HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960468 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19960521 • • soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 May 14, 1996 NCDEH&NR - DEM rs _ Attn: Mr. John Dorney ' t ?j Suite 105 4401 Reedy Creek Road (S o _ Raleigh, NC 27607 `-' cdpr © GB > F Dear Mr. DCRosa and Mr. DorrieN 1?- The purpose of this letter and application pacKage is to request Nationwide Permits 26 and lp ]! ?__ ,. Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the project known as Knightdale Quarry. This project, owned by Wake Stone Corporation, is located near Knightdale, NC (Wake County). The site is shown on the attached plans and USGS Topo Quad vicinity map. Nationwide Permit 26 and 14 will be necessary to impact open water, vegetated and channel type (see maps) jurisdictional wetlands above headwaters for the expansion of the quarry. The expansion of the quarry will result in the creation of jurisdictional wetland areas that should be reasonably used to off-sct some of the acreage of wetland impacts. The wetland areas that are created account for some replacement of the lost significant functions of the on-site wetlands. Additionally, previous impacts totaling 0.80 acres for a process pond and other improvements was approved under a Nationwide Permit 26. Wetland impacts for the site will total 2.35 acres if all activities are permitted (including previously permitted activities) and regulatory authorities agree with impacts as calculated by S&EC after trade-offs for created wetlands. The attached IMPACT TABLES are useful in illustrating the logic used to calculate the actual wetland impacts at this site. The current proposed wetland impact acreage of 1.22 acres was calculated by S&EC after reasonable assessment of the replacement of some wetland acreage and significant functions created by the expansion activity. This total was calculated by adding a +0.43 acre net change in channels after construction, with one half of the acreage of change in open water after construction (1.14 acres). (A total of +2.28 acres of open water will be created by the expansion, but for the sake of this argument only one third of its acreage was considered to replace lost functions of vegetated wetlands). The total acreage of replacement was therefore calculated as 1.57 acres. This number was then subtracted from the loss (under Nationwide 26) of vegetated wetlands on-site, which total 2.79 acres. This acreage was calculated by considering the natural succession of the pond margin to wetland conditions utilizing computer generated topographic maps. The resultant total of 1.22 acres (under Nationwide 26) was then added to the prior permitted 0.80 acres and the 0.33 acres under Nationwide 14 for the total impact. The attached tables account for impacts at the site. Current proposed impact areas arc shown on the attached site maps. Total wetland impacts prior to the trade-offs are shown in the attached table titled 'total Wetland Impacts Within The Expansion Area. The expansion will cause the loss of all wetlands shown in Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audit On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design .I the impact acreage column. This total is accurate in assessing the immediate loss of wetlands by flooding, diverting of channels, and excavation of wetlands. The total, however, does not account for the replacement of Nvetland acreages and functions through the expansion activities. The current site plan calls for enlarging an on-site pond and diverting surface water through a diversion channel into a large high quality wetland system. The pond is shown on both the attached Pre- and Post Construction Maps; note changes in openwater and vegetated wetlands acreages, and the location of the new channel. The enlargement of the pond will result in increases in the quantity of open water and channel type wetlands at the site. The large channel that currently crosses the property was placed through highground to allow for excavation of the existing pit, the proposed relocated channel will replace the lost acreage and function of tills channel. The following table accounts for wetland conditions at the Knightdale Quarry before and after the proposed expansion. S&EC would like to note that the flooding of open water is not an adverse impact to waters of the US. WETLAND TYPES PRE-CONST. WETLANDS OPEN WATER 4.28 AC. WETLAND AREAS 3.55 AC CHANNELS 0.74 AC POST-CONST WETLANDS NET CHANGE 6.56 AC C C 0.76 AC IA 1.17 AC +0.43 AC TOTALS 8.57 AC 8.49 AC -0.08 AC Wetlands on site are classified as bottomland hardwood, headwater forested, channel, and opcnwater wetlands. NOTE: The following individuals/agencies have been provided with a complete copy of this entire application package: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries, N.C. Cultural Resources. Please call if you have questions or if you intend to perform a site visit. Sincerely, "? ?W? ristopher Huysman, Biologist cc: (with enclosures) USF&.WS N.C. Cultural Resources National Marine Fisheries Service IMPACT TABLES: WAKE STONE QUARRY KNIGHTDALE, NC TOTAL WI`CI,ANDS IMPACTED WITI IIN TI IF. EXPANSION ARF.A (INCLUDING PRIOR PERMFrFED ACITVITIE r I G.0 'TOTAL WF; ELANDS REMAINING ON SITE WFFI IIN TI W EXPANSION AREA AFTER COMPLETION OF