HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951314 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19951227 S& EC CJ5/ 'Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. . 244 West Millbrook Road.Raleigh, North Carolina 27609.(919) 846-5900. Fax (919) 846-9467 December 21, 1995 NRCD - DEM Attn: Mr. John Dorney PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626 US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Mr. Michael Hosey Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 <S}<&% ~~ .... \~ ~, ~ ~ '~ ....~ " ~ .:::a )!~ =t} ~ 't'1 ' ~ Dear Mr. Hosey and Mr. Dorney: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the intent to utilize Nationwide Permit 26 to cover proposed wetland impacts from the establishment of the 300 acre Triangle Brick Quarry Project. The project is located near Wadesbor<?, NC in Anson County. The site is bordered by NC 52 onthe west, Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad on. the east, and is bisected by Airport Road (SRl645); as shown on the enclosed vicinity map, The wetland delineation has been reviewed in the field and approved by Mr. Michael Hosey of the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers. It will be necessary to impact 3.25 acres (see map) of jurisdictional wetland and Uwaters of the US" for excavation of the initial mining areas. Only 3996 square feet (0,09 acres) of the total is vegetated wetland. The balance is comprised of ponds and bank to bank stream channels. In order to minimize impacts, the largest pocket of vegetated wetland (bottomland hardwood forest) on the property (26,765 square feet) was excluded fr9m the initial mining areas. Potential future impacts to wetlands in the future reserve area (see map) are not included in this application, . A sedimentation/ erosion control plan, complete with a wet detention pond, will be included in the project.plans. However, the individual impacts resulting from the sediment pond shown on the map were not separated out as ultimately all portions of the initial mining area will be excavated, After reclamation the site will be left occupied by a pond or ponds totaling several hundred acres. The subsequent creation of deepwater habitat and natural conversion of the pond margin to wetland will offsetlosses caused by construction. The construction of this project will ultimately increase most wetland values. Water Soil/Site Evaluation . Mapping an~ Physical Analysis . Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation . Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design storage, recreation, pollutant removal and aquatic habitat values Will significantly increase. The value of the small (3996 sq. ft.) vegetated wetland pocket to be impacted is very low; It could best be described as a cutover headwater forest; dominated by red maple and ash saplings, with blackberry and greenbrier. Please call if you have questions or require further information. If you intend to perform a site visit please call and we will arrange for someone to accompany you. Sincerely, ~?~ James F. Shem, Wetland Scientist cc: (with enclosures) David Franklin, Wilmington Corps Danny Smith, NC DEM North Carolina Dept of Cultural Resources National Marine Fisheries Service US Fish & Wildlife Service DEM iD: ACTiON iD: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit I> :26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of En2ineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WiLMINGTON DISTRiCT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTH: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-1786 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Elizabeth L. Taylor 2. Owners Address: 115 East Wade Street Wadesboro, NC 28170 3. Owners Phone Number (Phone): (704) 694-2142 4. If Applicable: Agents name, address, phone number: Soil and Environmental Consultants aUn: Jamie Shern 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 phone: (919) 846-5900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Anson Nearest Town or City: Wadesboro, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): The site is bordered by NC 52 on the west, Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad on the east, and is bisected by Airport Road (SR1645); as shown on the enclosed vicinity map. