HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000427_APPLICATION_20030310STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. AiLs () U O C.t a-7 I DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ A�UAL REPORT . DAPPLICATION ❑ COMPLIANCE ❑ OTHER DOC DATE ❑ r, 316 YYYYMMDD TowN of C�zy NPDES Phase H Permit Application Package Adopted by .Town Council on February 27, 2003 Submitted to NC DWQ March 10, 2003 Revisions submitted to NC DWQ June 28, 2004 0 �'G DO Vow4 U by NIO—y IAW.iue / Mayor, Ernie McAlister Town Manager, William B. Coleman, Jr. • 0 TowN of CARY NPDES PHASE 11 STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION PACKAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. RESOLUTION 2. NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 3. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NARRATIVE 4. APPENDIX A - RECIVING STREAMS 5. APPENDIX B - BMPS AND MEASURABLE GOALS 6. APPENDIX C- STORMWATER ORDINANCES 7. APPENDIX D - PUBLIC HEARING Town of Cary NPDES Phase II Pernvt Application Package 06/28/04 • OFrlcl, OF THE MAYOR TOWN Of CAItY ro Rt,. 9005 316 Nonli Ac dctny St—i CGry NC 2751 2-8005 id 91`J-469.4o13 fAx 919-46o4gio 0 2 1_. t ow nnfca,, o rg RESOLUTION Authorization to Submit National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit Application and Stormwater Management Plant WHEREAS, The United States Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972 and amended said Act in 1987 to address controls for pollution carried by stormwater; and WHEREAS, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was authorized to define and proscribe a program of measures to improve the quality of water in our national and state streams, rivers and water bodies under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and promulgated Phase II rules on December 9, 1999 affecting communities and institutions under 100,000 population; and WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is delegated by EPA to establish a regulatory program for NPDES Phase II and has established rules and regulations as required; and WHEREAS, the Town of Cary has been notified of and is legally designated to comply with the NPDES Phase II regulations as established by EPA and the State, requiring the submittal of a permit application and stormwater management plan; and WHEREAS, the regulations require designation of the legally responsible party and authorization for submittal of the application and stormwater management plan; and WHEREAS, the Town of Cary supports the goals and objectives of the regulatory program to provide a safe and healthy environment for all its citizens. NOW THEREFORE, the Town of Cary on this 271h day of February in 2003, is hereby resolved to the following- 1. The Town Manager, William B. Coleman, Jr., shall sign and submit on behalf of the Town of Cary no later than March 10, 2003, the necessary documentation for compliance with the NPDES Phase II program requirements as established by the State; and The Town Manager or his designee shall carry out all necessary strategies and requirements as set forth in the stormwater management plan developed and submitted as required by the NPDES Phase II regulations, to ensure compliance on behalf of the Town of Cary. i o�fen ang, M or Sue Rowland, Town Clerk State of North Carolina OFFIC USE ONLY tepartment of Environment & Natural Resources Date Rec'd ivision of Water Quality Fee PaidPermit Number NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES Sormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small MS4 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. I. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION a. Name of Public Entity Town of Cary Seeking Permit Coverage b. Ownership Status (federal, local state or local c. Type of Public Entity (city, Town town, county, prison, school, etc. d. Federal Standard Industrial SIC 91 - 97 Classification Code e. County(s) Wake (primary), Chatham (secondary) f. Jurisdictional Area (square 43 miles g. Population Permanent 104,000 Seasonal (if available) N/a h. Ten-year Growth Rate 21.5% L Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes XNo II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION 19 a. Storm Sewer Service Area 43 (square miles) b. River Basin(s) Neuse River (75%), Cape Fear River (25%) c. Number of Primary Receiving 1. Crabtree Creek (NEU) Streams 2. Walnut Creek (NEU) 3. Swift Creek (NEU) 4. Middle Creek (NEU) 5. White Oak Creek (CPF) 6. Panther Creek CPF d, Estimated percenta e of jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 41 Commercial 12 Industrial 3 • Dpen Space 44 Total = 100% Page 1 SWU-26,1-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the ZYes ❑ No attached application report? III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 1 a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy Yes ❑ No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program Yes ❑ No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program Yes 0,klo d. CAMA Land Use Pia ❑ Yes No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) • a. Do you intend to co -permit with ❑YesNo a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 • NPDES Permit Number c. Do you intend to co -permit Yes ❑ No with another Phase II entity? d. If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ❑ No ermittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of our permit obligations? ❑ Yes KNo b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing Name of Entity • Element they will implement • Contact Person • Contact Address • Contact Telephone Number c. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? ❑Yes ❑ No VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) • The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority William B. Coleman, Jr. has been delegated b. Title/position of person above Town Manager c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/ position must be provided in the attached application report. Resolution Attached Page 2 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IRII. SIGNING OFFICIAL`S STATEMENT A Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. lam aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature , , f jCQL4 CttA., Name William B. Coleman, Jr. Title Town Manager Street Address 318 N Academy St PO Box 8005 City Cary State NC Zip 27512 Telephone 919-469-4006 Fax 919-469- E-Mail Bcoleman@ci.cary.nc.us VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION E Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the Stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Terry Warren b. Title Stormwater Services Manager c. Street Address 31.8 N Academy St d. PO Box 8005 e. City Cary f. State NC g. Zip 27512 h. Telephone Number 919-469-4076 i. Fax Number 919-388-1134 j. E-Mail Address Twarren@ci.cary.nc.us Page 3 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application 0 PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS • List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Program b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge North Cary WWTP NCO048879 Permit Number South Cary WWTP NCO065102 Public Works & Utilities Director - R. Kim Fisher d. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Program e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) re -construction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under Individual permits are applied for as needed for Town section 404 of CWA construction projects including road projects X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of a comprehensive report detailing the proposed stormwater management program for the five-year permit term. The report shall be formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). The report must be assembled in the following order, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. TABLE OF CONTENTS STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served 1.2. Growth Rate 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1.6, Estimate Methodology 1.7. TMDL Identification 0 RECEIVING STREAMS Page 4 SWU-264-103102 NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs 3.2. State programs 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 4.2. Organizational Chart 4.3. Signing Official 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5. Co -Permitting Information (if applicable) 5.1. Co-Permittees 5.2. Legal Agreements 5.3. Responsible Parties 6. Reliance on Other Government Entity 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination •7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Pi Page 5 SWU-269-103102 • Stormwater Management Program Narrative TABLE OF CONTENTS STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served 1.2. Growth Rate 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1.6. Estimate Methodology 1.7. TMDL Identification 2. RECEIVING STREAMS 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs 3.2. State programs 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 4.2. Organizational Chart 4.3. Signing Official 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative e 5. CO -PERMITTING INFORMATION (IF APPLICABLE) 5.1. Co-Permittees 5.2. Legal Agreements 5.3. Responsible Parties 6. RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education And Outreach On Storm Water Impacts 7.2. Public Involvement And Participation 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection And Elimination 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management In New Development And Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping For Municipal Operations APPENDICES A. Receiving Streams B. BMPs and Measurable Goals C. Stormwater Ordinances 0 • 1. Storm Sewer System Information 1.1. Population Served: The permanent population is approximately 104,000 per the Town of Cary Planning Department. (Estimated Population for January 1, 2003 = 104,214) 1.2. Growth Rate: The population growth rate for the service area calculated based on the simple analysis of the relative change between the US Census population in 1990 and 2000 stated as a percent change, annualized by dividing the percent change by 10 yields a growth rate of 21.5%. 1990 census population was 43,858; 2000 census population was 94,536. Total change for the 10 year period was 215%. 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: The jurisdictional area is approximately 43 square miles The service area is approximately 43 square miles. There are approximately 315 miles of storm drain line per our GIS system. Preliminary results from our pilot stormwater inventory project indicate this figure may be much higher. 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System: Stormwater is transmitted through a system of closed pipes and open ditches to a network of natural streams and manmade lakes. High density areas have curb and gutter with closed pipes that empty to streams via flared end section pipes. There are few direct pipes to streams. Low density development is served by either curb & gutter or swales and yard inlets which then carry stormwater via closed pipes to natural streams. The maintenance of this stormwater infrastructure is divided into public and private responsibilities. The publicly maintained system is along the road right-of-way. The Town is responsible for keeping the catch basins along public roads and culverts which carry streams under roads clear of debris so that runoff can flow freely. Infrastructure on private property (further than 10 feet from the road) should be maintained by the property owner. Drainage swales and stormwater outfalls should be regularly maintained to remove any accumulated debris. Streams should also be maintained by the homeowner, but in accordance with local, state, and federal rules. Maintenance is performed by the Town's Department of Public Works and Utilities on an as -needed basis as problems are found usually due to flooding problems and/or citizen complaints. There is currently no regularly scheduled inspections and maintenance program for stormwater infrastructure. The stormwater inventory will include an assessment of the condition and maintenance needs for stormwater structures. 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates: LAND USE ACRES PERCENT Residential 13,625 41 Commercial 3830 12 Industrial 1126 3 Open Space 14403 44 1.6. Estimate Methodology: The land use figures are based on existing land use within the Town's ETJ per our GIS system. Residential includes very low, low, medium and high denisty residential land uses. Commercial includes office/institutional, Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative S commercial and mixed uses. Industrial includes office/industrial and utilities, and open space includes vacant properties, agriculture/forest, parks, and lake areas. • 0 TMDL Identification: Jordan Lake - modeling effort is underway to determine sources of nutrient impairment and develop a TMDL for the upper lake; 25% of the Town's area drains to Jordan Lake Swift Creek - watershed assessment is underway to determine sources of impairment and potentially develop a TMDL Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative • 2. Receiving Streams 0 Seventy-five percent of the area drains to the Neuse River. The remaining twenty-five percent enters the Cape Fear River through Jordan Lake. The most significant receiving streams are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Receiving Stream Overview Receiving Stream Name River Basin Water Quality Classification Water Quality Issues Crabtree Creek Neuse C-NSW Urban stream Walnut Creek Neuse C-NSW Urban stream Swift Creek Neuse WS-Iv Biological impairment Middle Creek Neuse C-NSW Urban steam Panther Creek Cape Fear WS-Iv Jordan Lake TMDL White Oak Creek Cape Fear WS-Iv Jordan Lake TMDL See Appendix A for an expanded list of receiving streams. Town of Cary NPDES Phase I! Stormwater Permit Narrative Town of Cary Streams and Watersheds Ic n I 1 D Back v Middle Creek' ee* le Cre nse; n Basal C k ff ke) M I .q d 0 ER 4 3. Existing Water Quality Programs 3.1. Local Programs: The following are existing water quality programs that have been implemented within the Town of Cary MS4 service area. 3.1.1. Water Supply Watershed Protection There are two water supply watersheds in the Town of Cary jurisdiction, the Swift Creek Watershed and the Jordan Lake Watershed. Development in these areas require additional protective measures because they drain to water supply reservoirs which provide drinking water to Raleigh and Cary. The North Carolina Water Supply Watershed Protection Rules adopted in 1992 required that all local governments having land use jurisdiction within water supply watersheds adopt and implement water supply watershed protection ordinances, maps, and a management plan. The adopted. plans allow development within these watersheds provided that certain conditions are met. The Town administers a locally delegated program for protecting the Jordan Lake Watershed and administers requirements of the Swift Creek Land Management Plan. There are specific requirements for both low and high density development projects. There is a 70% built -upon area cap for high density development in both Swift Creek and Jordan Lake watersheds. Specific areas within the Swift Creek watershed are subject to additional restrictions on built -upon area. Other requirements for new development include stream buffer requirements and the installation of best management practices (BMPs) for the control of stormwater runoff (quality and quantity). 40 The Town of Cary accepts BMPs which are approved by the State for Total Suspended Solids removal. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Water Quality Section (DWQ) has published a manual that explains design requirements for the different BMP devices that may be used for water quality protection. These protective measures and the design calculations must be supplied during the plan review process. In an effort to ensure that the watershed protection devices will be maintained over the life of the project, the Town of Cary requires that extensive documentation be supplied and filed with Wake County to ensure compliance. 3.12 Sediment and Erosion Control In 1985 the Town of Cary implemented a local sedimentation and erosion control program. This program is modeled after the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources sedimentation rules and regulations. The Town of Cary's program is more restrictive in some cases. The Town of Cary's Erosion Control Program ensures that developers in Cary's jurisdiction have approved erosion control plans, obtain grading permits prior to any ground disturbing activity and follow their approved erosion control plan. Periodic inspection of construction sites ensure the projects are in compliance. Erosion control plans must be supplied by the Financially Responsible Party of any property that disturbs over 12,000 sq. ft. An erosion control plan consists of erosion control measures sufficient to keep sediment on site. All items on the erosion control check list must be addressed to have a complete erosion control • plan. The erosion control plan review is part of the regular plan review process. Town of Cary NPDES Phase !! Stormwater Permit Narrative 4 Single family homes can disturb up to one acre without obtaining a grading permit. However, an erosion control inspection is required prior to any other inspection. The Town of Cary Sedimentation Erosion Control program was recognized in 1998 and 2001 by the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission as the annual outstanding Erosion and Sedimentation Control Local Program. The State of North Carolina, has in the past and continues today, to look to the Town of Cary Sedimentation and Erosion Control program as the model Local Sedimentation program throughout the State. 3.1.3. Neuse River Nutrient Sensitive Waters - Urban Stormwater Program The Town administers a locally delegated program for urban stormwater management. The Town of Cary Stormwater Management Program for Nitro err Control was adopted by the State of NC in October 2000. The local program became effective in March 2001.The following summarizes the four program areas required under the Neuse Stormwater Rule. 1. New Development Review/Approval New development must meet the State's 30% total nitrogen (TN) reduction goal by implementing planning considerations and stormwater best management practices. The rule imposes a 3.6 pounds per acre per year (lblaclyr) nitrogen loading limit on new development. In some cases, Nitrogen load from new developments that exceeds this performance standard may be offset by payment of a fee to the Wetlands Restoration Fund. In addition, new development must control peak runoff from each site. And, 50 and 100 foot stream buffers must be preserved. 2. Illegal Discharges The Town will establish a program to prevent, identify and remove illegal discharges. Illegal discharges are flows into the stormwater collection systems that are not associated with Stormwater runoff or an allowable discharge. Illicit discharges enter the system through either direct connections (e.g., wastewater piping either mistakenly or deliberately connected to the storm drains) or indirect connections (e.g broken sanitary systems, spills collected by drain outlets, or paint or used oil dumped directly into a drain). The result is untreated discharges that contribute high levels of pollutants, including heavy metals, toxics, oil and grease, solvents, nutrients, viruses, and bacteria to receiving waterbodies. Pollutant levels from these illicit discharges have been shown in EPA studies to be high enough to significantly degrade receiving water quality and threaten aquatic, wildlife, and human health. The Town is required to develop and submit to the State, maps of the stormwater infrastructure. At least 10% of the Town is to be mapped each year. At a minimum the maps must include the location of stormwater outfalls on a base map. Survey grade mapping of the stormwater system began in September 2002. 3. Retrofit Locations Each year the Town of Cary must identify 4 potential sites for retrofitting existing development to reduce total nitrogen loads. In urban areas, much of the development took place prior to water quality rules requiring quantity or quality Town of Cary NPDES Phase tt Stormwater Permit Narrative controls for the reduction of stormwater impacts. Therefore, the Town of Cary will • conduct an annual review of potential sites for implementing Best Management Practices to reduce water quality impacts from developed areas. A list of potential sites will be provided annually to the State. 4. Public Education The Neuse Stormwater Rule requires the Town of Cary to develop an environmental education program to address stormwater quality impacts including nitrogen -loading issues. The public education action plan consists of activities including local advertising, participation in a mass media campaign, public workshops, brochures, participation in public events, and storm drain stenciling. 3.1.4. Riparian Buffer Protection On July 27, 2000, the Cary Town Council approved an ordinance amending its development ordinance to require riparian buffers within the Town's jurisdiction and ETJ. the buffer rules were developed in response to the Neuse River Basin NSW rules for nitrogen control. To protect its finite natural resources, Cary has gone above and beyond the requirements of the Neuse rules. Instead of requiring 50 foot buffers on all USGS and Soil Survey streams Cary is requiring 100 foot riparian buffers on all USGS streams (perennial & intermittent) and 50 foot buffers on all streams mapped on the Wake County Soil Survey. In addition, the buffers are required across all of Cary including areas within the extra- territorial jurisdiction, This will include streams in the Neuse River and the Cape Fear River basins. • 3.1.5. Master Planning Effective stormwater programs include a comprehensive planning process that addresses water quality at the local level. Cary has begun incorporating stormwater planning into its land use planning processes as needed to address Specific issues. Two stormwater plans are currently under development. Town Center In August 2001, the Town adopted a revised land use plan for its downtown area (TCAP). The TCAP envisions shifting downtown land uses from the current mix of urban development and low density residential areas to a higher density mix of urban and residential land uses. At build -out, the impervious area within the Town Center is projected to increase from between 30 and 40 percent (existing) to approximately 70 percent. The plan encourages redevelopment of specific sites which may exceed the current impervious area limit of 70 percent built upon area. Development and redevelopment within the Town Center is subject to Town Ordinances including Flood Damage Protection, Nitrogen Control for New Development, and drainage requirements per the Town's site & subdivision ordinances. The requirements of the Swift Creek Land Management Plan apply to new development in the southwest quadrant of the Town Center. These ordinances are among the most stringent water quality regulations in the State. Providing on -site water quality and quantity controls on individual project sites is challenging for high -density development projects. A stormwater master plan that addresses the impacts of increased development on water quantity and quality will be completed in 2003 in order to facilitate redevelopment. Town of Cary NPDES Phase It Stormwater Permit Narrative 6 • Northwest Cary The Northwest Cary Area Plan (NWCAP) is a master plan for over 8,000 acres in the northwestern portion of Cary's planning area. It is a policy document which establishes the Town's official long-range vision and recommendations for future land uses, transportation, parks, open space, and the environment in that area. At build -out the land use will shift from 59% forested and 14% impervious to almost 30% impervious. Since the majority of the plan area drains to Jordan Lake, the Town's only water supply, it is imperative to protect the drinking water source from further degradation. A planning level watershed management tool (PLOAD) was used to estimate average annual pollutant loads for existing conditions and future planning scenarios. The results of the analysis were used to (1) assess the potential water quality changes that may occur to the Northwest Planning Area under proposed development and (2) identify regional and on -site management practices that will ensure the protection of surface water quality for nutrients and sediment. Results of the preliminary assessment indicate that significant stormwater control will be needed to protect water quality in Jordan Lake. With reasonable application of management practices (e.g., on -site ponds, stream buffers, etc.) the total suspended sediment (TSS) and total phosphorus (TP) pollutant loading can be held at or below existing conditions and total nitrogen (TN) can be held to within 30 percent of current levels. Mitigation strategies for further protecting Jordan Lake will be developed in 2003. Modeling analyses will be completed for the adopted plan to determine pollutant loading and effects of management scenarios in reducing pollutant loading. Regional approaches to best management practices (BMPs) will be investigated to further reduce TN loading to the lake. The Town will work with the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) as the plan is developed and adopted. 3.2. State Programs: In July 1997, the State of NC adopted riparian buffer regulations for the Neuse River Basin. The State requires 50 foot protected buffers on either side of streams as indicated by the USGS or County Soil Survey map. The Town reviews site plans and individual building permits for consistency with the State buffer rules. Any variance from the State rules must be accomplished through negotiations between the applicant and the State. The Town is currently looking into the implications of becoming a locally delegated program for buffer enforcement. Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 0 4. Permitting Information. • 0 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List: PROGRAM AREA TITLE NAME PHONE # FAX # Program Terry Administration manager Warren 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 Stormwater Betsy Public Education specialist Pearce 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 Stormwater Betsy Public Involvement specialist Pearce 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 proposed To be Illicit Discharge position determined 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 Construction Erosion Control Tom Runoff Supervisor Horstman 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 Post -Construction Erosion Control Tom Runoff Supervisor Horstman 919-469-4030 919-460-4935 Good Public Works Mike Housekeeping Director Bajorek 919-469-4090 919-469-4304 4.2. Organizational Chart: TOWN OF CARY STORMWATER RESPONSIBILITIES 4.3. Signing Official: Name: Bill Coleman Position: Town Manager Authority: Mr. Coleman is responsible for overseeing all departments within the Town. Since success depends on actions from multiple departments including Engineering, Public Works & Utilities, Planning and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources, it is im erative that final authority Town of Cary NPDES Phase ti Stormwater Permit Narrative 0 • • come from a position overseeing all departments, Co -Permitting Information - not applicable Town of Cary NPDES Phase It Stormwater Permit Narrative • 6. Reliance on other government entity to satisfy one or more permit obligations - not applicable • • Town of Cary NPDES Phase it Stormwater Permit Narrative 10 • 7. Stormwater Management Program Plan The Town of Cary will develop, implement, and enforce a stormwater management program (SWMP) designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from Cary to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. The SWMP will be developed and fully implemented within five years from the effective date of the issued NPDES stormwater permit. 