HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950337 Ver 1_Complete File_19960826APR 3 01996 Environmental Consultants, Inc, 244 West Milllmook Road ¦ Raleigh, Nortli Carolina 27609 ¦ (919)8416-5900N Fax (919)846-946-, TRANSMITTAL To. d??Vv, ??-? W??Lw WE TRANSMIT TO YOU HEREWITH ? Project No. Project: Date: File: ?.L?Q(?1 \,IIJ(? L Drawings ? For your information and files ? Specifications ? For comment or approval ? Brochures or Photos ? Returned for correction: Resubmit ? Correspondence ? Approved as noted ? UNDER SEPARATE COVER ? Sent By: Mail ? Bus ? Express ? Messsenger ? Remarks: Tl+C 02As?-p fmco -l ? -LU- )\,\NA \A? / /,wr?? ?? V--C\ C4 -\ I 1-. ?Ni N? C11NC-q()?c It enclosures received are not as listed above, kindly notify us at once. By: ( J?? v Is1 ,r \t " - SoillSite Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping anV Mitigation ¦ Environmental At, On Sit, Naste Treatment Systems, Fvalualion and Oesign CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CAROLINA LAKES / CAROLINA HILLS HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 16, 1996 PREPARED FOR: BL,UEGREEN CORP. .? 5455 BUFFALO LAKES ROAD SANFORD, NC 27330 PREPARED BY: .Ai' ... J Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. !,, :?,? ?I?Illn????l;Il??a?l?ltal?•i};li,?'?uili? n??lin, S&EC, Inc. 1994.1141 • • W "' R a • 0 • CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CAROLINA LAKES / CAROLINA HILLS Intent: This Corrective Action Plan (plan) is designed to restore wetland conditions to identified violation areas within the Carolina Lakes / Carolina Hills development (site). Violation areas no longer have the appropriate hydrology for classification as a jurisdictional wetland. The elements contained in this plan are intended to restore hydrologic conditions to the violation areas. The success of the corrective action plan is dependent on the restoration of a wetland hydrologic regime for this region; wetland vegetation will respond to the restored hydrology. Summary: Violation areas, identified on the Corrective Action Plan Map (attached), have been • mapped and field staked by S&EC staff. The necessary corrective action for each violation area is flagged in the field; the field locations are approximated on the Corrective Action Plan Map . Additionally, sketch sections for each proposed structure for the specific actions are shown on the map. Narratives of the elements are contained in this document and are complete with concept sketches. Surface and sub-surface hydrology will be adequately restored using a combination of "check dams" and anti-seep collars. Hydrology-restoring devices vary in intensity from Gabion baskets (to control deep channelization) to stone spreaders (designed to reduce velocity through broad cleared areas). Additionally, stone check dams will be utilized to create sheet flow to prevent further minor channelization and scouring of young vegetation. The resultant hydrology will be at a depth that is sufficient to support a dominance of hydrophytic vegetation. 0 • 0 Wetland plant annual mixes will be utilized to stabilize denuded areas. Compost may be • used to amend soil surface condition in places. Seed mixtures will include Rye to assist in initial stabilization. Rye will not tolerate wetland conditions and will die-out when hydrology is restored. Wetland vegetation will follow the die-out of Rye. Where erosion and run-on appears to be problematic it will be controlled in-part by a combination of swales and silt fencing. Run-on will be controlled prior to revegetation. The intensity of the run-on control is governed in-part by the final site prep. Broadbased diversion swales may be incorporated into the final prep of this site. Methods: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. staff conducted numerous field visits to assess the corrective needs of identified violation areas. The corrective needs were assessed based on topographical influences, assumed storm flow characteristics, and knowledge of • regional wetland conditions (including: soils formation, vegetational succession and hydrologic dynamics). Staff determined the need for structures based on existing scours, sedimentation, and flow patterns. A hand level was utilized to place many structures in a "toe to top" configuration to prevent "blow-outs" and to ensure even saturation. The hand level further enabled staff to place level spreaders along contours. The amount of excess fill to be removed from a site was determined by soil borings and topographic and site specific interpolation. Excess fill is identified in the field with stakes and flags; field markers identify the amount of excess fill. • 0 Elements: • Below are listed the elements needed to restore the hydrology to violation areas. The elements are described here and are listed on the site specific maps. The attached plans are complete with design sketches and narratives. 1) RUN-ON CONTROL: Run-on from the adjacent uplands will be controlled to prevent further siltation. This element, occurring on high ground, will be coordinated by the developer in accordance to the sediment and erosion control plan and the grading plan for the site. Three basic methods of run-on control may be proposed and they are outlined below and may be used in conjunction with each other. I.A. Diversion Swales: Broad based diversion swales may be incorporated into the site preparation of the • remaining development areas where they would sufficiently control run-on. These swales will divert water to points down-stream and throughout the wetland area utilizing flow dissipaters. I.B. Silt Fence: Silt fence erected at the wetland line would be effective in controlling additional sedimentation in wetland areas. The fencing could be incorporated with diversion areas and rip-rap flow dissipaters. I.C. Diversion Ditches: Ditches in high ground above the wetland line would be effective for run-on control without altering the groundwater budget of the site. 0 C 0 2) HYDROLOGY RESTORATION: • Hydrology will be sufficiently restored to the violation areas after flow retarding structures are appropriately placed. Retarding structures will be both sub-surface and surface; all subsurface detention by anti-seep collars has been completed. Structures vary in intensity with varying site specific interpolation. Surface structures will be erected in areas where flow has become channelized. 2.A. Sub-surface Retarding Structure: Anti-seep collars, as required by the state Division of Water Quality, have been installed as required and will sufficiently restore groundwater hydrology. 2.13. Surface Retarding Structures: Three general types of surface flow control are proposed for three general flow configurations. Areas where deep scours have occurred require the most intense structures. The location of the flow control structures is identified in the field: • 2.13.1. Gabion Structures: Gabion walls are needed in erosional channels in excess of 24" deep where flows are determined to be too intense for control by lesser devises. Typically, these areas show evidence of high energy storm flow and are located on steeper gradients. Gabion walls will be keyed into the adjacent slopes a minimum of 3'; baskets are built in 3' intervals. These structures will be used in high flow areas where erosion and further channelization are suspected to be a continued issue. The channels will be back filled with local soil to near original grade after placement of the gabions. • • • • CONCEPT SKETCH 1: Gabion Structure 0 Keyed in to channe/ Side walls m/nirnurn 3'. Bottom of structure to be 7' minimum below channel depth. Use additional gobioo as necessary to reach appropriate depth. Refill entire channel to near or/gional elevation with local soil. 2.B.2. Stone Check Dams (minor channel): Stone check dams will be placed within minor ditches in low flow areas that are not excessively channeled. Check dams will be keyed into side slopes and the substrate. Tops of dams will be level and will encourage sheet flow during storm and base flow events. Check dams will be keyed into the substrate below existing channel bottom elevation. The width of the keyed-in trench should be about 24 inches. The locations of the check dams are field located. Field markers show the approximate dimensions of the proposed spreaders. 0 G O' 5' 10' 15' GAB/ON STRUCTURE - SECTION • • 0 CONCEPT SKETCH 2: Stone Check Dam (minor channel) 0 --A- - A / C- Keyed-into substrate - below existing channel - toper to ends. Trench width minimum 24 Level top. 2.13.2.A. Stone Check Dams (in ditch): In places where the ditches have been cut through more level portions (usually toe • slopes) and there is evidence of sedimentation (rather than erosion) in the ditch, stone will be placed in the ditch at points shown and local soil will be used to re-fill the ditch to near the original grade. CONCEPT SKETCH 3: Stone Check Dam (in ditch) • Place stone in exi s tinq ditch to reach top c i bonk ot points marked. Refill entire ditch to near Origin01 elevation with lor01 soil. SC p' S' 10' 75 STONE CHECK DAM (minor channel) SEC TI ON SC(D ? p' 5' 70' 15 STONE CHECK DAM (in ditch) - SECTION • 0 r1 LJ 2.13.3. Stone Spreaders: Stone spreaders will be placed within low flow areas that are not channelized. Stone spreaders will not be keyed into the substrate. Tops of spreaders will be level and will encourage sheet flow during storm and base flow events. Spreaders will be along contour. Stone spreaders will be placed on the substrate. These devices are field located. Field markers show the approximate alignments of the proposed spreaders. Concept Sketch 4: Stone Spreader Dam X/S T/NG GPADE SS 0' No= M 5' 15 STONE SPREADER DAM - SECTION Placed on surface. On contour. Level top. 6' center width - taper to ends. 3) EXCAVATION OF EXCESS FILL: Excess fill will be removed to the level of the preexisting "A" horizon or other site specific interpolated elevations. These areas are identified in the field and are staked accordingly; stakes identify areas that need to be excavated and to what depth. Approximate cut configurations and depths are illustrated on the attached map. 0 • E Excess fill that is removed from wetland areas will be placed on high ground and 0 stabilized or used as backfill in ditches. Areas that have fill removed will be stabilized with a wetland seed mix appropriate for the growing season. 4) RESTORATION OF VEGETATION: Soils may need treatment to encourage wetland plant growth. Soils were observed to consist of hard clays and other parent material. Some amendments may be necessary. Soils will be prepped with composted material if available. Two general concepts will be utilized in the revegetation of wet areas. Hydroseeding: A prepared wetland annual mix will be mixed with compost and a Rye and applied to the wetland. The rye is not suitable to wetland conditions and will die-out after the hydrology has been restored. The rye will be incorporated to stabilize the bare ground until wetland plants have become established. Hand Planting: Some woody shrubs may be planted within cleared areas. r 6 VELOCITY CONTROL STRUCTURE AND SWALE CAROLINA LAKES / CAROLINA HILLS HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED BY: DALTON ENGINEERING PO BOX 426 CLAYTON, NC 27520 Z Q a ? U ti co W N ??p0 J? Q Q?t?J A?tQ, i1 i 0 ? Qz a s -3 U 0 ? rn ? i 0 E 0 +) 0 ti 0 s Q ? V ` ? a v W ? I , I N Q- ~ II rj i N a 0 3 0 i rn i 3 i? i 0 M ? s ? Q 0 i ? 0 ?• U 0 i i 0 U Ln kL Q? a y J q Z JO ?Lid Q ? v ? Q ? 0 0 0 PROJECT NO. PAGE NO. DLM, Consultants PROJECT > - -- CALCULATED BY J 7Z DATE 4421 /2 E. Main St., Suite 8 P.O. Box 426 (919) 550-4740 CHECKED BY DATE Clayton, NC 27520 Fax (919) 550-4741 SUBJECT GRAPHICAL PEAK DISCHARGE METHOD Project : D&x I County : Harnett Subtitle: Carolina Lakes Data: Drainage Area Runoff Curve Number Time of Concentration: Rainfall Type Pond and Swamp Area State: NC 150 * Acres 75 * 0.88 * Hours II NONE User: jtd Checked: Storm Number -------------«.--------- Frequency (yrs) 24-Hr Rainfall (in) Ia/P Ratio Runoff (in) Unit Peak Discharge (cfs/acre/in) Pond and Swamp Factor 0.0% Ponds Used ---------------------- Peak Discharge (cfs * - Value(s) provided 55 system routines dv- J?f 1 2 2 10 3.7 5. 0.18 0 2 1.45 2. 4 0.559 0. 3 1.00 .0 121 262 Version 2.00 Date: 08-14-96 Date: TIME OF CONCENTRATION AND TRAVEL TIME Version 2.00 Project : D&? User: jtd Date: 08-14-96 County : Harnett State: NC Checked: Date; Subtitle: Carolina Lakes ---------------------------- Flow Type 2 year Length --------------------- Slope Surface n --..___-______..---------- Area Wp Velocity ------ Time rain (ft) ---------------------------- (ft/ft) ----------- code _ ---------- (sq/ft) (ft) (ft/sec) ----------------- --- - (hr) Sheet 3.7 300 .03 H -- - ------ 0.682 Shallow Concent'd 800 .03 U 0.080 Open Channel 1900 .03 .1 36 15 0.114 Time of Concentration = 0.88* --- Sheet Flow Surface Codes -- - A Smooth Surface F Grass, Dense --- Shallow Concentrated - - B Fallow (No Res.) G Grass, Burmuda --- Surface Codes --- C Cultivated < 20 % Res. H Woods, Light P Paved D Cultivated > 20 % Res. I Woods, Dense U Unpaved E Grass-Range, Short J Range, Natural * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER COMPUTATION Version 2.00 Project : D& User: jtd Date: 08-14-96 County : H rnett State: NC Checked: Date: Subtitle: Carolina Lakes Subarea : 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrologic Soil Group COVER DESCRIPTION _ A B C D Acres (CN) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULLY DEVELOPED URBAN AREAS (Veg Estab.) Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) Fair condition; grass cover 50% to 75% - 20(69) - - Impervious Areas Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways - 15(98) - - Streets and roads Paved; open ditches (w/right-of-way) - 20(89) - - Residential distracts Avg % imperv (by average lot size) 1/2 acre 25 - 95(70) - - Total Area (by Hydrologic Soil Group) 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBAREA: 1 TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 150 Acres WEIGHTED CURVE NUMBER: 75* -------.. -----------------------------'----------------------------------------- * - Generated for use by GRAPHIC method \TaTO nT ixinrrn i .?rri- --. Post-it' Fax Note 7671 Date # of ? pages To t-OA OfI From Co./Dept. D Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # Fax # e?? DEN R March 9, 1998 DWQ# 95337 Mr. Doug Talbot Mr. Daniel Shattuck Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills 5445 Buffalo Lakes Road Sanford, N.C. 27330 SUBJECT: COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION Carolina Lakes Subdivision Dear Mr. Talbot and Mr. Shattuck: As you know, there have been many inspections and meetings conducted at this site in an attempt to restore the impacted wetland area which resulted in the original February 8, 1996 Notice of Violation. As a result of these meetings. restoration of the affected wetland area was conducted. Many subsequent re-inspections of the riprapped channel have documented severe erosion of the channel and a chronic problem of blown out riprap check dams. On August 25, 1997 Mr. Pete Colwell, Mr. Eric Fleck, and Mr. Ken Averitte of NCDWQ met with Mr. Shattuck and discussed some other options for stabilizing this area and allowing the wetland to re-establish. Among the suggestions offered by NCDWQ included the installation of a stormwater pond. Mr. Shattuck considered this and later decided on a reinforcement of the existing riprap check dams to achieve the desired restoration of the wetland area. On February 6, 1998 Mr. Eric Fleck and Mr. Ken Averitte conducted another inspection of this site to evaluate the effectiveness of the reinforced rock check dams. As a result of the inspection, the reinforced checkdams were found to be holding up well to the very wet conditions. Most of the check dams were in tact and large amounts of sediment were being retained behind them. However, check dam #4 (as measures' from the 1" dam at the top of the hill counting downhill) was blown out and needs to be repaired. If this dam is allowed to continue to deteriorate, the remainder of your check dams will be receiving gradually increasing erosive flows and will eventually fail. In addition, check dams 47-414 while in tact, are allowing water to bypass around them. If this bypassing is allowed to continue, these dams will also eventually be undermined and will ultimately be blown out. These dams need to be augmented in width across the channel to prevent bypassing. Lastly, approximately 1 to 2 feet of sediment from check dam #6 should be dipped out to prevent overtopping and all areas from.check dam #1 to dam #14 should be seeded as soon as possible to help stabilize the sediment and allow wetland vegetation to recolonize. Another inspection will be conducted in the future to monitor the restoration of the wetland. If there are any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call Mr. Eric Fleck at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, v L? Eric D. Fleck Water Quality Certification Program Cc: Ken Averitte, NCDWQ, Fayetteville Regional Office Jeff Richter, USACOE, Wilmington Field Office Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX 9 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Af rmofNe Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper August 29, 1997 DWQ# 95337 Harnett County Mr. Doug Talbot Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills 5445 Buffalo Lakes Road Sanford, N.C. 27330 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Carolina Lakes Subdivision Dear Mr.Talbot: On January 31, 1996 Mr. Ken Averitte and Mr. Pete Colwell conducted a compliance evaluation inspection of the aforementioned project and found a number of violations which were detailed in the inspection report Notice of Violation dated February 8, 1996. In response to this inspection, you were directed to carry out restoration activities. The majority of these restorative activities were confirmed by Mr. Pete Colwell and Mr. Ken Averitte on a subsequent inspection on April 17, 1997. On August 25, 1997 Mr. Eric Fleek, Mr. Pete Colwell and Mr. Ken Averitte returned to the site and discovered that the restoration efforts along the westernmost headwater forest system (i.e. the rock check dams) were blown out and the areas nearby had failed to stabilize and were contributing to downstream sedimentation. In addition, this area had not been seeded as was required by the restoration agreement. During the inspection, Mr. Daniel Shattuck from the Bluegreen Corporation arrived onsite and asked DWQ staff what options may be available to Bluegreen to help stabilize the rock check dams and lessen the associated downstream impacts. It was suggested that the problem may be resolved by constructing a stormwater pond in the upland area above the headwater forest. Mr. Shattuck informed DWQ staff that he would consult with various engineering and consulting groups to help find a solution to the chronic problem associated with these rock check dams. The Division of Water Quality will be glad to arrange a site visit with our stormwater engineers if you believe that would be helpful. After this meeting with Mr. Shattuck, DWQ staff continued the follow-up inspection and found that restoration efforts near the lift station had been completed as the previously unauthorized ditching had been removed. However, despite the removal of the ditching there was evidence that this restoration site was being severely disturbed by off-road four wheeling activity. Much of the area had large tire ruts and damaged or otherwise disturbed vegetation and hydrology. In order to protect this restoration site, we believe that you should fence off the area (at both access points) in such a means as to prohibit unauthorized (i.e. recreational) vehicular traffic. Bluegreen Corporation Notice of Deficiency Carolina Hills Subdivision A final note made during the inspection was the severe erosion observed in and around the terminus of Deer View drive. Many of the silt fences in this area were not properly functioning, sedimentation basins were blown out and not being properly maintained, and there was severe scouring in nearby runoff areas. Mr. Ken Averitte will contact the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Land Quality for an addition Sediment and Erosion Control inspection. Meanwhile, these sediment and erosion control structures should be repaired. The Division of Water Quality appreciates the proactive restoration measures Bluegreen has made at this site and we request that any new plans developed for correcting the rock check dam problem be submitted to this office for review. Included with these plans should be a proposed schedule stating when corrective measures at this site will be complete. Another site inspection will be made after final corrective actions are made. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to call me or Pete Colwell at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, Eric D. Fleek Water Quality Certification Program cc: Ken Averitte, Fayetteville Regional Office Jeff Richter, USACOE Wilmington Field Office Kevin Martin, S&EC 06/15/14 06:03 FA% CAROLINA HILLS_ February 22, 1996 Mr. Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O_ Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills, DEM #195337, Harnett County Dear Mr. Colwell: Please be advised that we received the Notice of Violation from your office regarding the wetland.5 violations that have occurred on our properties. Thank you for bringing these situations to our attention and please know that it is our intention to immediately begin corrective action on these items. Specifically with regard to the listed violations in your letter, we will do tho following: 1. Lot #60, Pinmods Dr, CIMlins Lakes: We will remove the M*om this lot that exceeds the permitted 30M s_f We will reestkii$h the pre-existing elevations in the wetlands areas and will replanrwiib wetlands vegetation. 