HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960731 Ver 1_Complete File_19961021 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Ja m es B. Hunt, Jr., Gove mor Jonath an B. H>wes, Secreta ry A. Presto n H>ward, Jr., P.E., Director ~~.;~ ~ - - - - - DEHNR October 21, 1996 Wilson County DWQ Project # 960731 APPROV AL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Wilson Christian Academy P.O, Box 3818 Wilson, NC 27895 Dear Sirs: You bave our approval to place fill material in 2.3 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a scbool and associated facilities at SR 1158 near SR 1157, as you described in your application dated 251uly 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2671. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application except as modified below. If you cbange your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attacbed certification and any additional conditions listed below. FIll of the three wetland locations adjacent to the sewer line should not be filled as discussed in the field with Danny Smith of the Raleigh Field Office and your consultant; Gay Mitchell. Stormwater from the parking lot and athletic field sball be directed to flow into these wetlands at nonerosive velocities. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a bearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a bearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Raleigh FIeld Office Raleigb DWQ Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Gary Mitcbell; Mitchell and Associates 960731.ltr Division of Water Quality · Environmental Sciences. Branch Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer · 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 1EMORANDUM PRINT NAMES: .-----.....7 Reviewer: JOHN DORNEY WQ SUPV.: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: ro: SUBJECT: WETLAND STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS ***EACH ITEM MUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) *** PERMIT YR: 96 PERMIT NO: 0000731 APPLICANT NAME: WILSON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PROJECT TYPE: COE _" : RCD FROM CDA: APP - - REG OFFICE: RRO COUNTY: WILSON PERMIT TYPE: NW26 DOT_": DATE_FRM_CDA: 07/31/96 RIVER_AND_SUB_BASIN_": 030407 STR INDEX NO: 27-86-6-(3) STREAM CLASS: WSIV WL_IMPACT? : (0/N WL_TYPE: Pe~r(?.sJ iOfJj WL REQUESTED: --1.5" WL_ACR_EST?: tYN 5t1e<.> !4-1~-/(.::'t~ WL_SCORE(lf): ~itle ~ = A.~ WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: Y@ MITIGATION?: Y~ MITIGATION TYPE: U(4 MITIGATION_SIZE: ~U4 DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y/~ IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: ~N HAVE PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: Q/N ,---- RECOMMENDATION (Circle One): ISSUE ISSUE/COND DENY COMMENTS : T~. r (] I. 0 {. -l (1) ';(3 tv\, I ~c \ S> U t d \;v) \-lA t\~ fc:> [IO:\fI~ (un J i ~ I un S -.[) l'-k>. ~ I O~(lh-eJ I' fYlp.ad S -1 CJ ,'J( tes leeJ.) l (b) I ~ C c) c,\J\UJ 11 ~ d(?{\ (~d (N\d \J~d \ ') S ~e()d '\ () ~ l t*"r rUl)of( ~:~~ i~~~(~~~ ~~~\~1ts;/')~~-~;~U~~~~~~~n~.11 \\~ \r")\u~oud "VfJCAC1 S i,or "W (\Q\AI {odf-~c~J~ 1\~td Af\ d !\A: l.If\~ ;jr-.v1, S~QJ\d ~3 (M t~~ V\) 1~ 1\.> UN-/~' \ A! lC>\A {S U 1 IVlC~J'5 l () CA,J 'j UCA ( i i- Y - cc: Regional Office Central Files II ~(~Jr ~C(). . ~ ~\\u ~^r\..