TI-IE, PROJECT (AS SI-IOWN ON THE ATTACHED MAPS): WETLAND ACREAGE WETLAND TYPE 6.56 OPENWATER 1.17 CHANNEL, 0.76 VEGETATED 8.49 TOTAL NET CHANGES IN WETLAND ACREAGES BY TYPE AFTER EXPANSION / CONSTRUCTION (FOR ACT INT17ES PERMITTED UNDER NATIONWIDE 26 ONLY): WETLAND PRE CONS"t. POST CONST. TYPE WETLANDS' WETLANDS" NET CHANGE OPENWATER 4.28 6.56 +2.28 CHANNEL 0.74 1.17 +0.43 VEGETATED 3.55 0.76 -2.79 THIS APPLICATION. .. WE'T'LANDS CRI,'A'1'ED 13Y ACI'IVITIF.S RI?Ql1ES'1'I?D IN THIS APPLICATION. IMPACT TABLES: WAKE STONE QUARRY KNIGHTDALE, NC TRADE OFT., VALUES ASSIGNED TO NE'T' CI IANGE IN WETLAND ACREAGE BY TYPE (FOR IMPACTS PROPOSED BY :1111= CURRENT FEXPANSION PLAN UNDER NW 26): A1; V] `R IRADF. OFF 1 1.22 * MUI;FIPLIER IS AN ASSUMED VALUE'll IAT ACCOIJN'I'S FOR SOM1: RI?ASONABLL REPLACEMENT OF WE ,AND FUNCTIONS AND VALUES M COMPARISON TO VF6V'1'ATED WETLANDS OR Ull, IMPACTED WETI AND. WETLAND IMPACTS AT TI IF WAKE STONF QUARRY KNIGHTDALE, NC BY PERMIT CONSIDERING REASONABLE TRADE-OFFS FOR WETLANDS CREATED BY THE CURRENT PROPOSED AC'T'IVITY AND FOR PRIOR PERMITTED ACTIVITIES): "DOTAL 2.35 DEM ID: SEE ATTACHED LETTER: 12-4-89 ACTION ID: CESAW-C090+092 Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR 960468 Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WA'T'ER QUALITY PLANNING CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH PO Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 4401 Reedy Creek Road ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 713-1786 ONE (1) COPY OF'I'I IIS COMPLETED APPLICA'T'ION SHOULD BE SENT TO T14E CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: WAKE STONE CORPORATION ATTN: JOHN R. BRATTON 2. Owners Address: PO BOX 190, KNIGHTDALE, NC 27545 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): (919) 266-1100 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: SOIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Ph: 919/846-5900 244 W. MILLBROOK ROAD RALEIGH, NC 27609 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: WAKE COUNTY, NC Nearest Town or City: KNIGHTDALE, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): NORTH OF HWY 64, SOUTH OF NCSR 2049, ON AN UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF BEAVERDAM CREEK. AS PER ATTACHED RALEIGH EAST AND KNIGHTDALE, NC, USGS TOPO QUADS. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: BEAVERDAM CREEK 7. River Basin: NEUSE RIVER BASIN 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WSI, or WS II? YES( ) NO(X) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ( X ) NO ( ) If yes, explain. SEE COVER LETTER AND FILES. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: UNKNOWN 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S. including; wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: TOTAL IMPACTS FOR PROJECT PERMIT NW26 NW14 Filled: 0.00 AC 0.13 road crossing Filled; 0.80 AC prior permitted Flooded: 1.12 AC current proposed Excavated: 3.75 AC current proposed 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): PROPOSED EXPANSION OP QUARRY FACILITY INCLUDING REMOVAL OF OVERBURDEN. 13. Purpose of proposed work: EXPANSION OF QUARRY FOR FUTURE OPERATIONS. 14. Slate reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. OVERBURDEN MUST BE REMOVED TO QUARRY. SURFACE WATER WILL BE DIVERTED TO ON- SITE HIGH QUALITY WETLANDS AND GROUNDWATER WILL BE PUMPED TO PROCESS PONDS. 15. You are required to contact, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES ( X ) NO ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to coma<t the Stale Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (X) NO ( ) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative, photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a slormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding properly? FORESTED AND RURAL F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/A Y?M? (10 ent's Signature Date • Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 - AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM - ALL BLANKS TO BE Frr r D IN BY CURRENT LANDOWNER Name: Address: "'°" X17 Address: t l"?5 Phone: ((G 4 t l?l?} Project Name/Descrlptlon: ,%?=t4T4Pt1.1:, Date: `; A -`'1(1/1 The Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Dlstrtct PO Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Attn: Field Office: _ a a.a AM(alA hL . Re: Wetlands Related Consulting and Permitting To Whom It May Concern: I, the current or4,RoltX owner, hereby doo4n0te and suthottss goal and Environmental Consultants, Inc. to act In my behalf as my agent in the Processing of permit applications, to furnish upon requ supplementat,(gfOm ion In support off applications, etc. from this day forward. This the day Of '??11 ? ?"1°?? This notification supersedes any prVAOU3 Jo- ka P-- 5 AMO Foe,. WAKE STONE C02-P- a ri t Owners Name: cc: Mr. John Domey NCDEH&NR-OEM Water Quality Planning 4401 Ready Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27007 cc: Mr. Chris Huysman soil and Environmental CordW cants, Inc. sm[/J,itc Fvaltaation f Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audit On-Site Wacte Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design 02/28/Mi 17:24 TX/RX N0. X1500 1).002 1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Action ID: /12/ County: Wilmington District kAM- Notification of Jurisdictional