HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051795 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20050929 NCDENR ' North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F Easley, Governor Charles S. Jones, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary September 27, 2005 MEMORANDUM: TO: Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor ? ^ R3 ??? D 401 Oversight and Express Permits Unit 0 (? Division of Water Quality-Surface Water Prot on SEP29Zag5 FROM: Doug Huggett, Major Permits Coordinator DENR - WATER QUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH SUBJECT: CAMA & Dredge and Fill Permit Application Review Applicant: Sid Camden, Almont Shipping Co. (Riverfront Marina) Project Location: Almont Shipping Terminals, 10 Hargett Street, Wilmington Proposed Project: The Applicant proposes to excavate a marina basin, and construct a docking facility to accommodate 204 slips, along with associated buildings, parking, fuel tanks, bulkhead and the Wilmington Riverwalk extension at Almont Shipping Terminals, 10 Hargett Street, Wilmington, adjacent to the Northeast Cape Fear River. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by October 21, 2005. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Robb Mairs at (910) 796-7291, when appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. SIGNED Phone This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached comments. DATE 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 910-796-7215 \ FAX: 910-395-39641 Internet: www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper C R I S E R TROUTMAN T A N N E R August 5, 2005 North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: Almont Riverwalk Marina Wilmington, NC New Hanover County Gentlemen: R. 1-( F, NC ' Enclosed herewith is the CAMA Major Application for the above mentioned project. This project proposes to construct a Marina for small boats and vessels on land formerly owned and occupied by Almont and will extend the City of Wilmington's Riverwalk Project M another 2200 feet northward. Other upland development in the vicinity will be made possible, but is not covered in this application. r The Application Processing Fee of $475.00 is attached herewith. r C Details of the work are included in the Narrative Description of the application. Adjacent landowner notifications will be mailed upon your official notice that the application has been accepted as complete. For your information we are distributing copies as follows: Department of Coastal Management DCM - Raleigh Office Corps of Engineers-Wilmington Land Management Group City of Wilmington - 27 copies 1 copy 1 copy - 1 copy 1 copy Respectfull submitte , Charles E. Davis, P.E. Project Manager CED/ggj/4921.01 Attachment CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS Pn P- 7777 Inr,i,,,i.,,.,,,., nor )QAnr I '4RnQ Pno KI- A.m Cuito 1n? Wilmi-t- KIr 9knn4 .. Qin QQ7 7Q?Q sQin 4Q7 7471 rtto nninuurinn rnm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DCM Form MP-1: Application 3 pages Attachment A Narrative Description 2 pages Attachment B Additional Information e & f 1 page Attachment C Historic Preservation Letter 2 pages Attachment D City of Wilmington Endorsement 1 page Attachment E DWQ Stormwater Permit 1 page Attachment F Notice to Adjacent Property Owners 2 pages Attachment G Environmental Assessment 1 page (Not Included-Submitted Previously) Attachment H Deeds of Almont's Property Ownership 25 pages Attachment I List of Previous Permits 1 page Attachment J Project Drawing entitled: "Riverwalk Marina" 33 pages DCM Form MP-2: Excavation and Fill 2 pages Attachment A 1 page DCM Form MP-3: Upland Development 1 page Attachment A 1 page DCM Form MP-4: Structures 1 page DCM Form MP-6: Marina Development 2 pages Form DCM-MP-1 APPLICATION (Fo be completed by all applicants) b. City, town, community or landmark WILMINGTON 1. APPLICANT a. Landowner: ALMONT SHIPPING COMPANY c. Street address or secondary road number 10 HARGETT STREET d. Is proposed work within city limits or planning ' SID CAMDEN, PRESIDENT Name jurisdiction? X Yes No Address ONE HANOVER STREET e. Name of body of water nearest project (e.g. river, creek, sound, bay) CAPE FEAR RIVE NC City WILMINGTON State (910) 341-5700 Ph D - ' one ay Zip .28401 _ 3. DESCRIPTION AND PLANNED USE Fax (910)763-9317 OF PROPOSED PROJECT ' b. Authorized Agent: C.E.DAVIS, P.E. Name CRISER TROUTMAN TANNER CONSULTING ENGINEERS a. List all development activities you propose (e.g. ' building a home, motel, marina, bulkhead, pier, and excavation and/or filling activities. APPLICANT Address P.O.Box 3727 PROPOSES (1) A MARINA WITH ASSOCIATED FACILITIES ND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS ALONG NUTT STREET: I R NC O STat N EXTEND HE (? City WILMINGT N State , WILMINGTON RIVERWALK AROUND THE MARINA AND TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE. Zip 28406 Day Phone (910) 397-2929 b. Is the proposed activity maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? NEW ' Fax (910) 397.2971 c. Will the project be for public, private or commercial use? _ PUBLIC AND COMMERCIAL c. Project name (if any) ' RIVERFRONT MARINA d. Give a brief description of purpose, use, methods of construction and daily operations of proposed project. If more space is needed, please attach NOTE: Pernw will be tss ad in now of hvidowncr(s), a dlor additional pages. PROJECT WILL FULFILL GOALS OUTLINED projea name IN CITY OF WILMINGTON WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT PLAN 12020 VISION PLAN) BY PROVIDING PUBLIC WATERFRONT ' ACCESS. PUBLIC ACCESS WILL BE INCREASED THROUTH 2. LOCATION OF PROPOSED THE EXTENSION OF THE RIVERWALK & THE CREATION OF COMMERICAL DOCKS & PIERS. STANDARD MARINE & PROJECT COMMERICAL CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES WILL BE USED. NEW HANOVER C SEE ATTACHMENT A FOR DESCRIPTION. a. ounty ' Revised 031% Form DCM-MP-I ' m. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. 4. LAND AND WATER CITY OF WILMINGTON SEWER AVAILABLE CHARACTERISTICS 10.6 ACRES MARINA Describe location and type of discharges to waters n. a. Size of entire tract 1.7 ACREA RIVERWALK FRIN ,F . of the state. (For example, surface runoff, sanitary b Size of individual lot(s) NIA NO INDIVIDUAL LOTS PLANNED wastewater, industrial/commercial effluent, "wash . down" and residential discharges.) ' c. Approximate elevation of tract above MHW or NO DIRECT DISCHARGES PLANNED, STORMWATER WILL BE DETAINED NWL +5' MHW UNDERGROUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH DNR REQUIREMENTS. ' d. Soil type(s) and texture(s) of tract o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. Y M URBAN TYPE SANDS ON THE UPLANDS, HYDRIC SANDS IN INTERTIDAL STE . CITY OF WILMINGTON WATER S e. RANGE ALONG CAPE FEAR RIVER. Vegetation on tract SEE ATTACHMENT A f. Man-made features now on tract SEE ATTACHMENT A • 5. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ' g. What is the CAMA Land Use Plan land In addition to the completed application form, the classification of the site? (cross h d w hmd land Xse plan.) following items must be submitted: Conservation Transitional X Developed Community • A copy of the deed (with state application only) or Othe other instrument under which the applicant claims title r Rural to the affected properties. If the applicant is not ' h How is the tract zoned by local government? claiming to be the owner of said property, then . forward a copy of the deed or other instrument under CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT which the owner claims title, plus written permission ' i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable from the owner to carry out the project. zoning? X Yes No (Aaft* zoning n arMficare, yappf+wb4) • An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross-sectional drawings) drawn to scale in black ' j. Has a professional archaeological assessment been ink on an 8 112" by II" white paper. (Refer to done for the tract? Yes _x No Coastal Resources Commission Rule 71.0203 for a If yes, by whom? detailed description.) ' k. Is the project located in a National Registered Please note that original drawings are preferred and Historic District or does it involve a National only high quality copies will be accepted. Blue-lire Register listed or eligible property? pry or other larger plats are acceptable only if an Yes X No adequate number of quality copies are provided by applicant. (Contact the U.S. Army Corps of 1. Are there wetlands on the site? X Yes No Engineers regarding that agency's use of larger Coastal (marsh) X Other drawings.) A site or location map is a part of plat If yes, has a delineation been conducted? X requirements and it must be sufficiently detailed to (Anal, dom. (f am%04W) guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the I ReAnd 03195 Form DCM-MP-1 11 n site. Include highway or secondary road (SR) numbers, landmarks, and the tike. • A Stormwater Certification, if one is necessary. • A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Upon signing this form, the applicant further certifies that such notice has been provided. Name CITY OF WILMINGTON Address ATTN: MR STERLING CHEATHAM Phone CITY MANAGER Name DEAN HARDWOODS Address ONE COWAN STREET Phone WILMINGTON NC 28401 Name PPD, INC. ATTN: KIM GREENE Address 315 SOUTH 17th STREET Phone WILMINGTON, NC 28412 • A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates. SEE ATTACHMENT D • A check for 450 made payable to the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR) to cover the costs of processing the application. NOT APPLICABLE • A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. ' NOT APPLICABLE • A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Ad (N.C.G.S. 113A - 1 to 10) If the project involves the expenditure of public funds or use of public land's, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 6. CERTIFICATION AND PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed activity complies with the State of North Carolina's approved Coastal Management Program and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact, grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project- I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. r-( A This is the --? day of b . 2005 Print Name ID. EN, PRESI ENT Signature I-A-,WAer or A rued Agent Please indicate attachments pertaining to your proposed project. x DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information x DCM MP-3 Upland Development Y DCM MP4 Structures Information DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts DCM MP-6 Marina Development NOTE: Please sign and date each attachment in the space provided at the bottom of each form. Revised 03195 I I i u ATTACHMENT A TO DCM FORM MP 1 Narrative Description 2 pages 1 ATTACHMENT A TO FORM DCM MP1-par. 3 d NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED MARINA PROJECT Almont Shipping Terminals proposes to construct a small-boat marina along the east bank of the northeast Cape Fear river within the footprint of its old steamship terminal which is being relocated further south on the Cape Fear river. A portion of the marina basin will fall in deep water of the rivers edge and within old ship slips, but the majority will fall in upland areas requiring dredging. The most significant feature of its layout is the provision for the Riverwalk (the city's linear river-side park for the public) to run around the landside exposing the public to the rivers edge and a boating environment. It will pick-up at the north side of the city's ' convention center (presently under design) and proceed around the marina and end some 2000 feet northward in the vicinity of Harnett Street. The marina will have 204 slips-173 permanent wet slip's and 32 transient slips. Permanent slips will be 50' and 60' in length. Transient slips will be 60'- and, 50' in length. Permanent slips will be available for lease and/or purchase by the public and/or residents of future upland development. Transient slips will be available for short-term, fee-daily use by the public. Fuel service is proposed, although no other maintenance or marine services are proposed. h The marina basin will begin at the existing southern-most canal and extend along the shoreline to the northern end of the existing concrete dock. Basin excavation will be located partially in upland and partially within the existing man-made canals and warehouse footprints. This will result in an approximately 11 - acre, partially open basin. A relatively small area waterward of the canals and landward of the pierhead line will be also be excavated. Existing elevations within the basin footprint range from approximately +10'MSL to - 10'MSL. Dredging is proposed to a final project depth of - 9.9'MSL (-9'MLW). This will result in approximately 165,000cy of excavated material (140,000 below MHW and 25,000 above MHW) soil investigation indicates sediments are non-homogenous, containing sand and mixed fill materials. Dredging will be performed with a land-based excavator and a hydraulic pipeline dredge and material will be de-watered in a temporary containment dike with outfall. A spoil disposal area has been designated at the northern limit of the Almont property, just south of Cowan Street. An engineered dike will be installed around the disposal area and will remain in place to permanently contain the material. The disposal area is currently part of the cleared industrial property and no wetlands are present. During dredging, an oil boom with a draped filter front will be installed at the waterward project limits to prevent turbidity in the river. Steel sheet pile will provide both bank stabilization and lateral support for the Rivewalk. 4921.01 1 F The entire southern canal will be included in the basin. An agreement for easement, long-term lease, or sale of this 60'-wide strip will be obtained and executed prior to construction. Within the marina basin, six dock spines are planned roughly perpendicular to the shoreline. These docks are referenced as Docks A-F, from south to north respectively. All proposed permanent slips would be located on these docks. All floating docks in the basin will be 9'-wide concrete docks with 4'3"-wide concrete floating fingers. Floating "t"s at the end of Docks A-E will provide transient, side-to slips. The existing, fixed concrete dock (now used as the Almont terminal) will remain and will be incorporated into the marina. New 9'-wide and 12'-wide floating docks will be installed around the fixed dock and will offer transient, side-to slips. The concrete dock will provide nearly 5,000 sq.ft. of public waterfront access. 1 1 C t 1 fj 1 1 1 Standard marina construction techniques will be incorporated with the usage of concrete docks and corrosion-resistant fasteners and hardware. The dock system will provide customary utilities to service individual slips, and connection to municipal water and sewer service is planned. A dock master's office containing bathrooms will be located on the northern end of the marina behind the concrete dock. Fuel dispensers will be located along Dock F in front of the dock master building. A marina operations manual will provide duel safety and spill clean up procedures, and an emergency shut off valve will be clearly located on each dispenser. Underground fuel tanks will be located on land just north of the concrete dock. A portable pump-out or scout boat will be available, and a permanent pump-out station will be located at Pier F. Contracted removal service will be used for disposal of the wastewater. A "no overboard discharge" policy will be established, and signs will be posted indicating this policy. Proposed excavation areas currently contain warehouses A, B, and C. Removal of all three warehouses will be required. The warehouses contain asbestos siding and potentially asbestos roofing. Removal and demolition of the entire buildings is currently underway. Upland development will generally consist of the installation of bulkhead tiebacks, construction of a dock master building and associated parking, construction of the Riverwalk, water, sewer, and electrical services, and minor landscaping. The applicant proposes to extend the city's public Riverwalk along the length of the entire project. Although not yet constructed, the Riverwalk is planned on the adjacent property to the south. This project would extend the Riverwalk from that location, around the perimeter of the marina basin and to the northern project limit. The Riverwalk will be dedicated to the city following construction. A Stormwater Management Plan and a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan will be approved by the state prior to any construction. 4921.01 REVISED 2 1 ATTACHMENT B TO i DCM FORM -MP-1 Additional Information e. & f. 1 page s s 1 1 e f ATTACHMENT B - FORM DCM-MP-1 Comment Pate 2 Section - 5. Additional Information_ e. & f. Tract is maintained in a mowed condition. Except for a narrow Fringe along the southern side where some herbaceous cover is the only cover type present. (Grass varieties, Smilax, Andropogodon, and Hydrocotyle etc. A volunteer pocket of Spartina Alterniflora, Spartina, cyno suroides, & Typha Latifolia. (0.16 acres) has started along the rubble of old slip. Historic ship slip, old warehouses, old wooden pier and dock and concrete dock. Existing bulk handling facilities will be phased out during construction. 1 ATTACHMENT C TO DCM FORM -MP-1 ' Historic Preservation Commission 2 pages L 1 u 1 1 VV1 G1 GUU`! !nU 11-GU 1111 MUIUMI bnlrrmu PHX NU. 91U 163 9311 P. 02 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION ' CI'rY O WILMINGTON IN PO Box 1810.305 CHESTNUT STREET 910 254 0900 WILMINGTON - NuRrH CARouNA - 28402-18 10 Fax 910 341 7898 ' October 20, 2004 Mr. Sidney H. Camden Almont Shipping One Hanover Street ' Post Office Box 1726 Wilmington, NC 28402-1726 ' RE: Almont Shipping Terminals VIA: fax 763-9317 dt first class mail Dear Sid: ' On October 14, 2004, the Historic Preservation Commission OWC) acted on your notice of intent to demolish 15 Ahnont Shipping Terminal buildings that are located in the, Wilmington National Register Historic District pursuant to Section 16-24 of Code of Ordinances for the City of Wilmington. At that meeting the HPC took the following actions: A- The HPC found that eleven of the buildings on the Almont Shipping Terminal property do na have particular historic significance based on the National Register Criteria for Evaluation and do not contribute to character of the National Register Historic District; therefore, the HPC waived the 90-day demolition notice period for these buildings which include: ' (1) Warehouse B, (2) Warehouse D, (3) Warehouse E, (4) Warehouse F, (5) 20 Brunswick Street Office and Showroom; (6) Shop Building - foot of Brunswick Street; (7) Scale Building - foot of Harnett Street; (8) Metal Shop Building - foot ofHarnett Street; (9) Metal Shop Employee Changing Room - foot ofHarnett Street; (10) Concrete Block Bathroom and Electrical Equipment Room - foot of Harnett Street; and the (11) concrete block Dock Office, - foot ofHarnett Street. ' B_ The HPC concluded that four of the buildings on the Almont Shipping Terminal property do have historic significance based on the National Register Criteria for Evaluation and do contribute to the character of the Wilmington National Register Historic District; therefore, the Wday demoUtioa notice December 21, 2004, was not waived for the followin gs? which expires on t; buildings: ' (1) Warehouse A, (2) Warehouse C. (3) small gabled-roof concrete building, and (4) the 1905 brick warehouse built for Joseph Schad. u UUj-zj-jfUU4 InU ii:JU Hn HLnUNi bnlrrtNU PAX NO, 91U (83 9317 P 03 r The HPC strongly encourages Almont Shipping Terminals to salvage or reuse all possible materials particularly the heavy timbers used to construct the warehouse buildings. The Commission further requests that IPC staff be given the opportunity to document the historic structures through the use of black and white photography. It has been my pleasure to work with you. If you have any questions or need further ' information please call me at 341-3251. Sin , I" --Q eoct"k Maggie 4 C I no-r Historic Preservation Planner cc- Wayne Clark, Director Of.Devclopmerit Services Kaye Graybeal, Planning Manager 1 U 1 0 ATTACHMENT D TO ' DCM FORM -MP-1 City of Wilmington Endorsement 1 page ? j 7.? r CITY of WILMINGTON North Carolina 1739 •` ' P.O. BOX 1810 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANA( ' (910) 341-7 28402 FAX (910) 341-5 ' TDO (910) 341-7 Apn18, 2004 ' Mr. Donald L. Liverman Almont Shipping Company ' PO Box 1726 Wilmington, NC 28402-1726 Dear Mr. Liverman: The City of Wilmington supports and encourages the redevelopment of property ' along the riverfront to enhance and maintain a prosperous downtown economy. The relocation of Almont is a priority for future redevelopment of the downtown area. It is identified as an important initiative in our Downtown Vision 2020 Plan and our economic development master plan. City planning and economic development resources will be utilized wherever appropriate in partnership with other interests to facilitate Almont Shipping Company in relocating. ' Currently, the Vision 2020 Plan is being updated to accommodate new opportunities and challenges in the Downtown area, including the Ahnont ' property. Additionally, the Northside Community Plan addresses redevelopment of this area of the riverfront as an important element of community development aiiu rtvitahzanuii. The extension of the Riverwalk from bridge to bridge, ' including the Almont propem, is a City priority. Your interest in the City of Wilmington and commitment to the relocation of ' Almont Shipping and the future redevelopment of the downtown waterfront is appreciated. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, eatham B. Ch S4te?g ram Manager ' SBC:rrb ATTACHMENT E TO ' DCM FORM -MP-1 DWQ Stormwater Permit 1 page FEB.24.2005 4:47PM NCDENR WiRO NU.ibe r.c F VVA T Michael F. Easley, Governor a 94F William G, Ross, Jr., Secretary ' ? r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality February 24, 2005 ' Mr. Sid Camden, President Almont Shipping Terminals, Inc. One Hanover Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW6 050121 Riverfront Marina High Density Project New Hanover County ' Dear Mr. Camden: The Wilmintr on Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application Riverfront Marina on February 24, 2005. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the pmodct, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 16A NCAC 21-1.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 050121 dated February 24, 2005, for the construction of the subject project. ' This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 24, 2015, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the nght to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, . conforming to Chapter 160B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of ' Administrative Hearings, P.O.. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Paul Bartlett, or me at (910) 395-3900. Sinc Ed Beck Acting Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ' ENB/ptb: S:\WQSISTORMWATiPERMIT1050121 cc: Mark T. Arcuri, P.E., Criser & Troutman Consulting Engineers ' Tony Roberts, New Hanover County Building Inspections City of Wilmington Stormwater Services Beth E. Wetherell, New Hanover County Engineering Division of Coastal Management L Paul T. Bartlett, P.E. Wilmington Regional Office Central Files ' North Camiltm Dmfm or Water Queiv 127 Cetdinal0&e E,ge WM Phone (010) 385,1800 Cuet WSvA* 18n4W4748 Wilmington Regktaal Offin W lmingtee. NC 2W" M FAX (TlG) 35M4 Ineemet hb.enr,efale,nc.ys An Equal Oppor{ufflVAlfifmbeAcW ftlover-SOXRwvdedA0%Pastcara mmPnrar r4hCmlo n ATTACHMENT F TO DCM FORM -MP-1 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners 2 pages u I u H t February 23, 2005 City of Wilmington Attn: Mr. Sterling Cheatham City Manager PO Box 1810 Wilmington, NC 28402 Mr. Dean Hardwoods One Cowan Street Wilmington, NC 28401 PPD, Inc. Attn: Kim Greene 315 South 17th Street Wilmington, NC 28412 Re: Riverwalk Marina Almont Shipping Company Dear Sir: Almont Shipping Company is proposing to construct a Marina for small boats on land formerly owned and occupied by Almont and will extend the City of Wilmington's Riverwalk Project another 2200 feet northward. A copy of the CAMA permit application is enclosed for your information and review. ' In accordance with the application requirements we are sending herewith a copy of "Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Notifications/Waiver From". We would appreciate your completion of this and returning it as soon as possible. ' You have 30 days from receipt of this letter to send any objections to the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, 127 North Cardinal Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403. If you have no objections to ' the proposed project, please indicate so and return the signed form. Nor response after 30 days indicates "no objection"/ If you have any questions about the project or process, please call me at Criser Troutman Tanner Consulting Engineers. Sincerely, Charles E. Davis, P.E. ' CED/ggj/4921.01 1 1 1 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Name of Individual Applying For Permit: Address of Property: (Lot or Street -T4r, Street or Road, City & County) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above- referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on.the attached drawing..the --development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, should be provided with this letter. I have no objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, please write the Division of Coastal ManaGement, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28405 or call 910 395-3900 within 10 days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail Signature Date Print Name Telephone Number With Area Code ?EHNF? ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: P- ?n H-?\ ???lol A. Signature ? Agent ' 10 X ' 11i L ? Addressee B. Received by (Print 9d Nam Date of Delivery,- \- 16 ? D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ? Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: ? No 3. Service Type C Certified Mail ? Express Mail ? Registered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ? Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt CERTIFIED MQILTM RECEIF Pdmesft Mall OW,, Mo fasurance Coveral 2ACPRI-03-P-4081 tr - ru Portages 39 ru 0 Certified Fee , D 0 Retum Receipt Fee I (Endorsement P,equirsd) S `? Postmark He Re stricted Dalivery Fee * (Endorsement Required) Toia! Postare & Fge9" . j u1 Q O giant D-- 1 '?