HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950861 Ver 1_Complete File_19970505 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James 8. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director October 13, 1997 New Hanover County DWQ#41028 Mr. Dean Scarafoni Live Oak Development Company 616 Princess Street Wilmingtoo, N.C. 28401 SUBJECT: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION Port.er's Neck Shopping Center Dear Mr. Scarafoni: On August 28, 1995 you were issued General Water Quality Certificatioo No. 2671 authorizing 1.5 acres of wetland impacts to develop Porter's Neck Shopping Center. This certificatioo contained specific conditioos requiring an approved storm water management plan and that deed restrictions be placed on remaining wetlands to prevent future fill. On April 24, 1997 as part of an ongoing compliance and enforcement program for 401 waui' Quality Certifications DWQ conducted a compliance evaluatioo inspection at the aforementioned facility. The results of that inspection noted that as per your stormwater management plan stormwater flow was being piped into the nearby cypress pond. Work on the constructed stormwater pond had not yet begun. On October 7,1997 Mr. Eric Reek and Mr. Pete Colwell from the Division's Central Office conducted another compliance evaluation inspection. The results of this inspection revealed that the constructed storm water pond had been completed. The Division of Water Quality appreciates your compliance with the conditions of your 401 Water Quality Certification. In the spirit of continued good communication please forward a copy of the as built stormwater plans for this facility and any information regarding plans for future development on site. It was evident from the inspection that there are large quantities of wetlands on other portioos of this tract and it appeared that access roads had been installed. Please Ii aware that as required by your 401 Warer Quality Certification you should have placed deed restrictions on the remainder of the wetlands 00 this site. Again, the Divisioo of Water Quality appreciates you complying with the conditions of your 401 Water Quality Certification. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, - ~ 0. -r~--f:- Eric D. Reek , Water Quality Certification Program Cc: DWQ Wilmington regiooal Office USACOE Wilmington Field Office Environmental Sciences Branch · 4401 Reedy Creek Road Telephone 919-733-9960 An Equal Oppor1UnIty A/fIrm8lIye ActIon Employer Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 FAX , 733-9959 !O% rKYdedf10% post consumer pIIpet . state of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt. Jr" Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr" P.E., Director ~~.~ ,. - ---- - - - DEHNR August 28, 1995 New Hanover County DEM Project # 95861 APPROV AL of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Dean Scarafoni Live Oak Development Company 616 Princess Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Dear Mr. Scarafoni: r~L [ COpy You have our approval to place fill material in 1.554 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a commercial development at Hwy. 17 (8000 block of Market Street), as you described in your application dated 11 August 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2671. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If IU change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. - this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. "oval of a strom water management plan will be required from DEM for this project. Deed .tions shall be placed on the remaining wetlands to prevent future wetland fill. In addition, you get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project 'ou do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory 'ou must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, ten petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the 'ministrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 ler Act. If yo~ have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, ~~r~E Corps of Engineers Tilmington Field Office onal Office 95861.1tr .. l"-lOrth Carolina 27626-0535 ,Jortunity Affirmative Action Employer Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper "1l; t .,\\ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION 401 COMPLIANCE MONITORING FORM DWQ Investigator: j 6'/1' ec; 5(.' IA / ~ (~(J {Of v..-d/ Date: '1/21(0/1 Time: "2;tjy Regional Office: L1/1~f(O Project Name: IrJv' fel/'!i ;V<?c (r S/ro/j1t't4.'j Cfr- Permittee: l./l/e Oa /f f}e (/€ 1t!/IM~pl . Location of Project: Off U 5" I 7 . N, 0 ( tJ9c)Pi/l DWQ # CfSf6/ County: ~~~;1/fuJIClt-lcJ,-_'P" Type of Development Authorized: 5 tl (J fit-f '1 { P'-1 let- - Type of Permit / Water Quality Certification: f./w JI Type of Impact: COWl /Mfl'CI'vI! F/II (I. ~}'IJ / 'ZtJ 7/ vVetland Type and DWQ Rating: Nearest Stream: f()~ / /1 Basin/Sub.: Distance of Wetland Impact from Nearest Surface Water: 7/ So ff Specific 401 Conditions: 5 +0 l/W, Urn fer' p(ql'] 5", {I Pi> rc)V(ie/, /Zel,)/ tI'-t" j tv /'c;t'cP'I.- f OVl i/'.f /lllqt'ut /I/I,! Lv-i'i0vll, Is project in compliance with all conditions:. rj7 / N 5/A.