2. Lot #99, CaEQUn&HiIL';* This lot had a house placed on it and dirt piles placed in the wetlands area prior to April, 1995; significant disturbance to the wetlands area on the front of this lot had already occurred at that time. These dirt piles were subsequently spread out and the yard landscaped and essentially the entire wetlands arcs of this lot was filled. This house was ultimately sold and closed May 26, 1995 without a wetlands deed restriction placed on the lot because the sale of the lot was prior to the issuance and conditions of the 401 certification. The total non-permiacd fill placed on this lot is Vproximately 7,000 s.f. which we will have verified by our 9urveyorer 1n order to rectify this situation, we would like to transfer or reapply voile of our sevc ral other permitted fill areas from other lots in Carolina Hills *hich we no lonser intend to utilize on those lots. These include the following: Route 6, Box IA, Sanford, North Carolina 27330 1-919-499-1199 002 06/15/14 06:03 FAX Impact # Lot # Permitted Fill SF 7 13 1,200 12 101 1,850 13 132 250 14 136 1,050 26 323 3.000 7,350 sf If possible, we would like to utilize these permitted fills again9t the fill quantity already in place on lot #99 and eliminate the permitted fill from these lots listed above. If this will be acceptable we would not try to reestablish the wetlands on lot 099. If not acceptable, we will have to excavate the fill on lot #99 and reestablish the wetlands vegetation; we would then secure the deed restriction from the current homeowner- We request that you review this alternative and advise if this is possible- 3. Headwater Forest Wetlands at lots 262 to 294: 'These areas were cleared in excess of our intended clearing limits V w r subcontractors. We regret that this occurred and we will take corrective action on these areas by reestablishing the preconstruction wetlands elevations and by replanting the areas with wetland vegetation. 4. Failed Silt Fencing: The silt fences will be reinstalledImplaced immediately and the sediment will be removed from these areas. 5. An een Collars on Sewer Liner We are sure that these have not been installed at they were not specified on our construction plans. We will proceed immediately to have these installed where they ate required. In addition to those items listed in the Notice of Violation, it appears from our own field inspections the wetlands on lot #21 of Caroling Hills have also been siginficantly disturbed. This is an unsold property at this time and we will reconsftd and replant the wetlands in this area. Please be aware that we have already contacted Soil and Environmental Consultants to request their assistance and direction with regard to the corrective work to be done on the items listed above- We will meet with them on site to formulate details of the corrective action and to ensure, that we do not do further damage to any wetlands as we proceed; however, we would like to receive your input prior to having that meeting. S & EC suggets that it may be advisable for you, to meet with Kevin Martin in Raleigh prior to preparing your response. Q 003 06/15/14 06:03 FAX As for the deed restriction requirement, we regretfully must advise you that several lots have been deeded without the restriction having been recorded an the deed since our certification wm issued. However, in most instances, we did have the lot purchaser complete a wetlands disclosure form (copy attached) and additionally, the wetlands delineation line was shown on their final surveys. L;nfortunately, neither of these documents were recorded with the deed for any of these lots. In order to correct this situation an the closings that have occurred since our certification was granted, our attorneys are reealling deeds from all the property owners to have the wetlands deed. restriction added thereto after which the deeds will be re-recorded., We do not foresee this as being a problem since these owners were all made aware that the wetlands existed prior to closing. These re-recorded deeds will he provided to you as soon as they are completed:. Also in order to prevent this from occurring in the future, we will immediately have cur surveyors record individual plats on all remaining lots that contain wetlands in Carolina Hilla Pleases I and II and Carolina Lakes Phase VII Block S. These plats will show the wetlands lines and will have the restrictive language thereon The closing attorneys will be instructed via these, plats to include The restrictive language on the deed as well. As for the final sections of Carolina Hills Phase iii and Block T of Carolina Lakes Phase VII, we will have the wetlands identified on each lot and the restriction placed on the overall recorded plats for these developments, prior to any lot being sold, so that it becomes a matter of record. We should have this completed on Carolina Hills Phase III within the next 2 weeks as these map have been prepared and are being recorded now. As for Lakes Block T, this will be done on th overall property plat within 2 weeks also. We will forward to you copies of all recorded plats soon as they are complete. Please know that Patten Corporation (recently renamed Bluegreen Corporation) is very regretful and sorry that these violations have occurred and assure you that none were willful or intentional. We further assure you that we will do whatever is necessary to correct our mistakes and to reestablish the wetlands areas. Bluegreen is very sensitive to the wetlands issues and wants to cooperate and minimize wetlands disturbances in all of our developments. Again, we apologize for these violations. ra 004 06/16/14 06:09 FAX Thank you for your undenztanding and for bringing these situations to our attention. Sincerely, &Uflll? D. NAtch Marron DMB/chs cc: Matt Flint, US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM. Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Pat Rondeau, Bluegreem Corporation fa 006 96/15/14 06:03 FAX 1 •. N ? In accordance with Title 13 NCAC 2H-0500, the following I3EEn RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS shall be recorded in the Harnett County RAgisQy prior to conveyance of lots. Said Deed . Restrictions sod Protective Covettents shall apply to Carolina MIS, lot Fin plat itle .,amber in Harnett County, North CatooB n Assoaiatea dated id as shown * CAROLINA HILLS, Phase -? prepared It A portion of this lot has been determined to mkt Any requirement For designation as a regulatory subsequent fill or alteration of this wetland shell conform to the requirements of on wetland rules adopted by the Stare of North rwulina in fordo at the time of the proposed aheradon. Tl,e intent ofthis decd restriction is to prevent umauthtrrized wedand fill, so the property owner should not Mme that a ititttre applicatitm for fill will be approved. The property owner ,bell resort the none of the subdivision, CAROLINA MILLS, in any applieadon pertaining to said wetland miles- Tbis covenant is intended to iDrwro continued compliance with wetland ti We, adopted by the State of North Carolina and the Federal Government, therefore benefits may be eafarced by the State o,-North Carolina. This covenant is to rtm with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming end them." owner's Name Address City, State Phone' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT Signatutc 1. a Notary public of the State of North Carolina, County of Harnett, hereby certify that owner pcrsonauy aPPOued before me this day and executed the above cerciRcetion- day of _ 1995. Wltr,ese my hand and notarial seal. this (Notary Public) Q 006 My commission expires 06/13/14 06:09 FAX FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION PATTEN COMMUNITIES CAROLINA HILLS 5445 ]BUFFALO LA"S ROAD SANFORD, NC 27330 TO: &lL 1, w - I FROM: { I? RE: _ a -Dad DATE: PAGES TO FOLLOW: URGENT: FOR YOUR REVIEW:- FOR YOUR 1NFO:_ PLEASE COMME- NT: MESSAGE: v ?u L.- 1001 PLEASE CAW, 919-499-1197 OR 500-459-1597 IF THIS TRANSMISSION IS INCOMPLETE OR NOT LEGIBLE. f ` State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 74**A Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 8, 1996 CERTIFIED MALL RETURN RECTEPT REQUESTED Mr. Mitch Barron Patten Corporation Carolina Lakes P. O. Boa 2250 Sanford, N.C. 27330 Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DEM #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Barron: On January 31, 1996 Mr. Ken Averitte of our Fayetteville Regional Office and I made a compliance monitoring check at Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills subdivisions on Buffalo Lakes Road in Harnett County. We found several violations of the conditions of your 401 Water Quality Certification. The Division of Environmental Management iss_ied a 401 Water Quality Certification to you on June 26,1995 for the approval to impact up to 10.09 acres of wetlands for road crossings, utility construction, and lot fill to complete development of the subdivisions. This fill included past wetland impacts which had not been authorized as well as proposed future impacts. The 401 Water Quality Certification authorized the specific impacts stated in yoar April 20, 1995 application and listed on the plat prepared by your consultant, Soil and Environmental Consultants. The plat identifies 17 road crossing impacts and 40 specit_c lot fill impacts. The lot fill impacts were limited to the minimum square footage of fill ne,-ded to make these lots buildable. A deed restriction was required on all remaining lots wits jurisdictional wetlands to restrict future wetland fill. Also authorized were impacts associated with sewer line construction. This certification carries with it specific conditions for the sewer lines which include: limiting the construction corridor to 40 feet in widtr through wetlands with a permanent maintained access corridor limited to 10 feet wide; _he placement of anti-seep collars at least every 150 feet along a utility line buried in wetlands; the restoration of wetland elevation contours back to preconstruction elevations. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper On our site visit we found the following violations of these conditions and of your 401 Water Quality Certification. Lot 60 on Pinewoods Dr. of Carolina Lakes is authorized for 3000 sqft of fill near the road. Fill material from the lot clearing has been pushed further into the wetland and the total fill on the lot exceeds what was authorized. Lot 99 in Carolina Hills was authorized for 400 sqft of fill for a driveway. It appears that the entire wetland on the lot has been filled and there is now a home on it. A sewer line and some small areas of lot fill were authorized for the headwater forest wetlands behind lots 262 to 274 and behind lots 278 to 294. We found that most of the wetland area behind these lots had been cleared and graded. We also noted a number of areas where silt fences had failed and significant amounts of sediment had entered wetland areas. In order to correct these violations fill will need to be removed from those lots where it is not authorized or pulled back to the square footage specified in your application. If more fill is needed on some lots to make them buildable then you should apply for a modification of your certification. The headwater forest wetlands in Carolina Hills have been significantly impacted beyond what is authorized by your certification. These areas need to be restored back to preconstruction wetland elevations and stabilized with appropriate wetland vegetation. We also need to verify that anti-seep collars have been placed along the sewer line. It is hereby requested that you cease and desist any further unauthorized activities in wetlands or waters of the State. Continuation of the unauthorized activities may result in revocation of your 401 Water Quality Certification, civil penalties, or other legal action against Patten Corporation. Please notify this office this office by February 23, 1996 as to your intentions and actions to resolve this matter. We are also requesting a copy of the deed restriction that was required by your certification to be placed on those lots containing wetlands. Your cooperation in resolving this matter as quickly as possible is appreciated. Should you have questions about this action please contact me or John Dorney at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, ??QQ P6'z? 6Z IX Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist cc: Matt Flint, US ALOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM, Fayettville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources IYA Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretory A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 5, 1996 Mr. Mitch Barron Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills P. O. Box 2250 Sanford, N.C. 2733C Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DEM #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Barron: The Division of Environmental Management appreciates your timely and cooperative response to the Notice of Violation sent to Patten Corporation (now Bluegreen) on February 8, 1996. The Division staff is willing to work with you and your consultant to correct the problems identified in the violation. As referenced in your letter, Kevin Martin of Soil and Environmental Consultants can contact me at his convenience to discuss corrective measures and restoration details. The Division is willing to accept the elimination of the proposed lot fill on lots 13,101,132,136, and 323 (total fill of 7,350 sf) to mitigate for the unauthorized 7,000 sf of fill on lot 99 in Carolina Hills. We request an updated map showing these and any other changes you may have in your project design or wetland impacts. As for the restoration of the headwater forest wetland areas and the installation of the anti-seep collars, the Division requests that you submit more detailed plans showing wetland elevations and plantings along \vith the location of the anti-seep collars. The actions you proposed to correct the deed restriction requirement of the 401 water quality certification should be adequate and we look forward to receiving copies of the recorded deed restrictions and plats. Again the Division appreciates vour cooperation in resolving these matters and is willing to continue to work with you. We will be making periodic site visits to check on your progress on the measure outlined in your February 22, 1996 letter. Should you have any questions please contact me or John Dorney at (919) 733-1786 or Ken Averitte at (910) 486-1541. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 0% post-consumer paper Sincerely, j?-- ; Peter B. Colwell Environmental Srecialist cc: Matt Flint, US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM, Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources 1 • • Division of Water Quality Ja mes B. Hunt, Jr., G ove mor Adobodmon Jonathan R Howes, Secretary p E H N F-1 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director February 10, 1997 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Doug Talbot Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills 5445 Buffalo Lakes Road Sanford, N.C. 27330 Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DEM #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Talbot: On August 16, 1996 we received the "Corrective Action Plan" prepared by Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. of Raleigh. This Plan outlined the steps that Carolina Hills needs to take to restore the impacted wetlands identified in the February 8, 1996 violation issued to Patten Corporation which is now Bluegreen Corporation. Subsequent site visits by Division staff have found that the wetland restoration measures (stone check dams, etc.) have been staked and flagged but not installed. In fact, a January 16, 1997 site visit by Pete Colwell found continued erosion and scouring through wetland areas as well as additional minor impacts from heavy equipment crossing a headwater stream to grade a lot on the other side. It has now been a year since the first notice of violation was issued on the Carolina Hills project. Since then, Bluegreen Corporation has continued to develop the roads, utilities, and other subdivision infrastructure around the impacted wetlands, but has not begun the restoration efforts requested by the Division and identified in your own "Corrective Action Plan". Homes are now being placed on lots adjacent to the impacted wetlands. The Division is very concerned about the difficulties that further development around the impacted areas may pose on the required wetland restoration. Now is also the time to be planting woody species to restore the headwater forest areas. The Division now requests a time frame in which Bluegreen intends to complete the restoration measures outlined in your August "Corrective Action Plan". We realize that the hurricanes and extremely wet weather of last fall may have delayed your restoration efforts, but it is now time to start. The Division would like to see the restoration measures completed by March 31, 1997. Please provide us with a time schedule that will accomplish that goal. We would also like to see proof of the required deed restrictions on the lots containing wetlands in this section of Carolina Hills. Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper Lack of action to correct this violation may result in the revocation of your 401 Water Quality Certification (North Carolina Administrative Code T15A: 02H.0507(d)) and possible legal action against Bluegreen Corporation. According to GS 143.215.6(a)(1), up to $10,000 may be assessed for violations. In addition, the issuance of other 401 Water Quality Certifications to Bluegreen Corporation may be held in obeyance until corrective actions are begun on this site. Should you have any questions please contact me or Pete Colwell at (919) 733-1786 or Ken Averitte at (910) 486-1541. S' Jo n R. Domey ater Quality Certifi do Program cc: Jeff Richter, US ALOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DWQ, Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh Pete Colwell, DWQ Jill Hickey, NC Attorney General's Office Central Files carolina hills.vio3 0 k State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Direct,&pril 18, 1997 Mr. Doug Talbot Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills 5445 Buffalo Lakes Road Sanford, N.C. 27330 ILT X.; TA 40o2 A&I, ID EHNR Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DWQ #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Talbot: This letter is in reference to our April 17, 1997 meeting at Carolina Hills subdivision to examine the corrective actions that have been taken to resolve the violation of your 401 Water Quality Certification. Also at that meeting were Ken Averitte from the Division's Fayetteville Regional Office, Chris Huysman from Soil and Environmental Consultants, and representatives from Sanford Grading Company. Overall the Division is pleased with Bluegreen's efforts to restore the impacted wetland areas in Carolina Hills. We found that the major ditches had been filled in and most of the rock check dams had been installed. In the areas behind lots 261 to 293 we identified several check dams that needed to be extended to prevent the water from going around them. Also, as you indicated, the smaller stone needs to be placed on the uphill side of the check dams. We also discussed placing the smaller stone in the erosion channels through the wetlands behind lots 279 and 280. The excess fill material had also been removed from lots 280 and 281. We also discussed the need to seed the disturbed wetland areas with a wetland mix as soon as possible to stabilize those areas and prevent further erosion. The excess fill material in wetlands around the large road crossing needs to be cleaned out. Sanford Grading indicated that they had an excavator coming that could remove this fill. We found that the large ditch behind lots 297-300 had been filled in but no water control structure had been put in. Originally your plan had called for a flow dissipater in this area. Chris Huysman indicated that your plans were now to place a large rock check dam here to prevent the ditch from reforming. We also found a smaller ditch P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 509/6 recycled/10 % post consumer paper AN it carrying significant water flow behind lots 301-305. You agreed to fill this ditch in also. We also discussed replanting this area with woody species in addition to the wetland seed mix and agreed to wait until after this growing season to see how much recolonization takes place. The ditches between lots 307 and 151 had been filled in and the wetland area restored to original elevations allowing the water to meander across the wetland. Originally your plans called for another rock check dam in this area. We discussed putting a rock check dam in the stream where it leaves Carolina Hills property. This should reduce some of the erosive action of the stream. Again, the wetland seed mix should be put out here and we will wait to see if the woody species come back in. You indicated that Bluegreen Corp. is selling section T of Carolina Lakes without developing it any further and it appears that development of the rest of Carolina Hills is preceding quickly. It should be noted here that the Division will hold Bluegreen Corp. responsible for the maintenance of the rock check dams and any future plantings until the wetlands areas have stabilized and revegetated. By copy of this letter the COE is being notified of our meeting and of Bluegreen's progress to restore the unauthorized wetland impacts. The Division appreciates your cooperation and progress in resolving this matter. We will be making another site visit after the restoration measures have been completed. Should you have any questions please contact me or John Dorney at (919) 733-1786 or Ken Averitte at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, /?? 1.?? Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist cc: US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DWQ, Fayetteville Regional Office Chris Huysman, S & E C, Raleigh John Dorney, DWQ Central Files CarHills.vio .r 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director ?EHNR May 17, 1996 Mr. Doug Talbot Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills 6 64 ?