_ ` -- G -St----------------------------- p? zrP D n _ -- S --------------- -------------+ i C G ? ? ------- --- ------- -- -------------- 4'e"(p} ---C'------ --- - at i I?G aG / I ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Uyl -f- AC- 315 S- l? St L,D" 1N,,t,?514 Jkj L ??yea A. Signature X ? Agent ? Addre B. Recee/d by Printed Name) C. Date of Del D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ? Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: ? No 3. Service Type ertified Mail ? Express Mail ? Registered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ? Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIF (LJomestic MWI On1 No Insurance Coveral i ru CO Postage 3 C3 Certified Foe ° Postmark I= Return Receipt Fee i 1 y? i N (Endorsement Recuired) f / ° Restricted Ceiivery Fee (?_? )r -0 (Endorsement Required) Total °ostage S Fees ?. UU ul C:] Sent To ? SirEet, Apt. Alo.; j---""•'- or PO Box No. 3' Cj S, l t'` S? City, Stata.,:IP+4 a it ADC 2ACPRI-03-P-4081 ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ¦ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ¦ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: d? 1.51 ?6?•n? ?ePe???, ?.a, ??? fd16 ?r 8z??a ? Agent ? Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. D to of Deli.W.*. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ? Yes if YES, enter delivery address below: ? No 3. Service Type 15<e-rtified Mail ? Express Mail ? Registered ? Return Receipt for Merchandise ? Insured Mail ? C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ? Yes 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIP (17amesft Mail Only; No Insurance Caves) 2ACPRI-03-P-4081 i ? CO Postage 3.95 r„ O Certified Fee . 30 0 i] Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark 0 ...0 Restricted Delivery Fee , (Endorsement Required) i ? Total Postage & Fees ?f7 p o Sent 7 erl'A Cl,eA+LwM -C,?- crF (??1w,. .. ----------------------- -------- ------ -- - N freer. Apr. No.; p or PO Box No. CJh 01 - -- -------_---- °.I -------------------------- Cihj, State, Z•rP+d JM? n' ??-o? ?c ------------0- ----------------- a8 a 1 1 ATTACHMENT G DCM FORM -MP-1 ENVIROMENTAL ASSESSMENT 32 pages Previously Submitted Separately H 1 1 0 u n ATTACHMENT H ' DCM FORM -MP-1 DEED OF ALMONTS PROPERTY OWNERSHIP'S 25 pages 11 11 n n n n MARSHALL, WILLIAms & GORHA7v[, L.L.P. ALAN A. MARSHALL, (1908-1979) LONNIE B. WILI JAMS A. DUMAY GORHAM, JR. JERRY C. WOODELL WILLIAM ROBERT CHERRY, JR. RONALD H. WOODRUFF' LONNIE B. WILLIAMS, JR. CHARLES D. MEIER JOHN L. COBLE F. MURPHY AVERITT IH 'BOARD CERTIFIED SPECIALIST IN WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW ATTORNEYS AT LAW wII,MINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA MAILING ADDRESS P.O. DRAWER 2088 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28402-2088 January 4, 2005 Mr. Bud Davis Criser & Troutman Consulting Engineers P. O. Box 3727 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 Re: Almont Shipping Company Our File No.: 082327(006) TELEPHONE (910) 763-9891 FACSIMILE (910) 343-8604 www.mwglaw.com OFFICES 14 SOUTH FIFTH STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401-45-39 E-MAIL- lwl@mwglaiv.com Dear Bud: You requested copies of the deeds by which Almont Shipping Company acquired title to the parcels located essentially along the riverfront and west of Nutt Street in downtown Wilmington. In regard to this matter, we enclose herewith the following items: (1) Deed from Redevelopment Commission of the City of Wilmington to Stevedores, Inc., dated March 11, 1971, and recorded March 11, 1971, in Book 903, Page 664, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy), (2) Deed from Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company to Shipside Terminals, Inc., N dated April 17, 1966, and recorded April 29, 1966, in Book 788, Page 103, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy); (3) Deed from Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company to Heide Warehouse Company, ' dated December 16, 1958, and recorded December 29, 1958, in Book 633, Page 14, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy); (4) Deed from Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company to Heide Warehouse Company, dated March 26, 1962, and recorded April 3, 1962, in Book 710, Page 31, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy); (5) Deed from David Maybank, Jr. et als to Almont Shipping Company, dated May 9, ' 1975, and recorded May 15, 1975, in Book 1030, Page 878, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy); and (6) Deed from Dillard Paper Company of Greensboro, N. C. to Shipside Terminals, Inc., dated February 22, 1966, and recorded February 23, 1966, in Book 766, Page 479, in the New Hanover County Registry (copy). Mr. Bud Davis January 4, 2005 Page 2 of 2 As we have discussed, most of these conveyances went to corporations that later merged into Almont Shipping Company. Should you need copies of the relevant corporate documents reflecting those mergers, please let me know. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation and assistance. Sincerely yours, MARSHALL, WILLIAMS & GORHAM, LLP Lon e B. Williams, Jr. cc: Almont Shipping Company u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U AMUTTED TO RECORD acox 903 mE 664 I,,n II 14 sa RN'11 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WpRRAt?Ty;p1:gyp:; 11 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. - " ' l"AI' ii..: tCO.. tl. C. THIS DEED, made this 11th day of March, 1971, by and between REDEVELOP- MENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WIIMINGTON, a corporation of New Hanover County and State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "GRANTOR', and STEVEDORES, INC., a North Carolina corporation with its principal place of business in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "GRANTEE"; W I T NE S S E T H THAT WHEREAS, the hereinafter described property was acquired pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan for the Waterfront Urban Renewal Area by the GRANTOR and was duly advertised for sale in accordance with law, and bids were 'received therefor on February 26, 1971, and the GRANTEE offered the highest bid, which said bid was accepted by the GRANTOR and approved by the City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, by Resolution duly enacted March 8, 1971; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of SEVENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ($78,500.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has given, granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does give, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the GRANTEE, its, successors and assigns, premises in Wilmington Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the western line of North Front Street as shown by the official Plan of the City of Wilmington, prepared by James & Brown in 18702 said point located North 6 deg. 10 min. 15 sec. West 132.0 feet as measured with said western line from its intersection with the northern line of Harnett Street; running thence from said Beginning with said western line of Front Street North 6 deg. 10 min. 15 sec. West 134.51 feet to a point; thence continuing with said western line North 2 deg. 42 min. 45 sec. East 379.34 feet to a point at its intersection with a curve having a radius of 62.5 feet, with the radius point of said curve located North 51 deg. 00 min. 45 sec. West 60.93 feet and South 33 deg. 59 min. 15 sec. West 29.5 feet from the intersection of the centerline ? ? 3 C 1 [1 1 1 i 1 1 Boor. 903 Poe 665 - 2 - of Front and Cowan Streets (last-said point located South 2 deg. 42 min. 45 sec. West 24.96 feet as measured with the western line of Front Street from its intersection with the southern line of Cowan Street); thence with said curve westwardly and northwardly 170 feet more or less to a point in the southern line of Cowan Street (last said point located North 51 deg. 00 min. 45 sec. West 105.51 feet as measured with said southern line of Cowan Street from its intersection with the western line of Front Street); running thence with said southern line of Cowan Street North 51 deg. 00 min. 45 sec. West 227.68 feet to a point; thence North 38 deg. 59 min. 15 sec. East 33.0 feet to a point in the centerline of Cowan Street; thence with said centerline North 51 deg. 00 min. 15 sec. West 126.81 feet to a point in the new eastern harbor line of the Northeast Cape Fear River; thence with said harbor line South 14 deg. 19 min. West 1083.98 feet to the Northern line of Harnett Street; thence with said northern line North 83 deg. 49 min. 15 sec. East 458.22 feet to a point; thence North 26 deg. 41 min. 15 sec. East 157.1 feet to a point; thence North 83 deg. 49 min. 15 sec. East 75.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, the same being all of Parcel 122 of the Waterfront Urban Renewal Area containing 391,079.7 square feet or 8.98 acres. This property shall be conveyed subject to 1971 City and County ad valorem taxes which GRANTEE hereby agrees to assume and pay, and subject to three (3) utility easements to the City of Wilmington, North Carolina and subject to any and all easements or rights-of-way as provided in the Redevelopment Plan as amended. GRANTEE agrees that it, its successors and assigns, will use, improve, and devote the property conveyed to and only to the uses herein specified and in accordance with the Regulations and Controls heretofore recorded in Book 769, Page 494, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County; that it will not execute any agreement, lease, conveyance, or other instrument whereby it attempts to relieve said property or any part hereof from said con- ditions and restrictions. The GRANTEE and all subsequent purchasers, shall be obligated to comply with all State and local laws, in effect from time to time, prohibiting dis- crimination or segregation by reason of race, religion, color, or national origin, in the sale, lease, or occupancy of the property, the same being attached to and running with the land, and shall be binding upon the GRANTEE and every successor in interest to the property. In addition to the foregoing, this property is being conveyed by GRANTOR to GRANTEE in accordance with a certain contract between the parties hereto executed by GRANTEE the 26th day of February, 1971, executed by GRA.1TOR 1 : WK 303 exi X56 -S - and approved by City Council of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, March 8, 1971, which said contract requires GRANTEE to complete certain construction and improvements on said property in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan being carried out by GRANTOR. None of the provisions of the above mentioned contract are intended to or shall be merged by reason of this deed transferring title to the property from the agency to the redeveloper or any successor in interest, and this deed shall not be deemed to affect or impair the provisions and covenants of said agreement. The GRANTEE agrees that the land herein conveyed, or any part of same shall not be sold, conveyed, pledged, or assigned, or in any way transferred or encumbered or mortgaged and that no liens shall be filed or attached against it prior to completion of said improvements; provided, however, this prohibition and covenant shall not operate so as to prohibit GRANTEE from obtaining funds and financing in order to complete said improvements and con'- struction. Intheevent construction financing is obtained, and mortgage and/or deeds of trust are necessary, GRANTOR agrees, upon satisfaction to it that the funds acquired by mortgage or deed of trust shall be used for the construction and improvements, to issue such further assurance to mortgage lender, with respect to the property herein conveyed, as may be necessary to provide security for said loan. In the event of a default by GRANTEE under any mortgage financing or deed of trust, and should title and/or possession of said property pass to a mortgagee, trustee, or other holder, nothing in this deed shall be construed to place any obligation or privilege on said holder to comply with any of the terms herein, or to complete said construction; provided nothing shall prevent the GRANTOR and holder from entering into a new agreement upon suchterms and conditions as may be agreed upon. GRANTOR agrees that when the terms and conditions of said contract have been fulfilled, and the construction and improvement of said land com- pleted according to the terms of said contract, it will furnish GRANTEE with an appropriate instrument certifying to such fact, in form sufficient for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, and 0.4 u BOOK 903 pw 667 .4. Such certification by the commission shall be constructive determination that all matters required by said contract have been completed, and all subse- quent purchasers shall be entitled to rely thereon. In the event of any default, failure, violation or other action or inaction by the GRANTEE specified in Section 704 of the document entitled "Terms and Conditions, Part 11 of Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment", by and between the parties hereto, dated February 26, 1971, or failure on the part of GRANTEE to remedy in or abrogate such default, --ilure, violation, or other action or inaction within the period set forth in said Section 704, GRANTOR at its option, may declare a termination in favor of GRANTOR of the title and of all the rights and interest in and to the property conveyed herein and said property shall revert to GRANTOR, subject, however, to all the rights and conditions of said Section 704; TO HAVE AND TO HOIA the above described premises, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, unto the GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, FOREVER. And the GRANTOR covenants that it is seised of said premises in fee, and has the right to convey the same in fee simple; that said premises are free from encumbrances (with the exceptions hereinbefore stated, if any); and that it will warrant and defend the title to the same against the lawful - - claims of all persons whomsoever. When reference is made to the GRANTOR or GRANTEE, the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine shall include the feminine or the neuter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has caused this instrument to be executed in its corporate name by its Chairman, attested by its Secretary, and ;.••,? ? ?...; seal to be hereto affixed, all pursuant to proper Resolution of the GRANTOR ?!p JS G:.A'tA C.c 1 av?? REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CT5 '?f: WILMINGTON BY: R. K. CREIGHrON, ecretary oha H. Fox, Chairman (CORPORATE SEAL) 1 1 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEV HANOVER. T 7' a Notary Public, do hereby certify that R. K. CREIGHTON, personally came before me this day and acknow- ledged that he is Secretary of REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WILMINGTON, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the iGse5ing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, sealed with its corporate seal, and attested by himself as its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, this the ?? =t day of March, 1971. NOTARY PUBLIC cdpbaiesion expires: 3l/tl!s • :::•; 'b_.. ?. yam' O: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Now Hmorcr Corny The Ffteping C-Une.lo ?r____j{g?pq_?._AobS?n891ta_Kot?ry_Publie __---------------------------------------------------- -______________. Ir ecrURM I. be correct. • Thle the_ llth.... doy a_,___ lal'.II}L__ A. D., 19 _'„U__ Lola . I.eitgy, R tiler of D Nr. I ------------------- - --------- D _ ?r Received and Recorded March 11, 1971 at D: Reylster of Daeds I I I le boos 788 >Ac_ 103 LD 60284 T1113 D", Made this / //"4' day of 1966, between ssh Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, a corporation duly created and existing 3-16-66 pursuant to and by virtue of the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter called "Grantor"; and Shipside Torminals, Inc., a corporation duly created and existing pursuant to and by virtue of the laws of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter called "Grantee"; and in the exacution and delivery of which the undersigned Hercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company, as successor Corporate Trustee, and C. E. Heinmuller, as successor Individual Trustee, under the First Mortgage of Seaboard Air Lino Railroad Company, join for the purpbse horeinafter stated; If I T N E S S E T Ht That for and in consideration of the star of Forty Thousand Dollers ($40,000.00) and other rood and valuable considerations to it in hard paid by the Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Grwitor has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and does by these presents grant, j bargain, sell and convey, unto the Grantee, its successors and assic;rs, in fee simple forever, all that certain piece or parcel of land, with the trackage thereon and the riparian rights thereunto appertaining, in the City of Wilminrton, Now Han.ovor County, North Carolina, more particularly described as followai j i Beginning; at a point in the southern lino of Harnett Street that is south 84 degrees 23 minutes west 15.5 feet from a point i where the southern lino of Harott Street is intersected by the western line of Nutt Street (30 foot right of way); running thence from said bcginning point south 5 degrees 37 minutes east and parallel with Nutt Street 260.99 feet to a point that is north 5 degrees 37 minutes must 532.01 feet from the northern line of Brunswick Street; thence south 84 degrees 23 minutes west and parallel with Harnett Street 143.18 foot; thence south 75 degrees 04 minutes west along, the northern edee of Slip "B" 445 feet, more or less, to the eastern Harbor Line of the Cape Fear River; thence north 7 degrees 53 minutes 47 seconds east along said Harbor Line 341 feet, none or less, to its intersection with the southern line of Harnett Street; thence north 84 dogrecs 23 minutes east along the southern line of Harnett Street 504 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning; the sax being a portion of Block 268 accord:'ng to the official plan or map of the City of Wilmington, N. C.,said piece of land boing substantially located as shown on print of survey dated February, 1966, prepared by H. M. Loughlin, Registered Surveyor, attached hereto and made a part hereof. CGETHER with all and singular the tenements, hereditanents and appurtenances thereto bolonging and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand whatsoever, as well at law as in equity of the Grantor of, in and to the same with the appurtenances. f 1 I u 8001 788 FAG! 10 i -2- LD 602% TO HAVE AM TO HOLD the said property unto the Grantee, its successors ash and assigns, in fee simple forever; SUe..JECP, H0:7EVER, to the rights of 3-16-66 Carolina Power and Light Company with respect to the power linos located on said land as shown on said attached print of survey. Except as to the matters referred to in the proeedirg paragraph-and to that portion of the above-described land lying between the high water mark of the Cape Fear River and the Harbor Lino, the Grantor fully warrants title to the abovo-described land and track and will defend the emce against the lawful claims of all persons xhaasoever: The property above described is heroin conveyed freed of and discharg- ed from the lion of the First Mortgage of Grantor to Rercantile Trust Company of Baltimore and Kolson H. Stritehoff, as Trustees, dated January 1, 1946, as supplemented by that certain First Supplemental Indenture dated March 30, 1950, affecting only properties in Dade County, Florida, theroin described, and as supplemented and modified by those, certain Second and Third Supplemental Indentures dated Kz 1, 1950, and December 1, 1963, respectively, and said I•.ercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company and C. E. Heirrauller, as the present successor Corporate and Individual Trustees, respectively, under said First D:ortga_-o, as so supplemented and modified, by ?oiring in the execution and delivery of this deed hereby release and discharge the land horcinabove described fron the lien of said First D:ortgage, pursuant to Scction 1 of Article Twelve thereof. III TESTID=Y 4M-REOF, Grantor and I:orcantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company, as such successor Corporate Trustee, have caused this deed to be duly sipped and sealed, and C. E, 11einauller, as such successor Individual Trustee, has hereunto set his hand and seal, all as of the day and year 'first above written. ` `„ a;Attest: We0koh RAILROAD C(HPAIY, By_ tQ t, cis Sccrcy Vice President. e Signed, sealed and delivered by Seaboard Air Lino Railroad Compan? , I presence of: J S/' 1 -3- Jboot 738 ?.u; 105 Aseiatant ecratary Signed, sealed and delivered by 11orcantilo-Safe Doposit and Trust Company, as successor Corporate Truatoo, in the p:osence oft Signed, sealed and delivered by C. E. Reinmuller, as successor Individual Trustee, in the presence of: i mCANTILF.-4m miwiT AND TRUST CCtPANY, as successor Corporate Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad ComparW First Mortgage, dated as of nary 2, 1945, ae f eugplemente m ied, LD 60284 Attests ash 3-16-66 Y Ij q 0 ) Vice President. S6AL) s successor Individual Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First Yortgage, dated as of January 1, 1946, as supplement- ed and modified. 4 i I 1 •-J i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t ` cool 788 ?ACE IN i -4- N. C. -3Ai-C01d'. ID 60284 3TATS Or Ylliahmm, t ssh r 3-1 6 CI1'f of Riamm. ) This is to certify that on the ?%7N day of *"-;e , 19 66, before me personally came W. V. Un-°"_n with whore I em personally aevAinted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he is the i i Vice President, and E. L. Lash, Jr. is the ----- 9eoretar7 of i Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, the corporation described in, end which executed the foregoing instrumentl that he knows the common Beal of said corporation; that the coal affixed to the foregoing instrument is said common seal, and the n=or of the corporation was subscribed thereto by the said Vice President, and that said Vice President and ----- 3eoretary t! subscribed their mmes thereto, and said common seal was affixed, all by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. 1 wzcness v 'tend -.d officisl seal, Lhis the 1,,1711 day of , 1966 . Notary My ooMiasion eXPires AUG 1S ? •. r f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 788 ?Aa 107 M. C. CORP. - i - STATE OF HARYLAND, ) M W2,34 ash = 3-16-66 CITY OF BALTIHORE, ) This is to certify that on the .^1 n V day of 196 6 , before me personally cane J. A. Huth , with whoa `I as personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that he Is the V I President, and Ao E Henri is the a4eAe- Secretary, of MCAWPM-SAF& DEPOSIT AND TRUST O0HPAHY, as successor Corporate Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad CompW First Mortgage dated as of January 1, 1946, as supplemented and modified, the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument{ that he knows the common Beal of said corporations that the seal affixed to the forugoing instrument is said common seal, and that the now of the said corporation was subscribed thereto by the said Y ?i President, end that said V.GCt President and Ctddt4.74nl• Secretary subscribed their nsmes thereto, and said ccwson seal wan affixed, all by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and doed of said corporation. WITNESS shy hand and official seal, this the day of 1966. /'Notsry Public. Bertha G. tv ter Hy Commission Padres 2-l-"7 •.... c: vE ` ..- C ?i ?.'i ? ..... ,.... . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . J VU 789 ?A-',t 108 9-24-63 N. C. Individual .b.. ID 60284 STATE OF MARYLAND ) sah t 3-16-66 CITY OF BALTIY E. ) Notary Public in and for the City of Baltimore, in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that C. E. Heismuner, as successor Individual Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First Mortgage dated an of January 1, 1946, as supplemented and modified, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed instrument. YRTNESS my hand and official seal this )-Is/ day of ?Itt? 1966. C Notary Public. Bertha G. A v cr _ My Cormission Expires 7 - l-1 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Nrtl Htuwnr Count? The F egoing CertlfkatSot_ C'°'t;yud!(ed to be correct. Let thr ht.trn- mmt .riW the Certifi-ta be -ordeL Tld, J- dar o 1g?? `, U Cluk Snyerior Court i i Reeaived ant Recorded APR 211966 ' Aerter( .W- Register of Deeds I M I'll 11145anor C. Wright, And Acknowledged Lhe dun oxerntlon of the forenoing atilt Annexed irist.rnmont r-or ,:nd on bohalr of Eleanor G. Wright, And furthor the said Thomas It. Wright, Jr. Aid stat.o that tho power of attovnry nneler which he is neting is duly recorded In Lien Refrtatry of Hex Hanover County, 'S Late of North Carolina, In (look 511 at. Paler 29, and that this drod Is mndo pursuant to Lbr auth- ' ?nrlty given in Cho 'Power of Attorney above set forth, Wit.noss my hand and notarial seal this 9th day or September, 1958. Notarial Seal J.W. John9nn, .Ir. My comm. e.xptres Oct. 22, 1959. Notary 19tblAu. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' NF.W IIA\OVF.R C.OIINTY 'Mir. rorrg_otng cert:iflcates of J.W, Johnson, Notary i,etblic of New Iiarlover County, are ad,irldged to bo correct.. Let. Lhe instrnment with the certificates be recorded. This kho 18 day of Dre. 1955. Wirl A. nrown, Deputy Clock Superior Convt. Reeni.vrd and recorded the 18th day of Dec. 1958 at 3-2S P.M. and vorifird. V 4`r 2 , ----- of -----. -• - ssh 12-12-i8 SEABOARD AIR I.1YG RAILROAD Co. .i.U (i112ga TO 79115 111tH, Made Lhis 16th tiny or December, 1954, • I11;101i WARLIIOPSF. CO. betweeO Seaboard Air Line- Railroad Company, A corporation . Uf-.ICU eh+ly ervatetl and ,xIst.ing plll•"Itant to and by VIrt.oe of ' -`--------------------`----------•-' the laws Of Lhe Cometomwealttt or \'ireinta, hrreinaft.er call- ed "Cracllor"t anti Rnlde Warrhollne Company, a corporation tinly created And existin", pursuant to -,tell by virtnr of Lhc laws of the Slate of North Carolina, liereinaf Ler called "Grante.e11g and in L111` rxl•c.lit!an and dt`lit'l`ry of which Lite nrldrr.cir;ned Mercantile-Safe Deposit arttl Tr11st Company, as snree•ssor Corporate rrosl.ur, .11141 V. Ldmlllid SntLon, As tenere9sor IndiYidn.al TrnsLee, nlnler Lhr Fit-9t. ?torl.aa!,n, of Seaboard Air Lille Railrnad Company, Join ror t.lle: pltrpo9e herein:lrter SLat.ld; W I T N V S: G 1' 11 :_ Thal. for and in cansidrrat_ino of the it, OI' '1'.