HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191245 Ver 1_SHPO Correspondence Letters_20190917 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, Administrator Governor Pat McCrory Office of Archives and History Secretary Susan Kluttz Deputy Secretary Kevin Cherry Location: 109 East Jones Street, Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address: 4617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax: (919) 807-6570/807-6599 July 17, 2014 MEMORANDUM TO: Shelby Reap Office of Human Environment NCDOT Division of Highways FROM: Ramona M. Bartos SUBJECT: Historic Structures Survey Report, Widening of John Street/Old Monroe Road (SR 1009) From Trade Street to Wesley Chapel/Stout Road, U-4714, Mecklenburg & Union Counties, ER 13-0879 Thank you for your June 10, 2014, letter transmitting the above-referenced report. We have reviewed the report and offer the following comments. For the reasons outlined below, we believe the proposed Matthews Commercial Historic District boundary expansion (MK3357 and MK3358) is not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places.  To qualify as a boundary expansion, the area must have made a significant contribution to the history of Matthews’ central business district and have historic integrity.  The addition of the fence, stairs, and modern gazebo at the sidewalk edge has significantly altered the appearance of the property to the southeast.  It is not clear if other gin-related buildings used to stand on the property in the now vacant area.  No information is offered about what the auxiliary buildings were used for, and no case has been made for their importance.  A case has not been made for the individual contribution of the 1957 store building to Matthews’ downtown area and expanding the historic district’s period of significance to include it would require such a claim. There has to be important history and/or architecture to add a very small number of buildings to a district.  No context is offered in the report about why/how the post-1946 period in Matthews has historic significance. We concur that the Reid House (MK1191) is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion C as a very good local representative example of the Queen Anne style. If the storage building/servants’ quarters date from within 15-20 years of the house, then the building is a contributing resource to the historic setting for the house. If the building was built after 1910, we agree it is a noncontributing resource on the property. We concur that the Rowland - Clay House (MK2301) is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion A for its association with the African American community in Matthews and represents the economic success of Charlie and Vivian Rowland to be able to purchase land and construct a house for themselves. The workshop to the rear of the house very likely contributes to the continuing history of the African American- owned parcel by the Clay family. The house may also qualify under Criterion C; however, more information about the interior integrity would be needed to make that judgment. We concur that the Banks H. Funderburk Store (UN0125) (Rock Store, local landmark) is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion C for its intact picturesque architectural design using very distinctive ashlar rubble stone with raised joints. We are not certain that the stone is actually flint. We agree that the Sun Valley High School (UN1182) does not meet National Register criteria due to changes to the setting and design of the historic school campus. The detached 1960 auditorium now has two large additions on either side. The rear modern additions to the main building do somewhat detract from the school’s integrity. Other pre-1963 buildings to the southwest historically stood separately and they have been added on to the rear also. In addition to the post-1965 buildings, the original school building has been altered on the exterior. The alterations to the historic buildings and the new additions have lessened the integrity of the historic school sufficiently enough to result in the property not qualifying for the National Register. The Heywood - Killough House (UN0178) does not meet National Register criteria. The application of synthetic siding, a modern rear addition, new windows, the replacement of the original porch with a Craftsman style porch, and extensive interior remodeling has significantly altered the appearance of this Queen Anne style house. We believe that contrary to the finding of the report, the Banks and Carolyn Funderburk House (UN1200) is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criterion C for architecture as a good representative local example of a Split Level house. The sets of modern columns at the entrance to the living room do detract from the interior integrity of the house, but the excellent integrity of the rest of the main house block is more than enough for the house to have the distinctive characteristics of this house type. Having reviewed the inventory of properties that were judged as not warranting further investigation, we would recommend additional study to more fully evaluate the following for National Register eligibility.  