HomeMy WebLinkAbout820630_ENFORCEMENT_20171231NORTH CAROLINA Deparbnent of Environmental Quality . M1cnae1 1-. Eas ley, Governor William G . Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Departm ent of Environment and Natural Resources CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Dana Strickland 3025 Edmond Matthis Rd. Clinton, NC 28428 SUBJECT: Request for Information Jana Farms #I & #2 Facility No. 82-630 Permit No. A WS820630 Dear Mr. Strickland: April I 0, 2007 Alan W .. K iimek, P .E. Director Division of Water Quality Late last year or earlier this year, you, or a representative of your farm, r eported a high freeboard at one or more lagoons. As specified in your permit, the Division o f Water Quality requests that you submit a copy of all lagoon levels, rainfall records and irrigation events from March I, 2006 through March 31, 2007 (thirteen m o nths) by Apri l 27 to the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality. If yo u have any questions please contact me at 910-433-3330. Sincerely, Ricky Revels Environmental Senior SpeCialist Division of Water Quality/Aquifer Protection Section 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville. NC 28301-5043 Phone: (910) 433-3300 FAX: (910) 486-0707 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us Customer Service: (800) 623-7748 Re: Greer's Farms (record extension) (/' ,.,_, .... (Ld':.~,~ .. · ?;>· t.(O./ 1 of 1 Subject: Re : Greer's Farms (record extension) From: Ricky revels <Ricky.Revels@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 16:09:53 -0400 To: "rockinmfarms@intrstar.net" <rockinmfanns@intrstar.net> CC: Joan .schneier@ncmail.net Greer, This response is to confirm receipt of your information as submitted below. I do remember telling you that for the farms that elected to receive an NOD for September 2006 high freeboards no records would be necessary. In addition this e-mail response is to allow you additional time to submit rain/pumping records for the Ronnie Carter farm. Si gned, Ri cky Revels rockinmfarms@intrstar.net wrote: Go o d Morning Ricky, Sorry it's taken a li ttle while to get this ema i l to yo u, al t hough I have been speaking with you over t he telephone. This is in response to the following growers that recieved the records request letter. The following are the growers I currently provide technical assistance to, which you are aware. Ron Da vis Farm: Recieved a NOD for high freeboard back in 2006 and would like • ' • ' < •• .:. ••• '")~/J../()·-'1 to accept the NOD without send1ng 13 months of records . ;(.· 1rc:c,...,· · c-VL""t-' • --'· Janna Farms {owner: Dana Strickland): Recieved NOD for high freeboard i n 2006 and wo uld like to accept the NOD without submitting 13 months of record s . r!9i-f.:'--'i I ~or.' tr. OC:'-'! 7 ~,) ··1!'>. tr:.J ...,..~ .. -· Ca s cade Farm (owner: Black River Farms (J i m Moore)) Ricky you spoke with Jim on the phone and confirmed that i t wo u l d be OK to accept the NOD, and not send reco rds .A g1 -~(' Frankie & Jimmy McKenzie Farm, I spoke with you on this mat t er, this is th e farm we submitted a PoA on for high f reebo ard, but farm was visi t ed dur i ng the hi gh freeb o ard period by Soil & Water, wh ich they did a thorough operat ion al re v iew o f th e records. l ... ~yl'f'-E~-{?f-OL~ 0;;>0.1"() -1\, Hervie Honeycutt Farm (82-276) reported a high freeboard in 2006 , however Mr. Steve Guyton (DWQ) did visit the farm during the time the farm had high freeboard and revieved that l agoon records and did note that this farm could not get t o stop pump during the year do to la goon needing sludge removal, which liquid treatment zone will be in compliance by permit expiration (sludge has got b . ; ~ . . . ...... : r ~(' -· to e removed) . .: . J ·,_ ·.· .. l ,__: .. .' .:-·:'·_,d. Ronni e Cater recieved request for r ecords on both his facilities, and I will be sending t hi s information in, how ever could I please get a two week extension . I am so busy trying to get farm inspections done in Pender County with Soil & Wat e r . t hank you Ricky for your time with these ma t ters! Gree r Moore 5116/2007 2:02PM ~· :t ~ ~ "\ ~I ~ , ~ ·~ ~ ~ ' \. Ll ~ ·+% ~ .-.J -J· : ~ . . \.. i~~ ~ l ~ .,- ~~ I , I . ._u ~. ~ -s. ·~ . \ \ ' -..... ·~, ~. ~· i· . : CJ · t i I 'V) ~· ~ ~· ' <J. ~ -:;2. I .t '-6 '<) Q I ; . I I . :~ ' I t 1,: I ; ~· ; ' ~I ' I .·~ ' ;t '""~'11101~•' • ~CI.;:>~y, UUVt:IIIUf William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Garolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources November 16, 2006 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Earl Wells P.O. Box 862 Clinton, NC 28329 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Jana Farms #1 & 2 Dear Mr. Wells: Facility No. 82-630 Permit No. AWS820630 Sampson County Alan W. Klimek. P.E. Director Division of Water Quality On September 6, 2006 you or staff from your farm notified the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality, as required by General Permit condition 111.6.e that the freeboard level of the lagoon was less than the minimum required by the General Permit. The liquid level of the lagoon 2 was reported as 18 inches. General Permit condition V.3 states "The maximum waste level in lagoons/storage ponds shall not exceed that specified in the CAWMP. At a minimum, maximum waste level for lagoons/storage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event plus as additional1 foot of structural freeboard ." The Division of Water Quality will take no further action for this reported incident at this time. However, if you have not done so, you are asked to please notify this office in writing within 15 days of receipt of this letter as to what date the lagoon was lowered within the specified time frame in which the Plan of Action (POA) allotted . It will also close this event out within your file . If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself at (910) 433-3300. cc: APS Central Files DS&W FRO Sampson County SWCD Sincerely, ~-~< ~~~~-t----Ricky Revels Environmental Supervisor I Division of Water Quality/Aquifer Protection Section 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301-5043 Phone : (910) 433-3300 FAX: (910) 486-0707 Internet http://gw.ehnr.state. nc.us Customer Service: (BOO) 623-7748 July 21, 2005 Mlcnael 1-. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Earl Wells Jana Farms 1 & 2 P.O. Box 862 Clinton, NC 28329 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION G.S. 143-215. et seq. Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substance Control Act of 1978 Jana Farms I & 2 (82~}0·£,0 Clinton, Sampson County Dear Mr. Wells: North Carolina General Statutes, Chapter 143, authorizes and directs the Environmental Management Commission of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to protect and preserve the water and air resources of the state. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has the delegated authority to enforce adopted pollution control rules and regulations. Based upon observations made at the Jana Farms 1 & 2 Facility on July 19, 2005, the DWQ has reason to believe that you are responsible for activities resulting in noncompliance with North Carolina law. Two areas adjacent to the farm's office building contained a spill of what appeared to be petroleum of some grade. The specific violations of General Statute 143- 215 .75 et seq., Oil Pollution and Hazardous Substances Control Act, are as follows: 1. 2. G.S . 143-215.83 (a) Unlawful Discharges: It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge oil or other hazardous substances into or upon any waters or land within the state; G.S. 143-215.84 (a) Removal ofProhibited Discharges: Any person having control over oil or other hazardous substances discharged in violation of this article shall immediately undertake to collect and remove the discharge and to restore the area affected by the discharge as nearly as may be to the condition existing prior to the discharge; D ivision of Waler Quality/Aquifer Protection Section 225 Green Street, Suite 714, Fayetteville, NC 28301·5043 Phone : (910) 486-1541 FAA: (910) 486-0707 Internet: http :flgw .ehnr.state.nc .us Customer Service: (800) 623-7748 Mr. Wells July2l, 2005 Page2 3. G.S. 143-215.85, Required Notice: Any person having control over oil or other hazardous substances discharged, shall immediately notify the Department of the nature, location, and time of the discharge and of the measures taken or are proposed to be taken to contain and remove the discharge. To correct the violations, you are required to do the following: l. Cease discharging all "oil" or other hazardous substances on the land or waters of the state; 2. Submit a report to the Fayetteville Regional Office assessing the cause, significance and extent of the release. 3. Remove and properly dispose of all contaminated soil exceeding the applicable action level. 4. The soil testing shall conform with the appropriate sections of Groundwater Section Guidelines for the Investigation and Remediation of Soils and Groundwater, May 1998 edition. You are requested to contact the Division in writing, within 15 days of receipt of this letter, of your intention to comply and submit a plan of action and a schedule for achieving compliance. Failure to respond within the time specified and to voluntarily achieve compliance may result in further enforcement action, to include a recommendation for proposed penalty assessment, which provides for a civil penalty of not more than $5,000.00 for each violation. Your responses should be directed to Bill Shanahan at the Fayetteville Regional Office. cc: Bill Shanahan FRO APS Files file name Stepn A. Barnhardt, L.G. Environmental Regional Supervisor Fayetteville Regional Office Michael F. Easky, Governor William G . Ross 1r., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resou~es CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RECEIPT# 7002 2410 0003 0272 8811 Mr. Earl Wells Jana Fanns #1 & #2 PO Box 862 Clinton, NC 28329 December 5, 2005 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality RECEIVED DEC · 0 9 2005 OENR-FAYETm1LlE REGIONAL OfRCE SUBJECT: Assessment of Civil Penalties for Violation(s) of N.C. General Statute(s) 143-215.1 Dear Mr. Wells: Jana Farms #I & #2, Facility# 82-630 Sampson County File No. PC 2005-0027 Permit No. A WS820630 This letter transmits notice of a civil penalty assessed against Earl Wells in the amount of $2,308.69, including $308.69 in e nforce ment costs. Attached is a copy of the assessment document explaining thi s penalty. This action was taken under authority vested in me by delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality. Any continuing violation(s) may be the subject of a new enforcement action, including an additional penalty. Within thirty days of r eceipt of this notice, you must do one of the following : 1. Submit payment of the penalty: Payment should be made directly to the order of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Payment of the penalty will not foreclose further enforcemen~ action for any contin uing or new violation(s). Do not include the attached waiver form if making payment. Please submit payment to the attention of: Aquifer Protection Section Internet: http://h2o.enr.state.nc .us Mr. Paul Sherman DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 1636 Mail Service Centt:r 2728 Capital Boulevard Ra leigh, NC 27699-1636 Raleigh , NC 27604 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer -50% Recycled/10% Post Cons umer Paper ~lthCarolina .Nnt11rnll!f Phone (919) 733 -322 1 Customer Service Fax (919)7 15·0 588 1-877-623-674.8 Fax (919) 7 I 5-6048 Mr. Earl Wells Page2 December 5, 2005 2. Submit a written request for remission including a detailed justification for such request: Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount o f the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Because a remission request forecloses the op tion of an administrative hearing, such a request must be accompanied by a waiver of your right to an administrative hearing and a stipulation and agreement that no factual or legal issues a re in di s pute. Please prepare a detailed statement that establishes why you believe the civil penalty should be re mitted, and s ubmit it to the Divisi on of Water Quality at the address listed below. In determini ng whether a remission request will be approved, the following factors shall be considered: (1) whether one or more of the civil penalty ass essment factors in NCGS 143B-282.l(b} were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the violator ; (2) whether the violator promptly abated continuing environmental damage resulting from the violation; (3) whether the violation was inadvertent or a result of an accident; (4) whether the violator has been assessed civil penalties for any previous violations; or (5) whether payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial action s. Please note that all evidence presented in support of your request for remission must be submitted in writing. The Director of the Division of Water Quality will review your evidence and inform you of his decision in the matter of your remiss ion request. The response will provide details regarding the case status, directions for payment, and provision for further appeal of the penalty to the Environmental Management Commission's Commi ttee on C ivil Penalty Remissions (Committee). Please be advised that the Committee cannot consider information that was not part of the original remission request considered by the Director. Therefore, it is very important that you prepare a complete and thorough statement in s upport of your r equest for remission. In order to reques t remission, you must complete and submit the enc losed "Request for Remission of Civil Penalties, Waiver of Right to an Administrative Hearing, and Stipulation of Facts" form within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice. The Division of Water Quality also requests that you complete and subm it the enclosed "Justification for Remission Request." Both forms should be s ubmitted to the foll owing address: Mr. Paul Sherman DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section 1636 M a il Service Center Raleigh , N C 27699-1636 3. File a petition for an administrative hearing with the Office of Administrative Hearings: If you wish to contest an y s tate ment in the attached assessment doc ument you must file a petition for an admini strative he arin g . You may obta in the petition form from the Office o f Administrative H earings. You must file the petition with the Office of Adminis trative Hearings within thirty (36) days of receipt of thi s notice . A petition is cons idered filed when it is received in the Office of Adminis trative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Mr. Earl Wells Page 3 December 5, 2005 Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the how-s of 8:00 a.m. and 5 :00p.m ., except for official state holidays. The original and one (I) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed -provided the original and one copy of the document is received in the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission . The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone (919) 733-2698 Facsimile: (919) 733-3478 A copy of the petition must also be served on DENR as follows: Ms. Mary Penny Thompson, Registered Agent DENR 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Please mail or hand deliver a copy to: Mr. Paul Sherman DWQ-Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Please indicate the case number (as found on page one of this letter) on the petition. Failure to exercise one of the options above within thirty (30) days of receipt of this Jetter, as evidenced by an internal date/time received stamp (not a postmark), will result in this matter being referred to the Attorney General's Office for collection of the penalty through a civil action. Please be advised that additional penalties may be assessed for violations that occw-after the review period of this assessment. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Sherman at (919) 715-6697 . A IT ACHMENTS Sincerely, ~ . .....-. ----·--···-----· I) -/ p---J? I ~eodore L. Bus[~ L Aquifer Protection Section Division of Water Quality cc: Art Barnhart, Fayetteville Regional Office w/ attachments File DV 2005 -0027 w/ attachments Aquifer Protection Central Files w/ attachments Susan Massengale w/ attachments STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SAMPSON IN THE MATTER OF EARL WELLS FOR VIOLATIONS OF CONDITIONS OF NON-DISCHARGE GENERAL PERMIT A WG 100000 ) ) ) ) ) ) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FILE NO. PC-2005-0027 FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENAL TIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of th e Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, I, Theodore L. Bush, Jr., Chief of the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Earl Wells owns Jana Farms #1 and #2 , a swine opera tion located on state road 1004 two and a half miles west of its intersection with highway 421 south of Clinton, NC. B . Earl Wells was issued Certificate of Cov erage AWS820630 under General Permit AWG 100000 for Jana Farms #1 and #2 on October 1, 2004, e ffective October 1, 2004, with an expiration date of September 30, 2009. C. Condition No. V. 2. of the Genera l Permit states in part that "The maximum waste level in lagoons/storage ponds shall not exceed that specified in the CA WMP (Ce rtified Animal Waste Management Plan). At a minimum, maximum waste level for lagoons/storage ponds must not excee d the level that provides adequate storage to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event plus an additional one (I) f<?ot of s tructural freeboard." D . The CAWMP for Jana Farms #l and #2 requires that the waste level in both of the farms lagoon not to exceed 19.5 inc hes. E. Condition No. ill. I3c. of the General Permit requires that the permittee shall report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more tha n 24 hours followin g fir s t knowled ge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to that required in Condition V .2 . ofthe issued permit. F. DWQ staff from the Fayetteville Regional Office inspected Jana Farms 1&2 on July 19,2005 and observed that the waste level oflagoon #1 was seven (7) inches, which exceeded the level specified in the CA WMP. · G. The Fayetteville Regional Office had not received notification from Jana Farms 1&2 that the waste level exceeded the level specified in theCA WMP. H. The costs to the State of the enforcement procedures in this matter totaled $308.69. Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I make the following: II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW : A. Earl Wells is a "person" within the meaning ofG.S. 143-215.6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B. A permit for an animal waste management system is required by G.S. 143-215.1 . C. The above-cited failure to maintain the liquid level in the lagoon at the level specified in theCA WMP violated Condition no. V. 2 . of the General Permit. D . The above-cited failure to report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office ·as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to hat required in Condition No. V .2. violated Condition No. m 13c of the general permit. E. Earl Wells may be assessed civil penalties pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A(a)(2) which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation may be assessed against a person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit required byG.S. 143 -215.1. F. The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against Earl Wells pursuant to G .S. 143-215.3(a)(9) and G.S. 143B-282.l(b)(8). G. The Section Chief of the Aquifer Protection Section, Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: III. DECISION: Accordingly, Earl Wells is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ LaCJc'1. o D for violating Condition No. V .2 . of the General Permit by • failing to maintain the liquid level in the lagoon at the level specified in theCA WMP. $ L () 0 {)I 0 {) for violating Condition No. III 13c of the General permit by failing to report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to that required in Condition No. V. 2. $ ~ {J rJQ, 0 0 TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY $ 308 .69 Enforcement costs $ ;<_ 3, Dr;, b~ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE , As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G.S.l43B-282 .l(b), which are : ( 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or quality or on air quality; (4) The cost ofrectifying the damage ; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or failing to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; (8) The cost to the State of the enforcement procedures. r I (Dite) <7]. ~LL m Th '<lore L Bush Jr., Chief Aquifer Protection Section Division of Water Quality ------~ ~---~ ' . £1 =) -- JUSTIFICATION FOR REMISSION REQUEST DWQ Case Number: PC-2005-0027 Assessed Party: Earl Wells Permit No. (if applicable): AWS820630 County: Sampson Amount Assessed: $2,308 .69 Please use this form when requesting remission of this civil penalty. You must also complete the "Request For Remission. Waiver of Right to an Adminis trative Hearing. and Stipulation of Facts" form to request remission of this civil penalty. You should attach any documents that you believe support your request and are necessary for the Director to consider in evaluating your request for remission. Please be aware that a request for remission is limited to consideration of the five factors listed below as they may relate to the reasonableness of the amount of the civil penalty assessed. Requesting remission is not the proper procedure for contesting whether the violation(s) occurred or the accuracy of any of the factual statements contained in the civil penalty assessment document. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 143B-282.l(c), remission of a civil penalty may be granted only when one or more of the following five factors appl ies. Please check each factor that you beli e ve applies to your case and provide a detailed explanation, including copies of supporting documents, as to why the factor applies (attach additional pages as needed). (a) one or more of the civil pe nal t y assessment factors in N .C .G.S . 143B-282.1(b) were wrongfully applied to the detriment of the petitioner (th e assessment fa ctors are listed in the civil p e nalty assess ment docum ent); (b) the violator promptly abated continuing e nvironmental damage resulting from the violat ion (i .e., explain the steps that you took to correct th e violation and prevent future occurrences); (c) the viola tion was inadvertent or a result of an accident (i.e., explain why the violation was una voidable or something you could n ot pre vent or prepare for); (d) th e violator had not b een ass essed civil penalties for any previous violati o ns;· (e) payment of the civil penalty will prevent payment for the remaining necessary remedial actions (i .e., explain how pay ment of the civil p enalty will prevent you from p e rforming the activities n ecessary to achieve compliance). EXPLANATION (attach additional pag es as necessary): STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Sampson IN THE MATTER OF ASSESSMENT OF CNIL PENAL TIES AGAINST Earl Wells ) ) ) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION WAIVER OF RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND STIPULATION OF FACTS FILE NO. DV 2005-0017 Having been assessed civil penalties totaling $2 308.69 for violation(s) as set forth in the assessment document of the Director of the Division of Water Quality dated November 21. 2005 , the undersigned, desiring to seek remission of the civil penalties, does hereby waive the right to an administrative hearing in the above-stated matter and does stipulate that the facts are as all eged in the assessment document. The undersigned further und erstands that all evidence presented in support of remission of this civil penalty must be submitted to the Director of the Division of Water Quality within thirty (30) days of receipt of the civil penalty assessment. No new evidence in support of a remissi on request will be allowed after thirty (30) days from the receipt of the civil penalty assessment. This the _______ day of _____________ .._2=0:::....,..__ SIGNATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~a.\~d l\ I '2..002- Sef!tBHiQif 29, 2QQS MEMORANDUM TO: THRU: Theodore L. Bush, Jr. Section Chief-Aquifer Protection Section Division of Water Quality Art Barnhardt Aquifer Protection Regional Supervisor Fayetteville Regional Office FROM: Mark Brantley Environmental Chemist Fayetteville Regional Office SUBJECT: Enforcement Package Jana Farms Facility No. 82-630 Sampson County Michael F. Eas ley, Governor William G. Ros s Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W . Klimek, P. E. Director Division o f Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality Please find enclosed a fast track enforcement package pertaining to high freeboard and failure to notify of a high freeboard at the subject facility. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this manner. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any of the details, please contact me 91 0-486-1541 ext. 730. Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street-Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Phone: 910-486-1541 \FAX: 910-486-0707\ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper . p . 1 ; : \ (l;l. I " ' . a /ll!r---. aJ/ ft15 ltltja~ n C1 t 1hG , ) #'( ly Ff)--) I Sr (ll ~-~ .lc.hl .. i. Subject: Lagoon Markers (lana Farms ) # 2 Lag oon -Marker O.K. Date l ! I I I I l I I I I p.2 Nonh Carolina State University and North Caroli na A&T State Ur.iversity commit the mselves to positive action toj se cure equal opportunity rega1dless oi race. co lor. creed. national origin. religion . sex. age, or disabi lity. In addition. me two Unive rs iiies wel come all persons wi thou t regard to sexual orien:a· •• • -•• .... -~ • •• • 1 1 ... n . ·--·-· -" ,. __ : .... ~ ...... -... ..l r.! ..... , ... "",....""':""",..t " ,....._<1'\r\.Of'!;Jt;,n .•, ' ANIMAL OPERATION INSPECTION FORM 1. Date oflnspection(s): 7-19-05-intial inspection 2. Regional Office: Fayetteville. Aguifer Protection Section 3. Name of Owner of Property: Earl Wells 4 . Name of Operator: Dana Strickland 5. Address: P. 0. Box 862 Clinton, NC 28329 6. Phone Number: 919-592-7619 7. Desc ription of Facility Location, Map excerpt attached: From Clinton. NC, take Highway 421 South to State road 1004; turn right. Go approximately 2.5 miles; the farm is on the left. 8. Date this facility began operation: November 1995 9. Date oflast expansion: N/A 10. Has the facility registered with DWQ ? If yes, date of registration: 1995 II . Does the facility have an approved Animal Was te Management Plan: Yes 12 . Has this facility rece ived a CAFO Designation: N/A. 13 . Type of Operation: Swine. Wean to Feeder 14 . N umber and type of livestock : Swine, 6400 Wean to Feeder 15. Len gth of time animals have been, are, or will be stabled , or confined and fed or maintained in any 12 month period: Twelve ( 12) months 16. Are crops , pasture, or post harvest residues sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility? Yes, facility was designe d to utilize approximately 12.46 acres of land on which to apply waste . The certified waste management plan calls for Coas tal Bermuda (hay) with a small grain over seed. 17 . Type of Waste Management System: Swine are kept in total confinement free stall ham w ith slotted floors over pits. Waste is flushed as needed from floor pits into the waste lagoon system . 18 . Description of other animal operations in the immediate vicinity and proximity to same or other surface waters : 19 . Proximity of facility to nei ghboring houses, wells, etc.: 20. Approximate depth of ground water table in the area of the facility or discharge: Unknown . 21 . Proxi mity of facility to surface waters: 22 . Animal waste discharged: N/A 23. Are pollutants discharged in the waters of the State? No 24. Do or have discharges occurred in response to a storm event less severe that the 25-year, 24 hour storm? N/A 25. What is the degree and extent ofharm to the natural resources of the State, public health, or to private property resulting from the violation? N/A 26. What is the duration and gravity of the violation? ABBREVIATED SAI\1PLE RESULTS No samples were taken 27. Water Quality Assessment: N/A 28. What is the cost of rectifYing the damage? N/A 29. Wha t is the amount of money saved by non complian ce? N/A. 30. Was th e violation committed willfully or intentionally? 