HomeMy WebLinkAbout19930273 Ver 1_Complete File_19991201ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1998 Mallard Creek Mitigation Site Mecklenburg County Project # 8.U670123 TIP #R-211 Prepared By: Natural Systems Unit Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation December 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1 1.1 Project Description .........................................................................1 1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................1 1.3 Project History ....................................................................1 2.0 HYDROLOGY ...........................................................................................3 2.1 Success Criteria .............................................................................3 2.2 Hydrologic Description ...................................................................3 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring ...................................................3 2.3.1 Site Data ................................................................. 3 2.3.2 Climatic Data ............................................................ 4 2.4 Conclusions ......................................................................4 3.0 VEGETATION ...........................................................................................6 3.1 Success Criteria .............................................................................6 3.2 Description of Species .............................................. 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring ..................................................6 3.4 Conclusions ......................................................................7 4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................8 TABLES TABLE 1 - HYDROLOGIC MONITORING RESULTS .......................................4 TABLE 2 - VEGETATION MONITORING RESULTS ..................................6 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP .....................................................................2 FIGURE 2 - 30-70 PERCENTILE GRAPH .................................................5 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER CHARTS ......................................9 APPENDIX B - SITE PHOTOS ...........................................................................20 APPENDIX C - MONITORING PARTNERING MEETING MINUTES ...............22 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site consists of two sites which encompass approximately 10 acres. Located in Mecklenburg County, it is situated on the east side of the intersection of SR 2833 (Mallard Creek Church Road) and US 29 (Figure 1). The two sites mitigate for bottomland hardwood impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop (R-211 DA). The site was initially constructed in 1994. However, due to both hydrologic and vegetation problems, NCDOT agreed to remediate the site. Remediation occurred in a series of three steps during 1997 and 1998. 1.2 Purpose In order to demonstrate successful mitigation, hydrologic and vegetative monitoring must be conducted for a minimum of three years. Because of remediation activities, 1998 is considered the first year of both hydrologic and vegetative monitoring for the site. The following report details the results of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring during 1998 at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site. - Included is analysis of data on the site itself as well as local climate conditions during the growing season. 1.3 Project History October 1994 February 1995 September 1995 September 1996 October 1997 February 1998 March 1998 March 1998 May 1998 May- November 1998 September 1998 Site 1 & 2: Grading Construction Site 2: Planted; Site 1: No planting (Standing Water) Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr.) Vegetation Monitoring (2yr.) Site 1 & 2: Re-mediation: Grading Construction Site 2: Boardwalk Construction Site 1: Under-drain installed at Sewer line Re-Planting of Site 1 & 2 Monitoring Wells Installed Hydrologic Monitoring Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr.) 1 Tu?J Yt *o n ,rr y FF?RO Y ?:5i ?Q < Sto?rev Creek UMONSCH?OLR ^ Mallard CreekComm,ity House; pp/ r 0?? s N ^ \? llwlo . Z. GRA 'O yjTH l G w CyF r p0 z, _: SLF NRO. •, .. y ?. y R Of. .. ? GPRR\50^w^ O % HAV?Ki MO <pw n OR .,gyRp r ^f ? G _OWAY RD 29 ?ctio p0 ti 29 allard Creek s- j1J14T w JP QT 4?F. U '!l LE GRANGER Rd ----------- - Mallard Creek Wetland' ` 3 dr 29 Mitigation Site D o0 ,.:0 DE. oe?Cje/ ? c 87- F ?o?OUCya°?¢ "2 Z wt ;$ -IV 9? HARRiS v ?_ ` } 491 of 40 rr _ fF i to l 49 GREEN ACRE,,Fr °i of°`"'o^" .,?1 , Q•? fir' ro? , S?fWfae-Fm oUniversity of N Carolina At Charlotte lT ,,S R O y r cR? `"<?p` 'w??? m 71H 149 FINi k1R.Q?? eR0 ?y - Fly ti 'Y ?( F a{ t\??? ,. sio ,p o s QQ ?` p O / OARF ? ... L Y ¢ ...' cQf ! ?9? Oyj?ROSS = °?P r 0= R as 4 29 . RrY 2° ry y J ?\? Old ?Q J N, ° Rod C?? s' 20o F? s 7 DeT ortne SU7eCt Athie USA Ap C TION MAP 2.0 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Success Criteria In accordance with federal guidelines for wetland mitigation, the success criteria for hydrology states that the area must be inundated or saturated (within 12" of the surface) by surface or ground water for at least a consecutive 12.5% of the growing season. Areas inundated less than 5% of the growing season are always classified as non-wetlands. Areas inundated between 5% - 12.5% of the growing season can be classified as wetlands depending upon factors such as the presence of hydrophytic vegetation and hydric soils. The growing season in Mecklenburg County begins March 22 and ends November 11. These dates correspond to a 50% probability that temperatures will drop to 28° F or lower after March 22 and before November 11.' The growing season is 233 days; therefore optimum hydrology requires 12.5% of this season, or at least 29 consecutive days. Also, local climate must represent average conditions for the area. 2.2 Hydrologic Description The site was monitored for hydrology during 1996 and 1997 in order to establish the proper grading for the site. The monitoring wells were removed prior to construction in 1997. In May of 1998, nine monitoring wells, one rain gauge, and one surface water gauge were installed on the site. The automatic monitoring wells and rain gauges record daily readings of both depth to groundwater and rainfall, respectively. Because the wells were installed in May, the hydrologic data fails to incorporate the early part of the growing season, typically considered the "wettest" part of the growing season. Appendix A contains a plot of the groundwater depth for each monitoring well. Data determined to be erroneous was omitted; therefore, some gaps appear in the plots. Precipitation events are included on each graph as bars. 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring 2.3.1 Site Data The maximum number of consecutive days that the groundwater was within twelve inches of the surface was determined for each well. This number was converted into a percentage of the 233 day growing season. The results are presented in Table 1. The results represent data collected since May 1998. ' Soil Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, p.61. 3 Table 1 HYDROLOGIC MONITORING RESULTS Monitoring Well < 5% 5%-8% 8%-12.5% > 12.5% Actual % MW -1 ? 1.7 MW-2 ? 9.4 MW-3 ? 6.9 MW-4 ? 0.9 MW-5 ? 1.7 MW-6 ? 8.6 MW-7 ? 8.2 MW 18 ? 4.3 MW-9 ? 0.9 The surface gauge on site has registered no appreciable surface water throughout most of the growing season. 2.3.2 Climatic Data Figure 2 is a comparison of 1998 monthly rainfall to historical precipitation for the area. The two lines represent the 30th and 70th percentiles of monthly precipitation for the Charlotte area. These percentiles represent monthly rainfall data collected from 1948 to 1996. The bars are the monthly rainfall totals for 1998. The data was collected from a National Climatic Data Center rain gauge in - Charlotte; because of data availability, the 1998 rainfall encompasses precipitation through September. The 1999 annual monitoring report will include a 30-70 percentile graph with the monthly rainfall from the winter of 1998. With the exceptions of January and April, the precipitation in 1998 reflected average or below average rainfall. This was especially true in the summer months. 2.4 Conclusions The site has not yet shown optimum wetland hydrology. However, several of the wells indicate "marginal" wetland tendencies, achieving saturated or inundated conditions for at least a 5% consecutive period during the growing season. It should be mentioned that the "wettest" part of the growing season was not monitored due to a delay in well installations. Hydrologic monitoring should continue into 1999. Hydrologic data for an entire growing season would then be evaluated. 4 r Q C U L d IL O ti O Cl) d i U l? U z m O L s U 0) 00 h (O (n it M N O (•ut) uoi4e4idioaJd r U N 0 O Z ,r v O .r a ? m - N c a? m a ? o Q ti c O T fl. Q OS 0) C OJ a> c aD U C p, g o M 42 co c r GRAPH 3.0 VEGETATION 3.1 Success Criteria Success Criteria states that there must be a minimum of 320 trees per acre surviving for three consecutive years. 3.2 Description of Species The following tree species were replanted in the Wetland Creation Area: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Green Ash Nyssa sylvatica, Blackgum Quercus lyrata, Overcup Oak Quercus nigra, Water Oak 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring (1 year) Table 2 VEGETATION MONITORING RESULTS L w Q l6 R R W 3 Q co R H O d d R H Q. 0 R m O H 0 W 1 8 1 4 1 14 31 307 2 4 3 10 10 27 27 680 3 7 13 20 35 389 4 16 3 11 1 31 31 680 5 9 8 32 38 573 6 1 L 4 2 20 36 378 DENSITY 501 AV E.RVAGE Heavy grass and sedge competition mitigation area #1. Seedlings are shaded, however continue to grow, as can be seen in plots 5 & 6. There were also a few cottonwood and sycamore trees volunteering in plots 3, 4, & 5. 6 3.4 Conclusions Approximately 10 acres of this site was re-graded in the Fall, 1997. The total site is made up of two wetland mitigation areas. Wetland Mitigation Area #1 is a 2.80 acre site located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of SR 2833 and Mallard Creek, while the remaining 7.20 acres is located directly across SR 2833 in the northwest quadrant. There were 6 vegetation monitoring plots established throughout the planting areas, 2 plots in mitigation area #1 and 4 plots in mitigation are #2. Based on the results of the stem counts for the one year monitoring period, we obtained an average tree density of 501 trees per acre. This average is above the minimum success criteria of 320 trees/ acre. 7 4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS Hydrologic data represents only a partial growing season; the wettest part of the season is not included in the data. It is hoped that an entire set of hydrologic monitoring data for 1999 will show more favorable results. • Vegetation monitoring has revealed initially successful results. Vegetation monitoring will also continue in 1999. APPENDIX A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER PLOTS (-ui) uoilLIldlDGJd u? LO LO u? LO to v IT M M N N r r O O Y d a? L U L C4 ev U') o Ln o 0 o u-, o 0 o 0 e? N N C? M 86-nON-60 86-noN- L 0 86-10O-tiZ 86-100-9 L 86-100-80 86-daS-0£ 86-daS-ZZ 86-daS-ti L 86-daS-90 86-6nd-6Z 86-6nd-LZ 86-6ny-£ L 86-6nd-50 86-Inf-8Z 86-Inf -0Z 86-Inf -ZL 86-Inf-b0 86-unf-9Z 86-unf -8L 86-unf-0 L 86-un f-ZO 86-AaW-9Z 86-AaW-L L 86-AaW-60 86-AaW-LO 86-jdV-£Z 86-ady-9 L 86-jd`d-LO 86-JBW-O£ 86-IaW-ZZ 0 co m CD d a E m Cif R fl. a? 0 a a? rl co CA LO N m N U) M c (-ui) aa;empunoaE) of yldaQ (•ui) uoileltdioaad U? LO in LO LO L Q Nr m M N N • O O Y d i V V C? 