No. 33 -- This hip-roofed concrete block house has a very distinctive exterior brick treatment, and the original metal windows are intact.  No. 68 -- This house is also constructed of the stone found at the Funderburk Store, and it appears to have good integrity.  No. 72 -- Other pyramidal cottages in the Mecklenburg/Union area have been listed in the Register or are designated as local landmarks, and I would like to know more about this house which appears to have relatively good integrity. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or renee.gledhill- earley@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT mpfurr@ncdot.gov STIP No. U-4714 – Historic Effects Coordination Meeting – 10/20/15 1 Meeting Summary EastJohnStreet/OldMonroeRoadImprovementProject HistoricEffectsMeeting NCDOTPDEACCB–LargeConferenceRoom October20,2015,9:30am Purpose:ToreviewthePreferredAlternativepreliminary engineeringdesigninrelationtoproperties determinedeligiblefortheNationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces(NRHP)andtoconcuronthe projecteffectstotheseproperties. Attendees ElmoVance–NCDOTPDEA BeverlyRobinson–NCDOTPDEA ShelbyReap–NCDOTHES TheresaEllerby–NCDOTPDEA KimBereis–Atkins JillGurak–Atkins GinaSchaar–Atkins MaryPopeFurr–NCDOTHES ReneeGledhillEarly–SHPO DonnieBrew–FHWA Material(s) Agenda Mappingwithlocationofhistoricdistrict/reso urcesandtheirboundariesandcrosssections MeetingSummary 1. BriefProjectOverview –Kimprovidedabriefoverviewofthe project,includingthelocationand scope.Theprojectisinarapidlygrowingareaapproximately12milessoutheastofUptown Charlotte.Theprojectconsistsofwideningabout 6.5milesofEastJohnStreetOldMonroeRoad (SR1009)fromTradeStreet(SR3448SR3474)i ntheTownofMatthewstoWesleyChapelStouts Road(SR1377)intheTownofIndianTrail.The roadisknown asEastJohnStreetthroughthe TownofMatthewsinMecklenburgCountyandasOldMonroeRoadthroughStallingsandIndian TrailinUnionCounty.AnEAisbeingpreparedfortheproject,withFHWAapprovalscheduledfor endof2015/early2016. Theareahasexperiencednotablepopulationgrow thoverthepastdecadeduetoproximityto Charlotte,withallthreetownsintheproject areabecomingsuburban bedroomcommunities. ExistingEastJohnStreetOldMonroeRoadisatwol anefacilitywithnocontrolofaccessthatruns eastsoutheastfromdowntownMatthewstotheTow nofIndianTrail,generallyparalleltoUS74. Theroadisacommuterrouteheavily congestedduringpeakperiods.Thepurposeoftheprojectis toimproveexistingandprojected trafficflowand operationsonthissectionofE.JohnStreetOld MonroeRoad.Theprojectwillalsoenhancemobilit yforpedestriansandbicyclistsalongthe corridor.Anotherdesirableoutcomeistoenhanceoveralltravelsafetyintheprojectstudyarea. Theproposedwideningconsistsofa4lanemedian divided“hybrid”design.Thedesigngenerally hasthesamecrosssectionthroughoutthecorridor(4 lanemediandividedwit hmultiusepathon onesideandsidewalkontheother),withdiffere ncesatmajorintersectionswherestrategic directionalcrossoversandnontraditionalintersectiond esignswereneededtoachieveacceptable operations.Improvementsatintersectionswould includefullmovement,Superstreet,and MichiganLeftdesigns.AllthreeTownsdesireac ompletestreetfacility,butunderstandthe importanceoffunctionforcommutersandaccesstocorridordestinations.Therehasbeen extensivecoordinationwiththemunicipalitiesthroughouttheproject. STIP No. U-4714 – Historic Effects Coordination Meeting – 10/20/15 2 Meeting Summary 2. Recapof(Internal)PreliminaryEffectsReviewMeeting(September2014)–Kimprovidedarecap oftheinternalreviewmeetingthatwasheldin September2014toobtainapreliminaryeffects reviewonhistoricpropertiespotentiallyimpactedbytheproposedroadwayimprovement.The mainfocusofthatmeetingwasthe“pinchpoint”in Stallingscreatedby twoeligibleproperties: BanksandCarolyn FunderburkHouseandtheBanksH .FunderburkStore(locallyknownasthe RockStoreBarBQ),whichareonoppositesidesof theroadandfairlyclosetoeachother.Since thatmeeting,thepreliminarydesignshavebeen revised.Avoidingbothoftheseresourcesresulted inimpactstotheStallingsPlaza. Alsoatthatmeeting,NCDOTHESrequestedthat fortheformaleffectsmeetingwithSHPO,the mappingincludeNRHPbou ndaries(forlistedd istrictandeligibleproperties),boundariesofthe resourcesthatwereflaggedforfurtherinvestigationshouldtheprojectresultinimpactstothose properties,andcrosssectionsintheareaofeachresourc e.Itwasalsonotedt hatinadditionto directpropertyimpacts,factorssuchasaccess,visual,a