HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051100 Ver 1_401 Application_20050620 FILE Gas ti do P'?" F F SCI r j ;:.C _i iL Pavilion Boulevard/North-Try-on.- Commercial Development Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Joint Application Form and Supporting Documentation for NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE Prepared For. Mr. Ryan Hawks Mountaineer Land Group, LLC 125 Floyd Smith Drive, Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28262 Prepared By. f Leonard S. Rindner, PWS 0 Environmental Planning Consultan r(f r 3714 Spokeshave Lane JUN 2 V ?J Matthews, NC 28105 z0p5 (704) 846-0461 DEfV12 - WATiER SANDS QUALITY MIO STt??ygJ? 8?1 *Subject to verification by the USACE and NCDWQ Date: 6/17/2005 Page 1 of 14 Office Use Only: Form Version May 2002 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 0151100 (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: X Section 404 Permit ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit Isolated Wetland Permit DWQ X 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: 39,12 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (verify availability with NCWRP prior to submittal of PCN), complete section VIII and check here: 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: ? H. Applicant Information rm r= ? V IS D Q 1. Owner/Applicant Information JUN 2 U Name: Mr. Ryan Hawks 2005 Mailing Address: Mountaineer Land Group, LLC DENR - WATER QUALITY 125 Floyd Smith Drive, Suite 210 WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Charlotte, NC 28262 Telephone Number: 704 776-8065 Fax Number: E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Leonard S. Rindner, PWS Company Affiliation: Environmental Planning Consultant Mailing Address: 3714 Spokeshave Lane Matthews, NC 28105 Telephone Number: 704 904 2277 Fax Number: 704 847 0185 E-mail Address: Irindner@carolina.rr.com Page 2 of 14 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Pavilion Road / North Tryon Road Commercial Development 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 4. Location County: Mecklenburg County County Nearest Town: Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): Intersection of Pavilion Road and North Tryon - See attached vicinity map 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): 35.33470N, 80.7133°W (WGS84/NAD83) USGS Harrisburg Quad (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Property size (acres): + 16.5 Acres 7. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Mallard Creek 8. River Basin: Yadkin (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Undeveloped abandoned agricultural, and timbered, woodland; disturbed floodplain. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Proposed commercial development Page 3 of 14 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: General site preparation and grading to develop commercial area, install sewer line to existing trunk along Rocky river. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. The wetlands and streams have been field delineated based on a verification by the USACE - see attached The mapping has been utilized by the planners to develop a site plan. The mapping has been utilized to avoid and minimize impacts Site planning restrictions due to severe slopes and access requirements were discussed as well as the unavoidable location of the proposed sewer line connection to the existing trunk line along the Rocky River. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. Additional impacts to wetlands are not expected Additional impacts if required will be applied for appropriately. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: Permanent impacts to wetlands limited to remnants of former pond beds As depicted on the attached site plans, the very large bottomland hardwood scrub/shrub wetlands are preserved. Temporary impacts to wetlands are required to implement a sewer line to reach the existing trunk line along J. Mallard Creek (see mitigation plan Page 4 of 14 2. Individually list wetland impacts below: Wetland Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres Located within 100-year Floodplain** es/no Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet Type of Wetland*** A NWP #39 .34 no 400 to 600 PSS1A/PEM1C Sewerline NWP #12 .40 yes vanes PF01C Sewer line project location - see attached mitigation plan. Project will be implemented according to NWP #12 and GC 3374. * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) Indicate if wetland is isolated (determination of isolation to be made by USACE only). I List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: + 3.5 acres Total area of permanent wetland impact proposed: 0.34 acres Temporary wetland impacts for sewerline implementation - 0.40 acres - see mitigation plan 3. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts below: NA Stream Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Length of Impact linear feet Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? leasespecify) i i List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. Page 5 of 14 i ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usss.eov. Several intemet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozonexom. www.mal2quest.co m etc.). 4. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.) below: N/A Open Water Impact Site Number indicate on ma Type of Impact* Area of Impact acres Name of (if applicable) Waterbody Type of Waterbody (lake, pand estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: tilt, excavation, dreagmg, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 5. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Permanent impacts to wetlands are limited to those formed in drained pond beds. Impacts are unavoidable due grading and access reguirements to the site and relationship to existing intersections as well as building and parking l_ot requirements . As depicted on the attached site plans the large areas of high quality bottomland hardwood wetlands avided. The sewer line impacts through wetlands will be implemented in accordance with NWP #12 and will be Page 6 of 14 minimized to the extent feasible Stormwater will be diffused over the larae floodplain and buffer areas. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at htti)://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The site plan avoids the substantial bottomland hardwood wetlands in the floodplain. Local SWIM buffers protect the perennial streams on the site in Mecklenburg County. Page 7 of 14 Sewer line Minimization and Mitigation Plan. NCDWQ ConOwns of Certification (excerpts from GC 3374) a. The edge of the construction corridor is installed parallel to and closer than 10 feet (3 meters) to a stream or if the utility line crosses a stream channel at less than 75 degrees or more than 105 degrees of the stream bank; b. Any wastewater line that crosses any stream shown on the most recent version of the 1:24,000 USGS topographic map as permanent or intermittent shall be installed with no-seam piping. If no-seam piping can not be installed, written concurrence from NCDWQ is required. C. Construction corridors parallel to streams shall be placed at the furthest distance from the stream to the maximum extent possible; d. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; e. Placement of riprap is restricted to stream bottoms and banks directly impacted by the placement of the utility line. Riprap may only be used below the normal high water level. The stream berm must be restored to the original contours after construction; f. That appropriate sedimentation and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual" or "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" are utilized to prevent exceedances of the appropriate turbidity water quality standards (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by NCDWQ; and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); g. All sedimentation and erosion control measures placed in wetlands shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land resources has released the project; h. Annual species suitable for wet locations shall be planted within jurisdictional wetlands for soil and erosion control. Perennials such as fescue are prohibited; No fertilizer shall be applied within 10 feet of streams; j. The construction corridor (including access roads and stockpiling of materials) is limited to 40 feet in width in wetlands and must be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. k. Permanent, maintained access corridors shall be restricted to the minimum width practicable and shall not exceed 10 feet in width except at manhole locations. A 10 feet by 10 feet perpendicular vehicle turnaround must be spaced at least 500 feet apart. An anti-seep collar (See detail) shall be placed at the downstream (utility line gradient) wetland boundary and every 150 feet up the gradient until the utility exits the wetland for buried utility lines. Anti-seep collars may be constructed with Class B concrete, compacted clay, PVC pipe, or metal collars. Wetland crossings that are directionally drilled, and perpendicular wetland crossings that are open cut and less than 150 feet (45.7 meters) long do not require anti-seep collars. The compacted clay shall have a specific discharge of 1 X 10 -5 cm/sec or less. A section and plan view diagram is attached for the anti-seep collars. The following specifications shall apply to class B concrete: a) Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with rounded course aggregate 5.0 b) Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with angular course aggregate 5.5 Page 9 of 14 C) Maximum water-cement ratio gallons per sack 6.8 d) Slump range 219to 4" e) Minimum strength - 28 psi 2,500 in. This general certification does not authorize any permanent changes in preconstruction elevation contours in waters or wetlands. The permitee will have a specific plan for restoring wetland contours. Any excess material will be removed to a high ground disposal areas; n. Compensatory mitigation (i.e., restoration, creation or preservation) for wetland losses will not be required for this Certification if written concurrence is not needed. o. Written concurrence is required if the maintenance corridor is greater than 10 feet wide. P. This certification does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain all other required Federal, State, or local approval. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project and may also result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The Director of the NCDWQ may require submission of a formal application for Individual Certification for any project in this category of activity, if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precluded. Public hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to a certification decision if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the NCDWQ. Additional USACE Regional Conditions to Nationwide Permit 12 (Applicable to this project) : Temporary placement of excavated or fill material in waters and wetlands will be for the absolute minimum period of time necessary to accomplish the work. Each individual crossing will be stabilized immediately with native vegetation. Stabilizing with non-native grasses (i.e., fescue, etc.) is prohibited Anti-seep collars must be installed at no greater than 150-foot intervals on all sewer and drain lines placed in wetlands, and all utility lines must be installed to prevent drainage of wetlands (i.e., no French drain" construction, etc.) The total width of the access corridor excavation and temporary fill area (including mechanized land clearing) is restricted to no more than 40 feet and must be minimized to the extent practicable. Restoration Plans in Wetland Areas Clearing in Waters of the U.S. should be minimized to the extent feasible up to 40` only as necessary to facilitate safe construction.. As required, the topsoil shall be saved through the disturbed wetland areas, and the top 6" to 12" of the trench should be backfilled with this topsoil to encourage rapid re-establishment of previous vegetation conditions. Excess material must be removed to upland areas immediately upon completion of construction. An annual species suitable for wet locations will be planted within jurisdictional wetlands for soil and erosion control. Perennials such as fescue will not be specified in wetland areas. Anti-seep collars shall be used to prevent wetland draining. Grassing Spec cation Disturbed wetland areas shall be stabilized with annual small grains that will initially stabilize the soils and then allow the natural vegetation to become re-established. For stabilization, outside the optimum planting windows, using a mixture of species on either side of the window may increase chances of a good stand. Germination will be most difficult in the December - February period. For wetland stabilization during this period, it will be necessary to be sure those wetlands are well mulched. Annual lespedeza could be added to any planting mixtures during this period because it will germinate during the first warm days of spring. Page 9 of 14 Seeding Mixture - Wetland areas in temporarily saturated soils or subject to occasional and brief inundation Dates Tvves Rate April 1 - Jul. 15 Red Top (Agrostis alba) 7 lbs/acre Smartweed 20 lbs /acre Jul. 16 - Sept. 1 Temporary Crop Jap. Millet or Sorghum 20 lbs /acre (to be followed by permanent mixture) Sept. 2 - Nov. 1 Smartweed 20 lbs /acre Red Top (Agrostis alba) 7 lbs/acre Nov. I - March 31 Temporary Crop 40 lbs /acre Wheat or Winter Rye (to be followed by permanent mixture) Seeding Instructions 1) Seed in the dry period 2) use of a filler, such as sand to dilute the seed to ensure uniform ground coverage when broadcasting 3) Pure live seed shall be specified and approved prior to planting. 4) Mulch Substitutions may be permitted with approval. Other native grasses or annuals may be selected. No fescue shall be used in wetland areas. Tenworary See4inr Mixture Dates Tvoes April 15 - Sept. 1 Temporary Crop Jap. Millet or Sorghum Aug. 25 - Oct. 31 Wheat Kobe lespedeza Nov. 1 - April 15 Nurse Plants Wheat or Winter Rye Kobe lespedeza Rate 40 lbs /acre 50 lbs /acre 15 lb/acre 401bs /acre 15 lb/acre Between May 1, and August 15, add 10 lbs/acre German millet or 15 lb/acre Sudangrass. Prior to May 1 or August 15, add 40 lb/acre rye (grain). Other native grasses or annuals suited to wet conditions may be selected with approval. No fescue or other turf grasses shall be used in wetland areas. Mitigation for temporary wetland impacts will be conducted by re-establishing woody vegetation within the sewerline corridor except for the permanent access easement. Mitigation will include the following: 1) Selected removal of exotic species such as Chinese Privet and Russian Olive from wetland areas. f Page 10 of 14 Scrub/Shrub Alnus spp. Cornusamomum Sambucus canadensis Bottomland Hardwood Carya spp. Nyssa sylvatica Vegetation Criteria Itea virginica Ilex decidua Viburnum dentatum Diospyros virginiana Quercus species Cephalanthus occidentalis Lindera benzoin Others that are approved Frax. pennsylvanica Salix spp. Planting includes of a diversity of saturation tolerant tree species, which are also high in wildlife value. Over time the planting plan will encourage a diverse canopy and mid-story vegetation. The primary criterion upon which plant selection is based is the duration of soil saturation. Soil saturation is expected to occur at a rate similar to adjacent wetland and / or riparian areas and is expected to be for a minimum of 12 consecutive days and a maximum of 52 consecutive days under normal circumstances during the early part of growing season. Tree species tolerant of these hydrological conditions will be specified in the mitigation areas. Forested mitigation sites will be planted at an initial density of approximately 500 trees woody stems per acre by utilizing a combination of bare root seedlings and/or larger vegetation. Scrub/shrub mitigation sites will be planted at an initial density of approximately 1000 woody stems per acre by utilizing a combination of bare root seedlings and/or larger vegetation. No more than 20% will be of any one species. Planting will occur during the dormant season concurrent with project development. Monitoring Monitoring of the wetland enhancement areas will be performed to evaluate the mitigation sites relative to the success criteria. Annual reports will be prepared which summarizes the data collected in the field and notes trends. Photographs at fixed stations will be taken to document the trends and changes occurring at the sites. These reports will be furnished to the USACE. Vegetation Monitoring l Mitigation sites will be monitored bi-annually during March/April and again in August/September to measure survival rate, species diversity, and growth as well as to identify any problems such as upland or invasive wetland species. Invasive species removal will be as needed and will include the removal of such plants as honeysuckle, poison ivy, blackberry, rose, kudzu and privet. Vegetation Success Criteria Successful bottomland hardwood mitigation will be when at least 60% or 320 woody stems per acre are surviving for three consecutive years. A three (3) year monitoring program will be conducted for the bottomland hardwood and scrub/shrub communities or until the success criteria is met. Contingency Plan if the mitigation is determined to be unsuccessful, one or more of the following contingency plans will be implemented. Selected reinstallation of vegetation or other maintenance (thinning or removal). Extended monitoring periods. An acceptable alternative form of mitigation. Page 11 of 14 Report Submittal An "as-built" plan drawing of the area, including initial species compositions by community type and sample plot locations will be provided after the completion of planting. A review of the actual design, densities, and quantities will also be included. These will be provided within 60 days of the completion of the planting. Annual monitoring reports will include: Species and quantity of each surviving woody stem in the plot areas, Estimated percent aerial cover of the dominant species, • Representative photographs j Observations and explanations of problems and resolutions. By complying with the Nationwide Permit 12 and 401 Certification conditions it is expected that this project will not cause significant impacts to wetlands. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCWRP at (919) 733-5208 to determine availability and to request written approval of mitigation prior to submittal of a PCN. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at http•//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/M/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): NA Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): i IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) NA Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ? No X If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ? If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? Page 12 of 14 i X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) NA It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ? No ? If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. * Zone Impact s uare feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. XI. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. As indicated on the attached plans a stormwater management plan will be provided for the project The wetland and floodplain of Mallard Creek is extensive and over 400' wide. Stormwater is proposed to be diffused using a level spreader within buffers adjacent to the wetland area. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. CMUD Municipal System Page 13 of 14 XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) NA Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (I 5A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No X r Is this an after-the factpermit application? Yes ? No X XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on wo'chedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and T?e tej?ql Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/Agent's Signature ' Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 14 of 14 a?lV ValaNaaV N1b VV4./aa4', t?V a via u?av Mecklenburg County, North Carolina POLARIS Property Ownership Land Records Information System Date Printed: Fri Jun 17 13:07:21 EDT 2005 02905120 - - 0? a a?2438307 02937146 02937147 02937,116 1 102905233 0290=4 I 02937198`' iq 02905228 L--'02937145 17` 1 02937154 ?p 02965115 02$37141 0293714602937153, y 02903345 02937,149. 02937152:'y11., 02805101 ?y1 02937143.02937?1"ro ?-?-=-? 02937142Y 02837128 w 03905206 •• L 0293714102937133 y MI1127 03905111 r `t .?• '02837126-Wf 02905207 02937198 02937139. -$ 029 .,_ I? ? 02937125 0290511 0390526$ •• \ 029371i6 02037124 02905102 11 `' 02905126 02937137 - 02005M / r 02937158 4Z9osm • ` j 02937157 ` f `?' 61906!16 ? 02906100 i290s219 ?? . -,02937-165 i "02905132 r 02937166 o29os1a?,? 1t2905zt2 • } •06101162 . • ! 02905213 `w f 1 02965317 OC • • . r 02905214 S' l2a28_'- 05141101 b?. '02905125 I ?y r ` r •05103210105103266 05141104 r~~}--`?. 0__5103211. • ` 5 l 03103207 G5141183,' 05103206 05103209 l 65106132 'S C ?.,ti1 E A'? 65166338 , 05103204 C' 5.72 /rn?,Ka r III 05103301 05103302 ti 05106120 s 1 05103233 ? -? '? a y °D 4 a51a6118? 9 05106322 .,? , 05106321 05106319 Y . • , h' ` `? 05106317 ,? U ? 05106417 m 05106416 av \05106312: 05106133 ? 0510611 7 7• 05103234 t MECKLENBURG COUNTY_.GIS 05104201 ? - 03106110 ? 99 t.tt? This map is prepared for the inventory of real property within Mecklenburg County and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, tax maps, surveys, planimetric maps, and other public records and data. Users of this map are hereby notified that the aformentioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification. Mecklenburg County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained herein. http;//maps2.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=RealE... 6/17/2005 1..11"".,1Y..l 1111"5.. ?W-V J' - -- v.. -" Send To Printer Back To TerraServer Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid Lines Change to Landscape . ZUSGS 17 km NE of Charlotte North Carolina United States 01 Jul 1996 ti 0' 1200M 0' '200yd Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement http://terraserver-usa.com/Printlmage.aspx?T=2&S=11 &Z=17&X=1314&Y=9775&W=3... 6/17/2005 tvi??na?ii?u?g %,vuuLy, 11%, i vi.?aauv - --a- _ -- - Mecklenburg County, North Carolina POLARIS Property Ownership Land Records Information System Date Printed: Fri Jun 17 13:07:21 EDT 2005 o w 029052M9 ?p 108 *ir ??y,_ 02903214 502945230 6 62903212 O 02937195 029451 029032f1 ? '?' /2945213 1 62905213 02905216 0l9d5217 02905214 ?03t03200 a? C-S 1 4 05141144 r 05103211 .2 +W b 605103247; 05103209 • 45141105 41 l ti ? o31o3oc __ y1 I (15106120 ti 03143233 . " ` ,. 1 t06118 5 MECKLENBURG, COUNTY G1 45 ft This map is prepared for the inventory of real property within Mecklenburg County and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, tax maps, surveys, planimetric maps, and other public records and data. Users of this map are hereby notified that the afonnentioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification. Mecklenburg County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained herein. http://maps2.co.mecklenburg.nc.uslservletlcom.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=RealE... 6/17/2005 . ivic?xicu?ur? ?,vu?uy, i??, r v,.,ruuu - -a- - -- - http://maps2.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=RealE... 6/17/2005 . 1611 QUG1VG1 1111USG lwV ILL IGJ?' VL u1V V Vvv - -'p- - -- Send To Printer Back To TerraServer Change to 11x17 Print Size Show Grid Lines Change to Landscape http://terraserver-usa.com./PrintImage.aspx?T=4&S=9&Z=17&X=5259&Y=39101 &W=3... 6/17/2005 150 m 0' . . I SOyd Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. Terms of Use Privacy Statement EXISTING CONDITIONS ,w r 777 ; _ l , r OF 4t!%bTTE :. - M MENYL 799` PARTNERS FUNDED lANa N: 1.006.gc589 INVESTMENT..... Ei. ,486,382 801 ': , . l X SUSAN C BENTON CPA / Bob 70 DB`56Z4 PG. 830 1! f `_ ;6.9990362k; ` WTAL ACRE214 - ? J "\ .aaz EASOdi 'sttMOa 3 ? `.., ?? !, _.-- -- ` Y - J/ '.-- •? 6a mu PO ?l v ?. •` / .`M.w .. I 1t ?.; xFn wos , - 5 moms r ? (- WETLANDS DELINEATED BY: LEN 4 LINE R NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. LHE LINES SHOWN WERE PLOTTED FROM DFID RM 5674. PAGE 63 THE RIGHT WAY FOR H 29 •' I 1 AND PAVILION BLVD WERE PLOTTED FROM NCDOT, l11 1 RIGHT OF WAY PUNS FOR PROJECT REF. N0. \ S U-3115A .. / CITTYY NOF CHAARnLOOTTT- MECMLENBURG COUNTY, WETLANDS WERE SURVEYED THE WEEK OF I ' NORTH CAROLINA 05-30-05. r^ PARCEL ID /05141104A OWNER PARTBNERS FUNDED LAND INVESTMENT HORIZONTAL DATUM: MAD 63 CITY OF CHARLOTTE TE SUSAN C BENTON. CPA VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD BB MONUMENT '1&01' SCRIPTIM DR 5674. PG 530 { •°/60.447.860• TOTAL ACRES 16 AC. ?/- ALL BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED FROM CITY OF E:1;48447660' FEMA P k 3701590110E CHARLOTTE CONTROL POINT '799' AND R-1&OI. F-'4 72.940 ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND SCF: 11 ?ExWWRA, 25' DISTANCES. SE1F11 `1EAlFE GOOfT ?' _ -. Ir sea ro as \ ?' a use--ea sa- / a' _ l ss-aa?sa-- I(b41 QOM CaE1M? Drfaa I SITE ,I 9t -47 ,. lmommic ..m n9" "Ill X . , DAIE• 06 006 REVISIONS WETLAND IMPACT MAP " ? for oREaaD Br. cLA TAX PARCEL 05141104A SCAM- T? 20" CITY OF CHARLOTTE RNC T6 WEB W?KT? MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. SHEET NO.lOFA PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT E I /HIV V J «, ?/ ;- `j 1 ? CD o T1- d A WETLAND AREA '. IMPACTED BY DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION AND SLOPE IS 0.34 AC. 1 PC 444 ? (S AIDED REGION) CITY F CHARLO MO MENT " . 3 _ r N: 581, 06:2559 •' E:1,48 ,382.804 I PROPOSED GRADING ELEV:6 8.79' / SCE: 0. 9987362 WITH SEDIMENT TRAP r I' TLAND ASPM \.? ? t L PROPOSED SEWER 5' SIDEWALK, LANDSCAPE AND - Og UTILITY EASEMENT _ ( DB 6501 PG 529 SEDIMENT TRAPi -'' PROPOSED LEVEL y / SPREADER O NOTES SHADED AREAS REPRESENT WETLANDS IMPAC Q` WETLANDS FROM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. VZ ?-- .. WETLAND IMPACT MAP TECMICIAN: ` 51" Soo 4041 Corporof? CrnNr Driae for CHECKED BY: Cd SITE CAarlaft% Ac dddid TAX PARCEL 05141104A SCAM- 1• -I ,wlme Iw.P"°^w (704) 640-"01 CITY OF CHARLOTTE '?° ;NQ awo...ACr-: ` (7") 6'0-4704 MECKLENBURG COUNTY. N.C. SHEET NO.2-OF. WETLANDS IMPACTED BY PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER O' 0.. TOTAL AREA OF WFT' IMPACTED BY PROF SANITARY SEWER L_ CITY OF CHARLOTTE ?,sPWIALa .% i??? DRNE ?% i??-- PROPOSED 7.5 WIDE I EASEMENT 'll tIPROPOSED lir WIDE i SEWER EASE]IENTND I Ln I I PROPOSED 7.5 WWDE I I- CQNS=CTON EASEMENT 11 II IIU,II I III 1 :', I I Ir I I ?; II '1- II v, N I I 1n-?4NDS ' I Y I; I N II I,z -`. 1I a 'z 4 i I9 UMENT "18 • 580,447.660' 1,488,372.940 : F:0.99987360 WETLANDS I I: I I, I qq% I?, IAFTER CONSIRUC710N OF SEWER LIE, THE AREA W1719N 7.b' WIDE CON51RUC710N ?- I EASEMENT TO DE REPLANTED WITH g - V HYDROPHYLJO PLANTS, AND REMAIN VIETILANDS. ? I PROPOSED 7.5 WIDE ?$ I CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT s I I DdSTNO 2W SEWER EASEMENT -SS S- - - S - -SS - -SS S DATE 05/10/05 60„ awpwae. cti?r Drw. WETLAND IMPACT MAP 7°OMNtlAN cm ata. s6o for CHE010 D er CGO I SITE Ems.. Ac sdut TAX PARCEL 05141104A PROJE= . PEA. (sa) "D-4706 CITY OF CHARLOTTE DRAWING rnnornme-MAL?{0? MECKLENBURG COUNTY, N.C. SHEET NO.