HomeMy WebLinkAbout820627_ENFORCEMENT_20171231l NORTH CAROLINA Qepartment of Environmental Quality ...... ·---NA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Charles Wakild , P. E. Director Dee Freeman Secretary 01/04/2013 CERTIFIED MAIL 7010 1870 0003 4774 8041 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George McGill PO Box 65 Harrells, North Carolina 28444 Subject: NOTICE OF DEFICIENY-NOD-2012-PC-0373 Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2T . 1304 George McGill; Facility No. 82-627 , Permit No. A WS820627 Sampson County Dear Mr. McGill, On December 21, 2012, staff of the NC Division of Water Quality {OWQ), Aquifer Protection Section, inspected George McGill farm and the permitted waste disposal system . We wish to thank you for assistance during the inspection. At the time of the inspection, very few waste analyses were posted in the records. This was assumed to be a function of not printing them out, but a later check of the lab record s did not produce any additional waste samples. For 2011, there was one received at the lab on 6/15 (released 6/20). For 2012 there was one sample received on l /3 1 (released 2/07), and a later one received on 12 /2 1 (released on 12 /2 8). During those two years, you conducted numerous s pray events, which is good from a nutrient management standpoint. Deficiency I: Failure to sample the lagoon in a timely manner. Section III.3 .5 of the permit requires a waste sample within 60 day s (either before or after) eac h spray event. Required Corrective action for Deficiency 1: Your current waste s ample is good until Feb 2l, 2013 . Please take waste analyses in a timely fa s hion in the future. Some producers keep track of this on a ca lendar. You also have the option of leaving the sample at Cooperative Extension in Clinton before one of their normally scheduled (every 2 months) drop dates. AQUIFER PROTECTI ON SECTI ON 225 Green St., Ste. 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Phone: 910-433 ·3300 I FAX: 910-486-0707\ Customer Service: 1-877-623 ·6748 Internet: www.h20 .enr.state_nc.us An Equal Opportun il)'; AffirmatJv€ Atlion Emplt'ye< One . N mth Caro lma ;Naturally Mr. George McGill 01/04/2013 Page 2 • If you nave any questions concerning this Notice, please contact me at 433-3300. cc: Keith Larick CAFO Unit FRO CAFO files Sincerely, Joan Schneier Environmental Specialist .•. RFCFI'!C!~~ .. ·~: t AUG .-18 2008 l OENR-FA'ftTTE\illlE REGIOOAL OFRCE August 15, 2008 NCDWQ Aquifer Protection Section Attn : Mr. Stephen Barnhardt 225 Green St. I Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301 Subject: Requesting to rescind NOV Dear Mr. Barnhardt: --~- Attached is the lagoon sludge survey that was completed after the compliance inspection on June 30, 2008. I was unaware of the requirement to complete the survey annually. Sludge surveys were available for 2004, 2005 and 2006. Since this situation did not pose an immediate public health or environmental threat and there was no mention of this requirement during the inspection conducted on 3/4/08 by the Division of Soil and Water, I am requesting that the NOV be rescinded. Please take this under consideration during your review. Sincerely, /d~ ~M# ~Gill ~·-· ., RECEIVED I AIJ6 .. 1a • Appendix t.t..cooa Slu~e Suney Form lOENR-FA'r'ETTFv1LLF. REGIONAl OFFIGF ~.--·--... ---· ··-- A. Farm Pamn m DWQ Idc:mificaJ:ion Numbcr __ ....:;8:....1.-_ ...... -__ G;,.=.--71]_._ _____ _ B. Lagoon Identification L •. I c. Per:son(s) Takiug MeaSI-... -em-te-nts-.. -J-r~-:-\t.-a-~---,-.~~---UtJ..-----:-~-~=--.i"';"'l~,.......-'1-,.- D. Date of Mc:asun:mc::a~S ! -S -o ~ E. McdwdsiDcviccs Used for MCIISUl ........ .u of a. Disbmce 1Tmn die lagoon ~ smfilce to tbe top of the sludge layer: sl"'".cl\$. s~J.~.:. F. Lagoon Sur&a: Ala (using dimmsinns at iosidc 10p of bank}: 1 • S (aaes) (Draw a skc:tch of 1bc lagoon on alq)8I1de sheet. list climmsi.ons, BDd calcnlate llllrlaGc area.) G. F...Cmtc uumbc:r of sampling points: a. Less than 133 aaa: Use B poinD . b. lf more dJ.m 1.33 aac&, __ acza X 6 --~-' widr. mnjomm q£24. (Usiq lla:tda IPd di....,m,.,. ciiM:Iop a UDifalm pid dial bas !be same~ ofiate:rsec:Ums u 1he estimated JDIIIJbl:r or samprq poiu1s IJI:.Cided. Numbet cbe mtcnt'C1itn poiats on tbc 1ago<:a slid so that data tCCCilded at each CBil be c:aily znatdw:tl) H. Coaduct s!ucf&e IUn'C)' 8Dd rcoont data on '"Sludge Survey Dam Sbc:ct" (Appeadix 2). L At the time oflbe sludge survey. also measure lbcdisamcc 1i'om lhe MaYimnm Liquid .Level 3'1..11 rcs4.\ to the Pn:sc:ot Liquid Level (mcasme at du: lacocm gauge pole): 1. Dctaminc cbe ctistmcc fi:um lbc ·Maxinns~ Liquid Level CD chc M~imnm Liquid Level (use lagoon mauagcmcut plm or~ lagoon~): · K. Calc:ulam 1bc ctistaDal ttom the present liquid surface lcvd to lbc M"mirmun Liquid Level (ItemS mhnas Item I. assmnitlg 1bc presmt liquid lr:Yd is below 1be Muimum Liquid Level): L Record from tbc. Sludge Survey Data Sheet cbc distml:c tiom 1bc prcsa!lli.quid surfKe lc:vd ~ to the lagoon bottom (averag~ for all the tDC8SIII'CDlCDt points):-~. M . Record from 1bc Sludge Survey Data Sheet the distance from 1hc pRSmt liquid surfBce level to the top of the sJudge laya-(IM:I3£C for all the mcasun:mmt poilus): N. Re<:ord fi:vm the Sludge Survey Dala Sheet du: IIVc:rage thickness of the sludge layer: 0. Calcalatc -me rhickness of die cxistiog Liquid Treanncnr Zone (I tao M mfJias ltaa K): (Note: lfltc:m 0 is less tban 4 feet. a sludge raDCJYal and gtj!izari<xJ. pl.ao rD1IY be required by N.C . DWQ. See your spc:cific permit or CODt&Ct DWQ b more infcmwian.) P . Proc:ec:d to lbe Sludge Volume Wotksbcct if you de&R to calculalc sludge volu:me for a~- shaped lagoon ·th uniform side slopes. · ~.,\ ~ r\ ~igna~' ___ Date: ~ ~ S -c ~ Comple~ by: 14 FARM NAME c .... ~K... Mc...~\u FARM NUMBER ~"L-~-z.'J DATE ! .. 'S-0~ STAFF GAUGE REAOII'IG = (A) (B) (C)· DISTANCE fROM LIQUID GRID POINT# (A) WATER DEPTH SURFA CE TO TOP OF SLUDGE , ~.'S '1- 2 "'.-s , . .s 3 q_:c; r1 .o 4 "'i'.::. I') t> 5 q:< 11 .s 6 /c b rvr. 7 ,,. ~ q_s 8 "'l·S ~.0 9 9:::. ,..--f],5 ./"" 10 qs / 2..t:> / 11 / / 12 / / I 13 L I / I 14 9C...b JO r'JrJ.~/ I~ 15 J L 16 A 17 Lf."' A"~ "· 'l J\\IQ 18 .\J \,..J 19 20 21 22 23 L4 NOTE : ALL SLUDGE MEASUREMENTS IN FEET tJ> (!;) G) ® ~ tD ~ ® ((i) e (B ) M INUS ( C ) THICKNESS OF SLUDGE "2 ·!> -z. • .::> -z.._,., ~.o -z,,c -1 ·-5 J .~ 1.~ 1.':5 _./ j .~ ./_ / / . I . 't Mi cha el F. E asle y, Governor Willia m G. Ro ss Jr., S.:ctetary North Carolina D~p art mcn t of Environment a nd Na tural Resources Coleen S ullin s, Director Divis ion of Water Q ual il)' CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George D. McGill PO Box 65 Harrells NC 28444 July 16, 2008 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV-2008-PC-0521) Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H . George McGill Facility No. 82-0627 Sampson County Permit No . 