HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0039488_More Information (Received)_20171207ASTERN CAROLINA ENGINEERING, P.C. December 5, 2017 Ms. Tessa Monday NC Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Non -Discharge Permitting 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Application No. WQ0039488 RE: Additional Information Request Courthouse Area WWTP High -Rate Infiltration Camden County Dear Ms. Monday: Per your letter dated November 29, 2017, please accept this additional information for the Camden Courthouse Area Wastewater Treatment Plant: 1. Two (2) copies of the responses to review comments. 2. Two (2) copies of the response from Mr. Edwin E. Andrews, III, PG, NCLSS, hydrogeologist and soil scientist. 3. Two (2) copies of updated pages 1, 5, and 14 of the application (Form HRIS 06-16). Page 5 indicates a revised UV system with two banks, per manufacturer's recommendation. 4. Two (2) full-sized copies and two (2) 11" x 17" copies of the revised plan sheets: T001, C203, C304, C500, C5011 C511, C512, C514, C515. Please note that C304 is new to this submittal. 5. Two (2) copies of supplemental calculation sheets (Tab 7, Item VI of the Appendix). 6. Two (2) copies of revised pages 40 and 41 from the Operation and Maintenance Manual (Tab 8 of the Appendix). 7. Two (2) copies of revised technical specifications sections 40 00 00 — Amphidrome Process System and 43 32 63 —Ultraviolet Sterilizers. Section 40 00 00 was modified to include the updated UV system per manufacturer's recommendation. 8. One disc containing a digital copy of each of the above items. Eastern Carolina Engineering, PC, P. 0. Box 128 Camden, North Carolina 27921 (252) 335-1888 License C-4162 www.easterncarolinaengineering.com Ms. Tessa Monday NCDEQ December 5, 2017 Page 2 Please note that one copy of each item listed above is being delivered directly to Mr. Randy Sipe in the Washington Regional Office. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Sincerely, VY&JOk—q at-.Yljj Kimberly D. Ha%my, PE Vice President - Engineering Eastern Carolina Engineering, PC cc: Randy Sipe I Camden County I file .. ........ Eastern Carolina Engineering, PC, P. 0. Box 128 Camden, North Carolina 27921 (252) 335-1888 www.easterncai,olitiaengiiieering.cotii RESPONSES TO COMMENTS A. Application (15A NCAC 02T .0106(b)): 1. The application must be signed by an authorized signature authority. The application was signed by a former county manager that was not authorized at the time of application submittal. Address. RESPONSE: Revised application pages 1 and 14 have been provided, bearing the name and signature of the interim county manager. B. Hydrouolmdc Report (15A NCAC 02T .0704(e)): 1. Address how the disposal area shall maintain a one -foot vertical separation between the seasonal high-water table and the ground surface. RESPONSE: Piezometers located in each infiltration basin will constantly report the groundwater level back to the plant's data -logging software. Operators shall review the trending data from these probes and adjust pump set points as necessary to keep the vertical separation between one foot and eighteen (18) inches. This has been included as a required daily plan operation task in the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Revised pages detailing this requirement have been provided. 2. Per the Washington Regional Office Staff's request, clarify if the existing agricultural ditches near the infiltration basins (as indicated in Section 2.2 are to be filled) were included in the flow model. If the ditches were included, evaluate whether the filling of the ditches would affect the operation of the infiltration basins as designed. RESPONSE: Letter from Mr. Edwin E. Andrews, III, PG, NCLSS, hydrogeologist and soil scientist, addresses these concerns. Copies have been provided. C. Enjineering Plans (15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)): 1. Identify the import soil/sand material on Section A -A of Sheet C511. RESPONSE: This material has been identified. The revised sheet has been provided. 2. Per the Washington Regional Office Staff's request, the drawings should be revised to include details of the inlet and outlet structures for the groundwater storage pond. RESPONSE: Details for the pond inlet and outlet have been provided on Sheet C512. 3. Per the Washington Regional Office Staff's request, the design of the infiltration basins do not include any erosion control measures to keep material from the berms around the basins from eroding into the basins prior to the establishment of a vegetative cover on the berms. The design should be revised to include such measures. RESPONSE: Sheet C304, showing a site erosion control plan, has been provided with this response to address these concerns. Silt fence shall be installed around the infiltration basin prior to grading of the berm and the berm shall be covered with jute matting upon completion; an on -sheet note further instructs the Contractor to avoid and prevent soil deposition onto the permeable sand layer. D. Engineering Calculations (15A NCAC 02T .0704(c)(3)): 1. Provide the system curve analysis for the effluent distribution tank. RESPONSE: Supplemental calculations and graphical data for Appendix Tab 7, Item VI relating to the effluent distribution pumps have been provided. 2. Address the effluent BOD concentration. The application indicates less than 10 mg/L, however the calculations indicate 30 mg/L. RESPONSE: Revised system calculations that reflect the intended BOD5 effluent concentration of <10 mg/L have been provided. 3. Address the effluent TSS concentration. The application indicates less than 10 mg/L, however the calculations indicate 30 mg/L. RESPONSE: Revised system calculations that reflect the intended TSS effluent concentration of <10 mg/L have been provided. E. Site Man (15A NCAC 02T .0704(d)): 1. Clarify the extent of the compliance boundary. The symbols and labels are unclear on Sheet C203. RESPONSE: The lineweight for the compliance boundary has been increased to make it more visible. Sheet C203 has been provided. F. Operation and Maintenance Plan (15A NCAC 02T .0707): 1. Address if the piezometers will be regularly monitored and groundwater levels recorded. RESPONSE: As discussed in the Response to Section B, Item 1, the piezometers will report to data - logging software. The Operation and Maintenance Manual has been revised to indicate that regular monitoring of this logged data is a plant operational requirement for purposes mentioned therein. HYOROGEOLOGY GEOLOGY EN\'IRONMWAL SCIENCES sons EDWIN ANDRE,WS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. CONSULTING HYDROGEOLOGY AND SOIL SCIENCE P.O. BOX 30653 RALEIGI I, N.C. 27622 - 0653 PHONE: (919) 851 - 7844 CELL: (919) 306 - 3069 November 24, 2017 Michael Brillhart, Camden County County Manager P.O. Box 190 Camden, N.C. 27921 Re: Additional Inronnation Response :Hydrageologic and Soils Analysis; Williams Site Camden, NC, EAA Proj INF 1316 Dear Mr. Brillhart: This letter addresses an additional information request pertaining to the MODFLOW simulation in the Hydrogeologic Report. "Hydrogeolo ig c Repo1•t a. Section 2.2 of the report states that the existing agricultural drainage ditches in the vicinity of the infiltration basins should be filled and Sheets C101 and C102 of the design drawings also call for these ditches to be filled. However, the report does not state if these ditches were included or left out of the groundwater flow model. Figure 5E shows these ditches in the calibration model. Please clarify if the ditches were included in the flow model and if they were, please evaluate whether or not the filling of the ditches would affect the operation of the infiltration basins as designed." Response: There are two models used to simulate conditions on site. The first model calibrated to water level data at the time of the study with the existing drains applied to the model (Figure 1, Calibration Drains). The second model (loading model) was a transient state model of the planned configuration. The proposed drains that were within the planned 100 foot offset drains were removed for this model (Figure 2, Proposed Flow Drains). Fig. 1,Calibration Drains Fig. 2, Proposed Flow Drains Removal of the drains are within the berm area of the basins. The hydraulic conductivity of the material used for the fill around the basins in layer 1 was one foot per day in the loading model. The model evaluated the ditches filled with soil. The model simulated the operation of the infiltration basins as designed. Please contact me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Edwin Andrews & Associates, P.C. CL Edwin E. Andrews III, P.G., N.C.L.S.S. Consulting Hydrogeologist and Soil Scientist encI . 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality DWR Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02T .0700 — HIGH -RATE INFILTRATION SYSTEMS LiivishM of rater Resources FORM: HRIS 06-16 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Camden County 2. Applicant type: ❑ Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ General Partnership ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ Federal ❑ State ❑ Municipal ® County 3. Signature authority's name: Stephanie Humphries per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: Interim County Manager 4. Applicant's mailing address: P.O. Box 190 City: Camden State: North Carolina Zip: 27921- 5. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (252) 338-6363 Email Address: shumphriesgcamdencountync.gov II. FACILITY INFORMATION: 1. Facility name: Courthouse Area Wastewater Treatment Plant 2. Facility status: Proposed 3. Facility type: Major (> 10,000 GPD or > 300 disposal acres) 4. Facility's physical address: 407 US Hwy 158 East City: Camden State: North Carolina Zip: 27921-7528 County: Camden 5. Wastewater Treatment Facility Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 36.21'21 jO Longitude: -76.8' 3"O Datum: NAD83 Level of accuracy: Nearest second Method of measurement: Geodetic quality GPS surveX 6. USGS Map Name: Elizabeth City, NC III. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Professional Engineer: Sean Robe y License Number: 18550 Firm: Eastern Carolina Engineering. PC Mailing address: 154 US Highway 158 East City: Camden State: North Carolina Zip: 27921- Phone number: (252) 337-8918 Email Address: sean(a)eastemcarolinainc.com 2. Soil Scientist: Edwin E. Andrews, III License Number: 1226 Firm: Edwin Andrews & Associates, PC Mailing address: P. O. Box 30653 City: Raleigh State: NC Zip: 27622-0653 Phone number: (919) 851-7844 Email Address: andwaterkaol.com 3. Geologist: Edwin E. Andrews, III License Number: 3 Firm: Edwin Andrews & Associates, PC Mailing address: P. O. Box 30653 City: Raleigh t State: NC Zip: 27622-0653 Phone number: (919) 851-7844 Email Address: andwatergaol.com 4. Agronomist: Edwin E. Andrews Firm: Mailing address: same as above City: State: Zip: - Phone number: (_) = Email Address: FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 1 of 13 V. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN CRITERIA —15A NCAC 02T .0705 (continued): 11. Provide the requested treatment unit and mechanical equipment information: a. PRELIMINARY / PRIMARY TREATMENT (i.e., physical removal operations and flow equalization): No. of Manufacturer or Dimensions (ft) / Volume Plan Sheet Specification Treatment Unit Units Material Spacings (in) (gallons) Reference Reference Manual Bar Screen 1 Concrete & Stainless Bars 1" O.C. 359 C503 44 42 39 Steel Flow Splitter Box 1 Concrete 14.5x8x6 5206 C504 333601 Select Select Select b. SECONDARY / TERTIARY TREATMENT (i.e., biological and chemical processes to remove organics and nutrients) Treatment Unit No. of Units Manufacturer or Material Dimensions (ft) Volume (gallons) Plan Sheet Reference Specification Reference Anoxic Basin 4 Concrete 56x10x10 40392 C505 333601 Other 4 Concrete 9.5xl3xl7.4 16292 C506 40 00 00 Clearwell 2 Concrete 35x10x10 26182 C507 333601 Other 2 Concrete 8'o x13.8 4134 C508 40 00 00 Clearwell 1 Concrete lOx8x8 4788 C509 333601 Select Select Select c. DISINFECTION No. of Manufacturer or Volume Plan Sheet Specification Treatment Unit Dimensions (ft) Units Material (gallons) Reference Reference Trojan / Stainless Ultraviolet 1 Steel 16.3x2.4xl.4 308 C514, C515 43 32 63 Select ➢ If chlorination is the proposed method of disinfection, specify detention time provided: minutes (NOTE — 30 minutes minimum required), and indicate what treatment unit chlorine contact occurs: ➢ If ultraviolet (UV) light is the proposed method of disinfection, specify the number of banks: 2 number of lamps per bank: 24 and maximum disinfection capacity: 173 GPM. d. RESIDUAL TREATMENT No. of Manufacturer or Volume Plan Sheet Specification Treatment Unit Dimensions (ft) Units Material (gallons) Reference Reference Select Select FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 5 of 13 Professional Engineer's Certification: I, Sean C. Robey, PE (Professional Engineer's name from Application Item III.1.) Courthouse Area Wastewater Treatment Plant (Facility name from Application Item II.1.) attest that this application for has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with this application package and its instructions, as well as all applicable regulations and statutes. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000, as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: Applicant's Certification per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b): I, Stephanie Humphries, Interim County Manager, Camden County attest that this application for (Signature Authority's name & title from Application Item I.3.) Courthouse Area Wastewater Treatment Plant (Facility name from Application Item II.1.) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any discharge of wastewater frorn this non -discharge system to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. I further certify that the Applicant or any affiliate has not been convicted of an environmental crime, has not abandoned a wastewater facility without proper closure, does not have an outstanding civil penalty where all appeals have been exhausted or abandoned, are compliant with any active compliance schedule, and do not have any overdue annual fees per 1.5A NCAC 02T .0105(e). NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215,6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 a °,well 4s civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: '� f FORM: HRIS 06-16 Page 14 of 13 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CAMDEN, NC DECEMBER 4,2017 EDA INVESTMENT #04-01-07127 ore, ,���D GQVERNM� 2fls� VICINITY MAP NTS SHEET INDEX T001 COVER PAGE C100 SITE OVERVIEW C101 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION C102 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION C200 BASE MAP C201 ACCESS ROAD C202 SITE PLAN C203 SITE PLAN C204 SITE PLAN C304 EROSION CONTROL PLAN C500 PLANT SCHEMATIC OVERVIEW C501 PLANT SCHEMATIC ENLARGEMENT C502 ELEVATION PROFILE C503 MANUAL BAR SCREEN C504 INFLUENT DISTRIBUTION TANK C505 ANOXIC TANK #1 & #2 C506 AMPHIDROME® SUBMERGED ATTACHED GROWTH BIOREACTORS C507 CLEAR WELL #1 C508 AMPHIDROME® PLUSTM REACTOR C509 UV DOSING TANK C510 EFFLUENT DISTRIBUTION TANK C511 INFILTRATION BASIN C512 POND DETAILS C513 GROUNDWATER PUMP TANK DETAILS C514 EQUIPMENT DETAILS C515 UV INSTALLATION Virginia orth Carolina rm": a 1/ m' CAMDEN C7 d 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. i N kD ui C G1 U J 0 an M N ri M M N Ln N X m LL 00 00 00 Ln M M N Ln N G! 0 s a N Q1 n N v z C v f6 N m W 00 Ln 2 Ln Ln r-1 Z � 0 m CO3 LU cm W 0 ftwaft CC QW cm COD Mod cm Z � �N Lim o z H Z Q J w�/ � L.L ~ Q W � Q W 2 ZZ � Q �o � W o Q O w= Lu �L Q U �Z O W Ua z IL 0 ry z z z°F O Z w °T O wLL O U o � LU LU LU 0 J Q O wCD N 0 C) CN Lu 11�z cfl w J O O r- Q E r- O � N m U) co Q � U CO L� Y cr) M cm N a) U C O N N W W wC) w / J w CO CO O O w U _ z w� w _ w _ VICINITY MAP SITE DATA: 1. OWNER/DEVELOPER: CAMDEN COUNTY P. 0. BOX 190 CAMDEN, NC 27921 (252) 338-6363 2. SITE INFORMATION: PIN# 028945004948490000 D.B. 245, PG. 15 TAX MAP/LOT: SITE AREA: 35.17 AC ZONING: LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) ADDRESS: 407 US HWY 158 EAST EXISTING USE: CLOSED HOG FARM/AG PROPOSED USE: WASTEWATER TREATMENT 3. MINIMUM SETBACKS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SITE IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE "X"/"SHADED X"/"AE(5')" AS SHOWN ON F.I.R.M. PANELS 3720894400K AND 3720894600K, DATED DECEMBER 16, 2005. 5. ON -SITE COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: EXISTING (PRIOR TO DEMOLITION): GRAVEL: 691 SF (0.05%) BUILDING: 47,707 SF (3.30%) TOTAL COVERAGE: 4 ° PROPOSED: PAVEMENT/GRAVEL: 19,170 SF (1.33%) BUILDING: 2,176 SF (0.15%) CONCRETE: 1,043 SF (0.07%) FUTURE ALLOWANCE: 5,000 SF (0.35%) TOTAL COVERAGE: 27,389 SF 1.90% RESULTING SITE COVERAGE:75,787 SF (5.25%) 6. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM SURVEY ENTITLED "RECOMBINATION PLAT WILLIAMS FARMS OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC" DATED 4-21-2016 BY JASON A. MIZELLE, PLS, RECORDED IN P.B. 8, PG. 19. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT AND MAINTAIN AS NEEDED ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER EACH MAJOR STORM EVENT. FAILURE TO KEEP ERIOSION CONTROL DEVICES IN GOOD WORKING ORDER MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A STOP WORK ORDER. 8. TOPOGRAPHIC SITE SURVEY PERFORMED BY EASTERN CAROLINA ENGINEERING, PC IS NOTED BY BOUNDARY LINE. ANY TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION OUTSIDE BOUNDARY LINE WAS GATHERED BY REFERENCING AERIAL IMAGERY. 9. ANY FILL BROUGHT ON SITE SHALL BE FROM AN APPROVED SITE/MINE. ANY MATERIAL REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A SINGLE APPROVED LOCATION. 10. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA WILL NOT EXCEED 22 ACRES. DISTURBANCE FOR SITE CONSTRUCTION WILL NOT EXCEED 15 ACRES AND DISTURBANCE FOR FORCEMAIN INSTALLATION WILL NOT EXCEED 7 ACRES. 11. IF ARCHEOLOGICAL MATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PROCEDURES CODIFIED AT 33 CFR 80013(B) WILL APPLY AND EDA, THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE, AND THE CATAWBA INDIAN NATION SHALL BE CONTACTED IMMEDIATELY. ARCHEOLOGICAL MATERIALS CONSIST OF ANY ITEMS, FIFTY YEARS OR OLDER WHICH WERE MADE OR USED BY MAN. THESE ITEMS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, STONE PROJECTILE POINTS (ARROWHEADS), CERAMIC SHERDS, BRICKS, WORKED WOOD, BONE AND STONE, METAL AND GLASS OBJECTS, AND HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS." MW-1 (UPGRADIENT MONITORING WELL) A A I I PLUS NOXI I \\ I I I REACTOR T1K — — — — — — — — — — — — I �� I �L I ' I 7 I ' ° O SITE REVIEW BOUNDARY 1 INFLUENT SMH a � DISTRIBUTION BAR I I -T BOX SCREEN �I I GROUNDWATER PUMP STATION V �V� (REFER TO C513 I I NEW AQUIFER FOR DETAIL) PZ-3��� TEST WELL / I -- ---------------------------------------------------INV._ --- \i \ - - = 190 LF 4"-DEWATERING DRAIN-®-0.1% SLOPE - I I I \ INV. _ -2.45 4" SUPPLY LINE FROM EFFLUENT PUMP 1 \ STATION TO HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASINS i \ I ' I C SEE SHEETS C511 AND C512 FOR DETAILS PERTAINING TO INFILTRATION N� PONDS AND DEWATERING DRAINS I III ' I I I Im 0I C-) 7mJ I I I I I I I I0 -z mI I I I I I I I I I I I tm o C/) DI I I I 4� I I I � m v a m I I D I I I I I_j 1 Wo m I I I TEST WELL 9 I? 1 I I I N I I 1 I I > I I I I I I I p - I 4W m I I I I I I I I 1 _TI - -- I I I I —1— — I I n I I I I II I 1 I m� PZ-1 I 1 � y I m I I - GROUNDWATER LEVEL MONITORING WELL (PIEZOMETER) I - I I I I rm M m I I o I I I Z 1 o f I I I I I ® Z I I I I o < I I I I Q- I I TEST WELL #5 i I I I 1 1 O I J I I I m 1 586 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC LL_ I I I i DISCHARGE PIPING FROM Z I I I I GROUNDWATER PUMPSTATION I I 1 TO EXISTING IRRIGATION POND — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — LJ — — � � I 200' PROPERTY LINE SETBACK I � - ! I I / 1 I I INV. _ -2.00 1 � I i� py I = 190 LF 4" DEWATERING DRAIN ® 0.1% SLOPE /- 1 - - - - I - \ \ \ MW-3 (DOWNGRADIENT INV. _ -2.10 \ \�� MONITORING WELL) SITE REVIEW BOUNDARY —� INFLOW LOCATION ` I I - � I I ' MW-2 (DOWNGRADIENT MONITORING WELL) �C I c cn ' 7101,14 SITE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY D A 17' 0 _\3 +-+ N LEGEND a v _� N BENCH MARK Y '"1 E in O v n ® FOUND CORNER (TYPE AS NOTED) F O O z L CALCULATED CORNER O L Q,' M C } N d �- PROPOSED SIGN �o M E Uo M m EXISTING UTILITY POL r� rT, co N EXISTING GUY WIRE 1�-1 X w EXISTING TEST WELL H ti L00 m SO PROPOSED SEWER MANHOLE L ,' 00 T I� 00 3 PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT IG `" v L;, _ 3 M � WO PROP. MONITORING WELL/PIEZOMETER to 3 N L NLn PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE to 0 200' PROPERTY LINE SETBACK w a 50' WETLAND SETBACK REVIEW BOUNDARY 011op 1111fol"'t"�'', COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ��•�� "••AAL.���.� Ot SS d RIGHT OF WAY 4z- a : CENTERLINE OF ROAD = V N Z" FLOOD ZONE BOUNDARY z=�y C)N (, �•; EXISTING TOP OF BANK eaoo�jO �_CiA••^��"o EXISTING CENTERLINE OF DITCH ®�`�iOI I••"""••1K,,�+��`�, PROPOSED TOP OF BANK PROPOSED CENTERLINE OF DITCH OHE EXISTING OVERHEAD UTILITIES -,L- -,1,- ,L 1L- -,L, Z O _ _ _ _ _ _ EXISTING WETLANDS Ga loft C EXISTING PAVEMENT ■■ ■■m■■ — — — — — — — — EXISTING CONCRETE y = Ca O C EXISTING GRAVEL Q Ca \ PROPOSED PAVEMENT W m NMI • PROPOSED CONCRETE ma coo W PROPOSED GRAVEL 5 N vim Z Z W 2i O w U w 0 Q LW Q I� w U J OWJCn Z= C201 _ I 1 Q O W Z C202 ` \ w D n � `\ O 1...O J U cnJ �- C203 U C204 GRAPHIC SCALE ' 30 0 15 30 60 — — — S60' 59' 44"W 5527.5r \, ✓ ( IN FEET ) ' 1 inch = 30 ft. I � - I C SHEET KEY a 0 W U LL Z � O w g a Orn z0 ? w} H 3:w w O � Z J 0 UuaizoI 0 W ww 0Z Cl o 2 o O m Q� 0 W w w �0- Wa W Uj Q C) N zoo O W N Of Z W J Know what's below. LU Call before you dig. x r � o C:)�� (� o CO—J U G N r \_ �cnm yCO r.- o� it 0) (3) j *k U N U 0 o co c�CL (1) (10 0 D U< 0 0 0 Z coJ O P1 � N LLJ � zW 0 �) � W = U) VICINITY MAP NTS SITE DATA: 1. OWNER/DEVELOPER: CAMDEN COUNTY P. 0. BOX 190 CAMDEN, NC 27921 (252) 338-6363 2. SITE INFORMATION: PIN# 028945004948490000 D.B. 245, PG. 15 TAX MAP/LOT: SITE AREA: 35.17 AC ZONING: LI (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) ADDRESS: 407 US HWY 158 EAST EXISTING USE: CLOSED HOG FARM/AG PROPOSED USE: WASTEWATER TREATMENT 3. MINIMUM SETBACKS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. SITE IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE "X"/"SHADED X"/"AE(5')" AS SHOWN ON F.I.R.M. PANELS 3720894400K AND 3720894600K, DATED DECEMBER 16, 2005. 5. ON -SITE COVERAGE CALCULATIONS: EXISTING (PRIOR TO DEMOLITION): GRAVEL: 691 SF (0.05%) BUILDING: 47,707 SF (3.30%) TOTAL COVERAGE: 4 ° PROPOSED: PAVEMENT/GRAVEL: 19,170 SF (1.33%) BUILDING: 2,176 SF (0.15%) CONCRETE: 1,043 SF (0.07%) FUTURE ALLOWANCE: 5,000 SF (0.35%) TOTAL COVERAGE: 27,389 SF 1.90% RESULTING SITE COVERAGE:75,787 SF (5.25%) 6. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM SURVEY ENTITLED "RECOMBINATION PLAT WILLIAMS FARMS OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC" DATED 4-21-2016 BY JASON A. MIZELLE, PLS, RECORDED IN P.B. 8, PG. 19. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT AND MAINTAIN AS NEEDED ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER EACH MAJOR STORM EVENT. FAILURE TO KEEP ERIOSION CONTROL DEVICES IN GOOD WORKING ORDER MAY RESULT IN THE ISSUANCE OF A STOP WORK ORDER. & TOPOGRAPHIC SITE SURVEY PERFORMED BY EASTERN CAROLINA ENGINEERING, PC IS NOTED BY BOUNDARY LINE. ANY TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION OUTSIDE BOUNDARY LINE WAS GATHERED BY REFERENCING AERIAL IMAGERY. 9. ANY FILL BROUGHT ON SITE SHALL BE FROM AN APPROVED SITE/MINE. ANY MATERIAL REMOVED FROM THE SITE SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A SINGLE APPROVED LOCATION. 10. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA WILL NOT EXCEED 22 ACRES. DISTURBANCE FOR SITE CONSTRUCTION WILL NOT EXCEED 15 ACRES AND DISTURBANCE FOR FORCEMAIN INSTALLATION WILL NOT EXCEED 7 ACRES. 