HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920106 Ver 1_Complete File_20051003DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY yqt h ?jp WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 R1 PLY 10 VJ' 111(((///""" September 30, 2005 Environmental Resources Section Mr. John Dorney D North Carolina Division of Water Quality O C T 3 2005 r North Carolina Department of Environment And Natural Resources 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Dear Mr. Dorney: DENR - WATER QUALi1'? TLANDS AND STORb En BRANCH 0_610 This letter transmits the Final Monitoring Report for the Hobucken Bridge Replacement mitigation monitoring. We have completed all of the required three years of monitoring and have transferred these lands to the State of North Carolina for permanent management by North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) as North Carolina Game Lands as described in the Mitigation Plan, Hobucken Bridge Replacement, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Bridge, Pamlico County, North Carolina, dated August 1994 (Revision 2, May 1995 provided previously). With the transmittal of the enclosed Final Monitoring Report (August 1999-March 2001) Hobucken Bridge Mitigation, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway Bridge, Pamlico County, North Carolina, and contingent on no objections being raised by regulatory agencies, we will consider our mitigation obligation for this project complete. Our findings regarding compliance with Success Criteria on the monitoring activities are discussed in the subject report. Based on previous coordination with regulatory agencies it has been determined that wetland hydrology and soils occur in all 15 two-acre tracts and that construction compliance has been met. The Year 2 Monitoring Report found that general vegetative requirements of at least 320 target trees/acre with greater than 50 percent target trees would be met at the end of the three year monitoring period. However, results from final monitoring indicated a reduction in the total number of trees on the site. It is expected that prolonged flooding from wind tides due to hurricanes is a likely cause of this decline. It appears that the young target trees were affected more than the older pines. While the number of target trees exceeds the 320 target tree/acre goal, the percent of target trees is 44 percent and does not meet the >% 50 criteria. Due to the high numbers of non-target loblolly pine and adequate numbers of target trees (496/acre) it is not considered practical to offset these percentages by planting of additional target species. Selective clearing of mature trees over time during normal forestry management would be a more appropriate way to balance the hardwood to pine distribution on the site. Although specific target species to non-target distribution have not been fully met, this goal is achievable by future standard NCWRC forestry management practices, and we therefore conclude that this site is generally successful. 2 Please consider the findings of the monitoring report and determine if the site is acceptable to your agency. If found unacceptable please described or identify remediation that would be required by your agency for your acceptance. Please provide any comments by November 1, 2005. If we have not received your comments by that date, we will assume that you have no objections. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the technical aspects of the monitoring report, please contact Mr. Charles Wilson, Environmental Resources Section, at (910) 251-4746. This same letter is being sent to Dr. Gerald Miller, Project Officer, Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4; Mr. Pete Benjamin, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Raleigh Field Office; Mr. Tommy Hughes, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Sincerely, lJ W. Coleman Long Chief, Planning and Environmental Branch Enclosure y US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District FINAL MONITORING REPORT August 1999-March 2001 HOBUCKEN BRIDGE MITIGATION ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY BRIDGE PAMLICO COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ? ,? 0 I September 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE No. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1 VEGETATION MONITORING ............................................................................... 1 COMPLIANCE WITH MITIGATION GOALS .........................................................3 COMPLIANCE WITH SUCCESS CRITERIA ........................................................4 CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE ...........................................................................4 SUCCESS CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 5 POINT OF CONTACT ...........................................................................................7 COORDINATION ............................... 8 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 ..............................................2 Table 2: Compliance with Mitigation Objectives, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project .............................................................................3 Table 3: Compliance with Mitigation Goals, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project ............................................................................................. 4 Table 4: Compliance with Success Criteria, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project ............................................................................................. 7 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS (Follows Page 8) Attachment 1: Abbreviated Technical Report Vegetative Sampling March 2001 Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site Hobucken, Pamlico County North Carolina Table 1: Results of Plot Sampling March 26-28 2001 PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES 1 tttt? Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre c m m m ? m m m `m m m E O m m a _ !- oH roundsel-tree water hickory Bacchans halimdolia Ca rya apuatica button bush' Ce halanthus occide wax myrtle Cerothamnus cerifer Atlantic white cedar' Chant aris th pepperbush Clethera alnitolia swamp clogwood* Comus amomum persimmon Diosp ros wrginiana green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvar 3t AndreWs cross H scum hype ncol gallberry flex labra Amenran holly Ilex o ca Minterberry flex verticillata eastern red-cedar Juni rus vi iniana privet Ligustrum sinense sweet um Li uidambars cif. fetterbush Lyonia lucida sweet bay Magnolia virginiana cwamo tupelo' Nvssa biflo2 to fied pine Pious serotina Pinus sp. 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0% 0% u% 0% u 0 u 0 pine Pinseda 636 20% 777 100% 54% 777 777 erry Prunus serotina 1 0% 1 0% 0% 1 1 ak• Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 oak• Quemus lyrata 1 0% 1 2% 0% 0% 1 1 1 chestnut oak* Quercus michauxii 11 0% 13 18% 2% _ 1 % 13 13 13 ak• Ouercus ni ra 19 1 % 23 31% 4% 2% 23 23 23 ark oak* Quemus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 ak• Quemus phellos 1 0% 1 2% 0% _ 0% 1 1 1 sumac Rhus co llinum 154 5% 188 rose Rosa palustns 0 0% 0 e palmetto Saba/ minor 0 0% 0 ....... - ....... - ....... ....... ........ .. iHow Salix nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 arty Sorbus arbutitofia 0 0% 0 at S m locos tmctona 0 0% 0 _ press' Taxodium distichum 15 0% 18 24% 3% 1% 18 18 18 to elm Ulmus amencana 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 ry Vaccinium co mbosum 57 2% 70 i Viburnum cassinoides 0 0% 0 0% S All Species 3164 3864 _ .. : :. Planted Tree Species 62 ... . ... .. ., .... _:-- :.:' ... .. ::........ .. . i4 ... ... . ... ... Target Trees 511 :::: _ -'. .. .... .. . ... ... 496 ... ... . Norttar t 636 ... - - .-: :. :: :: : : .... .. - 778 :::::..- Other Trees 23 - . :: ..... .: .::: .:: .:: ...... . All Tree Species 1170 -.-?. ..i. 5% 44% 54% 100% ... - .::: ...: .:. 1412 Note limited to 20% of total trees 2 COMPLIANCE WITH MITIGATION GOALS Our primary objective is to restore functional wetland values (primarily wildlife habitat) in a degraded wetland and provide new state-owned game management lands to offset wetland and gameland losses as a result of the construction of the Hobucken Bridge Replacement project. The mitigation plan includes land acquisition, site preparation and planting, and protection of the site from encroachments. As shown in Table 3, based on observed site conditions and vegetative sampling, with the exception of distribution ratios of target to non-target trees stated goals were met to the degree practical within the monitoring period. It is expected that distribution ratios will also be met over time by standard forest management practices. TABLE 2: Compliance with Mitigation Objective, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project. STATUS OBJECTIVE END OF YEAR 3 1. Restore functional wetland values (primarily wildlife Met habitat) on 15 acres of presently degraded wetland to offset 7 acres of wetland losses. 2. Improve wildlife habitat on adjacent 15 acres of presently Met degraded wetland to offset gameland losses. Explanation: Thirty (30) acres of pine plantation has been acquired, selectively cleared and developed as planned. Hydrology has been confirmed over the entire 30-acre site. Future land use has been changed form pine plantation to conservation. The area has been transferred to the State of North Carolina. The Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) will manage the land as game lands. Compliance with Mitigation Goals is summarized in Table 3. 