HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0023306_Residual Annual Report 2014_20150130City of New Bern 2014 Annual Report CLASS A RESIDUALS Permit # WQ0023306 RFcFNED JAN 3 0 Z015 �Wi;S�Ci1�N TiOt�pFRi�CES&���3i Prepared By: Judy Majstoravich City of New Bern Land Application Residuals Operator #13576 January 2015 1 - • r c NEW BERN NORTH CAROLINA Department of Public Utilities 303 First Street, P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 January 21, 2015 NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Reference: 2014 Land Application Annual Report City of New Bern CLASS A RESIDUALS Permit Number WQ0023306 The City of New Bern is submitting all monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in the above referenced permit for its land application program for Sewage Sludge. There are three copies included. The City has managed and compiled the submitted data. The City produced approximately 2513 dried tons of sludge during 2014, which met the Class A Sewage Sludge criteria. Approximately 1485 tons of dried sludge were distributed by a sludge spreader truck on 2940 acres of farmland. The city hauled approximately 273 tons to Craven County Solid Waste Management Authority to be used to grow ground cover. The report includes: 1) Annual Land Application Certification Form (ACF), 2) Class A Annual Distribution and Marketing Certification and Summary Form (DMSDF) with land application field reports, 3) Operator Pasteurization Logs, 4) Annual Residual Sampling Summary Form (RSSF) with laboratory data, 5) Annual Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form (PVRF), with laboratory data, and 6) TCLP Analysis. Key contacts are listed in the back of the report. If any further information is required, please contact Robert Jones at (252) 639-7560 or one of the other contacts. Sincerely, Judy Majstoravich Treatment Plants Manager Enclosures cc: File Everything comes together here. 1) Annual Land Application Certification Form (ACF) ANNUAL LAND APPLICATION CERTIFICATION FORM WQ Permit#: WQ0023306 County: Facility Name (as *shown on permit): Land Application Operator: . Craven Year: 2014 City of New Bern Judy Majstoravich Phone: 252.639.7555 Land application of residuals as allowed by the permit occurred during the past calendar year? . Yes ❑ No - If No, skip Part A, and Part B and proceed to Part C. Also, If residuals were generated but not land applied, please attach an explanation on how the "residuals were handled. Total number of application fields in the permit: NA Total number of fields utilized for land application during the year: NA Total amount of dry tons applied during the year for all application sites: 1485 Total number of acres utilizes for land application during the year: 1 2940 rart is - Annuai uomniance Statement: Facility was compliant during calendar year 2014 with all conditions of the land application permit (including but not limited to items 1-13 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality. 0 Yes ❑ No If no please, provide a written description why the facility was not compliant, the dates, and explain corrective action taken. 1) Only residuals approved for this permit were applied to the permitted sites. 2) Soil pH was adjusted as specified in the permit and lime was applied (if needed) to achieve a soil pH of at least 6.0 or the limit specified in the permit. 3) Annual soils analysis were performed on each site receiving residuals during the past calendar year and three (3) copies of laboratory results are attached. 4) Annual TCLP analysis (if required) was performed and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 5) All other monitoring was performed in accordance with the permit and reported during the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 6) The facility did not exceed any of the Pollutant Concentration Limits in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(a) or the Pollutant Loading Rates in 15A NCAC 02T .1105(b) (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 7) All general requirements in as specified in the Land Application Permit were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 8) All monitoring and reporting requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1111 were complied with (applicable to 40 CFR Part 503 regulated facilities). 9) All operations and maintenance requirements in the permit were complied with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 10) No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well or explanations of violations are attached to include appropriate actions and rem, ediations. 11) Vegetative cover was maintained and proper crop management was performed on each site receing residuals, as - specified in the permit. 12) No runoff of residuals from the application sites -onto adjacent property or nearby surface waters has occurred. 13) All buffer requirements as specified on the permit were maintained during each application of residuals. Part C - Certification: "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Jordan Hughes, City Engineer Permittee Name and Title (type or print) Signature of Permittee Date Signatu a of P parer* Date Signature of Land Applier Date (if different from Permittee) (if different from Permittee and Preparer) * Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9 (r) and 15A NCAC 02T _1102 061 DENR FORM ACT (19i9nna) CITY APPLICATION RATES Month Total Loads Spread Total Wet Tons %Solids Total Dry Tons Acres Used January 16 120 37.39 31.00 100 February 0 0 32.80 0 0 March 75 555 34.04 189 444 April 63 494 35.90 177 346 May 95 718 36.33 263 503 June 97 752 33.41 251 390 July 0 0 39.51 0 0 August 0 0 44.35 0 0 September 0 0 38.35 0 0 October 89 675 44.60 301 358 November 54 421 46.25 195 649 December 26 176 44.84 79 150 Totals 515 3911 1485 2940 Taken to CRSWMA* Month Total Wet Tons % Solids Total Dry Tons January 0 37.39 0 February 0 32.80 0 March 0 34.04 0 April 0 35.90 0 May 0 36.33 0 June 0 33.41 0 July 0 39.51 0 August 0 44.35 0 September 0 38.35 0 October 0 44.60 0 November 1781 46.251 82 December 426 44.84 191 Totals 604 273 * Used for ground cover for landfill. Sludge Calculations 2014 WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE WAS % Solids WAS Volume MG WAS Dried Solids Tons Jan 0.60 3.26 82 Feb 0.60 2.94 74 Mar 0.70 3.26 95 Apr 0.55 3.19 73 May 0.60 3.26 82 Jun 0.50 3.15 66 1 u I 0.50 3.24 68 Aug 0.40 3.47 58 Sep 0.40 3.06 51 Oct 0.30 2.86 36 Nov 0.30 2.13 27 Dec 0.50 1.81 38 Averages 0.501 2.97 62 Totals 35.63 747 2013 BELT PRESS VOLUME Belt Press Inf. %Solids Press Volume gal. Gallons/Day Dried Tons Inf. Press Jan 1.10 1811400 58432 83 Feb 1.05 1399200 49971 61 Mar 1.35 1813800 58510 102 Apr 1.25 2038000 67933 106 May 1.25 1720296 55493 90 Jun 1.15 1842360 61412 88 Jul 1.00 1836600 59245 77 Aug 1.45 1851000 59710 112 Sep 0.85 1976128 65871 70 Oct 1.95 1867004 60226 152 Nov 1.00 1577776 52593 66 Dec 1.35 1525492 49209 86 Averages 1.23 1771588 58217 91 Totals 21.3 1093 2014 THERMO BLENDER RPD Inf. %Solids Volume RDP Gallons/Day Dried Tons RDP Inf. RDP Eff. %Solids Dried RDP Eff Tons Jan 12.8 155667 5022 83 24.6 160 Feb 14.1 104196 3721 61 31.0 135 Mar 13.0 188356 6076 102 22.0 173 Apr 12.2 208811 6960 106 30.5 266 May 9.7 221688 7151 90 24.4 226 Jun 12.9 164241 5475 88 28.7 197 Jul 15.6 117731 3798 77 35.9 176 Aug16.0 167747 5411 112 33.0 231 Sep 16.8 99983 3333 70 35.2 147 Oct 16.8 216706 6991 152 44.3 400 Nov 15.0 1051851 3SO61 661 41.0 180 Dec 15.1 136385 44001 861 39.5 224 Averages 14.2 1572251 51541 911 32.5 109 Totals 1.89 1093 2513 Polymer & Lime Addition Month Hours Run Time Pounds Lime Added Per hour Pounds Lime Added Pounds Polymer Added Per Hour Pounds Polymer Added Total Tons Additives Tons Dried Sludge Produced Jan 274 752 206048 0.24 66.3 103 160 Feb 190 752 142880 0.25 47.88 71 135 March 289 752 217328 0.26 74.77 109 173 April 303 752 227856 0.30 90.04 114 266 May 264 752 198528 0.29 75.72 50 226 June 240 752 180480 0.26 63.23 47 197 July 242 752 181984 0.37 90.2 53 176 Aug 231 752 173712 0.32 74.82 49 231 Sept 226 752 169952 0.34 77.67 47 147 Oct 2271 752 170704 0.20 46.03 57 400 Nov 1581 752 118816 0.16 25.93 63 180 Dec 1811 752 136112 0.17 30.36 66 224 Totals 2825.00 2124400 1 762.951 8291 2515.00 Average 235.42 177033 1 63.581 691 209.58 2) Class A Annual Distribution and Marketing Certification And Summary Form (DMSDF) With Land Application Field Reports CLASS A ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION AND MARKETING/ SURFACE DISPOSAL CERTIFICATION AND SUMMARY FORM WQ PERMIT #: WQ0023306 FACILITY NAME: City of New Bern PRONE: 252.639.7555 COUNTY: Craven OPERATOR: Judy Majstoravich FACILITY TYPE (please check one): ❑ Surface Disposal (complete Part A (Source(s) and "Residual In" Volume only) and Part C) 0 Distribution and Marketing (complete Parts A, B, and C) Was the facility in operation during the past calendar. year? Yes El No - ❑ —* If No skip parts A, B, C and certify form below Part A*: Part B*: Month Sources() ( s include NPDES # if applicable) Volume (dry tons) Recipient Information Amendment/ Bulking Agent Residual In Product Out Name(s) Volume (dry tons) Intended use(s) January NC0025348/WQ0003765 103 83 160 37 corn February NC0025348/WQ0003765 71 61 135 See Attachment 0 March NC0025348/WQ0003765 109 102 173 Land Application 188 cotton/corn April NC0025348/WQ0003765 114 '06 266 Field Reports 177 corn .May NCO025348AV 0003765 50 90 226 263 soybeans June NC0025348/WQ0003765 47 88 197 251 soybeans July NC0025348 53 77 176 0 August NCO025348 49 112 231 0 September NCO025348 47 70 147 0 October NC0025348/WQ0003765 57 152 400 301 wheat November NC0025348/WQ0003765 63 66 180 195 wheat December NC0025348/WQ0003765 66 86 224 79 beans Total from FORM DMSDF (sup) _ ; _.-. Totals: Annual (dry ,829 987 _ 2515 - 1_491' :. _ ,' . ...... .�,............. Amendments used: Lime/polymer Bulking Agent(s) used: None * If more space is required, attach additional information sheets (FORM DMSDF (supp)): Total Number of Form DMSDF (Supp) Part C: Facility was compliant during the past calendar year with all conditions of the land application permit p Yes (including but not limited to items 1-3 below) issued by the Division of Water Quality: ❑ No ► If No, Explain in Narritive 1. All monitoring was done in accordance with the permit and reported for the year as required and three (3) copies of certified laboratory results are attached. 2. All operation and maintenance requirements were compiled with or, in the case of a deviation, prior authorization was received from the Division of Water Quality. 3. No contravention of Ground Water Quality Standards occurred at a monitoring well. "I certify, under penalty of law, that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." 3191fa—tu-re ofPermittee �' D to Sign#ure o reparet k* (if different from Permittee) **Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) �a Date DENR FORM DMSDF (12/2006) D. APPLICATION, FIELD -REPORT' _2014 LAND APPLIER SIT - E/FIELD RAINFALL INCHES SITEC­���� (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION SITEMIELD TOTAL LOADS - TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED L I BS/ACRES 1785 Biddle 16 120 37.39 0.3116 74,780 100 748 T LAND • -•- -2014 LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD RAINFALL INCHES (previous 24 hrs) SITE CONDITION . Application ITE/FIFE TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBS/ACRES TOTAL: .. 0 1 0 LAND APPLICATION:FIELD;REPORT, -2014 March LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES (previous 24 hrs) SITE CONDITION CROP 3 L Simmons NBRC#5 4 65 0.11 damp sand cotton 3 L Simmons NBRC#2 3 65 0.11 damp sand cotton 10 L Simmons NBRC#6 10 72 0.00 damp sand cotton 10 L Simmons NBRC#1 2 72 0.00 damp sand cotton 11 L Simmons NBNRC#4 9 78 0.00 damp sand cotton 12 L Simmons G#24Z 1 73 0.08 damp sand corn 12 L Simmons G#19 2 73 0.08 damp sand corn 14 L Simmons G#24Z 1 61 0.00 damp sand corn 14 L Simmons G#26 2 61 0.00 damp sand corn 14 L Simmons G#17 2 61 0.00 damp sand corn 14 L Simmons G#27 2 61 0.00 damp sand corn 20 L Simmons Quaker Trail 5 69 0.02 damp sand corn 21 L Simmons Quaker Trail 9 71 0.00 damp sand corn 22 L Simmons Whitford 7 8 79 0.00 damp sand beans 25 L Simmons Whitford 11 5 53 0.34 damp sand beans 26 L Simmons Whitford 11 7 50 0.00 damp sand beans 31 L Simmons G#8 3 70 0.00 damp sand bermuda TOTAL: 75 SITEIFIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED. (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBSIACRES NBRC5 4 32 10.90 0.3404 21,800 12 1817 NBRC2 3 24 8.17 16,340 8 2043 NBRC6 10 80 27.20 54,400 40 1360 NBRC1 2 16 5.40 -10,800 50 216 NBRC4 9. 