HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021883 Ver 1_Complete File_20070625 Draft Stream Mitigation Site Evaluations: Information Table NC Division of Water Quality April 11, 2007: Draft Version 2.3 Evaluator's name(s): ( Z Date of Office Review: 64;?5 IQ r) Other individuals/agencies Ares nt: Office Review Information: Project Name: ?Z l)1J t Monitoring reports available? No DWQ Project Number: Problem areas identified in reports? 0 No Mitigation Project Type (Circle One) Problem areas addressed on site? Yes No Private Mit. Bank Date(s) of monitoring reports: JAO 0 Project mitigation was constructed for (if applicable): Year(s) of monitoring: Location of project (narrative): O dr 6L o- -NJm o d,P,P iLc,?7 PY?v Nearest named stye (WQ classification): l?l % County: ?r97 River basin: Approved Mitigation plan available? Yes No Goal of Mitigation (stream length): y1,2? Le i Buffer Mitigation es No ? 3 e on: ?- Stream length required for mitigat . ? Mitigated stream length present on site: Zone 1 Acreage Type of ationt (circle all applicable) Zone 2 Acreage (priority level ? Creation n ent Preservation Dates of Activities month/ ear Monitoring requirements and frequency: Start of Construction: - vq L Construction Completed: V- O!V 7 Corrective Measures Taken: T e Date A20 Success Criteria: P 1.Physical: P 1 2. Vegetation: 6e? /N 3. Aquatic biota: The space below may be used to provide any additional, important information that was found during the office review of information, or to list any additional information that needs to be obtained during the site visit: sa W 6?tfw 4:7 ? A M3 Mosr af'loos?1eZE 71 n?rr 30' a BcrrTa a ?J-? Draft page 1 of 3 Evaluator's Agency: Date of Field Review: 71 x 3d Z? 03, 490 6'z 11. Uata reported from Nite Visit Streambanlc Stability: Are Streambanks Stable? Yes If no provide description a otes rVg YT 11 stability issu s: 61U'2?7e N h 6 W Structures: List all Types of structures present on site: Are the structures stable (e.g. erosion, deposition, etc.)? Yes No Provide description and notes regarding problematic structures: Stream Features: Z Are riffles and pools appropriately spaced? ,MD5?t? dv ''e s No Is the final sinuositY and gradient designed approximatelY to plan specifions? Yes o Any evidence of vegetation growing on the stream bed or in the Thalweg? Yes No Percentage of the restoration reach that has: Flowing water Ponded areas Describe any stream features that provide Hence of unstable stream reaches (e.g. mid-channel bars, downstream meander migration, lute cuto rmation, etc. : Vegetation: Approved Success Criteria: Dominant lant s e ie TPA/% cover 1. d) v ^- 2. r- 1 Vegetation planted on site?: Yes No 3. njltP PO PA According to the approved plan? Yes No 4. Vegetation growing successfully? Yes No 5. Date of Latest planting: Ave trees per acre (buffer) General observations on condition of riparian/buffer areas (e.g. buffer width, overall health of vegetation, etc.) 5?mr o-Al(J MostL `S& to 4 5}? ' ?)O# GEC- AMO/ lS? uI ' - 3l? I T6rAZ r?om ? 7-f 16, Noy-??????P&(% 2 oF3 ?- j DIL I. Specific vegetation plots or site locations with little to no woody vegetation: &f;?k -A0 -)-SAD, BS Specific vegetation plots r site locations with large areas of bare ground: xsy -)w 30 -,'&T 4R 0119)a Site total % or estimated acreage of unvegetated areas: Observations on invasive species (type, % cover, etc.) General comments on vegetation issues(e.g. plant survival, major concerns, etc): Aquatic Biota: Is aquatic life present in the channel? Yes No Description of taxa observed, incl. quantities of individuals and general distribution of biota. Mitigation Success: Compared to the mitigation plan, the site is: (circle one) successful partially successful not successful List specific reasons for any lack of success for this site: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Notes: Attach site maps showing problem areas and/or important stream features. Attach digital photographs of representative sites with photo locations shown on site map. ' Use the definitions in the joint state/federal stream mitigation guidelines to determine the correct type of mitigation used for this project. Draft page 3 of 3 X83 1 i Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Stream Restoration Monitoring Report EEP Project # 289 Monitoring Year - 02 j 2006 Submitted to: r4di IF OW 'stem PROGRAM NCEfP. 1652 Mail Service Center, R, lcigh. NC 27699-1652 January 2007 T ? 1. 3 ail Monitoring Firm A KCI ASSOCIATES OF INORM Cn OLV. ? PA Landmark Center II, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Project Contact: Adam Spiller Email: asnillernkci.com Design Firm Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 Presionxood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KC/Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 289 Summer 2006 - AfY02 - Final 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ..........................................................................................I 1.1 Project Objectives .........................................................................................................1 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach .....................................................1 1.3 Location and Setting .....................................................................................................1 1.4 Project History and Background ...................................................................................1 1.5 Monitoring Plan View ...................................................................................................5 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS ....................................9 2.1 Vegetation Assessment .................................................................................................9 2.1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas ....................................................................................9 2.1.2 Vegetative Problem Area Plan View ....................................................................9 2.2 Stream Assessment .......................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment .............................................................9 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Table ...................................................................................9 2.2.3 Quantitative Measures Summary Tables ............................................................11 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives ........................................................1 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History ...............................................................3 Table 3. Project Contact Table ...........................................................................................3 Table 4. Project Background Table ....................................................................................4 Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events ...........................................................................9 Table 6. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates .................................................................9 Table 7. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ....................................9 Table 8. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ..................................................11 Table 9. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ..............................................13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map ........................................................................................................2 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View ..........................................................................................5 APPENDIX A - VEGETATION RAW DATA Al. Vegetation Data Tables ....................................................................................................17 A2. Vegetative Problem Area Plan View ..............................................................................20 A3. Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos ............................................................23 A4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos .................................................................................24 Presiomvood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project k 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final APPENDIX B - GEOMORPHOLOGIC RAW DATA B 1. Stream Problem Area Plan View ....................................................................................28 B2. Stream Problem Areas Table ...........................................................................................31 B3. Representative Stream Problem Area Photos ..................................................................34 B4. Stream Photo Station Photos ............................................................................................38 B5. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment ..........................................................................39 B6. Cross Section Plots ..........................................................................................................40 B7. Longitudinal Plots ............................................................................................................48 B8. Pebble Count Plots ...........................................................................................................63 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project N 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) has facilitated the restoration of Hatchet's Grove Tributary and an unnamed tributary to Hatchet's Grove (Meadow Creek). Soil and Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC) designed the restoration. The watershed of approximately 3.7 square miles is located within USGS 14-digit HUC 03020201080010 and NCDWQ Sub-basin 03-04-02 of the Neuse River Basin. The restoration proposed to restore approximately 4,123 linear feet of channel, 3,828 feet on Hatchet's Grove and 295 feet on Meadow Creek and 5.3 acres of riparian buffer. The restoration was designed to correct various problems with the existing stream corridor including channelization and poor vegetation maintenance practices. The restoration construction was completed in 2004, and first year monitoring took place in 2005. This report is a description of the findings of the second year monitoring that took place in 2006. The riparian buffer zone was planted with 16 different species of trees and shrubs. The bankfull channel area was live staked with three (3) different species. The vegetation monitoring plots were established during the as-built survey. Three buffer plots and three stream bank plots were established. For the second year monitoring, the EEP changed the vegetation monitoring protocol for this project. The new protocol required that the three stream bank plots be repositioned. The three new plots were established during the second year monitoring and all six of the plots were assessed using the new monitoring protocol. The second year monitoring counted an average of 715 stems per acre in the riparian buffer. There were no major problems with exotic / invasive plants. The only vegetation problem areas were a few patches of bare floodplain and bare banks. There are also two areas where the riparian buffer has been mowed almost to the streambanks. These problem areas are depicted in Appendix A, on the Vegetation Problem Area Plan View. The first year monitoring found the vegetation component of the project to be successful. The physical monitoring of the stream's dimension and profile consisted of an entire longitudinal profile of both Hatchet's Grove and Meadow Creek, and two cross-sections on Meadow Creek and six cross-sections on Hatchet's Grove. The stream assessment completed during the first year monitoring found the stream to have numerous problems with streambank erosion and floodplain scour. The second year monitoring documented many of these same problems, with some previous problems stabilizing and some worsening. While parts of the stream appear to have stable dimensions, some of the streambank erosion is severe enough to warrant timely attention and possible maintenance/remediation. The second year monitoring profile shows large elevation differences from the as-built profile. There is not the same profile-wide elevation difference in comparison to the first year monitoring profile, but there is a mix of local aggradation and degradation throughout the profile. These issues are detailed in the following report and should be closely monitored to determine if corrective actions are warranted. Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 289 Stmtmer 2006 - MY02 - Final 1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 Project Objectives • Develop a channel with the appropriate dimension, pattern, and longitudinal profile utilizing the existing channel condition survey and collected reference reach data as a guide. • Improve and create bed form diversity (riffles, runs, pools, and glides). • Construct a floodplain (bankfull bench) that is accessible at the proposed bankfull channel elevation (Priority II restoration). • Ensure channel and stream bank stabilization by integrating grade control structures, root wads, and native vegetation in conjunction with the eradication or modification of current grounds maintenance practices. • Establish a 30-foot native riparian plant communit ,when e from the edge of the restored reach. • Integrate existing golf course uses with the proposed restoration plan providing aesthetic and education values. 