HomeMy WebLinkAbout19971120 Ver 1_Complete File_20030421??®sr 4A 111680 ??9TF 21 ;o l/p o ?Q 4 ? ?seCTjo* ' ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 3) CONCORD MILLS WETLAND AND STREAM RESTORATION ' CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Concord Mills Limited Partnership 1300 Wilson Boulevard ' Suite 400 Arlington, Virginia 22209 (703) 526-5000 Prepared by: EcoScience 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 t Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 828-3433 December 2002 1 J TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE F CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ii LIST OF TABLES " ............................................................................................................. iii ' 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' 2.0 STREAM MONITORING .................................................................................................... 3 2.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................... 3 ' 2.1.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 2.1.2 Biological Stream Attributes .......................................... 3 2.2 MONITORING RESULTS ..................................................................................... 4 ' 2.2.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 2.2.2 Biological Stream Attributes ....................................................................... 4 12 2.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 15 2.3.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 15 ' 2.3.2 Biological Stream Attributes ....................................................................... 18 3.0 WETLAND HYDROLOGY MONITORING ......................................................................... 19 3.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................... 19 ' 3.2 MONITORING RESULTS ..................................................................................... 3.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 19 22 ' 4.0 VEGETATION MONITORING ........................................................................................... 4.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................... 24 24 4.2 MONITORING RESULTS ..................................................................................... 24 4.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 30 5.0 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 31 6.0 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 32 n P LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location ..................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Site Plan View: Constructed Stream and Oxbow .............................................. 5 Figure 3 Plan View and Cross-Sections (Upper Reach) .................................................. 10 ' Figure 4 Plan View and Cross-Sections (Lower Reach) .................................................. 11 Figure 5 Bio-monitoring Sites .......................................................................................... 13 ' Figure 6 Time-Space Substitution of Stream Morphology ................................................ 17 Figure 7 Groundwater Gauge Locations and Wetland Boundary Determination .............. 20 Figure 8 Planting Plan and Vegetation Plots ................................................................... 25 rl? ' LIST OF TABLES Table 1a Morpological Stream Characteristics (Upper Reach) ......................................... 6 ' Table 1 b Morpological Stream Characteristics (Lower Reach) ......................................... 8 Table 2 Benthic Sampling Results ................................................................................. 14 Table 3 Summary of Hydrology Monitoring Data ............................:............................... 21 Table 4 Summary of Vegetation Monitoring Data ........................................................... 27 Table 5 Characteristic Tree Species for Vegetation Success Criteria ............................. 29 ' iii ' ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 3) CONCORD MILLS WETLAND AND STREAM RESTORATION CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 INTRODUCTION Concord Mills Limited Partnership has developed Concord Mills, a 1.7 million square-foot ' shopping mall, on approximately 166 acres in the southwest quadrant of the 1-85/Concord Mills Boulevard interchange in Cabarrus County. This project unavoidably impacted streams and wetlands within the project site, including 1796 linear. feet of first-order stream channel, 2.5 acres of wetlands, and 0.6 acre of open water (ponds). ' In 1997-1998, a detailed mitigation plan was prepared to provide full functional replacement for wetland and stream impacts associated with the development of Concord Mills (ESC 1998). The mitigation plan involved stream and wetland restoration on a 23.4- acre tract located approximately 2500 feet north of Concord Mills Mall, immediately south of Airport Boulevard, and west of the Concord Regional Airport (Figure 1). The mitigation site (hereafter referred to as the "Site") comprises an unnamed tributary, termed Airport Creek, and associated floodplains at the confluence with the Rocky River. The detailed mitigation plan proposed approximately 3000 linear feet of stream mitigation, 3.0 acres of wetland restoration /creation (net), and 5.4 acres of wetland enhancement within the Site. The mitigation plan outlined monitoring procedures designed to track wetland and stream ' development after restoration activities were completed. The monitoring plan requires annual monitoring for a minimum 5-year period and analysis of the data to evaluate quantitative success criteria. The monitoring plan has been excerpted from the detailed ' mitigation plan and is attached for reference in Appendix A. Construction plans were prepared for the project and sediment/erosion control permits ' obtained in the summer of 1999. Construction activities extended from September through December of 1999 with tree planting completed in early January 2000. Photographs of the Site have been taken periodically over the past 3 years from ' established vantage points. A sample of post-restoration and time line photographs from the fall of 2002 may be found in Appendix B. This document represents the Year 3 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) designed to track wetland and stream development as outlined in the monitoring plan (Appendix A). Monitoring has been performed throughout the 2002-growing season for hydrology, and at the end of the growing season for vegetation and stream parameters. I? iLJ L 17 u 17 L +? i Y R4t'?dxx ?-C a;.. ? t ?. k.«.. - • '4 ? -- / ? Vu, f . : t t 36 r 1/ ' 4iyll.. Jf'...?.1 Mrp .0 t . E Restoration - Site "?. 'ate ? ty d C oncor Regional JetPort ni, " ,- y ; y _ I, Concord tl Y?< a J Mills all _ LkJ ? t. '? - fi m t r t t ?7^.' ? ? _ :-.r'. 4 ? ?.' 1 , ?Am+9/ v ry, V,b r tFt ) !l' ^. •StR1t CW "..^,..-. ... ? .F r ?... A. _ . n 21 Y + } : t u+lu - , ;f"?.. i? • w, '+! ?? r?__ , ats aw Cs" 1, j J V J+yY ` ?.'ir \X? yh?li {.?' ?T 6 t ' i f t ? ?? ?'?i. ? .(.+l _ ?P ?!? CS' i '•. i >??/" -ti t. .l - t / ? t 20 7 ( ,, ° 74 , 0 _ t1 mi. 4 mi. 1:158,400 r F.. Source: 1977 North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, p.57. t8 EcoScience Corporation FIGURE Dwn. by: MAF SITE LOCATION - CONCORD MILLS Ckdby; JG Third Year Wetland Monitoring Report Date: w JAN 2003 Raleigh, North Carolina ? I Cabarrus County, North Carolina Project: 02-104 `_J 2:0 STREAM MONITORING 2.1 MONITORING PROGRAM 2.1.1 Physical Stream Attributes The monitoring plan calls for measurement of stream geometry attributes along a minimum 300-foot reach. Annual fall monitoring protocol includes development of a channel plan view, channel cross-sections on riffles and pools, pebble counts, and a water surface profile. Specific stream data to be presented includes 1) riffle cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) maximum depth, 5) width/depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt width, 8) water surface slope, 9) sinuosity, and 10) stream substrate composition. The stream is subsequently classified based on fluvial geomorphic principles outlined in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen 1996). Channel morphology has been tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. 2.1.2 Biological Stream Attributes The monitoring plan was devised to provide for biological sampling of the stream channel prior to diversion of flow and again after years 3 and 5. However, the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has asked that biological sampling be performed annually. Therefore, an evaluation of bio-monitoring success criteria will appear in all succeeding AMRs. The procedures and methodologies for biological monitoring program have been modified to follow the standards put forth by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) January 1997 biological monitoring protocols and the DWQ draft guide for benthic sampling. The Qual-4 sampling method has been adapted from the May 2000 final draft of the Interim, Internal Technical Guide for Benthic Macroin vertebrate Monitoring Protocols for Compensatory Stream Restoration Projects from DWQ. Baseline (pre-project) aquatic surveys were performed within the stream system in April 1999, prior to stream restoration activities. Baseline sampling was conducted prior to DWQ guidelines and therefore did not directly follow the Qual-4 sampling methods. Collections for the baseline sample were not handpicked prior to laboratory analysis. Rather, multiple grab samples containing all species were processed and analyzed. As a result, the baseline sample exhibits large numbers of individuals not normally collected using the Qual-4 method. Results of the base-line, Year 2 AMR, and Year 3 AMR biological surveys are included in Appendix C. The biological samples will provide a means to track taxonomic diversity over time. Specifically, the numbers of EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) taxa will be monitored and evaluated. The EPT taxa are not generally considered primary stream colonizers and, therefore, not typically found in newly established streams. All taxa will be identified to the lowest practical level. An increase in the number of EPT genus/species will be required through the 5-year monitoring period. An evaluation of in-stream and riparian habitat will also be conducted at each monitoring location, following the DWQ habitat classification system. If biological success criteria are not being fulfilled, the most likely cause will be extensive sedimentation, which covers coarse substrates in the J channel. If aquatic species diversity is not increasing, additional modifications to channel ' substrates will be performed and upstream sources of sedimentation will be identified. 2.2 MONITORING RESULTS 2.2.1 Physical Stream Attributes Third year stream monitoring efforts evaluated approximately 880 linear feet of ' constructed stream, including approximately 500 linear feet within the upper reach and approximately 380 linear feet within the lower reach. Permanent cross-section and toe pin data were overlaid on the previous year's data to evaluate stream stability, specifically ' erosion and sedimentation. Plan view data for the year-3 AMR was obtained through GPS survey techniques. Data may vary slightly from the previous year because of inherent differences involved with re-surveying and processing stream data. These differences are ' not indicative of major lateral changes in stream plan form. A plan view of the constructed stream and oxbow wetland is depicted in Figure 2. Table 1 a and 1 b summarize stream pattern, dimension, profile, and substrate attributes for the proposed conditions and the three subsequent monitoring years. The upper reach and ' lower reach of the constructed stream channel have been evaluated separately for bankfull discharge and channel dimension measurements. The drainage area and associated impervious surface increases along four drainage area in-falls in the down-valley direction, ' as depicted in Figure 2. Therefore, the bankfull discharge and dimension were modeled as increasing below the Airport Business Park Road crossing through the Site. ' Channel Dimension Attributes Channel dimension attributes were obtained from the surveyed cross-sections and plan forms depicted in Figure 3 (upper reach) and Figure 4 (lower reach). Eight permanent ' cross-sections were established along the constructed channel in 2001, four in the upper reach and four in the lower reach. The constructed channel on the upper reach currently exhibits a bankfull mean width of 17.9 feet, a bankfull mean depth of 0.6 feet, and a bankfull width/depth ratio of 30. The ' bankfull cross-sectional area averages 10.7 square feet with a range of 9 to 13 square feet (Table 1). The proposed conditions for the upper reach included a bankfull average width of 17 feet, bankfull mean depth of 1.2 feet, and bankfull cross-sectional area of 20 square ' feet. Since construction, the channel has continually decreased in cross-sectional area and exhibited an increase in the width/depth ratio. Over the same period, the maximum riffle depth has declined only slightly. Mean pool width has decreased significantly from as-built conditions, although the mean pool maximum depth has remained relatively stable, decreasing slightly from 2.5 to 2.1 feet. The lower constructed reach supports a bankfull width averaging 17.6 feet, a bankfull mean depth of 1.0 feet, and a bankfull width/depth ratio of 18.5. The bankfull cross- sectional area averages 16.2 square feet with a range from 15.4 to 16.9 square feet. The proposed conditions for the upper reach included a bankfull average width of 20 feet, bankfull mean depth of 1.4 feet, bankfull cross-sectional area of 28 square feet. Similar to i • , ;; I N I ¦ T ¦ ,I N ; ; X 2 G7 0 < m A A N N n 0 O Z 0 y _ In F m A X Z O Vl m X Z O A g A n Z O C A Z A f7 Z C A m Z m 0 Z'v m0 mx ? Zm O C O Z r? Z Z0 ? y o O O m mZ A y X OO L ? v fAC ?m x D-iA y m v Z A m00 m A O z ZN x -+ A m 0 x 0 co o 0 0 LA N W V O 0 V U, (A A. I+ I+ I+ I+ N W A I+ 0 0 (fill 0 Z a? cc Xm Wv 0 3 I 1 I I I , i I I 1 I 1 ' O I , 2 " I I , ; I i ; 1 1 1 I A I .c 1 - , . 1 a -" I r I 1 ? 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N O to O = uu>m 0 0 <00 mr pN ° 3IDX7 F, x <. N' -0 pC 0 ` < V 0 0 0 j 0 N O . m S m AS N O m ?rt V 00. V W n O - -w 0 V O N W N I' 91° L JK SLI LJ1 1L L 11. chi ? L , 4rl - - - _ ' L I _ J _ 1LI L J 1 1 L L 11 J L iJ IL u 1 LI_' J: ! 1LI J1 I J1 - L_ I I 1iI L,L y 1J1 lLl L ,4L 1 l 4 m N O ON 6 A NC-) O N 0 O W (P W rn O D W O A O 0 rn m oD O W O N O O rT 1 - T .I lTr I Tr1 1v 'Ti r r 1.1 lTr F Tr I i HT 11 -_ - I I ? ? r , ? r to =;?- rQ °? 1 T '1 11 Tr TI ITF i N; +Ar i- rO 1 Tom' a I I ADF -] T - rf H I I 1T ? ' r Y i - n i Y Tt 17l- II I I -nTI- Ai l Mr t0 w .T O to = O ?rn O =0 W O O z v , ILA N ? tD O O N Ln O o m;u O O N (D IO' N 0 W O 'a O 0 m ? ."a M (o rn rt = tp 5 O 1 4 n N V O W O O tA' N O 7 n (D 11 T IL r 1 A T IL r - rl -1 1? 1 T 1 _ _I T r = 1' r r 1? -- 1 T r - I , -i 1? T 1 L ?I 17 - T 7 I T -I- 7 1 1 T r , 1 T -r , T r i T IF 1 1 T r r T - , l ? T , T -r = , T -1 - ' r - 1 T -? - , T T r -- T L - ?? - l T r - l T -T l? T -r -- r 1 1 T 1 r _ - J 1 ? T L 1 I r- 1 a 11 ? T I -r - to (O O N Elevation (ft.) OD to to to W l J O Q) < K a) m r ur=n- rrTn1 0 < 0 0 fD N 7 (D X 3 < O - N FQ F ¦ O N W A. F ZN 00 1LLL L T Ti-- -tO N T 1 Tr rT TITL . I T IT D L'T +F ?? ` L 'rr ,Ti i III T-T- > T 1 jr I n+F 7r 1+ 11 rn ti Im ? T rtla i f'r T I II '.T r rT III 1Tr 111 -1T 1101w 11 N ¦ I n r Tr -, 7 7 7 7 --T 1771-1 MI- 17:11 1 - - _ - < -' 1 - 711 Y 1 LIJ L11.L i1T rT 'rITI" -1 r1-1 , T. I Tr r : T+iF Tr1 II lT' -rl+L III T'l -Tr 'fI-. nTr I I{~ Trll I I I I 'nTf I I 1T' n nili n -6I7 !? =5 r 1_L.( ( IR -rl T p I I II T, 7 T F, T, iTn rT 7 7 the upper reach, the lower reach channel has continually decreased in cross-sectional area and exhibited a slight increase in the width/depth ratio. However, unlike the upper reach, bankfull was not identified at the constructed top of bank, but to an elevation based on common bankfull indicators (i.e. lower in the channel). This condition is currently creating a channel that is slightly incised. The channel is expected to remain incised until the sides of the riffle fill in and the cross-sectional area and width/depth ratio decrease (see Section 2.3.1 for further discussion). Over the 3-year monitoring period, the maximum riffle depth has declined from 1.4 to 1.0 feet. Mean pool maximum depth has remained relatively stable from the as-built conditions, decreasing slightly from 3.8 to 3.6 feet. Most of the decline in channel depth measurements in the lower reach, compared with the previous years, is attributed to the bankfull call residing at a lower elevation. Channel Pattern Attributes Channel pattern attributes have been measured from the plan forms depicted in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The belt width ranges from 10 to 38 feet in the upper reach and 25 to 44 feet in the lower reach. The meander wavelength along both reaches range from approximately 75 to 120 feet. Sinuosity measures approximately 1.2 and 1.3 in the upper and lower stream reach, respectively. The mean floodprone area width varies between 220 to 375 feet and entrenchment ratios range from 11.4 to 21.9 (floodprone area / bankfull width) for the upper and lower reaches, respectively. Channel Slope and Substrate Channel slope and substrate attributes were obtained from measurements depicted in Appendix D and summarized in Table la and 1b. The mean water surface slope in the upper reach averaged 0.0024 (rise/run) relative to a valley slope of approximately 0.0029 (rise/run). The mean water surface slope in the lower reach averaged 0.0034 (rise/run) relative to a valley slope of approximately 0.0044 (rise/run). Pebble counts throughout both reaches indicate the D50 of the surface substrate is approximately 0.25 millimeters (sand) and a subsurface substrate of approximately 12 millimeters (Medium Gravel). The surface substrate is a reflection of the sediment deposition that has occurred within the channel over the past several years. The original gravel substrate placed within the channel at the time of construction remains in place, but has been covered in part by sand and silt. The original substrate is visible within the thalweg of the current channel. 2.2.2 Biological Stream Attributes Pre- and post-project monitoring locations extend approximately 300 linear feet along designated reaches, and are identified in Figure 5. Qual-4 samples were collected from the restored stream in July 2002 (Appendix C). Data from the current and past years sampling is summarized in Table 2. ' The number of EPT taxa (genus/species) has increased to 8 in the 2002 sample. This is an increase from the base line survey and the 2001 survey, which reported 2 and 4 EPT taxa, respectively. The total number of individuals within the EPT taxa decreased from 102 in ' 2001 to 34 in 2002. The large number of individuals found in 2001 probably resulted from one species particularly prevalent at the time of sampling. ' an cn I I y >N X X ; OL y CA (A O rn z A ;o r- rn 0 { A Z <? 1 N - p ? to ?1 ?. f D g C im r A co m N ' A o (- ' R IV E R - ---__? CD'U 00 pA ® \ ?? m r` \ n z 00 z OZ IZ O? A-4 ;oA `.. Z%i1 ZC OrC7 O? 1 ? ? 1 LA 0 10 1Z 1 \ ' Ln Z W I Q? 1 ' ? - r TI v Z ? ? I I I , i " , I I I I `yam I " , " ? (nom i , , I , oci z - ' -; 1 ?( C? m 7 O A. V n N x '0 co a) A. p c 00 ? mm-umom zmo o z3C --I z 70 z 0 c m m=1 ?n o ? ?p c M=1p z CDC' N r g .. m zz ?Z?E _M? p?n O O Z a ??r z r c? o 0 y a ti Table 2. Benthic Sampling Results for Baseline Data and Monitoring Years 2001 and 2002. Baseline 1999 2001 Ephemeroptera Acentrella ampla 10 Stononema modestum 4' Tricorythodes sp. 92 Baetis sp. Callibaetis sp. Centroptilum spa Caenis sp. Trichoptera Cheumatopsyche sp. 10 2 Hydropsyche betteni Hydropsychidae Chimarra aterrima 2002 2 1 1 7 4 45 2 2 Total 20 102 34 0 D I 11 1 However, the 34 individuals found in the current year (2002) remains an increase over levels found in the baseline survey (1999). Higher EPT taxa diversity indicates better stream quality than more individuals of a few species. As a part of the biological stream attribute assessment, a habitat field data sheet has been completed to describe the potential habitat and physical conditions of the stream. The habitat assessment scores for 2002 were indicative of characteristics associated with maturing "constructed" stream development including bend angles, in-stream habitat features, substrate, bank stability measures, and vegetation parameters. The constructed stream received a habitat assessment score of 84 out of a possible 100, an increase from the 62 points assigned to the survey in 2001. The assessment gave high scores for channel modifications, riffle habitat, bank stability, and pool variety. Medium scores were attributed to stream bank vegetation cover, substrate type, light penetration, and riparian vegetation. Completed stream habitat assessment forms describing the physical habitat characteristics present in the channel during the July 2002 sampling were compared with the July 2000 and 2001 sampling (Appendix C). 2.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA 2.3.1 Physical Stream Attributes Success criteria for stream restoration have been subdivided into three primary components: 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system, 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system, and 3) development of biological communities over time. For classification purposes, the stream supports an entrenchment ratio of greater than 2.2 and a width-depth ratio of greater than 12. The upper and lower reach has a width-depth ratio of 30 and 16.4, respectively. The channel exhibits high sinuosity (> 1.2) and mean water surface slopes between 0.0024 and 0.0034 feet/feet. The riffle substrate is dominated by sand with a medium gravel sub-surface. Therefore, stream geometry and substrate measurements under current conditions suggest a C4/5 stream type, as proposed in the mitigation plan. However, based on the 2002 stream surveys and observations, the cross-sectional area of the constructed stream is generally decreasing. While maximum depths within the thalweg remain near constructed depths, recent deposition on points bars and channel bars (inner berm) in the riffle section have lead to a significant decrease in mean depths, resulting in an increase in width/depth ratios. This would suggest one of several scenarios is occurring within the constructed channel: 1) the channel was oversized when built 2) the channel is in transition from a C-type stream to an E-type stream, or 3) the channel has incurred a large but transient sediment load. The possible scenarios are discussed below. Oversized Channel The proposed channel dimensions for the constructed stream were based on reference streams, regional curves, and hydraulic models. The proposed channel dimensions for the upper and lower reach are provided in Table 1 a and 1 b. Based on reference data collected for the Site, a stable stream channel would support a cross-sectional area averaging ?r_ 1 L ?7 u C1 12 square feet and a width-depth ratio ranging between 11 and 15. Streams with width/depth ratios below 12 (characteristic of E streams) are often found within reference watersheds below 1.0 square mile. These reference sites were selected due to the presence of an apparently stable channel and presence of wetland systems in the adjacent floodplain. The measured reference cross-sectional area is generally lower than predicted reference curves for the region. For a 1.1 square mile watershed, Rosgen (1996) predicts a stable cross-sectional area of approximately 22 square feet. Regional curves by Harman et. a/. (2000) predict a cross-sectional area for 0.9 and 1.1 square mile watershed at 19 and 23 square feet, respectively. The curves have an inherent high degree of variability, particularly within smaller watersheds. For example, the confidence interval for a 1.1 square mile watershed ranges between approximately 10 to 40 square feet. The proposed channel was enlarged from reference data to account for watershed development. It is generally accepted that bankfull discharge and bankfull stream dimensions increase in developed watersheds. The design channel cross-sectional area of the constructed channel was therefore constructed at 20 square feet in the upper reach and 28 square feet in the lower reach to accommodate a certain degree of development in the watershed. The constructed stream was potentially built to be wide and shallow (high width/depth ratio) for conditions at the Site. A channel that is overly wide and shallow (i.e. high width/depth ratio) may not be competent to move its own sediment and consequently may aggrade or accumulate in-stream sediment bars. Such a scenario would be exasperated by a developing watershed with increased sediment loads and a lack of flushing flows due to extreme drought conditions over the past several years. A lower width/depth ratio would increase the stream power within the channel and allow the sediment to flush through the system. The channel appears to be adjusting itself to reflect characteristics of a narrow and hydraulic efficient E-type stream (see discussion below). Stream Evolution From observation and survey data, the constructed channel appears to be transitioning from a C-type stream to an E-type stream. If so, it can be expected that the face of point bars will become steeper and eventually disappear. With the existing adjacent dense vegetation typical of E streams, a narrow and relatively deep channel may form. Figure 6 depicts the time-space substitution of stream morphology expected to be occurring at the Site. E-type streams, by nature, have a high resistance to plan form adjustment which results in channel stability without down-cutting. These channels are hydraulically efficient and have a high sediment load transport capacity. This would be encouraging in light of the high sediment loads found within the receiving watershed. The transition from a C- type to an E-type stream indicates a very stable reach and such a change in classification should not jeopardize success criteria. 