31. What is the prior record of the violator in complying or fail Envirorunental Management Commission has regulatory at: 12 -3-96 Notice of Deficiency-Inadequate cover crop, deep 1 in ches 3-31-96 Notice of Deficiency-No operator Designated 10 -23-97 Notice of Deficiency-insuffic ient freeboard 1-1 8-00 Notice of Deficiency 6-18-0 I Notice of Violation/Revocation for non-payment 32. What is the cost to the State for the enforcement procedures? Mark Brantley@23.91 lhr X 1.5 hrs (Investigation) Drive time-2 hrs Report Development-4 hrs Art Barnhardt@ 29.36/hr X 1.0 hrs (Review) Central Office Review TOTAL $ 35.87 $ 47.82 $ 95.64 $ 29.36 $ 100.00 $308.69 33 . Type or general nature of business: Swine, wean to feeder. 34. What is the vio lator 's degree of cooperation or recalcitrance? 35. Aie there any mitigating circumstances? N/A 36. Assessment Factors: a. IWC: Unknown Freeboard at 19 2 3 b. Receiving Stream: c. Damage: None observed at time of incident. 37. Include a copy of any Designation letter signed by the Director. NIA 38. Recommendations Made to Owner/Operator: Submit a 5 day Plan of Action to the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water Ouality within 24 hours. After the lagoon liquid level is out of the structural freeboard a 30 day Plan of Action needs to be submitted. 39. Recommendations for further DWQ Action: 1-Notice of Violation I Notice of Intent (Forwarded 2-Enforcement Action 3-Reinspection 40. Other Comments: ) This farm has a history of incomplete and inconsistent records. For two years in a row DWQ had knowledge of irrigation events but the information was not in farm records. One of these events occurred when the lagoons were found to be in the red. The farm was issued a NOV/NOI for the lagoon being in the structure, failure to report a high freeboard, and failing to record all irrigation events. The farm responded with corrected irrigation fonns that showed all irrigation events that DWQ was aware of. The producer claims the stake in the lagoon was not accurate. DWQ requested information showing this and none has been received. DWQ also requested the integrator's documentation of the last time the lagoon markers were surveyed from the producer and none were rece ive d. All other information that was requested has been received. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF Sampson IN THE MA TIER OF Jana Farms #1 and #2 Earl Wells FOR STATE GENERAL PERMIT VIOLATIONS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES FINDINGS AND DECISION AND ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENAL TIES Acting pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, I, Theodore L. Bush, Jr, Section Chief of the Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ), make the following: I. FINDINGS OF FACT: A. Earl Wells owns Jana Farms #1 and #2, a swine operation located on state road 1004 two and a half miles west of its intersection with highway 421 south of Clinton, NC. B. Earl Wells was issued Certificate of Coverage AWS280630 under General Permit AWGlOOOOO for Jana Farms #1 and #2 on October 1, 2004, effective October 1, 2004, with an expiration date of September 30, 2009. C. Condition No. V. 2. ofthe General Permit states in part that "The maximum waste level in lagoons/storage ponds shall not exceed that specified in theCA WMP (Certified Animal Waste Management Plan). At a minimum, maximum waste level for lagoons/storage ponds must not exceed the level that provides adequate storage to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event plus an additional one (1) foot of structural freeboard." D. TheCA WMP for Jana Farms #1 and #2 requires that the waste level in both of the farms lagoon not to exceed 19.5 inches. E. Condition No. ill. 13c. of the General Permit requires that the permittee shall report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to that required in Condition V .2 . of the issued permit. Based upon the above Findings of Fact, I make the following : II. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: A. Earl Wells is a "person" within the meaning ofG.S. 143 ~215 .6A pursuant to G.S. 143-212(4). B. A permit for an animal waste management system is required by G.G 143-215.1 C . The above-cited failure to maintain the liquid level in the lagoon at the level specified in theCA WMP violated Condition no. V. 2. of the General Permit. D. The above-cited failure to report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to hat required in Condition No. V.2. violated Condition No. m 13c ofthe general permit. E. Earl Wells may be assessed civil penalties pursuant to G.S . 143 -215.6A(a)(2) which provides that a civil penalty of not more than twenty-thousand dollars ($25,000.00) per violation may be as sessed against a person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of a permit required by G.S. 143-215.1. F . The State's enforcement costs in this matter may be assessed against Earl Wells pursuant to G.S. 143 -215.3(a)(9) and G .S. 143B-282.l(b)(8). G. The Section Chief of the Aquifer Protection Section, Division of Water Quality, pursuant to delegation provided by the Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Director of the Division of Water Quality, has the authority to assess civil penalties in this matter. Based upon the above Findings ofFact and Conclusions of Law, I make the following: ill. DECISION: Accordingly, Earl Wells is hereby assessed a civil penalty of: $ ______ _ $ ______ _ $ ______ _ $. ______ _ $ ______ _ for violating Condition No. V.2. of the General Permit by failing to maintain the liquid level in the lagoon at the level specified in theCA WMP. for violating Condition No. ill 13c of the General permit by failing to report by telephone to the appropriate Regional Office as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of failure to maintain storage capacity in a lagoon/storage pond greater than or equal to that required in Condition No. V. 2. TOTAL CIVIL PENALTY Enforcement costs TOTAL AMOUNT DUE As required by G.S. 143-215.6A(c), in determining the amount of the penalty I have considered the factors listed in G .S .l43B-282.l(b), which are: ( 1) The degree and extent of harm to the natural resources of the State, to the public health, or to private property resulting from the violation; (2) The duration and gravity of the violation; (3) The effect on ground or surface water quantity or qua1ity or on air quality; (4) The cost of rectifying the damage; (5) The amount of money saved by noncompliance; (6) Whether the violation was committed willfully or intentionally; (7) The prior record of the violator in complying or fa iling to comply with programs over which the Environmental Management Commission has regulatory authority; (8) The cost to the State ofthe enforcement procedures. (Date) Theodore L Bush Jr., Section Chief Aquifer Protection Section Division of Water Quality USPS -Track & Confirm Track & Confirm Search Results LabeVReceipt Number: 7001 2510 0003 8089 1575 Status: Delivered Your item was delivered at 11 :09 am on August 25, 2005 in CLINTON, NC28328. Notification Options Track & Confinn by email Track & Confinn Get current event information or updates for your item sent to you or others by email. ( Go> ) Page 1 of 1 • POSTAL INSPECTORS Preserving the Trust site map contact us government services jobs National & Premier Accounts Copyright@ 1999·2004 USPS. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy http://trkcnfrml .smi.usps.com/PTSinternetWeb/lnterLabellnquiry.do 9/2 9/2005 August19,2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Earl Wells Jana Farms# 1 and # 2 P. 0 . Box 862 Clinton , NC 28329 Subject: Dear Mr. Wells: NOTICE OF VIOLATION/NOTICE OF INTENT Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H .0217 Jana Farms# 1 and# 2 Facility No. 82-630 Sampson County Michael 1.-. t:.as ley, Uovcmor William G . Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Depanment of Environment and Narural Resources Alan W. Klimek , P.E. Dire ctor Di vision of Water Qual ity You are hereby notified that, having been permitted to have a non-discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217 , you have been found to be in violation of your 2H .0217 Permit. Violation 1: Failure to maintain adequate freeboard levels in the lagoon. (Permit Number AWG 100000 Condition V. 2 and 3) It was noted during a routine compliance inspection performed on 7·19·05 that the lagoon level in lagoon #1 was at 7 inches. At this level the liquid level was in the structural freeboard of the lagoon. Corrective Action for Violation 1: Please follow the farm's general permit and Certified Animal Waste Management Plan in bringing the lagoon level ba ck ·into compliance and maintaining the proper freeboard . Violation 2: Failure to notify Division of Water Quality of inadequate freeboard in your waste structure(s) within 24 hours. (Permit Number AWG 100000 Condition Ill. 13 c) Your permit specifically requires notificat ion by telephone within 24 hours and a written report w ithin 5 calendar days following first knowledge of the occurrence of a reportable permit condition. The Division of Water Quality has no record of receiving the 24·hour notification. Corrective Action for Violation 2: In the future, please notify the Division of Water Quality of the occurrence of any reportable events in accordance with your permit. Violation 3: Failure to record all irrigation events including hydraulic loading rates , nutrient loading rates and cropping information. (Permit Number AWG 100000 Condition Ill. 6) DWQ witnessed waste irrigation events taking place on July 20 and 21 , 2005. There were irrigation guns on two different hydrants. On the records you submitted to this office you had only recorded one of the hydrants irrigation information for July 21, 2005 and according to the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan the Division of Water Quality has on hand this information was credited to the wrong hydrant. No irrigation events were recorded for ~C aroli na /Vafltral/y North Caroli na Divisi on of Water Quality/ Aqui fer Protect ion Sec tion 225 Green StJ Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Phone (9 1 0) 486-154 1 FAX (91 0) 486-070 7 Internet h2o.enr.s tate .nc.us Customer Service 1-877-623-6 748 An Equal Opportun ity/Affumative Action Employer -50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Mr. Wells Page 2 8-19-05 20, 2005 . This is the second year in a row that the Division of Water Quality has information about a waste application event that was not recorded on farm records. Corrective Action for Violation 3: Please record all appropriate waste application events on approved forms as required by this farm 's General Permit. Please send the following information to the Fayetteville Regional Office of the Division of Water by September 6, 2005: 1. A current copy of Jana Farms Certified Animal Waste Management Plan. 2. Information showing the most recent lagoon markers elevation verification. If you do not believe enforcement is appropriate for this violation, please include a detailed, written justification of why you feel that this office should not proceed with a recommendation for enforcement. Again, this office should receive your response on or before September 6, 2005. Information submitted to this office will be reviewed and, if enforcement is still deemed appropriate, will be forwarded to the Director tor his consideration. Please be advised that this notice does not prevent the Division of Water Quality from taking enforcement actions for this violation or any past or future violation . Furthermore. the Division of Water Quality has the authority to levy a civil penalty of not more than $25,000 .00 per day per violation . If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact either Mr. Mark Brantley, Environmental Specialist, or myself at (910) 486-1541 . Sincerely, 4£i_~ ~.Barnhard! Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor cc: Keith Larick-Compliance Group Sampson County NRCS Trent Allen-SWC, FRO Central Files-Raleigh . .;. -....... .•. ·;,. .... :- •,· .· .. .... ... • ..... . ' .····· .• . . ·-:·· ... . · . .• ··· ... ·· . '. ... ·:··· .. ~ ·.· .. :-.· . ·.;·· .··· .. lJ) ['- UJ ; '"""" ' 1 .,-:: --;~ . -~ Cl ~ · ... . ·• ~ U.S. Postal Service . · . CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT .· . . · .: {Domestic Mail Onfy; No. ln$urtJpce Coverage Prov1ded) Postage $ , S 7 1--------1 CertrtiedFee Retu rn Receipt Fee (Endotsement Required) ;---------1 Restricted Delivery Fee (Erldorsement Re<;wed) 1----:------1 . ·:··. ; .. -:.· ,· ··•. · ... .. _ .. ._ . Postmark He re f> 'ZZ.vl ~r . .· ~ · .. ·· . :. ..-·~·; .. '· . , "r·· -,:;:.:: .• :~,~:}f,~~-,~t~~~~~L·;'· ·: -~ ::~ . SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION · • Complete items 1, 2. and 3. Also complete,.. item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ..: i • Print your name arid address on the reverse i so that we Can retum the card to you . ) • Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Alticle Addressed to : JANA FARMS 1 & 2 --~· ·: ... ·.,.!":' . . . ~:;j~•1:J:~--:l~~K~~:~~;~~~~~/~::~~:tri:~·: ATTN: MR. EARL WELLS POBOX 862 CLINTON, NC 283 29 -~ =~. • ...... .:~ .. ~. ~--. -:;· '• :.:. -.. :· . · .... ·'· _. . . . . •. . ~-·.· ·.· ... ·. --··. 2 .. ...._._ ....... _.... __ . . ! •.• 700 1·2510 0003 ,-P5 Fonn 381 1, February 2004 . .. ~ .· . .... -~--. .-._ . •, --~~~~-~--'; ~-· ... ·. : :··:. -> -. :: .. -.. ·· •·. . . -·:-.-. · ... :.· .... :.-.···-: .. ·· 0 Retum Receipt for Men:handise oc.o.o. Fee) 0 Yes 8089 1681 ,~41540 r~~~~;:~~:1~~~~6~f~~: ·, Domestic Return Receipt .-::; '· ·-~ o • o •w::-~-~ I --.::' • t : ••.• ·.;·;_,~_'i,~·-",~t)/·. ~~~:~:,~~;~~~~-:'. '";/;,~f?.~;:,;-.::·· ·j·"· ITl 0 0 0 Pos!.lgc Ce<1ofit:d Fee ... Rulurn Receipt Fee r-------...J (c:ndors'lment Required) .Be s trict"d Deliv.,..,. Fee r-------1 {t:.ndors~ment Required~ Total Postage & Fees $ ~ f:219 li ~ - Pos:n ~a rk H~fi! ru [·s;. {-;.;,/~[!q .. f!p;!h. ________________________ _ ~ CJr PO B o< No. ;/ t"i /j _ · (t I .............................. . 2J I"C;;~}!;,'(i.i"ZIP;.;,----~-: ..... Y/).~.f_k:: .......................... . ~"--( fr 1·fiJ.•i . .J c.. z y_ ~-I --.............. _ '. .·.::};;;{·,*:?~1\" <·."· Type of Visit e Compliance Inspection 0 Operation Review 0 Structure Evaluation 0 Technical Assistance Reason for Visit e Routine 0 Complaint 0 Follow up 0 Referral 0 Emergency 0 Other 0 Denied Access I>:~ It' uf Vi sit : I ?-19-Dt; I .-\rrh·:~! Titm·: ...,I M1=-:.=----'l lkp:t rtun: Time: J<... ___ ___JI County: __ $.:,!0-/!.f!!.(/..___ He~iun: .£/?.o_ Owner Email: Owner Name: _______ Ead.__________ .. 61.~//.s __ .. ______ ··-. -·----· Phunc: _q/ e..": .. ~.;J.. .. ::_?