W C)
❑ ��p o--3L
N.C. Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Stormwater Management
Program Assessment
512 N.Solisbury Street, Raleigh NC 27604
Town of Wake Forest
Permit Number: NCS000467 Report Number: NCS0004672016
County: Wake Region: R . aleigh 2016
Back round Information
SM00020 Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage
Town of Wake Forest
SWI00070 Population Permanent
SWI 00130 River Basin(s)
.t�-,,,Edftat6d'Oruentai W U
Wo,)Uftd '()n ,area,cordainiiii ..,, I
g ,q
1� V
swi 00 180 Industrial
SWI 00210 Do you have an inventory of storm water inlets, pipes, ditches, and open channels?
bo and Where
U:ow1ma lj�. Gur, 1scKdrges!
swla=l� -
Page Number: 3
"Complete a table belauv for eacihLnNe� basin Within the MS4 se►vice area. 1he,web
SWIOD270 resoyrw
i�:Vnqfj4 you locate f� Stc*ffi bc�htibtifi ;beldw under Inforriudidn ura IRI -�pu"
I a _"80on. now.
programs ft �n�aa
water programs Mouldbe qoigr address the is of #06 comn;unrty and weber a
7 7r hA'44h.t dot)b So '
;"Oo in on on yijur,'c ys
'rg" 'p- - :-k. --�h
46�;Mn atbrs,a-nd whafoikdants,*w sources are impacbn th- ij4�iinY& 6661d.alls6'
g.w � 11'3":P'I- 1 -:Ir--'-Xr
C:ft. z'e
can qn a pibrijjrfftc�-pr-ot9d- ose�us' �vCOiipfe*'8'-"--"
P.-Syprlous uswof,youQqceWLMAWbi6so you th e _g.
urce co AableibdjoW fbreachrWer nvft�, rea�'- -TheM6Fsfts4rwl rd§o'-" "Maiii bbsi #wMS4,serVk%'4W ' �
d56l6Yiund6rpInfdhh&WwS6uf *11 hWP'L l�'the:iriforiiiafi&3, A"
10 River Basin
ra J
17 V
SW1 00290 Receiving Stream Name
Richland Creek
SWI 003M
qfA rhgUbAftka/Fran ine
swi 00310 Water Quality Classification
-e!. 4f-��' A' -
SW100325 TMDL
P ro '2p'-I tj
sW100332 Receiving=Stream Name
Richland Creek
SW1 00334 Water Quality Classification
Receiving Stream Name
Smith Creek
"iQnk line. bWF,r`eseri
Water Quality Classification
U �-.'EiL K
Page Number: 4
SMOME RRrrivinn RirPnm N;irnp
Smith Creek
1-41— ... ..
mie'r Quality Classification
iT ;� �-"' . � -'.
SW16631 TMDL'
4 Lck�W N
swioo o C;afy6tei Suo"p, W&"'. Program !y, gram
.SW10037D LAMA Land Use Plan
M 00400 y
river -mar our, lb�siii table sfi&�d ikW primacy that. r&biV6 4e(6 ttfj
A thFft%W.0o on
SWI00440 1'I— - - '. n'1r, 14 " - rjlj-eklv6F��sinyou arein: Attp:/h2o.enr.statb.nc-ur/basihwideMhichbasin.hthi
imbers: http.,f-t e p o- At'81 r W&Offir.Ma e KdA64Qk ii
SW1 00469 'Wai.e.r Q.uglity'Classl 1:�iol n§: http://.h2o.enr..stat6:-h-c.6LiJbim's/Reopfts/r,eportsVVB.htmi
SWI00480 303(d) List: http:tth2o.enr,state.nc.us/mtu/dowhload.htmI
SW100490 CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if comeffnitting)
SW100500 Do you co -permit with a permitted Phase I entity?
41", 7 -7�
. ' - I -im, 7 - I'll ". 1� I . � TX17 �'- 4! ity4 " ".' � - — - ' 7�-- -M 7=7717i7r=77 17
SW10051011! If uso,,proVidd.tfie, of
SW100550 Other Entity
Page Number: 5
ve a agii)�W15666,fina :betwWn"��' rmftte.ds?
tit -
SWI 00 590 if yes, icien'ti,f, e t
,y each entity and the el6ment ih" j,WII bet Im6ri ing
fti4 Of E _rMy rI .$.f S. , '. " "_ " I'rq j %
SW100610 Element they will implement
jF "r
Cohwct Address
6WOOW T-ioic 60-1* N M'
I, 41L
SW1 00650
Are legal '9
agreements in piece to establi s-firesponsibilities??
swi OD660
State or NPDES Storrnwater Permit Number (s) issued to the permittee
Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day
' "- -r t '
implementation and oversight �jt6a stormwater program.
SWID0950 Title
Assistant town Engine6r
SW100970 PO Box
SW100990 State
Page Number: 6
'rz P,
SW101050 BMPs
new B
SMO C60 Do'k6 u-- plan a`�n' to a any MPS?w q,
WN 4F,
SW101070 Do you plan to amend any existing BMPs?
fAeaik)jPrD '.aia�BMP,de'scn'!**o*n,,i'hwmurabiO,oDai,.a'hd,im-
Page Number: 7
Construction Site Stormwater-Runoff Control
SW1o4190 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
*MJ"'Htee� rely on the.NGDI=Nft'Dnnsion of land Resouros (I]t:R),Erosion andi Sediment 4
'1a .c,a F� A Mini i": 1 � �r4;� -n•�: 4
„w. �,�. _ s, �,�zCtiMrol+Prngramtocompfywith;th►srn�mum'measuis'for�pnvaietiev�eloprrreRt?�(1#no go�io�f }�� •�.3' %�� ��;
:.. a fr�.�y ya, r �� . E�ps��•�� �,ary.� �s f� ;s'f. P --"'.1W' w n ,« r 'L-' � �. 4. � - � 3 s" - '''i � 4 b �7«;k t ti k "_
•� !3 - r -�}fir ,�'.2ra7Y �1GL��) .i.Sr.� ,. n' _o-n� y� �y. it i M s ra. >r 'C ' ;�?, •� "y1,, z�J;".. hn
SW104210 If the permittee relies on the NCDENR Division of Land Resources (DLR) Erosion and Sediment Control
Program to comply with this minimum measure for private development, than the NCDENR Division of
Land Resources Erosion and Sediment Control Program effectively meets the requirements of the
Construction Site Runoff Controls by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or
more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan
of development.
SW104230 If the permittee relies on a local government to comply with this minimum measure, does,tlie permittee
conduct random inspections of local land disturbing activities that have a sediment and erosion control
permit, issued by local government?
SW`104250_, 'c �` =�fttee rridt a relies nil a fneal` ovemrrrent to ? �� ` wzth Ehis iriu��mum-measures does they ittee ` ''4�V
•� a 1 ite g coirrPl perm. .z
1 ors �r A e 3. � e s
F! J- 'r f_Part.S"that'are not in comptlanoa YYitfl their sedlmept and erosion control,permrts tO the Wall c �°
i-) i`J:3 ♦ ,s`'x,'.. r -�]. .4 y
A., f , s: � , ` ; 6X
� r �-i�H�c ��� '�4,, ,� a� a � �+ �y ,c r a,• w�, �g s, s }, S r ,�� ..ti S ,,15 �{�i
SW104260 If the permittee relies on a local govemment to comply with this minimum measure, does the permittee
report unresolved concerns to the local government?
SW104300 Does the permittee have a delegated program to meet the requirements of an Erosion and Sediment
Control Program for private development? (If no go to SW104450)
SW104320 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the mechanism (ordinance or other regulatory
mechanism) the permittee will use to require erosion and sediment controls at construction sites and
why the permittee chose that mechanism?
SW10434o Does the Permittee conduct site plan review(s), including the review of pre -construction site plans, which
incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts?
Page Number: 8
SW704350 v 1 .: a t o d L' hL r r �,yy .,g P.,
+ ;The Stormwater'Menggemen#,Prngram�rnust tlescnbe procedures ar�,the ra6onafa for f►ow pem��lteeFwill,
- , • ,
rderrtrfy: cermm srtes for;sr6e plan n3vrew, � nat alf plans;are reviewed aril d6scntie the est+maied numberr ,
y = y- .,7'm;9 , a.-. �,.�v. - 50'
percentage O Slte8 that Wkli#f18V@JprB �Oly$uY4tlan Sli@ plensrreviewed.;,
v"r.b n Ys-:
SW104360 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure compliance with the
permittee's erosion and sediment control regulatory mechanism, including the sanctions and
enforcement mechanisms permittee will use to ensure compliance?
SWIG4380 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's procedures for site inspection and
enforcement of control measures, including how the permittee will prioritize sites for inspection?
`+4�r.` crr :'r � -•' - . - � .:_ � }s; r r:a' .". i`,. nu' ' " v:�•' "r.r't �S' 4' as 'l %�§r" - � ;it j. r
!`to 30 �, boas tfie Stormwater Management Prngram`regurre constnx iaKsrte;operatoIStalr[npleinetit erosion; �' , r
rr. � , y r M < x � � 'C yE F' - - .,:ram �i 1 - `$ -Q • - . �,g•": "ti " - � ��. '!� � "2°•'. `' ?'� � 7'9l. � F. -i+ i - •i-
{ ,+u'' ;," ,;and sedimant,control i3MPs,and,to control canstWdtiansite wasfes,that'mayrcause
• m �.:r.J'k r s e a-..<'9•htM• '%!} K rr - *"'f� qqv ^x+-�
y�!i�xw, � ;'�`� �, ' �,. � glrality, nit'IpBGtS? ..R'••yc� 5 ar•. ,�,�,�F ;r ra
ya c+-, : -•`✓., sly .a.r¢• s e •.tl+ ,+r• ei `"- pp-. 5 S"� �'s'� f by r; r�'•, 4{r1r , F� [ yG e+F 4Gti.r":iY f {_ r� i�,.
! .,e >.3 s c� a S s•.... � '� l s* 5,� t 79.5 � rc � '�+ � se .a' � �nsrt' t - ,, ,r! 4 � r R, � +•� -'
•" � a ' ett. �f� -...+? ��� � a d" �� � y .� `� .e r_a 3r. 3, t, a, .r.y �� r � r '7+ `t e - . � � n �:.
:4� '� ,�-!.. r 1y r•,t rv�s �� !r. t 1 � r L�rt {r'`- �,r t'•s ..w u � '� S � _ r �.j'� a • 1i' 1tg . t Js � it �:;: �a;�
.i, n i � "�; S f. Z- •f` t 1t;-. t .` y' . 4c Y'�' - .4.: �'r 4 ', a�y� .
SWIW40 Does the Stormwater Management Program require construction site operators to control waste such as
discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the
construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality?
SWt044$0''f � °C 4 5.�., E■ .F �• `.,5, fJ O � •N ' .h ' \ +.W T w R • Yam. S'S X• J :;y r '. :5�.'
r , r "'* * Uoes ttie penn+ttae p!ovide aril promote a means forrthe puw to no*, tfw ft app�ophafe?au"as of S
P t k .s ^" !" k4�Ga - :max` `? +klv a -' �c frT Fu, ..¢ •rv+-d' '.r > 3r °-v r- .c• ,/w r' .i
r'4' ita ; + �:if� .. ,•'` �ot4BrVBd eiaSlQn a +ild SedlmBiltati0n?pI@i17S? . i e�`y t s b 1 '� tc `sr b t e si 5 ;`u g
-1`S � +ir• e,�• F °4i •1 '(� F ,�yl,� „t 4.^�,�. - n; q.�' g 7 -.4 '.� r 1�• r r ` �5 i'% v'! ! �. � �,2 #. �f 6 E
R 3: �, •i,,,, J y'-r.rYeB� }•r N�yat�C'de'-7'1•N,.� �„ j: r �C.` ".r 8+�;7•�S 4, r'.r
L..�1 4+'r .�cl�'t. i. T I Szr L. ic_ n+• j
SWI04460 Consider coordinating this requirement with the permittee's public education program. Publicize the
procedures and contact information. The procedures must lead directly to a site inspection or other
timely follow-up action. The permittee may implement a plan promoting the existence of the NCDENR,
Division of Land Resources "Stop Mud" hotline to meet the requirements of this paragraph.
ralnln r n'CeSafTe SWID44701
LE S ,,r?T 'i r . CW •L:1 ..�a' �. r� wa - `l .te "� f s ..y�z7�} t r•' w a a..ary ., ,e+ a a Ti;,.a�rr'jye � +K. ay4
r._ty rx*". 4'a ; C n•n k C J r{ �t ram: d•+� 1 _a ;S;i�7 r f'•• 3}a r �+ y y.
SW104480 The number of training and certification programs offered to staff.
wH1w4480T� c
w+.4y#;.7he�numl�erOftralned$taff'ir#$p9rirs �'� dr'�� x �°t>r
tk 4��j; y�sr1 s" �'r~<! % " n` 1t r le' 2` d e �.! t4 _ �e�S'n taw ? r ,� l• •,- i r f" .ti s yr',''r 6
��, ry,•L A;r�� •5�; •r,� ��%h re "S 6 '. ,� a-i+ti`"� „• r� w iL . � % _ :1� i 'S � e� .ar.rR.�,'. C� ''. � v� a� r�uJ��i;' 'Ci -
st�';� 'Y +,r S n y� r� i� �' r. r r y ?4 '• � "b,*h' its ' .` ^ V # �; 3 �r x• r '4���e�,s .y`� � 1 � ..}y,� � � • { +C } ¢a+ � d, y.��i K� e • � r t.a • +�
f ,:�•� V '. �+.t[ 1 � +, n � � . •r .•v o r, s�;>S• ; f , t•y �$s. � . -t , .c c�r� . Ly 4�`d '3' 1 {Y. .V r f ,� T},; .
(+•; _ •fir-,. 7. `•'i. .,'j-1 •'^r "C` '!+.- � L. &'.� -r 4.-i •i Y, r- i "+' •f_�
SWI04500 The number of certified staff inspectors.
SW1045iDj t y,ThelnutractorS t)]/n vp9fmlttAB'n : ' i ail ; er �t '!r l r i Y
r'•,, -r,s ,��s:P'ono =9,�- �-S,�u ' y. : r :may �k�i;•, �a_i�•t '�.{-r ,-� }� _. Rs'a.� �' �' � �� J '"s�.-.-��
�a�.._.,: . (• .. Rx:..:i..�.�..•..a�.'�-e...:•�.._� :w51"—.- ':1 r41—'�:......;r.,., � .--.,.--,��.. ''�• � YiJ:..r't-iS.�• r' � f .r �^mac 7
SW104520 Inspection and Enforcement
SW104590 The number of enforcement actions or NOVs taken.
Page Number: 9
Co -Permitting Information
SWI01630 Does the Stormwater Management Program identify oontract operations (i.e., Transit Authorities,
Pesticide Application, Construction Projects, Street Washing, Maintenance of right -a -ways, GIS
Mapping, Monitoring, Stream Restorations, Litter or Solid Waste Pickup, Recycling, Household Waste)?
Page Number: 10
Illicit Discha-me Detection and Elimination
SW103190 Illicit Dischame Detection and Elimination
SW103200 . noes the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used,
the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the
responsible person or position for implementation?
�1 6210}�wi I�N ' r Stomiwater,�M$ � � � r3�i ', >r r �� , a dy7.l �' � ! ��p � :.tip ' �-`''' �t ,P., »� � "Y�^ `�; ` '��,k �r � �� ✓� ] � � si + } ..
'err t�l d ti � rx. � A d . S -�,.. �,� -Y' - Gra rd �Y .4. .1 �,'Fr.•w,, �G �y :Y it' J
SW103220 Has the permittee will developed or the in the process of developing a storm sewer map showing the
location of all outfalls and the names and location of all receiving waters?
'h + ,� , T :�..;.i` - 1. 'C. ti s4 a ; t u`i. J F LJ' w -r. •L. w.r ' r
51N103280 •` � t ri08S stom'twater rna i t i�.Y '•'r< � t 4 ,r a t:. a kr r�� ra. ,
• � sy � _, :r pp,n95 n�uda dr8iriage areas? . ��: ,.�: r � :� � �� �Y, tr �� �;.,, ,
i`t,:S N •,�- . �'�- s�y¢'s'L"'`1 C. -- 1t r ��� � � 11`X- r �.-h1 i� a .+ - ,ir L 1' 1y .lr.' s � �� Y'..--off
"�- G �,� t=.� � ry:i ° :•y' �. *i G^ •,. r�J , �, 'Y .+ iX w•d7 r.'S .' .• r _ l� h .+, � r
a °.�.'Ws s Y i e, -�o �'.,r{5 .s '�,. t..C•rr y� - _ [fir s• r Z ,fat d. �' x: !t ,�'�. •�fY`ys lef h
�r .y 5f ,%�•��'�J .n �,. "r za . C,� Xw l'Y-` ES'. •r�iir� 4• 'u t y'"a• c 'v'AY,
, 7�� F_"S'}a � ,.r y .^'.: .r a �.• a �r ,.t '�� �ii� � -:IDS „i !�".� .1'.J t. ;J, i' .'d�4�`is ��. �t .rr,�yr •�y1�-,�V,�t �,}F.4 ,�'�-�7!•i�R'i:L..�-.'.'
SW103270 Does stormwater mapping include receiving streams?
ryyhart (, 11 a.: d s',,�y„tl'.,�d,.:,. - t ro �- ,.1 - [ y„ • e
SWt03?8tl # }�� k ,S ' tDoes`start>1watBr infrastttsduje mapping inducie autf?Ils?"
i�i':+ � �•w �r.H��y,-�vF e4�'i �r ��,.,ilr'.,Ei��I����'gr.��t^�'id��•'�".?ti�,s�±:-�`'y',����f..r
V. iy. yrF. axd,,. x, t s, •=u-irS +r,^1t 1F to>{.r ,A _�'&, a-r Jt-, P a M1r'-;,ir Y,•' :' 1r st�f4 s�- b'
•,ld,? ��'uR �n:,� ,d �y. � KL a � � •r 1� �'.._ t[ �. "" •t - rti� fir. r� � 'r >r a T. r� k;:: ,ara �' nr,r.
SW1o3290 Estimated or actual number of outfalls.
8W1tl33o0� it1 „ Does storrr�water mfrasfructure 1`11 g. incltide'sewer pipes? 1: ]Z pk sr o i '• • , ,
,C �•cr�,�tR ;�• K ��. ,t �a �' •sV �y V tj, r i7 � +x '�"b tr•`e4'�' - � ' a '�- i+ 4�4Y Y i .ti.a�-• I �'r I'Y`-i• � � t r,+' �y er , �, ti '1 $�c �`
�, `r o �•z:ria� r � fr a e � �i {y3 % 7, •� ��a^. 'li r r: r �� � * �- � r'� i i', � C ,.
