HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021681 Ver 1_Complete File_20070101,1 .0 . Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) Final Monitoring Report Year 2 of 5 (2006) Mecklenburg County, North Carolina USGS HUC: 03050103 Prepared for: r-.?j l??.Y?s?stcm NCDENR-Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 January 2007 1 ; i w. Executive Summary The Freedom Park Stream Restoration project falls within USGS hydrologic unit 03050103. The project stream lies within an urban setting of the City of Charlotte that is comprised of predominantly residential and commercial uses. Prior to restoration work, the project stream (Little Sugar Creek) had been destabilized through historic channelization and dredging. Also, prior to restoration work, the channel consisted of a concrete lining. HDR Engineering designed the restoration plans and restoration was completed in 2003. Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA) performed stream and riparian monitoring during 2006 for this Year 2 Monitoring Report. During the late growing season, KHA assessed six (6) vegetation quads including two (2) newly installed quads. Combined stem count density for all the quads equaled approximately 587 stems per acre for planted stems; exceeding year 3 success criteria. Kudzu has invaded most of the channel reach and may interfere with vegetation goals if not managed. A stream assessment including a visual assessment and geomorphic survey indicated that the project reaches were performing mostly within established success criteria ranges. Several isolated sections showed bank erosion and a few structures were stressed or failing. Most of the project reach continues to be stable. The geomorphic measurements are within the range of the design parameters. Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Year 2 of 5 i q =1111L T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Freedom ParkW Y2 ReponTinal\Freedom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doc I \ ' t I y Table of Contents 1.0 Project Background ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1 Location and Setting ....................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives ....................................... 3 1.3 Monitoring Plan View ..................................................................................................... 8 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results ...................................................................... 12 2.1 Vegetation Assessment ................................................................................................. 12 2.2 Stream Assessment ....................................................................................................... 13 3.0 Methodology .....................................................................................................................19 Tables Table I: Project Restoration Components ....................................................................................... 3 Table II: Project Activity and Reporting History ........................................................................... 5 Table III: Project Contact Table ..................................................................................................... 6 Table IV: Project Background Table .............................................................................................. 7 Table V: Verification of Bankfull Events ..................................................................................... 13 Table VI: BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates ......................................................................... 14 Table VII: Categorical Stream Features Visual Stability Assessment .......................................... 15 Table VIII: Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ........................................................ 16 Table IX: Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ....................................................... 17 Figures Figure 1: Project Site Setting ..........................................................................................................4 Figure 2: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 1 ........................................................................................ 9 Figure 3: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 2 ...................................................................................... 10 Figure 4: Monitoring Plan View Sheet 3 ...................................................................................... 