HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020626 Ver 1_Complete File_20030123 6000l2~ r~~ ~\ <, cI'...!- ~ ~~e./eri+ ,,-\\J;-~ 0v~,~ I \z~ RWC I NC ROBERT WINSTON CARR, INC. \ \ '~ _..K '& '.J - ~ ' '-# v . . ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS \6\\.. QIl 919/688-6308 . P.O. BOX 1692 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27702 t> . FAX 919/682-0075 111 CORCORAN STREET DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA 27701 \J rwc..rchitecls@g1e.nel 0/ uZ- ~L4' January 20,2003 Re: Dunes Club Atlantic Beach, North Carolina [~. m-Y; R n ~r If u, . L~ u',i ~:~ IJUI .MN 2 3 ~ L WETLANDS . ._WATEit QUALITY @I , Ms. Donna Turner, Director c/o Atlantic Beach Building Inspections Post Office Box 10 Atlantic Beach, North Carolina 28512 Subject: Notice of Disclaimer Dear Ms. Turner: You are aware that our office... Robert Winston Carr, Inc./ Architects prepared in the year 2002, design and building construction documents for a proposed new Dunes Club Facility. Recent notification to the membership indicates that construction of a new facility is about to occur. (see enclosure) The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the office of... Robert Winston Carr and the RWC Design Team Consultants are no longer engaged in the Dunes Club Project, that the RWC Design Team does not assume any responsibilities or liabilities for losses or damages with regard to the information or use of the documents prepared by the RWC Design Team. (see attached Notice of Disclaimer) It is our understanding that the Dunes Club is pursuing a considerably reduced Dunes Club Project via a Design/ Build Contractual relationship. Yours very truly, ~fJJ '7~ a..- Edgar/Toms Carr, AlA copy: Rod Andrew, P.E, Andrew & Kuske Engineers Craig Baker, P.E. Baker Engineering Associates John Dorney N.C. Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources/ Wetlands Unit enclosures: copy of the Dunes Club January 2003 newsletter copy of the Notice of Disclaimer ..- ~ l)ear DUlles Club Member, FILE COp" \-\le trust that you have all had a wonderful family-filled holiday season. Here at the Club, our Christmas Brunch was a huge success with Santa giving great gifts to the children. New Years Eve was splendid with some wonderful New Yor~ decorations and delicious food. Numerous members have phoned to compliment us on a great evening. As you know, the Club is officially closed through]anuary and February, with things beginning to swing into routine in the month of April. Once again we wish to thank-you for your support and encouragement throughout the 2002 season. You make the Club what it is. We are all looking fonvard with great expectation to the new Clubhouse, which will start construction this month! The plans are on display in the foyer should you wish to drop by and see them. Keep warm! Erik Horwedel General Manager CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Dear Dunes Club Members: s A quick progress update on the new clubhouse: Design drawings are well underway, We anticipate that fInal construction documents will be fInished within the month, and expect to be in a position to fIle for the building permit during the last few weeks of January, \\!e also anticipate mat we -,vill mobilize to the site and begin dearing, grading and p<::rhaps piling opera nuns by the fIrst of February. , 1'1I1l1"1\11J"''''IIIIIII~U"I,'IIIIIIII'''II'llllJII'I'''1l1 \ \ z,E-"t \ ~Z,<:lLLZ, Again; 'tVe 0011: PO'l....vard 'to ~tt!l\1g st'arred 6n he l'letv dubhouse! Daniel Rahe Project :-'lanager Pro Construction, Ine. BOARD OF. Alex B Pre pa Vice' Bert Pool/Beach Llewell Ad-Hoc Leigh';' Building _ Chai .' Billy, ExO Marty Past Pres. elS8e .J:\ "DV]9 .JIl.:\V'Ll V 5101 XO<a Od <anl.J S3NnO :HLL Irtl'~~X of [J)rawings Cover l--;;;:~_,__, ~:-:-~i, & ~ Cl? C\"J ~ !C~,;;:~ . '''..