HomeMy WebLinkAbout19961157 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19961220State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources AT4 ill Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor dM 111111111111111L Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary p E H N F=I A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 6, 1997 Mr. J.M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Road Mount Olive, NC 28365 Dear Mr. Massey: Re: Proposed land clearing of wetlands Sampson County WQC Project #961157 On 18 December 1996 the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) was notified by receipt of you application regarding your plan to fill wetlands for the purpose of constructing a livestock facility in Sampson County. Approval from DWQ is required to disturb these wetlands. Although the required application was enclosed, no site plan was included to demonstrate the need for this amount of wetland fill. Please submit seven copies of these plans on maps of suitable scale (for instance 1" = 100 feet) so we can begin to determine your projects' compliance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500. Until these materials are received, this application is on hold as incomplete. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions or would require copies of our rules or procedural materials. Sin erely, -?4 U' T Dy uality Certification Program cc: Fayetteville DWQ Regional Office Wilmington Corps of Engineers Central Files Gary Mitchell; Mitchell and Associates Marsh Smith; Cunningham, Dedmond, Peterson & Smith, L.L.P. 961157.app Division of Water Quality - Environmental Sciences Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer - 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper SENT BY:Wilmington District 1-16-97.; 8:50 ; USACE-Reg, Branch-4 919 733 9959;# 1 FACSMOU TRANSMITTAL HEAMM SHEET ____ Fn ?.. a1 Mw ?an? ... Ap M~ ? ?; Ih. p?glw?h w.?o?? M CCMO? A? J D ?'? D01PN ?? ? MOMvMn F49MANKS PAX NO. (AWOVOMtCamm.) - ago. w.?rl. Fa coINIIIwIk.e?.a. C.KM• fM. olle? SENT BY;Wilmington District 1-16-97 : 8:50 : USAGE-Reg. Branch-4 91999733 9959:# 2 14"?r? d ?6.IV J State of North Cordina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Dirrision of Water Quatlty James B. Hunt, Jr., Covemor Jonathan 8, Howes, Secrettory A. Preston Howard. Jr,. P.E., Director Mr. J.M. Massey 689 Ckdm Mm" Rood Mount Olive, NC 28365 Dow?& Mawr. AiA AdebodskmM soft ID EH " 1'*4 . . January 6.1997 RLr. JAN 81997 *4IA?4py M4MV Re: Proposed land dMing of wetlands Sampsm C079.1 6I wQC rrojax ?M9 157 ?? J J j...! . ? . . On 18 December 1996 dm Division; of water Qusiity (D'WO) was aodSod by nc4t of ou applicodon regarding your plan to rill wctlanda for t? UWM of conswxting It Kvmtoak facility 1n Sampaoa.C=3ty. Ap`p?rovai from DW? is required to &otb &M wetleads. AltltonQit the tmgmaed application was awkwd, no sits pbm was inchuiod to demonstrate the need for tth ss am mm of wedaud ffiL planet submit seven cvpim of d= Plans oti maps of suiftWO 6061o (ft iastswc 1 ".a 100 titer so we tanbqon to deummim your prgjc6is' cowpHA= with 15A NCAC 211.0500. Until tbm mammals am received, this applic idon is oA hold as iWompleae. Please call me at 919-733-1786 if you lave any gwWo» or would riygair+Q copios of our rules or proms mood*. S , T 10 F. Dome PMPM. cc: Fare sevit i Regional Offift Contral ilea Gary M CCINll: bfdcbel1 and Awdatss Marsh Smith; Ctmningham, Dedmoud, Petmon dt Smith, L.LMP. 961157.app DMobn of Water Guslity • Emlronmettta( ScWnces aranch BnvIMMM ft Bo ww" 6ftWhi 4401 M*Wy Groak MCL, WC t3W Tek"me 819.78;} IM FAX O 73S OM An t gwl 4pp&twdy Afffma" AaWn Bmp"r " S %% re0pted/ O% PM =MAW paper SENT BY:Wilmington District ; 1-_16-97 ; 8:50 USACE-Reg. Branch-4 919 739 9959:# 3 Fool CHBAw-CO-$L 9 Deoe?aber 1596 .' MSMOaAMUM FQR FILS SUBJECT: dames M. Massey, AM 96-23 Summery of Site ;w `? do s f?eCeaiber 1.596. " . :... . ?.. on 5 December 1926 Mike ftylor. and the si Mitchell, Mitchell a Assacisteg environm?atai aonat stet with- -. ' Massey a property east of D7ewt oa 4rovs aAQ mmth ta?tte; r4 lsr.. 8algpsa?a County, . The purpose of the visit o ?I at CNVO Completed wash associated with the visit me t ct and to invegtigate allegations of ill Amm"t farm? property by Adjacent Property owners.alal activities ? is of as an t .#MisW ' :..:r,mignif the oonstrcc' tion of the proposed '? apposition-. g farm at the site. A. The attached mAP (Uhibit A) identifies 7 ¦itea of im&r .,. .' the aPPrQxirdKt41 servations made inOthose fa:road. The following is a 4,wm?ry of . ob a. site 1 - now drainage ditch. An asauthorized approximately, long drainage ditch has been excavated below the the high ground-wetland interface. This ditch aognects to =e XVaad at borrow ditch which, in turn, is connected to outside waters at the NmT ditch adjacent the highway. The location of the unmapped wetland area hall been roughly sketched on HWUbit A. Mr. Mitchell has identified this area as vat and has had it: surveyed. Tba Corps has not verified any wetland line en this proVezty to date. Y advised Mr. Mitchell that a CAD will be seat to Mr. Nasser directing that the entire new ditch be filled in to original elevation, twrehermars, Cale section or the farm road borrow ditch excavated throtffh this wetland area must be plugged at the bigh ground-weeland:i.atertace• On the south to prevent further drainage. Alternatively, the plug is placed in the borrow ditch on the east side { and p e?yyded remove the road culvert under the powerlime and extend the borrowdi may on the west side of the road through high ground to ton the highway, b. Site 2 - earthsra plug repair. >susinq Scott McLendon e 1 30vember 1996 site visit, he noted a hose in the earths= Plug at this location was allowing drainage of *mtlendg. He requested Goat Mr. Massey plug this hole. It was nbeerved that the hole bad been plugged and drainage had stopped. e. Site 3 and site 4 - culverts are to be placed tbaottgh the new road at these approximate locations to allow lateral surface flows of wetland hydrology. The road was still under construction this date and culverts were not in place. However, a breach through the road fill to allow lateral slow wag present at culvert Site 3. No =lv-art or breach was present At Site 4, xt was noted that a 2-foot out running lengthwise through the earthm plug in the borrow ditch at aite 4 was allowing ElOw i:rom north to south is the ditch- This did not present a drainage problem due to the plug located at site 2. d, Site 9 and Site S. The ditch profile in this approximately 000 foot long