HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950630 Ver 1_Complete File_19950307l f I 5~ /n,, err/.. This certifies Ihol this copy of 1h/'s p/oJ acct ,G? ~ I ~ of the jurlsdiclion of ,Sec/ion 404 of /he C/eon h/'s p/oJ occurole/y depicts the boundary ~ ' the C/eon {3roler Act under the presenf ~ i /aw and regu/olions os de/ermined by the undersi v fhe undersigned on this dole. Un/ess 1 I I (here is o change in the /ow of our pub/!'shed ~ / ~ I ~ of Sec/ion 404 jurisdic/ion may be re/ied upo ur pub//shed regu/otion,r, this delerminot- g re/ied upon o period not to exceed r? ~ 1 I ,I three years from this dole. This defermrno!!o deferminolion was mode uli/izing /he ~ i/~ (I /9BT Corps of Engineers YYef/ands De/ineafio, i De/ineafion Monuo/. + ~i I This p/oI depicts the we//and /iln'ils within ~~-,_r_ I ' Other areas of Oeporlmenf of the Army wolPrs 'm'ils within fhe '/nserf Areo on/y, 9rmy wolPrs and wet/ands jurisdiction I I~°' I ' exist on This propeNy and hove ,vol been for (Ji; ~ ~ ~ r ,vo! been forma//y de/ineoled. ,,i i k~ ,gam ' , Nome _ ~ ~ i r ' I Tif/e ~ ' ~ moo; c /:-y_~ ~ - e. ° - Dole - a~~~-~ ~ A_. P~ r I o~ I~ 3' yb~, v+ / ~ key I /I~ o II ~ ~j3 5 63 10~ ~ 5 I i j ~ l j~ 9 i , I I V ~ o r, A ~ \ ~i;v~~~ ,r r, ~ i / iti ~ ~ d ~ ~ - u o~ 51 ~I 2 g I ; rJ i Iq _ A I ~ i~ ~6T' c 8 ~ , f ~6 v 1 I(' 1 ~ s~ c ~ is ri ~ n , r. l , ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ N39 °W 1 ~ ~ /29 " \ f ~ (r 1T n n i ~ ? ~ \ \ \ O \ e /v. /.2 ~ 5 ~ 5 Y ~ i L : _ ~ ~ , r l 0 l r ~ h _ m ~ l r~h~,_-_ ~ T. o G - . n~ ,i%:' Owl / a r,-~/, - ~ ~ j, V1O°W 1 ~ `/449", r~, ~ ~ r«-; ~~~_i~ I ~ 1 Y / \ z s 4 I ~ o o_ o w \ w Z v22 w ~ i ' ~ ~ ~ ( i . /and I ~ i l i f ~ /~/and ~ o 62 -J I 1 I~iv n , rl >Ei/ ' I I i ~ Por_a/ ' i:' , Ny I r ii ~ ~ ~3 ~ II i I'~ (E ~G~ ~ it I ~ I,, II ~ J i ~ - so/ /ic 'id/d ~ \ i I~ 2 ~ t I ~ ~ N7°E / i. 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Prof sod bonrdwo-~,4 ~ boa dwo/k _ ,:,rive ~~/c~ c w_rr ~i Ba"343` r l-' ~ - v 1 jlll I I I ~ - ~,`i ~ iao ~ - ~ ~ - ~ ~ i ~ - - r/E ~ , / ~ 0 ~ - .~.L, i~ - - - - - 3 ~'S. d4.9:y" •g5^a9:iT~ /2 Proposed r/oolin~ °/-l7d c O i.. dock camp/slid red t/oolin~ ~ ~ o c b o summer of /992 and ' - ~ - % S.Jd 5,' ~ ~ , _ /wDer p/ers 1o b~ -'S..:,;~ % /rr - Q 3~ a Tied !o ox/s+/n,Dl, p B~„ / i n /Q6 3/,- - - p_ _ _ - Hf. /ins A piers 1o b~ ~ a (-i6; supports finger piers, ef. /ine A' ~ ~ - _ _ , -r(lL V,' - / , / - s4°io22 w"--- (Pro~JOSed Fiooliny GocK with 14 frngPr r7er;) o i 2n' , '~>J' ~ ~Pr l ~1e1; J N ~ ~ ~ 20~./ ~ ~ 349°/4~fc ~ i:~/<r ~',i :~~<r wid/~ ~i - Icreek w:o/n ~ ~ I /99.3 ~ ' c.e e~,f w.