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NCS000546_Minor Revision_20181116
Ail e, 4i) DUKE /°P�' `` '�J "° '��- `� P e C rk * Allen Steam Station ENERGY® 0 — 253 Plant Allen Road Belmont, NC 28012 November 16, 2018 R 12//(1) 5j- (I North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources -Wastewater Complex Permitting Section Attn: Ms. Julie Grzyb 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Subject: NPDES Stormwater Permit Minor Revision Allen Steam Station Permit No. NCS000546 Gaston County Dear Ms. Grzyb: Duke Energy respectfully requests the inclusion of previously permitted stormwater outfall SW015 to the Allen Steam Station industrial stormwater permit NCS000546. The following narrative provides a timeline of SW015 and a justification for this request. • On August 31, 2016, an update to the NPDES wastewater permit application was submitted requesting that NC DEQ Division of Water Resources include the historically permitted stormwater outfall SW015 and associated drainage area in the NC0004979 wastewater permit. This was requested because, at the time, this flow contained both industrial stormwater and potentially, a wastewater contribution from ash basin seepage, if any. • In a July 2016 letter, Duke Energy requested the removal of SW015 from the Allen industrial stormwater permit for future inclusion in the wastewater permit. NC DEMLR approved this request on September 9, 2016. • Subsequently, the contributing ash basin seepage flow to the SW015 drainage was reconfigured to more permanently collect, pump, and return flow to the ash basin. The potential ash basin seepage flow is not included in NPDES wastewater permit NC0004979 and is currently being returned to the ash basin through a collection and pumping system • NPDES Wastewater Permit No. NC0004979 was received July 13, 2018 without the inclusion of SW015. • Stormwater outfall SW015 is a 36-inch reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) which discharges to the Catawba River (Lake Wylie) and drains an approximately 163.6-acre area. The drainage area runoff is from a large soil borrow area, as well as two ash structural fill areas, and approximately one mile of gravel and dirt road. The coordinates of SW015 are 35° 10' 52" N by 81° 00' 21"W. The Active Ash Basin Emergency Spillway, WW007, drains to the SW015 RCP, as demonstrated in the attached drainage area map. Page 2 Due to the reconfiguration of the contributing wastewater source and the unaltered state of the original SW015 drainage area, Duke Energy requests to reestablish the previously permitted outfall SW015 in the subject permit. Copies of the illustration of the new configuration and a drainage area map is included as attachments with this submittal. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Elizabeth Glenn (980) 373-0530. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, L) , 4- Terry W. Tuck General Manager II Allen Steam Station Fossil/Hydro Operations - Carolinas Coal Generation Cc: Mooresville Regional Office, DWR Wastewater Program Sergei Chernikov - NCDEQ Elizabeth Glenn Randy Gantt Tina Woodward 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 ` a ISHEET 1 r. ++ . ',.'. ® _ 1N$ ..f.. <, p, .ro, ro.ro.n.. 6a~ ..< ow aro., P<.... s so ss-n o.,,.,e<.ro,r000n noro+Pcro.,nu.ry Ii.xa N ::: m N tn<. nu,Klss•lnsrn M.mal,wparoJ mme,e P.Pe Manai<,roa rvneu lromal<y<oJ 6amw 610011 W IYOI,o a,e G:avb<a,rrluYe 1616 OY — SITE VICINITY MAP iorvc a a,ar '-1.;HAVEL' -'---- - \ , \ 1 1 1 'r VII © 53, • - —''��"� �■ _STORAGE AREA. �16 �- t� = t �, CATAWBA RIVER c ^ _!~ i Y /,% . 1 - '_'._ � i f""`' ;�� �\ i •i LAKE WYLIE) / _ _ -- ti o *,,,,-/- . t \ ■ C i °\ \\ 1 ,'`\ \\ ACCESS ROAD=---- G` .� f�y .. 3 t s ■ "`; , `\ 11'I r 1\ `♦`-., ,rl/."-- q!--'--,.,,;lit,r' - ,C- •Aim \ . 1%.. \ OUTFACE SWOYJ-015 _ l r !I ` -' �! ' `---` - ° ` * COAL YARD SUMP : >0" CMP (TYP OF OUTFALL r r , ;1 1�\ \ , /II -. o _ o DRAINAGE AREA \. GROUP 13� BUJ - ' 1 1 SOIL BORROW AREA - ' I /`— ° (/J� — / ` N° o f� ! ``'T'— f� pi/ \ ///1,,\ _ \�i.