•n Dollars ($IO.00) and other hood and tainable ' considerations to it in hand paid by the Crantee, the receipt iPilercor is hereby acknowledged, Lhc Grantor has -ri-anCed, hart;ained, sold And conveyed, and tors by Lfirsl• prese;Its I-1•ant, bargaitl, sell and -.Onvev lento tAly (:ranter, ite snecessnrs and assigns, all that certain tract Of land, toget.l)vl• with (.Ito improvemvills Ll ..•rrnn, :nld the riparinn righ LS Lhrrenni.o appe•rt.ainln„ in the City of WilnintlCon, Yew lianover Connt.y, North Carolina, more- parLienlarly elrscrihcd as folltn<s: ne;;lnnink At a point, in the sont.herly line, or Ilr+n{swick Street distant. 100 fret, as etrasnred north `;4 degrrec 23 mititltes -,wst.. from Lhe sonthwe•Rt. corder` or Nntt Street and hennswiel( Stroet.; t hence, 9011 (.lt 5 flecees 37 ninnt.eS t•atit., parallel with the west.e`t•ly fill(- of Nllt.L Street. for .1 dist.,atirr of 2tA.0 fee,('. to a I)ipe in the southerly, liar of I.of. I, illock 259, According to t Official 111.411 of said City; Herne,- south 14 degroes 23 minutes wrsL alone Lite Sotl Llierly lisle of said Lot. .1, Block ZSA, for a distanrr nr 6SI feet, mol't` or It•CR, LO an intri•se•clion with t.l.t• llarbor 1 it)" of the Car(- I'var River; Lhenre north 7 ttrgp•res 53 minutr.s 47 seconds -ast. Along said Harbor Line for a distance of i')n feet, mom Or Irss, to an interserl ion with the nort.h.n•ly (-Jac Of Stip "1thence north ii drgrvt•s 04 minutes oast, along lh., northerly edge of said ;flip "Bit. for A distance of 44S for`l, more or less, to l.he nnrl.ht•nsL corn(-(- of said Slip "{1e', said point. Lein!t located ISS.6S feet e,est.rrly, m.•ate.reel if. 1•i;;ht ankles, from Lhr westerly line- or Nntt Street.; thence south 3,degrecs 32 minutes east- for a distance of 532.311 ferL to a plpe located in Lhr northerly title or Drunsteick Street at. n point distant 1;5,0 Irrl., ns measured south 84 dc•l;rrvs 23 ninutrs went. from the northwest corner of \nlt. Slrrrt and I1(91119WICk Street; thence so:ltii j -lei,1ros 37 minntt•s east. file n distant o of 66.0 fel-L to a pipe located {n the son(.herl}• line of Arons.ick 3tre•rt; thenee north S4 degrees 23 minutes e•nst along; the southerly line of Drnnswirk Street for A dill-aver of 75.0 reef to Lite point. of beginning, as shown On print of ' snrvvy dated Orcrmbrr,leljS, entitled "Sln•voy of Terminal Tract. Portions of Blocks 259, 274 and 2$8e1, prepared by It.. M. Loughlin, Registered Land Survet•or, Wilmington, North Carolina, ,LLavhvd horvlo and made, a part hereof, SA\'.I NC A*.%I) i:SCI!PT1NG, IItr.1'li\'F.R, Lhc appeoNimat.ely 135 feet. or track loratvd approx imatc)y as shown colored in Rill oil said print or survey and RESERVING Itll l-o Lite Cram or, its 511C<:1`9301.9 R11d assigns, t.hr necessary right of way And casement for thr Operation and naintonance thvrrof. Tit,,^,I; THER with all and singular for tenements, horrdilant•nts and appurtenances tht`ro Lo bciong- in, and Also all the ,.,taLt•, right, title, interest, property, claim cnld demand vhatsor"I.I•, As well At. law As in rtlniLy of tl.e (.rant.or of, fn and to file same with the apparle•nanct•s. ' 1*0 IL\PI: A,;I) TO 11011) Lbr saict premises onto th.• Grant.re, its ijucces ors and assigns rorcver; Sl'BJUT, HOWEVER, (a) to Llee rights of any and all persons nsing or occnpyin;, said property and (b) to lhr• aforesaid Bx(:urriox ant! RfSlili\'AT10S. Lxccpt, as to the mat.Lers mentioned fn the preceding paragraph and to that portion of Lhe above-described land, including the i.nl:rovvmvnts thereon, lying betwe•rn the high water mark of - Lhr. Cape Fear Rivet, And the Itarbor Line, the Grantor fully warrants title to Use above.=described ' property and will defend the same from and agalnit thr claims or all prrsons whomsoever, The properly above dcsevibed is herein conveyed frerd or and dischargrd from the lien of the, First Mortgage or Grantor to ylel'CAntile Trust Company of BalLinlore and Nelson 11•StriLeilnff, is Trustrrs, dated Jannary 1, 19.16, as snpplemerlt.ed by that certain First Supplemental Indenture -dated March 30, 1950, afrecting only properties in Dade Contlty, Florida, therein described, and as supplemented and nodiried by that certain Second Snpplement:al Ineicnlnre dated May 1, 19$0, and said ylerenntile-Safi Deposit and Trust Company and V. Edmund Sutton, As Lhc present successor Corporate and Individual Trustees, respectively, under said First Mortgage, no so supplementrd and modified, fly joining; ill the execution and (Irlivery of this (Iced hcrel)y rr.lease and discharge l.he property, h.l r•r inabO VC described from the lien of said First Mortgarr, pursuant, to Section 1 of Article rwelve thervof. IN 'rF.STiyto\Y H911iRtnr, Grantor and Mercantile-Sure Ilrpo.nit and Trust Company-, as snch enccessor 1 k I w is (j Corporate. TrusLee, have caused Lhis doed to he thuly signed milt coaled, anti F. Edmund Sutton, as such snccnasor lndlvidual TrttsLre, hna hnrnntiLn sat his hand and seal, all as of the day and year first. Alin ve written. Corporate Sent SEABOARD ATR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, ALtestt Dy- I., L. Kniallt Secretary, Vine President. Sinned, snAled And delivered ?by Senhoard Ali- Halt Raileond 'Company, in Lite presence oft C. 1-Wilkerson l., R. Botard, Jr. CoporAto Seal ' Attest: J.ti, llenrv Assistant SeereLnry. Stgond, seated and delivered by Mercantlle-Safe Deposit anti Trust Company, As anecessor Corpor- aCe Trnstrr., in the presence of: _ E. F. Conway .I.J. Ihnl any 7 Si:,ned, scaled and delivered by F. Edmund SuLtoo, ns sneCossor Tndividonl Tritst,!e, Lit tile prrsencr or.. E. F. Conway J. J. Delanv ? U.S. /IOC. SlAmps $264,00 MERCANTILE-SAFE. DEPOSIT AND TRUST COMPANY, as anecessor Corporate Trustee under Seaboard it line Railroad Company First Mortgage, dated as of January 1, 1946, as supplemrtitrd and modified, Ily- _ Owen Daly 11 Vice President F. Edmund Sutton (Seal) As successor Individual Trustee nailer Seaboard Air Lino. Railroad Compnny First. Rortt, ,nge, dated as of January 1, 1946, As supplemented .11141 modified, 8-19-58 N.C. - SAL - CORP. STALE OF VlRGTNTA ; CITY OF RTCIDIOND : This is to certify that. oil Lite 16th day of December, 1958, before me personally came L.i.. Knight, with whom T am personally acquainted, who, bean; by me duly sworn, says that he is Lite Vier President, And E. L. LASh, Jr. IS the Secretary of Senhnard Air I.ine Railroad Company, the corporation described in, And which execrated the fm•erroing instrument; that he knows the common seal of said corporation; that. the seal nffixed to the foregoing instrument la s+ild common seal, and the name of the. corporation was subscribed thereto by the said Vice President, and that said Vice President And Secretary subscr ibed their names thereto, and said common seal was affixed, all by order of the Board of Directors of said corrorat.ion, and that the said instrument, is Lite acL mad lived of said corporation. Witness ny hand and official seal, this the 160h tiny of December, 19SS. Notarial Scat J. D. ChApmnn My comm. expires Sept. 9, 1962. Notary Pill)] ic. 11-1;2-57 STATE OF MARYLAND S. C. CORP. CITY OF DALTIMORE This is to certify i.hat on the 1701 tiny of December, 1955, before no personally came. Owen Daly, 11, with whom 1 am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that hp is Lite Vice-President, Anti J. H. Henry is the Assistant SocreLAry, of Mercantile-Safe Deposit anti Trust Company, as successor Corpornt.e Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First, Mortgage dated as of January 1, 1946, as supplemtutted in(] modified, the corporation described In and which executed Lhe foregoing instrument; that he knows the common seal of salt[ corporation; that Lite srnl Affixed t.o the foregoing instrument is said common seal, and that the name of the said corporation was suhscribed thereto by the said Vice-President, and that said Vice-President and .lssisLanL Secretary subscribed their names thereto, and said common seal was nffixed, All by order of Lite hoard or Directors of said corporation, And that the said instrument is the act and. deed of said corporation. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 17th day of December, 1958. Notarial Scat Dorothy E, Scharf `Y come. expires S/4/59 Notary Public. 9-19-58 N.C. INDIVIDUAL. STATE OF MARYLAND CITY OF BALTIMORE 1, Dorothy P. Scharf, A Notary Public in nod for the City of Baltimore, in the State afore- said, do hereby certify that F. Edmund Sutton, As successor Individual Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First Mortgage dated as of January 1, 1946, as supplemented anti modified, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed insLru-. meat. Witness my hand and official soil this 17th day of December, 1953. Notarial Seal. Dorothy E. Scharf My comm. expires 5/4/59. Notary Public, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW DANOVER COUNTY s Tile foregoing certificates of J. 11. Chapmnn, N.P. of Richmond, Va. And Dorothy E. Scharf, Notary Public of Baltimore, M.D. are ad,jndged to be correct. Let the instrument with the cerl.ificalaa be recorded. This the 29 day of Dec. 1958. Ethel A. Drown, Deputy Mork Superior CourL. ' Rccefved and recorded the 29th day of Dec. '1955 lit 11-25 A.M. and verified. ?-- B?cr s rr of ncr.ds. - ----------------------------- } - - - ` ' - - -- -------- ----- --------- HEIDE tl'AREIIOUSE CO. -------i --STATE 01' NORTH CAROLINA t TO COUNTY Or Nrh IIASO\'ER t OLIVER 'CARTER, TRUS'rn- rr , nCEn Or TRUST 'ruin nim) Or TRUs"r, entored into this --------------------------- ' Cho 241.11 day of DPcembot•, 19SR, batwnrn IlaidO Itnrehollso Corppnny a corporation duly Created and existing Under and by virtne. of the laws Of the SLale Of North Carolina, with its prinr.lpal orflcr in the Cluy of Wilmington, County of New Hanover and StatLe of North Carolina, herrtnafter cnlled Trostor and Oliver Carter, of nald county and si.ate, Trustee, and Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company, a eorporatlon duly created and oxisting under - and by virtue of Lhc laws of the Commonwealth of Virgin]., hrrcinnftrr Cassell lInnericiary. te 1 r m r. 5 5 E T It ?hT1L1'J'•yWitl:R:AK? hc.lsp(ih 6dbi•txhintlab;4n111;an?l4he nenefiefary in the slim of One ntindred Ttrrnty oo ' J+/t _ ? Thonsand nollars (slzo,oon.on), Z _. - , _. - -• reprasooLinG Lhc bnlmirc of' Lite ""'•JJ nn //? / ?. ! ! -. !; pitrehase price of Lilt- land Lere- t.•'r',V".? iOnfLer described, far which the 1fC --kaid TrusLor has esarnlcd and ? ,?Jp tirv Y /? (.1.r core -GytYD- delivered to Live ncnafir.inr). i.la :?tiLt.? f?Jil.?(itJ-ci.CGt-p E•t t/C,p(rlt}`??Ptf').•'"-?J negotiable promissoy note, of f? .? •• r.ven date with this deed or trust, in Lilt, said slim at' 5120,000.00, .. bearing interest at the rata or tt r.. f. '? i the per cent.nm (5Z) per annum, hoth principal and interest being 1 '°.-"". '-'•'?..'. -.t• :,?yr ?•},.:. pm•a'.>ir 1.1+n hundred and forth (2.10) days after date, Lh,• TrnxL- or resrrvin•• t.ie right. of' anticipation with respect- Co pal•lurn 1. Of raid note, .1111 it., b.s be- aGreed that II,, payment of thr• said debt. shall be srenretl by the convrvanco of Lite. land herein- aflrr desert hrd• ' NOW, 1'IIC.Rtil'Oltf., in consideration of Lhr premises, and far Lilt- purpose aforesaid, and for Lhn van Of one dollar to Trestor paid M. t-hr 't'rustee., said TrnsLor has bargained, sold, given, grant.- ell and colltryt•11, and I))• t.hrse pi•esrllts does harctain, sell, live, grant and eon] ey to Lite said 1'rnstev and his 1lrirs and assigns, a ect•L.ain tract or land lying and bring lit the City of Wilming- ton, C.ount.y at' New Ilanover, State of \ot•th Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: - nCOINNING at a point. in Lite southerly line of Brunswick Slrept distant. 100 feel, as measered north by degrees 23 minat.es cast, from the sootln<ost corner of NntL SLrctt and Brunswick Street.; . ' Lhcite r south 5 degrees .17 minnLes cast, parallel with Lite wrsterly line of Slitl Street. for a distance of 263.0 feel to a pipe in Lite southerly line of Lot 3, Block 259, accordin:L to the Official I'l an of said City; thelee solith S.1 degrees 23 minut.rS we.St along Lite sont,herly ]file of said LOl .1, Block 25g, far a distance of 651 feet., more or less, to an InLersectioo with Lhc ' Ira oboe line of Lhe Cnpe rear River; U,<eu•r north 7 d'-reps 53 minutes •17 seconds rest along said lf.al•har Line for .a di-st.111re of 706 Coet, tuort` or Bess, to all iilt Pi•seCLion wil_h the northerly edge of Slip "tit'; thence north 75 de;(.-es 03 minutes east along Lhe northerly edge of said Slip "n" Vol- a t,ist.anco al .raj trot, more or loss, to t.ho northeast corner of .aid Slip ell", said point. print; locatet'. 158.65 feet westerly, .tvannvecl it right. an;-lvs, from, the westerly lino of SoLL 5lreet.; thence south 3 degrees 32 mantes cast for a di::t.nnce or 532.3o feeL to a pipe located in U"• northerly liar of Brunswick Slr•raL At a paint dislanc,- 178.0 fret., as meaa4nrcti south 53 drtP•eos 23 -)inu cos e•ost. from the northwest cornPi• of Nett. Street and Brunswick St.reoL, thence ' Sont.b i drgrres 37 minutes east. rot, a distance of 66.0 feet to a pipe located in the southerly lino of Brunswick Street] thence north 84 degrees 23 minuted Past. along Cbe southerly line of Brunswick Street for a distance of 75.0 fret to Lite point. of begiMling, being the same land cone .vycd by the Beneficiary to the Truster by dyed dated Decerziber 16, I95S, recorded in Book 6 3-3 , ' at page --B-, in Lite Registry of New Hanover County, and as shown on print or survey dnLvd December, 11155, entitled "Sarver' of I'erminal Tract rortions. or Blacks 25t), 274 and 2SS", prepared by fl. 11. Lon_ghlin, l"gistcred Land -SnrYeyor, wilmin•,too, North Carolina, aLtaOheti Lo said deer] and made a part. thereof, SAYING AND ESCVPTlNG, HOWEVER, Lite approxinately 135 feel of track locat- ed appt•oximatcl.y as shown colored in Rl:il oil said print or survey and tht: easemto which the Beneri- r.iarv resorted to said decd. ' TOGETHER with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances therennto bclonging Or in any w1, incident. or appertaining, and any and all ImprotemrnCs located Chta•cron. ro HAVE AND 'to HOLD said laird and premises, with all the rights, privileges and apporte.nances ' cheer+ulto bclongins, to said Oliver Carter, his heirs and assigms, upon the trusts and for Lhc nse_. and purpo:vas fol lowing., and none Other, that is to say: If Lilt- said Truslor shall rall OI- nrglecl to pay interest, oil said Once and debt no the same may hereafter become title, or both principal and interest it Lite maturity of the same, or any part. of either, then on application of said Beneficiary, or its assignee, or any other person who may be entitled to Lhr, moneys tine thereon, it shall be lawful for and the duty or Lite said Trtistee to advertise, at the courthonse door and in thrcP other public places in New Hanover Connly for thirty days imm-/diately preceding such sale, ants in some newspaper published in said county al ) 'least Once a week rat' four weeks, therein appointing a day and place of Salo, and lit such time and place to expose said ]atlas It pob.l is sale, to the high,`st bidder, Cor• cash, and upon Stich salt` to convey said lauds to the purchaser in fee simple. An's Lite said Trlistxce, first retaining, five per cent.llm commission oil the proceeds of' the whole ' Of said laud Sold, as it compensation for making such sale, shall apply so meet] of the residne of Said proceeds of Slteh sale as may be necessay to pay orr %Oil discharge said note, and debt, and all interest then accrued and due thereon, and shall pay the surplus, if any remain, to said TrusLor. And Lhc• said Trustor rurthrr covenants and agrees to and with said Trustee and Beneficiary that, I.hcy will keep Lhr premises above conveyed insured .tn some responsible insurance company, 1 1 1 n Received and Recorded, April 3, Ilb2 at 2;50 P, M„ and Verified, ?}or;istar o! Deeds ------ -- -----------------------`-----' MFRCANTILE-SAFE DEPOSIT AND T111%T CO(•:PANY TO THIS DRRU, made this 26th, clay of March NFIDF WAREHOUSL•• COJ.'PANY 1562, betivoon Seaboard Air Lirie Railroad IlF,hD Company, a carporatioh duly created and exZ - Isting, Pursuant to and by virtue of the Lb 60284 lnws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter called "Grantor"; and Holds Warehouse Company ssh a corporation duly created and existing pursuant to and by virtue of the laws of the State of 2-21-62 North Carolina, hereinafter called "Granteel" and in the execution and delivery of which the un-,' dersigned 1;ercantile-Safe Deposit and Trttst (company as successor Corporate Trustee, and F. Fda id Sutton, as successor Individual Trustee, undor Lhe First Mortgage of Seaboard Air Line Railroad Cortipany, join for th•v purpose hereinafter statad; wiTN%.,;Si'TR: That for- and in const(ioratior otthe sum of Teri Dollars (i?1D,i•G) and oiler valuable col-iorrations to it in hand raid by the :;raiiloe, the reoeipt whereaP is hereby acknow. ledgad, the d--autor has rr:,nr.rd, 1ar-ained, sold, and couiruyed and (foes 1•y these prevents, grant., bar);ain, 501 and convey unto the ?Irant.r:(t, iLS SUCCe3iorB and assigns, all that certain plece, or parer.l et' land, tor;ether with tho improvements t}.ereoii owned i,y i'WA)Lor• in Lhe City of Wil- mingLon, i;ehr Rftndvvr County, Nori.h Carolina, nor•e pa:•ticularly described as !'ollowst i;eginniu); aL at) ir•ot: pipe in the nort1wrly line of i•runnivick St.r,ioL (natant 15.5 feet, as v:easured :south !11, do.?,r•ees 23 minute, we:;t frvrr. the northwest corner of ?Nutt Street and i•runswiek Street; 01"ate ::oath tit, (le"Tee:; 21 aiinut:n wttst. alone; the tiorthrrl.y line of Frunswick Street for. a distance of 162.5 feet. Lo a concrete t:ronuch)pL and a corner of the land couveved by Cratd.or here- in to (;raotee i.erzih. l•: de,aci (IaL,ed T:"ceracr it), i'i9'; thence north 3 degrees 3.2 trill-e: we:ct alone; th• ea:aerly line of 1:1:,f ripseribed in saio deod dated Lereml,er lh, 19!0', for a dittince of 532.30 feet. Lo t}(e n,trt.{,B,inxr.rly rorner if ;;lip "if" aai L!r t:ort!.•asU:rlycor`tter Or lapin de;crilled in !haul (ire, d ' nt.ed Deceml-er Io,• P .5f,; thence port.!( )11, degre-:s ;i3 ni.edteti eits:, at,,; parallel with t.hc Wort a r lilitt o;, r1Jw;ttr6. t c f me of l 3 1): NO. to art iron nine tiicitant 15.5 pct, 1;i ri 11n t ut h 81. de,•re . t 3 .9.1r t t Vent , r n t t t .t rlh line of (tut! ;;!re ,t. ; thence pW", .nn n.artile.l. wilt 1.r. we.,..arlr li.,-. or •ut.t..:tr--L f'nr a distance of 532.01 foot. to 'tie point of Re)iinrlr:);; .;aid ni"ee or nary:r.1 of lino l,ein- loc:,ted a:, t;hown on nrint. or ,;urvov Gated :anuary S, lt'62, ent.iLlod "Sur•Vny of Portion of I-lock9 274 and 25=11 pr•ensred by H. Lou }tiro, itc. i:a ered land Sur'vevor, I ilmin)tton, North caroling, at.tachdd hereto and made .1 ^art hereof. 'I't,1:*-r:F:I{ with all and sinron nr Ole t.enerents, herenit;aments and a"nnrteeances thtireto be- lon-ior? ar:(i al:m all t.h•: estate, ri!,ht., title, interest, pronerty, Clair) anal demand w!:at.scever, as well at law ss in eouily of tr:. Jrltttor of, lit anc to the --,3r-,e with the aepurtenances, LD 60284 fi {v.'rt: ,ll:i: W H01.1 1.11.3 :iai(i nrwnisea unto the ;;r,ntee, its succonsors and assi.;rus forever ssh sui.:vct, however to t}lo h ii;hc._., of any aa,i al} narsans unit c.r oceupyini; :;ni(i rro;•ert}'. 3 -1u -62 }.SCCS`L a- 1.0 tt_•+ I'atter•3 f entAor:ed ie the precedi:lr, varagraph and Lo that portion (if any) oI tiho at•,1ve-described land, invluiii:q-. the irprover.ents thereon, lvinr• iet.wecn the hi,,h water :-.:nrK of the C1re !? _' ar H (r• • . e i, .t and Ute Hart-or Ltue, the ar'tfit er, °nt it.^, :successors and ass_ (in,es cover,.Mr Z. .o end wiLh the raid Grantee, it:; Successors end assirns,that it, the said ;rant or, iseined it: fr.e of the above ,-ranted and r'e:tcrSberi nree.fses, aria Ihas ;;pod right to set] nnai convey Ll:a c..r.e in fee simple, an(i tl:at the said •t•ctcises at-,) fre:i avd ciear from any and all rncumFr•arces, and that. ter. :;aid :rancor will, and its`succet;rtor:; and assigns, shall warrant and ?;nfend ties title to the same.. The pronerty alove described is her-nn r.oove•,ed `rflo of also disc!:art;r.d from the lien of ,.,• Fir;(t. i,ort:age of iIraEt,or to p,ercer.t.iic Trust Company of Pa.lLimore and Pelson ii, or.ritehoff, as '1'rust.ees, bate(! •taniiarv 1, l'ii,b, a:; :;upplo-:enLt•d be tilaL c:arrain 'rust ^uppiomctsi.al 3rdenture dated :'.arch 30, 1950, aft'.,ct ii;t; only propert ies; ip ;:at.,, Carut.y, Florida, therein described, and as ::upn;emerrLed and r..odifiod by that certain Second Supplemental Indenture dated Pay 1, 1050 and said F:ercapti}e-:safe Denosit. and TrtrsL Conozi:v and P. Edmund :iutton, as the present successor .,oroor•at.n and Individual. Trustees, resnect.ively, under staid First. Kortva;?e, as so suppler riLed an(i modified, uy %oining :r t;e execution auei doiivery of this deed hereby ralease and discharge •,(.c nroperty itercittaL•nve described from Lhe lion of :ai(: irst ?.ortraee, pursuatt. to :iecl.ion 1 of Artirle •Twolve thereof. Ili 9'iiS'ili•:LP' WP AiWF, Gran:. or and !vi-rantile Safe F.encsit and Trust Company, as such Succ- essor Corpora Le Trustec, {save ca,isr.d thin deed to le duly signed and sealed, and F. Edmund Sutton as such successor Individual Trustee, has hereunto seL his hand and seal all as of the da•r and •;par first above written. Corporate seal 1:A1?C}1.111 AI i. LI;:;. 1(A1}•i;CAll Ci}PAF!Y AA,t e.st: h, L. Lash, FV W. V. Lawrence Secretary Vice Pr.,tsldent Si?nvi, sealed and delivered by Seatoard A(r Line Railroad Company, in the presence of: P_ 9 9 L. il. Dozard, Jr. U. S. Doc, stam;as ."•,.210.00 LD 60284 Corporate seal ssh Attest: J. F. Henry 2-21-62 Assistant Secretary MERCANTILE-SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST CCf;..PANY as successor Corporate Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First Mortgage, dated as of January 1946 as supplemented and modified. by Owen Daley Vice President. t Signed, sealed and delivered by 1•4ircant3le-Safe Deposit and Trust Company., as successor Corporate. Trustee, in Lhe presence of, J. J, Delaney ? ' s J, W. Walter ? k i , Signed, sealed and delivered by F. Edmund Sutton, as successor Individual Trustee, in the presence of: J. J. Delanev ? J. W. Walter ? i F. £dmund,Sutton (Seal) , As successor Individual-Trustee under Seaboard Air, Line Railroad Company t Firht Portitage, dated as. of. January 2,. 1946, as supplemented avid modified. t t N. C. - SAL - Corp. STATE. OF VIRGINIA i.C 60284 CITY OF RI CHI:OND ssh '2-21.62 This is to certify that on the 2601. day of March, 1ti62, before rte personally came W. V. Lawrence, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being. by me duly sworn., says that he is the 'Dice President, and E. 1. Lash, Jr., is the Secretary of* Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company the corporation described in, and, which executed the forepoitu, instrument; that he knows the common seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the Yorei;oinr instrument is said comr,.on seal, and the name of the cornorat.ion was sul•scrilted t.hereto It- the said Vice 1resident, and that said Vice. President and Socretary subscribed their names thereto, and :;aid common seal was affixed, all by order of the Guard of Pirectors of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act. and deed of said cornoral.ion. Witness my hand and official seal. Litt,; the 2'kh, day of :arch, 141+2. Notarial seal J. 11. Mtopman KIN, commission expires Sentember 9, 1?r62 Notary public JD 60284 ssh 2-21-62 N. C. Corp ST'ATF, OF ?t,RYLAND CITY OFBALTIPORE This is to certify that on the 30th. day of I•larch, 1962, before me personally came Owen Daly, 11, with whom I an nersonally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, says that hft is the Vice President, and J. E. Henry, is the Assistant Secretary, of F-ercantile -Safe Deposit and Trust Company, as successor Corporate Trustee under Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company First Mortrage dat-ed as of January 1, 1946, as supplemented and modified, the corporation described in, and which executed the rore,•oirg instrument; th::•t he knows the common real of said corporation; that the seal affixed to the foreroinr instrument is said comrton heal, and that the name of' the said corporation was subscribed thereto by the said President., and Lim t said Vice Prosident. and Ass- istant Secretary subscribed their nares thereto, and said common s,?al was affixed, all by order of the Board of 1`ivectors at' said corporation Bud tlutt the said instrument, is the act and deed of said corporation. Witness my hand anti off'ic'ial seal this the 3001. day of Parch, 1902. Notarial seal Dorothy E. Scharf Idy commission expires 5-6-63 NoLary public LD 60284 ssh .2-21-62 N. C. Individual STAT3, OF VARYLAND ' CITY OF PALTIMORE I, Porothy E. Scharf, a notary public in and for the City of t,aryland, In the State afore- e+aid, do hereby cerLifv that F. Edmund Sutton, as successor Individual Trustee under Seaboard Air: Line Railroad Company First Mortgage dated as of January 1, 1946 as supplemented and modified, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the annexed instru. ' tr.enC. Witness try hand and official seal this 30th. day of March, 1962, Notarial seal Dorothy Scharf My commission expires 5-6-63 Notary public ' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANVV ER COUNTY The Foregoing Certificates of J. it. Chapman, N. P. of Richmond, Va., Dorothy E..Scharf, N. P., lialtimoro, Md., is ad?udged to be correct. Let the instrument with the Certificate be recorded. ' Drawn by Oliver Carter. This the 3rd. day of April, 19b2. Vernell DeVane i Asst. Clerk Superior Court Received and-Recorded, April 3, 1962 ' at 2:50 P. F:., and Verified. ., . ? fir o J s Register of Dees I L o 5`?° pV 4011177ER Tr !P.CVIit7 n?. BOOK ._.-._ rILK :: eoc110;30 e:c? 878 MAY 15 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: NAY 15 10 03 AN '75 WARRANTY DEED !''°t '.Y COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: 1? 1•!_ = :AR NEn 7fF.