HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000417_APPLICATION_20101231STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET M54 PERMITS PERMIT NO. CS O � 10 1-7 DOC TYPE ❑FINAL PERMIT ❑ ONUAL REPORT. ,,-/APPUCATION ❑ COMPLIANCE 0 OTHER DOC DATE ❑ 1 YYYYMMDD F I i .+Y State of North Carolina OFFIC USE ONLY Department of Environment & Natural Resources Date Rec`d ID Division of Water Quality Fee Paid Permit Number 411 NPDES STORMWaER PERMIT _APPLICATION FORM This application form is for use by public bodies seeking NPDES stormwater permit coverage for Regulated Public Entities (RPE) pursuant to Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code 2H .0126. A complete application package includes this form and three copies of the narrative documentation required in Section X of this form. This application form, completed in accordance with Instructions for completing NPDES Small M54 Stormwater Permit Application (SWU-270) and the accompanying narrative documentation, completed in accordance with Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Storm water Management Program Report (SWU-268) are both required for the application package to be considered a complete application submittal. Incomplete application submittals may be returned to the applicant. 1. APPLICANT STATUS INFORMATION ❑ New Application ® Renewal (Permit No. NCS000417 } a. Name of Public Entity Seeking Permit Coverage Town of Ranlo b. Ownership Status (federal, state or local Local c. Type of Public Entity (city, town, county, prison, school, etc. Town d. Federal Standard Industrial Classification Code SIC 91- 97 92 e. County(s) Gastonia f. Jurisdictional Area (square miles 1.37 g. Population Permanent 3320 Seasonal (if available) n/a h. Ten-year Growth Rate 4.2% i. Located on Indian Lands? ❑ Yes ®No II. RPE / MS4 SYSTEM INFORMATION a. Storm Sewer Service Area (square miles 1.60 b. River Basin(s) Catawba c. Number of Primary Receiving Streams 2 (tributaries to the Catawba River) d. Estimated percentage of Jurisdictional area containing the following four land use activities: • Residential 88.9% • Commercial 1.4% • Industrial 7.4% • Open Space 2.3% Total = 100% e. Are there significant water quality issues listed in the attached application report? ❑ Yes ® No III. EXISTING LOCAL WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application a. Local Nutrient Sensitive Waters Strategy ❑ Yes ® No b. Local Water Supply Watershed Program ® Yes ❑ No c. Delegated Erosion and Sediment Control Program ® Yes ❑ No d. CAMA Land Use Plan ❑ Yes ® No IV. CO -PERMIT APPLICATION STATUS INFORMATION (Complete this section only if co -permitting) a. Do you intend to co -permit with Yes ®No a permitted Phase I entity? b. If so, provide the name and permit number of that entity: • Name of Phase I MS4 n/a • NPDES Permit Number n/a c. Do you intend to co -permit ❑ Yes ❑ No with another Phase II enti ? d, If so, provide the name(s) of the entity: e. Have legal agreements been finalized between the co- ❑ Yes ❑ No rmittees? V. RELIANCE ON ANOTHER ENTITY TO SATISFY ONE OR MORE OF YOUR PERMIT OBLIGATIONS (If more than one, attach additional sheets) a. Do you intend that another entity perform one or more of our permit obligations? ® Yes ❑ No b. If yes, identify each entity and the element they will be implementing • Name of Entity Gaston County • Element they will implement Erosion control, Phase II Post Construction • Contact Person William D. Beasley • Contact Address 212 E. Main Street, Gastonia, NC 28053-1578 • Contact Telephone Number 704-866-3194 c. Are legal agreements in place to establish responsibilities? ® Yes ❑ No VI. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY (OPTIONAL) The signing official may delegate permit implementation authority to an appropriate staff member. This delegation must name a specific person and position and include documentation of the delegation action through board action. a. Name of person to which permit authority n/a has been delegated b. Title/position of person above c. Documentation of board action delegating permit authority to this person/position must be provided in the attached application report. NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application VII. SIGNING OFFICIAL'S STATEMENT Please see the application instructions to determine who has signatory authority for this permit application. If authority for the NPDES stormwater permit has been appropriately delegated through board action and documented in this permit application, the person/position listed in Section VI above may sign the official statement below. I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible forgathering the Information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment fi knowing violations A Signature NJ44_(� Name . Steve Alexander Title Mayor Street Address 1624 Spencer Mountain Rd, PO Box City Gastonia State NC Zip 28054-3048 Telephone 704-824-3461 Fax 704-824-3423 E-Mail Webb777@aol.com VIII. MS4 CONTACT INFORMATION Provide the following information for the person/position that will be responsible for day to day implementation and oversight of the stormwater program. a. Name of Contact Person Craig Roseberry b. Title Public Works Director c. Street Address 1624 Spencer Mountain Rd, d. PO Box e. City Gastonia f. State NC g. zip 28054-3048 h. Telephone Number 704-824-4013 i. Fax Number 704-824-3423 j. E-Mail Address raniopublicworks@aol.com NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application IX. PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS List permits or construction approvals received or applied for under the following programs. Include contact name if different than the person listed in Item VIII. If further space needed, attach additional sheets. a. RCRA Hazardous Waste N/A Management Program N/A b. UIC program under SDWA c. NPDES Wastewater Discharge N/A Permit Number d. Prevention of Significant N/A Deterioration (PSD) Program N/A e. Non Attainment Program f. National Emission Standards for N/A Hazardous Pollutants (NESHAPS) reconstruction approval g. Ocean dumping permits under the N/A Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act h. Dredge or fill permits under N/A section 404 of CWA X. NARRATIVE APPLICATION SUPPLEMENT - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Attach three copies of the Stormwater Management Program Report for the five-year permit term. The Stormwater Management Program Report shall be assembled in the order and formatted in accordance with the Table of Contents shown below, bound with tabs identifying each section by name, and include a Table of Contents with page numbers for each entry. The required narrative information for each section is provided in the Instructions for Preparing the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report (SWU-268). TABLE OF CONTENTS I. STORM SEWER SYSTEM INFORMATION 1.1. Population Served 1.2. G rowth Rate 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates 1.6. TMDL Identification 2. RECEIVING STREAMS NPDES RPE Stormwater Permit Application 3. EXISTING WATER QUALITY PROGRAMS 3.1. Local Programs 3.2. State programs 4. PERMITTING INFORMATION 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List 4.2. Organizational Chart 4.3. Signing Official 4.4. Duly Authorized Representative 5. CO-PERMrMNG INFORMATION (IF APPLICABLE) 5.1. Co-Permittees 5.2. Legal Agreements 5.3. Responsible Parties 6. RELIANCE ON OTHER GOVERNMENT ENTITY 6.1. Name of Entity 6.2. Measure Implemented 6.3. Contact Information 6.4. Legal Agreements 7. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations TOWN OF RANLO COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMETN PROGRAM REPORT Steve Alexander, Mayor Scott Clark, Mayor Pro-tem .Jason Williams, Commissioner Cathy Lewis, Commissioner Linda Rhyne, commissioner Lynn Black, Commissioner Bob Lawing, Staff Attorney Chuck Webb, Town Coordinator Craig Roseberry, Public Works Director Donna Hulsey, Town Clerk/Finance Director Prepared By: Ranlo Public Works Department Town of Ranlo Administration Davis & Floyd RANLO COMPREHENSIVE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REPORT Table of Contents Page Storm Sewer System Information................................................................................................. I I.I. Population Served...........................................................................................................1 1.2. Growth Rate.....................................................................................................................1 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Area..............................................................................1 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System................................................................................................1 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates...................................................................................2 1.6. Estimate Methodology.....................................................................................................2 1.7. TMDLIdentification.......................................................................................................2 2. Receiving Streams.......................................................................................................................... 3 3. Existing Water Quality Programs................................................................................................4 3.1. Local Programs...............................................................................................................4 3.2. State Programs................................................................................................................4 4. Permitting Information..................................................................................................................5 4. 1. Responsible Party Contact List.......................................................................................5 4.2. Organizational Chart .......................................................................................................7 4.3. Signing Official...............................................................................................................7 5. Co -Permitting Information........................................................................................................... 