11. IF ARCHEOLOGICAL MATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PROCEDURES CODIFIED AT 33 CFR 80013(B) WILL APPLY AND EDA, THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE, AND THE CATAWBA INDIAN NATION SHALL BE CONTACTED IMMEDIATELY. ARCHEOLOGICAL MATERIALS CONSIST OF ANY ITEMS, FIFTY YEARS OR OLDER WHICH WERE MADE OR USED BY MAN. THESE ITEMS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, STONE PROJECTILE POINTS (ARROWHEADS), CERAMIC SHERDS, BRICKS, WORKED WOOD, BONE AND STONE, METAL AND GLASS OBJECTS, AND HUMAN SKELETAL REMAINS." N/F I I BELL, MICHAEL D.B. 295, PG. 507 APPROX. LOCATION PIN #028946032057820000 I EX. 12" WATERLINE ZONED: HC I I I T OHE 7 W W W W W W Vv 9AA W W W ---- -------- ------- ------ ----- SF SF SF SFF SF r - _ I NF I �I WILLIAMS FARMS OF) NC D.B. 122, PG. 711 / y P I PIN #0289450028685000'0 II ZONED: LI I I I I I 960081.0 Ij IN E 2843450.7710 I II' 120' EASEMENT - VIRGINIA ■ ■ ■ I ELECTRIC & POWER COMPANY + -C E OHE OHE I OHE OHE OHE OHE OHE - E OHE�-OHE OHE OHE--��OHE OHE OHE -� E OHE OHE OHE OHI- OHE- -OHE-- �I \ I 101 X 6'W RIP 1 EASEMENT - VIRGINIA I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ; RAP APRON ELPTRIC & POWER COMPANY ....... ....................... i ,............................. x4 N/F AYDLETT, SALLY B. & JOURNEAY D. D.B. 295, PG. 511 PIN #028946033297490000 ZONED: LI -- -- -- -- -- -- (1HF OHE OHE PARCEL B (0.39 AC) \ \ \ \ \ I N/F WILLIAMS FARMS OF INC \ D.B. 122, PG. 751 \ p%WOOD PHASE II r \ PIN #028945002868550000 \ r - s - C. A, SL. 92A ZONED: LI \ \ -OHE OHE 1 1I -OHE OHE - -OHE \ 1 II 1 \ ALL DISCHARGE FROM DEWATERING PUMPS SHALL BEL- \ I ROUTED THROUGH A SILT SACK / \ STOCKPILES I ,I I SEDIMENT BASIN - SEE DETAIL - - - - - - - - I / AREA rn' SHEET C901 I STOCKPILE II L� SHALL HAVE I I2.1 MAX. r I IEl ' SIDE SLOPES AND SHALL / o NOT EXCEED I T� III A HEIGHT OF cn 15' II �I /// TEMPORARY SWALE TO o o YYY11l DIRECT DRAINAGE TO \ / SKIMMER BASIN DURING CONSTRUCTION N/F INSTALL 10' X 15' Qo-- - - - - - - - - - - II WILLIAMS FARMS OF N RIPRAP APRON Ld D.B. 122, PG. 751 AT PIPE OUTLET - SF- ZONING: 1-1 _ II I USE: AGRICULTURAL ��� III \ i � \ II :I � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NEARBY R \ `� � � I `FT DWELLING E F HA - - - - - - - - - - - - - -SILT FENCE SHALL B� INSTALLED AROUND � (TYP) TEMPORARY SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SF INFILTRATION BASIN PRIOR BOTTOM ELEV. = 4.70 / - I I I jl TO GRADING BERM. BERM ELEV. = 7.00 SPILLWAY ELEV. = 6.00 � / / I N I I + CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SPILLWAY WIDTH = 21' l GREAT CARE TO ENSURE / I 6' I i \ I I I f+ THAT NO SOIL MATERIAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ - STOCKPILE FROM BERM IS DEPOSITED / TEMPORARY SWALE TO cn I R ON THE SAND -FILLED BASIN, - DIRECT DRAINAGE TO SKIMMER BASIN DURING - N STOCKPILE I I T�I I II 11 I CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE I I I I II 0 2:1 MAX. L� SIDE SLOPES N AND SHALL L` NOT EXCEED N % cn 1 I I ?- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NA HEIGHT OF L - J \JULIA- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SUBDIVISION II � - h^I i ,ll \ P.C. 3, SL. 35B & 36A ' /. ` to C` ° - - - - - - o- -f,(- o °•1 -��5. -�5=^�� �= I (<-A N 959279.079 E284 2.0110 I - - - - - EXISTING IRRIGATION PlDND I II II \ 41" 14,�✓S 1<1° Jr • o �� /� �1 )y45 9 THIS HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASIN TO BE I i 41 INSTALLED UNDER A FUTURE PROJECT. ONCE EXISTING DITCH FILL IS COMPLETED, ��__�_ \ 7 r�r�t1� 7 �•\�4. - - - - - - - \ BASIN AREA SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED AND SURROUNDED BY SILT FENCE. r ( 11 \ L v NO EQUIPMENT, VEHICLES OR MATERIALS «� J �~ M ��� ''r Z`' - - - - - - - - - - - - SHALL BE PARKED OR STOCKPILED WITHIN 1 r � ~ram " o ~�° / jN ��i �� r�� {CL u,, l ��^ ` � o f ��l - VJ 0 \ THE AREA. -A\ y` ���g '�� a �/" ,\rr� !� s >= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D.B. 25C _ �1 / - P.C. 5, O \ / 1-10�F / l \ LEGEND -SF-SF-SF- SILT FENCE 1111111111111111111111111 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE CHECK DAM �11111� �11111� INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE JUTE MAT RIP -RAP +-+ aE1 N a t rrkk� N V � E � c N in C v N W C 7 z z 0 N M W = Uro C N M M W E rT, � 0 N �n N U .T O U X W 00 00 Lm > L W +1 00 00 T I� IG n �' 00 3 W � L M C 3 N Ln L N r-I c on w O �n a U€ QNv Z�- 's, 0 O .... ~ CmOca Q H coo W ' �N O W� W coo Z m NMI �N bu vim O Z z w w O � z w < 0 Q W 2i Q O � � a = Q 0 W Jz= � Q 0� w Q w O U cj 0 0-1 O 1 w O z o6 O z O LL w ~ ON J U oa U) w z_ W o U) ❑ ¢ m r` W o z Q N O ❑ N W Ofz Q oN o LLi _ O~�❑CiC4 II °inm�cni � ; U N C V O N U co U Q (1) N 0 000DU)cn II I NEARBY \ , / DWELLING \ \ \ \ z J (TYP) \ GRAPHIC SCALE o 00 z w / / Z \ 100 0 50 100 200 Li � /'� m C)� �_ O z J D i 0 z \ \ °oo 7 ( IN FEET) Know what's below. w W U LU I / �o�� °2� 1 inch = 100 f t. Call before you dig. VICINITY MAP N TS 44 ----- II (42Y, FT HIDROME® #41 I ❑ 40 r I I 32 I I I I I 43 LEGEND r-________________________---_____________________________ -� I I �-r______________________________�1,,���� -----------------------------� STUB OUT `�( j j I I LOCATION 45 ' 23 �I, 46 24 \ I l� i l l 11 I N.� o \�\ CLEAR WELL #1 \\ I l� i l l IIFy14 \\ II�III 10 I ' I -------I— �J I I LI--I--- --- ----- 21 ----- I —J 1 i------ — 22 v / t I I / PHIDROME® #3 � ( � III AMPHIDROME® #2 AMPHIDROME® #1 I I m 39 ; ; I 18 17 / ' I El El I I I I yti r oo / I II r 35 i i e-A I II I I I UV TANK77 l I 31 I I II I I I II I I I I I I 47 , I I I 25 I I I I AMPH. I AMPH. PLUS - I PLUS #2 37 I I 36 J I I � I I I I I 26 I I I I INFLUENT _ DISTRIBUTION TANK 2 q�q 38 I / / / / I / HEADWORKS SMH — — — — — 1 3/8" ALUM FEED LINE* 3/8" ALKALINITY FEED LINE* 3/8" CARBON FEED LINE* 3" PVC AIR LINE 6" PVC AIR LINE * = IN 1" CONDUIT PIPE ID DESCRIPTION SIZE MATERIAL PRESSURE/GRAVITY FROM TO 1 INFLUENT GRAVITY 8" SDR 26 GRAVITY MANHOLE HEADWORKS 2 PROCESS PIPING 8" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY HEADWORKS INF. DIST. TANK 3 INFLUENT FORCEMAIN 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE INF. DIST. TANK ANOXIC #1 4 INFLUENT FORCEMAIN 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE INF. DIST. TANK ANOXIC #2 5 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY ANOXIC #1 AMPHIDROME #1 6 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY ANOXIC #2 AMPHIDROME #2 7 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPHIDROME #1 CLEAR WELL #1 8 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPHIDROME #2 CLEAR WELL #1 9 BACKWASH PIPING 10" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPHIDROME #1 ANOXIC #1 10 BACKWASH PIPING 10" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPHIDROME #2 ANOXIC #2 11 PROCESS PIPING 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE CLEAR WELL #1 AMPH. PLUS #1 12 BACKWASH PIPING 8" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPH. PLUS #1 ANOXIC #1 13 PROCESS PIPING 4" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPH. PLUS #1 UV DOSE TANK 14 PROCESS PIPING 4" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE UV DOSE TANK UV DISINFECTION 15 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY UV DISINFECTION EFF. DIST. TANK 16 EFFLUENT FORCEMAIN 4" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE EFF. DIST. TANK INFILTRATION BASIN #1 17 ALUM FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #1 18 ALUM FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #2 19 ALKALINITY FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #1 20 ALKALINITY FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #2 21 BACKWASH AIR 6" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPHIDROME #1 22 BACKWASH AIR 6" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPHIDROME #2 23 ALUM FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING STATIC MIXER #1 24 CARBON FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING STATIC MIXER #1 25 BACKWASH AIR 3" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPH. PLUS #1 26 CARBON FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING INF. DIST. TANK 27 INFLUENT FORCEMAIN 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE INF. DIST. TANK ANOXIC #3 28 INFLUENT FORCEMAIN 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE INF. DIST. TANK ANOXIC #4 29 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY ANOXIC #3 AMPHIDROME #3 30 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY ANOXIC #4 AMPHIDROME #4 31 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPHIDROME #3 CLEAR WELL #2 32 PROCESS PIPING 6" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPHIDROME #4 CLEAR WELL #2 33 BACKWASH PIPING 10" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPHIDROME #3 ANOXIC #3 34 BACKWASH PIPING 10" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPHIDROME #4 ANOXIC #4 35 PROCESS PIPING 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE CLEAR WELL #2 AMPH. PLUS #2 36 BACKWASH PIPING 8" Sch. 40 PVC GRAVITY AMPH. PLUS #2 ANOXIC #3 37 PROCESS PIPING 4" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE AMPH. PLUS #2 UV DOSE TANK 38 EFFLUENT FORCEMAIN 4" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE EFF. DIST. TANK INFILTRATION BASIN #2 39 ALUM FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #3 40 ALUM FEED 3/8" - 1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #4 41 ALKALINITY FEED 3/8" -1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #3 42 ALKALINITY FEED 3/8" - 1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING AMPHIDROME #4 43 BACKWASH AIR 6" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPHIDROME #3 44 BACKWASH AIR 6" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPHIDROME #4 45 ALUM FEED 3/8" - 1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING STATIC MIXER #2 46 CARBON FEED 3/8" - 1" CONDUIT N/A CHEM. METERING STATIC MIXER #2 47 BACKWASH AIR 3" Sch. 80 PVC PRESSURE BLOWER AMPH. PLUS #2 48 BUILDING SEWER 2" Sch. 40 PVC PRESSURE PUMP STATION MANHOLE GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 mini ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. Know what's below. Call before you dig. I N tz r-1 C N U J O o� M N ri M M N LA N X m LL 00 00 00 r-1 Ln M M N Ln N N 0 s M N 01 n N V z C N l6 H m LLJ 00 Ln l"1 2 EA Ln r-1 e ca Q �� W = W� yN 10 LUmod W ax mod kft%% Z LU LU �N lie z Q W Q Z W H Q W 0� W Q W (n Q i CO LU Z Q� 00 LU O3� aLU U) D E (Do U Z -- U)o o mD Q z J O Q U O z Cfl z U r r 0 Q 2LLJ O (.0�_�=Q �C—N 00 r (CD r- cAmYcnrn'tr- # o� ' Z 70 0 > ik U (1)U C N o L N Q N t6 U Q u iq U z J Q �O LU O w m�H w 111 L w _� zU w LU U w U) (n U) VICINITY MAP N TS i 44 � 43 ♦ I 47 ,♦ ♦ ,r------- --------- ,♦ ! 