16 m m m m m m m = m m m m = m = ' = m n 0 M n� ju n 0 M EVA rc r CA C �m Or -4 ZZO �aZ Z n 1 -1 _ CA N r-iK D0 qr 50 ZG) O G N O In CD CD C BCH, cu (01 CD sAc,4' p.d ID CD C>0 o + 0 CCDoo co w o' bd �0 04) ° En ^ M, O En ,�J CD CD CD �H CD 0 CD o + y :A 0 CCDoo co w o' bd �0 04) ° En ^ M, O En ,�J Adding speed to the stream transition process is the likelihood that the stream, as constructed, was not competent to move the current sediment load (Figure 6A). The increased sediment load is being deposited by the stream, in rapid fashion, to places within the channel to allow for more efficient movement of water flow and sediment. Current surveys suggest the stream is in a mid-evolutionary step as depicted in Figure 6B. ' Sediment deposition on point bars (i.e. the area of most recent deposition) has significantly narrowed pools and bar deposition along the riffle banks has occurred. Riffle width at bankfull remains close to constructed channel conditions, giving rise to the low mean riffle depths and high width/depth ratios found under current conditions. As time progresses it is expected that the depositional side bars within the riffles will approach bankfull elevation, stabilize with vegetation, and become the new banks of narrower E-type channel (Figure 6C). Excess Sedimentation Upstream (off-site) stream bank erosion and sediment runoff from watershed development were identified as a potential problem in the early stages of the mitigation plan. Recent ' construction in the watershed and on adjacent property has likely increased sediment to potentially problematic conditions. Excess sedimentation and overwhelmed erosion control measures were observed on construction sites within the watershed during recent visual ' inspections. ' In addition, beaver activity has slowed flows and increased sediment deposition within the upper reach channel. Beaver were removed during 2001 but have since returned to the upper reach of the stream. A half-year of sediment was stored behind the beaver dam ' prior to demolition. When the beaver dam was removed, a portion of the sediment remained along the upper channel with the remainder of sedimet released into the downstream reach of the Site. Current beaver activity has included the construction of several small dams in the upper reach and minor to moderate beaver damage to adjacent vegetation. Beaver management strategies may need to be addressed in the upcoming monitoring year. 2.3.2 Biological Stream Attributes ' The EPT taxa are generally considered secondary colonizers and are less tolerant to disturbance than other aquatic insects. Therefore, they represent keystone species for evaluation. Both the diversity of EPT taxa and overall EPT numbers have increased from ' the April 1999 baseline sample to the July 2002 sample (Table 2). The increased habitat complexity provided by the restored stream, compared to the original channel is resulting in increased settlement opportunities for dispersing benthic macro-invertebrates. The increased colonization is leading to higher species diversity and an expansion of benthic macro-invertebrates within the restored reach. 18 J 3.0 WETLAND HYDROLOGY MONITORING 3.1 MONITORING PROGRAM Nine continuous recording (RDS24), surficial monitoring gauges have been established throughout the Site to provide representative flow gradients extending through several physiographic landscape areas including 1) seepage slope, 2) floodplain pool (oxbow), and 2) riverine floodplain. The monitoring wells were installed in February 2000 following the completion of stream and wetland construction and prior to the start of the growing season. Figure 7 depicts the approximate location of the monitoring wells. Monitoring wells were installed and downloaded in accordance with specifications in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers', Installing Monitoring We//s/Piezometers in Wet/ands (WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1, August 1.993). The monitoring wells are set to a depth of approximately ' 24 inches below the soil surface. The gauge data, extending from January 1, 2002 to December 12, 2002, have been ' utilized in this Year 3 AMR report to cover the 2002-growing season. The growing season in Cabarrus County is defined as the period between March 19 and November 9, or 235 days. Hydrological samples continue to be collected at twenty-four hour intervals. ' 3.2 MONITORING RESULTS The raw well data are depicted as hydrographs in Appendix E. Intersection of the line at 12 inches below the surface was used as the cut-off for wetland hydrology, following the regulatory wetland criterion requiring saturation (free water) within 12 inches of the soil surface. Data used to evaluate wetland hydrology criteria including maximum consecutive saturation days and percent of the growing season are summarized in Table 3. ' In general, water levels show a typical pattern of flooding during late winter to early spring, followed by a late summer and autumn draw down period, punctuated by peaks associated with precipitation events. The region around the Site including the western ' portions of North Carolina have been in the grip of a severe to profound drought over the past few years. The summer of 2002 was particularly dry as reflected in the data. In general, the 2002 well data is very consistent with data collected in 2001. The maximum ' number of consecutive saturation days recorded by the wells ranged from 26 to 84 days or 11 to 36 percent of the growing season. ' Wells 1 and 4 are representative of the seepage slope wetland conditions found along portions of the western Site boundary. Wells 1 and 4 exhibited a similar maximum ' consecutive saturation of 30 percent during the growing season. These wells were deeply inundated for extended periods during the beginning and end of the year, as represented by the horizontal line in the hydrographs. Both wells are located in depressional, seepage areas where surficial expression of groundwater is confined for most of the year. Wells 2, 3, and 5 are representative of the riverine floodplain adjacent to the constructed ' stream. Wells 2 and 3 are located in the upper reaches of the Site, in the proximity of H 19 m m r m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m O I 1 I T m;X me A Zm m D X X S D? ? O gf ? ?t 71 ?Z° z0 fN O m -4 -4 z _? z O mz mX 00?1% 00, A m c) O y; D 2 p2 ? S nn A f`N'I m y O g -zi mm a q c 5o 0 A ? ZO oz A zn -> ?m { X z y X < 0 Z O fJl W N W 10 I+ I+ I+ 0 0 0 n ? n 1 I I 1 I 1 1 ? I 1 1 1 i 1 1 I 1 1 1-1 I I I O 1 I I I / I as i , ?p 1 1 ?C) U? 1? I 2 - 1 a? / I I , i ? , I I , I 1 w? C I i? Zy ? ' to O 70 3 ,o -4 go x I' ?; ? ?? ; VlgrlON eL 1 T ' n n £ C7 o 0 ; co is Z r 000 0 o? Z 5? = 10 ? -0 O C: a z M r- 0 C) o r D = mzo0 0 ? .? ;o z. ° V M N IC V ?m- ?`n 0 ? m d o ° I M ? C C a m C 0 00 =i < C ° (A r fC• o N D D 5 z D y rC z A ? _?? ?•? ° cNn o to m v --I D? G) mr D r CD a o °w N y C _ } C ? O C = , L c 0= O O M O W cm c OJO 6c? O co ? _ E E c-4 O N N O V O O T N co E (D = ?° ca > a C> O co U O co O O O U m C O O O x co m co O ? N = O O Q p> `• > am as E O Cl) co i O N C +N+ LL -0 x O fl N C O C O _ m i 'O CD .-. (? C C7 = O i O 0 E v U O '- C? Q N O LL O LL U N ? C O co ca p Li 0a) 02 U U a i N C LL C > N > N- N N N (D cz O a > cc Q> 'a c > co N Y Y O V cz V cz cif fl cc _O O 0 O Y 0 O cif (Y , LL - C > C p m O E O E O m C p o C -a a C -v ac o a 0) CD .- O o c O C o 0 "- a) m m U> Y 1 U C.) LL C (q0 C LLB cc U a) U U U O- co 0-0 cc U) U ? U ?L O O O M O C7 C O N N T O M N T CD T CD C7 T T c9 T r N _ (D 0 c? _ CD 0 *_' M N c`0 M CO N C) ce) N N co O 0 N O d } T C O U co d cz O O N C\j L N N N N N CD N co 1-1 T T A N RT Ch d } n N r- N M w N M qT ? N U ? U) N O Q U. M 00 CO LO O O c'7 P- c0 O N O to M d' N N m W w w O E c4 } O ? E N cc T co N N N C14 It 0 LO I C A V- O a) C\j CV) Lr) CD r, 00 0) c Z Q r d cv c0 2:, N N L O O U N O c L Y O N t o?+ Q >1 V y L E 3 c y °? d U ?+ t: O ? L O Y d 0 L 7 _ y w - E ?- O 3 0 0 >1 i cn Y oL co N 3 c a? co c C O y « ? « . N 2,0 C U - d O y 7 (D C « , U Q N cm 7 C N i? N F :3 c 0) U C ? i t0 t .r O 0 U w LO co N lC O ° O ? N L O m O w ~ cts (D ° co ; . E 0 3 co io U) y cc c o o Z -a co E O N o w W L y E U ? co co 7 > > E > F > wt E L . c E O c E ?a E c c U E v E N y F- N Q O L M c0 O U ? ca N F- M N C 8.2 (D .a a) L N c` y L ?O 0 m 7 C 3 N m U N m v ai O a Q a 0 cc = E d E y > m >a e S O c 41 3 O c y O LO to N 0) Q C N c- co a 3: 0 3 0 a > a p? N C 7 c0 N O (D 0) O N Cl) O Well 1. Well 5 is located in the center portion of the Site, approximately 50 feet from the ' edge of the channel. These wells receive hydrologic input from both groundwater and over bank flow events. Well 2 failed on June 25 and was taken out of service to receive repairs. Even so, the well recorded a relatively high maximum consecutive saturation period during the growing season, 61 days or 26 percent. Wells 3 and 5 both recorded consecutive saturation of 12 percent during the growing season. ' Areas represented by Well 6, include the littoral shelf and delta associated with. the floodplain pool (oxbow). These areas are influenced by fairly constant water elevations with flashy water levels induced by precipitation events. Well 6 exhibited a maximum consecutive saturation of 16 percent during the growing season. ' The remaining wells 7, 8, and 9 are located near the Rocky River and. represent various hydrologic regimes that are associated with larger riverine floodplains. The wells within the Rocky River floodplain receive hydraulic input from both groundwater (i.e. the oxbow) ' and over bank flow events. The floodplain microtopography near the Rocky River varies considerably, where specific ground elevations dictate wetland hydroperiods. The variation in hydrologic regimes is reflected in the gauge data, where the average maximum number of consecutive saturation days of these wells ranged from 26 to 84 days or 11 to 36 percent of the growing season. Well 7, located in a depressional area within the ' floodplain, recorded the highest maximum consecutive saturation period during the growing season at 36 percent. ' 3.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA Hydrological success criteria requires 1) saturation or inundation for at least 12.5 percent of the growing season at lower landscape positions during average climatic conditions and ' 2) saturation or inundation beween 5 and 12.5 percent of the growing season at upper landscape positions during average climatic conditions. Both areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. Groundwater data indicate that all well locations and corresponding physiographic areas achieved hydrological success criteria for 2002. These areas exhibit wetland hydrology for ' a period ranging from 11 to 36 percent of the growing season. The hydroperiods corresponded with the existing hydric vegetation cover types as described in Section 4.0. ' The average maximum consecutive saturation period during the growing season was 21 percent. The average saturation over the past three monitoring periods has declined slightly every year, decreasing from 28 percent in 2000, 24 percent in 2001, and ' 21 percent in the current year. The decline in saturation days is likely attributed to the increasing severity of drought conditions in the region and the very dry summer of 2002 in particular. Even under these extreme drought conditions, the monitoring wells indicate that most wetland areas have a hydroperiod that is wetter than the 12.5 percent required by success criteria. Those areas represented by Wells 3, 5 and 8 were slightly under the 12.5 percent criterion (12 percent, 12 percent, 11 percent, respectively), but remained ' above the 5 percent minimum threshold. The wetter portion of the Site, particularly areas represented by Wells 1, 2, 4 and 7, demonstrate the variability and corresponding micro- habitat potential across the Site, including seepage slopes, river oxbows, and backwater areas. Based on current well data, restoration of wetland hydrology has been successfully achieved throughout areas represented by the monitoring wells. Figure 7 depicts wetland boundaries mapped using well data and corresponding hydrophytic vegetation signatures. Based on the mapping, approximately 13.9 acres of wetlands and an additional 1.3 acres of open water/marsh (oxbow) reside within the 23.4-acre Site. 23 F-] J n 4.0 VEGETATION MONITORING 4.1 MONITORING PROGRAM Quantitative sampling of vegetation was carried out in October 2002. The six permanent sampling plots (1-6) established in 2000 were surveyed. Figure 8 depicts the approximate location of each vegetation sample plot and the as-built planting plan. Each sampling plot comprises two, 300-foot transects extending from a central point. Plot width along each transect extends 4 feet on both sides of the centerline, providing a 0.11 acre sample (600 feet x 8 feet / 43,560 feet / acre). The center and end points of each plot are permanently marked with a labeled, white polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Plot 6 serves as a control plot established to represent vegetation characteristics in unplanted areas of the Site. Plot 6 was not used to evaluate success. All woody species rooted within the plot boundary were recorded and measured for height. Because of the large number of black willow (Saiix nigra) stems, only those greater than 0.5-inch diameter at breast height (dbh) were recorded. Average heights were collected to document growth through subsequent monitoring plans. All plots were averaged to obtain total trees per acre (density) and percent of total per acre. Percent of total trees per acre and wetland status were also analyzed for success criteria evaluation. Complete species inventories can be found in Appendix F. Photographic record of vegetative plots is shown in Appendix G. 4.2 MONITORING RESULTS The Site vegetative communities remain a succession continuum of forest development. As in monitoring years 1 and 2, most of the project area remains in the early stages of old field (pastured) succession. The former pastured area in the upper reach portion of the Site, as well as the northern bank adjacent to the oxbow, were maintained as pasture until just prior to mitigation activity. As part of the mitigation plan, these areas received a full planting (435 trees/acre) of diagnostic species. The vegetation is currently dominated by volunteer herbaceous species that vary in abundance according to landscape position, micro-topographical differences, and seasonal variation. Hydrophytic vegetation established during the spring and early summer 2000 includes sedges (Cyperus spp.), cat tail (Typha sp.), seedboxes (Ludwegia spp.), knotweeds (Poiygonum spp.), wool-grass (Scirpus cyperinus), and rushes (Juncus spp.), all of which are still present in open, very wet or inundated areas of the floodplain. In drier areas the developing vine and herbaceous component includes joint-head anthraxan (Anthraxan hispidis var. cryptatherus), panicum grasses (Panicum spp.), crab grass (Digiteria sp.), beggarticks (Bidens frondosa), blackberry (Rubus argutus), and broom sedge (Andropogon virginicus). Farther along the succession continuum are areas that support volunteer trees and shrubs > 1.0 inch dbh such as black willow, tag alder (Ainus serruiata), sweetgum (Liquidambar styracifiua), loblolly pine, (Pines taeda), and box-elder (Acer negundo). This community is located predominantly in the lower floodplain, east of the constructed stream, and includes the wetland bio-reserve area. Portions of the lower floodplain east and west 2 ^ m = = m m m = = "' 1 4? 0 0 H,7?' 0 A, zr~- pg rW g 0 ~ ."0 (A >A mm y O Nz Ay rn -, A to f -4 0 c CO., O 2 ° 00 -nN mymy -N MA C O m W 2X 00O O; orn OV O S OR mc W o 0 0 - c m , 1 N T 1 :: 1 I o m Zrn ZO r" Z ?y oC 00 00 Z I < O m y m o y N y Z z m z -x X ,A O 1 ;a m X f4 O p b r D L O n Z yy L N? ?O Z; m m 0 C oZ ? rn S < D O Z N W A I+ 0 r m m z v ; I I r I ; r r 1 ?I 1 I I 1 r I ; i I1 -1 I • / 1 I O ' I I I Z /I I I ; ° ?O '0 I 1 r 1 y ' I ) 1 1 ; 1 , I , I; r ' C / -a / ? to 7D ; ' tAo O 3 o.a 1 16 a ' r I I I I I I I _ I I I I . ?. , BL lip'' r m 0 v v n n a n o 0 o v m co n C 115 ?-4 c n? Z i ?? -Z-I mZ7p mrn A n 1 rmaZ ?-?am o Zip Z O 0 N N m D o o Z Vs n y 0 ° C4 of the constructed stream are dominated by black willow and tag alder, which have ' reached heights greater than 25 feet and developed full canopy closure. The dense, herbaceous cover present in these areas in the year 2000 has diminished, and an open, shaded ground layer devoid of vegetation now exists. A mature bottomland hardwood forest is located in the Rocky River floodplain. Box elder, hackberry (Celtis laevigata), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sweetgum, and willow oak (Quercus phel%s) dominate the canopy. As in the prior two years of monitoring, the understory is continuing to recover from past grazing activity, but remains generally ' sparse. However, several woody and herbaceous species were noted including saplings of the various overstory species, lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), blackberry, poison ivy (Toxicodendron ' radicans), and spikegrass (Chasmathium spp.). The planting plan was modified slightly to accommodate changes in as-built stream and ' oxbow location. Additional changes resulted from project modifications to the adjacent business park, including the causeway design and enlarged fill slopes. Approximately 13.5 acres of the 23.4-acre mitigation site was planted at a density of 435 stems/acre. ' Stocking levels of planted trees and natural recruitment are summarized in Table 4. A total of 40 woody species, both planted and volunteers, were surveyed. The eight most ' abundant species remained the same through the third monitoring season, and include willow, box elder, tag alder, sweetgum, green ash, hackberry, cottonwood, and tulip poplar. The estimated total stocking level across the site has increased from 3995 trees/acre in 2001 to 6951 trees/acre in the current year. Willows, box elder, tag alder, green ash, and sweetgum account for approximately 71 percent of the total number of stems surveyed. Establishment and success of planted seedlings in moist areas remains ' very good. The survey data revealed a continued increase in the total number of stems of ' characteristic species between 2001 and 2002 (Table 5). Stem density of characteristic species has increased nearly 20 percent over the past three years (2698 trees/acre in 2000, 3225 trees/acre in 2001, 3350 trees/acre in 2002). Notable is the overall increase ' in density of several hardwood species over the same period, including sycamore (111 percent increase), green ash (103 percent increase), cottonwood (87 percent ' increase), American red maple (82 percent increase), willow oak (82 percent increase), hackberry (81 percent increase), tulip poplar (70 percent increase), and sweet gum (60 percent increse). There has been a slight to moderate increase in the density of most ' of the characteristic tree species over the previous year. Of the most abundant species, only green ash had a significant decrease in density over the previous year (72 percent). One characteristic species; cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), not previously found, was detected in 2002. Water oak, was not detected for the second year, although it was found in the first year. 11 26 1 co M O cz N CC G r- a) ' O ? { L v C O O cz N O ' CC 2 O C .? co _Cc$ co _ i c C (n ' Eat U) O O N a O U :• tl) N V•? 7 7 7 7 7 7' 7 7 R R co t U v cc R + ?: > j O > > + dy 3 U U U a U U U U U U U -o co U U U U U U U a U a U a U a U a a a a ? a a a a a a a a a a a a a U- U- u. z U- U- U- U U- U- o U- u. U. U- U- U- U- U. lL I- L- N EC > °C 0C > a > °C OC a > °C a » > °? > >> > a: a: o? a 8 a > a s a a > > 0 U C Q s- V O N 0 0 0 0 (h O O N O O O O N 0 0 O O O N N i H w V 0 0 0 6 6 0 (6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 c o ` Nv a V d y d w V i O (D 0 0 0 N 0 0 (D 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 0 0 (co (WO co Q N U F V d 0 r O M d p . . 1 In Cl) M O) 0 0 0 @9 r r et M CA N r r r Cn f? d C d Q r r O r 0 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 0 r (o O O O O O c r F- d ? co 0 ' ? r ? N O N co 'cr co t0A N d 0 M N Q d) E ((j M (o O I? 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R + + D + + m y 3 U U U U Q Q U U U U --I Q U U U U U LL LL LL LL z z LL LL LL LL D z LL LL U- LL LL N w 4D E U CL > > > > o. > > CL > cr d a: (L a a E > d > > d O U ?..- U N.L O f: Q L N m o N 0 N ° o o o o co o o o r o o co O o V O 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 6 0 L6 6 0 0 6 6 0 4) ( V I- m N V d y (D Q O "t "T O O O O M O O O M O O CA 0 0 4m V i ?a cn? L m m 0 a 4) - O N O o D O O O N O = a T •- ri O C O O O O C O N O . 0 0 0 0 m IL O FL- L i 0` a U n ? CA O O M r O N N Lo .t Lo r a 4m I Q r CO N m N _ I? 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L m 0 •- O m O II L U N Z CL ULL M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 5 Characteristic Tree Species for Vegetation Success Criteria 2000-2002 Concord Mills Stream and Wetland Mitigation Site Total Trees per Acre Trees per Acre Allowed to Evaluate Success Criteria Common Name Scientific Name 2000 2001 2002 2000 2001 2002 Willow Salix s pp. 795 1116 1111 32 32 32 Box Elder Acer ne undo 922 735 807 64 64 64 Sweet Gum Li uidamberst raciflua 434 442 520 64 64 64 Green Ash Fraxinus enns lvanica 142 424 293 64 64 64 Hackber Celtis laevi ata 114 144 184 64 64 64 Cottonwood Po ulus deltoids 74 127 129 64 64 64 American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 33 67 73 33 64 64 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tuli ifera 51 44 71 51 44 .64 Red Maple Acer rubrum 38 58 62 38 58 62 River Birch Betula ni ra 64 24 40 64 24 40 Willow Oak Quercus hellos 22 24 36 22 24 36 Cher bark Oak Quercus pagoda 0 0 17 0 0 17 American Elm Ulmus americana 7 11 5 7 11 5 Ironwood Ca inus caroliniana 0 9 2 0 9 2 Water Oak Quercus ni ra 2 0' 1 0 2 0 0 Total 2698 3225 3350 569 586 642 'Per the success criteria, the number of characteristic tree species elements must exceed 320 stems/acre. However, the maximum number of stems allowed to fulfill success criteria is limited to 20% of the 320 stem/acre total for each hardwood species (64 stems/acre maximum by species). For softwood species, the maximum number of stems per/acre allowed is limited to 10% of the 320 stem/acre total (32 stems/acre by species). Characteristic species include planted elements along with natural recruitment of native tree species identified in reference ecosystems. Additionally, characteristic tree species should support a jurisdictional determination. Swamp Cottonwood and Willow oak were not planted, nor found in reference forests, but are considered here as a characteristic species. 