(/lfI~~' c fr vrI1~1- ..11M 1_ J ( {)~Jt11C? j' J1 (/ CJ(e) of f fO :v~yf I {I Is there a violation of the 401 Certification authorization? )/v If so complete the enforcement section on the back of this form and forward copy to the Central / Regional Office. Signature: A/~/ {p~^^R_it Date: I.! /]1('/17 DWQ 12196 ENFORCEMENT 1. Is there a previous history of 404/401 activity on the property? If so, give any details: Nature of Violation (fill, excavation, etc.): Acres: Wetland Rating (if possible): Significant uses impacted: Were downstream uses impacted? Could,the impacts have been avoided or significantly minimized? Could the activity have been authorized? Is restoration or mitigation appropriate for the unavoidable impacts? Staff Recommendations for Future Action: " . MEMO DATE: ~/5/97 TO Ie r 1ft? ft.kJ( )k/I'/~f,. SUBJECT - 5" +0 /l'1M Wa 1.e cr I? t1e! F {Ir l/l/t1h W;-RO ~t7~ /101/15 --51- 1/ ,-I fA' c,k cJt1 fl,t1c/ /- I (2/ V,' S / {/ From: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources @ Prinledon Recycled Papar tJ b;nN(,ibioio~ ~~Niolo z ":~C!~~":--:":~~N"":"'" -< lO-ClO~l()""'lO""'cnOlof)lI)c:i til NNf'lf'lI"'l.,..r,l"'lll)I"'lNN~ 25 1Il W 1/)5 ~ 00( ~g lO c:i ~ W~:"'WW:-',W;t~ ~:.:,,~ - 'lx>--~\oOl"'~lo~Io._'_ ~ !":-~:ot:>:-:- !(ll")~.,. 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AREA 5 k~rAl) ^RQ 0.660 ACRES 1.212 AC 0.033 COURSE BEARING DISTANC[ 57-58 N 6S'40'28"[ 26,70' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 68-74 S 34'29'11"[ 21,65' ".1)-23 N 41'~4'26"[ 235.69' 44-45 N 83'46'21.W 32.81' 74-70 S 31'43'31"[ 38.02' ~, ~r:r17'2rW 68..31' 45-46 N 08'42'04.W 27.85' 71-72 S 1 ~'58'''9" [ 31.12'. ;, i,-.>O'49"E 26.74' 46-47 t~ 50'18'10" E 17.72' 71-72 S 2702'38"( 38.10' 14-12 N 3552'12" E 42.46' 47-48 S 79'06'OrE 21.91' 72-73 S 16'~9'49'E 47.78' 12-11 N S4'!>4'3El" E 55.33' 48-50 S 54'44'41'[ 14.05' 73-75 S 09' 1 ~'54' ( 58.48' 11-10 S 89"53'40"[ .39.87' SO- 49 S 3fJ02'S,W 14.55' 75-76 S OZ07'J't'w .37.71' 10-7 N 4Z41'2S-E 100.70' 49-44 S 11'S4'24"W 16,68' 76-80 S 2Z01'18"W 59,16' 7-16 S 71'26'OO"W 60.41' 80-79 S 51'22'4.3"W .39,81' 16-IS S 82'Ol'20"W 53,43' 79-76 S 53"!'>3'CS"W 25,:22' 15-14 S 76"J9'46"W 51.00' AR[A~ 78-77 5 6B'04'31.W 2S.48' 14-19 S 74'OJ'O:tw 43.40' L5 S 68'C4'31'W 10.76' 19-20 S 69"04'OO"W 37.51' 0.041 A F.S 20-18 S 74'10'22"w 4S.0S' COURSE BEARING 0151 ANCE 18-37 S 56'39'40"W 67.04' 37-J4 S 5CY07'I9"W 45.09' 6-.3 N "2'06'59"E 101,65' 34-.31 S 3700'44"W 74.74' J-4 S 86"OS'4rW 29,16' 31-38 S 88'06'2'"[ 55.39' 4-5 S 49"SJ'.38"w 49.32' ~Rf.A 6 38-39 S 5737'W"E 45.28' 5-6 S 01'50'22"W 41.67' 0.978 ACRES 39-40 S 16'26'44"[ 39.12' 40-41 S 0751'lS.W 64.81' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE ""-"'2 S 11....2.0rW 24.63' "'2-S0 S 29''''6'49''( 47.53' 54-53 S 46"54'45" E 29.80' 53-55 S 5717'56"[ 19.91' 55-56 N 72'41'51"( 29.69' 56-57 S 43'004 '56" [ 040.58' 57-59 S 88'49'02"E. 30.87' 59-60 N 04'rOO'11" ~ 24.88' Mfa 60-61 N 13'38'15"( 30.66' 0.268 51-62 N 2710'05"E 35.70' 62-64 S 89"39'IS-E 29.98' COURSE BEARING DISTANCE 64-65 N 51'27'5S-E 42,60' 65-56 N 60'04'48"E 23....,. 21-24- N 75'08'''.W 62....5. l... N 6CY04...-!rE 36.22' 24-25 S 68'09'45''1'1 38.83' 25-26 S 7lrOt'4O"w "'8.47' 25- 27 S 62' J2'45'W 41.13' 27-28 S 06'57'1'-E 59.74' 28-29 S 34'5:>'56'" E 36.030' 29-,30 N 56"57'55" ( 49,50' 30-35 N "'9'10'10"( 58,61' 35-35 N 52'50'38" E. 39.80' 36-21 N 50'33'46"( 42.30' / - SCALE: 1"=200' '1/ rL,\ c6 \, lI~/V /<t- \ .t\ ~~ \-';~/0 ,v. (\0; o -- -.. ~)~ . '.~ ~~ ~~~ """":4-\ ~~ -- ..... - _--..1',. 4 " ~::,.... (14- .......~-... ""~" """"'- ::.:;:-....t>....... ~ "(> " cPU UTlI.lh lltlEL- ..,. --:- D BeDI lira. T BURIED CIIBl! '~OlD RIII\.ROII ~ . .' ~ . , - -.-, 'loo H1GHW"Y , 7 -'loo HARNETT TOWNSHIP-NEW HANOVER CO.-NC JUNE 9, 1995 404 WETLAND SURVEY OF LIVE OAK DEVELOPMENT CO. t il-IIS PLAT IOENTIF"lfS AS WffiANOS All. "~EAS OF' WETI..ANOS REOULATED PURSUANT TO SECTION 40.4 OF THL CLEAN WATER "CT A9 OEri:R~INtO BY TM€ UNOERSIQNlO ON THIS DArt. T'HIS O(fERMINATION O~ $~CnON 040.. JURISO,cnON MAY M PEUrD UPON FOR ^ PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 5 YEARS F'ROM l}jIS DATE. THIS DlTERMINATION WAS MADE UTILIZING ThE 19a7 /?ZI~7l/EUNEAnON h,~' . SlGNEO ~~ VICINITY MAP - ROBERT H, GOSLEE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS - LAND PLANNERS 513 CHEStNUT STREET WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROU~ - T_-.-..,,'.,......_.......6..._....~--.-,_............__...IoI.___.,._N................._ ro;........,.....A'IOot.......~..__..~_. ...... .~..._..~ .,........,..... _". _..."'1..........._...'.,.....__..,___, May), 1997 New Hanover County DWQ Project # 941 02X Mr. Dean Scarafoni Live Oak Development Company 616 Princess Street Wilmington, N.C. 2R401 Re: Compliance Inspection of Porters Neck Shopping Center Dear Mr. Scararoni: On August 2X, 199) you were issued General Water Quality Certification No. 2671 authorizing I,) acres of wetland impacts needed to develop the Porters Neck Shopping Center ofl US 17 North, New Hanover County. This certilication contained the specific conditions or an approved stormwater management plan and that deed restrictions shall he placed on the remaining wetlands to prevent future wetland lill. As part of an ongoing compliance monitoring and enforcement program for 40 I Water Quality Ccrtilications, Jim Gregson from the Division's Wilmington Regional Ortice and myself made a compliance inspection of the project site on April 24, 1997. We