11 Appendices Appendix A: Vegetation Monitoring Data Appendix B: Stream Monitoring Data Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 -Year 2 of 5 it yMa T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Frecdom Park\MY2 Rcpon\FinaPFrecdom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Rcport.doc rlmn a14Mn0/N1*0W_ ft , r 1.0 Project Background The background information for this report references previous monitoring reports submitted by the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University and Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA. 1.1 Location and Setting The Little Sugar Creek stream restoration site lies within in the Catawba River Basin (HU No. 03050103) in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. East Boulevard and Princeton Avenue bound the upper and lower endpoints of the stream reach and the site lies entirely within Freedom Park and the City of Charlotte. Freedom Park is part of the Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department public park system. (See Figure 1) 1.2 Project Structure, Mitigation Type, Approach and Objectives Little Sugar Creek was dredged in 1917 to a minimum width of approximately 20 feet and a depth of 8 feet. Overall, the current alignment has existed since the early part of the 1900s. In the mid-1960s and early 1970s, the City initiated an erosion control system along the banks of Little Sugar Creek, as it flows through Freedom Park, using a combination of grouted riprap and concrete bank covering. In July 2002, the County removed the grouted riprap and concrete banking and temporarily stabilized the banks with erosion control matting. Additionally, the large flood control weir structure located approximately 450 feet upstream of Princeton Avenue was removed. The restoration plan proposed to increase aquatic habitat diversity, improve on-site water quality, stabilize the stream banks, provide flood storage, and aesthetically enhance the stream setting. Table I provides project mitigation structure and objectives: Table I: Pro.iect Restoration Components Table I. Project Restoration Components Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #141) Project 4 c v o 0 Segment L °' c o wo c ° a Stationing Comment or Reach . ID d w W 2 1 Main 4,200 R P 4,450 if 1:1 4,450 0+00.0 - 44+50.0 Mitigation nit S ummaries Stream (if) Riparian Non-Riparian Total Wetland Buffer (Ac.) Comment Wetland Ac. Wetland Ac. Ac. R = Restoration El = Enhancement Ell = Enhancement S = Stabilization P1 = Priority I P2 =Priority 11 P3 = Priority 111 SS = Stream Bank stabilization Freedom Perk (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Year 2 o(5 3 T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monnoring\Frcedom Perk\MY2 Rcport\FinalTrccdom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Rcport.doc Con Ytl AUOdtIM.k,e, r Figure 1: Project Site Setting ? fir- i rt r.?•,?,??rls+,? ? i 1 r Prepared For Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) Stream Restoration Monitoring Year Prepared By Project 2- 2006 r-`?J Mecklenburg, North Carolina Ci F1 1111 14CO WStelll Date Project Number romleyHom HL1 (!';r 1/25/07 141 and Associates, Inc. Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Year 2 of S 4 gnirylbm T:tpnW11795022 06-07 MonitoringtFraedom Park\MY2 ReportTinalWreedom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doc u I I ? I I I ? ? I III Project History and Background Construction of the Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration project began in mid- in September 2003. The As-built survey was completed in June 2004. Year 2 me occurred during 2006. Table II provides additional details regarding the timeline Table Il: Prniert Artivitv anal Rnnartina Weinrv 4 )03 and ended itoring f the project. a e II. - rglect ctivity an Reporting story Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration Site EEP Project #141 Activity or Report Scheduled Data Collection Actual Completion Comments Completion m lete or Delivery Restoration Plan Final Design - 90% Construction 2003 Sept-03 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire roiect area 2003 Sept-03 Permanent seed mix applied 2003 Sept-03 Containerized and B&B plantings for 2004 June-04 reach/se ments 1&2 Mitigation Plan / As- built (Year 0 2004 Spring 04 Monitorin - baseline Year 1 monitoring 2005 Oct-05 Nov-05 Year 2 Monitoring 2006 Oct-06 Jan-07 Year 3 Monitoring 2007 Year 4 Monitoring 2008 Year 5 Monitoring 2009 The project was designed by HDR Engineering, Inc of the Carolinas. Construction was performed by SEI Environmental. Monitoring activities for Year 1 were performed by S&EC Kimley-Horn and Associates performed monitoring for Year 2. Table III provides additional information regarding contractors. Table III: Project Contact Table Table 111. Project Contact Table Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #141) Designer 128 South Tryon St., Suite 1400 HDR Engineering, Inc. o the Carolinas Charlotte, NC 28202 Primary Designer POC Construction