9 6. Reliance on other Government Entity to Satisfy One or More Permit Obligations...............9 6.1. Organization.....................................................................................................................9 6.2. Element to be Implemented............................................................................................ 9 6.3. Contact Information for the Responsible Party .............................................................. 9 6.4. Legal Agreement.............................................................................................................9 7. Stormwater Management Program Plan..................................................................................... 10 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts .............................................. 10 7.1.1. BMP Summary Table.................................................................................... 10 7.1.2. Target Audience............................................................................................ 10 7.1.3. Target Pollution Sources............................................................................... 10 7.1.4.Outreach Program..........................................................................................10 7.1.5. Decision Process............................................................................................ 11 7.1.6. Evaluation......................................................................................................1 1 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation............................................................................. 11 7.2. I. BMP Summary Table.................................................................................... 11 7.2.2. Target Audience............................................................................................ 11 7.2.3. Participation Program....................................................................................11 7.2.4. Decision Process............................................................................................1 1 7.2.5. Evaluation......................................................................................................1 1 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination................................................................... 11 7.3.1. BMP Summary Table................................................................................... 11 7.3.2. Storm Sewer System Map............................................................................. 12 7.3.3. Regulatory Mechanism................................................................................. 12 7.3.4. Enforcement.................................................................................................. 12 7.3.5. Detection and Elimination.............................................................................12 Procedures for Locating Priority Areas ....................................... 12 Procedures for Removing the Source of the Illicit Discharge..... 12 Procedures for Evaluation of Illicit Connection and Discharge Component..................................................................................12 7.3.6. Non Stormwater Discharges..........................................................................12 7.3.7. Outreach........................................................................................................ 13 7.3.8. Decision Process........................................................................................... 13 7.3.9. Evaluation..................................................................................................... 13 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control............................................................... 13 7.4.1. BMP Summary Table....................................................................................13 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment........................................................................................................ 13 7.5.1. BMP Summary Table.................................................................................... 13 7.5.2. Non -Structural BMP's...................................................................................13 7.5.3. Structural BMP's........................................................................................... 14 7.5.4. Regulatory Mechanism..................................................................................14 7.5.5. Operation and Maintenance...........................................................................14 7.5.6. Decision Process............................................................................................14 Priority Areas............................................................................... 14 Specific Concerns........................................................................ 14 7.5.7 Evaluation.......................................................................................................14 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations .............................14 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table..................................................................................... 14 7.6.2 Affected Operations........................................................................................15 Individual NPDES Permitted Operations ..................................... 15 7.6.3 Training.......................................................................................................... 15 7.6.4 Maintenance and Inspections......................................................................... 15 7.6.5 Vehicular Operations......................................................................................15 7.6.6 Waste Disposal............................................................................................... 15 7.6.7 Flood Management Projects........................................................................... 15 7.6.8 Existing Ordinances........................................................................................16 7.6.9 Decision Process.............................................................................................16 7.6.10 Evaluation.....................................................................................................16 APPENDIX A: Resolutions and Notices.......................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX B: BMP Summary Table..............................................................................................?? APPENDIX C: Storm Sewer System Map ........................ ............................................................... ?? Town of Ranlo Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report 1. Storm Sewer System Information I.I. Population Served: Permanent Population: 3,320 Seasonal: NIA Basis of Information: NC Office of Budget, Planning, & Management, July 2008 Estimate 1.2. Growth Rate: 4.2% The growth rate represents the annualized rate based on the relative change in 2000 and 2008 US Census. 1.3. Jurisdictional and MS4 Service Areas: Municipal: 1.60 square miles; Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: n/a 1.4. MS4 Conveyance System: The Town of Ranlo Stormwater System includes drainage infrastructure such as inlets, basins, manholes, pipes, culverts, ditches and swales. Per Town Ordinance, all new Town streets constructed by private developers must have curb and gutter stormwater systems. The Town currently requires structural BMP's to restrict or slow stormwater runoff, and allow for removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The system is maintained by the Town's Streets Department, which is housed in the Public Works Department. The stormwater system for state maintained roads is managed by NCDOT. Town staff provides maintenance to the Town System by the following methods: • Open Channel / Ditch -line Maintenance — Operation includes cleaning, clearing and restoration of open ditch -lines within the Town rights -of -way. Providing riprap stabilization and seed/grass measures are commonly used to correct, minimize and control erosion issues in these areas. • Drainage Pipe Maintenance -- Town Staff provides pipe installation for property owners desiring to pipe areas within the public right of ways. Other related work may include; catch -basin construction, catch -basin and pipe cleaning, catch -basin and pipe repair, erosion control measures and spill hazard response. • Sweeping — The City provides curb -sweeping service for removal of trash, litter and other debris. Additionally, they may respond to emergency situations possibly involving hazardous substances. • Litter / Dead Animal Collection — This activity includes the removal of trash, debris and dead animals from City maintained streets, parking lots and walkways. • Leaf Collection — The City has (2) two options for leaf collection services for its residents. Citizens may bag their leaves in clear bags or rake loose leaves to the curb or ditch -line boundaries to receive vacuum service. Residents are asked to keep ditch -lines free of leaves at all times. • The city employs (3) Full -Time positions for system maintenance. The system is inspected yearly for maintenance problems and cleaned following rain events. 1.5. Land Use Composition Estimates: Residential: 88.9 % Commercial: 1.4 % Industrial: 7.4 % Open Space: 2.3 % 1.6. Estimate Methodology: The land use composition estimates were calculated from the County's Geographic Information System zoning land use data layer. The open space estimate is composed of Town maintained parks and Open Space maintained by various homeowners associations. 1.7. TMDL Identification: There are no known TMDL allocations for any receiving streams within the MS4 service area. 2. Receiving Streams Table 1. Catawba River Basin Receiving Stream Name Stream Segment Water Quality Classification Use Support Rating Water Quality Issues Burton Branch n/a n/a n/a n/a Houser's Branch n/a n/a n/a n/a N/A denotes that data was not available 3. Existing Water Quality Programs 3.1. Local Programs: 3.1.1 Interlocal agreement with Gaston County — Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance 3.1.2 Interlocal agreement with Gaston County — Water supply watershed regulations, and watershed management plan. The purpose of these regulations is to regulate the development and land use density in order to limit water supply watershed exposure to non -point source discharge and pollution. This effort is a proactive approach, rather than a reactive, to assure a clean, safe and healthy water supply. 