_ S ?l y S Sanford, N.C. 27330 Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DEM #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Talbot: This letter is in reference to our May 15, 1996 meeting at Carolina Hills subdivision to discuss the corrective actions that need to be taken to resolve the violation of your 401 Water Quality Certification. Also at that meeting were Ken Averitte from the Division's Fayetteville Regional Office, Chris Huysman, Jamie Shern, and Mike Ortosky from Soil and Environmental Consultants; Bob Bracken from Bracken and Associates; and David Stykes from Sanford Grading Company. During our site visit we looked at number of wetland areas that have been impacted by the further development of the subdivision as well as by individual lot owners. Of particular concern to the Division is the destruction of wetlands associated with the sewer line construction behind lots 260 to 307. In these areas much of the original wetlands have been impacted by ditching and draining, filling, and erosion caused by storm water flows off the adjacent uplands. In order to restore these wetland areas we discussed filling in the ditches and erosion channels, placing anti-seep collars along the sewer lines in wetlands to prevent further drainage, using water control structures to slow the storm water runoff, and replanting with wetland vegetation to stabilize the areas. We also discussed the removal of excess fill material from the wetlands around the road crossings and stabilization of the roadway fill slopes as well as the removal of fill over the wetland seep on lots 281 and 282. Mr. Averitte and I found extensive ditching through wetlands between lots 151 and 307. These ditches will also need to be filled and wetland areas restored. Other areas that were examined included the headwater forest through lots 20 to 27 and the excess fill on lot 60 in Carolina Lakes. The impacts to the headwater forest on lots 20 to 27 is a tricky situation since the lots have been sold and developed. You had indicated that Bluegreen was working to recall the property deeds to place the required wetland deed restrictions on them, but if those measures are not successful, you may have to wetland fill elsewhere to offset those impacts. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper K. I Chris Huysman indicated that they would be working on a map which would summarize that wetland impacts that have occurred and putting together an initial plan discussing the corrective measures to be taken to bring the project back into compliance. A more detailed plan would then follow with the specifics of wetland restoration. By copy of this letter the COE is being notified of our meeting and Bluegreen's plans to restore the unauthorized wetland impacts. The Division also requests that no new work take place in wetlands or waters of the State until corrective measures are approved for the existing violation. This includes any wetland fill needed in the remaining section of Carolina Lakes. Once again lack of action to correct this violation may result in the revocation of your 401 Water Quality Certification and prohibit any further work in wetlands until the matter is cleared up. Should you have any questions please contact me or John Dorney at (919) 733-1786 or Ken Averitte at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, ' Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist cc: Matt Flint, US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM, Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director LT. 0 IF T ?EHNR April 10, 1996 Harnett County DEM Project # 9695337 APPROVAL or 401 Water Quality Certification Mr. Scott Dyer 5708 Wispy Willow Lane Sanford, NC 27330 Dear Mr. Dyer: You have our approval to retain fill material placed in 0.28 of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a home and yard at Lot 69, Phase VII, as you described in your application dated 27 February 1996. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 2671. This certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit Number 26 when it is issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733- 1786. Sincerely, r Ksstco?n , J . P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Dorney Central Files Doug Huggett; DCM 95337.1tr Environmental Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone 919-733-1786 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer • 50% recycled/10% post consumer paper 44 NCDEHNR-DEM ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY 4401 REEDY CREEK ROAD RALEIGH, NC US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS ATTN: MR. SCOTT MCLENDON P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NC 28402 Dear Mr. Mclendon and Mr. Dorney: 27 Feb 96 The purpose of this letter is to request a Nationwide Permit 26, and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for I.ot 69, Phase VII Carolina Lakes. We have consulted with Soil and regarding the permit process and the- fact application. S&EC has letter explaining the situation permit application. Environmental Consultants, Inc. our rights to submit this after- recommended that I write a cover and submit it with the enclosed The parcel identified as Lot 69, Phase VII owned by my self, Scott W. Dyer was deeded to the builder from the developer on Jan 14, 1994 without Knowledge of the wetland, and from the builder to my self on Aug 3, 1994 also without knowledge of the wetland. The submitted wetland impact application (approved June 1995) requested no impact for this lot because the lot was not owned by the developer (Patten Corp) at this time. During the wetland delineation and permit approval process (a period from June 1994 to June 1995) construction commenced on the parcel. Impact to wetlands occurred before restrictive covenants were required by the state. My private residence now stands on the lot. All wetlands within the parcel have been impacted as a result of fill and drainage activities. Wetlands on the lot were previously impacted by a now abandoned sewer line. In summary, this occurrence is the result of the lengthy and complex permitting situation of this particular project. Impact activities on this lot total 0.28 acres. Please call if you have questions or require further information: 919-499-6310. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Dyer G !' ; MAR 2 s t..?+ I ?Yl?l 1V. JJJJ/ /a?.alv?• 1?• aJJ?v?.vvJ Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): 26 JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 2514511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-1786 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: SCOTT W. DYER (SINCE 3-AUG-94, SEE ATTACHED DEED) 2. Owners Address: 5708 WISPY WILLOW LANE, SANFORD, NC 27330 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: HARNETT COUNTY, NC Nearest Town or City: SPOUT SPRINGS, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): CAROLINA LAKES SUBDIVISION, PHASE VII, LOT 69. LOCATED AT 5708 WISPY WILLOW LANE, SANFORD, NC. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River: REEDY SWAMP CREEK - J0MPING RUN CREEK 7. River Basin: CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WSI, or WS II? YES( ) NO(X) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES ( X ) NO ( ) If yes, explain. ACTION NUMBERS LISTED ON THIS FORM. SEE COVER LETTER FOR EXPLAINATION OF REVISION. 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: UNKNOWN 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project: NW 26 Filled: 0.10 Drained: Flooded: Excavated: Total Impacted: 12. Description of proposed work (Attach PLANS-81/2" X 11" drawings only): AFTER-THE-FACT IMPACTS FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCE: INCLUDING IMPACTS FOR: UTILITIES, AND DRIVEWAY. 13. Purpose of proposed work: CONSTRUCTION OF PRIVATE RESIDENCE 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wetland impacts. PROPERTY TRANSFER PRIOR TO CURRENT ISSUED PERMITS AND THEIR RESTRICTIVE AGREEMENTS. 15. You are required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project. Have you done so? YES ( ) NO ( X ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16. You are required to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which mdy be affected by the proposed project'? Have you do no so? YES ( ) NO ( X ) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM: A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant, include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? RESIDENTIAL F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? SANITARY SEWER -S,5? D?_??,- Owner's Signature Date State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director C) FE F1 July 5, 1995 Hamett County DEM Project # 95337 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Mitch Barron Patten Corp. Carolina Lakes FILE Route 6, Box 1-A Copy Sanford, N. C. 27330 Dear Mr. Barron: You have our approval to place fill material in 10.09 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a residential subdivision at Carolina Lakes, as you described in your application dated 20 April 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2664, 2732 and 2671. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 12, 14 and 26 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. Deed restrictions shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands to restrict future wetland fill. Applicant is reminded that proper sediment and erosion control measures shall be constructed and maintained on this site. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 276 1 1-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Dorney at 919-733-1786. S'ncerely, / Presto Howard, Jr. P.E. Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files Kevin Martin; Soil and Environmental Consultants 95337.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper G p;,y ??'?? ??- s , ?7 o?r?tfs 5 ???`Z iG??> ?c• ??J / ?> ?? ????? ? ?a ?'?l?(iJL ?sItG'LVl ?LnMG?/Gt? htyAli"? E?Lt/?OLyIE'Gi C CL?rSS/hl` P /j4Gw a ?w !.?- C' ???? ??c? ?O C hag f? ( ?U> yr 5 ?? ?rz 1` eo c- C'y GLU?? K S?'G ? G LI?C'GZ 'GL ?Q G' ,'Gs > c? t'?(a'111s t > 3 O c ?i/OGZy?j QCUli{? ?i (I !/?.c'yf? G'lG?P?'7, (o? (/`L,{5 L°.C (P?«y a ?Gvvy y ?rr2C1?r?tri?', y"" ? l1 C?o? ter, s a try- & ,Z,- P" `o 6.1- LtGiG^ 7Gif/?1 / '? fP?/P!/-? ( /G/f fit e-tC; bo e?u??? o/ SP /v?, P? 7l r??^ Sion-( State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources • • Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor ? C F1 Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary C f? A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 15, 1996 Mr. Mitch Barron Bluegreen Corporation Carolina Hills P. O. Box 2250 Sanford, N.C. 2733( Re: Violation of 401 Water Quality Certification Conditions Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills DEM #95337 Harnett County Dear Mr. Barron: To date the Division of Environmental Management has not received any further proof of deed restrictions on the wetland lots of Carolina Hills nor have we heard from you or your consultant about the installation of anti-seep collars or the detailed restoration plans of the headwater forest wetlands as requested and agreed to by you in your February 22. 1996 letter. On April 10, 1996 I made another site visit to Carolina Hills and found that action had not yet been taken to restore the impacted wetlands. In fact I found that part of the adjacent wetland behind lots 262 - 275 had been ditched. Grass had been planted alrni`T the sewer line corridor but there was no evidence of the placement of anti-seep collars or the restoration of wetland contours and vegetation. I also saw evidence of significant erosion off the roadways and cleared upland areas. Excess spoil material from the large wetland road crossing (identified as "C" on your map) needs to be pulled out of wetland areas. I suggest that the Division needs to meet with you, your consultant, and/or your contractor on site to look at the wetland impacts and discuss a restoration timetable. Lack of action to correct this violation may result in the revocation of your 401 Water Quality Certification and prohibit any further work in wetlands until the matter is cleared up. Should you have any questions please contact me or John Dorney at (919) 733-1786 or Ken Averitte at (910) 486-1541. Sincerely, IeV Peter B. Colwell Environmental Specialist P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunrty Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper cc: Matt Flint, US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM, Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Central Files REPLY TO ATTENTION OF Regulatory Branch April 4, 1996 Action ID No. 199502883, DEM Project No. 95337 RECE/V6L) APR 1 p 1996 ?1VVNO1VM61Vrgt s(:lENOES Mr. Mitch Barron Patten Corporation Carolina Lakes Post Office Box 2250 Sanford, North Carolina 27330 Dear Mr. Barron: By letter dated February 8, 1996, from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), we have been informed that several conditions of NCDEM's 401 Water Quality Certification, and subsequently our Nationwide Permit No. 26, verified by letter dated June 12, 1995, have been violated. These violations include the placement of fill material outside permitted areas, unauthorized mechanized land clearing of wetlands, and the failure of silt fences, resulting in sediment entering wetland areas. These unauthorized wetland impacts are located in the Carolina Lakes subdivision, in the headwaters of Jumping Run Creek, in Harnett County, North Carolina. These activities constitute a violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. You are requested to cease and desist further unauthorized work in wetlands. Accordingly, you should undertake the corrective measures detailed in NCDEM's letter. Our concerns with unauthorized nature of these activities will be resolved upon our notification from NCDEM that you have successfully completed their restoration requirements. Failure to comply with this notification may result in referral of this manner to the U.S. Attorney with a recommendation for appropriate action. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Jeff Richter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (910) 251-4636. Sincerely, Copy Furnished: G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Mr. Pete Colwell North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 REPLY TO ATTEWTtONOF February 27, 1996 Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199502883, DEM Project No. 95337 Mr. Mitch Barron Patten Corporation Carolina Lakes Post Office Box 2250 Sanford, North Carolina 27330 Dear Mr. Barron: RECEIVED MAR D > >,996 sNV4R04r1VTgI sc'??s By letter dated February 8, 1996, from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM), we have been informed that several violations of NCDEM's 401 Water Quality Certification, and subsequently our Nationwide Permit No. 26, verified by letter dated June 12, 1995, have been violated. These violations include the placement of fill material outside permitted areas, unauthorized mechanized land clearing of wetlands, and the failure of silt fences, resulting in sediment entering wetland areas. These unauthorized wetland impacts are located in the Carolina Lakes subdivision, in the headwaters of Jumping Run Creek, in Harnett County, North Carolina. These activities constitute a violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. You are requested to cease and desist further unauthorized work in wetlands. Accordingly, you should undertake the corrective measures detailed in NCDEM's letter. Our concerns with the unauthorized nature of these activities will be resolved upon our notification from NCDEM that you have successfully completed their restoration requirements. Failure to comply with this notification may result in referral of this manner to the U.S. Attorney with a recommendation for appropriate action. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Jeff Richter, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (910) 251-4636. Sincerely, G. Wayne Wright Chief, Regulatory Branch Copy Furnished: Mr. Pete Colwell North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Pnnted on ® Recycled Paper DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER TO February 5, 1997 Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199502883, Nationwide Permit No. 26 (Headwaters and Isolated Waters)and Nationwide Permit No. 12 (Utility Lines) Bluegreen Corporation Mr. Douglas Talbot RECEIVED Route 6, Box lA Old Highway 87 North rC? 199/ Sanford, North Carolina 28403 1-N""'0N MENTAL S(:..,, Dear Mr. Talbot: Reference our letter of June 12, 1995, verifying Department of the Army (DA) authorization of your impacts to 10.1 acres of wetlands above the headwaters of Jumping Run Creek to facilitate the development of the Carolina Lakes and Carolina Woods subdivisions on your property located near Spout Springs, Harnett County, North Carolina. Impacts authorized included 5.1 acres under Nationwide Permit No. 26 and 4.9 acres under Nationwide Permit No. 12. Although these nationwide permits expired on January 21, 1997, we hereby verify your activities to be valid ("grandfathered") until January 21, 1998. This verification is based on our determination that you have made a significant investment of resources. If your work is not completed before January 21, 1998, your completion of your proposed activity must be considered pursuant to a DA individual permit. Finally, the total amount of wetland impacts on your property authorized by to Nationwide Permits 12 and 26 is now 10.1 acres. Under the provisions of the new nationwide permits, effective February 11, 1997, any work in waters or wetlands in excess of 3 acres must be authorized by a DA individual permit. This applies to the Carolina Hills and Carolina Woods subdivisions, as well as any future acreage added to the tract. Additionally, compensatory mitigation must be provided for all further authorized wetland impacts. Please note that the individual permit requirement also applies to work in wetlands by private lot owners. We recommend that you inform all current and future lot owners of this fact. Questions or comments may be addressed to me at(910)251-4441. Sincerely, Michael L. Hosey II Regulatory Specialist Copies Furnished: ,;Mr. John Dorney Mr. Chris Huysman j. Division of Water Quality Soil and Environmental Consultants North Carolina Department of 244 West Millbrook Road Environment, Health, and Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 NCDEH&NR - DWQ Attn: Mr. John Domey 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 RECE/VEQ FB 2 ,1997 FM,IRCNMFNTqL SC/ENCss February 25, 1997 Re: NC DWQ Compliance Inspection: Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills, Harnett County, NC DWQ Project #95337 Mr. Dorney: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. is in receipt of your letter concerning potential wetland fill violations at the above referenced project. Bluegreen Corporation has informed me that the corrective actions, as outlined in our plan, will be completed by March 31, 1997. It is Bluegreens intention to accurately address your concerns and rectify violations that have occurred. r ly, its Huysman cc: Doug Talbot, Bluegreen Jeff Richter, US Army Corps of Engineers Ken Averitte, DWQ, Fayettville Regional Office Pete Colwell, DWQ, Raleigh Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Fayetteville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary 1 EDEHNR DIVISION OF LAND RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION NOTICE OF VIOLATIONS OF THE SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL ACT June 24, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RECEIPT # P 313 156 703 D. Mitch Barron, Area Manager Patten Corporation 5295 Town Center Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33486 Re: Carolina Hills, Phase III Harnett County, NC Dear Mr. Barron: J RFc?i?'F? 4V 190%(' Nr4`SC/???5 On June 13, 1996, personnel of this office inspected a project located on SR 1293 in Harnett County, North Carolina. This inspection was performed to determine compliance with the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973. The inspection revealed a land-disturbing activity of approximately 42 acres being conducted. It is our understanding that you and/or your firm are responsible for this land-disturbing activity. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that this activity was found to be in violation of the Act, NCGS 113A-50 to 66, and Title 15, North Carolina Administrative Code, Chapter 4. If you feel that you are not responsible for the following violations, please notify this office immediately. Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville NOC FAX 910-486-0707 North Carolina 28301-5043 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Voice 910-486-1541 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper D. Mitch Barron, Area Manager Re: Carolina Hills, Phase III Harnett County Page 2 The violations that were found are: a. Failure to conduct a land-disturbing activity in accordance with the provisions of an approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. GS 113A-61.1. The erosion and sedimentation control plan approved by this office on October 5, 1996, must be immediately implemented on the site sufficient to restrain off-site sedimentation. b. Failure on a tract of more than one .acre, when more than one acre is uncovered, to provide ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion on exposed areas within 30 working days or 120 calendar days, whichever is the shorter, after completion of construction or development. GS 113a-57(3) and 15 NCAC 4B.0007(b). Additional areas have been disturbed along streets and sediment is migratory into woods in various areas. c. Failure on a tract of more than one acre is uncovered, and erosion control devices sediment generated by the within the boundaries of the upon and development of the t than one acre, when more to install sedimentation sufficient to retain the land-disturbing activity tract during construction ract. GS 113A-57(3). Sediment is draining into woods in various areas and into waterways due to a lack of the erosion control measures required by the approved plan. d. Failure to take all reasonable measures to protect all public and private property from damage by such land- disturbing activities. 