~\' Flooding and wetness o 'semipermanently to permanently flooded or inundated o seasonally flooded or inundated III intermittantly flooded or temporary surface water o no evidence of flooding or surface water " :::''/'/'/'/'/ /'./ /',/././././ -(././" /'./,/./././,/ /'././,/./,/./,/,/./././././ /'./ /' /' /' /' /' /'./ /' /'././ //././././ /' /'1'./ /' /' /'./ /',/,/./ /'./././././././././ /'./ /'./ /'./,/./ /././,/././ /'././ /// /',/ /' //" /' /' //./ // /'././././ /'./././ /' // /'./././,/./././ /' /' /' /"././././ /~~. :: II .. Wetland type (select one)* ij , ~ r- l:':~:1 g ~~~~::;rdl~~~~~OOd lorest g ~~::~:~:;rnamarsh g ~~::est I o Swamp forest 0 Estuarine fringe forest ~ Seep Db-' ~ ;: 0 Wet flat 0 Ephemeral wetland Otherq~ rOfl 11 o Pocosin 0 Carolina Bay II ~~ r *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels 11 '1'///////////////////////////////////////////'///////////////////////////'1'///////////'//////////'////////////'////////////////////////////////////// ~~ 3 ~~~ ~ ~ Water storage -0 x 4.00 - ~ 'A ~~~~re ~ A Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 - ~ i r Pollutant removal -1:.' x 5.00 - I 44 I i ~ -t ~ ~ Wildlife habitat x 2.00 - ~ , ~ ,. , ,. , ,. Aquatic life value x 4.00 - ~ ~n) ~ ;. U~ Recreation/Education ~ x 1.00 - ;. , ,. , G ,. , ,. ~ * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and> 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius ~ , ,. /////////////////./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'J ( fJ.*' \ WETLAND RA TI NG Project name \J ~ \ So f\ C V)I (. 5 fiq f1 CJJ.}\G M \ County '^ Wetland area v-.s Name of evaluator ~ j) j ~4 Wetland location o ,on pond or lake o on perennial stream ~ on intermittant stream [j\vithin interstream divide o other Soil series o predominantly organic - humus, muck, or peat [XI predominantly mineral - non-sandy o predominantly sandy Hydraulic factors o steep topography o ditched or channelized o total riparian wetland width ~ 1 00 ft WORKSHEET Fourth N eares t road S f\.. II a 8' acres Wetland width ? ~ Date f"-2..~~ Version feet Adjacent land use (within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius) rxt forested/nat.ural vegetation &% 5lL agriculture, urban/suburban ,3 0 % o impervious surface % Dominant vegetation )Ur'\L0 S S{y\OJ~'^JQe J , J~,0)~ (1) (2) (3) S\l~~:L Project name , County l Name of evaluator WORKSHEET Fourth Version SfZ ~lS~ Wetland width -.;{ 5'"6 feet Date <6 ( 2-3 {q Co o ,on pond or lake o on perennial stream Don intermittant stream Q within interstream divide ~ other~dtC\ttd \d-e'PfP~~'~ Adjacent land use (within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius) ~ forested/nat.ural vegetation /0 % ii!. agriculture, urban/suburban ~O % o impervious surface % Wetland location Soil series Dominant vegetation / (1) (rAie( (2) _1~iCfO s~ ((/ N\, (3) o predominantly organic - humus, muck, or peat m predominantly mineral - non-sandy t]"predominantly sandy Flooding and wetness o 'semi permanently to permanently flooded or inundated o seasonally flooded or inundated o steep topography 0 intermittantly flooded or temporary o ditched or channelized surface water o total riparian wetland width ~ 1 00 ft m no evidence of flooding or surface water .- y./././././,/././././,/./././././././././././././././'././././././ /'./ //,/1',/,/,/,/,/,/"//"//,/,/,/,/,/'/'/'/'/'/,/'/,/'/,/,/,/,/,/,/'/,/,/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/",/,/,/ //././' /"./ //./,/./././././././././ /"./ //././././ /'./ //././ //./././././././././././././ /~:;. :' . Ii :; Wetland type (select one)* II , I I' D Bottomland hardwood forest D Pine savanna D Bog forest II D Headwater forest D Freshwater marsh D Bog/fen i1! D Swamp forest D Estuarine fringe forest D Seep !1 D Wet flat D Ephemeral wetland )Q Other~~:(j..c/ II i 0 Pocosin D Carolina Bay ~~>( (fl\.. Ii t *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels ~ 'l'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ~ !R :J weight ~ ~ Water storage ~ x 4.00 - ~ ~ A Bank/Shoreline stabilization ~ X 4.00 - ~ ~ l' Pollutant removal ~ * x 5.00 - [cl] ~ ~ O. C\ ~ ~ Wildlife habitat x 2.00 .. ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ Aquatic life value ----L- x 4.00 ~ ~ N Recreation/Education -1-. x , .00 I ' ~ / / / / / rr> / ~ \\,] * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and> 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius ~ / / 1'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hydraulic factors I:! r 9607~ 1 DEM lD: ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Pennit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER WATER QUALITY PLANNING : (;'1 ,:i,' ~-., CORPS OF ENGINEERS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL'M!\N~dEMiE.!'fr r'f/ I,.' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NC DEPARTMENT OF ENYIRO~~NT, HEALTH, - P.O. Box 1890 AND NATURAL RESOURCES . i.U 1-,01:1 I Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 P,O, Box 29535 [L' 1995 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 __ Telephone (919) 251-4511 ATIN: MR. JOHN DORNEY. w;jt;.'[ V>i" 'u.--i Telephone (919) 733-5083 --1!J!iSL~~,-.J"'1 I ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENG~S. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD .BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. I. Owners Name: Wilson Christian Academv 2. Owners Address: Post Office Box 3818 Wilson, North Carolina 27895 3, Owners Phone Number (Home): See ~gent (Work): 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mitchell & Associates, Inc. C/O Gary Mitchell 128 North Harding St. Greenville, North Carolina 17858 (919) 752-4077 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Wilson Nearest Town or City: . Wi lson Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): eaRt. of NCSR 1158 (Wilson Christian School Rd), north of NCSR 1157 (Merck Rd), appx. 2.5 miles west of Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina. 6. Name ofClosestStream/River: Unnamed tributary of Bloomery Swamp 7. River Basin: Neuse 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [] NO [X] 9. Have any Section 404 pennits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [] NO [xJ If yes, explain. N / A 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: + / - 5.0 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: + / - 2 . 5 Drained: N / A Flooded: N/A N/A +/- 2.5 Excavated: Total Impacted: 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-8 1/2" X 11" drawings only): Placement of clean earthen fill material in wetlands. 13. Purposeofproposedwork: To facilitate expansion of existing recreation facility located onsite. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out,in wetlands. Ai Iso.....note ~lasWes d taken to minimize wetland impacts. Insufficient hlgh ground eXlsts. Ava laDle 9 groun incorporated into project to maximum extent practicable. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) re garding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES PC] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [ xl NO [ l RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional infonnation required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B, If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was perfonned by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stonnwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? R u r a 1/ a 9 r i cui t u r a 1 F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/ A' qG Pg. 1 of 2 NWP 26 Site Plan - Wilson Christian School - PO Ex 3818, Wilson, NC 27895 I" = 200' N s N N N N jS" 1 '00. E \09.72 .... . \'. , \ " , \' ....,'\....,'. \ , , \ " \ \ \ \ , LINE TABLE ~.UM8ER DIRECTION DISTAACE S 08'23' 19" E 37,44' '-2 S 22'03'22 · W 21.32' _J S 00'02'54. E 34.16' .; S 31'20'37" W 28.02' "- S 1 2' 30' 33" W 34,87' - ,: S 20'54'57" W 19.70' S 81'53'17" W 16.18' ., S 69' 49'02" w 28.31 ' ,} S 83'53'25. w 29.09' S 3111"3" w 3.3.40' S 66"4'28" w 40.47' , c, S 41'11 '50" W 24.0.3' ~ . ( S 46'5.3'04 " W 27.03' :.. S 52' 1 5' .30" w 26.66' , , S 26'32' 18" W 37.73' I;:' S 33'27'46" W 32,81' , ' S 23'44'39" W 53,53' ,,~c S 02'47'13" W 48,99' _i~ S 37' 1 3' 35 . w 53,84' _20 S 05'35'16. W 41.76' ..2 : S 28'28'58" W 34,58' ..22 S 48' 1 3' 3 1 " W 41.76' ~2J S 10'50'07" E 33.46' ~) ~ S 41'22'15" E 46,58' ....... ~ ..L ~) N 85'56'21 " E 49.56' it; N 69'27'08" E 32.71 ' ',-' N 61'17'07" E 43,18' , Lt: S 75'20'11 " E 32.49' ." N 58'45'24" E 39,20' S 76'45'41" E 31.37' N 64'0"30" E 34.07' LOCATION MAP s 80'20'26. E 30.70' N 81'28'58" E 38,81 ' ._ _~'f S 5.3'11'53" E 32,50' No Scale t;.:., s 07'54'28" E 36,91' :l s 01'40'14. W 24.56' , ' S 17'49'38" E 33,54' --'- 5b S 15'45'1'" E 16,50' . .'