HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000495_APPLICATION_20100910STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE El FINAL PERMIT ❑ ANNUAL REPORT PLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE 0 OTHER DOC DATE ❑ ,�,� .O /D YYYYMMDD Town of Holly Springs Wake County, North Carolina NPDES Phase II Stormwater Application September 1.0, 201.0 Permit #: NCS000495 Town Project #: 10-024 �p`I10 Ot HOL (SpR/NGs Developed By: Environmental Services and The Town of Holly Springs, Department of Engineering Stormwater Stephanie L. Sudano, PE, Director of Engineering Management � Mana ement Kendra D. Parrish, PE, CFM, Senior Engineer Heather V. Keefer, CFM, Environmental Specialist 128 South Main Street rrlr•. TOWN or• 130 Box 8 holly [lolly Springs, NC 26540 Springs 919.557.3938 — fax 919.552.9881 T1 O R T H C A K O L l N A www.hollyspringsnc.us Copy of TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION Pages 1-3 1.1. Population Served Page 1 1.2. Growth Rate Page 1 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas Page 1 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System Page 1 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates Page 2 1.6. Estimate Methodology Page 2 1.7. TMDL Identification Page 3 2. RECEIVING STREAMS Page 4 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS Page 6-7 3.1. Local Programs Page 6 3.2. State programs Page 7 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION Page 8-12 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List Page 8-9 4.2. Organizational Charts Page 10-11 4.3. Signing Official Page 12 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative Page 12 5, Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) Page 13 5.1. Co-Permittees Page 13 5.2. Legal Agreements Page 13 5.3. Responsible Parties Page 13 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity Page 14 6.1. Name of Entity Page 14 6.2. Measure Implemented Page 14 6.3. Contact Information Page 14 6.4. Legal Agreements Page 14 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Page 15-35 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts Page 15 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation Page 17 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Page 19 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Page 23 7.5. Post -Construction Stormwater Management in New Development Page 26 and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Page 34 APPENDIX A Page 36 ATTACHMENTS Page 37 Town of Holly Springs - NPDES Phase II Application 2010 Permit NCS000495 State of North Carolina OFFIC USE ONLY Department of Environment & Natural Resources Date Rec'd Division of Water Quality Fee Paid Permit Number NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small MS4 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Holly Springs b. Ownership Status (federal, state or local Local c. Type of Public Entity (city, town, county, prison, school, etc. Town d. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code SIC 91 - 97 e. County(s) Wake f. Jurisdictional Area (square miles) Approximately 14.5 square miles g. Population Permanent 21,500 Seasonal (if available) n/a h. Ten-year Growth Rate 79.77% (Annual growth rate for the period of 1990 — 2000 i, Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes ® No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 14.5 square miles b. River Basin(s) Neuse River Basin (25%), Cape Fear River Basin (75%) c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams Neuse (3), Cape Fear (7) d. Estimated percentaqe of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities; • Residential 71.5% • Commercial 9% • Industrial 10% • Open Space 9.5% Total = 100% e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? ® Yes ❑ No Page 1 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ® Yes ❑ No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program ❑ Yes ® No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ® Yes ❑ No d, CAMA Land Use Plan ❑ Yes ® No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with El Yes ®No a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 n/a • NPDES Permit Number n/a c. Do you intend to co -permit ❑ Yes ® No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: n/a e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ® No erm ittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of our permit obligations? ❑ Yes ® No b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • Name of Entity n/a • Element they will implement n/a • Contact Person n/a • Contact Address n/a • Contact Telephone Number n/a c. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? El Yes ®No VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority n/a has been delegated b. Title/position of person above n/a c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. Town of Molly Springs - NPDES Phase II Application Permit NCS000495 Page 2 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VIL SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. W Signature 'f U4 r Name Carl Dean Title Town Manager Street Address 128 South Main Street PO Box P.O. Box 8 City Holly Springs State North Carolina Zip 27540 Telephone (919) 557-3903 Fax (919) 567-1472 E-Mail carl.dean hall springsnc.us VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Stephanie L. Sudano, PE b. Title Director of Engineering c. Street Address 128 South Main Street d. PO Box P.O. Box 8 e. City Holly Springs f. State North Carolina g. Zip 27540 h. Telephone Number (919) 557-3938 L Fax Number (919) 552-9881 j. E-Mail Address step hanie.sudano@poll ss pringsnc.us Town of Hoily Springs - NPDES Phase II Application PermitNCS000495 Page 3 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste n/a Management Program n/a b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N00063096 Plant & Pretreatment Program; Permit Number WQ19098 Land Application; WQ0032289 Reclaimed; d. Prevention of Significant n/a Deterioration (PSD) Program n/a e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for n/a Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the n/a Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under Individual permits are applied for as needed for Town section 404 of CWA construction projects including road and utility projects. X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed Stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. Town of Holly Springs - NPDES Phase 19 Application Permit NC5000495 Page 4 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATION 1. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. POPULATION SERVED 1.2. GROWTH RATE 1.3. JURISDICTIONAL AND MS4 SERVICE AREAS 1.4. MS4 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM 1.5. LAND USE COMPOSITION ESTIMATES 1.6. ESTIMATE METHODOLOGY 1.7. TMDL IDENTIFICATION 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. LOCAL PROGRAMS 3.2. STATE PROGRAMS 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. RESPONSIBLE PARTY CONTACT LIST 4.2. ORGANIZATIONAL CHARTS 4.3. SIGNING OFFICIAL 4.4. DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 5. CO -PERMITTING INFORMATION (IF APPLICABLE) S.1. CO-PERMITTEES 5.2. LEGAL AGREEMENTS 5.3. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. PUBLIC EDUCATION AND OUTREACH ON STORMWATER IMPACTS 7.2. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION 7.3. ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION AND ELIMINATION 7.4. CONSTRUCTION SITE STORMWATER RUNOFF CONTROL 7.5. POST -CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT IN NEW DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT 7.6. POLLUTION PREVENTION/GOOD HOUSEKEEPING FOR MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS APPENDIX A ATTACHMENTS Town of Holly Springs - NPDES Phase II Applicatlon Permit NCS000495 PAGES 1-3 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 PAGE 1 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 6-7 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8-12 PAGE 8-9 PAGE 10-11 PAGE 12 PAGE 12 PAGE 13 PAGE 13 PAGE 13 PAGE 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 Page 14 PAGE 15-35 PAGE 15 PAGE 17 PAGE 19 PAGE 23 PAGE 26 PAGE 34 Page 36 Page 37 Page 5 SWU-264-103102 NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT 1 Storm Sewer System Information 1.1 Population Served: The permanent population for the Town of Holly Springs in 2010 is estimated to be approximately 21,967 this number was calculated by multiplying the average number of residential building permits issued over the past three (3) Fiscal Years by 2.77 individuals per home added to the 2000 Census data number (2000 Census Data indicated an average of 2.77 persons per household). 1.2 Growth Rate: The growth rate for the service area is calculated based on the simple analysis of the relative change between the US Census population in 1990 and 2000 stated as a percent change, annualized by dividing the percent change by 10 yields a growth rate of 79.77%. 1990 census population was 1,024; 2000 census population was 9,192. Total change for the 10 year period was 797.7%. The US Census population number for 2010 has not been released thus this growth rate is still applicable for the Town. 1.3 Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: The jurisdictional area is approximately 19 square miles, including city limits and the Town's ETJ. The MS4 service area is approximately 14.5 square miles. 1.4 MS4 Conveyance System: Downtown Holly Springs lies on the watershed divide between two major river basins: Middle Creek and its tributaries (Basal Creek, and Rocky Branch) in the Neuse River basin drain the eastern one-fourth of the Holly Springs planning area; Buckhorn Creek and its tributaries (Little White Oak Creek, White Oak Creek, Big Branch, Little Branch, Utley Creek, !Norris Branch, Cary Branch, and Jim Branch) in the Cape Fear River basin drain the western three -fourths of the planning area. NC-55 to the north and through the middle of Holly Springs, and SR 1115 and SR 1101 south of Town, lie along the watershed divide between these two river basins. Rainfall to the east of this divide flows to the Neuse River, and rainfall to the west of the divide flows to the Cape Fear River. Stormwater is collected via open swaies and ditches, curb and gutter, or yard inlets to a closed system of pipes with flared end sections. Some flared end sections outlet into stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as level Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II 5tormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 1 of 37 spreaders, bioretention areas, or riparian buffers. A predominant amount of the streams in the Neuse River Basin flow through Bass Lake and/or Sunset Lake prior to leaving the Town's service area. Most streams in the Cape Fear River Basin drain into Harris Lake prior to reaching the Cape Fear River. The Town regulates all stormwater collection system design and construction. The Town's Public Works Department maintains these stormwater systems on Town property and within its street rights -of -ways as needed to keep inlets clear of debris. Stormwater systems within the State's right-of-way are maintained by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Systems on private property or within private drainage easements are solely the landowner's responsibility. The Town may take corrective action on these systems when improper maintenance is causing emergency situations. The property owner may then be subsequently billed for these activities. Proper maintenance includes insuring that outfalls are free from obstructions, and are in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. 1.5 Existing Land Use Composition Estimates (based on current zoning): LAND USE ACRES PERCENT Residential 8948 71.5% Commercial 1115 9% Industrial 1284 10% Open Space 1174 9.5% 19.5 Square Miles 1000/0 1.6 Estimate Methodology: For this project, the existing land use inventory was determined using GIS data based upon the Town of Holly Springs Certified Zoning Map for parcels within the Towns Corporate Limits and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) as well as approved preliminary site and development plans. Residential classification is based on the existing subdivisions, subdivisions currently under construction, land currently zoned residential that includes farm land in the ET]. Commercial classification is based on existing commercial property including parcels with approved development plans. Industrial classification includes existing industrial parks, quarries and landfills. Open space classification is a combination of parks, schools, cemeteries, Home Owner Association land that will remain undeveloped and land reserved for future parks. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 2 of 37 1.7 TMDL Identification: NC DENR has developed a TMDL for addressing impaired biological integrity in the headwaters of the Swift Creek Watershed. The Town of Holly Springs drains into Middle Creek, near its confluence with Swift Creek East of NC 210 in Johnston County. Holly Springs is not tributary to the TMDL in the Swift Creek Watershed. The NC Division of Water Quality's TMDL website states that NC DENR is developing a TMDL for the Middle Cape Fear for the pollutant Chlorophyll a. It has not been determined how this TMDL will affect Holly Springs. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 3 of 37 2 Receiving Streams Table 1: Neuse River Basin Receiving Stream Stream Water Quality Use Support Water Quality 303(d) List Name Segment Classification Rating Issues ** Middle Creek 27-43-15-(1)bi C; NSW Aquatic Life: • Habitat Degradation Yes: 303d list for From 0.8 miles south Impaired from MS4 NPDES impairments due to of US1 to unnamed (Apex) & Stormwater Low Dissolved tributary on west of Runoff Oxygen & Habitat creek 3.0 miles • Low Dissolved Oxygen Degradation. from WWTP NPDES (Apex) • Upper portion of the Middle Creek watershed having elevated levels of turbidity & fecal coliform. Middle Creek 27-43-15-(1)b2 C; NSW Aquatic Life: Elevated turbidity no From unnamed Supporting levels tributary on west side of creek 3.0 miles Recreation: Not downstream to Rated backwaters of Sunset Lake Middle Creek 27-43-15-(2) B; NSW n/a n/a no Sunset Lake Middle Creek 27-43-15-(4)a C; NSW Aquatic Life: Not • Fecal Coliform Bacteria Yes: 2010 303d 4.5 From dam at Sunset Rated, Zinc & Iron; from MS4 NPDES PW miles impaired Lake to Swift Creek Supporting, (Apex) & Stormwater due to turbidity. Ecological/biological Runoff integrity FishCom & • Nutrient Impacts from Benthos; Impaired, General Agriculture/ Turbidity Pasture & Stormwater Runoff Recreation: • Turbidity from Supporting Construction & Stormwater Runoff. Middle Creek n/a n/a n/a n/a Yes: 2010 303d list Subbasin 03-04-03 8.9 Impaired Miles Basil Creek 27-43-15-(3) B; NSW No data Collected n/a No Bass Lake, Mills Pond July 2009 Basinwide Plan Rocky Branch 27-43-15-4.5 C; NSW No data collected n/a No July 2009 Basinwide Plan Information for this table has been obtained from the NC DENR 2009 Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan, BIMS 2010 and the 2010 Draft 303d list. ** This stream segment may be located outside of Holly Springs Town Limits and ETI Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 4 of 37 Table 2: Cape Fear River Basin Receiving Stream Stream Water Quality Use Support Water Quality 303(d) List Name Segment Classification Rating Issues Little White Oak 18-7-7 C n/a No Creek From Source to Harris Lake Buckhorn Cr. No data collected White Oak Creek 18-7-6 C n/a No From Source to Harris October 2005 Lake Buckhorn Cr. Basinwide Plan Big Branch 18-7-8 C n/a No From Source to Harris Lake Buckhorn Cr. Little Branch 18-7-6-1-1 C Not Rated n/a No From Source to Big Branch Utley Creek 18-7-5.5 C No data collected The "Cape Fear River No From Source to Harris October 2005 Basinwide Water Quality Lake, Buckhorn Cr. Basinwide Plan Plan" October 2005 current status and Not Rated July 2000 recommendations noted Basinwide Plan that earlier studies indicated the Holly Springs WWTP as a significant contributor of nutrients to the creek and recommends that the town find another wastewater disposal alternative and to protect streams in the urbanizing areas. No recent WQ issues reported. Norris Branch 18-7-5-1 C No From Source to Cary Branch No data collected Cary Branch 18-7-5 C No From Source to Harris October 2005 Lake Buckhorn Cr. Basinwide Plan Jim Branch 18-7-4 C No From Source to Harris Lake Buckhorn Cr. Buckhorn Creek 18-7-(1) C No From Source to Norfolk Southern Railroad • Information for this table has been obtained from the NC DENR 2005 Cape Fear River Basinwide Water Quality Plan , BIMS 2010 and the 2010 Draft 303d List. Water Quality Classification: Information Sources: C = Secondary Recreation Stream Index Numbers: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/rei)ortsWB.htmI B = Primary Recreation Water Quality Classifications: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/rel)ortsWB.html NSW = Nutrient Sensitive Waters Basinwide Water Quality Plans: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/basinwidelindex.htmI 303(d) List: http/h2o.enr.state.nc.us/mtuldownload.html Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 5 of 37 3 Existing Water Quality Programs 3.1 Local Programs Water Quality Program Attachment • Erosion & Sedimentation Control Program (delegated by the Sediment Control Commission) - Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control, Stream and Wetlands Protection, Land Disturbance Ordinance 2 Town Code, Chapter 8, Article II - Town of Holly Springs Engineering Design and Construction 3 (EDC) Standards - Section 4, Sedimentation & Erosion Control; - EDC Section 10, Environmental 3 ■ Floodplain Management Program - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance 2 Town Code, Chapter 8, Article II - Policy & Procedure Statement Policy P-018: Hydrologic Basin 4 Model; requires the use of drainage basin HEC-HMS models to identify changes in surface water elevation and provide information to ensure that new development will not negatively affect adjacent properties. - FEMA Floodplain Map 1A ■ Timbering - Timbering Regulations 2 Town Code, Chapter 8, Article IV • Stormwater Management - Town -mandated riparian buffer regulations: Section 7.06 of the 5 Town of Holly Springs Unified Development Ordinance - Town of Holly Springs Stream Protection Plan 12 - NPDES Phase II Post -Construction Stormwater Regulations 2 Town Code, Chapter 8, Article V - Policy & Procedure Statement Policy P-033 Downtown 4 Development Incentives - NPDES Phase II Stormwater Illicit Discharge Detection & 2 Elimination Regulations Town Code, Chapter 8, Article VI - Town GIS Storm Drainage Map 1C - Master Complaint Map 1D - Town of Holly Springs EDC Standards - Section 8, Stormwater 3 Design - Storm Drain Marker Program 6 Storm Drain Marker Program Map 1E Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 6 of 37 ■ Water Conservation - Water Conservation Ordinance 7 Town Code, Chapter 16, Article II, Division 2 - Reclaimed Water Ordinance 7 Town Code, Chapter 16, Article IV - Town of Holly Springs EDC Standards - Section 11, Reclaimed 3 Water Distribution System - Reclaimed Service Area Map 1F • Other Documents & Programs - Unified Development Ordinance 5 - Town of Holly Springs Planning Jurisdiction 1G - Town of Holly Springs Zoning map 1H - Town of Holly Springs Future Land Use map 1I - Vision Holly Springs, Town of Holly Springs Comprehensive Plan 8A - Beyond the Green, Town of Holly Springs Master Open Space 8B Plan - Town of Holly Springs Secondary and Cumulative Impacts 9 Master Mitigation Plan - Yard and Leaf Waste, White Goods and Bulky Trash Collection - 7 Town Code, Chapter 14, Article II Copies of ordinances and policies for the above water quality programs are available on the CD attached with this application. Hard Copies are available upon request. 3.2 State Programs • Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules • Erosion and Sedimentation Control (for all construction projects one acre of disturbed area or greater that are not permitted through the Town of Holly Springs) ■ State 401 Water Quality Certification Program to certify 404 permits issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers for impacts to jurisdictional streams and wetlands. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 7 of 37 4 Permitting Information 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List Department Position/Name Phone # Fax # Email Administration Carl Dean, Town Manager (919) 552-3903 (919) 567-1472 carl.dean@hollvspringsnc.us Administration Charles Simmons, Assistant Town Manager (919) 557-3924 (919) 567-1472 charles.simmons@hollyspringsnc.us Administration Daniel Weeks, Project Analyst (919) 557-2924 (919) 567-1472 daniel.weeks@hollyspringsnc.us Administration Eric Tayler, IT Manager (919) 557-3909 (919) 567-1472 eric.tayler(&hollyspringsnc.us Governing Body Richard "Dick" Sears, Mayor (919) 557-3900 (919) 552-0654 dick.sears@holl sspringsnc.us Governing Body Joni Powell, Town Clerk (919) 557-3900 (919) 552-0654 ioni.powell@hollysspringsnc.us Governing Body Linda Harper, Deputy Town Clerk (919) 557-3904 (919) 552-0654 linda.har er holl s rin snc.us Governing Body Mark Andrews, Public Information Officer (919) 557-2918 (919) 552-0654 mark.andrewsC)hollysspringsnc.us Governing Body Vacant Publications Specialist 919 557-2936 919 552-0654 Engineering Stephanie L. Sudano, PE, Director of Engineering Department (919) 557-3935 (919) 552-9881 stephanie.sudano@hollyspringsnc.0 s Engineering Kendra D. Parrish, PE, CFM, Senior Engineer & Division Head (919) 557-3931 (919) 552-9881 kendra.parrish@hollyspringsnc.us Engineering Rodney L. Campbell, Development Inspector Administrator (919) 557-2908 (919) 552-9881 rodney.campbell(abhollyspringsnc.us Engineering Elizabeth Goodson, PE, Development Review Engineer (919) 557-3936 (919) 552-9881 elizabeth.goodson(&hoIlysspringsnc. us Engineering Bobby Boling, Development Plans Reviewer (919) 557-3919 (919) 552-9881 bobby.boling@hollysspringsnc.us Engineering Heather V. Keefer, CFM, Environmental Specialist (919) 557-2909 (919) 552-9881 heather.keefer@hollyspringsnc.us Engineering Darin Eyster, CFM, Stormwater Administrator (919) 557-2921 (919) 552-9881 darineyster aPhollyspringsnc.us Engineering Daniel Colavito, Environmental Technician (919) 567-4027 (919) 552-9881 daniel.golavito@hollysi)rinqsnc.us Engineering Aaron Levitt, PE, LEED GA, Engineering Project Coordinator (919) 567-4025 (919) 552-9881 aaron.levitt@hollysoringsnc.us Engineering Scott Evenson, Engineering/GIS Technician (919) 557-3932 (919) 552-9881 scott.evenson@hollvspringsnc.us Engineering David Summers, Lead Development Inspector (919) 557-2910 (919) 552-9881 david.summers@hollvspringsnc.us Enclineering Mike Dupree, Development Inspector 919 557-2911 919 552-9881 mike.du ree holl s rin snc.us Engineering Drew Johnson, Development Inspector (919) 557-2928 (919) 552-9881 drew.iohnson hollyspringsnc.us Engineering Danny Street Development Inspector 919 557-2912 914 552-9881 danny.street@hollysprinqsnc.us Engineering Steve Perry,Development Inspector 919 557-2938 914 552-9881 mike.du ree halls rin snc.us Engineering Jennifer Bullock, Office Manager (919) 557-3933 (919) 552-9881 Jennifer.bullock@hollvspringsnc.us Engineering Sandra Auer, Administrative Support Assist. II (919) 557-3926 (919) 552-9881 sandra.auer hollysspringsnc.us Engineering Debbie Abbene, Administrative Support Assist. I (919) 557-3939 (919) 552-9881 debbie.abbeneaPholl sspringsnc.us Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 8 of 37 Code Enforcement Ricky Blackmon, Director of Code Enforcement (919) 557-3915 (919) 557-7551 risky.blackmon@hoilyspringsnc.us Code Enforcement Chuck Queen, Code Enforcement/ Safety Officer (919) 557-2914 (919) 557-7551 chuck. ueen holl s rin snc.us Economic Development Jennifer Mizelle, Director of Economic Development (919) 557-3923 (919) 567-1472 Jennifer.mizelle@hollysprinasncus Human Resources Erika Philips, Director of Human Resources (919) 557-3911 (919) 567-2569 erika.phiiips@hollyspringsnc.us Parks & Recreation Len Bradley, Director of Parks & Recreation (919) 557-3930 (919) 552-5569 Ien.brad leyCa hollyspringsnc.us Parks & Recreation Sabrina Thompson, Bass Lake Park Manager (919) 557-2906 (919) 552-5569 Sabrina.thompsonfthollyspringsnc. us Parks & Recreation Stacy Gray, Bass Lake Park Naturalist (919) 557-2906 (919) 552-5569 stagy. gray C&holly_springsnc.us Planning & Zoning Gina Clapp, Director of Planning & Zoning (919) 557-3908 (919) 557-2067 gina.clapp@hollyspringsnc.us Police John Herring, Police Chief (919) 567-4701 (919) 552-0533 John. herrin holl s rin snc.us Fire Cecil Parker, Fire Chief (919) 567-4001 (919) 567-4001 cecil.parkerCa hollyspringsnc.us Public Utilities Amy Jo Moore, Director of Public Utilities (919) 577-1090 (919) 577-2280 amy.moore(dhollysspringsnc.us Public Works Luncie McNeil, Director of Public Works (919) 552-5920 (919) 552-7947 Luncie.McNeil@ftllyspringsnc.us Corresponding BMP and Measurable Goals Table located in Appendix A Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCSo00o495 9 of 37 4.2 Organizational Charts Department of Engineering Senior Engineer Kendra Parrish, PE, CFM Engineering Technician Scott Evenson Engineering Project Coordinator Aaron Levitt, PE, LEED GA, NCLID Stormwater Administrator Darin Eyster, CFM, NCLID Environmental Specialist Heather Keefer, CFM Environmental Technician Daniel Colavito, NCLID Director of Engineering Stephanie L. Sudano, PE Office Manager Jennifer Bullock Administrative Specialist II Sandra Auer Administrative Specialist I Debbie Abbene Development Inspector Administrator Rodney Campbell Development Review Engineer Elizabeth Goodson, PE Development Plan Reviewer (2) Bobby Boling Todd Harty Lead Development Inspector David Summers Development Inspectors (4) Michael Dupree Drew Johnson Steve Perry Danny Street Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 2010 10 of 37 Governing Body & Town Hall Department Origination Mayor and Town Council Dick Sears, Mayor Tim Sack, Mayor Pro Tern Linda Hunt Williams, Councilwoman Chet Van Fossen, Councilman James Cobb, Councilman Parrish Womble, Councilman Town Manager Carl Dean Assistant Town Manager Chuck Simmons Director of Planning & Zoning Administrative Assistant Gina Clapp Lois Ragsdale- Houck Director of Police John Herring Director of Engineering Stephanie Sudano Director of Finance Drew Holland Director of Parks & Recreation Len Bradley Information Technology Eric Taylor Director of Code Enforcement Ricky Blackmon Code Enforcement/ Safety Officer Chuck Queen Director of Public Works Luncie McNeil Director of Public Utilities Amy Jo Moore Director of Fire Cecil Parker Project Analyst Daniel Weeks Town Clerk Joni Powell Publications Specialist Vacant Public Information Officer Mark Andrews Deputy Town Clerk Linda Harper Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 2010 11 of 37 4.3 Signing Official Carl Dean, Town Manager The Town Manager is the appropriate person to sign the application as this position has direct supervision and management control over those departments that have roles and responsibilities in the administration of this program. 4.4 Duly Authorized Representative — N/A Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 12 of 37 5 Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5.1 Co-Permittees - N/A 5.2 Legal Agreements - N/A 5.3 Responsible Parties - N/A "town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase IE Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 13 of 37 6 Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1 Name of Entity - N/A 6.2 Measure Implemented - N/A 6.3 Contact Information - N/A 6.4 Legal Agreements - N/A Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase I1 Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 14 of 37 7 Stormwater Management Program To protect water quality the Town of Holly Springs has developed, implemented, and enforced a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from Holly Springs to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. 7.1 Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts 7.1.1 BMP and Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A lJ� 7.1.2 Target Pollutant Sources: i✓ ,� s The primary targets will include sediment, nitrogen, and fecal coliform. All have negative impacts to water quality as a result of increased runoff from development, pollutant and debris trans ort, and stream bank erosion and flooding. Other pollutants targeted will be disposal of hazardous products and application of pesticides. 7.1.3 Target Audience: The target audiences for our education program are those likely to have significant stormwater impacts. These include: commercial uses, industrial uses, all development, schools located within the Town's service area (three elementary, two middle schools, one charter high school, and one high school), residents of the Town of Holly Springs, and Town staff. 7.1.4 Outreach Program: The Town will continue implementation of its existing outreach strategy including methods such as printed brochures, newspapers, water bill inserts and "The Springs" the Town's e-newsletter, stormwater information library, booths at `o local Town events, Town website, Town TV channel, preconstruction and informational workshops, and other mass media to reach our target audiences. We expect to reach the bulk of our population as well as developers and others who do not reside within the limits of the Town. Some examples of how the above referenced outreach programs provide information to reduce stormwater pollution by the use of structural and non- structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) are: Town of Holly Springs,.North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 15 of 37 ■ Providing education on environmentally conscious household activities such as yard and vehicle maintenance to reduce loss of pollutants into the stormwater system. Providing education for businesses on ways to reduce stormwater pollution when conducting normal business activities such as storage and use of chemicals, appropriate disposal of materials and good housekeeping & pollution prevention practices. Promoting ways to identify illicit discharges and connections and report them to the stormwater hotline. Educate and promote the development community on construction and development practices that will reduce stormwater run-off and pollution, including but not limited to maintenance of erosion control devices and the construction of structural post -construction stormwater BMPs. Advertising the stormwater hotline and email and providing training and education to identify and report illicit discharges and connections to the MS4. • Promoting ways to become involved in the stormwater program with the tools listed above and the development of workshops and coordination with local businesses and existing "Adopt a Stream" programs. The Town will also develop a new Communications & Involvement Plan to more efficiently utilize existing Town resources that convey stormwater information, focusing on citizen involvement and education. This plan will be submitted to the Town Council for approval via a Public Hearing and be open for public comments. 7.1.5 Evaluation; An evaluation of the program will be conducted annually and recommended changes will be made accordingly. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 16 of 37 7.2 Public Involvement and Participation 7.2.1 BMP and Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A 7.2.2 Target Audience: The target audiences for our public involvement program will be focused on all residents and stakeholders in the community. Information and programs will be designed to accommodate all ethnicities, economic groups, and people with varying abilities. The Town continues to actively involve all potentially affected stakeholder groups, including commercial and industrial businesses, trade associations, environmental groups, homeowners associations, developers, and educational organizations among others. 7.2.3 Participation Programs: The Town of Holly Springs met the requirement for public involvement by holding a Public Hearing on April 20, 2004 to allow for public review and comment of the Town's Stormwater Management Program. This 2010 permit renewal application was made available for review and comment by holding a Public Hearing on August 17, 2010 where the stormwater staff presentation to the Town Council and the general public summarized the content of the program and public comments were be accepted. The Town plans to incorporate the following BMPs (with measurable goals) as outlined in the BMP and Measurable Goals Table located in Appendix A including but not limited to: citizen representatives on regional and local stormwater management committees, public hearings for new ordinances and management plans, working with citizen volunteers willing to educate others about the program, and continued administration/coordination with existing "Adopt a Stream", Big Sweep and mini -sweeps, Storm Drain Marker Program, and other opportunities for public participation as they arise. In addition to providing public hearings to allow for the general public to comment on components of the Town's Stormwater Management Plan the education and outreach program implemented through the new Communications & Involvement Plan will allow all economic and ethnic groups the ability to engage in public participation opportunities. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 17 of 37 7.2.4 Evaluation: An evaluation of the program will be conducted annually and recommended changes will be made accordingly. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 18 of 37 7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 7.3.1 BMP and Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A 7.3.2 Storm Sewer System Map: The Town will continue to maintain a storm sewer map showing outfall locations and stormwater drainage system components. The Town currently has a GIS Storm Drainage Map (Attachment 1E) which includes layers of stormwater pipes, inlets, and existing structural post -construction stormwater BMPs contained within the MS4. New infrastructure is added two ways 1.) As -built information provided by developers and 2.) Field verification of the outfall locations through the development inspection process. These GIS layers are reviewed annually and updated as needed when program needs arise. Maps are created and maintained within the Town of Holly Springs Department of Engineering. Other GIS layers that have been created for stormwater management purposes include the Town's Stream Protection Plan (Attachment 113) showing state and town regulated stream buffers, floodplain and drainage area maps containing both Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) floodplain and Town regulated floodplain. The Town's FEMA Floodplain Map has been included in attachment 1A as an example of how some of the GIS layers are used for enforcement of the Town's Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. 7.3.3 Regulatory Mechanism: The Town will continue to regulate Illicit Discharges and Illegal Connections through the Town's NPDES Phase II Stormwater Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Regulations, Chapter 8, Article IV of the Holly Springs Code of Ordinances, Attachment 2. 7.3.4 Enforcement: The Town will ensure appropriate enforcement procedures and actions via implementation of the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Regulations. These actions are tracked in a section of the Environmental Tracking Spreadsheet which lists the dates, types of violations, enforcement actions, penalty assessments, and other pertinent information. Annually (or as needed) this document will be reviewed to determine if updates to forms, policies, procedures or regulations are required. Town of dolly springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 19 of 37 7.3.5 Detection and Elimination, The Town has developed a form for staff and citizens to report illicit discharges and provide basic information for stormwater staff to inspect and enforce as required. The Public Works Department and Engineering Department staffs have been trained to identify illicit discharges and use this form if an illicit discharge or connection is discovered during their Inflow and Infiltration (M) inspections. Program staff will be expanding this training to cover all departments including office staff that does not work out in the field as well as make it available to the public on the Town's website to be completed in conjunction with the reporting a potential illicit discharge on the Stormwater Hotline. Priority areas include stormwater outfalls that are adjacent to a sanitary sewer outfall, on -site wastewater facilities, or a business or industry that could have the potential for illicit discharges. An upcoming project has been created to identify these areas on a GIS layer of the existing GIS Storm Drainage Map and develop an inspection schedule to monitor areas that are more probable to have an illicit discharge. Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge, including the specific techniques used to detect the location of the source of an illicit discharge are found through techniques such as citizen complaints and staff dry weather inspections. As required, samples will be collected and will then be tested by either the Town's lab or an independent lab depending on the pollutant and party responsible for the testing. Procedures for removing the source of the illicit discharge will be determined by the type of discharge. In a area where an illicit discharge or connection is found by the Town's inspector, one of the enforcement requirements will be for the person(s) in violation to clean up or remove the illicit discharge or connection. If the Town or a contractor for the Town performs actions to remove the source, the person(s) will be charged in addition to any civil penalties assessed for the violation. In areas where the person responsible for the illicit discharge is unknown, the Town will coordinate with the Fire Department, the City of Raleigh (who is currently contracted to remove Hazardous Materials), and the Public Works Department. In areas where an illicit discharge is the result of a sanitary sewer overflow, Public Works and Public Utility department processes are followed for testing, removal, and reporting of the spill. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 20 of 37 7.3.6 Non-Stormwater Discharges: The following categories of non-stormwater discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) will be allowable unless they are identified as significant contributor of pollutants to the MS4; ■ Water line flushing ■ Landscape irrigation ■ Diverted stream flows • Rising ground waters ■ Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR §35.2005(20)) ■ Uncontaminated pumped ground water ■ Discharges from potable water sources • Foundation drains: Allowable (Unless found to exceed State standards) ■ Air conditioning condensation: Allowable (Unless found to exceed State standards) • Irrigation water ■ Springs ■ Water from crawl space pumps standards) ■ Footing drains Allowable (Unless found to exceed State ■ Lawn watering • Residential and charity car washing • Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands • Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges • Street wash water Discharges or flows from fire fighting activities are excluded 7.3.7 Occasional Incidental Non-Stormwater Discharges: The following categories of occasional incidental non-stormwater discharges or flows will not be addressed as illicit discharges and will be allowable unless they are identified as significant contributor of pollutants to the MS4: ■ Wash water from the cleaning of exterior buildings, including gutters, provided that the discharge. ■ Dumpster and trash compactor pad drainage provided that the wash water from the cleaning of the dumpster or trash compactor is directed to the sanitary sewer system or collected and disposed of at an approved facility. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 21 of 37 Municipal, mobile, and multi -family car washing provided that wash water is directed to an area which will allow for the wash water to infiltrate or allow for the wash water to be collected and disposed of at an approved facility, that biodegradable soaps are used, and that State standards are not exceeded. 7.3.8 Outreach: The general public and Town employees are informed about the hazards of illicit connections and illegal dumping through the public education and outreach plan. Town staff is trained through the Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations minimum measure. This outreach will be incorporated into the new Communications & Involvement Plan. 7.3.9 Staff Training: Staff training is ongoing and occurs on an as -needed basis or as educational opportunities are available. Training is based on staff duties and projects that may involve the possibility of identifying and illicit discharge such as our sanitary sewer outfall maintenance crew. The Town is developing information to be provided to all existing Town staff and new hires to be able to identify an illicit discharge and report to the appropriate stormwater staff for follow up and enforcement. 7.3.10 Evaluation: Outreach and training for the illicit discharge and connection program and it will be evaluated annually. Illicit discharge enforcement is contained in the quarterly department reports which will be used to review and modify the program as required. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDE5 Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 22 of 37 7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.4.1 BMP and Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A 7.4.2 Regulatory Mechanism: The Town has an existing Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Stream and Wetland Protection, Land Disturbance Ordinance that has been in place since November 1, 2000. These regulations are found in Chapter 8, Article II of the Holly Springs Code of Ordinances which can be found in Attachment 2 of this document. The Town has established requirements for construction site operators to implement appropriate erosion and sediment control best management practices via this ordinance, plus construction standards and mandatory preconstruction conferences which include an environmental education session. The Certificate of Compliance inspection then verifies that the measures are installed as per the approved plan. The Town enforces requirements for construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at construction sites that may cause adverse impacts to water quality by enforcement of our Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Regulations, Chapter 8, Article IV of the Holly Springs Code of Ordinances, Attachment 2. Contractors are informed of these regulations at required preconstruction conferences as well as at presentations during focal and regional contractor training workshops. 7.4.3 Plan Reviews: All development plans that have at least 20,000 square feet of disturbed area are reviewed for erosion and sedimentation control measures. A Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) must be filled out in the concept stage of the plan review process to identify environmentally sensitive areas, such as streams, wetlands and buffers that must be protected from construction site runoff during construction. Developers, or their consultants, submit an application identifying the Financially Responsible Parry (FRP) and other pertinent project information, and pay associated fees for erosion control plan review with the first plan submittal. The plan is reviewed in the Construction Drawing review cycle, which includes a two week review period. The plans are reviewed with the use of an erosion control plan review checklist which outlines standards that must appear on every erosion control plan and assist in the identification of problem areas. Erosion control devices from the clearing and grubbing stages of the project Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase H Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 23 of 37 through the final grading are reviewed at this time. In addition, potential water quality impacts are looked at during the plan review, including such things as encroachment into floodplains, wetlands, and riparian buffers. Staff requires the developer to provide information that the applicable permits associated with impacts to these areas have been obtained prior to the issuance of a Land Disturbance Permit. Once the plan is approved, or approved with conditions, a preconstruction meeting is held to go over site specific concerns, the Town's ordinance, inspection and enforcement procedures, as well as site -specific critical areas that need to be protected throughout construction. The Town also provides a copy of the NCG1000 NPDES Construction Permit with the Erosion Control Plan Approval at the preconstruction meeting. 7.4.4 Enforcement: Once a Land Disturbance Permit is issued a Certificate of Compliance must be issued prior to starting clearing, grubbing and construction (installation of storm drainage water and sewer, curb & gutter etc.). If the site is in excess of 20,000 square feet of disturbed area and has not obtained Erosion Control Plan approval, Land Disturbance Permit, or Certificate of Compliance prior to clearing and grubbing, a Notice of Violation is issued. If a site is not in compliance at any time through the construction process, a Notice of Violation can be issued. This can be issued for not meeting compliance dates set forth in previous sedimentation inspection reports. Fines can be assessed up to $5,000 for the initial violation and $5000 for each day the site is not in compliance with the ordinance. The Town also has the ability to place holds on building permits, inspections, and Certificates of Occupancy to assist in the enforcement of its ordinance. The ordinance also allows for criminal penalties for noncompliance. Projects disturbing less than 20,000 square feet are required to provide erosion control measures to keep sediment from leaving their site or entering watercourses on the tract. If a site is found to be not in compliance with the ordinance, the Town will seek corrective actions to bring the site back into compliance and assess penalties as needed. Copies of all Notices of Violation are forwarded to the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Raleigh Regional Office, for use by DWQ in enforcement of NCG10000 Permit for the project. 7.4.5 Inspections: Site inspections are made on a regular basis (multiple times in a one month period) for all sites that have an open Land Disturbance Permit or Building Permit. The Town's Development Inspectors provide erosion and sedimentation control inspections for these sites, with routine project audits by the Environmental Specialist. Inspection reports are written primarily by the Development Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCs0000495 24 of 37 Inspector for sites with open Land Disturbances Permits and Building Permits. Inspection reports list general site information such as project name and phase, location, weather, date, and FRP. This also specifies if the site is under Notice of Violation, if it is compliance with the ordinance, what items are not in compliance, corrective actions needed, and specified timeframe for repairs. Furthermore, upon the receipt of citizen complaints for possible violations of the Town's ordinance, the Development Inspector, or other trained engineering department staff, investigate the complaint, make field inspections, and provide necessary enforcement actions to resolve the violation and bring it into compliance. These complaints are logged into a citizen complaint database and used as a tool to evaluate the program. 7.4.6 Public Information: Periodic revisions to the ordinance are made through the Town's Public Hearing process. Education is directed specifically to various different stakeholders: design consultants, developers, home builders, contractors, residents, and Town staff. This information will be summarized in the new Communications & Involvement Plan. Currently the Town provides education to the stakeholders mentioned above by using various methods, such as: Regional Contractor training with coordination of other local Erosion & Sedimentation Control Programs and NC DENR Land Quality Section, education to the developers onsite during field inspections, and during preconstruction meetings, brochures, website, e-newsletters, and newspaper articles. Education for residents has been targeted to brochure information available at Town Hall, an Environmental booth at festivals and events, the Town website, newsletters, and through local newspaper. Any changes of the construction site stormwater runoff control program include public involvement at minimum by holding a Public Hearing for ordinance revisions. 7.4.7 Evaluation: Monthly reports are made listing the number of plans reviewed, plans approved, Land Disturbance Permits issued, citizen complaints, inspections and Notices of Violation. This information is then compiled in the Engineering Departments' quarterly report. Staff will review this information and make changes to the policies and procedures to ensure an effective program. Program staff will also keeps the ordinance up-to-date with changes to the States Sedimentation and Erosion Control regulations, to be at least as restrictive as the states rules. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPI ES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 25 of 37 7.5 Post -Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.5.1 BMP and Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A 7.5.2 Regulatory Mechanism: The Town continues to regulate Post -Construction Stormwater Management in both new development and redevelopment through the Town's NPDES Phase II Post -construction Stormwater regulations, Chapter 8, Article V of the Holly Springs Code of Ordinances, Attachment 2. This program ensures that all projects that disturb 20,000 square feet of disturbed area obtain Stormwater Management Plan approval. The Town's post -construction stormwater plan review processes include three stages: 1. Concept Stage: Scoping Meeting and Concept Plan Review Meetings, Natural Resource Inventory, Preliminary Plan Review & Approval. 2. Construction Stage: Construction Drawing & Environmental Plan Review, Environmental Development Approval including the erosion control, floodplain development and post -construction stormwater plan approvals, environmental education session at Preconstruction Meetings, performance sureties, draft Operation & Maintenance (O&M) approvals and construction of the project including construction of the structural stormwater BMPs. 3. Post -Construction Stage: Final 0&M approvals, easement recordation, digital & mylar as -built submittals, establishment of a maintenance surety, homeowner education packets, certifications & reporting. 7.5.3 Operation and Maintenance: The Town will further develop and amend policies and procedures to ensure the long-term 0&M of BMPs consistent with state regulations. This will include but is not limited to requiring the following for each structural BMP subject to the Town's regulations: ■ Operation & Maintenance manuals requiring quarterly self inspections and annual certifications by a Professional Engineer, reporting and enforcement. • Private drainage/stormwater and access easements ■ Stormwater Development Improvements Agreement (SDPIA) with the developer being required to provide a Performance Surety in the form of a bond, letter of credit or cash escrow account, for construction of the BMP and a one year Performance Monitoring Period (PMP). Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 26 of 37 ■ Stormwater Development and Maintenance Agreement (SMA) between the Town and the developer, property owner or Home Owners Association (HOA) requiring them to provide a Maintenance Surety in the form of a cash escrow account for the maintenance for the life of the BMP. 7.5.4 Enforcement: There are two stages of enforcement in the post -construction stormwater program, during construction and post -construction. The Environmental Technician is responsible for enforcing post -construction regulations in the field. This starts with a mandatory Environmental Preconstruction Meeting that is in addition to the original Preconstruction Meeting for the project. The contractor, developer and Town staff discusses the installation of each structural BMP and the Town's required inspections and regulations at this meeting. The Environmental Technician coordinates with the project's Development Inspector to enforce the transition of erosion control required for the construction of the BMP and/or conversion of erosion control devices from a sediment basin to permanent Stormwater BMPs. The Environmental Technician inspects and enforces as necessary the installation of the BMP and receives certifications from the projects engineer ensuring that the volume, structural integrity, soils and other required elements have been installed as designed. If the BMP is not installed per the approved plan the Town will have the developer come into compliance with the approved Stormwater management plan. The Town can issue a Notice of Violation and civil penalties if the developer/owner does not come into compliance within the specified timeframe. Once the BMP has been constructed the Town requires a one year PMP to verify that the BMP is still functioning properly and required plantings have survived the first year. The punch list inspection at the end of the PMP identifies required corrective actions, requires finalization of 0&M documentation for the responsible party to provide the Maintenance Surety, and then officially transfers maintenance requirements of the structural BMPs to the property owner or HOA. Annually, the Environmental Technician will verify that the owner or HOA is maintaining BMPs as outlined in the approved O&M Manual for the BMPs. In the event that the HOA is not following the 0&M Manual, the Environmental Technician will provide both education and enforcement accordingly. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCSD00D495 27 of 37 7.5.5 Control of sources of Fecal Coliform: The Town regulates sources of fecal coliform to the maximum extent practicable, some examples include the following: • Distribution of educational materials and giveaways to target audiences in the community identifying methods to reduce sources of fecal coliform through pet waste management and on -site wastewater system maintenance. ■ Regulation of sewer service, Chapter 16 Article III, Division 2 of the Town Code of Ordinances and Section 7.08 prohibit the construction of on -site treatment systems for domestic wastewater and require all owners of improved real property Town limits and within a reasonable distance of any sewer collection line that is owned or leased and operated by the Town to connect their lines to the Town's sanitary sewer system. ■ In instances where the use of an on -site wastewater treatment system is required the Town coordinates with Wake County Health Department to permit and enforce regulations to ensure that the system designed, constructed, operated and maintained properly. The Town's Post -Construction Stormwater program requires the installation of both structural and non-structural BMPs to reduce nutrient loading in both the Cape Fear and Neuse River Basins. The structural BMPs are required to meet performance standards to control the total nitrogen (TN) export limitations, per the Neuse Basin Rules, 15A NCAC 2B.0233, for both new and redevelopment in the Town and extra territorial jurisdiction. In addition to these requirement the Town continues to maintain 30-f000t stream buffers in the Cape Fear River Basin and 100-foot buffers on perennial streams in the Neuse River basin, which exceeds the required 50-foot Neuse Riparian Buffer. The Town will continue to develop and distribute materials to homeowners and businesses to promote the use of soil testing and proper application of inorganic fertilizer and organic nutrients. 7.5.6 Non -Structural BMPs: The Town's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Stream and Wetland Protection, Land Disturbance Ordinance, Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan, and Open Space Master Plan currently provide requirements and standards to direct growth to identified areas, protect sensitive areas such as wetlands and riparian areas, maintain and/or increase open space and provide buffers along sensitive water bodies, minimize impervious surfaces, and minimize disturbance of soils and Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 28 of 37 vegetation. These ordinances are revised periodically to meet the State's minimum requirements when they change. In addition to our post -construction stormwater regulations, the Town minimizes the percentage of impervious area after development by enforcing stream buffer and floodplain rules and by regulating or prohibiting parking, patio, and accessory structures in these areas. When building or UDO permit applications are received for structures in developments covered by existing Stormwater Management Plans, the Town requires the applicant to verify that the new proposed impervious surface meets the approved SMP. If the new impervious area does not meet the approved SMP, new BMPs or upgrades to existing BMPs for the new impervious surface must be provided. The Town will evaluate and recommend methods to minimize directly connected impervious surface and reduce the percentage of impervious areas after development. Education programs for developers, contractors and the public about the Town's Post -Construction Stormwater Management Program have been created as part of the Public Education and Outreach component of the Town's Stormwater Program. The new Communications & Involvement Plan will include the current practices that are directly related to the post -construction program including: • Required educational signage at structural stormwater BMPs; ■ Homeowners Education Packets, provided by the developer at the time of the purchase of the property; NPDES post -construction stormwater updates during the Town's Developers Workshops; • Environmental Preconstruction Meetings to ensure the proper construction and maintenance of structural stormwater BMPs; The required Homeowner Education Packets show the location of environmental features found in the subdivision or development including riparian buffers, floodplain and stormwater BMPs. It also describes the purpose of the feature, what activities are permitted in and around the feature and maintenance that may be associated with it. Staff is in the process of creating a standard shell for the required Homeowners Education Packets. This document will provide spaces for developers to fill in their site specific information, environmental information that is applicable to all properties within the MS4, good housekeeping and pollution prevention tips and frequently asked question section to help property owners identify when permits are required for property improvements. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 29 of 37 The Town will develop new non-structural BMPs periodically to meet the needs of the post -construction stormwater program and to be current with state regulations. 7.5.7 Structural BMPs: Previously, structural BMPs such as wet ponds and extended detention outlet structures were only required by the Town on sites that had known drainage or flooding problems. The adoption of the Town's post -construction stormwater regulations in 2007 required new and redeveloped projects to provide structural BMPs to meet new water quality performance standards. The Town has adopted structural BMPs consistent with the NC Stormwater BMP Manual. Some of the structural BMPs found in the Town of Holly Springs include constructed wetlands, bioretention areas, level spreaders and vegetated filter strips. The design guidelines for BMPs (stormwater quality, quantity and conveyance) are included in Section 8 of the Town's Engineering Design and Construction Standards these have been included for reference in Attachment 3. Post -construction Stormwater Design and Construction Standards are updated periodically to include any NC Division of Water Quality BMP manual updates. 7.5.8 Natural Resource Protection; The Town has polices, regulations and incentives in place to protect natural resource areas and critical habitat from future development in the Comprehensive Plan and Open Space Master Plan and UDO. The comprehensive plan has been provided in Attachment 8A) The Town currently requires riparian buffers in the Town's Planning Jurisdiction. These include 100-foot undisturbed buffers tributary to Bass Lake, 100-foot buffers on perennial streams and 50-foot buffers on intermittent streams in the Neuse River Basin, and 30-foot buffer on streams in the Cape Fear River Basin. The Town does not allow residential lot development in either FEMA or Town- regulated floodplains and is in the process of developing more restrictive requirements which may limit non-residential development in the floodplain and platting of residential lots in riparian buffers and floodpiain. The Town has also established approximately a 40 acre area in the Middle Creek watershed that has been protected for the Eastern Tiger Salamander, a State Threatened Species. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCSOOOD495 30 of 37 The Town requires the Bass Lake Buffers to be recorded as conservation easements and also coordinates with the local US Army Corps of Engineers staff to require conservation easements on wetlands that are not protected by stream buffers. The Town coordinates with the Parks and Recreation Department on various stewardship activities and programs held at the Town's Bass Lake Park which these include stream cleanup programs and other stewardship activities and roadside and stream clean-up days where all Town staff can participate by cleaning up trash in the right-of-way and stream corridors. The Town provides various methods of outreach to citizens to reduce the risk of watershed contamination. On occasion staff will provide assistance, including but not limited to, soil test kits and other educational resources to homeowners or homeowners associations that are experiencing problems on their property. The Town has participated in various Wake County watershed planning programs and is currently participating with the Wake County Sustainability Task Force. The Town plans to develop other resource management strategies as a result of participation with these programs. 