15 NCAC 4B.0005. There is a lack of any erosion control measures required by the approved plan, except for the installation of silt fence in certain areas. To correct these violations, you must: (1) implement the erosion control plan approved by this office, (2) on unpaved streets install the required sediment basins, catch basin protection and dissipators according to the approved plan and (3) on paved streets install the required dissipators and establish permanent groundcover on additional areas that were disturbed along streets. D. Mitch Barron, Area Manager Re: Carolina Hills, Phase III Harnett County Page 3 Please note that merely planting grass seed does not satisfy the requirements of "vegetative cover" or of "ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion." These requirements are not satisfied until a standing cover of grass or other ground cover (such as properly applied and secured mulch, seeding, or appropriate riprap) is established which is, in fact, sufficient to restrain accelerated or man-made erosion. Please be advised that if these violations are not corrected within 20 days of receipt of this notice, the Director, Division of Land Resources, will be requested to take appropriate legal actions against you pursuant to NGGS 113A-64. The action could be the assessment of a civil penalty and the amount may be up to $500 per day for each day of the violation. The penalty may be assessed from the date of your receipt of this Notice of Violation (15A NCAC 4C .0007). If these violations are corrected within the time period specified for compliance, no further legal action will be pursued. Please be advised that any new land-disturbing activity associated with this project should not begin until the area presently disturbed is brought into compliance with the Act. When corrective actions are complete, you should notify this office so the work can be inspected. You should not assume that the property is in compliance with the Act until we have notified you. After installation, all erosion control measures must be maintained in proper working order until development is complete and the site is completely stabilized. We solicit your cooperation and would like to avoid taking further enforcement action. At the same time, it is your responsibility to understand and comply with the requirements of the Act. Copies of relevant statute and administrative rules may be examined at this office or will be sent to you upon request. Should you have questions concerning this notice or the requirements of the Act, please contact either Connie S. Miller or me at your earliest convenience. r ASnCe eph E. Glass, P.E. Regional Engineer Land Quality Section JEG/bt cc: Craig Deal, P.E. Tommy Stevens NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION: Wadtovia Bldg., Suite 714, Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 (910) 486-1541 .c County Harnett Project: Carolina Hills Ph. III Case# Project Location SR 1293, Person(s) Financially Responsible Patten Corporation D. Mitch Barron. Area Mgr. AddrP.. 5295 Town Center Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33486 Number Prints ? Slides ? Video ? 1. Pictures: Yes ? No M000, Copy of inspection report to be sent to person(s) responsible: Other (Name) Date Sent 2. Weather & soil conditions 3. Is site currently under Notice of Violation ? es ? No 4. Is the site in compliance with the S.P.C.A. and Rules ? Yes? No0/no check violations below. 5. Violations: ? a. o approved plan, G. S. 113A-57 (4) and 15A N.C.A.C. 4B.0007(c) [Failure to take all reasonable measures, 15A N.C.A.C.4B.0005 b. Failure to follow approved plan, G.S. 113A-61.1 ? g. Inadequate buffer zone, G.S. 113A-57(1) ? c. Failure to submit revised plan. G.S. 113A-54.1(b) and 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0018(a) Rod. Failure to provide adequate groundcover, G.S. I I3A-57(3) and k' A N.C.A.C. 4B.0007 (b) or 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0024 (e) . Insufficient measures to retain sediment on site, G.S. 113A-57(3) ? h. Graded slopes and fills too steep, G.S. 113A-57(2) or 15A N.C.A.C. 413.0024 (d) ? i. Unprotected exposed slopes, G.S. 113A-57(2) ? j Failure to maintain erosion control measures, 15A N.C.A.C.4B.0013 ? k.Other (describe) 6. Has off-site sedimentation occurred since last inspection ? Yes No ? Remarks Degree: Slight ? Moderate [Severe ? Remarks a .r 7. Contact made with (Name) a te gt..it Title (Name) Inspection Report given 9. Corrective actions needed: 10. Comments: e1w4, e,ru/r1 190wr oaf l.f-xt_;6? 44%eee ? [ N COVA . Report by: ??- Jr, /h Others present CONNIE S. MILLER Date of inspection /b Time arriving on site Time leaving site 1/Z e" P.J r 1?..ifwM?? ?/b c eel?t7ri..,? w/Yt1 [.Y??J 4ueM 926OVkI &4 d42A/? / r l ? S /...I.J? AL conas.J. _?.1.0yip Avnr.1J L ?meie?r- e.kf" %J V 4 'vi ii V IF February 22, 1996 CAROLINA HILLS A PATTEN CORPORATION COMMUNITY Mr. Peter B. Colwell F,nvironmental Specialist State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 RE: Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills, DEM #95337, Harnett County Dear Mr. Colwell: ??V2 ?! O E. A: ?s Please be advised that we received the Notice of Violation from your office regarding the wetlands violations that have occurred on our properties. Thank you for bringing these situations to our attention and please know that it is our intention to immediately begin corrective action on these items. Specifically with regard to the listed violations in your letter, we will do the following: 1. Lot #60. Pinewoods Dr. Carolina Lakes: We will remove the fill from this lot that exceeds the permitted 3000 s.f. We will reestablish the pre-existing elevations in the wetlands areas and will replant with wetlands vegetation. 2. Lot #99. Carolina Hills: 1'his lot had a house placed on it and dirt piles placed in the wetlands area prior to April, 1995; significant disturbance to the wetlands area on the front of this lot had already occurred at that time. These dirt piles were subsequently spread out and the yard landscaped and essentially the entire wetlands area of this lot was filled. This house was ultimately sold and closed May 26, 1995 without a wetlands deed restriction placed on the lot because the sale of the lot was prior to the issuance and conditions of the 401 certification. The total non-permitted fill placed on this lot is approximately 7,000 s.f. which we will have verified by our surveyors. In order to rectify this situation, we would like to transfer or reapply some of our several other permitted fill areas from other lots in Carolina Hills which we no longer intend to utilize on those lots. These include the following: Route 6, Box 1A, Sanford, North Carolina 27330 1-919-499-1199 Im # Lot # Permitted Fill SF 7 13 1,200 12 101 1,850 13 132 250 14 136 1,050 26 323 3 000 7,350 sf If possible, we would like to utilize these permitted fills against the fill quantity already in place on lot #99 and eliminate the permitted fill from these lots listed above. If this will be acceptable we would not try to reestablish the wetlands on lot #99. If not acceptable, we will have to excavate the fill on lot #99 and reestablish the wetlands vegetation; we would then secure; the deed restriction fern the current 1hunicowntr. 'vde request that you review this alternative and advise if this is possible. 3. 1 leadwater Forest Wetlands at lots 262 to 294: These areas were cleared in excess of our intended clearing limits by our subcontractors. We regret that this occurred and we will take corrective action on these areas by reestablishing the preconstruction wetlands elevations and by replanting the areas with wetland vegetation. 4. Failed Silt Fencing: The silt fences will be reinstalled/replaced immediately and the sediment will be removed Irom these areas. 5, Anti-Seep Collars on Sewer Lines: We are sure that these have not been installed as they were not specified on our construction plans. We will proceed immediately to have these installed where they are required. In addition to those items listed in the Notice of. Violation, it appears from our own field inspections the wetlands on lot #21 of Carolina Hills have also been siginficantly disturbed. This is an unsold property at this time and we will reconstruct and replant the wetlands in this area. Please be aware that we have already contacted Soil and Environmental Consultants to request their assistance and direction with regard to the corrective work to be done on the items listed above. We will meet with them on site to formulate details of the corrective action and to ensure that we do not do further damage to any wetlands as we proceed; however, we would like to receive your input prior to having that meeting. S & EC suggets that it may be advisable for you to meet with Kevin Martin in Raleigh prior to preparing your response. As for the deed restriction requirement, we regretfully must advise you that several lots have been deeded without the restriction having been recorded on the deed since our certification was issued. However, in most instances, we did have the lot purchaser complete a wetlands disclosure form (copy attached) and additionally, the wetlands delineation line was shown on their final surveys. Unfortunately, neither of these documents were recorded with the deed for any of these lots. In order to correct this situation on the closings that have occurred since our certification was granted, our attorneys are recalling deeds from all the property owners to have the wetlands deed restriction added thereto after which the deeds will be re-recorded. We do not foresee this as being a problem since these owners were all made aware that the wetlands existed prior to closing. These re-recorded deeds will be provided to you as soon as they are completed. Also in order to prevent this from occurring iii the future, we will iaa wdiately have our surveyors record individual plats on all remaining lots that contain wetlands in Carolina Hills Phases I and II and Carolina Lakes Phase VII Block S. These plats will show the wetlands lines and will have the restrictive language thereon. The closing attorneys will be instructed via these plats to include the restrictive language on the deed as well. As for the final sections of Carolina Hills Phase III and Block T of Carolina Lakes Phase VII, we will have the wetlands identified on each lot and the restriction placed on the overall recorded plats for these developments, prior to any lot being sold, so that it becomes a matter of record. We should have this completed on Carolina Hills Phase III within the next 2 weeks as these maps have been prepared and are being recorded now. As for Lakes Block T, this will be done on the overall property plat within 2 weeks also. We will forward to you copies of all recorded plats as soon as they are complete. Please know that Patten Corporation (recently renamed Bluegreen Corporation) is very regretful and sorry that these violations have occurred and assure you that none were willful or intentional. We further assure you that we will do whatever is necessary to correct our mistakes and to reestablish the wetlands areas. Bluegreen is very sensitive to the wetlands issues and wants to cooperate and minimize wetlands disturbances in all of our developments. Again, we apologize fur these vioiatior?s. Thank you for your understanding and for bringing these situations to our attention. Sincerely, n,,,., k k D. Mitch Barron DMB/chs cc: Matt Flint, US ACOE, Wilmington Field Office Ken Averitte, DEM, Fayetteville Regional Office Kevin Martin, S & EC, Raleigh John Dorney, DEM Pat Rondeau, Bluegreem Corporation rnn?Pt LANCE WITH WUTI ANDS REGULATIONS In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.0500, the following DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS shall be recorded in the Harnett County Registry prior to conveyance of lots. Said Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants shall apply to Carolina Hills, lot number in Harnett County, North Carolina as shown on the Final plat titled CAROLINA HILLS, Phase , prepared by Bracken & Associates dated " A portion of this lot has been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a regulatory wetland. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this wetland shall conform to the requirements of state wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this deed restriction is to prevent unauthorized wetland fill, so the property owner should not assume that a future application for fill wiil be approved. The property owner shall re port the name of the subdivision, CAROLINA HILLS, in any application pertaining to said wetland rules. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and the Federal Government, therefore benefits may be enforced by the State o;*North Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and sh:,ll be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them." Owner's Name Signature Address City, State Phone: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT I , a Notary Public of the State of North Carolina, County of Harnett, hereby certify that owner personally appeared before me this day and executed the above certification. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of 1995. (Notary Public) My commission expires State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr„ RE., Director ?EHNR June 26, 1995 Harnett County DEM Project # 95337 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS f, Mr. Mitch Barron Patten Corp. Carolina Lakes 1 li p R? , P. 0. Box 2250 Sanford, N. C. 27330 Dear Mr. Barron: You have our approval to place fill material in 10.09 acres of wetlands or waters for the purpose of constructing a residential subdivision at Carolina Lakes, as you described in your application dated 20 April 1995. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Numbers 2664, 2732 and 2671. These certifications allow you to use Nationwide Permit Numbers 12, 14 and 26 when they are issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. Deed ,!! restrictions shall be placed on all lots with remaining jurisdictional wetlands to restrict future wetland fill. Applicant is reminded that proper sediment and erosion control measures shall be constructed and maintained on this site. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Environmental Management under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone John Domey at 919-733-1786. Sincerely, n Howard, Jr. P so Attachment cc: Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Corps of Engineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville DEM Regional Office Mr. John Domey Central Files Kevin Martin; Soil and Environmental Consultants 95337.1tr P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper 05129/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 01 'r a 2 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 44 West Millbrook RoadERaleigh, North Carolina 27609In(919) 846-5900¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 FACSIMUZ SHEET FAX )VO, (P19) 84B,84eS7 DATE: 'TIME SENT TO: NAME;,,,, TXexG TALBU i CC: PC0L CDJ.W%6 X' COMPANY; laS?CFN FAX NUMBER: j 510 425 i, Vet FROM; dA-br% tN!s, SUBJECT:_ Gl?P, The following items are being faxed, Number of pages including transmittal sheet: 9 . _ For Your Comments/Approval Per Our Conversation Please Advise Would Like To Discuss HARD COPY SENT: US Regular Mail UPS Overnight Federal Express For Your Information Per Your Request Please Call Please Handle ,% P( Hand Delivery US Certified No Hard Copy Sent Other REMARKS: ff =c MU 1A 1642 W kTl+ ? ?? 1 ??- ? GAF- .5.? l? ??Ge K+ rV?' V ?.....?_,_.. , ?. r-...,.? IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION. PLEASE CONTACT AT (gig) 846-SSQo. *CONFII)ENTIALITY NOTICE* 'Ills transmission is intanded only for the we of the individml or satity to which it is addressed and may oortain information that is privsleded and aonfideotiai, If the reWw of"message in not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disdosure, distribution or eopyi%C. of dtis information Is strictly prohibited. If you have rectivtd this transmission in error, please notify = li =*&tdy by telephone and remm the fuzed documents to W at the above addreu via the United States Postal Service. Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation 19 Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design 00/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 02 0 COR"Q M ACTION FLAN HARNETT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MoPosm ELF.Mmrrrs VIA SUBMn-MD IN DRAFT FORM ?? x r??J ?; .9 • ?f +z( Q?lJkG. MAY 28, 1996 w -t YGva 01o) -iqq - 199 Afteji. Cl 10 g9c, !1160 g-. AY, PPMAM FOR: BLUEGREEN CORP. e, -.?os .r lG PLA?PesIBr Wfi5wj 1A1z9" CoAmt'nI As you Tear ?rsr M IkG D W1u. ?? oN-S l 1 -t,+I5 V,"-" d2 WEXT' Tb sr?k? L=.p'noNas Or- ,C.4+erw- tom" !E!V?? prT l=trJ/??, Pt-M W%W tZA-4 OA) MOOS. Wr, WILL rvr- k%-L- ?-OtS W lttk c o "VL *46-04VeaS CMQ BY& x IL Svr eS- Fuswse:? C.d?w To txst , . .. LA-n , 05/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 03 SUMMARY: The Corrective Action Plan is designed to restore natural /native wetland conditions to identified violations areas within Carolina Lakes / Carolina Hills. The restoration activity is dependent on a successful restoration of the natural hydrology for i region; native vegetation will respond to the hydrology. Surface and sub•surfhce hydrology will be adequately restored using a combination of "check dams" and anti-seep collars. Surface flow will be controlled to prevent further channelization and scouring of young vegetation. "Level spreaders" will be utilized to create sheet flow. r? Wetland plant annual mixes will be utilized to stabilize denuded areas. Compost may be (J amended to the soil to increase fertility. Seed mixtures will include a mixture of Rye to assist in initial stabilization, Rye will not tolerate wetland conditions and will die-out when hydrology is restored. .?.? 4,v PM`s WPB u V?pa O-ic: --0 Erosion and run-on will be controlled in-pert by & combination of swales and silt fencing. Q Run-on will be controlled prior to revegetatlon. Tlu intensity of the run-on control are governed in-part by the final site prep, Broadbased diversion swales may be incorporated into the Seal prep of this site. The restoration elements proposed in this draft are planning purposes, More elements will be proposed in the final draft. The attached maps show the impacts sites and the elements intended for each site. These elements will be confirmed and identified in the field during subsequent field visits. . The final corrective action plan will be a narrative of the elements proposed for the restoration and detailed maps showing the intended activity, 05/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 04 1) RUN-ON CONTROL: Run-on to wetland areas from the adjacent uplands will be controlled to prevent further siltation. S&EC is of the opinion that this dement trust be coordinated at the earliest possible time. Three basic methods of run-on control ar propose d they are outlined below and may be used in conjunction with each other, ?.----? Diversion Swales: tc0 g t„"C'as? Wv*#X,Ja Arc: P..'Ca B mad as ad diversion swales incorporated into the site preparation of the remaining development areas would sufficiently control run.on. Swales would not have to be intrusive to be effective. These swales would divert water to points down-stream and throughout the wetland area utilizing flow dissipaters: Concept Sketch: rJL? L"Z i7?? OAO "? .V_- t1P Z*P OP95 A7M (? ? NCV3i? tip Silt Fence. It Silt fence erected at the wetland line would be eft we at controlling additional sedimentation in wetland areas, The fbncingfO orporate diversion areas and rip-rap flow dissipaters Concept Sketch; n l M11>- OAP ND r> C5 X - X, - X po?? P%40 " .0 OR- V4 W w ? -- L .... v.?ti ? W -W k x Diversion Ditches: (---a "All V w swbrtW ' %uY IN ZXq"Wx? Ditches in high ground above the wetland line would be effective run-on control without altering the groundwater budget of the site. The ditches would be intrusive and may possiblfneed to be fort ed. Re' r? J ,?,s ''J_ 05/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 05 2) HYDROLOGY RESTORATION: Hydrology will be sufficiently restored to the site after "check dams" are placed in channels and on the wetland surface, Darns will be erected in areas where flow has become channelired. U5? ??. Groundwater: Anti-seep collars are being installed and will sufficiently restore groundwater hydrology, Surfhce Flow: Three general types of surface flow s'a?for three general slope configurations. The location of the flow control sttuctu waltletexrnin in the fi d and will b ,,Mace`d approp?ately: .,5: CXO _Gabian Structures: , Gabian walls will be keyed into the adjacent slopes approximately 8'. These 'S•-u?'?" structures will be used in bISLILMLgreas where erosion and Ibrther channelization are suspected to be a contynu""" edisaue. Concept Sketch: (° J / C,asha,v ? ?x?snnx? GMgA)1T? R1,?5?a"T ?j d? V TUB -M Trop rm Fe-r- errs: CIM W,raw I x - Sr-..rT Timber weirs will be designed to down su flow in moderate flow areas, Weirs will be constructed from native pine trees and will degrade over time. A? MdKIW(Bj_/ Concept Sketch: ?r ? . or jq7 L"As "Y?S,L .y 4 ert 0.5/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 06 TWNG+ti Stone Check Darns; ("Level Spreader'') t Stone check dams will be placed within 1&?W djMkes in low flow areas that are not channelled. The dams will be along contour and will be designed to act as level spreaders of surface flow. Conce t Sketch: t' -me 17> TDP ° ??-?? W 'V 3Y 4 ' cOX?c teg%-M %- se:z r 3) EXCAVATION OF EXCESS FILL: Excess fill will be removed to the level of the preexisting °`A" horizon or site specific interpolated elevations. These areas will be Identified in the field and will be staked accordingly, stakes will identify areas that need to be excavated and to what depth. SThk.M Concept Sketch: `1? ifV IOI?ki1t?J i? . osrIN6, R-0 ex6fiwa".11 om 4) RESTORATION OF VEC}ETATION: Soils may need treatment to encourage wetland plant growth. Soils were observed to consist of hard clays and other parent material, Some amendments may be necessary. Soils will be prepped with composted matwW if available, Two general concepts will be utilized in the revegetation of wet areas. Hydroseeding: Fe" A prepared wetland annual' l mix will be mix with compost and a Rye and applied to the wetland. The rye is not suitable to wetland conditions and will die-out after the hydrology has been restored. The rye will be incorporated to stabilize the bare ground until wetland plants have become established. Hand Planting; Some woody shrubs may be planted within cleared areas. .W MI, SW (w' MZ1Z7W4>' MAW l?ntrR? *77 AnkI41%) 05/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 07 / LEG l 40 NATIC a. oC.womop Orr Fku, VATIC IA LAKES / xC riu, -NATIO (CRYSTAL LAKE ? J1 32 _ I 3a 44 ,45 42 'S 37 5 46 75 55 76 71 "40 sa N 57 55 2ul 13'1 /84..