3 TABLE 3: Compliance with Mitigation Goals, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project. STATUS GOAL END OF YEAR 2 1. Convert 2, 15 acre tracts (30 acres) of private land to Done public ownership. 2. Selectively clear 2, 15 acre tracts (30 acres) of pines to Done allow for planting and natural generation of target species. 3. Change pine plantation to pine mixed hardwoods by Expected* planting and natural generation of target species. 4. Document hydrology throughout site. Done** 5. Convert existing private land management as pine Done*** plantation to conservation and game land management. *Target trees have been established by planting and natural generation and long term state management will favor hardwoods over non-target species. **Mitigation buffer acquired to protect the site from encroachment or drainage by adjacent landowners. Ditch plugs are not required. ***The deed to the State for lands acquired for the Hobucken Bridge Project ("acting through its agency the Department of Transportation") was executed 3 Feb 2003 and is recorded in the records of Pamlico County, Deed Book 395, Page 164. On March 28, 2003 the Pamlico County Clerk of the Court returned copy of recorded deed to Mr. Albert E. Joyner, NCDOT, 1430 E. Arlington Blvd. Greenville NC 27858. Mr. Tommy Hughes indicates that the mitigation land will be included in the next publication of the NCDWR Game land map book as part of the Goose Creek Game land. COMPLIANCE WITH SUCCESS CRITERIA CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE Construction compliance was found to be acceptable as described in the previous mitigation report. 4 SUCCESS CRITERIA Compliance with success criteria is discussed below and summarized on Table 4. The site will be considered successful if at the end of 3 years, site monitoring indicates that the following conditions are met: (1) The site has achieved development of at least 30 acres of palustrine deciduous/mixed pine habitat, occupied by greater than >50 percent target tree species, including planted and naturally occurring species. Inclusions of shrub or emergent marsh are acceptable and will not be subtracted from the goal, with the exception of any portion that occupies more than 50 percent of the total area. Expected: Plot sampling indicates that the 30-acre site is a wetland occupied by 44 percent target trees. Marsh and shrub inclusions do not occupy more than 50 percent of the site. Remediation: No remediation proposed. The > 50 percent target species criteria, is achievable during long term management by proposed standard forestry practices. (2) Target trees are present at a density of at least 320 trees/acre. Exceeded: Plot samples show target tree densities of 496 trees/acre greater than 320 trees/acre. (3) No tree species that comprises more than 20 percent of the total trees present in the mitigation site will be counted as contributing to the 360 target trees/acre goal in the final mitigation monitoring report. Acceptable at Year 3: Plot samples, which are expected to represent site conditions better than the point data, show red maple, a target species (25 percent) and loblolly pine a nontarget species (54 percent) exceed the distribution criteria. All red maple trees in excess of the 20 percent target were excluded from 360 target trees/acre goal as described in the July 1997 - August 1999 August 1999 monitoring report. Remediation: No remediation proposed. Dominance by red maple and lobolly pine appears to be consistent with the adjacent reference forest where these trees are also dominant species and, therefore, is considered a natural condition in the project area. Based on several years experience with this site it was determined that a "20 percent criteria" is too restrictive for existing site conditions and compliance with this criteria is not expected to be practical at this site. Based on coordination with regulatory agencies we have modified the original success criteria regarding distribution to allow over 20 percent of a given species but to exclude the counting of any individual target 5 trees greater than 20 percent of total trees as contributing to the 360 target trees/acre goal in the final mitigation monitoring report. For example if total trees = 100 and 25 trees are red maple only 20 red maples would be counted toward the success goal. This supports the objective of tree diversity in manner that can be practically achieved at this site. (4) Wetland hydrology (as defined in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual) will be documented to exist in all wetland mitigation sample plots. Met: Hydrology was confirmed by sampling consistent with 404 wetland delineation practices in all South Area tracts (6-15) on April 4, 1996. Saturated soil to the ground surface was present in all areas with a soil Chroma of 10YR2/1 or 10YR4/1. General observation of scattered areas of standing water and/or growth of obligate hydrophites throughout the South Area on July 22, 1997, continue to confirm site compliance with hydrology requirements. Hydrology was confirmed in all North Area tracts by observation of standing water, hydric soils, and the presence of obligate hydrophytes including: Juncus, royal fern, Eleocharis and Ludwigia in each two-acre tract (1-5) on July 22, 1997. General observation standing water and/or growth of obligate hydrophites in plots (1-5) on June 17, 1998, continue to confirm site compliance with hydrology criteria. Delineation was conducted in all North Area tracts on October 13, 1999. Hydrology has been documented to occur in all plots, in accordance with plan requirements. 6 TABLE 4: Compliance with Success Criteria, Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Project STATUS SUCCESS CRITERIA END OF YEAR 3 1. Three hundred twenty (320) seedling/acre with no more Acceptable than 20 percent of any one species in each sample plot over a 12-month assurance period. 2. The site has achieved development of at least 30 acres of Expected palustrine deciduous/mixed pine habitat, occupied by greater than >50 percent target tree species, including planted and naturally occurring species. 3. Target trees are present at a density of at least 320 trees/acre. Exceeded 4. Tree species that comprises more than 20% of the tree species Met present in the mitigation site will not be counted as contributing to the 360 target tree/acre goal. 5. Wetland hydrology (as defined in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Met Wetland Delineation Manual) has been documented to exist in all wetland mitigation sample plots. POINT OF CONTACT Any comments or questions regarding this report should be sent to Mr. Charles Wilson, CESAW-TS-PE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Post Office Box 1890, Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890. Telephone contact is (910) 251-4746. COORDINATION This report has been coordinated with the following agencies. Raleigh Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 Habitat Conservation Division North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Post Office Box 118 Northside, North Carolina 27564-0118 Wildlife Resources Commission North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2102 Foxhorn Road New Bern, North Carolina 28562-6610 Dr. Gerald Miller Environmental Policy Section U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV 345 Courtland Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30365-2401 Division of Water Quality North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607-6445 8 ATTACHMENT I Abbreviated Technical Report Vegetative Sampling March 2001 Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site Hobucken. Pamlico County North Carolina.. ABBREVIATED TECHNICAL REPORT VEGETATION SAMPLING MARCH, 2001 HOBUCKEN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MITIGATION SITE HOBUCKEN, PAMLICO COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District P. 0. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Prepared By: CZR INCORPORATED 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 December 2001 s ZR INCORPORATED WARONWMAICON I TANK ABBREVIATED TECHNICAL REPORT VEGETATION SAMPLING MARCH, 2001 HOBUCKEN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MITIGATION SITE HOBUCKEN, PAMLICO COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District P. V. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Prepared By: CZR INCORPORATED 4709 College Acres Drive, Suite 2 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 December 2001 ABBREVIATED TECHNICAL REPORT VEGETATION SAMPLING MARCH, 2001 HOBUCKEN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MITIGATION SITE HOBUCKEN, PAMLICO COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1.0 Introduction CZR Incorporated (CZR) completed vegetation sampling at the Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site, Pamlico County Hobucken, North Carolina during March 2001. The following report details the sampling methods, results, and general field observations for this sampling period. Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site is located in the northeast quadrant of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway crossing by NC Route 304 in Pamlico County, North Carolina. The high- rise bridge replaces a swing bridge long operated by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District (Corps). CZR was contracted by the Corps to sample vegetation at the wetland mitigation area associated with construction of the Hobucken Bridge. Previous sampling at the site by CZR occurred in 1997 and in 1999. Results were discussed in each of the two reports generated after sampling (CZR 1998, 1999). The mitigation area is accessed via a gravel road that turns northwesterly off NC 304 about one quarter mile east of the eastern base of the bridge. The 30-acre site was a young loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantation prior to its conversion to a mitigation site. The southern portion of the site was first planted in January 1996. In January 1997, the northern portion was planted with limited replanting in the south. Limited replanting occurred in the northern section in January 1999. Selected species of woody seedlings were planted in rows roughly 9 to 13 feet apart throughout the mitigation site. The northern area, approximately 8.5-acres, was cleared. Stump and root sprouts of several woody species are scattered through this section. A thick stand of grasses and sedges including a panic grass (Panicum verrucosum) and a beak rush (Rhynchospora inexpansa) occur in mats one to two feet thick and dominate most of the northern or open portion of the site. This thick herbaceous layer creates excessive shade for intolerant woody seedlings. During the previous sampling most species of live seedlings in this portion of the site were difficult to detect under the graminoid growth, but a few successful seedlings have now emerged above this herb stratum. Loblolly pine and red maple seedlings (Acer rubrum) dominate the open northern section of the mitigation area. Blackberry (Rubes argutus) is becoming more abundant as the successional status of the open area matures. In the southern portion of the site, outside the designated no-work areas where no trees were planted, every other row of pines was cut prior to planting. Debris from the thinning was placed in adjacent rows under uncut pines. Rows of planted seedlings alternated with rows of older loblolly pine plantation. Planted pine provides substantial shade over the understory and may constitute a competitive disadvantage to growth of the hardwood seedlings. Additional cover is provided by stump and root sprouts of wax myrtle (Cerothamnus ceriferus), red maple, red bay (Persea palustris), and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). Greenbriar (Smi/ax rotundifolia), and catbriar (Smilax bona-nox) are abundant. Density of these species generally increases westward through the southern portion of the site, at least outside the depression area habitats termed no-work areas. The herb stratum is less continuous under the pine canopy than in the northern, more open section. Most no-work areas at the time of the 2001 sampling were shallowly flooded and supported little or no woody vegetation. These designated no-work areas were avoided during the sampling. Switchcane (Panicum virgatum), soft rush (Juncus effusus) and scattered-rose mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) have made up the characteristic vegetation of these areas in the past. Herbaceous vegetation was still primarily dormant at the time of the 2001 sampling. Wax myrtle and stunted loblolly pine were more abundant around the peripheries of open areas. 2.0 Methods A slightly modified version of the point-centered quarter (often called quarter-point or point- quarter) method (Bonham 1989) was used to sample tree species (Reed 1988) throughout the rtitigation area. This method began with the identification to species of the closest individual of a tree species at least 18" tall, in each of 4 quadrants, around a randomly selected point. The diameter-at- breast-height (DBH), was measured and recorded for each of four specimens. The diameter of any tree less than 4.5 feet tall was measured at about 1 /3 of its height (from the ground) and recorded as, Not DBH (n) in field notes and on data forms. Red bay and sweet bay were not considered trees. Fifty points were selected for the entire 30-acre site from a random numbers table. The random sample points were distributed so that 20 points (1-20) were located in the north area and 30 points (21-50) were located in the south area. All sampling was accomplished outside of designated no-work areas. Random points were located in two stages using the site inspection lines through the area. These inspection lines were established previously in the original sampling year and have been used annually. Lengths of line segments were summed for these lines separately within the north and south areas by adding line segments. The total length of each line for the north was divided into 20 equal parts and by 30 equal parts for the south section. Resulting intervals (approximately 65.5 feet in the north and 115 feet in the south) along these inspection transect lines from beginning to end were measured and marked systematically as the beginning points for application of sets of random compass headings and distances. Fifty randomly selected distances (maximum 200 feet) and compass headings were located on a map of the site prior to the onset of field work. Distances between points along inspection transects were measured using a tape. Random distances from these points were paced using a handheld compass. Since the original sampling, the long diagonal inspection trail in the northern section has become overgrown and its original location is no longer discernible. In order to redefine the trail, an azimuth (250 degrees) was estimated from the map and flagged. The location of this flagged line is approximately the same as the older trail. The locations of other trails could be determined from signs of previous survey activity. Quadrat sampling was used in counting numbers of stems of trees and shrubs by species. Quadrats 66 feet x 3.6 feet in size were established using randomly selected distances (maximum 200 feet) and compass headings applied from the approximate centers of each of fifteen 2-acre arid sections. The centers of 2-acre blocks were located by measuring appropriate distances along inspection corridors and eastward or westward to the approximate center of each block. Each quadrat was defined from a point at the northwest corner. From this point the southwest and northeast corners were located by measuring 36 feet south and 66 feet east, respectively. The southeast corner was located by measuring 36 feet south of the northeast corner. Corners were marked with flagging tape. One quadrat was established for each of 15, 2-acre grid sections. All sampling avoided designated no-work areas. 2 Sampling was performed during 26 through 28 March, 2001. Data were recorded in waterproof field books and later transferred to field sheets generated using Microsoft Excel. The same data were entered into an Excel spread sheet format supplied by the Corps. Scientific names follow those listed in a current nomenclature guide (Kartesz 1999). Common names are those in current regular usage. 3.0 Results Field vegetation sampling data forms generated in Microsoft Excel 2000 supplied by the Corps on floppy disks, have been completed and are included as APPENDIX A (Point-Centered Quarter Sample Data, Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site) and APPENDIX B (Quadrat Stem-Count Sample Data, Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site). Copies of these disks are included as a portion of the product generated by this field exercise. The approximate locations of sample points used in point-centered quarter samples and the 66 foot by 36 foot quadrat samples used for woody stem counts are shown on a copy of the base map for the Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site generated by the Corps. A copy of the map showing these locations accompanies this report. The coordinates of the location of point centered plots and the northwest corner of the stem count plots were taken using GPS. 4.0 Discussion Vegetation sampling at the Hobucken Mitigation Site was performed to provide data on existing vegetation conditions. These data will be used by the Corps to determine compliance with vegetation success criteria. The status of planted seedlings at the mitigation site was judged subjectively based largely on field observations and generalized observation of raw data. Comments are provided to aid the Corps in development of potential remediation plans for the site. Planted seedlings were more difficult to find than during the previous sampling years (1997 and 1999) and seedling mortality was very high throughout the mitigation site. Interspecific competition between planted and indigenous species as well as predation by deer and unsuitable habitat may be largely responsible for the lack of survival. However, indications of deer predation did not appear as abundant during this sampling period compared to previous years. Hurricanes Dennis and Floyd occurred after the sampling period in 1999. Flooding fro m these two storms, especially Dennis, which stalled over the Pamlico Sound and caused prolonged flooding of the mitigation site due to wind tides, may have been another factor that contributed to seedling mortality. Compared to previous years, 2001 sampling indicated a trend of decline in overall density of species, with the exception of loblolly pine in the northern portion of the site. Current vegetation conditions indicate continued natural development of loblolly pine and red maple in the northern portion of the mitigation site. These species will likely form a dominant stratum within the next two to three years. The stratum will be broken by stands of blackberry. Most seedlings planted under pines in the southern portion of the site appeared to show low survival. Unsatisfactory soil and/or moisture conditions and interspecific competition may be partially responsible for poor seedling success in the southern portion of the site. Edges around the no-work areas appeared incapable of supporting most planted seedlings. Almost all planted specimens of cypress (Taxodium distichum), Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), and swamp dogwood (Corpus amomum) seen in these areas were dead. These areas contained no naturally occurring representatives of these species. Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) also occurred only as a planted species and was not seen alive. The apparent high sulfide soils in these areas may have been at least partially responsible for the poor survival rates of the above 3 species. Cypress seedlings in a few sampled sites under the pine canopy and in the open northern section seem to be doing well. Cypress is an occasional component of the surrounding natural forest. Seedlings of green ash (Fraxinus pennsyivanica) previously noted as heavily browsed by deer in the north appeared to be surviving better than most other species but are still few in number. Surviving representatives of swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) are also scattered. No laurel oak (Quercus iaurifoiia) or cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) were found in the sample plots. Only one overcup oak (Q. iyrata) and one willow oak (Q. pheiios) were found. Swamp chestnut oak (Q. michauxil? appears to be better adapted to the site conditions as it was seen in five of the sample plots. Naturally occurring water oak persisting from stump and root sprouts was relatively common though other naturally occurring oaks are absent. Green ash is not a natural component of the adjacent forest. Live buttonbush, Atlantic white cedar, and swamp dogwood were not seen. Due to similarity of appearance as seedlings, immature specimens of swamp blackgum (Nyssa bifiora) and blackgum (Nyssa syivatica) are not readily distinguishable and were lumped as blackgum. 5.0 Conclusions Planted species of shrubs do not appear to have survived well at the Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site. Planted tree species also continue to show very poor survival. More recently planted seedlings of laurel oak do not appear to have survived at all. Based on general field observations the major factors which are most likely to have been responsible for low survival rates are (1) excessive interspecific competition (low light, etc.) and (2) unsuitable habitat (soil, water regimes, and storm flooding). 4 References Bonham, C. C. 1989. Measurements for terrestrial vegetation. Wiley Interscience, John Wiley & Sons. New York. Godwin, R. A. 1987. Soil survey of Pamlico County, North Carolina. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. US Government Printing Office. Washington, D. C. Kartesz, J. T. 1999. A synonymized checklist and atlas with biological attributes for the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. First edition. In: Kartesz, J. T., and C. A. Meacham. Synthesis of the North American Flora, Version 1.0. North Carolina Botanical Garden, Chapel Hill, NC. Reed, P. B. 1988. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: Southeast (Region 2). U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildl. Serv. Biol. Rep. 88 (26.2). CZR Incorporated. 1998. Abbreviated technical report vegetation sampling, Hobucken Bridge replacement mitigation site, December 1997. Hobucken, Pamlico County, North Carolina. CZR Incorporated. 1999. Abbreviated technical report vegetation sampling, Hobucken Bridge replacement mitigation site, July 1999. Hobucken, Pamlico County, North Carolina. APPENDIX A Point-Centered Quarter Sample Data Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site STATION: Al SAMPLE NO.: 1 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3128101 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: Al Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: d n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from groun PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 1n 6.40 0.40 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1n 5.80 0.40 Pinus taeda 1n 7.40 0.20 Pinus taeda 1n 2.80 0.40 Page A-1 STATION: A4 SAMPLE NO.: 4 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: A4 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample . Sample area sq. ft Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 4n 2.50 0.20 Pinus taeda 4n 3.60 0.30 Pinus taeda 4n 0.80 0.30 Pinus taeda 4 n 1.60 0.20 i Page A-4 STATION: A5 SAMPLE NO.: 5 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: A5 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 5n 2.90 0.50 Pinus taeda 5 n 3.30 0.50 Pinus taeda 5 3.90 0.50 Pinus taeda 5 n 2.40 0.40 I i Page A-5 STATION: B12 SAMPLE NO.: 12 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3,126-3;28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: B12 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 12 n 10.10 0.30 Pinus taeda 12 17.80 0.75 Acer rubrum 12 10.20 0.50 Acer rubrum 12 12.90 0.50 Paoe A-12 STATION: C13 SAMPLE NO.: 13 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C13 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 13 n 5.50 0.40 Pinus taeda 13 n 0.90 0.30 Pinus taeda 13 n 3.00 0.30 Pinus taeda 13 3.30 1.00 Page A-13 STATION: C14 SAMPLE NO.: 14 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3;26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C14 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. F4. t. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 14n 2.90 0.30 Pinus taeda 14 00 0.50 Pinus taeda 14n 5.80 0.20 Pinus taeda 14n 25.40 0.50 Page A-14 STATION: C15 SAMPLE NO.: 15 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3128/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C15 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 15 n 2.70 0.30 Pinus taeda 15 n 5.20 0.30 Pinus taeda 15 2.90 0.50 Nyssa sylvatica 15 2.90 0.75 Page A-15 STATION: C16 SAMPLE NO.: 16 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C16 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 16 7.70 1.25 Pinus taeda 16 19.10 0.50 Pinus taeda 16 5.10 0.75 Pinus taeda 16 8.90 1.25 Page A-16 STATION: C17 SAMPLE NO.: 17 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C17 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 17 n 2.60 0.50 Pinus taeda 17n 2.00 0.30 Pinus taeda 17 6.90 0.75 Pinus taeda 17 6.30 1.75 Page A-17 STATION: D18 SAMPLE NO.: 18 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3!20-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: D18 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 18n 10.90 0.30 Pinus taeda 18 n 5.20 0.30 Pinus taeda 18 8.90 1.00 Pinus taeda 18 7.20 1.50 Page A-18 STATION: D19 SAMPLE NO.: 19 AREA: Clearcut DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: D19 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 19 4.30 0.75 Pinus taeda 19n 3.10 0.50 Pinus taeda 19n 9.30 0.20 Pinus taeda 19 4.10 9.75 Page A-19 7- -7 STATION: A4 SAMPLE NO.: 24 AREA: Woods DATE: 3!26-3!28/01 LOCATION: Start Point: A4 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist-Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 24 4.50 1.50 Pinus taeda Liquidambar styraciflua Acer rubrum 24 24 24 14.40 1.00 7.30 1.00 13.00 0.50 Paae A-24 STATION: A5 SAMPLE NO.: 25 AREA: Woods DATE: 3126-3128/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: A5 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 25 8.50 7.25 Pinus taeda 25 9.50 8.00 Liquidambar styraciflua Pinus taeda 25 25 10.20 0.75 5.10 3.75 Page A-25 STATION: A6 SAMPLE NO.: 26 AREA: Woods DATE: 3;26-3/28!01 LOCATION: Start Point: A6 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 26 17.20 9.00 Pinus taeda 26 29.20 15.75 Pinus taeda 26 11.80 6.00 11.00 8.75 Pinus taeda 26 Page A-26 STATION: JA7 LOCATION: Start Point: A7 SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: 27 AREA Woods DATE: 13/26-3/28/01 COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 27 39.80 8'25 Ilex opaca 27 9.80 0.25 27 19.90 13.25 Pinus taeda 17.40 12.00 Pinus taeda 27 Page A-27 STATION: JA8 LOCATION: Start Point: A8 SAMPLE NO.: 28 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28101 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point C2 uarter N E S E S W N W No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 28 5.00 4.25 Pinus taeda 28 7.30 6.00 75 9 Pinus taeda 28 15.30 . 20 16 6.25 Pinus taeda 28 . Page A-28 STATION: JA9 LOCATION: Start Point: DATE: 3126-3/28/01 SAMPLE NO.: 29 AREA: Woods SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: x J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 29 12.20 7.75 Pinus taeda 29 26.50 14.80 29 9.70 7.50 Pinus taeda 16.00 3.75 Pinus taeda 29 Page A-29 STATION 610 SAMPLE NO 30 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3128/01 LOCATION: SAMPLETYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: oint-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo q lot sample ample area sq. ft. otes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample SW NW NE SE No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Acer rubrum 30 3.90 0.75 Pinus taeda 30 17.80 6.25 20 8.00 5 Pinus taeda 30 . 