HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951315 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19960201 State of North Carolina Department of Environment I Health and Natural Resources Jr!_,,"A , - - ~.. - - - DEHNR. James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary April 26, 1996 Dr, G, Wayne Wright Corps of Engineers p, 0, Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 Dear Dr. Wright: In keeping with your request, this office has circulated to interested state review agencies U, S, Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice and Action ID No. 199602552 dated December 14, 1995 which describes a project proposal by the Director of Public Works and Environment for Fort Bragg. The project, involving improvements to a water control structure and improved recreational access, is located at HutaffLake in Fort Bragg, in Cumberland County. The writer is aware of the permit status for this project but provides the following two comments from review agencies: Division of Environmental Management - on February 6, 1996 issued the required Section 401 Water Quality Certification. Certification No, 3054 provided the standard turbidity standard for the project; Division of Parks & Recreation - in a January memorandum to this office provided input on a state, listed as Threatened, aquatic plant. That memorandum is attached herewith for nonpermit information. p, 0, Box 27687. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-715-4100 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 0% post-consumer paper Dr. G. Wayne Wright Page 2 April 26, 1996 Should you require additional input from the state on this matter, do not hesitate to contact this office or the commenting agencies, Very sincerely, ~~~~ Inland '404 Coordinator JRP:jr/aw Division of Environmental Management / Division of Parks & Recreation cc: Enclosure State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management ,SA DEHNR James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 6, 1996 Co!. James R. Hougnon Director of Public Works and Environment HeadquaI1erS XVIII Airborne Corps Fort Bragg, NC 28307-5000 Dear Co!. Hougnon, Re: Certification PurSUaIlt to Section 401 of the Fecleral Clean Water Act, Proposed improvements at Hutaff Lake Projecl#95l315, COE#199602552 Cumberland County Attached hereto is a copy of Certificaion No. 3054 issued to the Director of Public Works and Environment, Fort Bragg dated 14 December 1995. If we can be of fUl1her assistance, clo not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely. Attachmcms P[JD;1 9513l5.wqc cc: Wilmington District Corps of Enginecrs Corps of Engineers Wilmington Fielcl 01lice Fayetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Mr. John Parker, Division of Coastal Management Central Files Jay Carter; Jay Carter ancl Associates Enviro. Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA Cumberland County CERTIFICA TION THIS CERTIFICATION is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401 Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the NOlth Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15 NCAC 2H, Section .0500 to FOlt Bragg, Director of Public Works and Environment resulting in 1.06 acres of wetland impact in Cumberland County pursuant to an application 11led on the 14th day of December of 1995 to repair existing water control stmcture, improve access and create stonnwater management system. The Application provides adequate assurance that the discharge of fill material into the waters of Hutaff Lake in conjunction with the proposed development in Cumberland County will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and discharge guidelines. Therefore, the State of North Carolina celtities that this activity will not violate the applicable pOltions of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306, 307 of PL 92-500 and PL 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the application and conditions hereinafter set forth. Condition(s) of Celtification: 1. That the activity be conducted in such a manner a;; to prevent signil1cant increase in turbidity outside the area of constmction or construction related discharge (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs: 10 NTUs in trout waters). Violations of any cc;ndition hereiil set f01th shall result in re\ucation of this CCltification. This Certification shall become null and void unless the above c(1nditioQ.s are made conditions of the Federal 404 and/or coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Celtification shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA permit. If this Certitlcation is unacceptable to you have the right to an adjudicatOlY hearing upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of this Ct>rtification. This request must be in the fOlm of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and 11led with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. If modil1cations are made to an original Certificati,_'n, you have the right to an adjudicatOlY hearing on the modifications upon written request within sixty (60) days following receipt of the Certification. Unless such demands are made, this Celtirication shall be tinal and binding. This the 6th day of February. 1 Y96 WQC#3054 OW~ FE VI!:; /j/J State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr" Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director ~~.~ ~ - - - - - DEHNR January 2, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. A. Preston Howard, P. E. Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator SUBJECT: "404" Project Review The attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199602552 dated December 14, 1995 describing a proposed project by The Director of Public \Vorks & Environment, Fort Bragg, is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/o~ Section 10 permits. .. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by ASAP. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY -t- ~ ~t ~~- This office ~ the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date 'J ~ Itb P,O, Box 27687. Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper TO: PRINT NAMES: _Il ~ JOHN DORNEY ~~V~~;~~~ ~~, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: () ( l (Q.. & SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS MEMORANDUM ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: 95 PERMIT NO: 0001315 APPLICANT NAME: FORT BRAGG, HUTAFF LAKE PROJECT TYPE: DAM REPAIR COE_H: 199602552 RCD FROM CDA: COE - - REG OFFICE: FRO COUNTY: CUMBERLAND PERMIT TYPE: IND DOT _H : DATE_FRM_CDA: 11/13/95 RIVER_AND_SUB_BASIN_#: 030615 STR INDEX NO: 18-31-24-5-4 STREAM CLASS: C WL_IMPACT? : (j)N WL_TYPE: ;/ w-F WL_REQUESTED: (00 WL_ACR_EST?: YrfJ WL_SCORE(#): ~~ WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?:lJ}N MITIGATION?: Y~ MITIGATION_TYPE: )V~~ MITIGATION_SIZE: I~~ DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y~ IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?:l1JN HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: Y~ RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ~ISSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS: -rH~ D~ A-t IddTA~ LA-t~ l~ I eA{<l,wcr "td (,.,) f\ ) e eJ ()-f1 M tl- '"3~ K eFt\. { ~ ~' \301 If- A- T TlfB PtR#tI ~ -:$~'/ Iw~ A P0ci... ~ e ft'l e. rcJ e,0 7 ~ f: ! ( 0 ~,. r tft ~ c>b V I 0 v -S 17 R.~u II~. 6 5 "ftj-4T TH-F LA{uz:, ~ ':::>~A-,~E.'Dr T-Ae- n?TfOfoJ ID TH(~ F ( L '- K E &;l U ~ -So I I? \0 /<.. r:: 2P Tit-'E I-.J'l- r<-ra .::t:::. ~ 1\ { ".)c=:. ~. ( T fll j 1"5 Ir NiCe t ~'f) A-e - C7ff"e~~ 'pD~:t:>). AJ~v~ ~B-M~ o-/l ~ ~~d belen0 'i-h ~ ~~ .tLk~ oV~-d {+,Urlt-J ~. ~~ ~~+~ YIvd--.J>l-- h ~~ ~~ ~~(-+~_ s~~ dd ~ ~~ ~~~, cc: Regional Office Central Files Wetland type (select one)* Cl Bottomland hardwood forest CJ Pine SaVanF'1E 42fHeadwater forest CJ Freshwater 'Tlarsh Cl Swamp forest CJ Bog/fen Cl Wet flat Cl Ephemeral \',stland Cl Pocosin CJ Carolin~a:,_ Cl Bog forest ta- Othe~ ~ *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or s-.ream channels ~//;;/;/,,;/;,,/;/;.;//.;;.;///////////////////;/,////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////'l ~ R ~ weight ~ ~ Water storage x 4.00 - ~ ~ 1M ~ ~ M Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 _ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ r Pollutant removal ... x 5.00 - ~ ' l ' ~ n Wildlife habitat x 2.00 - ~ ~ u 1/ ~ : Aquatic life value x 4.00 _ ~ ~ IN! Recreation/Education 0 x , .00 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ G '* Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and> 10% non point disturbance within 1/2 mile ~pstream, upslope. or radius ~ /"""".".,,,/,,,,,,,,,,////;/,"',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/,,,,,,,""",,,/,,//;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,//,,,,,////,,,,,"""""""""""/""""",,,/,,/: 57 ',' . . I. \ , '.10....,.; , jJ,~/~~~ :-i7't ~~ .: '::r/i/'1/~ '~\\tf~1 'l".'l'~.r""~"" . ",:'~~l~~ .. , l State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management James B. Hunt, Jr" Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Roger N. Schecter, Director .AVA DEHNR January 2, 1996 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr, A. Preston Howard, p, E. Director Division of Environmental Management FROM: John R. Parker, Jr. Inland "404" Coordinator SUBJECT: "404" Project Review The attached U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice for Action No. 199602552 dated December 14, 1995 describing a proposed project by The Director of Public Works & Environment, Fort Bragg is being circulated to interested state agencies for comments on applicable Section 404 and/or Section 10 permits, Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project and return this form by ASAP. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact me at 733-2293. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data is requested. REPLY This office supports the project proposal. No comment. Comments on this project are attached. This office objects to the project as proposed. Signed Date P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-2293 FAX 919-733-1495 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper ~ . 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action 10 No. 199602552 December 14, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ENVIRONMENT, HEADQUARTERS XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina 28307-5000 has applied for a Department of the Army IDA) individual permit TO REPAIR AN EXISTING WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE AND APPURTENANCES, IMPROVE RECREATIONAL ACCESS, AND CREATE A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT HUTAFF LAKE, A MAN-MADE IMPOUNDMENT ON STEWART'S CREEK, LOCATED ON THE FT. BRAGG MILITARY RESERVATION, APPROXIMATELY 0.7 MILES WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MORGANTON ROAD (S.R. 1404) AND N. RILEY ROAD (S.R.1403), near Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the applicant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers: Hutaff Lake is a man-made impoundment on Stewart's Creek, a tributary to the Cape Fear River. The lake is entirely contained on the Fort Bragg Military Reservation property. The small blackwater lake is believed to be at least 60 years old. There are several other impoundments on Stewart's Creek, downstream of Hutaff. The dam has become unsafe due to deterioration and the lake must be drained unless improvements are made. A badly eroded unimproved dirt road and