-OFD AIJnc c APPROXIMATE MAP - WATERS OF THE U.S. FOR STUDY PURPOSES ONLY SUBJECT TO DELINEATION AND U.S.A.C.E. VERIFICATION US I3WY 29 EMS1wc PAVLUON- SIGN \?'Z4 .49. E A T \ \ E \ ` / \ 83' I i COOT 44 ONLY A \ Z I I 1 s Y, I 1 1 1 1 \\ \` ApHI S \ 4 Z /1 1 14 \ ?? ?--? , I AT12 (a-c) I / -11 A-12 ZT1 - 6 \\ t 1 / y 1 I / / -13 AT1 - 25 I \ (11 I 1 J I /A-/10 A-14 ? / / / / / / g IJ??I ?1 A-16 ' 11 1 o I I' 1 , F fAAM ?H( D/ / /A-1 -j 7 f C•? J I ' 1 / ' 1 / 'A: A-17 0 17 30 1 aRE I I /! A /,? A-1 I '' I t A?22 A I ",Al I I ? 1 ? ? \ SET /I I J I I I I ??I A 4 iJJ??J 1 I I I I I I° L19 A-5 I? i 1 ' J I f I A-3 A-1 Ji J J J I J, I I I I 1 /P 4 i gaIEM T? / / / / / A-2 g I ?r J / ' ( ' I \ \ A-1 EW (10 A FL AY l I IN E IS 1 T f A-21 0 D Y E. I J2. I 'o 4 BTl-13 \ ?\ 3590 F I 1 I B-10 ?? // !' \ \\ \? \ \\ 0.08 C. "? M 1 /, ?+ j i \N ?. \\ \\ \\ \ 8 -7 C-6 \ AREA "B" 0°\ \ _ 3? x,31/ - l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ L53 L51 ,?_ -7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N, \ \ \ \ \ XTl(w) 5(w) ? ? ? \ \ \ C-3 ...n VCAD n nnnwev ?? \\\?\ \ \ . \ \ \ ?\ \ s 2 s'ar . Op /oil 103.55! '/ : ho 04 b%V to O I j Z W :zl In LL C6 I / O ` U / W ; l e( ? M U- / ? Cc) \j x F= ?' ?D°z QU)w o z ?a- \'` S U n ?? ?5 e? ?' a n- O 25 Ix Vigo (0 LIJ CL w in ((CO Q ?L6 M N w o a o v I'7 0 N Q w O w V1 M l ? C14 U ? 69 N N N ? U 1 d I V I \ U 00 !D IA J I I M L49 r I J a r.y X61.. U LU) Os I ?' tM ? U E v/ N C? H? U ? - LOS \ 4 ? i / . ? ??J,.9?? \ \ ?.? `. aid ,???Q- n, / / U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200531196 County: Mecklenburg U.S.G.S. Quad: Harrisburg NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner/Agent: Mountaineer Land Group, LLC / Attn: Ryan Hawkins Address: 125 Floyd Smith Drive, Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28262 Telephone No.: Size and location of property (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.) The site is located in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Pavilion Road and US Hwy 29, in Charlotte, Mecklenbure County, North Carolina. Indicate Which of the Following Apply: Based on preliminary information, there may be wetlands and stream channels on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine the extent of Department of the Army (DA) jurisdiction. To be considered final, a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. X There are wetlands and stream channels on the above described property subject to the pemut requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X We strongly suggest you have the wetlands and stream channels on your property delineated. Due to the size of your property and/or our present workload, the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner. For a more timely delineation, you may wish to obtain a consultant. To be considered final, any delineation must be verified by the Corps. The wetlands and stream channels on your property have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion, this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified, this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which, provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations, may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. The wetlands and stream channels have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on _. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S., to include wetlands, present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in j Washington, NC, at (252) 946-6481 to determine their requirements. Remarks: Preliminary site visit conducted on February 9, 2005. Area needs to be re-delineated and surveyed. Wetlands considered high quality bottomland hardwoods ad'acent to Mallard Creek. Corps Regulatory Official: Date June 3, 2005 Expiration Date June 3, 2010 Page 1 of 2 Action Id. 200531196 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC § 1311). If you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program, please contact Amanda Jones at 828- 271-7980 x. 231. Basis For Determination: The site contains wetlands as determined by the USACE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and is adjacent to stream channels located on the property. The stream channel on the property is known as i Mallard Creek and its unnamed tributaries. Mallard Creek flows into the Yadkin River and ultimately flows to the Atlantic Ocean through the Winyah Bay in South Carolina. Corps Regulatory Official (Initial): FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: • A plat or sketch of the property and the wetland data form must be attached to the file copy of this form- * A copy of the "Notification Of Administrative Appeal Options And Process And Request For Appeal" form must be transmitted with the property owner/agent copy of this form • If the property contains isolated wetlands/waters, please indicate in "Remarks" section and attach the "Isolated Determination Information Sheet' 'to the file copy of this form. CF: Len Rindner, 3714 Spokeshave Lane, Matthews, NC 28105 teb. 4. 1VV7 IV:37Hm mountaineer iano grouR ATV. VI I1 1. February 0 2005 RE: Authorization Letter for parcel #'s 05141104B and 05141103 (proposed'development site at the comer of HWY 29 and Pavilion Blvd.) To whom it may concern: This letter authorizes Leonard S. Rindner, PWS as my agent in matters related to Waters of the U.S. and Waters of North Carolina for the referenced project and parcels. This includes interfacing with the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources. For any questions please feel free to contact my associate, Ryan Hawks at 704-777-8065. Sincerely, Greg A. ascazo LEONARD S RINDNE PWS Environmental Planning Consultant 3714 Spokeshave Lane Professional Wetland Scientist Matthews, NC 28105 Land Planning Tele: (704) 846-0461 Fax (704) 847-0185 February 5, 2005 Ms. Amanda Jones U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Reg. Field Office 151 Patton Avenue - Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801 - 5006 Re: + 54 Ac - Tax parcel ID - 0514110411/05141103 - US 29-Pavilion Road Site, Mecklenburg County, NC Dear Ms. Jones: On behalf of my client, I am requesting written confirmation of the wetland/stream determination and delineation for the subject property. Project Name: US 29/Pavilion Road Site Acreage: ± 54 Acres City/County: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Long/Lat: 35.3347°N, 80.7133°W -Harrisburg Quad Developer: Mr. Ryan Hawks President of Land Acquisitions Mountaineer Land Group, LLC 125 Floyd Smith Drive Suite 210 Charlotte, NC 28262 Contact: Leonard S. Rindner, PWS General Wetland Classification and Description The upland areas of the site are adjacent to a broad floodplain along Mallard Creek with large bottomland hardwood wetlands. A headwater stream and adjacent wetlands and a remnant of a small pond and wetland area were also identified on the site as depicted on the attached map. The site is within a Water Classification - C watershed. The current land-use is former or current agricultural land and woodland. The riparian wetland areas can be classified as Palustrine Broad Leaved, Scrub Shrub, and Emergent (PFOIA, PFO1C, PSS1A, PEM1C). The streams are likely to be confirmed as having important aquatic value. Characteristics include evidence of persistent pools; amphibians and benthos macro-invertebrates living in the stream channel; evidence of wildlife utilizing the stream-, and rocky, gravelly, and sandy channel substrate. The site includes Monacan soils and potentially Wedhadkee soils. These soils are map units which may have inclusions of hydric soils according to the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Technical Guide- Section II-A-2, June 1991. Please _gntact fl4f you have any questions or require additional explanation. Thank you for your S. Rindner, PWS inal Wetland Scientist 1 opoLone - 1 ne w eD s i opograpmu lviap J. USv , vi a N` • ?+"?Str ._-t •, CI14 5 !_J '' ? ? t? \ tit t ._ - -^-sv vw INL r • r JIM, 1111=01?.. NA, f , ?' f f i.- _ r'7f --,_ tr11 } ...?• ? ?+' ^- ? I,?! 4 '$? ? ` 'fir'' r- 24. it rrr(? y A 4? y ?p? 1 + ?r ?' M* 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 km G 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 mi Map center is 35.33470N, 80.7133°W (WGS84/NAD83) Harrisburg quadrangle M=-7.237 Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum G=0.166 http://www.topozone.com/print.asp?z=17&n=3910204.00009278&e=526055&s=48&size=l... 2/5/2005 ??1?+YY(fL'a//lGaS11?h1?i??;;p??? •54 ' Y? 07 1 1 MV .IY?? i r V j l 1 05143 ' t ? ti 051051211 i ? 14323.3 rt i 4 I ti .4s?a 051 C' 'o t05 4 -, - j,-, 4 l ??y Sf ?451082i1? 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OS-7 ?- . t__? !os10 ra r,0 9 s Q51061rt ZT ?' .5 n o6s2s 051003 05108120' 05106196 OSi MS 05109=7 05106M 05106333, 051063237-5i4G10 0310633205106410 -05106340 103233 ti, .?? ? 1 21 W10641106106341 + ? t M _-,x" 05106342 -t z ? 4q ?,ti •• ,??g00i04ia031 i 10.145 [_05106+17-05106347 Im m 051061971: 05106"4_06108401-1 05106118 m 0Si06418 (15106348 S D5106:4i2-.;106350 OS1061i7 '?51063i1 ''' -- `? ti !'05108353 ? 03103231 +++ b5106133 -0510M"%*51002A37 - l J MECKLENBURG_COUNTY GIS UBi3 .Ofi106202ti? 6203 E�� I 1 , 1 t�-,atr'` '�alr'1M 3 1 r. r4' *.�. 