HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021681 Ver 1_Complete File_20001122W A TFRO Michael F. Easley \? G Governor Cq William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary j y Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan Klimek, RE Division of Water Quality November 22, 2002 Mr. Jeff Jurek Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 MSC Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Subject: Stream Restoration/Enhancement Little Sugar Creek/Freedom Park Mecklenburg County, NC DWQ# 021681 Dear Mr. Jurek: This Office is in receipt of the plans for the stream restoration projects of approximately 4500 feet of Little Sugar Creek in the Catawba River Basin originally submitted to this Office on October 15, 2002, and finalized November 22, 2002. DWQ Staff reviewed the plans and determined that stream restoration and/or enhancement would be achieved as long as the following stipulations are met: 1) Bank to bank rip rap shall not be applied above Dairy Branch as described in the application or response letter. 2) Toe hardening shall not be conducted between vanes as shown in the Rock Vane typical plan, except to protect a specific structure such as a bridge or sewer line. As long as the above conditions are met, the stream impacts associated with the project may proceed without written approval from the Division. Please be advised that seven copies of a complete, formal application and a $475.00 fee is required for projects intended for compensatory mitigation credit (see General Certification No. 3353, issued March 18, 2002). Any request for mitigation credit shall be addressed under separate cover. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Todd St. John at (919) 733-9584. S W cc: Mr. Todd St. John, Wetlands Un Mooresville Regional Office File orn Unit Supervisor North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location) Responses to NCDWQ Questions on Freedom Park Project Responses to DWQ questions appear below each DWQ statement or question. ¥Y. GC Conditions - FYI Bank hardening of over 500 feet (measured per bank) requires a formal application and fee. The designer wants to use bank to bank rip rap just upstream of Dairy Branch for 300 feet per bank for a total of 600 feet. The extent and nature of this should be included on the plans. Also, I assume that the Mannings n referred to should be 0.045. • We will adjust the plans so that up to 2001f of bank on either side of the channel, above Dairy Branch, will be protected with bank to bank rip rap, for a total of no more than 400 feet. ¥¥. In Stream Structures, Channel Plug Blocks and Bank Stabilization Please provide complete typical plans for all types of structurestbank revetments proposed. Not provided: anchored log wing deflector, channel plug, rock vane, root wad, coir fiber and biolog at toe, bankfull bench. • Copies of these details will be sent to NCDWQ care of WRP. For Riffle Type 1 ,2 and 3 - Please provide the specific D50 sizes. The size of the rocks used for the crest and regular cross vane should be very large, such as 4 ft x 3 ft x 5 ft. The rocks tend to move as a result of undermining and not tractive or drag forces alone. These should also have footers of equal or greater size. Geotextile lining and/or graded materials must also be provided on the upstream side of the rock vanes. Please provide the depth of the rock added in the riffles. Please provide the vertical and horizontal angles and relative lengths of the vane arms. Please discuss how high the vane arms will be, on the banks. • D50's for riffle armor (excluding crest and cross vane) and riffle matrix/substrate are provided in table 1. • We agree that the sizes of the rocks in the cross vanes and along riffle crests should be larger than that required by traction calculations, as suggested. • Can the DWQ provide an example or a detail indicating the fashion by which geotextile lining should be used? This applies to cross vans, wing rock vanes and log toe support. • Please provide additional technical details for the use of a graded material in lieu of geotextile lining (e.g. min and max sizes) required by DWQ should the use of graded material be deemed feasible. • The depth of rock at each riffle will directly depend on the presence and elevation of in-situ bedrock or `c' horizon saprolite, and the available elevation change across each riffle and pool cycle. Therefore, the depth of riffle material will be determined in the field. • The vane arm positions and vertical/horizontal angles are indicated on the updated detail. • Can the design team size the riffle crest, wing vane and cross vane material to 1.5 - 2 times the diameter expected to be moved by bed traction forces at the 100-yr flood level? This, used in conjunction with footers of similar size, should provide a sufficient safety margin for undermining. For nominal conditions in the reach such calculations yield sizes close to those suggested (3 x 4 x 5 ft). Low gradient riffles with very small drops in elevation, e.g. 6" - 10" will not perform well and will have installation problems if constructed with boulders with diameters 5 times the total grade drop. Inner Berm and Point Bar Constrictors - I have seen similar structures provided for inner berms; however, it is not clear why such a structure would be used at a point bar since point bars tend to be depositional features consisting of mobile material. This may effect sediment transport negatively. Is this the same structure referred to as a bankfull bench above? The inner berm/point bar constrictors are not the same as a bankfull bench. These features, like their natural counterparts (inner meander bend berms), often lie at slightly lower stage levels that the bankfull stage. The inner portions of these inner berms (inside the point bar) are aggradational features, typically stabilized by multiyear vegetation. These berms are needed in the design to constrict the channel back to appropriate dimensions in meander bend areas. The structures do not restrict point bar material mobility, as the lower unvegetated point bar lies on the thalweg side of the berm's coir fiber/biolog that is used to provide a stable zone for bioengineering. ¥¥. Morphological Measurements The morphological measurements provided seem to indicate that the data provided by the USACE is incorrect. However, key parameters such as bankfull width, depth and cross sectional area were still used for Brier Creek. They did not provide pool to pool spacing information. I extrapolated it from the longitudinal profiles. I got about 270 feet for the design stream and about 220 feet for Brier Creek. Are these numbers correct? The only errors in the USACE data that were found were related to slope. The team performed in- field measurements to produce a reliable replacement longitudinal profile. Pool and riffle spacing can be expressed in a variety of ways. Our calculations show that the average distance from the beginning of one pool to the next for the design stream is 197 ft; if the DWQ provide a description of the method that they used to calculate the pool to pool we can verify their estimates. ¥¥. Sediment Transport Analysis The designer used bar data in their sediment transport analysis which as you know is suspect in North Carolina. I calculated a compentcy for a "largest particle" of about 65 mm. I am not certain if the numbers in table 1 are actual numbers or calculated. Please have them clarify (i.e. I am not familiar with D85 high or low). Sedimentology data were collected from the depositional environments with both the impaired and reference streams and used to determine the design D50 and D84's for riffle matrix/substrate and pool bed materials. The D84's are the 84% coarser, or finer, than by weight diameters, and provide a means to maintain appropriate size distributions when using the data to estimate design parameters. The D84 (upper diameter) values are also useful as a check on Shield Curve estimates. The design D50 and D84 sizes for riffle armor are based on a Shield curve analysis and the Newbury and Gaboury criteria, and provide for particle stability during a true top of bank event. The approack is consistent with the DWQ comments above on the size of rock required to be stable in a cross vane. ¥¥. Reference Reach The designer did not seem very confident in their own reference streams and seem to imply that one was recently disturbed to the point of rendering it inappropriate and the other is incised. Are you satisfied with their reference streams? More importantly, it is not clear how bankfull elevations were determined for the reference or design streams. This is obviously critical if they are designing a C or E type stream. (It would be less critical for a Bc type stream.) Please have the applicant clearly discuss how they determined bankfull. If they could not identify it on their reference streams by field indicators how can the reference streams be considered appropriate? I do not agree that back calculating bankfull based on a 1.5 year return interval discharge is appropriate (if that's what was done). All of the information that I have ever received would indicate that the return interval in urban areas is closer to a 1.1 or 1.2 year event. Also, over sizing the channel based on anticipated build out may also be risky. The cross sections for the riffle sections of the design stream are reminiscent of Bc type streams. In this case, it may be better to more accurately estimate bankfull than it would be to over estimate it since there is a slope break at the proposed bankfull elevation. Concerns have been expressed regarding the designer's level of confidence in the reference reach foundations for the design. In regards to these concerns, we have the following comments. 1. The reference reach data collected and developed for Long Creek provided no indications of the reach being out of equilibrium. The upper portion of the reach traverses a granite bedrock ridge with no indications of recent incision. The lower end of the reach has areas of the flood plain with elevations very close to observed indicators of the bankfull stage. Streams in the North Carolina Piedmont that are developed in granitic and high grade metamorphic terranes typically show alternating degrees of `incision' as they traverse resistant and less resistant bedrock formations. With the stream encountering these resistant ledges every few hundred feet or so, it is unreasonable or impractical to break up these streams into small segments of differing stream type, as these types would vary at scales less than one meander wavelength. Stream segments this short would not be long enough to allow the collection of a reasonable set of objective and representative morphologic parameters. The `incision' referred to in the comments from NCDWQ is a natural characteristic of this reference reach, and does not in any way lessen our confidence of it's use as a design benchmark. The lower end of Freedom Park has extensive bedrock and would also likely have had similar `incised' cross section profiles due to the resistance of bedrock to chemical and mechanical erosion. Incision is a balance of regional rates of chemically dependent soil formation on the stream-side hillslopes and the mechanical processes of stream erosion that degrade the bed of the stream channel. Areas with very low rates of hill slope degradation will show high values of stream `incision' with equal, or even less than equal, rates of channel bed degradation. 2. All bankfull values are morphologically-based. Along Long Creek, the upper limit of the undercutting of banks along with the upper elevations of bank berms, which are developed in several areas, provided a clear and internally consistent indication of the bankfull stage. The accuracy of these indicators is supported by the observation at the lower end of the reference reach, of floodplain areas near the creek banks that extend down to within 6-12" of the heights of the bankfull indicators. In regards to the earlier USACOE study (Briar Creek), we observed along the upper end of the reach, an inner berm with an inner berm elevation yielding a mean Bf height of 6-6.5 ft, thus confirming that the USACOE values are consistent with morphologic indicators at this site. This berm had seasonal accumulations of silt and sand (+dated garbage) and is an active (i.e. not abandoned terrace) morphologic feature in the channel. 3. A review and field verification of the data included in the earlier USACOE study indicated that the only data inconsistent with site conditions were those arising from the earlier study's longitudinal profile. Since it was not clear where the longitudinal data were collected in the earlier study, a new longitudinal profile was collected for this design. The longitudinal profile generated data consistent with valley slope and stream sinuosity derived from County/City engineering maps. In addition, new aerial photographs were acquired over this reference reach to verify that no recent stream work had been completed in the reference reach areas along Briar Creek. Briar Creek had been the focus of recent stream enhancement activity by Meck. Co. Stormwater Services, and their areas of disturbance could be clearly identified on the new aerial photos. In addition to the data collected in the prior study and the new longitudinal data collected for this study, other down stream segments of Briar Creek that show no signs of historical modifications in planform (back to 1930's) or it's wooded banks were included to expand the data set for planform geometry (e.g. meander wavelength & radii of curvature). The prevalence of bedrock along the bed of Briar Creek in the reference reach area and the long term stability of the wooded riparian landuse lends strong support to the accuracy of the longitudinal profile and planform data from this reach. Bankfull indicators were determined from morphologically-based active features in the channel. Even if the original cross section of Briar Creek had been modified, either in the early part of the 20th century when the larger creeks in Meck. Co. were dredged and widened, or later when the sewer line was emplaced along the east side of the creek, the noted active morphologic bankfull features would represent current, adapted, bankfull conditions. Had the Bankfull stage fallen since human disturbance, the inner berm would have been transformed into a vegetated terrace. Thus it is not possible for bankfull to be lower that the current height of seasonal deposition on these inner berms. 4. The design approach in this project relies most heavily on the reference reach datasets, but also verifies these values with other sources of important information including USGS data from Briar, Little Sugar, and Long Creek; NC regime data for the Piedmont Province; and up stream and down stream conditions observed in Little Sugar Creek.. The comments from NCDWQ seem most concerned with the bankfull stage heights. The design did not use USGS discharges for any `back calculated' bankfull estimations. The bankfull area and stage values chosen for the design are consistent with values interpolated from both reference reach datasets. They are also consistent with the NC regime datasets. However, given the level of concern expressed by NCDWQ, we have re-examined this issue and note two additional observations. First, in an earlier study of Little Sugar Creek to determine the feasibility of a full restoration at the Midtown Mall site (upstream from Freedom Park), a morphologic study was done upstream from the Midtown Mall, where the creek has vegetated banks and runs at a similar slope as in Freedom Park. In this earlier study, four bankfull cross section areas were estimated from cross sections taken at locations with active depositional inner berms or bank benches on one bank or the other. These cross sections yielded bankfull areas (for a watershed with approximately 1-2 square miles of less drainage than Freedom Park) with a range from 305 to 350 square feet (personal data of R. Forsythe). The independently derived estimates used for our design are consistent with these values. Secondly, stage and bankfull area rating curves, along with time series of annual peak flows from gaging stations along Briar, Long, and Little Sugar Creek, were provided in the appendices of the design plan. If one takes the 305-350 bankfull areas from the Midtown area and uses the rating curves for the Medical center gaging station located just a few thousand feet down stream, it can be verified that discharges are as predicted for the upper end of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park (approximately 1600 cfs). If anything, it may be concluded that the 1.5 year return interval-based Q estimates are on the low side, not high side. 5. There were suggestions in the review that the bankfull event should have a return inteval of closer to 1, not 1.5 years. This may be true in many urban streams and watersheds, but much of this database arises from creeks which have not been extensively dredged and widened. Upstream from Freedom Park, the Little Sugar Creek channel persists in an over-widened and partially channelized state and has sediment transport characteristics which reflect both a higher frequency of flows of a given magnitude(Q) but also much lower bed traction forces due to widening. For example, north of the Midtown Mall the banktoe-to-banktoe distance is almost 40 feet, not the original 15-20 feet. These alterations have lowered bed shear stresses for any given Q return interval storm and work to counter the typical trends observed in urban watersheds which have non-widened stream channels. Without widening, one would expect that the system's sediment transport characteristics would be highly dependent on threshold levels of bed shear stresses, which would indeed become more frequent with urbanization. However, since the bed shear stresses were lowered for any given Q by widening of the channel this relationship may actually be reversed. This inverse response is what produces the aggradational characteristics (i.e. alternating lateral bars) that has been noted worldwide for widened channels. It is this difference which I believe sits at the root of the discrepancies noted in the NCDWQ comments. To conclude, our design has bankfull characteristics which are consistent with: a) morphologically-based data arising from two independent reference reach datasets; b) observations on bankfull area and discharge collected up stream on the design stream; and c) the North Carolina regime data sets. Exactly what return interval the bankfull discharge should, or should not, have is conjectural and not easily predicted given the altered conditions of the upstream channel. The estimates made here for a 1.5 year return interval are based on reasonable scientific grounds. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources LTJWVWA ?„?. 00 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary NCDENR NC UPT, 07 771 AlUIONIMENT A?*`? ki ; -rr to MEMORANDUM: OPT if???. _ TO: John Dorney WAS jUNpS GROUP UAIIry SfCtroN OCT 1 V FROM: Jeff Jurek SUBJECT: Permit Application-Freedom Park DATE: 10-11-02 Attached for your review are 2 restoration plans (1 sent to Mooresville) for the Freedom Park Stream Restoration project in Mecklenburg County. Please feel free to call me with any questions regarding this plan (733-5316). Thank you very much for your assistance. attachment: Restoration Plan (2 originals) r l041t ?C Wetlands Restoration Program 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 (919) 733-5208 Fax: (919) 733-5321 .W. Office Use Only: Form Version October 2001 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A" rather than leaving the space blank. 1. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ? Section 10 Permit ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: Nationwide 27 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts (see section VIII - Mitigation), check here: ? II. Applicant Information 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: NC Wetlands Restoration Program Mailing Address: 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1619 Telephone Number: 919-733-5208 Fax Number: 919-733-5321 E-mail Address: jeffjurek@ncmail.net 2. Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project Freedom Park Stream Project 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number. (Tax PIN): -_ 4. Location County: Mecklenburg Nearest Town Charlotte Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): See plan 5. Site coordinates, if available (UTM or Lat/Long): (Note - If project is linear, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) 6. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: City Park-Recreation 7. Property size (acres): 15-17 ac 8. Nearest body of water (stream/river/sound/ocean/lake): Little Sugar Creek 9. River Basin: Catawba (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http:Hh2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) s 10. Describe the purpose of the proposed work: Stream Restoration Page 6 of 12 11. List the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: Track Hoes, loaders 12. Describe the land use in the vicinity of this project: Urban Parks IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application: VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII below. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) must be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Wetland Impacts Wetland Impact Type of Impact* Area of Located within Distance to Page 7 of 12 Site Number (indicate on ma) Impact (acres) 100-year Floodplain** (es/no) Nearest Stream (linear feet) Type of Wetland*** * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. ** 100-Year floodplains are identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps. Maps are available through the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616, or online at http://www.fema.gov. *** List a wetland type that best describes wetland to be impacted (e.g., freshwater/saltwater marsh, forested wetland, beaver pond, Carolina Bay, bog, etc.) List the total acreage (estimated) of existing wetlands on the property: Total area of wetland impact proposed: 2. Stream Impacts, including all intermittent and perennial streams (SEE PLANS) Stream Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Length of Impact (linear feet) Stream Name** Average Width of Stream Before Impact Perennial or Intermittent? (please secif ) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: culverts and associated rip-rap, dams (separately list impacts due to both structure and flooding), relocation (include linear feet before and after, and net loss/gain), stabilization activities (cement wall, rip-rap, crib wall, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. ** Stream names can be found on USGS topographic maps. If a stream has no name, list as UT (unnamed tributary) to the nearest downstream named stream into which it flows. USGS maps are available through the USGS at 1-800-358-9616, or online at www.usgs.gov. Several internet sites also allow direct download and printing of USGS maps (e.g., www.topozone.com, www.mapquest.com, etc.). Cumulative impacts (linear distance in feet) to all streams on site: 4500 Fr. 3. Open Water Impacts, including Lakes, Ponds, Estuaries, Sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other Water of the U.S. Page 8 of 12 Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on ma) Type of Impact* Area of Impact (acres) Name Watble) (if applicable) Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) * List each impact separately and identify temporary impacts. Impacts include, but are not limited to: fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. 4. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ? uplands ? stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. SEE PLAN VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2000, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors Page 9 of 12 including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing.. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCWRP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review.the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. SEE PLAN 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) with the NCWRP's written agreement. Check the box indicating that you would like to pay into the NCWRP. Please note that payment into the NCWRP must be reviewed and approved before it can be used to satisfy mitigation requirements. Applicants will be notified early in the review process by the 401/Wetlands Unit if payment into the NCWRP is available as an option. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCWRP, check the NCWRP website at biip://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/m/index.htm. If use of the NCWRP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page three and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Only) Page 10 of 12 Does the project involve an expenditure of public funds or the use of public (federal/state/local) land? Yes ® No ? If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (DWQ Only) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be. clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify. )? Yes ? No ® If you answered "yes", provide the following information: Identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (square feet) Multiplier Required Mitigation 1 3 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 3U feet perpendicular tiom near bank of channel; Zone L extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Conservation Easement, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Enhancement, Preservation or Page 11 of 12 Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or.0260. XI. Stormwater (DWQ Only) Describe impervious acreage (both existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. XII. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Only) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. XIII. Violations (DWQ Only) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Applicant/A/(,-ntYSXnature Date (Agent's si atu?te i valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 12 of 12 1 u. wlam or noon rone area 11. entrenchment ratio -V 5.88 C or E 0.00 CHECK 12 meander length 395 550 567.4133 13 ratio of meander length to bankfull width 14. Radius of curvature 160 7.75 too small? 94 11.22 ok 96.97608 mm 15. Ratio of radius of curvature to bankfull width 3.14 ok 1.92 __ --- 16. Belt width _?- 200 - 150 154.7491 17. Meander width ratio 3.92 3.06 _ 18. Sinuosity (stream IengthNallelength) 1.11 1.12 1.1 1.09 19. Valley Slope 0.0029 0.0048 20. Average sloe 0.0026 0.0044 21. Pool slope _ ? 0 - - _ ,-___.._..„ _-_..._._...-._.._._.,.-?.....„.._.._.. 22. Ratio of pool slope to avera a slo a ?T 0.00 0.00 _ 23 Maximum pool depth 0 24 Ratio of pool depth to average bankfull depth 0.00 too small? 0.00 too small? 25. Pool width 0 9a A,rn nf „nni width to hn„kfi al width 0.00 30.888015 0.00 27. Pool to pool spacing 272 n1a______ __ 220 22b.96b3 150 200 250 225 310 310 400 225 325 200 275 200 225 390 400 272.3333 28. Ratio of of to colspacing to bankfull width 5.33 C or E 4.49 A or B 29. Ratio of lowest bank height to bankfull height (or max bankfull depth) X-Sec 193.1197947 423.3437396 37.530919 41.911173 Sediment Transport Analysis ala Rosgen for D50 >2mm d50 mm 4.8 mm active channel D50 only ds50 mm 2.6 mm subsurface D50 Tci 0.048863 dimensionless Tci 0.048863 Di (largest) f 0.213255 avg bed S ft/ft 0.0026 Dbkf propose 6.5 mean Dbkf needed 6.612862 Di mm 65 mm BKF A 335 ft2 wetted perirr 73.51666 ft gRS=Tc 0.739294 lb/ft2 diagram Shields pred. 65 mm diagram Shields pred Ibs/ft2 average bed slope for reach not just riffle Variables Proposed Reach Check Results Reference Reach Check Results Range SGS Staticstin Channel Rural Piedmont -? -- -- _-„ 130.2525229 601.8009756 37.221795 3.506883704 Rural Mountain- 131.3465712 756.3836409 50.857474 2.527127437 Coastal Plain 97.49461968 158.5746042 30.357468 3.370029737 Little Sugar DWQ#021681 Subject: Little Sugar DWQ# 021681 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 12:50:15 -0400 From: "Todd St. John" <todd.st.john@ncmail.net> Organization: DWQ Wetlands Unit To: jeff.jurek@ncmail.net CC: "Todd St. John" <todd.st.john@ncmail.net> YY. GC Conditions - FYI Bank hardening of over 500 feet (measured per bank) requires a formal application and fee. The designer wants to use bank to bank rip rap just upstream of Dairy Branch for 300 feet per bank for a total of 600 feet. The extent and nature of this should be included on the plans. Also, I assume that the Mannings n referred to should be 0.045. YY. In Stream Structures, Channel Plug Blocks and Bank Stabilization Please provide complete typical plans for all types of structures/bank revetments proposed. Not provided: anchored log wing deflector, channel plug, rock vane, root wad, coir fiber and biolog at toe, bankfull bench. For Riffle Type 1 ,2 and 3 - Please provide the specific D50 sizes. The size of the rocks used for the crest and regular cross vane should be very large, such as 4 ft x 3 ft x 5 ft. The rocks tend to move as a result of undermining and not tractive or drag forces alone. These should also have footers of equal or greater size. Geotextile lining and/or graded materials must also be provided on the upstream side of the rock vanes. Please provide the depth of the rock added in the riffles. Please provide the vertical and horizontal angles and relative lengths of the vane arms. Please discuss how high the vane arms will be on the banks. Inner Berm and Point Bar Constrictors - I have seen similar structures provided for inner berms; however, it is not clear why such a structure would be used at a point bar since point bars tend to be depositional features consisting of mobile material. This may effect sediment transport negatively. Is this the same structure referred to as a bankfull bench above? YY. Morphological Measurements The morphological measurements provided seem to indicate that the data provided by the USACE is incorrect. However, key parameters such as bankfull width, depth and cross sectional area were still used for Brier Creek. They did not provide pool to pool spacing information. I extrapolated it from the longitudinal profiles. I got about 270 feet for the design stream and about 220 feet for Brier Creek. Are these numbers correct? YY. Sediment Transport Analysis The designer used bar data in their sediment transport analysis which as you know is suspect in North Carolina. I calculated a compentcy for a "largest particle" of about 65 mm. I am not certain if the numbers in table 1 are actual numbers or calculated. Please have them clarify (i.e. I am not familiar with D85 high or low). YY. Reference Reach The designer did not seem very confident in their own reference streams and seem to imply that one was recently disturbed to the point of rendering it inappropriate and the other is incised. Are you satisfied' with their reference streams? 1 of 2 10/25/02 12:53 PM Little Sugar DWQ# 021681 More importantly, it is not clear how bankfull elevations were determined for the reference or design streams. This is obviously critical if they are designing a C or E type stream. (It would be less critical for a Bc type stream.) Please have the applicant clearly discuss how they determined bankfull. If they could not identify it on their reference streams by field indicators how can the reference streams be considered appropriate? I do not agree that back calculating bankfull based on a 1.5 year return interval discharge is appropriate (if that's what was done). All of the information that I have ever received would indicate that the return interval in urban areas is closer to a 1.1 or 1.2 year event. Also, over sizing the channel based on anticipated build out may also be risky. The cross sections for the riffle sections of the design stream are reminiscent of Bc type streams. In this case, it may be better to more accurately estimate bankfull than it would be to over estimate it since there is a slope break at the proposed bankfull elevation. Todd St. John, P.E. Environmental Engineer II DWQ Wetlands Unit 2 of 2 10/25/02 12:53 PM Little Sugar DWQ# 021681 Subject: Little Sugar DWQ# 021681 Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 12:50:15 -0400 From: "Todd St. John" <todd.st.john@ncmail.net> Organization: DWQ Wetlands Unit To: jeffjurek@ncmail.net CC: "Todd St. John" <todd.st.john@ncmail.net> YY. GC Conditions - FYI Bank hardening of over 500 feet (measured per bank) requires a formal application and fee. The designer wants to use bank to bank rip rap just upstream of Dairy Branch for 300 feet per bank for a total of 600 feet. The extent and nature of this should be included on the plans. Also, I assume that the Mannings n referred to should be 0.045. YY. In Stream Structures, Channel Plug Blocks and Bank Stabilization Please provide complete typical plans for all types of structures/bank revetments proposed. Not provided: anchored log wing deflector, channel plug, rock vane, root wad, coir fiber and biolog at toe, bankfull bench. For Riffle Type 1 ,2 and 3 - Please provide the specific D50 sizes. The size of the rocks used for the crest and regular cross vane should be very large, such as 4 ft x 3 ft x 5 ft. The rocks tend to move as a result of undermining and not tractive or drag forces alone. These should also have footers of equal or greater size. Geotextile lining and/or graded materials must also be provided on the upstream side of the rock vanes. Please provide the depth of the rock added in the riffles. Please provide the vertical and horizontal angles and relative lengths of the vane arms. Please discuss how high the vane arms will be on the banks. Inner Berm and Point Bar Constrictors - I have seen similar structures provided for inner berms; however, it is not clear why such a structure would be used at a point bar since point bars tend to be depositional features consisting of mobile material. This may effect sediment transport negatively. Is this the same structure referred to as a bankfull bench above? YY. Morphological Measurements The morphological measurements provided seem to indicate that the data provided by the USACE is incorrect. However, key parameters such as bankfull width, depth and cross sectional area were still used for Brier Creek. They did not provide pool to pool spacing information. I extrapolated it from the longitudinal profiles. I got about 270 feet for the design stream and about 220 feet for Brier Creek. Are these numbers correct? YY. Sediment Transport Analysis The designer used bar data in their sediment transport analysis which as you know is suspect in North Carolina. I calculated a compentcy for a "largest particle" of about 65 mm. I am not certain if the numbers in table 1 are actual numbers or calculated. Please have them clarify (i.e. I am not familiar with D85 high or low). YY. Reference Reach The designer did not seem very confident in their own reference streams and seem to imply that one was recently disturbed to the point of rendering it inappropriate and the other is incised. Are you satisfied with their reference streams? 1 of 2 10/25/02 12:52 PM Little Sugar DWQ# 021681 More importantly, it is not clear how bankfull elevations were determined for the reference or design streams. This is obviously critical if they are designing a C or E type stream. (It would be less critical for a Bc type stream.) Please have the applicant clearly discuss how they determined bankfull. If they could not identify it on their reference streams by field indicators how can the reference streams be considered appropriate? I do not agree that back calculating bankfull based on a 1.5 year return interval discharge is appropriate (if that's what was done). All of the information that I have ever received would indicate that the return interval in urban areas is closer to a 1.1 or 1.2 year event. Also, over sizing the channel based on anticipated build out may also be risky. The cross sections for the riffle sections of the design stream are reminiscent of Bc type streams. In this case, it may be better to more accurately estimate bankfull than it would be to over estimate it since there is a slope break at the proposed bankfull elevation. Todd St. John, P.E. Environmental Engineer II DWQ Wetlands Unit 2 of 2 10/25/02 12:52 PM a d UK F N v? p 3?g Y m 2 W 6 z I LI f<N ZC l C? eb J z a LL. O a a ?. r y N a? r T O? 0 etl ?? d °z W p F gel 3W O O ~? W IV ga g ?d WW/ 1y01.355 <W W z p zF$ O WN LLLLfJi11VR R; 1 -5 w U? 2 gn m ?Y?2`{ hem gTa xLLo O ? O 6 KF WGm yg??WtlYC Y Z ask ?a z °1 rc9? _ zy N pp ? / u (J Z p O<Z O OW 9 Q0 ULL? 96 i-1 j Ut G s IZ`n fppm rr Vooi 2Y2 Z ? O qq < ??g¢ a=Z K ? mU m y 111---- V d ri r ri .- Q Q z O U Lii Lnl L, LL d' Y U O 0 Ld W 0 W U CE N z O V I1 A 20'-30' 1/3 STREAM CHANNEL 1/3 i -FLOW--al _ ' 20'-30' 1/3 A FLOW PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE 2-7% FOOTER PROFILE NOT TO SCALE FINISHED GRADE NORMAL WATER LEVEL ----------------- ---------------------- 0'9a bkf MIN. BOULDER DIMENSIONS: 60cm x 90cm x 120cm (2'x3'x4') BOULDER SPACING: TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD EXISTING CHANNEL BOTTOM SECTION A-A ROCK CROSS VANES NO SCALE N - z N-1u mo m N - m -< Imrn N mmEno m(J) om cn i zO? o - ? ` m ;-Di0 O z ??m zZ' rri m Z ?m z oom Dm Y rn.. m r-Do D z ;Do SEE NOTE 1 SEE NOTE 2 . n0 / D o z j z r.i x rn M, z m uj . z z o .. z 2 a D Z 0 Z o M C-) z m rn Cl) 0 ->, m: m o rn X a t? 0. Z 0 Z 0 O•y N C r m 0 0 Z m O Z ;0 z W / \ N A s A D I X C m ? v o. i / 0 mo i 0 E I n Z ;0 ?Zr-01 ?o 0 0 K ;0 DOD. O m Z n 0-1 m z _rn p?m ? 0m -o c? 0? m I crn. ox mN z z o= o c? ;:u I EXISTING GRADE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC BURY 8" MID.) .? EXCAVATE BANK FOR PLACEMENT OF LOG A TOP OF BANK ?- TOE OF BANK COIR LOG TOE PROTECTION CONTINUE ON BOTH BANKS FOR LENGTH OF.PROJECT. PLAN VIEW NOT 'TO SCALE 12-16" (MINIMUM) DIA. LOG PLACED IN TRENCH WITH CENTER OF LOG AT NORMAL WATER LEVEL. PLACEMENT TO BE DETERMINED IN-THE FIELD.' COIR LOG INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS. 1/2 LOG 0 NORMAL WATER LEVEL -?+---- 2"x2"x36" STAKES SECTION A-A COIR LOG TOE PROTECTION NO SCALE i I TOP OF BANK 12" (TYP.) MINIMUM OVERLAP • i TOE OF BANK I LOG.TOE PROTECTION !! BEGINNING AND END OF Y LOG TOE PROTECTION TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD. r 'b PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE EXISTING GRADE .12" (MINIMUM) DIA. LOG PLACED IN TRENCH WITH CENTER OF LOG AT NORMAL WATER LEVEL:. j EROSION CONTROL PLACEMENT TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. FABRIC i _ 3/16".0 CABLE CABLE CLAMP L BURY O 8 1/2 LOG 0 NORMAL WATER LEVEL \\// EXISTING CHANNEL BOTTOM EXCAVATE BANK FOR \ PLACEMENT OF LOG . / \ \. DUCKBILL ANCHORS \ (3 CABLES PER 8' LOG) • ? 15' 4?-? 1 SECTION .' A-A LOG TOE PROTECTION NO SCALE j i I j I ?g TOP OF BANK l CONTAINERIZED AND BARE-ROOT d cfi d cf d c'l d d d' MATERIALS cl d. d d d C'l LIVE STAKES j (?YP) d d d d d d d d d d d d c p, -•-TOE OF BANK I SITE i SPECIFIC . PLANTING SCHEDULE I 1. STREAMBANK GRADING 2" SOIL SURFACE ROUGHENING 3. SEEDING OF GRASS COVER CROP STREAM FLOW : WITH SPECIFIED SEED MIX 4, INSTALLATION OF .NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SC 150 A (OR EQUIVALENT), ACCORDING. TO MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS p CTION INSTALLATION 5. TOP PROT 1 VIEW 1- L/? f'1N 6 . LIVE-STAKING CONTAINERIZED NOT TO SCALE 7. CONTAINERIZED AND BARE-ROOT SEEDUNG AND BARE-ROOT - INSTALLATION MATERIALS AT TOP OF SLOPE I BURY A MINIMUM APPROVED SPECIES OF LIVE- . i OF 8" (TYP.) STAKES-WITH 2 LEAF SCARS TOR NODES AVOVE GROUND FINISHED GRADE . EXISTING CHANNEL'BOTiOM L _ EROSION CONTROL MATERIAL (AMERICAN GREEN SC150 OR EQUIVALENT) TOE. PROTECTION r (COIR FIBER LOG) NORMAL WATER -LEVEL r 1/2 LOG .0 i PLANT SPACING BASED ON _ TYPE OF VEGETATION D SITE CONDITIONS. I i SECTION A=A PLANTING DETAIL NO SCALE i INSTALLATION ANGLE o / 30 . p FOOTER BOULDERS FOOTER LLA OR LOGS BOULDER m w OR LOGS Krt . ? ? STREAM FLOW J CLASS I 1 RIP-RAP FlLL% RADED \ IMPERMEABLE CLAY A ROCK TOE PROTECTION ROCK VANE '?P- Ike FLO?" L* A PLAN VIEW NOT TO SCALE FLOW - 2-7% *- 40 ka -)%? '?/ - / FOOTER POOL PROFILE NOT TO SCALE BURY MIN. BIODEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL B" (TYP.) MATERIAL (NORTH AMERICAN GREEN SC150 OR EQUIVALENT) AND VEGETATIVE COVER FINISHED GRADE BANKFULL ELEVATION ----------------------------------- ------------ SLOPED TOWARD CENTER OF CHANNEL NORMAL WATER LEVEL 0 ROCK VANE ROCK DIAMETER: 3 FEET 30-50% OF CHANNEL WIDTH SECTION A-A ROCK VANE EXISTING CHANNEL BOTTOM ¦ AND TABLE OF CONTENTS, SECTION OCT 1 5 2002 PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................1 W H a.T? ....1 2.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ................................ .?.: a 3.0 LOCATION INFORMATION .....................................................................................2 4.0 GENERAL WATERSHED DESCRIPTION ..............................................................2 4.1 Current Land Use ................................................................................................ 2 4.2 Future Land Use ................................................................................................. 3 5.0 EXISTING STREAM CONDITIONS ......................................................................... 3 5.1 Hydrological Features ........................................................................................ 3 5.2 Soils .................................................................................................................... 3 5.3 Plant Communities ............................................................................................. 4 5.4 Protected Species ................................................................................................ 4 5.5 Stream Geometry ................................................................................................ 4 5.6 Stream Substrate ................................................................................................. 4 5.7 Constraints .......................................................................................................... 5 5.8 Storm Water ....................................................................................................... 5 6.0 REFERENCE STREAM INFORMATION ................................................................ 5 6.1 Briar Creek Reference Reach ............................................................................. 5 6.1.1 Stream Classification ............................................................................... 6 6.1.2 Dimension ................................................................................................6 6.1.3 Pattern ......................................................................................................6 6.1.4 Profile ...................................................................................................... 7 6.1.5 Plant Community ..................................................................................... 7 6.2 Long Creek Reference Reach ............................................................................. 7 6.2.1 Stream Classification ............................................................................... 8 6.2.2 Dimension ................................................................................................8 6.2.3 Pattern ......................................................................................................8 6.2.4 Profile ...................................................................................................... 8 6.2.5 Plant Community ..................................................................................... 9 6.3 USGS Gauging Data ............................................................................................. 9 09177-017-018 i October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 6.4 Regime Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 9 7.0 STREAM RESTORATION PLAN ............................................................................10 7.1 Restored Stream Classification ......................................................................... 11 7.2 Restored Stream Morphology ........................................................................... 11 7.3 Sediment Transport Analysis ............................................................................ 11 7.4 Stability Analysis .............................................................................................. 15 7.4.1 Velocity and Stability Analysis ............................................................. 15 7.4.2 Traction Force Criteria and Shield Curve Analysis .............................. 16 7.4.3 Bed and Bank Stability Structures ......................................................... 17 7.5 Vegetation .........................................................................................................19 7.6 Storm Water ...................................................................................................... 19 8.0 STREAM PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND MONITORING PLAN ...............19 8.1 Substrate Monitoring ........................................................................................ 20 8.2 Vegetation .........................................................................................................20 8.3 Monitoring Schedule ........................................................................................ 20 8.4 Monitoring Methods ......................................................................................... 20 9.0 STREAM RESTORATION BENEFITS ...................................................................20 10.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 22 FIGURES Figure 1 - Little Sugar Creek Watershed at Freedom Park ............................ Appendix A Figure 2 - Aerial Overview, Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park ................. Appendix A Figure 3 - Freedom Park Soils ....................................................................... Appendix A Figure 4 - Little Sugar Creek Longitudinal Profile ........................................ Appendix A Figure 5 - Approximate Bedrock Locations .................................................. Appendix A Figure 6 - Storm Water Outfall Locations ..................................................... Appendix B Figure 7 - Briar Creek Watershed .................................................................. Appendix A Figure 8 - Diameters and Radii of Stream for Briar Creek ............................ Appendix A Figure 9 - Briar Creek Reference Reach Longitudinal Profile ...................... Appendix A Figure 10 -Long Creek Watershed ...............................................................Appendix A Figure 11 - Long Creek Cross Sections .........................................................Appendix A Figure 12 - Long Creek Pattern Map Near Primm Road .............................. .Appendix A Figure 13 - Long Creek Topographic Map Near Primm Road ..................... .Appendix A Figure 14 - Long Creek Reference Reach, Longitudinal Profile .................. .Appendix A Figure 15 - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugar Creek ......................... .Appendix A 09177-017-018 ii October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Figure 16 - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugar Creek ................ ..........Appendix A Figure 17 - Discharge Rating Curve for Briar Creek .......................... ...........Appendix A Figure 18 - Discharge Rating Curve for Long Creek .......................... ...........Appendix A Figure 19 - 1996-2001 Annual Peak Flow for Little Sugar Creek ...... ...........Appendix A Figure 20 - 1997-2001 Annual Peak Flow for Briar Creek ................ ...........Appendix A Figure 21- 1966-2000 Annual Peak Flow for Long Creek ................ ...........Appendix A Figure 22 - Regime Curve Data .......................................................... ...........Appendix A ..... Figure 23 - Bankfull Cross Sections ............................................. ..... ...........Appendix A ............Appendix A Figure 24 - Overall Site Plan ........................................................ ...Appendix A . Figure 25 - Planform of Little Sugar Creek ..................................... .......... ......... ............Appendix A ................ Figure 26 -Riffle Type ...................................... Figure 27 - Inner Berm and Point Bar Channel Constrictor Schemat ic ......... Appendix A Figure 28 - Little Sugar Creek Proposed Longitudinal Profile .......... ............Appendix A ........ Figure 29 -Interpolation Curves for Freedom Park .................. ............Appendix A .......................... Figure 30 -Sediment Transport ............................. i .......following p. 18 following Figure 30 ng ............... Figure 31- Estimated Velocities and Bed Material Siz following Figure 31 ............................ Figure 32 -Bank Stability Analysis ...................... following Figure 32 Figure 33 - Shield Curve Analysis .................................................... TABLES Table 1- Preliminary Estimates of Fluvial Morphologic Parameters ............ Appendix A ..............................Appendix A Table 2 -Briar Creek Vegetation ..................................... Table 3 - Long Creek Vegetation ...................................................................Appendix A .....................Appendix A Table 4 -Bed Shear Stress Estimates ....................................... Table 5 - Estimated Bed Traction Force and Minimum D50 for Stability ....Appendix A Table 6 - Freedom Park Potential Planting List .............................................Appendix A APPENDICES A Figures and Tables B Survey of Storm Water Outfalls October 2002 09177-017-018 ui Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 1.0 INTRODUCTION HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas (HDR) and Habitat Assessment and Restoration Program (HARP) have prepared this stream restoration plan (Plan) of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park, Charlotte, for the intended use of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Wetland Restoration Program (WRP). The development of a restoration design for the approximately 4,200 linear feet (LF) of Little Sugar Creek in Freedom Park entailed a multifaceted study of the historical and current stream conditions within both the Little Sugar Creek watershed and two local reference reach watersheds. Historical human activities, including development within the watershed and physical alteration of the stream channel, have led to the current desire to restore the stream to more of a natural state. However, the urban environment of the Little Sugar Creek watershed prohibits any restoration to completely natural conditions. Constraints including development, infill in the floodplain, and large volumes of storm water runoff from impervious surfaces restrict the number of applicable restoration options. In most urban streams and creeks, restoration to pristine conditions is an unrealistic goal due to the extent of prior watershed alteration. It has been documented that degradation of stream quality occurs at relatively low levels (10 to 20 percent) of imperviousness; and at watershed imperviousness levels above 30 percent, predevelopment channel stability and biodiversity cannot be fully maintained, even when Best Management Practices (BMPs) or retrofits are fully applied. The restoration objectives in urban streams should then be set to target realistically attainable conditions. For the reach of interest along Little Sugar Creek, this translates to reduction of bank erosion and partial restoration of aquatic and riparian habitat. This report documents the attainable goals and objectives of restoring Little Sugar Creek within the Project Area and presents an implementation strategy. Plans are based on Rosgen stream restoration principles and reference reach analysis. In addition, a monitoring plan and schedule ensure the long-term stability and success of this restoration effort. 2.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of the Plan is to restore the stream ecosystem within the boundaries of Freedom Park. Restoration to pristine conditions is an unrealistic goal due to the extent of prior watershed alteration; therefore, restoration plans are based on the best available options to restore the natural functions of Little Sugar Creek. Specific objectives of the Plan include the following: (1) water quality improvement, (2) restoration of aquatic habitat, (3) re-establishment of native vegetation, (4) flood volume storage, (5) reduction of bank erosion, and (6) improvement of stream corridor aesthetics. Discussion of the plans to accomplish these objectives is included in Section 7.0. After project completion, monitoring will be conducted to ensure the objectives of the Plan are met and the project is successful. Actions by other local agencies will also contribute to the overall goal of restoring natural stream functions to Little Sugar Creek. The Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation Department is concurrently planning the establishment of a greenway along the length of Little Sugar Creek. Construction is slated for completion in 2003. Coordination with this and other local agencies during the planning and construction of this project will accomplish the overall goal of providing the community with open space and natural recreation areas. Additionally, efforts by Mecklenburg County (County) and 09177-017-018 1 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan the City of Charlotte (City) to implement storm water improvement strategies in the upper Little Sugar Creek watershed will improve water quality. 3.0 LOCATION INFORMATION The Project Area is located on Little Sugar Creek in the Catawba River Basin (HU No. 03050103) in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The Project Area for this site is the stream reach bounded by East Boulevard and Princeton Avenue (Figure 2) and lies entirely within Freedom Park and the City of Charlotte. Freedom Park is a part of the Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department public park system. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) lists Little Sugar Creek in Subbasin No. 03-08- 34 and classifies the best usage of this 303(d)-listed stream as Class C. Class C waters are those protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture, and other uses suitable for Class C. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized or incidental manner. There are no restrictions on watershed development activities. Wastewater discharge and storm water management requirements are applicable (NCDWQ, 1999). The factors of water quality concern are fecal coliform, biological impairment, and sediment pollution. 4.0 GENERAL WATERSHED DESCRIPTION The drainage area for Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park is approximately 12 to 14 square miles (Figure 1). This figure (a mosaic of the Charlotte East and Derita USGS Quadrangles) also illustrates the predominant urban character of the watershed. The range in drainage area is due to the additional drainage represented largely by Dairy Branch, a tributary that enters Little Sugar Creek within Freedom Park. The headwaters of Little Sugar Creek begin near the interchange of Interstate I-85 and Highway 29/49 and flow south-southwest through a highly urbanized portion of the City, including the uptown business district, to Freedom Park. 4.1 Current Land Use While the Plan will be constructed within Freedom Park, the land use throughout the watershed is highly urbanized and considered built-out. The watershed includes a portion of the urbanized City within the I-277 beltway. Commercial and dense residential areas surround the uptown area of the City. Currently, less than 15 percent of the area within the watershed is classified as vacant. This small percentage of infill parcels is mostly located in the uppermost portions of the watershed near Derita. Development includes floodplain encroachment by structures, which is most noticeable in aerial photographs from the 1960s and 1970s. Urban development correlates to a high percentage of impervious area. Land use/land cover in the upper Little Sugar Creek watershed is approximately 15 to 20 percent high-density commercial and industrial (75 percent impervious cover), 40 to 45 percent low-density residential (15 to 20 percent impervious), and 30 percent forested land (0 percent impervious), with minor water and other land use types (Vempaty, 1997). Using land cover to impervious cover relationships developed by the United States Soil Conservation Service (USSCS, 1986), the overall impervious cover is estimated at 38 percent (Wilkerson, et. al., 1998). The same authors estimate the watershed runoff curve number as 78. The estimated percent impervious cover and runoff curve numbers for the upper Little Sugar Creek watershed are the highest values for watersheds of comparable size in the County. Because of this high degree of imperviousness, the 09177-017-018 2 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan watershed experiences quick response to storm runoff, which translates to rapid increases in stream flows. 4.2 Future Land Use Future development will be minimized because the watershed is considered built-out. Infill development can occur on the remaining vacant parcels. As this infill development continues, a small increase in watershed imperviousness is likely. Redevelopment of currently developed parcels is also likely in this urbanized watershed. 5.0 EXISTING STREAM CONDITIONS 5.1 Hydrological Features Past records indicate that multiple entities have dredged and/or channelized Little Sugar Creek, including the 4,200 LF of stream within Freedom Park (Figure 2). Around 1917, an article entitled "Drainage Work in Mecklenburg County," prepared by Heriot Clarkson, then chair of the Mecklenburg County Drainage Commission, makes it clear that most, if not all, of the larger tributaries of the Catawba River that drain the County were part of a County-wide dredging program that occurred between 1911 and 1930. The dredging of Little Sugar Creek was completed by 1917 to a minimum channel width of approximately 20 feet and depth of 8 feet. Review of historical aerial photographs reveal Little Sugar Creek has had an established alignment for at least the last 60 to 80 years. Overall, the current alignment has existed since early part of the 1900s. In the 1920s, the main trunk sewer line along Little Sugar Creek was put in place (per. comm. Andrew Burg), and this essentially corrected the alignment for the areas above Tyvola Road. The aerial photographs also indicate that the creek was periodically cleared of vegetation. In the mid-1960s and early 1970s, the City initiated on erosion control system along the banks of Little Sugar Creek, as it flows through Freedom Park, using a combination of grouted riprap and concrete bank covering. The bottom of the channel was left in its "natural" condition. During July 2002, the County removed the grouted riprap and concrete banking and temporarily stabilized the banks with erosion control matting. Additionally, the large flood control weir structure located approximately 450 feet upstream of Princeton Avenue was removed. These impacts to Little Sugar Creek and its watershed influence the hydrology of the stream. During a bankfull event, stream discharge ranges from 1,600 cubic feet per second (CFS) to an estimate of 2,300 CFS at watershed build-out conditions. According to the nearest stream gage maintained by the United States Geological Survey (USGS), bankfull discharge is 1,900 CFS (Table 1). These storm events carry water at an estimated velocity of 6.3 feet per second. 5.2 Soils According to the Mecklenburg County Soil Survey, soils within the Project Area include Monacan and Pacolet (Figure 3). Monacan soils are deep, moderately well and somewhat poorly drained with moderate permeability. They formed in recent alluvial sediments of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain. Slopes are commonly less than two percent. Pacolet soils consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in material weathered mostly from acid crystalline rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Within the Project Area, these soils occur on slopes ranging from 15 to 25 percent (USDA, 1979). 09177-017-019 3 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 5.3 Plant Communities The composition and distribution of plant communities are reflective of topography, soils, hydrology, and past and present land usage. In this case, the vegetation of the Project Area is primarily determined by land use. The vegetation on the west side of the stream within Freedom Park is urban with no natural community cover and is currently maintained by the County. On the east side of Little Sugar Creek, a mature canopy of pine, ash, sweetgum, box elder and mixed oaks (white and red) exists. Near the Nature Museum at the southern end of the Project Area, vegetation includes an understory of dogwood and privet with a ground cover of honeysuckle, English, and poison ivy. 5.4 Protected Species A review of the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program database of rare species and unique habitats (as of March 23, 2002) shows no occurrence of Federally protected species within one mile (1.6 km) of the Project Area. 5.5 Stream Geometry Little Sugar Creek within Freedom Park can be classified as a Rosgen Class C3 to C5 stream. Class C streams are typically slightly entrenched with a moderate to high width to depth ratio (Rosgen, 1996). Little Sugar Creek exhibits an entrenchment ratio of greater than 5 and a high width to depth ratio of 12.5 (Table 1). More specifically, Class C3 to C5 streams exhibit a slope ranging from 0.001 to 0.02 (Rosgen, 1996). Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park exhibits a slope of 0.0029, which is within this range (Figure 4). Bedrock outcroppings also influence the channel slope and sinuosity by creating nick points (Figure 5). However, this stream segment does not exhibit all the parameters for a Class C channel. Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park has been channelized and dredged; therefore, it does not have the high sinuosity typical of Class C streams (Table 1). Additionally, the relationship between the stream channel and floodplain has been altered by these activities. Flash flooding occurs in this urban area. Dredging has also altered typical riffle and pool sequences. 5.6 Stream Substrate The stream travels over several zones of bedrock and, in at least six locations within the stream course, large outcrops of the native bedrock material can be seen in the stream channel and along the banks. The channel bottom is comprised primarily of sand and pebbles, with several areas of cobble riffles, a few large boulders, and native rock outcrop zones (Figure 5). Riffle, pool, and point bar pebble counts present a quantitative characterization of streambed material, sediment transport, and hydraulic stress. Surface particles, or pavement material, are typically coarser than subpavement particles. These later particles are likely to be mobilized by stream flows and velocities associated with near bankfull storm events. The riffle substrate D50 particle size is 4.8 mm, while the pool D50 is a larger 6.6 mm. The. point _bar D50, expected to be the smallest of the three measurements, is 2.6 mm. The larger D84 sizes range from 6.4 mm in riffles to 25.1 mm in pools (Table 1). Further substrate analysis is presented in Section 7.3. 4 October 2002 09177-017-018 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 5.7 Constraints The stream restoration design of Little Sugar Creek has four sources of constraints that are outside the realm of fluvial geomorphology and hydrology. These constraints are cost, a sewer line, riparian land use, and adverse flooding impacts. The latter two impose severe limits on the degree to which a design can strictly achieve a full restoration of Little Sugar Creek back to its original floodplain setting. A fifth constraint, not directly affecting the restoration design, is water quality. Little Sugar Creek, from its source tributaries to the South Carolina state line, is an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 303(d) listed Class C stream with fecal coliform, biological impairment, and sediment pollution being the factors of concern. The restoration of aquatic habitat will be impeded, regardless of the design, by the existing water quality problems, a solution for which lies outside the scope of this specific effort. These degraded conditions will likely improve as additional restoration efforts are implemented in the upper watershed and as the County and the City move to implement additional storm water improvement strategies. In addition, three bridges cross Little Sugar Creek within Freedom Park (Figure 2). These structures must be protected to ensure their continued safety for pedestrians. The restoration design considerations of dimension, pattern, and profile are limited by the location of these structures. 5.8 Storm Water Little Sugar Creek receives storm water from 21 locations along the stream reach within Freedom Park (Figure 6). These outfalls play a part in both flow volume and water quality in Little Sugar Creek. A comprehensive discussion, including recommendations and proposed actions, is provided in Appendix B. 6.0 REFERENCE STREAM INFORMATION Seven sites were investigated for their feasibility as possible reference reaches. Of these seven areas, only two were found to have appropriate characteristics to merit the collection of reference reach data. These are Long Creek, located in the northwest portions of the County, and Briar Creek, located just to the east of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park. 6.1 Briar Creek Reference Reach The reference reach on Briar Creek was chosen based on recommendations from City/County Storm Water staff regarding the stability of the reach in the vicinity of Myers Park High School (Figure 7). Dames and Moore (2001), on behalf of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), previously studied the Briar Creek reference reach in order to provide a foundation for an initial design framework for USACE restoration work along Little Sugar Creek from East Boulevard to Tyvola Road. This reference reach has approximately 19 square miles of drainage from lands predominant of residential use and is directly adjacent to the upper Little Sugar Creek drainage basin (Figure 5). Therefore, the sites have similar topography, soils, and land use characteristics. The two primary differences between these sites are: 1) the Little Sugar Creek basin is more heavily developed by commercial and industrial land use with more impervious cover and piped storm drains, and 2) the Briar Creek reach behind Myers Park High School is, for most of its length, running in 09177-017-018 5 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan bedrock with an overall valley grade that is 0.0048 as opposed to the 0.0029 valley grade of Little Sugar Creek in Freedom Park. Briar Creek, near Myers Park High School, has substantial portions of both bed and banks composed of bedrock. The rock has essentially stabilized the channel regardless of watershed land cover changes. However, the channel is wide enough to pass the dredges used in early 1900s, so channel alteration cannot be assumed. The Clarkson drainage report specifically mentions that Briar Creek--was dtedged,?,but did not discuss in any detail the limits of dredging along the creek. Additionally, theireach has-a sewer line that was blasted into. the bedrock along -the east side of Briar-:Creek. This created a bench composed of rock aggregate along the east bank and modified the cross-section of the stream. Despite these detractors, Briar Creek has the most similar land use/land cover and drainage area to Little Sugar Creek. As a part of design research, additional data was collected to augment and confirm the data collected in the Dames and Moore USACE study. In summary, there are three detractors from using Briar Creek as a reference reach. First, historical documents indicate- that the creek was part of the dredging program implemented between 1913 and 1930. Second, when the sewer line was installed on the east bank, the rock banks were broken up and a bench or berm was constructed along the east bank modifying its cross-section, particularly below the bankfull stage. Third, the reach behind Myers Park High School is largely a bedrock-founded reach, which would not easily adjust to any urbanization flow regime, thus appearing stable despite changing hydrology. However, as previously mentioned, Little Sugar Creek is unlikely to have any directly comparable reference reach in the region; thus this data, combined with other reference reach information, needs to be collectively considered in the development of a stable restoration design. 