{`,f Y7 r `'' ,.'l�lS.''bs S N,, .,` xs , , yir' r0}Lp� 0. ', [fc' '�•. K t { � � - �;, : 5' * rfy, ,-�1 ' L . , - i . *.a�'s a - a. s`'#a
. Nr ar. Y �'m,i 3Yi' 4l, < . " r( '¢ y7 w 4 JU4*. E�'"/ 't•v+ a� a'.s s.i," �.,.'� S'� t''.ti .», .� r ,, r Stile is rr '.i:.�:•�i:'
uoes stormwater intrastructure mapping incivae structures (e.g., aetection ponas ana otner structural
.v�„J rtuai r C. � 'snx �ti S.-y - ,�. {ufrJ ;s�1� l,.c.}- s� s. �, ,,, 1�.. *•'ipaa _...[�Y Y-,.ri`1�
5W1t)3320p`F7 Estrtttabed'Or acl number"of''stivcxuraLBMPs?.,
,yA1 !i.:. ..Y - I S S�' C. - 0... Jy T V k V �. •t i i•� c +' .i. r �" i
. p FiVti .r 'Vr; a' r.a d _`'6 e�, � r y. -P, z t ,� J 4 a st r) r.v .} � :a.. •�'.'
- V. - - ✓ r l r � o y.�(ynJ,t a� - >•V `� -s,``yy si;Fi' V, a, � } r' ,r• - r"= y t 'r'.� z', 9Ah + k S � '��'
`�'' a }-..Y .,t '.;. f vs k' A ,+1�. 3 n S. js '+ ;JY 3-• "t<S''1 f+ `'7M� :>r ,+ �' 'T i r r •'Srit.:< 7.
SWID3330 Percent of outfall mapping complete.
i -n
V1 4 } _ , u H y DO@S t18 .11bfitilwafir MBngem@ni,PrCYgratti descnb@-tne m d16
fy'ty�+a, cir ,r 1-L, Yjj .. ;'f �r5 �!+Jx,�yrtie'�d.oi�a..Y- �"4 roA ?�`Y!;'1TY•�'-. r�,ti K;4`if': ,Q �+.-.� ,r u.,aar�;M _,� isAm i(r.o"i�`dr�inabniiore.F4ounrro`$th-e.,-rt
it1 .r�B.g•':ua!l ' Ory' y� qti w�'�i� si�: h°'.isz. _",i1,r
rtlil�ctt dtschargewinto the MS4 aitii why,t ; �'s �.
,.� [ u _- N- -fr � '� ��. °' - a C,:{'��.s�%i,3.', ,y •v,�y��4'� �.'A � r:'�vf.:�f� �:>y�e� Y+ 5''� 4S' •�,.. "_''�• -r;' � i•'.tic°�i'.� .r�'r'l`_ �s; q � l^ 9` o t ti.,.
1pemlttbee Cft09e t�tat-m nt�Jrrtf d' j, a ,. p ° ♦ } r r f r y .Y y 3: �J'V'.
�'rj {� V r�_ .r v t n�. Xyw ,.,s'�• ^it '"Y�- ieiS'l_ s ,� ' � y,6 S•yy�.k? ,�. '+'"S a,.r •�-
.J, v r ��, ar ,.hY 'i �� l..a Y+ w ��r •.r J'6 � 44y-� 4 4A'3. '. ��' ,•'.f'] '''y 1 s s a ✓':
�ti.J 3 s � ti'1 .. '.s _.. a ti: � �� �nfJ>> .n- Jf .,, '} 4�... � Y C_ f. ..3�} �� �r ice„{t u } r,I v y�'' .1.•A •_'.L-
SW103350 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's plan to ensure appropriate
enforcement procedures and actions such that the permittee's illicit discharge ordinance (or other
regulatory mechanism) is implemented?
"r. *t�-�•r`;• - "'„r " {-r;'.•r-r - .�1��� ��" f �i!"�.`':�i�" s-"'"'"+' di.c� '!;GTTrr +'ilyf`1; :'"..'�' ;"-'+*- �,-'� 1-!-R�,4""�et ; , ^ri."'�t"r'i.,+�• arm fry 'T.^ � r 'r'� ;•,�J^� r;^
swo0iir c J; x . ,�Does,the Storinwat anagemet Program desatbe thepe mittee s plan to'd stectfand;addressdltci#�`f .j,�
a - i `'discharges,to the pemtitbee s;system; tnduding discharges from illegal dumping and sptlls? r ','1
�c , i.. ._4 + k' 1� - € � T � rM1�a of •g. r f 's � } �. �.,� .�' i
V•- h ti r [. y ,'r, � e E" k k1 r r i, E
:-,. s '�¢:Ji •'. - , .:. i � - :'�^'- s.. r_� •.vy ,.: � f t, y.,.2i .�..i _�-„�rt... 'i ,��t r,E
;`t:.f:. :-.'-:.nc:: �..w.�:�i :J:s..u�_�.�...•...��......- s .r .�y�,G:y.1a�._ ,—�-'.:.r:.:?o,.1�r..._':.a � -.w-- - -s.
SW103370 The permittee must implement an inspection program to detect dry weather flows at system outfalls and,
at a minimum, must address the following:
:••�.•--•s .,r�+•r•.--^r-' •r•7+-••S--+•r.;-•---•-'"a^-:'.' fir T•.;�'-• _ � cr-,--e.^t"'^"'T � �'r^ r••--;;� F-a^ �r++rf--r•-...r-�"-s
,!, "S x , 31F[-- 1;! 7�n 's'•r'`s�, ti4sxLJk' y - t -` 1, i , n i-, n Y._ . 5'a�"l.
sW1033$0+' F !Prooedunes for<locadngrpttorityareas r
- "< = _ .i t� r t- 7 T r "••' a i ,,: fir' - tr „•�.. 's. :ry
•' "'� � '. �. �tLL� �' i 1 -i � 4y Y. '3 S CL. N'- -4n - n. _-,, J 5'P', a,k:.M � r�1 ti '*b, a i` f
'�=a.,...5r.-��` k�:.,..•ti__.,�cu.�.y.�....«.�c.,:.:.�.:.::c:..sti,�:J.�._,�'»:.��„2�.u��.r a.�,,...c:�....� 'v.:2,5�....:...' rw..a..:�...Y...�.:s..,....�..�:.i..r..ss....y.�f..s:Gr"...'�:,L:. _.?{. J...#��...:a
Page Number: 11
SW103390 Procedures for tracing the source of an illicit discharge, including the specific techniques permittee will
use to detect the location of the source.
.SW703400� ' `` + $�.� . PrOCe(tUreS�fOrrner110Y1i?g it18 80Un;8 Of the fllictt drsdtarge� '� �'" � , '= r k i � ,a. � �•�
r.Y�'�' Sp. •.a : n � ,� �a 7 m 2:a''a �,� m r. *.Jx9?r��`•. j�n� ,."�` ""'� , s t''rrlio" s n, a�-� x7 fir. 5 �, � ,� -,,,�}• �`. � 5 �. c � � •t � `,� s a
SW103410 Procedures for evaluation of the plan to detect and eliminate illicit discharges.
k:,F - • 4. �^21'.FS ...�" .� _+���- •�P.-�,r-t,'t,J'�
pose ttietSformwaterManagement Program laddress lfie fallowing categones af.fi6n storm aiateY u• _ r
�4 �� �,:5 n � q � i z 1 �dischaiges or Aows�(re , sllrpt�discha des) onfy'if �ritiitQee�iden��bfy Uien;as significant carHrrbutors of � a ;' 6�. F. �."� .
a,,� �� t � �poflutants to the permrtteenulls sr�all:M34 �,��'� � , � �• �,,, � �: �
+'• p Yf�ys� o-?. r n � o- F �,•� 1 � t � � '�" ° w 4 -" ; a� 1 a �4• k 1 { �fr a T %':� ;T
a 'Ti e s; � .� k .•t- d � di n`di. 1 c..z '., i� i7 Cdi- � r � .� �: 1 tt � ��, �;
SW103430 landscape irrigation;
r a s.a �.. w.- •iaa •e'ieLz
$VYi03+t 4a o' S y .� aW lineU$t}t,
`'� rt. r �r7• n%vi• -rr"' 1 J, .. r� - 4a. 5...s r +a ;�.
l z' b. �i. 1 } y r'x.iY M3' .T T ,Y S ,F,Y • �C }7„ a .t .� -Is L T = '1t A
SW103450 diverted stream flows;
SW103460- r: �, cuncontaminated groundwater rfiltratloil'+ S •i y'
- i ,r t r 'tee w a _ ' sl , #• -.xs�• y A, ri "' we ^J
SW103470 discharges from potable water sources;
fr aria; t e - ess• ! 1 a.,.. , v.-, y :� y • . _e. - ,e.a `` �;;Y' r' '
Sw1Q3gB{1' 41 'a Ortdlit>OtIif19:E,[iT1d6f1$8tA (ma1lrB8Ed9rltlat) a tiy?' } „u r t dr
air C
,'lc, •al V
) s� {,„d+€,r �+. K.- ''Q ?'�'"' • -4Y {a1 .cMa "r`� f' yJ- �/ .'1 4 E t7Y,� •r wl~F�r -� - R
a springs;
eMs"'r' ,: r h1r,•wPr 4 +4`Any#•4'Si:. 'footingrarns X. r4
�. y»'.YiWr i fn.t,
SW103510 residential and charity car washing;
SWtiQ33$�{i %., v •fi � •� .�. r uy r t M Y,:.1 -F v r >
r � ,c.F 3`.zd�(�Qirilt� SYUI�IIt'�Htig'�p00# ¢ts�'f. �all�$t ?+rw9 �-� '� � 4�"+L t- , a� c ra a• � r #'a�.+S,�
��. �' ; � R k. f-'� ,SF •kL�" ° � J"k a "*^i., s .",' ."i, ''e � ry!:;E ^'�' t S r f
.. ate,, �,.�; S e 3 t r, -t'. ...F t v i vyl3`n !a - 't^ i 4 , n, ve': '� ry s:� «.�. s. 6Y• iw `.
SW103530 rising groundwaters;
' n h- ;.�� 3f rsn=m. rri .,L' q .� e _ •" •� b 't`3a'r3'e t .d..
S1/W03S40�' � � ; .�. _ .�•tw unCorrtaminaied�p'umpe� $f0Ur1d11V8t@r; �* �' , �� � `��°� '� �y` , r� �� ` 7 � 1 �� xt;:r�,'';
�"-� ,� r � e"��c„�•H L ee . - Fes" 3 .: Ijs. Nk. .,r iY,' � sS { .. •t y�..h a 4 iiy- � %'.h�c
�•F _'9..� ry 11 V T �, ! =F l,,. P .sCJ' � t V (4 :J -f
SW103550 foundation drains;
�Is:i N1.. wi % 77
tivra�3ss0 , ;, ir' rpbon waters (dues not mkY
du rsGarrned aster as�desc6 a 1, n 15A NCAC 2H {12tiC?) v 1 - .
�`i`� i�f+ry:rr•rS'd #�•t-�","4 r..� i` _v, .c
SW103570 water from crawl space pumps;
SYif10858fi '�� r"' 'Fr S� n : kc:� zv t re _ t�
y: d L.��4 918wn1W8t_ellrl� f t �ti.3 aqt�,,.'� a ; ��
t' r J •1 a r' _ . �'i fi Y *. F r . x m•:"li Yf P:'f .�. "�,.. �• F Sk' • {p , i
SW103590 flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;
::;Ur" --r�"S_y. m 'E' kF. N Lr a ry._ t., .•K.r r�-��--s"+�•*'A+_F 'Y^"'-'�^'i'-,r-"',y�y.
Sbv1Q �5 £ rr
rStreetYV8Sf3water'r�y y,S .�'T.
, rt .s. � a •i „� io -a �.x k �' �s '�' � wr ,� �� •'� G�i�1k: -4.
` it ,93��..^" t ._._, c' �'s.'�-. .�`r..:..:i:_•,�.� .�.r.`.�.::u t--�.=��� o � '.fir: :Yra.n`� ��' ..w.�`-�.--�....'K'•�r�t .11, � w�-� -"+�+X .�.. }..•�k�
SW103610 flows from emergency fire fighting.
•••--�•-•'"""�'` 4 v� _ '•.,.-..•� �--9�„-� `� °"• ¢•�. � ^r_-T-- i
1 ova yThe p ryrnrtteeumayVa de+retop a Irst of btthw srmrlar occasional; Inc dental'rwn`storm water dlsc� iargas
s ttaat willinot be addressed as rltrai discharges " x t - 3 - ry.i
rt:k'"'�Kw 7: �•':r'S o^;.•,'�' �.__.�ti _ - r
5W103630 These non -storm water discharges must not be reasonably expected (based on information available to
the permittees) to be significant sources of pollutants to the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System,
because of either the nature of the discharges or conditions the permittee has established for allowing
these discharges to the permittee's MS4 (e.g., activity with appropriate controls on frequency, proximity
to sensitive waterbodies, BMPs).
Page Number: 12
svula3s o +Doestthe orrnwater.Marlageinent'Prngramdocument locaitcoMrofs orrconditions placed'ron�disc'harges
4 tl rr ,' >'iar1'�:I?72F'ail•'—,,.rA IIW t..• i'---c „�L�:I x. 'y 4 �,
,hand a pro►rision prohib"i any,indnAdual non'�st' 6*41 & discharge i6at rs,de#ei`mined'# Ibe ooi'ttrtbu6ng •� yrt-
o n ,n'r��.Rs `x X�eT •'�• a r o A Sic' l *r+h o`,
(sign cant ounts of pollutants,to.the'petrnrftee s�MS4?rL
�+�--r-•--n_� Vic 'F_ T _ ?ti t'y a �3 F, e ? Y.. 1s'Ce� .; •F' 1,. c• ✓ c . ,ice 1,.
rr� ., A.
i F I ?� r s_• _ `- I ,,5. �'. ; . .•,: ��{`,�' S u„? , V,` f= Jrr.�).F' ,i1'y M+un [:'Y x. :"l ,,y
O ,tiV }Y '7' -4:.i. �;r -. T. 1 L +i 1... Y ,lis ^' •E�.I.4, J ,J.� •n 44 6 .4 '.J.
SW1o3650 In addition to conducting training for selected staff on detecting and reporting illicit discharges," does the
Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee plans to inform busiriesses'and the
general public of hazards associated with illegal discharges and improper disposal of waste?
"' �'.!'" �. �,'„i'..- yid.', —.. � .,.,. .1_rr .J' -.. �,I.YL�,',I,. .t-1 t+ "$ >' fi. + •.$••. 3 �—�+u: : �• ... 4.i.x• 4 �.^.
.{Does,the:Slorrriwate_r�Manageh_ ient�Program sstablest�,artdpubiiaxe �a repor�nglr+iechanism�iarathe s .� ;+ �; r� �"s
4e�'ATSrIt� is. [v�,.,'^5•-.H+'w v ri 'i ";,,y'�' •- ,1 - r „.y -P'•S 4r w�. +f'i" ap �_ la'
','I 3 � ',p � 5 •i � �y T 4"'."' ��i 1 I',f' '! Y��:e• r'.Y CH, {�i�'. 'Y sBV It IiQhi t { �$. -
. + f.� y,? e �'x�t't✓J>,y a �i•;�pGt)Nc.tO;rlsport'iNrottr.�BC_ila • 'i�J+'ri. S 'x11�. x�v. a; h � s F °•' tom, � jr� �{ rry Si { t1, a Y. � w�f`'v - �• ,.�. ,i.- x a;+
�,•� 7. ', ^� iii t��':�iy , t.�•.I' 7'. !'� ti'+.i='�; �.���Y.+:+a`r + �i-&4'� :1- +•ira ;. _t♦ sti ��F� � sa'�' ch+4 xr �'4k Ac •���� {4��+G•.. �w�� I '°i h`�'°':,
3.is;' �,, l.t *t'4, ti 'v;' x ! � J� I q. � � ��, � •-r i a# 7 � .�.' r2 t., i+ f.d�'i=}' iD t 4 �, `�- �y*'�r" i 9�
y�� rw- "" f rY t;s{�•~'r t '.. -'`- ljT'. t=. , d `'mF � i. ? � C a t''' s" 2 . ,>-� ya, i � , xFi' .:. + i'� c�L t� ,a r '� x� -� _ri�J
1• mri,. � � ti . fi c 1sPan ., .' i �S .. ,r „� � .. P. { •• '.+ � x �..r4, •-' }. �.�.� k •'rtF'.ctr• P � ,+: , •ti � f I i
SWI03710 Does the Stormwater Management Program establish an illicit discharge management tracking system?
� x- •tL:•.�;ct '
SW 7�_ � t r Does the Stonitwate Managemen#fProgram estabhsh'a st6nni ater lnMer t raesponse program?
} F -.c ,.fix, tr"'�S .L � >• ar�' 1`"- �,, >>. � �s �a
1.V r�`'i �( .a %` �hyr '-+` P1if .�`4s -S. •,'• i _ ° tt. \ t 'Y - , h 1lPs^ y:✓
,,,P �.;sy fi s: 4 � va n ,=_ ,r 7 T0. 1 •+. at ti jN W` �` � 7!! ! ,.• x N y, + �,. ti
SW103730 Does the Stormwater Management Program provide for an illicit discharge brochure, poster or other
educational material development and distribution?
t a t
6w1o37r4.�A�a ?f.�° , , >,' Does'the 5tomawaterrManagemertt Program pnJWe,for'a 98ptIC System program rn'confundtort.wdh they' f �`
�S la`��+F�'• r1"'{r � �.. � yea �u'qY' �a��. S ° e,�., ��•� -'J`_"""°" Kx� f� �r�r1' ;S d�',': t,� ��.';�"x""'R• .�y �• Iq�r, I. ,y
.!�a fni. 1't aykr �' 5'.�<F1lealtllyDepartrtt9Tlt'%y:. .o^rt ! �S ter. qy �T. t� 1+"'�. fix, vt a.+,�,x r�-r4d•r'�''ry�ry'ry�-•:;iAr �'9 i. .°,�! 1..'.4+, r''�-I.
�T: 9h k. � .. 0�1 ; � i,a;r leb.v�.s� �" �'•I �.�. �`,'� r�r trl. yAL _ '� ` .'� �. i�<� Y'f�.. � art= �..a �4 F ,.'.•' x1«^
t r4i � , �.?,�,� �d a ';h'-- a � =,a,�_.F +,oF f ° � p k'�'b • y � A ,`•� �� 'S o = x �.! . ,a I ? , y vk„ X x :t�>•k •'"." r ", '''`�' n +.