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Wayne Wright, Chief Regulatory Branch U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Dear Wayne: Re: NCDOT/Resource Agency Partnering Meeting - Monitoring Guidelines A meeting was held on July 22, 1998 in the NCDOT Photogrammetrv Conference Room in Raleigh to discuss monitoring guidelines for the 1998 Annual Monitoring Reports. Please find attached a list of those in attendance and the meeting agenda. Following introductions, Charles Bruton described the purpose of the meeting and opened the floor to David Franklin for any opening comments. David said he looked forward to resolving any previous discrepancies in the 1997 Annual Monitoring Reports and discussing ways to better present monitoring results in this year's monitoring reports. Phil Harris moderated the meeting. HYDROLOGIC MONITORING NCDOT and the Corps agreed wetland mitigation sites must meet the guideline for hydrology (1987 Manual) using consecutive days and not cumulative days of the locally designated growing season. Wetland hydrology criteria in the 1987 Manual notes that a site must be seasonally inundated or saturated (within 12 inches of the surface) greater than 12.5 percent of the local growing season. NCDOT will re-evaluate the 1997 monitoring data to reflect consecutive days rather than cumulative days of the growin,, season. Regarding monitoring well data, David wants to see compliance is met and that the sites are working. Phil noted that NCDOT is taking a close look at recurring problems associated with monitoring well installation and maintenance. In cases where hydrology was failing for a particular site, NCDOT would be unable to remediate the site until the following year due to seasonal constraints and the necessity to collect specific hydrographic information. In discussing what was considered to be hydrologic success, M David Franklin said the 1987 Manual was the official guideline. However, he went on to suggest that the Corps would be interested to see a more detailed breakdown of the well data and would not be opposed to hydrologic success based on a longer monitoring period with less than a 12.5 % success criteria. He also mentioned well data that falls below the 12 inch threshold may also be examined as a special case. Mike Bell suggested site remediation should occur now rather than waiting until December. NCDOT, in coordination with the Corps, will identify unsuccessful sites and work together to determine how the site is failing and the best remediation techniques to implement. VEGETATION MONITORING ISSUES Due to NCDOT's demand for hardwood seedlings there is a shortage of seedlings this year and there was none available for remediation efforts. There is a minimum one year lead time for ordering seedlings. In a situation on a site where the well data is good but the vegetation is not successful the Corps stated they would review it on a site by site basis. In cases of remediation, Charles said it was almost impossible to grade and plant a site before the winter deadline. Randy Wise requested an extension of the August/September time period to obtain the vegetation monitoring data for the sites. After discussing this issue, it was agreed that the marsh sites would be evaluated in August and the hardwood sites could be evaluated as late as October and November before leaf drop. The NCDOT will send a "blanket" letter to the Corps to modify all permits to reflect the revised vegetation monitoring period. Phil mentioned that although there would be an extension of the monitoring period for vegetation, monitoring reports would continue to be completed and distributed by the end of December. Randy said they often perform random site visits throughout the year to see how vegetation is performing and would perform supplemental planting if noted early enough in the growing season. Ken Jolly asked who was responsible for downloading wells and did they look at vegetation. Beth Smyre said the Geotechnical Unit downloaded well data and notified her of any vegetation issues. The Corps requested that proposed remediation for hydrology and vegetation be included in monitoring reports. NCDOT and the Corps will coordinate any remediation measures. Randy expressed their commitment to remediate vegetation as soon as possible. . The discussion turned toward planted versus volunteer species. The Corps does not want to see volunteer species included in survival rate calculations for planted species. Randy noted the survival rate is set at 50% or higher. David wanted to make sure that the sites meet the target species requirement in stems per acre, not a percentage (except for older sites set up for percentage). David also wanted to see the distribution of species planted and volunteer. Randy said it is often difficult to identify certain species during the first two years (several oak species often look alike as saplings). Generally it is easier to differentiate the species by the third year. The Corps wanted to know if there was a way to identify the planted species at planting. However, the planting procedure is 3 so labor intensive now it would make it impossible to do so. The 50 foot by 50 foot monitoring plots are chosen and staked in the field after planting has occurred. The Corps wants NCDOT to note the unwanted volunteer species and to identify possible remediation to make sure these species do not dominate the site. The NCDOT and the Corps agreed that the distribution of species is such that no species dominates more than 20 % of the distribution. Red maple and sweet gum are generally not to be planted to insure good numbers of target species. HYDROLOGIC SUCCESS CRITERIA The incorporation of reference systems in determining success was discussed. David concluded that if a particular site failed under the 1987 Manual guidelines, then NCDOT had the option of comparing site parameters to reference site parameters in determining success. The purpose of reference systems was to allow NCDOT a second option in achieving success. The determination of a reference system with its success criteria would need to be addressed in the mitigation plan. The use of the hydrogeomorphic system (HGM) was also discussed. The Corps is not going to use HGM as a reference system, but will probably look at it as a tool. There are no guidelines out yet on HGM. The use of 20-80 versus 30-70 probability graphs, as defined by WETS. was discussed. These graphs compare the specific year rain data to the historical data for the mitigation site area. The NRCS and WETS use the 30-70 probability graphs and NCDOT would like to use these as well. It was decided to use the 30-70 information and to go to the nearest gage station as long as the source was cited. David determined that if a site's hydrology performs at 12.5%, then hydrologic success has been achieved. If a site performs in the 5% to 12.5% range, then there is "marginal" hydrologic success. If this trend continues, then the entire success criteria for the site will be reviewed. The target percentage for hydrological success should be included in the permit and shown in the mitigation plan. The Corps will be willing to negotiate on the success of the site, but include adequate information in the permit and the mitigation plan. Charles Bruton suggested placing monitoring wells in the impacted wetland areas to assess and compare to mitigation areas. David wanted to insure that the best mitigation site attainable is created. David also asked that well performance be broken out in the report. An interim report was given on Mud Creek. It was noted that wells placed in the reference wetland and wells placed in the created wetland were an inappropriate method to determine hydrologic success because the difference in soil type, hydrology, and cover type. Mike Bell discussed results of a workshop he attended on monitoring wells. He also discussed the use of piezometers. There was no further discussion and the meeting adjourned. Please advise if you have any questions regarding the meeting, minutes, or agenda. Sincerely, , -,L ? (mac V V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D. Assistant Branch Manager Planning and Environmental Branch VCB/el Attachments July'--', 1998-9;30 @ Century Center in Photographic Conference Room NCDOT/Resource Agency Partnering Meeting to Discuss Monitoring Issues AGENDA Introductions Purpose & Goals of Meeting Standardize the monitoring reports flycb•olugic Monitoring Consecutive vs. Cumulative days Data interpretation t "egetution A,fonitor•ing issue Planted vs. Voluntary plant- Monitoring iimelrame Success Criteria Geographical considerations Reference systems monitoring Report Presentation Text Figures to be included Tables Photographs Submittal dates 1 ? n1A ? c Gew r s 114- r- L_ t-ra :k- 0N. JCOCA cr L"ta1 ?C" ?N?y ?-• N1fE NC-DoT- - i5 C9?9? 733 -??? (x-3o) N-c D6, 7- - I' L pt .6 (9/1) x'33 - 7,?yy, 3e 9 i kfla li tiCpoT" P?? /,l pp/ -7,4/ c?, \ o - Z S 1- `-k? zSS 4- X ZZ C4? 9) 7 3 J_?7 3, x 2?? CQi4? 73 3 - ?a zd n Nc DoT - 2?u 733-z7.o /?f?NfJy y 21FF iN ANNUAL REPORT FOR 1999 Mallard Creek Mitigation Site Mecklenburg County Project # B.U670123 TIP # R-211 :y Prepared By: Natural Systems Unit & Roadside Environmental Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation December 1999 ?5 Mallard Creek CommnityHous' UNIONSCHOOLRD/p?S JO S F N; GRq y v ?p z r WjT? ?? i, G FRSHN ,g ?cyG ?; i"?oti ?N v ??n z1 .:?' : Fsl Wt ?flQ G GPRR? d --5 G HAVO(S INOOR w t 29 Qr Q. `? RE RFF?cy ° 1 r ?PaPr em- X92 29 46 ?ZZ NEC 9 ? ? ? a T i s 9 ai J0,`. ?_ f ?? 1 ) s ?:' a ' coy f m l 4. LEA C? NGERL?{Tr' c. Mallard Creek Wetland Mitigation Site 2 ', Mallard Creek 29 Z . "Pq r s o, Wetland Mitigation Site 1 ?Lg ?I ` C 1r I~G z Itie0 0 t`1 11--n jv pU? b u t Y`? i ?, L D N HAL j a G4 ?o Fw 4z iRAV N tiz° Ris ?VG ,,r oy ly 4 _ Qom'' °. ro " ` l.. 'a, 9 Y f Ax?R GREEN ACRE ?'' P?S ` 4F ??- ' = v ?` oWfae-Fm j 49 o' p? University o arolina At Charlotte 29 (q cyG cti : , r t '? r a¢^ Orrp y m ±W711 ?,c ?OG'? 49 E.,1NE? F, ,./ 3 QO 0 CAR ! L GPs .? !yF " is' 9QO Jolt ,R \s ,'„ 0 u s f 1 ?o JQ 2s ??oQ C Ro 49 O !I 29 m? .Newell D 1 T orme. Street Atlas USA v FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP . J, NZ co • ` ? r / // U-) N v z - CZ , 00 // N k1k !/ .A'? / to \ \ \i\ G o/ \J// / /\\~rr \\\\\? 41 ?G ? V>C i r V4 ' 1 \\\?\\;\ tl 1 `. ?', 1 \ \ 1 ?`> i`\\ i 1?I I r t ?`? ?\ ? ttUl i I \ ??`* `\?>rf?Vflr N 0 Lr) lp V' °) rn V7 N a7 ui FIGURE 3 1999 HYDROLOGIC RESULTS U N O Z U ? O N U GJ d C - U) I- s Q. 2 0 a? C ? V L Z CD IL o M = Y U d L U V L i- I: I Q 7 L 0 c f0 C f9 L N LL c co N U N CL L O M C0 c O) O) rn f9 C 00 0) CD r FIGURE 4 30-70 PERCENTILE GRAPH co LO d co N O (-ui) uopu4!di30Jd i nnn Mallard Creek 34 Photo l: From SR 2833 looking Northeast .photo 2: At P2 looking North Photo 3: At P3 looking South Photo 4: At P4 looking Southwest rnoto 6: At P6 looking Northeast Photo 5: At P5 looking Southwest TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ..........................................................................................1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................2 1.1 Project Description ..........................................................................2 1.2 Purpose ..........................................................................................2 1.3 Project History ....................................................................4 2.0 HYDROLOGY ...........................................................................................5 2.1 Success Criteria .............................................................................5 2.2 Hydrologic Description ...................................................................5 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring ...................................................5 2.3.1 Site Data ............................................................... .5 2.3.2 Climatic Data .............................................. ...........7 2.4 Conclusions ................................:...................................10 3.0 VEGETATION .........................................................................................11 3.1 Success Criteria ...........................................................................11 3.2 Description of Species ................................................. 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring ......:.........................................11 3.4 Conclusions .....................................................................12 4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS .............................13 TABLES TABLE 1 - HYDROLOGIC MONITORING RESULTS .......................................7 TABLE 2 - VEGETATION MONITORING RESULTS .................................11 FIGURES FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP .....................................................................3 FIGURE 2 - MONITORING WELL LOCATION MAP ....................................6 FIGURE 3 -1999 HYDROLOGIC MONITORING RESULTS .........................8 FIGURE 4 - 30-70 PERCENTILE GRAPH .................................................9 APPENDICES APPENDIX A - DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER PLOTS ......................................14 APPENDIX B - SITE PHOTOS ...........................................................................25 SUMMARY The following report summarizes the monitoring activities that have occurred in the past year at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site. This site was originally constructed in 1994 and underwent remediation in 1997. Monitoring activities in 1999 represent the second year of monitoring following the remediation. The site must demonstrate both hydrologic and vegetation success for a minimum of three years. The Mallard Creek site is divided into two smaller sites. Site 1 is the smaller of the two, containing three monitoring wells, one surface gauge, and two vegetation plots. The second site contains six monitoring wells and four vegetation plots. This portion, located across Mallard Creek Church Road from Site 1, is at a slightly higher elevation than its counterpart. One major change in the hydrologic monitoring process is the use of local weather station rainfall data for the site analysis. The daily rainfall on the well data graphs is recorded at a Charlotte rain gauge, maintained by the NC State Climate Office. This data is being used because past the existing on-site rainfall gauges have proven unreliable. These site gauges will be replaced with more reliable equipment prior to the start of the 2000 growing season. Hydrologic monitoring indicated that site 1 has met success criteria; the site was completely inundated for most of the growing season. Site 2 only showed saturation for over 12.5% of the growing season at 2 of the 6 wells, due largely to a large storm in mid-October that dumped 4.3 inches of rain in Charlotte in two days. Vegetation monitoring yielded a successful stem count in 5 of 6 planting transects. Based on the monitoring results from the 1999 growing season, NCDOT recommends that monitoring continue. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site, located in Mecklenburg County, consists of two separate wetland sites. Both are situated along SR 2833 (Mallard Creek Church Road), just east of US 29 (Figure 1). The two sites mitigate for wetland impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop (R-211 DA). Both sites, totaling 10 acres in size, consist of the creation and restoration of a bottomland hardwood forest. The sites were initially constructed and planted in 1994; however, hydrologic and vegetation problems forced remediation in 1997. Remediation activities involved grading both sites to more accurately reflect groundwater profiles. The site was developed in cooperation with Mecklenburg County. As a result of this partnership, the county will incorporate the mitigation sites into a greenway plan for the area. A boardwalk has been constructed on Site 2 as part of the Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation system. An additional section of boardwalk will be constructed adjacent to Site 1 when Mallard Creek Church Road is widened; this project is slated for 2001. 1.2 Purpose In order to demonstrate successful mitigation, hydrologic and vegetative monitoring must be conducted for a minimum of three consecutive years. Success criteria are based, on federal guidelines for wetland mitigation. These guidelines stipulate criteria for both hydrologic conditions and vegetation survival. The following report details the results of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring during 1999 at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site. Activities in 1999 reflect the second year of monitoring following the remediation efforts in 1997. The site did not meet jurisdictional hydrologic success in 1998; however, vegetation monitoring revealed an average tree density well above the minimum requirement. Included in this report are analyses of both hydrologic and vegetative monitoring results as well as local climate conditions throughout the growing season. 2 1.3 Project History October 1994 February 1995 September 1995 March- November 1996 September 1996 October 1997 February 1998 March 1998 May 1998 May- November 1998 September 1998 May- November 1999 September 1999 Site 1&2: Grading Construction Site 2: Planted, Site 1: No planting Vegetation Monitoring (1yr) Hydrologic Monitoring Vegetation Monitoring (2 yr) Site 1&2: Remediation, Grading Construction Site 2: Boardwalk Construction Tree Planting: Site 1&2 Monitoring Wells Installed Hydrologic Monitoring Vegetation Monitoring (1 yr) Hydrologic Monitoring Vegetation Monitoring (2 yr) 4 2.0 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Success Criteria In accordance with federal guidelines for wetland mitigation, the success criteria for hydrology states that the area must be inundated or saturated (within 12" of the surface) by surface or groundwater for at least a consecutive 12.5% of the growing season. Area inundated for less than 5% of the growing season are always classified as non-wetlands. Areas inundated between 5% - 12.5% of the growing season can be classified as wetlands depending upon factors such as the presence of wetland vegetation and hydric soils. The growing season in Mecklenburg County begins March 22 and ends November 11. These dates correspond to a 50% probability that temperatures will drop to 280F or lower after March 22 and before November 11.' The growing season is 235 days; therefore, optimum hydrology requires 12.5% of this season, or at least 29 consecutive days. Local climate must also represent average conditions for the area. 2.2 Hydrologic Description In May of 1998, nine monitoring wells, one rain gauge, and one surface water gauge were installed (Figure 2). The automatic monitoring wells record daily readings of groundwater depth. Even though 1999 is the second year of monitoring, it is the first full growing season that the monitoring wells have been in place. The Mallard Creek site was designed to receive hydrologic input from both rainfall and runoff from Mailard Creek Church Road. The hydrologic monitoring should show the reaction of the groundwater level to specific rainfall events. 2.3 Results of Hydrologic Monitoring 2.3.1 Site Data The maximum number of consecutive days that the groundwater was within twelve inches of the surface was determined for each well. This number was converted into a percentage of the 235 day growing season. The results are presented in Table 1. Appendix A contains a plot of the groundwater depth for each monitoring well and the surface water depth recorded by the surface gauge. The maximum number of consecutive days is noted on each graph. ' Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County North Carolina, p.61. 5 N cr- 1 i! 1 vo, `t\ r? `dd ? ? ` 1 l 1 l rc) ddd 1 , , ,i, ,t tr , I H .r• 1 ` f r 1 ? ?r w Q FIGURE 2 WELL LOCATION MAP!: The individual precipitation events, shown on the monitoring well graphs as bars, represent data collected from a Charlotte weather station. This data was provided by the NC State Climate Office. The rain gauge that is currently located on the site will be replaced with a more accurate measuring device prior to the beginning of the 2000 monitoring season, thus eliminating the need to use official rainfall information on the monitoring well graphs. Table 1 HYDROLOGIC MONITORING RESULTS Monitoring < 5% > 12.5% Actual % Success Dates Well Site 1 MW-1 ? 62.1 Mar. 22- Aug. 14 MW-2 ? 100 Mar. 22- Nov. 11 MW-3 ? 27 Mar. 22- May 23 J/lC L MW-4 MW-5 ? ? 2.1 2.6 Apr. 30- May 4 Oct. 12- Oct. 17 MW-6 ? 13.3 Oct. 12- Nov. 11 MW-7 ? 13.7 Oct. 11-Nov. 11 MW-8 MW-9 ? ? 5.2 7.3 Apr. 28- May 9 Oct. 11- Oct. 27 Figure 3 is a graphical representation of the hydrologic monitoring results. Site 1 continues to meet jurisdictional hydrologic success by showing saturation for more than a consecutive 12.5% of the growing season. The surface gauge, which is located on this section, has shown consistent surface water throughout the growing season. Site 2 has not shown the same success. Wells 6 and 7 showed saturation for over 30 days only after large rainfall events in early October saturated the Charlotte area. All of the wells on this site indicate that the groundwater levels drop quickly after rainfall. Specific problems: The battery in monitoring well 4 had problems in the latter part of the growing season; this battery replaced in October of 1999, but not before one month's data for that location was lost. The battery in well 5 was replaced at the end of the growing season due to consistent problems. 2.3.2 Climatic Data Figure 4 represents an examination of the local climate in comparison with historical data in order to determine whether 1999 was "average" in terms of 7 climate conditions. The figure compares the rainfall from 1998 and 1999 with that of historical rainfall (data collected between 1948 and 1996). All rainfall data was collected from the NC State Climate Office. The graph shows 1999 rainfall totals through October 1999. Rainfall data for November and December 1999 will be presented in the 2000 Annual Monitoring Report. Charlotte was not adversely affected by Hurricanes Floyd and Dennis, which hit the state in September 1999. Rainfall for September was within average limits for that month. However, a large storm (4.3 inches in two days) in October pushed that month's total rainfall well above average. February, March, May, and August were especially dry months. 2.4 Conclusions 1999 represents the first full-growing season that the hydrologic data has been examined following remediation. Site 1 has exceeded success criteria; the majority of this site shows surface water for the majority of the growing season. Site 2 has not shown wetland hydrology; most of the wells indicate rapid decreases in the groundwater level following rainfall events. Part of this lack of success could be due to the lack of rainfall in February and March, which is normally the wettest part of the growing season. The large rainfall in October enabled part of site 2 to be successful in the last part of the growing season. However, wells in the back of the site indicated that despite the extra rain, the water was still draining rapidly, presumably into Mallard Creek. It should be noted that the wells on site 2 which showed success (wells 6 and 7) are the same wells that in 1998 indicated the longest saturation period (> 8% of the growing season). As was indicated in the 1998 Annual Report, the monitoring of a complete growing season indicated a higher success rate with the mitigation site. However, a portion of site 2 is still showing problems. 10 3.0 VEGETATION 3.1 Success Criteria The Mallard Creek site was replanted in March 1998. The site is monitored in September/ October of each year for vegetation success. Success criteria states that there must be a minimum of 320 trees per acre surviving for three consecutive years. 3.2 Description of Species The following tree species were replanted in the Wetland Creation Area: Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Green Ash Nyssa sylvatica, Blackgum Quercus liras, Overcup Oak Quercus nigra, Water Oak 3.3 Results of Vegetation Monitoring (2 year) o = ? L V V GQ _ ? w CQ Q ? L a. c7 w o' 3 F F A 1(BLH) 11 1 4 3 19 31 417 2(BLH) 4 2 10 10 26 27 655 3(BLH) 9 0 12 1 22 35 427 4(BLH) 8 11 8 3 30 31 658 5(BLH) 5 1 11 4 21 38 376 6(BLH) 13 0 2 0 15 36 283 AVERAGE DENSITY 469 The average tree density for each plot is calculated by the following formula: Density (trees/acre) = # Stems Counted x 680 (stems per acre) # Stems Planted 11 Notes from report: Plot 1 - Volunteer green ash, black willow, cottonwood; Plot 2 - Lespedeza and bidens present, some bare soil areas; Plots 3-4 - various grasses present, lespedeza and bidens, some deer browsel, 4" standing water in Plot 6. General notes: volunteer cottonwoods throughout, standing water between Plots 5 and 6; Heavy grass and sedge competition mitigation area #1; rushes present also some juncus and volunteer cottonwood. 3.4 Conclusions Approximately 10 acres of this site was re-graded in Fall, 1997. The total site is made up of two wetland mitigation areas. Wetland Mitigation Area #1 is a 2.80 acre site located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of SR 2833 and Mallard Creek, while the remaining 7.20 acres is located directly across SR 2833 in the northwest quadrant. Six vegetation monitoring plots were established throughout the planting areas: 2 plots in mitigation area #1 and 4 plots in mitigation are #2. Based on the results of the stem counts for the two year monitoring period, we obtained an average tree density of 469 trees per acre. This average for the site as a whole is above the minimum success criteria of 320 trees/ acre; however, plot six yielded a density of only 283 trees per acre. 12 4.0 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS/ RECOMMENDATIONS Site 1 has shown excellent hydrologic results. There are several reasons for the possible success, including its lower elevation and its easier susceptibility to runoff from Mallard Creek Church Road. Site 2 has been less than successful, despite the fact that several months during the growing season had total rainfalls above the average range. Many of the wells on site 2 indicate that the groundwater level rises and falls rapidly after rainfall events. All but one of the vegetation monitoring plots has indicated an average tree density of over 320 trees per acre. It is anticipated that vegetation success will be met after an additional year of monitoring. NCDOT will continue to monitor the site for both hydrologic and vegetation success. 13 APPENDIX A DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER PLOTS 14 (•ui) uoi;e;idiaaJd U') oo lLO oCl °o 0 0 LO C) M ch N N T ?- O o Y d L ca i i I i - = i i i - =1 1 =f =f ? ? i - i E ' i E E 6 =6 =6 =6 6 6 L Q a? 0 N a a? o! d rn w LO ea 04 D I -0 N I U) ?I o LO o ?n o U) ? ? N N 66-AON-80 66-AON-W 66-13O-SZ 66-330.8 6 66-330.6 L 66-33O10 66-daS-LZ 66-deS-OZ 66-daS-£ 6 66-daS-90 66-6n`d-0£ 66.6n`d-£Z 66-6nd-9 6 66-6nV-60 66-Eind-ZO 66-Inf-9Z 36-Inf-66 36-Inr-Z6 i6-Inf-S0 i6-unf-BZ i6-unf-6Z i6•unr-n i6-unf-LO i6-AeW-6£ i6-AeW-VZ 6-AeW-L L 6-AeW-O L 6-AeW-£0 6-Jd`d-9Z 6-AV-6L 6-Jdb-Z6 6-JdV-SO 6-JeW-6Z -Jew-ZZ m c o! ?o U Q (•ui) jolempunoJ!E) 04 y;dap N Y d L V c? (•ui) uoi;e;idiaaad LO o° LO °o LO M M N N ?- O° ? °o ? O O I i ! i = 3 f i r U) ; i .n N i f , i -E ` f =E i ? 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Other individuals/agencies present: Weather conditions (today & recent): Directions to Site: I nffirnc Paviaw Infnrmatinn- 401 Permit Number: Site Name: C'& (I County(ies): t..f-yLLt JLkf1V>4- r-C1_, Basin & Subbasin: d Nearest Stream / WQ class: Mitigator Type. Total Mitigation on Site Wetland: i O cLC. Stream: Buffer: Project Type and Size: I p ac . ? 1--. C t l? 3Y 7 Location on Site: Goals of Mitigation (wetland type(s), details): Project History: Event Date ?L,vA Year of monitoring: Approved Mitigation plan available? Yes No Problem areas identified in reports? Yes No Problem areas addressed on site? Yes No - Prior to site visit, note dominant species ana monitoring report success results in appropriate areas or Section II. - During site visit, document both representative conditions and areas of concern. Label and attach photos to this report. - Additional information found during office review and/or to be obtained during site visit: n nntn rannrtarl frnm vita visit "fn0 )*4/- HYDROLOGY - Approved Success criteria: ??. ??-u. en -Wetland Hydrology ndicators: ?.? O?E - ?Inundated- G . `?- ?0 65 ?l? \2.:r .