~L~--------__ _ Mailing Address: __ f-,_C!._._ __ IJo X---8:~ ,2 _____ . ·--·--··---.--.. ----·-___ .... .C L,_·,l7J.J?. .. --/¥.(., ____ ... -·-··-·-. ,;;> K..J...:;:,.._1 __ I' hysical Address: ·-·-·--·---......... -·-___ .. --·--·-··-·· ... _ .. ----....... _ __ ._ .. ____ . ----·· ______________ ------------....................... -.... ---------- Facility Cuntact: ____ !2~!f&t. .. ---.5_fc.:.~/(le,,,( ___ Tirlc : ____ .. _ --------·---·····-----· -·----------Phone No: ------------------ ' Onsitc R cpr c~cnlati\'l·: ---------------·------------....... _ ... •. Integrator: ..!!r:c,..,~-~ __ of.._~"/.._-.,.,_&_~,._-<;,.:.~en. Certified Operator:-------------------. ___ .. .. --· ----·--____ _ Operator Ccrtilkation Number: Rack -up Operator: Had-i-up Cl•rtitk:llion Num hcr: Lm:ation of Farm: Ocsign Current o~sign Current Design Current Swine ID We an to Fini s h Capacity Population Wet Poultry Cap a dty Po1mlatiou 11 =o=--L;-,y-er--.....-......:.._---=-.----.. 0 0!on -Lavcr Cattle C apacit)' Population - ~·~an to Feeder t,t.{oo ID DairY Cow I I D Dairv Calf 0 Fe ed!!r to Fini s h D Dairv Heifct 0 Fan·ow to \\.-ean 0 f a:-row to f e~tkr 0 Farrow to Finish 0Gilts 0 Boars D O rv Cow D Non-Da irv 0 B e~r St"t·k~r 0 Uecfh:cda 0 Ueel' Brood Cow Dry Poultry 0 L:l\·,·r:.; D ~on -L:.~ve rs 0 Ptill •:ts D Turk eys Other 0 T urk ~v Poults 0 Oth c:r Numbe r of Structures: [3'] ID Ot her Dis charges & Stream Impacts I. Is any di sc h argt· obse rYed ti·o r:1 a ny part of the operat ion? 0 '{es !2('Jo DNA O NE Di scharg<: t'rigi na ted <tt: 0 Structu re 0 App lication Field 0 Oth er 0 'r'es 0 No D NA D ~E b. Did tlw disc har ge r~.·ach \\':l t~r ' of th e Sta :c·.• t lt'yt·s, n oti i~· D \VQ) DYes 0No DNA O NE c What is the estimateJ \'ol u:nt-th at n.:uclttd wat~r:~ o f the Stak tg :~l lon" r.' .., Is th e re evi<kncc or a pa st disc harge from any pa t1 of th e ope r oti o n'.1 3. \\\·r ~ then• any ad ve rse impac t:; or pot e ntia l a d\ .:'Lie impa cts ro th \: Wat ers of the State otiH:r th a n fr om a Ji s.:h arg~? 0 'r'es 0No D Yes Ia"No 0 Yes 0'No 12/1810.:/ D NA O NE Or-.:A O NE DNA O NE Co ntinu ed @~lity Number: g 2 -(, 3 0 Oat~ of r nspection Waste Collection & Treatment 4 . Is storage capacity (structura l plus stonn storage plus heavy rainfall) less than adequate? a. If yes, is waste level into the structural fn:eboard? Structure I Stru~ture 2 StrucUm! 3 Structure 4 Identifier: .z_ Spillway?: ~Q tu2. Designed Freeboard (in): ltf. S:'' ,, ~ ,, Observed Freeboard (in): 2" :1" , 5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed? (ie/large trees, severe erosion, seepage, i!tc.) 6. Are there structures on-si te which are not properly addressed and/or managed through a waste management or closure plan? ~4<1 ~ 0No D NA ~E ~s 0 No D NA ~NE Structure 5 Structure 6 DYes 0No DNA ~ DYes 0 No D N A (J-1qE If any of questions 4-6 were answered yes, and the situation poses an immediate public health or environmental threat, notify DWQ 7. Do any of the structures need mainto.:nance or improvement'' 8 . Do any of the stuctures lack adequate markers as required by th e p ermit'! (Not applicable to roofed pits. dry stacks and/or wet stacks) 9. Does any part of the waste managtmcnt system other than the waste structurt:s require maintenance or improv~:ment'? Waste Application 10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks , or compliance alternatives that need maintenance/improveme nt? DYes 0 No 0 NA l:d-m: DYes 0 No DNA [3'Ni DYes 0 No DNA £:&'NE DYes D No 0 NA C3iiE II. Is there evidence of incorrect application') If yes. check the appropriate box below. 0 Y cs 0 No 0 NA EJNE D Excessive Ponding 0 Hydraulic Owrload 0 Frozen Ground 0 Heavy Metals (Cu. Zn, e tc .) D PAN D PAN > 10 % or 10 lbs 0 Total Phosphorus D Failure to Incorporate Manure/Sludge intO Bare Soil D Outside of Acceptable Crop Window D Evidence of Wind Drift 0 Application Outs ide o f Area 12 . C rop~pe(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 . Soil typc(s) 14 . Do the recei v in g cro ps differ from those desi gnated in the CAWMP'! DYes 15 . Does the receivin g crop and/or land application si te need improvement? DYes 16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre de t enn in ation ~D Yes 17. Docs the facility lack adequate acreage lor land application? 18 . Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment? Re\·icwer/lnspector Name Reviewer/Inspector Signature: DYes 0 Yes . Phone: Date: 12128/04 0 N o DNA BNE 0 No D NA (2J'NE 0 No DNA ~E 0No DNA (1NE 0 No DNA GfNE Continued I Ftcility ~u m be r : g;; -vJo Date of I nspection I '7 · If -o?l Required Reco rds & Doc u ments 19. Di d the fa cility fail to have Certificate of Coverage & Permit readi ly available ? 20 . Does the fac ility fai l to have all components of theCA W MP readily available? lf yes, check the ap p ro p irate box. 0 W UP 0 Checklists D Design D Map s 0 Other 2 1. Does record keeping need im provement? If yes, check th e appropriate box below. D Yes 0 No D NA ~ D Yes 0 No 0 NA C3"NE D Yes 0 No D NA ~E 0 Waste A p plicati o n 0 Weekly Free board 0 Waste Analysis 0 So i l Analysis 0 Waste Transfers 0 A nnual Cert i tication D Rainfall D Stock ing D C rop Yie ld D 110 Min ute Inspections 0 M o n thly and I " Rain Insp ections D Weather Code 22. Did the facili ty fai l to install an d maintain a rain gauge? D Y es 0 No DNA ~'JE 23. If sel ec te d, d id the faci lity fa il to in s tall and maintain rainb reakcrs o n irrigat ion e qui pment? D Yes 0 No D NA Gt1'JE 24 . D id the faci li ty fai l tO ca l ibrate waste application equipment as r equired hy th e perm it? D Yes 0 No D NA G?'NE 25. Did the fac ili ty fail to conduct a s lu dge s urvey as req uired by the p e rmit ? D Yes D No D NA GJ'"NE 26. Di d the facili ty fai l to have an actively certitied ope rator in charge? D)"es D N o DNA @'N E 27. Di d the fac ili ty fa il to secure a phosphorus loss assessme n t (PlAT) certi fication? D Yes D No DNA (3'NE O the r Iss ues 28. Were any ad ditional problems noted w h ich cause non-comp lian ce of the p ermit orCA WMP? DYes 0 No D NA [31:JE 29 . Did the fac ilit y fail to properl y d ispose of dead animals within 24 h o urs and /or docu men t D Yes 0 No D NA [3'NE and re po rt the mortali ty r ates that w~:re high e r than no rm al? 30 . At th e time ofth l' in spection did th e faci lit y pose an o dor o r a ir q uality c o ncern? D Yes 0 No DNA 0'NE If yes, contact a regio nal A ir Q ua lity representative im mediately 3 1. Did the faci li ty fa il to notify th e rl'gi onal oflicl' of emergency s ituatio n s as requ ired by D Yes 0 No D NA 12f'NE General Permit? (ie/ d isch a rge, freeboard problems. over a p pl icat io n ) ,., .)~. Did Reviewer/Ins pecto r tai l to discuss rev iew/inspection with a n o n-s ite re p resentative? D Yes 0 No D NA Q-'N E 33 . Does faci li ty require a fo llow-up v isit by same agency? D Yes 0 No D NA ~E c,,.J 'Fov..,ef -1--J.,. ltvtd Ce4/{,,l ~~~~ H.t I t'A'c)()Y1 In ,~ ,, r.; "'"'~ 4, t:A /.so ,f}I~J -~-~,J .Sorf o-F ¥;/f (J,yt?./.( ~ .... // -Fv~l o··1 5()nt~ Jz.J Ot:c,.,~J C.r o v., ,I -J.J..~ wd/s. ~ 1212 8104 Clear Run Farms Consulting Services ... ·~' ··-·, August 16 , 2005 I ~:·~ ;·•. \ 13 .,. . AUG \ 8 2GG5 . . . ' ! Mark , I appreciate you giving me a few extra days to get the information to you on Jana Farms. Since Sarah Beth's accident it has really been a tough time, however we are on the way to a full recovery! We are blessed that her injuries were not worse than they were . She goes back to Chapel Hill Wednesday (8/17) to see the plastic surgeon. Hopefully they will be taking out stitches! Everyone 's thoughts and prayers are certainly appreciated! I hope you and your family is doing well and I'm sure you're enjoying that precious little boy (heavens gift). Enjoy him all you can, they grow up quick! Give me a call if you have any questions & good luck on the new job!! Thanks, Greer Moore ... , . Gro wer: Stri ckland, Dana Copies To: Moo re, Greer 2523 Edmond Matthis Rd ~ . Clinto n, NC 28328 · ~ ~ " ~ I' Ptm n: ~ USDA-N RCS-Sampson Waste Analysis Report ----, ) .1 . ~ SEP o· 7 2lli M~rc, Greer PO Box 338 8/ZZ/200 5 · -·Harre lls, NC 28444 . ' . _~,, '··-... Ch atham County Sample Informa tion Laboratory Results (par ts per million unless otherwise noted) SampleiD: JF-1 Wa ste Code: AL S Swn ple Infor mation Sample ID: JF-2 Waste Code: ALS N-----·-·-p--·--r-----ca·--u ---·--s----·Pe---Mn ·--Zn --.. -·-·Cu---8---Mo·--·-----CI -C---·-·-· To tal IN·N -NJ/4 ·N03 OR·N Ur ea 323 57.6 63 5 157 49 .0 35.9 5.26 0.54 3.09 1.49 1.8 1 N 1.4 1'205 0.77 K20 5.1 Na Ni Cd Pb 216 Nutrients AvaUable for First Cro Cfl Mg s Fe Ml1 0.9 1 0.29 0.21 0.03 T La boratory Resul ts (par ts per million unless otherwise noted ) N p X C11 M Tol nl 312 48.4 522 136 41.9 IN-N -Nil4 ·N03 Na Nl Ctf Pb OR·N 187 Urea Nutrients Available for First Cro N P205 K20 Ca Mg s Fe Mn 1.3 0.65 4.2 0.79 0.24 0.13 O.Q2 T AI So Li II ss C:N 7.55 allons Other El eme nts Zn Cu Cl Nn Ni 0.02 0.01 0.0 1 1.8 s Fo M11 Zu Cu JJ 21.8 4.10 0.46 0.82 1.06 1.56 AI Se Li II ss C:N 7.5 8 allons Other Elements z, Cu Cl Na Ni 0.0 1 0.0 1 1.6 DM% CC£96 ALE( a!) lb~/1 000 allons (.'(/ Pb AI Se j,j Mo Cl c /JM% CCB% AL E( •al) lb s/1 000 allo11S Cd Pb AI Se u FormtRR·2 62881 3.41 Lagoo n Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# r F1 ·H1 Facility Number 82 630 Irrigation Operator r Tract# Field siz:a (wetted acres) = (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Irrigation O~rator's Address T OIC#_ IL....._..,.----l+---J....._------i Owner's' Phone # Crop Type!BH (1} (2} (3} (4) ~Ill 0.... Slaotllmo End l1mo ToiOI ..... _ ~~ (3~(2) L2 311712005 7:00AM 10:30AM 210 l2 3/1712005 12:30 PM 4 :00PM 210 l2 4/6/200!1 8:00AM \1 :00AM 180 L2 41812005 2:30PM 5:00PM 150 l2 5/11/2005 8 :30AM 11 :30 AM 180 L2 5/11 /2005 1:00PM 4 :30PM 210 l2 511212005 9:00AM 12:30 PM 210 L2 5116/2005 7:30AM 11 :00AM 210 L2 5/17/2005 \O:OOAM 1:30PM 210 L2 5/20/2005 2:00PM 5:30PM 210 L 1 5124/200 5 10:00AM 1:30PM 210 L1 512!112005 7:30AM 11 :00AM 210 L1 512512005 2 :30PM 8 :00PM 210 u 7/1912005 8:00AM I 1:00AM 180 L1 711912005 2:30PM 5 :00PM 150 L1 712012005 7 :00AM 11:00 AM 240 l1 712012005 11 :00AM 1:00PM 120 l1 7121 /2005 7:00AM \O:OOAM 180 l1 712112005 11 :00AM 1:00PM 120 L2 712212005 9:00AM 12:00 PM 180 L2 7122/2005 12:00 PM 3 :00PM 180 L2 7/2712005 10:00AM 1:30PM 210 L2 7/2812005 8 :00AM 11 :30AM 210 Ownet'l Slgnltura C.t1iftod Opol"'ltot' (!I) (6) 'olflprinklolo Flow AN l)pol11i>o 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 Crop Cyclo Totale (7) Operator's Phone II T From Waste Utilization Plan (9} Recommended PAN loa<llng (lb&laae) • (B) j10l_ (111 TOOII Volume Volume ... W-llnolyolo jPAN-Nllrngon {glilonl} Acre (U•V.Cre) PAN • (lbll1000 (--.e~) a.:-"~ ~1>(~)1(~) (?WI) gol) I~ I ~BI~n,l 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 214.84 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 204 .68 19800.00 5806.<15 1.5 8 .71 195.9 7 16500.00 4838 .71 1.5 7 .26 188.7 1 19800.00 5806 .<15 1.5 8.71 180.00 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 169.84 23100 .00 677•4.19 1.5 10 .16 159.68 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 149 .52 23100,00 677<1 .19 1.5 10 .16 139.35 23100 .00 877<1 .19 1.5 10 .18 129.19 23100 .00 6774.19 2.0 13.55 115 .85 23100.00 6774 .19 2.0 13.55 102.10 23100.00 6774 .19 2.0 13.55 88.55 19800.00 5806 .45 1.4 8 .13 80.42 18500.00 4838.71 1,4 6 .77 73.65 28400.00 7741 .94 1.4 10.84 62.81 13200.00 3870.97 1.4 5 .<12 57 .39 19800.00 5806,<15 1.4 8 .13 49.26 13200.00 3870.97 1.4 5.42 43.84 19800.00 5806.45 1.3 7 .55 38.29 19800.00 5806.45 1.3 7.55 28.74 23100.00 6774.19 1.3 6.81 19.94 23100.00 677<1 .19 1.3 8.81 11.13 OporatOI'I Signlllure Opereto(a C ortitlcabon • 'N COA Wa11a Arultylia Of Equlvac.nt. At a minimlll'rl, Wlllta onelylio l a required wtth ln BO doye at lend app~catoon e.,.nto. "Ent ll lhe value recalved by oubll"'ldtng column (10) from (B). Continue aubtrilctlng <:a1umn (101 from colJmll (1 1) IO'Iowtng ea t!> inigltion ev ent. '"Enter .-.Menc IIOUII:8 (lo . liiQOOIVStlnQa Pond ro, ccrnrnercle( '-'lliltc', dry litter. etc 1 'Wutlll Codae: C-C!ew, PC-Pattly Cloudy, CI-Cioudly , R-Raln, 5-SnowiSiaet. W-wtndy hPar10n'1 complellng tl>o lr!lg.UOn inapeetione mtllt lnltlll to •i!IMY IMIInopectione'"""' completed at !e aot every 120 m!nuteo. 225 c 'Lk'!". c .P..~ C L~ c ( . ..,. g jj ~ v c • r; ·c ~ c ~ c c c c Cl CL CL CL c c V/ Form IRR-2 Tract t1 Field size (wetted acres) = (A} Farm Owner Owner's Address 62881 3.41 Lagoon liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Fie ld t1 I F1 -H 1 Faci lity Number 82 630 Irrigation Operator I Owner's' Phone# Irrigation Operator's Address I OIC# l~,--.,..----4l-----L-------i Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Typei~.=S:.::G;__ ___________ -J (1} (2} (3} (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9} Tot.t Voiii!M Voh•JM, per Wlllt Malyo<o t..goon 10 a-Still Time enc~n ... TOIII\Millulet 'of 6pl1nldero Flbw Rol<l (g&llono) 1.cte (gollltnl) P.AN' (lbl/1000 (mm/dd/yf) (3)-(2) e>p.roting <a>•t~l•t 4l {7)/(A) g.ol) l1 2/912005 8:00AM 11:30AM 210 1 110 23100 .00 6774.19 2.0 L1 2/9/2005 2:30PM 4:00PM 90 1 110 9900.00 2903.23 2.0 L1 2/12/2005 9:00AM 12 :30 PM 210 1 110 23100 .00 6774.19 2.0 L1 3/112005 8:00AM 11:00 AM 180 1 110 19800 .00 5806.45 2.0 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Ownet'a Sig!'18ture ----------------Opereto(o Signature Certified Operetor ----------------Opi<'IIIMI Certific:alion II 'NCDA Woate Analytill or Equivalent. AI • mnmum. waste enolylia lo requited wtiNn 80 days of land application event a. ~enter 1he vlllue received by tubtrac:llng column (10) from (8). Contlnue oublnlctlng COlumn (1 0) from COiuM (11) following eiiCh inigB!Ion e vent. -enter nutrient oource (le. Lagoon/StoroiiO Pond 10, COITimei'Ciallaf111izer, dry litter. etc.) "WHI..,. Codoa: C·CIOar, PC-Partly CIO\I4y, CI·Cio1.1dly, R·RIIU!, S ·Snow!Sieet, W·Winay ""Pereon'o co'"1!1eUng tneln1gation ln1pec:tiono must Initial to algnlfy lha:llnepecUona were completed at la&lt every '20 minutes. Recommended PAN Loading (lbtlaae) -(B) (10) (11) PAN.AP!II~ ~ (lbllltnl) s.lonco W!lil._ pbiectt~) 1000 iBO.IIDI 13 .55 36.45 5.81 30.65 13.55 17.10 11.61 5.48 50 Woother Codo 1Mj)Oe1ot'l (1ft~~--., c ~ :Y c 1--"'" <~ c I ,. r': II' ..,. c '1. '-+- Form IRR-2 62881 2.07 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H2 Facility Number Tract# Field size (wetted acres) " (A) Farm Owner OWner's Address Irrigation Operator 1'-------.