Contractor 5100 North I-85, Suite 7 SEI Environmental Charlotte, NC 28206 Primary Contractor POC Planting Contractor Planting contractor POC Seeding Contractor Planting contractor POC Seed Mix Sources Nursery Stock Suppliers Monitoring Performers PO Box 33068 Kimley-Horn and Associates Raleigh, NC 27636 Stream Monitoring POC Andrew Kiley (919) 678-4150 IN (""claliun Mollilurili NA, Andrew Kiley (919) 678-4150 Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Ycar 2 of 5 6 T:7011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Freedom Perk\MY2 ReportWinalTreedom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doc I I I ?I f ? I i ! f 4 ,t ( 1 'i ;I The project is located within Mecklenburg County, portions of which are located within the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont of North Carolina. The site is located within a highly urbanized area. Table IV provides additional information regarding this stream. ,rahle IV: Project Rackormrnd Tahle Table IV. Project Background Table Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #141) Project Count Mecklenburg Drainage Area 13.6 square miles Drainage impervious cover estimate % 75% Stream Order 3 Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Charlotte Belt Ros en Classification of As-built C4 Cowardin Classification N/A Dominant soil types Cecil, Monacan Reference site ID N/A USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03050103 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-08-34 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference C Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor No % of project easement fenced 0% Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 -Year 2 of S 7 i:;n\011795022 06-07 MonitoringTrcedom Park\MY2 Report\FinalTreedom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doc Min °e 1 y r I 1.3 Monitoring Plan View The monitoring plan assesses the project stream's geomorphology using a set of nine (9) cross sections located throughout the project reach. The longitudinal profile and pattern assessment covered the entire reach. Twenty-three (23) permanent photo points provide for a visual comparison of key site features through time. The monitoring plan uses six (6) randomly placed vegetation quads to assess riparian buffer restoration. Monitoring Plan View Sheets 1 to 3 show the locations of the monitoring features. i i i 1 ? i I ' f! i I j I F? 1 Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 -Year 2 of 5 8 ?? \ f0 T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Freedom Park\MY2 Repon\Final\Freedom Park MY2 Fins] Monitoring Repon.doc I , ? I I y C 11 ?I I a P e i ?B 1 ? } N .C H O 0. P .C 0 C 0 S M L 4 i Al ^Y x?' ....,i Y N All J 4* I g s,?, oo''F ` ? dry` 1? ? y t a F ,+" o r T ? a ?,. r 1 to ?y t? , fj 1=k11 AF'x itiM.I i?,A ?R?i '?? :M ^4Yt ?+ rt! r Y r'r { rR, Vi ` f. }} `. ?` 1 1 Yi`, ?IT 2.0 Project Conditions and Monitoring Results 2.1 Vegetation Assessment Planted zones related to the stream restoration consisted of the riparian buffer zone and the stream banks. The riparian buffer zone begins at the top of the bank and continues out perpendicular from the stream. The planted stream bank begins at the normal base flow elevation and extends to the top of bank or interface with the flood plain. KHA reassessed four (4) existing vegetation plots and established two (2) additional plots as directed by NC-EEP. KHA assessed site vegetation in September and October, 2006. Kudzu has invaded much of the site. An interview with a park user suggests that a local community group within Charlotte has a program to combat invasives. Many sections of the reach exhibit bare banks. As noted in previous monitoring reports, the cause of the bare banks may be due to a lack of root development capable of withstanding stresses to during flood flows and/or compacted soils inhibiting vegetation growth. One section of floodplain appears to have been cleared and now exhibits early successional growth including invasives from areas surrounding the riparian buffer. Appendix A provides a summary of vegetative problem areas. Figures 2-4 show the problem areas. KHA conducted a vegetation assessment during the early fall of 2006. The stem count table in appendix A summarizes the results of the vegetation sample. Each of the original four (4) plots and two (2) new plots meet success criteria for planted stem counts. The plot summary also shows that in several plots, species such as Betula nigra, Acer negundo, Populus deltoids, Fraxinus pennsylvanicum, and Liquidambar styraciflua are rapidly colonizing. Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) Final Dcccmhcr 2006 - Ycar 2 of S 12 =/? T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\Frecdom Park\MY2 Report\Finaki-recdom Park MY2 Final Monitonng Report.doc CEP I 2.2 Stream Assessment KHA assessed the stream channel during the spring and fall of 2006. Several isolated sections exhibited bank scour. Causes of scour may include lack of vegetative establishments; frequent flooding flows; unstable soils; and failed short-term protection such as coir fiber matting. Two areas utilizing boulder toe protection had pools developing behind them. Most structures seemed to remain in place and functional. Several structures previously mapped as J-Hooks appeared as rock vanes in the field. The headers were either missing or difficult to view because they may have been buried by sediment. One structure appeared to be missing completely; one structure appeared to be missing a header rock; and one structure had a collapse of boulders making up the arm. Several root wads were located in the field but were not previously mapped. A set of root wads near the bottom of the reach showed severe scour behind the root balls. Monitoring Plan View Sheets 1 through 3 show the location of the stream problem areas and table B 1 in appendix B summarizes the stream problem areas. KHA performed a database search and document review to locate information concerning measurement of bankfull events. The research found a functional gauge approximately 2,600 feet upstream of the project reach. The gage has a twelve (12) year period of record. This period is too short to estimate bankfull discharge based on peak discharges. A visit to the gage location is required to estimate bankfull hydraulic geometry relative to gage height or discharge. Table V provides a listing of probable bankfull events based on site observations and limited gage data. Table V: Verification of Bankfull Events Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events Little Su ar Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Pro ect #141) Collection "n WKILIZ IV! rtffg 10/1/2006 Before 10/1/2006 Photographed On-Stie BE1 KHA did not find documentation of bank erosion estimates from previous site assessments. NC- EEP has scheduled a bank erosion assessment for a later date. Table V1 that is intended to summarize sediment export estimates has no values but has been included in this section as a placeholder for future completion. Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) Final December 2006 -Year 2 of 5 13 rMFJ 19rrpM. 1':\pn\011795022 0607 Monitoring\Frecdom Park\MY2 Rcpon\Finnl\Frccdom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Repotl.doc = W ANOMI .inc. 3 0 3 .a° r-. y rl d W d ? O w w dQ ? O y w W rA ? ? \ E ? O 1 C6 4 ar ? E ? d cu C w rA Qa Y LI Yy u L R aw ca cl (ICI ° i N h nMp7?? a o o a1 N Q F 0 d a E z w w C d a a Q C W 9 B LL a N ' yJ } C ? '''??Nyyy((( ? F ? ? a k LL T W oL < T a 4 09 A ? Table VII provides a categorical view of the stream visual stability assessment. The visual assessment shows an apparent decrease in stability related to meanders; in-stream stabilization (e.g. vanes, j-hooks); and bank stabilization (e.g. wads and boulders). Meander instability relates to floodplain relief and erosion of outer bends. Five (5) of the eleven (11) meander bends appear to have point bars that do not provide sufficient floodplain access. This may improve as the channel continues to adjust. KHA observed recent sediment deposition downstream of eroding outer banks that is likely a sign of adjustment. Table B2 in appendix B provides a breakdown of the visual assessment. Table VII: Categorical Stream Features Visual Stability Assessment Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Little Sugar Creek Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #141) Reac h 1 Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles -- 100% 100% -- -- - B. Pools -- 95% 98% -- - - C. Thalwc -- 100% 100% -- -- -- D. Meanders -- 85% 72% -- -- - E. Bed General -- 94% 100% -- -- F. Bank Condition -- 92% 82% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. -- 100% 80% -- -- - H. Wads and Boulders -- 100% 35% -- -- -- Tables VII and IX summarize the site geomorphic assessment. KHA determined bankfull using a combination of upstream gage data, urban piedmont regional curves, and site indicators. Site indicators were not universally prominent throughout the reach likely due to the young age of the channel. KHA used gage data and regional curve data to verify the site indicators. This analysis led to new bankfull elevations that differed from previous elevations. All data from the previous surveys (i.e. the as-built and year 1 survey) was adjusted to match the year 2 bankfull elevations. The field investigators had difficulty identifying cross section benchmarks in the field; therefore some of the cross sections had a slightly different alignment than previous year's cross sections. The difference in alignment negates a very fine comparison between years for a cross section but does allow for the identification of significant changes in cross section. The cross sections did not show a significant change in the shape or area compared to earlier years. Appendix B provides raw data, photographs, and graphing for geomorphic data. Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) Final December 2006 - Year 2 of 5 15 r? IOgNyJlan T:\pn\011795022 06-07 Monitoring\preedom Park\MY2 Report\Final\Freedom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doe `? Did AUl"o-WK trre. N r O. N M Q v1 M N ? .. P ? M ?` ^ M M ? r Q M v? `0 O O .. N ? ? S ? p ?: o0 P N V Q P b P ? b ? N N O r M Q ? N rNn N pp d aa00 M Q O N ^ O O vNi N W v? ? ? r Q 8 C O O M ? Q p Np .O ? P ? vt r+i 00 Q 00 U M ? h ? '? ? O M O N r p Q ?: ,? p 8 O ? r 0 0 O 5 b u x V N O $ a ° 0 V ?a a f L G y ? e OC U r m d V L L A ~ U O O a a F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f 9 D Y V 3 ? a 'm ? c c c c m c ? a ¢ ? ? 8 c a ? ? LL 3 a y 6 $ „ _e u m e ? m m 3 m 5 $ 5 y ,°? u ? a ? E e 3 o°e 1 m e d ? P ? a o C 11 II F ! z d d? O pp d? E O O aye • w w « w « « « w O O • • . « . « « » • , • ( V R L U Mpp R M A M N O V v? ?p O ^ M M _: r' 7 M ? r ? a a , T , V U N r M M a} N ?O M h r ~ N h - O? - M ONO ?n M r O ._ ^ M M b M O M b N M N '? ? M N ? h 0 M a p N ? N N p 7 h b o0 T M - v? •--? '?? V M a ?` O ? M ? O ^ n N V M ? "" N '? - N W M M g O . a « N VI O L O ? eo C b b ao h o0 '^ vi h b ` b b MNi d; d' r - O h ^ w C r M (? O fA y Vi o ? N b M H ?O h b .-+ O? .-. ? d' M Q M N M N M o ry? N M a O? ?O M N b .^ h ..-? M O1 00 M N O L p fV V ^L e h w ? O R O k y ? yyy A. b r a V1 4 00 , b C h ^ w ^ c? N t W ? W M y ` 4 b a b M1 V? ?O b n b 00 ^ ?` ? N V 7 V ?:,? N { V N M d. b V M h r N M V ?D v? .. ^ h - O. ? N ^ V h ? ? ? vt M ?O ? ? h ^ N P ? N M N M t? M M v? O: v? O. - .. a0 h 1\ O M O '-: ?n O ? - V a G C ?C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C C a C C a; C ' L u '? f10 8 tl G1 a k ?Y 5 u E % b? F? ? w a r 0 Q - p P b P N M r - - O M 8 P P N ? N O N O N P M ? •O - h - M ^ M v ?? a , N ?D T M w 00 O h P `O ? 1? 0 P •G N M P N - - 0 O p ? • • • ? ? Y • ? ? • r 1 ? • ? ? ? ? ? ? ? • w I ? ? 8 v s ? • • • w • ? ! ? Y r•1 p l A M ? ? ? • ? w w } 00 ? O •? Y w p M L (? r O ?•DD - W '; N b ri P V N ?_ d - N ._ M ? ? M ? V N O - h O N p V1 O O ?O N ? O N N ? ? M .-. NN O O p O O m w b 8 1? O` b b C - r N N V M N N O ? ?p M r NN N N M N 00 - ?t N O• r O ??Opp? N pQ •O ! P `? ? l H w O O } F N ?' 1? r r P rn O ? - .? N ?O V O - ? P O N N pO O M ?. 8 ? N 9 0 0 p 00 v0•i ._. n ?O M M ? M pp O O b - r N O` N ? M .-. M p N O O n p N O O m w O? r M N NN O M - `NO M V r O O b N ?? P N 8 M m (? O r P 00 M N M M O O, ry N M - M N N r M ? r - ?' ? N V - M N OC N ? _N ? O O M .? P N yQ N : y 0000 ? N C O M ? •_ N _ N •G N N ? M ' O ?^ N W O N M N N N ? M ? ? N 00 R N O N vl a O 00 P 0 N P N M ? N P M -- - N 00 G ? t M N - O r o ? O, - ? N g ? r - ?D 0 N - r O 9 O n p ? ? C C C ? ? ? ? ? ?C C ? a C ? C C y 2 .9 g0O ? C ? O ? $ ? ? C O 3 ? i'• ? 3 w ''? 3 z ,, ? v ? E d 5 E °o u m r uC ? 7 3 ° p ? a M e w. i e?y 9 y3 LL 7 s ?9 3.0 Methodology KHA adjusted some of the methodologies for data collection for monitoring year 2. Per NC- EEP's request, KHA added two additional vegetation plots and performed the vegetation survey using the EEP - Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) protocol. During the geomorphic survey, KHA added additional benchmarks and captured the location and elevation of new existing benchmarks. The new existing benchmarks are maintained by the City of Charlotte. Previous year's spatial data did not provide an indication of established benchmarks. Freedom Pork (Little Sugar Creek) (141) Final December 2006 -Year 2 of 5 19 NYtl?Y?10m T:\pn\01179502206-07 Mon itoring\Frecdom Park\MY2 Report\Fina1\Frecdom Park MY2 Final Monitoring Report.doc erdl.6 Ytt Appendix A (Click here) APPENDIX A VEGETATION MONITORING DATA N ? V ' M -- p W p . p . a q O O ? ti ? p w y ? > N , . h > y , ? I '^ny v y bA ; t y ? v ? y b 4 ; u j qq a ? rte- ? b ?' U U x o V z a a a a at G ? o r o ? t ? o ? O ? ao ? o o ? ,c O ? ?n U r O '? M N V?1^ M O " ? N N M ; M M O ?. ?p o p in M p Vi Obi r 'o M '' c`1 N N . N N N N O C 'L ? 7 y Q R .. E m ? z 044 {r, m a m [x W y W > Q C A 0. V G' d? 6« =u o ? Y d 'L7 « a ? ?a >a = v s F a a E t ?( F f I i VQ2: Vegetation Quad 2 (2005) i } u?4 1 3 RM* Apr: ? ? ^3, q d 1, e?l a6r. 4h b• 4.' ry ?,pr Ik *' "r VQ2: Vegetation Quad 2 (2006) ' I ? ? ? I f ? , i ? ? i ? ? ' i I I I i + I .{ ? I I VQ4: Vegetation Quad 4 (2005) VQ4: Vegetation Quad 4 (2006) } I I f II I' k ,? , ? ? ? I I i „ 3o x ? r I1 ? b R 1 r Y K 1 { Y 1 >?t VP 1: Kudzu Jig C 3.4 i 71? 1 ? 1 ?r 1f 1I?` I'y'. 1*A { aP 9 M?py ,5 1 7 t` <k+ VP 2: Bare Bank ? , ? 