HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191298 Ver 1_00_PCN_COMPLETE_reduced_20190926Preliminary ORM Data Entry Fields for New Actions ACTION ID #: SAW- 2019-01407 Begin Date (Date Received): Prepare file folder ❑ Assign Action ID Number in ORM ❑ 1. Project Name [PCN Form A2a]: Springbrook Apartment Homes 2. Work Type: 17Private ❑Institutional ❑Government ❑ Commercial 3. Project Description/ Purpose [PCN Form 133d and 133e]: Pedcor Investments, LLC proposes to construct a future multi -family development on an approximately 18 -acre, undeveloped property between Scott Futrell Drive and Allegheny Street, in Charlotte, NC (Figure 1). 4. Property Owner/ Applicant [PCN Form A3 or A41: Pedcor Investments, LLC 5. Agent / Consultant [PNC Form A5 — or ORM Consultant ID Number]: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS (Kimley-Horn) 6. Related Action ID Number(s) [PCN Form 135b]: 7. Project Location —Coordinates, Street Address, and/or Location Description [PCN Form B lb]: The project is located between Scott Futrell Drive, Alleghany Street, and US -85 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC. Project Coordinates (decimal degrees): 35.238157 N, -80.90536 W 8. Project Location —Tax Parcel ID [PCN Form Bla]: 06114104 9. Project Location — County [PCN Form A2b]: Mecklenburg 10. Project Location — Nearest Municipality or Town [PCN Form A2c]: Charlotte 11. Project Information — Nearest Waterbody [PCN Form 132a]: Taggart Creek 12. Watershed / 8 -Digit Hydrologic Unit Code [PCN Form 132c]: Lower Catawba (03050103) Authorization: Section 10 ❑ Section 404 ❑ Regulatory Action Type: ❑ Standard Permit ✓ Nationwide Permit # 12 & 14 Regional General Permit # ❑ Jurisdictional Determination Request Section 10 and 404 ❑ ::]Pre -Application Request ::]Unauthorized Activity ❑ Compliance ❑No Permit Required Revised 20150602 Kimley»>Horn September 26, 2019 Mr. David Shaeffer Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Ms. Karen Higgins NC DWR, 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Pre -Construction Notification (NWP 12 & 14) Springbrook Apartment Homes (SAW -2019-01407) Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC Dear Mr. Shaeffer and Ms. Higgins: On behalf of our client, Pedcor Investments, LLC, Kimley-Horn (KH) is submitting the enclosed joint Section 404/401 Pre -Construction Notification for the above -referenced project for your review pursuant to Nationwide Permits 12 and 14 and General 401 Water Quality Certification numbers 4133 and 4135. The subject property is located at 2299 Scott Futrell Dr, which is situated between Scott Futrell Drive and Alleghany Street, in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. The center of the project area is located at 35.238157°N, -80.90536°W. The following information is included as part of this application submittal: • Project Summary Sheet • Agent Authorization • Pre -Construction Notification Form • Project Site Figures ■ Figure 1— Vicinity ■ Figure 2 — USGS 7.5' Topo (Charlotte West Quadrangle) ■ Figure 3 — Meck. Co. SSURGO Soils (2019 Meck. Co. Aerial) ■ Figure 4 — Proposed Conditions (2019 Meck. Co. Aerial) ■ Figure 4a — Proposed Conditions (2019 Meck. Co. Aerial) ■ Figure 4b — Proposed Conditions (2019 Meck. Co. Aerial) • Permit Drawings • Agency Correspondence 0 Habitat Assessment Forms Kimley»>Horn PROJECT BACKGROUND Development of the approximately 18 -acre residential parcel will include 11 separate multi -story buildings consisting of individual units, a clubhouse, pool area, playground/courtyard, associated parking lots, and site access. Access into the site includes two private driveways; one connecting the development to Scott Futrell Drive and one connecting the development to Alleghany Street. Prior to parcel subdivision, a delineation of potential waters of the U.S. was conducted in January 2018 on the overall 35 -acre property by ECS Southeast, LLP for Adams Outdoor Advertising and provided to the USACE requesting a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD). The USACE performed an on-site verification of delineated features in March 2018 which included modifications to the delineation. ECS Southeast modified the delineation based on USACE comments, however, a revised Preliminary JD Field Sketch was not provided to the USACE; therefore, the PJD was not processed. A re-verification/pre-application meeting between KH and the USACE was conducted on Sept 6, 2019, to review the proposed impact areas and discuss the appropriate permit approach. PROJECT HISTORY In August 2017, Pedcor approached Adams Outdoor Advertising (Adams Outdoor) regarding the large parcel they owned between Scott Futrell Drive and Alleghany Street. Pedcor was unaware that Adams Outdoor had begun planning for the construction of a new headquarters off Scott Futrell Drive. The proposed Adams Outdoor headquarters site plan did not require the use of the overall 35 -acre parcel, nor did they have future plans for the remaining areas; therefore, Adams Outdoor agreed to subdivide an 18 -acre area, south of the on-site stream channel. The determination of property lines and the development of a preliminary site plan was created and approved by the City, utilizing their current subdivision ordinances, which included platted Right -of - Way (R/W), in order for the site to be rezoned to the appropriate residential use. During the rezoning process, Pedcor discovered that the property did not front Alleghany St. which forced a connection to the north onto Scott Futrell Drive. It was anticipated that R/W would eventually be obtained through the frontage parcel owned by Charlotte -Mecklenburg Board of Education to the south and connect to Alleghany St. Through the City's planning process the new north/south R/W was determined to be best suited along the western property line, plus required buffers. The connection points to both Scott Futrell Dr. and the eventual connection onto Alleghany St. were determined by the City's spacing requirements and/or drive alignments, primarily, as well as considerations to the development on the Adams Outdoor headquarters property. All City requirements were met and the rezoning was approved in April 2018, locking in the site plan. The final purchase of the property occurred on March 2019. Adams Outdoor provided authorization for Pedcor to proceed in the rezoning process while the parcel was still under their ownership; however, Adams Outdoor was not involved during preliminary site planning or the rezoning process. AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE Cultural Resources Kimley-Horn consulted the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) HPOWEB GIS Kimley»>Horn service on August 8, 2018, and found no sites of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance within or near the project boundary. Protected Species A review of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) database on August 8, 2018, did not indicate known occurrences of threatened or endangered species within the project boundary. Additionally, pedestrian surveys conducted by Kimley-Horn in August 2018 did not identify any occurrences of protected species within the property boundary. (See attached NCNHP Letter). A correspondence letter from USFWS dated February 12, 2018, indicates that no known occurrences exist within the site. PROPOSED IMPACTS TO JURISDICTIONAL WATERS The proposed project seeks to install a 114 -If, 60 -inch circular reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) along Stream A and an offset 54 -inch circular RCP to convey flows exceeding bank -full. The main base - flow culvert will be installed 1 -foot below the elevation of the existing stream bed to promote and maintain aquatic passage of fish and other aquatic organisms as well as to maintain passage during low -flow conditions. Rip -rap dissipation is proposed at the outlet of the pipe to reduce discharge velocity and meet non-erosive design criteria. Outlet dissipation will be constructed using natural channel design techniques that include ensuring that the rip -rap is properly installed into the channel bed and placed in a fashion to ensure aquatic passage. 208 If of permanent impacts to non - wetland WoUS are necessary to facilitate the culvert installation and outlet protection on Stream A. Installation of the culvert requires 40 If of temporary stream impacts to install a pumped -diversion system necessary to perform the work in dry conditions. Construction of a retaining wall and associated grading fill slopes necessary to facilitate construction of the access road on the northwestern portion of the property will result in 0.22 -ac of permanent impacts to Wetland A. Additionally, 0.05 -ac of temporary wetland impacts to Wetland A are necessary to facilitate the construction of the retaining wall. Mud mats will be utilized within temporary impact areas to prevent wetland soil disturbance and will be removed immediately following construction. The development also proposes to tie into the existing public sanitary sewer system. The work includes the installation of a lateral 8 -inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) to an existing 8 -inch DIP mainline. The installation will consist of open -cut and backfill through Stream A and Wetland C. Since Wetland C is situated within the existing maintained sanitary sewer easement, the work will predominately result in only temporary wetland impacts; however, a 0.001 -ac forested wetland area will be permanently converted to a freshwater emergent wetland as a result of the proposed 15 -ft maintained sanitary sewer easement. 0.01 -ac of temporary impact to Wetland Cis necessary to perform the pipe installation. Mud mats will be utilized within the temporary impact area to prevent wetland soil disturbance and will be removed immediately following construction. 