parking area, located next to the dam, add to the creek's sediment load. The ruins of a creosote treated lumber bridge remain in the creek, approximately 100 feet downstream of the dam. Hutaff Lake is predominantly an open water habitat vegetated with mixed aquatic herbs. An open canopy stand of mature bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) occupies the shoreline and upstream end of the lake. The open water borders steeply sloped upland habitat. The habitat downstream of the dam is small stream swamp and flood plain. The area to be impacted by the proposed activities consists of open water, Coastal Plain small blackwater stream swamp, sandhills seep, the existing access road and parking lot. The open water contains mixed aquatic herbs, dominated by 3-sided sedge (Dulichium arundinaceum). The swamp has an overstory of black gum (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and bald cypress, The swamp understory has dense greenbrier (Smilax spp.), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea), tltl (Cyrilla racemiflora), and various swamp hardwood saplings. The hill side seep is forested with a stand of second-growth loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), with a dense shrub layer of species such as fetterbush, inkberry (Ilex glabra), titi, and sweet pepperbush (Clethera alnifolia). The proposed improvements at Hutaff Lake include construction of a new access road, parking lot, storm water drainage system; and renovation of the dam's faces, abutments, spillway and tailrace. This work would require the discharge of fill into a total of 1.06 acres of jurisdictional waters and wetlands, Of the total acreage impacted, approximately 0.58 acres of fill will be used to stabilize the dam structure with one-half of the 0.58 acre being open water ranging in depth from 1" to 4'. The lake's water surface elevation is to remain at its present level. ~' .. t The stated purpose of the work is to repair the dam structure and restore the area for recreational use, which will result in the preservation of the existing cypress pond and protect downstream wetlands from additional sedimentation. This proposal shall be reviewed for the applicability of actions by North Carol~na agencies such as: a. The issuance of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) . b, The issuance of a permit to dredge and/or fill under North Carolina General Statute 113-229 by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) . c, The issuance of a permit under the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) or their delegates. d, The issuance of an easement to fill or otherwise occupy State-owned submerged land under North Carolina General Statute 143-341(4), 146-6, 146-11, and 146-12 by the North Carolina Department of Administration (NCDA) and the North Carolina Council of state. e. The approval of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan by the Land Quality Section, North Carolina Division of Land Resources (NCDLR), pursuant to the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (NC G.S. 113 A-50- 66) . The requested Department of the Army (DA) permit will be denied if any requ~red State or local authorization and/or certification is denied. No DA permit will be issued until a state coordinated viewpoint is received and reviewed by this agency. Recipients of this notice are encouraged to furnish comments on factors of concern represented by the above agencies directly to the respective agency, with a copy furnished to the Corps of Engineers. This application is being considered pursuant Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 V.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and this site is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for ~nclusion in the Register. Consultation of the National Register is the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, des~gnated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decision, whether to issue a permit, will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts that the proposed activity may have on the public interest 2 \ . , t requires a careful weighing of all those factors that become relevant in each particular case, The benefits that may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so, the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur are therefore decided by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and use of important resources. All factors that may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects of it. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (according to Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United states, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b) (1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer decides that it would be contrary to the public interest, The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to decide whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, hlstoric properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to decide the need for a public hearing and to decide the public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Army (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives state certification required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act, The application and this public notice for the Department of the Army (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. All persons wanting to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before January 5, 1996, Attention: Mr. John Dorney, Written comments pertinent to the be received in this office, Attention: January 12, 1996, or telephone (910)251-4466. proposed work, as outlined above, will Mr. Matt Flint, until 4:15 p.m., 3 , ~%' ,. " /\ \'. I", .....-<.