found that the construction of the shopping center was well under way and the wetland areas had heen lilled. According to the storm water management plan part of the runoff was to he diverted into an existing small cypress pond and the rest into a constructed stormwater pond just northwest of the shopping center. The pipes to the cypress pond appeared to he in place hut we did not tind the constructed pond during our short site inspection. Another site visit will he made after construction of the shopping center is complete to verify full compliance with the 40 I Water Quality Certitication. Your cooperation in adhering to the conditions of your 40 I Water Quality Certilication is appreciated. Should you have any questions concerning this maller please reel free to contact me at (919) 733-17X6 or Jim Gregson at (9 10) 39)-:WOO. Sincerely, Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist cc: Jim Gregson, DWQ Wilmington Regional Ortice USACOE Wilmington Field (mice John Dorney, DWQ Central Ortice PorterNk.9)X61 State of North Car<;>lina Department of Environment, Health and Natural ,Resources Division of Water Quality Ja mes B. Hunt, Jr., G ove mor Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta~ tor A, Preston Howard, Jr" P.E., Dlrec .RA DEHNR M:.ty 5, llJlJ7 New H:.tnover County DWQ Project # 941028 Mr. De:.tn Scarafoni Live Oak Development Company 616 Princess Street Wilmington, N.C. 28401 Re: C'ompliance Inspection of Porters Neck Shopping Center Dear Mr. Scarafoni: On August 28, 1995 you were issued Gener:.tl W:.tter Qu:.tlity Cenitic:.Jtion No. 2671 :.tuthorizing 1.5 acres of wetbnd imp:.Jcts neeueu to develop the Porters Neck Shopping Center off US 17 North, New Hanover County. This certitication cont:.tined the specitic conuitions of an approveu stormwater management plan and that deed restrictions shall he pbceu on the remaining wetl:ll1us to prevent future wetland till As part of an ongoing compliance monitoring anu enforcement program for 401 Water Quality Certifications, Jim Gregsoo Irom the Division's Wilmington Regiooal Oftice and myseU'made a compliance inspection of the project site on April 24, 1997. We tounu th:.Jt the construction of the shopping center was well under way and the wetland areas had beell tilled. According to the Slormwater maoagement plan part of the runot}" was to he diverteu into an existing small cypress ponu anu the re~it into a constructeu stormwater pond just northwest of the shopping center. The pipes to the cypress ponu appeared to he in place hut we diu not tind the constructed ponu uuring our shan site inspection. Anocher site visit will be made after construction of the shopping center is complete to verity full compliance with the 40 1 Water Quality Certitication. Your cooperation in auhering to the conuitions of your 401 Water Quality Certitication is appreciated. Should you have any questions concerning this m:.ttter ple:.tse teel ti'ee to Contact me at (919) 733-1786 or Jim Gregson at (910) 395-39()O. Sincerely, I eA GL-~' Peter B. Colwell Environmental Speci~list cc: Jim Gregson, DWQ Wilmington Regional Office USACOE Wilmington Field Office John Dorney, DWQ Central Office PorterNk.95861 Environmental Sciences Branch Telephone 919-733-9960 An Equal Opportunity A/flnnatlve Action Elll*>yer 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 FAX # 733-9959 50"10 recycJedl10"lo post consumer paper v \. <)S-~ CAur.J~ \~ fJ () /~'!\\J~ ~ ~€f& ~f~tM5 ~ bo~ cO f/J o ~ . LIVE OAK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ~.~ v-V . ill rrf\ /' ;- ~\) \\U ~~ ffrJ 'S \v' c)J~~ Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management NCDEHNR P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 Attention: Mr. John Dorney August II. 1995 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find seven copies of a completed 40 I Certification and Nationwide 26 joint application for my property at the 8000 block of Market Street in New Hanover County, Supporting materials include: · wetlands survey/vicinity map · boundary/ topo map · data sheets compiled by my soils consultant Please contact me should you have any questions or require additional information. ~reJY" 1 (jJ~ Dean Scarafoni President 616 PRINCESS STREET. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 · (910) 762-4356 . FAX: 762-6019 ) (15~(al ; :i; I A, ~'-~ ..~ DEM ID: ACTION ID: JOINT APp~rCATION ~ORM FOR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT eNGINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONliENTAL MANAGEMENT NC OEP ARn!EN1' OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 RALEIGH, HC 27626-0535 AnN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 133-5083 ONE (1) COpy OF THIS COMP~-rED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (1) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO !HE N.C. DIVISION OF ' ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT_ WIU1INGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPAR'!'MEN"r OF THE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 AT!N: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 2~1-4511 1. OWNERS NAME: Scarafoni Associates NC, Inc, dba Live Oak Development 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: 616 Princess Street Wilminaton. N~ ?R4nl 3. otmERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): 9 1 0..., 4 5 2 - 5 6 5 0 (WORK) :.9 1 0 - 7 6 24356 4. IF APP~ICABtE: PHONE NUMBER: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ,ADDRESS, Dean Scarafoni 616 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-762-4356 5. LOCATION OF PI.ANNE:D WORK (ATTACH HAP). COUNTY: New Hanover NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Harnett Townshio - Wilminaton SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, L.ANDMARKS, ErC.): 8000 block of Market Street (Hwy 17), 600 feet southwest of Porters Neck Road. 6 . NAME OF CLOSEST STREAM/RIVER: I s 1 and C r e e k (1 mi.), P a q e s ere e k (1. 