72 24.50 49,000 84 583 G24Z 2 14 4.80 9,600 19 505 G#19 2 16 5.40 10,800 21 514 G17 2 16 5.40 10,800 24 450 G#26 2 16 5.40 10,800 18 600 G#27 2 16 5.40 10,800 18 600 Quaker Tr 14 102 34.70 69,400 25 2776 Whitford #7 8 48 16.30 32,600 87 375 Whitford#11 12 82 27.90 55,800 20 2790 G#8 31 21 7.10 1 14,2001 181 789 TOTAL188157 '-; 377140 444 LAND APPLICATION FIELD REPORT:; e 2014F. April LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS - TEMP RAINFALL INCHES SITE CROP (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION 1 L Simmons G #8 3 81 0.00 dry Bermuda hay 2 L Simmons Dees 8 80 0.00 dry beans 3 L Simmons T 569 #25, 26 8 86 0.00 dry Corn 3 L Simmons T 580# 3-13 8 86 0.00 dry corn 3 L Simmons Boyd 0.5 86 0.00 dry pasture 4 L Simmons T 580# 1,2 3 77 0.00 dry corn 4 L Simmons T576#1,2,3,4 3 77 0.00 dry corn 4 L Simmons T571# 1,2,3,4 3 77 0.00 dry corn 7 L Simmons Dees T 572#1-18 11 70 0.00 dry corn 10 L Simmons T572#20-27 8 79 0.00 dry corn 10 L Simmons wildlife ROW 2 79 0.00 dry corn 10 L Simmons 5 slipes by concrete 4 79 0.00 dry corn 21 L Simmons wildlife ROW 1 72 0.13 damp corn TOTAL: 62.5 SITE/FIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS TOTAL DRIED TONS POUNDS APPLIED ACRES USED LBS/ACRES (loads x tons) (wet tons x % solids) (dried tons x 2000) T572 Dees 27 212 76.11 0.3590 152,220 158.1 963 wildlife 3 22 7.90 15,800 6 2633 G#8 3 24 8.62 17,240 18 958 T569 8 64 22.98 45,960 10.5 4377 T580 11 86 30.87 61,740 86.1 717 T576 3 20 7.18 14,360 15.4 932.5 T571 3 30 10.77 21,540 23.5 917 by concrete 4 32 11.49 22,980 25.5 901 Boyd 0.5 4 1.44 2,880 3 960 TOTAL 62 5 494, 317736 354;720 346.1 LAND"APPLICATIONTlgLD,REPORTI'�--,' 2014 May LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES (previous 24 hrs)., SITE CONDITION CROP 2 L Simmons Cowell Loop 1 76 0.3 dry corn 5 L Simmons Cowell Loop 8.5 01 0 dry corn 6 L Simmons Cowell Loop 12 87 0 dry corn 7 L Simmons Cowell Loop 5 84 0 dry corn 7 L Simmons Chinchilla Rd 5 84 0 dry soybeans 8 L Simmons Chinchilla Rd 8 96 0 dry soybeans 9 L Simmons Chinchilla Rd 4 96 0 dry soybeans 10 L Simmons Biddle Rd 15 96 0 dry soybeans 12 L Simmons Biddle Rd 10 78 0.20 damp soybeans 14 L Simmons Moore Lane 5 94 .0.01 dry soybeans 15 L Simmons Moore Lane 5 91 0.00 dry soybeans 29 L Simmons Bear Hole Rd- 8 82 0.05 dry soybeans 30 L Simmons Bear Hole Rd 7 87 0.00 dry soybeans 30 L Simmons Bear Hole Rd 1 87 0.00 dry soybeans ITOTAL: 94.5 SITE/FIELD" TOTALIOADS. TOTAL WET TONS (loadsk tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) -POUNDS APPLIED} (dried tons, i 2000) -ACRES USED LBS/ACRES. Cowell 26.5 210- 79.29 0.3633 158,580 200 793 Chinchilla 17 102. 36.06 72,120 65 1145. Biddle 25 200 72.66 - 145,320 125 1163 Moore 10 80 29.06 58,120 50 1162 Bear Hole 16 126 45.78 91,560 65 1409 ra/. LAND APPLICATION. FIELD REPORT'-:,- June LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES (previous 24 hrs) SITE CONDITION CROP 2 L Simmons Honolulu 8 88 0.00 dry soybeans 3 L Simmons Honolulu Rd 12 94 0.00 dry soybeans 4 L Simmons horse shoe field 1 99 0.00 dry soybeans 4 L Simmons Sermon lower 1 99 0.00 dry soybeans 5 L Simmons G#2 AB 6 99 0.00 dry soybeans 5 L Simmons G#13 4 99 0.00 dry soybeans 7 L Simmons G#13 3 90 0.00 dry soybeans 7 L Simmons G#2 A 1 90 0.00 dry soybeans 7 L Simmons G#21 2- 90 0.00 dry soybeans 7 L Simmons G#2 C 1 90 0.00 dry soybeans 7 L Simmons G#2 B 3 901 0.00 dry - soybeans 9 L Simmons G#21 4 90 0.02 dry soybeans 9 L Simmons G# 12 3 0.02 dry soybeans 11 L Simmons G#12 3 ---90 97 0.30 damp soybeans 11 L Simmons G#29 1 97 0.30 damp soybeans 11 L Simmons Sermons upper 1 97 0.30 damp soybeans 12 L Simmons Sermons upper 6 91 0.42 damp soybeans 13 L Simmons Sermons upper 4 95 0.21 damp soybeans 16 L Simmons Sermons upper 9 97 0.00 dry soybeans 18 L Simmons Sermons upper 3 101 0.00 dry soybeans 19 L Simmons T 573 4, 102 0.06 dry soybeans 19 L Simmons T 578 6 102 0.06 dry soybeans 19 L Simmons T 579 4 102 0.0611 dry soybeans 24 L Simmons T574 #1-8 5 781 0.00 dry soybeans 25 L Simmons T 574 #9-17.19 2 971 0.001 dry soybeans TOTAL: 97 SITEIFIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBSIACRES Honolulu 20 160 53.46 0.3341 106,920 150 713 horseshoe 1 7 2.34 4,680 4 1170 Sermons Ln 24 191.5 63.90 127,800 46 2778 G#2 11 88 29.40 58,800 13 4523 G#1 3 7 56 18.71 37,420 12 3118 G#12 6- 51 17.04 34,080 12 2840 G#21 6 50 16.71 33,420 16.5 2025 G#29 1 8.5 2.84 8 5,680 2 2840 T 573 4 23 7.68 M 15,360 29 530 T 678 6 35 11.36 22,720 35 649 IT 574 71 551 18.38 36,76iO 551 668 IT 579 41 271 9.02 18,0401 151 1203 7521� 0. 25 64 r -ION FIEMIREPORT �._-2014 RAINFALL INCHES -SITE . Application a SITEIFIELD TOTAL ...ACRES (loads x tons) . - .. (wet tons x % solids) .. . (dried tons x 2000) • 1 1 l A I i/////////////// / 1 i/E0041///// 'LAND APPL"IG August LAND APPLIERSITE/FIELD LOADS . No TION FIELD -REPORT := `2014 TEMP RAINFALL INCHES SITE CROP (Drevious 24 hrs) CONDITION SITE/FMLD I TOTAL LOADS I TOTAL xE T O S I (wet D Xsolids) DRIED TONS (dried tons x S I PO DLIED I ACRES USED I LBS/ACRES ...:.. _ :LA ND APP-LICATION`FIELD REPORT - 77 20.14 September LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES SITE CROP (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION No application SITE/FIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED: (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED' LBS/ACRES TOTAL:._, ;,;;:: t r 0 0 -0:00, 0 0 LAND APPLICATION FIELD REPORT 2014 October LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES SITE CROP (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION 2 Lsimmons #8-11#15-17 T572 4 80 0.00 damp wheat 3 Lsimmons #6,7,12-14,18,19 5 78 0.00 damp wheat 6 Lsimmons T572#20-25 8 77 0.00 dry loam wheat 7 Lsimmons T544 1.5 80 0.00 dry loam wheat 7 Lsimmons T596 #1-4 4 80 0.00 dry loam wheat 7 Lsimmons T572 #26 - 27 2 80 0.00 dry loam wheat 7 Lsimmons T577 #1 1.5 80 0.00 dry loam wheat 8 Lsimmons T581#1-4 2 86 0.00 dry loam wheat 8 Lsimmons T602#1&2 4 86 0.00 dry loam wheat 8 Lsimmons T580#17-20# 4 86 0.00 dry loam wheat 9 Lsimmons T602 #3 2 86 0.00 dry loam wheat 9 Lsimmons T569 #21 2 78 0.00 dry loam wheat 10 Lsimmons T580#12&13 3 83 0.00 dry loam wheat 13 Lsimmons T580#15-16,1-2 4 85 0.00 dry loam wheat 13 Lsimmons T576#1-3 5 85 0.00 dry loam wheat 14 Lsimmons T580 #6-11 7 85 0.00 dry loam wheat 15 Lsimmons T572 #1-5 6 80 0.07 dry loam wheat 21 Lsimmons T580 #4-5 2 78 0.01 dry loam wheat 27 Lsimmons T572 #15 & 18 7 74 0.01 dry loam wheat 28 Lsimmons T575 1 83 .0.00 dry loam wheat 28 Lsimmons T572 #20-25 5 83 0.00 dry loam wheat 28 Lsimmons Otter CK #2 1 83 0.00 dry loam wheat 29 Lsimmons T572 #26 & 27 2 81 0.00 dry loam wheat 29 Lsimmons T 579 #6 1 81 0.00 dry loam wheat 30 Lsimmons T572 #19 1 67 0.48 damp loam wheat 31 Lsimmons T 580 # 1-4 4 65 0.00 damp loam wheat TOTAL: 89 SITE/FIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBS/ACRES T572 40 316.5 141.16 0.4460 282,320 158.1 1786 T544 1.5 11 4.91 9,820 5.78 1699 T576 5 35 15.61 31,220 20.4 1530 T596 4 30 13.38 1 26,760 16.4 1632 T579 1 8 3.57 7,140 4.49 1590 T575 1 8 3.73 7,460 3.14 2376 T577 1.5 it 4.91 9,820 5.7 1723 T581 2 15 6.69 131380 21.3 628 T602 6 44 19.62 39,240 13.4 2928 T580 24 174 77.60 155,200 101.3 1532 T569 2 14 6.24 12,4801 6.1 2046 Otter Ck #2 1 8 3.57 7,1401 2 3570 TOTAL: 89 674.5 300.99 601,980 358.11 20,14 RAINFALL INCHES SITE November LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP CROP (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION Lsimmons T569#24171819 8 63 0 damp wheat Lsimmons Dan Johnson ......... Lsimmons Dan Johnson 4 73 0 damp wheat ;Lsimmonszb"a n o Lsimmons Jenkins Lsimmons Lsimmons Burkett 13 Lsimmons Burkett Rd 7 67 18 Lsimmons Burkett Rd. 7 62 19 Lsimmons Burkett Rd. 7 49 2i-1-�--,.1";r-:"1., wheat 'dry Lsimmons Burkett Rd. ITOTAL: 54 SITE/FIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL DRIED TONS - (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBS/ACRES T569 8 64 29.60 0.4625 59,200 36 1644 D Johnson 12 94 43.48 86,960 150 580 Jenkins 10 80 37.00 74,000 238. 311 Burkett 24 183 84.64 169,280 225 752 : REPPRT`�� LAND'APPLICKTION FIELD -2014 December LAND APPLIER SITE/FIELD LOADS TEMP RAINFALL INCHES SITE CROP (previous 24 hrs) CONDITION 3 L Simmons Silo Rd 5 66 0.00 damp beans 4 L Simmons Silo Rd 9 56 0.01 damp beans 5 L Simmons ISilo Rd 7 62 0.00 damp beans 6 L Simmons ISilo Rd 5 67 0.00 damp beans kilelf-11 MWMMMM��� S . ITE/FIELD TOTAL LOADS TOTAL WET TONS (loads x tons) TOTAL ' DRIED TONS (wet tons x % solids) POUNDS APPLIED (dried tons x 2000) ACRES USED LBS/ACRES Silo Rd 26 175.5 78.69 0.4484 157,380 150 1049 IT TAW MMMOMM 3) Operator Pasteurization Logs PASTEURIZATION LOG 2014. OPERATORS - 'pH ..Y # LIME PROCESS„TEMPERAl-URE& :PASTEURIZATION.DISCHARGE'' -,: %SOLIDS per`.Hour 'ZONE 1-, ZONE;2 _ ;ZONE.3 ZONE,4.. ZQNE 5 ' READING 1 "- ;: READING_2= READING 3., : INITIAL FINAL,:, 1 H 2 AT BR 12.4 880 750 off off 375 530 189 177 173 3 AT LS 12.4 850 756 off off 375 530 194 189 185 4 5 6 AT LS 12.5 880 740 off off 375 530 187 184 175 13.5 19.1 7 AT LS 12.3 950 742 off off 375 530 191 180 188 8 AT LS 12.5 860 750 off off 375 530 204 195 187 9 AT LS 12.4 900 740 off off 375 530 205 188 188 10 AT LS 12.5 860 730 off off 375 530 196 181 187 11 AT LS 12.5 1050 740 off off 375 510 175 181 180 12 13 AT LS 12.5 765 735 off off 375 530 199 180 174 12 30 14 AT LS 12.5 740 714 off off 375 520 200 177 173 15 AT LS 12.5 815 714 off off 375 520 170 195 188 16 AT BR 12.5 760 716 off off 375 530 207 186 188 17 AT BR 12.3 780 713 off off 375 530 208 186 190 18 19 20 H 21 AT BR 12.3 875 705 off off 375 530 198 177 173 14.5 26.3 22 AT BR 12.3 930 704 off off 378 530 197 176 175 23 AT LS 12.3 980 710 off off 375 530 181 183 186 24 LS BR 12.3 970 707 off off 375 530 197 176 175 25 26 ' 27 AT BR 12.5 942 704 off off 375 530 188 183 179 11.8 29.6 28 AT BR 12.4 960 704 off off 370 530 198 177 178 29 frozen 30 frozen 31 AT 12.4 1030 700 off off 365 540 202 194 1.85 PASTEURIZATION LOG 2014 Feb OPERATORS-,-.. pH . _ # LIME PROCESS TEMPERATURES '-,PASTEURIZATION _DISCHARGE %aSOLIDS per Hour ZONE,1 .: ZONE T ZONE_ 3 ZONE 4 ,. ZONE 5 . READING;1.;; READING 2 ` .; READING, 3 .;INITIAL FINAL 1 • 2 3 AT BR 12.4 809 742 off off 375 530 209 182 180 14.1 36.5 4 AT BR 12.4 840 740 off off 374 530 210 173 172 5 AT BR 12.4 865 730 off off 375 530 209 175 180 6 AT BR 12.4 902 737 off off 390 530 206 184 193 7. AT BR 12.4 960 736 off off 375 530 194 172 177 8 9 10 AT BR 12.4 960 739 off off 375 530 199 179 174 14 27.2 11 - AT BR 12.2 1150 738 off off 375 530 191 180 190 12 LS 12.4 1100 738 off off 375 530 181 190 185 13 AT LS 12.4 930 722 off off 375 530 185 189 182 14 AT BR 12.4 900 731 off off 375 520 190 197 184 15 16 17 AT BR 12.4 975 736 off off 375 530 186 180 181 14.1 25.4 18 AT BR 12.3 920 741 off off 376 530 205 178 181 19 AT BR 12.3 900 735 off off 376 530 203 180 191 20 AT BR 12.4 851 726 off off 375 530 207 177 181 21 AT BR 12.5 700 726 off off 375 530 206 178 171 22 23 24 down 25 down 26 down 27 down 28 down PASTEURIZATION °, LOG. ` ... : `: 214' 0; Mar OPERATORS pH : #;LIME'r '' .PROLES&TEMPERATURES : :. =.,PASTEURIZATION -DISCHARGE. ,.: " - %SOLIDS:._ .r. - per.H,our ".ZONE 1= ZONE 2 _ZONE 3 :ZONE 4:: ZONE 5 _ READING.1 _ READING 2- ."REAUING;3• INITIAL- • FINAL _ 1 LS 12.4 1200 off off off 375 530 207 209 200 2 LS 12.5 1415 off off off 375 560 207 199 210 3 AT BR 12.4 1282 off 292 off 395 575 205 200 200 14.1 41 4 AT BR 12.4 1230 off 600 off 375 570 207 202 183 5 AT BR 12.4 1330 off 900 off 457 570 195 161 180 6 AT BR . 12.5 1390 off 900 off 466 570 202 179 172 7 AT LS 12.4 1300 off 900 409 570 188 182 188 8 9 10 AT BR 12.3 -1300 off 900 off 440 1 570 204 182 182 13.7 30.9 11 AT BR 12.4 1301 off. 900 off 453 570 205 172 185 12 down off 900 13 AT BR 12.4 1300 off 900 off 451 570 206 182 188 14 AT BR 12.3 1340 off 900 off' 449 570 211 186 190 15 16 17 AT BR 12.4 1305 off 900 off 453 570 204 193 202 11.8 21.5 18 AT BR 12.4 1341 off 900 off 451 575 206 195 200 19 AT BR 12.4 1300 off 900 off 470 575 196 198 205 20 AT BR 12.3 1300 off 900 off 450 575 208 200 202 21 AT BR 12.4 1240 off 900 off 449 570 202 196 200 22 23 24 AT BR 12.3 1255 off 900 off 471 570 200 203 206 13.9 26.1 25 AT BR 12.4 1360 off 900 off 460 570 208 201 200 . 26 AT BR 12.5 1290 off 900 off 470 575 207 198 192 27 AT BR 12.3 1300 off 900 off 447 575 207 192 192 28, AT BR 12.3 1270 off 900 off_ 460 575 208 182 183 29 30 31 AT . LS 12.4 1-270 off 900 off 455 575 211 1 186 199 11 25.9 PASTEURIZATION LOG 2014 APRIL OPERATORS pH #LIME, PROCESS TEMPERATURES PASTEURIZATION DISCHARGE %SOLIDS perNour.. ZONE 1 I •ZONE.2 ZONE,3-1 ZONE 4 - 'ZONE 5 1 READING 1- I READING 2 _I .READING 3 1 INITIAL:j FINAL - 1 AT BR 12.4 1380 off 900 off 460 575 206 183 192 2 AT BR 12.4 1290 off 900 off 460 575 210 180 188 3 AT BR 12.4 1110 off 900 off 460 575 211 197 191 4 AT BR 12.4 984 off 900 off 460 575 210 187 179 5 6 7 AT BR 12.3 950 off 900 off 375 575 211 196 196 9.3 28.1 8 AT BR 12.3 971 off 900 off 375 575 210 196 188 9 AT BR 12.5 970 off 900 off 375 575 210 182 196 - 10 AT BR 12.3 960 off 900 off 375 575 209 182 190 11 AT BR 12.3 870 off 900 off 460 575 211 181 184 12 13 14 AT BR 12.3 840 off 900 off 460 575 211 178 194 15.1 32.8 15 AT BR 12.4 688 off 900 off 460 575 211 194 189 16 AT BR 12.4 800 off 900 off 465 575 211 188 192 17 AT BR 12.4 , 795 off 900 off 470 575 211 196 189 18 H 19 20 21 AT BR 12.3 1010 off 900 600 460 575 209 185 187 14.1 29 22 AT LS 12.5 970 off 900 800 460 575 208 183 192 23 AT LS 12.5 987 off 900 900 454 575 206 172 193 24 AT LS 12.3 970 off 900 900 460 575 197 191 173 25 AT LS 12.2 720 off 900 900 400 575 205 183 160 26 27 28 AT LS 12.3 930 off 900 900 400 575 199 206 165 14.3 25.9 29 AT LS 12.3 747 off 900 900 400 575 201 185 164 30 AT LS 12.3 830 off 900 900 400 575 200 180 169 PAST .. EURIZATION `: LOG . - .. :. 2014--:., May OPERATORS pH # LIME PROCESS TEMPERATURES, : ,: PASTEURIZATION. DISCHARGE %SOL` IDS perHour" ;"ZONE 1 ' ..ZONE 2 ZONE 3 _ : ZONE:'4. ZONE 5 R_ EADING.1, READING 2 _READING3'' :INITIAL FINALS ". 