- . '.- I _......._~~ ".J ' ~ ~. ~ ;,~._~-:.~~~:.-..~-..l ; SITE DRAWINGS Site SUlvey SD1 Demolition Site, Plan 1 "=301-0" SD2 New Conditions Site Plan 1 "=301-0" ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURAL S1 Foundation & First Floor Framing Plan 1/8"=11-0" S2 Sections S3 Sections and Details S4 Mechanical Attic framing Plan 1/8"=11_0" S5 Roof framing Plan 1/8"=11_0" I,i.~. ". :e "',1,_,_ ' A1 A1a A2 A3 A3a A3b A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 if, ~ -" G') y ~ ~.. ..Section ,i.t., ."S...'C8.kli....: 1/.14''''. '1'''0- V.I,..'...'...........'...".: c . . :,r CIVIL C1 C2 ~ Ground Level Floor Plan 1/8"=11-0" Enlarged SnaqkBar Area 1/4"=11-0" Ground Level ~eflected Ceiling Plan 1/8"=11-0" Main Levels Flpor Plan 1/8"=11-0" Enlarged Locker1Shower Toilet Areas 1/4"=11-0" I Enlarged Kitch:en Area 1/4"=11-0" Main Levels Reflected Ceiling Plan 1/8"=11.0" Mechanical Attic Plan 1/8"=11-0" I Roof Plan1/a"=11-O" LongitudinalSLilding Section 1/4"=11-0" LongitudinalBLilding S$ction 1/4 "=11_0~ ." .... : "1..,',.. I . .. ',.", Transv.~rse Building Septions 1/4"=11-:Q"' Transverse BJilding Sections 1/4"=1'-'()" , .., ~ ' . .' 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Q) 2 .8>,E == o c 0> W >-- :!: :!:Q aa.c.....:: J... 0 Q) .c Q) "n.....~ (1j (/J . '" <( (1j = :J n1 E_ro..........:J o 0 C a_ 0 -g >- C (1j ~.E(1j=0~ "" (/J .c +:: - ~ ..... ......- CIS 0 "" ..... Q) (/J Q) VI CIS Q) C E.O' .0- O.E 8. 0 ..... C C> (/J 1: a. ""'" 0 C 0>'- C O t) W ..... 0>0 C - ol.c '.c .- CIS C - (1j Q)3::;(/Joo. (.) -Q)-E .- 1::: 0 E"'O of-' Q):::J ......0 O.c'::':JClSO ZOU)~O)Q) a:~CIS~-:5 "~."'.:"'.. ~ .,;,;;l ~.">,. ',,:. ': ''', ,'-, ,:.....;... ,~.' .......;,Ji..,,;.:;b.-........ '.. --.. ;.;;;!.~ .' .. " .,' ...., -,. ,.,.," -, ..... rn. ~." !"", ! .,... ,....;.: .." 'Lo",' ~' ~. Q COMM. NO. 2000- 1 SHEET NUM~ Co OF' " bJ. ' I )'f~ --555~ol- COUNTY OF HYDE .. Board of Commissioners Beatrice Emmert, Currituck W. Mack Carawan Jr., Fairfield Leon Bryant, Lake Landing Nathan Sears, Ocracoke Jane Hodges, Swan Quarter August 04, 2003 Donna MOffitt, Director Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1638 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1638 Dear Ms. Moffitt: 0"2 ~ 'Zt~ Donald L. Davenport Interim County Manager Connie Burleson Clerk to the Board Admin Assist County Manager : '1'fl'c"\:::i..::t d-'},:';; i t'1~-/"),~t ';"C:'C1'(,iUt'i ~$.:;t,..;,/ ,t' AUG I 4 2QrJ' - u3 The Hyde County Board ofCornrnissioners anticipates the next phase of the Swan Quarter Dike Project will occur during the summer of2004. This phase will include the coastal marsh impacts covered by Coastal Management Permit #167- 02, dated December 13, 2002. In accordance with Condition #2 of our Coastal Management Permit, we are requesting prior approval for the impacts to the coastal marsh during the period between April 1 st