%0..N.C. THIS DEED, made this 1? day of 1975, by DAVID MAYBANK, JR. and wife, LOUISE JENKINS HAYBANK, and JOHN M_ TRASK, . JR. and wife, CAROLINE CLARK TRASK, of the State of South Carolina, parties of the first part, to AMONT SHIPPING COHPANY, a North Carolina corporation ' with an office in New Hanover County, State of North Carolina, party of the second part; H I T N E S S E T H: That the said parties of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED ($100.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consid- erations to them paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these present do grant, bargain, sell and convey to the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a certain tract or parcel of land in the County of New Hanover, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: :I TRACT NO. 1: Beginning at the point of ? intersection of the western right-of-way y line of Mutt Street (30 foot right-of-way) pl with the southern right-of-way line of B i runsw ck Street (66 foot right-of-way), running thence frog said beginning point N with the western right-of-way line of Nutt Street, South 02 degrees 19 minutes East 234.0 feet to a point; running thence South 87 degrees 41 minutes West 100.0 feet to a S point; running thence North 02 degrees 19 i ! / m nutes hest 234.0 feet to a point in the < ?_J southern right-of-way line of Brunswick ) Street; running thence with the southern ) right-of-wag line of Brunswick Street, North it N 87 degrees 41 minutes East 100 feet to the point of beginning- Same being a part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 259, according to the Official Plan of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, as prepared by James 6 Brown, 1 (/ and being a portion of the property conveyed by John stall, et ux, to Dillard Paper Company of G reensboro, N. C_, by deed recorded Janu- ary 30, 1959 in Book 563, Page 643 of the • t New Hanover County ,Registry. 1 ;` a s'snrRTH irM Nate r.7Ure fdX = N NA O( . Q _sf io - _ Iy 1 O ??. lOlll _ _ 11 F t 1; i. bMK 1030 rg 873 Together with a perpetual right,of-way and easement of egress, ingress, and regress over and upon that certain tract of land lying im- mediately south of and adjacent to the above- described premises, which said tract was con- veyed by Dillard Paper Company of Greensboro, N. C., to Shipside Terminals, Inc., by deed recorded February 23, 1966 in Book 766, Page 479 of the New Hanover County Registry, said perpetual right-of-way and easement having been created by express reservation and ex- ception in the aforesaid deed, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description of the land subject to the afore- said right-of-way and easement. TRACT NO. 2: Beginning at a point in the southern right-of-way line of Brunswick Street (66 foot right-of-way), said point being lo- cated South 87 degrees 41 minutes West 100.0 feet from the intersection of the southern right-of-way line of Brunswick Street with the western right-of-way line of Nutt Street (30 foot right-of-way) ; running thence from said beginning point with the southern right-of-way line of Brunswick Street, South 87 degrees 41 minutes West 14.3 feet to a point; running thence south 02 degrees 19 minutes East 234.0 feet to a point; running thence North 87 degrees 41 minutes East 14.3 feet to a point; running thence North 02 degrees 19 minutes West 234.0 feet to the point of beginning; same being part of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 259, ac- cording to the Official Plan of the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, as prepared by James s Brown, and being a portion of the property conveyed by Heide Warehouse Company to Dillard Paper Company of Greensboro, N. C., by deed recorded August 7, 1959 in Book 655, Page 155 of the New Hanover County Registry. The aforesaid Second Tract is conveyed subject to an easement on behalf of Heide Warehouse Company, its successors and assigns, by rail- road transportation facilities over the rail- road track presently located on said premises, said easement having been reserved by Heide Warehouse Company by deed recorded August 7, 1959 in Book 655 at Page 155 of the New Hanover County Registry; and subject also to the right of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company (now Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company) to operate and maintain said railroad track. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging, to the said party of.the second part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple forever. 1 BCOK1030 fjZj 880 And the said parties of the first part, their heirs and assigns, covenant with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that they are seized of said premises in fee and have the right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free and clear from all encum-..: brances, except as hereinbefore set out, and that they do hereby otherwise ' forever warrant and will forever defend the title to .the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said DAVID MAYBANK, JR. and wife, LOUISE JENKINS MAYBANK, and JORN M. TRASK, JR. and wife, CAROLINE CLARK TRASK, have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above ' written. Qf ' eA ?Q,uJ ? (SEAL) David Maybank,, JY. / (SEAL) Louise Jepkins MayDac/ilc ?ASEAL ' ) 3fgrt M. Trask, Jr. Caroline Clark Trask a STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA: Y/i5?[? STd i COUNTY OF t I, ?• J?i//E't°$, ,J?; a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County and State, do hereby certify that DAVID 3 i MAYBANK, JR. and wife, LOUISE JENKINS MAYBANK, personally appeared before f me this. day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing-deed of ;i conveyance. WITNESS my hand and seal this day of ?.°. '; 1975. ' Notary Public I My commission expires: ,1 cY?/?l7 9 i? J -3- 1 u 1 I Dom 16G rArA 479 i fs i ii 'I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA a I r WARRANTY DEED - ?? I COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER • i I' THIS INDENTURE, Made thie.7Z day of February, 1966, by and between Dillard Paper Company of Greensboro, N. C., a i; North Carolina corporation, party of the first part, aed Ship- side Terminals, Inc., a North Carolina corporation, party of the second part. W I T N E S S E T Ht That the said party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum of Ten and 00/100 (910.00) Dollars and 1 i` other valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the said party, of the second part, the receipt whereof is ?'ereby acknowl- edged, has given, granted, bargained, sold, aliened and convey- ii ed, and by these presents does hereby give, grant, bargain and sell, alien, convey anc confirm unto the party of the second part, and I. :i its successors and assigns, forever, all that certain lot of land situated, lying and being in the City of Wilmington, County of fI Now Hanover, State of North Carolina, and bounded and described ?j I as follwe, li BEGINNING at a point in the Western line of Nutt Street and which point is located Southwardly 2G4 foot as measured along the Stestern line of Nutt i Street from the intersection of the Wostorn lino of Nutt Street with the Southern line of Brunswick StreotA runs thence from said beginning point South 87 degrees 41 minutes West and parallel with the Southern line of Brunswick Street 100 feet, I more or loss, to the Eastern line of property now owned by Shipside Terminals, Inc.A runs thence i ji ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I SOOK 766 rut 480 -2- Northwsrdly along the Bantwrn line of property { now owned by 9hipside'terminals, Inc. and paral- lel to Nutt Street 30 feots,runs thence North 87 degrees 41 minutes East and parallel with the Southern line of Brunswick Street 100 foot, more or loos, to the Western line of Nutt Stroatj runs thence Southwardly along the Western line of Nutt Street 30 foot to the point of Beginning. The soma being the Southernmost 30 by 100 foot of the property of the party of the first part. Being part of Lot 1 in Block 259, according to the of- ficial plan of the City of Wilmington, North Caro- lina. BUT RESERVING AND EXCEPTING totho party of the first part, its successors and assigns, a porpet- ual right of way across the premises horeinabove t described, granting unto the party of the first I part, its successors and assigns, a right of in- gross and agrees across said promises for all pur- posos. together with all and singular, the lands, t,3nements, easement] and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described pre- miles, together with all and singular., the rights, privileges, i easoments, tenements and appurtenances therounto belonging, or in anywise appertaining unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, FOREVER. And the said party of the first part, for itself, its successors and assiqus, does covenant to and with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, that it is sailed in fee of the above granted and described promises, and it has good right to sell and convey the same in fee simples that the same are free and clear of any and all encumbrances, and that it 1 will and its successors and assigns shall WARRANT and DEFEND the title to the same against the lawful claims and demands of any and all persons whomsoever, but excepting from this warranty any rights claimed by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and 1 the lien of ad valorem taxes for 1966. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Dillard Papor Company of Greensboro, N. C. has caused this Instrument to be executed in its corporate 1 name by its President, attested by its Secretary and its corporate i coot ?UG FAGS 481 -1- coal affixed, 411 by order of Its Board of Directors# the day and your first abova writton. 1 1 1 DILLARD PAPER COMPANY OF GREFNSBOROr N C,' r ,T?? Byl President , Attoet: 'ucratory STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNPy OF GUILFO.ID This fUZ day of Fabruary, 1966, personally cane before ccc, -IL'- LF A-.5JIA/iPP.- rR who, being duly sworn, says that he knows the cor.mon soal of Dillard Paper Company of Grce.sboro, N. C., and is acquainted with TUN/V -bla- who in President of said corporation, and that A& tho said FA.S/IH?'PL _ is Sacrotary Of the said corporation, and saw t o said President sign the foregoing in- strument, and saw the said common coal of said corporations affixed to said instrunont by said President, and that the said F f] _5jjjgg'PF Tf2. signed b1 *5 nano in attest- ation of the oxecut16n of said instrument in the Provence of said president of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this day of Febru- ary, 1966. %;' ,pTARY t ° , twtary Publ ?e, Ny;oq?tsieslon expires: }$tC(?art/ /9?C 'J?F03(• C a•5??:' STATE. Or NORTH CAROLINA New lancer CouMY. e Foretolnt cerlilkrie of tY, 1. easudard to be careet. Let the Inftn+ment wlt4 the e,tjse le be twdlA..diV N Clerk 9ntWrter Carl Y X/",;" ? - 5, - B Received and Recorded F B 2 31966 ao /? rs. 1 1 ATTACHMENT I TO DCM FORM -MP- I List of Previous Permits DATE DESCRIPTION 8/19/99 CAMA Permit 166-86 8/5/96 Department of the Army General Permit - 198000291 1/7/94 Renewal of General (Regional) Permits 197800056,197800080, 197800125,198000048, 198100049,198200079 4/15/85 Department of the Army General Permit - SAWC080-N-000-0291 1/17/77 Department of the Army General Permit - SAWC076-N-065-006-1171 ATTACHMENT J DCM FORM -MP-I PROJECT DRAWINGS Entitled "RIVERWALK MARINA" 32 pages H n I I LI Lill L J RIV ERFRONT M ARINA a? WIL MINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA o 3 ? y O w FR° ,rI, ` RONT STN 2ND 5 N RI 2N D ST N NE S F COVER SHEET iw1s, .o- s, o " q Bp? N H c ? . e? ?. \ o ro P O S M1 MARINA LAYOUT ` 4 ` r? a ls PARKING C NW W ' a " A P F ° p SW PROPI VICINITY PROPERTY MAP F" z ?a PROPOSED F q w n=o PPD OFFICE R 1 1 EC-1 EXISTING PARTIAL SITE PLAN AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN z "u oa a , COMPLEX Z FRONT ST N --- M ? FRONT sr N EC-2 EXISTING PARTIAL SITE PLAN AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN W z?a ' NO w - 1 EC-3 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS i q RTNSASrcaa CAP PARKING z 7 7 " r o y w E FEAR RIVER $ o ( D1 DEMOLITION SITE PLAN AND SCHEDULE g "U ? ' D2 a p I E TT T DEMOLITION SITE PLAN AND SCHEDULE a NS ' W]d3n q 1 FUTURE BLDG FUTURE BLDG ] FUTURE ROTE E Ct SITE GRADING AND PAVING PLAN rA s s PR WATER ST 3 NORTH WATER ST C2 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, AND STORMWATER DETAILS z ,,,,m :a u OPOSED P4 0 C3 PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS SITE DETAILS C3A PAVEMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS SITE DETAILS U U ` CONVENTION C4 RIVERWALK PARTIAL LAYOUT AND UTILITIES ;p 7 VICINITY MAP C4A RIVERWALK PARTIAL LAYOUT AND UTILITIES ?..., NO SCALE y C413 RIVERWALK PARTIAL LAYOUT AND UTILITIES its R I E R CENTER C4C RIVERWALK PARTIAL LAYOUT AND UTILITIES I T - - R N C5 RIVERWALK SECTIONS AND DETAILS ? 1 m I 7F ::A C6 RIVERWALK MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS I C7 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN N C8 UTILITY DETAILS OIip rN Eg S1 DREDGE AREA PLAN ST C S2 DISPOSAL AREA PLAN APe S2A DREDGE AND DISPOSAL AREAS FFg S3 DREDGE SECTIONS AND DETAILS R RI S4 BULKHEAD LAYOUT VER S5 BULKHEAD PLANS, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS S5A ALT. No. 1 BULKHEAD PLANS, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS S58 ALT. No. 2 BULKHEAD PLANS, SECTIONS, AND DETAILS Q S6 BULKHEAD PENETRATION SECTIONS AND DETAILS Q j 7 Z O S MARINA PLAN S8 FLOATING DOCK PLANS SECTIONS, AND DETAILS Cr Q f S9 MISCELLANEOUS MARINA SECTIONS AND DETAILS Q U LLJ S10 RIVERWALK BANNER, FLAG, AND LIGHT POSTS DETAILS W L1 LANDSCAPE PLAN - 1 NOT INCLUDED Z p P Q L2 LANDSCAPE PLAN - 2 NOT INCLUDED Q Z Q OINT HARBOR RD CIA L3 LANDSCAPE PLAN - 3 NOT INCLUDED LL1 / L4 LANDSCAPE PLAN - 4 NOT INCLUDED LL a O POINT HARBOR 0? Ro 00 SITE MAP ' El ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION PLAN NOT INCLUDED LV V Z NO SCALE ))) / E2 ELECTRICAL POWER DETAILS NOT INCLUDED ' E3 ELECTRICAL POWER DETAILS NOT INCLUDED il 'it ? ? ?'•? ?? II I I II ' - - III \ ^?.? ? / I I 1 C PT / o 3? „ G , x,? jl / ?? , \ _? -;. ,:. 40i ?. Ii { t I M ill ll, , a Se n, met m; s. S: a it mi ?, , CED I III I, I, i _ I I l i i I oe.r .. e HWt I ? ? I aEwtt cwwa. CED ?? ? ?,I Ili / ? SUIL „ee eu-t 1921.01 8/1/05 ® HEE CO REVISED S I T E D A T A T A B L E B 0 A T S L I P C 0 U N T N PROJECT ADDRESS: 10 HARNE TT ST, BUILDING SIZE: PHASE I DOCKMASTER 0' FROM RIVER IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: AREA BEFORE AREA AFTER PIER PIER SLIP NO. OF NO. OF TOTAL NO. OF WILMINGT ON. N.C. 28401 MAX. H ALLOW 35.00' PHASE 1 MARINA 468 092 SF NIA DESIGNATION LENGTH LENGTH STANDARD SLIPS TRANSIENT SLIPS SLIPS PER PIER ZONING DISTRICT: CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CSO) ACT, H: 2 STORIES 0 10'+ RCFF LOGO 35,00' , RIVERWALK 85.764 SF 45.004 SF PIER A 560' 60' 24 1 25 , i BUILDING SET BACKS: PHASE 1 MARINA (NOT APPLICABLE) RIVERWALK SHELTER 16,00' PHASE 1I 2 NUTT ST, PARCELS 206,698 SF 219,813 SF PIER B 543' 60' 46 2 48 0 ° ? o PHASE 11 NUTT ST, FRONTAGE 6 FT. SETBACK MAX. PHASE II NUTT ST. PARCELS 1 0 350' FROM RIVER I PARCEL NUTT ST,/BRUNSWICK - - PIER C 500' 60' 21 1 22 w " o 1 0 450' PIER C 50' 23 1 24 ° SITE AREA: PHASE 1 MARINA WATER f0, 10 ACREAS I 0 600' FROM AVER PARKING SPACES: 58 PIER D 290' 50' 26 2 28 m w LAND 0.94 ACREAS MAX. HALLOW, 134,75' CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: CONSERVATION G URBAN PIER E 226' S0' 21 2 23 a RIVERWALK 1 09 ACREAS ' B ' . 163.25 ASE FLOOD ELEVATION: 10.0 NGVO PIER F 256' 50' 11 - 11' d PHASE II 2 NUTT ST. PARCELS 2.90 ACREAS 206.00' ' ' PIER 0 40 40 - 8 8 I PARCEL NUTT ST./BRUNSWICK 1.30 ACREAS ACT. H: TO BE DETERMINED PIER H 77 40 2 2 BUILDING SIZE: PHASE I DOCKMASTER 55'x134'x36' HIGH x 3 STORIES ' ' ' ' " ' PIER 1 652 50 - 1 3 13 a AIVEAWhLK SHELTER 15 x20 -6 xlfi HIGH x I STORY 3,144 172 + 32 = 204 PHASE I l NUTT ST. PARCELS 2 0 21400 SF x H (TO 1 0 43200 SF x H (TO BE DETER) BE DETER ) TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL NO. OF w w ry , ALONG PIER BOAT SLIPS ] z 5<; N W L ?1?• ? O H Vy ID?° ZOm _ T4 - - - - - - \ NUT STREET a ? NUT STREET _ _ _ _ - - - _- - -? _'- _ "_ - <F C NEW CURB d, MI-10 n _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ z 01 ¢2 1 2 c I I I W? 0'-m ?o 20' a 20' h I ° ' ° F w J u 2 I 1 Q rc I i '? n FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING ?^ FUTURE BUILDING I'o a U Y I Y l 0 N ? ' ? I ? I 'ii M NA 52 w I N x K4i - c • 2' WIDE DOCK 0 EA. GANGW Y m 1 l ' ALLOW GOLF CART TOP M DP 188' I 1220 220' ? n ? 40' RIVERWALK EASEMENT -SEE SHE. 55 CAR75 14.5' RIYSHTS. K - SEE C4 XTS w n I ` BENCH r SECURITY GATE 01q N c - VEG FILTER PLANnxc - IYP.M Ih m USHELTER - G FUEL TANKS SOH PurnNC PLANTING PVNINC PLANTING 40' RIVERWALK EASEMENT PROPERTY ONE IZ TYP. OF 6 - fL0 ZINC OCK MOP SEE SHT. C6 PLAN>NG PIAN9NC 1AASX 50' °' a rc C _ o. NGAN Y G. FILTER TTH,BROW - -ya L n CPRTS ?u i SEE ' PLANTING 80' H/C ANGWAY WANRNG 40' RIVERWALK 50'-11' J t , I ?^ 1 J c - PLANING m N VATHCUTB W m L-_n _ s EASEMENT ES zi u N W - SEE_ S9 - PLANTING PUNGNC 1 1 N o 'o _o N m I I N 5675'36'E n - - 2 -- u -- P 1 a r• N O ? X r h r w q FACE BUIXH c IS ON PROPERtt LN a -_J1?.1 N .. _ W 9' "ATING OOCN Z o O < f- w &?-A WAYS CC Q 'B• "a - SEE C4 0 /v T END OF 0 •'? ! 1 leg m I mj '° qq ?n I m - 7 r w _-_ 67= ^ (7) BULKHEAD 5 0 iW y ° -t )? o Z m O Z . h 0 Q ,? I O m iG m iit m 3 ~ O 1 N I 1064 P/4)? Z Q BULKHEAD Z_ BONN .?S I y 76. L--r? i o o LL O \ a FAIe N . cc f W'I-v PIER E ?_ m 1n ?1 L u{ 1 Z LANs'-_T ° + - - ' + ?< - - - FLOATING' -`?S ' 50 ;p a a m WS1 DOCK 76 ' vii<? -- - I ,e?OISANG &q ° FAIRWAY\\ b? n n o ^?'' -_ N + AD?AC \ hTj "wc\FrC : N - - - d - - 0' AN PIER 0 N (5) 14'0 PIER GUIDE PILES $ - LOCATE AS SHOWN \ 6?, 52Ltr'I(( bT (sJ 74 _- - v N )Ab Ile \ : A\??IKy ? ? m u _-o m 1 O -- n S r LAp `?? m m" ql" r .\ GF or l4L ;y y N a -- Ns ? ---? EAST - bra os Eq F(G m N . , cj vtq° R \ -\I F aa R ( - - . ? sDr7 2J m 7 m N N - Iv r'---- PAMIJ ? BY CITY N.I.C. SEAL Z D7? t N ilf N - h -_ PoVERWAtI( :2' P: ?: 99:P4GI !; 14'0 PIER GLIDE ^` 25' 25 PILES 0 100' 0.r- _ 411 \ -- •\ m - --- N ° m - ?- _ S. C " m 5 m 25 EXIST. DOCK IFNNm 9t'. GED HNL PEER 0 ?^ n N \ awm <mma: CED -- -_m ° b _(5) 14'0 PIER WIDE PILES - uu[ 1" - 50' 6] MARINA LAYOUT TRH LOCATE AS SHOWN 4921.01 N.c GRID N.G . L- S 6/1/05 SCALE: 1" = 50' ?tIR ^ws -DRAWING REDUCED TO MARINA LAYOUT CALE: 1"-50' FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, SHEET NONSER. 7T 50' 9 60' 91' 60' 60' IR 91, 0'- FACE OF CAP 50 0 50 100 150 FAIRWAY FAIRWAY FAIRWAY PIER A 9,_6. THEREFORE THIS DRAWING M1 NOT TO SCALE a RESE VI D J I I I V \ ? ZZ 0 MERCER - Z Q VA \TAYLOR, LCC D ? o 0 \? \ f j ?/y? I W -NORTH {RANI STm _ jjj I ( , I I I I , I I I I 1 CAPE FEAR COMMUNITY COLLEGE I I I I I I I I u a 1 _ _ __ _ _ SECMU S1REEt DEAN HARDWOODS, INC. yP` y' N LMONT DEVELOPMENT PARCEL =I, 3 \yy y ALMONT PMENT EIDSIING D \OEYOR SYSTEM ALMONT MARIN (LAND) SYMBOL PROPERTY APPROX. AREA IN '1111!!1,1; iiii PPD AREA 7.5 ACRES ALMONT DEVELOPMENT PARCEL 5 3 ACRES . ALMONT DEVELOPMENT PARCEL 7.9 ACRES ALMONT DEVELOPMENT PARCELS (2) 2.9 ACRES ® ALMONT PROPOSED HOTEL OR PARKING AREA 1.3 ACRES ALMONT PROPOSED HOTEL OR PARKING AREA 1.6 ACRES RIVERWALK EASEMENT 1.09 ACRES ALMONT - MARINA (LAND AREA) 0.94 ACRES ® ALMONT - MARINA (WATER AREA) 10.7 ACRES NOR TN ?q S ? Cg AE F f?0p0 ?/?R f@@ VICINITY PROPERTY MAP SCALE: 1" = 100' GRAPHIC SCALE: 1'=100' 100 0 100 200 300 ALMONF ROPOSED IOTEL OR.. # \ 'ARKING ALMONT MARINA (WATER & RMWALK --PHASE I R/ VE-R, N.C. GRID NAD -1, 1 j CITY OF WILMINGTON CONVENTION ? CENTER \ I 1 I ' I I I I I I I -----, L DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36 THEREFORE THIS DRAW NOT TO SCALE N O?n P z yo 0 121 j '-'? W LL ?z F' U O W Egg 90 m Uu: s CL z 0 ?a c U oW. ? o? a Z 0 ?Z zi 03 x n s. sera ' Di at n. :s. :9E .4arwE¢:0?,: rcaaEO ar: CEO HNt a CED Hut: <u?R 1' - 100' nt RuHeu 4921.02 o.?E B/7/O5 SW_ET NUYGER. PROP1 IF .5? I \ CITY I I I I OF WILMINGTON CAPE FEAR ? ? ?a,.1 I e?: I COMMUNITY s,? 1 COLLEGE e; ONT J I I 1y II ? •I? .. - ----? _ IXT +------- --? -- a4ro4 e \- ------ __\ 1-717-1 -v ALM 09T $I `PROPOSE -- t WW Y- T 3 I E HOTEL OR i MUM; "PAR :UUT r.. KING----- fm,t, v, c_oxo ALMONT (2) PARCELS FOR DEVELOPMENT., PHASE II / 40 RIVERWALK EASEMENT \? ?vaavosED eu?x?nn \ ? EXISTING CONCRETE DOCK ON i - ?"? n ¦ .?. ¦ ¦ ¦ 7 1 m ?? \¦ I l,f ?- - - J "L...•?lp.,?. ••'?' S 6'1536' E 36539' 1 536 E 2.6I J -Z-0 __ _-______-__Y „ I j1 \ \ N ?? I ?. w ,0 WAREHOUSE 140>, ?" i BEING DEMOLISHED ,al 1 r JULY - AUG. 2005 m I ^s " LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE AREA " W ' I TEMPORARY v. t---- m l - ?. m 1 ?i CONSTRUCTION SHOP BLDG. ENTRANCE I L_ ?? J-- n I °" f M a i i r\„ N 1 1 1 a 7 ? N M I NEW BULKHEAD E:? v? 66"1536 E 6660 ?---T L3 ------- / V1 - 1 \ tp - M „ I vi / N, a " W BULKKHEAD 00 (o 17 10 ?? I ro I J d r 'n 7 C? \ rod. cP oo j x 0 06 Lo -- I Lr) /-- , 9 1! 1 1 V? v v ro c ,`I ?? *yl"?v? o ro r n n N N N N \v\ - ??° O x 1 1P N I ,- 11 1 1 0,? Z \ \, r•l 00 00 nil t0N' - co? 0 N -1 + In i1 00 N 00 I (p ., l1 , G 1 4. r- -? 1 * ,,l i0 l ` t9.1 1 f'?II~ n ( ) (o co of P 00 , ?.. J 1 N (n O N N O m ?3 -A C y r --13 `? I?.I O ` :.1 0 Y !i 1 1 ?\ ,1 IN` O \`, d t0 to `f1 In 0 1) 1 < C,/p ?? C C1 3 v 1 `o? \ 1, `, 1 Gnn ; C? '11 ` 7 t d d 7 r'7 7 -A ?V?Y ?31 `v v •1 Q SV eR<??? NOp ?v 7.v? -1. o?? oQ?`P e 3. 3.1 RU6 ?<LRC ' 00<(y3' X33\ I6 I??.1 X7,2 -Z i1 ?, .. i ?? 1 U , r m a rn o N \ arE RER aAR R \ \ \I A/N 3, 3 J ??)3 , , i v a 1 1m? (? ?, 1 t 4 t 4 16 U W RA?c `?` y- 3.3 I ?? 1 v O ?v 1 1 <Z uj r, r VI \FE J, </ c? .? r<1 - < - ?3 O ?-A 1 , I A , 1 1 1 1 C ` 1, 1 I N o ?? 1 a a a NO 31 1 1 t P. PROVIDE SILT FENCE AS SHOWN m LA -?D & ALSO LOCATE AROUND ANY \ S `' n. save f ?' I a 11 ; °1 P ` ' 1 OTHER WORK SUBDIVIDED AREAS J&w 5 ?^ FOOT PRINT OF 0 0 4 1 m N o? o n , AS WORK PROGRESSES. OLD DOCK ; w C-? -t v ffi r-i1? ti \ 1 ; ; a V 1 °1 REMAINS OF OL OLD STRUCTURE DEMOLISHED BY NoRT WOODEN BULKHEAD OTHERS EXCAVATE CONTRACTOR N Eqs m °' L co N? TO REMOVE PILING & ANY DESTRUCTION TO EARTHWORK E Fe \ uR64ry?? s 1 1 ?I REVEL lP '> 00p L E G E N D fee ? R RI VE \ `?? o:R;>E ',? N? I' N o co I, 1-) III M -4- Ln Q E- SF-0- PROPOSED SILT FENCING \ 'off °o s6„5, ` • _?-cp Q -FSS- - FLOATING SILT FENCE ALMONT PROPERTY LINE . '83 O 1 ( lJ1 - ? '?`N N N M N Lc) ? ? ¦ ¦ ? LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE AREA NOTES: N C CR'D NAp J X, N I, r, 1. INSTALL SEDIMENT BARRIER WITH FILTER OVER OUTLETS. a s '? - figs 5xt SPOT ELEVATIONS gy 2. INSTALL MAIN STORMWATER DISCHARGE LINER. BEGINNING OF FSS '? ®1 1 VCP - (OLO NARR6lrR PROPOSED ELEVATION AFTER DREDGING SS \ ? - END OF SF tt9 N+o 6Gpp 3. PAGE 10 EXISTING SITE PLAN (PARTIAL) AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN F "" SCALE: t" = 40' DRAWING REDUCED TO _ GRAPHIC SCALE: 1'=40' FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, DOCK ?' - JO THEREFORE THIS DRAWNG LIMIT LINE 40 0 40 so 12 NOT TO SCALE a w ,,7! 0 z w0 a P4 ?Q? W ?D aE9 0-4 a0m?- Uu (fi6'aoseo WjW) ?•/? _ aLH(msr.) N j I ?/ 9 H'SS a' ye' \ sH q' - k # I 5-- E I ... 51) ft-NE N" I .? Q2I W NOW OR FORMERLY \ H ss - X II g !n '_ IMPORT-EXPORT LUMBER SERVICES, INC. BOON 1223 PAGE 0139 Hess \ a 89,22. •••YYY/// I s? H SS , NCH,,,. ?? I LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE AREA ® a 0-2'3-4'D 'SD ?x ryryb N? e. ?,, F J41.>s'f10i4r- - - H SS IRO. ,\ ` x IJ 11] ]9 II ,'A \ E IA Ifi _ ___ c A"SSA O6'1454 W_ X P " H'S5 8"55 }11.1(t01AL)_ ?cc ____________ 1) 69 11 10 ' U1 _ _ / \\N N IN?V Sa_w sv?ea'--- I? To -m O\ ?H \ / - -- N061451'W 332 55'(I0TnL)___ I ml_ I _?\ 1 Fq 7Qm __\\6 16655 H (D wz6 > a? - p w ozwoW PUMP LIMIT OF DISTURB NNNCE AREA I a, ly W Zg ARE \ ^ _ . ?? \ ?'1,?,? ^+- I{ i \ \o o [.d Lu ¢ u / _ SON ° III / N/ ^.y \ \ \ l0 \? . \ m. J.5 AO W O ?' / v ! AV ??v^ v?L ?z yy / m y! ` w ,7 a-` > -co 15 Do m m ro Do Do DISPOSAL AREA FOR ?, RgvP 51'3YW EX6AVATION/DREDGINGF? 33 IN)wARINA BASIN ?. e;`W '4.;i \ ^ ME a, II , ? I sse' Do # cd? -? 11 . ^ F R+ ^ TEMPdRARYI Rh4VANON as CONSiRUETI \? / o ?I, i --` a • ENTRANCE ^ , J Z LL. It z0 IL Q ?0O v\v .-l i 1 a ! 1 ?? I/l cr-Q Q Do - 40 i 7 to ; cc) Q V Z F- Lot END OF FSS II I?h. BEGINNING OF SF Z Z U I r-, v ?" W We !FSS i \ \ ^ 11 ` 1 '1 LLB Z U) 0 \yH'ae l `! \ ?, 1 \ \ \ \ I I / 1 I Do ILO vI 12 \ z sN?a Y\ N \ \ .'/\? \\^ `\ ?Y \?\/?/N ?I I ?? \1'Il ?+ / Z 0 Z LL. \\\\\,\I mL il? // 11-Q Lo--? , i S r\ \? ?, 1 I ^ I I III ? ro ? \ fS\ ? \ \ ?? ? mil`) co a ? m I \ ? sw 05 cb Do "s's ? fE6jl?''f L E G E N D ALMONT PROPERTY LINE I~ sm E3-SF-a-- PROPOSED SILT FENCING ) Fs'o - -FSS- - FLOATING SILT FENCE \ \\ r \ \ ?S i ¦ ¦ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE AREA NOTES: \ <i o H, CEO HV& 5,1 SPOT ELEVATIONS 1. INSTALL SEDIMENT BARRIER WITH FILTER OVER OUTLETS. \FSS a ?N`, aw. CE0 2. INSTALL MAIN STORMWATER DISCHARGE LINER. I' - 40' lV?w nl6 1Q PROPOSED ELEVATION AFTER DREDGING 4921.01 EXISTING SITE PLAN (PARTIAL) AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN D- I/e/os FAST. SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 40' DRAWING REDUCED TO x a w \ PARTIAL 6 EROSION CONTROL PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE: 1'-40' FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, <Z [7T WftN MI I V-) THEREFORE THIS DRAWING < = Lj 40 0 40 ao 120 NOT TO SCALE 1 L I 11 ? MAINTENANCE PLAN FILTER No, STRE RI0 pO MOR NOT LY VERATS TNANOTY400Ng`ENE O OA S l NEOES R Z /IN & . MR pOLY NORIZoNR ALTO MAIRR RR&PE OWpRIENE STABINTYN R NO OOT ?j 0 WEIONT 0 E? O T Olo A URIOM AS , t VERI°ql OPTIONAL TURBIDITY BARRIER: TYPE 2 HEAVY DUTY FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIER CAT. NO. FTB 225052 BY ACF ENVIR. EC-301 FLOATING SILT FENCE (TURBIDITY BARRIER) SCALE: N.T.S. 50' MIN. POST (4 REO'D.) HIRE FENCE AND FILTER FABRIC 1157 CRUSHED STONE WASHED r T m STORM DRAIN s I CATCH BASIN MIN. SC EC-302 INLET SEDIMENTATION CONTROL SCALE: N.T.S. PLAN X W W< N? 0 s g? ° g M, N 35' t 15' t I 3 3 + SECTION m TEMPORARY EC-303 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SCALE: N.T.S. 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF-PRODUCING RAINFALL, BUT IN NO CASE, LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. 2. ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES WILL BE PERIODICALLY TOP-DRESSED WITH AN ADDITIONAL 2 INCHES OF #4 STONE TO MAINTAIN PROPER DEPTH. ANY SEDIMENT THAT IS TRACKED INTO THE STREET WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED. 3. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SEDIMENT TRAP AND BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION DEVICE WHEN STORAGE CAPACITY HAS BEEN APPROXIMATELY 50% FILLED. GRAVEL WILL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED WHEN THE SEDIMENT POOL NO LONGER DRAINS PROPERLY. 4. SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM BEHIND THE SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN IT BECOMES 0.5 FEET DEEP AT THE FENCE. THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. SILT FENCE STAKES WILL BE SPACED 6 FEET APART UNLESS A WIRE BACKING IS USED WITH 8 FOOT STAKE SPACING. 5. THE SEDIMENT BASIN WILL BE CLEANED OUT WHEN THE LEVEL OF SEDIMENT REACHES 2.0 FEET BELOW THE TOP OF THE RISER. GRAVEL WILL BE CLEANED OR REPLACED WHEN THE SEDIMENT POOL NO LONGER DRAINS PROPERLY. 6. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO MAINTAIN A VIGOROUS, DENSE VEGETATIVE COVER. STABILIZATION NOTE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WILL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY PHASE OF ACTIVITY. THIS INCLUDES SLOPES, SWALES, STOCKPILES, AND OTHER UNSTABILIZED AREAS. SEEDING SPECIFICATION (TURFING SCHEDULE) 1. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE DRESSED TO TYPICAL SECTIONS & PLOWED TO A DEPTH OF 5 INCHES. THE TOP 2 INCHES SHALL BE PULVERIZED TO PROVIDE A UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION OF THESE MATERIALS. THE HAND-BUCKED METHOD IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. LIME AND FERTILIZER SHOULD BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL PRIOR TO SEEDING. 2. THE FOLLOWING ARE RATES AND KINDS OF THESE MATERIALS TO BEE APPLIED PER ACRE: KIND: RATE: ABRUZZI RYE OR RYE GRAIN (WINTER) 50 LBS. PENSACOLA BAHIA GRASS 50 LBS. KENTUCKY 31 FESCUE 50 LBS. OR KOREAN LESPEDEZA (WINTER) 15 LBS. CENTIPEDE GRASS 15 LBS. COMMON BERMUDA GRASS 25 LBS. 10-20-20 FERTILIZER 500 LBS. AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE 4000 LBS. GERMAN MILLET 50 LBS. 3. SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE CULTIPACKED TO FIRM SEEDBED AND TO COVER SEED. 4. GRAIN STRAW SHALL BE APPLIED OVER SEEDED AREAS AS MULCH. NO BARE GROUND SHALL BE VISIBLE IN THE MULCH AREA IF PROPER APPLICATION IS ACHIEVED. THICK CLUMPS OF STRAW ARE NOT PERMISSIBLE AS UNIFORM COVERAGE IS EXPECTED. STRAWS SHALL BE APPLIED AT A MINIMUM OF 4,000 LBS. PER ACRE. 5. THE MULCHED AREAS SHALL BE TACKED WITH LIQUID ASPHALT SUFFICIENT TO HOLD STRAW IN PLACE AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 6. DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE USED IN AREAS WHERE STEEP GRADES COULD CAUSE DITCH EROSION. USE OF JUTE MESH EXCELSIOR MATTING OR FIBERGLASS ROWING IS ACCEPTABLE. DITCH TREATMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED BEFORE MULCHING OPERATION. a ] z o z woe P4 M5 d LL z o z w o ? a o w ? ?za P4 0 vu= ..C Q Qz Z0 cc: Qa U Z0 OZ a: LL c? UJ J H W O Z Q Tn W Z J i- Z 0 Z O U) Q W MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 1. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY STORM EVENT, BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY REPAIR OR CLEANING NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE COMPLETED app IMMEDIATELY. 2. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE REFERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO Wq THE SEEDING SCHEDULE. ?W W ` ?iF?C ?R FP?111}P cT'? "9 ovtiI q.. .. ?F ?f EC-304 SILT FENCE ISOMETRIC SCALE: N.T.S. C'VE88?o '?'?; SEAL 9? ?oipEe'O?r usam a*. CED .w HNt ?r? aD LL NONE ni xWeER. 1921.01 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS SHEET NUMBER: EC-3 =a? STORAGE BUILDING m , m BUILDING IN OPERATION 1J--LLlf^ , az ?? / J11J_ 1 -LLL1J/LL J LL: JL/,z 1JJ_LLt J L_/ ?11JLL11-/-LL1JJ_LL11JJ L11J_LL11J_/_L11J.J_LL1JJ_LLIIJLLII - -- --- -- - .. ...,... i(7 ...,:., ...,: ,. ..... " \ ??... .. BO { x N ..? 10.. ? p , VEp ABC, • ?.,,...-C„ o • p _ +a- _ _ . is ?v? 3e ,d ?a 0 a. ?, •p I • 6' M. EIOW- 16-W • 16'W ^ 6' `B ^fi'Y 7 {{?'Z? ^ s ob µ= t 1 N 6 R r 6 t - 5 0615']6' E 1925t' S 0615']6' E 192.V T ` `? v BELOW m, I ? D ? ? a c 8 o. ` i STORAGE BUILDING ' 9 zY w _- °d R IfiyW 16•W? - R?? - 0 1 \ N \ \ \ D9 J Q0 mI a ,1 F 1JJJJJ a `? ? a ^ ?' CLL?LJ?LLl 25 --f 77-T77 7-1-1-T77T * ^ a ?o ? _ ?JJ_LL11J_LL111?LL? ? ? T'" ;; Y ? LS^ ? 6 vI a ° ° v BUILDING IN /? N p ° i ?L _ _r J CLCC/?J 1 q( OPERATION ^ Iw M h ?} I. n' ? I a L'L1J_LL1.LJ z y' - v - n x Nx WENT Hips .- x co NA1ER LINE I rd?v a* ^ 40 PAGE 50 , / D15 I } v ?; ? ? ? D8 In v 52 CO. Cn 7lC . II co I 1 /? `1, ? d D20 lci 1 clj cd "-O 1 vv :'7 'v Z )3 00 vi ?V I 1a r ? ? 1 1 `l \ ?? 1 m 1 ro Il s G 1 N ? \1 ? a ? s, V ? 1 Z ? 1I I ? vv r -- 1 _ 1 V co c '\ O1 1 ? D2 1 1!1 D4 ? 1 ? 4-- - D ? 1 V Dt ? ?\ \\ `? - .. '? - -, 1L 11 1 1 ,G:J g 11v ?Ld Go I 1 R 1 1 ?? o \ ? ,?\ \ \ \ ? ? ? \? ? 1\ tt 1 ? 11 \? ? !J y • 1 1/`` ?? // X11 c ? / L 1 1 /1 G 'U'EFr aaj O ° \ \ ?? ?// 1 J lr 11 ?? oZ Z /11 I LI a ? ? c ,v/ I/? ? 1 ?? ?G III P/ a tt I,_ Llj a4m ATCH LINE 'B ?f? ?? \ R?\y 1v W 5z3F'?\\c ?L(l{ll1(\` 1 1 1 \ `` /?? J,? &?? X001( //V 1 v- RU 1 V BLDG. SCHEDULED I WORK DIVISION OI(gPrp - /NS 1 111 \ VVV STRUCT. DEMOLITION DEMO CONTRACTOR EXCAVATE DREDGE OWNER 09 T1,) who 1 ' 1 1 COMPLETION CONTRACTOR 0 1 1 \I / D1 1 APRIL 05 REMOVE TO BOT. OF FLR. FOUND. PILING REMOVAL --- D 2 C 1 JUNE 05 REMOVE TO BOT. OF FUR. FOUND. /PILING REMOVAL --- ^ `SO K \ D3 1 SEPT. 05 REMOVE TO BOT. OF FUR. FOUND. IUNG REMOVAL --- IS 23°W\? 1 D4 1 MAY 05 REMOVE TO BOT. OF FUR. FOUND. PILING REMOVAL ? \ w D5 1 MAY 05 REMOVE TO BOT. OF FUR. FOUND. PIUNG REMOVAL --- NORT f I I M D6 1 JULY OS REMOVE TO BOT. OF FLR. FOUNp. PILING REMOVAL --- N D7 1 DEC. 05 REMOVE TO 801. OF FUR. FOUND. PIUNG REMOVAL --- D8 1 APRIL 05 REMOVE TO BOi. OF TES NO WORK --- S I "RE Wqt D9 1 JUNE 05 REMOVE TOP OF FDN. FOUND. PIUNG REMOVAL --- c l 1:)E 4 PR0<ri eN pAR?"APB `` BWceos D10 1 OCT. 05 NO WORK SLAB & FILING REMOVAL --- PEI, D11 1 DEC. 05 NO WORK SLAB & FILING REMOVAL --- FOOD R ° e ?1 D12 1 DEC. 05 NO WORK SLAB & PILING REMOVAL --- D13 1 MAR. 06 NO WORK NO WORK M ATE D14 1 MAR. 06 NO WORK NO WORK ATE N E GM0 NAB D15 NO WORK REMATE D16 1 MAR. 06 NO WORK NO WORK CATE D17 1 MAR. 06 STACK REMOVAL Y OWNER CAIE GRAPHIC scA E: 1'=40' 018 1 MAR. 06 STACK REMOVAL BY OWNER CATE DEMOLITION SITE PLAN U RLµE Pp MAP Epp 01 PAL 91 D19 1 MAR. 06 --- --- --- 40 0 40 8D 120 D20 1 MAR. 06 --- REMOVAL SPOSAL --- SCALE: T" = 40 -TRACT 4- LIVE OAK DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MAP BOOK 40 PAGE 50 TRACT 4- UVE OAK DEVELOPMENT DINSICN MAP BOOK 40 PAGE 50 -BOAT SLIP- OLD WOODEN BULKHEAD IS ROTTEN THRWGHOUT AND COMPLETELY DESTROYED IN SOME AREAS. (PER MAP BOOK 40 PAGE 50) ?a ] z 5<% ,0/ ?[ ^ Z w 0 a w -,p1 ?zWz P: I z w ? IL= P4 o? Uu u ?411111L z Z g Q D_ cr- U LU oZ _0 cc - Lj_ Z w? 0 W O -AvA6.Z,d ;' . & SEAL ` r Ep! rn ?c P P' 1 . ACNAI SHEET METAL BULWHEA05 , yJ1'J J"( / /, / ( _ y? / J APPARENT Nip, WA1ER / PER NAP Li ? ! v1 ,I` f D,//f `I'A/ ? / ? r B(p,; Ap PAGE Sp ?+ L O[90rt0 Bf. CED wAA. B? HWt awn mma CED xNC 1' . 40' Ln6 xuxcW. 4921.01 oln: 8/1/05 DRAWING REDUCED TO DEMOLITION PLAN FIT 11 x17 FROM 24x36, 6HEET NUM IR THEREFORE THIS DRAWING D-1 NOT TO SCALE Oki, x Ell E STORAGE BUILDING v QZI 213 2W 13/ _ __ _________ < ^ Mx 23.69 ,•'.\ N0l451 W 321,5(TOTAL) ZJ______ _ P, 1. _ j 4C p?N ` k.. D35 ate) \! -- - • ?' - 12 - N 061454' w 33255'JOtALI I - .. ... ,_? / //+ /^ (^? /. `? t() 0x 266.55 _ - - STORAGE BUILDING FI z r nn 5<9 co z n' I I ??.\ \ as v" ao- I yvy ui pm H Z 1 I n\ J 1 uWy V LL \7 of ?1 HI ' ry, ro' ? I I ? -:Zz Sal n' / I ? rn W a3_3 :2 :J 0 s,w U? U u n n n / I I / n ? / A' NO W M I m °o' - i T ! ? ? ^ r ? D27 ' ? ???a - -- I 1 MS ?'a•,..?;??-CAL ,???????? - 11 6 0 \ D32 / tp N0616 54'W co ` ? I I / ? _? 21e+' M r ? I) 1 ? n` Imo' ?x-? Ne}4,'ss'L ?? vv 1 h CID ° D34 D33 -_' r MI D29 D2 D23 n. NS'I p ?r r n D28 , A 1 9 ? Qz STORAGE 1 I BUILDING IN Q ,N3 Q 7 OPERATION W D25 °? 'I D31 1r lI D15? eon 1 PA`e\Frr w Il .? \ \' I1 \ \ ?? / .I "? ii `° • D15 I z Q o LL Q r_ w o 1 z 0 BUILDING N > 'V R 00 OPERATION Fq T \ `J ?`J' ?. D14 00 00 0 00 R??ERti D21 i I °M ro I I -? r, N K. Cd I tD13? o `° 1 M ITION CHED U NTINUED \\ !??, D15 / ,, 00 '_ OS BLDG. CHEDULED WORK SON ?,? ?iIGI„?a STRUCT. S DEMOLITION DEMO CONTRACTOR EXCAVATE DREDGE OWNER ?O `CQw D10 I C N N COMPLETION CONTRACTOR \? CR N•` erE \ \ x D12 D21 1 MAR. 06 REMOVAL RELOCATE DO ai SEAL D22 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL LOCATE < Ck an T; m € D23 1 MAR. 06 --- --- Op REMOVAL ELOCAIE D24 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL LOCATE eRq TO \ A(F??IxEt`p?; D25 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL /RELOCATE. < N 8 D26 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL /RELOCATE \ \ qC D27 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL OCATEw W " D26 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL ELOCATE w `f P acorn m cE0 REMOVAL D29 1 MAR. 06 --- --- ELOCATE "M,p H V& D30 1 MAR. 06 --- ---REMOVAL 031 1 MAR. 06 --- --- RELOCATE 11 W q" ° ma mN a CED D32 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL OCATE D33 1 MAR. 06. ___ REMOVAL ELOCATE Fer, q' f 4921.01 Nu ».?: . 40' REMOVAL D34 1 MAR. 06 --- REMOVAL EELOCATE LOCATE Nc J) <I ?'? 6'4b eM '83 ?' oerz: 8/1/05 D35 1 MAR. 06 --- --- REMOVAL RELOCATE DRAWING REDUCED TO H WI OEMOLRKIN(LAN DEMOLITION SITE PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE: 1'-40' FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, aZ 'B NUT ?WK6 MWIn MATCH L. SCALE: 1' = 40' 40 0 40 BO 120 THEREFORE THIS DRAWING NOT TO SCALE D?2 I I ? ? I I I ? I \ \ N o ? U 1 _-_-_ __-_-__-_-__-_-_-___ _ __ _ \ - rc N ? I I K I 5a I 1 , I 1 I I I I I i I ??I «?a?aW ,•«, I J I I II ? w ??n I I 11C.'.?, 7.1 F - A 3 ) H ?QL?'3 \ \ «I « PROPOSED SIDEWALK Fro' OZ Z o I ? 1 rl way \ PROPOBED 310Eww[ 2 EXISTING MR ST. 30• PUBLIC R,F OBE, _. --------- a Qa BELOw? PO f .------ -- YI w ? BE2K \ •?? 0 .. l0 W = 0 E;E k ,`y h w N - - -- -- -SiKx. oAVrte ` > a pa > 20' ?•P0:? ?'?) -'..:> + :vUWiIFA ;per. a::,; L U U LL- W PROPOSED SDEWALf J B N W I ] Z W I ? W BANNER POLES - LUMNARE POLES - 1)i; SEE C4 SITS. SEE C4 SHTS. `` .•.'.1 .•. \ -iIVERWAII(-SEE C4 SITS ER`AOUS PAVER BLOCK - SEE C4 SHTS. t _ a -- ?' nRp.;, I., ,.;: .'P1";.... •RtA,toNe , ;rlAnhi6 - .'PI,MI71M4 ` PWITIN !. N,.. K0. W.1EI4 ...... . EL I•'. B3s•sxn'czocr \ .. . I W T/BULNHEAD- IFS. '\ T/BULKHEAO j EL +9.00 v 'J+[kf71NG - '?PArM1 :PVAIMG Po WALK Z +s.DO •r- T/BUU(HEAD FM? +9.EL 00 I r d BULKHEAD - T/BULKHEAD SEE SHT. S4 EI. +9.00 - '^ \RIVERWALK - SEE BULKHEAD LAYOUT ! Z -'I SITS C4. C4A C48. 1, L Q 7 T/BUL4HEAD (TYP.) I Z O Z EL +9.00 ? ;? I ( 2 Q I;---SEE C4A FOR ENL'ARGEO.'VIEW s Q Q ,o? o I ? cj Z 41i 7- ice,\y v v CONCR??? v., L sr??b ,?.. Ir ,\ ud3r r\ l' I LEGEND ro ". PROPOSED GRASS OR LANDSCAPED AREAS ® NEW SPOT ELEVATION a; EXIST. SPOT ELEVATION I w > I Q W w Q I J II uj w O j U w W (n I II 11 11 LL. 0Z a LLz 0 Lu Z S5 QM? W H ?vr re, os i' p 'n SEAL 2NI 2811 :,F ED T oBSRIm ec CED/DEB HNL/PWW awn aam3L CED uwe NOTED R¢ xuueBR 4921.01 3ert. B/1/05 SITE GRADING DRAWING REDUCED TO ANO PAVING PLAN FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, SHEET ROREEr1: THEREFORE THIS DRAWING C1 NOT TO SCALE ? REVISED Il 1 L I 24' mP .V. dm FRW 145 DD /EET 24' Rfl' xV. 6m _ 10`hGETAT,f 4'-VN'-0' FL/ NY N, RP Ta -- 6m fApl 000 IY IDPE SOLD PIPE Ap4? VJlIY l1 /I/1?.? INV. S35 7AL p) -MIN SR OEENI 15 ONTY-J (( Ir HOPE PERF. PIPE INV. 5.35 16 QNTY-- 12' HOPE PEW PIPE INV. 5.35 D119-NORTH SYSTEM FLOW SEPARATION STRUCTURE AND INFILTRATION SYSTEM SCALE: N.T.S. STORM PIPE FROM SDNH I SOUTH SYSTEM JUNCTION BOX 4'x4', WHERE APPLICABLE (SEE PLANS) GUARD RAIL ALL AROUND LEVEL SPREADER (SEE DETAIL) I-?A 0 LUM. PLANTING OLE GRASS OR SOD C Z ® .. VEGETATIVE FILTER---, 0 2 LUM. GRASS OR SOD--, _ POLE LUM. POLE STORM PIPE MOM RIVERWAK D119 NORTH SYSTEM PLANTING pUM' 0 L-?-A PLAN AT VEGETATIVE FILTER SCALE: N.T.S. a, ??xE1q? tic cb? cl SILT FENCE ISOMETRIC P tki SCALE: N.T.S. IS' RCP - "RE FENCE AND POST 14 5 90 INV CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. REQUEST PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH NEW HANOVER COUNTY / FRO . M 2 FILTER FABRIC D1 ? ? EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. li' HOPE le' RCP SOLD PPE INV. 590 2. INSTALL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND SILT FENCE xv. 4.+5 FRaM a1 3. BEGIN CLEARING AND GRADING OPERATIONS TO CONSTRUCT STORM WATER POND, i y B - a MET DR MHGRA FINISH GRADE : O ' SWALES, RIPRAP APRONS, STORM DRAINS, AND CURBS. 4 COMMENCE GRADING OPERATIONS FOR PARKING AND TRAPS AND SWALES ° w d V FA •E 2 i G tr MOR ARICINII (rel - sE rcTK 4•_r,4•_y I" HOPE wID PIPE SUBGRADE . . . , , CURB AND GUTTERS. 5. STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS AS SOON AS FINAL GRADES ARE ESTABLISHED. Q qq 0 m 'S p / xv. 4.16 STORM DDRAIN 6. REMOVE TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVISES (SILT FENCE, ETC.) ONCE PERMANENT 4 3 5 I y /?mT?//J/ CATCH BASIN VEGETATIVE COVER IS ESTABLISHED. e E S GRADING NOTES: 9 ONTY 12' HOPE PERT. PIPE NV. 445 ,6 ON` TY. 12?' HIDPE INV. 4.45 DI1-SOUTH SYSTEM FLOW SEPARATION STRUCTURE SCALE: N.T.S TEE SIZE 10' DIA RISER x AS REO'D W , 40'-0' RIVERWALK EASEMENT goo PERF. CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PPE 35' f 15' t 16'-0' 0 14'-6' RIVERWALK 1'-6' 14'-6' VEGETATIVE FILTER V-6" 1 '- 1'-fi' 1'-6 6 GUARD RAIL g SECTION /SEECSH'T,S5 p p T.O.C. EL +9. b o4PG °0 B o 3 ToC E +933 p SEE 0503 SEE C504 ° SEE HT CON' . AP 55 - HDPE JUNCTION DETAIL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE p 6' CONC. C ^ 9? SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. FINISH GRADE VARIES APPROX. EL 9.0-10.5 FINISH GRADE VANES APPROX. EL 9.0-10.5 BED PREP R TION PERVIOUS PAVER BLOCK FILIER FABRIC WAAP w FILTER FABRIC WRAP W p A A : 1. LOOSEN CLEARED SURFACE (VOID OF ROCKS. ROOTS. AND VEGETATION) AS O CD J 4 I'-6' CAP AROUND ENTIRE TRENCH COMPACTED SOIL rc AROUND ENTIRE TRENCH COMPACTED SOIL r. NECESSARY FOR SEEDING TO ACCUMULATE. 12' I.D. PERFORATED PIPE EL 6.8 12' I.D. PERFORATED PIPE c EL 5.9 2. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER BASED ON SOIL CONDITIONS OR AS DIRECTED BY Q Z ? ADS N-12 OR EQUAL ADS N-12 OR EQUAL LANDSCAPE DESIGNER. Z Z 14.45'O.D.n 20' OD O O O 1 14.45-O.D.n ' ^ O 3. TILL LIME AND FERTILIZER INTO SOIL UNTIL WELL MIXED. 0 a 0 W PLANTING LUM. 0 . 157 WASHED STONE EL 5.1 157 WASHED STONE 1.20 OZ EL 4 2 4. SEED AS PER SCHEDULE AND IMMEDIATELY MULCH OR STRAW FOR STABILIZATION. Q Q Q -JUNCnON P 4' CLEAN SAND .,, ._ :.• - .. ' 4' CLEAN SAND ' .,. ,, ._... _ ' 5. REPAIR AS NECESSARY FOR ER09ON MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION V v ? BOX O25 ESTIMATED SEASONAL b 1 2 1 2' 1 2' ESTIMATED SEASONAL 0.25 c 1 2' 1 2' ACTIVITY. 2 Z W 4'x4' . . . HIGH WATERTABLE E. 3.1 - ' HIGH WATERTABLE 1.2 . . EL 22 ' 0 Q 0.46 0. .46 O 50' MN O Z Q INFILTRATION TRENCH (NORTH SYSTEM) INFILTRATI ON TRENCH (SOUTH SYSTEM) cr Z SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" } LL W Q 0 W Z 0 0 LUM. PLANTING PIXEL GRADE AND SLOPE AS PER PLAN CASTIRON ....,............ p u / Z (n UTFPI.I HEADWALL CtEAN OUT F - 1? -7 'OR 0 x ............ 14 STONE ... .. o N_ N rc Q ? SEE STRUCTURAL DETAIL .......... 0 ° ' Z u Q ADAPTERS FOR 10 CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE EF?? 0 i _ _ - TOP WALL Q 13.0' WALL BEYOND T.O.C. EL +t0.i E_9.75_ WALL FIG. EEL. +6.0* ?? FA_?,pr (? I I o III I I ° II A ?liN`°5 I I I I I I EL +9.0 1 1/2 , 1/2 -- ?I TIE ROD BEYOND I I - SE SHT. S5 + (OR S5A FOR ALT) EL ±5.0 MHW ___________EL i4.0 NHW BED EL IN +5.5 TIE ROD EL LOCATION WEN OUT +SO GONG UNDER VEG. FLIER ON c Ixv. 111 3 / 12' H O PPE PEAT PPE INV. 4.45 19P 18' RCP SECTON 'A-A' MIN: INV. 5.90 LEVEL SPREADER 1. INITIATE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE BEFORE BEGINNING CLEARING AND GRADING FROM DI15 OPERATIONS. INLET SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 2. CLEAR AREAS TO BE GRADED OF ALL VEGETATION. PROTECT VEGETATION .5 a jjjjjj??? BEYOND GRADING LIMITS '?I x SCALE: N.T.S. OPSOIL TO FULL AREAS TO BE GRADED AND STOCKPILE OR REMOVE ICI w ° . STRIP T FROM SITE. 4. COMPACT ALL FILL AREAS TO 95% O MAXIMUM DENSITY. 5. ALL BANKS AND SWALE SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED WITH NO GREATER ["E Z Lu n `a' r. 5<A O 0 D j o INLET WITH STORMWATER IN AND/OR REMOVABLE COATING STORMWATER OUT TORMWATER IN lb STORMWATER OUT THAN 3:1 SLOPES. 6. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN AT FINISHED GRADE. 7. OPERATOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY IN RELATION TO THE PROPOSED GRADES TO ENSURE DRAINAGE IN THE DIRECTIONS INDICATED ON THE PLAN. EROSION CONTROL 1. ANY GRADING BEYOND THE DENUDED LIMITS SHOWN ON THE PLAN IS A VIOLATION AND IS SUB,ECT TO A FINE. Z woo 0WI ["I Q I u 0 w? C:8 I-I Z ¢ i I- ti 0 R a a 6 ? 2 2. STABILIZATION IS THE BEST FORM OF EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY SEEDING IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE EROSION CONTROL ON LARGE DENUDED AREAS AND W ] a z y o ESPECIALLY WHEN SPECIFICALLY REQUIRED AS PART OF THE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ALL GRADING SLOPES MUST BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF GRADING. ALL FLAT AREAS ARE TO BE SEEDED AND MULCHED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS. LEYEIL LIDF9 3. ADDITIONAL DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED AS AGREED UPON BY FIELD INSPECTOR, IH Z m 194 0 U n • INFILTRATIOt2, NFILTRATON OUT IINVERT 94 *7y PLANSO O aNC110N BOX BOTTOM ENGINEER, AND OWNER. 4. IF ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CEASES IN ANY SLOPED AREA FOR MORE THAN 15 CALENDAR DAYS OR 15 WORKING DAYS IN FEAT AREAS, ALL DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE SEEDED. D TACKED. UNLESS WRITTEN APPROVAL IS ? :°n ?411ck v II II GR ANTED BY THE EROSION CONTROL N I II 5. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CHECKED FOR FLOW SEPARATION STRUCTURE " ' " STABILITY AND OPERATION FOLLOWING EVERY RUNOFF-PRODUCING RAINFALL BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN ONCE EVERY WEEK. ANY NEEDED REPAIRS SCALE: 3/8 = 1 -0 STORM DRAIN OUT ?T LE EVEL WILL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY TO MAINTAIN ALL PRACTICES AS DESIGNED. 6 THE FE I M E E SPREADER DETAIL BECOMES ABOUT 0.5 FEET DEEP AT TH E FEN CE. THE SEDI ENT F EN CE WILL SCALE: N.T.S. BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN A BARRIER. 7. ALL SEEDED AREAS WILL BE FERTILIZED, RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, AND MULCHED ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS IN THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO MAINTAIN A VIGOROUS, DENSE VEGETATIVE COVER. 8. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO BE CLEANED WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS ARE VISIBLE OR SEDIMENT IS DEPOSITED ON THE ASPHALT AND STONE WILL BE PERIODICALLY TOP DRESSED OATH 2 INCHES OF 14 STONE TO MAINTAIN 6' DEPTH. u / EL 0.9_!!g, DATUM STEEL SHEET PILE PCV SHEET PILE - 8' LONG STEEL SHEET RIE DIIXHEAD Q-0_9' MLW - SE SHT. S5 SHORE-GUARD 700-GREY - SE SHT. S5 _ _ _ W/ 18' It 16' CONC. CAP DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 1107 FROM 24x36, SECTION "A-A" THRU VEGETIVE FILTER THEREFORE THIS DRAWL SCALE: N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE TEMPORARY SEEDING GRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ IDOO SF. TIME OF SEEDING INITIAL FERTILIZATION / 1000 SF. MAINTENANCE RYE GRAIN 1-2 LBS. NOV. THRU JAIL. 25 LBS. 10-10-10 NA NA NA BROWNTOP MKIET 1-2 LBS. JUNE IHRU AUG. 25 LBS. 10-10-10 NA NA NA PERMANENT SEEDING GRASS TYPE AMOUNT/ 1000 SF. TIME OF , I SEEDING INITIAL FERTILIZATION / 1000 SF. MAINTENANCE BERMUDA. COMMON 1-2 LBS. APR. 7HRU JUNE 25 LBS. 10-10-10 MARCH - APRIL 12 LBS. 10-10-10 EACH 4-8 WEEKS 1-2 LBS. W AUC - SEPT. 12 LBS. 10-10-1 FESCUE. TALL (KENTUCKY 31) 5-7 LOS. SEPT. TNN OCT. FEB. THRU OCT. 25 LBS. 10-10-10 FEB. - MARO1 12 LBS. 10-10-10 MAY t DEC. 1/2 TO I LB. N. SEPT. - OCT. 12 LES. 10-10-10 SERICEA LESPEDEZA (SLOPES) 1-2 LBS. MARCH THRU APR. 25 LBS. 10-10-10 FEB. - MARCH 1/2 TO I LB. N. NA !.N.- 05 T. Av ,, rc9am e. CED m. H1W/EAW awn <GNma CEO ttN2. NOTED 4921.01 o,rtxuNe 12/21/04 C2 II II L' 3,000 PFIS CONCRETE SIDEWALK, I' R. 6' 3' R BROOM NISH, SLOPE 1/4' /FOOT SLOPE 6' FACE OF CURB IN DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE, WIDT AS PER 1/2- EXP. JOINT MATERIAL EES NOTED OTHERWISE PLAN T.O.C. I' R (SEE SITE PLAN FOR OR WIDTH) -BATTER 1' IN 6' PAYING 1/6' R 6%6 % WIA X W1.4 W.W.F. 1' RADIUS II ROPE 1/2' PER Ff. EIPAN90N Jurrt o PAVEMENT AT 30' INTERVALS (rroI (SEE PAVEMENT yli 1 DETAIL) JIG I'CI? ?' 11A sueceAO>J,?' - .:?,va 3000 PSI CONC. Ap (2) 04 1 1 h 3,000 PSI CONCRETE UNDSTURBED GRADE (1) #4 0 OR FILL COMPACTED g' g' 1 ,• ii• scom: 48' O.C. UNDISTURBED GRADE OR Era) i Li FILL COMPACTED TO 95% TO 95x CURB DETAIL STANDARD 24" CURB DETAIL TURNED DOWN SIDEWALK CROSS_ SECTION SCALE: 1" = V-0° SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. .A: RIGHT OR LEFT COMBINATION STRAIGHT AND STRAIGHT ARROW TURN ARROW LEFT OR RIGHT TURN ARROW -_1 20' 20' ?- 7s A 36' 7 V I 8' 36' / 64' 64' L1? 32' 28' 12 1Y 9 10' ??. ??- 28' C 160' 132" 100' ? ..?? ?. 44" 2s' t ?. 44' 24' 4'2 24' R=29' 12 32 COMBINATION LEFT AND 76 • STRAIGHT AND RIGHT TURN ARROW COMBINATION LEFT AND RIGHT TURN ARROW L GENERAL NOTES - / u ?, ! -ALL PAVEMENT MARKING SYMBOLS SHALL BE WHITE IN COLOR r \ N ?? -PAVEMENT MARKING SYMBOLS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED AS TO Q. ENCROACH INTO INTERSECTION AREAS {7 rI -ON PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENTS, PAVEMENT MARKING 1 SYMBOLS SHALL NOT BE PLACED ACROSS TRANSVERSE EXPANSION JOINTS UNLESS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. L PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. 4' WIDE PAINT STRIPS 'AHITE. 2 UNIFORM COATS, APPLY TO CLEAN, DRY BITUM CONC. SURFACE COMPLETELY CONCEALING THE PAVEMENT. PAINT TO CONFORM TO FEDERAL SPEC. TT-P-115-E. 6 2'-0' CURB & ° 4Y LGUTTER - AN FOR LOCATION io !!I STANDARD SIDEWALK DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. 6' - 12• - 2' PIPE 4' COVE WITHOUT CURB I m OR GUTTER I'-_2'? STANDARD N.C- "STOP" SIGN WITH CONCRETE CURB k GUTTER STANDARD INFORMATION SIGN NOTES: 1. STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" EXTRUDED ALUMINUM BLADES USING A MINUMUM OF 4' C SERIES LETTERING IN REFLECTIVE SILVER & REFLECTIVE GREEN BACKGROUND. 2. ALL REFLECTIVE SIGNS SHALL BE MADE OF ENGINEERING GRADE OR HIGH INTENSTY GRADE REFLECTIVE SHEETING OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. 3. ALL SIGNS PLACED IN RIGHT-OF-WAY WILL BE APPROVED BY TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION. 4. ALL FOOTINGS TYPICAL FOR ALL SIGNS, WHICH NEED TO BE ANCHORED IN CONCRETE. STANDARD SIGN INSTALLATION LOCATION DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. •R .r .: •.' I ° SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION OF VAN ACCESS ISLE ° z IDE PAINT STRIPS a WHITE, 2 UNIFORM z COATS, APPLY TO ° CLEAN, DRY BITUM o CONC. SURFACE z COMPLETELY CONCEALIN THE PAVEMENT. PAINT TO CONFORM ° TO FEDERAL SPEC. m TT-P-115-E. d SIDEWALK 2'-0" CURB k GUTTER SEE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION PRIVATE SCORED UNE 1 SIDEWALK OR I. DEEP I SIDEWALK AREA SIDEWALK SECTION I I EXPANSION JOINT 1/2' 1 I I DRIVEWAY APRON I I I I CURB RETURN EXPANSION JON71/2' I ? `EXPANSION JOINT 1/2' A-J ' J1(4.) IN. R SDENBAL-j `EXPANSION JOINT I/2' 13 ) . OTHER PAVEMENT PLAN VARIABLE 12'-0' MIN. VARIABLE FINISH PLAZA GRADE 6' '-6 Y-0' ?I/4 PER V-0' Y 2. 5'-0. + ..... 111 _ 6' CONCRETE ANSON JOIN SECTION A-A SECTION 8-8 STANDARD DRIVEWAY DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. V 0' STANDARD NC DOT SIGN OR7-8 SEE ENLARGEMENT i VAN AT RIGHT ' [ ACCRSBLE LEGEND AND BONDER - GREE14 r r."s BACKGROUND - 'METE RESERVED PARKING 60' F MOUNTED ON BLDG io OR POST S1WD SIDEWALK 4 ® WHITE SYMBOL ON W MM F PEDESTRIAN BLUE BACKGROUND PATH FROM CAR TO E - NfMR LEGEND k BORDER - GREEN WALK PASSES BY OR UNDER THE SIGN A A PP W LTY U50 LEGEND AND BORDER - GREEN - E? E ATM BACKGROUND - WHITE ' ' ?E?I I v l I L ? l ? z l HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN DETAILS SCALE: N.T.S. TYPICAL PAINT STRIP DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. TYPICAL HANDICAPPED SPACE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. 6' V-6' STANDARD NC DDT SON - OR7-8D SE ENLARGEMENT AT RIGHT STANDARD NC DOT SIGN -= pH7-AD SEE ENLARGEMENT AT RIGHT 2 1/2'0 GALV. STEEL POST APPROX- FIN. GRADE OR TOP OF PAYENENT 10'0 STANDARD CONCRETE BUMPER DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAW NOT TO SCALE 4?yy? V R q co z 0 V1z° z zom w ?oLL Q? zW.q W ILEF7n (rl I? a Z e? P4 0 Fa Uu: i l1? LJ r w 0 W QZ ZO 0 0 Z Q Z0 CC Z J o 0 F U) cr- WZ a Z Q F- Z W \W\ Q CL 1M19 r ,?'qW T. AP?.; rcRam 9r. CED NHL/EAW awn com- CEO ttve NOTED nc xuMa 4921.01 DATE: 3/78/05 SHEET NUMBER C3 t 6' 24" CONCRETE CURB g GUTTER (SEE DETAIL) 8'-0" 12'-0' PARALLEL TRAVEL LANE PARKING ?2' 1-2 PAVEMENT SLOPE 12" 6' ABC SUBGRADE SOILS SUBJECT TO PROOF ROLL 66'-0' 6• 50'-0" 12'-0' 8'-0' 4'-6" 8'-0' 8'-0" 5'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 5' 0" 8'-0' TRAVEL LANE PARALLEL TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE PARKING SLOPE 1/2' PER Fr 2 2 ,. .. 2 1-2 LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK SIDEWALK LANDSCAPE SLOPE 1/ SLOPE 1/2' PER FT ? LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK PROPOSED HARNETT STREET ROW - PUBLIC SCALE: 1"=4' 80'-0' 11 - 45' PARKING 4' THICK \\-4' CABC 4' THICK 3000Py SUBGRADE SOILS SUBJECT 3000PSI TO PROOF ROLL 24' CONCRETE CURB § GUTTER 24' CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER (SEE DETAIL) PROPOSED NUTT STREET 50' ROW - PUBLIC (SEE DETAIL) SCALE: 1"=4' R C ROAD r CONCRETE CU B (SEE CURB DETAIL) SLOPE 9-3' YI-2 PAVING I AS PER '. 51DEWALK I T PLAN L6" CRUSHED STONE ' 41 r7j? I _L (ABC) COMPACTED SUBCAADE INLET WITH SEDIMENT TRAP PARKING LOT PAVEMENT SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. ?l N HZ vii ~T Iti 7 ? m g 0 z AS P4 W 29LL LU ?jzrZ P4 2 o a ?W Uy' i ?I 4' WIDE PAINT STRIPES, YELLOW, M.NLC: 1 =9 2 UNIFORM COATES,APPLY TO CLEAN, DRY BITUM. CONC. SURFACE VARIES COMPLETELY CONCEALING FOR SIDWALK " g' STD. 2'-6' PAVEMENT. PAINT TO SEE PLAN /2 EXP.. JT. WRB g GUTTER CONFORM TO FEDERAL SPEC. 4' TT-P-115-E 6-, , WHEELCHAIR RAMP RI B ,F-9• t. 0. - I DEPRESSED CURB / A 'T SECTION A-A WHEELCHAIR RAMP DETAILS SCALE: N.T.S. J - - CINB il GUTTER - - _I . b i l I o I CASTING I I n CASTING MN WEIGHT I I FRAME 65 LEIS L PEIR L COYER RADIUS 225 LEIS TR T 25 LEIS ? 