~;:]. ~'i-::""':7--~' ~'. /'\ ./i- ~~ ~ '. ~ '-. ,,\:' : ,/ ,1\.\\ ' ,';,._, .,;" -~~ '''>I~.J .::;1 .~ j~(". ~y,.. .7i ,\.. #. )-', ','\ I \' ,).,-, /~.. . _ . ~~ .:::.. t:W" '111 '),-4' ':" <;;-::'-::.- i',\ " ..',-..... \;,~,- ....,.. ;'-." j, ~ "" :' ~ r' ' (I I '" J~ "~""- ~ ",' 2~, /_ I,' '---., ' " 0 .~;.:I '('0\ _ - ~ '/,~. 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JIflIjIaI................... ......-............... ""'" ......................_._...................~ ~........__.........~IlI~-._11L ,__.....~.~~...........,21'~ .....HIQIInr. a;..1....~ VA ____. ..0-....._.-".. ............RIlIlIIiln .....cmOGlllllS), ~OC_...... 1IO NOr REn.lIDI.-........ ............ _---.~.........- _......................................._u. ........IM......... ....... 'IN ~...,.".".......,...-il"""''' ~ '0......... ..............,....~4CM....a.. w.r." .-,C1l1.. ...---. ~..............._ n- .................... .................................. .........01........ .......1nD_..... ~.......... --............... ...,............. .....-. ........~""..IanII..III... ~-... ................ .............~....... _..........~__...-........ DIMMIIIII....~ __Ia~_..._~_.-,In~.----_......... _................--. .-.,---11I ..~ ..,...~..................- ............... cn_.aricIInoI-.",.-............'IIHdl..-.. ......~....~-..-.........~(----- ............., ____. 1M o..-.~..... ........._....."'................. Nt ............................ 1lA_ J. APPLlCATIO!\ ?\'lP.vlBER (fa be lWigned by Corp~) 3. NAMe., ADDRESS, A.."ID TITLE OF AunIORlZED AGENT Dr. J.B. Carter U1, ConsuJ.tinll Biologist Dr. J.n. Carter m &. AalodAtes, me. Environmental Conaultanta P.O. BOI 891 Soutllem. Pines, NC 28388 Telephone no. during b1,l$inCli5 hours 2. ~AJv1.f. AND ADDRItSS OF Applicant Colonel Jlllnes R.. lioufPlon Ale (9101 695-3164 (Rr.sidclIlce) Dincwr of J>ubUc Works lUld Environment AlC (910ill5-1043 (Office) HeadqnartcnI xvm, Airborne Corps, Ift. Bl'l'Igg, xC - _L Attention: DRWE (Colonel JloullDon) , Ft. Bragg, SC 28307 -SOOO ',-, ~ in my Telephone no. during business hOIID bd13lf lIS my agent in tho proccssing ~. t OIpplication and to furnish. UpOll request. SUDItIm1ental infonna1ion in support AlC (910) (Residence) ofthellPP~ AlC (9101126-4009 (Office) --;- 4. DF.T.tlJLED DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY 41L ACTIVITY Repairing water control structure (dam), buUdlng an overflow spillway, reconstructing an access road, building a pllrklng lot, a stormwater drainage system, , a temporary diversion ditch, Ilnd 3 sediment traps- 4b. Pv'RPOSE Hutllff Lake is a recre8tionallake, but the dilapidated condition of the dam and erosion problems surrounding the lake hll\'e make it unsafe for use. The purposes of the improvements (4a.- nbol'e) are to eliminate dam safety concerns and to restore the area for recreational USC, which will in turn preserYc tbe existing cypress pond and protect the surrounding wetlands from siltation. 4c. DISCHARGE Of DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL A total of 1.06 acres of fill will be uset.! in completing the uboYc. Over one-half (....{).58 ac.) of the fill will be used on the sides of the existing dllm for stabilization. I J () ~5~ , .. f r;) rn @ ru 0 tll7 r2 r~"\'~ II D)r..-"-~,---1LJ5'7" ,11 " n ~ c ' Id'1\I I 3 I~):;:) ULI-51-1~~~ lUi2~ 5. NPJvlE$ A..\!D ADDRESsES OF ADJOl},'INC PROPERTY Owners, LE3::;liES, ETC., WHOSE PRoPERTY ALSO ADJOINS TIm W ATERW A Y Property surrounding project owned b)' Fort Bragg Military Resen'otlon, 6. IV A TI'.RBOD Y A. '10 LOC" T10N ON W A TERBODY WIlERI': ACTIVITY EXISTS OR IS PROPOSED Hutl.ffLake, a man-mado impoundment on Stewarts Creek, is within the Cape Fear River 8a~ln. Approximate IOl:ation of pl'oject site is 0.7 miles west of the intersection of Morgllnton Road and S.R 1403. 7. LOCATIO:--l 0:\ tAND \VHEREACTl VITY EJo.1STS OR IS PROPOSED ADDREss: 4.5 milCll Wl!st of Fayelk,ville citv 1Imltq ofT of Morl!onton Rflad sTREET. ROAD, ROUTE OR OTHER DESCRIPTIVE LoeA nON Cumberland CaLMY Cumberland County LOCAL GOVERNING BODY WITH JURISDICTION OVERSITE North Carolina STATE 28307 7.TP CODE 8. Is ''Ill)' poni~ ofth. Ilclivity forwiiich. authoriZlll1nn 13 sOllghi~ow complote? YEs 1ll..KO If llmWOr IS "Yell" giVe T.""nns. month and yeilt the OJ:tivity was com~l.t.d. Tndicatc the uxi.ling wnrk on the dt.wing:;. N/A 9. Li.t all npprovah or certJllcaliorul and dcni!1. ,"ceived from other fede...l, interstatc, ~[al. OT local ageneice [UT any "tnlcturcs, corulructicn, dIschargc" or olher .cLiVltios descrtbcd in thi. npplicatioft. r~st.;r..;G AOliNCY TYPE APPRo V AT, IDENTlFICA T:ON NO. DA'ffi OF APPLICATION DATE OF AJ.'PR\lV AI.. DATE OF OE:\1AL DEHNR Dam. safety erosion control 1 April 1993 22 April 1993 10. ^l'Pli~atl':'C" hOTeby made fer a p.rmit or permit.! to 3uL'mriz; the activities de3cribed h.cr~in. I certifY dl8t I am J':uniliar with the infCTmntion COl'lt.med in the appliClltion. end thot I<J the beat of my knowledge afill beli.t'Sllch infc.rm:ilion j" tnlc. cam~let., ond accuratc. I further ce/1ifY tlut I P""''''S the 8Uthority tn und.mke the proposed ACti...~ties or I om ncling 8S t.'1e duly 'Ilthorized dgmt or L'le applicallt 2;JN 9'~ DAm ~iG~-).l1J.li; 8r AOI:I1T BAT!'! TIle application must be sisncd by th~ pCrllon who desires to undertake the proposed activity (Applicant) or it may bc signed by s. duly authorized aBomt if the statL>ment in block 3 hM been tillcd out nnd signcd. 18 V.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Wlloever. in any manner within tl18jurisdiction of an)' departrnCllt Or agency ofl1le United Stat.!