HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081473 Ver 4_Year 5 ABI Monitoring Report_20190917ID#* 20081473 Select Reviewer:* Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 09/18/2019 Mitigation Project Submittal - 9/17/2019 Version* 4 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * r Yes r No Type of Mitigation Project:* r Stream r Wetlands PF Buffer PF Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Jamey McEachran jmceachran@res.us Project Information Existing 20081473 Existing 4 (DWR) (nunbersonly ...nodash) Version: (nuntersonly) I D#: * Project Type: f DMS r Mitigation Bank Project Name: Arringtton Bridge Phase I and Phase I Expansion County: Wayne Document Information Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: ABI Monitoring Report Year 5_2019.pdf 10.56MB Rease upload only one RDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Ryan Medric Signature:* YEAR 5 MONITORING REPORT Arrington Bridge Phase I and Phase I Expansion Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site DWQ Project # 2008-1473v.4 Wayne County, North Carolina Neuse River Basin Prepared by: Resource Environmental Solutions, LLC 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 September 2019 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT ........................................................................... 2 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Project Background ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Vegetation Condition .................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots ........................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Photo Stations ............................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 5 APPENDICES Appendix A. Site Maps Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2.1: Recorded Conservation Easement Area Phase I Figure 2.2: Recorded Conservation Easement Area Phase I Expansion Figure 2.3: Proposed Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Area – Phase I BPDP Figure 2.4: Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas – Phase I Figure 2.5: Neuse Buffer & Nutrient Offset Restoration Areas – Phase I Expansion Figure 3.1: Monitoring Device Locations – Phase I Figure 3.2: Monitoring Device Locations – Phase I Expansion Area Figure 4: Monitoring Year 5 Current Conditions Map Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Photos MY5 – 2019 Vegetation Plot Photos Photos MY5 – 2019 Photo Station Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 1: Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals Table 2: CVS Stem Count Total and Planted with/without Livestakes by Plot and Species Table 3A: Stem Count Total and Planted Species be Vegetation Plot Phase I Area Table 3B: Stem Count Total and Planted Species be Vegetation Plot Phase I Expansion Area Plot Data CVS Vegetation Plot Sampling Datasheets Appendix D. Adaptive Management Plans Memo: 2017 Arrington Bridge I Adaptive Management Plans Figure 1: 2017 Arrington Bridge I Adaptive Management Work Plan Maps Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 2 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The goals of this nutrient offset mitigation project are to: • Improve the overall water quality and aquatic habitat in and around the unnamed tributary of the Neuse River by reducing nutrient and sediment loads into the streams caused by agricultural influences, • Improve the richness and diversity of the plant species within the conservation easement, and • Provide perpetual protection for the unnamed tributary to the Neuse River and associated riparian and upland buffers. These goals will be met through the following objectives: • By establishing a native plant community to match the endemic plant species at the Bank Site, • By reducing the quantities of exotic invasive species at the Bank Parcel through chemical methods, • By establishing a conservation easement to provide long-term protection for the Bank Site, and • By donation of the conservation easement and all of its interests, in perpetuity, to an accredited or approved land trust or stewardship program. 1.2 Project Background Located off of Arrington Bridge Road, at its intersection with John Street in Goldsboro, North Carolina (Figure 1, Appendix A) is the Neuse buffer and nutrient offset restoration area previously referred to as the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel and currently known as the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel (hereafter referred to as the Bank Site). The Bank Site was developed in two phases: Phase I and Phase II. According to the Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP, EcoEngineering, April 2012), Phase I consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598449002 and is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge Road and John Street. Phase II consisted of Parcel Numbers 2598632250 (located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Arrington Bridge road and John Street) and 2598543857 (located north of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the west side of John Street, and is separated from Parcel Number 2598449002 by a railroad easement and utility line easement). Since approval of the BPDP, only a portion of Parcel Number 2598632250 was developed and dedicated to Phase II. The Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase II As-Built Report (McAdams Company, April 27, 2015) describes that portion of land developed for Phase II. Based on the Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Phase II As-Built Report (McAdams Company, April 27, 2015), Parcel Number 2598543857 was not developed as part of Phase II. Because the approved BPDP allowed development to occur on Parcel Number 2598543857, it was decided that development on Parcel Number 2598543857 would be dedicated to Phase I. Figure 2.1 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed Conservation Easement (CE) platted for Phase I. Figure 2.3 (Appendix A) is provided to illustrate the Phase I CE as approved in the BPDP. Since approval of the BPDP, a portion of Parcel Number 2598427606 has also been added to Phase I; this portion of Phase I will hereafter be referred to as Phase I Expansion. Parcel Number 2598427606 (Phase I Expansion) is located south of Parcel Number 2598449002, along the