HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG120053_MONITORING INFO_19960122STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET NCG PERMITS PERMIT NO. IV L& 5 3 DOC TYPE 0 HISTORICAL FILE 2� MONITORING REPORTS DOC DATE ❑ jq� u () YYYYMMDD STURNIWATE It DISCHARGE OUIT. ALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG120000 CERTUPICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCGI210,53 SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: (all samples colkded during a calendar year, shalt be reported no 121tr than Janusry3l of the following year) FACILITY NAME I LL.� 11C,­eN14,Ag,7,1T Lc,"'r COUNTY PERSON COLLECTINGSAMPLE(S) 'rxaddicK - PKONF-140- CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) `Pa� c Amalrca � �,'-,z, roc- Lab # -37 2ab # (SICNATURR, 73r, PERMMEE OR DESIGNE Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements By this signature, I certify that this report Is accurate and complete to the best or my knowledge. W 56.': .... $4S:.::_. 0 1 4" ......... H 042:. )072 0 1 0SI Ft 06 7j, ix %� 7 Z I Coll k X :in MR/[ M01 U A. .19 U3 f o 119,z1 I ti, q.,; IV//,) /o /V/'-, V IV/ 1167 2, J/2/17/16 1 U. U-1)27-7 y/y ZLO e17 lly/_� IV1114) oul ..... . .... 74053 IV:�:; 0 80 1616'::'. W94 W6 10, 625' Oi ,4 flwhemk t C K4 �;6 4inhind- rponx ill J� in 12/1 7,k(, NIQ /V 0 7,'5- 0,/1 4 -,V/2 77 0 0 Seel Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month? —yes �no (if yes, complete Part B) Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements 041 ale.- 55 N 05 1 39260..�1.,::L1.11-.;:, -TL 0040W ";00 P. Coyle! " u 11 V N.C. D-PT. OF EN,TVIRONM�,NT, HEALTH, & NATURAL 'JAN 22 1997 OfliS1011 OF [1,X'Ar;',-1?[NTAL :rk41N-.'L-J9T- marVISMIE REC:�fjhj OFFICE Form MR 12 r STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Event Duration (hours): S (if more than one storm event was sampled) Total Event Precipitation (inches): went Duration (hours): 1 Applies only for facilities at which fueling occurs. 2 Detergent monitoring is required only at facilities which conduct vchicle cleaning operations. Mail Original and one copy to: Attn: Central Files Division of Environmental Mgt. DEHNR P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who nmnage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the infornmtion submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and t c�nplete. I am aware that -there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the passibility of fi#es and imprisonment for knowing violations." `''(Signature of Pernlittee)ate r R n Form MR12 )utlnll ;s o �,' Ilata x amble{ Q030 0556, 010S1 ' 9260 1 uttll irJpw W. U �hct� tract„�'gtA1{, J)ctet>zsnts ll f 1r F cSv S'TORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTF. ALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT GENERAL PERMIT N0. NCG]2f)i)(?O SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: CERTW ICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NC(:1:• _ 0 o S 3 (oil samples collected during a calendar year, shall be reported no later than.lanuary3l of the following year) FACILITY NAME Clyl S 'Dew w to e ca,i ��� ' COUNTY �4 be-fk� PERSON COLLEt, v' PH , N ��4-z.z CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) _ � ab s • ' a�C/ �'Lab # A F By this signature., I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge . tart A: Nnectllc monnorme Requtrements utfall h� i .. ..::;• C3Ate: :: : . �mbk , 'ol ex led ;: I I a0(�io 11r�S6 Y10S45, .:::.: 1002< , :..;.' 1t127::::,'f. %" t1103�t . 104Z' 720 ;,-pllOSf::<::: 19510 .,.;:;::: 1067. Zr.l�,! , r N�nil 11 :.:.:.:..- 111 End . 2 Dq r rN:..., fatal 4, paneled.}. 1 alai . tS t nFen c I olpl<:..::.:::, (:lIfllTllil n► rol�t rift 0 ('ti ) m 1c' : :role a 0.P t an o l : ( 1 Mat 4 l alai`: Jc lihe :..;.:; Idyl HG ...:.. •: ► It , ::::; :>>:< ! >..{..:.:. e3 11 ' :<x<:; ..;:;::: u 9 qt7.illr�/," 7• c 2'0 G� O' .ti iu 0. Z 3o v.. Z G•U 331 7 C• 171, ?7,)L 17P- r - ti':'NL �G' �� 17' -L : T't_ 0:..,,::.;F RO::.`: 1616.:z. {." 10:...;::: 629 tl, .Mnle 1!C♦<Iltleltl.<: lllnnc�miCN; "hlrnlea� ntal yl `Ondutllvl Aknmunla fatal It�pteglus 1ck1 liasE.Nrutrats ollrctad sygad ' xygtn,; rganlC' .alJforrn ,y �{ y : K,lvldihf{` 1trita x!r&ctabket �merrd c. rnand...: iYhro:,: �1 ! M 11 :. 9y s z ' .rua is"zu tsn�. L / 7 EpT. OF Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new �rol'�`Tx,yes Xno (if yes, complete Part B) & NATURAL RESOURCES -' Part B: Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Re tiirements MAR 22 1995 IiIY�� E RV MM � Ef�pll MMVU Form MR I2 e. STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Mail Original and one copy to: Total Event Precipitation (inches): Attn: Central Files Event Duration (hours): 3 Division of Environmental Mgt. DEHNR (if more than one storm event was sampled) P.O. Box 29535 Total Event Precipitation (inches): Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Event Duration (hours): 1 Applies only for facilities at which fueling occurs. 