~ knowingly ,1I1t1 willfully [,\bille&, conceals. Or covcrs up by iUl)' trick, ~cheml:. or devicll a matcrinl tact or makes any fal~e,1ictitious or fraudulent ~t<<temcnts or r~prescnt8tions Or makes or uscs llny false writillg ~lr documellt krl(lwing same to contuin any tal~~ fil;litious or fraudulent sl.llemcnt or entry, shnll be tined not mOTC than S 10,000 or imprisoncd not n\\)r= thlll1 tl....ll yean;. or both. Description of Wetlands Impacts at HutaffLake, Fort Bragg, N.C. The existing dam at Hutaff Lake is unsafe, and the lake will have to be drained if improvements are not made. This would negatively impact the 30+ acre cypress pond, its fishery, and recreational opportunities. The existing access road and parking area are eroding into the adjacent stream. The proposed improvements at Hutaff Lake include a new access road, parking lot, stormwater drainage system, spillway, and improvements to the existing dam. The area to be impacted consists of open water, Coastal Plain small stream swamp-blackwater subtype, sandhills seep, and the existing access road and parking lot This work will involve filling a total of 1.06 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Of that total, approximately 0.58 acres offill will be used to stabilize the dam structure with one-half of that 0.58 acre being open water < 1"-4' deep. The open water has very little emergent vegetation, the primary species being 3 -sided sedge (Dulichium arundinaceum) The swamp has an overstory of black gum (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulip/era), and scattered bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). The understory was dense with greenbrier (Smilax spp.), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet gallberry (/lex coriacea), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) and swamp hardwood saplings. The hillside seep was forested with a moderately dense stand of second- growth loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), with a dense shrub layer of species such as fetterbush, inkberry (/lex glabra), titi, and sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia). Because of the small amount of wetlands being impacted, and the necessity of these impacts for safety reasons, no mitigation is proposed. - -I I~ ,!! z~z 25" ~~ w!S ~ ~u~ ~ ~g~ ~ ~;!~ . $i~ I . I \ ~ I ~i i i .\~, :>,. I, I . :. t -. ,. . II ,<:! ", . \ -..' , III f i! i ~I f 5 f r J ~~ ... ... ... .. '" '''' '" ", R o~~,. ~~ )J.TI .""'i- ...,~ I Iil~' y= *- 6' r " tJ~~ ~D". i'a~ d ..~. gl!> ~~5~ v~rj ~Ii. Ili ~~U r~b h~~i .~6t .~~!~ ~~~! Hl~~ !~8r ~~i~r ~llild ~!~:! , . ~ t J- ~- i~ !~~~ ~ ~.~ n,;; llfW~! c"... V_~?___,. '-~-; . . ~"''''' \.-.- /- > ~\ '\' . :-7'_, P, -:~ _ ", dj~J] n~:.rt?~M(f ~~,/ , \,..,. _ ' . ," /' ;' / '" ~ ~ <- ' . 11.. ,,_~~' . ~iolIO' ~ ~ ( .j :\ ,. ,~_. 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' '; _/I5-U~~~J_tlC.,"11 -"':""'.l_ /~ "'11.. _ ...~/ q5 { 3 /5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 Action ID No. 199602552 December 14, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ENVIRONMENT, HEADQUARTERS XVIII AIRBORNE CORPS, Ft, Bragg, North Carolina 28307-5000 has applied for a Department of the Army (DA) individual permit TO REPAIR AN EXISTING WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE AND APPURTENANCES, IMPROVE RECREATIONAL ACCESS, AND CREATE A STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT HUTAFF LAKE, A MAN-MADE IMPOUNDMENT ON STEWART'S CREEK, LOCATED ON THE FT. BRAGG MILITARY RESERVATION, APPROXIMATELY 0.7 MILES WEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MORGANTON ROAD (S.R. 1404) AND N. RILEY ROAD (S.R.1403), near Fayetteville, Cumberland County, North Carolina. The following description of the work is taken from data provided by the appl1cant and from observations made during a site visit by a representative of the Corps of Engineers: Hutaff Lake is a man-made impoundment on Stewart's Creek, a tributary to the Cape Fear River. The lake is entirely contained on the Fort Bragg Military Reservation property. The small blackwater lake is believed to be at least 60 years old. There are several other impoundments on Stewart's Creek, downstream of Hutaff. The dam has become unsafe due to deterioration and the lake must be drained unless improvements are made. A badly eroded unimproved dirt road and parking area, located next to the darn, add to the creek's sediment load, The ruins of a creosote treated lumber bridge remain in the creek, approximately 100 feet downstream of the darn. Hutaff Lake is predominantly an open water habitat vegetated with mixed aquatic herbs. An open canopy stand of mature.bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) occupies the shoreline and upstream end of the lake. The open water borders steeply sloped upland habitat. The habitat downstream of the dam is small stream swamp and flood plain. The area to be impacted by the proposed activities consists of open water, Coastal Plain small blackwater stream swamp, sandhills seep, the existing access road and parking lot. The open water contains mixed aquatic herbs, dominated by 3-sided sedge (Dulichium arundinaceum). The swamp has an overstory of black gum (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and bald cypress. The swamp understory has dense greenbrier (Smilax spp.), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet gallberry (Ilex coriacea), Lltl (cyrilla racemiflora), and various swamp hardwood saplings. The hill slde seep 1S forested with a stand of second-growth loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), with a dense shrub layer of species such as fetterbush, inkberry (Ilex glabra), tit1, and sweet pepperbush (Clethera alnifolia). The proposed improvements at Hutaff Lake include construction of a new access road, parking lot, storm water drainage system; and renovation of the dam's faces, abutments, spillway and tailrace. This work would require the