25m i ; 1. RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROUT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [] NO LX] isolated 9 - HAVE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BEEN PREVIOUSLY REQtTES1'ED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES [1 NO Dc 1 IF YES, EXPLAIN. 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES O~ WE!I.ANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: ~~ \Q"l.... 2/3/92 ." . ~ , ... " -2- 11 . NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMP ACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT:. ) FILLED: 1 . 554 G I 3 d; 4 DRAINED: /TI\.()AS I?,.,~ FLOODED: (}I ...,.,-- EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATrACH PLANS): Fill i ng of i sola ted po~k~t~ of wetlands. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: To allmv for future development activity. 14, STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. Pro osed fi 11 areas are in the center of the property, These areas are a mInImum 0 eet from nearest wetlan s, and at a lower elevation. Silt ~~rppning to np ll~pn a~ nepnen. 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U,S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES r~ NO [ J RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE ATTACHED. They are awaiting ~o~y of apQlication from the Ar~y CorRs, 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATIO~OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HA VE YOU DONE SO? YES [XJ NO [ ] RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. They are awaiting copy of aQplication from the D.E.M. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? commercial/residential/highway F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? N/A, Future development will be serviced bv mllni~ipal C;r:>HPr OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE '.' .. ., "'\. WIG, INC, P02 LAND MANAGEMENT GROUp, INC. DATA FORM ROUTINE! WI!Tl.AND DIiT&RMINATlON (1..7 CO~ W.u."d. O.un....on M.,,\Mll UPLAND p,.oj~SI~~ AppUcan1/Ownw: Im/edgear: L1YE OAK DEVELOPMENT OEAN SC~RFONI Aob Mouf P.o. 1 01 2 c~~ y ~) y: (~) t- ! Darl: Ccumy: Gtat.: ~-za-9:) N_ Manov... NC Do Norm II Clrcumlt8ncee .xi. on the .11 I. the IltellvnlllOMUy dl8lUrbed (AtypIQl SlIUCldgn)? Ie ",. ... . pOlen1l&l I"fOblem ArM? (If nHded, explllln an rev...,) community 10: Trat'l8eGt 10: Plot 10; Upllll1d VEGETATION .. ~- Indicator 1. LcbIoIly "In. Tr.. FAC i, 2. Wat. oak Tr",Shr~ FAC 10. --- ,3, ~.~cken fwn G. COVtl FACU 1l. 4. ~!)tthUIh G. COIJIr FACW 12, I:' Poison iv'V ~. FAC 13, (iraplYi", W. Vine FAC 14. 7. 15, I e. Hf. W, Vine FAC , P.cent 0# Dominant Sp~l.. tt'lar art OSL. FACW Of FAC (excludln; FAC-) as ~...c."t 1/ II ~ Aemarke-:'-' .- GrMt... than !l0 percent at the dominant speel.. ar. OBl. FACW, or FAC. HYDROLOGY Depth to Fr.. Water in PIt: > 12 (Irq (in.) . W.uatld Hydrology Indi<iCltoro: Prlmcy Indl<*or. Inundated - SlIlurClad In Upper 12 Inlitl.. ~ - Wat... rMrk, -Drift Un.. -Sediment Dep08lt, . .. -Onlln-ve I'.U.n. in WetHando : s.cOndrf IndJ~ (2 or more req...irecj): I - Oxldlud Root Channel. in Up,," 12 Incneo W8t..-Sblined ,-"ves , - L.~ SQI 3unley Data -FAC-N-mal Test I =Other (~"'n In RemarKa) :1 ~ '/ r J Recorded Data (CeecrlDeln Remartc.); - StrMm,l.M8, Of TIde CMluge -AerIal Photogrllp"a -om. _No Recorded Dna Avllilabl. F1e1cl ObMfVatIon8: Depth of Surface Wet_: NA ~; OeJ:lth to Saturated Sotl: R.,n~J(Il' ~tM.", Md uecndarv "yd'~egy IndlClltors WGI. nor obarved In the fteld. 1 > 12 (In.) .....1',1; i .....'\ WIG, INC. P03 SOILS Pro Site: Map Unit ~m. (s.rl_ And FI"...): lAon fIne MInd Taxonomy (8ultareu",: A.rla NaplO<!uods Orllllncll9. CI...: FIeld Obo~.tlon. CoMlrm Ma"",otd Type? TWQ --- C.!,-~ No Pr~ OeterlI'tloM~ O.pth MlIlI'lJc Colat' ~"..) HorIzon .!M..\,ln..1l Molat) 0"8 A t OVR 811 8 - 14 I t OVR 7/1 14 - t1 C\lh I 5VR 9/1 11 - 2:1 C\S"'2 ~!8 ~/!J 22 - 20 6' 1 OVr:J 7/1 MoUle AbundanOIlt'Oontr....t few '"edl"'m f"int (SV~ 2") I-- I i I 'I ;1 I I HYdriC SOIlIMdlcatorl: Hletosol = Iolllatln F."i"anon _Sulfidic Odor AqulO Mol.tur., Regime - Re<luolnv Conulllonlt _ Ol.yed or Low - Chroma Calorft Concretions = High Oro.n;o Content in Sllrlae. Lay., in Sandy .goil. _ Organla 3tr.-klng in aandy SQUO u.~ on Lo,:.' Hyarll) Soilo U"I -Woled on N.lIonaJ Hydrlo Sollo WOI _ Olh., (explain In Remarko) Aemarks: No nydrlc loillnd/cator. oblerved In the field. WETLAND DETERMINATION I Mydrophytlc Vta..tlcn Pret.,,!? Wedand HyclrDlovY Pr...nt? Hydr~ Ogjl. Pr...nt1 - - - _......._.'t.