2 Detergent monitoring is required only at facilities which. conduct vehicle cleaning operations. f certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permittee)ate Form MR12 )ZATquaChem ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 11176 Downs Road Pineville, NC 28134 704/588-5076 FAX 704/58&2454 NC Certification Number: 305 SC Certification Number: 99032 Date of Report: 04/19/94 Date Received : 04/06/94 Approved Richard P. King Laboratory Supervisor Client: BFI Waste Systems 5105 Morehead Road Harrisburg, North Carolina 28075 Contact: Mr. David Cradduck Customer Number: 1315 LABORATORY REPORT LAB ID: 521K01 SAMPLE ID: PT. 1 Det. Analysis Parameter Result Limit Unit Method Time Date Anal BOD-5 Day 5 1 ppm SM 507 08:40 04/07/94 RCD TSS 280 4 ppm SM209C 08:30 04/08/94 RPK Ammonia BDL 1 ppm EPA350.2 11:55 04/07/94 RCD Oil & Grease 2 1 ppm SM 503 09:00 04/13/94 RPK Cyanide BDL 0.002 ppm EPA335.2 08:10 04/12/94 RCD Arsenic BDL 0.005 ppm EPA206.2 14:00 04/12/94 KRR Cadmium BDL 0.01 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR' Chromium BDL 0.05 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Copper BDL 0.02 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Lead BDL 0.05 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Nickel BDL 0.03 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Zinc 0.08 0.01 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Fecal Coliform 1520 1 C/100 SM908C 15:30 04/06/94 TML Acenaphthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Acenaphthylene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Anthracene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (a) Anthracene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (a) Pyrene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (b) Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (g,h,i) Perylene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM' Benzo (k) Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Chloroethoxy) M BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Chloroethyl) Et BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM BFI Waste Systems 04/19/94 Page 2 LAB ID: 521K01 SAMPLE ID: PT. 1 Det. Analysis Parameter Result Limit Unit Method Time Date Anal.. Bis (2-Chloroisopro_pyl BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Pht BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl E BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzyl Butyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Chloronaphthalene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Chrysene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Dibenzo (a,h) Anthrace BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625. 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,4--Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 3,3'--Dichlorobenzidine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Diethyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 1.5:14 04/11/94 FDM Dimethyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Di-N-Butyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Di-N-Octylphthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Fluorene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorobutadiene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 I5:14 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorocyclopentadi BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorcethane BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyre BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Isophorone BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Naphthalene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Nitrobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propyla BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Phenanthrene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 -15:14 04/11/94 FDM Pyrene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Benzidine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitrosodimethylamine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4-Chloro-3-Methylpheno BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Chlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dichlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dimethylphenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM BFI Waste Systems 04/19/94 Page 3 LAB ID: 521K01 SAMPLE ID: PT. 1 Det. Analysis Parameter Result Limit Unit Method Time Date Anal. 2,4-Dinitrophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitroph BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Nitrophenoi BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4-Nitrophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Pentachlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Phenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM P-chloro-m-cresol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Trans-1,3-dichloroprop BDL 10 PPB EPA 625. 