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STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT N0. /v DOC TYPE *-HISTORICAL FILE ❑ MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ ,)O/� I / YYYYMMDD ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JR. Interim Director Mr. Johnie Alexander Concrete Supply Inc. 3823 Raleigh Street Charlotte, NC 28206 Dear Mr. Alexander: NORTH CAROLINA EnWr+onmental Quality November 14, 2018 RECEIVED NOV 2 9 2018 DEVAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Subject: General Permit No. NCG140000 Concrete Supply Inc. COC NCG140465 Harnett County In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on September 11, 2018, we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state - NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Energy, Mining, and Land Resources, or permits required by the Division of Water Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other federal or local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Jeanette Powell at telephone number (919) 707-3620. Si re , for Wil /iam. (Toby) Vinson, CPM Interim Director cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Central Files Stormwater Permitting Program Files North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mall Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 919.707.9200 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG140000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG140465 STOWWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Concrete Supply, Inc. is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater from a facility located at Concrete Supply, Inc. 243 Progress Drive Fuquay Varina Harnett County to receiving waters designated as unnamed tributary to Buckhorn Creek, a class B water in the Cape Fear River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, 1I,11I, IV, V, and VI of General Permit No. NCG140000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective November 14, 2018. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day November 14, 2018. for William E. Toby Vinson, Jr., P.li/lnterim Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources N.Stormwater Program r National Pollutant Discharge Elimitio Environmental NCG140000 Quality SEP 112018 NOTICE OF INTENT DENR-LAND QUALITY 1 l rri O �Q STORMWATER PE' I 'T National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage under G'e��*Permit NCG140000: STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code: 3273 and like activities Ready Mixed Concrete This NOI may be an application to discharge process wastewater. NCG140000 contains effluent limitations for process wastewater discharges. Wastewater discharges must meet the requirements of these effluent limitations. An exceedance of any of these limitations will result in a violation of the permit conditions. For questions, contact the DEMLR Central Office or Regional Office in your area. See pa e S 1) 2) (Please print or type) Mailing address of owner/operator (official address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed): Legal Company Name CONCRETE SUPPLY INC. (Please attach the most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary of State showing the current legal name. Alternatively this permit can be given to an individual.) Signee's Name (as signed for in question 28 below) JOHNIE ALEXANDER Street Address 3823 RALEIGH STREET City CHARLOTTE Telephone No. 704 309-8738 Alternate ContactName CHALAM PAKALA Alternate Contact Telephone (if different) Location of facility producing discharge: Facility Name Street Address City County Facility Contact Telephone No. 704-541 AG42 CONCRETE SUPPLY INC. 243 PROGRESS DR. FUQUAY-VARINA HARNETT JOHNIE ALEXANDER 704 309-8738 3) Physical location information: State NC ZIP Code 28206 Email Johnle.Alexander@ oncretesupplyco.com Email (if different) State NC ZIP Code 27528 Email Johnie.Alexander@concretesupoin Please provide narrative directions to the facility (use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway Intersection). NC 42E TO BROADWAY RD AND LEFT ON 42E, LEFT ON PROFREE DR. and site will be on the left. (A copy of a county map or USGS quad sheet with facility clearly located on the map is a required part of this application.) 4) Latitude 35°33'57.92"N Longitude 78°51'59.37"W (deg., min, sec or decimal) Page 1 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised 9/01/2017 ►, NCG140000 N.O.I. 5) This NPDES Permit Application applies to the following (check all that apply): e New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin OCTOBER 2018 ❑ Existing Facility Date operation began 6) Consultant's application information: Consultant: Chalam Pakala Consulting Firm: CP Engineerign and Environmental Solutions Mailing Address: 10017 Allyson Park Dr. City: Charlotte State: North Carolina Zip Code: 28277 Phone: 7( 04 ) 541-4042 Email: cvpakala@carolina.rr.com (Optional) Staple Business Card Here: 7) Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility: SIC Code: 3 2 7 3 8) Provide a brief description of the types of industrial activities and products produced at this facility: (Attach a site diagram showing the process areas present at this facility.) Production of readv mixed concrete Stormwater Discharge, Wastewater Treatment & Discharge and Permitting Information 9) Discharge points / Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek, stream, river, lake, etc.) that the