~-..pq _ w___. . _ ~..) v.. V.. ~ (Clrele) ~) ~~,.:' I. thl. Oompllng Point Within" Wetland? V.. (CIrcle) G~o ;; A.mark.: Wetland line flagged In pink/black ribbon. Apj:)I'oveQ by HQUSACe: 3/92 ~ -_.I Land Manegement Group, Inc. Post Offle. BOll 2522 Wilmington. N,C. 2.402 g'O-4S2-0001 .. "' ~ Ll(G. r:-;c. POol LAND MANAGEMENT GROUp, INC. DATA FOAM ROUTINE WIi11..AHD DETERMINATION (1'.7 COE w....".. O..,n....gn Menual) Project/SIt.: AppHCMtfOWlW: 11'N~1lUlr: LIVe OAK DEVELOPMeNT DEAN SCAAFONI Roe MOUI P.... 1 m 2 Oat.: County: ~.: 5-28-95 NewM"'OVet NC .--.--....., 00 NarmeJ Circum"'aa _at on the lite? I. lh. ....lIignl.oendy dlatul't)-.:l (AtyplCiU SlttMllll)O)? ,. In. -_. j:lot.,lIal Prl:lClI'"'1 Ar_1 (If needed, ~J.jn on rever..,) cQ~ v.". v_ V Community 10: WetIeI'Id T'rU'laect 10: F'Iot 10: VEGETATION .. 1. l.oelOlly !:II"_ r,.. FAC 2. FIend pin. g"rtJ~ fiACW + 3. ntI Shrub FAC 4. I.oOlo/ly bay Shrub FACW '5. FltterbuM Shrub FACW 8, BItt.. G.lhrry Shrub FAC 7. SWNtb.V ~~N9.... fiACW I , 8, Smilax W. VII"l. FAC . --.,- -, _l'"._ .. - 'lJ Pwcent of Oomln."t SpeQ/.. tnet 41. OBL. FACW or FAC (ucluc:ll"1) FAC -) lUka: 9. NMfId Chain F.", 13, COY. OSL Oel Oel .----- 10, CInnamon Fern G. Cover t t . Sphagnum MOil. G. Coy. 12, .-.......-..-- 13, 14. 16. 1 e. 100 peraent _.._, Gr.... tNn 50 pete."t of the donln,nt If'ecl.. are OBL, FACW, or ~AC. HYORO OGY ~dwd O.c. (O_"Ilb.. in 1W,,*lce), -- atr-.n,L.alce, or TIde aa...g. -A.... Pl'toto9'8f'ft6 -OUI... _Nv R.:arded C.u. ""v';,.,. Fi-'d ObMfVedlone: I O~th gf Su~ Wet_: NtA (In.) C~ to Fr.. Wetet in PIt: <: 12 (In.) O.....lh 10 S.....,4Ilt6d Soil: -: 12 (In.) Rtmerka: ......~. ..-::':Z~- WectMcI Hydrology Indl"torl; Primary 1nc:llcatOte Inund_ed X s.tu,ated In U""er '2 Jnctl.. -w.... Marte. -DrlftUn.. II - - :MdllTlerlt 04lpoai18 - -Oralnagel'dwnl In W.tIanda S.conc;ery IndIcators (2 or more requtreclJ: Oxlcllzed Rcxlt Chwm... In Upper 12 'nch_ -Wet.-Stalned I.MVes ! -LQgIIj :SoU SUN.., Ollta _I"AC-Neutr.. Tnt _ Ott'Ier (explain In R.",...kllJ ,_, .J Primary wetland hvdro/QQy indleat~, w.... .,n..vlld, :t t ~~.I .. SOl Pro Sit.: Porfllta N~k Inc. nd MAP Unit Name (Serl.. .nd Ph...): Murvfll. muclt~ If"....!!!'~... Taxonomy (SubgrO\lp): Typio Haplaquado Profll. O..c:rlj:)tton: O.pttt Mall'llC Color (Inch..' HCIl'~on (Mun.~~~l.t) o -IS A 5YR 2/1 ~ - 35 Bh1 'YA 2/1 35 - 5S !!h2 5VR 3/2 Hydric Soli Indica tore: L..... Hlatoaol -l'ilw1lc !pipec::ton -Sulfidic Odor T Aquic Moiswr. A~lme - Aeducing Condition 15 = Gleyed Of Low-Chroma Colore Hydric aolllndlcatofl were ob..rv.d In the field. inrw. 1 .. Or.'nao. Cl...: ---!.o~___ FIeld Ob..rvaUona C"l'lflrM Ma",," Ty".? CSJ No Mottl. AbundancwContr.~.t rell1Ur., Concretion., SlrUftu,., ...., WIlY fN"'l \IHo&Ic mM, gr.nular ..u~~. .. manM: vwy m.ble gr.dual wa~ baundat'( I m...iw: very obi. '.8ua' we beunu ' Concretlone XHIgh Org.nlc Content in Qu..+..o. Lay.r in Sandy SOlie X Ot~nlO 31rH.IClng In Sandy ~oils .LUated on Local Hyulil,; SoU. Ultt .L Ualed on National Hydric Soil. Wet _Other (I!xplain in R.m., k.) I II ~ 1 I . '_.... HVdrOphytlc VlQetatlon Pr.eent? We1Sllnd Myar~OQY Pre'.rn? , HyIJrlQ &011. ~r...nr?' ~, C.:!!,.IV ~ No (Circle) No No Remark,: ~-""~ it=. "'....., (Circle' 10 thio Samplil'lG I'eln! Within a W.tt."~:~::~) Ne WETLANDS we~e FLAGGEO WITH PINK/BLACK RIBBONS .. LIve OAK DEVELOPMENT DEAN SCAAFONI 6' 6 PRINCESS ST, WtlMINGTON,NC. 28401 ApproveQ by HQUIlIACI: ~/va Land M....g.m.nt Group. Inc. Po.t Offlce Box 2522 Wllmlngu:an, N.C. 28<402 910-462-0001 2 3 4 5 1'< \ 1:; f(( )- c 1><,::~, '6> "'v'l'O '''V~~ \t" 0 ~ "'c.> ~('1> 1-~" \S'", \Jb ~ ~ q,. <'6>~ ~.<> ~~ 1-,,-se ";" 11- "'- J'1f "]1'+ './2 .<> il' <}(' 01: "11? () 1>~('S' '~,.0~<::) "'~ 0 -1 6' o~ ~ ~.>'l-Cp1vl\ "'6' \Jo ~ VO~ ~(: </A ~,\--Y~ ~;t(' 1l ~ 'f- O",'P >, <<s< "V"'~')-;( 1- .<>" 1>,r <S< , 'P ",. z q '" o N "i. :E '" '" !" . C1r~ /' "3/ ~ " 'J,o/ '~ -) " ~1V."t.v1- ~1< 't- "<, .,. IJHllDlGIlOuNo F1lIDo OPTICS c:.eu: -..0 POST "8.37 ." ..~ '9 '.~ ~,~ It 2<"_ DROP "lET TOP nLV...,71l 15" RCP ,,1'~Q, '%1>~~ /'J;"~<')" ~.l: v,p ~1> 6' 'v,. , 'l6V- ~~~ ~~ "'l. ~ ...> ''it " ~~, 'f.,. ~1>~ -r. '<" '~" Ifc!~~~ ." 'YO ~ /;~ ()-1l ~f!: '?-'f". ~~ 0.<> ~~~ ~~?,,,, ~ /'~ -r.r~ 1>;-" , If,.' J'~'P.> ~(( - '<9,.'70<1> O/A' ,. ~-/" 'Y .. rLM20 Site S u rye SCALE : 1. - 60' - 0 @'IH-"_PA Project na[\1e - -<D~ '-""'''"v VJ Nearest road 11 - .~, County l\)Q..U) -:::::We~d area \.~. acres ,Wetland width I -.-feet ,- Name of evaluato ate ....:. ,".,:.<.. ,.,. .-.' .-', :' '. ~///\~~~~~~///~;;~/(;///(~~l~~///(;~~)(;/////////;/;////////////////////////////;;//;////////////// // ////////////// /////////// ~ 0 Bottomland hardwood forest 0 Pine'savar.na I!,~ 0 Headwater forest 00 Freshwate~ marsh I; ~ 0 Swamp forest Bog/fen ~ ~et flat 00 Ephemera: wetland i fi 0 Pocosin Carolina Bay r: ~ 0 Bog forest 0 Other ~ ~ *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes 0, stream channels I ~./././././././ /./././././,/,/./././,/././ / / /./ /./ /./ / //./,/,/./ / / /,/ /,/,/,/ /,/ / /./ /./ /,/ / /././ / / / /./././ / /~'./,/././,/ /././././ / /././ /././,/ /,/ / / / / /./,/ / / /,/./ / // // / / //,/ / /./ / /././ /,/ / / / / /././ / / / /././././ /././ // / /~. _ ~ ~ weight : ~ 1.'\ x 4.00 ~ ~t- " - / " ~ c;= / 1- ~ l / " ~ [; " " " ~ ~\~' " " ~ (G * Add 1 point if /////////////////////////// x 1.00 Bank/Shoreline stabilization x 4.00 Pollutant removal x 5.00 Wildlife habitat x 2.00 Aquatic life value x 4.00 ershed and> 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1/2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 57 . q 5 ~0> 1 LIVE OAK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Water Quality Planning Division of Environmental Management ~E.CE.