HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000400_ANNUAL REPORT_20170104The Development Clearance Certificate is issued when a property owner is updating existing property or for new construction. (Approximately 33 Development Clearance Certificates issued during 2014) • In the annual employee training, employees are educated on pollution prevention for construction sites. Training was held on 8-21-14 — 21 attended. • The Town of Jamestown outsources its watershed and stormwater review by contracting with Westcott, Small & Associates, PLLC . There was 1 review done for 2014. (Lee St./Moore St.) • The Town of Jamestown has adequate legal authority through Town of Jamestown Land Development Ordinance Article 19 Watershed Protection Ordinance — Section 2 — Administration and Procedures • The Town of Jamestown has a Watershed Review Committee that reviews all designs for development and redevelopment for watershed controls. The Town of Jamestown adopted the DWQ BMP Design manual as stated in Article 19 Section 19.11 of the Watershed Protection Ordinance. • The Stormwater Administrator performs periodic inspections of the BMP's within Town. An inventory is maintained of the inspections of the structural stormwater control measures. If maintenance is required by the BMP owner, they are notified in writing and given a specific amount of time to repair the BMP. A re -inspection is then performed. The Town maintains an inventory of the water quality devices located in the Town limits. At present, there are 15 wet detention ponds, 5 bio retention ponds and 3 Stormceptors, 2 Grassed bio-cells and 1 dry detention. Approximately 90% of the inspections are completed for 2014. • The Technical Review Committee requires final plat to record easements allowing the Town the right to enter the area for maintenance and inspection of the BMP. • An educational brochure is given to the owner/contractor when a Development Clearance Certificate is issued. Approximately 33 Development Clearance Certificates issued for year 2014. • To meet post construction stormwater management measures required by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, the Town of Jamestown adopted the North Carolina DWQ Stormwater BMP Manual. • The Town of Jamestown created an inventory of the Town facilities with the objective of reducing pollutant runoff. Employee training is provided to educate the employees of proper operation and practices. Below are listed the facilities and the plans, policies and guidelines created for 2014. • The Town of Jamestown has adequate legal authority through Town of Jamestown Land Development Ordinance Article 19 Watershed Protection Ordinance — Section 2— Administration and Procedures. • The Town of Jamestown has a Watershed Review Committee that reviews all designs for development and redevelopment for watershed controls. The Town of Jamestown adopted the DWQ BMP Design manual as stated in Article 19 Section 19.11 of the Watershed Protection Ordinance. The Stormwater Administrator performs periodic inspections of the BMP's within Town. An inventory is maintained of the inspections of the structural stormwater control measures. If maintenance is required by the BMP owner, they are notified in writing and given a specific amount of time to repair the BMP. A re -inspection is then performed. The Town maintains an inventory of the water quality devices located in the Town limits. At present there are 17 wet detention ponds, 8 bio retention ponds and 2 underground services. Approximately 90% of the inspections are completed for 2013. • The Technical Review Committee requires final plat to record easements allowing the Town the right to enter the area for maintenance and inspection of the BMP. • An educational brochure is given to the owner/contractor when a Development Clearance Certificate is issued. Post Construction stormwoter runoff controlsfordevelopment • To meet post construction stormwater management measures required by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, the Town of Jamestown adopted the North Carolina DWQ Stormwater BMP Manual. • The Town of Jamestown created an inventory of the Town facilities with the objective of reducing pollutant runoff. Employee training is provided to educate the employees of proper operation and practices. Below are listed the facilities and the plans, policies and guidelines created for 2013. Inventory of Facilities Town Hall —301 E. Main St. - Spill Response Plan was created and spill kits were installed including Spill/Release Incident Reporting Forms and site plan. Town Hall BMP's • General Facilities Housekeeping is identified as a BMP. A Facility Prevention Maintenance Inspection Form was created & distributed. Fire Station —301B E. Main St. A Spill Response Plan was created and a spill kit installed. The spill kit included Spill/Release Incident Report Forms.