and September 30th. Construction during the summer months is necessary to reduce direct impacts to the coastal marsh area. This high marsh area is also adjacent to Swan Quarter and should have minor impacts to juvenile shrimp and finfish populations. If additional information is required, please contact me. Sincerely, ~~:f: Hyde County Interim Manager Enclosures cc: Raleigh Bland, USACOE '1000 Dorney, NCDENR - DWQ Rodney Woolard, NRCS Robert Williams, NRCS Mike Hinton, NRCS q~ '~ ~~' ~ ~ TopoZone - The Web's Topographic Map ... IlUllO.nl: ( 0 m II Page 1 of2 Target is UTM 18 379286E 3918691N - SWANQUARTER quad LQ!Jad Info] -- I' ........ -,,;..J'") L-~'"- ~7 t::::::\ _'''0 iF"'""" - - ...... _~~}' ~ ~.~~~ ,_.':I!'f'- ... '-'Q - ..".. '* '....... -- ~ ._~ ~ -- Iv .. ~ /"1 1\ 0' ''''-1 '/.. \ /f;fdnds " o meters I , , o miles I 2000 4000 I 2,0 I 6000 I ., w//.. D l.. / f:' 8000 I \ \ , \ \ \ 4.0 I http://www.topozone.com/print. asp ?z= 18&n=3 918691 &e=3 79286 7/30/03 Z o ~ ~~&~~ ~~~3~ ~ ..,,'< 0 ::: ~ ii' :E '8 '< ?a:~gg zQQa.:) () g: ~ 3' g- '" -~ ~ ~. o c 6=;;; ~ c. "0 ~ ~ ~ ~. O",C '< --=-==:'=;:-=-".:- ~!~ 0> 0 0>' ~ '-" -< 0 o -< 0 )> " r ' )> " '" rrI Vl am" --<0 -< '" 00." ~~V'J !-Qrrl........... )>" C:,. 0;:: ~,. ~~ ~--i ~ -,. Zz \Do o rrI)> 0'" )>'; ZVl i!:~ c ." :> ,. a.~ rrI '" rn" -<)> ;;:: 0)> ~:E rrI )>-< c:~ Oz ~a rrI)> Z;u -<rrI " )> jE ." )> " -< rrI o t;;~~i~i~ tJl rt5(j)(JII\.)Ol V1 00 --i ~gg:>0 g. . . . ,. r )> o '" rrI Vl rn" -<~ 0." 5'Vl rrI~ )>rrI c~ 0)> Zz ~o z)> -<;u "rrI )> jE ." ,. '3 rrI o " ~m n :.: ." ~gg85~ ......00090 ~~~~~~ co lO anTI Dgg~~g -< ' "f:. )> " ~ Vl r-." 00_ II """U U1 rrI "'1> 'r... 0::0 :s: ." w." c:_ ." 1>rrI r r ... linN .b ~ n..' ~""UJ> M;;';?!f~~gQ lllil;l! - " o , ~ ~' '" I -" '" ." 1>." rrrl r IIn= -":.:", ~""'Oru "",'t'- "- ,0" /-<;.?;/ (J'> o o Ii t !~.!II~,~~ : i + I.. . I '! t ir~~~; I I ~ < ~ 0 ~ < o 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ n " ~ ~ > ~ ~ j 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; g ~ ~ g ~ ~ 8 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s z 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ; ~ g ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~~ g~~ ~ ~:~~ ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ g ~ 2 3 z ~ 5 ~ ~;;, ~ o . "0 ~ .... "'.... /< r-." .t II ~=o / ~~~ Ow 3:1> ." ..,1" ~~ ~o ., r I , \, April I. 2003 To: Scott Jones P. O. Box 1000 Washington. NC 27889 Tom Steffens 349 Washington Square Mall Washington. NC 27889 Bob Zarzecki 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1650 WETLANDS 1401 GROUP APR 7 Z003 WATER QUALITY SECT/ON Tracy Wheeler NC DENR 151-B Hwy 24 Hestron Plaza II Morehead City. NC 28557 Larry Baldwin Neuse River Keeper P.O. Box 15451 220 South Front S1. New Bern, NC 28561 Director Office of Environmental Health P.O. Box 306 Bayboro. NC 28515 Reference: Lot #5 Horton Rd. Otter Creek Subdivision Oriental. NC Dear Sir: It has come to the attention of the undersigned that a prospective property owner is investigating the possibility of gaining permits to allow the filling of the wetland area referenced above. This letter is an indication of our alarm and concern that a decision may be rendered allowing this project to go forward. We are aware that the Neuse River Basin is classified as nutrient sensitive and that riparian area vegetation of various types