ndnoiseimpactsaswellasdrainageand utilitydesignrequirementsareconsidered intheeffectsdeterminations. Kimnotedthatsincetheprojectisstillinprelimi narydesign,anexactassessmentofboththe drainageandutilityrequirementsarenotpossibl eatthistime.Atkinshashaddiscussionswith hydraulicstafftoassesswhatcanbedonetoavoidimpactsduetodrainagerequirements.Noneof theresourcesarelocatedatpotentialoutfall locationswherestormw atermeasureswouldbe located,soitappearsthatdrainag edesignswillnotbeanissue withencroachment.GregBrew (NCDOTRoadway)initiatedcoordinationwiththeNCDOT UtilitiesSection,andtheyareawareof thehistoricresources.Gregnoted thattheexpectationisthattheywill designtheuti lities/PUEsin amannerthatdoesnotaffecttheseresources. MaryPopeaskedwhatthespeedlimitisalo ngthecorridor.Currently,itis45mphwiththe exceptionoftheareathroughStallings(To wnspeedlimitof35)and asmallsectioninMatthews thatisposted25mph.Thedesignspeedis5 0mph.Kimnotedthatinpreviousmunicipal coordinationmeetingsTownstaffh averequestedspecificposted speeds.Atthemeetingswhere thiswasdiscussed,NCDOTDivisi onnotedthatthedecisiononspeedlimitwillcomelateronand willbecoordinatedwiththeTowns. 3. Discussion/EffectsDeterminati onsforAreaHistoricResources–Kimnotedthataccesswould changeforallofthehistoricresourcestoright in/rightout(duetochangefromtwolaneswithno controlofaccesstoafourlanemediandividedroadw ay).Nonoiseimpactswereidentifiedforthe eligibleresourcesintheDraftTrafficNoiseAnalysi sandvisualimpactsare notanticipated.A summaryoftheeffectsdeterminationsforthehis toricarchitecturalresourcesintensivelysurveyed areonthefollowingpage.(Note:SignedEffectsformreceivedfo llowingthemeetingisincluded withthismeetingsummary). Kimnotedthatregarding theresourcesthatwereflaggedforfurtherinvestigationifimpacted,the followingwillnotbeintheconstructionlimitsof theproject:No.33Houseat230MorrisRoadand No.72HouseatOldMonroeRoadatRadiatorRoa d.However,No.68House at4800OldMonroe Roadcouldhaveminorrightofwayimpacts andwasidentified asanimpacted“receptor”inthe DraftTrafficNoiseAnalysis.Assuch,Shelbynotedthat aneligibilitystudy/reportwillbecompleted forNo.68house. STIP No. U-4714 – Historic Effects Coordination Meeting – 10/20/15 3 Meeting Summary Property No.Property Name Site No. Listed or Eligible Under Criterion Effects Finding/ Conditions Additional Notes 1MatthewsNationalRegisterCommercialHistoricDistrictMK1417ListedNoEffectBeginprojectareaindowntown Matthews.BoundarycomprisedofTradeStreetjustnorthofbeginproject,southoftheRRtracks,andasectionofEastCharlesStreet.OutsideofprojectareaandnochangestoTradeStreet.3 ReidHouseMK1191(StudyList1987/LocalLandmark1987)CNoAdverseEffectwithConditions(NoconstructioninROW;nodrainageeasements;noPUEs;onlyreplaceC&G;keepexistingsidewalk;notreeremoval)Preliminarydesignswerecompletedwithlimitedsurveydata.InsomeplaceslikeneartheReidHouse,onlyLIDARwasavailable.Whenprojectmovesforwardintofinaldesignandfinaldesignsurveyisavailable,itlikelycanbedesignedsothattheReidHousepropertycanstillbeavoided.Thewideningisoccurringtotheothersideoftheroad,nomultiusepathisproposedinthissection,andtherewasminimalconcernofimpactstoproperty/housebydrainagefeatures.31 RowlandClayHouseMK2301(StudyList2002/LocalLandmark2005)A/PossiblyCNoEffectEligiblebutoutsidecorridoronEastCharlesStreet.Notnearconstructionlimitssonoconcern.55BanksH.FunderburkStore(a.k.a.RockStoreBarBQ)UN0125(LocalLandmark)CNoAdverseEffectwithConditions(noROW;nopermanentdrainageeasements)LocatedinStallings.LocalLandmark.Thereisnoconstructionwithintheboundarybasedonavailablesurvey.Accesswouldchangetorightin/rightout.Giventheproximityoftheresourcetotheroad,theremayneedtobesomedesigntweakstomakethedrainagefitinwithoutimpactssuchasbyloweringthegrade.95BanksandCarolynFunderburkHouseUN1200 CNoAdverseEffectwithConditions(NoROW;noeasements;minimizetreeremoval;noPUEs;noPDEs).LocatedwestoftheRockStoreontheoppositesideoftheroad.Propertyhasalotoftreesandissetwellbacksoisbuffered.Smallconcernofminorimpactstopropertybydrainageanderosioncontrolfeatures,butadjustmentscanbemadetothetypicalsection(e.g.removeplantingstripfromdesign)toaccommodateaswaleandcanadjustgrade.Donnienotedthatifpropertywithintheboundaryisneeded,itwouldlikelydeminimisandthatanadditionalmeetingwouldbenecessary.33 House–230MorrisRoadN/AN/AN/AAdditional study to more fully evaluate the following for NRHP eligibility if it appears the project may adversely affect them. No.68Housewillneedaneligibilityreportduetopotentialpropertyimpactsandnoiseimpact.68House–4800OldMonroeRoadN/A N/AN/A72House–OldMonroeRoad/RadiatorRoadN/A N/AN/A M E C K LE N B U R G C O M E C K LE N B U R G C O U N IO N C O U N IO N C O §¨¦485 §¨¦485 ¬«51 ¬«51 £¤74 £¤74 EJohnStMonr o e RdOl dMonr oeRdNo.72 House, Old Monroe Rd at Radiator Rd No. 68 House, 4800 Old Monroe Rd Banks