HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1090301_COMPLETE FILE - HISTORICAL_20091021STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET RESCISSIONS PERMIT NO. AF5vv (O � U 3d 1 DOC TYPE El COMPLETE FILE -HISTORICAL DATE OF RESCISSION YYYYMMDD Jones, Jennifer From: Jones, Jennifer Sent. Wednesday, October 21, 2009 11:36 AM To: Mike Anderson Cc: Jones, Jennifer Subject: SW1090301 - Cason Building Supply: Add info #2 - October 21, 2009 Hi Mike. A pleasure talking to you today. Thanks again for your understanding about my absence from work. Just a review of the items we spoke about: Plans: 1. The tree Tilia heterophvlla speed for the bioretention cell going to grow to a very large tree (approx 90' tall). We have avoided using large trees in our BMP manual because their roots can interfere with the drainage system. Please refer _your landscape architect to the bioretention chapter (Chapter 12) of our manual: htt :Hh2o.enr.statc.nc.us/su/documents/Ch 12-Blore tention24Julv2009 3. df Trees and shrubs and landscape plants defined in our chapter that can be used are listed in Table 12-1. From chapter 12: "Above and belowground infrastructure in and near the bioretention facility: Plant selection should consider the surrounding conditions including: light pollution tolerance. wind, above and below ground utilities. Slotted or perforated pipe should be more than S feet away from tree locations. Plants with taproots should not be used." 2. Please ask your landscape designer to evenly distribute plants across the bioretention cell per the BMP manual planting & spacing requirements. Nutrient and pollutant uptake via plants are an integral part of bioretention design. If large areas are not covered with plants. no nutrient or pollutant uptake will occur in those areas. If you do not wish to use more plants in those areas that are currently only hardwood mulch, you may grass them using sod, provided water velocities will not erode the sod in that area. 3. Please provide 2 copies of full sized plans where the above 2 specs are referenced. Supplement sheets & SWU-101—please send me a signed letter stating how you would like these changes completed: 1. Bioretention cell supplement sheet #4: proper Volume 2. Changes in drawdown time 3. Bioretention cell supplement sheet 2: Volume provided 4. SWU-101, please send me a statement I can attach to the SWU-101 form per drainage areas. Please return your submission by November 20, 2009 or your application will be considered incomplete. Please let me know ifs you have any further questions or concerns. LastAccessed tccessed 7/_30/2008 9: 09 AA1 2. "Tidally influenced or unknown: Ifthe area is tidally -influenced then a 7Q10 flow can not be established. "Therefore, a flow can not be referenced in the cover letter or the permit supplement. 4) ATC (Authorization to Construct): a. The applicant will need an ATC if they are building a wastewater treatment facility Eor these types of applications. I. See the NCG02 and NCG14 technical requircrnents for information on whether or not the facility needs and ATC. ii. The NOI for NCG 02 and NCG 14 includes the ATC application (it is automatic). b. See NCG 02 and NCG 14 permits for more details about when ATCs are needed. i. NCG 02: The technical bulletin has a list of when they are needed, Also see page 6 ofthe permit and other places on the permit, too. http://l12o.cnr.state.nc.us/su/documents/NCG02Tcchnical BLiIIetin_000.pdf C. Issuing the ATC with the COC: i. See ex. NCG 14 cover letter for language about copy of approved plans. ii. Includc Engineer's Certification with issuance letter (see example letter). iii. Stamp one set of approved plans with "Approved" stamp, shm and date the approval, and include with permit package. 5) DLR L &SC flan Approval: a. Required ifdisturbs one acre or more. b. Must submit a copy of the application with the NCG 02 or NCG 14 application per- 15A NCAC 02E E .0138(5), We can issue our NCG 14 permit before DLIZ's (or local delegated program's) approval. However, include a note in the cover letter that they Must obtain E&SC Plan approval prior to construction. c. We cannot issue the NCG 02 permit prior to DLR's Mining Permit (essentially the E &SC Plan for those sites) because our permit references adhering to the Mining Permit as a condition of compliance. d. Notes about process: I. Applicant May apply for NCG 02 or NCG 14 concurrently with the DLR E`&SC Plan. ii. We can issue NCG 14, and in the cover letter we tell them that they have to also get DLR's approval. iii. We hold on to NCG 02 until Mining Permit is issued (check IB AM — See NC'GU20000 section, number 4.). iv. We may send an acknowledgement letter to NCG 02 applicants explaining that the stormwater/wastewater permit cannot be issued prior to the Mining Permit (some applicants are aware of this already, though). v. 