are to be protected. Although the area in question covers perhaps a hundred feet of wetland shoreline. it never-the-Iess feeds directly into a CAMA protected marsh. The vegetation in the upland section most certainly filters runoff prior to its arrival at the marsh. Another fuctor in our concern is the disruption of runoff from our end of the subdivision. This situation is not readily apparent during an hour walkover. The property owners herein have occupied this location for a combined period of approximately forty years. We have observed that the marsh contributes to the prompt subsiding of storm water. be it heavy rain accumulation or flooding from hurricanes. A change in textures and ground heights would impact all of us in a negative way. As laymen. we are not thoroughly versed in the rules and overlapping responsibilities of the various agencies. However. over the years we have noticed what seem to be "infringments" on the spirit of the law, ifnot the law itself. In past dealings with some of the addressed agencies, we have heard the word "interpretation" as it has pertained to a particular problem. Please be advised that in this case we are requesting an interpretation that is for the environment, not against it. Let us be perfectly clear as to our position in this matter: We are strongly opposed to the filling ofthe identified wetland, and we are prepared to take whatever action may be required to prevent any further dissolution of our fragile environment. To the best of our knowledge, an environmental survey is being processed at this time. We hereby request that the addressees having jurisdiction over this matter keep us informed as to what action is being contemplated. In appreciation of your time and consideration in the matter, we remain sincerely: ?I~6Jf~ ( "';C.J_ , . .A4t1'. ,,",-,' " "~f___ ~ .__ " ' ,./ r--.. ~'7 Henry and June Blayney 6107 Horton Road Oriental, NC 28571 A,~EJJi~f.~,~ P.O. B~ 764 l Oriental, NC 28571 ~~~~~U' U~/ g;71U-1<.:~ Francis and Diana Mentzer P.O. Box 586 Oriental, NC 28571 ~ P.O. 847 Oriental, NC 28571 .LeA'7Ar~<A- ~A~"" Alice Sontag 6100 Horton Rd. Oriental, NC 28571 O~~O~A""'~ \~C (::) r::u c:: e:v e;' ~\c:;. ~p..~ February 27, 2003 Reference: DWQ Project #: 02-1294 Dicey Fabrics Temporary Dam WETLA NDS / 401 MAR ' GROUp W)n 0 f loO] . rr cR 1'1/ , . l..fiJALlry SECTION Mr. John Dorney N.C. Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27604-1650 Dear Mr. Dorney, Dicey Fabrics Temporary Dam has been removed from First Broad River as of February 12,2003. All material was removed from river and stones were placed on river bank to control erosion, Vegetation, in the disturbed area, will be established with the planting of grass. No timber was disturbed since the dam was located in the same area as our pumping station. We hope this letter will satisfy the terms of our permit and would like to thank you for your quick response in August 2002 to our request for the dam. If you have any questions or concerns please contact either Richard or Maynard at 704-487-6324. \;\z ~ty /1 Maynard Ledford /,/ //)7 I!;/l ~~7/'~('~f(1'/ .' V/ ' . /l ~ (";,' / i Y I '; Plant !