HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000547_7_10058 O&M Plan_20210610CITY OF ROXBORO Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan for Reducing Stormwater Pollution Runoff From Municipal Operations Prepared by: alley, williams, carmen & king, inc. engineers and architects 740 chapel hill road - post office box 1179 burlington, north carolina 27216-1179 March, 2015 Project No. 10058 Table of Contents 1 . Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 2. Goals and Objectives ............................................................................................... 1 3. Responsible Parties ................................................................................................. 1 4. Facility Inspections ................................................................................................... 2 5. Site Assessments ..................................................................................................... 2 5.1 City Hall / Fire Department ................................................................................ 2 5.2 Police Station .................................................................................................... 2 5.3 Fire Station 2 & 3 .............................................................................................. 2 5.4 Public Services Facilities .................................................................................. 3 5.5 Water Treatment Plant ...................................................................................... 3 5.6 Wastewater Treatment Plant ............................................................................. 3 5.7 Old City Public Works ....................................................................................... 4 6. Facility Specific Best Management Practices ........................................................... 4 6.1 Fire Departments .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.2 Public Services Facility ..................................................................................... 4 6.3 Water Treatment Plant ...................................................................................... 6 6.4 Wastewater Treatment Plant ............................................................................. 6 7. General Best Management Practices ....................................................................... 7 7.1 Vehicle and equipment storage ......................................................................... 7 7.2 Sweeping .......................................................................................................... 7 7.3 Waste Disposal ................................................................................................. 7 7.4 Outdoor Material Storage .................................................................................. 7 7.5 Good Housekeeping Practices .......................................................................... 8 8. Annual Inspection Program ...................................................................................... 8 9. Employee Training .................................................................................................... 8 10. Record Keeping ....................................................................................................... 8 Figures Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro 1. INTRODUCTION This Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan has been developed with the goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from City of Roxboro owned facilities and operations. It has been developed as required under Section G of the State of North Carolina's Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater Discharge Permit No. NCS000547, issued to the City, spring 2012. This O&M Plan is an update from the previous report dated April 2013, and describes the City owned facilities and their operations, identifies potential sources of storm water pollution at the facilities, recommends appropriate best management practices (BMPs) or pollution control measures to reduce the potential of discharge of pollutants in storm water runoff, and provides for periodic review of this O&M Plan. 2. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of the storm water permit program is to improve the quality of surface waters by reducing the amount of pollutants potentially contained in the storm water runoff from City owned facilities. Specifically, this Plan will be in place to reduce or eliminate the exposure of oil and grease, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, sediment, and other chemicals used by the City, to stormwater. With this understanding, the City has developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate the stormwater exposure of pollutants from City activities to the maximum extent practical. 3. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES The Operation and Maintenance Plan Coordinator for the City of Roxboro is designated as the Public Service Director, currently Mr. Andy Oakley. Responsibilities: A. Maintains materials, inventories, and handling and storage practices. B. Inspection and maintenance of best management practices. C. Plans and schedules education -training programs D. Annual site inspections and assessments. E. Coordinates clean up of spills and releases. March, 2015 Page 1 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro 4. FACILITY INSPECTIONS Each facility was inspected and evaluated with respect to their potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The City owns and operates the following facilities: Name of Facility Address Date of Inspection City Hall / Fire Department Police Station Fire Station 2 Fire Station 3 Public Services Facility Water Treatment Plant Wastewater Treatment Plant 105 S. Lamar Street 109 N. Lamar Street 1613 N. Main Street 1357 Durham Road 779 Mountain Road 1599 Chub Lake Road 902 Cavel-Chub Lake Road March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 Old City Public Works 301 Hill Street March 10, 2015 5. SITE ASSESSMENTS A description of the operations and the inspection results for each facility are presented below. A determination of the potential for stormwater pollution for each of the facilities is also presented. 5.1 City Hall / Fire Department All of the operations performed at City Hall are administrative in nature and are contained within the building. The fire department houses fire apparatus and equipment, offices, and firefighter accommodations. No material handling or storage practices occur outside of the building. Equipment is washed in the parking lot with washwater draining across the parking lot into the storm drain system. 