south side of Arrington Bridge Road. On October 15, 2014, staff from the Division of Water Resources (DWR) authorized approval to this additional area to Phase I, and it is referred to as Phase I Expansion. Figure 2.2 (Appendix A) is the signed and sealed CE platted for Phase I Expansion. The total signed and sealed Conservation Easement for both Phase I and Phase I Expansion of the Bank Site consists of + 43.512 acres (Figures 2.1 and 2.2, Appendix A). Figures 2.4 and 2.5 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 3 (Appendix A) are provided to illustrate the constructed Phase I and Phase I Expansion Conservation Easements with aerials. The purpose of this Bank Site is to improve water quality within the Neuse River watershed by providing off-site mitigation for development (both existing and proposed) requiring stream buffer mitigation and nutrient offset credits. As shown on the easement plat (Figure 2.1, Appendix A), the CE for Phase I of the Bank Site is 38.886 acres (1,693,874.16 sf). Within the Phase I CE, 0.99 acres (43,124.4 sf) is dedicated to 0’ to 50’ of the Neuse Riparian Buffer and 0.981 acres (42,732.36 sf) is dedicated to 50’ to 100’ of the Neuse Riparian Buffer. Therefore, a total of 1.971 acres (85,856.76 sf) is dedicated to Neuse Riparian Buffer. A total of 31.558 acres (1,374,666.48 sf) is dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits for nitrogen. Therefore, there are 5.357 acres (233,350.92 sf) of the Phase I Expansion CE that are not dedicated to either Neuse Riparian Buffer Credits or Nutrient Offset Credits. The Bank Site Service Area is contained within 8-digit USGS HUC 03020201. Stormwater runoff from the Bank Site drains into an unnamed tributary of the Neuse River (Stream Index #27-(56)). According to the N.C. Division of Water Resources Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS), the Neuse River is classified as Class C and NSW (Nutrient Sensitive Waters) in this location. The “C” classification is for “waters protected for uses such as secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish consumption, aquatic life including propagation, survival and maintenance of biological integrity, and agriculture” while the NSW designation is for “Nutrient Sensitive Waters”. This Bank Site was established under the terms and conditions of the EBX Neuse Riparian Buffer Umbrella Mitigation Bank (Bank) made and entered into by EBX Neuse I, LLC (EBX), acting as the Bank Sponsor, and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (DWQ), and was entered into by the parties on November 10, 2008. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources is now hereby referred to as The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Division of Water Quality is now hereby referred to as Division of Water Resources (DWR). 1.3 Vegetation Condition Current stem counts (i.e. a stem is defined as a single living tree) were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data. Success is the survival of a minimum density of 320 planted trees per acre after five years. Monitoring Year 5 field activities were conducted on September 10, 2019. As of Monitoring Year 5, Phase I of the Bank Site had eight plots encompassing 0.1977 acres, containing 112 planted stems and 11 different species, which yielded a density of 567 planted stems per acre. For Phase I Monitoring Year 5, the planted vegetation survival density threshold was met for all eight Vegetation Monitoring Plots. Phase I Expansion had three plots encompassing 0.0741 acres, containing 42 planted stems, which yielded a density of 567 planted stems per acre. CVS Level 2 was performed in Year 5 to document any volunteer generation. A total of 650 volunteers were observed across all 11 vegetation plots. Year 5 monitoring recorded an average of 567 planted stems per acre for the entire Arrington Bridge I Site with an average stem height of 5.7 feet. In May 2017 the majority of the Arrington Bridge Phase I was replanted with about 6,500 bare roots and 6,000 sapling/container trees. The area around Vegetation Plot 8 on the Phase I Expansion area was fenced in, replanted, and the plot was reestablished. No additional areas of encroachment were documented during MY4 or MY5 in the expansion area. In MY3 there was a 0.85-acre area of mowing that occurred in the easement at the southeastern corner of Phase I (Figure 4). It appeared that there was some work done in the DOT roadside ditches on John Street which led us to believe that DOT may have Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 4 mistakenly mowed this area. In response, RES installed additional easement markers and replanted this area and there was no encroachment in MY4 or MY5. The site has met all monitoring requirements for Year 5 and is recommended for closeout. 2.0 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Vegetation Monitoring Plots Baseline vegetation monitoring was conducted in accordance with CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (CVS-EEP, v4.2). Table 1 (Appendix C) provides a success summary for each vegetation monitoring plot. Based on the Year 5 vegetation monitoring, all 11 monitoring plots were above the five- year monitoring period requirement. Table 2 (Appendix C) provides a stem count total and planted stem total by each individual vegetation plot. Vegetation monitoring plots were photographed and are located in Appendix B. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheets are provided in Appendix C. Each Vegetation Monitoring Plot Data Sheet provides measurements and location of each planted species within a respective vegetation monitoring plot. 2.2 Photo Stations Photographic documentation is a key essential to monitoring the success of the Bank Parcel. Digital photographs provide a visual assessment of the vegetation conditions. Seven photo stations are located across the Arrington Bridge I easement and were visited each year during annual monitoring activities. Each photo station location is mapped on (Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 Appendix A). A photo log of the photo stations is in Appendix B. Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 5 3.0 REFERENCES EcoEngineering – A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2012. Wayne County Development Alliance Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package. The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. April 27, 2015. Arrington Bridge Bank Parcel Neuse Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation, Phase I and Phase I Expansion – As- Built Report. Lee Michael T., Peet Robert K., Roberts Steven D., and Wentworth Thomas R., 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Level. Version 4.2 North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) October 2004. Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Available at internet site: http://www.nceep.net/news/reports/buffers.pdf. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) January 15, 2010. Procedural Guidance and Content Requirements for EEP Monitoring Reports. North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) November 7, 2011. Monitoring Requirements and Performance Standards for Stream and/or Wetland Mitigation. Schafale MP and AS Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 A-1 Appendix A Site Maps FIGURE 1. USGS QUAD SW/SE GOLDSBORO02,000 4,0001,000 Feet1 inch = 2,000 feet[ BANK SITE 7.5 MINUTE USGS "SW GOLDSBORO" QUAD; 1974 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988)7.5 MINUTE USGS "SE GOLDSBORO" QUAD; 1982 (PHOTO INSPECTED 1988) 35°21'0.33"N 78° 0'38.64"W PHASE I Legend Phase IBank Site Phase I Expansion PHASE IEXPANSION CAVITY MAP p,Dr to sc1 ) 11001 =yow Yf R45 -wmw r 6 LQi o . zo, .-jL• AAD 6 LOD111r RIM11' a SPECK — M.TA:® AIWA a OfirIDRm Pr — 11.?f r� O.IID A.4a AIAMM 1702s -JS • Jrmss- - 4 019610M K PACO.M IRD'i390 1M SsrRIOP IG I14R COl1r1• AMT m SIMEY IS 6.RODER OUMM.. rD -. AM MOM SiA11(Y. R10IA mm i a. 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I2 X� lCWE 9 (JO -IGD/ - t M1 ACf Y \; \ da'c c na•-moi - aal.r: 9kow or MIX 00 TSA. Po W PCA SC W, CON$rRWO LIM&W ACICAa.' (MIA (YF DDWIRW ... 1.070 ACr 1 M'Ir' ]DIS \� v!CWY IUP \ 3 3 5 � J Jet t31Q't1tRq 1!G W tpp7, Po !IJ PC 4 SI M-! 1 5. t5 e. I Yn una / ' . EJ 6100 RM.a Sn x uc a TSI; Po W . A d - aaA.c MDN PPC 0 - b /Nlrt $C! R At a !S -J • . A[f lA0'I aG[ - C0N01R a'/!'Q / / I2 X� lCWE 9 (JO -IGD/ - t M1 ACf Y \; \ da'c c na•-moi - aal.r: 9kow or MIX 00 TSA. Po W PCA SC W, CON$rRWO LIM&W ACICAa.' (MIA (YF DDWIRW ... 1.070 ACr h i;2 / 1 \ r \ \\n .MA Pnotorrrs �� � � JA hFL Po W r /+ f FLILON$tY' eN^ta'r CNUYUI LTJ oe est x UP x_10 rc S. Pc 'zG m t SL all - FIGURE 2.2 YIELD PUT EBX-NEUSE I, LLC.\ ., OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I EXPANSION SITE \ \, GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 7015 ♦♦\ WAYNE COUNTY. NC - 100' ••'r ♦♦\ t00• 50' 0 1 .00 GRAPH SCALE aK1 OY 4w Dtir HED Fd Aro$74.0N 10'5 -Y PGI pOYiI >.ta M1fVf L01AiW .eraTs�ruzva 'PPL TTTT[)lf1�"fiSD� '�•r 0i37C?:TiT>• + L' aGBRtaQ K PADEAM PACr[S$ IMO liNKYa4 AID. 11M.. CV1 AMI rW SMmrY 6 CY' ANDYNIM c4mw Pr. ro W; An mn~ XA1{KY. -4140 • tttt - �. ? �F •w.5 ,,,`♦ Orl�',,1+�_ - Y '- St - rVr.,' K, Q .� 1 M'Ir' ]DIS SL'Vtl L G34N \ 3 3 h i;2 / 1 \ r \ \\n .MA Pnotorrrs �� � � JA hFL Po W r /+ f FLILON$tY' eN^ta'r CNUYUI LTJ oe est x UP x_10 rc S. Pc 'zG m t SL all - FIGURE 2.2 YIELD PUT EBX-NEUSE I, LLC.\ ., OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I EXPANSION SITE \ \, GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 7015 ♦♦\ WAYNE COUNTY. NC - 100' ••'r ♦♦\ t00• 50' 0 1 .00 GRAPH SCALE aK1 OY 4w Dtir HED Fd Aro$74.0N 10'5 -Y PGI pOYiI >.ta M1fVf L01AiW .eraTs�ruzva 'PPL TTTT[)lf1�"fiSD� '�•r 0i37C?:TiT>• + L' aGBRtaQ K PADEAM PACr[S$ IMO liNKYa4 AID. 11M.. CV1 AMI rW SMmrY 6 CY' ANDYNIM c4mw Pr. ro W; An mn~ XA1{KY. -4140 • tttt - �. ? �F •w.5 ,,,`♦ Orl�',,1+�_ - Y '- St - rVr.,' K, Q .� 1 M'Ir' ]DIS 3 3 5 Jet t31Q't1tRq 1!G W tpp7, Po !IJ PC 4 SI M-! 1 5. t5 h i;2 / 1 \ r \ \\n .MA Pnotorrrs �� � � JA hFL Po W r /+ f FLILON$tY' eN^ta'r CNUYUI LTJ oe est x UP x_10 rc S. Pc 'zG m t SL all - FIGURE 2.2 YIELD PUT EBX-NEUSE I, LLC.\ ., OF THE ARRINGTON BRIDGE I EXPANSION SITE \ \, GOLDSBORO TOWNSHIP JANUARY 7015 ♦♦\ WAYNE COUNTY. NC - 100' ••'r ♦♦\ t00• 50' 0 1 .00 GRAPH SCALE aK1 OY 4w Dtir HED Fd Aro$74.0N 10'5 -Y PGI pOYiI >.ta M1fVf L01AiW .eraTs�ruzva 'PPL TTTT[)lf1�"fiSD� '�•r 0i37C?:TiT>• + L' aGBRtaQ K PADEAM PACr[S$ IMO liNKYa4 AID. 11M.. CV1 AMI rW SMmrY 6 CY' ANDYNIM c4mw Pr. ro W; An mn~ XA1{KY. -4140 • tttt - �. ? �F •w.5 ,,,`♦ Orl�',,1+�_ - Y '- St - rVr.,' K, Q .� SGIE OF 67OP OVOCOM tC " 001W'r t aMPm AA gt0O1t0r fY1tIY3' ANT A16 PGt�WY11 W SwYAASIXf f1ADY A4 ACI41L $UYWrr a LAGiA YY StPMS01t RTap fm fl'wR D M YAP f MSD ll C =,; m:f IRE OOCAOVOC. /AI Se1MYEL W of Rl MDKUIW AS AU- PtlL As C4=1^10 a r r �l6�ftAI �S Pt)rIMAfO M ACG'atDNNCf •ttN CA AI -Y1 A$ AAR6Y0. wIACSS N OtbnSl SCD ftAEC A(Cylt "" AtYW1 AAO Sl11C jQ, a.,A a mAssr D - ]DIS FIGURE 2.3. PROPOSED RIPARIAN BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA - PHASE I BPDP 0 500 1,000250Feet 1 inch = 500 feet [ 1.02 AC. 30.53 AC. HUC3020201 HUC03020202 FEATURE 03 DRAINSTO 03020202 Phase I 1.04 AC. FEATURE 04 APPROXIMATE HUC BOUNDARYFROM NCEEP INTERACTIVE MAP Legend Site Stream Neuse Buffer Restoration AreaPhase I: 1.02 Acres Nutrient Offset Restoration AreaPhase I: 32.71 Acres Drainage Feature Nutrient Offset Credit Phase I: 74,350.484 lbs of Nitrogen Feature 01 Feature 02 FEATURE 05 FEATURE 06 1.14 AC. FIGURE 2.4. NEUSE BUFFER &NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS 0 500 1,000250Feet 1 inch = 500 feet [ HUC3020201 HUC03020202 FEATURE 03DRAINS TO 03020202 Phase I APPROXIMATE HUC BOUNDARYFROM NCEEP INTERACTIVE MAP Legend Site Stream Neuse Buffer Restoration AreaPhase I: 1.971 AcresNutrient Offset Restoration AreaPhase I: 31.558 Acres Drainage Feature Nutrient Offset Credit Phase I: 71,731.965 lbs of Nitrogen FEATURE 01 FEATURE 02 FEATURE 04 FEATURE 05 FEATURE 06 FIGURE 2.5 - NEUSE BUFFER & NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREAS - PHASE I EXPANSION05001,000250Feet1 inch = 500 feet [ HUC3020201 HUC03020202 FEATURE 03DRAINS TO 03020202 Phase IExpansion APPROXIMATE HUC BOUNDARYFROM NCEEP INTERACTIVE MAP FEATURE 01 FEATURE 02 FEATURE 04 FEATURE 05 FEATURE 06 Legend STREAMS DITCH HUC BOUNARY SITE Neuse Buffer Restoration Area TOTAL = 3.032AC ZONE A (0'-50') = 1.630 AC ZONE B (50'-100') = 1.402 AC Nutrient Offset Restoration Area TOTAL = 0.947 AC ZONE C (100'-200') = 0.947 AC Nutrient Offset Credit Phase I Expansion: 2,152.550 lbs of Nitrogen Maa s t t r i x E a s tE PS 7 PS 1 PS 6 PS 3 PS 4 PS 2 PS 5 VP 6 VP 7 VP 8 VP 3 VP 5 VP 9 VP 1 VP 2 VP 4 VP 11 VP 10 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community FIGURE 4. MY5 2019 CURRENT CONDITIONS ARRINGTON BRID GE I 0 350 700175Feet 1 inch = 350 feet [ LEGEND Conservation Easement Boundary Vegetation Plot (>320 stems/acre) Photo S tation Locations ZONE A (0'-50') ZONE B (50'-100') NEUSE BUFFER RESTORATION AREA NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA MY2 Encroachment (~0.44 Ac.) MY3 Encroachment (~0.85 Ac.) Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-1 Appendix B Visual Assessment Data Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-2 MY5 – 2019 Vegetation Plot Photos Vegetation Plot 1 Vegetation Plot 2 Vegetation Plot 3 Vegetation Plot 4 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-3 MY5 – 2019 Vegetation Plot Photos (Cont’d) Vegetation Plot 5 Vegetation Plot 6 Vegetation Plot 7 Vegetation Plot 8 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-4 MY5 – 2019 Vegetation Plot Photos (Cont’d) Vegetation Plot 9 Vegetation Plot 10 Vegetation Plot 11 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-5 MY5 – 2019 Photo Station Photos Photo Station 1 - 260⁰W Photo Station 2 - 234⁰SW Photo Station 3 - 301⁰NW Photo Station 4 - 288⁰W Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 B-6 MY5 – 2019 Photo Station Photos (Cont’d) Photo Station 5 - 88⁰E Photo Station 6 - 260⁰W Photo Station 7 - 216⁰SW Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 Table 1. Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Arrington Bridge I, Wayne County DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 Plot #Planted Stems/Acre Volunteer Stems/Acre Total Stems/Acre Success Criteria Met? Average Planted Stem Height (ft) 1 850 0 850 Yes 3.6 2 445 0 445 Yes 3.3 3 364 0 364 Yes 4.0 4 728 24362 25091 Yes 8.4 5 567 647 1214 Yes 5.4 6 405 81 486 Yes 8.9 7 647 202 850 Yes 5.4 8 647 162 809 Yes 10.0 9 486 283 769 Yes 5.9 10 567 324 890 Yes 3.0 11 526 243 769 Yes 4.9 Project Avg 567 2391 2958 Yes 5.7 Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 Table 2. CVS Stem Count Total and Planted with/without Livestakes by Plot and Species Arrington Bridge I, Wayne County DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 6 7 7 7 3 3 5 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 600 3 2 4 2 2 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 2 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 1 6 1 3 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 5 5 5 2 2 8 6 6 6 3 3 10 5 5 7 Quercus alba white oak Tree 10 10 10 1 1 1 8 8 8 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 5 5 5 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 7 7 7 5 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 1 1 2 21 21 21 11 11 11 9 9 9 18 18 620 14 14 30 10 10 12 16 16 21 16 16 20 12 12 19 14 14 22 13 13 19 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 4 4 6 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 8 6 6 6 5 5 6 3 3 4 850 850 850 445 445 445 364 364 364 728 728 25091 567 567 1214 405 405 486 647 647 850 647 647 809 486 486 769 567 567 890 526 526 769 Arrington Bridge I 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 1 0.02 000004-01-0007 000004-01-0008 000004-01-0009 000004-01-0010 000004-01-0011 Current Plot Data (MY5 2019) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 000004-01-0001 000004-01-0002 000004-01-0003 000004-01-0004 000004-01-0005 000004-01-0006 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 47 120 Betula nigra river birch Tree 4 4 5 4 4 4 2 2 18 1 1 1 8 8 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 19 19 21 19 19 19 16 16 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 613 150 110 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 3 3 3 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 11 13 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 22 22 37 22 22 26 26 26 31 8 8 8 18 18 18 Quercus alba white oak Tree 19 19 19 23 23 23 11 11 11 5 5 5 2 2 2 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 9 9 11 12 12 12 21 21 21 17 17 17 22 22 22 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 4 4 7 4 4 4 7 7 7 1 1 1 17 17 17 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 65 65 67 62 62 62 59 59 61 47 47 47 51 51 51 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 4 4 5 4 4 4 6 6 6 3 3 3 5 5 5 154 154 804 158 158 372 163 163 418 85 85 85 131 131 131 12 12 14 11 11 14 11 11 14 9 9 9 10 10 10 567 567 2958 581 581 1369 600 600 1538 313 313 313 482 482 482 Species count Stems per ACRE Scientific Name Common Name Species Type Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) 11 0.27 11 0.27 Arrington Bridge I 11 0.27 11 0.27 11 0.27 MY1 (2015) Annual Means MY5 (2019)MY4 (2018)MY3 (2017)MY2 (2016) Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 Table 3A. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot – Phase 1 Area (33.529 Acres) Table 3B. Stem Count Total and Planted Species by Vegetation Plot – Phase 1 Expansion Area (3.979 Acres) PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 47 117 Betula nigra river birch Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 8 8 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 6 7 7 7 3 3 5 19 19 21 19 19 19 16 16 16 1 1 1 1 1 1 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 600 3 2 605 146 110 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 Nyssa biflora swamp tupelo Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 1 6 3 10 13 2 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 5 5 5 2 2 8 3 3 10 5 5 7 16 16 31 16 16 20 19 19 24 8 8 8 18 18 18 Quercus alba white oak Tree 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 6 6 6 3 3 3 Quercus lyrata overcup oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 2 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 8 10 9 9 9 11 11 11 10 10 10 15 15 15 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 5 5 5 1 1 1 16 16 16 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 5 5 5 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 44 44 46 41 41 41 41 41 43 32 32 32 36 36 36 Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 1 1 2 4 4 5 4 4 4 6 6 6 3 3 3 5 5 5 21 21 21 11 11 11 9 9 9 18 18 620 14 14 30 12 12 19 14 14 22 13 13 19 112 112 751 111 111 321 113 113 349 59 59 59 104 104 104 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 3 3 4 