5'- O COYER S AIGH 2 pp ?? ELM 8" OPENING- MIM I. 8" WALLS w 3/4• CEMENT- PLASTER INV. IN. a E? - SUNP P IP 3000 PSI CONCRETE- CONCRETE SECTION "A" CURB INLET SCALE: N.T.S I' ' I___?64 SECTION "B" _2? c_ r-,o h-s/e• 2'-9 1/4" PLAN SECTION NOTES 1. RINGS AND COVERS MAY OFFER IN NON-ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS RINGS SHOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH COVERS. 2 MANHOLE RING a COVER SHALL HAYS MINIMUM WEIGHTS - RING 190 IBS. COVM 120 LBs STORM DRAIN MANHOLE RING AND COVER SCALE: N.T.S. I CONC. COLLAR r ? I N mIm ?MIN. WEIGHTS: I _ I FOIE FRAME: 195 LBS L- -I- - _J, DROP INLET PROVIDE GRATE 160 LBS SOLID COVER TOP ELEVATION PLAN I• p• CONC. COLLAR Ifi--{ ELEV. VARIES BRICK MASONRY OR PREFAB CONC. w ? FLOW _ rc z • 4' E ? iv N 3000 PSI CONCRETE m SECTION TOP FLUSH IN/GRADE DROP INLET OR JUNCTION-BOX SCALE: N..S. J F.. W O RESIDENTIAL STREET TREE STANDARDS I. Street Trees shall be installed slag residential streets after all driveways have been installed. 2. The developer shall notify Landscape Designer prior to installation to ensure propcr tree selection and spacing. 3. Loch tree shall be a minim n of two (2) Caliper inches. 4. Phe5ing of a project shall be permitted, however, Street Trees on the sane block sholI be planted at the save time to ovoid size irregularities. 5. Trees within the saes block sholI be the same species. RINGS AS REDD wC COME RUBBER GASKET (TIP.) W F- a Zo :3 U) 0 W F Z Z0 Z rW^FA LL. HJ F WZ F? Z Q Z W W Q a ?N . ,c" AA MANHOLE HOLE STEPS (It REQUIRED) A FLAT SLAB Sm TRANSITION n W aA VARIES I i ? 7 'y01Nft:,p` NOTES Rk r. Aa?• 1. TRANSITION MANHOLES OF 5'W AND GREATER TO 4'0 AS SN07N. Sl V, 2 PROVIDE UDDER N MANHOLES Z , ' "'",I„f X111` E%CFIDMD 12' N DEPTH. 0 ') CED I'-D• MN. RECOWAOM STREET TREE SPACING ACCORDING TO PLAZA WIDTHS 01* HWT\OJA W N D m.um <orTwa CED U x.?A NOTED • ° 4' • 6' 6' - S' GREATER THAT 8' p O Y La ? 4921 ?[? /%, yEa STaNE s ex. CREPE MTRTL.E ex. JAPANESE MIPLe ex. DARLINGTON OAK LJ Q W U W2 3/17/05 HOLLY 2ELKOVA RED MAPLE (D V) STREET TREE STANDA RDS S ET KBNBa STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N T S <I- LLI F_ p . ?r? WA . . . 01Z FS Z 1 / I I / 0 n,L,C / '10 s7 % ?- csr i. -? DNDfN'4 ?\ kD?A\ I I A I I I NEW PVC GRAVITY SEWER LINE NEW ! / H- AT HP I w NEW SS MH TOP w WV. HARNETT STREET N _-_-_-_---__ __ _ _ 0 q S?? 11 X 01y0`??GG? / 11 rc W / 1 MpN1 S "A. I $S 25OACE / r' W.P.? / I 30' R. I ? i c• a H/C z RAMP ty ] Z LU O m ] ?, - 17-0' 4'-D UI Q¢ yWo END OF BULKHEAD ?C pJT ,c., cc .2 Ey PoVERWALK PROJECT OMIT I 'Vpm 3x3 BLOO(OUT FOR - ? ?a p 0 0 100' 100' SPA. O. Z TREE .. , ? .. W 93 CONCRETe'SID WALK P4 0 D(u,- 8.75 •® CURB- BUMPER EpT i M PLANTING SEE SHT. 3SEE SHT. 3 o PLPNnNG 7/C BAPo6CADE 9.50 _ TYP. - TYP. PAINT 5 IPES PER EN DETAIL 3 - TYP. Lw. CARD GATE 19 SPA. 0 9' PULE O 0 NINJ P ANnNC °? Qo e• _ T. UG FUEL TANK :_,.._,_ N NEW BITUM. 5000 GAL 6'x25' 1.D. •;C.J.' f }: .C.J...,. ,) .,...,_.. ..,,? r.C.J..... y'' . ' : 10. p PAVEMENT W/ 6 HELIX ANCHORS - I 010' O.C - - t ll. ,..'. ,.b... . cl) I TYP. EA. TANK W ti. F. 2 fi' CONC. SLAB W 'E' • L: y4 012' OZ E. W. FUEL -- - - - - - - ---- TRUCK J MOVEMENT F ,? PLANTING CH 10 SPA. 0 9' Z Z 4 J q? iC 10.2 Z O Q t?y, s =0.5 6' VERT. CCUR .3 SEE SHT. CJ Gr 0?tV.baf B _- -_ - TYP. Q V Q W. 4 0 0 LW, POLE POLE ?O PLANTING -?I D ???? 9SO - POLE g D Z or • f cD ?? O PLANTING 6' ?T. `- PLANTING = 0 J CURB - CONC SEE SHT. C3 BUMP. W-0ti ?(p - TYR. SEE T. C3 LL Z Q f3 ?' ?l 60' NEW BITUM. m W Q p ?FILO? 8 SPA. 0 9' PAVEMENT D ,? Q L°I' ' I " V?i OQ F9-501 EE a NEW BITUM. 0?0• '9,t1 Q, 9S`T (? p PAVEMENT J AMP -, SEE SHT. S9 Q 9.25 ' N ?P?A??INT STRIPES 8 4H/C PES & WW SNT. INFO. - TYP. PhP/00 LPL 2H/C SPA. 0 9' K H/C 0 POLE 9•M 6'W \ 10 5P 09' 0 OUNPSTER 2 A. 0 'DT /6, 4 5 W/SCREEN M Q P NG CART PARKING C C r4a SEE ro WALL - 6' RT URB - - BU PER - SEE `H /2 ?0• ,b 6 ? C y ii';op ....... LUM. SH C3 o - SH 8 E99 POLE .? 1 _ SEAL 1? mr- r 9.25 c ?, POLE I ';7,p?9 0:' H/C SIGN 0 PLANTING ' L L J - TYP. o' WARD RAIL A (I PUNTING ro 0 ? SEE SHT. C3 3 Z oEeam er. CED ryN - SEE T. C6 6 y BAN. o io '• I ' PERVIOUS o V) BULKHEAD CAP V ,I fDC? PAIR x Q oP.,w n HVh - SEE SHTS. S4 POLE n < u I O BLOCK `t .? $ SS ± 66 i ; ti ti a ti BFP 3' FM W N W.un canma CED W FLOATING DOCK d w N u? NOTED n LL - SEE SHTS. S7 0 ,j V 8'W ' I ¢ v 9FP P'X s Q i1F nu,eEa: 4921.01 8.00E - 8 SEE SHT?._ T N. W O•h 6/1/05 & S8 ' ? °i ? ___1` `I o ? LL W AIVERWALK PARTIAL ® CSI p LAYOUT AND 10'-0' 10'-0' 10'-0' p ,I I ., ' ? I Zc x LL I ? .o W UTILITIES ,j ° ?I \?Y? ? ? S?? SHEET rvUUBER: 4B CARD CATS a b PARTIAL LAYOUT PAN A RAMP SCALE. 1' _ - 10' REVISED I sECUPott PE 71 II u PERVIOUS PAVER BLOCK B.VL POLE . ° • m • G'" 9 w e•w w e m UY i WALL CONC O pa • ' LW 0 P4E O PttE -1 RIVERWALK -1 POLE o s g 0 . E 0. PLANTING ? WARD RAtL ALL AROUND 0. SHELIFA -SEE SHT. G6 Y / Y I. - -SEE SHT. CS PLANTING FIRE HYDRANT p i F PLANTING CARD GATE I ILL ° u u ti ti ti ° u ° SO PIPl VEGETATIVE FILTER n o SECURITY ? ? G o LW FENCE ?' y LW c LW. n N TYIT TYP 1 LW. )' E IPOLE MOP, \.? . V POLE POLE . C. O 0 0 ? 7 - 9.6 7 DP 9.67 y ' .33 ?? 9.6 I F0C 0 .J3 I 97 0 v ' 9.77 ? O TRA I m I m o' ' • -. n V TRASH + °° m u ti u I------ UGE- ---1}_ - - UGE 1-- u° - u -- ti ff - I F- ?_--- -- - I ---- LaE - - - - - - - - - - - ---{}-- - -- -- r - _uaE- 00 --- 9 a S _CARTS EPB m 900 EPB PLANTING C R15 I PLANTING EPB 9.0o B . BAN 0 ^ W N PLANTING 9 BAN, .00 ' 0 BAN. A 0 POLE E`I Lu N r POLE O POLE 10'-0' ? IO'-O' 1 0-0• ? ' 14-8 9-0' 56-9 10'-0• 10'-0' 1a'-0' FLOATING DOCK N7o O ujos WARD RAIL ?. , _ _ FAIRWAY ' • 24 SD PIPE OUTLET • • 26'-7• 30'-0' FAIRWAY -SEE SHTS. S7 ?/ Z c ;4 Zg - SEE SHT. C6 26'-T ]0'-0' pp _p _7 26 k SB F j I,y? ? BULKHEAD CPP LL .?" I k S SHTS 5< S5 5 L W z PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN B Ng "+ ?-0 F _ DRIG NA D ' " SCALE: 10 = 1 w i n BAH a 0 , POE _ U U , o a m • u .n m a w FE -- nni . p LU1L 0 OLE POLE 0.0 S I SEE T IC6 T/ u I ' CARD CATE . LLi a SEE IRRIGATION PLAN a ' U FE Itt I. 'Irv y FOR CONTINUATION OF m IRRIGATION W TER W O C, ? N MDP 1 i PERVIOUS PAVER BLOCK ? 67 0 9 A G ) J.. . '. 9.67 y v m " I - m m 7? ew SHELTER T PLANTING I I m i O W m LLIhL 0 • I I C ° O POLE CONC. WALL PLANTING POLE 0. I'-6 1'-6' Y Y p f I EPB IYP TYP v Y J - - - - - -UGE - - W CARTS - - - -0, . . - n 0 m L 0 I ,. RIVERWN!( \ \ V' - SEE SHT. C5 e 0 o 6 - 1"It ti I' -4 - . n F- H CARD p 7 v PO - 'n LUw, POLE - GATE 6 LE L • O 9 67 y 0 Q 57 \ . _ _ \ \ .33 m 9.3 0 V PUNTING Z O Q \ PLANTING \ (! \ > > ti u u u - y u u " FENCE MDP I U'. O BOATING DOCK b-- - _ - - - - ------ --U?--- JR _ I - --ia - a - SEE SHTS. S7 & SB EPB 9.00 Bm ro 9'? OAK. 0 LW. CARTS - 1 I , HYDRANT EPB \ y A ' P0.E 0 POLE . O PoL \ 4 SD PIPE ' ' ' ' BULKHEAD CAP GUARD RAIL 3-4 10'-0' 10'-0' { -Y--te - 3Y-5' 4 0 Z -It 31 9 -0 - SEE SN75. S4 - SEE SHT C6 r ' ' \ ' ' Z . g • • FAIRWAY p• 70•_p• p' 26._7. 46 -9 64 -B O 64 _6 p _ < L PLANTING \ L LL - NC GR EPS ? < . ID NAD 'B7 PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN C ET ! 10' SCALE 1" : = Y BA". POLE s I ® 1 m "" cr B'W - -- - DRAWING REDUCED TO - m o W FIT 11x17 FROM 2406 w LW ; , > . 0 PNF o M THEREFORE THIS DRAWING W ARD RAIL ALL AROUND PLANTING 0 ?- SHELT SHT, IS- SEE Y/ ' I , 09 NOT TO SCALE T ° 'T VEGETATIVE FILTER o u v u CARD GATE CARD SECURItt - -?. PERVIOUS PAVER BLOCK • ILW, n FENCE .67 sw< O • o. a ? ' 9 33 9.6 .1 . .. - ti a•w p CAR . tUN, 0 A y ; o i PUNTING I I .. _ , d 1 E S o ti? Y m + u i I N MDP I I Y Cf 0 LW, m POLE CONC. WALL 0 PUNTING ' ' ' ' t ° SEAL ?+ @= - - , O - - u UGE - - - ti - - - 1 - - - -0_ - - - - - . TRASH? - - - UBE - - _ _ L --EPnB 110 -0 10 -0 . TYP TTP T e ?,: ' 9 9 [c i '° DI Sao 0 BAR 6 I LW. CARTS 0 I ~ \ y RIVERWALK ER SHT ! CS ' FAIRWAY Fe olx POLE . \ 0 in o 5_p• ( n 1YP. I IO-O' ` 10'-0' 10'-O' ' BULKHEAD CAP GUARD RAJ. y \ POLE ' ' SO PIPE 24 +Y • OUTLET • FAIRWAY 46'_T - SEE SHTS. S4 -SEE SHT. C6 k 55 44'-5' 9 5'-4' O o \ LUY. POLE O e. unno CEO 35 -0 JS _p \ q r HMl \ 9'J O PUNTING \ m a.wn coma CED \ ?' O zHC NOTED i d ti ti p ?L ?' 'NEPBw 4921.01 N. C. G4w1 N . BOATING S7 SFTI SHTSTS. - - ' ? - - - - - - - - - t°E - - 2 - - - - - 6/1/05 AD 83 @ SB 9.00 EPB BAN. m oo O EMALX PARTIAL PG LE O POLE LAYOUT AND PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN D 26'-7• UTIIfTIES SEET NIINOEP " ' Sa'-s' 64'-e' J5'-o 35'-0' SCALE: 1 = 10 C4A BAN PERVIOUS PAYER BLOCK- \ -? - - i O < 8,W - -- m rc LUN, E ?1 P - o 0 ,? ml N / 10. LUR. T I SHELTER - POLE C.J. 7 I '-_SEE SHT C6 ,? C N I ? ? u a I 1 ? NDP -? I?CARD GATE I AS FDC- \ 1 1 SECURITY m PLANTING I I FENCE - -'+ - - _ME - m . - - -s ?] I CARTS I I POLE CJ u PC - 9.75. ' 0 Lum 44'-5• POLE -0 7m m 1 -6 I4'-8- i 53'-5" 16'-0- 1'-6- I'-6- FLOATING DOCK - SEE SHTS. S7 ? k Sfi C.J. S C.J. GUIDE PILES SEE SHT. S7 CUIDE PIES-/ SEE SIT. S7 WARD RAIL m - SEE SHT. C6 BULKHEAD CAP § SITS. S4 S5 C.J. P( GUARD RAIL - SEE SIT. C6 BULKHEAD CAP- - SEE SHTS. S4 6 S5 C.J. U 0 C.J. FLOATING DOCK- - SEE SHTS S7 6 SB C.J. PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN E PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN F SCALE: 1" = 10' SCALE: 1" = 10' N. C. CAID NA N.C CRiD NAp 'y3 D'S3 Y J 3 \W QdS ?FE65j?y7 ', a SEA f :2 . P4 ae? ''9C? aiHE¢'p,, I E rcvwm ev. CED aaiv cwtaa. CED uac NONE eu-1 4921,OI 0- 6/1/05 RNERWALK PARTIAL LAYOUT AND UTILITIES SHEET NUpSDi: C4B R VI D 3 rc C.J. I 1'-fi" a a 16'-0- / C.J. WARD RAIL --/ Z - SEE SHT. C6 BULKHEAD CAP - SEE SHTS. S4 9.75 " 8 S5 FLOATING DOCK` - SEE SHTS. S7 4 Sfi GUIDE PILES-/ - SEE SR. S7 PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN G SCALE: 1" = 10' N.C. GRID NqD '63 ?a Z Y? WZ? V O z w o g a aa j I? ? ?iLL ll ¢ ?z¢z F p0? ? ? W ] ? z Au'SU., U) W J _ H D Z Q Z o U Q D DRAWING REDUCED TO Q FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, O z THEREFORE THIS DRAWING NOT TO SCALE J E z Q w? > a ? S I I I F 1 ---- 10411 11 ?p - I I ?,9??q.0. I IC ?I Y I G ?I I I I A I I -- o n ?7g?C C?CR \ I 1 . -NOR,, f7F DDDk 1 I II ?eAASTT ?ApE ' ' I RIVERWALK KEY PLAN' SCALE: 100'=1" - 0 u ? SID \ ?1t Hµ1 i \ Z•F4i ? \??\ !g ?4 0 9 / \^,r 7,9 0 9 ;exsr \Do, \A 10 O .r h m A FLAG POLE -PAINT STRIPES PER 19 DETAIL C_ \. i \ i SONG T. C3 \ SEE SHT. BUMPER 14'0 GUIDE PILES 0 100' O.C. -_\ II C \ \ \ E%IST. 4' GI. PIPE UNDER OOCN h ? m - 1 v -8' WALK 0 D \ ! ` ! LEVEL PLL ROUND ! I ?? 7 fq7 r oW 44µ ?Oq nNC v-_v 30 ! 2ND1lFVEt ry J ooc?c ?50' TRANS. BOAT SUPS h I ! NEW LET GUARD RAIL ALL-A"ND ! ?? ! STATION - SEE SHT. 59 ! p UNDER DOCK NEW 2' FORCE MAIN IST. FLR. DOCKMASTER STORE hry ! l UNDER DOCK 2ND FLR. CLUB 9 OFFICES / CARTS - \ r OOC ` DOCK LEVEL 0 h k,(r ` QUI(DINgFR _ '?\ r o r \ 0 sr \, 2ND o' ttv t \ \ PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN H SCALE: 1" = 10' ep•1 tMAt? a 24 ! \ \& FUEL PLATFORM & l ., I , I 11 I rr r r DOUBLE RAMP - SEE SHT. S9 I r r I % l 0 0 _ \? ?' / ? ?? ?b' ' 0AnN v? ! ? ! • S ?. ? W a, °• C DoC 3• ? Q ,o. k NCB ? v ? x ? o \C 21`0 ? V p h?O \- ` p v STM-WT ` 4 \ ry S TAMEN S}5 If, ' ° \ &04 \ 7 DATING DOCK \/ SEE SHTS. S7 / & SB \ 50' TRANS. BOAT SUPS DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAWN NOT TO SCALE z 5.-1 O z ado <LL ?zW0 a a ?QI: w ] az53 0-4 o? Uu; ?1L p1L cl) W LJ_ r Z 0 Z:3 a QU O Z u- O Q CC ?- W0 a: ? Y J Q W CC sx i` a SEAL m W R ri .- - CED .A- r HWL awn canna CED NOTE rai xuNm 4921. B/I/ RNERWALK PAF LAYOUT AND MLMES 9 EET -.SER. C4C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 40'-0" RIVERWALK EASEMENT 8'-0" 16'_0• 40'-0' RIVERWNJC EASEMENT LOW VEGETATION 0 VISTA POINTS 14'-6" RIVERWALK -0" 14'-6" RIVERWALK 16'-10' RIVERWALK TOP WALL EL. 13.0' 11'-6' 1'-6'1'-6 - 1'-6" 11'-6" 1'-6 T.D.C. EL 9.00 TOP 14VALLELI3_0 EL+10.00 EL. +9.67 PERWCJS LOC. EL 9.33 SEE C503 SEE C504 ® I PERVIOUS PAVER .LOCK. 6' CONC. 0 EL VARIES PAVER BLOCK EL VARIES ' 0' +11.5 TO +12 +I0.0' TO +11.0' ? }y.pp SEE c5.. C508 SEE / 6 o fib SEE SECTIONS BELOW . • n .\ \ b < ? I 1`t CONC. CAP - SEE SINT. 55 I - EL +5.00 MHW - SEE C501 TIE ROD I I 39'-0_ EL 0.0 NSL DATUM TIE ROD -- EL-0.9 MLW I I 39'-0" a I b I AZ-13x35' STEEL SHEET . o AZ-13x10' STEEL PILE BULKHEAD - SEE 131lxHEAS PLANS, EL _1000 I SHEET PILE SECTIONS, k DETAILS SEE C501 SEE 0501 TRuc C501 SECTION THRU RIVERWALK C502 SECTION THRU RIVERWALK SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" _DD 28. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" V 6' WDE CONTOC.PBPINGORDER BRICK 0 SHELL PA T.O.C. EL 9.33 C CONC. OR BRICK PAVERS) ?4' CONC. W/ 64 - W29x2.9 W.W.F. el?1N/ 5^ 6' DEEP CRUSHED STONE -i r COMPACT SUBGRADE TO 95% C503 ENLARGED SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 1 _6 TOOL EA. SIDE OF 2.. W/ 1/4' RA0. w .d ffilfR 2' DEEP TOPPING YATtE.J. (CRUSHED SMELL CONC) 6" DEEP CONC. Y-fi' WDE 4' DEEP CONC. W/ 6x6 BRICK COINC. BONDER W29x29 W.W.F. b Q O 6" DEEP CRUSHED STONE NOTES' OJPACT S BGRADE IALLLWOW 3 DAYS MIN. BETWEEN ADJACENT POURS TO 95% 2. C.J. INDICATES CONTROL JOINT 3. E.J. INDICATES EXPANSION JOINT C507 SECTION -TRANSVERSE JOINTS SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 1'-6' V-6' -6' WIDE CONC. BORDER V2' E. JT. _ SEE C503 FOR REINF. I / TOP SEAL SEE C503 SEE C503 EL +9.00 3 t - - ? o SEEP CRUSHED •. SiCNE OMPACT SIBGRADE 6 0 1 ¢ _ TO 95" WW C504 ENLARGED SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" NCOMPACT SUBCRADE TO 95% DEEP CRUSHED STONE C505 ENLARGED SEC-nON SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" 4' CONC. SEE 5503 EE S50 jj2 SEE 5503 EL +967 . ,;-h EL +9.00 EL ±5.00 MHW I'-6" 6' 'COPPACT SUBGRAOE TO 955 DEEP CRUSHED STOW C506 ENLARGED SECTION SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" N a'? n z t? M JQm C z Wog ?z F U?? ? Uj m]c Q Uu J Q Z O zJ p O Q UQ Q C G U) z Z0 0 O Z I- LL 0 W Q w SEAL = n ?, aE sacra er. ?w wr m HW. awrc Dann: CED a".. NO ED ru uuu 4927.01 DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 1107 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAWL NOT TO SCALE C5 POST SPACE 2'/ ALUM. SCH 40 0 8x8 TREATED TMBEA POST SEE GUARD POST BASE v ____ SECTION BELOW C602 GUARDRAIL POST SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 0 RIVERWALK 3/4" CHAMFER 8x8 POST FILL W/ GRA7 SILICON 2 1/2"v x 2" CWNTERSINK TIGHT-FIT 8x8 TIMBER TOE RAIL EA. END EA SIDE II A, 1h II [ppEry 1 1/2x8xB BLOCK 1 1/2" 1 1 /2" 3Yx36 FRONT & BACK W/ 2-3/4- M. BOLTS & 2- 3/4" CONC. ANCHORS IN DRILLED-IN INSERT C603 GUARDRAIL POST BASE SCALE: 1"=1'-0" 0 RIVERWALK 2'-64 10'-0" 2 B i I I II 4-a' I A =1= I I ' 11 II I I ? II II II == t I I I I I rv I I II I l l 1 <I y B SHELTER PLAN AA J 12 12 6? ?6 CEDAR SHINGLES 2x4 FACIA CEDAR SHINGLES 12 12 6F- VENT SIDE ELEVATION 14'-6" i L.? SHELTER SECTION B - B x 14' so L'i SHELTER SECTION A - A C604 RIVER WALK SHELTER SCALE: 1/4"=l'-O" C605 PIER GATE AREA LAYOUT SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" METAL HANDRAIL - GENERAL NOTES 1. MATERIALS AND FINISH: A. RAILINGS - HEAVY DUTY, SCHEDULE 40, PRE-ENGINEERED ALUMINUM PIPE RAILINGS AS INDICATED. ALL CONNECTION WELDED. B. FINISH: BLACK, ANODIZED ENAMEL FINISH. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY THE OWNER MATH 2 CANS OF MATCHING TOUCH-UP PAINT FROM HANDRAIL MANUFACTURER AT COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION. C. FASTENERS - STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE: SUPPLY COMPONENTS REQUIRED FOR ANCHORAGE OF FABRICATIONS. PAINT ALL EXPOSED HARDWARE TO MATCH RAILINGS. 2. SUBMITTALS: A. CONTRACTOR TO PROMDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR HANDRAIL AND GATE CONSTRUCTION INDICATING ALL SPACING AND SIZES OF CONNECTIONS AND MEMBERS, PROFILES, ANCHORAGE, AND FINISHES OF ALL MEMBERS AND OTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION 3. MOCK-UPS: A. PROVIDE FIELD SAMPLE OF METAL HANDRAIL SECTION, 7'-6" LONG, INCLUDING END CONDITIONS, ILLUSTRATING SELECTED COLOR AND FINISH FOR APPROVAL. 4. FABRICATION: DESIGN NOTE; A. STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS: FABRICATE HANDRAIL COMPONENTS TO MEET CURRENT BOCCA, OSHA, AND ADA REQUIREMENTS. AND GUARDRAIL POSTS POLES B. FABRICATE COMPONENTS MATH JOINTS TIGHTLY FITTED AND SECURED. , , , BANNER DESIGN IS A STANDARD C. EXPOSED FASTENINGS: FASTENINGS SHALL BE UNOBTRUSIVELY LOCATED AWAY FROM VIEW WHENEVER POSSIBLE. ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF D. CLEAN AND STRIP PRIMED AREAS BARE TO METAL WHERE FIELD CUTTING IS REQUIRED. INSINUATION: S WILMINGTON FOR THE RIVERWALK . A. INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SHOP DRAWINGS. AND THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS, B. PROVIDE ANCHORS. ANGLES, AND OTHER FASTENERS REQUIRED. R EQUIRED. . MATERIALS, & FINISHES C. INSTALL COMPONENTS PLUMB AND LEVEL, ACCURATELY FITTED, FREE FROM DISTORTION OR DEFECTS. WERE FURNISHED BY THE CITY. D. CONCEAL BOLTS AND SCREWS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. E. PROTECT RAILING FROM DAMAGE UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. [? fan Z ] 5<? 0 z Wo 33 a? ?zI, = ? ?qT E. UZ.F W ] ??m O He u y ?. J_ Q w Q z f/1 M a: 0 2v Z z o W L?_ wZ °C Q 3 w Ir . Q V`E98ip.,'1 ro. Z SEAL ? c ='R EtQ ?1f %?PT ?1,a 1N Sr>u NOTED n[ __ 4921.01 DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 1107 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAWING NOT TO SCALE C6 C601 GUARDRAIL ELEVATION SCALE: N.T.S. 0 RIVERWALK r STORM JUNCTION ELEVATION SCHEDULE - NORTH SYSTEM STORM JUNCTION ELEVATION SCHEDULE - SOUTH SYSTEM IN GRATE NORTH INV. SOUTH INV. EAST INV. VEST INV, WEST INE, JUNCTION GRATE NORTH INV. SOUTH INV. EAST INV. WEST INV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. INV. ELEV. NAME ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. 10.00 6.80 680 680 6,80 5.35 DI 1 10.00 5.90 5.90 5.90 5.02 10.00 7.06 7,06 - - - DI 2 10.00 - - 6,05 6.05 10.00 - 7.20 - - - D13 10,00 6.67 6,42 - 6.17 Innn - - [9'1 ],A - n, a ,n nn r. o? cM'r - - STORM JUNCTION ELEVATION SCHEDULE - SOUTH SYSTEM (CONT.) JUNCTION GRATE INERT. INV. SOUTH INV. EAST INV. 'EST IMV, NAME ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. ELEV. 4,56 6 z w 5 ? i? R22 ? L i Egg I` I? , l V 0] 28 10.00 ]JB 11,28 - - - 0110 10.00 1.4] - - - - - \?? ??? AF'.. '\•. \? I ?; + DI 29 10.51 9.51 8.51 - - - DI 11 1000 617 617 w~9B\.?\\\, CH 30 10.00 - 8.27 - - DI 12 10.00 688 638 - - - may- ` _ S?`? l?lf-tw- Ali WW Dian ?I 31 10.00 755 8.05 DI 13 10.00 7.25 725 n I?, tl `. ?- .,?„••,?'?? 1r 00 YEAR DI 32 10.00 8.57 - - DI l4 10.00 .\ y '•,•o.,, i I - _ _ _ ] ; I 15' RCP TO D PLAIN DI 33 10.80 8.77 REMAIN I V o I' `\ w `•4•' / .? r/ JB3 967 4.56 - - a.56 a NEV N' RCP O Z W0a ?' •\„ / ?__ NEV SOKI I ' -U w NEW SPMH F-I ¢ r STORM DRAIN ?___- y,? •-. BY OT!$A$ BY OTHERS BY OTHERS \ \ I n fib' L-w`- \?'- ?'PROPO RO 'LINE(TYPI __-__-_ _-_ _ 9.3' WIDE SIDEWALK PROPOSED RSV LINE AND z ul ABO ' i0.?.?.,. ., .?, PRDPERT rv n n o E%IST Jk7i-STREET (30' PUBLIC R/V) 0, v ?V 1•y Z - a PROPOSED NUTT STREET BO ROW a?? ABOVE o 0 w iG -___ Q\(gj[1TY ROW..??.i• n. n m 9ECOW 1O•.• o • PRO NUIT STREET 50 PUBLIC UG° O ., BELOW m m -- T-f ?_ 3 _ ., ,0 h,., _..,L„ D SI?EWAK. ..._. .'. .'.. ? ,.,..,. / °i _J ] WZ? --_' --__-__ 17 'DR7 X. DI29 >: m rv U ;..' U = o ?v e 286 ro' E 12.0 wL ?- n ?? • FFE 12.0 1214 _' 261 % 157'0:' N " ?n? FFE 12.0 ,SOUTH' INFILTRATION >tr D12 I w \\\\Cc _ w : _ ?- --= - 1 SYSTEM (SEE DETAIU ?? ®7 o m CB3 '? % ?couRrraRDS I + 6 m v (I/ <IMPERVIOUSl \ o °pROPIN.ET I I °? ® a 3 {:;.. rn .. M o 112 COURTYARDS i DI25 1D' RCP I2' Acv (TYP) -S EE It vi D (lMVI(tU •„ & .. 1 :'.. . m wo I?'? ?? DI+Ir7 lof JB3 +D®f DETAIL. o I F + S Dill v b' in __j N 7 eli r ?. xy ?`...... ..... uo ..... 0119 ^ ? . $ u 5.? a-. .. Il JBI 187' JB2 1. avli S ADI NV?A.R6 a _2 NORTH' 1 ILTRA7?[QN \ __ 24"QLP DUTL?E1?iHRl! • ,p / .+'.. 'i4MS4Ry K , SYSTEM ( E DET,AAIU' -cBe DI22 VEGATIVIE. FILTER BULKHEAD D1?4A9 /l r'? I II 1 [-a" dj SEE DETAIU •?'J ENE ON6" IVE '' ?,?1v ?I` 11 ,y I EE STEVE fLLTER _BE AL VE H10.KIEAD OT SRO . COMPLETION TAIL T Ir I 7*U S g7?AD H7V 9 1LTRATION y II, /z \ M jj--.? R p SYSTENE OErA0.> I I - I I / = vi ```? h DOCK ?? ? ? N / °? MASTER BUILDING w _ ? FFE 120 j? •?\ B2 t? -0 % mm +15.( NOR N Eli S T ?"^I ?? ? p 1I? ? I Eea F?aoo ?? R R/,?, ERti ?T> ti II L E G E N D -* JUNCTION BOX NOTES: sD775 W 7pjo* `` 1. ROOF DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED TO SIDEWALKS, PARKING AREAS, DRIVE AISLE AREAS, OR Nc. ORIO NAD 8J ` \ 1,'111 -* PROPOSED STORM DRAIN MANHOLE PROPOSED SWALES. NO DISCHARGE DIRECTLY TO WETLANDS OR OTHER \ Q \ PROPOSED GRASS OR LANDSCAPED AREAS AREAS IS ALLOWED. \ 2. BASED ON WETLANDS SURVEY BY GRAPHIC SCALE' 1'-50' _ MICHAEL UNDERWOOD & ASSOCIATES, PA ` \ \ L_J INFILTRATION SYSTEM LOCATION THE PROJECT BOUNDARYnANDS EXIST WI THIN 50 0 50 100 150 --o-- INLET AT SURFACE Z 0- < z z Zo 2t Q W a ?U Q F- z O Z LL Z 1Y cc: f? Lu W0 ? 3 6L 0 i SEAL s ;\Rh e:. i ?sam eY: CED/NTA HWL/PW rza. CEO CEO scMC rx[ Ma4mi 4921.01 R.rz: 1/26/05 STORM WATER DRAWING REDUCED TO MANAGEMENT FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, PLAN SNUGNUMMR, THEREFORE THIS DRAWING C? NOT TO SCALE 4 1/2' PUMPER -EcTKN FAC TO CENTER LINE OF STREET 4 1/2• STEAMER NOZZLE- NATIONAL STANDARD - 4-60 DEGREE THREADS PER INCH WORD 'WATER' ON--?, COVER `SUPT LINE FLUSH CA. VALVE BOX NN FINISH GRADE BATE VALVE MIN. g SIZE 6' TURN RIGHT TO OPF11 ST B'-.- ?ORAIN E 'ETA"' THRUST BLOCK (s¢ on,W.) WATER MAN NO 7E5: ON CRETE PAD I . SEE QU 4-02 FOR JOINT RESTRAINT REWIRED 15" M 15" X 6' 2 DUCTILE IRON PIPE REWIRED ON AL HYDRANT BRANCH LINES 5 HYDRANTS SHALL BE KENNEDY WAR AN; MUELLER CENTURION; AMERICA' DARLING MARL 73: OR APPROVED EQUAL 4 VALVE TO BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE TO MAN AS POSSIBLE D DRANT GUIDELINES FOR STANDAR SCALE: N.T.S. ' HY 3/4' STAINLESS STEEL RODS 0R 07XER Jdxi RE57RANr M ilI11A' NT HYDRANT AWAOVED BY CITY ENGINEER, 6 PI ® eo 10 MAIN HYDRANT LUGS PE BOLTS RETAINER VALVE TO BE INSTALLED As JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT CLOSE TO MAN AS POSSIBLE TO 1ST FULL JOINT OF PIPE -0 F. 3/4- TIE BOLTS " STAINLESS STEEL R005 RMFR YNT TRAINT AS E .YD RANT AAi Y D B BY ry ENGINEER. R I l a i VALVE TO BE INSTALLID AS CLOSE TO THAN AS POSSIBLE OLTS GUIDELINES FOR HYDRANT JOINT RESTRAINT SCALE: N.T.S. 6.618' 0.125' 77- ? ? ? 1,5' TM WATER .125' ? ? ? 225' A A s ?aa2' o.s• 47s• PLAN SECTION "A-A" GRE-Y -6HO. CAST IRON OR EQUAL APPROX. WEIGHT I7NA HEAVY DUTY VALVE BOX LID SCALE: N.T.S. 8.25• 6 88• 0.69' 69' oa? WATER A oo? ?_ m __?, 1 275" PLAN BOX 7 6.59'DIA QS' 0'125' 0.5' D' ,i 0.5' 0?• 45•DIA 0.5' 1 SECTION "A-A" 7.]5' 11.88" MINIMUM WEIGHTS EXTENSION EDEN 40 L1LBB8. EXTENSION 40 LBS. NOTE: VALVE BOX LD NOT FOR USE N ROADWAY LOCATIONS HEAVY DUTY YID REQAU . SEE SO 14-04 WATER VALVE CASTING SCALE: N.T.S. 3' PVC LINE TO 4 GROUND A7 PLAN BENDS PLAN Tr II' YIN. 4 L'tii SECTION X-X PLAN & ELEVATION PLUGS BENDS & TEES PLUGS SII A BENDS BFB A ZEES B C 0 B A 22I B A 6 16 10 9 10 6' 8 10' 12 10 21 8 22 I] 12 13 B 10 I3 16' .1 L 12 L29' I 10 2I 1] 14 1 I 1] I6 ZO 14 ]8 12 29 21 16 21 11 16 19191 16 21r H 1 35 24 19 21 11 ZO IB b le se• zr zl' n' 1 zs 51' NOTE: BRNd w 1.5 r wN i,g pm- of 100 PS plw AWWA Wets HonmN. AI barFg ax4RaW to b RRMk IR uMhWNM gaund. STANDARD THRUST BLOCK FOR WATER MAINS SCALE: N.T.S. LAPPING SLEEVE ANU VALVE SCALE: N.T.S. 3' PVC BRASS TO ... CONNECTION / FITTINGS FIRE LINE TO DOCKS SCALE: N.T.S. I d BACKFLOW PREVENTER FOR FIRE LINE TO DOCKS SCALE: N.T.S. / EXSRNC NONCE /MORTAR EXTENSION AN STACK r?/ I / RIG( \ HEAVY DUTY LID `SEE SD-NIB 2' ASPHALT- / .__... 4' BASE-/ MORTAR OVER FLANGE I FOR CASTING DETAILS I' MORTAR SEE SD-14 2' STANDARD BRICK SR ' MORTAR I WATER VALVE BOX EXTENSION AND CASTING CENTERED OVER VALVE NUT SEWER CLEAN-OUT CASTING NOTES CENTERED OVER STACK THIS INSTALLATION REQUIRED MIEN VALVE BOXES AND CLEAN-OUTS ARE LOCATED IN PRESENT OR FUTURE PAVED AREAS 'PRIOR TO SETTING CASTINGS NEW NSTALLAT DNS WILL REWIRE 95X: COMPACTION OR BACKFlLL IN 6 UFTS TYPICAL DETAIL VALVE BOX & CLEAN-OUT CASiiNG BASES SCALE: N.T.S. EXISTING GROUND COMPACTED BACKFlLL TO 95X MODIFIED PROCTOR IF UNDER PAVEMENT COMPACTED BACKFlLL TO \ 905 MODIFIED PROCTER \ \ ROPE WALL S TO ANGLE OF REPOSE OF SOIL OR AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER COMPACTED PIPE EMBEDMENT TO 9011 MODIFIED PROCTOR C' \ MPACTED GR/NULAF MATERIAL \ \ / CO IF REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER STANDARD PIPE TRENCH DETAIL SCALE N.T.S. 2' USC APPROVED DOUBLE CHECK( DETECTOR BACKROW PREVENTER - WILKINS MODEL 975 OR APPROVED EQUAL W/ TWO BALL VALVES k TEST PORTS 1/2• HEX BOLTS CONCRETE SLAB 4- I WATER- METER NEW 2' PVC WATER SERVICE 5i 5? N e? o §; a W qq [-' FNp O Vy NZo H WOw W' W-4 0 W tE H ?Zm ?z¢Z (Y4 a ?o? W ] pSZ5m 14 In 7 0 P4 0 Uu i iW Q j Q < ?a LU Z z? LLM O L,L Z LLI D F DRAWNG REDUCED TO g E98M FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, ry F THEREFORE THIS DRAWING s "EAL NOT TO SCALE =;4 "a Egyp; 2 DIN; ? Of9NE06Y. CED BALI VALVE oR.w, eY HNL/ NEW 2" PVC WATER SERVICE awn RAVINE CED UNE uAIE NOTE D.TE RAC,KFLOW PREVENTER & METER FOR POTABLE WATER SERVICE TO DOCKS SCALE: N.T.S. C8 D C -+ M AVERAGE WEIGHT b LBS MNA PLAN I'-I 1/2' 0.25' - I SECTION C SSA RB *ZA C OVER 2LAR MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT 20 LOS. 1 9.825 2.25' LEY S o 513' 5.15' 0.315 1'-6 5 SECTION A SECTION 9 WATER METER BOX SCALE: N.T.S. 27"1 PRECAST fiN91 CONCRETE COLLAR GRADE 3'-0' MIN. VALVE 801 'NTH UD GATE VALVE NECK. JGNI GATE VALVE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. SC APPROVED HIGH HAZARD BACK LOW PREKNTER INSULATED PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE LXNS MODEL 975 OR NTH FREEZE AND THEFT PROTECTION 'OVED EQUAL CONFORMING TO ASSE 1060 12" MIN. FINISH GRADE THRUST *5' COUR MIN. COER 3.5' 5' MIN EL 3H' THREADED NOTE STEEL RODS ITR.J 3 33 ' r ROD REOIREMENTS CONCRETE hIRUST BLOCK ( wJ SIZE O 45 DEGREE REND STATIC THRUST N POUNDS NUMBER O RODS REQUIRED 6' 4,328 2 6 7,594 Z 12' 17,12 2 6• D,T1I 2o" 44LNI 8 Z1' 69,252 I NOTOENSP? 5}pUED pNHASE PANT TH[ SIEE_ 1. 2 CDAS OF BTUUINOUS RODS AND BOLTS SHALL BE COATED NTH 2. CONCRETE SHALL NOT CONTACT BOLTS OR ENDS OF MECHANICAL JOINT BENDS 3. TYPICAL MIN. GEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE INO END OF BOLT MUST BE 3'. 1. APPROVED CPFSETS CAN BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION. STANDARD VERTICAL BEND SCALE: N.T.S. HEX BOLTS L, I?H I? E3111I?11 P' 4=r DIRECTICN OF FLOW :RETE SLAB Y PK LINE SECTION SECTION "B-B" (TO BE USED FOR DROP MH AS SPECIFIED) ELEVATION/SECTION STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SCALE: N.T.S. PLAN/SECTION STANDARD SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE SCALE: N.T.S. INSULATED PROTECTIVE ENCLOSURE NTH FREEZE AND THEFT PROTECTION CONFORMING TO 0.55E 1060 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eaou L4 ncE z13 Nt(PfR .o j 33 _ __ f __ E 1 na -- - BDOk $ ??D?' L_ _ Q ________Cj ___ l r _ ___ ___ ___ , E l r _____ _ ___ ___ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o - ? i Pq n PROPOSED PPD EUBgNSII>I LINE E _ 1 L_J 33 -6 46'15]6 E ?89.IB 1', " N 0„? V 30 /W N ?