1 r 1► s I r.' Y" a i ✓�'�• Yry � .. I Yk R t' .k IY 1 Y 1�- �V`tL� 'sy; '� V'u'�-,.. P 111 �,� ./''bV" 1' ! •. -Iv NOR I', I Jr-..r'r y K trY= r a �� 111. �� <,�.. � - � „�'•�� �..._-._..".�,h ; ��- I» I � _ � 1 r 1 ..Y ^t 4 1 r , r � _yam �+.�:•.- t.- � . 7",- I ' � -" ,�+i � +Y � i /,�y. 11' Y� r�•'� - ..:....�,..Y. — �N i ,..,� ^#.. � � �"•La�"VA.�.���1's,.I I 1_ v _�.I+_�•1 � � ,r s �. 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' ~ ~ I ~ ~ ,al ' Distance Vanes as Needed to Accanodate 90' Elbow ~ ~ , 1 , , W (1) 9" Hole at _ 583.85 Invert _ ~ Top of Grate - 586.25 Propo ed _ ~ r ~ ' V - , ranee - / y Im rovement ~ Construction Ent , ~ Window Elevation 585.25 1 ~ - 1 rs I - Location ~ / ~ ~ ~ ' I - - \ ~ ~ (1) 2' x6" Opening ~ ~~r' I l I 11 , ' f 1 ~ 1 ~ -l - - ~ 4 I ~ ~ 614 ' --Top of Pipe (w/ Solid screw cop) 614 =585.0 Normal Water ~ ~ ~ ed I ~ ' ~ ~ elands Pe ~ ~ , 1 y ~ ~ Surface Elev. = 583.85 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ I f o r F I ~ ~ i~ - - - ~ ~ ~ I r ~ ~ - ~ ~ = ~ A 610. l - , - 610 ~ I ~ ;u 1 I ~ Inv.=582.0 - 12" Dlometer PVC 1 _ _ r ~ I ~ \ Schedule 40) Storm ( I Sewer Pipe (One i ~ x _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ , I Piece of Pipe) Stainless Steel ~ - ~ ~ = ~ 1 _ _ 15" Dlometer Storrs Bolts "Min) i~ , Sewer Pipe 0 1.OX (Mchors ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ I ~ , i,' - Bands and -12" Endwall Structuro to be f711ed with - ' I ~ ~ ~ i I '1 / Flowable Contrdled Density FlII a° , 1 ~ ~ ~ After Installation of 12" ~ ' ' ~ Dlometer PVC (Schedule ~ i'1 ~ ~ ~ - I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 610 ~ _ . _ 40)Starm Sewer Plpe Riser ~ _ _ Inv.=580.8 ~f I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ , i i ~ / _ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 12" Diameter PVC ~--Inv.=581.0 l J t l; I l (Schedule 40) 0 -1.0f. Storm Sewer Pipe with ~ ~ i ~ ~ I 2~ y ~ i r ~ ~ ' Water Tight Joints g0• ~ 12" PVC Storm ~ ~ ' { I ~ ~ 1 ~ 1~ ~ ~ Sewer Pipa Elbow Catch Basin i 1 \ `,1111111111/// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ I TRUCTURE DETAIL ~ Ro , ALITY OUTLETS , ~ r lr ' "~l ' ~ ~ O vP hey -r' ~ ~ ~ o I 1r. ~ ~ I ~ ~ POND WATER U ,,I, o`~ s 'l, t' T TO SCALE : ~ 0 ' NO ~ `Q ~r r 1 ~ ~ j h~ ~ I S = = 18 3 - - I , - ~ ~ l _ ' ~ ' ~ , . F ' 1 f ~ ~ ~ ~ - N 1 I I l l ~ ~ ~ ; ~ - " - Rock g90 R nel; ~ ~ I ection, Class ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ ~ r„ _ ~ Prntectl n ,CI f ~ F; I ~ ( 1 _ i ~ , ~ access ~o f~as~n " i ,'18.5' Wx18 D . i ~ ~ ,,nlnln~~~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Q , ~ - 0" to 9" depth - ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ I ~~i`~ ~,w ~ 1 ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ; i _ _ S 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I _ ~I , , I 1 - - - ~ I ~1 15'_ _ ~ r, ~ r ~ .)9 te~a~',deptn~..~, , . 4 , ~ , ~ _ - _ ~ , ~ ~ , w ' 3 T of Bank Elewtion=587.5 3 oP 1~ - v ~ j I l~ b i ~ _ _ 1 u v ~ ~ ~ _ _ - l ~ ~ „ ~ ~ i ~ l ~ ~ - - ~ t ~1 Overflow Elevation=586,5 ~ i ? ~ N W I I ' ll _ - u i ~ ~ S I y l.. i~ ~ ti . ~ i ~ ~ 1 Bottom = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wetlonds ~ ~ 1~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 580.5 i y 's , ~ To Remain . ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ IR CETAIL WE ~ ~;,m ~ ~ i ~ r- ` NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ Y , I ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ i I 9' to 18" depth i l ~ f ~ it i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y i; ~ w LAN w BMP • - FoR ' ~ ~ i ' ~ i. ;i° t ~ ~ i ! 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Rock Channel ~ ~ ' 1. ~ E~ ~ ti r Clos9 1 ~ ~ ' t ~ I' , i 0 Ito 9" th ' ~ l~ Protection, ~ : ) ~ l ~ ~ ~p 18 65 RE TO S VS C tag" depth ~ nitar iS ~ I , b~ ~ I i ,'f' ~ ` I ropAs6~ 8: Sa Y 22'Lx25.5'Wx20"D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w W ~ ~ ~"e eri'By ~eparate Plan ~ ~ ~ t~ ` \ V ~ ' ~ ~I w „ ~ i ~ \ V ~.V~ r.~ ~ . i 1.' \ ~ ~ ~I . ~ ~ , 1~ ~ i ~ ~ y~.. .I- ..I a I HWAY 29 AND PAVILION BLVD. HG T of Bank Elevation-587.5 oP - =586.5 CITY ~F CHARL~TIE Overflow Elewtlon 1 i ~ ` MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORiN CAROLINA 3 ~ ~ ~ t. l ~ _ _ ~ i _ _ r 9' to 1A' deplh. _ i ~I, ~ -,i t 3 r ~ ' ~ , c ~ 1,' i 0 to 9' depth - ~C ~ y • ~ ~ i~ fj POND NPE=583.85 p,~' ~ tJutlet Weir and .r Oawnstream Bank la Be t/j ~ _ ~ 1 r ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , i Extended Detention Starmw ~kr Wetland ~ ~ w ~ Stabil'¢ed Wlth Netthg w ~~Micro Ponl ~ 20' w~~de p . s ~ %Exi~ting~~ ide ally' ~ 7-- 100 Yeor Flood Limits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NPE=583.85 ~ + ~ Bottom = \ _ _ _ ( ) 580:5. ~ - ~ ~ Egsem~h ~ r' V ~ ~ `Overflow Elev=S 6.~51~ ~ / J ` l l ~ ~ ~ - ~ Provide Double Row - ' i ~ To of Berm=S 7~5,'.~ - / r P W I ,z`~ ~ f ~ ' ' ' ~ of Temporary Silt Fence \ , ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ u , -5e EW1 ~ ~ ~ z~_ ~ ~ ~ ! ~uring Construction ~ ~ ~ ~ ` I I ~ 4 ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ 11~ ~ _ . -5eo:5 - _ _ _ ~ _ , ~ ~ ~ 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ , ~ ~ _ z I ~ - ~ - Outlet Control 1 ' ~ ~ ~ Structure et C~antral WEIR SECTION Icture ~ ~ ~ ~ . \ ` r, ~ ~ ~ ~ _ t ~ ~ ~ _ ~ Nor TO scaLE i~. PREPARED FOR: _ , c.. V ~ ~ t - - - ~ r- 1. ~ ~ ~ --587- ~ _ _ 14 ~4 ~ ~ R IAL CARPENTER COMME C ' x587.5 ~ T - VENUE WEST a _ ~ 745 CABARRUS A 'x 1 1 I 5 5 ~ Q _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ - ( 87.5x ~ 5$6.5 F ~ ~ ---58-7- U ~t x~ ~ 5$6.5 `5$7- - _ ~U ~ x5 .5 ~ , ~ CONCORD, NC 28027 \ ri~ 7i ~ ~ 1 - l 7 ii 7 ~ V ~ - O ~ 587 ~ ~ ~ ~ F. er; ~ 0 - ~ff7- ~ X ~ ~ ~ ~ CONTACT: JEFF CARPENTER i ~ 0 ~ r 1 1 i ~ ~ - 1 1 O ~ ~ ` 704 -786-7235 ( } I a _ 4 ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 4 PREPARED BY: r r 't~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ex}~ 9 ~ 1 ~ ~ ` ~ ~ A , l ~ r i, i; r ~ / S l _ ® _ s J • iUC ~ ~ ' I ~ ~ / / Outlet Weir and ' ' ~ ~ ~ / ~ Downstream Bank to ( d \ ,l r. ~ ~ / Be Stabilized With ~ ~ - l ~ ~ ~ / / Netting (20' Wide) ~ ~ '-~-Emergency~Qnd Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton, & Tilfon, Inc. ~ Drain With VaIvQ Consulting Engineers ~ / ~ / ~ A7`I! lh.+ers ty txec_~Y,~e Par of V P, $.,1e?3 ~ O~ar~aryo, rdf; ?A2F? LE / ~ Phone. 704.548 0333 Far: 7D45a8 0334 l~ j ; , GRAPHIC SCA ~ r ~ ~ ~ d ~ c ~o ze ~ _ M C M X X ~ / - i ,r f ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i . ~ f~ ~ I I in:.h - 7^ f?et DED TEN EX ~ ~ in Wetlands To Remain ~ / Exist g ~ r ION ENT DET l ~ 1 ~ TER WA RM TO S TAIL DE ND TLA E r W Top of Berm ev.=657.5 I REVISIONS 16" Square (4 ) MARK Q4TE DESCRIPTION „ "Thick I Concrete Apron ' / ~ oround Vdve Box 1 ~1 cs IF, ND / POND NPE=583.85 l ,~~~1, ----620- Existing Contour ~ ,~1~ 1 620 - Proposed Contour l~ pass B Riprop ~~~~\I ~ 5Lx5'Wx2'D Drainage Flow Arrow ~F Wetland Area - 0" to 9" depth ~i Bottom of Pond Wetland Area - 9" to 18" depth FJev. =580.5 Date PROJECT NUMBER ~ c~ c;~ - - L creen or Filter Fabric JANUARY 3, 2006 2005-1357 8' Valve on 6 Diameter PVC Wrapped Around End of ~ 'i Emergency Drain (Schedule 40) 0 -0.87% Pipe C~. 1 Storm Sewer Pipe with Water Tight Joints Scale Sheet 1 1 1 EMERGENCY POND DRAIN DETAIL „=20' 7 NOT TO SCALE i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ I i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i I I I ' xi i l ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Est ~ ~ R W I ~ ~ I j~ ~ I i ~ ~ j~~ ~ Orate as per NEENAH 3405 I / ~ I ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ,,i 'i j i ~ ' - Propo ed - I - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , / I Distance Yarles as Needed y Im rovement I _ ~'i" i n n r n e ~ ~ - ~ Construct o Eta c to Accomodate 90' Elbow (1) 9" Hole at rs I I Location ~ ~ I / ~ 583.85 Invert Top of Crate - 586.25 1 I ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ . - 1 / / ~ Window Elevation= 585.25 ~ (1) ~ 2' x6" Opening - 1 'V ~ / ~ ~ \ i 4 I , I ~ 614 Top of Pipe (w/ Solid screw cap) ~ ~ eflands Pe ed I r _ -585.0 Norr~o'~ Water i; Surface Elev. - ; I I r ~;A ~ ~ - ~ ~ for F i 583.H5 I ~ p% ~ 610 Inv.=682.0 - 12" Diameter PVC i ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ , ~ " _ (Schedule 40) Storm ~ ~ , I - ~ J ` ` Sewer Pipe (One of Pi e Piece P) i_'~, i _ - 1 l r i ~ - - I ~ ~ I ~ i ~ , ~ - I ~ I r ~ Inlese Sted Sta r 15" Diameter Storm Bolts "Min) } ~ ~ I r ! , Sewer Pipe 0 1.0% + Bands and Anchors 12' Endwall ~l _t- l• ~ ~ ,i Structure to be FlIIed with Flowable Contrdled Density Flil ,j ~ , l~ ~ , ~ I After Instollaiion of 12' ? ~ ~Z Diameter PVC (Schedule r1~( ~ ~ 610 _ , l t 40)Starm Sewer Pipe Riser , ~ ~ ~ I, ~ , 1 ',~r / , ~ h~ ~ / . ~ Inv.=580.8 , ' _ I I ~ ~ I r _ _ i I - ~ ! - ,S ^`y, 12" Diameter PVC ~ ~ i t' fig' ~ l ; ~ j l ~ ; ~ ~ (Schedule 40) 0 -1.OX '-Inv.