4.20 2.00 Acer rubrum 30 Paoe A-30 STATION: B11 SAMPLE NO.: 31 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: B11 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 31 8.00 8.75 Pinus taeda 31 9.30 7.00 Pinus taeda 31 7.20 7.75 Pinus taeda 31 5.10 8.25 Page A-31 STATION: IB12 LOCATION: Start Point: B12 SAMPLE NO.: SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: 32 AREA 1Noods DATE: 13/26-3/28101 COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample SE SW NW NE No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 32 2.80 5.00 Pinus taeda 32 5.40 8.75 32 5.00 6.75 Pinus taeda 12.60 9.75 Pinus taeda 32 Don= a_3? STATION: B13 SAMPLE NO.: 33 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28101 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: B13 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 33 7.30 7.75 Pinus taeda 33 3.90 4.00 Liquidambar styraciflua 33 6.10 3.25 Pinus taeda 33 11.30 8.00 Page A-33 STATION: IB14 LOCATION: Start Point: B14 SAMPLE NO SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: 34 AREA: WOO ?C DA I E: 3126-3/281/01 COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo Page A-34 DATE: 3126-3128/01 STATION B15 SAMPLE NO 35 AREA Woods LOCATION: Start Point: B15 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo Point Quarter PLANT SPECIES Plot PRESENT Sample SE SW NW NE No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 35 9.20 7.00 Pinus taeda 35 27.90 2.00 Pinus taeda 35 44.60 3.25 39.90 3.25 Pinus taeda 35 Page A-35 STATION: B16 SAMPLE NO.: 36 AREA: Woods DATE: 3!26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: B16 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBHin. Acer rubrum 36 3.20 0.20 Pinus taeda 36 27.40 0.20 r Pinus taeda Juniperus virginiana 36 36 0.90 6.75 5.40 0.30 Page A-36 STATION: B17 SAMPLE NO.: 37 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: B17 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Liquidambar styraciflua 37 12.70 1.25 Pinus taeda 37 13.20 1.50 Pinus taeda 37 13.90 3.00 Pinus taeda 37 9.20 3.50 Page A-37 STATION: C18 SAMPLE NO.: 38 AREA: Woods DATE: 3,'26-3%28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C18 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Prunus serotina 38 5.30 2.75 Pinus taeda 38 6.30 5.00 Pinus taeda 38 23.80 10.00 Pinus taeda 38 11.20 10.30 -- - ----------- ------ Page A-38 STATION: C19 SAMPLE NO.: 39 DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 AREA: Woods LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: C19 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo ' Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample SE SW NW NE No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 39 14.00 11.25 Liquidambar styraciflua 39 6.40 3.75 6.50 8.00 Pinus taeda 39 7.40 0.25 Taxodium distichum 39 Page A-39 DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 STATION D20 SAMPLE NO 40 AREA Woods LOCATION: Start Point: D20 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo Point Quarter EPLANT SPECIPlot RESENT Sample SE SW NW NE No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 40 4.80 8.75 Pinus taeda 40 5.20 4.75 6.70 0.75 Liquidambar styraciflua 40 4.20 5.25 Pinus taeda 40 i Paae A-40 STATION: E21 SAMPLE NO.: 41 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3128/01 LOCATION: Start Point: FEE SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: E21 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 41 16.20 4.25 Pinus taeda 41 17.10 7.75 50 3 d t 41 6.00 . ae a Pinus 80 3 75 6 Pinus taeda 41 . . Page A-41 DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 STATION E22 SAMPLE NO.: 42 AREA Woods LOCATION: Start Point: E22 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 42 37.10 1.25 Pinus taeda 42 9.20 3.25 Pinus taeda 42 11.10 3.00 14.50 7.00 Pinus taeda 42 Page A-42 STATION: F23 SAMPLE NO.: 43 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: F23 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 43 11.10 7.25 Pinus taeda 43 12.80 8.50 Liquidambar styraciflua Pinus taeda 43 43 5.30 0.25 9.80 8.50 Page A-43 STATION: I F24 LOCATION: Start Point: F24 SAMPLE NO SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: 44 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample No. N Dist. Ft. E DE Acer rubrum 44 4.60 2 idamba r styraciflua 44 us taeda 44 rPin us taeda 44 Page A-44 [STATION: I F25 SAMPLE NO 45 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: F25 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist-Ft. DBHin. Liquidambar styraciflua 45 3.50 1.25 Liquidambar styraciflua 45 3.60 0.50 Pinus taeda 45 13.70 6.00 Pinus taeda 45 9.80 6.50 Page A-45 STATION: F26 SAMPLE NO.: 46 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: F26 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point U uarter N E S E S W N W No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. DBH Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 46 4.10 10.00 E Pinus taeda 46 8.90 5.75 Pinus taeda 46 n 2.10 90 12 6.25 Pinus taeda 46 . Page A-46 STATION: F27 SAMPLE NO.: 47 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: F27 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES PRESENT Plot Sample Point Quarter N E S E SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Acer rubrum 47 2.80 0.25 Acer rubrum 47 6.00 1.50 75 10 Pinus taeda Pinus taeda 47 47 5.20 . 6.30 6.75 Page A-47 STATION: IF28 LOCATION: Start Point: F28 SAMPLE NO. 48 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 SAMPLE TYPE: Point-quarter Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: COLLECTORS: X J. Coward, B. Railo PLANT SPECIES ESENT Plot le Sam Point C2 uarter PR p N E S E S W N W -Ys-t-.-Ft st. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 48 13.40 8.25 dium distichum T 48 11.20 0.25 axo 60 22 75 7 Pinus taeda 48 . . 70 7 11.30 s taeda Pi 48 . nu Page A-48 STATION: F29 SAMPLE NO.: 49 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: F29 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 49 20.60 3.50 Pinus taeda 49 7.00 4.25 Pinus taeda 49 8.20 0.75 Acer rubrum 49 15.90 0.25 IE Page A-49 STATION: A30 SAMPLE NO.: 50 AREA: Woods DATE: 3/26-3/28/01 LOCATION: SAMPLE TYPE: COLLECTORS: Start Point: A30 Point-quarter X J. Coward, B. Railo Plot sample Sample area sq. ft. Notes: n = not DBH, measurement taken at one third of tree height from ground PLANT SPECIES Plot Point Quarter PRESENT Sample NE SE SW NW No. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist. Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBH in. Dist.Ft. DBHin. Pinus taeda 50 8.00 8.00 Pinus taeda 50 4.00 4.75 Pinus taeda 50 16.10 4.75 Acer rubrum 50 n 5.70 0.40 Page A-50 APPENDIX B Quadrat Stem-Count Sample Data Hobucken Bridge Replacement Mitigation Site Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 1 SAMPLE NO. 1 AREA: North DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C U t= E p E \ m Z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre N _ m N c om c H c m c F m c Z = Z red maple Acerrubrum 24 8% 440 47% 10% 440 440 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 3 1% 55 6% 1% devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 0% groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 7 2% 128 1490 * water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0 % 0%/. 0 ton bush' but Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0% wax myrtle othamnus ceriferus Cer 41 13°/ 752 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0% 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0 % 0 ! n swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% 0% 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 % green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0% o% o 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 21 7% 385 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 03o 0 winterbeny flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0% 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambarstyraciflua 19 6% 348 37% 89b 346 348 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 1 0% 18 swamp tupelo" Nyssa biflora 0% 0 0% 0% U% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 1 0% 18 13% 2-b 0% 18 18 18 red bay Persea palustris 18 6% 330 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 165 52% 3025 100% 70% 3025 3025 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 o% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 6 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 4 1 % 73 50% 8% 2% 73 73 73 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copellinum 11 3% 202 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0% 0 % 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 3 1% 55 38So 6% 1 % 55 55 55 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0% 0°0 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 2 1% 37 4% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0°b TOTALS All Species 320 5866 Planted Tree Species 8 146 Target Trees 51 934 Nontarget 165 3025 Other Trees 21 - All Tree Species 237 3 -/. 22% 70% 95% 3519, B-1 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 2 SAMPLE NO. 2 AREA: North DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C N C U =1 2 .? U N z ? TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre N N N Q/ N f0 ? ? N (0 N a m z - a ° red maple Acerrubrum 52 18% 953 66% 38% 953 953 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 19 7% 348 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0% 0% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 74 26% 1357 Atlantic white cedar" Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0% 0 % o% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% 0% o % 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 1 0% 18 14°% 1 18 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0?o 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua 20 7% 25% 15% 367 367 fetterbush Lyonialucida 0% V sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 11 4% 202 swamp tu pelo' Nyssa bi/lora 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sy/vatica 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 35 12% 642 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 57 20% 1045 0% 42% 1045 1045 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 3 1% 55 43% 4% 2% 55 55 55 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak" Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 14 5% 257 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Saba/ minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress` Taxodium distichum 3 1% 55 43% 4% 2 /' 55 55 55 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0 % 0% 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 090 withered Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0°0 TOTALS All Species 289 5299 Planted Tree Species 7 121, Target Trees 79 1448 Nontarget 57 1045 J Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 