- G? / ?` Z 140 ?- ' 0G j .. ?? ,., `? .. .? ` `165 141 tG7 tGb `? iG4 142 1Ga 143 ,?.. F4 174 1reT1 ?. . ? ` •. 144 ` 35 171 1G1 ` 143 G2 172 ? 1G0 i6 \ G3 131 ?-.. ? 199` ro 4 3 --? i t97'f X198 ?-•'' ` 145• ?1P??Pc? t 149 15:,•150 \` 32 Q5/29/1996 15:57 9198469467 PAGE 08 Z on N. 1 44 45 41 .42 40 . 3A i'l7 126; 1?ce 1 ?1 13 44 `.'?\? I ,? ' •? ?, '? w 75 78 _?._ . _....? . ` 134 ~• '?., ? ? 215 1'21. ZGy e2 // ?.. 1- l Lam" 1L10 ?,? / 2(?3'•` 14%? { '86 ?. r? ?•,. `202 T, 137 lql 207. 204 ZOl 39 `• ._ _ -";r: 9 16f!` '? 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If you want this rer.eipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address leaving the recant alta::hod end present the article at a pest office service window or nand it to your rural carrier too extra charge). 2. II you do not went this receipt postmarked, slick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the artirlc, date., detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article. 3. It you want a :ehun receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Eoral ;+811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space pernuts. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse, front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjarr.nl to the number. 4. It your want de.liverv restricted to the addressoe, or to an authorized agent of the addressee„ endorse RESTRICTED DELWERY on the front of the article. 5. I:otcr tees for the services requested in tha appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is mouested, check tim applicable hlocks in item I of Form 3811. m ti a? rn m to -1 O CO M E U LL in a G. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. U.S. G`0 1991-302-916 C?eo?? ru A _L?a?s _c?Qo?l NA 44CAL S SU$vI VIS?O?a ?LA-r Vj t-ZTLAN DIGLINA 10 N RECE/V'C'D M?4Y 2 21996 ENVI RCNM"ry SCIENCES CAe.OL 1 N . _ LA V-MS_ _ -PiiAs_E 7 BL1C. S '541T T_-) a-?Z CaeOLI N A_ LA V.E! S P 44S c_-7 Q L IG S s V4MWT 2 o4"2 CAeoU NA 4 1 BLS I N A S G 1 GAeoLI N A_ 4 I LLS PUASG SgEe- - 1 0 2 - 11'' G R1Q V U KJ_A i-4 1 L L S -f1-UOr?G_ ____ _ -} 4 G ET 2 0 L G.AQOL4N A "ILLS 1::>+}ASE = S"C-E"I'_ 1. 6 f 3 x,^ P o L.1 t j A. 41 LLC> - :PgaS C _SoG-eT 21 4 3 C-AP,oLI tv-A_ 41 LLS_. -PAAS,E _ V_E'r 3 F?S? I c P/5c2 a F/s6.zc F/s62 0 /,5&-2 ,4 F/562 j3 I er-E 15 Y_ GL-e-T_I F TA G _ AF3 0V ._ LISTC-D SuZa:) /ISION PLATS WE ZE - -?•a?sfi ? rr??? .•'•??? N C Rpt '''?. 73 _ - - -- ?' 05/06/1996 10:36 9198469467 PAGE 01 0- Soil & Env* n?n.ental Consulta?ntso Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road w Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 M Fax (919) 846.9467 DATE: 5-6-I G TIME SENT: 'T'O: NAME: C_4Lgue CC: COMPANY:_ FAX NUMBER: "'7? dal FROM `3 SUBJECT. e `k,jLhy?F"!?'- Tlie following items are being faxed. Number of pages including transmittal sheet: For Your CommentVApproval Per Our Conversation Pleaae Advise Would Like To Discuss BARD COPY SENT: US Regular Mail UPS Overnight Federal Express For Your Information Per Your Request Please Call Please Handle qr 2,?; Hand Delivery 'UPS Certified tic .a No Hard Copy Sent Other REMAKES: F zkm-n r IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THIS TRANSMISSION. PLEASE CONTACT AT (919) 846-5900. *CONPTDENTIAI.ITY NOTICE* 'ittis transmission is intended only for the we of the issdividual or amity to which it is addressed and umy contain information that is privileged and confi4tatial. V the reader of tMa message is not the intmdcd re4iant, you are hereby notified that say disclose, AWributiaa or copyioa of this infarmstion is strictly prohibite& if you have rccxived this viasmissiou in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the filed documents to us at the above address via the United States Postal Sa•vies. ticril/yitr Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysia 11 Wetlz- ds Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Envirctnmrntal Audi On-Site Waste - -atment Systems, Evaluation and Design FACSIMILE SHEET FAX NO. (pra) 846-"e7 ti 05/06/1996 10:36 9198469467 r "ROM : HRACKEN&ASSDCIATES PHM E NO. : 7746717 e? 44 1 LL U ? 7t 1J ! 1; 7??J ......... ' " LA-r'?? CAM. ? r?,q 1????.? ?!???.??? ? 8?K .? ?? . C4190L.t N.A LA V.815 'mss R. '7 Fi 1..k. S q,:p 49CT 2 CI%P."I N A A I L I. S., . -P;4 A S G C.A, i?aL.l N A 1?.1 Ll.'S ?lA??t? . ? ?Wt!!'?" ,. ? ° '? • ?:. o ?! '2 Gateau N? ?-1,??.L.? '?'?. ?'?a?G?r t t-?et?w ?~r LAN .7m c 1p 'PLATS.. WE' _ .• •. _ • • _...._?01111.., 94 olla .4 IMI _ .. __ ,.. ........... _ n y • x,19 q?. PAGE 02 r02 V-D o 2 L` 42E { Page 1 Note for Pete Colwell From: Steve Kroeger Date: Tue, Apr 23, 1996 1:39 PM Subject: Violations at Carolina Lakes ... To: John Dorney; Pete Colwell A representative of Blue Green Corporation called about in April 15, 1996 letter from us concerning 401 w.q. certification violations. She said that the company is changing management and that the new manager cannot contact you until later in the week. (Blue Green corporation???? did I hear that correctly?) R GENERAL CERTIFICATIONS FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 12 OR REGIONAL PERMIT 049 (UTILITY LINE BACKFILL AND BEDDING) This General Certification is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109 AND .0201 for the discharge of fill material to waters and wetland areas as described In 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (12) and General Permit No. 198100049 of the Corps of Engineers regulations (i.e., include any fill activity for utility line backfill and bedding. This certification replaces Water Quality Certification Number 2664 issued on January.21, 1992 and is rescinded when the Corps of Engineers reauthorize Nationwide 12 or Regional Permit 049. The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 sand 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95- 217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinafter set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Activities covered by this General Certification do not require written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) as long as they comply with all conditions of this General Certification and the conditions of Nationwide 12 or Regional Permit 049; 2. Written concurrence from DEM is required if the utility line is installed parallel to and closer than 10 feet (3 meters) to a stream or if the utility line crosses a stream channel at less than 75 degrees or more than 105 degrees (i.e., not perpendicular stream crossing) of the stream bank; 3. Construction corridors parallel to streams shall be placed at the furthest distance from the stream to the maximum extent practicable; 4. That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all salt water classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters). All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 5. Annual species suitable for wet locations shall be planted within jurisdictional wetlands for soil and erosion control. Perennials such as fescue are prohibited; ' 6. No fertilizer shall be applied within 10 feet (3 meters) of streams; 7. The construction corridor (including access roads and stockpiling of materials) is limited to 40 feet (12.2 meters) in width and must be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 8. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 9. Permanent, maintained access corridors shall be restricted to the minimum with. practicable and shall not exceed 10 feet (3 meters) in width except at manhole locations. A 10 feet (3 meters) by 10 feet (3 meters) perpendicular vehicle turnaround must be spaced at least 500 feet (152.4 meters) apart. 10. An anti-seep collar shall be placed at the downstream (utility line gradient) wetland boundary and every 150 feet (45.7 meters) up the gradient until the utility exits the wetland for buried utility lines. Anti-seep collars may be constructed with class B concrete or compacted clay. Perpendicular wetland crossings less than 150 feet (45.7 meters) long do not require anti-seep collars. The compacted clay shall have a specific discharge of 1 X 10-5 cm/sec or less. A section and plan view diagram is attached for compacted clay and concrete anti-seep collars. The following specifications shall apply to class B concrete: a) Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with rounded course aggregate 5.0 b) Minimum cement content, sacks per cubic yard with angular course aggregate 5.5 c) Maximum water-cement ratio gallons per sack 6.8 2" to 4" d) Slump range e) Minimum strength - 28 day psi 2,500 11. Placement of rip rap is restricted to stream bottom and banks directly impacted by the placement of the utility line. The stream berm must be restored to the original contour after construction; 12. This general certification does not authorize any permanent changes in preconstruction elevation contours in waters or wetlands. The permittee will have a specific plan for restoring wetland contours. Any excess material will be removed to a high 'ground disposal area; 13. If an environmental document is required, this Certification is not valid until a FONSI or ROD is issued by the State Clearinghouse; 14. Stormwater management shall no be required for this Certification; 15. Compensatory mitigation (i.e., restoration, creation or preservation) for wetland losses will not be required for this Certification; 16. This Certification does not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to obtain all other required or local approval. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management may require submission of a formal applicatiYn for individual certification for any project in this category of activity, if it is determindd that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the waters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream waters are precluded. Public hearings may be held for specific applications or group of applications prior to a certification decision if deemed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. This is the C day of September, 1995 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By ..? A. Preston Howa#; Jr Director nwl2b.cer WQC # 3022 W, , ANTI -SEEP COLLAR I 18 I i inches I Utility Line I I (Diameter Varies) 1 foot I_ Class B Concrete ?_I I or Compacted Clay i I t _. 6 inches Trench width 6 inches --O- .*_---? ?-- Not to exceed 40 feet SECTION Class B Concrete or Compacted Clay 12 inches 6 Inches 6 inches PLAN 0- State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., G ovemor Jonathan B. Howesr Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director FAX TO: FAX NUMBER: FROM: PH 4, [D EHNF=1 ev, Avep-j- ffe- P, f" C-0 ? " / / Z3 3 1796- NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS SHEET: ? I l1 COMMENTS: 1? 6?e ?/j Pte' ?P. l (Pd' ?b 9 f fe' C-, ? r le 4 wre kwL,? of a vt G ?? ?s Saver e w? e ?v c?a Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal opportunity Affimratlve Action Employer 5016 recycleWl0% post consumer paper B On the surface, it seems at first fairly reasonable to issue this certification as requested. However, after looking this thing over in more detail and revisiting the site, I am somewhat reluctant to make a favorable recommendation on the application as it is. Reasons for this are: 1. No mention is made of a significant road crossing, (about 80 x 200), on the south side of lot 130. Although there has been a dirt trail there for some time, this fill had taken on much greater proportions. There apparently is sufficient wet weather flow under this road to warrant installation of three 60" pipes under the road. This was a nice adjacent wetland area, and has never been permitted to my knowledge. This would add to the area involved. 2. My experience with this developer has shown them to be driven by whatever is the need of the moment. For example, they needed to prepare lot 99 Carolina Hills (fill area no. Il on the map). The entire lot was french drained, graded, landscaped, and now has a modular home on the site. The application specifies a 400 square ft. driveway fill. The representative's explanation for the excess was "that was done before my time." I seriously doubt that AU of the requested residential fill areas will be the limit of actual fill, although we can't deny the 401 on that assumption. Even though most or all of these wet fingers are seep fed, they provide the first line of protection to several recreational lakes. Any certification should require a recorded restriction on the affected lots, as suggested by Kevin Martin on the attached copy of his fax to Patten Corp. Since Patten is doing most of the site work on the lots for sale in Carolina Hills, wording in the Certification should strictly limit the fill activity to the amount requested in the application. This should result in an amended application. Many of the areas in the application are existing fill, particularly the road crossings. They were done in a reasonable manner, though erosion control measures have been poorly maintained. The proposed road crossings should also be of minor impact if adequate erosion and sedimentation measures are installed and maintained. I talked with Mr. Mitch Barron, Patten Corporation's site representative, and suggested that they consider inclusion of the above mentioned restriction on the appropriate deeds. His response was somewhat reserved. However, I believe that this should be a requirement of any 401 Certification issued for this project. g t JDR?AT! i WQRK?SHEE r., t a?w Project n County Nearest road and area -X - acres Wetland wid h feet Pate S-L3 -?? 't 7- ;M adjacent Land use ?_ etland, location' M, ?upsfope, ,?• ,?. (within z1?2 mile UPS ?. nipo d of 'lake or radiiis} m er E: ?. on perennial stream . ?' ,?,=,??_ > _ ?? restea/natural ve eiat?on.r i5 n e '°ro T rmzti antstream s r ; . Yr i' I agricu{t6,'re, urban fstibUrban F1 witun mterstz ears divide ?ot?iei?i" .,.?.?impervious surface o ? Dominant: vegetation Soil ; series t! ') nt? H:t, xs t ? p?redorrllnantiy organic - humus ?x muck,' o"rpeat ? predorriinan'tIy mineral - nor sandy i 1. ;<• ` - ' s wetness `ai F}-p'redorriinaritly sandi Flooding and ? - t r ?'semipermanerJtly? to er,rrianently ''flood ed or? ?1 Hydraulic factors 3rnudated i s. ? seasonally flaot9dror inundated k Intermltt'antfy flooded` or. tem orary i. 'opogr-aphyf . ' surface water r ffeep-, itched; orchannElized . . etal etland width >100'f6et s ? no evidence of-Blooding or; urface watery: ?44M ??. I Wetland type (select one)* x? ? Bottomland hardwood forest ? Pine savanra ? Headwater forest ? Freshwater -narsh ? Swamp forest ? Bog/fen ? Wet flat ? Ephemeral v.etland ? Pocosin ? Carolina Ba. ? Bog forest ?__Other S2tF? *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or s--ream channels n weight Irk Water storage x 4.00 = F Q Bank/Shoreline stabilization ?- x 4.00 = Wetland Score Pollutant removal x 5.00 = ° ,Lt y Wildlife habitat x 2.00 Aquatic life value x 4.00 = }>;. UV Recreation/Education ?- x 1.00 - * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1 /2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius 57 NG 'VI1 .RKSHE T` r' ers ap j TLA?fD AT ?- Project na e Nearest road //13 County edand area Mfy acres Wetland widhx 3S? feet Name of evaluator- ate -- t^' E, Adjacent gland" `use s "(within ?I12-°mile`ups up e, ' cl orIake _ 3 t ?' or, radius) ,t? +.. t'? yam, .k, is 9 en.la'1 S LLLil 11'zit sireani r,. ?'foresfec3lnaurai?vegetation ? agriculture',,' b n?suburba'n []ith?no ntcrstreari? d>?7de r } ?? tt Hx'a othe??? impervious surface-.- W4 r Dominant vegetations x 2. # t rt Ur Soil :`se'ries t q w4 t i ? predominantly orga it humus r rriuck fur",peat (3) 4 r , predominantly mineral non-s ndy ? predominantly sandy '`Flooding, and wetness T }, []''sAmipermanently t Hydraulic xfactors fluaded orlnu;clated " i easonaliy floodd'ol tiundated ? ? steep topography mtermlttantl ?floaded for temp'orwy . y '?? ? difch?ed or _'channelized r s surface water. 3 ' dal w width2100' feet etland no evidence ?of -fioodin'? or .surface ;..' l ? g water,*:A Wetland type (select one)* ? Bottomland hardwood forest ? Pine savanr_ I&Headwater forest ? Freshwater -harsh ? Swamp forest ? Bog/fen ? Wet flat ? Ephemeral v.etland fi ? Pocosin ? Carolina Ba. ? Bog forest ? Other *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or s_ream channels wei ht Water storage g x 4.00 Q Bank/Shoreline stabilization Wetland Score x 4.00 = Pollutant removal * T x 5.00 = Wildlife habitat .? x 2.00 - Aquatic life value x 4.00 = %N % Recreation/Education ?c x 1.00 5 G * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1 /2 mile ,,pstream, upslope, or radius ; 57 Project na e v 'M County Name of evaluator Wetland type (select one)* 5 n Wetland widtr ?- ova feet - Date ? Bottomland hardwood forest ? Pine savanna ? Bog forest ? Headwater forest ? Freshwater marsh ? Bog/fen ? Swamp forest ? Estuarine fringe forest Seep ? Wet flat ? Ephemeral wetland ? Other ? Pocosin ? Carolina Bay *The rating system cannot be applied to salt or brackish marshes or stream channels weight Water storage x 4.00 :: :..:: • Wetland Score Bank/Shoreline stabilization _ 2 x 4.00 . Pollutant removal x 5 00 `>" . Wildlife habitat x 2.00 = »?;;: Aquatic life value ?- x 4.00 J . Recreation/Education x 1.00 G * Add 1 point if in sensitive watershed and > 10% nonpoint disturbance within 1 /2 mile upstream, upslope, or radius E !?1 X12 2'l 10/04/04 18:17 12910 282 3797 Q003/007 ?vyvOll{w{ U, 4ttJ COh:; Y TA,NCE'ffH'SArE'I'C,ANQS REVIU AMONS Try accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H .0500, the following DEED RESTRXCTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS shall be recorded in the county County Registry prior to the conveyance of lots. Said Deed Restrictions and Protective Covenants shall apply to name of subdivision, lot numbers in county County, North Carolina as shown on plains titled title of subdivision plan prepared by name of designer dated date: "A portion of this lot has been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a regulatory wetland. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this wetland shall conform to the requirements of state wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this deed restriction is to prevents tact.{.' Q? wetland fill, so the property owner should not assume that a future application for fill will be approved. The property owner shall report the name of the subdivision, name of subdivision, in any application pertaining to said wetland rules. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with ? wetland rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and ttiec.?r_,? q ?vec^mt`?` therefore benefits may be enforced by the State of North, Carolina. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them." Owner's name address (signature) city, state Phone: (###) phone no. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OE COUNTY 1, ---- _-, a Notary Public of the State of North Carolina, County of county, hereby certify that owner personally appeared before me this day and executed the above certification. Witness my hand and notarial seal, this day of 1992. (Notary Public) y colnmissloll ?Xpl tes Post-It'" brand tax transmittal Memo 7671 ?N of pay" { 0 co co 953??7 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. :1,244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 46 April 20, 1995 NCDEHNR-DEM US Army Corps of -- - .• - Attn: Mr. John Dorney Attn: Mr. Scott Mc , o d N r, I 4401 Reedy Creek Road P.O. Box 1890 Raleigh, NC 27607 Wilmington, NC 2811 (APR 2 7 1995 Dear Messrs. McLendon and Dorney: The purpose of this letter is to request Nationwide Permits 12, 14, and 26, and a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the project to be known as CarolirtX Lakes/Carolina Hills. The project is located near Spout Springs, NC (Harnetg m County) and is bordered by NC 24/87 on the southern boundary and Buffalo a Lakes Rd. (SR 1115) on the eastern boundary; as shown on the enclosed plans ?j: and Olivia, NC USGS Topo Quad vicinity map. M '7z! The delineation of wetland areas has been approved by Mr. Scott McLendon if n; the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We have met on-site with Mr. McLendon? several times and Mr. Averette of DEM. c, rn This project has been previously permitted under Action ID 199301432 (See appended copy.). Incomplete records of prior permitted activities have resulted ,in confusion as to the whereabouts of previously permitted wetland impacts. S&EC has attempted to reconstruct prior permit activities to assess impacts covered by Action ID 199301432. This permit application, for the entire project, assesses past, present, and proposed wetland impacts. Neither the Corps nor the previous environmental consultant could provide the map cited in the permit which showed impact sizes and locations. Impacts to wetlands will be/have been required for the infrastructure of a residential development and minimal lot fill. The appended table shows the breakdown of impacts by type and permit. It will be necessary to impact a total of 10.09 acres (see map) of jurisdictional wetlands above headwaters for placement of some of the proposed roadways, utilities, and building lots utilizing Nationwide Permits 12, 14, and 26. All previous sewer impacts are considered under Nationwide 26, because they do not conform to permit 12 specifications. Future sewerline impacts will total 4.99 acres under Nationwide 12. A total of 0.11 acres (see map) have been filled for Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design x road crossings under Nationwide Permit 14. An additional 0.30 acres (see map) will be filled for road crossings under Nationwide Permit 14. Future impacts from building lots, and roads not conforming to provisions of Nationwide 14 total 2.22 acres under Nationwide Permit 26. The previously issued permit apparently allowed 9.9 acres of impacts under Nationwide Permit 26. Currently 4.69 acres of impact are proposed for Nationwide Permit 26. To expedite the permitting process and to make "life easier" on everyone involved, the following individuals/ agencies have been provided with a complete copy of this entire application package: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries, N.C. Cultural Resources, Ken Averette (DEM) and David Franklin (Wilmington Corps). Please call if you have questions or require further information. If you intend to perform a site visit please call and we will arrange for someone to accompany you. Sincerely, t-, ?,Z, ?