-681.0 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ! I 1~ Storm Sewer Pipe with / ~ r ~ i l~ ~ l "PVC Storm Water Ti9hi Joints 90' 12 Sewer Plpe Elbow i r I ~ ~ ~ 'f + ~ I. I Catch Bas(n ~A~ li ~ I ~ or t ~ + ~ ~ heo ~ -r` i ~ ~ o ~ o ~ I I ~~~1111111111J~r + rn ~ r r 1 j I ALITY OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL ~ Ro''~- POND WATER U ~ ;•OC~L Sul I~ l_ ~ ~ I ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ ~ S n . ~ Q- ~ - ~ I i ~ ~ l I ,Q = _ S = 18 3 _ r ~ l ~ } ~ ~ ~ Rock ~ ~ 11, ' ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 0 R nel ~ I f , ~ ~ ection, Class 59 , ~ ~ ~ I r i ~ a E~ ~ Prntecti~dn,,,Cl J ~ ~ - ~ 15' " r '~~l ~ / , ~ '~~N N ~ 1 ] ~ I l~"~ ~ !u =opr`~ ,'18.5' x18 D r i ~ - II a~ ~ ~ ~ ! F • 1 I i ~ ~ ~ I ' ~ ~ i ' ~ i ~ 0 ~ - 0" to 9" depth \ ) ' ~ LL ~~I11111111~ l ' - - i ~ - ~ i, ~ ~ ~ L I l ~ ~ i . ~ , w r r, ~ . ~ I / , , / ~ „ ~ - - r ~ ~ 9 to 18~ ~~depth ~ 15' ~ r I l D i ~ ~ ~'I y,~. I .1 I ~ - 1, ~ I' ~ i _ ~ ~ ~r'r. 1..~' ~ ~ 1 i 3 3 Top of Bank Elevation=587.5 f I ! . _i ~ ~1 1r Overflow Elevation-586.5 W ~ ~ i ~ , ~ Botfom = r ~ ~ ~ f , r . w ' , ~ ~ r1 ~ .Wetlands 1~ , _ ~ i 580.5 I I ~~~To Remain ~ , L ~ i a~'' ~ 1 I ' i ~ ~ J r h_- 0 ~ Forebay ~ 1 ~ ~ - ~ ~ I~ WEIR DETAIL t" ~ ~ i.f.~~ i ~ ~ 0 'i NOT TO SCALE ~ t"~ ~ ,r ~ ~ l ~ ~i ~ _ ~ ~ ~ . I I ~~s" to ta' eaptn ~ I ' ~ ~ li ~ i~l . I r ' ; r l~ ~ ~ ~ r i ~ i.l: 1 u s1 ~ ~ 1 "5S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ - BMP PLAN l - Rock Channel ~ ~ ~ i~1~- _ ~ ` - . ~ ~ ~ . li ~ ~ 1 ; ~ ~ r Protection, Class 1 ~ FOR r r y I, Pko` bs 8'/ Sanitary ! ~ 1 ~._r . 1,; a ~ ~ i ~ l' P, ~ ~ 22'Lx25.5'Wx20"D ~ \ I ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ o' to s' depth ~ , / r" ~e er/~v ~eparata Pian ~,a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ' ` .l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J fs ~ "A f~ ~'i' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1, ~ / 518 E#6 TOR VS S C .1 ~ ~ ~ ~ , _ ~ / - - Top of Bonk Elewtion-587.5 HIGHWAY 29 AND PAVILION BLVD. f, l ~ ~ ~ i~r-r ~~i / _ - r r i, ~ Overflow Elewtion-586.5 CITY OF CHARLOtfE ~ _ r r. L. 1 ~ ~ - ~ ~ s' to ta' d to _ n I 1 ; ! ~ ~ ep , , ~ 3 MECK.LENBURG COUNiY, iJORiH CAROL1tJP. 3 ~ ~ 1 ~ V / / „ 0" to 9' depth = ~ C ~ r~ ~ 4~ l: r ~ ~ A i l l i ~ ~ 1~ ~ PONO NPE=583.85 ~ 1 \ ,-1 i V. ~ ~i ~ \ r' I I Outlet ltie r an, Oewns'.-ecm Bank to 9e E~i~tinq~' ide alkr,/ ! 7- 100 Year Flood Llmits ` Extended Detention Stormw ~kr Wetland -y ~~blicro Paol ~ Eo~semen , ; ; ~ _ / _ ;r0 P001 ~ \ S~.abl'zed w'th Netting (20~ 'title; ~ ~ r, ~ NPE-583.851 ~ ~ Bottom - - r' ' ; ~ .Provide Double Row is ~ 'Overflow Elev=5 6.~5i ~ - ~ ; ~ 580:5 atom = \ ~ 580:5. ~ ~ of Temporary Silt Fence ~ Top of Berm=S 715,' ~ ~ ~ E~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ Ern ~ ~ ~ ~ ~uring Construction \ ' ~ I ~ ~ ~ i Z~~ ~ ~ k ~ 1 I ; ~ ~ ~ I '-580:5 - - ~ - ~ ~ ~ 1 1 y ~ \ V r - / ~ ? 1- ; ~ Outlet ontrol ~ ~ ! Structure WEIR SECTION ~ NOT TO SCALE PREPARED FOR: , I ~ - - -587- ~ ,1 / 1 x587.5 7--` - 14 ~ l ~ ~ ~ I ~ - - _ _ I 587.5 5 i" Q _ ~ , I CARPENTER COMMERCIAL ' ,l l~ _ -58-7- -I- a - _ _ x ~ 586.5 ` ~5$9- - _ r _ ~r - 745 CABARRUS AVENUE WEST `-:~ri~ in~j C~erhead - _ ~ { j 1 \ ~ ~0 l' ' Fc er ~ 1 0 -58-7- ,5 CONCORD, NC 28027 x 8`~.~. ~ ~ ~ i I ~ X87- ~ CONiACt: JEFF CARPENTER I ~ ~ 0 , , 1' ~ _ _s ~ ~ r , , ' 80 ,1 ~ ~7C4) 786-7235 ~ ;Ex~t _ ~/W ~ ~ ~ ~ PREPARED BY: /i / ~ ~ i / ~ 1 ` _ r + ~ / i: \ C C` rr: rl ~ / l \ ~ ~I ~ ' ~ I ~ / / Outlet Weir and ~ s ~ / ~ / Downstream Bank to j~ j ~ / Be Stabilized nth ~ ~ / ~ N ~ ~ ~ / / Netting (20~ Wide) ~ \ / Emergency~Qnd ~ Drain nth Valve Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton, & Tilton, Inc. 1 / / / 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Consulting Engineers ,I ~ , GRAPHIC SCALE / / A3^/Ur ersly E.+ .!Y~a Par~Lk ~illP 3al,~i~ ate wC%R-~2 ~ ~ Phonc.7n4.5ggns~3 Rar ,n4548~s3?n / ~ ~ 4~ ~ 1, ~ ~ / i ~ / ~ i M C M X X ~ - t ~ ~ / 1 ; ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ _ / ~ ~ - IcE,t ~ , I 1 ~ xi in Wetlands To Remain ,r Est g TENDED EX 1 / 1 r r ` NTION DETE RMWATER TO S rr Top of Berm N D D ETAI L WETLA ev.-857.5 16" S uare 4' Thick ~ _ REVISIONS a ( ) LEGEND Concrete Apron ~ MARK DATE DESCRIPTION around Valve Box ~ 1~~~ POND NPE 583.85 -620- Existing Contour ~ - 620 - Proposed Contour ;l,/,_ ll~ Drainage Flow Arrow ~ Class B Riprap ~ 5'Lx5'Wx2'D Wetland Area - 0" to 9" depth ~ Wetland Area - 9" to 18" depth Bottom of Pond \ ~ Elev. -580.5 _ , Sxistiag Csrognd i9 ka'-'"d - - - Date PROJECT NUMBER \-6* valve an 8" Diameter PVC aeon or Filter Fabric JANUARY 3, 2006 2005-1357 Emergency Drain Wrapped Around End of (Schedule 40) 0 -0.87X Pipe Storm Sewer ripe with Water Tight Joints Scale Sheet EMERGENCY POND DRAIN DETAIL 1"=20' 1l1 NOT TO SCALE , ~ f ~ 1 ~ ~ U ~ I i i ~ ~ i~ ~ C ~ ~ i ~ ~ l ~ Existi 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ R w 1 ~ r ~ ~ ~ / ~ ( ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ , ~ O8 ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ / ~ , ~ t.~, ~ , , I ~ ~ ~ ~ i / ~ y Grate as per NEENAH 3405 ~ ~ Propo ed - ~ -L i ~ ( ,/i ~ i ~ y Im rovement ~ ~ ~ / I i/ / ~ _ ~ ~ Construction Entrance Distance Varies as Needed _ to Accomodaie 90' Elbow rs - - - - Location i / (1) 9" Hole at l l ~ _ U~ 583.85 Invert I~j / --Top of Grate - 586.25 : ~ 1 1 / I ~ ~ i l ~ , ~ ~ Wlndow Elevation = 585.25 (1) ~ 2' x6` Opening i l ~ 4 I` 1 A. - I 1 ~ ~ 1 1 614 elands Pe ed 14 ~ ----Top of Pipe (w/ Solid screw caD) i ~ ~ ~ l ~ - - ~ ~ i ~ ~ f r F' ~ ~ ~ , ~ i ~ X585.0 Norma! LNaier f Surface Elev. ~ = 583,85 i i, , , ~ ~ ~ ~ - i ~ 6t o ~ fi10 ~ ~ ~ f ! 13 ~ Inv.=582.0 ~ 12" Diameter PVC ~T ; ~ ~ ~ , ~ - - l ~ (Schedule 40) Storm I ~ I ~ 1 f I ~ ~ ~ ~ - I ~ : Sewer Pipe (One Stalnlese Sted Piece of Pipe) I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 i meter Storm 5 Da I "Min Bois Sewer Pipe 0 1.DR ) t, -t` ~ ~ l ~ , Bonds and Anchors Structure to be Filled with ~ -12` Endwall ~ ~ ~ i i~ ~ ~ ~ i r , f ~ , Flowoble Contrdled Density FlII ~l ~ ~ siD ~ ~ _ 1 1 _ After Installation of t2` ~Z Diameter PVC (Schedule I ~ : ~ ~ % 40)Storm Sewer Pipe Riser ~ r r l ` ~ ~ ~ --1 _ ~ ~ - ~ 1 _ - 1 ' Inv.~580.8 , ~ , , 1 ~ ~2~ l ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ 1; ~ ~ , ~ I ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ; I r t , r 12' Diameter PVC (Schedule AO) 0 -t.OX ^~Inv.-581.0 l r/ 1 j I Storm Sewer P' a with 90' ~ t2" PVC Storm Water Tight Joints ~ ~ ~ i l j ~ ~ I ~ I , r, ~ ~ c Catch Basin Sewer Pipe Elbow o.~_ ~1 l ~ ~1; ~ ail .t , ~ ~ ~ ~ I ' POND WATER QUALITY OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL ~ 1~ Rp ~ , ~ I 1 - 1' , ~ ~ ~ i r ~ - ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ 0 $ ; 1 ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ + ~ . ~ ~,0 `Q 1 ~ ~ ~ _ i ~`v r ~ ' ~ + Rock I ~ S _ - - 18 3 - ~ , I ~ 1, ~ _ ~ ectwn, Class 590 R nel,~' ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ass > - 15. Prntecti~n,,O1 j ~ ; r i I1 1 ,~~E>5 " ~ ~ ~ ~ ,'18.b' . Wx18 D ~ ~ ~ ~i ~h E. . ~ N ' iii` 1 ' ~ ~ i ~ ~ . l o ~ r F . ~ 1 ` ` ~ f ' - , ~ . Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 0• to 9 depth ~i. ~ . j . ~ ` ~ ~ ~ i F ~ ~,i< ~~rnnnn~ ~ ~ / ~ i- , ~ I ~ ~ f { w a - 1 I _ : r r i , ~ i 1~ - - _ ~ ~ 1 I , ~ t s' l'~ ~ ~ u , ' ~ r ~ , ~~I. ~ v. r ~ 3 3 Top of Bank Elewtion=587.5 i r : ~ i, I ~ - ~ \ / ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ i ~ .I ~1 1(- ' Overflow Elevoiion-586.5 ~ ; ~ ~0 ~ dam- Bottom = ~ ~ r,I ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ I~~ ~ ~ W1 et an : f ~ r. ds ~ u ~ ~ ~ 580.5 ~ ~ u s ' ~ To Remain ~ I ~ I , , r ~ _ ~ ~ Forebay ~ rJ ~ • : / ~ f ~ w ` ~ W IR DETAIL E C r i i~ ' ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ ! ~ _ _ _ _ _ i ~ - 9 to 18• depth i ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ` i; y i r y 1 ~ i 1 I.. I a y ~ i ~ ' ~ Rock Channel ~ ~ t ~ i ~ / Protection Closs 1 ~ , BMP PLAN :~l ~ ~ ~-~Pko ps9~ 5" Sanitar ~ ~ _ p y 22'Lx25.5'Wx20"D ~ ( ~ ' FOR ~ ~E er Etv ~eparatP Plan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .0" to 9• depth ~ ~ C i ~ i t ~ ~ a l,' ~ stn ~ ~ W . CVS STORE # fi518 ~ ~ ~ ~ r { ';I~ + _ / ~ I ~ A ~ ~ - Top of Bank Elewtian-587.5 HIGHWAY 29 AND PAVILION BLVD. ~j l i~ _ _ - - 1 ~ - _ _ ~ I ,ti \ , Overflow Elewtlon-586.5 CITY OF C'HARLOITE ' i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i 1--A•~to~18• depth- ~ y ~ 1, l' A .j / ~ ~.~i ~ ~ ~ ~ 0• to 9• depth ~ `C ~ ~ j ~ ~ A ~ 3 MECKLENBURG COUNTY. 1JORiH CAROLINA \ 3 ~ -11 j ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ / ~ E q;~ idea k~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ' E~ semen I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Extended Detention Storm~r r Wetland~.~~ ' ~ Outlet Wer and PaND NPE=583.85 ~~ICrO POOI Dcwnstrecm Bank to 9e ~ ~ _ ~ ~blicro P / / i ? ~ ~ NPE-583.85 ~ ' ~ ! , ~ ~ ,Provide Double Row ~ ~ I _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bo~tton ~ Bottom ~ Sabi'zed With Net±l^c, ~ ~ F r s 'Overflow E ev-5 6.~r ~ - 580, + l ' ; of Temporary Silt Fence ~ ~ T of erm= 7 ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 580;5. ~ (zo' wee) ~ ~ A ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~urin Construction ~ ~ op B 5 , ~5,. - ~ , ~ ~ ~ . ~ 9 's _ ~ EYV1 ~ ~ \ EW1 ~ ~ r, ~ ~ 4 ~ `J~--- ~ 1; i f ~ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . r'~ ` _ ~ l r ~ ~ /r ? \ \ r F, ~ Qj ~ ~ - ~ a r ' ~ ~ - Outlet ontral ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ al j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Structure ~ ~ ~ WEIR SECTION l / ~ _ -~87,~ ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE i o~ l-' l I x587.5 ~ 7 - _ _ _ 14 vl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - 14 PREPARED FOR: ~ - - _ ( ~ 587.5 S ~ 0 _ ~ ' ~ ~ _ X8-7- - _ ~ 586.5 'S$7- ~ ! - _ I - _ x o ~ 5 - -fir _ _ _ ~ ~ CARPENTER COMMERCIAL ~ r , -~:ci~ ing UVei hea ~ ~ 1 _ _ _ _ ~U lX x 5 .5 P P: er; 1 - ~ x5 .5 ` - 145 CABARRUS AVENUE WEST 1 r r~ i ~ ~ V ~ ~7- x 5~.