1 AT BR 12.5 600 off 900 900 400 575 212 176 169 2 AT BR 12.4 600 off 900 450 400 575 207 174 164 3 4 5 AT BR 12.5 669. off 900 off 400 575 204 170 166 9.9 19.4 6 AT BR 12.5 919 off 900 off 434 575 197 185 190 7 AT BR 12.3 1176 off 900 890 450 575 193 180 212 8 AT BR 12.3 1090 off off 825 449 575 - 209 210 207 9 AT BR 12.3 1290 off off 851 450 575 212 211 212 10 11 - 12 AT BR 12.3 1052 off 445 760 450 230 211 211 204 16.1 37 13 AT BR 12.4 850 off 550 850 450 575 211 195 191 14 BR 12.3 760 off 900 850 460 575 210 187 191 15 off 16 AT BR 12.4 625 off 850 850 400 310 209 185 188 17 18 19 AT BR 12.3 811 off 486 434 300 300 210 192 198 9.5 29.3 20 AT BR 12.4 880 off 519 off 450 300 208 188 190 21 AT BR 12.4 880 off 490 850 450 300 206 189 184 22 AT BR 12.2 862 off 475 off 465 300 205 190 _ 174 23 AT BR 12.4" 790 off 481 851 433 300 205 194 193 24 25 26 H 27 . AT BR 12.3 960 off 480 850 430 300 206 186 192 9.6 29.3 28 AT BR 12.4 756 off 449 off 379 300 205 174 180 29 AT BR 12.4 760 off 450 830 377 300 211 185 188 30 AT BR 12.3 714 off 449 831 400 300 207 184 190 IL 31 PASTEURIZATION LOG _ 201.4 June OPERATORS, ; ::.pH LIME • . PROCESS TEMPERATURES PASTEURIZATION DISCHARGE - %SOLIDS per Hout," `ZONE-1 , "ZONE 2 ; ZONE 3".: ZONE 4 -ZONE 5'a -,READING 1 READING 2" READINGS .r ' ,INITIAL• ' ,FINAL 1 2 AT BR 12.4 770 off 460 830 400 300 206 186 191 9.9 28.4 3 AT BR 12.3 703 off 460 700 400 300 210 184 180 4 AT BR 12.3 670 off 460 700 400 300 210 194 184 5 AT BR 12.4 625 off 460 700 402, 300 206 179 181 6 BR 12.5 740 off 460 700 400 300 159 206 202 7 8 9 AT BR 12.4 560 off 460 700 400 300 203 180 180 16 28 10 AT BR 12.4 600 off 453 off 397 300 206 183 182 11 AT BR 12.4 520 off 460 700 400 300 205 181 181 12 AT BR 12.4 560 off 460 700 400 300 205 182 180 13 AT BR 12.4 525 off 460 700 400 300 205 182 181 14 15 16 AT BR 12.4 480 off 460 700 400 300 207 178 177 15.9 28.9 17 AT BR 12.4 500 off 450 700 385 275 204 181 183 18 AT BR 12.4 580 off 460 700 400 306 205 184 185 19 BR 12.3 540 off 460 700 400 360 206 187 182 20 LS BR 12.3 1000 off 460 700 400 300 210 168 175 21 22 23 LS BR 12.4 975 off 460 700 400 300 210 182 179 15.1 31.4 24 BR 12.3 1150 off 460 700 400 300 204 165 180 25 LS BR 12.3 621 off 460 700 400 300 209 185 189 26 LS BR 12.4 620 off 460 700 400 300 209 185 189 27 LS BR 12.3 630 off 460 700 400 300 208 182 184 28 29 30 LS BR 12.3 1000 off 460 700 400 300 210 171 169 t 15.1 31.6 PASTEURIZATION LOG l "2014°;; JULY 'OPERATORS -,pH _f LIME -�PROCESS,TEMPERA,t(JFZ -- 'PASTEURIZATION DISCHARGE: %SOLIDS per`.Hour. ZONE 1, - z ZONE 2" ; ZONE 3 ;,ZONE 4:' ZONE,5 "READIN6.1 ':-READING 2 ;READING,3". 1 AT BR 12.4 570 off 460 700 400 300 1 209 178 180 2 AT BR 12.4 600 off 460 700 400 300 207 176 177 3 AT BR 12.4 600 off 460 700 400 300 207 178 178 4 H 5 6 7 AT BR 12.4 1020 off 460 700 400 300 199 176 172 15 36.8 8 AT BR 12.4 960 off 460 700 400 300 186 175 171 9 AT BR 12.3 820 off off 700 400 300 207 200 194 10 AT BR 12.3 830 off `off off 400 300 202 194 193 11 AT BR 12.5 900 off off 700 400 300 203 201 205 12 13 14 AT BR 12.4 800 off _ off 720 400 300 205 205 198 16.3 36.1 15 AT LS 12.5 900 off off 700 400 300 205 206 206 16 AT BR 12.4 800 off off 700 400 300 204 197 199 17 AT BR 12.4 880 off off 700 400 300 207 197 199 18 AT BR 12.4 950 off off 700 400 300 210 195 196 19 20 21 AT BR 12.4 1160 off off 700 400 300 192 173 166 16.1 34.9 22 AT BR 12.4 860 off off 700 400 300 208 192 186 23 AT BR 12.3 800 off off 700 400 300 204 188 189 24 AT BR 12.3 830 off off 700 400 300 199 190 . 191 25 LS BR 12.3 830 off off, 700 400 300 207 199 200 26 27 28 LS BR 12.4 1121 off off 700 400 300 207 184 181 16.3 38.3 29 LS BR 12.4 900 off off" 700 400 300 204 203 204 30 LS BR 12.4 1180 off off 700 40Q 300 203 175 178 31 LS BR 12.4 800 off r ff 700 400 300 204 1 196 201 PASTEURIZATION LOG AUG .. OPRERATORS PH . LIME .,, PROCESS TEMPERATURES PASTEUR_ IZATION"DISCHARGE %§OLIDS .," Pe�:Hour ZONE 1 : 'ZONE 2 , ".ZONE 3.: ZONE 4 ZONE;S„ - RE�4DING".1 • "READING 2:_: READING 3 "INITIAL -.=FINAL.:. 1 LS BR 12.4 830 off off 700 400 300 202 199 200 2 3 4 belt down 5 belt down 6 LS BR 12.4 860 off off 700 400 300 203 178 195 7 LS LS 12.5 1190 off off 700 400 300 193 176 181 8 LS BR 12.4 1240 off off 700 400 300 192 168 172 9 10 11 LS BR 12.4 900 off off 700 400 300 194 206 206 14.9 27.8 12 LS BR 12.4 1130 off off 700 400 300 204 182 180 13 LS BR 12.4 980 off off 700 400 300 205 201 202 14 LS BR 12.4 800 off off 700 400 300 210 207 203 15 LS BR 12.4 870 off off 700 400 300 210 206 196 16 17 18 AT BR 12.4 1000 off off 700 400 300 207 175 178 17 38.2 19 AT BR 12.4 650 off off 700 400 300 201 198 184 20 AT BR 12.4 723 off off 700 400 300 200 198 199 21 AT BR 12.4 700 off off 700 400 300 200 203 201 22 AT BR 12.4 750 off off 700 400 300 201 203 .203 23 24 25 AT BR 12.4 900 off off 700 400 300 210 196 188 16.3 40.3 26 AT BR 12.5 750 off off 700 400 300 200 196 197 27 AT BR 12.5 700 off off 700 400 300 204 196 198 28 AT BR 12.5 725 off off 700 400 300 204 200 201 29 AT BR 12.5 680 off off 700 400 300 205 198 183 30 31 PASTEURIZATION .. LOG 2014 : OPERATORS pH # LIME - �PROCESS:TEMPERATURES� PASTEURIZATION,DISCHARGE per, Hour :ZONE 1e ZQNE,2 ZQNE 3., ;;ZONE 4'. ZONE_5 - :-.READING'1 ' .READING 2 ,.';READINGS. INITIAL":' 1 holiday 2 AT. BR 12.4 835 off off 700 400 300 194 205 193 3 AT LS 12.4 932 off off 700 400 300 208 176 175 16.8 40.4 4 AT BR 12.3 950 off off 700 400 300 203 176 171 5 AT 12.4 740 off off 700 400 300 196 187 186 6 7 8 AT 12.3 830 off off 700 400 300 163 199 196 17.3 38.7 9 AT BR . 12.4 952 off off 700 400 300 209 203 202 10 AT BR 12.4 600 off off 700 400 300 198 187 176 11 AT BR 12.4 650 off off 700 400 300. 196 186 166 12 AT BR 12.5 710 off off 700 400 300 189 161 172 13 14 15 AT BR 12.4 870 off off 700 400 300 201 187 176 .16.7 .30 16 AT BR 12.4 730 off off 700 400 300 203 189 183. 17 AT BR 12.3 940 off off 700 400 300 186 209 199 18 AT BR 12.4 730 off off 700 400 300 202 184 184 19 AT BR 12.5 730 off off 700 400 300 205 189 183 20 21 .22 AT BR 12.3 1151 off off 700 400 300 207 204 199 18.8 38.4 23 AT BR 12.4 870 off off, 700 400 300 205 192' 180 24 AT BR 12.5 800 off off 700 400 300 207 194 196 25 AT BR 12.3 760 off off 700 400 300 204 192 192 26 AT BR 12.4 700 off off 700 400 300 206 192 189 27 28 29 AT .. BR 12.4 840 off off 700 400 300 207 175 181 16.7 38.2 30 AT BR 12.4 866 off off 700 400 300 200 186 182 PASTEURIZATION '.LOG 2014 OCT.' " OPERATORS pH ., #LIME= ` " . PROCESS:TEMPERATURE$ PASTEURIZATION DISCHARGE %SOLIDS - . •Per,Hour, "ZONE 1 :.. ZONE 2 ZONE 3:. I''ZONE,4'." -ZONE 5'-" 'READINGI: 'READING2 •;READING,3 INITIAL," FINAL .,.: 1 AT BR 12.4 1025 off off 700 400 300 198 165 184 2 AT BR 12.5 1030 off off 700 400 300 198 176 175 3 AT LS 12.4 1025 off off 700 400 300 200 176 167 4 5 6 AT BR 12.4 1075 off off 700 400 300 200 208 203 16.6 40.2 7 AT BR' 12.5 840 off off 700 400 300 159 196 195 8 AT BR 12.5 590 off off 700 400 300 200 178 176 9 AT BR 12.4 1000 off off 700 400 300 185 170 191 10 AT- BR 12.5 590 off off 700 400 300 180 191 187 11 12 13 AT BR 12.4 630 off off 700 400 300 195 193 193 16.9 48.3 14 ' AT BR 12.4 550 off off 700 400 300 187 179 181 15 AT BR 12.4 530 off off 700 400 300 185 171 181 16 AT BR 12.4 560 off off 700 400 300 182 176 178 17 AT BR 12.4 650 off off 700 400 300 185 171 173 18 19 20 AT BR 12.3 626 off off 700 400 300 183 184 186 21 DOWN 22 DOWN 23 LS BR 12.4 890 off off 700 400 300 208 191 197 12.7 38.1 24 LS BR 12.3 840 off. off 700 400 300 208 196 194 '25 26 27 AT LS 12.3 800 off off 700 400 300 182 193 189 14.7 55.8 28 AT BR 12.4 728 off off 700 400 300 204 189 186 29 AT BR 12.3 690 off off 700 400 300 195 180 183 30 AT BR 12.4 690 off off 700 400 300 200 189 188 31 AT BR 12.4 700 off off 700 400 300 200 190 187 4 <... •:: :.. : ' _PASTEURIZATION . LOG . 201.4;. OPERATORS pH #LIME PROCESS RO TEMPERATURES,. PASTEURIZATION`DISCHARGE; er Hour; p_ ZONE 1 ; __ZONE 2 , ZONE 3, ;ZONE-4 , 'ZONE 5 : ;;READING 1: =: READING`,2= 'READING;,3'.; .'INITIAL FINAL 1 2 3 AT LS 12.5 1080 off off 700 400 300 170 170 170 14.4 44 4 AT LS 12.3 860 off off 700 400 300 204 203 180 5 AT LS 12.3 800 off off 900 400 300 203 199 193 6 AT LS 12.4 700 off off 900 400 300 194 194 196 7 AT - LS 12.3 760 off off 900 400 300 200 193 190 8 9 10 AT LS 12.3 1050 off off 900 400 300 171 174 171 11 H 12 AT BR 12.5 710 off off 900 400 300 207 194 185 .15.5 38 13 AT BR 12.4 776 off off 900 400 300 206 197 186 14 AT BR 12.5 775 off off 900 400 300 200 199 200 15 16 17 down 18 AT BR 12.3 clear h2o off off 700 400 300 159 207 165 19 AT BR lime clear h2o off off 700 400 300 215 171 171 20 AT BR lime clear h2o off off 700 400 300 1 159 252 180 21 AT BR lime clear h2o off off 700 400 300 159 209 182 22 23 24 LS BR lime clear h2o off off 700 400 300 159 300 179 25 AT BR 12.4 clear h2o off off 700 400 300 159 214 185 26 down 27 H 28 H 29 30 PASTEURIZATION. LOG 2014 Dec : OPERATORS - H # LIME PROCESS TEMPERATURE$ = PASTEURIZATION DISCHARGE %SOLIDS, per:Wour ZONE 1 . ZONE2 ZONE 3 .. ZONE 4 ,ZONE 5"_ READING 1 READING:2=. ,I,-READING.3 :INIT.IAL FINAL'r 1 LS BR 12.4 1440 off off 900 400 300 181 184 201 2 LS BR 12.4 1440 off off 900 400 300 205 205 206 3 AT LS 12.4 870 off off 700 400 300 204 186- 178 4 AT LS 12.4 823 off off 700 400 300 206 195 193 5 AT BR 12.4 740 off off 700 400 300 202 191 193 6 7 8 AT BR 12.4 840 off off 700 400 300 209 189 192 15.7 36.4 9 AT BR 12.4 830 off off 700 400 300 199 190 191 10 AT BR 12.4 740 off off 700 400 300 189 164 164 11 AT BR 12.5 740 off off 700 400 300 195 163 159 12 LS 12.5 855 off off 700 400 300 205 186 165 13 14 15 AT BR 12.5 440 280 off 900 400 300 195 186 855 15.4 49.2 16 AT BR 12.5 470 280 off 900 400 300 201 169 166 17 AT BR 12.5 450 280 off 900 400 300 200 163 160 18 AT BR 12.5 200 280 off 900 400 300 200 200 166 19 down 20 21 22 down 23 down 24 H H 25 H. H 26 H H 27 28 29 down 30 AT BR 12.4 1200 260 off 900 400 300 173 177 162 31 AT BR 12.5 860 260 off 700 42L_L 300 201 188 189 4) Annual Residuals Sampling Summary Form (RSSF) With Laboratory Data ANNUAL RESIDUAL SAMPLING SUMMARY FORM Please note that your permit may contain additional parameters to be analyzed. The parameters can be reported in FORM RSSF - B WQ Permit Number: WQ0023306 Laboratory: Facility Name: City of New Bern Residual Source WQ # or NCO025348 NPDES ##: WWTP Name: Residual Analvsis Data 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) City of New Bern Environment I, Inc. Parameter �(mg/kg) Conc.. Limit m /k a Sample or Composite Date 1/6/14 2/6/14 3/10/14 4/3/'4 5/5/14 6/5/14 7/8/14 8/7/14 9/8/14 10/2/14 11/3/14 12/4/14 Percent Solids (%) NA 31.16 32.80 34.04 35.90 36.33 33.41 39.51 44.35 38.35 44.60 46.25 44.84 Arsenic 75 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 <2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 Cadmium 85 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Copper 4,300 81� 66 62 58 70 75 73 79 112 92 93 92 Chromium NA 4 < 2.5 < 2.5 3 3 4 4 < 5.0 5 4 4 4 Lead 840 6 5.9 7 5.4 < 2.5 5 5 5 7 6 8 7 Mercury 57 0.17 0.22 6.16 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.1 0.07 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.17 Molybdenum 75 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5:0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 Nickel 420 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 7 < 5.0 < 5.0 < 5.0 Selenium 100 <5 <5.0 <5.0 <.5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Zinc 7,500 218 163 245 129 177 241 240 227 330 248 233 253 Total Phosphorus NA 12001 12409 9423 9403 11177 14773 1234.1 10520 12508 10162 8723 9114 TKN NA 24317 24353 24423 20872 27050 33570 25447 21030 23007 15066. '5779 16279 Ammonia -Nitrogen NA 273 218 347 380 326 420 285 305 218 190 14.4 66.08 Nitrate and Nitrite NA 21.45 16.55 30.25 25.23 22.88 13.85 1 13.47 1 13.45 31.43_ 29.74 31.42 20.11 a For surface disposal facilities the ceiling concentration limits listed in this form are not applicable. Reference the individual permit for metals limits. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated -the information submitted. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility, of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Signa re of reparer * Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM RSSF (12/2006) Erton(M Flo hwnoudid P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JURY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1946 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 01/15/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 299617 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 01/17/14 MEL 3113E-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 81 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 4 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 6 01/28/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4660 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.17 01/17/14 ADD 245.1 113-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4180 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 01/16/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3 01/23/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2890 01/28/14 ADD 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 218 01/16/14 ADD 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 28.3 01/13/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 31.16 01/07/14 CMC 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 24317 01/13/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 273 01/14/14 ALB 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 12001 01/13/14 ALB 365.4 -74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 21.45 01/10/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 9776 01/22/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 01/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 01/06/14 DATE REPORTED : 01/31/14 D� REVIEWED BY: /� [��doQo��c��� alp D�c�oQpoQa�c�d CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS)' MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 02/06/14 DATE REPORTED : 03/28/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1780 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 03/24/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 308149 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 03/19/14 MEL 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 66 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg <2.5 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 5.9 03/21/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4460 