---------1 Irrigat ion Operator's Address I Owner's' Phone # OIC# 1':----::-----+1----1-------; Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Type\;;IB;;..H'--------------' Recammendld PAN Loading (ltls/ecte) = (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) {6) (7) (8) (9) {10) Totol VaiMno Volume pe< Willi "MI'f'l s "N Apptod Otto Tollll Mm<Aoo tof BPfinl<loro (lbllocro) UlgOOn 10 (mm/ddl)-fl Bton Time End Time (3)-(2) Oporotlng Flow Role {gol1onol ""'" (gll~lcnt) P"N' (lbl/1 000 ~ (6)•(~)•(4) (7)/iAI got) L2 4/6/2005 8 :30AM 11 :00 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.5 11 .96 L1 4/12/2005 8:00AM 10:30AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2.0 15.94 L1 4/1212005 3:00PM 5:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2.0 12.75 L1 4f13f2005 4:00PM 6 :30PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2 .0 15.94 L1 5r712005 7 :30AM 10:00AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2.0 15.94 L1 5rT/2005 12:30 PM 3 :00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2.0 15.94 L1 51812005 9:00AM 11:30 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2 .0 15.94 L1 51912005 8 :00AM 10:00AM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2.0 12.75 L 1 5/912005 11 :00 AM 1:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2 .0 12.75 L2 5120/2005 7:00AM 9 :30AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.5 11 .96 L2 5120/2005 12:30 PM 3 :00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.5 11 .96 L1 513112005 9:00AM 11:30 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2 .0 15.94 L1 5/3112005 12:30 PM 3:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2.0 15 .94 L1 7/20/2005 7:00AM 9:00AM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 1.4 8 .93 L1 712012005 9 :15AM 11 :00 AM 105 1 110 11550.00 5579.71 1.4 7 .81 L1 712112005 8 :00AM 10:30AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.4 11 .16 L1 7121 /2005 12:00 PM 2 :00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 1.4 8.93 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Owner'• Slon•ure ______________ _ Operator's SlgnatU<e Cortlfted Operetor ---------------Operate( a CertlfiCelion I ~C DA Waau Analyal • or Equivalent. At a minimum. waste anatyals is required within 60 days ot land appliC4111on events. ""Entar lila value rec:a lved by oubtracttnr.J COlumn (1 0) from (B). Continue stJbtrllcting column ( 1 D) from column ( 11) following eech irrigation event. -enter nutrient aource (le . Lagoon/Storege Pond 10, c:omrnerdat fertilizer, dry liter, etc.) 'WMI&r COdea : C-Ciellr, PC-Partly Cloudy, CI-Cioudly, R-Rein, &-Snow/Sleet, W-\Nirdy ""Ptraon'• c:omple1Jng the lmgatlon lnopectlons muot lnhllll to algrtlfy lite! inopoctions were completed Ill teaat evtiY 120 minut ... Note: ~ conciKiont beyOnd the p8mlii1N'I eonltol hiW• caused nonc:on1jllianca witt~ tile CAWMP Q( permit, explain on f1!veraa. (11) jNitrogon Bolon<:Ot (lbllcnt) IIRI-riO\ 213.04 197.10 164.3 5 168.4 1 152.46 136.52 120.58 107.83 95 .07 83.12 71.16 55.22 39.28 30.35 22.54 11 .38 2.45 225 ln1pector'1 Woother Codo (lnltij\"" I c _,{_, ~ c tt:.~ c ~ c '.i...L c / ~ ~ c /A ,., c ~f. c '..J.'f!d_ c c '::l~K c c 'l'l c ~fl / CL ~ CL ~ 1 CL ,.J'f"p( CL M7 Focm IRR-2 62881 2.07 Lagoon liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field-per Crop Cycle Field #I I F1-H2 Facility Number Irrigation Operator I Tract# Field size (wetted acres)= (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Irrigation Operator's Address I OIC# I I Operator's P~h-on_e_#~-----1~-----'----------1 Owner's' Phone # From Waste Utilization Plan L•gooniO L2 L2 L2 L2 Crop TypeiSG (1) (2) (3) (4) OM Stalfnme End Time ToiiiiMinuiH (rMI/dd/)1') {3)-(2) 2/15/2005 10:00 AM 12 :00 PM 120 2115/2005 12:30 PM 2:30PM 120 2/16/2005 7:00AM 9:30AM 150 2/17/2005 11:00 AM 1:00PM 120 (5) (6) t ol 6p<1nl<lerl Flow Rat• ap.n~ng 1 110 1 110 1 110 1 110 Crop Cycle Totals (7} ToiiiiVolume (gallons) (8)•(5)•(4) 13200.00 13200.00 16500.00 13200.00 ~·~-------------------------------- Certlfted Operalor ---------------- (8) (9) Volume per Atn Wnt• Anolyalo (QIIVocr•) PAN" (lbo/1000 (7)/(A) ;•0 6376.81 1.5 6376.81 1.5 7971 .01 1.5 6376.81 1.5 Total PAN ()peratO(s Signature OperatO(a Certification il "NCDA Wa11e Analysis or Equivalent. At a minimum, waste anatyei• Ia required wltllin 80 days of land application eventa. -enter tho value received by subtredlng column ( 1 0) from (B). ConUnua aubtnlc11n0 COlumn (10) from column ( 11) fOllowing each irrigatlon avl!flt. -emer nulllen1 source (ie . Lagoon/Storage Pond 10, commen:lalllll1illlM, dry uner. etc.) "Waater Codes: C·Cieer. PC-Partly Cloudy , CI·Cioudly, R-Raln , S-Snow/Sieel. W·Windy -person·• completing the Irrigation lnapedlona muatlnllialto aignlly lhatlnapectlont -. completed at lane every 120 minulet. Note: If c:ooclitiona bayond the pann!nee'a conwt have ceuled noncompll8nce w41h the CAWMP or permll, elqllaln on fll\l&fM . Recommended PAN Loading (lbs/acra) : (B) (10) 9 .57 9 .57 11 .96 9 .57 (11) Ni'-> S.IM>co (lt>IIICI"o) I!BHIOI 40.43 30.87 18.91 9.35 50 lntpe<;tDI'S Wuthor Cod• (In\~., L c br' Form IRR-2 Tract# Field s ize (wetted acres) = (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address 62881 2 .7 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H3 Facility Number Irrigation Operator I Owner's' Phone # Irrigation Operator's Address j OIC# fL--------1--J __ ....__ ____ ~ Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Type~.:IB;.;..H'--------------' Recommended PAN loading (lbl/ac;re) z (B) (1} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (71 (8) (9} (10) T o4al VCIII.mo Volume pet Wallo Anlllytio PANApclfied Qale Total .... ouc.t •orS~>Mw.r. (lbt/aetO) t.goon/0 (mmldd/yl) 8Catt r.ne End Tima (3H1l ~~ flow Roto (~lonl) Acre (oa\lltrO) PAN" (tbt/1000 I~ (8)>(~)•(41 (7Y(A) ;Ill L1 7/21/2005 1:00PM 3:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 4888 .89 1.4 6 .84 L1 7121/2005 11:00 AM 2:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.4 11 .98 L1 7/22/2005 11:00 AM 2 :30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.4 11 .98 L1 7123/2005 11:00 AM 2 :30PM 210 1 110 23100 .00 8555.56 1.4 11 .98 l1 7/24/2005 12:30 PM 2 :30PM 120 1 110 13200.00 4888.89 1.4 6 .84 L1 7124/2005 3:00PM 6 :30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.4 11 .98 l2 712512005 8:00AM 11 :00 AM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333.33 1.3 9 .53 L2 712612005 1:30PM 5 :00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.3 11 .12 L2 712712005 8 :00AM 11 :00 AM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333.33 1.3 9.53 L2 7/28/2005 9:00AM 11 :30 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 6111 .11 1.3 7.94 L2 7/2812005 12:30 PM 4:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.3 11 .12 L2 8/1/2005 9:00AM 12:00 PM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333.33 1.3 9.53 L2 8/1/2005 12:30 PM 3:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 6111.11 1.3 7 .94 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN ~fiS~a~e __________________________ __ OperatO!'s SlgnatLKe Conlfted Opomtor ------------------Operatofa Certification t1 'NCOA Waate Analyala or E(!lllvatent. Ala minimum, waale analysis Ia required wtltlln 60 daya of land appticatJon eventa . ""Eroler the value received by aublrac:ting column (10) from (B). Continue aubt111C1111Q column (10) from column (11 ) fOllowing each lnigation event -enter nu1J1en1101.-ce Qe. Lagoon/Storage Pond 10 , COIImeldal fertiker. dly llttaf, etc.) "Weator Codes: C-Ciear, PC-P11111y Cloudy. CI-CIOudly, R·Raln , S·Soow/Sioe l, W-Winttr -p~·• completing the liTigation 11\spectklnt muetlniCiai iO lignify thallnapection1 were comp1eted at least BllefY 120 minutes. Note : If condition• ~d the permlnee'e control have cauaed t'l011al111!)118noe wtltlfle CAWMP or pemlit, explein on reverae. (11) Nm>gen Bolan<:• (lblac:nt) l rR\.nm 218.16 206.18 194.20 182.22 175.38 163.40 153.87 142.74 133.21 125.27 114.14 104.61 96.67 225 ln lpKSOf"• WHI~rCoda (Initio~~· J . CL J. I{A..I CL , Y,{ CL 'J' c Y"J, 'TI. c •r17 c ,.,.. ) c ,.,... .... c / ~;r.l c , II.. ~7 c ,~ ~K ~ c ) k" t: c Lt. IJ.Jf c ·,~-"'-:1 Form IRR-2 62881 2 .7 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record one Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field t1 I F1-H4 Facility Number Irrigation Operator I Tract# Field size (wetted acres) = (A) Farm Owner Qwne(s Address lmgalion Operator's Address I OIC# 1~.----.,..-----+1---'----------1 Owner's' Phone # Operalor's Phone # 1 From Waste Utilization Plan Crop TypeiBH (1) (2) (3} (4) {5) (6) (7) o.t• T--· • ct Bl>f\Mioon TO!alVoluiM ~10 StOlt T1me EndTIIM Flow Ralo (gal\onl) (mn>l~ (3)-(2) ~ (8)K(5)K(4) L2 6114/2005 7:00AM 10:00AM 180 1 110 19600.00 L2 6/1412005 1:30PM 5:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 L1 7/2112005 9:00AM 12:30 PM 210 1 110 23100.00 L1 7/2112005 1:00PM 2 :30PM 90 1 110 9900 .00 L2 7/2612005 1:00PM 4 :00PM 180 1 110 19800.00 L2 712912005 10 :00 AM 1:30PM 210 1 110 23100 .00 L2 8/112005 7:30AM 11:00 AM 210 1 110 23100.00 L2 81212005 3:00PM 6:30PM 210 1 111 23310.00 L2 81312005 2:00PM 5:30PM 210 1 112 23520.00 Crop Cycle Totals ~~.5~~------------------------------ Certified Operat<>r ---------------------- (8) (9) Volume per Wull Allalyoio Aa. (g ollocre) PI\~ (lblll1000 (7)/(A) gol\ 7333 ,33 1.7 8555.56 1.7 8555.56 1.4 3666 .67 1.4 7333 .33 1.3 8555 .56 1.3 8555.56 1.3 8633 .33 1.3 871 1.11 1.3 Total PAN OpemiOI's Sillnatore OperetOI's Certification 11 •NCDA Walle Anelyala or Equivalent At a minimum, waate analyalala required wtlhln 80 days of laod appUcalkln events. -t:nter \he value rec:.lved by aubtracting column (10) frOm (B). Continue subtracdno column ( 1 0) from colllmo ( 1 1) follOwing each lrriga1ion eveol . -enter nutrient acxroe (le.l.agoon/Storage Pond 10, commerdnlleltlllzer, dry IIIIer. etc.) "Weater COdeo: C ·Ctear. PC-Partly Cloudy, CI-Cioud ly . R-Rain, S.Soow/Sieel, W ·Wwldy -J'et1100's completing the in1gatioo lnapedlo01 must lnltiallo algnlfV tha1 inspedlons wera complt!ted atleaat evel)l 120 minutes. Nole: If coodltlooJ bayood the permiUee'a cooiJol t\llve cauiOd rt0n001r41ilance will\ the CAWMP or permit elqllaln on raverae. RecomrlWlllded PAN Loading (1 ~/atto) s (8) (10) 12 .47 14 .54 11 .98 5.13 9.53 11 .12 11 .12 11 .22 11 .32 (11) N<trogon Balanu (111/IICle) IBH1Dl 212.53 197.99 186.01 180.88 171.34 160 .22 149.10 137.88 126 .55 225 CL ''1-: 'W c , i l/Al7"' c , /,.\/f- FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record . FarmOwner t Facility Number._l ---~-1-L-1 -----1' Operator LJ I o 1 . : n V -I o .. I . ' , 0 t:, n 1'1 i 1.'1 IS i n l~ 1 n ~., i n ~~ i n ~ : -0 ~0 ; 0 1. Lagoon freeboard is ~e difference between the lowest pofnt of a lagoon emban_kment and the level of liquid. For lagoons with spill~ays, the cf!ffe re nce between the level of fiquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded. 2. t=:reeboatd plus ava il~le storage capac ity must be recorded at least weekJy. 3. Rainfall mu st be recoi'ded for every rain event. 3/14/03 FORM FRBD-1 I Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record ! I l -Fann Owner 1 Facility Num~er[L----~-1-1 .._ ------.J I Opercttor I i Date I· ) #I I ~-' ' ! -~ -..1 f ~-2 ! ~ l i =>· I ' ! Cn · ! I · .. !91"' X'· ' ! q . j l In i ; . -· I l ! l:t I i 13 Ill -1 ~51L ts ! litJ i r1 ; I I~ ' ; [Cj ' ' l ~ i ' ~I -~~~ c:J~ l ! :>~ r ' ~q ' I : ,;)S i I ; ;)h i en ' { ~ .l gO I ' I i • -waste Structure Freeboard ("InChes) ·1'recipitation ·Initials ~L # . #. # # {inches) 0 0 lr1 0 0 n ~(p 0 () 0 {) ""' 0 0 n ~4 (\ () 0 0 ..... 0 r\ () Q~ 0 .5 ~ 0 .'1 ex 0 f) 0 Ol9 ~ .5 (;X 1. Lagoon freeboard is ~e difference between the lowest point of a lagoon emban_kment and the level at liqui d. For lagoons with spillways, the difference between the level of liquid and the bottom ot the spiHway should be recorded. . Z. Freeboard plus availcible storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be reco'rded for every rain event. 3114 /03 FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record -FarmOwner I :xJJ¥" (:'acm S Facility Nu~~nJL ___ __.. 1-'-1 ------..1 Operator Date ! . -waste Structure Freeboard nches} -"P~ecipitation "Initials ( t i I # -# # f (InChes) ?-\ I 0 -;·A -, 0 ?J-~ j 0 ! ~r4 I n I : t;" ; 0 ! I/? i n ! 1 , !22.c; :Jj f) ~ i' () ; CJ ; n ; 10 i n ; --II () (l ' n ' f ~~ n 14 .. :.31 ~I"" 0 .. - /S_ ...... n l I~ n ll i tp) i (~ .. , tO (q I n I ! &0 I n l : ..)f -iJJ<g ?i8 0 ..);l J 0 ' ~;; i l..l OS av _ i. n &5 l 0 ~(p i f\ ! :J1 I D -i ' ~ •. ~~"' r)q -.:2. CJs a9 ' I 0 i 3b . 0 I .( 31 ! 0 1. Lagoon freeboard is f he difference between the lowest poi nt of a lagoon embaf!kment and the level of liquid. For lagoons with spil~ays, the cfrfference between the level of liquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded- 2. Freeboard plus avail~ble storage capacity must be recorded at least weekJy_ 3_ Rainfall must be reccirded for every rain event 3114 /0 3 FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily Precipitation Record i I . Fann Owner ) Facifity Num~r(L... ------~· J · '-( -----..J Operator I I Date ! . -waste structure Freeboard (inches) . -precipitation Initials (J'IIInlddiW) #I , , ., # # (lflChes) 4-\ l (.0 4.9~ . Lt ·<l ' 0 ; 4-3 ' c) I i 4-c.f ~~ ~1X· () 5 i : n lb ! 0 j t '1 1 n 9' I f n ct I .(p (J~ ! IV l 0 .. (' ~ {).)...,. ~ .., 0 \.1 I 0 ! L~ ·'1 ~c::. \'-f. ; .<6 ~ ' rs i 0 .. : teo i ,() ! . n : n ' ti ~'" ~ .... 0 t'1 ' 0 i NO i () il .t i 0 ~ o · ,;}~ i I) a if i {) ! ~ -:a? ~ 0 a" 0 :!) I : 0 ~i i ~ .~ &S J..q I f) ~-() i 0 t ' 1. Lagoon freeboard is ~he difference between the lowest point of a lagoon embaf!kment and the level of liqui d. For lagoons with spnr;vays, the difference between the level of Hquid and the bottom of the spiBway should be recorded. 2. Freeboard plus avail~ble storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rair,fall must be reco~de d for every rain event. 3114/0 3 FoRM fRBD-1 ! i ! i I Waste Structure Freeboard and Daily Precipitation Record I · . Farm Owner ! i Facility N~er'-( ___ ---1.1-1 '-------..J Operator ! i I Date ! . (mmlddlyy) #i .$.-I I I s -;;. -,; id_;· _5-3 I S'-lf i I ~ i I ~ I I '1 ! (j I j q .. /J1 10 i . -l( I /l.. i I t 3 -! i ('f . ' j ! tS I i 1<-o .1as l1 ; ! tt • q i ' rin ! Ol.r I ' ,;)2 ! o23 1-l ~o/' d. '-I ! I ;;}5 : ' I _d~ i I :;!I' ! ~-~ ! .. ~'1 I ! 0o · ;av~ .3/ i -wasta Sirm:ture Freeboard [Inches) . "Precipitation ' # , # • (ltlChes) ~'7 1 I ~.4 • J~· .., :S .?,(f . .... ~ ~ .