facility stormwater and/or wastewater discharges will end up in? HORSE BRANCH TO BUCKHORN CREEK To find the waterbody, please see the NC Surface Waterbody Classifications map at https://deq.nc-gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-scienc"ata Receiving water classifications) for the waters: C If the site will discharge to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). NIA SWU-NCGI4-NOI Page 2 of 8 Last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. List discharge points (outfalls) that convey discharge from the site (both on -site and off -site) and location coordinates. Attach additional sheets if necessary, or note that this information is specified on the site plan. Be sure to indicate a type for each outfall listed below as Stormwater only, Wastewater only or Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Outfall No. 1 Stormwater only ❑ Wastewater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): 35'33.57.92-N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): 7e°51'59.37"w W N Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Outfall No. Stormwater only ❑ Wastewater only Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): N Longitude (degreeslminutes/seconds): W Outfall No. Stormwater only ❑ Wastewater only Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Latitude (deg reeslminutes/seconds): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): W Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minuteslseconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): ❑ Wastewater only ❑ Wastewater only _ N W _ N W Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Outfall No. Stormwater only ❑ Wastewater only Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): N Longitude (deg reeslminutes/seconds): W Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minuteslseconds): Longitude (deg reeslminutes/seconds): ❑ Wastewater only Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater W N Will this facility discharge wastewater to SA (Shellfish) waters? ❑ Yes TIINo Note: Discharge of process wastewater to receiving waters classified as Critical Area (CA) must be reviewed by the N.C. Division of Water Resources, Public Water Supply Section ahead of approval. No new discharges of process wastewater are permitted in receiving waters classified as WS-1 or freshwater ORW. You must show all discharge points clearly on the submitted site plan. Be advised that NCDEQ may require you to apply for an individual permit, based on proposed discharge rates and receiving stream conditions (low flows, impairments, etc.) Page 3 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised 8/01/2017 Y NCG140000 N.O.I. 10) Each applicant shall provide the following information (attach additional sheets as necessary): • Two (2) site plans depicting the facility or site with numbered outfalls which indicate stormwater and wastewater outfalls. The plans shall legibly show. at a minimum, (existing or proposed): o Outline of drainage areas with topographical lines and features o Stormwaterlwastewater treatment structures o Location of numbered stormwater/wastewater outfalls (corresponding to which drainage areas) o Runoff conveyance structures o Areas and acreage where materials are stored o Impervious area acreages o Location(s) of streams and/or wetlands the site is draining to, and any applicable buffers o Site property lines, North Arrow, and bar scale o If applicable, the 100-year floodplain line o Acreage of each stormwater and wastewater topographical area o Each of the facilities' wastewater or stormwater source and discharge structures and each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities o Site location (insert) Site plans shall be 24" x 36" in size. • Line drawing and description: Aline drawing of the water flow through the facility. A pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures. • A narrative description and identification of each type of process, operation, or production area which contributes wastewater to the effluent for each outfall, and a description of the treatment the wastewater receives (or will receive), including the ultimate disposal of any solid or fluid wastes other than by discharge. Processes, operations, or production areas may be described in general terms (e.g. "ash silo"). 11) Does the applicant have any unresolved Notice of Violations (NOVs)? IN No ❑ Yes Wastewater: 12) What types of wastewater does your facility generate or discharge? Type of Authorized Wastewater Generate Discharge Sent to WW Treatment system Vehicle and equipment cleaning VE 0 ❑ Wetting of raw material stock Iles (RM)O ❑ Mixing drum cleaning MD 0 ❑ Further explanation, if necessary: 13) Will your facility spray -down or actively wet aggregate piles? ❑ No Q Yes 14) Does the facility use any of the following on site? ❑ Phosphorus -containing Detergents ❑ Brighteners ❑ ether Cleaning Agents ❑ Non -Phosphorus -containing Detergents ❑ Other: SWU-NCG14-NOI Page 4 of 8 Last revised 810112017 NCG140000 N.O.f. 15) Are wastewater treatment facilities planned in the 100-year flood plain? I] No © Yes Wh 16) Will your facility build a closed -loop recycle system (CLRSs) that meets design requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1000 and hold your facilitles' working volume'? ❑ Yes 0 No If Yes, STOP COMPLETION of this permit. Contact DWR Non -Discharge Permitting Program for permitting requirements. 