6.1.1 Stream Classification , Briar Creek, near Myers Park High School, exhibits similar characteristics of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park, and therefore is classified similarly as a Class C/E3 to C/E5 stream. Class E streams have a higher width-to-depth ratio and sinuosity than Class C streams. Class E3 to E5 streams have similar slope ranges as Class C3 to C5 streams (Rosgen, 1996). 6.1.2 Dimension The USACE reported cross-section area and bankfull stage information are included in Table 1 for the purpose of completing the Rosgen-type morphologic analysis. It must be viewed with some caution due to the disturbed nature of the east bank and the likelihood that bedrock reaches 'are'not likely to respond rapidly to changing watershed conditions. 6.1.3 Pattern Table 1 reports both the prior USACE data, as well as the additional data collected for this study. Additional pattern information was gathered from the low elevation infrared (IR) aerial photograph acquired at the onset of this project. Figures 8a and 8b show the pattern of Briar Creek behind Myers Park High School, as well as below Runnymede Lane where a set of more regular meanders are preserved. A series of 12 well-defined meanders can be mapped from these photographs and used to calculate an average meander radius of curvature of 186 feet. The meander belt width is dependent on whether one includes, or excludes, large bends produced by bedrock ledges. Excluding 09177-017-018 6 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan the large bend behind Myers Park High School yields a meander belt width that ranges from 80 to 200 feet. Including this bend takes the belt width to 520 feet. Bedrock control on the variability of stream pattern in the North Carolina Piedmont makes statistical averaging of this type of data of marginal usefulness. A typical value for areas without strong bedrock control would be approximately 150 feet (e.g., below Runnymede Lane). 6.1.4 Profile The prior USACE study on Briar Creek stated the valley grade as .0086; however a new longitudinal profile (1,040 feet in length) yielded only .0044 for an average stream slope (Table 1, Figure 9). From what can be gathered from the location figure in the USACE report, the new profile is close to the reference reach cross-section area indicated in that report. However, the new longitudinal profile (conducted by using an instream level transit, survey tape, and stadia rod) indicates an average stream slope of 0.0044, with riffle slopes ranging from 0.007 to 0.072. The profile included eight riffle sections, on average 32 feet in length, with an average spacing of 98 feet. Stream sinuosity is only 1.1 along the 1,040-foot section, yielding .0048 as the valley slope (Table 1). 6.1.5 Plant Community The plant community surrounding Briar Creek at Myers Park High School can be best classified as Piedmont Levee Forest (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Briar Creek has very little active floodplain area or floodplain shelf in the channel. The stream channel is deep enough that the terrace is not impacted as frequently by flooding. Hence, the forest stops at the top of bank. Those species growing along the toe of slope of Briar Creek include Yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Red maple (Acer rubrum), and Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (Table 2). Because the forest has been protected in the past, the sizes of the trees are greater than those at Long Creek. Due to the urban location of Briar Creek, the number of exotic tree species, such as Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), and invasive species is high (Table 2). Invasive species include Privet (Lonicera sinense), Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera mackii), and English ivy (Hedera helix). Additionally, a sewer line on Briar Creek has been maintained as a cross country/nature trial. 6.2 Long Creek Reference Reach A second reference reach was established in the northwest portions of the County along Long Creek. The stable and accessible segment of Long Creek used for a reference reach had a slightly smaller drainage area than the Freedom Park reach of Little Sugar Creek, but is closer to the drainage area of Little Sugar Creek at East Boulevard than the Briar Creek reference reach (Figure 10). The Long Creek reference reach has dimensions smaller than 18 feet and would not have passed the dredges used in the early 1900's dredging program. The Long Creek reach also has a bedrock based riffle section with v-shaped valley profile that is inconsistent with the rock removal and downcutting practices used in conjunction with the earlier dredging program. The Long Creek watershed drains to the Catawba River in the northernmost part of Lake Wylie, just below the dam, to Mt. Island Lake. The reference reach on Long Creek is just 1/4 mile southeast of Gar Creek Cove on Mt. Island Lake. It can be accessed off Primm Road, along the County or North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) access into the future 1485 corridor. The reach will eventually be partially impacted by the new outer belt. The watershed 09177-017-018 7 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan that drains to the reference has approximately 10 and 1/2 square miles of drainage from predominant residential lands, but with subordinate forested and commercial/industrial tracts (Figure 10). Approximately 1,200 feet of the reach were surveyed to define the pattern, dimension, profile, and bed characteristics of the reach. Conventional stream assessment survey techniques were used (Rosgen 1994) to acquire this information. In lieu of field pebble counts, meander, point bar, and riffle substrate samples were collected for laboratory grain size analysis, and independent armor studies were made in riffle and meander pool areas to more accurately assess grade and cross-section influences on bed transport characteristics in this reach. Additionally, the County 1:200 topographic maps augmented and provided an independent verification on stream pattern and longitudinal profile. 6.2.1 Stream Classification Long Creek can also be classified as a Rosgen Class C3 to C5 stream. Class C streams are typically slightly entrenched with a moderate to high width-to-depth ratio (Rosgen, 1996). Long Creek is more entrenched than the other two streams, with an entrenchment ratio of 1.2 and a high width-to-depth ratio of 13.2 (Table 1). More specifically, Class C3 to C5 streams exhibit a slope ranging from 0.001 to 0.02 (Rosgen, 1996). Long Creek exhibits a slope of 0.0033, which is within this range. 6.2.2 Dimension The average bankfull depth of Long Creek-is=2.8 feet, while the bankfull width is 37 feet. This correlated to a width to depth ratio of 13.2. Long Creek exhibits an entrenchment ratio of 1.9. This data and other morphological characteristics are presented in Table 1. Typical stream cross sections are presented in Figure 11. , 6.2.3 Pattern The stream pattern of this reference reach is portrayed in Figure 12, from field surveys, as well as in Figure 13 from the 1:200 topographic maps. The field surveys reveal some small variation in bank structure not seen in the topographic maps, but which are otherwise reasonably consistent. On Figure 12, the location and length of riffle zones, are shown. The average radius of curvature for meander bends is 76 feet, which is 2.05 times the bankfull width. The meander belt width is less than 70 feet if one focuses only on the downstream lower gradient portions of the reference reach, but if one includes the larger bend through the bedrock ridge, the belt width is closer to 420 feet (Table 1). The meander wavelength on average is 362. The sinuosity for this reach is 1.39. 6.2.4 Profile One attribute of this reference reach that made it appealing for design purposes for the Freedom Park project is that the reach includes two gradient regimes. A bedrock- founded riffle zone, some 160 feet in length, where the stream cuts through a bedrock ledge is located at the upper end of this reference reach (Figure 14). Downstream from this area, the gradient is lower and broken up into smaller riffle and meander areas. In Freedom Park, the lower portions of the reach also have a steeper bedrock based zone, and thus have some parallels to the variations seen in this 1,200-foot reference reach. 09177-017-018 8 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Long Creek riffles varied from 22 to 162 feet in length, with a riffle-to-pool ratio of 0.58, and an average riffle spacing of 104 feet (pool length). Long Creek exhibits a valley grade of 0.0045 (ft/ft) and an average stream grade of 0.0033 (Figure 12). Riffle grades are approximately 0.012. Other morphologic data for this reference reach appears in Table 1. 6.2.5 Plant Community The plant community surrounding Long Creek can best be classified as Piedmont Levee Forest (Schafale and Weakley, 1990). Typical tree canopy species include Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Typical subcanopy species include Alder (Alnus serrulata), Redbud (Cercis canadensis), and Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) (Table 3). Additionally, Long Creek has a shallow cross-section and there is an active floodplain bench in places, particularly on the south side of Long Creek. This bench provides habitat for shrubby species such as Alder (Alnus serrulata), Silky dogwood (Corpus amomum), Silky willow (Salix sericea), Giant cane (Arundinaria gigantea), and Spicebush (Lindera benzoin). Those species growing on the toe of the slope above the floodplain include Yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), Black walnut (Juglans nigra), and Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) (Table 3). These species are most prevalent on the north side of Long Creek. However, past management has impacted the site, so that the forest is of lower quality than Briar Creek, both in diversity and size of tree specimens. In comparison, there are less exotic tree species, but not less exotic herbaceous species (Table 3). 6.3 USGS Gauging Data There are four gaging stations near the three creeks involved in this study: 1) a station above Freedom Park in the Medical Center, 2) a station below Freedom Park at Archdale Drive, 3) a station above the reference reach on Briar Creek at Colony Road; and 4) a Long Creek gauging station downstream from the reference reach off of Primm Road. The period of record for each of these stations is relatively short, but each can be used to determine a rating curve for confirmation of a discharge for a given cross-section area or stage, and thus used to verify bankfull discharge values. Each has sufficient annual peak flows to determine an estimate of what the 1.5- and 2- year storm discharges would be (Figure 15-18). These values can then be inverted with the rating curves to determine the bankfull stage height for the stream at the gaging sections. In the case of the Medical Center and the Colony Road stations, the watershed has a very similar drainage area and can provide a good estimate of the bankfull cross-section and stage heights for verification and design purposes. The USGS data can be used to derive rating and annual peak flow probability curves (Figures 19- 21). The data on bankfull discharge is carried over into Table 1, on morphologic parameters. 6.4 Regime Data Analysis The data included in Table 1 from Little Sugar Creek, Long Creek, and Briar Creek can be compared to other data collected in rural and urban areas of the Piedmont of North Carolina to determine whether or not they are internally consistent and appropriate for providing a reference for the restoration design. As previously mentioned, a strict reference reach approach for Little 09177-017-018 9 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Sugar Creek would be problematic due to project constraints and the uniqueness of its watershed characteristics. Therefore, restoration goals for the pattern, dimension, and profile of the restoration design are developed using this data taken in combination with empirical (USGS gaging data) and hydrologic modeling data. Figure 22 shows the Little Sugar Creek, Briar Creek, and Long Creek bankfull parameters on North Carolina Piedmont Regime Data curves. Data collected by various engineers and scientists over the last decade has been incorporated into these curves. The rural curves originate from a diversity of areas in the North Carolina Piedmont (Harmon et. al., 1997), but the urban curves are largely derived from data collected in the City by Wilkerson and others, 1997; or Keaton, 1999; but integrated into a report by Doll et. al., 2000. Both the Charlotte projects were completed by the first authors as part of Master Thesis requirements in the Department of Civil Engineering at UNC-Charlotte. The larger urban streams in the Wilkerson et. al. study have channel dimensions consistent with the operation of the dredging program in the early 1900s. The use of these urban regime curves should be taken with great caution, not only because we cannot be confident they were not dredged, but also because, bedrock-founded sections (like the Briar Creek at Myers Park reference reach) cannot easily adjust to urban conditions on short time cycles. The reference reach data collected from Long Creek is very consistent with the rural regime curves. The data from the urban streams is also consistent with the urban regime data, though as stated above this data may be biased. 7.0 STREAM RESTORATION PLAN Fluvial geomorphic and hydrologic reference reach data are presented and discussed in light of the proposed design. The design follows the basic procedures laid out in the Technical Guidelines for Stream Restoration in North Carolina (2001) in that a reference reach approach is initially used to define the basic fluvial geomorphic elements of pattern, dimension, and profile. This data is summarized in Table 1. There are two factors that make a strict reference reach approach to the restoration problematic. First, storm flow from piped storm drains in the older and more urbanized parts of the City has produced a flashy storm surge in Little Sugar Creek which is unparalleled in any of the surrounding watersheds that might be viewed as a comparable watershed for reference reach purposes. USGS data (Medical Center) indicates that Little Sugar Creek rises faster and higher for a given storm than the adjacent Briar Creek watershed (gage at Colony Road) with a larger drainage area. Secondly, the majority of Little Sugar Creek was enlarged and entrenched by dredging prior to 1917, lowering the creek with respect to the surrounding landscape. Unfortunately, these activities were followed by over 80 years of fill and construction within the Little Sugar Creek floodway. Restoration to original conditions is currently not reasonable, as it would require elevating the streambed by approximately 5 feet, with associated substantial losses in conveyance and an attendant increase in flood damages within the FEMA designated floodway. The restoration design attached, in section, planform, and longitudinal view, can be characterized by the morphologic parameters indicated in Table 1 (Figures 23-28). These parameters vary slightly from the upper to lower ends of Freedom Park due to the drainage added by Dairy Branch. The primary difference in the two areas of the design is that additional width has been added below Dairy Branch to compensate for the increase in drainage area. In the design, it is not possible to elevate Little Sugar Creek 4 to 5 feet to bring the bankfull stage to the current top of bank. The dredging completed in early the 1900s lowered this reach by an estimated 4 to 6 feet. This entrenchment cannot be recovered due to encroachment within the floodway. However, the entrenchment can be accommodated by the construction of an inner floodplain bench at the 6- to 8-foot stage, coupled with the use of lower inner berms to constrict the lower portions of the channel and add low flow sinuosity. This tiered channel system allows the design to yield Rosgen or fluvial geomorphology parameters comparable to the reference reach and regime data sets. 09177-017-018 10 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Thus, in this perspective, while the design does not recover exactly back to original conditions, it recovers a natural balance of stream morphologic characteristics. 7.1 Restored Stream Classification Little Sugar Creek's existing classification of a Class C3 to C5 stream will not change with the restoration efforts. This classification is similar to both reference reaches. Although specific characteristics of the stream will be improved, such as increasing meander belt width, improving riffle and pool sequences, and reducing bankfull estimated mean velocities, these improvements will not change the Rosgen stream classification significantly. Constraints, including the urban nature of the watershed, limit the amount of sinuosity that can be restored to Little Sugar Creek. 7.2 Restored Stream Morphology The morphology for the restored stream reach of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park is based on the level II Rosgen analysis presented in Table 1. This table presents the existing stream conditions, reference reach analysis, and the proposed stream characteristics. Little Sugar Creek is divided into upper and lower segments to compensate for the added water volume from Dairy Branch. Typical cross section dimensions are presented for both the upper and lower segments of Little Sugar Creek. Downstream of Dairy Branch, the cross sectional area of the stream channel and floodplain area is larger to compensate for the added flow. These cross sections include planned side slope ranges (Figure 23). Sinuosity and riffle-to-pool sequences will be added to Little Sugar Creek as part of the Plan (Figures 24 and 25a-e). The sinuosity is designed based on the constraints of Freedom Park and floodplain conditions. Typical riffle cross-section schematics are presented in Figures 26a-c. The presented Plan view also includes planned instream actions (Figures 23a-e). Side slopes range from 1.5:1 to 3:1. Planted toe revetment using boulders is necessary in the indicated areas to prevent scour and erosion. Other details include bankfull benches created, where possible, along inner meander bends for floodplain storage and vegetated inner berms. An inner berm and point bar channel constrictor schematic showcases a built-in wing deflector and downstream drop weir of cobble material sized for immobility, seeded soil sock placement, and vegetation (Figure 27). At the southern end of the Project Area, root wads and rock vanes will be used to stabilize the meander and stream banks. Additionally, the longitudinal profile of the stream will be altered to include riffles, pools, and existing bedrock formations (Figure 28). These restoration plans also include interpolation analysis of the bankfull stages of Little Sugar Creek and the reference reaches (Figure 29). 73 Sediment Transport Analysis One goal in stream restoration work is to design a channel that is capable of maintaining its dimension, pattern and profile over time. To that end, the channel should neither aggrade nor degrade over time; rather it should be capable of migrating slowly across the landscape while maintaining form and function. In other words, the channel should have attained a state of dynamic equilibrium (or grade) where given its discharge and sediment load, the channel maintains form and slope over time. A useful way of thinking about the concept of grade is illustrated in Figure 30. For example, as either stream discharge or stream slope increases, the 09177-017-018 11 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan stream tends to erode. Alternatively, if sediment size or sediment load increases, other parameters being held constant, the stream tends to accumulate sediment. In stream restoration work, it is vital to design the stream slope and sediment size so that the stream will maintain an equilibrium state given expected discharges and sediment load. By using sediment size data from reference reach studies, it should be possible to predict the sediment size distribution required to maintain a channel at grade. Of first importance in such studies of sediment size distributions is the size distribution of the armor layer. This layer protects the underlying material from erosion and transport. Thus, the critical bed shear stresses required to move the armored layer would control the initiation of movement and transport of the bulk of the sediment comprising the channel floor. Once the armor layer is set in motion, the maximum bedload transport rate for the given discharge for the stretch of channel likely will be achieved. In order to understand the transport of sediment in streams a short discussion of water motion is in order. When observing water flow, various types of flow behavior can be observed. The first is steady flow where, at the point of observation, flow parameters such as mean velocity, pressure, density and temperature of the fluid remain the same and do not change with time. If the flow conditions change with time, then the flow is unsteady. Such behavior is exhibited during flood events where first the stage (and mean velocity) rises and then the stage falls. Uniform flows are those where the velocity is constant in the direction of the flow whereas non- uniform flows exhibit a variation of velocity in the direction of the flow. Non-uniform flow can be observed where a flow exits a pool and enters a riffle of smaller cross-sectional area. In flowing water there are two main regimes exhibited by the flow, laminar flow and turbulent flow. Laminar flow can be visualized by injecting a stream of dye into a slow-moving fluid. In such slow-moving fluids one molecule of the fluid will travel behind the molecule immediately downstream of it. In laminar flow, the viscosity of the fluid supplies the main resistance to motion and the viscous force is transmitted from the non-moving fluid at the bed upward through the flow. Thus, a velocity gradient occurs where velocity at the bed is zero and velocity increases progressively above the bed. With increased velocities of the fluid, dye tracer experiments document the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. In turbulent flow, water molecules move in discrete packets in a wide range of directions known as eddies. The mutual interference of the packets of water molecules causes an increased resistance to motion known as the eddy viscosity. These eddies can originate as slow-moving packets of water that rise from the bed in events known as bursts. As the packets of slow-moving water rise above the bed into progressively faster-moving portions of the flow, they interfere with the motion of water higher in the flow. The interference generates more turbulent eddies, some of which descend toward the bed as fast-moving packets known as sweeps. The sweep events can generate short-lived but intense bed shear stresses capable