4.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA ' Success in the restoration of wetland vegetation includes the establishment and maintenance of a species composition sufficient for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria include a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree ' species/acre surviving at least 5 years after initial planting. Characteristic species are defined as 1) planted elements or 2) natural recruits of native tree species identified in reference ecosystems. Additionally, characteristic tree species should support a ' jurisdictional determination, having a wetland indicator status of FAC, FAC+, FACW-, FACW, FACW+, or OBL. At least five character tree species must be present, and no ' single species can comprise more than 20 percent (64 stems) of the 320 stem/acre total. Softwood species (ex: loblolly pine, black willow) cannot comprise more than 10 percent (32 stems) of the 320 stem/acre requirement. Table 4 depicts the number of trees/acre by ' species that can be applied to the 320-stem/acre criterion for the three monitoring years (2001-3). The 642 trees/acre total in 2002 exceeds the 320-stem/acre requirement stated in the monitoring plan. In addition, the 15 characteristic wetland species sampled exceeds ' the 5-species minimum diversity stated in the monitoring plan. Therefore, current stocking levels meet the vegetation success criteria. I I H ' ?n 5.0 SUMMARY ' The Year 3 AMR (2002) data indicate that the Concord Mills mitigation site achieved regulatory success criteria for stream geometry, wetland hydrology, and vegetation three ' years after construction. Functional attributes exhibited on-Site include long-term surface water storage, energy dissipation, retention of nutrients and particulates, and the establishment of characteristic stream and wetland plant and wildlife populations. A majority of the Site appears to support hydroperiods and successional vegetation patterns conducive to establishment of forested wetland habitat. ' The data also indicate that current Site conditions continue to meet or exceed the mitigation requirements for both stream length and wetland area, as projected by the ' mitigation plan. The Concord Mills project initially required compensatory mitigation for impacts to 1796 linear feet of stream channel, 2.5 acres of wetlands, and 0.6 acre of open water. The mitigation plan outlined strategies designed to compensate for these stream, ' wetland, and open water impacts included stream reconstruction and restoration along approximately 3000 linear feet, 3.0 acres of net wetland restoration/creation, and 5.4 acres of wetland enhancement within remaining portions of the Site. ' The as-built stream channel is exhibiting a transition from the proposed C-type stream to a highly stable, E-type stream. Mid-evolutionary channel features include a significant decrease in cross-sectional area, increase in width-depth ratios, decrease in depth, accreting point bars (narrowing pools), and to a lesser extent side channel bars. The ' transition from the proposed C-type to an E-type stream will ultimately deliver a very stable condition that should not jeopardize success criteria. Approximately 4000 linear feet of total stream length has been constructed including approximately 2100 linear feet of new stream channel construction, 375 linear feet of stream repair and stabilization, and 1200 linear feet of stream length running through the oxbow to the confluence of the Rocky River. The groundwater gauge data indicate that wetland hydrology success criteria have been achieved. Currently, approximately 13.9 acres of succeeding forest wetlands and an ' additional 1.3 acres of oxbow marsh and deep water wetland habitat occur on the Site. This represents nearly 4.5 acres of net vegetated wetland restoration gain over the pre- restoration conditions. Year 3 vegetation surveys continue to reflect conditions typical of early successional forest ' development on disturbed floodplains in the Piedmont. The floodplain surface consists primarily of an unconsolidated clay sediment wedge induced during past erosion events in the watershed. Therefore, -early to mid-successional forest conditions must include tree ' species adapted to degraded soil conditions, such as black willow, sweetgum, red maple, swamp cottonwood, green ash, and river birch. After soil properties have been ameliorated by these early pioneering species, mast producing species such as oak and ' hickory are expected to become established in sufficient quantity to develop into a characteristic floodplain bottomland hardwood assemblage. The variable hydrologic regime found across the Site will promote diverse wetland community patterns and will ' consequently enhance opportunities for wetland-dependent wildlife. 31 6.0 APPENDICES Appendix A: Monitoring Plan ' Appendix B: Post Restoration Photographs Appendix C: Biological Monitoring Data Appendix D: Channel Profile and Substrate Data ' Appendix E: Groundwater Gauge Hydrographs Appendix F: Vegetation Plot Data Appendix G: Photographic Record of Vegetation Plots 1 I? 0 32 7, u ' APPENDIX A Monitoring Plan 6.0 MONITORING PLAN Monitoring of wetland and stream restoration efforts will be performed until success ' criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for three wetland components, vegetation, hydrology, and streams. 6.1 HYDROLOGY MONITORING While hydrological modifications are being performed on the site, surficial monitoring wells ' will be designed and placed in accordance with specifications in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers', Installing Monitoring We//s/Piezometers in Wet/ands (WRP Technical Note HY- IA-3.1, August 1993). Monitoring wells will be set to a depth immediately above the top of the clay subsurface layer (range: 60 to 100 cm [24 to 40 in] below the surface). Nine monitoring wells will be placed immediately adjacent to vegetation sampling plots to provide representative coverage within each of the identified mitigation design units (Figure 21). Hydrological sampling will be performed throughout the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the hydrology success criteria within each design unit (EPA 1990). 6.2 HYDROLOGY SUCCESS CRITERIA Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for at least 12.5 percent ' of the growing season at lower landscape positions, during average climatic conditions. Upper landscape reaches may exhibit surface saturation/inundation between 5 and 12.5 percent of the growing season based on well data. These 5 to12.5 percent areas are ' expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. If wetland parameters are marginal as indicated by vegetation and hydrology monitoring, a jurisdictional determination will be performed in the questionable area. 6.3 STREAM MONITORING Two stream reaches will be monitored for geometric and biological activity as depicted in ' Figure 21. Each stream reach will extend for a minimum of 150 ft along the restored channel. Annual fall monitoring will include development of a channel plan view, channel cross-sections on riffles and pools, pebble counts, and a water surface profile of the ' channel. The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format. Data to be presented will include: 1) cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) max depth, 5) ' width/depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt width, 8) water surface slope; 9) sinuosity; and 10) stream substrate composition. The stream will subsequently be classified according to stream geometry and substrate. Significant changes in channel ' morphology will be tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. Aquatic surveys will be performed within the existing stream channel prior to diversion of stream flows. Subsequently, biological monitoring, including macro-invertebrate, reptile, amphibian, and fish species will be performed along the reconstructed stream in year 3 and ' year 5 of the monitoring plan. Biological data will be collected between March 15 and April 15. Presence/absence of species populations identified will be reported along with ' observations of changes to in-stream aquatic habitat over time. J u F 6.4 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria for stream restoration will include: 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system; 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system; and 3) development of biological communities over time. The channel configuration will be compared on an annual basis to track changes in channel geometry, profile, or substrate. This data will be utilized to determine the success in restoring stream channel stability. Specifically, the width/depth ratio will remain at or below a value of 20 in each monitoring year. In addition, the maximum depth of the channel must not exceed 4.0 feet relative to the adjacent floodplain. Modifications to the channel will performed to increase or decrease the sediment transport capacity, or other unstable attribute, as needed. If the stream channel is down-cutting or the channel width is enlarging due to bank erosion, additional bank or slope stabilization methods will be employed. Biological monitoring will indicate an increase in species diversity over time. Specifically, the number of species identified in the existing channel must be exceeded in year 3 and year 5 of the monitoring program. If biological success criteria are not being fulfilled, the most likely cause will comprise extensive sedimentation which covers coarse substrates in the channel. If aquatic species diversity is not increasing, additional modifications to channel substrates will be performed and upstream sources of sedimentation will be identified. The Site may contain a historic alluvial fan than develops due to backwater conditions ' during significant Rocky River floods. If such a flood event occurs, and an alluvial fan develops, central portions of the Site which are contained under the fan will be deemed to have fulfilled stream success criteria. However, remaining stream reaches outside of the fan will continue to be subject to monitoring and success criteria as described above. ' 6.5 VEGETATION MONITORING Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with EPA guidelines enumerated in Mitigation Site Type (MIST) documentation (EPA 1990) and ' USACE Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993). A general discussion of the restoration monitoring program is provided. ' After planting has been completed in winter or early spring, an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented, if ' necessary. During the first year, vegetation will receive cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis ' to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between September 1 ' and October 30 after each growing season until the vegetation success criteria is achieved. ' During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year, 9 sample plots will be randomly placed within each mitigation design unit (Figure 21). Sample plot distributions will be correlated with hydrological monitoring locations to provide point-related data on ' hydrological and vegetation parameters. In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored include species composition and species density. Visual observations of the ' percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be recorded. 6.6 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA ' Success criteria have been established to verify that the wetland vegetation component supports community elements necessary for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest ' species. Specifically, a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree species/acre must be surviving for at least 5 years after initial planting. At least five characteristic tree species must be present, and no species can comprise more than 20 percent of the 320 ' stem/acre total. Characteristic species are defined as 1) planted elements or 2) natural recruits of native tree species identified in reference ecosystems (Section 4.3). Additionally, characteristic tree species should support a jurisdictional determination, and therefore have a wetland status of FAC, FAC + , FACW-, FACW, FACW +, or OBL. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed to achieve the vegetation success ' criteria. No quantitative sampling requirements are proposed for herb assemblages as part of the ' vegetation success criteria. Development of bottomland forests over several decades and wetland hydrology will dictate the success in migration and establishment of desired wetland understory and groundcover populations. Visual estimates of the percent cover of herbaceous species and photographic evidence will be reported for information purposes. 6.7 CONTINGENCY In the event that vegetation, hydrology, or stream success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. For vegetation contingency, replanting ' and extended monitoring periods will be implemented if community restoration does not fulfill minimum species density and distribution requirements. ' Hydrological contingency will require consultation with hydrologists and regulatory agencies if wetland hydrology restoration is not achieved. Wetland surface modification, including construction of ephemeral pools, represents a likely mechanism to increase the ' floodplain area that supports jurisdictional wetlands. Recommendations for contingency to establish wetland hydrology will be implemented and monitored until the Hydrology Success Criteria are achieved. ' Stream reconstruction failure may occur due to increased sediment and discharge during construction activities within the upper watershed. Stream contingency will likely include ' identification and modification of upstream discharge outlets or sediment sources, additional stabilization of stream banks, and re-establishment of stream substrates required ' to support target aquatic communities. Recommendations for stream contingency will also be solicited, implemented, and monitored until the Stream Success Criteria are achieved. H 77 0 0 0 APPENDIX B Post Restoration Photographs i 'O VJ O O .a L A? W MO W 2 Q E 0 W CD w N O O N R LL. a7 3 O L .t. w+ O O O N a) a) _O L W E O ^O i CL r P _ ¢l t f 4 ? yy ? 7? n xa, O O O N U) O O O N_ r L V 3 ^N Y O U ! T I ?. # L rr a,,: a r O O Nee \V LL O O O N L C N 11 F N u u w N T 11 I H I I 1 N O O N t6 LL i m w I N O O N M LL O O O N C L N O O O N_ O O r 4 r C ?R ?" 4w ? 3t "Y l?ilA ? '.l, , f d ? N fi a f, . ` t O O N 6.L O O O N L E 7 cn i J N O O N m LL L uj c 0 C Q. 0 0 w r_ 4) V M Y T? V A? W N L d C? C U 3 0 0 0 t a 0 x O c c 0 m w.+ a) 0) a) d-. tII ..C L 7 Q O we - a) cu C 0 C 0 (D 0) Q? 0) C (D L Q? O m L 0 0 70 L cu 0 U) Q? U U L (6 w a? c c cu U C O L r? L cu C C N N C co O M 0) O A C N J APPENDIX C Biological Monitoring Data THIC MACROINVERTEBRATES, CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 1999. ' TABLE 1. BEN SPECIES T.V.- F.F.G."** 98-007#1 FM 98-007 #2 FM TOTAL MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Sphaedidae 6.48 FC 130 130 Pisidium sp. Gastropoda Basommatophora Physidae 8.84 CG 270 1 271 Physella sp. ANNELIDA Oligochaeta Haplotaxida 40 40 Lumbricidae Naididae 8 350 350 Nais sp. .88 CG 7.11 CG 120 170 290 Tubificidae w.o.h.c. 9.47 CG 120 60 180 Limnodrilus hoffineisteri Lumbriculida Lumbdculidae 10 10 Lumbriculus sp. 7.03 CG Hirudinea Arhynchobdellida *8 P 3 3 Erpobdellidae ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea 10 10 Acariformes Crustacea Ostracoda Candoniidae 1 1 Candona sp. Decapoda Cambaddae 1 1 Cambarus sp. 7.62 CG 8 8 Procambarus sp. 9.49 SH 6 cf. acutus 9.49 SH 6 Procambarus (O.) Insecta Collembola 10 10 Isotomidae Ephemeroptera Baetidae 10 10 Acentrella ampla 3.61 CG Odonata Cordulegastridae 3 3 Cordulegaster maculata 5.7 P Gomphidae 1 1 Gomphus pallidus 5.8 P 15 15 Progomphus obscures 8.22 P 1 1 Stylogomphus albistylus 4.72 P Hemiptera ,. ECOSCIENCE6999 6/9199 1. BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES, CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 1999. TABLE SPECIES T.V.*' F.F.G.**' 98-007 #1 FM 98-007 #2 FM TOTAL 1 1 Veliidae Trichoptera 10 10 Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.22 FC Coleoptera Haliplidae 8.73 SH 10 10 Peltodytes sp. Diptera Ceratopo9onidae Be&a1Pa1p0myia 9P. 6.86 P 41 160 2 41 1 Chironomidae 40 *6 CG 280 280 Chaetocladius sp. 122 5047 Chironomus sp. 9.63 CG 1925 312 Conchape 910 topis sp. 8.42 P 270 640 8.54 CG 270 4613 4883 ^• CricotOpus bicinctus 6.38 P 140 140 Cryptochironomus fulvus 5.89 CG 140 140 Odontomesa fulva 7.28 CG 30 30 Rheocficotopus robacki 5.89 FC 30 30 Rheotanytarsus sp. 6 76 FC 50 140 190 Tanytarsus sp. Muscidae 30 30 Limnophora sp. 8.4 P Psychodidae 10 10 Psychoda sp. 9.64 CG Simuliidae 4 FC 130 60 190 Simulium sp. Tabanidae 20 20 Chrysops sp. 6.73 PI 10 Tipulidae 10 30 10 40 Ofmosia sp. 6.27 CG 30 40 7.33 SH 10 Tipula sp. ****CHORDATA Amphibia 1 1 Caudata 3569 10023 13592 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 26 25 80 TOTAL NO* OF TA :A •HilsenhoffTolerance Values used when North Carolina Tolerance Values not available. **North Carolina Tolerance Values range from 0 for organisms very intolerant of organic wastes to 10 for organisms very tolerant of organic wastes. ***F.F.G: Functional Feeding Group: SH=Shredder, CG=Collector/Gatherer, FC=Filtering Collector, SC=Scraper, P=Predator and PI=Piercer ""Not included in analysis. /99 FCOSCIENCE6999 6/9 ENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES, ECOSCIENCE, JULY 24,2001. B T.V. F.F.G. Mill Run Concord SPECIES Ref. Mill i MOLLUSCA Bivaivia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula fluminea 6.12 FC 1 u31 a Gastropoda Basommatophora Physidae Physella sp. ARTHROPODA Insecta Ephemeroptera Ephemerellidae Eurylophella sp. Heptageniidae Stenonema modestum Tricorythidae Tricorythodes sp. Odonata Aeshnidae Boyeria vinosa Calopterygidae Calopteryx sp. Cordulegastridae Cordulegaster sp. Gomphidae Lanthus sp. Ophiogomphus sp. Hemiptera Veliidae Rhagovelia obesa Megaloptera Corydalidae Nigronia fasciatus Nigronia serricornis Sialidae Sialis sp. Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Cheumatopsyche sp. Hydropsyche betteni gp. Philopotamidae Chimarra aterrima Polycentropodidae Polycentropus sp. Coieoptera Dryopidae Helichus lithophilus Haliplidae 8.84 CG *1. 4.34 *4 5.5 *4 5.06 *3 5.89 *5 7.78 *3 5.73 *1 1.77 5.54 *0 5.55 4.95 *4 7.17 *4 6.22 7.78 *3 2.76 *6 3.53 *5 4.63 SC SC SC SC CG CG P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P FC FC FC FC FC FC FC SC 1 1 106 4 4 92 3 1 10 5 2 1 1 10 12 9 5 3 3 86 1 4 2 4 y b Ivy BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES, ECOSCIENCE, JULY 24,2001. T.V. F.F.G. Mill Run Concord SPECIES Ref. Mill Peltod es sp. yt 8.73 SH 7 Hydrophilidae Hydrochara ap. CG 3 Psephenidae *4 SC Ectopria sp. Ptilodactylidae 4.16 SC SH 1 Anchytarsus bicolor 3.64 SH 39 Diptera Chironomidae Ablabesmyia mallochi 7,19 P 4 Dicrotendipes sp. 8.1 CG 1 Krenopelopia sp. 8.42 P 5 Polypedilum halterale 7.31 SH 1 Polypedilum dlinoense 9 SH 1 1 Procladius sp. 9.1 P 1 Thlenemannimyia gp. 8.42 P 5 1 Tribe/os sp. 6.31 CG 6 Dixidae CG Dixa sp. 2.55 CG 5 Dixella sp. CG 2 Ephydridae *8 PI 3 Tipulidae *3 SH Pseudolimnophila sp. 7.22 P 5 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS TOTAL NO OF SPECI 333 129 . ES 27 16 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM CONCORD MILLS RESTORATION SITE AU 2002. , GUST ' SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** Reference Mitigation Site Site MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida ' Sphaeriidae *8 FC Pisidium sp. 6.48 FC 7 Gastropoda Mesogastropoda Pleuroceridae ' Elimia sp. Basommatophora 2.46 SC 3 Lymnaeidae SC ' Fossaria sp. Physidae *7 SC 1 Physella sp. 8.84 CG 10 18 ANNELIDA ' Oligochaeta *10 CG Haplotaxida Lumbricidae CG 5 1 Hirudinea *8 P ' Glossiphoniidae *8 P Helobdella triserialis *6 P 1 ARTHROPODA ' Crustacea Decapoda ' Cambaridae Palaemonidae 1 3 Palaemonetes kadiakensis 7.1 CG 3 Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae *4 CG Baetis sp. *4 CG 4 12 y ?Pe'` , rzi> ' Ca//ibaetis sp. 9.84 CG 1 Centroptilum sp. 6.66 CG 1 Caenidae *7 CG Caenis sp. 7.41 CG 1 7 ' Heptageniidae *4 SC Stenonema modestum 5.5 SC 40 ' Odonata Aeshnidae *3 p Boyeria vinosa 5.89 P 3 1 Calopterygidae *5 P ' Calopteryx sp. 7.78 P 16 Coenagrionidae *9 P Argia sp. 8.17 P 4 ' Enallagma sp. 8.91 p 2 Cord u legastridae *3 P Cordulegaster sp. 5.73 P 2 ' Gomphidae *1 P 2 11 Gomphus sp. 5.8 P 5 1 Pennin t d A i g on an ssoc ates, Inc. Page 1 of 3 eciscienceconcordmills.xls 8/26/2002 -10 BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM CONCORD MILLS RESTORATION SITE, AUGUST 2002. ' SPECIES T.V.** F.F.G.*** Reference Mitigation ' Site Site Ophiogomphus sp. 1 Stylogomphus albisty/us 4.72 P 1 ' Libellulidae *9 P 5 Hemiptera Veliidae - P 5 ' Rhagovelia obesa - P 1 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae *4 FC 2 Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.22 FC 8 4 ' Diplectrona modesta 2.21 FC 4 Hydropsyche sp. *5 FC 7 Hydropsyche betteni gp. 7.78 FC 4 5 ' Philopotamidae *3 FC Chimarra aterrima 2.76 FC 18 2 Uenoidae ' Neophylax sp. 2.2 SC 5 Coleoptera Curculionidae 1 ' Dryopidae *5 Helichus basa/is 4.63 SC 2 Dytiscidae *5 P 1 Elmidae *5 CG ' Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC 5 2 Haliplidae Peltodytes sp. 8.73 SH 33 ' Hydrophilidae P 1 Psephenidae *4 SC 1 ' Diptera Chironomidae 1 Ablabesmyia mallochi 7.19 P 1 Clinotanypus pinguis 8.74 P 1 ' Cryptochironomus fulvus 6.38 P 1 Dicrotendipes sp. 8.1 CG 1 Microtendipes sp. 5.53 CG 1 Paratendipes sp. 5.11 CG 2 ' Polypedilum illinoense 9 SH 1 Rheotanytarsus sp. 5.89 FC 1 1 Tribelos sp. 6.31 CG 4 11 ' Xylotopus par 5.99 SH 2 Culicidae *8 FC Anopheles sp. 8.58 FC 1 ' Tipulidae *3 SH Dicranota sp. 0 P 2 Pilana sp. 1 ' Tipula sp. 7.33 SH 6 3 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 177 148 ' TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 37 32 ' Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of s eciscienceconcordmills. As 8/26/2002 1 C H 3/01 Revision 6 Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Mountain/ Piedmont Streams Biological Assessment Unit, DWQ OTAL SCORE Directions for use: The observer is to survey a minimum of 100 meters of stream, preferably in an upstream direction starting above the bridge pool and the road right-of-way. The segment which is assessed should represent average stream conditions. To perform a proper habitat evaluation the observer needs to get into the stream. To complete the form, select the description which best fits the observed habitats and then circle the score. If the observed habitat falls in between two descriptions, select an intermediate score. A final habitat score.is determined by adding the results from the different metrics. SDcIfN ? Stream Location/road: (Road Name ) County IAA W Date 76910-1, CC# Basin ?