~'5 1. Lagoon freeboard is ~e difference between the lowest point of a lagoon emba~kment and the level of liquid. Initials t!lS hiS For lagoons with spillways, the difference between the level of liquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded. 2. Fr eeboard plus ava il~ble storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be recorded for every rain event. 3114 /03 .. FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record ' . Fann Owner l ! FaaTity Num~rLI ___ __,~.}-!.__ ____ _j Operator ' i Date ' -waste Structure Freeboard ClOChes) -"Precipitation ·Initials # : \ # ..1 # # # # [InChes) UJ---1 () :; .s lJS 3 tJ l..l ' 0 c; i I . I 0.) ' (p !?.3 ?lt 0 -,. 0 ~ I 0 {)_~ ~ 0 to () II , n · . - t] ' n '~ -~ l ':6• 0 l<:/ 0 IS ' 0 lin 0 1'7 n 11? ...... n flf ' 0 ao :80 2)5 () c:>t 0 e:).;} : 0 ~~ ' 0 ,.;)c./ 0 cJs r) c:lr., .~ ~ on ~ ~ f'\ ~K ~ c:Q.~ {t(\ .. 02'1 -~ ~ 1.) 30 I n ' ! 1. Lagoon freeboard is tl~e difference between the lowest point of a lagoon emban_kment and the level of liquid. For lagoons with spiliv!'ays, the difference between the level ot liquid and the bottom of the spillWaY should be recorded. 2. Freeboard plus availa_t:lle storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be recorded for every rain event. 3114103 FORM FRBD-1 i Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· P~p itation Record I I . Fann Owner i ! Facility N~er'-l ___ _,. 1-~.-I -----..J Operatcr i I Date 1' -waste Structure Freeboard ("InChes) · '"PJBCipitation 'Initials ~ #l 1 # :l # . #. # # finChes} '1 - ' I ·-,_-) .. i ! -,, ~ J -~ ..OS I 1-1../ .. J4lf c2_q s l i ~-i ' ! -,. I y . I 1.0 (F.. i q ' i 10 i i . -~I -~ ~q ; ll. i I L2, i t.D {]" i i<-1 f tS ' ! /(() ! ! n t i Lf ~~ lct ~7 ...... c;.n (1~ li ! i J..O j ! - ' r41 i ...:lJ... i 1 ! J~ I ~,.:) LO.~ ~r.f ! .5 a_~ ~< ,.; aCJ, l4- ' ;}.c, l ) i ..n1 ' ! ,.Q~ ~ - ·I d.._C, ! t/.'0 ()5 i 3D : !),5 a~ . 1 31 ' 1-S f\S i I 1. Lagoon freeboard is/the difference between the lowest poi nt of a lagoon emba.n;kment and the lev el of liquid. For lagoons with spillways, the diffe rence between the level of liquid and the bott om of the spillway should be recorded. 2.. freeboard plus avai(able storage capacity must be recorded at least week ly. 3. Rainfall must be recarded for eve'Y rain event. 3114 /0 3 FORM FRBD-1 i I Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record Fann Owne< I ;:1oM FormS. Facifity N~erL...I ---.:...~·1-1._ ----....J I Operator I ! Date ,. -wasta structure Freeboard (Inches) . •precipitation 'Initials ( 1 1 I # ..2. # , ## # (sru:hes) <'{-\ -1n :l'f '<R '.2 . I I I X-~ ' i <L-'i I ~-5 i -~ _()~ I ~-(n I ~-1 i ! ~-~ -~~§ ~~ 8-li I ~-4 ~ j <l , IC I I {( I , ... I I I J I ' i" :1., I i 1'~ I - I _.: I ' ) I ir " I - Jl i ! (9; ! .. , ;.q I ' ' ;)o i ' ! ·'I_ I ' ! t_Jl ' i ·~)-~ I ! ~4-' i .~~ I i Ci)<c j ! J l ! ;)?;' I -i -! ,Q~ I I ~-c ! . .., I ' -~ j 1. Lagoon f reeboard is ~e difference between the lowest point of a lagoon embanJcment and the level of liquid. For lagoons with spillways. the difference between the level of liquid and the bo~orn of the spillway should be recorded. 2. ~reeboa rd p lus avail ~ble storage capacity must be recorded at least wee kly. 3. R ainfall must be recorded fo r every rain event. 311 4/03 FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record . FannOwner Facility N~erL.I ___ ___,-1 . ._I ----......J' Operator Date (~) <(-\ V-5 -~ -(n ~-l _<j , It: .. {< ir ., ll i ·t-'1 21 ~71 .;l 1. Lagoon freeboard is the difference between the lowest point at a lagoon e~ant and the level of liquid. "lnilia!s For lagoons with spi lways, the difference between the level of liquid and the bottom of the spillWay should be recorded. 2. E;=reeboard plus available storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be rec rded for every rain event. 3/14103 ' ; I s FORM FRBD--1 I [ Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record Fanno-l t Facility N~rl .1-1'------...J Operator I I Date i ( # 11 1-_t I .,_-) ; ,,..~ ' ' 1 1-1./ .)lq s i {.,. I ! (· ! i ~-! q I I ID ' 1 • ·d0_ . -t.l tl. i ! 13 ' ; 1'-1 ' i ' rs l I i f(p I n ; Lt ~:Jet {j ~ ~0 ' ' AI f ; dJ._ ! ' J3 i /),'f I 1 d< ,.f ac, ~<, i I ! ,.!JT ; &~ l ~Cf ! I . 3D ! .31 ~ ' I -waste Sfructure Reeboa1d Jinches.l . -precipitation ' 2 # . '. # # (anche$) .2 ~9 1.0 !AC1 .; I.D - "-7 ...... c:;.o "3~ .s Lt_ t.f. - 4._() ;),5 J.S 1. Lagoon freeboard is~the difference between the lowest point of a lagoon embankment and the level of liquid. .lniliaJs ..OS 0<::.. {)~ n~ ~s Qs ()5 DS 1\<; I - For lagoons with spillways, the difference between !he level of liquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded- ' 2.. !;=reeboard plus availttble storage capacity must be recorded at least we ekly. 3. Rainfall must be recOrded for every rain event 31 1 4 /0 3 - ,. FORM FRBD-1 i Waste Structure Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record i . l . Fann Owner ! Faciflty Nu~erL...I ____ ._.I -I~... -----..J ' Operator ! i Date r -waste Struc1Ure Freeboard finches) ·-precipitation Initials (~ ' l \ I i. # •• # • (lflChes) (tJ -a. I i () :1 . ' . .s l>S ; 3 l h ; 4 { D ' c; : I . I O.J ' (p ~ 1~ ?A 0 J_ f 0 ){ ' ,-0 {J~ 9 ' 0 IO : () Ll_ ., n . - 11 n 15 . ~ l -~--0 14 ' c rs n Ju, 0 17 n 12 ..... ;; ,q l -0 ~0~ \~0 20 0 0)/ i ' 0 r::JJ 0 ,;>.~ I 0 ,.J<./ ' 0 cJs n ~~ j .cl [f'.. ,.;n M ~ f) ~K -cQ .~ £!'. .. clq -~ ,{ ~-~ '-~0 ; n ' : 1. Lagoon freeboard is t~e difference between the lowest point ot a lag oon emb an_lanent and the level of Uquid. For lagoons with spil~ays, the difference between the level of Hquid and the bottom of the spillWay should be recorded. 2. ~reeboatd plus avail~e storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3.. Rainfall must be reco~ed for every rain eve nt. 3/1 4/03 FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily Precipitation Record · . Fann Owner I Operator 1 I Facilily N~er~.-[ -----J·J-..... 1 ------1 Date ,. -waste Sfrocture Freeboard frnches ) . -F'recipitation Initials ( # i # t ., # # (inches) 5-I i ' ~-;1. . ~-!d_3" JJ.'J S<~ i . I I ! t:;'-4 I c, I (o I I ~-" tO.S 'l i • -~ I l q .JJ1 d(/! (0 I j . -If ! ; l l't ! ,~ kJ.)· '3-' ' {'f. ' .. i rs { !Cp . ~as ,,~ - 11 ' i ~~ 1 I ' ....... .q ! ! rin ! i J., ! ' ~ ~ o23 i ~o/' _bto ~t.f ! ;:):; ; ; :Jl4 1 i .a.~J ! ' l ~' I ~ -' ., ~q ! \.~ ·l av~ :~'5 .31 ' 1 1. Lagoon freeooard is 'the difference between the lowest point of a lagoon embanlcment and the leveJ of liquid.. I - For lagoons with spillways, the difference between ltle level of liquid and the bottom of the spiUway should be recorded . ' 2. ~reeboard plus avai l ~ble storag e capa city must be recorde d at le ast weekly. 3. R ainfall must be recJrded for e very rain event. 3/1 4/03 FoRU FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily' Precipitation Record . Farm Owner FaaTJty N~er'-[---~· J -._1 -----J Operator Date ,. -waste Sinlcture Freeboard (Inches) . "Precipitation Initials (rnnv'ddlyy) # i # # . #. # #t fii\Ches) 4-' I (.G EY.J 'L(-:-:l - . I . I 0 4-3 I 0 4-tf j4 J.1x n 5 ' n Ia ! 0 rl j i II("') ?-I ! () ct I .{p ~s. I ro .I 0 --({ I> ~,. ?.a. I' 0 1.1 I 0 .~ I 1 ·'1 ..u~ \Y. I . i ~ -I .. rs I (} ,_. : teo. I i -{) n ! n i li ~ J.fll ~ ., 0 19 j 0 no i I () at I 0 ~ ! o · i ... '~ oC i f) a if j D ~ !-~~ aq 0 a" j I 0 :n I ! 0 ~i I ! . I ~ .?., ili .2,q ! () 3o I 0 I I I I 1. Lagoon freeboard is the difference between the lowest point of a lagoon emba nkment and the level of liquid. j • For lagoons with spillWays, the !flfference between 1he level of liquid and the bottom of the spillwaY should be recorded. I 2. F;reeboard plus availaple storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be recorded for ev ery rain event. 3114/03 ; i FORM FRBD-1 I i I I waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily' Precipitation Record . FannOwner \JQMr-acmS Facility N~l'---___.J·l-..... 1 -----.J Operator Date ' -waste Structure Freeboard [InChes) . *Precipitation 'Initials I ' i # • . # . # It (incheS) 3-\ ' 0 l -;-A .. I 0 ?r~ ! 0 ~-4 I n e; I 0 (.n I n I , !13~ :Jj n f[ I 0 9 I Q I 10 I n . -II i .; n .. ' ! tl I n I -(1 I n I f<f ~ !~I ~~~-n .. Is I I ...... ·n Ho I -n tl i ~ i t<i ! . '-tO I {q I I. n ~() I ! {\ .)f . ~~ /JH 0 _):l_ I o · ~~ i I ·.l OS_ I I ::1¥ I· n Cl5 I ·a ! ~(jj I fl ! :Jl j 0 a$ •. ~(o f9q -..:2. OS aCf l 0 30 I 0 I I .( 11 I t) I 1. Lagoon freeboard is t~e difference between the lowest point of a lago on embankm ent and the level of liquid. I • For lagoons wnh spil 'fays, the difference between the level of liqu id and the bottom of the s p illway should be recorded . 2. Freeboard plus availaple storage capacity must be recorded at least wee kly. 3. Rainfall must be recofde d for eve ry rain event. 3/1 4103 . FORM FRBD-1 I I Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily Precipitation Record I I . Fann Owner Facility Num~rL..I ---...J-1-1~... -----1 Operator Date ,. ..Waste St ructure F reeboard (InChes) -*Precipitatian "Initials ( t I I ' !1. # . #t . # # (anches) ~-I I I ! 0 -~·.2 .. 1 0 ~-~ I '"""' ~ I 0 5 -I 0 (n -! n I ,. .. taJ,. ~Cp 0 x-I I () q . J () ! In I () ! -. ll I "' {) i fl I 0 I 1'3 ! n I Ill . L"35~ :ll.l t\ .. .. IS i n lltJ j () II I 0 i IY' f ...... 0 ! tq_ I i r"\ I ~ l () ! ~I -!~ Q~ 0 cJ~ I 5 -~ ~~ I 0 OJ. 'I I ! .'1 ex c;JS I ! 0 ~h i n I en_ i 0 i ~ .. JBO d9 -.5 ~ I I I i ! I I I I 1. Lagoon freeboard is the difference between the lowest po int of a lagoon embankment and the level of liquid. I . For lagoons witf'l spii"fays, the difference between the level of liquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded. 2. Freeboard plus avaifa,b!e storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be reco rded for every rain event. 3114/03 FORM FRBD-1 Waste Structur~ Freeboard and Daily· Precipitation Record . Fann OWner I ~F-artYt} t Facility Number[ . 1-1 I Operator - Date -waste Structure "'· •m tlllCne:o, ·"Precipitation ·Initials ~· ~~ ,, !J [# ,. I# l~t , UO~Ile:O, ,_ -0 . \ .l . 0 ~· ~ 213 0 lJ 0 s 0 (n (} .., . (} 'I · n Of ' r\ 10 . J,'t .~I v ... I ' . I' 0 (1 f) (~ n 1'-f f~i ()~ ·' IS ·n IIA -f\ h , .1' ~4 1) 19 V I ...... 0 lct n ~ n d-l 0 ...J.:L n · ....:l_~ n :Jl/ .. '-.o ~ i) ~5 ...... (J_ !Jt.n l1 ~;:)./ I f) I ..2¥' ./ 0 ~ ! 0 ~0 0 .JI ,• ~-~ ~'l 0 1. Lagoon freeboard is 1e difference between the lowest point of ·a lagoon emba~kment and the level of liquid. For lagoons with ..,:;;:~ ... ,,,the difference between the level of liquid and the bottom of the spillway should be recorded. 2.. t:reeboard plus ·"· ... storage capacity must be recorded at least weekly. 3. Rainfall must be :.... ·"'for eve rain event. 3/14/03 ry Form IRR-2 Tract# Field size (welled acres) c (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address 62881 3 .41 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H1 Facility Number 62 630 Irrigation Operator Owner's' Phone # Irrigation Operator's Address \ OIC#. 1':----::-----+1 ___ ....._ ____ ----1 Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop TypeL;:Is~G;.._ __________ __. (1) {2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Totllll/olume Volume per Wu1• An•tv-ia logoon 10 Do1o Slortnme Erld Time Totol Minutoo •otepnnklero flowRalo (gtllonl) AcrelgoVocre) PAN' (lblll1000 (mml<ldlyt') (3H2l OperoU~~g (l)x(5)•1•l (7)/(A) gill) L1 2/912005 8:00AM 11 :30 AM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774 .19 2.0 L1 219/2005 2:30PM 4:00PM 90 1 110 9900 .00 2903.23 2 .0 L1 2/1212005 9 :00AM 12:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 2 .0 L1 31112005 8:00AM 11 :00AM 180 1 110 19800.00 5806 .45 2 .0 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Owner's Signature _______________ _ Operato(s Signature Certlfoed Operator----------------OperatO(s Certifk:8tlon t 'NCOA Waote Allety.il or EqulvaiBOt. AI a minimum. wasta analysis to required within 60 days of land application eventa. -enter the valuo received by •~btradinQ COlumn (10) from (B). Cantin~ a •ublract!ng colufTV'I (10) from column (11) following eaCh Irrigation evont. -enter nutrient source (le. Lqgoon/StoriiQO Pond 10. CDmmerdal flll1111zer, dry ll"er. etc .) 'Wooter Codes: C-CI-.I'C-PCWW Cloudy, Ct.Cioudly. R·Rctln, S·Snow/Sieet. W·WIIllly "P~'• oornpletlng the ~lion lnopecttonsmust in itial to lignify lhlllt lnspectionl-re completed 841eaat fNOf'y 120 minutes. Recommended PAN Loading (lbllacfe) s (B) (10) (11) ANAppl~ IN~rogen (11>110<:10) Bal•nc• ~ (lb!ocre) IB~l!Ol 13.55 36.45 5 .81 30.65 13.55 17.10 11 .61 5 .48 50 WuthorCOdo lnapee1ol"s (lr'l•tills~ ... c ./(, ~ c /..,' '/Y c 'li ~ c Ll~· Form IRR-2 Tract 11 Field size (wetted acres) :: (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address 62681 2.07 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H2 Facility Number Irrigation Operator I Owner's' Phone # Irrigation Operator's Address I 01~. IL----------4'----~----------~ Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Type~.:IS:..::G:..,_ __________ _.~ (1} (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Total VOhJJTM VoUne per ~Cfl W1111 Afle~is Ooto Tol.al Minute& • af Bpmklo" U!QOOn 10 Sto~ Tlmo EnQTimo flOW Rill (gallant) (goVocte) PAN' (lbo/1000 (mmld<l¥) (l)-(2) Opellltlng (8)x(5)><(•1 (7)/(A) got ) L2 2/15/2005 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 1.5 L2 2/15/2005 12:30 PM 2:30PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 1.5 L2 2/16/2005 7:00AM 9:30AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.5 L2 2/1712005 11 :00AM 1:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 1.5 Crop Cycle Total& Total PAN Owne(s S ignature----------------Operatots Signature Certified Operator----------------Operatof3 CertlflcaUon II 'NCOA Walle Analylla 0t Equivalent AJ 1 m\rllmum,-enlllyalo la required w4INn eo day& of land !lpplk:atloo eventa. -Emer lhe valUe ~ed by subtrac:tlng cotumn (10) 11om (B). Conllnue 1ubtrec1lng column (10) from COlumn (t t) folowtng eech in'ogatlon event. -enter I1Lltlfeni10UIC8 (le. Legoon/Stcnge Pond tO, commercial fertllzer, dry 111!8r, etc.) "Weater Codea : C·Cieer, PC-P11111y Cloudy. CI·Cioudty, R-Rain, S·SnowiSieet. W·Wirdr "Penon·s completing tile Irrigation inepec1I0111 muet lnl~alto lignify that in1pecllons were completed at tea at evetY 120 mlnutea . Note: tf condltlona beyond the permit1ae'a oontroi nave cau•ed noncompliance with the CAWMP or permit, explain on reverse . Recommended PAN Loading (lbt/acte) ~ (B) (10) {11) PAN AppiO.d NtiiOI)on (lbo/ott'O) Balance ~ (ll>locro) tBH101 9 .57 40.43 9 .57 30.87 11 .96 18.91 9.57 9 .35 50 loapectofl WUthorCodo (/nitlala) .. c v. c ~ c ~ c u:r , Form IRR-2 Tract# Field size (wetted acres)= (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address 62881 3.41 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H1 Facility Number 82 630 Irrigation Operator I Owner's' Phone # Irrigation Operator's Address I OIC#!