17) A wastewater treatment alternatives review is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2) for any new or expanding water pollution control facility's discharge in North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? B VE B RM 0 MD b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: i) Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ..................................... ❑ Yes 0 No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes ❑ No (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) if Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why not?* c) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray Irrigation): i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ....................❑ Yes N No Why or Why not? Not enough area to spray. ii) Is a surface or subsurface disposal system feasible to implement?* ...........................❑ Yes N No Why or Why not? Not enough area to spray water adn also poor soil conditions iii) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface or surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters?* Too much volume of water for surface or subsurface discharge and also poor soil conditions d) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options of the wastewaters being considered?*... N Yes ❑ No i) If No, contact DEMLR's land Application Unit to determine permitting requirements. e) If this review included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types (e.g. raw stockpile wetting) make any of the above non -discharge options feasible? ..............❑ Yes ® No * You may be asked to provide further information to support your answers to these questions after the initial review. Feasibility should take into account initial and recurring costs. Page 5 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. Stormwater: 18) Does this facility employ any best management practices for Stormwater control? ❑ No p Yes If yes, please briefly describe: Firstly, wastewater is pretreated using multiple pits to reduce sediments in the washwater and then the stormwater and the comingled water goes to an on -site detention basin for further reduction of sediments. 19) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? p No ❑ Yes If yes, when was it implemented? CURRENTLY IN PREPARATION ADN WILL BE COMPLETED IN SEPT 30, 2018. 20) Are vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this facility? p No ❑Yes If yes, does your VMA area discharge into your wastewater treatment device? ❑ No ❑ Yes Other/Permitting: 21) Does this facility have a Division of Land Resources Erosion & Sedimentation Control (E&SC) Permit? ❑ No IZI Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current E&SC permits for this facility: HARNE-218-083 a SW51804(11 22) Is your facility subject to Phase li Post -Construction Area? ❑ No p Yes If yes, who is the permitting authority? SW5180401 (NC DEQ) 23) Is your facility located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties? ❑ Yes❑ No Is your facility adding more than 10,000 ft2 of built -upon area or CAMA Major Permit? ❑ Yes ❑ No 24) Is your facility discharging wastewater (treated or untreated) such as water from wetting of aggregate piles, drum rinse -out, or vehicle and equipment cleaning to a stormwater BMP? I] No ❑ Yes No Other Permits If yes, please attach your approval from the permitting authority to do so. 25) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: 26) Does this facility have any Non -Discharge permits (ex: recycle permits)?❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non -Discharge permits for this facility: 27) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? 0 No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator (less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? ❑✓ No 0Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per month) of hazardous waste? 0 No ❑ Yes d) Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored: Page 6 of 8 SWU-NCGI4-NOI Last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport 1 disposal vendor: Vendor address: Final Checklist This application will be returned as incomplete unless all of the following items have been included: Check for $100 made payable to NCDEQ. This completed application and all supporting documentation. See Question 10. ❑ If an Erosion & Sedimentation Control (E&SC) Plan is required from Division of Land Resources (DLR) or local designee: documentation verifying applicant has developed and submitted that Plan to the governing agency (required per 15A NCAC 02H .0138). '—I 0 Two (2) site plans depicting the site plan with numbered outfalls which indicate stormwater and wastewater 0 outfalls. See Question 10. JZ A county map or USGS quad sheet with location of facility clearly marked. 