portion Of the road borrow ditch indicated that wetlands have been excavated. Mr. MitabA11 bad not rapped this area as wet. us did inaeruct his delineator to re-visit the sloe for this purpose in anticipation or our veriflcatioat of the surveyed wetland, line. exhibit A gives a very rough proximation of the location of wetlands on the Massey property and does not have sealed acoareay.) a- site 7 - plug has been placed in ditch on. adjacent property. This prevents drainage offsite of Massey property, SENT BY:Wilmington District 1-16-97 ; 8:51 USACE-Reg..Branch-4 919 733 9959; 4 3. Mr. Mitchell advised that Mr. Massmy needs more property to satisfy state requirements for hog farms. Because of this, Mr. Kaasey has purchased some adjacent land from his father. This acreage in wants of the new road and borrow ditch. Mr. Kitchell is o,---nt.ly deXinewting the wetlands in this area which will be included in his request: for our Verification of the line. 4. tapon termination of the meeting Mike and X met: Frith Mr. Karvin Rolland and Mr. Oahu Earwis, local pissty owners . we briefed these gentlemou ou our f s and aVlainad the Corps role in regulating wetlands, especially gram a hog U= perspective. Mr. I&=tx was adament that the Corps has tba our City to stop developMont of the hog farm and that if it was constructed, be wMa4 tell everyone it was t As Corps fault. Mr. Holland aeetAe4 to understand our position more objectively. 5 . At this writ3.q, we are awaiting Mr. Mitchell a call to veri!`y the surveyed wetland delineation. A CO will be issued for the unautheriaad construction of the drainage ditch under the powerline and for corrective measures to prevent the road borrow ditch from further draining wetlands at that location. Ernest Oatu" Wilmington yield office Manager 5ENT BY :Wilmington District : 1-16-97 : 8:51 USACE-Reg, Branch-4 919 733 99594 5 4+ V wr- Mi i Mjf !} i : ;I•iis;,;}r,iiill{ill !: :, !I•=fril3;= it ? 's i• ?i ?li 1' t!i!i'ifiiiiiil.l' l,nl i Ii I I pia, i" 319 i f; tE k fill . iiii ;!!hill f i i • iit lit 1lttiii???? fiiftii??' I?iii! i' t!!. •,., :I•?tli: Q ? . ? ' t ?Ift! i!i !!!{!{ ? {..1:!:::1liii?!.!:{itiill'l?if i i I !!: syni na;• iil;i liiip. ? ti gii?ll! Iiil:I'ih.. ,;,i•:r:au! + ?IFqf?i ttiii..q i;^i•f:!iiit'!!r'I!!!li;r ? ? t {jjjl, la;,il'! !1ltt!(fli? •i`f'' l;i f i??llllfii:.;.:::.. ? l i t I ? i! ipidiallili?! i U liliin I yi t i !• •iri i?titil=; ! . ! ! I ' . :.:.....:... .'Ui? i ' ry is i .. i i 'i?ill !ii,iliiiiiy!Ilrlni ••,I •'iia.iii o i?HUM !{ ? ' ??t ! i tff fl=f ?,, ?Itttt ttii•:i.= :....:::.....:.r;:.,!_;?!::.:::. w j +.I? l i ida !iiii ! s u, r u"li' i I,,!. !.. I 'i iliiiiiilil,ali,f?iiii:ii°;:?:;??,.... ;:,•,:.•.{? 1•..,•. r ti i((i l i { i iiti h! I ilI Irvin : hi• i,-'I 04 , i• w a i ? m ? x • SENT BY:Wilmington District ; 1-18-97 ; 8:52 ; USAGE-Rag. Branch-4 919 733 9959;9 6 January 15, 1997 Regulatory Branch Action ID Nos. 19960257 and 199606291 Mr. Gary Mitchell Mitchell & Associates, inc. 128 North Harding street Greenville, North Carolina 27858 Dear Mr. Mitchell: Returned herewith is Mr. J. M. Maasey's Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) for Department of the Army section 404 permit authorization to place fill material into 0.91 acre of wetlands above the headwaters of an unnamed tributary of Deaver Dam Creek. The purpose or this work is to facilitate construction of a livestock facility on Mr. Massey's property located on the north side of U.S. Highway 13 approximately three miles east of the town of Newton Grove, sanomon County, North Carolina. Due to lack of information, we cannot concur with your determination that a portion of the facility must be constructed in wetlands beaauae there is insufficient high ground to avoid watland impacts. As you advised in previous on-site meetings, you are in the process of delineating wetlands within the property boundaries. When the delineation has been approved and verified by this office, your alternatives determination can be reviewed for purposaa of asseaning avoidance and minimization requirements. Under the provisions of the new nationwide permits, scheduled for approval in February 1997, you should expect to mitigate on-site and in-kind for permitted unavoidable wetland impacts at a minimum of a 2:1 impact ratio (i.e. two acres of mitigation fot every one acre of wetland impacts). Please advise as to the need to construct the farm access road in the area along the north portion of the western property line, and its continuation west to the eastern property line and north along the eastern line to its termination at the ditch at the adjacent property. It appears that much of this section of the road has been constructed through wetlands. Specifically, addreaa the need for this section of the road in its present location after it connects to the upland acreage on the northern half of the property. It does not appear that roadway right-of-Way access is available or necessary through the adjacent property on the north (see attached Exhibit A). The diagram (attached Exhibit B) enclosed with your request to construct the road received NoVember 3, 1995, did not indicate a continuation of the road across the northern edge of the property to its terminus at the intersection of the eastern and northern property lines. SENT BY:WImington District ; 1-16-97 ; 8:52 ; USACE-Reg. Branch-+ 919 733 9959;# 7 - 2-Additionally, the remedial work dirsoted in our letter of December 19, 1997, must be completed satisfactorily and timely. Processing of your application is hereby suspended until alternatives are assessed and the remediation work is accomplished, inspected, and approved. If you have questions please call me at telephone (010) 251-4467. sinae,rely, FILE NAM;Masseyl.doo cz sMr- Co- R L / JAKNK& / r A / s / MAIL CESAW-CO-R/FILE Ernest W. Jahnke, Manager Wilmington Field office Enclosures Copy furnished (with enclosures)! Mr. J. M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Road Mt. Olive, North Carolina 29365 Mr. Man Averittc Division of Watex Quality North Carolina bepartment or Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Suite 714, Wachovia Building Fayetteville, NC 28301 BCF: CESAW-CO-RL/Richter CE9AW-CO-RL/Taylor L? SENT BY:Wilmington District 1-16-97 : 8:53 USACE-Reg. Branch-4 919 733 9959:9 8 ,,'01f 7s-4j "0'- December 19, 1996 Regulatory Branch Action ID 199706281 Mr. J. M. Massey 699 Charles Massey Road Mt. Olive, North Carolina 28365 Dear Mr. Massey: on December 51 1996, Messrs. Michael Taylor and Ernest Jahnke of my staff met with Mr.