HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000058_Deed Book 656 PG 0297 Carol Lutz_9/27/2019#15477 WARRANTY DEED—CATAWBA COUNTY. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA --- Catawba County. 17th March 19 61 by T ISt DEED Mad this ............ .. . Floyde E . HLu z and wi e, Mar aret'*E':."I:utz;...W ll�iam F utz and..w fe, �4ugusta Lutz, .� Philip Lutz and wife,. -Margaret Utz,....Jr....,... antd..wa.fa,....Car.oL..N...Lut.z...... C..R...Bumgarn,er... and-wi£e,...Lucil-le... L................ Bumgarner, Lee Roy Seitz and wife, Alice M Seitz, and James J Lutz and wife, Ruth B. Lutz .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Catawba ....................................County and State of North Carolina, of the first part, to of...................................................................................................................................... W R Lutz, Jr., ande .....4..wifCarol Y Lutz ............a............................................................................................................................................................................ Catawba y North Carolina of the second part: of .........................................................................................................Count and State of................................................................... WITNESSETH, That said ............... P.arties.. o.f...the.....irst.... P.art.................................................................... ..................................................... ......... in consideration of ........... Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations Dollars to ........................ thp—m........... paid by ....................................... Ra.r.tie.a.... alf ... the .... sac.and... pa.r.t...................................................................................................... the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ha.Yebargained and sold, and by these presents do ............................ grant, bargain, sell and convey to said parties of the second part,their ............................................................................................................................................... �i'ewf.pn Township heirs and assigns, a certain tract, lot or parcel of land . Catawba County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of............................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................and others, bounded as follows, viz.: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the "First tract" and described in deed of even date to James J. Lutz and BEGINNING at an iron stake, common corner of Philip Lutz, Frank Lutz and James • Lutz and running thence along James Lutz line crossing 2 branches North 82 deg. 27 mmn. East 2015.3 feet to an iron, corner of W R Lutz, Jr., and James Lutz; thence South 16 deg. 10 min. East 500 feet to an iron corner of Philip Lutz; thence with his line South 72 deg. 02 min. West crossing a branch 1858 feet to an iron pin in the line of Philip Lutz, thence with another of his lines North 69 deg. 30 min. West 425 feet to an iron stake corner of Philip Lutz in Charles Lutz line; thence with Charles Lutz and then Philip Lutz North 4 deg. East 478.2 feet to a stone corner of Philip Lutz; thence with his line North 3 deg. East 164:4 feet to the beginning, containing 32.99 acres, more or less. 1 I I C SECOND TRACT: BEGINNING at a corner in the center of the paved road leading from Startown to Hickory, said point being located South 34 deg. 51 min. East 220 feet from the J 0 Lutz, James Lutz corner in said road opposite the apple tree corner and runs thence with James Lutz North=68 deg. 08 min. East 316.3 feet to an iron pin, James Lutz corner; thence South 15 deg. East 196 feet to an iron pin; thence South 86 deg. 30 min. East 183.7 feet to an iron pin corner of Philip Lutz thence with Philip Lutz South 43 deg 31 min. West 320.E feet to Philip Lutz corner in the road; thence with the center of the road North 46 deg. 29 min. West 166 feet to W R Lutz corner in the center of the k'oad; thence continuing in the road North 42 deg. 09 min. West 220 feet to James Lutz corner in the center of the road, thence with the road North 34 deg. 51 min. West 50 feet to the beginning, containing 2.72 acres, more or less. All of the parties hereto are all the children and heirs at law of W R Lutz, deceased and the above described lands are a portion of the farm of said W R Lutz. See deeds recorded in Book 144 at page 193, Book 116 at page 186 and Book 75 at page 51, Catawba County Registry. Rev. $3.30 • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract, lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said ...................... ...................................Parties... of. the...second...P.art...... their,....... .............................................................................................. .........heirs and assigns, to ............ the ironly use and behoof forever.