1.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach Previously incised channels through the Prestonwood Golf Course, Hatchet's Grove and Meadow Creek were restored using channel dimension and profile modifications and the establishment of a vegetated riparian zone adjacent to the streams. Channel profile is maintained through the use of rock cross vanes. Channel pattern is maintained through the use of single vanes, root wads, and vegetation along the channel banks. 1.3 Location and Setting The Prestonwood site is located on a golf course, which is surrounded by apartments and single family homes. Areas of forested and agricultural land are sporadically spaced throughout the watershed. Development pressure will continue to urbanize the watershed, increasing the amount of impervious areas. 1.4 Project History and Background Table 1. Project Mitigation Structure and Objectives Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove ? 0 0 Segment Reach ID Stationing Comment Hatchet's Grove V00 R P2 3,828 1.0 3,828 00+00 - 38+28 Meadow Creek 300 R P2 295 1.0 295 00+00 - 02+95 Miti ation Un it Summat ions Riparian Nonriparian Total Wetland Wetland Wetland Buffer Stream (10 (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) (Ac) Comment 4,123 5.3 R = Restoration P2 = Priority 11 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 289 1 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final DIRECTIONS TO PRESTONWOOD GOLF COURSE SITE: From I-40, take exit 285 Aviation Parkway. Proceed South on Aviation Parkway. Turn left onto Chapel Hill Road (NC 54). Turn right onto Morrisville Pkwy. Turn right on Double Eagle Ct. or into the Legends Apartment Complex. Park in remnant cul-de-sac after passing Stony Ct. on the right. Follow gravel road to golf course. Aviation Pkwy. Davis Dr. Morrisville Carpenter Rd. Project Location Double Eagle Ct. Site access road Cl Figure 1. Site Vicinity Map Prestonwood Golf Course Wake Coun 0.25 0.125 0 0.25 0.5 I',CosysteIll iiia Miles 1 ? ..V f'1.I<AM Date: 1/02/07 Chapel Hill Rd. KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC Morrisville Pkwy. EEP Proiect # 289 - MY02 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Oct 02 Final Design - 90% Construction May 04 Planting May 04 Mitigation Plan / As-Built Report Se O6 Year I Monitoring Oct 05 Apr 06 Year 2 Monitoring Se 06 Jan 07 Table 3. Project Contact Table Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course Hatchet's Grove Design Firms S&EC, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: 919 846-9467 Construction Contractor McQueen Construction Co. 619 Patrick Rd. Bahama, North Carolina 27503 Planting Contractor Carolina Silvics, Inc. 908 Indian Trail Rd. Edenton, North Carolina 27932 Monitoring Performers MY-01 S&EC, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Contact: Ms. Rebecca Wargo and Ms. Jessica Regan Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: 919 846-9467 MY-02 KCI Associates of NC Landmark Center 11, Suite 220 4601 Six Forks Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 783-9214 Fax: 919 783-9266 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 289 3 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final Table 4. Project Background Table Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course Hatchet's Grove Project Count Wake Count 3.7 s q. mi. Hatchet's Grove Drainage Area 0.23 s q. mi. Meadow Creek Drainage Impervious Cover Estimate (%) 30% Third Order Hatchet's Grove Stream Order First Order Meadow Creek Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Triassic Basin Ros en Classification of As-built E5 Dominant Soil Types Chewacla Wehadkee Sal's Branch Reference Site ID Mill Creek 03020201080010 Hatchet's Grove USGS HUC for Project and Reference 03020201080 Sal's Branch 03040101090 Mill Creek 03-04-02 Hatchet's Grove NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 03-04-02 Sal's Branch 03-07-02 Mill Creek NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference C - NSW An ortion of the project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of the project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor N/A % of Project Easement Fenced 0% Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project it 289 4 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final SNOISIn3u y - OC•LL NOLLVIS M00WL NOLLVLS Ott 1 45 ; eov an o1ps"vuoi ?:iori???r" 111?I ?i I YID ' BOAW - GB U3BWf1N 103('021d d33 A ? Nnoo 3NVM Ii1"v MMA NK1d ONIMOlINOW u Ih b ?Il 33LIf100 d100 OOOMN0133dd a SEE MATCHUNE SHEET 2 BEE MATCHLINE SHEET 2 1', f I 1. I I I , I I '1, ti?,?? L,.f C' 041 I W Z L z 3 O ?L? 01 00+g, 11; 1 I, P9'?v ? i ? `1 t J F- N Z ?Y o? O O LL wO OLCJi a i$O 9- oo+o? Z LU / co w LL, 1 ' ii f /' Vii! Z I ? 0+ , I $a w° ? R vsl9 vq v.q>R 1g° $- le le le le lelerK leleleR Irp PUP zg 0 r ? n*01?;1aa y$y U. pill (5 120 IR HE Ile 1119 Ile I I. OT 0 sum 91 91 nu m 9! 91 $NOISIA3U r I Ox'N7t31rtl 1 tl ?I+ez NouvlS o1 8z+11 NOUVIS 60Y?Z M OtlY ? 1Ytl £OAW - GB 2l3BW(1N 103POad d33 u ? a b r . stll ltlr.'1 si siiu?x . ser«. AlNnoo 3NdM 5 rr MMA NYld ONR1011NOW GI r I ?H 33an00 dIOO a 010183ad t3f SEE MATCHLINE SHEET SEE MATCHLINE SHEET 9 • 1 \\ I ?ip g jjj i/I ppka?\\I\ II / r z S2 cn'n?o-, / po ? 1 I l LV \ 0 w I 1 I I ? 1 II ; 11 yyyy ! 11 li ?0 -+-C; Z i N 1 11 I \/ 1 J O I\ T\\? y ,i? j/ w a. Z 0.0.Qa. N V \ \ ?m z 0 a U- 0 L) OR 0 w o ( N y r \?Itu1l !. '??a d'1 1 A? \ J w X o ?\ z O ?\ tY \\\ W O ?A W 16 I I '1 I a' , I 1 ?\ I P. I I 4 \\ I I x/b? ??1? ci I I i33H8 3NITHC1vW 336 1133HS 3NnHJ1vY1338 R o $ 33 SNOISIA311 •-• •- L" NOUVIS 01 YIMZ NOUVA ?IL1?. i' ? N!' l`G J eosiz rrvnour3 NINON noidnN ? Z I:I I sfl 1,(' maN. s.na3 xis?ov. £OAW - L9 ll3swN 103P021d d33 $ ru S1511N31J5 • SN3NNYld • SN33x19N3 b n snrnmv /.LNf100 3NVM C 5 ION M31A NVId ON18011NOW 33 moo _4100 OOOMNO133Md ???fff SEE MATCHLINE SHEET 4 SEE MATCHLINE SHEET 4 Z Oi , ? I I 0 ? )) IS Ala _/ ? ?/ CL v (7 i I I iy I I y •? ?` 1 a¢I 2 I W l 11 ? I C7 O 1 a 0 ld ` I\ w CD 0O %i It 'I A;,- 3 11 Z I ?? ° Z d I ' V Y I Ti p \ U t Z w_ 1 oLL 0,5 0 z v\ \\ . bli l i LL W i 1 X, A, y ,I o ~ a'pQ If 1, ? ' I 1 + II I 1{ 9? i vy% I ' 4q- ? f 00 1 P 1\ V Ef \ ff \ 1 ui I N' 1 o' '. X f I w ,ypv !06r Tai' .-.. + \ \ x0 ° 1 m' \ Z MHO 3NI IHOIVW 339 1 'It It Zp ?d4a UQ_ W0 'Q V/ ?'. 