5.2 Police Station Similar to City Hall, the operations at the Police Station are administrative in nature. Other than parking of police vehicles, there did not appear to be any material storage or handling outside of the building. The parking lots and drainage systems appeared to be in good condition. The potential for stormwater pollution from this site was determined to be minimal. 5.3 Fire Station 2 & 3 These facilities houses administrative offices, the City's fire apparatus and equipment, and firefighter accommodations. These facilities are staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a March, 2015 Page 2 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro week. No equipment maintenance or repairs are performed at these facilities. Equipment is washed outside where washwater drains into the stormwater system. Floor drains are installed in each bay where they drain into grease traps and then to the sanitary sewer. 5.4 Public Services Facilities The Public Works facilities consist of administrative offices, a main shop building, a wash building, a salt storage building, old salt storage building, miscellaneous storage building, waste oil tank, brine tank, dumpster/trash can storage, construction material storage, and debris storage. See the attached Public Services Site Map. The City of Roxboro's Public Services Facility performs the following activities: • Storage, maintenance, and repair of City owned trucks and equipment. • Storage of misc. materials used in the repair and maintenance of the City's water and sewer systems. • Residential garbage collection. • Street sweeping. • Outdoor storage of gravel, construction debris, and dirt. • Leaf collection and storage. • Yard waste collection and storage. Due to the materials and nature of work performed at this facility the potential for stormwater pollution is high at all areas except the administrative offices. 5.5 Water Treatment Plant The water treatment plant was constructed in 1954 and has the capacity to treat 8 million gallons of water per day. The treatment consists of the filtration of water and addition of chemicals to provide adequate disinfection. The storage of disinfection by- products and chemicals and well as a diesel tank onsite pose a potential for stormwater pollution. 5.6 Wastewater Treatment Plant The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) has been in operation since 1965. The WWTP has had a NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for many years. The SWPPP addresses such items as material storage and handling, spill prevention, spill response, preventative maintenance, and employee training. As part of this inspection, the permit and SWPPP were reviewed to determine if the WWTP was meeting the requirements set out in both. Stormwater inspections have been performed and are up to date; also regular outfall monitoring and ongoing visual inspections show no stormwater pollution at any of the WWTP outfalls. Along with March, 2015 Page 3 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro the wastewater, there are storage buildings and diesel tanks onsite that pose a potential for stormwater pollution. 5.7 Old City Public Works The old City Public Works site is only used for limited storage and training by the Fire Department. Nothing is being stored onsite that could cause stormwater pollution. The potential for stormwater pollution from this site was determined to be minimal. 6. FACILITY SPECIFIC BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Stormwater management controls, or best management practices (BMPs), will be implemented over the course of the following year to reduce the potential of pollutants entering the stormwater discharged from City owned facilities. The following lists the specific BMPs the City will employ to minimize, to the maximum extent practical, the possibility of pollutant exposure to stormwater for the areas identified above. 6.1 City Hall / Fire Department 0 Original Assessment: o Require all vehicle washing to be performed in wash bays at the Public Services Facility or where washwater can be captured and routed to the sanitary sewer. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o Storage containers for fuel and antifreeze were located outside the building. These containers should be stored properly to avoid a potential discharge to the storm drainage system. 6.2 Police Station Original Assessment did not encounter any potential sources of stormwater pollution. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o There are several partially used buckets of joint compound exposed to the weather located adjacent to the generator at the rear of the building. These buckets should be stored properly or disposed of to avoid a potential discharge to the storm drainage system. o Require all vehicle washing to be performed in wash bays or where washwater can be captured and routed to the sanitary sewer. Vehicle washing materials were located outside adjacent to the roll up door. March, 2015 Page 4 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro 6.3 Fire Station 2 & 3 0 Initial Site Assessment: o Require all vehicle washing to be performed in wash bays at the Public Services Facility or where washwater can be captured and routed to the sanitary sewer. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o We met with personnel at station 3 that informed us all vehicle washing now takes place indoors and all washwater enters the floor drains inside the building. No additional items were noted during the inspection. 6.4 Public Services Facilities 0 Initial Site Assessment: • Require all vehicle washing to be performed in the wash bays. • Provide absorbent dikes or spill kits in each work bay to aid in cleaning up spills. • Provide secondary containment and storage for all buckets and drums. Various buckets and drums were found throughout the site. • Store batteries properly. Multiple batteries found sitting outside throughout the site. • Add erosion control measures to downstream of stockpile areas to prevent stormwater pollution. • Clean up any spilled salt. • Add Standard Operating Procedures for cleaning up salt and oil. • Ensure all dumpsters and trash cans are closed and have lids. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o There is a dumpster by the western shop entrance gate that does not have a lid. A lid should be installed, or the dumpster should be traded out for a container with a lid. o There is a tank located at the north of the property that is labeled "Phosphoric Acid". It is our understanding that this tank actually contains a liquid brine solution. This container should have secondary containment to avoid spills when discharging material from the tank, or should the tank develop a leak. o The main oil and waste oil tanks were located in a covered area with secondary containment at the rear of the shop. However, small waste oil containers were sitting on or outside of the containment curb. There was March, 2015 Page 5 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro an oil sheen on the concrete outside of the oil containers where oil had been spilled while being transferred to secondary containers. All oil containers should be stored within the containment area. Any surface where oil is spilled should be thoroughly cleaned. o The construction debris area should have silt fence located around the perimeter to avoid stormwater pollution during rainfall events. o A diesel fuel tank and several open gear oil buckets were located on the north side of the main shop. These containers should be stored indoors or disposed of properly. o Batteries should be stored properly. A battery was located on the concrete pad outside of the maintenance bays. 6.5 Water Treatment Plant 0 Initial Site Assessment: o Install secondary containment for diesel fuel tank. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o Install secondary containment for diesel fuel tank. o Install secondary containment for sodium hypochlorite tanks. 6.6 Wastewater Treatment Plant 0 Initial Site Assessment: o Install secondary containment for diesel fuel tank at the digester building. o Storage building at the northeast corner of the site has a leaking roof with many buckets of chemicals on the floor. Repair the building or move the chemicals to prevent stormwater pollution. 0 2015 Site Assessment: o Chemicals were removed from the storage building identified in the intital site assessment. o Install secondary containment for diesel fuel tank at covered sludge storage area at the north end of the site. o There is a storage building south of the clarifiers that has a health hazard classification of 1. This building should have secondary containment. March, 2015 Page 6 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro o There are two dumpster west of the lab building that do not have lids. One of the dumpsters; is fed by a conveyor discharging waste from the incoming sewer. These dumpsters should have lids and/or a water -tight connection to the conveyor to avoid rainfall entering and exiting the dumpster. 6.7 Old City Public Works 0 Initial Site Assessment: o No potential sources of pollutant exposure were identified on the site. 0 2015 Site Assessment o No potential sources of pollutant exposure were identified on the site. 7. GENERAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The following general BMPs will be implemented to minimize the potential for stormwater contamination from everyday operations at City owned facilities. 7.1 Vehicle and equipment storage Remove and dispose of all unused vehicles and equipment, if possible. If vehicles and equipment are to be stored outside for longer than a month, drain fluids. When practical, cover equipment and divert storm water around the equipment. 7.2 Sweeping Increase City-wide street sweeping to cover all curb and gutter within the City every 2 months. Dirt and debris collected during the sweeping will be disposed of at the landfill. 7.3 Waste Disposal All wastes (including solid waste, waste oil, empty drums) generated by the City will be properly disposed of via outside contractors. Wastes will be stored in containers sealed from precipitation or stored under cover or inside buildings. 7.4 Outdoor Material Storage 0 Remove and dispose of all unnecessary materials, equipment, and debris. 0 Store materials on pallets or elevated platform to prevent corrosion. 0 Cover materials with tarps to minimize exposure. March, 2015 Page 7 of 11 Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan City of Roxboro All empty containers stored outside will be tightly sealed and the outside free of contamination. 7.5 Good Housekeeping Practices Implement a regular inspection and maintenance program for all grease traps. 0 Work, storage, and vehicle parking areas are to be kept clean and orderly. Routine maintenance and cleaning of areas that are exposed (or have the potential to be exposed) to stormwater runoff will be performed to minimize stormwater pollution. Sweep or dry mop when cleaning outdoor areas. Avoid washing or hosing down the area. 0 Clean up spills promptly. 8. Annual Inspection Program Annual inspections of all City owned facilities will be conducted and this plan reviewed. The effectiveness of the BMP's implemented during the previous year will also be evaluated. Based on the results of the inspections and BMP evaluation, this Operation and Maintenance Plan will be updated and modified to ensure the risk of stormwater pollution from City operations is minimized. 9. Employee Training An employee training program has been developed and implemented to educate public works employees about the requirements of this O&M Plan. This education program will include background on components of the O&M Plan and hands-on training in spill prevention and response, good housekeeping, proper material handling, disposal and control of waste, washing, and inspection procedures. All new employees will be trained within one week of their start date. Additionally, all employees will be required to participate in an annual refresher training course. The training program will be reviewed annually by the Plan Coordinator to determine its effectiveness and to make any necessary changes to the program. 10. RECORD KEEPING Annual Inspection forms, training records, information on all BMP's implemented, and any waste and/or recycling receipts shall be maintained on site for a minimum of five years. March, 2015 Page 8 of 11 FIGURES WWI I A�00 t Ao OLD SALT STORAGE TRASH CAN STORAGE STORAGE INE . If H BAYS & CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS STORAGE AREA IAL NEW SALT GE STORAGE MAIN SHOP Awl 1w J. AM r OFFIC SLIMCL RD CITY OF ROXBORO " Is PERSON COUNTY, N.C. illiams, carmen, & king, inc. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS.& SURVEYORS 740 ch�p.l h,11 —d p- b.. 1179 b� 11,gton, .c. 27216 (336)226-5534 PUBLIC SERVICES SITE MAP 1 inch = 150 feet PL 7 dill, DIESEL STORAGE r DIGESTER BUILDING RETURN SLUDGE RETURN SLUDGE, PUMP ST4 r PUMP STATION I IL7 SH P 4. LAB or- lu 0: Q: -1 't CITY OF ROXBORO PERSON COUNTY, N.C. alley, williams, carmen, & king, inc. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, & SURVEYORS - .1 ."i" --� p.o. bo. 1179 buding'to'n, n.c. 27216 (336)226-553 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE MAP 1 inch = 250 feet & STORAGE DIESEL TANK OFFICE Its a its BULK CHEMICAL STORAGE 4 F'If, BULK CHEMICAL STORAGE CITY OF ROXBORO PERSON COUNTY, N.C. +alley, williarns, carmen, & king, inc. 7 NGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, & SURVEYORS E 4. chapel hill mad p.o. bo. 1179 b . d'i ud ngton, n.c. 27216 (336)226-5534 WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE MAP 1 inch = 150 feet