7.5.9 Open Space Protection: The Town's Land Use Plan shows approximately 9.5% dedicated open space in the MS4. Both managed and natural open space is required for development projects seeking approval though the UDO. These must be located in a manner consistent with the Parks and Recreation Master Open Space Plan (Attachment 8B). 7.5.10 Tree Preservation: The Town currently requires a Timbering Plan for tree removal that is not covered by an approved development plan or an exempt Forestry activity. The Town's riparian buffer regulations also provide some tree preservation by requiring undisturbed zones of the buffer adjacent to perennial and intermittent streams. The UDO requires perimeter buffers around development projects and allows for developers to utilize existing plant materials whenever possible towards meeting these requirements. In instances where trees have died or been removed from perimeter buffers or riparian buffers the Town can require revegetation of the buffered areas. The Planning Department is currently in the process of developing more standard tree preservation requirements for new development. Conditional Town or Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 31 of 37 zoning or conditions of plan approval that require the development to retain the natural topography and vegetation on the site have been used on some projects for tree preservation. 7.5.11 Redevelopment, Development in Areas with Existing infrastructure and Mixed Use Development: To date the Town has not had much opportunity for redevelopment and development in areas with existing infrastructure, as most growth in the past ten to fifteen years has been development of raw land. The main area for redevelopment and infill is located in the downtown area or Village District Area. There is also some potential for redevelopment in the Northeast Gateway and Southern Gateway areas. Specific small area plans have been created for these areas in the Town's Comprehensive Plan's, Future Land Use Plan (Attachment 1I) to identify potential development opportunities for mixed residential, mixed use commercial and office/ professi ona I in that area. A Downtown Development Incentives Policy P-033 was adopted by the Town in December 2008 to encourage development in compliance with the Village District Area Plan (VDAP) (part of the Town's Comprehensive Plan). The VDAP promotes the use of design criteria that would provide for shared parking, pocket parks, certain architectural features, regional stormwater management in the Downtown area. Other incentives may be offered in the future to promote infill in sections of the Town where there is existing storm sewer infrastructure. 7.5.12 Transportation Demand and Management Alternatives: Section 2 of the Town's Comprehensive Plan includes the Town's Thoroughfare Plan. This paired with the Town's Engineering Design and Construction Standards provide guidance for the type of road required for new development. The Town is currently in the process of undertaking an update and expansion of the Thoroughfare Plan into a multi -modal Transportation Plan which will plan for various transportation management alternatives. 7.5.13 Reduced Parking Requirements and Minimizing Stormwater from Parking Lots: The Town's Comprehensive Plan and UDO has regulations that promote shared parking and reduction of required parking spaces in new development. 7.5.14 Green Infrastructure Strategies: Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 32 of 37 The Town's current regulations will allow for green infrastructure strategies to be used. This includes the use of reclaimed water for irrigation, to meet bulk needs and for certain other permitted uses. The regulations also allow for the use of Low Impact Development (LID) techniques to meet the Town's post -construction stormwater requirements. The Town will continue to incorporate additional green infrastructure strategies in future updates to the UDO and other planning documents. The Town has provided staff with the training to be knowledgeable with environmentally conscious development practices. Currently the Town has one Engineer that is Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) certified and three staff that are North Carolina LID Certified. Their skills will be used in the Town's efforts to incorporate both LEED and LID principals into the UDO, Engineering Design and Construction Standards, and other planning documents. 7.5.15 Evaluation: Evaluation of the program will be conducted at minimum of every five years. Regular monitoring of the success of the program occurs through tracking post - construction stormwater plan review, approvals, BMP inspections and certifications and citizen complaints. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 33 of 37 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 7.6.1 BMP's Measureable Goals Table: Appendix A 7.6.2 Affected Operations: The Town has developed an inventory of facilities that are evaluated through environmental audits to determine the potential pollution contributions. Town Operations that may be affected by this measure include maintenance yards, parks maintenance, vehicle equipment maintenance, drainage system maintenance, storage facilities, street sweeping, ground maintenance and chemical applications. Town procedures that may also be affective are spill response, oil recycling program, maintenance of hazardous chemical inventory, sanitary sewer supply and maintenance programs, and the evaluation of road construction and maintenance procedures. These are all evaluated periodically and recommendations are made to the department that administers the program for implementation. The Utley Creek Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) is the only Town facility that has been identified as a potential pollution contributor and is required to have a General Industrial Stormwater Permit. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) is being updated to include site, process and pollution prevention practice modifications resulting from the recent expansion of the WRF to a 6 MGD facility. The plan includes BMPs that target the identified pollutants, spill prevention and feasible alternatives on the site to reduce surface water pollution. 7.6.3 Training: The Town utilizes various methods of training which include government employee training programs available through NC DENR, NC State University, NC League of Municipalities or other available resources. In-house training by the Town's stormwater staff is also provided, which focuses on methods for staff to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from their daily activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and stormwater system maintenance with funds that are available for training in the approved fiscal budget. The Town has a library of training materials on pollution prevention for public facilities using existing materials gathered from other organizations or creating new tools as needed. A staff training component will be incorporated in the new Communications & Involvement Plan. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 34 of 37 7.6.4 Maintenance and Inspections: The Town currently has an existing drainage maintenance program that is designed to remove floatables and sediment from the storm sewer system located in the Town's right-of-way on an as needed basis. The Town is committed to evaluate the desired level of service for stormwater maintenance within the MS4 and to determine the appropriate funding source to provide the desired level of service to the community. 7.6.5 Vehicular Operations: Town vehicular and other facility operations that have the potential of discharge of pollutants include: municipal parking lots, maintenance and storage yards, and fleet or maintenance shops with outdoor storage areas, salt/sand storage locations and snow disposal areas. These areas are periodically inspected by stormwater staff to identify BMPs to be implemented or modified to increase pollution prevention. Recommendations are then made to the Department head to make the necessary actions to come into compliance with State regulations. 7.6.6 Waste Disposal: Waste is collected and deposited in an approved land fill. Evaluation of collection procedures specifically of yard waste and leaf collection occurs periodically and recommendations are made to the Public Works Department that administers this program. 7.6.7 Evaluation: Evaluation of the program will be made annually and recommended changes will be made accordingly. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 35 of 37 Appendix A BMPs and Measurable Goals Table Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 36 of 37 Attachments Attachment 1 Town of Holly Springs Maps A. FEMA Floodplain B. Stream Protection Plan C. Town GIS Storm Drainage D. Master Complaint E. Storm Drain Marker Program F. Reclaimed Service Area G. Planning Jurisdiction H. Zoning Map I. Future Land Use Plan Attachment 2 Holly Springs Town Code, Chapter 8 Environmental • Article I: General • Article II: Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control, Stream and Wetland Protection, Land Disturbance • Article III: Flood Damage Prevention • Article IV: Timbering • Article V: NPDES Phase II Post -Construction Stormwater Regulations • Article VI: NPDES Phase II Illicit Discharge and Connection Stormwater Regulations • Article VII: Environmental Appeal and Variance Attachment 3 Town of Holly Springs, Engineering Design & Construction Standards • Sections 4: Erosion Control • Section 8: Storm Drainage • Section 10: Environment • Section 11: Reclaimed Attachment 4 Policy & Procedure Statements • Policy P-018; Hydrologic Basin Model • Policy P-033: Downtown Development Incentives Attachment 5 Unified Development Ordinance • Entire Document • Section 7.06: Riparian Buffer Regulations Attachment 6 Storm Drain Marker Program Attachment 7 Holly Springs Town Code, Chapter 14 o Article II: Yard and Leaf Waste, White Goods and Bulky Trash Collection Holly Springs Town Code, Chapter 16 • Article II, Division z: Water Conservation Ordinance • Article IV: Reclaimed Water Ordinance Attachment 8 Vision Holly Springs, The Town of Holly Springs Comprehensive Plan Beyond the Green, The Town of Holly Springs Master Open Space Plan Attachment 9 Town of Holly Springs Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Mitigation Plan Digital copies provided on the attached CD and hard copies are available upon request. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCSOOOD495 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals BMP and Measurable Goals for Public Education and Outreach BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 20101 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 Develop a multiyear Prepare multiyear communications plan. Include in Plan the BMPs, type of X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Communications & Involvement media, schedule, targeted audiences, messages, strategies, activities, and Public Information Plan measurable goals. Summarize plan, track information provided and target Officer/ Publications audiences associated with implementation of the plan annually. Specialist 2 Informational Website Maintain a stormwater information page for the Town of Holly Springs X X X X X Environmental existing internet website. Provide water quality information as determined Specialist/Environmental in the communications plan. Link to other water quality related websites Technician and post stormwater staff and stormwater hotline information for the public to ask questions or express concerns. 3 Information for Homeowners Develop stormwater tips to be used in "the Springs" water bill mail X X X X X Environmental newsletter and e-newsletter, as determined in the communications plan. Specialist/Environmental Place a minimum of 6 tips a year in the newsletters. Maintain a log of the Technician tips used and targeted pollutants annually. 