•Gary Mitchell, Mitchell & Associates, Inc., at your property on the north side of U.S. Highway 13 approximately 3 miles east of Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was to inspect completed and ongoing work associated with the construction of an approximate 1200-foot-long farm road exempt form the provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. The inapection disclosed that you have excavated a borrow ditch through watlanda associated with the road construction and connected It to outside waters so that it is currently draining an undetermined amount of wetlands. This action Is a violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act as it contravenes the Best Management Practices (BMPS) "that assure that flow and circulation patterns ...are not impaired" and "that the reach of the waters of the United States is not reduced..." in accordance with 33 CSR 323.4(a)(6). Also, you have excavated an approximate 200-foot-long drainage ditch through wetlands and connected it to outside waters via the farm road borrow ditch. This activity in a wetland without authorization by Department of the Army permit is a violation of Section 301 of the Clean water Act. You are directed to cease and desist from any further work in wetland areas and to submit a detailed written explanation of your actions to this orrice within 10 days or your receipt of this letter. After review of your submission, we will determine further appropriate administrative or legal action. Failure to comply with this directive may result in referral to the United States Attorney with a recommendation for civil prosecution. The following actions must be taken to correct your unauthorized work and bring it into compliance with Section 404: (Please refer to the attached Exhibit A.) 1. The entire drainage ditch at Site A must be ra-tilled using the original excavated material deposited adjacent the ditch, 2. The section of the borrow ditch shown at Site a must either be plugged at the southern edge of the wetland-high ground interface or completely re-filled with earthen material obtained from an upland source. SENT BY:Wilmington District : 1-16-97 ; 8:53 -2- USACE-Reg. Branch-; 919 733 9959;9 9 The proscribed remedial actions must be finished prior to January 20, 1997. Please notify this office to arrange for an Inspection and approval of the completed work. 1f you have question, contact Mr. Taylor, Regulatory Branch, telephone (919) 251-9634. Sincerely, FILENAME;maaseyl2.cad C93AW-C0-RL/JAHNKE CESAN-OC/LAMSON CF,SAW-CO--RS /WINEFORDNER/s Clifford winerordner MAIL CniQfp South Section CESAW-Co-R/FILES Copy furnished: Regulatory Section U.S. Attorney's Office - EDNC 310 New Bern Avenue suite 800, Federal Building Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-1461 Mr. Gary Mitchell Mitchell C AssoOiatos 128 N. Harding street Greenville, North Carolina 27658 BCr; CESAW-CO-RL/TAYLOR CESAW-OC/LAMSON CUNNINGHAM, DEDMOND, PETERSEN & SMITH, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSH ORS AT LAW 221, NORTII BINNE11 STREEI SOUTHERN PINES, NURTI I CAROLINA 28387 BRUCC T. CUNNINGI ]AM, IR. RICI IARD E. DE.DMOND ANN C. PETERSEN MARSH SMITI I (910) 6950600 January 8, 1997 John R. Dorney Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: WQC Project # 961157 Dear John: MAII IN(; ADDRI.SS 1'. O. BOX 14611 SOUTI IERN PINES, NC 2831115 I AX NO. (910) 695-0903 Thank you for copying me on your January 6, 1997 correspondence to J.M. Massey in the above referenced matter. Given the environmental damage that would ensue following the installation of the hog house within the wetlands associated with WQC Project #961157, I would ask that DWQ require a public hearing prior to granting a 401 permit. Additionally, I understand that the change in federal regulations eliminating the headwaters exception (NWP 26) presently pends. It would therefore seem to me that if Mr. Massey does not complete his permit application prior to the close of the notice and comment period for the elimination of NWP 26, then Mr. Massey will need to apply for a permit from the Corps of Engineers as well as getting a water quality certification. Sincerely, CUNNINGHAM, DEDMOND, PETERSEN & SMITH, L.L.P. pto< Marsh Smith MS/ka ! L. cc: Kenneth Rose 2.' J.H. Carter, III, Ph.D. T. ZIP G. Wayne Wright `c? '7r I r CUNNINGHAM, DEDMOND, PETERSEN & SMITH, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 225 NORTH BENNETT STREET SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA 28387 BRUCE T. CUNNINGHAM, JR RICHARD E. DEDMOND ANN C. PETERSEN (910) 695-0800 MARSH SMITH December 10, 1996 VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL North Carolina Division of Water Quality 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 MAILING ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1468 SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28388 FAX NO. (910) 695-0903 RE: Documents Concerning swine operation of James M. Massey in the Vicinity of Highway 13 Dear Folks: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, and the North Carolina Public Records Law, NCGS Chapter 132, I request access to and copies of waste management plan(s) or site evaluation(s) submitted on behalf of James M. Massey for an Intensive Livestock Operation (ILO) in the vicinity of Highway 13 in Sampson County and any other documents relating to Mr. Massey's proposed ILO in the possession of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The site appears to be situated amidst fairly extensive jurisdictional wetlands. Please waive any applicable fees. Release of the information is in the public interest because it will contribute significantly to public understanding or government operations and activities. In the event you deny this fee waiver request, I agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request in an amount not to exceed $50.00, but please notify me prior to your incurring expenses in excess of that amount. If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the Act. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to deny a waiver of fees. As I am making this request as a representative of Kenneth Rose, a neighboring landowner, and this information is of timely RECEIVED DEC 13 1996 ENVIRONMENTAL SOIENCFS I.,-,j NCDWQ December 10, 1996 Page 2 value, I would appreciate your communicating with me by telephone, rather than by mail, if you have any questions regarding this request. I look forward to your reply within ten (10) business days, as the state requires. Thanks for your assistance. Sincerely, ? Marsh Smith cc: Kenneth Rose l CUNNINGHAM, DEDMOND, PETERSEN & SMITH, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEI ORS AT LAW 225 NORTH BENNETI STREET SOUTHERN PINES, NORTII CAROLINA 213387 BRUCE T. CUNNINGHAM, JR. RICHARD E. DEDMOND ANN C. PETERSEN MARSH SMITH John Dorney NCDEM P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 (910) 6950800 December 23, 1996 Re: Proposed Massey Hog Farm Dear John: MAILING ADDRESS 1'. O. BOX 1468 SOUTI IERN PINES, NC 28388 FAX NO. (910) 695-090:3 EDEC,019 6 ?. WA WtUANPIT-RO-11-p Enclosed please find a copy of the documents sent to me by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Sincerely, CUNNINGHAM, D MOND, PETERSEN & SMITH, L.L.P. Marsh Smith MS/ka Enclosures /li?, ? rte' 1??i'' i?'^tr 1 i. x•.`1'1. rY;?' S ?` V41 y :. ?..f+.i 1 Vie' s?'•''?", •.?1 .' r? ? t ~, •. ? + } ! Y1 ?, fl• ' 1 . •??[?? ,•f ti •: 1,??1f„?i ?'Z?":;?'?l;A:'4w:y,1* :?:...?w.1...,,,,; V. ., . d,+ .1( ? /??t'd {raj •''? 1ti'I. • 1`?f ' 1f• r.: t •? '? `?', •?,Ar ?. ,'• t r.?i' ,,`ti• Y•,•y' ? .µo.: !1'L.I??i"Miur,v,,3?,• ??}•~•, '71•? tt\t\,. Y . r.'t ?. •, • L, ,`% !9f 1h„??M, ? • 1'1 '' 1 ? I ` y \ ?• ';•Y,, • ,?/. ? ,f 'f?,/, C ' lijlE? •.??. ? '?! j?'?:f?:1.3,, .I, •'? • ' ? ' I 1 • , +• 4 ' ,? r ?1. ??' 1 i"" I:i fir" t?l ? 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L ` '? 1, 1. 1. f• I `ft.«.r \ ` flla4r I.L .'?.I.l• j1,? t ..j • • ? • , Imo'"••• • ,' y 411, +'Y.I , •?•? 77: 1,1 l„?LJ.t 1 l?.d•' =j.?.?1, hr1J\ Al .?IM'' ' I Y '.'tthra " •,I ?1. . c ie.. • `' 1' -• , c ?I r / ' 1. ' i •? '! Y rta ?.1??'T1.Y,`+?,•Y'r„?• •.r •?r•'• "? 11 ? ?{r?'?,?,?i??r / ? ,, 2! •?r ? ?•??. .? ? '4 ?.!?a+i l? tt:??r .~ ''•r •.1. ,?\r• ?,, I'IU,••?, '.? ,. 'v ;!y, '•'._ f N :I DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REPLY TO December 18, 1996 ATTENTION OF Office of Counsel (25-55a) Mr. Marsh Smith Cunningham, Dedmond, Petersen & Smith Attorneys and Counselors at Law 225 North Bennett Street Southern Pines, North Carolina 28387 Re: Freedom of Information Act Request No. 97-25 Dear Mr. Smith: This is in response to your letter dated December 10, 1996, addressed to Mr. G. Wayne Wright, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, PO Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28402, which was received in this office on December 16, 1996. You requested access to, and copies of site evaluation(s) submitted on behalf of James M. Massey for a swine operation in the vicinty of Highway 13 in Sampson County, as well as any other documents in our possession relating to Mr. Massey's proposed operation. You also requested a fee waiver. Enclosed are copies of our Regulatory Branch's file materials on J. M. Massey, Action ID. 199602513. Since providing this information did not exceed our minimum reimbursable costs, there is no charge. Sincerely, M. Brooke Lamson Freedom of Information Act Officer Enclosures DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 November 13, 1996 IN REPLY REFER M Regulatory Branch ACTION ID. 199602513 Mr. J. M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Road Mt. Olive, North Carolina 28365 Dear Mr. Massey: Please reference our November 1, 1996, meeting on your property located on the north side of NC Highway 13, approximately 3 miles east of Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was to inspect your recently constructed farm road to ensure it complies with best management practices (BMPs), including the requirement that the exempt activity not impair the flow or circulation of waters of the United States. With the exception of the small outlet under the southern-most ditch plug, the road has been built in accordance with the above referenced BMPs. During this meeting you agreed to backfill a portion of the borrow ditch on both sides of the plug to prevent any further, unintentional drainage of waters and wetlands of the United States. This work should be completed within 10 days of your receipt of this letter. During this meeting you also requested guidance concerning the maintenance of drainage ditches on the property. Although the maintenance of existing, functioning drainage ditches is exempt from our regulations, the two areas we examined during this meeting do not contain functioning drainage ditches and therefore, any excavation in these wetland areas will require Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization. Finally, we are encouraged that you have elected to complete and survey the wetland/upland boundary on the property that was completed by your consultant, Gary Mitchell. This will greatly facilitate future planning on this site, will aid in preventing any unintentional encroachment into waters and wetlands, and will be essential to any DA permit application you may submit. When the survey is complete, please remit to the above address for final approval. -2- Your cooperation with our regulatory program is appreciated. Questions or comments may be addressed to me in the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office at (910) 251-4725. Sincerely, Scott McLendon Regulatory Project Manager Copies Furnished: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality orth Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Gary Mitchell Mitchell and Associates, Inc. 128 North Harding Street Greenville, North Carolina 27858 lJ ?Z a 6 a ? ,Lnn V L LLo a tj w -It - V 7 C4 a V i r ?? 9 0 K - K O a ?. 1 ? L I Z C ti w 14- M H 9 M H i- 61 CY N ? N 3 S J t v? lz? -4 'c"r ZN, -z- C"*? *,-? %?- w T CESAW-CO-EL MEMORANDUM FOR FILE 9 December 1996 SUBJECT: James M. Massey, AID 96-2513 Summary of Site Inspection on 5 December 1996 1. On 5 December 1996 Mike Taylor and the undersigned met with Mr. Gary Mitchell, Mitchell & Associates environmental consultants, on Mr. Massey s property east of Newton Grove and north of US Highway 13 in Sampson County. The purpose of the visit was to inspect ongoing and completed work associated with the construction of an exempt farm road and to investigate allegations of illegal activities on the Massey property by adjacent property owners. There is much local opposition to the construction of the proposed hog farm at the site. 2. The attached map (Exhibit A) identifies 7 sites of importance along the approximately 1200-foot farm road. The following is a summary of observations made in those areas: a. Site 1 - new drainage ditch. An unauthorized approximately 200-foot long drainage ditch has been excavated below the power line at the high ground-wetland interface. This ditch connects to the road borrow ditch which, in turn, is connected to outside waters at the NCDOT ditch adjacent the highway. The location