HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000394_APPLICATION_201105191 14 Ittligg , , 1121 N'� Lake Park 8) Yd. Carolina 8"4* Norl h 0k rolliks 29428 Opcmdons Mpartamit Carolina Beach Lake is an I I acre lake in, located in, the middle of theTown. The average depth ofthe lake eu rent] y i s approximately 2.5 feet. Given it's geographic locationi there is minimal drainage away from the lake. Wa I er level in the I a ke is controlled through the use of a 12 " d iesel-powered pump. There are currently ly two pumps, one primary and one backup; OWever, Manly 011C PUMP can operate n I any gi ven I ime d u e to the reStrid 10T) S of the single 16" discharge line that relays thew terto HenmgcCs, Diteh, An aux i I i ary 6 " diesel -powered pump anti t 0" d i scharge line have been installed on the western end cif the take for use in emergency situations. On average, a one inch rainfall will raise the level of the take by four inches,- This bas been reduced by the installation of the Wilmington Beach Ponds. The main 12" pump at the lake is equipped with an level transducer that keeps the water at level or 4­ below. This allows Im a regular rainfall events. FF0T11 what is referred to as "level', the water level can rise 15 inches before it begins to protrude on( of the lower catch basins iT1 the area. The lowest catch basins in this area are on the castern side, on Highway 42 1. This is where flooding first occurs and where it 'lasts for the longest period afterwa rd s , Four aquatic fountains are used to aerate the water in the lake and provide a better living environment for wildlife. During warm summer months, DO levels drop in response to the wann atmosphere and rainitnal lake depth. One of the main problematic situations is keeping the lake at a manageable depth for water quality and aesthetic purposes, while also managing for any NIUM rain fall events. CAROIANA STORMWATER LAKE TOWN OF CAROLINA EACH, NEW HANOVER CO. INTERAGENCY METING MAC' 1912011 AGENDA I ) Introductions 2) Discussion ofthe classification of Carolina Lake 3) Historical past of Carolina Lake, current conditions and future needs 4) CUrrent operabons related to Carolina Lake 5) P ro posa I for addressing fl ood i n g issues s u rrou nd in Carol i n a Lake 6) Proposal fi) r add ressi n g bank stab i I i zat i on, around Carolina Lake 7) Proposal for sediment removal 8) Questions firom Agencies Town of Carolina Beach Carolina �tonnwater Lake - Scoping April 7, 2011 S& l"' Project No. 7 -102 9� P I CAROLINA STORMWATER LAKE TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH, NEW HANOVER CO. PROJECT NARRA,riVE Carolina Lake, an approximately 11,5 acre storinwater take, is located in tine southeastern part of New Hanover County and within the southern section of theTown of Carolina Beach (scesattached vicinity inaps). Carolina Lake is on the western side of UIS 42 1 "South I- aka; Park Boulevard adjacent to its intersection with Woody Ilewett Avenue, Land lase surrounding C arc) I Ina Lake is pri manily residential w 1 th a si-nal I port i on of undeveloped land abutting the southern edge of the Lake. Carolina Lake has a water quality classification of allwater C (SC) which is suitable i1orsecondary rei�nand -eik(ion S aquatic lil'c, Du ring periods of high ruin frail, Carolina Lake o vertops and resu I ts in local 1 zed floodi ng of the surrounding residence,,. This has been a historic and continued problem for the Tow n cif Carolina Beach- The proposed p roj cot is t o, remove and d Vs pose o a pp rox 3 mate I y two (2) to three (3) feet of sedimc-rat from Caro I i rift Lake to increase tote overall storage capacity of the Lake. This is an estimated, 37.000 to 56,000 cubic yards of dredge inaterial. Additionally, the Town is interested 'In reshaping and annoring the banks of tine existing pond (approximately 3,850 feet in perimeter) which are suffering frorn si gn i ric a nt sloughing and erasion due I o I oca I water fowl eating the vogetat 1011 along the banks. There are no known past permits for Carolina Lake nor have there been any associated violations, flisiorically, Carolina Lake is used for recreation, 6c, paddle, boats on the lake and park area adjacent to the lake) a,-, well as ior star water retention. Previous correspondence with the Division oaf Coastal Managenient (see attached) noted that Carolina l.ake was not within aii Area oaf uvironwentat Concerti (AEC). however, there is inapping that ShOWS 3Ti AEC line across the cast edge of the lake that is adjacent to Lake Park Boulevard. A full wetland dellneation around the shoreline of the lake lias not been complete(] at tills time, as this pr(IjW is Still in the SCOPIng Phase: Carolina Lake is not a buffered 1eature as this project l'alls within the Cape Fear River Basin watershed which currently does not have State regulated Riparian Buffer rules. The'rown ofCarolina Beach is interested in soliciting comments fi-om the ClS Any Corps, oaf Engineers I ' USACE), NQWQ), C Division of Water uality (NC NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM) and any other regulatory agency that would wish to comment on the proposed project. The project Is in the seeping phase of development and the Town wishes to d ete nii i ne how best to proceed with dredging Carolina 1. a ke and reshapi ng a ndior arm or i n - the ba it ks its order to maximize the Storage c apac i ty red UC e flooding and ensure that banks of the lake do not continue to fail. % ff sa kf r TOPOGRAPHIC n''h a x MAP SOURCE- CAROLINA LAKE CAROUNA BE, ACH :.. ME