,k•:�. �� rt rr '�-e, a .a" _r�.�. ,' Y •;';l•�S a °�•.�.•.
SWI03M Does the Stormwater Management Program provide street sweeping, inspecting and cleaning inlets and
.a l "t,' ✓., f - T',tr r:,, ` ,lx?•G•' •. `a^1 ' i -;,i is x'Yy by L K 'r,.r �= c, ixa �..
sw o37so , ,'I. f Does the StoiinwateriMai�agarrient Pirogrartt estaq!ista procedures to c pordjnate effortfi to ellmtrtats mat
Y. 7 _ ,t- t* �. _ }, �5,� e 6'ki §YJ " :Y ]5� �-'.� sF'- 7:.0 S"v e _ - k - '6h ] c "` +i ` «• 4" q ^,r'. .
�, 7 ' ' err, di$Ctlafge dDSS'COnrl_@CttOriS between 5anitar]/ �r1d 5toin3 seviers
P r of > rf ,Q b� r:, O p 1 t y, r ° n t F ✓;. +-
3'�y � tt :� a�,,,�•'s��;i � ,.t � ., ]'s ��.rx ;S � �. v � t -; ^��,. rT�`I 5u7 '� [ lx � 7 �°-.r t p.� � cT;ta 9
+nh 5 sx .�. I � Jr,. L 1 •,,�'t a �a". t �.'� �, r � J��S '�,'� 'u,.. �i' y+�+f °, -r p �t,r a wz + $ a •G'�: i,�R 'Y 7; r y{ v,�.,^' ' �, "ep �.1.�4.„>ti. :..� iEd, ,L 'S a.u,4 'Y�I. 'th. r' ,-y •�^ F .•G' d t ?���1'.1;:�"iy: sr��
S W 103850
Does the Stormwater Management Program establish procedures to maintain the sanitary sewer
poes;rie�5to?irciivBter Managemetrt'Pro�ram establish asliousebold Wash Recydmg P(,r�o�ram?':,
3.tI�ISAe 11yq k� s4j{ � � 3-'+vr r�a� "�' a�, 7 ?�• Iv,rVx� � -5!' '.S'j'A°x r'7 �"1^11.' '� •�&'a4-M"1S `' i ram.. .,�,�••�[�*"' S
Y LR f't "�n �F �"� � 'j - !'. - 'TM i' •+4 � , {' '1+:: � ;'. r• S �iri
+'-•�r„t t 'Z,- � r,�. .•l',s✓� A�� •1,., �"y� t,��J $-y+(.z.r',•a.. +- •r, y t�+ r�°-t, � `�f t
x ��7; r�+ti._ S•y `tee#t -.t.,. �-^t Pr_ P�.���.,,rC �. 1�,. hp ho_.'� .': 41._ t' s .'� C.:
Identifying Illicit Connections
rn 4:-'-i w.Hfr -7'1 +�• ' c ! + w' t �. • � � - y 'I .L, "1 •�j .. J ,.
The rwumberkof SlteS pnor�zedif�or�ln$peGt+!0�•5 5MI[ f y�,,t , a ,�• + t. a Y i+s_a' S ''� 7'l �°t� f�, ;'; � ,41 r
Y, fi • 4 ' .„ a .t' i r t, o : t ; r' i _a. •rr a 5 a-�, i f¢f _� � '�
The number of illicit connections reported by citizens.
The number of illicit connections repaired/replaced
Page Number: 13
0-3 -9W
nuint& ili6h 0`ohhec 'ra`ferralw
SW1 03910 Illegal Dumping
SWI03940 The number of penalties enforced upon the participants of illegal dumps,
SW103970 Industrial or Business Connections
SWI03980J,"'- "i"is(I 0 As
SWI03990 The number of high -risk connections prioritized.
"pl k
swlca0'10' The number of 616it' connection's f6und.
SWI04030 Recreational Sewage
S D4W riumb&of stations
3 xW
SWI04050 The number of no -discharge areas created.
Z Vof P1
nqpoAj an Afte
SWI04070 The number of enforced cases of recreational dumping.
SW1W90 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO)
SW1 04110 The number of overflow causes that were identified during inspections.
Page Number: 14
SWIO4130 Wastewater Connections to the Storm Drain System
Sw104150 The number of dry weather monitoring activities performed.
SW104170 The number of unwarranted connections found.
Page Number: 15
Information specifically regarding the permit
sw101460 Permitting information
Page Number: 16
swloi6�0 Erosion & Sediment Control
'' �
Page Number: 17
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
SWI05750 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
"I ,NJ
SM05761DoisftSbine4progmm -. .-- '- a- ak, a W%
M b6
SWID5770 Does the Stormwater Management Program list the permittee's municipal operati6h's- that are impacted
by this operation and maintenance program?
S Municipal -kion
W105790 M y s ihaud&
Fleet Maintenance'
A r
SWI D5850
Water Plants
.,�Coritruai6n, She,
, IF
SW105870 Transit Authority
SM05890 Prisons
SW105910 Fire Stations
Page Number: 18
", 7,71
SW105930 Schools
SW105950 Waste Recycling Centers
SW1 05970 Vehicle Wash Operations
SW105990 Other:
i3(W6.,W- jang'safftraintpgon A6m��r,
n a
A ,p6aW d6esthestc��Ma R any4gove
rg0%,Pr j* .Wp. a ucePoHWonft6
77 and A
swi*lo Does'theStormwater Management Program jescribe'any existing, availabI6 training materials the
permittee plans to use?
14:,-, - Z-- iqL a;., nA-';.i;. ,P �q
Dod§',ff*-,SthftfiWgftr�M m6ht.PrWrarn "inWanceacbVffles,,hfaintenanceschoduesN�,
contras to,reduce
sWI 06050 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe the permittee's procedures for the proper disposal
of waste removed from the permittee's MS4 and the permittee's municipal operations, including dredge
spoil, accumulated sediments, floatables, and other debris?
SW106120 Did the permittee conduct annual review of the industrial activities with a Phase I NPDES stormwater
permit owned and operated by the permittee?
Not Applicable
e 1�7
4 sr
hS D6
SW106160 Does the permittee have a Used Oil Recycling Program?
Page Number: 19
swi08i70: '
f r r '�`' [_,
Doet theaper►ntttee have a street sweeprng
-_.s:M _ �. [
A � ,.t.. �'� � �,�' t "'6�hr.. h ;yr.a - . � .� �.i+
� § ' �.h'vtY'. a r..- j,�' .--a-, 'Y a _r - �
w i; ''� g'k
'i`� y, y to
Does the permittee have a program to clean catch basins, storm lines, and ditches?
SW106200 Does the permittee have spill prevention plans at city facilities?
i, - -, .Ar =i1 a .x`•y� L' 3,' $wi E182 EO r a Crhl' 1 8ct( #eS tnSpecttCns ' ., i r , - Y d�5 t � y : • t
F «�, `+r. sA s 4 a i. - " Si i • r'g"i •-+`7, S'r• b t h vl k, 9 -, �." • rf r r • ... T r £- n.
,f� :i. r1-r."t �'
SWI06220 Does the permittee inspect vehicle washing fueling, storage and maintenance areas?
SW106240 Does the permittee inspect stormwater outfalls?
Soros.1, ,@..'4t: a,*. - �py� f E���.:ry .��3{ �:..�:.(�
. �•r DVS ➢{O; pe���uiteG upF!au �lllCi lD?' '. °i - �•�' ��r
. r
.:i• V ` _"' �.
r:f f t R S lY T �•
�'?� .2'y�'.,-,a�..-r•. r.J"�. r �`A`� . •?i�s r ..Y
v' ,
f �`
P 6�
= ?f. -
� l' `l C.ii .�+Vt•''i
C , F � �,• �.. '7� 7;
Does the permittee mspect swalWdltchs?
G1M1ItD827oA � a3a Does'tine'Petm teernspectcatchtsasrrts=azlets gndgrates?,,
� �y`f k'e� o :� c i r k eta i ✓ � o { -- r ;. ': ' •" i ,� 1 � - �';.
Ir +;.^e � �g t a � '� � r c, C � � , .+ i j � � � I t x �'�N ^� �a• S � � n i� x R �s! r pN
SWI06280 Does the permittee inspect MS4 pipes?
s�nri06290y�.� a ems' �gDoes �e perrnftEae s�isp�et solKl�_arsd hazartic�s waste rtrantent faa't�es er�d'�solldin9 certfie�s? !, a� � "�� r �,
`-� ! a a�'� �;, � t � '•yy �`�> 'Y}.r3waty: �t �c ��,��e 1 �' �' e .�. � f �'l`r i C �� ���, �" � � rEy '' x ��i.�• a^ �vj x t � s � ,p:_ .,
SW106300 Does the permittee inspect animal shelters and pounds?
sw106320Does the permittee inspect parks and open spaces?
Sw106400 Automobile Maintenance
Page Number: 20
The number of sites rewarded as being a "clean site" under a rewards program.
The number of educational materials d"istritui'ted at garages, auto shops, .1 and other automobile -related
MEReNS116 St 0 Q F
SW106460 The total number of storage facilities equipped to store hazardous materials.
SWI06450 The nijmF.-r of PrnnWvPP.q_tiqinArI in hq7.qrdnL]q material qtnr;inp and r6ainfia.nnnrA
swi 06500
M Z+ . -
lleCum in g. . I 1, -gC;, 1 .7,
The number of 'no dumping" signs posted.
1% numWr -of ;6d'
.7 dals'dimril
SW106520 The number of reports of illegal dumping n
SWIDSW U and/orAxr
SW106540 The number of sites improved to eliminate as target dumping spots.
sy+itsissb uf.enfoncement
SW106560 Landsmaneand Law'n'Care. 'and Past Contr ol
SW1 AU -01 a A' liaifiapa6nglln. n
7 17
SW106580 The number of residents trained by the permittee in safe landscaping, lawn care, and pest management
SWI ffib&of bl6A�Raie6%rbd:b
SW106610 The number of municipal employees trained in integrated pest management.
Page Number: 24
and iiDdVCIarnn-
SW106820� a Street
SW1 06670
The number of parking lots,
Pet Waste
The number of "pooper-scooper' stations installed
SW106690 Road Salt Application and Storage
SWI06710 The number of employees trained in road salt application.
a so WdIf0Iiv r�i 4Vo
' LIr.
SWI06730 The quantity of alternative products used (in tons).
SWI 06870
The number of leak detection devices installed at municipal facilities.
The nrarnber, of prom
The number of personnel trained in spill response.
T"Q In
The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees.
StonT0rain*iteM:Ck)5nin V
The number of outfalls cleaned regularly.
Page Number: 22
' �h,� '[kL��.L � +.�� [: t b�.. .� ,.b,a .}•`ti' o 4 � K �.: 53.-•„�'�� r•'�..} � 7�, c.
e�nr�0seeo, 3 ,�.,„ _ The3numberkof storm drams cleaned regularly. , ry, 5„r^ 1
�'� ��'� }wY' I i ;"..rv.-+tea-�...''f•'..Y it Y J � ���. �„' � i� � [ w k � rryff r� F !�
"a'f 4 A h'"'.ni��� a �7 n i �
$y� ��•,
n �. r . °v!a 7, 1 ��
d av wfiY r - �� �-
4 AF' '�n hw Ky.Lt '�
Va- 2
._ r
. .�yy��,ti�a �..'J
s �.yl.t��,.
. i S� w W-e -,t:4i 19f•- 4 f ��.;'�
.i' °.'y, t ""�✓� r�.�i
:; 'i
..if }Ji �ii
SW106890 The amount of trash, sediment, and other pollutants removed during cleaning (in tons).
SWI06910 The number of gallons of used oil collected from municipal operations.
SW106930 The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees.
SWt06950 The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees.
Page Number: 23
Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Bedevel
SW104890 Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment
�?^x. - a:,� •. .. a �. - y.i�',r"1 +•rr -nr �' f'�-_33'L'`T:�r .}A" .:it F ;�- '- a• ilk:`. '. �'_ -+: ��,
SHno49oo x a �St ��� l3oes'ttie StormwWwr Management Plan;S mmarize,wliat best management practicesiwdt be;used they Y , „+w l
fa.+''+ a - 5 ,� Y7S dT""; * +h +A ,v '} xy •gLm `Si-8e �¢ 'rr =e s.v-, ..t .8'e.Js' o. - �+"q�' .a 'guS, ua..::h Ze'E'd.� �.
j.frestuency o#�it3a'Btii'fl� the measurable goats fay each iBMP, fire spm�pleon schedute-'and the � �''�
,� U_��� � �. � � �r�ponsibie persatin ar pasfion for irriplei�tatson?,(� f I� ' J', -�
i n t r.. k - `-.�*'�"`lP` - - r' 5+ •#t ,�.,' er ,. p ;- ,Y C +.� w ytr r _' y t+, '+y.! �,
_J A"I
• ;+':.a .-7'' r rrfi :*+. ..t-i'�.. +.' . 4: n i r - C '3' ; + y �:. .� •�, , .1 AA ,.2.�t • !
SW10491D Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will develop an ordinance or
other regulatory mechanism to implement and enforce a program to address post construction runoff
from new development and redevelopment projects?
�' �• +�.J..'1 a ' Tto implemestablish se tation �°The!approval process Wlfl Cjent;t3mef en-es,When'DWq %Vtfl view's r •. °
S-r t, =, x rfrsmance underffthe ordinances} 'fhe,revie++vs will occur at a nUnlmumSeve five ears f� Mated f a
��� d� y r;. � �rd •• �� � � a�
� `' < < • � °�: r•�pubfic entities without ordmance:_malang,powers.mu`st demonsdate sunifa`r ac�rgns�taken�ui their post t, �`� 4 �'
��:�" `� o ':"�,"'`"`WnBtt't3C6on;stormwabaamanage�ent�Prog`raEn�to�meeti#ie mminiumimeastine regwremenfis • � � �, f�' T'1�
.0 �l r -:s w ei a"-�' '$�' , ,�'�-r -.rt5 - . ^F= 'I' .v= - P _ ",� _ `a r - : �d, eis 'ii � � �3•
SW104930 Does the Stormwater Management Program describe how the permittee will ensure the long-term
operation and maintenance (O&M) of BMPs?
, '3.�:•P.,;Ki n �, a:r'., �
�`� " �tOptx�ns to t>elp enrtre that future 4&M'responsibrfJas ane dearly idenified include an apnaemetrt t r* W
til;? -1'*" Yl., " m' fx• 'aruL"Wrt'a" dhiiP_'�a'F'.t'�.1+�"U'h., t3 "-^ '9eF' F•`"� ,ii' a .,,ter-y,.'3+ i'�319&..,es. rra'i g .rc-:a �5 `
betw9en the permrttae and anptt)er party, sudr a8 the post -development landowners Or tegl0nal x
ty�IF '� p-' � '� y� e,J.t ;ae�gnties '�'. � LJir�.`=VT•�'s �r a.,1��^ �y fr'�a��: 12. i,���y � y �.� t 3�' -,� � -' 13� T��� ,� 4: ,'eyi, '4�+` ;;v�„ r ,�#3. .q ': +-
�•r�'� �., �•K .y � �. bfia ,�"' ''> _ii �?. e f, r� •Y,s-�-:-�`���'°;�. j �e �'1i'_,. _k� e',_1 ♦.-"-,. aa•'Sy,+r :� ti v!y �, �y.-:,
.4 4 ��_ k. in rr �.�. � i _ `Y, '!•� is s ..; 3. p � � �. �.. _D- G 'ay � �. J.f e _ �' ..=:,e
SW105000 Does the Stormwater Management Program explain how the permittee will control the sources of fecal
coliform to the maximum extent practicable?
SYYt05p10� w At N .: a urr * i.0 •' a. t& i t
9IDo WWd&etoprnent and redevelopment codes aikiw for the follc�ng �,.
z _. ."�: < �•.' 9 n— 9" �.`P - G ro-w � 1 a s' ..'� a .r m s -.+_.. . + .iJ
5W105020 Bioretention basins?
SVVtfl5030 ' 3 `t�'� a {� rt Avy�y ative pavers?
.1,•7• 1.1 'V �' G`�`�r r 'tY< '.r Y �.� � 6 � ` 1� F �•, � 1'' vt i
_ �, '.' t a a '-vt.-. Y x: . � M ..i,. -i� t tin. fi^�N .:�•' �.. F.:7Z,.t •F'c � hB ,�., s 1�3�,;i� � ��7+. ti {�ir. p� ��. ,':A..
S W 105040
Buffer zones?
Wet ponds?
Grass swales?
Page Number: 24
SW105100 Green parking lots?
1.-».+, •r- f .t 1 s].'"- � •t' y'._ _ T' a _ `'.,y .. •Y. ,�rM r+r. h- ,l r.' _ +f. 7 f ' Y'r •r
SYV105110 ; a r t >.rr� 'I �' w r } 4. �+ r it aC' uv' x ,��, I .� � y t, c �.i { "'`•„'•i
fC dr r `s u� r+�n-jlnej8tQ["3ge Sj(rlS�r4 oa r r_ S T +� d* sr f r s} 4rSra + M�C"r ;;t1 Y� r �y `e_ �'r'
;';'. r r r S,• r .s `�� r, +1r 3 , � 4 ..� , ; y:r ? f' ,, rr ,�7i
�' _.� ro � • �.� >< � � : �! � a ;3 r � x �'7 }'r 1�4ii .,- rt �, r s ;'ta+. •�Y+
�y�1 a �-. � � •'w -,,, .7 r� t ri i• � myr+ t4 r i �, n. �, Z x, Y� :y •fi' Yr. r� . u{_ � t �` i �,iyr L �P•� r�
IF � y+ •fir• S �, �.u�yt}".h � .Yj r .rti f � ti';fs;�, x' � A. s� v rt' ri.r~` �' � 7T° r t' �.r�r '� +('yiw r? -
.�• �,+.:i' 3• an J. � s qF1. S' ,. s f �„� t � i h _ �� .�., st^. d a Sa s „ �s •� J f =s �. .w. � ••'''� n,.'�th '.iz"3 .N a
avvlu. I.CV inTllrravon Basinsf
�4,i - ^- x..- s _. - s. s 0.U:� .✓'- �70 � } - r C-w I °r •e v..i a•s 4 i � •t + yCtl ti r �..� sLrr'
SW105130 9' �• " Ir1fl�tratiDR tiBRCt1eS? "� '' ' s r ¢ x u. � .d v J o- I F ' x�� r tt;! }
� � s ,� � a w � s b G'l �1�r •' E.. � r ,kr T •: '�+ �' 2 .' '7 ^� � u +�^ r - x + 7,. � il -�•-.. � k�^ c+'4 t`'•) "^�"r'#,:Yw Cr..,� P. T r<.s 4 � � �`� r '� - } �A, - 4r �. �' g1 w � .�'.`�r i •t rh �, - - ' i r• ] ^4'. , r, i
rr:���,>+. 7 ttS ;.cf � f' •JaN - �°� "5 5rF 4 a n we ,� n'r. S.e �-�` } x �t�, K �� y brit �' a ... v I v r� - .Z ¢ � rlt r y. k,S 7 �. a.. �.