28) Signatory Requirements (per 40 CFR 122.22) All applications, reports, or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified. a. All notices of intent to be covered under this General Permit shall be signed as follows: (1) For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this permit, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision making functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of one or more manufacturing production or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding 25 million (in second quarter 1980 dollars), if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a municipality, state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 B(i) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article; or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article; or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the ]Environmental Management] Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. / Printed Namepf Person Signing: TbhA 1 r'!1a ✓ Applicant) ' Z (Date Signed) Page 7 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for $100.00 made payable to: NCDEQ Mail the entire package to: DEMLR - Stormwater Program Dept. of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of an NPDES permit. For questions, please contact the DEMLR Regional Office for your area. DEMLR Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 Central Office .........(919) 807-6300 Page 8 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised BI01I2017 FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: SITE AERIAL MAP FIGURE 3: SITE LAYOUT MAP .v Chalam Pakala Engineering and Environmental Solutions 10017 Allyson Park Dr., Charlotte, NC 29277 Tel: (704) 541-4042 Fax: (704) 541-4043 September 4, 2018 Ms. Bethany Georgoulias, Environmental Engineer NC DENR — Stormwater Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Tel: 919-707-364 l Bethany.Georp-oulias@ncdenr.gov Re: Request for NPDES Stormwater General Permit (NCG140000) Concrete Supply, Inc. 243 Progress Dr. RECEIVED Fuquay Varina, Harnett County, North Carolina 27526 CPEES Project No. 1129-001 SFP 112010 DEIIR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMUTING Dear Ms. Georgoulias: On behalf of Concrete Supply Inc. (CSI) located at 243 Progress Dr., Fuquay Varina, Harnett County, North Carolina, CP Engineering and Environmental Solutions (CPEES) is pleased to submit the attached NPDES Stormwater General Permit NO[ (NCG140000) request to the State for a NPDES Stormwater General Permit for the subject facility operations. The facility conducts their operation under the SIC code 3273 (NAICS = 327320) —"Ready Mixed Concrete Manufacturing". Therefore, the applicable NPDES Stormwater General Permit for this SIC code is NCG 140000. The attached application package includes: • Check $100 made payable to NCDEQ; • NCG 140000 NOI Application Form; • 2 Site Plans; and • USGS Topo Map It is my pleasure to complete this important application for CSI and please call meat 704-541- 4042 or Mr. Johnie Alexander at 704-309-8738 should you have any questions on this permit request. Respectfully submitted, Chalam Pakala, PE Principal Engineer Attachments: NPDES Stormwater General Permit (NCG 140000) Package `�Illllifl���� ,'Xok C A R O r�SSj ••�/ �i �F Oy u ;a SEAL .19807 ;4441 V.I?w 9/04/18 NPDES - NCG 14000 PERMIT APPLICATION to- 46' MEENA PAKALA ' 7242 CHALAM V. PAKALA 704-698-8513 88-191530 NC 11=3 HARRIS RIDGE DR. q � � i � 01 CHARLOTTE, NC 28260 Date N Plly _ --Nc- �f - -- I $ 11 the offer of BankofAmerica. _ l nCHPVT 00000190 C�f[r r.a` � I / LA f % 11 i'r� 4 1 o `TV 1EJ 1 1:0531300196I: 000000667 35211' 7242 - --- AMI Si A IN < gfrn� I V gm Al FZ DUNCAN INDUSTRIAL PARp�� ✓. i�9j FD 2/3 PRO(iREB9 DRIVEMO 1 ■3 �„ � mow". Iw r1 ' PLMAY-YAR1Nl�NOMHCAMUMA771. • �1��*• N REDLINE EHOMEERIH0. P.C, fC.1078j PROPOSED SITE AND UTILITY PL� ►-► 140011 A RR9H ROAD, 10 IV PHON2•(91YI77idB71 jq C 3 e Q gm Al FZ DUNCAN INDUSTRIAL PARp�� ✓. i�9j FD 2/3 PRO(iREB9 DRIVEMO 1 ■3 �„ � mow". Iw r1 ' PLMAY-YAR1Nl�NOMHCAMUMA771. • �1��*• N REDLINE EHOMEERIH0. P.C, fC.1078j PROPOSED SITE AND UTILITY PL� ►-► 140011 A RR9H ROAD, 10 IV PHON2•(91YI77idB71 jq C 3 e Q It ze RIP . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . R. . ' . . . . . . / r DUNCAN INDUSTRIAL PARK t� pFUQUAY-VARWk NORTH CAROLM 2752E � jig w ,•«•• „ s egg PROPOSED OVERALL GRADING AND of AIER�RO RaANga. Psurre � �{� p d STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN pGARNM NORTHwme „�` '""N41 s 1 1 ,11111, ISO,,' ,. ..:.:.: . SO V \ _ Alv -ANT XI I ljo f ! � a LJ DUNCAN INDUSTRIAL PARKH kimv 249 PROGiaE&4 ORRlE■■E Im y FUOUAY-VARINA, NORTH CAROLNA 2762013REC UNE ENOINEERIN6, P.C. (C-9076).CPROPOSED OVERALL GRADING AND 1401AVERBOOROROAO,SUf7E9210aSTORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �'E�„„94=i LNA ' � Lawyer, Mike From: Lawyer, Mike Sent: Monday, September 24, 2018 10:10 AM To: Powell, Jeanette Cc: LaBounty, Tim L Subject: FW: Request for Comments - NCG140465 - Concrete Supply Inc. Jeanette, I have reviewed the NO for the subject facility and have no objections to issuance of general permit coverage. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Mike Michael Lawyer, CPSWQ Environmental Program Consultant Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910 433-3394 office mike. lawyerAncdenr.gov 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 "Nothing Compares--.-, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: LaBounty, Tim L Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 20181:29 PM To: Lawyer, Mike <mike.lawyer@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Request for Comments - NCG140465 - Concrete Supply Inc. FYI Timothy L. LaBounty, PE Regional Engineer North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 910 433 3300 office tim.labountyancdenr.gov 225 Green Street Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 7''Nothing Compares —,-- 'mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Alexander, Laura Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 20181:25 PM To: Powell, Jeanette <Jeanette.Powell@ncdenrgov> Cc: La Bounty, Tim L <tim.labounty@ncdenr.gov>; Georgoulias, Bethany <bethan . eor oulias ncdenr. ov> Subject: FW: Request for Comments - NCG140465 - Concrete Supply Inc. Jeanette, This permit is assigned to you even though it says Annette Lucas. Thanks, Laura Alexander From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov [mailto:laserfiche@ncdenr. ov] Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 1:18 PM To: La Bounty, Tim L <tim.labountVV ncdenr.gov> Cc: Alexander, Laura <laura.alexander@ncdenr.gov>; Georgoulias, Bethany <bethany_georeoulias@ncdenr.eov> Subject: Request for Comments - NCG140465 - Concrete Supply Inc. A General Permit application or additional information was received on 9/11/2018 for Concrete Supply Inc. in Harnett County. The assigned Permit Number is NCG140465. The information for the above project can be found here: htt salcdocs.dec .iie. ,ov/Stornlwater/Browse.as x?dbid=0&startid=719325. For General Permit NOI applications, please advise the assigned Central Office reviewer, Annette Lucas, of any comments or objections to issuing general permit coverage to this facility no later than 30 days from now. If this is a Rescission Request or No Exposure application, please advise the Central Office of your approval or denial no later than 60 days from now. The Region should send No Exposure approval or denial letters directly to the applicant. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow as a courtesy. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses aren't monitored. Chalam Paksla Engtneering,.and Environmental Solutions 10017 Allysan'Pnii -D'r-., Charlotte, NC 28277 Tel: (704) 504642 Oaiix: (764) 5414043, September 4, 2018 :*W.Betbany Georgoullns, Fovirwiibintil Engineer 'kbEWR.- Stormwater Perrnitting.UnW -Mait St Niioe Center li,k.614h, North Carolina 27699-1617 Tel. 919407.3641 aaV.GeDraQU14s0rc hgLy, Re: Request for NPDES Stormwater General;pe'rm,it (NCG1 46000) Inc. 2 �P . -r 0...? 1.� t - I 'ro 4 gress . RECEIVE Fuquay'Vanna,"Haf;n6ft County, North -Carolina 27526 D CPEES- Proleit 1461,11 29-001 SFP 111. 20% "ENR'�4NI) QUERAL17Y $76RMW TEO A40T A P Dear Ms. Georgoulias: INGI On behalf of Concrete Supply Inc. (CSI) Iodated at 243..Prog(ess Dr.. Ffiq Varina, Harnett County, North Carolina, CP Engln"g`iiid Environmental .. Solutloftg'(OEE ' S) it pleased to submit the attached:NPDES Stormwater General Permit NOI (NCGI 40"0'.'d0')'re4ue6st'to.- the State for a NPDES , Is . tormwaterGencral Peimliii�rthe su�ject facility 0kr6ion&, The facility . 11 _,c6hducts 4,01 -NAI - 4 rW theiropera�io ' n under the SIC codeJ273 CS = 327320)�*Rpidy MiX"4boiiCTete Manufacturing!%, Therefore, the applica616.:NPDES'Stonnwater GeneralTermitToi this:SIC code is NCG140000.. The attached applicatioh package includes, * Check-$ 100 made payable to.,NCDEQ; 0 t4w1400 , 0"ON-01 Applicatidiform; 0 2 Site Plans; and a U90q Tonn Man U is my pleasure tb,complete this"important for CSI, abdO Tportant .16"d tall- me at 70454 1 - '64.j6947A should you hiv'e'ainix. uestionsonthis perm .4042 or Mr.Aohnie Alexander at 7 'request. 4, AV lie Respectful ly'subAliik C A V 1,111 IQ Chalarn P"#, PE Principal Engineer Attachments: NPDES Stormwater General Permit (NCG: 140000) Padcage I I NPDES - NCG 14000 PERMIT APPLICATION .. r 10. I Division of Energy, Minerai-and Land,Resourcee s,n " t:� Storanwater Program ` 'National Pollutiwbikharge Elitrtl N6r 14oaoo p 20?8 FOR AG USES U1:7 Date Received ' ' ear Month Da h CerUMCPte _Amo�04�- Parmit An4=d to ` a NOI19; OF INTENT DEAR t'AND`CltlAI.ITY C. (Tl .! " f STORMWATERppERMTr�fu� National Pollutant Discharge,Ellminatid Systerrrapplication for coverage under G�n�r1Permit NCG't40000: ' STORMWATER AND PROCESS WASTEWATER DISCHARGES assa;ieted with activities classified as: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code,,T3 and litre activities, - Ready Mixed Concrete This,NOI rv* be an application to, discharge:process wastewater. , NCG140000 contains effluent limitations for process wastewater discharges:.Wastewater discharges,must a set"the requirements of these effluent limitations. An exceedance of any 6f tk4 limitations wtf[resutt iff,a violation of the permit conditions. ' For questions, contact.the DEMLO Central Office or Re ° orial'O#Rce.ln your area. See pae 8 (Please print or type)' 1) Mailing address of owner/operator' ss t is h all g'*qr milt cbrresDondence WilLbe marl Legal Company. Name CONCRETE,SUPPLY INC, (Piam attach the most roo AnmteNteport to tho NC Swmtery of State stiowiho thecunnent iaes! name Ahem' it ty this permEt can 6a.{ van an Endivtdual. } Signee's Name as il�rigid 4or in question,28 below) JOHMEAI.EXANDEft ,, Street Addnsss 3823 RALErGH S REEr #'' CFIAFtLQ1"r -�. ;,NC,'State ._ .., ` .' ZIP Cale, .2Et2E1B Telephone No. 704 .30&9739 Ems{! ' Aitemate Contaathlame C ►M P + , `Email'(if differertit) „ Altemate Contact Telephone°(1f different) .?"14aa2 - ` 2)", L66tion-of faculty producing discharge:. Facility Name CONCRETE SUPPLY I.Nc,. Stree`t Address 243 PROGRESS GA:`. L City' FUQUAYVARINA, $tat8 NC ZIP Code 27628 HARNrr y County ' -Facility Contact .mHNIE ALEXxANDER f . ,Teeephane No: , 704 30-V38 , i , Email Johnie:AlexenderMcibngietesuiinlim ". 