11 11 13 11 11 14 11 11 14 8 8 8 9 9 9 850 850 850 445 445 445 364 364 364 728 728 25091 567 567 1214 486 486 769 567 567 890 526 526 769 567 567 3799 562 562 1624 572 572 1765 298 298 298 526 526 526 Arrington Bridge Phase I 8 0.20 8 0.20 8 0.20 1 0.02 8 0.20 8 0.20 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 0.02 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 000004-01-0010 000004-01-0011 Annual Means MY5 (2019)MY4 (2018)MY3 (2017)MY2 (2016)MY1 (2015) Current Plot Data (MY5 2019) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 000004-01-0001 000004-01-0002 000004-01-0003 000004-01-0004 000004-01-0005 000004-01-0009 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 3 Betula nigra river birch Tree 1 1 1 1 17 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 2 4 2 8 4 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 1 1 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 Quercus alba white oak Tree 1 1 1 8 8 8 9 9 9 11 11 11 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Quercus pagoda cherrybark oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 9 9 9 7 7 7 5 5 5 21 21 21 21 21 21 18 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 12 16 16 21 16 16 20 42 42 53 47 47 51 50 50 69 26 26 26 27 27 27 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 8 7 7 10 7 7 8 8 8 9 4 4 4 5 5 5 405 405 486 647 647 850 647 647 809 567 567 715 634 634 688 674 674 931 351 351 351 364 364 364 3 0.07 Arrington Bridge Phase I Expansion 3 0.07 3 0.07 3 0.07 1 0.02 1 0.02 3 0.07 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 1 0.02 Annual Means MY5 (2019)MY4 (2018)MY3 (2017)MY2 (2016)MY1 (2015) Current Plot Data (MY5 2019) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type 000004-01-0006 000004-01-0007 000004-01-0008 THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0001 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0001 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17NLongitude or UTM-E:2294887.749 Latitude or UTM-N:583030.106 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):200 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus phellos1 1.5 0.0 140.0 0.2 c R Quercus phellos3 5.0 0.0 140.0 0.2 k R Quercus phellos4 4.2 2.4 131.0 i R DBH? Quercus phellos5 2.5 2.1 140.0 0.1 f R Quercus phellos6 0.0 3.0 250.0 1.3 a R Quercus alba88.54.0 Missingr R Quercus alba9 8.9 6.0 40.0 s R Quercus alba10 7.8 8.0 82.0 q R Quercus alba11 5.5 8.2 58.0 l R Quercus alba596 0.2 1.4 70.0 b R Quercus alba597 7.0 1.4 20.0 o R Quercus alba598 4.0 0.1 33.0 h R Quercus alba848 9.0 1.5 Missingt R Platanus occidentalis849 2.0 5.0 168.0 0.3 d R Fraxinus pennsylvanica850 2.0 7.5 120.0 e R DBH? Betula nigra851 3.5 9.5 151.0 0.3 g R Fraxinus pennsylvanica852 4.5 7.5 140.0 0.2 j R Betula nigra853 6.0 5.0 182.0 0.3 n R Quercus alba854 5.7 3.5 60.0 m R Betula nigra855 7.5 9.0 215.0 0.6 p R Quercus alba856 9.0 9.9 51.0 u R Quercus alba857 9.5 8.5 55.0 w R Quercus alba858 9.5 0.5 30.0 v R # stems:23 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 1 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0001 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0001 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:200 ° a k u b l v c m w dn e o f p g q h r i s j t # stems:23 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 2 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0002 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17NLongitude or UTM-E:2294935.123 Latitude or UTM-N:583715.885 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):247 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus michauxii27 0.2 2.2 71.0 a R Quercus michauxii29 0.2 6.2 10.0 b R Quercus phellos31 3.2 0.2 168.0 0.4 d R Quercus phellos33 3.2 4.5 100.0 e R Quercus nigra34 3.2 6.7 75.0 f R Quercus phellos43 8.7 3.7 120.0 k R DBH? Quercus phellos860 6.5 6.0 110.0 h P DBH? Quercus phellos1066 6.0 1.5 152.0 0.3 g P Quercus phellos1067 1.5 9.5 102.0 c P DBH? Quercus phellos1068 8.0 9.0 110.0 j P DBH? Quercus phellos1069 6.5 9.0 79.0 i P # stems:11 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 3 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0002 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0002 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:247 ° a k b c d e f g h i j # stems:11 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 4 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0003 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17NLongitude or UTM-E:2295502.005 Latitude or UTM-N:584278.466 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):345 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus phellos48 0.5 0.3 290.0 1.6 a R Quercus phellos49 2.5 0.3 170.0 0.5 b R Quercus lyrata50 4.5 0.3 120.0 c R DBH? Quercus phellos55 5.6 2.8 175.0 0.5 e R Quercus phellos56 7.5 2.8 72.0 f R Quercus phellos63 8.7 6.3 79.0 g R Quercus lyrata64 9.4 8.6 49.0 h R Fraxinus pennsylvanica607 9.6 5.0 60.0 i R Quercus phellos608 4.5 2.8 70.0 d R # stems:9 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 5 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0003 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:345 ° a b c d e f g h i # stems:9 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 6 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0004 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2295660.175 Latitude or UTM-N:584716.227 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):89 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus phellos69 0.6 0.4 220.0 1.3 d R Quercus phellos71 4.7 0.4 240.0 1.6 g R Quercus phellos72 6.6 0.4 140.0 0.4 m R Quercus phellos73 8.7 0.4 225.0 1.5 q R Platanus occidentalis74 5.4 2.7 380.0 3.0 j R Fraxinus pennsylvanica75 3.5 2.7 330.0 2.2 f R Platanus occidentalis77 7.2 2.7 330.0 2.2 o R Platanus occidentalis78 9.1 2.7 400.0 2.6 r R Fraxinus pennsylvanica80 6.0 5.5 290.0 2.1 l R Platanus occidentalis83 0.4 5.5 500.0 4.1 c R Quercus phellos84 8.5 8.4 280.0 1.5 p R Quercus pagoda86 7.0 8.4 140.0 0.2 n R Quercus phellos87 4.8 8.4 85.0 h R Fraxinus pennsylvanica611 0.8 0.5 164.0 1.0 e R Fraxinus pennsylvanica612 0.5 0.9 240.0 1.6 a R Fraxinus pennsylvanica613 6.0 3.0 171.0 0.8 k R Platanus occidentalis614 0.4 4.9 215.0 1.5 b R Fraxinus pennsylvanica615 5.0 8.4 250.0 1.4 i R # stems:18 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 7 