- 4r 4r - F - '� '�'p�µ s rr r %�.� .,i� �d n � y , .•�y r� . - r t t r - 4 .%F y�.._ �'• 4}, � r f t♦ yr.,
JN�'�'r.";:�$�-,,;rS#'r�_ ';t ;."�T° r �r t��,',:. a �St �i':�-a.i�;°r ^� *'` i .`;�'s r...Y,r ~tia_.I, -+` *��= -.J • I v^;9 � :.: ' < kr.,�-fir ;•,��,
SW1o5140 Manufactured products installed in storm water inlets?
::.X ! ti - 4• >, . - ."i• :4'. :.ef
SW10515(# i > Yam'
r w "tt Developments aridredevelopments that use TTamzlnr strkaets? s t 5 k
�'� i" x" �- � �' fir. -w�' ..' �• n,s,: , , �s`� c�-:�;,., 5. �,�l..rt? t�' ��", `� � � ,r.u. ��'
�hJ' nl� if hY
Cs. � >•w � cf"I'' � ��*.� � ..s{� t ,;iy � u ti M . �'mtr t L!ir,Ai, ; tSA. ' ��%fa, L��' r' �i 4 ��! f-, 'S , ti • h ti �'r- ����f;:�'° . Yl�S. ..,S:'� 1 {"!, . ?� � F;., u +. '��- M.
SW105160 On -lot treatment?
b71V1051701 y jeY +6 bet a 3r ref r Yn a1i� rl r ta''r:r r+ w[ wL � '! r� -Lk, r
4rz,- yr;a t a3t.,r� � 'fir .. r"F�r s,4i 'A wk,i f.Ly �'ar d:s S r �yY,�'NS "� 'W�'�. � r t .9��,f}a K �• F i- -�i., ' ' Y �a.�7).27`
i.^e ..:F 5sd 7 'zi. ',� e x '3s,,YYLL •i'^t 7''' �r,.,t _w w},, t, '� r,+ ;� o. L-rr ;_�, ,s t .r,&.�,., _ K tc
r b k +1 s 't t y 2 y r f n rt r i H S `• 1. V 3}
#r ! ; f i'J •i, i„;S 'yC r4jy '�Sr .I.;r I�',�'rJ L' r vl ynr V^-fir,+ .p:.. '�h w} fi IY`'iii•�'r r r
SW105180 Sand and organic filters?
'rc Eti}tif „v�re rd � ''•.2+,�`i��n�o- £� }"'t;Zrt ,lr, u ai,�, � 'h+� _:�- eti: � . r 4 ,�:;ti r� ' a � ,:.
' a 1 ♦t, '� ) f�- r. {t•� � a.. ,,. - '-, fY r � rr ii^� .>r. n ,� � , b +�,,�t '' r
y ,I i,.. s - .. �'c ^. + 3 S� ;.i 7+� •t. .�� rJ ` ; a ,. y "ark-"'"k a;}u ;4{i'g ,. s.`ks: i-� S.
{• �
..�+rs , d1.: M .,h „ i;{ h-'r4 .ir: ^.•r i _ 'L' i•_ �ti. t k ' � S -. � C r, ,.;.
SW105200 St&n4ater wetlands?
� wA etr•V dx,p'r ,,r.a y. 'y iUy'••rr,�"' b1,,..r 44F a. � l y,V;s "?d' r� ':r4 r � 7 �i .?'' it'Ptr•' �., .0 y G1 .� ir'` -r ,�., k?�,i
SW705210� s' 7r y� rs U.R fOreStrjt
,t y „s �•F. '% w L r - r ,� r > 3'.' f 'aan i - 3 ? rr ; 's r i-
l r�'3+,t•' uTo."fr;S�1-
^i fez 'fif'' a !' y ,y�,•vyrtF ' A'r i fy tt'-0•?�. y
Sw105220 Does the Stormwater Management Program, in coordination with the County Health Department, ensure
proper operation and maintenance of on=site wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater?
SW105260 BMP Inspection and maintenance
SW105280 The number of BMP inspections and/or maintenance activities.
SW105300 New Development and Redevelopment BMP Summary
Page Number: 25
swtosato;}� number`of'develapmerrtlredevelopment projects fag'ulatecl;ipr,post-0oristniotion storrtiwater:conhol:
r v-. _ - 'i' i. +� `a•' ° ''� 51 sr r
. � 7s s•' , w I r �t � ,� n ; p , y' S-. � ` ^ r`,'3 .;" • n .• _ " r �; ' S
..r° � � • r •"' c�-�' : i e 5 a• R' U t y c � ~ .� :s A : �`.r•...
Sw105550 Evaluation of Post -construction Storm -water Management Program Measures
• - � T; ` ` _ � :a b I;al q' A ..'.E-ry YcP'..•-'o - _ _ rr•A "�"'J ,ww �`C ifs • vd k.. e •' -�' 4�,+.' i. ;J e# y � f/
i i �� i •; Y1e Post^CanSt<Ucbon sthi iWgWr. management provisians,of anottlerbex�ng state stomiwater a �' s
Q onr e�icceed thestorte thram ec
e perrnnd Pwa6sr qua��ratectio�aprov�ded heft�e follow
h� ageme itY P Y n9 ,
-:rc, - %1. 7 r�Sp�l:t�C,BS s'ti i ° "� ' • e•. ; F S ar. •k '3 .rf]'9 l4-K'R
y. -..!'ems - Y; 1 ¢_ - '� - •-, ? ,r. �-- � �-'j '
sw�o55�o Does the permittee issue local'stormwater management permits to new development or redevelopment
projects as either a low density project or a high density project?
•aT■TW� ' -"✓ C d �. '4 �
Per{�eclr�a38row'detiy�protecsm�'9efeaoowrgu�re-l'a.�y' y z-
- E- xy 3 Y `' . � �� - +4 �� t rY f r 0 3"�•e w' s -
U V, ` x ' � y , '4 - ar .r . ^` b . `1: . ' .,• R .a"' 1�
sw105690 No more than two dwelling units per acre or 24% built -upon area; and,
SW105610 Are projects permitted as high density projects meet the following requirements:
swlossza}.' ` 'i the stornnwater oaptrol measures i itirof and treat the iiif6erenoe between tine pre deveopmenf and ( c
L- ;post-develapr�rei�t oar►tlittons forthe�t=year 24-hour stol'rn Remefi valurne drawlown tmte,mes{ kie a.
m1rumum Of 24 flours bill not more than11 hours
'° > f}pw .Q:w•s-�-t'zi her spill. .;- •'�'rf7.. :`Y. a^•'- a• �. t. _ ti `�-i�. -' v� ,'-,a"�'
sw1 o5sso All structural storrriwater treatment systems are'' desiaried to achieve 856 averaoe annual removal of
totarsuspendedsolids;"and• .
y ''- ;4. t rt4" a ay'.'.: :Sy„ •gip'.n - „_, 4.,�ys r --: z r mdrr .,
'.is zkds• � Y3 o v` yC 3F' • ,rC, q,s a
8tomtvrater management measures compty writh the' General Engineertn e—srgn Cnt+ na,For Ail . `a
r'•c ''�. y , -t'4 a ,x-', zi r tee' {'L >4}
:ProlecEs n3quiraments listed �n`i5A f+tCAC 2H l008(o}
"ti 'ft ., i ._,< ,.?.. "'a4 :,.' � _,�t;'�' : i; is .-' '--„c, ti � •,, a .r s4 �.+Y +- lr� - a r". r-'
SW105650 Are.deed restrictions and/or protective covenants required by the locally issued permit and incorporated
by the development to ensure that subsequent development activities maintain the development (or
redevelopment) consistent with the approved plans?
" A 8R bi�llt-upon areas et least 30 %et fattdYrawd of perennial arui mtetmittant surface waters7p , ; ,� j ,
��•"';If i^t ,�F���'' �� y `�'°"�'• eh"fr `9�"�'3 '�yjw•"�a.aM�; G: l�s�, T�.'aa�G �c� °{r'•r •_ w-�••`7k �..�r --"!.+'r;1�",i•:�0.. �°'•, �. '�S �" �,t � 59� `T �.
sw1o5670 Watershed Protection Plans: Has the Peimittee developed, adoated and'implemented a comprehensive
watershed protection plan to meet part, or all, of the requirements for post -construction stormwater
Sw105690 A regulated entity may develop its own comprehensive watershed plan, use the model ordinance
developed by the Commission, design its own post -construction practices based on the Division's
guidance and engineering standards for best management practices, or incorporate the
post -construction model practices to satisfy, in whole or in part, the requirements for post -construction
stormwater management. '
Page Number: 26
SWIos7io Additional Requirements fpr Nutrient Sensitive Waters
SWI05736 Has She permittee developed and included a nutrient application (fertilizer and organic nutrients)
management program in the Post -construction Stormwater Management Program?
,fit•'= t u7 i l ate' i a��i tr r r
�, fn arises vrfiene tt►e Environ entaf Management Commission f�as appnoyedEa iV"nt Sens�dve�Water
GW9Pfry�;"�iVE�=Pt,".aer17•�2i'N"a.'3i:�w,;sn;.rnr_R�A:4:h�'. 't':l:i.�
Uiban Stormwater Management Program the'premsionsraf,that prograM Ifll! the nutrient faading� s �'� •F,a',er5 :
i r- a"3.'
tnsSF r aS LI{lon n?1gU1rR.iTiC�S�uy
�. L .. 4" r., h. HT•�4Y, r. ,. .u,a. �, �c� iX: G'�5C x. 4.�p ,GQ .�,�� G�..f.: �',�-r'i�G� :R-,. :iT) #.
Page Number: 27
�}awa-ao9.r r r r • r : ,M e ' �e • r • r «r • i C • is . a '"- �P. _ 5
r • � r • •s 1 r r r is 'fx�, �-'" , ir. is r fY ? `a�'1,�"i� a ay...�Aa�f''gy„��r„�. -" �s°8,�. 4'84-�`,° dp:e
��.•�i r�.�.. � .aai_L+�...dil `'���.1}���� .W. d. �Y�n�d '�;$.k.P.. ":t�rL • �ra®�`.T �`�.�°,�T& `�i�ti�$ ..., � "��.A��2"i.�.'�i
r x i q,
1!. Rs r, yt. .`� � icy' y.vti o-� K, ;. '' �'yg,� .:
.�5. a �Yf. S rA .,q ,�o�u�l a '� Y�-. +..
r • r r rw w nu- - ��P �r - ti P - - �� '
�n � ,,� �C„ 'k�"'.�0 0 - n�' �°�.. err �.+ �„ L(�`�i Fj� �., �' n - .' ��Y•o;;V +^ a y �.
.i��o �
�� J_�'.f�'-�;`.1__s.2w'� }�._'-�� ���; m�c.�... °:�.i �.oa.���'h�4"ar�r�-•di�.^,�<.�,�.�.��_v'�"-`��.i !� ,
Y .'.q4 b .�. •?r �T �'• S ,k . � - I�, � °� do . !r �a� !� 4 ^ •:� " ^. * "' ° a ,,n � 2 T .!
Public Education and Outreach
SWID1690 Public Education and Outreach
- i 4
Do69 j-heiftrr-w-rra, t-erManagement . Program iddh*�th.6 A?a. F-6e- t-a-U-d"i�e!n6-dsl-1ike,ly.t6:6- v6, significant storm
impacts (indddihgcommercial, .naustnal and institutional entities) -and why.11.6seAafget aud ienc6s wereselei�e6?'
4-N e j
brit Program
SW101730 s Mirag6rn -i"..1.1 '- - �'c-ir& the p6rmittiie'ls�'b cli. program hbw the
dw. rogram
households ""''r"--'"A'the stepst.
i6� can take to u permittee plans toinform individualsan about 'red oe storm
�t �. . ) - L; -" - -I'
water pollution and how the permittee plans to inform individuals and gro6ps on h6w to become involved
in the storm water program?
Has 06 40AP ropn
5WI01760666i'6e66a1'§6rrrlWkd- idkitipfiM materialinformation,on
jn6lude'46fbrriiki0 n the following.tol
SM 0 17.70
SWI01780 Pet Waste
I C.
11, 1,01P,111 lZ10-
SWI018DO Lawn and Gardening
320 Erosion
Sm 01 K
Ao Flooding
Page Number: 29
SW101860 List any additional topics not identified above.
to general pyq!ic through utility mail outs
'DW66ing'pentad eduaanal a wboom
at f9stelrals afid Wit
SW1019DO Distributing printed educational material to business industry?
- i Distributing
-Ir 'Yft I
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SWI 020DO H6S the Delrmittee'develoo-el an internet Web site for ndwsletter arti6les on stormwater, information On
water quality, sio'r"mwater projects and activities, and way'i to contact stormwater management program
inan internet web:sWorinewsierw aru
40 K�Yt- r; projects-, and acuvmes.-.;ana ways to contact ram —
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SWI 02060 Classroom Outreach
Page Number: 30
SW102080 The number of schools that participate in municipal -sponsored storm water workshops or activities.
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1o2oso aj r Mite number af,stx,derts;ttiat paibapaf3e 1n rnurngpax sponsored storm waferworicstiops;or adlvitie§ t r- t <r
�iY Y} , +i't i}er i r - u C{ '7,- yr +� -++-ry !k•i - i ,
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SW102100 The number of workshops held for teachers.
SW1o212o The number of students receiving storm water education as a regular part of the school curriculum.
r(•"x phl^y:a
$W1o2t30 �' rF, D lays `Srgns 'Presentations" €Welcome PagOks, and Pamrmets
•�. j. .�Ci n 5'0 a� '�K-r+r-�R.L-r 5f� "•T{�r - ".r { YEA'' !. xr
c- . ''U•• s, 3' A d. s„ ! in • ..s .:r ,+.
SW102150 The number of stormwater related displays at special events or meetings.
'L_r :•Y•,�'M - '-tf- .+-. _�_� tak.i,r- «} 6C: J '�' - i- - L � � i .,!_'
1Niox�eo ' r i t;�li1e rttimber o€i 16 at events.who�saw the.dlsPlay or; tc�oic a;pamphlet/boak%t�` r ' °< a' �'" °_ �(
." i �'� ,4 a f +. 'r�'a Yt1� 9 • -•`k.. �1.i t, C'�', n �.''.i�akr�$•y' 3a'c� _�� - i� �¢ z+ %�7 '� G' rE':" �' r x�{1� y�s r" .n "#s ra �i, i,.
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SW102170 Number of new homeowner welcome packets containing storm -water -related information.
Sv+no2tea , r s ` G '�ihe nu..•;�bfner f QQya(�i►ss aiitfthaaiids with simmer re ��p�e��.yy »' r a
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SW102190 The number of stormwater related presentations at special events or meetings.
�. t - •' �� Y � r,z ,y- 3 r,• ',3- ••,'L- f, qf' *Z `Sn '". , j�.r.. .. ,....
SW102200 4 a 3 " .rr :COmmera$I Oi66ach,
'ti - t , •i -r a s r � a y= S 1 ;y P V.
.,�r- Za� � -;p � 1s {� �4'y-�• - b lt�' ham,"� � !r;• � iS�w t.:'@'. +-. ^, Mo Pr{ ��'+ .;_mot:. ;t1 K: `1 �� ,�`-s-: 'I 'ucr '� r '° tr•. � '!L,t'?K'.. y#Hrs.;
SW102210 The number of educational materials that were distributed to business owners and operators.
'r: r' � nY � z,"-� �.�•. M. ,v
Si 1'1f101Yx2^•72',0 .rr.''i C r + +.T Yt! , ,�a•?°' The.
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SWI02310 l q Pet Waste Management
/; . +� Vi •et � i] i6k � (� 2. L ..' _ �`: �i i .) - .�.ia� ..� 14 L�',-R - / ✓F•_`. T r Jfa' _ i �.� f5 �y .7 - ,r y 'iy';
sw�0zazo�. 77te nurriber ofr'cleanup aver your pet";gt�s pasted in parfcs ati�d�ne�ghborhoods}F, , ` s
s-- �. .•i< - ti r i .,a. - Se 4ry �.'y-V ,rise c•� ar • t.. ,- �.£.srar at ,�, orG r roc r -1 ;�� �., ; ..y, 'e F
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t : -i .t} r� y. i r• e"� •� r.. i-+ �• .r € Y _ . n� s •rye - A•�'Piw
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SW102330 The number of dog -walking designated areas in parks.
SW1E12344. `""r '-ur..� Sr L_ '.r,.i-,.-.i.rl�.r i-r a•� _ »: �� '7a �- 4 i.-1. •�}�'r ^~fa: --E-a
�_� ;ram r .� The number of,posters/brochur�es put up,En�pe pP y, � v :�, �' 1 _ �,.� N • �•
�•r+ § �.�, r ' � a�'+�{ � � ���- r;�'�' + -"4 d '. ,,l � _• �,"° atlX' r - _: �r e � f' - ' � t' - �' •u, - '� '' - .?� t' '�
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SW102350 The number of educational materials given out to pet owners.
�.w,.is.'�."'.=r,yr.�b`'�'-s''��'r,� ") lti s [ N�.y . s ���^ - •1. iti �-. r - r-'Z '�''�'-1 .F"�
SW102360 tPromotionBliGiveawa r s x w 5 'n•a z �4r'�`1,'
� 4 - to i ! � 4 - � -•:g � 76 d � - r«r r _ � .� r ,+ +.. � R 'r.{" � - ,� _ .0 i• ° y
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Page Number: 31
The number of items given out.
The number of partnerships for promotions (radio, TV, Businesses).
roper Dioxieslibf flo -Mazg Wasw P 466hbld rddiji
SWI 02410 The number of household hazardous waste curbside pickup days.
0 nals ®R
SWI02430 The number of partnerships established with businesses.
to M' J'4'
W-a ino AWIDiss v rdeogiWA' `p
10, - E V.
IU 4
SVV102450 The number of brochuires/posiiirs created in non-English languages.