1 i I 1 ' ? ' ' j I ? ` 1 ' ? ? ? . f ' i I ! ' ?? i ? Y, F 4' .4y1.M:vX,::.'A?? j ? i f? I E` ? ?. t r r k i p I i i I' f F I TA I: E ? T I c ? I ! it } t i i 11 I i i I s? I ,t t I i I ?? E i A d a e 0 'O 0. _ a ? V °' ti ? a. CA N a 0 ? °' v, r a fA M a ti V rye b G ?L° y N N N y N N y 5 b y b N b b y N N; b u .a VI ? .a to a UI .c Vi a h .c to ,a Vi y .q ,c N y .a VI .a VI .a N .a Vi ? N a V yy U U W ? N V r/y? V U V .yy U U W N .yy N U W 71 .y V U W N .y N U W U .yN V V W N .y 4J U W V .N 0J V W V V V W V ty? N U ? 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K y M C7 Prof ile Features Pro ID STA BEG STA END Feat Type Sloe Length Dmax 2 268 416 Pool 0.0001 148 4.8 4 866 956 Pool 0.0001 90 4.5 6 1034 1072 Pool 0.0001 38 4.7 8 1250 1307 Pool 0.0001 57 5.2 10 1427 1599 Pool 0.0001 172 5.9 12 1828 2017 Pool 0.0001 189 6.3 14 2105 2231 Pool 0.0001 126 5.0 16 2331 2365 Pool 0.0001 34 5.2 18 2490 2786 Pool 0.0001 296 5.9 20 2997 3145 Pool 0.0001 148 5.6 22 3251 3314 Pool 0.0020 63 5.6 24 3411 3473 Pool 0.0001 62 5.6 26 3692 3895 Pool 0.0001 203 6.7 28 3977 4152 Pool 0.0001 175 9.2 30 4250 4326 Pool 0.0001 76 6.8 1 180 207 Riffle 0.0230 27 3.3 3 498 528 Riffle 0.0230 30 3.4 5 971 1014 Riffle 0.0240 43 3.4 7 1103 1133 Riffle 0.0080 30 4.2 9 1314 1403 Riffle 0.0010 89 3.9 11 1612 1666 Riffle 0.0160 54 4.4 13 2027 2103 Riffle 0.0040 76 4.5 15 2231 2307 Riffle 0.0040 76 4.1 17 2381 2407 Riffle 0.0050 26 4.6 19 2896 2952 Riffle 0.0059 56 3.8 21 3150 3238 Riffle 0.0050 88 4.3 23 3327 3403 Riffle 0.0100 76 4.9 25 3490 3682 Riffle 0.0120 192 4.8 27 3910 3958 Riffle 0.0194 48 5.1 29-4 4205 4241 Riffle 0.0010 36 5.3 Summa Riffle Pool Sloe Length Dmax Sloe Length Dmax min 0.0010 26 3.3 0.0001 34 4.5 max 0.0240 192 5.3 0.0020 296 9.2 med 0.0080 54 4.3 0.0001 126 5.6 n 15 15 15.0 15 15 15 As Built Riffle Pool min 0.0027 15 76 max 0.0175 207 252 med 0.0115 66 132 Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Year 2 of 5 1 Profile Spacing and Water Surface Slo es Se ID Pro ID Be Pro ID End Spacing Sws Note 1 1 3 318 0.0014 2 2 4 600 0.0016 Spacing includes Bridge 3 3 5 474 0.0019 4 4 6 140 0.0070 5 5 7 131 0.0095 6 6 8 222 0.0010 7 7 9 209 8 8 10 299 0.0016 9 9 11 287 0.0014 10 10 12 424 0.0017 I1 11 13 417 0.0013 12 12 14 175 0.0010 13 13 15 203 0.0020 14 14 16 201 0.0024 15 15 17 153 0.0029 16 16 18 293 0.0006 17 17 19 516 0.0010 18 18 20 499 0.0018 19 19 21 256 0.0028 20 20 22 155 0.0026 21 21 23 176 0.0036 22 22 24 162 0.0047 23 23 25 165 0.0040 24 24 26 405 0.0062 25 25 27 421 0.0058 26 26 28 244 0.0058 27 27 29 300 0.0048 28 28 30 210 0.0021 Freedom Park (Little Sugar Creek) (141) December 2006 - Year 2 of 5 ? ? ? 00 CV -t M "t 00 O O .-. N O 8 E 3 b b b O (? .-+ --? 00 O l? vi O N It N M M N M N (7, ? M V1 r. L O O ?D 00 1-- O N N N r 6 ?o W) -• 00 M M ?n o0 y ? N k N ?o k v 00 00 d' t 00 00 V 1? M M N CR vi y cl n i b C cd ?+ 7 u a, U d a ?+ a ar e e ? 'd ?o 00 O N oo --? O N N N y p 0o O oo -^ N N V' N 'O eC N O? Vl 00 V1 00 V1 ?n M _ l? kn vi Vi ?o O O? O V1 00 O 5 A ? 3 a I a ar •+ a ;, a N V- 10 w O N d* 1.0 00 O N V ?O m N ?o O N N V ?o 00 O N ?o 00 N N N OG Gq A A A ,..I ?I ?I a a a N M 't In \0 n 00 O, O --? N M It In ?o 1- M A A U Ir 1? 4+ Ir 1+ I-i 4r 1-i Lr 4 _ F+ {r A z W d? F" O ? o O 0 O o O kn r Y1 N 0 O 0 In o In In N 0 M 0 O ' 0 In ? 0 In 0 In ? In r- o W" o O 'n N ? Vl r- ? o O Wn N V) N 0 O 0 O V1 n 1? O ^ -- M M vi oo O? - O N -- N M N d N n N ?O N l N 00 N O M N M o M l M O _ '? N ?t M '?t ?t ?t W d F O pp O o O S v, h kn N o 0 0 W1 0 Qn In N o Qn S 0 In 0 In o n . v, 1- o kn S -n N In r- - o O In N -n N o O V7 O kn [? C -- _ M_ _M Vl O_0 O? 1? O N -- N M N N Vl N 'o N - l N 00 N O M N M 'o M 1 rn O V _ V' N V M eh ^- N M tf In 110 r- 00 CT O kn ?o r 00 01 0 N -- N N N M N t N kn N A ? I a+ 0 R v 0 V d CL W O C 0 ca a 0 0 N N N } I cfl 0 0 N N .a E N Y N Q2 U m O) 7 N YL m C. E O 'D N O LL RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 4 4.00 4.00 0.062 - 0.125 3 3.00 7.00 0.125 - 0.25 1 1.00 8.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 8.00 0.50 - 1.0 0 0.00 8.00 1.0 - 2.0 4 4.00 12.00 2.0 - 4.0 5 5.00 17.00 4.0 - 5.7 2 2.00 19.00 5.7 - 8.0 6 6.00 25.00 8.0 - 11.3 6 6.00 31.00 11.3 - 16.0 20 20.00 51.00 16.0 - 22.6 4 4.00 55.00 22.6 - 32.0 10 10.00 65.00 32 - 45 6 6.00 71.00 45 - 64 6 6.00 77.00 64 - 90 6 6.00 83.00 90 - 128 10 10.00 93.00 128 - 180 7 7.