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0004 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0004 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) NX-axis:89 ° a k b l c m d n e o f p gq h r i j # stems:18 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 8 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0005 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294659.477 Latitude or UTM-N:584280.181 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):182 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus michauxii92 0.3 0.3 72.0 a R Quercus michauxii93 2.4 0.3 89.0 f R Quercus phellos94 4.4 0.3 270.0 1.5 i R Quercus phellos95 6.3 0.3 156.0 0.4 j R Quercus phellos96 8.5 0.3 210.0 0.6 m R Platanus occidentalis97 9.7 2.0 122.0 n R DBH? Platanus occidentalis99 6.4 2.4 380.0 3.1 k R Quercus michauxii102 0.5 3.3 260.0 2.3 c R Quercus michauxii103 0.3 9.0 108.0 b R DBH? Quercus pagoda104 1.6 5.9 76.0 e R Quercus phellos112 6.6 7.5 108.0 l R DBH? Quercus phellos113 3.9 8.0 195.0 0.7 h R Quercus phellos114 2.9 8.6 160.0 0.4 g R Quercus phellos115 1.5 9.0 81.0 d R # stems:14 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 9 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0005 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0005 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:182 ° a k b l c m d n e f g h i j # stems:14 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 10 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0006 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294612.572 Latitude or UTM-N:582690.926 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):258 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus phellos116 0.4 0.4 205.0 1.5 a R Quercus alba117 0.8 3.8 Missingb R Quercus alba118 1.0 6.6 Missingc R Quercus phellos120 2.1 7.5 400.0 3.0 e R Quercus alba121 2.3 4.9 Missingf R Quercus phellos122 2.0 1.8 250.0 1.5 d R Quercus phellos123 3.8 2.9 215.0 0.8 g R Quercus phellos125 4.0 8.2 250.0 1.4 h R Quercus phellos128 5.6 4.6 390.0 2.7 j R Quercus phellos129 5.3 0.7 280.0 1.6 i R Quercus phellos132 7.5 6.5 270.0 2.0 k R Quercus phellos133 9.2 7.0 400.0 3.1 m R Quercus alba135 8.5 3.2 49.0 l R # stems:13 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 11 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0006 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0006 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:258 ° a k b l c m d e f g h i j # stems:13 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 12 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0007 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294467.404 Latitude or UTM-N:582582.784 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):2 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Quercus pagoda136 0.5 0.6 130.0 b R DBH? Quercus phellos138 4.8 0.3 390.0 2.7 f R Quercus phellos139 6.5 1.3 310.0 2.4 k R Quercus phellos140 8.1 0.2 260.0 1.6 m R Quercus phellos141 9.6 1.8 105.0 o R DBH? Quercus phellos142 5.0 2.7 122.0 g R DBH? Quercus phellos143 2.0 2.0 203.0 1.0 d R Quercus phellos144 0.2 3.8 240.0 1.3 a R Quercus alba145 2.5 5.5 62.0 e R Quercus alba146 6.7 4.9 113.0 l R DBH? Quercus alba147 9.9 4.6 90.0 p R Quercus alba149 5.5 6.3 110.0 i R DBH? Quercus alba151 0.7 6.8 165.0 0.4 c R Quercus alba153 5.7 9.9 128.0 j R DBH? Quercus alba622 8.1 7.0 133.0 n R DBH? Quercus alba868 5.5 4.5 50.0 h P # stems:16 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 13 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0007 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0007 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:2 ° a k b l c m d n e o f p g h i j # stems:16 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 14 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0008 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294750.040 Latitude or UTM-N:582475.537 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):70 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Platanus occidentalis624 0.6 0.7 400.0 2.1 b P Quercus nigra625 0.9 2.0 350.0 2.4 c P Liriodendron tulipifera626 1.2 3.2 Missinge P Platanus occidentalis627 0.5 5.7 425.0 2.5 a P Liriodendron tulipifera628 1.7 7.5 140.0 0.8 f P Platanus occidentalis629 1.0 9.5 450.0 3.2 d P Liriodendron tulipifera630 3.6 9.5 70.0 i P Platanus occidentalis631 2.8 5.5 500.0 3.6 h P Quercus phellos632 2.6 1.4 330.0 2.0 g P Quercus phellos633 3.8 3.3 205.0 1.1 j P Platanus occidentalis634 4.9 6.0 450.0 3.0 l P Quercus phellos635 4.2 7.7 300.0 1.7 k P Quercus michauxii636 6.7 7.5 280.0 2.2 p P Liriodendron tulipifera637 6.5 5.4 Missingo P Quercus nigra638 6.5 4.0 300.0 1.7 n P Platanus occidentalis639 5.4 2.1 310.0 2.2 m P Quercus michauxii641 7.6 3.6 Missingq P Quercus phellos643 8.2 9.2 182.0 0.7 r P Quercus phellos646 9.9 0.2 190.0 1.0 s P # stems:19 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 15 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0008 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0008 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) NX-axis:70 ° a k b l cm d n e o fp g q h r i s j # stems:19 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 16 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0009 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2295099.112 Latitude or UTM-N:583145.667 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):28 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Taxodium distichum183 4.5 0.5 140.0 0.5 g R Taxodium distichum184 6.6 0.5 89.0 i R Quercus michauxii185 8.6 0.4 280.0 1.5 k R Platanus occidentalis189 2.6 3.0 152.0 0.6 d R Taxodium distichum191 1.9 6.6 140.0 0.3 b R Platanus occidentalis197 5.5 9.9 330.0 2.1 h R Platanus occidentalis198 4.3 9.9 110.0 f R DBH? Betula nigra199 2.4 9.9 500.0 4.8 c R Quercus phellos649 8.6 2.0 60.0 l P Quercus phellos650 6.6 2.5 220.0 0.8 j P Quercus phellos654 3.5 8.0 80.0 e P Nyssa biflora656 0.5 6.3 40.0 a P # stems:12 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 17 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0009 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0009 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:28 ° a k b l c d e f g h i j # stems:12 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 18 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0010 Re- sprout NotesMap char Sep 