Determination Property owner/Authorized Agent Qourc?7v31 Address /0 S 'Iblephone Number ob5 -//C r Size and Location of Property(waterbody, ighway name/number town etc.) 06 #47 3> C?V Y47 zN1 Indicate Which of the following apply:") ` - " •/ '? " " ODV 'D There are wetlands on the above described property which we strongly suggest should be delineated and surveyed. The surveyed wetland lines must be verified by our staff before the Corps will make a final jurisdictional determination on your property. Because of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wetlands cannot be accomplished in a timely manner. You may wish to employ a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlands. Once your consultant has flagged a wetland line on the property, Corps staff will review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional determination on your property I without an approved survey. The wetlands on your lot have been delineated, and the limits of Corps jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed three years from the date of this notification. There are no wetlands present on the above described property which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed three years X from the date of this notification. The project is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties. You should contact the nearest State Office of Coastal Management to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material in wetlands on this property without a Department of the Army permit is in most cases a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A permit is not required for work on the property restricted entirely to existing high ground. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory rogram, please contact at ? ff /GC ??• Property owne thorized Agent Signatur Project Manager ignature R dt Date 0MIX Expiration Date ?? Bl SURVEY PLAT OR FIELDS SKETCH OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND A DELINEATION FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE YELLOW (FILE) COPY OF THIS FORM. 0 Cmw Poem fib . y locr,2 :,,;u --, 2218 ?- _? A A2. _ .1 o Golf r Course ke 192 ,ezVeuseoco.?? v (2049 22iB 13 e a?'?? 1 q 1 r le . ?;?" ??' .. ? ' I 1s ? •?, I , ? (? Ate` t.. 150 1. x3 _ '•o ?J J \ I. ?U 1 \(? ?.? r 300 e e 11?(? \ \? 35 3l 150 ,1 1. N? _'? ?? / _ • .` I 1 '• ? ? \ ?? ?_ Q'om'-_ wl 150 J ?1 v(r ll i If Sch x51 11 N. alb e u F /1 - r - \ \ I n ? 14 • \? \ _250. -_ ?_ '-- -'- __ •Gr\'wl ;?.. '_1• ._u?`e; -',/ 8 \\??II` I \. 700 ?f " °• AhL - 1\ \ (???\II, O U` w ;3 :?- Ivi r o ,f I MILE * 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET = DN 1 175 0 1 KILOMETER \ I 76 CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET 124 MILS 1'30•_ r' NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 -- 27MIL5 RALEIGH EAST, N. C. KNIGHTDALE, N. C. SE/4 RALEIGH 15' QUADRANGLE 35078-G4-TF-024 UTM GRID AND 1981 MAGNETIC NORTH 35078-G5-TF-024 PHOTOINSPECTED 1988 QUADRANGLE LOCATION DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET 1967 1968 PHOTOREVISED 1981 Map photolnspected 1988 PHOTOREVISED 1987 DMA 5355 IV SW-SERIES Y842 No major culture or drainage changes observed 7_3 T o,) -- 250 1 I_)rltnritl,un I', rlornu•d by Soil and l1nv1ronmenlal ( onsulinnls, Inr. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, N(' 27609 Ph: 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROU FINE WETLAND DE7'ERMIN A•T'ION (1987 C 01' Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: I)atr: Applicant/(hvnrr: C ottnty: Investigator: State: ', I )o Normal Circttmst<,nr,s ("")!;I on tl'e site? No (omnmntly lU: Is the site significantly di sturhrd (`N1N pug+l `;tluntu,n).ye" l r,u, I i I:. 11)(101000 Pot,•ntu,l I'rul?l? n, ?,? <+? Yrs?u, I'l??t II (11 needed, explain on reverse ) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Slr(itiim - - Indicator D?minrjnt Plant Species 3 Strat_uin T ?t -k?- S - v ?c? cs _ 9.SS, , asp- L, ? (cam 10 ?64,o 1 Thy -- 2.YICi tcn`c ,L 5 l - ,,`;??{???,,_N? t1?tl . _, . , 1]sr `a?C tk '5i?ni1[rol `31Y4-TJ __ _? 13. -- - - --- -- - 6 AL 14. - - -- -- ------- flst? ?(al?y 15.- -- ---- __ Percent of Dominant Species that are 0131, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other No Recorded Data Available I-'teld Observation: of 1_)epth }li Surfarr Wnl? r'? ??- (in.) I_)epth to free Water a, I'll Urplh to Saturated S„tl (tn.) h-ld icator Wetland 1 lydrology Indicators: Prima5lndicators: J/ Inundated ? Saturated in Upper 12 inches ? Water Marks ? Drift Lines Sediment Deposits v Drainage Patterns u, Well.+nds ';,•, ondary lnd?calors (2 or more re(1uur•d): ? Oxidized Root ('hannels u, upper 12 inches Water-Stiuned Leaves Local .`foil Survey I>ala PAC-Neutral 'test ()ther (Explain in R,•rtu+rks) Kemiu l Soil's n?„I, t i,,,i N„me (tirru^; ?u,d I'husr) U x'? C?t<?,?CS<s? I?rau,age (?lrass: ?.?c'?.'? 1 Field Ohservahons f,?un nn?(ti„?,}•n,u?,) ?1L1,1?n11C ?