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 3.6 D35 (mm) 12.24 D50 (mm) 15.77 D84 (mm) 93.8 D95 (mm) 142.86 D100 (mm) 180 Silt/Clay (%) 4 sand (%) 8 Gravel (%) 65 Cobble (%) 23 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XSl 2006 11/28/06 W* Total Particles = 100. XS 1 2006 LL U a) n- Particle Size (mm) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % cum % 0 - 0.062 10 9.90 9.90 0.062 - 0.125 4 3.96 13.86 0.125 - 0.25 2 1.98 15.84 0.25 - 0.50 12 11.88 27.72 0.50 - 1.0 9 8.91 36.63 1.0 - 2.0 30 29.70 66.34 2.0 - 4.0 4 3.96 70.30 4.0 - 5.7 4 3.96 74.26 5.7 - 8.0 1 0.99 75.25 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 75.25 11.3 - 16.0 2 1.98 77.23 16.0 - 22.6 2 1.98 79.21 22.6 - 32.0 2 1.98 81.19 32 - 45 8 7.92 89.11 45 - 64 4 3.96 93.07 64 - 90 3 2.97 96.04 90 - 128 1 0.99 97.03 128 - 180 1 0.99 98.02 180 - 256 0 0.00 98.02 256 - 362 0 0.00 98.02 362 - 512 0 0.00 98.02 512 - 1024 0 0.00 98.02 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 98.02 Bedrock 2 1.98 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.25 D35 (mm) 0.91 D50 (mm) 1.45 D84 (mm) 36.61 D95 (mm) 80.9 D100 (mm) Bedrock silt/clay (%) 9.9 Sand (%) 56.44 Gravel (%) 26.73 Cobble (%) 4.95 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 1.98 FreedomPark Main XS2 2006 11/28/06 4 Total Particles = 101. XS2 2006 U- U N IL Particle Size (mm) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: sample Name: Survey Date: size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 9 8.49 8.49 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 8.49 0.125 - 0.25 4 3.77 12.26 0.25 - 0.50 12 11.32 23.58 0.50 - 1.0 11 10.38 33.96 1.0 - 2.0 24 22.64 56.60 2.0 - 4.0 7 6.60 63.21 4.0 - 5.7 2 1.89 65.09 5.7 - 8.0 7 6.60 71.70 8.0 - 11.3 2 1.89 73.58 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 73.58 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 73.58 22.6 - 32.0 3 2.83 76.42 32 - 45 7 6.60 83.02 45 - 64 8 7.55 90.57 64 - 90 2 1.89 92.45 90 - 128 7 6.60 99.06 128 - 180 0 0.00 99.06 180 - 256 1 0.94 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.33 D35 (mm) 1.05 D50 (mm) 1.71 D84 (mm) 47.47 D95 (mm) 104.66 D100 (mm) 255.99 Silt/Clay (%) 8.49 sand (%) 48.11 Gravel (%) 33.97 Cobble (%) 9.43 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS3 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 106. XS3 2006 ii Y W U N CL Particle Size (mm) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 6 5.56 5.56 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 5.56 0.125 - 0.25 4 3.70 9.26 0.25 - 0.50 3 2.78 12.04 0.50 - 1.0 6 5.56 17.59 1.0 - 2.0 15 13.89 31.48 2.0 - 4.0 16 14.81 46.30 4.0 - 5.7 13 12.04 58.33 5.7 - 8.0 10 9.26 67.59 8.0 - 11.3 6 5.56 73.15 11.3 - 16.0 2 1.85 75.00 16.0 - 22.6 5 4.63 79.63 22.6 - 32.0 6 5.56 85.19 32 - 45 4 3.70 88.89 45 - 64 2 1.85 90.74 64 - 90 2 1.85 92.59 90 - 128 8 7.41 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.86 D35 (mm) 2.48 D50 (mm) 4.52 D84 (mm) 29.99 D95 (mm) 102.36 D100 (mm) 128 silt/Clay (%) 5.56 sand (%) 25.92 Gravel (%) 59.26 Cobble (%) 9.26 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS4 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 108. XS4 2006 C U- C U N Particle Size (mm) 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.25 - 0.50 0 0.00 0.00 0.50 - 1.0 11 10.89 10.89 1.0 - 2.0 15 14.85 25.74 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 25.74 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 25.74 5.7 - 8.0 14 13.86 39.60 8.0 - 11.3 11 10.89 50.50 11.3 - 16.0 2 1.98 52.48 16.0 - 22.6 6 5.94 58.42 22.6 - 32.0 5 4.95 63.37 32 - 45 9 8.91 72.28 45 - 64 0 0.00 72.28 64 - 90 0 0.00 72.28 90 - 128 10 9.90 82.18 128 - 180 4 3.96 86.14 180 - 256 7 6.93 93.07 256 - 362 0 0.00 93.07 362 - 512 4 3.96 97.03 512 - 1024 3 2.97 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 1.34 D35 (mm) 7.24 D50 (mm) 11.15 D84 (mm) 151.9 D95 (mm) 435.11 D100 (mm) 1023.98 silt/Clay (%) 0 sand (%) 25.74 Gravel (%) 46.54 Cobble (%) 20.79 Boulder (%) 6.93 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS5 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 101. XS5 2006 U N d 00 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: sample Name: Survey Date: size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.25 - 0.50 30 30.00 30.00 0.50 - 1.0 34 34.00 64.00 1.0 - 2.0 36 36.00 100.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 100.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 100.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 100.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 100.00 11.3 - 16.0 0 0.00 100.00 16.0 - 22.6 0 0.00 100.00 22.6 - 32.0 0 0.00 100.00 32 - 45 0 0.00 100.00 45 - 64 0 0.00 100.00 64 - 90 0 0.00 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.38 D35 (mm) 0.57 D50 (mm) 0.79 D84 (mm) 1.56 D95 (mm) 1.86 D100 (mm) 2 silt/Clay (%) 0 sand (%) 100 Gravel (%) 0 cobble (%) 0 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS6 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 100. XS6 2006 U N d Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.25 - 0.50 6 6.45 6.45 0.50 - 1.0 5 5.38 11.83 1.0 - 2.0 12 12.90 24.73 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 24.73 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 24.73 5.7 - 8.0 9 9.68 34.41 8.0 - 11.3 4 4.30 38.71 11.3 - 16.0 9 9.68 48.39 16.0 - 22.6 6 6.45 54.84 22.6 - 32.0 12 12.90 67.74 32 - 45 8 8.60 76.34 45 - 64 13 13.98 90.32 64 - 90 4 4.30 