- ? (? C &4 9 ? ? (4 Kevin C. Martin, President cc: (with enclosures) David Franklin, Wilmington Corps USF&WS N.C. Cultural Resources Ken Averette, DEM Fayetteville Regional Office National Marine Fisheries Service KCM/jmb A Summary of Existing and Expected Wetland Impacts at Carolina Lakes Nationwide Permit # 12 14 26 Total (square feet) Existing lots NA NA 0 .0 Impacts roads NA 4950 36800 41750 From: utilities 0 NA 71010 71010 sub total sqft 0 4950 107810 112760 acres 0 0.11 2.47 2.58 Expected lots NA NA 31820 31820 Impacts roads NA 12960 64970 77930 From: utilities 217400 NA 0 217400 sub total sgft 217400 12960 96790 327150 acres 4.99 0.30 2.22 7.51 12 14 26 Grand Total 4.99 0.41 4.69 TOTAL 10.09 acres DEM ID: ACTION ID: _ Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Carps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 284024890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: Patten Corp.! Carolina TakPG 2. Owners Address: PO Box 2250, Sanford, NC 27330 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Rd., Raleigh NC 27609 919/846-5900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Harnett County Nearest Town or City: Spout Springs, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): North ;-. o f N C . ; HWY 2V7 and east of Buffalo Lakes Rd. (NCSR 1115 as per attached site plan and Olivia, NC USGS Topo. 6. Name of Closest Stream/River. Reedys Swamp Creek - Jumping Run Creek 7. River Basin: Cape Fear River 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WSI, or WS Il? YES ( ) NO (x) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES (X) NO ( ) If yes, explain Previously permitted; Action ID 199301432 10. Estimated total number of acres of wagers of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: + 30 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project Filled: Drained: Flooded Excavated Total Impacted: 12 Description of proposed work (Attach PLAN" 112" X 11" drawings only): F i 1 1 a nd _Px a va tE wetlands for infrastructure-of residential development. 13. of edwork- Proposed infrastructure for residential development; including utilities, roads, and building lots. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that taus activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to mkdniiw wetland impacts. Wetlands must be crossed to access uplands; wetlands crossed at narrowest points. 15. Youxe required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project Have you done so? YES ( X) NO ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMFS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16.. You are required to contact the Stage Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic propetties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (X) . NO ( ) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional inforrna ion required by DM- A. Wetland delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project:. G If delineation was performed by a consultant; include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Residential F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? San i t a r y Sewer buJ?`'?S Sll?wl4 (? ??" n ?/ n /! r W` < \ l \ 1' Iii Lu?'/' 1` •,1-? ?r ;r_'3? /` ?d?'- _ / i atf is JTi?"°' ?. '?\°°? l i ?? )? ????g/^ - 1 \\l i?,?\ y?pr /•' 00 ?I-1111 ` Buffalo •' _ ?L` c-NO. Lakes \ r?? r ?_ '+"• •+y- \'41S07CI // f J? J i _\\? i v 4 rl- 1.`11 tt l?. t. /,-.ly gQ I '?? O ?'??- rN/ ?. -IIn9 Yo Qn `?r / / r J /i 7/i 1o e i_ "N iii Br \ ° / .?? ni0o ?? L? _-4r It i:, L3 / 93 toiler l ?• r I ?L \,f, V-4 (If I t.-) 41 / ?, a I JI7 3@2! - • \? i? -??aI ? ?, rc ` \ ? "rig, ? '- ?L ? Memorial f ,, ??° ? ? / ` h ° •? y , c I 4 t ; ' /,7 350 - l u - '?Y cc r ,, w - i -N /fit II'N µ 3p0 Jam. % ?? ?`` -- • /,i ?/ 8,.r 9° 11 300 _" /i -K J,. _L ` _\ i I •. ?: rr-_? ?? I/V rN /Park. p u - po 615 (OVERHILLSI 611 618 2130" 5154 It NE - ' e L . ? SCALE 1:24000 1 0 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET - - I_ - - -- 0 1 5 0 1 KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FF_ET ?~ r? 'T UDelineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph 919/8465900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNIINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: (?a ro l i ti M k a k <s Date q Ils-A q Applicant/Owner: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 PCr s"ar•. UI4[?P?S fo,} FaG,0 2 Le) N 9 Lra4 Ovir sd?, ` ( 3. Lobel s fly r FG C 4, 71A r k i u 04 t Ua d it sow, F ow- 5. Lp N rcl Oak i-?li( U 6. 5assc, fras Fa th 7. 8. County: ?To Community ID: Yes' ransect ID: Y N Plot ID: Dominant Plant Species 9. Stratum Indicator 10. _ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). 1,5-qt) Fa C Remarks: Q112 10-1, cl 5i L, HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth to Surface Water: (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit_L(eL_(in.) Depth to Saturated SoiL• _(in.) r .,marks: Wetland H Primary ] Saturated : Lt per 12 inches Water Marla Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) r SOILS C Map Unit Name Series and Phase): L a ? e Q ?v d Drainage Class: ( Ind Field Observations Taxonomy(Subgroup): TVd/ L ouNjT1- i r1S? ?rPnf Confirm Mapped Type? tso /I I Profile Description Depth Matrix Color (ins Horizon Munsell Moist D--4-1 11,7 Mottle Colors Mottle (Mansell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure 5q'01 . Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low-Chrome Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: ue/cw? Sr4'-P Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes o (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes (Circle Hydric Soils Present? Yes o Yes N Remarks: ?l,?y 3S6 Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETER11ENATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Lc, ICeti Date: Applicant/Owner: o r County: Investigator: state:- 4 C) ?, 16\?- p,0 Lr)Y oz? r n. or NC Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? & No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Yes4 Transect ID: Is the area a potential Problem Area? Yes & Plot ID: (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator .B h 2 o, Ac 10. v wee ?C L) V 3• 11. S pub V L 4. r Y` G 12 AfQAj. 13. 1 S? +r-?t /7 6. 461 fl e. U1_ 14. ?shr,cda G??? t- 7. 15. ar &J;q a etaleiq -s???=- 8. ew5 ?? VI&#401, P- P\ L W+ 16. Q&,4_jj&, C_A Lc a,6 Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). b [? Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): > Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs --Other No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: OF ? Depth"It,Surface Water: (in.) Depth to Fret: Water in Pit: _& (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil:(in.) i r ..marks: Wetland I Primary Saturabed : ? L.troer 12 inches Water Marla Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): _Y-Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches -Water-Stained Learres Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) f. v . SOILS Map Unit Name LL (Series and Phase): I ?J Drainage Class:_?D 4fa 1 t1e? Field Observation's I Taxonomy(Subgroup):_±v'01 r AIls) Q_Q'jA C , t Confirm Mapped Type?< C No Profile Description Depth Matrix Color Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, uis. Horizon Munsell Moist ?Munsell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure etc. Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions ZHistic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil _tz:!?,_Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime 2_Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List f; k Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? No _?CAcle) Hydric Soils Present? es No /Yes ) Nn Remarks: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS . P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 tN REPLY REFER TO garch 29, 1993 Regulatory Brench Action 7D 199301432 Nationwide erm o. 2G (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Patten Corp. c/o Carolina Lakes Att: Leon Tomlinson Post Office Eox 2250 y Sanford, Norx-h Carolibna 271,30 Dear Mr. Tomlinson: The Federal'r6v!ew has been completed for your proposal to permanently fill 2.80 acres of'wetlands to construct a road crossing and to temprarily excavate 7.1 acres of wetlands to install a sanitary sewar line above the headwaters of McLeod Creek and Jumping Run Creek at your property located off NC Highway 87, NCSR 115, and NCSR 1114 at Spout Springs, Harnett County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters and for the discharge of material for backfill or bedding for utility lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is no change in pre- construction contours. Your work is authorized by these nationwide permits provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. These nationwide permits do not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. If you have not already done so, you should contact the following State agency to obtain the required State authorizations prior to starting work: Mr. John Dorney, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. This verification will be valid for 2 years front the date of this letter unless the nationwide aur.hor.ization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. if during the 2 ye;crs, the nationwide permit authorization expires or i.,• suspryr.ctcd or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no loncler crn.hly with the terms and conditiona of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under V contract :ist_....._..? authorized ILL"C:'iue.. dle `_5 the.nationwide per:nit's expiration, mod:: icat'on or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modif;;, suspend, or revol•:e the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Scott McLendon, Jeffrey Richter, Rudolf Sc::iener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone r919) 25_-472546294636 Sincerelv, ne Wri, Zie , Regulatory Branch Enclosure Copy Furnished (without enclosure): Mr. John Dorrel Water Quality Section Division of £nvirc::mental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post office Boy: 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 9533-7 3 Soil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5900 ¦ Fax (919) 846-9467 NCDEHNR-DEM Attn: Mr. John Dorney 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Messrs. McLendon and Dorney: April 20, 1995 US Army Corps of Engineers Attn: Mr. Scott McLendon- P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 APR 2 7 1995 The purpose of this letter is to request Nationwide Permits 12, 14, and 26, and a, Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the project to be known as Carolina Lakes/Carolina Hills. The project is located near Spout Springs, NC (Harnett County) and is bordered by NC 24/87 on the southern boundary and Buffalo Lakes Rd. (SR 1115) on the eastern boundary; as shown on the enclosed plans and Olivia, NC USGS Topo Quad vicinity map. The delineation of wetland areas has been approved by Mr. Scott McLendon of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. We have met on-site with Mr. McLendon several times and Mr. Averette of DEM. This project has been previously permitted under Action ID 199301432 (See appended copy.). Incomplete records of prior permitted activities have resulted in confusion as to the whereabouts of previously permitted wetland impacts. S&EC has attempted to reconstruct prior permit activities to assess impacts covered by Action ID 199301432. This permit application, for the entire project, assesses past, present, and proposed wetland impacts. Neither the Corps nor the previous environmental consultant could provide the map cited in the permit which showed impact sizes and locations. Impacts to wetlands will be/have been required for the infrastructure of a residential development and minimal lot fill. The appended table shows the breakdown of impacts by type and permit. It will be necessary to impact a total of 10.09 acres (see map) of jurisdictional wetlands above headwaters for placement of some of the proposed roadways, utilities, and building lots utilizing Nationwide Permits 12, 14, and 26. All previous sewer impacts are considered under Nationwide 26, because they do not conform to permit 12 specifications. Future sewerline impacts will total 4.99 acres under Nationwide 12. A total of 0.11 acres (see map) have been filled for Soil/Site Evaluation ¦ Mapping and Physical Analysis ¦ Wetlands Mapping and Mitigation ¦ Environmental Audits On-Site Waste Treatment Systems, Evaluation and Design road crossings under Nationwide Permit 14. An additional 0.30 acres (see map) will be filled for road crossings under Nationwide Permit 14. Future impacts from building lots, and roads not conforming to provisions of Nationwide 14 total 2.22 acres under Nationwide Permit 26. The previously issued permit apparently allowed 9.9 acres of impacts under Nationwide Permit 26. Currently 4.69 acres of impact are proposed for Nationwide Permit 26. To expedite the permitting process and to make "life easier" on everyone involved, the following individuals/ agencies have been provided with a complete copy of this entire application package: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries, N.C. Cultural Resources, Ken Averette (DEM) and David Franklin (Wilmington Corps). Please call if you have questions or require further information. If you intend to perform a site visit please call and we will arrange for someone to accompany you. Sincerely, ?,&? /? Kevin C. Martin, President cc: (with enclosures) David Franklin, Wilmington Corps USF&WS N.C. Cultural Resources Ken Averette, DEM Fayetteville Regional Office National Marine Fisheries Service KCM/jmb A Summary of Existing and Expected Wetland Impacts at Carolina Lakes Nationwide Permit # 12 14 26 Total (square feet) Existing lots NA NA 0 .0 Impacts roads NA 4950 36800 41750 From: utilities 0 NA 71010 71010 sub total sqft 0 4950 107810 112760 acres 0 0.11 2.47 2.58 Expected lots NA NA 31820 31820 Impacts roads NA 12960 64970 77930 From: utilities 217400 NA 0 217400 sub total sqft 217400 12960 96790 327150 acres 4.99 0.30 2.22 7.51 ---------- - - --- - ---------------- - ------- - ---- - - - - - ----------------- - --------------- NATIONWIDE PERMIT # 12 14 26 Grand Total 4.99 0.41 4.69 TOTAL 10.09 acres DEM ID: ACTION ID: _ Nationwide Permit Requested (Provide Nationwide Permit #): JOINT FORM FOR Nationwide permits that require notification to the Corps of Engineers Nationwide permits that require application for Section 401 certification WILMINGTON DISTRICT ENGINEER CORPS OF ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402-1890 ATTN: CESAW-CO-E Telephone (919) 251-4511 WATER QUALITY PLANNING DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES P.O. BOX 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 ATTN: MR. JOHN DORNEY Telephone (919) 733-5083 ONE (1) COPY OF THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION SHOULD BE SENT TO THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS. SEVEN (7) COPIES SHOULD BE SENT TO THE N.C. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. PLEASE PRINT. 1. Owners Name: PAU n Cnri _ ! Varnl i na T.akPG 2. Owners Address: PO Box 2250, Sanford, NC 27330 3. Owners Phone Number (Home): (Work): 4. If Applicable: Agent's name or responsible corporate official, address, phone number. Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Rd., Raleigh NC 27609 919/846-5900 5. Location of work (MUST ATTACH MAP). County: Harnett County Nearest Town or City Spout Springs, NC Specific Location (Include road numbers, landmarks, etc.): North.-of,.-,, NC HWY 2 7 a n d east of Buffalo Lakes Rd. (NCSR 1115 as per attached site plan and Olivia, NC USGS To 6. Name of Closest Stream/River. Reedys Swamp Creek - Jumping Run Creek 7. River Basin Cape Fear River 8. Is this project located in a watershed classified as Trout, SA, HQW, ORW, WSI, or WS H? YES ( ) NO (x) 9. Have any Section 404 permits been previously requested for use on this property? YES (x) NO ( ) If yes, explain. Previously permitted; Action ID 199301432 10. Estimated total number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, located on project site: + 30 acres 11. Number of acres of waters of the U.S. including wetlands, impacted by the proposed project Filled- Drained:- Flooded: Excavabed Total Impacted: 12 Description of proposed work (Attach PLAN" 1/2" X 11" drawings only): F i 1 I a nr] eXr. va t wetlands for infrastructure of resid nt i a i de '- ola?l?nt 13. of proposed work. Proposed infrastructure for residential Purpose lopmepnt; including utilities, roads, and building lots. 14. State reasons why the applicant believes that this activity must be carried out in wetlands. Also, note measures taken to minimize wedand impacts. Wetlands must be crossed to access uplands; wetlands crossed at narrowest points. 15. You4ce required to contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or National Marine Fisheries Service (NNUS) regarding the presence or any Federally listed or proposed for listing endangered or threatened species or critical habitat in the permit area that may be affected by the proposed project Have you done so? YES ( X) NO ( ) RESPONSES FROM THE USFWS AND/OR NMIS SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 16., You are quired to contact the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding the presence of historic properties in the permit area which may be affected by the proposed project? Have you done so? YES (X) . NO ( ) RESPONSE FROM THE SHPO SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO CORPS. 17. Additional information required by DEM A. Wedand delineation map showing all wetlands, streams, and lakes on the property. B. If available, representative photograph of wetlands to be impacted by project. C. If delineation was performed by a consultant; include all data sheets relevant to the placement of delineation line. D. If a stormwater management plan is required for this project;, attach copy. E. What is land use of surrounding property? Residential F. If applicable, what is proposed method of sewage disposal? San i t a r y Sewer bud ?b?S *o-94's f /I I J ' /(( wo??.\ % ? \- ?y '?'j _- 1. ??°• li' ?\ ??- . n\C -? 00? _. -?.??-- /I athis \Hill 293 Buff al0 i = Jl\-,_. L?i? I ~ ?? \\ l11 \????yo? ?\\? \\\ Lakes If lr _i r ? 9 '?- 1 l ? O % ? ai Mi B gt_00 (// t h _ /11 -- 93 o - - f - f -?? - y l // 'r al\/' '` '^1?1 °256 \\? railer ?. ?4e X50 /9 .1 V 382/ - Memorial P Ch n o o u U1I?ti - - - • , 350, ,y 1 \ v \v? n j 326 `? - 0 0 • /?u,? r x na, ?L !' ? n ?. 300 \ ? ' n4 o ?i%/ \` `J _ -? \ -l / I^ `• _ ?'.l ? ,,`?i, y 11 Q-9' Jr\\' / \ Park n _ O i 300 / 1. , ---- -- 675 '(OVERHILLS) 677 678 213011 .r 6 515111 NE' -? SCALE 1:24000 1 0 1 MILE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 FEET r- ----? Q L;v i a 1 5 0 I KILOMETER CONTOUR INTFRVAI- 10 FFET uoK?, Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph 919/846-5900 DATA FORM Applicant/Owner: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse.) VEGETATION Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 1 PC V-.5 G1 &&rs j&) FGtG ?? 2. L_DN 1 Graf Over sd, 3. Lobd e !I y 4. Ta r k U&-e(, sjwe Few- 5. LaNrcl Oak Fac u 6. Sassa.frws ?? Fa cH 7. 8. (!es No Community ID: Yes ransectID: Y N Plot ID: Dominant Plant Species Stratum Indicator 9. 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). ?O FG G Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs Other X No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: Depth to Surface Water. (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit__>?(in.) Depth to Saturated SoiL• _(in.) T' :,marks: Wetland H Primary I Saturated N k Lt r 12 inches Water Marla Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Outer (Explain in Remarks) ,x. ROL7ME WETLAND DEI' M IINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) SOILS Map Unit Name 4'?r ( Series and Phase): La ?e / a v Drainage Class: Ind Field Observations Taxonomy(Subgroup): T J/ LYuu?T? i m -d Confirm Mapped Type? es o Profile Description Depth Matrix Color (ins.) Ho ' on Munsell Moist Mottle Colors Mottle (Mansell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Texture, Concretions, Structure Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions Listed on National Hydric Soils List Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Up 'c4A, C Sr4 -( Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes o (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes (Circle) Hydric Soils Present? Yes o Yes N Remarks: ?(a y 386 Delineation Performed by: Soil and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 244 W. Millbrook Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Ph 919/846-5900 DATA FORM ROUTINE WETLAND DETER1VIINATION (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: ? ? ml w. L--G K Date: Applicant/Owner o County: -r? v t F Investigator. State: Q ?4,b = , 7 vc 2 7 330 Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation)? Is the area a potential Problem Area? (If needed, explain on reverse.) No Community ID: Yes 6Q TransectID: Yes & Plot ID: VEGETATION Dominant Plant S ecies Stratum Indicator ? ?wiq oiae ?? 2 of *-I1?co OBI_ 3. a r 4. C s. Art t. 6. A4fafpyt 7. 'a r G 8. &+ Italic. V44 geq C Dominant Plant S ecies Stra i 9. c? 10. u ,rye Q 11. S rub 12 0-" Il 13.-L ` . C -.r,,ch Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC (excluding FAC-). jot) Remarks: HYDROLOGY Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): >C Stream, Lake, or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs --Other No Recorded Data Available Field Observations: 16F Depth't&aSurface Water. (in.) Depth to Fret: Water in Pit: (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil:- (in.) r .,marks: Wetland I Primary Indicator CZ+(-'_ F4 c- G L 1-- 12 inches Water Mark'J \ Drift Lines Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): _X.