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River:, Grindstone Branch 7. River Basin: Yadkin - Pee Dee (FAX): 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I or WS II? YES () NO (X) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES () NO (X) If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: <5acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, impacted by the proposed projects HW26 Filled: Drained: Flooded: Excavated: 3.25 Total Impacted: 3.25 12. Description of proposed work (Attach plan-8 1/2 X 11 drawings only): Establishment of a quarry (see map). 13. Purpose of proposed work: To mine the raw materials needed to produce bricks. 14. state reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. A large tract of land, with proper geology, is needed to site this facility. For its size, this property has only very small vegetated wetland areas on-site. In order to minimize impacts, the largest pocket of vegetated wetland on the property (26,765 square feet) was excluded from the initial mining areas. 15. You are required to contact the U.s. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (HMFS) regarding the presence species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES (X) NO ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit ar~a which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (X) NO () RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? agriculture. Silviculture, pasture and F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Sanitary sewer. ~s~.~ '5 e.~ Q~thDi"-\-LQ~~ 1:2);<(/15 Date +0 {-1M. hed by the Geological Survey Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph: 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERl\1INATION A (1987 ~OEWe!lands tfE;linea~on Manual) Ii f- .-- Project/Site:. '1'\.50'1 Co, 1N1.14k-hck Stir" Date: tit 'qj Applicant/ Own.~r: TOo1\. \..J.,;'ll' IlKI911 t- 11'1 )3-3 gOqi m County: ~ ';,91"'\ Investigator: Stu>A-V\. State: ~ Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes ~ Transect ID: Is tlle area a potential Problem Area? Ye@ Plot 10: (If needed, explain on reverse.) R( F,.1-c ~ItCW F'A< rAc"\: rp;C Wl !tC\J Do~a:l ~ Species 9. {l.>V e ,'tI 10. . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Stra~ Indicator 7;\('U Fk-+ Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, F ACW or F AC (excluding FAC-). . i & 0 Remarks: HYDROLOGY _Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): _Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge _Aerial Photographs \...4 Other ~ No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: of Deptll J6 Surface Water: o-&; Deptll to Free Water in Pit 0 o (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: 6( Inundated t><., Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits K Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary h\dicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches K Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data F AC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) .(in.) Remarks: 11/0 T . I 1\ ~ ~O UJ 1I11 -5 C::t( fJ'{:)j/\ SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Taxonomy(SubgroUp):-Jyf 'c. \J bt'5 htuN\- Ctn~rQU if~ Drainage Class: fcSJor! V J.ra(~cl Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Ye@ Profile Description: DepUl (ins. ) 0--10 U>~ Texture, Concretions , Structure etc. ~~c:tvtdy (D~ 5~~vf d}, c fq)' I ba ut HAizon fl Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance / Contrast Hydric Soil hldicators: _Histosol _Concretions _Histic Epipedon _High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil _Sulfidic Odor _Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ~Aquic Moisture Regime ~Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ~Reducing Conditions _Listed on National Hydric Soils List ~Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: . Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~s No Wetland Hydrology Present? . No Hydric Soils Present? No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? ~cle) C!7 No Remarks: Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph: 919/846-5900 Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~ No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse.) Indicator Pk- FAc4 ;::::-AC. - P/lC F/fc f:'M Lt PA-G FAt~ Stratum t;e Ai? "Iv\. f' +/ee- <j~~ +,1'~ Yes@ Transect ID: Ye~ Plot ID: Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. ')I)tIl.lle~i/af" lJit",/jlfl(tlI1a -f'/-ee. ;::.4c~ 10. K'l~ b,g c:(/~1U ftt9 ,.t!/~tVb AI{ 11. v' 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, F ACW or F AC (excluding F AC-). . v Remarks: HYDROLOGY _Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): _Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge _Aerial Photographs ^' / Other i6-- No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: of Depth)<6 Surface Water: .