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts: The Town of Cary will implement a public education program to distribute educational materials to the community and/or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. 7.1.1. BMP Summary Table (see Appendix B) 7.1.2. Target Audience: The target audiences for the public education program include those entities within Cary that may impact water quality conditions. Efforts will be made to produce program ads and printed materials to accommodate the rapidly growing Hispanic population. A minimum of one print ad will be published annually in a local Hispanic newspaper. General Public: The general public has been targeted for educational program • based on potential impacts they can have on water quality conditions including dumping oil and other wastes into storm drains, improper disposal of yard wastes along creek banks, and improper application of pesticides and herbicides on lawns. Other activities such as vehicle washing, failure to clean up pet wastes and improper clean up from home improvement projects. Commercial: Commercial facilities have been targeted for the educational program based on potential impacts form improper handling and disposing of wastes, making illicit connections to the storm drain system and practicing poor housekeeping at their facilities. Some commercial facilities have a history of water quality problems and will be specifically targeted through mailings, brochures and presentations including: Carpet Cleaning Companies — Targeted for illegal dumping of wastewater into storm drains. Restaurants — Targeted for improper handling of grease resulting in discharges to storm drains. Automotive Repair Facilities — Targeted for improper handling of used oil and other waste automotive fluids resulting in discharges to storm drains. Car Dealerships- Targeted for improper vehicle washing practices. Lawn Care Companies — Targeted for improper application of fertilizers and herbicides resulting in discharges to storm drains. Golf Courses — Targeted for improper application of fertilizers and herbicides resulting in discharges to creeks and lakes. Industrial: Industrial facilities have been targeted for their potential to cause water quality impacts from a variety of industrial activities including incidental spillage from improper materials' handling, improper housekeeping and illicit discharges to the storm drain system. Industrial facilities are limited in Cary. Town of Cary NPDES Phase I! Stormwater Permit Narrative 11 O Institutional: Institutional facilities have been targeted due to their potential to cause negative impacts to water quality from activities such as improper handling of waste and illicit discharges. Some specific institutional facilities that have been targeted include: Schools — Targeted for general water quality education and participation in volunteer activities. Hospitals — Targeted for improper handling of wastes and illicit discharges. 7.1.3. Target Pollutant Sources: Public education will target residential, commercial and industrial property owners since these together total 55% of land use in Cary. The remaining land use is primarily undeveloped property. Increased runoff from new development is the most serious source of stream impairment - impacts include pollutant and debris transport, sediment transport, streambank erosion and localized flooding. 7.1.4. Outreach Program: The Town Public Education and Participation Program is a measure required under the NPDES Phase II Program. The Town's outreach strategy is based on established Town public information opportunities including the Town's web site, weekly ads in the Cary Connection section of the local newspaper, The Cary News, monthly tips in the Cary utility bill insert, "BUD. Additional outreach activities are planned annually such as participation in the Town's Earth Day event and conducting workshops. 7.1.5. Decision Process: • The storm water education program was developed in response to the Neuse River Urban Stormwater Rules. The program will emphasize impacts of urban runoff, prevention of illegal discharges, and management of stream corridors. Since 41 % of the Town is residential, educational efforts will focus on homeowners, both adults and children. 7.1.6. Evaluation: CLASSROOM EDUCATION ON STORM WATER • The number of educational materials distributed to schools. • The number of classes, schools, or students that participate in municipal - sponsored storm water workshops or activities. • The number of students receiving storm water education as a regular part of the school curriculum. • The number of citizens attending workshops EDUCATIONIOUTREACH FOR COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES • The number of educational materials that were distributed to business owners and operators. • The number of certified businesses that participated in training for a "green certification" program. • The number of businesses trained under a training program. EDUCATIONAL DISPLAYS, PAMPHLETS, BOOKLETS, AND "BUD" INSERTS • List compiled of target audiences and possible activities for each. The number of materials created and distributed. Town of Cary NPDES Phase It Stormwater Permit Narrative 12 • • The number of events attended with displays. • The number of people at an event who saw the display (guest book) or took a pamphlet/booklet. PROMOTIONAL GIVEAWAYS • The number of items given out. • The number of events attended (to give out items). • The number of block leaders who delivered items USING THE MEDIA • The number of public service announcements made on radio and TV. • The number of storm -water -related press releases. • The number of storm -water -related articles published. 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation: To meet the minimum requirement for public involvement, this permit was submitted for public hearing on February 27, 2003. The advertisement and meeting minutes are attached. Staff made a presentation to the Town Council and the general public summarizing the content of the permit. Public comments were accepted. No one registered to speak. An outreach program will be developed within the first 2 years of the permit in order to reach out and engage all economic and ethnic groups and provide opportunities for the public to participate in program development and implementation. 7.2.1. SMP Summary Table (see Appendix B) 7.2.2. Target Audience: • The target audience for the Public Involvement and Participation Program includes all age, ethnic and economic groups in the Town of Cary. The Program will actively involve all potentially effected stakeholder groups, including commercial and industrial facilities, trade associations, environmental groups, homeowners associations, civic groups and educational organizations. 7.2.3. Participation Program: EPA recommends that the public be included in developing, implementing, and reviewing the storm water management program, and that the public participation process should make efforts to reach out and engage all economic and ethnic groups. Cary will provide activities for public participation in stormwater management and opportunities for public involvement / review of the stormwater program. Activities/public participation • Storm drain stenciling • Stream cleanup and monitoring • Adopt -A -Stream program • Block leader program Involvement/public opinion • Hold public hearings on stormwater issues including approval of the Phase II Permit Application and ordinance revisions • Facilitate public meetings as needed on specific topics .0 Survey citizens as needed for research and targeted of education program Town of Cary NPDES Phase I/ Stormwater Permit Narrative 13 7.2.4. Decision Process: The core of the public involvement program already exists. Storm drain stenciling was begun in response to Neuse River Stormwater requirements. The Town established its program prior to adopting its stormwater ordinance. The Block Leader program was established by the Water Conservation program in order to get environmental information to the citizens. This program will be expanded to include stormwater information. The Recycling Program already sponsors litter clean up activities and may take the lead in future litter control programs such as "adopt a street" or "adopt a stream". Ordinances are always adopted through public form as part of the Town Council meetings. Stormwater ordinances and management plans will go to Town Council for review and approval and will be available for public review and comment. Additional efforts to gather public input may include public meetings and citizen surveys. At this time, the Town does not plan to establish a stormwater stakeholders group. 7.2.5. Evaluation SPEAKERS BUREAU • A speakers bureau will be established in Year 1 • The number of requests for speakers. • The number of attendees at talks COMMUNITY HOTLINES • A hotline will be established in Year 2. • • The number of calls received by hotlines. • The number of problems/incidents remedied as a result of hotline calls. BLOCK LEADERS • Expand the block leader program by Year 2. • The number of new volunteers trained. • Requests for information. ADOPT -A -STREAM PROGRAMS • Establish Adopt -A -Stream Program by Year 4 • Track the number of participants in Adopt -A -Stream programs. • The quantity of trash and debris removed by Adopt -A -Stream volunteers. • The number of incidents reported by adoptees. ATTITUDE SURVEYS • The number of citizens solicited to complete surveys. • The number of completed surveys. • A survey of citizens gauging change in attitude/behavior after storm water education activities are held. PUBLIC MEETINGS • The number of meetings held. • The number of attendees. • Actions taken as a result of stakeholder meetings. STORM DRAIN STENCILING - The number or proportion of drains stenciled. • The number of stenciling volunteers. Town of Cary NPDES Phase li Stormwater Permit Narrative 14 STREAM CLEANUP AND MONITORING • The number of stream cleanups. • The number of cleanup participants. • The quantity of waste collected as a result of cleanup efforts. • The number of stream miles cleaned. 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination: The Town of Cary will develop, implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges T3.1. BMP Summary Table (see Appendix B) 7.3.2. Storm Sewer System Map: The Town initiated a stormwater infrastructure inventory in 2002 to comply with the Neuse River Stormwater Rules. The field survey of the 4 square mile pilot area is nearly completed. The field crews will visit all stormwater structures, collect data describing each structure and determine the x, y, z coordinates to survey grade. The Town will map a minimum of 10% of the Town each year. 7.3.3. Regulatory Mechanism In March 2001, the Town of Cary's Illegal Discharge Ordinance became effective. This ordinance provides the Town with the basic legal tools to conduct investigations, determine sources of illicit discharges and enforce the termination of illicit discharges up to, and including, fines. This ordinance was developed to comply with the Neuse River Stormwater Rules. • 7.3.4. Enforcement Town staff will be cross -trained to recognize and report illegal discharges. Staff to be trained include code enforcement officers, inspectors and police & fire personnel. Additional staff will be added to the Stormwater Division to manage the illicit discharge program. 7.3.5. Detection and Elimination Locating Problem Areas Illicit discharges and connections to the Town's separate storm sewer system will be identified using the following techniques: • Water sampling data and other available information about water quality will be reviewed to identify problem areas. Based on the review of water quality data, areas in the community will be prioritized for visual screening. • Town employees will be trained to conduct proper inspections, screen, and test outfalls. Training of Engineering Services, Public Works, Building & Inspection Services and Grounds employees to also be observant for illicit connections during their daily job functions will be conducted annually. Police and Fire personnel will also receive basic training in recognition and response to illegal discharges. • Cary's GIS will be used to highlight Town owned properties. A file review and field survey will be conducted during the first year to identify all storm Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 15 sewer on these properties and properly locate the storm sewer on the computer maps. • Visual screening of outfalls in the storm sewer system that are under the control of the Town will be done as part of the stormwater infrastructure inventory. A minimum of 10% of the outfalls will be reviewed annually. • Dry weather field screening of outfalls will be conducted as needed. Dry weather is defined as periods where there has not been precipitation or snow melt for 2 days. The location screened will be located on the community map of the storm sewers. Locations identified by visual screening, complaints, and water quality data as requiring follow up will be prioritized and revisited during dry weather periods. Outfalls potentially discharging polluting material during dry weather periods will be tested based on water quality problems found in the river, screening tests, and odor, color, and visual observations. Assistance in sample collection and testing will be requested of NC DWQ when a significant pollutant or complex problem is found. • The complaint system will be enhanced in cooperation with the existing efforts of the Police/Fire Department to encourage' reporting of suspicious discharges. Cary will enhance the complaint system to log complaints, assign them for follow up and document results of investigations. A procedure to coordinate complaint response and follow up will be developed in cooperation with Public Works & Utilities. The complaint system will be in place 12 months after the Stormwater Permit is issued. • Finding the Source • Prioritization of sources that are discharging polluting material will be as follows: • Water quality problems that have been identified from past sampling and inspections by the Wake County Department of Environmental Health or the NC Division of Water Quality will be reviewed. A plan will be developed in cooperation with these agencies for further investigation and correction. Complaints related to the discharge of polluting materials will be investigated as they are reported. Currently, calls relating to discharging of improper materials into the separate storm sewer system are directed to the Public Works & Utilities and then forwarded to Engineering.. The complaints are investigated as staff are available. Additional staff will be hired in order to improve response time. A system will be developed to notify Stormwater Services for follow up distribution of public education materials regarding improper disposal into storm sewer system. • Water sampling and testing will be conducted as necessary to locate the source of the illicit discharge. • Suspicious discharges will be prioritized based on the estimate of the impact on the watershed. • Investigation of suspicious discharges will be made by visual inspection and/or testing of discharges within the storm drainage system upstream of Town of Cary NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Narrative 16 the suspicious discharge. Other options that will be considered in locating illicit connections or discharges include televising the storm sewer or dye testing premises in the area where there is a discharge. Letters may be sent to residents and businesses alerting them to the problem that is under investigation to solicit their assistance in finding the source. A building by building evaluation may also be used in areas where a problem has been isolated to a small area. Removing/Correcting Illicit Connections The Town of Cary is developing a map identifying outfalls to waters of the state under Cary jurisdiction. Suspicious discharges identified from available water sampling data, complaints and visual inspections will then be prioritized for sampling. Investigations will be made to find the sources of pollutants. Those responsible for discharges will be notified for correction and followed to assure correction is satisfactorily completed. Existing ordinances will be used to address illicit discharges and connections. Assistance may be requested from the Wake County Department of Environmental Health or the NC Division of Water Quality to obtain correction. If current ordinances are not adequate to result in correction of illicit discharges, a new ordinance will be prepared. If an ordinance change is needed to correct illicit discharges, the changes will be presented to the Town Council within 9 months after it is determined that existing ordinances are inadequate to require correction. • The Town of Cary Stormwater Services Division will manage the Illicit O Discharge Elimination Program. Cary's Stormwater Services Manager or his designee will be responsible for implementing the plan. Town staff and/or private contractors may be used to conduct the illicit detection surveys. 7.3.6. Non Stormwater Discharges The following categories of non -storm water discharges or flows (i.e., illicit discharges) will be examined. a) Water line flushing, dechlorinated swimming pool discharges, and street wash water will be investigated and efforts made to reduce their impact on surface water quality. b) Discharges from potable water sources, irrigation water, lawn watering, and individual residential car washing will be managed via the public education program and monitored by the water conservation program. c) Air conditioning condensation will be investigated on a case by case basis. 7.3.7. General Prevention • Cary inspects installation of all new storm and sanitary sewers. Cary will require certification of no illicit connections for new facilities prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy. • For additions to existing facilities, Cary will investigate the feasibility of implementing a program that requires dye testing by Wake County, the NC DWQ, or a certified contractor to certify there are no illicit connections. • Cary will send formal notification to the NC DWQ of new proposed industrial facilities for follow up to ensure compliance with the NPDES. program. Town of Cary NPDES Phase /i Stormwater Permit Narrative 17 L� • All activities will be tracked on Cary's Geographical Information System (GIS). 7.3.8. Outreach Cary is implementing a Stormwater Public Education Program which is a new water quality public education program for residents, businesses, and schools that includes specific information about illicit discharges and connections. See Cary's Stormwater Public Education Program for more detailed information. The existing complaint system will be enhanced through coordination with the Public Works & Utilities. A system to log, investigate, track and resolve complaints will be in place. 7.3.9. Decision Process The storm water illicit discharge detection and elimination program was developed in response to the Neuse River Urban Stormwater Rules. The program will emphasize prevention of illegal discharges through regulation and education, The ordinance will be enforced as needed but the emphasis when a discharge is found will be education and elimination of the discharge. Limited field screening will take place in targeted areas. Less than 15% of the Town is commercial i industrial so field screening will target those areas only. The inventory will provide the first inspection. Efforts will be made at cross training Town staff in recognition of illegal discharges so that Stormwater staff can focus on follow-up. 7.3.10. Evaluation All activities related to this IDEP will be tracked and documented on Cary's GIS. 12 to 60 months following the issuance of the stormwater permit the following will be accomplished on an annual basis: • A summary report of complaints received, investigated and the results of the investigation will be prepared. • Suspicious outfalls that had a dry weather flow during visual screening will be tested for suspected pollutants. • A summary report of premises found to be improperly connected to the storm sewer or sanitary sewer will be prepared. • A summary report of on -site sewage disposal systems found to be improperly functioning and actions taken to correct problems will be prepared. • A list of outfalls, manholes tested, and test results will be prepared. 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control: The Town of Cary currently manages a program to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff from construction activities that result in a land disturbance of greater than or equal to 12,000 square feet. The Town complies with the State Erosion and Sediment Control Program for a locally delegated program and the DWQ general stormwater permit requirements for construction activities. Town of Cary NPDES Phase I! Stormwater Permit Narrative 18 7.4.1. Erosion Control Ordinance The Town of Cary operates a local sedimentation program that is regulated by the State of North Carolina under the State Sedimentation Erosion Control Rules and Laws. A copy of our ordinance is attached. 7.4.2. Plan Review All projects that disturb 12,000 square feet or more require an erosion control plan and grading permit. This review is part of the overall Town of Cary Site/Subdivision plan submittal process. The review will include water quality reviews for total suspended solids in drinking water supply watersheds and nutrient removal review in the town's jurisdiction. Before a grading permit is issued on a project in the Town of Cary jurisdiction a pre -construction meeting is held to review erosion control and water quality issues. 7.4.3. Enforcement The Town of Cary follows the State of North Carolina rules for enforcement relative to the Sedimentation Erosion Control laws. Fines of up to $5,000 per day can and are imposed if compliance is not achieved. The Town of Cary also uses other methods such as holding permits and certificates of Occupancies to ensure compliance with water quality issues. 7.4.4. Inspections Each Stormwater Inspector is responsible for all the projects located in their area • of responsibility. The inspector prioritizes projects depending on the phase of construction, history of the site and project complexity. The Stormwater Inspector inspects the site and writes a report noting corrections required to bring the site into compliance. A reasonable amount of time is allowed to correct violations. If compliance is not achieved the project will be placed under violation until corrections are made. • 7.4.5. Public Information All property owners within 400 feet of a proposed site plan are notified by the Town of Cary of receipt of a development plan. Owners are notified of office hours during which they may review project plans. Staff works with adjacent property owners as needed to address concerns. If there is significant opposition to a project, a public meeting may be held. Any public complaints received for a specific project are investigated and addressed relative to the complaint. 7.4.6. Decision Process: Construction site stormwater runoff control plans are submitted and designed by professional engineers based on the Land Development Ordinance and Standards and Specifications of the Town of Cary. If insufficient or incorrect data is submitted then comments are returned to the applicant and corrections are made. This process continues until an acceptable plan is developed and at that point a grading permit can be issued. Town of Cary NPOES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 19 7.4.7. Evaluation ® Monthly reports are submitted to Wake County and the NC Division of Land Quality. The monthly report to Wake County summarizes new permits issued by the Town. The following items are reported monthly to the State, 1. Number of new sedimentation control projects 2. Number of plans reviewed 3. Number of permits issued 4. Number of site inspections conducted 5. Number of Single Family Residence inspections 6. Number of Notices of Violation issued 7. Number of Cases referred for enforcement 8. Total Disturbed Area 9. Number of Projects in the Neuse River Watershed A summary report is also maintained within the Engineering Department. BMP INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE • The frequency of inspection and maintenance of BMPs. • The number of failed storm water BMPs. • The number of BMPs reported to be in need of repair. • Whether or not an inventory of inspection and maintenance activities was created and is regularly maintained. BRUSH BARRIER • • The number of brush barriers installed. • The number of construction sites with brush barriers. • The amount of sediment collected brush barriers. • The frequency of inspection and maintenance of brush barrier installations. • Suspended solids levels at the site outfall. CHECK DAMS • The number of check dams installed. • The number of construction sites that have check dams. • The reduction in runoff quantity. • The frequency of inspection and maintenance of check dam installations. • The amount of sediment collected. • Suspended solids levels at the site outfall. CHEMICAL STABILIZATION • The number of personnel trained to apply chemicals. • Suspended solids levels at the site outfall. • The frequency of chemical reapplication. • The number of construction sites that use chemical stabilization. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES • The frequency of inspection and maintenance of construction entrances. • The amount of sediment collected at construction entrances. • Suspended solids levels at the site outfall. • Whether or not an ordinance was developed that requires special construction entrances. CONSTRUCTION REVIEWER • The number of trained inspectors. • Whether or not an ordinance was developed requiring that sites be inspected. . • The number of inadequate sites/plans reported by inspectors. • The number of non -compliant permits reported. Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 20 • CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING • Whether or not an ordinance was developed that requires construction sequencing. • The number of construction sites that practice sequencing. • Suspended solids levels at the site outfall. 