� ° r\O/� • • ° Ao o°°° ° ° •`\\ \• �♦_~M.li_/rj■r_ - I^ ■ F OUTFACE 5.0015-014UmJ / /'1 —\ ri \ i /�', ° boo ° 1 i,,- _ - 44', jI OUTFACE SGY013-013 ,t''-y , "//II _ it [ ' b \ �c f OstP , //r ( 1 / ) l i`1y11`\ l ° I ° °• _' OUTFALL 5H/013-012 - \` /_ / , l — \ � , / \ o of 09 ip'`a'°° * e°■ - 0'-1 %; --• -I1f- ' _°,e OUTFACE SGW014 OUTFACE S1W013-011 1 r--..,-..-„,..._ G.,,:_____kv.„ ._, , ' _ - _ OUTFALL SWO1J-010 i I f"►A / /t / "� —'1 r/ ,' \ /f"-_ �— II'Cr 1- — 1I. I � '\\ p ■ 'poi& OUTFACE SGW013-009 17.4.... Ix"` �- ' ' i� rye ° '~ \"' 1...\ *. ■ KEY NOTE: ° AIRO t �_i ,/ /,- \Y'J \ 1 1 1 -_'I . I ASH LANDFILLi K DRAINAGE AREA ■ r " _ — = S DRAINAGE AREA MP ° \__ , _ `, n,— ASH STRUCTURAL FILL f a ■!) �' OUTFACE SGW013-008 LEGEND: ° m OUTFALL SW01.3-007 POMP TO ASH BASIN I o i♦ 1 \ " "'\ I I•1•■ DRAINAGE AREA BOUNDARY /�.04,� `\`�` _ —— i OUTFALL SGW015 (SEE SHEET 2 FOR PROPERTY LINE -- •••• 4 \ `\\ SPILLWAY DETAIL) •• • / .� r !♦ \`\ \ _ -r.aa-aa-asa-aa-ssaa-Maa-M ill M af� • e j-- . 44 , '.'• >v ——— _-- ---- �'�� STRUCTURE LEGEND: I ` _ 1 I I `- I- -- -?-'�:=----- /� ►Q WATER TOWER C // _ �= �\ l\ J _ _--_- ———__.-__`II 2O AIR COMPRESSOR T. 0 \ '-� ♦ _ / .\ / ` ' t lb •...7:,,,....*\ ...ia A of aY.n.......arW....n144101011 Will 0 GENERATOR Mg — — -- 1 r / b \ ASH BASIN STORMWATER/SEDIMENT ? • WATERSHED DETENTION BASINS —......._-_.,.., r, ,,,, \,„. a \ ^, g \ ,„ 8 PLAN I _ DRAWN BY: CML DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC ALLEN STEAM STATION DESIGNED BY: MECHANICAL A F)1 , . . . STORMWATER POLLUTION CHECKED BY: ELECTRICAL PREVENTION PLAN SITE PLAN A APPROVED BY: DATE: HDR Engineering,Inc.of the Carolinas License Number:F-Out — SCAM arr..e/stt.no. CO 440 S Church Street,Suite 1000 Charlotte,NC 28202-2075 PE SEAL _Np.+ DATE REVISION `CNN ON CNKO AM CML ELEC YE[N PROJECT NU11Bfih 0000000002lSIOa I .400' SHEET 1 - t I 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I 6 I 7 1 6 I I 1 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 5 I 7 I 5 I oammc Pio SHEET 2 ay. ' --- ::-.\--. -'.-..-s--- --: -7---- -----:- - : " ' :!I ::'1:Jr1H'i!II'I'D •'' . 1H 1.--1"---rr41,)1I'llk• 1`L IT.'1' SW013-07 FOR FULL DETAIL, REFER to ALLEN STEAM STATION RETIRED ASH . . : , 4 1 , : , , N J. '1 li'''r,,i1 ,1-ii',.:1;' 1 "• 1 BASIN DAM PRINCIPLE SPILLWAY REPLACEMENT(ALL-201) Eli• / A/ ; • • 1; II I;;;;;; 11; •;11 I i i ; al I ; ;:l p 1 ;•••__.-:----7; --:: :•-•:---- _:_ : •-;'-_ -— :-:1-.1. •.. ;;;1-.. . --EY•15"2."•;Pi4 a;ii.".4 1! `II;••;II 1 I I Ill ;;" • " 5t ,, tlill . i, 1 DRAWINGS: ALN C901.002 II II - ---------::- ---- - -- -- J:: - — _,..-c- -• -- --- -- - --- - ---r--=----c----C--- r--'--- ----- ''--- ---- ktirparrecennani . . IT' I, . ' I i 'I 111:1,1 1 1 'I:i , - . -- 71 ':iectr`TRuFil°N1I'j - - - '' 1 ------:- - ' ----.- - -'r---C. 1- : ' Ei. Q.<1:',1_1•,!i ;,I d.'. II.1 j.'., ! . , ;, L .,R , ! ., ! 4,,,..T.,..tas 1. AREA SHOWN IS THE SOUTH EAST PORTION OF THE RETIRED ASH BASIN WHERE THE EXISTING RISER AND _ DISCHARGING 36" PIPE ARE TO BE REPLACED AND PARBALLY ABANDONED IN-PLACE ---- .7-'•••'- • I • . ! ;• ;;1;;:-- • 1;;;I; •••• •P; 11 r; I;;;;; ,; i : /4I: PI i • I I ..I. ....PH'li;\. r , EXIST ASERTOAERSflA1lfiAE o. f,,,, ..i. i,,': ,;,. i , - , ,, '. 1 , Ii L ' .1 , ., „ , , . o I EXISTVALVES sucvMA-T 2. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET. ,. , , SEEIISTOPIGLDIRAWINPO ; ;I ./1.• P; i;;; ;nit LP; " 1 Ili."' ; ; I 4 il/i/e ; At I ' I . Is •:i mon wow trumpi, ' 1 11,cselmm.TERI"ER) •r•I ' •ril r / I r „ .; r/'ri u'.' • I ,-.1 - , :-.L../(.24:111r. A• i .' mow mum----')-L-1,r'-:. , : c „Ens r;/ i. 7. I A/ .: 1,:l; ,i 1,:p.; • r . II ' J ! • ' •1r 1•:' ' , i /•• I • •: I• '<V' I I H ' •i•'• • ) 1, /. 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A I DRAWN BY: CML DAULKELEENNERSOTYEACARMOsLITNASATioLLNC A IUMYZ - DESIGNED BY: MECHANICAL CHECKED BY: ELECTRICAL STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SITE PLAN APPROVED BY: DATE: , NOR Engineering:Inc.of the Carolinas License Number:F.01113 SCALL INU.NLANEIT NO. • SHEET 2 440 S Chinch Strout Suite 1000 Charlotte,NC 213202.2075 PE SOL NO CATE itEvismoi ORB OWN CIWO•PPR AL MC MECO PROJECT NUMBEFt 0000:0101234104 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 5