^C? ?.?15 c <,nsi,n, nnt?l,hect ?yhe?? No I )4,s, r,l,tuu, 1'1,1104, I h I,II, Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle (ins) 11or,r.un (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast ? za ?L tip- '(a I IV,j11• ,,'11111,11,.1,1 iI TextUre, ('cmct-etIons, Structure etc. 1 Istosol Coil( ,rtions 1 list,c I?hihc'clun 1 l,gh Organic Content in Surface Layer u, Sandy Soil \-,-Sulfidtr Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List AipRedticinp, Conditions l.isled on National Hydric Soils List %/(;leyed or Low-Chron,a Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Ren,arl:s: Wetland Determination I lydrophytic Vegetation Present? e-1 No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point rdcle)a Wend? Wetland Hydrology Present? No ? No 1 lydric Soils Present? No Remarks: ,_}1 !c_ic . 1)(11114,10 toll P/'viol-med by tiotl and Environmental Consttltnnls, Inc 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC' 27609 Ph: 919/840-5900 DATA FORM KOUTINE WETLAND DE'T'ERMINA'T'ION ("1987 COP Wetlands Delineation Manual) Protect /titte: t ti:: ?r'v k t ?.: C. C',?? 5 ?Q I )ate: 3 - `i L: Applicant/ 0tvne1 0_v\tLc Cotmty: Investigator: Slade: ?X- Do Normal Circuills U +nc(, exist un the sit('? ? No Communtty 11): Is the site sigiuficant1v dt:Aurbcd t . 01vptc:+l Situau+n)' ?,, ?lu 'l r.,n... 1 ll ? l)otentt,tl I??,hl?n? lhr :+rrn :+ (it needed, explnm c+n try" r,(. VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species ((Stratum Indicator 1 ?C+lul?C?Wx?uCi?7_ t` 4 ?? ?,.t,?m. ; v r-acs 5 ? s lam, `rd - - --- Percent of Dominant Species that are 0131, (excluding FAC-). Dominant Plant Sp cies Sirat?u» litdicatot 9 10._ 14. - - --- ------ -- 15. 16. - FACW or FAC Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs -_---Ollie r No Recorded Data Av:nlable I,+(.ld Observations of Depth iStn-lace Watcr U (+n.) 1)epl1? to I ree Water +n Pit Depth to Saturated ",+I l/1 (+n.) Wetland l lydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sedivr+ent Deposits Drainage Patterns Ill Wetl.uxls c ondio-, Indicators (2 or more r('c)tnred) Oxidized Root C'hnrtnrls u+ upper 12 inches Wnter-Stained Leaves I.ocnl Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral 'T'est C)llier (Explain ut Rernnrkr) IZenuul.s 5011 •S I\jol, I Irn,l None (114,1 w!. nn,l I'lue;e) l.l?J.l'?(.t? ?? Urouut};r (-lnss: < ?-} Field Ohservohort:; Iu\onont\('•ul,t•n„i l,) -e U?-01 ;?ril=i 7 ('onCtrmMapped ••ypl.) Yep, No S o I- I h }?lh Molrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle I rxlure, ( et( retions, (ills) I 1„r,:cott (Mtnlsell N4O,!;t) (MmAsell Moist) Abundance/C ontr<+st Structure etc. I k d l „I I,1,1,, .,t,u,.. 1 l tstoso} Concretions 1 listtr lpipedon High Organic Content in Surface layer to ?<jndv Sotl Sulltdtc Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Ayutc Moisture Regime _Listed on Local Hydric SoiLs List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils l.i,t (;leved or Low-C'.hrotna Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks. Wetland Determination 1 Iydropllybc Vegetation Present? es No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within it Wetland? Wetland I lydrology Present? es o Circle) I lydrtc SotLs Present? No L "Ds No Remarks: IVI III ation I'erlornuod by Soil and Envlronnlentol ('onsrultants, Inr 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, N(' 27609 I'll: 919/840-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINF WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 C'OB Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/SIte: /\pphrant/C)?^ nrr:L> ??s'U s)? County: v? j(=a??. Investigator: Mat(,: 1 i)o Normal Circumstances exuA on t1le site? Yes No Conununily ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (?llyhu al Litluation), Ye•, No I r,uu,e? t Il I:; llw iwa I hotenti'd I'i',14,I)l \ir'+' Yc^; Nl,, 11,,t II ? (If needed, explain on reveir.e ) VEGETATION Dominant Planl diec es Stratum Indicator Donunnnt Plant S-pe Ties Stratu»i Indicator 20. \r\ nVD- 15ac 6t) 10. . - _ rr??%1 v 11 - _ T 4 12 . _ CKC 7 15 -- - . - \ At (I-t \ 16 8. V> ,AW \ - _ - Percent of Dominant Species that are OBI., FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: HYDROLOGY t,A-_Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): ---Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs OU?e r No Recorded Data Available Field Ohservolions of I )epth yi Surfa(e Water l)-pill to Free Willer In I'll (ui.) I )-pth to `;alarated "oil \ (u? ) Wet-tmd I }ydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: 1\? ?\ Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sedunenl Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetland:; tierondarv Indicators (2 or more re(lonrd) Oxidized Root ('hannels ui upper 12 inches 1 Water.SlAImed I.envw; 1 Local Soil Survey L)a1n FA( •- Neutrol 'test Other (Ex)lain in R-nuirks) Remark; SOILS Map t n?( Name (Series and Plus(): Drainage ('lass: V? A- Fu•ld ()bse?valio?Ls 1'axono?ny(Suh};roup): ? ? ?^ ????? C oMirm Mapped 'Fyl eti No 1'roiile Description: Depth Matrix Color n?s. LT-1? Horizon L Murtisell Moist ? v IIlydric Soil Indicators: NN I-iistosol A - 1-iistic Epipedon _ Sulfidic Odor Aquic Moisture Regime ___-Reducing Conditions __Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Mottle Colon; (Murisell Moist) Mottle 'T'exture, Concretion; Abundance/Contrast Structure etc. NN High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils I Listed on Local Hydric Soils List .,--,----Listed on National Hydric SoiLs List Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes 9 (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes kTc (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes o Yes (!Q Remarks: State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta ry A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director loft ?EHNR July 16, 1996 Wake County DWQ Project # 960468 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. John R. Bratton Wake Stone Corp. P.O. Box 190 Knightdale, NC 27545 Dear Mr. Bratton: You have our approval to place till material and flood wetlands or waters for the purpose of expanding an existing quarry and relocate a channel at Knightdale Quarry, as you described in your application dated 14 May 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this till is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2732 and 2671. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 14 and 26 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. The downslope wetland adjacent to die quarry shall have its hydrology monitored to ensure that it remainsjurisdictional. Reports of the monitoring shall be sent winually to DWQ wid die Corps of Engineers. A detailed strewn mitigation plan shall be developed with DWQ staff and submitted before wetland fill occurs. The plan shall also address means to assure flow into die channel after quarry abandonment. In addition, you should get any other federd, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hewing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to die Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Pssto)Prn Howard, Jr. 7P.. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh Field Office Raleigh DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Chris Huysman; Soil and Enviro. Consultants 960468.1tr Division of Water Quality • Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Aff in-native Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 4 ,_ Wake Stone Corporation Quarry Phone Numbers: 919/266-9266-Knightdale 919/677-0050-Triangle 919/775-7349-Moncure 919/985-4411-Nash County Locations: U.S. 64 East, Raleigh, N.C. 1-40 at Harrison Ave., Cary, N.C. U.S. 1 at Deep River, Moncure, N.C. SR 1527 at 1-95, Gold Rock, N.C. Business Office Address: P.O. Box 190 Knightdale, N.C. 27545 919/266-1100 Fax 919/266-1149 July 9, 1996 Mr. John Dorney NC DEHNR -- DWQ Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Water Quality Certification Wake Stone Corporation -- Knightdale Quarry Wake County DF,M # 960468 Dear Mr. Dorney: R Please consider this letter a formal reply to your letter of July 2, 1996, to Wake Stone Corporation referencing the above project. In your letter you list three issues which need to be addressed prior to issuing the 401 Certification. We have discussed those concerns with Mr. Chris Huysman and offer the following resolutions. The hydrology of the 1.44 acres of wetland immediately down slope from the stream relocation site will be monitored on a biannual basis by Wake Stone personnel and by our consultants, Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.. We are confident that the existing surface water run off combined with the existing subsurface drainage will maintain the present hydrology. However, we understand and appreciate your concern for impact on those wetlands and will monitor that area as specified. We concur with the need for appropriate energy dissipation and outlet stabilization in order to prevent erosion in the wetlands adjacent to I3eaverdam Creek. Design of the outlet structure and channel lining is currently underway by our engineering consultants. The design criteria will become part of our Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which is a condition of our Mining Permit Revision. Our intent is to construct the relocated stream channel in such a way as to provide for low velocity and low gradient flows which will enhance the establishment ofvegetation and aquatic wildlife. Through Soil and Wake Stone Corporation Quarry Phone Numbers: 919 / 266-9266-Kn ig htdale 919/677-0050-Triangle 919/775-7349-Moncure 919/985-4411-Nash County Locations: U.S. 64 East, Raleigh, N.C. 1-40 at Harrison Ave., Cary, N.C. U.S. 1 at Deep River, Moncure, N.C. SR 1527 at 1-95, Gold Rock, N.C. Business Office Address: P.O. Box 190 Knightdale, N.C. 27545 919/266-1100 Fax 919/266-1149 July 9, 1996 Mr. John Dorney NC DEHNR -- DWQ Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Water Quality Certification Wake Stone Corporation -- Knightdale Quarry Wake County DEM # 960468 Dear Mr. Dorney: rti? ?r <2199 n`1'S , 6 V Please consider this letter a formal reply to your letter of July 2, 1996, to Wake Stone Corporation referencing the above project. In your letter you list three issues which need to be addressed prior to issuing the 401 Certification. We have discussed those concerns with Mr. Chris Huysman and offer the following resolutions. The hydrology of the 1.44 acres of wetland immediately down slope from the stream relocation site will be monitored on a biannual basis by Wake Stone personnel and by our consultants, Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc.. We are confident that the existing surface water run off combined with the existing subsurface drainage will maintain the present hydrology. However, we understand and appreciate your concern for impact on those wetlands and will monitor that area as specified. We concur with the need for appropriate energy dissipation and outlet stabilization in order to prevent erosion in the wetlands