2019 Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294690.066 Latitude or UTM-N:583444.000 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):194 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Taxodium distichum201 0.5 0.4 40.0 a R Quercus phellos202 2.2 0.5 121.0 c R DBH? Quercus phellos205 9.3 0.6 155.0 0.2 m R Fraxinus pennsylvanica206 9.1 3.1 122.0 l R DBH? Quercus phellos213 4.9 5.6 64.0 e R Quercus phellos214 6.7 5.8 143.0 0.3 i R Quercus pagoda215 8.9 6.1 59.0 k R Quercus michauxii218 6.0 8.1 30.0 h R Fraxinus pennsylvanica659 7.0 3.2 68.0 j R Fraxinus pennsylvanica660 4.0 3.2 80.0 d R Fraxinus pennsylvanica661 1.2 3.2 80.0 b R Fraxinus pennsylvanica662 5.3 7.6 68.0 f R Fraxinus pennsylvanica873 6.0 7.0 70.0 g P Fraxinus pennsylvanica874 9.5 9.5 170.0 0.6 n P # stems:14 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 19 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0010 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Sep 2019 Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0010 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:194 ° a k b l c m d n e f g h i j # stems:14 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 20 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Date: / / - / / Taxonomic Standard: Party: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Role: Notes: VMD Year (1-5): 6 THIS YEAR'S DATA Species NameID X 0.1m Y 0.1m Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Height 1cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* Plot 000004-01-0011 Re- sprout NotesMap char Last Year's Data UTM Zone:17nLongitude or UTM-E:2294972.531 Latitude or UTM-N:584474.926 Coordinate Accuracy (m):0.5 Datum:NAD83/W GS84 X-Axis bearing (deg):280 (dec.deg. or m) Source* Notes* Plot Dimensions: X:10 Y:10 Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. Plot has reverse orientation for X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Date last planted: Check box if plot was not sampled, specify reason below New planting date m/yy? / Liriodendron tulipifera221 0.6 0.4 Missinga R Quercus phellos222 2.7 0.2 131.0 d R DBH? Platanus occidentalis226 1.4 3.3 350.0 2.2 b R Platanus occidentalis227 3.2 3.0 230.0 1.0 e R Fraxinus pennsylvanica228 5.9 2.7 168.0 0.6 j R Quercus phellos238 4.3 8.6 110.0 h R DBH? Fraxinus pennsylvanica665 9.1 1.9 87.0 n R Quercus phellos666 8.5 3.0 68.0 m R Fraxinus pennsylvanica667 7.0 3.5 162.0 0.5 l R Quercus phellos668 6.0 2.3 51.0 k R Platanus occidentalis669 5.2 4.0 250.0 1.2 i R Platanus occidentalis671 4.2 3.0 136.0 g R DBH? Quercus phellos672 1.6 1.8 86.0 c R Platanus occidentalis673 4.0 7.5 110.0 f R DBH? # stems:14 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: Species Name X (m) Y (m) Height 1 cm* DBH 1 cm Vigor* Damage* NotesSource* *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 21 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. THIS YEAR'S DATA SpeciesID X (m) Y (m) Plot (continued):000004-01-0011 ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm) ddh (mm) Height (cm) DBH (cm)Vigor* Damage* Re- sprout Notesmap char Last Year's Data source Notes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species Height Cut-Off (All stems shorter than this are ignored. If >10cm, explain why to the right.):  10cm  50cm  100cm  137cm SEEDLINGS — H EIGHT C LASSES SAPLINGS — DBH TREES — DBH Species Name  c Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cm Sub- Sapl 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write DBH) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Form WS2, ver 9.1 **Required if cut-off >10cm or subsample ?100%. Expl anation of cut-off & subsampling**: Map of stems on plot 000004-01-0011 Y:5m X:5m(0,0) N X-axis:280 ° a k b l c m d n e f g h i j # stems:14 map size: small *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, M=missing. *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. Printed in the CVS-EEP Entry Tool ver. 2.3.1 *SOURCE: Tr=Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 22 *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Arrington Bridge I – Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offset Mitigation Site Monitoring Report: Year 5 DWQ # 2008-1473v.4 September 2019 Appendix D Adaptive Management Plans Memo To: Katie Merritt, DWR From: Brian Hockett , RES cc: File Date: February 15, 2017 Re: Arrington Bridge Phase I – Year 3 Monitoring Adaptive Management Work Plan During Year 2-2016 monitoring activities, RES documented areas of low planted stem densities and a small area of easement encroachment located on the Arrington Bridge I Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offsset Mitigation Site. RES is aware the site is not performing as planned and has prepared an adaptive management plan below to address the onsite problems. 1. Low Planted Stem Densities Based on the Year 2 vegetation monitoring, four (4) of the eleven (11) monitoring plots were above the five (5) year monitoring period requirement. RES acknowledges the site requirements are not being met based on the Year 2 vegetation monitoring results. RES is planning to perform a supplemental replant across the site in low stem density areas with 3-year old trees. It is assumed the supplemental replant performed in May 2016 had low survival rates due to abundant herbaceous cover and sandy soil conditions. RES anticipates that planting larger trees will result in better survival since they will be above the herbaceous layer. Each tree will be planted with an auger drilled oversized hole to assist with soil compaction. The total supplemental replant area is approximately 33 acres which includes the area of encroachment in Phase I Expansion Area. 2. Easement Encroachment For Phase I Expansion, easement encroachment mowing activities were present during MY1 along the eastern CE boundary. The encroachment damaged Phase I Expansion CE markers and the markers for Vegetation Plot 8. Additional conservation easement markers were installed and Vegetation Plot 8 was re- established. The encroachment area was replanted to a density of 1,575 stems per acre in early 2016; however, mowing continued within the area. It should be noted that easement encroachment located in the Phase I Expansion area is not associated with the project landowner or RES. An adjacent third party landowner is the cause of encroachment problems. RES