-Oxidized Root Channels in upper 12 inches ?_Water-Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) YAK iv .. Y SOILS Map Unit Name (? L L (Series and Phase): V I b /J Drainage Class: 1 a l t-c=OP Field Observations Taxonomy(Subgroup):,± Confirm Mapped Type?<Y?m No Profile Description Depth Matrix Color ups. Horizon Munsell Moist C7-I- 1AYR 4D Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Concretions, (Mansell Moist) Abundance/Contrast Structure etc. Hydric Soil Indicators: Histosol Concretions _?Histic Epipedon High Organic Content in Surface Layer in Sandy Soil r?, Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List 4L_-Reducing Conditions ---Lisbed on National Hydric Soils List _,' Gleyed or Low-Chroma colors Other (Explain in Remarks) Remarks: Wetland Determination Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? No (Circle) Is this Sampling Point Within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? No cle) Hydric Soils Present? es No Yes No Remarks: DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFER To March 29, 1993 Regulatory Branch Action 7D 199301432 Nationwide ermi o. 2, (Headwaters and Isolated Waters) Patten Corp. c/o Carolina Lakes Att: Leon Tomlinson Post Office Sox 2250 Sanford, Norr-h Carolibna 27330 Dear Mr. Tomlinson: The Federal'r6view has been completed for your proposal to permanently fill 2.80 acres of'wetlands to construct a road crossing and to temprarily excavate 7.1 acres of wetlands to install a sanitary sewar line above the headwaters of McLeod Creels and Jumping Run Creels at your property located off NC Highway 87, NCSR 115, and NCSR 1114 at Spout Springs, Harnett County, North Carolina. For the purposes of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 330.6, published in the Federal Register on November 22, 1991, lists nationwide permits. Authorization was provided, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, for discharges of dredged or fill material into headwaters and isolated waters and for the discharge of material for backfill or bedding for utility lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is no change in pre- construction contours. Your :,cork is authorized by these nationwide permits provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the enclosed conditions. These nationwide permits do not relieve you of the responsibility to obtain any required State or local approval. If you have not already done so, you should contact the following State agency to obtain the required State authorizations prior to starting work: Mr. John Dorney, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. This verification will be valid for 2 years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide aurhor.ization is modified, reissued, or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the 2 years if, during that period, the nationwide hermit authorization is reissued without modification or the activity coinplies= with any subE--equent modification of the nationwide permit authorization. If during the 2 years, the nationwide permit authorization expire: or i.es suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no lollyvr comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under V contracz -- authorized prc-- de' the act'."-t'! !-s ccmc-eted .jitn:n -:e :1 the. nat ionw ide permit's expiration, modi_icat°on or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case basis to modif;:, suspend, or revolke the authorization. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. Scott McLendon, Jeffrey Richter, Rudolf Sc::iener, Wilmington Field Office, Regulatory Branch, telephone (.919) 25_-472546294636 Sincerely, ne Wri, Zie Regulatory Branch Enclosure copy Furnished (wishout enclosure): Mr. John Dorne! Water Quality Section Division of Envircnmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 CYO w,t?<??-. ?p 0 /O.0 9 z8; 4Z, d w)= 4 s? O D D 67 g7- 6 RECEIVED MAY 31 1995 ENVIRONMENT& SCIENCES "D,. n„ 1 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 0 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director RECEIVED MEMORANDUM TO: John Dorney Water Quality Planning Section f' ??y? ??fy ?U ifs MAY 31 ft ENVIRONMENTALu CIENCES ?D gement (t166,('1t 61e3A1Y , L f`r si J/-z G C?1? 5i fe fate M rPU;h ; 0 16Z ? 1'6 5 c> ? ?? obi v o15 Review for the Patten Corporation's Proposed 04 Wetlands Adjacent to Reedys Swamp and aunty, North Carolina, DEM ID: No. 95337. Wildlife Resources Commission have reviewed pacts on fisheries, wildlife, and wetland resources s made on May 22, 1995. Our comments are 'ish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, )1-b of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (as (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). ;/Hills Subdivision) is requesting permit in "404" wetlands adjacent to Reedys Swamp and sett County. Excavation and placement of the fill ,.09 ac of "404" hardwood wetlands. The ruction, and residential lot and utility xpansion of the Carolina Lakes/Hills subdivision. .t-over pine uplands, interspersed with hardwood se wetlands provide numerous functions which hese functions include retention and purification of mat for numerous species of fish and wildlife. biological productivity of adjacent waters. DEM ID: 199301432 May 25, 1995 Due to the direct, unmitigated loss of wildlife habitat and stormwater retention capacity, we find the proposal inconsistent with our Policies and Guidelines for Conservation of Wetlands and Aquatic Habitat. It is the policy of this agency to oppose projects which "displace, damage, or modify wetland values and functions". We also believe that this project is inconsistent with the Environmental Protection Agency's Section 404(b)(1) guidelines in that the proposed project does not constitute a water dependent activity. Due to these factors, we request that a 401 Water Quality Certification not be issued. Modification of the project to avoid or minimize wetland impacts would result in a more favorable review by this agency. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this 401 Water Quality Certification Application. If we can provide further assistance, please contact District 4 Fisheries Biologist Keith W. Ashley at 910-866-4250. cc: Honorable Ted B. Lockerman Honorable John E. Pechmann Honorable Junior Winford Dew Bennett Wynne, Coastal Fisheries Coordinator Keith W. Ashley, District 4 Fisheries Biologist Tom Padgett, District 4 Wildlife Biologist GENERAL CERTIFICATION FOR PROJECTS ELIGIBLE FOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS NATIONWIDE PERMIT NUMBER 12 OR REGIONAL PERMIT 049 (UTILITY LINE BACKFILL AND BEDDING This General Certification is issued in conformity with the requirements of Section 401, Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 of the United States and subject to the North Carolina Division of Envi- ronmental Management Regulations in 15A NCAC 2H, Section .0500 and 15A NCAC 2B .0109 and .0201 for the discharge of fill mate- rial to waters and wetland areas as described in 33 CFR 330 Appendix A (B) (12) of the Corps of Engineers regulations (i.e., Nationwide Permit No. 12).The category of activities shall include any fill activity for utililty line backfill and bedding. This certification replaces Water Quality Certification Number 1179 issued in January 15, 1977 The State of North Carolina certifies that the specified category of activity will not violate Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Public Laws 92-500 and 95-217 if conducted in accordance with the conditions hereinater set forth. Conditions of Certification: 1. Proposed fill or substantial modification of water or wetlands under this General Certification requires written concurrence from the Division of Environmental Management; 2. The construciton corridor is limited to 40 feet in width and must be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 3. Permanently maintained access corridors shall be restricted to the mimimum width practicable and may not exceed 10 feet in width except in locations specified on maps for vehicular access purposes or at manhole locations; 4. That established sediment and erosion control practices are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DEM; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes,-and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 5. Work plans must be legible and sized to 8 1/2 by 11 inches; 6. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with :caters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 7. That additional site-specific conditions may be added to projects proposed under this Certification in order to ensure compliance with all applicable water quality and effluent standards; 8. Concurrence from DEM that this Certification applies to an individual project shall expire three years from the date of the cover letter from DEM. Non-compliance with or violation of the conditions herein set forth by a specific fill project shall result in revocation of this Certification for the project. The Director of the North Carolina Division of Environmental management may require submissicn of a formal application for individual certification for any project in this category of activity, if it is determined that the project is likely to have a significant adverse effect upon water quality or degrade the w-=ters so that existing uses of the wetland or downstream water a=e precluded. Public hearings may be held for specific applications or croup of applications prior to a Certification decision if deer_ed in the public's best interest by the Director of the North Carc- 1_na Division of Environmental IVanagement. This is the 21st day of January, 1992 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT By George T. 7verett, Director c=ncert.l2 '_d/GC 1%QC# 2664 Zvi 5 ? ?lc? ?5 0 :z A C r- c z m? C 7 / J z n 6 V C> 5 rj 0 c m 1 , ?• Q. CL '-y P m N Q N_ 0 n O CL CD - o• O X • cn a m cn 0 cn m 0 m -p C-u T R (no 3 u U) n Z mw O go y W W (D W. O ca T w CL EXISTING GRADE 0' S' 10' 15' STONE SPREADER DAM - SECTION Placed on surface. On contour. Level top. 6' center width - taper to ends. EXISTING GRADE 0' S' 10' 15' - - GABION STRUCTURE - SECTION - Keyed into channel sidewalk minimum 3'. Bottom of structure to be 7' minimum below channel _ depth. Use additional gabion as necessary to reach appropriate depth. Refill entire channel to near - origional elevation with local soil. EXISTING GRADE BLOCK ,q ~ BLOCK C \ 1 U 0' S' JO' 15' sroNE CHECK DAM (gin ditch) - sECT~oN BLOCK B _ _ j Place stone in existing ditch fo reach top of bank at points marked. Refill entire ditch to near original elevation with loco/ soil. VlCINI TY AP EXISTING GRADE VEL?CITY C?NTR?L STRUCTURE AND S W A L E 300 ,5° 6°° ,2°° 1200 SEE DALT~N ENGINEERING DESIGN NORTH APPENDED 0' S' 10' 15' GENERAL ND TE.S~ STONE CHE<'K DAM (minor channel) C,gROLIIV~ L,gKES / C,gROLIN,q HILLS CORRECTl1/E /ACTION PLAN M/~P GEN 1~ SECTION 1 ~ S TF~'UC TUBE L DCA TIDNS ARE APPf~DXIMA TE, Keyed-into substrate - below existing channel - taper to ends. Trench width minimum 24". Level fop. ALL AL ~ S Tf~UC TUBES Af~E F-IEL D L DCA TED, 2J SKETCH SPECIPICA TIDNS SEC TIDNS ARE ~~a SUB SPE SC2 SUBJECT TD MDDIPICA TIDN BASED DN SITE SPECIFIC DATA, A 3J 3~ SEE ACCDMPAN YING CDI~f~EC TI 1/E AC TIDN S~, _ G PL A sA C 4 J PLAN NA /Q,QA T 11/E, s ,a 4 ~ BASE MAP PRD ~/I DED B Y BL UEGREE-N COR ~aa CDf~PDRA TIDN, , C 0~ SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, Inc. 244 West Millbrook Road ¦ Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 ¦ (919) 846-5904 1... CUT 2 ;rir -.,ic JAB ND. #94-1141 PROJECT MGR. CUT 1 \ (SCAB GRAD Y CUT CH DRAWN scze ~ F'FC RLS FIELD WORK GRADE CUT ] \ S 4B SS2B CUT 4"'t CUT 8" SC58 CH SCALE i~ " = 1 ' 1 00 SC D FILE SS4B SSSB e C:\RHENDA\ALLLAKE S.DWG K 0' 700' 200' 300' 0' 700' 200' 300' 0' 100' 200' 300' 29 1 yY ~ ~ _ , r `i~ ~ =r a ~ ' ~ A 1 kf ~ ~yl.'- ~i Tdi`.F' , i ~ r1Y11r e/IrN IILWY41,y~ ~ t' , y v Y A ~ r+ 1. - s a ar 'H .uYlY: ywlt;KJ Y[/r.julrwy «taw.t ~u, ..w~yurr rlllglV~M.C rty ~..WW Yqw ~ } i~a •ti } , ,u Wr :r! larr nut w•rora v w Igluwr.r V rrlt.r4relrYr rJupw h r~ l.rr ~omuualrgbrrurulwxwpuv~~u~ret114Y~rv[w.wsru~.gW GfrtJfko[a ~t O~IW'i[1~? MW Lc.L..a[lun t , ~ ~ ~s>~ , ~r ~ , u? Y a•+~ wwiMrr[.M~•I dl w uW PrPri w tlr~lwurr rr . auw . , 's" r ~ rNtr+~ er 4t wl M pOarrd t1a PaNrb ar•t 111N NIIA M rrrO y da QIi{~ y~ trM`r AIA~1 1Y00 L 1GI:a> ccrWy thoL A"t;.f my Oract3 I trn uaap wa-a Wd.li fr,ow ao of tiid " ;r; ` • T r ' '~[Qtii PM~Lt .r4 t.~w. 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' ' { hr I{rM~t 4urntr p~r4 GI .Gq~?ibocl ? llcli w ~'1'ravd'. I i c ~ ~ ~ .5. ~ ~ alt o hfSF u!eFy~t r~r cna L1! 231 ~ Gi1r IUrQ IU h~;a~. II UW~ .w ~ PG F / 255 , . PST o t ~ . ~ ~k i~NT QF 1~'~TAIONI ,1~ _ { ~ G .z C~ s.• p EN 2261 4c ' 1 , 1 ll~_ i S . rte' 1 ~7~ J 1 ~J ~ '3° Ghe[1M r: ~ Yi , CA~~Ii~IG'I , „ I'Tl~l , • f 229 ~ ,a ti li , nlfMtt G~Irty n„y.yof ~ulw#puaur. ~ - . r. )a.r,~pr 1 ~ / / I .r 1 ~ 1 1~ tri0pl(!Ft 1 ,ae•%••°",.PF ~ ~ , ~ f • J ~ Gdf ~a I11Us I'haaC ~ _ vra'x _ ~ S~7'tl'o5'E IJ LIC71(~ ii k , • , ~ NOTE PG F ~ LGSM u+~ ~ ~4,. " _ ~ , THIS PLAT REGORO~D FOR DELINATION QF ~YETI.ANOS ONLY- , , ~ , ~ t 9400' , . 4 NOT FtIR TRANSFER .OF PROPERTY ~ ICI{~11` \ .r ~1:~~- j. y ~ 11. ; , , SHADED AREA DENDTES W TLANOS - Q s ' .r° k ~ ~ • 4vz. _ ,IA•:: .r * , o,, E RQ S HATCHED AREAS OENOTE a ~ ~ , ~ a , . ~ ~ 13 \ ~ , ,k . t ALLOWABLE •fILL AREA9-aS PERMITTED 8 D ~ , 7 G 2~6 ~ 237 8 s~ , r, y ~ .f , R ,r Y fIC EHMR IREF, pEN 9633I? a y0 ~ } 1 . usac~~ r 1D 9sso2ea~ ~ k «35 23'~ \ ~ i. i~!, ; •r F ri 240 ` . f f l i 67 ~ ~a G~I'+~Ir4 ttYh PhiiSfr ~ rI. r•5r2e E y ~1' ~ ' r "rt' r; 120.0>i W' .u • o~.yr '''r;, ` 1.4`- ~ " PG F f 171G ~',»r[ W4Y1]'r • ' u'E 199.97 - ~r. ul ood ''~7•~ w 'k 1 '1~ 1 .r• r ~~3 ~rCllt W pI . s > i SP3 2531E •n,'1 cw u, ' t~1 , aw.. 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K/{' 10!•erarY Cii Our /lOV arN' W!•uv'V ~IIfS Ill rl~rl ~(/G~- •rt'~G ~ ~ fi' , - 1~~ ~'4 :nom .'w 14r' (Glut i~1'[~'A•V q/ ~i.w /t,it' aMY~'. rYt'iY1~'~ k ~ ` flr'1.; r Ye r. ~ ` ~ Q ~ a~ UI 11,x' r2rJ' W71' r7)•t//J'r q6 )kJ,l OLIO'. ~t.y7' M61'1'J'a{T UCLIy{I~~~ bY_ 1`~r"~. f~.JL~ ~l A~Ai~k7 41 GQ ~I 4 • t I.'~ G ti _ ~ f ~ . . 1. :k 111r' wll' Ntl' Me•'ll'u•v rqL kw taw >v~.' t1I'N'itY ' h4i M. tL,,, f klt,ur,94:.r. Kit(;, !i., ~ rF_•` ; i.r, 5 .u 1[tr /0!•' IJjd' Irat~LrW'[ UI ::.w !1??I lY+I' wll'!1'ar"V ~ ,f = ' `x, , • ~ , - y crr lirr t.h tOa' i•YCV~.•r fir u..w NIO' 7a)1• Ori'l/'L'V ' '~:..',e~;:'. t.F-' ~ ~ :10 tltll' W:1' WIO' R['dTrYr L7r Iw.w Gall 04DJ' M,•rail'r . , , ' d ' . , cu Ilel1' uS)• lbO' ser~rvO•[ CM Iw ~r NcM' IO.JC !G!'ill'l/'V . . r~ ; ~~'zTu :0 lff.M' .ur ii+v rrY•T~/'v Gr 2:.ar lilt' rOYy' WYI'O1't ';i K t1t~, ; i0 94Y ' ` 1oG ~ ~Z3 cu iMtr iu{• eir Mr7..rv [{t >a.e atw ual• wl'1wr'v 1~ A a;; N 'ASSOSOCIAT ES ,f~. ~ {r Gr lller nr)' a1r te.vrw[ eN sra 1[sr usa' lirit'IY[ • s # - ~C. ~M' I+.IL' ,O.JI SN'L'tr•C CN Ol.rr /!IY Nra' lie'LYI,'1 \ 1 C:d war 71•fO, [.i y , ~ E I RI SI J ,x . war : a•c ~r uc .r wvrra'c - I~G PtEE NG ERRING SURVEYING ~ ,Ar i _.t 116M' ru•v rr,01' Ww•19'O/•[ CIO Seur WI' N,aI Ilraf'A'~ • . • r 1111r cut !7• . lOaiO' s7rMlt IOl t:lr Iitr eui' rRl'Wb'V. 1'i Or ~QA ~J~ Sj1Nf, 1 a,,~~ h i _ h•, ~ ~ ? u. wr. 1~ rrw•!e•Ir•[ iq a4w i[11' ran' ~•g'~y , rr,, ~ 1 fl <i . 4 ` ~ 1 _ i31 StiwfQRU NC 21,JS4 411 (9181, fi~fi-5422 ~'ax ,1 ~A~ x.140 a ~ / . ~ ~ ~ . •F z -5622 5..', ;aifFi 9: ,4 :d. ~ ` 'r, A,. rl,..... i.l i ~ f r p;.., :N ~f ~ I haMMly c.r ut y tr,.t 'q1a nRara.d et oo.pbe nlth the GertRwto d oarnnr"nq and p~tlo„ ~ ' ~ AQM't J. llrRCkaaa>, cer' e ~ aabdNwn rcpuletlMH d hlaAtt eouaty hIC, wd thrt a I. Drac.ka& csrtify that under iny."drectiap . 't I l ~ ~ ~ thM . 1 ttM p11t hs wcan approaod for r.cotd M th R tr Nrb/Y th.t ~ ~ r11K d tM pr ,°a~1111 ~F ~a ~ ~ ` ~ r ~ d Dw1e a ttarnttt .read Inoliol hweon. rllleh Ilt UMtM b tM «0 ~F ' ~Id wrwy. tbrt th Mm thl?.mW was drawn from, an *G tvO w-vay. tWt the error of cl~o was , 1M1 of t11t county d Mlawtt awd thrt I ~ , f~i~t6d br hrtltucloo eM by latitude and departure i~ 1, 10.000 ~ of aeMdvlelrua a4th a>r RM eauint. N " ~ a _ o+~N N1Mllt~ Int?. and dr~GaA1 M etraK>i.• i • , .v . li - pfitL ~ ~1lLP Nta Md ~o t0 . • t a ~ " ~ Dfate ArII11p DM ector ~ P~ ~ , na t ~ : f . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' , uN • IlOtld. ful'th6feior.. I IM11'MII bQGato r d f~ TM n ~ . ` r ~.on xtarw N..r. and arlt~• Iw to the coYI1tY d J. ~ Ro taro w^ a ' , r . ~ r fwrtlfkekc of App. oval by th1 ~ coawdeeloa ' Re tared Land Survey Nor th Carolina ' , • ~ , 1 ; . r , ,d ~ lM Gonlt .North CraM~ ,,c 1111 Nrnett Lrut,t! Ph1~ 1+1rd h;ett,y "ppr•owf t!w fhel p~ Oraner(a) y G ~ no~rry I'rbic of tha x ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ t ~ t , - , - prat far t?,n wbdnr~, u~lA"y thNt Rct~t L t Pubic of the County and State aforss4r3 it gc*wt L Cracken. a registered lad. C <4~.a ,.d F . N•~ , ~ s G . 'WIC ~ A.~:Ys~ T . ~ Z ~'?'l . . .19 , ,wrlrh cor•tKy that tic roucNrd pl.t caap~? .Ipr th. Mrl~rlr, P~~h? aaypa 4atsondy appeared before me 'thb clay ~ ~ North alto. n 4 ~ " i _ GR nett Goraaty Date w~dllMllal rgMl~,bm of .tlfultt Faancy NG. Ad eh11t ~ dgs4 t!n oxi ledfad the executlon *of the forsgor4 *10"6 my hand and offfle al stamp or .~s,>~ +'~'t ~Q~~~iA ~ , ~"a~f0~ ~ nr (or.Oorq cercKte9e.e?) d tt. ~11t h~. aaba approwl tR' r.~aranp « ralu for 1~ - t t?~I air help ,r~`~, j ~ ~ - d DMI~ N Ilrirnatt Goulty. ti4 Qty of day of , • . ~ ~ ;own Plaza ~ , ~ ~ . ~ n ; , ~ a ~ Notary I'uae (Notarw nakJ le/« a c.rtlrlad t:. h tt county Plenty Dorq OC r b~. jd 3 a ~ ¢ ~ `~•A~.'~~`I~ ~ ~rr Rd cgrnct. tNa n~trua.at rte praeol c 1 for r./1tt#tloo ,!ro. y nary P7 ~ r eY~,,~a ~ y ~ , z o 00 Orate ti11y OPsctor " ~ s~.a ~ ^ ~ ry~ . a and rKgrdad h t1Ytr o/flu of DoW . !'r1 GcrtKlc.ta or ~.I't„ r,>d by tlr Gamty GonunKUOnr~_ @~c ~efi. Floc ~3 8~ on exop a? -7 ~y~•; ~ ~ F r ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ lhle of ~ i9 the hit tt Groat ~ Bn C - t4 .._.mY of n. t erd d Gaalaaaewnr~ a heerby approve" h1y ~ :~E 4 ~4 y. ~ 1 l oib,ck o. ttw fn/ Plat f,~, tt~e wbdNbbn . H P. Ax t~ ~~,u fl e'~~~ 9° ~ l Nolwt J. Qracken. R 11ft/ Land Surv. a hM. 137,~~"" ' , ~ r L C . Via, ~ , r..;. ~ ®7 ~ d oM'My tlot thu plat M d 1 htvoy th.t N'NtM .r"~,µ`,i , ~ M•. ' ~ r. IO Rs tic of i rcde - AN't ~ Mte 7 er~luMlau of hod vltttl 1411 !N of the coMt ~ i r • is I~L/~Ytdf }iSM1y MG A~ s , ~r spr r ~ y' haw ~ o? that r cele of i, roewrain ~f~ ~ ~ ~,..a~ ,r;a• ~ ~ 392 z ~ t• ~a ~ x '~.~P, ^ ~ e)'` netmtt Canty scare of GoeNaleelonarn ~ I f F ~ ~ ' ~ r'' , J7 Robert 1 Or/okll 1l.5 tb l 1J13 i ; ? ` t ~ .0 ~i r ~ oaf / ~ ~ 4/ w Lt 7' ~ ~ "F M. ,,tract ?1nKT o111Tx - ~ ti a ~ 391 t . + ~ E ,.ti ~b• a Garolln~ mills Phase I OE'PARTMENT ~ 1l1ANdP0A'fAIOM r.~,., , * c4 fit' DIIItSIOM ~ I~iWAY~ j yr t ~ 9, ~o? a?. PG ~ i 171G r'. s r ' ~ - : ~ ' ''3 ~ ~ 360 NlOr09E'D 1 ROAD . ~ . hQ ; r . OQ!'TI~J~:TK~N 3TMR1iM08 CFRiFCA1gf1 r. ~ , ~ t F ,W ~ C s• * 390 1a.i4 ~1 a 1~ ~s oo. ~ ljj ~ y .r' • o ~~'M ~ ~ ti 391 ~ ryb. t 1!x!1!1 t? x`01' ~r• 379 S~ / ~ CAROLINA HILLS ~y r, , 'V S ~ t~;, _ \ti ~a w h off. ?J 4 " ~ ~+,a,,, ~ ,Y ~ xt' b q~' l~ ?,1 ip ees~aM ~.~1ha,,, ~ F, ~ \ \Lh,362 ti 4> w l., r 29?• a Y, . sac' 13 03 ~ 37B ze 49 E °h~ ' ~ ~ f \'~7• C26 3~e S50 46 03 ~ u.4 k~ <~~:b_r, Z4.',ba' !0' Dram ~ h o . 172.0 ' k , \ S 3~.4~ iwement h C27 ~ 4:,~. F , C10 n 393 qt w ~ .365 Sid' ~ ~ r TO FAVWTTrAa 01 h. I ~ . c \ ti 11. w ~ t~1,er E ti.,_._.r..,/,.,3• o,• r ry , 377 ~ ~ "h' ~ c 'u•ep' ~ ~ . ~ ss's ~ ~ n z w . u . ; , : , r~'~•R ~N,.w b ot\ ! , __r~>>• n 3 N g o, IGlni Y Vicinity Map ~ { ti.: cat 3 b• - ~ s1~ ~ , a =f . ~ ~ - ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ 364 xr ~ 2ce w k d Py ~t ~ ? ~ A G»rOMna Nllis Phase ~ tsr v~~'"rid ~ ~ •W ti J1. ft 0 ~ ~ • VI 7e'.~r Sheet 1 of 3 . i ~ . F 11 C) 43 h 5 b ay ~ 7v iv 4 - ° ~ W aS, N t d' N t2 0?. 37 ,~S? y ~ 36(f ~ ~ i h t~~. r ~ _ ° T ~ NOTE ao•6 ~ ~ N~ • h ems.. ~ ~ 7.' N~. , b ~ ~ , , ` ~N hr< ~ 3 t a~ THIS PEAT RECORDED FOR QELINATION OF W TION OF WETLANDS ' 306 4 ~ , f~. °~s , h" 376 ~ ~ 2Gq ' t' ONLY- NOT FQR TRANSF R F ° ~ ' "k' Q ~ , 4 n 7 r- ~ 1 -20' feecmeut , ~ Ir 4 PROPERTY ?PERTY 'z ~ ~ ` , ~ ~ , 11 R / lv ~ ~ ~ ` !a. ~ Sep' S ••t ~ SHADED AfZEA DENOTES WETLANDS p~. { 3~• i.,: JJ, ~ ~~1~ 15 faeeeiellt n - ` = ` ~ S t5 i ~.;x, ,o• 369 7~~ ~ - 201 snood Isnsr~um:au~u W16 Shama uo U" LV-4dC4 pl u 1 t ~'w " . r'' " , s : • - ~ C13 C23 M )S. - i q. C32 / oeuwu Vot9oat ol+ caryl+wey wJ~d Aay eihwqum d!l ur docpaon of +u - ~ . ,t; ti 38S ~ dQ S 6' oi• okiepe , ~ oa wt la lucooe ~ coaiam m dr agrnaaW x+u rntaad nda I" fw of Ant SWOO of Aup waiaaa Sw-U xau raaaad Sul" *4ud by " Suva ai a s?~ d Ct 4 ~ 1 r w ~ ti Naa c~eouw to tarot a dr ow of tY Jr~i~ tlR ~ ~r dpi: 270 ~010d Wkw Tbs goo of dui ts4a3snw6k is +u a: 3' ~ 06. S~• 3(j2 C31 , Oa` pea~aa+ara0eri:ed ".dead ou ~ d1r o,?a<r seauw tr+t,wwiw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cle s ~ r~ ' > : ~ s C 15 ~ 35 8 ~4 "ppliwla.4 Gq ¦il be crowd. 11r orM rW1 r~ dr+rwn • ~ 8 ~ hMRr a AbaWO out 40UPO WA It DALWO i."fspon As aAmS of Uw r .w ~ Q cs , 0 .v 9J. q 6 a Nle. s' / uhOtwrne,C~i4L81~!!WS wwkc ItI j, w auy ayyu~:ru.,u ~ ; ~ ~ - 374 C 17 3 O ? C30 ~ B's . !M l 'l ` aaa~lwal wt wa wa.a ar.. I1~ ao~rry rwaad w wuw wa~wuat .a ur ve a e ~ . .3 0 1 w / wdaedadMedgprodydr srteatl'IMtlCmaliauod dwPidaad 0ovaso~a Ids to -A&$ "Xil"O i .:S 61p/la"4 wub >d dr Fadaca! OpvriaoiSat, tAcfciu~a r r~ ~ ~ '0 . e ~Q• 3~ , . aaafY may Oc ad4rord d+n sac ~ Cs"Ga. nw b w n" Fu ~ ~ .x...,_-.: ' . ,h ~7 ~ ~ , h tisa, 361 ?s' 30 12 W _ • 5 r • , - npd ~MII M binduy a dl p«w ad 1111IInY trlAiOwt undo dim. Tlw sc L T1ur QWaN pt IS w fun wnh dK Lu..i una uwkt dust. Tbu r-na tuwc b.: k ' , 0 b ~ ? ~ ry C34 f ~2. ds incluW ua dl lLnra dads ot+o tat ~MuWo ono l~u wY kK Shama 400ft f8u ~ Aur t " ~:y' LE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARWG ~0 . ~ J• ~ ~ ~6 C29 .8j, uao"w1io1~R r -u~-„ r ~ ~ ~ 373 + ! h~ ~ * ~ w.dod"+nrawE"Iw"rrr. ~ ~ y c1 2{>O.oo' 1213' 12.s7' N30' so' 2e E ' o. k • , C2 200.00' 21.41' 21.31' N43' S4' 32'{ 19,38 , ' ~ A : c3 ,1so.oo' s4.e2' ` s4.a1' N32' 1e' 40' E d 360 s , 2es , .3 c ,15Q.oo last t3.eo' N4a :r ~ E s,, s ~ ~ J • aG 5 Ick5 , ~ ~ 0 rti ~T e r-<~, ';r..