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 4-Methylphenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Nitrobenzene-d8 a Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Fluorobiphenyl °s Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM p-Terphenyl-d14 t Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Phenol-d6 a Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2-Fluorophenol g Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,6-Tribromophenol o Rec EPA 625 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Endrin BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Lindane BDL 0.01 PPM- SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Methoxychlor BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM Toxaphene BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-D BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,5-TP (SILVEX) BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 15:14 04/11/94 FDM TOC 4.60 1 ppm EPA415.1 15:25 04/07/94 JCH COD 27 5 ppm EPA410.1 09:15 04/08/94 RCD Mercury BDy 0:0002 PPM EPA245.1 08:15 04/14/94 RPK LAB ID: 521K02 SAMPLE ID: PT. 2 BOD-5 Day 5 1 ppm SM 507 09:05 04/07/94 RCD COD 17 5 ppm EPA410.1 09:15 04/08/94 RCD TSS 120 4 ppm SM209C 08:30 04/08/94 RPK Ammonia BDL 1 ppm EPA350.2 12:10 04/07/94 RCD Cyanide BDL 0.002 ppm EPA335.2 08:10 04/12/94 RCD Oil & Grease 3 1 ppm SM 503 09:00 04/13/94 RPK Arsenic BDL 0.005 ppm EPA206.2 14:00 04/12/94 KRR Cadmium BDL 0.01 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Chromium BDL 0.05 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Copper BDL 0.02 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR BFI Waste Systems 04/19/94 Page 4 LAB ID: 521K02 SAMPLE ID: PT. 2 Det. Analysis Parameter Result Limit Unit Method Time Date Anal. Lead _ BDL 0.05 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Nickel BDL 0.03 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR Zinc 0.11 0.01 ppm EPA200.7 08:00 04/12/94 KRR TOC 3.10 1 ppm EPA415.1 15:25 04/07/94 JCH Fecal Coliform 1160 1 C/100 SM908C 15:30 04/06/94 TML Acenaphthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Acenaphthylene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Anthracene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (a) Anthracene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (a) Pyrene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzo,(b) Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625. 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (g,h,i) Perylene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzo (k) Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Chloroethoxy) M BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Chlorcethyl) Et BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Bis (2-Ethylhexyl) Pht BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl E BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzyl Butyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Chloronaphthalene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Chrysene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Dibenzo (a,h) Anthrace BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BDL 1.0 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 3,3'-Dichiorobenzidine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Diethyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Dimethyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Di-N-Butyl Phthalate BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 -16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Di-N-Octylphthalate BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Fluoranthene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Fluorene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorobutadiene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Hexachlorocyclopentadi BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Hexachloroethane BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Indeno (1,2,3-cd) Pyre BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM BFI waste Systems 04/19/94 Page 5 LAB ID: 521K02 SAMPLE ID: PT. 2 Det. Analysis Parameter Result Limit unit Method Time Date Anal. Isophorone BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Naphthalene BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Nitrobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitroso-Di-N-Propyla BDL 10 PPA EPA 62'5 .16:33 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitrosodzphenylamine BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Phenanthrene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Pyrene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Benzidine BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM N-Nitrosodimethylamine BDL 10 PPB EPA 625. 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4-Chloro-3-Methylpheno BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Chlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dichlorophenol BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dimethylphenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-Dinitrophenol BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitroph BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Nitrophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4-Nitropheno3 BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Pentachlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Phenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine BDL 10 PPS EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM P-chloro-m-cresol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Trans-1,3-dichloroprop BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 4-Methylphenol BDL 10 PPB EPA 625 16:33 04/ 11/94 FDM Nitrobenzene-d8 e Rec EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Fluorobiphenyl 'a Rec EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM p-Terphenyl-d14 "s Rec EPA 625 _16:33 04/11/94 FDM Phenol-d6 °s Rec EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2-Fluorophenol a Rec EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,6-Tribromophenol t Rec EPA 625 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Endrin BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Lindane BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94 FDM Methoxychlor BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94 . FDM Toxaphene BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4-D BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94 FDM 2,4,5-TP (SILVEX) BDL 0.01 PPM SW 846 16:33 04/11/94. FDM Mercury BDL 0.0002 ppm EPA245.1 08:15 04/14/94 RPK LAqU em ENVIRNTAL LABORATORIES, INC, 11176 DOWNS ROAD 7041588.5076 PINEVILIL NC 28134 FAX 7041NII-2454 Client: � n S Div. �o""'.0 Address: S"/OS City 7V 2,-41- Is h h Contact Person Z)a c t"2t'SA Sampled By: -Jas t CHAIN CUSTODY Stater a 0 fi Phone Number: Fax Number: (. j Purchase Order Number: 2 30 G Certification Requirement:. !V /0CS - -- Project Name: SA't� w4,1rA ,VC h 17,0000 Rush Charges Authorized ❑ Yes ❑ No By relinquishing this sample(s) to Labor6tory Personnel, I warrant that I am authorized to enter into this agreement for the Client named above and that I authorize the below analysis subject to the terms and conditions on the reverse hereof. This agreement Is governed by the 0�ea)74 conditions on the rev rse s' e �r_eaI Analysis charges shall be as included In the Laboratories fee schedule in effect at the lime of the analysis. Relinquished By: 0 1 ��V`—Date: / �0 % Time: ^ �y� ZS� - Received By: Date: f Time: /y'2-c� Relinquished By: t2 Date: ci/P Time: /S/O s Received By: i 1 < ` /�1/`J- Date: Time: /`> y a� Date S Time Sample ID Sampled Lab ID Samples received on ice? Yes ❑ No ❑ Other Analysis Preservative o� I 11111111 HIM ell Autosamater Sampler Location Field pH Date Installed Time Installed Flow CF/GPD Resull % 0` Date Picked Up Time Picked Up Flow Analyst C'Rad� 4. c f� Composite Type: ❑ Flow XTime Kland Time/Date a 91/ 03 5 p (OA/OC Separate) Please sign and return the white and yellow copies to the Laboratory. WITNESSETH: WHEAEAS. CLIENT AS IDENTIFIED ON THE REVERSE SIDE REQUIRES THE ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES BY A LABORATORY, AND WHEREAS, AOUACHEM ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. {HEREWAFTERRE=ERRED TO AS iILAB) MAINTAINS A LABORATORY WNrCH ANALYZES SAMP'.ES. - ­�W THEREFORE, rN CCySICERA ICN OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY LAB. ANO FEES PA<'D BY CLIENT, CLIENT AND LAB AGREE TO BE BCUND BY THE AGREEMENT INCLUDED ON %rr= .ONJAND [TACK SIDES OF `H:S ;EOUEST AND AGREEMENT FOR LASORAT OAy ANALYSIS: C TERMS -AND CONDITIONS 1. PAYMENT - C (rent wig oay Lab tot Swvicvs and erpenses in accvcance with Virs A;tse?mrlt and Lab's Fee Scnaduse in stlect at:he time of the analysis. Lab wit submit progress lnvoioes to C lism morrhty any a hew invoice upon completion d as Sarvroes. Ead . Ice oiee. on presentation. s cue and payable by Ckarit invoices are past due 10 days ter ate Cato of Imps invoice. Past due anounts are swjeCi 10 a service Charge DI one and one -hag perceh: Der monin (1 N percent per annum) on the outstanding balance. Amdfneys foes and other casts incurred rn Doagai ng past due amounts shall be paid by Ceeril. Lab shaft be pad in lull for all Services unoor Ills Agraarrenl. including any arcaronei servPms as speefiwy aurnon:ed in writing by Ctenr in excess or thosa sated in this Agraemsnr_ The Client's obligation io flay for the Services contracted for is to r.: way vooe,,den: uoon:he Client's AtAdty to optatn 5naneng, payrnmre from third Partin or, apdrpya; Dl govemrnamal or regulatory agenaas_ 2. WARRANTY AND STANDARD OF CARE -Lab shall perform services for Cl-err..,-;sing ganeraly axeppsd labormory prn.^.gss. In the ever, any portion ofthe Services tails to comply wrtn Ens warranty 001igafiar. area Lac a prorrnTly novtise in writing pnor to 3C nays after cgrolenon of s:•ctn portion cl ire Servton. Lab will prorndtry nf-perlarm su.= po-tar: o! ,no Service`, or it re-periar.:.ar.m is im„tamcabls. Lew wd! re.`,.'nd the a.'naiu n: a: cDrpansalAon;.id :a LA.- Ian Sut.'i pp.^.ion a` ;her Services. The remedies sii lrtn nrein are ax=stve. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES- NO OTHER WARRANTY. EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILI Y AND FITNESS FOR A PART;C'JLAR PURPOSE IS MADE OR INTENDED BY =1jP'0Swf!8G AN Cr+A_ R£PCR7 Or I r =- AiNALYSIS nES:JLTS OR BY ANY ncsnESENTATtOtvS Lf.A:rc REGARDING TrfE LAS S SERVICES- 3- DISCLAIMER OF CONSEDUENTTAL DAMAGES - in no went shal Lab or client Zia kaoie to the other for any speaal, inaract. tnrideftud or mirmaquential loss or camages. LIMITATION OF UABfUTY - The total rrabdty of Lab whether in Contract, tor, )inciudng nagiaence whether sore or eon=rran;), or outewase arising our of. Connected with or resuhin; trail the Services prdvtdad oursuanftc this Agreemrant shag not axdeed zee Loral fees Daic by cier pursuam to ins Agreement- 5. REPORTS - In con ea:on win tra performanta of the Services. Lab shalt deliver to Client, for Cgettt's &aim cue, one or mom rations or other written document rel eGms Satvi®a araviaed. iris resuu d sum Services or lab's evacuation Of Ire result of sum ServiO6s. Air rapttr-S and wrtdts docurrants Delivered to Clent are insimments reftecteng the services prarioed by Lan pursuant to this Agreemren: and are made eveiebis for Client's use subject to Erie GTr:arions of ints Agraernern. All such reparm. other wrtten docur nenns, aU oeigxat Gat gesnerW by Lac and work papers ;VW 6u a by Lab in the pefformanice d the SMRtiei are: and shaD ro:itae:, Lie ogle and a=11 wive property of Lab. - - - - - - The Services, arts any data, remmmenaatwns. proposals. reports. design often& and sirrtilar Information provided by Lab to Mien: towsuant io this Agreement ars provided for the exclusive use of Client and are rem to be usso or rekd upon by mad parties- - - - - -- - - - - ~6. SAFETY • With resbian to the performance d the Services, Lao stag take safety precautions reauied Ley rtfderaf, state and bawl law& arias- regulations, s mutits a arclingtric"- SAMPLES - Unless otnerwiae requested. test saacirri frs or sarnDm will be dspdaed of imrriediatey upon corpieticn of ansysis. Ltpon written request. Lab wtl retain sar:pies •'or a = muttatly actax=ia. s:craae aces:- and period d 11rrre. in pie errem that saimDAt contain ncardous marerwds. Lib thall. aher lion of testing antral C vWs sxowsss. (a) return sure samplee to Client. or (y ,ring a man#= aigned by Client as generator, have sucli sam Nes transported to a location selected by Cisnr for final disposal. Client fecognixes and agrees Era: L ita is acing as a bailee and at no time assumes title to said sarrelies. 