application fields. Staff from the APS-RRO have reviewed the variance application and supporting documentation and have concluded that the proposed variance is appropriate, technically feasible, and protective of human health and the environment. The RRO supports this variance on the condition that the estimated flux of nitrate into the Neuse River, via groundwater discharge, is offset by deducting the equivalent amount of nitrate from the NRWWTP's permitted effluent outfall. The RRO supports continuing research and monitoring at the site to improve the accuracy of determining the groundwater nitrate flux into the. river in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed variance and the corrective action system. In order to address concerns that you have expressed regarding the potential for contamination to migrate across the hydro logic barriers in the southeastern portion of the site, the RRO would support additional limited groundwater monitoring in these areas including the installation of additional monitor wells, surface water sampling points and a limited number of residential wells. cc: Coleen Sullins -DWQ Director Ted Bush -APS Section Chief Alan Clark -DWQ Planning Section Chief Dr. Ken Rudo Variance Request, City of Raleigh, NC Technical Evaluation July 25, 2007 impacted or have the potential to be impacted in the future, were connected tQ , Raleigh municipal water and their former wells have been abandoned. The source for Raleigh municipal water is Falls Lake, which is not threatened by the groundwater contamination from the CORPUD land application fields. On July 24, 2007, you and I conducted a site inspection to familiarize you with the area surrounding the CORPUD facility including the location of nearby residents, locations of former application fields in relation to these homes, area topography and discharge features. Private water supply wells not connected to municipal water and that are adjacent to the area covered by the proposed variance are located up gradient from and/or across one or more perennial drainage features. As such, it is extremely unlikely that they would become impacted by groundwater contamination from the current CORPUD biosolids application fields. Staff from the APS-RRO have reviewed the variance application and supporting documentation and have concluded that the proposed variance is appropriate, technically feasible, and protective of human health and the environment. The RRO supports this variance on the condition that the estimated flux of nitrate into the Neuse River, via groundwater discharge, is offset by deducting the equivalent amount of nitrate from the NR WWTP' s permitted effluent outfall. The RRO supports continuing research and monitoring at the site to improve the accuracy of determining the groundwater nitrate flux into the river in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed variance and the corrective action system. In order to address concerns that you have expressed regarding the potential for contamination to migrate across the hydro logic barriers in the southeastern portion of the site, the RRO would support additional limited groundwater monitoring in these areas including the installation of additional monitor wells, surface water sampling points and a limited number of residential wells. cc: Coleen Sullins -DWQ Director Ted Bush -APS Section Chief Alan Clark -DWQ Planning S_ection Chief Out Church • Service Schedule • Our Mission • Staff • Free Will Baptists • Missions -Cuba Mission Trip • Our History • Contact Us • Directions and Map e Our ActiviUes • Vacation Bible School • Fall Festival • Fishing Trips • Awana rippetr':,, l 'ha1leJ free\\ ilJ ilapii:-{ ( 'hurch 2:iJli "i-him'l'·~ll RoiiJ t 'l.t~ tun.:\('::! . .'SlO 919~;,i . .:,J-hlJ l Yout GtO\tVth • Worship Services • Children's Activitie • Youth Activities • Sunday School • Ministry • Master's Men • Women's Book Clul All contents of this website ©2007 Tippett's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, except where specifically noted otherwise. ~~\}'Contact the Webmaster Make TippcttsChapcl.com Your Homepage~! http://www.tippettschapel.com/ 8/13/2007 $1999 /mo. !or 1) rn,:i,;. Paci.:agco, ~tart,•lg c1: ~ Res!Jictlons apply. (after ma•l·m redemption) http://ad.doubleclick.net/adi/N2790.Advertising.corn/B2369367.9;sz=234x60;click=http://... 8/14/2007