'I'll(: applicant receives approval of their E&SC Plan from DL.R. Upon issuance of DLR approval or Mining Permit, the applicant is also covered under NCG 01, Construction Activities, at no additional cost. vi. All permits are required before construction can begin. 6) Wetlands: Impacts to wetlands? Check with the Regional Office and/or 401 Group, 7) O&M Plan; Include a note in the cover letter to include O&M plan language (see Appendix C). a. Confirm with the Regional Office as to whether or not they want O&M approval authority before the COC is issued. If so, include that in the letter as well. 6 CDENR North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division ofmater Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director April 22, 2009 Mr. Mike Anderson, P.E. Mike Anderson Engineering, PA 206 E. Chestnut St. Suite C Asheville, NC 28801 . Dear Mr. Anderson: Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Phase li Post -Construction Add Information Letter #1 Permit SW1090301 Cason Building Supply Henderson County The Division of Water Quality Central Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on March 31, 2009, A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review. Please address the following points: Calculations & Supplement forms: v ✓ • Please provide 2 copies of signed and sealed copies of supplements and calculations •} c� Please submit supplement sheet 3. ) Please provide calculations for underdrain flow rate (Q) and sizing calculations. Ca Please provide a rational coefficient, c, for each sub -drainage area. J , Provide calculations for the drawdown rate for the' porided volume and 2' below soil media. ✓• Please enter a Planting Plan on supplement sheet 1. �! Make volumes provided match on supplement sheets for SA, ponding depth and trey m.ent_volume provided. Please also make these match calculation sheets. Bioretention cell #5 calculations and supplement form: Vi- Calculate 115% volume correctly. Please make ponding depth and calculations consistent to either a depth of 1 L� feet or 0.75 feet. Please describe how velocity was known to be 1 ft/s entering the cells and a description of the design you used to create the pre-treatment in the narrative. rf� In the break -down of subdrainage areas, please include a column for the totals of built upon area, on -site area, and total area for the site as a whole — including buildings, streets, parking, and sidewalks. Please provide a table detailing the size of rip -rap, rip -rap aprons length and width of piped outlets. Please also include the rip -rap sizing chart and calculations in your calculations booklet. t,• Please add a swale detail table with swale dimensions (width, longitudinal slope, side slope, depth etc.) in the details sheet of plans. Wetlands and StonnwaterBranch 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, Norih Carolina 27699-1617 Location; 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 4 FAX: 919-807-64941 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet; www.nmaterquality.org An Eoual 0morlunilY 1 Affrmalivu Action Einuoyer One NorthCarolina vVaturalll� J Mr. Mike Anderson, P.E. SW1090301 Phase II Post -Construction Add Information Letter #1 Cason Building Supply SWU-101 Permit Application: ' ✓• Please mark "High density" instead of general permit Please fix latllong for site location. Please fill out total project areas in section 111 8 (as well as attaching the sub -drainage areas that you already included). �,• As there are several sections here that must be changed please submit an original signature. Soil Site Evaluation Sheet: \/: Please include a statement about SHWT From soil scientists stating where they think SHWT is or if they did not hit it and how deep they went down to. Plans; Please include a table on detailed plan sheet with table to tell details of BR cells in plans with: o Side slope ,o Length land width or approx radius o # underdrains o Size pipe of underdrains and type of pipe ,,o # of cleanouts c,d .Grass or plants ✓o # and type of plants ..moo Depth wo' Any other pertinent dimensions or details of each Bioretention Cell. In details show planting plan and detail any (o Staking of trees — side view and planting o-' Please include a note in your planting plan for grassed cells that cells must be /sodded not seeded. t� Please spec hardwood mulch for BR cell #1 -a' Please follow plant spacing guidelines for bioretention cells in our BMP manual. o Please verify the use of the DENR DWQ plant list for bioretention cells. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to Friday, May 22n1, 2009, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided (no copies). Mr. Mike Anderson, P.E. SW1090301 Phase 11 Post -Construction Add Information Letter #1 Cason Building Supply The requested information should be submitted to: Jennifer Jones Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If you have any please contact Jennifer Jones at (919) 807-6379-or jennifer,jones@ncmail.net Sincerely, ennifer M. Jones Environmental Engineer Stormwater Permitting Unit cc: Asheville Regional Office, Roger Edwards, Susan Wilson Mr. Chip Gould, Gould Properties, LLC, P.O. Box 1005, Hendersonville, NC 28793 DWQ Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Files June 24, 2009 Ms. Jennifer Jones Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Phase I I Post-Contstruction Add Information Letter # 1 Permit SW 1090301 Cason Building Supply Henderson County MIKE AANDER59N ENGINEERING, "IV OFh� r3r t rJ t Dear Ms. Jones, We have received and addressed the comments from your office dated April 22, 2009 for the above referenced project. Please find enclosed two (2) revised copies of signed and sealed plans, supplements and calculations. Comments have been addressed as follows: Calculations and Supplement Forms: • Supplement 3 has been included. • Calculations for the underdrain flow rate (Q) as well as sizing calculations have been included. • A rational coefficient, c, for each sub -drainage area has been provided. • Calculations for the drawdown rate for the ponded volume and 2' below the soil media have been included. • A Planting Plan on supplement sheet I has been provided. • Volumes provided now correspond to the surface area, ponding depth, and treatment volumes on the supplement sheets as well as the calculation sheets. • Bioretention Cell 95 calculations and supplement forms have been revised, including: - Recalculation of 1 15% volume, and - Ponding depth and calculations are now consistent to a depth of 1 foot or 0.75 foot. • The narrative has been revised to include a description of how velocity was known to be l ft/s entering the bioretention cells, as well as the design used for the pre-treatment. • The different subdrainage areas now include a column for the totals of built upon area, on -site area, and total area for the entire site inclusive to buildings, streets, parking and sidewalks, as requested. • A table has been provided for the size of rip -rap, rip -rap apron length and widths, and piped outlet widths. In addition, a rip -rap sizing chart and calculations have been included. • A swale detail table with swale dimensions has been included on the plan detail sheet. SWU-101 Permit Application: + 'High density" has been denoted as requested. • The latitude/longitude has been revised for the site location. • rotal project areas in Section 111 8 has been Filled out with attached sub -drainage areas. • An original signature has been submitted pursuant to these revisions. P.A. 206 f. CHESTNUT STREET STE. ( • ASHEVILLE, HC 26801 828 252-4880 t - 828 252-4881 f www,mandersoneng.com , (-2956 Cason Water Quality: 802 1 of,2 Soil Site Evaluation Sheet: Plans: • We have included a statement regarding the seasonal high water table location and depth of boring. • The detail sheet now includes a table for the bioretention cells with the following requested information: Side slope Minimum surface area due to the irregularity of the bioretention cells. Number of underdrains Underdrain size and type Number of cleanouts Grass or plants stated Number and type of plants Depth • The detail sheets now depict a planting plan and the following information: Detail of a planted and staked tree. A note has been included in the planting plan that grassed cells are to be sodded. Hardwood mulch has been specified for BR cell # 1. Plant spacing for the bioretention cells have been revised based on the NCDENR BMP manual. Plants specified have been revised based on the NCDENR DWQ plant list for bioretention cells. Please feel free to call our office if you should have any questions or concerns during your review or if you require any additional information. Sincerely, /Jhusttin,ohde, E.I. Mike Anderson Engineering, PA 206 E. CHESTNUT STREET STE. ( - ASHEVILLE, N( 28801 828 252-48801 , 828 252-4881 f www.mondersoneng.coni • (-2956 Cason Watcr Quality: 802 2 o1'2 ! � .mot.