>9 S 24'28'47" E 15,28' TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION ,f", S 06'41'30" E 43.47' ..~<.. ....,. I S 06'09'51 " E 20.95' ..;;;> S 11'17"4" W 43.14 ' . .;j S 41'17' 19" w 41,61' __,,4 S 79'30'23" W 30,55' +1- 350 I ...;5 S 31'37'23" W 25,95' ,45 S 17'11'43" E 24,05' . . N 86'4,3'4.3" E 42,04' . ~ .; ~~ ~, 78'00'40" E 38.85' Pg. 2 of 2 - NWP 26 Line Table & Vicinity Map Wilson Christian School PO Ex 3818, Wilson, NC 27895 I _ '" GEM ID: ACTION ID: ~;ltionwicc Permit Reque~ted (Provide Nationwide pe:mit #): 26 JOINT FO&.1VI FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require npplication for Section 401 certitlcntion WATER QUALITY PLANNING ::....:-~-~ -.- DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT . NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRON1vIENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES ~. -~. P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 --- . ATI'N: MR. JOHN DORNEY , '1/ '. ,.,..' --- Telephone (919) 733-5083---~i:- '-, __ I ONE (1) COpy OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD .BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, PLEASE PRINT. W1LMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATIN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 1. Owners Name: Wilson Christian l>.cademv 2. Owners Address: Post Office Box 3818 Wilson, North Carolina 27895 ), Owners Phone Number (Home): See ~gent (Work): -+. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mitc~ell & Associates, Inc. C/O Gary Mitchell ~23 North Harding St. Greenville, North Carolina 1 858 (919) 752-4077 " Lucation of work (MUST ATIACH MAP). County: ~e8.restTownorCity: .Nilson Sge::iiicLocation(Includeroadnumbers,landmarks,etc.): """st. of Nr.SR 11 t::jS (Wi 1 son Christian Scheol Rd) I north of NCSR 1157 (MerCk Rd), acpx. 2.5 miles west of Wilson, Wilson wilson County, North Carolina. 6. Name ofClosestStream/River: Unnamed tributary of Bloomery Swam,:) 7. R.i ver Basin: 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [] NO [X] 9, Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [] NO [X] If yes, explain. N / A 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., inciuding wetlands, located on project site: + / - 5.0 Neuse 11. Number of acres of waters of the V,S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: + / - 2 . 5 Drained: N / A Flooded: N / A Exc:lv<lted: N / A Tot.:li Impacted: -+- / - 2. 5 f '!,:~~~. .:.,:'" " '. j I I ., ~~ f \ '\ '.\' N 56'02'00" E , 100.CO "" S t2'3 'CO. 'N 100.00 N 46'43'00. E , 00.00 N 40'50'00. E 100.00 '~ - ~.. Pg. 1 of 2 ,NWP ~O ~ite Plan - Wllson Christian School - NC W'lon PO Bx 3818, 1 s I' 27895 l~ 200 \ \ \ \ \ I I \ " \ I _ 1 60' ~ '. \ ... , " ' ll, , L2J "'" "'- ~ ~~,U2L.J6.. "', l4">-..,1r9~ ',,' "G) \. ~ "'" ~L29 \..> L.J5l / , r 1..21, L:L7L26 U6 '. \ '-'" L2~ 1..26 ",' ' U7.. ' , -. \ \..036. '., l:lll'l "'" ' ',' '. >....01........ It\. ~. ~. l...~ ..'~ " _:..........- - \ \ L~2 .-..- , \ it--,-# . \, , \ ",\, , ., . ~ . // :r >- x ~..., ~':'i)/.\ -- YVETLAND RATING YVORI<SHEET Fou;:h Version Projec::name ~j\tl'\(JI\ \.- -~dY~iG1r; 1~(CI~e:V Nearestroad stz ll~&> County \.A ;' \ I ~Or{ Wetland ar~a '--- 07'-. . acres Wetland width -).. 5" \:) feet - -------- () '..... " '"'/ ( 2. 3 fO Co Name of evaluator ~. r u-.