8. REPRESENTATION OF CLIENT - Client warrants and Covenants that sutWisprff funds are available of wil be walabis upon receid of Lab's iwoitup n make paymsrn In tuft forth @ Servioss pertorred to iris Isrmiration case plus real nad tarrmu fionoMefWi and Cleat shag be proviaeo with cOPiae of as reports which am ColSGkte as of the tartnnatidn date. Lab and Cfiertt wave air other claims arising from the tertnrratiort- t D. UNFORESEEN OCCURRENCES - if. Curing the performance of ssrvioet herw:roar. any urdoreseec hQarCOus substance, final f. Clears" or cansMuent of other unforeseen condslora or xwrrences are encourdwaid which, in Lab`s soie judgemam 4nifficamty affects or may affect the services, the risk irimaivad in providing the servsrss. -or the re0omtennded s„-ape of ssrvicm. Lao wet prorroty notify Client Meted- Subsequent to mat nofilirst p%:Lact may: fp if txarsiuibte. in Lao's cols judgerr>.nr And weer agpo wal of Ciwt. Complete Uwartirtal scope d ssrvicea in acGoroance waft tree procedures origiha:y aWasd uoon: ib) Agr" with Cif vg to moolty the s=ps of s"ces and the etiin=a of ctargas w inigme study of the previously unforeseen conditions or Dcaurrericas. such revision to be in writing Arid sgntit by The paniet and nclrporated herein: w Cc) Termnate the cervion efiieiive an tips date of notification purstsam to the farms of TERMINA T ION. - - --- -- - - - 11. FORCE MAJEURE - Should mrrpletion d any portion of the Sauces be delayed ter Causes beyond the reasonable ointroi of or without the faun or negfigertas of Lab inducing faros majnrre, the titre for pe'orrtartoe &hat be eidended tot a period adtaf to the Delay and the parties anal M rtually agree on the forms, area conditions upon which Lha Sorvic" may cis continued. Face Majeus i=udes bo s riot resmuted to. act of God or Eta public arrsrry, acts of the Gover m st t of this, Untad Staff" or m the ssrsraf static, or any tweign cminvy, of any of therfi aCirg in their soversgn rapacity, strifes. tinrl itsurtecYeru. freight embargoss, and unusually severe weather. . 12. r' INSURANCE - Lab shot¢ maintain at to own aspens the bgewng insurance suiject to normal industry arclusidris: (t) Warkrren's Oarosrtsaticn Insurance for z=uwfy obrgatiow Irrpaed by Workmen's Co^aansatdrs or occuDatwtei d aaasa taws: Employers' Llaoitny lnsuranos with a fins of 5100=00 per aeodent. (2j Carraraheisive Arnoenobde Uaodlty Insuance with limits of f30O.ODO. (3) General Liability lmurarlee rmh krTtis d ST.000.00C.00. Certificates can be sued upon request imenWytng d"a avid lerutf of Coverage. - 13. NO WAIVER - No waiver by ofther party of any default by the other party in the performance of any provision of Ma Agreernant shag operate as or be Construed as a waiver of any fulure - 0OLauL vA%&UWr tiko or different it Character. -- sot. - LAW TO APPLY - The valids y, hnterprearov n, and perfamnce W this Agrre earrm snag be governed by and construed in aCcordau nwith the taws of the state of Noah Carolina J 75- VALIDITY OF PROVISIONS - Should any partron of out Agreement be deerrtinad to be invaW. than Ens parties is to have the nvafid provision rewman so as to wam as cbsety as - possible, the meaning of the anginal provison. 0 the provision fan not be rewritten then pie provision shall be d~ from the contract snd the remainder of the contract: slat[ on valid. 16, EKTIAE AGREEMENT - This Agrseaertt ratirssens the Wife understanding of Lab and CLynt and stpsrsedes an prim agreements w hstber written or oral that may oxtsL LAB HEREBY BYES NOTICE OF ITS OE JFC71ON TO ANY DIFFERENT OR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. To the warm lilt any d dom's addhkiihal or diReraft IMme or candkbns Ccnfict with to Twrte and Conditions of this Agreem om and apply to this request and agrsernent, mass Terms and Conditions shaft gdvsrn. No amandfnern or mCEtfcaon to this Agreement or anywanrer of any provt&6om hereof Shan be sffoctue unless in writing, signed by both wales. Any reienn4 to Croert's purchase order L. of Contrac on this form is for sarrple fdennfre zion purposes and io assist diem's reeordkeepin,;- As provisions of such purchase order or contract are specifically rejected. J AL qu em CHAINOUSTODY ENVFNTAL LABORATORIES, INC. 11178 DOWNS ROAD 7041588-5076 PINEVILLE, NC 28134 FAX 704/588.2454 Client: X F I C'Ms e C'oR. Address: S G rL f? h ead 2. C4 -//w/u.6 btAM State:zip: Contact Person cv Q & dd (44c +C Sampled By: By relinquishing this sample(s) to Laboratory P jr Tne This agreement is governed by ti�a +sm+ and��con ro/n Relinquished By: Received By: Relinquished By: ` Received By: Phone Number: 7 Z Z nji2V Fax Number: Purchase Order Number: Z34 Co Certification Requirement: s Project Name: Rush Charges Authorized ❑ Yes ❑ No I warrant that I am authorized to enter into this agreement for the client named above and that 1 authorize the below analysis subject to the terms and conditions on the reverse hereof, Anrev side reol, Analysis charges shall be as included In the Laboratories fee schedule in effect at theecthe of the analysis. — Date: _ y �� 17 Time: /;2- S' Date: Date: Date: Dale d Time Sample ID /,/,/Sampled Lab ID Time:.?S