\'JE.\) , , \'/f3' ~U" <'cIE.NCE.& ,..::~1~1." E.\'l'J1\l..oN"';,-o ~ ,,1"1.1 NCDEHNR P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh. NC 27626-0535 Attention: Mr. John Dorney August II. 1995 Dear Mr. Dorney: Enclosed please find seven copies of a completed 40 I Certification and Nationwide 26 joint application for my property at the SOOO block of Market Street in New Hanover County, Supporting materials include: · wetlands survey/vicinity map · boundary/ topo map · data sheets compiled by my soils consultant Please contact me should you have any questions or require additional information, /~i!l1clY,,! 1 uj~ Dean Scarafoni President 616 PRINCESS STREET. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 · (910) 762-4356 . FAX: 762-6019 ... ~..~ .~~ DEM ID: ACTION ID: JOINT APP~ICATION ~ORM ~OR NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION TO THE DISTRICT ENCINEER NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE SECTION 401 CERTI~ICATION CONCURRENCE NATIONWIDE PERMITS THAT REQUIRE INDIVIDUAL SECTION 401 CERTIFICATION WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEE:RS DEP~nmrr OF niE ARMY P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402-1890 . AnN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 2~1-4~11 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION O~ ENVIROmfEN1'AI.. MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NA!URAI.. RESOUHCES P.O. SOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 21626-O~35' Ami: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COpy OF THIS COHP~-rED APPtICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (1) COPIES SHOutD SE SENT TO !HE N.C. DIVISION OF . ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT_ T. OWNERS NAME: Scara foni Assoc i a tes NC, Inc, dba Li ve Oak Development 2. OWNERS ADDRESS: 616 Princess Street Wilmina~on. Nr ?R401 3. OWNERS PHONE NUMBER (HOME): 910-.452-5650 (WORK) :.91 0 - 7 6 243 56 4. IF APPLICABLE: PHONE NUMBER: AGENT'S NAME OR RESPONSIBLE: CORPORATE OFFICIAL, ,ADDRESS, Dean Scarafoni 616 Princess Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-762-4356 5. LOCATION OF PLANNED WORK (ATTACH MAP). COUNTY: New Hanover NEAREST TOWN OR CITY: Harnett Townshio - Wilminaton SPECIFIC LOCATION (INCLUDE ROAD NUMBERS, LANDMARKS, E'IC.): 8000 block of Market Street (Hwy 17), 600 feet southwest of Porters Neck Road. 6. NAME OF CI.OSES'r STREAM/RIVER: Island Creek (1 mi.), Pages Creek (1.25 mi' 1. RIVER BASIN: Cape Fear 8. IS THIS PROJECT LOCATED IN A. WATERSHED CLASSIFIED AS TROCT, SA, HQW, ORW, WS I, OR WS II? YES [] NO EX] isolated 9. HA VE ANY SECTION 404 PERMITS BmI PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED FOR USE ON THIS PROPERTY? YES ( ] NO Dc] IF YES, EXPLAIN_ 10. ESTIMATED TOTAL NUMBER OF ACRES O~ WETLANDS LOCATED ON PROJECT SITE: 1. \Q')... 2/3/92 -; .' JI -2- 11. NUMBER OF ACRES OF WETLAND IMPACTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT: FILLED: 1.554 DRAINED: FLOODED: EXCAVATED: TOTAL IMPACTED: 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK (ATTACH PLANS): Filling of isolated pnrkets of wetlands. 13. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED WORK: To allow' for future development activity. 14. STATE REASONS WHY THE APPLICANT BELIEVES THAT THIS ACTIVITY MUST BE CARRIED OUT IN WETLANDS. ALSO, NOTE MEASURES TAKEN TO MINIMIZE WETLAND IMPACTS. Proposed fi 11 areas are in the center of the property, These areas are a mInImum of feet from nearest wetlan s, and a tal O1ve r e 1 e vat inn. S i 1 t s r r p p n i n g t n 1-, p 11!': e rl i'I ,!,: nee rl e rl . 15. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS) AND/OR NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OR ANY FEDERALLY LISTED OR PROPOSED FOR LISTING ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES OR CRITICAL HABITAT IN THE PERMIT AREA THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT. HAVE YOU DONE SO? YES [Xl NO [ 1 RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE ATTACHED. They are awaiting ~02Y of application from the Army CorRs. 16. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION-OFFICER (SHPO) REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES IN THE PERMIT AREA walCH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED PROJECT? HA VE YOU DONE SO? YES [Xl NO [ 1 RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE ATTACHED. They are awaiting copy of application from the D.E.M. 17. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED BY DEM: A. WETLAND DELINEATION MAP SHOWING ALL WETLANDS, STREAMS, AND LAKES ON THE PROPERTY. B. IF AVAILABLE, REPRESENTATIVE PHOTOGRAPH OF WETLANDS TO BE IMPACTED BY PROJECT. C. IF DELINEATION WAS PERFORMED BY A CONSULTANT, INCLUDE ALL DATA SHEETS RELEVANT TO THE PLACEMENT OF THE DELINEATION LINE. D. IF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT, ATTACH COPY. E. WHAT IS LAND USE OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY? commercial/residential/llighway F. IF APPLICABLE, WHAT IS PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL? N/A. Future development will be serviced bv mllniripi'll !':pwpr OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE ~ '" o ,..; "{ ~ ,'\ /'~V; ~ ,'... . 