~a ager I \ Dicey Mills, Inc, \ p, 0, BOX 1090 / SHELBY, NORTH CAROLINA 28151-1090 / TELEPHONE (704) 487-6324 / FAX (704) 482-1972 MAR-04 03 10:29 FROM:USIGREENSBORO 3363701229 TO: 9197336B93 PAGE:01 ED US INFRASTRUCTURE OF CAROLINA, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 4, 2003 Mr. John Dorney North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit ] 650 Mail Service center Raleigh. NC 27699-1650 Re: Bishop Road Sanitary Sewer Outfall Bishop Road Greensboro, NC DWQ Project # 02-1861 D~ (J; 63 Guilford County USl Project # 030303 \~ l~lZ 'v ~\Z j Dear John, We are in receipt of your letter dated February 14; 2003. This project has been revised to avoid the Zone 1 buffer impacts with the exception of the creek crossings. The Zone 2 impacts are being minimized as much as possible. We have taken into account the requirements of the Zone ] and 2 buffers together with the site characteristics that include significant creek meandering, major rock outcrops, moderate to severe cross slopes, potential wetlands, landfills, Colonial gas line cl'Ossing, NCDOT road crossing and existing utilities. The revised plans are currently being reviewed by the City of Greensboro, As soon as they approve the revised a1ignment~ we will forward copies to you and Mr. Stove Zoufaly for your review and approval. We anticipate that we will send you revised plans in the next 2 to 3 weeks. We will contact you if we need additional time beyond this. We appreciate your assistance and patience with this matter and look forward to the approval of this request. ;aIY, f!2!.;oo1r:L.S Senior Engineer Cc: Steve Zoufaly. DWQ Bob Zarzecki, DWQ Frank Wyatt, COG Gary Stephenson, COG 125 South Elm St!'eet. Suite 510. Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 272.3402. Fax (338) 370.1229 E-mail;greenllboroCWusinfrastructure.com !BwuI ~ ~~ gnWETLANDSI401 GROUP ~~ ~ fl. .j{md ~PF.~ 6)f. fPl#- ~ ~. ~ ffUMla TO: Ms. Noelle Lutheran Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 fJ'od fJ!I<<:e ~ 2522 O)(I~, .A'"otiA ~ 28402 ffet: 910-452-0001 April 9, 2003 RE: DWQ request for additional information White Oak Shores Tract (DWQ # 030224), Carteret County, NC (')# e:.1~ Dear Noelle: APR 1 4 l003 WATER QUALITY SECTION fPaik 14 g)0tMU';V ~ o/I<<e ff'atA 3805 O)f~ d.-we O)f~, JY& 28403 In response to your letter dated April 7, 2003, I have enclosed additional information regarding the White Oak Shores project. Enclosed is an agent authorization form signed by Mr. Comer and a cross-section of the road culvert. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely, K~W~ Kim Williams Wetland Scientist Encl. Cc: Mr. Robin Comer Ms. Cyndi Karoly, DWQ ~PR. 9.2003 2:11PM Sent 1:.1' .....,.w ,,,...,JA6,,,1V'I;;IO I , 910 452 0060 .., 2'. 04pNIIIIO,. .426 j Apr-g-O., p~Jge 2/2 """"" AGENT DISCLOSURE FORM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I/we. the under5igned, hereby authorize Land Management GrouP. IDC. to act as our agent in the preparation and representation of information related to the White Oak Shores project. An questions in regards to this project should be directed to Land Management Group. Inc. ~f3- Date Mar 17 03 02:53p STROUD ENGINEERING PA 252 247 4098 ":. c Vi -< c: :0 [D fTl C 0 ~N ... ... <.n en :I> :0 0 00 0 000 fTl > , , , I' , , I , 0> "tl fT'l"tl X:O -0 VlX -i' z- 0- ", rCl fT'l:O <> :1>0 -i - -z 00 Z I ":. , ~~ Vl :r: 0 c: . T 0 , , FT'J :0 : I; , , 'I' '" , , 0 't' ,<] N n , , >, :I~ 0 ::0 ~z A "tl, 0 0 VI NO 0 "tl, ,I~ Vl 0-< ~, -< x' 'r ", z FT'JO -, , .... x 0 x Z 3:' ,:;:: Vl :1>, 'Ill> - Vl rrI -<, -i ... Vln FT'J, : liB 0 -<> -l z -. 