-ooh _ . Saturated in upper 12 inches -Monitoring report indicates sdccess? Yes No _ Drift lines Observational field data agrees? Yes No c based on mitigation plan? Yes No _ Drainage patterns in wetlands _ Sediment deposits based on wetland type Yes No Water marks List any remaining hydrology issues to address (e.g. remaining ditches, excessive water, etc.): c)b 2 O% A_ Page 1 of 2 Wetland Mitigation Site Evaluations: Information Table NC Division of Water Quality V ?44 rJ: G SOILS - Approved Success Criteria: Are soils hydric or becoming hydric? Yes No List indicators of hydric soils: ?Q List any remaining soil issues to address (e.g. eros n, upland areas, etc.): VEGETATION - Approved Success Criteria: (C plat 3 2D I?lo n eC:? -4e-mS UkV-e Dominant Plant Species (per monitoring report) Species Storv TPA or % cover M n t o i oring report indicates success? Yes No Observational field data agrees? Yes No IS based on community composition? Yes No _?44??nu0cL-A:7_f CA-,a ? } based on TPA and/or % cover? Yes No V getation planted on site? Yes No °? ?k ?? 2 etation growing successfully? Yes No r Average trees per acre for-entire site: LtaJ & Specific vegetation plots or site locations with little to no vegetation: Estimated acreage or site percentage of unvegetated areas: v r v ?r\. '_ye? Invasive species on site (species, location(s), and % cover): Ci e,fe ?cU?,,n.r. List any remaining vegetation issues to address (e.g. plant survival, concerns, etc.): C'V NCWAM - Approved Success Criteria: NCWAM Wetland Type on Site: _ Coastal _ Riverine Monitoring report indicates success? Yes No - Riparian Observational field data agrees? Yes No _ Non-riparian (wetter) Attach NCWAM analysis results to this report. Non-riparian (drier) List any remaining NCWAM issues to address (e.g. functionality, developing wetland type, etc.): MITIGATION SUCCESS: Compared to the mitigation plan, this project is: successful partially successful not successful List specific reasons for lack of success for this project: Additional Comments (e.g. DWQ follow-up actions, recommendations, etc.): Page 2 of 2 ?'K) k c -mni . h?R Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Report Evaluations: Information Table NC Division of Water Quality March 29, 2007. Version 1.1 Evaluator's Name( 1 "rrl ? `l i ,` \ \ Date of Office Review: M Report Prepared by: Date of Report: 1 Monitorin Repo for Year• 1. Office Review Information: ?d?4 L C?E'ae`5 DWQ 401 Number: Site Name: County(ies): Basin & Subbasin: Nearest Stream WQ : Mitigator: EEP Private Mit. Bank Other Total Mitigation on Site Wetland: 10 Q G Stream: Buffer: Project Type & Size: p2.? C0 QC Loaeo f C? f?e? m Location on Site:` - C,L Goal(s) of Mitigation (wetland type(s) & details): Project History: Event Date L6 4 C) qq G_ 'r-,, ` Monitoring Clock Start Date: Approved Mitigation plan available? Yes No Problem areas identified in reports? Yes No *Add significant project-related events that occurred Problem areas addressed on site? Yes No this year: construction, planting, grading, etc.* 11. Success Criteria Evaluation: ¦ Note dominant species & other success-related information in the appropriate sections. ¦ Assess trends over time (i.e. compare with previous years' results) and correlate between hydrology, vegetation, and soils. ¦ Verify presence of site maps detailing different wetland types, problem areas, monitoring and photo point locations. HYDROLOGY - Approved Success Criteria: Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Inundated Saturated in upper 12 inches for appropriate p ?? ?1 MonA ng-report indicates suc ass? Yes No % of growing season c, based on mitigation plan? Yes No V based on wetland type? Yes No Max period of inundation/saturation: met for entire project Yes No days = % of growing season Monitoring wells: _ Comparison with reference wetland (esp. functioning properly? Yes No during years with abnormal precipitation) data in tabular & ra hic form? Yes No List any remaining hydrology issues to address (e.g. excessive water, upland plant species, etc.): r 164--) Page 1 of 2 Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Report Evaluations: Information Table NC Division of Water Quality LS - Approved Success Criteria: Are soils hydric or becoming hydric? Yes No Indicators of hydric soils: List any remaining soil issues to address (e.g. erosion, upland areas, etc.): VEGETATION - Approved Success Criteria: U lot5? 3?p ?,?? hv? Sampling date(s): iitoring report indicates success? Yes No based on community composition? Yes No based on TPA and/or % cover? Yes No i C._c"j Suppfemental planting this year? Yes No Dominant Plant Species (per report) Species Story TPA or % cover yols Su,ee + q , V--sx e t der v-& n"-- Planting date(s): n v-t cv Vegetation growing successfully? Yes No I Average trees Specific vegetation plots or site locations with little to no vegetation: acre for proiecl Estimated acreage or site percentage of unvegetated areas: Invasive species on site (species, location(s), % cover, and control measures): List any remaining vegetation issues to address (e.g. plant survival, concerns, etc): NCWAM - Approved Success Criteria: NCWAM Wetland Type on Site: _ Coastal _ Riverine Monitoring report indicates success? Yes No - Riparian - Non-riparian (wetter) Attach NCWAM analysis results to this report. - Non-riparian (drier) List any remaining NCWAM issues to address (e.g. functionality, developing wetland type, etc.): MITIGATION SUCCESS: Compared to the mitigation plan, the site is: successful partially successful not successful List specific reasons for any lack of success for this site: Additional Comments (e.g. DWQ follow-up actions, recommendations, etc.): Schedule Site Visit? Yes No Page 2 of 2 ? 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Mallard Creek Wetland ( 65c7 1?r ??! t ?1 l • `• ,?, ` - % rt dr . ! + Mitigation 51te 92 r A+ r '-, LLP\ It, 1 13 , •r? .,?\b ??? ,ly gggRRlti r-??,' i l ti 7l' t ? \l YY l 11 1 i` V-t Project No. 944 ID I Figure I -Vicinity Map Mallard Creek- u' Project Mgr.: bb, ?R Wetland Mitigation Site ? Soil dsF.nvironmentalConaultants, T'A 11010 Ra, Ridge Ru • RW.4I NG 2761< NCEEP Year 8 of 5 919;8465900•(919)8469467 }/!d I"- I w??6 v,?• www s?1Fr. nom 5cale: Mecklenburg County, NC l ?,??????ll.?? ,000' ?..,i,'..., 112/08/05 tlarn5burg Quadrangle 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site, located in Mecklenburg County, consists of two separate wetland sites. Both are situated along SR 2833 (Mallard Creek Church Road), just east of US 29 (Figure 1). The two sites serve as mitigation for wetland impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop (R-211 DA, USACE Action I.D. 199200013). Both sites, totaling 10 acres in size, consist of bottomland hardwood forest restoration and creation. The sites were initially constructed and planted in 1994; however, hydrologic and vegetation problems forced remediation in 1997. Remediation activities involved grading both sites to more accurately reflect groundwater profiles. The site was developed in cooperation with Mecklenburg County. As a result of this partnership, the county will incorporate the mitigation sites into a greenway plan for the area. A boardwalk has been constructed on Site 2 as part of the Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation system. An additional section of boardwalk will be constructed adjacent to Site 1 when Mallard Creek Church Road is widened. 1.2 PURPOSE In order to demonstrate successful mitigation, hydrologic and vegetative criteria must be met for a minimum of three consecutive years or until the site is deemed successful. Success criteria are based on federal guidelines for wetland mitigation. These guidelines stipulate criteria for both hydrologic conditions and vegetation survival. The following report details the results of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring during the 2004-year at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site. Activities in 2004 reflect the seventh year of monitoring following the remediation efforts in 1997. Included in this report are analyses of both hydrologic and vegetative monitoring results. 2.0 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Success Criteria In accordance with federal guidelines for wetland mitigation, the success criteria for hydrology state that the area must be inundated or saturated (within 12" of the surface) by surface or groundwater for at least a consecutive 12.5% of the growing. season. Areas inundated or saturated for less than 5% of the growing season are always classified as non-wetlands. Areas inundated or saturated between 5% - 12.5% of the growing season can be classified as wetlands depending upon factors such as the presence of wetland vegetation and hydric soils. The growing season in Mecklenburg County begins March 22 and ends November 11 (235 days). These dates correspond to a 50% probability that temperatures will drop to 280F or lower after March 22 and before November 11.1 Based on the current guidelines, the optimum hydrology requires 12.5% of this season, or at least 29 consecutive days. Local climate must also represent average conditions for the area. 2.2 HYDROLOGIC DESCRIPTION In May of 1998, ten groundwater gauges, one rain gauge, and one surface water gauge were installed at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Sites. The original rain gauge was replaced on May 4, 2000. In April 2003, one surface gauge was installed on Site 2 (Figure 2). The automatic groundwater gauges record daily readings of groundwater depth. The Mallard Creek Site was designed to receive hydrologic input from both rainfall and runoff from Mallard Creek Church Road. The hydrologic monitoring should show the reaction of the groundwater level to specific rainfall events. The 2004 data represents the seventh growing season for hydrologic monitoring following the remediation efforts in 1997. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Mecklenburg Count r, North Carolina, p.61. 5 2.3.2 Climatic Data Figure 4 is a comparison of 2003 and 2004 monthly rainfall to historical precipitation for the area. This comparison indicates whether 2004 was "average" in terms of climate conditions by comparing the rainfall. to that of historical rainfall (data collected between 1973 and 2004). The NC State Climate Office provided all historical data. For the 2004-year June, July, August and September experienced above average rainfall. The months of November (03'), January, March, April, and October recorded below average rainfall for the site. December (03'), February, May, and November experienced average rainfall. Overall, 2004 experienced an average to above average rainfall year. 2.4 CONCLUSIONS For Site 1, all three groundwater-gauges revealed saturation greater than. 12.5% of the growing season. The surface gauge located on Site 1, revealed periodic inundation during the growing season. Hydrologic data at Site 2 indicated that five of the seven monitoring gauges met the hydrologic success criteria for the seventh year of monitoring. The surface gauge located on Site 2, revealed periodic inundation during the growing season. EEP will begin monitoring the hydrology at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site for the 2005 monitoring year. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project No. 239 2006 Monitoring Report: Year 9 of 9 March 2007 Submitted to: NCDENR-EEP 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Prepared by: Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. 9101 Southern Pine Blvd., Suite 160 Charlotte, NC 28273 Design Firm: North Carolina Department of Transportation 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27611 ,tea. y NO JORDAN F JONES & -GOULDING _f Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION I - PROJECT BACKGROUND 1. Location and Setting ................................................................................................I-1 2. Mitigation Structure and Objectives ........................................................................I-1 3. Project History and Background ..............................................................................I-3 4. Monitoring Plan View ..............................................................................................I-5 SECTION II - PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS A. Vegetation Assessment ................................................................... 1. Soil Data ............................................................................... 2. Vegetative Problem Areas ................................................... 3. Vegetative Problem Area Plan View ................................... 4. Stem Counts ......................................................................... 5. Vegetation Plot Photos ......................................................... B. Wetland Assessment ....................................................................... 1. Problem Areas Plan View (wetland) exhibit ....................... 2. Wetland Criteria Attainment ................................................ SECTION III - METHODOLOGY SECTION List of Tables Table I - Project Mitigation Structure ......................................................... Table II - Project Activity and Reporting History ....................................... Table III - Project Contacts ........................................................................... Table IV - Project Background ...................................................................... Table V - Preliminary Soil Data ................................................................... Table VI- Stem Counts for Planted Species Arranged by Plot ..................... Table VII - Wetland Criteria Attainment ....................................................... ................... II-1 ................... II- I ................... II-3 ................... II-3 ................... II-3 ................... II-3 ................... II-4 ................... II-5 ................... II-5 ........................ I-1 ........................ I-4 ........................ I-5 ........................ I-5 ........................ II-1 ........................ II-4 ........................ II-5 Page ii Table of Contents List of Figures I- Figure I - Project Location and Watershed Map ........................................................ I- Figure II - Monitoring Plan View Map ................................................................... Figure III - Soils Map .....................................................................................II-2 List of Appendices Appendix A - Vegetation Raw Data 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables 2. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 3. Problem Areas Plan View Appendix B - Wetland Raw Data 1. Data Tables for Hydrological Data 2. Precipitation - Water Level Plots for Wells J Jordan' Jones R Goulding EXECUTIVE SUMMARY J Jordan Jones s Goulding Executive Summary The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site is a North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) project completed in 1994 and that underwent remediation in 1997. The mitigation site consists of two wetland sites (1 and 2) that are separated by Mallard Creek Church Road. The project consists of restoring and creating approximately 10 acres of bottomland hardwood forested wetland. This repor serves`fts ie 9 and final year of monitoring for the Mallard Creek wetland restoration site. The wetland restoration consisted of excavating soil, plugging adjacent drainage ditches, and planting appropriate bottomland hardwood forest tree species. There are six pre-established vegetation monitoring plots where stem counts were conducted for planted and transplanted woody vegetation. These plots are shown on the Monitoring Plan View Map (Figure II). Pre- established success criteria require a minimum of 320 live stems per acre for three consecutive years. For the current monitoring year (2006-Year 9), the average density of planted specimens per acre, 400 per acre, exceeds the established success criteria of 320 planted stems per acre. Also, the site has satisfied this criterion for three consecutive years which satisfies the vegetation success goal for the site. Currently there are 10 groundwater wells and 2 surface water gauges located on the mitigation site. The wells are comprised of Ecotone WL and Ecotone WM series. In addition there is one Infinity rain gauge data logger on site. During the initial assessment conducted in March, six of the original Ecotone WL series gauges were replaced with Ecotone WM series gauges. The gauges were reinstalled at the previous locations. The gauges were set to begin downloading data daily starting March 23, 2006. Furthermore, during a monthly site visit, it was determined that three additional ground water gauges and one surface gauge were malfunctioning. These gauges were replaced in June 2006 and were reinstalled at the previous locations. The rain gauge is malfunctioning; however, at this time, it has not been replaced due to the lack of data logger instruments. Nine of the ten groundwater gauges on site achieved wetland success criteria of saturation within 12 inches of the surface for 29 consecutive days (12.5% of the growing season) during the growing season. Well 8 did not meet this criterion; however, this gauge did experience 24 consecutive days of saturation within 12 inches of the surface. Overall, the wetland restoration areas appear to be successful in terms of surficial wetland hydrology, survival of planted specimens, and recruitment of woody specimens and has met established success criteria. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Jordan Jones a Goulding SECTION I Project Background t Jordan Jones e Goulding SECTION I Project Background The background information provided in this report is referenced from the Year 8 Monitoring Report prepared by Soil and Environmental Consultants. 1. Location and Setting The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site is a project for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) completed in 1994 and that underwent remediation in 1997. The project area is located along Mallard Creek Church Road in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figure I). The mitigation site is comprised of two sites (Sites 1 and 2) that are separated by Mallard Creek Church Road. Site 1 is located south of Mallard Creek Church Road and Site 2 is located north of the road. The wetland restoration is adjacent to Mallard Creek which is within the Rocky River watershed. The project consists of restoring and creating approximately ten acres of bottomland hardwood forested wetland. The restoration site is located within the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Region. To access the site from Interstate-85, take Exit 46 onto Mallard Creek Church Road and head southeast. Continue traveling south on Mallard Creek Church Road and cross US Highway 29. The site entrance is on the left side of the road immediately before crossing Mallard Creek. 2. Mitigation Structure and Objectives Originally the site was designed in cooperation with Mecklenburg County, with plans to incorporate the mitigation sites into a greenway plan for the area. Mecklenburg Parks and Recreation constructed a boardwalk on Site 2. An additional boardwalk through Site 1 has been proposed upon completion of the Mallard Creek Church Road widening project. The NCDOT oversaw project design and implementation in association with the Charlotte Outer Loop. Table I Project Mitigation Structure Se ment/Reach Mitigation Type Acreage Comments Mitigation for Charlotte Outer Site 1 Restoration/Creation 2.8 ac Loop. Mitigation for Charlotte Outer Site 2 Restoration/Creation 7.2 ac Loop. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 T t Page I-3 Project Background 3. Project History and Background The Mallard Creek site serves as mitigation for wetland impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop (R-211 DA, USACE Action ID 199200013). The project restored approximately 10 acres of bottomland hardwood forested wetlands. The site was initially built and planted in 1994. After the first two years of monitoring, it was concluded that hydrologic and vegetative conditions were not suitable. In order to ensure hydrologic success, the site was remediated by regrading and replanting in 1997. This report serves as the 9th and final year of monitoring. Tables II and III provide detailed project activity, history and contact information for this project. Table IV provides more in-depth watershed/site background for the project. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Page I-4 Project Background Table II Project Activity and Reporting History Activity or Report Scheduled Completion Actual Completion or Delivery Site 1 & 2: Grading Construction 1994 Oct-94 Site 2 Planted 1995 Feb-95 Year 1 Monitoring 1995 Nov-95 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring 1995 Sep-95 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring 1996 Sep-96 Site 1 & 2: Remediation, Grading Construction 1997 Oct-97 Boardwalk Construction 1998 Feb-98 Site 1 & 2: Tree Planting 1998 Feb-98 Gauges Installed 1998 May-98 Initial-Year 1 Monitoring 1998 Nov-98 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring 1998 Sep-98 Year 2 Monitoring 1999 Nov-99 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring 1999 Sep-99 Year 3 Monitoring 2000 Nov-00 Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring 2000 Sep-00 Water Main Fixed Adjacent to Site 1 2000 Dec-00 Year 4 Monitoring 2001 Nov-01 Year 4 Vegetation Monitoring 2001 Jun-O1 Year 5 Monitoring 2002 Nov-02 Year 5 Vegetation Monitoring 2002 Aug-02 Year 6 Monitoring 2003 Nov-03 Year 6 Vegetation Monitoring 2003 Oct-03 Year 7 Monitoring 2004 Nov-04 Year 7 Vegetation Monitoring 2004 Aug-04 Year 8 Monitoring 2005 Nov-05 Year 8 Vegetation Monitoring 2005 May-05 Year 9 Initial Assessment - 6 gauges replaced Mar-2006 Mar-06 Year 9 Problem Area Plan View May-2006 May-2006 Year 9 Initial Vegetation Monitoring NA May-2006 Year 9 Four gauges replaced NA June-06 Year 9 Vegetation Monitoring Sept-2006 Sept-2006 Year 9 Draft report Dec-2006 Nov-06 Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Page I-5 Project Background Table III Project Contacts Mallard' Creek/Project No. 239 NCDOT Designer 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh NC, 27611 Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Monitoring Performers 9101 Southern Pine Blvd., Suite 160 Charlotte, NC 28273 Vegetation Monitoring, POC Dan Rice, 678-333-0457 Table IV Project Background Mallard Creek/ProjectNo. 239 Project County Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Charlotte Belt Cowardin Classification Palustrine Dominant soil types Monacan, Enon, Wilkes USGS HUC for Project 03050103 An portion of an project segment 303d list? No An portion of an project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reason for 303d listing or stressor? N/A % of project easement fenced? 0% 4. Monitoring Plan View The monitoring plan view map (Figure II) illustrates the location of vegetation plots, groundwater wells, surface gauges, rain gauge and photo points. There are two vegetation monitoring plots located within Site 1 and four plots in Site 2 for a total of six vegetation monitoring plots. There are three groundwater monitoring gauges on Site 1 and seven on Site 2 for a total of ten. These gauges have been configured to record daily groundwater levels. There are also two surface water gauges, one on each site, and a rain gauge on Site 2. Photographs were taken at pre-established permanent photo points. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 I f .? K A n W N p Y K M 0 ? r O .. LJ Z W J ? Q U p O in li z O F Q oo u > Lu maw z Q X w 0 Q Q X ?Q xw ` b3 wCE aQ LLJ v) L LLJ Q W UO in L O ' z Q j ?A ? A- 7'N o ?r Roo Z x i4_. 'n o< i 6 :R 2 LO, z L) $< s -?, - ow p O1 ?' fF w -j 4 :?+ f { 0: woow -oO a? L )OZON If2 W U e w ? mQ t " ry W X 00 1, r O a Q? 4. aQ w M- N LLJO QJOU wJ zr.. N Z J LLJ z - ZEN 7 r i? s r, Fu t I f O ? CL z LJ Q z o F a 5 a O O i w 0 J x ¢ W C 5 O Z J z x w m p a 3 z W • N O a z O M ? F- N (L W O ?_ - Z Q (!1 0 w J w a c? r'1 z P c? to a o a Q w 0 15? Q G? G? VP O w O.' 1- m n W O O O O N O M O 2 °.-I O O W W Z F Q m ? C3 V) O a z 0 I0 oW Q .? c Z x LLI W 5 W0 _ ?? n a a z x = d G' 3 w k W Z R W o U ? o W Z i Z m , eS ? 0 . 31Vwixoaddv Z Z°drZ-4 00 s 0 z N U Z o'o zmazp t-ZOof U W-i W? FOM o u of Z Q Qfwow aMZf W w U Z M M Q W 0o 0 Sa o a a ¢ ¢W as o cn W o ?- N? Q U cO w z J O ¢ O z C-4 w Jordan Jones e Goulding SECTION II PROJECT CONDITION AND MONITORING RESULTS J Jordan Jones a Goulding SECTION II Project Condition and Monitoring Results The following monitoring results are from the 2006 (year 9) survey completed in 2006. A. Vegetative Assessment The Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration project consists of two planted sites along Mallard Creek in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The two sites are divided by a four lane roadway, Mallard Creek Church Road. Site 1 is the smaller of the two sites and is situated southwest of the road and stream intersection. Site 2 is slightly larger and is situated northeast of the road and stream intersection. Site 1 has three ground water gauges, one surface gauge, and two vegetation plots. Site 2 has seven groundwater gauges, one surface gauge, one rain gauge, and four vegetation plots. The vegetation plots where established by NCDOT and are marked by yellow NCDOT federal highway markers at each plot corner. Please refer to the Plan View Map (Figure II) for the location of gauges and vegetation plots. Success criteria require a minimum of 320 live stems per acre for three consecutive years. Please refer to Appendix Al for raw data collected during vegetation plot monitoring. 1. Soil Data Soils on the Mallard Creek site primarily consist of the Monacan series, with adjacent areas consisting of the Enon and Wilkes series (Figure III). Generally, Monacan soils are found along the floodplains of streams or drainageways, while the Enon and Wilkes soils are found on adjacent upland slopes. Enon soils are very deep, well-drained soils on ridges and side slopes of the Piedmont uplands. The soils are formed in clayey residuum weathered from mafic or intermediate igneous and metamorphic rocks such as diorite, gabbro, gneiss, and schist of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 2 to 15 percent for the Enon series. Monacan soils are very deep, well-drained to somewhat poorly drained soils found along stream corridors. These soils are formed in recent alluvium sediments of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Slopes are generally less than 2 percent. Wilkes soils are shallow, well-drained soils adjacent to drainageways. They are formed in residuum weathered from intermediate and mafic crystalline rocks on the Piedmont uplands. Slopes range from 15 to 25 percent for the Wilkes series. Due to soil excavation during construction, it is likely that the on-site soils were altered. Please refer to Table V for a summary of soil data. Table V Preliminary Soil Data Series Max De th in % Clay on Surface K Factor T Factor OM % Enon 72 5-20 0.24 5 0.0-2.0 Monacan 80 7-27 0.43 5 0.0-3.0 Wilkes 48 5-20 0.24 2 0.0-2.0 Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 CeB2 EnB WAD D ?O WkD 1 EnD aE EnD WkE eB CeD2 w j Te yi E g ? En WkE F AOi GQ' EnD Me KELEY P A yF J -,"MO EnD WkE = s WkE -- W 00 ? RICKLEgE ?? ` EnB ^ 9, ? 1 Site / WkD E MO EnS - EnB J WkB WkD __- l Wk IJ i WkE WkE kB WkEEnD ?..,.