2 3 4 5 \ C'~ \ '11l <. " 1'~ ~S' '~,,0-<')o "'of." "'f Il' o~~ 4;. ~ '1> ~& Vo~ .s>1l' 0 :-v \l'~(4t ~'lb, '\ '1, \ ~~ 1> ~~ .;)., o~ l).,(~ "'.. ~<: ~ <<; "" ~ f: <<-(;- 'll ): <?61 ("~ -Yo '/..%~ "", 0 'S' ' 4;. ~c --v. '/ l' ~ U'(9,3 S'o :-v oq,. <'<9. ~.a ~~'\.~ '<'J,;1I-~ ,t, "",'f- '~ ~11 '" ~ z '" '" ?' :;: c ~"";e-", 10-"<,, :z ~ // ~ / .~ '~.. "'f< ~"L.,~ .,. ~'== .,. ..~ .. ..~ 48'7 .,~~ ~ s.--our44.28 ! , U.S,HWY 17 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY 2"~ )o~ ~~ ~~.r. ~. ~ ~,r.".s>"'1' ~''I''", '" 16" RCP ~ ~4-> ~~ ...'?~ ..... '... ,~ ~ ,~" .~ '6' .~ ., 'o/?-!t ~1< 0<.,<- )o~ "..0.. ~.~ ~-riO.o ~~~ %.~~q, .~ "'~~~;oo,,~. - ~<9 ~ '1> 0 'v'< .f '0" .t,,~~ ~ ~ r-u-1" ~ Site Survey 1.0 SCAlE: 1" - 60' - 0" IN -.. _ P4 , 'I ,.,. Ll(G, I~C, P02 LAND MANAGEMENT GROUp, INC. OATA FORM ROUTINE WI!TLAND D&T&AMINATJON (1987 COE WtI1I..,d. e.un....on M.,,\Hll) U PlAN 0 Proj~SI~~ Applicant/Own.,: Invedgllltor: LIVE OAK OEVELOPMeNT QeAN ~CARFONI Rob Moul p-. , 01 2 q-~l v: 5> t' ! Oat,: County: ~tat.: ~-za-9:l N_ Hanov. NC 00 Norm" ClroumltMcee .a. on tt'I. SIte? Ie the eltellgnl1lCMlly dllltUrbwd (Alypl~ S11~liun)? Ie m. ... . POl.-,u., PfClCI.m Ar..? (If nMeted. .,,"'n on rft......) community 10: TrenaeGt 10: Plot 10: Upland VEGETATION ! - .. Stratum Indicator omlnam Plant .ci.. 1. Loblolly I"n' Tr.. FAC g, 2. W.n.. aU Tr..,Shrub FAC 10. --- !3. Brachn fern G. COVtl FACU 11. I,. ~!)"bulh G. Cover FACW 12, /s, P~'OI'I ivey W. Vln, FAC 13. -- 6. Gr."evine W, Vln. FAC 14. : 7. 15, I 8. ltt. . P..cen1 of Dominant Specl.. ttlat arl OeL, FACW or FAC (.xcluclln; FAC -) as I)"CMt ~. W. Vine il II ~ A.m...k$~'-' Gr..t. than 50 p.cent of the dominant speel.. are OBL. FACW. or FAC. HYO ROLOGY , ~ O-,:nh to S4lturatwd Soli: R.,nNk'" PtoIMAIy Md ueondary "yt:!relegy Indicators ware nor oourved In the lI.d. 1-- :> 12 (11'1) (in.) Wlltland Hydrology IndiClltoro: PrImary tndlC4dora Inundated _ Scl1.Ir-.d In U~~er 12 In~.. Wat... Marks ~ -Orift Un.. -SedIment OepOlits . , -Or.n.v. Pattern. in WeUando i SecOndary IndlCllllOro (2 or more r~...ired); I - OxkUUd Aoot Ch..,nele in Upp" 12 Inctlo. Wat.-Sblined Lllev" , -I.QQd Soil 3Unley elite -FAC-Neutral Tat I =Ottrw (~"'n In Remonca) Rocorded Data (DeKl'ID.ln Aemwke): - Str""'.l.ake,OI TIde Gauge -AerIal Ptlotogrepl'lS -omer _No Rec:orded O. AvllilAbl. Field Ob lMIfVeltIon 8; Depth of Surlace Wst..,: NA Depth to Fr.. Wet.,. in PIt: > ,~ (In.) ... , ~ ~ '\ WIG, I~C. P03 SOILS Flro Site: M.p Unit N.lm. <S-t_ and Ill"...): L.on fine MInd Taxonomy (8UlloreUl'J! Aorle IotIll'lOqUode Or.'n-v. 01...: FIeld Obeef'4t1on. COMIrIft M.",,~ Type'/' TWQ Pram. O'ICtI~o": O.I31ft Matrbc ColcH ~"..) Hort~n 1M..un..1f Mo'-t) 0..8 A t OVR 811 8 - 1. I! 10YRm 14 - 17 C\lhl SVR 9/1 17 - 2!J C\Q"2 JYB 1/9 22 - 20 e' 1 OVR 7/1 .--. (SO ~ No Mo"'e AbuntUlnollf'Concra.t HyclrIe SOIlI"ctlcato,.! =-.., Textur., C:onorellona, Slruc:t&u., etc. DIn;I. walrMd; 199..--- ,,~ W6vy "6""__)' -.J tin;.. gralnecs: 100.. ,,~ 'Me 1l.6ul'f" m...Iw; frNllbl.j ,l\dll4l WdI bOund. m.,.'ve; IrNable: . II 0_ IrreGular ~~ .~... .......: 100.. II 9r~ual _<ty bound...>: -~ il II II I: few "".dll.lm faint (SV~ 211) Hlstoeol =1ol1..tf~ ~J)l".d.,n _ 3 ulfld Ie Odor Aqule MO'-lUr_ Regllll. - ReQucln.., OOrlulllonQ _ GI.yotd or Low ~ Ohroma C"'u(~ Concretlc"a =HfOh OrOllnic Content in $~lrlaee Layer in Sendy ,90il. _Organic 3trMklng in Sandy SoUe Uele<l on l.o<:al HycJrlc 30il, WllI -U,ted on NalloneiU HydrIc 130Ue Uet _Other (explain In RemGrka) Hemarkl: , i J No hydrIc loillndlcatorl observed In the field, WETLAND DETERMINATION MYdro""yttc Veoetation Pr...nt? W.dand H)'droJow Pflt..nt? Hydr~ Ooil. I'r...nt1 t'!,t. ) v.. V.. ~ (Clrcl.) I.:.~) (No:, _.,. ~_.".~....- J '.__. '__w__ll. _ I. thl. Oampflng Point Within CI W.i1and? V.. (Clrele) ~No ") ~~"" Aemark.: Wetland IIn. flagged In ~Ink/black ribbon, ApprOVed by HQUSACl:3/92 , I -_J L.ana Management Group, Ine, I)oat Office 90x 2!22 Wilmington, N.C. 2.402 al0-4S2-0001 t .. ~ W.lG. INC. PO.! LAND MANAGEMENT GROUp, INC. DATA FORM ROUnNEi WIil1..ANO OET&RMINAnON (1~.7 COE w~. O..I"....an M<<n.....) Project/Sll.: AppIlCMtlOW1W: Inv....glltor: lIVE OAK OEVELOftMeNT QEAN SCAAFdNI Roo Moul P.... 1 of 2. O.t.: County: SUn9: 5-28-95 New Hanover ,..C .--.-...., 00 Narm4U Circum.."C4M _at an the lit.? I. lh. elt. e1gnllcandy dlatUlbed (Alyp'~ SlIUatl<:lfl)? ,. tn. --. pGt.,ll.l Prob',"" Ar_? (If needed, tIlCpMlln on rlWer..,) cQ~ V... V_ a Community 10: Wetlend Tranaecr 10: f810t 10: := I VEGETATION .. L08I011Y ~I". rrH FAC 2. Pend "In. SI'Irua, FACW + 3. ntl Shrub FAC 4. LoG/oil\< bay Shrub FACW : 5. Flttll'buM Shrub FACW 8, BItt., Gallberry Shrub FAC 7. Sw...y .!.~nllL FACW 8, Smilax W. VI,.,. FAC --.,...... -:".- .. ~ 9, NlIfttd Chlln Fem 'l1 ._--- l], COY. ti. Cover OBL OBL oaL i ,; 10, CInnamon Fern ". Sphagnum Mo.. G. Coy. 12, .........-..-- 13. 14. 115. ..~ I 16, i Percent of Oomlnant $p~.. tnt!lt ar. OBl, FACW or FAC (gcll.ldl"9 FAC.) FlMlllrk.: -'-_..._...- -"'0. 