11 R 1 I I N Z J-93HS 3NIIHOWN 339 SNOISIAN 60912 YHIOMY> xItlON'x?i1?YM GL+ft wuv1801 c89 WUVIS moe s.wirs ro9. EOAW-LO 2l38Wf1N1031'021dd33 b ? s xa s . zar.nw . sus> I x3 A1Nf10O 3HNM ? + riv M31A NVId ONIUMINOW m { ?IIi I 3SNf10O =noo OOOAAN0183ad s 7777??i 0 ? ?o, ?0 Z w ?w x 00 6b 9 133HS 3N[IHO1V19 338 O W W 7 R - o j .? ? 333 g T C 03HO 3NnHOIVN 338 2.0 PROJECT CONDITIONS AND MONITORING RESULTS 2.1 Vegetation Assessment See vegetation assessment in Appendix A. 2.1.1 Vegetative Problem Areas See Table A6. Vegetative Problem Areas in Appendix A. 2.1.2 Vegetative Problem Area Plan View See Vegetative Problem Area Plan View in Appendix A. 2.2 Stream Assessment 2.2.1 Bankfull Event and Stability Assessment 2.2.1.a Verification of Bankfull Events Table Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course Hatchet's Grove Date of Data Collection Date of Occurance Method Photo Number 06/15/06 06/14/06 Site visit to evaluate indicators of stage after storm event 2.2.1.b BEHI and Sediment Export Table Table 6. BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) BEHI will be completed in monitoring year 05 2.2.2 Stability Assessment Table Table 7a. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Hatchet's Grove (3,828 ft. Feature Initial MV-01 MV-02 MV-03 MV-04 MY-05 A. Riffles 100% N/A 70% B. Pools 100% N/A 96% Thalwe 100% N/A 68% D. Meanders 100% N/A 61% E. Bed General 100% N/A 89% F. Bank Condition 100% N/A 87% G. Vanes / J Hooks etc. 100% N/A 92% H. Wads and Boulders 100% N/A 74% Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 289 9 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final Table 7b. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Meadow Creek 295 ft. Feature Initial MY-01 MV-02 MY - 03 MV-04 MY-05 Riffles 100% N/A - B. Pools 100% N/A - Thalwe 100% N/A 60% D, Meanders 100% N/A 80% E. Bed General 100% N/A 80% F. Bank Condition 100% N/A 80% Sills 100% N/A 60% H. Wads and Boulders 100% N/A 80% Presromvood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project it 289 10 Summer 2006 - MY02 - Final C M N l? ?. O -O N O " N o0 O Q t Gam.' 00 r M 00 ..+ .--i O, O? N O ?!1 n 00 O vl V'1 M p 00 Vl 1n N M c0 O O kl? O p N Q C) O p kn v? M O? 0 000 N 0 0 kr) d: 00 O ? N V1 Q\ N O N 0\ O 00 in f- M 00 Vl N M ?p M N N O (? M ? Vl N U 4? V' o kn 00 00 p W y O O p ? O ? O M O d' N N N •-• O O N O M n, O •O ? N O n ? N M O ? ? ? N V1 M ^C7 O C O U? O ' X cOr .G 00 O p 000 O N p n v?' ? O O ([a ? X W M 0 C) 00 H P. O d N ? i ? O C O b?A ~ ? r V ? " c?V Q v O ° 3 12 JNj. baM v? ? ° ` o 00 ?. , s S - d O r7 C ^ b b!l N . C O 'ch 6`?i ?A ?4 p y oz? 3 3 ,o Q Q « n a? s p ? ? ? b ? o ? ? b b e v u c n 2 06 0 , F ` d t ° p G v? e v e a ? M GJ .L? C? G? b a a en N N fi o C U o t z 0 0 0 y N ? y 44 d 0 V h h U 0 0 0. N 4. r°. W 4. W 06 h O a .--? 00 0 V' 00 0 c+i 0 O 7 !C d b0"A p C v U N W G U N O C. G O C cN .b C O U ? oq g ? ` W c V H a` ? d ? R U ? N ? o a E w ? ? E o v p p ? L ° v a a fV u c ? L o d U .? b .C v ? .C a ? a Gi OC •? R: +r ?" " h ° .L o N .C ?'n CY„ r bn a, .r bn by . ? o a. ?? a + .r sn s ?n O ? a? a? td B o 3 3 d u a U E CIS b v o a a v 00o ? 1 o o O z ?_ C C C x y N 7 > N to '" V ] T `?' V? cn ? 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N ? 00 ry ? c h 1N0 a kn O ^. O pNp Op _ ? O ? N fV o0 ? O , N N a3 0 z? 0 0 $ L. O Z OZ s U u T V ?y N o ? /Lh ? ? M ~ O M M ? TTT???,,, N O ? h M ? '? O? ? O` M 8 o N N N ? rnp O v o 'n W ? O O on ? O ry ?Oi p ? O ep ? r.r C E ; R Z ? ? y LL y R ? ? oZ a u ? o ? ? :5E Q4 U o o 0 0 0 N v obi y 7t v 0 h h U V N ik 8 U N O 4 h O kf) 00 8 8 O Y VNl M N O? l? OO ro- T ! N ° ii?? ry rr?? e? O OMi kf? o N ? oo M N 00 0 O W C ? kn f 1 O C o w o ? g ? N V O ? M O II? 3 0 0 U C 0 z 0 y v u 0 e a C 0 0 0 N d 0 U v x v 0 U V N 7k O U O .? 0 0 0. i W 0. W Appendix A (Click here) Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data Prestonwood Goq Course (Hatchet's Grove) 16 KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project N 1N9 Summer 2006 - MY01 - Final App Al -Vegetation Data Tables Table At. Vegetation Metadata Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Report Prepared By Adam Spiller Date Prepared 12/26/2006 11:30 Database Name ASpiller_veg_dbase_newRep.mdb Database Location M:\2005\12053743_EEP_OpenEnd_ Design\F_EEPMon0607\Vegetation database PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Project Name Description Length Stream-to-Edge Area Required Plots Sampled Code ft Width ft s m calculated Plots 289 Prestonwood Stream restoration site on 3800 25 17,650 6 6 Golf Course in Car NC Table A2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Alnus serrulata 1 1 Aronia arbutifolia 5 2 Betula ni ra 2 1 Corpus amomum 4 4 1 Dios ros vir iniana 6 6 2 1 N ssa s Ivatica 1 Quercus laurifolia 26 5 Quercus michauxii 11 13 1 Quercus hellos 5 2 Salix ni ra 2 Hamamelis vir iniana 5 1 TOT: 11 67 35 4 1 Table A3. Vegetation Damage by Species Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) y n N N ? Qf O M0 A M D d CD M O M ZG d rn 6. M E G Alnus serrulata 2 2 Aronia arbutifolia 7 7 Betula ni ra 3 3 Corpus amomum 9 8 1 Dios ros vir iniana 14 14 Hamamelis vir iniana 6 6 N ssa s Ivatica 1 1 Quercus laurifolia 31 31 Quercus michauxii 25 25 Quercus hellos 7 7 Salix ni ra 2 2 TOT: 11 107 106 1 Presionwood Golf Course (Ilatchet's Grove) 17 KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Prgiect H 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table A4. Vegetation Damage by Plot Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) rn a) d .` C G> M GI M .. M ) E°' E rE CL o zo C 289-01-0001 18 17 1 289-01-0002 8 8 289-01-0003 7 7 289-01-0004 9 9 289-01-0005 30 30 289-01-0006 35 35 TOT: 6 107 106 1 Table A5. Stem Count by Plot and Species Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) ?