94.62 90 - 128 2 2.15 96.77 128 - 180 1 1.08 97.85 180 - 256 0 0.00 97.85 256 - 362 0 0.00 97.85 362 - 512 0 0.00 97.85 512 - 1024 0 0.00 97.85 1024 - 2048 2 2.15 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 1.32 D35 (mm) 8.45 D50 (mm) 17.65 D84 (mm) 55.41 D95 (mm) 96.72 D100 (mm) 2047.95 Silt/Clay (%) 0 sand (%) 24.73 Gravel (%) 65.59 cobble (%) 7.53 Boulder (%) 2.15 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS7 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 93. XS7 2006 U U a )00 Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.25 - 0.50 11 11.00 11.00 0.50 - 1.0 7 7.00 18.00 1.0 - 2.0 12 12.00 30.00 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 30.00 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 30.00 5.7 - 8.0 0 0.00 30.00 8.0 - 11.3 0 0.00 30.00 11.3 - 16.0 5 5.00 35.00 16.0 - 22.6 3 3.00 38.00 22.6 - 32.0 3 3.00 41.00 32 - 45 11 11.00 52.00 45 - 64 9 9.00 61.00 64 - 90 3 3.00 64.00 90 - 128 7 7.00 71.00 128 - 180 9 9.00 80.00 180 - 256 12 12.00 92.00 256 - 362 4 4.00 96.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 96.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 96.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 96.00 Bedrock 4 4.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.86 D35 (mm) 16 D50 (mm) 42.64 D84 (mm) 205.33 D95 (mm) 335.5 D100 (mm) Bedrock silt/Clay (%) 0 sand (%) 30 Gravel (%) 31 cobble (%) 31 Boulder (%) 4 Bedrock (%) 4 FreedomPark main xS8 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 100. XS8 2006 LL C a Particle Size (mm) RIVERMORPH PARTICLE SUMMARY River Name: Reach Name: Sample Name: Survey Date: Size (mm) TOT # ITEM % CUM % 0 - 0.062 0 0.00 0.00 0.062 - 0.125 0 0.00 0.00 0.125 - 0.25 13 12.87 12.87 0.25 - 0.50 11 10.89 23.76 0.50 - 1.0 20 19.80 43.56 1.0 - 2.0 27 26.73 70.30 2.0 - 4.0 0 0.00 70.30 4.0 - 5.7 0 0.00 70.30 5.7 - 8.0 7 6.93 77.23 8.0 - 11.3 3 2.97 80.20 11.3 - 16.0 4 3.96 84.16 16.0 - 22.6 2 1.98 86.14 22.6 - 32.0 2 1.98 88.12 32 - 45 1 0.99 89.11 45 - 64 7 6.93 96.04 64 - 90 4 3.96 100.00 90 - 128 0 0.00 100.00 128 - 180 0 0.00 100.00 180 - 256 0 0.00 100.00 256 - 362 0 0.00 100.00 362 - 512 0 0.00 100.00 512 - 1024 0 0.00 100.00 1024 - 2048 0 0.00 100.00 Bedrock 0 0.00 100.00 D16 (mm) 0.32 D35 (mm) 0.78 D50 (mm) 1.24 D84 (mm) 15.81 D95 (mm) 61.15 D100 (mm) 90 Silt/Clay (%) 0 Sand (%) 70.3 Gravel (%) 25.74 Cobble (%) 3.96 Boulder (%) 0 Bedrock (%) 0 FreedomPark Main XS9 2006 11/28/06 Total Particles = 101. XS9 2006 U N a Particle Size (mm) i y d d m e 'C 0 e 0 4 r I ' 'l . ? ? _ ?? ,? ? ?; 1 !! ? i ii i !I i i i? i I ?_ ? i ? II ?I , I ? i +; !f !, ?4 ?? ;, ,? ?,j ?? ? ? I I ? ? r t ?_ f. r. j t? 1 '? r ? ? ' j aa? II j •; a i P ? ? _ N s? i I i ? I I ? t i E r e 6 m C e S Y A a 6 [P ?I li ii i ? ??I;` T i a ? ? €? ? ? ? ?.??? ???? ? ?U? ? s ? ?g 8 v ? ? ? ? v?? ?° tE ? N A ®' ?. 5 e Y ? 8 ?I 8 gg o E ? ? ? ? " ? tl ? ? ? ? 33 ? ° ? y ?? I+ F? ?, t j ? ' i i I ?! ?? I? ?t . ? 1 ' ; t i ? ? j i !? I? i' ? ? t? I? , 1 7 t .. i . %? 1 ? b? ?? ? '? I ? i ?E ? ! f f. ?? ?4 ? I 8 1 N?N 0 X N ALL Y 1_ ? J O? w S U? N U H O L) R :' r w w a E i c o _ c?m?,nmo °m nc4,Nno??? n a r? ?o vim ?m? ? mmw mo, m x c 0 Ul ? a o n F, 7 m C ? a s 0 N w 1 02 O N U n T E R Y M A O rt? U? U U N 3 of U? 3 (31) UOIIE-13 m S 0 N i0 N o v N V O NN C7 C n N N N N N ? `a, g o g 1 4 , %.j m? X O N 02 O n Q) X O w 00. m U) og U? A Q W Y fd E i Z o r ? m? ? m`reM iONm?e ncrn+`n o • o. ^?m `Omm?°mm N ' x " 0 N " V S m V Y m V o cq ? Maa un'i vii .o° a O g ? N_ (0 °y C S a 0 m m m m i4 w m m n n n (4) UOII-913 a "t /* - E E 90oz ESX z ttQQ ?i o: • 9002 zsx i• 8 N ?, 1 co a ii - +- ? - E 90oz tsx : i t co O 1 ? a? ? R 8 N , V e Q I 8 i ? t . j e ?? 8 - r. _ r • 1__1_ 1. L-1. I__ . I -1... : L.-L_ I .1_ I. I. I L L L.1_ L a g o '8 `a - `a o o g rn m a..? w. m °m m w m m m ? m ro m °m n n ^n n n (4) u011en013 Q 9002 8SX ? ?. `m a r ? E LL m ------- --- -. -.--- -m- c a 1• ? ry Y ` a. a 8 c ` 1, N O ?•1 • O {? g N N ''..• ry o O t. ; . L - ------- ----- - ? a (n r+ - 900zt5X -- - -- N ? .?. Co co IL O • ? f? S9 - r • ? d `- r S 9ooz zsx } E O N O, of h O N O N O m n O N n N .- O m O f` (O i(1 O C M uoilen913 o E 0 0 N N O O) O C _a 1-' r- I. ?r? J • JI• lye ?zyJ 3 .. r :• i ? LL l m ? m J OD c • ? r? - * sooz 9sz - - - - - -- -- - M y• r% 0 = '^ VJ CD sooz csx - - - -- - - - ?-- - - s O N t• I N l L + Ii\I/ co co Q. O O / • z- N T V C ^ ^ - 9ooz 9sx r r y? } N I P 90oz m ^ ?I • N J• • • A? • ppq N 1 ? I I I I I I I ! $ N r (u) uoilena13 • r s U- O n d } Y a. E a lL C 0 0 2 t` C? 0 N N O Ol n O C a H ? a E E 2 @c? ?y?y 2 F S 3 ? m n b. - u"I a a r R a ? ? j s ? ? 8 l N aooz6sz ---- --.j j , 8 n Q . '..{ co (D Il ;.?• i n D q tj • 1t Ir"? ? ? cS t ? t J ? t ?? - aoaz esx-' - -F Fj - -1-1-T- T --i - ?' ? o? o?? o o g rn rn m mm ?i m m m °m W m m m fw ?,m m m °m n n? n n 1 (1]) UOIJEA@13 t •