-,-1--,.,..-----+1--.-'---------1 Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Typei~~:.:...H:........ ___________ _. Recommended PAN Loading (lba/acre) • (B) (1) (2) (3) {4) (5) (6} (7) (8) (91 (10) Totoi V ....... Volu..,.por W••'•Ana~• I PAN Ap9410<1 o.te Totol Mi<lUieo • ot 8prinkler9 (lbol.aw) ~oonto (mmtti')'r) SlllriTiiM EnciTimo (3)-(2) Opo,..ting F-Roio (~ono) Acre(~acre) PAN' {l>lll1000 ~ (ll)x(5)11{•J (7)/(A) g&~ l2 3/17/2005 7:00AM 10 :30 AM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 l2 3/1712005 12:30PM 4:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 l2 4/6/2005 8:00AM 11 :00 AM 180 1 110 19800.00 5806.45 1.5 8 .71 L2 4/6/2005 2 :30PM 5:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 4838.71 1.5 7.26 l2 5/1112005 8:30AM 11 :30 AM 180 1 110 19800.00 5806.45 1.5 8 .71 l2 5/1112005 1 :00PM 4 :30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774 .19 1 .5 10.16 L2 511212005 9:00AM 12 :30 PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1 .5 10.16 L2 511612005 7 :30AM 11 :00AM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1 .5 10.16 L2 511712005 10:00AM 1:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1 .5 10.16 L2 5/2012005 2:00PM 5:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1.5 10.16 L1 5/24/2005 10:00 AM 1:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774 .19 2 .0 13.55 L1 5125/2005 7:30AM 11 :00AM 210 1 110 23100.00 6 774.19 2.0 13 .55 L1 5/25/2005 2 :30PM 6:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774 .19 2.0 13.55 l1 7/1912005 8 :00AM 11:00AM 160 1 110 19800.00 5806.45 2 .0 11 .61 L1 7/1912005 2:30PM 5:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 4838.71 2 .0 9.68 L2 712712005 10:00AM 1:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1 .7 11 .52 L2 7/2812005 8:00AM 1 1:30 AM 210 1 110 23100.00 6774.19 1.7 11 .52 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Owne~s Slgnalure _____________ _ Opel'lll~fa Signmure Cer1illed Open~tor --------------Operator' a Certlflc8ijon • 'NCOA Wa1te Analyll1 or Equivalent. At a minimum. watte anaty.ls Js required wlthln 60 diiYI of land application eveo1t1 . ""Entar the value received by aul!tnK:tlng column (1 0) from (B). Continue aubtnlctfl1g ooum (tO) from colurm (11) following oad11rrigation event. -!:nter nulrlant IOUial (Ia. Lagoort/Storaoe Pond ID , commen:ial fertilzer. (l(y Mttllf, etc.) 'Weater Code.: C.Ciear, PC-P11111y Cloudy, CI·Cioudly. R·Ralo . S·Snow/Sieot, W-I/VIOOy -Pereon'a comptellng tho lnigatlon loapec:Uons muet lnittll1 to ll9nlly tllat inlpedJoml wam completed at leaatevery 120 minutes. (11) Nllrogen ~ (lblocre) IAI-/1~1 214.84 204.68 195.97 188.71 180.00 169.84 159.68 149.52 139.35 129.19 115.65 102.10 88.55 76.94 67.26 55.74 44.23 225 lnopoctor'o WMtherCode (l niti<l lo)'' c ~· JK c 1J v c jJI ¥ c /[ .;.j / c ·~ c y c '; ., c u c t. '.( c t c A ~ c A 'f c i. ·v c i V , c 'L. y c l.. v,/ c '1. Yo Form IRR-2 Tract# Fie ld size (wetted acres) = (A) Fann CNmer Owner's Address 62881 2.07 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop C ycle Field# I F1 -H2 Faci li ty Number Irrigation Operator f Owner's' Phone # Irrigation Operator's A ddress I OIC#. f~_ _____ -1-J--""---------1 Operator's Phone # I From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Type..:IB:;.;..H.:__ ___________ __. (1) (2) (3) (4} (5) (6) (7} (8) (9) ToleiVOIIJIN Vol<.me pet Wa.te AJ\etylis O.to EnciTiM ToiiiMinutH • oiSpriMMn FI-Rote (gallcna) Acn (g1~0C111) PAW (ll>o/1000 ~10 l"""'dalyr) S'-!TiM !3H2l Clpe<tdog (8)•(~)•(4) (7)/(A) g al) L2 416/2005 8:30AM 11 :00 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 1.5 L1 411212005 8:00AM 10:3 0 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2.0 L1 4112/2005 3:00PM 5:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2.0 L1 411312 005 4:00PM 6:30PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2 .0 L1 5nl2005 7:30AM 10:00 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2 .0 L1 51712005 12:30 PM 3:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2 .0 L 1 5/8/2005 9 :00AM 11 :30 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971.01 2 .0 L1 51912005 8:00AM 10 :00AM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2.0 L1 5/9/2005 11 :00AM 1:00PM 120 1 110 13200.00 6376.81 2 .0 L2 5/2012005 7:00AM 9:30AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 1.5 L2 5/20/2005 12:30 PM 3:00PM 150 1 110 16500 .00 7971.01 1.5 L1 5/31/2005 9:00AM 11 :30 AM 150 1 110 16500.00 7971 .01 2.0 L1 5/3112005 12 :30 PM 3:00PM 150 1 110 16500.00 797 1.01 2.0 Crop Cycle Totala Total PAN ~~.s~m~------------------------------Operato~s Signature Certified Opermor -----------------------Opera! Of' a Certlllcation ff 'NCDA Wo1te An~els or Equivalent. At e minimum, weate 11nalyala Is required within eo days of land applic:I!IIIOn event1 . Recommended PAN Loading (ltJIIacte) £ (B ) (10) (11) ANAj)plotd Nhrogen (lboieao) Balonce I~ ~~:~:.' 11 .96 213.04 15.94 197.10 12.75 184.35 15 .94 168.41 15.94 152.4 6 15.94 136.52 15.94 120.58 12.75 107.83 12.75 95.07 11 .96 83.12 11.96 71.16 15 .94 55.22 15.94 39.28 -enter the value received by subtracting column (1 0) from (B). Contilue aub!raclillg column ( 1 0) from column ( t 1) following eiiCh lmgatlon event. -Enlef nu1rient aoun:e ~e. lagoon/Storage Porus 10 , comrnetdal f811llzer. dry Wtter, etc.) "Weater Codes: C·Ciellt, PC ·PIWt)y Cloudy, CI.Cioudly, R-Rain , S..Snow/Sieet, W-W/My -Perwon't compte ling lhlllnigetion lntpee1lons mull ~idlllto lignify !hat ln tpectlons were completed elleell every 1 20 minutes. Note: If condltlona beyond t11e pennlltee't control have caused noncompliance ~111 the CAWMP or pennn . explain on raverw. 225 W•••her Cocte lntpoctor'a (lniliala) .. c ~ V' c L -:;.-- c II v c v c 7 :..,.. c , !.-" c v c I (().--' c V . c 1i v c v c V' c '1. [//J,./ Form IRR-2 62881 2.7 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H3 Facility Number Tract# Field size (wetted acres)= (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Irrigation Operator I Irrigation Operator's Address '------,~--------; OIC# I I Owner's' Phone # Operator's Phone I# !..__ __________ _. From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Typei~.:B::..H:,__ __________ --.J Re«Jmmended PAN Loadii'IQ (lbs/acre) • (B) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) i10) TOIII Volume llolumo per Wolle PAN A9ptied O.te Tot.IIMin~t • of Spnnklora (lbo/acrw) Lagoon to Start Time End nrno flow Rat• )gattonol Acre(goi/IIQW) AnOI~oio PAN' (mmldd/yr) (3)-(2) ()perliUng I~ (8)x(5)•(•) (7)1{A) (lbll/1000 gaO L1 7123/2005 11 :00AM 2:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 2.0 17 .11 L1 7/2412005 12:30 PM 2:30PM 120 1 110 13200 .00 4888 .89 2 .0 9.76 L1 712412005 3:00PM 6:30PM 210 1 110 23100 .00 8555 .56 2 .0 17.11 L2 712512005 6:00AM 11 :00AM 180 1 110 19600.00 7333.33 1.7 12.47 · L2 7126/2005 1:30PM 5:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.7 14.54 L2 712712005 8:00AM 11:00AM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333.33 1 .7 12 .47 L2 712812005 9 :00AM 11 :30 AM 150 1 110 16500 .00 6111 .11 1.7 10 .39 L2 712812005 12:30 PM 4:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.7 14 .54 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Ownel's Signature----------------Operator's Slgrlllt\Jfe Cerlllled Operator ----------------Operator's Certification • •NCOA Waste Anetysll or EquiValent. AI a minifnum, weate anatvslt Ia required within 60 day$ or land application ev1111ts . ••enter the value received by aublracling rolumn (tO) from (B). Continue subtrllcting column (tO) from cotumn (t 1) following each irrigallon event. •"Enter nutrtent aource (Ia. Legoon/Storeoe Pond 10, commercial fertlWl.er, dry litter, etc.) "Weater Codaa : C·Ciear, PC·Par11y Cloudy, CI·Cioudly, R-Reln . S·Snow/Sieet, W·Wtndy riPerson'a completing the Irrigation Inspections mus1 Initial to signify that Inspections were completed at least ev&l)' t 20 minutes . Note : If conditions beyond the permlnee'a control have caused noncompliance with the CAWMP or permit , explain on reverse . {11) N•trogen Balooca (lblacra) IA\./101 207 .89 198.11 181 .00 168.53 153.99 141.52 131.13 116 .59 225 tnopectofo WeelherC<>Qe (!nhlol•);• c lt1"' c I,,. v c /J v c /, '1 c v c J. 'k c I I '(J/_ c '} v Form IRR-2 62881 2.7 Lagoon Liquid Irrigation Fields Record One Form for Each Field per Crop Cycle Field# I F1-H4 Facility Number Tract# Field size (wetted acres)= (A) Farm Owner Owner's Address Irrigation Operator lL-.------.---------1 Irrigation Oper ator's Address J Owner's' Phone # OIC# 1!------::-----t--l __ ...._ ____ ---i Operator's Phone # 1 From Waste Utilization Plan Crop Typei""B;.;...H;...._ ___________ ___. (1) (2} {3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Oat• Tot• lollnvtH I ol Spnni<Jon TotaiV- (8) (9) Volume per WuteAnaly>la Recommended PAN Loading (lb!llacral • (B l (10) (11} AN Aj>pMd ~~~-(lbo/IOC:AI) -... I.IIQoon 10 St.MIT..,. End I ..,. Flow Rote (;olona) ""-<;•~oae) PAN" {11>1111000 (mmldd/yll (3).(2) ~n; (&)x(5)x(4l (7V(A) ~) I~ 1:::;• L2 8/14/2005 7:00AM 10:00AM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333.33 1.7 L2 6/14/2005 1:30PM 5:00PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.7 L1 712112005 9:00AM 12 :30 PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 2.0 L1 7121/2005 1:00PM 2:30PM 90 1 110 9900.00 3666.67 2.0 L2 7/2612005 1:00PM 4:00PM 180 1 110 19800.00 7333 .33 1.7 L2 712912005 10:00AM 1:30PM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555 .56 1.7 l2 8/1/2005 7 :30AM 11 :00AM 210 1 110 23100.00 8555.56 1.7 l2 812/2005 3:00PM 6 :30PM 210 1 111 23310.00 8633.33 1.7 L2 813/2005 2:00PM 5 :30PM 210 1 112 23520.00 8711 .11 1.7 Crop Cycle Totals Total PAN Ownllft Signature ______________ _ Opereto (t Slgnlltla'e Certified Operator---------------()penltOf'e Cer1lllcation • 'NCDA Waale Matyala or Equivalent AI a minimum, wasta analysis Is raqulred within 60 daya of land lljlplicatlon eventl. "Enter the value received by lubtlactJng column (10) from (B). Continua aub1ractlng column (10) from column (11) following each Irrigation event. -Enlllr nulrienllourca (Ia. LaooontStorege Pond 10. commerdal fertilizer, dry 1111•. etc.) 'Woater Cod111 : C..Ciaar, PC·Partty Cloucly, CI..Ctoudty, A-Rain, S.Snow/Sieet , W-Wtndy "Per-on' a completing ll1e iiT10atlon ln.pectiona muallniliallo .tgnlfy lhllt lnape<:llont _., completed at leaal every 120 min ulea. Nole: If coOOition a beyond the permittee' a control have Cllllted noncompliance wtlllthe CAWMP or permlt explain on revetM. 12.47 212.53 14.54 197.99 17.11 180.88 7.33 173.54 12 .47 161.08 14 .54 146.53 14.54 131 .99 14.68 117.31 14 .81 102.50 225 lnspector'a W-Code (ln~lol•l'' c AI. '1. c ~ c /, !,.,. c v c r v c 'L. v. c ~ c 1. l7J...-: c '"to v Michael F. Eolsle y , Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Nonh Carolina Department of Environment and Narural Resources Mr. Earl Wells Jana Farms #1 & #2 PO Box 862 Clinton, NC 28329 January 3, 2006 RE: Acknowledgment ofReceipt of Payment Case No. PC 2005-0027 Jana Farms #1 & #2, Facility# 82-63 0 Sampson County Dear Mr. Wells: Alan W. Klimek. P.E. Director Di vi sion of Water Quality This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your check No. 3163 in the amount of $2,308.69 on December 30, 2005. This payment satisfies in full the civil assessment in the amount of $2,308 .69 levied against Earl Wells, and the case has been closed. If you have any questions, please call me at (919) 715-6697. Sincerely, ~-- M. Paul Sherman, P.E. Supervisor, Animal Feeding Operations Unit cc: APS-Fayetteville Regional Office File# DV 2005-0008 APS Central Files - RECEIVED JAN 11 2006 ..._08t'R -FA'rUJB1UE REGIONAL OffiCE Aquifer Protection Sectio n 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Internet: hup :!:ll2_\Ll'.~..: .. uj 2728 Capital Bou levard Rakigh, NC 27604 An Eq ual Opponunity/Amrmativc Action E mpl oyer -50"/o Rccyckd/10"/u Post C onsumer Paper Phone (919) 733-3221 fax (919) 715-0588 Fax (919)715-6048 N.P"{thCarolina ;vnlural/y Customer Service l-877~2J..Q748 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NA Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND N.IU"URAL RESOURCES CERTIFIED MAIL RETIJRN RECEIPT REQUESTED EARL WELLS PO Box 862 CLINTON NC 28329 June 18, 2001 DENA--~-=-~ r----~~-~~~~-; f i I »> 2 2 2001 . ".'j ----;::;:-;--::-:--:---J ... DWQ Subject: Notice of Violation and Revocation for Nonpayment Jana Farms #1 & 2 Dear Earl Wells: Permit Number: A WS820630 Sampson County In accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 OG, all animal operations who receive an animal waste management system permit will be charged in each year of the term an annual permit fee. Annual permit fees are billed following the issuance ofthe permit and then annually thereafter on the anniversary of that date. Your animal waste management system permit was issued on 3/1412000. Your annual permit fee for the period of 3114/2001 -3113/2002 is S 150.00. Your payment was due 5/9/200 l. Because this fee was not fully pa1d within 30 days after being billed. this letter mitiates action to revoke the subject permit, pursuant to 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). and G.S. 143-215.1 (b) (3). Effective 60 days from receipt of this notice, the subject permit is hereby revoked unless the required Annual Animal Waste Management System Perrn.it fee for your animal operation is received withm that time. Operation of an animal waste management system without a valid permit is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and is subject to the assessment of a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day. Your payment should qe sent to: N.C. Deparunent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Budget Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If you have any questions, please contact Fran McPherson at (919) 733-7015 ext. 210. cc: Non-Discharge Branch Compliance/Enforcement Unit Fayetteville Regional Office Sampson County Health Department Permit File Kerr T. Stevens 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, _North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled I 10% post-consumer paper ... State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Fayetteville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Goveruor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY October 23, 1997 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Earl Wells P.O. Box 862 Clinton, NC 28328 Dear Mr. Wells: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY Jana Farm Registration No.82-630 Sampson County On October 17, 1997, staff from the Fayeneville Regional Office of the Division ofWater Quality inspected the Jana swine_ facility. It was observed that the lagoons were in the emergency storage stage. The lagoon banks were in need of attention due to high grass on lagoon # 2 and several bare areas· on lagoon # 1 . In addition, the drainageway behind lagoon # 2 reguires repair and stabilizing to prevent damage to the dike as a result of erosion . Also , the current method of irrigation, via pump ing waste from lagoon #2 to lagoon # 1 prior to transferring to the spray field is not allowable since the design and construction of lagoon # 1 did not incorporate this additional storage capacity. In regard to the deficiencies noted during the inspection, the following actions are requested: 1. Immediately begin waste application as soon as weather conditions allow on the bermuda g rass fields. Have your CA WMP revised to include small gr-ain overseed to allow waste application during the winter months to prevent a reoccurrance of high freeboard . Contact a technical specialist in this regard. 