- O N O M O ? O N O W O to O O O O O O O O O O O O N E E m o o 4 o 0 0 Cn r ik N N N N N N c c a 0 0 0 CL 0 0 0 *h 4 1 IL CL CL a a Alnus serrulata 2 2 1 1 1 Aronia arbutifolia 7 2 3.5 4 3 Betula ni ra 3 2 1.5 1 2 Corpus amomum 9 1 9 9 Dios ros vir iniana 14 3 4.67 2 11 1 Hamamelis vir iniana 6 2 3 3 3 N ssa s Ivatica 1 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia 31 4 7.75 3 7 8 13 Quercus michauxii 25 4 6.25 2 7 6 10 Quercus hellos 7 3 2.33 1 2 4 Salix ni ra 2 2 1 1 1 TOT: 11 107 11 18 8 7 9 30 35 The plots have been renumbered according to the new vegetation monitoring protocol. There are now six plots at the site, three of these are the buffer monitoring plots that were set up for first year monitoring, and three are new plots that were set up for second year monitoring. For comparison to the first year monitoring report, the new plot 1 is the same as the first year plot 1, the new plot 3 is the same as the first year plot 2, and the new plot 6 is the same as the first year plot 3. Comparison between monitoring years of these three plots reveals that; plot 1 has the same number of stems, but the species distribution is different; plot 3 has the same species, but reveals less than 50% survival; in plot 6 the number of stems was under reported for the first year and the distribution of species has also changed. The third year of monitoring will provide a better assessment of the survivability of the vegetation in the plots because of consistency in monitoring and reporting. Presionwood Goij Course (llatchet's Grove) 18 KCi Associates gf'North Carolina EEP Project # 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table A6a. Vegetative Problem Areas Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Hatchet's Grove (3,828 ft. Feature/Issue Station # / Range Probable Cause Photo # Bare Floodplain 29+25 -29+50 Flood lain erosion 29+70- 30+20 Flood lain erosion 30+30 -30+80 Flood lain erosion 31+60 -32+15 Flood lain erosion VP 1 32+85- 33+25 Flood lain erosion 35+75 -36+05 Flood lain erosion 37+60 -38+10 Flood lain erosion Mowed Riparian Buffer 12+95- 13+70 Golf course maintenance VP2 Table Abb. Vegetative Problem Areas Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Meadow Creek 295 ft. Feature/Issue Station # / Ran a Probable Cause Photo # Mowed Riparian Buffer 00+00 -01+50 Golf course maintenance VP3 It should be noted that the areas called out in App 132, the Stream Problem Area Table, as bank scour are raw banks and therefore devoid of vegetation. This can be seen in the representative photos for those problem areas. Prestonwood Go?f Course (Hatchet's Grove) 19 KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 289 Summer 2006 - MY01 tai R a 1 ._, 1 111 1 ,A1!i 1 '`? ?,. #, 4 ti - 1 VP 1 - VP2 - Bare Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 23 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 ,r i l te. t.t I'r h ii 1 i Plot 1 Plot 2 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 24 EEP Project # 289 KC/ Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 Plot 3 Plot Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 25 EEP Project # 289 KCl Associates of North Carolina Summer 1006 - MY02 Plot 5 Plot 6 Photo - 9/4/06 - MY 02. Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 ,Ie:H fi'11YRr.? 26 III ? I ?' i ? f ? k ? ? ? `' f ? ? i ! ? f (? ? I .! I µ ? ? I ' i ! # s j ??; ? ? II Z I 'f ?? ' t per. 'cw ?y O 40 yy1 a a Tot ?'?b• ? O G ?I, ??yyyyyy (Yi' " r' _ , ATtP • , ., h , z }? U e 90 PC o V) a tS co f • ? ,: (MN J f .v b l tv, f P? jt€ AW& ?. t• rn 00 4 `? ?' ,?i: ? ,d u {? Y tti t + 1 , 7t k ?: t ,t w ?g 17 # f. ? ol? r , ? U ?kc? k t 1?'? ? N ? C] Z 6 h• t? a. t ???„ 4,s ? Q Y c Inl '" ! ? O } _ C7 C1 p *; -A.. ate. jL ? II CI, I II i F Table Bla. Stream Probl Project Number and Name. 289 Prestonwood Golf Course (Ilanh et s Grove) Se ment/Reach: Hatchet's Grove (3,828 ft. Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo # Bank Erosion 11+05 -11+45 unknown 13+20- 13+40 unknown SPI 13+70 -14+00 unknown 14+50 -14+90 unknown SP2 15+25 -15+75 unknown 16+40- 16+65 unknown 16+75- 17+05 unknown 17+50- 17+70 unknown 18+50 -19+00 unknown 20+75 -21+25 unknown 21+40 -21+60 unknown 22+20 -22+40 unknown 24+75 -25+15 unknown 26+20 -26+35 unknown 26+60 -26+90 unknown 28+60 -28+75 unknown 29+05- 29+20 unknown 30+25 -30+60 unknown SPI 31+25 -31+70 unknown 33+70 -34+05 unknown 34+60 -35+00 unknown 37+40 -37+55 unknown 39+30 -39+70 unknown 40+45 -40+65 unknown 41+30 -41+70 unknown 42+50 -43+05 unknown 43+25 -43+60 unknown 44+00 -44+25 unknown 45+80 -46+00 unknown 47+15 -47+35 unknown Engineered Structure Problems 15+35 rootwad scour SP3 16+50 rootwad scour 16+80 cross vane sill collapse SP4 18+60 rootwad scour 25+00 rootwad scour SP3 wkq\?nId Scour Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 App B2 - Stream Problem Areas Table em Areas • '. t 31 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - AH02 i I I f ? ? i i III Table Bla cont. Stream Problem Areas Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Hatchet's Grove (3,828 ft. Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo # Engineered Structure Problems cont. 29+10 rootwad scour SP3 30+25 cross vane arm erosion 33+70 sill has gaps between boulders SP4 36+55 rootwad scour 37+50 rootwad scour 41+95 rootwad scour SP3 42+75 rootwad scour 43+00 cross vane center rock has shifted SP4 43+40 rootwad scour 44+15 rootwad scour SP3 Beaver Dam 49+35 beavers SP5 Floodplain Scour 29+50 unstable drainage from flood lain 33+00 headcut from unstable floodplain drainage 36+50 headcut from unstable floodplain drainage 39+75 unstable drainage from flood lain 45+50 unstable flood lain drainage from and Table Blb. Stream Problem Areas Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Meadow Creek 295 ft. Feature Issue Station numbers Suspected Cause Photo # Bank Erosion 00+70- 00+80 unknown 01+05 -01+15 unknown SP6 02+00 -02+20 unknown Engineered Structure Problems 00+80 wood sill undermined 01+10 rootwad scour 02+10 rootwad scour SP7 02+60 scour on downstream side of sill 02+80 bed degradation on step pool structure Beaver Dam upstream of STA 00+00 beavers SP8 upstream of STA 00+00 beavers Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 32 KC/ Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 I i I ? ` rl V The primary problem facing the Hatchet's Grove stream are extended areas of severe bank erosion. While the specific cause of the bank erosion is unknown, the radius of curvature applied to many of the meanders appears to be too small for this suburban watershed, causing instability throughout the meanders. These eroded banks should be closely monitored to determine if corrective actions are warranted. Floodplain conditions along the stream varied in terms of erosion and deposition. Between stations 10+00 and 28+00 the floodplain shows signs of aggradation as sand has been deposited on the floodplain during high flow events, see SP5. From station 28+00 to 39+00, the floodplain has eroded creating the bare areas shown in Appendix A2 and areas of floodplain scour as listed above. Most of the floodplain scour appears to have occurred immediately following construction, before vegetation stabilized the floodplain surface. These areas were reevaluated during the second year monitoring and they appear to be stabilizing as vegetation cover becomes more prominent. The lower third of the stream appears to have a stable floodplain. No significant aggradation or degradation was noted during the second monitoring year. The Monitoring Plan View illustrates how the cross vanes are located at the beginning of tangent sections (heads of riffles) on the stream planform. The action of the cross vane concentrates flow in the center of the channel and can induce scour. This action helps to maintain pools. The arms also slow water in the near bank region before redirecting it. The placement of the structures in their current location likely had a negative/adverse impact on the bed stability of the restored channel in these areas. Hence, the cross vanes on Hatchet's Grove stream act as grade controls, but also promote the formation of pools where riffles should be beginning. The cross vane arms do not extend up to the bankfull elevation or angle out away from the center boulder. Instead of directing water away from the banks the vane arms act as large stone toe bank protection. Because of the cross vane placement they have been evaluated primarily as grade control measures and stone toe stabilization, in which case most are functional. L ? I 41 ?