0' '~ 0 z", ::e: :0 ' I> z C) 0' '-4 C rn rrI c:' I rn -i -I z, 'I~ :0 0, -< :E 0 r , I'" fTl , :0 )> rn, ,r :0 -i ~, rn 0 r -i Z ' 1< , > > :0 0 <' '> c z 0 )>, '-4 0 > -I' 'I'" G> 0 n -, ,lD fTl .., 0, , IZ 0 fTl ::0 Z , , r x 0 ' , r Vi V\ ' I' (/'I ; , -I I' Vl - , , en Z 'I' C") , , Vl I I r '" 'I' ,. 0 , ' 0 c: 'I' rt r , , , 0 , I' FT'J , , :0 , , I' 0> , , "tl rn"tl x:o -0 III X -< . z- 0- ", ro 1">:0 <> >0 -I - -z 0C) p.2 """"'" ... o III -i c: :0 ell I"> C > :0 FT'J > " ..-' Dennis Fornes & Associates Professional Land Surveying Boundary Surveys Flood Insurance Surveys 404 Wetland Surveys Construction Surveying Subdivision Design & Surveys Computer Mapping & Drafting ~ September 16,2005 Telephone: (252) 249-0488, Day or Night Fax Line: (252) 249-2052 E-Mail: dafornes@coastalnet.com / ~ \,,~ ~ Mr. John Dorney 401 Oversight Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1650 ~[ig@~nW~1 SEP 2 0 2005 Subject: DWQ Project # 050677 Pamlico County 415 Whittaker Point Rd. Oriental, N.C. DENR. WATER QUALITY WETtANOS AND STORMWATER 8AANCH Dear Mr. Dorney, I am writing in response to your letter of August 24, 2005 relative to the above subject project. We are in the process of developing the additional information requested in that letter; however additional time is requested beyond the three week time frame noted in your letter. Additionally, I have contacted Mr. Kyle Barnes of the Washington Regional Office and have arranged to meet with him at his office on September 22, to discuss this application and a possible expanded project. Depending upon the outcome of that meeting we may wish to withdraw this application and resubmit. We however would like to reserve the option of keeping the current application active until we can meet with Mr. Barnes. We are therefore requesting that the current application be kept in the active status until we can review and consider our options subsequent to the meeting Mr. Barnes. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. l ,. Sincerely, ~'^~\~/'~~~ Dennis Fornes, Agent For Knute Byshiem Copies: Kyle Barnes, DWQ Washington Regional Office Mr. Knute Byshiem .. Fr~Jn SO I LtB,jl) I ROt JfHHRLCOHSUL TAI'nS_ FRX NO. 7047209406 i'la, ':J. 28 20&:13 11: 3'HI'1 P27) S </\V / , , ,'5& Be,' Soil & En.vironmental ConSl1Itants" PA 236 Lc/'hillip Court. Suite C . Cuncord NMb ClI'ClliD! 28()2~ ww\li.SMdcC,.::nm Phone: (704) 72\1-9405 . FW\: (104) 720,9406 Phone: AGENT AUrHORIZA nON FORM All Blanks To Be Filled In By The Current Landowner J;./~_I ~)-.J"Sh Uc, ~/1 I2e.p~.b~? ~ ~Go",..d~C Zg~ZZ_.._ 70"'-71jf1-4-I~~j, ~--- Project Name! Description: _ Co: IIi J~~ I/.e, &.r~,'::'- l-Ia""6fLlJw. ,tp/()~ Name: , Address: Date: The Department of the Army U.s. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District p.o. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Atln: __StE:!ve Chapin_ Field Office: _,__Ashevill€_____, I G:qOUP JUN 0 3 2003 Rc: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: I, the current I!roperty owner, hereby designate and authorize Soil & Euvil'onmelltal Consultants, P A to act in my behalf as my agent in the proce-ssing of permit applkatio,t'ls, to furnish upon request supplemental information in support of applicatiOI1S; etc. from this day forward. The --.1..- day of _ T~ J._.2.