3 Information for Homeowners Distribute brochures and other information pieces to citizens via the storm X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ drain marker program and as other opportunities arise. Include Environmental Technician information on steps to reduce pollution sources including proper disposal of used oil and toxic materials, public reporting of illicit discharges and awareness of nutrient and fecal coliform issues. Report annually on the type of documentation provided, methods distributed and target audience. 4 Newspaper advertising Provide press releases to run in the local newspaper on activities and X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ topics focusing on water quality and pollution prevention. Maintain a log Environmental Technician of the number of articles that have run in the paper, newspapers used and Public Information Officer targeted pollutants annually 5 Mass Media Campaign Continue participation with TJCOG (CWEP) to develop mass media X X X X X Environmental Specialist campaign messages for use on regional TV stations, local government cable channel, and regional radio in both (English and Spanish). Target message about the importance of clean water and how stormwater gets dirty. Give tips on reducing pollution. Identify target audience and track the number of times shown annually. 6 Festivals and Events Participate in at least 2 local festivals annually by staffing a booth and X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ report annually on event and messages provided. Provide messages on the Environmental Technician importance of clean water and on specific activities that can be carried out to help keep stormwater clean. Events may include but are not necessarily limited to the Town's annual TurtleFest, Bass Lake Day and HollyFest. 7 Presentations for Schools Maintain and develop age -specific educational information for use in X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 1 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR 2 2010/ 2011 YR 2 2011/ 2012 YR 3 2012/ 2013 YR 4 2013/ 2014 YR 5 2014/ 2015 Responsible Position/Party schools and for presentations to school age children based on the Environmental Technician statewide curriculum. Log information provided and target audience annually. 8 Business Outreach Program Coordinate with the Town's Economic Development Department and X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Public Works Department to develop and provide information for Environmental businesses on illicit discharges, improper waste disposal, sources of Technician/ Director of nutrient and fecal coliform loading, ways to report illicit discharges and Economic Department actions they can take to minimize them. Log information provided and target audience annually. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 2 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals 2. BMP and Measurable Goals for Public Involvement Program BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 20101 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 is Storm Drain Marker Program & Continue marking of existing storm drainage in the M54 and complete X X X X X Environmental Technician Storm Drain Casting marking of existing structures buy the end of year 5. log the amount of Requirement marking events and educational materials distributed annually. lb Storm Drain Marker Program & Continue to require all new storm drains to have a cast that states "Do not X X X X X Environmental Technician Storm Drain Casting dump, drains to stream" or similar text. Requirement 1c Storm Drain Marker Program & Maintain a storm drain marker map to identify all structures marked or cast X X X X X Environmental Technician Storm Drain Casting in the MS4. Requirement 1d Storm Drain Marker Program & Develop and implement a maintenance program to repair or reinstall X X X Environmental Technician Storm Drain Casting markers. Requirement 2 Stormwater "hotline" Continue to manage a database and GIS layer of calls and emails received X X X X X Environmental Technician by the existing stormwater hotline, email, and citizen complaints that have reached Stormwater staff. Information shall include date, person calling, contact information, and content of the call or email report annually on number of calls and emails. 3 Citizen surveys Conduct research on target stormwater education and management X X Environmental Specialist/ efforts. Methods to be used may include but are not necessarily limited to Environmental Technician web polls, mail in surveys and focus groups. Conduct a Town wide survey once every two years from the first Town survey in spring 2010. 4 Boards, Committees & Groups Meet at least once a year with local boards such as the Town Council, X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Planning Board, Environmental Appeal Committee and other stakeholder or Environmental Technician citizens groups to weigh in on stomwater management programs and stormwater issues. Provide a Stormwater update and obtain recommendations for the stomwater management program with focus on pollution prevention. Log meetings held and topics discussed annually. 5 1 "Adopt a Stream" & "Big Sweep" Coordinate with the Town's Parks and Recreation Department to hold "Big X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ programs I Sweep" and "mini -sweep" events and continue to provide support to the I I I I j Environmental Technician Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 3 of 12 APPENDIX Ai BMP and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 1 3 4 5 Position/Party Zola/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 existing "Adopt a Stream" programs in Town. Log the amount of events and participants annually. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 4 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals 3. BMP and Measurable Goals for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 20101 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 Legal Authority Amend when needed existing ordinance on illicit detection, right of entry, X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ prohibition of certain discharges, enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, spills, and willful illicit connections. 2a Stormwater Infrastructure The Town currently has a GIS Storm Drain Map which includes all of the X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Inventory piped stormwater conveyance structures and approximately half of the Environmental stormwater BMP structures within the MS4. Drainage areas, riparian Technician/ Engineering buffers, FEMA Floodplain and Town flood studies and streams in the GIS Technician Town's land use area. Continue to maintain and update these layers as new development occurs and to meet the expanding needs of the Stormwater Management Program. 2a Stormwater Infrastructure Create a GIS layer to identify areas for potential Illicit discharges and X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Inventory connections. Develop an inspection schedule for monitoring and Environmental enforcement of these areas. Once layer has been created update annually Technician/ Engineering and report on number of areas inspected. GIS Technician 3 Database Tracking System Continue to maintain a database tracking system for tracking citizen X X X X X Environmental Technician complaints and requests. All complaints will be logged into New World Systems database including information on follow-up and develop a layer to track the geographical location of illegal discharge or spill. GIS will be used to track "hot spots". 4 Outfall Inspections Inspect 10% of community annually during dry weather conditions (i.e., X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ hasn't' rained in 72 hours) and test flows found at discharge points where Environmental possible illicit discharges are suspected on an as needed basis. Report on Technician/ Public Works number and actions taken annually Director 5 Direct Mail Create and distribute letters targeting business owners. The letter shall X X Environmental Specialist/ inform business owners of the illegal discharge ordinance and inform Environmental Technician them of potential inspection. At a minimum letters shall target landscapers, painting companies, carpet cleaners, automotive businesses and restaurants. 6a Inspection / Training Program Town staff will be cross -trained to recognize and report illegal discharges. X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Staff to be trained includes Development Inspectors, Code Enforcement Environmental Technician Officers, Public Works and Utilities Staff, Police, and Fire personnel. 6b Inspection / Training Program Cross -train inspectors to look for illicit discharge during I&I inspections X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ and other inspections as identified. Document outfalls that require Environmental Technician testing inspection date, tests conducted findings and follow up procedures. Log the number of training events and staff trained annually. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 5 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 M12 2013 2014 2015 6a Inspection / Training Program Provide materials through Human Resources to train employees in X X X X Environmental Specialist/ organization on illicit connections and how to recognize them. Environmental Technician 7a Fact Sheets Develop fact sheets on illicit connections and spill management. Provide X X X X Environmental Specialist/ to other departments including but not limited to Code Enforcement, Environmental Technician Public Works and Fire Department for distribution to businesses and incorporate into the Communications Plan. Log date completed and number of copies placed for distribution annually. 7b Fact Sheets Maintain and develop fact sheets for commercial property managers, X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ restaurant owner/operators, and automotive businesses. Make available Environmental Technician to general public via the Town's Web site. Log date completed and number of copies placed for distribution annually. 8a On -site Wastewater Systems Provide a link to Wake County information on septic system inspection X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ and maintenance on Town's web site. Environmental Technician 8b On -site Wastewater Systems Distribute information to homeowners association in areas outside sewer X X Environmental Specialist/ service. Note date of distribution and number of copies placed. Environmental Technician 8c On -site Wastewater Systems Coordinate with Wake County EHD on failing septic systems: locating X X X Environmental Specialist/ potential problem areas on the GIS Storm Drainage Map. Once the map Environmental has been completed update annually . Technician/ Code Enforcement Director 9 Evaluate on -site wastewater Develop a program that will require evaluation of existing septic systems X X X Environmental Specialist/ system policies and procedures by the wake County EHD in the MS4. Amend existing building permit Environmental review and inspection processes to implement this program. Technician/ Code Enforcement Director Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 6 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals 4. BMP and Measurable Goals for Construction Site Program BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 Legal Authority Review /amend existing erosion control ordinance as needed to improve X X X X X Environmental Specialist sediment and erosion control program and comply with Neuse Rules and Phase II requirements. 2 Plan Review Review site plans for all new development with disturbed area greater X X X X X Stormwater Administrator than 20,000 square feet. All site plans are reviewed to ensure compliance with sedimentation and soil erosion, Stormwater, and flood plain management ordinances and state laws. Review storm drainage systems to ensure they meet the design and Town criteria. Report on plan review in each Engineering Department Quarterly Report 3 Pre -construction Meetings Hold a preconstruction meeting prior to issuance of each Land X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Disturbance Permit for all projects equal to or exceeding 20,000 square Lead Development feet of disturbed area. Include a portion of the meeting to provide Inspector environmental and Stormwater education to both the developer and contractors in attendance. 