/ Subbasin4l ir?'s??:ll '4ble?l? Observer(s) - M0,06f Type of Study: ? Fish ltenthos ? Basinwide ?Special Study (Describe) Latitude Longitude Ecoregion: ? MT ZP ? Slate Belt ? Triassic Basin Water Quality: Temperature 93- °C DO H-? mg/1 Conductivity (corr.) 4No µmhos/cm pH 8-61 Physical Characterization: Visible land use refers to immediate area that you can see from sampling location - include what you see driving thru the watershed in watershed land use. Visible Land Use: 16 %Forest %Residential Y3 %Active Pasture % Active Crops %Fallow Fields - -% Commercial %Industrial SO %Other - Describe: Watershed land use : IJ'Forest ?Agriculture ZUrban ? Animal operations upstream Width: (meters) Stream 3-5717 Channel (at top of bank) 7TT Stream Depth: (m) Avg lbll Max 0271y9 ? Width variable ? Large river >25m wide Bank Height (from deepest part of channel (in riffle or run) to top of bank): (m) 36 in Bank Angle: /-ID ° or ? NA (Vertical is 90°, horizontal is 0°. Angles > 90° indicate slope is towards mid-channel, < 90° indicate slope is away from channel. NA if bank is too low for bank angle to matter.) ' ?Deeply incised-steep,straight banks ?Both banks undercut at bend ?Channel filled in with sediment ®Recent overbank deposits 013ar development ?Buried structures ?Exposed bedrock ?Excessive periphyton growth VrHeavy filamentous algae growth ?Green tinge ?Sewage smell Manmade Stabilization: ?N ?Y: ?Rip-rap, cement, gabions ? Sediment/grade-control structure ?Berm/levee ' Flow conditions : ?High ?Normal ZLow Turbidity: R(Clear ? Slightly Turbid ?Turbid ?Tannic ?Milky ?Colored (from dyes) ' Weather Conditions: 5UA)'& Photos: ;2N ?Y ? Digital ?35mm Remarks.At3 I 41 ' I. Channel Modification Score A. channel natural, frequent bends ........................................... 5:= .......... B. channel natural, infrequent bends (channelization could be old) ...................................................... 4 C. some channelization present .............................................................................................................. 3 ' D. more extensive channelization, >40% of stream disrupted ............................................................... 2 E. no bends, completely channelized or rip rapped or gabioned, etc .............................. .......... :............ 0 ? Evidence of dredging ?Evidence of desnagging=no large woody debris in stream ?Banks of uniform shape/height ' Remarks I,; L, ` Subtotal . II. Instream Habitat: Consider the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colonization or fish cover. If >70% of the reach is rocks, 1 type is present, circle the score of 17. Definition: leafpacks consist of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay (not piles of leaves in pool areas). Mark as Rare, Common, or Abundant. Rocks f Macrophytes i± Sticks and leafpacks r- Snags and logs Undercut banks or root mats ' AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >70% 40-70% 20-40% <20% Score Score Score Score ' 4 or 5 types present ................. 20 0,61 12 8 3 types present ......................... 19 15 11 7 2 types present ......................... 18 14 10 6 1 type present ........................... 17 13 9 5 ' No types present ....................... 0 ? No woody vegetation in riparian zone Remarks Subtotal UP ' III. Bottom Substrate (silt, sand, detritus, gravel, cobble, boulder) look at entire reach for substrate scoring, but only look at riffle for embeddedness. A. substrate with good mix of gravel cobble and boulders Score 1. embeddedness <20% (very little sand, usually only behind large boulders) ......................... 15 ' 2. embeddedness 20-40% ................................................ 12 3. embeddedness 40-80% .......................................................................................................... 8 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................. 3 B. substrate gravel and cobble ' 1. embeddedness <20% ............................................................................................................ 14 2. embeddedness 20-40% ......................................................................................................... (f 3. embeddedness 40-80% ........................................................................................................ 6 4. embeddedness >80%.... ........................................................................................................ 2 ' C. substrate mostly gravel 1. embeddedness <50% ............................................................................................................ 8 2. embeddedness >50% ............................................................................................................ 4 ' D. substrate homogeneous 1. substrate nearly all bedrock ................................................................................................... 3 2. substrate nearly all sand ........................................................................................................ 3 3. substrate nearly all detritus .................................................................................................... 2 ' 4. substrate nearly all silt/ clay ................................................................................................... 1 Remarks Subtotal IV. Pool Variety Pools are areas of deeper than average maximum depths with little or no surface turbulence. Water velocities associated with pools are always slow. Pools may take the form of "pocket water", small pools behind boulders or obstructions, in large high gradient streams. ' A. Pools present Score 1. Pools Frequent (>30% of 100m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... (10' b. pools same size (indicates pools filling in) ............................................................................ 8 ' 2. Pools Infrequent (<30",," of the 100m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 6 b. pools same size ...................................................................................................................... 4 B. Pools absent ............................................................................................................................................ 0 ' Subtotal Ej Pool bottom boulder-cobble=hard ? Bottom sandy-sink as you walk ? Silt bottom ?' Some pools over wader depth 43 O Disclaimer-form filled out, but score doesn't match subjective opinion-atypical stream. ' 45 Page Total TOTAL SCORE _T6__ Supplement for Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Channel Flow Status Useful especially under abnormal or low flow conditions. A. Water reaches base of both lower banks, minimal channel substrate exposed ............................ PJ B. Water fills >75% of available channel, or <25% of channel substrate is exposed ........................ ? C. Water fills 25-75% of available channel, many logs/snags exposed ............................................. ? D. Root mats out of water ................................................................................................................... ? E. Very little water in channel, mostly present as standing pools ..................................................... ? Diagram to determine bank angle: L4t.?j I7 90° 45° 135° Site Sketch: Y4 1' L, p .t I Other comments: I I JN -?w 46 ' APPENDIX D Channel Profile ?\ O N N 0 0. CD O c O U co C O ? > N N N O W L W cn co O O O ?? ?wco t i J `? V i 4 aY a? Q m m m co (1991) uOIJeA919 00 O LO N O N N O° N Ir- c _co L O O ? O LO O ?4' elevation (feet) co co co cfl co cfl co co co co o o ? rv w -D6 cn m --4 oo co 0 O m O O O O s N CD O ? O N iU C3i ? O. 0 CD ? W p O CD O O O O -p (31 O O 0 U) CO =3 :3 :3 ... ... `. CI) Cl) cf) 0 00 < :3 ? CL X CD CD .- m CD .CD. CD 0) < ? Q ' ? . o 0 O n O C CL CD iU -? O n h ::r CD N O O N elevation (feet) ? cn rn v oo co o 0 cn 0 0 0 0 C) cu N c C) S? n CD ? N tD ? CD O r-f w 0 0 w CA 0 .p 0 0 O n- O -I rCL o ? 0. =' n • =r (D N 0 0 N 1 APPENDIX E Groundwater Gauge Hydrographs N ' O O N N N i V O v 1 n >N (ui) yjdaa as}eM 0 7 O 0 N M "T O CO N M? O NT M N O O d' W N O O d CO M N N N - - ' ' -- N N N M M d' u 11 u C 0 N O O N 0 N L V U N O CO N M V O CO Nco O ?t 00 N ID O d m N CO O M M N N N- ?- r N N N M M ?1 (u!) uldaa aaleM O N O O N 0 L 0 V 0 V 0 ?N x N O 0 N x 1* O oo N CO O oo N 0 O r' r- N N N M M? (u!) ujdaa jajeM 11 C i N O O N 0 d N L V 0 V >N 0 O 0 N 00 ? O CO N 00 'IT O IT CO N CO O d' w N CO O CO CO N N N ? ? e- r N N N CO M 'If (u!) ujdaa aolaM 1 u I L I N N zi d N L V 0 V >N 0 11 O CO N mI:T O m N w It O V w N c0 O d w N 0 O M CO N N N N N N M M cr (U!) ujdaa JalaM 0 n I_ 7 N O O N N L V V N 0 O 0 N w V O 0 N CO d' O T w N 0 Ol;T w N 0 O 't CO M N N N •- ? - I N N N c? C? d (u!) uldaa aolem i 0 L 1 n N O O N N L V U ti (ui) yldaa aaleM 0 O CD N w d' O m N m? O V m N cD O ?f w N 0 O ,;?t M CO N N N ? ? ' ' '17 ? N N N M C? V 1 1 N 1 O O ' N N N L V 1 U ' H (ui) yldaa aajeM 0 O CO N m T O 0 N m d O ?T m N M O d' m N CO O I' M M N N N ?- r r r N N N M M 1 ' N ' O O ' N N y V ? O U L rn a? I-a 0 O (O N m O (O N w 'It O It w N 0 O ? w N O O (u!) uldaa jajeM APPENDIX F Vegetation Plot Data k CL a 0) U N t1 in c li 2 :r °o O M U C X O co U ° 0 CD co CD CD r- V' co ?fl- CO e- N M N I;r co N CQ H i f i i C t C t t M f t t t C C C P 0 4 t ? ? C = e c e e t C e G G u e 0 C e (n N N N M LO r O r ? M i? N ? 1, N 'q* C14 LO (° I- N M IT N 00 CO M ?- N N N N ce) N a1 M N M N M r r- , Cl) N N N 00 N ti N N r CO 0) 00 N r- r 00 It r N N i- M fQ 7 U N ? w •C O U N C w is co f0 to > N to C N N 7 M .C ?o 0 (n co -0 'a O Y y N C C () o c E o rn m° rn> o Q m m m-.0 m 23 E -a tz E a m a) •_ N fA co 0 (A E U to .n N fCf 0 rn rn O M a) 7 N 7 -2 :3 7 f0 to fn 7 to >, -0 C N N '0 N" 7 (n a C: m X X N '° C C 7 7 7 •C C O- (D -0 (°) ° a m :3 a m m2 is 2 2° E E o? o a° QQQmU ao0? (ninQJaMQ>>(L LL UOo O Y N ?. >i 3 N "a ° C m a° L° Y o r cQ Y° -° E m° a> E ` Q 0 - L L a a? a o m E E a ) 0 ° 3 3 a? U m'D ° c m° 0 E -a 5- F Q) D ku Y d M O U (6 U N U (D ai L •iA m CU 77 a) 5: .i o c ,O Q a U) N U O Q a C O S O U C U <4 N ?t O (O O 'IT O O V N 00 H T ? M O N co cm F. N I-- qr CD O zo N ;h - N N M N N N N O N 00 ?- T T tD T T T T ? N T ? T O N .- C1 ? CO co co N ?- I- T r co N N N CO N M CO N N <- N N of ?- M M (O d) ( N C N co V co CO HN U') CO N N N N co c0 U O O C .'? N c0 U m 70- C: > N (L6 Q - c0 N N O f0 .C L a) ;n m L ?_ cv U > o> a .o ° a m co m i O v) a) :3 E -0 w CU CY) 'E 'n V) 0 c N m n c o E n x m o a L L ` ++ X 7 '? O Q N N _X -3 N O N U U C co O N Q1 D- L O ? O O m U 7 (6 O Q Q Q U U LL J J _.I a. Gcj? Q? (n m CJ d ? Y _ W O N O O p O 3: C N L U `. L E E 0ca O O N O a N L (Q O 0 U O O 0 O 0 0 E O E N AD O O a c = -II § E O E E E 76 0 Q X -o cm !E °' ti . v O R? j O X, rn On . ' n .m C ) .. tOi F- 5 n -- C in 0- O N I? N U O Q N Q C O O U C O ' U R 0 t O M O N zo N N <D N Ln N V N M N N N N O N co V- r zD V- r N r r r O r O O F- (D N M N r 6 r T LO CO N (O r r N O) N N C r ?- 00 N N M O ti r N r N r N (D co N M N M r r N r r r M M r r N U C cu (0 c ' T C C () C 0) O 7 a) a) ?O 7 > C E O fl. O O 0 ` (D N co 7 O m ` O: 0 (0 C N O ` Q C C X •- j U N LL :D D Q 0 (n Q Q a' E U) C E O o a) L E n N c rn rn m X n m Q 0 N N O N O M "T N In O r (O 0 O N M O) N 00 N F. N iD N En N N N fV r r N r N O r M N 00 r N LO r ? r r <D r (n r M r r L ? a-- _ M N r r ? r r L r O r ti Lo N C14 N M Uf r pp C14 N M r r F- 'IT ZD 00 N I r C r N N N N M (14 O r M N N (O O) IT C14 fV 00 N (D N N r r r ?- r r r N? r r N OD (0 (0 U 7 C v= ` N (0 M U Q? ?p C jT cn fl' C N C E C U) m Cc E 21 0 -0 co m ci O N co U N >o ?o0 ) E a ,? c E= ELo 2 m o a) N 3 E (6 C 7 •? (0 a) rn (0 E rn N 5, 7 _ c V) a a U C O ?'C O (4 E E In O O O U 0 QQUtlJJJQ a-U) of o< 0 IN y U Io n a O a) E w ? > L a 3 E a) E a) C >1 ? O- E Q 0 =0 75 0 C U O a L - `m U) w 0) o o ? o c- E m , E .. c ° o _ 5 ` l o) - c o E E Z m O Q O •U O Q N Q O cu N O U C O ' U O 0 M 01 N 00 N F- N tD N N cm N M N N N N O N co r r r O r 4? :;t ? r = r N V- r r O r 01 co F tc O d' M N r V 0? N ONO N V, N O- r- C4 O M N V' CEO OD O. CO N Cl) O N r- O) Cl) (O O N M (O M r r r r N .- r M (O N (0 IT Cl) O O ?- 00 co N O 'a• N O r V M N - N O N M N .- r m ? O ? O (? w C C m E E C m > m m 0 T O (A ++ z C -00 U) Q) N - p 0 C O m? N O C Y O N cB C U 8 > C O C N E C .O O- d C` N E O cn -0 - N - p Q` Q> c' N (D t9 O E a) 0 C W 7 N C C N 'd >+ ` (9 O- 7 C C C 0 (` p N X X O X Co L O O U C N O U) O X O L N- O .a D N O lD f6 C •- (O QQmQ. Ja _ o>Q U LLQ GUCl(? >Q' uJ Y (0 O 3 L O ?. E 2 O m '0 L O Y T N O Y ? (0 - 0 O . - p ? N o o a p v M p n 3 ? . E c C O T 1 X rn 0 m Q U `N- m N 'O p m 2 M p ( O Q. A U O Q N C O m a O U C O ,U O I- t I d' z? N r IN ? cv r+ U O10- o O) C14 O) N r N r V d ?- CO N C) r r r r r M I-- M r r LO ?- r co r M co Cl) r CO tf) r M r I? r r r Lo r r In r r r 0) L(') r r O) U) QD ? ? r r I? r N m o) r'IT L r 0) r (p r N V' N r r co O r M -T r CO (0 N (O r M r N O r N r N N r ?- r N r N r M N N M N +- co r N Ln M r co N M N N C N M r N 01 N C O U N f0 • Co to c O (0 w. 4? .5 C C U N N C (0 O O r f0 N p.. > E C •O A E C m C 75 c w ' co E f 0 7 'o ' N v' C C ca p) p ca E 16 0 E C 75 E2 U 0 `? a s 2 m 16 cm •? E 5 ° o N m m ? rn ? L? N (n f0 . 7 E C N (n n m a t6 a) N O` N to Co N O to m N N C f6 N +• 3(n O C 'C N C N O L C i to N N N N 7 0 7 C a p_ In 'v m . E •C 7 7 0 0 x 7 0 7 •X E m O m fl- E= ++ N L N U U U L C m N 0 _ LM LEY- 'C C l0 (0 0 p N f0 O_ 0 7 Q Q Q Q Q CO CO U U p LL a C1 J J J? co 5 7 U U d' I C Y l0 (6 p O N O y 0 a) V; 0 a) L :3 0) (6 O N L a U Q E O Q N N '- N O N ? E ` Y E ? ° ca ? o p T E (D Z U3 CM a> m v p a £ .n O _ (0 N E _ O (D C C 3: a) Y C N O C U Y L U ' Y Y U U C 1C m •fn Y y U 0) x 'D 9 cm p j C C to n m a' Q t - t' m o C •c (p U (9 U T ` O 2 L r 1 1 APPENDIX G Photographic Record of Vegetation Plots f ..?r. :,,{` i e .lsy Ott r`# lot ? Z { ? ire T S' ?i .a z v Y JI s ? I f. ,r. t. ? ? f t/ l? ? i '"+. °i 1 ? ...E ti ? ? : 1 , • S f . l t •? S ? '4!`. '. \ a ??.. "'?' e `ws s " # ,•", ? ?' +m .. ? ? a? yb? . ? ? ? • 'b ?? ?.. # ? -s`? ? Fg, ' } rst {r, 4+N i j? ' i y'?" .. ???. '4 R??? . "' ? ol F`J?FMZ' ? De ?,y ? y+,p ? +S. M1 Y ^w ?( 11 ,yam .?4 _ yyY }T .A ?j ri _ 1 1101 Haynes Street Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 Telephone: 919.828.3433 Fax: 919.828.3518 EcoScience April 14, 2003 Steve Chapin U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office Grove Arcade Building, Room 75 37 Battery Park Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 (828) 271-4014 .) 9ti?s 11%, ;P ?sF Re: Year 3 (Year 2002) Monitoring Report - Concord Mills Mitigation Site USACE Action ID 199830189 Dear Steve: On behalf of The Mills Corporation, EcoScience Corporation has completed the third year monitoring report on the Concord Mills mitigation site located at the Concord Regional Airport in Cabarrus County. One copy of the document is enclosed for your use. We will forward a copy of the document to John Dorney of the N.C. Division of Water Quality for Section 401 review. In summary, the mitigation site met success criteria as stipulated in the mitigation plan and approved as part of your Section 404 and 401 permits for the mall project. We are continuing with monitoring in 2003 (Year 4). If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jens Geratz or Jerry McCrain at ESC. Sincerely, ECOSCIENCE CORPORATION 4 r4 Je Geratz Senior Scientist cc: John Dorney, N.C. Division of Water Quality (1 copy) 5 GP \N A TFA June 14, 2004 Jens Gertz; EcoScience, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101; Raleigh, NC 27604 Larry Eaton N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Concord Mills Limited Partnership 1300 Wilson Blvd. Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22209 Dear Sirs; RE: Annual Monitoring Report - Concord Mills mall Wetland and Stream Mitigation p Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality DWQ # 97-1120 Cabarrus County DWQ staff have reviewed the Annual Monitoring Report (Year 4) for the Concord Mills Wetland and Stream Restoration, Cabarrus County (DWQ # 97-1120). Based on our review of this plan, we believe that the wetland mitigation effort to date has been successful although we look forward to reviewing the monitoring plan for next year. The stream mitigation effort appears to be acceptable as well; however, we are concerned that the channel appears to be adjusting into a stable "E" channel rather than the "C" channel that it was designed to be. As long as the channel continues to be stable and show biological viability, DWQ believes that this mitigation will be deemed to be acceptable to DWQ. In this regard, we look forward to reviewing next year's monitoring report. In that regard, we believe that a Qual 4 collection method should be done for the next macrobenthos analysis so it is more directly comparable to the pre- disturbance data. Please contact Larry Eaton at 919-715-3471 if you have questions in this regard. If you have any questions, please call me at 919-733-9646. fSArmyCorp rney Cc: Steve Chapin, Asheville Field iof gineers File copy Central files Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 247%, Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 NC Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit June 3, 2004 Memorandum To: John Dorney From: Lawrence Eaton ?Jfilf Aprt/? Subject: Comments on Concord Mills Wetland and Stream Restoration Annual Monitoring Report (year 4), Cabarrus County NC (DWQ # 97-1120) Trying to assess whether or not this stream has "recovered", has become more of a semantic exercise, than a water quality assessment. The report says" Success criteria for stream restoration will include: 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system; 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system and 3) development of biological communities over time." The stream was originally built to be a C channel, however the report finds that the increased sedimentation and silting in of pools is making the stream into an E channel. The implication is ?I that the stream has not yet stabilized and will not stabilize into the designed stream. While El E t? channels are stable, this is not what they designed and the increased sediment continues to depress the macroinvertebrate population. Based on items 1 and 2, the stream cannot yet beZ t5 b classified a success using Concord Mills' definition, with the possible exception of item 3. Regarding item 3, almost any body of water, outside of a bucket or oil or acid, will develop some biological community, given enough time. What would be more appropriate would be the statement "development of a reasonably healthy biological community relative to other streams of a similar size and location." Dave proposed to define this in his 2003 Stream Restoration report to EPA as "if comparisons between pre- and post-construction investigations within restored channels are done, biological success is defined as having at least a 25% increases in taxa richness of EPT or 25% increase in the abundance of intolerant taxa (as defined by having a NC Biotic Index value of 3.50 or less), or a decrease in the NC Biotic Index value of one pollution category (excellent, good, good-fair, fair or poor) during gny post-construction survey". While this would be easy to measure if Concord Mills had used the same methods in pre and post construction sampling, they did not. During preconstruction sampling a "grab" sample was collected, while post construction data was collected using the DWQ Qual 4 technique. It is unclear what a "grab" sample is: probably some number of rocks or sticks were examined, or a bite of the bottom was collected with an Ekman or Ponar grab. These are very different methods yielding very different results. Neither comparable to Qual 4, so essentially the only data that can be compared is post construction data. If they had collected from their Reference site beyond the first year of post construction, there may have been something to compare to, but again, they did not. Three stations within the restoration reach have apparently been sampled over the course of this project, but it was unclear which of these sites corresponded to the two sites collected in 2003. Two of the three sites had more diverse aquatic communities in years 1 and 2 post North Carolina Division of Water Quality; Wetlands/401 Unit 1650 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Telephone: (919) 733-1786; Fax: (919) 733-9959 http://h2o.enr.state.ne.us/ncwetlands NC Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit construction than were documented at either of the two sites collected in 2003, so even by Dave's definition, the criteria for success have not been met. It is possible that the macroinvertebrates will recover more quickly when the stream stabilizes into its E channel, some habitat (stick or gravel) gets back into the stream, and the dissolved oxygen in the restored reach rises closer to 4-5 mg/I rather than the 2.1 mg/I documented in the report. North Carolina Division of Water Quality; Wetlands/401 Unit 1650 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Telephone: (919) 733-1786; Fax: (919) 733-9959 hftp://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 -7 70? WETLANDS 1401 GROUP ?5a FEB 2 4 2004 ,?- WATER QUALITY SECTION ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 4) CONCORD MILLS WETLAND AND STREAM RESTORATION CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA V - Prepared for: Concord Mills Limited Partnership 1300 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400 Arlington, Virginia 22209 (703) 526-5000 Prepared by: EcoScience 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 101 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 (919) 828-3433 December 2003 DwQ *`57-Ilia lob fw? 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ii ' ............................................................................................................. LIST OF TABLES iii iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STREAM MONITORING ................................................................................................... 3 2.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Biological Stream Attributes ....................................................................... 3 2.2 MONITORING RESULTS ............................................................... 2.2.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 4 4 2.2.2 Biological Stream Attributes ....................................................................... 12 2.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 2.3.1 Physical Stream Attributes ......................................................................... 15 15 2.3.2 Biological Stream Attributes ....................................................................... 18 3.0 WETLAND HYDROLOGY MONITORING ......................................................................... 20 3.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................... 20 3.2 MONITORING RESULTS ..................................................................................... 20 3.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 23 ' 4.0 VEGETATION MONITORING ........................................................................................... 25 4.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ....................... ............................................................ 25 4.2 MONITORING RESULTS ..................................................................................... 4.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA .............................................................. 25 31 1 5.0 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 32 6.0 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 34 1 1 11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location ..................................................................................................... 2 Figure 2 Site Plan View: Constructed Stream and Oxbow .............................................. 5 Figure 3 Plan View and Cross-Sections (Upper Reach) .................................................. 10 Figure 4 Plan View and Cross-Sections (Lower Reach) .................................................. 11 Figure 5 Bio-monitoring Sites .......................................................................................... 13 Figure 6 Time-Space Substitution of Stream Morphology ................................................ 17. Figure 7 Groundwater Well Locations and Wetland Boundary Determination .................. 