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.22 02/11/14 ADD 245.1 113-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 03/07/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4185 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 03/25/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <1250 03/07/14 ADD 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 163 02/21/14 ADD 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 86.9 02/17/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 32.80 02/11/14 CMC 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 24353 02/13/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 218 02/11/14 ALB 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 12409 02/13/14 ALB 365.4 -74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 16.55 02/12/14 ANO 353.2 112-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 9780 02/17/14 'SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 03/05/14 LFJ EPA200.7 a 33 p P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg Total Solids, % TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Holding Analysis Method Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code 1761 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 03/24/14 MEL 3113B-04 314115 03/24/14 LFJ EPA7140 <0.5 03/26/14 MEL 3113B-04 62 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 7 04/03/14 MEL 3113B-04 4397 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 0.16 03/20/14 MLM 245.1 R3-94 <5.0 04/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 3668 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 04/01/14 MEL 3113B-04 <2.5 03/24/14 LFJ EPA200.7 < 1250 03/21/14 ADD 3111B-99 245 03/21/14 ADD 3111B-99 12.95 03/17/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 34.04 03/11/14 LW 2540G-97 24423 03/20/14 ANO 351.2 112-93 347 03/18/14 ALB 350.1 112-93 9423 03/20/14 ALB 365.4 -74 30.25 03/19/14 ANO 353.2 112-93 9780 03/24/14 SEJ <5.0 04/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Wastewater ID: 10 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 03/10/14 DATE REPORTED : 04/10/14 REVIEWED BY: 13 EjAmME&W % kwommU 0 _'- Wastewater ID: 10 P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE PHONE (252) 756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JURY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1858 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 04/15/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 300573 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 04/22/14 MEL 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 58 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 3 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 5.4 04/30/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4077 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.11 04/15/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4170 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 04/21/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2500 04/25/14 MTM 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 129 04/25/14 MTM 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 65.6 04/15/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 35.9 04/08/14 MDD 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 20872 04/10/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen. (dry wt.),mg/kg 380 04/08/14 ALB 350.1 112-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 9403 04/10/14 ALB 365.4 -74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 25.23 04/09/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 8412 04/14/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 04/15/14 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 04/03/14 DATE REPORTED : 05/01/14 REVIEWED BY: Emwkwu(W Flo hw TMUd P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1911 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 06/04/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 297734 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 05/28/14 MEL 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 70 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 3 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg <2.5 05/20/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4275 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.13 05/21/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3832 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 05/30/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2740 05/15/14 MEL 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 177 05/27/14 MTM 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 36.3 05/15/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 36.33 05/06/14 CMC 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 27050 05/12/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 326 05/08/14 ANO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 11177 05/12/14 ALB 365.4 -74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 22.88 05/09/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 10875 05/13/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 05/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 05/05/14 DATE REPORTED : 06/04/14 REVIEWED BY: U Flo h(wommUd rc waatewater ID: 10 �P. � 8 _ KM PHONE (252) 756-6208 P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMON i of=s'vc GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 DATE COLLECTED: 06/05/14 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 DATE REPORTED : 07/14/14 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg Total Solids, TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Holding Analysis Method Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code 2033 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 07/01/14 MEL 3113B-04 272134 06/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.5 06/25/14 MEL 3113B-04 75 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 4 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 5 07/11/14 MEL 3113B-04 4353 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 0.14 06/19/14 MTM 245.1 113-94 <5.0 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 3660 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 < 5.0 07/07/14 MEL 3113B-04 <2.5 06/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 1528 06/20/14 MTM 3111B-99 241 06/25/14 MTM 3111B-99 35.64 06/17/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 33.41 06/06/14 LW 2540G-97 33570 06/12/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 420 06/10/14 ALB 350.1 112-93 14773 06/12/14 ALB 365.4 -74 13.85 06/11/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 13484 06/18/14 SEJ <5.0 06/19/14 LFJ EPA200.7 REVIEWED BY: n n n GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1965 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 07/22/14 CMF 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 286327 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 07/21/14 CMF 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 73 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 4 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 5 07/27/14 CMF 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4269 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.10 07/24/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3430 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 07/31/14 CMF 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <1250 07/22/14 MTM 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 240 07/22/14 MTM 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 39.0 07/10/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 39.51 07/08/14 LW 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 25447 07/17/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 285 07/10/14 ANO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 12341 07/17/14 ALB 365.4 -74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 13.47 07/11/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 10221 07/18/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 07/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 07/08/14 DATE REPORTED : 08/06/14 REVIEWED BY: hTtmEM % hmpumbd P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT D GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg Total Solids, % TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Holding Analysis Method Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code 1578 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 08/21/14 LFJ 3113B-04 273051 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.5 08/22/14 LFJ 3113B-04 79 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 5 08/19/14 LFJ 3113B-04 4481 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 0.07 08/26/14 MTM 245.1 113-94 <5.0 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 3360 08/25/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 08/14/14 CMF 3113B-04 < 2.5 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 1774 08/18/14 MTM 3111B-99 227 08/19/14 MTM 3111B-99 43.6 08/19/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 44.35 08/11/14 LW 254OG-97 21039 08/14/14 ANO 351.2 112-93 305 08/12/14 ALB 350.1 R2-93 10520 08/14/14 ALB 365.4 -74 13.45 08/13/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 8460 08/15/14 SEJ <5.0 08/13/14 LFJ EPA200.7 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 08/07/14 DATE REPORTED : 09/03/14 REVIEWED BY: /===:4_ GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JURY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2294 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 09/19/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 278424 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 09/29/14 MEL 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 112 09/17/14 LFJ , EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 5 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 7 09/24/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4261 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.14 09/19/14 MTM 245.1 R3=94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 7 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2441 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 09/23/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2.5 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1912 09/25/14 MTM 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 330 09/19/14 MTM 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 51.6 09/19/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 38.35 09/08/14 LW 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 23007 09/11/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 218 09/11/14 ANO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 12508 09/11/14 AKS 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 31.43 09/12/14 AKS 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 9256 09/19/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 09/17/14 LFJ EPA200.7 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 09/08/14 DATE REPORTED : 10/06/14 REVIEWED BY: n� �ronment 1. Incor Maki P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 2252 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <2.5 10/28/14 MEL 3113B-04 Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 292035 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <0.5 10/22/14 MEL 3113B-04 Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 92 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg 4 10/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg 6 10/29/14 MEL 3113B-04 Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3742 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 0.14 10/09/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 1832 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 10/23/14 MEL 3113B-04 Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 4 10/14/14 LFJ EPA200.7 Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 3556 10/22/14 MTM 3111B-99 Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg 248 10/20/14 MZN 3111B-99 Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg 51.6 10/14/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 Total Solids, % 44.6 10/06/14 KKF 2540G-97 TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg 15066 10/09/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg 190 10/09/14 ANO 350.1 R2-93 Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg 10162 10/09/14 AKS 365.4-74 Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg 29.74 10/08/14 ANO 353.2 R2-93 Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg 6075 10/14/14 SEJ Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg <5.0 10/20/14 LFJ EPA200.7 )NE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 10/02/14 DATE REPORTED : 10/30/14 REVIEWED BY: 4ummHOW Flo hCummUd P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/lcg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg Total Solids, TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Holding Analysis Method Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code 2532 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 11/21/14 MTM 3113B-04 331134 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.5 11/22/14 MTM 3113B-04 93 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 4 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 8 11/25/14 MTM 3113B-04 4020 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 0.17 11/17/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 <5.0 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 1753 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 11/17/14 LFJ 3113B-04 3 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <1250 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 233 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 35.4 11/07/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 46.25 11/03/14 KKF 254OG-97 15779 11/06/14 ANO 351.2 R2-93 14.40 11/04/14 AKS 350.1 112-93 8723 11/06/14 AKS 365.4-74 31.42 11/05/14 BJC 353.2 R2-93 6364 11/12/14 SEJ <5.0 11/04/14 LFJ EPA200.7 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 11/03/14 DATE REPORTED : 11/26/14 REVIEWED BY: _kr a -- - - '1 n n n �GtlG� l Ju-uGVu REENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 PARAMETERS Aluminum, (dry wt. basis), mg/kk Arsenic (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Calcium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Cadmium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Copper (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Chromium, T.