136 5% 58% 42% 00% 1522 B-2 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 3 SAMPLE NO. 3 AREA: North DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NnTFS• DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C t ° c O E .2 Z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre Q) y m N m c v, F- m E F- m m ° = ° co d Z red maple Acerrubrum 27 10°% 495 63% 19°% 495 495 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 18 7°% 330 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 01% o % 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidenta/is 0% 0 0°% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 81 30% 1485 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0°% 0 0°% 0% 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood" Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0°% 0 green ash" Fraxinus pennsylvanica 4 1% 73 31 i 0°,o 3°0 73 33 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0% 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0°% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua 3 1 % 55 7 % 2% 55 55 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 1 0% 18 swamp tupelo' Nyssa billora 0% 0 0%° 0% O 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 3 1 % 55 23% 7 % 2 % 55 55 55 red bay Persea palustris 13 5% 238 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0°,0 01/- 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 102 38°% 1870 100°% 70% 870 1870 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0°o 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 2 1% 37 15°% 5% 1% 37 37 37 water oak' Quercus nigra 0°% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0°% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 1 0°% 18 8°% 2% 1 % 18 18 18 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 12 4% 220 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0°0 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress" Taxodium distichum 3 1% 55 23°% 7°0 2,0 55 55 55 American elm Ulmus americana 0°% 0 0% o io 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0°ro ' TOTALS All Species 270 4949 Planted Tree Species 13 238 Target Trees 43 788 Nontarget 102 n7o ' Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 145 9% 30% 70% 00% 2090 B-3 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 4 SAMPLE NO. 4 AREA: North DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C E O E 0 CL) TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre ? N O p H N p 1- - 0 - - 0 - red maple Acer rubrum 20 6% 367 43% 13°1? 367 367 serviceberry Amelanchiercanadensis 4 1% 73 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 14 4% 257 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 09/. 0 % 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 47 14% 862 Atlantic white cedar" Chamaecypans thyoides 0% 0 0% 0% 054, 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0°/ 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 1 % V 15 4 % 1 % 37 37 37 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% gallber ry fexglabra 2 1°/ 37 American holly Ilex opaca 6 2% 110 4°6 110 winterberry flex vetficillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 ()% 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambarstyraciflua 14 4% 257 3090 9% 257 257 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 2 1% 37 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 2 1% 37 15% 4°-5 1 °/ 37 37 37 red bay Persea pa/ustris 18 5% 330 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 102 30% 1870 100% 68% 1870 1870 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak" Quercus michauxii 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 5 1% 92 38% 11% 3% 92 92 92 cherrybark oak" Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak" Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 050 0% 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 50 15% 917 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 4 1% 73 31 %° 9 % 31/1, 73 73 73 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0 % 0010 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 51 15% 935 1 109% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 050 TOTALS All Species 343 6291 Planted Tree Species 13 239 Target Trees 47 863 Nontarget 102 1870 Other Trees 2 All Tree Species 151 9% 31 % 68% 102% 2843 B-4 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 5 SAMPLE NO. 5 AREA: North DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C C U ? Q U VI E p E =1 z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre _ N N N N ? Ql N N ?p a? N c m o H o H T `5 - - n. a z red maple Acer rubrum 15 7% 275 56 % 18 % 275 275 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 1 0% 18 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 27 13% 495 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0 % 0 button bush` Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 01% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 26 13% 477 Atlantic white cedar" Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0°o 0% 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0°0 0°o 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 2 1% 37 50 /' 2% 37 37 37 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 0% 0 American holly Ilex opaca 0% 0 0 % 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0`%0 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua 8 4% 147 30% 9 % 147 147 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0% 0 01" 0 01% 0 0 0 black gum" Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0 % 0% 0 % 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 0% 0 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 58 28% 1063 100% 68% 1063 1063 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0°% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0°% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 2 1% 37 50% 7% 2% 37 37 37 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak" Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0°% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0% 0°% 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 66 32% 1210 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0°% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress` Taxodium distichum 0% 0 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0 TOTALS All Species 205 3759 Planted Tree Species 4 74 Target Trees 27 496 Nontarget 58 063 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 85 5% 32°% 68% 99% 1559 B-5 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 6 SAMPLE NO. 6 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X 8. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft . 2376 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C ? U U 5 ? U ? E E n (U Z 65 TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre N vi c1 N 'p D1 N .?. N co ? ? N N P m c F c m c H W (a O - m m` O - - Z - - - red maple Acerrubrum 31 19°% 568 100% 56% 568 568 serviceberry Amelanchiercanadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0°% 0 water hickory Carya aquatics 0% 0 0% o% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0 0% 0 0S3 wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 83 50°% 1522 Atlantic white cedar" Chamaecyparis thyoides 0 0% 0 0 io 0/ 0 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0 0% 0 M° 0% 0°0 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0 0°% 0 0°% 01% 0 % 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex g/abra 0% 0 American holly Ilex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterberry Ilex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 09 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua 0°% 0 0% C) 0 0 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 1 1 % 18 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0°% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 27 16% 495 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0°iu 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0°% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 24 14% 440 100% 44°% 440 440 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0°% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0 0% 0 0°% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0°% 0 0% swamp rose Rosa palustrfs 0°% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0°% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0 0% 0 0% o% o°0 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Vibumum cassinoides 0°% 0 0°b TOTALS All Species 166 3043 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 31 063 Nontarget 24 440 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 55 0% 56% 44% 100%, 1008, B-6 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 7 SAMPLE NO. 7 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter 11 J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES c m Q A U N E 0 E 7 Z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre o a? m a Q) N c0 c m c F- c m F- (0 O = f0 N O = Z Z red maple Acer rubrum 54 34% 990 81% 67" 990 990 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0°% 0 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0 button bush' Cephalanthusoccidentalis 0% 0 Oro wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 66 42% 1210 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0°? 