(L Date l<,!. \ Flooding and wetness D'semipermanently to permanently flooded or inundated o seasonally flooded or inundated o intermittantly flooded or temporary surface water m no evidence of flooding or surface water .. ~f./ /',/ /'./ // /'./././././.(./././ /'./ /'./././././ /'./././ /'./,/./ /' /'./,/,/',/././ /',/ /' /' /'./././ /'./ /'././ /' /'././ /'./././,/./ /././ /'././,/./,/,/ /'./,/./,/ //./././ /',/,/ /' /' /',/,.../././,/ /'./ /' /'./,/ /'./././,/./ /' /' /' /' /' /'././ /'./,/././././,/,/' /',/,/./././ /' /' /'./ /',/./,/,/ .....':::.. o Bottomland hardwood forest 0 Pine savanna 0 Bog forest :) o Headwater forest 0 Freshwater marsh 0 Bog/fen .. o Swamp forest 0 Estuarine fringe forest 0 Seep ,. o Wet flat 0 Ephemeral wetland ~ Other.::z:6d6-\C:9.c;I ;~ o Pocosin 0 Carolina Bay ~rr~s:( (f0 ; *Tne rating s)'stem cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels t r./ /'././ //'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/'/./ /'./././,/././ /'./ /' /'./,/ /' /' /'././,/./ /'./././ /'./,/./ /' /'./,/,/././,/././././././ /' /'/' /' /' /' /' /' /' /'./ /' /' /' / /' /' /' / /' /' /' /'./ /' /',/ /' /' /' / / /',/ /' / /' /' /' /' /'./ /' /' /' /'1" /' /' /,/ /,/ /' /' / /',/ /,/,/ / /' /' /' /' /' /' // ~ lR 1 weiaht ~ ~ Water storage C\ x 4.60 ... ; ~ 0 , /f:\ Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 _ ~ .,.,.. Pollutant removal ,) * x 5.00 ... ~ ~ 0 ~ Wildlife habitat x 2.00 = ~ Aquatic life value ( x 4.00 ~ If\~ , , / I(--~ ~0 "'-".cc I ;Joint if in se:1sitive wate~shed and> i 0% ncr.:)oint ciisLUrbance within 1/2 mile uDstrearr., uoslcr r / // /././,- /// //./,' /....... ~/ / /./ / /./ /././././'~./ /' /'/./././ /'./ /'.' /' /' /' /'./ /'./ /'././././././ .///' //./././././././ / ./// /././ / /././ /./ /'/ /' /,1'./.// /' / /' /' / // / /'.///' /'./ /' /'./,.. //'/ /./././.// / /'/////'/ \Vetland location o .on pond or lake o on perennial stream Don intermittant stream O within interstream divide -(' I \\ ' ~ other -L-'Yd ,CAnd r1-f'()rp~~ 10[\ Soil series o predominantly organic - humus, muck, or peat ~predominantlY mineral - non-sandy o predominantly sandy Hydraulic factors o steep topography o ditched or channelized o total riparian wetland width 2: 1 00 ft Wetland type (select one)* Recre3 tion/Education Adjacent land use (within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius) ~ forested/natural vegetation ;0 % ~ agriculture, urban/suburban <,() % o impervious surface % Dominant vegetation (O,ieV (1) (2) 1\ \ I' \ : ~(CfO s~C? !5 ((/lV\ (3) .:, .:~ ~:: x 1.00 ... I c:;, ~ ' .. 'I . TO: PRINT NAMES: Reviewer: JOHN DORNEY WQ SUPV.: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES BRANCH DATE: ,.~ f) -- / ~--- _ . .tC:iC -.ll...l('~.~ (( r' q (' . I' 2 \0 I ! \41 \ ' !iEl10RJI..NDUM SUEJEC':': ',-lETLAND STAY? REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS :'d::':EACH ITEM HUST BE ANSWERED (USE N/A FOR NOT APPLICABLE) :'dd: PERMIT YR: APPLICANT NAME: PROJECT TYPE: COE_1f : RCD FROM CDA: - - REG OFFICE: 96 PERMIT NO: 0000731 WILSON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY COUNTY: HILSON APP RRO PERMIT TYPE: NW26 150T_#: DATE FRM CDA: '7 \ . _ ~l ( '1 01 / 31~ ~ ~. ~~' ~ ~vV nO ,.~ 27-86-6- (3) SV ~~\\tft\~ "'0 RIVER_AND_SUB_BASIN_If: 030407 STREAM CLASS: WSIV 1,~L_IMPACT? : GJ/N WL_REQUESTED: - ?-. S 5i"\E'':> (4-le-(( =. 'f4- WL_SCORE(lf): ~it~ ?-. = ;l..~ ,j MIT2:GATION?: Y CV MIT2':GATION_SIZE: !J{4 STR INDEX NO: WL _TYPE: Pe.P rQ'sJ i 0115 WL ACR EST?: eVN n ~, y/N--) J~.('{ WATER IMPACTED BY FILL?: ~ ~ MITIGATION TYPE: 0(4 DID YOU REQUEST MORE INFO?: Y I:'N, '-/ -,., IS WETLAND RATING SHEET ATTACHED?: ~N ! 'p.-? PROJECT CHANGES/CONDITIONS BEEN DISCUSSED WITH APPLICANT?: ~VN ~~COMMENDAT:ON (Circle One): ISSUE ~UE/CON~DENY \ (~ R ~ () I G 0 (V'\ to n \ ~ ..:...\^'~ ~ ,UI\ ~') >~rM I. -{- , J \ \ I 1 ' \ .