(dry wt. basis),mg/kg Lead (dry weight basis), mg/kg Magnesium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Mercury (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Nickel (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Potassium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Selenium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Silver (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Sodium (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Zinc (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Total Cyanide (dry weight), mg/kg Total Solids, % TKN (dry wt.), mg/kg Ammonia Nitrogen (dry wt.),mg/kg Phosphorus, T. (dry wt.), mg/kg Nitrate -Nitrite (dry wt.), mg/kg Plant Available Nitrogen, mg/kg Molybdenum (dry wt. basis), mg/kg Holding Analysis Method Basin (RA) Date Analyst Code 2250 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <2.5 12/18/14 MTM 3113B-04 300774 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <0.5 12/19/14 MTM 3113B-04 92 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 4 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 7 12/15/14 MTM 3113B-04 3554 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 0.17 12/19/14 MTM 245.1 R3-94 <5.0 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 1603 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 <5.0 12/15/14 MTM 3113B-04 <2.5 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 4543 12/16/14 MTM 3111B-99 253 12/18/14 MTM 3111B-99 42.8 12/16/14 SEJ 450OCNE-99 44.84 12/09/14 KKF 2540G-97 16279 12/11/14 AKS 351.2 R2-93 66.08 12/09/14 KDB 350.1 112-93 9114 12/11/14 KDB 365.4-74 20.11 12/10/14 KDB 353.2 R2-93 6538 12/18/14 SEJ <5.0 12/18/14 LFJ EPA200.7 ID#: 214 DATE COLLECTED: 12/04/14 DATE REPORTED : 12/23/14 w REVIEWED BY:/ 5) Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction Form (PVRF) With laboratory Data ANNUAL PATHOGEN AND VECTOR ATTRACTION REDUCTION FORM (02T Rules) Facility Name: City of New Bern WQ Permit Number: WQ0023306 WWTP Name: City of New Bern NPDES Number: NC0025348 Monitoring Period: From 1/1/2014 To 1/1/2014 Pathogen Reduction (15A NCAC 02T .1106) - Please indicate level achieved and alternative performed: Class A: JAlt. A (time/temp) ❑ Alt B (Alk Treatment)❑ Alt. C (Prior Testing)❑ A1t.D (No Prior Test) ❑ Process to Further Reduce Pathogengs ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A only) indicate "Process to Further Reduce Pathogens": Compost ❑ Heat Drying ❑ _ Heat Treatment ❑ Thermophilic ❑ Beta Ray ❑ Gamma Ray ❑ Pasteurization 21 Class B: Alt. (1) Fecal Density ❑ Alt. (2) Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class B only) indicate "Process to Significantly Reduce Pathogens": Lime Stabilization ❑ Air Drying ❑ Composting ❑ Aerobic Digestion ❑ Anaerbic Di esf obic g ion ❑ If applicable to alternative performed (Class A or Class B) complete the following monitoring data: Parameter Allowable Level in Sludge Pathogen Density um er of decExnee- Frequency of Analysis Sample Type a ytica nech- icue Minim Geo. Mean MaximumUnits Fecal Coliform 2 x 10 to the 6th power per gram of total solids MPN < 1.8 <1.8 < 1.8 PN/gms 60 days grab SM9221 E CFU 1000 mpn per gram of total solid (dry weight) Salmonella bacteria (in lieu of fecal coliform) 3 MPN per 4 grams total solid (dry weight) v ecwr riuraction lceauction (1,A 1V UAU UZT .1107) -Please indicate alternative nerfnrmerl- Alt.l (VS reduction) 0 Alt. 2 (40-day bench) ❑ - Alt. 3 (30-daybench) ® I--------- Alt. 4 (Spec. OZ uptake) ❑ Alt. 5 (14-Day Aerobic) ❑ Alt. 6 (Alk. Stabilization ❑ Alt 7 (Drying - Stable) ❑ 1 Alt. 8 (Drying - Unstable) ❑ Alt. 9 (Injection) ❑ Alt. 10 (Incorporation) ❑ No vector attraction reduction alternatives were performed ❑ l V l(11r11:A11V1V ST T1+ME1VT (please check the appropriate statement) "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have been met." ❑ "I certify, under penalty of law, that the pathogen requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 have not been met." (Please note if you check.this statement attach an explanation why you have not met one or both of the requirements'.) "This determination has been made under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information used to determine that the pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements have been met. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment." Judy Majstoravich Treatment Plants Manager Albe Thomas, Land Application Supervisor Pr parer Name and Title (type or print) Land Appliee Name and Title (if applicable)(type or print) If Ylaj j4u",1Y Sign ure o Preparer D e ignature of Land Applier (if applicable) Date *Preparer is defined in 40 CFR Part 503.9(r) and 15A NCAC 2T .1102 (26) DENR FORM PVRF 02T (12/2006) City of New Bern Total and Volatile Solids Reduction Summary 2013 RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press IN Belt Press Out Lime Pasteurization% Effluent Biosolids Volitile Solids Reduction TS % VS % TS % VS % TS % VS % TS % VS % 1/6/2014 0.6 76 1.1 75 13.5 71 19.1 51 68 1/13/2014 0.6 78 1.1 74 12.0 75 30.0 17 94 2/3/2014 0.6 78 1.0 77 14.1 73 36.5 8 98 2/17/2014 0.6 78 1.1 77 14.1 73 25.4 25 91 3/3/20141 0.7 77 1.2 771 14.1 72 22.0 411 79 3/17/2014 0.7 76 1.5 74 11.8 77 21.5 34 85 4/7/2014 0.5 75 1.1 74 9.3 76 28.1 21 91 4/14/2014 0.6 74 1.4 70 15.1 67 32.8 13 95 5/5/2014 0.6 74 1.3 72 9.9 72 19.4 42 76 5/19/2014 0.6 73 1.2 68 9.5 72 29.3 18 92 6/3/2013 0.6 73 1.0 72 15.4 68 25.2 27 86 6/17/2013 0.5 69 1.1 68 17.0 66 23.7 35 77 7/1/2013 0.6 72 1.1 65 16.2 64 21.5 49 63 7/9/2013 0.4 68 1.0 60 15.4 66 28.4 28 82 8/1/2013 0.4 69 0.9 591 16.5 64 27.4 29 82 8/19/2013 0.5 70 0.9 55 16.5 67 29.6 25 86 9/3/2013 0.6 71 0.9 62 17.2 67 26.5 28 85 9/16/2013 0.5 71 0.8 64 16.1 69 27.2 33 80 10/7/2013 0.5 72 0.8 65 13.9 67 30.8 17 92 10/14/2013 0.5 72 0.9 71 15.0 69 31.1 16 93 11/4/2013 0.6 51 1.0 50 15.6 58 30.0 18 80 11/18/2013 0.6 74 1.1 70 10.2 73 27.3 221 90 12/2/2013 0.6 76 1.2 72 10.5 75 22.2 36 82 12/16/2013 0.6 77 1.0 75 14.7 70 30.5 181 93 Averages 1 0.61 731 1.11 691 13.91 701 26.91 271 85 Emw='RUM Flo hwpo umbd P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 A DATE COLLECTED: 01/06/14 DATE REPORTED : 01/10/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin-FC#1 Basin-FC#2 Basin-FC#3 Basin-FC#4 Basin-FC#5 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 40.50 31.55 34.47 26.23 34.27 01/07/14 CMC 2540G-97 Fecal Coliform (MPN), /gram Solids < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 01/06/14 HMB 9221E-06 Envirur�ment 1, Incor TmUd GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 ID#: 214 A DATE COLLECTED: 03/10/14 DATE REPORTED : 03/13/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin-FC#1 Basin-FC#2 Basin-FC#3 Basin-FC#4 Basin-FC#5 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 35.56 31.52 34.61 25.07 31.52 03/11/14 I.W 2540G-97 Fecal Coliform (MPH /gram Solids < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 03/11/14 LW 9221E-06 ��doQo��c��� Flo D�c�or��oQa�c�d P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 •Wastewater ID: 10 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 A DATE COLLECTED: 05/05/14 DATE REPORTED : 05/08/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin-FC#1 Basin-FC#2 Basin-FC#3 Basin-FC#4 Basin-FC#5 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 34.15 36.76 30.86 34.57 37.81 05/06/14 CMC 254OG-97 Fecal Coliform (MPN), /gram Solids < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 05/05/14 CMC 9221E-06 NAQ@MH(PEI Flo DIMWTDO MA 0 P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 <�`, ki . PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 A DATE COLLECTED: 07/08/14 DATE REPORTED : 07/10/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding PARAMETERS Basin-FC#1 Holding Basin-FC#2 Holding Holding Holding Analysis Method Basin-FC#3 Basin-FC#4 Basin-FC#5 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 49.79 Fecal Coliform (MPH /gram Solids < 1.8 44.24 31.55 39.98 35.39 07/08/14 LW 2540G-97 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 07/08/14 LW 9221E-06 Dew o oQa�c�d MIN P.O. BOX 7085, 114 AKMONT DRIVE GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 CITY OF NEW_BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 PHONE (252) 756-6208 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 A DATE COLLECTED: 09/08/14 DATE REPORTED : 09/09/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin-FC#6 Basin-FC#7 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 37.20 35.22 09/08/14 LW 2540G-97 Fecal Coliform (MPN), /gram Solids < 1.8 < 1.8 09/08/14 LW 9221E-06 EpwwHaW Flo hCuppumbd . P.O. BOX 7085, 114 OAKMONT DRIVE ^ ^F-__�________ PHONE (252) 756-6208 GREENVILLE, N.C. 27835-7085 FAX (252) 756-0633 ID#: 214 A CITY OF NEW BERN (BIOSOLIDS) MS. JUDY MAJSTORAVICH P.O. BOX 1129 DATE COLLECTED: 11/03/14 NEW BERN ,NC 28563 DATE REPORTED : 11/05/14 REVIEWED BY: Holding Holding Holding Holding Holding Analysis Method PARAMETERS Basin-FC#1 Basin-FC#2 Basin-FC#3 Basin-FC#4 Basin-FC#5 Date Analyst Code Total Solids, % 50.79 51.80 49.01 46.56 48.54 11/03/14 KKF 2540G-97 Fecal Coliform (MPN), /gram Solids < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 < 1.8 11/03/14 KKF 9221E-06 % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids` 4yst MG Bubble Check Sample Datej -13 ► ' ( Calc7;)C) ed By: Yn C, Date/Time Analyzed (In Over-) 1-1.3 - L j Date/Time Removed from Oven 1-I y -1, yt_?. + rn Location RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press . Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. -7— 10 Dish only B m Dish & Sample C I of a,,3 M3 o.3 J Q a 139 - mg 1 Sample - I3 � to I -0 9 15G4,5 9(o(vG -q I,SWB-6 90 I B mg. ng Dish +Dry Solids A ' � � � •'� �� �Va�P �� 1 �� 1° B9 `, ^ � mg _ Dry Solids A-B . �1 �7 5� p l ff 1o3.3 mg c�l�°� Dish & Ash D �b %� p 93G 1.30� r %553-o y� r C� 991i(i Im_ Q �q (� U' I 1\0.-i m .� Volatile Solids A-D �I. .� ° 2>GS.0 'iOci t"j Q353s( mg % Tot. Solids -B/C-B 0 ° (0 ` 30. C-) /o Vol. Solids A-D/A-B - 1 5 19 % Volatile Reduction: q H I ®' b D RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff % RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff Cj 1A % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) 'Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - fmal product) Beit-Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: - Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date - U - 114 FN: AAVolatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: CAMy FileAWTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl % Total &, % Volatile Sludge Solids analystf 1 l� Sample Date) - (o Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) j Date/Time Removed frnm Oven Bubble Check - V Calculated By:�_ 1-r/ i Location RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS-Pump Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. I0 Dish only B l ®• I li7 V I �� m I oJ} ®. l I l O� 1 I Dish &SagpleC n I Cq �y� °� 1���a3 la���.•c I�c���• i ��.5�.. Sample C-B mg HSH31• L� 19{G Bl�7G �l Dish +Dry Solids A I 5 � 0 �[j I alp I mg 1- 1's Is I • Dry Solids A-B mg a801 Q ,55 ,Q ish & mD g 1` �(J l(? • 1C I U 1 VJ °� I 1 v° "t� 9 16CO0 1 FO—latile Solids A-D mgI ��•l� �'1��� l�lf�a� Ir= "/o Tot. Solids —B/C-B �(� ®` V' `i' n� 13.5 I 191 Vol. JO11dS -D/A-B r7& r7 5I % Volatile Reduction: CO RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff Co17 % S/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff (A % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) 'Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Beit;Press.Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%)- VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. ,Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date I -(a-14 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date— FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: CAMy Fi1es\WTLabSpreadsheets-Disk1 Total & %Volatile Sludge Solids lnalyst Bubble Check 1� Sample Date �- �,- I �-F Cal c lated By: rYl Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) - -I Date/Time Removed from Oven a- K - / H 4°- ocation gAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press. Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station Slud a Station Sludge Du : Influent Slud a Effluent Slud a Effluent Biosolids Dish No. Dish only B rr,�,, %%�� - I .3 I lJ®�a'� '15f lq • 3 MY ����•�V ��J ��a & Sample C � ��y ��I • ( _ mg tfle:C-B: 35 � • 0 +Dry Solids A ' � �� n nig. Solids A-B ish & Ash D (�330 m 1 . olatile Solids A-D 3 3 Tot. Solids I C)o va IWA) �v 3 811 �D c) I flDO•0 '7..D !Q 1--blU_-D yo Vol. Solids ►` I ' 1 r 173 -7 3 k-D/A-B 10�6Volatile Reduction: 9 q S O RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff 9 B RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff Ci 9 % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab -anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab -Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Befit Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std.. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%1 • VS in(%) -[VS in(%o) x VS out(%)] = x 100% = V S reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)— absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates.x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 7 i a (Q - . `� (Spreadsheet Disk 91) Backup: -Disk' FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw C:\My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids analyst MG Sample Date - I �'l - I `� Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) a rn+• T _ _ � L• _� !1-..- .ram Bubble Check Calcula d By: �q-t,4 Tr.qlo" ,a - /Li I ",1,:1A 1.6 -A 1!QLG/ 11111G lt�illav ocation v vu u vaa+ v . v++ qr - RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge v • i - W ..• RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge Dup., Belt Press_ Influent Sludge Belt Press Effluent Slud a Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids Dish No. B -Z— a .'7 10, Dish only B m Dish & Sample C ��� `� pqo jj .O I ` I v,63.1 mg SampleC-B Cl 11�,0 (� lu iU isgq I• u I n3e. �lC� � '� rI I 5'� mg Dish + Dry Solids A ' r 90 • Ing Dry Solids A-B �5g • � (� /� 2)0 3 '�, r - [, °✓(0.9 �` - G4CA ( " A 1 i mg Dish & Ash D '1�� 369%a m Volatile Solids A-D3 1° I 5 0 H 9,01 y 5 1 �6 I m % Tot. Solids 0. i C lid I I ��• A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids �( (� 1 r7 n r -D/A-B 1' % Volatile Reduction: C1 I. I 0.0 RPD AS PS to -Lime Stabilization Eff q j % AS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff W l Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent .(grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) 'Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Bert -Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out( o VS in(%) -[VS in(%) is VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC:, Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative.Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date�— FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: CAMy Files\WUabSpreadsheets-Diskl % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids lnalyst M Sample Date 3- I� Date/Time Analyzed (In O 3 lime/7':»�n i?n*v,r��iar� f'r%m (iui-m 2 Bubble Check Calculated By: EQf -114 / -1 f) K.a,�n "-I" / W. Al O'm LKLV/ L 1111V 1�V111V Location . Vw- +�v�-- � • -- RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge - • �- - •- RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge Dup. Belt Press Influent Sludge Belt Press Effluent Sludge Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids Dish No. `—T !1 Dish only B O` w 1•( 735 v L' I l 9{ B' 6 W O S S °' l 5� D I "9 m Dish & Sample C 1—l�•� 1 D6 lD.1 1;63� •a 19911 mg C-13 Sample 8 I 9 I I 9 lJC1 C, 6 I H I l{� �' Chi •. mg 1 l f ish+DrySolidsA � �Q��. IJ��{��� � �nq�� V�l�� 1 a l �LJq��•� mg Dry Solids A-B I ° (0 • 1590. (0 (0 Q C),5.. G I ® J� lV " ®. mg is h & ssh D ``�� � 1 D ' n (, L.� 3 ( l . ij ( C� �j I ID : `-� 5 i�3, 99 1 � � I (� i i l.� � VJ ` 1 " C\ Volatile Solids A-D r_ n i 110, `� y �J j] l� % 3 mg Tot. Solids C) 1 O . I r'6 I a .. 01 A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids rl 9. 07 0 I -D/A-B Volatile Reduction: J I L ® I ®- RPD RASIWAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff ' ICI % RAS/WAS PS DuD. to Lime Stabilization Eff 17 % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) 'Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) BettTress Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS 0ut(%1 . VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100%= VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)-- absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 3 -to -14 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date FN: A:1Vo1atiles\Vo1atiles.ypw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My FileslWTLabSpreWsheets-Disk1 % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids .'analyst M GG sample Date 3 1 J7 -1 Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven)_ Bubble Check V' Calcul ted By: }�i O -117.14 / 0-'Ctr4VIA J .i /»--: A., Ll4L0/ 1111119 1\Gu1V ocation ♦ %.aa L%YA" v . wa RAS/WAS Pump • a • .. . RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press. Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Slud a Effluent Slud a Effluent Biosolids Dish No. '] % 10 Dish only B Dish & Sample C "� "` pq 3940. [X�9 6. mg 6�l IVV' SampleC-B �� W73 I mg Dish + Dry Solids A 7 [� +[ � � lU ! � Q C'6 � ® � � (� � a �p (� � � C•1C ., � �'t, 55�� I I mg Dry Solids A-B .2 ,g®` l mg Dish & Ash D mg i 3a)9 e 5 ; N f 53 %I 3 "' Q, i / Volatile Solids A-D A A i :J , Y �Q a CJ _�� 3 J r Q r s 3 Cy `i W 1 14 , („ mg % Tot. Solids Au lids CC) l f! D/A-B I % Volatile Reduction: RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff`t % S/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff v % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (gran - anywnere in [ants) 'Belt Press Influent (grab Belt Press Influent sample tap) 'Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) BekPress Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(No) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100%= VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on. Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date .3 • l0 - l q FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.ypw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) . Backup: C:\MyFiles\WTLabSpreadsheats-DiskI % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids -Analyst Bubble Check sample Date 14 - r1- I `-E Cal cul ted By: Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) j-I -rl -1 y r.­_ "T"--- r--------I 4r-- - f-16 . .i i -- G_ _ l Lt 11-ir-I ..1 LALG/ 11111G 1\vlilV vvY. uvaa+ v . vaa u v � RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Location RASIWAS Pump Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. B r 10. Dish only B q a(0° 1 m Dish &SampleC ' 1� 1� nQ3n-q 1Q 1?n1.q, {QG���.s ` r� 91(�. mg ° Sample mg ish+DrySolidsA l�- ` ® I ! mg Dry Solids A-B r� 3c°0 Q(9q`.I 1 5,QCp°5 �j 1AH F s_� i 2 ! 33C)S .5 mg(�, Dish & 'l CJ�J p��� C1 � � -Y-� m ry l lC�� �Qol Cy 1 ���a� �j �59 1q0� m mg Volatile Solids A-D p1q. q mg Tot. Solids o ®®5 L u l 9,3 v 1 Q 16-1 A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids 1 �—j 5 F75, n q 'No i -D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: 0 RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff (. % RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff mil o 0 Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) a. Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) • Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS. in(%) - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 4t-3 L4 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 3-1041f- FN: A:\Vohdiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:1My Fi1es\WTLabSpreadsheets-Disk1 % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids ".'lnalyst (n G Bubble Check V sample Date k_ J' 4 Cab Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) q -I q 141 TI..Ep/T:.v.n 1Dom^armA irt%v" ('Vian"-I C�-1 4 / LI ,n1AI mG- LJaLW I ALSAW it IIALM ♦ %~ as vaa+ v + Y m l Y Belt Press Belt Press ' Lime Pasteurization ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. B � n I�to Dish only B 6 �} d. \CJ 4 I �1�✓ I l! �� I 33.3 75HX() m . Dish & Sample C QC14 1 I•'�0 l' 1° I I�I�J�I� 4gc)1-7,5(.QC 'QQG 13° 1 mg Sample C-B 1� v n � � W u i 7 C r7 mg ish+DrySolidsA 965CO&JO 9318rlcl 1 01S,3 S'�5q 1• l 909�H- mg Dry Solids A-B q I �V �� ` �/'g>a/�q a� �1C C{�/jj v Y "c ° i � mg Dish & D 33 3, 3 3 (o(o ,.' (o 1 5'7 5sq 6CQD V 6'66979 Ing 11. Volatile Solids A-D • l IT.-� _i ' 4 1 q C � "7 mg % Tot. Solids d C)e(0 o �[ 3:) m 00 A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids r7 n ® I ri t 3 A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: - 5 ®• RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff ,--) % RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff 95 % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab -anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) • Belt .Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out( VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x 100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100., Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date - 3 FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My FilesMUabSpreadsheets-Disk1 Total.& % Volatile Sludge Solids "final st_ Bubble Check V' y Calcul ted By: Sample Date S ALL , L� - Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) - '� Date/Time Removed from Oven - l �C �l: A �'1 ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press Effluent Sludge Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids Station Sludge Station Sludge Du . Influent Slud a Dish No,. B IIOqo� I•� l O �'� DishonlyB I� n0 l �l m l F F { f 6 l9� 1 i (� (� �y ! 3-1 I - ! �l " 0 (� 1 �( ` Dish & Sample C f� / G ° r�llG 5 mg sample C-B q616 H Q(913"B 55116 (D QQ y.j q q®C52d l R q &. -1 Dish +Dry Solids A33,593 5 1 mg Dry Solids A-B ��tq• l S.��c�-+ 5 59 mg ���o5.0 7 1(eQ5°0� Dish&AshD q(� ��•�13Lo�,5,q Volatile Solids A-D 2� a �0, i . `f 1-� r 9 '3G'act,, � p� � M4. - mg C) P t a Q 1 o Tot. Solids ®r l� A-B/C-B ��`��ZJ 7 r 1l�1i7 ri�„ /oVol.Solids - -�!% A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff 175 % RAS/WAS PS Du . to Lime Stabilization Eff Q 0 RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Sample Location: Belt Press Influent (grab -Belt Press Influent sample tap) -Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) • Belt.Press Effluent (grab- collect as -it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)--- difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date ' - - I . ,._ _ Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 5 -5 I q - . . F'N: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.ypw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl - % Total. & % Volatile Sludge Solids ,alyst C� Bubble Check ' Calcula ed By: Sample Date 5 - l b - 14 1140 Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) - - " Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Date/Time Removed from Oven 5 -`3 S/WAS Pump a Efflueni Slud a Effluent Biosolids ocation Rp,S/WAS Pump Station Slud a Station Sludge Du .Influent Slud o. � l Dish N B 12)o.5 n � {1 O'9 WO Dish onlyB Il�`^.� �(Oq' I m f� ✓ � � �53�U a� Dish&SampleC� `�®�� �5 1�� �� fnn Q� l sample C-B �Q ?�i-� � 5�!V—I' � `� . `35 mg ish + Dry Solids A o 3 v ° p� u✓ l ` l Q �, mg �18 Dry Solids A-B ql �� •�� mg V Dish & Ash D Uo51.9 7Co 5q (� (�, � � � ;. �� m I U �® c�5 q & Volatile Solids A-D(,1 `� p Q 9 Q 3. mg _1 ! j q.S To. Solids O . G � • � q ' A-B/C-B /' 6 /o Vol. Solids ("7 �J -D/A-B I rr �n_RPD % Volatile Reduction: "t ID RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff % S/WAS PS Du . to Lime Stabilization on (grab -anywhere in tank) Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump grab - Bet Press�Influent sample tap) Belt Press Influent (g rab - final product) ' Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (g (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection .into auger 3 Belt Press Effluent Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2$dOG• VS out Reduction Formula: VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (°/a) obtain 38%reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime paste�zation or higher. QC: Must o erence =absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. RpD'(Relative Percent Dill ) , Volatile Reduction is used for land.application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample:Date Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date -l�l. FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatile"Pw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\MY Flles\WTLabSpreadsheets-Di1 . % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids �Xnalyst Bubble_Check Sample Date -a�- f Calculated.B.v: MG Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) - D- 13 % Date/Time Removed from Oven Co-3 - Q 14".0 4vv\ Location RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. .Z— T Dish only B UT / 309 1 3 J 1� (`�,Up � I I(P19 4 3 73 D 75..3 f 7sq 1 1 7 m( 1 J 1 Dish & Sample C I n "5 BS'� F 15 DOI a(p , f I a l V 9 `3 (� I I V U',5q• D i I Q 105 �-�- I mg oQ SampleC-B gG3Q1.B II(PQD•,5 - S ! IDwC) - 0 1 15. 1 �SG3 la� mg - Dish + Dry Solids A p� rlp,.509-D fla 1n g(369 �O I�a,..i� V 80096.`7 8)3C(g0 mg Dry Soli ii 9 1 . (3 590'a q HOBO- 4 1 c� C{ ri � �Ci mg mg Dish & Q (� 73(040°a �7 (` &Q log i V%9q B67w.9 mg lJ1- Volatile Solids A-D p�, I580'7 (� 3�27•q Qq Q 3 D&D�7dD mg % Tot. Solids �m Q- 5 1.3 it . � IQ � - A-B/C-B % Vol. Solids � 3 rr�� �1f7 �j { 3 C ® . -D/A-B Volatile Reduction: q I 0-0 RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff 91 % RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff ... [ % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab -anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab final product) • Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100%= VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from. RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)-- absolute difference in duplicates [averageof duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Fecal Coliforrn on.Biosolids Sample Date 5 E- lq FN.