21 Figure 8 Planting Plan and Vegetation Plots ................................................................... 26 LIST OF TABLES Table 1a Morphological Stream Characteristics (Upper Reach) .......................................6 Table 1 b Morphological Stream Characteristics (Lower Reach) .......................................8 Table 2 Benthic Sampling Results .................................................................................14 Table 3 Summary of Groundwater Monitoring Data .......................................................22 Table 4 Summary of Vegetation Monitoring Data ...........................................................28 Table 5 Characteristic Tree Species for Vegetation Success Criteria .............................30 1 ' ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT (YEAR 3) CONCORD MILLS WETLAND AND STREAM RESTORATION ' CABARRUS COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 INTRODUCTION ' Concord Mills Limited Partnership has developed Concord Mills, a 1.7 million square-foot shopping mall, on approximately 166 acres in the southwest quadrant of the 1-85/Concord Mills Boulevard interchange in Cabarrus County. This project unavoidably impacted streams and wetlands within the project site, including 1796 linear feet of first-order stream channel, 2.5 acres of wetlands, and 0.6 acre of open water (ponds). ' In 1997-1998, a detailed mitigation plan was prepared to provide full functional replacement for wetland and stream impacts associated with the development of Concord Mills (ESC 1998). The mitigation plan involved stream and wetland restoration on a 23.4-acre tract located approximately 2500 feet north of Concord Mills Mall, immediately south of Airport Boulevard, and west of the Concord Regional Airport (Figure 1). The mitigation site (hereafter referred to as the "Site") comprises an unnamed tributary, termed Airport Creek, and associated floodplains at the confluence with the Rocky River. The detailed mitigation plan proposed approximately 3000 linear feet of stream restoration, 3.0 acres of wetland restoration/creation (net), and 5.4 acres of wetland enhancement within the Site. The mitigation plan outlined monitoring procedures designed to track wetland and stream development after restoration activities were completed. The monitoring plan requires annual monitoring for a minimum 5-year period and analysis of the data to evaluate quantitative success criteria. The monitoring plan has been excerpted from the detailed mitigation plan and is attached for reference in Appendix A. Construction plans were prepared for the project and sediment/erosion control permits obtained in the summer of 1999. Construction activities extended from September through December of 1999 with tree planting completed in early January 2000. Photographs of the Site have been taken periodically over the past 4 years from established vantage points. A sample of current year and timeline photographs from the Fall of 2003 may be found in Appendix B. 1 t 1 1 This document represents the Year 4 Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) designed to track wetland and stream development as outlined in the monitoring plan (Appendix A). Monitoring has been performed throughout the 2003-growing season for hydrology, and at the end of the growing season for vegetation and stream parameters. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1? ?• " ,> M41 k(?" :HC o'x7 r A6Ah r?.M?,_ _ - • ' -' ? yit1. ? i ?. r r 1 } r \ f y wt (1t} r r\ L• 1 ?.. -_y ? y . am/ J f sr f l ?. ' \' ,. .?. P Iy 1 lJ Restorations---:. Site z . M p a i Concord M ??.a •„ ?' . e Regional Jetport ^ .. 'ly `• : ` . 3? n ! ? , ) .? a G , ? ff t vi C r ? Ca \ y ?,? w " •1 ? t Concord '- ir, "?? AR" ,1. Mills Mall r°' ro ? l .r _; {A,lye t '.. a _ - ++i b f S, b _ ^?`•, If •? N bar, ??1V.4 t` % `.t.. RY• .4.... A? '??? •.-....•?". " a y 4i8 -?1 1 ` r -^ ' ziw _ p?t. \ b y 4r y ? t 1 J w !\ t 1T / Ka; ?( fl CL" t f A? f •. Kam' all '(? ( ?.I._ al ? ?1 ?t mitt, av 7 \_ i , t ? .?-. Pmr Leek t '" \;, +1 l-SY l y i9 `.rn \ t `?- I ti Y 1? ?,. \( \ + r <I t'`ar ty y 1 { iM ' ?1. >`? •.cr }I??1 ? ? t .• \'• -. 0?/ 1 •.... . ?t 71 ?3 , + ? 1 ?? .?. / ??; ? t?:? ? ` 1„AM ? vL ; ' ? G r? 7 k t s L%S?C ..li h ? ,R• t r rN r , t.-• l 0 1 mi ? 4 mi ° _- . . }r % 1 r i y 'rJJt' 1:158,400 r } ZI J 1 ?? ? r Source: 1977 `- t ? r ? North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteer, p.57. , I . fir` 1? •1`> - 4 ?? - ' ' Dwn. by: SITE LOCATION - CONCORD MILLS IVIAF FIGURE EcoScience Corporation Fourth Year Wetland Monitoring Report Ckdby: JG Date: =- - = Raleigh, North Carolina ? Cabal County, North Carolina DEC 2003 Project: 03-151 I r 2.0 STREAM MONITORING 2.1 MONITORING PROGRAM 2.1.1 Physical Stream Attributes The monitoring plan calls for measurement of stream geometry attributes along a minimum 300- foot reach. Annual fall monitoring protocol includes development of a channel plan view, channel cross-sections on riffles and pools, pebble counts, and a water surface profile. Specific stream data to be presented includes 1) riffle cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average ' depth, 4) maximum depth, 5) width/depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt width, 8) water surface slope, 9) sinuosity, and 10) stream substrate composition. The stream is subsequently classified based on fluvial geomorphic principles outlined in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen ' 1996). Channel morphology has been tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. ' 2.1.2 Biological Stream Attributes The monitoring plan was devised to provide for biological sampling of the stream channel prior to diversion of flow and again after monitoring years 3 and 5. However, the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has asked that biological sampling be performed annually. Therefore, an evaluation of bio-monitoring success criteria will appear in all succeeding AMRs. The ' procedures. and methodologies for biological monitoring program have been modified to follow the standards put forth by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) January 1997 biological monitoring protocols and the DWQ draft guide for benthic sampling. ' The Qual-4 sampling method has been adapted from the May 2000 final draft of the Interim, Internal Technical Guide for Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Protocols for Compensatory Stream Restoration Projects from DWQ. 1 A 1 Baseline (pre-project) aquatic surveys were performed within the stream system in April 1999, prior to stream restoration activities. Baseline sampling was conducted prior to DWQ guidelines and therefore did not directly follow the Qual-4 sampling methods. Collections for the baseline sample were not handpicked prior to laboratory analysis. Rather, multiple b_am Ies containing all species were processed and analyzed. As a result, the baseline sample exhibits large numbers of individuals not normally collected using the Qual-4 method. Results of the base-line, Year 2, 3, and 4 AMR biological surveys are included in Appendix C. The biological samples will provide a means to track taxonomic diversity over time. Specifically, the numbers of EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera) taxa will be monitored and evaluated. The EPT taxa are not generally considered primary stream colonizers and therefore, not typically found in newly established streams. All taxa will be identified to the lowest practical level. An increase in the number of EPT genus/species will be required through the 5-year monitoring period. An evaluation of in-stream and riparian habitat will also be conducted at each monitoring location, following the DWQ habitat classification system. If biological success criteria are not being fulfilled, the most' likely cause will be extensive sedimentation, which covers coarse substrates in the channel. If aquatic species diversity is not increasing, additional modifications to channel substrates will be performed and upstream sources of sedimentation will be identified. 3 1 1 1 1 C 2.2 MONITORING RESULTS 2.2.1 Physical Stream Attributes Fourth year stream monitoring efforts evaluated approximately 880 linear feet of constructed stream, including approximately 500 linear feet within the upper reach and approximately 400 linear feet within the lower reach. Permanent cross-section and toe pin data were overlaid on the previous year's data to evaluate stream stability, specifically erosion and sedimentation. Plan view data for the year-4 AMR was obtained through GPS survey techniques. Data may vary slightly from the previous year because of inherent differences involved with re-surveying and processing stream data. These differences are not indicative of major lateral changes in stream plan form. A plan view of the constructed stream and oxbow wetland is depicted in Figure 2. Table 1 a and 1 b summarize stream pattern, dimension, profile, and substrate attributes for the proposed conditions and the four subsequent monitoring years. The upper reach and lower reach of the constructed stream channel have been evaluated separately for bankfull discharge and channel dimension measurements. The drainage area and associated impervious surface increases along four drainage area in-falls in the down-valley direction, as depicted in Figure 2. Therefore, the bankfull discharge and dimension were modeled as increasing below the Airport Business Park Road crossing through the Site. Channel Dimension Attributes Channel dimension attributes were obtained from the surveyed cross-sections and plan forms depicted in Figure 3 (upper reach) and Figure 4 (lower reach). Eight permanent cross-sections were established along the constructed channel in 2001, four in the upper reach and four in the lower reach. Four years following construction, the upper reach channel currently exhibits a bankfull mean width of 14.2 feet, a bankfull mean depth of 0.6 feet, and a bankfull width/depth ratio of 23.6. The bankfull cross-sectional area averages 8.6 square feet with a narrow range of 8.5 to 8.7 square feet (Table 1). The proposed conditions for the upper reach included a bankfull average width of 17 feet, bankfull mean depth of 1.2 feet, and bankfull cross-sectional area of approximately 20 square feet. Si?e construction nne ontinually decreas c?ec_ tinal area, and until the most recent year exhibited an increase i widt /d r`atigL Over the same period, the maximum riffle depth has declined on y slightly. The current shift to decreasing lower width/depth ratios and a stable maximum riffle depth is continuing evidence that the stream is evolving from a C-type to an E-type stream as described in Section 3.3.1. Maximum pool width has decreased significantly over as-built conditions from approximately 18 feet to 12.4 feet. Likewise, pool maximum depth has decreased from 2.5 to 1.6 feet. The lower constructed stream reach supports a bankfull width averaging 17.4 feet, a bankfull mean depth of 0.9 feet, and a bankfull width/depth ratio of 19. The bankfull cross-sectional area averages 14.9 square feet, with a range from 13.4 to 16.4 square feet. 4 w w w w w w w w ww ww w w w w m w w w w . i N I ? I I N ; ; ? X M z C r- m ;u A o cNn to i c- - z r D Z g -4 n m A X m z O 1 ;u m X in z n A O y O 0 0 n Z ? z c) A O ? A :U m Z m p zm mo ; '•'? 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O v N O O W W O W m n o n C7 0 Co co m i c O o? 30Z " D Z o w '2 o o i mnZ =c mzm0 0 OZ 0 Z3O z CIS Z ??, N O 0 0 ao m 7o m o 0 c v Z M C N • / M 0 m mv< C-) ? O 4 V) OI N = O D -i ?J/ r Z r O CD r, C Pt. 0 cn o O Z 7o r r 0W N fA D 1 - ' T I - I 1 -- -- I I -'- i -- I I I "r ± 1 I r- I I I i I _ F I I I I I i I I I _ L 1 ? J _ __ _ __ i L L i L 1 B J_ i i __ L I L _L i. 1 I J I J_ I 1 I _L I 1 I I J I 1 __ I I 1 I 1 .1 I I T 1_ _ - I i 0 I r I T 1 I y 1 I I I I i I I i I I I I I I -I_ I I I _ I ` I 1 I _ I T 1 I 1 y - I_ 1 _ I _I i L 4 I 1 J l 1 1 i I I 1 1 1 I 1 ' 1 I ? I I f -i l_ . J = _ 1 _ I _ L I T . _ 1 i . . _ _ _ I 1 . . .Ylil III, -rrn" II11 Trrr JJ_ IIII -nlT 11LL ?I 111 111 - 111 Ilrl 1LJ1. IIII illy _JLLL II III rr r LLi_ I r r ? rri rI-I-I +rrr- -IYYr -r rl y r - - yv - rl-I-l - Tirr i'1lT "rl-li lTir iil- frl- _ !i I I I J L LL I I I I !iii I i t_1! l lI J 1 1. 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F I:s ---- - --r-- - -- ----- - --- - ---I-'IL -------- NQil; O3 ------- -;X: r -: - ----r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ___ ____ -.__ CSECTIO --- ---- -------- ---- ----- 7 -117-1-- 7-r _ _ - ___-I___ ________ _ k ECT? OA r _ -- -------- -- Elevation (ft.) 00 w rn `O W D K W m r- 0 a M X 3 rp (0 `. 7C o Q i Q O C7 ? aD a o CD c0 0,0 N S 7 ° to ¦ O O O T c0 . N p'tn N O CD N 6 0 rn O 'P O Vl .0 W L7 O W O O N N 0 U O 0 ;a 0 N N + W 1 rrn 0 O O co z 0 CO O 0 0 Ln 0 0 ((yyy-- Z ?rO 0m r SQUARE STADIA ROD D z p O C ' ?v Oc T I I 0 F zm I - 1__ 1 I I I I I I I I I mZ N om W.m -I g=O z ? m aD Dm N ? m -0?; m 0 0Z Z 3 m ?' o m z Z ...I mz CD to G t0 .? Cn 7 0 1 I J I __ _ 1 1 L L . I 4 J i ¦. I_ I . 1 11 L 1. 1 I I T I l -- I -- l r i T l l ,y I i I r - I i I T I _L 1 I L i J¦_ I _I_ I I L 1 I I I -? 1 _ I __ __ _ _ l if _ T l 1- I L - - L. 1. I A LLL ???111 , -- - ; - ¦ , - - - I - T r I I • ¦ ¦. 1 1 1 1 4,- ¦ ?. I _I_ I L _ I 1 _ ¦ 1 ¦ 1 1 I 11 i ¦ 1 1 J _ _L ¦ ¦. L J -0 _I_ L L 1__ I 1 r ¦ 1 • I I I ¦ I I 1 I ¦ ¦ T 1 - ¦ r T I l¦ r T 1-_ 1 1 J 1 1. _ - It - I ; I 9 , - I I I I I- - I 1 I I ' 1 1 ¦ yq 1 1 1 - - T" I I __ I r T. i II_ _r r r _ T 1- -- -- -? "r '1 T l 4' - 1- -- - r "i l'- It 1 T 1 l -- -- I -r i T i 11 - I I Ir I r I T - I - 1 I I T, - 11 Elevation (ft.) 000 co co CD D K CD r m _ O O 3 (D X 7 a) lI C o ` 01 ¦ 0 a 1 S N ¦ N ¦ N N -w V W 0 ,?. Q . O 0 W v w N N 0 S O N. O rt O O (q W o n ? 0 Ln 0 _N C7 00 O (n W (A O rri n o0 0 z A V _ L r -1 r. 1 T- 4_ I_ T_ .._ 4_ __- 1 r _ T. 1 -1 t T '1- - -- --- } - j 1 - -- -- L ? i ., - - rL -rr - -- J _L L. 1, J. i. 1, J, _ L t J._ _ __ __ - T I " -- f r 11 - It -- 11 T" I•T 11 - .l J_ - _ I -- _L I r - I L I r - I 1 .1_ ; _ --- 1 V 1 -- 1 I. I -r 1 L I T 1 .I I 1 I,- - 1 - l r I L -r I I. I mX NZ i Q T Ol 7 0) O (ODa `O W 0 N 'III Tirr „T lllT rrl-I rr rl ,T rI- IT Tr -I-I -I, -I ill J.J_LL YrI-I- Trrl- 111E II rllr TTrr I~II YY1-I -IIIT -rrI I III -ITii IT Tr I --1'f ; YYrr Trrr 1ILL JJJ i LI_I I JILL I I 11J II i LI_I_ I ? IIII TTrr III II I ;liT'rirl II ITT17 l YY rrI' LLk JJJ1 LI_IJ L11-1- JILL _JJ LLI_ rr 1?IT 'r`--I 1Tir AT 'r IL LI_ J_' wI1_ J1L' JJJ iLl_I. I I L I NII?1 _ImOLLI? ., L ; I -- - I O O I I I I I I i I l Trrr Y -7¦T r1-' ,rr '-'y; rr TTr ZR I ? TTTT TTr -iT 11 LL Ll JJ.LI?L JiLL _IJJJ LL 1 i NJJ I I I ? l t OI I_I / y ? I W I I 1 1 1 TYrt- I I -I -I T - I -li? ' IYT YrY'I' 7Trr l l irri LAD J1 L II N Z W N O Or7 OotnO7 m 0 N 3-003 CD 0 (n ON ' N 13 9• 00 X 1 3rn 7 C o?v? O y ? O n o O? y N O rtLD CD (D ,-• . N ::r 0 M 00 Ew a o Qp 7 3 N o 30Mrt tO In 08' O v 0-m o m ,o 0 3 , =w O ?-- ` 7• ?ZD - =.m 0 Mn N O CD 0 0 N rD 7 I N I I ¦ ¦ ¦ , r CCI M A M D y o g D O 0 g 1 O m m m a m r r r r m m 0 O m Z D m m I - i 55 C Z Z a > Z N N D Z N 00 - 0 O K) N p o O W O v CD Z .Zl 0 m P m ?P 6 m W 0 0 O N ? a n Q O 0 - N N N CD O ? N r M -0 0 0 N O S O W N' 0 O N y' O 0 N O O N W _A _ n m n o -I v m n () m' _0 CO 0 a r p Oz ?m 30z z 0 . m .. O N ?? m 0 C 0 z 7DDr_n O n C_ ;0 O CAZ nN 0 z37o N O m IR m D 0 00 -4 M Nab ?d G?•p L4 [: C Un o o D ?? +A r D '? r CD oW z tR (n Cn L I JJL_ 00 00 v m O - N W A O O N O 2 O N O i] D W n o 0 .Q O Cn O Q> O ---- Y II1' -III JLLL r; -- - ZN OQ O TrT1- J..L_ =lll l? _ 1-L ri-i-I 1! _._ 11iI --lI 1-r 1 T _._L_! L 11 11- -4 0 W - = ' T: 1 ' ' " , =' ? i Irl llii il - ifrl- l pD TT fr r,- ? - Tr il - 1 - . WD -r ll l iiTi J iiL ; JJ J. - rrr 1Lr__ ; J. m 1!LL !'., l.l i __ J1 ,;I _ J.l r rr ELI.. lliT '- TTr, - 'j LI -I TII-. _:_1 l -r -1T ri' " lr l' iir r' JJ11 _IJ. 11L1_ _ l1 LL !J.1 J. .I1LL IJ. Lllr_ . T I- I I I I L: I I ? I ^M' I I _'¦J t -T-tI-T' T"i t t TT- T-r.!..1. -1111 0 1 1 L L ! J J 1 L r_ L L. .! J .I L L:-:- A•V`1 L ?rl - ? ' ? Y.- L i l l ? ? ? - IIT l TiTI -l 1 ? ? lir- rl- i -I lir ' I L I` i i I m m m m ' m m m m m m m m m m m m m m cn i ? I i ; .. Z X X t mm z"0 Ln CA 2 Z m0 ;o x -t N 00 m >y ' Z -I N -I 0 A m b c z m A 0 m z 0 Z < 'I 0 cc, A I+ 1 0 ('1 RIVE„---_?`_ 1 S m'0 co '0 on om ® ?_ A z 00 z OZ -iz --I N / - A -4 ;oA 0 \ = 0C 00 V) =! Ln 0 m z rn V) V) Q l(/ I c) n I ? I 91 o ? ?? r N h 1 V ; Z ? v MA O p - NO 00 ti? A O Z ; y 70 VIA OIV VD. -------------- 0 m n o v ? M W 0 z i> 0 O n O , l-? ?? ?CCO ern n t?° O yC c 'OZO Z?C ` z o Z ?N p0=p z m1 rn v Z ?• 1 m m 0 y -1 ?o mM G Mm N n CD U -t n ZZ ?Z?9 c?i =a3 O n N N D-i Y r, Z 6 ? 0 0 Q - y D N 7 These numbers are virtually unchanged from the previous year. The proposed conditions for the upper reach included a bankfull average width of 20 feet, bankfull mean depth of 1.4 feet, and a bankfull cross-sectional area of 28 square feet. Similar to the upper reach, the lower reach channel has continually decreased in cross-sectional area and exhibited a slight increase in the width/depth ratio. However, unlike the upper reach, bankfull was not identified at the constructed top of bank, but to an elevation based on common bankfull indicators (i.e. lower in the channel). This condition is currently creating a channel that is slightly incised. The channel is expected to remain incised until the sides of the riffle fill in and the cross-sectional area and width/depth ratio decrease (see Section 2.3.1 for further discussion). Over the 4-year monitoring period, the maximum riffle depth has continued shallow, declining fr feet to 6 feet. During the same peno , mean pool maximum depth has remained relatively stable from the as-built conditions, decreasing slightly from 3.8 to 3.5 feet. Channel Pattern Attributes Channel pattern attributes have been measured from the plan forms depicted in Figure 3 and Figure 4. The belt width ranges from 30 to 50 feet in the upper reach and 30 to 45 feet in the lower reach. The meander wavelength along both reaches range from approximately 80 to 120 feet. Sinuosity measures approximately 1.25 and 1.3 in the upper and lower stream reach, respectively. The mean flood prone area width varies between 220 to 375 feet and entrenchment ratios range from 15.5 to 21.5 (flood prone area / bankfull width) for the upper and lower reaches, respectively. These measurements remain essentially unchanged from data of the previous year. ' Channel Slope and Substrate Extensive beaver activity within the channel at the time of monitoring prohibited the collection of useful slope data. Beaver management will be incorporated for the upcoming year so that ' channel slope data may be prepared for the year-5 report. Pebble counts throughout both reaches indicate the ! 5 the surface substrate is approximately 0.22 mi ' eters (sand t < subsurface substrate of approximately 14 millimeters Me ium rave ). The surface substrate d? is a reflection of the sedi osition that continues to be deposited within the channel due t Pa?.-a?tiv?_t _and ups`m sedim he on i el substr placed within ' the channel at the time of construction remains in place, but has been covered in part b_y_ sand and silt. The original gravel substrate is visible within the thalweg of the current channel. ' 2.2.2 Biological Stream Attributes Pre- and post-project monitoring locations extend approximately 300 linear feet along designated reaches, and are identified in Figure 5. Qual-4 samples were collected from the restored stream in August 2003 (Appendix C). Data from the current and past years of sampling are summarized in Table 2. Due to beaver impacts, the stream was divided into two distinct samples representing the upper and lower reach. The upper portion of the channel has ' experienced extensive beaver activity, creating lentic conditions throughout the reach. In contrast, the lower reach has experienced less beaver impact and therefore has remained in a free flowing condition. Significant differences were detected xa collected, including the EPT taxa. 12 1 ' Table 2. Benthic Sampling Results for Baseline Data and Monitoring Years 2001-2003. s? K Akyr (\q U Baseline 1999 2001 2002 2003 1 1 1 1 IN Ephemeroptera USC* DSC** Heptageniidae Stononema modestum 4 a 3 Stononema sp. (?1 Tricorythidae Tricorythodes sp. 92 Baetidae Acentrella ampla 10 Baetis sp. 12 1 2 Beatis c.f.flavistrig 6 Callibaetis sp. 1 Centroptilum spo. 1 Pseudocloeon sp. 3 4 Caenis Caenis sp. 7 Trichoptera Hydropsychidae 2 Cl-)x Cheumatopsyche sp. 10 2 4 53 Hydropsyche betteni gp. 4 5 24 Philopotamidae Chimarra aterrima 2 41'-1 Total 120 102 34 4 93 * Upstream reach, above causeway. * * Downstream reach, below causeway. CL C? z c vV rr! ?? I , ry `L) , Xc lA J r fl 1 1 1 In total, the number of EPT taxa enus/species) has increased to 8 in the composite 2003 sample. This is an increase fr the base line survey and the 2001 survey, which reported 2 and 4 EPT taxa, respectively. Of the total 8 EPT taxa found in the composite sample, 2 were found in the upper reach and 7 were found in the lower reach. The total number of EPT taxa has remained the same since the last monitoring period. The total number of individuals within the EPT taxa increased significantly from 34 in 2002 to 97 in 2003 composite sample. The low number of individuals found in 2002 probably resulted from the severe drought condition which had persisted in the region during that period. Note that higher diversity of EPT taxa indicates better stream quality than does more individuals of a few species. As a part of the biological stream attribute assessment, a habitat field data sheet has been completed to describe the potential habitat and physical conditions of the stream. The habitat assessment scores for the year 2003 were indicative of characteristics associated with maturing "constructed" stream development including bend angles, in-stream habitat features, substrate, bank stability measures, and vegVatio? n,arm.eters. The constructed stream received a habitat assessment score of 91 out o a possible N, an increase from the 62 and 84 points assigned 1 -and--2-002, respectively. The stream assessment gave high scores for all to the survey in 2001 a channel attributes including riffle habitat, bank stability, pool variety, stream bank vegetation cover, substrate type, light penetration, and riparian vegetation. Completed stream habitat assessment forms describing the physical habitat characteristics present in the channel during the August 2003 sampling were compared with the July 2002 sampling (Appendix C). 2.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA 2.3.1 Physical Stream Attributes Success criteria for stream restoration have been subdivided into three primary components: 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system, 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system, and 3) development of biological communities over time. For classification purposes, the stream supports an entrenchment ratio of greater than 2.2 and a width-depth ratio of greater than 12. The upper and lower reach has a width-depth ratio of 23.6 and 19.0, respectively. The channel exhibits high sinuosity (>1.2) and mean water surface slopes between 0.0001 (i.e. beaver impacted areas) and 0.0034 feet/feet. The riffle substrate is dominated by sand with a medium gravel sub-surface. Therefore, stream geometry and substrate measurements under current conditions suggest a C4/5 stream type, as proposed in the mitigation plan. However, based on stream surveys and observations, the cross-sectional area of the construc led-stream has decreased significantly. The maximum depths within the thalwe remain near constructed depths and eposition on point bars and channel bars in the riffle `???Q?rr //(( ?? 1{4FGpiU section have lead to a significant decrease in mean depths, resulting in an increase in s?av? 1 width/depth ratios. This would suggest one of several scenarios is occurring within the Z- constructed channel: 1) the channel was oversized relative to its watershed when built, 2) the channel is in transition from a C-type stream to an E-type stream, or 3) the channel has incurred a large but transient sediment load. The possible scenarios are discussed below. 