SWI ed at I dISM imno lis larigu%
SWI02470 The number of Partnerships established with minority organizations.
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'�nurntwofA&ki6"Oil to'lCA4*ffiqntitidAi)
Attendance at workshops or public meetings held in low-income or minority neighborhoods.
-Us in -ft Media _9
The number of public service announcements made on radio and TV.
The number of stormwater related articles published.
'I" FTTV��11?1777: �71 T Water .
SW1 02590 The number of partnerships established with local water utilities.
Page Number: 32
SWI02610 A survey of homeowners about their water conservation behavior -before and after the message is
Page Number: 33
Public involvement and Participation
bW 002D P q --4
y'. ".R6VI6'Jh"irf*nt- a rtk: b6
SWI 02630 Does the Stormwater Management Program summarize what best management practices will be used,
the frequency of the BMP, the measurable goals for each BMP, the implementation schedule, and the
responsible person or position for implementation?
SW102650 Permittee are encouraged to actively involve all potentially affected stakeholder groups, including
commercial and industrial businesses, trade associations, environmental groups, homeowners
associations, and educational organizations, among others.
�P age
"Mot myn W
1pubk i6vdhi�� edAii in'dudeWdinI"h*8: I
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x ?
Ommunmy'.gq S --UP
SW1 02670 Has the permittee provided for the means to involve the public in the development and implementation of
the permittee's storm water management program through:
SWI02690 A Stormwater Steering Committee (or similar advisory group)?
SW1 02710 Adopt -a -stream, Adopt -a -drain, Adopt -a -highway or Adopt -a -trail program?
SWI 02730
A stormwater hotline?
Wfu4ikirfrmi 0
Storm drain stenciling?
Eflogurage. _"hb6rK6
Regional workshops?
..... . . . . . .
Page Number. 34
SW102790 Working with citizen volunteers willing to educate others about the program?
SWI02840 The number of participants in Adopt -A -Stream, Adopt -a -drain, Adopt -a -highway or Adopt -a -trail
SWI02860 Surveys
JS46iensdW M"
SWI 02880 The, number of completed surveys.
Lft , - - AZ " - , -,-2' _rV-
SWI0290O The number of calls received by a hotline(s).
SW1 02920 Reforestati on Programs
SW102940 The number of trees planted.
wimso A
. F.' .1
swi 02980
Public Hearings, stakeholder meetings, or other meetings
The number of attendees.
Storm Drain Stenciling
Ad h
ra nY ho"
Page Number: 35
SW103020 The number of stenciling volunteers.
SW103D40 Stream Cleanup
SWI03060 The number of cleanup participants.
Die qua• ",dfwasth collected2�4' ft'sf.-W&i6o effbitsiOn
SWI 03080 The number of stream miles cleaned.
.. .. ......
SWI03100 The number of volunteers participating in monitoring programs.
1 F
SWI03120 The number of volunteer monitoring stations established in the watershed.
SW103140 The number of actions that were taken as a result of the monitoring data -collected by volunteers.
4- n'
SWI03160 The acres of land planted,
swi 031 so The number of planting events held.
Page Number: 36
Town c
December 2, 2010
Mike Randall
Stormwater Staff Engineer
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
Scott A. Miles, PE
Assistant "Town Engineer
301 S. Brooks Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 435-9442
SMiles u,wakeforestnc.gov
RE: Phase II Permit Application
Dear Mr. Randall,
Nol-Th (:Imlhn,3
Enclosed is the Town of Wake Forest's 2010 Phase 11 permit renewal application.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.
Sincere y,
Sc A. Miles, PE
Assistant "Down Engineer
Town of Wake Forest
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment & Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Date Rec'd
Fee Paid
Permit Number
This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES sormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public
Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application
package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form.
This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDESSmall MS4 Stormwater
Permit Application (5WU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with
Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU 268) are both
required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application
submittals may be returned to the applicant.
Name of Public Entity
Town of Wake Forest
Seeking Permit Coverage
Ownership Status (federal,
state or local
Type of Public Entity (city,
town, county, prison, school,
Federal Standard Industrial
SIC 91 - 97
Classification Code
Wake, Franklin
Jurisdictional Area (square
Permanent 26,700
Seasonal (if available) n/a
Ten-year Growth Rate
7.75% per year
Located on Indian Lands?
❑ Yes x No
Storm Sewer Service Area
(square miles
River Basin(s)
Neuse River
Number of Primary Receiving
Austin Creek, Horse Creek, Sanford Creek, Smith Creek,
I Richland Creek
Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities:
Open Space
Total =
Page 1
NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy
x Yes ❑ No
b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program
X Yes ❑ No
c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program
X Yes ❑ No
d. CAMA Land Use Plan
❑ Yes x No
(Complete this section only if co -permitting)
a. Do you intend to co -permit with
El Yes x No
a permitted Phase I entity?
b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity:
• Name of Phase I MS4
• NPDES Permit Number
c. Do you intend to co -permit
El Yes x No
with another Phase II entity?
d. If so, provide the name(s) of
the entity:
e. Have legal agreements been
finalized between the co-
❑ Yes x No
erm ittees?
(If more than one, attach additional sheets)
a. Do you intend that another
entity perform one or more of
our permit obligations?
❑ Yes x No
b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing
• Name of Entity
• Element they will implement
• Contact Person
• Contact Address
• Contact Telephone Number
c. Are legal agreements in place
to establish responsibilities?
❑ Yes x No
The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This
delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action
through board action.
a. Name of person to which permit authority
Eric Keravuori, PE
has been delegated
b. Title/position of person above
Director of Engineering
c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be
provided in the attached application report.
Page 2
NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit
application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through
board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above
may sign the official statement below.
I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my
direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel
properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate,
and complete. lam aware that there are significant penalties far submitting false information,
including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations
Mark Williams
Town Manager
Street Address
301 S Brooks St
PO Box
Wake Forest
Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day
implementation and oversight of the Stormwater program.
Name of Contact
Scott A. Miles, PE
Assistant Town Engineer
Street Address
301 S Brooks St
PO Box
Wake Forest
Telephone Number
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
Page 3
NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact
name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets.
a. RCRA Hazardous Waste
Management Program
b. UIC program under SDWA
c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge
Permit Number
d. Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) Program
e. Non Attainment Program
f. National Emission Standards for
Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS)
reconstruction approval
g. Ocean dumping permits under the
Marine Protection Research and
Sanctuaries Act
h. Dredge or fill permits under
section 404 of CWA
Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for
the rive -year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown
below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the
Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the
following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with
page numbers for each entry.
1.1. Population Served
1.2. Growth Rate
1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas
1.4. MS4 Conveyance System
1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates
1.6. Estimate Methodology
1.7. TMDL Identification
3.1. Local Programs
3.2. State programs
Page 4
NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application
4.1. Responsible Party Contact List
4.2. Organizational Chart
4.3. Signing Official
4.4. Duly Authorized Representative
5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable)
5.1. Co-Permittees
5.2. Legal Agreements
5.3. Responsible Parties
6. Reliance on Other Government Entity
6.1. Name of Entity
6.2. Measure Implemented
6.3. Contact Information
6.4. Legal Agreements
7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts
7.2. Public Involvement and Participation
7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment
7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Page 5
Submitted to NC Division of Water Quality:
December 2010
Approved by Town Staff
November 2010
Public Meeting:
December 2010
Storm Sewer System Information
RPEIMS4 (Municipal Storm Sewer System) Information
Receiving Streams
Existing Water Quality Programs
Permitting Information
4.1 Contacts
4.2 Organization Chart
4.3 Signing Official Statement
4.4 Duly Authorized Representative
Co -Permit Application Status Information
Reliance on another Entity to Satisfy One or More of your Permit Obligations
Stormwater Management Program
7.1 Public Education
7.1.2 Target Pollutant Sources
7.1.3 Outreach Program
7.1.4 Evaluation
7.2 Public Involvement and Participation Program
7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Illicit Discharge Detection
and Ilimination Storm
7.3.1 Regulatory Mechanism
7.3.2 Enforcement Actions
7.3.3 Detection and Elimination
8 Finding Illicit Connections
8 Addressing of spills within the Town's Operation and
Within the Community
Eliminate of Illicit Connections or Discharges
Illicit or Allowable
Public Outreach
Program Approach
Measurable Goals
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls Construction
Site Stormwater Runoff Controls
Post Construction Site Management Post Construction•Management
For New and Re -development activities
BMP Operations and Maintenance
Requirements for Controlling Sources of Fecal Coli form (Septic Systems)
Requirements for Development Projects Draining to Nutrient Sensitive
Waters (NSW)
Structural BMP's
Operation and Maintenance
Decision Process
Open Space Protection
Tree Preservation
Street Design
Green Infrastructure and Design
Green Infrastructure Practices
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Current BMP Strategies
Affected Operations
Maintenance and Inspection
Controls for Reducing Pollutants
7.6.5 Waste Disposal
7.6.6 Measurable Goals and Evaluation
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
NPDES STORMWATER Permit Application Form
This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES Stormwater permit coverage
for small municipal separate storm sewer systems pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina
Administrative Code 21-1 .0126. A complete application form includes three copies of the
narrative documentation required in Section IX of this form. This application and the
accompanying narrative documentation must be completed in accordance with Instructions for
Completing Form SWU-264 to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete
application submittals may be returned to the applicant.
1. Name oi' Public Body Seeking Permit Coverage: Town of Wake Forest
2. Ownership Status (federal, state, public, private, or other): Public
3. Type of Public Body (city, town, county, prison, school, etc.): Town
4. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code: SIC 91-96
5. County: Wake
6. Jurisdictional Area: 11.37 Square Miles
7. Population:
-Permanent: 27,600
-Basis of Population statistic: Based on census plus adjusted far new construction,
building permits
-Seasonal: NIA
-Method used to create seasonal estimates: NIA
8. Growth Rate: + l .6%
9. Located on Indian Lands? No
1 O.Latitude of Center of MS4 Service Area: 35-28'-30" N
Longitude of Center of MS4 Service Area: 78-30'-27" S
1. RPE/MS4 (Municipal Storm Sewer System) Information
I. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles): 15.67 square miles
2. River Basin(s): Neuse River
3. Number and name of Primary Receiving Streams or bodies of water: Austin Creek,
Horse Creek, Sanford Creek, Smith Creek, Richland Creek
4. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use
Residential: 36%
Commercial: 9 %
Industrial: 4 %
Open Space: 51 %
5. is there significant water quality issues detailed in the attached application report?
6. Do you discharge to territorial seas, oceans or within the contiguous zone? No
7. Do you discharge to a TMDL controlled water body? Yes
8. Describe your system, in narrative, identifying use of pipe, open channels, to give a
general feel for how the system performs and the general condition of the streams and
other water bodies receiving runoff: The Town of Wake Forest's storm system is a
combination of pipes, detention/retention ponds, and open ditches (including streams,
creeks, ponds and the Neuse River) in both public and private storm easements.
Several of the creeks including Richland Creek were identified as degraded, but are
currently under rehabilitation through local, state and federal partnerships. Overall the
system is in good condition.
9. Describe the maintenance activities: The Town of Wake Forest's Street Division is
currently responsible for maintenance of the public storm system. A pass over the
entire system is made at least once a year to inspect and clean as necessary.
Otherwise, it is maintained on a response to a problem or on an "as needed" basis.
10. How many full time equivalent positions are used to provide maintenance services
annually? 4 Positions
11. How often is the system inspected for maintenance problems? Annually
12. Do you clean catch basins, pipes, and other man-made structures? Yes
13. What is the frequency of cleaning and the method used'? As needed, by hand and
14. What is the annual budget for maintenance activities? $20,000
15. Describe the methodology used to calculate land use percentages: The areas were
calculated from shape files from the Land Use Map. (GIS map) (See the attached
Town of Wake Forest's Hydrology Map)
1. Receiving Stream Name: Austin Creek
Stream Segment: 27-23-3
Water Quality Classification: C NSW
Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: P,NP
2. Receiving Stream Name: Horse Creek
Stream Segment: 27-17-(.07)
Water Quality Classification: WS-IV NSW
Use Support Rating: S
Water Quality Issues: NI
3. Receiving Stream Name: Sanford Creek
Stream Segment: 27-23-5
Water Quality Classification: C NSW
Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: NP
4. Receiving Stream Name: Smith Creek (Wake Forest Reservoir)
Stream Segment: 27-23-(1.5)
Water Quality Classification: WS-II NSW CA
Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: NP,P
5. Receiving Stream Name: Toms Creek
Stream Segment: 27-243
Water Quality Classification: C NSW
Use Support Rating: PS
Water Quality Issues. P, NP
6. Receiving Stream Name: Richland Creek
Stream Segment: 27-21
Water Quality Classification: C, NSW
Use Support Rating: PS
Water Quality Issues: P,NP
a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy: No
b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program: Yes
c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program: Yes
d. CAMA Land Use Plan: No
4.1 Contacts:
Eric Keravuori, P.E. Director of Engineering 919-435-9441
EKeravuori u,wakeforestnc.�,,ov
Scott Miles, P.E. Assistant Town Engineer 919-435-9442
SMiles a,wakeforestnc.gov
Holly Spring, E.I.T.
Assistant Town Engineer
Mike Barton
Director of Public Works
M Bartonawakeforestnc.gov
Al Jones
Construction Inspector
Atones c ,wakeforestnc.ov
Bryan Smith
Construction inspector
Blake Haley
Construction Inspector
Steve Meyer
Construction Inspector
SMeyer a,wakeforestnc.gov
Ben Naprstek
Safety Coordinator
BNaprstek a wakeforestnc.V_ov
Drew Brown
Customer Service/Billing
ABrown a,wakeforestnc.gov
Donald Cook
Fleet Maintenance Supervisor
Other Key Staff:
Mark Williams
Town Manager
919-435-941 1
Roe O'Donnell, P.E. Deputy Town Manager 919-435-9412
Deeda Harris Town Clerk 919-435-9413
DHarris u,wakeforestnc.eov
Chip Russell, AICP Planning Director 919-435-951 1
CRussell a,wakcforestnc.gov
4.2 Organization Chart
4.3 Signing Official Statement
Mark Williams, Town Manager
301 S. Brooks Street
Wake Forest, N.C. 27587
(office) 919-435-941 l
(fax) 919-435-9419
4.4 Duly Authorized Representative
Scott A. Miles, PE
Assistant Town Engineer
Town of Wake Forest
301 S. Brooks St
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 435-9442
(919) 435-9539 (fax)
The Town of Wake Forest does not intend to share responsibilities with another municipality
to fulfill its NPDES Phase II permit obligations. Therefore co -permitting information is not
1. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of your permit obligations? No
2. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing:
Name of Entity:
Element they will implement
Contact Person:
Contact Address:
Contact Telephone Number:
3. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? NIA
7.1 Public Education
7.1.1 Target Audience
The target audience includes, but is not limited to; Households, School Children, Hispanic
community and the business/development community.
7.1.2 Target Pollutant Sources
The Town of Wake Forest's public education program will target three main pollutants to
begin with: sediment, nitrogen and phosphorous. These pollutants are the major concerns for
the Neuse River Basin and Wake County as a whole. The Town will expand the public
education program to include other pollutants, as they become a problem for the area.
7.1.3 Outreach Program
The Town of Wake Forest's public education and outreach program will continue to develop
its comprehensive Annual Education Plan. The Education Plan will include the specific
Public Education/Outreach BMP's to be implemented, a schedule for the implementation and
targeted audiences for each BMP, and measurable goals for all aspects ofthe Plan.
Another outreach program will be to distribute pollution prevention brochures and posters
created in concert with TJCOG. In addition to distributing educational material throughout
the year, Town staff will participate in the annual "Meet in the Street" by staffing a booth.
The 'Town will use the festival to provide messages on the importance of clean water and on
specific activities that will help keep storm water clean.
7.1.4 Evaluation:
The public education measure is evaluated in several different ways. The number of
educational events, estimated number of educational participants, bags of trash removed,
number of educational information distributed, number of storm drain markers installed,
number of radio and TV ads are all tracked to evaluate the outreach component.
7.2 Public Involvement and Participation Program
The "Town of Wake Forest will implement a public involvement and participation program
that will at the minimum throughout the development of the storm water management
program and implementation of all the BMP's for all six minimum measures. Public
notification will especially be important during the development and approval of' all new
ordinances and ordinance modifications that will be a part of the Town's stormwater
management program. In addition, the Town will establish public participation and
involvement programs to foster broader public support and take advantage of the
community's intellectual resources.
The Town of Wake Forest will actively strive to involve all potentially affected stakeholders
in its public involvement and participation program. Affected stakeholders include, but are
not limited to, Town citizens, commercial and industrial businesses, the development
community, trade organizations, environmental groups, homeowners associations and
education organizations.
A public meeting was held on December 1'`, 2010. Staff made a presentation of' this
application and solicited comments from the general public.
The Town of Wake Forest is required to hold a public hearing regarding any ordinance
revisions or new ordinances. The "Town will also facilitate public meetings as needed on
specific stormwater-related topics.
The Town of Wake Forest already has established public notification processes and
procedures in place for standard Town activities. The Board of Commissioner meetings are
open to the public and time is set aside for public comment. In addition, any ordinance
revisions are open to public review and comment before the Board of' Commissioners can
adopt them. These existing procedures will be used during further development and
implementation of the Town's Stormwater Management program. In addition special public
meetings and information sessions will be held as needed throughout the implementation of
the new programs.
7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
7.3.1 Regulatory Mechanism
The Town of Wake Forest Board of Commissioners adopted an Illicit Discharge Ordinance
in 2004.
7.3.2 Enforcement Actions
As soon as an illicit connection is identified, written notification will be given. Time will be
given to offenders to take the necessary corrective action depending on the nature of the
offense. Also depending on the nature of the offense, civil or criminal penalty may be
instituted. An appeals process is available. If offender refuses to comply, the case will be
turned over to the Wake County District Attorney's Office.
7.3.3 Detection and Elimination
Dry Weather inspections will be made at points along the outfall along with Records of calls
from the twenty four hour hotline will be charted so that high priority and problem areas can
be given proper attention. After identifying illicit connections, the procedures, per the Illicit
Discharge Ordinance will be followed. Finding illicit connections
Illicit connections will be identified through frequent inspections at points along the outfalls
by the Town's Engineering Inspections department. Addressing of spills within the Town's operation and within the community
The Town of Wake Forest will set up a twenty four hour hotline to report any spill in the
community. Town crews will be dispatched to clean up and correct any such event. Elimination of Illicit Connections or Discharges
To locate problem areas, town crews, cross trained to conduct proper inspections, will inspect
and visually pass and screen storm system at regular intervals. Water will be sampled
periodically. Complaints from citizens will be investigated.