- A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) ' • Backup: C:\MyFiles\WlLabSpreadsheets-DiskI % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids `analyst '(n Bubble Check Sample Date Calculat By: Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) ~/ T [ A Uate/ time tcemvveu uuiu %jvuu to - I •— Belt Press Influent Sludge Belt Press Effluent Slud a Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids Location RAS/WAS Pump Station Slud e. RAWWAS Pump Station Sludge Dup. Dish No. B 7, 10 Dish only B Q n � l 3 c� , t V 9 �5 � � '"l m Dish & Sample C i . j� I' ', - Q. 1 �� ���" � `� ��%��'� 1��� � �° � C� 1• o(�(�©��[! Sample C-B Iq �� • (_,✓ I� � 1 6 ( { � lf? 4 (o 3 � � �J,� � 10 • 1 Mg ish+Dry Solids A 1 3533,1 ` O i�j Q r- 3b So, Y / / a toJ ) - l (� �7 �j S q (3 ,5, 1 Q, B553 � • V mg Dry Solids A-B 110/ 1 1 ®• lD �� .1� I "� s 1 lf�j . ` I mg ish&AshD Q Q, I� r_ . 3(oS5°9 ( / p �105%-6 E30 Q•� c iL 6J(OD3- l m Volatile Solids A-D i 0 ` 9 9 h A 199.1 I I , 1 I 1 q 5 6 cl g 4 0908.11 mg . % Tot. Solids 0` 5 'O^ o 1 e I q A-B/C-B % Vol. Solids n 2) ! 3 V I A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: 9 0 AS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff 40 % . I Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) • Belt .Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods I Sth Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(to) - VS out(to) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% =-VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge.. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date Co-5 -14 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 5 - � FN: AwolatilesWolatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My FilesNTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids Analyst Bubble Check Sample Date n" '! � Calcul ed By: IM Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) -Date/Time Removed from Oven's ' �T A el t Af� /U RPtt Press oh No. ;h only B m sh & Sample C mg mple C-B mg ish +'Dry Solids A mg ry Solids A-B mg . ish & Ash D m olatile Solids A-D Mg o Tot. Solids ,-B/C-B o vol. Solids Station Sludge. Influrrent Slud a Effluent ©L rj il�a���3 l�lOc�l•'1 ,3gB3.3 q3l I �fo ,���3° � . tY�l•� �. 93&1' 5—c1 o n O e 760 c(0 ®(0 iA 5D• d Biosolids IM 51503,0 -j a9o.3 '�8�39.(� trlr7t.! I<Q I_5s0 3i�•8 -- - �- ® RPD % Volatile Reduction: RAS/WASPS to Time Stabilization Eff 9 6 010 RAS/.WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab -final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std: Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(° VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x 100% = VS, reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38%reduction from RA5/WAS to Lunepasteurization n d licat sr average of duplicates x 100. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)- absolute differe Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 9` Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date - Fecal p: C:\My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Disk1 FN: AAVolatiles\Volatiles-qpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids -Analyst M G Bubble Check_______r-__ , Sample Date I - 3 I - l 4 - Calc ated By: 0 Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) -7-01 - ILL DON Date/Time Removed from Oven rl -0,w Station Sludge_ No. B_ only B & Sample C mg 1IA5U4a 10 ple C-B q'7 •a 0. 0 ! �i mg + Dry Solids A rrig ' l M H .0 Solids A-B y ish & Ash D mg olatile Solids A-D Mg Tot. Solids -B/C-B Vol. Solids D/A-B 91 S/WAS Pump Belt Press lien t on Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent ,z�_ a 1 ;nt Biosolids ID 95 1 v j c�z(oa,o 1 � 1 1' �A � � � � ) .3 HSQIBa.a 9�33&.S 509-5S.. LjG.. ,Sq. I l(01-CQ (® i GIOgf'7 I���S r�d5 1.0 . Ili C5 1f % Volatile Reduction: 5 (D.RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff RAS/WAS PS Du . to Lime Stabilization Eff .5 % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%. - VS out(%1 VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)) = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 39% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. . Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 7-Ejq Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date piles\WTLabS r FN:' A:\Volatiles\Volatiles:gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #I) Backup: C:Wy p ,eadsheets-Disk1 % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids Analyst i� Bubble Check_ Sample Date�' 1 Calculated By:�- Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven)^ - I lj 0 az m -- T � _ in+___ _ T _ ..] r__. ili run u - 3 '-% + 114 1 J4? - W S3 fA � Vale/ lure Xwuluvvu uv.0 vvwA RAS/WAS Pump . 1tAS/WAS Pump .- -• Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Location Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. Dish only B 9 IS.-9 96� I 1� 3 5 ( �' 0 9, � ) (0-� 1 � . � �� iC� � t. m Dish & Sample C 1 3c)W D 7° 9 I s3a 0005,0 10 mg . Sample C-B c� mg Dish + Dry Solids A ' �¢¢' i /� /y /p q 1� Cam, ��' � Y��� J9 (jam h/I'� IJ��V.C• i mg Dry Solids A-B� r I 1 mg Dish & Ash D %4 E) 0,4 � gNo:�11` t-� {� I C>r •Q (i 3�� "-�iq� = .m Volatile Solids A-D I W i A �j 3� i j.' (9G 17. ® s 4 ( i49, %Tot. Solids f 1 A-B/C-B /° Vol. Solids qC) -D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: ^ 0 0` 0 1ZPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff 77 % S/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff t7 Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab --Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section.2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%o) x VS out(%)) = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must'obtain .38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used, for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 5 r7­ 14 . Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date F14: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl :Analyst n Sample Date p- -1 Date/Time Analyzed (In I % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids Bubble Check Calculated By: M G ven) j- Ll ,�, Yrl Late/llme �G111vv�uiavaai v�vaa �} r � � � . -�.�. •- Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Station Slud a Station Sludge Dup. Influent Slud a Effluent Slud a Effluent Biosolids Dish No. O Dish only B 1.� �� l ° I �) ®• O %A3 ° -I 9 9 0 I Q ° Q � -5q. 12.O rn Dish & Sample C 1 CJ� ta1 �.0 pg3q n ,o -5qe&1 i in -3 mg SampleC-B HLj (Q9.& H9(DO j L`9,63- 1 UH q 14 g43 mg ish + Dry Solids A ' 11 12 � 1 1�� gy 60 � 1 p- CO)� �L �0 C •6 j � 4/ �l t 3 q, Q3G,�3,- mg Dry Solids A-B Dish & Ash � d c✓ l � %mil "l ° � Mo (1 4 ' °' mg Volatile Solids A-D d q J "- j a to 1 v / 51 D x �j mg % Tot. Solids O o� i i S q y` 1�° C �j LL3 „ a A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids G 9 59 A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: q ( O.O RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff % RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff % Sample Location: KAN/ WAN, rump ;5tauon kgrao - auy Wli--ic 1JL.L "UU%.J Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%1- VS out(%1 VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS Out(%)] x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date, Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 17 �' l FN: Awolatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: Q\My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl %-Total & o/o. Volatile Sludge Solids t M Analys Bubble Check_-_ ✓___ ° Sample Date s - Calc ated BY: 1�1� Date/Time AnalYzed (In ) Oven Oven - :�>.I - Date/Time Removed from - 1 �`� cation RAS/WAS Pump RA.S/WAS pump Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station �Slud a Station Slud a Du . Influent Slud a Effluent Slud a Effluent Biosolids Dish No. 1 r °^B� Dish only B n �G� q a_ �lD'LLA ISO- 150n I mg. t j J1 9 2 i 4,3 �`- a Dish&SampleC `C� i�oi��• mg 1 L l� C) SampleC-B �� ��A� ai���Cia �, ����•� ►���� mg ;-� _ T`_ 1 , ish + Dry Solids A s' • �.iiy �,�C� n° t` Dry Solids A-B ish&1119 Ash D?5� m aij��- ci Volatile Solids A-D o �, •� �` ij Tot. Solids 0. Ll j A By /o Vol. Solids CO 1I Cry A-D/A-B C RPD 0/0 Volatile Reduction: RASTAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff S/WAS PS Du . to Lime Stabilization Eff -anywhere in tank) Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab . Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) is (grab - final product? Lime Stabilization Effluent B osolk collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Belt Press Effluent (grab co Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed: Section 2540OG• . out Reduction Formula: VS _[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] x100% = VS reduction (%) r. QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAWWAS to Lime pasteurizhates / ave age nor of duplicates x 100. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in dup Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample.Date _n_: V i . Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date eadsheet Disk #1) Backup: Omy Files\WTLab3preadsheets'Diski FN: A:\Volatiles\VolatHes.gpw (Spr /o o Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids :Analyst 6 Sample Date �' -1.� Date/Time Analyzed (m Oven) Oven Dateflime Removed from A ` u,irn Bubble Check^_____ Calcula d By: Q' M -� Station Slud e No. on1mB=_ i & Sample C �qs U� ° mg vie C-B r-� j...� i, . H..c o AS/WAZ5 rump e ---- . .Influent Slud a Effluent Slue ation Slud a Du v r160�1.5 1 X 31(DC) l '�C .9 J--1361q l-1.1 ;h +Dry Solids A ,r(� 3-9,5(o ,, O 939,5(o mg ySolids AB C) mg ish & Ash D Q i Ci �9 1 1 3 m olatile Solids A-D i °1 ^ F vt �QC). t mg o Tot. Solids „ C) ' 1 �-B/C-B Vol. Solids q3.5 e) 1 14to 13-e(:;,'- Biosolids 85 r7 9 531 bRo(PRAO 99 -16 6 (3 13&5 I-D C). 0 RPD 30.0 MM % Volatile Reduction: U 1 �9 AS/WAS PS, to Lime Stabilization Eff Eff C( % p.AS/WAS PS Du . to Lime Stabilizationhere in tank) Beltre Station (grab - anyw 1e tap) Sample Location: RAS/W�''S Plop Pr Influent samp Belt Press Influent (grab - (grab - final product) er 3) Lime Stabilization Effluenc B os l: it fids lls off the press prior to collection into aug Belt Press Effluent (grab- Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. VS out VS /o - Reduction Formula: VS in(%) _[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100 0 = VS reduction (%) /WAS to Le pasteurization or higher• licates x 100. QC: Must obtain 389/b reduction fromRA absolute difference in duplicates /average of dup RPD (Relative Percent Diffen ) application of sludge. Volatile Reduction is used for land aPPDate _pv. I Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample�_ I +� s reedsheets-Diskt Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date FN: A:\Volatil0"Olatile"P7 (SPTe heetDisk#1) Backup: C:\My Files\WTiJab P . 'nalyst M Sample Datej©J_ t Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) Date/Time Removed from Oven % -T otal & % Volatile Sludge Solids Bubble Check Calculated By: 0/&// l� C�lo� • 6014h,q / q °3.1 A M ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids Dish No. R5. DishonlyB 9 8DS5^ 1 1735 !G•'Q WOMI q /8OU0. 1 8ql s• mg b Dish & Sample C 1117 11 G_ 1 " 1115 8 3 0" { f a I W7, .3 001504 I I (o qQ 0- q mg Sample 2C B . `.3 ji a.15q 'S 14 mg Dish + Dry Solids A p�7 c93t7�- 1 l/� 3r7©'-8 r 7(686q.3 f 1` 686q-� C 9503 .1 �` 61 11a.3 mg Dry Solids A-B y �^ y� l-7 - /� / _ /` �.l Q /c ,,jmg Dish & Ash D r q Q' 61 6. ! lD t, r7q.. (D (9 ().554. I 0 750. m CB"'c I /,3 1 Volatile Solids A-D r7b-5 S-3.1�), 910 HLl130.q lCI-r7- mg % Tot. Solids %.Vol. Solids 11�1 lid rl �3 •. A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: 9 G ®- Q RPD RASIWAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff ((v RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff % Sample Location: RAWWAS. Pump Station (grab -anywhere in -tank) . Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed: Section-2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS ine - VS out /0 VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100%= VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. , RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference, in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 17--�D ` 14 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date cl.- S - I li - FN: A:1VolatileslVo1ati1es.ypw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:1My Files\WTLabspreadsheets-Diskl % Total & % Volatile .Sludge Solids '.gin t Sample Date t 0 1 1 L4 Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) — Bubble Check V' Calculated By: no G _q 1111 I 1 ±.�nbi n . # I 1 , _ n Date/ t ime tcemuvcu uuui vvuu mw I -c 1 9--L ° - RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. r--j • - Belt Press Influent Sludge Belt Press Effluent Slud a Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids ocation Dish No. r7 Dish only B I �J � � � � � •� f 11�`1 � � i 60& s s v 5 1' -9 m Dish & Sample C !� 1 d'�c�1 u j d� 1 j (� 1 2) 1 I) -5 ia3C� (,,� I I (O�'�� n�1 t �a� 3.1 mg Sample Cmg �'7 1-(4o l5� I � � " l `-1l� ^1 ' l ��� ° 1 1 �� �J 1 I c15 Dish +Dry Solids A �/ `' { f k 5 !^D Vg5O(V�� l��dJ�a ra mg Dry Solids A-B 131.(o 1341.9 Co 4' ( I ° b mg Dish & Ash D m (� 00.(� 1116 l4l �����" I � I���• � �d��/ l� 1 `���Tl®�11 Volatile Solids A-D 1 �1 ` j CX 1 1.