• �0� w A rF9 p �O G 7 � r 0 Y Mr. Mike Anderson, P.E. Mike Anderson Engineering, PA 206 E. Chestnut St., Suite C Asheville, NC 28801 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources August 25, 2008 Coieen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Phase II Post -Construction Stormwater Permit Application Return Cason Building Supply Application Return #1190 Henderson County Dear Mr. Anderson: The Division of Water Quality received your Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on August 22, 2007. After a preliminary review the submittal was found to be substantially incomplete. Per DWQ requirements and policies, this Office is hereby returning the subject application package as incomplete. The application is incomplete based on the following items: vI1 All documents submitted that require the applicants signature must be originals. See checklist on SWU-101 section V1.1. ✓2. All calculations must be sealed, signed, and dated by a NC professional engineer or landscape architect. Please provide velocity calculations for the flow entering the bioretention cells. The velocity should be less than 1 fps for mulched cells; -and 3 fps for grassed cells. Pretreatment must be'provided for each bioretention cell. it r5. The person that signedtthe application information is not listed on the Secretary of State Corporation database. Please provide documentation of his signatory authority for the LLC. 6 A soil boring, within the footprint of the proposed bioretention cells, is needed. A copy of the soil boring report must be submitted and contain an estimated seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevation. We require that the SHWT be at least 2 feet below the bottom of the bioretention cell. rim7 Please delineate any wetlands on the site; or add a note to the plans that states there are none. 8. The bypassed volume from the cells must be evenly distributed across a minimum 30' long vegetated filter strip. The filter strip must be designed in accordance with chapter 13 of the bmp manual. On a case -by -case basis, the cells can be oversized in lieu of the filter strip. Cg? A proposed permanent drainage easement is required around the BMPs to provide for ` access for maintenance and inspections. Access must be provided to a public ROW. (O,The plans must contain site specific details for the BMPs, cleanout locations, roads, parking area, curb and gutter, etc. 11.,Please provide contours or flow patterns for offsite areas to show that no offsite area flows to the proposed BMPs. One, N-thCarolina Noaturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service.Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 807-6300 Customer Service interneC +v+vw.nc++nterqualily.ors Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 807-6494 1-977 023-6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/] 0% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Mike Anderson, P.E. Page 2 of 2 August 25, 2008 12. A planting plan must be included for the bioretention cells. Also, provide a permanent seeding schedule. r13.To prevent clogging and failure, the construction sequence should note that the cells shall "snot be installed until their drainage areas are permanently stabilized. Please see checklist on our website to help check that your re -submittal includes all necessary items. It can be downloaded from http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/documents/checklistrev-1.pdf. Until a State Stormwater Permit is issued for this project, the construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143- 215.6A. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (919) 807-6375. Sincerely, ;�e� D Robert D. Patterson, P.E. DWQ Stormwater Permitting Unit (919) 807-6375 robert.patterson@ncmai1.net cc: Mr. Chip Gould, Gould Properties, LLC, PO Box 1005, Hendersonville, NC 28793 Asheville Regional Office SPU files Application Completeness Review First Submittal ❑ Re -submittal Date Received: Date Reviewed: g 2,; 8� By Development/Protect Name: e- _5 _ Bulc-bl S *P Receiving stream name IA-7 _ KIW6 Grz K classification: C. For post -construction requirements, a program will be deemed compliant for the areas where it is implementing any of the following programs: WS-I, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, HQW, ORW, Neuse River Basin NSW, Tar -Pamlico River Basin NSW, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy. Projects that require a 401/404 within an NSW require 85% TSS, 30% TN and 30% TP removal. T&E Species (Goose Creek, Waxhaw Creek or Six Mile Creek Water Sheds): Latitude and Longitude: . 2-r3 AlgZ, y � w Jurisdiction IF S T174 Project Address: V. v& T R_0C K W aN =-71 name and firm: MIKE AW>XRSoN rt1KC ANA. P ❑ Low Density (no curb and gutter) ❑ Low Density with curb and gutter outlets gr'6igh Density ❑ Other ❑ 4011404 impacts to surface waters, wetlands, and buffers (add language to cover letter and/or addinfo letter) ©, BUA W` Check for $505.00 included ❑ Original signature (not photocopy) on application ❑ Legal signature (Corporation-VP/higher, Partnership -General Partnerlhigher, LLC-member/manager, Agent). Check spelling, capitalization, punctuation: http://www.secretary.state,nc.us/corporations/tIiepage.aspx If an agent signs the application, a signed letter of authorization from the applicant must be provided which includes the name, title, mailing address and phone