~ ~ ~ CONCORD, NC 28027 ~ _ i~, I ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ CONTACT: JEFF CARPENTER ~ 80 ! EY t /w _ 1--- - ~ ~ ~704J-786-1235 ~ ~ ~1 ~ u 1 i ~ ~ ~ ~ _ PREPARED BY: r ~ ~ i - i ~ ~ ~ ~ , s - ~ j i ~ ~ . ~ „ ~ Outlet Weir and ~ ~ Downstream Bank to ,j j ~ / / Be Stabilized Wlth ~ ; j " ~ ~ / I Netting (20~ Wide) Emergency~'Qnd / E~ ~ ~ ~ / / / r ~ ~ Drain nth Valve ~ ~ ; ; GRAPHIC SCALE ~ t ,a 4~ ~ 1, ~ Evans. Mechwarf, Hambleton, & Tilton, Inc. / ~ ~ Consuliing Engineers ~ ~ ~ H3'h U~faers fy rx ,dt'ae Pnn U P, S RP? ~ I. CoaVrev, rJr ?h25? ~ Phonn 704.548.0333 Fax 714 i4r30334 ~ ~ . « t.. !fit ~ M C M X X ~ 1 ~ ~ f ~ ~ i ~,-,~h~~ ~ _ - i _ - 1 ! ~ Exlstln Wetlands To Remain 9 , 1 EXTENDED l' DETENTIQN i' l~ STORMWATER Top of Berm WETLAND DETAIL ev.=857.5 LEGEND 16` square (4' rniak) l ~ REVISIONS Concrete Apron J I; \lI around Valve Box ~ MARK DATE DESCRIPTION ---620- Existing Contour l~ j ~ ~ POND NPE~583.85 - 620 - Proposed Contour Drainage Flow Arrow ll~ ,,,i~ ,~J ~i , 1. , l_; ; Wetland Area - 0" to 9° depth ~1,~ 5' ~-I gees B Riprop ~ 5'Lx5'Wx2'D ~ ~ ^ Wetlond Areo - 9" to 18° depth VI.L -.L OVl1-1. VI 1-1. _ ~xbtin~ t3Yg - SxbtiN t3Yound - - - - Elev. - 580.5 Date PROJECT NUMBER 6' valve on Emergency Drain 6' Diameter PVC Lcreep or Filter Fabric JANUARY 3 2006 2005-1357 (Schedule 4(!) 0 -0.87% Wrapped Around End of Storm Sewer Pipe with Pipe Water Tight Joints Scale Sheet EMERGENCY POND DRAIN DETAI_ - 1"=20' 111 NOT TO SCALE 3~dOS Ol lON d ~ON30d3W3 = 30 NI'dda aN0 oz M ~ l I'dl l~ }aayS al°oS c}ulor +U~.1 ~a}DM y}iM adld Y.Mas uuo}S edld %LB'0- 0 (Dlb DInPD4oS) ula0 ~(aue6~eur3 ~ ;o pu3 punay peddo~ Ond ~3}awg0 ,9 uo DnlDq ,g c~~~-SOOZ 9002 ~ l~~'df1Nd(' ol~gDd ~a}~ ~o uaab _ a3ewnN 1~3road a}°a y}dap 86 0} .6 - oa~y puopeM ~ 5.095 = •^al3 Puod 1o ub}}og a l1D y}dap N6 0} ,p oa~y P R M ~ ~ ,,r Moaay rnolj a6owo~4 O,bxM,Sxl S ~ ~ - dD~dla 8 ~Dp ~ ~ ~ ! ~1 ano}uo~ pasodo~d - Ol9 - g ,_.,l 1' ~ , (~lll , Ili , ~no}uo~ 6ugsix3 -OZ9- ~r ~l ~ ~h~ S8'£8S-3dN ONOd '~i~ ~ f~~ j~~ xo8 enWA PU(10J0 i zD DwDi aoi u s!nDa 90-U-10 l uoudy a}a~D000 DzIS ~.d/ a .0 !.0 PD ~ (~plU1 ,4) e~Dnbg ,9l ~ ~ NOI1dRJOS30 31Y0 HdVW ~ f r sNO~ln3a S'LSB~'na c uuag }o dol f 3M 11 Nd as 13 lld I~ Ol W~ dM I' X31 h l ~ Q ~ ulou~a o s uo~} 13 N3 p OIl ~ 1 N o s uo a 6ui~six3 1 P I~ M r ~d~l o~ - 4 i i j i X3 _ N31 a3a ~ ~s i~ ~ co oz n x a w ~ ~ I _ \ / 31 ~ i , T ~ d S ~IHdd~~ ~ ~ ~ I vtau~cSV~L.ao~ 4ti~U8Y5C0(ouaUd \ ,~I duu ~n~,~ l °ni~, ~~i(1 ,iod d: p~,dx~6~,iao,~ll iGEB V / / s~daw6u~• 6uillnnio~ ~I°A 4}!M Ol°Jd / 3 / eP.M OZ 6ui}}aN / / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bn u~ .t°ua6~aw3 ~ ~ ~ _Sul'uollil'8'uo~alqu~aH'~ar~MyoaW su 3 P / y}!M pazlllq°}S a8 / ~ ~ ~ i s ~ ~ ~ o} ~uog woa~}suMOO / / puo ~IaM }al}n0 / / / ~ r r ~ / ~ / ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ / ~ h / ~ ~ 1, I ~ - \ - - _ _ \ ~ O \ 1 V ~ M j 4 a~1't 3-. ~ j ~1 ~ . 1 ~ _ ~ f ~ ~ ~ A8 43ddd3dd ` , - - - - - _ ~ ~ \ S 085-______, `x ~ I ~ ~ j 'a s z~ 9g~ Igo/I ~ ~ , p 1~ ~ a i 1,~ ~ 7 }T r 1 podya ~ ~ j r~ ~ ~31N3d~b~ ~~3f ~l~b1N0~ ~ \ '1 ~ _ ~ i 7 y ~ ~ 5' Sx K1n~ _ ~ ~ , , _ _ - -L$S- _ _ ~ LZ08Z ON "O~O~NO~ ~ -cam _ Sses X ~ S S'~ss ~ M 3(1N3~b S(1~~d8d~ SQL ~ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - 1S3 ~ ----1 -____1 1 q'LBSX 1 ~ W ~ ~31N3d~b'~ ~ ~t ~ 1d1~~3W 0 ~ j ~ _ ~ - ~ J`7 ' _ 3lVOS 0: lON ~ a~n}°n~}S •b0~ a3ddd3dd - ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 C \ , t ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~j,l la}uo~ }apn0 ~ . N01103S d 13M - ~ A ~ I ~ r ~~J ~ , i7, A uoi one}auo~ 6ul~n ~ ; I r I _ - ~ - i, ~ ,,i. I - \r f A ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ aoua~ }IIS ~(.ioaodwal } ~ ~ ~ I ; 3~ ~ \ \ tM3 ~ .u O / , , , 'SfL S ::~~,fL ~_=w~a8 ~}o dol ~ ~ ~ _ - Moa algnoQ aplnwd ~ l ~ ~ \ S~09S ~ ~ ~ql c MO J8A f ~ A ~ uAwa. 3 1~~9 5 ^al3 ~ o ~ 1 ; sP ~ _ ~ A s11~f~ pooh j ,oa,~ 006 ~ ~ l o ~a i~ ~ 6ui r~ 1 ~ 159'~Bq-3dN _ ~ A ~ ,~I P-~ a~_ 3 \ . wo} 08 ~ ~ 159' aD!M .OZ) ~ ~ ~ ~ . 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' ~ dDD Maroc plloS /M) adld }o dol - T'~ V ~ ( \ ~ , ~ _ i x 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ r` ~ - s~ l ~ 1 J U01}D~O~ I ~ 6uluadp ,g ,Z ~ (l) ' - one Mo u SZ'SSS uDR D P VA ~ I ~ _ }uawanoa wl aouoa}u3 uol}one}suo~ a ~ pa odad o do u . a Di I S8'C8S 1 } Ol '985 SZ }D aMH •Z (t) ~ ~ ~ / , ~ ~ _ _ ~ I D D WOJ9 0} ~ , ~ / Mogl3 .06 1 PD d ~ ~ i ~ DN 6D 6DIJ0/~ BDUD}61Q ~ ~ PDPD ~ ~ ` _ 1 l ~ A \ 8pg / I 90*2 HVN33N s / Jmd SD DJDJ3 i O ~ I1 r' J-N M , 1 ~ 1 , . \ r ~ I ~ i~ ~ 1 I I 1~, N ~ - ' 1, ~ ! ~ ~ I I I I ( ( l i v; ~ ~ ~ ~I I ( ~ ( I Existi - ( i I ~ _ - - - - - - j _ I ~ . / ~ ~ I II N II I ~ o r l ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ! , I I 608 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ % i ~ I ~ ( ~ ~ Grate as per i 1 ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ Propo ed - - i r , NEENAH 3405 Im rovement ~ / ~ ~ Y - / / / / rs j Construction Entrance ~ . ~ V ~ Location ' 1 Distance Vanes as Needed to Accomodate 90 Obow ( ~ ( ~ ~ 1 2" Hole of ~/j ( ) 56.7.851nverE - - _ ]Ilj Top at Grate 586.25 ~ ~ / ~ \ ( ~,y ~ ~ ~ ~ I 1 Window Elevation =585.25 ~ 1 ~ ' ( \ (1) ~ 2' x6. Opening _ , et I a n d s P e ed I` ~ 6i4 --'r----- I x` 1 ( , , \ - v ; 1 , ~ ~ ~ , ~ for F' < y ~ Top of Pipe (w/ Solid screw cap) ~i ~ fix. -585.0 ( ~ ~ I I ~ ~ Normal Water Surface Elev. ( i- ~ v i ~ v sto = 583.85 ( ~ -r-~ ~ v ( - v _ ~ ~a 1 = l _ ~ ~ , Inv,-562.0 ~ i 8• Diameter PVC ! ti ~ ~ i , ~ i~ ! 1 f j~ r ~ \ ~ i ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ (Schedule 40) Stor1 Sewer Pipe (One \ Stalnlesa Sted ~ ~ ° Piece of Pi e 15" Diameter Startn ~ ' P) Bolt, Mm) X Sewer Pipe 0 1.OX x'~ _ ~ P Bands and Anchors Qt ' ~ ' Structuro to be Filled with ~ - 6• Endwall Flowable Contrdled Densit FIII t~~ ~ V 1 610 ~ ~ I Y a After Installation of 8• Diameter > j ~r ;v~ I ~ ~ ~ ,o'~ \ - - 1' ' , I \ PVC (Schedule 40)Storm Sewer ~ Pipe Rixr , r _ - Inv.-580.8 ~ ~ J 1 ~ i ' 2~ \ ~ - ~ ~ 1 ( 1 ~ ~'1 l,~ - i v ~ r ~ ( l ~ B' Diameter PVC l !i v s ~ r (Schedule 40) 0 -1.OX ~--Inv.-581.0 Storm Sewer Pipe wfth i i r. ( ~ \ f~~ 90' ~ 8• PVC Storm Water light Joints ~erl~ ~ -r' 1 ~ ~ rn ' ~ V l eo -r r? o ~ ~ \ 1 Sewer Pipe Elbow Catch Basin f' ~ , ! ~ o°, ; l , ~ I ' ! 1 ~ \ F, ~ f ~ ~ ~ i 1; 1~~ i i k'~' ~~tUUlrrrrr POND WATER UALITY OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL '~r ~ \ i h ~ ~ r' ( ~ ti tip, ~ _ ~ CAR p , ~ / 1 ~ ~ ' NOT TO SCALE I rrr ~~.~EE ! ~ 1 Ii a ! ' f r r ( ~ ( , , ~ \ Rock ~ a l ~ ( ~ 1 ~ ~ ection Class 90 R nel ~ ~ 1 ~ , ~ ~ i. access to ,~as~~n V A 5 ~ ~ I - = is = g = , ( ~ , ~r ~ _ \ 15' ratectipn, ,Cl ( ~ ~ . ~ . . ; ~ '18.5' Wx18 D ~ . ~ i ~ ( i ~ / ~ e~,~ 'j I ~ a I L i ~ ~ ~ (li 1 J r~ ~ r GINF.~ ~ a rrrlll~~~ 5 ~ ' ' ( ~ - r ~ ~ I ~ , rrrrl1r111V11111\ ! ~ _ - ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ti _ W_ 1.~ w i ~ - _ - - - - ~ ~ ~ - - ~ r. I~ l s• to 1aF ~d~th ~ ' ~ S _ ~ W ~ ,A ~ 1 1 s' ~ ~ _ ~ 'I -I W 1- ~ f ~ ( _ I ~ 1 u" I i- y i 1 1~ i, I ~ ~ 3 3 T of Bank Elewtian=567.5 ~i 1(- y Overflow Elevation-586,5 ~ 1d b / ~ ~ ~.J I _ I / \ \ if ~ ~.'.L ~.1 ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ Botfom ~ ~ • + r~ ~ ~ r ' i i ~ 0 ~ ~ Wetlands W n ~ ~ 580.5 ~ , u- ` 5 \ 1 ~ To Remain ~ , ( 1. W ~ ~ ! ~ - - A ~ , . ~ ~ `i ~ - v X WEIR DETAI L ~ ~ J i`, ! - - - ~ ~ ( ; ~ ~ 9' to 18' depth i i ~ , NOT TO SCALE ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' I- y, ~ i ~ ~ ~ II 1 I' w f1, l` 1 I~ I I I W ~ ~ Rock Channel ~ , ~ ~ ~ ' ~ % ~ ~ ~ i . ~ , .i~ Protection, Class 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ :~l i /,--P,~opps 8/ Sanitary ( ~ -l ~ I 22'Lx25.5'Wx20'D tP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - BMP PLAN ~ a ~ ~ $e ~r ~y ~eparote Plan ~ ~ t~ ~ (1 ~ ,0" to 9' d'th ~ i ~ ~ ~ f a eP FoR . l ~ f ! i d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ l ~ ; 's ~ ~.A - ~ i ~ ~ ~ - ~ j ~ j ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ; - V C T S S RE 0 # 651 8 r Top of Bank Elewtian-58;.5 / HIGHWAY 29 AND PAVILION BLVD. N ~ j r ~ ~ j j ~ ~ _ - ~ ~ ~ a - `I \ Overflow Elevation-586.5 - r r i"(~ i O'to9'd th ~ ~ ~ \ CITY OF C~1ARL01iE ~ 3 ~ 3 MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORT-i CAROUNa \ 1 ~ "Exi~tingiSide a14~ ~ l r ~~_100 Ye r R ~ ~ ~ A Eolsem@~t % a ood Limits ~ ~ ~ \ ~ \ ~ A Outlet Weir ant POND NPE=583.85 l~ j i ; ~ Extended Detention Stormw r Wetland r j ~ ~ , ~ . 4 ~blicro Ponl \ `1 1 - r °i / NPE-583.85 ( Bottom = ~ ~ ~vilCrO POOI ~ Ocw~stream Bc-..0 3e BO~tOm Sr~'-zed With ~e~~~c ~ ' ! ~ ! / ~ ! .Provide Double Row + ~ ~ ~ v ~ r i ' s - `Overflow Elev=5 6.