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment: The Town of Cary will revise its stormwater management ordinances for control of post -construction stormwater runoff. The current program was developed to comply with the State's Watershed Water Supply Protection requirements and the Neuse NSW requirements for urban stormwater. The current program addresses storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects that disturb greater than or equal to 12,000 square feet. All subject projects must control peak flow and meet designated nitrogen targets. Currently, only projects within the Watershed Protection Overlay Districts must address the low and high density stormwater requirements. The current stormwater ordinances are included in Appendix C. The Town of Cary shall amend its stormwater ordinances as needed to meet the requirements of the State's Phase II rules for post -construction. And, the Town will partner with the State as needed to develop and implement area specific watershed plans which may have alternate strategies for preventing or minimizing water quality impacts using structural and non-structural BMPs. The amended stormwater ordinances shall become effective by March 10, 2005. The revised ordinances will meet the following requirements: Low density option 1) Less than 15% built -upon area 2) Stormwater runoff from the development shall be transported from the development by vegetated conveyances to the maximum extent practicable: High density option Projects exceeding the low density threshold (established above in low density section) shall implement stormwater control measures that: 1) Control and treat the difference in stormwater runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre and post development conditions for the 1 year 24 hour storm. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than 120 hours; 2) All structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program shall be designed to have an 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids: 3) General Engineering Design Criteria for all projects shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 2hi .1008(c); Riparian Buffers Since the Town's local buffer ordinance is more stringent than the minimum rule proposed by the State, the Town's local ordinance will apply. 7.5.1. BMP Operations and Maintenance The Town's program includes an operation and maintenance component that ensures the adequate long-term operation of the structural BMP's required by the program. These BMPs are privately owned and operated. Town staff annually complete a maintenance inspection report on each structural BMP. Staff Town of Cary NPDES Phase Il Stormwater Permit Narrative 21 correspond with the BMP owners to facilitate needed maintenance or corrective actions. 7.5.2. On -Site Wastewater Systems The Town of Cary does not evaluate permit applications or inspect installation of on -site wastewater disposal systems (OSWW), also referred to as septic systems. These functions are conducted by the Wake County Environmental Health Department or, in the case of large discharges NC Department of Environmental Heath. The Town will coordinate its Illegal Discharge Program with the Wake County EHD to assist in mitigating problems with seeping OSDS. In the past, the Town has had a history of extending sanitary sewers to service areas of failing OSDS when funds are available; several projects have been completed and one is currently being implemented. The Town does not encourage the use of OSDS for new development and requires the project proponent to be responsible for such infrastructure improvements. The Town of Cary will also implement a program within 24 months of the issuance of the stormwater permit that will require evaluation of septic systems by the Wake County EHD, or a contractor certified by Wake County, at the time of sale. Sanitary sewer systems operated by The Town of Cary are designed to service the lowest floor levels (basements) of buildings in the community. Sanitary sewers are required to be 18 inches below storm sewers thus minimizing the potential for an illicit connection emanating from a separate sanitary sewer. Where a sanitary system is found above a storm system, the sanitary line is slip lined as additional protection from leakage. • OSWW found to be experiencing problems or failing will be referred to the Wake County Environmental Health Department. If sanitary sewers are not available, short and long term solutions for sewage disposal must then be devised. • If overflows of sanitary sewer manholes or cross connections to a storm sewer are detected, they will be addressed as part of the Town's sewer maintenance program. If an immediate solution is not practical, a plan will be developed to solve the problem. • For additions to existing facilities which have existing OSWW, Cary will require an evaluation of the septic system by the Wake County EHD. This will be required prior to the Town signing off for the building permit. 7.5.3. Nutrient Sensitive Waters The Town of Cary service area drains to Nutrient Sensitive waters in both the Neuse and Cape Fear River Basins. A Department approved NSW Urban Stormwater Management Program became effective in March 2001 and its provisions shall fulfill the requirement for reducing nutrient loading. The Town shall develop and implement comprehensive watershed protection plans to meet part, or all, of the requirements for Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment. 7.5.4. BMP Summary Table (see Appendix B) Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 22 7.5.5. Non -Structural BMPs The Town of Cary directs growth to identified areas, protects sensitive areas such as wetlands and riparian areas, maintains and/or increases open space provides buffers along sensitive water bodies, and minimizes disturbance of soils and vegetation through adopted land use plans and by policy or ordinance. a) Land Use Plans - Growth is directed to specific areas through land use plans that are developed with public input and adopted by the Town Council. These plans provide guidance for the development community. b) local riparian buffer ordinance c) streetscape buffer requirements d) open space program with dedicated funding from utility billing e) greenway program f) tree preservation ordinance g) minimize soil and vegetation lose - In addition to the erosion control program, the Town is researching and developing a steep slope oridnance. In the interim, the Town is negotiating with developers on a case by case basis to protect steep slopes from development. Policies or ordinances that encourage infill development in higher density urban areas, and areas with existing storm sewer infrastructure; (1) Town Center Area Plan to encourage infill development downtown (II) Land use plans to concentrate high density growth (III) Master planning Education programs for developers and the public about project designs that minimize water quality impacts (1) Clean water contractor training for grading contractors (11) Workshops as needed to train engineers and architects on new ordinances Other measures such as minimization of the percentage of impervious area after development, use of measures to minimize directly connected impervious areas, and source control measures often thought of as good housekeeping, preventive maintenance and spill prevention. (1) Will be addressed through specific area plans 7.5.6. Structural BMPs The Town allows the use of structural BMPs as approved by the State of NC. a) Wet ponds and extended -detention outlet structures are approved structural BMPs for stormwater use b) Filtration practices such as grassed swales, bioretention cells, sand filters and filter strips are approved structural BMPs for stormwater treatment c) Infiltration practices such as infiltration basins and infiltration trenches are not currently used due to our clay soils, however they will be investigated as part of the Downtown Stormwater Plan. In addition, there is ongoing university research in the piedmont NC area. Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 23 0 7.5.7. Regulatory Mechanism: Post -construction runoff is addressed through a local ordinance 7.5.8. Operation and Maintenance Long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) of on -site BMPs is ensured through legal documentation filed with the Wake County Register of Deeds and through financial bonds which must be posted to the Town for each project. 7.5.9. Decision Process The development of a post -construction storm water management program was done in response to State regulations for Water Supply Watershed Protection and the NSW rules for protection of the Neuse River. Your rationale statement must address your overall post -construction storm water management program and the individual BMPs, measurable goals, and responsible persons for your program. The rational statement must include the following information, at a minimum: Your program to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects. Include in this description any specific priority areas for this program. How your program will be specifically tailored for your local community, minimize water quality impacts, and attempt to maintain pre - development runoff conditions. 7.5,10. Evaluation A spreadsheet is maintained for each project which includes pre- and post - loading conditions. An annual report is submitted to the Division of Water Quality each year summarizing new development including nitrogen loading. 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeoina for Municipal Operations: The Town of Cary will develop and implement an operations and maintenance program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations including the Town -owned or operated portion of the stormwater conveyance system. Using training materials that are available from EPA, your State, Tribe, or other organizations, the Town will train employees to prevent, and reduce storm water pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance. 7.6.1. BMP Summary Table (see Appendix B) Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 24 • 7.6.2. Affected Operations The following municipal facilities and operations are impacted by this operation and maintenance program. These programs will be evaluated and revised to ensure that the programs minimize pollutant loading. Facilities will be inspected to identify and eliminate exposure to stormwater. Corrective actions will be taken or BMPs installed as needed. Programs • park and open space maintenance (PWUT) • buildings and grounds maintenance (PWUT) • fleet maintenance (PWUT) • storm water system maintenance (PWUT) • sanitary sewer and water line maintenance procedures (PWUT) • solid waste collection procedures (PWUT) • street cleaning (PWUT) • yard waste and leaf collection procedures (PWUT) new construction and land disturbances (EN) • road construction and maintenance practices (EN) Facilities • North Cary Water Reclamation Facility - Permit # NC0048879 • South Cary Water Reclamation Facility - Permit # NC0065102 • West Cary Water Reclamation Facility (proposed) • Fleet Maintenance Facility • Waste Transfer Station 7.6.3. Training Employee training programs will be developed for preventing and reducing storm water pollution from activities including: • park and open space maintenance (PWUT) • fleet and building maintenance (PWUT) • storm water system maintenance (PWUT) • sanitary sewer and water line maintenance procedures (PWUT) • solid waste collection procedures (PWUT) • street cleaning (PWUT) • yard waste and leaf collection procedures (PWUT) • new construction and land disturbances (EN) • road construction and maintenance practices (EN) 7.6.4. Maintenance and Inspections Maintenance of stormwater structures within the road right of way (ROW) is conducted as needed by the Town's Department of Public Works and Utilities. There is regular inspection program. Problems are found usually due to flooding problems and/or citizen complaints. A stormwater inventory was initiated in the summer of 2002 and will include an assessment of the condition and maintenance needs for stormwater structures. At least 10% of the Town will be surveyed annually until completed. Town of Cary NPDES Phase It Stormwater Permit Narrative 25 C7 The Town will develop a proactive inspections and maintenance program for stormwater structures within the ROW by year 5 of the permit. The inventory results will be used to assess maintenance needs. 7.6.5. Vehicular Operations The Town will review its facilities with the intent of implementing controls for reducing or eliminating the discharge of pollutants from municipal parking lots, maintenance and storage yards, waste transfer stations, fleet or maintenance shops with outdoor storage areas, and salt/sand storage locations and snow disposal areas as needed. Currently, storm water is caught and directed into a detention pond at the Town's fleet and maintenance shops. The waste transfer station drains into the sanitary sewer system. 7.6.6. Waste Disposal MS4 Conveyance System Maintenance of stormwater structures within the road right of way (ROW) is conducted as needed. Inlets and outlets are cleared to ensure free flowing conditions. Blocked catch basins, pipes and other man-made structures within the ROW are cleaned with jet -vac equipment or by hand. Floatables are collected and removed to landfill. Other material is off loaded at a dropoff site and drained to a settling basin. Once dried, material is disposed of according to State and Federal regulations. Operations Center All stormwater flows to 2 retention ponds at the Operations Center on James Jackson Avenue. Twice a year, vegetation is mowed and floatables collected and removed to landfill. The ponds are inspected for siltation and dredged as needed. Silt is removed, hauled and disposed of by contract according to State and Federal regulations. Recycling Material Transfer Yard The yard is fully fenced to contain materials from wind. Blown materials (bottles and paper) are collected daily and placed in proper receptacles. There are no storm drainage structures. Bond Park Maintenance Facility Litter is collected on a weekly basis and disposed of in the landfill. There are no storm drainage structures. Street Sweepers Residential and commercial streets are cleaned once per quarter. Downtown streets are cleaned monthly. Collected material is off loaded at a drop-off area connected to a settling basin. Once dried, material is disposed of according to State and Federal regulations. Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 26 e7.6.7. Flood Management Projects There are no publicly funded flood control projects within our jurisdiction. Lake Crabtree is managed by Wake County. 7.6.8. Existing ordinances Stormwater ordinances are reviewed and revised as needed. Currently, we are making revisions twice per year as the program develops and situations arise. Relevant ordinances include, 1. Floodplain Management 2. Erosion Control 3. Watershed Water Supply Protection 4. Nitrogen Control for New Development 5, Illegal Discharge 6. NPDES Phase II post construction rules 7.6.9. Other evaluations If other aspects of your municipal operation were evaluated, please describe the program feature and the results of the evaluation. • Oil recycling program • Spill response procedures • Hazardous waste inventory 7.6.10, Decision Process . The development of a pollution prevention/good housekeeping program for municipal operations is required to minimize pollutant loading from Town operations or facilities. In general, maintenance staff have not received training on stormwater runoff and pollution prevention. By training staff and evaluating programs and facilities, Cary can minimize pollutant loading to the maximum extent practical. 7.6.11. Evaluation FLEET MAINTENANCE • The number of employees trained in preventing pollution from fleet maintenance activities. • The number of spills reported. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT • The number of facilities storing hazardous materials. • The frequency of inspection and maintenance visits to storage facilities. • The number of personnel trained in hazardous material handling and storage. • The amount of waste generated by municipal operations. • Whether or not an inventory of hazardous materials was created for each storage facility. PARKING LOT AND STREET CLEANING • Whether or not roads and parking lots were inventoried and prioritized for cleaning. • The number of scheduled road cleanings. • • The pounds of debris collected from street sweeping. Town of Cary NPDES Phase Il Stormwater Permit Narrative 27 ROAD SALT APPLICATION AND STORAGE • The number of storage facilities included in a regular inspection and maintenance program. • The number storage facilities repaired. • The number of employees trained in road salt application. • The quantity of salt applied to roadways. • The quantity of alternative products used. ROADWAY AND BRIDGE MAINTENANCE • Whether or not a current list of roadway and bridge construction is maintained. • The quantity of debris removed from construction sites. • The number of employees trained in pollution prevention techniques. • The number of catch basins at constructions sites that are cleaned regularly. SPILL RESPONSE AND PREVENTION • Whether or not an inventory of municipal facilities at risk for spills was created. • The number of leak detection devices installed at municipal facilities. • The number of preventative maintenance procedures performed on tanks, valves, pumps, pipes, and other equipment. • Whether or not a spill response plan was developed for municipal facilities. • The number of personnel trained in spill response. • The number of regularly inspected high -risk facilities. STORM DRAIN SYSTEM CLEANING • Whether or not areas with high pollutant loadings were inventoried and prioritized for cleaning. The length of open channels cleaned annually e • The number of catch basins & culverts cleaned annually • The amount of trash, sediment, and other pollutants removed during cleaning. • USED OIL RECYCLING • The number of gallons of used oil collected from municipal operations. • The number of recycling facilities that collect oil from municipal operations. • The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. VEHICLE WASHING • The number of educational materials distributed to municipal employees. • The number of designated municipal vehicle washing areas. Town of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Stormwater Permit Narrative 28 APPENDIX A: Town of Cary Receiving Streams Receivin ,StreamK2*`tA;w Index �- Classier,. use_1 M98 4� Use=20020 WQpssuesa-�" ,�: afi 303 d Y BasinUM& Kit Creek 16-41=1=.17-2 07 WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under development Cape Fear Long Branch 16-41=1=17,2=1 ;. - WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under development Cape Fear Panther -Creek 16-41-1-17-3 :: WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL underdevelopment Cape Fear Morris Branch 16-41=1r.17_-3-1 _ -_ WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL underdevelopment Cape Fear Nancy. Branch 1641-1-17.-3-2 "; WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under. development Cape Fear Indian Creek 16-41-1=18= i '--- WS=IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under.development Cape Fear White ;Oak Creek 16 41=6= 0:3 =_;r_° C;NSW.,-- Partially Supporting Not Rated : Jordan Lake TMDL under development Cape Fear Bachelor Branch 16.41-6.2= 1 :">+:_:- C;NSW'-' Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under development Cape Fear Bachelor Branch 16 41-6-2= 2 ° :•. WS-IV;NSW Not Evaluated Jordan Lake TMDL under develo meat Cape Fear Swift Creek 27-43 1 WS-III;NSW Not Supporting Swift Creek Land Management Plan agriculture; urban runoff; land develo men Neuse MacGregor Downs Lake 27-43-2.2 WS-III; NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse Regency Park Lake 27-43-2.5 WS-III;NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse Long Branch 27-43-2.8 WS-III;NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse Lynn Branch 27-43-3 WS-III;NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse S ei ht Branch 27-43-3.5 WS-III;NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse Dutchmans Branch 27-43-4.5 WS-III;NSW Not Evaluated Swift Creek Land Management Plan Neuse Middle,Creek 2743-15 1 is C;NSW o„ :. Not Rated Impaired low flow stream Neuse Rack :Branch 27-43-15415`,;. �;: C;NSW.:. Support Threatened low flow stream Neuse Cam Branch 27-43_i5.5 _-:.- C;NSW, Support Threatened low flow stream Neuse Walnut Creek 27-34- 1 C;NSW Supporting urban stream Neuse Crabtree Creek 27-33-(1) C;NSW Not Supporting Impaired wastewater; new development urban runoff; land development Neuse Turkey Creek 27-33-2 C;NSW Not Evaluated Neuse Coles Branch 27-33-3 C;NSW Not Evaluated Neuse South Fork Coles Branch 27-33-3-1 C;NSW Not Evaluated Neuse Crabtree Creek 27-33- 3.5) B;NSW Not Supporting Supporting wastewater; new development urban runoff; land develo meet Neuse Brier Creek 27-33-4 C;NSW Support Threatened Neuse Stirrup Iron Creek 27-33-4-2 C;NSW Support Threatened INeuse Black Creek 27-33-5 C;NSW Partially Supporting Impaired habitat im airment urban runoff INeuse Reedy Creek 27-33-8 B;NSW jNot Evaluated I Not Rated I I Neuse 0 e • APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP's and Measurable Goals for Public Education and Outreach BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 1 Develop an annual education plan Prepare education plan in the first 6 months of the X X X X X Stormwater Specialist permit. Include in Plan the BMPs, schedule, targeted audiences, and measurable goals. Summarize plan and implementation progress in each annual report. 2 Informational Website Develop and maintain a stormwater information page X X X X X Stormwater Specialist for the existing internet website. Post brochures and provide information on water quality, stormwater pollutants and ways to minimize them, municipal Stormwater projects and activities. Also provide contacts for reporting and questions. 3 Monthly information for Develop a stormwater information tip monthly for X X X X X Stormwater Specialist homeowners placement in the Towns utility bill publication "BUD". Include one tip each newsletter that targets a specific stormwater problem and how citizens can reduce their impacts. 4 Newspaper advertising Purchase newspaper ads to target specific pollutant X X X X X Stormwater Specialist messages beginning in Year 1 and repeat twice per year. Continue to utilize the Town's Conservation Comer in the Cary News to place weekly stormwater tips. Place weekly tips at least 13 times per year. Report annually on number of ads placed, newspapers used, and targeted pollutant. 4 Mass media campaign Work with TJCOG to develop mass media campaign X X X X X Stormwater Specialist messages for use on regional TV stations, local government cable channel, and regional radio. Target message about the importance of clean water and how stormwater gets dirty. Give tips on reducing pollution. Identify target audience and track the number of time shown; report annually, 4 Distribute pollution prevention Distribute brochures and posters through event displays X X X X X Stormwater Specialist brochures and posters and block leader program. Include information on steps to reduce pollution sources including proper disposal of used oil and toxic materials, public reporting of illicit discharges and awareness of nutrient and fecal coliform issues. 5 Festivals, local fairs Participate in 2-4 local festivals annually by staffing a X X X X X Stormwater Specialist booth or a hands on activity starting in Year 1 and report annually on event and message provided. Provide messages on the importance of clean water and on specific activities that can be carried out to he! On of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Permit Application • APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR I YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 PositionlParty keep stormwater clean. At a minimum, staff will participate in the Town's annual Clean Water Day and Earth Day celebrations. 6 Annual Public Workshops Conduct annual informational workshops. Include X X X X X Stormwater Specialist information on past, present, and future projects and information on ways the public can work to enhance water quali 7 Educational Develop age -specific educational information for use in X X X New position _B / Water Materials/Presentations for Schools schools and for presentations to school age children. Conservation Assistant Incorporate information into the water conservation program. 8 Business Outreach Program Develop and conduct an educational campaign to X X New position _B inform businesses on illicit discharges, reporting, improper waste disposal, sources of nutrient and fecal coliform loading and actions they can take to minimize them. Wof Cary NPDES Phase 11 Permit Application 0 0 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 2. Public Involvement Program BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 1 Storm drain stenciling Stencil 5% of Town each year, measured in square X X X X X Stormwater Specialist miles of community. Assign volunteers to area selected and have leader complete summary report on sections finished. Report annually on amount of community completed. 2 Develop a Speakers Bureau Set up speakers bureau in Year1 Maintain speakers list, X X X X X Stormwater Specialist provide with a report format to collect information of events attended, name of group, date, time and location. Provide withtopics based on -targeted messages in coordination with Education Program. Report annually by summarizing number of events and topics covered. 3 Communications "hotline" Set up hotline in Year2. Manage a database of calls X X X X New position _A received on communications hotline, including date, time, person calling, contact information, disposition of call. Report annually on number of calls received, topics covered and a summary of the disposition of the calls. 4 Citizen surveys Conduct research through citizen surveys to target X X X X X Stormwater Specialist stormwater education and management efforts. Survey methods to be used include a web poll, a mail survey and citizen focus groups. 5 Set up an ongoing advisory Set up advisory committee in Year 1. Have monthly X X X X Stormwater Specialist 1 committee advisory committee meetings for the first 6-9 months PIO reducing the meetings to quarterly thereafter, prepare minutes of meeting, agenda, and attendees list. Focus committee on targeted pollution programs of concern. Report annually on number of meetings and subjects covered. 6 Establish an "adopt a stream" Establish adopt a stream program in Year 4 and track X X New position _B program volunteer groups by name, project, activities completed, contact information, and have group prepare a summary report of activities each year. Report on program, providing amount of miles cleaned and frequency of activities in annual report. On of Cary NPDES Phase 11 Permit Application 0 0 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Pbsition/Party 1 Legal Authority Develop ordinancelamend existing ordinance to include X X X X X New position _A illicit detection, right of entry, prohibition of certain discharges, enforcement actions and penalties for dumping, s ills, and willful illicit connections. 2 Stormwater Infrastructure Inventory The Town currently has a GIS layer of storm drain pipes X X X X X Stormwater Manager and inlets. Detailed mapping of the storm drainage system began in 2002 to meet requirements of the Neuse Stormwater Rules. At least 10% of theTown will be.mapped annually with completion of the Town occuring by 2012. The map will note outfalls and receiving body of water for each outfall. Report annual) on progress, 3 Database tracking system Develop a database tracking system for tracking citizen X X X X X New position _A complaints and requests. All complaints will be logged including information on follow-up and geographical location of illegal discharge or spill. GIS will be used to track "hotspots". 