of initiating grain motion. As flow velocities increase, the number and strength of the sweep events increase as well. It is because of these eddy effects, that many stabilization efforts fail that use . only average velocity determinations derived from discharge area relationships. For these reasons, an adjustment safety factor of 1.5 is commonly employed in estimating the expected traction forces that may operate on bank and bed materials. Sediment is transported in streams in three ways: as dissolved load, as suspended load and as bedload. The dissolved load has little effect on alluvial channel form that instead is more strongly influenced by the transport and deposition of the solid sediment. The dissolved load will not be discussed here. Suspended load comprises those sediments that are kept in motion above the bed. They are held aloft by the turbulent eddies within the flow or by collisions with other 09177-017-018 12 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan upward-moving grains. In order to remain suspended, the upward directed eddies must exceed the settling velocities of the grains in suspension. The settling velocities are governed by the size, density, shape and concentration of the grains. Once in motion, suspended load can be kept in motion by relatively slow-moving flows. Bedload comprises those solid sediments that move in contact with the bed. The contact can be both continuous in nature as is the case in rolling or sliding, or intermittent as is the case in saltation. In order to initiate grain motion as bedload, a critical bed shear stress needs to be exceeded. The critical shear stress has two main components: the drag component and the lift component. The drag component acts tangentially on the grain and it increases as the flow velocity increases. The lift component, similar to the lift acting on an airplane wing, is also a function of the increased velocity. As streamlines of the flow are compressed around a protruding grain, the velocity along a streamline increases. This results in a drop in the pressure force along that streamline as predicted by Bernoulli's equation. The resulting drop in pressure is expressed as a lift force that aids in the initiation of motion. Once the grain rises into the flow, the moving fluid can pass both below and above the grain, thereby diminishing the lift force. Hence, with increased height above the bed, the lift force diminishes and the drag force becomes more important. This helps explain the trajectory of saltating grains that typically rise steeply from the bed and then exhibit a pathway of gradual descent downstream. The impact of the saltating grain may dislodge additional grains that then rise upward into the flow. In order for grain motion to initiate, the critical bed shear stress has to overcome the force of gravity that keeps the grains on the bed. Bed shear stress calculations for Little Sugar Creek are presented in Table 4. In addition, natural streambed material consists of particles of a wide range of sizes and shapes that are commonly interlocked. Also, the top surface of the sediment on the floor of a stream is commonly covered by an armor of material whose mean grain size is coarser than the material immediately below the surface. Thus, the critical shear stress required to move the armor has to overcome the weight force and the friction associated with the interlocking grains. Once grain motion of the armor is initiated, the material beneath the armor (which is typically finer grain sizes) is also subject to initiation of motion. In natural streams, a maximum bedload transport rate can be defined for a given discharge and sediment size distribution, and bedload transport often occurs at this full capacity (Richards, 1982). This occurs for a variety of reasons. First, the source of the bedload is restricted to the channel bed and walls, so sediment transport is directly controlled by conditions within the channel. Second, the movement of bedload is brief and discontinuous, in part due to the frequency of those sweep events that exceed the critical bed shear stress, and in part because bedload particles move at velocities that are less than 15 percent of the flow velocities. This results in the floodwater that initiates bedload transport quickly outpacing the moving particles of bedload resulting in the redeposition of the bedload. Third, bedload is normally less than 10% of the total solids in transport and exhausting the supply of bedload material is not likely to occur. And fourth, bedload transport utilizes much of the available stream energy and it is unlikely that all of the available bedload material will be moved in a single flood event. So, once the armor layer begins to move, and then the material beneath the armor layer is subject to moving downstream. The distance the sediment moves downstream is governed by the size of the flood event. The transport rate of bedload increases with discharge until the supply of appropriate sediment is exhausted. Extremely large discharges that occur rarely can have an important impact on channel form. However, in the intervening period between extreme events, the channel form may be modified by more common but less powerful discharges. According to Richards (1982, p.122- 09177-017-018 13 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 123) "Bankfull discharge, which fills the channel without overtopping the banks, is an intermediate discharge often considered a critical or dominant channel-forming event in natural rivers", where a dominant channel-forming discharge is a single discharge which represents the range of flows experienced by a channel and is thought to be responsible for the channel morphology. Bankfull discharges recur every one to two years according to Wolman and Leopold (1957). Thus, the size and amount of sediment being transported by a stream in dynamic equilibrium is likely to be governed by the bankfull discharge. These principles of sediment transport were included in the stream restoration design. Grain size data is presented in Table 1 for both reference reaches and Little Sugar Creek. The samples were collected in three discrete flow/depositional environments, so as to have an appropriate foundation for the estimation of design parameters, and a means to verify `in regime' and hydrologic assumptions of sediment transport. Thus, riffles, pools, and point bars environments were each carefully sampled and analyzed for their grain distributions. In addition, armor material was separated from substrate material to more accurately determine the maximum bed traction forces acting in riffle and pool environments. In both reference reaches as well as Little Sugar Creek, many riffle zones are positioned, and controlled by, bedrock ledges that impede the vertical or lateral migration of the stream. This is a common, if not ubiquitous, feature of North Carolina's Piedmont streams. In these areas a very coarse armor is commonly found which exceeds the maximum sizes of grains expected to be mobilized by bankfull bed traction forces. These armors are distinct from riffles within alluvial channels that commonly have armor that is episodically involved in bedload transport. Underlying, and amongst, the armor paving the bedrock ledge are finer grained pockets of sand and gravel, which as mentioned above, become mobilized during events which destabilize the interlocking framework within the riffle zone. The Plan uses the bedrock ledge model for riffle zones. In the design of these bedrock-analog riffles, a separation of armor and substrate sizes is needed to carefully balance that portion of the stream bed which is intended to mimic the bedrock (and its armor of large lag stones) and that which represents components in bedload transport. The sizing for the lag stones is extrapolated from both reference reach data sets as well as verified by calculations of maximum channel bed traction forces (discussed further below). As mentioned above, a stream that is in morphologic equilibrium typically achieves its maximum bedload transport rate during a bankfull event. Since the riffle areas of Freedom Park represent less than 30 percent of the channel bed, having substrates that can mobilize, and are features that mimic conditions found in the reference reach, no significant impacts are expected on the channel's ability to transport sediment or dissipate stream energy in the restoration reach. The remainder of the channel bed is to be lined with gravel that most appropriately matches existing materials in bedload transport within the Little Sugar Creek watershed. Because of the highly urbanized nature of Little Sugar Creek watershed, the upper source tributaries of Little Sugar Creek may be undergoing adjustments. These adjustments may cause future bedload transport of materials into the restoration reach to temporarily exceed the transport out of the reach (or vice-versa). This is in part due to the fact that bedload moves much slower than the peak storm surge and large accumulations of sediment derived from instabilities in the upper watershed can only move so far in a given storm. The Plan must anticipate periods when the reach will store variable amounts of bedload sediment. These periods may be easily misinterpreted as indications of channel instability due to observations in the short term of aggrading (or degrading) channel conditions, whereas, in actuality, they represent snapshots of a moving wave of sediment in the stream system, much like a sand dune moving across the Sahara Desert. Long term monitoring (over several bankfull events) is needed to distinguish evolutionary from episodic trends in channel sedimentation and erosion, particularly in reaches 09177-017-018 14 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan that may be undergoing some adjustments to changing watershed conditions. One attribute of the urban runoff from the upstream city center area of Charlotte is that much of the runoff is piped directly from building roof tops and asphalt parking lots, and as such, is relative poor in bed load sediment (not including suspended load components). This runoff reaches the main stem of Little Sugar Creek with very little in the way of `bedload' material. This runoff then has a large potential to entrain bedload and move it down stream. For these reasons, the restoration reach may experience a pattern of decline in bed materials as it reaches equilibrium with the low volumes of input bed loads, which could then lead to potential down cutting along the restoration reach. The existence of bedrock along the reach, and the use of artificial bedrock riffle zones (which are sized for immobility) will thus provide important protection of the channel bed. 7.4 Stability Analysis There are five approaches to the analysis of stability for this restoration. First, the reference reach is the foundation for the design's pattern, dimension, and profile. This paradigm assumes that nature finds a stable design for any given watershed setting, provided there is sufficient time for adaptation and evolution. This design model assumes that nature will find comparable fluvial morphologies for comparable sets of watershed characteristics (topography, climate, soils, bedrock, land use, etc.). Thus, one check on the stability of a design is that it has similar characteristics to those observed in the selected reference reach areas. A corollary to this reference reach model is the regime approach. The regime approach states that, at a regional level, there are some central tendencies in streams of similar morphologic class (e.g., Rosgen E or C-type streams) to have comparable morphologic parameters for similar drainage areas. The regime approach has the benefit of averaging out a lot of `noise' that occurs in individual watersheds (e.g., disruption of normal tendency by odd events or features; e.g. hurricane, downed tree, small pond, etc.). However, neither the reference reach nor regime approach is necessarily sufficient to achieve a stable design. Both sets of data are susceptible to yielding guidelines that may be erroneous for a given circumstance. Thus, independent of the reference reach or regime data, a separate effort must be made to check or verify the stability of the restoration design. The second and third methods used here for stability analysis are the determinations of transport thresholds for bank and in-stream materials. These checks on transport, or erosion potential, for bed and bank materials are either a minimum velocity analysis or critical traction force analysis. There are two approaches for checking velocity thresholds for the design at Freedom Park, and two approaches for the critical traction force analysis. Lastly, stability can be looked at from a structural viewpoint. Structures can be placed or found (e.g., the stream can be located over or within bedrock) to provide added stability. These structural approaches are usually folded into a given project as a design unfolds and areas of greater risk, or opportunity, are discovered. 7.4.1 Velocity and Stability Analysis In 1994 the USACE published a graph of allowable velocity-depth data for granular materials ranging in size from 0.1 to 500 mm. Velocity estimates for eight cross-sections in the design for Freedom Park, and for 1.5-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storms are shown in Figure 31. The range of expected velocities extends from 3.5 to 8.2 fps, with water depths ranging from 7 to 18 feet. For any given cross-section, there is a positive correlation of velocity with depth. The expected ranges in velocities are plotted in Figure 09177-017-018 15 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 31 to determine the range of sizes of granular materials that would be unstable as exposed non-cohesive materials along the channel (this is the shaded area shown in Figure 31). From this analysis, it is clear that materials with D50s less than 70 to 100 mm will be unstable. In the restoration plan there are limited zones where incohesive geomaterials will be installed with the expectation that they will not be displaced by expected storm flows. There are five bridges along the restoration reach, and a sewer line runs the entirety of the reach along the west side. This infrastructure constrains the design to a non-deformable restoration pattern, dimension, and profile and requires that the banks be engineered for little if any adjustments to flows over time. Secondly, velocity estimates can be expected to exceed 12-14 fps when eddy effects are included in the calculations of expected velocities (average velocities from HEC-RAS). These velocities are over or very close to the threshold velocities for many bioengineered bank treatments (Chen and Cotton, 1988, Parsons, D. A., 1963, Theisen, 1992, Fischenich, 2001). For these reasons, a limited amount of boulder toe material has been used along the toe of the slope in conjunction with the coir fiber logs to further inhibit bank failure. This zone of boulder toe revetment is also needed to provide adequate footing for the coir fiber logs, as gravel substrate in the channel is to be sized for mobility, and could mobilize before plant roots have had a chance to tie coir fiber logs into banks and bed. There is one zone above the confluence with Dairy Branch that has FEMA impacts that cannot be readily resolved with a full bioengineered bank slope. Manning coefficients less than 0:045`* needed-in=this zone to eliminate adverse flooding impacts. The only vegetated treatments with appropriate Manning coefficients would be grass or very sparse (light) low lying woodly vegetation. The former cannot be expected to withstand velocity or bed traction forces, and the latter, has insufficient density to provide bank support without additional hard materials. For this zone (which is approximated at 300 -feet-in length), planted boulder armor on the banks may be necessary to provide both protection and the required flow conveyance. In 1977 the USDA published guidelines for basic velocities for erosion and mobilization of non-cohesive bank materials along drainage channels as a function of grain size for both sediment-laden water and sediment-free water. Figure 32 shows the graph (as reprinted in USACE, 1994) that is commonly used in the stability analysis. In this figure, the expected ranges in velocity for Little Sugar Creek for the 1.5-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storms are shown. The minimum (3.5 fps) and maximum (8.2 fps) flows, together with the curves for sediment-free and sediment-laden water, limit the field of potential threshold velocities for grains of differing sizes. From this analysis, it can be concluded that cobbles up to 4 inches in diameter are unstable as non-cohesive bank materials. Also, in Figure 32, Table 5-1 from the USACE manual on Channel Stabilization (1994) is shown with the 8.2 fps limit overlaid to illustrate that even soft rock formations are transitionally unstable at the expected upper velocities. From this table, the only truly stable banks of earth materials would be igneous or hard metamorphic rocks. 7.4.2 Traction Force Criteria and Shield Curve Analysis Newbury and Gabory's (1993) Traction Force Criteria and Shield Curve Analysis shows that, for streams with non-cohesive bed materials greater than 1 cm in diameter (fine gravel), a general rule of thumb for stability may be approximated as: Tractive Force (kg/m^2) = incipient diameter (cm); 09177-017-018 16 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan This indicates that there is an empirical relationship arising from a compilation of in transport streambed materials and tractive force observations for a wide range of channels worldwide. The Newbury and Gaboury criteria are derived from compilations presented by Lane (1955) and Magalhaes and Chau, (1983). These critical traction forces versus grain size analyses and curves are sometimes referred to as Shield Curves. Table 2 includes calculations of the bed traction force derived using the formula: Tau (kg/m^2) = 1000 x (depth (m)) x (slope (ft/ft)) This relationship is roughly equivalent to the Tau = RS formulation used by Rosgen (1994) but can yield more accurate estimations of the maximum traction forces needed for stability analysis, as a maximum depth can be used in lieu of the hydraulic radius. We are more concerned with the maximum conditions that may exceed thresholds and trigger failure in the channel system, just as a mechanical engineer would be interested in the maximum shear stress conditions for mechanical failure. Thus, the DS rather than RS method is used here to calculate critical traction forces. Figure 33 shows a variation of a "Shield Curve" with data from Leopold (1964) upon which the minimum and maximum traction forces for eight cross-sections at Freedom Park are shown. These were calculated from the maximum depth and velocity estimates made by the hydraulic modeling for the 1.5-, 2-, 10-, and 100-year storms. These critical traction force calculations indicate that the bed will need to have an. armored with material with D50s ranging from 10 to 70 cm in riffle areas to ensure stability. The lower range is sufficient for meander areas with lower stream gradients, but the higher estimates are needed for riffle areas with gradients upwards of 0.014. 7.4.3 Bed and Bank Stability Structures The attached plans, cross-sections, and longitudinal profiles show the location of structures present in the design to assist in the stabilization of the restored channel (Figures 23-28). With respect to bed stability, the Little Sugar Creek reach at Freedom Park contains numerous bedrock nick points that have been carefully considered in the preparation of the new channel's alignment (Figure 5). The new alignment intersects in a sufficient number of the riffle sections to provide distributed grade control along the 4,000+ feet of this restoration. Thus, no artificial grade control is needed in this design. Secondly, hydrologic analysis indicates that only light shrubbery can be used along the banks for approximately 3-00.-feet, upstream from the confluence with Dairy Branch so that the Manning Coefficient can be kept close to 0.0045. If heavy shrubbery is used, there will be unacceptable negative impacts on flooding due to the higher roughness. Since light shrubbery would result in some exposure of the underlying non-cohesive bank materials along this reach (alluvial soils were discovered in the excavation below the Nature Museum), the light shrubbery must be mixed with materials that can resist erosion and transport. Thus, the design here will be to use appropriately sized boulders along the banks (probably large rounded cobbles and boulders along the toe, for aesthetic purposes, and angular riprap higher for greater stability on slopes with a higher angle of repose). 09177-017-018 17 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Stream banks up- and downstream of the three bridge crossings will require stabilization to limit erosive forces on the bridge supports and ensure safety. Recommendations include placing armor along 50 feet of-the_ stream banks above and below each bridge:, This armor will be planted, and should offer similar ecological function to the other bank areas. Protection is not necessary in those areas with exposed bedrock. Riffles and pools will also need to be sized using the above critical traction force estimates (Table 5). The estimates for D50 and D84 for riffle and pool armor are noted in Table 1. Riffles are designed to create shallow areas with aquatic habitat as well as back up water to form pools. Detail riffle cross sections are presented in Figures 23a-b. In addition, inner berms will be designed to allow sediment deposition and transport while maintaining their stability in terms of dimension, pattern, and profile (Figure 27). The inner berms constrict that portion of the channel below the bankfull stage to appropriate dimensions for an `in regime' channel, yet permit higher storm flows to pass along the reach without impacting negatively the expected flood stage heights. The leading edges of the berms act as hard structural flow deflectors, and are sized for immobility for these reasons. The down stream tail of the inner berms are also armored due to the expected high hydraulic shear stresses as flow is forced to drop back down and converge at the down stream end of each inner berm (as outlined by Haltiner, Kondolf, and Williams, 1996). Riffles in this design act also as bedrock ledges, thus can be viewed as multipurpose structures that provide habitat, water quality benefits, and grade control. The riffle crest is to be slightly `v' shaped in cross section to inhibit "outflanking" and sized to resist bed traction forces expected from a top-of-bank flow event. The sizes of riffle armor decrease down stream. Schematics of the riffles are shown in Figure 26a-c. 09177-017-018 18 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan T 00 O X61 co s E cc a t? x w 6 E x N ? O Q O , N ? ? O U N O a 0 H a? 0 M bpA W a c 0 0 a? a 0 a? w U N ej U g wy ??i 04 o r < Q v G u 6 Y x w 10 a y G. v ! ft! O N a 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 Maximum Water Depth (feet) Velocity Maximum Depth Estimates from HEC-RAS based flow calculations for 1.5, 2, 10 and 1 00 Year Storms at 8 sections using the proposed general riffle and meander cross sections. EM 1110-2-1418 31 Oct 94 -T - 50 40 30 DEPTH OF FLAW 20 W-1 ?Ob b11 10 J 1 7 Z 5 4 _ 3 2 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200 3C0 500 mm 041 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.50 I 2 f; BED MATERIAL GRAIN SIZE, DS0 Example of allowable velocity-depth data for granular materials. From USACOE 1994 Appendix A and B. Range of estimated velocities for the 1.5, 2, 10 and 1 00 year storms plotted on the Mean Velocity LL??vs Bed Material Size (D 50) chart from the USACOE 1994 guide to stream stabilization. i l_l_ Figure 31: Estimated Velocities and Bed August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Material Sizing of the Carolinas HA-AT Stream Restoration Plan A<SESSMENT ANp RESLOli A 1'9N ?