adjacent to Beaverdam Creek. Design of the outlet structure and channel lining is currently underway by our engineering consultants. The design criteria will become part of our Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which is a condition of our Mining Permit Revision. Our intent is to construct the relocated stream channel in such a way as to provide for low velocity and low gradient flows which will enhance the establishment of vegetation and aquatic wildlife. Through Soil and It Environmental Consultants, Inc. we will work with Karen Lynch of your staff to develop a restoration plan. The wetland areas to be impacted through this expansion project are the only wetlands we intend to impact at this time. There are other wetland areas on our Knightdale Quarry property, and those areas will remain undisturbed at this time. Any future expansion activities or modifications to the mining operation that might potentially impact these additional wetland areas will be addressed through proper permitting procedures at the time of such future activities. Placing a blanket deed restriction on the remaining wetlands and in-stream ponds is not an option given the changing nature of wetland regulations and our inability to foresee future expansion needs beyond the current project. Also, as I am sure you are aware, hard-rock mining operations are extremely long term projects, regulated by numerous agencies with sequenced permit renewal requirements. These requirements stipulate that the operator comply with all state and federal regulations, which include wetland restrictions and reclamation at the completion of mining. I trust this letter sufficiently addresses the concerns you raised, and that issuance of the 401 Certification will proceed in a timely manner. Please call me at (919) 266-1100 if you have questions or additional comments. Sincerely, Co ration 7.ohhnn Qratton cc: Mr. Chris Huysman, S & E C, Inc. 1 .- State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality JamesEL Hunt, Jr., Govemor Jonathan & Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 2, 1996 Mr. John Bratton Wake Stone Corporation P.O. Box 190 Knightdale, N.C. 27545 Dear Mr. Bratton: RE: Water Quality Certification Wake Stone (Knightdale) Quarry Wake County DEM # 960468 [D EHNR I met with Chris Huysman of Soil and Environmental Consultants this morning to discuss remaining concerns regarding the proposed expansion of the Knightdale Quarry. As we discussed, the mitigation discussions in the application are not convincing since most of the wooded wetlands will be replaced by a larger pond. However at this time if the Corps of Engineers does not require wetland mitigation, DEM will not either. There are several remaining issues that need to be addressed before the 401 Certification can be issued. First, we and the Corps are concerned that the 1.44 acre downslope wetland will lose its jurisdictional status when the stream is rerouted. Groundwater monitoring of the hydrology of this site will be required before and after stream relocation. If it is apparent that the site is becoming non-jurisdictional, then actions will need to be taken to remedy the situation. Second, the stream will need to be relocated and revegetated in such a manner as to protect aquatic life. As I discussed with Mr. Huysman, Ms. Karen Lynch of my staff will work with your consultants to develop a restoration plan for the stream. One important issue in this regard is control of the energy from the relocated stream to prevent erosion in the wetlands adjacent to Beaverdam Creek. Finally deed restrictions will be needed on the remaining wetlands and in-stream ponds on site to assure that these will remain after the mining is complete. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions. 96048.mem cc: Karen Lynch Eric Alsmeyer, US Danny Smith, DWQ Central Files Sincerely yours, ? PnD n ey 711? Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regional Office Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity AMmwd a Action Employer 50% recyckKVI0% post oormner paper MEMORANDUM TO: JOHN DORNEY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) %*r PERMIT YR: 96 PERMIT NO: 0000468 COUNTY: WAKE APPLICANT NAME: WAKE STONE QUARRY PROJECT _TYPE: STONE QUARRY PERMIT-TYPE: NW14/26 COE #: DOT #: RCD FROM_CDA: APP DATE_FRM_CDA: 05/21/96 REG OFFICE: RRO PRINT NAMES: Reviewer: WQ SUPV.: DATE : r„ 9< d RIVER AND SUB BASIN J: 030402 STR INDEX N0: 27-33-15 / STREAM CLASS: C 1 WL IMPACT? : Y/N WL TYPE : WL_REQUESTED : (k? WL_ACR EST? :3/N - WL_SCORE M : WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?:,JY/N MITIGATION?: Y/N MITIGATION TYPE. /6 MITIGATION-SIZE: DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y/V IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: Y?N HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: @Y N RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISS E/C ND DENY COMMENTS: C L .? CC: Regional Office Central Files Wake Stone Quarry Wake County Subject: expansion of the subject mining operation Wake Stone Quarry wishes to increase the size of their mining operation. They plan to increase the size of a pond which is located adjacent to their current mining pit. By increasing the size of this pond they plan on changing the location of the outfall in order to "re-route" water (from both the drainage basin, and mine dewatering) down a dug drainage and discharge back into Beaver Dam Creek. The stream that they wish to move is largely a deep (8 -15 feet) man-made rocky channel. Note: Portions of this drain located near the Beaver Dam Creek floods and receives stormwater from a fairly large drainage basin. RECOMMENDATION Avoid sections of wetland located near beaver creek and divert product holding (primary crusher area) stormwater into this wetland. Lets talk.......... /ds 1f Y ETL Project nam- County Name of evaluator ?Ye tand log. atio on pr1r? cue on'perennis C ? Pine savanna ? Boa forest ? =reshwa'Ar marsh ? Boa/ en ? is uarine Trinae forest ? Se ? E?,-.hemeral wetlarc ? Cther -. ? I-, Q ina Bay :,-,ling svst`rn can-et be app.ie? to salt or brackish ma,-shes er stream c' annels ,? r..•,'.rirri ?r;rrrrr; r,'; r,r; irrrir,rrrr,'; r ri.'= ; rrrr: r: .'r ?; ; r,•rrrirr,rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,?rii rrrrrrr.-rrrrrrririrrrrr; rrrirrirrrrri ,-riff: ?rrrr.r,?ri. 4.00 = € ..ai :,?:.nC?_.IrC spa l:I??_', ?.i.? 4.01J = c f !/.•?? c!lu nt ;c` .00 _ C i 'e 0 _ ?. -------------- G 'L Fourth version N z Nearest road e 7 1-7 i' . _. ]`J N . _ Clr :I r rC° /1 i C II UDS _. r "7sicoe, cr T ND RAT) Project name County N a me of evaluator VT:eti tnd loc ztio c3 renni. S oi? `,Vedand ? 6ottomland hardwood fores IL;'--Meadwa?er forest ? Swamp forest 'Alet flat Pcccsin / K ? Pine savanna ? =rshwa`er marsh ? Es-,uarine f rinoe forest ? Echemeral wetland ? Carolina Say ? Boo forest ?lve??G'•-?z? ? Boo/fen `` ? Sep ? Cther ?7 t !c n C .`, nx C!ln5.00 r HLET Fa?t?th Vc -!;ian e Li n,7 svstem cani^ot De «7G.'_Et to salt oI- bi-ack- sil La_rshes cr s?reaiil c'nannels I?C?'??l It 1 a `?. cam., raa`. x 4.00 - ? ;T2- .s i=.'/° _._?..... n... Clr.? 3nc_ ,vii .i, IiC f"'11? UDSC.??!i:. U?'SiCGC, Cf rrL Nearest r o"11-1 ?/?Vetland a e5 acres Wetland wid -1 ?? feet ,7: Date el, i?'?? ?kcm,?e_ l?f?ra?. r rw? 7z?w ? ism bo(, L?Al c Ln-z?-, S n h •.Ae ?? ? ,?.y ? T?srt a 0?7s?uy v l vi - f' C State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director The Honorable J. Clark Plexico North Carolina Senate Post Office Box 1904 Hendersonville, North Carolina 28793 Dear Senator Plexico: 4 ®r D EHNR I appreciate the efforts you expended in co-chairing the Wetlands Study Commission. There are few topics with more controversy or of greater importance to environmental protection today. The support you have fostered in establishing a mechanism for wetlands restoration for water quality protection is commendable. However, the final recommendations of the Commission pose significant concerns, and may in fact be contrary to many of the original driving forces behind wetland regulatory reform in North Carolina. The Department's draft bill 95-LH-219 D (4.15) reflected a sound effort in establishing that mechanism The alternative draft bill recommended by the Commission on April 16, if passed, would likely preclude the necessary Memorandum of Agreement between the State and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to establish a coordinated and comprehensive Wetland Restoration Program, and lead to an even greater federal role in the regulatory process by both the Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency. The Department requested review of the proposed bill and the Department's draft bill by the Corps, Region IV EPA, and discussed the legal aspects with the N.C. Attorney General's office. Please find a copy of a technical staff summary and responses to our inquiries for your consideration as we approach the 1996 Session of the General Assembly. I believe you will find our concerns to be warranted. Thank you again for your efforts toward protecting and improving North Carolina's precious environmental resources. Please feel free to contact me if we can address questions or provide more information. Sincerely, Jonathan B. Howes Secretary JBH: aph cc: Senator Marc Basnight Representative Harold J. Brubaker Preston Howard P.O. Box 29535, Ralelgh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper MEMORANDUM PRINT NAMES: - Reviewer TO: JOHN DORNEY WQ SUPV.: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: APPLICANT NAME: PROJECT TYPE: COE ?? RCD_FROM _CDA: REG OFFICE: 96 PERMIT NO: 0000468 WAKE STONE QUARRY STONE QUARRY APP RRO COUNTY: WAKE PERMIT TYPE: NW14/26 DOT J: DATE FRM CDA: 05/21/96 RIVER_AND_SUB_BASINJ: 030402 STR_INDEX_NO: 27-33-15 STREAM CLASS : C WL IMPACT? : Y/N 4 WL_TYPE: WL REQUESTED: WL_ACR_EST? : 31N WL_SCORE M : WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: I'/N MITIGATION?: Y/N MITIGATION-TYPE MITIGATION-SIZE: DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: YO IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?:0Y?N HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: @ N RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISS /C ND DENY COMMENTS : cc: Regional Office Central Files u ?? A 'Ilk Wake Stone Quarry Wake County Subject: expansion of the subject mining operation Wake Stone Quarry wishes to increase the size of their mining operation. They plan to increase the size of a pond which is located adjacent to their current mining pit. By increasing the size of this pond they plan on changing the location of the outfall in order to "re-route" water (from both the drainage basin, and mine dewatering) down a dug drainage and discharge back into Beaver Dam Creek. The stream that they wish to move is largely a deep (8 -15 feet) man-made rocky channel. Note: Portions of this drain located near the Beaver Dam Creek floods and receives stormwater from a fairly large drainage basin. RECOMMENDATION Avoid sections of wetland located near beaver creek and divert product holding (primary crusher area) stormwater into this wetland. Lets talk.......... /ds o 1and7ar2a ?w +tie:. r aL a --^,nemerai wetiane ;..1 Cther `? ? Fccos n ? Carolina Say --The rating s;stem cannot be apriie- to salt or brackish marshes or strea,-n c_,annels >. veiant `','a storae r . x 4.00 ? l L / ?2 `?c'' C G'.