4 Chemical testing of outfalls Inspect 10% of community annually during dry weather X X X X X New position _A conditions (i.e., hasn't' rained in 72 hours) and test flows found at discharge points. Create database of outfalls, inspection date, chemical tests conducted, findings and follow up procedures. Report on number and actions taken in each annual report. 5 Direct Mail Create and distribute letters targeting business owners. X X X X New position _A The fetter shall inform business owners of the illegal discharge ordinance and inform them of potential inspection. At a minimum letters shall target landscapers, painting companies, carpet cleaners, automotive businesses and restaurants. 6 Inspection Program Town staff will be cross -trained to recognize and report X X X X New position _A illegal discharges. Staff to be trained include code enforcement officers, inspectors and police & fire personnel. Additional staff will be added to the Stormwater Division to manage the illicit discharge program. 7 Train Town staff Provide materials through Human Resources to train X X X X New position _A employees in organization on illicit connections and how to recognize them. Complete by end of year 2 and note date distributed. Summarize in annual report. This is also a requirement of the Neuse Stormwater Rules. W of Cary NPDES Phase I! Permit Application 9 0 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 8 Fact Sheets Develop fact sheets on illicit connections and spill X X X New position _A management. Provide to Inspections & Permits and Fire Department for distribution to businesses. Prepare fact sheets for commercial property managers, restaurant owner/operators, and automotive businesses. Make available to general public in Town Hall. Complete by end of year 3 and provide samples in annual report. Note date completed and number of copies placed for distribution. 9 Business assistance program Create a program to educate and assist businesses X X New position _B with pollution prevention. Create guidelines or requirements for businesses to meet for special recognition. Publish a list of environmentally responsible businesses in the Cary News, write up at least one business on a quarterly basis and publish on the web site and recognize in the utility insert. 10 On -site Wastewater Systems Coordinate with local health department on failing septic X X X New position _B systems, locating problem areas in the system map. Provide information on septic system inspection and maintenance on Town's web site. Distribute information to homeowners association in areas outside sewer service. Note date of distribution and number of copies placed. 11 Stream monitoring Monitor stream quality and quantity to document trends X X New position _B in pollutant loading Report annually on streams sampled and data collected on each. Wof Cary NPDES Phase 1l Permit Application 0 a APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 4. Construction Site Program BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 1 Legal Authority Review /amend existing erosion control ordinance as X X X X X Erosion Control needed to improve sediment and erosion control Supervisor program and comply with Neuse Rules and Phase II re uiremen#S. 2 Plan review Reviews site plans for all new development with X X X X X Erosion Control disturbed area greater than 12,000 square feet. All site Supervisor plans are reviewed to ensure compliance with sedimentation and soil erosion, storm water, and flood plain management ordinances and state laws. Reviews storm drainage systems to ensure they meet the design and Town criteria. 3 Pre -construction Meetings Meet with site development personnel to review plans X X X X X Erosion Control and implementation schedules for each development Supervisor ra'ect. Review plan revisions as needed. 4 Inspection Program Inspect all construction sites greater than 12,000 X X X X X Erosion Control square feet of disturbed area to ensure that grading and Supervisor construction operations comply with the erosion control and sedimentation control ordinance. Make on -site visits to construction sites during the construction process to ensure proper measures for compliance; check grade, soil barriers, tree protection fence, impoundment structures, and other features. Verify that the erosion control measures on the approved plan are properly installed and function as designed. Inspect all single family residences for Silt Fence and Residential Construction Entrance (S-100) prior to footing inspection. 6 Local program meetings Attend quarterly local program meetings to stay abreast X X X X X Erosion Control of State regulations and share information with other Supervisor locally delegated sediment & erosion programs in the region. 7 Town projects Inspect Town Projects upon request to ensure X X X X X Erosion Control compliance with state aeproved erosion control plan. Supervisor 8 Clean Water Contractor Education Provide one training event each year using the Clean X X X X X Erosion Control Water Contractor curriculum provided by the NC Supervisor Division of Land Quality. Document training program for site operators providing numbers of training events held and number of site operators trained each year, 9 Coordination of NPDES permitted Review NPDES permit requirements with construction X X X X Erosion Control sites sites greater than 1 acre. I JX I Supervisor Wof Cary NPDES Phase // Permit Application 9 6 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible - 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Pa 10 Standard specifications for BMPs Revise 1 amend standard specifications for sediment X X X X X Erosion Control and erosion control BMPs as needed Supervisor On of Cary NPDES Phase li Permit Application 0 6 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 5. Post Construction Runoff Control Program BMP Summary Table BMP -Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Party 1 Legal Authority Review /amend existing stormwater ordinances for new X X X X X Erosion Control development as needed to comply with Neuse Rules Supervisor and Phase II requirements. 2 Plan review Reviews site plans for all new development with X X X X X Erosion Control disturbed area greater than 12,000 square feet. All site Supervisor plans are reviewed to ensure compliance with Neuse stormwater rules, watershed water supply regulations, NPDES Phase 11 requirements and small area plan stormwater requirements as applicable. Review all water quality and quantity BMP designs to ensure they are effective. 3 BMP documentation and Coordinate best management practice documents X X X X X Erosion Control erformance bonds including performance and security bonds. 5u ervisor 4 Pre -construction Meetings Meet with site developers to review plans and X X X X X Erosion Control implementation schedules for each project, Review plan Supervisor revisions as needed 5 Inspection Program Inspect all construction sites greater than 12,000 X X X X X Erosion Control square feet of disturbed area verify that the Best Supervisor Management Practices (BMPs) for water quality and quantity control on the approved plan are properly installed and function as designed. 5 Database tracking system Track each project by spreadsheet. Data tracked X X X X X Erosion Control includes project area, nitrogen loading, buydown Supervisor payments. 6 BMP Inspections Conduct annual inspection of Stormwater Best X X X X X Erosion Control Management Practices to ensure proper operations & Supervisor maintenance. Correspond with responsible party to re nest corrective actions. 7 Local program meetings Attend local program meetings to stay abreast of State X X X X X Erosion Control regulations and share information with other locally Supervisor delegated stormwater programs in the region. 8 Town projects Inspect Town Projects upon request to ensure X X X X X Erosion Control compliance with stormwater regulations. Supervisor 9 Standard specifications for BMPs Revise / amend standard specifications for stormwater BMPs as needed Wof Cary NPDES Phase ll Permit Application fb APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 8MP Measurable Goals YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 Responsible Posltion/Pa 10 Evaluate on -site wastewater Implement a program that will require evaluation of X X X New position _A 1 system policies and procedures septic systems by the Wake County END, or a Inspections & Permits contractor certified by Wake County, at the time of Staff property sale. For additions with existing OSWW, require an evaluation of the septic system by the Wake County EHD prior to the Town signing off for the building permit. Wof Cary NPDES Phase 11 Permit Application 0 0 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals 6. Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention BMP Summary Table BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR •Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Pa 1 Inventory Town -owned facilities Complete an inventory of Town -owned facilities that will X Public Works Director 1 be evaluated through an environmental audit to Stormwater Staff determine potential pollution contributions. Prioritize facilities for an environmental audit. Report on number and type facilities that you will audit. 2 Environmental Audit In Year 2 begin environmental audits at priority sites X X X X X Public Works Director/ and complete all audits by Year 3 Prioritize Stormwater Staff recommendations as each audit is completed and initiate recommendations in the fiscal year following the audit, except where any extreme hazard or potential human risk is identified. High hazards will be addressed immediately upon identification. Report annually on progress toward meeting recommendations. Objective is to reduce pollutant loading from municipal sites. 3 Train all PWUT Staff Educate all employees on clean water issues and on X X X X Public Works Director 1 workplace responsibilities to reduce or eliminate Stormwater Staff pollutants from stormwater. Maintain program annually and report on number of employees trained and subjects covered. 4 Train Stormwater Maintenance Provide training to all employees who maintain the X X X X Public Works Director Staff drainage system with a focus on floatable, grit, sediment, and disposal of pollutants removed from the drainage system. Report annually on number of employees trained and subjects covered. 5 Train Buildings & Grounds staff Provide training to all employees who manage and X X X X Public Works Director apply chemicals to address safe storage, application and disposal of residual chemicals. Repeat training annually throughout the permit. Report on number of employees trained and subjects covered. 5 Inspect Vehicle Washing and Annuaily inspect vehicle washing and fueling operations X X X X X Public Works Director Fueling Operations to ensure that they are in good working order and that they minimize exposure of stormwater to chemicals, fuels, and other liquids. Document findings and actions taken to address any problems identified. Report on finding in annual permit report. 6 Inspect materials storage areas Inspect material storage facilities and establish priorities X X X X X Public Works Director for addressing issues identified. Address corrective activity within 24 months of inspection. Report on number and type of sites inspected and actions taken in each annual report. On of Cary NPDES Phase !I Permit Application 0 6 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/party 7 Inspect salt storage facility and Inspect salt storage facility and application equipment X X X X X Public Works Director/ evaluate snow/ice management annually to identify and eliminate exposure to Stormwater Staff program stormwater and/or ineffective / inappropriate application. In year 3, evaluate current snow and ice management program and ensure that effective measures are in place to minimize contamination Identify problems and address when found. Report annually on inspections and resulting actions 8 Develop standard operating Develop standard operating procedures for various X X Public Works Director I procedures facilities and/or operations such as street sweeping Stormwater Staff activitiesand parking lot (garage) maintenance activities to ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. Annually report on facilities and/or operations targeted and results of activities. 9 Evaluate solid waste collection Evaluate solid waste collection practices (including leaf X X X Public Works Director/ procedures pick up) to determine if procedures or equipment Stormwater Staff adjustments need to be made to address potential for pollution of stormwater. Focus on issues such as spills in the street, hydraulic hose ruptures, customer storage practices. Report on findings and any workplan that develops as a result. 10 Evaluate spill response Evaluate current spill response practices and determine X X X Public Works Director/ if adjustments are needed to reduce the risk of polluting Stormwater Staff bodies of water (streams, ponds, lakes, ocean). Implement recommended changes in Year 5 and report on findings and strategies in annual reports. 11 Evaluate oil recycling program Evaluate existing or potential for a new used oil X X Public Works Director recycling program. Implement new program or make changes to existing program in Year 5. Report annually on program, including amount recycled and adjustments made as needed. 12 Maintain hazardous chemical Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other X X X X X Public Works Director inventory potentially hazardous materials and ensure that limited but sufficient quantity of items are on hand to minimize risk of spill or contamination of stormwater. Conduct research on alternative products to reduce risk of surface water contamination. Document findings and actions taken in annual report. Wof Cary NPDES Phase // Permit Application 0 0 APPENDIX B: BMPs and Measurable Goals BMP Measurable Goals YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Pa 13 Evaluate sanitary sewer and water Evaluate sanitary sewer and water supply maintenance X X Public Works Director/ supply maintenance programs activities to ensure that the greatest reduction of Stormwater Staff pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. Revise procedures as needed to minimize pollutant loading. Track cross connections found and eliminated. 14 Evaluate road construction and Evaluate road construction and maintenance activities X X X Engineering Director/ maintenance practices to ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading Stormwater Staff to stormwater that can be achieved. Revise procedures as needed to minimize pollutant loading. 15 Evaluate stormwater maintenance Develop a proactive inspections and maintenance X Public Works Director/ programs program for stormwater structures within the ROW... _ Stormwater Staff Evaluate private maintenance needs including stream and ditch maintenance needs. Wof Cary NPDES Phase /l Permit Application 0 6 Appendix C: Portions of Land Development Ordinance Chapter 3 Review and Approval Procedures Part 3.12 Development in Flood Hazard Areas Part 3.13 Grading Permits Chapter 4 Zoning Districts Part 4.4.6 Watershed Protection Overlay Chapter 7 Development and Design Standards Part 7.3 Stormwater Management Part 7.3.8 Illegal Discharges to the Storm Sewer System Part 7.4 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Part 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention Note: The entire text of the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) is available at wunv.townofcrrry.o g • 0 Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3.10 [RESERVED) • 3.9.4 Site Plans (A) Purpose This Section sets forth specific provisions applicable to the review and approval of applications for site plans. These specific provisions supplement the common procedures set forth in Section 3.9.2. (B) Applicability (1) Site plans are required for the following types of developrnents: (a) Any mufti -family development; (b) Any residential development containing any lots smaller than 8,000 square feel; and (c) Any non-residential development or non-residential component in a mixed use development. (2) A building permit may be issued for the uses listed in (1) above, and the following uses may be established, only after a site plan showing the proposed development of the property has been approved by the Town Council or the Planning Director in accordance with the procedures and requirements of this Section 0(3) This Section shall not apply to temporary uses classified as temporary sales or events as governed by Section 5.4 of this Ordinance. 3.10 [RESERVED] 3A1 [RESERVED] 3.12 DEVELOPMENT IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA 3.12.1 Stormwater Services Manager The Engineering Department shall appoint a Stormwater Services Manager whose duties shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (A) Review all applications for permits and other forms of development approval for compliance with the provisions in Section 7.5 ("Flood Damage Prevention") of this Ordinance regarding flood hazards, and to determine whether all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained from those federal, state or other local governmental agencies from which prior approval is required; (B) Review all applications for permits and other forms of development approval for compliance with the provisions in Section 7.5 of this Ordinance regarding flood hazards, and to determine whether all necessary permits and approvals have been obtained from those federal, state or other local government agencies from which prior approval is required; (C) Notify adjacent communities, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse, and to assure that the altered watercourse is maintained so that the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse is not diminished; Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-41 Chapter 3: Review and Approvai Procedures Sec. 3.12 Development in Flood Hazard Area (D) Verify and record the actual elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of both the lowest floor and any flood proofing of all new or substantially improved structures; (E) Obtain certification from a registered professional engineer or architect when a structure is flood proofed; (F) Interpret the exact location of the boundaries of the Flood Hazard Area; (G) Obtain, review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data available from a federal, state or other source where base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with Section 7.5.2 in order to administer the provisions of Section 7.5, Flood Damage Prevention; (H) Provide the N.C. Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management, State Coordinator for the National Flood Insurance Program with two copies of the maps delineating new corporate limits within six months from the date of annexation or change in corporate limits; (1) Maintain all records pertaining to the provisions of this Section 3.12 and Section 7.5, and to hold them open for public inspection; and (J) Review all applications for development and all variances to the required standards and to maintain all of the records required by Section 7.5. 3.12.2 Permit and Approval Requirements • (A) Compliance Required • No development shall occur in the Flood Hazard Area, unless it complies with the procedures set forth in this section and the flood damage prevention standards set forth in Section 7.5 of this Ordinance. In general, no development is allowed in the Flood Hazard Area unless a_ special use is approved; and/or the property/use is exempted from this requirement; and/or the development is for roads, greenways, pedestrian crossings, park -related equipment, or public utilities and facilities such as waste water, gas, electrical, and water systerns that are located and constructed to minimize flood damage. (S) Development Requiring Other Forms of Town Approval The Town requires no separate permit to demonstrate that the proposed development meets the flood damage prevention standards set forth in Section 7.5 of this Ordinance when this Ordinance requires some other form of approval for the proposed development (such as a building permit, certificate of occupancy, special use permit, site plan approval, or subdivision plat approval). However, the applications for those other forms of development approval shall require the submission of additional information relating to flood hazards as part of the application package. As part of the staff review process for those other forms of development approval, the Stormwater Services Manager shall review the application to ensure that it meets the flood damage prevention standards set forth in Section 7.5. (C) Development Requiring No Other Forms of Town Approval; Floodplain Development Permit Required • In those cases where no other form of approval is required for the proposed development, the development shall not proceed until and unless the Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-42 Chapter 3: review and Approval Procedures Sec_ 3.12 Development in Flood Hazard Area • Engineering Department issues a floodplain development permit for the proposed development. The person undertaking such development shall file an application for a floodplain development permit with the Stormwater Services Manager. The application shall be filed on a form prescribed by the Stormwater Services Manager. The Stormwater Services Manager shall review the application and shall issue the permit only upon finding that the proposed development conforms to the flood damage prevention standards set forth in Section 7.5 of this Ordinance. (D) Additional Requirement for Non -Residential Structures Located within the Flood Hazard Area No non-residential structure or related impervious surface shall be built, expanded, or located within the Flood Hazard Area until and unless the Town Council has approved a special use permit for such structure or surface under Section 3.8. The Town Council shall approve such a structure as part of the site and/or subdivision plan only upon finding that, without this ability, the owner cannot make a reasonable use of his or her property. In other words, this restriction causes undue hardship. The Town Council may attach to the approval of the site and/or subdivision plan such reasonable conditions as it deems necessary to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare against any flood hazards that the proposed non-residential structure may present. 3.12.3 Approval Procedure . (A) Upon receiving any application for development within the Flood Hazard Area, the Stormwater Services Manager shall determine whether the proposed development meets the Flood damage prevention standards set forth in Section 7.5. (B) If the Stormwater Services Manager determines that`the proposed development does not meet these standards, then the Town shall issue no'permit, certificate, or other form of approval for the proposed development. (C) In those cases where this Ordinance requires some other form of approval for development in the Flood Hazard Area, the Stormwater Services Manager shall report its determination to the body or agency responsible for the issuance of that other forrn of development approval, within a reasonable amount of time for that body to act accordingly in approving or denying the proposed development. (D) In those cases where no other form of approval is required for the proposed development in an area of special Flood hazard, the Stormwater Services Manager shall notify the applicant of its determination within a reasonable amount of time. 3.12.4 Appeals (A) All questions on the enforcement of this section shall first be addressed to the Stormwater Services Manager. The decisions of the Stormwater Services Manager may be appealed to the Town Council. (B) The Town Council may grant relief from a decision of the Stormwater Services isManager only if the Town Council finds that the Stormwater Services Manager acted incorrectly in interpreting or administering any of the duties or functions listed under Section 3.12.1; other provisions of this Section 3,12; or Section 7.5, Flood Damage Prevention. The Zoning Board of Adjustment has no authority or power to hear a decision based on this Section 3.12. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-43 Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3.13 Grading Permits 3.13 GRADING PERMITS • 3.13.1 Purpose and Scope This section sets forth the procedures for obtaining a grading permit for development and land -disturbing activities within the Town and its extraterritorial jurisdiction. (The standards for control of sedimentation and soil erosion appear in Section 7.4.) (A) Applicability (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (B) and (C) below, it shall be unlawful to conduct any land -disturbing activity without first obtaining a grading permit from the Engineering Department. (2) Except where an adopted Town policy allows the issuance of grading permits prior to final site and/or subdivision plan approval, no application for a grading permit shall be filed or accepted until the project for which the permit is sought has received all other necessary approvals required under Chapter 3 of this Ordinance. (B) Exemptions from All Grading Standards and Permit Requirements The requirements of this section and Section 7.4 of this Ordinance shall apply to all land -disturbing activities undertaken by any person within the Town's corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction, except for the following: (1) Agriculture Land -disturbing activities undertaken on agricultural land that is taxed at • the present -use value standard; (2) Forestry Land -disturbing activities undertaken on forest land for the production and harvesting of timber and timber products and which are conducted in accordance with Forest Practice Guidelines Related to Water Quality (best management practices) as adopted by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Within the Watershed Protection Overlay, however, both a permit and a valid forestry management plan shall be required from the appropriate federal or state agencies.),- (3) Mining Land -disturbing activities undertaken by persons, as defined in G.S. § 113A-S2(8), who are otherwise regulated by the provisions of the Mining Act of 1971, as amended (G.S. §74-46 through G.S. §74-68); (4) Fire Fighting Land -disturbing activities undertaken for the purpose of fighting fires; and (5) Activities Regulated by Sedimentation Control Commission The following tand-disturbing activities that are regulated by the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission: (a) Land -disturbing activities conducted by the State, the United States, a unit of local government, or persons or agencies having the power of eminent domain; • (b) Land -disturbing activities licensed by the State or the United Slates; Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-44 Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3.13 Grading Permits • (C) Land -disturbing activities funded in whole or in part by the State or the United States. (C) Exemptions from Grading Permit Requirements The land -disturbing activities set forth below need not obtain a grading permit, yet shall nevertheless comply with the requirements set forth in Chapter 7 of this Ordinance, including the soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements of Section 7.4. These activities include: (1) Construction of a single-family residence on a single lot, except when the disturbed area exceeds one acre; (2) Land -disturbing activities that do not exceed 12,000 square feet in surface area, on contiguous lands under single or diverse ownership being developed as a unit; and (3) The stockpiling of raw or processed sand, stone, or gravel in material processing plants and storage yards, provided that the exposed surface area of such materials does not exceed a contiguous area of 12,000 square feet. 3.13.2 Application Requirements (A) An application for a grading permit shall be filed with the Engineering Department. An application for a grading permit may be filed only by the owner • of the property on which the land -disturbing activity is to occur or a contractor, agent, lessee, or contract purchaser specifically authorized by the owner to file such application. (B) The application shall include an erosion control plan that has been designed and signed by a registered professional engineer or registered landscape architect who is qualified in hydrology. (C) Before filing the application, the applicant is strongly encouraged to request a pre -application conference with the Planning Department. See Section 3.1.5. 