{' ') ~ I - \ " I, . \ ( . \ ~! , : (,;/':::"/ vJ'1---lI\ 'I,;^l ..C! j,rlna I'. In'T' .......J! / " \/\..L. /~ \ ( b \ , Gw;l (c) < \ v r ! \ \... \.... ~ \ 1 S -I- ~0 ~ ,\-I-~) ,\. ll' i' r u of-L :~'Jr \' 'n~ \ Ot- 0\ cl \ ~~ r I - I, J. 'I \ ~ ^ -0 '~I~f5 \j,' '0V1 ' 0 () - S (~ ) . ,I I I C '\ 1 1--\- I 7< I \ -f- \ 01 C \l~ 1\ Upt/ if '1t~ ..!..CJ .') i iy.;, S HAVE COlVlJv!ENTS : I '\ ~,....... ( I Ij , .j J, -; '-,.f, J \r---~ : _\ --I ' _. .',. ....... ,"j \' (\y,')! 't I \ I I, ' \ ' I J .., -) ~,1 S \.A' \.11. ':> :) '). ,J., ~u I ... yo. " ~ (~ . _\ ~ _ ( J1 L.., '--'\ ,'-'" j I 1/ , ,t ,\ / ; ,,:-' /' \ ,\ II ~\~ r -I:. r \j (V\ ~~'J " I ').j\ , 'l\ r \' ~ I }.II, 'l......~ i'i, .. LA. !-'-~' I r..... \ \ .\! -I, /, ( ") , ..... , ) - '\;\/1 "~ 1 I\.J.. / .., I \. " Q ")1"') \ / Jl /1 7'-\i " C: C : Regional Office " t 1 F'l ''-J2.n ra ~~ es , ~ ~l -7 ;:, .\ Mitchell ana }ssociates, Inc. Environmental Consultants 128 N, Harding Street. Greenville, North Carolina 27858 . 9/9 - 752 - 4077 . Fax: 919 - 752- 7380 July 25, 1996 ('t (' f'l' , ' ,\ " RECEIVED JUl 3 , \996 ENV\RONME~I.A~,~C\ENCES Mr. John Dorney Water Quality Management N,C. Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Dear Mr. Dorney: The purpose of this correspondence is for Mitchell & Associates, Ine., representing Wilson Christian Academy, to submit a Department of the Army Nationwide Permit Application for placement of fill material within approximately 2.5 acres of Section 404 jurisdictional wetlands on my client's property, located east of N,C.S.R. 1158 (Wilson Christian School Road), north of N.C.S.R. 1157 (Merck Road), approximately 2.5 miles west of Wilson, Wilson County, North Carolina, The purpose of the proposed fill in wetlands is to facilitate the expansion of an existing athletic facility located on property owned by the applicant, The expansion plans include construction of a football field and parking area adjacent to existing recreation facilities. The majority of the facility will be located on uplands, however, insufficient high ground exists in order to make the proposed project viable. The applicant has considered other alternatives to the placement of fill material within wetlands to accomplish their project goal, however, the proposed plan is the only practicable alternative available. Other alternatives considered were not practicable, significantly more expensive to the applicant, or involved even greater wetland impacts. The project has been designed to avoid and minimize potential adverse effects to other wetland areas. Additional measures will be undertaken to maintain the work in strict conformance with all permit conditions pursuant to Nationwide Permit No. 26, as well as other state and local requirements. By copy of this correspondence and completed Pre-Discharge Notification procedure, and am requesting Department of Environmental Management Nationwide Permit No. 26 application. Please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this matter. DEM 10: 96 07 3 1 ACTION ID: Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Pennit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL.~A~ENT.., r NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONN1~~ aaALTll," :' AND NATURAL RESOURCES : I !' . - . ~~~~~~J~~~626-0535 UU ',' AUG I 1996 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 i . - '.'i -, ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO UmCbRPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD .BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATIN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 1. Owners Name: Wilson Christian Academv 2. Owners Address: Post Office Box 3818 Wilson, North Carolina 27895 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): See ~gent (Work): 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Mitchell & Associates, Inc. C/O Gary Mitchell 128 North Harding St. Greenville, North Carolina 17858 (919) 752-4077 5. Location of work (MUST ATIACH MAP). County: Nearest Town or City: . Wi 1 son Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): School Rd), north of NCSR 1157 (MerCk Wilson County, North Carolina. 