3) Physical location informatlori: " > Please'provide narrative directions to:the faciJity,(use street names; state road numbers and distance direcu0n from a'riDadiNBy Intersection). NC 42E Ta 9ROADwAY RD AND LEFT ON 2E, LEFT oN PRQFRErEEDR ... ... and ;site wil�be on the��left ,7 � � pan _ a t. `ram* : S ; to#aap�l Af.8 a xo or USM attest wish tacirl located on the Is a ufred at, this appllcBtlon.) ;4} Latitude 35.33'57.92•N Longitude 478'$1'6 ar"w (deg.,:rnln, sec or decimal) 5 J.. Page 1 of 8 ; SWl1.r�rCI3l"bi Last revised 9/0112017 k U NCG140000 N.O.I. 5) This NPDES Permit Application applies to the following (check all that apply): e New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin OCTOBER 2018 ❑ Existing Facility Date operation began 6) Consultant's application information: Consultant: Chalam Pakala Consulting Finn: CP Engineerign and Environmental Solutions Mailing Address: 10017 Allyson Park Dr. City: Charlotte State: North Carolina Phone: (04 1 5414042 Email: cvpakala®carolina.rr.com Zip Code: 28277 (Optional) Staple Business Card Here: 7) Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC Code) that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility: SIC Code: 3 2 7 3 8) Provide a brief description of the types of industrial activities and products produced at this facility: (Attach a site diagram showing the process areas present at this facility.) Production of readv mixed concrete Stormwater Discharge, Wastewater Treatment & Discharge and Permitting Information 9) Discharge points / Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water (creek, stream, river, take, etc.) that the facility stormwater and/or wastewater discharges will end up in? HORSE BRANCH TO BUCKHORN CREEK To find the waterbody, please see the NC Surface Waterbody Classlffcatlons map at https:/Ideq.ne.gov/about/d ivisions/water-resourcestwater-resources-science-data Receiving water classification(s) for the waters: C If the site will discharge to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). N/A SWU-NCG14-NOI Page 2 of 8 Last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. List discharge points (outfalls) that convey discharge from the site (both on -site and off -site) and location coordinates. Attach additional sheets If necessary, or note that this information is specified on the site plan. Be sure to indicate a type for each outfall listed below as Stormwater only, Wastewater only or Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Outfall No. 1 Stormwater only ❑ Wastewater only Latitude (degreeslminules/seconds): 35*33*67.8274 N Longitude (degrees/minutes/s000nds): 78•51-50.37-W W Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stonmwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/sownds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Outfall No. Stormwater only Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds): Longitude (degreeslminutes/seconds): ❑ Wastewater only N W ❑ Wastewater only W N ❑ Wastewater only N W ❑ Wastewater only ❑ Wastewater only ❑ Wastewater only Z. W — N W N w Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater ■ Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Wastewater Commingled with Stormwater Will this facility discharge wastewater to SA (Shellfish) waters? ❑ Yes 11PNo Note: Discharge of process wastewater to receiving waters classified as Critical Area (CA) must be reviewed by the N.C. Division of Water Resources, Public Water Supply Section ahead of approval. No new discharges of process wastewater are permitted in receiving waters classified as WS-1 or freshwater ORW. You must show all discharge points clearly on the submitted site plan. Be advised that NCDEQ may require you to apply for an individual permit, based on proposed discharge rates and receiving stream conditions (law flows, impairments, etc.) Page 3 of ti SWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised W01/2017 NC014000O�Nr:0.1. t 1'0)''Each applicant shall proVide the following Information (attach addiorial sfiaets aspecessa.ry). r Two (2) site plans depicting -the facility nute with numbered a ifalls which indicate stormwater.and. wa�stewateeoutfells:' The plans shall, le-_gI bl- dhow. at a minimum, (eicistirig or Prapaed}. s >, o Outline of drainage areas.with-`topographical lines andftfeatiires . r o Stgrmwateriwastewater trea'�trne t structures o Location':of numbered s6rhi stewater outfalls ('corresponding to which drainage areas)' . ; 9rqake o Runoff conveyance.strudUes ... o Areas and acreage wherekmaterlals sre'stored o Impervious area acreages: ; o Locatlon(s) of streams andlor wsdands,Me site is draining.ta, -and any applicable buffers o Site "property lines; Worth.`Arnow,"ar}d bar scale o If applicable, the 100-ye 4600iain line r ,, j o Acreage of each.storrnwater and wastewater topographical ai+ea s o Each of the fadlitiee' Wastewater or stormwater source and discharge structures and each ofits l hazardous waste treatmerr 'storage, or disposal iacilidea " ' a site location.(i6sert) f Slte•alans''shall'be 44"x kB In ales: • line drawing and description , A IGn i drawing of the water flaw rough the;faaility. A pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any coliecuon and treatment measures: • A narrative description;;and identificatlonaofheach type of pnxoess„operation, or, production area,whlch ;.; oontributes;wastewater to the affluent for each outfall; and a desatptlon of the.treatment the wastewater receive); or fluid by receives (or will InciudM6 the ultimate disposal of any,solid wastes other than discharge. Processes, aparatlona;arproduction areas maybe d�escilbed in general terms (a.g 'ash- , ,:. µµ 11) Does the applicant have anyunresolVed'Notice of Violations (NOVs)? e No ❑ Yes , t 71�Ki��ter . i ..: Y • ro. 6 h k"'• h.