HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000465_ANNUAL REPORT_20151009Public Education &Outreach / Participation National Night Out -500 people! Pet Waste Campaign & Pledge Added more public outreach resources to website RAIN Committee Winterfest Planning spring activities 00M- �0-�4 It Udoh, 01 Public Education &Outreach / Participation Spring Fest National Night Out Breckenridge Carnival Park Grand Opening RAIN Committee d'L Financial Report 4 Stormwater Budget Total = $551,222 Total spent or allocated as of 1/18/13 = $266,300.85 (48%) Includes mapping project Budget Remaining = $284,291 System retrofits and Infrastructure improvements planned for the Spring What does staff have planned? Secondary containment for salt brine R.A.I.N Volunteer opportunities Open House/Public Education workshop Green Day Questions? A Stormwater Quarterly Red April 23, 2013 Rich Cappola, P.E. Town Engineer 1 "1 Public Education &Outreach Green Day! ±300 people stopped by the Stormwater booth Enviroscape was well received Thanks to James Misciagno, Amy Lindley, Mike Worden, and Gary Storm -M, Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Stormwater reviews conducted : 3 Stormwater approvals : 1 BMP Inspections : 75+ Baseline inspections have now been conducted on all 82 existing BMPs within the Town 82 letters mailed to Property owners 37 have responded (45%) 23 Re -inspections completed successfully ±4o new BMPs coming on line in the next 12 months Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls AFTER Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls BEFORE AFTER Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Complaints received - 1 Complaints requiring immediate action - 1 Complaints handled by others— 1 Complaints determined to be non -issue — o Storm Sewer inventory/mapping update 1,400 Additional features identified P.O. increase $25,200 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination i Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Town -owned BMP maintenance Public Education & Outreach /00t Town BMP Informational Signs Now displayed at Town owned BM Ps PSMS & Fire Station #1 Exploring placement at other BMPs with high visibility let" Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Stormwater reviews conducted : 6 Stormwater approvals : 1 BMP Inspections: 16o+ Baseline inspections have been conducted on all 87 existing BMPs within the Town; letters mailed 4o Re -inspections completed successfully 14 currently being rehabilitated 8 have not responded ±4o new BMPs coming on line in the next 12 months Post -Construction Site Runoff BEFORE F� Controls AFTER D 1� ix J I WOW, TM . 1 9 Pollution Prevention &Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Town -owned BM P monthly maintenance V Stormwater Quarter October 8, 2013 Robert D. Patterson, P.E Stormwater Engineer N PDES Phase 11 6 Minimum Measures Public Education & Outreach Public Participation & Involvement Construction Site Runoff Controls Post Construction Runoff Controls Illicit Discharge & Detection Elimination Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Public Education &Outreach Downing Glen HOA pool party Wexford Community HOA board meeting National Night Out 3 i 4 L� Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Stormwater reviews conducted : 15 Stormwater approvals : 5 6 new BMPs accepted (as-builts) BMP Inspections: 75% compliance Baseline inspections have been conducted on all 90 existing BMPs within the Town (3 found this quarter) 12 currently being rehabilitated 5 NOV's mailed Only 1 has not responded ±4o new BMPs coming on line in the next 12 months Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination Complaints received / I D's detected - z Requiring immediate action (NOV's) - z 1 D's remediated/corrected - z Complaints determined to be non -issue - o Dry weather flow monitoring plan development Storm Sewer inventory/mapping update Taking final delivery this week Pilot online GIS access to this data