25 � - • � • 22 i ----- ---- ---- --- --- / \ \ ------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — I L— EFFLUENT DIST. TANK / I X/ I I SCO T 1000 GAL SEPTIC TANK I SIMPLEX PUMP STATION i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I t t N tA GJ C G1 u J Q1 M N ei M M N LA N X m LL 00 00 00 Ln M M N LA N 0 s a O C� coo WO LEGEND W = N IN e 3/8" ALUM FEED LINE* = O IM W 3/8" ALKALINITY FEED LINE* = mod LU 3/8" CARBON FEED LINE* a cc W 3" PVC AIR LINE Z Cvim 6" PVC AIR LINE p * = IN 1" CONDUIT Z z W Q C 0 w G U w Q o Q Lu Q W C)z U) o ~Z�� Q 0 U WJz= Q 0 LU z W p o U Q � O U GRAPHIC SCALE 5 0 2.5 5 10 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 5 ft. Know what's below. Call before you dig. 06 ?LL O o? QU) J O 5 6 dom U Q w Sao O cN r W Z r 1) r z U r d Q O rw 0 2 U 2 m 01�� NC:,II Ut, r O rcnmYcnrn� _ ) > U m C N Qj O0, O- N (0 d �000cocn U Q (D r z w LLI < C G m J LLJ J z w w U L� w w 2'-3' EARTHEN BERM 5:1 MIN. ELEV. _ ±6.50 SLOPE (VARIES FROM 6.0-7.0) ELEV. = 2.00 ELEV. = -2.00 --FOR UNDERDRAIN DETAIL o_ SEE SHEET C512 ELEV. = -2.50 50' MIN. ELEV. = 9.50 - 10' INV. = -2.00' � - - - - - - - - - - ' 15'R (TYP.) CLEAN OUT (TYP.) J - - - - - - - - - - - - � cp' _ ELEV. = 6.00 INV. = -3.00 P' 23' SPRAY RADIUS SPRAY NOZZLE TO BE 12" ABOVE POND SURFACE (TYP.) 6" SCH 80 PVC MANIFOLD PIPE SECTION A- A HIGH RATE INFILTRATION BASIN DETAIL N TS SPRAY NOZZLE SHALL BE 3/4" WOBBLE NOZZLE 4" SUPPLY LINE 1 i i i i i i i i i --- - - - - - - TO GROUNDWATER PUMP STATION BASIN IS TO BE EXCAVATED TO ELEVATION -3.00. AFTER EXCAVATION, SUBGRADE SHALL BE INSPECTED BY AN NC LICENSED SOIL SCIENTIST. POND SHALL BE BACKFILLED TO ELEVATION 6.00 USING SELECT POROUS POND FILL SPECIFIED IN SPECIFICATION SECTION 33 47 23 - HIGH -RATE INFILTRATION PONDS. t t N U v C GJ c� J 0 rn M N ri M M N LA N X m LL 00 00 Do LA M M N LA N 0 s a r-1 N 0) IN N U Z C U N t4 Uj 00 LA A N LA r-1 cm O Ocm Q cmCA W 0 C3 � 0 �N W� W W N O z W Q o w � U w Q r) Q LIJ 2i Q LIJ z U) o z 0� Q o U)U w J z = �Q °o w z W Q F. o UU) Q ry 0 50' MIN. U f� ►� 10' ELEV. _ ±6.50 w Uj w o ZZ w a // D 16 a- Zo ao U =a � U W w = Q J FOR UNDERDRAIN DETAIL o U) SEE SHEET C512 ' o 0 Q O UNDISTURBED EARTH Know what's below. Call before you dig. r` W U) Q O It O N L7 W D�_Z� 1) �_0 Z b J as (.07-> O r LU C, 0Of O 0CD U) r 00YcnrnLOZ U O *k cm N C Y -� > *k +. O Qj a N 0 D000 Q O (0 nU) z v) Q Z_ W H /1 Q Z w Jm wU W L.L W U) z U) INSTALLATION OF DRAIN MAY VARY, NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENT WILL BE MADE FOR STONE REQUIRED DUE TO TRENCH CONSTRUCTION 1' MIN. 4" PVC WELL SCREEN -\ INV. = -2.00' 6" STONE BEDDING (NCDOT 78M) BACKFILL TO GRADE WITH NATIVE MATERIALS 00000 ooaoo 0000o 0 0 o 0000o 0000o 0 0080 00000 00000 ooaoo 0000000 4' STONE COVER 00000 (NCDOT 78M) 00000 ooaoo o_o_o 0600 00000 0 0 0 00000 00000 ooaoo 00000 000 v_0a_0o 0-0-0 00000� INV. _ -2.50 0000 00000 DEWATERING DRAIN DETAIL NTS SENNINGER 3/4" LOW ANGLE Xcel-WOBBLER SPRINKLER W/ #14 NOZZEL 3/4" SCH, f THREADED F 1" BRASS BALL VALVE 3/4" SCH. 80 A� NECESSARY SPRINKLER HEAD CONNECTION NTS 4" SUPPLY LINE 6" SCH. 80 MANIFOLD 6%4" TEE (TO BE PLACED AT MIDPOINT OF MANIFOLD) LENGTH AS REQUIRED AND NECESSARY BUSHINGS 4" 90' BEND SUPPLY LINE TO MANIFOLD CONNECTION NTS I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4" SCHI 40 PVC EXISTING LAGOON i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PERMANENT POOL = 5.25 FX POND S/pF SCOpF GROUNDWATER POND INLET DETAIL NTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ETI I I I I I I II I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12" CMP II I� I EXISTING LAGOON I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i GROUNDWATER POND OUTLET DETAIL NTS Know what's below. Call before you dig. w J F- I— W W 2 ZOO 0 Z 0 a �U) W W Z a O oo �z Z H Nd O W LL (D D U 09 U) W F- W 0 W ❑ Q Z N kD O! v J 0 m M N �r l M M N LA N X m LL 00 00 00 n M M N Ln N G! c 0 s a 0 loft W � CA CV W %%. W N vim z D 0 0 w C0 G Q U a_ v! z 0 LLI v! D 0 ry D 0 U a z J 0�/ U 0 z o� Cfl Z � Q � r a Q O 0 w o _ 2 Q' N C BUJ❑U°—°Lr) r �cnEDyco-L0z � j *k N 0 O co co N Q .. O ca 0- 0 000DU)cn z J U) Q mw 0 LU r co 2 _ 1`(1 /7 Z 0 W W 2 U) TANK BOTTOM 8" FOUNDATION STONE 3/8" GRADE 8 BOLT AND WASHER (TYP.) 2.5' STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL HOLD DOWN 90' SUPPORT BRACKET 4' STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL 3/8" ANCHOR BOLT (TYP.) O THREADED #5 REBAR TO EXTEND 12" FROM TANK EXTERIOR, PROVIDED BY TANK MANUFACTURER UNDISTURBED EARTH 3000 PSI CONCRETE TO PROVIDE MIN. OF 4" COVER \ /\ FOR INSTALLED REBAR STANDARD #4 REBAR TO \ / EXTEND LENGTH OF TANK, / PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR /\//\// EXTENDED BASE DETAIL N TS o®000000®o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o®000000®o O SLOTTED STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL 1.75' 1 SLOTTED STAINLESS STEEL CHANNEL TOP VIEW LOCK NUT WITH WASHER (TYP.) 3/8" THREADED Y o STEEL ROD (TYP.) 3/8" BOLT HOLE (TYP.) PROVIDE #5 REBAR, WIDTH PER TANK DIMENSIONED DRAWING. SPACING 12" O.C. ALONG TANK WALL EMBEDMENT 12" MINIMUM, MIDWAY IN TANK BOTTOM. IF PRE -CAST TANKS ARE USED IN LIEU OF CAST IN PLACE, PRE -CAST MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE DOWEL SLEEVES FOR RODS OF EQUIVALENT DIAMETER AND DEPTH. 6"x6"x1 /4" BASE PLATE SQUARE TUBING BASE PLATE UNIT 3/8" GRADE 8 LOCK WASHER BOLT AND WASHEF WITH NUT (TYP.) (TYP.) FLOW DIRECTION SLOTTE[ STEI ° ° a O FRONT VIEW NOTES: 1. ALL STEEL MEMBERS ARE 41x41x2 (m m) STAINLESS SLOTTED STEEL CHANNEL 2. ALL BOLTS ARE TO BE 3/8" GRADE 8 SIDE VIEW UV SUPPORT STRUCTURE DETAIL LOCKABLE WELL COVER LOCKABLE WELL COVER T ( ( PLUG PLUG (LOCKING PLUG) (LOCKING PLUG) 12" MIN. PLASTIC PLUG 12" MIN. PLASTIC PLUG 36" MAX. 36" MAX. I CONCRETE RING I CONCRETE RING CABLE FROM LEVEL '"I III„IIIIIII Ill llI-III= I_III„IIIIIII TRANSMITTER PVC RISER PVC RISER 1.5" SCH. 40 2" SCH. 40 PVC PIPE PVC PIPE 4" SCH, 40 1 1 1 4" SCH. 40 NEAT CEMENT GROUT NEAT CEMENT GROUT BENTONITE WELL SEAL BENTONITE WELL SEAL THICKNESS 12" MIN. ,, THICKNESS 12" MIN. TOP OF SCREEN I I I ■ I /- TOP OF SCREEN 1.5" WELL SCREEN 2" WELL SCREEN #78 STONE #78 STONE GLOBAL WATER WL 400 PVC BOTTOM PLUG GLOBAL WATER WL 400 PVC BOTTOM PLUG PRESSURE TRANSDUCER PRESSURE TRANSDUCER EXPENDABLE POINT EXPENDABLE POINT , GROUNDWATER LEVEL MONITORING WELL (PIEZOMETER) N TS N TS 1/2" HOLE FOF ANCHOR BOLTS 1 /4" STAINLESS STEEL PLATE STAINLESS G I�Y JI/111VLLSS STEEL PLATE 3"x3"x11GA STAINLES STEEL TUBIN 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS MONITORING WELL "x16"x1/4" JNLESS EL PLATE BRASS FITTING 1 /2" PVC CONDUIT 1/4" STAINLESS STEEL PLATE CHEMICAL PUMP STAND DETAIL NTS N TS 3RASS VALVE COPPER 2LINE r, v +-+ U v N l0 � aW N U w � 0 vi c v N 01 O O J N U pqaz c Z O i O :� obi M C �w Cc:c N M M GJ E W U O � N Ln C •T U X m J 00 00 i 111 > L � } 00 00 �. I� PQW ' 00Ln 3 Ln M N bbn 3 A q Ln L N N C bn w O a z= 0 ca CA W C3 0 �N W� 0=1 NMI W LUvim N Z z W � Q 7�; o W 0 z w in a w a z Q=a 0 UJ Z v) U < 0 Q wF. O O U 0) H -0 Z U r 0-Q r` r LU O ti co SU�DU� r �cmn00YcunrnLOZ c > U O C Y +. O Qj N Q a 0 O (0 D0CL 00 nU) LU J I- Know what's below. Call before you dig. U' Z U) W LU m ^ I..L L / �o WU C� w w W co 4" UV INFLUENT PIPE dTh FLOW o 0 0 0 CONTRACTOR SHALL FABRICATE TRANSITION BOX 2"x2"x1 /4" T304 J STAINLESS STEEL ANGLE FLOW FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION - 9.00' 12 CHANNEL SHALL BE FABRICATED FROM 1 /4" T304 STAINLESS STEEL 1" STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBE SUPPORT 220" 1" STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBE SUPPORT 2� O TRANSITION BOX PANELS SHALL BE 11 GA. T304 STAINLESS STEEL I� 12" 1.5" -L E---- - 29" 8" 4" SCH. 20 STAINLESS STEEL TOP VIEW 12" - - 35" 18.5" 1 SIDE VIEW 1" T304 STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBE SUPPORT MODULE HARNESS SENSOR PORT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�-WATER -LEVEL _ 12-5 - - - - - - - - - - - 1" T304 STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBING SUPPORT (TYP,) ALL BOLT HOLES SHALL BE FIELD DRILLED FOR ACCURACY. ALL BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLESS 116" ^--�- 35" o� 17" 29 REAR VIEW INFLUENT TRANSITION BOX 16.75" UV LAMP (TYP.) TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION SYSTEM TRANSITION BOX PANELS SHALL BE 11 GA. T304 STAINLESS STEEL I� 12" 29" TOP VIEW I� 12" 35" SIDE VIEW N TS 11.5" SGH. 2U STAINLESS STEEL EFFLUENT TRANSITION BOX L 1" T304 STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBE SUPPORT ALL BOLT HOLES SHALL BE FIELD DRILLED FOR ACCURACY. ALL BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLESS 16" 35" o� 17" 29 REAR VIEW L FIXED WEIR MODULE HARNESS FIXED WEIR FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION - 9.00' 2"x2"x1/4" T304 STAINLESS STEEL ANGLE CONTRACTOR SHALL FABRICATE TRANSITION BOX FLOW FLOW 6" UV EFFLUENT 1" T304 STAINLESS STEEL SQUARE TUBING SUPPORT Know what's below. Call before you dig. cm y mod IN Q w Q w O O U Z O� D > D U o (n N w U W 00 v H 0 ca 0 e W a W W O Z Z W Q W W Q W Cn a O U hA C N C M C N f6 C O �6 U i Q) 4- ro Q) i t t Z Q J N U v C W c� J 0 rn M N ri M M N Ln N X l4 LL 00 00 Do r•I Ln M M N Ln N ai C O s a z 0 U LU Cr) G Q U VJ Z 0 LU D 0 ry 0 U N 0) N N U Z C U N t9 LLJ LA A N Ln Q z_ J 0 ry U N2 0 z 0) H -0 z b r J r d Q ti r LU O C)U-jDU00oo� r �cnmYcn-LOz *k -0 � N U O C Y +. O Qj N Q O co t Q (o L U z 0 L / Q W 00 J � LO Q zU w U) w U) z co 160116 - Camden County Courthouse Area WWTP Head Loss Effluent Distribution Pump Pipe Head Loss C= 150 Hazen Williams V = Q/A Hf = 10.44*L*QA1.85 CA1.85*DA4.87 nm = lv-L)-r'1Lg 4" Main: D = 4 in Diameter L = 442 If Length A = 0.09 sf Area K = 9.50 Calculated Value Static Head = 5.17 ft Laterals: D = 0.75 in Diameter L = 12 If Length A = 0.0031 sf Area K= 1.00Calculated Value Static Head = 19 ft Total head includes pipe run from pump discharge through 4" line, plus runs through 14x 3/4" laterals and spray heads. Pump: HOMA - TP50M54L/2/3 (per lateral; Pump Curve pump q head 0 85 20 79 40 74 60 69 80 65 100 61 120 57 140 54 160 50 180 47 200 43 220 40 240 36 260 32 Q V Hf Hm Static Head Total Head 0 0.00 0.0 0.0 5.2 5.2 10 0.26 0.0 0.0 5.2 5.2 20 0.51 0.1 0.0 5.2 5.3 30 0.77 0.3 0.1 5.2 5.5 40 1.02 0.5 0.2 5.2 5.8 50 1.28 0.7 0.2 5.2 6.1 60 1.53 1.0 0.3 5.2 6.5 70 1.79 1.3 0.5 5.2 7.0 80 2.04 1.7 0.6 5.2 7.5 90 2.30 2.1 0.8 5.2 8.0 100 2.55 2.5 1.0 5.2 8.7 110 2.81 3.0 1.2 5.2 9.4 120 3.06 3.6 1.4 5.2 10.1 130 3.32 4.1 1.6 5.2 10.9 140 3.57 4.7 1.9 5.2 11.8 150 3.83 5.4 2.2 5.2 12.7 160 4.08 6.1 2.5 5.2 13.7 170 4.34 6.8 2.8 5.2 14.7 180 4.59 7.6 3.1 5.2 15.8 190 4.85 8.4 3.5 5.2 17.0 200 5.10 9.2 3.8 5.2 18.2 210 5.36 10.1 4.2 5.2 19.5 220 5.61 11.0 4.7 5.2 20.8 230 5.87 11.9 5.1 5.2 22.2 240 6.13 12.9 5.5 5.2 23.6 250 6.38 13.9 1 W.0 1 5.2 1 25.1 Q V Hf Hm Static Head Total Head Sum 0 0.0 0.0 19.0 19.0 24.2 10/14 0.52 0.0 0.0 19.0 19.0 24.2 20/14 1.04 0.1 0.0 19.0 19.1 24.4 30/14 1.56 0.2 0.0 19.0 19.2 24.8 40/14 2.07 0.3 0.1 19.0 19.4 25.2 50/14 1 2.59 0.5 0.1 19.0 19.6 25.7 60/14 3.11 0.7 0.2 19.0 19.9 26.4 70/14 3.63 0.9 0.2 19.0 20.1 27.1 80/14 4.15 1.2 0.3 19.0 20.5 27.9 90/14 4.67 1.5 0.3 19.0 20.8 28.9 100/14 5.19 1.8_M d 1.2 29.9 110/14 5.70 2.2 0.5 19.0 21.7 31.0 120/14 6.22 2.6 0.6 19.0 22.2 32.3 130/14 6.74 3.0 0.7 19.0 22.7 33.6 140/14 7.26 3.4 0.8 19.0 23.2 35.0 150/14 7.78 3.9 0.9 19.0 23.8 36.5 160/14 8.30 4.3 1.1 19.0 24.4 38.1 170/14 8.82 4.9 1.2 19.0 25.1 39.8 180/14 9.33 5.4 1.4 19.0 25.8 41.6 190/14 9.85 6.0 1.5 19.0 26.5 43.5 200/14 10.37 6.6 1.7 19.0 27.2 45.4 210/14 10.89 7.2 1.8 19.0 28.0 47.5 220/14 11.41 7.8 2.0 19.0 28.8 49.6 230/14 11.93 8.5 2.2 19.0 29.7 51.9 240/14 12.44 9.2 2.4 19.0 30.6 54.2 250/14 12.96 9.9 2.6 19.0 31.5 56.6 Operation Point: 193 gpm @ 44 tdh Groundwater Lowering System It is expected that the wet well, pump, and associated equipment with the groundwater pump station will comprise part of normal, routine plant facility examinations by operators on duty. It is also critical for operators to routinely monitor the groundwater levels within each infiltration basin to ensure the groundwater lowering system removes only the water necessary to maintain proper infiltration. As such, the following shall be included in daily plant operation tasks: 1. Verify the continued good operation of the groundwater pump. 2. Inspect the water level in the groundwater lowering pump wet well. 3. Review logged sensor data for wet well level and groundwater level. 4. Adjust the groundwater pump set points, if necessary: a. Lower the elevations in the pump "on" and "off' set points if it is found that the difference between the average piezometer groundwater level and the ground surface is less than one foot. b. Raise the elevations in the pump "on" and "off' set points if it is found that the difference between the average piezometer groundwater level and the ground surface is greater than 1.5 feet (eighteen inches). To avoid overcorrection, operators should keep in mind the inherent lag time between set point changes and their effect on groundwater level observations. In addition to these tasks, the following shall be done quarterly: 1. Remove water level sensors from monitoring wells and gently scrub screen with clean water and toothbrush. Follow manufacturer's recommendations if re - calibration is required. The following shall be done semi-annually, or as recommended by the manufacturer: 1. Verify water level sensor calibration according to manufacturer's procedure. The following shall be done annually, between April 15 and May 31: 1. An independent wetland consultant shall be contracted to evaluate the following characteristics of the wetlands adjacent to the dewatering drain system, and provide these results in the form of a written report: a. Wetland plant growth and health. b. Presence and depth of water table. c. Hydric soil conditions. 