20 If of temporary impact to Stream A is necessary to install a pumped diversion system in order to work in dry conditions while the open cut, pipe installation, and backfill activities are conducted. The Kimley»>Horn stream and all disturbed areas will be restored to pre -construction conditions following completion of the activity. In total, the proposed project seeks permanent impacts to 208 If of potential non -wetland WoUS and 0.22 -ac of potential wetland-WoUS. A total of 60 If of temporary potential non -wetland WoUS impacts and 0.06 -ac potential wetland-WoUS impacts are needed for construction activities necessary to install the new culvert and sanitary sewer in order to perform the activities in dry conditions and to prevent wetland soil disturbance. All temporary impacts will be restored to pre - construction conditions following completion of the activities. AVOIDANCE AND MINIMIZATION As previously mentioned, property lines and road locations were determined primarily by the effort necessary to meet City requirements during the rezoning process. Additionally, the selected site for the Adams Outdoor headquarters facility as well as the natural topography of the site limited road options for the connection to Scott Futrell Drive to the western portion of the property. Following the determination of the road location, avoidance and minimization efforts were implemented during development planning and design to the greatest extent practicable in order to reduce the overall impacts on the aquatic environment while staying within nationwide permit thresholds. Retaining walls are proposed throughout the northwestern portion of the site to eliminate fill slopes which would result in additional stream and wetland impacts. Initial site layout and grading plans proposed over 300 If of stream impacts and nearly 0.5 -acre of wetland impacts. Through multiple iterations of siting and the implementation of retaining walls, the final plan demonstrates maximum minimization efforts by reducing the proposed stream and wetland impacts to 208 If and 0.22 -ac, respectively. The rationale to support avoidance and minimization efforts include the following: Stream A — Impact 1 & Wetland A — Impact 3: In order to meet the needs of the proposed development, access to the northern portion of the property, which is currently inaccessible, is required. Both impacts are necessary to construct the public access road, as the parcel is constrained by a property to the west and to the east owned by Adams Outdoor, neither of which can be relocated or impacted. There are no feasible alternatives that would avoid impacts to Stream A or Wetland A. Removing the access to Scott Futrell Dr. creates a life safety issue, in the event Alleghany St. is not accessible for emergency vehicles or residents for any reason. The proposed layout minimizes impacts to Stream A and Wetland A by implementing 15 -ft retaining walls along the future street right-of-way to limit impacts to only what is necessary to build the road. Pedcor and KH coordinated with City planning and the Charlotte DOT to remove parallel parking spaces on the future street, which are generally required by the City. By removing the parking spaces, the overall street section was reduced which resulted in a minimization of wetland impacts. To prevent downstream sedimentation, construction will be conducted in dry conditions through the use of an impervious dike and pumped diversions. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures placed in waters will be removed and the original grade restored upon completion of the Kimley»>Horn project. Coir fiber matting will be installed, and a temporary seed mix will be applied immediately following construction to provide initial stabilization. COMPENSATORY MITIGATION Compensatory mitigation will be met by the purchase of credits through the NC Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) in -lieu fee program. 208 If of stream impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of stream mitigation credits. Based on an NCSAM assessment of intermittent Stream A, mitigation is proposed at a 1.5:1 ratio. Since the project is located within the Lower Catawba watershed (HUC 03050103), credits will be purchased at a 3:1 ratio; therefore, 624 SMUs will be purchased from NCDMS for impacts associated with the new roadway. 0.22 -ac of wetland impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of wetland mitigation credits. Based on an NCWAM assessment of Wetland A, mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio. Wetland mitigation credits will be purchased at 4:1 based on the location of the project within the Lower Catawba watershed, therefore, 0.88 wetland credits will be purchased from NCDMS for wetland impacts. in total, 624 stream credits and 0.88 wetland credits will be purchased from NCDMS to provide the appropriate compensatory mitigation for this project. Please feel free to contact me at (704) 409-1802 if you have any questions or if additional information is necessary. Sincerely, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Chris Tinklenberg, PWS Environmental Scientist Attachments Cc: Alan Johnson Division of Water Resources 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Kimley>>) Horn Project Summary Sheet Project Name: Spring Brook Apartment Homes Applicant Name and Address: Pedcor Investments, LLC POC: Kara Strickland 770 Third Avenue, S.W. Carmel, IN 46032 Telephone Number: (317) 218-2683 Type of Request: ® Nationwide PCN (NWP # 12 & 14) ❑ Individual Permit Application ❑ Jurisdictional Determination ❑ Other: Included Attachments: ® Project Plans ® USGS Map ® NRCS Soil Survey ® Agent Authorization ® Delineation Sketch ❑ Delineation Survey ❑ Data Forms (Up & Wet) ❑ NCDWR Stream Forms ❑ USACE Stream Forms ❑ NCEEP Confirmation ® Aerial Photo ® Site Photos ® Agency Correspondence ❑ Other: ❑ Other: Check if applicable: ❑ CAMA County ❑ Trout County ❑ Isolated Waters ❑ Section 7, ESA ❑ Section 106, NHPA ❑ EFH ❑ Mitigation Proposed (❑ NC EEP ❑ On -Site ❑ Off -Site ❑ Other) County: Mecklenburg Nearest City/Town: Charlotte Waterway: Taggart Creek H.U.C.: 03050103 Property Size (acres): 18 acres Site Coordinates (in decimal degrees): 35.239057 °N River Basin: Catawba USGS Quad Name: Charlotte West, NC Approx. Size of Jurisdiction on Site (acres): 1.2 ac -80.904894 °W Project Location: The proposed project site is located on an undeveloped parcel between Scott Futrell Drive and Alleghany Street in Charlotte, NC. Site Description: The project area is currently undeveloped forest land. Existing land use in the vicinity of the project includes, commercial development, residential development, and undeveloped forested/maintained properties. Impact Summary (if applicable): The proposed project seeks to install two 1141f RCPs resulting in 2081f of permanent stream impacts. Installation of the culvert reauires 401f of tenmorary stream impacts to install a pumped -diversion system necessary to perform the work in dry conditions. Additionally, 0.22 -ac of permanent wetland impacts will result from the construction of retaining walls and site grading. 0.05 -ac of temporary wetland impacts are necessary for construction of retaining walls and temporary construction access. 201f of temporM impact to Stream A is necessary to install a pumped diversion system in order to work in dry conditions while the open cut, pipe installation, and backfill activities are conducted. 0.001 -ac forested wetland area will be permanently converted to a freshwater emergent wetland as a result of the proposed 15 -ft maintained sanitary sewer easement. 0.01 -ac of temporM impact to Wetland Cis necessM to perform the pipe installation. NWP # Open Water (acres) Wetland (acres) Stream Channel Intermittent and/or Unimportant Perennial and/or Important Aquatic Function Aquatic Function Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Tem Perm. Tem Perm. if ac if ac if ac if Ac 12 0.01 0.001 20 0.003 14 0.05 0.22 40 0.005 208 0.03 Total 0.06 0.22 60 0.008 208 0.03 Total Permanent Impact to Waters of the U.S. OVacres) 208 if (0.22 ac) Total Temporary Impact to Waters of the U.S. Of/acres) 60 if (0.06 ac) Kimley-Horn Contact: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS Direct Number: (704) 409-1802 Email: chris.tinklenberg�ic kimley-horn.com j� AGENT AaUTHORIZATION FORM Name: ''°1C1�RCZ �✓ ljt{(�p1J �j Address: I �(� � � i � � , -5 , GAJ , , CQ (7� Ij � '116-o32- � /?, 248-�-7�9- n4b../C-0 eP: -> i coo h e t Project Name/Description: Snringbrook Apartment Homes — Pedcor Investments. LLC Date: The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District Attention: David Shaeffer Re: Wetland Related Consulting and Permitting Pedcor Investments. LLC hereby designates and authorizes Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to act in their behalf as their agent solely for the purpose of processing Jurisdictional Determinations, Section 404 permits/Section 401 Water Quality Certifications applications, and to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applications, etc. from this day forward until successful completion of the permitting process or revocation by Pedcor Investments. LLC. n Nb -/ ��i� Authorized this the ✓�" day of J `{ Authorized Representative (Print Name) Cc: Karen Higgins NC Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 ,V Authorized Represen tive (Signature) M 7 l LJIiJIJL' r nliii�-c Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Page 1 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version Pre -Construction Notification PCN Form A. Applicant Information 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: ®Section 404 Permit El Section 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 12 & 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ® Yes ❑ No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all that apply): ® 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular ❑ Non -404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorization 1e. Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWQ 401 Certification: ❑ Yes ® No For the record only for Corps Permit: ❑ Yes ® No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in -lieu fee program. ® Yes ❑ No 1g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h below. ❑ Yes ®No 1h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes ®No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: Springbrook Apartment Homes 2b. County: Mecklenburg 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Charlotte 2d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state project no: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: PEDCOR INVESTMENTS 2017 CLXV LP 3b. Deed Book and Page No. 33387 and 471 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if applicable): Michael S. Byron 3d. Street address: 2299 Scott Futrell Drive 3e. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC, 28202 3f. Telephone no.: 317-218-2702 3g. Fax no.: 3h. Email address: mbyron@pedcor.net Page 1 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ® Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: Kara Strickland 4c. Business name (if applicable): Pedcor Investments 4d. Street address: 770 Third Avenue 4e. City, state, zip: Carmel, IN 46032 4f. Telephone no.: (317) 218-2683 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Email address: kstrickland@pedcor.net 5. Agent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 5b. Business name (if applicable): Kimley-Horn and Associates 5c. Street address: 200 South Tryon Street, Suite 200 5d. City, state, zip: Charlotte, NC 28202 5e. Telephone no.: 704-409-1802 5f. Fax no.: 5g. Email address: Chris.Tinklenberg@kimley-horn.com Page 2 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 06114104 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.239057 Longitude: - 80.904894 (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1c. Property size: 17.67 acres (Project Boundary) 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to proposed project: Taggart Creek 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: Taggart Creek - Class "C 2c. River basin: Lower Catawba, HUC 03050103 Page 3 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The subject property is located at 2155 Scott Futrell Dr, which is situated between Scott Futrell Drive and Alleghany Street, in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County. The project area is currently undeveloped forest land. Existing land use in the vicinity of the project includes, commercial development, residential development, and undeveloped forested/maintained properties. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 1.06 ac 3c. List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on the property: The total length of all on-site streams is approximately 1,350 linear feet. 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of the project is to construct a multi -family residential development on the subject property. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Development of the approximately 18 -acre residential parcel will include 11 separate multi -story buildings consisting of individual units, a clubhouse, pool area, playground/courtyard, associated parking lots, and site access. Access into the site includes two private driveways; one connecting the development to Scott Futrell Drive and one connecting the development to Alleghany Street. The proposed project seeks to install a 114 -If, 60 -inch circular reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) along Stream A and an offset 54 -inch circular RCP to convey flows exceeding bank -full. The main base -flow culvert will be installed 1 -foot below the elevation of the existing stream bed to promote and maintain aquatic passage of fish and other aquatic organisms as well as to maintain passage during low -flow conditions. Rip -rap dissipation is proposed at the outlet of the proposed pipe to reduce discharge velocity and meet non-erosive design criteria. Outlet dissipation will be constructed using natural channel design techniques that include ensuring that the rip -rap is properly installed into the channel bed and placed in a fashion to ensure aquatic passage. 208 If of permanent impacts to non -wetland WoUS are necessary to facilitate the culvert installation and outlet protection on Stream A. Installation of the culvert requires 40 If of temporary stream impacts to install a pumped - diversion system necessary to perform the work in dry conditions. Construction of a retaining wall and associated grading fill slopes necessary to facilitate construction of the access road on the northwestern portion of the property will result in 0.22 -ac of permanent impacts to Wetland A. Additionally, 0.05 -ac of temporary wetland impacts to Wetland A are necessary to facilitate the construction of the retaining wall. Mud mats will be utilized within temporary impact areas to prevent wetland soil disturbance and will be removed immediately following construction. The development also proposes to tie into the existing public sanitary sewer system. The work includes the installation of a lateral 8 -inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) to an existing 8 -inch DIP mainline. The installation will consist of open -cut and backfill through Stream A and Wetland C. Since Wetland C is situated within the existing maintained sanitary sewer easement, the work will predominately result in only temporary wetland impacts; however, a 0.001 -ac forested wetland area will be permanently converted to a freshwater emergent wetland as a result of the proposed 15 -ft maintained sanitary sewer easement. 0.01 -ac of temporary impact to Wetland Cis necessary to perform the pipe installation. Mud mats will be utilized within the temporary impact area to prevent wetland soil disturbance and will be removed immediately following construction. 20 If of temporary impact to Stream A is necessary to install a pumped diversion system in order to work in dry conditions while the open cut, pipe installation, and backfill activities are conducted. The stream and all disturbed areas will be restored to pre -construction conditions following completion of the activity. General construction equipment, such as; bulldozers, back hoes, front end loaders, etc. will be used for construction purposes. Page 4 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this property / ®Yes E] No El Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: SAW -2018-00395 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictional determination, what type ®Preliminary El Final of determination was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: ECS Southeast, LLP Name (if known): Unknown Other: 4d. If yes, list the dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and attach documentation. Prior to parcel subdivision, a delineation of potential waters of the U.S. was conducted in January 2018 on the overall 35 - acre property by ECS Southeast, LLP for Adams Outdoor Advertising and provided to the USACE requesting a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD). The USACE performed an on-site verification of delineated features in March 2018 which included modifications to the delineation. ECS Southeast modified the delineation based on USACE comments, however, a revised Preliminary JD Field Sketch was not provided to the USACE; therefore, the PJD was not processed. A re-verification/pre-application meeting between KH and the USACE was conducted on Sept 6, 2019, to review the proposed impact areas and discuss the appropriate permit approach. 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" instructions. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes ®No 6b. If yes, explain. Page 5of13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ® Wetlands ® Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) (if known) DWQ — non -404, other) (acres) or Temporary T WA — Impact 1 ® Yes ® Corps ®P❑T Grading Fill Riparian E] No ®DWQ 0.22 WA — Impact 2 Construction of Riparian ® Yes ® Corps 0.05 El ® T Retaining Wall E] No ® DWQ WC — Impact 6 ® P E] T Conversion Riparian ® Yes E] No ® Corps ® DWQ 0.001 WC — Impact 7 Open Cut/Backfill Riparian ® Yes ® Corps 0.01 E]P ® T DIP Installation E] No ® DWQ 2g. Total wetland impacts 0.28 2h. Comments: 0.22 -ac of permanent impacts to Wetland A are necessary for construction of the retaining wall and associated fill slopes. 0.05 -ac of temporary wetland impacts are necessary to facilitate construction of the retaining wall within Wetland A. Wetland C, 0.001 -ac forested wetland area will be permanently converted to a freshwater emergent wetland as a result of the proposed 15 -ft maintained sanitary sewer easement. 0.01 -ac of temporary impact to Wetland C is necessary to perform the pipe installation. Mud mats will be utilized in temporary wetland impact areas to provide temporary construction access and prevent wetland soil disturbance. In total, 0.22 -ac of permanent wetland impacts, and 0.06 -ac of temporary wetland impacts are proposed. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) intermittent DWQ — non -404, width (linear or Temporary (INT)? other) (feet) feet) (T) SA — Impact 3 Installation of RCPs and UT to Taggart ❑ PER ® Corps 5 208 ® P E]T Rip -Rap Creek ® INT ® DWQ SA — Impact 4 Impervious Dike and UT to Taggart ❑ PER ® Corps 5 40 El ® T Pumped Diversion Creek ® INT ® DWQ SA — Impact 5 DIP Installation and UT to Taggart ❑ PER ® Corps 5 20 E]P ® T Pumped Diversion Creek ® INT ® DWQ 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts 304 3i. Comments: The proposed project seeks to install a 114 -If, 60 -inch circular reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) along Stream A and an offset 54 -inch circular RCP to convey flows exceeding bank -full. The main base -flow culvert will be installed 1 -foot below the elevation of the existing stream bed to promote and maintain aquatic passage of fish and other aquatic organisms as well as to maintain passage during low -flow conditions. Rip -rap dissipation is proposed at the outlet of the proposed pipe to reduce discharge velocity and meet non-erosive design criteria. Outlet dissipation will be constructed using natural channel design techniques that include ensuring that the rip -rap is properly installed into the channel bed and placed in a fashion to ensure aquatic passage. 208 If of permanent impacts to non -wetland WoUS are necessary to facilitate the culvert installation and outlet protection on Stream A. Installation of the culvert requires 40 If of temporary stream impacts to install a pumped - diversion system necessary to perform the work in dry conditions. 20 If of temporary impact to Stream A is necessary to install a pumped diversions stem in order to work in dry conditions while the open cut, pipe installation, and backfill activities are Page 6of13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version conducted. The stream and all disturbed areas will be restored to pre -construction conditions following completion of the activity. Coir fiber matting will be installed, and a temporary seed mix will be applied immediately following construction to provide initial stabilization. In total, the proposed project seeks 208 If of permanent stream impacts and 60 If of temporary stream impacts. 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tributaries, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) number — Permanent (P) or Temporary T 01 ❑P❑T 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If pond or lake construction proposed, then com Tete the chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Stream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose of (acres) number pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: Page 7of13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacts below. If any impacts require mitigation, then you MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar -Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ® Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason for Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Permanent (P) impact Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) or Temporary required? T 131 ❑P❑T El Yes ❑ No B2 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No B3 ❑ P ❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts 6i. Comments: D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. Property lines and road locations were determined primarily by the effort necessary to meet City requirements during the rezoning process. Additionally, the selected site for the Adams Outdoor headquarters facility as well as the natural topography of the site limited road options for the connection to Scott Futrell Drive to the western portion of the property. Following the determination of the road location, avoidance and minimization efforts were implemented during development planning and design to the greatest extent practicable in order to reduce the overall impacts on the aquatic environment while staying within nationwide permit thresholds. Retaining walls are proposed throughout the northwestern portion of the site to eliminate fill slopes which would result in additional stream and wetland impacts. Initial site layout and grading plans proposed over 300 If of stream impacts and nearly 0.5 -acre of wetland impacts. Through multiple iterations of siting and the implementation of retaining walls, the final plan demonstrates maximum minimization efforts by reducing the proposed stream and wetland impacts to 208 If and 0.22 -ac, respectively. The rationale to support avoidance and minimization efforts include the following: • Stream A — Impact 1 & Wetland A — Impact 3: In order to meet the needs of the proposed development, access to the northern portion of the property, which is currently inaccessible, is required. Both impacts are necessary to construct the public access road, as the parcel is constrained by a property to the west and to the east owned by Adams Outdoor, neither of which can be relocated or impacted. • There are no feasible alternatives that would avoid impacts to Stream A or Wetland A. Removing the access to Scott Futrell Dr. creates a life safety issue, in the event Alleghany St. is not accessible for emergency vehicles or residents for any reason. The proposed layout minimizes impacts to Stream A and Wetland A by implementing 15 -ft retaining walls along the future street right-of-way to limit impacts to only what is necessary to build the road. Pedcor and KH coordinated with City planning and the Charlotte DOT to remove parallel parking spaces on the future street, which are generally required by the City. By removing the parking spaces, the overall street section was reduced which resulted in a minimization of wetland impacts. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. To prevent downstream sedimentation, construction will be conducted in dry conditions through the use of an impervious dike and pumped diversions. Temporary erosion and sediment control measures placed in waters will be removed and the original grade restored upon completion of the project. Coir fiber matting will be installed, and a temporary seed mix will be applied immediately following construction to provide initial stabilization. Temporary wetland impacts associated with construction of the retaining walls were limited to the areas necessary for the contractor to conduct the construction activity. Page 8of13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? ® Yes ❑ No 2b. If yes, mitigation is required by (check all that apply): ❑ DWQ ® Corps 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this project? ❑ Mitigation bank ® Payment to in -lieu fee program ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Comments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In -lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in -lieu fee program is attached. ® Yes 4b. Stream mitigation requested: 624 linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigation, stream temperature: ® warm ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: 0.88 acres 4f. Non -riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: Compensatory mitigation will be met by the purchase of credits through the NC Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS) in -lieu fee program. 208 If of stream impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of stream mitigation credits. Based on an NCSAM assessment of intermittent Stream A, mitigation is proposed at a 1.5:1 ratio. Since the project is located within the Lower Catawba watershed (HUC 03050103), credits will be purchased at a 3:1 ratio; therefore, 624 SMUs will be purchased from NCDMS for impacts associated with the new roadway. 0.22 -ac of wetland impacts will be mitigated through the purchase of wetland mitigation credits. Based on an NCWAM assessment of Wetland A, mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio. Wetland mitigation credits will be purchased at 4:1 based on the location of the project within the Lower Catawba watershed, therefore, 0.88 wetland credits will be purchased from NCDMS for wetland impacts. 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation plan. Page 9of13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires ❑ Yes ® No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Zone Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 3 (2 for Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in -lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified ❑ Yes ® No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: The project is not subject to the NC Riparian Protection Rules; however, ❑ Yes ® No the project meets the City of Charlotte 30 -FT Post Construction Buffer & City of Charlotte 100 -FT Post Construction Buffer requirements. Page 10 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Stormwater Management Plan 2a. What is the overall percent imperviousness of this project? 45% 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Management Plan? ® Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrative description of the plan: Per the City of Charlotte Post -Construction Stormwater Ordinance Standards for the Central Catawba District, stormwater volume control for the one-year, 24-hour storm and stormwater peak control for the 10 -year & 25 -year, 6 -hour storm is required for high density development. Volume control for the site is provided through an underground detention system. The underground detention system is designed to discharge the Channel Protection Volume with 50% of the volume remaining at 36 hours and a portion of the volume remaining at 60 hours. The underground detention system has been designed to provide peak attenuation for the 10 -year and 25 -year, 6 -hour storm events. The outlet control structure is designed to provide a minimum of 6 inches of freeboard during the 50 -year, 6 -hour storm event. The site is located within the Business Corridor Revitalization Geography and is therefore exempt from PCSO water quality requirements. The Stormwater Management Plan approval is contingent upon 404/401 authorizations. Please provide a special condition within the 401 certification requiring copies of SMP approval and we will provide the approval once it is obtained. ® Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program ❑ DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is this project? City of Charlotte ® Phase II ❑ NSW 3b. Which of the following locally -implemented stormwater management programs ❑ USMP apply (check all that apply): ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Other: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ® No - City plan approval is contingent on 404/401 attached? authorizations 4. DWQ Stormwater Program Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following state -implemented stormwater management programs apply ❑ ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ® Other: City of Charlotte 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 11 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the ❑ Yes ® No use of public (federal/state) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or State ❑ Yes ® No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes ® No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B.0200)? 2b. Is this an after -the -fact permit application? ❑ Yes ® No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in ❑ Yes ® No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. Not Applicable 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non -discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Wastewater is directed to a public sewer main adjacent to the property. Flows have been accepted through the Charlotte Water Capacity Assurance program Page 12 of 13 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or ❑ Yes ® No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act ® Yes ❑ No impacts? F-1 Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. ® Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? A data review was conducted using North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) Data Explorer on March 25, 2019, to determine the presence of any federally -listed, candidate endangered, threatened species, or critical habitat located within the project area. Based on the NCNHP review, there are no records of federally -protected species within the project limits or within a mile of the project site. A copy of the data review report is attached. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designated as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes ® No 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? NCNHP element occurrence database did not indicate the presence of EFH within the project boundary. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation ❑ Yes ® No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? SHPO online GIS service was consulted on March 25, 2019, and found no sites of architectural, historic, or archaeological significance within the project corridor. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA -designated 100 -year floodplain? ❑ Yes ® No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? FEMA FIRM PANEL 4534 Chris Tinklenberg, PWS 9/26/2019 Signature Applicant/Agent's Printed NameApplicant/Agent's (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant Date is provided.) Page 13 of 13 PCN Form - Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version µpyres C1+aPv1 Rd agar[de[ `" m �tp1` nu QP p L ^I �b r° $, 1 ar Had Rd c, Ra[rri LSmgh V SLS y' �+ $Ivd Re9bnal F'ak a F-_[ Jn C tf 1FI ti I• % � � e q � � Rpckt� cc m p e �Nsr+ l@ J9 vJ• C a• C` � CK'O Me Do ogles Inf IArPOF1 SoWh",[ b °� 2 t95Vd RFs A+wtu[ipn '�°e Ci• Comm[ 4 �a .i ; q C ftn 6 ,Lcka;4�e Park .. �JS�{� cxayee4°r Rc 0 1 �L•�kJ ¢ .. .f, 1 R al � 6 :m.ryF 0 4,000 8,000 R wpn Tye e 'roe LD s��aaF Li Ra Vow 5b. Stals Si tante• r.wdo,n - FiaM n9 Shepp r,q W+IkiRa _ ir­er.ir, Hgh P[am a c 2 t % Drover Po 4 m �y 4v' E 4Fp GartYta6r d �° arN by qRC _ i Afar lowr Are o/001 a �[ Legend Kimley>>) Horn Project Boundary Mecklenburg County Figure 1 Vicinity Pedcor Investments Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Mecklenburg County, NC SLS y' �+ $Ivd 4 �N e1 - A.rya,, 1� ------ � -:: y�ylkl+lson 9wd:• �'p cc p e �Nsr+ l@ J9 vJ• C a• C` � CK'O Me Do ogles Inf IArPOF1 SoWh",[ b °� 2 t95Vd RFs A+wtu[ipn '�°e Ci• Comm[ 4 �a .i ; q C ftn 6 Park � �JS�{� a A, FO sir �esl l}lYd 1 �L•�kJ ¢ Y J a CE fMn Fa..,IN!ri s CO-mly Pak -•or• .-.• . 4q al � Feet 0 4,000 8,000 C�mmw:fy �[ Legend Kimley>>) Horn Project Boundary Mecklenburg County Figure 1 Vicinity Pedcor Investments Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Mecklenburg County, NC ■ A N. 'r O-K� - . e\�N PP s � KdiH •� r , + a � � f . p -- �t +!DC7 Legend = '. '' Feet Project Boundary 0 1,000 2,000 .�L Figure 2 USGS Topo (Charlotte West) Kimley>>>Horn Pedcor Investments Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Mecklenburg County, NC N Mecklenburg County, North Carolina {NC 119} i 1 41�� Mecklenburg County, North Carolina a r t J+_ (NC119) Map Acres percent Unit Map Unit Name in , Symbol A01 of AOI ". - •_..��' ".... �- � CeB2 Cecil sandy clay 11.1 59.211I° 'r ,,Jf•• jJ Ioarn, 2 to 8 , percent slopes, moderakely eroded CeU2 Cecil sandy clay 7.3 38.6%n loam, 8 to 15 T �� �•: percent slopes,r �:; 'e N'► moderately eroded �► , �:h � '$' End Enon sandy loam, 8 0.3 1,811/0 1 to 15 percent" slopes Ur Urban land O.1 0.4°Io Totals for Area of 18.8 100.00/0 rA Interest t� s 8 Legend - ; •+� � ° _ �. Project Boundary NWI Wetlands r SSURGO Soils Hydric Rating Feet ' Not Hydric (0110) + 4 0 300 600 Figure 3 SSURGO Soils and NWI Kimley> Horn Pedcor Investments Springbrook Apartment Homes Mecklenburg County, NC MeOC � v g5 ,. { Figure 5b NRL d �Y. I.� N A Legend c>:; jProject Boundary Proposed Retaining Wall Limits of Disturbance O Proposed 54" RCPs .