Time: /LIQ Time: Samples received on ice? Other Analysis Yes ❑ No ❑ Preservative � me�aoo m �o�u�■n n � Hill HIM mill 111111 1 f I i I�i HIM Rill m� Rid ni AutosamRler Sampler Location Date Installed Time Installed Flow CF/GPD Date Picked Up Time Picked Up Flow Composite Type: ❑ Flow XTime ,Hand Field pH Result 7' 6 0 Analyst C46 trc Time/Date � 9 162" (QA/QC Separate) Please sign and return the white and yellow copies to the Laboratory. T, tr.; W ITN ESSETH : Y WHEREAS, CLIENT AS IDENTIFIED ON TNr REVERSE SID=_ REOUIRcS THE ANA_YS(S OF SAMPLES BY A LABORATORY. AND WHEREAS, AOUACHEM ENVtPONMEN'rAL LABORATORIES. INC: (riEri ;NA`ERnEFERRED TO AS Lam) MAINTAINS A LABORATORY WHICH ANALYZES SAMPLES. TiiE REFOn IN CONSIDZ.RATfON C F SER VICES PROVIDED BY LAB. AND FccS PAID 9Y CLI=I."T, CLIENT AND LAB AGnE= TC BE SOUND 9Y TMc AGREEMc tiT INCLUDED ON THr NT AND aACK SICES CF T. ,S a€OUEST AND AGRE'cMFNT FOR LAnORATORY ANALYSIS: TERMS AND COND]TtON 1.7 PAYMENT - Ckehi whir pay Lai rot somoes arc exDarsas in aaditnoe wth this Ag:aernmril and Lab's Fee Seher31e in effaa C L'te Lute of the analysis. Lab wilt submit progress invoices to CTrent monthly and a final nvdiee upon mmioW.Lon of its Services. Each nvoicw. on presentation, is due and payabte by Chant Invoices are past duo IC days after the dais of the imaoe. Past due arriounm a•a suDise to a service charge of one and Dna-had Demon; ppr rronm (iQ percent per annum) on the ouuLaMing t]atanCe. A^.Orner s I&" and Other : %is rnctroc in cReearrig past due atnouns shall be paid by Chem � Lab snap be paid in full tot ad Sofv4ms untie.' this Agrsernont incivai :g Any azamonaf services as seed&Gaily avihorzed in wrwg by Client in exosss or those s:aiw in this Agreemxiit. The GMC.'s ob2gaton to Day W the Samces mn:ratted for is in no way aependem upon. the Cfw'r's aDJty to optam financing, puym*m trom third panes or. aporaval d! gpvsrrr:•ertal or regulatory agencies. Z. WARRANTY AND STANDARD OF CARE - Lad shall peritim-n services tar Chent. ring ganeraDy adapted laboratory practices. In the were any portion of the Services tails to ccroy wan this warranty obligation and Lac is prarttotiy noa!ied in wrrtmg poor to 30 days atror vn>a,e;on of s_cii porion of ins Sennac. Lao wil prompty re -perform such ponjen or the Services. or if ro.pedomtanss as fmpr2r.cable, Lab will re'unc the amount of Qxroensatton paid to Lab to: such Ocnjon of The Services. The rernsdies sattarth herein are exetlrxire. - THIS WARRANTY !S IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. NO OTHEcii• WARRANT', EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. INCLUDWG WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABP :.Y AND FITNESS FOR A PAnT!C:)LAR PURPOSE IS MADE OR INTENOvD SY FURNISHING AN ORAL REPORT OF THE ANALYSIS RESULTS OR BY ANY REPRESENTATIONS MADE RE(6;RDtNG TrlE LA9'S SEgViCES, 3. DISCLAIMER OF CONSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES . 1^ no eves, soak Lab o- ctieh+ bs stale to the oche' fa, any spscaT. inc4rec r.:iderna-° Cr apseCser::a Css or cz: a_�m. A. ' - LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - TM total li=ky or Lab whether in contract, tor; (including naghgome whether sole or Cond.irmt), or other rise arising our al. mnneaeo with or resOftsty-rm.m. the services prowoaC pun uant:o this ASreeriein; Snas rear ex Sled the Iptal fees ParC Oy Cieril DurSUant td This ASreemehL - 5. REPORTS - In mrrwcion wan trio performance C trip Services. Lab snalf deliver to Chem, for C,am's sale use, one or more reports Cr:Laser vv=an oocurnerinii refiecung Se!vaes Drovioad. the results of sum Services or Lab's evaluation of 1ne results of suCn Services. A;I reports and wrmen documents delivered to Chem are hWrurrints reflecing the sarvicas �roviced by La, pursuant to finis Agreeman! and are rnaoe avaianw tar C4nts use suciee to the h.-TAtr,afts of ihs Agreement. All such reports, other *=On aoarmenis, All anginal Giza;mares icy :ac and worn papers prpd'JCoo by Lad in the pomarmanm at the Somms are. and -shall rom m. the solo and eseka" Property d! Lab. - The Services, and any da:k roaxna>•noxPons. Proposals• reports. design crttaria. and rim w inlr. rmian provided by Lab to CAen: Pursuant to this Agroerrom are provided fat ate or_iuwve use of CLieM and are not to be used or relied upon by third patties. - - - SAFETY - Wxh resDoG to vie Porlom%Mm of the Services. Lab sriaA take safety precautions required by tederY, stale and focal Taws• rubs. regulations, stxutas or ordLmancas. 