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NCS000546_2021 DMR_20210318
Allen Steam Station i DUKE ENERGYp March 18, 2021 NCDEQ, Mooresville Regional Office Attn: DEMLR Stormwater Program 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, N.C. 28115 Subject: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC NPDES Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Report for: Allen Steam Station — NCS000546 — Gaston County Duke Energy 253 Plant Allen Rd. Belmont, NC 28012 In accordance with Part III, E(2) of the above referenced NPDES Storm Water permit, the original and one copy of the monthly monitoring reports are attached. The samples collected are required monthly due to Tier Two or Tier Three Status. The period for sampling ended February 28, 2021. Samples were collected for the period at outfalls SW010, SW016, and SW018 on February 11, 2021 and samples were collected at outfalls SW007, SW009 and SW020 on February 22, 2021. The laboratory analysis results were received on March 2, 2021 and March 9, 2021 respectively. Duke Energy has performed the steps required by the Tier II and Tier III for these outfalls. There were no samples collected at outfalls SW001, SW013-10 and SWO13- 13 for the period, due to No Qualifying Flow condition. Analytes sampled above the benchmark values for analytical monitoring are as follows. Outfalll Parameter Result I Benchmark WO07 I Zinc 0.386 m /L 10.126 m /L All values reported on the attached reports are dependent on the accuracy of approved analytical methods used to measure parameters. Please direct any correspondence or questions concerning the Allen Steam Station NPDES Storm Water Program to Elizabeth Glenn (980) 373-0530 or Randy Gantt (704) 829-2587. Yours truly, A k4" Rick R. Roper, General Manager III Allen Steam Station Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Allen Steam Station DUKE N RGY Attachments bc: w/attachment Elizabeth Glenn UPS Tracking: 1Z X67 601 42 9594 3934 Duke Energy 253 Plant Allen Rd. Belmont, NC 28012 0 Q tn U 7 R C a 0 0 0 Q v cis vvv vvv �yy v N •� O O O O O O I� F QO �/ T T T V O Vi F c� g� o o in o a tn o 0 0 V Q Q o o Q N N N o OG CG CC 44 40 O-it 4 0 0 54 vi W p W 'Paw, (,� V V V O 00 z zz 0 G�zl000��slW000 QuadOf ExOovvs�ooa F F F O 00 0 00 o c, z zznnn w w w o 'Cl Fj 0 0 q 'I FAG.�ZovoZZ000 d a W O ` in t�oc�QedQQaaQQ Hw2zzzzzzz'z'zzi L A vaU �4zz�e3� o oac oz 333CA 3n 3n H n o c^ M m w o o NN E 0 o R `�/ o o Fyy tC N N N N N N O O o O o O O O v v v 3 F •d O O O 0 0 p am voo vvv � � v o Q F v v v o 0 0 o N o Q N N a a Q QQ O w o 0 0 w o o d ��, ova. O vo v�„�„ 00 v vo N o 00 � tn © u� iz1OOC[r]Gr]000 CD EF11.,Qv�/oEZ. E�.,QUvo O OHO 3 33 Qr00iv`Oio�Oo00��°�° N a- �.1 o oVE" c o � p�W000Gx.G�.000 EZ000��vvo r. FTi GL G4 coO O e q p I O��O— O"I oU3 e QGOaa CZZovvo O Z G U va z 3 z z 3 3 3 o .,no+ar%sM�oaoo 333333333 h �D O 0 Ln z E E a N N N Q Q Q So �x xx z zz •� ar F� F� F N O 00 Lr. LT. Lr� z zz g �� � ❑UQ Q O? N G O? O N Z,r-ojmZZ 0 tn N N (14 N N C3 ❑ rnU � Ze�e�e�ZZr��e� CD en -�no�orsers�oaoo g00000000 ad 333333333 oz cn(ncnCnul) ?IOMM� G � zo pg Q. •� Q ^e1 •a kn s _ c FA& a� �F z o ca to m 00� E w O � � Fx � 6i GT a o a d ❑ rid U o z° r— CC e LL A � u 2§_a 0 ■�«� �222 aaE� � _ � ;� ��2■� § § 2 © ■ §�§§I - ta\ : C. V a: § § 6 2 ° # §2� B ; � _ 2 ■ 2 gL §CL � 2 � }: a= Et 5 C § § 3�\a 2■�2 % 0 2`2�= ■ ■ ■ ■.- Ipo u�C6 % z �»0�3