\ ••`? •?""?'•M-....i0•..... A80VEO. .^'Q.. .30' UTILI R/W TY NUTi UTR11Y STREET(CLOSED)o* ABO iO/"•?• O. _ p. .,•V - - , ?? ? • 39) ..18 co '•BELOW I "1 r•"ss. ____1 BELOW"..•-1D??• ^ SIREET(eLOSED) so615 ?),O rn`f= iY n^. ^,.??.-?.•-- m r --1 NUR STREE, 30'PUSUCR _ ®-? -- - '§ `10 a:. -1' • - _ _-= .,-1 ?( ••? 0 ?.I?. .?. sIS'36' E z6s.3s' .N ,0 w 1-1-WE 9219' L?-_-____._ - . . _ - ____•J,_v 0 ABANDONED NEL LwE ,- V EASEMENT ARE]e 3 177w BOOR 13 1 PpGE?965 1 N ?ssm? ? [6 , ? \ ? ?O I s u ro; 6 D„ m WAREHOUSE s AR EASE T N (PER B i]6 0 ° PA ? i ? I d W ??I""" 149) I [n m ? ?0 V \\\ - ---- nl WI n Ey Z F g. -`? SHOP BL o woo -?-- ??-- 1098' ?I u , :Dc z, l " z_ a ` wW 92' 1 380' 186' 220' 20' Gm NEW BULKHEAD a I -- ---- J ?"1 U°R 5 0615'36• E 6G DU ` W Z W M 0 Vj 7! ED v I W I? aZ3m N a aN "'- a° ^ W BUL?HEAD ?U §W So. 1,6 'o (0 I- lp 1 7 ?ji ° n u, n p' v , 5.2 V) IM. 00 O? -C-4 R, o ° EXCAVATE\DR GE INSID NEW Lr?1 0 ?l C? BULKHEAD LINE ELEV. -1a" MSL gyp/ , - 0 1 1 - MATERIAL\`0 REMOVED I \ N °O 1 UNCLASSIFIED DIS SE MAT I' LWa c "r a cd INSIDE DISPOS?L A NO k# i i a '1 OF HARNETT ST\ 0 CO O G S N ro.- a 00 1 1 ., 1 x a Q' LL O L n\.n ") N / r`.. N 17 3? J1 11? '?1 1 \ % x •? \\ `` 1 O \ ?M?? In DJ _ 1 1 Q ?_D , \'' ?? z a O P, N N O LIT Q OP rJ 0, ?i 10 0 D 1' a CQ? O II ° V G Z 0 0 F i ,; ate,, ° 1 ' o co -?3 (o In In ,n om < ° < STj 37 `?\'1 00 7 b \ G a a n v a v 7z --A j j N 1 \ 9 9_ ,i 'n W 0 ! -p/4ONC 1 ,1;13 o v.6 z Q cr_ ??6WNAR? &S RF?? 16z p '\' 00 4 W 0 ? W o ?`We R V -33? 1 ?L -r1 i 1 v+ ` z `? - r LC a o) o MQ (? / O i Q m v v a LL 0 MAR B a l a\+?/1l ?A1 <r < 3' 3 J/ I ?_?3 Q 1 \ 1 / ; Q O\ 4 1, E ?? I I ,I Q Q r, \ w 33 I ` Cn Cn 0 1 1, i v W CIE, \\ ' ,;ra y? W Z W ?< 2 OO 0 G r I i `? ,, a o a aIn ` i ? ? ? ? ; ? a1 ? ri v a a ri ri ? 11 ` ? N GRiDNA. B3 s,s'06 FOOT PRINT OF?\10 m N CC) o 3!A c \ ?\ OLD DOCK \ , P '-T A\ 1 ` ?/ N a a a M ?M ^'NDRTH ? w REMAINS OF OL F ?v WOODEN BULKHEAD ST CAPF CD M In 00 't C'4 I-) t Ese FLOOD FAR RI ?FRti OOLD STRUCTURE THERS EXCAVATEEECONITRACDTOR so>,S.3°w o, ?? o c-4 a TO REMOVE PILING & ANY ?? ` w ". r,- SEAL L E G E N D DESTRUCTION TO EARTHWORK (51 " a N \ N REMiiL?4f '3.p EXISTING ELEVATION (PRE-DREDGE) ALMONT PROPERTY LINE p MAP N'a'N ®1 PROPOSED DREDGE ELEVATION OR GRADE ?`"`? u 0 \ O T tJ D lP '?` I N N N Il r r'-) N N IX9P{09r. CED TRANSIENT ,r?;l .1 'I an?a? ceo j ?? LIMIT LINE DOCK \ "E" NA o? «?R wz,.01 DREDGE PLAN LIMIT LINE µE PER Ap R0.W 31 RACE °• 9/T/05 DRAWING REDUCED TO SCALE: 1" = 40 PROPOSED MARINA LOCATION DREDGE AREA FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, _ PLAN cRnPnlc SCALE: r=te, dET NUMBER THEREFORE THIS DRAINING NOT TO SCALE 4 o 0 40 80 120 S1 (oisr. A o ` r{ STORAGE BUILDING w a Q Z o o p -- -- . -- /?J_LLIIJJL111J_LL11J_LL111J_L111J 1JILLGLt1 C11 "s E ? 1 -------- e m N 777-7-17,7777-17,177-1-777-1 n . *, Iv/ a ? I yj1w n m ` /STORAGE BUILDING [? Z w ry N {• - r 'V 2.1 4 ?* BO i? ^ \ rla; 1 z i m v U) GJ_L 11J_LL11J L11L11 ~ Z U m I co m n" ^ I ?+ I b o"40 n. n ^ `' I n" / 0 n" n 4j"I W4,?, h i I6 W • rW V m DISP ,L AR F ?0" EX6 VATION/D D ?x FoR oo ?b- _._ -----a - ?I I ? qUU V) IN INA BASI n. No co' n ? m m n I OR ?? ?? ?® n N r r ? I-6 y /oO?\ n ' i r?q0?.\-•?\ ? r r t:" I r ? ? \m r aZ z STORAGE 7I°° i ^ iii ' I 0 ??\ v I - ?- I ( BUILDING IN ?? ire rc," ,?1 Q U Q. _x s \ m v OPERATION I Q O J l m 1 'Q BUILDING IPy I \ O i > Z ?OPERATIOt•1,1 ro co ` \ \ 00 00 d a ` IN 00 00 //NOR oo (D 00 06 C V J I n ? ? ??7 co J// l ,ce F(p0p AR \ NCR f I l N W Gw4 i? aeEB°roti ;- l? SEAL 7 - <? unuD e* CEO HILL `<l'- ?•\ 4<` awn wa- CED -? ttut cw 1' = 40' 4921.01 N.C. Cg10 NFO '8] ?I 8/1/05 DISPOSAL AREA DRAWING REDUCED TO PLAN DISPOSAL AREA PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE: -40 FIT 1107 FROM 24x36, sxeerruxax SCALE: 1" = 40' 40 0 40 80 120 THEREFORE THIS DRAWING S2 NOT TO SCALE i +9 +7 DREDGE DEPTH LIMIT-10 MSL_, DREDGE DEPTH LIMIT -1 MSL DREDGE DEPTH PIPE L6X6X3/8 3 -18 L2 1/2 X 2 1/2 X 1/4 RIVER CHANNEL LSX6XI -22 L4X4X3/ 0 2 PLACES 5/8'0 H.D. GALV. -26 - BOLT 0 12" O.C. - 28 2" THICK RASH BOARD MSL_/ S302 DREDGE SECTION SCALE: HORIZ.: 1"=50' VERT.: 1"=5' CONTAINMENT DIKE 3. g• TALL AROUND FREEBOARD S305 SPOIL SECTION SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" SCALE HORIZ.: 1° 50'v VERT.v1"=5' S303 DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" EROSION CONTROL LINER MIN. TOP EL 23 MLW 6 MIL POLYETHELEHE TOP EL 22 MLW 2 IEW ?,... DIKE TYP. SEE 408 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rj SEAL ALL AROUND 0X_GA_ GALV. S 50 S304 DETAIL SCALE: 3/16" = i'-0" HALF ROUND CORRUGATED METAL SECTION CUT FROM 96"0 X B GA. CORRIGATED METAL PIPE, COATED GALV., ANCHOR W/ 3/16" H.D. GALV. WIRE ROPE TO (ROUND ANCHORS VERTICAL GUIDE FOR FLASH BOARDS - SEE DETAIL 5304 2" THK. WOOD FLASH BOARDS - ADJUST HGT. AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE WATER DEPTH FOR ADEQUATE SETTLING OF SOIL SEAL BOTTOM W/ 12" THK. 3.000 PSI CONC. 12" CONC. APRON ACROSS FRONT AS NECESSARY FOR STABILITY t Iw' ? m r H?'? N ri F N 1? z o<- aZo 0 Wz wa' L QULL °?zQZ [? =z 2? w ] azm 90 Uy? Ak J Z W Z p ^ IJ U Q O C Z Z Z O O ZR (15) Q0 W > 0 O MW LPL 0 n y' SFAt i SEE PLAN 9C?hoixf ?? CED 4 - 1/2"0 GALV. WIRES w? m HWL TO SCREW ANCHORS awm cane: CED THESE nuu: THESE DETAILS SNOW MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTROLLING BELOW SECTION NOTED n[xwc? 4921.0 WATER LEVEL 8 DISCHARGE ROUTE. CONTRACTOR SHAH INCREASE BIELOW GRADE RADE AT LEAST LWL SIZE t CAPACITY AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMODATE DREDGE HE MAY 4'-0' TO PROVIDE ogre 8/1/0: PROVIDE AND ALTERNATE SPILLWAY AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER. LATERAL SUPPORT TO VERT. SECTION. BRACE AS NECESSARY. DRAWING REDUCED TO S306 SPILL WAY FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, 9HM„AA® SCALE: 3/16" = i'-0" THEREFORE THIS DRAVdNG S3 NOT TO SCALE •' -- ? -------- x`! -- - --------- - - - c ? ^ ? r-`"- 5675'36°E --- " WEST SIDE OF NUTT ST WEST SIDE OF NU TT ST a . o . 7 N 16 M " to •? ?M r. ?, IN o y 3 r - N` ? cpk V) V" ? to z y a* ' a" x ? 1?• zzo' ,n no' rt m IIO' 6' 5'-4' 380 42 SPA 0 8'-914'3 =369'-4' n 5'-4' ^S'-0?'4 ... 20 SPA 0 8'-9?Y = 4175'-10)x' 5'-0Y' SPA 0 8'-9Y?'3 =211'-OJT' 4-5 4 4'-S?j 24 4'-53'i r.. 4'-S?i 24 SPAjB e'-91473 = 211'-O)4' w o " N J9 x `? In" In" ''? ` IIII I I I I I 1111111111111 I I A?'AI III I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I IJ...I 11141 I I I I IIII#tll I I I I I I I I llllllll I I I I I I I I ,?, ,-°-. ?-°- ! '1 ?? oj' m 1111 I I I I 11 IIIIIIII?IdIT?IIII II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I„ r l l l l l LA 11 I l 11 "1111 1 l 11111111 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111111 111111,11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 11111 1 I li i I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I; _ -`-'" 4 - - ,. -- - ? - ", M o 1 c) ? I 1111 ,, 111 111111111x11 ? , 14TII I I I 1 11111111 hlllll T I I I I I I I 1 I+I hI I I,I 1 ? ? :"?` Z ? w r_ " ----- -1 ?( _,? ?.--- N - SHEET' PILE ANCH?k p n a Yr I I { I I I I I I I I I I I I It.? I I ?I 1 I I I I I 1 I--I_l,a +, I I 1 1 7177 I I I I I I I I I 11 1 1 I I h I I I I t 1 1 T I I I I h I I I I I! I I I I I I I N w w m s ----- i r -SEE SHT. SS. .n ? r ? I { I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I• ! I I I I I I li i 1'I ' I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 Z5"w "a ?<n Nz _____ ,._,? - v ._, 1CHOF RODS SS -'SEE `SHT . m' T i I " : 1 4 4 1 ,L 1 s I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I t.-t-L- I h 0 o Q w0m - e -- - - - - - . / n ' F- I` ,/ iAj m p lil? I I I f 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I? I I I 1 1 I I . 1 1 1 1 1F-T,'b.,i Inl I t; T"-+ t- i 1, . > w ? n a _ - - - - - ----- 9L1LK?'IEAD CHAP 1' .-6 & SHEET PILE - ' + _ FLO NG DOCK LOCATION ;, \ • y___ W [..y Q?a m a ----- SEE SHT S5/ ? , .i a + o ---- z Z ?. ai n -- 06 L4 y 1 ' • .- . O. 0O0 0 I I I I I ! @@ 6 , ? d? ? ? ?-- ?G x ? n y rl) .11 W), I 5 w Ln V) \ x c M d N I y )-1 z t3 Ld L0 CD \\ \\ \/ ?' v ` vv `' ` N CC V 1 6 j n , / x 1 i I I ? Nt . o x 01 ' ! ; N N N i-___- - ___ u ` 0.'i / 12 v\ I I I vV 0 0 m l ',O$` .0 -- N x >J 1J ?Ir 6 I v x v C-? r? M M I Uj __ ----- --___ END OF ?J v NI •1 M °j \- ° 471 .?? t AX p o N N o m '' ----- ?? BULKHEAD ? ' ----- 40? 0,,,_ •_- \ J cA ' "% ? c5 ?' '? ? I ----- F !N W ! -- 'I' d c0 VJ U1 ?n Oco N _"' ?" ?s,,;.? N a m _3 ? 13 o o n m ---- ---- m 3 F S S -1 ? krgT C C 33 .7 7.? { h ' n mow 4- am! ----- 1 D o a t , _ igg. c/f J 55. CID t Q '? W r i% z ----- Q z 4 4(99' 2 i N n V +1 N 01 Lt {II - ---- F- Z ?3 t IP 6, v9 v f?? rq d d 17 r-)- o; I I ? ----- - Q Q ? V 0 Q S15OB 6 \? N y I N II C W S h o i Q 4 I m ???I N m O cD v1 - ----- O Q SNOR ®i N ? w T EAS E ---- ------ Y T CgP soI\ 7523IW i ?. N Cn 0) N w a ? ! W J > E F R I0 j O. l R! L . s N CID CA p . M M to CD n Ln rz? k? ^ { ?? W . BULKHEAD v l Q a? N 4 It N c0 M a U1 M d (0 M co n O N S cl, \N N N N h n M N N As L- n N'. SEAL - LEGEND ,FSO',. -3.0 EXISTING ELEVATION (PRE-DREDGE) CED ®1 PROPOSED DREDGE ELEVATION OR GRADE HHL wo CED I' . 40' 4921.01 D.n 8/1/05 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=40' DRAWING REDUCED TO BULKHEAD LAYOUT : BULKHEAD LAYOUT "c I FIT IT%17 FROM 24X36, Er NUI cA'o"no'e3 40 80 120 ' ' THEREFORE THIS DRAWING S4 40 0 SCALE: 1 = 40 NOTTO SCALE i RIVERWALK - SEE SHTS C4 & C5 0 CONC. CAP - 1'-6"} ° - - 4 SEE 5507 - i ° x 1- EL +6.00 1/20 TIE ROD (A325 STEEL) W/ SEE S508 UPSET ENDS THREADED 0 8'-3 1/4" O.C. AZ-13x35' STEEL SHEET AZ-13x10' STEEL SHEET PILE - PILE BULKHEAD SEE S503 } SEE 55011 f FOR GUARDRAIL ATTACHMENT I I EL +9.00 I - I . 0 a EL. ±5.00 SEE SHTS. S7, S8, & S9 FOR FLOATING DOCK a & PIER EL_0.0 MSL DATUM _EL-0-9 MLW 4 SHEET PILE UNITS 0 26.38" = 8'-9 1/2" PLATE - SEE 509 ANGLE - SEE 5507 PLATE - SEE 5010 - ° d U I-L I I a l a J d 14 ° dl I I I _ ld I I I ml ? I I I l I a I I I° (I b n n" n°n n d 'n " 11 II I, a 11 oo o o I. 11 11 II „ u . o o lii o LC? 61 2.20.7 PLATE - SEE 501 BOLT - SEE 5010 x ^^-^" _ _ _ 2"0 TIE ROD UPSET JJVL rLAIV?JGI.IIVIV - OULmnL/AU SCALE: SEE S501 EXPANSION JOINT 0 100'1 SPA. 4'-0"} CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTION JOINT 0 26'-(3 TIE ROD SPC.) 4'-9Ye"} _ EL_ 10.00 ° II o 11 0 o lu II ° ° 11 u II ° o 1I ° 11- ° II o II o o j? 0 o S504 PLAN - BULKHEAD EXP. JT. LOCATION SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" S501 SECTION THRU BULKHEAD SCALE: 1 /4" = i'-0" ( OUTSIDE EDGE EL_-28.00 O F ANGLES) RIVERWALK - SEE SHTS. y4• 2y CONC. CAP C4 & C5 CRUSHED STONEBASE #3 TIE 0 8" O.C. " - SEE SHT. C5 3/4 CHAMFER FILTER FABRIC EL, +9,00v 2 - 0"0 BOLTS J O TOP EL. +6'-0" MHW 0 4'-0" O.C. o?op?o?00?00 ° C12x20.7 00 00 ° 0® S504 5504 (3) #7 1 1/2"0 TIE ROD 00 . -I 0- 0 -- -- - L y EL. +5'-0" 0006 N COMPACT SUBGRADE 00 ° 10 ° 10 L3z3x3/8 EA. SIDE I It WASHER FILL TO 95% i o O A WELD CONT. TO SHT. PILE 'v 3/4"x6"x0'-6" 0 ? 0 2 - 1"0 BOLTS STEEL SHEET ANCHOR - 0 °g ° ) ' R WASHER SEE 5509 IN 1 1/2"0 PIPE PILE - AZ-13 CHANNEL - SEE 5509 80,9 0 ° SEPARATOR ON EACH -SEE 5603 0 SIDE OF TIE ROD TIE ROD 1 1/2"o ? ° 0 0° 0 I - - - - - S508 SECTION THRU ANCHOR WALL I° ? I EL +3.50 SCALE: i" = i'-D" I o I 00 0 0 f1 ---)JEAN HIGH WATER SIZE 57 FILTER STONE 0 0 0 0 ° 0°o 0Q FILTER FABRIC o ° 0- O 1 1/2"0 DRAIN HOLE ' - o o j O.C. W/ 06 -0 p° 0 alp? 0 I d' 12X12 FILTER FABRIC C12x20.7 ro° o 0 0? STEEL SHEET PILING p( 0 C; o O 0 8 AZ-13 - SEE 5603 ? ? ° D%o 0 I o ° a 12" MIN. °oqp? 00°00 0 V 1"0 BOLT 1 °oo88 po b0 g EL 00 MSL (NGVD DATUM 0 R WASHER ° " ' ' I 0 p ? ppn ?' . - _ . __-? - - 3/4 x6 x0 -6 WASHER " " " ' b4 Q $8 ?° 2 - 1'0 BOLTS 6 3/4 x6 x0 06 0° bcP°p0o0 oo , IN 1 1/2"0 PIPE SEPARATOR ON EACH f? o fQ EL. -0.90 MEAN LOW WATER SIDE OF TIE ROD JSu/ 5t SCALE: 1" = CONNECTION S5010 SECTION - BETWEEN TIE-RODS SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" AD3 a S503 SHEET PILING E~ Z SCALE: 1" = i'-0" '" Sa NZ•^ FULL-AREA BOND 3/4" CHAMFER BREAKER BOARD - TOP & SIDES INTERRUPT (CUT) (LESS CHAMFER) SILICON CALK (GRAY) - TOP & SIDES ALL HORIZ. REINF. 3 4 CHAM F ER EXTEND REINF. EXP. JT. MATL & STEEL ANGLES /TOP & SIDES CONT. THRU JOINT ;; I I I I• I I ? L I C I PLAN - CAP CONSTRUCTION S505 PLAN - CAP EXPANSION JOINT SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" C12 20.7- 1 1/2"0 TIE ROD 2 - 1'0 BOLTS-/ IN 1 1/2"0 PIPE SEPARATOR ON EACH SIDE OF TIE ROD STEEL SHEET ANCHOR PILE - AZ-13 - SEE 5503 R WASHER 3/4'x6"x0'-6" BULKHEAD TIE ROD S509 SECTION - CONNECTION SCALE: 1" = 1'-O" 8x8 TREATED TIMBER - (9 V) SEE SHT. S9 F x H.D. GALV. L6z3 1/2x3/8 3/4' CHAMFER--' _--- - ` .. SEE SHT. C5 ? 6" CONC. i SEE 5507 I I S5011 GUARDRAIL ATTACHMENT TO CAP SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" S506 OR CONTRACTION JOINT SCALE: 1" = i'-0" V-6" 2$" 214' CONC. CAP X13 TIE 0 12 O.C. (3) (2) i6 J 3 a? LLJ J F z xa QU PERVIOUS BLOCK I / & OR CONC. WALK ? .. - o - F-. I N V ? _ o! - NOTCH SHEET i° . I I I III- 0 EA. TIE M w COMPACT BACKFlLL Om =ICI II- PCV SHEET PILE - 8' LONG SHORE-GUARD 700-GREY W/ 18' x 12' CONC. CAP 0 1?j =1 z ZQm W BULL a1 z ? Z F ? W oo ?:) __9 CLO?W U u? ?Alglk J W 0 Z 7 Q a: w- CD a 0 H ZOZ W cc 2E W LL a:o O - CC 0 w Y J D m i ssx ae+ 9? .PrNt?? UHAWINU HtUUItU IU a?^ "xL FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, cEo l u THEREFORE THIS DRAWING "otm NOT TO SCALE '921'0 om 8/7/05 CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL WALL 0 S5012 SECTION - VEGETATIVE FILTER SCALE: 1" = i'-0" c5 0.375 > ? u w 7.09" 26.38" WT. PER SF 1.9 Li SEC. MOD. LF 242 4'-04" 4'-4 SEE S5011 ANGLE & PLATES RIVERWALK - FOR GUARDRAIL - SEE S507A SEE SHTS C4 & C5 j a ATTACHMENT a BOLT - SEE S507A CONC. CAP - 1 a I s x 1'-4" -SEE 5507 S507A E __________ L +9.00 0.375" m \ \ WALER - SEE S507A p EL. ±5.00 2fi.38" \ \ SEE SHTS. S7, S8, & S9 FOR FLOATING DOCK WALER - WT. PER SF 21.92 cq w N \ \ & PIER SEE S507A " SEC. MOD. LF 24 W 6 12 -- EL 0.0 MSL DATUM ?o z Fnn \ 12 - - AD 3 c7 mfg \ 1 1/2"0 HELICAL ANCHOR - 0 Z Di 0'm - SEE S501A \ AZ-13x35' STEEL SHEET w a 1 1/2" HELICAL ANCHOR PILE BULKHEAD S502A PLAN/SECTION - BULKHEAD S503A SHEET PILING W¢ 0 4-43/4 SPA. \\ SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1" = l'-O" z F0 PROOF-LOAD TO F- ?oR 36 KIPS EA. FOR EXPANSION JOINT 0 100'± SPA. w a a? m -- \ - - - - - - -EL. -1.0.00 44'4"± 4'-O"± CONSTRUCTION /CONTRACTION JOINT 0 26'-4" (6 TIE ROD SPC.) y ° - ---- ---- - CAP ~ z o - P4 0 1-------- ----r'"vv"-? -`--- ---r U -- -- =sa-_a-? ---- h - ---- _ __ mss: ____ -?i? 1 II 11 II ? 11 II II ?pyy, WALER BELOW 1 1/2"0 HEUCAL ANCHOR - SEE S507A BELOW - SEE S501A S504A PLAN - BULKHEAD EXP. JT. LOCATION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 1'-6"± (OUTSIDE EDGE OF ANGLES) 9R" 914 " CONC. CAP RIVERWALK -SEE SHTS.? EL_-28.00 C4 & CS CRUSHED STONEBASE - SEE SHT. C5 L------ - S501A SECTION THRU ALTERNATE No. 1 BULKHEAD SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" USING HELICAL ANCHORS 3/4" CHAMFER INTERRUPT (CUT) UT) - TOP & SIDES ALL HORIZ. REINF. EXP. JT. MAT'L & STEEL ANGLES -- S505A PLAN - CAP EXPANSION JOINT SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" FULL-AREA BOND BREAKER BOARD (LESS CHAMFER) SILICON CALK (GRAY) 3/4" CHAMFER TOP & SIDES - TOP & SIDES EXTEND REINF. CONT. THRU JOINT PLAN - CAP CONSTRUCTION S506A OR CONTRACTION JOINT SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" COMPACT SUBGRADE FILL TO 95% 3/4"0 DRAIN HOLE- 0 12" O.C. WALER - W10x45- SIZE 57 FILTER STONE - 1 1/2"0 HELICAL ANCHOR FILTER FABRIC ___l f ]12 12 vV 0L % r,° o a S, 502AI o OO 0 0 0$0 ?? OSog o 0 00 o0 0 0011°G 0 ]3 TIE 0 8" O.C. 3/4" CHAMFER EL. +9.00 is IsiA (3) #7 m I L300/8 EA SIDE OI I I S502A WELD CONT. TO SHT. PILE a i 2-1"0 BOLTS (H.D. GALV.) _ EL +5.00 _ PC L6x6x3 4 x 6 f (TO CLEAR SHEET PILE JT.) y 2 Rol/2' x 53(8"x 0'-5 3/8' SIDE 1/2- OUTSIDEU / FILLET WELD _ 1/_2 EL. +3.50 EL. +3.30 MEAN HIGH WATER J QzIW ZO2? 0 ?UmQ r w CCzZO LL 0 W WK<W >_3z W? P Z <5 a Pq0 00 u Poo°o 00 ? 0 p ° o kg%, ? 0 " IQd6, , 0S 0 00 1 3 10 0 1 1/2 0 DRAIN HOLE ' " (",c 00 n c 1 a Qo 00 000 0 6 -0 O.C. W/ j 1 0 12" MIN 0? 12X12 FILTER FABRIC ° ?. a SEAL . 0 0 0 to °O STEEL SHEET PILING z p 7 p "bo8? 8 b00 ° AZ-13 - SEE 5603 8oinc?:4?,E 0 IpO?o oo u p?oo D . po08 rQRbC __ ATUM) _--EL. 0-.00 MSL (NGVD D- -- ----'- -' 0 0 ?a a p 8 °o? ? oaam re Cm 0 0 0 Co C°000 I? O I?OxJp ouxn HMl L q0°o EL. -0.90 MEAN LOW WATER CED NOTED S507A SECTION THRU CAP SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAW NOT TO SCALE 1'-6"± 6" SEE 55011 RIVERWALK - FOR GUARDRAIL _ _SEE SHTS C4 & C5 j o I ATTACHMENT Ion 0 SEE S507B_ EL +9.00 \ ? iv \ r \ HP12x53 x 40' LONG \ \ 0 8'-9 1/2•± SPA SEE SHTS. S7, S8, & \ TEST LOAD TO S9 FOR FLOATING DOCK \ \ 72 KIPS UPLIFT & PIER \ EL. 0.0 MSL DATUM EL0.9 MLW \ ld 12 \ i 12 \\ AZ-13x35' STEEL SHEET \ PILE BULKHEAD i ? EL. -10.00 1 F _ _ _ EL_-28.00 S501B SECTION THRU ALTERNATE No. 2 BULKHEAD SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-O" USING BATTER-PILE ANCHOR 3/4" CHAMFER - INTERRUPT (CUT) TOP & SIDES ALL HORIZ. REINF. EXP. JT. MATL & STEEL ANGLES I . I'•. FULL-AREA BOND BREAKER BOARD (LESS CHAMFER) SILICON CALK (GRAY) TOP & SIDES 3/4" CHAMFER /- ,-- - TOP & SIDES EXTEND REINF. EXTEND / THRU JOINT I I 1 1 `•:, yr? 1/4 0?0 O1:1 acl 0 1/4 ?0 0 Oo ?12 110%0100 ,2 ? I$°°° ( -o° 00 COMPACT SUBGRADE 0 FILL TO 95% 0 I X00 SIZE 57 FILTER STONE 00 0 000 FILTER FABRIC 0G 0 0 I oo moo' 1 2" MIN. Inn ° o p- 0° L S505B PLAN - CAP EXPANSION JOINT SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" PLAN - CAP CONSTRUCTION S5066 OR CONTRACTION JOINT SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" EL. -0.90 MEAN LOW WATER S5076 SECTION THRU CAP SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" WT. PER SF 2 SEC. MOD. LF 4. N o n AD 3 F z wm h 5<. O Z W7 04 S503B SHEET PILING E-? W SCALE: 1" = i'-0" Z wo F =o I _ ?Z § - Y x xo DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 24x3E THEREFORE THIS DRAWI NOT TO SCALE rrc Haim r? Hasa 1921.01 S5B 4'-44'4" 4'-44'4" (4) BOLTS - SEE S507B SHEET PILING a? 0.375• r 7.09" e ° 26.38° W12x58 SEE S5078 FOR PLATES & BOLTS HP - SEE S5018 S5026 PLAN/SECTION - BULKHEAD SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" EXPANSION JOINT 0 100'± SPA. CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTION JOINT 0 26'-4" (6 TIE ROD SPC.) n n S504B PLAN - BULKHEAD EXP. JT. LOCATION SCALE: 1/2" = i'-0" (OUTSIDE EDGE RIVERWALK - SEE SHTS. OF ANGLES) C4 & C5 2^ CONC. CAP S504B CRUSHED STONEBASE #3 TIE 0 8" O.C. - SEE SHT. C5 PILE CUT-OFF LINE 3/4 CHAMFER EL. +9.00 N )pOo p° ,°0 02 SEE S501B 7 f 1/2' °0 co u? -1 11"F 3/8 uq 0?v 13/8 10/2"x8"x0'-8" - S5028 ° W/ 1 1/2.0 BOLT & WASHERS - TYP. BOTH SIDES HP - -\ _(3)f7 m I )4B (3) 17 itt M I L3x3x3/8 S502B WELD DCONT. TO SHT. PILE i 4-1 1/2"0 A325-X BOLTS & WASHERS (H.D. GALV.) 1 I 3/4.0 DRAIN HOLE ® 12" O.C. I R 1/2" EA. SIDE EL. +3.50 _ EL +3.30_ IAEAN HIGH WATER U U'lmk qJ_ W Q Q W z =1 CC it 0 U co Q I-? 04C zo 6z o Z z 0 Z a W V Wz<W >_ Zcl) W C6 I- Z ag 08 " '"A(k 2 6S" 0 00 0 00 1 I/2 0 DRAIN HOLE o 6'-0" O.C. W/ 6* )? 0 12X12 FILTER FABRIC - 'n BEAL ?6 Io° P STEEL SHEET PILING 10 ioo 000 AZ-13 - SEE 5603 EL. 0.00 MSL (NGVD DATUM) _ -- // me, LI LII 3/4" DBL. CHAMFER W/ SILICON CALK - TOP & SIDES S602 VSEE S507 FOR CAP REINF. ----------- - i- ?- ?- ?}--I--t -_?-- -h- ----------- II I? I I?J\?I I II II #4 L1® 12" D.C. ----------- -?+-?--? ----------- r It- ?-?----1r-- n #8 I-r - 1-eI 2)+# 4©®,Z O.G. I I \ I ? IN I I I (4) #8 DIAG. EA. FA. li I /I I\ ,I 2 FACES l; I/ I I I; J 1\ I I /? I I I I /11 --- --- --- ----- - I j I --- ?- --- -- 111_1\\ 00 I M 91 I -- I \??/ IN N 1 I - I \ / Iv ?I i #4 fl ®12" O.C. I?1? ??---.?----I (27F ?r--? I II I I 1\ /? I I I I L___ v EXTEND ALL HOOKS TO 3" FROM EDGE OF CONC. 4000 PSI CONC. 30" I.D. CONC. PIPE (OR 24" I.D.) SEE S601 FOR REINF SEE PLAN & o0oo .0 0 X01 ° °Ooo oc Icp°0a 8?0rn0??°. a 00 0 000 00°o??o I 0 ooop o0 0• °-?T-?llTT11=?f'I _ ?- COMPACT FILL TO 95% O.M.C. FILTER FABRIC 2'-6" x V-0" DEEP FILTER EL. +9.00 1 CAP REBARS (EXTEND CONT.) ?o °000000° I I j 8000 I _ CAP REBARS ° --- (EXTEND CONT.) ?000P fl ° f 00° -(2) #8 ----------- 4------I X11 II I X11 II N ?I I I I (4) #8 DIAG. ° EA. FA. _ -- 1 ( I 1 I I ---- --- -I I I I PIPE INVERT +4.49' -0 0 a0 P ASIA,) 0 00 obbo° oo I I ro W o°,Oa°"° ?? I I N 00 Q? _20 vo.° C 0 T- I J-----IIL EL. +2.83' J I U ? I I M I M L3x3x3/8 - 20'-0" MINI WELD TO SHT. PILE I 0 l0. c:10 PoR obo0 IcYc9obo III-I000- 1-1111 ova -III-1 0 c9? z II I0000000o 00?oo I L°o-Laas L S601 STREAM FACE ELEVATION OF HEADWALL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" i STREAM FACE Ij I' N ? II II PACK END W/ OAKAM & FILL SPACE INSIDE W/ SILICONE CALK STEEL PIPE SLEEVE W/ FLANGE, GLAND, & GASKET (I.D. 1"3 LARGER THAN PIPE O.D.) S602 SEC110N - HEADWALL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" TYPICAL BULKHEAD PENETRATION DETAIL S603 FOR SMALL PIPE. CONDUIT. & CABLES DRAWING REDUCED TO SCALE: 1 1/2" = V-0" FIT 11x17 FROM 24x3E THEREFORE THIS DRAM NOT TO SCALE STEEL SHEET PILES: SECTION AZ13 CONFORMING TO ASTM A572 - GR. 50. PVC SHEET PILES: SECTION 700 - COLOR "GRAY" BY SHORE GUARD. SHEET PIPE PILES: 14"4 X 0.375" ASTM A53 - GR. 50. DRIVE TO 15 FEET MINIMUM PENETRATION AND 10 TONS BEARING PER NCBC EMPIRICAL FORMULA. ATIN : BY GLIDDEN OR APPROVED EQUAL GLID GUARD BITUMASTIC, 2 COATS, 6 MILS DRY/COAT, BLACK, NO. 61778. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, COAT AS FOLLOWS: A. SHEET PILES: BOTH SIDES - UPPER 24' B. MOORING PILES: (STEEL PIPE): - UPPER 30' C. ALL BULKHEAD WALERS, RODS, MISCELLANEOUS PLATES. D. BATTER-PILE ANCHOR (ALTERNATE 2): - UPPER 20' E. HELICAL ANCHOR AND HARDWARE: GALVANIZED. COAT ALL SURFACES (PLATES, WASHERS, NUTS, ETC.) EXPOSED TO EXTERIOR. F. ALUMINUM: NONE G. CONCRETE: NONE H. RAILING POSTS: NONE J. RAILING AND HARDWARE: SEE DETAIL LAYOUT: THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS TO CONSTRUCT HIS WORK TO THE LINES AND GRADES AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. STRUCTURAL STEEL: 1. DESIGN, DETAILING FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, NINTH EDITION, UNLESS OTHERWISE MODIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS OR IN THE SPECIFICATIONS. p 2. STRUCTURAL STEEL: ASTM A36 3. BOLTS: A325 3/4-INCH DIAMETER H.S. BOLTS H.D. GALV., U.N.O. 4. WELDING ELECTRODES: A233 E70 SERIES y 5. ALL WELDING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AMERICAN ?I WELDING SOCIETY STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION. c W a 6. DESIGN CONNECTIONS FOR FULL STRENGTH MEMBER. ?Nt" E1 z 2 7. STRUCTURAL STEEL CLEANING: STEEL STRUCTURES PAINTING 5<9 N o ' COUNCIL LATEST EDITION: TO SUIT PAINT CO. REQUIREMENTS. 0 w om PAINT ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL AND MISCELLANEOUS STEEL 8 z z 0i ? . WHICH IS NOT GALVANIZED. CLEAN, PRIME, AND PAINT WITH w 0 TWO-COATS OF EXTERIOR MARINE GRADE PAINT. a? TOUCH UP AS REQUIRED IN FIELD AFTER ERECTION. z ¢0 9. NO SHOP PAINING ALLOWED WITHIN 3-INCHES OF FIELD WELDS. iirv 10. ALL ERECTION WORK FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH LATEST OSHA REQUIREMENTS. w az W, CONCRETE: Vi $ 1. CONCRETE WORK SHALL CONFORM TO ACI 318, LATEST EDITION. 0-4 z n§@ 2. PRE-CAST, PRESTRESSED CONCRETE: 94 0 5,000 PSI AT 28 DAYS WITH CORROSION INHIBITOR. U U 3. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE: CONCRETE PLUG 4,000 PSI TYPE I WITH CORROSION INHIBITOR. A 4. PRESTRESSED STRAND: ASTM A416, GRADE 270 lL INITIAL PRESTRESS FORCE FOR 7/16" DIA. STRAND = 21.7 KIPS AND FOR 1/2" DIA. STRAND = 28.9 KIPS. 5. REINFORCING STEEL BARS: ASTM A615, GRADE 60 EPOXY COATED, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. EPOXY COATING ON REINFORCING SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A775. 6. CONCRETE COVER FOR MAIN REINFORCING AS FOLLOWS: CONCRETE SURFACE EXPOSED TO SOIL: J UNFORMED SURFACE: 3 INCHES Q FORMED SURFACE: 2 INCHES < CONCRETE SURFACE EXPOSED TO SEA WATER IMMERSION:3 INCHES W CONCRETE SURFACE EXPOSED TO WEATHER: O SLABS: 2 INCHES BEAMS: 2 INCHES 7. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS 3/4" x 45 DEGREES. Z 8. CONCRETE SHALL HAVE AN APPROVED ADMIXTURE TO PROVIDE Q 4 PERCENT TO 6 PERCENT ENTRAINED AIR. 9. CONCRETE FINISH: Q Z W EXPOSED BEAM SIDES AND TOPS: WOOD FLOAT AND RUB Z J Z SLABS AND CURBS: WOOD FLOAT AND BROOM PER DETAIL. O Q ? GROUND ANCHOR SYSTEM: 1. ANCHOR TYPE 0 A. BASE BID STEEL TIE RODS: ASTM A325 WITH STEEL SHEET PILE ANCHOR W B. ALTERNATE NO, 1 0 x ANCHORS SHALL BE HELICAL STEEL ANCHORS ASTM A325 0 Z Z GR. 44 WITH HELICAL LEAD SECTIONS AND EXTENSIONS AS O MANUFACTURED BY A.B. CHANCE COMPANY OR APPROVED EQUAL H.D. GALVANIZED ALL STEEL. LL C. ALTERNATE NO. 2 W Z STEEL BATTER PILE UPLIFT PILES -ASTM A36 > - W 2. ANCHOR CAPACITY A. BASE BID Z SHEET PILE IN ANCHORS SHALL BE DRIVEN A MINIMUM OF W 8 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. BACKFILL TO TOP OF FINISH d SUBGRADE PRIOR TO TIGHTENING ROD NUT AT SHEET PILE. B. ALTERNATE NO, 1 0 WRITTEN INSTALLATION RECORDS SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR Q EACH ANCHOR AND SHALL INCLUDE: W 1. PROJECT NAME AND/OR LOCATION. I 2. NAME OF DEALER. J 3. DEALER'S FOREMAN OR REPRESENTATIVE WHO WITNESSED INSTALLATION. 4. DATE AND TIME OF INSTALLATION. co 5. LOCATION AND REFERENCE NUMBER OF ANCHOR. 6. DESCRIPTION OF ANCHOR AND ANCHOR ROD LENGTH ZQ5' INSTALLED. 7. FOR EACH HELICAL ANCHOR: TORQUE READING FOR .. 6*S';0 •; E TERMINATION AND FINAL PROOF LOAD. : + 8. FOR EACH EARTH ANCHOR: FINAL PROOF LOAD CAPACITY n BEAL BY HYDRAULIC LOAD LOCKER GAUGE AFTER ANCHOR ROTATES INTO LOCKED POSITION. FIELD INSTALLATION: ,, o IF MINIMUM TORQUE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE HELICAL ANCHORS PROOF LOAD OR IF THE MINIMUM PROOF LOAD FOR THE EARTH ANCHORS HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED AT THE MINIMUM ANCHOR LENGTH AS SHOWN ON SECTIONS, EXTENSIONS SHALL BE ADDED HMt UNTIL THE MINIMUM ANCHOR CAPACITY IS REACHED. NOTIFY Cm ENGINEER OF RECORD BEFORE EXTENSIONS ARE ADDED AND NOTIM IF ANCHOR DOES NOT TAKE UP WITHIN 5-FEET OF EXTENDED nF wum 4921.01 LENGTH. ore 8/1/05 C. ALTERNATE NO. 2 PERFORM 1 LOAD TEST (UPLIFT) ON AN IN-PLACE BATTER-PILE WHICH MAY BE LEFT AS A PRODUCTION PILE IF LOAD TEST IS s m W wk FAVORABLE. S6 J 6 BOA T SLIP C OUNT GUIDE PILES PIER PIER SLIP NO. OF NO. OF TOTAL NO. OF TOTAL NO. OF DESIGNATION LENGTH LENGTH STANDARD SLIPS TRANSIENT SLIPS SLIPS PER PIER GUIDE PILES PER PIER N PIER A 560' 60' 24 1 25 19 , as PIER B 543' 60' 46 2 48 31 PIER C 500' 60' 21 1 22 30 ` PIER C 50' 23 1 24 w PIER D 290' 50' 26 2 28 20 w PIER E 226' S0' 21 2 23 16 p PIER F 256' 50' 11 1 - 11 9 PIER B 40' 40' - 8 8 6 PIER H 77' 40' - 2 2 - PIER I 652' 50' - 13 13 7 a 3,144 172 + 32 = 204 138 " W TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL NO. OF TOTAL NO. OF [-? W W N z ALONG PIER Q BOAT SLIPS GUIDE PILES yam W ?? ozd;o woe ?w zo _ - - - - - - - --- --- -- - - - NUTSTREET a i ? NUT STREET --------- --- -- - --- --- - - - --- U" Wo ---- - - NEW CURB A GUTTER - -------t_ ---- -- - z 0 2 a CO n I >° _ w ] aZm n 20' a 20 ? I r I o I '? ? m r ?