Enforcement to insure corrective measures are taken are addressed in the attached Illicit
Discharge Ordinance
The Town staff will constantly assess and evaluate the program as well as meet regularly
with other municipalities to address regional needs and concern. Changes and amendments
will be brought before the Board of Commissioners for prompt approval as necessary.
7.3.4 Illicit or Allowable
1. Water line flushing: Allowable
2. Landscape irrigation: Allowable
3. Diverted stream flows: Allowable
4. Rising ground waters: Allowable
5. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR
§35.2005(20)): Allowable
6. Uncontaminated pumped ground water: Allowable
7. Discharges from potable water sources: Allowable
8. Foundation drains: Allowable
9. Air conditioning condensation: Allowable
10. Irrigation water: Allowable
11. Springs: Allowable
12. Water from crawl space pumps: Allowable
13. Footing drains: Allowable
14. Lawn watering: Allowable
15. Individual residential car washing: Allowable
16. Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands: Allowable
17. Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges: Allowable
18. Street wash water: Allowable
"There are some other incidental discharges that are defined as NON-
STORMWATER and ILLICIT for purposes within your community and are
worthy of being noted.
Additionally, charity car washes will be permitted provided they are held in
contained areas that minimize impact to the storm system.
7.3.5 Public Outreach
The Public and Town employees will be informed and educated on the hazards of illicit
connections and illegal dumping as part of the Town's Public Education Program and your
Good Housing Keeping Program. This will be met through the Town's Public Education
system which will include mailings, postings on the Web site and coordination with TJCOG
7.3.6 Program Approach
The Town is still developing our illicit discharge elimination program. The first step was
establishing an ordinance to address illicit discharge. The next step, which is still on -going, is
to map out and inventory the system. In fiscal Year 07-10, the "town of Wake Forest
contracted with WK Dickson, a professional engineering, surveying and GISIGPS consultant,
to inventory and digitally map the Town's storm water system. The format and subsequent
layers will be in APCView tied to the State Plane North Carolina 3200, horizontal datum
NAVD83 and vertical datum NAVD 88. In fiscal year 2011 and beyond additional basins
will be mapped. The entire system will be completed in 2014. The Assistant Town Engineer
will keep the map current and up to date. As -built drawings will be required to be submitted
in compatible format before acceptance by the Town. A read-only version of the map will be
available to be viewed by the general public. Using Town crew's to visibly pass each
structure and system is a very effective way of identifying illicit discharge. Dry weather
inspections will be conducted at outfall nodes.
7.3.7 Measurable Goals
A summary report of each complaint received will be investigated immediately. The results
of the investigation and the specific actions taken will be prepared. Suspicious outfalls that
had a dry weather flow during visual screening will be tested for suspected pollutants. A
summary report of all premises found to be improperly connected to the storm sewer or
sanitary sewer will be prepared. A summary report of on -site sewage systems found to be
improperly functioning and actions taken to correct problems will be prepared. The number
of suspicious manholes that were tested (as appropriate) and test results will be prepared.
7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls Construction Site
Stormwater Runoff Controls
The Town of Wake Forest administers its own state approved Soil and Erosion Control
program. The purpose of the ordinance is to regulate land disturbing activities and control
the accelerated erosion and sedimentation of lakes and natural watercourses and minimize
damage to public and private property by sedimentation. Also, the purpose of the ordinance
is to establish procedures through which the measures can be fulfilled.
Staff engineers review the erosion control plan and if it is found to be incomplete or
inadequate, the designer will be requested to provide additional information or to revise the
plan. Once the plan is approved, a Land -Disturbing Permit is issued. During implementation
of the plan and subsequent construction, Construction Inspection staff visit the site to
determine if the approved plan has been implemented and to ensure compliance with the law.
Any person or party engaging in a non -compliant land -disturbing activity will be directed to
stop work and will be issued a Notice of Violation. Violators are subject to a fine of $5000
per day for each day that the site is not in compliance, and may be charged with a Class 2
misdemeanor. which may include a fine not exceeding $5000.
The Town of Wake Forest encourages citizens to contact us via the Muddy Water Watch
program. Citizens can call the Town directly to report possible violations. Periodic stream
walks take place to inform the public of sources of sediment pollution.
Town staff makes regular visits to every site within the Town currently under an erosion and
sediment control permit to ensure compliance under the ordinance.
7.5 Post Construction Site Management Post Construction Management for New
and Re -development activities
The Town of Wake Forest has a stormwater managemen.t ordinance for control of post -
construction stormwater runoff. The current program was developed to comply with the
State's Watershed Water Supply Protection requirements and the Neuse NSW requirements
for urban stormwater. The current program addresses storm water runoff from new
development and redevelopment projects that disturb an area greater than or equal to one
acre. All projects must control peak Flow and meet designated water quality targets. The
Current "Town of Wake Forest Stormwater Management Ordinance is attached.
The Town of Wake Forest will assess and evaluate, and revise as necessary its stormwater
management ordinances to meet the State's Phase 11 rules for post -construction. The Town of'
Wake Forest will partner with the State as needed to develop and implement area -specific
watershed plans which may have alternate strategies for preventing or minimizing water
quality impacts using structural and non-structural BMP's. The amended stormwater
ordinances became effective on October 16, 2007.
7.5.1 BMP Operations and Maintenance
The 'Down of Wake Forest's program includes an operation and maintenance component that
ensures the adequate long-term operation of the structural BMP's required by the program.
These BMP's are privately owned and operated. The Town,of Wake Forest staff will review
and approve maintenance inspection reports from appropriate, qualified licensed design
professionals. Staff will correspond with the BMP owners to facilitate needed maintenance or
corrective actions.
7.5.2 Requirements for Controlling Sources of Fecal Coli-form (Septic Systems)
The Wake County Environmental Services Department has jurisdiction over most typical on -
site wastewater systems, or septic systems, in the Town's planning area and surrounding
rural areas. Some large, non -typical septic systems or other on -site wastewater systems may
be referred to the NC Department of Environmental Health. The County currently approves
plans and inspects construction of newly installed septic systems. The county also assists
owners of failing septic systems by evaluation the system and recommending short-term or
long-term solutions. The Town does not anticipate any change in Wake County's
jurisdiction over septic systems and will continue to rely on the County and/or State
Departments to provide these services that aid in controlling fecal coli-form sources.
7.5.3 -Requirements for Development Projects Draining to Nutrient Sensitive
Waters (NSW)
The Town of Wake Forest's basin drains into nutrient sensitive waters with the Neuse River
being the final receiving stream. The Neuse River holds the supplemental classification of
NSW along with other main tributaries in the Torvn's basin area. The Town will implement
a NSW Nutrient Reduction Stormwater Program as directed by the State within the area that
drains to the Neuse River and Falls Fake.
7.5.4 Structural BMP's:
The Town of Wake Forest anticipates allowing any structural BMP recommended by
agencies of the State of North Carolina in order to accomplish specific stormwater goals.
Some of the specific goals as described herein include runoff volume goals restricting post -
development runoff to pre -development as well as water quality goals for total suspended
solids (TSS) removal and specific goals for nitrogen removal. The Town reserves the right to
exclude any BMP that it deems not in the best interest. A source of information from
NCDBNR regarding acceptable BMPs include, but is not limited to; NC DWQ's BMP
7.5.5 Operation and Maintenance
The long term operation and maintenance of private storm systems (that may or may not
connect to the Town storm system) and structural BMPs will require a responsible party (ie.
homeowner's association, property manager, etc.). Prior to final acceptance of any project,
the Town will require the developer to identify, most likely in writing the initial party
responsible for all stormwater maintenance and structural BMPs and all other common areas,
open space, private easements, etc. that require maintenance after construction is complete.
All deeds of easement, plat maps, as-builts etc. shall identify the responsible party to the
complete satisfaction of the Town or its Attorneys prior to the recording of any such
documents. Public recording of these rights to easements and the responsible parties will
ensure perpetual responsibility, even if/when ownership changes. Additionally, the
developer shall deliver a certified O&M Plan to the Town for approval that includes, at a
minimum, provisions for an annual approval, the O&M Plan and any O&M manuals or
instruction shall be delivered to the Town Engineering Department as well as the party
responsible for O&M within the development. The Town may consider the development of a
Standard O&M Plan or Model O&M Plan as this program is developed. The responsible
party for the development will be held accountable for ensuring that all maintenance
operations are carried out according to the approved O&M Plan and will be required to retain
a copy of such plan on his premises. The responsible party will also submit the required
BMP inspection reports to the Engineering Department so that the Town can maintain a
tracking system of the condition of all BMPs in its jurisdiction.
7.5.6 Decision Process
The Construction Site Runoff Program will begin with site plan review. This will be the
"front line" for ensuring that construction projects comply with the requirements of the
program. The Town's Engineering Staff will generate comments and site plans will not
receive a grading permit until all requirements have been met. Plan review may also reveal
that other state agencies (ie. NC Division of Water Quality) are required to approve the plans
prior to the Town's approval. After the plans have been accepted and the developer has
satisfied all other permitting requirements, as may be required by the Town or other agencies,
then all Town permits will be issued and construction may begin. From that point, The
Town's inspectors attend pre -construction meetings and will ensure that the project is
constructed according to the approved plans, taking enforcement actions as may be necessary
to ensure compliance. From this point forward, the decision process diverges for the
requirements of the Construction Site Runoff Program. Whereas requirements for
construction site runoff control end when the project is finally accepted, the requirements for
post -construction stormwater control continue in perpetuity. The primary mechanism that
allows the Town to track the condition of all private stormwater systems and structural BMPs
after construction is the responsible party's submittal of annual inspection reports to the
Engineering Department. Engineering will develop a tracking system that efficiently
identifies the condition of all private stormwater systems and structural BMPs, identifies
whether or not responsible parties have submitted annual inspection reports, and identities
the responsible party's compliance with the O&M Plan. Non-compliance by the responsible
party will result in enforcement actions as sanctioned by the Ordinance. Additionally,
Engineering and Public Works stall will be trained to observe storm systems and BMPs
throughout their day-to-day operations in the field in order to detect devices that may not be
in compliance.
7.5.7 Open Space Protection
The Town of Wake Forest has adopted an extensive Open Space and Greenway Plan. The
goal of the plan is to identify parcels and corridors of land that are in need of protection and
conservation measures; to establish a comprehensive approach that will link greenspace lands
and corridors to residential, commercial, industrial and central business areas of the
community; and to define a concise set of strategies for protecting and conserving these
corridors and at the same time developing public use facilities that would provide residents of
the town with access to these lands and corridors. The Open Space Plan was prepared to be
consistent with a larger plan for Wake County. The County has encouraged and supported
the preparation and adoption of municipal open space plans to ensure that there is continuity
across jurisdictions.
7.5.8 Tree Preservation
The "Town of Wake Forest is dedicated to the preservation of its trees. All trees located
throughout the Town of Wake Forest make up the "Urban Forest." 'frees located in the public
right-of-way, on public grounds, and within street tree easements are municipal -owned trees
and are an important component of the Town of Wake Forest's urban infrastructure. Trees
provide a wide variety of social, community, economic and environmental benefits for us all
that include such things as climate moderation, better air quality, water conservation, habitat
for birds and other wildlife and increased property values. All street trees located on
municipally owned property are protected by the Vegetation Ordinance of' the Municipal
Code. The Town of Wake Forest is responsible for the planting, protection, maintenance and
removal of these trees.
7.5.9 Street Design
The Town of Wake Forest has developed an extensive transportation plan. The Wake Forest
Transportation Plan identifies specific and general transportation system improvement
recommendations and strategies to help accommodate growth in travel demand, while
supporting a diversified transportation system that considers not only the automobile, but
also the cyclist, the pedestrian, and the transit patron. A plan that does not consider
implementation is faulted from the start. With this in mind, the Wake Forest Transportation
Plan includes discussion on strategies, methods, and sources of funding for implementation.
7.5.10 Green infrastructure and Design
The Town of Wake Forest is currently developing a new Unified Development Ordinance.
This new ordinance will allow for alternatives for traditional design standards, such as
paving, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. The UDO will also allow for the reduction of
required parking below the current industry norms. The UDO will coordinate all
environmental protection standards to ensure adequate, yet practical and flexible landscape
protection. The UDO will also adopt a public space dedication and improvement standards
that will in the long term provide a range of open space types based on context in all new
developments. The UDO will also evaluate the existing stormwater ordinance to apply a
palette of context sensitive standards. This includes the encouragement of green
infrastructure practices such as rainwater harvesting and payment in lieu programs for off -
site stormwater mitigation.
7.5.11 Green Infrastructure Practices
The Town of Wake Forest allows and encourages the use of cisterns and rain barrels. As a
water conservation community, the Town sells rain barrels to citizens. The Town regularly
holds scheduled pre -submittal meetings with developers and engineers. At these meetings,
the staff discusses broad topics effecting the development including stormwater management,
overall site water quality, erosion control and long term BMP operation and maintenance.
7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
7.6.1 Current BMP strategies
The Town of Wake Forest will develop and implement an operations and maintenance
program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or
reducing runoff from municipal operations.
Using training materials that are available from EPA and other organizations, The Town of
Wake Forest will train employees to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from activities
such as parks and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction
and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance.
7.6.2 Affected Operations
The Following Town of Wake Forest facilities and operations are impacted by this operation
and maintenance program. These programs will be evaluated and revised to ensure that the
programs minimize pollutant loading. Facilities will be inspected to identify and eliminate
exposure to stormwater. Corrective actions will be taken or BMP's installed as needed:
Operations Center
234 Friendship Chapel Rd
Wake Forest, NC 27587
7.6.3 Maintenance and Inspection
Streets and Town maintained parking lots are routinely cleaned and cleared of any debris. A
street sweeper has been purchased. Streets are currently cleaned regularly.
The Street Department currently inspects the storm system including grates, catch basins and
rip rap aprons for accumulated debris. The department also responds to calls from citizens
and other department's complaints of debris. All trash, both yard waste and other items of are
disposed of properly.
7.6.4 Controls for reducing pollutants
After the initial assessment and inventory of the Town's maintenance facilities, the
Engineering Department will educate Town Staff and municipal employees on how to
reduce pollutants from public parking lots, storage yards, waste transfer stations, outdoor
storage areas at vehicle maintenance shops, salt storage and snow disposal areas and any
other publicly maintained facilities.
7.6.5 Waste Disposal
Yard waste, including leaves branches and other natural waste are transported to:
1. Rowland Landfill, Inc., 2730 Rowland Rd., Suite 105, Raleigh, NC, 27615
2. Novozymes North America, 419 West River Rd., Louisburg, NC 27549
3. Organic Recycling Center, 2095 US I, Franklinton, NC 27525
7.6.6 Measurable goals and Evaluation
The Town staff' will record the number of employees attending a pollution reduction
educational meeting. The number of facility cleanings and amount of pollutants collected
will also be recorded.
ti MAY
L _
Submitted to NC Diwsion of Water Quality:
April 28, 2004
Approved by Town Staff: . March 2004
Public Hearing: March 16, 2004
Approved by Board of Commissioners: April 28, 2004
State of North Carolina
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
NPDES STORMWATER Permit Application Form
This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES Stomawater permit coverage for
small municipal separate storm sewer systems pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative
Code 2H .0126. A complete application form includes three copies of the narrative documentation
required in Section IX of this form. This application and the accompanying narrative
documentation must be completed in accordance with Instructions for Completing Form SW-264
to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be
returned to the applicant.
1. Name of Public Body Seeking Permit Coverage: Town of Wake Forest
2. Ownership Status (federal, state, public, private, or other): Public
3. Type of Public Body (city, town, county, prison, school, etc.): Town
0 4. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code: SIC 91-96
5. County: Wake
6. Jurisdictional Area: 11.37 Square Miles
7. Population: 12,588
-Permanent: 12,588
-Basis of Population statistic: Based on census plus adjusted for new construction,
building permits
-Seasonal: N/A
-Method used to create seasonal estimates: NIA
8. Growth Rate: 11.8 (1990-2000)
9. Located on Indian Lands? No
10. Latitude of Center of MS4 Service Area: 35-28'-30" N
• Longitude of Center of MS4 Service Area: 78-30'-27" S
i* I. RPE/MS4 (Municipal Storm Sewer System) Information
1. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles): 15 square miles
2. River Basin(s): Neuse River
I Number and name of Primary Receiving Streams or bodies of water: Austin
Creek, Horse Creek, Sanford Creek, Smith Creek, Richland Creek
4. Estimated percentage of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use
activities: (Total 100%)
Residential: 60 %
Commercial: 25 %
Industrial: 5 %
Open Space: 10 %
5. Is there significant water quality issues detailed in the attached application
0 report? :
6. Do you discharge to territorial seas, oceans or within the contiguous zone?:
7. Do you discharge to a TMDL controlled water body? :
8. Describe your system, in narrative, identifying use of pipe, open channels, to give
a general feel for how the system performs and the general condition of the
streams and other water bodies receiving runoff:
The Town of Wake Forest's storm system is a combination of pipes,
detention/retention ponds, and open ditches (including streams, creeks,
ponds and the Neuse River) in both public and private storm easements.
Several of the creeks including Richland Creek were identified as
degraded, but are currently under rehabilitation through local, state and
federal partnerships. Overall the system is in good condition.
0 9. Describe the maintenance activities:
The Town of Wake Forest's Street Division is currently responsible for
maintenance of the public storm system. A pass over the entire system is
made at least once a year to inspect and clean as necessary. Otherwise, it is
maintained on a response to a problem or on an "as needed" basis.
10. How many full time equivalent positions are used to provide maintenance
services, annually?
4 Positions
11. How often is the system inspected for maintenance problems? :
12. Do you clean catch basins, pipes, and other man-made structures? :
13. What is the frequency of cleaning and the method used?
As needed, by hand and sewer jet
14. What is the annual budget for maintenance activities?
15. Describe the methodology used to calculate land use percentages:
The areas were calculated from shape files from the Land Use Map. (G1S
(See the attached Town of Wake Forest's Hydrology Map)
103-0`A - ° 1
2. Receiving Streams
1. Receiving Stream Name: Austin Creek
Stream Segment: 27-23-3
Water Quality Classification. C NSW
Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: P,NP
2. Receiving Stream Name: Horse Creek
Stream Segment: 27-17-(.07)
Water Quality Classification: WS-IV NSW
Use Support Rating: S
Water Quality Issues: NP
3. Receiving Stream Name: Sanford Creek
Stream Segment: 27-23-5
Water Quality Classification: C NSW
Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: NP
4. Receiving Stream Name: Smith Creek (Wake Forest Reservoir)
Stream Segment: 27-23-(1.5)
Water Quality Classification: WS-II NSW CA
40 Use Support Rating: ST
Water Quality Issues: NP,P
5. Receiving Stream Name: Toms Creek
Stream Segment: 27-243
Water Quality Classification: C NSW
Use Support Rating: PS
Water Quality Issues: P, NP
6. Receiving Stream Name: Richland Creek
Stream Segment: 27-21 ?