~l_____. ' # This notification supersedes any previous correspondence concerning the agent for this proj~t. NOTICE: This authorization, for liability and profes::iional courtesy reasons, is valid only for government officials to enter tl\e property when accompanied by S&EC staff. You should call S&EC to arrange a site meetillg prior to visiting tbe $ite. ~L~~J 7~..L/itp~~1.U:. ~ Print Property Owner' 5 Name Property Owner's Signature cc Mr. John Dorney NCDENR- DWQ 2.,21 Crabtree Boulevard Raleigh, NC :276<'4 cc; Mr, Wendell Overby Soil & Environmt>..ntal Consultants, P A blartk .\gent :luth form.doc _---,-+OO;,.i_.........o--__-\o.,~~ Qr.~r,rlsbo,~ 38 j'].E Lawlldale Drive Grecn,bore, Nt 2745'; PhOrl~: '(336) 540-8BJ PR.' (~i~1 ~4(l-R~,~ ~IY Atea Ofti,;e: ., 10 Boston ROl!d T~yl11r:;vilic. NC 28681 Phoue: (828) 635-5820 Pa',: (1l2~) ti:'..'i-,1g~O R~_Qff1<:e: 11010 RaVI':ll Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Phoae ('ill\>) 846-5900 F,ll" IQ 1 Ql R4f,Q467 ~ FR'-Jtl SO I L&Etll) I FnU"IENTALCO~.jSLlLTAtnS_ FA>< NO, 7047209406 Ma':l. 28 2003 11: 36At'l P1 S& Ee Soil & Envirollmental Consultants, PA 236 LePhi1lip CQurt. SUilC C . Con.:ord, Nonh Corolina 28025 . Phone: 0(4) 720-940~ . fu: (704) no.9406 www.SallclF.C.com Mike Rohrer FACSIMILE SHEET FAX NO. (704) 720-9406 Project Number: CC: 5-1235 DATE: 5/28/03 TO: Name: Company: Fax Number: (704) 784-310~ FROM: Wendell Overby.. The following items are being fuxed. For Your Cumments/Approval Per OUf Conversation SUBJECT: Corps approvaL Number of pages including transmittal sheet: For Your Information Per Your Request 2 Please Advise Would Like To Discuss Please Call x Please Handle HARD COpy SENT: US Regular Mail Overnight ____ Hand Delivery X No Hard Copy Sent REMARKS: Mike: 1 g~t the wetlan~ survey from ~(;cutech, P!ea.,e fax the ~ent authorization form sent to you earlie,', I enclo~d anoth(;,"f copy if you need it. My fax mm1her is 704,720.9406, Wendell IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTrONS OR PROBLEMS WlTH THIS TRANSMISSION" PLEASE CONTACT Wendell AT (704) 720-9405. *CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:.\; Thit'. tran~mielsil'm ill intendl!:d ()I1ly for the lIAQ of the individual (If' entity to which it is addrossed and may roatain intimnation that is privileged and confidential. If the readei' of this me~sagc is not the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that aJl)' disclosure, distribution Or copyins !)ttbis inmnnntion is 8tri!:tly prohibited, If)'QII have received this transmission 'in error. pl-:ase nQlitY us immedimelr lr/ telephone and return thoe filxed d()(,'Wuents to us at the above address via the United Statcs Po~tal Service. ('m:~o.sbQUf-\~fr~ 3817-E LawndaJe Drh~ Greerlsbol'Q, NC 27455 Phcme: (336) 540-S234 c:... ('~ '~r, 1 ~A.f\. ~"H C, Hickol)' ArM Office: 710 Boston Road Taylorsvill~. NC 28681 Phone: (828) 635,5820 ~,,~, (11711' ~,~_..~?