2. The results of this report shall be compared to historical data from previous reports and the three wetland monitoring wells. If it is determined that dewatering operations have had a measurable, adverse effect on the wetland plant growth or water table .o depth, remedial actions shall be taken. These actions shall be considered semi- permanent to permanent solutions, and will be undertaken only under the design direction of a licensed Professional Engineer. Remedial actions may consist of, but are not limited to: a. Installation of a pump at the south end of the discharge pond, with spray nozzle discharging water into wetlands. b. Installation of a low -permeability barrier, such as a curtain wall, between dewatering drain and wetlands. Recordkeeping Records shall be kept on maintenance activities that directly impact any logged data. Maintenance and calibration of level sensors shall be dated and signed by the operator or manufacturer's representative performing these activities. It is further recommended to keep a record of any maintenance activities resulting in repair to facilities, ponds, or basins. 41 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY AMPHIDROME® PROCESS SYSTEM (Patent # 5,776,344) Courthouse Area Wastewater Treatment Plant SECTION I. SCOPE OF WORK The work under this section includes furnishing, installing and testing an Amphidrome® process system. A single manufacturer shall supply the product. The manufacturer shall have a minimum of five (5) years experience in the design and manufacture of factory -built BOD removal, nitrification and denitrification process reactor systems. The contractor shall install the system as shown on the plans and described here in. The system will include the following: influent pump(s), reactor internals (i.e. block distribution under drain, stainless steel under drain, media support gravel, process filtration media, sump cover plate(s)), return flow/ backwash pumps, backwash check valve(s), backwash air blower(s), process air blower(s), denitrification process water supply pump(s), effluent pump(s), chemical feed system(s), and system process control panel/PLC. The Amphidrome° process system shall be designed to operate under the conditions indicated in Design Criteria and Data. The Amphidrome® process system is especially designed for the simultaneous removal of BOD, ammonia, suspended solids, and nitrate -nitrogen. A license to use the process and apparatus shall be provided by the manufacturer of the Amphidrome® process system. The manufacturer of the Amphidrome® process system shall be F.R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. of Rockland, Massachusetts under license from De Nora Water Technologies, Inc. of Pittsburgh, PA. The manufacturer shall have a minimum of manufacture of factory -built BOD Removal, systems. Design Criteria: Effluent BOD5 TSS Fecal Coliform Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorous Flow five (5) years experience in the design and nitrification and denitrification process reactor Limit < 10 mg/L < 15 mg/L < 14 per 100 ml < 4 mg/L < 2 mg/L 49,950 gpd Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 1 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 2.0 AMPHIDROME® REACTORS This design is a dual -train system consisting of two (2) 9.5' W x 13' L Amphidrome® reactors and one (1) 8' Diameter Amphidrome® Plus denite reactors. All tanks will be made of cast in place concrete. Selected internals shall be furnished by the manufacturer. 2.1 REACTOR VESSELS The reactor vessels shall be furnished and installed by the contractor and be made of reinforced concrete with dimensions and specifications as shown on the drawings. Each vessel shall be field assembled by the installing contractor complete with reactor internals, process and backwash air header, backwash trough, backwash check valve, and inlet and outlet piping. 2.2 AMPHIDROMEV REACTOR INTERNALS The Amphidrome® reactor internals shall be installed in concrete tanks as shown on the plans. Amphidrome® internals shall include the under drain system, backwash air distribution headers and laterals, gravel support layers, filtration media and precast concrete under drain blocks. The under drain system shall be the nozzleless type, designed for the simultaneous application of air and water during backwash. The backwash air distribution system shall be separate and independent from the backwash water distribution system. The air distribution system shall be covered to prevent intrusion of media or media support materials. The under drain system shall include effluent sump cover plates, backwash air distribution header and laterals and air and water distribution blocks. These internals shall be provided by one manufacturer. 2.2.1 SUMP COVER PLATES A sump or trough shall be provided under the filter under drain system. The sump shall be covered with concrete sump cover plates at least 4-1/2" thick, spaced to provide openings for ingress and egress of backwash water and filtrate, and to support the full weight of the filter media and gravel support. The sump covers shall be grouted in place in the field by the installation contractor. The sump covers shall be provided by the process manufacturer. 2.2.2 AIR DISTRIBTUION HEADER AND LATERALS The air used during the process and the backwash shall be distributed evenly over the entire area of each filter vessel through an air header and laterals placed on the floor of the filter. Air laterals shall extend completely across the filter floor under alternate rows of air and water distribution blocks. The air header and laterals shall be type 304 stainless steel. Holes shall be drilled in each air lateral to provide a separate air discharge port for each air dome in the air and water distribution blocks. A minimum of four air discharge ports shall be provided for each square foot of filter bottom area. No plastic pipe or conduit shall be used for the air distribution system unless shown differently on the plans. 2.2.3 AIR AND WATER DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS The sump cover plates and the air distribution laterals shall be covered completed with precast concrete air and water distribution blocks to distribute backwash air and water uniformly over the entire filter area. The blocks shall have HDPE jackets with interlocking spacer lugs to prevent block displacement. The blocks shall be factory -cast in an established precast concrete factory, which has been casting similar products for at least five years. The concrete used shall Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 2 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY be of high quality having a 28-day compressive strength of not less than 5,000 psi and employing not larger than 1 /2" maximum coarse aggregate. Each block shall be case without reinforcement, have a dense and smooth surface and be hollow and open at the bottom. Air domes shall be cast into the bottom surface of each block to receive air from each air discharge port in the air laterals. Each air dome shall have an unrestricted air/water discharge port. At least eight air/water discharge ports shall be provided for each square foot of filter bottom area. 2.2.4 BACKWASH TROUGH A backwash trough shall be supplied to collect the return flow and backwash water. It shall be flanged on the ends and mate to the reactor wall and the return flow/backwash pipe. The trough will be secured at the opposite end with a bracket connected to the inside of the reactor vessel. All material shall be 304 stainless steel. 2.2.5 REACTOR MEDIA The process reactor under drains shall be covered with a minimum of 18" of gravel arranged carefully in five layers. Each gravel layer shall consist of hard, durable, rounded particles of washed gravel having a specific gravity of not less than 2.6. The gravel shall be uncrushed naturally occurring materials and shall contain not more than 2% by weight of thin, flat, or elongated pieces (pieces having a ratio of largest dimension to smallest dimension greater than 5:1) as determined by handpicking from a representative sample, in accordance with AWWA Specification B 100-89. The gravel shall be washed free from shale, mica, sand, clay, loam, and organic impurities of any kind. The washed and dried gravel, when digested for a period of 24 hours in cold, strong hydrochloric acid shall not suffer weight loss in excess of 5%. The percent voids in any layer shall not be less than 35% or greater than 45%. The gravel layers shall be sized as follows: Top 4" 1 /2" to 1 /4" Next 4" 1/4" to 1/8" Next 4" 1 /2" to 1 /4" Next 2" 3/4" to 1/2" Bottom 4" 1-1/2" to 3/4" A layer of silica sand media, eight feet, six inches (8'6") deep in the Amphidrome® reactors shall be placed on top of the gravel support layers. The sand shall pass a 6 x 9 mesh, well rounded, not flat or angular, with a maximum uniformity coefficient of < 1.4. The hardness shall be 6 to 7 on the MOH scale and the minimum specific gravity shall be 2.6. The hydrochloric acid solubility shall not exceed 0.3% when tested. The media should have a sphericity of > 0.8 as determined by methods described in Elements of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal, second edition, 1971, pages 404-406, Fair, Geyer, Okun, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2.3 AMPHIDROME PLUS® DENITE REACTOR INTERNALS The Amphidrome Plus® reactor internals shall be installed in contractor supplied concrete vessels as shown on the plans. All air piping is by the contractor. Reactor internals shall include the under drain, (i.e. backwash and process air distribution header and laterals), gravel support Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 3 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY layers, backwash trough, and filter media. The under drain system shall be the nozzleless type, designed to distribute evenly, both process and backwash air. The under drain system serves to distribute air and water uniformly over the entire area of the reactor vessel, as well as to support the gravel and filter media. The under drain system shall consist of 304 stainless steel channels and 304 stainless steel 3-1/2" diameter spacer pipes spanning the full width of the reactor vessel. A Schedule 10, 304 stainless steel pipe backwash shall be located immediately below the steel channels. The air header and steel channels shall have drilled holes to uniformly distribute backwash air. Slots between the spacer pipes and the steel channels shall uniformly distribute backwash water as well as collect filtrate. 2.3.1 BACKWASH TROUGH A backwash trough shall be supplied to collect the return flow and backwash water. It shall be flanged on the ends and mate to the reactor wall and the return flow/backwash pipe. The trough will be secured at the opposite end with a bracket connected to the inside of the reactor vessel. All material shall be 304 stainless steel. 