------. (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit J/~ (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil-2/;) _(in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift: Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data F AC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: SOILS Map Unit Name J)A _ n (Series and Phase):~LA. y o~/l V\.. Taxonomy(Subgroup ):_T 'y f't ( 1-& fl{ d Ll I h t Drainage Class: well- r/f'Q{~cd Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yee Profile Description: Depth (ins.) 0-10 Lb-;AO Texture, Concretions , s~;~~ ' Ot.tM e-I &. . 'a IJr.- Hfion f3 Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance / Contrast Hydric Soil hldicators: _Histosol _Concretions _His tic Epipedon _High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil _Sulfidic Odor _Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _Aquic Moisture Regime _Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _Reducing Conditions _Listed on National Hydric Soils List _Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Y es (N~ Yes~ Yes 8 (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? (Circ~ Yes~ Remarks: l.t./t.U/~v l.v.'ii U~.l~<...>..>OU">" H1\....1\ J.llJ. " vn.DuLlI .l\.LJ DEC-1~-95THU 16:14 TRIANGLE BRICK CO 12/1.4/8& l.t:52 ~.J.l9WJllL. .~'_.r.'~~::I:J .~....~ ,lI.;a~..o~..o, FAX NO. '9195443904 IrdtIK t. <=lUmI)/RL 7~Y.~ 'f'f- ~ I '12, P. 01 IlJ ooa tJAtz:. d~ TO BE COMJ!I.EI'ED BY CDRIlDlT PR.OPBRTY OWNER .NO EXatlIONS. Na\<< Mu.. ~ PI-.: t; , PlojectNIIIIe~6DK; IIA ~~ UJ., 7~ /f:ik.~~ . T '1 ,,' lJUe: '.'.....-: '~;'7n.e~oi6e~~y"! U3. AzlayC<<plof..... . ~PiItdd l'O...ma ~NC 2M02 A_~ . fWd 0fS0I: W.,~?4 Me WctJ.M.~71*^,,~..~ . -, 1. :.!' g.:: '! , I TG WItaIII It K&yCo1am: l. "'~.._4 ;.~~~~-..,.tI.......~Soi1I111i~~ CozvNIfuts,k tDlttfl\my1dl1f 18.1 ".IM ~ofpftmit applicatiozwl fa ~'J'UIlMt. -~..~"'~in-r~of .ppJa..~" frgm"By 1JIwd. Datta. IY~ 4ay of ~ /''1 r . . , .~ I -": "j! . . .'l1ds~tbt~r-~q' t-~..Jt;-~~~~~~~;~,,~~-: '..' ", ,;""" ;,,,:,:.~,'. ',' :1'" '''pl~:"",,, " ".,', '-. ." " ." '''.. ' """ " ", .:', .,.." . . I f I EI/z-II-t6Fr/lf t.. 7J.'1/.1t Prv~aw..Na&<< ,<<: Mr.JaIa1 "DDmey N.c. Depub_oflH. NIl Diridoft claY. JI&t. . W~_QuJily~", MOtltMdyCrN'" 1t-~'b.,NC mm Wr.~c.~ SoiI..t~\A-eu.W~.. , ' ~ (,-,,-'I, L .. C::;h. l\...rdI o....Slpatm: . I 1 #!! t.;- tl ~ r l-if~ l/r~,~fitJ ~ i.t. ;"1'/70 (7b Y) . t f'l- 21 Y 7- ~;~ Ii\: 1'" ;(~ ~ ,'" S& EC QSJ31LJ Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road . Raleigh, North Carolina 27609_(919) 846-5900. Fax (919) 846-9467 December 21,1995 NRCD-DEM Attn: Mr. John Dorney PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626 US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Mr. Michael Hosey Post Office Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ., ,"",. .,,-~" [~ ~ \17 i:~ , . "n.""".-~ "._~..,.,,'" ._......'..,;c... n 7 I. Dear Mr. Hosey and Mr. Dorney: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the intent to utilize Nationwide Permit 26 to cover proposed wetland impacts from the establishment of the 300 acre Triangle Brick Quarry Project, The project is located near Wadesboro, NC in Anson County. The site is bordered by NC 52 on the west, Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad on the east, and is bisected by Airport Road (SR1645); as shown on the enclosed vicinity map. The wetland delineation has been reviewed in the field and approved by Mr. Michael Hosey of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It will be necessary to impact 3.25 acres (see map) of jurisdictional wetland and "waters of the US" for excavation of the initial mining areas. Only 3996 square feet (0.09 acres) of the total is vegetated wetland. The balance is comprised of ponds and bank to bank stream channels. In order to minimize impacts, the largest pocket of vegetated wetland (bottomland hardwood forest) on the property (26,765 square feet) was excluded from the initial mining areas. Potential future impacts to wetlands in the future reserve are.a (see map) are not included in this application. A sedimentation/ erosion control plan, complete with a wet detention pond, will be included in the project plans. However, the individual impacts resulting from the sediment pond shown on the map were not separated out as ultimately all portions of the initial mining area will be excavated. After reclamation the site will be left occupied by a pond or ponds totaling several hundred acres. The subsequent creation of deepwater habitat and natural conversion of the pond margin to wetland will offset losses caused by construction. The construction of this project will ultimately increase most wetland values, Water Soil/Site Evaluation . Mapping and Physical Analysis . Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation . Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design storage, recreation, pollutant removal and aquatic habitat values will significantly increase. The value of the small (3996 sq. ft.) vegetated wetland pocket to be impacted is very low. It could best be described as a cutover headwater forest; dominated by red maple and ash saplings, with blackberry and greenbrier, Please call if you have questions or require further information. H you intend to perform a site visit please call and we will arrange for someone to accompany you. Sincerely, ~f,~ James F. Shern, Wetland Scientist cc: (with enclosures) David Franklin, Wilmington Corps Danny Smith, NC DEM North Carolina Dept of Cultural Resources National Marine Fisheries Service US Fish & Wildlife Service DEM ID: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #) :26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide Dermits that reauire notification to the CorDs of En1!ineers Nationwide Dermits that reauire auuIication for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-1786 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Elizabeth L. Taylor 2. Owners Address: 115 East Wade Street Wadesboro, NC 28170 3. Owners Phone Number (Phone): (704) 694-2142 (FAX): 4. If Applicable: Agents name, address, phone number: Soil and Environmental Consultants aUn: Jamie Shem 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 phone: (919) 846-5900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Anson Nearest Town or City: Wadesboro, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): The site is bordered by NC 52 on the west, Winston-Salem Southbound Railroad on the east, and is bisected by Airport Road (SR1645); as shown on the enclosed vicinity map. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: Grindstone Branch 7. River Basin: Yadkin - Pee Dee 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I or WS II? YES () NO (X) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES () NO (X) If yes, explain. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: <5 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the u.s. including wetlands, impacted by the proposed projects HW26 Filled: Drained: Flooded: Excavated: 3.25 Total Impacted: 3.25 12. Description of proposed work (Attach plan-8 1/2 X 11 drawings only): Establishment of a quarry (see map). 13. Purpose of proposed work: To mine the raw materials needed to produce bricks. 14. state reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. A large tract of land, with proper geology, is needed to site this facility. For its size, this property has only very small vegetated wetland areas on-site. In order to minimize impacts, the largest pocket of vegetated wetland on the property (26,765 square feet) was excluded from the initial mining areas. 15. You are required to contact the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (HMFS) regarding the presence species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES (X) NO ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (X) NO () RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. c. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? agriculture. Silviculture, pasture and F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? Sanitary sewer. ~fL Ag nts S1gnature '5 e ~ 0.. L~+h.i) l" l -Z <l ~ ~ 1;;;.};(I/f5 Date +0 {-~ , : ~) '- , ," )' )),\~; ) /)" ~ " .. I '. J ./ hed bv the Geological Survey SCALE: I Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph: 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION A (1987 COE Wetlandstfelineation Manual) /,2 /t .--- Project/Site:. '1'l5(A1 CO. TAA~khCl-< SA~ Date: 11 t 'q-j Apphca.nt/Own.~r: TOo1\. W;l'~ lU.'19'1f- 11'1)3-3 f?DCZi mcounty: ~';(9Y"1 Investigator: St--RA-V\. State: L:- Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~No Commu.nity ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes ~ Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Ye@ Plot ID: (If needed, explain on reverse.) F.{-( F,4-c rPltCW P':4C PAc"\; F~CWl I1C\J DO'f!Una:t P~t Species 9. (/A' eLl Uti 10. . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Stra~ Indicator 7 A ('I.(' rAcof- Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, F ACW or F AC (excluding FAC-). . i & 0 Remarks: HYDROLOGY _Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): _Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge _Aerial Photographs ....4 Other ~ No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: of Depthp5 Surface Water: tJ- 0 (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit o o Depth to Saturated Soil:___ (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: r>< Inundated ~ Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift: Lines Sediment Deposits k: Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches K Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data F AC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) (in.) Remarks: ;1/D T -5 C::t( -S'CN'\ 11,\ ~ ~OtU l~ SOILS Map Unit Name (Series and Phase): Taxonomy(Subgroup): lY f "c Profile Description: Depth (ins. ) 0--10 LC, -=..J12. lJ bt5 ktlAA^- Ct ~tN; r ~ tJ if~ Drainage Class: fCJor! V Jra(~cI Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Ye@ Texture, Concretions, Structure etc. ~dtA.dy I~~ 5,,"1 of ~f c.(ll)' /1> a I4t HAizon f> (Munsell Moist) ;g~~ tk Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance / Contrast Matrix Color Hydric Soil h,dicators: _Histosol _Concretions _Histic Epipedon _High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil _Sulfidic Odor _Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils ~Aquic Moisture Regime ~Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ~Reducing Conditions _Listed on National Hydric Soils List ~Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? ~s No Wetland Hydrology Present? No Hydric Soils Present? No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? ~cle) ~No Remarks: Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, hlC. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph: 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION A (1987 COE Wetlands Deline~tion Manual) fJ:J. Project/Sit., ""7': Co. ~'1.icfir"c k 'l,1-e Dare, If?, '1/ f ~ Applicant/Ow5r: . iv'~ lJIJ.t"..,/J { 1/q a3?M I d.B1 County: r?~Pr1 Investigator: h e-I'- State: /J/C Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? ~ No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse.) Indicator PtL~ FAG4 PAc. - F4C f'/fC f.:'MU F",+G FAGv Stratum ~ ~ 1l1v1.f -tH,e <j~~ +,J-.s<R Yes@ Transect ID: Y~ Plot ID: Dominant Plant Species Scratum Indicator 9. .)/J&III/?Ii/ut? lJir',/!n(II)1() f%e;e. ;::4c~ 10. f(1.J hIt<: C(./~111 ftI.<; ,,ft!;-5r..1Vb AI{ 11. v" 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, F ACW or F AC (excluding FAC-). . v Remarks: HYDROLOGY _Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): _Scream, Lake, or Tide Gauge _Aerial Photographs ^ J Other ~ No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: of Depth Jt5 Surface Water: .---------.. (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit ~/<< (in.) Deptll to Saturated Soil-2-1:.J.. (in.) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 inches Water Marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data F AC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: SOILS Map Unit Name J)Jl ~ () (Series and Phase):~,A y Ocx./l V\..- Taxonomy(Subgroup): T y eiL 1-& (JL(d ~ Its t I Drainage Class: wet!- J('q(~~ Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? Yee Profile Description: Depth (ins.) 0-10 li)-;AO Texture, Concretions, S~1~~ ' . ~tu\. e.-l a.. ''a to-- H~;ron A Mottle Colors (Munsell Moist) Mottle Abundance / Contrast Hydric Soil hldicators: _Histosol _Concretions _His tic Epipedon _High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil _Sulfidic Odor _Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _Aquic Moisture Regime _Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _Reducing Conditions _Listed on National Hydric Soils List _Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Yes (N~ Yes~ Yes e!9 (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? (Circ~ Yes~ Remarks: llllU/~~ 1~;41 -~~~~~~~ouv~ m~"Lm ~ VnUUUf&'L .1.' .~, J.~:l:J ..~. 4.;1 ,:I~:a~"O::l'tO, FAX NO. -9195443904 Irc;SIK t. ~/RL 7~Y., 'f'f- ~ I '12, P.01 'lJ ooa t"~ d~ . DEC-14-95 THU 16:14 TRIANGLE BRICK CO 1!/14/8~ J.t:S2 lbl9WAML.. TO BE COMPLEI'ED 'By CllJlImNT PROPBRTY OWNER · NO EXCRllONS", Nee: , Mira_ ~ ~ ~ ' PlvSedNIIIIIe~ lJ~-( EA., 7~ /f:iiL~t-k ... '1 .' n.fe: .- ... -...