3.13.3 Review and Approval (A) The Engineering Department shall approve, approve with modifications, deny the application, based on the forth in Section 3.13.4. The revi( conducted in conjunction with any subdivision plan approval that may for the proposed development. 'eview each application and shall act to approve with performance reservations, or criteria set N shall be /\ site and/or be required (B) Where the application must be revised in accordance with any modifications or performance reservations required by the Engineering Department, the applicant shall submit a revised application to the Engineering Department. The Stormwater Services Manager do shall approve or deny the revised application. (C) Upon approval of the application, the Engineering Department shall issue a grading Application Filing Staff Review -Review and Decision -Issuance of Permit Obtain Erosion Control Certificate -prerequisite to other approvals Grading Permit Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-45 Chapter I Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3A3 Gradinq Permits permit for the proposed land -disturbing activity. The applicant shall keep a copy • of the grading permit and the approved erosion control plan on file at the job site. (D) In the event that the Engineering Department disapproves the application, the Town shall advise the applicant in writing as to the specific reasons that the plan was disapproved. The applicant may appeal the Town's decision to deny or modify the proposed application by following the appeals procedure set forth in Section 3.21, but the appeal shall be to the Town Council, not the Zoning Board of Adjustment. If the Town Council upholds the denial or modification of the application, then the applicant may appeal this decision to the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission as provided in G.S. 113A-61(C) and N.C. Administrative Code Title 15, 4B.0018(b). Alternatively, the applicant may appeal the disapproval of the plan directly to the Commission, in accordance with G.S. 113A-61, without appeal to the Town Council. 3.13.4 Approval Criteria (A) The Engineering Department shall approve only those applications that are shown to have the potential to control accelerated erosion and prevent off -site siltation at least the equivalent in effectiveness, safety, quality, and durability of that prescribed in the current edition of the "Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual" published by the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. (B) The Engineering Department may deny the application for any of the following reasons, upon finding that the applicant, or any parent or subsidiary corporation (if the applicant is a corporation) meets any of the criteria set forth below. For purposes of this subsection, an applicant's record may be considered for only the • two years prior to the application date. (1) The applicant has failed to substantially comply with state rules or local ordinances and regulation adopted pursuant to the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act; (2) The applicant is conducting or has conducted land -disturbing activity without an approved permit, or has received notice of violation of a permit previously approved by the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission, the Town, or another local government, and has not complied with the notice within the time specified therein; (3) The applicant has failed to pay a civil penalty assessed pursuant to the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act or this Ordinance for failure to comply with the applicable sedimentation and erosion control requirements, where such payment is due and no appeal is pending regarding the penalty-, (4) The applicant has been convicted of a misdemeanor pursuant to G.S. 113A-64(b), or any similar provision of this Ordinance, for failure to comply with the applicable sedimentation and erosion control requirements. 40 Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-46 Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3.13 Grading Permits ® Grading Permit Approval 3.13.5 Effect of Approval; Certificate of Erosion Control Compliance Initial sedimentation and Erosion Control (A) Following approval of the grading permit Measures Installed application, the applicant shall install the initial sedimentation and erosion control measures specified in the approved erosion control plan. Engineering Department -Inspection -Issuance of Certificate of (13) The land -disturbing activity shall not begin until Erosion Control Compliance the Stormwater Services Manager has inspected these initial measures and issued a certificate of Land -disturbing erosion control compliance indicating that these Activity May initial measures conform to the approved Commence application. (C) No building permit or certificate of occupancy Obtain Other Approvals as Necessary shall be issued by the Inspections and Permits (e.g. Building Permit) Department prior to the issuance of the certificate of erosion control compliance. Certificate of Erosion Control Compliance (D) The grading permit shall be valid so long as the site and/or subdivision plan to which it refers remains valid and in effect. When the approval of the site and/or subdivision plan lapses, the grading permit is null and void. • 3.13.6 Responsibility for Maintenance and Additional Erosion Control Measures (A) During development of a site, the person conducting -the land -disturbing activity shall install and maintain all temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures as required by the approved application and any provision of, or order adopted pursuant to, this Ordinance or the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act (G.S. §113A-50 et seq., as amended)_ (8) After development of the site is complete, the landowner or person in possession or control of the land shall install and/or maintain all necessary permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures, except for those measures installed within a road or street right-of-way or easement that a government agency has accepted for maintenance. (C) Whenever the Town determines that significant sedimentation is occurring as a result of a land -disturbing activity, despite the application and maintenance of protective practices, the person conducting the land=disturbing activity or the person responsible for maintenance shall be required to take additional protective action as the Engineering Department deems necessary to control the sedimentation. (D) All uncovered areas that existed on the effective date of the State rules and resulted from land disturbing activity, exceed 12,000 square feet, are subject to continued accelerated erosion, and are causing' off -site damage from sedimentation, shall be provided with a ground cover or other protective • measures, structures, or devices sufficient to restrain accelerated erosion and control off -site sedimentation. The required ground cover shall be consistent with this Section 3.13 and Chapter 7 of this Ordinance_ Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-47 3.14 Chapter 3: Review and Approval Procedures Sec. 3.14 Building Permits 3.13.7 Changes to Approved Erosion Control Plans • (A) Changes Initiated by Department Following commencement of a land -disturbing activity pursuant to an approved grading permit, if the Engineering Department determines that the approved application is inadequate to meet the requirements of this Ordinance, then the Department may require such revisions to the plan as are necessary to comply with this Ordinance. (B) Changes Initiated by Applicant The applicant may apply at any time to amend a grading permit, in written and/or graphic form, under the same conditions and following the same procedure as the original application- Until such time as the Engineering Department approves such an amendment, the land -disturbing activity shall not proceed except in accordance with the application as originally approved. BUILDING PERMITS 3.14.1 Building Permit Required A building or structure that is governed by the State Building Code may be erected, added to, structurally altered, moved, occupied, or demolished only after the Inspections and Permits Department has issued a building permit for such work. A building permit shall be issued only for work that conforms to the requirements and standards of this Ordinance and the terms and conditions of any other permits, approvals, or variances granted pursuant to this Ordinance. 3.14.2 Application Requirements • (A) An application for a building permit shall be filed with the Inspections and Permits Department and may be filed only by the owner of the lot on which the building or structure is to be located or -an agent, lessee, or contract purchaser specifically authorized by the owner to file such application. (B) Applications for new construction shall include evidence that a new water Prerequisite and/or sewer service Approvals connection has been approved obtained for such construction, in accordance with Chapter 19 of the Cary Code of Ordinances. Application Filing (C) A review of compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance will occur concurrently with the evaluation of a building permit Licensed Specialty Inspections and Permits Department application- This review shall Contractor -Review of Permit include, but is not limited to: off- -If required by Town -Issuance of Permit street parking, landscaping, Code or North buffers, or other developmental Carolina Statutes commencement standard as listed in Chapters 5 must begin within six must m months of approval or through 8 of this Ordinance. permit is null and void. • Building Permit Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 3-48 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts • from the Authority on compliance with its ordinances to the Planning Director. (b) No building permit shall be issued for establishment of a structure or expansion of an existing structure at a height of greater than 50 feet unless there has first been issued by the Raleigh -Durham Airport Authority (I ) a permit for the structure under the provisions of its ordinances, or (2) a determination that a permit is not required for the structure. (2) Supplemental Regulations of the Raleigh -Durham International Airport Authority All development within the Airport Overlay shall also comply with the airspace regulations adopted by the Raleigh -Durham International Airport Authority, as may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated Herein by reference. Whenever said airspace regulations impose more stringent requirements or limitations than are required by this Ordinance, the provisions of the airspace regulations shall control. (D) Prohibited Uses and Structures (1) Prohibited Uses (a) Residential uses, including all forms.of dwellings, manufactured homes, mobile homes, nursing homes, and life care communities; (b) Places of public assembly and institutional uses including schools, colleges, churches, day care centers, clubs and lodges, libraries, museums, and hospitals, but not including arenas or stadiums for sporting events; (c) Indoor and outdoor amusement establishments; (d) Guest houses-, (e) Correctional or penal institutions; (f) Radio and television broadcasting stations; (g) Landfills or quarries; (h) Warehousinglabove-ground bulk storage of explosive, hazardous, flammable, or combustible materials, and related facilities or operations that could pose a threat to the welfare of the public in the event of an aircraft crash or other mishap; (i) Petroleum refining and other related uses that may be susceptible to explosion or fire; (j) Outdoor storage of certain goods and materials, including but not limited to the following: oxides; coal; ores; minerals; produce; • furniture; building supplies, paper and frame products: or wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled vehicles. (k) Wildlife sanctuaries, refuges, and other uses that may be an attractant to birds. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-32 4.4.6 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts (2) Prohibited Lighting . (a) Any moving, pulsating, flashing, rotating, or oscillating light, other than navigational markings or lights marking potential obstructions in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration requirements; (b) Flood lights, spot lights, or other lighting devices which are not shielded so as to prevent illumination in an upward direction; (c) Any lights which make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and others, results in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport, impairs visibility in the vicinity of the airport or otherwise in any way endangers or interferes with the landing, takeoff or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the airport. (3) Prohibited Electronic Signals Any electronic impulse or signal which interferes with radio communications between aircraft and the airport, or which interferes with established navigation aids, is prohibited in the Airport Overlay. (4) Prohibited Structures . Structures in excess of the applicable height limit established for the Zones specified in the "Raleigh -Durham International Airport Height Zoning Ordinance" adopted by the Raleigh -Durham Airport Authority and as may amended from time to time by the Raleigh -Durham Airport Authority are prohibited in the Airport Overlay. Structure means an object, including a mobile object, constructed, or installed by man, including, but not limited to, buildings, towers, cranes, earth formations, and overhead transmission lines. 0 (E) Nonconforming Uses and Structures Nonconforming uses and structures may be continued in the Airport Overlay in accordance with Chapter 17 of this Ordinance. However, no building permit shall be issued that would allow the expansion of a structure or use that does not comply with the requirements of this Ordinance. (F) Location of Buildings and Parking Areas All buildings and structures located in the Airport Overlay shall meet the minimum setback requirements of the underlying zoning district and any other applicable setback requirements set forth elsewhere in this Ordinance. All parking areas in the Airport Overlay shall be located no less than 30 feet from the right-of-way of a major thoroughfare. Watershed Protection Overlay (A) Purpose and Intent The intent of the Watershed Protection Overlay is to ensure the availability of public water supplies at a safe and acceptable level of water quality for present and future residents of the Town and the surrounding region. Watershed protection measures allowed by this section include: (1) Restriction of land uses allowed within water supply basins; • (2) Impervious area and density limitations; and Town of Cary Land Development Ordnance Page 4-33 • �J • Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec_ 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts (3) Engineered stormwater control structures and the best management practices as listed in the Department of Water Quality's State Design Manual. (B) Applicability (1) Designated Watersheds The Watershed Protection Overlay is an overlay district to be applied to all lands lying within the watershed of a public water supply. The boundaries of the Watershed Protection Overlay shall be shown on an official map kept in the Planning Department. The Watershed Protection Overlay consists of three sub -areas: (a) Swift Creek Watershed; (b) Jordan Lake Watershed; and (c) Jordan Lake Watershed Critical Water Quality Area. (2) Applicability to Development Activity (a) The following types of development activity are exempt from the requirements of this Section 4.4.6: (b) 1. Development existing prior to June 30, 1993; 2. Development on vacant tots inside of PDs approved prior to June 30, 1993; 3. Development on vacant lands in subdivisions platted prior to June 30, 1993, 'unless such lands have undergone a zoning change after June 30, 1993; and 4. Redevelopment provided there is no increase in the total amount of impervious surface for a lot or development site. The requirements of this Section 4.4.6 shall. apply to the following: 1. Vacant land that is rezoned from its designation in place on June 30, 1993; 2. New lands added to a planned development after June 30, 1993, even if the original planned development was approved prior to June 30, 1993; 3. Development in a planned development if the development had to be amended after June 30, 1993, to accommodate the development; 4. Any expansions to existing development in place as of June 30, 1993 (provisions are only applied to the addition, not the impervious surface in place on June 30, 1993). Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-34 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoninq Districts (3) Sedimentation and Erosion Control Responsible control of erosion and sedimentation is crucial to the protection of stormwater quality and the continued proper function of the measures required in this section. Requirements pertaining to sedimentation and erosion control are addressed in Section 7.4 of this Ordinance. (C) Procedures for Development Approval (1) Development Review All development within the Watershed Protection Overlay shall demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Section 4.4.6 at the time of approval of a subdivision plan or site plan. Applicants complying with the standards of this section must also satisfy all other applicable requirements and obtain all other necessary approvals or permits under this Ordinance. (2) Protection Measures Prerequisite to Certificate of Occupancy A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for any development in the Watershed Protection Overlay until all of the watershed protection measures required by this section have been approved and are in place on the property. (D) Overview of High Density and Low Density Development Options There are two development options in the Watershed Protection Overlay, a Low Density Option and a High Density Option, each with different provisions related to either the Swift Creek Watershed or the Jordan Lake Watershed as well as to • sub -areas within either watershed. (1) Impervious Surfaces The maximum allowable amount of impervious surface within a proposed development is limited based upon the Low or High Density Option, and differs from watershed to watershed as depicted in Tables 4.4-1 and 4.4- 2. (2) Calculation of Impervious Surfaces Calculation of impervious surface area shall include the pavement area of all existing and proposed internal public and private streets, one -halt of the width of roadways on the perimeter of the project, driveways, rooftops, parking lots, patios, and all other impervious surfaces. For the purpose of calculating the impervious surface of roadways on the perimeter of a project, the ultimate pavement cross section of the roadway based on the Thoroughfare Plan and any sidewalk(s) or greenway(s) along the perimeter roadway will be included in the calculation. For purposes of calculating the percentage of impervious area coverage, the total project area shall be regarded as the actual area of the property plus the area within the rights of way of the internal and perimeter streets included in the calculation of impervious area. (3) Residential Density In addition to limitations on the amount of impervious surface, the Low and High Density Development Options limit the gross residential densities of projects based upon the watershed where they are proposed, with higher densities allowed under the High Density Option as depicted in Tables 4.4-1 and 4.4-2. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-35 • E • Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts (4) Runoff Control Engineered stormwater controls intended to control the "first inch" of stormwater runoff are required in any development utilizing the High Density Option in either watershed. (E) Restrictions on Allowed Uses The uses allowed within the Watershed Protection Overlay are the same as the uses permitted in the general use zoning district within which the land is located, pursuant to Table 5.1-1. However, the following uses are allowed within the overlay district only if they comply with the performance standards set forth in this Section 4.4.6. (1) Swift Creek Watershed and the Jordan Lake Watershed (a) All industrial service uses; (b) All waste -related uses; (c) Uses producing and/or storing toxic and/or hazardous materials-, and (d) Any use discharging sewage, industrial waste and/or non - process industrial waste. (2) Jordan Lake Watershed Critical Water Quality Area All uses set forth in paragraph (1) above; and all agricultural uses. (F) L,imitations on Impervious Surface Area and Density (1) tow Density Option Maximum impervious surface limits for the. Low Density Option are set forth in: the table below. Separate regulations are provided for the Jordan Lake and Swift Creek areas. The Jordan Lake regulations recognize two sub -areas, the Critical Area and the remainder of the watershed; while the Swift Creek regulations distinguish between three different sub -areas: New Suburban, New , Urban, and Existing Urban development. These sub -areas are depicted on the Town's Official Zoning Map and the Land Use Plan Map. • • . • - Swift Creek Watershed Suburban -New Urban -New Existing Urban Residential Non Residential Non- Residential and Non - Residential Residential Residential 6.0 dwelling units per The impervious 2.5 dwelling acre east of Holly surface of tl�e units per acre Springs Rd., Greater underlying zoning of not to exceed ° 12 /° than 6.0 units per ° 12 /° the propertynot to 12% acre west of Holly exceed 12 /° impervious Springs Rd., not to impervious surface surface area. exceed 12%, im ervious surface area. Jordan Lake Watershed impervious surfaces shall not exceed 24% of the project area, or two dwelling units per acre; or three dwelling units per acre and 36% impervious surface area for projects containing streets built without curbs and gutters. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-36 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts [� r � � � . ww�,u nr . y.a ■.a •r r�� e\v L.4nrsu7. V.-F.v■■ V41\�711 7 yr ■.vn �.: r �_;i;,, ! '�• d11'' ff�� '� Hiea• 1' ;� L s w;, �! '!` �f r;'1}'_�' y�� - Fy` Ck4 r'S!} �i.,.•.�. �atiq ��':'.':'S,H "'li'�k1•:�"kir .f`Y4� '._� k..Ys c �:.^if.e'G3,}; .:':lM`...ri1... a .dr e .e-.i�.r.....'L" Jordan ■ exceed Critical Area Non-residential and non -single-family residential development's impervious surface ratios shall not density of •le -family residences shall notexceed two dwellirig units er acre. (2) High Density Option High Density Option development proposals may be approved, provided that the development applications are consistent with the following standards: Swift Creek Watershed Suburban -New Urban -New Existing Urban Residential Non- Residential Non- Residential and Residential Residential Non -Residential Sewer Required Impoundment Required to contain the runoff from the first one inch of rainfall. Public or private maintenance. and (Other BMPs besides impoundments may be available; consult the Division of Water Quality's Maintenance State Design Manual for Best Mana ement Practices Related to Stormwater ControlThe 6.0 dwelling units per The The impervious 2.5 dwelling impervious acre east of Holly impervious area allowed Maximum units per area allowed Springs fed., Greater area allowed under the Impervious acre not to under the than 6.0 units per acre under the underlying Surface exceed 30% underlying west of Holly Springs underlying general use Limits impervious general use ° Rd., not to exceed 70 /° general use zoning districts, surface zoning impervious surface zoning not to exceed area, districts, not to districts, not to 700 exceed 30%. area. exceed 70%. °. Jordan Lake Watershed Where new development exceeds the Low Density Option Standards above, engineered stormwater controls shall be used to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall and development shall not exceed-70% impervious surface area. Jordan Lake Watershed Critical Area Where- proposed development exceeds the Low Density Option Standards above, engineered stormwater controls are required to control runoff from the first inch of rainfall and development shall not exceed 50% impervious surface area. (G) Engineered Stormwater Control Structures (1) Ownership and Design Requirements Unless otherwise approved, ownership of stormwater control structures shall remain with the owner of the property or a property owner's association. All stormwater control structures shall be designed by either a North Carolina registered professional engineer or landscape architect, to the extent that the N.C. General Statutes allow. Other stormwater systems shall be designed by a North Carolina registered professional with qualifications appropriate for the type of system required-, these registered professionals are defined as , professional engineers, landscape architects, to the extent that the N.C. General Statutes allow and land surveyors, to the extent that the design represents incidental drainage within a subdivision, as provided in N.C. General Statutes. • (2) Structures Required for High -Density Option 0 All development under the high -density option shall use engineered stormwater control structures as a primary treatment system. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-37 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec, 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts Engineered stormwater control structures shall be designed for specific pollutant removal according to modeling techniques approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Specific requirements for these systems shall be in accordance with the Standard Engineering Details and Specifications Manual. (3) Ground Cover Required In addition to the vegetative filters required in the Standard Engineering Details and Specifications Manual, all land areas outside of the engineered stormwater control structures shall be provided with a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within 15 days after any land disturbance. Upon completion of the stormwater control structure, a permanent ground cover shall be established and maintained as part of the maintenance plan described in paragraph (9) below. (4) Legal Description Required A legal description of the area containing the stormwater control structure shall be prepared and filed consistent with Section 4.4.5(G)(9) as a separate deed with the Wake County Register of Deeds along with any easements necessary for general access to the stormwater control structure. The deeded area shall include' sufficient area to perform inspections, maintenance, repairs and reconstruction. The deeded area shall include, but is not limited to detention' pond, vegetative filters, all pipes and water control structures, berms and dikes. S (5) Computation of Total Built -Upon Area Qualifying areas of the stormwater control structure may be considered pervious when computing total built -upon area. However, if the structure is used to compute the percentage built -upon area for one site, it shall not be used to compute the built -upon area for any other site or area. (6) Wet Detention Ponds Wet detention ponds designed following the Standard Engineering Details and Specifications Manual, properly constructed, with all required financial assurances and maintenance agreements in place may be regarded as adequate to satisfy the impoundment requirements of the entire upstream contributory drainage basin. (7) Posting of Financial Security Required All engineered stormwater control structures shall be conditioned on the posting of adequate financial assurance for the purpose of construction, maintenance, repairs, or reconstruction necessary for adequate performance of the stormwater control structures. Financial assurance shall be in the form of the following: (a) Acceptable Forms of Security During construction of the engineered stormwater control device(s), cash or an evergreen letter of credit is required as financial security. The cash or letter of credit shall be in an amount equal to two times the total cost of the stormwater control structure, as estimated by the applicant and approved by the Town Engineer. The total cost of the stormwater control • structure shall include the value of all materials such as piping and other structures; seeding and soil stabilization; and, clearing, grubbing, grading, excavation and Fill. The costs shall not be prorated as part of a larger project, but rather under the assumption of an independent project. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-38 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning districts (b) Cash or Letter of Credit Deposited after the Release of the Performance Bond After the engineered stormwater control structure is constructed the performance bond required in (b)(1) above may be released, provided that cash or an evergreen letter of credit as financial security is deposited with the Town to ensure that the engineered stormwater control structure is adequately maintained. The permit applicant shall deposit with the Town of Cary either cash or a letter of credit as financial security approved by the Town that is readily convertible into cash at face value. The cash or security shall be in an amount equal to 15 percent of the total cost of the stormwater control structure or the estimated cost of maintaining the stormwater control structure over a ten year period, whichever is greater. The estimated cost of maintaining the stormwater control structure shall be consistent with the approved operation and maintenance plan or manual provided to the Town by the developer. The amount shall be computed by estimating the maintenance cost for 25 years and multiplying this amount by two -fifths or 0.4. (c) Operation and Maintenance Agreement For all development built under the high density development option, the permit applicant shall enter into a binding Operation and Maintenance Agreement between the Town and all persons having a freehold estate in the development. Said Agreement shall require the owning entity to maintain, repair and, if necessary, reconstruct the stormwater control structure in accordance with the operation and management plan or manual • provided by the developer. The Town shall file the Operation and Maintenance Agreement with the Wake County Register of Deeds. (d) Default Under the Security Upon default of the permit applicant to complete and/or maintain the stormwater control structure as spelled out in the performance bond or other security, the Town may obtain and use all or any portion of the funds necessary to complete the improvements. The Town shall not return any funds not spent in completing the improvements to the owning entity. (e) Default Under the Cash Security Upon default of the owning entity to maintain, repair and, if necessary, reconstruct the stormwater control structure in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, the Town shall obtain and use all or any portion of the cash security to make necessary improvements based on an engineering estimate. Such expenditure of funds shall only be made after exhausting all other reasonable remedies seeking the owning entity to comply with the terms and conditions of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement. The Town shall not return any of the unused deposited cash funds, which shall be retained for maintenance. (8) Inspections for Stormwater Control Structures and Release of • Financial Security (a) The Stormwater Management Engineer shall inspect the stormwater control structure after the owning entity notifies the Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-39 • • Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts Stormwater Management Engineer that all construction -related wont has been completed. At this inspection, the owning entity shall provide: The executed deed, related easements, operation and maintenance agreement and survey plat for the stormwater control structure ready for filing with the Wake County Register of Deeds; 2. A certification sealed by an engineer stating that the stormwater control structure is complete and complies fully with the approved plans and specifications. Reproducible as built plans showing best management practices. (b) The Stormwater Management Engineer shall review the documents submitted by the owning entity and the Town's inspection report. If the Stormwater Management Engineer approves the inspection report, deed and easements, and accepts the certification, the owning entity shall file the Operation and Maintenance Agreement; deed and easements with the Wake County Register of Deeds and provide proof of recordation to the Stormwater Management Engineer. Upon receipt of proof of recordation, the Stormwater Management Engineer will release the performance bond or other security and issue a Certificate of Watershed Protection, 2. If deficiencies are found; the Stormwater Management Engineer shall direct the owning entity to correct the deficiencies, make improvements and inspections and/or correct documents and resubmit proof of the corrections and/or improvements to the Stormwater Management Engineer. (c) A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for any building within the permitted development until the Town has approved the stormwater control structure, as provided in Section 10.3.10(b). (d) All stormwater control structures shall be inspected at least on an annual basis by the Stormwater Management Engineer to determine whether the controls are performing as designed and intended. Records of inspection shall be maintained on forms approved or supplied by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Annual inspections shall begin within one year of filing date of the deed for the stormwater control structure. 0(e) In the event the Stormwater Management Engineer discovers the need for corrective action or improvements, the Stormwater Management Engineer shall notify the owning entity of the needed improvements and the date by which the corrective action is to be completed. All improvements shall be made Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-40 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts consistent with the plans and specifications of the stormwater is structure and the operation and maintenance plan or manual. After notification by the owning entity, the Stormwater Management Engineer shall inspect and approve the completed improvements. The Stormwater Management Engineer may consult with an engineer approved by the Town Council. (f) Appeals of any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Stormwater Management Engineer may be made to and decided by the Town Council. (9) Maintenance and Upkeep (a) An operation and maintenance plan or manual shall be provided by the developer,for each stormwater control structure, indicating what operation and maintenance actions are needed, what specific quantitative criteria will be used for determining when those actions are to be taken, and consistent with the Operation Maintenance Agreement, who is responsible for those actions. The plan shall clearly indicate the steps that will be taken for restoring a stormwater control structure to design specifications if a failure occurs. (b) Landscaping and grounds management shall be the responsibility of the owning entity. However, vegetation shall not be established or allowed to mature to the extent that the integrity of the control structure is diminished or threatened, or to the extent of interfering with any easement or access to the stormwater control structure. • (c) Except for general landscaping and grounds management, the owning entity shall notify the Stormwater Management Engineer Prior to any repair or reconstruction of the stormwater control structure. All improvements shall be made consistent with the approved plans and specifications of the stormwater control structure and the operation and maintenance plan or manual. After notification by the owning entity, the Stormwater Management Engineer shall inspect the completed improvements and shall inform the owning entity of any required additions, changes or modifications and of the time period to complete said improvements. The Stormwater Management Engineer may consult with an engineer approved by the Town Council. (d) Amendments to the plans and specifications of the stormwater control structure and/or the operation and maintenance plan or manual shall be approved by the Stormwater Management Engineer. Proposed changes shall be prepared by an engineer. if the Stormwater Management Engineer approves the proposed changes, the owning entity of the stormwater control structure shall file sealed copies of the revisions with the Office of the Stormwater Management Engineer. 2. if the Stormwater Management Engineer disapproves the changes, the proposal may be revised and resubmitted to the Town Council as a new proposal. If the proposal has not been revised and is essentially the Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 4-41 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts ® same as that already reviewed, it shall be returned to the applicant. (e) If the Town Council or Stormwater Management Engineer finds that the operation and maintenance plan or manual is inadequate for any reason, the Stormwater Management Engineer shall notify the owning entity of any required changes and the owning entity shall prepare and file copies of the revised agreement first with the Wake County Register of Deeds. The owning entity shall then file a copy certified by the Register of Deeds with the Office of the Stormwater Management Engineer. (H) Clustered Development Option Clustering of development in the Watershed Protection Overlay may be allowed as an optional configuration in either Low Density or -High Density developments on a project -by -project basis. Clustering shall follow the procedures and standards set forth in Section 8.3, and is subject to the following additional criteria: (1) The overall density and/or impervious surface coverage of the project may not exceed the density and/or impervious surface coverage allowed under either the Low Density or the High Density option. At a minimum, lot sizes shall conform to the standards of the TR district (see Chapter 6) for single-family residential cluster development projects; however the • total number of lots shall not exceed the number of lots allowed for single-family residential development under any Chapter 4 zoning district; and (2) Impervious surfaces shall be designed and sited to minirize stormwater runoff impacts on the receiving waters and to minimize the concentration of stormwater Flow; and (3) The remaining undeveloped portion of the tract shall remain in an undisturbed vegetated or natural state. Where the development has an established property owner's association, the title to the open space area shall be conveyed to the association. Where a property owner's association has not been established, a maintenance agreement shall be filed with the Wake County Register of Deeds. (1) Modifications and Variances Requests for relief from the requirements of this Section 4.4.6 shall be decided either by the Town Council or by the Environmental Management Commission, depending on the watershed and the type of standard from which relief is sought. (1) Variances Granted by the Environmental Management Commission The Environmental Management Commission shall have the sole authority to grant variances from the provisions of this Section 4.4.6 for properties in the Jordan Lake Watershed and Jordan Lake Watershed Critical Area. • (2) Modifications Granted by the Town Council The Town Council shall have primary, but not sole, authority to grant modifications from the provisions of this Section 4.4.6 for properties in the Swift Creek Watershed, pursuant to this Sub -section. Town of Cary land Development Ordinance Page 4-42 Chapter 4: Zoning Districts Sec. 4.4 Overlay Zoning Districts (a) In the Swift Creek Watershed, the Town Council may modify the . standards of Section 4.4,6(F), Limitations on Impervious Area and Density, where using perimeter or adjacent roadways in the impervious surface calculation causes a development to exceed the allowed impervious surface percentage. (b) In the Swift Creek Watershed, the Town Council may modify the standards of Section 4.4.6(F), Limitations on Impervious Area and Density, to allow impervious surface ratios greater than 12 percent but less than 24 percent. However, requests for relief greater than 24 percent shall be forwarded for review and decision by the Environmental Management Commission. (3) Recommendation by Town Council to the Environmental Management Commission If an application calls for the granting of a modification as listed in paragraph (2) above, the Town Council shall first reach a recommendation on the modification in accord with the requirements of Section 3.19. If the Town Council decides in favor of granting the modification, the Town Council shall prepare a preliminary record of the hearing as soon as possible and forward it to the Environmental Management Commission. The preliminary record of the hearing shall include_ (a) The modification application; (b) The hearing notices; (c) The evidence presented; • (d) Motions, offers of proof, objections to evidence, and rulings on them; (e) Proposed findings and exceptions; (f) The proposed decision, including all conditions proposed to be added to the permit. (4) Decision by the Environmental Management Commission (a) Approval If the Commission approves the variance as proposed or with additional conditions, the Commission shall prepare a decision and send it to the Town Council. The Town Council shall prepare a final decision in accordance with the Commission's decision. (b) Disapproval If the Commission denies the variance as proposed the Commission will prepare a decision and send it to the Town Council. The Town Council shall prepare a final decision in accordance with the Commission's decision. • Town of Cary Land Development Ordnance Page 4-43 :7 • C Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 stormwater Management 1. Fertilization (optional) 2. Pruning within limits (applicant must define the limits) 3. Pest control 4. Mulching 5. Mowing (if any) 6. Protection of the root zones from equipment, construction and related materials, etc. 7. Watering schedule for irrigation system 8. Other continuing maintenance operations Failure to maintain all plantings in accordance with this plan may constitute a violation of the Unified Development Ordinance and may result in fines." 7.3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 7.3.1 Purpose This section is intended to protect water quality for present and future residents of the Town and surrounding regions by limiting the amount of pollutants, including but not limited to nitrogen, in stormwater runoff. Specific objectives include: protection of riparian buffers, control of nitrogen export from development, control of peak stormwater runoff, and the use of best management practices. 7.3.2 Protecting Riparian Buffers (A) Establishment of Buffer (1) All perennial and intermittent streams, including lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water as indicated on the most recent version of the 1:20,000 scale (7.5 minutes) quadrangle topographic maps prepared by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) shall have a 100-foot-wide riparian buffer directly adjacent to such surface waters, excluding wetlands. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-42 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management (2) All other surface waters as indicated by the most recent version of the Soil Survey of Wake or Chatham County, North Carolina, shall have a 50-foot-wide riparian buffer adjacent to such waters. (3) In the Neuse River Basin, where obvious conflicts between actual field conditions and USGS and Wake County Soil Survey maps exist, appeals may be made to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. All other appeals for obvious conflicts may be made to the Town Manager or his or her designee. (4) Appeals to the 100-foot wide riparian buffer may be made as allowed by Section 7.3.7. (B) Delineation of Buffer Zones This Ordinance establishes three zones of the riparian buffer which shall be measured horizontally from the edge of the water body (i.e., top of bank), and shall be divided into the following zones: (1) Zone 1 (30 feet landward adjacent to stream bank): Severe development restrictions. (2) Zone 2 (20 feet landward adjacent to Zone 1): Strict development restrictions. (3) Zone 3 (50 feet landward adjacent to Zone 2): WATR 8COY Moderate V 20 , 50' development �—- restrictions. 1W l 2WE 7 RVE s Table 7.3-1 below identifies the component parts of a riparian buffer and the associated governmental agency with jurisdiction over developmental activity based upon the type of stream and the river basin where the stream is located. J-----' Edge of water body ---- Edge of Water body o ZONE I (x ac "'� Ce,TJoprneal restrkl- --- a ZONE 3 (moeuolt `n deveiepmmt reslr fctlons) - _ .._._.... _............. ...... Delineation of Buffer • • 0 Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-43 • Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec: 7.3 Stormwater Management 7�7tmu-�OARIAN BUFFER TY ES AND - r • Zone 1 (first 30 feet) NC DWQ ..11 Zone 1 (first 30 feel} Town of Ca USGS Stream Zone 2 (20 feet beyond edge of Zone 1) NC QWQ Zone 2 {20 feet beyond edge of Zone 1) Town of Cary Zone 3 (50 feet beyond outer edge of Zone 2) Town of Cary Zone 3 (50 feet beyond outer edge of Zone 2) Town of Cary County Soils Zone 1 (first 30 feet) NC DWQ Zone 1 (first 30 feet) Town of Cary Map Stream Zone 2 (20 feet beyond edge of Zone 1) INC DWQ Zone 2 (20 feet beyond edge of'Zone 1) Town of Cary (C) Activity within Buffer Activity may take place within any riparian buffer zone as defined by 15A NCAC 2B.0233 as amended, and if allowed by Section 3.22; Tree Clearing Certificate. Likewise, those activities are also allowed within zone 3. Within the Neuse River Basin, development activity may take place within Zone 1 and Zone 2 provided that the landowner has obtained one of the following: 9(1) An authorization certificate that documents that the NC Division of Water Quality has approved an allowable use. (2) An opinion from the NC Division of Water Quality that vested rights have been established for that activity. (3) A letter from the NC Division of Water Quality documenting that a variance has been granted for the proposed activity. (4) For development in Zone 3 of streams in the Neuse River Basin or within any riparian zone of a stream within the Cape Fear Basin, such development may occur provided that the landowner has obtained one of the following: (a) An authorization certificate which documents that the Town has approved an allowable use; or (b) An opinion from the Town that vested rights have been established; or (c) A letter from the Town documenting that a variance has been granted for the proposed activity. (D) Description of Buffers on Site and/or Subdivision Plans Stream buffers shall be shown on all site plans and subdivision plats approved within the Town's planning jurisdiction. In addition, riparian buffers shall be shown on the inventory of natural resources required as part of site and/or subdivision plan approvalsite and/or subdivision plan. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7A4 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management (E) . Exclusion of Buffer from Lots • Generally, no single-family lots created through a site and/or subdivision plan shall be platted into a riparian buffer. However, the Town Council may allow riparian buffers to be included in lots only when all of the following conditions are met: (1) The buffer impacts a limited part of the subdivision (e.g., less than ten lots).- (2) There is no other reason for the formation of a homeowners association (e.g., covenant, other common areas); (3) The buffer is placed in a permanent conservation or other legal instrument dedicated to the Town (required documents must be provided prior to recording the plat for the impacted area). (4) Buffers allowed to be included in lots under this section shall meet the requirements of Section 7.2.3 (J), Ownership of Buffers. (F) Exemptions (1) Within the Neuse River Basin, single family residential lots platted prior to July 27, 2000 or residential subdivision plans submitted to the Town prior to July 27, 2000 shall be exempt from Section 7.3.2(C) Activity within Buffer requirements. (2) Greenways may be placed within Zone 3 of riparian buffers in either the • Neuse River Basin or the Cape Fear Basin, and shall be exempt frorn Sections 7.3.2(C) and 7.3.7, Modifications and Variances. Greenways shall maintain sheet flow to the riparian buffer, mitigation may be required where concentrated flow occurs. 7.3.3 Nutrient Reduction Requirements (A) Nitrogen Control Plan Required For purposes of this section, nitrogen control plans shall he required for the following: (1) Any activity that disturbs greater than one acre of land in order to establish, expand, or modify a single-family or duplex residential development or a recreational facility. (2) Any activity that disturbs greater than 12,000 square feet of land in order to establish, expand or modify a multifamily residential development or 1 commercial, industrial or institutional facility. (3) Any grubbing, stump removal, and/or grading activity that disturbs greater than 12,000 square feet (4) Demolition and subsequent construction upon a previously developed site. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-'t`) is 0 • • Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management (B) Exemptions (1) For purposes of this section, development or land disturbance shall not include agriculture, mining, or forestry activities. (2) Existing development as of March 1, 2001, is not subject to the requirements of this Section. Expansions to existing development must meet the requirements of this Section. The impervious surface area of the existing development is not required to be included in the nitrogen load attributed to the site expansion; nitrogen calculations must follow Town procedures for allocating undeveloped land to the site. (3) Redevelopment and/or rebuilding activity which -results in no net increase in the built -upon area from that that previously existed and which provides equal or greater stormwatef control than that provided by previous development. (C) Calculation of Nitrogen Export The nitrogen export from each development must be calculated per Town procedures and approved by the Stormwater Manager or his or her designee. This export will be calculated in pounds per acre per year (lblac/yr). For calculating nitrogen export, refer to Controlling Urban Runoff: A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs (Schueler's Simple Method), or to the Neuse River Basin. Model Stormwater Program for Nitrogen Control Manual (Methods 1 & 2), or for calculating nitrogen export loading: (1) Method 1 is intended for residential developments where lots are shown but the actual footprint of the buildings is not shown on the plans. (2) Method 2 is for residential, commercial, and industrial developments when the entire footprint of the buildings, parking lots, road, and any other built -upon area -is shown. (3) The Scheuler Simple Method may be used for new development on a case -by -case basis as approved by the Town. (D) Nitrogen Export Standards All developments must achieve a nitrogen export of;less than or equal to 3.6 pounds per acre per year. If the development contributes greater than 3.6 pounds per acre per year of nitrogen, then the table below explains the options available depending whether the development is residential or non-residential. The offset payment option shown below is oNy available for developments within the Neuse River basin. If the computed export is less than 6.0 Ibslaclyr then the owner may either: • Install BMPs to remove enough nitrogen to bring the development down to 3.6 Ibs/aclyr. • Pay a one-time offset payment of $3301lb to bring the nitrogen down to the 3.6 Ibslac.lyr. • Do a combination of BMPs and offset payment to achieve a 3.6 Ibslaclyr export. _ It the computed export is less than 10.0 Ibslac/yr, then the owner may either; • Install BMPs to remove enough nitrogen to bring the development down to 3.6 lbs/aclyr. • Pay a one-time offset payment of $330/lb to bring the nitrogen down to the13.6 Ibslaclyr. • Do a combination of BMPs and offset payment to achieve a 3.6 Ibslaclyr export. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-46 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management is If the computed export is greater than 6.0 lbslaclyr, the If the computed export is greater than 10.0 Ibslaclyr, the owner must use on -site BMPs to bring the development's owner must use on -site BMPs to bring the development's export down to 6.0 Ibs/aclyr. Then, the owner may use export down to 10.0 lbslaclyr. Then, the owner may use one of the three options above to achieve the reduction one of the three options above to achieve the reduction between 6.0 and 3.6 Ibslaclyr" _ _ between 10 and 3.6 Ibslaclyr. Once it has been determined that an offset payment is forthcoming, the owner shall furnish the Town with evidence that the North Carolina Division of Water Quality has received payment prior to the Town's issuance of a grading permit. For developments outside of the Neuse River Basin, the owner must provide evidence of intent to reduce nitrogen export to the levels required by this section to the maximum extent practicable. 