3.1.3 Interlocal agreement with Gaston County — Stormwater Ordinance 3.2. State Programs: NIA 4.1. Responsible Party Contact List: See Appendix A (pg. 17) for a list of each measurable goal sorted by measure. Contact information for responsible parties is listed below. BMP Contact Person Position Phone # Fax # Email Address BMP's and Measurable Goals for Public Education and Outreach 1 Prepare stormwater brochures for distribution by the Bill Duston Planning 704/372-2416 704/347-4710 bduston@centralin Town Director CCOG a.or 2 Distribution of stormwater brochures Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks@ Works aol.com 3 Informational Website Bill Duston Planning 704/372-2416 704/347-4710 bduston@centralin Director CCOG a.or 4 Distribution of storm drain marking kits Bill Duston Planning 704/372-2416 704/347-4710 bduston@centralin Director CCOG a.or 5 Installation of storm drain marking kits Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks@ Works aol.com 6 1 Producing videos on stormwater education, aired on Bill Duston Planning 704/372-2416 704/347-4710 bduston@centralin WCNC I Director CCOG a.or BMP's and Measurable Goals for Public Involvement and Participation Construction of innovative stormwater Bill Duston Planning 704/372-2416 704/347-4710 bduston@centralin demonstration pLojects Director CCOG a.or BMP's and Measurable Goals for Illicit Discharge and Elimination 1 Develop and distribute fact sheets for public Chuck Webb Town 704/824-3461 704/824-3423 Webb777@aol.com education program on illicit connections and spill Administrator management. 2 Train employees on how to inspect for illicit Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks@ connections and establish a tracking system for Works aol.com managing reported problem areas. 3 Coordinate with local wastewater program on Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 7041824-3423 ranlopublicworks@ identification of potential cross connections between Works aol.com sanitary sewer and storm sewers. 4 Prepare inventory of stormwater structures and a Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks@ system map showing outfalls and the receiving Works aol.com water bodies BMP's and Measurable Goals for Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 1-TRely on existing measures implemented through Joseph Alm Administrator 704/922-4181 704/922-2157 jdalm@@co.gaston Gaston Coun nc.us BMP's and Measurable Goals for Post Construction Storm Water Mana ement in New Development and Redevelopment 1 Rely on existing measures implemented through Joseph Alm Administrator 704/922-4181 704/922-2157 jdalm@@co.gaston Gaston County nc.us BMP's and Measurable Goals for Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations BMP Contact Person Position Phone # Fax # Email Address 1 Develop training materials on pollution prevention for Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks public facilities, using existing materials gathered from Works @aol.com other organizations or creating new tools as needed. Educate all employees annually on the need for controls to protect stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants. 2 Provide training for those employees that maintain the Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks drainage system with the focus on disposal of Works @aol.com floatables, grit, sediment, and other pollutants removed from the system. 3 Provide training to employees that manage and apply Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks chemicals for control of dust, pests, vermin, and Works @aol.com weeds and/or are used to enhance the growth or condition of public urban landscape and recreation facilities. Training will target the safe and effective application, storage and disposal of chemicals used. 4 Annually inspect vehicle washing operations to ensure Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks that they are in good working order and that they Works @aol.com minimize exposure of stormwater to chemicals and other liquids. 5 Develop standard operating procedures for various Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks facilities and/or operations such as street sweeping Works @aol.com activities and parking lot (garage) maintenance activities to ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. 5 Evaluate your procedures for managing trash and Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks garbage collection to ensure that exposure of Works @aol.com contaminant materials is minimized. 7 Evaluate spill response program for in-house activities Craig Roseberry Director of Public 704/824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks as well as community response and adjust as needed Works @aol.com to ensure highest potential for minimizing impacts on stormwater. 8 Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other Craig Roseberry Director of Public 7041824-4013 704/824-3423 ranlopublicworks potentially hazardous materials and ensure that Works @aol.com limited but sufficient quantity of items are on hand to minimize risk of spill or contamination of stormwater. 4.2. Or 4.3. Signing Official: Authorized Representative: Mayor Name: Steve Alexander The Mayor is designated by resolution adopted by the Town Board as the signing official. 6. Reliance on other government entity to satisfy one or more permit obligations 6.L Organization: Gaston County 6.2. Element to be Implemented: 6.2.1 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance 6.2.2 Water supply watershed regulations 6.3. Contact Information for the Responsible Party: • Name: William D. Beasley, Asst. County Manager • Address: 212 W. Main Street, Gastonia, NC 28053-1578 • Phone Number: 704-866-3194 6.4. Legal Agreement: Yes, lnterlocal Agreement. See Appendix "A". Stormwater Management Program Plan 7.1. Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts 7.1.1. BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B for the details on the following BMP's: ➢ 0 Distribute stormwater brochures through Town Hall. ➢ ❑ Informational website hosted by Centralina Council of Governments. ➢ ❑ Establish Town web page for informational links. ➢ ❑ Statewide program for education. ➢ ❑ Storm grate stenciling/identification. ➢ 0 Advertising campaign using videos shown on local news channel, WCNC. 7.1.2. Target Audience: The target audience for this measure will be households, businesses, and industries. Efforts will be made to target materials to school age children, the general public, and Town employees. Materials will also be created to focus on different types of uses, such as residential, commercial, and industrial. 7.1.3. Target Pollutant Sources: ➢ ❑ Trash: An accumulation of trash and debris can clog storm sewer pipes, creating hazards for vehicles, pedestrians, and homes. ➢ ❑ Sediment: Sediment removal reduces sedimentation of waterways and improves water quality for aquatic life, recreational uses, and drinking water supplies. ➢ ❑ Car Washing: Car washing can introduce pollutants into the storm sewer system and is normally done under conditions where the runoff is not diluted. ➢ ❑ Disposal of Household Chemicals and used Oil: Improper disposal of chemicals and oil degrades waterways and water quality. ➢ ❑ Application of Lawn Care Products: Overuse and improper application of lawn products poses risks to the natural environment, as well as people and animals. ➢ ❑ Fecal Coliform: Point and non -point pollution sources can increase levels of fecal coliform in a waterway. 7.1.4. Outreach Program: The Town of Ranlo's approach for the outreach program will use different methods to distribute information and inform the public. Initially, outreach efforts will focus on mailers, flyers, and brochures, and video spotlights on WCNC to make the public aware of the stormwater program. Outreach efforts will also include developing the Town's website that will include general stormwater information and email links to report violations. 7.1.5. Decision Process: The overall purpose of the Town of Ranlo stormwater plan is to provide a solid foundation of information for the public over the next five years. Tile Town has not had a comprehensive stormwater program and these BMP's represent the initial steps in starting a program. Due to the extensiveness of the changes that are required, the Town is not prepared to deal with all aspects of stormwater management simultaneously. However, the approach outlined in this application represents progressive steps designed to build on each other. It also allows for an evaluation of the BMP's effectiveness and the ability to make adjustments as needed. This approach will also accommodate any future revisions to the final stormwater rules that will be adopted by the State. 7.1.6. Evaluation: The effectiveness of these measures will be evaluated on an annual basis through a review of the number of materials developed and distributed. Additionally, the number of contacts through the website and email will be tracked to document the impact that the materials are having on the public. 7.2. Public Involvement and Participation 7.2.1. BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B (pg. 30) for the details on the following BMP's. ➢ ❑ Hold public hearing for stormwater permit application. 7.2.2. Target Audience: The target audience will be the general public. 7.2.3. Participation Program: A public hearing is to be scheduled by the Town allowing the general public to comment on the Stormwater Permit Application and Management Program. Public hearing notices are drafted by Town Staff and forwarded to a local weekly newspaper for publication. All legal notices are published for two consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing date. Notification of the meeting will be posted at Town Hall. 7.2.4. Decision Process: The public hearing process was chosen because it gives any interested party an opportunity to comment on proposed regulations. A public hearing also ensures that the elected officials have an opportunity to hear comments directly from the public. 7.2.5. Evaluation: The effectiveness will be evaluated by holding a public hearing in compliance with State and Local requirements. 7.3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 7.3.1. BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B (pg. 30) for the details on the following BMP's. ➢ ❑ Develop and distribute fact sheets for public education program on illicit connections and spill management. ❑ Train employees on how to inspect for illicit connections and establish a tracking system for managing reported problem areas. ❑ Coordinate with local wastewater program on identification of potential cross connections between sanitary sewer and storm sewers. ❑ Identify responsible party within organization to manage follow up and enforcement actions. 