6. Name ofClosestStreamlRiver: Unnamed tributary of Bloomery Swamp Wilson east nf Nr.SR 1158 (Wilson Christian Rd), appx. 2.5 miles west of Wilson, 7. Ri ver Basin: Neuse 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, or WS II? YES [] NO [x] 9, Have any Section 404 pennits been previously requested for use on this property? YES [] NO [x] If yes, explain. N / A 10, Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, located on project site: + / - 5.0 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S., including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: Filled: + / - Drained: Flooded: 2.5 N/A N/A N/A +/- 2.5 Excavated: Total Impacted: 12. Descriptionofproposedwork(AttachPLANS-8112"Xll"drawingsonly): Placement of clean earthen fill material in wetlands. To facilitate expansion of existing recreation facility 13. Purpose of proposed work: located onsite. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out)n wetlands. ~lso'L.note Uleasures d taken to minimize wetland impacts. Insufficient hIgh ground eXIsts. AvallaDle high groun incorporated into project to maximum extent practicable. 15. You are re~uired to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regardmg the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the pennit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES PC] NO [ ] RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES [Xl NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by OEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of the delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E, What is land use of surrounding property? R u r a 1/ a g r i cuI t u r a 1 F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? N/ A' N 56'02'00" 100.00 S 52'3 '00" W 100.00 N 46"43'00" E 100.00 N 40.50'00" E 100.00 Pg. 1 of 2 NWP 26 Site Plan - Wilson Christian School - PO Bx 3818, Wilson, NC 27895 1" = 200' N \ . \' '.,y, . \ "..,'\\ , I \ ~\. I , , I \ . \ I \ , , , " \ ',,\,. N 35'1 1'00" E 109.72 ~= Wetlands LINE TABLE r,LJM8ER DIRECTION DISTAACE , S OS'2}'19" E 37.4-4' ., , '-2 S 22'O}'22" W 21.32' ~ j S 00'02'54" E 34.16' _4 S Jl'20'37" W 2S.02' ~, 5 12.}0'J}" W }4.87' - - S 20' 54 '5 7" W 19.70' S 81'5.3' 17" W 16.18' .8 S 69'49'02" W 28.31 ' _9 S 83'5.3'25. 'tV 29.09' _ 1 0 s 37'11'1.3" W 33.40' , , S 66'14'28. 'tV 40.47' ,-; = S 41'11 '50. W 24.0}' .. 'j S 46'5.3'04" W 27,03' _ I 4 S 52'15'30" W 26,66' , , S 26'32'18" w 37.73' , Ie s 33'27'46" W 32,81 ' , . S 23'44'39. W 53.53' , , Ie 5 02'47'13" W 4S.99' .. 1 ~ S 37' 1 3' 35 . w 53.84' _20 S 05'35'16" W 41.76' -~ S 28'28'5S" W 34.58' ..22 S 48' 1 3' 3 1 " W 41. 76' 1.2J S 10'50'07" E 33.46' 'J' S 41'22'15" E 46.58' ~._ '1 ..2j:.~1 N 85'56'21" E 49,56' __LG N 69'27'08" E 32.71 ' r) -, N 61'17'07" E 43.18' . L:C S 75'20'11" E 32,49' ~ i ~~ N 58'45'24" E 39.20' S 76'45'41" E 31.37' t ~ N 64'01'30" E 34.07' I. S 80'20'26" E 30.70' - _J",:, ..D N 81'28'58. E 38,81 ' .J.. S 53'11'53" E 32,50' --j) S 07'54'28" E 36.91 ' \ - S 01'40'14. W 24,56' "~ t.; ..,;-,' S 17'49'38" E 33.54' k 5 15'45'1'" E 16,50' . )~ 5 24'28'47" E 15.28' ., S 06'41'30" E 43,47' ....'Ti..... ~. 'I I S 06'09'51" E 20.95' . .12 S 11'17' 14" W 43.14' . 't-3 5 41'17' IS" W 41.61' .. .; ~ S 79'30'23 " W 30,55' ,c:, S 31'37'23" W 25,95' .,'1,..) ,-15 S 17.11'43" E 24.05' . "I N 86'43'43" E 42.04' .~ .j ~ u 78'00'40" E 38.85' Pg. 2 of 2 - NWP 26 Line Table & Vicinity Map Wilson Christian School PO Ex 3818, Wilson, NC 27895 '1 LOCATION MAP No Scale TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION +/_ 350 I 4:1 Slope /:J.:;::tt',~:.t'-",,;,,;;, ',' . ,;~';~(tm~4t'~J;<:: " ;,';>:,:. ''''~>'''i.' ;'. ; .: ;", ;J'3:'~ t ~~W~C,HCP,FALLS LAKE TEL:919-528-9839 Sep 04'96 10:19 No.003 P.Ol Falls Lake Office NC Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program P.O. Box 118 Nortl1side, NC 27564 FAX COVER Date 9 .. 