of the unmapped wetland area has been roughly sketched on Exhibit A. Mr. Mitchell has identified this area as wet and has had it surveyed. The Corps has not verified any wetland line on this property to date. I advised Mr. Mitchell that a C&D will be sent to Mr. Massey directing that the entire new ditch be filled in to original elevation. Furthermore, the section of the farm road borrow ditch excavated through this wetland area must be plugged at the high ground-wetland interface on the south to prevent further drainage. Alternatively, and provided the plug is placed in the borrow ditch on the east side, Mr. Massey may remove the road culvert under the powerline and extend the borrow ditch on the west side of the road through high ground to the highway. b. Site 2 - earthern plug repair. During Scott McLendon s 1 November 1996 site visit, he noted a hole in the earthern plug at this location was allowing drainage of wetlands. He requested that Mr. Massey plug this hole. It was observed that the hole had been plugged and drainage had stopped. c. Site 3 and Site 4 - culverts are to be placed through the new road at these approximate locations to allow lateral surface flows of wetland hydrology. The road was still under construction this date and culverts were not in place. However, a breach through the road fill to allow lateral flow was present at culvert Site 3. No culvert or breach was present at Site 4. It was noted that a 2-foot cut running lengthwise through the earthen plug in the borrow ditch at Site 4 was allowing flow from north to south in the ditch. This did not present a drainage problem due to the plug located at Site 2. d. Site 5 and Site 6. The ditch profile in this approximately 300 foot long portion of the road borrow ditch indicated that wetlands have been excavated. Mr. Mitchell had not mapped this area as wet. He did instruct his delineator to re-visit the site for this purpose in anticipation of our verification of the surveyed wetland line. (NOTE: Exhibit A gives a very rough approximation of the location of wetlands on the Massey property and does not have scaled accuracy.) e. Site 7 - plug has been placed in ditch on adjacent property. This prevents drainage off site of Massey property. 3. Mr. Mitchell advised that Mr. Massey needs more property to satisfy state requirements for hog farms. Because of this, Mr. Massey has purchased some adjacent land from his father. This acreage is west of the new road and borrow ditch. Mr. Mitchell is currently delineating the wetlands in this area which will be included in his request for our verification of the line. 4. Upon termination of the meeting Mike and I met with Mr. Marvin Holland and Mr. John Harris, local property owners . We briefed these gentlemen on our findings and explained the Corps role in regulating wetlands, especially from a hog farm perspective. Mr. Harris was adament that the Corps has the authority to stop development of the hog farm and that if it was constructed, he would tell everyone it was the Corps fault. Mr. Holland seemed to understand our position more objectively. 5. At this writing, we are awaiting Mr. Mitchell s call to verify the surveyed wetland delineation. A C&D will be issued for the unauthorized construction of the drainage ditch under the powerline and for corrective measures to prevent the road borrow ditch from further draining wetlands at that location. Ernest Jahnke Wilmington Field Office Manager C. r, ' 1 9,65,91 OL RL t X4 o IQJ v ? ,?Zo ?- - - - K - X - -- ? I Z x S1 I z- A, w ICU 4CP x x I o 3 T 2 Z lb 0 o ? a v 1 -4- CL £ Al ? a- 2 1 N `r- • I-r- = 4-11 \? 1r ? e N CIV 4r 0 w \ 1 N 4 ? m -N I-,- m z November 4, 1996 TO: Mike Taylor/Ee and File 199602513 FROM: Scott McLen RE: Compliance inspec ion On November 1, 1996 I met with J. Massey at his proposed hog operation in Newton Grove, in Sampson County. The purpose of the visit was to inspect the access road to the operation to see if it was constructed in compliance with the BMP's. I discussed at length the 404 program, exemptions, permits, jurisdictional determinations, etc, with J. Massey during the site visit. The road was typical of a borrow constructed road with a "v" ditch on one side with sidecast spoil to be bladed down to form the road. The road and ditch crosses two wetland areas approximately 400' long. The borrow ditch eventually empties into a roadside ditch at NC Highway 13. J. Massey did leave a natural plug in highground to prevent the flow of water from the wetland area from the site. However, I did observe a small (5"-6") hole in the bottom of the plug that was actively draining a fair amount of water from wetlands. I requested that J. Massey plug the hole as soon as possible. He agreed to do so. J. Massey also requested information concerning ditch maintenance on the site showing me two locations where he would like to do the maintenance. Absolutely no evidence of a former ditch was observed at either of the two locations and I informed J. Massey that to excavate the ditch would require a permit. He said he understood and would engage the services of Gary Mitchell to help him through the process. If ditch is plugged, the road will be in compliance with the BMP's. However, I recommend that the site be looked at again as the operation expands as J. Massey was unsure as to whether the site would support the hog operation entirely on high ground and because of his stated need to have additional drainage on the site.. It should be noted that the neighbors are extremely upset that the operation is going in as planned and would like very much to force the 404 issue. November 13, 1996 Regulatory Branch ACTION ID. 199602513 Mr. J. M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Road Mt. Olive, North Carolina 28365 Dear Mr. Massey: Please reference our November 1, 1996, meeting on your property located on the north side of NC Highway 13, approximately 3 miles east of Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina. The purpose of this meeting was to inspect your recently constructed farm road to ensure it complies with best management practices (BMPs), including the requirement that the exempt activity not impair the flow or circulation of waters of the United States. With the exception of the small outlet under the southern-most ditch plug, the road has been built in accordance with the above referenced BMPs. During this meeting you agreed to backfill a portion of the borrow ditch on both sides of the plug to prevent any further, unintentional drainage of waters and wetlands of the United States. This work