2 . Contact a technical special ist for assistance in regard to designing an irrigation system to alleviate the necessity to pump from one lagoon to another prior to application. 3 . Consult with a technical specialist in regard to repair of the erosion in the surface water diversion behind lagoon# 2 . 225 GreeD Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolioa 28301-5043 Telepbooe 910-486-1541 FAX 91048~707 AD Equal Opportunity Affirmative Ac:tiou Employer 50% rec:ycled/10% po1t-c:ooaumer paper Page2 Mr. Earl Wells October 23. 1997 Please notifY this office in writing on or before November 21, 1997 at the address below as to the actions taken or proposed to be taken to resolve this deficiency. Nothing in this letter should be taken as absolving this facility of the responsibility and liability of any violations that have or may result from these deficiencies. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call Robert F. Heath, Environmental Specialist, at (910) 486-1541. cc: Operations Branch Central Files Audrey Oxendine -FRO DSW Wilson Spencer-Sampson Co. NRCS Sincerely, Robert F. Heath Environmental Specialist State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathon B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E ., Director Earl Wells J ana Farms #1 PO Box 42 Warsaw NC 28398 Dear Mr. Wells : April 3 , 1997 APR 0 7 1997 FAVt:TfEViLLE REG. OFFICE SUBJECT: Notice of Violation Designation of Operator in Charge . . Jana Farms #1 Facility Number 82-630 Sampson County You were notified by letter dated November 12, 1996, that you were required to designate a certified animal waste management system operator as Operator in Charge for the subject facility by January 1, 1997. Enclosed with that letter was an Operator in Charge Designation Form for your facility. Our records indicate that this completed Form has not yet been returned to our office. For your convenience we are sending you another Operator in Charge Designation Form for your facility. Please return thi s completed Form to this office as soon as possible but in no case later than April 25 , 1997. This office maintains a list of certified operators in your area if you need assistance in locating a certified operator. Please note that failure to designate an Operator in Charge of your animal w as te management system, is a violation of N .C.G.S. 90A-47.2 and you will be assessed a civil penalty unless an appropriately certified operator is designated. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as absolving you of the responsibility and liability for any past or future violations for your failure to designate an appropriate Operator in Charge by January 1, 1997. If you have questions concerning this matter, please contact our Technical Assistance and Certification Group at (919)733-0026. bb/awdesletl cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Facility Ftle Enclosure Sincerely , ~ 1J.m~ ~:._, for Steve W . Tedder, Chief Water Quality Section FAX 919-733-2496 P.O. Box 29535. N~"l1'1 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 w.,. '-.; ----•T~e~le~p~h~o:n:e~9~19~-~73~3~-7~0~15~----.liliil , , ~ AA Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycles/ 10% post-c o nsumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Fayetteville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr .. Govemor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary DMSION OF WATER QUALITY December 3, 1996 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Earl Wells JANA Farms P.O. Box 42 Warsaw, NC 28398 Dear Mr. Wells: SUBJECT: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY JANA Farms Reg .# 82-630 Sampson County On November 25, 1996, staff from the Fayettevill~ Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality inspected the JANA Farms facility. The inspection revealed that the spray field areas were not fully established and suffering from severe erosion problems. It was observed that much of your dedicated spray acreage did not have a viable cover crop and numerous deep gullies were present in the fields which can lead to significant run- off problems during application events. It was also noted that while your lagoons did bave more than the minimum 19 inches of freeboard, the lagoons did not appear to have enougb storage to last throughout the winter months without spraying. Consequently, it is imperative that you immediately attempt to establish a winter cover crop so that you can land apply waste during the winter. It is also recommended that you fill in the deep rills in your spray fields and develop a more effective storm water diversion system for your farm . Failure to comply with these conditions can result in civil and/or criminal penalties or the facility may be required to apply for an individual nondischarge permit. Please notify this office within thirty days of receipt of this notice at the address below and list what actions have been taken to address these deficiencies . Please be adv-ised that this letter does not prevent the Division of Water Quality from taking enforcement actions for past or future violations. Wachovla Building. Sutte 714. Fayetteville North Carolina 28301 -5043 Voic e 91D-486-1541 FAX 910-486-0707 An Equal Opportunity Atflrmattve Action Employer 50% 0% paper -----J ~· -· -----·-·-·--------------------------~--·----·· ----------~--... ----~ Mr. Wells Page 2 12/3/96 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Michael Wicker, P.E., Water Quality Regional Supervisor at 910-486-1541. Sincerely, Ed Buchan Environmental Engineer cc: Michael Wicker -WQ Regional Supervisor Sam Warren-Bladen County NRCS Chris Walling -DSWC, FRO Enforcement Files Facility Compliance Group -Central Office .I __ _:__ .__ -·~. ·- ..... ___________ -------------------~-------------· .. General InfonnatiOD: Division of Environmental ~anagement Animal Feedlot Operations Site V"asitation Record . Date: ll{gjt-' Tuae:_U:~ Farm Name: 3";.," ~ ~rM., 0w1a Name: eo..-l w&is · Colmty: _ Sw...ps Pn PhmleNo: ..5~.).. -/733 On Site Representative: So~""'-"Se 4 ec? en Mailing Address: f.O-~ 'i.J cJK&w..~, JJc...-:2f 3o;g lntegralm': f3 OG- PbyD~Ad~---·------------------------------------------- .. Latitude: I I Longitude: Operation Descnptiop: (based on desip daanaetaistics) 'Typt of SwiM No. tl/ Allimdll OSow ~msery racJQQ CFceda' OtMrTyp. tl/ Li¥U~Dd: Nurnbtr of Animt:ds: I I Nllmber of Lagocms: ~ (iDc:lude in tbe Drawings and Ob5UTations me freeboard of each Ja&OOD) •. Facmt_v Inspection: UgtHIII • . . Is lagoon(s) freeboard less than 1 foot+ 2S year 24 hour storm storage?: . . . . _Is seepage observed from the_lagocm?: Is erosion o~?: Is any discharge obServed? 0 Mllll..fllll& 0 Not Man--#llllM CD-vn Crop Does the facility Deed mOR acreage for sprayiDg?: Does the cover ~p need improvement?: (list IM crops wllid ud imp~) Crop~: ~4J'.~t-J. Acreage:._....:7 ___ _ Is a dwelling located withiri 200 feet ofwa$tc applic:adon? ·Is a ~n located within _100 feet of~ applicad~? -_ .. · .. b ~imal waSte stoclq>Dcd within 100 feet of USGS Btu~ Line Stream? "Is aniinal waste Jand applied ot spray irrigated within 2S feet of Blue Line Stream? AOI-Juurr 1'7.tfH YesO No~ YesO No&' YesO No8- Yes0 N~ ? ~ Y~NoC YesC No~ .YesO ~oeJ· YesO No& . . \ YcsO N~ ..; , .:. .-. -~~· ~ •. t_t_• •. ~ r" ~ MtliiiU111111« •. Does the facility maintenance oeed improvement? Y es":e' No 0 YcsC NoC YcsC NoC YesC NoC Is theze eVidence of past disc:harje from lillY part of the opermon? . Docs r=ord kccp~g need improvement? Did Cbc facility fail to have a CQPY of the Animal Waste Management Piau OD lite? . . &plain any Yes answea:...._ ___ . ______________ _ /t ~ Dale: "(-?S/?c. Sip!!ftlle: ~). Uu~/fNNIIIJ cr .FAdlJryAI~ Ulliz Drawinp or Obserndons; Fr""'b~o-.r-J-L-, ~ ~.~.f.{ ... L.l--, d-o ,. ---~.,.r (.TC>~iDv. ~.robl~.s 11\ ~ bL. S r rd ~·&1_o;; .) ~S. -\.of\ ~S~RJJ: " N-uz.J~ ~ u~~ h·~ Jf\/W>re_ (..clcSL~-\cJJ J_ ~ w,·,j-~ Go~ G.JOf h-<i. J.r.-? . • . . .. .. -.. _ ... , .. :~ ;-.. .-~<',-;. ..... ,I • AOI-JuUU'J11.tfH . . . .. . . . . ... . . --~ ....... -.. ..... ---- . . ·--· --· ---·· .. ---····-·-. ... ;.,~~:-~.:~~.;·· 4.. . ···. ---. . . ... .. ::-!!~=~-=-~· ~::!:•~y !~ ~: ._~_~_: cl!!~!='~ ~~~~W~:; !!·:: • ~~,~~;;_..,.,~ ~··.~·~ ·~ ·~1':~ I,~ 6 ~~·~:~• ~~...:;:!7-~~·~-... ., ~ . .,. ~·· .. ....... ~ ·~~ --....... ~~ ~ '•. ~ ~~-···---L ~ ":\ >~ ~ ,_':> ' .,., ~--., '·······---·=--__ .::._'···:-.. -.. ______ 1 p.2 II. TOTAL VOLUME OF WASTE STORED WITHIN STRUCTURAL FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS FOR ALL WASTE STRUCTURES FOR FACILITY 1. structure 10: Jana #1 line I; -106576 gallons 2. structure 10: line I= gallons 3. structure 10: line I= gallons 4. structure 10: line I= gallons 5. structure 10: line I= gallons 6. structure ID: line!= gallons n. lines 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = -106576 gallons o. linen /27154 = -------4~.o~o~~c~lnches Ill. TOTAL ACRES AVAILABLE TO RECEIVE WASTE DURING 5 DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD1.z 1While this section deals with hydraulic loading capacities. applications cannot exceed agronomic rate for receiving crop according to its certified waste plan. p. tract# :<!Fields with no remaining PAN balance, no receiving crop, and/or completely saturated are not considered available to recei11e waste. q. field# r. soil type s. crop t. acres u. ~maining v. maximum w. maximum IRR-2 PAN application rate application balance (inlhr) amount (inches) (lb/acre) 6288 H1 BoB BH 3.41 121.43 0.75 1 6288 H2 BoB BH 2.07 175.45 0.75 1 6288 H3 BoB BH 2.70 111.13 0.75 .. , 6288 H4 GtC BH 2.70 136.5 0.75 1 6288 F3 GtC BH 1.00 120.16 0.5 1 6286 F4 GtC Corn 4.24 137.5 0.5 1 6288 F5 GtC Corn 3.40 137.5 Q.f; 1 ' 19.52 x. total acres available during 5 day draw down (sum of column t) = 19.52 acres ----- IV. FACILITY'S PoA OVERALL HYDRAULIC LOAD TO BE LAND APPLIED PER ACRE y_. Jine o PoA l=> Day) 2/ZTTarr 0.20 inches per acre to be applied withi~ 5 days ----------------= I' d 1: line x If unable to land apply hydraulic load listed in line y, list course of action here inctudlr g pump and haul, depopulation, herd reduction, etc. For pump & haul and herd reduction options, recalculate new hydraulic load based on new Information. p.3 Irrigation began A :M of 7/21/05, and will continue has tong as weather conditions remain favorable. Pigs are beginning to be sold out on 7/21/05. Plan to land apply hydraulic load: t 1. Describe moisture conditions of fields? (e.g. Is there water standing in field; does irrigati n e_qulpment mar down in field· "trafficabilitv" across soils· will soils absorb application without neff etc.) Good soil types on farm. however soul absorption conditions will need to be continuously mCJ rlitored while irrigation events are taking place. due to the tact the farm has received an abundant amount of raintall this week. 2 . Date and amount of last rainfall event? DATE: I 07/19/051 3 D t oflas r fi I AMOUNT: .....__+-5;;...;·..;;...00;;.JJ inches aes t waste aoc11catton event oer 1ed: Irrigation on 7/21/05 '· : 4 . Given optimum soil and weather conditions. is irrigation equipment capable or applying tt e volume in line •n• at a~o_priate seasonal (i.e. winter1 application rates within 5 davs? Farm wil be out of structural freeboard by 7123/05 . -5. lmgation schedule for next 5 days-anclude dally schedule, proposed application rates ani:S amooo,ts per irrigation event ; changes made in gun sizes, nozzles, "o" rings, operating time, travel sp,~d . etc .. to meet prooosed changes in application rates and amounts· and any other information for con~ideration . NUP application rates and amounts will be followed per irrigation event (}t<)/l t r .. PoA (5 Day) 2121/00 7 /:.zt /cs I I j . t:. I! • .. p.4 PLAN OF ACTION (PoA) FOR HIGH FREEBOARD AT ANIMAL FACILITIES FIVE (5) DAY DRAW DOWN PERIOD I. TOTAl VOLUME TO BE LAND APPLIED PER WASTE STRUCTURE 1. Structure Name/Identifier (10): Jana#1 2. Current liquid volume in structural freeboard a. current liquid level according to marker b. designed structural freeboard zone (Nonnally 12 inches or greater) c. line b -line a (inches within structural freeboard) = d. top of dike surface area according to design (area at below structural freeboard elevation) e . line c/12 x lined x 7.48 gallonslfi' 3. Projected volume of waste liquid produced during draw down period f. temporary storage period according to structural design g. volume of waste produced according to structural design '-----7...;..o;;.,linches '-----~I inches -7 inches ---- 2s2solff -114538 gallons .__ __ 1_8o~ldays 23443.9ltr h. current herd# ._I ___ 3_2_00_.1 certified herd #._I ___ 3_2_0~01 actual waste produced = current herd # x line g = certified herd # i. volume of wash water according to structural design j. excess rainfall over evaporation according to design k. (lines h + i + j) x 7.48 x 5 days/line f = 4 . Total volume of waste to be land applied during 5 day draw down I. total volume to be land applied line e +line k = ____ ___.lte 14a7slte 79-0.l. gallons ----- -106576 ganons REPEAT SECTION 1 FOR EACH WASTE STRUCTURE ON SfTE WITH A LIQUID LEVEL WITHIN THE STRUCTURAl FREEBOARD ELEVATIONS. (Click on the next Structure tab shown below) PoA (5 Day) 2121/00 1: p II