� ��'U', 12 What s of.wastewater does ) type ty ya ur facili generate or dlscharg e? + ype Qf Authorized Wastewater ©ens to Discharge Sent to wW ireatment S tam h _. Vehicle and a ui -inentrdeani � (YE `, ". 0 ` ' _Wettin iof raw,Ime.terial stock Iles RM MI G3 ': 0 • Mixingdrum cleanln MD � r.❑ . Further a tanation . � `, if 'necessary: F 13 WMII your facility spray dawn or actively wet adgne site plies? i r� ) - J "*' �7 Y, 7-M !I L7i7 �"i1 F'! yr. ' ❑ Na 9 Yes � ,r.. #•. , h 'A + 14y pose the facility use any of the fallowing on site7lhr` +' { ❑,Phosphorus -containing Detergent's ❑ Non-Phosphorus-containing.Detergenta = ,� CI Brighteners ❑ idler Cleaning Agents ..'©sother. Page 4 of S $UlU; NCGI"01 Last revised 8/0112017 1. NCG140000 N.O.I. 15) Are wastewater treatment facilities planned in the 100-year flood plain? 0 No 13 Yes lk16) Will your facility build a closed -loop recycle system (CLRSs) that meets design requirements In 15A NCAC 02T.1000 and hold your facli ties' working volume'? ❑ Yes No If Yes, STOP COMPLETION of this permit. Contact DWR Non -Discharge Permitting program for permitting requirements. 17) A wastewater treatment alternatives review is required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105 (c)(2) for any new or expanding water pollution control facility's discharge in North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? B VE S RM El MD b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: 1) Are there existing sewer lines within a one -mile radius? ..................................... ❑ Yes 0 No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes ❑ (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) If Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why not?" c) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray Irrigation): No i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ....................EJ Yes s No Why or Why not? Not sough arse to w W, if) -Is a surface or subsurface disposal system feasible to implement?*...........................0 Yes M No Why or Why not? W enough ales to spray water adn abo poor soil oonditm 111) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface or surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters?" Too mpB, vaa,me of waW for eurraoe or $Lfturreae dWcharge wd abm poor son oondltlons d) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options of the wastewaters being considered?*... B Yes ❑ No 1) If No, contact DEMLR's Land Application Unit to determine permitting requirements. e) If this review Included all wastewater discharge types, would excluding some types (e.g. raw stockpile wetting) make any of the above non -discharge options feasible? ..............❑ Yes M No " You may be asked to provide further information to support your answers to these questions after the Initial review. Feasibility should take into account Initial and recurring costs. Page 5 of 8 SWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised 8/01/2017 Fmoo' "t4�ti. s+4 � ��]x , ax "r •,�a, � a: �;•%.. . 1 �� 4�' r y _` +., NCG140000 N.0 i ¢jk ` St4""Watiir� ' ` - - IS . C" C • .� -� r - - - }. 18)`Do ,thls'facllRy employ any best management practices for Stonrtwatter-control? ❑ No Yes- - r briefly describe: FIB• w W I= �� � �"° r� a h me and If yes, please Itw the d mwrali mid the ii3 p wAtbt poM loan or►eue delrMloe beam for hxdW16*Mdor! dsedlme� b., ' 19) C1oes this faculty have a Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ,:p No ©Yes If yes, when was it implemented? CURRENTLY IN PREPARATION ADN VALL BE COMPLETED, IN BE" 30. 2018. ,1 L 20) Are vehicle mainteFianoe activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this,facllity? p No Dyes If yes; does'your VMA area discharge l6to your" 'wastewater treatment device? p No; p'Yes OtherlPariniitino: e4 ` I Ilk" 21) Does this facility have a Division of Land Resources Erosion 8 8ediinentgti6n Control e(ESSC) Perth? ❑ No B Yes If yes, list.the-permit numbers for, all current".E&S,C-pen mits for this f dlity ,P HARNE-2WM a f3Y IM01 +�7 11 ` 22) layour facility subject to Phase II Post-Constnudion Area? ❑ No, `® Yes lf.lyes, who is the permitting authority?, sweisMI;laicOE01 Lt .VV. 23) Is your facility located in one of the'20 coastal,Counties? [] Yes [] Na. Is your facility addl_ng more than 10,'Gq f 2 cf built -upon area or CAMA Major Permit? [3Yes . [7 No If+ 24),Is your facility dlscharging wastewater (treatep-or untreated) such.as water from' wetting of aggregate piles, drum. `rinse-out;.ortvehicie and equipment deaning to'a stor"Mater. BMIP71 No. •' p,Yee_' ° -No Other Permits' If yes, please attach your approval irom'the pBrmit�ng authority to do so. Y y r'. 25) Does,this facility have any'other NPDES permits? p No 0 Yes; If yes, fist the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: e 4 26),Does:this.facility have any'Non-Disdharge permits (ex: recycle permits)?4©:NoC]Yes `. -'If yes, list the permit numbers for all'ourrent Non -Discharge permHs.for this facility: 27) Hazardous. Waste: }' f a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste:TreOn6nt, Storage, or Disposal facllity? r © No ❑Yes p .IAA b) Is this facility a small Quantity Generator (less than 10Cd kg of hazardous waste genenWd per inonth) of hazardous waste? ' ,,:• " q,; OoYes w, �Y c); Is this facilitya Large Quantity Generator (1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated _per marrih) of hazardous wa_ste? b Yes d) Type(s) of waste: How is materiat stored: Ie , Mere. is aterial stored. �, m Page 6of8 +,'r SWU-NCG14=r+101 Last ►svlsad 8101P2017 ,v. ��'^� `. a. p .