7.3.2. Storm Sewer System Map: The Town currently has a comprehensive map of the stormsewer system dated 2009, shown as Appendix "C". A detailed survey including structure characteristics, location, and any maintenance issues was performed in 2009. All maps are available through Ranlo Town Hall for review and comment. 7.3.3. Regulatory Mechanism: The Town has entered into an interlocal agreement with Gaston County, and has enforced a resolution to adopt the "Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance". Town Staff will also develop procedures to identify problem areas and trace it to the source. 7.3.4. Enforcement: The Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance allows for enforcement actions to be initiated for stormwater violations, as determined by the Stormwater Administrator. At a minimum the methodology will involve notification of the property owner, establishing a remediation period, and issuance of fines as needed. 7.3.5. Detection and Elimination: The Town's proposed approach to detect and eliminate illicit discharges will start with a general evaluation of the stormsewer system. The evaluations will primarily be conducted during prolonged dry periods during the summer months. Once the preliminary evaluation is complete a more detailed investigation of the stormsewer system will be conducted. Once discharges are detected enforcement actions will taken. Procedures for locating priority areas: The Town will use several different methods to identify illicit connections. First, dry weather evaluations of stormsewer outfalls will be conducted to identify problems areas. Second, on -site inspections of industries and businesses will be conducted on an as -needed basis. These inspections will be coordinated through existing inspections programs in various Town Departments. Third, the general public will be provided with reporting mechanisms to notify Town personnel of illicit connections. The Town will also train employees to identify illicit connections and report possible violations to appropriate staff members. Additional detection methods will be evaluated during the permit cycle and changes will be made as needed. Procedures for removing the source of the illicit discharge: The Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance specifies the procedures and authority to eliminate an illicit connection or discharge. The ordinance gives Town employees the right to perform on - site inspections, grant right -of -entry powers, outline corrective actions, and specifies procedures for issuing fines and citations. Procedures for evaluation of illicit connection and discharge component: A stormwater advisory group composed of designated Town employees will evaluate the program on an annual basis. The group will evaluate the suggested BMP's for that year and determine whether they were met. If the goals of the suggested BMP's are not fulfilled the group will decide whether to devise a new strategy for the BMP, modify the implementation method, or extend the time frame for the strategy. 7.3.6. Non Stormwater Discharges: Water line flushing: Allowable Landscape irrigation: Allowable Diverted stream flows: Allowable Rising ground waters: Allowable Uncontaminated ground water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR §35.2005(20)): Allowable Uncontaminated pumped ground water: Allowable Discharges from potable water sources: Allowable Foundation drains: Allowable Air conditioning condensation: Allowable Irrigation water: Allowable Springs: Allowable Water from crawl space pumps: Allowable Footing drains: Allowable Lawn watering: Allowable Individual residential car washing: Allowable Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands: Allowable Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges: Allowable Street wash water: Allowable 7.3.7. Outreach: The Town will inform the public about the hazards of illicit connections and illegal dumping through the methods discussed in the Public Education component. As for Town employees, this information will be integrated into training programs. 7.3.8. Decision Process: The program approach for illicit discharge detection and elimination was developed by reviewing IDDE A Guidance Manual for Program Development and Technical Assessments. It was determined that inspections would need to be coordinated with other Town Departments. From these inspections corrective measures would be initiated and followed up by designated staff members. It was determined that outreach activities should be combined with the public education program. 7.3.9. Evaluation. The success of the program will be evaluated on meeting the proposed deadlines and finding and correcting illicit discharges into the stormsewer system. The measurable goals for each BMP are listed in the BMP Summary Table. 7.4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 7.4.1 BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B (pg. 30) for the details on the following BMP's. ➢ Rely on existing measures implemented through Gaston County. 7.5. Post -Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment 7.5.1. BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B (pg. 30) for the details on the following BMP's. ❑ Interlocal agreement with Gaston County "Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance" for development and redevelopment of properties meeting the minimum criteria established by NCDENR. ➢ Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance requires assurance of long-term maintenance of on -site structures. An operations and maintenance plan is to be recorded on a plat, as well as specifying financial responsibility for the maintenance 7.5.2. Non -Structural BMPs: The following non-structural BMP's have been adopted by the Town. The Town of Ranlo Development Ordinance allows for voluntary open space set -asides in certain residential zoning districts. If a developer chooses this option they are allowed smaller lots sizes and widths, as well as reductions in applicable acreage fees. Landscaping Ordinance requires all new non-residential developments to provide on -site landscaping. 7.5.3 Structural BMPs: The Town currently has an Interlocal agreement in place with Gaston County; thereby granting plan review and approval, as well as enforcement of the adopted County Ordinance to Gaston County 7.5.4 Regulatory Mechanism: The mechanism the Town will use to enforce post -construction run-off controls will be the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance, which became effective July 1, 2007. 7.5.5 Operation and Maintenance: All long-term maintenance activities will be the responsibility of the property owner or a homeowner's association. Gaston County staff members will be responsible for receiving annual maintenance inspection reports from a qualified professional. The Town will establish a reporting, notification, and enforcement mechanism for corrective action in its ordinance. 7.5.6 Decision Process: To meet this requirement Town staff reviewed current Town Ordinances and determined that an interlocal agreement was needed to ensure that structural BMP's would meet or exceed State requirements. Priority Areas: One of the priority areas in Ranlo is property adjoining Hauser's Branch, which runs through the jurisdiction. The Creek is a refuge to "Magnolia macrophylla" a rare tree (but not endangered) which is only found in a few areas in North Carolina. 95% of all the wild magnolia trees are found in Gaston County. Specific Concerns: Ranlo's program will have to address residential development, due to the high percentage of new residential dwellings, within the jurisdiction, as well as the potential for expanded growth. 7.5.7 Evaluation: These measurable goals require the interlocal agreement with Gaston County. Once these revisions have been completed each measure will be evaluated for its effectiveness on an annual basis. Included in this evaluation will be an internal review of record keeping for post - construction controls by the Public Works Director or his designee. 7.6 Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations 7.6.1 BMP Summary Table: See Appendix B (pg. 30) for the details on the following BMP's. ➢ Develop training materials on pollution prevention for public facilities, using existing materials gathered from other organizations or creating new tools as needed. Educate employees on the need for controls to protect stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants. ➢ Provide training for those employees that maintain the drainage system with a focus on disposal of floatables, grit, sediment, and other pollutants removed from the system. ➢ Provide training to employees that manage and apply chemicals for control of dust, pests, vermin, and weeds and/or are used to enhance the growth or condition of public urban landscape and recreation facilities. Training will target the safe and effective application, storage and disposal of chemicals used. ➢ Annually inspect vehicle washing operations to ensure that they are in good working order and that they minimize exposure of stormwater to chemicals, fuels, and other liquids. ➢ Inspect all materials storage facilities to determine priority for reducing exposure to stormwater. ➢ Develop standard operating procedures for various facilities and/or operations such as street sweeping activities and parking lot (garage) maintenance activities to ensure that the greatest reduction of pollutant loading to stormwater that can be achieved. ➢ Evaluate procedures for managing trash and garbage collection to ensure that exposure of contaminant materials is minimized. ➢ Evaluate spill response program for in-house activities as well as community response and adjust as needed to ensure highest potential for minimizing impacts on stormwater. > Maintain inventory of hazardous chemicals and other potentially hazardous materials and ensure that limited but sufficient quantity of items are on hand to minimize risk of spill or contamination of stormwater. 