~ C5 150.00', 4S.Ab' 4~.di 338 22' 24 M J• 7 0~, S 1 ~o o ` . ~ ~c ~ k0N T 35 C4. /50.00- 231.46' 214.13' 310'.23' 43 E . J• .f 0 ~ ti Cb, ~ ~ ,R C7 150.00 1210' 13.11, SSe 2J .47E • ~e c~` ? ,~o , 6.. 'ce. 1 ~ 2aaoa _ 11. a 17.13 sae' 12' s3 rr ~ h ~ ~ REAR 25 - ~ '.`+cl: 200.00' ~1,ex e1,3o' stl•43'ze'r r ~ c~a ' q~. ~ 371 ~ ~ SIRES =t~, , ~ • ,:c1o : 2oo.od Io.lx ao.a soa• ~s~ 31 E ~ 2C6 .I U • t r ' ~ c11' 100,00' IZ.00' etso' 529' S1' t s' [ ? ? L c, 9 N52' S7 02 M ~ G12 200.00' a1.~t' e1,40' s51' 15' 3e E ~ ~ t • , , ;r • Ct'3 550.00'. 7a.35' 75.4!' N , 0 ~ ~,D• l ~ k- sy p'b 43.1s' » - ~ s/ 3J o w 359 4 , aJ G ralfn ~'c14 Soa.oo' 1a.ee' 4o.u' N3e' 2A' is' w 4t• . ~ ^ a a tidlss chase III ,k ~f k, ''Cl a , 300.00' " pDn Ja, Q?' I . sa.go zaoo' Ns4'33 to w , h Note Sheet 3 of 3 s, ~ C11 ~ - 25.00'..;. 31.41' 35.M' N01' S2' 46' E .5 .9;. r ^ . .M ~,<,h„ Ct1'' 2x.00' 31,11 J5.30' SQe'0742 E 1 h GOUIIt W~ ':Gtd 2.00 ~ . 3i.T'l' -:3s.30 N/2°02 ~ E 4?p ~ ~ 43' w ivnty Water System . c 1 a ~ 3S6 ~ SOS, ~ , t z pR' ~.~x , . a~.~1 so7.5r oz E V~ Count Se so,sS Y )unty Sewer 5ysteM , h ~ ~ ,t~ k, C2t`. 200.00' N.21 . 03.03, N2T 4T 40.E . ` ~}~Iti C22,, 200•Qd" r Z3.2S' 2a•Z7 N1S' 13' S5 I ~c~ I ~urttMr certify t j , , 357 then certify that this pr er t y . ~R ~ •C2] I50.00' • - . N.St 14.01 N24' 23' 31 E 'OJ• 'r(deaat!" . Y •G24 soo.ao' t ' ' GRAPHIC SCAL,L ~ ; .n .r t><./ 11.11 s13' oa' 4a w I d ~ .Itf~n 1 ~ lel ru mss} Cdoes not- ~ '~~N- ~C25 ' N~~ u.~ ne a e In a special flood hazard area as ; d by FRMt Flood ln5uranca Rote Maps ~ ~ . rao o ~ ~ w b by h1 fir ~ G2e., 306,00 :1.41 ~ ' 11.11 ~ tit'J' S0' 34 M - ~ wo „ C27 35p,OC' 21.02. ~~1,0p S1J'tl' 13 M 4 a2 , ' 1111" DIRECAON ft1;1ANCE n ,~;a C24 550,00' . lL42 21.12 s1a 03 07 M s21' so' 1l ~ . 'f li ,2 ~ 9 Z7 : 1;~..>:`~ C29:::. -550:00'`,= 15.17- ~ia.t4'-, N33'39'1TE 1 , ~ N21' S0 ZP E ; `1.17' , ~ 23,00' ~ l.4Y JO.Sr s7o' S4' 23' w , !11 !'13:T N • l3 N52' ST OZ Vt Iu.l6 ' C31: 23.00 3t1,7t~ 34.11 e24' OS 34 E L4 Nt 7' 31' S7' E es so' \ 1 lpc11 = 100 !L (EN & ASSOCIATE' °nE, ~ raT`~ 3,50.00 usJ 27.e2' Nte' 41' 41' E sn' 31' s7• c~~. ENCINEERIN~ IGINEERING • SURVEYING C33 530 QG ~ : M.N"`. ' aS.K' N14' 29' 04' l5 N 44 E ta. 4, O~X a3 • , 'PC ~ ~ r2 C.. 2 S~ ; ~ r C34'°' 300,0Q' ILM 1~0•ai N35' Se' 01 E IX'532 - SANFORD NC 27330 . Pii (1t~~ 71t-5012 r 'CJb '''~00.OQ' ,ill~tt', , 127,x, ~ N21' 32' 35' E , 776 5422 Fox (419) 774--671 i ',~y Cie 1!.!!. Tail': ; N13.53.11• ~ e a t~ k Ss8 q t ~ s HILLS-I\PLAT3A ~ ?'4 y~ ...:'''Qtr ~.~ti.,, i w,.x ~'r.. ~ A . l 4' ' > A • ' ~ .f Mn ~r. r.: f.' ''i J ! M+.~ ~ ' Nom., J i. f r t;,Y. , +!aa ~ .'fit . • : ~ ' . ; , y~~ ' ~ ~~6 t ~ t . 2 C ..!"i. r~. dr,. .v .Y s.. , p. r. ayye,. 'S ?•b~ .Y ! . ~ ..Rt.- lA . L.r.y ~ . dM .d' I.:J. . rr . 1 a . _ _ L,: x.... ,ix. w .,iF v i k' i S.,a ,,..s1r. 4 r~¢. ,v !Wfmf~!^I'°' .MV wr +Cl `.~riAT'l Y. ~t.M.+(w' b . ..r-. m 4 . ~ r....... , , , r , ~ e - , rt~ • • . - , x. t-, r~ - - ~'y a i ~ , n - T - ~ I. lt~L"'1 { [T~,I.lW^~.. LG ,111` f1YifM,3. `I; 4'.r •.L. ii~.., t. ~fr.w' F •.~n, _ e l ~Y'~~1N`d f{t:~ ~+i~ F.ll ~~11b I~PV!¢ ~c~~1 `N I. ~J.~C. t.~~. ~~e • t~.?t i~. E~R~ t~ u~,x~ , ' CJtVf Ul•k1B0 6Y LR1111JOe iV~TpEPA~iL1~E IS 1?* ~ . , - ~ 4t~Jlf fry Ml~S_ ~#'iV~O N~ I+~LD~Olu~:EA~h? ,.;r'~ fi5 - 't ; ~ / 7 t~,t , .3 . ~ . - 1, A MOfARY ft~LK 1'hE fY `r' ~ ' (,EPfifY tf'r~t ItOdEII . ~ .615 OTE •..,p•lru~.~t a a~wcct`t. ItEU15rt~En 4A~~ s,KVEroR ~ r.~~sl~. ~M ~ ~ . ~ 51JRYEYOPt. fER4fJdAi.tY. I~ftEttREO dEFIJRE ~ . 5~ • ,4,, RtiEttfPr StNt 1M15 M+t IS Q~ A Stl~tiEY inAt LNfAfES A .:ru e•ded For Deltnotton Of Wet lands OnIY .Not For p ^~k C ~C A~KNf)r+i~O6E~ tttr EX£GU11p+ Uf tr1E ff~GOit~ Thts Plat Reco ~ M r - hoded Areo Denotes- Wpt lands C~"; ~ ~ t ~ 0~ tr1E t tn~i N+SfRtA~ENt MliNE55 MY ttiup IVY OfflEIN. SfAk° r7f• ransfer Of o e t S t. , ,,t~,~~li ~,p1It~,E t11?it tf5 fAflts•S Of , ; ~ ~ ~nr. trns 9fn ot~r acxc. lam. ~ , . .V . ~ 1 , i ' , MY fAAw455IQfl 5.: ~ r 1~~ r 1 t t' t s;- 1~z~' ,Gl1U~Ml Y I ~i+ ~'~f~~ J~~FI, 5Y5tE~~ . ~,.l, ' UUiA1M uVllS RiI~SF Ml) [ S ' ~ - t ; N TE -CROSS HATCHED AREAS DENOTE ALLOWABLE ELL AREAS ! V Q t~V~ W!~ 1 Iw1+ AS PERMITTED BY NCOEHR (REIt DEAL... 93337 ? ~ 1aj' ~F USACOE t trDt +f 199502883E C ShNiMr SN9l use~d+t YS.OC l~.cr, tOC.a' tceoc' toD.OC' tw,or' t00.OG• 1oo.or' 171E7 t~ 7P'" Ps s.• ~ .ti ~ • M1k • W W. W • >r. ~ d ~ 8 $ ~ ~ S R o 8 8 , ~ i. ~ Z~~ ~f 'ICI' ic1' i~I^ ~ . ~ . 1. NiS'p?•~.' z i t :I z z z i I f . i I ? I ~ , ZO I 1 I ~ sa,r Ir7Jf iss v: 1D:.0!' ! 1ou r. IOCC~ 1Cti C:' 1 71.oT r NSJ' IL' 11• r ~ ~ n 1' S5J'16'3/•C fSJ'1E'3/•E ~•e ~.r ~ 1 t7Qpt• 104.0: e3.Ot'.'' ~ 14).51' 100.OD' 100.0:' ~S.Off N0.00' 0'4'x• +9 ~ i 1p ,p I C ~ I r ~ r, . e. I L~ ' I G ~ W y t ~ /i r I n ' r lr c r .Y ws ' N I Y f1 I ( r C C I W 0~ 0• 4' y ~ rl C' C n ~ I, D k [ ~ I • ~ 1 x 1 ~ x ? ' : r ~ N5J' 1 F' w• r ~ i. ~ ~ r°, r ~ n e io ~ o ~ f Z = 151.12' i. Z t 2 ~ i. ~ ~ ri i. ti h n I n ~f WI Z z i = ti n O oe. s' ~a o;' I - i t Ns~• te• ~r ~ »c oc. ; a t- _ •~AC• w. os.ac' ^r- Ns3• tF' sa' iOO.A' loo e , 140.7:' t r I I I 66 73' ~ I ~ - . i r' 4•' I ~ ~ L• ~ ha'Sf' 10• M 17 t t. I ( ° ' n © 4 ~ 1 a e ~ I SU.: ' ~ • 1. ~ or • ~ ~ s~N ~o•. O n ? ~ W ' I . N~~• 16• u• ~ W N O . r„ n HIS' ~ I it i. t _ 0'1 , t70 D^ ~ • y? = N51•SF' 10' w ~ lOP•OP• ~ 1 z l t. ~ J = I . 1S SN f?,t1 9Fi? - --1 ; NEJ' 1E' 3a• w I v\ ` N' 19' 2f' ? - •`1 ~ I ~ ~ , d t?5Cl.+, ~ i ~ l , ~ ~ ~ n I k~ • r Ul~tl•!~ ~S Rt'SE ~ 170.0" i ~ 11 tih z ~ to J ~ ~ ~ SSA' /P' 2F• C ~ 1 i 4ti ~ 1 ,,~.M ~ 'tf t ~ / 7A41' I 51.1'' i1 I N 6y 2i•[ t/cr r 1SL.OC' uF!' I ~ i 1100 IR ~ ` • ~ C ~ ° /~4 ~ J i m W cbt 1~ ptilwa[ ti• n S E2 It 45 E lS.IP' a`• a`' - ~ „ tZ7ENMt 7~' tt~: ~ f.,_ / ~ n a ~ ~ 259! Que. ~ J~ ~ H` ; U. 4 ~ ~ I 12.9? t ~ ~ ? r r': 1 ~ ~ • ~ • ~A c~/. I ~ ~ tt! ~ : ' ~ I u~. C f ~ Qt. s • ~ k ~ Nss' ~P' 46' w •~J. tj a~ /f . W ~ r q d MSt' SY 4Y E 1 i • 1 ~ Z y ~ n00' ~ /W Zl' K' M ti• / ~ o ~ a?off >s1e•sr~rE : 4]7.11' a Lyon _ _ ~ a Naar ~ ~1 s t0' gWNSE lASMrt • , -~2s, •9 1`r ~1~ qz N )0 J ~ ~ , ~ 1 ~ ~R , t N D1 06' 27 [ 71.4Z' fi ~ fb' ~ 1t D~~ ~ `t v ~ .S ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ is ~ . ~ I . ~ 'e ti t ~1 .c ~ ~ R _ b R ~h1fEH fplP tlU 1 e - a ~ ~ Q , ~ r ¢y \ h~ ~ ~ I 11.01 1 / 4 W O ~ C • ~ i ~k ~ ~ iµro-'~_ ~ I! S#AtAI!T Sfrd~ EASHKt'! Vl ~ io 6.J 61.04 ~ M1 . ` , ~ b ~ • C I lewrfl ter ~ at di! radii Pr " ~ V f aaaom ds .eirlL BCaYr~oad wdsifhools ' - ~ ~ ~ ' ~ w rd lal hreat fWt aolJam r dr ~ ~ wetlrrol nit tlepei 1? dr !rr of ~ww! ~ r r ~ FIatlGlalhehlb~oltdrtiroofQr IIIrI6oalyioretaFMrynea~itla y * / / P~ 0 / 1 o 4 ~ ~ N prreN ureulEeliai wtYei 611 ~ tW ptopeigr owe dodd mt remlo Ir ! Mn _ I ~ N 4~ ' ~ I ?A 4 ~Herio~ 6e G11 ~+iG be IPptowd 1!e Pevaery o~ns III tapir tY rme a! ml ` 1 r,i (A1f91(~1~Atl~ 'r' ~bd~viefeaCAAOLiFAHS.I.4 PM4SE Il ~wrlppliwu~c r r 0"• : P°~^I'1 • aii.•Uted wn. Iir! eo+mlot o 1!leeded ro innse aououel onm~ra wirS ' % i, wNt/od roM! dogrd b. dlo Sroe of North Csoltel eed dy Fodall Go~alenaK tMefan • t a - , OI S y sl borlEr eaP ~+b !ru efhtr<1 Caaiiu Ilw mealy ~ r Ir.id ~ Ld \ $ M ti sd llnD M a"~l a r1 Pees eE V puree eWeiq mde dlea 21i raools ~ k z'~+n: - "r~, ~ i'"` 2 ~ASfIE M'000 U~YE 01~1f, ~,a.re.lee.er~e~e~lera.e.>iiPot.Plo~lr~.rra.srl.e.r.r 1 4 / ..M.r1../.1.raae. ~ Y tVE f;, wvt a~x tMr~• eull?_' . _ ~ . ~ .'ia' CU iSQO." KtJb' UODC' SOi4t1R't h tt1?•?'f ` 6FDfJ`, AR. tICM IGJ~M?• tN 710A7' }1D9' S°,P:'' SN'IgSO•L ~i . r.,, ~ l ~ G ~ r' ~9t. x~', r ~ Sl, r l~ tart' 757' kt7' h!'~•S"'r y, C7 5,,. „ A L SI I f 40 : •r . , r, . ~ y ~y.' 4,~ Y d; ti 4'.' t C4: t7A: JS,:1 SwO•~~t~•~ ;_...•p t~ i t N •a• . ~ ,r;c ~ 1r,;~ .t ca oar' u~~n utN' K~-,crt . . 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[S6 17C.: Y.:O tO.X• SN[Y 5t r ~ OOOC' - N1Ji6'~f''t q9 r,~':' r,' x~' S1i15'LU / ' •i ~ ~ Y ~ , 3 x r:, ~ pr t~s t1as~' xl'' s~c1~ P7Ctt'JP"( Idbdr . n . ulc rr+rc' ~t~s`, r'+~-~'~•t .TYPiCAh -.LOT. S^ETBaGKS f ~ ~ ~ lsvx u~' ~ w'tt'ra c1e x cx,' ,;r• : C1 ~tt• P v U ' 35' RE ~S' SID_S- 10 ~7Ltfv tiw /,•~e'li ~ a~ • L t;e'~ t-~'. .y x• r• t P . , ' ti: J ill, . n. . M,,. s, .r. r -,....;h •n: r, ~ n. ~ a . i '.e v /J/ 1' !Lt! AP AD.:f It • n t tlla, a ha? IS 1,i rb 'C t' C C > n K PIIr+S~ R, yaw+», f~rV4.- ~iYh': i h• In' Y l L 1 s . s d " j :y n CKER, ..,,x , • 4, At ,,;,4 n'a°v'a, t.~yk Ti,y~a^w'J.^`~:. f x, f ri+Mf' µ .}V T - 4 V m` Vf AE, CNGf4 k~RI SC~F w~ ..a ,r.. ate. a,,,. .r. = 2 a i i ' 4 3 4, 4nglk w"", I 011 67 x- t .b . - ww': w .,4fa rev 2"6 a. rv may. _ , 7'. per.. 9 i ~ ~ { , r : I t v.: ' ; e..:, " ,e :'.A~ R : 1, < i y tt-.,w. ~ k.: yf . ~ +,i .W. n.. u. r. 5... ..t ~ i. , - a tt . .r. : L ,.,v. nl y , y..,. - , _.i. d.. , w ~ Y . ' p y y rJ~',,; .e 5. , .4 - m ~ ~ - ~ t1 ~ y ~ W~ a ~ - I ~,s: ~,e ;,a~ fert.1111;IN ~ ~Mrnh!~ ~ ~~~~''+,~F~r;? 1 ; ~ t t ~ rep''` ~ t''at tIIN NIQdeA pMt r, tb• ~I the !!'.~;kea GGrI a r ~ G ~R .~?;Rlt~. c~rtif ~;thrl+. Uhrl~r ~ d1'ilt? ~ ~ ` ~ ~ MbdNhbn r,,,,.,'~ of MR~Ntt Cnlmty Ilr, end thR I r +!~'Ylllen thte ~t r ~ he eA!' t11R~ tMt't t ern tA1 Iilw' If tM pr 'tom s,;~; ~ I- ttM Plat he•~ { ' nrprt~d for rer.r~ ~Nrq fr th? R'phfrr ~ .Mr ~ f 111b'lUrvg t:t1!)t th !!lf^fl tt11~ AI/}~f the RS llwtr ~f rth 1+~~ }lft~ urvMy. t;~ the ~t rC!" ~f • rl-o!r/ wft. e . „r, , A de(ttt"bltl hRrnfl. ,h h ~OMlIA h the IwAt~'rrFMt1 , ~ Y :,k of DR A f, feu+tl, i~c!letltlA Oft earn of ~ t FAQ b Intitnrl~ fln~ ~ Q~ ~ r ~ ne ty rtrnrt! ~ that t Y by Int.1tvrl• find rfOt,A,t!!r. it It 10.0 )0 4 thh Mh /f I~dIVlAlnn rith fM1 ternent. R!! ' P ~ y' , . ~ _ rnM,unl~ll t11lUIIlt enA Mdbtllll ~ ItreRta. I, ,r ~ ~ a ~ - - nrke, X11 OttI1P Itee end 1~Y p 4 e~ellwlll t0 tht k , ~ w ~ ~ ~ . ern ~ " .x ~ ~ I ~ rr ~ l . or ~ p n~ " ~ ;s:..= - use e+t nEtld. ferth?nnnre, I Iter7~ •rlcete !A ~sR~ ~tl':. ~ ~ i ee~er, ftRtA let?t!G Ttrl .flier It1{ !D the cnl~,tY Of •'~•,ti„M,,r•"' rAIStRr? _ ~F 4~~ -ry , 4~.r ~ r t ffrlrMttt. ~ - r ~ a a _ .t ~ ~ - O r Grtiftete r r r , ~ th1 Phtt,n~p. C,rn,tnhfil0(I 7'4,5 d .i. n 4 ~ , 1 ry I~ ~ ~ + , _ ~ _ _ LAS C~dII~J, Nrrth G~I'ratM Th1 MIt'11?t rte bond hfahv +t+preve~ tFle Fmel O~c r~ ? Nr•rt.h G+~rolMe , ' 0 ~,k ~ ~ ~ sa " ~ , for the ftlVhlrn POh!~rt P~! car ~ hAt P10C Cr thy! t; -,lty And st,te afOremm It PnInert L. Mf--) J•n. n ro*q'.,+ ~r~<i Idnd ~ , 's. " ; ' • ' OM, N+rrnR+t CyottfrtY ! ! I heetbf E that: thh r(11e1hAir filet ccn+plw 11!11 lf11 t-kf'%M y FJPpeFW Pd h•f Orr {PO' ttgl~ filly f ~ 1, _ 1.,~ rdrr! thr axe ~ , ~ , / ?tM foreloltrl tert!?Ir+IteC?) of re}, evt+dMMOA flllMtknn rr tittrtlett ClNrty NG. end'l111t 1!•d? A t*, ever,; `Inn of thr fnt 0140" tM, h11 begin nr~oved toR Meardrn ~ the R AI' ~ ~ ~rittM~~ fAy hoht er ~ ~ I" ( _ a e~ ~ t~ Y I t 1 ~ n r f 11 ..G ~e of rit"#.#, my hand -,.I offiClM 'W,'mp er tiny r - ~ N.y~ 4' , ~ Ati rr eeA1 In Mhr~tt. .n,nty. .4____.._.._ . E f 3 , Y ,,r''' ~ I"' ! Nottlr rtblC CNrt(?'lee ubk h/ I' a n ~ioC' ~ Il ' P) e c A ~r ~ a ~ ~ r R to M Ghtllltlen r ~ 5~ ; U, ~n correct. thh M+r~»r~.,{ rfn Presented I,' •-~trfRlnA Mllttf!tt fc'r^n~ v ~n>lrrl nt ' , x ra„ , "h~ ~~~+I~ ~~~114a rl ?'~1 - _ __..._--~.~.1.. / tMY ~I~~» n ~s: ~ erd recorded w, t}~~~ - rrtic Rt Ht+eR , re«, t~1 I'w1111! ~Rertnr t(", llen h flf Y a 7w t(' I (uY.~i ~t I4;,r.n11 '\/C~IIli•.~r 1'~ Clrllf~AlA rf nl G~ CaUtt (,,~ml.~inollM (rl t ~ , ~t s' , thN or t T ~~~!~c~n( f`In<:ir# ~fil , the nlrnRt+ ''er'A ~ ,rrn.., +.e , '6 Y ~ Y t, . - - I. R~ ~ ~~lRI. p~.11~tM7~ Sllhve (1T (w. ~a .J, ~ ' Rr of . . Y ~?eht D A •'t peprt ~ r rertR tAN !tA ph+t I+ Of 1 thftt c . N; ~T I ~ Z8 SS fn+"mfrnf r De+. 1 Mr'N! r1~tM 1~ ; +uhdNAlMt'Of hind rli * t r' + to r?:.,. , ~ a ~ g, i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ trM! r1Utt~' t - , y ~ I , ; ~i. ? ~ hn• err ~ t.he( , _ sr low,?n j • r ~ I\ \ N1 ~t QvMl1! ~/N rf I(fid. 'I : r. xs " ,,,.a,' , 1 • rttlrnltt 'r_t r'~•', nr frnttlAM•Ir»»r, - - , ~a y ~ A~ ~ \ F Cer'ohnr ! ' i~ Phd~a IM ~ ' " q' 4. ~ ~ ~ 9nMrt .I ((•AClAII ~.IJ Nn. I •1;17 K. l ~ _ ~x~'j y ~ ~~T ~ .r 1. ,(ter, ; ~ e ~ J Sh(• 1 of 3 r' ' wtnr~T .I•-. . ~ ~ ~ ry ~ ~ ,tip , 271 ~ ~ ,,J, Na a t~ E e , k IC~1 ~ ~ D y b /i „r~ ~ ~2.~'`_ 2.72 ~ e. ` ~ , , Fn~rnent ~71VK'1'l7N Of F~'nVA'f3 4 1 ~ 'r S81 29 ~5 l i Grtrn~ne t Ilh~ Phase ~ ~ . .t , a ~ MIQAD 1 ! ~yy v, r.,; ~ ~7 ~ I R.Tt A •n • t 5h~!~t 2 of o ~ h . 3 . ArO~ CEttt>t1CAfl~1 , ~,Y~; ~ ; , ~ 552 r ~ e!, r ~ n~ •r: ~ `t ~ a ~ ~ ~ b ~A• cl o S ti i ,t~ , r ~h ~ h Y m~ t'• ('.QPrIt. If 1A . MLLS a > ~ 3 ~t (,3 a 1• i.~ r~,'~ ti _ ry ryry b C4 1'r . ' ~ 0 t@ ' IfL N ,l if ~ A o ~ r, a 4 , ~ 216 t, ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 28 s>s.. ~ ~ THIS PLAT RECQRDEQ Fi r ~ ~ a s. ~ )R DELINATION QF YtIETLANQ., ` . b ~,nri 3 , , , ONLY -'P10T- FOR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY , ~ h . M' ~ a,,. ~ r ~ ,1,n r n I SHADED. AREA D NQ ES W ~ . R ~ ttCA Co p.r~1 on E T ETLANDS ~ SOW •r ~ ~nr~ a~ ~ ~ ~ 2eo 277 urve a e t,. ,Y ~'s? ~ ~ ~r7 . ao~' -crass ~ara,a:o asEas oeNOtE.A+.t. U W ~ C.e ~ 1r• . 4 Vicinity 1-1-ci P) I'N.l: ARFN A8 iERMf[lE0 BY NCDEHNR V:'; . ~ ''•'~i- _ ~ + 1 REf ~ 95337) 8 USACO f IDM19990 ;:~4 , ry ~ d E 2t3(snl~ R1MlIUS 1EN01h f,11fMtD dEA!lM1C s ~ ti (o ~~q. z t7o~- X00, . , i:# ~ t r ~ 7 i n, ~ I tV QD 24.e1~ 44.e0'. Si0' 41' St E . ~ hb ~ h~ I C2 !60.00' 20.51 40.50' 510' 4J' St' E E E ~i. ; , I I h ~ , (r 20' broA+eg• r~rnn,n,t. CJ SOO.DO' A9.e2 e9,5e Netr 0! 32 w s: , R aos4lRm ~ „ 7 k. C4 500.00' 29.15' 49.14 NlT2!'t!'>M w ~ 284 r to ~ ,7"'~, . 2, c5 650.00' ts3.e! e3:e5 Ner ~ w 'r, • ~ ,1 A ; ' ~ ~ cs 500.00' 14 41' 13, N , w ~ o ? ~ b ~ 15. . .Ie 44.9X N/4' Da s, lr N ,M~ r ~ ` Z6,D0 1A.01 15.et' N/3' 22' 1!' w ~~;~.C', . w~ ~ ~4' ~ 25' Drama a 5'' r CA 90.00 eS,Je' r 1 >,,s4r l ? ~ . g / ~ en1 eo,et set 43 to w: w E • C ~ ~ 291 ~7 c4 90.00' 40.00' 3e./4' hsr t4' JS• E E S.~ j m h . 0 90.00 40.00 Je.l4 N11 1 b ti t 23 C ,~4 t ~ C N - ~ - SDD' oo' oo' E 437.26' - c G~ 7~ • sJ, .oa ~ a q _ _ _ ~ c11 90.00' 94.30' eD.ls ~ Ne9' 3Z• Je' rr C .4h, ~ ~1''r S,. t ~J, W w , ! _ 2 29,00' 25.11 24,tS' Net' le J1 E 4, .a,# ,f. JD. £ ~ r, I bOtl.00' 7e.le 1e.90 S5J'21 40 E ~ a, n t p t~S , b r, ~1~ 101,77' 132.53' C14 900.00' 140.15' 110.1 r . E r r-;r ~ E . ~ ~ t qA' D ~ ~ ~ C15 ! 9e1' 1!' 1e~ E ~ to b ~ > I I !50.00' S7.J1 57.4e 599' S! DA E n r ~ a;r r ~ ~ , ~ TIO C29 C30 r ~ nh n^ Y I ~ ~ ;O C16 950.00' t 32.0e' 131.71' Se9' 1e' Ol' ;~R 3.4 A b , I I n _ C ~ Y: #127`0 01• ~ ~ g5~ SSO.oo' so.oo' 41.9e' s7s•t~'o4 E . w ~ w 3 y t w N r , 1 ~ to H N Z~ Q, i 246 0>~ 'rn C t A 25.00' 3l,2J 5 ~ t0' ~ ~ V f 1? w} r I ( I ~ - J .36 N~2' SJ 19 N r, , rY. ~ ~ ~ a w ~ Reg, x'04• ' 'r r Ct9 115.00' e0.e4' e0.53' 502' 0!' 0T N ~ ~ ~ b' f ~'M r ~ S q' ~ r' h r,20 ~ r , . . ' r - „ ti ~ d o ~ ~ I I I 116,00' e4.3! e3.s7 sit 3J t! E tM1 ; ~ r+Ft : > q n! nV0'J9' .1~• ?y y~ - ~ a. t t I r I° c?t ' , r d ~ rr, ~ I 1 , : t 179,00' 100.0! ~ U X45 r J E J /p.73 Sbt 41 t e E . , ~ , ~ t5n ;tt' H ~ 7'AS' I I f C22 2'1.00' 1J. r a , ~ ' " ~ 1ti 2e 13.13 Nst 6! of w :.•`r ~ . • ~ ~ rv y ~ w n Hc,S, ,J J1.iQ' 120.01' t c;3 50,00' AS.J2' e 7 ' r ~,~y y u 2 ry ss, ~ ' ~ ~ o, a s79' t t,17• E ~ Fr;'a~ _ ~ (v 0 . ' C40 3t' 43' ~M r 90,00' 45,5! NA3' N41' 19 4e E h "t C1A ~ 'r, ? ~ ~ ' ~ e18' SN ~ R c25 50.00' e " ~ ~ 3~2 Q w r7 344 r - - ~~5 LOe e3.7o' n2r t~' so, rr `f> ~ ~ j." rw 31 4~ E 5~ 90.00' 55.01' 94.2e' SM' t!' tl w K~ . ~ » W to ' S. ' n C91 , C 2 7 11.00' 12.2!' 30.09' NAI' SJ' !J" E ~ ~ 1 39 ~ ~ S r w r ~ ~ ~ N ~ t C2 ~A~ ~ ~ 0?• ~ ? QI 41.52' t3n.t 2' c~A 126.00' 142.1) 134.60' 540' 2J 4e E F I ~ , 10,63' ~ ~ fi ~ ~n 3 rr, / c2q 29,00' 41.ZS' Je.15' 591' Z9' 1' M b , , a t r 1 ~ 11~ \ ~ ~ W r? C.10 r t 119,00' 1.70 1.10' M1 w ~ ~t \25' SS En. mrfnt w r, N~,, m ~ ~ n r, 29,00' 39,21 ~S.Je' Nt7'A'04 M r• z~~ , Eea~tlAt1 ~ . 33rd ~ r f c• c.32 r r~~~ z r,~Y, „ ~1. .,a ~ ;q ` ~ ZS.00' 21.0 20.41' N41' 61 '31 E r7, ~Q \ r ~ N ~ » w ;ir m (:.11 90.00' Jl.t2' 11.12' 540' 45' 14n N' ~ r r~ , >nyal~.nro~Ir~(~(~• k, 11~ , ; , n ~ ~ , r tt 90.00' 41.9r 4o.3e' s4A' t3' 1!' E . 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TO • ' M NTER PLAZA ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ NM CE ~ ~ wb ~ } .t. ~ . TOWN CENTER ROAD y~,b„ra~y,gbrlpYA _ ~ . 5295 - , M a BOCA RATON, ,A.~,°iA1,,,a~,rraAa..1.i.~.r+e,.~w .~IM+,rr++e~+Me~s.. „ 4.'~ v .f•~ , 348$ w.gitl rrlroolr6At+~~'~"'~dwr ~~~~wM1~wYt K ' PIAES "JUI.'Y':~ 199 1-"* " r. 3 tar. ra. MYCOMMI EI{ :~.y'•+ Y1~rei+r~~Ibaii( 1~~.: +1MUtrw ';l• , . f NIe6 >~iMrAloNYrrt~ , yes r' , +M+twli.drll'~~i~'»dtNlpA ~jtiy~dY r. ~ a a . r 1 ~N,aio Gr ®riL M 11t /M~, ~'i0laL S • itre y ~ ' . t ~fif1Q rr,r,,,lrtlr.w..i... f Wetlands t~l~•? ~i:~~r . , . , e.i/.idrlaM ~ e,?t.lnl~~r"'.Ir• Plot Recorded for. fl~l snot{on ~ , w t~ C.,~Aw TMs MA _ r ~,A • : wtwtlrwAi~MA117t1rlnr~llU+!1 plorrt?MT~t~M Qfe{! '~N~ WetlOnds , r thrlrn~EElrl?CwiAa ~ y~ . rtr TIOAS~lr ~f,~~l'Op@E'ly,'. 5hbde yr~tlrrMrdnwtit' lil~ ' ru>lnrlhMl,~nlorl~rrit+~llilrf ~,yay4 ~ RhiIT"I'ED PC ~.~~w+l.rsdr+4+~+?'t"A'~~N• HATCHED REA$ .DFlIOTE "ALI.DWA E i*ILL AREAS A3 NDTE• CR096 ~I p502af~ i ~ ~ . ~.,+w.1~ra~ >1~ BY NCDEHR { REf,DFNI. ld,'i71 A USA 1. , , CAROIJ r 1~J~` - 1 ''`~aa• rr 'r _ _ ~ j~ _ 1 11 - ~ ~ t 1~3~ f - 9 ^ ' , Y ~ n, i ti J a E f dS1 . , , . • • s ~ ~i ? ~'yCt Halt' ~ \ \'fb. ~.49r i tr 4 ~ / f% ii ? ~ - °,y 1 E.. A h, w?~ f ~i. r -`1 1 ! J~ F• r f E a ~ c y - ' ° - ' fM 'Ik , s f r `t J \ 1\ • ~ "~+r _ 't ~ - . . ~?t1 / S~ ? 136 2~ r..--- ti' ~ ~ t ; ,y ? a}~ r e~i ~ ' ~ I f f ~ yt, '1 J ? I fy. ry i 4 \ r\' I T 1 ~ - s ~ g1~ 1~!'. ~ ~ i ~ ~ , ~ , to ? , ~ ~ ~ . r i i~' ~ ` t ~ ~1iL-"' ~ i;i1N ~f:a i =1 +T`~ "t i ~ ~ 1 i fir. ,1. It nn b' W. ~ . p 1100 i'a r S 1V of " .ir' ~ ~ . , : t,a i p • 53 ~ ~ G ~~3I : rya .r.- INDg ~ r k ri . 1 3 2 + ( r ~ I- 9 / b ~ 39 • 2; 2i' x a 11~ r ~ZZT v PINE e. ~ .r~x~ P j .s^ ta5•.. v tt :1 -ftN_.. . ~ c, ~,r• s~~ M ;r 51b y0 E ,ro ~ A / ~ r r ~ - . oa. ~ ~ a, u ~ , .ri r> kj .1 ~ ~ C ! ti t': ~r.. / O W 'fit ~ t ~ ~ii [ 'Qi ; ? • / / k 1 h ~F .fir `r. „ / ~ ~ ~ r, , f ' ipr h `!7• t'e "~N ~ ~ti h f~ h/ g C-be. r9 • P / fir, ~ / ~ ~ I ~ Q{' Ea 79 ~ ,r . ~ ..f k ] ~ L~ ~ i i. y00 Y ~-r 88 ~ ~ , - of C , ti ~ ~ ~ 151 sAV;T,.•c; SE' t:. t rOR ~ s F / -'ET r it ~ t \~!!r,'•~ ~ L, ' ~ ~ y y Sfi r ti N00 '10 iT. ~ • t I ?4 ~ • - -!i ;r] 7t? ^d E N 47 a0' ~tf E _ g 'PATTEN CORD' 4 1 .:a . 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W 11-6d :11J r N 2f St f ;~rrK„ . ~ e C-9 13:.x' 6020' 1C.3C' x.OC! r 59'S72d L NOT TO 6C1tt.L i +17.91 ;r.'1 E'..~ N 1T7db• 1 .;w.. _ ~~yr • C-10 Ai.JP # t .,•~r.e3 1:,~ s.~e h f00di C-a ?t^a9Q S<67 2~~r, w61'it'7l r 19q,~___ 1 flrrrbt certif>r ihOt f 1 A SPK'2l , 1n Carolina lower Phoe6 1 f3tK 9 c-u ,.x70' •at+' s,r~J;?' E µ ~ ~ 2t 3i ~ { rlon are drel ned to t>J C DOJ '?C 5`!1 '3 :5 k:!7 ; 39•St . E j~.:sg_ , _ S~bdlvl 4 G 15 +8 r d 7C 3+' r C_q Sy;,Jp' 1nu' +i'd N+t'tdOJ' r 6Dieihtahonr, , ~.-m C-12 isl7tl °atr. ~ M`dJl'.1S• 1 L4,~ C-,6 Sl'.0C lat. 8:f ~ YI!'2rtr r IEftio16 !xStuQ '.qse; a) ~:za>, ~P"ts'. ~ C-N Siam IAlf ~ r~ etr2S'35 tl ~ SN'Or31 E 16.11 ~ /c,l,,.' C-!0 iIIOr ?^.1.7[ ~ M q't1 Se' ti L-2 S X Or ll• ( !2b' (J J` ~ /`7 6r :lla?' ~ K N Pr: t-5t ~ Ng,x?d L tee'u'it r xtr 2 } 7 RO$ERT J. 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N 6Y~ 5' • I ft•!¦C~ CE/hfY (h0! the f00d i C_ 53i y' 6G Ia.kY ~•.'r' N 5; 57 y¦ TY P ~ C A l S E T S AC K z~.:':' 0'4* 6".S' ~ ~"x'.`' ¦ LINES to Caroiiro Lakes Fhosf: 7 BI.K S " 7' 4: 1°•' KL+ A;+~' ~ M:'T Tu stn:[ r., S~DAvlsh:' C', •1e'y«•A ft MCD"T C-•` IE_ ~ SCE<' 25Y 5:0- S ~ . . _ V~ L I c-u s.~.r' oGn 15.tf ~.x N:az:•; ~~.r~ t y '1 J',~ I t 1. s,~:x' 9a ~ IS.6 9Cx r It ,1 ,s ¦ 1 $ ~ A! ~ C-k itt.7? ~tl' 15.1d lGY.' ¦)t)''}5• ¦ C-+~ 550;9" 9lSNr 1100• 15.!.S' r7sx2s; r ~ _ ROBERT J. BRACKEN PE C-.ti SJC.!C" 1x ~ 5t> ~ 109.5c r t8' 2S }5 • U1•` 1f IT.`w 115'u«,i T z ~ i Z C-5' 119.90' 2661," t16.9"' 26,:.3. NK't•'SE• ¦ l•' S2t':~':5 E 19f" ~ ^ ,P v C-S2 1':.7:' 124.30' 92!Z' u• w" r 2~ )f' Y. • r' ; ~ ~ : ~ c-ss ta:x tart 76.'7 es s 24 ~i k' E E-, s ft' ¦ sl's' G C-51 16C~ )v tOL25' 51.'6' IG)'i S 24 t/, a+• E l-1 S Ff' 5~;7 r ¦ 220!', I j p 0 ~ C-5`.• flS.D" 110'' 11.4" U~,~' S S?' T' • l-5 N 5%",' E 11.9r J ~ C-'.i tiSS_l` 21.0r 10X' ~ Y' S '6' t l-1 S 1" :i [ 5.2+' . - _ . 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Rix x 5.y +.:i a ~ rt: 1 t• 1 FURTHER CER''cY THAT, TH':S PROPERTY (DOES N` -o: jt k lbc~6 0~ tYt bEe?C ?t:: t, I,.. v RA,:- t,--v a,, me ts ; l up~;a•., r +a s.. /uv sahwoow `J; :r aktromm of sj +rTl=4 to rc f e .r.. ,W nf,4z ltai Y4 tht Cl ISWAFeqMW 11Aft uefhpl ISttO i¢/ 4~ t!!G )Otl2 ~te!~L~ie dine "'F7~mseNertrrYY~'e~Y ..?r.X^; i~~. ~ ~r„rjiAYYIwE +11MYY..r 1 ,'°ir+,.~ Mi, 4.~; I-' ~.~.5. FV~"~ aw?..~?-lr , . a- --m sssror~Ya w 210 Qagcxs7 apa isoYi6 an ~ r t flare : tame fm U --a w sppr^vl TLc propa- veer +MdL tmYt 9y MmLtmd *e' t / ~ t y i f s i . , t • - w his ~ ~ ! t, + ! 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J-1 , V22'1}'.7 N 41,2' 1 L~ 0 1f Z` ,-5 ~ j 'o! s n , ~ ~ ' / r , P r -i ~ l' '1 T ~ t'rT % ~ t ~ 1~_ . y ~t ~ i • ~'r a N - ~ ; . • ` i - 41' 't' E 3.11' V 'i" . _ , •s ~ - _5 i .:u',;; :3' N it j5' • _ S ' r • , ~ ~ , ~ ' 'CROSS HATCHED AREAS OENOTE ( 3 J , _ v,, err+~~ _ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ; ;1 ALLOWABLE FILL AREAS AS PERMITTED BY i;;_- r ; , , USACOE ~ CAi( _PIE J,41A , •-21~ I.'T-s' ? ~ `Y >s~' ~ ~ T NCDEHNR (REF. DEMO 95337) B ~F 48,14 _ _ V 44'ro 52' E , ~ • 12 ' } ~ S{' [v' ~ • 19950 2883 1 i l r is• a' 1;' ~ a,~ r ~ , S (l D T_ 2 S 44' 4a' S2' N 48,14 r r4' of 1,, , ~ !I 34' +d' S2' E 1 J.CO• v ~ ~ T-3 V }2• E 52.]1' ,11~ti;,1~+~ -.„~~E C~,R,_ ~ ~ I i_~ ? :r• ~ 42' N 1} M' 145J5' ' 4}' .9' V N • . , ~,1 ~";r.;~ _~2' Si' a '4 li' `f :S' N) ,'1 ~ 1;1,•.~i l . ~ - .3.•1 , -i 1 jl _ - ~ l;'• M 2~5.;' i~.rj'. , Y k{" ~f 5S' E ~ > I''_ c t + -1 ,..w 1141' 'SJ1' ,1.!1]' i :1 `:S i '2"~ ' -t :,:.-r, 11' .5.1 `1 1 s ~ ~-2 2'S'r 5~ ^8.:0' `2.15' Vsl':o' ii" E a : : i ,5' i :6' ti E -2 ..4._ i '4.l i a° 41' ~).:o' V r! :4' 2~ N 2"~~~~' ~2. j13t' v 43' :b' i9~ E ..'S' r. iY).;4' '3 '2' N .r Jl.)A' 13A2' r M .5 ~j :.;.5' V'S':4 U' } '}i., ,6:4' 1a v i~ ~ C-4 2cS.,7 5.31" 0.02' i 45'}1'S. 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