2.3.2 REACTOR MEDIA The process reactor under drains shall be covered with a minimum of 18" of gravel arranged carefully in five layers. Each gravel layer shall consist of hard, durable, rounded particles of washed gravel having a specific gravity of not less than 2.6. The gravel shall be uncrushed naturally occurring materials and shall contain not more than 2% by weight of thin, flat, or elongated pieces (pieces having a ratio of largest dimension to smallest dimension greater than 5:1) as determined by handpicking from a representative sample, in accordance with AWWA Specification B 100-89. The gravel shall be washed free from shale, mica, sand, clay, loam, and organic impurities of any kind. The washed and dried gravel, when digested for a period of 24 hours in cold, strong hydrochloric acid, shall not suffer weight loss in excess of 5%. The percent voices in any layer shall not be less than 35% or greater than 45%. The gravel layers shall be sized as follows: Top 4" 1 /2" to 1 /4" Next 4" 1 /4" to 1 /8" Next 4" 1/2" to 1/4" Next 2" 3/4" to 1/2" Bottom 4" 1-1/2" to 3/4" A layer of silica sand media, four and a half feet (4.5') deep in the Amphidrome® Plus reactor, shall be placed on top of the gravel support layers. The sand shall be 6 x 9 mesh, well rounded, not flat or angular, with a maximum uniformity coefficient of < 1.4. The hardness shall be 6 to 7 on the MOH scale and the minimum specific gravity shall be 2.6. The hydrochloric acid solubility shall not exceed 0.3% when tested. The media should have sphericity of > 0.8 as determined by methods described in Elements of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal, second edition, 1971, pages 404 — 406, Fair, Geyer, Okun, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 4 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 3.00 PROCESS EOUIPMENT 3.01 AIR BLOWERS Two (2) Kaeser CB131C Compak blower units shall be supplied to provide backwash and process air to the Amphidrome® reactors. The blowers shall use a VFD to provide a capacity of 80 cfm to 400 cfm each at 9 psig, and shall be driven by 20 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motors. The blowers shall be as follows: 1. The blower package shall be a Com-pak Plus as manufactured by Kaeser Compressors, Inc., or an approved equal, which meets all the requirements of this specification. Alternate blower selections must be shown on a List of Exceptions to the Specifications with itemized descriptions of how the selection differs from the specifications. 2. Nameplates stating the name of the manufacturer, blower/blower package model number, blower/blower package serial number, the rated capacity, speed, and other pertinent data, shall be attached to each blower/blower package. 3. Nameplates stating the name of the manufacturer, the motor model number, the motor serial number, the rated horsepower, speed, voltage, amps, rated service factor, and other pertinent data, shall be attached to the motor. 4. The blowers shall be positive displacement, rotary tri-lobe type, designed for air or other inert gas service, and belt driven via electric motor. 5. The casing shall be made of high strength, close grained, cast iron, and shall be adequately ribbed to resist deflection and facilitate cooling. The casing shall be precision machined to allow for minimum clearances. The design of the housing shall allow for vertical or horizontal blower installation with minimal modification. The casing design shall incorporate channels at the discharge port to minimize pulsation. 6. The rotor assemblies shall be one piece and precision machined from high strength, close grain, spheroidal graphite ductile iron allowing smooth, efficient operation at all rated speeds and pressures. Rotors shall be closed -end using a threaded plug. The integral shafts shall be designed to carry higher loads than calculated for the maximum design load and shall incorporate replaceable seal ring wear sleeves. The rotor assemblies shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Removal of material from the face of the rotor for balancing purposes is not allowed. The rotors shall be a tri-lobe design in order to minimize pulsation and noise. 7. The gear -end plate shall be cast iron. The drive -end plate shall be integral to the blower casing ensuring heavy-duty construction, long life, and maximum machine noise attenuation in all applications. Bearing fits shall be precision machined to ensure accurate positioning of the rotors in the casing. Replaceable seal wear inserts shall be provided on the drive -end and gear -end plates. 8. The end plate covers shall be heavy-duty cast iron with a precision -machined sealing face. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 5 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 9. Aluminum oil sump covers are not allowed. 10. The rotor timing gears shall be precision machined from case hardened and ground alloy steel. Each timing gear shall be straight cut and beveled to eliminate axial bearing loads and ensure long life as well as quiet operation. 11. Gears shall be finish ground on a precision grinder to ensure concentricity. The timing gear set shall be taper -mounted on the rotors for improved rebuild ability and accurate timing. Keyed, hub mounted, or taper -pinned timing gear mounting designs are not acceptable. 12. All four shaft support locations shall incorporate large, heavy-duty cylindrical roller bearings designed to handle extreme radial loads without sacrificing product integrity and reliability. The minimum acceptable L10 design life at the blower's maximum rated speed and maximum rated differential pressure shall be no less than 70,000 hours. 13. Both the gear -end and the drive -end of the blowers shall be oil splash lubricated for minimal maintenance and long service life. Grease lubricated bearings are not acceptable. The lubrication design shall ensure adequate lubrication of the timing gears and bearings. 14. There shall be four (4) piston ring type labyrinth seals at each end of each rotor to minimize leakage and maintenance costs. 15. The cavity between the air -side and oil -side seals shall be vented through threaded ports to allow external purging or containment of any lubricating oil or process gas that may have migrated past the seals. Enough ports shall be incorporated in the design to ensure that the cavity is vented from the bottom no matter what blower drive -to -driven shaft orientation is utilized. 16. A vent cavity shall be provided on all four (4) sets of piston ring type labyrinth seals. The two (2) vent holes located on the bottom side of the blower shall be left open. The vent holes at other locations shall be closed off with threaded metal plugs. 17. The input drive shaft seal shall be a high temperature radial lip type seal with Viton elastomers. The seal design shall incorporate a replaceable wear sleeve on the input drive shaft. 18. Drive motors shall be designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with the latest revised editions of NEMA MG-1, IEC, IEEE, ANSI, and AFBMMA standards as applicable and shall be capable of continuous operation. 19. The motor nameplate horsepower rating shall not be exceeded at the design speed. 20. The temperature rise of the motor windings shall not exceed IEC and NEMA standards when the motor is operated continuously at the rated horsepower, rated voltage, and rated frequency in ambient conditions of 40 'C. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 6 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 21. The motors shall conform to the following: Mounting: Horizontal Type: Squirrel Cage Induction Enclosure: Totally Enclosed - Fan Cooled Service Factor: 1.15 Duty Cycle: Continuos Ambient Temperature Rating: 40 °C Starting Current: 6X Full Load Current Maximum Winding Insulation: Class F Temperature Rise: Class B Voltage/Frequency/Phase 230 or 460/60/3 Bearing Lubrication: Oil, Oil Mist, or Grease (with grease addition fittings and grease relief fittings) Maximum Speed: 3,600 rpm Speeds: Variable Speed 22. The packaged blowers are to be standard engineered designs of a CE certified manufacturer regularly engaged in the production of packaged blowers to ensure single source accountability and shall include the following listed standard features: (a) The packages shall be driven through V-belts and sheaves. The drive assembly shall be of the high capacity type, oil and heat resistant, with a minimum service factor of 1.5. (b) Automatic tensioning of the V-belts by use of a pivoting, swing frame motor base with adjustable spring assistance and visual indication of V-belt tension shall be provided to ensure the V-belts remain properly tensioned with minimal maintenance and to extend V-belt, sheave, and bearing life. Adjustment of the tensioning device shall be accomplished without removal of the guard or loosening of the motor mounting bolts. (c) The drive guard shall be the manufacturer's standard sheet metal with provision for ventilation. The installed guard shall be fully enclosed, easily removable, and designed to meet current OSHA recommendations and CE standards. (d) The base shall be an elevated, rigid, fabricated steel design with a solid sub -base. The absorptive type discharge silencer shall be integral to the frame in order to minimize space requirements. The blower shall be mounted horizontally for a compact frame. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 7 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY (e) To prevent transmission of vibration and noise, as well as secure the package to the foundation, the base shall include vibration isolators made of rubber in a steel footing equipped with mounting holes for anchoring purposes. (f) Oil drains from the blower drive -end and gear -end lubricating oil sumps shall be piped to the front of the base for ease of maintenance. The drain valves shall be a ball valve with a fully retained and gasketed threaded cap. (g) The inlet filter shall be integral to the inlet silencer and shall include a washable and reusable polyester element for minimal pressure drop. (h) The inlet silencer shall be of the absorptive type, directly connected to the inlet port of the blower, and shall be mounted horizontally. (i) The discharge silencer shall be of the absorptive type with an integral pulsation dampener and directly connected to the outlet port of the blower. The discharge silencer shall be mounted horizontally and shall be integral to the base frame. (j) The relief valve shall be spring loaded and factory installed in a location to protect the blower from excessive differential pressures. The relief valve exhaust shall be piped out of the enclosure. (k) An unloaded start valve shall be provided and factory installed to allow the motor to accelerate prior to system pressurization and eliminate pneumatic shock. (1) An elastomeric compensator/flex connector shall be provided for connection of the packaged blower to the system piping to reduce transmission of structure borne noise as well as prevent unacceptable loading of the silencer connection and blower casing. (m) A sound enclosure shall be provided. The sound enclosure shall be sheet steel construction with powder coat finish. It shall have acoustic foam insulation and shall provide sound attenuation of up to 20 dB (A). The enclosure shall have a hinged panel on top and a removable panel on the front of the package to allow maintenance access. Panels shall incorporate locking closures. An installed, integral ventilation fan, sized to provide adequate cooling of the package, shall be provided. (n) A pressure gauge shall be provided, pre -piped and panel mounted, on the sound enclosure. (o) A temperature gauge, with adjustable switching point and contact, shall be provided pre -piped and panel mounted on the sound enclosure. (p) A filter differential pressure gauge shall be provided pre -piped and panel mounted on the sound enclosure. (q) The blower package shall be designed to allow all preventive maintenance to be performed from the front of the package. All utility connections and process connections shall be at the rear of the package. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 8 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY (r) The blower package shall be capable of being installed directly adjacent to another blower packages of similar design and shall be capable of mounting next to the wall without maintenance interference. 23. All critical dimensions of the blower components actually provided by the manufacturer shall be verified and documented prior to assembly. 24. The rotating parts of each blower actually provided by the manufacturer shall be statically and dynamically balanced before final assembly. The blower alone shall operate without excessive vibration. Removal of material from the face of the rotors for balancing purposes is not allowed. 