discharge of fill into a total of 1.06 acres of jurisdictional waters and wetlands. Of the total acreage impacted, approximately 0.58 acres of fill w1ll be used to stabilize the dam structure with one-half of the 0.58 acre belng open water ranging in depth from 1" to 4'. The lake's water surface elevation is to remain at its present level. The stated purpose of the work is to repair the dam structure and restore the area for recreational use, which will result in the preservation of the existing cypress pond and protect downstream wetlands from additional sedimentation. ThlS proposal shall be reviewed for the applicability of actions by North Carolina agencies such as: a. The issuance of a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) . b. The issuance of a permit to dredge and/or fill under North Carolina General Statute 113-229 by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCMl c. The issuance of a permit under the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) or their delegates. d. The issuance of an easement to fill or otherwise occupy State-owned submerged land under North Carolina General Statute 143-341(4), 146-6, 146-11, and 146-12 by the North Carolina Department of Administration (NCDA) and the North Carolina Council of State. e. The approval of an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan by the Land Quallty Section, North Carolina Division of Land Resources (NCDLR), pursuant to the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (NC G.S. 113 A-50- 66) . The requested Department of the Army (DA) permit,will be denied if any requlred state or local authorization and/or certification is denied. No DA permit will be issued until a state coordinated viewpoint is received and reviewed by this agency. Recipients of this notice are encouraged to furnish comments on factors of concern represented by the above agencies directly to the respective agency, with a copy furnished to the Corps of Engineers. This application is being considered pursuant Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Any person may request, in writing within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearing shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer has consulted the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places for the presence or absence of registered properties, or properties listed as being eligible for inclusion therein, and thlS site is not registered property or property listed as being eligible for lnclusion in the Register, Consultation of the National Register is the extent of cultural resource investigations by the District Engineer, and he is otherwise unaware of the presence of such resources. Presently, unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit. The District Engineer, based on available information, is not aware that the proposed activity will affect species, or their critical habitat, deslgnated as endangered or threatened pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The decislon, whether to issue a permit, will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts that the proposed activity may have on the public interest 2 requires a careful weighing of all those factors that become relevant in each particular case. The benefits that may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so, the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur are therefore decided by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and use of important resources. All factors that may be relevant to the proposal must be considered including the cumulative effects of it. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards and flood plain values (according to Executive Order 11988), land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving the placement of dredged or fill materials in waters of the United states, a penmit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agencies' 404(b) (1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria, a penmit will be granted unless the District Engineer decides that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes and other interested parties to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to decide whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a penmit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, hlstoric properties, water quality, general environmental effects and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) and/or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Comments are also used to decide the need for a public hearing and to decide the public interest of the proposed activity. Generally, the decision whether to issue this Department of the Anmy (DA) permit will not be made until the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) issues, denies, or waives state certification required by section 401 of the Clean Water Act. The NCDEM considers whether the proposed activity will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Clean Water Act. The application and this public notice for the Department of the Anmy (DA) permit serves as application to the NCDEM for certification. Additional information regarding the Clean Water Act certification may be reviewed at the offices of the Environmental Operations Section, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Salisbury Street, Archdale Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. Copies of such materials will be furnished to any person requesting copies upon payment of reproduction costs. All persons wanting to make comments regarding the application for Clean Water Act certification should do so in writing delivered to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), Post Office Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687, on or before January 5, 1996, Attention: Mr. John Dorney. Wrltten comments pertinent to the be received in this office, Attention: January 12, 1996, or telephone (910)251-4466. proposed work, as outlined above, will Mr. Matt Flint, until 4:15 p.m., 3 ~ ~ f" /d;'~" ,.' ,,' /"" \'i. . :i: '" ""~i:-J ~~ J-~,.