number of the person signing the letter. ❑ For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement ❑ Sealed, signed & dated culation -o- Correct supplement and O&M provided for each BMP on site (check all that were provided & number of each) Er"' Bioretention ❑ Dry Detention Basin ❑ Filter Strip ❑ Grass Swale ❑ Infiltration Basin ❑ Infiltration Trench ❑ ,Level Spreader ❑ Permeable Pavement ❑ Restored Riparian Buffer ❑ Rooftop Runoff Management ❑ Sand Filter ❑ Stormwater Wetland ❑ Wet Detention Basin ❑ Low Density ❑ Curb Outlet ❑ Off -Site ❑ NCDOT Linear Road B"' Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & finish grading plans with appropriate details @r' Narrative Description of stormwater management provided ❑ Soils report provided -,444 ❑ Wetlands delineated or a note on the plans that none exist on site and/or adjacent property ❑ Details for the roads, parking area, cul-de-sac radii, sidewalk widths, curb and gutter; ❑ Dimensions & slopes provided R1 Drainage areas delineated ❑ Pervious and impervious reported for each ❑ Areas of high density U" Inspection and maintenance agreements provided ❑ Application complete 131"Application Incomplete Returned: (Date) May 14, 2008 Revision /A/Lr T ✓jE LocaT/, s? 5 EJEDA'&- SPCcs ? 7 V j(MT SI 6 Al 0y BOA) 6-U A_ -t f c SL 2006-246 Section 9 Post Construction Requirements for Non -Coastal Counties Low -density projects ❑ No more than two'dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area-" ❑ Vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; ❑ Built -upon areas at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures. High density projects Z" Control and treat runoff from the first one -inch of rain. :a- Runoff volume drawdown time must be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours; a-� Discharge the storage volume at a rate equal to or less than the predevelopment discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm. Achieve 85% averaggpnnual removal of total suspended solids:-, ® For BMPs that require a separation from the;seasonal:high-water.table (SHVVT)',-'Ittie separation shall include at least 12 inches of naturally occurring soil above the SHWT.` ❑ Stormwater management measures must comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c); ❑ All built -upon areas are at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters; m- Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures e Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance of Best Management Practices Post -Construction Runoff Controls for T&E Species Goose Creek, Six Mile Creek and Waxhaw Creek Watersheds Buffers ❑ 200' undisturbed buffers on perennial streams ❑ 100' undisturbed buffers on intermittent streams Low -density projects ❑ All built upon area shall be limited to 10 percent. ❑ Use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures High -density projects ❑ The stormwater control measures must control and treat the difference between the pre -development and post -development conditions for the 1-year 24-hour storm. ❑ Runoff volume drawdown time must be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours; ❑ All structural stormwater treatment systems must be designed to achieve 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids; ❑ Stormwater management measures must comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c) ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive languagelmeasures. ❑ Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance of Best Management Practices High Density Projects that require a 4011404 within an NSW ❑ 85% TSS ❑ 30% TN ❑ 30% TP. May 14, 2008 Revision March 12, 2009 Robert Patterson NCDENR 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Cason Building Supply Dear Mike, ,•.rt f` MIKE ANDERS°N ENGINEERING, PA. On behalf of Gould Properties, LLC we are submitting an application for storm water approval for the proposed Cason Building Supply. Please find enclosed the following items for your review: I ) Two sets of Storm Drainage Plans 2) A check in the amount of $505.00 to cover the permit and review fees 3) Stormwater Management Permit Application 4) Project Narrative 5) Commercial Subdivision Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants 6) Five (5) Bioretention Operation and Maintenance Agreements 7) Five (5) Bioretention Cell Volume Calcs (Using Simple Method) and Supplements 8) Under Drain Calcs 9) Grassy Swale Hydrographs and Flow Cales 10) Drainage Basin Summary 1 1) Soil Boring Report w/ Boring Map If you should have any questions or concerns during your review, please do not hesitate to call our office. Sincerely, Mike Anderson, P.E. M. Anderson Engineering, P.A. co g . CD 206 E. (HESTNUT STREET STE. C ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 82B 252-48801 - 828 252-4B81 f mmmandersonengxom Cason Water Quality: 802 1 of ] Application Completeness Review ❑ First Submittal t9 Re -submittal Date Received Development/Project Name: LA.50AI Receiving stream name _ (AT �a k1�✓� GreC Date Reviewed: 9 By _bap_ classification: For post -construction requirements, a program will be deemed compliant for the areas where it is implementing any of the following programs: WS-1, WS-II, WS-III, WS-IV, HQW, ORW, Neuse River Basin NSW, Tar -Pamlico River Basin NSW, and the Randleman Lake Water Supply Watershed Nutrient Management Strategy. Projects that require a 401/404 within an NSW require 85% TSS, 30% TN and 30% TP removal. T&E Species (Goose Creek, Waxhaw Creek or Six Mile Creek Water Sheds): 'vf$ Latitude and Longitude: 330if`157"A/ "0.5-'A"N Jurisdiction 5rttTet Project Address: kti✓(- 5'r. -' Engineer name and firm: _ /,i Loly4br Smn/ F�2.t/i=m-ji a PA_ ❑ Low Density (no curb and gutter) ❑ Low Density with curb and gutter outlets 'High Density ❑ Other Or 401/404 impacts to surface waters, wetlands, and buffers (add language to cover letter and/or addinfo letter) ra` BUA ®' Check for $505.00 included Er Original signature (not photocopy) on application ar Legal signature (Corporation-VP/higher, Partnership -General Partner/higher, LLC-member/manager, Agent). Check spelling, capitalization, punctuation: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/thepage.as: If an agent signs the application, a signed letter of authorization from the applicant must be provided which includes the name, title, mailinq address and phone number of the person signing the letter. ❑ For subdivided projects, a signed and notarized deed restriction statement a- Sealed, signed & dated calculations ®' Correct supplement and O&M provided for each BMP on site (check all that were provided & number of each) Bioretention ❑ Dry Detention Basin ❑ Filter Strip ❑ Grass Swale ❑ Infiltration Basin ❑ Infiltration Trench ❑ Level Spreader ❑ Permeable Pavement ❑ Restored Riparian Buffer ❑ Rooftop Runoff Management ❑ Sand Filter ❑ Stormwater Wetland ❑ Wet Detention Basin ❑ Low Density ❑ Curb Outlet ❑ Off Site ❑ NCDOT Linear Road' Two sets of sealed, signed & dated layout & finish grading plans with appropriate details Narrative Description of stormwater management provided rR- Soils report provided er Wetlands delineated or a note on the plans that'none exist on site and/or adjacent property a— Details for the roads, parking area, cul=de-sac radii, sidewalk widths, curb and gutter; aa­ Dimensions & slopes provided as ' Drainage areas delineated M'Pervious and impervious reported for each ❑ Areas of high density R- Inspection and maintenance agreements provided 60�- Application complete ❑ Application Incomplete Returned: (Date) Comments May 14, 2006 Revision SL 2006-246 Section 9 Post Construction Requirements for Non -Coastal Counties Low -density projects ` ❑ No more than two dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area, ❑ Vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; ❑ Built -upon areas at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, andlor other restrictive language/measures. A High density projects ❑ Control and treat runoff from the first one -inch of rain. ❑ Runoff volume drawdown time must be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours; ❑ Discharge the storage volume'at a rate equal to or less than the predevelopment discharge rate for the one-year, 24-hour storm, r ❑ Achieve 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids. ❑ For BMPs that require a separation from the -seasonal high-water'table''(SHWT); the separation shall include at least 12 inches of naturally occurring soil above the SHWT. ❑ Stormwater management measures must comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c); ' ❑ All built -upon areas are at least 30 feet landward of perennial and intermittent surface waters; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures ❑ Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance of Best Management Practices Post -Construction Runoff Controls for T&E Species Goose Creek, Six Mile Creek and Waxhaw Creek Watersheds Buffers ❑ 200' undisturbed buffers on perennial streams ❑ 100' undisturbed buffers on intermittent streams Low -density projects ❑ All built upon area shall be limited to 10 percent. ❑ Use of vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable; ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive language/measures High -density projects ❑ The stormwater control measures must control and treat the difference_ between the pre -development and post -development conditions for the 1-year-24-hour-storm. ❑ Runoff volume drawdown time must be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours; Q Ali structural stormwater treatment systems must be designed to achieve 85% average annual removal of total suspended solids; ❑ Stormwater management measures must comply with the General Engineering Design Criteria For All Projects requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2H .1008(c) ❑ Deed restrictions, protective covenants, and/or other restrictive languagelmeasures. ❑ Provide a mechanism to require long-term operation and maintenance bf Best Management Practices High Density Projects that require a 401/404 within -an NSW ❑ 85% TSS ❑ 30% TN ❑ 30% TP May 14, 2008 Revision it 2 UZ ' 9". i •,fin '� �s 5 O 1n 00) �' 1 • � t £�__7 - 10) 1110 VQ5 f �C;Sol'k )�- = . 