__ ^\ 1 kD Legend J Ma Unit Ma Unit Name Slope EnB Enon, sandy loam 2 to 8% En6 EnD Enon, sandy loam 8 to 15% MO Monacan loam WkB Wilkes loam 2 to 8% N,kB WkD Wilkes loam 8 to 15% WkE Wilkes loam 15 to 25% .750 375 0 K. 750 wk6 WkD kE _ Feet ! W CAME ON Z L?2 Q `En6 a G2? _ r- Jordan Figure III. SOILS MAP I crn ?tc,,? Jones a Mallard Creek Wetland Mitigation Project # 239 Ooulding Mecklenburg County, NC March 2007 Monitoring Report Year 9 of 9 Page II-3 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 2. Vegetative Problem Areas No vegetation problem areas were identified during 2006 (Year 9) monitoring. Refer to the Stem Counts section below for detailed information regarding vegetation success. 3. Vegetative Problem Area Plan View No vegetation problem areas were identified during 2006 (Year 9) monitoring. 4. Stem Counts JJG conducted the initial vegetative assessment and vegetative plot analysis in May 2006. In addition, a follow-up survey was conducted in September 2006. All findings were the same as noted in May 2006. The six vegetative plots on the two sites were established previously by NCDOT. Trees planted within the plots consist of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), overcup oak (Quercus lyrata), and water oak (Quercus nigra). In addition, natural recruitment vegetation was also monitored within these plots. Species encountered were sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), river birch (Betula nigra), box-elder (Acer negundo), American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), black willow (Salix nigra), and red maple (Acer rubrum). Based on the number of initially planted stems per plot, an overall survival rate of 60% was met. A review of the average number of planted species per plot reveals approximately 20 stems per plot. Assuming 20 stems per plot and a plot size of 0.05 acre, the site has an average stem density of 400 stems per acre. The vegetation success criterion of 320 stems per acre for three consecutive years was satisfied for Year 9 of this project. Although monitoring plots 4, 5, and 6 had survival rates less than 60%, these plots have a large number of natural volunteer species that would increase the percentage if included. Furthermore, there were many volunteers counted within all plots. Including these stems would also increase the overall survival percentage. A calculation of planted and natural volunteer stems indicates an average number of 63 stems per plot. A review of both planted and natural volunteer stem density indicates a stem count of 1,260 stems per acre. The success criterion of 320 stems per acre for three consecutive years has been satisfied; therefore, the Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project has attained success criteria for vegetation requirements. Please refer to Table VI for a summary of vegetation monitoring data. 5. Vegetation Plot Photos Please refer to Appendix A2 for photographs of the monitoring plots. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Page II-4 Project Condition and Monitoring Results Table VI Stem Counts for Species Arranged by Plot Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project No. 239 e_Q/d CLCAJ Planted Stems' P lots Year 9 Species Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Totals N ssa s lvatica 7 2 7 1 17 Fraxinus enns lvanica 11 9 12 7 18 18 75 uercusl rata 2 11 7 3 23 uercus ni ra 1 2 1 4 Totals 20 23 26 12 19 19 119 Initial Planted Totals 31 27 35 31 38 36 198 Percent Survival 65% 85% 74% 39% 50% 53% 60% Volunteer Stems 4-?b O 4(,0 52-0 2 q D 3 O 3?10 Species Plot 1 Plot 2 Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 Plot 6 Totals Betula ni ra 2 2 3 7 Salix ni ra 25 7 4 10 20 66 Acer ne ndo 6 9 25 14 54 Acer rubrum 4 6 9 19 Po ulus deltoides 2 15 5 22 Platanus occidentalis 3 7 15 12 37 Li uidambar s raci ua 3 3 N ssa s lvatica 2 1 3 Fraxinus enns lvanica 11 8 8 5 10 2 44 uercus ni ra 3 3 Totals 53 20 50 10 65 60 258 B. Wetland Assessment Ten groundwater monitoring gauges, two surface gauges, and one rain gauge were installed in previous monitoring years at the Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration project. During the course of 2006 monitoring, eight groundwater gauges and the two surface gauges were replaced. The monitoring gauges were downloaded monthly from March to November in order to capture hydrological data during the 2006 growing season. The target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for at least 12.5 percent of the growing season in the lower landscape (floodplain) positions. The gauges are programmed to download ground water levels daily. In order to attain hydrologic success, ground water levels must be within 12-inches of the ground surface for 29 consecutive days, which is 12.5% of the March 22 to November 11 (235 days) growing season. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Page II-5 Project Condition and Monitoring Results 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Wetland) There are 10 groundwater wells and 2 surface water gauges located on the mitigation site. During the initial assessment conducted in March, six of the original Ecotone WL series gauges were replaced with Ecotone WM series gauges. The gauges were reinstalled at the previous locations. During preparation of the Problem Areas Plan View (Appendix A3), it was noted that three additional ground water gauges and one surface gauge were malfunctioning. These gauges were replaced in June 2006 and were reinstalled at the previous locations. 2. Wetland Criteria Attainment Nine of the ten groundwater gauges on site achieved wetland success criteria of saturation for 29 consecutive days during the growing season. Well 8 was the only gauge that did not meet this criterion; however, this gauge did experience 24 consecutive days of saturation within 12 inches of the surface. The rain gauge has malfunctioned as previously reported resulting in a lack of precipitation data. However, the rain gauge data from the Back Creek site licated approximately one mile south of Mallard Creek was used as comparison. Please refer to Table VII for a summary of gauge success and to Appendix B for the data and charts illustrating water levels as compared to precipitation. Table VII Wetland Criteria Attainment Mallard Creek Restoration Project No. 239 GAUGE ID GAUGE HYDROLOGY MET (Y/N) VEGETATION PLOT ID VEGETATION SURVIVAL THRESHOLD MET Y/N MC-1 Yes Plot I Yes MC-2 Yes Plot 2 Yes MC-3 Yes Plot 3 Yes MC-4 Yes Plot 4 CE Z2-1 (A 4 MC-5 Yes Plot 5 es MC-6 Yes Plot 6 Yes MC-7 Yes MC-8 No MC-9 Yes MC-10 Yes . 0-CA-0- Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 Jordan Jones e Goulding SECTION III METHODOLOGY J Jordan Jones R Goulding SECTION III Methodology The restored wetland systems (Site 1 and 2) were traversed entirely. Areas of interest and hydrology gauges were field mapped, and located with a GPS unit. The GPS data was incorporated into base map data provided by NCEEP to produce Figure II. Vegetation plots were assessed in May and September, 2006 for planted and natural recruitments of woody species. The monitoring gauges were downloaded monthly from March to November in order to capture hydrological data during the 2006 growing season. Mallard Creek Wetland Restoration Project Jordan, Jones, and Goulding, Inc. Year 9 of 9 Monitoring March 2007 Project No. 239 J Jordan Jones e Goulding APPENDIX A* 1. Vegetation Survey Data Tables 2. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos 3. Problem Areas Plan View *Raw data tables have been provided electronically. H N 1- Le! 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Q of a 0 z 06 z ,Cc N w J 000 F- z D 0, 0 N U Q Z O.o rn F-zUz O 0 Lb OUMZl<al dmzmr w w U Z [D Q 00 0a oa as w ?Q a o Vn wz H 0 N 1= J U QO of J w z J J H U Q O Z?IV C 5MG'IOS010OZON J Jordan Jones R. Goulding APPENDIX B* 1. Data Tables for Hydrological Data 2. Precipitation - Water Level Plots for Wells** *Raw data tables have been provided electronically. **Precipitation data used from the Back Creek site located approximately one mile south of Mallard Creek. J It r1_ 0*1 O M O N V .`.? G 'per m?. fir C a c. U <opo mM G M N N N N 0 'I.?JC?z J p O 08o $ m E z 44 kk yXE U ?z'z 8 O Wa A a o Q Y 0 O r E F1 gz'z' ?" ° A U W N O ??/Jl O ? M ? ? Ry ` J Q m °O W W (? r N 2 ^^ 1? g$ m E N ^ a88 N C DEE o mm ° U ii c WN0 7-1 QS ? ~ N NN C ? yy FI m N O Bbd ep MM° Y J 1 ? 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K a Well °a o Met? 96 UQ A 7 N O O VI 0 0 UeC? f ? r .? r f r 1 ?; ; , a s 1 ?- Well ID n !5 ' r. sq ? :n ?' c v r, v, A' ? '; rs ? c r fl rasboid ? - r p n W T 3 b 3 "U ? ^D •' 'V ? '7 G 'rgrt+?pua A M _ ' a u: i- co r? .? P6)[tll r t?f z b R CI+CtBfil[FA .K .r .?; ..? .I .! sIlri'IYeI v hreslold -P A A A A A A W C 'O r W ?D V OV 00 ??aa n D v ? ? A W N ? 3 D O 0 o o o o o o m n 0 o o o o o co m .< CT A co N - O CO Oo CO) N A A VI VI VI A A V1 D ? ?O O W h+ ?O O? O ? W O 00 \D V N ?D ?+ ?p 0 O W W W O\ ? p w w i w v N ? v i () I m N O O U O ?D ?O CT O D O ? A W W VNi V tj 00 ?O 41 T ? N w U ° U A O, o O\ o O\ rn O a O o A _ O ? ? M o o 0 r. W ? V J C n 01 M C\ -t- tll J U U W U J O W W W W ? W W N W J ?D ?O r-+ ?O J 00 J 01 00 V J O? V 00 W OD 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Mallard Creek Mitigation Site, located in Mecklenburg County, consists of two separate wetland sites. Both are situated along SR 2833 (Mallard Creek Church Road), just east of US 29 (Figure 1). The two sites serve as mitigation for wetland impacts associated with the Charlotte Outer Loop (R-211 DA, USACE Action I.D. 199200013). Both sites, totaling 10 acres in size, consist of bottomland hardwood forest restoration and creation. The sites were initially constructed and planted in 1994; however, hydrologic and vegetation problems forced remediation in 1997. Remediation activities involved grading both sites to more accurately reflect groundwater profiles. The site was developed in cooperation with Mecklenburg County. As a result of this partnership, the county will incorporate the mitigation sites into a greenway plan for the area. A boardwalk has been constructed on Site 2 as part of the Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation system. An additional section of boardwalk will be constructed adjacent to Site 1 when Mallard Creek Church Road is widened. 1.2 PURPOSE In order to demonstrate successful mitigation, hydrologic and vegetative criteria must be met for a minimum of three consecutive years or until the site is deemed successful. Success criteria are based on federal guidelines for wetland mitigation. These guidelines stipulate criteria for both hydrologic conditions and vegetation survival. The following report details the results of hydrologic and vegetative monitoring during the 2004-year at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site. Activities in 2004 reflect the seventh year of monitoring following the remediation efforts in 1997. Included in this report are analyses of both hydrologic and vegetative monitoring results. 2.0 HYDROLOGY 2.1 Success Criteria In accordance with federal guidelines for wetland mitigation, the success criteria for hydrology state that the area must be inundated or saturated (within 12" of the surface) by surface or groundwater for at least a consecutive 12.5% of the growing. season. Areas inundated or saturated for less than 5% of the growing season are always classified as non-wetlands. Areas inundated or saturated between.5% - 12.5% of the growing season can be classified as wetlands depending upon factors such as the presence of wetland vegetation and hydric soils. The growing season in Mecklenburg County begins March 22 and ends November 11 (235 days). These dates correspond to a 50% probability that temperatures will drop to 280F or lower after March 22 and before November 11.' Based on the current guidelines, the optimum hydrology requires 12.5% of this season, or at least 29 consecutive days. Local climate must also represent average conditions for the area. 2.2 HYDROLOGIC DESCRIPTION In May of 1998, ten groundwater gauges, one rain gauge, and one surface water gauge were installed at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Sites. The original rain gauge was replaced on May 4, 2000. In April 2003, one surface gauge was installed on Site 2 (Figure 2). The automatic groundwater gauges record daily readings of groundwater depth. The Mallard Creek Site was designed to receive hydrologic input from both rainfall and runoff from Mallard Creek Church Road. The hydrologic monitoring should show the reaction of the groundwater level to specific rainfall events. The 2004 data represents the seventh growing season for hydrologic monitoring following the remediation efforts in 1997. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, p.61. 2.3.2 Climatic Data Figure 4 is a comparison of 2003 and 2004 monthly rainfall to historical precipitation for the area. This comparison indicates whether 2004 was "average" in terms of climate conditions by comparing the rainfall to that of historical rainfall (data collected between 1973 and 2004). The NC State Climate Office provided all historical data. For the 2004-year June, * July, August and September experienced above average rainfall. The months of November (03'), January, March, April, and October recorded below average rainfall for the site. December (03'), February, May, and November experienced average rainfall. Overall, 2004 experienced an average to above average rainfall year. 2.4 CONCLUSIONS For Site 1, all three groundwater-gauges revealed saturation greater than. 12.5% of the growing season. The surface gauge located on Site 1, revealed periodic inundation during the growing season. Hydrologic data at Site 2 indicated that five of the seven monitoring gauges met the hydrologic success criteria for the seventh year of monitoring. The surface gauge located on Site 2, revealed periodic inundation during the growing season. EEP will begin monitoring the hydrology at the Mallard Creek Mitigation Site for the 2005 monitoring year. 9 b y, r a 0 o Depth to Groundwater (in) Ul O Ul O Ul O 3/23/2006 ... ...... ..........w.......k ,,...,....... ............ 