7.3A Peak Runoff Control There shall be no net increase in peak stormwater runoff flow leaving a development from predevelopment conditions for the one-year design storm. New developments are required to minimize damage to subject streams caused by storm flows. (A) Calculation of Peak Flow Acceptable methodologies for computing pre- and post -development conditions for the one-year design storm include: (1) The Rational Method (used when the drainage area is 200 acres or less) • (2) The Peak Discharge Method as described in USDA Technical Release Number 55 (TR-55) (drainage area is 2,000 acres or less) (3) The Putnam Method (drainage area is greater than 2,000 acres) The same method must be used for both the pre- and post -development conditions. (B) Exceptions to Peak Flow Control Developments with less than ten percent net increase in peak flow are not required to control peak flow from the site. However, if the net increase in peak flow from the new development is greater than ten percent, the entire net increase from pre -development peak flow must be controlled. 7.3.5 Allowable Best Management Practices Neuse River buffers required by the Division of Water Quality may not be used for compliance with nitrogen reduction requirements; however, additional 50-foot buffers (including locally required buffers) may be used as nitrogen control BMPs. New development outside of the Neuse basin may use riparian buffers for nitrogen control. The following best management practices may be utilized for nitrogen reduction: (A) Wet detention ponds; (B) Constructed wetlands; (C) Open channel practices; Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-17 0 (D) Riparian buffers; • Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management (E) Bioretention; (F) Proprietary BMPs; (G) Others, as approved by the Town of Cary and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality The total nitrogen (TN) BMP removal rates are provided in the table below. 7.3-2: BMP BMP T S Wet detention ponds Constructed wetlands TYPES, TN REMOVALTABLE Basedoval Rite on Current Literature 25% 40% r DESIGN STANDARDS 'DesignSt .. NC and MD Design Manuals NC and MD Desi n Manuals Open channel practices 30% NC and MD Design Manuals Riparian buffers 30% Neuse Riparian Buffer Rule (35A NCAC2B.0233) Riparian buffers with a reenwa 20% Vegetated filter strips with levels reader 20% NC and MD Design Manuals and other literature information Bioretention 25% NC and MD Design Manuals Sand fillers 35% NC and MD Design Manuals Proprietary BMPs Varies I Per manufacturer subject to DWQ approval Other BMPs Varies Subject to DWQ approval If more than one BMP is installed in series on a development, then the removal rate shall be determined through serial rather than additive calculations. For example, if a wet detention pond discharges through- a riparian buffer, then the removal rate shall be estimated to be 47.5 percent. The pond removes 25 percent of the nitrogen and discharges 75 percent into the buffer. The buffer then removes 30 percent of the nitrogen discharged from the pond, which is 22.5 percent. The sum of 25 and 22.5 is 47.5. The removal rate is not 25 percent plus 30 percent. 7.3.6 Maintenance of Best Management Practices All best management practices that are implemented to achieve nitrogen reduction and flow attenuation will require complete legal documentation and a maintenance plan. For the purposes of this section refer to Section 4.4.6(H), Engineered Stormwater Control Structures. 7.3.7 Modifications and Variances (A) Modifications by Town Council All requests for relief from the requirements of this Section, only as they apply to Zone 3 of a riparian buffer within the Neuse River Basin or any riparian buffer Zones within the Cape Fear River Basin, shall be decided by the Town Council. Relief from the requirements of this Section may also be permitted through the Planned Development District rezoning and/or site plan approval processes provided sufficient documentation is provided to meet criteria listed below. Banking land within the same watershed may be required. The land to be banked shall have significant water quality value, such as being contiguous to an existing flood plain, wetland, or riparian area. The land to be banked shall be preserved in a permanent conservation easement or other legal instrument Town of Cary land Development Ordinance _ Page 7-48 (B) (C) Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management whose provisions prohibit both farming and unapproved logging. This • modification shall be based on documentation of practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships and documentation of the effects on water quality caused by development within the buffers as related to the following criteria. This documentation must include but not be limited to concept plan for the use of the site and data showing the impact on water quality (1) The basic project purpose cannot be practically accomplished in a manner that would better minimize disturbance and protect water quality: (2) The use cannot practically be reduced in size or density or redesigned to minimize disturbance and protect water quality; (3) BMPs will be used if necessary to minimize disturbance and protect water quality; (4) Impact to Zone 3 must be minimized to the maximum extent practical; (5) Compensatory mitigation must be done on at feast a 1:1 ratio on a square foot basis for any impacts to the Zone 3 riparian buffer. Mitigation ratios will be determined on a case -by -case basis. Additional mitigation may be required based upon the severity of impacts. Suggested mitigation ratios are listed below: (a) 1:1 for restoration of a degraded buffer; (b) 3:1 for preservation of an existing buffer; and (c) 10:1 for preservation of open space. (6) The applicant must receive written approval from the Stormwater Services Manager acknowledging that these conditions have been met before any impacts to the riparian buffer shall occur: If a Planned Development (PD) exceeds the open space requirement, the PD may qualify for land banking. Variances Granted Only by the Environmental Management Commission Only the Environmental Management Commission shall have the authority to grant variances from any other provisions of this Section. Other Modifications (1) Watershed Plans The Town may develop and protection plans that may be requirements of this Ordinance. implement comprehensive watershed used to meet part, or all, of the (2) Management on Case -by -Case Basis In some cases, the Stormwater Services Manager may require more stringent stormwater management measures on a case -by -case basis where it is determined that additional measures are required to protect water quality and maintain existing and anticipated uses of these waters and/or to minimize off -site damage from stormwater runoff. is Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-49 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.3 Stormwater Management is7.3.8 Illegal Discharges to the Storm Sewer System (A) Purpose This section is intended to provide for the enforcement of the Town's Storm Water Management Program, to prohibit non -storm water discharges to the Town storm sewer, to require the removal of illicit connections to the Town storm sewer, and to prevent improper disposal of materials that degrade water quality. (B) Depositing Certain Substances in Storm Sewer System It is unlawful for any person to empty or deposit in any storm sewer system in the Town, directly or indirectly, any substance, liquid or solid, which by reason of its nature, it: (1) is or may become a public health hazard endangering human or animal health; (2) Is a nuisance, including substances which are unsightly or malodorous or may become so; (3) Interferes or may interfere with free and rapid flow of surface water; (4) Is inflammable or explosive: (5) Is toxic to plant or animal life; (6) Is corrosive or has properties which may damage or render unsightly the storm sewer system; or (7) Affects adversely the State of North Carolina', classification of the stream into which the storm sewer system discharges. (C) Obstructing Storm Sewer Systems It is unlawful for any person to place any obstruction in any storm sewer system in such a manner as to obstruct or impede the free flow of surface water. This section does not apply to the construction, reconstruction, or alteration of storm sewer systems in manner consistent with sound engineering practices. (D) Permit Required for Construction, Repair or Alteration of Storm Sewer Systems No person shall construct, repair, or alter any storm sewer for the purpose of draining water from any land or premise unless he shall have first applied for and obtained therefore a permit from the Stormwater Services Manager. The application shall be in writing and on a form provided by the Stormwater Services Manager. The Stormwater Services Manager shall issue the permit unless the Stormwater Manager finds that the construction or repair work or alter proposed would be contrary to the provisions of this section. The Stormwater Services Manager may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the permit to ensure compliance with this article. Such conditions may include, but shall not • be limited to: specifications of the materials to be used and the manner in which the work or alteration is to be performed. It is unlawful for any person to perform any work or make any alteration for which a permit is required under this section except in compliance with said permit. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-50 Chapter T Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.4 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (E) Nuisances 0 (1) The existence of any condition that obstructs or impedes the free flow of surface water contrary to the provisions of this section shall constitute a nuisance. (2) Any condition that violates the provisions of Section 7.6.3(A) constitutes a nuisance. (F) Notice to Property Owner of Obstruction If the Stormwater Services Manager finds any storm sewer system to be constructed, arranged, 'clogged, or in such disrepair as to impede, obstruct or hinder the free flow of surface water in a manner that conflicts with acceptable engineering practices, he shall give notice in writing to the owner of the premises on which the condition exists to remedy the condition within such times as the Stormwater Services Manager may reasonably prescribe. tt shall be the duty of said owner to remedy or cause to be remedied the said condition within the time prescribed by the Stormwater services Manager, provided however, said owner may request an informal hearing before the Stormwater Services Manager or his or her designee by giving written notice of such request to the Stormwater Services Manager within the time prescribed by the Stormwater Services Manager. The Stormwater Services Manager or his or her designee shall fix the time and place for such informal hearing. A timely request for informal hearing made pursuant to this section suspends the requirements of the Stormwater Services Manager's earlier notice until the Stormwater Services Manager or his or her designee issues a further notice subsequent to the informal hearing. (G) Violations; Penalties • (1) A violation of Section 7.6.3(A), (B), or (C) shall be a misdemeanor punishable in the manner -prescribed by G.S. 14-4 for each separate violation. (2) Any person who fails to comply with a notice issued by the Town Manager pursuant to this section shall upon conviction be guilty of a misdemeanor as provided by G.S. 14-4. (3) This article may be enforced by any remedy prescribed by G.S. 16OA- 175. 7.4 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 7.4.1 Purposes This section is adopted for the purpose of regulating land -disturbing activities in order to control accelerated erosion and sedimentation and accordingly to prevent water pollution from sedimentation, to prevent accelerated erosion and sedimentation of lakes and natural watercourses, and to prevent damage to public and private property by sedimentation during and after construction. 7.4.2 Permit and Approval Requirements Land -disturbing activities shall be subject to the requirements and procedures set forth in Section 3.13 of this Ordinance for obtaining grading permits and the approval of erosion control plans and required permits by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or other federal or state agencies responsible for regulating development in wetlands. Any required state and/or federal permits must be obtained prior to the issuance of a grading permit. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-51 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.4 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control 0 7.4.3 General Erosion and Sedimentation Control Standards E All persons conducting land -disturbing activities shall take ,all reasonable measures to protect all public and private property from damage by such activities. Any and all state and/or federal standards apply and must be met. In situations where state and/or federal rules conflict with the provisions of this section, the more restrictive shall apply. All land - disturbing activities, except for those exempted by Section 3:13.1 of this Ordinance, shall meet the following standards: (A) Conveyance Channels (1) Stream banks and drainageway channels downstream from any land - disturbing activity shall be protected from. increased degradation by accelerated erosion caused by increased velocity of runoff from the land - disturbing activity. The land -disturbing activity shall be planned and conducted such that the velocity of stormwater runoff in the receiving watercourse at the point of discharge resulting from a ten-year storm after development shall not exceed the greater of: (a) The velocity as determined from Table 7.4-1 below; or (b) The velocity in the receiving watercourse determined for the ten- year storm prior to development. Fine sand noncolloidal • •- a- 2.5 • 0.8 Sand loam noncolloidal 2.5 O.B Silt loam noncolloidal 3.0 0.9 Ordinary firm loam 3.5 1.1 Fine gravel . 5.0 1.5 Stiff clay (very colloidal 5.0 _ 1.5 Graded, loam to cobbles noncolloidal 5.0 1.5 Graded. silt to cobbles colloidal 5.5 17 Alluvial silts noncolloidal 3.5 1.1 Alluvial sills colloidal 5.0 1.5 Coarse gravel noncolloidal) 6.0 1.8 Cobbles and shingles 5.5 1.7 Shales and hard pans 6.0 1.8 ' These values are for channels with straight alignment. For sinuous channels, multiply allowable velocity by 0.95 for slightly sinuous channels, by 0.9 for moderately sinuous channels, and by 0.8 for highly sinuous channels. (2) If the requirements of paragraph (1) above cannot be met, then the channel below the discharge point shall be designed and constructed to withstand the expected velocity. Any channel stabilization activities involving stream bank stabilization may not be approved without the required state and/or federal permits. (3) Alternative and innovative measures to satisfy the intent of this paragraph (A), applied either alone or in combination, may be used if there are no objectionable secondary consequences and the applicant can demonstrate to the Stormwater Services Manager that such measures have the potential to keep slormwater discharge velocities Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-52 (B) (C) (D) (E) Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.4 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control from creating an erosion problem in the receiving watercourse. Some • alternative measures include: (a) Avoiding increases in surface runoff volume and velocity by including measures to promote , infiltration to compensate for increased runoff from areas rendered impervious: (b) Avoiding increases in stormwater discharge velocities by using vegetated or roughened swales or waterways in lieu of closed drains and high -velocity paved sections; (c) Providing energy dissipators, which may range from simple rip - rapped sections to complex structures, at the outlets of storm drainage facilities to reduce flow velocities to the point of discharge: and/or (d) If the watercourse velocity is greater than 2.0 F.P.S., improving cross -sections and installing erosion -resistant linings. Slopes Left Exposed Slopes left exposed shall be planted or otherwise provided with ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion within 15 working days (exclusive of days where seed bed preparation is not possible due to weather as determined by the Planning Director) or 30 calendar days after completion of any phase of grading whichever period is less. Design Requirements • Erosion and sedimentation control measures, structures, and devices shall be planned, designed, and constructed to provide protection from the calculated maximum peak rate of runoff from the ten-year storm. Runoff rates shall be calculated in accordance with the Town's Standard Specifications and Details Manual. Calculations shall be submitted with the plans and shall be drafted and organized in a neat and readable manner. Protective Cover Required All uncovered areas shall be provided with protective cover unless the Planning Director has granted an extension of time, for good cause shown, upon written request of the developer or landowner. This cover shall be installed within 15 working days (exclusive of days where seedbed preparation is not possible due to weather as determined by the Planning Director) or 90 calendar days following completion of any phase of grading, whichever period is shorter. Ground cover is not required on cleared land forming the future basin of a planned reservoir. Activity Near Watercourse All land -disturbing activities near a lake or natural watercourse shall provide erosion and sedimentation control measures. An undisturbed buffer may be used as an erosion/sedimentation control measure, provided that the undisturbed zone shall be of sufficient width to confine visible siltation within the 25 percent of the undisturbed zone nearer to the land -disturbing activity. This requirement shall not apply to land -disturbing activities for the construction of facilities to be . located on, over, or under a lake or natural watercourse. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-53 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.4 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control • (F) Protection During Construction During construction, soil erosion and sedimentation control practices and devices shall be employed that are sufficient to retain the sediment generated by the land -disturbing activity within the boundaries of the tract during construction upon and development of said tract in accordance with plans approved by the Town. (G) Compliance with Town Manual In addition to the standards set forth in this section, all soil erosion and sedimentation control measures shall conform to the applicable minimum standards set forth in the Town's Standard Specifications and Details Manual. 7.4.4 Basic Control Objectives for Erosion Control Plans In addition to meeting the standards of this Section 7.4.3 above, all erosion control plans submitted for approval under Section 3.13 of this Ordinance shall be developed and implemented in accordance with the following objectives: (A) identify Especially Vulnerable Areas On -site areas that are subject to severe erosion, and off -site areas that are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation, shall be identified and receive special attention. (B) Limit Time of Exposure • All land -disturbing activities shall be planned and conducted to limit exposure to the shortest feasible time. (C) Limit Exposed Area All land -disturbing activities shall be planned and conducted to minimize the size of the area to be exposed at any one time_. (D) Control Surface Water Surface water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas should be controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of exposure. (E) Control Sedimentation All land -disturbing activities shall be planned and conducted so as to prevent off - site sedimentation damage. (F) Manage Stormwater Runoff When the increase in the velocity of stormwater runoff resulting form a land - disturbing activity is sufficient to cause accelerated erosion of the receiving watercourse, erosion control plans shall include measures to control the velocity at the point of discharge so as to minimize accelerated erosion of the site and increased sedimentation of the stream. . 7.4.5 Borrow and Waste Areas When the person conducting the land -disturbing activity is also the person conducting the borrow or waste disposal activity, areas from which borrow is obtained and which are not regulated by the Mining Act of 1971 (G.S. 74-46 et seq., as amended), and waste areas Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-54 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention for surplus materials other than landfills regulated by the N. C. Department of Human, Environment, and Natural Resources, Division of Solid Waste Management, shall be considered as part of the land -disturbing activity from where the borrow material is being used or from which the waste material originated. When the person conducting the land - disturbing activity is not the person obtaining the borrow and/or disposing of the waste, these areas shall be considered a separate land -disturbing activity. 7.4.6 Access and Haul Roads Temporary access and haul roads, other than public roads, constructed or used in connection with any land -disturbing activity shall be considered a component of such activity. 7.4.7 Operations in Lakes or Natural Watercourses Land -disturbing activities for construction in, on, over, or under a lake or natural watercourse shall be planned and conducted so as to minimize the extent and duration of disturbance of the stream channel or lakebed. Where relocation of a stream is an essential component of the proposed activity, the relocation shall be planned and executed so as to minimize changes in the stream flow characteristics, except where the developer or landowner demonstrates to the Planning Director that significant alteration to the flow characteristics is justified. 7.5 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION 7.5.1 Purpose (A) The Flood Hazard Area of the Town is subject to periodic inundation that could result in loss of life and property, hazards to public health and safety, disruption of commerce and governmental services, damage to and disruption of public utilities, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare_ These losses and hazards are caused by th.e cumulative effect of obstructions in floodplains, which increase flood heights and velocities, and by the occupancy in flood -prone areas by uses that are vulnerable to floods, or hazardous to other properties, because they are inadequately elevated, flood proofed, or otherwise protected from flood damages. Therefore, the regulations set forth in this section are designed to: (1) Restrict or prohibit uses that are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion or in flood heights or velocities: (2) Require that uses that are vulnerable to floods, including facilities that serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; (3) Control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers that accommodate and restrain floodwaters; (4) Prevent or control filling, grading, dredging, and other development that may increase erosion or flood damage; (5) Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers that will unnaturally divert floodwaters or that may increase flood hazards to other lands: (6) To ensure that potential homebuyers are notified that property is in a flood -prone area. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-55 is �J Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention • (B) The degree of flood protection required by this section is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes. This section does not imply that land outside the Flood Hazard Area will be free from flooding or flood damages. Neither shall this section create liability on the part of the Town or by any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this section or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. a (C) In the interpretation and application of this section, all provisions shall be considered as minimum requirements, shall be liberally construed in favor of the Town, and shall be deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted to the Town under state statutes. 7.5.2 Applicability (A) Purpose This section shall apply to all areas of flood hazard including 100-year floodplain within the jurisdiction of this Ordinance, and all development in and near such areas shall comply with the requirements of this section. Areas of 100-year floodplain include those identified by: (1) The Federal Emergency Management Agency through a scientific and engineering report entitled "The Flood Insurance Study for the Town of Cary, Wake County, North Carolina, dated March 3,1992. This Flood Insurance Study, as may be amended- and updated from time to time by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, along with the accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Flood Hazard Boundary Maps, and Floodway Maps, and any revisions thereto, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a section of this Ordinance (on file in Engineering Department). (2) Other studies approved by the Town of Cary. (13) Exemptions (1) All new residential construction and substantial residential improvements proposed on a parcel of land that has no buildable area outside the Flood Hazard Area, and that was recorded prior to June 1978, shall be exempt from the requirements for residential construction set forth in this section, but shall be developed. in strict accordance with the requirements for non-residential construction. (2) Residential subdivisions submitted for review prior to May 10, 2001, shall be exempted from the requirements prohibiting the platting of lands located within the Flood Hazard Area, provided the section complies with the requirements in place prior to May 10, 2001, (3) Site and/or subdivision plans submitted prior to May 10, 2001, shall be exempted from the special use permit for filling in the flood fringe portion of the Flood Hazard Area. Town of Cary land Development Ordinance Page 7-56 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention Components of the Flood Hazard Area Diagram (Reserved) 7.5.3 Development Restrictions and Related Standards In and Near the Flood Hazard Area (A) Development Restrictions In general, no development is allowed in the Flood Hazard Area unless one or more of the following are met: (1) A special use is approved, (2) The property/use is exempted from this requirement-, and/or (3) The development is for roads, greenways, pedestrian crossings, park - related equipment, or public utilities and facilities such as waste water, gas, electrical, and water systems that are located and constructed to minimize flood damage. Structures for pedestrian crossings (e.g., footbridges, etc.), playground equipment, and other similar items may be permitted if the applicant provides certification by a professional registered engineer, architect, or landscape architect that these encroachments will not result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood. (B) Development Standards If development or encroachments are permitted, the following standards shall apply in the Flood Hazard Area. (1) All new non-residential construction and substantial improvements to existing non-residential construction shall be: (a) Anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure; and (b) Constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage; and (c) Constructed by methods and practices that minimize flcod damage. (2) All new and replacement electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, and other service facilities shall be designed and constructed to prevent water from entering or accumulating in or on the components. (3) All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to ID minimize or eliminate infiltration of Floodwaters into the system. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-57 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention (4) New and replacement sanitary sewer systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system and discharges from the system into flood waters. (5) On -site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding. (C) Additional Development Standards and Restrictions for Areas with Established Base Flood Elevation Data (1) Residential Construction (a) New construction of or substantial improvements to any residential structure shall be located outside the Flood Hazard Area and shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least two feet above the base flood elevation. "Substantial improvement" is defined in Chapter 12, (b) No proposed building lot that is wholly or partly subject to flooding shall be approved unless there is established on the final plat a line representing an actual contour as determined by field survey at an elevation two feel above the 100-year flood crest elevation as determined by, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Special Hazard Area Maps, or by other studies approved by the Town. Such a line shall be known and identified on the site and/or subdivision plan and final plat as the "Building Restriction Floodline." (c) Placement of fill within the floodway and/or flood fringe is prohibited unless such activities are authorized through a Special Use Permit. (d) Subdivisions submitted after May 10,,2001, may not plat house lots located within the Flood Hazard Area unless one of the following exemptions are met: 1. This requirement does not apply to subdivisions within Planned Developments provided that the master plan and/or conditions have exempted lots trout) this provision. 2. The Town Council may allow these areas to be included in lots only when all of the following conditions are niet: a. The flood hazard area impacts a limited section of the subdivision (i.e., less than ten percent of the total land area of the subdivision); b. There is no other reason for the formation of a homeowner's association to retain ownership and maintenance responsibility for the Flood Hazard Area (e.g., covenant, other conlnlon areas); C. The Floodplain is placed in a permanent 0 maintenance easement prior to plat recordation. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-58 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention (2) Non -Residential Construction Approved within the 100-Year Floodplain 0 (a) New construction of or substantial improvements to any commercial, industrial, or other non-residential structure shall have the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least two feet above the base flood elevation, with attendant utilities and sanitary facilities flood -proofed. (b) For all new construction and substantial improvements, fully enclosed areas below the lowest floor that are subject to flooding shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on the exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must be certified by a registered Professional Engineer or architect, or must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: 1. A minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shalt be provided; 2. The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade; 3. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, or other coverings or devices, provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters; and 4. A registered professional engineer or architect shall certify to the Town Manager that the standards of this section are satisfied. 7.5.4 Limitations on Encroachments in Fioodways The floodway, located within the Flood Hazard Area is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters that carry debris, potential projectiles, and the potential for erosion. Therefore, encroachments, including fill, in the floodway are permitted only in limited circumstances and only under the following restrictions: (A) There shall be no encroachment, including fill, unless the applicant has received a Special Use Permit (see Section 3.8) or the use is permitted (see Section 7.5.3(A). The applicant for a special use involving the floodway portion of the Flood Hazard Area shall provide certification by a professional registered engineer, architect, or landscape architect that the encroachment will not result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood. • Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-59 e • is (B) Once paragraph (A) above is satisfied, all new construction and substantial improvements shall comply with all applicable flood hazard reduction requirements of this section. 7.5.5 Standards for Streams without Established Base Flood Elevations and/or Floodways Located within the Flood Hazard Area are small streams where no base flood data has been provided or where no floodways have been identified. The following provisions apply within such areas: (A) No encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, or new development, shall be permitted within a distance of the stream bank equal to five times the width of the stream at the top of the bank or 20 feet each side from the top of the bank, whichever is greater, unless a special use is approved or the use is permitted. Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention 5X X' 5X I nr 9W min nr 7f1' min I No encroachment No encroachment area area x' �r 5X Stream 5x or 20' min. or 20' min, Whichever is greater whichever is greater Standards for Streams without Established Base Flood Elevations (8) In cases where the streams lacking base flood data are USGS or County Soils Map streams, then the limitations upon encroachments shall apply to the entire area within the associated riparian buffer, or an area five times the width of the stream at the top of the bank, whichever is greater. (C) If paragraph (A) above is satisfied, and base flood elevation data is available from other sources, all new construction and substantial improvements within such areas shall comply with all applicable flood hazard ordinance provisions of this Section and shall be elevated or flood -proofed in accordance with elevations established under Section 7.5.2. When base flood elevation data is not available from a federal, state, or other source, the lowest floor, including basement, shall be elevated at least two feet above the highest adjacent grade. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-60 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.5 Flood Damage Prevention Diagram of 7.5.5(C) [Reserved] 7.5.6 Cross Drainage Area Standards and Restrictions For any new proposed development subject to flooding which includes, but is not limited to, those lots along any significant watercourse, whether or not the stream or water course is enclosed with a pipe or culvert; the applicant shall make a determination of the crest elevation of the flood expected to be equaled or exceeded that has a 1 percent chance of annual occurrence in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice, which is to be submitted with the seal and signature of a Professional Engineer to the Director of Engineering. Any new construction of, or substantial improvements (see Chapter 12, Definitions) to, any residential or non-residential structure shall comply with Section 7.5.3(C). 7.5.7 Special Requirements for Manufactured Homes (A) No manufactured home shall be placed in the Flood Hazard Area, except when located within an existing manufactured home park. In existing manufactured home parks, all manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved within Zones Al-30, AH and AE, as indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is two feet above the rase flood elevation and shall be securely anchored to an adequate foundation system in accordance with the provisions of (e) below. (B) Manufactured homes may not be placed in the floodway. (C) All manufactured homes within the Flood Hazard Area shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement in accordance with the Regulations for Mobile Homes and Modular Housing adopted by the Commissioner of Insurance pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. 143-15. Where the required elevation can be met by elevating the chassis no more than 36 inches above grade at the site, the chassis shall be supported by reinforced piers or other foundation of equivalent strength, When the elevation of the chassis is above 36 inches in height an engineering certification is required. 7.5.8 Special Requirements for Development Proposals Requiring Site and/or Subdivision Plan Approval For purposes of this section only, the boundaries of the Flood Hazard Area for a subdivision or a discrete phase of a subdivision are established if all of the following conditions are met -- (A) The subdivision is approved for construction through approval of a preliminary . subdivision plan and all other applicable permits; (B) A substantial investment is made in constructing the subdivision. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-61 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec. 7.6 Nuisance and Hazard Control Standards (C) In addition to satisfying the other requirements of this Ordinance, all proposals for subdivisions and site plans shall: (1) Be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage; (2) Have public utilities and facilities, such as wastewater, gas, electrical, and water systems, located and constructed so as to rinimize flood damage; (3) Have all proposed residential structures located outside the Flood Hazard Area, with the lowest floor, including basement, elevated at least two feet above the base flood elevation; (4) Have all proposed non-residential structures located outside of the Flood Hazard Area, with the lowest floor, including basement, located at least two feet above the base flood elevation (Note that an approved special use may permit structures in a flood fringe — see Section 3.12.3) (5) Have all drainage structures located within the Flood Hazard Area designed to accommodate the 100-year flood without causing increased base flood elevations on properties other than that for which development approval is being requested; (6) Shall provide base flood elevation data along with the subdivision plan or site plan, which is submitted to the Town for approval. • 7.6 NUISANCE AND HAZARD CONTROL STANDARDS 7.6.1 Purpose and Applicability This section is intended to ensure that industrial, research, and other business activities are established and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties, and to ensure that such activities are good neighbors to adjoining properties by controlling the emission of noise, odors, glare, vibration, smoke, dust, liquid wastes, radiation, radioactivity, and similar pollutants. Accordingly, this section states the performance standards and conditions with which the Town expects the construction and operation of industrial, research, and other business activities to comply. These performance standards, like all other provisions of this Ordinance, are continuing obligations, and all industrial, research, and other business uses will be expected to operate in compliance with these standards. Any land use that fails to comply with these standards shall be in violation of this Ordinance. 7.6.2 General Standards and Measures for Compliance (A) All uses shall be conducted so as to preclude any nuisance, hazard, or commonly -recognized offensive condition or characteristics of the use, including the creation or emission on other properties of dust, gas, smoke, noise, fumes, odors, vibrations, particulate matter, chemical compounds, toxic matter, fire, explosions, electrical disturbance, heat, glare, or excessive night illumination. At any time before or after a building is used or occupied, the Planning Director may require that adequate control measures be provided in accordance with the requirements or standards of the appropriate state of federal government agency responsible for regulating that condition or pollutant, in order to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare from any such nuisance, hazard, condition, or pollutant. Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-62 Chapter 7: Development and Design Standards Sec, 7.6 Nuisance and Hazard Control Standards (B) Federal and State environmental regulations may also apply to one or more of the features governed by the standards in Section 7.6.3 below. The intent is for the standards of this section to supplement and complement, not supersede or replace, any applicable Federal and State regulations. If any standard herein conflicts with an applicable Federal or State standard, then the Federal or State standard shall control_ 7.6.3 Performance Standards (A) Landscaping All required front yards, side yards, and rear yards shall be open, landscaped green areas or left in their naturat state. Where landscaped, such yards shall be planted attractively with lawn, trees, shrubs, and the like in accordance with the site plan which the Town has approved for the use. Any areas left in their natural state shall be properly maintained in a sightly and well -kept condition. Parking areas also shall be maintained in a sightly and welt -kept condition. (B) Noise Noise shall be muffled so as not to become objectionable at or beyond the property line due to intermittent beat frequency, shrillness, or intensity. (C) Odors Odors from any use shall not exceed the standards established by the Stale of North Carolina. (D) Glare 0 Direct or reflected glare, such as from Floodlights or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible at or beyond any property line. (E) Smoke Smoke emissions shall not exceed meet the maximum limits established by the State of North Carolina. (F) Dust and Other Particulate Matter Solid or liquid particulate matter shall not be emitted at any point in a concentration exceeding three -tenths grains per cubic foot of the conveying gas or air. (G) Gases Fumes or gases shall not be emitted at any point in concentrations or amounts that are noxious, toxic, corrosive, or in excess of any applicable maximum limits established by State or Federal regulations. (H) Fire and Explosion Hazards All operations shall be carried out in accordance with the Town Fire Code and with reasonable precautions against fire and explosive hazards. • Town of Cary Land Development Ordinance Page 7-63 A Appendix D: Public Hearing Affidavit of Publication Town Council Meeting Minutes, February 27, 2003 U 0 s El • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. Wake County. ) Ss. PUBLIC NOTICE — —I Before the undersigned, a, Notary Public of- Johnston TOWN PUHEARING County North Carolina, duly commissioned and authorized to The public wid take notice administer oaths, affirmations, etc., personally appeared Ivy P y PP that the Cary lawn Council will meet in eSession Marsch, who, being duly sworn or affirmed, according to law, on Thursday , February 27, inffi TownHollA dAitoriume and loth depose and say that she is Billing Manager -Legal ing A, 316 N. Academy Street. Cary, NC to conduct a Public Advertising of The News and Observer a corporation hearing on the following item. organized and doing business wider the Laws of the State of STORMWATER PERMIT North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as The APPLICATION News and Observer, in the City of Raleigh Wake The Town of Cary's NPDES Phase it Stormwater Permit y Count and State aforesaid, l the said newspaper per in which such Appllcationwitibesuhmitted to the Nc DivlSlor water federal notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published Quality per mandate by March 10, 2003. This per- mit Is required of all municl- ttl was, at the time of each and every such publication, a Polities designated as urban areaSbvthe2000cenus.Tho newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications permit includes the Town's narrative stormwoter Mon- of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes ol'North Carolina and ogemenf Plan which de- scribes the following was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section I - required minirnum measures for'tstormwoter manage. 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, and that as such 1. Public Education and out- she makes this allidavil, that site is familiar with the books, reach 2. Public Involvement files and business of said corporation and by reference to the 3.Mega 1 Discharge Detec- flon and Elimination files of said publication the attached advertisement for TOWN P 4. construction site Runoff s.Coai onstrucr;on Runoff OF CARY was insertediin the aforesaid newspaper 6.Go dolHousekeeping and on dates as follows: 02/16/03, 02/23/03 Polluhor Prevention ' Anyone wishing to address the Town Council during these hearings must register Account Number: 46940490 to speak by contacting the Cary Engineering Deport- ment of (90) 469-4076, via e - mail to bpeurceQci.cory.nc.us, or in Personal the Engineering Department Olfices located in Building B on the Cary Town Hall Campus at 318 North Academy Street. Those wishing to speak must regis- ter with the Engineering De- pariment by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday February 26, 2003. Copies of the related materials are available for review. N80: February 16, 23, 2003 The above is correctly copied fiont the books and files of the aforesaid Corporation and publication SEAL Tilling' eanager-Legal Advertising Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me, this 24 day of FEBRUARY , 2003 AD 1n Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my (rand and affixed my official seal, the day and year aforesaid. i l ' / Notaty Public My commission expires 2nd day of July 2005. REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF CARY Page 12 of 27 9 D. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Phase II, stormwater permit application. In 1987, Congress amended the Clean Water Act which mandated that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require that municipalities apply for permits to discharge stormwater to the "waters of the U.S." under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). In 1990, the initial phase of the Clean Water Act, NPDES Phase 1, required that municipalities with populations greater than 100,000 apply for a stormwater discharge permit. In North Carolina, it included the municipalities of Charlotte, Durham, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Raleigh and Fayetteville/Cumberland County. In October of 2002 the temporary rules for Phase II of the NPDES program were approved by the worth Carolina Environmental Management Commission which was authorized by the EPA to administer the NPDES program in North Carolina. The EPA has identified the Town of Cary, along with several thousand other communities across the country, as being subject to the NPDES's Phase II program and has set a date of March 10, 2003 as the date when a permit application has to be submitted to North Carolina Division of Water Quality for approval. The program requires that the Town develop, implement, and enforce a stormwater management program (SWMP) designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from Its municipally operated separate storm sewer system (MS4) to the maximum extent practicable (MEP), to protect water quality and to satisfy the water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. The SWMP must be fully developed and implemented within five years from the effective date of the issued NPDES stormwater permit. A component of this plan is a resolution to be adopted by council designating the appropriate person, in this case the Town Manager, to be responsible for the enforcement of the SWMP and to ensure the Town's compliance with all required provisions of the Clean Water Act. The permit has six program components: 1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts A program to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and the steps the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff (Currently in place as part of the Town's stormwater program for nutrient removal) 2. Public Involvement and Participation A program to reach out and engage all economic and ethnic groups and provide opportunities for the public to participate in program development and implementation. (This public Hearing is serving as part of that httD://www.towiiofcarv.orv/ai?enda/cotinciImin03/cniO22703.htm 6/28/2004 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF CARY Page 13 of 27 • requirement.) 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination A program to develop, implement and enforce detection and elimination of all illicit discharges to our storm drain system. (A program currently in place in our stormwater program for nutrient removal.) 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control A program to develop, implement and enforce reductions of pollutants to the Town's MS4 from construction activities that disturb one acre or more of land. (Currently enforced by the Town's Erosion Control program.) 5. Post -Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and Redevelopment A program to develop, implement and enforce management of post -construction stormwater discharges into the Town's MS4. This includes both structural and non-structural BMPs. (This component has to be implemented by March 10, 2005.) 6. Pollution Prevention 1 Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations A program to develop and implement an O&M program that includes a training component and has the • ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that council adopt the resolution designating the Town Manager, on behal Town, as the person responsible for the implementation of the Stormwater Management Plan to ensure its compliance NPDES Phase II regulations and to forward the NPDES Phase II permit application to the NCDWO on or before Ma 2001 RESOLUTION Authorization to Submit National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit Application and Stormwater Management Plan WHEREAS, The United States Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972 and amended said Act in 1987 to address controls for pollution carried by stormwater; WHEREAS, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was authorized to define and proscribe a program of measures to improve the quality of water in our national and state streams, rivers and water bodies under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and promulgated Phase II rules on December,9, 1999 affecting communities and institutions under 100,000 population; WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina is delegated by EPA to establish a regulatory program for NPDES Phase II and has established rules and regulations as required; 0 littp://www.townofcary.org/agenda/councilniin03/cm022703.litm 6/28/2004 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN OF CARY Page 14 of 27 L� WHEREAS, the Town of Cary has been notified of and is legally designated to comply with the NPDES Phase li regulations as established by EPA and the State, requiring the submittal of a permit application and stormwater management plan: WHEREAS, the regulations require designation of the legally responsible party and authorization for submittal of the application and stormwater management plan; and WHEREAS, the Town of Cary supports the goals and objectives of the regulatory program to provide a safe and healthy environment for all its citizens; NOW THEREFORE, the Town of Cary on this 27th day of February in 2003, is hereby resolved to the following: 1. The Town Manager, William B. Coleman, Jr. shall sign and submit on behalf of the Town of Cary no later than March 10, 2003, the necessary documentation for compliance with the NPDES Phase II program requirements as established by the State; and 2. The Town Manager or his designee shall carry out aq necessary strategies and requirements as set forth in the stormwater management plan developed and submitted as required by the NPDES Phase II regulations, to ensure compliance on behalf of the Town of Cary. Mr. Terry Warren's power point presentation is attached to and incorporated in these minutes as Exhibit C. No one came forward to speak, and Mayor Lang closed the public hearing. ACTION: Mr. Weinbrecht made a motion to approve the resolution. Ms. Dorrel provided the second, and Council granted unanimous approval. 2. Public hearing on the draft Land Development Ordinance, draft zoning map, and amendments related to the Comprehensive Plan and Town Code. Refer to the minutes of February 13, 2003 for the staff reports on this item. This public hearing was continued from the February 13, 2003 meeting. Staffs and consultant's power point presentation is attached to and incorporated in these minutes as Exhibit D. Mr. Barker noted that staff continues to work to address the issue of in -home daycares. Mr. Brian Barber requested a rezoning on his property at 1219 Walnut Street. He stated the conversion allows a 2500 square foot building or the size of the building that already exists. He stated this property has two lets, and it is more of a transitional lot. He stated the current proposal under the conversion would require two buildings on two different lots. He proposed that the rezoning allow one building closer to the road with a 4500 to 5500 foot building. He stated it would serve as a sound barrier and a buffer to homes behind it. He stated what he wants to build will be compatible with the surrounding homes. Mr. Boots Elam of ETD, representing Rick Hendricks Automotive Dealership, stated the table of uses in Section 5.1 shows a new ORD district, which replaces the current PEC district. He stated the new district has auto sales and rentals as permitted uses, but the current PEC district refers to it as auto sales and service. They are concerned that the new chart lists the service type items as special use permit items. He stated staff indicated this was not the intent of the ordinance. He asked for clarification in the wording. Mr. Ben Kuhn, attorney for the automotive group, distributed a map (Exhibit E attached to and incorporated in these 0 http://www.towtiofc;try.org/agenda/councilmin03/cm022703.htm 6/28/2004