-I .K/ CnCr_1? x x.00 ?iU alit rc' C`•'ci z n 5.0C = !`3i e ,,a fit %.00 = ?-- 'arc -e vai 1 x 4.00 = 1.00 cir . cis;urtance ^in i /2 7iie upst yam, upsicce, cr ?_ Nearest road X62 / d 5!!? Project County e etland - Nearest road 1'4- acres Wetland Nvid eet u swamp roresz u Es Leanne trinae rcrest L.! Se- ? 'wet flat ? E:onemeral wetland ? Cther ? °occsin ? Carolina Say ?T e rating systern cannot be appiiet' to salt or brackiish marshes or s`rea,-n c ,annels ater storage we%ant x 4.00 <.;r. :3 ' . _ t!a r. - ?a.l??Sncr_!ir.e silica or _ x 4..00 C - ^ - - 51 JGII? ^?a?c i x 4.00 = .00 r,c ncr cin: fist r-ance rnznin r-ii@ uas_?ar a ,?s ?psece, Cr ate a me of evaluator t - ! - -------... NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 FAX COVER Falls Lake office pate G - 2 5 -96 Number of pesos including cover sheet To: Phcne F2x Phone CC. Jun 25'96 10:47 No.003 P.01 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program P.O. Box 118 Northside, NC 27564 Frcm: Fhcne °?°-5?$-9886 P2x F;ione 519.528-°83° t CWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE ._. TEL:919-528-9839 ? FAX COVER Falls Lake Office Date G - :2 S--P6 Number of paces indudina cover sheet To: T-- Phone Fax Phone Cc. Jun 25'96 1047 No.003 P.01 NC Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program P.O. Box 118 Northside, NC 27564 From: Ow€X,/ 'Q"0ewsd0-,1 Fricne Pax Phone °12-528-9886 X19-528-a83° HCP, FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Jun 25'96 10:48 No.003 P.02 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188,919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Exxecuttve Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Witter Quality Planning, DE 'N FROM: Owen F, Anderson,`' 4 egion Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: June 25, 1996 SUBJECT: 401 Water Quality Certification for Wake Stone Corporation, Knightdale, Wake County, DEM ID # 960468 Biologists on the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission staff have reviewed the subject project, Our a)mments are provided in accordance with certain pmvWons of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C.. 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 i1.S,C. 661-667d) and North Carolina General Statutes ((3.S. 113-131 et seq.). It is not clear from the application materials submitted what acreage will be impacted. On the joint application form ;i.75 acres iti Lo be imparted tinder NW26 and 0.33 acres under NW 14 while tho attached letter from Soi E and Environmental Consultants states a total impact of 6.0 acres. We have the ibllowing comments concerning this project: 1. There is no discussion of alternatives for the impact of these valuable wetlands or information provided on how wetland impacts have been avoided or minimizod. 2. Wetlands remaining after avoidance and minimization should be protected b deed restrictions to prevent further destruction by current or future owners. We recommend a 100-foot forested buffer be maintained or established along perennial streams of the area and a minimum 354oot forested buffer be maintained or established along intermittent streams and wetlands. The applicant should provide a clarilicalion of what impacts are being requested. 4. Unavoidable wetland impacts should be mitigated at a ratio of 2.1 for creation and 10:1 for preservation. It is not acceptable to mitigate the loss of bottomland wetlands and other vcgotatod wetlands by replacing with open water, which 1s being proposod. Therefore, either 5.58 acres of in kind wetlands should be created for the net loss of 2.79 acres of vegetated wetlands or 27.9 acru.s .mhould be preserved. A wetland mitigation plan should be prepared. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input intp the review process. If I can- be of further assistance, please contact the at (919) 528-9886. q m g alulaoN HNV 0319tl1 ,a 96 u/s SNOISIAJa 0069-9Y9 (616)0609L3 WPI-O "l-N *01#Pa@Pooa )P"glh" I-AA IYL DUI 'S1NVi1ASN0O 1V1N3WN081AN3 28 110S sarHiiln ,awnp 3wa?NOw? 3NO?s3>'vn 3WN 137'Daa iw Nalilnalsw1 X31111 17716 - b 1yyr vt i IN - 00 a aL W G W Q $ Z o V ) 0 CQ ¢ W N OE 10 Q Q W ¢ w Q? a a O `t Z Z Q ¢ 0 3 17 U ¢ n° c J J Z a a W ~ ~ W d r I I It I Z N O 3 3 o w It zz / a W Q Q W Li W u r / u Q w W L'i 3 3 i a ,p O a J 0 Li Z < J Z r ¢ / ¢ 'j u 3 W 0° ¢ Li a - -- N W w QI- C) / a z ¢ / A J d z W ¢ W / r a / / V) W J / u W z / V) U a zd w x / U In u ¢ ID w 0Y 0 / W 1" 2 / q 3 co W a o / ¢ / - w F I ^ O ¢ u P ¢ A / 3 z F-- Q W W Q a c? W u / U ¢ ¢ I I a z ¢ n- W q T L \ Z z 1 I r, ?? a J F-1 1 Cp W s U W ?. W _ a M W z a ? r Z N 3 ~ 0 o ( u 1 LLJ l W 3 CL 0