7.6.2 Affected Operations: 9 Public Works Individual NPDES Permitted Operations: ➢ NIA 7.6.3 Training: Municipal employee education will be done by holding training sessions for various Town Departments. Particular emphasis will be placed on the Public Works Department and target street sweeping, chemical application, mowing and clearing activities, and automotive fluid and chemical disposal. Handouts and posters will also be developed to inform other Town Departments about the stormwater program, how to report violations, and good housekeeping measures for municipal operations. 7.6.4 Maintenance and Inspections: The Public Works Department provides street sweeping for Town - maintained streets. The Town also maintains trash receptacles in the downtown area, some Town parking lots, and Town parks. The Town also provides garbage and recycling collection for all "Town residents, with weekly collection. The Town currently does not have a drainage system inspection program, but does clean storm sewer piping on an as needed basis. 7.6.5 Vehicular Operations: Street Sweeper is used on an as needed basis to clean Town maintained parking lots. 7.6.6 Waste Disposal: All waste collected from the storm sewer system is deposited in the Gaston County Landfill. 7.6.7 Flood Management Projects: Flood Management Projects will be evaluated for water quality impacts once a Flood Ordinance is adopted. 7.6.8 Existing ordinances: Town Staff members identified the following ordinances that impact water quality. ➢ General Littering Ordinance - Littering prohibited on any Town street, sidewalk, or public property. ➢ Nuisance Ordinance - Accumulation of junk, trash, and debris on private property is prohibited. Town Garage - All used automotive fluids are stored in containers and disposed of through private contractor; vehicle wash area is connected to sanitary sewer system. 7 Fire Department - Operational Manual lists Hazardous Materials Response Procedures. Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) Plan - Specifies response procedures and reporting for all sanitary sewer overflows. 7.6.9 Decision Process: The pollution prevention plan was developed by reviewing existing policies and ordinances that impact water quality. Important factors considered were the importance of employee training, implementing new BMP's, and documenting current practices that impact water quality. 7.6.10 Evaluation: The measurable goals are to increase the awareness of water quality among all employees and to introduce new BMP's into everyday work activities. The measurable goals will be evaluated through documentation of daily activities and closer monitoring and reporting of chemicals that are used on a daily basis. August 13, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: GASTON COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER 128 W. MAIN AVE. TELEPHONE: (704) 866-3101 P.O. BOX 1578 FAX: ( 960PA-AV ERS OFFICE GASTONIA, NC 28053-1578 1001 AUG 20 A D 38 f Samuel J. Shames Asst. County Attorney S Stormwater Ordinance Enforcement Services With Town of Ranlo Attached is a fully -executed original of the above document. Please send the Vendor the enclosed original. for their file. The County has retained an original signature copy. cc: Wilson L. Bradley III, Finance Director Attachments FEMENIOTODEPARTMENTTHEYSEND Mission statement Gaston County seeks to be among the finest counties in North Carolina. It will provide effective, efrlelent and affordable services leading to a safe, secure and healthy community, an environment for economic growth, and promote a favorable quality of life. GASTON COUNTY P.O. Box 1578 212 W. Main Street Gastonia, NC 28053-1578 April 28, 2003 Mr. Chuck Webb, Town Manager Town of Ranlo 1624 Spencer Mountain Rd. Gastonia, NC 28054 Attorney Prone (704) 866-3194 Fax (704) 866-3972 SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement For Enforcement Services Of Gaston County Soil Erosion And Sedimentation Control Ordinance With The Town Of Ranlo Dear Mr. Webb: Enclosed is a fully -executed original of the above -referenced agreement. The County has retained a copy of this document for its file. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Glenda Jones at the Natural Resources Department at 922-4181. Very truly yours, M, 4 j &&A Kathleen M. Gadd, Assistant County Attorney Attachments FELETTERTOVENDOR TOWN OF RANLO STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RESODUTI+ON T1TLE: RESOLUTION TO AAOPT THE GASTON COUNTY SOIL EROSION AM SWOUNTATION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND APPROVE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEl17[ENT 1V rM GASTON COUNTY TO ENFORCE THE ORDINANCE IN MUNICIPAL B07<.1NDARIES WHEREAS, a major challenge facing our region is the protection of the quality of our water resources in the face of explosive growth; and WHEREAS, construction runoff and urban stormwater are the primary non -point sources of pollution in Gaston County; and WHEREAS, the cost of poor sedimentation control include higher water treatment cost, dredging of intakes and reservoirs, degraded fish populations, and lower real estate values, and WHEREAS, after examining the subject for over a year, the Quality ofNatural Resources Commission presented recommendations at the April 2001 and February 2002 Commissioners Work Sessions for Gaston County to adopt a local erosion and sedimentation control program and for the County's Natural Resources Department to . administer the program; and WHEREAS, Ranlo supports the adoption of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance by the Gaston County Board of Commissioners to enforced by the Gaston, County Natural Resources Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gertz. Star. 153A-122, a city may by resolution permit a county ordinance adopted pursuant to NC statutes to be applicable within the city, and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. 160A-461, any unit of local government in this State may enter into contracts or agreements with each other in order to execute any imdertaking. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of panto adopts the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and approves the Interlocal Agreement with Gaston County to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordinance with the town, farisdictions. RESOLVED this the 1) day of v 42003, Mayor Date ATTEST: Town Clerk SAMPLE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT NORTH CAROLINA INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ENFORCEMENT SERVICES OF GASTON COUNTY GASTON COUNTY SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDINANCE This Agreement made and entered into on the 10 day of T rl I , 2003, by and between GASTON COUNTY a corporate and political body and a subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereafter referred to as "County", and the TpwrA _,a municipal corporation having a charter granted by the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the contractual exercise by one unit of local government for one or more other units of any administrative or governmental power, function, public enterprise, right, privilege, or immunity of local government; and, WHEREAS, the Municipality has requested that the County provide enforcement services within the corporate boundaries of the Municipality for Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen Stat. Chapter 160A, Article 20 upon official request of the governing body of any municipality within the County, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners may by agreement exercise enforcement powers within said municipality and upon such direction may do so until such time as the Municipal governing body officially withdraws its request; and, WHEREAS, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners upon approval of a resolution, and with written notice, may -withdraw the offering of the service to the Municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties hereto that the County through the Gaston County Department of Natural Resources will provide enforcement services for Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance in the corporate limits of the ^ ` Municipality on the terms and conditions set forth below: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions for the Municipality to contract with the County for enforcement services for Gaston County Soil W a Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance inside its corporate limits and to confer to the County the necessary geographical and subject matter jurisdiction to carry out the intent of this Agreement. 2. Term. The term of this Agreement is April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004. This Agreement shall automatically renew each year hereafter for successive one year terms unless terminated as provided hereii. 3. Responsibilities. A. Municipality. The Municipality agrees to: (1) allow the County to retain any fees or fines collected in accordance with the law; (2) defend all claims against it and its employees for incidents that occur prior to the date of this Agreement and indemnify and hold the County harn-dess from any judgments against it and said employees. The County agrees to defend all claims against the Municipality arising out of like incidents that occur from and after the date of this Agreement, and further agrees to indemnify and hold the Municipality hanxrless from any judgments against the Municipality resulting therefrom, unless the County is not at fault. B. Coun . The County through the County Department of Natural Resources agrees to: (1) provide enforcement services for Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance; (2) ' seek civil and criminal enforcement of the law when necessary in the County's discretion; 4. Geographic And Subject Matter Jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina and the United States, the Municipality hereby grants to the County the authority to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance as it now exists or as it may hereinafter be adopted within the Municipality's incorporated area, and the County accepts the authority herein granted and agrees fully and faithfully to perform the duties and responsibilities implied by the acceptance of this grant subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. f 5. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended in writing upon the signature of both parties. No oral agreements or resolutions shall have any effect. 6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement is the only agreement between the parties and contains all the terms agreed upon, and replaces any previous agreements regarding the subject matter. This Agreement has no effect upon enforcement of codes or ordinances not specifically mentioned. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid such decision skull not render the document invalid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate for themselves for their duly authorized officers of the day and year first above written. GASTON COUNTY William D. Beasley, ` Asst. dountv Manager T ST:.. r Martkia M'..- 6'rdari-I.Cle to he Board 4 APPROV-,E10,AS TO FORM: Kathleen M. Gadd, Assisfant County Attorney (NAME O ICIPALITY) By: Mayor ATTEST: Clerk H.•lwpdocslintlocAgreeSo i ]Eros&SedContOrd.wpd County of Gaston State of North Carolina RESOLUTION TITLE: GASTON NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT CITY OF RANLO'S ADOPTION OF THE GASTON COUNTY SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL ORDINANCE AND APPROVAL OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the adoption of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance at its meeting held November 14, 2002; and, WHEREAS, the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission at its February 5, 2003 meeting unanimously delegated authority to Gaston County for implementation of -a local Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program effective April 1, 2003; and, WHEREAS, Section 3, Jurisdiction - of the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance directs that "this Ordinance may later be adopted, to also apply within other regions upon proper resolution duly adopted by the governing bodies of the respective regions and the Commissioners." WHEREAS, pursuant to N. C. General Statutes 115A-122, a municipality may by resolution permit a county ordinance adopted pursuant to NC statutes to be applicable within the municipality; and, WHEREAS, pursuantto N. C. General Statutes 160A--461, any unit of local government in this State may enter into contracts or agreementswith each other in order to execute any undertaking; and, WHEREAS, the City of Ranlo adopted the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance and approved the lnterlocal Agreement with Gaston County to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control ordinance within the city jurisdictions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Gaston County Board of Commissioners enters into the Intedocal Agreement with the City of Ranlo to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance within the municipality's jurisdictions. IT F PESOL NO J U) m R MER RESOLVED that the County Attomey is authorized to draft any necessary contracts and o the County Manager[Designee is authorized to execute said contracts on behalf of Gaston County. o DA T€ 0 M1 M2 CARPENMR FLOYD KEIGHER LOFTIS PRICE TORBETT WRIGHT VOTE 165 1 0 5/8/2003 DL TK U • Glenda Jones, Natural Resources; Chuck Moore, County Attorney; Ron Courtney, Finance; Michael Halford, Budget/Purchasing, A=AYE, N-NAY, AB=ABSENT, ABS=ABSTAIN, U=UNANIMOUS CONTRACT CONTROL COVER SHEET Contract 'ride: 11..Qn4AoW_ V,r 0Y'd inane Department: Department Director Sign -Off AUKti 9 pr Vendor: -To" in L_ml r, Vendor Address: 1(O o� M4;n '. - Address City State Zip Vendor's Contact Person & Phone bC.a- — (.) - - ALL AGREEMENTS WII.L BE RETURNED TO TILE ORIGINATING DEPARTM 04T FOR ROUTING — Contract/Agreement Funded Through: ( ) Federal Grantor % ( ) State Grantor % ( ) Local Funds % ( ) Other % Responsible for payment of contract/agreement: Department Name Account Number: Project Number Fund Dept Subdept Division Account Subaect Total Cash outlay/capped amount: Frequency of Payments: ( ) Monthly ( } Quarterly ( ) Annual ( ) Progress Billing ( ) Other: CouXact/Agreement For: ( &4 Service ( ) Equipment ( } Other: Con act/Agreement is: ( WNew ( ) Renewal —Original Contract # _ ( )Amendment -Original Contract # Effective Date* V I ogzd-7 Termination Notice te: Expiration Date: Special Instructions: Record Retention Date: (Date by which agreement may be destroyed) DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE County Attorney's Use Only: Date Approved as to form: _ V y: Routed for Approval and Signature: Finance Director for Pre -Audit Certification: County Manager for Signature: By: �J u By: (Date) (Date) Clerk to the Board of Commissioners: By: (Date) Contract Control No. /BOO 7--- 5QQ ? NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR ENFORCEMENT SERVICES OF GASTON COUNTY STORMWATER ORDINANCE This Agreement made and entered into on the 16th day of ME �3 2007, by and between GASTON COUNTY a corporate and political body and a subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereafter referred to as "County", and the Town of Ranlo, a municipal corporation having a charter granted by the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes authorizes the contractual exercise by one unit of local government for one or more other units of any administrative or governmental power, function, public enterprise, right, privilege, or immunity of local government; and, WHEREAS, the Municipality has requested that the County provide enforcement services within the corporate boundaries of the Municipality for Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen Stat. Chapter 160A, Article 20 upon official request of the governing body of any municipality within the County, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners may by agreement exercise enforcement powers within said municipality and upon such direction may do so until such time as the Municipal governing body officially withdraws its request; and, WHEREAS, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners upon approval of a resolution, -and with written notice, may withdraw the offering of the service to the Municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties hereto that the County through the Gaston County Department of Natural Resources will provide enforcement services for Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance in the corporate limits of the Municipality on the terms and conditions set forth below: L Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the terms and conditions for the Municipality to contract with the County for enforcement services for Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance inside its corporate limits and to confer to the County the necessary geographical and subject matter jurisdiction to carry out the intent of this Agreement. 2. Term. The term of this Agreement is July I, 2007 through June 30, 2008. This Agreement shall automatically renew each year hereafter for successive one year terms unless terminated as provided herein. 3. Responsibilities. A. Municipality. The Municipality agrees to: (1) allow the County to retain any fees or fines collected in accordance with the law; (2) defend all claims against it and its employees for incidents that occur prior to the date of this Agreement and indemnify and hold the County harmless from any judgments against it and said employees. The County agrees to defend all claims against the Municipality arising out of like incidents that occur from and after the date of this Agreement, and further agrees to indemnify and hold the Municipality harmless from any judgments against the Municipality resulting therefrom, unless the County is not at fault. B. Count The County through the County Department of Natural Resources agrees to: N O O 4 N CD 00 0 r (1) provide enforcement services for Gaston County Storrnwater Ordinance; (2) seek civil and criminal enforcement of the law when necessary in the County's discretion; 4. Geographic And Subject Matter Jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by the laws of the State of North Carolina and the United States, the Municipality hereby grants to the County the authority to enforce the Gaston County Stonnwater Ordinance as it now exists or as it may hereinafter be adopted within the Municipality's incorporated area, and the County accepts the authority herein granted and agrees fully and faithfully to perform the duties and responsibilities implied by the acceptancc of this grant subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 5. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended in writing upon the signature of both parties. No oral agreements or resolutions shall have any effect. 6. Entire Agreement: This Agreement is the only agreement between the parties and contains all the terms agreedupon, and replaces any previous agreements regarding the subject matter. This Agreement has no effect upon enforcement of codes or ordinances not specifically mentioned. If any part of this Agreement is held invalid such decision shall not render the document invalid. IN WITNESS WBEREOP, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate for themselves, for tteir'duly, authorized officers of the day and year first above written. ,. GASTON COUNTY By_J \ oY1l ! ! PhiUip fonder, Asst. County 14mager ATTEST: 1 .. to ED AS TO Sam Shames Assistant County Attorney TOWN OF By. � Ij d& Mayor ATTEST: YVL- Clerk File: Stormweterinterlocal Agrecment.mw Town of Ranto State of [North Carolina RESOLUTION TITLE: RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE GASTON COUNTY STORMWATER ORDINANCE AND APPROVE THE iNTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH GASTON COUNTY TO ENI ORCIE THE ORDINANCE IN MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES WHEREAS, a major challenge fai*ig our region is the protection of the quality of our water resources in the face of explosive growth; and WHEREAS, construction runoff and urban stwmwater are the primary non -point sources of pollution in Gaston County; and WHEREAS, the ccsts of poor stormwater oor)trol Include higher water treatment costs, degraded fish populations, and lower real estate values; and WHEREAS, aftr examining the subject for over a year, the Quality of Natural Resources Commission at their March 2007, voted to recommend that Gaston County adapt a local stormwater control program and for the County's Natural Resource Department to administer the program; and WHERsrAS, (mod wo m"�'Wl supports the adoptlon of the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance by the Gaston Gourtty Board of Commissioners to be enforced by the Gaston County Natural Resources Department; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stet. §153A 122, a city may by resolution permit a county ordinance adapted pursuant to NC st9bites to be applicable within the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C. Gan_ Star §150A-461, any unit of local government in this State may enter Into contracts or agreements with earn other In order to exewte any undertak[ng_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ranh adopts the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance and approves the interl=i Agreement with Gaston County to enforce the Gaston County Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control Ordnance within the city jurisdictions. RESOLVED this the day of , 2007. 