and Carolyn Funderburk House No. 33 House, 230 Morris Rd Rowland-Clay House Reid House Rockstore BBQ Matthews Indian Trail Stallings Weddington Charlotte Lake Park Hemby Bridge Wesley Chapel Mint Hill PotterRdStallingsRdChestnut LnSTradeSt In d ia n T ra ilF a irv ie w R d SIndianTrailR dM id w a y D r WesleyChapel-StoutsRdNIndianTrailRdOMR_HistoricEffectsKeyMap.mxd 09.25.2015 JNLLegend Requires Additional Study Eligible for NRHP Listing Project Study Area FIGURE H-1 HISTORIC SITES Source: Union County, NCDOT, Mecklenburg County ´ 04,0002,000 Feet E. JOHN STREET/ OLD MONROE ROAD WIDENING PROJECT STIP PROJECT NO. U-4714 Mecklenburg and Union Counties, North Carolina North Carolina Mecklenburg County Union County North Carolina Department ofNatural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M. Bartos, A dministra tor G ove rnor Ro y Co o per Sec retary Susi H . Hamilton June 20, 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Shelby Reap Office of Human Environment NCDOT Division of Highways ReneeGledhill-Earley ~ ~k.Qt-~ Environmental Review Coordinator Office o f Archi ves and History D eputy Se creta ry Kevin Cherry SUBJECT: Historic Structures Survey Report for Widening of John Street/Old Monroe Road (SR1009) from Trade Street to Wesley Chapel-Stout Road, U-4717, Mecklenburg & Union Counties, ER 13-0879 Thank you for your May 16, 2017, letter transmitting the above-referenced report addendum. We have reviewed the addendum and offer the following comments . We concur that the following properties are not eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places for the reasons outlined in the report addendum. • Matthews Presbyterian Church (MK3696) • Orr House, 230 W. John St. (MK3697) The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration . If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-807-6579 or environmental.review@ncdcr.gov. In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. cc: Mary Pope Furr, NCDOT, mfurr@ncdot.gov Location: 109 Ea st J o nes Stree t, Raleigh N C 27601 Mailing Address: 46 17 Mail Se rvic e Ce nter, Raleigh N C 27 69 9-46 17 Telephone/Fax: (919) 80 7-65 70/807-6599 Project No : WBSNo.: Fed. Aid No: Federal Permit(s): P roject ·1 J-ack mg No. (luternal Use) 117-03-00231 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OR AFFECTED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. Yo u must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION U-4714 County: Mecklenburg 39078.1 .1 Document EA Type: STPDA-1009(16) Funding: D State I:8J Federal I:8J Yes 0No Permit Unknown at this time Type(s): Project Descrif!..tion: Increased Area of Potential Effects (APE) from Freemont ST to Irwin Ln. U-4714 proposes to increase SR 1009 (John Street/Old Monroe Rd) to a multi -lane faci lity. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed pro perties within the project's area of potential effects. There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects . There are no properties within the project's area of potent ia l effects. There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. There are no historic properties present or affected by this project . (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) Date of fie ld visit: April 2017 Descrif!..tion o{review activities, results, and conclusions : Review of HPO quad maps, relevant background reports, historic des ign ations roster, and indexes was unde1taken on November 8, 2016 . Based on this review there are no NR , DE, LL , SL , or SS in the project area. There two prope1ties greater than 50 years old in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the project. An outside consultant conducted a site visit and wrote an eligib i lity evaluation for the properties (Matthews Presbyterian Church and the Orr House) and recommended that the neither prope1ty is eligible for National Register listing. In a letter dated June 20, 2017 the North C arolina Historic Preservation Office (NCHPO) concurred with our recommendation . No historic ro erties are present in the APE. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION 0Map(s) 0Previous Survey Info. 0Photos i:8JC orrespondence 0Design Plans f!i sloric Archileclllre and Landvcapes NO fi!S 70 R!C PRO PE R71ES PIU"'SENT 0 11 AFFECTED fo rm fo r M inor li'anspol'l alion Pro;ec/s as Q ualified inlhe 2007 Programmatic Agreemenl . Page 1 of2 FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN Historic Architecture and Landscapes -NO HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT OF AFFECTED ').-ot7 NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Histone Architecture and /,andscapes NO HIS1'0/I.JC P/I.OPh'li11ES P/I.ESI:NT OR AFFJ:'C11;'/Jfimnfor Minor liYmsportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. Page 2 of2