} 3 i. Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 33 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 ? 1 ?;?I App B3 SP1 - r; 1 F I .? I . ENFIRP W_ X `.- r t :? ?'+* r>,M? ?""{. •1 , ?` '?' ew! I Y? 4 ? ?J 1r'?f"Fr.y?` bt ? "?? I ,IY 1 F y?Y ?'' ? M4Yh? 4 ? yr. F?.1 ?j ? '?, !"^kYY ? 4 k l?,?d Ir ? • ?i, ? ?t• ? k ! ,x g-. ? ?'d?a? t ? "? s ?` q a.ty, 4q _V rpP ? !?e?#d A,tytil", I, ,4 A R Y 4 k tM k4r ? ^t?+ [??iBGtY? i?1t /yi ?1MF? ?, ?? ?4 y^i4 SP2 - Severe bank erosion and Ioodplain scour. I'lloto taken near station 14175, looking down on an eroded bank and a scour hole in the floodplain. 11/5/06 - MY 02 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 34 KCl Associates of North Carolina EEP Project # 189 Summer 2006 - MY02 I AL ? . 4_ l€ ?+ I f SP3 - Scour around rootwad. Vegetation and c Photo taken near station 29+10. 11/5/06 - MY 02 SP4 - Rock from cross vane has moved and 16+50. 11/5/06 - MY 02 Prestonwood Golf Coarse (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 °?, e , arr''?t 35 .30 KCl Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 SPS SP6 - Bank erosion. Photo taken Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 i 36 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 f? 'I I I I SP7 - Back scour around rootwad and bank erosion. Rootwad partially obscured by coir matting. Photo taken near station 02+10. 11/5/06 - MY 02 SP8 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 37 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 L III ?1??:I Photo 1 l /5/0 Photo 11/5/06 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project 8 289 38 ve. KC/ Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 Table B2. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Project Number and Name: 289 - Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) Se ment/Reach: Hatchet's Grove (3,828 ft. Feature Category etric (per As-built and reference baselines (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total Number per As-built * Total Number feet in unstable state % Perform. in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total Riffles 1. Present? 33 44 N/A 76 2. Armor stable e. . no dis lacement ?** N/A 44 N/A N/A 3. Facet grade appears stable? 33 44 N/A 76 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 33 44 N/A 76 5. Length appropriate? 23 44 N/A 53 70 B. Pools 1. Present? (e. g. no severe a radation 44 42 N/A 100 2. Sufficient) deep Dmax ool:Mean Bkf> 1.6? 39 42 N/A 93 3. Length appropriate? 40 42 N/A 95 96 Thalweg I. Upstream of meander bend centering? 30 44 N/A 68 2. Downstream of meander centering? 30 44 N/A 68 68 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 20 44 N/A 45 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? 3 24 N/A 13 3. Apparent Rc within spec? 38 44 N/A 86 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 44 44 N/A 100 61 I. Bed General I.General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation N/A N/A 3 / 225 94 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing down cutting or head cutting? N/A N/A 8 / 638 83 89 F. Bank 1. Active) eroding, wasting, or slumping bank N/A N/A 33 / 965 87 87 G. Vanes I. Free of back or arm scour? 23 25 N/A 92 2. Height appropriate? 24 25 N/A 96 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate?*** N/A 25 N/A N/A 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 22 25 N/A 88 92 H Wads / 1. Free of scour? 20 34 N/A 59 . Boulders R. Footing stable? 30 34 N/A 88 74 I otal number or features per as-built estimated from as-bunt profile and planview sheets. ** liatchet's Grove is a sand bed stream so there is no armor on the riffles. ***See note concerning cross vanes in App B2. (These structures generally serve as toe stabilization and are functioning as such) Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) EEP Project # 289 j j 39 KCI Associates of North Carolina Summer 2006 - MY02 ""I y 't { r 1 1 ?t? t r .r x1r+M?sr ?7 1 1 1 1 ? fC0 O N 999 ? ?4 rP+ ?? ?? yy p#,, 1 m LL ? ? 41841 'y l?fi Up9 ? rry 1 l??A ? ? >?N{ 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 a cn 1 1 1 w .1 d V 1 1 1 1 O M C 4rj t? t ti ?1? ,1 ? rrr ^? V ? 1 y •. ?A Y w w N 1 1 x Q 1 ?^ 1 1 y I 1 N . ('1 r 7, C a, ' 0, rl O M O .•. rp O R L G.i 1 I 1 1 a 1 1 y 1 I 1 1 1 O ? u v q 1 1 1 C v ? CO .? ? ? ? 1 1 1 1 i3 ? a ? i ? ? ,o w e N G4 ?G 1 1 t 1 O u Q .}; ? tltl p ?' FC W ~ U rX r O D .f7 .. A © 'D i b B bt 1 1 ,'', ? a a a o °? a ° p a ? W o C rp y I. S p p Q ?6 p 0 N N 1 N N N o a = n m m ? ? "r 5 3 w m ()ee/)uopenel3 O 'D O V ol O '-• Vi ? O? V Qr 1 N M R O 1? M d' M M V N l? O fV ee}} O N M N N ??pp ?D N .,-i M Or M M Or O K ^' M N a' Vl N V V ee?? V a m r0 ee}} 00 M O. N O. N N of O N Or N O. N Or N O, N Q. N O. 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N 3 8 00 3 N ?p N U a CLA) NOUNAT13 Table 83: Thalweg Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 1000.0 290.1 1005.6 289.4 1016.3 289.4 1043.5 288.9 1062.7 289.6 1071.4 2897- 1085.0 289.6 1099.8 289.3 1107.9 289.2 1113.7 288.2 1120.5 288.5 1125.5 289.0 1134.6 289.0 1139.8 289.0 1147.2 289.7 1159.3 289.5 1172.7 289.4 1185.8 289.1 1188.0 289.0 1193.8 288.8 1199.9 288.9 1206.6 289.2 1212.0 288.5 1215.0 288.9 1220.3 288.7 1228.1 288.8 1232.0 289.2 1244.8 289.3 1251.8 288.7 1262.1 289.0 1280.4 288.9 1289.7 287.6 1298.1 289.2 1311.6 289.0 1325.0 289.1 1334.2 289.1 1344.6 288.9 1351.5 288.6 1360.2 288.8 1367.4 288.7 1376.1 288.1 1380.6 287.7 1390.2 287.9 Station Elevation 1397.1 287.5 1407.7 288.1 1412.6 288.5 1420.6 288.6 1441.3 288.3 1446.2 288.1 1457.6 288.2 1464.7 287.7 1478.3 287.8 1486.6 288.2 1496.8 288.3 1500.1 288.1 1503.4 288.9 1519.3 288.4 1526.9 287.6 1530.4 286.9 1544.0 287.2 1554.0 287.1 1562.7 287.5 1566.8 287.9 1578.2 288.6 1581.0 288.8 1585.0 286.8 1590.9 286.8 1600.1 286.8 1614.2 287.2 1624.9 