7- SAMPLES - Unless arnorw as requested. test soecvrwrs or sarples will be disposed of imavodirnely upon co d ana"is. Upon written request Lab waif retain sarmies for a mutuaty acaeoraoa storage charge and period of time. inat the event thaarrsaee nt coain hazardous mazertals. Lab shack ahor i'drrroleton at tmtstg and at Client's expense. fa) retL n such sanplas to Cliwr, or M) using a manlem agned by Client es gerwatur. haw such sampled transported to at lculcn somcW by Gent for Snarl disposal. Chant r"nizes and &;rem ma: ` Lab is acing as a ba ise and at no tints As=mm Mle to said wrrpies. - 8. REPRESENTATION OF CLIENT - Ciam warrants and covenant that sufToerK tunds are avaitade or volt be avasabio Croon reasiat d Lao's.itvoce to maua payrnmM In fuv for tie Servirm pemor rac :: trio lormniLion axe plus reasoraa mynulatianexperlies area Clint &Rill be provided with cars of all reports whC.1 are cDnplefe as of tote ierTww on Iwo. Lab and Chant waive at Omer claim ankle !rum the Iorntnation. . i0. UNFORESEEN OCCURRENCES • 9, curing the peridrrrLaricl t% services ferovrtder, any unforeseen hazardous subslarCe. maeriaL alerrtert or carmUrusrtt or artier untamseen eonetions - or occunsrtms are ana-urnered which, in Lab's soil judgement sigrrficamy affects Of may affee: ins servers, the risk involved in providing, the SeirviCas, dr the recommended sc e d srrvims. Lab will pronely notify CGartt thereof. Subsequertt to that notification. Lao may. (a) if prAGjmble, in Lab's soh juttpertlra Arta with approval of Cher; oortpale the original sCCOs of services in ao ofztwice with the procee:+res Grigrlaly agreed upon; 10) Agree with Client to Modify oho sniped ssrvees and the e1sting7e of C tatgss to induce study of the Previously unforeseen conditions or oazurrone s, such rovis an to be. in wrtin^y and signed by the parfim and incorporated herein; or 1c) Torriinme the services eflocive on the date or notftrjon Pursuant to me terms Of TERMINATION. III FORCE MAJEURE . Sno,id axroleiion of any portion at tuts Sa imm be delayed tar muses beyond the reasonattia eomtol d or wildicut rho lauh cr negigence of tab including force maisure, the tirtie for pertarnwLcs shalt be arnonoed for a period equal to fire osiay and the patties snag mrtualy agree or the utrrris arts conditions upon wnjct tow Services maybe mr&ued- Forst Majeure induoes but s nix reC-•imad 1o. a= a(God or the public ommy, ads df the Govemmers d the Unsed Stales or of thosovara' mates, or anytoreign col mry. or airy of ?rm-s acing in their sovereign rapacity. strides. cW irmufroctcns, freight entowgoes, and unusually swan vreather, 12 INSURANCE • Lao atW maintain at iu own anpenee the foCawng insurance subied to rmrmai industry expopipns: (1) WwWwrt's Cortperisation Invzanee for watwory obligabdrm hTobeed by Workmen's Corrpstsauan or occupationr disease laws; Emrbyen' Liability Insurance with a lint at $100.0=00 per apdenL (Z) Cortorehensive Automwde _laaa.sy nsuranmwith firms ii, s3D0.om. (3) General Liabixy Insurarom with imks of S1,o00,omm. Ceniticatm can fad slued upon request AenUiying details and Lomm of mverago. 13. - - NO WAIVER -No waiver by either party of" oetaut by the oihsr party in tore prrlormanm of arry provision of ms Agmemisnt shall operate as or bo cortstrwd as a waiver o! any future dNew, whether side Or 01tfarem in Character. 14- ' —LAW TO, APPLY - The vaiday, nterpre;alim and perfarmande of this Agreement stall be govwrrod by and construed in a curdarim with the tawa of the state of North Carolina. 5- VALIDITY OF PROVISIONS . Should any ❑c'son pl our Agreemen. to detarnired to be invalid. tnen the parties is to have the itvoid provaton mmilden to as to aitam As croeely as paeaihls:lhe rriewung of the original provision. It the provhjon can not be rewralon then rho provscn shall be dshised Irom the rewrap art the rernainder of the contrast shall be valid. t6. `ENTIRE AGREEMENT - This Agreement represents the entire understanding at Lab ono Client and aziporsedse tfa prior agiesrrwits wfelhw wrrUen or dal treat may extSL --- LAB HEREBY C2VES NOTICE OF ITS OBJECTION TO ANY DIFFERENT OR ADDITiDNAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, To the extent ttsat arty of diahrs additional or different IWM or mndkions conflict with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and apply to this request and agmemmriL dime Torras aril Conditions shall parent. No Artrrd;nertt or micalfcatnn In this Agrasmoni or any waiver of any prortsions herool shall W inactive unless in wiling, signed by both pandas. Any Weronco to Cliorrrs purchase order Or Contract on this )orm is for sa.-rtpe identification pufttosm and to asset diont's recordkeeping- At provisions d --inch purchase order or contract are spsrEica))y rejected.