1) hl r-� r t tk 91,09 (OWO Z 941 --I ) -j 1,Z.er -a--8 A a y t 1 ' Aj -`•� IIT8 Patterson, Robert . From: Bill Hunt [Bill_Hunt@ncsu.edu] Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 5:25 PM To: Robert Patterson; Lauffer, Matthew S; Mark Senior; Cox, John Cc: 'Rob Brown' Subject: Request for a Letter of Support for a WRRI grant Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: lagged Gentlemen, Greetings from NC State! hope you all are well. I have you. / (I think) quick favor to ask of Wa/BAE submitted a proposal`to further evaluate bioret'ention, and its expected lifetime performance, to WRRI. We made the first round of cuts/and are now in the finalist round. Our goal is employ DRAINMOD to pre ict how well variousA and essentially an un-monitorable number of) designs will "convert" runoff to ET and infiltration. DRAINMOD is the perfect model to do this. \ Our output would essentially say that if you havb a bioretention cell located in HSG B soils that has an SA/DA ratio of 7% and i�1 4' deep A includes an internal water storage layer of 2.5', you can expect to reduce annual runoff volumes by 55%. If you undersize your bioretention cell (SA/DA = 4%), then �model ly" 3A of runoff is converted, etc. We would run the 1000's of times to predict annuahydr& ogy from a variety of design conditions. We would check our output against our monpri g data to fine tune the model. What our ultimate output - for use by the"- -sign community and regulatory agencies - would be is a series of nomography or a spreadsheet hat would predict annual hydrologic performance, and ultimately pollutant load reduction for Xssentially ANY designed BMP. This would give the designer and the //regulato flexibility, rather than the somewhat rigid requirements now in effect. FWIW, welU ld err on the side of conservatism. So, there's your intro. what we are'looking for\to bolster our grant bid is a letter from you saying that this project would helop you and the tate stormwater management in general. If you could mention benefits - lik allocation of "credit" to undersized retrofits, use in the .Jordan/ Falls Lake watersheds, q c., that would bet awesome. The letter need not be long. Here's whom to address the le ter: Dr. David Genereux, Associat Director for Research UNC - WRRI NC State University 1575 Varsity Drive, Module 7 1 Raleigh, NC 27695-7912 Please, however, send th letter (scanned or pdf is great) to Mr. Rob Brown (cc'ed above, rabrown4(lncsu.edu) who 's putting the proposal package t,gether. I am going to be out of the country from 10/12 to 0/22. If you could have the letter to Rob by 10/22 (in the am) that would be great. I sus ct he'll send a reminder to anyone that initially agrees to help out with this. (Yes, you an turn us down, too. :-( ) If you have any questions or comments in the coming days, pl ase send them my way. Happy to answer them. Finally, I appreciate your consideration toward writing the letter of support. I **know** it will really strengthen our proposal to have your letters as a part of the package. Sincerely and MANY THANKS, °jl2�Ll s'# IA., A },,,,xo-o A"Vq I:H �E- ,C 09 o� p�p►�7 1SWlrJ. !• 'Q - ��� -�") C1 1 S �-S J CJ ` �� 1 _ v1SV17 gib• - zI �►Z o ��� Cam- �s9 S)�z� . -5 c �1b7�S 9- 41 Cot I $wT(T, �o 74 --------------- �z ? Ym -6 Page 7 of 7 September 9, 2009 Response to Comments ort Draft Genera! Permit, rVCGI b0000 Summary DWQ has received and considered comments on the following major changes from the previous versions of the permits: • The additional provision that some permittees may not be eligible for coverage or renewal under the General Permits if they cannot show no reasonable potential to cause or contribute to violations of water quality standards for stormwater pollution named in an established TMDL, or identified in a 303(d) listing; • Prohibit discharges determined by the Division of Water Quality to be wastewaters; • Required monitoring with benchmark concentra(ions and requirements for corrective actions in response to benchmark value exceedences; and • An increase from once -per -year sampling and reporting to twice -per -year sampling and reporting. s