287.4 1636.4 287.8 1644.5 286.8 1648.0 286.5 1656.1 287.1 1665.2 287.5 1675.1 288.4 1680.8 286.5 1684.9 285.9 1691.1 286.9 1693.8 287.5 1698.7 286.0 1704.8 286.4 1706.8 286.4 1713.6 287.4 1731.5 286.7 1733.9 286.5 Station Elevation 1743.6 286.5 1750.0 286.7 1764.4 286.5 1775.4 287.5 1777.7 287.7 1780.0 287.5 1782.1 286.2 1786.7 285.6 1792.9 286.4 1802.2 287.3 1818.0 286.8 1838.4 286.6 1855.3 286.8 1858.8 286.8 1871.8 287.1 1878.4 285.9 1887.8 286.0 1898.5 286.7 1906.3 287.0 1921.4 287.1 1929.0 286.9 1937.0 286.5 1941.3 285.8 1947.0 286.3 1961.0 286.2 1974.7 287.0 1978.0 286.0 1984.7 285.7 1989.3 285.7 1995.6 286.3 1999.9 286.8 2011.1 286.6 2026.8 286.6 2031.7 286.0 2039.5 286.2 2044.3 286.4 2052.9 287.4 2056.9 287.0 2062.3 286.2 2072.0 286.6 2075.5 286.4 2099.2 286.6 2111.6 285.7 Station Elevation 2118.3 285.9 2134.8 285.8 2138.6 286.0 2148.8 287.2 2152.1 287.3 2156.6 286.0 2161.8 285.2 2172.7 285.7 2180.8 285.6 2189.1 286.3 2193.5 286.3 2205.9 285.8 2216.8 285.2 2226.7 285.4 2231.4 285.9 2241.8 286.5 2257.5 286.5 2274.7 286.5 2308.5 286.5 2317.6 285.9 2322.8 285.2 2334.2 285.7 2347.7 286.8 2349.9 285.2 2356.4 284.7 2364.7 285.8 2377.2 286.1 2387.1 286.4 2397.6 286.2 2406.5 285.6 2419.5 285.8 2431.2 285.9 2445.6 285.6 2460.3 285.4 2479.4 285.4 2488.1 285.1 2502.7 285.3 2515.2 285.2 2523.2 285.7 2538.1 286.4 2545.0 286.3 2548.1 285.2 2555.5 284.5 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 53 KCl Associates of North Carolina EP.P Project 11289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table B3 cont.: Thalweg Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 2562.9 285.2 2576.8 285.7 2590.5 285.7 2602.7 285.2 2615.5 284.9 2621.9 284.2 2635.8 55- 2649.6 285.5 2666.5 285.4 2686.2 285.1 2699.7 285.7 2720.9 285.7 2744.9 285.5 2762.1 284.8 2771.8 285 2786.9 284.8 2800.4 285.3 2817.1 285.4 2839.8 285.5 2845.6 285.8 2849 283.8 2859.3 284.2 2863 285.2 2870.1 285.6 2890.8 285 2906.4 284.7 2910.8 284 2923.2 284.4 2929.7 284.7 2936.1 285.5 2939.5 284.8 2957.9 285.3 2973.6 285.1 2993.5 284.9 3001 284.9 3012.9 284.8 3019.7 285 3032.3 285.4 3036.7 283.5 3041.7 284.6 3054.1 284.4 3060.5 284.7 3086 285 3096.3 284.5 Station Elevation 3106.7 284.3 3114.1 284.4 3124.3 284.2 3131.9 284.3 3138.5 285.1 3148.9 285.1 3156.6 284.6 3159.3 284.4 3169.9 284 3181 283.4 3195.2 284.6 3241.8 284.2 3249.2 283.8 3254.2 283.1 3264.1 283.9 3279.4 284.3 3291.1 284.8 3294.6 283.5 3307.9 283.1 3312.7 283.8 3320.5 284.6 3332.9 284.2 3343.5 283.7 3356.5 283.7 3368.7 284.1 3371.2 283.2 3373 282.8 3381.2 283 3388.2 284 3397.9 283.9 3433.5 284.4 3444.9 284.1 3451.2 283.8 3455.9 283.1 3468.9 283.2 3477.1 283.5 3503.1 284.5 3506.6 283.7 3512.2 283.2 3518.9 283.8 3538.5 283.5 3546.4 283.4 3564 283.2 3586.5 283.5 Station Elevation 3602.9 283.7 3626.2 284 3642.9 283.6 3650.2 282.9 3665.5 282.7 3671.1 282.8 3676.4 283.4 3689.3 283.9 3698.2 283.9 3705.1 284.3 3706.5 282.9 3718 283 3729.1 283.5 3736.5 283.8 3745.1 283.3 3753.8 282.8 3767.1 281.9 3777.6 282.5 3795.1 283.5 3860.1 283.3 3871.7 282.8 3875.7 282.2 3880 282.9 3893.6 283.2 3897.4 282.7 3907.5 283.4 3912.3 282.8 3930 283.5 3943.7 283.2 3949.4 282.5 3956.8 282.6 3960.7 282.8 3970.8 283.3 3981.6 282.6 3987.2 282.8 3989 282.2 3993.8 282.6 4001.1 283 4018.8 282.9 4018.9 282.9 4031.7 282.8 4035.4 282.6 4039.9 282.5 4044.1 282.4 Station Elevation 4053.7 282.3 4060.3 283.4 4062.4 281.8 4068.2 281.5 4073.3 282.1 4082.6 282.5 4102.4 282.9 4104.6 282.7 4120.2 282.7 4130.2 282.3 4135.4 281.8 4147.2 282.5 4153.8 282.6 4169.8 283 4184.1 283 4189.6 282.4 4200.6 282.3 4205.3 281.7 4211.9 282 4221.1 283.2 4224.1 283.1 4225.2 281.9 4231.5 281.5 4238.1 281.9 4251.2 282.5 4257.9 282.9 4265.2 282.8 4271.8 281.8 4283.9 281.4 4292.8 282 4302.3 282.8 4304.7 281.7 4318.8 282.1 4323.5 282.5 4334.9 282.1 4346.5 282 4351.5 282.1 4363.5 282.2 4372.5 282.7 4375.5 281.8 4391.2 282.3 4407.7 282.2 4415.9 281.8 4423 281.7 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 54 KCI Associates of Norlh Carolina EEP Project 9 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table B3 cont.: Thalweg Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 4437.3 281.9 4441.5 282.8 4445.4 281.9 4451.1 281.1 4456.0 281.5 4459.8 282.3 4470.4 2823 4485.3 281.9 4501.8 281.5 4508.2 281.4 4515.3 281.9 4530.3 282.1 4532.4 281.4 4542.3 281.6 4545.8 281.8 4557.2 282.3 4566.6 282.0 4582.5 281.6 4595.3 281.7 4601.6 282.3 4608.5 281.7 4620.3 281.6 4634.0 282.0 4652.6 281.8 4657.2 281.5 4666.9 281.3 4682.5 281.7 4686.1 282.1 4714.5 281.7 4728.7 281.4 4735.5 281.3 4747.4 281.7 4784.4 281.8 4798.9 281.8 4812.2 281.7 4827.7 281.9 4842.8 281.5 Station Elevation 4859.4 281.6 4897.8 281.8 4921.9 281.6 4941.4 281.5 4951.5 281.8 4961.4 281.9 4976.1 281.8 Prestomrood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 55 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 4 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table 134: Water Surface Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 1000.0 290.3 1005.6 290.0 1062.7 290.0 1071.4 290.0 1085.0 289.9 1107.9 289.9 1125.5 290.0 1147.2 289.9 1172.7 289.8 1188.0 289.7 1199.9 289.7 1206.6 289.8 1232.0 289.7 1244.8 289.6 1251.8 289.6 1262.1 289.6 1289.7 289.6 1298.1 289.6 1311.6 289.4 1334.2 289.4 1360.2 289.1 1376.1 289.1 1412.6 289.1 1420.6 289.1 1441.3 289.1 1446.2 289.1 1478.3 289.1 1503.4 289.0 1519.3 288.8 1530.4 288.8 1562.7 288.8 1585.0 288.7 1624.9 288.7 1675.1 288.7 1680.8 288.1 1706.8 288.2 1733.9 287.9 1764.4 287.9 1777.7 287.9 1782.1 287.6 1792.9 287.6 1802.2 287.6 1818.0 287.6 Station Elevation 1838.4 287.6 1858.8 287.7 1906.3 287.6 1929.0 287.6 1937.0 287.6 1947.0 287.6 1974.7 287.5 1978.0 287.5 1995.6 287.5 1999.9 287.5 2026.8 287.5 2031.7 287.5 2044.3 287.5 2052.9 287.5 2056.9 287.4 2062.3 287.5 2138.6 287.5 2152.1 287.5 2156.6 287.1 2180.8 287.2 2205.9 287.1 2231.4 287.1 2241.8 287.1 2308.5 287.1 2317.6 287.1 2334.2 287.1 2347.7 287.0 2349.9 286.7 2364.7 286.7 2387.1 286.7 2397.6 286.7 2460.3 286.7 2502.7 286.7 2538.1 286.7 2548.1 286.3 2562.9 286.4 2576.8 286.4 2602.7 286.3 2615.5 286.3 2635.8 286.3 2699.7 286.3 2744.9 286.4 2762.1 286.4 Station Elevation 2800.4 286.3 2845.6 286.3 2849.0 286.0 2863.0 286.0 2870.1 286.0 2890.8 286.0 2906.4 286.0 2929.7 286.0 2936.1 286.0 2939.5 286.0 2957.9 286.0 2973.6 285.9 2993.5 285.9 3019.7 286.0 3032.3 286.0 3036.7 285.4 3041.7 285.4 3060.5 285.4 3096.3 285.4 3114.1 285.4 3138.5 285.4 3156.6 285.2 3195.2 285.2 3241.8 285.2 3249.2 285.1 3264.1 285.1 3291.1 285.0 3294.6 284.8 3312.7 284.8 3320.5 284.9 3332.9 284.8 3371.2 284.8 3381.2 284.8 3397.9 284.7 3444.9 284.7 3451.2 284.9 3503.1 284.9 3506.6 284.8 3546.4 284.8 3564.0 284.8 3602.9 284.8 3642.9 284.7 3650.2 284.8 Station Elevation 3676.4 284.7 3698.2 284.7 3706.5 284.4 3729.1 