- Project: 09177-017-018 PRAM = = Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Freedom Park Velocities (1.5, 2, 10, and 100 yr storms) Table 6-1 Example of Simple Allowable Velocity Data (From EM 1110-2-1601) Mean Channel Channel Material Velocity, fps Fine Sand 2.0 Coarse Sand 4.0 Fine Gravel 6.0 Earth Sandy Silt 2.0 Silt Clay 3.5 Clay 6.0 Grass-lined Earth (slopes less than 5%) Bermuda Grass Sandy Silt 6,0 Silt Clay 8.0 Kentucky Blue Unstable Grass Sandy Silt 5.0 Silt Clay 7.0 Poor Flock (usually sedimentary) 10.0 Soft Sandstone 8.0 Soft Shale 3.5 Goad Rock (usually igneous or 20.0 .2 fps r hard metamorphic) S b le GRAN SUL. iv. a cia?ae u ?r 1.11 EN1ER C}4VtY WITH OnPARTICLE SIZE u. rq HII 90 so 8.2 fps to do to so 2C N15 I ? •gi III TIT-7TM Oom 00501 0•! IA 50100 SOA ow 500o OPALW SIZE mm SA&C vrI CcrTY r*A DISCACTE A &ATaMS OF vAmm 4N11ERIALS ++DrE. 1. APRASTOSRCaEPTHOFROW. Z PROYICLD AS EXAMPLE ONLY OF MBDOIFIEO VELOCITY CRnWU M r - est s su,q cawE? <0l ti? S T h 1 • ? I TO 0£TEriIaYE BASICMELOCtT1F. ' ! ? g t sEu, rrle lr t?oEd S I 3. 5 f p s f 9E b>vlo rlf EE 1. c 4 0 P Figure showing the estimated velocities for the Freedom Park reach of Little Sugar Creek for the 1. 5, 2, 10, and 100 year storms. The base table and graph are originally from USDA 1977, but LL?? reprinted in USACOE, 1994 manual on Stream Stabilization. lvR Figure 32: Bank Stability Analysis August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas "?n"_ ASSESS(.tEN° ANC Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 Fq HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas HABITAT AssESSMENT AND Res ?oaAr:oN P-RAM Figure 33: Shield Curve Analysis Stream Restoration Plan Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park August 2002 Project: 09177-017-018 7.5 Vegetation Following construction, vegetation will be planted along the banks of Little Sugar Creek. Plants were chosen based on five factors: exposure, position on the slope, root structure, size, and native species versus introduced species. These species will be planted along three areas of the stream bank: the toe, midslope, and top of slope. The estimated number of plants is over 40,000. This number, as well as the mix of species planted, will be refined as construction plans continue. In preparation for the planting effort, native plant material has already been collected, rooted and stored. Approximately 30,000 specimens have been treated in this manner. The major benefit to having plants in this form will be that the root system is already well established which will lead to quicker stabilization and better shade growth. The remainder of the plantings will occur as traditional live staking or some other industry standard bioengineering planting techniques. Typical native species chosen for Freedom Park include Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.), Button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis), Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), and Smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens). In addition, some exotic species are also planned including Glossy Abelia (Abelia grandiflora) and Shrubby St Johnswort (Hypericum prolificum) (Table 6). Vegetation choices are limited by the site conditions. As previously mentioned in Section 7.4.3, plants must be able to withstand the high velocity flows and water forces in Little Sugar Creek as well as not reduce the conveyance abilities of the stream during storm events. In addition, soil conditions and bedrock outcroppings shape planting plans. 7.6 Storm Water Stream restoration of Little Sugar Creek within Freedom Park will restore pattern, dimension, and profile to the stream. These alterations from existing conditions necessitate the relocation of storm water drainage outfalls within the Project Area. A comprehensive discussion of recommendations and proposed actions for those storm water outfalls is presented in Appendix B. Eleven storm water drainage areas are impacted by the Plan. Where feasible, recommended improvements promote infiltration of storm water and reduce pollutant loading to Little Sugar Creek. In addition, these outfalls must be protected from erosive forces. These recommended actions consider budget and Project Area constraints. 8.0 STREAM PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND MONITORING PLAN Restoration of Little Sugar Creek in Freedom Park will be determined a success after the monitoring period is complete. The stream channels should maintain their dimension, pattern, and profile over time. Additionally, instream structures should remain secure and stable during the monitoring period. It is expected that there will be some minimal changes in the cross-sections, profile, and/or substrate composition. Changes that may occur during the monitoring period will be evaluated to determine if they represent a movement toward a more unstable condition (e.g., downcutting, deposition, and/or erosion) or if they are minor changes that represent an increase in stability (e.g., settling, vegetative changes, and/or decrease in width-to-depth ratio). Unstable conditions that require remediation will indicate failure of restoration activities. 09177-017-018 19 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 8.1 Substrate Monitoring A Modified Wolman Pebble Count (Rosgen, 1996) provides a quantitative characterization of streambed material. This composition information is used as an indicator of changes in stream character, channel form, hydraulics, erosion rates, and sediment supply. Pebble count data can be used to interpret the movement of materials in the stream channels. Established D50 and D84 sizes should increase in coarseness in riffles and increase in fineness in pools. Data collected over the monitoring period should be plotted over that of the previous year(s) for comparison. Over time, established D50 and D84 should be compared. 8.2 Vegetation Native vegetation, as determined by reference reach vegetation inventories, will be planted. Survival of vegetation within the riparian buffer will be evaluated using survival plots. Survival of live stakes will be evaluated along the stream corridor of the restoration site. Vegetation survival of target dominant species will be confirmed. Woody vegetation will be monitored for five years, or for two bankfull events. Plants should be replaced per the contract documents. 8.3 Monitoring Schedule Annual monitoring is required for a five-year period beginning in 2003 and ending in 2007. Reports will be submitted in 2003, 2005, and 2007 to the USACE and the NCDWQ Wetland Restoration Program. 8.4 Monitoring Methods Monitoring at established locations will ensure consistency and allow comparison of data over time. Permanent cross-sections will be established in Little Sugar Creek. Cross-section changes can indicate changes in the width-to-depth ratio of the stream. Bank slopes should remain stable. Comparison of longitudinal profiles during the monitoring period will indicate excessive changes over time. Monitoring at these locations, as well as established vegetation plots and pebble count locations, will ensure consistency and allow comparison of data over time. 9.0 STREAM RESTORATION BENEFITS As previously discussed, Little Sugar Creek is an EPA 303(d) listed stream with fecal coliform contamination, biological impairment, and sediment pollution being the factors of concern. Water quality within Freedom Park is influenced by upstream land use activities, lack of habitat, poor mature tree cover and stream bank erosion. While this plan does not address stream conditions outside of Freedom Park, there are significant benefits that will occur due to the project. Improvements will occur with the addition of a vegetated stream buffer zone. These buffers provide three main benefits. The buffers will filter runoff before it enters the stream, which will remove pollutants and promote infiltration. The buffers will also shade the stream, lowering stream water temperatures, and reducing the algae blooms that occur during the summer months. These buffers also provide terrestrial habitat for small mammals and birds. As additional restoration efforts are implemented in the upper watershed, including storm water improvements, the degraded water quality conditions will continue to improve. Aquatic habitat improvements for this project include the creation of riffle and pool sequences within the channel, as well as rock and log structures. These variations in habitat will provide shelter and feeding 09177-017-018 20 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan opportunities for aquatic organisms and provide for a wider array of habitat locations, thus increasing aquatic community diversity. The Plan will restore sinuosity to Little Sugar Creek within Freedom Park. This improvement in pattern will reduce erosive stream velocities. Dissipated stream energy will also have positive effects downstream by the reduction of velocity and ultimately sediment inputs. Added sinuosity will also increase the amount of aquatic habitat available since the stream will be longer as compared to the pre- project length. Opportunities for storm water improvements will also improve water quality and reduce volume contributions to the stream. Improving storm water outfall structures and their locations, thermal spikes can be avoided or minimized, pollution can be filtered out of storm water and infiltration can be encouraged. The Freedom Park pond also has an overflow structure that currently discharges directly into Little Sugar Creek. This outfall is a heavy source of fecal coliform contamination and the Restoration Plan will help to begin addressing this water quality concern. Additionally, there is an excellent opportunity for environmental education associated with this restoration effort. The Charlotte Nature Museum is located near the east bank of Little Sugar Creek within the Freedom Park property. This environmental education center conducts workshops and camps for children and is open to visitors. Educational efforts will include the need for water quality and aquatic habitat improvements in Little Sugar Creek and urban streams in general. The riparian area adjacent to the Nature Center and the restored stream provides the opportunity to address the functions and benefits of native vegetation and riparian areas. 09177-017-018 21 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 10.0 REFERENCES CH2MHill, 2002, Charlotte Area Local Watershed Plan Task 1: Data Collection, Subwatershed Delineation, Historical Context Review and Indicators Establishment for the NC WRP. Charlotte-Mecklenburg SWIM Stream Buffers. Accessed October 25, 2001. http://www.charmeck.nc.us/ciengr/land/text.htm#SurfaceWaterlmprovementand Management. Clarkson, Hariot, 1917(?) Drainage in Mecklenburg County. Source unidentified, appended to CH2Mhill (2002) report above. Dames and Moore-NC, 2001, Final Little Sugar Creek Geomorphic Analysis, USACE, Wilmington Office, North Carolina. Doll, Barbara, Wise-Frederick, D.E., Buckner, C.M., Wilkerson, S.D., Harmon, W.A., Smith, R.E. 2000. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Urban Streams throughout the Piedmont of North Carolina, in NCSU Course Notes: N. C. Stream Restoration Institute, River Course, Raleigh, NC. Harmon, et al. 1999. Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. In: AWRA Wildland Hydrology Proceedings. D.S. Olsen and J. P. Potyondy eds., AWRA Summer Symposium, Bozeman, Mt, pp. 401-408. Keaton, Jeffrey. 1998. Development and Analysis of Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Urban Piedmont of North Carolina, Final Rpt., Year 1, Charlotte Storm Water Services. Lane, E.W., 1955. Design of Stable Channels, American Society of Civil Engineers Trans., v. 120 p. 1234-1279. Leopold, L.B., Wohman, M.G., and Miller, J.P. 1964. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology, W.H. Freeman and Sons, San Francisco, CA. Magalhaes, L. and Chau, T.S., 1983. Initiation of motion conditions for shale sediments, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 10, p. 549-554. Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department. 1999. Mecklenburg County Greenway Master Plan, Charlotte, NC. Newbury, R. W., and Garoury, M. N., 1993. Stream Analysis and Fish Habitat Design, A field Manual, Newbury Hydraulics, Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada, 262 p. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 1999. Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. Division of Water Quality. Raleigh, NC. 2000. 2000 303(d) List (Final Draft). http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/mtu/download.html. 2001. 2001 Draft Internal Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, ver. 2. Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, NC. . 2002. Natural Heritage Element Occurrences. Division of Parks and Recreation, Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC. 09177-017-018 22 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan North Carolina Division of Land Resources and North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 2000. "Draft Internal Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina." Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC. Richards, Keith. 1982. Rivers, Form and Process in Alluvial Channels. Methuen, London and New York, 358 p. Rosgen, D.L. 1994. A Classification of Natural Rivers, Catena 22 (1994): 169-199. Rosgen, D.L.1997. A Geomorphological Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers, Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. Schafale, Michael P. and Alan S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina - Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program. Raleigh, NC. United States Army Corps of Engineers. 1994. Channel Stability Assessment for Flood Control Projects, EM 1110-2-1418. United States Department of Agriculture. 1977. Design of Open Channels, Tech. Release No. 25, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. 1980. Soil Survey of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Natural Resource Conservation Service. United States Soil Conservation Service. 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Tech. Rel. 55 (2nd ed.). Vempaty, Ganesh. 1997. Relationship between water quality and Landuse in the Sugar Creek Watershed, N.C. Master Thesis Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Wilkerson, Shawn, Karl Lindin, James Brown, and Craig Allan. 1998. Development and Analysis of Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for the Urban Piedmont of North Carolina, Technical Report To Charlotte Stormwater Services. Wolman, M.G., and Leopold, L.B. 1957. River flood plains: some observations on their formation, Professional Paper, United States Geological Survey, 282C, pp. 87-107. 09177-017-018 23 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan a, 77 U _ 1 I « , 7114 f. - 2? `rYf f I'?_ ,? p,?,uur.¢ \ A-C 12.38 square miles?~?r - It . . . , 14.21 square miles If lov Ali ,,oaf. •, ? ? ... f: -? ? '' `` ji d Figure 1: Little Sugar Creek Watershed August 2002 .,.. - A_ at Freedom Park HDR Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan Pro of the Carolinas Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 , I A� , � •mss � �i-11+.;'• C _ q -�-- �.� ` ��:�5 l�lr �.. c. ; T. _ }F7�y' - � : ^a��4 ,. ,. .y �� �,yy'�. , � - -i �• .t iY.11�. - } - fir' _ � � �a� - .���� �"-� '' � _ AJiA.r�� � � `�� ro . �`. �:. �!�'1�1�. r `q, • `- � e ,C'�.r-'�y�.''�.• .,. j..�i •vA •..� 3�.% f'i _� �• � �� � I � -� ' �' '! a.. �� ' t� i �,� � �' ��� �'l.' �� � � ,III � q 17 ., 1 tt <r+1 1 �` k.: �' '� fir ! .�C .. �.fs. _ ' '♦'!\7� - ; 'R '. � • t � - _ --•�.'}I, A ��. .• �.:��� - , - J _-+L�?ap,�� S „t :.��. � , , ' � �.i � i. ��.: �+1 •.� , •) � fit' _ .01 AAWK F'.z :. � .�- �`� F ~, �`� amu; , � .� �;� ' •-�� . . `v' • ve. . ♦' '!., l .. `�• -T" t�► �' ti'�c:'a`;a =1^•i . T. •a AL Abo T _ �t `i:_ r 1, �^: 3: } 1 �.`l i.. /• . Oki, ,a2.i{ AW *��� 9 '_ _. �' � .•. .. -.fir �' " � tt %_ y r� !f X 1— JW tel. V ilk #A 64. jag77 i�..+� •r7 = �'� � . >t.Ob 41 I _ t WE _ 15_ .,. e ti `a e.'!R >r- Aft •�, p��- j IIV 'A� ��4 D" -- Mrs. !. �• _� Y - ..~ 1' � _ _ .y,�,, .•_ •or �. a 'l v r 1 r r 4 Af y 3 0o d 0?. O ° C7 o a a ? a c O e? Freedom ate' Park MS C'? - o G a big ? \ MO a -{ Cie o L o ° ?? PaE t c21? 4 r? -- Figure 3: Freedom Park Soils Legend Stream Restoration Plan Streams Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Soils = Cecil 500 0 500 1000 Feet Monacan loam d a ? Q ? ?T, J d oa a -C? ? o 0 C- y ogi? - o ` Parcels Monacan Pacolet re I 011 "Ll P 'I I Freedom Park Segment #1 Freedom Park Segment #2 Freedom Park Segment #3 Freedom Park Segment #4 Ah=609.5-608.0=1.5ft Ah = 608.0 - 605.4 = 2.6 ft Ah=605.4-603.0=2.4ft Ah = 603.0 - 597.8 = 5.2 ft Ah1Ax =1.5 ft 11000 ft =.0015 Ah/Ax = 2.6 ft (1600 ft = .0016 Ah1Ax = 2.4 ft 1800 I't = .003 Ali/Ax =1.5 ft 11000 ft = .0077 ® 4076.5 ft Ah=609.5-597.8=11.7ft Ah/,fix =11.7 ft 14076 ft z--.0029 -'M AN ® IM sM? Figure 4: Little Sugar Creek Longitudinal Profile August 2002 Stream Restoration Plan s HDR Engineering, Inc Little Sugar Creek Project: 09177-017-018 of the Carolinas ?q o? a; ?o O I Z_ m mI U 80.83 333° W 80.81667° W 80.80 000° W `c"11 V"' Yc 30.78333° W 80.76 667° W N.AD2780 . 75000' W z ' t, t ` , E Y .i I ? D1TE . H. . RL07TE ;.>Qt I - I 0 '7:1 O 1 17 • . s ! r • f c `` } _T 1 l \ \ - ,? y \ CH IRLOTTF . . .1 C 1x a d' ?'? } f ?? E fiAR1 ()T?'f51 %: ! - 0.7 / S flles f ' l? . z _ r S3 - T - ` - 53 P' - >'lt _ i ... , 8083333° W 8081667° W 8080000° W 80.78333° W 80 76667° W NAD2780 75000° W MN TN 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 rides ° 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 (.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 km Figure 7: Briar Creek Watershed August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. f th C li Stream Restoration Plan o e aro nas " A Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Mfr *I Pro'ect:09177-017-018 o?°ft Appros.Norlh r Figure 8a : Diameters and Radii of Stream for Briar Creek Behind August 2002 HDa Engineering, Inc. Myers Park High School olthe Carolinas H Stream Restoration Plan _..:.. „ Photography March 2002 Project: 09177-017-018 ",,"', Little Su,2ar Creek at Freedom Park 171 5OW 't - J. . E 1 f' r a - ;387 ft r._ LL t 212 -?Q ft 193 f 399 1Q 290 ft 199 ft ?' fiG ft `b 6 ,ft F ? 145 ft 133-ft 483 302 ft ( A''' E . , Y ?.. ' 241 fl 151 ft x_?yv 'e?py? r ' r c Sfi , .:.;r.. ".`7' TM ?t'{7Ytln , YkP'9?;"S'vEa!', c A... , -?m*r;rm'Y m , ... a IN 200 - - North Figure 8b : Diameters and Radii of Stream for Briar Creek between August 2002 -1 ]DIR HDR Engineering, Inc. Runnymede Ln and Park Rd Of the Carolinas " Stream Restoration Plan Photography March 2002 R' rt??-it Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 rjz. ?$F 10 5ti Longitudinal Profile of Briar Creek behind Myers Park High School - Eed Elevation (ft) ................................................................. s .............................................................................................................. . --9-- Water Surface Elevation (ft) s ... ............ ..- , ........._,.,........... ....... ................. .. W « --- - ...................... ,,... ....:. . 2 ................................................................. 0 1040` length 0 254' in 8 riffles 200 Riffle/pool = .24 Avg. riffle = 32` Avg. riffle spacin = 98' ......................... ..... . ?o 400 410 800 Distance (It) Bedroc - Controlled _ Riffle Zone Riffle slopes =.007 -.072 Avg. Stream Slope =.0044 b 1000 I % Figure 9: Briar Creek Reference Reach Longitudinal Profile August 2002 HDR Engineering Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas H.- ,:. Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park R fif Project. 09177-017-018 80.90000° W 8088333' W 808666" W 8085000° W NAD2760.83333' W z z .Jo 1" M a u? r'? M n Cl s z M n Ln M M Z Z in M M m ri M V) M 80.90000° W 80.88333° W 80.86667° W 60 85000° W N A D27 80 83333° W KIN TN 010 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 -.5 3.0 3.5 miles 7- 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.0 k m Figure 10: Long Creek Watershed August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas " Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 P. - I '. 1 I -1 - - - f (? ° ? .l/fit I ? `` C ? •?; ?` % _ 10?6? - / sq. m:i,les 0. .art - . t? ` ? / II III I ('T! ? / - - •. • ___ . I ? M Long Creek Cross Section l(Riffie) 0 5 ai to 15 O Lona Creek Cross Section 3 (Riffle) u 5 y l0 8o Avg. Bankfull Area = 119 sq. ft = 101 sq.ft. (Riffles) Avg. Bankfull Width =37ft = 37 ft (Riffles) Avg. Bankfull Depth = 3.2 ft = 2.8 ft (Riffles) Avg. Bank-full Max. Depth =5.2ft = 5.12 ft (Riffles) Avg. Floodprone Width = 71.6 ft (Riffles) Width/Depth Ratio = 13.2 (Riffle) Entrenchment Ratio = 1.9 Figure 11: Long Creek Cross Sections August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas H A; :. _ Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 20 40 60 80 t00 120 Distance (III G 10 20 .,? =0 50 60 70 ri. LCD-18 \ j " ? LCD-21 ? LCD-22 l LCD-23 LCD-24 -? L.CD-25 , / LID-26 r=65 ft 1 67 ft LCD-17 LCD-28 LCD-29 LCD-30 ^ LCD-31 LCD-:^o LCD-3 . ._ _ LCD-39 LCD- 36LCD- 5 U-"D-32 1CD-34 LCD -33 LCD-40 60 ft 6 E' .ate G ?O Meander Curvature Radii 60 ft 67 ft 65 tt 112 fi Ave. 76 ft V 14 _ LCD-13 LCD-12 LCD-10 7Riffles: 162 ft 83 46 53 13 47 2'3 422 ft 7 Pools: 732 ft Total: 1158 ft Riffle/Pool =.58 Avg. Riffle = 61 ft Avg. Pool = 104 ft D-7 LCD-6 LCD-5 r - 112 ft LCDJLCU-1 LCU-3 L U-4 LCU-5 LCU-7 LCU-8 L'. LCTJ-10 LcU-1] i LCU-12 LCU-13 ; ?? t U?1 at LCU-14 ?'?U t )dp1 al 1`1 LCU-16 Figure 12: Long Creek Pattern Map Near Primm Road August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas F{,.,, °? Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 min = 64 inaa = 210 It 0 100 200 ft Figure 13: Long Creek Topographic Map Near Primm Road August 2002 HUk Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas H Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park p Project: 09177-017-018 V 4 ,yb U e 7 .................................. .............................. -e Bed Elevation (ttl Mater Elevation e 2 ;_ .................................................................................: ...................... ..... 