~5~ - 580:5. ~ j' of Temporary Silt Fence ~ ~ Top of. Berm=S 7~5;~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ _ \ ~.2~ Wae) 580:5. ~ ~ r ~ 1, buying Construction ~ ~ , ~ >v,~ - ~ EVY1 EW1 ~ ~ ! . r, ~ , ~ ~ ~ z ( i~~ A ~~~l, ~ -5eo:5-- ~:5--_ ~ ~ ~ - ~ _ y \ ~ ~ ~ I. ~ I v ~ _ _ ~ v . , / ~ ~ ~ Outlet ~C~ontrol I ~ I ~ ~ , ~ ( Structure ~ , ( ~ ~ WEIR SECTION \ l ~ --587- ~ ~ ~ ~ NOT TO SCALE ~ , ~ ~ x587.5 T'---- 14 i ~ ~ l - PREPARED FOR: r ~ _ l'~ h - 1 ~ / ~ r~ ~ ` ~58-7--(_ _ 587.5 5 ~ X86 a - ~ r I _ x .5 ~5$?- _ r ~ ~ ~~-r~xi~ i ~ ,overhead , ~ - _ _ /f , ( - _ _ ~LJ lk x 5 ,5 ~ -ssr CARPENTER COMMERCIAL 5 ,g \ ~ ;,il, P e 1 ^ ~ 745 CABARRUS AVENUE WEST -58-7- ~ x 58F.~, ~ i 1 - 0 --58-7- - ~ ~f \ 0 CONCORD, NC 28027 ~ _ , ~ ~5gp. ~ , CONTACT: JEFF CARPENTER rr ~ _ ~ ~ i `-~Ex~f ~~W i - ~ ~ ~ 1'4 r, (704)-786-1235 ~ i ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ - ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S - PREPARED BY: ! ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ - _ \ ' ' „ ~ , ~ ! ~ ~ ~ Outlet Weir and i' ~ Downstream Bank to ~ ~ / / Be Stabilized With 1 v t,, ; ~ 1 ~ ~ / l Netting (20' ode) t ~ ' ' / / Emergency~Qnd , ~ Drain Wlth Valve 1 ' GRAPHIC SCALE s ~ r , ~ ~ ~ Evans, Mechwart, Hamblefon, & Tilton, Inc. / ~ f - t l ° l N; ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Consulting Engineers ~ ~ ~ t~ j~ ~ ~ \ A30/ Uri ~~ers ly ExeC!~:e Yerc LF; e. i,i IP I. (~~oi r;RP r ~ 1N2~? ~ ~ , . _ ~ - - Phonc]04.548.0333 Fax: 7q4 548 D33d ~ ~ ~ r I - feet ~ „ M C M r X V i ~ ~ Existing Wetlands To Remain r\ , EXTENDED i DETENTION ! TORMWA TER Top of Berm ev,-857.5 WETLAND D ETAI L LEGEND 16• Square (4• Thick) Concrete Apron \I ~I REVISIONS around Valve Box ~l~ - 620 - Existing Contour I MNtK IUTE DESCRIPTION - 620 - Proposed Contour 1 01-11-06 Revised Orifice Diameter/Pipe Size 1, l t POND NPE-583.85 l~~ c. Drainage Flow Arrow ,ll~° ;l//~. I Wetland Area - 0' to 9' depth I_~ ,~,ri ~ I ~ pass B R( rap ~ 5'Lx5Wx2'D Wetland Area - 9" to 18" depth i I._ Bottom of Pond _ €xbting gonna _ C. - ixisting goons - - - Uev. - bbu.5 Date PROJECT NUMBER ~.a 6' valve on Emergency Drain 6' Diameter PVC L creep or Filter Fabric JANUARY 3 2006 (Schedule 40) 0 _0.87% Wrapped Around End of 2005-1357 Storm Sewer Pipe with Pipe Water Tight Joints Scale Sheet EMERGENCY POND DRAIN DETAIL 1°=20' 111 NOT TO SCALE ti ~ r 1 I ~ v l~ ' ---J------- r ~ ~ ~ i i ~ / ` 1 N ; ' I ~ ~ a l EX19tlf~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ o w 1 , ~ ~ ~ I R~ ~ ~ t r~, l ~ / ~ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ 6p8 ~ V ~ / ~ Grate as per NEENAH 3405 1 1 ~ ~ l 1 ~ ~ i j ~ 1 ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Distance Varies as Needed 0 to Accomodate 90' Elbow ~ ~ , , , Propo ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 2" Hole at O 583,85 Invert - ~-Top of Grote = 586.25 ' i i rovement ~ ~ ---J%~ Construction Entrance Y I m ~ ~ i ~ Window Elevation - 585.25 rs l Location y - r l I i ~ ~1 ~ti,~~, (i) ~ 2x6 Opening 1 1 / ~ \ - - , 1 1 ' ~ 4 I ~ ~ ~ ~ 614---T----- f Pi e w Solid screw cap) ~ ; Top o p ( I =585.0 Normal Water ~ Pe ed~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ etlands ~ _ _ j ! ~ ~ Surface Elev. 583.85 / ~ - ~ I for F' ~ ,A 1 v 1 ~ ~ ~ i ~ + ~ ~ I v sl a ~S ~ \ ~ 10 j ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I Inv.=582.0 - 8° Diameter PVC i ~ - ~ ~ A ~ f ~ ~ , Schedule 40) Storm ( - Sewer Pipe (One , , ~ x i, 1 13 ,~~/i ~ ~ Piece of Pipe) Stofnless Sted ~ i , , ~ - - - - ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ J 15° Diameter Storm Bolts Min) ~ f ~ , Sewer Pie 0 1.OX chors II P - 1 1 1 ~ 111 l~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bands and An B" Endwo cture to be Filled with - ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ v i i , FlowoNe Contrdled Density FlII u~ " r --t- ~i1 r , ~ v v After Installation of 8" Diameter ` 1 ' PVC Schedule 40)Storm Sewer v Pipe Riser ~ ~ Inv.=580.8 r , ! i A A 610 ~ 'C I ~ ~ ~ / , G _ ~ ~ ~ , ~ , i . , , ~ v - I , ~ ` x. ~ - ~ ~4~ ~ B" Dlometer PVC , ~ ~ r, ~ ( ~ ~ ~l 2~ ~ ~ ~ Schedule 40) 0 -1AX ~--Inv.-581.0 ( Qj Storm Sewer Plpe with , i ~ ~ ~ Storm Water Tight Joints g0' ~ B" PVC i r ~ ~ i , t ~ l~ ~l i Sewer Pfpe Elbow Catch Basin - / ~ , , i ~ ~ ~ I , , ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ I ' 11111111111//, i it 1 ~ \ 1 I ' 1 , v ' J ~ \ i" I , ~ ~ , - ~ TAIL ,,1111 CAR , TLET STRUCTURE DE ~ o , v ,_-r- rn ~ ~ ~ ~ Crhep 1' r ~ , O O ~ - - ~ ~ , ~ o, ~ 1 \ ~ ATER UALITY OU , ~ ~ , POND W OC~l 1111 I r EE ~ I ~ A ~ i ~ I NOT TO SCALE : ~ l; - a r . t ~ I ~ f, 1 ~ ~ { ~ ~ \ ~ ~ . ~ = 6 = ~ f ~ A ~ t ~ - ~ ~ GINE~1~` r/I X11 c~r a f Bock ~ ~ I. !i , ~ ection, Class 590 R nel, s , ~ ~ ~ , I ~ ~ ,,OF,R11, ~ 1~ i r ' ~ _ xatecti~n,,~ I , ~ r ~~;1 ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ '-1 Access ~a ~asm \ \ 15' N ~ Wx18"D u, ~ ° \ ! _ iy '~~rrllll,lltll` ' ' ' ~ ~ s'o e~ ~ '18.5' ~ ~ Ali j l ,j~~ ~ ~ ~ P , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.`.~.I~.~ O ~ , , 1 i ~ 0' to 9"depth ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ! 0 If ' ~ - - - - - - S r ~ ~ w I~ w 1 ~ - - ~ ~ ~1- ~ i ~ l l ~ ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ , , - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.'a' ~ to to depth- . ~ ~ ~ ti w 15 ~ / ~ ~ l I ~ , ~ S._ , ~ y.~ .1 I'~ f .~I ~ V ~ - ~ is Y ' J ~ _ -.T i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. ~ 1 ' 3 T of Bank Elewtion=587.5 ' 3 ` 1 I ~1 i / 1 ~ u. Overflow FJevotion=586.5 ~ ' 1 y ~ ~ ~ f ` W ~J~~ ~ 1 Bottom ~ ~ Wetlands f~. ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 580.5 i ~I~ !~~To Remain.~~~~ ;~I~~. ~ ~I~~ DETAIL WEIR ~ i 0 ~ ~ ~ Forebay I ~ rJ~ ~ ~.t. ~ ,nom ~ s, ~ i ~ ~ , ~ A A ~ A I i., ~ i_ ~ w w NOT 70 SCALE Cl r ~ i i V A ~ f ~ _ . _ ~ _ A ~ . ,t i., I ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ - V ~ ~ ~ i , ~ i I~ ~ 9' to 18' depth !I i ~ I ~ y u y ~ i i i l / ~ ~ i , I i MP PLAN y B i i 7 ~ FO R F ~ ~ ~ r 1 W r -Rock Channel ~ W i , ~ , ~ ;r ~ I ss 1 ~ ~ i ~1 ~ to r ' ~ ' , { ~ ~ ~ , ,r' Protection, C a c~ ~~i ~ f { eo' to 9" dep 18 65 rVS E# T R 0 S th p \ ~ r ~ i ,~PJtopps 8; 5anltary 22'Lx25.5'Wx20"D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ u- / ~ ~.a f t r I , ( ~ ~ $e ,fir- ~y $eporote Plan ~ S W y, ~ k~ ~ ! I ` ~ / ' W " \ V . HIGHWAY ?9 AND PAVILION BL D ~ Top of Bank Elewtion-58'7.5 ` ~ ' ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ JJ ail J CITY OF CHARLOI lE Overflow Elevation=586.5 i / t I . w MECKLENBURG COUNTY. NORi-i CAROLINA \ 3 l l I;ir ( ~ ~ ~r >~~s•~tois'depth ~ ~ v 3 ~ ~ r i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ a V 0' to 9" depth ~ C ~ ~ ~ , . ~ ~ ~V ~ 1~ i ~j POND NPE=583.85 ~ ~ Outlet Weir and ~ ~J ~ ~ Downstream Bank to 9e l- ir~ A ~ W tlan'd ~ ~ ~blicro ~ i~. ! r` , - Extended Detention Storm, tkr e w ~ ,i ~ Siabil2ed 'Kith Netthc ~~blicro Pooh ~ wlbe Er.i~tin Side alk imit \ - ~ Botto 9~ / _ 1 100 Year Flood L s ~ A ~ ~ NPE-583.85 ~ ~ ~ ~ / 1 Eo~sement ~ A ~ - ~ I v=5 6.~5r _ - 58( ~ Bottom = _ - - - - - (zo ) ~ 580:5. ~ ~ - - \ + `Overflow E e _ ~ , ~ ~ ~ i ; ~ ~ ! ble Row - ~ s \ ~ ~ , ~ ' Provide Dou s ~ ~ 1 ; ~ , ~ ~ ~ y lop of Berm~5 7~5,. w w / EIN1 / ~ ~ EW1 ~ ~ / , ilt Fence \ r , of Temporary S r~~ ~ / j ~ ~ buying Construction V ` ~ w ~ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ ~ -580.5- - r ~ ~ \ ~ i ~1~ Outlet ontro ) ~ ~ :rol TI ON I ~ r ~ ~ ~ { Structure WEIR SEC vi ~ r ~ ~ 1 FOR: . ~ NOT TO SCALE PREPARED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - --587 - _ 14 ~ ~ l 587, T 14 ~ CARPENTER COMMERCIAL ~ ~ x 5 ~ - _ _ i~ 1 ~ ~ - ' ~ 1 587 5 i` 0 r V NUE WEST ~ - ~ 745 CABARRUS A E % l:' ~ - - - - ( •5 ~ 586.5 ~ ~ I 1 ~-58-7- - - - _ _ X 5 ~ '1~J lX x .5 1I - s.s ~7- - _ ~x x5 .5 ` , ~ CONCORD, NC 28027 _ ~ ~ X58`~.b_, ~ . ~ rf ;`-;'~xi~ i ~ ~4erhead I ~ O -5~7 9 ` ~ a l~' 'P e, ~ ~ 0 -5r}7- ~ CONTACT. JEFFCARPEMER I ~ ~ 11 I~ ~ ~ ~ . T 4 786-7235 (10 ~ ~ 1 ~ r, ~ 580._, C1 ~ ~ l i ~ ' ~ ~ - ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ PARED BY: PRE v ( ~ ~ ~ Ex f W ~ ~ ~ ~ - , i ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ,y \ 6 ~ l g ~ ( 'I s - r, „ iV; / ~ / Outlet Weir and / ~ ~ ~ / / Downstream Bank to / / Be Stabilized With r ~ / / Netting (20' Wide} ~ t, mer one ~ nd thwart, Hambleton, & Tilton, Inc. J E g y VQ Evans, Me / Drain With a v¢ P ~ / ~ - n dOe Nnrc Dr~~P rl C)]nP„E~ , nr rile. u( 1)•~ H3.,/ U i ~ersly txe l~~' i l P ~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ~ Phonc1n45480333 Fax:7n4548n34 / ~ - _ _ - , ~ / j { ` ~ ~u za a'~ ~ M C M k X V I ~ r ~ ~ ~ w; r' r ~ ~ ~ Ji ll 1 l ~ ~ I i-,;;i~ - 20 feet U, DED TEN EX i{, / r Existin Wetlands To Remain ~ ~ 9 i IN TO TEN DE ER AT W RM 0 T AIL ET DD N LA ET W i _ r Top of Berm ev.=857,5 REVISIONS 1 > / ?AgRI( DATE DESCRIPTION 16" Square (4" Thick) / Concrete Apron ~ ~ ~ ~ '~j 1 01-11-06 Reased Orifice Diameter/Pipe Size around Volvo Box IJ~ I~~ ~ , I ~ POND NPE=583.85 ~ ~ l 620 - Existing Contour ,l I, l~ - 620 - Proposed Contour " I ~~ll, 5' Class B Riprop ~ ~ S'Wx2'D Drains e Flow Arrow 9 _ 5lx i Wetland Area - 0" to 9" depth Bottom of Pond Elev. =580.5 Wetland Area - 9" to 18" depth Date PROJECT NUMBER ~xistin~ 1xistinN .Lnq_ 6* Valve * Green or Fl ter Fabric JANUARY 3, 2006 2005-1357 Emergency on Drain 6 Diameter PVC Wrapped Around End of (Schedule 40) 0 -0.87% Pipe Storm Sewer Pipe with Water Tight Joints Scale Sheet 1 1 EMERGENCY POND DRAIN DETAIL 1"=20' NOT TO SCALE