has taken action to remedy the encroachment problem by sending the adjacent landowner a certified letter informing them they have violated the conservation easement multiple times by mowing and removing easement signage. RES is planning to install approximately 650 linear feet of woven wire fence along the outer conservation easement boundary to prevent future easement encroachment in the Phase I Expansion area. The attached Figure 1 shows the proposed areas of 10055 Red Run Blvd. Suite 130 Owings Mills, MD 21117 412 N. 4th St. Suite 300 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 1307 Broad Street Camden, SC 29020 1514 South Church Street Suite 103 Charlotte, NC 28203 5020 Montrose Blvd. Suite 650 Houston, TX 77006 1200 Camellia Blvd. Suite 220 Lafayette, LA 70508 137 ½ East Main Street Suite 210 Oak Hill, WV 25901 380 Southpointe Blvd. Plaza II, Suite 405 Canonsburg, PA 15317 909 Capability Drive Suite 3100 Raleigh, NC 27606 fence installation and supplemental replanting areas. The proposed fence installation is planned for early March 2017. Once the easement boundary is re-established and fencing is installed, RES will plant this area during the 2017 supplemental replanting activities. Vegetation Plot 8 will be re- established and documented accordingly. RES plans to perform the above mentioned adaptive management activities by early May 2017. Once work is completed, RES will provide written notification to NCDWR along with photo documentation to inform work has been completed. Thanks, Brian Hockett, PLS NC Operations Manager RES 2 PS 7 PS 1 PS 6 PS 3 PS 4 PS 2 PS 5 VP 6 VP 7 VP 8 VP 3 VP 5 VP 9 VP 1 VP 2 VP 4 VP 11 VP 10 John StArrington Bridge RdUS HWY 117 B e n t o n S t NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC 911Board FIGURE 1. 2017 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT WORK PLANARRINGTON BRIDGE PHASE I 0 350 700175Feet 1 inch = 350 feet [ LEGEND Roads Photo Station Locations Vegetation Plot Locations Conservation Easement Boundary ZONE A (0'-5 0') ZONE B (50'-100') NEUSE BUFFER RESTO RATION AREA NUTRIENT OFFSET RESTORATION AREA Proposed 2017 Supplemental Replanting Areas Proposed 650 LF of Woven Wire Fence 302 Jefferson Street, Suite 110 Raleigh, NC 27605 Corporate Headquarters 5020 Montrose Blvd. Suite 650 Houston, TX 77006 Main: 713.520.5400 res.us November 21, 2017 Katie Merritt NCDEQ – Division of Water Resources 512 N. Salisbury Street, Archdale Building 9th Floor Raleigh, NC 27620 RE: Arrington Bridge Phase I – Year 3 Monitoring Adaptive Management Work Plan Dear Katie Merritt, During Year 3-2017 monitoring activities, RES documented a 0.85 acre easement encorachment area located on the Arrington Bridge I Riparian Buffer & Nutrient Offsset Mitigation Site. Per the request of Katie Merritt (DWR), RES is providing this adaptative management plan to address the encorachement problem. 1. Send letters to the landowner and DOT Maintenance Division. RES staff sent a letter to Chuck Allen (landowner) and copied NCDOT Division 4 Maintenance regarding the easement encroachment. The letter clearly explains the rules of the easement and includes an exhibit showing where the problem occurred. 2. Stake along encroachment area. RES will stake along the DOT road boundary every 100’ with signs that have contact information for the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation. 3. Replant encroachment area. RES will plant the area that was mowed using one gallon or three gallon trees. Planting will include a row of trees inset along the easement boundary to provide a clear visual boundary. 4. Re-establish Vegetation Plot 1. During the encroachment, the majority of Vegetation Plot 1 was destroyed. RES will re-establish this plot by replacing the plot corners and re-staking and mapping the surviving and re-planted trees in the plot. The trees will also be measured and flagged for easier monitoring in Year 4- 2018. RES plans to perform the above mentioned adaptive management activities by the end of 2017. Once work is completed, RES will provide written notification to NCDWR along with photo documentation to inform work has been completed. Thank you, Ryan Medric | Ecologist 412 N. 4th St. #300 701 E. Bay St. #306 5020 Montrose Blvd. #650 1200 Camellia Blvd. #220 Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Charleston, SC 27904 Houston, TX 77006 Lafayette, LA 70508 137½ East Main St. #210 10055 Red Run Blvd.#130 33 Terminal Way #431 302 Jefferson St. #110 1521 W. Main 2nd Floor Oak Hill, WV 25901 Owings Mills, MD 21117 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Raleigh, NC 27605 Richmond, VA 23220 November 16, 2017 Chuck Allen 810 Park Avenue Goldsboro, NC 27530 Dear Mr. Allen: A permanent environmental conservation easement exists on your property on Arrington Bridge Road. The property is owned by JBA Properties, LLC (Chuck Allen) and the easement is held by the North Carolina Wildlife Habitat Foundation. Please see attached map showing subject area. No vegetation cutting or mowing vehicle access is permitted in this area at any time. It has come to our attention that prohibited activities occurred on the property. A small area at the corner of Arrington Bridge Road and John Street was mowed inside the easement. This activity may have occurred in conjunction with NCDOT road maintenance activities. NCDOT Division 4 is copied on this letter. Note that this project is constructed, planted, and monitored according to the requirements of the state government (NCDEQ). Significant cost is incurred when a violation of the easement occurs for replanting trees and grasses and additional reporting. Please pass this notice along to anyone that you suspect may be causing this issue. Call me with any questions and thank you for your assistance. Daniel Ingram 919.622.3845 Cc: Ely Perry, Perry Management Katie Merritt – NCDWR Kenneth McArthur - NCDOT Division 4 Maintenance NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, Esri, HERE, DeLorme,MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors 0 400200 Feet FIGURE 1 Encroachment MapArrington Bridge I Wayne County, NC Legend Conservation Easement Encroachment ©Date: 11/17/2017 Drawn by: RTM Checked by: DPI Document Path: C:\Users\rmedric\Dropbox (RES)\@RES Projects\North Carolina\Arrington Bridge I\Monitoring\Monitoring Data\MY3_2017\GIS\MY3 Encroachment Map.mxdMowed area