� Streams (Potential Non -Wetland WoUS) Q Proposed Riprap Apron Wetlands (Potential Wetland WoUS) Proposed Grading; J 'y 9 Proposed Stream Impacts Proposed Sanitary Sewer� C4 Proposed Wetland Impacts (Permanent) Existing Sanitary Sewer Easement Feet i SS Proposed Wetland Impacts (Temporary) �, � +�, 0 2-550 -5500 Kimley>>>Horn Figure 4 Proposed Conditions Pedcor Investments Springbrook Apartment Homes Mecklenburg County, NC a ■■N Roy Cooper. Governor 00 i NC DEPARTMENT OF Susi Hamilton, Secretary notan NATUPAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES E sow Walter Clark, Director, Land and Mater Stewardship NCNH DE -8552 March 25. 2019 Addie Lasitter Kimley-Horn 200 South Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 RE. Springbrook Site Dear Addie Lasitter: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. Based on the project area mapped with your request, a query of the NCNHP database, indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, and/or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence, the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed areas within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. If a Federally -listed species is found within the project area or is indicated within a one -mile radius of the project area, the NCNHP recommends contacting the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for guidance. Contact information for USFWS offices in North Carolina is found here: https://www.fws.gov/offices/Directory/ListOffices.cfm?statecode=37. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve, Registered Heritage Area, Clean Water Management Trust Fund easement, or Federally -listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Rodney A. Butler at rodnev.butlerWncdcr.aov or 919-707-8603. Sincerely, NC Natural Heritage Program DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES 1:1 W. JONES STREET, PALE01_ P<_ 27603 - 16S1 MAIL SERVICE CENTER. RALEIGH. NC 276" OFC !J19 747.9120 • FAX 919.707.4121 Natural Heritage Element Occurrences, Natural Areas, and Managed Areas Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Springbrook Site March 25, 2019 NCNHDE-8552 Element Occurrences Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Taxonomic EO ID Scientific NameCommon Name Last � Element Accuracy Federal State Global State Group servation Occurrence Status tatRank Rank M , Date Rank Vascular Plant 13743 Delphinium exaltatum Tall Larkspur 1800s Hi? 5 -Very --- Endangered G3 S2 Low No Natural Areas are Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Areas Documented Within a One -mile Radius of the Project Area Managed Area Name =Owner Owner Type Mecklenburg County Open Space Mecklenburg County Local Government Definitions and an explanation of status designations and codes can be found at httr)s://ncnhde.natureserve.ora/content/hely). Data query generated on March 25, 2019; source: NCNHP, Q1 Jan 2019. Please resubmit your information request if more than one year elapses before project initiation as new information is continually added to the NCNHP database. Page 2 of 3 NCNHDE-8552: Springbrook Site r ocg.wca' yds '� e••' Sit Jb Lkw ' .�•� fir. WgNtsuk d our Pr S��r,, �•�V t0 ..., a - -.-_ Cefay $ V' old . �° cP 'p ,y '�•. f r 4 v r'^�ema ❑� d o _ S yuan Q �r4� n i_.•x��bc Ro n s F`b Frwrram wo End y Park C tr, � r.•s5 n�•a^sl C B.rry Aced. irry �Wy Ar k, hVNrr ofTer nm Sr ;fin r5� R� �oprrq �t W*l Al P"F' PY:a Gnftr Fr�.dum Yf. F p1 0 FrNdem i• � i oF4rnti•an E S -T , k M 14gnq PpN 'f• IJny�re rr dpr Ppm cJ, 9. F 5 D— � s � on. �. Mwb.ryr ¢ weslerlr ��N,a"` �'`�a, v a A0,, S``C E1rmP.r nr,rr Qp`t� :ti, y A y 6 E~ 3 mmxnlr 9 F.° - 4'e P :.i,lr ll' g 9 kclel.T yr .9 N, r+$1 �w �h3r ; �r'A4r, Ian ❑ ,� � y 1e'rco,rn �9�Sp @M1. C•.sv6 A,r F1.k•sx,r�j ori LI c Nik lr Wr4n �e Rrty A- w E S March 25, 2019 ❑ Project Boundary ❑ Suffered Project Boundary J Managed Area (MAREA) Page 3 of 3 1:22,942 0 0.175 0-35 0.7 mi 0 0.3 0.6 1.2 km Sources: Esn. HERE, Garmn. Inlernnap, increment P Corp., GE6CO, USGS. FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoSase. IGN, Hadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan. METI. Em China Hong Kpr 5 5slapp, ® ppenSlree[Map ppntnbvlors. and Ae GIS user community ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary TIM BAUMGARTNER Director Kara Strickland Pedcor Investments, LLC 770 Third Avenue Carmel, IN 46032 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality September 20, 2019 Project: Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Expiration of Acceptance: 3/20/2020 County: Mecklenburg The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) is willing to accept payment for compensatory mitigation for impacts associated with the above referenced project as indicated in the table below. Please note that this decision does not assure that participation in the DMS in - lieu fee mitigation program will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact permitting agencies to determine if payment to the DMS will be approved. You must also comply with all other state, federal or local government permits, regulations or authorizations associated with the proposed activity including G.S. § 143-214.11. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter and is not transferable. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the permits to DMS. Once DMS receives a copy of the permit(s) an invoice will be issued based on the required mitigation in that permit and payment must be made prior to conducting the authorized work. The amount of the in -lieu fee to be paid by an applicant is calculated based upon the Fee Schedule and policies listed on the DMS website. Based on the information supplied by you in your request to use the DMS, the impacts for which you are requesting compensatory mitigation credit are summarized in the following table. The amount of mitigation required and assigned to DMS for this impact is determined by permitting agencies and may exceed the impact amounts shown below. River Basin Impact Location (8 -digit HUC) Impact Type Impact Quantity Catawba 03050103 Warm Stream 208 Catawba 03050103 Riparian Wetland 0.22 *DMS proposes to utilize the Catawba 03 Expanded Service Area to meet the mitigation requirement. Upon receipt of payment, DMS will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the In -Lieu Fee Program instrument dated July 28, 2010 and 15A NCAC 02B .0295 as applicable. Thank you for your interest in the DMS in -lieu fee mitigation program. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 707-8915. cc: Chris Tinklenberg, agent Sincerely, AWWLZL James. B Stanfill Asset Management Supervisor e�_,— NORTH CAROLINA Q�� Oepn,hnanf of EnrYanmental Quality North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 W. Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 919.707.8976 Accompanies User Manual Version 2 INSTRUCTIONS: Attach a sketch of the assessment area and photographs. Attach a copy of the USGS 7.5 -minute topographic quadrangle, and circle the location of the stream reach under evaluation. If multiple stream reaches will be evaluated on the same property, identify and number all reaches on the attached map, and include a separate form for each reach. See the NC SAM User Manual for detailed descriptions and explanations of requested information. Record in the "Notes/Sketch" section if any supplementary measurements were performed. See the NC SAM User Manual for examples of additional measurements that may be relevant. NOTE EVIDENCE OF STRESSORS AFFECTING THE ASSESSMENT AREA (do not need to be within the assessment area). PROJECT/ SITE INFORMATION: 1. Project name (if any): Springbrook Apartment Homes Site 2. Date of evaluation: July 9, 2019 3. Applicant/owner name: Pedcor Investments, LLC 4. Assessor name/organization: C. Tinklenberg/Kimley-Horn 5. County: Mecklenburg 6. Nearest named water body 7. River Basin: Catawba on USGS 7.5 -minute quad: Taggart Creek 8. Site coordinates (decimal degrees, at lower end of assessment reach): 35.2381570N, -80.90536°W STREAM INFORMATION: (depth and width can be approximations) 9. Site number (show on attached map): Stream 1 10. Length of assessment reach evaluated (feet): -150' 11. Channel depth from bed (in riffle, if present) to top of bank (feet): 1 r Unable to assess channel depth. 12. Channel width at top of bank (feet): 3' 13. Is assessment reach a swamp stream? r Yes r No 14. Feature type: r Perennial flaw • Intermittent flow Q Tidal Marsh Stream STREAM RATING INFORMATION: 15. NC SAM Zone: r Mountains (M) r Piedmont (P) Q Inner Coastal Plain (1) r Outer Coastal Plain (0) 16. Estimated geomorphic i valley shape (skip for r a C` b Tidal Marsh Stream): (more sinuous stream, flatter valley slope) (less sinuous stream, steeper valley slope) 17. Watershed size: (skip r Size 1 (< 0.1 mit) r Size 2 (0.1 to < 0.5 mit) r Size 3 (0.5 to < 5 mit) C` Size 4 (1-5 mit) for Tidal Marsh Stream) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 18. Were regulatory considerations evaluated? C•` Yes C" No If Yes, check all that appyto the assessment area. r Section 10 water r Classified Trout Waters r Water Supply Watershed ( r I r II r III r IV r v) F Essential Fish Habitat F Primary Nursery Area r High Quality Waters/Outstanding Resource Waters F Publicly owned property r NCDWR riparian buffer rule in effect r Nutrient Sensitive Waters F Anadromous fish r 303(d) List r CAMA Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) r Documented presence of a federal and/or state listed protected species within the assessment area. List species: r Designated Critical Habitat (list species): 19. Are additional stream information/supplemer 1. Channel Water - assessment reach metric (skip for Size 1 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) (•` A Water throughout assessment reach. (" B No flow, water in pools only. {` C No water in assessment reach. 