-- > :,:.',~ :::--._.~ 'F7n.~:aft.~A;;y'-~ , U.s. ADayeoq.......... - ~Dinria l'O ...181 ~NC28G A_~ . IWd CJfBcc l.1U"",,~ k Wd1.M."~~_Faa!tUaf ! ' To m.. ItKayCclam: 1. .. ~..._4 ~~t"""U ~ ...,.11..... Gal ..tIwm. Soitu..r Emkoi~eniel CcmIulutI, k 101ttM.lIlyhdd ".J.-ladle ~ofpftmit applicatiolw,fa~~~~til___~m_l"e;rt'of / lIW~"fnD"IIayLawat4.Ddth 1~~Uyof ~ ~ / ff ,. · . ' ."-': "o!', ,:""" ;',;.:.:...', ,~:..-,,;r~tkJa,~~~~""'~~,~~~~;~'1G~- . I I f I EI/z.Jl4FrH t.. 7J,'I./~1t ~"",0wNiIi Na&e: .. ,ClC Mr.Jaba Damty N.c. Deputm_oIIH. NIL DiriIioftof.... ~ . Wa_QuJay~ MOl....,.cnutta.c1 'D.~NC mm Mr.~c.Mati&l Sd_..,~~~~-. , . ~ t,-~I, L . C;h. ~...r-Ji OwM.SlplatVe: I I . I J 1 /II! /.y1-I, ~ I- 1-i1~ //r~,~j!:tJ ,A I 1.1'. 2-1'/70 ~, (7tJ 'f) _ t f 'I... 2.1 Y'2- ... -. .. ~.~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF January 19, 1996 Regulatory Branch }.? q~f\ 1(0) ~ @ ~ II ~7 ~.... lidG;:.. U/E;--~".'. . n I LANDS [:;, ~~:~;ti:Lr,. . Action ID No. 199602716 and Nationwide Permit No. 26 Ms. Elizabeth L. Taylor 115 East Wade Street Wadesboro, North Carolina 28170 Dear Ms. Taylor: Reference your application of December 21, 1995, for Department of the Army (DA) authorization to excavate 3.25 acres of wetlands above the headwaters of Grindstone Creek to establish a brick quarry on your property located on both sides of SR1645 near Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, was provided by Nationwide Permit No. 26 for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters. Your work is authorized by this nationwide permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions and any required State authorization. A Section 401 water quality certification is required from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. Contact Mr. John Dorney, telephone (919) 733-1786 for this certification. This nationwide permit does not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain other required State or local approval. This verification will be valid until the nationwide permit is modified, reissued or revoked, which will occur prior to January 21, 1997. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide permits, which will be announced by public notice when they occur. If you commence, or are under contract to commence, this activity before the date the nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve months from the date of the modification or revocation, to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. Questions or comments may be addressed to me at telephone (910) 251-4441. Sincerely, Michael L. Hosey II Regulatory Specialist Enclosure Printed on e Recycled Papar If -... Copies Furnished (without enclosure) : / Mr. John Dorney vt Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Mr. James Shern Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 2 NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Jan 29'96 11:51 No.004 P,02 ... ~ North Carolina Wildlife Resources Conunission ~ . - . .-- 51Z N. S-.disbury street. Raleight North Q.rolina 27604.1188, 919#73~p3~91 Charles R. fuI1~ Executive Director MEMORANDUM FROM: John Dorney Water Quality Plannin!t~ Owen Anderson~edrilont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program January 29t 1996 Elizabeth L. Taylor's request for Nationwide Permit 26 and Section 401 Certification to excavate wetlands for the establishment of the Triangle Brick Quarry Project, Anson CoWltYt North Carolina. DEM ID #951314 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Biologists on the Wildlife Resources Commission s1affhave reviewed the subject document and are familiar with habitat values of the project area. An on-site investigation was conducted with Jamie Shorn, Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc., KcnAvQritte, OEM, and fid Buchan. OEM, on January 19, 1996 for the purpose of further assessing project impacts on aquatic habitats. Our comments are provided in acconlance with certain provisions of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (33 U.S.C, 466 et seq.) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C, 661-667d)and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. J 13-131 et seq.). Appli~t propose!!) to excavate 3.25 acres of wetlands on it 300-acre site in the process of mining associated with the establishment of the Triangle Brick Quarry Project. The site was previously in the Conservation Reserve Program and most of it is planted in pines. At least two areas of hordwoods have been clear-cut recently. . Ponds make up 2.64 acres ofimpac~ one ofwhiclt (A on the Site Plan and Wetland Impact Map) has been drained in recent months BOd fonns the headwaters of the longest stream segment 10 be impacted, approximately 2100 feet in length. The largest pond (C on map) forms the headwaters of approximat.c1y 900 feet of stream. Another stream segment, about 1100 feet long, crosses near the southern end of the project and receives runoff from adjacent agricultural lands. A smP}1 vegetated wetland (G on map), 0.09 acres, falls in the buffer to highway 52, Impacts to a 0.61 acre vegetated wetland (H on map) were avoided at this time by including it in the future reserves area. We request that the following conditions be incorporated into the permit to protect certain wetlunds and downstream habitats: NCWRC,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Jan 29'96 11:52 No.004 P.03 .. . Triangle Brick 951314 2 January 29, 1996 Avoid im~ts to stream segment labeledF on the map and wetland G by maintaining or establishing at leMt a l00-foot undisturbed natural buffer of native trees and shrubs along each side of this stream or wetland area. Area F is of particular importance for its filtering effect of potential pollutants from adjacent agricu1turallands. Implement up-front wetland mitigation at a ratio of 2: 1 (omated:destroyed) fOf every acre of wetlands impacted. A total of5.88 wetland acre!I would need to be created if the remainini 2.94 acres are impacted. Wetlands should be created in areas adjacent to streams or existing wetlands. For recommendations un establishing wetland vegetation, contact Ken Knight at (704) 982-1600. 3. Implement and strictly maintain a state approved erosion and sedimentation control plan designed to effectively settle out the fine particle size soils of the project site, particularly during stonn events. " '4\. {-; ^.J ~" 1. .. 2. ,--- 4. R.cquire remaining wcdand H be protected from futw"C; impacts, mAinwning Il buffer as dgoribed in No.1. v s. Maintain wetlands G and H by shunting sufficient water to these areas to maintain hydrology, However, this water should be free of sediments that would destroy the wetland. v 6. Conduct reclamation concurrent with mining by establishing vegetation as soon as possible after mining an. area. 7, Stonnwatcr from the manufacturing site should be routed to a wet detention pond and not t./ be discharged diIcctly to $Utface waters, Thank you for the opportunity to review and couunent on this application, In can be of further assistance, please contact me at (919) 528-9886. MClofa ~ st; -r .' y..J:> A . \\0 ~ ~ ov-l. V . -VvI''tt'-~'~l Y\ .f2JV'. ' . 1\ (}fl , . ~ Nu ~t{~V--~ . . ~~~~ ~j State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director January 30, 1996 Anson County DEM Project # 951314 COE #199602716 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Ms. Elizabeth Taylor 115 East Wade Street Wadesboro, NC 28170 Dear Ms. Taylor: You have our approval to place fill material in 3.25 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a clay mine for brick manufacture at NC 52, as you described in your application dated 21 December, 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2671. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you rrtust follow th~, conditions listed in the attached certification. Additional written DEM approval is ryquired for th~ wet detention pond. If mining eventually occurs in the watershed of wetland "H" 'sufficient stormwater shall be directed to maintain'h's hydrology. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, Attachment ~~ cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Jamie Shern; Soil and Environmental Consultants 951314.ltr Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. 50% recycled/1 0% post consumer paper MEMORANDpM ,~ TO: JOHN DORNEY ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH PRINT NAMES: Reviewer: ~d' >4V~flr~ WQ SUPV.: '_ \^-hL\6.A-- DATE: /-2!- 3- fb SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: APPLICANT NAME: PROJECT TYPE: COE_1f : RCD FROM CDA: - - REG OFFICE: 95 PERMIT NO: 0001314 TRIANGLE BRICK COMPANY QUARRY APP FRO COUNTY: ANSON v: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. 'Y ~ ;,z, ~ tr ~ ,~, "'?- ~ "'~ :32 1.02 c:r .~ ~ ~ PERMIT TYPE: NW26 DOT_iJ : DATE_FRM_CDA: 12/27/95 , RIVER_AND_SUB_BASIN_II: :10 f'l\i'! ~~,3,~1lJ);NDEX_NO: 13-20-15-3 STREAM CLASS: C co.. 1",~j !.;'.9"!UY1' - EJ. ol':;;v . i~ ' WL_IMPACT? : (YN Jil,N ~ 1995 WL_TYPE: 0 {f} WL_REQUESTED: 3.2-} A:~~ f~.