100 pere."t Gr-.tet than 50 pere."r of the donlnant 3f)ecl.. ar. OBL, FACW, or FAC. HYOROLOGY ....::':~ WecI&nd Hyclrclogy In~Uc;atgr'i PriIT1<<ry IndlCMOI'a l"lMd.M X Seturatlld In Upper '2 '"m_ -W.er MCll'lca -Drift Un.. l' - - s.almWlt O(lpoeita - - Or.Mg. "-tt.n. In W.eI."d. s.eOndtuy Indlcatora (2 or more r"c,urea): OxIdized ~ Ch.nnelaln UPP" 121"c:h_ -Wctw-Stalned Leeves : -Loc:e ~cO 3urv.y Om _,,"AC-Neu1r" Tnt _Other (eMp'lIl" '" Ae,"fIl'kll) __A.gCA'd.u Ou. (O-''Jlb. ill R.'lWllka). Streem.UUce, 01' Tide Gcug. - ~ Pfototogreph. -OUI_ _No R.xlrdecl O. Av.d.al. Field ObMMltlon.: I ~ D-pth at Su-. Water: N/A (In.) Oepth to Fr.. Wet. in PIt: <: 12 (In.) -: 12 (In.) ,-_, .J Ootplh 10 aawt.t~ Qoll: Flemerka: Primary w9dlllld hvdrolQQv indJ~I)I" w.,. "c,urvalf. ~ , '. , '\' SOIl.S lIIro Sit.: i='Ortwl Neek Inc. M.~ UMit Name (Serl.. snd Phs..): Murvl"e muclcy Hn~9.. . Taxonomy (G~b9roup); Typio Hap_quada Profile O..crlptfon: o .plh Matrix Color (Inch..) Horizon (Mun'~!!",!,_ol,r) 0-5 A 5YR 2/1 5 - 3S Bh1 5VA 2/1 35 - S5 I!h2 5VR 3/2 Hydric Soil Indicator.: t.m...." L.. .. Hlltolol - Mlwttc !!pipedcm -Sulfidic Odor X Aqulc Moisture Alr9lme -Reducing Conditions = Gleyttd or Low-Ctuoma Color. Hydric soil Indicator. wlra ob..rved In the fIeld. Oralnqe CI...~ J:'our ----...- FIeld Ob..Natlons C4/lflrm Ma,.,... Ty,..? CSJ No Motll. Abund4ncwC on..~.t_ T'll1Ure, ConcrMlonl, Slr~crtu/.. .., Wtty fN"', wMAc "'N, granular a1rU~~. ._ m...iYa: vwy frlllb', gradual wavy boundary; ma"M: very triaol. ,adual wa Munu ' _ Concretlon<< .lL High Org.nlc ContAtnt in Qurlaoe lAyer in S.nd~ 9~11. .lL Or~nlc StrNKlng In Sandy Golls lUsted on Local Hl'u/jl; Sollo Wet .lUsted on Natlonal Hl'uric 3oil. Wet _Other (explain in A.,lIli, k.) I !I r I l WETLAND OET AMINATlON Hvdrophytlc Vegetation Pr..."t? Wetlllnd MyarClfo;y Pr..em? I HI'''''1c &011. ~'..nr?' ~. ~lV ~ No (Circ/e) No No F1em.rk.: ~-.-..... ...-- 1r.; (eifel:'] Ne I 10 t"'io S.m,:>>lintJ Pelnt Within . w.tlan~) WETLANDS WERE FLAGGEO WITH PINK/BLACK RIBBONS I .. LIVE OAK DEVELOPMENT DEAN SGAAFONI 616 PRINCESS ST. WtLMINGTON,NC. 28401 Ar;lr;lrov~ by HQU$ACE ~/G2 Land M.".g.ment Group, Inc:. Po.t Office Box 2!522 WlImln~n. N.C. ze..oz 910-"62-0001 // // II II 1/ 1/ "./ I ~({ (I I r ~ " l- t-. ., (0' > 0(- (0' It~' ~~~, \ \ .. II ... <> ~:' ~ ., ~ t .. -' .. ~ l( ,~ e .. III ::> " ~ c t; ~ c '" " ~ .p ~. '::: ?i. ~ ~ X . encr C o~..,~ . ~ u ~~ ocr. :i. ~~~~~;g~ 0 I- ~ z ~o.!~ ~Z au !.oJ ti 0 ~ ~l:Z 10::11= :IE ooa5~ (tL.. en"'" Z ~ a.. ;.cooa::WW::I "':>u~w C ~~~-,~ 0 V) -I "'.0 0 g:z15~""~ Q au ~oa ....~ > I=Zzo <: o::>ozZ u.a l&J ~ 0 'lIlwu 0 ~ ~ ~ ~o~~Q~e5 ~ ~""~~~:iw =-= ~ 0 Ct::Z ~ oz<~~ ~ C _:>""' w ~IIlZ0crClW C>> a:.-~O w~~~LL.!Q ~ u.a Q ~~z~ o IoIcr 0 > .....wowo..w ~ j ~ ti => ~- 8 ~ - 0.. ~ao~ -I ena UI t.~ ,.. {"J~-~!DtO ;g:; ~ll:!iE~ (f) L.U f-tn <(0:: - lLJ uz OZ (f) :5 ~ ~a.. ::J ol:;:i~ ~z"'" :s~ L.U ....~ L.U I ::I cr ~tn~~ OO::;x::;i <.=> ~o ~ ~ . ;on ~ :r: ::> :3 ~tn ~ a::: 0 ~~ a::: r I I I ~ i i f I I I I I i f i I I I . I ~ (0' () z 0 () a: w > 0 z ... <( J: 3: w .Z LO I 0> c.. 0> J: ..- en 0> z a.. 3: w 4: 0 Z ~ !- :::> J > l- I- I- Z W Z () a: > 4: J: \ 't~ \ \ \ tJbin~r..Ototo~iD~Nio<o ~ ":CL!~~~I': ~~"",:u')N"',..... tii ~N~;;j~~~l::i~~~~~ e VI W II)O!:. 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ZVlVlVlVlVlZZZZ I w !Q~~~~reg:g:q:!l~ ::> 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 8~~:'J~~~~g~:g RECEIVED SfP 1 3 ENvIRoN 1995 'MENr, . . ~ , . ~( SCIE. ---" NeFs ~ North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission ~ - ---..~--~ 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604~1188, 919-733~3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Water Quality Section, DEM 1- L0 William Wescott, Coastal Habitat Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program FROM: DATE September 11, 1995 Subject: Nationwide 401 Permit Application for Scarafoni Associates NC, Inc., Live Oak Development, Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. (project # 95861) Staff biologists with the Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed the project and associated impacts on wildlife and fishery resources in the area. An onsite investigation was conducted on September 6, 1995. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.) and Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (as amended) and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The applicant is proposing to fill small pockets of wetlands to allow future development of the property. The property consists of 6 areas of wetlands totaling 3.192 acres of which 1.554 acres is proposed to be filled. Vegetation at the site includes titi, fetterbush, sweet bay, water oak and gallberry. A small pond (0.033 acres) is included in the area to be filled. These wetlands provide valuable wildlife habitat and serve as travel corridors for numerous species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. As proposed, areas 1-4 are to be filled. These areas are isolated with areas 1 and 4 fronted by CP&L utility lines and HWY 17. We recommend that certification be conditioned to require that filling in these 4 areas be limited to wetlands north of the utility lines. More importantly, we recommend that wetland areas 5 and 6 be restricted from future development impacts. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If you have any concerns about our comments, please contact Brad E. Hammers at (919)-939-1167. BHlww cc: Bennett Wynne, Fisheries Coordinator Brad E. Hammers, District 2 Fisheries Biologist Bobby Maddrey, District 2 Wildlife Biologist