2. Evidence of Flow Restriction - assessment reach metric (` A At least 10% of assessment reach in -stream habitat or riffle -pool sequence is adversely affected by a flow restriction or fill to the point of obstructing flow or a channel choked with aquatic macrophytes or ponded water or impounded on flood or ebb within the assessment reach (examples: undersized or perched culverts, causeways that constrict the channel, tidal gates). GB NotA 3. Feature Pattern - assessment reach metric {' A A majority of the assessment reach has altered pattern (examples: straightening, modification above or below culvert). G B Not A. 4. Feature Longitudinal Profile - assessment reach metric (•` A Majority of assessment reach has a substantially altered stream profile (examples: channel down -cutting, existing damming, over widening, active aggradation, dredging, and excavation where appropriate channel profile has not reformed from any of these disturbances). C B Not 5. Signs of Active Instability - assessment reach metric Consider only current instability, not past events from which the stream has currently recovered. Examples of instability include active bank failure, active channel down -cutting (head -cut), active widening, and artificial hardening (such as concrete, gabion, rip -rap). C• A < 10% of channel unstable {'B 10 to 25% of channel unstable {' C > 25% of channel unstable 6. Streamside Area Interaction - streamside area metric Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). LB RS (" A (' A Little or no evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction (•` B C•" B Moderate evidence of conditions (examples: berms, levees, down -cutting, aggradation, dredging) that adversely affect reference interaction (examples: limited streamside area access, disruption of flood flows through streamside area, leaky or intermittent bulkheads, causeways with floodplain constriction, minor ditching [including mosquito ditching]) (` C [' C Extensive evidence of conditions that adversely affect reference interaction (little to no floodplainfintertidal zone access [examples: causeways with floodplain and channel constriction, bulkheads, retaining walls, fill, stream incision, disruption of flood flows through streamside area] or too much floodplainAntertidal zone access [examples: impoundments, intensive mosquito ditching]) or floodplainfintertidal zone unnaturally absent or assessment reach is a man-made feature on an interstream divide 7. Water Quality Stressors -assessment reach/intertidal zone metric Check all that apply. F A Discolored water in stream or intertidal zone (milky white, blue, unnatural water discoloration, oil sheen, stream foam) r B Excessive sedimentation (burying of stream features or intertidal zone) 17 C Noticeable evidence of pollutant discharges entering the assessment reach and causing a water quality problem F D Odor (not including natural sulfide odors) F E Current published a collected data indicating degraded water quality in the assessment reach. Cite source in the "Notes/Sketch" section. F F Livestock with access to stream or intertidal zone r G Excessive algae in stream or intertidal zone r H Degraded marsh vegetation in the intertidal zone (removal, burning, regular mowing, destruction, etc.) F I Other: (explain in "Notes/Sketch" section) F J Little to no stressors 8. Recent Weather- watershed metric For Size 1 or 2 streams, D1 drought or higher is considered a drought; for Size 3 or 4 streams, D2 drought or higher is considered a drought. (` A Drought conditions and no rainfall or rainfall not exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours {" B Drought conditions and rainfall exceeding 1 inch within the last 48 hours C• C No drought conditions 9 Large or Dangerous Stream - assessment reach metric C Yes 6- N Is stream is too large or dangerous to assess? If Yes, skip to Metric 13 (Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition). 10. Natural In -stream Habitat Types - assessment reach metric 10a. r Yes r No Degraded in -stream habitat over majority of the assessment reach (examples of stressors include excessive sedimentation, mining, excavation, in -stream hardening [for example, rip -rap], recent dredging, and snagging) (evaluate for size 4 Coastal Plain streams only, then skip to Metric 12) 101b. Check all that occur (occurs if > 5% coverage of assessment reach) (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams) r A Multiple aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses r F 5% oysters or other natural hard bottoms (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) F d r G Submerged aquatic vegetation fJ B Multiple sticks and/or leaf packs and/or emergent o r H Lav -tide refugia (pools) vegetation t o r Sand bottom r C Multiple snags and logs (including lap trees) r J 5% vertical bank along the marsh F D 5% undercut banks and/or root mats and/or roots U r K Little or no habitat in banks extend to the normal wetted perimeter F E Little or no habitat *************************** -* REMAINING QUESTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE FOR TIDAL MARSH STREAMS **********************--- 11. Bedform and Substrate - assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Ila. r Yes r No Is assessment reach in a natural sand -bed stream? (skip for Coastal Plain streams) 11b. Bedform evaluated. Check the appropriate box(es). F A Riffle -run section (evaluate 11c) F B Pool -glide section (evaluate 11d) F C Natural bedform absent (skip to Metric 12, Aquatic Life) 11c. In riffles sections, check all that occur below the normal wetted perimeter of the assessment reach -whether or not submerged. Check at least one box in each row (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain Streams and Tidal Marsh Streams). Not Present (NP) _ absent, Rare (R) = present but <- 10%, Common (C) _ > 10-40%, Abundant (A) _ > 40-70%, Predominant (P) _ > 70%. Cumulative percentages should not exceed 100% for each assessment reach. NP R C A P r r f r r Bedrock/saprolite r r r r C Boulder (256 - 4096 mm) r r r r r Cobble (64 - 256 mm) r C` C` r C Gravel (2 - 64 mm) r r r r r Sand (.062 - 2 mm) r r r r C Silt/clay (< 0.062 mm) r C` C` r C Detritus G C C i C Artificial (rip -rap, concrete, etc.) 11 d. r Yes r No Are pods filled with sediment? (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Aquatic Life - assessment reach metric (skip for Size 4 Coastal Plain streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) 12a. r Yes r No Was an in -stream aquatic life assessment performed as described in the User Manual? If No, select one of the following reasons and skip to Metric 13. r No Water r Other: 121b. r Yes r No Are aquatic organisms present in the assessment reach (look in riffles, pools, then snags)? If Yes, check all that apply. If No, skip to Metric 13. 1 >1 Numbers over columns refer to "individuals" for size 1 and 2 streams and "taxa" for size 3 and 4 streams. F r Adult frogs r r Aquatic reptiles r r Aquatic macrophytes and aquatic mosses (include liverworts, lichens, and algal mats) F, r Beetles (including water pennies) F r Caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera [T]) F r Asian clam (Corbicula) r r Crustacean (isopod/amphipod/crayfish/shrimp) r r Damselfly and dragonfly larvae r r Dipterans (true flies) r r Mayfly larvae (Ephemeroptera [E]) F r Megaloptera (alderfly, fishily, dobsonfly larvae) F r Midges/mosquito larvae F r Mosquito fish (Gambusia) or mud minnows (Umbra pygmaea) r r Mussels/Clams (not Corbicula) r r Other fish r r Salamanders/tadpoles F r Snails F r Stonefly larvae (Plecoptera [P]) F rTipulid larvae r r WormsAeeches 13. Streamside Area Ground Surface Condition - streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Consider storage capacitywith regard to both overbank flow and upland runoff. LB RS {` A [' A Little or no alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area (` B [' B Moderate alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area C [' C Severe alteration to water storage capacity over a majority of the streamside area (examples include: ditches, fill, soil, compaction, livestock disturbance, buildings, man-made levees, drainage pipes) 14. Streamside Area Water Storage - streamside area metric (skip for Size 1 streams, Tidal Marsh Streams, and B valley types) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB) of the streamside area. LB RB {' A [' A Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water >: 6 inches deep C B [' B Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep {' C [' C Majority of streamside area with depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 15. Wetland Presence -streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for the Left Bank (LB) and the Right Bank (RB). Do not consider wetlands outside of the streamside area or within the normal wetted perimeter of assessment reach. LB RB r Y C• Y Are wetlands present in the streamside area? (- N (' N 16. Baseflow Contributors -assessment reach metric (skip for size 4 streams and Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all contributors within the assessment reach or within view of and draining to the assessment reach. F A Streams and/or springs (jurisdictional discharges) F B Ponds (include wet detention basins; do not include sediment basins or dry detention basins) r C Obstruction that passes some flow during low -flow periods within assessment area (beaver dam, bottom -release dam) r D Evidence of bank seepage or sweating (iron oxidizing bacteria in water indicates seepage) F E Stream bed or bank soil reduced (dig through deposited sediment if present) F F None of the above 17. Baseflow Detractors -assessment area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all that apply. F A Evidence of substantial water withdrawals from the assessment reach (includes areas excavated for pump installation) r B Obstruction not passing flow during low flow periods affecting the assessment reach (ex: watertight dam, sediment deposit) PC Urban stream (124% impervious surface forwatershed) fJ D Evidence that the stream -side area has been modified resulting in accelerated drainage into the assessment reach F E Assessment reach relocated to valley edge r F None of the above 18. Shading —assessment reach metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider aspect. Consider "leaf -on" condition. C• A Stream shading is appropriate for stream category (may include gaps associated with natural processes) {' B Degraded (example: scattered trees) C C Stream shading is gone or largely absent 19. Buffer Width — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider "vegetated buffer" and "wooded buffer" separately for left bank (LB) and right bank (RS) starting at the top of bank out to the first break. Vegetated Wooded LB RB LB RB G A [' A (- A C` A >: 100 -feet wide or extends to the edge of the watershed Q B [' B r B r B From 50 to < 100 -feet wide Q C 0- C r C {•' C From 30 to < 50 -feet wide C` D r D r D r D From 10 to < 30 -feet wide C` E r E r E C E < 10 -feet wide or no trees 20. Buffer Structure— streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RS) for Metric 19 ("Vegetated" Buffer Width). LB RS C A C" A Mature forest C•` B C•` B Non -mature woody vegetation or modified vegetation structure C C C" C Herbaceous vegetation with or without a strip of trees < 10 feet wide {' D {' D Maintained shrubs C`E C`E Little or no vegetation 21. Buffer Stressors — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Check all appropriate boxes for left bank (LB) and right bank (RS). Indicate if listed stressor abuts stream (Abuts), does not abut but is within 30 feet of stream (< 30 feet), or is between 30 to 50 feet of stream (30-50 feet). If none of the following stressors occurs on either bank, check here and skip to Metric 22: r Abuts < 30 feet 30-50 feet LB RB LB RB LB RB C` A C` A r A r A r A r A Row crops C` B r B r B C B r B C B Maintainedturf r C r C r C r C r C C C Pasture (no livestock)/commercial horticulture C` D r D r D C D r D C D Pasture (active livestock use) 22. Stem Density — streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider for left bank (LB) and right bank (RS) for Metric 19 ("Wooded" Buffer Width). LB RS C• A C• A Medium to high stem density {' B {' B Lav stem density {' C {' C No wooded riparian buffer or predominantly herbaceous species or bare ground 23. Continuity of Vegetated Buffer— streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Consider whether vegetated buffer is continuous along stream (parallel). Breaks are areas lacking vegetation > 10 -feet wide. LB RS C•` A (•` A The total length of buffer breaks is < 25 percent. C` B C` B The total length of buffer breaks is between 25 and 50 percent. C` C C` C The total length of buffer breaks is> 50 percent. 