should be completed within 10 days of your receipt of this letter. During this meeting you also requested guidance concerning the maintenance of drainage ditches on the property. Although the maintenance of existing, functioning drainage ditches is exempt from our regulations, the two areas we examined during this meeting do not contain functioning drainage ditches and therefore, any excavation in these wetland areas will require Department of the Army (DA) permit authorization. Finally, we are encouraged that you have elected to complete and survey the wetland/upland boundary on the property that was completed by your consultant, Gary Mitchell. This will greatly facilitate future planning on this site, will aid in preventing any unintentional encroachment into waters and wetlands, and will be essential to any DA permit application you may submit. When the survey is complete, please remit to the above address for final approval. -2- Your cooperation with our regulatory program is appreciated. Questions or comments may be addressed to me in the Wilmington Regulatory Field office at (910) 251-4725. Sincerely, FILE NAME:82*.ltr CESAW-CO-RL/N/rs/s MAIL // / y CESAW-CO-R/FILE Scott McLendon Regulatory Project Manager Copies Furnished: Mr. John Dorney Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Gary Mitchell Mitchell and Associates, Inc. 128 North Harding Street Greenville, North Carolina 27858 BCF: CESAW-CO-RL/Taylor October 29, 1996 TO: M. Taylor/ E. Jahnke/File FROM: Scott McLendon RE: 199602513, James Massey I spoke at length with Ken Averitte concerning Mr. Massey's hog operation in Sampson County. Matt Flint has been on-site, and I spoke with him as well. Apparently the neighbors want nothing to do with the proposed hog operation and are banking on wetlands to make a case. A surveyed map is apparently being prepared and Gary Mitchell has said we will be getting a copy when it is complete. He has also stated that the farm road was built with strict adherance to the BMP's as stated in his letter. Ken Averitte has stated that the site appears to be a mess and that possibly landclearing in wetlands to construct hog houses has occured. It may be much ado about nothing but I have relied on Ken Averitte in the past to keep me informed of activities that we are not aware of. It would be worth a compliance inspection, just in case we are asked what is going on. Just thought you would like to know. o zq?R6 ?l 4U Mitchell and Associates, Inc. 128 N. Harding Street • Greenville, North Carolina 27858 • 919 - 752 - 4077 • Fax 919 - 752- 7380 RECEIVE© .4UV J I`??J ?: ....,.... ..:.............. RY BRANCH Wilmington District Engineer REGULATO U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Dear District Engineer, The purpose of this correspondence is for Mitchell & -Associates, Inc., representing Mr. J.M. Massey, to notify you of his proposed plans to construct a farm road on his property, located off of Hwy 13, near the Sampson-Wayne County line, Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina. The purpose of the proposed farm road is to facilitate access to Mr. Massey's highground property for the continuation of normal farming activities, and meets the exemption(s) identified in 33 CFR 323.4 (Discharges not requiring permits) of the Federal Register. The proposed farm road will be approximately 1200 feet long, of which approximately 550 feet will be constructed through Department of the Army jurisdictional wetlands. The proposed farm road will be constructed in strict accordance with farm road best management practices to assure that (1) flow and circulation patterns, and chemical and biological characteristics of waters of the United States are not impaired; (2) that the reach of the waters of the United States is not reduced; and (3) that any adverse effect on the aquatic environment is minimized. In addition, the farm road's width will be minimized to include a top width of 15 feet; culverts will be installed at all appropriate locations; fill material will be obtained from a highground site, and all fill material will be immediately stabilized to prevent any erosion into adjacent wetlands. I have provided a copy of this information to the District Conservationist, N.RC.S., Sampson County, for their files and concurrence. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this matter. -1-1 Clr ? Gary A. Mitchell President .rak a Z Q O _ N O ? 1 kb d LL ? Z N O a 0 L 2 kn tn $ o ? a ?D) N W ? n (1 -7 f,7 Mitchell and Associates, Inc. 128 N. Harding Street • Greenville, North Car6rwa 27858 • 919 - 752 - 4077 0 Fax 919 - 752- 7380 October 5, 1995 Mr. J.M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Rd. Mt. Olive, North Carolina 28365 Dear Mr. Massey, RECEIVED OCT 1 o X995 REGULATORY BWjCH This letter is in reference to the parcel of land located off of Hwy 13, near the Wayne-Sampson County line, Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina, and'our October 3, 1995 meeting with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative Mr. Matt Flint. Mr. Flint concurred with our ' findings, and suggested that the lines be extended and surveyed for Corps final approval, which will include a signed map, good for five years. As you know, we extended the wetland boundary flags to the property line that was recently cut. In the process of doing so; :another upland island was. discovered between the "A" and "D" lines (see enclosed filed. sketch):: We encountered problems again, however, in determuung the property-line boundary along the uncut section. The new "Z" line was flagged to a concrete. monument that was discovered in the area, and we assume to be representative of the property line. Again, thank you for allowing us to help with your project expansion. I Look forward to working with you in the future, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely, , Gary A Mitchell President, Mitchell & Associates. cc:Mr. Matt Flint b 'd 0 x LA) o rt N LA P- x .I .l b H m I") n U) a 0 0 '*1 ;v tz ..