15 1 11 Oversized Channel The proposed channel dimensions for the constructed stream were based on reference streams, regional curves, and hydraulic engineering models. The proposed channel dimensions for the upper and lower reach are provided in Table la and 1b. Based on reference data collected for the Site, a stable stream channel would support a cross-sectional area averaging 12 square feet and a width-depth ratio ranging between 11 and 15. Streams with width/depth ratios below 12 (characteristic of E streams) are often found within reference watersheds below 1.0 square mile. The reference sites were selected due to the presence of stable channel and wetland systems in the adjacent floodplain. The measured reference cross-sectional data suggests areas generally lower than that predicted by reference curves for the region. For a 1.1 square mile watershed, Rosgen (1996) predicts a stable cross-sectional area of approximately 22 square feet. Regional curves by Harman et a/. (2000) predicts a cross-sectional area for 0.9 and 1.1 square mile watershed at 19 and 23 square feet, respectively. The curves have an inherent high degree of variability, particularly within smaller watersheds. For example, the 95 percent confidence interval for a 1.1 square mile watershed ranges between approximately 10 to 40 square feet. The proposed channel was enlarged from reference data to account for watershed development. General agreement within the stream restoration community at the time of construction accepted that bankfull discharge and bankfull stream dimensions increase in developed watersheds. The design channel cross-sectional was therefore constructed at 20 square feet in the upper reach and 28 square feet in the lower reach to accommodate a certain degree of development in the watershed. It should be noted that more recently the validity of urban stream bankfull curves has been called into question (Dave Rosgen, personal communication). The constructed stream w_as likely built t(P wide and shallow (high width/depth ratio) for conditions at the Site. A channel that is overly wide and shallow (i.e. high width/depth ratio) may not be competent enough to move its ownLedir?nd consequently may aggrade or accumulate in-stream sediment bars. Such a scenario would be exasperated by a developing watershed with increased sediment loads, beaver activity, and a lack of flushing flows due to extreme drought conditions over the past several years. ' A lower width/depth ratio would increase the stream power within the channel and allow the sediment to flush through the system. The channel appears to be adjusting itself to reflect characteristics of a narrow and more hydraulically efficient E-type stream (see continued Ir discussion below). 1 16 M ai MIMI m s s M r MIMI M r M M? m m IFA 1 m ?= o a CD d ? CD CD 0 C) II w o' II ID II R O II ?' N ¦ 0 CD CD CD ODD `cy o CD a . vn (D III C7 rn I I A. C7 I + y Cl) II CC C -? O O N (A y ' C? q C ,y Zzo CAD o 0 v Z C-D O o td O Z n C7 o ? v U) v ?- -? ?o ic K a z i:0 D 47 G7 _ 00 CD \d d cD CD ? c II a ?: II C7 II '••••' •. r 711 CD d b 'rJ ?' •. ? ? ''Cj CD C7 W rt? N x?r W fir. 1 Stream Evolution From observation and survey data, the constructed channel would appear to be transitioning from a C-type stream to a low width/depth C channel or E-type stream. If this is so, than we can expect that the face of point bars to become steeper and eventually disappear. With the help of the adjacent dense vegetation typical for E-type streams, a narrow and relatively deep channel may form. Figure 6 depicts the time-space substitution of stream morphology believed to be occurring at the Site. E-type streams, by nature, have a high resistance to plan form adjustment which results in channel stability without down-cutting. These channels are hydraulically efficient and have a high sediment load transport capacity. This would be encouraging in light of the high sediment loads found within the receiving watershed. The transition from a C-type to an E-type stream indicates a very stable reach and such a change in classification should not jeopardize success criteria. Adding haste to the stream transition process is the likelihood that the stream, as constructed, was not competent to move the current sediment load (Figure 6A). The increased sediment load is being deposited by the stream, in rapid fashion, to places within the channel to allow for more efficient movement of water flow and sediment. Current surveys suggest the stream continues along the evolutionary continuum, as depicted in Figure 6B. Sediment deposition on point bars (Le. the area of most recent deposition) has significantly narrowed pools and bar deposition along the riffle banks has occurred. Riffle width at bankfull remains near constructed channel conditions, giving rise to the low mean riffle depths and high width/depth ratios found under current conditions. As time progresses it is expected that the depositional side bars within the riffles will approach bankfull elevation, stabilize with vegetation, and become the new banks of narrower E-type channel (Figure 6C). Excess Sedimentation Upstream (off-site) stream bank erosion and sediment runoff from watershed development were identified as a potential problem in the early stages of the mitigation plan. On-going construction in the watershed and to adjacent properties has likely increased sediment to a potentially problematic condition. Excess sedimentation and overwhelmed erosion control measures were once again observed on construction sites within the watershed during recent visual inspections. In addition, beaver activity has slowed flows and increased sediment deposition, particularly within the upper reach channel. ' Beaver were removed during 2001 but have since returned to the upper reach of the stream. Current beaver activity has included the construction of six small dams in the upper reach and minor to moderate beaver damage to adjacent vegetation. Beaver management strategies are currently being assessed for the upcoming monitoring year. 2.3.2 Biological Stream Attributes 1 The EPT taxa are generally considered secondary colonizers and are less tolerant to disturbance than other aquatic insects. Therefore, they represent keystone species for evaluation. Both the diversity of EPT taxa and overall EPT numbers has increased over the April 1999 baseline sample to the August 2003 sample (Table 2). The increased habitat 18 ' complexity provided by the restored stream, compared to the original channel is resulting in increased settlement opportunities for dispersing and harboring benthic macro-invertebrates. The increased colonization is leading to higher species diversity and an expansion of benthic macro-invertebrates within the restored reach. 19 L 3.0 WETLAND HYDROLOGY MONITORING 3.1 MONITORING PROGRAM Nine continuous recording (RDS24), groundwater monitoring gauges (hereafter referred to as "wells") have been established throughout the Site to provide representative flow gradients extending through several physiographic landscape areas including 1) seepage slope, 2) floodplain pool (oxbow), and 2) riverine floodplain. The monitoring wells were installed in February 2000 following the completion of stream and wetland construction and prior to the start of the growing season. Figure 7 depicts the approximate location of the monitoring wells. Monitoring wells were installed and downloaded in accordance with specifications in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers', Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands (WRP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1, August 1993). The monitoring wells are set to a depth of approximately 24 inches below the soil surface. The current year's data, extending from January 1, 2003 to December 22, 2003, have been utilized in this Year 4 AMR report to cover the 2003-growing season. The growing season in Cabarrus County is defined as the period between March 19 and November 9, or 235 days. Several wells failed during the course of the year and were taken out of service to receive repairs. Hydrological samples continue to be collected at twenty-four hour intervals. 3.2 MONITORING RESULTS The well data are depicted as hydrographs in Appendix D. Intersection of the line at 12 inches below the surface was used as the cut-off for wetland hydrology, following the regulatory wetland criterion requiring saturation (free water) within 12 inches of the soil surface. Data used to evaluate wetland hydrology criteria including maximum consecutive saturation days and percent of the growing season are summarized in Table 3. Wells record only depth of water below ground surface. Surface flows are indicated by a straight line at the ground surface. Depth of surface flow is not available from these instruments. In general, water levels show a typical pattern of flooding during late winter to early spring, followed by a late summer and autumn draw down period, punctuated by peaks associated with precipitation events. The region around the Site has received above average rainfall for the year, ending the long drought which gripped the region in the previous two years. The summer of 2003 was particularly wet as reflected in the data. In general, the 2003 well data substantiates the record rainfall of the past year, more than doubling comparable saturation days through the growing season. The maximum number of consecutive saturation days recorded by the wells ranged from 53 days (excluding malfunctioning wells) to 235 days or 23 to 100 percent of the growing season. Wells 1 and 4 are representative of the seepage slope wetland conditions found along portions of the western Site boundary. Wells 1 and 4 exhibited a similar maximum consecutive saturation of 100 percent during the growing season. These wells were deeply inundated for the entire growing season, as represented by the horizontal line in the 20 O N I cP I 9 ' &?? I r I I. I I t?*1>yX mC Zm m D X N X N y D'O r -O xf v0 rN CO1 ZO m2 p ; m -i i i 0 m;a mX - m z 0- Z r , m A " t/1 O 0 0 z --r ?;C > co r m F O z? n(? >m r 0 M m A r*m b °c Om co Z Y/ A 0 ?o o0 zn A OO in m Z m °z {? v w >1 O O Z N N ? W W N W r0 A I+ 1+ 1+ I+ 0 0 n n -4 17 V VI f r 1 V, \(- ? I \ f' d 1 11 ? 1 ` r \1 . r i T t ?tT -R1V-ER c. ' r i N 1 Y tr / Y ? / r Q r t t r ' 2 ` C , C ? r ? Zy 0 c l 00 ~A 2 . 70 r- r ? N J I -Iol 1 m m [yi n c o ti ? ° (? m ° m m Gp O - Z Q z OCn a °z n o o ` 0 s Pi p C 0QC *aaz ? ? mz?aQ ?v??? Z aor0 -13-Q o z,o z 0 c V m o v z m=! C/?V y-1pm? nN Q =v oo F? ? m ymC o N n , 0 W C) 70 S Z a ? rc Z?3 _ A = cn J N N 0 Z y m v zn -4 G? r { N _ z -? r D CAD q 0 w I L- I 1 ?.+ O Q L (Q L ? G 0 10 1 = L CO 0- M p CV) i W m 3=? co Q L = O C 1 cn "0 1 1 0 L Y c a) E ? A 2-S 4= U O +. f6 U U N 2 O a U O O ?O Q a0+ N O (6 O O CL L cu =3 r CO m E m cu .> aN U Q X E cL &- N r_ O O G1 0 O ._ af >, O fl __ w E L N N cu E (? C O 2 U O (U a O O - U L O a) O + + °o L L L LL 0-2 o o a L L N c ti .? - c _ > > O._ O a) C O N N m O O jE > CU ;t-- r a _0 M O 3 >1 Y Y + N U L > O Q Q O O U O Y U U O M C3 U L L L a: -0 W O > E E E c xo c c O O "O . L L N L O p O p O a Y 42 .0- M 40- C p U CU 0 U M Ll (n - L1. L (6 U N Co U (6 U N U 0-0 O Z U Q' U O t O O O 'ct = O L (Q O O O O tl- r,- O O CV) 04 O O C) co O N } r r 00 r co d co M . ) O M (D N N ?- O co N r CO r (D M r M r r N O L N 'C O M N N N O N O _ d r - i d L m C) C) C) C) N ON O N r d M N O N O N co `-' } A N (0 M M LO ONO LO M M LO U) O 00 U') M to O O) 00 ? r (D N N ?- N N ? d > ? N M V N L N t` _ O N _ rl- N 00 M 00 N M d C = } V a+ E L N L E R O 00 0 m OM C E O N ? dM N rn LO co to } w C N N N ? N 0 O o c a) N N t .- V Cn Lo V d A O r L CY) ? cc 3 Z Q c O U 3 m 0 O m 0 M N O C .2 O ? O °T) r cu m ?? > .m M > N L co a? L 3 0 > > M C aa)) E v o o) E s U Y a) N y O y 3 ' 0 3 % c0 as m ns c m D) o O 3 C - ? N C N ¢ O f0 c N 0 3 aoi O ui M a`) Z m E t L O c N I - p) m m m 7 n >. w Q ' M co a N -0 () cn o a) Q a) c r rn 'E F- C c a) N m O 3 > O y a) a) Z a) m E o rn w L y U :01 -2 O o m a) N 0 m •? T N ? u1 C 7 c c 0 co E c u) o o u) a) t l0 a) 0 U (D a) `O N T a `? r a) a) O w a3 w a _U CL f0 N 0 co 3 O N N C) (0 of O) c ? as O > Im m f 3 F- V) ) N M V LO co ' hydrographs. Both wells are located in depressed, seepage areas where surface expression of groundwater is confined for most of the year. Beaver activity in the upper stream reach has also contributed to the long saturation period recorded at the Well 1 location. Wells 2, 3, and 5 are representative of the riverine floodplain adjacent to the constructed stream. Wells 2 and 3 are located in the upper reaches of the Site, in the proximity of Well 1. ' These wells should typically receive hydrologic input from both groundwater and over bank flow events. However, beaver activity within the upper reach has likely impacted Wells 2 and 3, giving rise to the extended saturation days. Well 3 and Well 5 recorded consecutive saturation t 235 days and 182 days, respectively. This translates to 100 percent and 77 percent of the growing season. Well 5 is located in the center portion of the Site, approximately 50 feet from the edge of the channel and is not under the direct influence of beaver. Well 5 recorded a maximum consecutive saturation period during the growing season of 53 days or 23 percent. This reflects a two-fold increase in saturation days from the past two years and compares I favorably to results recorded in the first monitoring year which experienced closer to normal rainfall conditions. Areas represented by Well 6, include the littoral shelf and delta associated with the floodplain pool (oxbow). These areas are influenced by fairly constant pool elevations with periodic spikes in water levels induced by precipitation events. Well 6 experienced a failure on September 25 and was taken out of service for repairs. Therefore, data from Well 6 is incomplete but still exhibited a maximum consecutive saturation of 80 percent during the growing season. The remaining wells (7, 8, and 9) are located near the Rocky River and represent the various hydrologic regimes that are associated with larger riverine floodplains. The wells within the floodplain receive hydraulic input from both groundwater (i.e. the oxbow) and over bank flow ' events from Airport Creek and the Rocky River. The floodplain microtopography near the Rocky River varies considerably, where specific ground elevations dictate wetland hydroperiods. Although both Wells 8 and 9 failed at different times during the year, variation in hydrologic ' regimes continues to be reflected in the data set. Well 9 is located in a depressed area near the oxbow and has additionally been affected by overtopping from localized beaver impoundments. ' Well 9 has essentially been inundated for most of the year. Likewise, Well 7 is permanently inundated from overflow and backwater from beaver activity. Well 8 is located on a slight knoll near the oxbow outlet where water levels fluctuate from periodic rain events. Prior to 1 mechanical failure the well recorded a maximum 19 consecutive saturation days or 8 percent of the growing season. ' 3.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA Hydrological success criteria requires 1) saturation or inundation for at least 12.5 percent of the growing season at lower landscape positions during average climatic conditions and 2) ' saturation or inundation between 5 and 12.5 percent of the growing season at upper landscape positions during average climatic conditions. Both areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. ' Groundwater data indicate that all well locations and corresponding physiographic areas achieved hydrological success criteria for 2003. These areas exhibit wetland hydrology for a ' period ranging from 53 days (excluding malfunctioning well) 235 days or 23 percent to 23 100 percent of the growing season. The hydroperiods corresponded with the existing hydric vegetation cover types as described in Section 4.0. The average maximum consecutive saturation period (including malfunctioning wells) during the growing season was 74 percent. The average saturation for the current year has increased dramatically from result posted from past monitoring periods that has spanned one of the worst recorded droughts in the region. For the current year, the monitoring wells indicate that all wetland areas have a hydroperiod that is ' wetter than the 12.5 percent as required by the success criteria. Beaver have had a pronounced affect on hydroperiods within portions of the site including upper reach and oxbow areas represented by Wells 1, 2, 4 and. 7. The other non beaver impacted portions of the Site, particularly areas represented by Wells 3, 5, 6, and 8, demonstrate the variability and corresponding micro-habitat potential across the Site, including seepage slopes, river oxbows, and backwater areas. Based on current well data, restoration of wetland hydrology has been successfully achieved throughout areas represented by the monitoring wells. Figure 7 depicts wetland boundaries mapped using well data and corresponding hydrophytic vegetation signatures. Based on the mapping, approximately 13.9 acres of wetlands and an additional 1.3 acres of open water/marsh (oxbow) reside within the 23.4-acre Site. 1 24 4.0 VEGETATION MONITORING 4.1 MONITORING PROGRAM ' Quantitative sampling of vegetation was carried out in September 2003. The six permanent sampling plots (1-6) established in 2000 were re-surveyed. Figure 8 depicts the approximate location of each vegetation sample plot and the as-built planting plan. Each sampling plot comprises two; 300-foot transects extending from a central point. Plot width along each transect extends 4 feet on both sides of the centerline, providing a 0.11 acre sample (600 feet x 8 feet / 43,560 feet / acre). The center and end points of each plot are permanently marked with ' a labeled, white polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe. Plot 3 serves as a control plot established to represent vegetation characteristics in unplanted areas of the Site. Plot 3 was not used to evaluate success. All woody species rooted within the plot boundary were recorded and measured for height. Because of the large number of black willow (Salix nigra) stems, only those greater than 0.5- inch diameter at breast height (dbh) were recorded. All plots were averaged to obtain total trees per acre (density) and percent of total per acre. Percent of total trees per acre and wetland ' status were also analyzed for success criteria evaluation. Complete species inventories can be found in Appendix E. Photographic record of vegetative plots is shown in Appendix F. ' 4.2 MONITORING RESULTS The Site vegetative communities remain a succession continuum of forest development. As in the past monitoring years most of the project area remains in the early stages of old field ' (pastured) succession. The former pastured area in the upper reach portion of the Site, as well as the northern bank adjacent to the oxbow, were maintained as pasture until just prior to mitigation activity. As part of the mitigation plan, these areas received a full planting (435 trees/acre) of diagnostic species. The vegetation is currently dominated by volunteer herbaceous species that vary in abundance according to landscape position, micro- topographical differences, and seasonal variation. Hydrophytic vegetation established during ' the spring and early summer 2000 includes sedges (Cyperus spp.), cat tail (Typha sp.), seedboxes (Ludwegia spp.), knotweeds (Polygonum spp.), wool-grass (Scirpus cyperinus), and rushes (Juncus spp.), all of which are still present in open, very wet or inundated areas of the floodplain. In drier areas the developing vine and herbaceous component includes joint-head anthraxan (Anthraxan hispidis var. cryptatherus), panicum grasses (Panicum spp.), crab grass ' (Digiteria sp.), beggarticks (Bidens frondosa), blackberry (Rubus argutus), and broom sedge (Andropogon virginicus). Farther along the succession continuum are areas that support volunteer trees and shrubs >1.0 inch dbh such as black willow, tag alder (Alnus serrulata), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), loblolly pine, (Pinus taeda), and box-elder (Acer negundo). This community is located predominantly in the lower floodplain, east of the constructed stream, and includes the wetland bio-reserve area. Portions of the lower floodplain east and west 25 o ?Zm O?>> OO T g0 E5 zm nrrn A mM m D 1 Z N2 AD mm y Ln m ? ?r O c a O O ; y Z O O AE 0 O O-'\ rnDmD 1N =m A C W yy N m ; co r D xX r- f0 om ON O 02 m1 W n k ` 0 o t ? - o m u I+ + + o I+ '4 I+ It Ig + N ` V) i S Zm m N X 11 X ; m y N to z0 y A on oi o° zm, m m < m ° N rn m N A 0 A O b O n O ".{ z c r o Z> --I O m Z ?m < r m M Z v v ? O z W A I+ 0 n + ++ n> \ Y r/ 1 O 2 ? 0 C: N C> V v 1 D Ll3? AV/A a ,1 •? r 1 m n o n n n ? .. < 5 Z? 3O0 V O C M Z X? LOCO Z r?rn wC. O C) o rm>- =c -0:4-4M 0 2 _ 30 a O m o o O? D Z O n N 00=0 Z m? v ° ?? T lit. O m y -i v n 70 ,? < M M N n P CD L4 0 V r- C: ;u N N m >-4 0?? ? r ? No 0 Z y D N of the constructed stream are dominated by black willow and tag alder, which have reached heights greater than 25 feet and developed full canopy closure. The dense, herbaceous cover present in these areas in the year 2000 has diminished, and an open, shaded ground layer devoid of vegetation now exists. A mature bottomland hardwood forest is located in the Rocky River floodplain. Box elder, hackberry (Celtis laevigata), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), sweet gum, and willow oak (Quercus phellos) dominate the canopy. As in the prior three years of monitoring, the understory is continuing to recover from past grazing activity, but remains generally sparse. ' However, several woody and herbaceous species were noted including saplings of the various overstory species, lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus), false nettle (Boehmeria cylindrica), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Chinese privet (Ligustrum chinensis), blackberry, poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), and spikegrass (Chasmathium spp.). The planting plan was modified slightly to accommodate changes in as-built stream and oxbow location. Additional changes resulted from project modifications to the adjacent business park, including the causeway design and enlarged fill slopes. Approximately 13.5 acres of the 23.4- acre mitigation site was planted at a density of 435 stems/acre. Stocking levels of planted trees and natural recruitment are summarized in Table 4. A total of 40 woody species, both planted and volunteers, were surveyed. The eight most abundant species in the third monitoring season were black willow, box elder, tag alder, sweet gum, green ash, hackberry, cottonwood, and tulip poplar. This changed slightly in the fourth monitoring season with hackberry and tulip poplar being replaced by sycamore and winged elm. The estimated total stocking level across the site has decreased from 4236 trees/acre in 2002 to 3693 trees/acre in the current year. Willows, box elder, tag alder, green ash, and sweet gum account for approximately 81 percent of the total number of stems surveyed. Establishment and success of planted seedlings in moist areas remains very good. The survey data revealed a decrease in the total number of stems of characteristic species between 2002 and 2003 (Table 5) by 14 percent. This is reflective of an increase in shading in some areas as the canopy continues to close. It is also the result of a few stems becoming dominant in a species such as willow that has multiple stems that emerge from the same root system while young. The most notably species demonstrating this condition is black willow, which decreased in 2003 by 26 percent. All other characteristic species decreased slightly to ' moderately with only box elder and green ash increasing from the previous year by 4 percent and 38 percent respectively. Overall, stem density of characteristic species has increased 7 percent from 2000 to 2003 (2698 trees/acre in 2000, 2894 trees/acre in 2003). r t 1 27 11 t fl U) c c L _ a) cu C \? CC C O ? 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E U N U N 'O Q O O T C N N L E O O MQI O U) N cm L ate) Erna? cno.a3 oAn m a) O 7 0, O `n cu U C) C: 64 " U a) O If CU ++ .Q E O (n N?Ea)Q.