24. Vegetative Composition —First 100 feet of streamside area metric (skip for Tidal Marsh Streams) Evaluate the dominant vegetation within 100 feet of each bank or to the edge of the watershed (whichever comes first) as it contributes to assessment reach habitat. LB RS {' A {' A Vegetation is close to undisturbed in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of native species, with non-native invasive species absent or sparse. C• B C B Vegetation indicates disturbance in terms of species diversity or proportions, but is still largely composed of native species. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clear -cutting or clearing or communities with non-native invasive species present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata or communities missing understory but retaining canopy trees. C` C C` C Vegetation is severely disturbed in terms of species diversity or proportions. Mature canopy is absent or communities with non-native invasive species dominant over a large portion of expected strata or communities composed of planted stands of non -characteristic species or communities inappropriately composed of a single species or no vegetation. 25. Conductivity — assessment reach metric (skip for all Coastal Plain streams) 25a. C" Yes (: Nc Was a conductivity measurement recorded? If No, select one of the following reasons. Q No Water C Other: 25b. Check the box corresponding to the conductivity measurement (units of microsiemens per centimeter). C A <46 Ci B 46 to < 67 Q C 67 to < 79 r D 79 to < 230 C E >- 230 Notes/Sketch: Draft NC SAM Stream Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 1 Rating Calculator Version 1 Stream Site Name Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Stream Category Pb2 Notes of Field Assessment Form (Y/N) Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) Additional stream information/supplementary measurements included (Y/N) NC SAM feature type (perennial, intermittent, Tidal Marsh Stream) Date of Evaluation July 9, 2019 Assessor Name/Organization C. Tinklenberg/Kimley-Horr NO NO VP USACE/ NCDWR Function Class Rating Summary All Streams Intermittent (1) Hydrology MEDIUM MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH MEDIUM (2) Flood Flow MEDIUM MEDIUM (3) Streamside Area Attenuation MEDIUM MEDIUM (4) Floodplain Access MEDIUM MEDIUM (4) Wooded Riparian Buffer HIGH HIGH (4) Microtopography NA NA (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM MEDIUM (4) Channel Stability HIGH HIGH (4) Sediment Transport LOW LOW (4) Stream Geomorphology MEDIUM MEDIUM (2) Stream/Intertidal Zone Interaction NA NA (2) Longitudinal Tidal Flow NA NA (2) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA NA (3) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA NA (1) Water Quality MEDIUM MEDIUM (2) Baseflow HIGH MEDIUM (2) Streamside Area Vegetation HIGH HIGH (3) Upland Pollutant Filtration HIGH HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH HIGH (2) Indicators of Stressors YES YES (2) Aquatic Life Tolerance HIGH NA (2) Intertidal Zone Filtration NA NA (1) Habitat LOW HIGH (2) In -stream Habitat LOW MEDIUM (3) Baseflow HIGH MEDIUM (3) Substrate LOW LOW (3) Stream Stability MEDIUM MEDIUM (3) In -stream Habitat LOW HIGH (2) Stream -side Habitat HIGH HIGH (3) Stream -side Habitat HIGH HIGH (3) Thermoregulation HIGH HIGH (2) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA NA (3) Flow Restriction NA NA (3) Tidal Marsh Stream Stability NA NA (4) Tidal Marsh Channel Stability NA NA (4) Tidal Marsh Stream Geomorphology NA NA (3) Tidal Marsh In -stream Habitat NA NA (2) Intertidal Zone Habitat NA NA Overall MEDIUM MEDIUM NC WAM WETLAND ASSESSMENT FORM Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 RNLIIla VNIUU NLNI ala W11 Y. 1 Wetland Site Name Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Date 07/09/2019 WetlanclTypel Headw ater Forest Assessor Name/Organization Chris Tinklenberg / Kimley-Horn Level III Ecoregion Piedmont Nearest Named Water Body Taggart Creek River Basin Catawba USGS 8 -Digit Catalogue Unit 03050103 ',Yes !'*".No Precipitation within 48 hrs? Latitude/Longitude (deci-degrees) Evidence of stressors affecting the assessment area (may not be within the assessment area) Please circle and/or make note on last page if evidence of stressors is apparent. Consider departure from reference, if appropriate, in recent past (for instance, approximately within 10 years). Noteworthy stressors include, but are not limited to the following. • Hydrological modifications (examples: ditches, dams, beaver dams, dikes, berms, ponds, etc.) • Surface and sub -surface discharges into the wetland (examples: discharges containing obvious pollutants, presence of nearby septic tanks, underground storage tanks (USTs), hog lagoons, etc.) • Signs of vegetation stress (examples: vegetation mortality, insect damage, disease, storm damage, salt intrusion, etc.) • Habitat/plant community alteration (examples: mowing, clear -cutting, exotics, etc.) Is the assessment area intensively managed? ' ]Yes '+]No Regulatory Considerations (select all that apply to the assessment area) F_ Anadromous fish F Federally protected species or State endangered or threatened species F NCDWQ riparian buffer rule in effect F Abuts a Primary Nursery Area (PNA) r— Publicly owned property F N.C. Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (AEC) (including buffer) F_ Abuts a stream with a NCDWQ classification of SA or supplemental classifications of HQW, ORW, or Trout F Designated NCNHP reference community T_ Abuts a 303(d) -listed stream or a tributary to a 303(d) -listed stream What type of natural stream is associated with the wetland, if any? (check all that apply) F' Blackwater 4 J F 4 J.' Brownwater Tidal (if tidal, check one of the following boxes) ]Lunar r ]WindBoth Is the assessment area on a coastal island? rYes '+]No Is the assessment area's surface water storage capacity or duration substantially altered by beaver? rYes M No Does the assessment area experience overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions? 4 ;'Yes F:,1No Ground Surface Condition/Vegetation Condition — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider alteration to the ground surface (GS) in the assessment area and vegetation structure (VS) in the assessment area. Compare to reference wetland if applicable (see User Manual). If a reference is not applicable, then rate the assessment area based on evidence of an effect. GS VS r' ]A r' ]A Not severely altered r.]B '+]B Severely altered over a majority of the assessment area (ground surface alteration examples: vehicle tracks, excessive sedimentation, fire -plow lanes, skidder tracks, bedding, fill, soil compaction, obvious pollutants) (vegetation structure alteration examples: mechanical disturbance, herbicides, salt intrusion [where appropriate], exotic species, grazing, less diversity [if appropriate], hydrologic alteration) 2. Surface and Sub -Surface Storage Capacity and Duration — assessment area condition metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface storage capacity and duration (Surf) and sub -surface storage capacity and duration (Sub). Consider both increase and decrease in hydrology. Refer to the current NRCS lateral effect of ditching guidance for North Carolina hydric soils (see USACE Wilmington District website) for the zone of influence of ditches in hydric soils. A ditch <_ 1 foot deep is considered to affect surface water only, while a ditch > 1 foot deep is expected to affect both surface and ditch sub -surface water. Consider tidal flooding regime, if applicable. Surf Sub ]A rA Water storage capacity and duration are not altered. M B M B Water storage capacity or duration are altered, but not substantially (typically, not sufficient to change vegetation). ]C]C Water storage capacity or duration are substantially altered (typically, alteration sufficient to result in vegetation change) (examples: draining, flooding, soil compaction, filling, excessive sedimentation, underground utility lines). 3. Water Storage/Surface Relief — assessment area/wetland type condition metric (answer for non -marsh wetlands only) Check a box in each column for each group below. Select the appropriate storage for the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT). AA WT 3a. '�A rA Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water > 1 foot deep '�B r,B Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 6 inches to 1 foot deep MC MC Majority of wetland with depressions able to pond water 3 to 6 inches deep r]D "D Depressions able to pond water < 3 inches deep 3b. L"A Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is greater than 2 feet L"B Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is between 1 and 2 feet C Evidence that maximum depth of inundation is less than 1 foot 4. Soil Texture/Structure - assessment area condition metric Check a box from each of the three soil property groups below. Dig soil profile in the dominant assessment area landscape feature. Make soil observations within the 12 inches. Use most recent National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils guidance for regional indicators. 4a. "A Sandy soil B Loamy or clayey soils exhibiting redoximorphic features (concentrations, depletions, or rhizospheres) ` C Loamy or clayey soils not exhibiting redoximorphic features FjD Loamy or clayey gleyed soil nE Histosol or histic epipedon 4b. rjjA Soil ribbon < 1 inch MB Soil ribbon>_ 1 inch 4c. NA No peat or muck presence ;�B A peat or muck presence 5. Discharge into Wetland - opportunity metric Check a box in each column. Consider surface pollutants or discharges (Surf) and sub -surface pollutants or discharges (Sub). Examples of sub -surface discharges include presence of nearby septic tank, underground storage tank (UST), etc. Surf Sub F,A A Little or no evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the assessment area rB B Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges entering the wetland and stressing, but not overwhelming the treatment capacity of the assessment area C C Noticeable evidence of pollutants or discharges (pathogen, particulate, or soluble) entering the assessment area and potentially overwhelming the treatment capacity of the wetland (water discoloration, dead vegetation, excessive sedimentation, odor) G. Land Use - opportunity metric Check all that apply (at least one box in each column). Evaluation involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. Consider sources draining to assessment area within entire upstream watershed (WS), within 5 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (5M), and within 2 miles and within the watershed draining to the assessment area (2M). Effective riparian buffers are considered to be 50 feet wide in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont ecoregions and 30 feet wide in the Blue Ridge Mountains ecoregion. WS 5M 2M F-1 A FO A v A >_ 10% impervious surfaces r B r- B f B < 10% impervious surfaces r C C r C Confined animal operations (or other local, concentrated source of pollutants) r D r D r D >_ 20% coverage of pasture F E f E f E >_ 20% coverage of agricultural land (regularly plowed land) r- F r- F r- F >_ 20% coverage of maintained grass/herb F G r- G F G >_ 20% coverage of clear-cut land Fl H 1`71 H Fl H Little or no opportunity to improve water quality. Lack of opportunity may result from hydrologic alterations that prevent drainage or overbank flow from affecting the assessment area. Wetland Acting as Vegetated Buffer - assessment area/wetland complex condition metric 7a. Is assessment area within 50 feet of a tributary or other open water? ]Yes Lo] No If Yes, continue to 7b. If No, skip to Metric 8. Wetland buffer need only be present on one side of the water body. Make buffer judgment based on the average width of the wetland. Record a note if a portion of the buffer has been removed or disturbed. 