~.r:1/HVi:\Gr::lvlr::Nr WL_ACR_EST?: Y~ WL SCORE(ff): 19 ~.f: ~S AVEI !t:ViU..E hECwMeeeIMPACTED BY FILL?: Y An j;::>'iC:A' t-.:) e.c::. - I 'I ' ~ ..::r'R"",\c;.f\TI /) ~ MITIGATION?: Y rf) MITIGATION_TYPE: ~C' rz;"'H::>5 MITIGATION_SIZE: N/4 DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: y(jD IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?:~N HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: Y~ COMMENTS: RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE (ISSUE/COW DENY -r-/'.ff,$'&; JI/12e.If~ fiR-I;; /~~L""TEtJ ~ /J.I9I2l-'? /IN ~ P.oLG t.JTtlNT ~..:s r 'I ) cc: I'1tJ.J:> IA.J -'9-(() ~ ~r ..J/<,E7.LV 7l) &Y v.5e:1J ~ Avt/r#-/,P6 t!iI~. .7:#::7 ~ / ' ~; ::;~'~~r~ ~:7;:=:: pla!/t>l8 ~ JV~ ~~f ~ f~ ~ ,( k- ~ JF-.;t;'~ y~ ~L. ~~ ~~-- ~. P' ~ /' ~ k C'l ~ ~-- wlo ~~ ~. ~~ A~_J~_-F-~~ ~ ~~~~d~~ />~~->4J ~ ~J~ R~ _ ~_ ~.s. __ "'-~. ~ .,,, ~ ~ -' ~) ~ ';/~ ~ 4 l ~j/~)' , ~~~,,/ ~ ~_ ka- 11(;" I;S_~ A ~1~ Regional Office 6v I- ~,.,~ /ldw/ ~A.... rk ~/.le. ~ Central Files -{ 1fi?1J.~'/./e.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ ~vfJ ~ I~f~ ~/) rN'W~tland t;;;'N(~ei;ctN Ol;:~):/NNNN'" "'''', CJ Bottomland hardwood forest CJ Pine savanna CJ Headwater forest CJ Freshwater marsh CJ Swamp forest CJ Bog/fen CJ Wet flat CJ Ephemeral \',etland CJ Pocosin ~lina Ba:.L _. / -#- CJ Bog forest ~ Other ~ ~ *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or s-.ream channels . 7./.I''//'////'/''/''./_'''/;/.//./;'J"/;.I';~,/''',/~/'''/,//,~ ,";;';,-"'/"///'///'///////'/,.//'//,./.h'/;//,/;///////ti'//;//// /;.//.J":;///'/;/I';/';////~////////';/"//';/-.;I;; '" /// ""// ,"/ "/. ~ IR{ I. weight l'l."'!i~W~k ~ ~ (;;;~1~: "'5~/ Water storage X 4.00.. ~.f' ~ ~ /Jit/_ _ ~1..)Bank/Shoreline stabilization I x 4.00 .. ~ , ~, /~ ~ ~ l' Pollutant removal ~ x 5.00 · ~ ~ I ~ ~ Wildlife habitat x 2,00 - ~ ~ n I ~ ~ U I f 4 00 ~ ~ Aquatic i e value x , .. ~ ~ ~n A ~ ~ U~ Recreation/Education V x 1 ,00 .. ~ ~ ~ ~ G * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 1 0% non point disturbance within 1/2 mile '..lpstream. upslope, or radius ~ ~/'''''''/"/''''/////"/;,/////,,,,,,,,,,,;,/,,,/,/,,,//''';,,,""""";//'""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,'//"""""""""/""""""",,,,,,h *. 57 If Wetland type (select one)* Cl Bottomland hardwood forest CJ Pine savanna Cl Headwater forest CJ Freshwater marsh Cl Swamp forest CJ Bog/fen Cl Wet flat CJ Ephemeral \',etland Cl Pocosin CJ Carolina a' - ,/!?~ Cl Bog forest prether V t.V *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes s-.ream channels 7;'/////";""'JI/"-",'././...~'/././/;./"/"'.//"';././///.;///"/////'//////"/////~///////"'/";//////////////////. "'. '/////'/./""""/. ~///// /""'/////"" 'l ~ R . Water storage 2. CZ-J x ~~~3t _ _t ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ M Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 - ~ ~ Z\' ~ ~ 'L/ * ~ ~ T Pollutant removal x 5.00 - ~ ~ Q ~ ~ n Wildlife habitat _ x 2,00 - ~ ~ U"5 ~ ~ Aquatic life value - _ x 4,00 - ~ ~ N ~ ~ Recreation/Education ;) x 1 .00 = ~ ~ ~ ~ G * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and> 10% non point disturbance within 1/2 mile ".lpstream, upslope, or radius ~ ""T;:;;:::"';::;;"'::1i1'''/~ mNN7;::Z;;N~':;::''''~;:/~'''~'''''/- r a.. ~ /e.:t- ~ oS ~- '"'5,- ~. (!--- ~ .i#- ~ ~..e-- tM:t-~ ~a cPc r.z-/~ /~. HI r-v~' -rk- ~ ~ --lo {.~ ~ ~~, Wetland type (select one)* CJ f!gUomland hardwood forest CJ Pine savanna lB"Headwater forest Cl Freshwater marsh CJ Swamp forest Cl Bog/fen' CJ Wet flat Cl Ephemeral \'.etland CJ Pocosin Cl Carolina Ba:- CJ Bog forest Cl Other *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or s-.ream channels ""''''////////'''//'''''''''.1'/////////'''////////////////////////////////////////.//////////////////// //,,/////,,1/////////////////////////,//////////// '" "'JI'" // //. '~ fR ~ weight t'- w>>; ~ ~ Water storage ?-- x 4.00.. ',' ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ M Bank/Shoreline stabilization -k7- x 4.00 - ~ ~ ,. Pollutant removal 7* x 5.00 - ~ , ~ ~ Wildlife habitat x 2.00 - ~ , n if ~ u / ~ ~ Aquatic life value ~ x 4.00 so ~ ~~n ~ ~ ~ U~ Recreation/Education lUX , .00 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ G * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and> 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile -.:pstream, upslope, or radius ~ :"""",.I"///~////'/~"""///'/////////"'~'=/""/'/'~"#Z7.1"""""i""""/~;'~""'i"""""""h (~;;;J;f ..J/A--/'~~'.t:;!pA ~~" ~ ~ ~ ~ fW~tf M A<-IW"-.p /,"" "'_I~_ :..i!J,