(o L Q a) 70 0.2 c -O a) a) cu •- E (D mss (u• ? C ?-0 -E?oP U (A •X fl.. ? a) OL .N E ) N C ?. E 0 Qo m C N U E) (0 a) (D rL+ U O CL 'L OJ 0 U) .0 ?N 'C - "O U N N N ?!t= o •j a) U CD U O rn O O U U (n ++ N (0 C U N O= U N O LL V >+ S ^` L (u a) O N E N N C -co uc) w < I 4.3 EVALUATION OF SUCCESS CRITERIA Success in the restoration of wetland vegetation includes the establishment and maintenance of a species composition sufficient for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria include a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree species/acre surviving at least 5 years after initial planting. Characteristic species are defined as 1) planted elements or 2) natural recruits of native tree species identified in reference ecosystems. Additionally, characteristic tree species should support a jurisdictional determination, having a wetland indicator status of FAC, FAC+, FACW-, FACW, FACW+, or OBL. At least five character tree species must be present, and no single species can comprise more than 20 percent (64 stems) of the 320 stem/acre total. Softwood species (ex: loblolly pine, black willow) cannot comprise more than 10 percent (32 stems) of the 320 stem/acre requirement. Table 4 depicts the number of trees/acre by species that can be applied to the 320-stem/acre criterion for the three monitoring years (2001-3). The 583 trees/acre total in 2003 exceeds the 320-stem/acre requirement stated in the monitoring plan. In addition, the 15 characteristic wetland species sampled exceeds the 5-species minimum diversity stated in the monitoring plan. Therefore, current stocking levels meet the vegetation success criteria. 1 1 1 1 31 II LJ 5.0 SUMMARY The Year 4 AMR (2003) data indicate that the Concord Mills mitigation site achieved regulatory success criteria for stream geometry, wetland hydrology, and vegetation four years after construction. Functional attributes exhibited on-Site include long-term surface water storage, energy dissipation, retention of nutrients and particulates, and the establishment of characteristic stream and wetland plant and wildlife populations. A majority of the Site appears to support hydroperiods and successional vegetation patterns conducive to establishment of forested wetland habitat. The data also indicate that current Site conditions continue to meet or exceed the mitigation requirements for both stream length and wetland area, as projected by the mitigation plan. The Concord Mills project initially required compensatory mitigation for impacts to 1796 linear feet of stream channel, 2.5 acres of wetlands, and 0.6 acre of open water. The mitigation plan outlined strategies designed to compensate for these stream, wetland, and open water impacts included stream reconstruction and restoration along approximately 3000 linear feet, 3.0 acres of net wetland restoration/creation, and 5.4 acres of wetland enhancement within remaining portions of the Site. The as-built stream channel continues to exhibit a transition from the proposed C-type stream to a highly stable, E-type stream. Mid-evolutionary channel features include a significant decrease in cross-sectional area, increase in width-depth ratios, decrease in depth, accreting point bars (narrowing pools), and to a lesser extent side channel bars. The transition from the proposed C-type to an E-type stream will ultimately deliver a very stable condition that should not jeopardize success criteria. Approximately 4000 linear feet of total stream length has been constructed including approximately 2100 linear feet of new stream channel construction, 375 linear feet of stream repair and stabilization, and 1200 linear feet of stream length running through the oxbow to the confluence of the Rocky River. The groundwater well data indicate that wetland hydrology success criteria have been achieved. Currently, approximately 13.9 acres of succeeding forest wetlands and an additional 1.3 acres ' of oxbow marsh and deep water wetland habitat occur on the Site. This represents nearly 4.5 acres of net vegetated wetland restoration gain over the pre-restoration conditions. Year 4 vegetation surveys continue to reflect conditions typical of early successional forest development on disturbed floodplains in the Piedmont. The floodplain surface consists primarily of an unconsolidated clay sediment wedge induced during past erosion events in the watershed. Therefore, early to mid-successional forest conditions must include tree species adapted to degraded soil conditions, such as black willow, sweet gum, red maple, swamp cottonwood, green ash, and river birch. After soil properties have been ameliorated by these early pioneering species, mast producing species such as oak and hickory are expected to become established in sufficient quantity to develop into a characteristic floodplain bottomland hardwood assemblage. The variable hydrologic regime found across the Site will promote diverse wetland community patterns and will consequently enhance opportunities for wetland-dependent wildlife. n 1 32 Beaver were removed during 2001 but have since returned to the upper reach and oxbow areas. Current beaver activity has included the construction of six small dams in the upper reach and minor to moderate beaver damage to adjacent vegetation. Beaver management strategies are currently being assessed for the upcoming monitoring year. t t ['I Ll t 1 33 1 6.0 1 1 t 1 1 APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Monitoring Plan Post Restoration Photographs Biological Monitoring Data Groundwater Well Hydrographs Vegetation Plot Data Photographic Record of Vegetation Plots 34 1 t 1 1 t 1 1 t J APPENDIX A Monitoring Plan u 1 1 6.0 MONITORING PLAN ' Monitoring of wetland and stream restoration efforts will be performed until success criteria are fulfilled. Monitoring is proposed for three wetland components, vegetation, hydrology, and streams. J t t t t 1 1 t 6.1 HYDROLOGY MONITORING While hydrological modifications are being performed on the site, surficial monitoring wells will be designed and placed in accordance with specifications in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers', Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands (W RP Technical Note HY-IA-3.1, August 1993). Monitoring wells will be set to a depth immediately above the top of the clay subsurface layer (range: 60 to 100 cm [24 to 40 in] below the surface). Nine monitoring wells will be placed immediately adjacent to vegetation sampling plots to provide representative coverage within each of the identified mitigation design units (Figure 21). Hydrological sampling will be performed throughout the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the hydrology success criteria within each design unit (EPA 1990). 6.2 HYDROLOGY SUCCESS CRITERIA Target hydrological characteristics include saturation or inundation for at least 12.5 percent of the growing season at lower landscape positions, during average climatic conditions. Upper landscape reaches may exhibit surface saturation/inundation between 5 and 12.5 percent of the growing season based on well data. These 5 to12.5 percent areas are expected to support hydrophytic vegetation. If wetland parameters are marginal as indicated by vegetation and hydrology monitoring, a jurisdictional determination will be performed in the questionable area. 6.3 STREAM MONITORING Two stream reaches will be monitored for geometric and biological activity as depicted in Figure 21. Each stream reach will extend for a minimum of 150 ft along the restored channel. Annual fall monitoring will include development of a channel plan view, channel cross-sections on riffles and pools, pebble counts, and a water surface profile of the channel. The data will be presented in graphic and tabular format. Data to be presented will include: 1) cross-sectional area, 2) bankfull width, 3) average depth, 4) max depth, 5) width/depth ratio, 6) meander wavelength, 7) belt width, 8) water surface slope; 9) sinuosity; and 10)-stream substrate composition. The stream will subsequently be classified according to stream geometry and substrate. Significant changes in channel morphology will be tracked and reported by comparing data in each successive monitoring year. Aquatic surveys will be performed within the existing stream channel prior to diversion of stream flows. Subsequently, biological monitoring, including macro-invertebrate, reptile, amphibian, and fish species will be performed along the reconstructed stream in year 3 and year 5 of the monitoring plan. Biological data will be collected between March 15 and April 15. Presence/absence of species populations identified will be reported along with observations of changes to in-stream aquatic habitat over time. 6.4 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA 1 w t Success criteria for stream restoration will include: 1) successful classification of the reach as a functioning stream system; 2) channel stability indicative of a stable stream system; and 3) ' development of biological communities over time. The channel configuration will be compared on an annual basis to track changes in channel geometry, profile, or substrate. This data will be utilized to determine the success in restoring stream channel stability. Specifically, the width/depth ratio will remain at or below a value of 20 in each monitoring year. In addition, the maximum depth of the channel must not exceed 4.0 feet relative to the adjacent floodplain. Modifications to the channel will performed to increase or decrease the sediment transport capacity, or other unstable attribute, as needed. If the stream channel is down-cutting or the channel width is enlarging due to bank erosion, additional bank or slope stabilization methods will be employed. Biological monitoring will indicate an increase in species diversity over time. Specifically, the number of species identified in the existing channel must be exceeded in year 3 and year 5 of the monitoring program. If biological success criteria are not being fulfilled, the most likely cause will comprise extensive sedimentation which covers coarse substrates in the channel. If aquatic species diversity is not increasing, additional modifications to channel substrates will be performed and upstream sources of sedimentation will be identified. _ The Site may contain a historic alluvial fan than develops due to backwater conditions during significant Rocky River floods. If such a flood event occurs, and an alluvial fan develops, central portions of the Site which are contained under the fan will be deemed to have fulfilled stream success criteria. However, remaining stream reaches outside of the fan will continue to be subject to monitoring and success criteria as described above. 6.5 VEGETATION MONITORING Restoration monitoring procedures for vegetation are designed in accordance with EPA guidelines enumerated in Mitigation Site Type (MIST) documentation (EPA 1990) and USACE Compensatory Hardwood Mitigation Guidelines (DOA 1993). A general discussion of the restoration monitoring program is provided. After planting has been completed in winter or early spring, an initial evaluation will be performed to verify planting methods and to determine initial species composition and density. Supplemental planting and additional site modifications will be implemented, if necessary. During the first year, vegetation will receive cursory, visual evaluation on a periodic basis to ascertain the degree of overtopping of planted elements by nuisance species. Subsequently, quantitative sampling of vegetation will be performed between September 1 and October 30 after each growing season until the vegetation success criteria is achieved. During quantitative vegetation sampling in early fall of the first year, 9 sample plots will be randomly placed within each mitigation design unit (Figure 21). Sample plot distributions will be correlated with hydrological monitoring locations to provide point-related data on hydrological and vegetation parameters. In each sample plot, vegetation parameters to be monitored J LIJ t r 1 t t include species composition and species density. Visual observations of the percent cover of shrub and herbaceous species will also be recorded. 6.6 VEGETATION SUCCESS CRITERIA Success criteria have been established to verify that the wetland vegetation component supports community elements necessary for a jurisdictional determination. Additional success criteria are dependent upon the density and growth of characteristic forest species. Specifically, a minimum mean density of 320 characteristic tree species/acre must be surviving for at least 5 years after initial planting. At least five characteristic tree species must be present, and no species can comprise more than 20 percent of the 320 stem/acre total. Characteristic species are defined as 1) planted elements or 2) natural recruits of native tree species identified in reference ecosystems (Section 4.3). Additionally, characteristic tree species should support a jurisdictional determination, and therefore have a wetland status of FAC, FAC+, FACW-, FACW, FACW+, or OBL. Supplemental planting will be performed as needed to achieve the vegetation success criteria. No quantitative sampling requirements are proposed for herb assemblages as part of the vegetation success criteria. Development of bottomland forests over several decades and wetland hydrology will dictate the success in migration and establishment of desired wetland understory and groundcover populations. Visual estimates of the percent cover of herbaceous species and photographic evidence will be reported for information purposes. 6.7 CONTINGENCY In the event that vegetation, hydrology, or stream success criteria are not fulfilled, a mechanism for contingency will be implemented. For vegetation contingency, replanting and extended monitoring periods will be implemented if community restoration does not fulfill minimum species density and distribution requirements. Hydrological contingency will require consultation with hydrologists and regulatory agencies if wetland hydrology restoration is not achieved. Wetland surface modification, including construction of ephemeral pools, represents a likely mechanism to increase the floodplain area that supports jurisdictional wetlands. Recommendations for contingency to establish wetland hydrology will be implemented and monitored until the Hydrology Success Criteria are achieved. Stream reconstruction failure may occur due to increased sediment and discharge during construction activities within the upper watershed. Stream contingency will likely include identification and modification of upstream discharge outlets or sediment sources, additional stabilization of stream banks, and re-establishment of stream substrates required to support target aquatic communities. Recommendations for stream contingency will also be solicited, implemented, and monitored until the Stream Success Criteria are achieved. 1 1 1 APPENDIX B Current Year and Timeline Photographs C CD CD N C) :)- O O cn O C7 ZT N CD CD N Z3 0 - CD I cn CD (c CD CD a N Z3 77 cn v Z3 0 CT CD v CD v n ? a x t ?'t . ., L. r'?E•. ?K7f. Y eats'' - - jf a ?i' C»s Yom. .: y#$ v4?' ? n = t r 0 CD CD n 0 0 U) cn 0 cn v CD 3 CD v CD I cn 0 zT v CD cn A CD Z3 cn < CD 3.1J CD 0 CT N Z3 a CD m< CD 3^1J /-F• cn c 3 CD N O O O i N O 0 • r' - ? A 14 . ? ? i- - C C CD tG N O O Cl VI CQ N O O O I ? ?'1 N 1 ? ? { s PIC ? ? x t ny Y c.- . . T s • i 1 ? ify O 3 cD CD O O K cr O O 3 G (D cfl N O O O O C N O O w m a? T N O O N TI N O O W qq+Y AL. lip r •' cn m N O O O fl1 N O O 'P.;. ?. rr l" r.- n O N rt C n 0C C rr CD O to CG N O O O N O O O ?.i r F M d v F }? ?: is r 4i 74 c S O O c? CD O 3 G CD 3 to CO N O O O O C Q p1 N O O N .-r a1 CD -fi s O 3 D _rt O O C CD w Q. O O Cn O C m a? N O O N TI N O O W A t t I r t APPENDIX C Biological Monitoring Data 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 I 1 1 1 BENTHIC MACROINVERTTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM CONCORD MILLS RESTORATION, AUGUST 14, 2003. SPECIES T.V. F.F.G US CULVERT DS CULVERT MOLLUSCA Bivalvia Veneroida Corbiculidae Corbicula fluminea 6.12 FC Sphaeriidae *8 FC Pisidium sp. 6.48 FC Gastropoda Basommatophora Physidae Physella sp. 8.84 CG ANNELIDA Oligochaeta *1 CG Lumbriculida Lumbriculidae 7.03 CG Hirudinea *8 P Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae *8 P ARTHROPODA Arachnoidea Acariformes 5.53 Crustacea Isopoda Asellidae *8 SH Caecidotea sp. 9.11 CG Insecta Ephemeroptera Baetidae *4 CG Baetis sp. *4 CG Baetis c. f. flavistriga 7 CG Pseudocloeon sp. 4.02 CG Heptageniidae *4 SC Stenonema sp. *4 SC Stenonema modestum 5.5 SC Odonata Aeshnidae *3 P Boyeria vinosa 5.89 P Calopterygidae P Calopteryx sp. 7.78 P Coenagrionidae *9 P Enallagma sp. 8.91 P Cordulegastridae *3 P Cordulegaster sp. 5.73 P Gomphidae *1 P Ophiogomphus sp. 5.54 P Stylogomphus albistylus 4.72 P Trichoptera Hydropsychidae *4 FC Cheumatopsyche sp. 6.22 FC Hydropsyche betteni gp. 7.78 FC Pennington and Associates, Inc. 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 6 I 3 i 4 3 1 1 15 30 2 4 1 ,3 5 1 53 24 Page 1 of 2 ecoscienceconcordmills2003 12/18/2003 1 1 1 t 1 1 i BENTHIC MACRO[NVERTTEBRATES COLLECTED FROM CONCORD MILLS RESTORATION, AUGUST 14, 2003. SPECIES T.V. F.F.G US CULVERT DS CULVERT Coleoptera Dryopidae *5 Helichus basalis *4 SC 2 Dytiscidae *5 P Hydroporus sp. 8.62 PI 1 Elmidae *5 CG Stenelmis sp. 5.1 SC 5 Hydrophilidae P Tropisternus sp. 9.68 P 1 Diptera Chironomidae Ablabesmyia mallochi 7.19 P 1 1 Chironomus sp. 9.63 CG 7 Clinotanypus pinguis 8.74 P 2 Conchapelopia sp. 8.42 P 3 Einfeldia sp. 7.08 CG 1 Polypedilum flavum 4.93 SH 2 Rheotanytarsus sp. 5.89 FC 2 Simuliidae Simulium Sp. *6 6 FC FC 15 Tabanidae *7 PI Chrysops sp. *7 PI 2 Tipulidae *3 SH Tipula sp. 7.33 SH 4 CHORDATA**** Osteichthyes 1 TOTAL NO. OF ORGANISMS 53 168 TOTAL NO. OF TAXA 19 22 EPT TAXA 2 7 - L BIOTIC INDEX 7.34 6.61 0-4 Cumin a?r h o C µq 7-1..,.. a Pennington and Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 2 ecoscienceconcordmills2003 12/18/2003 WA I I I • ''';'? m ? C ? L %.:1 '- I ? E; l W L Ei- V F.. .. z ? z z ?- ? C ?C @ c v ? ? ? b W W V ? LLL333••. L - - ? 'CJ r G1 ? ? ? `- . vf. ?, •• , y ] . ? im 3 C L r\ O Y ,y.. 4-4 b CV ? •• JJ ? N u C C W gy ? 6 + \ N p „ m ? L v ?Ni v \_ ++ L L VJ t t 1 3/01 Revision 6 Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Mountain/ Piedmont Streams Biological Assessment Unit, DWQ OTAL SCORE Directions for use: The observer is to survey a minimum of 100 meters of stream, preferably in an upstream direction starting above the bridge pool and the road right-of-way. The segment which is assessed should represent average stream conditions. To perform a proper habitat evaluation the observer needs to get into the stream. To complete the form, select the description which best fits the observed habitats and then circle the score. If the observed habitat falls in between two descriptions, select an intermediate score. A final habitat score is determined by adding the results from the different metrics. Stream " Location/road: r - (Road Name )County Date CC#. t Subbasm 1 Observer(s) Type of Study: ? Fish PBenthos ? Basinwide ?Special Study (Describe) Latitude Longitude Ecoregion: ? MT fry P ? Slate Belt ? Triassic Basin Water Quality: Temperature ? °C DO - mg/1 Conductivity (corr.) 1?µmhos/cm pH .y Physical Characterization: Visible land use refers to immediate area that you can see from sampling location - include what you see driving thru the watershed in watershed land use. Visible Land Use: %Forest %Residential %Active Pasture % Active Crops %Fallow Fields % Commercial %Industrial %Other - Describe: Watershed land use : laF'orest ?Agriculture ?Urban ? Animal operations upstream 3 Width: (meters) Stream Channel (at top of bank) Stream Depth: (m) Avg 3 n Max f e, fa^ a COAM'/'t'Width variable ? Large river >25m wide ? ?Y r ?, S> I n lrer2j h from deepest part of channel (in riffle or run) to top of bank): ( `? L Bank Angle: or ? NA (Vertical is 90°, horizontal is 0°. Angles > 90° indicate slope is towards mid-channel, < 90° indicate slo is away from channel. NA if bank is too low for bank angle to matter.) ?Deeply incised-steep,straight banks ?Both banks undercut at bend ?Channel filled in with sediment URecent overbank deposits ElBar development ?Buried structures ?Exposed bedrock ?Excessive periphyton growth ?Heavy filamentous algae growth ?Green tinge ?Sewage smell Manmade Stabilization: ?N ?Y: ?Rip-rap, cement, gabions ? Sediment/grade-control structure ?Berm/levee Flow conditions : ?High f7Normal ?Low Turbidity: 'Clear ? Slightly Turbid ?Turbid ?Tannic ?Milky ?Colored (from dyes) Weather. Conditions: Photos: ?N ?Y ? Digital ?35mm Remarks: 41 e a 1 (? J I. Channel Modification Score A. channel natural, frequent bends ........................................................................................................ : 5.;; B. channel natural, infrequent bends (channelization could be ofd) ...................................................... 4 C. some channelization present .............................................................................................................. 3 D. more extensive channelization, >40% of stream disrupted ............................................................... 2 E. no bends, completely channelized or rip rapped or gabioned, etc ..................................................... 0 ? Evidence of dredging ?Evidence of desnagging=no large woody debris in stream ?Banks of uniform shape/height Remarks Subtotal II. Instream Habitat: Consider the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colonization or fish cover. If >70% of the reach is rocks, 1 type is present, circle the score of 17. Definition: leafpacks consist of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay (not piles of leaves in pool areas). Mark as Rare, Common, or Abundant. -L Rocks 'iMacrophytes- Sticks and leafpacks /Snags and logs - Undercut banks or root mats AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER , >70% 40-70% 20-40% <20% Score Score Score Score 4 or 5 types present ................. 20 12 8 3 types present ......................... 19 15 11 7 2 types present ......................... 18 14 10 6 1 type present ........................... 17 13 9 5 No types present ....................... 0 ? No woody vegetation in riparian zone RemarksSub total III. Bottom Substrate (silt, sand, detritus, gravel, cobble, boulder) look at entire reach for substrate scoring , but only look at riffle for embeddedness. A. substrate with good mix of gravel cobble and boulders Score 1. embeddedness <20% (very little sand, usually only behind large boulders) ......................... 15 2. embeddedness 20-40% .......................................................................................................... 3. embeddedness 40-80% .......................................................................................................... 8 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................. 3 B. substrate gravel and cobble 1. embeddedness <20% ............................................................................................................ 14 2. embeddedness 20-40% ......................................................................................................... 11 3. embeddedness 40-80% ........................................................................................................ 6 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................ 2 C. substrate mostly gravel 1. embeddedness <50% ............................................................................................................ 8 2. embeddedness >50% ............................................................................................................ 4 D. substrate homogeneous 1. substrate nearly all bedrock ................................................................................................... 3 2. substrate nearly all sand ........................................................................................................ 