5-!(P,O 7 May r Date 7TTEST: /11 h `may y� Y� 7 City Clerk Dwe 1151' RECORDING FEE RESOLUTION TITLE: iinN�m�yama����umiauum�ini Doc Id: 011964110019 Type: ORD Recorded: 07/31/2007 at 03:54:26 PM Fee Amt: $0.00 Pape i of 19 Instr# 200700005539 Gaston, NG Susan S. Lockrldpe Register of Deeds 13K9 PG790_808 NATURAL RESOURCES -- ADOPTION OF THE GASTON COUNTY STORMWATER ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on April 12, 2007, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners adopted the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance per Resolution 2007-148' to be submitted to North Carolina Environmental Management Commission; and, WHEREAS, the changes have been submitted to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission for its approval and said approval was granted on July 12, 2007as set forth In the attached document; and, WHEREAS, to complete the process, per North Carolina General Statutes, the Gaston County Board of Commissioners is required to adopt the ordinance as approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Gaston County Board of Commissioners: 1) Rescinds the Gaston County Stonnwater Ordinance adopted on April 12, 2007; 2) Adoptsthrr attached Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance pursuantto North Carolina General Statutes and as approved by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission; 3) This Ordinance is effective upon its adoption; 4) The Clerk to the Board is required to forward the Ordinance to the Register of Deeds to be officially registered. DO NOT TYPE BELOW THIS LINE I, Martha M. Jordan, Clerk to the County Commipsion, do hereby certify that the above by the Board of Commissioners as follows: [ 111A , NU. DR 7'E Mf M2 2007-271 7/26/2007 TK PF cARPENTER FLOYD KEIGHIER BROWN El A7SIMBUTION. Susan Locltrldge, Register of Deeds; Municipal Code Corporation; DwMare Users A-AYF� N=NAY, AOMBSSNr. ABS=ABVA1N, I=JNANIMOW HISTORY OF THE REGIONAL STORMWATER PARTNERSHIP ❑ In December 2006, Centralina Council of Governments (COG) convened a meeting in Harrisburg for the purpose of forming a regional stormwater partnership to promote good stormwater practices around the region and applying for a Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) grant application to help fund the Partnership. The Partnership, open to all communities in the region, would focus on those communities who were designated as either Phase I or II stormwater communities by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission. In attendance at the meeting were representatives from WCNC Channel 36, a Charlotte television station that, through an existing partnership with Charlotte -Mecklenburg Storm Water Services, was airing videos on stormwater-related matters. Letters of support for forming and financially supporting the Partnership were received from over 1S communities that attended. ❑ In March 2007, COG submitted a CWMTF application for $251,039. Grant funds were to be used to: • Purchase stormwater grate identification supplies • Purchase "Adopt -A -Stream" supplies • Conduct Quarterly Partnership workshops • Conduct an advertising campaign for the Partnership using billboards, television videos, and a website • Publishing stormwater brochures for distribution to local governments • Implementing two stormwater demonstration projects • Conduct surveys of the region's population to determine their awareness of stormwater related issues. ❑ COG was notified in Fall 2007 that the CWMTF grant application had been approved. The grant agreement was executed between the two entities in January 2008. The grant award was for $121,000. Grant funds were to be used for all of the above activities except (1) Surveys and (2) Advertising. ❑ Eighteen local governments initially became members of the Partnership and committed to funding the Partnership for at least two years. Dues amounts, based on population, ranged from approximately $170-$33,000 per year. Members of the Partnership included: 11 P a g e City of Belmont City of Bessemer City Cabarrus County City of Charlotte City of Cherryville Town of China Grove City of Concord Town of Cramerton Town of Dallas Gaston County Town of Harrisburg Town of Indian Trail Town of Landis Mecklenburg County City of Mount Holly Town of Ranlo Town of Stallings (NOTE: The Town of Stanley was an original member of the Partnership, but withdrew from the Partnership effective July 1, 2008.) ❑ The first Partnership workshop took place in February 2008 at the Belmont campus of Gaston College. Workshops have since taken place on a quarterly basis with speakers brought in to talk about a variety of stormwater related issues relevant to the Partnership communities. The Partnership also formed an Executive Committee that meets on a bi-monthly basis. The first Executive Committee meeting was held in March 2008. Executive Committee members include representatives from: City of Charlotte • City of Concord • Gaston County • Town of Harrisburg Town of Indian Trail • Mecklenburg County ❑ Beginning in February 2008, stormwater related videos began being shot in various Partnership communities and aired twice -weekly on WCNC Channel 36. The videos were produced and presented by Daniella Lopez, WCNCs on -air meteorologist. Stormwater related information was also found on WCNCs "Storm Center" webpage. This information included a series of custom-made banners that depicted good stormwater practices, other stormwater and environmental tips, as well as the videos. Weekly videos were produced and aired on WCNC through January 31, 2009. ❑ In May 2008, a subcommittee of the Executive Committee awarded two stormwater demonstration grants, each for $35,000, to the Town of Indian Trail and Gaston County. (NOTE: Indian Trail later rescinded its grant award and the funds were then awarded to the City of Charlotte.) Both awards were contingent on local match funds being provided. The City of Charlotte project involves construction of a bio-retention facility at Park Road Park; the Gaston County project involves construction of a bio-retention facility at Southwest Middle School in Gastonia. ❑ Representatives from the Partnership and COG developed a brochure, designed for distribution to the general public, which outlined the work of the Partnership as well as promoting good stormwater practices. Ten -thousand (10,000) brochures were produced and distributed to Partnership communities in October 2008. ❑ In November 2008, over $13,000 in Adopt -A -Stream and stormwater grate identification supplies were ordered and distributed to Partnership communities. Supplies distributed included: Adopt -A -Stream • Signs (custom-made for Partnership communities): 13 • Gloves: 306 pairs • Trash Bags: 120 • Waders:52 Storm Grate Identification • Markers:3058 • Adhesive Tubes: 174 • Safety Vests: 319 ❑ A digital billboard began displaying four different stormwater messages in December 2008 for a period of eight weeks. The billboard is located in a prominent location on 1-85 in McAdenville, NC. The billboard space was donated by Pharr Yarns, Inc. The billboard messages were produced on a gratis basis by Adams Outdoor Advertising. ❑ The Partnership authorized COG to enter into contract with Media Power Advertising (MPA), an advertising agency, in January 2009. MPA subsequently negotiated contracts with four local 3 1 P a g e � �� radio stations to have Partnership promotional spots aired from February -June 2009. The four stations include WFAE (90.7 FM), WKQC (104.7 FM), WQLS (106.1 FM) and WGSP (102.3 FM). The latter two stations cater to the Hispanic market and spots aired on those stations are being produced in Spanish. Additional radio spots are being aired in association with traffic reports on six different AM and FM radio stations. In total, nearly 1200 radio spots will be aired. 4 1 P a g e BMP's and Measurable Goals for Public Education and Outreach BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection Criteria YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position 1 Draft articles for annual Distribute annual Town Households, Business & Industry X X X X X Town newsletter newsletter to all utility billing Town prints newsletter annually. Valuable Administrator customers. Include articles in the resource for informing citizens of Town newsletter that targets a specific activities, events, and programs. stormwater problem and how citizens and businesses can reduce their impacts. Track the number of articles or inserts included in the newsletter. 2 Distribute stormwater Distribute brochures through Households X X X X Town brochures through displays at Ranlo Town Hall. Town Hall is a central location for reaching Administrator Town Hall Include information on steps to a diverse group of citizens spanning all reduce pollution sources social and economic backgrounds. Also including proper disposal of used provides a neutral environment for oil and toxic materials, public disseminating information. reporting of illicit discharges and awareness of nutrient and fecal coliform issues. Track the number of brochures distributed at Town Hall. 3 Informational Website Develop and maintain an internet Households, Business & Industry X X X X Town Town webpage Website. Provide information on Many businesses and homes have access Administrator water quality, stormwater to the internet and use this resource as an pollutants and ways to minimize aid in obtaining information them, municipal stormwater projects and activities. Also provide contacts for reporting and questions. Add a counter to record number of users. Establish Reporting Establish a dedicated email Households X X Town 4 Hotline via email address for communication with A hotline offers the public a resource for Administrator the public. Track number and obtaining information and reporting type of issues. Report annually violations on data gathered and issues addressed. BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection Criteria YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 Responsible Position 5 Statewide Program for Determine if State has Households, Business & Industry, A X X Town Education established a public education statewide program would avoid duplication Administrator program for stormwater of effort by all phase 2 communities in the pollution prevention. Track state. program activities within the community and report annually. 