1.(-. 1 i. Number of pages Including cover sheet .$ To: :;J01-lr/ ~.-0v'~ From: Ui&"'N /)ND/r~.5(J'" Fax Phone Fax Phone 919.528.9886 919.628-9839 Phone Phone cc: .REMARKS: o Urgent o For your review 0 Reply ASAP o Please comment --:D r 2> ~<Jl Vd", I ~~d ,s", '- ~ S.e_ / /'. -//i /...tt6P /?J f::"I1< Ie R8~(.A..T --rdF /rvE7.Ll"9rvD,5 ,4,..../.0 lie':" S,a I 0 'nj,~nf tJ.f":q- ?/'0,6" .6 5 1A/t;:/1 C SCJ I'V7G ;,"VA'::.& ~c:A::6h3"' N.j),,- ~ .I -C~ aVtAJ ~'- ,6,>u!oj/J.:/ c:;..t.sc/,l.-...i' c.. S; ...J (.....-.r' ( v.. J ... b,^/ri...J~.J ~.k. /-Iop<- t'l/..<7 Cc...y1,. IJt d CL- /.l.k ,~/(/cj,k ->>1;>' /'U<"rL1f.- C;QN HQI S~ Tr,..,L,,yCr ~rv( J;./~'''''''I'#O .I!'d,l'(. ;fJ- ;:::Cr.sr.MttU- N-*ZD. NCWRC,HCP,FRLLS LRKE TEL:919-528-9839 Sep 04'96 10:19 No.003 P.02 .. ~ North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission ~ .. .'. ~ 512 N, Snlisbury Street:, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919.733J3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney 11' ~ Divi:>iot1 of Water Q~ty 1 Vr.~ tp.-- PROM: Owen f. Anderson, Pent Region Coordinator IIabillil Conservation Program DATE: September 4, 1996 SUBJECT: 401 Certitlcation Application tor Wilson Chrislian Academy, Wilson Counly, I Tnllumed Tributary to BJoomery Swamp, Neuse River Basin, 960731 The North Clu'olillll Wildlifb Resoul'oes Commission has completed a Ttwicw of the subject application. Biologists on our staff are familiar with fish and wildlife habitat associated with the proposed project area and n site visit was made on August 27, 1996. Our commenLs are provided in accordance with certain provisions ofthe Fish and Wildlire Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 C.S.c. 661 et scq.), and Section401.b of the Clean Wal~r Act of 1977 (as amended), and NUlth Carolina Gcncrnl Stlltues (U.S. 113-131 ot soq.). Th" applicant propose~ to fill 2.5 acres of wetlands for a football field. There arc approximately Ii vc acres of wetlands on the project site. The dominant vegetation of the wetland is spikerushes, bulrushes, smartweed, juncus , arrowhead and cattails. Although the urea is fragmented it is adjacent h) Bloomery Swamp nnd provides some water quality thnctions and is important to aquatic wildlife. During our site visit fr<.lgs, grf;.:at blue herons, alld grcen back herons were observed using this wetland. Additionally, the site could be a valuable asset to the sch(lollor environmental education. We have the following conunents and recommendations concel'11ing this application: 1. This project is not water dependent; therefore, the applicant should look at upland alternatives that will avoid the need to impact the wetlands or make modiJications for siting tho project that will minimize impacts. 2. All remaining wetlands and miti~ation arefl~ !lhould be protected by deed restrictions to prevent future destruction by current or future owners. 3. The wetland type to be dl,:SlTOycd if{ relatively easy to crellte. Thcrc1hre, the applicl1llt. should mitigute imlluct~ llt (l ratio of 1: 1 (crcated:destroyed) to help replace the lo!;t habitat. This coul( be perlbnncd during construction of Lhe Held. I NCl~RC, HCP ,FRLLS LRKE I ' .. TEL:919-528-9839 Sep 04'96 10:20 No.003 P.03 Wilson Christian Academy 960731 2 September 4, 1996 4. S\.lfficicnt stofmwuter should be routed to th~~ remaining wetland areas and mitigation areas, However. energy flhould be dissipated to prevent erosion ufthe wetland areas. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comml;lnl on tllis application. Ifwc can be of additional assistunc~ please contact Bill Collart at (919) 442-0858 or me at (919) 528-9886. OA/ofa