41612006 J (? r? 4120/2006 cn o m -? 5/412006 i 5 11 812 0 0 6 b , 6/112006 ? p _0 6/1512006 b a 6/29/2006 1) >` o v Q a G EtI fQ PV rn CD c 7/1312006 - C7 m 0 712712006 R` a a a CCD o o CD ? C' 811012 006 n r i Y ? ? ? G D 8124/2006 I rA C ?? Q 0 917/2006 ' CD K M n K - 47 cD c ? 0 0 r c " 0 0 _ 7 G C Q Z to CD 3 O 3 0 ? Q :) rt 0 U2 9/2112006 r") rn 10&2006 E W C2- 0 d 1011912006 . ° 11/212006 z .. YY?. .................... MY. .... ...... ....... =ma to ? ? o U ?, o N A 6 ? OJ N A 67 OD Precipitation Amounts (in) N N O W ? CD J Depth to Groundwater (in) ;' A N CD co 6l A N CD N A m C7 3232006 ... . . 4!62006 z 4202006 fl co U1 r 5142006 ? ?o b c? a a N p CD a. 0 y wl C y t7 0 m ? n N N O W O ? J v p 0 C C N co W Ili CO 1 70 CD -92 c m Q 0 (n 511811006 '-- 611200E 6/152006 > O M 6292006 G7 6 D 0 7/132006 0- o.. CIO O w YOM 'y1 L c 7272006 1,F s 8/102006 f 8242006 '. 9172006 9212006 10/52006 v Q cn 0 o n 3 10/192006 1122006 d ...................................... ....., 0 0 0 0 0 N A m co N A 67 CO Precipitation Amounts (in) 9 K Q py 0 - N CL Q C - J M J 0 rt Q 4 Z M o Nn? ? rt o 0 0) ca Depth to Groundwater (in) r a o b b b II ? N ? a. ?. n CD CD a ? C ? o o' o ? y 0 G y dI c? z ?iQLL 4L r? N O W O J U l O Ul O CJi O ' ...... 3123/2006 .............. ......... ............. ....... .........., 4/612006 r? Gi r? 4/20(2006 :3 11 C4 6 ¦ 5/4/2006 5/1812006 61112006 CD ¢ti 6/15/2006 _ 0 ? 6/29/2006 co c Q 0 2 7/1312006 = :3 ICL 0 712712006 Z C O s 8/10/2006 0 : ¦ ? '? o rr a 8124/2006 9/712006 9121/2006 [ri m 10/5/2006 10/19/2006 1 1 1212 0 0 6 ?:'.. r.. s.r................i ........................r .r. ....... O O O O O -? N A 6l CO N A 6l 07 Precipitation Amounts (in) _ •d CD b 00 Cy a W b ?c 0 r C b 0 y C H 4 CL CD CD ?CD o ?-n N M 0 O 0 d 'coo Ag Zoo .: to Et N O O J Depth to Groundwater (in) A Lil L N ti O U't O Ul O Ul O Ul O CTI O 3/230006 .. .. ' . 4!60006 G ? 4000006 4 LO o, 5/40006 I! :J7 1 U7 LUUU ? t ?• 6/10006 6/150006 cD y 1 11I I 6090006 CL 0 I v 7/130006 M l< CL (D d 7/270006 G G) 0 o ccl CC) rn 0 8/100006 0 0 O Q 8040006 p1 c ? , Q ? 0 (D 9/70006 " 9010006 V u 10/5/2006 U) m r. p 0 :3 (7 10/190006 11/2/2006 . .. . .r . . .. .. . s. ?. . . .. ... .... i ... ... .•...<• r .. r O O O ... .. .+.• . O O . . . . •. . N A 61 QO N A 6l N Precipitation Amount (in) Depth to Groundwater (in) o b is N ?d b i r C b f y O i. o° C 0 a. sa Q°. 4 o ? Pd (D Cn 0 O d E4 0 N O O J 9010006 10/50006 cU M- 10 a ::3 n { 10/190006 - 1100006 ................................. ................ O O O CD O Precipitation Amount (in) 0 cn a n o c 3 U CL 0 0 0 _ CL -, o G) Z 7 o 0 C o t 3 0 0 0 0 to v, 0 F I O O CTi O Ui O Ui O C.Jl O Ui O 31230006 ...... ...... ....... :. ............. ,. .,..., 4160006 Cn CD CG m M co 412012006 G ? a 5140006 a 1-0 5/180006 6/10006, 6/150006 6090006 v 7/130006 a d m 7070006 8/100006 8040006 F 9(70006 .d 'P u rv x? Q 00 ?o b O• N b a I r b 0 y 0 K C CD W H Depth to Groundwater (in) Cil O (Pt O v, O Ul O 3123/2006 .. ?. •r Y.rr..I. r.M.YS Y•• ............... 1. •.Y•11. .IM Y? .r11•I..II 41612006 Lrl CO v 4/2012006 o M 5/4/2006 o 5/1812006 6/l/2006 6!1512006 i 6/29/2006 ; co 711 3 12 0 0 6 M 712712006 8/1012006 ; b t7 co' ?? z rs .. n (2 C C2 is-Oslo O N W O ? 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Y.?YYR?• .•.Y.A tt?MY{.? 7 O Q 0 .a N A m Co N A 6l O7 Precipitation Amounts (in) I b { ITI 0 Depth to Groundwater (in) O CT O M O Fj; O M O M O 3232006 ow 4/62006 t,," G-) cc 4202006 6142006 5/182006 ' 6/12006 c. D w a 6/152006 N C a . ( 6292006 ?. n o 0 '"•. v 7/132006 m CD a 7272006 o CTI 8/102006 • c 0 s 8242006 in C: o Q 9!72006 -a ° C ? rA 9212006 10/52006 b b 10/192006 o ?. n z 1122006 sC?cL TC C* M. m 4 O= N x N O ? O Q O ca C C n _ 0 CL i1B 0 Z to C Q CD 03 a 0 ? d :3 to ` I i Lei m m ? v a G O O O O O N A O l CO N A 6l CO Precipitation Amounts (in) b C ? a. o 00 a tz N a. b n r CD o ,t A? ~ b O ? 0 y C C y d F7 1 ? I=ma, 4 MOM ? N O ? O Depth to Groundwater (in) X1 w w N N O M O CPI O Lh O CTi O M O 3232006 .......... ................ ,....... ....,... .»»..., »4162006 Cn m 4202006 o 5/42006 5/18/2006 - 6/12006 CD IM 6/152006 x n 6292006 7/13/200 6 CL 0 2 0 r 0 d A. C. 7 72006 3 O 57 2 ' Z p l 0 8/102006 0 ? LTI rr O O C O 8/24/2006 ; C t 9/7/2006 I I W21/2006 10/5/2006 M0fT1 10/192006 0 1122006, r«•??r.•rrvv«.«r•r.«rrrr?• uru«rrr s«•r «••rr?r,•r1 O O O O O N A M CO N A 6n OJ Precipitation Amounts (in) Depth to Groundwater (in) b A LO LO N N O UI O CT7 O CTl O Ui O Ln ' a • 3/23/2006 M 4/6/2 006 n g 4/20/2006 csr, m c, 5/4/2 006 ' 5/18/2006 w b ? 6/l/2006 b7 0 6/15/2006 + a. 6/29/2006 0 b CD CD 0 7/13/2006 o ? CD O O a CD 7/27/2006 f?D ? A t A o 8/10/2006 -li I c o 8/24/2006 o Q I 0 9/7/2006 Wy 9/21/2006 O 0 C1 W O ? a 0 0 Z o C O o 0 ? ? r+ O 3 to 10/6/2006 CO c-'rn Q o C7 10119/2006 w ;' 0 11/2 /2006 . Y . . .RAA. kRAAM kk r- C- o 0 o ... / R V?• ..• ? YYY YRMM. •V V M k. R. A. k..MkYkkY ........ o P P P P is-, a 4 N A M CO i j A o7 OJ m °0 Precipitation Amounts (in) W O ? J Precipitation (in.) r 0 0 0 -? 7S, OS O N iA CO tV ? d, r'9 OS, - ` d O O j? G7 CO S T 7? OS - m o ?G ?id^ s ' I ,P 0. OS p_ d ?? NO . .L- ? fv Gd O , 6 Q G 10 s ° < , / co OO 0. M 7 GA 3 0 O S ( 9 n G9 ? 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Q S S?? G G) m O 8 S o O o D m o f O S c?O S ? 7 0 o ,? os O3, , T Oo cO s ? . ? W W O CT O N CJl N O C1t ? O O O CT - O O O O O O O O O O Depth to Ground water (in.) r O .?g Off. V. r?,??OS "0 `O6, OS T `16, os a,. 'sue°s °s k9l ? os ^°s dayos -v G7 7C9, °S G7° 2 S v ?s °s c Gi, °o,? °s 9 S c?j G9°S 7 G9° os s 0 '0 's, s 80 °s 10 ?c;O S of s °s °S ot- Oo r ? c°S oc or0 °S o`'1o s Precipitation (in.) O O O O N A O OD N P .A W W N N ? ? U1 O CJl O fTi O U1 O ? O O O O CO O O O O ? O Ali G. n c? n IL Depth to Groundwater (in.) Precipitation (in.) 7 ? 0 0 0 -- 7s OS O IV A. i) CO 7 29 O . ff ma p ?? OS ? co ? o - --- -------- - os a . ~OS !L, %0 . 2! S ?G I ?O ? ? S ? G/, c n - n 0, -70 ::3 CD `iG /O S s o o 7?c , 1 S 1 n. G9 2 _ w 0S j '0 0 % S 0, 10. 61 G) m J , O 0 0 ct `P OS ?. o n % O c S ce'O h tr a .'y.r v U Y O` 0 -- - - --------- - j o? S ? ? c .OS f ?. W W N N fJ7 O CIl O CS7 O CTt O C71- O O O O O O O O O O Depth to Groundwater (in.) Precipitation (in.) r `?d?j 75. OS v O O o tJ .P Precipitation (in.) 0 0 - a) CO - N [?9 X4 . 1 5 d ?j OS j? ? 0? ,? G7 6 L ILD ?6 05, • ; ' ?• .tom . S ? e6 5' m dr 0 o ? i1 2 0. b d d p . y _ LG? l 17 0, ? G ?4 c?? S o, C 70 OS 00 0. r? OS v '9G c cn c?j 94 0 W 5, , C> 9690 _ `?° e A OS 2? ! S 49 4 ? m 0. 9, ? Q Q o o1 2 O _. ? S Oc <: r S OS ? o` 7i9 0, ti0 ` e 7 cOS O e c t .p W W N N ? O CIl ? O Ch O Ut O U7 O O O O O O O O O O O Depth to Groundwater (in.) d a n fD C1 V Precipitation (in.) ??7 0 0 0 0 -• 7S QS O IV A O bo -? IV A a ? W e6 o cn e6 O 7? pS CO ? ? o v o os -9 q' 2, yQ S ?d y 10 G , .7 O s ?G At OS 2 As .? CL ::3 CD l `/ G/OiS o 4 M u; OS n ?, 9Q 00 S ? ?O cry + S s 9,0 ?s o m C' f,0 ?. o s s tio` 79 OS .4 O L Q v' S O ? c ?1 QS 0 ,7 S _ f ? W W N N ? O (h O Cn O P O C)1 O O O O O O O O O O O Depth to Groundwater (in.) Precipitation (in.) v d? d? d r???os T 616. d''os 9 °s 9 os 2j dy°S '?dy _____. __ ?_ °S 7? °S 4?0 ?? S 761 °S G' ° °S ,7„? GAO ? S '9 S G9° .70- `AS pS '0 o? S, c''o ? 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O CO Z D r r n G) U) W rn m 0 C x m a m 2 ?. W W O 0 O Depth to Groundwater (in.) N N i ? 0 O cn a 0 O (n 01-Jan-04 10-Jan-04 _ 19-Jan-04 28-Jan-04 06-Feb-04 CO !? 15-Feb-04 cn 1 24-Feb-04 a 04-Mar-04 (D o 13-Mar-04 _ o 22-Mar=04 31-Mar-04 09-Apr-04 18-Apr-04 - ' 27-Apr-04 ` I 06-May-04 15-May-04 24-May-04 02-Jun-04 11-Jun-04 20-Jun-04 cD 29-Jun-04 = d ? ? 08-Jul-04 - N I j 17-Jul-04 26-Jul-04 04-Aug-04: N 13-Aug-04 a , 22-Aug-04 - N ' Cl 31-Aug-04 -" :3 09-Sep-04 18-Sep-04 27-Sep-04 06-Oct-04 - n' 15-Oct-04 N 24-Oct-04 02-Nov-04 11-Nov-04 - - - - - ._._:_. _. - _ -• 21-Nov-04 ` n ° m 30-Nov-04 o. 0 o 09-Dec-04 30 n C CD N O O -? N N W W .P Ch fT UI (JI Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater (in.) I. w w N N - -I I O Cn O Ch O U7 O' CTl O CA O 01-Jan-04 10-Jan-04 19-Jan-04 in U3 28-Jan-04 i CD 06-Feb-04 15-Feb-04 = C° S cp 24-Feb-04 ni o 04-Mar-04 _ ° 13-Mar-04 ' 22-Mar-04 - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 31-Mar-04 _ 09-Apr-04 rn w D 18-Apr-04 ? -_27-Ap?-04 ? 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O CJO (h O Cn ? i O (P O CT 01-Jan-04 10-Jan-04 19-Jan-04 = - ii 28-Jan-04 t 06-Feb-04 0 15-Feb-04 24-Feb-04 cQ 04-Mar-04 ' 13-Mar-04 ? r o :. 22-Mar-04 _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ j ' 31-Mar-04 i 09-Apr-04 _ I { 18-Apr-04 . Y 27-Apr-04 j 06-May-04 I 15-May-04 - 24-May-04 , n 02-Jun-04 11-Jun-04 17 00 - d 20-Jun-04 t -• 29-Jun-04 ! N n 08-Jul-04 1 rn n 17-Jul-04 26-Jul-04 04-Aug-04 p 13-Aug-04 22-Aug-04 a) m p 31-Aug-04 I C C o m 09-Sep-04 { -?I 18-Sep-04 27 04 S - ep- { 06-Oct-04 15-Oct-04 24-Oct-04 -- 02-Nov-04 11-Nov-04 - _ - 21-Nov-04 C° m o 30-Nov-04 a 0 ? cn 09-Dec-04 O O -? N N W W A CT CT U 7 Gt Precipitation (in .) C su sv O Q n = cD CO csa T: ?D C/) ?D N .b. O 01-Jan-04 = 10-Jan-04 = 19-Jan-04 28-Jan-04 06-Feb-04 15-Feb-04 24-Feb-04 04-Mar-04 13-Mar-04 22-Mar-04 31-Mar-04 09-Apr-04 18-Apr-04 - :? 27-Apr-04 06-May-04 15-May-04 _ 24-May-04 *- 02-Jun-04 11-Jun-04 20-Jun-04 M 29-Jun-04 08-Jul-04 17-Jul-04 26-Jul-04 Z m I 0 G) cfl Cn N Ca N N m A rn 04-Aug-04 r C 13-Aug-04 m 22-Aug-04 0 0 _ 31-Aug-04 09-Sep-04 = 18-Sep-04 27-Sep-04 06-Oct-04 15-Oct-04 24-Oct-04 02-Nov-04 ' 11-Nov-04 ` 21-Nov-04 - 30-Nov-04 09-Dec-04 f Depth to Groundwater (in.) W W N N - - i (T O to O cn O C n O 0 O Q. 00 CC C cD (Q ? ?D N O O - N N W W A CJi Ch (I? (T7 Precipitation (in.) Z m r I n r N .A CO rn rn m D C m 0 0 m 2 Depth to Groundwater W N N -1 CA O Cn O Cn O 0 (in.) 11 O ? O to 01-Jan-04 10-Jan-04 ' 19-Jan-04 28-Jan-04 06-Feb-04 15-Feb-04 ED 0 D 24-Feb-04 ' 04-Mar-04 cn f' 0 13-Mar-04 N o 22-Mar-04 - - - - - - - - 31-Mar-04 - w 09-Apr-04 18-Apr-04 27-Apr-04 06-May-04 15-May-04 24-May-04 ' 02-Jun-04 11-Jun-04 20-Jun-04 -Ak 29-Jun-04 08-Jul-04 = 1 17-Jul-04 ? 26-Jul-04 a 04-Aug-04 N 13-Aug-04 22-Aug-04 5- 31-Aug-04.?`_ ` 09-Sep-04 s 18-Sep-04 y sx'` 27-Sep-04 04 ` 06 O t c . - - :E a ° 15-Oct-04 24-Oct-04 5 . ` 02-Nov-04 _ o 11-Nov-04 ` - - - - - - _ _ _ _ . 21-Nov-04 30-Nov-04 09-Dec-04 -> O Cl -+ N N W W A U7 U1 (Tt (T Precipitation (in.) w sv Q 3 0 n .'? Q N CD W N N SHdVN!D aonvJ N31VM 3ov=iNns Surface water depth (inches) ? ? -? N N W fh O CT O Ui O fh O I n in G) Cn N v 0 m I 0 c CL m D N 0 o. A 07-Jan-04 15-Jan-04 22-Jan-04 29-Jan-04 05-Feb-04 13-Feb-04 20-Feb-04 27-Feb-04 05-Mar-04 13-Mar-04 20-Mar-04 27-Mar-04 3-Apr-04 12-Apr-04 22-Apr-04 02-May-04 11-May-04 21-May-04 31-May-04 09-Jun-04 19-Jun-04 29-Jun-04 08-Jul-04 18-Jul-04 28-Ju1-04 06-Aug-04 16-Aug-04 26-Aug-04 04-Sep-04 14-Sep-04 24-Sep-04 03-Oct-04 13-Oct-04 23-Oct-04 01-Nov-04 11-Nov-04 E C. 90 C I CD m ..1 N CD I n cn 0 N v Co .al m 0 C CL m D N 0 0 C?n 07-Jan-04 15-Jan-04 22-Jan-04 29-Jan-04 05-Feb-04 13-Feb-04 20-Feb-04 27=Feb-04 05-Mar-04 13-Mar-04 20-Mar-04 27-Mar-04 3-Apr-04 12-Apr-04 22-Apr-04 02-May-04 11-May-04 21-May-04 31-May-04 09-Jun-04 19-Jun-04 29-Jun-04 08-Jul-04 18-Jul-04 28-Jul-04 06-Aug-04 16-Aug-04 26-Aug-04 04-Sep-04 14-Sep-04 24-Sep-04 03-Oct-04 13-Oct-04 23-Oct-04 01-Nov-04 11-Nov-04 w ? n Q. n N c(D cD x W Cn m N Surface water depth (inches) -? -? N N W W .A Ja o cn Cl cn o cn o cn o u, Depth to Groundwater (in.) A W W N N 1 -a i O cn O cn O t1t O cn O Cn 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 o 21-Jan-03 iir 31-Jan-03 co (D 10-Feb-03 0 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 0 22-Mar-03 _ _ _ _ _ 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 z 21-Apr-03 j 01-May-03 ; r I 11-May-03 21-May-03 n 31-May-03 10-June-03 i v > 20-June-03 v , m 30-June-03 a 00 M 10-July-03 20-July-03 ;U 30-July-03 m p 09-Aug-03 c. m 19-Aug-03 iv 29-Aug-03 . 0 v 08-Sept-03 = 18-Sept-03.:; 28-Sept-03 ; y 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 m 07-Nov-03 _ ° - 17-Nov-03 - _ 27-Nov-03 o 06-Dec-03 O O -? ? N N W W -P .CT cn C1i Cn PRECIPITATION m Q, n ?. 7C DEPTH IN GROUNDW ATER (INCHES) .P W O cn W N N i O cn O m i O CA O cn O 01-Jan-03-' - { 11-Jan-03e 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 0 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 CD cc 02-Mar-03 m o 0 _ 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 - - - - - - • - - 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 z _ y 21-Apr-03 - o c_ 01-May-03 Cl I 11-May-03 n 21-May-03 31-May-03 10-June-03 cn > 20-June-03 W m 30-June-03 w 10-July-03 20-July-03 ; m 30-July-03 0 . p 09-Aug-03 v a " 19-Aug-03 0 29-Aug-03 mm 08-Sept-03 = 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 1 18-Oct-03 __ o w 28-Oct-03 CL 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 `" - - - - - - } o 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 O O -? N N W W A cs, Cn (J7 PRECIPITA TION Q 0 ig N Q x Depth to Groundwater (in.) z n I S- 0 G) W cn w cDDr, fv X m p C m O m 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 21-Apr-03 01=May-03 11-May-03 21-May-03 31-May-03 10-June-03 20-June-03 m 30-June-03 10-July-03 20-July-03 30-July-03 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 08-Sept-03 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 A W W N N L L , Cl Ul O cn Cl cn O al O t1? O a o c l Y --n 5 ?'