6 Stenciling Program Utilize stenciling program/storm Households, Business & Industry X X X X X Public drain marking kits to involve Storm Drainage structure plaques serve as a WorksDirector students, parents and residents daily reminder to residents, businesses and in Storm Water activities. industries that pollutants entering storm Provide this activity in each drainage system systems ends up in creeks. area of the Town. 2. BMP's and Measurable Goals for Public Involvement and Participation BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection Criteria YR YR YR YR YR Responsible 1 2 3 4 5 Position/Part 1 Hold Public Hearing for Conduct a public hearing Households, Business & Industry N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Town Stormwater Permit presenting the stormwater Valuable mechanism for informing citizens Administrator Application program. Include affidavit of of Town activities and programs. publication with application See Appendix A pg. 20). 3. BMP's and Measurable Goals for Illicit Discharge and Elimination BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection YR YR YR YR YR Responsible Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Position/ Party 1 Develop and distribute fact Prepare a fact sheet and distribute copies to General Public X X X X X Public Works sheets for public education Ranlo Town Hall, and Fire Department for Public Library accessible to a Director program on illicit connections public distribution. Fact sheets will focus on wider audience. and spill management. illicit connections and spill management. Note date completed and number of copies placed for distribution. This element will be combined with the Public Education component. 2 Train employees on how to Develop program in years 1 and 2 and Town Employees X X X X X Public Works inspect for illicit connections and implement in year 3. Provide materials to all Town employees are a constant Director establish a tracking system for employees in the Town on illicit connections, presence and travel throughout managing reported problem how to recognize them, and develop a the Town. areas. reporting procedure. Note training method and number of employees trained. Summarize in annual report. 3 Utilize local email hotline set up Maintain log emails. Note the numbers that General Public X X Town under Public Involvement are related to illicit connections. Set up in A hotline offers the public an Administrator Program for public reporting of Year 4 and report annually. easy mechanism for reporting illicit connections. possible violations. BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection YR YR YR YR YR Responsible Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Position/ Party 4 Coordinate with local wastewater Using system map, review with wastewater Town Employees X X X Public Works program on identification of staff potential cross connections and place Wastewater program may Director potential cross connections on hot spot list to be included in inspection identify illicit discharges and between sanitary sewer and program. Report annually on the number of connections. storm sewers. potential cross connections sites and disposition of those found. 5 Identify responsible party within Establish enforcement standard operating Town Employee X X X Public Works organization to manage follow up procedures in Year 3 (three) and report on Ensures consistency in Director and enforcement actions. enforcement actions in each annual report. reporting Provide SOP in first annual report. 6 Develop system map showing The Town of Ranlo has completed the Town Employees X Public Works outfalls and the receiving Mapping System. The map notes outfalls Town employees are a constant Director bodies of water. The existing and receiving bodies of water for each presence and travel throughout system has been mapped as outfall. System changes will be updated as the Town. of 2009. The Town will they occur.. update any system changes within the already mapped areas, as they occur. 4. BMP's and Measurable Goals for Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection YR YR YR YR I YR I Responsible Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Position/ Party Rely on existing measures All plan approvals and enforcement actions Developers and Contractors X X X X X Gaston County L implemented through Gaston will be conducted by Gaston County All land disturbing activities over I Environmental I County 1 acre are impacted Review Board 5. BMWs and Measurable Goals for Post Construction Storm Water Management in New Development and Redevelopment BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/selection YR YR YR YR YR Responsible Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Position/ Party 1 Rely on existing measures All plan approvals and enforcement actions Households, Developers, and X X X X X Public Works implemented through Gaston will be conducted by Gaston County Contractors Director County Post -construction measures will have a significant impact on many construction projects. 6. BMP's and Measurable Goals for Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection Criteria YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 Responsible Position/ Parity 1 Develop training materials on Develop program in years 1 and 2 and begin Town Employees X X X X X Public Works pollution prevention for public in Year 3 (three) to educate all employees All employees need to be aware Director facilities, using existing materials on clean water issues and on workplace of stormwater issues and know gathered from other responsibilities to reduce or eliminate where to direct any questions organizations or creating new pollutants from stormwater. Maintain from citizens. tools as needed. Educate all program annually and report on number of employees annually on the need employees trained and subjects covered. for controls to protect stormwater from exposure to potential pollutants. 2 Provide training for those Develop program in years 1 and 2 and Public Works Employees X X X X X Public Works employees that maintain the beginning in Year 3 (three) provide training (Stormsewer Maintenance) Director drainage system with the focus to all employees who maintain the drainage Employees that maintain the on disposal of floatables, grit, system with a focus on floatable, grit, stormsewer system need to sediment, and other pollutants sediment, and disposal of pollutants know of new ordinances that removed from the system. removed from the drainage system. Report impact daily activities. annually on number of employees trained and subjects covered. BMP Measurable Goals Target YR YR YR YR YR Responsible Audience/Selection 1 2 3 4 5 Position/ Criteria Party 3 Provide training to employees Develop in years 1 and 2 and beginning in Public Works Employees X X X X X Public Works that manage and apply chemicals Year 3 (three), provide training to all (Property Maintenance) Director for control of dust, pests, vermin, employees who manage and apply chemicals Employees that apply and weeds and/or are used to to address safe storage, application and chemicals need to know enhance the growth or condition disposal of residual chemicals. Repeat training proper handling and of public urban landscape and annually throughout the permit. Report on dispensing procedures. recreation facilities. Training will number of employees trained and subjects target the safe and effective covered. application, storage and disposal of chemicals used. 4 Annually inspect vehicle washing Begin annual inspection in Year 2 (two) and Public Works Employees X X X X Public Works and operations to ensure that document findings and actions taken to Employees that maintain Director they are in good working order address any problems identified. Report on vehicle washing areas need and that they minimize exposure finding in annual permit report. to know ordinances that of stormwater to chemicals, impact these work areas. fuels and her liquids. 5 Inspect all materials storage Initiate inspection of material storage facilities Public Works Employees X X X X Public Works facilities to determine priority for in Year 2 (two) and establish priorities for Improper materials storage Director reducing exposure to addressing issues identified. Address corrective could introduce contaminants stormwater. activity in next fiscal year unless high hazard into the stormsewer system. was identified. Report on number and type of sites inspected and actions taken in each annual report. 6 Evaluate procedures for Beginning in Year 3 (three), evaluate garbage Public Works Employees X X X Public Works managing trash and garbage collection practices to determine if procedures Can identify problems that Director collection to ensure that or equipment adjustments need to be made to may exist with current exposure of contaminant address potential for pollution of stormwater. procedures. materials is minimized. Focus on issues such as spills in the street, hydraulic hose ruptures, customer storage practices. Report on findings and any work Ian that develops as a result. 7 Evaluate spill response program In Year 2 (two) evaluate current spill response Fire {department Employees X X X X Fire Chief for in-house activities as well as practices and determine if adjustments are Ensures that employees community response and adjust needed to reduce the risk of polluting bodies responding to spills protect as needed to ensure highest of water (streams, ponds, lakes, ocean). receiving waters. potential for minimizing impacts Implement recommended changes in Year 3 on stormwater. (three) and report on findings and strategies in annual reports. BMP Measurable Goals Target Audience/Selection Criteria YR 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 Responsible Position/ PartV 8 Maintain inventory of hazardous Beginning in Year I (one), determine if Fire Department Employees X X X X X Fire Chief chemicals and other potentially inventory of hazardous chemicals used by Ensures that chemical handling hazardous materials and ensure the organization has been completed. If not, is done properly. that limited but sufficient complete inventory in same year. Determine quantity of items are on hand to if quantities are appropriate and set up minimize risk of spill or standards for purchasing by end of Year 2 contamination of stormwater. (two)-