Water Quality Classification: C, NSW
Use Support Rating: PS
Water Quality Issues: P,NP
0 3. Local Water Quality Programs
1. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy: No
2. Local Water Supply Watershed Program: No S�/-
3. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program: Yes
4. CAMA Land Use Plan: No
4. Permitting Information
0 (See Attached Organizational chart)
Eric Keravuori, P.E. Director of Engineering 919-554-6122
Scott Miles, E.I.T. Assistant Town Engineer 919-554-6188
George Rogers Water Resources Superintendent 919-554-6138
Mike Barton Director of Public Works 919-554-6123
Elvis Medlin Field Superintendent 919-554-6126
Al Jones Construction Inspector 919-554-6603
Bryan Smith Construction Inspector 919-570-3150
Tom Harper Safety Coordinator 919-556-7629
Drew Brown Customer Service/Billing 919-554-6107
Donald Cook Fleet Maintenance Supervisor 919-554-6127
Other Key Staff:
Mark Williams Town Manager 919-554-6194
Roe O'Donnell, P.E. Deputy Town Manager 919-554-6121
Joyce Wilson Town Clerk 919-554-6190
Chip Russell, AICP Planning Director 919-554-6142
5. Signing Official Statement
Mark Williams, Town Manager
401 Elm Avenure
Wake Forest, N.C. 27587
(office) 919-554-6194
(fax) 919-554-6195
`* 5. Co -Permit Application Status Information
The Town of Wake Forest does not intend to share responsibilities with another
rnunicipahty to fulfill its NPDES Phase II permit obligations. Therefore co-permtting
information is not applicable.
6. Reliance on another Entity to Satisfy One or More of Your Permit Obligations
1. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of your permit
obligations? :
2_ If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing:
Name of Entity: Wake County Environmental Services
Element they will implement: Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Contact Person: Byron Brady, P.E.
O Contact Address:
336 Fayetteville Street Mall
P.O. Box 550
Raleigh, N.C. 27602
Contact Telephone Number: 919-856-6195
3. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? Yes, See Appendix
7.1 Public Education
(See attached BMP summary table)
Target Audience
The target audience includes, but is not limited to; Households, School
Children, Hispanic community and the business/development community.
Target Pollutant Sources
The Town of Wake Forest's public education program will target three main
pollutants to begin with: sediment, nitrogen and phosphorous. These pollutants are
the major concerns for the Neuse River Basin and Wake County as a whole. The
Town will expand the public education program to include other pollutants, as they
become a problem for the area.
Outreach Program
The first step in the Town of Wake Forest's public education and outreach program
will be to develop a comprehensive Annual Education Plan during the first year of
the permit. The Education Plan will include the specific Public Education/Outreach
BMW's to be implemented, a schedule for the implementation and targeted audiences
for each BMP, and measurable goals for all aspects of the Plan.
Another outreach program will be to distribute pollution prevention brochures and
posters created in concert with TJCOG.
In addition to distributing educational material throughout the year, Town staff will
participate in the annual "Meet in the Street" by staffing a booth. The Town will use
the festival to provide messages on the importance of clean water and on specific
activities that will help keep storm water clean. The Town will begin this activity
in Year 1 and will continue once a year thereafter.
Decision Process.
The primary element of Town of Wake Forest's public education and outreach
program is the development of a comprehensive Education Plan. This Plan will
incorporate all of individual BMP's described in the application as well as
establish implementation schedules, measurable goals and responsible positions for
40 all the elements of the plan. The Plan will also focus on which audiences are
4 targeted with ea h of the BMP's to ensure the education message is appropriate and
clear. Development of the Education Plan will involve the Engineering, Public
Works and Planning Department personnel. The implementation will be directed by
the Director of Engineering, Public Works Director, Assistant Town Engineer and
the Construction.Inspectors.
The consortium with TJCOG which the Town of Wake Forest will participate in has
a steering committee that meets every other month or as needed to vote on new
7.2 Public Involvement and Participation Program
(See attached BMW Summary Table and Affidavit of Publication for Public Hearing)
The Town of Wake Forest will implement a public involvement and
participation program that will at the minimum meet all State and local
requirements for public notifications throughout the development of the storm
water management program and implementation of all the BMP's for all six
minimum measures. Public notification will especially be important during the
development and approval of all new ordinances and ordinance modifications
that wilt be apart of the Town's stormwater management program. In
addition, the Town will establish public participation and involvement
programs to foster broader public support and take advantage of the
to community's intellectual resources.
The Town of Wake Forest will actively strive to involve all potentially affected
stakeholders in its public involvement and participation program. Affected
stakeholders include, but are not limited to, Town citizens, commercial and
industrial businesses, the development community, trade organizations,
environmental groups, homeowners associations and education organizations.
A Public Hearing was held on March 16, 2004. Staff made a presentation of this
application and solicited comments from the board of commissioners and the
general public. A copy of the Public Notice and the Affidavit of Publication is
The Town of Wake Forest is required to hold public: hearing
regarding any ordinance revisions ore new ordinances. Upon approval of its
NPDES permit by the State, the Town will begin developing ordinances for the
changes to our Stormwater Program. The Town will also facilitate public meetings
as needed on specific stormwater-related topics.
The Town of Wake Forest already has established public notification processes and
procedures in place for standard Town activities. The Board of Commissioner
meetings are open to the public and time is set aside for public comment. In
addition, any ordinance revisions are open to public review and comment before the
O Board of Commissioners can adopt them. These existing procedures will be used
during further development and implementation of the Town's Stormwater
Management program. In addition special public meetings and information sessions
will be held as needed throughout the implementation of the new programs.
7.3 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Illicit Discharge Detection and
Elimination Storm
(See attached BMP summary table and Illicit Discharge Ordinance)
Fiscal Year 02-03 contracted with The Rose Group, a professional engineering,
surveying and GIS/GPS consultant, to inventory and digitally map Tom's Creek and
Dunn Creek basins. The format and subsequent layers will be in ARCView tied to
the State Plane North Carolina 3200, horizontal datum NAVD83 and vertical datum
NAVD 88. In fiscal year 2004-2005 additional basins will be mapped. The entire
system will be completed in 2007-08.
The Assistant Town Engineer will keep the map current and up to date. As -built
drawings will be required to be submitted in compatible format before acceptance by
the Town. A read-only version of the map will be available to be viewed by the
general public through the Town's web page.
Regulatory Mechanism
The Town of Waite Forest Board of Commissioners adopted an Illicit Discharge
Ordinance. A copy of the ordinance is attached.
Does it define what is allowable in the storm drainage system? Does it describe
enforcement actions? Does it give you right of entry on to private property to
inspect and/or remove an illicit connection? If you answer no to any of the above
detailed questions, you need to update your ordinance and include those pieces that
are missing.
The Illicit Discharge Ordinance addresses illegal dumping and illicit connections to
the drainage system. There is a comprehensive Est of what is allowable.
Enforcement Actions
Describe the methodology you will use to take enforcement actions needed when
® you find an illicit connection. Include process you will follow if different
from the method of adopting or amending your current ordinance.
As soon as an illicit connection is identified, written notification will be given. Time
will be given to offender to take the necessary corrective action depending on the
nature of the offense. Also depending on the nature of the offense, civil or
criminal penalty may be instituted. An appeals process is available. If offender
refuses to comply, the case will be turned over to the Wake County District
Attorney's Office.
Detection and Elimination
Describe the plan you are going to follow to find and eliminate illicit connections.
How it addresses spills and illegal dumping controls as well. Include
procedures for locating high priority areas in the community; procedures for tracing
the source of an illicit connection; procedures for removing the discharge and
procedures for program evaluation and assessment.
Dry Weather inspections will be made at points along the outfall along with routine
passes. Records of calls from the twenty four hour hotline will be charted so
that high priority and problem areas can be given proper attention. After identifying
illicit connections, the procedures, per the Illicit Discharge Ordinance will be
® Finding illicit connections
Illicit connections will be identified through frequent inspections at points along the
outfalis by the Town's Engineering Inspections department.
Addressing of spills within the Town's operation and within the community
The Town of Wake Forest will set up a twenty four hour hotline to report any spill
in the community. Town crews will be dispatched to clean up and correct any such
Eliminate of Illicit Connections or Discharges
To locate problem areas, town crews, cross trained to conduct proper inspections,
will inspect and visually pass and screen storm system at regular intervals. Water
will be sampled periodically. Complaints from citizens will be investigated.
Enforcement to insure corrective measures are taken are addressed in the attached
Illicit Discharge Ordinance
The Town staff will constantly assess and evaluate the program as well as meet
regularly with other municipalities to address regional needs and concern. Changes
and amendments will be brought before the Board of Commissioners for prompt
approval as necessary.
Illicit or Allowable
1. Water line flushing: Allowable
2. Landscape irrigation: Allowable
3. Diverted stream flows: Allowable
4. Rising ground waters: Allowable
5. Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR §35.2005(20)):
Uncontaminated pumped ground water: Allowable
Discharges from potable water sources: Allowable
Foundation drains: Allowable
Air conditioning condensation: Allowable
Irrigation water: Allowable
Springs: Allowable
Water from crawl space pumps: Allowable
Footing drains: Allowable
Lawn watering: Allowable
Individual residential car washing: Allowable
Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands: Allowable
Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges: Allowable
Street wash water: Allowable
There are some other incidental discharges that are defined as NON-
STORMWATER and ILLICIT for purposes within your community and are worthy
of being noted.
A Grease Ordinance (FOG) was established to address grease, oils and
fats from entering the Towns system.
Additionally, charity car washes will be permitted provided they are held in
contained areas that minimize impact to the storm system.
Public Outreach
The Public and Town employees will be informed and educated on the hazards of
illicit connections and illegal dumping as part of the Town's Public Education
Program and your Good Housing Keeping Program. This will be met through
the Town's Public Education system which will include mailings, postings on the
Web site and coordination with TJCOG
0 Program Approach
The Town is still developing our illicit discharge elimination program. The first step
was establishing an ordinance to address illicit discharge. The next step, which is
still on -going, was to map out and inventory the system. Two basins (approximately
15% of the total system) were under contract in fiscal '03-'04. RFP's for another
basin comprising approximately 10% is currently out. The complete outfall system
will be completed in 2008.
Using Town crew's to visibly pass each structure and system is a very affective way
of identifying illicit discharge. Dry weather inspections will be conducted at outfall
Measurable Goals
A summary report of each complaint received will be investigated immediately. The
results of the investigation and the specific actions taken will be prepared.
Suspicious outfalls that had a dry weather flow during visual screening will be tested
for suspected pollutants.
A summary report of all premises found to be improperly connected to the storm
40 sewer or sanitary sewer will be prepared.
A summary report of on -site sewage systems found to be improperly functioning
and actions taken to correct problems will be prepared.
The number of suspicious manholes that were tested (as appropriate) and test results
will be prepared.
7.4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls Construction Site Stormwater
Runoff Controls
The Town of Wake Forest contracts with Wake County Environmental Services to
issue grading permits and administer a state approved Soil and Erosion Control
7.5 Post Construction Site Management Post Construction Management for New
and Re -development activities
(See the attached BMP summary table and current and adopted Stormwater
Management standards)
The Town of Wake Forest will revise its stormwater management ordinances for
control of post -construction stormwater runoff. The current program was
developed to comply with the State's Watershed Water Supply Protection
requirements and the Neuse NSW requirements for urban stormwater. The
current program addresses storm water runoff from new development and
redevelopment projects that disturb an area greater than or equal to one acre. All
projects must control peak flow and meet designated nitrogen targets. The
Current Town of Wake Forest Stormwater Management Ordinance is attached.
The Town of Wake Forest will assess and evaluate, and revise as necessary its
stormwater management ordinances to meet the State's Phase II rules for post -
construction. The Town of Wake Forest will partner with the State as needed to
develop and implement area -specific watershed plans which may have alternate
strategies for preventing or minimizing water quality impacts using structural
and non-structural BMW's.
The amended stormwater ordinances shall become effective on or before May 6,
2005. The revised ordinances will meet the following requirements:
Stormwater Management Options:
Low Density Projects:
1. Less th 15% built -upon area, and no more than 2 dwelling units per
11. Stormwater runoff from the development shall be transported from
the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent
III. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial
and intermittent surface waters as shown on the most recent version
of the Soil Survey of Wake County North Carolina, or the most
recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) USGS quadrangle
topographic map. (The more restrictive shall apply); and
IV. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective
covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the
development consistent with the approved project plans.
High Density Projects. Projects exceeding the low density threshold (established
above in low density section) shall implement stormwater contol measures that:
Control and treat the difference in stormwater runoff volume leaving
the project site between the pre- and post- development conditions for
the I year 24 hour storm_ Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a
minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours;
II. All structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the
requirements of the program shall be designed to have an 85%
average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids;
III. General Engineering Design Criteria for all projects shall be in
accordance with 15A NCAN 2H.1008.
IV. All BUA shall be at a minimum of 30 feet landward of all perennial
and intermittent surface waters as shown on the most recent version
of the Soil Survey of Wake County North Carolina, or the most
recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) USGS quadrangle
topographic map. (The more restrictive shall apply); and
V. The permit shall require recorded deed restrictions and protective
covenants to ensure that development activities maintain the
40 development consistent with the approved project plans.
Note: Rit)arian buffers/Water Supply Watershed Protection Requirements and the
Neuse NSW Requirements for Urban Stormwater:
Since Wake Forest's local ordinance covering the above items is generally more
stringent that the minimum requirements of the NPDES Phase II program, the Wake
Forest ordinance will apply in those cases.
BMP Operations and Maintenance
The Town of Wake Forest's program includes an operation and maintenance
component that ensures the adequate long-term operation of the structural BMP's
required by the program. These BMP's are privately owned and operated. The
Town of Wake Forest staff will review and approve maintenance inspection reports
from appropriate, qualified licensed design professionals. Staff will correspond with
the BMP owners to facilitate needed maintenance or corrective actions.
Requirements for Controlling Sources of Fecal Coh form (Septic Systems)
The Wake county Environmental Services Department has jurisdiction over most
typical on -site wastewater systems, or septic systems, in the Town's planning area
and surrounding rural areas. Some large, non -typical septic systems or other on -site
® wastewater systems may be referred to the NC Department of Environmental
Health. The County currently approves plans and inspects construction of newly
installed septic systems. The county also assists owners of failing septic systems by
is evaluation the system and recommending short-term or long-term solutions. The
Town does not anticipate any change in Wake County's jurisdiction over septic
systems and will continue to rely on the County and/or State Departments to provide
these services that aid in controlling fecal coli form sources.
Requirements for Development Projects Draining to Nutrient Sensitive Waters
The Town of Wake Forest's basin drains into nutrient sensitive waters with the
Neuse River being the final receiving stream. The Neuse River holds the
supplemental classification of NSW along with other main tributaries in the Town's
basin Area. The Town will develop and implement a NSW Nutrient Reduction
Stormwater Program as a component of its Post -Construction
Structural BMP's:
The Town of Wake Forest anticipates allowing any structural BMP as may be
recommended by agencies of the State of North Carolina in order to accomplish
specific stormwater goals. Some of the specific goals as described herein include
runoff volume goals restricting post -development runoffto pre -development as well
as water quality goals for total suspended solids (TSS) removal and specific goals
for nitrogen removal. The Town reserves the right to exclude any BMP that it
deems not in the best interest. Sources of information from NCDENR regarding
acceptable BMPs include, but are not limited to; NC DWQ's Model Stormwater
Program for Nitrogen Control
The document that specifies which stormwater BMPs are allowed by the Town shall
be in amended Manual of Specifications.
The Town of Wake Forest will begin developing a post -Construction Ordinance as
soon as practical after final requirements from the State are established. The Town
will strive to have all necessary provisions/requirements in place by Year l in order
to adopt the final ordinance and immediately implement the entire Post -Construction
Stormwater Program.
Operation and Maintenance
The long term operation and maintenance of private storm systems (that may or may
not connect to the Town storm system) and structural BMPs will require a
responsible party (ie. homeowner's association, property manager, etc.). Prior to
final acceptance of any project, the Town will require the developer to identify, most
likely in writing the initial party responsible for all stormwater maintenance and
structural BMPs and all other common areas, open space, private easements, etc,
that require maintenance after construction is complete. All deeds of easement, plat
maps, as-builts etc, shall identify the responsible party to the complete satisfaction
of the Town or its Attorneys prior to the recording of any such documents. Public
recording of these rights to easements and the responsible parties will ensure
perpetual responsibility, even if/when ownership changes. Additionally, the
developer shall deliver a certified O&M Plan to the Town for approval that includes,
at a minimum, provisions for an annual approval, the O&M Plan and any O&M
manuals or instruction shall be delivered to the Town Engineering Department as
well as the party responsible for O&M within the development. The Town may
consider the development of a Standard O&M Plan or Model O&M Plan as this
program is developed. The responsible party for the development will be held
accountable for ensuring that all maintenance operations are carried out according to
the approved O&M Plan and will be required to retain a copy of such plan on his
premises. The responsible party will also submit the required BMP inspection
reports to the Engineering Department so that the Town can maintain a tracking
system of the condition of all BMPs in its jurisdiction.
Decision Process
The Construction Site Runoff Program will begin with site plan review. This will be
the "front line" for ensuring that construction projects comply with the requirements
of the program. The Town's Engineering Staff will generate comments and site
plans will not receive a grading permit until all requirements have been met. Plan
review may also reveal that other state agencies (ie. NC Division of Water Quality)
are required to approve the plans prior to the Town's approval. After the plans have
been accepted and the developer has satisfied all other permitting requirements, as
may be required by the Town or other agencies, then all Town permits will be issued
and construction may begin. From that point, The Town's inspectors attend pre -
construction meetings and will ensure that the project is constructed according to the
approved plans, taking enforcement actions as may be necessary to ensure
compliance. From this point forward, the decision process diverges for the
requirements of the Construction Site Runoff Program. Whereas requirements for
construction site runoff control end when the project is finally accepted, the
requirements for post -construction stormwater control continue in perpetuity. The
primary mechanism that allows the Town to track the condition of all private
stormwater systems and structural BMPs after construction is the responsible parry's
submittal of annual inspection reports to the Engineering Department. Engineering
will develop a tracking system that efficiently identifies the condition of all private
stormwater systems and structural BMPs, identifies whether or not responsible
parties have submitted annual inspection reports, and identifies the responsible
party's compliance with the O&M Plan. Non-compliance by the responsible party
will result in enforcement actions as sanctioned by the Ordinance. Additionally,
Engineering and Public Works staff will be trained to observe storm systems and
BMPs throughout their day-to-day operations in the field in order to detect devices
that may not be in compliance.