4 y ,._ - cr -:x ....................,..................................... 0 y ]' 300 zoo 100 Distance (ft) L) 4s' Downstream Section of Long Creek ca' m. ........... ........................................... ................ Bed Elevation (ft) - Water Elevation (ft) - .............. - 5 a u ......................................... ................. a z .......? . .................... ...... ..-...... - ....... .........................: - Y ' _ C ................... ...................... ............. ...........................:........... `.i.................. 3 :._ 1 ............... ........... c........ ................ ?6 .................................... ...................................... ...... ...? ' o zoo aoo aoo C' 00 Alluvial Floodplain Zor Pool slope <.0 Distance (h) Bedrock - Controlled Alluvial Riffle Zone Floodplain Zone Ritfle slope = .012 Pool and Rifle slopes <.002 Figure 14 : Long Creek Reference Reach, Longitudinal Profile ?. g ? August 2002 HER Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 Pier ...,..., i Upstream Section of Long Creek fTi hI co d 100 0 Area - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugai Near Medical Center (USGS Station 021 46409 1994 - 2002) I 1 r ? ? ? ................................... ..................................... ..................................... .. ,Y........,...,..,............, .............. ..... f,r ...................... ...................................... ............................... /s ............................................................yr...:................................................................................................................................. i AO .............. ...............................................................E........ Y=MO+M1*x+...M8*x 8+M91x s N10 10.797 M1 0.21736 M2 _2_045905 P. I 0.99°23 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Stream Flow 15 Inside Gage Height - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugar Creek Near Medical Center (USGS Station 021 46409 1994 - 2002) ? 7u a? a? CD U) s ? J 0 .......... .. ......... ... ..... ... ...... ...... ................ ...... . ..... .....?............._....._. M: 11• ............ ...}1...... ........... ......:...... ...................... ........................................................'...... ............... ' .................................................._..............-........ • • ! 1nor) ZI-411-1 c0 -101,11 1:,000 Stream Flow Figure 15: Discharge Rating Curve for August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Little Sugar Creek Near Medical Center of the Carolinas "" °' Stream Restoration Plan R ??- r Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-O17-0] 8 1200 1000 BC;U 4?0 200 14 12 10 tP T m m i3 C 4 ti Area - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugar Creek Near Archdale Drive (USGS Station ?? 1985 -2002) 0 0 1 1 [y' Y = MO*X1I MO 4.928 M11 0.5667 3 9 4 g 2000 4000 6000 Steam Flow 8000 Inside Gage Height - Discharge Rating Curve for Little Sugar Creek Near Archdale Drive (USGS Station ?? 1985 -2002) D 2000 4000 ?00i i i;OCiri 1 10? Steam Flow Figure 16: Discharge Rating Curve for August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Little Sugar Creek Near Archdale Drive of the Carolinas " Stream Restoration Plan R .,. R? a Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 Area - Discharge Rating Curve for Briar Creek Near Colony Road (USGS Station 0214645022 1995 - 2002) Flll 500 401-1 ca a? q 1iri 2010 10v 0 _ ................... .......... .....:............................... . J?.... _ ..................... .......:..................................... ..................... ................ ................................................. Y = MO*X1 7707F 3.5008 M1 0.57469 R I 0.97532 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30001 Stream Flow 15 Inside Gage Height - Discharge Rating Curve for Briar Creek Near Colony Road (USGS Station 0214645022 1995 - 2002) R= 0.93342 a? 10 a? C7 m rn r 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Y = MO*X?'' MO1 .4568 MI 0.201 7 R I 0.93342 Stream Flow 2500 3000 f DR Figure 17: Discharge Rating Curve for August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Briar Creek Near Colony Road of the Carolinas "" Stream Restoration Plan R Project: 09177-017-018 ?> Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Area - Discharge Rating Curve for Long Cry (USGS Station No. 02142900 1965 - 2002) 800 700 500 m D 400 300 200 100 0 _ ................?....... 4 ... ..................`. ?........................... .......................... ...................... a . - s' ? 3 3 3 9 Y = M0*X"M 1.7461 P 0.74588 1 R 0.93413 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Stream Flow 2500 3000 3500 4000 1 Outside Gage Height - Discharge Rating Curve for Long Creek (USGS Station No. 02142900 1965 - 2002) 14 12 10 8 4 2 0 0 500 100 1b00 2000 2500 3000 3500 4?0 0 n -? Stream Flow L? Figure 18: Discharge Rating Curve for August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. Long Creek of the Carolinas A' Stream Restoration Plan Rfi- Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-O18 P r2c rr -?` Q asoo or$, v! g a n C; s 1000a 1000 100 U Vl 0 10 1.0 L 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 98 Annual Probability of Exceedence (%) Figure 19: 1996-2001 Annual Peak Flow August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. for Little Sugar Creek Near Medical Drive of the Carolinas H.?" Stream Restoration Plan Rc<-o n o'u "° K N- ' Project: 09177-017-018 Paocans, ..-_z Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park V. - ® 2 1-0a 9,sjrZV 16C%4e>;`s 10000 t 1 ' 1000 100 =T7 ids . 2 5 - its 15 20 30 40 50 6D 70 80 85 9D 95 9s Annual Probability of eoderce J-? Figure 20: 1997-2001 Annual Peak Flow August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. for Briar Creek North of Colony Road of the Carolinas HA81TAT Stream Restoration Plan /{<SESSMENT AND Pro R"'°RA fir Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 PROGRAM :.- =- ?i- 1,%41r 7 660 4ZT-S 10000-1 P 4 10y ? r s,.r 10 :.: V 1 ID 1 1.0 2 5 101520 3041) 50 60 70 80 85x90 95 98 Annual P'robat lit`' of E. dorce (%.) Figure 21: 1966-2000 Annual Peak Flow August 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc, for Long Creek Near Paw Creek of the Carolinas HAwAT Stream Restoration Plan A,s-s.cW AID RES!OtiAnON rttr _ Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Project: 09177-017-018 R--o. M oc 0 ° r-I d m L Y J L Y L Y ?? ?i ? LO e.V .L Q1 m un L l!? C ? J ? ri (uj) Lpdaci m m L Y dY M. yY i 6 U 3 6 U7 C) a 6 U H M. m o [?[^ o d ri 07N 07 J?LN J *? ? f r T T I - - H --- LLll -- LLL? _f _ ? k I ?! a ? 'i (ui bs) eajV uog3ag-ssojj jjt4 IUee O O p ? L) G-0 L M. CL w YQ Q p t L" m u° =N o y n CU . O N a J LL rl ? *? J rl Y L C. N W oN u? m' C. UJ 0 v L N M. m aY L 0 J CN 0 J N ?yy A i. Ua pU N rx o bA ? ? U ?cl =v , o? y =r w _ 5 lCL o? `< I-I Z h I Q ? ? ? ? +1 ° ° r-I (M) LUPO A I B I c I D E I F D I H I I I J I K E I M I N 0 1 P Upper Freedom Park Riffle Section Approx. Floodplain Upper Freedom Park Meander Section CONSTRAINTS BOUNDARY I I Approx. Floodplain Erosion Control Matting Graded riffle bed (sized for stability and 0 10 20 ft no vertical exaggeration Cut banks back to 3:1 above bankfull stage where feasible 75.3 ft 12.0 ft (580 sq ft) 1L Head and tail of Berm with cobbles sized for immobility, cored by sand and gravel, topped with sandy loam. Inner Berm Point Bar 8.0 ft (385 sq ft) 6.0 ft (240 sq ft).' 2 Graded pool bed (sized for mobility) HARP Freedom Park Restoration Project, Proposed /HDR Bankfull Cross Sections -East Blvd to Dairy BrancF? Revised 9/30/02 I-I-F-- F-- F- I- I- I- F--I- I-F-I-F-- I- T- I- I- I- I- F-- I- I- I- F-- F-- iDR Engineering, Inc. min Ma Wa aw•.?u a[ n? IG. Hunyeutt N C Wetlands Restoration Program Freedom Park - Little Sugar Creek Channel Restoration Charlotte I? Aug. 2002 North Carolina AS NOTED Bankfull Cross Sections East Blvd. to Dairy Branch A 1 8 C D E F I G H I I J K I M N 0 P 4 Lower Freedom Park Meander Section Erosion Control Matting Cut banks back to 3:1 above bankfull stage where feasible. Bankfull Width in 85.1 ft 12.0 ft 0065 sq ft) x Inner Berm Fiber log/sock 8.0 ft (570 sq ft) t for toe support 6.0 ft (308 sq ft) k and planting 1 Point Bar f 2 Lower Freedom Park Riffle Section 12.0 ft (545 sq ft) Two stacked rows 8.0 ft (343 sq ft) of coir fiber/biolo 1 for toe support 6.0 ft (226 sq ft) 1 2 and planting " - :i i 4hr+•' Z l ?:,?'t'.:n 'r...? r?dry,.,.?a,?,:_,a? 2 Grade to form Bankfull (64) Graded pool bed inner "floodplain" terrace Head and tail of Berm with cobbles (sized for mobility) sized for immobility, cored by sand and gravel, topped with sandy loam. 0 10 20 ft no vertical exaggeration Cut banks back to 3:1 (or more) above bankfull stage where feasible 69 3 ft Approx. Floodplain Graded riffle bed (sized for stability, extended to depth of excavation) , f N C Wetland Restoration Pro ram Bankfull Cross Sections F_ F_ I F_ F g F_ F_ HDR Engineering, Inc. °- ° Freedom Park - Little Sugar Creek Dairy Branch to Princeton Ave. f F_ f f Channel Restoration f F_ F_ F__ ?. ow v?oMn ra. or,.rq w. e- Ne. ?r o u? w.w. Enpr. I ?,. Ypr, ?i ? b Aug. zooz osin-ail-ora-oe F o.n ul& 4N[ 910¢v. G. Huneycutt Charlotte North Carolina kw AS NOTED rw ?_ X%X%X.OWC Fig. 23B A A B C MATCH i I+ L ; tl? 0 I; E F C H J?SEE DWG C-1 f ,%//d// F- F- F- F- F- F-F-?F-F- F- F- F-- F- F- J I K i 8 0 ?- C PROPOSED CREEK LOCATION C P ( ' r q i i ' E I i I ' I I 6 5 4 13 12 i i - _MATCHLINE -- - 6 ? T1NUAllON_SEE' DWG C1 - - J? N C Wetlands Restoration Program Overall Site Plan Freedom Park - Little Sugar Creek HDR Engineering, Inc. Channel Restoration ® mwmnsaioi Aug. 2002 09177-017-018-05 IG. Huneycutt Charlotte North Carolina Y NOT TO SCALE XXXXX.DWG Fig. FA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LEGEND Realigned Thalweg Point or katcnil Bu Vegetated Inter B enn Riffle areas Built-in Deflector & Drop Weir ?J for Inner Beim/Point Bars 1.5.2 :1 Riparian Bank with coir fiber log & biolog at toe 2.3:1 Riparian Bank with coir fiber log & biolog at toe Anchored log wing deflector 0 50 100 ft Type II Figp?ure 25a: Planform of Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park September 2002 HDR En6neeting. Inc b H of the Carolinas Stream Restoration Plan , . R Little Sugar Creek Project: 09177-017-018 P Type II -- -- z J +- 0 O O O Q ? Y Y V bD Of) N N) ca S'"' °? O cz O bI) N GQ 0cl -E ct m CG W a ~ CIZ O O ? -O Q? O W bf) O Y ,? O ? r? s-" ._. .?, C-) Of) ?) cC U O U cl? F ? 'R N Q. jN ?T G N r N G N? +? U U ?+ 'H I J, U r r? rr a f?: q u? \ -1 n? r N ? O l? N s. O O. O ? U .O C? U c? rr?^ VJ a? O 0 D a ?a °U CA " y 0 ? ? w w ? ? / u P v? k " 0o v ? L C o x idrca O O moo Lr) O F 2 5 i o C) bn bA o o I., o s U ? C, _ ? ? ? i= rn rH'' y O. bD ? bOD ? N O C _ LLJ O --T,' N C7 I y ? LLJ 01) a3 C15 bl) L i i b ?I y M J N A J rrj H N n 00 N O o ? ?. o ? U 0 M x U an w 0 0 ?. a x 12 O U U ? a ? N ? ? b!) bA ? ? c c .? 7 c ` ?U cu W Q o z idrca lJ 4-- a w •o U ?'R? p1 1 v? ? l Vl ? rl rr J F'4 ? ? ? A r ;wo 03 f ? c o o o `? ( bb ? a ? bA Q ? ? bA v '??? ??? ??-• _ I ? ? La b W ?L O p ?° p U °? d °? U r N H ?J;I V] p w Oz$ c r N bA s, bA r"j (n R3 0 N p) w w -o Pa Q. r- ¢ a> a 2 W -o o bl) ti) C-4 i U v y c O - C-q C-5, l •` ICI ? ? m Q? ?? ? xarca 3 o o o b? No 0 ? r CIA on CD 01) ' o ° a3 Y `? E W o zs N ?I N s. q) O I CD a _ . CZ5 ?. o o a a (L) ?p f r . l o C13 clz: a> o ° °' (D 05 3 0 0 LLI ? clz$ on `" en czs o o p o v w b° o a; N c7s ( c? fl -- o > o J (D (D 03 bf) U _ _ n O M O bA _G L cC Z" U 2- cC O H Q. a I ? nJ 17? ` ? U ?\ c7l bl) 14- 2p O (/) - r 1j 4 LL i r W ?4 u n 1 W c .. C) 'r yv? W T I<rcL Riffle Type 1. (cross vane riffle crest) Moderate to steep grade (.7 - 1.4%) without bedrock, riffle armor at crest D50 sized for immobility, crest cross vane material brought up bank flanks to 18", toe of bank downstream from crest is protected by 12" coir fiberlog at toe with second °e??0 Q 12i biolog on 4?' m 4 top. ?eQ°° ' ' '= ''Q' ??¢ e r . • A , A L. HDR NC WETLANDS Freedom Park Restoration Reach Riffle Type I. Built-in cross vane RESTORATION 2002 SEPT 27 HARP Little Sugar Creek at riffle crest immobile armor , PROGRAM Figure 26a: Riffle Type I September 2002 HDR Engineering, Inc. H of theCarohna, . Stream Restoration plan "„ Little Sugar Creek Project: 09177-017-018 Riffle Type II. Cross vane-riffle front with intra-riffle pool, used for low grade inflection areas (.3 - .7% grade)without bedrock (Cross vane: all footer stones 1.5 x a mobility Shield curve limit, bank flanks of cross vane " material brought up to 18 above mean intra- storm flow stage, topped by 12" diameter biolog; Cross vane tail-riffle self KIN A Lr`'a j . adjusting bed load, sized to match ~ existing D50 riffle material. ^ • • • 4 HDR NC WETLANDS Freedom Park Restoration Reach Riffle Type II, Cross vane w/self-adjusting RESTORATION SEPT 27 2002 HARP Little Sugar Creek ? low grade tail riffle and pool , PROGRAM ?ee Figure 26b: Riffle Type II September 2002 HUR Engineering, Inc , of the Carolinas Stream Restoration Plan R- .__ . fi ?`-A Little Sugar Creek Project: 09177 0» ors Riffle Type III. Augmented bedrock nickpoint, moderate to steep grade (.7 - 1.4%) with limited bedrock in channel and bank toe (semi- competent saprolite to competent gneiss or diabase). Bedrock riffle zone enhanced with lag stones to meet reference reach riffle:pool ratio. Lag stones have D50 sized for immobility. :' . • Bank toe protected by coir fiber and '` ci::. a d• ?; biolog combination in semi- : -o 0 cohesive saprolite. Exposed : da competent rock in bank to be left as is. d G? - :fie v, Aw 4 s . HDR NC WETLANDS Freedom Park Restoration Reach Riffle Type III. Enhanced Bedrock RESTORATION 2002 SEPT 27 HARP Little Sugar Creek f?ickpoint Zone. , PROGRAM Figure 26c: Riffle Type III September 2002 HDa En ? c, Inc. °f`heCarolinas Stream Restoration Plan A P? Little Sugar Creek Project: 09177-017-018 f. t' Seeded Soil Sock 18 ' 9 ==;and 8: Gravel Point Ear- Down C t t 4 1 - Seeded Inner-Berm .? urrep i 1 ' y 1j lt4n C rr p- AC-ir Buiitan '1Ma2 L?efleG#or '' .0 171 z - ft 5 fit HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas A- P.......... ., Stream bed (coar:? =and) -: -t Go-wrt St earn Drop 'Trier of Gt7aded i i:,bble= i;azed fo r immob ilitw:i Erasion Control tvbtting v 1 , a: Cross Section View Sand,( Loam Fyn d and Grave I Figure 27: Inner Berm and Point Bar Channel Constrictor Schematic Stream Restoration Plan Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Z; ft UP-str earrt Deflector Graded Cobbles (Sized for Immobility.) August 2002 Project: 09177-017-018 R -up- -pur1Uem or encountered conditions. I HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas H?.-. but approximately .014 - .02 Figure 28: Little Sugar Creek Proposed Longitudinal Profile Stream Restoration Plan Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park 609 ft 607 605 603 601 599 597 595 It feet `eto /? q Ve August 2002 Project: 09177-017-018 Interpolation Curves for Freedom Park Restoration - Little Sugar Creek m 10.0 300 %IA ppc•r FrecYfmn Lager Freedom Park Reach Park (teach Lower Freedom 8.0 Park Reach 250 Upper Freedom Park Reach Long ('reek Bankfull Ref. Reach I I a rl kfu II f.mig Creek 6.0 Meall Area 200 Ref. Reach Briar(leeh Depth (sq. feet) Ref. Reach ii (Ieet) 4.0 Briar Creek r 15V Ref. Reach. I 2.0 100- 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Drainage Area (sq. miles) Drainage Area (sq. miles) L 250 ower Freedom T 90 Park Reach Long Creek Lpper Freedom l'pper Freedom Ref. Reach Park Reach Park (teach 200 75 Lower Freedom Meander Radii of 150 I Bankfull 60 Long (reef; Park Reach N-Vidth ReL Reach Curvature (feet) ?_- ? (feet) 100-- 45-- Briar R Creek Rel. (teach Briar Creek 50 30 Ref. Reach i 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Drainage area (sq. miles) Drainage Area (sq. miles) Figure 29: Interpolation Curves for Freedom Park August 2002 HIM Engineering, Inc. Stream Restoration Plan of the Carolinas Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park R,. Project: 09177-017-018 Table 1 Prelimina Estimates of Fluvial Mor holo is Parameters t: Parameters r _ t - Little Sugar Creek; FreedomPark Reach Briar Creek Reference Reach Briar Creek Reference Reach AA Long Creek " Prim Road Ruch Little Sugar Creek Freedom Park Design U ,er End LittleSugar,Creek Freedom Park Design Lower E d Watershed Area (sq. miles) 19 19 10.9 12,38.14.21 Bankfull Width (ft) 64 49 37 51 57 Bankfull Area (sq. feet) 302 314 119 335 343 Ave. Bankfull Depth (feet) 5.1 6.41 2.8 6.5 6 Max. Depth (feet) 9 11.09 5.2 8 8 Flood Prone Width (feet) 300 >150 71.6 >300 >300 Entrenchment Ratio >>5 »2.2 1.9 >>5 >>5 Width/Depth Ratio 12.5 7.64 13.2 7.8 9.5 Valley Slope (feet/feet) 0.0029 0.0086 0.0048 0.0045 0.0029 0.0029 Average Water Slope (feet/feet) 0.0028 0.0078 0.0044 0.0033 0.0026 0.0029 Sinuosity 1.04 1.1 1.1 1.39 1.11 1.11 Riffle/Pool Ratio 0.86 0.24 0.58 0.3 0.3 Riffle Slope .006-.074 (avg, .033) .007 - .072 (avg..018) 0.012 :01- .014 .01 -.014 Pool Slope 0 -.0027 (.0009) «.002 0 - .002 <.0003 <.0003 Ave. Riffle Spacing (feet) 98 98 104 141 141 Riffle Armor D50 45 mm 165 mm 84 mm 440 mm 440 mm Riffle Armor D84(low) 95 mm 48 mm 220 mm 220 mm Riffle Armor D84 (high) 295 mm 150 mm 700 mm 700 mm Riffle Substrate D50 4.8 mm 1.9 mm 1.1 mm 4.8 mm 4.8 mm Riffle Substrate D84 6.4 mm 3.0 mm 2.6 mm 6.4 mm 6.4 mm Pool Armor (D50) 44 inm 40 mm 40 mm Pool Armor (D84 low) 25 mm 24 mm 24 mm Pool Armor (D84 high) 82 mm 56 mm 56 mm Pool D50 6.63 mm 1.9 mm .4 mm 6.63 mm 6.63 mm Pool D84 25.1 mm 3.0 mm .8 mm 25.1 mm 25.1 mm Point/Medial Bar D50 2.6 mm - 1.1 mm .7 mm 2.6 mm 2.6 mm Point/Medial Bar D84 9.8 mm 2.1 mm 1.1 mm 9.8 mm 9.8 mm Meander Radius of Curvature (ft) 94 - 200 (avg.155) 186 64.210 (avg. 109) 160.220 ft 160-220 Meander Wave Length (ft) 433.532 456.552 (avg. 515) 550 362 395 ft 395 ft Meander Belt Width (ft) 0-125 92.150 (115) 150 200 200 ft 467 ft Bankfull Discharge (cfs) via * or ** 1600 - 2300 (*) 2100(") 1600 2300 (*) 1600 2300 (*) Bankfull Discharge (cfs) via A or m 1900 (A) 1600 (A) 495(-) 1900 (A) 1900 (A) Bankfull Est. Mean Velocity (ft/sec) 6.29 6.68 4.16 5.67 5.53 Rosgen Class (***) C3-C5 C/E 3.5 I C3 C5 C3 C5 C3 C5 4.g Z? 94?1 (`) HDR estimate at watershed buildout (**) Army Corp. Eng. 2001 Study Estimate (***)Rosgen & Silvey,1998, however none of the above fit all parameters for C or E channels (A) estimates from recorded annual peak flows at USGS gage stations near reference reach (^A) supplemental data collected for this study (Am) estimated using Manning Eq. Assuming Manning Coef. ,03 L Z5o+ U90 Table 2 Briar Creek Vegetation Canopy River birch Betula ni ra Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Yellow poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera White oak Quercus albs Sweet um Li uidambar st raciflua Green ash Fraxnnus enns lvanica Willow oak Quercus hellos Black walnut Ju lans ni ra Southern sugar maple Acer sacchaurm ss . floridanum Box elder Acer ne undo Pignut hickory Ca rya labra Black willow Salix nigra Subcanopy.;- Trans ressives of the Canopy Species Black um N ssa s lvatica Ironwood Car inus caroliniana Dogwood Corms florida Pawpaw Asimina triloba Redbud Cercis canadensis Exotic Invasives Mimosa Albizia •ulibrissin Tree of heaven Ailanthis altissima Privet Lonicera sinense Amur honeysuckle Lonicera mackii Wisteria Wisteria sinensis Porcelain berry Am elopsis brevi edunculata English i Hedera helix Japanese or Wax-leaf ligustrum Ligustrum japonicum Toe o f:Slope; Southern red oak Quercus falcata Yellow poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera White oak Quercus alba White ash Fraxnius americana Sourwood Ox dendrum arboretum Red maple Acer rubrum Catalpa Catalpa s eciosa Sweet um Li uidambar st raciflua Table 3 Long Creek Vegetation Canopy Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Beech Fa us randifolia River birch Betula ni ra Water oak Quercus hellos Cottonwood Po ulus deltoides Sweet um Liquidambar st raciflua Black willow Salix ni ra Box elder Acer ne undo American elm Ulmus americana Red.ma le Acer rubrum Loblolly pine Pin us taeda S,ubcanopy Alder Alnus serrulata Redbud Cercis canadensis Red cedar Juniperus vir iniana Winged elm Ulmus alata Pawpaw Asimina triloba Flood plain Shelf Silk dogwood Corpus amomum Silky willow Salix sericea Alder Alnus serrulata Spicebush Lindera benzoin Toe of<Slope abovefloodplain White oak Quercus alba Sweet um Li uidambar st raciflua Black walnut Ju lans ni ra Yellow poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera Shortleaf pine Pinus echinata Mockernut hickory Ca rya tomentosa Pignut hicko Ca rya labra Red cedar Junl erus vir iniana 0 J,ti L CIJ co M iZC 0 I L J. ' ?S f N N J,' ?F1?1: O) W +.' KC3i ( QD O T ` Cl ? A t6 ? -` co x• ca g d N ,- 0 V LCD to " N .? W N ar yr., f¢z, ?. d y ?E. ?,?; ?d ? CO t0 x T T 1'Vl L f? IT /? W '-' A ?AA ,. VI:. ?- y T N T n rr? ? O O LO =• r - CL" _C) ' (O CD tr Q-?- Os, ` E r 'T L O (D O (0 cq C4 1 3 y M O 0 r 0 0 CD AM r ? p IL jE a 0 N X C. I? X 3 a tq C d d II ca H ? C 0 (D'? ' O 'o T y cy 0 00 0 a) cc) 0 00 m cm a > C'r In In CD LO LO E d N N C nt *?r -- O M T I,, LO CO O Ln Il i :C? C1?dU r 00 0 M ? 0 00 U.> Co d M d d M L cc z -C Y-.oe R .? cn ?i. d > rN ` M r CO cf M (D r -1 :U ?C ; . co T T N M T T c Ud; O N d ? tC. > N -q O co O N co O ? ?.$ I. N I, 00 M w I` . N m 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ l . C G1 > a) * . _ Q jyLL U r 0 LO T N lqt co co c0 C) co O 00 co N .4 i Q , \ -c LL Y C\j LO co Q0 LO U') c0 0) CO * LO * LO LL F- rqr ?N (v U c '? O C>O r T I- 00 Ln O M M O 0? LO 0 I- M LO .U r LLO- cv) It G 0) co CO O M N CC) LO Ln Q ;E N N CO r 'It T 'It T T T 0 r T N CO N U) LO LO 00 CO CA M r I- 6 (6 C Q ,x :O ? r 0 _ 0 T T T r 0 T T ? i (!J'E O O 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 O 0 O LL C `r S.l QI Zvi ,L1Y?I .? 