4 Inspection Program inspect all construction sites greater than 20,000 square feet of disturbed X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ area to ensure that grading and construction operations comply with the Lead Development erosion control and sedimentation control ordinance. Verify through on Inspector site inspections that the erosion control measures on the approved plan are properly installed and function as designed. Inspect all single family residences for Silt Fence and Residential Construction Entrance. Provide quarterly audits of sites and files to verify that the program is being implemented appropriately 6 Local Program Meetings Attend quarterly local program meetings to stay abreast of State X X X X X Environmental Specialist regulations and share information with other locally delegated sediment & erasion programs in the region. 7 Town Projects Inspect town Projects regularly and upon request to ensure compliance X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ with state approved erosion control plan. Development inspector Administrator 8 Contractor Education Provide one training event each year with other local programs in the X X X X X Environmental Specialist region. Document the event, the amount of attendees and topics covered. 9 Coordination of NPDES permitted Provide contractors with NPDES permit requirements with construction X X X X X Environmental Specialist sites sites greater than 1 acre of disturbance. 10 Standard specifications for BMPs Revise /amend standard specifications for sediment and erosion control X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ BMPs as needed I I I Stormwater Administrator 11 Stormwater "hotline" Promote the use of the Stormwater hotline and email for citizens to report I X X X I X X I Environmental Specialist/ Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 7 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 20is observed erosion and sedimentation control problems and continue to Environmental Technician coordinate with NCDENR Land Quality Staff when responding to calls that have come in through the State's "Stop Mud" hotline. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 8 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals 5. BMP and Measurable Goals for Post Construction Runoff Control Program BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 20101 20111 20121 20131 20141 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 1 Legal Authority Review /amend existing stormwater ordinances for new development as X X X X X Environmental Specialist needed to comply with Neuse Rules, and Phase 11 requirements 2 Plan Review Reviews site plans for all new development with disturbed area greater X X X X X Stormwater Administrator than 20,000 square feet. All site plans are reviewed to ensure compliance with the Town's ordinance and Engineering Design and Construction Standards. Review all water quality and quantity Best Management Practices (BMPs) designs to ensure they are effective. 3 BMP Documentation Ensure that BMP documentation requirements are provided to X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ contractors and owners during the environmental preconstruction Environmental Technician meetings prior to installation of the BMP and that all necessary documentation has been received prior to accepting transfer of maintenance responsibly from the developer to the property owner or Home Owners Association. 4a Inspection Program Inspect all construction sites greater than 20,000 square feet of disturbed X X X X X Environmental area verify that the BMPs for water quality and quantity control on the Technician/ Lead approved plan are properly installed and function as designed. Development Inspector bb Inspection Program Conduct annual inspection of Stormwater Best Management Practices to X X X X X Environmental Technician ensure proper operations & maintenance. Correspond with responsible party to request corrective actions and enforce as necessary. 5 Database Tracking System Track each project to include but not limited to the date of approval, BMP X X X X X Environmental Specialist location, stormwater sureties, inspections, certifications and as -built information. b Local Program Meetings Attend local program meetings to stay abreast of State regulations and X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ share information with other locally delegated stormwater programs in Environmental Technician the region. 7 Town Projects Inspect Town Projects upon request to ensure compliance with X X X X X Environmental Technician stormwater regulations. 8 Standard Specifications for BMP5 Revise / amend standard specifications for stormwater BMPs as needed X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Environmental Technician/ Stormwater Administrator 9 Post -Construction Operation & Provide education as required or requested to property owners and Home X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Maintenance Education Owners Associations regarding what the purpose of their stormwater Environmental Technician BMPs and how to maintain the device so it functions properly. 10 !Nutrient Application Maintain & develop new educational materials and update policies X X X X Environmental Specialist/ procedures as needed to address nutrient applications (fertilizer and Environmental Technician Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase iI Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 9 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 20101 20111 20121 20131 20141 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 organic nutrients) management component of the post -construction Stormwater Management Program. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase It Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 10 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals 6. BMP and Measurable Goals for Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 la Environmental Audit Perform environmental audits at priority sites annually. Prioritize X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ recommendations as each audit is completed, except where any extreme Environmental Technician hazard or potential human risk is identified they should be addressed immediately upon identification. Document findings and actions taken to address any problems identified and report on annually lb Inspect Materials Storage Areas Inspect material storage facilities and establish priorities for addressing X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ issues identified. Document findings and actions taken to address any Environmental problems identified and report on annually. Technician/ Public Works Director lc Inspect Vehicle Washing and Inspect vehicle washing and fueling operations to ensure that they are in X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Fueling Operations good working order and that they minimize exposure of stormwater to Environmental chemicals, fuels, and other liquids. Document findings and actions taken Technician/ Public Works to address any problems identified and report on annually. Director Id Inspect salt storage facility and Inspect salt storage facility and application equipment annually to identify X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ evaluate snow/ice management and eliminate exposure to stormwater and/or ineffective / inappropriate Environmental Technician program application. Document findings and actions taken to address any Public Works Director problems identified and report on annually 2a Evaluation of Standard Operating Review and make recommendations of standard operating procedures for X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Procedures various facilities and/or operations activities to ensure that the greatest Environmental reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. Technician/ Public Works Document findings and actions taken to address any problems identified Director and report on annually. 2b Evaluation of Standard Operating Evaluate solid waste collection practices (including leaf pick up and yard X X Environmental Specialist/ Procedures: Solid Waste waste) to determine if procedures or equipment adjustments need to be Environmental Collection made to address potential for pollution of stormwater. Focus on issues Technician/ Public Works such as spills in the street, hydraulic hose ruptures, customer storage Director practices. Document findings and actions taken to address any problems identified and report on annually. 2c Evaluation of Standard Operating Work with Public Works and Public Utilities Departments with update to X X X Environmental Specialist/ Procedures: Spill Response spill response practices and determine if adjustments are needed to Environmental reduce the risk of polluting bodies of water (streams, ponds, lakes, and Technician/ Public Works ocean). Document findings and actions taken to address any problems Director/ Public Utilities identified and report on annually. Director 2d Evaluation of Standard Operating Evaluate sanitary sewer and water supply maintenance activities to X X Environmental Specialist/ Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NC50000495 11 of 12 APPENDIX A: BMP and Measurable Goals $MP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 1 5 Position/Party 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Procedures: Sanitary Sewer and ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that Environmental Water Supply Maintenance can be achieved. Revise procedures as needed to minimize pollutant Technician/ Public Works programs loading. Document findings and actions taken to address any problems Director/ Public Utilities identified and report on annually. Director 2e Evaluation of Standard Operating Evaluate road maintenance activities to ensure that the greatest reduction X X 11 Environmental Specialist/ Procedures: Road construction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. Revise Environmental and maintenance practices procedures as needed to minimize pollutant loading. Document findings Technician/ Public Works and actions taken to address any problems identified and report on Director annually. 3a Train Staff Educate employees on clean water issues and on workplace X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ responsibilities to reduce or eliminate pollutants from stormwater. Environmental Technician Incorporate this training as a component of the Communications Plan and maintain programs held, number of employees trained and subjects covered annually 3b Train Staff Incorporate staff training for good housekeeping and pollution prevention X x X X Environmental Specialist/ as a component of the Communications Plan and maintain programs held, Environmental Technician number of employees trained and subjects covered annually 3c Train Stormwater Maintenance Provide training to employees who maintain the drainage system on Town X X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Staff properties and in the Town's right-of-way with a focus on floatable, grit, Environmental sediment, and disposal of pollutants removed from the drainage system. Technician/ Public Works Log annually on number of employees trained and subjects covered. I I Director 3d Train Buildings & Grounds Staff Provide training to employees who manage and apply chemicals to X X X X X Environmental address safe storage, application and disposal of residual chemicals. Technician/ Safety Repeat training annually. Report on number of employees trained and officer/ Department subjects covered. Director 4 Maintain hazardous chemical Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other potentially X X X X X Code Enforcement, Safety inventory hazardous materials and ensure that limited but sufficient quantity of Officer items are on hand to minimize risk of spill or contamination of stormwater. Train staff on use and clean up of these materials. 5 Evaluation of Standard Operating Track cross connections found and eliminated. X X X X X Public Works Director Procedures: Sanitary Sewer and Water Supply Maintenance. 6 Evaluate Stormwater Determine the level of service required for Town Maintenance of the X X X X Environmental Specialist/ Maintenance Programs stormwater system and determine training and funding required to Senior Engineer maintain that level of service. Develop a program for inspection and maintenance of structures located in the right-of-way. Town of Holly Springs, North Carolina 2010 NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Application — Permit NCS0000495 12 of 12