25. Each blower actually provided by the manufacturer shall be slip tested. The Slip RPM shall be documented. Each bare blower provided by the manufacturer shall be operated at its maximum rated speed and differential pressure for thirty (30) minutes. A document certifying that the supplied blowers conform to the design specifications shall be provided. 26. On completion of final assembly of the packaged blower and prior to shipment, each packaged blower shall be mechanically run for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes. 27. The blowers and equipment covered by this specification are intended to be standard blower equipment, of proven ability, as manufactured by a reputable CE certified manufacturer having at least two (2) years experience in the production of such blowers. The blowers furnished shall be designed, constructed, and installed in accordance with the best practice and methods and shall operate satisfactorily when installed. 28. All equipment furnished under this specification shall be new, unused, and shall be the standard product of a manufacturer having a successful record of manufacturing and servicing the equipment and systems specified herein for a minimum of two (2) years. 3.03 INFLUENT DOSING PUMPS Two (2) Flygt grinder pumps shall be supplied by the system supplier to provide water from the influent dosing tank to the anoxic tanks. The pumps will be Flygt MP3102.890 (i.e. submersible, grinder, centrifugal, explosion -proof), with a capacity of 125 gpm at 31' TDH, and shall be driven by a 6 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.04 CLEARWELL REVERSE FLOW/BACKWASH PUMPS Four (4) reverse flow/backwash pumps shall be supplied by the system supplier to pump the water from the clear well to the Amphidrome® reactor during the cyclical process and during backwash. The pumps will be HOMA AMX434-184/4.OD, (i.e. submersible, centrifugal), each with a capacity of 370 gpm at 28' TDH, and shall be driven by a 4.0 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.05 AMPHIDROME® PLUS DENITE FEED PUMPS Two (2) Amphidrome® Plus feed pumps shall be supplied by the system supplier to provide water from the clear well to the Amphidrome® Plus reactor. The pumps will be HOMA Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 9 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY TP50V24/2/3 (i.e. submersible, centrifugal), with a capacity of 63 gpm at 20' TDH, and shall be driven by a 1.9 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.06 AMPHIDROME® PLUS DENITE BACKWASH PUMPS One (1) backwash water supply pump shall be supplied by the system supplier to provide backwash water from the UV feed tank to the Amphidrome® Plus (i.e. denitrification) reactor. The backwash pump will be HOMA AMX434-178/4.OD Series (i.e. submersible, centrifugal), with a capacity of 300 gpm at 19' TDH, and shall be driven by a 2.9 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.07 UV FEED PUMPS Two (2) UV feed pumps shall be supplied by the system supplier to provide water from the UV feed tank to the UV treatment unit. The pumps will be HOMA TP50V24/2/3 (i.e. submersible, centrifugal), with a capacity of 95 gpm at 14' TDH, and shall be driven by a 1.9 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.08 EFFLUENT (IRRIGATION) PUMPS Two (2) effluent (irrigation) pumps shall be supplied by the system supplier to provide water from the effluent tank to the high -rate infiltration basin irrigation system. The pumps will be HOMA TP50M54L/2/3 (i.e. submersible, centrifugal), with a capacity of 173 gpm at 15' TDH, and shall be driven by a 4.7 hp, three phase, 60 Hertz, 460 volt motor. 3.09 COAGULANT FEED SYSTEM (Sodium Bi-Carbonate) The coagulant feed system will include three (3) LB-04SA-PTC1-G19 (Pulsafeeder) pumps. The pumps shall be LB-04SA-PTC 1-G 19, 120 volt, single-phase, capable of pumping 1.0 gph at 110 psi. 3.10 CARBON FEED SYSTEM (Micro-C) The carbon feed system will include two (2) LB-04SA-PTC 1-G 19 (Pulsafeeder) pumps. The pump shall be LB-04SA-PTC1-G19, 120 volt, single-phase, capable of pumping 1.0 gph at 110 psi. 3.11 ALKALINITY FEED SYSTEM (PAC) The alkalinity feed systems will include two (2) LB-04SA-PTC1-G19 (Pulsafeeder) pumps. The pump shall be LB-04SA-PTC1-G19, 120 volt, single-phase, capable of pumping 1.0 gph at 110 psi. 3.12 CHEMICAL FEED TANKS Provide two (2) 300 gallon chemical feed tanks with mixers. Chemical feed tanks shall be PulsaTRON 42409. Mixers shall be PulsaTRON 42729. 3.13 FLOAT SWITCHES Twenty-two (22) float switches, for locations as indicated on the plans, will be furnished with fifty feet (50') of cord. The floats will be "Mini Float" as manufactured by Anchor Scientific, Inc., Long Lake, Minnesota 55356. 3.14 GROUNDWATER PUMPS AND FLOATS are covered by separate specification. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 10 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 4.0 AMPHIDROME® CONTROL SYSTEM The operational scheme of the Amphidrome® control system shall be initially set by the system supplier and shall be under the control of the system supplier until the performance testing is complete. 4.1 PANEL AND INSTRUMENTS 1. A separate main control panel shall be supplied to operate the Amphidrome® process system. The main control panel shall be a wall -mounted NEMA 1 enclosure. The panel shall be shop wired to terminal strips for connection to field wiring as necessary. 2. The panel shall contain a programmable logic controller (PLC) and the necessary equipment, instruments, ancillary control devices, hardware and programmable logic control to perform the automation functions of the Amphidrome® process system. Panel devices shall also enable the operator to perform manual backwash sequencing for the reactors, and operation of pumps, blowers and auxiliary equipment. The panel will also include a full function 12" HMI touch screen. The panel shall have, at a minimum, the following items: A. a lock hasp on outside door. (lock to be provided by owner) B. an internal Web Server C. remote access and control capabilities via an internet connection D. Ethernet access to the PLC via the internet E. Ethernet communication between the touch screen and the PLC F. graphical display of runtime events with time stamp for each event G. store runtime event data on removable media devices H. the ability to modify operational parameters remotely I. graphical display of overall system status J. graphical display of subsystems and associated equipment — accessed from the overall status screen K. a motor circuit protector with adjustable overload setting for each pump. L. a magnetic contactor for each pump M. main circuit breaker for alarm and control circuits, separate from each pump. N. separate auxiliary circuit breakers for alarm and control circuits. O. alarm switch for On -Off and Test. P. outside alarm horn. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 11 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY Q. a terminal strip for connecting pumps and controls. R. green run light for pump. S. Pump motors controlled by H-O-A switches and magnetic starters in conjunction with liquid level sensors. T. an elapsed time meter for each pump. U. dosing cycle counter for each pump. V. a schematic diagram shall be provided. W. A weatherproof 110V receptacle. X. Alarm lights shall remain lighted until reset button is actuated by the operator. Y. Audible alarm shall automatically reset when alarm condition no longer exists or silence button has been actuated by the operator Z. Latching alarm AA. Automatic pump sequencer BB. an override circuit to start both pumps if level rises in sump or to start second pump if one pump fails. 3. All VFD's, motor starters, and relays required for the pumps and blowers. 4. All indicator lights, switches and wiring for a complete SAGB® control system. 5. All alarms and warnings shall be communicated to the RTU via a mod -bus connection. 4.2 — JUNCTION DISCONNECT BOXES Disconnect junction boxes shall be provided for all submersible pump motors. The disconnect junction box assembly shall be NEMA 4X fiberglass and shall contain an individual disconnect switch for each motor serviced. In addition to meeting NEC requirements for a local disconnect switch, the disconnect junction box also serves to isolate the wet -well wiring from the plant wiring. Thereby eliminating the possibility of gases, which may become corrosive, in the wet - well from entering the main control panel. This is accomplished by constructing the junction box into two isolated chambers. Conduits containing pump motor power cords and float switch wiring shall enter the lower compartment which is vented to atmosphere. The wires then pass, unspliced through the dividing wall into the upper compartment. Entry of the pump and float wiring into the upper compartment shall be through strain relief cord grips, properly sized for the cables. The strain relief cord grips will act as the sealing device between the upper and lower compartments. Disconnect boxes must be clearly identified with stenciled paint letters. Each pump disconnect must be labeled. For example, "Effluent Pump Disconnect". Plant wiring from the main control panel will enter the upper compartment of the disconnect junction box and terminate on the pump disconnect switches. The upper compartment will also Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 12 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY contain terminal blocks for termination of the float switches and main panel float switch control wiring. Disconnect switches shall be furnished adequately sized for the motor loads served and shall have a minimum rating of 40 amps at 600 VAC. Strain relief cord grips shall be provided to accommodate each pump and all float switches. In the event that any of the cord grips provided are not used, a short piece of cord shall be inserted into the unused connectors in order to insure the proper sealing between compartments. In general, for two and four pump installations, the dimensions of the upper enclosure shall be 12" wide x 12" high. The lower enclosure dimensions shall be 12" wide x 7" high. Disconnect junction boxes manufactured for installations of more than four motors shall be sized to accommodate the actual number of disconnects and float switches required. Disconnect junction boxes shall be provided by F.R. Mahony & Associates, Inc. 4.3 ULTRAVIOLET DISINFECTION SYSTEM One complete ultraviolet disinfection systems, Trojan Technologies ultraviolet system model UV3600K capable of treating 173 gpm (250,000 gpd) at 65% UVT to a level of less than 14 cfu / 100 ml. The UV Dosage rate is 50,000µW/cm2 .The disinfection system will include the following major equipment: • Number of Banks — 2 • Number of UV Modules per Bank - 6 • Number of UV Lamps per UV Module - 4 • Total of six (48) lamps installed. • 4" ANSI connection flanges for inlet/outlet • One (1) UV -intensity monitor and control system • Unit shall supply a lamp failure indicator to the telemetry panel. • Electrical control and power cabling between the electrical enclosure and the UV lamp modules (Note: Field termination is the responsibility of the contractor) 4.4 FLOW METERS are covered under separate specification. 4.5 SUMMARY All reactor operations are controlled from the main control panel (MCP). There are two (2) modes of operations: automatic and manual. All automatic reactor backwash operations are controlled. Operator functions are performed through the hardwired circuit. Amphidrome® backwashing and system discharge are performed automatically at preset time intervals, which are operator adjustable. The manufacturer shall set the timing. Each motor shall be capable of being operated from the main control panel through automatic and manual modes. Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 13 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA AND DATA Influent Characteristics: Flow = 49,950 gpd BOD total, mg/1 = 157 TKN, mg/l = 85 Ammonium as N, mg/L = 70 TSS, mg/l = 193 PH, SU = 7.0 Alkalinity = 200 Phosphate as P, mg/l = 9.1 Min. temp., deg. C. = 11.0 Required Effluent: BOD5 TSS Fecal Coliform Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorous Flow < 10 mg/L < 15 mg/L < 14 per 100 ml < 4 mg/L < 2 mg/L 49,950 gpd 6.0 PROCESS PERFORMANCE The Amphidrome® system shall be designed to produce an effluent that meets the design basis as indicated in Design Criteria and Data. A process warranty shall be provided which guarantees the effluent quality requirements of this specification will be met or exceeded for not less than the first 24 months of active flow. 7.0 INSTALLATION Installation by the purchasing contractor shall be in strict accordance with the Amphidrome® process system manufacturer's instruction and recommendations. Prior to media installation, the under drain installation shall be inspected by the system manufacturer. Construction oversight is the responsibility of the Owner's licensed engineer. Observation of the installation of both the gravel and the media, along with validation that the final elevations are correct. A final set of as built plans should be provided to Owner. 8.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING The Amphidrome® process system manufacturer shall furnish the services of a competent and experienced (not less than two (2) full years) factory -trained representative who has complete knowledge of proper operation and maintenance of the equipment. The representative shall be in attendance, to provide instructions to the plant operating personnel, to assist in plant start-up, to be present during the clear water test with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and to be present during the process performance testing to the extent that assures a Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 14 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY complete and successful startup and operation of the facility as determined by the Owner's responsible agent. A mechanical performance test shall be performed prior to the plant being placed into service. The design engineer, the construction supervision engineer the system suppliers designated representative and the contractor and Currituck County's designated operator shall be present. The installing contractor shall furnish all labor, materials and equipment required for such tests and shall correct any deficiencies noted by repairing or replacing the defective equipment and completing the testing. 9.0 MECHANICAL WARRANTEE The manufacturer shall guarantee for twelve (12) months from date of start-up, not to exceed eighteen (18) months from date of shipment, that the equipment furnished will be free from defects in design, material and workmanship. Warranties and guarantees of the suppliers of various components in lieu of a single source responsibility by the manufacturer will not be acceptable. In the event a component fails to perform as specified or is proven defective in service during the guarantee period, the manufacturer shall repair or replace, at its engineer's discretion, upon return of such defective part to the systems supplier. The repair or replacement of those items normally consumed in service, such as seals, grease, etc., shall be considered as part of routine maintenance and upkeep. 10.0 SHOP DRAWINGS, INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND O& M MANUALS Six (6) copies of each shop drawing and/or submittal shall be submitted to the design engineer for review and approval of all materials, equipment, furnishings and other items incorporated in the work. Installation and start-up manuals shall be furnished for all new equipment items installed as part of this project. A total of four (4) copies shall be provided: one (1) copy shall be with the equipment when shipped, one (1) copy shall be sent directly to the office of the purchasing contractors and two (2) copies shall be sent directly to the design engineer. Six (6) copies of operations and maintenance manuals shall be furnished for all new equipment items as part of this project. One (1) copy shall be with the equipment item when shipped and the remaining five (5) shall be sent directly to the design engineer. Installation and start-up manuals cannot be substituted as operations and maintenance manuals. END OF SECTION Amphidrome® Process System 40 00 00- 15 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY SECTION 43 32 63 ULTRAVIOLET STERILIZERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specifications, apply to this Section. f�►�YK� ' � �]�L�1�17'� A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and appurtenances required to provide an open channel, gravity flow, low pressure high intensity ultraviolet lamp (UV) disinfection system complete with stainless steel channel and inlet and outlet transition boxes. The UV system to be complete and operational with all control equipment and accessories as shown and specified herein. This system will be capable of disinfecting effluent to meet the water quality standards listed in this section. 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The UV system shall be supplied with all stainless steel channel and transition boxes with the sizes as shown on the plans. B. System Configuration 1. The UV system configuration will be as follows: a. Number of Banks: 2 b. Number of UV Modules per Bank: 6 C. Number of Lamps per UV Module: 4 d. Total Number of Lamps in the UV System: 48 e. Number of System Control Centers: 1 2. Number of Power Distribution Receptacles: 12 3. Lamp array configuration: a. The lamp array configuration shall be four bulbs placed parallel one above the other in a single UV module. Six UV modules are to be placed side by side. Two banks shall be placed in series. All lamps shall be parallel to each other and to the effluent flow. 4. Lamp Life: 12,000 hrs 1.4 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Provide equipment that will disinfect effluent with the following characteristics: 1. Average Flow: 99,900 GPD 2. Pump Rate through Chamber: 173 GPM 3. TSS: < 15.0 mg/L or less 4. Effluent Temp Range: 34 F to 96 F 5. Ultraviolet Transmittance: 65% at 253.7 nm through 1 cm 6. Effluent Standards to be achieved: Ultraviolet Sterilizers 433263-1 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY a. 14 cfu/100ml based upon a 30 day geometric mean of daily samples for the effluent standard as specified in 1. through 6. Effluent standards will be guaranteed regardless of influent count to UV system. 1.5 REPLACEMENT PARTS REQUIRED A. Contract shall provide the following replacement parts prior to the start up of the unit: 1. Spare Bulbs - Qty (24) 2. Quartz Sleeves - Qty (24) 3. Ballasts - As required for replacement of all ballasts in the UV unit. 4. Compression Nuts and O-Rings for a complete rebuild. 5. Lamp Harness - Qty (1) 6. Lamp Failure Sensor - Qty (1) 7. Operator Kit including face shield, gloves and cleaning solution - Qty (2) 1.6 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE A. The manufacturer shall guarantee that the UV disinfection system will meet the required e-Coli limits as stated in Part 1.4. These limits must be met regardless of the influent e- Coli concentration, as long as the design parameters for pump flow rate, suspended solids and UVT as listed in Part 1.4 are not exceeded. Manufacturers of equipment whose guarantee is limited to a maximum influent fecal coliform concentration will not be allowed. 1.7 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings shall be submitted in accordance with Section 0133 00 - Submittal Procedures. B. Operation and maintenance manuals shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures. C. Submittal shall include a complete description of the unit in sufficient detail to permit an item comparison with these specifications. D. Electrical schematics and layouts. E. Submit written lamp warranty. F. Submit disinfection performance guarantee. 1.8 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer Qualifications 1. Provide equipment which is a standard product of the manufacturer. 1.9 WARRANTY A. Equipment: Ultraviolet Sterilizers 433263-2 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY The equipment furnished under this section will be free of defects in material and workmanship, including damages that may be incurred during shipping for a period of 12 months from date of start-up or 18 months after shipment, whichever comes first. B. UV Lamps 1. The UV lamps shall be warranted for a minimum of 12,000 hours when operated in the condition as described and shown in the Contract Document and Contract Specifications. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURER: A. Trojan or approved equal. 2.2 MODELS: A. UV Disinfecting Unit w/ Control Unit 1. TrojanUV3000PTP Series or approved equal. 2.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide a UV disinfection system complete with UV lamp modules as shown on the Contract Drawings and as herein specified. 2.4 MATERIALS A. General: 1. All material in contact with effluent shall be 316 stainless steel or quartz. 2. All wiring exposed to UV light shall be Teflon coated. 3. All material exposed to UV light shall be stainless steel, anodized aluminum, quartz 214, or Teflon. B. UV Module (UVM) 1. Each UV lamp module shall consist of 6 lamps and their corresponding electronic ballast. 2. Each lamp shall be enclosed in its individual quartz sleeve, one end of which shall be closed and the other end sealed by a lamp end seal and holder. 3. The electrical wires connecting the lamps and electronic ballasts shall be enclosed in the stainless steel frame and not exposed to the effluent. 4. The ballasts shall be of the low-pressure electronic type, and shall be of a style having been used for a period of at least five (5) years at Wastewater Treatment facilities similar to that described herein. NO deviations will be allowed. 5. Lamp Voltage shall be 120V single phase 60 Hz C. UV Lamps 1. 90% of UV output shall be within the wavelengths of 233.7 to 273.7 nm. 2. Shall be rated to produce a zero level of Ozone. Ultraviolet Sterilizers 433263-3 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY The operating life of the lamp shall be guaranteed for a period of 12,000 hours by the UV system manufacturer. Pro -rated warranties will not be allowed. D. UV Lamp Sleeves 1. Type 214 clear fused quartz circular tubing as manufactured by General Electric or equal. 2. Rated for UV transmission of 90.8% and shall not be subject to solarization. 3. The nominal wall thickness shall be 1.0 to 2.0 mm. E. Effluent Chamber 1. The UV system shall be provided with a stainless steel 316L effluent chamber complete with drain, UV module support rack. F. Control/Power Module 1. Maximum distance from electrical supply to UV Chamber: 20 feet. 2. Systems which employ devices such as transformers, whose failure will result in the loss of power to the lamps will NOT be allowed. 3. Controls: Shall be housed in a NEMA 12 enclosure, and shall contain components for the following items: a. LED's 1) UV On 2) Warnings 3) Power On 4) Alarms b. UV Meter displaying 0-100% UV intensity C. Run Time Meter - Power Based 4. Output Contacts shall be provided to transmit the followings information to a remote location: a. Operating status ("on" or "off'); b. UV Intensity (4-20 mA signal returned to PLC) C. UV Failure - dry contacts - lamp intensity falls below 65% d. UV Lamp Failure - dry contacts - any bulb 5. Input Contacts shall be provided to allow the following input commands: a. Remote ON/OFF b. Clear Message G. Operator's Kit 1. One (2) face shield to protect Operator from UV Light 2. One (2) gallon of ECOLAB "Lime -A -Way" cleaning solution. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, Contract Drawings, Contract Specifications and approved Shop Drawings. Ultraviolet Sterilizers 433263-4 COURTHOUSE AREA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT — CAMDEN COUNTY 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. As required for complete and proper installation and start-up of the equipment and training of the plant's operating personnel. B. Operator Training: One (1) full day on -site and on call status for questions during warranty period. C. Warranty: One year from date of start up of unit. END OF SECTION Ultraviolet Sterilizers 433263-5