7b. How much of the first 50 feet from the bank is weltand? Descriptor E should be selected if ditches effectively bypass the buffer. A >_ 50 feet B From 30 to < 50 feet C From 15 to < 30 feet D From 5 to < 15 feet E < 5 feet or buffer bypassed by ditches 7c. Tributary width. If the tributary is anastomosed, combine widths of channels/braids for a total width. F-,<- 15 -feet wide r ] > 15 -feet wide r ' Other open water (no tributary present) 7d. Do roots of assessment area vegetation extend into the bank of the tributary/open water? Yes r ' No 7e. Is tributary or other open water sheltered or exposed? Sheltered - adjacent open water with width < 2500 feet and no regular boat traffic. Exposed - adjacent open water with width >_ 2500 feet or regular boat traffic. 8. Wetland Width at the Assessment Area - wetland type/wetland complex metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Check a box in each column. Select the average width for the wetland type at the assessment area (WT) and the wetland complex at the assessment areas (WC). See User Manual for WT and WC boundaries. WT WC A A >_ 100 feet B ,B From 80 to < 100 feet C ,C From 50 to < 80 feet D ,D From 40 to < 50 feet E rE From 30 to < 40 feet F ,F From 15 to < 30 feet G ,G From 5 to < 15 feet H E -,H <5feet 9. Inundation Duration — assessment area condition metric Answer for assessment area dominant landform. �A Evidence of short -duration inundation (< 7 consecutive days) B Evidence of saturation, without evidence of inundation ;C Evidence of long -duration inundation or very long -duration inundation (7 to 30 consecutive days or more) 10. Indicators of Deposition — assessment area condition metric Consider recent deposition only (no plant growth since deposition). r]A Sediment deposition is not excessive, but at approximately natural levels. EJB Sediment deposition is excessive, but not overwhelming the wetland. "C Sediment deposition is excessive and is overwhelming the wetland. 11. Wetland Size — wetland type/wetland complex condition metric Check a box in each column. Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This metric evaluates three aspects of the wetland area: the size of the wetland type (WT), the size of the wetland complex (WC), and the size of the forested wetland (FW) (if applicable, see User Manual). See the User Manual for boundaries of these evaluation areas. If assessment area is clear-cut, select 'W for the FW column. WT WC FW (if applicable) EA L:A EA >_ 500 acres L:B L:B EB From 100 to<500acres •C L:C EC From 50 to < 100 acres •D L:D ED From 25 to < 50 acres •E L:E EE From 10 to < 25 acres L:F L:F EF From 5 to < 10 acres EG L:G EG From 1 to < 5 acres H H E;H From 0.5 to < 1 acre L:I L:I E I From 0.1 to < 0.5 acre L:J L:J EJ From 0.01 to < 0.1 acre EK L:K EK < 0.01 acre or assessment area is clear-cut 12. Wetland Intactness — wetland type condition metric (evaluate for Pocosins only) L:A Pocosin is the full extent (>_ 90°x) of its natural landscape size. B Pocosin is < 90% of the full extent of its natural landscape size. 13. Connectivity to Other Natural Areas — landscape condition metric 13a. Check appropriate box(es) (a box may be checked in each column). Involves a GIS effort with field adjustment. This evaluates whether the wetland is well connected (Well) and/or loosely connected (Loosely) to the landscape patch, the contiguous metric naturally vegetated area and open water (if appropriate). Boundaries are formed by four -lane roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors the width of a four -lane road or wider, urban landscapes, fields (pasture open and agriculture), or water > 300 feet wide. Well Loosely A Z]A >_ 500 acres L"B r:B From 100 to < 500 acres L"C r:C From 50 to < 100 acres L"D r:D From 10 to < 50 acres L"E r:E < 10 acres E;F F Wetland type has a poor or no connection to other natural habitats 13b. Evaluate for marshes only. L]Yes r'No Wetland type has a surface hydrology connection to open waters/stream or tidal wetlands. 14. Edge Effect — wetland type condition metric (skip for all marshes) May involve a GIS effort with field adjustment. Estimate distance from wetland type boundary to artificial edges. Artificial edges include non -forested areas >_ 40 feet wide such as fields, development, roads, regularly maintained utility line corridors and clear -cuts. Consider the eight main points of the compass. L:A No artificial edge within 150 feet in all directions B No artificial edge within 150 feet in four (4) to seven (7) directions L.:C An artificial edge occurs within 150 feet in more than four (4) directions or assessment area is clear-cut 16. Vegetative Composition — assessment area condition metric (skip for all marshes and Pine Flat) 'A Vegetation is close to reference condition in species present and their proportions. Lower strata composed of appropriate species, with exotic plants absent or sparse within the assessment area. FSB Vegetation is different from reference condition in species diversity or proportions, but still largely composed of native species characteristic of the wetland type. This may include communities of weedy native species that develop after clearcutting or clearing. It also includes communities with exotics present, but not dominant, over a large portion of the expected strata. `C Vegetation severely altered from reference in composition. Expected species are unnaturally absent (planted stands of non - characteristic species or at least one stratum inappropriately composed of a single species). Exotic species are dominant in at least one stratum. 16. Vegetative Diversity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for Non -tidal Freshwater Marsh only) L:A Vegetation diversity is high and is composed primarily of native species (<10% cover of exotics). B Vegetation diversity is low or has > 10% to 50% cover of exotics. L]C Vegetation is dominated by exotic species (>50% cover of exotics). 17. Vegetative Structure — assessment area/wetland type condition metric 17a. Is vegetation present? F}� Yes No If Yes, continue to 17b. If No, skip to Metric 18. 17b. Evaluate percent coverage of assessment area vegetation for all marshes only. Skip to 17c for non -marsh wetlands. "A >_ 25% coverage of vegetation �7B < 25% coverage of vegetation 17c. Check a box in each column for each stratum. Evaluate this portion of the metric for non -marsh wetlands. Consider structure in airspace above the assessment area (AA) and the wetland type (WT) separately. AA WT L:A ' °'A Canopy closed, or nearly closed, with natural gaps associated with natural processes mB B Canopy present, but opened more than natural gaps U L:C 'C Canopy sparse or absent o L:A 'A Dense mid-story/sapling layer L:B B Moderate density mid-story/sapling layer L*]C ZC Mid-story/sapling layer sparse or absent L'A 'A Dense shrub layer .'B B Moderate density shrub layer 0 L:C L:C Shrub layer sparse or absent L:A L:A Dense herb layer L'B L'B Moderate density herb layer _ L.'C EC Herb layer sparse or absent 18. Snags — wetland type condition metric r"A Large snags (more than one) are visible (> 12 -inches DBH, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). rZB Not 19. Diameter Class Distribution — wetland type condition metric .'A Majority of canopy trees have stems > 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH); many large trees (> 12 inches DBH) are present. 'B Majority of canopy trees have stems between 6 and 12 inches DBH, few are > 12 -inch DBH. L'C Majority of canopy trees are < 6 inches DBH or no trees. 20. Large Woody Debris — wetland type condition metric Include both natural debris and man -placed natural debris. r"A Large logs (more than one) are visible (> 12 inches in diameter, or large relative to species present and landscape stability). rZB Not 21. Vegetation/Open Water Dispersion — wetland type/open water condition metric (evaluate for Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh only) Select the figure that best describes the amount of interspersion between vegetation and open water in the growing season. Patterned areas indicate vegetated areas, while solid white areas indicate open water. r1A r'qB L]C r'qD 4 G, 22. Hydrologic Connectivity — assessment area condition metric (evaluate for riparian wetlands only) Examples of activities that may severely alter hydrologic connectivity include intensive ditching, fill, sedimentation, channelization, diversion, man-made berms, beaver dams, and stream incision. .'A Overbank and overland flow are not severely altered in the assessment area. B Overbank flow is severely altered in the assessment area. L'C Overland flow is severely altered in the assessment area. L' D Both overbank and overland flow are severely altered in the assessment area. Notes NC WAM Wetland Rating Sheet Accompanies User Manual Version 4.1 Rating Calculator Version 4.1 Wetland Site Name Springbrook Apartment Homes Site Date 07/09/2019 Wetland Type Headwater Forest Assessor Name/Organization -is Tinklenberg / Kimley-H Notes on Field Assessment Form (Y/N) NO Presence of regulatory considerations (Y/N) NO Wetland is intensively managed (Y/N) NO Assessment area is located within 50 feet of a natural tributary or other open water (Y/N) NO Assessment area is substantially altered by beaver (Y/N) NO Assessment area experiences overbank flooding during normal rainfall conditions (Y/N) NO Assessment area is on a coastal island (Y/N) NO Sub -function Rating Summary Function Sub -function Metrics Rating Hydrology Surface Storage and Retention Condition HIGH HIGH Sub -Surface Storage and Retention Condition MEDIUM Water Quality Pathogen Change Condition HIGH Conditon LOW Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) YES Particulate Change Condition MEDIUM Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Soluble Change Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) YES Physical Change Condition LOW Condition/Opportunity LOW Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) YES Pollution Change Condition NA Condition/Opportunity NA Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) NA Habitat Physical Structure Condition MEDIUM Landscape Patch Structure Condition LOW Vegetation Composition Condition MEDIUM Function Rating Summary Function Metrics/Notes Rating Hydrology Condition HIGH Water Quality Condition HIGH Condition/Opportunity HIGH Opportunity Presence? (Y/N) YES Habitat Conditon LOW Overall Wetland Rating HIGH