3 3. substrate nearly all detritus .................................................................................................... 2 4. substrate nearly all silt/ clay ................................................................................................... Remarks Sub total IV. Pool Variety Pools are areas of deeper than average maximum depths with little or no surface turbulence. Water velocities associated with pools are always slow. Pools may take the form of "pocket water", small pools behind boulders or obstructions, in large high gradient streams. A. Pools present Score 1. Pools Frequent (>30% of 100m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 1 Q :) b. pools same size (indicates pools filling in) ............................................................................ 8 ?C 2. Pools Infrequent (<30% of the 100m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 6 b. pools same size ...................................................................................................................... 4 B. Pools absent ............................................................................................................................................ 0 Subtotal 171 Pool bottom boulder-cobble=hard ? Bottom sandy-sink as you walk ? Silt bottom ? Some pools over wader depth 43 -Y _7 I Page Total ? Disclaimer-form filled out, but score doesn't match subjective opinion-atypical stream. TOTAL SCORES t I r 45 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Supplement for Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Channel Flow Status Useful especially under abnormal or low flow conditions. A. Water reaches base of both lower banks, minimal channel substrate exposed ............................ C] B. Water fills >75% of available channel, or <25% of channel substrate is exposed ........................ ? C. Water fills 25-75% of available channel, many logs/snags exposed ............................................. ? D. Root mats out of water ................................................................................................................... ? E. Very little water in channel, mostly present as standing pools ..................................................... O Diagram to determine bank angle: 90° 45° 135° Site Sketch: 46 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A U O N H U F, a 0 U' yl O! A' wi Fal IM\ m Cb ? ? L ???'... F, W Ei' & . 1 u zl?Izl? ti ? ? C C 41 W Lj PW ?. ? ,}aGp A. rr 4 41 v ? L c- ? ?.... V t5 W I i u \t \ ` o ?. o ^ \ b r. .. Aj > C4 N W 4j y - =? C • •. N -4 -4 y O L v W :, rn 1J L 4-4 r c$ CS v] v'{i p PW V] ? H 1 3/01 Revision 6 Biological Assessment Unit, DWQ [TOTAL SCORE Directions for use: The observer is to survey a minimum of 100 meters of stream, preferably in an upstream direction starting above the bridge pool and the road right-of-way. The segment which is assessed should represent average stream conditions. To perform a proper habitat evaluation the observer needs to get into the stream. To complete the form, select the description which best fits the observed habitats and then circle the score. If the observed habitat falls in between two descriptions, select an intermediate score. A final habitat score is determined by adding the results from the different metrics. /? t ,! ,gf Stream /f' 71? ' F Location/road: , r (Road Name )County Habitat Assessment Field Data Sheet Mountain/ Piedmont Streams Date CC# Basin -- '` Subbasin y",' 0 e? "(v itd f 7 Observer(s) Type of Study: ? Fish r-/:fBenthos ? Basinwide ?Special Study (Describe) Latitude Longitude Ecoregion: ' Water Quality: Temperature t"?/ O °C D Qmg/1 ? MT OP ? Slate Belt ? Triassic Basin Conductivity corr. mhos/cm pH Physical Characterization: Visible land use refers to immediate area that you can see from sampling location - include what you see driving thru the watershed in watershed land use. Visible Land Use: ? %Forest %Residential _%Active Pasture d _% Active Crops %Fallow Fields =% Commercial %Industrial : %Other - Describe: Watershed land use : Morest ?Agriculture P'Urban ? Animal operations upstream '• Width: (meters) Stream Channel (at top of bank) Stream Depth: (m) Avg ?P s Max YWidth variable ? Large river >25m wide `;^, /cx t, Bank Height (from deepest part of channel (in riffle or run) to top of bank): (m) Iv Bank Angle: ° or ? NA (Vertical is 90°, horizontal is 0°. Angles > 90° indicate slope is towards mid-channel, < 90° indicate slope is away from channel. NA if bank is too low for bank angle to matter.) ?Deeply incised-steep,straight banks ?Both banks undercut at bend Channel filled in with sediment 3-Recent overbank deposits ?Bar development ?Buried structures ?Exposed bedrock ?Excessive periphyton growth ?Heavy filamentous algae growth ?Green tinge ?Sewage smell Manmade Stabilization: ?N ?Y: ?Rip-rap, cement, gabions ? Sediment/grade-control structure ?Berm/levee Flow conditions : ?High ?Normal ElLow Turbidity: ?Clear ? Slightly Turbid ?Turbid ?Tannic ?Milky ?Colored (from dyes) Weather Conditions: Photos: ?N ?Y Digital ?35mm Remarks: 41 1 I. Channel Modification Score A. channel natural, frequent bends ........................................................................................................ 5 B. channel natural, infrequent bends (channelization could be ofd) ...................................................... 4 C. some channelization present .............................................................................................................. 3 D. more extensive channelization, >40% of stream disrupted ............................................................... 2 E. no bends, completely channelized or rip rapped or gabioned, etc ..................................................... 0 ? Evidence of dredging 17Evidence,of desnagging=no large woody debris in stream ?Banks of uniform shape/height Remarks : Subtotal II. Instream Habitat: `Consider the percentage of the reach that is favorable for benthos colonization or fish cover. If >70% of the reach is rocks, 1 type is present, circle the score of 17. Definition: leafpacks consist of older leaves that are packed together and have begun to decay (not piles of leaves in pool areas). Mark as Rare, Common, or Abundant. Rocks Macrophytes Sticks and leafpacks Snags and logs L Undercut banks or root mats AMOUNT OF REACH FAVORABLE FOR COLONIZATION OR COVER >70% 40-70% 20-40% <20% Score Score Score Score ' 4 or 5 types present ................. 20 16 12 8 3 types present ......................... 19 15 11 7 types present ......................... 18 10 6 14 1 type present ........................... 17 13 9 5 No types present ....................... 0 ? No woody vegetation in riparian zone Remarks Subtotal III. Bottom Substrate (silt, sand, detritus, gravel, cobble, boulder) look at entire reach for substrate scoring, but only ' look at riffle for embeddedness. A. substrate with good mix of gravel cobble and boulders Score 1. embeddedness <20% (very little sand, usually only behind large boulders) ......................... 15 2. embeddedness 20-40% .......................................................................................................... 12 ' 3. embeddedness 40-80% .......................................................................................................... 8 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................. 3 B. substrate gravel and cobble 1. embeddedness <20% ............................................................................................................ 14 2. embeddedness 20-40% ......................................................................................................... 11 3. embeddedness 40-80% ....................................................................................................... 6 4. embeddedness >80% ............................................................................................................ 2 I C. substrate mostly gravel 1. embeddedness <50% ............................................................................................................ 8 2. embeddedness >50% ............................................................................................................ 4 D. substrate homogeneous 1. substrate nearly all bedrock ................................................................................................... 3 2. substrate nearly all sand ........................................................................................................ 3 3. substrate nearly all detritus .................................................................................................... 2 4 substrate nearly all silt/ clay......; .................................................................................. Remarks xis Subtotal IV. Pool Variety Pools are areas of deeper than average maximum depths with little or no surface turbulence. Water velocities associated with pools are always slow. Pools may take the form of "pocket water", small pools behind boulders or obstructions, in large high gradient streams. A. Pools present Score 1. Pools Frequent (>30% of 100m area surveyed) a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 10 b. pools same size (indicates pools filling in) ............................................................................ 8 2. Pools Infrequent (<30% of the 100m area surveyed) ' a. variety of pool sizes ............................................................................................................... 6 b. pools same size ...................................................................................................................... B. Pools absent ............................................................................................................................................ 0 Subtotal ' ? Pool bottom boulder-cobble=hard 0, Bottom sandy-sink as you walk ? Silt bottom ? Some pools over wader depth 43 ' Page Total_ 11 Disclaimer-form filled out, but score doesn't match subjective opinion-atypical stream. TOTAL SCORE '' -' i 1 fl [I t I t 45 t Ir, I 1 APPENDIX D Groundwater Well Hydrographs 1 11 1 1 1 0 N ¦? L 0 0 U T W C0 G O CO N w t O Cfl N m NT O d' w N CO O It O N CO O ct CO CO N N N r. . T T N N N M C? ? (ui) ujdaa aaleM 1 1 M O O N 0 M? r s.. O V O V N 0 0coNco1;T OON Ov0 V wNw0IzTmN000 ? C? C7 N N N T T ? r r N N N M M V (ui) gldaa aaIBM r fl 1 1 fl 1 0 0 N 0 L O V O 0 co a> (u!) ujdaa aapeM 0 O m N w It Cl c0 N co 't O O N O O ? O N O O ,zT CO M N N N T T . . r r N N N C? C7 -' t t 1 Clf) O O N U) i O V O 0 d- N (ui) uidad aaluM 0 1 O (0 N w Nt O CO N m d' OIt O N O O NT O N O O 'd' M C7 N N N r r ' ' ? r N N N C'7 C'7 ? I 11 I j M O O N O V O v (ui) ujdaa aape/A 0 O (0 N m It O CO N 00 T O ,t w N 0 O w N CO O d' M M N N N r r ' ' ?-- r N N N M c'7 'c!' I 1 M O O N O V O V N (u!) uldaa aaju/V1 0 O w N w 'It O w N m d O d m N co O ?t w N c0 O d' M M N N N T T ' ' r ,- N N N M M d' t 1 t t M O O N O V O (0) ti >N (u!) uldad aaleM 0 O (0 N M V CD CD N QO d O d M N Cfl O d' co N co O V M M N N N T T ? ? T T N N N C7 C'7 d' t 1 H M 0 0 N L O V O V 00 >N (u!) Ujdaa aapeM 0 O CO N w* O co N M d O d w N CO O d' M N Cfl O I;t M CO N N N r r ' r r N N N M M;T M 0 0 N O V O V rn a? (u!) U3daa aajuM 0 O m N w d O to N w d O d w N m O't w N co O M c") N N N.- ?- ' '- r N N N CM CM V I 1 APPENDIX E Vegetation Plot Data 1 I U N Q F E .? 0) O O O x O U 00 N _O M o I iC (D ? I? O ?, (O ?• - M T T T T T N T U) ? M T N rl- .N 1-- t O M O> N 00 N 1- N i0 N in N d' N M N CV N N O N 00 ti r r in r M ? T .S O _ r N r co r M r N N N M U) r- T O Cl) 00 h N O Cl) ti T r O M N It CVO T O O T T c} 1- N M ?- Cr) N 04 00 M M T N N N N CY) N N N O T M N T M N_ M T O T Cl) T T T N N N 00 N r- v T N N r M O 00 r N h T 00 IT T T r r r r C) T N N 1l- (a v m 7 L y C v? cu U c fl. M C m C N >+ E m 'c E o S a_=-go N 'y H •C C CU .O O O "6 . m N U p C E 0 o) -0 CU m? h C m c co w m o O 3 E U (D p m co u) co m u) O L L O C6 O a V O 0 U C m -0 3 3` 7 7 C 7 U 0 3 N N .p X •x N '? C C X C y U U a) a) C N N 'C m 7 O m m -Q v i i U E E 0 0 0a0 Q Q Q [x] 0 D E CY Q' U) (4 Q J CL a Q Z) Z) a LL C) a m Q m L m N -14 o O O y E O O E O p o N '3 '3 m -0 -0 0 4) 0) x 0) Q) 0 EL U) 0-0 ?L .. rn 3 Oar E O Y m tm Y E C o o Q m ° u) v ` m E `6 o c Q E „E rnmS a? `m U E 3: a) .Q 3 Q U rn in U n Co III sz U Q ]a, 1 O U t ? Lo 00?-M I-V0't CO It OCA V rCOr 0 r M r O r r M M N 00 N N CO N N r r N iM N N N N O N 00 T r ti T <O T T Z T lV T N T T r N r ?- 01 r' 00 M M N r 1-• r r <O r r r r ED M r N N N r ;t r N Cl) 00 N N T r r N N Cl) r M LO r M CO (3) M It N N CCh N to Cn r T N LO U) r r N r N T N r 00 N ?--' LO M N N r N N r U CCi 7 y fa C6 > N U v? a c T Cl) co Q ? C C6 O (0 C - -O to N C O N G CO O O 7 O -a •CT C E p 75 !E L 7 m U> =3 i C?6 N N Q- CO •E m -0 CL = m Lm m L O y -0 (D m :3 CU CO i OE a) . C C f0 rn C LO O N O N .O N .a 'C7 i N X ftS U =1 =3 Q N N 7 X 7 7 0 p a) U •- am O U U O C6 N CO CA CT 'i 0 7 0 7 Cry O 7 N O Q Q U U U'- J J J d d af w Cn m 0 CL 0 Z N O a) n E ca L L N U) Ca -Op a) cu ? Cr O r V N E B Y 0 0 fl. O CL XO 'O cm T m d N Q 75 4. to -0 -co 'n s tm U ai w Y N O O 3 cYa cLa Z' _°_ 0 0 0 (U '3 E O O w U U •= fO to 7 N CQ > O >, 4) 3 E Z .n c N a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T d (O N (D T " 0 U ) N O M CA N 00 N N CO N ED N CN N Ch N CV N N O N 00 T I? T CO r r O ? T S r- r N T T T N O T ? T •- 00 N 00 (o O N ti (D M O N if) N ? N (O OM 00 N M N CV M T T N T r T T M M r T f0 U C > ff) C a a3 ? • _ C U ? c 2) p fn N a`) ca CL •> c 3 E 75 t om-= 2 CO cu ff) (D C co 0) 2 2) Q C C .n fo 2 fn y •X 3 3 3 f 0 E E O X L L 3 L C O_ (if 0 0 3 E a) E N c 3 a) N U '6 0 -0 ?: N E E :2 Q- a) 0 cu 0 O O - E a) O Q 0) L E rn U ) a) tv o U a tff a U) rnQ 3 a 0--a -0 " !Q r (p O O N N O N O T M'T - N )o O T O fA T T f O N M fA N 00 N F- N Co N EO N N M N N `- N O T - C-4 00 N ?o r ti r CO T O M T L ? T _ M N r T T r 'o r O n Lo N T CA C'J N M Lo 00 C14 N Cl) T ti It O jp co N T C-2 T N N C T N ' ?- Ch N O O N T CV co N O N N T T N M `- N Cl) N O T It N T T T T T ?- N CO U ff) O O N 0 ? L fa co U N c > a) Co CO O. C N co E ,fa CU O C.T7 a)a m Cc 3•? 0 .. c a) fn :6 rn -0 f(L f6 C C L C C) D E L 6) p N f6 O U N ff) p 0> E 3 ` > n -0 L o 6 (L6 irs rn ` a) E OCD Rf co 3 C j N a) f0 m 3 m Lo L f0 3 E m 3 L •+O_•' •X 7 7'60 tI6 3 X 3 3 m E N t. U C a) .2).2- •c ff 0 •c O pO U 000LLJJJa: a- (n»w00Q 'o O (D E a) 0 0 3 .L L .-6 3 E °? E fT c y N 3 Q cu 0 0 .? N fa N -0 O Q d v Y c a) n E c Y a) 'c E E 0 a) N X U O C a) O_ (u O U 6) a) +-•' tf3 -0 FL U) -0 m= o) U V)) w 0 0? 3 Q E ai n? 4 i i i 0 M N N (O r r lf) M N N V U') r 00 N co co f O Cl) B) N 00 N N CD N C N C4 N M N CV N N O N co r r CO r r ? Ch = r CV r r `- r N G r r ? r CA Cl) CO r 00 j- N r r 0) CD M r CO 0) N ED M (r0 (O (X) ('') r r r r r r N r r r (O r N C7 (O cam- r It M In In r r 00 M N CV It N r r v M N r r N r l() N N r r r r r r r r N U 7 y (p cu C U .2 cu c m E Q C C 5. O O '0 N C 7 C co to c6 -00 N '2) N .0 C O C N cu 0 , cu 0) -0 =3 75 Z .00 O" O co E D 0 0- 7 p. > Q N CU (D N C y 0- 7 to -0 0 M U) O -LM :3 (D Q. to O Co p c o> i c 9 C i U (? V C C to to ? 0 0. O «6 co Q N '?- •X t N •.N " •x x j x CU :3 -0 CD d J J a L Q > Q U Q C1 U C? (n cA > 0' w .2 =3 ca Y cu V 00 E cu a) 0 3 N N ?. Y O p 0 N N N 3 0 p : 3 co m O c6 0 '5 p 0 • p 0 ) 2 0 d 0 0 N 0 0 Q- c0j a i U 0 E C 0 0 0 U N N 0 - (6 L i 0 t4 t p .n3,. m CL .0 O 3t U-0.0 ca m 3 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 'a 0) O Cl) 00 N O M 1- M- r- r- ? j O N c- N c- 'V' T r-' r (0 F- O M N 00 N N <D N C4 N C4 N M N lV N N O N 0_O ti r io r (n r f- ? Cl) a? O M 00 Cl) _ r r 00 LO Cl) r o T r L rn U') BO O LO 00 t0 N rn O { r in N 'IT C14 - CO d• C') 'T ? CD ? N (fl - r M M r- N N- -!?) N N n( N OM N •- N LO Cl) ?- N N N N O N O O O O N O_ N ?- Cl) O N co Cl) c6 O CU M U (9 ' M v) (0 O O O E O U C m ca (U c C 0 m y m Q T E E 'co N (o 6 ° 0 °) c N c ? ca E- ? cu °' O E? L N (6 '> •? N p co N O (6 O 2) U ? > O N rn .. (n n (D L Q a) cc cu E> o rn N (6 a) .?, °D •L •E 0 cu N E :3 E C m m a 0 co co _rn co a> v! -a , O v! CU L ` •RS (E N V O _ Q. a 'a c a) N O • C j X C ` O 7 V) C 7 N X (6 C CU Q Co U U U O 7 U Q O (Q N f0 N 7 0 7 7 ? '? C N` N , 3 c0 j O N (0 W N 0 0 0 ¢ ¢ QQ¢ca m 3 UC7 ? . J-i -i a LL a C'1(o5 (6 -liC O O O N C y U > N -,"O ?i E a, L ca L N E a) a- N L B m s ` O a U Q N E O C N ` _O ? . a m a 3 O ` N O O Z ?c E o • d m - a p i ? 0 ) o -a m Q ) O C E i E U U O Q O 0) U c9 U V L U O I m x "D i O O C a) 7 ° i ° • a U) v i a 2 10 E 6) L .° r o U 5 c n v i rn s 3 0 t to n n 3 f? 1101 Haynes Street Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27604 Telephone: 919.828.3433 Fax: 919.828.3518 EcoScience February 24, 2004 WETLANDS/ 401 GROUP Steve Chapin U.S. Army Corps of Engineers FEB 2 4 2004 Regulatory Field Office Grove Arcade Building, Room 75 WATER QUALITY SECTION 37 Battery Park Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28801 (828) 271-4014 Re: Year 4 (Year 2003) Monitoring Report - Concord Mills Mitigation Site USACE Action ID 199830189 Awo # 9-- 11,20 Dear Steve: On behalf of The Mills Corporation, EcoScience Corporation has completed the fourth year monitoring report on the Concord Mills mitigation site located at the Concord Regional Airport in Cabarrus County. One copy of the document is enclosed for your use. We will forward a copy of the document to John Dorney of the N.C. Division of Water Quality for Section 401 review. In summary, the mitigation site met success criteria as stipulated in the mitigation plan and approved as part of your Section 404 and 401 permits for the mall project. We are continuing with monitoring in 2004 (Year 5). If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jens Geratz or Jerry McCrain at ESC. Sincerely, EC SCIEN CORPORATION Jens ratz Seni Scientist cc: John Domey, N.C. Division of Water Quality (1 copy) 1. Concord Mills - Cabarrus County; Constructed July 1999 In 1997 and 1998 a mitigation plan was prepared to provide full functional replacement for wetland and stream impacts associated with the construction of the Concord Mills Mall (EcoScience 2001). The mitigation site is an unnamed tributary of the Rocky River and its associated floodplains. The mitigation plan proposed approximately 3000 linear feet of stream restoration, 3.0 acres of wetland restoration and 5.4 acres of wetland enhancement within the site. Some discrepancies were noted in the monitoring protocols. During the pre- construction survey (April 1999) data were collected from two locations within the restoration reach of this stream using quantitative methods (grabs) and were not compared to reference conditions. During the first post-construction survey (July 2001) Qual-4 collection methods were used to collect samples from the now restored reach and from a reference reach (Mill Run). During the second post- construction survey (August 2002), Qual-4 samples were collected from a stable reach within the same stream (site 1) but above the restored reach and from the same site within the restored reach (site 2). Benthic macroi vertebrate samples were not collected from the reference stream, since it was completely dry due to the extreme drought experienced in NC during 2002. Many of the collection discrepancies were potentially due to the lack of stream restoration monitoring protocols by DWQ early in this initiative. el, tAY Table 6. Benthic macroinvertebrate ummary statistics from a Concord Mills strei restoration project. ?? C nco rd Mills Eco fence Site Location Referen96 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Metric/Survey PreC Postl Po t2 Post3 PreC Post1 P t2 Post3 PreC Post1 Po Post3 PreC Post1 P t2 Post3 Total Taxa (ST) 27 dry 37 25 32 26 16 Sed. EPT taxa (SEPT) 7 dry 9 2 8 0 4 Sed EPT abundance (EPTn) 31 dry 39 20 23 0 17 Sed Biotic Index (BI) NA* dry NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* Sed EPT Biotic Index (BIEPT) NA* dry NA* NA* NA* NA* NA* Sed Dominants in Common * NA-Biotic Indices were not calculated. Sed.-no sample was collected at this site due to heavy sedimentation and lack of water. Accurate trend analyses of these data is difficult due to the differences in collection methods and station locations between surveys. However, some interesting results are evident from these data. During the most recent post-construction investigation (July 2002) samples were collected from a relatively stable, but incised, reach of this tributary (site 1) and from the upper station within the restoration reach (site 2). A dominants in common comparison of these data resulting in 32% similarity, which is much less than the 75% criteria for success. Data were not collected from the lower site within the restoration reach (site 3). t this oint was not flowing due to_heaw_sedimentation, perhaps due to erosion from upstream activities that dl not impact site 1. In fact, flow was reduce to a porn a significant differences in the structure of the enthic macroinvertebrate community were seen between sites 1 and 2. Site 1 was dominated by Heptageniid mayflies (Stenonema) and rheophilic caddisflies (hydropsychidae, Chimarra aterrima and Neophylax), while most of these organisms were not collected from site 2 and may be considered keystone. The benthic fauna at site 2 was dominated by pulmonate snails Ph sella), Caenis, beetles (mostly Peltodytes) and Baetis. These data suggest that the restored reach of this stream is not effectively processing sediment from upstream reaches to a point where the hydology of this stream has changed and this has resulted in a modified benthic macroinvertebrate community downstream. DWQ plans to visit and evaluate this project. 4*? A • Benthic macroinvertebrates that require water for entire life cycles are present'. A list of the benthic organisms commonly collected by DWQ biologists during UP investigations are included in this policy revision, OR • A numerical value of 30 points is determined from the most recent version of the DWQ stream classification form. . ?A a Q Q Table 1. Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT)2 perennial stream indicator taxa. &Vitt ?anw E hemero tera (Mayflies) Pleco tera (Stoneflies) Tricho tera (Caddisflies) Family Baetidae Perlodidae Hydro sychidae Genus Baetis s p. Isoperla s Cheumatopsvche s p. Genus DDi lectrona s . Genus S m hito s the s p. Family He tageniidae Perlidae Rhyaco hilidae Genus Stenonema s p. Eccoptura s p. Rh aco hila s p. Family Le to hlebiidae Pelto erlidae Le idostomatidae Genus Paraleptophlebia s p. Talla erla s p. Le idostomasp. Family Caenidae Limne hilidae Genus Caenis s p. Iron uia s p. Genus P cno s the s p. Genus Neo h lax s p. Family r ? 10 e4c Molannidae Genus Molanna s p. 1.) , t ,., "-'- Table 2. Socex indicators of perennial stream features. d Md,- ? Me alo tera Odonata Di tera Coo tera Family Corydalidae Aeshnidae Ti ulidae Elmidae Genus Nisronia s p. Boyeria s . Tipula s p. Family Sialidae Cordulegastridae Dixidae Dryo idae Genus Sialis s Cordulegaster sp. DkW-SP- I Helichus s p. Family Calopterygidae Genus Calopteuxsp. r+y -fkae ?M,'1,lr( boy 47L List of References Lawson, J., R. Darling, D. Penrose, and J.D. Gregory. 2002. Stream Identification and Mapping for Water-Supply Watershed Protection. In Proceedings, Watershed 2002, February 23-27, 2002, Fort Lauderdale, FL. NCDWQ. (North Carolina Division of Water Quality) 1999. N. C. DWQ Stream Classification Form - Internal Guidance Manual. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Wetlands/401 Unit NCEMC 2000. North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2B .0100. North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina. V ei ?bh.rtt udF o'r . of"' It 1 Recognition and/or identification of these organisms would require Division based"training. 2 The Genotypes listed for each of the families represent taxa DWQ biologists have collected during U investigations. Other taxa in these families may also be indicators of perennial flow. ___-J P?t^ C..r M?7 Mt 21, L 1 u 1 1 H APPENDIX F Photographic Record of Vegetation Plots I Plot 1 r 11 11 11 11 Plot 2 f P (L' Y YS t ? y x 0.•Y . .. Plot 3 • 0W - ?? d Plot 4 i w i i I Plot 5 11 11 11 T I Plot 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 r 11 11 11