� i� 6 q e ( : ,5 V mg % Tot. Solids . ®0 2 0 , � °1 s� a 116.3 -B/C-B % Vol. Solids „ lL> Coco (-YJ 5 OL ,1 � (0 5, 5 A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: 0 • ®. RPD AS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff qrf % AS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff 9q Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab -anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%) . VS in(%) -[VS' in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)- absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 10.a • 14 Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date 99 -A FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:1My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl . I % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids . `nalyst m Sample Date i :�J Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven)_ natP/TimP Rpmnum frnm r)vPn Bubble Check Calculated y: I Y) & 1703 -114 if, ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump . Belt Press Belt Press Lime Pasteurization [Dish Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge Effluent Biosolids No. � � � n Dish only B. �.,P , �, I I lid l jfj� 0 ��3 , m I lei 1° L Dish& Sample C i� � M- 5 1 119 0, 3� I M O BQ- 5 R 15 Z 33. 1 19 Q{ 6' mg i Sample C-B So' H51T,(o q,3g�Qc,aq 9(o4 ,q t�15�•17 11,3 i� 3-E5 mg Dish +Dry Solids A n I N3 ` ' Q 1 .0 '`��^ 73 731,57p f / l0 ���(). 0 y� 9 its { F �7 - I o mg Dry Solids Irl(e l� � L � Q `�� .1 / (C603mq p M9 mg Dish& Ash l,y ��nlYd i �D��•lD 9 (WIM B0315"B ISB3-1+ 1 Volatile Solids A-D I ICI- f.' `� 10 l� 39 + 1 Bo. c 1 'l1 55 f o q © l �• sL mg % Tot. Solids -B/C-B ®° �} ®b q C). 9 ii ��pp I q L 1 /o Vol. Solids � (� (� � � l3� A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: I b ® RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime. Stabilization Eff €j % S/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%o) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out (%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates 1 average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis. onBiosolidsSampleDate Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date It-a3-1H FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:1My Files\WTLabSpreadsheets Diskl % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids. 'nabotMG Bubble Check Sample Date_1i-lol.-64 Calcul ted By:->, Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) , - -- - r• -. 3 a.,...,. i-v.— / I.- i R - W Ll I ^fO A141 r LQ,LG/ 11111G Avaaav Location � v.a uv+a+ .� + • . RAS/WAS RAS/WAS Pump w — RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Belt Press ' Lime Pasteurization Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Effluent Sludge _ Effluent Biosolids Dish No. 7f� 10 Dish only B � a���� 7-357V •3 [V� %l 5 9600-5 9541 { - O� m l Dish & Sample C `�j � � W � a� 1rr� t ]�j 1 ���1 �" y 1 ,,����• � 191950.B h rl q3 l ° q mg SampleC-B �l(>V��^® �C� 1-1��� 22 1 1 J- J����� � c����f•� mg Dish + Dry SolidsA rl0.11t15.1 l 1315I� I 9 (04,,Q I tt� ` 0048-50.6 91 1 A mg Dry Solids :A-:B] f oo lQ t j'� qS1. 1(o (,� p� t q 6 yj 15CIB©.'7 m Dish & D (� (� 7,3��e q (�] _ l 1 YJ 9 (o j �oa�s.s qua m --� ng m _� Volatile Solids A-D o 11 r -n Ili ` I r B `t lS? LI,5 9,5 - i `l I i j 10 t mg % Tot. Solids ®d 0. 5 313.0 A-B/C-B /o Vol. Solids A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction: (0 �- ® RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff 9 (o % RAS/WAS PS Duv. to Lime Stabilization Eff C % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect.as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS outN VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 11-03 - Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date it 0 2) - l li FN: A:\Volatiles\Volatiles:ypw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:1My FilesMTLabSpreadsheets-Disk1 % Total & % Volatile. Sludge Solids °analyst Bubble Check Sample Date Q= [ - I q Calcul ted By: i2g Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven).10 - l - I 11 1' �40 m Date/Time Removed from Oven- - N �� RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press Station Sludge Station Sludge Dup. Influent Sludge Belt'Press Effluent Slud a Lime Pasteurization Effluent Biosolids 8, (� � A +�1C F&Sample [ � F a� •(, 1 CJ rl'c,3 - s 0 y GEC l(1 (;,.. 570 1 j N od.9 K a 0.11 f�, 9 3 Q Sample C-B mg 4U20 493Q,5-9 ����� � ���®� ��091.c� h + Dry Solids A 1"'79+76-1 Mg 73!c!& a � q,7 I • �� JkD � 5)7 .`� 859 I ', Solids A-B �7 i Dish & Ash D T63 f g _ %p j 0 �9990- V__ olatSolids A-D Ing l l� � c' a PCIPS. Tot. Solids r p A-B/C-B �" Vol. Solids A-D/A-B % Volatile Reduction:RPD RAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff % % S/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(%) - VS out(%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38%reduction from RAS/WAS to Lune pasteurization`or higher. RPD '(Relative Percent Difference)= absolute difference in duplicates / average of duplicates x 100. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge., Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date 1�-04 -1 1+ Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date FN. A:\Volatiles\Volatiles.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:\My,Ffles\WTLabSpreadsheeu-Disk1 % Total & % Volatile Sludge Solids nalyst Bubble Check V Sample Dated Calculat d By:, Date/Time Analyzed (In Oven) - q Date/Time Removed from Oven /,0 -9 -/ 0 ftn1 ocation RAS/WAS Pump RAS/WAS Pump Belt Press . Belt Press ' Lime Pasteurization Station Slud a Station Sludge Dup. 'Influent Sludge Effluent -Sludge Effluent Biosolids [Dish No. L— ,f1 j-] 10. Dish only B '19®(d'S 9.5� 15 mg Dish & Sample C 0 r9131 DqO.5 IP9 0.9 `OT9 Sample C-B �%��pbq �3 � C)B- HOOS.3 NH3(oO,,;( HWScl.O mg Dish +DrySolids A Mg Dry Solids A-B ,.(� G6 95 la Ilij I�V�� mg Dish & Ash D l� I �..,) lP3 (- ,' ^ O 9 lv % (05 00ro .3 09,39 . I mg! �q Volatile Solids A-D rr __ I j a q % Tot. Solids A-B/C-B %Vol. Solids A-D/A-B n ,f -� 1 �a. % Volatile Reduction: 01 IIRAS/WAS PS to Lime Stabilization Eff Li ' ] % I RAS/WAS PS Dup. to Lime Stabilization Eff L' Y l % Sample Location: RAS/WAS Pump Station (grab - anywhere in tank) Belt Press Influent (grab - Belt Press Influent sample tap) Lime Stabilization Effluent Biosolids (grab - final product) Belt Press Effluent (grab- collect as it falls off the press prior to collection into auger 3) Method: Std. Methods 18th Ed. Section 2540 G. Reduction Formula: VS in(% - VS Out (%) VS in(%) -[VS in(%) x VS out(%)] = x100% = VS reduction (%) QC: Must obtain 38% reduction from RAS/WAS to Lime pasteurization or higher. RPD'(Relative Percent Difference)-- absolute difference in duplicates /average of duplicates x 100.. Volatile Reduction is used for land application of sludge. Residuals Analysis on Biosolids Sample Date j&-fu s i Fecal Coliform on Biosolids Sample Date It- 0-1) - FN: AAVoWles\Vo1ati1es.gpw (Spreadsheet Disk #1) Backup: C:Wy`Files\WTLabSpreadsheets-Diskl ' 6) Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Analysis .. :� I '`_ . .: �:a„ Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. g 3310 Win St. WO#: 14081145 v i b 11 - Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Date Reported: p 9/5/2014 '17 AA ; ,3r4f t a.ba<ww",ff TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX.- (330) 253-4489 Company: _ Environment 1, Inc. Website: http:/Avww.settek com Address: 114 Oakmont Dr Greenville NC 27858 Received: 8/12/2014 Project#: TCLP Metals Analysis (6010) Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl , Run Analyst, 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Arsenic(As) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 5.0 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Barium(Ba) 5.0 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 100 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Cadmium(Cd) 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 1.0 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Chromium(Cr) 0.20 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 5.0 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Lead(Pb) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 5.0 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Selenium(Se) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 1.0 8/14/2014 WK 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Silver(Ag) 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 6010 C 1 5.0 8/14/2014 WK TCLP Mercury Analysis (1311/7470) Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 TCLP Mercury 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 7470 A 1 0.20 8/14/2014 . ALJ SVOC SW-846: 8081-TCLP Pesticides Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 .8/7/2014 Chlordane, total 0.010 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.030 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Toxaphene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.50 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin .001 8/7/2014 Endrin 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.020 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 gamma-BHC 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.40 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Heptachlor 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.0080 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Heptachlor epoxide 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 0.0080 8/18/2014 JBN 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Methoxychlor 0.0020 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8081 B 1 10 8/18/2014 JBN VOC by GC/MS (8260)-TCLP Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.70 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Benzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Carbon tetrachloride 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8M2014 Chlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 100 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Chloroform 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 6.0 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Tetrachloroethene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.70 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Trichloroethene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.50 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Vinyl chloride 0.20 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 0.20 8/14/2014 MES 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 MEK 2.0 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8260 B 1 200 8/14/2014 MES Page 4 of 8 x+ r a;;- l �- � Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. g 3310 Win St. WO#: 14081145 k1:^ . ��� ` ai"IttdPr�S2!`C51.'="rtr �tSI.i,Ct ?; a Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio44223 Date Reported: p 9/5/2014 ir> ;t�rr,rnl wc.,ia;•:r,, : �, TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX: (330) 253-4489 Company: Environment 1, Inc. Website: hgp://wivw.settek.com Address: 114 Oakmont Dr Greenville NC 27858 Received: 8/12/2014 Project#: SVOC 8270 TCLP BNA List Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 7.5 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 400 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 2.0 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 0.13 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Cresols, Total 5.0 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 200 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Hexachloro-1,3- 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 0.50 8/23/2014 JRT butadiene 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Hexachlorobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 0.13 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Hexachloroethane 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 3.0 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Nitrobenzene 0.10 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 2.0 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Pentachlorophenol 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 100 8/23/2014 JRT 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Pyridine 0.25 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8270 C 1 5.0 8/23/2014 JRT SVOC SW-846: 8321 Herbicides-TCLP Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Rep Lmt Result Units Matrix Method DF RegLvl Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 2,4-D 5.0 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8321 A 1 10 8/15/2014 AMZ 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 2,4,5-TP 0.50 ND mg/L Solid EPA 8321 A 1 1.0 8/15/2014 AMZ Page 5 of 8 " `t a r gs14 s Summit Environmental Technologies, Inc. g 3310 Win St. WO#: 14081145 "-z<: <ir„d1 }NYAEN3'[`. t_ r?g- .r4riLa�n r, sir.; Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223 Date R Reported: 9/5/2014 w� ���ystili=•�Ya= Q..'rnM TEL: (330) 253-8211 FAX (330) 253-4489 Company: Environment 1, Inc. Website: hitn://www.settek.com Address: 114 Oakmont Dr Greenville NC 27858 Received: 8/12/2014 Project#: Client ID# Lab ID# Collected Analyte Result Units Matrix Method DF RL Run Analyst 214A Holding Basin 001 214A Holding Basin 001 214A Holding Basin 001 214A Holding Basin 001 8/7/2014 Flashpoint (140T) >140 °F 8/7/2014 Cyanide, Reactive ND ppm 8/7/2014 pH 12 s.u. 8/7/2014 Sulfide, Reactive ND ppm Solid EPA 1010 1 8/28/2014 TAH Solid EPA 9014 1 0.50 8/28/2014 TIR Solid EPA 9045 D 1 8/27/2014 AYS Solid EPA 9034 1 25 8/28/2014 TIR Page 6 of 8 7) Key Contacts Key Contacts Permittee: Jordan Hughes City Engineer City of New Bern P.O. Box 1129 New Bern, NC 28563 252.639.7527 Preparer: Judy Majstoravich Treatment Plant Manager Land Application Residuals Operator # 13576 City of New Bern WWTP 307 Glenburnie Dr. New Bern, NC 29560 252.639.7555 cell252.728.8839 Land Applier: Albe Thomas Land Application Supervisor Land Application Residuals Operator # 26327 City of New Bern WWTP 307 Glenburnie Dr. New Bern, NC 29560 252.514.8263 cell252.675.2819 Back-up: Robert Jones Operations Manager Land Application Residuals Operator # 23895 City of New Bern WWTP 307 Glenburnie Dr. New Bern, NC 29560 252.639.7560 cell252.675.2749