~dlA - - ' r.l/1i~3. !%E./,rrl:./~r,Jri/o ori~ge Rrrinq _ y ~ ' o ~I~ S1/: fir. l/~:~,/i//,.rr/, b .x/4.3" s i " 5}k. / ~ l 5}k. ~,i~;r.~r r;- it ~^.ic A.r ~ ~ ~ RECEIVED / - / ,h-l - r ~1,;F r:7 ~i. r. 'F Gi/,. ~ ~/IrE~ .f"~i~O~'/ /,ir ,~i i _ WASHINGTO _ _ N QFFICF Sfk, - -n-_ r^i,,r, „,y, rr-f i,i,/ -i".• ,r>n! r-r./ir.: slk JUN 0 ~ i~9~ a F' - , ~ -•r -rc E. - - -4---y~rE,~.~ [",sir-'%/.; - _/removed rrom sils.l i /'-.-n.r ~v..r rY~~rcr - ' ens/r._, --(removed /rnm s/!s./ -t->,. _ <l.~.n~ _ -/~5 y'~:~~' - ~removad Jrom sile.l h9op RB h9op Rev;sinns j - c^rsr~? ~ NUTE; -Wet/and survey per w?/ s i . ~ r , _Y - ~ ~ - 8oordwo/k /ocnl%on or > survey performed Apri/ 6, /992. ~k /ocnf~on on,d creek Widths ?u/y/, /892. -Add;%iono/ dock repues~ adjoins slruc'urisA r/ dock repuesl /o Permd No. 23-B9--Oct. %4,/992. ns sJruc'ures 'O Q /4/ Co.A/lefE~J ? Co.r,/lefeJ i~~-rnlC w~rc/~~_,~, - _ ~ -~fC'yab"1?rEr„-?e?!!vG'~r IE.L."?E :'ll~rG '~i F„i lti~l~~lCU O.ri~ !i 'E/l4Lr, i>u Jnc~r o~d /~,ger /„er_~ A/ ~°/i99:=. .rorenro,c - :'Ra%uc ~ wrln !,Y-o'i>u Jnc~r ordf~r `f Y ~ r ~ ~t 13.0 ~~lr,~ , ,lrll'~r~, r - _r~r~_ _ - 7r:~~~ >G - lF; , L E`E~.:.~ !~f/LC Tv?~~'. - Y,~A.S'H/NGT~/h? CC! , f~?C NORTH CAROLINA, -GU gSNrh~ ~0 n _ COUNTY Y THAT I.~/~t0n ~ ~Ow=~,CEATIFYTHATT g NOTARY PUDUC OF THE COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, CERTIF FROMANACTUALSURVEYMADEUNOEAMYSUPE d~~, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION iRVEYMADEUNOEAMYSUPERVISION;THATTHEBOUNDARIESNOTSUAVEY D 7~ F tuny~~ ~ 7, A REGISTERED LARD SURVEI'OR, PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME THIS DAY AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE EXECULION OF THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WITNESS MY AAE SHOWN AS BROKEN LINES PLOTTED FR ROKEN LINES PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOK Sip. rc~ above ';i ~ _ i-r il, ,~/ri ,.i sir("rv i ilk PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 4730 AS AMENDED. r ~ ~ _ ; HANG AND OFFICAL SEAL, THIS3~DAY OF _NOVPm b[r _ ,19~ PAGE-__; THAT THI$ PLAT WAS PREPARED IN WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURES, REGISTRI of N~2v•,19~9 ~lo~rsl~r w NAL SIGNATURES, REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS DAY 19 ~/O~fsP? oJ45 co~rrP~~r~( olonU . rP~%.~ - ~o rc Pd CIOa NOTARY PUBLIC ~o rc rc>! c~OSrd c~r ~rrm~rP QCrGQga. MY COMMISION EXPIRES: ~ N.C. REGISTERED LANG SURVEYOR R.L.S.I1-~Q_