Municipalities NOT MS4
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Michael F. Easley, Gnvcrnor
Willi:itn G. RVss k., Sceretrn'y
With Cawlina Department of Ertvinmment and Nntmal Resources
Alan W. Klimek. P 1'. Director
Division of wmer Quality
Colecn H. Sullins, Dclntly Dircctoi
I)ivision uF water Quality
April 5, 2004
David B. Leonard
Town Manager
Town of Asheboro
P.O. Box 1 106
Asheboro, NC 27204- t 106
Subject: NPDES Phase I1 Stormwater Program
State Designation Process
Randolph County
Dcar Mr. Leonard:
We are writing this letter to provide you with information on activities related to state
designation of' public entities Under the stormwater NPDES program, and potential implications
for your community. We would like to start by giving you some background information on the
NPDES Phase 2 Stormwater Program and areas that are, or may be covered by the program. The
letter will then provide you with more descriptive information on the implementation of the state
designation requirements under this program. Your community has been identified for
consideration under the state designation procedures. Please note that this does not mean your
community has been designated at this point. Various pieces of information, including
community input and other public input, will be considered before making decisions on any state
Background NNDLS Infoi-matimi
In 1990 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (CPA) Phase 1 stormwater grog rare was
promulgated under the Clcall Watcr Act. Phase I relies on National Pollutant discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit coverage to address stormwater runoff from: (1) "medium"
and "large" municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) generally serving populations of
100,000 or greater, (2) construction activity disturbing 5 acres of land or greater, and (3) tcn
categories of industrial activity.
The NPDES Stormwater Phase II Final Rule was promulgated in December -1999 and is the next
step in EPA's effort to preserve, protect, and improve the Nation's water resources from polluted
stormwater runoff. The Phase It program expands the Phase 1 program by requiring additional
N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27099.1617 (919) 733-7015 Custonur Service
David B. Leonard
April 5, 2004
Page 2
operators of MS4s in urbanized areas and operators of small COnstrtrC0011 s1teS, through the use of
NPDES permits, to implement programs and practices to control stormwater runoff. Phase H is
intended to further reduce adverse impacts to water quality and aquatic habitat by instituting the
use of controls on the unregulated sources of storm water discharges that have the greatest
likelihood of causing continued environmental degradation. North Caroling is an EPA delegated
state for the federal NPDES program and implements this program through the Division of Water
Quality (DWQ).
A small MS4 becomes part of the Phase II program in one of three ways;
1) Automatic designation,
2) State designation, or-
3) Petitioning.
Automatic designation
Automatic designation under the federal program applies to areas defined as an Urbanized Area
by the U.S. Census Bureau. The definition of an Urbanized Area is complex, but in general
terms it is any local government or group of local governments that combined have a population
of 50,000 and a density of 1,000 people per square mile. Based on the most recent census data,
there are 17 Urbanized Areas in North Carolina. These areas include 123 cities and 33 counties
for automatic designation.
State Designation
The federal regulations require state implementation agencies to develop state designation
criteria to screen communities outside of' Urbanized Areas to determine if they should be subject
to Phase H. Under the federal regulations, the state's designation Cdteria must be applied to
municipalities outside of an Urbanized Area that have a population of 10,000 or more and a
density of 1,000 people per square mile. In North Carolina, counties outside of an Urbanized
Area will also be identified as a potentially regulated public entity if the county municipal and
non -municipal total population is greater than 45,000 persons. In both cases total population
includes both permanent and seasonal population. The state implementation process may
identify additional public entities that have the potential to discharge stormwater resulting in
exceedances of water duality standards, including impairment of designated uses, or other
significant water quality impacts, including adverse habitat and biological impacts.
Petitioning is the third mechanism for inclusion of small MS4s into the Phase 11 program. Under
this option, anyone can petition DWQ to cover a local government under a Phase 11 permit if
there are significant water quality concerns associated with that community. Affected
communities are notified when a petition is received. DWQ will gather information, allow for
public input and decide whether the community should be in the program.
David 13, Leonard
April 5, 2004
Pauc 3
implementation of Slate Designation
The state designation process will be implemented in accordance with the schedule for
Basinwide Plans beginning with the Cape Fear River Basin in May, 2004. DWQ will publish a
list of public entities identified in each basin. To the extent possible, publication of this list will
be coordinated with public notices issued through basinwide planning efforts. All public entities
identified will be notified in writing by DWQ, As part of the public process, DWQ will accept
public comment on the consideration of each identified entity. A final determination on
designation for each of the listed public entities will involve review of the evaluation criteria,
review of public comments received, and review of the effectiveness of any existing water
quality protection programs.
Where a public entity is designated under state designation, DWQ will notify the entity of its
designation For stormwater coverage in writing- This notification will outline the basis(es) of the
designation and the date on which the application for coverage must be submitted to the
Department. Designated public entities must apply for permit coverage within 18 months of
State notification. NPDES Permit coverage will only apply to municipal separate storm sewer
systems owned or operated by the public entities.
We are writing to you to notify you that Asheboro has been identified for consideration for state
designation based on the population criteria spelled out above. Public comments on potential
designation will be accepted through June 30, 2004. For more information, our web address is
httpa/h2o.enr.st',itc.nc.us/su/Stormw�itei-.htini. If you have any questions about. this letter, please
feel free to contact me (919-733-5083, ext.525) or Mike Randall (919-733-5083, ext. 545)
Bradley Bennett, Supervisor
Stormwater and General Permits Unit
cc: Central Files
Stormwater and General Permits Unit Files
Winston-Salem Regional Office