(\ Raleie:!l Qrti';;g" 11010 Raven Ridse Road RaI~isn. NC 27614 Phon~ (919) 846-5900 j:;.,.. {Ol (II l>'IlI".0,1 "', 1000 Cell Prison Project Bertie County c Subject: 1000 Cell Prison Project Bertie County From: "Jim Gates" <GJE06@doc.state.nc.us> Date: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 15:08:36 -0400 To: <John,Domey@ncmail.net> CC: <Tom.Steffens@ncmail.net>, <michael.iagnocco@rwhitehead.com> In accordance with the isolated wetland permit #6 dated 2/10/03 and the recently submitted stormwater management plan application form for subject NCDOC project attached for your records is a scanned copy of the deed notification recorded in the Bertie County Register of Deeds Office. RE DENR WQC Project # 0 Thank you. PUBLIC RECORDS NOTIFICATION: This e-mail correspondence may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Content-Type: application/pdf Bertie wetland deed notification recorded.pdf C E d. b 64 ontent- nco mg: ase "- 'CA~ \ ---. fk ~ 1 of 1 6/1/2005 3:09 PM ~ .. Bertie County--Register of Deeds Belinda S. White, Register of Deeds lnst# 12125 Book 840 Page 291 # Pgs: 2 05/31/2005 11:26:40am Deed Notification COMPLIANCE WITH WETLAND & BUFtER REGULATIONS In accordance with Title 15 A NCAC 28 .0500, the following DEED NOTIFICTION shall be recorded in the Bertie County Registry prior to the start of any wetland impact on this property. Said De . d Notification shall apply to name of ~ Carolina Department of Correction new prison proiect in Bertie County, Nort. Carolina as shown on plans titled 1000 Cell Close Custod Protot e Facili Numbers 4 and 5 Greene Coun and Be ' Coun NC prepared by Little Diversified Architects dated: December 31. 2002. Property is recorded in Deed Book 818, p. ge 787, Bertie County Registry. "A portion of this property has been determined to meet the requirements for des' tion as a wetland, stream or protected stream buffer. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this area shall conform to the requiremell of the state rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this provision to prevent additional wetland, stream or buffer filling or draining, so the property owner should not assume that a future applicati for filling or draining would be approved. The property owner shall report the name of the prison in any application pertaining said rules. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with all rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and t:h ref ore the State of North Carolina may enforce benefits. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all Parties and I persons claiming under them". [ LJdI~ 7/. ld;;Jt Owner Signature WIUJAM 1oJ. f>>TDVA "" Owner's name: William N. StovalL PE - Director of Ell2ineering North Carolina Department of Correction Central Engineering Division Address: 2020 Yonkers Road 4216 MSC City, State, Zip Code: Raleigh. North Carolina. 27699-4216 Phone Number: (2!2) 716-3400 STATE OF North Carolina (.~ COUNTY I,. \\I~ "" O~ , .. .~ a No~ Public of the State of North c.arol~ c..~~"\ lAAJV\ County, hereby certify that owner~ersooallyappeared befureme th::ayand e, 1.{~i'< ,ec.erttficatiooW'H Pe:P~ tJp ~~~AI W'UlAfe.1 N. ~T7)VAu..1 ~R ~~!I.....,~~(...~'IV~;.., ~ Witness mYhaOdY;, do n..~a,Lseat. . \<0, daY, .!;..,,~\,-~...t .. 200$ ,.. 1.'; a: , ..J '. :20' , . I~: -' t Notary Public ""': - · CD : Co' ' . "~." '0 · ~ i~ My commission expires: ' ~ 4( 2.0'l;)~ \.'7......."'1- ~...,,~ ~:... ......... ~ \- ~,,,,'(.,\'.,I.,{"',C ' ~ftfl..n.. - .. '. InstU2125 Book 840 Page: 292 state of North Caro1.ina, :Bertie County The Foregoing Certificate~) of :rvY HOFP'MAN /NP is <are) Certified to );)e Correct. This Instrument was fil.ed for Reqistration on this 31st Day of Nay, 2005 in the Book and paqe shown ~,,~7~~~~au( ~; Be1.inda S. White, Register of -