0110 0°o 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0" 0°0 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' _ Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0/ 01, o% 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0'%0 0 winterberry Ilex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambarstyraciflua 12 8% 220 181% 15/ 220 220 fetterbush. Lyonialucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 6 4% 110 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0% 0 0% 0% 011/'o 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0% 0% 0°% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 4 3% 73 pond pine Pinus serotina b% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 14 9% 257 100% 17% 257 257 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0% 0 0°% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0°% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0°% 0 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 1 1°% 18 1001% 1 % % 8 18 18 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0°0 0°%o 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0 witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0 io TOTALS All Species 157 2878 Planted Tree Species 1 18 Target Trees 67 1228 Nontarget 14 257 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 81 1% 83% 17% 100% 1485 B-7 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 8 SAMPLE NO. 8 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES c t V ? 7 Q U N E O E Z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre ° y N N -0 m N V ? d d N N N c m c ~ c m c I- - - - - red maple Acer rubrum 1 1 % 18 5% 2% 18 18 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 1 1 % , 18 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0% 0° 0 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0 0% 0 04& wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 114 69% 2090 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparls thyoides 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0 0% 0 0°0 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0°6 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciBua 19 12% 348 95% 40 % 348 348 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0 0% 0 0°/ 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0 0% 0 0% 0/ o% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 2 1 % 37 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 28 17% 513 100% 58% 513 513 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copa/linum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0 io 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0 0% 0 0% 0% o% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0% 0°% 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 C% TOTALS All Species 165 3024 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 20 366 Nontarget 28 513 J Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 48 100% 879 B-8 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 9 SAMPLE NO. 9 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NU I tJ: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C Q t Q E O E =3 2 z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre N N N N ? N 0) Q) 4.7 c m F` c m I v `m 0 - ° m 0 - a z - - - red maple Acer rubrum 36 19% 660 51% 38% 660 660 serviceberry Amelanchiercanadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aratia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0% 0 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0% 0% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 86 46% 1577 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 01. 0 0 % 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0°% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0% 0°% o % 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 0% 0 American holly fexopaca 0% 0 0°0 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0% 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styracfllua 21 11% 385 30% 22% 31,15 385 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 1 1% 18 swamp tupelo' Nyssa bi/lora 0% 0 0% 0110 0% 0 0 0 black gum" Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0% O o 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 3 2% 55 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 23 12% 422 100% 24% 422 422 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 14 7% 257 100% 20% 15% 257 257 257 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 1 1% 18 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0°o 0% 0 0 chokebery Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 090 0% 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 4 2% 73 6% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0% TOTALS All Species 189 3465 Planted Tree Species 14 257 Target Trees 71 1302 Nontarget 23 422 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 94 15%° 76% 24% 99°E 1724 B-9 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 10 SAMPLE NO. 10 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: ` = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C d U ? O Q ? ? N E O E O 2 z U) TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre 0 N ? Ol N ? 01 d N ? (9 N N ? ?p d c m F c o c F N `a O - ? N O - a- - z a z red maple Acer rubrum 22 10% 403 71 IN. 52 % 403 403 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 2 1% 37 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0 0% 0 0110 wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 145 67% 2658 Atlantic white cedar` Chamaecyparis thyoides 0 0% 0 0°% 0% o% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0 0% 0 0°% 0% o% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly Ilex opeca 0% 0 o% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0°o 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 5 2% 92 sweet gum Liquidambar styracillua 9 4% 165 29% 21% 165 165 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 2 1 °/ 37 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biilora 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 21 10% 385 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 11 5% 202 100% 26% 202 202 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak` Quercus phellos 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 0% swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 01/ 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0 0% 0 0% 0% o% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0% 0 % 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0% TOTALS All Species 217 3979 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 31 568 Nontarget 11 202 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 42 26% 99% 770 B-10 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 11 SAMPLE NO. 11 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C N ? U ? E Q E n a) z n TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre ? c9 ? N N N ? c m F- P) E F- a ° z a ° z red maple Acer rubrum 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa o% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0% 0 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0°0 wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 102 67% 1870 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0°o 0% 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterber Ilexverticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 0% 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciflua 29 19% 532 07% 73 % 532 532 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 1 1% 18 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0% 0 0% 0 % 01/0 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0% o'.? 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 10 7% 183 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 10 7% 183 100% 25% 183 183 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak` Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak" Quercus lyrata 1 1% 18 100%1 3% 3% 18 18 18 swamp chestnut oak" Quercus michauxii 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0% 0 0% 0°- 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0% 0 % 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocostinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0% 0 0% o, 0% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0°r11 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0°0 TOTALS All Species 153 2804 Planted Tree Species 1 f Target Trees 30 ?j 0 55 Nontarget 10 183 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 40 3% 75% 25% 101%: 733 B-11 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 12 SAMPLE NO. 12 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NU I tJ: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C ? U ? Q .O N E O E 2 z 8-1 U) TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre m N ? m N N t0 U N N P c 21 E N c m E F a m o - a m `0 red maple Acerrubrum 4 2% 73 100% 24% 73 73 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0% 0 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 o% 0 % 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentatis 0 0% 0 0 % wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 164 89% 3007 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoldes 0 0% 0 0% 011/ 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Comus amomum 0 0% 0 0% V° 0 % 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash" Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0 0% 0 0°/ 0% 0% 0 0 0 SL Andrew's cross Hypencum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0 % 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 0% 0 01"-6 0 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambarstyraciflua 0% 0 0% 0°;0 0 0 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 4 2% 73 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0°% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 13 7% 238 100% 76% 238 238 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0%° 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak` Quercus michauxii 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0% 0 0 % 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symp/ocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0 0% 0 0%° 0% 0% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americans 0% 0 C% 0 % 