- '? ^ 2 1 w l ? / ? W / U i m FUTURE BUILDING FUTURE BUILDING V) FUTURE BUILDING d U Y rn 1 x 2' WIDE DOCK 0 EA. GANGW ALLOW GOLF CART TO PA m I I N ? i'-6' BULKHEAD CAP 40' RIVERWALK EASEMENT - SEE SHi. S5 NDP IRA75 14.5' RIYERWALK CAR SEE C4 SNTS n ?? h t H BENCH SHELTER A A SECURITY GATE BI. i G. FILTER I -: PLANTING I I - TYP. _ TYP. I ? H Cr UG FUEL TANKS IJNE?z SHELTER Nq PuxnxG I:; PLANTING ruxnxc 7YP. OF fi - RANnxC RO TINC DOCK aLwnxc PLANTING 40' aIVQ2WALK EASEMENT MOP PROPERtt SEE SHT. CS TRASH `? GAN WAY ;v CARTS a a eo p - ° b WTIH BROW - - N _ SEE . SS 80' H/C a " PLANTING PLANTING AO' PoVERWPIJ( ku I m< t J N ANCWAY PUNnNG b ° EASEMENT 50'-11' < m R °o a ai, _-_ Y6TMWT .. 59 .I ` N PLANTING °8 ^ ? m W RAxnnc A N O O I m e -° - II N C 587536"E _ 4 f. 2 u 7 1 -- m BULKHEAD o ' x FACE DF p X Co- g< '! a < _-_ IS ON PROPERTY LINE -_ r d _ 0 0 _- r - Wo --_ ?' --_ - I---_ --_ F 8" CLR I Q z < 9' RLOATINC DOCK Z 0 z _ _ v a, 95 FU P?tFY - m - - - ; - Q Q Z ?' 0 ° + YI VI m + v - m - --- f - - 3 I- - iE CL 04 °' '?4" END OF, ?? (I) BULKHED ° < " I Z Q 10. om a a I O ;? a m " m r o -I r o o " `(OC47fw6A BUUWEAO 2. `?y o - - " ^ - - - m '^ n 5 d3 o Z Z I Z_ 1 FAz/ LLIO AIA \ $ SC?' • + PIER Bail z S 50 50 a a a m a ? s T FLOATING' cc l5 000K \A'? ?\ 76' FZL'`eT FAIRWAY •\\ '0; m ° v?' --? m - I nQk vG f\50' 95 fO PIER D\• :\ N IL - N 'o a 14-0 PIER GUIDE SUP LW;Ty -'Y •'\ `.i0' 9' `so ? `5)LOCATE AS SHOWNPIlES \ S 650. 'Y W21/r ?rAL1 B>\ ?(5?J?rK' --_ r T y 7 (ARC I ?"???AQJ Cq BT Rrf( ?'I Q N n n ~ I in u --_?' EpSTa HE c4aq ?uu 00 D 1 ` n ` \ ilf O N PAMUON Qt E99109 V S0 m N ?T ' BY CITY N.I.C. PoYERWALK o 2581 m i?q?.NUiNE t': , 14"0 PIER GUIDE 60 25' 25' 1 I' '1 PILES 0100' O.C. ?- TRANS -- - ' --_ v - . -- TRANS - o ?_- « _ _ s' 14 zs' m Ewsr. Daa ¢9am 9c CED PI ER Q?"v ?'{? •i°v -- ?. - ` -i°v av.xx an HWL axltt caixa CED ap J ° b "N (5) 14.0 PIER GUIDE PILES - >LOQATE AS SHOWN uue. I- = 50 N.G GRID NAD'97 MARINA PLAN -?- TRAN _ _- - 9?c Hausa: 4927.07 . 6/1/05 SCALE: 1" = 50' , S L - i-!MANS. o.? . GRAPHIC sc F 1' s0' PIER - TRA \ DRAWING REDUCED TO MARINA PLAN A : = 9 9' ' NS ' FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, x¢ xu9sa: 7T 50' 60' 91' 60' BO' 91 - ° FACE OF CAP THEREFORE THIS DRAWING 50 0 50 100 750 FAIRWAY FAIRWAY FAIRWAY PIER A . 6. S? 9 _ NOT TO SCALE RVISD RUBSTRIP (2) WALERS VINYL FENDERING #1 S4S SYP .6 CCA POLYETHYLENE CAP " THK. (WHITE) 3/16 3/4" HDG THRU RODS TOP EL. r - - i6d HOG NAILS PVC TUBE 3 S.S. SCREWS 4" SPLIT RING 4" SHEAR PLATE " (AS REQUIRED) (AS REQUIRED) 2„ 10 DETAIL ,A, CLR. 2" SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-O" 3"t R. 9'-0" FLOATING DOCK " 5'-0" FLOATING FINGER PIER SLIDE PILE GUIDE DETAIL 'A' S } - THIS SIDE 0 ' FLOATING DOCK / FINGER PIER DOCKS ONLY - 4 t SEE 5803 {--{ / ------- W Z _ ____ _ _ _ __ e om ??a m m .I a ? ?" I` 3/4" THRU-ROD (H.D. GALV.) f ------- w 0 \ O a w N PVC TUBE ° oma } rc o ? .I z SOLID POLYSTYRENE CORE u - EPOXY COATED REBARS 2x2x14 GA. W.W.M. H.D. GALV. LENGTH OF EACH FLOAT SECTION PILE - THIS SIDE 0 DOCKS ONLY 5,000 PS CONCRETE SHELL " SHALL SUIT DOCK & PIER DIMENSIONS - SEE S803 2 1/2 MIN. THICK S801 SECTON THRU FLOATING DOCK @ PILE SCALE: 1" = i'-0" WALERS FLOATING PIER o I 0001-4" PVC RACEWAY N FIREMAIN N SOLID POLYSTYRENE CORE ?? 41 >Y4.IE: ALL STRAPES & HANGERS TO BE STAINLESS STEEL TYPE 314 S804 TYPICAL UTILITY HANGER INSTALLATION SCALE: 1" = 1'-O" I POTABLE WATER LINE SEWER LINE EXIST. CONC. DOCK CLR. 5" X 15' GLULAM WALERS 3/4"0 BOLT TYP. RUB BOARD TYP. 3/4"0 THRU ROD W/ SHEAR PLATE & SPUT RING 1"0 THRU ROD 6" X 8" FENCE WALE TYP. 4" X 8" FENCE BOARD CARRIAGE BOLT WALERS ---, MACHINE BOLT CARRIAGE BOLT UHMW PAD & `1 ADJUSTABLE o BRACKET A. I o A THRU ROD B EPOXY Z F COATED R REBAR 2 1/2" UHMW ROLLER FLOAT O 0 HjC WOOD RUBSTRIP o a o z j 0 z NOTES ?1 V W ® ® 1. ALL STEEL FRAMES TO BE 1/4" MIN. THICK CARRIAGE BOLT WITH CONT. WELDED JOINTS & HOT-DIP ? z mz ) LROD ® i THR GALV. AFTER FABRICATION WOOD RUBSTRIP (4 2. ALL BOLTS, NUTS, & WASHERS IN PILE GUIDE (4) LOCATIONS P4 a ? SECTION A-A FRAME TO BE STAINLESS STEEL (TYPE 314) SECTION B-B W a3gg P4 o S802 STANDARD FINGER PIER END PILE GUIDE S803 TYPICAL SIDE PILE GUIDE ?gL U SCALE: 1" SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" CAP & T/PILE EL. +15.00 -SEE 5801 PILE GALV. PILE GUIDE - POWER PEDESTAL BY MARINE POWER & LIGHTING, INC. UTILITY CENTER OR APPROVED EQUAL FLOATING PIER 1 1/2" PVC SLEEVE TO DECK 4 PVC SLEEVE WATER SWEEP PULL BOX (PVC) 7 POLYSTYRENE CORE S807 TYPICAL POWER PEDESTAL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" DOCK EL. 0.0 MSL DATUM EL. -30.0 B UHMW ROLLER W/ S/S AXLE AND ADJUSTABLE BRACKETS PILE FRAME FAB. FROM f 3" X 3" X 5/16" ANGLE i'-2"0 x 45' 14"0x0.375 WALL ASTM A53 STEEL PIPE PILE - DRIVE/JET TO 10 TONS BEARING. COAT W/ 2 COATS COAL TAR EPOXY BITU-MASTIC - 300 BY KOP-COAT. S808 TYPICAL PILE DETAIL SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" FOR GUIDE PILES AND FREE-STANDING MOORING PILES DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, THEREFORE THIS DRAW NOT TO SCALE J 0 0 Z Q Z:3 C6 Z Qcr 0 U Z0 OZ l?L o Z H" g w9 a >3 U 0 0 z Q 0 J u- ? sExE - 30:` m q_ %?9 haiNEE:o?` agom m CED OMw R N111. OI.W%GNIIII CED rrx NOTED S8 UHMW ROLLER W/ S/S AXLE AND ADJUSTABLE BRACKETS S806 0 PILE ISOMETRIC SCALE: 1/4" = 1'=0" S805 TYPICAL WAVE ATTENUATOR FLOAT W/ FENCE SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" S901 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL PANEL FRAME SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 9-0' NOM. BULKHEAD 8 CAP SEE SHT. S5 SEE 'ENEIRATION- DETAILS SHT. S5A GANGWAY WATER FLEX OR ELECTRIC FLEX) NECTION - - ALE EL t15A __- ,-22' GANGWAY EXCEPT 80' 0 H/C ACCESS. RAMPS -- _-\ i s?. FLOATING DOCK SEE SHT. S8 FLOATING PIER _crar- __ -EL--J 0.00 S905 TYPICAL GANGWAY ELEVATIOP SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ALUM. w 9x8 TREATED TIMBER POST lam) 8x8 71MBER TOE RNL ?i 1/2x8x8 BLOCK Y LL -A I 4 ? MI'N. I'4'0 GALV. BOLT A, S904 GUARDRAIL POST SCALE: 1"=1'-0" ® EXIST. CONCRETE DOCK EL-0_9 MLW - FLOATING DOCK - SEE SHT. S8 o m L ?wj N IT, C-' H HNC H 7<m O ? aJ2a tIi 0 m 0 W WoE l u l (fJ a ?za= XZ? E~ Xo? w ] (L v!) 126' a o Uua s 11 ?Alwk J W z Q Q U) zm z 0 0 OLS QC U ? L w N Oz cc :e z w? a: It < wz It 0 0 w z g w 0 N_ i' n 9F?L r (1 '.. 1q1 mE FIT 11x17 FROM 24x36, THEREFORE THIS DRAWING cI NOT TO SCALE Cl a.9m coma: CI swe N! DESIGN NOTE: A' GUARDRAIL, POSTS, POLES, AND ° 8' BANNER DESIGN IS A STANDARD ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON FOR THE RIVERWALK AND THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 9xaY euu9ln: , MATERIALS, & FINISHES S9 WERE FURNISHED BY THE CITY. REVISE FIRE HOSE V 55 2"1 FlF TYPICAL FIRE HOSE S903 CABINET RISER DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" S902 TYPICAL FIRE HOSE CABINET ISOMETRIC SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" S906 PLAN - FUEL DISPENSER PLATFORM S907 SECTION - FUEL DISPENSER PLATFORM SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0° SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" GRAPHIC SCALE: 3416" = 1'-D" 0 4 12 6 E 1 1 Li n POST I woo" RAILING E2 N ? TWO (2) 3' X 3/8' STAINLESS STEEL PROVIDE INSULATING LAG SCREWS (TYPICAL) NEOPRENE WASHER TWO (2) 4'X1/2' THERMOPLASTIC - BETWEEN BOLT HEAD STAINLESS STEEL E]ASTOMEA CUSHION 12-1 AND COLLAR. -, SCREWS LIGHT STANDARD 12' STAINLESS STEEL CLAMP - 251 OMEGA SERIES CLAMP - #064MS172(TYPICAL) - COLLAR ELEVATION COLLAR SECTION SECTION IA - A" zSI SCALE: 1 1/2"-f-o' SCALE: 1 , -1'-II SCALE. 3'-I -O' 8GG-323-7053 134-467-9755 FAX WWRCUSHAC.AMP.COM NOTE: ALL LAG SCREWS SHALL BE ASTM GRADE A316 STAINLESS STEEL. DIA. 4' DIA. LIGHT - LIGHT STANDARD STANDARD A - A ZS O EGA SERIES CLAMP M #064MS072 (TYPICAL) IE EE _? e 39074 WEBB COURT WESTLAND, MI 48185 800-323-7053 E lm II 734-4a7-9755 FAX I WRW.CUSHACLAMP.COM - - BREAKAWAY LICIT POLE PA WITH BANNERS BANNE F, iffi 0 R POLE BOLTED TO BACK OF POST .. TWJ (2) 3'X3/8- STAINLESS STEEL , LAG BOLTS (TYPICAL) n 3' LAG BOLTS , BANNERS 140. 508 FITTER ?- FINIAL SAME FINISH AS POST WELDED TO POST N I? A85O LEXAN) X 27- TYPE IA REFRACTOR r - ?1/4- WALL 150 W HPS 1,5 VOLT BALLAST ROUSING N HEAD OF POST 4" DM. 125 WALL 6061-Y6 STRUCTURAL GRADE ALUMINUM v4" WALL ACCESS DOOR PROVIDES EASY MAINTENANCE N FLOOR 3/4' THICK 4 ANCHOR BOLTS CITY OF WILMINGTON STREET LIGHT SCALE: N.T.S. 1) DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO"STANDARD SPECIFICATION STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR HIGHWAY SIGNS, LUMINAIRES, AND TRAFFIC SIGNS' FOR 100 MPH STEADY WINDS +30% FOR WIND GUSTS, TO SUPPORT FIXED SIGNALS WITH BACK PLATES & SIGNS. 2) GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS ARE REQUIRED. WHEN INSTALLING POLE LEAVE A SPACE BETWEEN THE ROUGH FOUNDATION AND BASE PLATE. THIS SPACE IS TO BE PACKED WITH NON-SHRINK GROUT ALLOWING A WEEP HOLE FOR CONDENSATION DRAINAGE. 3) CONCRETE BASE DESIGN (DIMENSIONS, REINFORCEMENTS (ETC.) BE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. 4) WILL HAVE A FACTORY APPLIED BLACK PAINT FINISH. 5) STREET LIGHTS TO BE SUPPLIED BY CITY. FOR CONTRACTOR'S INFORMATION T-16.07.6 STREET LIGHTS - MANUFACTURED BY STERNBERG VINTAGE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND ORNAMENTAL POLES 312-478-4777. 6) LIGHTING REQUIREMENT IS AN AVERAGE OF 1.2 CANDLE POWER PER SO. FT. AND MAX. UNIFORMITY OF 3:1 (AVERAGE TO MINIMUM) 7) DESIGN FOR 100 MPH STEADY WINDS +30% FOR WIND GUSTS AS PER '1985 AASHTO STANDARD SPECS. FOR STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR HIGHWAY SIGNS, LUMINAIRES AND TRAFFIC SIGNS" SINGLE FIXTURE STREET LIGHT POLE - 4212 FP LUMINAIRE - A 850, LEXAN, 16 1/2"x27' REFRACTOR - TYPE III FITTER - N0. 508 COLOR - BLACK 150 HPS 2 0 F W ?o CURB a 0-7'0 DOLT CIRCLE ? 5- BOLT SQUARE NOTE: FOR ORIENTATION TO CURB OTHER THAN SHOWN, CONSULT FACTORY. ANCHORAGE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. . PROVIDE HANDHOLE ENTRY FOR UGHT POLES ONLY - ' 0 LIGHT STANDARD COLLAR ELEVATION _- & SECTION .1 RACEWAY CONTRACTOR HA-L---- ROUT WOOD TIMBER FOR RACEWAY ENTRY, .• _ DO LIGHT FLAG POLE CONNECTION LUMINAIRE ELEVATION SCALE: 1-=I'-O" SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" BANNER POLES SHALL BE SUPPLIED TO MATCH WWNAIRE POLFS WITH BREAKAWAY BANNER ARMS & POLE CAP AS INDICATED HERE 0 0 4-GALV. ANCHOR BOLTS ° 40LT LIGHT FIXTURE & POLE DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. POLE LIGHT FIXTURE & PO SPECIFICATIONS MAC /8 (CU) LUMINARE SPECIFIC ATIONS ANCHOR BOLTS JUMJER UPPER CAGE: 15.64" DIA. X 7.82" HIGH ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION SIZE & PATTERN BALLAST HOUSING: 8.0" DIA. ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION 1' CHAMFER MOUNTING PLATE REFLECTOR: 24.0" DIA. X 2.5' HIGH SPUN ALUMINUM SEE NOTEOI SLOPE VANES GUARD: 17.26" DIA. ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION - (Rff. UYTILIT PLANS) BRIO( y?S, PA DIFFUSER: 12.88' DIA. CLEAR ACRYLIC NERRWGeONE DATIERN REFRACTOR: 6.0' DIA. X 7.0' LONG BOROSILICATE GLASS FOR A TYPE 1/2- EXPANSION JOINT + ,' SAND MORTAR BED (5) I.E.S. DISTRIBUTION MATERIAL TO WRAP 4' CONCRETE ELECTRICAL SPECIFI CATIONS LIGHT POLE FOOTING AND C,TFLUSH PATH 8' GRAVEN. BALLAST: 175 WATT/240 VOLT CORE AND COIL MOUNTED IN LUMINAIRE ?A? FINISH 3/4" 1-#8 LAMPHOLDER: PULSE RATED MEDIUM BASE PORCELAIN 5-#5 VMTICAL . I LAMP: 175 WATT METAL HALIDE (ED17), BY OTHERS REBAI4 EQUALLY RECEPTACLE: 20 AMP, 125 VOLT DUPLEX INDUSTRIAL GRADE, NEMA 5-20R SPACED I (BALLAST NUMBER: ADVANCE #71A559-500D 240 VOLT) ANCHOR BOLTS j CODWAD NNECDDIN POLE SPECIFICATION S PVC RACEWA , SHAFT: ROUND STRAIGHT ALUMINUM 4.5' DIA. X .25" WALL AS INDICATED ' ARM: 3.0' DIA. ALUMINUM TUBE . #4 REBAR TIES 3/4-AO' GROUND ROD HANDHOLE: PATH COVER O,0" O.C. 24'1 COFNCHETEEBASE BASE COVER: ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION COVER UFT FOR HANDHOLE ll3?DDD0 PSI) ACCESS BASE: 9 0" SO X 3 0' HIGH CAST ALUMINUM BASE TO MATCH ., B ELEDD EDGE AL HTAP1N??DA SM? ANCHORAGE: (3) 5/8" X 16" X 2.0' GALVANIZED STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS Cry OF %, LIGHT ON 74164 IISUIIED AND SLOPE, EXPi.i=J FGOTNG ON ON A 7.0' BOLT CIRCLE. STANDARD D LIGHT POLE BASE BANNER PONES SHALL BE LOW SIDE OF SLOPE TO BE FIBSEI SMOOTH. FINISH: BLACK SUPPLIED TO MATCH NOTE BOCK PAVERS THAT ABUT LIGHT POLE LUMNAINE POLES WITH FOO7NC ARE TO BE CUT AT AN ANGLE THAT IS FLUSH SEE DETAIL BREAKAWAY BANNER ARMS AGAINST EXPANSION JOINT LEAVING NO GAPS NOTES FOR CONNECTION & POLE CAP AS INDICATED HERE 1. FIXTURE TO BEAR -UL" LABEL "SUITABLE FOR WET LOCATIONS" 2. POLE & LIGHT FIXTURE AS SHOWN SHALL BE STERNER ,#35576000 OR fFWAY RAKINFR Pni P, cPACnnIAI RAKIKIr-7D DnI E' I inu-r/DANINICD mni r- DACr' nr-rAII APPROVED EQUAL. SCALE: 1/2-=1 Ida ? ? ?i Z uj N (50 Ozw00 zu Q? ?zMW z F von w .? aZn ao Uu; wnW 0 Z Q z &_j != j5 a: w QQgw C U ? Q w (j) 0ZZ(f) LLomd F W z J= > Q Iz w Q ?AIJ? ? oS" ?'Pf88i0 Y•'. ?. SEAL :?9Y 1,OIMEe,p?,'- DESIGN NOTE: GUARDRAIL, POSTS, POLES, AND BANNER DESIGN IS A STANDARD ED ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF r WILMINGTON FOR THE RIVERWALK ED AND THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS, a m MATERIALS, & FINISHES 921.c -1 WERE FURNISHED BY THE CITY. ni0 DRAWING REDUCED TO FIT 11x17 FROM 2406, [i„ 6LR, THEREFORE THIS DRAWING S10 NOT_TO-SCALE Form DCM-MP-2 'EXCAVATION FILL AND ' (Except bridges and culverts) ' Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this ' proposed project. Describe below the purpose of proposed excavation or ' fill activities. All values to be given in feet. ' Average Fwd Etdstiog Project lAorb Width Depth Depth Access channel (MLW) or (NWL) Canal Boat ' basin Boat ' ramp Rock groin ' Rock breakwater Other (Excluding shoreline ' stabilization) NIA NIA 1 980' 1 350' 1 +7' MSL 1 .10 MSL NIA NIA NIA 1. EXCAVATION a. Amount of material to be excavated from below MHW or NWL in cubic yards 148,000 cy b. Type of material to be excavated FINE TO MEDIUM SAND c. Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands (marsh), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs) or other wetlands? Yes X No d. Highground excavation in cubic yards 25,000 cy 2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL a. Location of disposal area NORTH END OF SITE (ALMONT PROPERTY) ALTERNATE AREA: EAST COAST TERMINALS (ALMONT PROPERTY) b. Dimensions of disposal area 350" x 900 c. Do you claim title to disposal area? x Yes No If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner. d. Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance? X Yes No If yes, where? Revised 03195 ' Form DCM-MP-2 e. Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlands ' (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes _x_ No If. Does the disposal include any area in the water? Yes x No r 3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION a. Type of shoreline stabilization ?x Bulkhead _ Riprap b. Length _ 1862 FEET c. Average distance waterward of MHW or NWL N/A d. Maximum distance waterward of MHW or NWL Marina East side at 480' south end - 230' north end, e. Shoreline erosion during preceding 12 months N/A (Source of information) f. Type of bulkhead or riprap material Steel Sheet Pile g. Amount of fill in cubic yards to be placed below water level (1) Riprap (2) Bulkhead backfill h. Type of fill material , N/A i. Source of fill material Dredged Area if needed. ' 4. OTHER FILL ACTIVITIES (Excluding Shoreline Stabilization) a. Will fill material be brought to site? Yes _x_ No If yes, (1) Amount of material to be placed in the water (2) Dimensions of fill area (3) Purpose of fill b. Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands (marsh), SAVs or other wetlands? Yes _X No If yes, (1) Dimensions of fill area (2) Purpose of fill 5. GENERAL a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS ATTACHMENT E to MP-1 b. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? SEE ATTACHED. c. Will wetlands be cr:,ssed in transporting equipment to project site? Yes X No If yes, explain steps that will be taken to lessen environmental impacts. ALMONT SHIPPING TERMINALS, INC. _ SID CAMDE."RESIDENJ App Nam / ik"ture _ 1 ,- Date ReAsed 03/95 EXCAVATION and FILL ATTACHMENT A FORM DCM-MP-2 page 2 Section - 5. General *a. & *b. a. Silt fences will be installed along limits of grading as a temporary control measure. Seeding will stabilize graded or filled areas as permanent erosion control. Specific conditions of a State approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan will be followed for all work performed on the site. Dredged material disposal area will be diked all-around for hydraulic containment with an overflow discharge to limit suspended solids in discharge. b. Hydraulic dredge, bucket dredge crane, pile driver, dozer, dump trucks, and other standard commercial and marina construction equipment. Form DCM-MP-3 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT (Construction and/or land disturbing activities) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development ' Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all Permit may also require a Stormwater Certification. other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this Has a site development plan been submitted to the proposed project. Division of Environmental Management for review? x_. Yes No a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or If yes, date submitted structures proposed ' One Building for Admin/Control i. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal. City of Wilmington's sewer system. b. Number of lots or parcels One parcel for Marina ' 3 parcels for future development. j. Have the facilities described in Item i. above c. Density (give the number of residential units and the received state or local approval? _ N/A ' units per acre) _ N/A (Anach appropriate documewation) k. Describe location and type of proposed discharges to ' d. Size of area to be graded, filled or disturbed including roads, ditches, etc. 10.6 Acres (Marina) waters of the state (for example. surface runoff. sanitary wastewater, industrial /commercial effluent, 1.97 Acres (Riverwalk Fringe) "wash down" and residential discharges). No direct discharges proposed. All stormwater runoff will be ' e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one managed & directed per a State approved Stormwater lan acre of land, the Division of Land Resources must .. p receive an erosion and sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land disturbing activity begins. 1. Describe proposed drinking water supply source ' If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion (e.g. well, community, public system, etc.) control plan been submitted to the Division of Land City of Wilmington water system Resources? Yes _x- No ' - If yes, date submitted To be submitted by engineer & m. Will water be impounded? Yes X No approval before work begins. If yes, how many acres? _ N/A ' f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete) to be used for paved surfaces. n. If the project is a oceanfront development, when Asphalt, concrete, concrete pavers, brick pavers. was the lot(s) platted and recorded? N/A ALMO Skit COMPANY, ? g. Give the percentage of the tract within 75 feet of Applicant or ' MHW or NWL, or within 575 feet in the case of an , Outstanding Resource Water, to be covered by SS' a9tTure SID CAMDEN, PR DENT impervious and/or built-upon surfaces, such as r ?'' ' pavement, buildings, rooftops, or to be used for Date ? vehicular driveways or parking.' S ATTACHMENT A - To MP-3 Revised 03/95 1 UPLAND DEVELOPMENT ' ATTACHMENT A FORM DCM-MP-3 page 1, para. * ,. This percentage is approximately 52% 1 1 1 1 The majority of green space planned on the site is adjacent to the shoreline, within the Riverwalk Fringe. This was done to maximize all possible landscaping along the Riverwalk. Ul n n 11 u u k- I 1 G Form DCM-MP4 STRUCTURES (Construction within Public Trust Areas) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM-MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application which relate to this proposed project. a. Dock(s) and/or P;-r(e) (1) _x. Commercial -Community __ Private (2) Number 9 PIERS (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I) (3) Length EACH 563',522,479',262',220',225',457',76',650' (4) Width 9 0 ?' at gangways) (5) Finger Piers Yee No (i) Number 13,24,23,14,11,6,0,0 (ii) Length 60,60,60,60,50,50,50,50,50 50 (iii) Width 5' (6) Platform(s) __Yes _x -No (i) Number (ii) Length (iii] Width (7) Number of slips proposed 172 Private + 32 Transient (8) Proximity of structure to adiacent rinarian property lines See Plan (9) Width of water bodv 450' (10) Water depth at waterwara ena of pier at MLW or NWL 24' and -32' MLW b. Boathouse (including covered lifts) N/A ' (1) Commercial Private (2) Length (3) Width c. Groin (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) N/A (1) Number (2) Length (s) d. Breakwater (e.g. wood, sheetpile, etc.) N/A (1) Length (2) Average distance from MHW, NWL or wetlands (3) Maximum distance beyond MHW, NWL or wetlands Length & No. are listed consecutively begin. with pier A. Revised 03/95 e. Mooring buoys N/A (1) _ Commercial -Community - Private (2) Number (3) Description of buoy (Color, inscription, size, anchor, etc.) (4) Width of water body (5) Distance buoy(s) to be placed beyond shoreline L Mooring structure (boatlift, mooring pilings, etc.) N/A (1) _ Commercial -Community _ Private (2) Number (3) Length (4) Width g. Other (Give complete description) ALMONT SHIPPING COMPANY nature / STD CAMDEN, PRESIDENT AX u ?, r 3 cn? . Date F r Form DCM-MP-6 1 MARINA ? DEVELOPMENT (Required for the mooring of more than 10 vessels) Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major g. 'T'ypical boat length _ 30' to 60' ' Permit, Form DCM-MP-I. Be sure to complete all Permanent - 60' other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this h. Maximum boat length Transient - 100' proposed project. i. Are any floating structures planned? _Yes ' If so, describe All Docks & Finger Piers will be concrete 1. MARINA CHARACTERISTICS Floating Docks anchored by Vertical Piles. ' a. Check below the h'Pa of marina proposed. _x _Commercial Public Residential ' 2. MARINA OPERATIONS b. Will the marina be open to the general public? X Yes No a. Check each of the following sanitary. facilities that ' c. If there is residential development associated with will be included in the proposed project. the marina, how many units or lots are planned and _ x _. Office toilets how many are currently developed? X _ Toilets for patrons ' No Number 4 Location Dock Master Building X Showers d. Check all of the types of services to be provided. X Boat holding tank pumpout Full service, including travel lift and/or rail Type and location Portable Pump-out Unit for Pier Access Dockage. fuel, and marine supplies to Boats. Dockage ("wet slips") only Number of slips _ 204 b. Describe treatment type and disposal location for all Dry storage sanitary wastewater. _ NONE ' Number of boats Discharge will be to City of Wilmington Sewer. Boat ramp(s) Other (describe) c. Describe the disposal of solid waste, fish offal and ' e. Check below the proposed type of siting. trash disposal. X _ Land cut and access channel Solid Waste & Trash to Dumpster. Fish Cleaning allowed Open water with dredging for basin and/or at Dock Master Building only. ' channel Open water, no dredging required d. How will overboard discharge of sewage from boats Other (describe) be controlled? ' Signs, Ordinance, and Staff Policing. f. Describe the typical boats to be served (for example, open runabout, charter boats, sail boats, mixed ' types).Mixed, but intended for larger Pleasure Craft. Smallest e. Give the location and number of "No Sewage Slip will be 50' Long. Discharge" signs proposed. At each Slin at Service Post. Revised 03195 Form DCM-MP-6 f Describe the special design, if applicable, for o. Is the marina proposed within i primary OT ' . containing industrial type pollutants, such as paint, secondary nursery area? x Yes No sandblasting waste and petroleum products. - None Allowed p. Is the marina proposed within an area open 13 shellfish harvestine x Yes No " Pumpou: q. Give the location and number of Available" signs proposed. At each Slip on Service ' g. Where will residue from vessel maintenance be post & on General Sign at Entrance. disposed of ? Solid Waste Dumpster & Liquid (Oil) Tank_ Dumpster. ' ALMONT SHIPP G COMPANY APP?? ' h. Give the number of channel markers and "No " , pore SID CAMDEN, PRE ]DENT " No Wake Wake" signs proposed. No Channel Markers. Signs eL'LUS Jc.??5 will be located at north end of conc. dock & at south edge of marina. Dste ' L Give the location of fuel handling facilities, and describe the safety measures planned to protect area water quality. i. (COMMENT) Fuel tanks will be underground located in the parking area at the northern end of the concrete dock. Fuel dispensers will be ' located at the outer (southern) dock end adjacent to the dockmaster building. The on-site dockmaster will enforce good marina policies for fue Describe design measures that promote boat basin dispensing control, no-wake notice, closed-head policy, pump-out policy, ' ,. flushing or circulation and that reduce water quality fuel spill monitor & clean-up response impacts. The upstream shore alignment is angle to allow an increased inflow during falling tides which along with the ' 4 foot tide and the venturi effect of the river current will create a ne ownstream flushing effect with several water changes per day. ' k. What will be the marina policy on overnight and live-board dockage? To comply with Local Ordinance. 1. Is the proposed marina located near any shellfish leases? Yes _ x No ' If yes, give the name and address of the leaseholder. 1 m. If this project is an expansion of an existing marina, ' what types of services are currently provided? N/A n. How many slips are now available? ' Rev ised 03/95