_ 1 ?1 r - _ - i CD to _ O m i a ,I ,' ? j cn t o ? a ro W a - - - - - - - - - - - .?. O O -? N N W W (7i U1 CT Ui ic w Q 0 0 W cD cl) <D PRECIPITATION Depth to Groundwater (in.) .A W W N N L -1 i Cl M O cn O cn O 6 O to 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 T 21-Apr-03 D _ 01-May=03 9 0 r- 0 .P N N a) N W m X m p C m 0 0 m 11-May-03 21-May-03 31-May-03 10-June-03 D 20-June-03 m 30-June-03 10-July-03 20-July-03 30-July-03 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 08-Sept-03 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03. 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 O O -? N N W W A CT C17 Ul Ul PRECIPITATION w Q n A ?D N rt CD N Depth to Groundwater (in.) ? W W N N ? ?' ? O CT O cn O v, O Cn O cn 9 n G7 cn W N N cn rn to f 3 m 0 C 36 m 0 0 m v 2 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 21-Apr-03 01-May-03 11-May-03 21-May-03 31-May-03 10-June-03 m 20-June-03 30-June-03 10-July-03 20-July-03 30-July-03 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 08-Sept-03 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 (D O (a ? E Z3 r- -; r." 2. NOW- 7 - - m Q. n CA m X W N O O W W cn Cn N cn PRECIPITATION Depth to Groundwater (in.) .p W W N N --? O cn Cl cn O cr O 0 O cn 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 a 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 z 21-Apr-03 m --01-May-03 11-May-03 I n rn cn N 0 V m 0 _C X m 0 0 m 0 D m 21-May-03 31-May-03 10-June-03 20-June-03 30-June-03 10-July-03 20-July-03 30-July-03 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 08-Sept-03 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 ? I 1 o ? I ?? m o c o . = cn i } ? o + n i ? o Q r N g o o !M W . M C (Q X M N _ N `--- n m - o a o •- - - F - 0 O O --? -? N N W W .A Cf1 CJ1 CT CT PRECIPITATION z r r C7 r J 0 N m Cl 00 cl N I rn 0 C m 0 0 m .o D m O 01 -Jan -03 11 -Jan -03 21 -Jan -03 31 -Jan -03 10 -Feb -03 20 -Feb -03 02 -Mar -03 12 -Mar -03 22 -Mar -03 01 -Apr -03 11 -Apr -03 21 -Apr -03 01 -May -03 11 -May -03 21 -May -03 31 -May -03 10 -June -03 20 -June -03 30 -June -03 10 -July -03 20 -July -03 30 -July -03 09 -Aug -03 19 -Aug -03 29 -Aug -03 08 -Sept -03 18 -Sept -03 28 -Sept -03 08 -Oct -03 18 -Oct -03 28 -Oct -03 07 -Nov -03 17 -Nov -03 27 -Nov -03 06 -Dec -03 Depth to Groundwater (in.) U1 O Ut O Ul O Ul O U7 o a 0 0 m i c M ca � Q CA Cl O -y —' N N W W A in (Ti ZP Ui PRECIPITATION Depth to Groundwater (in.) J, (.71 o ccnn o c o <n o cn 01-Jan-03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03 10-Feb-03 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 a 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 z 21-Apr-03 -n D 01--May-03 r 11-May-03 21-May-03 n 31-May-03 10-June-03 coo 20-June-03 N m 30-June-03 rn -n rn 10-July-03 -n 20-July-03 30-July-03 m 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 m 0 29-Aug-03 0 08-Sept-03 m 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 18-Oct-03 28-Oct-03 07-Nov-03 17-Nov-03 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 w N D N O O N N W W ? PRECIPITATION z m K n Cf) N W N N m P. ;7 m p c m v v m -v v m 3 m n? o c. n 0) CD - (D to pr C N rt SD N Surface water depth (inches) CT ? -? N N W O Cn O - (A O Ul O 1 -Jan-03 0 10-Jan-03 ?. 19-Jan-03 28-Jan-03 07-Feb-03 16-Feb-03 25-Feb-03 06-Mar-03 16-Mar-03 25-Mar-03 - - - - - - - - 03-Apr-03 12-Apr-03 22-Apr-03 01-May-03 10-May-03 19-May-03 I 29-May-03 n 07-Jun-03 M > 16-Jun-03 c 25-Jun-03 °w 05-Jul-03 N C 14-Jul-03 m 23-Jul-03 01-Aug-03 11-Aug-03 20-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 07-Sep-03 17-Sep-03 26-Sep-03 05-Oct-03 14-Oct-03 24 03 O - ct- 02-Nov-03 11-Nov-03 - - ---- -- -- -- -- - 20-Nov-03 30-Nov-03 09-Dec-03 w Q. n to CD x Cn Depth to Groundwater (in.) z -n r- 9 C-) r N cn .A. rn O m 0 c W m 0 0 m -D ? ? W W N Ut Cl CT1 O cn N L L Cl Ch O I 0 O <n 01-Jan=03 11-Jan-03 21-Jan-03 31-Jan-03-- o 10-Feb-03?- - F 20-Feb-03 02-Mar-03 ,o 12-Mar-03 22-Mar-03 - - - - - - - - 01-Apr-03 11-Apr-03 21-Apr-03 01=May=03 11-May-03 -03 21 Ma - y 31-May-03 su 10-June-03 ?. 20-June-03 0 0 m 30-June-03 N c? y 10-July-03 r ? co 20-July-03 30-July-03 '_ tv 09-Aug-03 19-Aug-03 g 29-Aug-03 08-Sept-03 18-Sept-03 28-Sept-03 08-Oct-03 co m o a 18-Oct-03 ?. o 28-Oct-03-- 07-Nov-03 w , _ 17-Nov-03 ? - - - - - - 27-Nov-03 06-Dec-03 - ; O O -? N N W W A Vl Ul U7 CIt PRECIPITATION Surface water depth (inches) CTi O cn O cn Cl cn O m D X N O O w 01-Jan-03 10-Jan-03 19-Jan-03 28-Jan-03 07-Feb-03 16-Feb-03 25-Feb-03 06-Mar-03 16-Mar-03 25-Mar-03 03-Apr-03 12-Apr-03 22-Apr-03 01-May-03 10-May-03 19-May-03 29-May-03 07-Jun-03 16-Jun-03 25-Jun-03 05-Jul-03 14-Jul-03 23-Jul-03 01-Aug-03 11-Aug-03 20-Aug-03 29-Aug-03 07-Sep-03 17-Sep-03 26-Sep-03 05-Oct-03 14-Oct-03 24-Oct-03 02-Nov-O" 11-Nov-03 20-Nov-O; 30-Nov-O": 09-Dec-O: CD m w p. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 w ? Q. n n Cl) w CA M CD N z n r r 0 G) w rn co, rn m p c X m 0 0 m 2 -C m D N 0 0 N Depth to Groundwater (in.) ? W W N N -1 ? -1 1 O w O Cn O C" O Cn O Cn 01-Jan-02 12-Jan-02 i 07 I 23-Jan-02 ?. j ? 03-Feb-02 i ' 14-Feb-02 > o 25-Feb-02 08-Mar-02 co 19-Mar-02 30-Mar-02 u j 0 10-Apr-02 r' D 21-Apr-02 02-May-02 i 13-May-02 ! 24-May-02 04-Jun-02 15-Jun-02 - 26-Jun-02 07-Jul-02 - ` 18-Jul-02 29-Jul-02 - - a 09-Aug-02 ?'. - 20-Aug-02 ri? r U Y y 11-Sep-02 a 22-Sep-02 - 1 03-Oct-02 14-Oct-02 w 25-Oct-02 a 05-Nov-02 c n 16-Nov02 27-Nov02 08-Dec02 fl 19-DecD2 30-DecO2 s O N PRECIPITATION 3 r N W M 00 D r D v m G1 O Z D m G) C G) G) '0 DEPTH IN GROUNDWATER (INCHES) ? w w N N L, L i O cn O cfl O cn O c n O cn z n r r I n O m D D U) N N W O N N D CA) m c 36 m v v m -o 01-Jan-02 12-Jan-02 23-Jan-02 03-Feb-01 14-Feb-02 25-Feb-02 08-Mar-02 19-Mar-02 30-Mar-02 10-Apr-02 21-Apr-02 02-May-02 13-May-02 24-May-02 04-Jun-02 15-Jun-02 26-Jun-02 07-Jul-02 18-Jul-02 29-Jul-02 09-Aug-02 20-Aug-02 31-Aug-02 11-Sep-02 22-Sep-02 03-Oct-02 14-Oct-02 25-Oct-02 05-Nov-02 16-Nov02 27-Nov02 08-Dec02 19-Dec02 30-Dec02 O O -? -? N N <J? Ut CT PRECIPITATION 3 n r- 0 N cl) v 0 N 4 N z n D r r- K n G1 w w m A c 55 m v v m -o Depth to Groundwat er (in.) P W W N N L CO Ui O th O Ui O m O 0 01-J n-02 -02 :n 12 23-Jan-02 , a 03-Feb-02 14-Feb-02 j 25-Feb-02 08-Mar-02 °; 19-Mar-02 30-Mar-02 . o 10-Apr-02 21-Apr-02 02-May-02 3 13-May-02 24-May-02 - 04-Jun-02 15-Jun-02 D 26-Jun-02 N 07-Jul-02 o o - 18-Jul-02 29-Jul-02 09-Aug-02 20-Aug-02 n G) W N W w N Depth to Groundwater (in.) ?II z n III 9 n r co N W N co n V m A c X m v 0 m A W W N N ? j i . 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E ?I v N Q N cr, rn CO i ?CU E n:m 0 -a <n O cn O (A O cn O CJ7 O M 22-Mar-01 29-Mar-01 05-Apr-01 N Q r 12-Apr-01 v 19-Apr-01 - 26-Apr-01 1 03-May-01 10-May-01 17-May-01 24-May-01 31-May-01 O Jun-01 - ! 14-Jun-01 21-Jun-01 ° 28-Jun-01 05-Jul-01 i L" a) v . 12-Jul-01 7 } n n 19-Ju1-01 F N 26-Jul-01 n 02-Aug-01 N ' 09-Aug-01 to tv 16-Aug-01 ? { a 23-Aug-01 ?- f 30-Aug-01 06-Sep-01 13-Sep-01 - r r ,a '" - 1 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 ; 04-Oct-01 11-Oct-01 18-Oct-01 25-Oct-01 f 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01 y ; O Cl Cl O O -? -• N N A O oO IV .A O ow Precipitation (in.) v v' ;I N v O N (D c ti a O cD 7 3 oa) C? Q. n 0 N (D N (D 0 x C >yQ) O O O O O -• -? -? N IV A in bo tV .P. rn W Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater (in.) f i ? 0 A W W N N -? - 1 O Cn O al O Cn O ' C!n O CT1 22-Mar-01 1 29-Mar-0 05-Apr-01 12-Apr-01 _ 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 r ( f 03-May-01 l 10-May-01 17-May-01 ?-~ 24-May-01 ; t 31-May-01 07-Jun-01 k I 14-Jun-01 I I 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 ° m v, 05-Jul-01 d c N o 12-Jul-01 G. ; n ti 19-Ju1-01 E N 26-Ju1-0 1 0 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 ti fu 16-Aug-01 I 23-Aug-01 Q l 30-Aug-01 j 06-Sep-01 i ?. 13-Sep-01 - 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 T 11-Oct-01 I k. 18-Oct-01 25-Oct-01 ?- 01-Nov-01 -- 08-Nov-01 O O O O O -+ -' -` N N A rn Cp K) A CA N Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater (in.) 1 C ? A W W n O Cn O N N ? - (n O 0 O -? , Cn O Cn 22-Mar-01 ' 29 M -01 - ar 05-Apr-01 12-Apr-01 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 03-May-01 E 10-May-01 - 17-May-01 24-May-01 ` 31-May-01 - _..__.07-Jun-01 14-Jun-01 { s 21-Jun-01 i 28-Jun-01 - ? t s Q 05-Jul-01 to 4 i v 12-Jul-01 n n ?I 19-Jul-01 ' m m N M I 26-Jul-01 n 60 02-Aug-01 i . 09-Aug-01 - fli o0 16-Aug-01 M 23-Aug-01 `a 30-Aug-01 06-Sep-01 ? 13-Sep-01 a., yy 20-Sep-01 i i 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 I 11-Oct-01 18-Oct-01 ` 25-Oct-01 01-Nov-01 - 08-Nov-01 O O O O O -? - ? - N N 6 w fv t ? O bo Precipitation (in.) r Depth to Groundwater (in.) ? CA . ? W W N N -? -- O M O CA O M O ? M O M 22-Mar-01 -01 29 M ar - 05-Apr-01 CO 12-Apr-01 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 - 03-May-01 10-May-01 t 17-May-01 l -- 1 24-May-01 31-May-01 FI , ? - 07-Jun-01_= . 14-Jun-01 21-Jun-01 S l 28-Jun-01 L - 05-Jul-01 07 f 0 12-Jul-01 - ' 19-Jul-01 26-Jul-01 02-Aug-01 1 09-Aug-01 1 16-Aug-01 23-Aug-01 f 30-Aug-01 06-Sep-01 - ? 13-Sep-01 l 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 k 04-Oct-01 11-Oct-01 I ' i 18-Oct-01 = 25-Oct-01 01-Nov-01 - ' 08-Nov-01 O -? O O O Cl • -• N N A rn CO N A Precipitation (in.) o? CL n 0 CD N ? N M n X* ?' ca Depth to Groundwater (in.) .A P W Ut O cn W N N L I- i O cn O cn O <n O cn 22 M 01 - ar- - - - 29-Mar-01 05-Apr-01 12-Apr-01 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 . 03-May-01 ~ 10-May-01 17-May-01 24-May-01 ' ' 31-May-01 { a - - 07-Jun-01 14-Jun-01 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 A 05-Jul-01 r a 12-Jul-01 19-Jul-01 - 1 26-Jul-01 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 -I 16-Aug-01 a 23-Aug-01 ° 30-Aug-01 ~ 06-Sep-01 l , 13-Sep-01 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 11-Oct-01 I 18-Oct-01 ; 25-Oct-01 j 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01, O O O O O -? -? 1 -? N N A CO IV A O OD Precipitation (in.) CD 0) C/) d c Q, C') 0 N M CA C C-D ? N t ' Depth to Groundwater (i n.) o 0 o Cnn o to o in o cn 22-Mar-01 -01 29 M ar - 05-Apr-01 nQ 12-Apr-01 w 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 03-May-01 - 10-May-01 17-May-01 - 24-May-01 31-May-01 I i 07-Jun-Q1. - _ - j y 14-Jun-01 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 { W 05-Jul-01 w 12-Jul-01 19-Jul-01 1 l-01 26 J - u j 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 X 16-Aug-01 23-Aug-01 n 30-Aug,01 i 0 j 06 Se 01 i p- - 13-Sep-01 w 20-Sep-01 x 27-Sep-01 w t 04-0ct-01 11-Oct-01 18-0ct-01 25-0ct-01 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01 N ? c C. A C) m N (p Ul CD rt cD O 0 0 0 0 i -? - N IV J? 6 N A in 0 Precipitation (in.) f t Depth to Groundwater (in.) ' A ? to Zn O Cn W N N ? ? O Cn O (n O cn O Cn 22-Mar-01 29 M -01 ar - L - 05-Apr-01 12-Apr-01 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 l 03-May-01 10-May-01 $ € 17-May-01 24-May-01 .' 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O Precipitation (in.) y = I N O ?CCS? C I I(D a ?I m Depth to Groundwater (in.) ` ? A W W N N i ? U1 O m O <n CO Gn O c!n O cn 22-Mar-01 - -' 29-Mar-01 N 05-Apr-01 n , 12-Apr-01 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 - 03-May-01 10-May-01 - t 17-May-01 24-May-01 ' 31-May-01 _ 07-Jun-01. 14-Jun-01 y 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 iv 05-Jul-01 _` 4 w v 12-Jul-01Q" 0 n N 19-Jul-01 f y N 26-Jul-01 -- .0 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 x 16-Aug=01 23-Aug-01 _ 30-Aug-01 ° 06-Sep-01 13-Sep-01 20-Sep-01 `f 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 _ 11-Oct-01 18-Oct-01 25-Oct-01 -' 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01 O O O O O N .A Q1 Oo N A O OD Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater (in.) ? ? W W N N .? 0 O cn O M O 0 ? O Ul O (J7 22-Mar-0 1 - 29-Mar-01 05-Apr-01 N c 12-Apr-01 y C 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 03-May-01 10-May-01 17-May-01 24-May-01 31-May-01 i ? 07-Jun-01 - n 1 14=Ju -0 m = 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 I 05-Jul-01 J rn 12-Jul-01 p 19-Jul-01 26-Jul-01 - 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 16-Aug-01 23-Aug-01 ma 30-Aug-01 06-Sep-01 13-Sep-01 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 _ 11-0ct-01 18-0ct-01 25-Oct-01 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01 N ? n d n C7 N CD N CD n X- 1 . 10Q 1 , 00 O O O O O -? -• . N tV A O CO iJ P 0) 00 Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater ( in.) A .P W W N N L M O Cn O Cn O Cn 1 CO cn O C11 - 22 M -0 ' - ' - ar 1 - E 29-Mar-01 05-Apr-01 rv 12-Apr-01 I v k 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 03-May-01 10-May-01 17-May-01 24-May-01 1 ' 31-May-01 - 07-Jun-01 -14- 16-1 - Jun 21-Jun-01 28-Jun-01 N 05-Jul-01 Cn ai 12-Jul-01 - rte --7- 0 Q. iv O N 19-Jul-01 26-Jul-01 r .0 02-Aug-01 09-Aug-01 1 16-Aug-01 - r- -ID 23-Aug-01 ?- °- 30-Aug-01 0 7 06-Sep-01 -- 13-Sep-01 20-Sep-01 - r 27-Sep-01 04-Oct-01 11-Oct-01 18-Oct-01 25-Oct-01 01-Nov-01 I 08-Nov-01 O O O O O .? .? .? N tV A O C7D N .? (A (b Precipitation (in.) Depth to Groundwater (in.) -il .P W cn O C n W N N L O cn O Cn L O <n O cn 22-Mar-01 - --= ---'---- --- ?__ 29-Mar-01 05-Apr-01 12-Apr-01 - 19-Apr-01 26-Apr-01 03-May-01 - 10-May-01 - 17-May-01 ' 24-May-01 w.. 31-May-01 n 07-Jun-01 - 14-Jun-01 - 21-Jun-01 K3 M N M Cn ! ` . ll 28-Jun-01 n? j a 05-Jul-01 0 Q' ?-- 12-Jul-01 - 0 v 19-Jul-01 - - N 77r rv , ' 26-Jul-01 . 02-Aug-01 - . 09-Aug-01 - N -LD 16-Aug-01 -? a CD 23-Aug-01 30-Aug-01 06-Sep-01 13-Sep-01 ? 20-Sep-01 27-Sep-01 ; 04-Oct-01 11-Oct-01 - - 18-Oct-01 25-Oct-01 - 01-Nov-01 08-Nov-01 -,' O O O O O -? -• -? -? -? 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