See BMP table for evaluation of Post Construction BMPs including; Design and
Construction Standards, Plan Review, Pre -Construction Meetings, Inspection and
Enforcement, Structural BMP O&M, Structural BMP for reducing runoff volume,
Structural BMPs for increased water quality and/of nutrient reduction.
7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
(See BMP table for implementation and additional information)
Note: The Town of Wake Forest is not currently certified Environmental
Management System community.
Current BMP strategies
The Town of Wake Forest will develop and implement an operations and
maintenance program that includes a training component and has the
ultimate goal of preventing or reducing runoff from municipal operations.
Using training materials that are available from EPA and other organizations,
The Town of Wake Forest will train employees to prevent and reduce storm
water pollution from activities such as parks and open space maintenance,
fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and
storm water system maintenance.
The Following Town of Wake Forest facilities and operations are impacted by this
operation and maintenance program. These programs will be evaluated and revised
to ensure that the programs minimize pollutant loading. Facilities will be inspected
to identify and eliminate exposure to stormwater. Corrective actions will be taken or
BMP's installed as needed:
(See attached NPDES permits)
Wasterwater treatment Plant (NPDES Permit received)
Water treatment Plant (NPDES Permit received)
Operations Center (The Town of Wake Forest is currently evaluating
operation center for permitting)
Athletic Fields
Drainage system maintenance
Streets and Town maintained parking lots are routinely cleaned and cleared
of any debris. A street sweeper has been identified in the CIP (Capital
Improvement Program) as a future need. Key streets are currently cleaned
and cleared manually.
The Street Department currently inspects the storm system including grates,
catch basins and rip rap aprons for accumulated debris. The department also
responds to calls from citizens and other department's complaints of debris.
All trash, both yard waste and other items of are disposed of properly.
Controls for reducing pollutants
After the initial assessment and inventory of the Town's maintenance
facilities, the Engineering Department will educate Town Staff and
municipal employees on how to reduce pollutants from public parking lots,
storage yards, waste transfer stations, outdoor storage areas at vehicle
maintenance shops, salt storage and snow disposal areas and any other
publicly maintained facilities.
Disposal of waste removed from the Town's drainage system?
Yard waste, including leaves branches and other natural waste are
transported to Rowland Landfill, Inc_, 2730 Rowland Rd., Suite 105,
Raleigh, NC, 27615
Water quality controls within flood management projects?
There currently are no flood management projects. In any future flood
control project, water quality will be considered.
Factors did you considered for pollution prevention plan
Important factors used to develop our pollution prevention plan included an
inventory of Town facilities, education of employees and compliance with
the Town's illicit connections ordinance.
Measurable goals and Evaluation
The Town staff will record the number of employees attending a pollution reduction
educational meeting. The number of facility cleanings and amount of pollutants
collected will also be recorded.
Public Education
BMP: Prepare an education plan
Measurable Goals: The Town of Wake Forest will prepare an education plan in the first
year of the permit. Included in this plan will be the BMPs, schedule, targeted
audiences, and measurable goals. A summary of the plan and the implementation
progress will be provided in each annual report.
Years Committed: Yr Z Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
Target Audience: School Children Households Business and industry Hispanic
The reason for these selection(s) of your Target Audience:
Our public education program will target residential, commercial and industrial
property owners as well as students. Targeting the young will be a large part of
0 the town's efforts. Both the English and Spanish speaking communities will be
BMP: Mailers, brochures, posters
Measurable Goals: Town of Wake Forest Staff will develop a mailer for insert in utility
bills and implement in Year 1. Target homeowners and businesses with messages
about how they can reduce pollution picked up by stormwater. Track number of
homes and businesses reached by mailer and report annually.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Andrew Brown, Customer Service
Target Audience: Households Business and industry
The reason for these selection(s) of your Target Audience:
The Town of Wake Forest sends out monthly bills for water, sewer and electric to
both individual homeowners and commercial businesses. We would Re to take
advantage of the mailings to save on postage.
BMP: Use of Public/Government Cable TV and other media
Measurable Goals: The Town of Wake Forest has a cable access station that the Town
maintains. The Town also has a web page in development. Both mediums will be
used to disseminate information to the public.
Years Committed: Yr I Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Positionfl arty: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
Target Audience: School Children Households Business and Industrial community
The reason for these selection(s) of your Target Audience:
The mix of targeting School Children, households, and the business community is
that they are the basic elements of the Town of Wake Forest. Most of the citizens
subscribe to the local cable system and are therefore a potential target for
BMP: Hotline
Measurable Goals: Town Staff will establish a hotline in Year 2004 for communication
with the public and publicize through local cable access and newspaper. Track
number and type of issues as well as disposition of call. Report annually on data
gathered and issues addressed.
Years Committed: Yr I Yr 2 Yr 4 Yr S
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles E.I.T., Assistant Engineer
Target Audience:
The reason for these selection(s) of your Target Audience:
It is the Town's attempt to educate as wide range of the public as to the
availability of a hotline as possible. Advertising through the local paper and the
cable access will help to get this message across.
Ll I
BIAP: Radio ads, through public service announcements
Measurable Goals: The Town of Wake Forest has joined a consortium with other
municipalities, headed by the Triangle 3 Council of Governments for a wide
spread, mass media, education program. It uses a mix of TV, radio and print
material to get the message out.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
Target Audience: School Children Households Hispanic community
The reason for these selection(s) of your Target Audience:
The mix of targeting School Children, households, and the Hispanic community
was decided by the consortium. Educating children is very critical, they learn the
message while they're young and grow up thinking responsibly. They, in turn,
bring the message back to their homes.
Households are the basic unit of a community and are a good place to begin any
community wide education program.
Targeting the Hispanic community is important because it helps widen the
omessage of being responsible to the environment.
Public Involvement Program BMP Summary Table
O BMP: Public Hearing
Measurable Goals: Report on public hearing and record any comments recieved.
Years committed: Yr. 1, and each subsequent year whenever changes are necessary.
Responsible Party: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
BMP: Storm Drain Stenciling. A stencil noting, "Drains to the Neuse" will be developed
40 and disseminated to the public. A detail for storm drain Lids stamped with "Drains
to the Neuse" has been incorporated into the Town of Wake Forest Manual of
Measurable Goals: Report on number of stencils delivered to the public, and the number
of drains stenciled.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Eric Keravuori P.E., Director of Engineering;
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMP Summary Table
BMP: Town Staff will develop ordinance (completed late 03) and amend existing
ordinance to include illicit detection, right of entry, and prohibition of certain
discharges, enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, spills, and willful
illicit connections in year [number]
Measurable Goals: An Illicit Discharge Ordinance was approved. Any amendments will
be reported
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Eric Keravuori P.E., Director of Engineering
o BMP: Develop system map showing outfalls and the receiving body of water. Complete
one -quarter of the community each year, updating any system changes within
already mapped areas as they occur.
Measurable Goals: Approximately 10% of the "Town of Wake Forest storm system was
under contract to be mapped in 2003-2004. Each year the Town intends to have
additional portions mapped, being completed by 2007-08. The map will note
outfalls and receiving body of water for each outfall. The Engineering
Department will report annually on progress.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
BMP: Establish an inspection program in coordination with the Fire Department for
industrial sites within the community. The Town will create a program and have it
fully implemented by year 2.
Measurable Goals: An inventory of industrial sites in the Town of Wake Forest will be
done in conjunction with the Fire Department and the Town of Wake Forest water
resources superintendent in 2004-2005. An annual program will be established by
2005-2006 and will implement from thereon.
Years Committed: Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4
Responsible Position/Party. George Rogers, Water Resources Supt.
BMP: Develop fact sheets for public education program on illicit connections and spill
management. Place in public library and provide to Fire Department for
distribution to industry.
Measurable Goals: A fact sheet/brochure will be prepared and distributed to the public in
2004-2005 educating the public on illicit connections and spill management. They
will be disseminated through the monthly billing, at town hall and through an
information booth at the yearly "Meet in the Street." Samples of each will be
provided in the annual report, noting date completed' and number of copies
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position[Party: Scott Miles E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
BMP: Train employees on how to inspect for illicit connections and establish a tracking
system for managing reported problem areas.
Measurable Goals: An educational training seminar will be given to educate employees
on how to inspect for illicit discharges. Data gathered will be used to track
problem areas.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible PositionlParty: Scott Miles E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
BMP: The Town Staff will utilize local hotline for public reporting of illicit connections.
Measurable Goals: A Hotline will be in place in 2004-2005 dedicated to reporting illicit
connections. A log of all calls will be maintained and used to track problem areas.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles E.I., Assistant Town Engineer
BMP: Town Staff will coordinate with local wastewater program on identification of
topotential cross connections between sanitary sewer and storm sewers.
Measurable Goals: Using system map, as areas are completed annually, will review with
wastewater staff to identify potential cross connections and place on hot spot list
to be included in inspection program. The number of potential cross connections
sites and disposition of those found will be included in the annual report.
Years Committed: Yr i Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: George Rogers, Water Resources Supt.
40 BMP: Use GIS system to track "hot spots" in the community and target for inspections.
Measurable Goals: Each year, starting in 2004-2005, as more of the Town's storm system
is mapped, a database will be kept identifying the name and location of problems.
A summary of the Town's efforts will be provided for in the annual report.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, E.Y.T., Assistant Town Engineer
BMP: Identify responsible party within organization to manage follow up and
I* enforcement actions.
Measurable Goals: Standard operating and enforcement procedures in will be established
in 2004-2005, the SOP will be included in the first year's report. All enforcement
actions will be included in the annual report.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls BMP Summary Table
Although the Town of Wake Forest contracts with Wake County for Construction Site
Sediment Control issues the Town has one BMP to assist in the County's efforts.
BMP: Pre -Construction Meetings. Before Construction of a project begins, the Town of
Waite Forest holds a meeting to discuss issues related to the project including
compliance with Erosion and Sediment Control standards.
Measurable Goals: Report on number of meetings and provide a copy of materials
handed out and/or minutes.
Years Committed: Yr. 1, Yr. 2, Yr. 3, Yr. 4, Yr. 5
Responsible Party: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
Post Construction Site Management for New and Re -development activities BMP
Summary Table 1
BMP: Develop standards and policies on BMPs for the development of new properties
or the redevelopment of properties. The following strategies will be considered in
the Town's program:
a. Policies and ordinances that provide requirements and standards to direct
growth to identified areas
b_ Policies that protect sensitive areas such as wetlands and riparian areas
C. Policies or standards that maintain and/or increase open space (including a
dedicated funding source for open space acquisition)
d. Policies or standards that provide buffers along sensitive water bodies
e. Policies or standards that minimize impervious surfaces,
f Policies or standards that minimize disturbance of soils and vegetation
g. Policies or ordinances that encourage infill development in higher density
urban areas, and areas with existing storm sewer infrastructure;
h. Education programs for developers and the public about project designs
that minimize water quality impacts (coordinate with Public Education
minimum control measure)
i. Source control measures often thought of as good housekeeping,
preventive maintenance and spill prevention for new development as part
O of the regulatory controls;
j. Storage practices such as wet ponds and extended detention outlet
k. Filtration practices such as grassed swales, bioretention cells, sand filters
and filter strips
1. Infiltration practices such as infiltration basins and infiltration trenches.
M. Design and control standards to address on site treatment for total
suspended solids removal of 85%
n. Standards for density of development limitations to reduce impervious
Measurable Goals: The Town Staff will initiate the development of standards and
practices for post -construction controls in Year 2 and implement in Year 3.
Report annually on progress made, addressing plan review process, number of
sites impacted, inspection practices, and any follow up procedures implemented.
In first report, document procedures followed in adopting program, including any
input from the stakeholder communities.
Years Committed: Yr. 2, Yr. 3, Yr. 4, Yr. 5
Responsible Position/Party: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
BMP: Implement long-term maintenance program for on -site controls at time of
0 ordinance update.
Measurable Goals: In Year 2 or after the state establishes permanent measures, the Town
of Wake Forest will adopt ordinance amendment that requires the long-term
maintenance of structural controls for new and redevelopment projects. In annual
report, identify date of adoption, controls and procedures to be followed.
Annually report on program status.
Years Committed: Yr. 2, Yr. 3, YrA, Yr. 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer
O BMP: Review plan review process to ensure that appropriate reviews and inspections
during construction occur for water quality controls established in development
Measurable Goals: Town Staff will review its plan review process and provide a
description of protocol for testing effectiveness. Expand program in all areas for
new and redevelopment activities in Year 1.
Years Committed: Yr. 1, Yr.2, Yr.3, Yr. 4, Yr.5
Responsible Position/Party: Eric Keravuori, P.E., Director of Engineering
O Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal -Operations BMP Summary
BMP: Complete an inventory of facilities that will be evaluated through an
environmental audit to determine potential pollution contributions.
Measurable Goals: In Year Iinventory facilities owned by community and prioritize them
for an environmental audit. Town Staff will evaluate, the operations center,
athletic facilities, town hall, planning and the police department. The inventory
will include parking lots and surrounding grounds. .
Years Committed: Yr 1
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
OBMP: Complete environmental audits of all identified facilities and prioritize
recommendations for addressing potential pollution prevention activities. After
completing site environmental audits, annually inspect all municipal facilities to
identify potential for polluting stormwater.
Measurable Goals: In Year 2 begin environmental audits at priority sites and complete all
audits by Year 3. Prioritize recommendations as each audit is completed and
initiate recommendations in the fiscal year following the audit, except where any
extreme hazard or potential human risk is identified. High hazards will be
addressed immediately upon identification. Report annually on progress toward
meeting recommendations. Objective is to reduce pollutant loading from
municipal sites.
Years Committed: Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
I ]
BMP: Develop training materials on pollution prevention for public facilities, using
0 existing materials gathered from other organizations or creating new tools as
needed. Educate all employees annually on the need for controls to protect
stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants.
Measurable Goals: Begin in Year 1 to educate all employees on clean water issues and on
workplace responsibilities to reduce or eliminate pollutants from stormwater.
Maintain program annually and report on number of employees trained and
subjects covered.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
OBMP: Provide training for those employees that maintain the drainage system with the
focus on disposal of floatables, grit, sediment, and other pollutants removed from
the system.
Measurable Goals: Beginning in Year 1 provide training to all employees who maintain
the drainage system with a focus on floatable, grit, sediment, and disposal of
pollutants removed from the drainage system. Report annually on number of
employees trained and subjects covered.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party, Mike Barton, Director of Public Works
O BN1P: Provide training to employees that manage and apply chemicals for control of
dust, pests, vermin, and weeds and/or are used to enhance the growth or condition
of public urban landscape and recreation facilities. Training will target the safe
and effective application, storage and disposal of chemicals used.
Measurable Goals: Beginning in Year 2004, The Town's Safety Coordinator will provide
training to all employees who manage and apply chemicals to address safe
storage, application and disposal of residual chemicals. This training will be given
each year throughout the permit. Report on number of employees trained and
subjects covered.
Years Committed: Yr I Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Tom Harper, Safety Coordinator
O BMP: Annually inspect vehicle washing and fueling operations to ensure that they are
in good working order and that they minimize exposure of stormwater to
chemicals, fuels, and other liquids.
Measurable Goals: Begin annual inspection in Year 2004 and document findings and
actions taken to address any problems identified. Report on finding in annual
permit report.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party. Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
BMP: Inspect all materials storage facilities to determine priority for reducing
0 exposure to stormwater.
Measurable Goals: Initiate inspection of material storage facilities in Year 2004 and
establish priorities for addressing issues identified. Address corrective activity in
next fiscal year unless high hazard was identified. Report on number and type of
sites inspected and actions taken in each annual report.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
�, 7
BMP: Inspect salt storage facility and application equipment annually to identify and
eliminate exposure to stormwater and/or ineffective/inappropriate application.
Evaluate current snow and ice management program and ensure that effective
measures are in place to minimize contamination of stormwater.
Measurable Goals: Initiate inspection of salt storage facilities and application equipment
in Year 2004. Identify problems and address when. found. Report annually on
inspections and resulting actions.
Years Committed: Yr I Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
O BMP: Develop standard operating procedures for various facilities and/or operations
such as street sweeping activities and parking lot (garage) maintenance activities
to ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be
Measurable Goals: Beginning in Year 2005 develops and then implement standard
operating procedures for facilities and operations. Annually report on facilities
and/or operations targeted and results of activities.
Years Committed: Yr 2 Yr 3
Responsible Position/Party. Mike Barton, Director of Public Works/Utilities
BMP: Evaluate spill response program for in-house activities as well as community
0 response and adjust as needed to ensure highest potential for minimizing impacts
on stormwater.
Measurable Goals: In Year 2004 evaluate current spill response practices and determine
if adjustments are needed to reduce the risk of polluting bodies of water (streams,
ponds, lakes, ocean). Implement recommended changes in Year 2005 and report
on findings and strategies in annual reports.
Years Committed: Yr I Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, Assistant Engineer
BMP: Evaluate and implement a used oil recycling program for equipment and vehicle
0 maintenance program within organization.
Measurable Goals: Beginning in Year 2004 evaluate existing or potential for a new used
oil recycling program. Implement new program or make changes to existing
program in Year 2005. Report annually on program; including amount recycled
and adjustments made as needed.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Donald Cook, Fleet Maintenance Superintendent
BMP: Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other potentially hazardous
materials and ensure that limited but sufficient quantity of items are on hand to
minimize risk of spill or contamination of stormwater.
Measurable Goals: Beginning in Year 2005, determine if inventory of hazardous
chemicals used by the organization has been completed. If not, complete
inventory in same year. Determine if quantities are appropriate and set up
standards for purchasing by end of Year 2006.
Years Committed: Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Tom Harper, Safety Coordinator
BMP: Develop pet waste control program including public education and implement.
Measurable Goals: In Year 2006 Staff will develop a draft pet waste management
program and the Town will begin a pilot project. Town Staff will report at the end
of the year on the program progress and determine effectiveness and then indicate
if and when program should be established as a community wide program.
Years Committed: Yr 3, Yr 4, Yr 5
Responsible Position/Party: Scott Miles, E.I.T., Assistant Town Engineer