- .. tatH•yt' CX' w1.: Mitchell and Associates, Inc. 128 N. Harding Street • Greenville, North Carolina 27858 • 919 - 752 - 4077 • Fax: 919 - 752- 7380 October 5, 1995 Mr. J.M. Massey 689 Charles Massey Rd. Mt. Olive, North Carolina 28365 Dear Mr. Massey, OCT 1 0 M5 REGULATORY 6ROCt4 This letter is in reference to the parcel of land located off of Hwy 13, near the Wayne-Sampson County line, Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina, and our October 3, 1995 meeting with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative Mr. Matt Flint. Mr. Flint concurred with our findings, and suggested that the lines be extended and surveyed for Corps final approval, which will include a signed map, good for five years. As you know, we extended the wetland boundary flags to the property line that was recently cut. In the process of doing so, another upland island was discovered between the "A" and "D" lines (see enclosed filed sketch). We encountered problems again, however, in determining the property-line boundary along the uncut section. The new "Z" line was flagged to a concrete monument that was discovered in the area, and we assume to be representative of the property line. Again, thank you for allowing us to help with your project expansion. 1 look forward to working with you in the future, and if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely, . Gary A Mitchell President, Mitchell & -Associates. cc:Mr. Matt Flint a t*; A 0 0 V W M .-r ? H a a a O A V V ? ,A DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION 0 987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) VEGETATION Dominant Plent Spode$ Strewn Indicator 1. PINUS S-_ Dominant Merit $Deaies Stratum Indicator 9. V1125 9.IJr1AQ, _ FAC, Z 10.2r-er Hum 3. 11. WI iwr,J M_ E 4. 12 r" M :r- _r 12. s. C' 1. rH% A A'(? ?,T F? 13, a. 14. 7. is. a. y G is. Percent of Dominant Speciei that are 09L. FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: HYDROLOGY Date Mesoribe in Remsfks): Wetland Hydrology Indi cators: Stream. Lake. or Tide Gouge Primary Indicators: Aerial Photographs Inundated Other Saturated in Upper 12 Inches ded Date Avsilabls Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits tions: F Drainage Panama in Wetlands eoo sry Indicators is or more required): urface Water. On.) Otdbsd Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches Weter-Stsined Leaves ee Water in Plr. an.) opth Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test aturated Soil: on.) Other McpWn in Remarks) Remarks: DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: - Date: Applicant/Owner: County: Investigator: State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Yes No Community ID: is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes No Transact ID: r:>_ Is the area a potential Problem Areal Yes No Plot 10: (If needed, explain on reverse.) T ^&I GVG??I W.. Dominant Plant Species _ Stratum Indicator 1.??n? .t S T1?.1=D? .?. }? z.Q[' rt?L 'D1 ?IG3i-1.r AKA 3.1 S. _E 8 I- ,/ M^ I?Q D_A? 8. Percent of Dominant Speciei that are OBL. FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). Remarks: Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9,M 10. Q - ,1..y.jnnnkA[A>?!A --E _ FACI? 12. Aer nA.TA, 13.SAit11 I _AAZ"AA cl&- 16 HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Wedand Hydrology Indicators: _ Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Primary Indicators: _ Aerial Photographs _ _ Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Other V No Recorded Data Available _ y'^later Marks Drift Lines _ Se invent Deposits reinage Patterns in Wetlands Field Observations: Secondary I stop (2 or more required): ) (in ed Root Channels in Upper 12 Inches . Depth of Surface Water: ?-- ater-Stained Leaves I i Local Soil Survey Data ( n i Depth to Free Water in Pit: ----?+-` _ FAC-Neutral Test (in ) _ _ Other (Explain in Remarks) . Depth to Saturated Sail: _- Remarks: Mitchell and Associates, Inc. E n v i r o n m e n t a l C o n s u l t a n t s 128 N. Harding Street • Greenville, North Carolina 27858 • 919 - 752 - 4077 0 Fax: 919 - 752- 7380 December 18, 1996 RECEIVED Mr. John Dorney DEC 2 019% Water Quality Management E NV IRON ME N TA L SO IE NOES N.C. Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Dorney: The purpose of this correspondence is for Mitchell & -Associates, Inc., representing Mr. J.M. Massey, to submit a Department of the Army Nationwide permit application for placement of fill material within approximately 0.96 acres of Section 404 wetlands on Mr. Massey's property, located off N.C. Highway 13, near the Sampson-Wayne County Line, Newton Grove, Sampson County, North Carolina. The purpose of the proposed fill in wetlands is to facilitate the construction a livestock facility. The majority of the facility will be located in uplands, however, insufficient high ground exists in order to make the proposed project viable. The applicant has considered other alternatives to the placement of fill material in wetlands to accomplish his project goal, however, the proposed plan is the only practicable alternative available. Other alternatives considered were not practicable, significantly more expensive to the applicant, or involved even greater wetland impacts. The project has been designed to avoid and minimize potential adverse effects to other wetland areas. Additional measures will be undertaken to maintain the work in strict conformance with all permit conditions pursuant to Nationwide Permit No. 26, as well as all other state and local requirements. By copy of this correspondence and completed Pre-Discharge notification procedure, I am requesting Department of Environmental Management concurrence with this Nationwide Permit No. 26 application. Please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions about this matter. Thank you for your time and prompt attention. Sincerely, / t Gary A. Mitchell President, Mitchell & Associates, Inc. OEM ID: 5 7 CORPS ACTION ID: NATIONWIDE PERMIT REQUESTED (PROVIDE-NATIONWIDE PERMIT #): 26 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION APPLICATION =- FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE: .V ,• 1) NOTIrzCATION TO =z CORES of ENaINEERB 2) APPLICATION MR SECTION 40L CZ'ATMCATION 3) coo=nthTZoN BITS TSz Nc DmsloN or coAsTAL D 1T SEND TSE ORIGINAL AND (1) COPY Or THIS COMPLETED FORM TO THE APPROPRIATE e?. FIELD OFFICE Or THE CORPS Or ENGnMERS (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET). PLEASE PRINT. 