0 0 T T T 0 T T p . _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 O 0 6 6 V F x L' Q CO ` r-, Ln M O LO N :E F tu> 00 0 M 0 0 00 co d co -4 -?t LA d M m x if Q d 00 f? M N M I- 4,..p?? :;, IJ T T T T T T T T N L -,.U of m O D O N C7 'O CL = ?L- oC = 'L- Ir C: Co a) Cl ca m C: ca a) - Cc C: ca a) C: cz a) G G c G C C cc G Ct y x Q- M OD 00 (O r - T M Q r N CD N N r- CO .4 W N O * N N 0) CA 4} ' C00 (0 CDLO LO coo ccoo CD co CD Ln co a Co E x O ?. a) c a) a) n > Q? C a ns 'a C C co a co m (n o 0) a) U N O E M? CO U .L. M LO O II .a C O O Y O N LO L_ O L E co a) C 0) C co 0-0 C cd :2 U N OO -CU E A 'U C N II > .Y. N U O O IL U C W WL LL F 1 Table 6 Freedom Park Potential Planting List <.. ?13otanical'Name Common Name Size 'Slope Placement" Root Structure Exposure ;;Comments belia grandiflora * Glossy Abelia 3-5' Mid/Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Exotic; a number of cultivars available esculus parviflora Bottlebrush Buckeye 8-12' Mid taproot Sun/Shade Native ralia spinosa Devils Walking Stick 10-20' Mid colonial/fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native; thorny stems ronia arbutifolia * Chokecherry 8-10' Toe/Mid fibrous Sun Native simina triloba Pawpaw 15-20' Toe colonial/fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Buddleia davidii Butterflybhsh 5-10' Mid fibrous Sun Exotic; a number of cultivars available Callicarpa americana * American Beautyberry 6' Toe fibrous Sun Native Calycanthus floridus * Sweet Shrub 8-10' Mid colonial/fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Ceonothus americanus New Jersey Tea 3' Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Cephalanthus occidentalis * Button Bush 6-10' Toe fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Clethra alnifolia * Sweetpepper Bush 3-10' Toe/Mid/Top colonial/fibrous Sun Native; a number of cultivars available Cornus amomum * Silky Dogwood 10' Toe/Mid colonial/fibrous Sun/Part Shade native Cornus sericea * Red Twig Dogwood 6-8' Toe/Mid colonial/fibrous Sun Native ;a number of cultivars available Cotoneaster divaricatus Spreading Cotoneaster 3-5' Top fibrous Sun Exotic; a number of cultivars available Cytisus scoparius Scotch Broom 5' Mid/Top taproot/fibrous Sun Exotic Diervilla sessilifolia Southern Bush-Honeysuckle 3-5' Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Fothergilla gardenii * Dwarf Fothergilla 3-5' Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native; a few cultivars available Hydrangea arborescens * Smooth Hydrangea 3-5' Top fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Hydrangea macroplylla Big-leaf Hydrangea 3-6 Mid/Top fibrous Part shade/Shade Exotic; a number of cultivars available Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' * Sunburst St Johnswort 3' Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Hypericum 'Hidcote' St Johnswort 3' Top fibrous Part shade/Shade Exotic Hypericum prolificum * Shrubby St Johnswort 5' Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Ilex glabra Inkberry Holly 3-6 Top fibrous Sun Native; a number of cultivars available Ilex verticillata * Winterberry Holly 3-10' Toe/Mid fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native; a number of cultivars available Illicium parviflorum Anise 6-10' Mid fibrous Sun/Shade Itea virginica * Virginia Sweetspire 3-5' Toe/Mid/Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native; a few of cultivars available Juniperus sp. Juniper Species 1-5' Toe/Mid/Top fibrous Sun Exotic; a number of cultivars available Leucothoe axillaris Dog Hobble 3-5' To fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark 5-10' Toe/Mid fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Pseudocydonia sinensis Flowering Quince 5-10' Mid/Top taproot/fibrous Sun/Part Shade Exotic Rhododendron sp. Rhododendron species 4-12' Toe/Mid/Top fibrous Part shade/Shade Native; many species available Rhus sp. * Sumac species 5-12' Mid taproot Sun Native Salix seresia Silky willow 10-20' Toe colonial/fibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Sambucus canadensis * Elderberry 10' Toe colonial/fibrous Sun Native Spiraea sp. Spirea species and cultivars 3-5' Mid/Top fibrous Sun/Part Shade Exotic; a number of cultivars available Staphylea trifolia Bladdernut 6-10' Toe/Mid colonial/fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Symphoricarpos orbiculatus * Coralberry 24 Toe/Mid/Top colonial/fibrous Sun/Shade Native Vaccinium sp. * Blueberries species and cultivars 3-10' Mid/Top colonial/fibrous Sun Native; many species available Viburnum sp. * Viburnum species 6-12' Toe/Mid colonial/fibrous Sun/Shade Native anthorhiza simplicissima * Yellowroot 3' Toe/Mid/Top colonial/fibrous Part shade/Shade Native Zenobia pulverulenta Dusty Zenobia 3-5' Top coloniallfibrous Sun/Part Shade Native Note: Asterisked plants would be top choices subject to availability Survey of Storm Water Outfalls Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park A field inventory of storm water discharges into Little Sugar Creek (Creek) at Freedom Park was completed on June 20, 2002. Locations are presented in Figure 6. Below is a comprehensive discussion of each location, its type, and recommended actions. For each location, Alternative A presents the best management practice (BMP) recommended to treat storm water under the conditions of an unlimited budget and scope. The proposed action at this time, within the Scope of Work, budget, and Project Area constraints, is presented in Alternative B. In those cases where Alternative A is considered feasible and is the recommended action, Alternative B is not mentioned. Typical renderings of example storm water BMPs applicable to Freedom Park are also included, courtesy of the Center for Watershed Protection. The bioretention/rain garden rendering exhibits landscaping features as well as storm water treatment. Both the dry or grassed swale and infiltration trench/gallery renderings feature designs to encourage storm water infiltration. 1. A 7' x 5' concrete box culvert. The culvert outlet is at Creek level. This inflow drains East Boulevard and an unknown area upslope. The culvert was supplying some base flow seepage to the Creek on June 20, 2002, the day the survey was performed. The drainage area and land-use for this inflow are unknown. Alternative A: The size and location of this drain generate storm water treatment problematic and is beyond the scope of the current stream restoration project. Storm water treatment would have to begin well outside the Freedom Park boundaries to be effective. However, given the large storm water volume contributed by this outlet, the greatest improvement in the Creeks water quality would involve a water quality BMP retrofit of this inflow. Alternative B: No action. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 2. An 18" diameter concrete culvert. The culvert outlet daylights approximately 3 feet above Creek level and spills onto the concrete creek lining before draining into the Creek. This culvert was dry on the day of the survey. The culvert drains the tennis courts entrance road and parking lot on the east side of the Creek. The drainage area for this culvert is 1.72 acres (1.21 acres impervious, 0.51 acres grass and shrub). Alternative A: There is considerable potential to treat storm water runoff at this site by enlarging the grassed swale on the north side of the tennis courts. Construction would involve daylighting the storm drain upslope of the swale, and slightly enlarging and deepening the Swale. Overflow from the swale would need to be stepped down to Creek level. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 3. Turbid water entering the Creek along east bank from under concrete lining. Alternative A: Check the Creek for sanitary sewer leak by notifying Mecklenburg County (County) Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). 09177-017-018 B-1 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 4. Flared 5' steel culvert entering at Creek level. The culvert was dry on the survey day. The culvert drains a concrete lined Swale that runs from a straightened stream channel behind private housing. This channel collects runoff from three road crossings and the neighborhood on the west side of the park. The culvert also collects runoff from the playing field area just south of the main drainage. The drainage area for this culvert is 53.53 acres (46.70 acres single-family residential, 6.83 acres grassed playing field). It is unclear if this culvert runs above or below the sanitary sewer crossing at this site. Alternative A: There is considerable potential to treat storm water runoff at this site by removing the concrete lining and constructing a larger grassed Swale along the current drainage course within the park boundaries. Construction would involve removing the existing concrete lining, and enlarging and deepening the swale. Overflow from the swale would need to be stepped down to Creek level. Alternative B: The culvert outlet will be located on the inner berm area of a proposed stream meander. Sheet flow will then be encouraged to infiltrate. It will be necessary to stabilize the stream bank with hard substrate immediately adjacent to and below the outfall to prevent erosion. Removing the concrete lining was not considered as part of this Alternative because its location is outside the Project Area. 5. Channelized surface inflow has scoured 4' to 5' into the stream bank. The channel was covered with kudzu and dry on the survey day. The channel becomes a rock-lined 3' x 1' channel upslope of the walking trail that parallels the east stream bank and collects some local runoff. The channel drains a culvert running under a private garage and lot (1438 Sterling Avenue). The origin of the drain is two road culverts on Sterling Avenue in front of this property. The total drainage area for this inflow is 5.85 acres (5.66 acres single-family residential, 0.31 acres forested local drainage associated with the lower channel). Alternative A: Proposed channel restoration plans do not allow for a floodplain level infiltration gallery at the outlet of this channel. There is an opportunity to create a significant rain garden running from the break-in slope to the stream bank. Outflow from the rain garden would need to be stepped down to stream level. A second possibility would be to create a lateral infiltration Swale with an overflow outlet that could be stepped down to stream level. The swale would parallel the current walking trail along the east stream bank. Alternative B: This area will become part of a stream channel meander with appropriate action occurring during construction. 6. A 2" diameter half-filled concrete culvert that drains extensive storm drain network underlying parking lots and playing fields on west bank of the Creek. The channel was dry on the survey day. The drainage area for this culvert is 19.51 acres (2.20 acres single-family residential, 10.86 acres grassed playing field, 6.45 acres impervious road and parking areas). Alternative A: Given the proximity of the culvert outlet to the stream and the proposed alteration to the Creek's current course, at this point there is the potential to construct an infiltration gallery within the newly constructed floodplain of the restored channel. Construction would involve excavating the current storm drain outlet and raising it to the level of the new floodplain. Water from the culvert outlet would be allowed to infiltrate into a perforated pipe network underlying the floodplain. 09177-017-018 B-2 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan tream Alternative B: The culvert outlet will infiltrate on thebnner berm andp geot t dsbench meander. Sheet flow will then be encouraged to area. It will be necessary to stabilize the stream bank with hard substrate immediately adjacent to and below the outfall to prevent erosion. 7. Large excavated low bank area covered with ads a down obvious o acon cet apron channel on the easot bthe stream anks There visible. There is a concrete/cobble ramp is no obvious collection area upslope of this feature and it likely only contributes local drainage to the Creek. Alternative A: This area will become part of a stream channel meander with appropriate action occurring during construction. 8. A 3' trapezoidal flume draining a small portion of the west bank parking area. surface The flume drains under a sidewalk, p b nkg Aagroximate containareaer, acres (100 percent over some riprap from the top of the PP impervious roadway and parking surfaces). eitherl tie this drain into alinteration to Alternative A: Given the close proximity s the outlet and the proposed the Creek's current course at this point, there i potential e infiltration the within newly gallery proposed for inflow No. 6 or construct a ontruPon twould involvegahllery routing of runoff from constructed floodplain of the restored channel. the top of the bank to the level of the new k floodplain. from the alternative cons derarion to infiltrate into a perforated pipe network underlying would involve the use of permeable pavement or curbing to allow infiltration of runoff from this relatively small impervious area. Alternative B: The culvert outlet will be located on the inner berm area of a proposed stream bank intrate on the inner berm and vegetated bench meander. Sheet flow will then be encouraged d substrate immediately adja cent to and area. It will be necessary to stabilize the stream below the outfall to prevent erosion. 9. A 3' trapezoidal flume draining the southeast portion of the west bank parking area. top of the This flume drains under a sidewalk and flows s (?OOepe?cent impervious rroadwaythand parking bank. Approximate drainage area is 0.5 acres surfaces). estrational Given the would fall downstream of the Alternative A: Unlike Inflows 6 and 8, this proximity of this outlet to proposed enhanced floodplain of the channel the stream, there is little opportunity to construct an infiltration gallery at this point unless it is tied into the infiltration gallery serving Inflows 6 and 8. An alternative runoff sides t ohis would invo small use of permeable pavement or curbing to allow infiltration o impervious area. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. B-3 October 2002 09177-017-019 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 10. A 16" concrete culvert with welded steel grate. This pipe appears decommissioned although there appeared to be some base flow seepage draining from the pipe. The pipe outlet is approximately 2 feet above the creek base flow level. Alternative A: Remove or seal off pipe during construction if decommission can be verified. 11. Inflow from dammed Dairy Branch tributary. The right side of the dam, facing downstream, appears to allow surface flow over the dam. One storm water drain from the west bank parking lot (approximately 1/4 acre, 100 percent impervious) discharges into an impounded pool upstream of the dam. Some diffuse seepage through the riprap below the dam was evident on the survey day. Alternative A: Dam integrity should be determined on right side of channel, facing downstream. The riprap apron below the dam appears stable and should be left as is during construction and monitored after stream restoration. 12. Small top of bank surface inflow (likely a pedestrian trail) allows local inflow directly into the Creek. Alternative A: Bank landscaping to discourage overbank drainage. 13. Approximately 20 linear feet of bank, 1' to 2' in height, is eroding as flow is directed towards the west bank by a medial bar and bedrock dyke. There is a top of bank headcut where local surface flow drains directly into the Creek from the top of the bank. Alternative A: If improvement is necessary, this area will become part of a stream channel meander with appropriate action taking place during construction. 14. A 20" concrete culvert entering stream at Creek level. The pipe is halfway full of sediment. This culvert collects an extensive storm drain system under the seating facing the stage on the pond island. The drainage wraps around the north end of the pond and extends to the top of slope above the seating area. Some seepage was evident on the day of the survey. The drainage area for this culvert is 9.77 acres (1.96 acres single-family residential, 7.81 acres grassed playing field). The culvert inlet is approximately 10' below ground level. Alternative A: Given the proximity of the culvert outlet to the stream and the proposed alteration to Little Sugar Creek's current course, at this point there is the potential to construct an infiltration gallery within the newly constructed riparian bank of the restored channel. Construction would involve excavating the current storm drain outlet and raising the outlet to the level of the new floodplain. Water from the culvert outlet would be allowed to infiltrate into a perforated pipe network underlying the riparian zone. It should be noted that this drain collects runoff from a large grassed area with minimal impervious surface. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 09177-017-018 B-4 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan 15. A 26" concrete culvert drains from the top of the bank over a concrete apron into stream. The culvert runs from two street drains on Sterling Avenue, then under 1628 Sterling Avenue and through a forested area. The culvert was dry on the day of the survey. The drainage area for this culvert is 8.83 acres of single-family residential housing. Alternative A: Proposed channel restoration plans do not allow for a floodplain level infiltration gallery at the outlet of this channel. There is an opportunity to create a significant rain garden running from the break in slope to the stream bank. Outflow from the rain garden would need to be stepped down to stream level. A second possibility would be to create a lateral infiltration swale with an overflow outlet that could be stepped down to stream level. The swale would parallel the current walking trail along the east stream bank. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 16. A 26" cemented steel culvert at top of bank. This likely served as an outlet drain for the Freedom Park pond and is decommissioned. The culvert was dry on the survey day. Alternative A: Remove or seal off pipe during construction. 17. A 26" mid-bank concrete flume that drains mid bank into the Creek. This culvert drains a storm grate located in the nature museum parking lot. Runoff occurs from the parking lots and entrance road to the museum. The culvert was dry on the survey day. The drainage area for this culvert is 1.16 acres, 0.96 acres of which is impervious asphalt. The remainder consists of a pervious landscaped traffic island. Alternative A: There is a scope for the construction of a small rain garden to treat the parking lot runoff at this site. The existing culvert intake would need to be sealed and runoff routed into an excavated area where a rain garden could be sited. Considerable room exists for such a structure as two buildings have recently been demolished near the culvert intake. Alternative B: Outfall improvement using hard substrate will be made during construction in an effort to prevent erosion. 18. A 24" concrete culvert serving as a drainage outlet for the vertical riser in Royce Pond. The surface area of the pond is approximately 6.12 acres, including a 0.68-acre island. Some seepage was noted on the day of the survey. Alternative A: Given the close proximity of this outlet to the stream and the proposed alteration to the Creek's current course at this point, there is considerable potential to tie this drain into an infiltration gallery within the newly constructed floodplain of the restored channel. Construction would involve the routing of runoff from the outlet culvert to the level of the new floodplain. Water from the culvert outlet would be allowed to infiltrate into a perforated pipe network underlying the floodplain. Given the considerable waterfowl population that utilizes Royce Pond year round, treatment of pond overflow would certainly enhance downstream water quality. 09177-017-018 B-5 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan Alternative B: 19. A 6' concrete culvert entering the Creek from the east bank. This serves as storm drain conveyance from Princeton Avenue. The culvert is slightly below Creek level and it is not clear if seepage was occurring on the day of the survey. Alternative A: The size and location of this drain generate storm water problematic and beyond the scope of the current project. Storm water treatment would have to begin well outside the Freedom Park boundaries to be effective. However, given the large storm water volume contributed by this outlet the greatest improvement in the Creek's water quality would involve a water quality BMP retrofit of this and site one inflows. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 20. An 18" concrete culvert entering Creek from the west bank. This culvert travels from a structure draining a 0.29-acre grassed depression near the south entrance to Freedom Park. The culvert was dry on the day of the survey. Alternative A: Seal storm drain. This storm drain seems like overkill. It drains a small, grassed depression on the east side of the Princeton Avenue Freedom Park entrance. Water in this depression should simply be allowed to infiltrate in place rather than be piped to the stream channel. Alternative B: No action at this time. This structure is not impacted by the proposed stream alignment or construction activities. 21. A 2' x 4' open channel that enters the Creek from the top of the east bank. The channel drains 4.60 acres of a forested area downslope of the Nature Museum. Alternative A: Runoff from this channel would likely have good water quality and a low delivery rate to the Creek given the complete forest cover of the drainage area. Present stream restoration plans call for a significant relocation of the channel through this site that may completely remove this as a storm water input to the Creek. If the channel retains its present position, the recommendation is to simply step this channel down to Creek level. Alternative B: Meander construction will address the location of this channel. Channel drainage into the Creek will be protected with a hardened substrate to prevent erosion. 09177-017-018 B-6 October 2002 Little Sugar Creek at Freedom Park Stream Restoration Plan A 8 C D E F G H I MATCHUNE?AASEE DWG C-1 f,I jf1'?C; -100 -50 0 1 100 1 200 0 ? ?i I II i I'>15 i o;• a i, e n ?/ EXISTING J K I L I M N G I P I I r SCALE IN FEEr -100 50 0 100 200 1 -44 a`( 5 CREEK -FUNNEL 7 . F) 1114111V 141111V 0 S N a ? w o n ?a F_ F_ F__ f F_ F_ (- f I- I- I- ?F_f f? /. i ? I I I ! r' f ?'.? I i I MA.IC LINE TINU iION SEE DWG C1 A? ?.. N C Wetlands Restoration Program storm water outfall Freedom Park - Little Sugar Creek HDR Engineering, Inc. Locations Channel Restoration ®M asx d wool aw PnM 14 uMq xa ? OIMC 0Y1S 4f IIX .OIQ AV IfCAQ[ 6.w Charlotte North Carolina Fig. 6 A Bioretention/ Rain Garden PAR<11V6 LOT 6HEETFLOW y y * m y y v ? y 41 b u .b y ?-yy w Ail PLAN ---DER" Bioretention areas are landscaping features adapted to treat on-site stormwater runoff. PO?/O/NG ;1111 _llllll=? MULCH VIII 4 PLANT/N6 ?I Illll_?- so?? -= III O6 GRAVEL -67-NE DROP 'GRASS FILTER 1 TRIP OPT/OVAL SAND LAYER /O/ ,'ETENT/G AREA 6RAVEL DRAWN OVE,RFLow Dry or Grassed Swale CULVERT WE/R GRAVEL INLET TRENCH CHECK DA" y ? ? ? L b ? v v l R/P- PAP W y y CULVE ? E'- ?iv?LOw NOEr O RA/n/ PLAN i0 YR. ENO//?/G :;,•-«:: Dry swales are similar in design to hioretention areas. These designs incorporate a fabricated soil bed into their design. 50,% SANG/SO °o LOAM PROF/-E Infiltration Trench/Gallery PARKING LOT BYPASS (TO DETENTION FACILITY) An infiltration trench is a rock-filled trench with no outlet that receives stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff passes through some combination of pretreatment measures, such as a swale and detention basin, and into the trench. CONCRETE LEVEL SPREADER PLUNGE VVVVVVVVAP POOL 7AP VV?VV V AP AP ?Ak AP AP Ak 41 VVVVVV 11frI " V Ak AP V V Ak INFILTRATION TRENCH WITH PEA GRAVEL FILTER LAYER OVER WASHED BANK RUN GRAVEL AGGREGATE GRASS CHANNEL (LESS THAN 1 % SLOPE) t t OVERFLOW PLAN VIEW