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 C% TOTALS All Species 185 3391 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 4 73 Nontarget 13 238 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 17 0% 24% 76% 1009• 311 B-12 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 13 SAMPLE NO. 13 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin 77 - Point-Quarter J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo # Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 1 1 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C ? U E p E =1 :: TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre F m c H C E, c5 O - o d - - - red maple Acer rubrum 0% 0 0% 0 % 0 0 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Saccharis halimifolia 8 4% 147 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 0 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 0% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 156 88% 2860 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0% 0 % 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0°% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% o°,o 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly Ilex opaca 0°% 0 0 % 0 winterberry Ilex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 2 1% 37 33% 37 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraciilua 0% 0 0% 0 % 0 0 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biliora 0% 0 0% 0% O;o 0 0 0 black gum` Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0°% 0°% 0°% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 6 3% 110 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 5 3% 92 100% 83% 92 92 black cherry Prunus serotina 0°% 0 0°% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0°% 0 0°% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak" Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0°% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0°% 0 0°0 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0°% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress" Taxodium distichum 1 1% 18 0°% 100 % 7% 8 0 18 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0% 0°o 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0% 0 0% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0°6 TOTALS All Species 178 3264 Planted Tree Species 1 18 Target Trees 1 8 Nontarget 5 92 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 6 17% 17% 83°% 133% 147 B-13 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 14 SAMPLE NO. 14 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quart er J. Coward Nonmargin Plot Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NU I Lb: DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES U C N t V U d U E O E n 2 TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre n N N 01 m c m c F c m r- 0. `m Zo - dm o = red maple Acerrubrum 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 serviceberry Amelanchier canadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 15 9% 275 water hickory Carya aquatica 0 0% 0 0 % 0°% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0 0% 0 0 wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 139 82% 2548 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0°o 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry flex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0% 0 0% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 - eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 1 1% 18 11 % 18 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styracillua 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa bitiora 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustris 5 3% 92 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 9 5% 165 100% 100% 165 165 black cherry Prunus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0' 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0 0% 0 0% 0% o% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0 0% 0 0°% 0% o 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0 0% 0 0 witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0 0% 0 0% TOTALS All Species 169 3098 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 0 0 Nontarget 9 165 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 9 0% 0% 100% 111% 183 B-14 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 15 SAMPLE NO. 15 AREA South DATE March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin Point-Quarter 777 J. Coward Nonmargin Plat Sample X B. Railo Sample Area Sq.ft. 2376 NOTES: = planted DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES Q1 U U 7 Q E O E a z TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre ° N m N D OI N ? c m c F- c o> F- m o = m `m o - - z a z red maple Acerrubrum 8 5°% 147 80% 33% 147 147 serviceberry Amelanchiercanadensis 0% 0 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 0% 0 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 0% 0 water hickory Carya aquatica 0% 0 011 0% 0 button bush' Cephalanthus occidentalis 0% 0 wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 100 63% 1833 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0% 0 0% 0% 0°0 0 0 0 pepperbush Clethera alnifolia 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0% 0 0% 0°,o 01% 0 0 0 persimmon Diospyros virginiana 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 0% 0 0 b 0 0 0 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0% 0 gallberry Ilex glabra 0% 0 American holly flex opaca 0°% 0 0% 0 winterberry flex verticillata 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 2 1% 37 8 % 37 privet Ligustrum sinense 0% 0 sweet gum Liquidambar styraci8ua 0% 0 0 % 0% 0 0 fetterbush Lyonia lucida 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 0% 0 swamp tupelo' Nyssa bitlora 0% 0 0% 0°0 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 0% 0 0% 0' 0° / 0 0 0 red bay Persea palustns 32 20°% 587 pond pine Pinus serotina 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 15 9% 275 100°% 63% 275 275 black cherry Prunus serotina 1 1% 18 18 18 laurel oak' Quercus laurifo/ia 0% 0 0°% 0%° 0°% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 swamp chestnut oak" Quercus michauxii 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 water oak' Quercus nigra 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda 0% 0 0% 0°% 0% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 0°% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 0% 0 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0°% 0 0% o / 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutifolia 0°% 0 sweetleaf Symplocos tinctoria 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 0% 0 0% 0% o% 0 0 0 American elm Ulmus americana 0% 0 0 % 0 % 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 0°% 0 0°% witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0% 0 0% TOTALS All Species 158 2897 Planted Tree Species 0 0 Target Trees 9 47 Nontarget 15 293 Other Trees 0 All Tree Species 24 0% 38 % 63% 1081/1 477 B-15 Hobucken Bridge Mitigation Post Construction Vegetation Monitoring, .05 acre Quadrats Year 3 STATION 1-15 SAMPLE NO. AREA NORTH & SOUTH DATE: March 26-28 2001 LOCATION SAMPLE TYPE COLLECTORS Margin X Point-Quarter J. Coward X Nonmar in X Plot Sample X B. Railo X Sample Area Sq.ft . 35640 NOTES: = planted species DATA COLLECTION PLANT SPECIES PRESENT ALL SPECIES u c m t U E b E y z a v TREES Percent Occurrence Trees/Acre N ? ? D) N c O1 E I c ° E 2 ° _ ° o a ?2 z _ a z red maple Acer rubrum 294 9% 359 58% 25% 234 359 serviceberry Ame/anchier canadensis 7 0% 9 devil's walkingstick Aralia spinosa 1 0% 1 groundsel-tree Baccharis halimifolia 111 4% 136 water hickory Carya aquatica 0 0% 0 0% 0 button bush' Cephatanthus occidentalis 0 0% 0 0% wax myrtle Cerothamnus ceriferus 1424 45% 1740 Atlantic white cedar' Chamaecyparis thyoides 0 0% 0 0% 0 % 0% 0 0 0 pepperbush C/ethera alnifo/ia 0 0% 0 swamp dogwood' Corpus amomum 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 persimmon Di I ospyros virginiana 0 0% 0 green ash' Fraxinus pennsylvanica 9 0% 11 15 % 1 % 11 11 11 St. Andrew's cross Hypericum hypericoides 0 0% o gallberry Ilex glabra 23 1% 28 American holly Ilex opaca 6 0% 7 1% 7 winterberry Ilexverticillata o 0% 0 eastern red-cedar Juniperus virginiana 5 0% 6 0°% 6 privet Ligustrum sinense 5 0% 6 sweet gum Liquidambar slyraciflua 154 5% 188 30% 13% 188 188 fefterbush Lyonia lucida o 0% 0 sweet bay Magnolia virginiana 26 1% 32 swamp tupelo' Nyssa biflora 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 0 black gum' Nyssa sylvatica 6 0% 7 10% 11, 1% 7 7 7 red bay Persea palustris 198 6% 242 pond pine Pinus serotina 0 0% 0 D IX, 0% 0 0 unidentified pine Pinus sp. 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0 0 loblolly pine Pinus taeda 636 20% 777 100 % 54% 777 777 black cherry Prunus serotina 1 0% 1 0% 0% 1 1 laurel oak' Quercus laurifolia 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 0 0 overcup oak' Quercus lyrata 1 0% 1 2% 0% 0% 1 1 1 swamp chestnut oak' Quercus michauxii 11 0% 13 18% 2% 1% 13 13 13 water oak' Quercus nigra 19 1% 23 31% 4% 2% 23 23 23 cherrybark oak' Quercus pagoda o 0% 0 0% 0% - 01% 0 0 0 willow oak' Quercus phellos 1 0% 1 2% o% 0% 1 1 1 winged sumac Rhus copallinum 154 5% 188 swamp rose Rosa palustris 0 0% 0 cabbage palmetto Sabal minor 0 0% 0 black willow Salix nigra 0 0% 0 - 0% 0% 0 0 chokeberry Sorbus arbutitolia 0 0% 0 sweetleaf Symp/ocos lincloria 0 0% 0 bald cypress' Taxodium distichum 15 0% 18 24% 3% 1% 18 16 18 American elm Ulmus americana 0 0% 0 09, 0% 0 0 0 blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 57 2% 70 witherod Viburnum cassinoides 0 0% 0 0% TOTALS All Species 3164 3864 Planted Tree Species 62 74 Target Trees 511 496 Nontarget 636 778 Other Trees 23 Ali Tree Species 1170 5% 44% 54% 100% 1412 Note limited to 20% of total trees B-16