>~,J ~,'" . -. . '. '\/ : .' i ',.!:\ _;>--_. . "'." ....._~~ ~!!!!o.. . -'" ":1..- , -~,", J ~ 4W' oJr r . "" " "', , '. , . , , . ' · , "',.'" '''-1',,' "~"'" 0, .A III " )'-"' '/ Ii ~~~, .' "\ / ',.-; ""'W/ N, 1::,<, :,:,.' '(^ ~~,.. co f 'if 'I' ('-::::-- , I '. ./"':- "~-:;:;'=-~- -- ,\ ,-\ " :.L1.-~' ~ I I ,- ~\~., c, ~--:'~~. k?'C~: ,-'// /', " ;,._ I..~':'h'::--e " " .::.:.__.__~..,~....:... --J '. ' , I (I " .-'1 " "I ,,' "~t ,...,......... ~ ..'. \ ~ .- /. " "" --, 7"" , ~. . , " ~ 'I ) ./ ~l-~-:-' . -"'\\\'A ,:~/ /" >,~. --', .:~~,:' ~~'~.~ '; '", ,,'~: ,_' ~...... ,.. ~ ~~~~~;,., '_'~x"":,Q-;::0f:.~;. //'! ':>~ t", l1V~~~~tr-: ',.' '~~., ~~:'."'\ ~"...... : 1\ ", ,'llfc-,.j .. 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I O:)MVS SS3NIsna lVDI:I:lO 068 L -Z0l78Z VNI10~V:) HUlON 'N018NIWlIM 068 L XOS .O'd N018NIWlIM 'l:)l~lSla ~33N18N3 AW~V 's'n ~33N18N3 l:)l~lSla ... " . ,..,. A q:5 13 ~5 , DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WilMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO December 19, 1995 /,~ /) ",-, <./~' t,{\ ;11" " (i-'J '//<~':-) ',' ~- -") (, CI/-, , -.(^. /t' "';t:,. ~~ ..!/ V <t>(.\., </1- (~:\) Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199602552, Fort Bragg, Director of Public Works and Environment, Hutaff Lake Mr. John Dorney Division of Environmental North Carolina Department Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina Management of 27607 Dear Mr, Dorney: Enclosed is the application of the Fort Bragg Director of Public Works and Environment for Department of the Army (DA) authorization and a state Water Quality Certification to permit repair of the water control structure and appurtenances, improve recreational access, and establish a storm water management system at Hutaff Lake, on stewart's Creek, Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, North Carolina. Your receipt of this letter verifies your acceptance of a valid request for certification by Section 325.2(b) (ii) of our administrative regulations, We are considering authorizing the proposed activity pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and we have determined that a water quality certification is required under the provisions of Section 401 of the same law. A Department of the Army permit will not be granted until the certification has been obtained or waived. According to our administrative regulations, 60 days is reasonable for state action. Therefore, if you have not acted on the request, or asked for an extension of time, by February 15, 1996, the District Engineer will deem that waiver has occurred, Questions or comments may be addressed to me at the Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (910) 251-4466. Sincerely, ;1/4~-I Matt Flint Regulatory Specialist Enclosure - Copies Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dr. J, H. Carter, III Consulting Biologist Post Office Box 891 Southern Pines, North Carolina 28388 -2- .... I ~"-:-- r~-" ~~ "'- J~";":'.l....::" j \} l::. 0 " . APPLICATION FOR DEPARTl\1ENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT 1'4 ~ 'I ~ ...J "I' Olllll APPROVAL NO. 0710-DDI3 !lc'Dircs30~~-~';i1Ib2l ')-"1':'1 !:':::k (33 CJ:R 32S) ,............. ...........---.. ~..~ ......,....................-.........--..........--. --..__.._........IIIIIinIIIo*lI......,-, _......-...... .......... .........'."f -.............. ,................... ......._............... SMI_....... ......__...,...--..........~ ~ tIlQOIIIIIla........ ..........0 -_ ....0..... w.MIe_IIl 1 .1I--.~.........o.-.......1a1S.w- o.o.~.'" '2IN,~ vA ,... I...... ..o....,~ _ 4........."--'~",.....,--. ~~Cl:-..,.... lID N01' 1lE1V1DI~"""" ..........._JlMII ~.....-- -...........-..........................-.. .......... IN....... ....... n.~., .."""'...........- II........,...... 10........ ............,..s.-.......a.. -~..--,... ........ ~.--..........._ 1'- ___............ ................._.........--... Jb.J _ .......... .--__........... s-..... ---......... --......-..............- ........................- ..-............. *-'...... 1rIInnIiIIt.... ......,..... _......-.........__.. I. -" . r ~.......-.. ....... II.....-,:~ .....----.-r ..~. -. J ..... ........ .. ..............-. .~.....-- It .............,.......-. ..............--............. a. ...................... ....................... ......-......--.....-............-............... ............. ............ ..o.-~...... ......-............ ........... M ......-.---.........---. 1_ APPUCATION NID.-mER (TO be IllIIigDed by Corps) 3. NA-'AE, ADDRESS, A.'ID 1'lTI..E OF AUl'HORIZED AG~"T Dr. J.B. Cu1er xu. ~ BIoIopt Dr. J.B. Carter m & A.odatel, IDe. En,1rcmau:ntlLI Coa.talt.-mu P.O. Dos m SoQtbam P1Da, NC %1311I 'relc:phoae no. during buIiraa hours 2. ~A.\4E AND ADDlttSS OF AppliCUJI. Colonc:l JIIIUI R. lIouf:Don Ale (910'1695-3164 (Rmidcce) Dirrctor of Public Workland EnTironmant AlC (910) 695-1043 (Office) HeJldqaartrnl XVIII, ;Urbol'DC Co~, I!'L Dl'lIIl:' :'\C Attcndon: ORWE (Colonel floUlDon) ~inmy Ft. Brau,:-<lC 21307-5000 - bdWf AI my ap m thl procaaia& of . ~Ucaaon Telephone no. during bUSUlCU houn IIIId to fbmish. \IpoI1 ~ - iIItormIItiOll ill I\I1l'POR AlC (910) (Residence ) ofthcllpp~ Ale (910) 396-4009 (Office) 4. D'F.TAII...ED DESCRIPTT07>l OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY 4L ACTIVITY Rvpalrtng water control5trlu:ture (dam), butldlDg IUl overflow spillway, recoastructiq aD access road. building a puking lot, a stormw.ter dl"l1lnage system. , a temporary divenlon ditch, aDd 3 5edimeut traps. 