284.3 3745.1 284.3 3753.8 284.3 3777.6 284.3 3795.1 284.3 3860.1 284.2 3871.7 284.2 3880.0 284.2 3907.5 284.2 3912.3 284.1 3930.0 284.2 3943.7 284.1 3949.4 284.0 3960.7 284.0 4001.1 284.0 4039.9 284.0 4060.3 283.9 4062.4 283.9 4073.3 283.9 4102.4 283.9 4130.2 283.7 4153.8 283.6 4184.1 283.7 4189.6 283.7 4211.9 283.6 4225.2 283.5 4238.1 283.5 4251.2 283.5 4265.2 283.4 4271.8 283.5 4292.8 283.5 4323.5 283.4 4334.9 283.4 4372.5 283.2 4415.9 283.2 4437.3 283.1 4445.4 283.1 4456.0 283.1 4470.4 283.1 4485.3 283.0 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 56 KC/Associates of North Carolina EEP Project k 289 Summer 2006 - MY01 Table B4 cont.: Water Surface Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 4501.8 282.9 4515.3 282.9 4530.3 283.1 4532.4 282.8 4542.3 282.8 4557.2 282.8 4566.6 282.9 4620.3 282.8 4634.0 282.8 Station Elevation 4652.6 282.7 4686.1 282.8 4714.5 282.8 4784.4 282.8 4828.1 282.5 4859.4 282.5 4961.4 282.5 4976.1 282.5 Table 135: Bankfull Points for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - W02 Station Elevation 1016.3 293.2 1071.4 293.5 1125.5 293.0 1185.8 292.8 1199.9 293.1 1232.0 293.0 1376.1 292.7 1412.6 292.4 1478.3 292.5 1503.4 292.1 1562.7 291.5 1624.9 291.5 1675.1 291.5 1706.8 291.4 1764.4 291.4 1802.2 291.3 1906.3 291.1 1974.7 290.9 2062.3 290.7 2180.8 290.4 2308.5 289.9 2460.3 290.1 2502.7 290.2 2666.5 289.9 Station Elevation 2845.6 290.3 2906.4 289.5 3156.6 288.8 3264.1 288.7 3356.5 288.2 3397.9 2887- 3444.9 288.1 3564.0 287.8 3650.2 287.3 3795.1 287.2 4001.1 286.6 4102.4 286.8 4153.8 286.7 4441.5 286.1 4714.5 285.3 4784.4 284.7 4828.1 285.1 4976.1 284.6 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 57 KCl Associates of North Carolina E EP Project 0 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table 136: Riffle and Pool Measurements for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Riffle Measurements Station Length WS Elev WS Slope 1000 6 290.3 0.0582 1006 290.0 1071 14 290.0 0.0017 1085 289.9 1147 26 289.9 0.0067 1173 289.8 1232 13 289.7 0.0086 1245 289.6 1290 8 289.6 0.0059 1298 289.6 1334 26 289.4 0.0096 1360 289.1 1421 21 289.1 0.0015 1441 289.1 1503 16 289.0 0.0113 1519 288.8 1802 16 287.6 0.0018 1818 287.6 1906 23 287.6 0.0005 1929 287.6 2000 27 287.5 0.0006 2027 287.5 2242 67 287.1 0.0003 2308 287.1 2387 11 286.7 0.0024 2398 286.7 2577 26 286.4 0.0003 2603 286.3 2700 45 286.3 0.0004 2745 286.3 2870 21 286.0 0.0008 2891 286.0 2958 16 286.0 0.0022 2974 285.9 3060 36 285.4 0.0010 3096 285.4 3138 18 285.4 0.0096 3157 285.2 3195 47 285.2 0.0003 3242 285.2 3321 12 284.9 0.0044 3333 284.8 Riffle Measurements Station Length WS Elev WS Slope 3398 47 284.7 0.0004 3445 284.7 3603 40 284.8 0.0017 3643 284.7 3729 16 284.3 0.0012 3745 284.3 3795 65 284.3 0.0017 3860 284.2 3930 14 284.2 0.0047 3944 284.1 4154 30 283.6 0.0003 4184 283.6 4251 14 283.5 0.0058 4265 283.4 4324 11 283.4 0.0011 4335 283.3 4470 15 283.1 0.0053 4485 283.0 4557 9 282.8 0.0020 4567 282.8 4634 19 282.8 0.0015 4653 282.7 4686 28 282.8 0.0005 4715 282.7 Prestomvood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 58 KCI Associates of North Carolina E EP Project H 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table B6 cont.: Riffle and Pool Measurements for Hatchet's Grove Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Pool Measurements Station Length P-P Spacing 1108 18 80 1125 1188 12 64 1200 1252 10 124 1262 1376 36 70 1413 1446 32 84 1478 1530 32 55 1563 1585 40 96 1625 1681 26 53 1707 1734 30 48 1764 1782 11 56 1793 1838 20 99 1859 1937 10 41 1947 1978 18 54 1996 2032 13 31 2044 2062 76 94 2139 2157 24 49 2181 2206 25 112 2231 2318 17 32 2334 2350 15 198 2365 2548 15 67 2563 2616 20 147 2636 Pool Measurements Station Length P-P Spacing 2762 38 87 2800 2849 14 57 2863 2906 23 87 2930 2994 26 43 3020 3037 5 213 3042 3249 15 45 3264 3295 18 77 3313 3371 10 80 3381 3451 52 95 3503 3546 18 104 3564 3650 26 104 3676 3754 24 118 3778 3872 8 78 3880 3949 11 90 3961 4040 14 23 4054 4062 11 127 4073 4190 22 36 4212 4225 13 47 4238 4272 21 144 4293 4416 21 30 4437 4445 11 56 4456 Pool Measurements Station Length P-P Spacing 4502 4515 14 31 4532 4542 10 Presionwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) 59 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project 9 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 v U O b a 0 U O b O 3 o° Q w 0 a a b a rbA b a N t O\ 00 N a r}0Pr a w W 0 d y Q J N k \l Q _ o N M Q I 1 ? + •1 II ? p Vi Q r r ,I , ¦ I f ¦ Q 4 i i J N N N N N N N (,LA) NOLINAY13 E 0 F Table 137: Thalweg Points for Meadow Creek Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Elevation 0 292.8 11.4 292.6 15.0 292.5 23.7 292.0 29.3 292.3 36.9 292.3 42.3 292.4 49.2 292.4 56.2 292.0 60.5 291.9 63.3 292.1 67.8 291.8 72.7 291.8 77.2 291.6 81.4 291.6 84.5 292.1 88.2 292.0 94.3 292.2 98.7 292.0 102.1 292.2 104.6 292.6 105.4 292.8 106.8 291.9 111.1 292.1 113.5 291.6 115.3 291.6 119.1 292.1 121.5 292.2 129.2 292.1 132.5 292.0 137.3 292.1 141.0 292.4 143.8 292.2 144.1 292.3 149.7 291.9 152.2 291.9 154.4 292.1 Station Elevation 159.2 292.1 165.4 291.6 167.1 291.6 169.7 292.2 172.9 291.6 175.6 291.3 179.2 291.1 183.8 291.5 189.2 291.8 193.3 291.5 195.3 291.4 199.0 291.3 204.1 291.2 206.3 291.2 209.5 290.5 212.8 290.3 217.1 290.8 221.4 290.8 225.1 290.5 229.1 290.3 233.2 291.0 237.4 291.7 240.4 291.0 243.1 290.8 249.7 290.5 253.9 290.5 257.9 291.0 260.0 291.4 261.3 291.4 263.4 290.5 268.9 290.1 272.0 290.8 275.6 290.6 278.3 289.9 281.8 290.3 289.1 290.2 Presiomvood Golf Course (/Hatchet's Grove) 61 KCI Associates of North Carolina EEP Project H 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 Table B8: Water Surface Points for Meadow Creek Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station WS Elev Station WS Elev 0.0 292.9 189.2 291.9 11.4 292.9 193.3 291.7 15.0 292.9 204.1 291.7 23.7 292.9 217.1 291.7 56.2 292.9 237.4 291.7 72.7 292.9 240.4 291.5 104.6 292.9 253.9 291.5 106.8 292.4 257.9 291.5 121.5 292.4 261.3 291.4 141.0 292.4 263.4 290.8 154.4 292.3 272.0 290.8 159.2 292.2 275.6 290.6 169.7 292.3 278.3 290.4 172.9 291.9 281.8 290.3 175.6 291.9 183.8 291.9 Table B9: Bankfull Points for Meadow Creek Prestonwood Golf Course, Wake County EEP Project Number 289 - MY02 Station Bkf Elev 11.4 294.3 15.0 294.8 36.9 294.2 49.2 294.4 72.7 294.1 106.8 294.1 121.5 294.3 141.0 293.8 159.2 294.0 183.8 293.6 204.1 293.8 253.9 293.5 281.8 292.6 Prestonwood Golf Course (Hatchet's Grove) E2 KCl Associates ql North Carolina EEP Project Y 289 Summer 2006 - MY02 0 r?l ay ISM V r?l a h+M number of particles r a r- (OD N ° V M N ° O 0 0 ik I II 0 0 o m v I o 0 oe o 0 00 ((DDN(DO O 7 E O 1-- 32 rn O N I N .G o? 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