• spA. !, „r,�, _. _ _ "_ _ h_tl. �N. ,A'L `--., 14. *rli= ,6 NCG140000�N.O N.O.I. - How many'dlsposal!shipments per year ri Name of -transport I disposal vendor n �oVenddr address: i ' i'tnal Cheddist' ' This application_ will kid; returned as incomplete unless"all of the following itemf3"`Fta�e beefs! included: Pl ''r 6heck'for'll00 raise payable to1VCDEQ. Vvj�,12r, N Thls:completed app{ir;Mon and all supporting documentation. Bob Question 10. 1 - .. CJ� Ef ari:Erosion a� Sedimentation Con troi'(ESSC};�Plan is required.from Division of Land. (DLR)�or �7 ~ local designee: documdnta1Jomverifying applicant has di"Gped and submitted that,P(arl:to the governing i agency (required per 16ANCAC 02H�� �•. Tw 6 �{2) site plans dspigting the sate plan withnumbered outfatis which. Indicate'stormwater and wastewater .�. - outhalis. 'bee Qtrestlon 1l). . , • r �,• A county map or IJSG$-quad:sheet with location of facility clearly marked.., , ,j2r _ 28) Signatory Requirements, (per.4O CFR 122 22) . , t AQ applications, reports., or Inforineiion submilte l to t6d'Dlrector shad be'slgned and cAfiedr' y :a.;AU rmtices of inteid to be covered "under this General Permit shall be signed ss faRows:' (q resporrelble cOrpenafA 0 :t fior a corporation: a • . fflcar. For the, purpose of this permit, a resporrsibte corporate oHicerinearss: (a) a ; pnWddM. secretary,•treasurer,ar y.i6. rosidant of the corpomtb6 in charge of a p6dpel business function, or any other person who. performs similar policy or dedalan rrraki funrtloris for the corpoiden, or (b) the, manerger of one ar more maanufacturing production or, operating faclABes ainploying more than 250 persons or havfrrg gross annual sak3s or expenditures 25 nriQion (fn second quarter- 5 . , 1980.dollars), N authority to sign documentsbe has an assigned ordelegated to the'managerlhiac%cirdance %kh'cnip,Oate procedures. t (2) For a pae4isisfidp or sole propsieWrship; by @:general pertner.or the preptletor respectively or ( ) For a murdcipality.` state, federal or,other public agency ::by either a Principe[ ezeadive oi8oer;or rankirsg elected- . oRldat. • . - 4 . .'Certification:,No'rth:Carolina GenetWl StdhAe.'143.215.6 B(i) provides that , . £ 7t. ', Any person_ who knowingly makes''eny false •statamerd,` represerttationr or certiflce0on In any: epplicaiEgn, record, report.. plan or other 3 Vi .. tt document tiled or required to be mairdained under this Ar11Cle or a'nde implemer" '-o this Amide' or who knowingly makes a false statement o1.. a matarlal fact In a ndemakfng proCaedfng or cotgested case under dils ARide; or wFto falslfles; tempera with, ar knowingly rendere Ineaxrrate a record[ or monitors d f nv ng, ng. evlcv or, mettwd required to;be operated or maintained under this Article or ruses of. the tEnvironmentel' ' Mana em6M] Commission f , g nrplementing;this Art[de shall be guilty of Class 2 misdemeanor which may-indO a fine not to exceed tan w' thousand'doUern ($10.000). r n d ��rdge underthispt3miit will • Ta ratan e ce I Permit' t ands d atme;manner stnnit � • constitute �e uin3tnen �rrthe disc�ta e s and is�enforceable in the sa as an individual pe mQ rge ( ) permit. ce v that I;am familiar with the':iiiforrnation CD ntMned In this a lion anti that o the best of no ppitca t my k wledge .,. ' and belief 6uch•informadon is fill complete,'and accurate. } t . Printed Name Person,S igning Sim f A.. - gnatu of,Apptltant) . � - t (Qate.3lgned) _Page T of B I - _ SWU-NCG14-NO1 Last revised 8/01/2017 NCG140000 N.O.I. Notice of Intent must be accompanied by' a check or money order for $100:00 made payable to; NCDEQ Mail the entire package to: DEMLR - S.tormwater Program Dept. of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1 612 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee the issuance of an NODES permit. For - questions, please contact the DEMLR Re iona1-0Mtie for your area. DEMLR Reglonal Office Contact Information: Asheville "Office ...... (828) 2964500 Fayetteville Office... (910) 433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh;Office ........ (919) 7914200 Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481-' Wilmington Office ... (910) 780215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 771-5000 Central Office .........(919) 807-8300 a r Page 8 of 8 sWU-NCG14-NOI Last revised W112017. FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: SITE AERIAL MAP FIGURE 3: SITE LAYOUT MAP 0 ` f m0091e--,Earth - Jo 0 Fj Ile o 7+h 'S �'�}'4� F. � �n � #�l �•�. .. , •\ � � � �•A r # y :� �, 1 � ql rr 1':: � � � • -` , r a f, R+ � fy .-, �K •� R - ' \ Rh �'Y , �� 4fr �' �+w�. '��'.,�. �w�`,�Yh4�- -�, a � ` ,. ` �,r,€��� -#"Y r �€h rgA, +� ,, �`-., •+-,zr y • , � ��'� k ��+'��'='atr •�il�mH •fir�l ry1 _re.� • ��.y ` �,n e.i�:,�?��, k�•�x�i �t�t p� •;�'� ��"r �'�.f �'{"1, >` h � ':./ '"' + i.- k' 1^J•.`�1'� - �Yae •. ,,sr r„•, irk �. ' , `_ •\ ` tl L. C r \ r HH a�•�,. +sky'-�^'�-• J F }?,�M4 i' .Y,,s ,€' ni ,. '• of Ff°%'jr 7 .. i'•i` � �s:.:� r#•�� � � 4,, -`Y_ , • � x- I � � � iw� M'�IY pg}Y _�\�'� x 4. �1..1 a i �' 1 �/ ! - n...r _ x Y i Al tL ��, .€�- .�/. ♦ RI ' e ';�. 7 d 1�� T' �r 1• r,_'r .ti �E y�pp ,Mf+., . •* .Y. � 70•�� r r w Y L j WA ILI . 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