1. OWNERS NAME: J.M. Massey 2. MAILING ADDRESS: 689 Charles Massey Rd. SUBDIVISION NAME: CITY: Mount Olive STATE: N.C. ZIP CODE: 28365 PROJECT LOCATION ADDRESS, INCLUDING SUBDIVISION NAME (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS ABOVE) : North of NC HWY 13, appx. 3 miles east of Newton Grove, NC. 3. TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): See Agent (WORK): 4. IF APPLICABLE: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER: Mii-rhal1 F. Ac-,nriatps . Tnr_ 128 N. Harding St. Greenville,,NC 27858 (919) 752-4077 5. LOCATION OF WORK (PROVIDE A MAP, PREFERABLY A COPY OF USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OR AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY WITH SCALE): COUNTY: Sampson NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Newton Grove r 1 t ? SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD (UMBERS, LANDMARKS, ETC.) . `4? North side of N.C. Hwy 13, approximately 3 miles east of the town of Newton Grove, Sampson County, N.C. a. . ?. IMPACTED OR NEAREST STREAM/RIVER: Unnamed Tributary of Beaver Dam Creek RIVER BASIN: Neuse :. z 3. IS PROJECT LOCATED NEAR WATER CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, TIDAL SALTWATER >> SA), HIGH QUALITY WATERS (HQW), OUTSTANDING RESOURCE WATERS (ORW), WATER ;UPPLY (WS-I OR WS-TI)? YES [ ] NO [X] IF YES, EXPLAIN: N/A b- IS THE PROJECT LOCATED WITHIN A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL ,.MAGEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) ? YES ( ] NO D( ] ::. IF THE PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN A COASTAL COUNTY (SEE PAGE 7 FOR 1ST OF COASTAL COUNTIES.) ,\ WHAT IS THE LAND USE PLAN (LUP) DESIGNATION? No Rural/Residential ia. HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON 'HIS PROPERTY? YES ( ] NO (X] IF YES, PROVIDE ACTION I.D. NUMBER OF ?REVIOUS PERMIT AND ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (INCLUDE PHOTOCOPY OF 401 :?RTIFICATION): N/A ;b. ARE ADDITIONAL PERMIT REQUESTS EXPECTED FOR THIS PROPERTY IN THE < :71TU'RE? YES [ j NO (X] IF YES, DESCRIBE ANTICIPATED WORK: N/A )a. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES IN TRACT OF LAND: 50.99 3b. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: I 21.18 2 S ow 1 10a. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLANDS IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT BY: BILLING: 0.96 EXCAVATION: N/A FLOODING: N/A N/A OTHER: DRAINAGE: N/A •jls? .t7???,?1 • • r Vi:t?_1? TOTAL ACRES TO BE IMPACTED: 0.96 10b. (1) STREAM CHANNEL TO BE IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT (IF RELOCATED, PROVIDE DISTANCE BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER RELOCATION) : LENGTH BEFORE: N/A E"T AFTER: N/A FT 1,nMTH BEFORE (based on normal high water contours) : N/A FT '.WIDTH AFTER: N/A FT AVERAGE DEPTH BEFORE: N/A FT AFTER: N/A FT (14) STREAM CHANNEL IMPACTS WILL RESULT FROM: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) OPEN CHANNEL RELOCATION: N/A PLACEMENT OF PIPE IN CHANNEL: N/A CHANNEL EXCAVATION: N/.A CONSTRUCTION OF A. DAM/FLOODING: N/A OTHER: N/A 11. IF CONSTRUCTION OF A POND IS WATERSHED DRAINING TO THE POND? PROPOSED, WHAT IS THE SIZE OF THE N/A WHAT IS THE EXPECTED POND SURFACE AREA? N/A 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK INCLUDING DISCUSSION OF TYPE OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE USED (ATTACH PLANS: 8 1/2" X 11" DRAWINGS ONLY): Construction of building pad with clean earthen fill material by bulldozers to facilitate development of livestock facility. All work will be implemeted from upland side. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: Facilitate construction of livestock facility. 3 ." .. t-4: 14. STATE REASONS WHY IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. (INCLUDE ANY MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS). .'p Y Minimum setback requirements and required spary field area preclude•?•,• locating facility entirely in uplnds. •r 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF ANY FEDERALLY LISTED. OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: 12/18/96 (ATTACH RESPONSES FROM THESE AGENCIES.) 10. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER (SHPO) (SEE AGENCY ADDRESSES SHEET) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHI2H18 96 E AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. DATE CONTACTED: / 6 17. DOES THE PROJECT INVOLVE AN EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC FUNDS OR THE USE OF PUBLIC (STATE) LAND? YES H NO M (IF NO, GO TO 18) A. IF YES, DOES THE PROJECT REQUIRE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT? YES ( J NO pJ b. IF YES, HAS THE DOCUMENT BEEN REVIEWED THROUGH THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION STATE CLEARINGHOUSE? YES ( J NO ( J N/A IF ANSWER TO 17b IS YES, THEN SUBMIT APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION MOM THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE TO DM3ION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW PROCESS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO MS. CHRYS BAGGETT, DIRECTOR STATE CLEARINGHOUSE, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, 116 WEST JONES STREET, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003, TELEPHONE (919) 733-6369. 4 L3. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE INCLUDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IF PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES THE DISCHARGE OF EXCAVATED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WETLANDS:, a. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, LAKES AND PONDS ON THE PROPERTY (FOR NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBERS 14, 18, 21, 26, 29, AND 38). ALL STREAMS (INTERMITTENT AND PERMANENT) ON THE PROPERTY MOST BE SHOWN ON THE MAP. MAP SCALES SHOULD BE 1 INCH EQUALS 50 FEET OR 1 INCH EQUALS 100 FEET OR THEIR EQUIVALENT. b. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. c. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUD4 ALL RATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE.On file w/USACOE d. ATTACH A COPY OF THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IF REQUIRED. e. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? Siyic-ul tura,/Agri.`ii t.i=re f. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? Lagoon/spray fields N g. SIGNED AND DATED AGENT AUTHORIZATION LETTER, IF APPLICABLE. NOTE: WETLANDS OR WATERS OF THE U.S. MAY NOT BE IMPACTED PRIOR TO: 1) ISSUANCE OF A SECTION 404 CORPS OF ENGINEERS PERMIT, 2) EITHER THE ISSUANCE OR WAIVER OF A 401 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MAMA MiT (WATER QUALITY) CERTIFICATION, AND 3) (IN THE TVMPTY COASTAL COUNTIES CNLY) , A LETTER FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT STATING THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. OWNER'S/AGENT'S SIGNATURE (AGENT'S SIGNATURE VALID ONLY IF AUTHORIZATION LETTER FROM THE OWNER IS PROVIDED (189.)) DATE 5 c I Y 0) . co *Ly v IE oN ?a, fJ U1 ?dvC'. N N <p Xn Co ipfym- 00 W yN?Ocp-1 W I? NN N- NON ?(!?LOVA Ln T O p? c0-• N N 11 O 7: CJ W. N Coo ors nfJNI .n ?NQ7 N O _p v W ?I p I 1 v+ n ? rn TYPICAL CRASS-SECTION au /P X1'4\ Y p? l5a I' site =.I , 'aeo ., 7 j _ O jo:d o v ?` `1l \ 701 • ? `\