820627 Dear Mr. McGill: You are hereby notified that, having been permitted to have a non-discharge permit for the subject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217, you have been found to be in violation of your 2H .0217 Permit. Violation 1: Failure to conduct a sludge survey for 2007 in accordance with your permit section Ill condition 19. On June 30, 2008, a compliance inspection was conducted at your facility . A review of your records showed that no sludge survey was done during calendar year 2007 for your lagoon. Required Corrective Action for Violation 1: If you have not done so already, please conduct a sludge survey of your lagoon for calendar year 2008. Please send a copy of the new sludge survey to the Fayetteville Regional Office by August18 , 2008. Sludge surveys are required annually in this permit. Please be advised that this notice does not prevent the Division of Water Quality from taking enforcement actions for this violation or any past or future violation . Furthermore. the Division of Water Quality has the authori ty to levy a civil penalty of not more than $25,000.00 per day per violation. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to con ta ct either Ms . Joan Schneier Environmental Specialist or myself at (910) 433-3300. c c: C entral F iles -Raleigh FRO Files DS&WC FRO, Danny Edwards arnhardt quifer Protection Supervisor Nonh C aro lina DWQ/Aquifcr l'rot~"lllll Section 225 (jrccn St.! Suite: 714 Fayettevilk, NC 2830 I Phone (9 1 0) 433-3300 I' AX (9 10) 486 -0707 Internet: h2o .enr .s tale.nc.us Custom er Service 1-877-623-67 48 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmativ e Aclion Employ er -50% Recycled/10% Post Cons umer Paper N~hC urolioa ;va t11mlly .t-.lic ha cl F. Eas ley, Go\'ernor William G. Ross Jr.. Secrclllry Nonh Carolina Oo:pan ment of Environment and Natural Resources Colecn Sull ins , Director Di\'is io n of Water Quality CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. George D. McGill PO Box 65 Harrells NC 28444 July 16, 2008 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION (NOV-2008-PC-0521) Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2H . George McGill Facility No. 82-0627 Sampson County Permit No. 820627 Dear Mr . McGill : You are hereby notified that. having been perm itt ed to have a non -discharge permit for the su bject animal waste disposal system pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0217, yo u have been found to be in vio la ti on of your 2H .0217 Permit. Violation 1: Failure to conduct a sludge survey for 2007 in accordance with your permit section Ill condition 19. On June 30, 2008, a compliance inspection was conducted at you r facility. A review of your records showed that no sludge survey w as done during calendar year 2007 for you r lagoon. Required Corrective Action for Violation 1: If you have n ot done so already, please conduct a sludge survey of your lagoon fo r calendar ye ar 2008. Please send a copy of the new sludge survey to the Fayetteville Re gional Office by Aug ust 18, 2008 . Sludge surveys are required annually in thi s permit. Please be adv ised that this notice does no t prevent the Division of Water Quality f rom taking enforcement actions f or this violation or a ny past or future violation . Furthermore , the Division of W ater Quality has the authority to levy a civil penalty o f not more than $25,000.0 0 per day per violation. If you have any questions concerning this matter , please do not hesitate to contact either Ms . Joan Schneier Environmen tal Specialist or myself at (91 0) 433-3300. cc: Central Files -Raleigh FRO Files DS&WC FRO. Dann y Edwards arnhardt quifer Protection Supervisor North Caroli na DWQ/Aquifcr Prot ect ion Section 225 Gr~:en St./ Suite 71 4 Fayetteville. NC 2X 301 Phone (9 10) 433 -3300 FAX (910) 48 6-0707 lntemet h2o .enr.state.nc .us Customer Serv ice 1-877-6 23 -67-tS An Equal Opportunity/Affirma tive Action Employer -50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper N~':-"thCarolina ,;Vat11rally