40. PljA,POSE HU:!.1tr Lake is :l recreational lake, but the dilapidated condition of tbe dam aDd erosion problems slIn"OundiDg the lake bllve make it lIDJafc for we. The purposes ofthe improvements (4a.-llbave) ant to eliminate dam safety conccrns IlDd to restore the area for recreational use, which will in turn preserve tbe existing cypress pond and protect tbe surrounding wetlands from 5ilcatlon. 4<:. DISCHAAGE OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAl. A total of 1.06 acres of nn wm be wed in completing the lIbuYc. Over one-balf (~.S8 .Co) of the fill ",m be USI.'<I on the sides of the uiltine dam for stabillzation. Q5 .,,, '_1 i,:.J11 .. ' \ I .f.J...P'~"';' I ). :>i'AMES AND ADDRE..<;SES OF ADIOD.'D:C PROPERTY Owners. LES:::lil!:S, ~TC.. i';HOSE PROPrnTI ALSO ADJOLNS TIl'l; W ATERWA Y Property surrounding project owned b)' Fort Bl'llgg Military Re.servntton. o. WAT~()D,( ~IDLOC;AnONONWATERBODY WIlllRF. AcmTrYE."<lSn ell. IS PROPOSED HutMff Lake, a man-l11adc impoundment on Stewlru Creek, i, within the Cape Fear River ButD. Approximate IOQtioD of project .dtc is 0.7 miles wcst of th~ intersection of Mory,;anron ROlld and S.R. 1403. 7. LOCA TIO~ O:-lI,AND WHERE ACTl V ITY l':xtSTS OR IS I'ROVOSF.D ADDREs3: 4.5 miles wnt orVIlYOUeviUc citT Hmlt.. off ofMo~amon R41H STREET. ROAD. ROVTB OR OTImR DlrSCRTPTIVE LOCA TloN Cumberland cOt..mY Cumberland County LOCAL C.l0Vl::RN1NG BODY WITH JURISDICTION UVERSITE North Carolina 5T A 1'E 28307 7.lP CODE S. i. my;lQ!tiOll. aftha .xtivity for whicb. alllbariDlit1l'llS louglu now complete? _YEs 4.l'0 II IAIW1!I' 13 "ycs" !:iVtlI'lOlS<1ll$, I1lllIlIh IIId year 111. >ctivi\y \VII c:ompltllaci Trulica:c me cxUuns "'-n<1t 011 the cln.wiap. N/A 9.L;.1 ;oJ1 npprovals or e...uI'caIlOlllIDd dCl1ials nlc:eNed from odlar tt.deroJ, imcmatc. U.1lII c:r f""'llagcacics fur ""y "llV=urtI, .:GllIlIul:Qon. ~ Of' aIhcr XlIiVltie:; described in this nppliCltioll. r~SU'D1G AQ.t;NCY TYPE APPRO V At, IDENTIFICA r.O~ NO. DAm OF APPLICATION DArn OF APl'RQv AI. DA'l1i OF OE:\1AL DEHNR Dam Jafety erosion control 1 Apri11993 12 Apri11993 10. ^l'PIiQlltioa is ....eby mille fQl' IL P"""it or permitt [0 :swlIaria t!Ic activities doIsQibcd bcrain. r eenitY that I .", J>nulilr wiIJI tb. in/"am'llllioa COllIlIiaed in Ill, "",,1ic:aci0ll. ilia !hat to t!lc belt of my ""'-ledQc III&! b.li.,f $\Id1 infomwian iolr1lll. COII2!llete, oVId .1CCW'Uc. 1 f..m.r ~ tball ~ tbo aurllarity to lJIIdenako the propasea ~iticl Ql' I.... ocUlI; u ~ cluIy :'AlIborizcd lIF'l of~~'lppli.:a.al 2 >>111 95'" . DAm 'm;~-,\Rmlii 9" 'aEll'r E:l~ Thl application mUlt be .i;ncd by the panon who desires to undatw the pl'OpOlIcd activity (Applicant) Ill' it may be signld by ~ duly authorized agenl if the ataremenl in bloclc 3 h;q bacn mIcd out md siGftCld. 18 D.S.C. S.Clion 100 1 providc:a that: W1u>eYtr. in any matlIMr within the j\lriJdic:tion of My ~ Ill' i1&CDCY of'Tbe United Sr.ws knowingly ;tnd willfully f.\lsWCII, concal!, or covers up by itll)' trick, scbem... 01' device a 11IIl1cria1 faa or Imkca any f2Js.e, .lictitioul or fraudul_ ~tcmcma 01' ...aoutat.iOftl or makca or UJCI ~ falac writi"g or document IcnowiDg lI&IIIC to contain Ill'f til~ fic:titioul or fraudulent Slalc:mcm or entry, .!hall be lined Dot more tMn 510.000 or imprisoned not monr than th." yean. 01' both. .. . \ I Description of Wetlands Impacts at HutaffLake, Fort Bragg, N.C. The existing dam at Hutaff Lake is unsafe, and the lake will have to be drained if improvements are not made. This would negatively impact the 30+ acre cypress pond., its fishery, and recreational opportunities. The existing access road and parking area are eroding into the adjacent stream. The proposed improvements at Hutaff Lake include a new access road, parking lot, stormwater drainage system, spillway, and improvements to the existing dam. The area to be impacted consists of open water, Coastal Plain small stream swamp-blackwater subtype, sandhills seep, and the existing access road and parking lot This work will involve filling a total of 1.06 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Of that total, approximately 0.58 acres offill will be used to stabilize the dam structure with one-half of that 0.58 acre being op~n water < 1"-4' deep. The - . open water has very little emergent vegetation, the primary species being 3-sided sedge (Du/ichium arundinaceum) The swamp has an overstory of black gum (Nyssa biflora), red maple (Acer rubrum), water oak (Quercus nigra), tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulip/era), and scattered bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). The understory was dense with greenbrier (Smilax spp.), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), sweet gallberry (flex coriacea), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora) and swamp hardwood saplings. The hillside seep was forested with a moderately dense stand of second- growth loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), with a dense shrub layer of species such as fetterbush, inkberry (flex glabra), titi, and sweet pepperbush (Clethra alnifolia). Because of the small amount of wetlands being impacted, and the necessity of these impacts for safety reasons, no mitigation is proposed. ., ~ fi!i i! !Wi e,;J! ~J~ 001 ~II ~!h .!' iei ... - !I. I II 1'1 ~ I j: i !i' · " I , sf f = ~ I : Si i I , ! ~JI I il"'R I I ~ i i . f ,.I .' '--~--:.:, _-:a.-\[" ~~..-~, ( .,~ ~/\ \~~. I! '~'~..j,,/ ~-:>r.,_~ .,.. _ - . '......... ;--',./1 '\. ~ . ~'~'~il. '\ : . _ _ . '~_ '. '-- ";"1 \ 'ir........;..,' 1 . . - . ". /' ,.. ' \ "'.,... -., .z..- . 1 ~ ~ /::..~(~ -...~ v """"':Z' (/C'. '\ -.... 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